I can listen

by walkonfour

First published

A certain big red pony finds himself in town, and whilst wandering, makes a new connection

it can get downright lonely living on a farm, something Big Macintosh has long known about. After a little prompting from Applejack, he finally does something about it. How was he to know that A little romance with Rarity could cause so many complications? Oh and by the way, Prince Blueblood likes Applejack.

1; Day off

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Sighing, the big red stallion looked despondently at the horizon, watching the sun dip slowly below the boughs of the orchard, marking the end to another days work. As long as he could remember, his place had been on the farm, becoming one with the ever-changing seasons, the bounds of sweetapple acres marking the corners of his universe. Slowly, he turned away from the setting sun, slowly winding his way past trees he had known since he was a young colt. Leaves brushed the top of his head, the sunlight broken into a dappled mosaic of shadows by the Branches.

What am I supposed to be now? He pondered this question as he walked. Not so long ago, this had been his domain. Woking the acres had made him grow up fast, and strong. It was all he knew, and, most of the time, all he cared to. Well, most of the time…..

Somewhat conflicted, he continued his trudge towards the apple family residence. His melancholy seemed to lift as he headed back to the family barn. Sometimes he forgot how lucky he was; having a family he loved to go back to at night.

Walking through the door of his humble home, he hung the heavy wooden collar he habitually wore on a well-worn hook. His shoulder had been giving him trouble fort the last few days, and he sighed with relief as he stretched his neck out, feeling the injury pull against his muscles. He headed to the kitchen to wash up before dinner.

“Evenin’ Applejack” he drawled, acknowledging the presence of the orange pony just entering behind him.

“Evening big Mac” she replied curtly, “been at that old plough all day again?”


“Like yesterday and the day a’fore?”


This last statement was followed by a pause. Big Macintosh knew what was coming next.

“Mac, you ain’t left this farm in too long-”… he cut his sister off

"I ain’t no town pony; this I where I’m s’posed to be”

A long silence followed. Applejack looked deep into Big Macintosh’s eyes, seeing the pain layered behind his powerful exterior. That was the way with Big Macintosh; he had become the rock upon which the apple family relied. With no parents about to handle the strain, as only a young colt, he had taken the reigns of the failing farm, and turned it around into a thriving business. Caring for the family, and along with the elderly granny smith, practically raised his two younger sisters. Applejack loved her brother, and admired his strength had resolve. But she could see the strain of responsibility getting to him.

Applejack broke the silence, her voice filled with sadness.

“Mac, it ain’t like the old days. We got help in the fields now, and I can help handle the books. I’m all growed up now, and applebloom is doin’ jus fine”

“Ah know AJ” the big red pony spoke after a time “ truth be told, there ain’t that much for me to do round here now more”

“now I didn’t mean it like that just we can cope without you workin’ so hard all the time I ain’t goanna let it jus happen that way no more, ok?”

Big Macintosh thought for a long time. He knew applejack was right. She had grown up to be twice the pony he felt he could ever be. When he saw his sister, he couldn’t help but smile. She was strong, assertive, and most of all honest. Despite being the elder, the stallion settled down into his chair by the kitchen table prepared to hear his sister out.

The next day, he found himself on the road to Ponyville. In the end, he and Applejack had affected a kind of compromise. He would take a break from the farm for a few days, and, on his return would see just how capable she had become. Mac chuckled to himself as he walked. In truth, he had the utmost faith in her, but she, well, she was always trying to prove herself, as if she had to. Still, some time off might yet do me good, he thought, passing out of sight of the farm. Thinking of the pride he had in his sister, he began to reflect on his own life.

Big Macintosh was, by nature a solitary pony. The little free time he allowed himself was spent reading. His greatest pride was the small collection of second- books he kept in a chest in his room, covering everything from astronomy to crop rotation. Other than his family, and a few acquaintances in Ponyville, he generally kept himself to himself. Besides he didn’t care much for depending on other ponies. Or talking, for that matter.

Ponyville looked much the same as it had the last time he passed through. sure, it was the nearest town, but he never really felt he knew the place well, only visiting to drop applebloom off at school, or if he had apples to sell. Walking through the town, the big red pony nodded politely at familiar faces as he passed, taking extra care to address the marefolk of the town with his customary “ma’arm”, just like a proper gentlecolt should. As he wandered more or less aimlessly through town, his eye caught on a window display. The farm pony had long had a fascination with pretty things. He had even gone as far as to ‘borrow’ that charming doll from his sister’s friend, the librarian. Looking into the window of the dressmakers shop, he admired the long, flowing gowns worn by the mannequins, as well the ostentatious jewellery on display. For a moment, he forgot himself, a big manly stallion, gawping at a window display like some bratty young filly. The moment passed. He sheepishly looked around; making sure no pony saw him, before turning to leave.

“It’s ok to look..”

His eyes widening, he froze. Looking round, he saw a young mare, her coat a brilliant white. A mane of purple cascaded down almost to the ground, he recognised this one. Rarity- one of applejack’s friends. Dumbstruck by being caught indulging his secret desire, Big Macintosh turned back into the quiet workhorse the world saw. Meaning to deny what the filly was clearly thinking, he could only stand there silent, chewing on his piece of grass.

She spoke for him.

“You Are Applejack’s brother are you not”


“Never expected one of the apple family to be admiring my hoofwork”

“it ain’t what you think I ani’t no…..” he trailed off.

“Please, come inside”

Rarity herd the faint tinkle of the doorbell, announcing the big stallion had decided to follow her inside. “Please have a seat… Mac or something isn’t it?” she motioned the workhorse over to a bench located over in a more intimate area of the shop. Perfect! She thought when Applejack had mentioned her brother was headed to town, she didn’t dare dream that he would make for her shop!


“I see quite a lot of your sister. Both your sisters now actually… but I don’t believe we have ever been introduced?” If the unicorn expected an answer, she didn’t wait “so, what brings you to the carousel boutique? Don’t be shy, I can keep a secret”

The stallion’s brow furrowed. For all his expertise working a plough or running a farm, he found himself at a loss here with Rarity. He could feel blood rushing to his cheeks. Rarity sighed. It looked like she would be doing most of the work here.

She smiled sweetly, and using her unicorn magic, she levitated an ornate tea set onto the table, before sitting down next to the other pony. “Tea?” she inquired innocently, whilst delicately poring two cups for herself and her increasingly uncomfortable guest. As she struggled to stifle her amusement at the situation, she thought about the other stallions she had known; flawlessly handsome, yet arrogant and selfish. Here was one she could relate to. Despite appearances, the two had much in common, if what Applejack had said was true. Like Big Macintosh, she had struggled to build her business from scratch, something those Noble ponies could never understand. Applejack would be fuming when she found out what she had in mind.

“You still haven’t answered my question now, have you?” she said, gently laying her hoof on his big red shoulder. He winced away in pain. “What’s the matter?”

“ Nothin’ really, just a bit sore from pullin’ a plough all day, Miss Rarity. I suppose that’s what got me off the farm today” he said, looking at the ground. “Applejack can be very particular if she thinks I been working too hard”

Her eyes widened in mock alarm “well don’t you worry my big brave workhorse. I have just the thing for sore muscles. You just lie there and let rarity make you all better….

Eeyup he thought, watching the beautiful pony leave, things sure where a lot simpler back up on the farm…

Healing Hooves

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For Rarity, things had not always seem so clear.

The unicorn had always been attracted to the extraordinary, something always apparent in what she held on to in life. Her appearance, character and tastes reflected a pony of dignity and ambition. The image she presented to the world was the result of careful deliberation, however. Internally she often found herself in turmoil. Like the dresses she crafted, her fabulous image was just to show, something to be taken off, like one of her dresses, at the end of the long day.

Waking up, she pondered the meaning of what she did each day. Certainly she loved her job; the challenge of interpreting what ponies wanted, and the joy of creating it in fabric and gems, was what she lived for, but somehow, it didn’t seem to fulfil her like it used to. Was it her friends then? She wondered as she began her morning routine. She instantly dismissed the idea; she couldn’t ask for more in that department. Leaving her room, she put aside such troubling thoughts and set about making herself a simple breakfast. Her sister Sweetie Belle was of for the weekend with her two troublesome friends, making her morning a much more relaxing experience; usually it would be disturbed by her rather more energetic sister. Truly, she envied Sweetie Belle for her adventurous spirit, the way she seemed to know something of living Rarity herself had long forgotten….

Moving on, Rarity approached a large mirror in the corner of her home. Was she not prettiest mare in Ponyville? Didn’t her generous spirit and impeccable taste endear her to Equestria’s elite, and her friends the best anypony could wish for? Glancing away from her immaculate reflection, her eye caught on her latest project, on display in the window of her shop; it was (in a departure from her usual work) the formal attire of a stallion. She had crafted it in an attempt to broaden interest in her business, and showcase her ability in Gentlecolts tailoring. It stood, in her opinion, as testament to her versatility; a tailed suit as would not look out of place in the wardrobe of any aristocrat. Still, she was beginning to regret making it. Every time she looked at the garment, arranged as it was on one of her Mannequins, she thought back to that night in Canterlot……

She approached the window, intending to remove the display. She spied something unusual outside “Big Macintosh? Maybe I have broadened my appeal to colts” she said to herself, contemplating leaving the Suit up. But no; his attention was drawn by some of her more feminine items; in fact he hadn’t seen her or the suit at all. I didn’t have him pegged as that kind of pony, she mused. He had never been the most expressive of ponies mind, and what Applejack had ever had to say about her brother was usually fairly limited, though he was clearly very strong. Strong and silent she thought.

