Help Me! My Parents Are Bronies!

by Enfield

First published

You think having a brony friend or sibling is embarrassing? Well guess what, my situation is a lot worse.

Hello there, Douglas O'Riley's my name and I am a proud Irishman. I'm fifteen years old and currently living near the border that separates the wonderful country of Ireland in half. For fifteen years I've lived in a tiny little village where not much happens and...and, ah forget it. I've really got to get this off my chest, about a year ago some TV show called "My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic" came out and I have to say that I like it. Sadly however my parents, Barry and Margret O'Riley, saw me watching it and thinking that it the next big thing for kids my age, decided to join the Brony community. Uhhhh. It's incredibly embarrassing I know but at least it can't get any worse...right? God help me.
Rated Teen for violence and language, in Irish slangs.

Five Pints Of Lager Didn't Help Me

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The calmness of the late and quiet night in the O'Riley household seem relaxing. For Barry O'Riley, it was just another night where he and his wife, Margret, could relax in front of the fire with the TV on and a small bottle of wine to share. Leaning back in his button back armchair Barry gave a sigh of pleasure and brought the glass of wine to his lips, he was about to take a sip when the climatic part of the show was starting. The two lovers had been re-united and were resting heads against one another, the love seemed to be real as all of the troubles were washed away. Barry and Margret gave a low "aww" as the two lovers purged the evil and set everything right. Nothing was spoiling this, nothing except...

"Oi! Turn that bloody TV down!" A yell came from up the stairs. Barry sighed and turned around and watched as his son descended the stairs.

"Evenin' Douglas," Barry said as he turned back to the TV, "Thought you were sleeping that hangover off."

"Yeah, I feckin' was until you turned that bloody TV up," Douglas said as he rubbed the side of his face, he saw what his parents were watching and he shook his head in disbelief. His mother saw him first and wondered what was up.


"You two are watching 'My Little Pony' again, this is the reason I have a hangover. Bloody talking ponies."

"You already told us what the problem was, your school friends were laughing at you and you wanted to get away from it."

"I wouldn't need to go to the bloody pub every day if you two would've kept this a secret," Douglas said, he then gave a sigh and walked over to his parents, "Mum, dad, I do love you but can you please put a stop to this nonsense? I'm getting sick of my pals making fun of me."

Barry stood up, put his arm around his son and sat him down on the couch.

"Okay, we'll promise that we shall no longer mention this show in public. I don't want you to be an outcast because of us, I'll make sure soon that we tell everyone that your mother and I have become bored of the show and we'll see if that fixes everything. If not, well, you'll think of something, you're smart."

Douglas smiled and hugged his dad.

"Thanks dad. I know that you didn't mean to bugger up my life."

"Hey, how's about we all watch one episode of My Little Pony, as a family."

"Um no, I'm going to try and sleep off this headache," Douglas said as he stood up.

"Come on, Douglas," Margret said, "Just one and I promise that you can go back to sleep."

"You two Pinkie Promise?" Douglas asked jokingly.

"Cross our hearts, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in our eyes," his parents chorused.

"I cannot believe they just said that," Douglas thought as he sat down next to his mother. He pulled his feet underneath him and leaned back, he wanted to get back to sleep but then again, he did want to spend more time with his parents and this was one of the few times he could. Douglas was glad that his parent's understanding was unlimited and he knew that they would give up watching My Little Pony but until that day came all he could do was try and get through the troubles that it brought. Douglas leaned back and watched the episode "Putting Your Hoof Down". As Iron Will was presenting his program Douglas was strongly reminded of his uncle Geoff. Barry's brother Geoff was a little bit patriotic, he has always wanted to live in a free Ireland and after a few pints and a talk with a few of his pub friends he had become a member of the IRA. Barry didn't like what Geoff had gotten himself into but he couldn't blame him, Geoff lived in the occupied part of Ireland and was eager to kick the British out. A few times Geoff had taken care of Douglas and he has told him of what life was like living in an occupied city, and just to show what life was like for him, Geoff had Douglas stay over at his house for three days. For those three days all Douglas would hear were sirens and the sounds of riots and he hated it. He could never sleep because he was scared stiff that soldiers would break into his uncle's house and haul him away, Douglas could still remember his uncle's words after he told him about his fear.

"It won't stop until they leave my boy, and they ain't gonna leave unless we make 'em leave."

"Isn't it a little extravagant that you're with these guys?" Douglas asked his uncle.

"No, I've always dream of a unified Ireland and I want to see it come true."

"But I don't want you to end up dead uncle Geoff."

"It's okay, the lads have me as a weapons technician."

"What's that?" Douglas asked with great curiosity.

"I just make stuff that blows up or fix any of the guns that come in for repairs," Geoff said proudly.

Pretty soon after that Douglas was taught how to make small scale explosives, useful for scaring away squirrels and cats that decided to try and sing at night. As a present for his birthday, Geoff got Douglas an air rifle made to look like an AR-15 rifle, the thing was that the air rifle was incredibly powerful and greatly modified. It had magazines, a compressed air canister and the ability to go fully automatic, something that Douglas really liked. But even then Douglas knew that his uncle wanted him to join the IRA and being level headed and smart, Douglas refused but generously accepted the gifts that Geoff gave him. Geoff understood and let Douglas live his life saying that if he did want to help then he was allowed to.

"Wasn't that a funny little episode?" Barry asked bringing back Douglas back to reality.

"Huh, oh yeah, it was okay," Douglas replied. He got up and stretched the stiffness from his legs and left his parents alone as he went upstairs to his bedroom. He rubbed his temples and went over to open his window, needing fresh air. He leaned against the window sill and looked out to the window, happy that he had been growing up in such a nice and peaceful part of Ireland but irritated because the stillness of the night was broken by the sound of six cats wailing on a fence.

"Dad! Those bloody cats are back again!"

"Shoot at them," Barry's voice drifted from downstairs. Douglas fetched his air rifle and loaded a few pellets into the magazine, he planned to shoot at the fence and scare the cats but as he was aiming the rifle his hands started to shake and the barrel started sway.

"Dad can you do this? I can't keep the gun steady."

The sound of footsteps and and opening door announced that Barry has come to his son's aide. He took the rifle and aimed it at the fence. Two shots and all the cats screeched in surprise and ran away, as Barry handed the rifle back to Douglas a neighbor leaned out of his window and gave a wave of thanks to Douglas and Barry. Barry left Douglas as he tucked his air rifle away under his bed and then pulled the covers back. As he lay down and tried to sleep he heard light knocking on the door.

"Remember to get your gear ready tomorrow Douglas," his mother said, "We've got that fancy dress party to go to."

"Shite," Douglas said under his breath.

Why Oh Why Did You Do That?

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Douglas was sleeping peacefully until the sunlight leaked through his curtains and shone through his eyes. Douglas tried to shield his eyes but gave up when the light became brighter.

"Come on son, you can't sleep the day away."

"Good morin' to you dad," Douglas said. Barry gave a small laugh.

"Very funny, get a shower and get yourself ready. Your mother's made you breakfast and we're going out shortly."

"How early is this party?"

"It's not how early it is, it's how far it is."

"How far is it?" Douglas asked.

"It's a three hour drive," Barry replied. Douglas gave a groan but went into the bathroom so he get himself cleaned up, once he was finished with his shower he found the costume he would be wearing. It wasn't much of a costume as it was just some clothing cobbled together. Douglas had found his dad's old camouflage hunting jacket and a ski mask from when he went to the alps. Combining that with a pair of jeans and a thick shirt he would pass as an IRA soldier, Douglas was only doing this a joke because Geoff was a part of the IRA and Douglas thought that it would be ironic.

"Douglas, breakfast!" Margret called from downstairs.

"Thank God, I'm starving," Douglas replied.

Douglas slid down the banister and ended up in the kitchen within seconds, Margret looked at him in amusement.

"You always like showing off," she said.

"What can I say? I'm not like the others."

Margret laughed a little and gave Douglas his breakfast of bacon and sausage. As he ate his father came downstairs, dressed in some sort of long looking brown coat with a striped suit underneath it. Douglas looked and tilted his head to one side.

"Are you going as the ninth doctor?" he asked.

"Nope, I'm going as Doctor Whooves," his dad replied. Douglas groaned a little.

"Come on dad, do you really need to do that?"

"Sorry son, if you let me to this once I'll never do it again."

Douglas nodded and allowed it to slide. As for his mother, she was just coming downstairs.

"Here I am!" she exclaimed. Douglas turned around and almost did a double-take. He tried to size up what his mother was wearing, it almost looked like she was dressed up as a witch who had just suffered a wardrobe malfunction. She was wearing a blue top, blue jeans, a blue cape that was covered in stars and a large pointy hat with matching colors and patterns.

"What are you wearing, mum?"

"What?" his mother replied in a snooty and cocky accent, "Do you not notice the great and powerful Trixie?"

"Oh-my-god," Douglas thought as he turned back to his breakfast.

"Do you not like the look of your mother as Trixie?" Margret asked.

"Please tell me that I'm still dreaming," Douglas said.

"Oh Douglas, don't be like that," Barry said, "We're only doing this for a bit of fun."

"I know, I know. Have you seen my ski mask, I really need to hide my shame."

"Just this once?" Margret asked Douglas turned around in his chair to face his parents, both of them smiling at him.

"Okay, but don't try to find me while we're there. Wait until we have to leave, I wouldn't be able to take the shame."

"Alright son," Barry said.

Three hours of dull and uneventful driving in Barry's Ford Sierra Cosworth, the O'Riley family made it to the party. Douglas screwed a red cap onto the end of his AR-15 air rifle so to not arouse suspicion, that particular rifle had been made illegal in Northern Ireland and Douglas didn't want to have it taken away. As Barry and Margret went to the front door, Douglas reached under the car seat and pulled out a few small items. The first was a small box containing five hundred pellets for the air rifle, Douglas only wanted them so he could shoot cans if he got bored. The second was a Swiss army knife that he liked to keep with him at all times. The third was a little unusual but Douglas had been keeping it near him, it was a first aid kit, ready for use in case Douglas accident;y shot either himself or someone else with the air rifle. He never dared to aim it at anyone but he kept it with him just in case. He then pulled his ski mask over his face and went to join his parents at the door. Barry knocked and was greeted by Mr. Finch, wearing a vampire costume.

"Oh for fecks sake," Douglas thought.

"Hellooo O'Riley family," Mr. Finch said.

"Hi there, we're ready for the party," Barry said.

"Okay then," Mr. Finch said, he then looked at Douglas and motioned him inside, "Ted's in the back."

"Thanks Mr Finch," Douglas said. Ted was one of his last few friends that stuck with him after Barry and Margret became bronies. Ted liked Douglas for who he was, not what his parents had become. As he made his way through the crowds, Douglas ran into Ted, who was dressed as a Black Ops sniper.

"Howaya Douglas?" Ted asked.

"Alright I guess," Douglas replied as he nervously looked around. Ted picked up on what he was doing.

"Don't worry, those guys aren't here to make fun of you. I made sure of that."

"Thanks Ted. I'm real lucky to have a mate like you."

"Hey, we're pals and we both look out for each other."

Some laughter came from behind them. Douglas and Ted span around to see Margret with her friends, showing off her Trixie impressions.

"I need a drink," Douglas said.

"Follow me, I've got some stout in the backyard," Ted replied, just as embarrassed as Douglas. The two were glad to get outside, Ted pulled a small crate of stout from under a table and gave a can to Douglas who opened it and drank some.

"I can't believe they did that," Douglas said.

"You steaming already?" Ted asked as he opened his can.

"No, it's just my parents. They promised to put a stop to being bronies and yet they turn up as Doctor Whooves and feckin' Trixie."

"Is that who your dad's supposed to be?"

"Yes and it's really starting to annoy me."

Ted took a few of the cans and placed them on a few fence posts and got Douglas' attention.

"Shoot 'em, take your mind of everything."

"You really know how to make things better," Douglas said as he loaded his air rifle and took the cap off it.

For the next hour Douglas and Ted spent their time shooting at cans, bottles, boxes and fruits in order to get away from the boredom of the party. Pretty soon, the pellets had been used up and the targets were destroyed. Douglas and Ted laughed once they saw the state of the grapefruit after it had been shot several times, nothing was left. Suddenly, a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder broke the peaceful afternoon.

"Bloody hell that was loud," Ted said as he rubbed his ears. Douglas looked towards the sky witha grim expression.

"I've never seen a storm like that before."

Ted looked up as well and saw what Douglas meant. The clouds were swirling around and were slowly changing to a sickly green color. Ted became agape at what he saw.

"What the hell is that?" he asked.

"Don't know but I'm not sticking around," Douglas replied. He turned around and saw the party guests all gathered up at the doors and windows, looking up at the clouds. Douglas grabbed his rifle and held it in his hand.

"You leaving?" Ted asked. Douglas put a hand on his shoulder.

"As much as I don't want to leave I feel as if I should. You might want to get inside."

Douglas ran back into the house to find his parents, he found them by the upstairs window with Mrs. Finch.

"Mum, dad, we need to go, now," he said.

"I've lived in Ireland for twenty years and I've never seen a storm like that before," Barry said.

"Looks like a tornado is about to touch down," Margret said.

"Then we're out of here," Barry said as he led his wife and son downstairs.

"You afraid of storms?" Mrs. Finch asked.

"No, it's that we don't like the look of this one," Barry replied. Douglas was already a step ahead of Barry and he ran to the car, his parents were there a few seconds later and they had unlocked the car and piled in. As Barry started the Cosworth Douglas leaned over the seat.

"Ever outran a storm before, dad?"

"No, this'll be a first."

"Just be careful."

"I will, just belt yourself in and hold on."

The Calm During The Storm

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"Wow! Did you see that?" Douglas said as a blot of lightning flashed across the sky.

"No, I'm trying to see through the rain," his dad replied.

"It's coming down much harder than it was earlier," Margret said. Douglas leaned back in his seat and unloaded his air rifle, not too pleased that he had to leave the party early. His concentration was momentarily broken when lightning struck a tree nearby. Douglas watched as the tree burst into flames and slowly die in the rain.

"Something doesn't feel right about this storm," he said.

"You're telling me," Barry said.

"I know how we can forget about it," Margret said, "Why don't we sing?"

"No," Douglas said sharply.

"Ignore him, hon," Barry said, "Any ideas?"

"Why not the theme song for My Little Pony?" Margret said.

"How drunk are you?" Douglas asked. He was ignored.

"Sound good to me," Barry said.

"Don't, please don't," Douglas thought, but it was too late.

The entire fiasco lasted for in total of three minutes but to Douglas it felt as if it lasted for an hour.

"I used to know what friendship could be, please God will you kill me?"

"Bleedin' hell, I've never seen lighting like that before," Margret said. Douglas looked outside and saw that the lightning had become green and each lighting bolt distorted the air around it.

"What the hell?" Douglas said. Suddenly a blot of lightning struck the middle of the road, sending Barry skidding off the road, through a bush and off a ravine. The last thing that crossed Douglas' mind was what a ravine was doing behind a bush.

"Douglas? Douglas!"

"Wha?" Douglas said weakly, some distance voice was calling him but he couldn't figure out who it was. He tried to move but found himself on the ground, weak and dizzy, he tried to sit up or at least roll over.

"Douglas!" a relived voice came.

"Dad?" Douglas said. Within seconds his dad was next to him and trying to roll him over.

"Easy now, don't want you to get anymore hurt."

"What happened?"

"I don't know but that's not important," Barry said, he then turned to Margret, "Can you get a reception, we need to call for help."

"I've still don't have any bars around here," Margret said irritably.

"I'm okay, just knocked around a little," Douglas said.

"You're bleeding from your head a little," Barry said. Douglas touched a gash on his head and felt blood trickle down his finger.

"I'll be okay. I've got a first aid kit."

"The one from the car?"

"No, the one I keep with me."

Barry sat back as Douglas brought the first aid kit out and handed it to him, Barry couldn't stop feeling guilty about this happening even though he knew that it wasn't his fault. As he stuck a bandage to Douglas' head Douglas could see the guilt in his dad's face.

"You don't have to blame yourself," he said.

"I know," Barry replied.

"What did happen?" Douglas asked.

"Green lightning hit us, didn't you see it?"

"Green...lightning?" Douglas asked, he then went from confused to angry, "The feckin leprechauns!"

"What?" Barry asked but Douglas .

"Those little shits are at it again! Trying to ruin my life, it's all they've been doing!"

"You should calm down a little, you might have hit your head a little." Barry said. Douglas sighed and retrieved his air rife from the wreckage of the car.

"I'm going to get help, no point in sitting around waiting for it to come."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" his mother asked.

"If one of us doesn't so something then we'll end up dying, I'll go since I've got some stuff to keep me going."

"Just be back soon, it's staring to get around, around...wherever we are," Barry said.

"Is it me or does it seem warmer?" Margret asked. Douglas nodded his head and left in the direction that seemed to have some sort of path.

"I hope that I can get help soon," Douglas said to himself.

Douglas wandered around for some time until he found a tree to rest under while he tried to get his bearings. There wasn't a single definitive landmark around for miles, all there was were trees and bushes. Douglas began to think that finding any sort of help was futile and that he should make his way back to the car so that he and his parents could form a plan of action that would increase their chances of survival. As he turned around he realized something, he had no idea which way the car was. Darkness had fallen and all Douglas was able to see was the outlines of vegetation and the stars. He cursed himself for not laying a breadcrumb trail back to the car and more importantly, his parents. But he had to find shelter for the night, his parents could survive until morning, what did bring Douglas comfort was the abundance of apple trees. He knew that his mother and father could last on those until he got back, hopefully with a rabbit or two. He Douglas was too busy thinking about his parents he tripped up on a tree stump.

