> Defender of Equestria > by x-Kiryu-x > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The start of a long adventure... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Time to raise the moon…" Ever since the banishment of her sister, Celestia had to lower and raise both the sun and the moon, the task was easy but the hard part was knowing her dear sister was gone, each raising and lowering of the moon bringing sadness over Celestia’s heart. After finishing the task Celestia watched over Canterlot from her balcony. "Such a pleasant night..." She sighed as she finished the sentence. Just then what seemed like a falling star appeared in the night sky, grabbing Celestia's attention. "That’s odd… I didn’t plan any meteor showers this night." She thought out loud. The supposed falling star was getting closer and closer until it made contact to the ground in a forest not to far from Canterlot, Celestia shielded her eye’s with a single wing, after the flash of light died out, the alicorn decided to investigate the fallen star to try and return back to it’s rightful place. The guard’s standing outside of Celestias’s room entered to check up on the princess only to find it empty. The princess of the sun had teleported into the middle of the woods where she saw the fallen star crash, and with what only felt like a minute of walking, she reached the star. Only, it turned out it wasn't a star. Celestia stood there in shock as she saw what was before her, in the middle of a large crater, a large metallic looking sphere with what looked like a large red circular window, smoke and scratches all surrounding it. Celestia riased her wings and gently glided next to the object before staring at it in amazement and curiosity. "Could this of come from space? This... is some sort of space pod, I remember from master Whis telling me about them..." Just then a large amount of vapor erupted from the machine and opened up, Celestia flinched and prepared a magic shield waiting for whatever was inside to appear before her. Perhaps it was some sort of lost traveler, or one of the men from the tyrant that she warned to look out for! "Wahhhh!" Celestia eyes suddenly change from a serious tone to that of surprise, she lowered her shield and peeked inside. Only to find what appeared to be a hairless monkey with short yet spiky hair and a small tail crying at the top of his lungs, Celestia’s motherly instincts took the better of her and reached out for the little guy inside the sphere. "There, there shhhh..." was the only thing that she said to the little creature, while cradling it, before it stopped crying. The small being latched onto Celestia and cuddled to her fur letting a small yawn. "Poor thing you must have been all alone on that thing" Celestia took another peek inside the sphere only to find a blanket and a burned photograph, inspecting the photograph, she saw what appeared to be the small one's father, his face could not be seen since it had been burned of and in of his hands, which seem to be cut off being covered in bandages with blood, was holding what appeared to be the small creature sleeping gently in his arms. "Must have been the father" Celestia noticed the being was clad in strange damaged black armor. "That looks like the armor that they used... then again, master Whis also told me that other species used them." While inspecting it she found a written message on paper. "Please, whoever reads this, take care of my son Kiryu." close to the message was what appeared to be drops of blood. Celestia realizing that the father must have died and saved his son's life sending him off into space, while considering sending somepony into space was extreme it was in good intentions, even if thinking about it made her uneasy. Celestia then felt something vibrating in her chest looking down she saw little Kiryu shivering, Celestia, using her magic, grabbed the blanket from inside the sphere and wrapped around the shivering little creature, only for it to snuggle closer to Celestia, making her smile. "Well Kiryu, it may be difficult but I’ll make sure to protect you... and in the meantime, figure out just what species your from..." Celestia then flew off into the direction of her castle expecting to have a long talk with her subjects the next morning, but for now she needed to search her personal archives for information. With the small infant now sleeping calmly on her bed, Celestia searched trough many scrolls and books in the wall in front of her, until placing them back where they belonged and walking to the small screen in the middle. Looking down and using her magic, she started typing on the keyboard rapidly. "It is taking me too long to find it just by searching trough the books... best if I search the database... curse not learning to use it..." The alicorn whispered to herself as she struggled to use the technology before her. "Master told me it was best to be prepared, yet I failed to heed his warning... I'm sure he would be most displeased..." Celestia was then taken out of her self scolding as new information suddenly appeared in her screen. Two images showed up, both of two similar looking children, the difference being their expressions, hair and clothing, and more importantly the extra appendage the second child had, a tail. "So, with the tail, it's easy to say he isn't this... 'human'..." The alicorn closed the window of information on the left, letting the one on the right overlap the whole screen, showing more information. Reading, she now knew the name of the species he was. "Saiyans, race of very savage warriors..." Celestia seemed uneasy as she kept reading about these 'saiyans', giving small glances at the peacefully sleeping, smiling as he snuggled into his blanket. Slowly, Celestia's small frown turned into a small smile. "Even if what it says is true... I feel no dark or mean intent in this child..." Looking back at the data she kept reading until deciding to skip over the information she assumed kept talking about their bad reputation and to what looked like more basic information. "Hmm... this seems better, okay, let's see... omnivores, will eat just about anything, their high metabolism comes at a price, bigger appetites..." Looking back at the child on her bed, she saw it placing a small hand on it's belly, making her smile nervously before going back to reading. And after reading what was left, mostly about their origins and their end at the hands of a space tyrant, she decided she knew enough of these saiyans. Pressing a button on the keyboard, the screen suddenly faded into black as it shut down. "Best to keep this a secret to him... perhaps knowing that he's from a dead species wouldn't fit well to his knowing..." She said as she started walking towards the still sleeping child, the wall of books, scroll and device of information turning around, hiding it from anyone who did not know of its existence. Once reaching her bed she climbed over it and laid down next to the now slowly waking up child. Noticing this, she smiled. "You waking up little one?" She asked. The child wiggled in response before slowly opening his eyes and looking at Celestia, blinking, he then started to smile as he raised his hands, opening and closing his palms while giggling. The universal sign of 'please pick me up!'. Giggling herself, Celestia used her wings to lift the small child and hold him next to her chest. Earning a strong hug from the child, the alicorn smiled. "My, you sure are strong for an infant, if I were a normal pony you would of chocked me..." She said as she lowered her head and nuzzled onto the child in her wings. 