“It’s ok to look”

On impulse Rarity had walked outside and spoken with big Stallion. What came next was like a flash. Before she could think the situation through properly, they were both sat together in her small boutique talking over tea. She found herself thinking there had to be more to Big Macintosh than met the eye. She found herself looking at the stallion in a different light; there was something about those big, sad, green eyes…

Suddenly, Big Macintosh grunted in pain. Without thinking, she had reached out and placed a hoof on her shoulder. Offering and apology, she listened placidly as he muttered something about the farm

“Well don’t you worry my big brave workhorse; I have just the thing for sore muscles. You just lie there and let Rarity make you all better”

Rarity, in truth, was shocked by her own forwardness. She pushed back any inappropriate thoughts in light of the stallion’s perplexed look. Thinking quickly, she acted to defuse the situation. “Now Macintosh dearest, look here; one of my closest friends’ brother comes to me with an injury, what do you expect a good pony to do in this situation? Now take off that silly collar and lie down”

Slowly, he obeyed “suppose I’m used to being bossed around by Mares”, he said, chuckling at himself.

“Now hold still”

“Say, what doing up there, miss?”

“You just relax, and please, call me Rarity”

"Thanks, I’m glad we-“

He was cut off as Rarity’s’ hooves, expertly placed on the Stallions back, began to ease out the strain that had been building up in his shoulders. He let out a low involuntary groan as he began to comprehend what was happening. As instructed, he lay still, and began to enjoy himself.

To say Big Mackintosh was outside of what she would deem her usual clientele was one of the greater understatements she could imagine, yet here she was, offering a service not usually offered in the Carousel boutique. As his solid muscles shifted beneath her circling hooves, she wondered what it was about this taciturn farmer that had made her act so impulsively…

“All done!”

“Thanks miss- I mean Rarity. I feel good as new”

“I told you I knew what I was doing. I’m not just a dressmaker, silly.”

As he flexed his shoulder, he realised that the pain was gone, and something more; so was the awkwardness he had felt earlier. Surely there was nothing more natural in the world than getting to know a fine young mare like Rarity.

Overcoming his natural reticence he resolved to get to know this Rarity a little better. “It sure is nice in here. Did you make all these yourself?” he said, indicating the dresses in the window.

“Why yes. Do you like them?” rarity replied.

“I guess I do- just not for me I mean”

“Of course” she added, laughing, then serious; “for that certain special filly-friend perhaps?”

“No not for that either. I’ve just always had an appreciation for fine things, that’s all”

It was pleasant to be so open about it for a change, Big Macintosh reckoned. He had never really felt he could share this different side of him.

Rarity for her part was enjoying herself as well. She was beginning to appreciate that there was so much the two of them could share with one another.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang again, announcing another arrival in the boutique. A small unicorn filly bounded energetically through the door colliding with Big Macintosh. Seeming to pay this no heed, she righted herself before gazing intently at the scene before her.

“Rarity, whatya doin’ with Applebloom’s brother?” she inquired, looking inquisitively at her sister

“Sweetie belle, I don’t think that concerns you”

“NO fair. You grownups are always keeping secrets”

“Sweetie belle, go to your room!”

“No. Not until you tell me what’s goin’ on!”

As this very sisterly argument got underway, Big Macintosh just stood, keeping quiet. He would rather his youngest sister and her friends didn’t know about his more sensitive side; besides if Applejack was to find out about his little conversation with rarity, he would never hear the end of it.

Quietly, he slipped away leaving the Two sisters to their fight.

Space to Think

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It was moments like this that made him keep quiet. As Big Macintosh trotted away from the dress shop, his mind obsessed over what had transpired only a few minutes ago, trying to land on what it would all mean for him. Yes, there was something very intriguing about Rarity, and he would even go as far as to consider having made some kind of connection with the other pony.

But it seemed that there was something else. Something he couldn’t quite put his hoof on.

What is she looking for? He wondered. What am I looking for? I always figured it would be clearer than this. How am I supposed to work out if she feels the same way? That’s what I want, right?

It was.

Having admitted to himself he felt something for the dressmaker, her resolved he would see her again. He knew he would have to move with care, however. Despite the connection he felt, he couldn’t help but notice the gulf that existed between a fancy filly like Rarity, and himself, a simple workhorse.

Going to have to think this one out carefully, he resolved.



It had been a long morning for Applejack on the farm. Having forced her brother to take some time off, she was realising just how much he still did around the farm. She was squinting at a leger when a familiar voice sounded on the apple family residence.


The anguished cry resonated throughout Sweetapple acres. Recognising, the distinctive wail, the orange earth pony looked up from the farms accounts to behold none other than Rarity walking towards the barn. That was strange. True, they had grown a lot closer recently, and she considered Rarity one of her closest friends, despite the two of them having very different personalities. An unannounced visit to the farm however, was unprecedented; she dreaded to think what would cause the fussy unicorn brave the dust and dirt of the Apple homestead. Still, in truth, she would be grateful for the distraction; anything to get away from those troublesome ledgers.

“Applejack! I demand you explain yourself!” the unicorn wailed, before settling into an indignant pose on the doorstep.

“Sugarcube, what you gettin’ at?” applejack replied, trying to sound sympathetic, despite Rarity's dramatic entrance.

“It is about Your brother”

“……let’s sit down shall we”

Having invited Rarity inside, the two friends sat down in the kitchen. Other than Applejack, the farm was deserted at this time of day, with other ponies out in the fields.

Applejack had hesitated at the mention of her brother. What’s he gone and got himself into, she wondered. Scenarios raced through her head. On one hand her brother. On the other hand, there was Rarity.

“What have you done with Big Mackintosh?”

“Nothing! Honestly darling …I just want to know more about him”

The farm pony was taken aback by the request. Now Rarity had toned down her drama queen act that had so quickly grabbed her attention, Applejack could see genuine emotion peeking out from behind her immaculately curled lashes. Could it be? Applejack couldn't think of two more different ponies if she tried. Besides, Rarity was into an altogether different class of stallion. She thought of Big Macintosh. She couldn’t even imagine her brother in that way. Still between friends, some things didn’t need to be said. This was particularly true with Rarity, who wasn’t exactly subtle when she wanted something.

“Please don’t be mad at me Applejack”

Rarity had thrown herself at Applejacks feet, and was staring up at her with an imploring look in her eyes. Applejack realised she must have been silently thinking for some time, no doubt throwing the overdramatic unicorn into a fit of worry.

“ok sugarcube, I can help you, but first you’re gonna tell me everything”

Slowly, with theatrical gestures to emphasize elements of the story, Rarity related the events of the morning in perfect detail. Applejack began to understand what somepony like Rarity could see in Big Mackintosh, a side of him she had only glimpsed in the past.

“He’ll never be like one of those noble ponies you know”

“I know, but that doesn’t seem to matter as much as it used to now”

Applejack was impressed. If her brother had caused this change in Rarity then she was truly surprised at him.

“Well sugar cube, if you got him to say more than two words to you, then he clearly likes you. It’s just he can be...well... reluctant around other ponies, especially mares”

“You mean he’s shy? I thought that he was just reserved.” Rarity pondered thoughtfully for a moment before arriving at a solution. “That’s it! I, Rarity shall make the first move! Don’t fear Applejack darling, your fair brother shall find my wiles irresistible!”

As Applejack watched the unicorn gallop off towards Ponyville in a display of athleticism she never dreamed she would see, she was suddenly struck by what she had helped set in motion.

When she finished laughing, she reluctantly sat back down and set to work on the ledgers.


Big Mackintosh returned to the farm later than he expected. On his way back into town, he had run into one of his neighbours, old man Harvest. He had spent the afternoon sat on the listening to the old pony spinning yarns about the good old days, whilst imbibing an unusually potent moonshine he propagated in his cellar. He was so very fond of old man Harvest and his moonshine.

As he made his winding progress back towards Sweetapple acres he hummed softly to himself, smiling. He felt relaxed. He wasn't dog tired for once, having done no tangible work all day. He resolved to take days off more often. Still, something from this morning tugged at his memory. Rarity? That was right. He remembered the Unicorn, how she had been so understanding and charming. He stopped in his tracks, his head still spinning from the copious amounts of suspect liquor swirling around his stomach. Slowly, he turned round. He shouldn’t have just run off like that he needed to go tell her how he felt, and quickly. just as soon as the ground stopped spinning.....

The next thing Big Mackintosh perceived was a powder blue hoof prodding him in the nose. Groaning, he lifted his head of the floor and tried to get up.

“Real class act big red. I know you earth ponies enjoy the great outdoors,but this this is really too much”

The snarky intruder was Rainbow Dash, the Pegasus he sometimes saw flying over the farm. She was clearly amused, going by the grin spread wide across her face.

Was it morning already? As his legs tried to adjust for the violent pitching of the ground, he tried to focus on the smug pony.

“What time is it?”

“About midday sleepyhead. So what’s this I hear about you and Rarity?”

Rarity? News gets out fast, he thought. He was a little fuzzy on how the Pegasus had managed to put the pieces together so fast. he stood in silence, swaying slightly, attempting to keep balance..

"If I was you, I would get back to the farm. From what I hear, you have a big evening to prepare for”

And like that, she was gone, flying off in a flash of coulor, leaving Big Mackintosh confused as well as hungover.

Afther what seemed like the longest walk in his life, he made it back to sweetapple acres. Fighting through the throbbing in his skull, he made his way into the kitchen. After knocking back copious quantities of water, he felt a little better. His eyes shifted to the table. The morning post was laid out there, with one letter standing apart from the others. The purple envelope was addressed to him. Curious, he made to open it.

My dearest Macintosh

I have the honour to request your company for dinner tonight. Please attend to my address at eight o’clock sharp this evening.

Faithfully yours,


As his eyes raced over the immaculate script, Big Mackintosh grasped the letters meaning. This is all moving just a little fast he thought. But then he realised that maybe it wasn’t. He had thought of making a similar suggestion to Rarity last night; sure, he was as drunk as a post at the time, but he always had that strange clarity of thought when he was drunk. Hastily, he reread the few lines, feeling elated that Rarity too had felt something special. His earlier worries of not being good enough dissolved, and he began to smile, despite his apprehension.

Oh well, nothing for it now. He resolved. Will have to just enjoy this magical evening.


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As Rarity fussed with her already perfectly coiffured mane, she glanced out of her bedroom window for what felt like the hundredth time. Having spent all day preparing for her date with Big Macintosh, she now found herself at quite a loss, whiling away the last few moments before he was due to arrive.

