Discord's Parting Gift to the CMC

by silvadel

First published

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Alicorns, Yay!" Follow the CMC as they adjust to new expectations and find new crusading opportunities. Is there enough aspirin in Equestria for the denizens of Ponyville to deal with 3 ever-helpful alicorn fillies?

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Alicorns, Yay!" Follow the CMC as they adjust to new expectations and find new crusading opportunities.
Is there enough aspirin in Equestria for the denizens of Ponyville who have to deal with three ever-helpful alicorn fillies?

Cutie Mark Crusader Alicorns

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"This meeting of the Cutie Mark Crusaders will come to order," said Apple Bloom.

A mote of energy flew out of Scootaloo. It rapidly formed into a small translucent figure of Discord. "I would actually say that this meeting has come to disorder."

The three fillies huddled in the corner of the tree house.

"No need to be frightened; I have been watching and living in Scootaloo for over a year now. If I were going to do anything bad to you, trust me, it would have been done a long time ago," said the miniature Discord. "I've simply been thinking of a suitable way to repay you for allowing me to scratch an itch I had for over one thousand years.

"The answer came to me when I was reading a delightfully angsty letter Apple Bloom was writing to Princess Celestia. I agree with you wholeheartedly. You have an insight into things commensurate with and beyond your years. No ponies are more qualified to be alicorns than the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

Apple Bloom's cheeks darkened on mention of the letter. "I wrote that when I was mad at Diamond Tiara. I would never actually send it. You really think we would make good alicorns?"

"Rarity has always wanted to be royalty and if I were..." said Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo whispered to the miniature Discord, "As an alicorn, would I be able to fly?" After seeing Discord's nod she continued, "Well what are we waiting for?"

"Can you give me a Cutie Mark Crusader Alicorn cheer?" asked the miniature Discord.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders joined together, "Cutie Mark Crusaders Alicorns, Yay."

As they reached the apex, the miniature Discord snapped his fingers and vanished. A small burst of laughter went unheard by the jubilant crusaders.

Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom and noticed that she was as big as her sister now. Her wings peeked out from beneath her ludicrously undersized crusader vest. A mauve horn gracefully flowed from her forehead. Scootaloo's own horn playfully distracted her on the periphery of her vision.

Apple Bloom peered at her own vest. "I guess we should take these off. Maybe Rarity can resize them."

They looked to see if there were any cutie marks. Seeing none, they all let out a sigh.

Scootaloo flexed her larger and stronger wings. She turned to face her fellow crusaders, "I'm off to see Rainbow Dash." She shrieked with joy, "Now I can get to her house any time I want to."

She bounded out the door and into a glide, then gently flapped her wings and gained some altitude. Boldly, she tried to perform a loop, but miscalculated it and crashed into a tree. She didn't know what name Applejack gave this particular tree but "painful swirling stars" was her choice.

She brushed herself off, saw nothing was broken or badly bruised, and leaped back into the air. With greater care this time, she took a direct course to Rainbow Dash's cloud home. Far too rapidly for her tastes, she came to a landing outside the front door. She raised a hoof and gave it an enthusiastic knock. This was too much for the door, which fell inward onto the cloud surface inside. It then proceeded to fall through the cloud material and soon made a clattering noise from the ground below.

A light blush formed on Scootaloo's cheeks as she assessed the damage. With no warning of her approach, Rainbow Dash swooped through the opening, veered around Scootaloo and came to an abrupt landing beside her. "What did you do to my door? How did you get... up..." She paused, and her pupils dilated to an unnatural size as she looked Scootaloo up and down. She mumbled, "Scootaloo is an alicorn." She gazed into Scootaloo's eyes. "Is this one of Twilight's experiments?"

Scootaloo beamed, "No Rainbow! This was a gift from Discord. Isn't it great? I can fly and everything! Don't know my own strength yet, but..."

Rainbow Dash placed a hoof over Scootaloo's mouth. "Wait a... Discord? Ahh, I think we had better get over to Twilight's and have this figured out." She removed her hoof and stared at Scootaloo.

After an unpleasant half a minute, Scootaloo got the point and glided towards the library with Rainbow Dash behind her. She opened the door to see Twilight standing in the middle of the room. Her horn was glowing as she levitated books around.

Twilight turned towards Scootaloo and immediately noticed her horn. The shock broke her concentration and moments later she was pelted by falling books.


Sweetie Belle carefully climbed down the ladder from the clubhouse. When her hooves hit the dirt, her stomach started to growl. She looked up at the apple trees, focused on a nice plump red apple and pulled at it with her magic. The apple streaked past her and splattered against a nearby rock. On her fifth attempt she finally managed to safely get one down. Her appetite sated, she started bounding towards Ponyville thankful that she had tested her magic.

The trees of Sweet Apple Acres thinned out and she soon reached the outskirts of Ponyville. She crossed the bridge and made her way to her sister's dress shop. She carefully opened the door and entered Carousel Boutique.

Rarity called out to her from her design room, "I'll be along in a minute Sweetie Belle. I just have a couple of small alterations... and done." Rarity trotted around the corner and looked at Sweetie Belle. "Now if you let your wings get so... um Sweetie Belle, you didn't let Twilight cast any spells on you did you?"

"No sis," Sweetie Belle chirped. "We became alicorns at the clubhouse today. Isn't it great? I will be a princess and you will be royalty like you always wanted! You won't even have to..."

Rarity put a hoof to her horn like she did whenever she had one of her headache days. "Sweetie Belle, I couldn't help but notice the 'we' in your statement. Just go slowly and tell me what happened at the clubhouse."

Sweetie Belle took a deep breath and said, "Well we started the club meeting. Then a little Discord popped out of Scootaloo. He wanted to thank us for what happened in the garden last year. He said we would make the best alicorns. Now the CMC will be together forever."

Rarity took on a most unfashionable shade of green.

Sweetie Belle frowned, "I thought you would be happy, sis."

Rarity coughed. "Sweetie Belle, Discord is dangerous. Yes I am happy for you but... Never mind, we should go and ask Twilight. She will have some ideas."

Rarity pranced upstairs, humming to herself.

Sweetie Belle got bored waiting for Rarity to get ready to go. She started levitating one bolt of cloth, then another, then two at one time, then three.

Rarity emerged in a pleasant afternoon dress with a frilly hat. "Wow Sweetie Belle, your magic has really come along."

Sweetie Belle placed the bolts neatly on a shelf. "I really like being an alicorn." She sighed and followed Rarity out the door.

When they arrived at Twilight's they noticed the door was open. Rainbow Dash was sitting on the floor near Twilight. Scootaloo was in the middle of the room and a bunch of books were scattered about.

"Hey Scootaloo, I see Rainbow had the same idea as my sister."