'He's all alone... and... I have a feeling I'm the only one in this planet that can raise him properly...' She thought to herself before raising her head and looking down at the young infant in her wings, ho was looking back at her, his onyx colored eyes shining as he did so, a little smile etched on his lips. "I guess, I have no choice but to take you into my family, hehe, guess I need to sacrifice myself and be a mother..." Celestia smiled as she raised the infant in her wings to her eye level. "How does that sound? You want to be my son?" She asked smiling, her cheeks mildly blushing. Surprisingly, the small boy began smiling more as he raised his arms, almost as if agreeing to what the alicorn just said. Smiling, Celestia closed her eyes. "Then, guess you are now my son Kiryu..." But then the alicorn opened her eyes to look at the still smiling infant. "But I guess you also need a last name... since you will be my son, you should use mine." She said as she placed the baby onto her bed, where he sat ever so curious to know what was going to happen next. Giggling, Celestia reached into one of the shelves in her room with her magic, lifting a small crown before placing it on top of the small boy in front of her. Once on his head, the infant began giggling. "Kiryu... Kiryu Solaris." Said Celestia as she watched her now son smile back at her, making he smile back. > Chapter 2: As bright as the full moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia smiled as she walked down the streets of Canterlot, enjoying all of it, from the beautifully decorated buildings to the natural decorations of trees and sky. The nice view of the mountains and the rest of Equestria also helped. Slowly walking down a small stone path she looked around with a mellow look as she tried to find what she was looking for. "Mommy!" Turning around, her smile widened as she extended her wings outwards to better receive the embrace of the child running towards her, ready to attack with a vicious attack of hugs. "Mommy, mommy, today was so fun! I saw this awesome little bug by a tree in the park and I watched it turn into another bug right before my eyes! It was so cool!" Meet Kiryu Solaris, currently eight years old, his birthday near by a few months, talking to his mother about the day he had. Kiryu's introduction to the citizens of Canterlot was that of mixed results, many of the citizens finding this strange never before seen species weird, strange, especially for their princess to suddenly adopt it and name it her son. Making it a prince really didn't help ease the nerves of many of the ponies. But, that slowly started to change as they saw him grow from a small unknown being, into a carefree joy filled little bundle of fun. Despite revealing most of his bizarre traits like his tastes in food, appetite and surprisingly high strength, they were quickly pushed aside as he revealed his better traits. From his natural need to help those he sees in need of assistance all the way to his oddly high charisma, many labeling him as a 'handsome little guy' despite his protest against those words along with the blush of embarrassments. Long story short, Kiryu made a real impact on Canterlot and it's citizens, as well as the other places he's gone with his mother, letting know many from Equestria of their newest prince. Celestia giggled as she raised the small boy in her wing into her back. "Is that so? I guess it must of turned into something really amazing to catch your eye." She said as she began walking back the path she came from. Kiryu, wearing a white tucked in shirt with a pair of blue jean overalls and red sneakers on his feet, nodded with closed eyes, his tail wiggling behind him trough the hole made in the back. "Yeah, it was cool! It like, transformed! I want to transform into things too!" He said as he leaned forward, next to the alicorn's head. Celestia smiled as she looked at her son. "Well, who knows, maybe you can transform." She said before giggling. The small saiyan's eyes sparkled at his mother's words. "Wow, really?! Maybe I can, but I just don't know how to yet!" He exclaimed in excitement, his tail wiggling even more then before. As Kiryu continued fantasizing, Celestia listened on to her son, smiling, enjoying their time together. 'Hehe... my little Kiryu...' She thought as she continued walking. Now back in the palace, more specifically, in Kiryu's room, in his bathroom, the saiyan looked at himself in the mirror as he finished brushing his teeth. Spitting into the sink and placing his orange toothbrush into the cup next to the faucet, he jumped off of the small stool he used to get a better look at himself in the mirror. Marching into his room, he stopped once he reached his room, stopping in front of a full length mirror and looked at himself. "Hmm... I hope I don't stay short forever, I hope I transform into something cool!" Kiryu began smiling as he placed his closed fists by his waist, his tail slowly raising upwards and downwards slowly. Yawning, he stretched, raising his arms upwards, his light blue shirt was lifted, revealing his small belly. Blinking, he patted said belly. He wasn't chubby, but he wasn't skinny either. "I hope this doesn't stay either, or, at least not get bigger, hehe." He chuckled as he turned around and began walking out of his room, his dinosaur slippers making small almost unheard squeaks with each step as he walked towards his destination. Once reaching said destination, he peaked his head by the side of the door in front of him. Looking inside, he found his mother looking at the night sky from the balcony in her room. Smiling, he started walking towards her. With her ears twitching, Celstia turned around before smiling as she looked at who it was. "Kiryu, there you are, have you come to see me raise the moon?" She asked, to which she received a nod from the little saiyan. Semi jogging, Kiryu reached the balcony in which his mother was and stood next to her. "Yeah, I always like when you raise the moon and stars!" He exclaimed, his tail wiggling behind him in excitement. Celestia giggled before turning back to the night sky. "Yes, and today will be extra special, I know how you always find it annoying that you fall asleep or forget about this specific moon position that you never see..." The saiyan's eyes sparkled as they grew, almost all of the whit gone from them as he gasped. "You mean...!?" He began saying. "Yes, the full moon!" Said Celestia as her horn glowed in a golden yellow color, and soon enough, the large white and slightly blue tinted celestial object appeared in the night sky. The alicorn's horn ceased it's glowing as she finished her work. "Ah, and it's so beautiful this night..." Said Celestia, before giving off a small sigh. Kiryu watched in amazement the large orb in the sky. "Wow, and it's so big! I can't believe I've never seen it before!" He said out loud, laughing as his tail never ceased it's wiggling. Until he started feeling something. Something in his chest. Quickly, his laughing ceased and his smile began disappearing, his tail fell limp to the floor just as his arms fell to his sides. Celestia was too lost in fond memories of her past to notice his son's eyes start turning red as he shivered and stared at the moon. At first, nothing happened, but that quickly changed as he heard his own heartbeat in his head. Ba-thum. He felt his chest heave with that heartbeat, feeling a slight hint of pain, but he couldn't say anything, all he could do was stand still and stare at the moon in the night sky. Ba-thum. That one hurt more. Ba-thum. That one hurt more then the last. Ba-thum. And that's when it started. Kiryu clenched his eyes for a second as his muscles began getting stiff. Groaning, he could feel his canines begin to grow and sharpen, opening his red eyes, he gasped as he watched them grow longer, sharper, and even black. He tried to say something, anything to his mother. Ba-thum. "GAAAH!" But all that came out was a scream as his muscles began to bulge. Quickly turning around, Celestia gasped as she saw the state of her son. "Kiryu! What's wrong!" She yelled, trying to get close to him. But was surprisingly pushed back by the saiyan, his strength slightly greater then before. "Hah... hah... AGHH!" Kiryu could not say a word as he felt his insides, bones, everything inside him start growing. Ba-thum. And with that last heartbeat, Kiryu raised his head, his now completely blood red eyes glowing as he screamed. His body began growing in size, his hair began turning brown as well as beginning to grow on the sides of his face, his mouth painfully growing outwards, turning into some sort of snout. Celestia could only watch in fear as she saw her son, the same son she had raised since she found him as a baby begin to outgrow her room. Unintentionally, she teleported out of the room and outside the palace, in the gardens where she could see her balcony. There, she saw Kiryu smashing the roof, but now, he was even more different, now he looked more like some sort of, giant ape that continued on growing. And it didn't stop, not yet. He grew and grew, pushing aside any part of the palace surrounding him ,until his weight could no longer be held, making the floor beneath him to crumble and make way, making the still growing Kiryu to fall until landing in the grass below, a large cloud of debris, dust and dirt covered the area where he landed. Celestia slowly walked forward, hoping that he had stopped growing. Until, suddenly, Kiryu raised from the cloud, clearly larger then before, raising his large hands into the air, and roaring. The alicorn had to shut her eyes just from the sheer sound wave Kiryu's roar gave off. Once she regained her focus, she opened her eyes, to look at the giant