She had chosen her own home as the venue for her date for a number of reasons. First of all, she felt perfectly in control in the carousel boutique, and if there was one thing she needed to feel right now it was in control. I don’t want a repeat of the last time I put myself out there like this, thank you very much, she thought, twirling her mane with her hoof. Aside from the need for control, she wanted her companion to feel at ease tonight; she understood Big Macintosh would proabably not be comfortable in public.

Wandering through her home, she mentally ticked off all the preparations she had made. She was satisfied she had assembled all the required ingredients for a romantic evening; the food was simple yet delicate enough for the occasion, and she had transformed her living area into a dusky retreat, lit only by candles especially for the event. Still, it wasn’t like the food or setting was going to be the focus of the evening. Recognising this, Rarity had spared no expense in her own presentation, cladding herself in an elegant purple gown bedecked in sapphires. She smiled as she reminded herself she would not look out of place in the highest echelons of the Cantelot court.

Despite her extensive preparations, some questions still refused to go away. She couldn’t shake the feeling she should be worried about tonight. In her heart she knew that no pony in Ponyville would purposely hurt her, she still hadn’t got over her last encounter with a stallion.

Prince Blueblood…. If a Prince couldn’t treat me like a lady, how can anypony? She wondered, struggling with the same insecurity that had plagued her for months. Deep down, she knew tonight would be different, but part of her didn’t want to take the risk, to face the possibility of rejection again…

A knock at the door awoke her from her obsessing. For a moment she sat there, composing herself, before, walking over to her door.

Big Macintosh stood on the doorstep of the carousel boutique. This evening, he struck quite the figure. His usually wild mane had been laid back smoothly over his neck, and in place of his ever present horse collar, he wore a stylish black tie knotted around his throat. As he waited, he gingerly ran a hoof through his mane to check he still looked presentable. Applejack would be angry if she found out he wasn’t bringing his best game tonight, especially after all the effort she put in order to get him ready on time.

Hearing movement inside, Big Macintosh picked up the rather crude bouquet of flowers he had cobbled together for the occasion. It was rude to go courting a mare without bringing something, but after the exertion of the night before, his efforts at flower arranging seemed rustic at best. Still, I’m sure she will appreciate the gesture, he reassured himself.

The door before him opened…

His jaw dropped.

Rarity. She stood there, looking simply radiant.

“Do you want to come inside?”


The next moments where disconcerting for Big Macintosh, as he followed her inside. Sure, he was quiet, but it wasn’t often he found himself completely at a loss for words. Wanting to fill the silence, his mind fumbled for a complement.

“You look amazing, Miss Rarity”

That seemed to do the trick. The Unicorn began to smile, as if the complement had relaxed her.

“Thank you, Macintosh, darling. Might I say you look good yourself. And, I have told you before, please, I’m Just Rarity to you”.

“I got you these”. Big Macintosh offered forth the simple bundle of flowers clutched in his hoof. Smiling sweetly, Rarity accepted them, levitating them out of his grasp and into a vase by the door. She didn’t seem to mind them, in fact if anything, she looked touched by the gesture. Glancing back, she motioned for Big Macintosh to follow her.

The room held to a dramatic atmosphere, the walls seeming to waver in the flickering candlight. His attention was drawn to the table in the middle, set out for two ponies.

“Please, make yourself comfortable”

Rarity had already taken the place furthest away from him. Moving opposite her, he approached the table. She had prepared a simple but elegant meal of hay and daisies.

So, big Macintosh, I wasn’t sure if you would come at such short notice”

“I wouldn’t miss it” he replied smiling.

“Of course, you wouldn’t. Anyway, now that we are finally here together, I want to know a little more about you, please”

“Of course, what do you want to Know?”


Big Macintosh was initially unsure as to what Rarity would want to hear about. In truth, Big Mackintosh knew little outside of the world of farming, despite his fears, however, the Unicorn seemed genuinely interested in his life. She listened intently as he talked about himself and his life up on the farm. Surely, I’m not that interesting, he thought, as he got to the end of a silly anecdote about his first season apple bucking.

"Anyhow, miss Rarity, you’ve had me talking far more than I’m accustomed to, which is frankly impressive. I do feel that I should ask a few questions myself though.”

“Ok Big Macintosh, what do you want to know?”

“Well Rarity, I confess I already know quite a lot about you, see. Applejack and I had a talk about you before”

“Really? What did she have to say about me?” Rarity looked worried at the revelation, fearing what one of her closest friends may have revealed about her.

“Now, it wasn’t anything secret or Nothin’. She just told me a bit about you. How you’re a fancy dressmaker and all, and how much you love helping out your friends. Oh, and how you got a thing for royalty…”

At that last statement, Rarity quailed. He knows!. How could he accept me, knowing I was humiliated like that? Her hooves moved to her mouth in a gesture of terror. If he knew that in truth, Rarity was no lady, having been treated in such an offhand manner by a prince…..

“Well, all that considered, I really got only one question….”

Rarity braced herself for the inevitable. He was going to ask why she though he could love her. Why any pony would love her. She felt the blood rushing to her cheeks.

“Yes” she replied, almost whispering.

“Well here it is. I simply don’t understand what a high class pony like you sees in somepony like me.”



She was not expecting that.

Elated, Rarity lost control of herself, throwing her forelegs across the table to catch the big workhorse in a tight embrace. Shocked, Big Macintosh paused for a moment, before returning the gesture, holding on to the unicorn tightly.

“I know this may seem sudden, but I don’t ever want you to leave”

“Don’t worry Miss Rarity. I don’t plan on going anywhere”

Big Mackintosh, a naturally quiet pony, could appreciate the value of a pony so resolved in talking with her actions. Think you might have just found what you were looking for, the earth pony thought, holding on to the Unicorn tightly.


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Applejack watched her brother make his usual progress up to the barn at the end of the day. Recently, she had noticed something different. Maybe it was the spring in his step, maybe the ridiculous grin he now wore, but Applejack knew something was off. Nopony should be that happy and energetic after a day of labouring on the farm. In fact, Big Macintosh had been acting this way since that evening with Rarity. As her brother was so rarely seen up on the farm recently, she had made sure to be back first in order to see him.

“Evenin’ Applejack”

“Evenin’ Big Mac”

“Won’t be sticking around for Dinner tonight. Got to go into Ponyville again”

“Ok bro, what you doing in Ponyville? Seeing anypony in particular?”

Applejack loved this bit. Even though her brother had been seeing Rarity for weeks now, he still seemed to have difficulty saying it out loud.

“Well, you know, jus’ gotta go see…. Rarity…. again. Is that ok sis?”

“Darn it Mac, are you asking for my Permission or somthin’? She’s your marefriend”

This bit was priceless. Though it was impossible to see if the red stallion was blushing, he had turned away at the mention of “marefriend” and begun carefully examining his fore hooves as if they were the most important things in the world. For reasons she couldn’t quite put her hoof on, she always found this hilarious.

After a few moments Applejack could restrain herself no longer. Big Macintosh was not usually the kind of pony to be so emotionally effected. Seeing him rendered so awkward and vulnerable was enough to have Applejack rolling around on the floor, helpless to bouts of laughter.

By the time she had recovered, the big red stallion was stood above her, with an earnest look of concern on his face. Having known him so long, it was easy for Applejack to get under her brothers skin, and at times like this, it was nigh impossible to resist.

“You ok sis?”

“Yeah, sometimes you crack me up bro. have a good time with your Marefriend, and tell her I said howdy”

“Ok then sis. See you later”

As Big Macintosh left the room, Applejack allowed herself a satisfied smile. She had never seen her brother so happy, and was glad she had played a small part in making it happen; though admittedly she still had difficulty in seeing what he and Rarity had in common. Secretly though despite her fears, Applejack dared hope that the couple would make it. All things considered, Rarity would make a fine addition to the family…

By the time he reached Ponyville, it was getting dark. Big Macintosh smiled as he watched lights flicker on in the windows of the town. Over the last few weeks, he had gotten so used to making the journey so as to have no fear of becoming lost in the darkness. Visiting Rarity was now as much a part of his life as harvesting apples or pulling the Plough. As he moved through the streets, he saw the familiar silhouette of the Carousel Boutique, its lower windows illuminated to better showcase the dresses on display. He trotted up to the door and knocked.

“Hi Mister Mackintosh! You looking for Rarity?”

Big Macintosh looked down, seeing the Door had been answer by Sweetie belle. That wasn’t expected. Usually Rarity went to great lengths to make sure their evenings together where free from distractions.

“Why yes I am Miss Sweetie belle, is she here?”

“She went to Canterlot! Twilights here and she’s gonna teach me magic!” the excitable young filly was jumping up and down by this point, clearly excited at the prospect of learning magic.

“Well then, would you mind if I came in and had a word with MissTwilight? I promise I won’t disturb your magic practice” At that moment the lavender unicorn appeared besides Sweetie Belle. Whilst Big Macintosh was fond of the Librarian unicorn, by now he was overwhelmed with curiosity as to Rarity’s sudden disappearance, quite forgetting his usual manners.

“Sweetie belle, why don’t you go practice that levitation spell? I need to talk to Big Macintosh quickly”

At that, the unicorn filly bounded off indoors. Twilight motioned for him to follow her back into the shop. Big Mackintosh obliged, feeling more than a little confused.

“I’m afraid Rarity was called away to Cantalot at short notice. I knew she had some high class clients, but Royalty? Still, she said it was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up. It’s not every day a royal carriage shows up out of the blue with a summons from the House of Blueblood…..”

Big Macintosh’s mind was racing. Called away to Cantolot at short notice? And Blueblood… he recognised that name from somewhere….. Still, it was probably nothing. He should be happy that Rarity was doing so well. Perhaps he was being selfish, wanting to keep her all to himself.

“……Anyway, she had barely enough time to come get me to look after Sweetie belle before taking off. Are you ok Big Macintosh?”