Apple Bloom cleaned up the clubhouse and hummed the CMC theme song to herself. With the pride of a job well done, she turned out the lantern and climbed out of the clubhouse. She grazed a wing on the edge of the opening and let out a small yelp of pain. On the ground she flexed her wings and noted no permanent damage to them.

She gave them a couple of experimental flaps lifting herself a few inches off the ground for a few seconds. She jumped off the ground and flapped a few more times but ended up planting her face into the ground. On the sixth attempt she managed to clumsily fly. She felt the air through her new wings and emitted several squeaks of glee.

She flew off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. She went along the trail, over the bales of hay, and not knowing how to land, smashed right into the side of the barn. She fell backwards into a well-placed hay bale.

Applejack emerged from the barn. "Now Rainbow Dash, how many times have I told you not to... Apple Bloom? Now what did I tell you about letting Twilight cast spells on you? Wings?! Twilight is going to get a piece of my mind."

Apple Bloom tried to reply, "But it..." only to be shoved along by her sister. She decided she would wait and get everything straightened out later.

She trotted quietly under the constant gaze of Applejack. Applejack's glare also served to make them practically invisible to other townsfolk who really did not want to get involved in whatever was going on. They walked through the open doorway and joined the other ponies already in the library.

Twilight Sparkle stood up and questioned the Cutie Mark Crusaders who in turn related the story of what happened in their clubhouse. Her eye twitched a couple of times during the interplay but she managed to hold herself together. She proceeded to levitate a quill against some parchment.

"Dear Princess Celestia

The Cutie Mark Crusaders Sweetie Belle (Rarity's sister), Apple Bloom (Applejack's sister), and Scootaloo appear to have become alicorns. A fragment of Discord had been hiding in Scootaloo since he initially broke out of his prison over a year ago. It told them this ascension was a gift and it occurred while they were touching. It is my theory that such a ritual was necessary to evoke the change. I am going to perform a few experiments. I should note that the CMC were a worriment when they were just fillies. As alicorns they could be walking, flying disasters. Please advise as soon as possible.

Your Faithful Student

Twilight Sparkle"

Twilight passed the letter to Spike, and with a gout of green flame, it was off to the princess. She turned to Scootaloo, "Please follow me down to my lab. I would just like to run a few tests to make sure you are okay."

Scootaloo beamed at the prospect of seeing a real laboratory and followed Twilight through a door, around a bend and down some stairs into the basement of the tree house. The mana lights on the walls cast creepy shadows over the myriad of equipment. She heard Twilight say, "please do not touch anything and come over to this apparatus."

A strange helmet with all sorts of glowing gemstones embedded in it was placed on her head and then Twilight attached a wire into the helmet. Another device started humming and tooting while a line started being recorded on a roll of paper. Twilight stared at Scootaloo uncomfortably and then moved a few dials.

Scootaloo heard Spike call out from above, "Twilight, Princess Celestia wrote that she will be here herself in just fifteen minutes."

Scootaloo watched as Twilight continued to take measurements. "Uhm, figure anything out yet?"

"Well, I know that you are indeed an alicorn. It isn't some form of illusion or simple transformation. You do not seem to be under any mental control. Oh..." Twilight produced a small rubber ball and placed it before Scootaloo. "Could you try focusing some magic on that ball and see if you can bring it to you?"

Scootaloo looked at the ball. "I don't really know how."

"It is easy, just focus magic to your horn and around the ball and pull it towards you."

Scootaloo shrugged and concentrated. Her horn started to light up with a red aura and the ball began to glow. The glow intensified as the ball began to melt, turning into a small steaming pile of goo.


Scootaloo and Twilight emerged from the basement. Scootaloo cantered over to Sweetie Belle and sat beside her. Twilight walked over to the adult ponies and said a few things the crusaders couldn't hear and then all three started for the exit. "Come along crusaders, lets see the Princess."

A brown speck appeared in the distance. It rapidly grew into a sky carriage being pulled by four pegasi in armor. It landed in front of the assembled ponies and both princesses emerged. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity bowed while Twilight ran up and nuzzled her mentor. Luna stared at the Cutie Mark Crusaders who awkwardly did their own small bow.

Apple Bloom was the first to speak. "Princess Celestia, can we raise the sun tomorrow?"

"No! You may not raise the sun."

"Awwwww but we want to see if we can get our sun raising cutie marks." She looked at the Princess of the Night, "could we try raising the moon instead?"

"Nay child, but you may watch while we do it sometime."

Celestia slowly approached the three fillies. "Are you sure you want to be alicorns? There are many drawbacks and responsibilities."

Scootaloo looked at her wings and then back to Celestia. "I love being an alicorn." She turned to Luna, "Princess Celestia can't make us not alicorns if we don't want to, can she?"

Luna gave Celestia a little smirk and playfully replied, "she's got a point there Tia."

"Not helping," shot back Celestia. She turned to the fillies. "If you remain Alicorns you will live forever. Do you really want to outlive all your family?"

While Scootaloo struggled to hold back a tear, Apple Bloom angrily responded. "How could you be so insensitive? Look at what you did to poor Scootaloo." Calming down she continued. "As for myself, I always reckoned I would outlive my family anyway."

"Well what about your friends?"

"Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are my friends," replied Sweetie Belle. "They are the ones who are important and now we will be together forever."

Princess Celestia visually deflated somewhat and she walked over to her student. She whispered, "Did your experiments reveal anything?"

"I found no trace of chaos energy in Scootaloo. She is not being controlled by any outside force. Her thaum readings are quite impressive but she has no control at all. She is a filly alicorn."

Princess Celestia looked back towards the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "I expect you to not give your guardians any trouble. I expect you to continue going to school and set a good example. You are ponies just like the other students. Do not expect any special treatment or treat other students differently due to your changes."

She winked at her protege. "Twilight Sparkle, please prepare extra study materials for these fillies on what they should know in the way only you can.

"Oh, and sister. I do believe you have free time in three days to come to Ponyville and show these fillies just how you raise the moon. I am sure they will enjoy it."

Princess Luna stared daggers into Celestia as she climbed back into the carriage. She was followed by a smirking Celestia. Soon after that they were merely a speck in the distance and then gone.

The adult ponies sort of stared at each other for a while. Applejack shifted her Stetson and nodded while Rarity made a comment about it getting late and having a large order to fill. At that point all of the ponies went their separate ways for the night.


The crusaders met the next day at school.

Cheerilee addressed the class. "Now children, if you will all take your seats we can begin."

Scootaloo looked forlornly at the woefully undersized desk in front of her. "Miss Cheerilee, I don't think these desks are big enough."

