A Normal Day

by Axel Nyan

First published

Just a normal day in the life of your favorite ponies.

Nothing needs be said, it's pretty self-explanatory. Just a normal day in the life of your favorite ponies.

Just a normal day

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It was a fine day. There were no town-wide disasters going on. No threat to the nation or deadlines needed to be met. The sky was scheduled to be clear all day as, for once, the Everfree forest was cooperating and wasn’t sending any wayward storm clouds towards the town it resides near, sparing the towns’ cloud captain the trouble of having to deal with it. All the animals were busy either constructing their nests for the approaching winter, gathering food for said winter, or keeping their resident caretaker busy. There had been no assignments sent to the local librarian via dragon mail. The apple orchard was already attended to. All orders to the local seamstress/dressmaker were already completed. The bakery was already finished with their orders, and were getting ready to close shop. It seemed as if it were a perfectly normal day.

At the local library the owner, Twilight Sparkle, was busy reading. She wasn’t reading anything special, at least, not research-wise. It was a simple fiction book about the famed mare, Daring Do. Flipping through the books pages leisurely, she had a quick thought about how it seemed oddly normal that day. She quickly dismissed the notion, and returned to reading her book.

A dragon entered the room, carrying what seemed to be a bowl of gems in one hand. He looked at the unicorn he called his mentor, and asked if she had any plans for the day. After a negative reply, Spike shrugged his shoulders, and went to put the bowl in some place secret, no doubt saving them for later. He headed for the door, and shouted to his friend that he would go visit with some of his other friends for the day.

The tailor was currently empty, except for the one seamstress who lived and worked there. Rarity was sitting on her sofa, her eyes closed as she listened to the soft tunes of her record player. An orchestra of music could be heard as the song resonated throughout the building, enlightening a particular filly in her room upstairs. The soft music was quickly disturbed as a knock sounded from the doorway. Rarity shouted that she was closed for the day, but quickly backtracked as the response came in the form of a boyish childs’ voice she recognized as her favorite dragon. Ushering him in, she asked him why he was visiting today, and was a bit puzzled to find that he had nothing to do at the library. Normally, the shy bookish unicorn of a librarian would keep him busy all day with tasks and chores consisting of cleaning the library, kitchen, bedrooms, and generally the whole treehouse. Today, it seemed, was turning out to be quite bland.

Spike was quite displeased to find that Rarity was doing nothing, as well, and that she needed no company for the day. She did inform him that her sister looked like she could use a bit of company, and that she was upstairs in her rooms. He nodded his thanks, and headed up the stairs, arriving at the door to Sweetie Belle’s room.

He knocked on the door, and waited a bit, twiddling his claws together as he looked around the hall. He didn’t get a good look, though, as Sweetie Belle had responded quickly. She looked a bit surprised, it seems, as she had not expected to see Spike that day. She welcomed the distraction, however, and let him in, asking what he wanted. He informed her of his predicament, stating that he needed something to do. She pondered this for a moment, and exclaimed that she had an idea that involved her two friends, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. He went along with it, hoping that this might be a worthwhile distraction from this monotonous day.

They headed for the barn, giving Rarity a quick goodbye as they left her house. Along the way, they had noticed that things seemed rather calm today, with no one really doing anything worthy of noting. Ponies just wandered around, talking amongst themselves and saying hello to one another. They dismissed this as them simply over-analyzing things, and continued their trek towards Apple Blooms’ house.

Upon arrival, they quickly noted that for once, the diligent and proud workmare, Applejack, was nowhere to be found, at least, not amongst the rows of apple trees. Not even her even more diligent brother, Big Macintosh, was bucking away at the trees. In fact, the trees themselves seemed to have forgotten to bear fruit, as they were empty of their apples. They found this a bit odd, if not, spooky, but nevertheless, continued towards the barn where they knew they’d find their friend.