ape. Only to go wide eyed and gasp. Kiryu had quickly grown again, easily reaching around sixty feet! Growling, the large great ape saiyan looked down, long time suppressed saiyan instincts kicking in as he felt the need to destroy everything in his path. Roaring once more, he pumped his fists into his chest before raising them and opening his large mouth, revealing his sharp rows of teeth. Walking forward, he began taking large loud steps onto the city before him. Many of the citizens began walking out of their houses to see what was all the commotion, only to see a large, angry looking ape making it's way towards them. Many began to scream and run, or just run, away from the large ape. Roaring, Kiryu watched the small creatures running from him, it made him angry, and he wanted to destroy them! Raising his arms, he was about to lunge at them, before something began knocking him back, he felt many small points around him pushing back. Looking down, he spotted a large group of pegasi clad in armor pushing him back with all their strength. Snarling, he lowered his arms and grabbed as many of them as he could, once he had enough of them, he threw them into a nearby building, many crashing trough the windows or getting knocked into the walls before falling to the ground. Snarling, Kiryu began feeling something in his back, turning around, he saw unicorns firing magic at him. Annoying him to no end, the large ape raised his foot and attempted to crush them with it. Luckily they all manged to avoid getting crushed by the large foot of the ape by rolling out of the way or by simply running to the side. Angry he didn't get any of them, Kiryu was about to start raising his foot again before his eyes widened. feeling something in his chest again, he growled as he placed two shaking hands over it. Many guards surrounding him, were trying to see if they injured the large creature, only to get pushed back as it suddenly roared to the sky. Those that were strong enough to not get pushed back, saw the large ape start growing bigger, and bigger, before reaching around ninety feet! Many of the ponies grew nervous before receiving orders to continue fighting by their captains. Ignoring their sudden nervousness, they charged forward, taking full notice of the large ape before them. Many not noticing the moon in the night sky seemingly glow brighter then before. And in the garden of Canterlot, was Celestia, unable to move her body and simply watch her son fight the many soldiers of Canterlot. Until one of the soldiers rushed towards her. "Princess, Princess, our magic is useless against the beast, we have no choice but to use our enhanced weaponry, we have reached Las Pegasus base and are ready to launch F/A eighteen's and AH sixty four's at your command!" Celestia was immediately shaken out out her shocked state and turned around to the soldier. "No, call it off!" She exclaimed, catching the soldier off guard. "But Princess, that beast is more then our current soldiers can handle, he's proven stronger then our strongest fighters available in the vicinity and our current weapons armory has been moved to receive recent-" The soldier was cut off as Celestia spoke up the next set of information. "That's no beast, that's my son!" She yelled before raising her wings and with a strong jump, began flying towards the rampaging Kiryu. The soldier simply stood in his spot for a few seconds before shaking his head and reaching into his side, pulling out a a device. "To all soldiers combating, stand own, I repeat, stand down!" He yelled. "We're not fighting some dumb mindless creature, that's Prince Kiryu!" He added once more. Lowering the device, the soldier gulped as he began taking off his helmet. Revealing his messy blue hair. "How did our prince turn into that...?" He asked to himself. But quickly shook his head before placing his helmet back on. 'I better check if everyone left the house, Celestia, please let my little sister be okay!' He thought as he ran towards the many houses in Canterlot. Celestia watched as the soldier surrounding Kiryu backed up after receiving the information. Mentally sighing, she was glad Captain Armor quickly spread the information. Once reaching her son, she floated in place before him. Kiryu growled before looking down at Celestia with his glowing blood red eyes as he stepped forward, each step shaking the ground. Seeing that the alicorn before him did not fear him, he roared into the sky as he began pumping his fists into his chest, many of the guards around covered their ears from the loud sound. Ceasing his roaring, Kiryu lowered his large arms and lowered his back slightly, ready to attack. Celestia simply watched, tears going down the side of her face. "This can't really be you... Kiryu... you are... not this..." Was all she said. The large ape payed no attention as he began to actually grow tired of nothing happening, snarling, he turned around and looked down at at a couple of buildings before him, roaring, he raised his foot and stomped on them. Looking forward, he spotted more buildings, and to his left, more. With loud grunts, the large ape was about to begin to wreck the city, but only being able to smash a bit of it, he was suddenly stopped from smacking away a rather large building as he felt something grab his wrist. Looking at it, he noticed a golden magical auara had surrounded it, snarling, he looked back, Celestia was still floating there, her horn now glowing. "Kiryu... please... don't..." She said, heartbreak clearly heard in her voice. But the saiyan payed no attention to it, instead, he roared as he used his strength to break out of the magical grip and turn around. Snarling, he jumped high into the sky and raised his hand, planning on smacking the alicorn into the ground. But once his open palm made contact, it did not budge, not even an inch. With wide eyes, the great ape groaned as he tried to keep pushing down, even a few beads of sweat going down the side of his face. Suddenly, he felt something tugging his arm, and before he knew it, he was being raised, growling in surprise, he was the thrown into one of the mountains, crashing into it an making a large crater in which he was stuck. Growling in anger, he shook himself out only for him to suddenly feel something make contact with his chin, sending him flying and into the large plains high in the mountains behind Canterlot. Falling onto the ground with a large thud, Kiryu groaned as he began getting up. Shaking his head, he looked up, looking at what had sent him flying. Celestia gently floated into his sight in the distance before landing on the ground. Looking up at the large ape before her, Celestia blinked a few tears away before getting serious, she had to stop Kiryu and figure out what is wrong with him, his power wasn't much for her, but it still seemed very strange, even by just growing tall, he shouldn't of have gotten this much power. Now completely up, Kiryu raised his head upwards as he began roaring once more, his chest in pain once more before he began growing once again. This time, he reached around one hundred feet! Clenching her teeth, Celestia needed to know what was giving him power! And that's when she saw it. The full moon as it shined behind Kiryu, she hadn't noticed it, but it had gotten bigger, more then the way she had placed it in the night sky. With a small drop of sweat going down her forehead, Celestia clenched her teeth harder. "It can't be, why would she, how could she...?!" She asked out loud to no one in particular. But suddenly, she saw a large shadow form around her, with a quick gasp she looked up and dashed to the side, avoiding the large foot of the giant ape. Coming to a halt as she pressed her hooves onto the grass beneath her, crushing a few flowers and kicking up the grass revealing the dirt underneath. "Well, now that I know what's causing this, I know how to stop it!" She said as she readied her horn to try and move the moon. But suddenly saw Kiryu trying to grab her! Flying upwards she groaned. "I need to concentrate, I can't move it with him distracting me!" She exclaimed as she tried to move the moon once more. But once again had to cut her magic and concentration to dodge Kiryu. Landing on the ground with a thud, she sighed. "You leave me no choice... I'm sorry Kiryu..." Celestia raised her wings before flapping them down with a strong amount of force, enough to send her flying forward towards Kiryu. The great ape saiyan roared, ready to engage with the troublesome alicorn before him, but was suddenly cut off mid roar as he felt a strong force hit him in his stomach, easily knocking the wind out of him. Slowly, step by step, Kiryu started