Tuning back into the conversation, he realised he had been stood there, in silence, again. It was becoming a nasty habit.


“Great. Anyway she asked me to tell you not to worry, and she would be back soon. If you want to contact her I can have spike take a letter….. Are you sure you’re ok big guy?”

“I’m fine Miss Twilight. It’s just…. Well I’m sure it’s nothing, but isn’t Blueblood that prince that upset her at that Party a while back?”

“Hmmm, yes, he was a Blueblood. I wonder why the prince wants to see Rarity again. Well since you have been spending so much time with her, maybe you could tell me?”

the purple unicorn was clearly still oblivious of the nature of his involvement with Rarity. Big Macintosh decided this was probably for the best right now.

“ah don’t know miss Twilight. anyway I should get going. Thank you for your time”

“Ok Big Mackintosh. Let me know if you need anything”

Having no desire to linger in the town, the workhorse quickly struck out for home.The stallions mind was racing over the details of what he had just found out. Something about the story simply did not fit into place. He resolved to take Twilight up on her offer to send a letter in the morning. It’s probably nothing he attempted to reassure himself, but something ain’t quite right with this picture. It can wait till morning though. Despite his doubts, he still trusted in Rarity’s Judgement, and, knew this wasn’t an opportunity she could afford to pass up.

No matter who it came from…

“Anyhow, no use worrying. She will be halfway to Canterlot now”. Realising he had said the last part aloud, he looked around to see if anypony had witnessed his little moment of reflection. Seeing nothing, he resumed his slow walk back to the farm.

Had the workhorse thought to look up, he would have seen a rainbow mane peeking out from behind a cloud.

“Wow. Big red’s got it bad…”

Not one to pass up the opportunity to help a Friend in need, the colourful Pegasus sped off in the direction of Ponyville.

And how gallant he will be...

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Princess Celestia sat in her throne room, alone but for a decidedly contrite looking Unicorn filly standing before her. She had dismissed the rest of the royal court in order to speak more personally with the mare in question. Given the importance of what was about to be said, it seemed appropriate.

Celestia broke the silence that had fallen since her courtiers had left. “I understand now why this has been so difficult for you. Even if you are the element of generosity, I can hardly ask you to give away something you no longer possess.”Celestia smiled, and looked down upon the smaller unicorn expectantly, awaiting her reply.

Rarity looked horrified. “But princess, surely you don’t think…”

“My child, you must not doubt me so. I can see the soul of every pony who stands before me. I know that your heart belongs to another. Once I might have hoped that you could find love within my household... Now I see why that cannot be.”

Rarity stood, transfixed by the warm gaze of her goddess. Princess Celestia was as radiant as she remembered; though the softness of her voice had dispelled the worst of her fears, it was impossible not to be overawed in the presence of a being so magnificent. The unicorn found herself unable to reply, entranced by the beauty of the alicorn stood before her.

“Please Rarity. Though I can control the movement of the sun itself, even I must acknowledge that love moves in a way nopony, not even a Princess, can fully comprehend”

Is that ..Warmth in her voice? How can she not be mad? Rarity shifted her hooves uncomfortably beneath her. She had expected something different when the Princesss had dismissed her court, indeed she was prepared for punishment. One cannot simply refuse the recommendation of the ruler of Equestria and expect to get off so lightly, can they? Surely not…. Composing herself, eventually her curiosity overwhelmed her fear of punishment. She had to say something.

“Princess, I will do all you ask of me” Rarity bowed her head to the alicorn. Even given the circumstances, she couldn’t help but feel selfish and ungrateful. Who was she to turn down royalty?

“It is true I had hoped that you and my nephew could have affected a relationship together, but I can see now that things can never be as I would have perhaps chosen. Despite my efforts, I see he is not yet prepared for marriage, and you, well, I know now your heart belongs to another”

“But princess…”

“Please, my pony, you truly are the soul of generosity…..but I will not allow you give up your love for my sake. I know better than anypony how dangerous such an act would be. Please, let me worry about the Prince.”

Rarity summoned enough courage to look into the eyes of the Allicorn she could see the love and understanding there. She had been afraid that admitting she felt nothing for Prince Blueblood would have been met with disappointment and anger; instead, the Princess genuinely seemed to care for her happiness more. Still, though, she could not deny that Blueblood had come a long way since they had last met, becoming a stallion more deserving of his title. At least some good had come of that night at the gala, Rarity thought. All things considered, the little scene she created had been enough to prompt the boorish Prince Blueblood to act more like a gentlecolt.

“So you’re not going to make me marry him?” asked Rarity, still half expecting some form of chastisement.

“Have no fear of that, my pony, my mind is made up. You shall be returned safely back into the arms of your beloved. No doubt he is quite confused…by the way, this stallion wouldn’t be anyone I would know would it?” Princess Celestia looked to the unicorn, with what, had she not known the Princess to be above such things, Rarity might have described a near mischievous glint in her eyes.

Ha it seem even the Princess isn’t adverse to a little gossip, thought Rarity.

“Well princess, you have met Applejack have you not? Well you see he has this brother, who is how I shall say, simply divine….”

Big Macintosh had been walking for hours. His hooves felt sore, his fetlocks had been all but covered in mud and grit from the road. Such fatigue in a pony so well adapted to being upon his feet all day was quite an accomplishment. Sore hooves or no, I have to make it in time… he thought to himself. Despite the growing soreness in his body, the red stallion was now singular in his resolve and nothing would prevent him reaching Canterlot.

The long walk from Ponyville had given him time to reflect on the situation. The pony he loved- he had realised that was how he felt about her- had run off to Canterlot. He didn’t know why, or if she would be coming back. He only knew he owed it to himself to found out where he stood. That was why he had taken it upon himself to trek across Equestria. Well, after a little persuading from a certain energetic Pegasus. He thought back to his conversation with Rainbow Dash that had made up his mind;

“You see big red, I know a thing or two about ponies, and I know a whole lot about that prissy drama queen Rarity…… yeah I know big guy, don’t look so shocked….. Anyway don’t get so down, this is just a test she’s puttin’ you through. See, she thinks of yo as her personal destrier in shining armour now, so way I see it you better come through for her.”

“But that don’t sound like the Rarity I know”, he had replied, still hoping for the best.

“Trust me Red, I know a thing or two about mares, and no matter what they say, they all want to feel like there special... so just play along alright.”

Admittedly, at first he was sceptical, But even Applejack had admitted that the concept was sound. It’s like we are talking about different fillies, he found himself thinking. He had to admit though they could be right. They had been close to Rarity for much longer than he had, and probably knew her in a way he didn’t. Besides, part of him was enjoying playing the dashing gentlecolt rushing off to save his lady. He decided he would play along, for now.

Meanwhile, back at sweet apple acres, two ponies sat outside the barn, enjoying the warmth of the sun whilst knocking back a few glasses of cool cider. The orange earth pony turned to her companion, a powder blue Pegasus.

“Rainbowdash, tell me again why I just helped send my brother all the way to Canterlot for no good reason?”

“Heh, you said yourself that having him moping around the farm all day was driving you mad” the Pegasus replied, confidently reclining backwards. “At least this way we can keep him out of the way, and if it makes you feel better, you always said you wanted to get him out more” Rainbow Dash was clearly pleased with herself, having helped send Big Mackintosh halfway across equestrian to supposedly ‘win back’ Rarity.

Applejack wondered for a moment if sending her brother off on such a foolish errand was in keeping with her position as element of honesty; though she knew it wold probably work out for the best. Probably for the best. And anyway, his mopin’ around was darned insufferable. Having made some sort of peace with her conscience, she resolved to enjoy the test of the afternoon with Rainbow Dash.

To anyone who has made it this far;

Thanks for persevering. I am frankly stoked that people have taken the time to wade through my clumsy grammar all his way ( will get around to fixing it soon).

I am also really grateful for those who have made comments and rated, just want you to know I do appricate the effort.

Thanks again!

Separation angst

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"So... What you are trying to tell me is that my dearest Macintosh has been sent on soon foolish mission, largely of your concoction, to rescue me from the clutches of prince Blueblood?"

Rarity stood motionless inside the barn, only a twitching muscle in her cheek betraying any hint of emotion. Before her stood Rainbow Dash and Applejack, looking to the entire world like two fillies caught bunking off school. Neither had expected Rarity back so quickly, much less at the hands of Celestia’s personal carriage.

"Well, I suppose I should have expected as much from you, Rainbow Dash, but Applejack? Whatever came over you?"

Silence. It seemed that neither of the two ponies could answer the unicorn. Neither had expected such consequences from there little joke. Confrontation like this was decidedly un-Rarity. Applejack seemed as though all she could do was stare at her hooves, whilst Rainbow Dash seemed torn between flying away and using her friend as cover from the vengeful unicorn.

“So are you going to give me some explanation as to why my lovely new coltfriend is heading for a potentially dangerous, not to say embarrassing, confrontation with Caterlot’s Finest?”

“Come on! If you’d seen the way he was mopin’ around you would have done something too, besides it was really funny at the time… you gotta understand!” Rainbow Dash all but shouted. Despite Rarity’s evident displeasure, the Pegasus still felt somewhat justified in her part of the prank.

“Look sugacube, I didn’t think he would actually go all the way to Canterlot… it’s not my fault he ain,t thinkin’ with his head no more” the orange earth pony offered, sounding slightly lore remorseful than her partner in crime

“Then what is he thinkin’ with?” asked Rainbow dash, A lewd grin fixed to her face.

“His heart, obviously darling” replied Rarity, casting the Pegasus a disapproving glance “anyway the fact is I’m rather disappointed with both of you. What I really want to know is how you two intend to solve this problem you have so clearly created.”

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at one another. Neither had a solution in mind, but could tell that retrieving Big Macintosh was not going to be easy….