"Unfortunately they are all we have. The parents manage okay at pony teacher association meetings. I will ask Mayor Mare though if we can procure some special desks if it turns out to be too much of a problem."

The crusaders squeezed into their uncomfortable desks and waited patiently while the rest of the classroom filled with students.

Cheerilee walked up to the chalkboard and carefully drew a picture. She then wrote the word "Draconequus" beneath it. "A Draconequus is a creature that mostly existed thousands of years ago. They have the head of a pony and a body of all sorts of other animals. The most well known draconequus is called 'Discord.'

"Discord was by far the strongest of the draconequus and tortured the ponies. For decades nothing made sense. Crops became almost impossible to harvest. The sun and moon followed no schedule. It was chaos. It took the combined power of the princesses and the Elements of Harmony to freeze him into stone.

"When Discord was sealed the other draconequus fled and with the exception of the incident a couple of years ago, no living pony has ever seen a live draconequus.

"Now class, What is the first thing you should do if you should ever run into Discord?"

Sweetie Belle raised her hoof. "I know, say a cordial greeting and try to be friends."

Cheerilee turned pale. "No, you should run away and try to find help."

"But Miss Cheerilee, didn't you tell us last week that friendship is the best way to solve most problems?"

"Yes, Sweetie Belle, but this is Discord. You can't be friends with him."

Apple Bloom raised her hoof. "Maybe Miss Cheerilee, ponies just haven't given him a chance."

Cheerilee approached the blackboard and flipped it over. She wrote "7 x 7 = ____." "Now who can tell me the answer to seven times seven?"

After quite some time, the bell rang and most of the fillies charged out into the world. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sauntered towards and then stopped by the door. The CMC gathered together and stretched their stiff appendages. "I wonder if Twilight has a spell that would make those desks more friendly," mused Sweetie Belle as they slowly walked towards the exit.

"Did you know that alicorn fillies take over fifty years to mature?" said Diamond Tiara.

"Really? Maybe Apple Bloom will have her cutie mark by then," replied Silver Spoon.

Apple Bloom looked at Sweetie Belle. "Do alicorns grow up that slowly?"

Diamond Tiara sighed at the CMC. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders will probably still be blank flanks when my foals have their cutie marks."

"Cutie Mark Disasters," added Silver Spoon.

"You are just jealous that we ascended," Scootaloo retorted.

"We didn't need horns or wings to achieve our place in the world," scoffed Diamond Tiara. "We did it through pure talent, something the Cutie Mark Disasters seem to have none of. If you had any, you would already have your cutie marks."

"Pure talent and rich parents," replied Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom chimed in, "we don't have time for this Scootaloo. Twilight is expecting us and you know how she gets."

Scootaloo fell in behind her, crestfallen.

As they trotted off Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon did a fake CMC cheer, "Cutie Mark Disasters alicorn blank flanks."

They maintained a brisk pace, paying little attention to their surroundings as they passed park benches and shrubs. They slowed to a walk when they crossed the tree line and entered the actual town. A couple of ponies gawked at the crusaders as they approached the library but no pony confronted them. They entered the library and saw Twilight look up from over the book she was reading.

"I was starting to wonder when you three would arrive," said Twilight. "Now, I have selected a course of study that should really help you adjust to your new status as alicorns." She magically moved a small cart from the back room and started placing books into it.

"First off, I went with 'My First Spell Book' by Sure Fire. Many other works have been written about beginning magics but that one was always closest to my heart. Rarity said Sweetie Belle was more advanced so I will also include 'Teleportation, Getting From A to C without passing through B' by Short Cut and more importantly 'Defensive Magics' by Close Call. Then we have 'The Basics of Flight' by Soft Landings and 'Flight Vectors' by Blue Skies to help with the pegasus stuff and 'Helping Things Grow' by Apple Seed for earth pony magic.

Sweetie Belle scanned the titles of other books in the library looking for something to improve the desk situation. Her eyes settled on "Making it Bigger: Enlargement Spells for Unicorns." She added this to the growing pile.

"I always liked 'A Brief History of Equestria' for easy knowledge of the past. Volumes 1 through 6 should work well. 'The Definitive Diarchy' will help with how the government works in Equestria. 'The Responsibilities of Power' is a must." Twilight glowered at the pile. "I know I am forgetting something. Oh, 'The Artistry of the Moon and Stars' by Twinkle Shine. It will work wonders with Luna if you can show some knowledge of her night at your meeting."

She then levitated three small books onto the pile. "I took the liberty of creating study plans for each of you." Next came some quills, paper, and an oversupply of ink. She looked at the crusaders excitedly, "maybe you can get your scholar cutie marks?"

"Um Cutie Mark Crusaders scholars, yay?" half-heartedly cheered the Crusaders.

"Now it isn't that bad," replied Twilight. "Just think, you have all of eternity to learn."

The crusaders let out a collective groan.

Apple Bloom hitched herself up to the cart and started dragging the books to their clubhouse with the other crusaders behind her.

"Between school and all this when are we going to have time for crusading?" complained Scootaloo.

"Well you heard Twilight, we have an eternity to read all of this stuff so we don't have to do it all at once," replied Sweetie Belle.

"I assume you haven't looked at her study plans yet then," moaned Apple Bloom.

"Maybe we can get our cutie marks for magic," replied Sweetie Belle. "Think of how much faster we can get from place to place by teleporting."

Scootaloo hovered over Sweetie Belle. "Wings are for getting from place to place faster."

Apple Bloom unhitched herself from the cart and the trio stared at the books. Scootaloo put some of the writing supplies in her saddlebags and opened the clubhouse door. Apple Bloom carried the rest of the supplies and the three study guides. Sweetie Belle levitated the books through the threshold and followed behind them.

Apple Bloom whistled as she watched the books float into the corner of the clubhouse. "You are pretty good at that Sweetie Belle, almost as good as Rarity."

"Naw, my sister is amazing with telekinesis," replied Sweetie Belle. She paused a second before asking, "do you really think so?"

Apple Bloom stared at "My First Spell Book" and concentrated. It floated towards her in a wobbly way, landing just outside her reach. "Yeah I think so."

Sweetie Belle pondered this. "Well, maybe I can work on our desk situation then." She levitated "Making it Bigger" to her and opened the book. She started reading. At first she started to blush. Then she looked confused. Soon after she slammed the book shut and looked pale.

"Does the spell look hard to cast?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Scootaloo, try levitating this book over to you," said Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo sheepishly replied, "I don't think that is a good idea."

Sweetie Belle held her gaze on Scootaloo and after a few more moments Scootaloo gave in. A red glow formed on her horn and the book burst into flames. She started to move towards the book to try to put the fire out but Sweetie Belle waved her off saying, "just let it burn. It is for the best."