"Ow! Shite!" he said as he picked himself off. He dusted himself off and then his eyes fell upon something unusual that was attached to a tree.

"What the bloody hell is a tree doing with a ramp on it?" he thought. He looked up and saw what looked like a tree house sitting above him. Douglas thought that it was abandoned but it looked in too good condition for it to be abandoned. Forgetting about his parents, he walked up the ramp and peered inside the window. The moonlight helped him see inside, it was empty aside from some furniture and some unlit lamps. Douglas went to the door and checked to see if it was locked, he tried to twist the doorknob but it refused to turn. Not wanting to give up so easily Douglas took out his Swiss army knife and pulled what looked like a small spike out of the side and he opened up another tool, Douglas didn't know what it was called but it was long and thin so it fitted into the keyhole easily. He struggled to get all the tumblers but a springing sound and click followed and he was able to open the door. He put away his Swiss army knife and raised his air rifle, ready in case something was inside. Douglas relaxed and lowered the gun once he determined the tree house safe. He looked around to check out what was inside the tree house, there wasn't much to keep track of except for what appeared to be a map drawn by a child. Douglas took it off the wall, read it and then rolled it up and stuffed it into the back of his jacket. Douglas didn't know how late it was but he needed sleep and daylight is he was to find his parents and bring them here, it pained him when he thought of his mother and father sleeping in a car for the night but he would try to return to them at some point just to show that he was alive and to bring them to the tree house. But now, Douglas needed a place to sleep, and while looking around he saw an entrance to an attic.

"That'll do," he thought as he looked for a way up. He found something to stand on and he hoisted himself through the hole. The attic was incredibly dark and Douglas didn't have a flashlight, he crawled around on the floor of the attic looking for anything at this point. He recoiled in surprise when he plunged his hand into something that he never expected.


He pulled out a handful of what was hay and tried to examine it, it was hay and it would do for making a bed. Douglas felt around a little more and he found a rough blanket to rest on the hay, he smoothed it out into a semi comfortable bed and tried to load his air rifle. Once he was confident that the magazine had been loaded and the air canister checked, Douglas pulled his mask over his face and lay down to try and sleep. He didn't like having to try and rest instead of finding his parents but he could never last forever in the forest and since it was night, who knows what might happen to him. Douglas drifted off into a troubled sleep his hand closed around his rifle, he hoped that nothing would surprise him while he slept.

Am I Dead Or Am I Drunk?

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"Ah'm so pleased to see ya again Babs," a distant and muffled voice said.

"Who?" Douglas asked sleepily, "Ah feck don't tell me that those little kids from down the street are at my house."

Douglas rolled over and almost stuck the front sights into his eye, he bolted awake after that. Clutching his eye and hissing in pain Douglas tried to focus on the voices.

"It's really neat to see you again Babs, how's it going in Manehatten?" another voice asked.

"I've gotten a few more members for the club," a third voice said, Douglas inched closer to the opening in the ceiling, "We've gone from three to six members in just two days."

"Wow! That's great!" a forth voice said.

"I know, we've got a lot more blank flanks in Manehatten," the third voice said.

"Hey, who been messin' with the door?" the first voice said.

"What's up?" the second voice asked.

"It's unlocked."

"Ah crap I forgot about that," Douglas thought.

"Wait, what if there's something in there?" the forth voice asked fearfully.

"Come on Sweets, I don't think that there's anything in there," the second voice said.

"And if there is, we can take it!" the third voice said.

"Yeah!" they all said together.

Douglas watched as the door opened and four shadows low to the ground entered, Douglas had to focus a little because of the sudden change in light.

"Holy feck," he whispered. The four shadows where little horses, each one with a different and unusual appearance. Douglas examined each one and noted what they looked like. One was a light yellow color with a red mane and tail, the creature had a large red bow in it's mane which Douglas thought was a bit unusual. The second was a bright orange with a messy purple mane and tail, this horse had something on its sides but Douglas couldn't tell what it was. The third was a dull shade of brown with a very flat mane that covered the side of its head and a short and ragged tail, both of which were pink colored. The forth was white with a very curly mane and tail, but what made Douglas even more confused was how it was colored; it was a light pink and purple and the colors were almost blended into one another.

"Hey! Somepony stole my map!" the bright orange filly said. Douglas had come to the conclusion that the little horses were fillies because of their size and the sounds of their voices. Douglas was beginning to question what was going on. Talking horses. Where was he?

"Yeah, I'd bet all my bits that it was those two troublemakers," the orange filly said.

"Why can't they leave us alone?" the white filly asked.

"How long have you been dealing with those guys?" the brown filly asked.

"Too long," the yellow filly said, "Ah'm so mad right now I could just buck something."

And with that the filly kicked the wall with its back legs making the whole tree house shake. Douglas lost his balance on the edge of the hole in the ceiling and fell out face first, he landed with a nasty crunch and he lay there for a second as the four fillies stared at him.

"Ow! That feckin' hurt!" Douglas said as he pushed himself up. He looked up and saw the four fillies staring at him.

"It can talk," the white filly whispered.

"Of course I can bloody talk," Douglas said sarcastically, "I can do a little jig as well but I'm not going to."

"Ah knew that there was something in here!" the orange filly exclaimed.

"Let's get it!" the brown filly said.

"Shite," Douglas breathed as the four slowly converged on him. He crawled backwards and his hand came to rest on his air rifle, he grabbed it and fired a burst of pellets over the fillies heads, making them duck. They stared at him for a few minutes, scared about the strange object that he had in his hands.

"W-w-what is that?" the white filly asked.

"Ah, no longer trying to see if you're better than me in a scrap?" Douglas asked.

"Hey! You leave my friends alone you...thing," the brown filly said. Douglas cocked his head to one side and then chuckled.

"You're a feisty one, aren't ya? I like that."

"You're not here to hurt us are you?"

"Hurt you? No, not unless you want to hurt me."

"How come you can talk?" the bright orange filly asked.

"I've always been able to talk," Douglas replied as he stood up, the four fillies backed away.

"So, you won't hurt us?" the yellow filly asked Douglas.

"No, but I want to know this; how come you can talk? All of you."

"Same as you, we've been able to talk for years," the white filly said.

"No way you can talk," Douglas said as he picked up the white filly.

"Hey! Put me down!" she protested.

"I'm just gonna find out how you can talk, you might be robots or cyborgs. There has to be a switch on your neck or a battery panel on you stomach."

Douglas held the filly with one arm as he prodded her stomach and felt around her neck with his free hand.

"S-s-stoppp ittt," the filly giggled, "That t-t-t-tickles!"

"You must a cyborg if you can feel that," Douglas said, he then saw something hidden in the mane of the filly, "Hello what's this?"

"That's my horn," the filly said. Douglas moved the mane back so he could get a better look.

"So is it a sort of plug or something?"

"No, it's for spells. Well, for unicorns who can do magic."

Douglas froze and looked at the filly.

"Hold on, did you say 'unicorns' and 'magic'?"

The filly nodded. Douglas set the filly down and felt his neck for his pulse. He could feel his heartbeat so he ruled out that he was dead.

"Unicorns and magic?" he said, "Where the bloody feck am I?"

"You don't know where you are?" the bright orange filly asked.

"All I've gathered is that I'm in a tree house with talking horses and a fecking unicorn."

"Hey, I'm not a horse. I'm a pegasus!"

The filly then showed Douglas that she had wings. Douglas knelt down nest to the filly and started feeling for a hinge of sorts.

"Whoever built you was a bloody genius," he said as he felt around the filly's wings. The filly gave a sigh of what sounded like relief and leaned into Douglas.

"That feels so good," she said.


"Keep rubbing my wings, that feels so nice."

"Um, no. That's kind of weird."

"Aw, please?"

"You don't even know me."

"He's right Scoots," the yellow filly said, "We should at least tell it our names."

"Hey, I'm a 'he' and I have a name. But you tell me you names first."

"Ah'm Apple Bloom," the yellow filly said.

"My name's Babs Seed," the brown filly said.

"I'm Scootaloo," the pegasus said.

"And I'm Sweetie Belle," the unicorn said. Douglas was taken aback by their names.

"I'm, uh...Douglas. Douglas O'Riley."

"Nice to meet ya Douglas!" Apple Bloom said as he held out her hoof, Douglas slowly took it and shook, unsure about what was going on.

"What's up with what your coat? It's all dirty." Scootaloo said, referring to Douglas' camo jacket.

"It's meant to look like this."

"What about the thing on your face?" Babs asked. She then blew her mane out of her eyes.

"My ski mask?" Douglas said as he rolled it up onto his head, "I almost forgot about that."

"What's that weird thing that you have?" Sweetie Belle asked as she looked at the air rifle.

"It's just an air rifle," Douglas said, "It's a little weird on how loud it is."

"Ah know, it almost made me as deaf as Granny Smith," Apple Bloom said. The fillies giggled but Douglas scratched his head in confusion. He had no idea what was going on nor who Apple Bloom was referring to. Better still was what was up with their names. He chose to ignore it in case he offended the fillies, they could be his only ticket home.

"Hey!" Babs said, "I've got an idea. Why don't we keep him?"

"As a pet?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah," Apple Bloom said, "He can help us out Crusading. You are a blank flank aren't you?"

"What's that?" Douglas asked.

"Where can we keep him?" Scootaloo asked.

"Ah know, we can keep him in the barn!" Apple Bloom said.

"We should ask Applejack first," Sweetie Belle said.

"Sweetie's right, how are we gonna explain that we have a pet thing in the barn if we don't?" Babs said.

"I'm a human," Douglas said.

"Come on Douglas," Apple Bloom said, "We gotta go see Applejack!"

"Who that? Is that the name of the fecking apple thing that keeps fighting the cinnamon stick?" Douglas said.

"What?" Scootaloo asked.

"Just a cereal brand, that doesn't even taste like fecking apples!"

Several minutes and about a hundred questions later, Douglas and the fillies arrived at a large farmhouse. Apple Bloom took the lead and entered the house.

"Applejack? Bic Mac? Granny Smith?"

"Who?" Douglas asked.

"Mah family," Apple Bloom said, "They should be around here somewhere."

"Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith," Douglas though, "They're named after cereal, cheeseburger and an apple. Hmmm, I could go for a cheeseburger right now."

Apple Bloom stuck her head around a corner and started talking.

"Bic Mac, have you seen Applejack?"

"In the kitchen," came the reply. Apple Bloom motioned for Douglas and her friends to follow, as they passed the room where Apple Bloom was talking into, Douglas gave the red stallion inside it a friendly wave. The stallion didn't even look up. Douglas then followed Apple Bloom into the kitchen where a light orange horse was washing dishes. Douglas was beginning to feel uneasy.

"Hey Applejack, can we get another pet?"

"Ain't Winona enough?" the orange mare said, not turning around. Douglas slid his mask over his face, an evil idea forming in his head.

"But you've gotta let us!" Scootaloo said, "It's so cool."

"What is?"

"Aren't you going to see it?" Sweetie Belle asked. The orange mare didn't even address her. Douglas crept up on the unsuspecting horse and held the barrel of the air rifle over her head. He gave a mischievous glance to the fillies and then fired. The sound of the shot echoed through the house.

"What the hay?!" the mare shouted as she dove under the sink. She kept hidden in the cupboard until she worked up the courage to see what had made the noise. She looked up and saw Douglas as he lifted up his mask and waved at her.

"Hope I didn't scare ya too much," Douglas said. The mare didn't respond, she span around and gave Douglas a powerful kick to his groin. Douglas swayed and then fell to the floor.

"Right in my feckin' tackle!"

"Big Mac!" Get in here!"

Douglas felt himself being lifted up by the back of his jacket by a strong force but he was in too much pain to fight back.

"Applejack! Don't hurt him." Apple Bloom said.

"What was that he did?" the mare said. Douglas now concluded that she was truly Applejack.

"Sod that," Douglas groaned, "You've now gone and turned me into a bloody woman."

"Answer mah question, freak," Applejack said, "What caused that noise?"

"Put me down and I'll cooperate."

Applejack gave a nod and Douglas fell to the floor, one hand still over his crown jewels.

"Now then, since you've shown your hospitality, what did you want to know?"

"This thing," Applejack said as she held up the air rifle.

"My air rifle, you weren't paying attention and I couldn't resist."

"He greeted us in the same way," Babs stated.

"By using this thing?" Applejack asked.

"It's one of my many greetings," Douglas said.

"Can we keep him?" Apple Bloom said, changing the subject instantly.

"We promise to take care of him," Sweetie Belle said.

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself," Douglas said. Applejack tapped her chin.

"Ah think we need to see Twilight about this," she said.

"Aww, why?" Scootaloo asked.

"Because ah think that we should find out what he is first."

"I'm a bloody human, ever seen us before?" Douglas asked.

"No, and that's why Twilight has to see you. She might have an idea about what to do with you," Applejack said.

"I don't like the sound of that," Douglas said.

Applejack picked a cowboy hat off the table and placed it on her head.

"Bic Mac, you come with us in case he tries anything funny."

"Eeyup," the red stallion said.

"Sound's like you don't have a very expansive vocabulary," Douglas said. Bic Mac tilted his head to one side and then smiled.


"Feckin hell," Douglas thought in dismay, "He's got the brain of a housefly."

Applejack led the way followed by the fillies and then Douglas and Big Mac. Applejack stopped briefly and then turned to Douglas.

"Ah'm not sure if any of us said this before so ah'd better say it. Welcome to Ponyville."

Look At Me, I'm an Outcast!

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"Ponyville?" Douglas repeated, "I feel as if I've heard that name before."

"Ponyville's one of Equestria's most famous places!" Apple Bloom said.

"Equestria, Ponyville. Where have I heard these names?" Douglas said as he rubbed the side of his head.

"Time's wastin', we've gotta go see Twilight," Applejack said.

"Fine by me," Douglas said, "I need to walk off that nut shot anyway."

Applejack led the six down a path and to a road that left the farm. The day had gone from calm and slightly foggy to bright and sunny. Douglas was amazed with the temperature, it wasn't too hot nor was it too cold. He wondered how he got here, all that did come o his mind was a bright green light and a loud explosion, he also could hear what sounded like a evil laugh, something that made him think about the time he heard the Banshee when he was a boy. He shuddered as he remembered that night, all he heard was the scream, a laugh and the next day his mother told him that his great grandfather has died. Douglas from then on knew all too well about the legend of the Banshee and he always prayed that he would never hear her again. But that's when something much more disturbing hit him, where were his parents? Babs looked back at him and saw his expression.

"You okay Douglas? You look kind of worried."

"I've just remembered that my family is out somewhere," Douglas said.

"We'll find them later once Twilight evaluates you," Applejack said.

"So where did you come from?" Scootaloo asked.

"I don't remember much," Douglas said, "But from what I do know is that I did come from a country named Ireland. A lovely place, my whole family is back there. I wonder how they are doing?"

"Where's Ireland?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Next to Great Britain, a much bigger island and just as nice." Douglas said.

"I've never heard of those places," Sweetie Belle said.

"Well I don't know where I am right now so we at least have something in common," Douglas said.

The six passed a pair of other ponies, both of whom stopped dead and then looked back to Douglas. They looked at each other and ran to catch up.

"Whoa, never seen anything like this before," the first pony said.

"What is it?" the second asked. Douglas glanced at them for a second so he could note their appearance. One of the ponies was, under close inspection, a unicorn. Douglas couldn't see the horn under it's wild and messy looking mane, the other was a faint cream colored with what looked like a sort of tattoo on it's flank, the tattoo looked like a trio of carefully wrapped sweets. The unicorn had a harp or a lyre on it's flanks. As Douglas looked back to Bic Mac and Applejack he could see that they too had funny tattoos on their sides, he also saw that the fillies didn't have these markings but he knew that they might be too young.

"Eww, its coat is all muddy," the unicorn said.

"It's called a jacket," Douglas said. The two recoiled in surprise.

"It-it can talk!" the pony said.

"Not again," Douglas muttered as he took hold of his air rifle by the handle, the unicorn looked at his hand in amazement.

"Wow, it's got a mutant hoof."

"It's not bloody mutant," Douglas angrily said as he shook his fist, "I'm not a bloody abomination, I'm a human. Ever heard of us?"

The two newcomers shook their heads. Douglas sighed, he had no clue what was going on but he chose to go with it incase he was dead or in a coma.

"I'm sorry for my attitude a few seconds ago," he said, "I'm just trying to improve border relations, my name's Douglas by the way."

"I'm Lyra," the unicorn said.

"Bon Bon," the pony said.

"Lyra. Bon Bon. Where have I heard those names?" Douglas thought as he shouldered his air rifle. The two newcomers stuck by Douglas' side, eager to find out more about him. Douglas mostly answered with 'yes', 'no' or 'what the bloody hell's that meant to mean?'. Douglas, mind wandering, saw a single apple sitting on a fence post and decided to see if his marksman skills were any good.

"Hey guys, check this out."

He fired a pellet and the apple exploded into two pieces. The fillies cheered and chanted for more.

"Later maybe," Applejack said, Douglas nodded and held the rifle under one arm.

"Yeah, I don't want to waste all my shots on fruits. I wanna pheasant."

"What's a pheasant?" Scootaloo asked.

"A bird."

"Maybe we could find one for Douglas, he wants one for something," Babs suggested.

"Kill, clean, cook and eat is all I want," Douglas said.

"What? You eat birds?" Sweetie Belle asked. Douglas nodded as he eyed a small finch.