For Big Macintosh, the royal palace of Canterlot represented a definite change in scenery. Never one to travel, he only had Applejacks stories to guide him, not that it had been hard. The palace was easy enough to find, big the biggest building he had ever laid eyes on. As he wandered towards the gleaming white marble of the building’s exterior, he had expected to be challenged by a Royal Guard or some other retainer; yet he had made it as far as the court itself without so much as word spoken to him. Glancing around his surroundings, it was clear that had arrived too late; the court was empty of any ponies, royal or otherwise. He was alone. Taking a moment to himself, he basked in the Palaces splendour; the sun was low in the sky, causing the stained glass of the grand windows to almost glow. The simple earth pony had to stop and smile at the serene, reflective atmosphere that existed in the now empty court that had earlier been the beating heart of Equestrian government.

“I’m afraid that the Princess won’t be back today. You are here to petition, I presume?” A noble sounding voice startled Big Macintosh back to reality.

“Not exactly” he responded “but perhaps you can help me”

Big Macintosh fixed eyes on the pony that had disturbed him. A unicorn; one of the biggest he had ever seen, and not just tall, but possessed of the baroque figure indicative of nobility…gold mane…. His mark... Compass rose……could it be?

“Say, would you be Prince Blueblood?”

The unicorn laughed quietly to himself, as if at some joke that only he understood. “Yes, that’s me I suppose. So what is it you want with me? You’re a disgruntled servant perhaps? Did I run you down in my carriage? Maybe I simply insulted you…. Well, whatever it is, I’m truly sorry. I am trying to be a better Prince, and part of that is admitting that I’m wrong..”

Well this isn’t how Rarity described him… thought the workhorse. He’s certainly self-obsessed, but doesn’t seem cruel. In fact… he seems almost pitiful… Big Macintosh weighed his next words carefully.

“Well, actually I’m just here for Rarity”

“Oh right” the Prince studied him for a moment, before recognition flashed across his face. “Yes she spoke about you. Big Macintosh I Presume? I’m afraid Rarity has already left for Ponyville.” the prince held his hoof out in a gesture of good will.

Cautiously, Big Macintosh took Hold of the offered foreleg

“My dear aunt said I could learn a lot from a pony like you. If you could spare some time, that is.”

The Earth Pony could only quizzically raise one eyebrow in response. Strange… but I did come all this way. “Sure I’ve always got time to help another pony.” He replied, in truth wanting to be on his way as soon as possible.

“Excellent please come with me, mister Macintosh. You look weary. I shall make arrangements so you may wash, and have someone bring you some food, I think.”

Big Macintosh could only wonder at the situation now unfolding before him. He resolved to have a long talk with several young mares on his Return to Ponyville.

a fraternal interlude

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The royal quarters did not meet with Big Macintosh's expectations; indeed, he found them to have a far more intimate atmosphere than the rest of the castle. Even given the grandeur of the high ceilings and opulent furniture, he could see plenty of old photographs and keepsakes on display; affections that would not be out of place in any equestrian household. He followed prince Blueblood through the palace halls, somewhat disorientated by the sheer scale of the building. If it came to it, he wasn’t sure he would be able to find his own way out again.

"Well here we are. Please, make yourself at home." the prince had led him through a heavy door to what appeared to be his personal quarters. The room he found himself was lavishly decked out like the rest of the castle, a personal annex partitioned for the prince’s use alone. The price had immodestly decorated his room with what appeared to be numerous portraits and sculptures of himself. Big Macintosh remained stationary despite the invitation; He was desperately worried he would break something valuble.

Rather than being immediately offered the meal he had been promised, Big Macintosh found himself alone with the Prince. Well, he thought. This is awkward… the prince, however, seemed intent on making the situation worse.

"Well then Mr Macintosh; I am sure you have a few things you wish to...ahem... Discuss with me.... But before you pass any kind of judgment, I urge you to at least hear me out, for there are some things i feel you need to hear"

Well that’s a little dramatic thought the down to earth Workhorse. Still, ever the reasonable pony, Big Macintosh could only sit back and listen. Given the day he had been having, he was sure that the prince would not disappoint.

The Prince related to him the full story of his involvement with Rarity; how Princess Celestia, keen that her somewhat wayward nephew find a suitable partner, had insisted he become better acquainted with the bearers of the elements of harmony. While this plan was for the prince to find a partner suitable for a royal, he went on to explain how ultimately he was too shy to approach any of the mares, finding them all intimidating. Only one of the chosen had ever really approached him of their own volition; Rarity at the grand Galloping Gala. He had been so intimidated by the unicorn that he chose only hide behind his title, behaving as the rude, insufferable Blueblood that Big Macintosh had herd so much about.

"....so you see, for an all-powerful goddess, my dear auntie can get entirely the wrong idea sometimes. I'm afraid Rarity was invited back because Celestial believed we had enough in common for me to... overcome my reservations. I made attempts to be more amicable this time though it was to no avail...." At that Bluebloods will finally gave out. He turned away, softly sobbing to himself, left empty by admission.

Poor fellow, though Big Macintosh, feeling a sudden surge of sympathy for the beleaguered prince. It was a common enough problem among stallions, something he himself had to deal with. There were just... so many mares. Sometimes Big Mackintosh found himself wanting nothing more than to chew the fat over a cup of hard cider with another stallion, putting the world to rights. Not so easy in Ponyville; he had only met a handful of other males in his entire life. He had himself lived as an island of masculinity amid the ever flooding tide of females, suffering all the issues that came with isolation; the insecurity, the shyness. Surely it was the same for Blueblood, for even in the royal castle, he was bereft of male company.

Not dwelling on the complexities of a society populated predominantly by mares, he returned to the more immediate issue at hand. The prince was still softly sobbing in the corner, as he had been since the end of his confession, looking decidedly un-princely. That’s it….i knows how to fix this…

“Prince Blueblood”

“…. Yes, Mr Macintosh”

“If yer feelin’ up to it, I think I might have an idea or two ter help matters”

Lifting his head back up to meet the earth pony’s gaze the prince inquired “what did you have in mind”

“Well first of all were Hedin’ into Canterlot” the Workhorse proclaimed “and second –your majesty- you will be Payin’ fer the first round”


Rainbow Dash had been flying around Canterlot for what seemed like hours. she was still smarting from the decision that she, as the primary author of Rarity's current displeasure, should be the one to fix everything. she now found herself drifting over Canterlot, unsure as to how she was to find Big Macintosh. Even as a highly advanced flyer, there was something disorientating about flying over the city at night at the best of times, but tonight it was made even more confusing. The Royal Guard was out in force, no doubt hounding some poor pony caught littering or something. Nothing awesome or dangerous ever happens in Canterlot after all, she thought.

“HEY- Watch where you’re goin’, you almost hit me”


Looking back, the Pegasus realised she had indeed almost collided with one of the Armoured Guards. Not that Equestria’s best flyer was going to admit that.

“Well maybe if you didn’t think you owned the skies you wold be more careful!” the Rainbow mare retorted, daring the barded Pegasus to argue the point.

Maintaining his deadpan expression, the Guard pony didn’t rise to the bait. “Well miss, I will let you off with a warning on one condition; you head indoors immediately. We have been getting reports of dangerous ponies abroad tonight. It would be a shame if you got caught up in the trouble”

Her earlier defiance forgotten, Rainbow Dash’s curiosity had now got the best of her. “Dangerous ponies you say?” she asked, doing her best to look like a concerned citizen.

Yes miss. All night we have been getting complaints about a large red earth pony and his Unicorn accomplice. Should you sight anypony matching ether of these two, do not hesitate to report them. Good day to you.”

Sweet Celestia no…..

It didn't take long for the Pegasus to find the duo in question, and confirm her fears. There stood big Macintosh (though stood may have been an overstatement) outside one of Canterlots les salubrious restaurants, with what could only be a barrel strapped to his back. And next to him, equally the worst for wear was….

No way… Prince Blueblood?


Dear and treasured readers,

sorry for the brevity of the last few chapters, but life is happening to me right now and i'm doing what I can. Promise the next chapter will bring the awesome.

Thanks again


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“What’s the matter sugarcube?”

The country pony had made a rare visit to the Carousel Boutique in the aftermath of her last little conversation with Rarity. She did, after all have good reason to visit; Rainbow dash had been dispatched to Canterlot to locate the questing Big Macintosh, and was expected to return with news shortly.

Arriving at Rarity’s home and business, she had found that once again, the diva personality so often at the forefront of the unicorns behaviour had once again retreated, allowing a glimpse of the fragile Mares true self. Her appearance had deteriorated slightly, most evident in the redness around her eyes. The disorder in her heart had clearly found some expression in her work, with half-finished projects littering the shop from end to end in a mess of fabric.

“Applejack really, I am fine” the unicorn implored, but it was no use; Applejack could quite clearly see the strain written across her friends face.

Of late, the attraction between Rarity and her usually stoic brother had caused Applejack some inconvenience, it was fair to say. Not only was she working more on the farm, but had found her felt caught in the middle of what she had come to see as an unbelievably cheesy romance.

Sure, this situation was largely the result of her and Rainbow Dash meddling in what was ultimately a private relationship, it didn’t seem fair to fix all the blame on them. If Rarity hadn’t turned the usually reserved earth pony into some lovesick fool then chances were he would still be around to balance the farms books. Try as she might though, she could not muster anything but concern for the dressmaker.

Applejack could tell what she needed. Reaching out to take the other pony in her fore hooves, she embraced her, feeing the cold wetness of tears streaming down her neck as the unicorn finally gave way.

“What if he doesn’t come back? What if something happens….”

“Now don’t you worry sugarcube, alright? Let me tell you somthin’ about us Apples. We happen to be the most loyalest and dependable of ponies that you’re ever likely to find. Now don’t you ever forget that, no matter what. I mean look! He got wind you might be in trouble, and went charging across Equestria to find you! Trust me Rare, you got nothin’ to worry about.”

The orange farm pony relented from the hug, settling down onto the floor to await the unicorns response.

Rarity sniffed slightly, before settling down beside Applejack. It seemed that recent events had brought the two closer together than ever, if such a thing was even possible. Regaining a measure of her former composure, she rested her head softly against her friends shoulder.