When the dinner bell rang, the crusaders had finished less than half of what their study plans recommended, and none of what they considered boring. They placed the books into a pile, said their farewells, and left the clubhouse.


It rained throughout the day and after class the somber trio left the schoolhouse.

They trudged through the muddy grass and walked onto the path that went towards Sweet Apple Acres. The rain kept most of the ponies indoors and the normal bustle of the afternoon was replaced by the gentle patter of drops against the shingled rooftops. Lyra and Bon-Bon were sitting on one of the park benches to the side of the path. The crusaders approached the only two ponies silly enough to sit out in the rain.

"Whatcha doin'?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Just pondering life and listening to the sounds of the rain," replied Lyra.

"Aren't you afraid you will get sick just sitting in the middle of a storm?"

Bon-Bon winked at Lyra. "It is just one of those 'Lyra' things. I got used to it. Personally I would be a lot happier if it were a sunny day, but you can't have everything."

Scootaloo beamed, "I know, we could clear the sky for you."

The three fillies formed a huddle and in unison cried out, "Cutie Mark Crusaders Sky Clearers, yay."

Scootaloo launched herself into the sky and started making short work of the clouds. She even tried a few basic tricks as she graced the air.

Apple Bloom tentatively took off from the ground. Her wet feathers made it difficult to fly and she carefully worked her way from cloud to cloud, dispersing them one by one.

Sweetie Belle looked at her drenched wings and pondered. She stood up on a vacant park bench and stared at one of the clouds. Her horn glowed as she brought the cloud down to nearly ground level. She gave the cloud a good buck and it disintegrated. She stared up at another cloud and repeated the process.

Twenty minutes later they landed near Lyra and looked up at their work. The sun had started to evaporate the puddles making some ground mist, but all in all it was looking like a pleasant afternoon. They went flank to flank and gave them a look. "Awwwww," they said in unison.

Bon-Bon took a few candies out from her saddlebags and gave them to the crusaders and Lyra started playing a tune on her lyre. The crusaders smiled and continued on their way. It was not long though before they saw a rainbow streak moving in their direction.

Rainbow Dash landed right in front of the crusaders. "What have you done? It was supposed to rain all night."

"Well Bon-Bon wanted a sunny afternoon and we thought it could get us our cutie marks so we..." replied Scootaloo.

"I don't care who tells you. The weather is set up weeks in advance by Cloudsdale. You are not to play with the weather." Rainbow Dash face-hoofed. "Now I have to go to Cloudsdale, requisition more clouds, and spend much of tomorrow setting them up so it will storm that evening."

"But you can't have it rain tomorrow night," pouted Apple Bloom. "Luna is going to show us how to raise the moon."

"I'm sorry Apple Bloom but the farm ponies need the rain. If we don't then all of their crops will wilt."

She was about to say more but the glare she got from Rainbow Dash was enough to show it was hopeless. With a collective moan the crusaders continued on their way.

Sweetie Belle came to a sudden halt. Apple Bloom bumped into her while Scootaloo deftly flew over, landing on the other side. "Where are we going anyway? We paid for this day. We MADE this day."

All three crusaders charged back into the park and spent the rest of the day simply playing.


The third day weighed heavily over the crusaders. It was pleasant and sunny when they started school, but by the time it was over, the sounds of raindrops competed with Cheerilee.

Apple Bloom kicked a rock repeatedly as they headed for their clubhouse. "It just isn't fair. This rain could have happened some other time."

"If it could have only been earlier when we were in class, then we could have gotten some real crusading done this afternoon," replied Sweetie Belle.

"Books, books, and more books," complained Scootaloo. "At least Twilight will be happy."

"I wouldn't say that," replied Apple Bloom. "As far as Twilight is concerned we should have been reading in our sleep."

The crusaders ascended the steps of their clubhouse. Scootaloo grabbed the book on the moon and stars. Sweetie Belle levitated the book on teleportation to herself. Apple Bloom started reading "The Basics of Flight."

An hour later, Sweetie Belle asked Scootaloo to watch her first attempt. Scootaloo gave her book to Apple Bloom and stared. Sweetie Belle's horn glowed a bright blue and she vanished, reappearing three filly lengths away on the other side of the room. She looked down at her flank, saw no cutie mark, and sighed.

Eventually the dinner bell rang and all three crusaders had a quick dinner at Sweet Apple Acres. Sweetie Belle thanked Applejack for the meal, and the crusaders set off for their meeting with Luna at the library.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom took to the air while Sweetie Belle trotted along, teleporting a short distance each time she fell behind.

When they reached the library they saw Twilight. She was outside waiting with a small magical shield above her which served to protect her from the rain. Sweetie Belle teleported to her side which earned her a knowing smile.

"I see who is the teacher's pet out of our group," said Scootaloo as she maneuvered under the shield.

Twilight's horn glowed a little brighter as she extended the shield. "And how are your studies coming along, Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo looked towards Apple Bloom for some support then thought a bit and finally replied, "I could name some of the constellations if it were not raining. But as for magic, everything just gets set on fire."

Twilight tossed a quill onto the ground and stood next to Scootaloo. "This time try to work as softly with your horn as you can. Try to feel around the feather not at the feather and carefully, serenely reach out and pull the feather towards you."

Scootaloo's horn glowed as she concentrated. Nothing happened for a while, but then slowly the feather skittered towards her.

Twilight smiled. "See, you can do it. You just need to stay calm while you focus."

"I see Luna," observed Apple Bloom.

The crusaders stood next to Twilight and watched as Luna glided in.

"Greetings crusaders and Twilight."

The crusaders bowed while Twilight walked over to Luna. They exchanged a few words then Twilight went back into the library.

While Twilight was chatting away the crusaders' thoughts drifted back to the rainstorm.

Luna looked at the crusaders. "Why are you so glum?"

"Well, with all of the rain we won't be able to see you raise the moon," replied Apple Bloom.

Luna tried to suppress a giggle. "Is that the issue? I was pleased that it was raining. It means we will not have to compete with the light from Ponyville." She stared at the still uncomprehending crusaders. "We just fly up and over the clouds. They will provide a good platform for viewing the sky."

Sweetie Belle started to blush and rubbed her left forehoof into the ground. "One other problem then. I haven't tried to fly yet."

Scootaloo gaped at Sweetie Belle in total disbelief. "Not even once? Really?"

Luna sighed. "I will just have to fly you up there myself then. Climb on Sweetie Belle, we do not want to be late."

The four alicorns took a nice easy ascent into the air. Soon enough they passed through the cloud deck and the sky went from grey to orange. Luna dropped Sweetie Belle off onto the highest cloud and then landed beside her followed by Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

The sun began to sink below the distant horizon. Luna and the crusaders turned in the opposite direction and Luna's horn started to glow. The crusaders shifted their view back and forth between Luna and the rising moon.