walking back, one of his hands holding his stomach area before making one last growling sound as he fell back and landed with a loud thud on the ground, the nigh sky and the shining stars being the last thing he saw before losing consciousness. Celestia watched as Kiryu laid on the ground before sighing sadly and using her magic to switch the moon into another position, making it take the form of a crescent moon instead of a full one, knowing that she had cut off the way for any sort of power coming from it to to be cut off.. Landing on the ground next to he large unconscious ape, Celestia sadly inspected it. "Kiryu... please... this can't be-" She was then suddenly cut off as she saw Kiryu start shrinking, and shrinking, the hair surrounding his body dissapearing, his nails growing short and returning to their natural color, the snout on his face reverting back to his normal mouth and his muscles slowly un-bulging until he had completely reverted back to his normal, naked self. The alicorn watched in amazement before gasping with joy. Rushing to her son, she carried him with her hooves, hugging him, happy to see him be the sweet child he riased once more. Hearing him groan, Celestia looked down at him as he slowly opened his eyes. "Mo... mom...?" He weakly said, his eyes barely able to open. The alicorn smiled sadly, tears going down her cheeks. Kiryu slowly blinked as a small frown formed into his lips. "Why... why you crying mommy...?" He asked before his eyes closed once more, exhaustion leaving him with no energy left to stay awake. > Chapter 3: Mortal meets God > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No..." "No... no...." "No!" Kiryu awoke from his sleep with a jolt, breathing heavily as few drops of sweat ran down the side of his head. Once he regained his composure after a few breaths, he sighed as he eased his grip on his bed sheet. Grabbing the side of his head, he looked like he was about to barf from some unsuspected nausea. "Geez... what the heck was that... huh?" The saiyan lowered his head as he saw his arm was bandaged. Blinking, he felt his head, around his forehead was another set of bandages. Confused, he looked around, he was in his room, but, he couldn't remember how he got to his bed. Deciding to figure it out himself, the saiyan hopped out of his bed. Only to instantly grab his back. "Ow! Ow, ow, ow ,ow, ow.... owie...." Kiryu whimpered as he rubbed his aching back, a few tear drops forming in the corner of his eyes. But quickly felt the pain subdue, letting him get up. Sighing, he rubbed his back once more before facing forward and walking forward. His feet were killing him, they felt like he had been trying to crush a billion rocks with them! Once again, the saiyan whimpered, not used to the pain on his body, mostly since a lot of things didn't hurt him, this was the first time since along time ago that he had felt pain. After walking uncomfortably for a while, Kiryu had reached his mothers room, hoping to find out what happened to him. But once he opened the door, he gasped as he almost fell down to the bottom of... the palace Garden?! Backing up slightly and clutching to the side of the door, Kiryu stared at the large fall below, his face slightly blue from the scare he got from that. Once the scare passed, he sighed and looked at what little remained of his mothers room, which was mostly a little edge of the floor, while the rest was completely gone, revealing everything outside. Taking another look down, he noticed whta looked like police tape blocking off acces from anybody to pass. But what caugh his attention more were the giant footprints in the ground that led to the rest of the city. Gasping, he saw many buildings destroyed, a few of the tall ones having fist like mark on them while others had contruction workers already setting them up to be fixed. Gulping, he backed up slightly, did a monster crash into his mothers room? Slightly trembling, Kiryu started running away from the door to heads towards outside. His bandaged feet making slight tapping noises on the marble floor as he ran towards the palace's main doors, his plain baggy white shirt rustling around him and his baggy track pants almost falling down slightly, but stayed in their place. Reaching the doors, he opened them, with his natural strength making them slam. His eyes widened as he saw what was before him. Many guards were bandaged up, looking like they just came back from a very serious fight! Walking down the steps lightly, the saiyan needed to know what happened. But once he had reached the final step and stepped on the stone path, everyone had turned to see him, jumping slightly, but quickly relaxed as they saw the small boy on the verge of tears. "W-What happened!?" He exclaimed as he ran forward, his injured feet burning, making him slightly limp as he advanced towards the guards. Until they finally gave in, making Kiryu trip and fall forward. Shutting his eyes, he awaited for the nasty smack of his body to the floor. But it never came. Opening his eyes, he saw he was enveloped in a magical aura, keeping him afloat. Looking up, he saw one of the guards standing in front of him, smiling. Gently, the guard raised Kiryu back in standing position before letting go of him. Once out of the magical grip, the saiyan blinked before his lower lip began quivering. "W-What happened? Why is everyone all bandaged up?!" He asked worriedly, his black onyx eyes shining as little tear drops formed in the corner of his eyes, the blood rushing to his face reddened his cheeks slightly as he raised his small looking hands and clenched them tightly. The guards couldn't help but sadly smile at their prince's current state. The guard standing before him looked away for a second to see everyone else's state. They were all smiling and nodding. Turning back to the hiccuping Kiryu, the guard smiled while he closed his eyes. "Do not worry prince Kiryu, we're all okay... but, there was this..." The guard took a moment to think, tapping his chin lightly with his hoof. Kiryu awaited eagerly to know what had happened. Finally, the guard ceased his chin tapping and turned back to the saiyan in front of him. "This giant monster that wanted to destroy the city!" He exclaimed, raising his hooves in the air to try and emphasize the 'giant' part. The eight year old saiyan's eye widened in shock. "A... A giant monster?! Like, from monster island?!" He asked, wanting to know more of what had happened. "Maybe..." Responded the guard. "But still, that was the least of the problem, first, we had to take it down!" The guard then pointed to all the other guards behind him. "We all didn't stop to keep Canterlot safe and not let the monster hurt everybody while they evacuated! You should of seen it! He didn't stand a chance!" Kiryu listened in awe, feeling relieved that there were such strong ponies in front of him. "And yeah, we were winning, but he suddenly started getting stronger and stronger, and well..." The guard sadly smiled, letting Kiryu automatically knowing what had happened next. Looking around he saw many guard sitting, not many standing as they were bandaged up, most likely too hurt to stand for too long, yet, they stayed by the palace. Looking back up at the guard, Kiryu gulped. "So, how did you all beat him...?" He asked. "Well... we didn't manage to beat him, but luckily, Princess Celestia appeared and knocked the monster out with one hit!" The guard smiled as he made a slow like pretend jab into his stomach. "One blow and he got the wind blown outta him!" The saiyan's eyes shined. "Mom beat him... just like that?!" He asked in amazement. Receiving a nod, he blinked as he looked down. "Wow... I can't believe mom could do that..." He said as he stared at his bandaged hands. Opening and closing them he frowned. Everyone had given it there all to keep Canterlot safe, and for some reason... he felt bad about it. He felt, like he could of done something. He didn't even remember how he got like this! The monster probably grabbed him and knocked him out and crushed him in his hand! Making it more hard for the guards to hit the monster! And letting it hurt them! And what did he do?! Nothing, absolutely nothing! The saiyan grew angry at himself, clenching his bandaged fists as hard as he could. Looking up with his still teary eyes, and with a small sob and a hiccup, Kiryu exclaimed. "You all... you all tried your best to keep everyone safe, including me, and all I did was get in the way right?! That's why I'm all bandaged up! Right?!" The guards all stared at each other for a brief second before looking back at the small prince. "I... I'm sorry!" He suddenly yelled. This took everyone by