“Applejack, you have always been so strong. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t know what to do sometimes”

“Well sure, me and the girls will always be there for you”

“I know that. I really am the luckiest pony alive, am I not?”

Content to sit in silence, Applejack did not reply.

Big Macintosh awoke, spluttering.

As he slowly opened his eyes, struggling to resolve the blurry world before him, he was hit by another precisely directed jet of water striking his face.

“Alright, alright, I’m up already” he gruffly replied. Slowly coming to terms with his surroundings, the earth pony stood up. He was outside. It was morning. He wasn’t in Ponyville any more.

Like clockwork, another torrent of water descended upon him from above, this time drenching him from head to hoof. Looking around to find his assailant he noticed a sprig of blue amongst the rapidly dissipating clouds above him.

“I said I was up already” said the workhorse, a hint of uncharacteristic anger sneaking into his voice

“I Know. That one was for the smell”

The Pegasus emerged from the clouds, settling on the ground before Big Macintosh. Rainbow Dash. Not the most understanding of ponies when it came to hangovers. Rather than confront the cocky flier, Big Macintosh surveyed his surroundings further, taking in what he assumed to be the remnants of a rather interesting night. It was now apparent he had spent his sleeping hours in what he could now see was one of Canterlot Castle’s grander flowerbeds. Empty bottles were scattered around along with some more interesting items. He certainly didn’t remember going kite surfing last night….

“Anyway big guy you’re lucky I got here first. The Royal Guard are out hunting for you. Something about ‘kidnapping’ and ‘public disorder’. So how much of last night do you remember?”

Big Macintosh just groaned.

“I mean I lost track of you after the Guard arrested you that first time….what where you doing drinking with prince Blueblood anyway?”

Prince Blueblood? As his still inebriated mind ticked over the particulars of last night, he remembered some of the more salient details of the evening. It had seemed like such a good idea at the time. Still, he wasn’t the kind of pony to simply up and run from his actions. As soon as the pounding in his head stopped, he would head inside the castle and explain how it was his entire fault.

Any sense of decorum lost in the pony, Big Macintosh wandered over to a nearby fountain, quickly dunking his head under the water and drinking deep, before pulling clear and blinking the water from his eyes. At least now he was refreshed, if even less presentable. Making a silent oath to never drink again, he turned towards the palace. His usually methodical mind was still drawing a blank on much of the previous night, and if nothing else he was curious to find out exactly how much damage he had done the night before. At least one Pegasus felt the same way apparently, he dryly observed. Rainbow Dash had fallen in beside him, walking briskly to keep up with his larger gait. Still, couldn’t hurt to have an acquaintance of Princess Celestia on his side, he realised. Unlike the last time he had been inside, the royal court was now a hive of activity, with ponies rushing to and fro in evident disorder. Ignoring this, Big Macintosh made his way over to the dais at the far end of the room, hoping to find someone official so he could turn himself in.

Beside the workhorse, Rainbow Dash followed on. To her, Big Macintosh had always seemed somewhat enigmatic, working as he did alone on the farm all day. Never, not in a million years would she have expected to see this side of the pony. How am I going to explain this one to Applejack and Rarity? She wondered, before realising that perhaps the more pressing issue was right here in Canterlot. Thinking about the problem at hand, she too found herself at quite a loss. Equestria, being a peaceful land, seldom had to invoke any punishment on its subjects, relying on good nature and friendship to settle any issues. From what she had seen last night, however, was well beyond the realms of normal disorder. Big Macintosh was now approaching one of the earth pony Guards stationed at the foot of the throne itself. He was clearly feeling particularly bold today.

“Well, good morning there, I suppose in here to hand myself in”


“Can you hear me?” he continued, the guard pony remaining stock sill.

Big Macintosh was clearly getting frustrated. What was the use of a guard who wouldn’t actually do anything? He turned his head towards Rainbow dash, now open to suggestions, only now she wouldn’t react either. She was stood, mouth wide open, her eyes fixed directly behind him. Slowly, he turned around.

No, it couldn't be…


Royal Encounters

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Standing mere feet away from Big Mackintosh was the Princess of the Night. The Mare in the Moon. Nightmare Moon. In that moment, Big Macintosh wanted to do nothing in the world as much as run, yet he found himself rooted to the spot. Foalhood stories about Celestia’s dark sister leapt unbidden to his mind. It was all he could do to not break down in terror…

“YOU!” the Princess of the Night, now stood only a few feet away, pointed an accusing hoof at Big Macintosh. Her eyes wide, her mane billowing menacingly behind her, she cut quite the intimidating figure. She slowly and deliberately walked towards the frozen workhorse until she stood nearly nose to nose with him. “ART THOU THE PONY FROM LAST NIGHT?”

Big Macintosh could only shrug in reply, still reeling as he was from the full effect of Luna’s magically enhanced voice. Beside him, Rainbow dash managed to get the Alicorn’s attention, nodding in agreement with her previous statement. Luna continued to examine the pair, barely the faintest hint of recognition upon her face.

Much more softly this time, she spoke again, leaning towards Big Macintosh “when addressed by a Princess it is customary to at least respond, my subject” her mouth curled upwards, betraying the shadow of a smile, as she recognised a familiar nervous look on the stallions face. Since her return, the princess had sought to become more approachable, but her immortal sense of mischief often bid her return, albeit briefly, to using her full Canterlot voice as she had moments ago. Seeing a full grown stallion like this one reduced to a trembling foal was, she mused, simply adorable.

Big Macintosh swallowed nervously, “Well, your majesty, ya’ll see that I done transgressed against how a good gentlecolt should be behavin’, and what’s more I dragged a member of your own royal family into my crimes. I’m here to extend my apologies to both Prince Blueblood and ter yourself, as well as to accept any punishment you might have…”

“Hmm, well. I do not think our dear prince would ever forgive me if I sent his new friend to the dungeons now, would he?”

“Blueblood’s alright?”

“Quite. I ran into him returning to the castle last night. He wouldn’t stop going on about this marvellous red earth pony he met only yesterday! As far as I am concerned you are forgiven”.

Big Macintosh could barely believe his ears. “Forgiven?”

“Yes, forgiven. The poor foals been quite intolerable of late, I am just glad someone could help him relax a bit. Anything to stop him pining over that mare from the gala!” Luna swept her head away, her radiant mane billowing gently in her wake. The two ponies looked at each other, both equally nonplussed at the princesses’ last statement.

Rainbow Dash spoke up, he curiosity piqued. “A mare from the gala? You mean Rarity?”

The night Princess was turning away now, a sure sign the matter was at an end. Before walking off, she turned, looking back over her shoulder.

“You mean the dressmaker unicorn right? No, as I recall the object of his affection was an earth pony, as a matter of fact. now go, before I change my mind”

Big Macintosh blinked in confusion. Earth pony? Now that he thought about it, he did recall Blueblood saying something yesterday, before things got so monumentally out of hand…. He only wished he could remember more of the night. Still, no matter, he thought pushing the matter to one side. He was a free stallion after all. It was high time he got back to Ponyville. Ponyville and Rarity.

Rainbow Dash however, was less than satisfied. As she remembered, Rarity had been the only one with blueblood last night, and earth pony? Well sure the prince had visited Applejack’s stand, but…Never mind. Right now her greatest concern was getting back to Ponyville, and not emptyhoofed… she did not relish facing a romantically frustrated Rarity without being able to return Big Macintosh.

“Come on Big Red, you’re going to have to walk it off buddy. Long way back to Ponyville the earth pony way”

The barely concealed groan she got in return showed the stallion understood. With muffled curses, the pair tuned for home.

Meanwhile, within his chambers, a prince was waking up. As he stumbled out of his cushy feather bed, he became acutely aware of a pounding headache like nothing he had felt before. forcing himself to stand, he made his way over to the gilded mirror before which he would groom himself each morning. The stood before him was like nothing he recognised. He strained his mind trying to remember exactly what happened the night before. But wait... Memories of the night before came flooding back to him. Big Macintosh, his new friend -auntie was right, he thought to himself, smiling- had taken him under his wing (figuratively of course, he was an earth pony, after all) for one of the strangest nights of his life. They had drunk together, sung together, fought off a platoon of the Canterlot royal guard together… all in all, it had been a remarkable bonding experience. Halfway into his second bottle of tanglehoof he had confessed everything to the workhorse, who all things considered had been remarkably receptive to his admissions.

Regaining something of his royal composure, the prince called for his valet. He must try to look his best today. After all, he had a long journey ahead of him, and then, he thought, and then, Applejack… at first he had been surprised that Big Mackintosh had been so Receptive to the idea. He had even gone as far as promising to put in a good word for him.

Half an hour later, the prince emerged, looking rather more regal, his mane one again gleaming, the wine stains having been bleached from his coat.

Running into Big Macintosh yesterday was a real stroke of luck, Blueblood mused. The Apples, after all happened to be a close family, and he would need his support to proceed with what he had planned. As he trotted through the halls of Canterlot castle, he considered tracking down the red earth pony and offering his thanks, before thinking better of it. He would see a lot more of his new best buddy once he got to Ponyville, and besides, if he didn’t act now, he may never find the courage to again. Yes he resolved, the time has come to go to Ponyville. Ponyville….and Applejack.

Half an Apple

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Everything was going wrong.

Things had started off well enough. He had opted to come to Ponyville discreetly, avoiding the usual pomp and splendour his rank entitled him to. By the time the train arrived, it was well into the afternoon, and he soon found himself caught up in the throng of ponies heading home a hard day’s work, too distracted by thoughts of rest to notice a Prince in their midst, apparently. Despite the liveliness of the streets at the time, He had moved quickly through the town proper, pausing only to ask directions from a mailmare just completing the route. She had seemed genuine enough, but nonetheless pointed him entirely in the wrong direction. This, he thought back was probably an omen, though at the time he was happy enough to continue, trotting along with a veritable spring in his step. After that brief detour, he had eventually found his way up the hill towards Sweet Apple Acres. He made his way up towards the quaint house-come-barn, and after a brief moment to compose himself, knocked.