"And now for my favorite part," said Luna. She moved her horn across the whole sky and the stars burst into view.

Sweetie Belle carefully walked across the cloud and scanned the skyline. "There are so many stars — more than I ever see from Ponyville."

Apple Bloom added, "You can even see the seven pony sisters."

Scootaloo contentedly watched the sky next to Luna.

Sensing the moment Luna observed, "it is very nice to see fillies so interested in my night. See that dark patch of sky near the seven sisters?"

She moved closer to Scootaloo and concentrated. Her horn glowed and a new red star formed in the blank area. Then she walked towards Sweetie Belle and a blue star formed above it and to the left. The final star was yellow and the three stars formed a triangle pointed downward. In one final burst of concentration she added a nebula in the center of the triangle.

"It looks just like our crusader uniforms," stated Sweetie Belle.

"That is so cool," added Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom smiled. "Thank you Princess Luna."

For the next two hours they observed Luna's sky. Luna pointed out various constellations and told stories. When the fillies started to get tired, Luna said goodbye to Scootaloo and Apple Bloom and dropped Sweetie Belle off at Carousel Boutique. It was a night none of the crusaders would ever forget.

Amongst the Clouds

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Sweetie Belle looked out the window of her room. The sun was just rising in the distance and the last few stars of the night were fading into the day. She grabbed her brush with her magic and combed her mane and tail, then carefully opened her dresser and pulled out her saddle bags.

She snuck down the stairs, traded glances with Opal, and opened the door to the boutique with her magic. She slipped out into the early morning air, took a deep breath, and slowly closed the door behind her.

The grass around Carousel Boutique was covered in heavy layer of dew. She frowned, a vision of Rarity chastising her for dirty hooves playing in her mind. A small blue glow formed on her horn and she teleported onto the bridge. With a bounce to her step, she carefully followed the path around the bend, past Sugar Cube Corner and over to the library. She knocked lightly on the door.

The door opened a crack. "We open in a hour," said a bedraggled looking Spike.

Sweetie Belle put on her pouty eyes. "Please let me in. I finished the three magic books Twilight left me. There is nothing left on magic to read and my friends wouldn't understand me wanting more books."

Spike watched the spectacle for a moment then threw his arms up in defeat. "Sure, why not, just be careful not to wake up Twilight. Magic section is on the right side."

Sweetie Belle followed Spike into the library and began to browse the titles. Most of them were on subjects she didn’t have a particular interest in or she didn’t think she was ready for yet. One plain but expertly bound book caught her eye since it did not have a title. She was shocked by the name of the author, Twilight Sparkle herself. She grabbed that one, "Intermediate Illusions: Seeing What Isn't There" for her own reading, and "Earth, Wind, and Fire: It's Elemental" on the off chance that Scootaloo might be able to use it.

Spike yawned, then absent-mindedly stamped the books and handed them back to Sweetie Belle. She quietly thanked Spike and exited the library, trotting towards Sugar Cube Corner in the direction of home.


Scootaloo awoke as the first rays of sunlight radiated through the window of the clubhouse. She had chosen this particular spot so she would wake up as early as possible. She shook herself out, preened a couple of stray feathers, and opened the door.

Scootaloo spread her wings and took to the air. The wind rustled through her feathers as she gained altitude, the apple trees shrinking into the distance. She oriented herself towards Carousel Boutique and went into a dive. A surge of adrenaline rushed through her as her speed increased and the ground drew nearer. She flexed her wings and went into a loop then gently landed in the grass near the entrance. She strode up to the door and cautiously rapped on it.

The sound of hoofsteps issued from inside the building. The door opened a crack. "Carousel Boutique is closed at — Oh, Scootaloo. What are you doing here at this hour?" Rarity opened the door a little wider. She was dressed in a fancy blue nightshirt and had a towel wrapped over her mane.

"Is Sweetie Belle awake yet?" asked Scootaloo. "I have something important that I would like to do with her before school starts."

The door shut and she heard hoofsteps inside. Abruptly they got louder and more frenzied. She heard the sounds of some glass object shattering on the floor inside. Suddenly the door swung open, a panicked and disheveled Rarity emerging and then locking the door behind her. Her head drooped and her tail touched the ground, "Sweetie Belle is missing."

They charged across the bridge, and followed the path towards Sugar Cube Corner on their way to fetch Twilight. They rounded the bend and saw Sweetie Belle casually trotting in their direction.

"Whatever were you thinking?!" exclaimed Rarity.

"Um, hi sis, Scootaloo." squeaked Sweetie Belle. "I was just getting a couple of books before school from the library and..."

"You could have left a note at least. When I saw your room empty..." replied Rarity.

"More books?" questioned Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle blushed, "I'm sorry. I really should have left a note. I was just embarrassed and didn't think of it."

Rarity hugged her sister. "I guess there is no harm done. Just don't worry me like that in the future."

Rarity and Sweetie Belle started moving in the direction of Carousel Boutique.

Scootaloo flew past them and landed in their path. "Can I borrow Sweetie Belle for a while?" She gazed into the sky, "I have to get this egg-head into the air while there is some time before school."

The sisters exchanged glances. "You may Scootaloo," replied Rarity. "Just be careful, and remember, she isn't Rainbow Dash and neither are you." She levitated Sweetie Belle's pack off her, gave her a couple of bits for her lunch, and continued on her way.

Scootaloo winced a bit at that statement but turned her attention towards Sweetie Belle. She examined Belle's wings thoroughly and straightened several feathers.

Sweetie Belle was too busy watching Rarity leave to notice. Her eyes focused on the towel wrapped around Rarity's mane. She had shown herself out in public while not being prepared. Sweetie Belle made a mental note to do something special for her sister.

"...and it is just that easy," rambled Scootaloo. "Are you even listening to me?"

Sweetie Belle nodded hesitantly. She watched as Scootaloo gently lifted off into the air then turned to face her in a hover. She steeled herself to the task and leaped towards Scootaloo, flapping her wings in a furious manner. Scootaloo ducked as Sweetie Belle passed over her head.

Sweetie Belle felt her pegasus magic pulse with every downward push of her wings and ease on each upstroke. She reveled in the visceral feeling of this new magical heartbeat. Cycle after cycle, she kept beating her wings. A sudden chill broke her out of the trance.

She gazed downward and saw what she thought might be a distant forest of oak far beneath her. She checked her sudden bout of fear and glided in a wide circle. She could see the clouds and rainbows that made up the city of Cloudsdale slightly below her and well off in the distance. In the opposite direction she could see Canterlot, but Ponyville eluded her.