surprise. "I'm sorry I was so weak and let the monster just hurt me and make it harder for you all!" The saiyan had shut his eyes as hard as he could, tears going down the sides of his face. Many guards frowned at watching the little boy before him cry. The guard in front of him raised his hoof slightly. "But prince... there wasn't anything you could..." "Yes there was!" He repiled quickl as he backed up and slammed his foot on the ground. Ignoring the pain, he applied as much force as he could, successfully cracking apart the stone beneath him, lifting up some broken stone before raising his foot back up and placing it on the stone once more. "I'm strong! I know I am! But..." The saiyan had his fists by his waist as he clenched his teeth, an embarrassing blush adorned his face as he sniffed. Using his wrist, he wiped away the tears around his face, but lowering his arm, he reveled his now red nose. "But I'm not strong enough! I know... I know I can get stronger!" He exclaimed as he turned around and ran toward the palace, many guards calling out to him. But, for the moment, he knew what they were going to say. But he didn't believe what they said, they were just trying to make him not feel bad. And he appreciated that, he really did, but his mind was already set. Set on getting stronger, stronger then any monster out there! That way, he could protect anyone in Canterlot and not just stand there doing nothing. The saiyan felt something in his chest, something burning, the will to grow strong! Clenching his teeth, he ran as fast as he could towards his destination. And in a few seconds he reached it. The training room. Glaring at nothing in particular, the saiyan rushed inside and went to the nearest exercising equipment. But frowned as he lifted it easily. Groaning, he tried finding something heavier, something to make him stronger, to let him fight alongside everybody and not just... get knocked out and be a... a... Kiryu shook his head, he didn't know how to pronounce the word he was trying to think of, bu he didn't care. "I'm not going to be a lia... liaaaa... a lie-abbilty... whatever, I'm not going to be just standing there again!" The saiyan went back to his task at hand and kept trying to look for the heavier equipment. He was going to get stronger, and nothing was going to stop him! Celestia trotted around the palace, she had just returned from organizing the repairs to the city, only to be informed that Kiryu had already gotten up, and had just ran inside, running and moving about. "He's still hurt, he shouldn't be out of bed!" She exclaimed softly to herself, a bead of sweat going down the side of her head. Looking around she began getting frustrated. "If only my Kiryu had a bigger energy signature, I could find him easily with... with... my sensing..." Celestia blinked in surprise as she used her sensing just out of habit only to actually feel Kiryu's energy. Turning around, she started heading towards it, and soon enough, she was in front of his room. "The guards said they had already checked his room... maybe he went in after they checked..." She said to herself as she opened the door. And once opened, she was met with a rather surprising sight, her son, was laying on his bed, the bandages on him falling off as he slept, his chest going up and down gently with his almost non existing snores. The alicorn quietly headed towards him to inspect him, everything seemed normal... he didn't have any other injury, it seems his wounds from this morning were gone, must of been the healing magic kicking in. But then, she noticed it, one tiny thing that she had failed to notice. Kiryu wasn't 'chubby' anymore. His baby fat had all dissapeared, leaving him with what she could only think of but... muscle? It wasn't much, but she could see his now more athletic body, it wasn't much, but still, how did he lose all that fat so quickly? The alicorn blinked, and, just couldn't help but smile, glad that her son was okay. "You are full of surprises my little Kiryu..." "I'll say, I didn't know there were other saiyans alive after planet Vegeta exploded." Celestia went wide eyed as she turned around. And standing before her, was this blue skinned, bipedal being, wearing a strange outfit, his hair white and in an odd hairstyle, even by Equestrian standards. In his hands, an odd looking staff with an orb at the top, surrounded by a ring, glowing dimly. "M-Master Whis!" Celestia stuttered as she bowed before the being before her. Whis, simply giggled into his hand with his eyes closed. "Now now Celestia, no bowing, a princess never bows, and besides, you know our training ended a long time ago." The alicorn opened her eyes and raised her head, smiling. "I'm sorry... but... I think I can't ever stop calling you master, even if our training ended a long time ago, you always find a way to teach me something new everyday." Smiling, Whis placed his free hand behind him while the other held his staff. "Well, true... now, what is it that you needed my help with?" He asked with a smile. Smiling nervously, Celestia stepped aside to reveal the still sleeping Kiryu. Whis "Ooh'ed." As he walked towards the bed where the saiyan slept. Bending forward slightly, he inspected him, getting a good look at him. "So, this is your son? The saiyan you adopted?" He asked. The alicorn behind him nodded. "Yes... why do you ask master? You've already seen him." Smiling, the god raised himself back and turned around. "All I'm saying is, last time I saw him, he was a bit on the chubby side... not to mention... his energy wasn't as strong." Closing his eyes he started walking around, enjoying the atmosphere of Kiryu's room. So lively, just like almost all of Equis. "When did he start his training?" He asked. A small bead of sweat went down the side of Celestia's face. "He started himself just today apparently..." Whis opened his eyes and looked at the sleeping Kiryu. "Really now...?" He said as he walked back to the saiyan, giving him another look. Frowning, he then sighed. "You know lord Beerus will have no doubt in coming here when he wakes up if the boy insists in training... as you recall the last chat you had with him." Celestia gulped silently as she recalled the last conversation she had with lord Beerus. Well, not much of a chat but hearing him rant on about... "Super saiyan god! I'm telling you Celestia, it's real!" The sounds of silverware and plates clanking, food ripped apart and getting chewed echoed across the large dinning room. At one end of the table, sat a very skinny looking purple skinned cat looking bipedal being, wearing an outfit that consisted of brown shoes, baggy blue pants and blue waist cloth, a sort of neck clothing with diamonds and several gold accessories here and there. "I am never wrong about these sort of things!" Beerus, the god of destruction exclaimed in between eating a piece of cake. At the other end, Celestia nervously sat, eating her own slice of cake. Nodding, she used her magic to stir her cup of what looked like coffee. "Yes lord Beerus, I don't doubt you, but all I'm saying is..." She then turned towards her right, a crib with a sleeping baby Kiryu, wearing sky blue pajamas with little clouds on them, sucking on his tiny thumb. "My son Kiryu is probably not that super saiyan god..." She added with a sort of nervous smile. Wiping his lips with a napkin, Whis grabbed his own cup of coffee and took a simple sip from it as he sat near Beerus. "She's right lord Beerus, I highly doubt a baby has the powers of this super saiyan god..." He said. Beerus sighed as he dangled a fork on his finger before lightly stabbing it on top of a piece of cake. "Still... I know this super saiyan god is somewhere out there! If your son survived the destruction of the saiyans, then surely there are others out there!" He exclaimed. Celestia gulped, Lord Beerus seemed really worked up about this whole 'super saiyan god' business. "I'm sorry you came all this way for nothing Lord Beerus..." She said apologetically towards the god of destruction. Whis giggled as he lowered his small cup of coffee. "Oh ho ho, nonsense Celestia, you know the trips here are never for anything, your planet always has the best sweets!" He said before grabbing another piece of cake. Beerus nodded as he picked up his fork with a piece of cake on it. "Maybe it was just my stomach making an excuse to come get some sweets... you'd think after a few thousand years, it would be satisfied." "Well, your stomach is still a stomach of destruction Lord Beerus, just like you, it can't get enough... ehehe..." Celestia tried joking lightly on the situation, chuckling nervously as she closed her eyes, an imaginary sweat drop going down the side of her head. The god of destruction chuckled as he finished chewing on his piece of cake. "Hehe... maybe your right Celestia... I do like destroying, my stomach is no different." He said as he went to take another piece of cake into his mouth. Celestia continued to laugh nervously. 