That’s when it had happened.

The Princes’ eyes narrowed as he looked up at the orange mare. The aching heat of where the hoof had struck him was working its way across his jaw. His own hoof was held firmly to the side of his rapidly swelling face as his mind frantically tried to process what had just occurred. His brain was telling him that this pony- this lowly farmer- had just struck him, and for no apparent reason at that.

The prince sat up immediately, mentally debating the relative merits of leaving his guard back in Canterlot. The prize bouquet of roses he had picked himself in the castle gardens was lying in the mud. All things considered, things where not transpiring as he had originally hoped.

“What in sweet Celestia’s name are you doin’ on my farm?”

The Prince, somewhat understandably, found himself at a loss for words. The gallant apologies, the charming complements, they all dissolved beneath the Applejack’s withering gaze. He felt like he was a foal again, utterly defenceless in the face of the pony he had admired so silently, so distantly, until now. The farm pony’s eyes where darting back and forth between the discarded bouquet and Blueblood; she was clearly beginning to piece together his intent.

“I..I came for you…”

As Blueblood managed to stammer his response, he was unsure of exactly what he was expecting. That she would simply fall into my arms, perhaps. As he watched the mares face contorts with emotions ranging from pity, to confusion, to disgust, it was all he could do to stand silently, waiting for her response, the surely inevitable rejection. No stallion, no pony save a pony in love could have withstood that look for as long as Blueblood lasted. He had succeeded, at least in some small way made his intentions clear, no longer would he lie awake at night wondering if it just might be possible… yes he thought, perhaps it is better this way.

“I am sorry to have bothered you” the stallion mumbled, turning to leave. He couldn’t stand this any longer; and what’s more, she wouldn’t get to see him cry. Yes, better this way.

By the time Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash made it back to Ponyville, it was well past sunset. The journey was more than a little illuminating from Big Macintosh's point of view, for a number of reasons. Firstly, he could now recon himself something of an authority on the Wonderbolts having discussed, or rather been told, every detail if every team member ranging from signature moves to birthdays. After what Rainbow Dash had completed what she had called his somewhat grandly branded his 'true education', the two had really got down to talking. The Pegasus had talked about her friends, her family back in Cloudsdale, he job on the weather team; Big Macintosh was glad to listen, so that was how the conversation progressed. After a time though, even the bombastic mare noticed the one sided nature of the exchange.

“anything on your mind big red?” she inquired.


“Aww, Come-on. You know you’re not foolin’ anyone with that strong silent type act. I am the element of loyalty you know, I can keep a secret if I have to”

“You sure?”

“you gonna make me pinkie promise? Fine…”

Big Macintosh looked on, smiling as the Pegasus satisfied the bizarre ritual.

“Right all done, now spill it” she fluttered up in front of him grinning.

“You sure? You asked for it”

In truth, Big Macintosh wanted to sound out some of his problems with somen he could trust, and Rainbow Dash was as good as anyone. So, naturally, he talked.

He talked about his everyday worries, seeing Applebloom got schooled and his family got fed. He talked about how he drank too much, too often. He talked about Rarity, how helpless he had felt in her hooves, how at peace she made him feel.

He talked about his future, what kept him awake at night. It was something he had worried about since he got his cutie mark. It was there on his flank, for the world to see. In Equestria, it was the female line, not the male, that inherited. In a few years, the farm would pass from his care to its rightful owner- Applejack. That was what he worried about most, why he was forever half an apple.

Half an apple… whilst his place was on the farm, in the same orchards he had grown up in, providence had marked him as only half an apple. The mark on his flank was cryptically telling him only half his due was to the land, to Applejack's birthright. He had wondered, since he was a colt, what this could mean for him.

“So that’s why you’re having Applejack learn about the books and stuff? So she can take over?”


“wow, just…wow...”

After that the pair had continued in silence for quite some time. Night slowly fell, and eventually, they reached the boarders of Ponyville. The town was quiet, the streetlamps bright, along with a single light left on in the Carousel Boutique. Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash headed over to the shop, ready to complete their long journey at last.

What Next?

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Years later, when Rarity told the story to her children, she resolved, some details would best be omitted to preserve the spirit of the gesture. Future generations, she decided could do without knowing that her coltfriend had stumbled through her door in the middle of the night, covered in dust and mud from the road. They didn’t need to know that he was exhausted nearly to the point of being incomprehensible, or that he had near galloped up to her, staining her pristine coat with his filthy hooves. No she decided, all that need be recounted was the words he had whispered so gently to her as he held her in his hooves.

“Rarity, would you make me the happiest colt alive and well, marry me?”

For once, there was no fainting couch to catch her.

As she came to, she first resolved a familiar red blur standing over her. An even more recognisable bundle of coulor was floating just behind him. The second blur spoke to the first.

“Way to go big guy, you went broke her”

“s’pose I was a bit hasty… wait, look, she’s comin’ round”

“If you’re going to ask again, try to catch her this time, ok?”


Rarity remembered. She felt giddy again. It was all so sudden. What if it didn’t work out? Didn’t he understand the risk he was taking? As she looked up at the colt- no, the stallion- standing over her, she understood. She never wanted to be apart from him again. He felt the same. Surely that was more than enough? She sat up, slowly, looking deep into the eyes of the stallion before her. She could see none of the doubt, none of the insecurity she remembered from before. There was a colt who knew what he was doing.

“Rainbow , darling, could I be alone with Big Macintosh for a while?”

“Shure thing rare. Se ya tomorrow” Rainbow Dash, not usually one for subtly, nonetheless complied with this request. She shut the door quietly behind her as she walked out.

As the two were left alone in the shop, Rarity moved closer to her stallion. She could feel his heavy breath on her neck as she paused, her lips a millimetre from his ear.

“You do realise I’m going to have my conditions, don’t you darling?”

She had made up her mind the minute he asked, she realised. Not that she had any intention of making it easy for him.

“conditions? What kind of conditions?” asked a bemused big Macintosh, clearly fearing the worst.

Well Darling, rest assured, I have every intention of accepting your request. But I do have a few things I am concerned about. First of all, something needs to be done with that mane of yours. It’s all very well combing it down, but I have something less... rustic in mind. And those fetlocks simply will not do….”

As she lost herself in a litany of improvements, she felt herself relax. A little polish, a little care, she considered and she would have her prince.

Blueblood examined the interior of what he had initially believed to be a tree, beginning to doubt his plan. Perhaps busting through the door of one Twilight Sparkle- or that ‘dammed apprentice’ as the other nobles insisted on calling her- was not the best idea. Finding himself marooned in Ponyville for the night by the vagaries the Equestrian railway timetable, he had recalled that Twilight had some secret means of communication with the palace back In Canterlot. Seeing a means of getting home, he had harnessed some of his indignation from his earlier meeting with Applejack, and burst into Ponyville Library demanding use of her magic mailbox or whatever. Not his finest move ever, he reflected.

It was impossible to grow up in Cantelot castle and not know Twilight. Perhaps he had not been the kindest to the little unicorn filly growing up- water under the bridge though right? She evidently didn’t agree.

“so stop me if I’m wrong, but you, prince of Equestria, thought it would be a good idea to just burst in here, in the middle of the night and let me get this right- send a letter for you!?!”

“err…right?” blueblood suspected even his most charming smile might be somewhat inadequate, given that the was currently held suspended upside-down by the purple filly’s magic. No harm in trying though. The personal student of Celestica regarded him for a moment, before beginning to pace the floor of her library home.

“Spike, take a letter”

Her absurd little pet waddled over equipped with pen and paper. He remembered the baby dragon from Canterlot. Someone else not pleased to see him by the look of things.

“Dear Princess Celestica….”

“NO! Please, anything but that, I’ll do anything! Please… don’t tell auntie…”

Twilight was looking at him with an undeniable air of smugness about her. Damn that mare…

“Well played Sparkle. Fine you got me. What do you want?”

"Hmm, well. Let’s start with an explanation shall we? Like why Prince Blueblood is in Ponyville when he should be doing, well, you know, like royal stuff or something?”

“Royal stuff?” he repeated, smiling. Such a way with words this one.

“You know what I mean. Now talk! I have a Spike and I’m not afraid to use him.” she proclaimed, gesturing to the still vaguely hostile looking dragon poised with parchment in the corner. She loosened her magic hold on his ankles, causing the prince to be somewhat unceremoniously reunited with the ground.

He quickly regained his composure, righting himself. “Very well, you have me at a disadvantage, Miss Sparkle- but none of this leaves this room, alright?”

She paused a moment, seemingly weighing the concepts merits. “Done. Trust is important. It says so in my reports!”

“Good. Can you vouch for the dragon?”

“Yes. Spike can keep a secret.”

Blueblood remembered that discussing his little problem with Big Macintosh had proved a somewhat cathartic experience and, he and Twilight where technically old acquaintances-though the nobility’s apparent distain for the princesses common student prevented them from being friends, or close even. Still, in the spirit of being a better pony…

“Can’t this wait till morning?” the dragon asked, imploringly.

Bless that dragon. The chubby little thing was clearly was as tired as he was. Blueblood yawned dramatically to add his own credence to the dragons idea.

“Fine” Twilight indulged the dragon. She looked over to Blueblood. “You can sleep on the couch. It wouldn’t be smart to try and leave”

Slumming it… Mr Macintosh would be impressed!

“Very well. Sleep well Twilight Sparkle”

Not exactly what he would have chosen but he had a bed for the night. As the prince drifted off, his tired mind began to debate the wisdom in keeping a dragon in a library made of wood… maybe he would ask Twilight in the morning.


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He eventually arose with the reluctance of pony used to being woken well past what could be considered a practical time. His already poor mood as not helped along by the pain in his back- the prince was not accustomed to sleeping on couches, and had woken in the night, more than once to find himself in agony. Still, it wasn’t too bad, given the circumstances; he had actually gotten off rather lightly considering his un-gentlecolty behaviour last night. He made a mental note to apologise to Twilight before she began her inevitable interrogation.

“Twilight you awake?”