"Hey, Sweetie Belle!" shouted Scootaloo from the distance.

She turned towards the noise and saw Scootaloo approaching. Sweetie Belle slowed her glide and Scootaloo came alongside her. Sweetie Belle blushed deeply, "We should probably try to get back down to Ponyville if we are going to get to school on time."

"I think you crossed that bridge already when you decided to try for the alicorn filly ascent record," deadpanned Scootaloo. She turned in the direction of Cloudsdale and brightened significantly. "Besides, I'm hungry and I've heard from Dash that some of the best food is in the clouds."

Cloudsdale grew as they approached. When it almost took up the entirety of the sky, they were able to make out numerous cloud buildings and rainbow fountains. Pegasi of many colors walked and flew at various levels, seemingly in a state of controlled confusion. Sweetie Belle landed clumsily, almost falling over. Scootaloo landed gracefully beside her.

They stuck close together as they walked up the main street on this level of the city. The third building they came to was named "The Impatient Griffon." Scootaloo recognized this as one of the restaurants Rainbow had mentioned, so they entered. About half of the tables inside were occupied with pegasi who were eating or chatting. Griffon rock music played in the background drowning out most of the conversations. They edged their way around the periphery of the restaurant and took a table along the side wall next to a framed flight suit from one of the wonderbolts.

Moments later a blue-green pegasus with a brown mane presented them with menus and glasses of water. "My name is Sky Swirls and I will be serving you today. The soup of the day is watercress. The special is a seventeen flower stir fry. The griffon cuisine special is a shrimp alfredo if you are feeling adventurous. Are you ready to order or do you need a few minutes?" She looked down at her customers and let out a short gasp. She gave a quick bow, barely squeaked out, "I didn't realize..." and cantered deeper into the restaurant and through a side door.

The fillies looked at each other for signs of understanding, but it was obvious they were both equally confused. Sweetie Belle levitated her glass and took a drink. The side door reopened and two figures emerged. The first was a griffon. He was somewhat larger than Gilda and wore a dark blue suit jacket. He was followed by a teal stallion wearing a chef's hat. They approached their table.

The griffon bowed, "My name is Olov, although most around here know of me as the impatient griffon. Welcome to my restaurant. We do not usually have royalty grace our establishment."

"Um, we aren't royalty," squeaked Scootaloo.

Olov looked into her eyes then cracked a gentle smile. "Well, well, how about we just treat you as such then? And who do I have the pleasure of addressing?"

"I'm Scootaloo, and this is Sweetie Belle. We flew here from Ponyville and since Rainbow Dash told me how good the food was here..." Her discourse was cut off by a loud rumbling from her stomach.

"How inattentive of me," replied Olov. "Order anything you want. It is on the house. If there is one thing we pride ourselves on here it is good food fast. The alfredo is especially tasty."

"I think I will have the stir fry," replied Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo shifted glances back and forth between Sweetie Belle and Olav, and summoned her courage. "I'll try the alfredo."

"Excellent choice, you will not be disappointed," replied Olov. The teal stallion collected the menus, and followed Olov as he departed.

"I can't believe you ordered fish," stated Sweetie Belle flatly. She crumpled up her nose, "Rarity would faint on the spot."

"Then fall through the floor," replied Scootaloo. "These are Cloudsdale pegasi. It isn't entirely unheard of that a pegasus might eat fish every once in a while for an edge in flying. Also, Rainbow told me a story about Gilda and fish from her days at flight camp. It is sort of a rite of passage if you want to deal with griffons as equals."

Olov wheeled a serving table with two plates under domed steel covers. With a flourish he removed the first and placed it before Sweetie Belle. Steam rose off the many kinds of fried flowers. "And for you the best," he said to Scootaloo as he unveiled the alfredo.

Scootaloo looked towards Olov and back to the plate. The shrimp bits and noodles swam in a white sauce and she was at a loss as to even how to eat it. She tried to calm herself and concentrated on the area around a piece of shrimp. Her horn glowed a soft red as it floated to her mouth. The taste was odd, and it left a gummy residue on her teeth as she tried to grind it down. She swallowed it.

Olov gave a small bow and wheeled the service back into the side room.

Sweetie Belle thoroughly enjoyed her flowers. They were perfectly done. She glanced over at Scootaloo. She seemed to be not having quite as good a time as she perspired from the effort of moving more of the gloopy stuff on her plate to her mouth. Sweetie was surprised that Scootaloo hadn't set the room on fire thus far, and even more surprised that she could keep down what she was eating.

Scootaloo levitated yet another piece of alfredo. It really wasn't that bad once you got used to it. Eating with magic wasn't that horrible either. The continued concentration was not something she was used to, but at least she wasn't almost fumbling each piece now.

She observed a navy blue pegasus from the next table prodding the tan pegasus stallion she was seated with. They both stared at Scootaloo for a bit and walked over. They were joined by a couple of pegasi from the nearest table on the opposite side. The four pegasi bowed and the navy mare said in a low voice, "I noticed your... magic from over at my table."

Scootaloo stopped eating and responded, "yes?"

They alternated between chatting amongst themselves and staring until the awkwardness became tangible, at which point they shrugged and returned to their tables.

"That was creepy," muttered Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo nodded and they went about finishing their meals.

Olov returned with a tray of chocolate eclairs. "My cousin Gustav is the premier pastry chef in all of Canterlot. We get in a shipment every morning and they always sell out. These are for you." He deftly removed their dirty plates and replaced it with the tray.

The decadent blend of chocolate and cream took their minds off the strangeness of the prior encounter. They just ate and got lost in the flavors. All too soon, they were finished and Olov removed the tray from the table.

Olov turned to Scootaloo. "It was a pleasure serving you this morning. If you should ever find yourself in Cloudsdale again, you are always welcome at my establishment." He turned and left through the side door.

The alicorns stood up and made their way to the exit. They took the the air just outside joining a steady stream of outgoing pegasi thirty hooves above the cloud deck. They landed near the outer edge of the city and scanned about for Ponyville. Scootaloo managed to see a glint of reflected sunlight far below in the distance. She oriented herself and started into a controlled dive, with Sweetie Belle just behind her.

Ponyville started to come into view and the alicorns corrected their course, turning towards the school building. They circled the vacant school grounds, slowing their decent, eventually coming to a landing somewhat outside the entrance.


Apple Bloom walked over to the dining room table and sat on her cushion. She waited patiently while Granny Smith gave thanks. Applejack passed her a plate of pancakes and she took a couple before passing the plate on to Big Macintosh. Her horn glowed a soft yellow as she pulled the syrup from the other side of the table.

Applejack shot her a withering glare. "What did I say about using magic at the dinner table? Just ask and we'll hoof it over."