'How is it that my terrible jokes make him laugh?!' She thought to herself. Celestia shuddered at the memory, Lord Beerus was worrying that day. "But honestly... my Kiryu might have gotten stronger, but I highly doubt he is this 'super saiyan god' that Lord Beerus was talking about, if he was, I would of sensed it by now..." The alicorn said as she gently used her magic to cover up the sleeping saiyan, only to the watch him snuggle up to the blanket in his sleep. Turning back to Whis, she looked at him with worry in her eyes. Whis had thoughtful expression, thinking to himself before a smile formed in his lips. "Well... lord Beerus is still asleep right now, and well, you do know how bad of a memory he has when he wakes up..." The god said before giggling into his hand as he turned around. "And maybe... he'll happen to find more about this super saiyan god with some other saiyans that I just happened to know of... and well... I might just forget about your son too, sometimes I just happen to forget after a few years for well..." Celestia blinked before smiling. "Master... you... I can't thank you enough..." She said. Whis then turned around with closed eyes as he smiled. "Oh ho ho ho, I think i know how you can thank me Celestia." He said. The alicorn sighed while smiling. "I'll get my best bakers to make you something extra sweet master." She said as she turned around and began walking out the door, Whis following. The god smiled as he did so, but managed to get one more little peek at the sleeping Kiryu. 'A saiyan defeated Frieza... lets see what you are capable of little one...' He thought to himself before continuing to follow Celestia. Kiryu's eyes slowly opened as the light of the sun hit them, waking him up. Groaning, he started getting up with a yawn and rubbing one of his eyes. Once the sleepiness had gone away he began looking around, normally he'd walk to the bathroom to wash his face and teeth like always, but... something was drawing him somewhere else. Sniffing the air, the turned to his left, and found a large table, and on top of said table, was a mountain of sweets, from pastries to soft breaded concoctions, and even a few boxes of frost tarts. The saiyan wasted no time in thinking how all this came here, instead, he hopped of his bed with a smaile forming on his lips before dashing towards the table and starting to devour the food on top of it, his tail waging left and right in happiness. And outside his door, Celestia leaned by the wall, smiling as she heard her son happily eat. 'Eat up my little Kiryu... looks like we have a lot to do...' She thought to herself. > Chapter 4: More then just one... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wham! Bam! Smack! The large sandbag landed on the floor loudly, the sand inside it spilling all over the floor. Kiryu stood in front of it, panting, wearing a white shirt and track pants, barefoot as well as covered in sweat. The past few weeks have been nothing but training for him, while he hasn't been training on a way of fighting, he's been training on his strength, from carrying weights around to just exercising, but... Kiryu didn't feel like he was getting stronger, not enough. Looking down at his open palms, the saiyan frowned, he was getting strong, yes... but not fast enough! Sighing, he turned around and started walking to his room, once he entered he decided to take of his shirt, revealing his now even more athletic body underneath it, from chubby, to thin, to slightly muscular, the saiyan's metabolism seemed high with his body taking in every ounce of training and turning it into strength. Sitting on his bed, he turned to his left and grabbed his computer and opened up the very handy internet. But after a few minutes of getting nothing but bodybuilding sites and stereotypical dojo advertisements, he sighed once more and closed his laptop before placing it aside. Suddenly, his door opened, Celestia walking in. "Son...? You left the training room early today, is something the matter?" She asked. Kiryu looked down slightly before back up to his mother. "It... it's taking me too long to get strong and... and I still don't know how to fight, all I do is swing my fists and feet around hoping for the best... I need to learn from someone strong!" He exclaimed. The alicorn frowned at her son's problem, while one side of her was worried that he would want to go out there and fight another wanted to support him and help. But... she wasn't a teacher, not when it came to that, her fighting is more complex, not to mention she could hurt him comparing her strength to his. Tapping her chin with her hoof, she then suddenly thought of someone who could help. Smiling she turned around. "I think I know who can help you my son." Kiryu blinked before hopping off his bed and following his mother, grabbing his shirt and putting it back on as he followed.. And after a short walk, they had reached Celestia's now rebuilt room, missing one bookcase at the moment. Reaching into one of the shelves on the wall, she began looking for something trough all the other parchments, the recent remodeling mixing up her organized scrolls. But with a small gasp, she found what she was looking for. Turning around to face the saiyan behind her, she used her magic to levitate a small scroll in front of the boy. "Kiryu, this scroll contains a map to an old friend of mine, who I am sure will gladly help you on your journey." She said as Kiryu reached with his hand and grabbed the parchment. Unrolling it, he looked at the information sketched on it. It was a map that lead from Canterlot all the way to what looked like a beah. Blinking, Kiryu then looked up to his mother. "So, someone strong lives there that can help me?" He asked. The alicorn nodded. Looking down, the saiyan thought to himself for a moment. 'But... mom is strong... why can't she teach me? Maybe cause I'm not a pony... or cause she's too strong. Maybe the person she's leading me to walks on two legs like me... and walking the journey actually might even make me stronger as well..." Smiling, he looked up before nodding. "Alright, this sounds great! Thanks mom!" He exclaimed as he went to hug his mother. Celestia gladly returned the embrace with a wing. "Now, whenever you decide to go and get there, you let me know, I have a feeling you'll have a lot of training to do." The currently eight year old saiyan looked up smiling before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I don't care if I have to miss my birthday, I'll gladly skip one to get stronger!" Celestia giggled. "So, does that mean I get to eat your cake?" She asked. Kiryu chuckled, his fuzzy tail wiggling behind him as he continued to hug his mother. "Hey... let's not get crazy here mom..." He said. Kiryu quickly dried his damped hair with a towel, his hair spiking up after that, a few stray hairs poking out here and there. After that, he just as quickly placed on a white shirt and track pants, his tail wiggling trough a hole in the back. And finally he finished tying his left shoe before getting up and placing his closed fists on his waist as he looked at himself in the mirror, smiling as he turned around, a smirk on his face as he glared cockily at nothing. Walking forward, his shoes made loud thumping noises as he walked out his door, grabbing a backpack on his way out. Placing it on his back, he turned to the side starring at the long hallway before him. Blinking once, his furry appendage waggled side to side behind him as he lowered his body slightly, clenching his fists. And with as much strength as he could apply to his feet, he dashed forward into a sprint, the backpack safely attached behind him, ensuring it wouldn't fall off. Reaching a set of other hallways, he skidded as he made a left turn, running past by many surprised ponies working around the castle. Until he reached the place he was heading for, the main entrance. Smiling, he picked up the pace as he slammed the doors open, and just before he reached the stairs, he jumped as high as he could, easily reaching the walkway at the bottom and even slightly further, landing with a loud thud, the stone beneath him slightly cracking under his strength. "Alright, today it begins, I start getting stronger! That way no monster can hurt my friends!" He exclaimed to himself as he quickly dashed forward once more, reaching the streets of Canterlot in no time at all. With his feet moving at such a high speed, making it seem like they were nothing but a blur, the saiyan prince sped by many of Canterlot's citizens, many nobleponies grabbing onto their hats, others shielding their eyes from the sudden gust of wind while other jumped back from the sudden blur passing by them. Kiryu smiled as he sprinted down the road towards Canterlot's exit, but he slightly gasped as he saw a unicorn filly in the middle of the road, too busy reading a book to see him coming. Sticking out his tongue slightly to the side, he quickly took a quick hop and shifted his weight forward as he raised his fists in front of him. The filly gasped as she finally lowered her book and saw Kiryu. Time seemed to slow down as she saw the smiling saiyan fly over her, her violet eyes shining as she couldn't stop looking away at the boy over her, too busy concentrating on the path before him to notice her looking at him. And before she knew it, he had landed behind her and continued his run with a quick burst of speed. Quickly, she turned around and blinked slowly as she watched the boy run farther away. "Was that... prince Kiryu?" She asked out loud to herself. Slowly, she placed a hoof over her mouth. 