> Shockwave > by Angels > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 My name is Shockwave. I'm tall for a Pegasus, about four and a half feet tall. Tall in general, I guess. I keep to myself mostly. With a job like mine, true friends don't come that often. I DJ. Mainly I get hired for the little things. Birthdays, social events, and on occasion, in a nightclub. It's how I like it. The tall pony in the booth, playing the beats. I had just finished packing up after a great birthday mix. The tracks were all clean, due to the younger crowd. After checking with the hosts ( who said I did great), I headed out. Using my converted saddlebag, I was able to put just about all my gear into it. All but the sub. That stayed down on the ground. I soared upwards. *sigh* Back in my cloud house, I make a lunge for the wonderful, amazing, beautiful couch. I start a playlist of relaxed tracks, closing my eyes. Overall, I did pretty well today. Standing up, I put away my gear. I open my fridge, hunting for a snack. Sandwich and sarsaparilla. Mmm,mmm, good. After my feast, I head up to bed. My wonderful cloud bed. I brush my teeth, and step into my bedroom. But the cloud floor has other ideas. I go right through it, plummeting to the ground below. Surprised, I snap out my wings. Literally SNAP, as in I can feel them twisting behind me at an angle no wing should ever be at. I gasp in pain, still falling. Through my squinted eyes, I can see the ground. And it's different. Very different. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 As I tumble around and around, I catch glimpses of the ground. First of all, it's much darker. Last time I checked, my house was above Ponyville, and there were houses on the ground. Now it's just a big, blackish-blueish (and bumpyish) ...THING! There's no buildings, no roads, nothing! No, wait... Far below, there's a rectangle. It's mostly white, but I can see green as well. As I continue my descent, it turns out to be much larger. Bigger than an airship from Canterlot! And there are little things moving around on it! I really wanted to avoid dying, so I would have to land on it. Wincing in pain, I reach back and feel my wings. Well, there not broken, but this is still going to hurt. Slowly, I extend my wings and glide around in large circles. Looking down, some of the moving things start to look like monkeys. Weird. And they are all wearing clothes. Choosing a spot without any monkeys, I carefully glide to a stop. Now, where the hell am I? I look around. Well, those must be benches, and that's a door over there. I look over to the side, and gasp. Beyond a green railing, there's just an open space! A vast emptiness! I walk over to the edge. Woah! The ground is moving! I make it to the rail. Suddenly, I know where I am. The ocean. I didn't recognize it at first because the sun had gone down, but I was on a boat. A very big boat. Returning to the benches, I give my wings a once-over. Though they still hurt, I would be fine in a while. Picking a bench near the back, I climb up and close my eyes. The gentle rocking of the boat sends me into sleep. * * * My eyes open to glorious sunlight. Standing up, I yawn and stretch out my wings. Yep! All better! Now that the sun is up, I can really see things. And things look weird. It was like...like...like...rghhhh! I have no words for what everything looked like! It was kind of stretched, but also pushed, while being expanded AND sharpened all at once! I spun on the spot, looking around until I saw the ocean. And it was beautiful. Sparkling blue, cresting waves, and the sharp salty smell... "Umm...hello." Nearly jumping out of my coat, I turn to the bench up against mine. One of those monkeys is crouched there, looking at me very intently. "Are you real?" Ready to fly if I need to escape, I reply. "Yes? I am real." I really want to run, but at the same time, I feel like he won't hurt me. (I can tell its a He. I can just tell.) He looks at me in awe, then starts muttering to himself. "....real! But how....not one of the six, hmmm.....but why am I complaining?....." He turns to me. "Can I hug you?" "Uh, what?" Before I can stop him, he's vaulted over the bench and tackled me with his forelegs. I sigh. I had no idea what he was doing, but I went along with it. Besides, I had no idea where I was, so I might as well just go with the flow. After releasing me, he took a step back. "Hi! My name's Ethan! What's your name? You're a pony! How did you get here? My name's-" I cut him off. "Woah! Woah, slow down! Ok, nice to meet you Ethan. My name is Shockwave. Yes I am a pony. I have no idea how I got here. Where am I, anyway?" "You're on a ferry boat on its way to Seattle, in King County, in the state of Washington, in the United States of America, earth, the solar system, the Milky Way...and I think that just about covers it!" "Alright then. Can you give me a map to Equestria, please?" His face fell so hard I thought it would break. "Um...yeah, well...the thing is...Equestria...isn't supposed to be...real." "..." "And you...are a cartoon. Imaginary. Created by Laur-" his voice faded out as my brain took the day off. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 As the world came back into focus, I noticed I had been moved into a smaller, enclosed space. "Ugh...Where am I? What's going on?" Ethan's voice comes from the other side of a fabric wall. "We're in a car. It's like a carriage, but one that pulls itself. We're going to my apartment on capital hill." I look up, and there's a window above my head. I get up to peek over the edge. ZOOM! ZOOM! Colored things are flashing by at speeds to rival Rainbow Dash herself. "Ethan? Can you tel-" I am interrupted by him turning around and pushing my head down. "Are you crazy? What if someone sees you? Or worse, what if an over-enthusiastic brony sees you?" I lay back down. "What's a brony?" "Oh, shit." * * * We arrive at what Ethan calls his 'apartment'. The car goes below the ground, into a dark room with more cars. We stop in a white box, and Ethan opens my door. "C'mon. Lets hurry!" He leads me to a part of the wall with a split in the middle. Pressing an arrow causes the wall to open, revealing a small box. We step inside, the wall sealing up behind us. "Hold on." "Why?" I barely say this before the box shakes and I feel myself rising. After a moment, the shaking stops, and the wall opens. I stumble out into...a hallway? "Did we just teleport? Is that box magic?" Ethan just laughs. "No, it's an elevator! It goes up and down. C'mon!" We get to a door that has the numbers '183' in gold on it. After turning a little stick in the handle, he opens it. "Here we are! Room sweet room!" I enter, noticing the clutter everywhere. I hover to keep off of it. "Here...I'll just clear this off...there we go!" He grabs the wrappers covering the couch, and for the first time, I notice the little appendages on his hooves. He sees me staring. "There fingers. They're really useful." Sitting down, I start to relax just a little bit, before I remember what Ethan said before. "Ethan. Explain." Short and to the point. He sighs again. "I'm going to be honest here. Completely honest, alright?" I nod. "You are from the land of Equestria, which in this world, is fictional, and the inhabitants are shown in a form of entertainment called 'cartoons'." He pauses, and I interject. "Show me." He gets up, and after a moment, places a shiny disc into a box. A large, flat, black square lights up, and it shows ponies, mainly the elements of harmony. I recognize them from the 'Equestrian Gazette' article I saw a while back. And there's the princess! The last thing that showed was: My Little Pony, Frienship is Magic. I'm stunned. "But how? How do you know about us?" He shakes his head. "I don't know. The creator of the show is a woman named Lauren Faust. I could email her..." His voice trailed off as we both thought about things. But we were rudely interrupted by the door breaking and humans clad in black and helmets burst in. "Everybody down! Now!"