She grabbed the handle with her mouth and poured some syrup on her pancakes, then started to eat them.

She collected up all of the plates and carried them into the kitchen, then she levitated them into the sink and returned to the dining room.

Applejack put her stetson on her head and walked out to the north field. Apple Bloom followed. Baskets were already placed around the Macintosh trees. They were the earliest apples of the season and were destined to become this year's prize cider.

She walked over to the nearest apple tree and gave it a good buck. All of the apples fell neatly into the baskets. She repeated the process three times more.

The next one was one of the oldest and hardest to buck trees on the farm. She looked at its gnarled bark and picked her spot. She set and bucked the apple tree. Like the four trees before it, the apples all fell nicely and neatly into the baskets with a single kick. With her enhanced earth pony magic it was all too easy.

She felt oddly introspective. Would she really want an apple cutie mark if she had the choice? She liked the farm and loved her sister and brother dearly, but she realized that she was always kind of distancing herself from it. Whether she was doing carpentry or crusading with her friends, she had more fun doing things other than her chores. And yes she considered farm work a chore.

That was the difference. No matter how much work her sister did around the farm, she never considered it a chore. Applejack loved it for what it was.

As an alicorn, Apple Bloom had more potential talent opportunities than any pony and she felt a determination to try them all with her friends. She had the chance to be truly special.

On the next apple tree, a single apple missed the basket. She lifted the apple into the basket with her magic, then turned towards her sister. "Take a filly to work day is coming up, and I was just wondering — if you wouldn't mind if I tagged along with Scootaloo this year and learn about weather with Rainbow Dash?"

"Ah don't mind sugarcube," replied Applejack. "While we could sure use your help, I understand what it is like trying to find your way in the world. She's a good mare. Learn all Rainbow can teach you."

Apple Bloom hugged Applejack. "Thank you for being so understanding."

"Have you asked her yet?" questioned Applejack. "She could always have her hooves full."

Apple Bloom scrunched up into a frown, "I didn't think, she might..."

"Probably best if you went and asked then," interrupted Applejack.

"Thanks again," replied Apple Bloom as she took off into the air. Applejack watched her fly off and thought momentarily of wings before going back to her farm work.

Apple Bloom circled the farm as she worked to gain altitude, then she gently glided towards Rainbow's cloud house. She made a soft landing on the cloud surface and felt it yield slightly beneath her hooves. "Rainbow Dash, are you in there?" she shouted.

The door swung open and Rainbow Dash emerged. She stretched her wings, then met Apple Bloom's gaze and queried, "What brings you out here Apple Bloom?"

"Hi Rainbow," replied Apple Bloom. "I was wondering if you could teach me about the weather on take a filly to work day. Applejack was concerned you might have your hooves full with Scootaloo."

"I can totally handle a second filly, but are you sure that is what you want?" Dash walked around Apple Bloom, examining her wings.

"I am eager to give it a try, and it would mean I could spend the day with Scootaloo as well."

"All right then," replied Rainbow Dash. "There will be a lot of flying. It is important that you are ready and rested. I have to pick up my work order from Cloudsdale that morning, so you need to be here at 8 sharp. Don't worry about breakfast, we will be eating in Cloudsdale."

Apple Bloom thanked Rainbow Dash and took off for the school. Diamond Tiara scowled as she flew over her and several other classmates, the wind ruffling their manes. She landed right in front of the door and trotted in. The first thing she noticed was three new desks of an adequate size for her. She happily entered one and looked forward at the teacher.

Cheerilee walked over and said, "Twilight was asking about you last night after class. First thing she did on entry was look at the desks and rant about learning environments. Then she looked at my lesson plans, frowned, and proceeded to make about a dozen suggestions. At any rate she wants to see you, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle an hour after class today. She certainly does get things done though. Those desks arrived early this morning."

More students filed into their seats. Cheerilee walked to the chalkboard and began her class. Everything was normal except for the conspicuous absence of her fellow crusaders.

The first hour of her lecture covered the flora and fauna of the White Tail Woods. She fielded a few questions then moved on to the next topic.

"You should never go into the Everfree Forest," continued Cheerilee. "Unlike the White Tail Woods, the Everfree has many dangerous creatures and even the most inconspicuous looking plant or animal can be deadly. A good example is the cockatrice. This small animal which resembles a baby chicken with a lizard tail can turn ponies into stone. If you ever..."

The door flew open and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle entered the room. They spotted the two empty seats and sat down next to Apple Bloom. The other students giggled and laughed at the interruption. Diamond Tiara put on a wide smile.

Cheerilee pointed her chalk at the tardy students. "Class started over an hour ago. What do you have to say for yourselves?"

"I'm sorry Ms. Cheerilee," replied Scootaloo. "I was trying to teach Sweetie Belle to fly and we ended up in Cloudsdale and brunch took longer than expected and I'm sorry."

The class erupted with another peal of laughter. Cheerilee motioned and the class went quiet. "Please do not let it happen again. I wouldn't want to have to bother your guardians. If you stay after class a bit I can catch you up on what you missed."

Diamond Tiara frowned. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle let out a sigh of relief and Cheerilee went back to her lecture.

The bell rang and Diamond Tiara glowered at the crusaders. As she left, she said, "special treatment for special alicorns."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders approached the front of the classroom. Cheerilee waited until all of the other fillies had left before asking, "do you understand why it was especially bad that you were tardy as opposed to the other students in my class?"

Seeing the blank looks on the alicorns, she continued, "while I would treat any of my students in the same way, the perception is different with your status. Diamond Tiara was probably not alone in questioning whether or not you were getting a special favor for your transgression. If anything the result is that you will get away with less as opposed to more than the other students. It isn't exactly fair, but it is how things end up working."

A smile came to her face as she said, "no real harm done." She then went into the sections of the class they had missed. When they were about to leave she said, "Oh, and don't forget to stop by Twilight's library."

The alicorns scrambled out of the classroom and into the afternoon sun. They started walking towards the library.

"Now what exactly happened?" asked Apple Bloom. "You went up to Cloudsdale? Without me?"

"Sorry Bloom," replied Scootaloo. "It just kind of happened. After all the wing-dragging that Sweetie Belle did, all it took was one time in the air for her to go flight crazy."

"I just got caught up in the magic of it all," added Sweetie Belle. "I was well above Cloudsdale before I even noticed what was happening."

"And since we were already near Cloudsdale and nothing was going to keep us from being late, we couldn't just leave without at least walking on those clouds," continued Scootaloo.

"I guess it's okay," replied Apple Bloom. "Oh, and I asked Rainbow Dash if I could join you for take a filly to work day, and she agreed. So I get to see Cloudsdale too."