'It's true what everyone says...' She thought. And then a blush formed on her cheeks and the tip of her ears. 'He does look cute...' After running a good distance, Kiryu had started walking, the metallic hooks and zippers around it occasionally hitting one another, making it sound odd in between the sounds of animals, insect and just the ambiance of the forest he was on. Looking down at the map in his hand, he hummed, he was already half way there, but he was starting to get bored. Without wanting to waste his energy and keep running, the saiyan rolled up his map and knelt down, taking his backpack off and placing it in the ground in front of him. Placing the rolled up parchment inside, he then started digging around, trying to find something. "Where is it...? I know I put it around here somewhere... aha!" Kiryu smiled as he pulled out a slightly white taped covered Walkman, in the front of it scribbled in what looked like black marker was scribbled ' Tia' ', and under that, 'Kiryu'. With his smile growing slightly bigger, he reached into one of the small side pouches in his backpack and pulled out a white and black checkerboard color scheme, with a piece of tape labeled 'Mixtape 5'. Spinning it around in the tip of his index finger, Kiryu then placed it in the music player and closed it. Closing his backpack and placing it on his back, he then placed the Walkman on his waist by attaching it to his sweatpants. Lifting the headphones over his head and on his ears, he started walking forward and pressed the play button, music slowly starting to play as the first track began. Humming silently, he awaited to hear the true opening of the song. And soon enough, he heard those familiar notes and the music pick up. The saiyan was an odd kid, his taste in music, while very open, also lead him to like music not from his generation, why he liked it, nobody knew. Maybe it had something to do with his mother listening to it while taking care of him in his toddler years. 'Thank you for the mixtape mom!' He thought as he closed his eyes and bobbed his head to the beat. Walking in rhythm to the song, he soon sang alongside, his tail wiggling behind him as he soon began hopping over patches of mud and water in front of him, not wanting to get one of his favorite pair of sneakers dirty. Still singing, he continued his walk, deciding to relax a bit before reaching the place where he would get stronger. His hands swinging forward and back as the saiyan walked. Meanwhile, somewhere else, far away, someone else was hearing the same song. Opening her onyx black eyes, the girl listening to the song bobbed her head in beat to the song, her long semi spiky hair shaking with each movement. The girl's name was Rin. And just like Kiryu, she was a saiyan, currently sitting in her space pod. Wearing a full bodied black jumpsuit, with white gloves and boots, one shoulder pad on her right while the left only had a strap over her shoulder, a fuzzy brown tail wrapped around her waist. And an emblem on the right side of her chest. Looking around her pod in slight boredom, she looked at all the souvenirs she had decorated her pod with, from pictures to postcards and even a tiny little sun hanging near the window. Blinking, she reached out and grabbed one picture in particular. A photo of her and a group of several other races clad in similar looking armor like hers. They were all sitting down, eating but posing for whoever was taking the photo, she was over the shoulders over the one with orange short hair. And she was smiling. Her eyes showed slight sadness as she stared at the picture. Opening her mouth, she finally spoke. "I won't let you down... you may have been defeated in battle, Guldo, Jeice, Burter, Ginyu... and you... Reecome..." The saiyan's eyes watered slightly. Looking to another photo, she blinked, a small tear going down her cheek. It was a photo of her and a thin looking being, dressed in purple armor similar to the one's in the other picture. A nervous expression on his face as he smiled, Rin sitting beside him eating ice cream. "Even you lord... no... Frieza... I'm sorry it was a saiyan that struck you down..." She said out loud. Placing the photo in her hand back on the wall, she then wiped her eyes with her gloved wrist. Lowering her hand, her expression went back to that of being seemingly emotionless. "I will continue the Ginyu force legacy, after I find this other saiyan, then maybe... I can repopulate the saiyans." Closing her eyes, she let the music sooth her and let her relax as she shifted her body back and began getting comfortable before drifting to sleep. Her space pod flying at high speeds across space, several planets and a large sun seen in the distance as her space pod left a white trail of energy behind it, looking like a sort of comet. > Chapter 5: Green > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Grr, stupid dense jungle, why you so hot?!" Kiryu gasped lightly as he walked trough a large set of leaves dangling by the side of a tree, beads of sweat going down the side of his head as well as his chin. Wiping his forehead with his wrist, the saiyan prince continued his walk trough the harsh jungle, his headphones no longer on his hears and placed around his neck, the music stopped. Grunting, he looked up, lots of leaves covering the sky and blocking the sun from his body, he was kind of glad for that. "Geez mom, did you have to make it so hot today? I know it's summer, but sheesh..." He said out loud with a tired expression. Shaking his head lightly, he continued to walk forward, occasionally having to climb over a steep rise of ground, the jungle dirt slightly sticking to his knees and elbows as he did so. His tail wiggled around, trying to cool itself under all that fur. Until he decided to take a break. the first one since he had left. Sighing, he fell back and landed on his rump near a tree trunk, where he then proceeded to take off his backpack and place it in front of him and zip it open. Digging inside, he smiled as he pulled out a bottle of water. Twisting the plastic cap off, he then raised it and placed the top on his lips before raising it up completely, the fresh water helping him cool off. After a few seconds, he had downed the entire thing. "Ahh! That hit the spot... better see how much I have left to go!" He exclaimed as he placed the empty water bottle back in his backpack an pulled out a rolled up map. Unrolling it, he searched it to see where he currently was. With a small glowing white dot showing where he currently was, he noticed he was close! Smiling, the saiyan rolled the map up and placed it back in his backpack. Digging around more, he found his phone. Taking it out, he started looking trough it. Nothing new on the news, weather was going to be sunny, "Yeah, thanks for the heads up." Thought Kiryu as he smiled and shook his head. Going back to his phone, he continued to look trough it. Nothing new. DIng! Blinking, he saw he had received a notification of something. Opening it, he saw something new on the phone, reports of a few Timberwolves sightings around the center area of Equestria. The saiyan blinked. "Odd, I thought they never came out of that Everfree place until that special season..." He said out loud. Continuing to read, his eyes went from right to left. "Reports say that they seemed to be larger then most records say, indicating large packs may be extremely dangerous if met... please exercise extreme caution near woodland areas..." Kiryu 