"Yeah, where I come from pheasant is a something of a delicacy."

"Okay, now we really need to see Twilight," Applejack said harshly, "You make me sick, eatin' birds."

"What's wrong with that?" Douglas asked, "I like a bit of pigeon every now and then. Only if I haven't blown them up with my granddad's shotgun that is."

"What do you mean 'blown up'?" Scootaloo asked. Douglas shrugged and kept his eyes forward. He was indeed being taken into a town, he just didn't know what was going to happen afterwards when he arrived.

"Sometimes the pellets can rip a bird in half, I've had entrails rain down on me a few times."

The fillies suddenly turned green and ran off behind a bush, followed by Lyra and Bon Bon. Douglas shook his head and disbelief and walked into Applejack.


"Ah'm gonna have to ask if you'll stay quiet until we get to Twilight's."

"Fair enough," Douglas said.

Douglas remained quiet as Applejack led him over a bridge and into a town. Big Mac gave him a rather hard shove, Douglas pulled on his jacket and kept pace with Applejack. Out of the corner of his eyes Douglas saw various ponies came out of houses and leaned out of opened windows to stare at him, Douglas wanted to wave to them but he kept his hands in his pockets. He turned around on the spot and then was greeted by a massive pair of blue eyes.


"Feckin' shite muffins!" Douglas yelled as he fell over onto his back. Douglas had his rifle in one hand and was pushing himself backwards with the other. A pink, grinning pony stood in front of him.

"Ooooooh, a thing," the pink pony said. Douglas kept his air rifle aimed at the pony who didn't seem to register the weapon as a threat.

"What the bloody hell's your idea? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"It's talks funny, did you find it like this Applejack."

"Ya'll might want to stay away from him, he's a real freak,"Applejack said.

"Aw come on AJ," the pink pony said as she helped Douglas up and dusted him off, "It's probably very nice and misunderstood."

"I'm not misunderstood, I'm misplaced," Douglas said, "Thanks for helping me."

"No problem, my name's Pinkie Pie, what's yours?"

"Douglas O'Riley."

"Nice to meet ya, Doug, Douggie. Can I call you Douggie? I like it."

"Just Douglas."

"Oh, okay then," Pinkie said, she then turned to Applejack, "So where are you taking him?"

"To Twilight, he's real messed up."

"Just because I eat birds," Douglas said.

"Eeeyuck," Big Mac said.

"Be quiet," Douglas said.

"I've got a million questions to ask you but I really want you to meet the other creatures that Fluttershy found," Pinkie exclaimed.

"What other creatures?" Applejack asked.

"Follow me!" Pinkie said as she bounded off.

Douglas, Applejack and Big Mac all sprinted after Pinkie. Douglas was so amazed by what was happening he stumbled a few times but he managed to stop when he came to a massive house tree in the center of the village. In front of the house tree was a table, and sitting on it were four ponies and two humans. One looked up and smiled at Douglas.

"There he is," the person said, "There's my boy."

Douglas was taken aback.

"Holy feck. Dad?"

All This Seems Very Familair

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"Dad, mum? How did you make it here?" Douglas asked.

"Isn't this great?" his mother asked, failing to address Douglas' question.

"Don't mind her, I've a little pleased about what's happened too but I'm more glad that you're okay," Barry said.

"How did you get here?" Douglas asked for a second time.

"I found them while I was out in the forest," a bright yellow pegasus said, she also had a bright pink mane and tail. This sparked something in Douglas' mind but he lost it within a second, he felt as if he'd seen the pegasus before.

"Something up?" Barry asked.

"I still have no clue to what's going on or how I got here," Douglas said as he sat down next to his dad.

"The lightning, we crashed, ended up in Sweet Apple Orchard."


"Do you even know where we are?"

"All I've gathered is that it's called Ponyville."

Barry pulled Douglas' cap off and examined his head wound.

"I think that you must have hit your head pretty hard if you don't know where we are."

"Why don't you tell me then? Tell me where we are."

Margret and Barry exchanged glances, Barry leaned against the table.

"Do you remember the name of that show that we watched?"

Douglas nodded, he was a little uneasy about what his dad was going to say.

"Well son, welcome to Equestria, setting of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic."

Douglas bit his lip and then gingerly touched the side of his head.

"How hard did I hit my head?" he asked.

"That is a bad little bump you have," the yellow pegasus said as she looked closer at the bandage.

"Douglas this is Fluttershy," Margret said, "Element of Kindness and the pegasus who found us."

Margret went on to introduce the ponies that sat at the table with them. She started with Rainbow Dash and ended with Rarity, who was examining Douglas' jacket and jeans.

"How in Equestria did your coat get so dirty?" she asked. Douglas shook his head

"What the hell is it with my jacket? It's meant to look like this."

"You mean, you like this?"

"Yes," Douglas said as straightforward as he possibly could. Rarity gasped and then faked a faint.

"How could you match multiple, boring, drab colors with blue?"

"It's a popular fashion where I come from," Douglas said sarcastically.

"Do stop overreacting Rarity," Margret said,"Rainbow Dash, when is Twilight going to be back?"

"Knowing her she's buried in books," Rainbow Dash said.

A second later the door to the house tree burst open and a purple unicorn that Douglas guessed was Twilight exited, a book hovering in the air in a purple aura and a small dragon carrying several books followed her.

"Oh, there's another one of you," Twilight said.

"Twilight, this is our son Douglas," Barry said, he then nudged Douglas, "Say something."

"What am I meant to say?" Douglas asked, "Something like 'Oh hi Twilight, I'm from a place that you've never bloody heard of and guess what, you're from a fecking TV show'!"

"Your parents already filled us in on that," Pinkie said.

"Ah knew he wasn't from around here after he told me that his kind eats birds?" Applejack said.

"You eat birds?" Fluttershy asked.

"Not today at least," Douglas said.

"Maybe we can bag something later," Barry said. He and Douglas started laughing but Margret nudged them and pointed to the six, who were all staring at them in amazement.

"I've got a lot to learn about your species," Twilight said.

"I've got a lot of remembering to do," Douglas said.

"Too right, I think that you might have gotten a concussion from that crash," his mother said. Douglas couldn't deny that, he knew that he hit his head hard on something and now because of that crash he'd lost some of his memory. But what made the amnesia even worse was that he'd forgotten a little about his life in Ireland, the only thing that was clear in his mind was that his parents were both bronies but he didn't know how bad they were.

"If you don't mind I really need to study one of you," Twilight said, "I won't take long."

"Um, what are you applying here?" Douglas asked.

"It's okay," the dragon said, "Twilight just wants to know a little more about your physical attributes, nothing more."

"You go, son," Barry said. Douglas span around to face him.

"Hang on a second, that's a little too quick."

"You might as well see if you do have a concussion," his mother said, "After all, me and your father need to see what the culture's like around here so we can blend in."

"I'm not going to fully agree with this but I do want to find out if I've got minor brain damage. Fine, I'll do it but I'm warning you, any wrong movements that I don't like and I will retaliate."

"Ooookay then, follow me," Twilight said. Douglas followed Twilight, gripping his air rifle in one hand and holding the door open for the dragon with the other. He watched as his parents left with the others, laughing and joking. He saw his dad say something to Applejack and to his surprise she started laughing alone with them. Douglas sighed and followed Twilight through her house, the entire thing to Douglas looked like Yoda's hut from Star Wars but much bigger, much cleaner and stocked high with bookshelves.

"So what is this place? Some sort of research center?" he asked the dragon.

"Nah, it's just a library. My name's Spike by the way."

"Douglas. So are you Twilight's assistant?"

"Yes, I've been helping Twilight for years," Spike said, "She managed to hatch me from an egg."

"That does make a memory stir inside my head," Douglas said, "I feel as if I know more about this place the more memories will return."

"Meh, it might work."

Twilight was waiting for them at the top of set of stairs that led into a basement.

"This way Douglas, and I promise you that I'm only testing your brain patterns and physical attributes," she said.

"Attributes like strength and reactions? Nothing that I would consider invasive?"

"No, nothing like that." Twilight said reassuring Douglas that nothing he was thinking of was going to happen.

Douglas followed her down the stairs and into a large laboratory, Douglas saw some sort of treadmill and a chair with what looked like a metal bowl with lights sticking out of it. The lack of a examination table relaxed Douglas but he still kept a tight grip on his rifle. Twilight led him to the chair first.

"Okay, first what I need to do is test the electric patterns in your brain."

"Shouldn't this be done in a hospital?" Douglas asked.

"It's okay, I know enough to make this work. You're in no danger."

"Twilight's really smart, just trust her."

Douglas sighed and let Twilight continue her experiment. As she set up the machine Douglas fiddled with his Swiss army knife, Spike watching in wonder.

"Okay Douglas, if you'd kindly remove any head wear we can get this over and done with."

"Can this thing detect any concussions or brain damage?" he asked as he sat in the chair and tossed his hat to Spike.

"I'll run the test a few times and then see if there's any noticeable changes," Twilight said as she placed the light covered helmet on Douglas' head. Twilight pulled a lever and the machine started to hum softly, Douglas watched as the computers kicked into life and started beeping and spitting out papers. Douglas was a little nervous but the helmet started to vibrate softly and it eased his tension, his eyes then switched to Spike who was looking at the air rifle.

"Don't touch it," he said.

"Is it dangerous?" Spike asked.

"Only if you arse about with it," Douglas replied with a small smile.

"Interesting," Twilight said, Douglas looked over to her.

"What?" he asked.

"Your head injury, it doesn't look like right for a concussion. I think your memory was erased."

"Erased?" Douglas asked in disbelief, "No way that's possible, I got into a car crash not brainwashed."

"Well there's some sort of interference within your head. What ever happened to you was deliberate."

Are you sure that it's not just picking up the booze I had yesterday?"

Twilight looked over to him, seriousness written all over her face.

"Douglas, I know what a memory spell looks like when I see it and believe me when I say this; your mind was wiped."

A few minutes later Douglas was on the treadmill, trying to run at a steady pace. The treadmill was too small for him but he tried to make do with it, he just wanted the tests to end.

"So where did you come from, Douglas?" Spike asked him.

"I came from Ireland," Douglas said, "It's a lovely place but I can't remember much about my life there."

"Because of the memory wipe?"

"It's just a concussion."

"But Twilight said-"

"I know what the fecking unicorn said!" Douglas shouted. Twilight looked up at him.


Douglas let out a heavy sigh and stopped running.

"I'm sorry, I've just been a little stressed lately and I've been through a lot. Now that you've told me that my memory was erased I feel out of place and disconnected."

"It's okay, once we're done you should go talk to Pinkie, she can make anypony smile no matter how bad their mood is," Twilight said, she looked at a computer then to Douglas, "Okay, now I need you to run as fast as you can."

"Can I get a bit of motivation?"

"Like what?" Spike asked, "Something like 'go Douglas!'?"

"No, I'm not a football player," Douglas said, he picked up his rifle and gave it to Spike, "Shoot a few rounds over my head. That'll make me shift."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Twilight said.

"It's okay, so long as he misses every shot I'll run like a bat our of-"

A shot rang out and Douglas, startled about the pellet that just missed his ear, took of running. The treadmill was whirring as he sprinted on it, he could hear the computer working and Twilight reading papers.

"Okay, that's enough," she said. Douglas stopped dead and flew forwards, landing face first on the floor.

"Was I good?" he asked after he picked his head up.

"You've got a good speed," Twilight said.

"So am I done?" Douglas asked.

"Yes you can go now," Twilight said with a small giggle. Douglas stood up and retrieved his rifle from Spike. The dragon grinned uneasily at him but Douglas smiled.

"I'm guessing that you're a god shot or I'm just lucky."

"I'd go with luck," Spike said.

"Well I am Irish."

Douglas went up the stairs to leave but he stuck his head through the door.

"By the way, where can I find Pinkie Pie?"

Twilight returned the question with a sly smile.

"You don't have to find her, she'll find you."

Party Cannon 2.0

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Douglas shut the door slowly after what Twilight had said.

"She'll find me," he thought, "Can she do that?"

Douglas walked out of Twilight's house and was ambushed by a hail of confetti streamers. Douglas dropped to the ground and aimed his rifle in the direction of the party streamers. He aimed upwards and saw Pinkie standing in front of him.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" she asked sheepishly.

"No, I just have a habit of diving to the ground when attacked by confetti," Douglas said as he picked himself up, "Do you do that to every newcomer?"

"Only if I need to welcome them!" Pinkie exclaimed. She then dove behind a bush and returned with a box on her back. She handed it to Douglas who took it, a little unsure about what it was. He opened it up and inside was a cake with "welcome to Ponyville" written in pink icing. Douglas smiled a little.

"Aw, thanks."

"No problem."

"So the confetti, where did that come from?"

"Oh that's easy, I never leave home without my party cannon?"

"Party cannon?" Douglas asked. Pinkie wheeled out a massive pink cannon and stood proudly next to it. Douglas stood amazed by the weapon.

"That's a bloody twenty pounder," he said.

"Isn't it awesome?" Pinkie asked.

"Where the bloody hell did you get such level of armament?"

"I just got it one day," Pinkie said as she fired another round of streamers. Douglas was impressed, but he thought that it could do more.

"Pinkie, have you ever thought of improving the firepower?"

"What do you mean?"

"I think that if we try we can get a much bigger bang."

Pinkie's eyes lit up.

"So you want to make the party cannon even more awesome than it is?"

Douglas nodded and then followed up on what Pinkie was thinking.

"And I do believe that we should give my parents a nice surprise, just for fun."

Meanwhile by the river, Barry and Margret were sitting with Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash and the fillies. The two were telling the ponies about their life in Ireland and what happened to them that had them end up in Equrestria.

"So you were stuck by some sort of green lightning bolt?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, it was really unusual," Barry said, "I've never seen anything like it before."

"Kinda weird that it was green," Applejack said, "That sounds like something Princess Celestia would do by mistake."

"I don't think that the princess would do," Margret said as she massaged Scootaloo's wings. Scootaloo sat on her lap and sighed in relief.

"Thanks," she said. Margret smiled in reply.

"So is it true that our world is a cartoon in your world?" Rainbow Dash asked Barry.

"Yes, you guys are very famous in our world."

"How famous?" Rarity asked.

"There are entire conventions based around each of you, we've never been to one ourselves but we know that they are very good."

"I never knew that we were so famous," Fluttershy said.

"It's not all good," Margret said, "There's some nasty stuff with you guys."

The ponies all stared at Barry and Margret in suspicion. They both exchanged glances and then went back to the ponies.

"I don't think you'd want to know," Barry said as he read the expressions of the ponies. Apple Bloom tugged on his jacket.

"Are you sure we shouldn't know?" she asked.

"Yes, it's best for us all," Barry said as he tousled Apple Bloom's mane.

"No worries the party's here!" a yell came. The group looked up and saw Douglas and Pinkie approaching them, Douglas was pulling on a rope that was connected to the party cannon.

"Is that Douglas with Pinkie's party cannon?" Twilight said.

"What's he doing with it?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Ah don't remember the cannon being so big," Apple Bloom said.

Douglas and Pinkie wheeled the much bigger cannon up to the group and aimed it towards the distance.

"Pinkie, what did you do?" Twilight said as she looked at the massive cannon.

"Me and Douglas improved it," Pinkie said.


"I added a nitroglycerin based charge rather than what Pinkie usually uses," Douglas said.

"Isn't that a little dangerous?" his dad asked. Douglas snorted in reply as he positioned the cannon.

"Science isn't about why, it's about why not!"

"Okay Douglas," Pinkie said, "Get ready to fire!"

Douglas took hold of the string that triggered the cannon and stood back, grinning as he got ready. The group all backed up wondering what was going to happen.


Douglas pulled on the string and a ball of compacted confetti shot out of the cannon with a thundering boom. Douglas watched as the cannonball flew over the river and into the forest, a distant and muffled crash signaled that the cannonball had hit something.

"Aww, it wasn't meant to do that," Pinkie said.

"No worries we'll find it and reload the cannon," Douglas said as he picked up his air rifle.

"You're going to try again?" Applejack asked.

"We both want to get a storm of confetti and we're not resting until we achieve our goal of biggest confetti blast ever."

"Come on Douglas!" Pinkie said from across the river. Douglas didn't know how she got over there but he crossed a small bridge and joined Pinkie. They both walked into the woods and set about their search of the confetti cannonball.

"So Douglas," Pinkie said, "Have you always had a special talent with stuff like my cannon?"

"Nah, I was just taught a few things by my uncle."

"What was your uncle like?"

Douglas rubbed the bandage on his head and sighed.

"I don't remember."

"Aww, it's okay. I'm sure that once we get the princess here she can send you and your parents home."

Douglas pulled Pinkie closer.

"I'm sure that until then we can be friends," he said.

"Aren't we already?" Pinkie retorted.

Douglas gave a small laugh and let Pinkie lead him through the woods, they almost gave up searching when Douglas spotted some sheared treetops. He took over leading when they came across something out of place, it was a wrecked car. A Ford Cosworth.

"Is that our car?"

Pinkie stood next to him as they viewed the wreckage.

"It looks really beat up."

"I know, I think that the lightning hit us while we were driving. Looks like the front of the car has been disintegrated."

Pinkie and Douglas walked up to the wreckage to examine the damage closer.

"Wow, there's pieces everywhere," Pinkie said as she looked at the metal shards on the ground.

"Shame there isn't anything worth taking," Douglas said.

"Maybe Twilight can study it once we tell her where it is," Pinkie said. Douglas nodded and looked on the ground, he had stepped on something that felt quite large. He lifted his foot up and saw a piece of jagged metal on the ground.