No answer from upstairs. She must have gone out for the morning, the prince decided. No matter.

Making himself at home, the prince headed to the kitchen, helping himself to a portion of oats from the cupboard. Simple fare, but it would serve nonetheless. He returned to the main atrium of the library to eat his meal, whilst awaiting the librarian’s return. As he chewed down the basic breakfast, he wondered if he should have just assumed that Twilight wouldn’t mind him helping himself to her food. Surely not, he decided.

“You’re awake? Good.” The librarian had entered by the front door; clearly she had been up for some time already. Blueblood stood up, so as to properly greet his gracious host.

“Ah, Miss Sparkle, good morning.”

The unicorn did not respond to the Princes greeting, being engrossed as she was by the newspaper she had magically suspended mere inches from her nose.

“Ahem, miss Sparkle….”.

“Hmm?” the young mare looked up from her scroll, apparently remembering she was not in fact alone in her library.

“ I was wondering if you had given any thought as to, well, letting me go back to Canterlot, perhaps?”


Yes, miss Sparkle. I need to return, to re-evaluate my position so to speak... Besides, have come to understand the value of a more subtle approach when it comes to romance. When one sends a letter, the response is rarely as….physical, don’t you think?”


“Never mind” Blueblood was beginning to believe that Twilight had no suspicions as to what he was actually doing in Ponyville- or if she did, she was keeping quiet about it.

“Anyway, I think I worked out what you’re doing in Ponyville, and what you were doing at Sweet Apple Acres last night” at that, she levitated the newspaper before her over to Blueblood.


Prince and unknown accomplice (left) almost destroy Caterlot! National outrage!

Even as a member of the royal household, it wasn’t every day you saw yourself on the front page of a national newspaper. As for his ‘Unknown Accomplice’….

“Does Big Macintosh Know?”

“Not yet. Applejack is looking for him though. Don’t think I would want to be in his shoes when she caches up.” Twilight retired the paper form Blueblood. “Never would have though he had it in him. You’re a bad influence, Prince Blueblood”

“Me?” the prince was shocked at the idea to say the least. “I’ll have you know it was all his idea.”, he said, though far louder than he intended.

“I find it hard to believe that… well anyway I don’t think you can go back to Canterlot until this little situation has resolved itself. Oh and Blueblood…”


“I’m sorry Applejack didn’t like your flowers”

“Wait- How did you!?!” the now mortified prince was at a loss as to how she could have figured out his intentions so fast.

“She’s like one of my closest friends. The whole Elements of Harmony thing? Anyway she’s more of a… well, a practical pony. Next time how about you try a little explanation before the romantic gesture?” twilight smiled at the Prince, and not unkindly. If her studies in friendship had taught her anything, it was that most ponies were good at heart- and no doubt even a pony as seemingly callous as Blueblood had something in him worthy of redemption.

“I’ll certainly keep that in mind. Thank you, Twilight Sparkle- I mean for everything. If it wasn’t for you, I would probably be on the streets of Ponyville right now.”

Twilight realised that perhaps she was seeing something of a new Blueblood peeking out from behind a lifetime of pomp and arrogance. Blueblood, she knew, was perhaps only a little older than her, and like twilight, he had spent his formative years in Caterlot Castle. It was an unusual way to grow up, isolated from other foals and surrounded by important ponies. There’s probably a letter to the princess in here somewhere, thought Twilight, something about a generation of poorly adjusted nobleponies…..

Big Macintosh was looking down at the paper before him, entirely focused on the single page in front of him. He had read the traitorous document through no less than three times already. It was all there. His picture, looking the worse for wear with Prince Blueblood. Eyewitness accounts who had apparently seen himself and the prince breaking every law of common decency. There could be no doubt.

“You quite finished there sugarcube?”

Big Macintosh looked up from the paper slowly, eyes fixing on his clearly enraged sister. A few minutes ago, she had come bursting through the door of the Carousel Boutique, demanding that Big Macintosh explain himself. Rarity had assumed big Macintosh spending the night had caused some upset on the farm. It quickly became apparent, however, that Applejack had an entirely different axe to grind. When she had busted through the door, Rarity and Big Macintosh had been sat together in the shop, blissfully enjoying their recent reunion.

“Blueblood? Really? Don’t you remember wut he done said about our apples? And what he did to Rarity? How could you Big Mac?”

The workhorse deliberated for a moment “Good to see you got your priorities straight there sis” Macintosh replied, chuckling. Bluey’s alright by the way, you jus’ need ta get to know him.”

“so you two friends or somthin’? That way he came by the farm yesterday?


“That all you goin’ ta say”

“Eeyup. Rarity here’s invited me to stay for breakfast, and I don’t rightly intend to leave a lady hangin’” Big Macintosh nodded towards Rarity, who was still sat, now blushing, beside him.

Perhaps if she was in a better mood, Applejack would have apologised for all the torment she had caused the couple over the last few days, but she had work to do.

“Well, chances are Bluebloods still over at Twilight’s, so I’m gonna go give him a piece’o’my mind for corruptin’ my big Brother.” Applejack turned and left, clearly still raging.

As she left, Rarity turned to her coltfriend next to her;

“Darling, do you think she’s figured it out yet?”

“y’mean that Bluebloods Sweet on her? Eenope”


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“Eeeh-up…..no, no wait… Eee-yuup

Being a Prince had required Blueblood to perfect a vast number of what could have been considered useless skills. Nobility required a certain grasp of the anachronistic and obsolescent, traditions maintained for the sake of being maintained. Still, for all the etiquette lessons that had been instilled in him since foal hood, of all the pointless rituals he had memorised, he had never felt quite as ridiculous as he did in this moment.

“Wait, I can get this, let me try again, ahem

Something just wasn’t clicking, the Prince forced himself to acknowledge. There was something off, and the pony looking back from the mirror he was using to practice wasn’t exactly helping; something seemed, well, less than authentic that he just couldn’t put his hoof on. To the casual observer however, Prince Blueblood now looked every inch the cowpony. He had somehow managed to procure a rather handsome cowboy hat, suitably enlarged to cover his horn. In place of his usual formal neckwear, he wore a particularly obnoxious bolo tie, of the kind only a frontier earth pony might consider stylish. The outfit was finished off with a fetching moustache provide courtesy of one Twilight Sparkle. Given his impressive size, he perhaps could have passed for a wealth earth pony farmer. In poor light. If he kept his mouth closed.

“No that not right at all. You need to roll the syllables together more. Keep trying”

The very same, purple, frighteningly powerful, annoyingly chipper unicorn was sat just behind him, weighing in with yet another suggestion. The transformation had, for the most part, been her idea; first of all, it would better protect him from the prying eyes of the media whilst he was in Ponyville, though it was her second reason that convinced him. The way Twilight had explained it, Applejack was guaranteed to find his new outfit fetching. Bemoaning his lot in falling for a mare who admired bolo ties, he nonetheless submitted to the transformation, though he still couldn’t affect the peculiar drawl the farming clan spoke in. years of elocution lessons where not easily overcome, apparently.

“ahem.. Eeyup..”

Nailed it.

Before Blueblood could bask in his mastery of the Apple dialect, his little practice session was rudely interrupted.

“TWILIIGHT” somepony shouted from outside, disturbing his moment of success.

He recognised that voice. It could only be…

“Applejack?” Twilight spoke, as much to herself as Blueblood “the girls aren’t supposed to be here until later. I wonder why she’s here” Twilight mused, making her way towards the door.

“Oh, do invite her in” Blueblood suggested, just loud enough for his vouce to carry outside the library “she probably wants to finish me off or something.. Very well. If I must die, let it be at the hands of a beautiful mare WHO CLEARLY CANNOT KEEP HER HOOVES OFF ME”

Appejack’s incredulous snort of a response could clearly be heard from inside the library. Blueblood, considering the situation, thought it wise to take cover behind a conveniently placed wooden carving in the centre of the library.

The door opened.

“You no good, hoity toity…. Wait” Applejacks tirade derailed as she caught sight of the prince. “Twilight… wut you gone done to the Prince”

The unicorn piped, up, sounding unaccountably proud “Oh! It’s a disguise, duh. The prince needs to lay low for a while, and what it this being an earth pony town and all… Why, don't you like it?

“He looks ridiculous Twi” Applejacks rage had now faded to confusion, confronted as she was by the altered Blueblood.

“I am stood right here you know…” Blueblood stood up abandoning his defensible position.

“Blueblood, go and wait upstairs me and Applejack need to talk” Twilight looked at the Prince, making clear it wasn’t a suggestion.

Blueblood had been waiting in Twilight’s room for about half an hour when both Mares entered. Applejack came first, with Twilight just behind, hopefully prepared to restrain the farmer. Applejack spoke up, apparently of her own accord.

Look, I feel bad about hittin’ ya yesterday. I aint’ usually like that, its jus’ I dont like ponys who hurt my friends. Though seein’ how Rarity managed to get over it, s’pose I can too. And as for gettin’ Big Mac drunk, well, I think that’s probably more his fault than yours” Applejack paused, letting the words sink in. “what I’m trying to say is, well, how about a fresh start pard’ner?”

Blueblood edged forward, cautious at first, before taking the offered hoof eagerly “Great. You know, Miss Applejack, I really would like to get to know you better. Perhaps over some of those delightful apple fritters of yours?” Blueblood accentuated his proposal with his most charming smile.

Applejack seemed to weigh the merits of what blueblood was asking. She was a fundamentally good pony, and being the element of honesty, could detect something genuine in the Princes proposal. Surely she would just as bad if she rejected the Prince out of hand, as bad as those nobles in Canterlot….. she wasn't going to make it easy though....

“ Youre gonna have to prove yourself before you go cortin me mind, Apple family style. Be at the farm tomorrow, sunrise. Don’t be late.

Blueblood nodded frantically, too overcome for words.

“Oh and one more thing. Keep the hat. ..Kinda suits you- not sure about the moustache though.” with that Applejack walked out of the library, leaving an ecstatic Blueblood in her wake.