'Hmm'ed as he locked his phone and put it away. Until smiling and starting to place his backpack back on. "Welp, good thing I'm in a jungle... kind of lucky I went trough the rough jungle path then the straight clear path trough the woods!" He said out loud as he got up. Patting his rump free of any dirt, Kiryu quickly went back at the path in front of him. "Alright, almost there!" He exclaimed as he lightly jogged down the dark brown dirt path. "Man, it may be stuffy, but it sure is pretty... Equestria is pretty in general." He commented on the scenery. "H-How...? Frieza has been defeated... the Ginyu's as well... why are you..." The green skinned being could barely talk as he looked at the eyes of the saiyan before him. Meanwhile, in the farthest reaches of space, another saiyan continued her journey. Rin looked at him with cold unfeeling eyes, a few scrapes and bruises covering her body, her armor completely destroyed, leaving her in only in her black jumpsuit, boots and gloves. "I wasn't there, I was sent on a mission to deliver a few packages." She said as she let go of what remained of the green alien's armor, letting him fall on the dark red dirt of the alien planet. Crossing her arms, the full blooded saiyan looked down at the alien. "Now, get the word out, the Ginyu force is not dead, it's only down by a few members..." Rin blinked once, her eyes unemotional, yet, serious. Turning around, she proceeded to walk towards the direction of the bar she had to walk out of, now that she had defeated the group causing a mess, fiddling with her damaged scouter, one of her opponents managed to land a hit on it, and now it was starting to make her ear feel uncomfortable. The trembling alien watched with mouth agape as the saiyan before him walked away, anger rising up his body. That girl, that little snot nosed girl just took out each and everyone of his crew! 'Curse you saiyans! Frieza should of eliminated all of you! I... I will finish the job!' In a rush of desperation and adrenaline, the alien quickly got up and mustered all the power he could into his left hand. "Die saiyan scum!" He yelled out as he flinged his hand forward, a large white energy beam flying from it and flying directly towards Rin. Who seemed to have been caught off guard as she was enveloped in the blast, her body suddenly covered by the followed large explosion of the energy wave clashing with her back. Shaking the ground slightly from all the energy inside it. The alien smiled as he assumed he had caught her and killed the saiyan girl. "Serves you right monkey..." He said. But as the smoke cleared, the alien went wide eyed, his irises shrinking in fear as he saw the figure of Rin emerging from the smoke, just standing there, her jumpsuit more shredded then before, from slightly below her shoulders and under her knees, her skin was exposed, making it look more like another certain Ginyu force member's jumpsuit. Turning around, it showed Rin with the same emotionless look she had before, her damaged scouter beeping before falling apart. Using her gloved wrist, she wiped away a small drop of blood going down the side of her mouth. "Impressive, that was around eight thousand..." She said as she lowered her hand. And for the first time since she started fighting, after one of the aliens currently knocked out in the distance called the Ginyu's 'good for nothing dead chumps', the saiyan showed one emotion. Anger. Clenching her teeth, Rin slightly snarled, revealing her sharp canines as her blue aura flared to life around her. "But, unfortunately for you... my power level is nineteen thousand..." She said as she raised her hands slightly to the side, clenching the air as she concentrated her inner power into an offensive technique. The alien panicked and suddenly got up from his knelt position, turning around and beginning to run, trying to helplessly get as far away from the powering up saiyan. "Eraser..." Rin said quietly, the ground beneath her shaking lightly as her power increased, built up and ready to be released. The alien kept running, panting as he gasped for air, his body going into full throttle to run away. But it was too late. "Gun!" The full blooded saiyan yelled as she closed her open palms and clenched them into fists, raising her head back and with a strong thrust, opening her mouth as she pushed her body weight forward. A large blue energy wave suddenly emerging and flying at break neck speed from her mouth, heading directly into the running alien. "No, no, no, NOOOOO!" He yelled as he turned his head to see the wave of energy soon engulf him and quickly blast him into oblivion. Closing her mouth, Rin sighed as she eased her body and stood back up, her fuzzy tail swinging around gently behind her before wrapping itself around her waist. With a few pieces of her torn jumpsuit moving around in the wind, the saiyan turned around to head back to the bar before another figure poked her head out of a rock. It's greenish yellow wild hair and a bit of its eyes were the only thing seen. "Y-You saiyans are monsters!" It yelled out, revealing itself entirely, with light green skin and a dark green bodysuit decorated slightly with yellow diamond shapes covered her upper body and her arms covered in dark green and metalic robotic armor covered in scratches and dents while her legs were covered in what looked like a dirty mechanic's outfit with stains included tied around her waist to prevent it from falling. She gulped before adjusting her visor. "Now I see why homeworld liked partnering with the saiyans..." She said to the saiyan girl. Rin blinked before reaching the green being. "So, guess you're not a fighter gem." She said. The being before her, a gem, stood up completely. "No, I am a peridot, we are mostly engineers and technicians, not brutes..." She responded. The saiyan arised an eyebrow. "So that's why they said you could fix my ship." The peridot standing before her crossed her arms and closed her eyes. "Well, of course, you own a pod right? Easy, I've fixed plenty before with nothing but spare parts, I'll gladly fix it for you for free, those bunch of brutes could of cracked me if it weren't for you." With an almost invisible smile, Rin nodded. "Thanks, I'd rather much ask a gem for help then anyone else in that bar..." The two then started walking together. Until the peridot began speaking. "So, Ginyu Force huh? You must be Rin... you know, I thought you died with the others... I'm sorry for your loss..." The saiyan shook her head slightly. "It's okay, we were never one's to ignore lord Frieza, it was just unfortunate..." Lowering her head slightly, the gem looked down. Rin blinked before speaking again. "So what's your name...?" She asked. The gem looked back up slightly caught off guard. "Oh... well... my name is Peridot... but... you can call me Terry, that's what everyone calls me." "How come?" Asked Rin. Terry smiled before answering. "Oh, it's because certain number's in my serial number sound like Terry... so, in case any other peridot shows up, there won't be any confusion among my associates." The female saiyan looked forward. "Oh, serial number huh? Well, guess it does make sense, you gems sometimes do look very similar..." "That's only because of the great gem war, many gems had to be produced artificially, hence why an increase number of look alike gems appeared... I was born after the war ended, was actually one of the last peridot's that were already in their final stages of development." She answered. Rin blinked. "So you don't reproduce?" She asked. Terry went wide eyed. "W-What kind of question is that!? Of course we do! It's just...!" The gem's face grew hot as a light green blush formed under her eyes. "Well... the natural ways of producing gems takes a long time and isn't very predictable..." "Oh, for a second there I thought you didn't mate." Added Rin. The peridot once again went wide eyed, her green blush growing. "What is with you and that?!" She asked outloud. Rin kept walking before Terry hopped into the air, the sound of thrusters activating as very small flames started coming out of her feet. Flying to catch up with Rin quickly, the gem landed softly on the ground, walking slightly faster then the saiyan. "Ugh... forget it, let's just head for your ship..." The female saiyan blinked. "Okay..." The two continued their walk, until Terry began to talk again. "Lucky that they told you about me huh? Or else you might of been pointed towards that dumb Irken from across the street... I mean, seriosuly? An Irken? Hahahaha, don't make me laugh!" She said, placing a hand on her stomach. "I still find it hard to believe they tried to take over the universe." Added Rin.