"Hello what's this?"

He picked up the piece of metal and examined it closely. It didn't seem much, a seven inch long piece of steel that seemed to curve near the point. Douglas held the metal like a knife and he then suddenly realized that he was missing just that. He opened up the car door and, using his Swiss army knife, cut off some seat leather and pulled out some wiring. Within just a few minutes Douglas had his own improvised knife.

"What did you make?" Pinkie asked him. Douglas slid the knife into a side pocket in his jeans.

"It's something that we call a 'shank'. It's like an improvised knife, very popular among prisoners in maximum security prisons."

"It's kind of scary looking."

"Most of the time they have rust on it but I guess I'll have to make do with this one without the rust," Douglas said, "Come on, lets find the cannonball.

Pinkie and Douglas wandered around the woods, following a mix of damage and animals who pointed them towards the direction of the cannonball's impact zone. After several minutes of weaving through bushes and trees Pinkie and Douglas came into an opening and saw the crater that was caused by the cannonball, sadly it was gone, confetti and streamers was all that remained.

"Well, looks like we're not putting out another shot," Douglas said. Pinkie huffed and turned around, Douglas knelt down next to the crater and tried to see how the impact made the cannonball explode.

"Douglas," Pinkie said. Douglas turned around and saw what had Pinkie sounding uneasy.

"Bloody hell."

The tree house where Douglas had slept the night before had been destroyed. Douglas stood dumbstruck as he looked up at the tree house. Almost nothing remained except for the floor and one of the walls, he shook his head and dragged Pinkie from the tree house.

"We have to tell them," she said.

"Bugger that, I'm not going to be held for blowing that thing up," Douglas replied.


"But nothing, Pinkie. What we just discovered we never saw okay? Nothing happened that we know of."

Pinkie cringed but saw the knife in Douglas' pocket and decided to stay quiet, not wanting to see what Douglas could do with the 'shank'. Douglas led the way back to the others who were talking to another pony, this pony was purple with three flowers as a cutie mark.

"Who's this?" Douglas asked as he approached his parents.

"This is Cherilee," his dad said, "She's a teacher around here."

"Oh, nice to meet ya," Douglas said as he shook her hoof.

"No no, nice to meet you," Cherilee said, "I've always like to meet new folk, no matter who or what they are."

"So you're a teacher? What is it that you teach?"

"Well I came looking for something new for the students to learn but I've been having trouble lately."

"Oh, I have an idea," Margret said, "Why not let us teach your class."

"What?" Douglas and Barry said.

"It's a nice little idea, we help Cherilee out in her class and we can tell the kids about where we come from."

"Oh no," Douglas said, "I'm not allowing that, you'll say something stupid and make a fool out of us."

"When have I ever done that?" his mother asked.

"I don't remember any incident but I'm sure that by tomorrow I'll think of something."

"So can you do it?" Cherilee asked.

"Just me by myself?" Douglas asked.

"Oh yes, I'll only need one of you and I think that you're the most interesting."

"I was hoping that it would be me," Barry said.

"Too bad," Douglas said slyly, he then turned to Cherilee, "When do you want me to show up at the school?"

"We can go right now if you want to."

Douglas shrugged and rested his rifle on his shoulder.

"Alright then, let's go now. I've got nothing better to do."

Being Irish 101

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Douglas followed Cherilee as she made her way through the town. He kept his eyes forwards to avoid seeing the staring eyes of various ponies, Cherilee would wave to an occasional pony but Douglas kept his hands in his pockets, the air rifle being held under his arm.

"So then Douglas," Cherilee said, "Since I'm going to present you to the class what unique talent can you demonstrate?"

"What?" Douglas asked, clearly confused. Cherilee slowed a little and walked next to him.

"Do you have a special talent?" she asked.

"I don't know what you mean by special talent."

"Surely you have one, we all do here in Ponyville. Do you have a Cutie Mark?"

"What's that then?"

"A mark that shows you special talent, surely you have one."

"We don't have that where I come from, there are tattoos but those are usually involved with drunken bets."

Cherilee decided to not continue that subject. She then led Douglas to a small schoolhouse and let him inside. There were several desks, all empty as of now and one large desk that was Cherilee's. Douglas leaned against the wall and watched as Cherilee organized her desk. Douglas set his air rifle against the wall and looked out the door.

"Anything in particular that you want me to do or say?" he asked Cherilee.

"Just teach my class about your life, where you came from, what you do. Things like that."

"Hmm, bit of a problem since the crash."

"Oh yes, you forgot some things after you got hurt."

"Don't you worry, I'll think of something."

Douglas kept against the wall as Cherilee went outside and greeted colts and fillies as they entered the schoolhouse, almost none of them noticed Douglas as he leaned against the wall, the few that did sat down in their desks and just stared at the camo clad newcomer. Once all the desks were filled Douglas noticed Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Babs Seed, Babs was sharing a desk with Apple Bloom. Cherliee then took her place in front of the class.

"Good morning class," she said.

"Good morning Ms. Cherilee," the class repeated. Douglas smirked, he hadn't heard that before. Cherilee walked up next to Douglas.

"Now class, I can see that some of you have noticed our guest. Don't be alarmed, he's quite friendly."

Douglas only nodded.

"What is it?" one filly asked.

"Why is it all dirty?" a colt asked.

"Does it have a name?"

"Now now, one at a time," Cherilee said, "He can't answer all of your questions at once."

"Does it talk?" a filly asked.

"Yeah, we heard him talk when we found him," Apple Bloom said.

"I wanna hear him," a colt said. Douglas looked over to Cherilee.

"Go on," she said.

Douglas sighed and stood up in front of the class. Each of the foals leaned closer and waited for Douglas to say something. But after a few seconds one of the fillies lost her patience.

"Come on say something!"

"Diamond Tiara!" Cherilee said, Douglas held up his hand.

"I can see that you're rather impatient."

"It can talk," another filly said.

"Told ya," Apple Bloom said.

"Why is your voice weird sounding?" a filly asked.

"I'll tell you why, I'm from a place called Ireland."

"Where's that?" a colt asked.

"It's an island country off the coast of Great Britain, it's rather nice from what I can remember."

"Why can't you remember?" a filly in the back of the classroom asked.

"It's kind of involved with how I got here," Douglas said, "Some sort of lightning bolt hit us and after the crash, I found out that the head injury I got caused a concussion which cause memory loss."

"Memory loss?" Cherilee asked.

"Yes, but Twilight thinks that it's some sort of mind wiping spell which I think is a load of bollocks."

"So do you have a cutie mark?"

"You mean one of those freaky tattoo things? No, I don't."

"Blank flank!" two fillies yelled in what sounded like a laugh. Douglas took this as an insult and he pulled out his shank and slammed the point into Cherilee's desk making every one of the ponies jump.

"Who the feck do you think you are ya pair of little shites? Callin' me a bloody blank flank. What makes you better than me?"

One of the two fillies, silver colored with glasses and a white mane cringed and sunk down in her seat. The other filly, who was the same one who yelled at Douglas, didn't seem all to bothered with his tone.

"What makes me better than you is that I have my cutie mark and you don't," she said. Douglas twisted the shank in the desk, making a huge hole with it.

"And what would your name be?"

"Diamond Tiara," the filly said, "And this is my friend Silver Spoon."

The silver filly next to her sank even lower in her seat.

"Diamond Tiara," Douglas said with a snort of laughter, "What kind of godawful name is that?"

"My name, is beautiful and it matches my cutie mark."

Diamond Tiara stood up in her seat and showed Douglas her cutie mark, a Diamond Tiara. Douglas walked up to her and examined it.

"Oh yeah that's real feckin' original," he said, "What confuses me is why you didn't get a cutie mark in being a little hag."

"Hey," Silver Spoon said, "You leave her alone."

"This is getting good," Scootaloo whispered to Sweetie Belle.

"I saw your mark earlier," Douglas said, "Whats that for? Being a rich little snob?"

"No," Sliver Spoon said uneasily, "It's for...for...Why don't you go away?"

"C'mon then ya speccy cunt."

"My dad will hear about this," Diamond Tiara said.

"I'll feckin burst 'im!" Douglas yelled, earning a few giggles from the class. Without warning he snatched Diamond Tiara's tiara and looked at it.


"I'm just 'avin a look," Douglas said, his voice much calmer than before, "What's in this?"

"Real diamonds. My dad got it for me when I got my cutie mark."

"Oh, okay then. I'm a little unsure but I want to do a little test to see if they are real."

Diamond Tiara looked at him with her head tilted to one side.

"What kind of test?"

"Something like this."

Douglas dropped the tiara and stomped down on it with his boot. he held up one finger as he ground the headdress under his foot. Diamond Tiara watched in horror as Douglas leaned down and picked up the remains of the tiara and pull out a shattered stone with the shank.

"Fake," he said as he put the knife back into his pocket, "It's a fake diamond, you're own dad conned you. How's that feel?"

Diamond Tiara didn't reply, instead she burst out crying. Cherilee looked at Douglas, annoyed with what he just did. Douglas sighed and tried to get the filly to stay quiet.

"If it makes you feel better you still have two tiaras."

"Really?" Diamond Tiara said, "Where?"

"They'll be with you all the time, because you've got them on your arse."

Before Diamond Tiara said anything Douglas swiped an apple of Cherilee's desk and grabbed his air rifle.

"Now who wants to see me blow this up?"

All of the class, except for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, followed Douglas outside where he placed the apple on a fence post and walked back twenty feet.

"So what are you going to show us?" Cherilee asked.

"Just stand back and watch," Douglas said.

Douglas took aim and fired a handful of pellets into the apple, making the fruit explode. The foals cheered and all crowed around Douglas, eager to hold the weapon. Douglas ejected the magazine and let each filly and colt examine it. As he was letting Babs hold the rifle, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo got his attention.

"What you did back there was awesome," Scootaloo said.

"Those little buggers deserved it," Douglas said.

"Ah really wish ah had the guts like you," Apple Bloom said.

"What were all those words you used back there?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Insults, but you guys shouldn't use them."

As Douglas retrieved his rifle from the fillies and colts, his parents came over to him, followed by Pinkie and Twilight.

"Hey Douglas," his dad said, "How's it going?"

"Not too bad," Douglas said, "I've just been telling these kids about my life."

"Aww, look at them," Margret said as she crouched down next to a colt, "Aren't they cute?"

"Terrific mum, what are you here for?"

"Well we were talking to Pinkie and Twilight and we know how little you've gotten to know them."


"We were going to invite you to a sleepover," Pinkie said. Douglas turned to face the fillies and colts.

"Class dismissed."

"But we-" Cherilee said but was cut off by Douglas.

"Class dismissed."

The class dispersed to go home, not wanting to anger Douglas again. Once the coast was clear he faced his parents.

"What the bloody hell do you mean a sleepover?" he asked.

"It was Pinkie's idea," Margret said, "And Twilight's having it at her house."

"I can only guess that you want me to go," Douglas said.

"Yeah, so can you?" Pinkie asked. Douglas shook his head in disbelief.

"No, I'm not going. I'm a guy going to a all girl sleepover. Dad, why aren't you helping me out here?"

"Your mother's already told me off," Barry said.

"I'm still not going," Douglas said. Pinkie nudged him, he looked at her and saw tears in her eyes.

"But the rest of my friends are going to be there, and they really want to meet you."

"Go on Douglas, you'll make Pinkie cry if you don't," his mother said.

"It won't be too bad," Twilight said, "The worst will be one of Rainbow Dash's scary stories."

"Go on," his mother ushered. Douglas groaned and put his rifle over his shoulder.

"Fine," he said, "But I'm telling you, I will make this sleepover more manly, what ever it takes."

"That's fine by me," Twilight said.

"Okey dokey lokey," Pinkie said cheerily. The two ponies set off and Douglas followed them.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Douglas thought.

Questioning Dignity

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Douglas didn't really have much of a choice about his new situation, he didn't want to go to a sleepover but he really needed a place to bed down. The barn at Sweet Apple Acres sounded like a haven compared to the upcoming slumber party. Douglas shuddered, he had never stayed over a friends house before nor did he have anyone at his. He wasn't one for sleeping with others but he did want to know Twilight and her friends better.

"So when is this little get-together starting?" Douglas asked.

"It's already started, we only left to come and find you," Pinkie said as she went from walking to hopping.

"All the girls are there and they've really wanted to meet you properly," Twilight said.

"Ooh I can hardly wait," Douglas said sarcastically.

Most of Douglas' dismay came from his predictions about what they might end up doing. He was thinking of the horrors of girly sleepovers were going to involve rather demoralizing games and idiotic little stories. He gripped his air rifle tighter and prayed in his head that none of his fears would come true, he hoped that it would be centered around him and what his life was like back in Ireland. Again as Douglas passed through the town ponies would come out and stare at him as if they hadn't seen him before, only this time he waved at a few of the ponies who smiled and waved back. He was glad that he didn't seem like a threat to them and he didn't really care if he was in Equestria, all he really wanted was his memory back, there was something that was hidden in the confines of his brain that he really wanted to see. Soon, they had reached Twilight's house.

"Here we are," Twilight said. Douglas looked up and saw a streak of rainbows shoot across the sky before it stopped dead in front of the door. Standing there was Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Twilight," Rainbow Dash said, she saw Douglas behind Twilight, "Look's like Douglas agreed to join us."

"Against my will," Douglas said. Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"What, did your parents force you?"

Douglas gave her a cold stare and Rainbow Dash stopped smiling.

"Don't worry Douglas, we'll make it fun for you," Pinkie said.

"It's going to be a first time experience," Douglas said as he followed the mares into the library. Twilight led him through the building until they came to what was a bedroom, Douglas could only guess that it was Twilight's due to the star pattern bed sheets. Several bedrolls and sleeping bags were all piled into a corner, there was a table stacked high with food and drinks, Spike was also there taking inventory of everything that was in the room.

"Hey Twilight," he said as he looked up from his parchment.

"Everything ready Spike?" Twilight asked.

"Everything except the rest of the guests. Guess I'm going to be staying huh?"

"You should," Douglas said, "I don't like it when the odds are stacked against me."

"Heh, you don't want to be outnumbered by girls do you?" Spike asked.

"You didn't want to either," Douglas said. Spike rubbed the back of his head and turned to Twilight.

"So when's everypony else getting here?"

"Soon I hope," Twilight said. The sound of a door knocking came from downstairs.

"Bang on time," Douglas said as Twilight went to answer the door.

"So how's this going to work out?" Douglas asked as he pulled off his ski hat and tucked it into his pocket.

"Twilight usually figures something out after we're all here," Rainbow Dash said, "But it might be a little more cramped because we've got the Cutie Mark Crusaders staying with us as well."

"You mean those four fillies?" Douglas asked.

"Yep," Pinkie said as she ripped open a bag of chips, "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Babs Seed. This is going to be fun."

The sounds of what was unmistakably the fillies crying slowly drifted up the stairs.

"I really don't like the sound of that," Douglas said as he set his rifle against the wall.

"Ah'm tellin' you Twilight, it was fine yesterday," Applejack's voice said.

"But I don't understand, how can an entire tree house just get destroyed like that?" Twilight replied.

"It was Diamond Tiara!" Apple Bloom said through tears.

"Why does she never leave us alone?" Sweetie Belle sobbed.

"Hush now Sweetie Belle, it's okay," Rarity said.

Douglas cringed, he knew what they were talking about and he knew that it was his fault. He didn't want to say anything in case they turn on him but he didn't want to hold in the guilt as he heard those kids cry. Twilight was the first to enter followed by Applejack, the fillies, Rarity and Fluttershy. The fillies saw Douglas and ran over to him.

"Douglas, Diamond Tiara destroyed our clubhouse," Apple Bloom sobbed.

"Why, why did she do that to us?" Scootaloo asked.

"I bet she did it in revenge for Douglas breaking her tiara," Babs said.

Twilight looked at Douglas questioningly.

"What about you and Diamond's tiara?"

"Long story that I'll tell later," Douglas said as he crouched down next to the fillies, they all hugged him and started crying again.

"Ah want our tree house back," Apple Bloom said.

"Why did she destroy it?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah, that was me," Douglas said. The fillies stopped crying and looked up at him.

"You did it?" Scootaloo asked.

"I accidently blew it up with the party cannon. I didn't know that you clubhouse was in the path of the cannonball."

"But, why?" Babs asked.

"It was only an accident, I promise. I'm really sorry, can you forgive me?"

The fillies looked at each other and nodded.

"Sure, if you can help rebuild it," Apple Bloom said. Douglas nodded.

"I'll do the whole damn thing if it'll make you guys stop crying tonight."

The fillies laughed and hugged Douglas, who couldn't help and return the favor. Pinkie then burst up between them.

"Okay! Now we can get this party started!"

The sleepover was relativity interesting, instead of it being a sort of all girl party it was more of a casual hangout with friends. Douglas was slowly getting better acquainted with the ponies, he had never expected to have such good non-human friends. As night fell Douglas could see that the group was readying the sleeping bags, Twilight had rather thoughtfully provided Douglas with a sleeping bag that would accommodate his size. The floor went from a mess of trash to a mess of sleeping bags and pillows, wanting to get ready to sleep, Douglas took off his jacket and boots. As he looked for a place to hang his jacket he listened to the fillies as they told the older ponies about what Douglas did at their school.

"And then he yelled 'I'll burst him' to Diamond Tiara after she said that she'd tell her dad on Douglas," Scootaloo said.

"What does that mean?" Fluttershy said.

"Douglas, what did you mean in the school?" Babs asked.

"It's got multiple meanings but I was associating that I would blow him up," Douglas said.