The barn, oddly enough, had an empty look to it. The usual smokestack that poured from the chimney was nowhere to be found, and most of the lights, save one in the window by the front door, were off. Again they found this odd, but Spike knocked on the door regardless, sure he’d get an answer, and he wasn’t disappointed. Applejack answered the door, looking like she’d been taking a nap for a while, and not wearing her customary brown Stetson. She greeted them happily, if a bit drowsy, and asked them what they needed. They asked about Apple Bloom, and if she could come with them, and Applejack told them that her sister had gone to the bakery to deliver some apples as thanks for some favor the baker there had done for her earlier that week. They thanked the farmer, and left, running back to town in hopes of catching Apple Bloom before she leaves the bakery.

The bakery was rather quiet, as it lacked the usual pink torrent of energy that ran it for most of the day. It was an off day, as the owners of the place had decided to take the day off to spend time with their foals. Today, it was being visited by a yellow filly, carrying on her back a basket of apples with a note of ‘Thanks!’ on it. The filly asked where said pink torrent of energy was, and was informed that she had gone over to Whitetail Woods, to do who knew what. She thanked them, and stepped out into the fresh air, only to collide into Sweetie Belle, sending them both down to the ground.

They pulled each other up, and Sweetie Belle explained what they were doing, and asked her if she knew where Scootaloo was. Apple Bloom had no idea, and told her that they should probably search the field under Rainbow Dash's house. Sweetie agreed, and Spike, being as bored as he was, simply tagged along.

The fields under the cloud house Rainbow Dash resided in were not really all the special. They were nice, yes, and they were very open as well, but they were still just that: fields. This fact escaped the filly underneath the cloud house, as she seemed to think the the fields are filled with holy magic, and the it was Rainbow Dash’s constant presence during the night above them that granted them this holiness. She camped there often, putting up a small tent there and sleeping for days on end, hoping to be blessed by the hooves of the goddess that lived in the cloud house above her. Today was no different.

There she sat, staring up at the house in pure awe, wondering what stunts and tricks her idol would perform today. She’d been sitting there for the better part of this morning, and it was approaching the afternoon. She was soon interrupted, though, by her friends Apple Bloom, Spike, and Sweetie Belle. They ran at her, yelling things at her at the same time as one another, making her yell at them to stop and speak one at a time. They all stopped, and Sweetie Belle explained the situation to Scootaloo, asking if she could help them come up with something to do. Spike looked a bit surprised, as he had expected her idea to involve actually doing something. Scootaloo agreed, saying that her idol seemed to be taking a break from being awesome today, and they went off in some random direction, plotting up schemes of things to do.

In a quiet cottage, off and away from the main part of the town, a yellow pegasus was busy working out, doing push-ups, sit-ups, wing-ups, and running laps around her house. After finishing what seemed to be her tenth lap of the day, she stopped, wiped her brow, and looked over at the town. She spotted three little fillies and a dragon heading her way, talking amongst themselves. She panicked a bit, and began quickly cleaning herself up inside the house while they head her way. The group arrived, and knocked on the door, and were confronted by, not a pegasus, but a bunny, making motions as if he were sleeping and pointing back inside the house. They nodded, understanding what this meant, and head back towards town, a bit disappointed. Fluttershy seemed to look a bit guilty at this, but quickly got over it, starting up her workout session again.

The group couldn’t seem to find anything to do. Twilight was reading, and probably would suggest something boring for them anyway. Rarity seemed to not want to be bothered today, and would suggest something frilly and boring to do anyway. Applejack, according to Apple Bloom, was taking the entire day off to sleep, as was the rest of her family. Rainbow Dash was ‘resting her awesomeness’ according Scootaloo, and Pinkie was nowhere to be found. Fluttershy had already proven to be a negative, so they had nothing to do for the day. They knew that their teacher had to work on weekends to grade their work, and they didn’t want to bother her while she was grading their work. Apple Bloom was about to suggest that they go looking for Pinkie, when they saw that the sun was nearing the end of its’ trip, and it would soon be night time. The crusaders plus dragon said their goodbyes, promising to get together tomorrow to do something fun and exciting, and headed for their respective homes.