"Does your kind do that when they don't like somepony?" Rarity asked.

"Nah, some of us do but those people are messed up in some nasty ways."

Douglas gave up searching for a coat hanger and instead decided to make one himself, he took out his shank and slammed the blade into the wall. Then he hung his coat on it.

"Seriously?" Twilight said. Douglas sat down on his sleeping bag.

"It's wood, it's easy to fix."

"Cool cutie mark," Scootaloo said as she pointed to Douglas' Dropkick Murphys shirt.

"It's just a shirt brand," Douglas said.

"What's it for?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I got it at a concert, best band I've heard in a long time."

Just before anyone could say anything the lights went out and a creepy looking Rainbow Dash emerged from the shadows, illuminated by a flashlight.

"What I think we need now is a few scary stories."

"N-n-n-nothing too scary? Fluttershy stuttered.

"Yeah Dash, remember what happened last time," Twilight said with a evil looking grin. A spasm of fear crossed Rainbow Dash's face but she covered it up.

"I don't care, I want to see if Douglas can be scared."

"Try me," Douglas said as he opened a bottle of cider with his Swiss army knife. Rainbow Dash smiled and settled in the center of the group.

"This is the story of the faceless pony that stalks the Everfree forest."

Babs clung to Douglas in what he assumed was fake fear because she was giggling in anticipation. Rainbow Dash started telling the story.

"There's a legend that very few talk about. It's all to do with our very own forest, during the time of Discord's reign there was a stallion who was only known as the Operator. The Operator was at first an ordinary stallion who had a job in maintaining the communication lines in Stalliongrad, he didn't mind his life because it was easy and simple, that was until Discord came and took it all away. What Discord wanted the Operator to do was maintain order in Ponyville because there had been a few uprisings. The Operator didn't want to do Discord's job so he tried to run away. Discord however was one step ahead of him and he took his face away so that he could never see his way out of the forest, soon, ponies of all ages were disappearing around the Everfree Forest and Discord soon found out who it was. It was the Operator. Knowing that this was creating fear and submission in Ponyville he left the Operator to his job of consuming ponies who crossed his path and to this day he still lives in the forest taking anypony who comes near him. So if you see a pony without a face you better run or else..."

The light went out and then flicked back on under a sheet that covered Rainbow Dash.


The ponies all screamed and bunched up, Rainbow Dash laughed and bowed. Douglas just snorted.

"That was the most dreary story I've ever heard, and to be honest, I've heard it before."

"How have you heard the story of the Operator?" Rainbow Dash asked Douglas.

"There's a similar story where I come from; some big, unattractive, faceless bugger who wears a suit goes around and murders people. It's a bit overdone Dash but I'll give you credit for that version."

"Do you have a spooky story?" Pinkie asked.

"Sure I do," Douglas scoffed, "And the best part is that it's real, and very famous."

Rainbow Dash tossed him the flashlight and Douglas caught it.

"Now from what I know about this place I'm sure that none of you have heard the legend of the Banshee."

The ponies all gathered up next to each other.

"For thousands of years throughout Irish folklore and legend, many have documented the legend of the ghostly woman known as the Banshee. She's a well known spirit in my country, few have claimed to have seen her, most have heard her and many know her story. The Banshee goes around the country, wailing and spooking anyone who sees her, but the worst comes from her trademark scream."

Douglas switched the light off and the room was coated in darkness, all the ponies heard was his voice echoing around the room.

"Legend has it whenever you hear her scream, someone in your family dies. You'll know when you hear the scream, it has been recorded that it can be heard from over five miles away and if you hear it you'd better be ready. Because if you don't run she'll get you!"

Douglas then lunged forward through the darkness and grabbed Sweetie Belle around her middle, Sweetie Belle let out a high pitched scream and dove on Rarity. Douglas switched a lamp on and saw a huddled mass of terrified ponies piled in the center of the sleeping bags.

"Now that was scary," Rainbow Dash said.

"Story doesn't end there," Douglas said as he sat down next to Rainbow Dash, "I've actually heard the Banshee."

"You heard her?" Twilight asked.

'What did it sound like?" Applejack asked.

"Same a Sweetie Belle but a bit more distant," Douglas said. Sweetie Belle was in her sister's mane crying.

"Don't scare me like that," she sobbed.

"I'm sorry Sweetie Belle," Douglas said as he crawled over to her, "I just wanted to beat Dash in the scary story contest."

"Just don't scare me again," Sweetie Belle said.

"Forgive me?" Douglas said. Sweetie Belle looked up at him, tears still streaming down her face.


"Forgiveness hug!" Pinkie said as she pushed Douglas closer to Sweetie Belle. She hesitated at first but then Sweetie Belle wrapped her forelegs around Douglas. Douglas smiled and let her down.

"Come on everypony," Twilight said as she clambered into her bed, "I think we've had enough excitement for one night."

"Just for the record you lot are safe from the Banshee," Douglas said as he climbed into his sleeping bag, "I don't think it would follow me here."

"I can sleep on that," Rainbow Dash said.

"Ditto," Pinkie added.

"I'm glad you said that Douglas," Fluttershy said, "Otherwise I'd be scared to sleep."

"You'll be okay," Douglas said as he pulled his air rifle closer to his sleeping bag, "I promise."

"Goodnight everypony," Twilight said, this set off a chain reaction that ended with Douglas.

"Watch out for the Operator, muhahaha."

"Douglas!" Applejack said. Douglas let out an evil giggle. As he rolled over he felt something poke his ear, he turned and saw Babs standing next to his head.

"Can I sleep next to you?" she whispered. Douglas nodded. As Babs lay down next to Douglas he felt an overwhelming sense of friendship wash over him. He'd just done something that he would have never expected, he went to a sleepover and enjoyed it. Douglas pulled the pillow under his head and drifted off into a blissful sleep, realizing that he hadn't felt so good before during something so preposterous.

An Outing With Friends

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The night for Douglas was surprisingly peaceful. He had expected to be woken up by something or someone in the night but he wasn't. So far his arms were holding on to something and there was something soft against his lips.

"Hmm, smells nice," Douglas muttered. To his surprise the object in his arms moved.

"Ahhh! The Operator's got me!" a small voice cried out. Douglas looked down and saw that Babs Seed was encased in his arms.

"Hey Babs," Douglas said, Babs calmed down to see him smiling.

"Oh, I must have slept closer to you than I thought.

"Nah, I must have taken a hold of you last night."

"Were you scared about something?"

"No, it was involuntary."

The sounds of movement made Babs squirm free from Douglas, he looked to the mass of sleeping ponies and saw Twilight stir.

"Uhh, what was that noise?"

"Just Babs waking up from a dream," Douglas said, Babs punched him on the arm playfully.

"Did anypony else hear anything?" Rainbow Dash said as she sat up, Scootaloo was stuck on her head like a hat.

"No, ah was sleeping," Applejack said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Who's hungry?" Pinkie asked as she bounded around them.

"I could go for a little something," Douglas said as he pulled his boots on.

"I'm so glad that Pinkie woke up before us," Rarity said as she roused her little sister.

"Does she always do that?" Douglas asked. Twilight nodded.

"Is Fluttershy okay?"

"I'm fine," Fluttershy's voice said from under a pile of sheets.

"Sleep well?" Rarity asked.

"I did even though I heard those scary stories," Fluttershy retorted.

"Ah don't mean to interrupt but can we please get somthin' to eat?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah, I'm hungry," Sweetie Belle said.

"Same, I'm hoping that you guys will have something that I'll recognize," Douglas said.

Twilight nodded in agreement and led them downstairs. Douglas grabbed his coat and rifle and followed the ponies downstairs and outside. Twilight said that they would go to Sugarcube Corner and that they would get breakfast there. Douglas was in the mood for baked goods, he also in a way wanted to sample what they made here. After a bit of delay from trying to pry Scootaloo from Rainbow Dash's head they made it to Sugarcube Corner.

"Anything that you guys can recommend?" Douglas asked.

"We'll let you choose," Pinkie said.

Douglas was more than happy to take a pick of the hundreds of cakes and pastries, he eventually got an iced bun and sat with the others.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Ah don't know," Applejack said, "Maybe we can find some wood for the Crusader's clubhouse."

"I'll go for that," Douglas said, "I'll also help rebuild it."

"That's really kind of you, Douglas," Fluttershy said.

"I broke it, I might as well help fix it."

"Can you think of a way of making it stronger?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well if we get the right wood then we can turn that little shed into a fortress."

"I like the sound of that," Sweetie Belle said.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Fortress of Adventure!" Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah!" all four fillies said.

"So when do you think that we should get going?" Rarity asked.

"Soon," Twilight said, "Soon."

A few minutes of silence followed. Douglas then broke the ice, hating the overall gloomy feeling that was building up inside of him. It was uncanny but he wanted to get rid of it.

"Does anyone know where my parents are?"

"Ah've got them at mah house," Applejack said, "Don't worry, Big Macintosh is a very friendly pony."

"Yeah," Douglas said as he rubbed his crotch, "Really friendly."

A half hour later the eleven of them left the bakery and made their way to the forest. Douglas was beginning to enjoy every passing minute, he was slowly gaining more of his memory that involved the TV show, he didn't bring it up again in case it snowballed into something he didn't like. As they entered the forest Douglas couldn't help noticing that it seemed a little darker than yesterday, he also saw that the others had noticed. He kept one hand on his shank and didn't loosen his grip until they reached the wreckage of the clubhouse.

"Have we got tools to fix the clubhouse?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Ah made sure that we'd have some ready," Applejack said, "Big Mac brought up some stuff last night."

"I'll get us organized," Twilight said as she took up her place in front of the group, "Applejack, Rarity, Crusaders, you'll be with me as we try and use what's left for us to try and rebuild the foundations. Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Douglas, you guys go and try to get a few more trees to make more planks."

"Why don't we just buy some?" Douglas asked.

"Let Twilight do what she does best," Rainbow Dash said.

"It's much easier that you think, Douglas," Fluttershy said, "I can got some of my animal friends to help us. The beavers are very good at this sort of thing."

Douglas sighed and took out his Swiss army knife and unfolded the saw.

"I can at least shear off the branches," he said. Twilight stood on a tree stump looking pleased and very commanding.

"Okay everypony, let's get this clubhouse fixed."

As the ponies all started on their tasks, Douglas followed Fluttershy knowing that she would end up in a part of the woods and becoming lost. He didn't think that it would happen but realistically, he wanted someone to talk to. They found a felled tree almost instantly and worked on pruning it in silence. Fluttershy then spoke up.

"I heard what Twilight said about your memory loss, you know, being a spell."

"I don't believe that for a second," Douglas said as he tossed a branch away.

"You should, Twilight has discovered many things and she's an excellent unicorn."

"I know what she said and I don't bloody care!"

Fluttershy cowered behind the tree trunk and looked away. Douglas almost felt hurt from saying that.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy," he said, "I've just been trying to get used to life here. I know that I'm going back but I want my memory first, I don't care how I lost it, I just want it back."

Fluttershy flew over to him and landed next to him. She then placed a hoof on his hand.

"It's okay Douglas, I understand."

Douglas smiled and went back to sawing the branches. A noise from behind them made him pick up his rifle and spin around to face it. He lowered the rifle when a team of ten beavers came out of the bushes and waddled over to Fluttershy.

"Take this to Twilight and she'll tell you what to do," Fluttershy said. The beavers nodded and then looked at Douglas.

"What?" he asked.

"They're just a little confused about you," Fluttershy said, "Go on, he's okay."

The beavers took the log, gave Douglas one last look and then dragged it towards the direction of the clubhouse.

"You've got a gift with animals," Douglas said in an almost robotic voice.

"Yes I know," Fluttershy said. Douglas tapped the side of his head and grinned.

"Something else came back to me. If I keep up working with you guys then I'll probably have my memory back by the end of the day."

Fluttershy smiled and led the way. Douglas picked up his rifle and folded his knife away. He hoped that his prediction was going to come true, he really needed his memory back, the fact that this parents knew more about Equestria disturbed him. What he also wanted to remember was his life in Ireland, what were his parents like as bronies? All he could remember where the types of bronies, Douglas shuddered as he though of the extremest bronies, he didn't want to have parents like that. Douglas shook off the feeling just as he saw a large fallen tree in front of a cave.

"Got another one."

Fluttershy looked over and saw the cave.

"Um, are you sure?" she asked nervously. Douglas snorted in amusement.

"What, you scared of a cave?"

"Only if it's big and dark like that one."

"Come on, I'll keep you safe if there's anything in there."

Douglas and Fluttershy walked over to the log. It was one of decent size and looked as if it had only just fallen. Douglas didn't think twice as he took out his knife and started sawing away at the branches. He stopped when a funny clicking noise emanated from the cave.

"What was that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Rocks falling from the ceiling?" Douglas suggested. Fluttershy and Douglas looked at each other and then back to the cave, the clicking intensified. It sounded as if there was something climbing on the walls of the cave.

"Stay here," Douglas said as he picked up his rifle and slowly entered the cave. The clicking sounds stopped when Douglas was about ten feet into the cave, he looked up and around but saw nothing. Douglas lowered his rifle and turned around when he saw Fluttershy stare at something behind him. Douglas didn't like the look on her face so he gripped the rifle tighter and turned around slowly. Standing, or more of hovering in front of him was a dark gray bug like creature. What scared Douglas the most wasn't its bug like appearance, it was the fact that it seemed, no, was smiling at him.

"Fluttershy, what is this?"

"Changelings!" Fluttershy screamed. Douglas didn't bother with a witty greeting, he straight up punched the creature in the face sending it to the floor. Douglas shouldered his rifle and yelled back to Fluttershy.

"Run for it! I'll hold them off!"

Fluttershy didn't miss a beat, she was already running and screaming as Douglas watched. He turned around and saw the Changeling get up, a little confused but angry looking. Douglas kicked it in the face for good measure and then two more appeared out of the darkness. Douglas aimed his air rifle and fired three rounds at each of the Changelings, they screamed and dropped to the floor. Douglas backed away and saw almost a hundred more come out from the darkness. In blind panic Douglas opened fire, hitting several Changelings at a time. The pellets were failing to do any lethal damage but it was enough for him to keep the rest of the Changelings at bay, three charged him at once and Douglas sprayed the gun at hip level and hit each one, as they fell another advanced on him. Douglas aimed his rifle at the Changeling's face and pulled the trigger, nothing happened. Douglas pulled the trigger a few more times and then pulled the charging handle back and tired to fire again but it was useless, the rifle's magazine was empty. Douglas dropped his rifle and pulled out his shank, he held the blade backwards and face the Changelings, determined to fight and win.

"Come on then, one at a time and I'll kill all of you bastards!"

"Oh I don't think so," a feminine voice said. Douglas lowered his blade as a massive Changeling appeared in a green light in front of him. Douglas stood ready and held his ground.

"You'd better feck off or else it's going to get very bloody in here."

The large Changeling chuckled.

"If only I would," it said as the tip of what looked like a horn on its head glowed green. Douglas focused on the light and then realized something, it was the same shade and hue as the lightning that hit him.


He didn't have time to finish because a bolt of the same lightning shot out of the Changeling's horn and hit Douglas square in the chest, sending him flying backwards. He landed with such force he hit his head on the ground, he tried to get back up but his vision was spinning and his ears ringing. The taste of blood filled his mouth as he collapsed and stared at the ceiling, several Changelings surrounded him, all laughing. Douglas watched as the Changeling who zapped him walk up to his head and lean down next to his ear.

"I've got some good plans involving you," she said.

Douglas then, unable to move or say anything, blacked out.

This Isn't A Dream...It's a Nightmare

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At first there was nothing. Then slowly, Douglas regained consciousness. He had no clue as to where he was, but as he woke up it all became clear. He was inside of a clear gooey cocoon, suspended in the air. Douglas panicked and tried to claw his way out but it was no use, the membrane that held the cocoon together was too thick and too slimy. Douglas tried to reach for his shank but it was gone along with his Swiss army knife. In desperation to escape he tried to see if he could dislodge the pod from the ceiling but as he shook around the cocoon lit up in a green light and a burning sensation engulfed Douglas. He screamed and struggled more but the pain kept increasing, he gave up and the pain stopped just as suddenly as it started. Douglas breathed deeply and tried to look out of the goop that coated the cocoon, he wiped some of the foul slime away and saw all the Changelings looking up at him, sneering and liking around their mouths.

"Oi, let me down from here you little feckers!"

One of the Changelings flew up and kicked the cocoon, sending Douglas swinging from side to side like a ball on a string. Douglas got annoyed and tried to fight his way out of the cocoon.

"I swear to God that once I get out of here I'll pull your bloody wings off!"

"Such harsh and violent words coming from a creature in one of my pods," a voice said. Douglas looked around and then saw who the owner of the voice was, it was the Changeling from earlier.


"Yes, me," The Changeling said. Douglas squirmed in his cocoon.

"Let me down you freak!"

A burst of light hit Douglas and the burning sensation returned only this time it lasted only a second. He grunted with pain and stared down the Changeling.

"Since you're not going to let me go anytime soon, why don't you tell me who you are and what you want with me?"

"My name is Queen Chrysalis," the Changeling said, "As for what I want with you, I'll tell you once you calm down."

Douglas shifted around in his cocoon and leaned against the side of it.

"Okay, can I come down now?"

"No," Chrysalis said. Douglas curled up and tried to make himself look like he was calm.

"Look, I'm calm. Can I please come down now?"

Chrysalis smiled and lowered Douglas down. The pod opened up and Douglas emerged, coated in slime and smelling like a sewer.

"Do you usually greet your guests like that?" he asked as he tried to wipe the slime off his jacket.

"Only if they have hurt my Changelings."

"They bloody attacked me first," Douglas said. Several of the wounded Changelings behind him growled, Douglas reached down for his shank and then realized it wasn't there in his pocket.

"Silence!" a Changeling next to Chrysalis said. The Changeling was a little bigger than the rest of them, and the commanding voice helped with quelling the angry Changelings.

"I know for a fact that it was you who attacked my Changelings first," the Changeling said. Chrysalis put up a hole filled hoof.

"Now now Xinkz, no need to become hostile to our new asset."

"New asset?" Douglas thought, he then spoke up, "What do you mean?"

"I'm offering you a proposal," Chrysalis said, "You help me and I give you a little something in return."

"No," Douglas said as she shook his head, "I don't make deals with bugs."

Several growls and hisses came from the surrounding Changelings as they advanced on him. Douglas looked around and saw he was cornered. Xinkz ordered them to back off.

"I know what you want Douglas and I'll give it to you," Chrysalis said as she held up a green crystal ball, "But only if you'll agree."

Douglas walked closer to the crystal ball, he reached out to touch it and brief flashes of his memory came back to him. He stood back and looked at Chrysalis who was smiling. She tossed the ball to Xinkz who kept it out of Douglas' reach.

"I know that you've lost your memory, and if you'll agree to help me you can have it all back."

"So it was you who took my memory," Douglas said, "At least you've kept hold of it for me."

"Do we have an agreement?"

"Sure, I need to know what my life was like before I came here."

Xinkz gave the crystal ball to Douglas and he looked into it, hoping to find something about his brony parents. That's when the memories of his life in Ireland streamed back into his subconscious, instead of feeling at ease and relaxation for finally getting his mind back he felt humiliated, withdrawn, depressed, and angry. The memories of his parents as bronies was worse than he had predicted. He stood frozen as he stared into the crystal ball and watched fragments of his memories played inside the ball. His parents absolutely humiliated him, at parties, at school, even at home. Douglas' parents would never shut up about the show, they would always use words and quotes that were in the show and worst of all, his own family and friends left them or laughed at him. Douglas watched as other haunting memories flooded back. His grandfather, who he thought died of old age, commits suicide to escape his life's troubles. His Uncle Geoff gets arrested and is never seen again and as for Douglas's last friend Ted, the betrayer who humiliated Douglas at the party by pointing out that his parents were dressed as the Royal Caterlot newlyweds. Fueled by nothing but rage Douglas crushed the crystal ball and smashed it against the ground. He looked up and saw Chrysalis laughing, she then leaned down so that she was head level with him.

"I knew you wanted to know, and now you do."

"You fecking tricked me," Douglas said through heavy breaths.

"I did no such thing, you found out for yourself."

"Was this my life?"

Chrysalis nodded. Douglas looked at the shards of the crystal ball and at his hands. Now that he had gained his memory only one thought consumed his mind.

"I am going to get my revenge for what they did, mark my words."

"They are not the only ones," Xinkz said. Douglas looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Those ponies that you met, they are working with your parents. they are all trying to ruin you life. The entire town is conspiring against you."

Douglas pulled his ski mask out of his pocket and slid it over his face. He then turned to Chrysalis and Xinkz.

"I don't care what they are planning,!"

"Are you willing to fight for our Majesty Queen Chrysalis in the conquest to dominate Equestria?" Xinkz asked.

Douglas dropped to one knee and bowed in front of Chrysalis.

"I will fight by your side, I shall serve no other."

Chrysalis smiled and nodded.

"Good to have you on our side Douglas."

Parental Laments

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"What do you mean he's been taken by Changelings?" Barry roared in rage after Fluttershy told him what had happened to Douglas.

"I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry Barry, but he's gone," Fluttershy stammered.

"He's gone. Is that all you have to fecking say? My son, my only son is missing because of you! Why the hell didn't you help him?"

"He told me to run."

Barry leaned against the table and gave Fluttershy a cold stare until she broke down and wept. Margret put a hand on Barry's arm.

"Honey, calm down a little. If we're going to find Douglas then we need as much information as possible."

Barry sighed and slumped down in his chair. He couldn't believe that his son was now missing in such a peaceful world, he knew that Douglas wouldn't have ran away without a good cause or at least telling them first. Now that Barry knew that Douglas was captured by Changelings he could only pray that they would treat him well. Barry looked up and saw Twilight and the rest of her friends staring at him in amazement.

"You must be really worried about him," Twilight said.

"I just want him back," Barry said. His wife put her hand around his.

"Can you tell us anything about the Changelings?"

"We don't know too much about them," Twilight said.

"They've only been seen around here once," Pinkie said, "Their leader took Princess Cadence's form and managed to take over Equestria but we managed to beat them.

"What do they look like."

"Awful, hideous creatures," Rarity said, "They look like bugs with holes in them. Nasty little things. As for their leader, she's the worst of the lot."

"Bugs," Barry said, "Makes sense that they would be living in a cave."

Twilight managed to comfort Futtershy, as she did Rainbow dash walked over to them.

"But the cave that they are staying in, is it really that close to Ponyville?"

"Yes," Fluttershy said weakly.

"I'm going after him," Barry said as he stood up.

"You can't fight Chrysalis and her Changelings alone," Twilight said. Barry leaned over the table and stared at Twilight dead in her eye.

"That thing has my son and I'm going out there and I'm getting him back, no matter what."

Barry walked away and was promptly stopped by Pinkie.

"What will you do if you meet Queen Chrysalis?" she asked. Barry looked down at her, a dark look on his face.

"She took my son, Pinkie. If I encounter that hag I'm going to pull her fecking nipples off."

And without another word he left. Pinkie watched as he disappeared over the horizon.

"I hope you find him," she whispered softly to no-one.

Barry was furious and determined. Who did this creature think it was, kidnapping his son. Barry was ready to meet this Queen of the Changelings and give her the beat down of a lifetime, he had been in a few pub fights when he as younger and Barry was confident that he could squash Chrysalis like the bug she was. A few ponies waved to him but Barry took no notice of them, he wanted his son back. As he neared the forest he pulled a branch off a tree and decided to use it as a club, he may need to fight a few of the bugs and he wanted to make sure that he would be able to reach Douglas so he could help him escape. As darkness fell Barry followed the pathways until he managed to find a trail that steered him sharply to the right. Barry, out of parental instinct, followed it knowing that this was the right way to Douglas.

"Chrysalis!" he bellowed, "Give me back my son!"

The cave where the Changelings reside loomed in front of Barry and he walked into the darkness. He couldn't see much in front of him but he could feel Douglas in the cave and he was safe Barry breathed a sigh of relief and called out to his son.

"Douglas, are you in here?"

The sound of boots against loose rock answered Barry's spirits raised as the form of his son appeared in front of him. But something didn't seem right with Douglas, it was as if he was a ghost.


"Oh, it's you," came the reply. It sounded very monotone and dark.


"What are you doing here?"

Barry walked closer to Douglas but no matter how many steps he took Douglas seemed to retreat further into the darkness. What puzzled Barry was how Douglas wasn't moving but he kept getting more distant.

"Douglas, I came to get you out of here."

"Strange words coming from a man who keeps trying to ruin my life," Douglas said.

"What are you talking about?" Barry asked with irritation. Douglas held up a stiff accusing finger.

"You, it was you and mum who became the epidemic of my life, I was always unable to rid you both of that stupid obsession."

"What obsession?" Barry asked, "Douglas, what happened to you?"

Douglas coked his head to one side in such a quick and inhuman motion, Barry thought that his head had become detached to his body. He then gave a creepy grin and Barry backed away.

"I got my memory back, and now I want it gone."


"I now know why my mind was taken, you and your wife have done nothing for me. All my life has been nothing but disappointment and humiliation, but no more dad. No more of your little games. Get out."

"What?" Barry asked. Douglas' gaze dropped and made him look more menacing.

"Get out of my life!" Douglas yelled, "I'm sick of you and your bronieism, I've had it with you and mum. Get! Out! Of! My! Life!"

"Douglas," Barry said, "What did this to you?"

"You...did your...only...son."

Barry dropped the stick and raced out of the cave, but not before hearing one last thing from Douglas.

"I'm disowning myself from you, I don't want you to come back ever again."

Tears streamed down Barry's face as he ran for Ponyville. His son, his own flesh and blood had said all of that. Barry stumbled and fell, he sat there on his hands and knees.

"How could he do that?" he thought, "What happened to my boy?"

The thought of Douglas' outburst was too much to bear and Barry promptly vomited. He got up and ran again, he has to tell the others what he had just witnessed. He thought of what might have happened to Douglas scared him. All Barry could do now was run, run and pray to God that there was a way to cure his son. Barry kept up his sprint, hopping over tree stumps and branches as he tried to get out of the forest, he did eventually come to a path that led back to the town and he was lucky when he saw Margret and the six ponies all standing at the end of the path. Barry slowed to a walk and went over to his wife.

"Did you find him?" she asked. Barry sighed and looked his wife in her eyes.

"I did, but it wasn't him."

"What are you talking about?"

"Douglas, he's...he's changed. He is no longer is our son, he said some strange things about us ruining our life and then he disowned himself. He kept shouting at me to get out of the cave, he's become a monster."

Several gasps followed.

"But why?" Margret asked Barry.

"I don't know, but he said that he got his memory back."

Twilight stepped up to Barry and placed a hoof on his hand.

"I'm sorry for what happened but I know what happened," she said, "If he was taken by the Changelings then Chrysalis might have altered his memory. I don't know why she would do that but I can assume it will not be good."

"Can you fix him?" Barry asked hopefully.

"I'll try and see if there's a cure."

Barry crouched down and hugged Twilight.

"Just get me my son back."

"I'll do whatever it takes," Twilight said, "For Douglas."

I Live To Serve

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"What do you see in him, Queen Chrysalis?" Xinkz asked as he sat by the Queen's side.

"I see something inside of him that is begging to be released. I know that there is a burning hatred that had been building inside him for a while now, now that it had been uncovered it will only be a matter of time until we can use the hatred that he has."

"And what are you hoping to use his internal fire for?"

"We're going to attack Ponyville and I want him to lead the charge."

"I thought I was to lead the attack," Xinkz said irritably. Chrysalis pulled Xinkz closer to him.

"You're my favorite Changeling Xinkz, you stuck with me after I was defeated and I want to keep you safe."

Xinkz sighed and shuffled closer to his queen, Chrysalis loved all of her kind and she did her best to find them after the defeat in Canterlot. Xinkz was her most trusted and brave Changeling and he honored that title, few tried to claim it but Xinkz was took much of a match for the other Changelings. In the upcoming battle Xinkz thought that he would be leading the attack but now he would be sitting back as Douglas took the reins.

"But what of the human?" he asked.

"The chance of him making it back are slim, he might die in the attack," Chrysalis said, "And if he does die I shall give you his Internal Fire and it will grant you the powers of a true warrior."

Xinkz sneered as he thought of becoming the most powerful being in the whole of Equestria. He looked around the cave and saw Douglas approach, his camo jacket had holes and dark stains on it as if he tried to make it look like he was a Changeling. He walked up to the two and bowed before Chrysalis.

"My queen, I come forth with this one request," he said. Chrysalis looked down at him and instructed him to rise.

"Don't do that with me, what are you here for?"

"I want my weapons back."

"Might I interject and ask why?" Xinkz said.

"Because I can't lead an attack without the proper tools," Douglas said, "The only problem is that my air rifle has no ammo to it and my shank isn't too strong."

"Bring me his weapons," Chrysalis said. Xinkz nodded and reluctantly fetched the rifle and the shank, he wanted Douglas to go in unarmed because there would be a higher chance of him being killed. Chrysalis took both of the weapons and suspended them in a green aura of Changeling magic. Douglas watched as some sort of marking materialized on his rifle and his shank get bigger and much thicker. Chrysalis then dropped them in his hands.

"What have you done to these?" Douglas asked.

"I only enchanted them so that they are better than they once were."

"Care to explain?"

Chrysalis nodded and gave Douglas a smile.

"The rifle has been enchanted so that it no longer needs to be loaded and it will shoot energy projectiles, I also gave it a nice new look. Your knife has been made bigger and stronger, it can never be broken and so long as you carry it you can defeat any enemy, no matter how powerful they are."

Douglas pocketed the shank and looked at the pattern on the rifle, on the sides of the buttstock there was a Celtic knot engraved in green. There was a matching one on the other side, running down the gun from muzzle to trigger was a swirling pattern of lines and it too was colored green. Eager to try the new ammo Douglas aimed it at the cocoon that once held him and he fired a burst of green and white bolts at it, the gun also had a noise change, instead of making its original loud "prak" noise it made the sound of a toy laser gun. The bolts that hit the cocoon then exploded. Douglas turned back to Chrysalis and Xinkz.

"Will it do that to ponies?"

"No it won't," Xinkz said, "It will hurt them but it cannot kill them."

"I need living ponies so I can feed," Chrysalis said.

Douglas decided to not question what Chrysalis said but to change the subject on the attack on Ponyville.

"How are we going to take the town?" he asked.

"I have been thinking that we go for a full scale surprise assault. Throw them off and then take over."

"If we are to do this successfully then we'll be able to move on to Cloudsdale and then Canterlot," Xinkz added.

"But you won't," Douglas said, "You can't surprise attack Ponyville without a proper plan."

"And what makes you think that my plan will fail?" Chrysalis asked. Douglas held the rifle by the barrel and leaned against it.

"First problem is that I haven't even heard your plan."

Xinkz stepped up next to Douglas.

"The plan is to attack in the daytime when they least expect it and then we take over."

"Anything else?" Douglas asked. Xinkz shook his head. Douglas sighed in disappointment.

"If you're going to initiate a surprise attack then you have to surprise them."

"Do you have a better plan?" Chrysalis asked.

"That and a crudely made map," Douglas said as he pulled out the map that he got from the clubhouse, "So, do you want to hear my plan?"

Xinkz gathered the rest of the Changelings and they listened as Douglas explained his plan. What they were going to do was infiltrate Ponyville, see where the strategic and important buildings where and then destroy them. The infiltration was the easy part of the plan, the wounded Changelings would disguise themselves as ponies and then get into the town to destroy the targets and set off the distractions. As for bringing down the targets, Douglas had a very dangerous and very effective plan.

"What are plastic explosives?" Xinkz asked.

"Bombs," Douglas replied, "If we're going to distract the citizens then we need a very attention grabbing distraction."

"Can you make these?" Chrysalis asked. Douglas nodded.

"You get me the stuff and I'll be able to blast the town into space."

"I knew that it was a good idea to recruit you," Chrysalis said with a smile.

"I do my best to please," Douglas replied.

The Plan Of Attack

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"Okay, so does everyone here get the plan?" Douglas asked as he stood on a stone in front of almost a hundred Changelings. Douglas had spent the last twenty minutes addressing the plan and saying how it was going to formulate. It was basic enough but Douglas had added very precise details to the plan. As Douglas stood in front of the Changelings he waited to get a response. The Changelings, after talking among themselves for a few minutes all nodded.

"Excellent," Douglas said as he hopped down from the stone and walked over to the Changelings, "Now, the signal that the bombs are planted should arrive soon. In the meantime I'm going to have to ask for a few of you to attack me."

The Changelings all looked at Douglas like he was crazy. Douglas didn't need them to say anything, he had already explained this part of the plan. Douglas sighed and shook his head.

"Look if I'm going to go back to Ponyville I need to look as if I fought my way out from you guys. Don't worry, I won't fight back. Just make my injuries believable."

One of the Changelings stepped forward and looked up at Douglas, seeming confused and afraid but who he was about to do. Douglas assured the Changeling that he wasn't going to be punished by Chrysalis for what they were going to do because the queen already knew the plan.

"Only stop when I yell 'I yield'," Douglas said as he covered his face with his arms, "And don't go too crazy."

A few more Changelings stepped forward and after looking at one another, pounced on Douglas and pummeled him. The four kicked, bit, slashed and stomped on Douglas, one of them even had some green slime and was splattering it all over Douglas' army jacket. This continued for a few minutes until Douglas started yelling.

"I yield! I yield!"

The Changelings stopped and helped him sit up. Douglas rubbed his face and felt blood run down his chin from his lip. He lifted up his shirt and saw several cuts and bruises cover his sides and stomach. He stood up and staggered over to a Changeling that was holding his rifle and shank.

"Okay, that'll work for now," he said, "Where's Chrysalis?"

"I'm right here," Chrysalis said. Douglas smiled, blood staining his teeth.

"Are we ready?"

"I've just got the notice that the bombs are planted, I hope that you know what you are doing."

"It's okay, I have my remote detonator," Douglas said as he waved a small box with a button on it.

"Just make sure that you set them off before we're discovered."

"I'll make sure that the main force isn't exposed."

Douglas then turned and half ran half limped out of the cave. Night had turned to day and Douglas was glad about that, if it was night then he would be tripping on every last branch. He stopped briefly to rub some more mud on his jeans and then he was off trying to get to the town. The fact that he had a limp and was bleeding made the story of him escaping the Changelings more plausible, he just hoped that the Changelings in disguise hadn't been discovered yet. Douglas made it though the forest and made it to open ground where a pony was waiting for him.

"Are you Douglas?" the pony asked. Douglas nodded.

"You one with the swarm?"

The pony nodded.

"Head to Fluttershy's cottage, she'll be able to fix you up and get you inside the town."

"Good thing you guys were here," Douglas said, "Where are my parents at?"

"At Twilight's, once they hear that you've escaped they'll come and find you. Why, are you planning something?"

"Just a healthy serving of revenge," Douglas said with a menacing grin.

Douglas headed to Fluttershy's cottage, he avoided the main paths and roads to avoid being discovered and to make it look like he had been wandering for a long time with no sense of direction. He managed to limp his way closer to the cottage and see Fluttershy humming to herself as she tended to a few flowers. Douglas staggered over, one hand holding the rifle and the other clutching his ribs, making it look as if they were cracked.

"Fluttershy," he said. Fluttershy looked up and saw Douglas coming towards her.

"Douglas? Are you okay?"

"Help me," he said. He then fell to the ground and pretended to black out but he listened as Fluttershy ran over to him and tried to wake him up.

"Oh, Douglas, are you okay? No, he's still breathing. I can get him inside."

"Does she always talk to herself?" Douglas thought as he felt Fluttershy pick him up by the collar and drag him into her cottage. Douglas let her place him on the couch and he watched in one eye as she ran into another room, he realized that it had been a while since he last slept and he tried to get comfortable on the couch and see if he could sleep for a few hours. He drifted off and saw nothing but the vivid memories of his past life, nothing but humiliation and regret filled his mind with pain but he tried to suppress the pain.

"Douglas? Douglas are you awake?"

Douglas rubbed his eyes and sat up, sitting in front of him where his parents.

"Mum! Dad!" he said as he lunged forward and hugged them. Barry and Margret returned the hug.

"Where have you been?" his mother asked.

"In a nightmare."

"Are you okay?" Barry asked.

"I'm a little cut up and bruised but I'll live," Douglas said, but in his mind he was thinking, "I don't think you'll live to see tomorrow dad."

Just as the three let go of each other Fluttershy came into the room with some bandages and food for Douglas.

"Here, let me fix you up," she said. Douglas sat still as she placed bandages on his cuts and gave him food.

"So what happened to you?" Margret asked.

"Can we get Twilight first,"Douglas said, "I really need to talk to her."

"Sure we can see Twilight," Fluttershy said.

"I'm just glad you are back, Douglas," Barry said.

Fluttershy led Douglas and his parents through Ponyville until they came across Twilight and Spike outside a small cafe sitting on a bench. Twilight was reading though a book while Spike kept track of what she said, writing down various sentences on a parchment. Fluttershy walked over to her.

"Twilight, look who came back."

Twilight looked up and saw Douglas.


"Yeah, it's me."

"How did you-?"

"I managed to break the spell that Chrysalis put on me." Douglas interrupted, "After that I fought my way out of the cave."

"How many Changelings were there?" Twilight asked.

"Not a lot," Douglas lied.

"Did they hurt you in any way?" his mother asked.

"Just look at me," Douglas said as he held up his arms, "They bloody attacked me after I surrendered."

"They're going to pay for that," Barry said.

Before Douglas could object Applejack and Rainbow Dash appeared, both of them dragging a pony by the tail. The pony was tied up and gagged. Applejack let go of their prisoner and walked up to Twilight.

"Applejack, what are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"Me and Dash found this pony snooping around mah barn," Applejack said, "We went over to tell him to go away and when he looked at us his eyes changed color."


"See for yourself," Rainbow Dash said. Twilight and Douglas both went over to the suspected Changeling, Twilight removed the gag and looked closer into the pony's eyes.

"They are weird looking," Twilight said.

"But what makes you think he's a Changeling?" Douglas interjected. Twilight looked to him and then the pony.

"I know a spell that will expose him."

"Do it then," Douglas said.

Twilight's horn glowed and then a beam of energy shot out of it and hit the pony on the head. Slowly the Changeling was exposed, Twilight stood over him. Douglas could see the fear in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Twilight asked the Changeling.

"I-I-I-I was just-uh."

"You were snooping around mah barn for a reason," Applejack said. As they were distracted Douglas took out the detonator and hit it under his sleeve.

"Come out with it," Douglas said as he pointed the rifle at the Changeling. The Changeling saw the pattern on the rifle and Douglas wink.

"I think you know why, Douglas."

The three ponies and Douglas' parents stared at Douglas.

"How does he know your name?" Barry asked. Douglas smiled and took out his shank, he undid the ropes on the Changeling and helped him up. Douglas then put his arm around the Changeling and held up the detonator remote.

"Garry Owen!" he yelled, and then he pressed the button.

A series of several large and loud explosions followed. Ponies started screaming and running around. Twilight looked around in panic and then back to Douglas.

"You betrayed us."

"I know," Douglas said with a smirk.

"Changelings!" a frightened yell came.

Changelings started dropping from the sky like bombs and then attacked. Douglas held his rifle at hip level and aimed it at Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and his parents.

"Sorry it had to be like this, but I couldn't let you all work together."

"What the bloody hell are you going on about, Douglas?" Barry asked.

"You know what I mean dad. You and the whole fecking town were in on it, I should have known that you were up to something from the start. Why didn't you just leave me alone?"

"Douglas," his mother said, "We've always loved you, but you've gone too far this time. You need to stop, now."

"I'm not listening to you anymore," Douglas said as he shouldered his rifle, "And soon, you'll never be heard from again."

"NO!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she shot forward and slammed into Douglas. He fell backwards and then rolled over. Rainbow Dash was flying around him, occasionally landing a few kicks on his sides. Douglas started firing wildly in hopes of trying to stop her.

"Fight me coward!" Douglas yelled. Rainbow Dash stopped several feet in front of him and stood in an attack stance. Douglas pulled his mask over his face and opened fire, Rainbow Dash dodged the shots and manged to kick him in the chest, Douglas flew back and rolled over back onto his feet. Rainbow Dash flew at him again but this time he was ready, he avoided the attack and as Rainbow Dash flew around to get another pass he fired and hit her. He watched as the pegasus span and crash landed into a fruit cart. Douglas walked over to her, smiling that he brought her down. Rainbow Dash clutched her shredded wing, tears streaming down her face.

"You're going to pay for that," she said in a weak voice.

"Too bad you can't do anything," Douglas said. He then hit Rainbow Dash across the face with the butt of his rifle, knocking her out. Douglas then turned his attention to the ponies who were staring at him, he fired his rifle in the air and chased after them as they scattered.


Douglas came into contact with resistance a few times but with the help of the Changelings he managed to defeat them and round up prisoners. Slowly as the sun set the battle lessened until the town was under Changeling rule. As Douglas paced up and down the lines of prisoners Queen Chrysalis and Xinkz walked up to him. Douglas pointed his rifle at the ponies and they all bowed, fearful of the Changeling's new soldier.

"They will serve you well my queen," Douglas said.

"Excellent work Douglas!" Chrysalis said, "None of my subjects have been able to install so much fear by themselves."

"I try my best," Douglas said with a sneer.

"You wait you monster!" a filly yelled, "My Dream Guardian is going to come here and he will take you out!"

Douglas gave the filly a cold stare as he walked over to her.

"Oh yeah? And where is the bastard? He's not here! Give up your little fantasy."

"I'll tell him," the filly said, "I'll tell him what you are doing and he will come and beat you, he's saved me once and he will save me again."

Douglas grabbed the filly by the back of her neck and slammed her into the ground, she rolled over and Douglas pinned her with his boot.

"Where is he then eh?" he asked as he held the barrel of the rifle over her face. The filly stared back, determined and angry.

"He's been banished for now, but once he hears about you and what you did he will come back and he will kill you."

"Really?" Douglas said with a laugh, "He'll be killed by the time I see him, he's just another weak and pathetic pony, just like you."

"No," the filly said, "He is what you are, and he's going to bring the fury of chaos with him."

Douglas pressed his rifle against the filly's face.

"Mark my words, if I see him I will kill him. And then I'll kill you."

"Douglas! Enough!" Xinkz said. Douglas stepped off the filly and stood back with the rest of the Changelings. Chrysalis stepped forward to address the prisoners.

"Citizens of Ponyville, your town is now ruled by me! The Changelings will rise once more! For today we have taken Ponyville and tomorrow we shall take over Equestria!"

An Unlikely Bond

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Douglas leaned back on his rifle and stared up at the ceiling of the town hall. Well over a hundred cocoons hung from the ceiling, each one contained a pony and Douglas could just see the fear distilled in their eyes as they sat in the slime coated pods. Most had given up trying to escape, the few that did where shot by Douglas and then put into another cocoon. He let the rest of the Changelings guard them and went over to Chrysalis. She as sitting on a black, hole filled throne that seemed to be made of organic material, Douglas didn't know what it was but he didn't really care much since his jacket and jeans had the same material staining them.

"You've done a fantastic job," Chrysalis said, "I only wish that my other subjects could be like you."

"Where are my parents?" Douglas asked.

"They managed to escape with Twilight, I've got my best Changelings searching for them."

"Xinkz included?"

"Xinkz insisted that he should lead the search teams, he wants to bring your parents to you as a gift."

Douglas sniggered and leaned against the throne.

"Tis a shame now," he said, "Now that I've disowned myself I technically don't have a family anymore, but who needs them anyway?"

"Yes, quite," Chrysalis said as she ushered Douglas closer, "You don't need them anyway, because of what you managed to do I'm making you a part of the Swarm. You are now an honorary Changeling."

"Really?" Douglas asked, "I'm one of you now?"

"I've never had a non-Changeling in my Swarm, but I think you've earned a spot."

Douglas felt pleased knowing that he had now joined the Swarm, but he wondered if they would laugh at him because his parents were fans of a kids TV show. He didn't want to be humiliated again.


Chrysalis looked down at him.

"Yes?" she asked.

"You know that in my world my parents were known as 'bronies', is the rest of the Swarm going to make fun of me for it?"

"No, you helped us take over the town. I think that you'll be loved by my subjects, and more importantly, by me."

"Really? Prove it," Douglas said. Chrysalis scooped him up and hugged him, Douglas didn't know what to do first but he hugged her back. Chrysalis set Douglas down just as three Changelings approached them dragging a large crate.

"My queen we have found this crate," a Changeling said.

"What is in it?" Chrysalis asked.

"Hey!" a shout came from the cocoons, "That's mah secret cider stash. Nopony's allowed to have that."

Douglas took out his shank and walked over to the crate.

"Would you like us to leave it alone? Too bad."

Douglas pried the crate open and he pulled out a pair of unmarked bottles that was clearly apple cider. He smiled and held the two bottles above his head.

"Hey guys! We celebrate tonight!"

An hour and three bottles of cider later Douglas slowly lapsed into a drunken state. He staggered around, babbled on about his evil parents and even a few times started singing rowdy Irish drinking songs. The Changelings all joined in, singing laughing and a few were even dancing. Douglas grabbed another bottle, popped it open and swallowed a forth of the cider.

"Oi feel loike singin' again," Douglas said as he stumbled around a few of the Changelings.

"Oh dear," Chrysalis said with a laugh.

"Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness, I'm one hundred percent Irish. Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness, I'm two hundred percent Irish! Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness, why do you love the leprechaun? Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness, we love them because they turn us on!"

"What's he saying?" one Changeling asked his friend. The other Changeling shook his head.

"Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness, how can you call yourself Irish? Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness, 'cause I'm fecking Irish!"

Douglas then dropped the bottle and fell over backwards, giggling like a madman. A few Changelings gathered around him and helped him sit up.

"Geroff, I'm fine," Douglas said. Chrysalis walked over to him and sat down beside him.

"You should get some sleep."

Douglas didn't say anything, instead he hugged Chrysalis.

"I'm so glad that your my adoptive mother," Douglas said. Chrysalis pulled him closer.

"I knew that you'd be the best for the task at hand," she said. Douglas motioned her closer and whispered in her ear.

"I love you," he said, and then he fell against Chrysalis and fell asleep. Chrysalis smiled and placed Douglas on her back and took him to a small room. Douglas stirred and woke up, he rubbed his eyes and tried to sit on Chrysalis' back.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"I'm going to take you to your new quarters," Chrysalis said, "I hope you don't mind sharing with Xinkz."

"We'll get on like a house on fire," Douglas said as he was set down next to what looked like a bed made from hay and a broken cocoon.

"You should get some sleep," Chrysalis said as she left, "I'll need you to look around the town for any ponies who escaped."

Douglas was left alone in the small room, he looked around in his drunken, blurry view and figured out that it used to be an office. The Changeling beds where added along with a smaller cocoon that Douglas tossed his rifle and jacket into before he dropped down into the bed. He lay back and stared out towards the moon, there was a funny glow coming from a crater but he didn't think much of it. Douglas rolled over and drifted off into a blissful sleep, happy and content now that he was a part of Chrysalis' Swarm.

"Ay'up laddie. Wakey wakey," a distorted voice said in Douglas' ear.

"Huh? What?"

"You're a right wanker aren't ya?" the voice said, "I really should purge you but sadly your not a nightmare."

Douglas sat up and found himself in a black void standing on a floating island. Several other islands were scattered around the void. Douglas looked around to try and figure out where he was.

"What's going on? Where am I?"

"This was a dreamscape but I've cleaned it up," the voice said, Douglas could now pick out a distinct accent.

"Give me your name," Douglas said.

"I'm not going to do that," the voice said, "But I can at least show you who I am."

"Come on out then you fecker."

"Tisk tisk, you Irish should really learn to calm down, especially you, Douglas."

Douglas stepped back and looked around.

"How did you know my name?"

"My little friend told me about you, what you did to her. Crushing her with your boot and pointing your gun at her, what kind of sick person are you?"

"Show yourself!" Douglas barked. There was a snort and then the voice spoke.

"Very well, keep an eye on the island approaching you."

Douglas saw the floating island and watched as a mist formed on it and took the shape of another human. The human then fully manifested in front of him and the island stopped just a few feet from him. The human was a few inches taller than Douglas, his hair was black with silver streaks running from his fringe all the way to the back of his head. The human appeared to be wearing a black armor vest with a gray t-shirt under it, he was also wearing black jeans and silver shin guards. Douglas saw a small red stone around his neck and saw that the human's arm was burned.

"Funny really," the human said as he rubbed his chin, "You're not as scary as my friend said you were."

"Who are you?" Douglas asked.

"I'm nothing but a human just like you," the person said, "But I'm a little different."

"Where are you from?" Douglas asked curiously, "I know you're from the British isles."

"You figure that out for yourself," the person said. Douglas snorted and leaned against the desk on his island.

"Tell me, whoever you are. Why am I here?"

"Three reasons," the person said, "The first is a warning and the second is something that you've been wanting to know for a while, the third I don't think you'll believe."

"Go on."

The person leaned back and a small leather armchair appeared from the mist. He then leaned forward and stared at Douglas, the tips of his index fingers touching his upper lip.

"First reason, you should give up working for Chrysalis while you can. I've been down that path and trust me, it's not pretty. Just walk away and it'll only get better."

"And why should I?" Douglas asked, "What makes you think I'll believe you? And why should I give up working for Chrysalis?"

"Second reason. I know where your parents are."

Douglas stood up and stepped closer. The person smirked and leaned back.

"I knew that would get you attention."

"Tell me where they are."

"They're in Canterlot with Twilight, she's already told Celestia about what you've done and as I speak there are entire battalions of soldiers bearing down on Ponyville to rid the Changelings for good. As for your mother and father, they're worried sick about you. Your dad is trying to counter what you did with heavy drinking and your mother cries for you each night, go back to them, they need you."

"They're liars and I hate them, Chrysalis showed me what they did to me. I'm never going back to them."

"I'd go back to them," the person said as he rested his cheek on his fist and stared off into the distance, "I don't think you understand that I'm trying to help you, lad. You have no clue what it's like for me."

"And how are you worse off?" Douglas asked, "How can your parents be worse than my brony parents?"

"My parents," the person said as he leaned closer to Douglas, "Are dead. Killed in the fires that fell from the sky along with the rest of my bloody family. Listen to me Douglas, get away from here and I promise you that you won't lose you family like I did."

"I'm staying with Chrysalis," Douglas said defiantly.

"I'm hoping you'll reconsider after I tell you this; Chrysalis purposely changed your memories."

"What?" Douglas scoffed, "No she didn't."

"Then how come she knew that you wanted your memory back when you first met her?" the person asked slyly. Douglas stammered for a few seconds and then shook his head irritated about what this person was saying.

"Feck off whoever you are, you're nothing but a dream brought on by my drinking. I'm not going to believe another word that spews from you anymore."

The person stood up and kicked the chair backwards, sending it plummeting off the island and into the void where it blew up.

"Do not test me Douglas! You know what you bloody well did and I swear that you're going to pay for it, I've killed a god and I'll have no trouble killing you."

"If you want a scrap now then I'm ready," Douglas said. The person sighed and stood back.

"No," he said, "Not now, we will meet again Douglas and I promise you that the fire you tried to stop out will burn you. We will do battle, but not here. It won't matter."

"Fine, but I want to know this; if we do meet, will I recognize you?"

"You will, you will. But I'll tell you now, you're not going to remember much of this."

The person started laughing as he walked backwards into the mist. Douglas tried to pursue him but the island drifted away.

"Wait, what the hell do you mean I won't remember?"

"You said yourself, you're drunk. As for me, I'm going to keep watch until I can get back. Once we meet again I'll tell you my name. Oh, one more thing, watch your back."

The person then evaporated and Douglas woke up, sweaty and dizzy. His head pounded and his mouth was dry, Douglas walked over to the sink and rinsed his mouth with water. He didn't know what that dream was all about but he didn't care, he just wanted to get back to sleep. As he did he looked up to the night sky again, he was about to settle down when a chilling voice whispered in his ear.

"Always watching."

A Call Of Battle

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"Aw fecking 'ell," Douglas said as he rolled over in his bed. He sat up and covered his eyes from the sudden burst of light that hit him in the face. He manged to walk over to the sink and rub water in his eyes. Looking up at himself in the mirror Douglas noticed that his hair was a mess, he matted it down and went to dry his hands off when a Changeling burst through the door.

"The queen needs to see you now, it's urgent."

"Tell her I'll be right there," Douglas said as he retrieved his jacket and rifle. Douglas didn't want to help out Chrysalis right away, he needed food but he still had to report for duty. After all, he wanted to prove that he was the best of all the Changelings. He ran down the stairs and into the main room of the town hall, the ponies were all still hanging from the ceiling inside of cocoons, they had become quieter but there was an occasional sob. Douglas ran up to Chrysalis who was pacing back and to in front of her throne.

"I cannot believe this," she said over and over again.

"What?" Douglas asked, Chrysalis stopped and looked down at him with worry and disappointment.

"Xinkz has failed us, because he didn't locate Twilight she managed to get to Canterlot and tell Celestia what has happened and now some of our scouts are reporting that there are over a thousand soldiers coming to Ponyville."

"We can fight them," Douglas said, "Can't we?"

"If only we had the numbers," Chrysalis said, "We have to run again."

"But what are we going to do in the meantime?"

"All we can do is get ready."

Chrysalis sighed and walked away. Douglas, feeling slightly irritated, went outside to see if he could think of some way of helping Chrysalis and fight off the incoming army. He sat down on a bench and held his rifle close to his chest. He could see the army even from here and the reports were not lies, the army was huge. Douglas knew that they outnumbered the Changelings but he had gotten them this far, if only they could find a smaller town to take over and then move onto a bigger town to annex. If they kept this up they might be able to take over Equestria. He stood up and ran back inside, he wandered around for a few minutes until he found Chrysalis with Xinkz, she was currently talking to him and she didn't sound too happy.

"You've failed me, Xinkz. Now because of you we are doomed."

"I am sorry my queen," Xinkz said, "I should have searched longer."

"I am disappointed in you Xinkz, now I have to find a way to get us all out of here safely."

Douglas walked over, wanting to tell his plan.

"Queen Chrysalis, I've got an idea."

The two look at him.

"Go on," Chrysalis said.

"I've been thinking and I've come to this conclusion, we've been to ambitious. Ponyville is too big a town to start with if we're going to take this place over we need to take over a smaller secluded town then move onto bigger towns once we have the strength. Now it may sound like a long shot but if we can take over enough towns then we could eventually take over, not just Equestria, but the entire planet."

"You're mad," Xinkz said.

"Thank God for that because if I wasn't, it might never work," Douglas retorted.

"We have no other choice," Chrysalis said, "Douglas, I want you to lead the scout team and clear the way through the forest for us. Once you do that we can escape."

"What about our prisoners?" Douglas asked.

"We shall leave them here. Go and pick your team, you leave once you have enough to work with."

Douglas nodded and left to hand pick his team, but as he was leaving the town hall Xinkz cut him off.

"I don't think so human. If you want a position of command then you must prove it."

"And how would I do that?" Douglas asked.

"All Changelings in the Swarm who want to be the Swarm master must prove in in combat."

"You're kidding aren't you?"

"No," Xinkz said, "And I hereby challenge you to a showdown, no one is allowed to decline a Call of Challenge."

"Xinkz, we don't have the time," Douglas said, "We need to get out of here first then we can decide who the better Changeling is."

"I knew that you were nothing but a coward." Xinkz said. Douglas tossed his rifle aside and stood ready.

"You've pushed it too far matey, let's get this over with."

Xinkz was already in an attack stance and he was ready to fight, Douglas on the other hand didn't want to get into a scrap but he didn't want to humiliate himself. The two stood there for what seemed like an eternity then without warning, Xinkz lunged at Douglas. Douglas was ready and he sidestepped, making Xinkz zoom past him but Xinkz was already next to him before he could react, he landed a few strikes on Douglas but Douglas countered and kicked Xinkz in the face. Xinkz was sent sprawling to the ground and he hopped up, a small trickle of blood seeping down his lip. This time Douglas charged and managed to tackle Xinkz and he punched him twice before he was kicked off, Xinkz flew up and landed on Douglas' back knocking the wind out of him but Douglas managed to hit Xinkz with his elbow. This time Xinkz had Douglas pinned and was clearly trying to beat him to death, Douglas tried to squirm loose but Xinkz had him pinned underneath all his weight. Douglas managed to get a hold of Xinkz's arms and was preventing the enraged Changeling from hitting him. But then Xinkz tried to bite Douglas' face, he head butted Xinkz and tried to reach for his only possible escape; his shank. Douglas pulled the blade out of his pocket, the two struggled as Douglas tried to slash Xinkz with the blade.

"You're going to die, human!" Xinkz said.

"Not likely," Douglas said.

He shoved Xinkz's arm out of the way and plunged the shank deep into the Changeling's neck.

All I Did Was Win...

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Douglas kept twisting the shank in Xinkz's neck until the Changeling stopped twitching and slumped against Douglas. Thick, black blood stained Douglas' jacket and ran down his face. He pushed Xinkz off of him and stood up, Douglas watched as the blood pool formed around Xinkz and he let out a battle cry and turned to face the Changelings who had watched the fight.

"All of you will now follow me!" Douglas said, "I am now the Swarm Master."

Most of the Changelings did nothing, they all stood there in shock. Their eyes darted from Douglas to the bloody shank to the motionless body of Xinkz. Douglas stood in front of them with a bewildered look.

"What, isn't this how you lot decide the next Swarm Master?"

"With the Call to Challenge yes, but we don't kill each other," a Changeling said.

"Who set up that rule?" Douglas asked. Before a reply could come a high pitched scream pierced the air.


"Oh no," Douglas said as he slowly turned around. He saw Chrysalis run out of the town hall and skid to a halt next to the body of Xinkz, he gently picked him up and cradled the corpse. She then looked at Douglas, who was blood covered and still clutching the shank.

"What did you do?" she said in a whisper. Douglas spoke in short confused intervals.

"Call to Challenge...Xinkz...tried to kill me...I killed him."

"You don't kill members of the Swarm," Chrysalis said as she stroked Xinkz's cold, stiff body.

"I...I didn't know," Douglas said as he slowly walked over. Chrysalis looked up at him, fire burning in her eyes that made Douglas freeze.

"YOU-DO-NOT-KILL-MY-SUBJECTS!" she bellowed. Every word seemed to get louder until she said the last word so loud the windows shattered. Douglas dropped the shank and sank to his knees.

"Chrysalis," he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know. Please...please forgive me."

"You sicken me Douglas," Chrysalis said, "First I help you and then you kill the heir to my rule? What kind of monster are you?"

"Heir?" Douglas croaked. Chrysalis was almost spitting fire as she spoke..

"He was going to rule after me. I had my passing ready and you killed him, you killed Xinkz. My favorite Changeling and my hier...don't you understand Douglas? You-killed-my-son!"

Douglas was taken aback, he had no clue that Xinkz was the queen's child, never mind the heir to the Changeling throne. All he could do now was stare in shock, stunned and ridged about his actions.

"I didn't know," he said, tears forming in his eyes.

"Douglas, you are no longer a part of my Swarm. You are hereby cast aside and I'm leaving you to the mercy of the Royal Canterlot Army. I hope you burn in hell!"

"Chrysalis, please, don't do this!"

Chrysalis placed Xinkz on her back and gave Douglas one more grim look.

"Just so you know, I did erase your memories. I was also planning on killing you but after what you did I cannot bring myself to do it, letting you die by the ponies hooves should be a better punishment."

"Chrysalis! Get back here!" Douglas yelled as he grabbed his rifle.

"It's over Douglas," Chrysalis said as she took off with the rest of her Swarm, "I don't want to see you ever again unless you're dead!"

Douglas shouldered the rifle and fired at the retreating Changelings. Every single shot was missing the Changelings, one flew past Chrysalis and she looked back at Douglas. Her horn glowed a green color and then fired a bolt of energy at Douglas, hitting him in the chest and sending him flying backwards into Xinkz's blood pool. Douglas lay there, unable to move and sobbing as he lapsed into unconsciousness. Just before he blacked out he managed to say one last sentence as he watched the Swarm fly away.

"I'm gonna find you Chrysalis, and I'm gonna bury you and your whole fecking Swarm."

"Hey, wake up!"

Douglas stirred and blinked a few times. His vision was returning along with motor functions. What was bothering him was the sheer burning pain that was in the center of his chest, it seemed to be eating its way into his heart. Douglas knew that it was from Chrysalis' energy bolt but he didn't know if it was meant to kill him or not. What he did know was that the blurry forms that clouded his vision slowly formed into unicorn and pegasi soldiers, Douglas lay still as they leaned closer to examine him.

"Well he's not dead," a unicorn soldier said.

"Do all creatures like him bleed black blood?" another asked.

"Where's the commander?" a pegasus soldier said, "He needs to see this."

Douglas continued to stay still as a much larger and much more armored unicorn soldier walked over and leaned down to look him in the face.

"So is it alive?" the unicorn asked a soldier.

"Yes Shining armor, he's breathing."

"Get him up and into chains," the Unicorn said, he leaned down over Douglas, "You think you're gonna get away from me?"

Douglas didn't reply, instead he waited until Shining Armor was right next to his face and he smashed his nose with his fist. As Shining backed away, blood dripping from his nose, Douglas grabbed his rifle and fired, incapacitating three other soldiers before he jumped up and aimed at the rest of the soldiers who were advancing on him with weapons drawn.

"Back off!" Douglas barked, "I'm not going to be killed by you!"

"Give up while you can," Shining said as he wiped the blood from his face.

"I'm not stopping now, I've gotten this far and I'm gonna keep going."

"Alright, calm down and drop the weapon," A pegasus soldier said.

"No," Douglas said sternly as he backed away, "I'm running, don't try and stop me."

"Hold it!" Shining yelled. Douglas stepped backwards and felt something under his boot, he lifted his heel up and saw that it was his detonator, he looked at it and then remembered that there were a few more explosives set up in some of the buildings. He turned his attention back to the soldiers and fired a volley of warning shots along the ground, he then stomped on the box. Several loud explosions followed, tearing apart buildings and homes alike.

"What was that?" Shining yelled. Several of the soldiers ran towards the source of the explosions, Shining ran after them but stopped when he realized that Douglas had made his escape, he span around and saw Douglas standing on a bridge holding up his fist with only one finger protruding upright out of it. He then ran and vanished out of sight. Shining sighed and ran into the town hall with the rest of his troops, he had to free the town from their prisons. He walked over to one soldier and helped him free a pegasus from a cocoon. The soldier noticed the troubled look on Shining's face.

"Something wrong, sir?"

"That's the second time a human has escaped me," Shining said with a sigh, "Only now that weird gesture he did is going to be stuck in my mind for a while now."

"I saw it too, what does it mean?"

"I don't know, but I know that it wasn't friendly."

After It All Blew Over

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"A week, I can't believe that it's been a week," Celestia thought as she paced around on her room balcony. She stopped and stared out towards Ponyville, a few plumes of smoke still drifted from the wreckage of the bombed out buildings. It had been a week since the human known as Douglas had assisted the Changelings in taking over Ponyville, she had gotten the report that Shining made for her a day after Ponyville had been liberated. Celestia wasn't too happy that a human had joined the Changelings but she got the full story from Douglas' parents about his memory being erased and then changed. Celestia knew that the memory changing spell was a very powerful Changeling spell but she didn't know that it was capable of being used on other species. She sighed and retired to the plush pillow that sat in front of her fire to read the most recent letters sent to her by the diplomats in the other Equestrian town. The thought of sending Barry and Margret O'Riley back to Earth without their son hit the princess of the sun, she tried to put it out of her mind but it kept resurfacing. What would they say to the rest of their family once they got back? How could they explain what happened to Douglas? And think on, where was he?

Celestia opened up another letter from the Stalliongrad diplomat and as she read about the famine that was now slowly taking over another rolled up parchment landed next to her. Celesita put down the diplomat's letter and picked up the new letter, the seal indicated that it was from none other than her faithful student Twilight Sparkle. Celestia sighed as she opened it up, only a day after Ponyville's liberation Twilight had gotten into a nasty argument with Shining Armor about him not catching Douglas and the two refused to see each other afterwards, what bothered Celestia was that the argument was unprovoked and it escalated without any sort of peaceful resolution. Shining and Twilight hadn't been like that since the Royal Wedding, but then again Chrysalis was there in disguise and she took over Shining's mind but Celestia dismissed it knowing that Chrysalis was well and truly gone. Celestia took the letter and unrolled it, wondering how her studies about friendship were going on in a town that was still recovering from the Changeling attack.

Dear Princess Celestia,

As you know it's been over one week to the day when Ponyville was taken back from Changeling control. So far most of the town is trying to go back to the way things were but sadly, we are all scared. We've never had our home torn apart by explosives and many of us are now beginning to form a hatred for the human race even though only one human caused all of this. It's sad because Douglas seemed like such a nice person when we first met him but after Chrysalis changed his memories we are all afraid that he will come back and exact revenge on us. I know that his parents are back on Earth and I know that they must be feeling as if they have lost Douglas for good, if only we could get him back here we could help him but I don't think that he'll cooperate with us anymore. I'm disappointed in my brother for not catching him, now because of that we are all living in terror. Many of us won't even go outside and if we do we avoid each other.

Celestia frowned and adjusted the letter so she could read it better in the flickering light of the fire.

I am also writing this letter as our weekly update on my studies and I need to say this now: It's not going well. My friends have all drifted apart, we no longer see each other. After my friends were freed from the Changelings they didn't say much, I managed to get them to talk but only briefly. It seems as if there was something wrong with how we see each other and not only that but the personalities of everypony has changed dramatically. Applejack has now become more focused on her job of applebucking, but she always wants to do it alone. She doesn't let her brother or sister work beside her. Rarity is no longer making her amazing dresses, something that might seem a little ridiculous but it's to do with the constant silence. She never talks and that worries me, I'm afraid that she is no longer her usual self. Fluttershy still visits me on occasion but she's more timid than ever and she has even told me that the animals that she once cared for trashed her home and moved out. Sometimes they come and wreck her cottage and Fluttershy is too powerless to stop it. Rainbow Dash, after having half of her wing blown off, is now much more hostile and antisocial. All she does is pace around her home and mutter about getting Douglas back, the few ponies who have waved to her or wished her to get better received a growl from her. Rainbow Dash has even refused to go to the Wonderbolts training academy which I know is something that she would never do, even if her wing was broken. But the worst by far is Pinkie Pie, our lovable pink pony has now become nothing more than a depressed and sullen wreck. She's gone back to her old state and she doesn't want to host anymore parties or celebrate anything, she didn't even say hi to me when I last saw her. It's upsetting to think about what has happened to us and even harder to write about, but it's not over yet, the three little fillies Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo have disbanded the Cutie Mark Crusaders and have gone their separate ways. I haven't heard from any of them after the Changelings were expelled but I can assume that they have ended up like the rest of us. I'm sorry that I have no good news to report but I think that we both know that even if there was, we wouldn't think to talk about it.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

Celestia almost shed a tear after reading Twilight's letter. It was official, the holders of the Elements of Harmony had been broken and the links between them and the Elements were now shattered. Celestia crumpled the letter up into a ball and tossed it into the fire, not wanting to glance upon it ever again. She sat there for a few minutes staring at the pile of letters from across Equestria, she didn't want to open another one, knowing that each and every one of them would contain nothing but bad news. She went to kick them into the fire when Luna knocked on the door and entered.

"Are you okay my sister?"

Celestia sighed heavily and stood up.

"No Luna. It has not been a good night for me, for the past hour I've been reading all of these letters. Not a single one contains any form of good news, the kingdom is in disarray."

"I know that the past week has been hard for you Celesita, but you cannot let it overcome you," Luna said as she placed a comforting hoof on Celestia's shoulder.

"Thank you Luna, but I do not wish to let my kingdom fall into disharmony like it did all those years ago, when you were Nightmare Moon."

"But surely Equestria is still intact?" Luna asked as she walked out to the balcony, the next two words she said almost trembled with fear, "Isn't it?"

"For now it is," Celestia said as she joined her sister on the balcony, the night had set in now and all that was seen were the few lights that came from Ponyville, it would've been relaxing if the lights weren't illuminating the smoke plumes that drifted into the sky. Celestia shifted her view to the night sky where the moon and stars shone brightly, covered only by a few wisps of clouds.

"You should see this place from the moon," Luna said after a few minutes of silence, "It's a beautiful sight."

There was another pause, the only sounds that was heard was the bustle of nightlife in Canterlot and the quiet breeze of the winds.

"If we cannot fix the kingdom in a year then we shall resort to our Plan of Restoration," Celestia said suddenly. Luna looked bewilderingly at her.

"You cannot be serious, we don't even know if the legends are true and if they were, how could we do what we have planned?"

"We stay here to maintain what little order will remain," Celestia said as she stared off into the sky, "We shall find a pony who is willing enough to do the task at hand."

"Will Twilight and her friends be the ones to put the plan in motion?"

"No, Twilight has informed me of the status of her friends. They wouldn't be capable of holding together and besides, they would be going into a hostile place. Even if they were connected to the Elements of Harmony they wouldn't survive, they would know nothing of where they would be sent to."

"So who can go?" Luna asked. Celestia didn't reply, Luna followed her view and saw what she was looking at; a small cater on the moon that shimmered a few times.

"I think we both know who's capable of getting our savior," Celestia said, "After all, he was born there."