"Um, how did Applejack take it?" asked Scootaloo.

"Surprisingly well; she is the best sister I could ever have," replied Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle deflated a bit.

Apple Bloom walked up to the door of the library and gave it a knock.

"It's a library, you don't need to knock while it's open," said Sweetie Belle as she opened the door with her magic.

The three alicorns walked in, and Sweetie Belle closed the door behind them. It was eerily quiet. "Twilight?" asked Scootaloo.

"Surprise!" yelled ponies from every direction, launching the three alicorns into the air.

Pinkie Pie was standing at eye level from the upper floor balcony. "You didn't think you could ascend without having an ascension party did you?" She fired her party cannon and with a spray of confetti and streamers, the central table was decorated and an alicorn shaped cake bounced onto the middle of it.

Rainbow Dash strung up a banner that read "Cutie Mark Crusaders: Alicorns."

Twilight levitated a couple of extra decorated tables from the upper level of the library.

Spike walked down the stairs with a decanter of punch.

Lyra flipped the switch on the record player and it started to play.

Pinkie Pie leaped down to the main floor as the crusaders descended, somehow maintaining eye contact the entire way. "We have pin the wings on the unicorn and oh, here." She pulled out some cupcakes from behind her. "Three flavor cupcakes: I baked them special just for you."

The alicorns each started eating a cupcake while Pinkie Pie bounced over to the door to greet Cheerilee.

Lyra walked over to a table with Bon-Bon and the only other filly in the room, Twist. The crusaders sat down to join them.

"And that is what happens if you add twice the peppermint to a candy cane," stated Twist to Bon-Bon.

"One time, I added twice the vanilla to a batch of butterscotch candies," replied Bon-Bon. "You wouldn't believe the amount of grousing. They weren't half bad to my tastes at least."

Scootaloo started to get back up, but Lyra met her gaze and said, "Bon-Bon gets that way sometimes when she starts to talk shop. She doesn't get to talk candy very often. How are things going with you?"

"Well, Sweetie Belle and I went up to Cloudsdale and had an interesting lunch, but then we had several ponies just come over and stare at us. The waitress just ran off when first seeing us also, but the owner was nice."

"You have to expect that, Scootaloo," replied Lyra. "You are different now, and it comes with the territory. It will not deter ponies of true worth from being your friends. Just be mindful of ponies who might want to take advantage of you."

"Take advantage of us?" repeated Sweetie Belle.

Lyra smiled. "Don't ever grow up completely, Sweetie Belle. It isn't worth it. But yes, if a stranger seems too friendly and follows it up by asking you for something, be sure to tell your sister about it."

Rainbow Dash called over from the central table. "Would you like to play a board game? We are short a few players."

The crusaders looked at Lyra. She said, "Go ahead and play. Thanks again for clearing the skies."

Scootaloo looked skeptically at the complicated map and its tons of pieces.

"It is very historical," said Twilight.

"Now why would you go and tell them that?" retorted Rainbow Dash. "Fortress Equestria is a fun game. Don't let egg-head over there spoil it for you with talk of historical significance."

Twilight frowned at Rainbow Dash, then began explaining the rules.

An hour later, all of Apple Bloom's minotaurs were off the board, Sweetie Belle's zebras were trapped, and Twilight's equestria fell to the combined might of Dash's lunar forces and Scootaloo's griffons.

Rainbow Dash smiled as she moved her pieces into Canterlot. "Boo-yeah, looks like the Lunar Republic wins again."

"If you didn't roll three sixes when I tried to take Trottingham, this wouldn't have happened," replied Twilight. "It was a lucky win."

"Luck doesn't win seven games in a row," added Dash. She hovered in the air as she did a one pegasus wave, moving her legs in a pattern from left to right.

Pinkie Pie bounded over, a fake pink unicorn horn strapped to her head. She said, "congratulations Dashie," then she deposited a plate of cake before each pony before moving on to the next table.

The alicorns ate their cake.

"Want to play another round," asked Dash.

"No," replied the trio as they rapidly moved to the other side of the room.

They amused themselves for a little while at ring toss before approaching Rarity.

"...and that is why the fall fashion line is going to be light colors this year," replied Rarity to Fluttershy.

Sweetie Belle yawned vigorously, followed a small faked yawn by Apple Bloom.

"Not having a good time, Sweetie Belle?" asked Rarity.

"Just tired, it has been a very long day," replied Sweetie Belle. “Okay, maybe a little."

Pinkie Pie bounced in out of nowhere. She guided the fillies in one game of pin the wings on the unicorn then gave them a brief serious look. A smile snapped back on her face then she said, "I understand."

The party broke up shortly after.


It was already mostly dark outside when Sweetie Belle and Rarity made it back to Carousel Boutique.

Rarity walked into her kitchen while Sweetie Belle did her nightly hygiene in the bathroom. She emerged with a yawn to see Rarity sipping some tea in the main area. They gave a sisterly nuzzle and Rarity walked Sweetie Belle up to her bedroom.

"Good night Sweetie Belle," said Rarity as the door closed.

Sweetie Belle walked over to her desk and pulled a book out of her saddlebag. She uncovered her bed and placed the book near the front of it. Then she got into the bed, pulled the cover over both her and the book, and cast a blue glow with her horn.

She flipped open the cover to the first page and started to read.

In neat flowing text it started, "Fake Door — This easy spell summons a temporary doorway for as long as the caster concentrates on it."

She started turning pages. Facial Hair Growth, Cloudwalking, Rarity's Gem Spell... This was one of Twilight's spell books.

"Rarity's Gem Finding Spell — This intermediate spell in its most basic form allows the caster to sense the closest large cluster of gemstones in the general vicinity. With greater effort and an example or a clear picture in one's mind, this can be made specific to a single type of gem like diamonds or sapphires." Below that were the specifics of the casting of the spell and then in a finer script, "As an advanced spell this can be greater generalized with significant effort to be a locator for practically anything the caster can conceive. Finding a missing misfiled book with this spell is hard but doable. Trying to find anything more abstract is generally not worth the huge energy expenditure."

She studied the spell for several minutes, then went through it a few times in her mind. When she felt confident that she knew what the spell entailed, she started to cast it. Her horn glowed a bright blue and she felt a gentle tug behind and below her in the direction of Rarity's inspiration room. She quietly squealed with delight.

She turned the book to the last page.

"Want it Need it — This advanced spell projects a mild to moderate metaphysical need for the object it is cast upon in any pony that views the object depending upon the amount of energy placed into the spell. It represents my attempts to copy Cadence's ability of mutual desire." Below the actual spell description was a segment written in red ink. "Warning: Beyond 1200 thaum this spell can cause compulsions of a dangerous variety. Beyond 2500 thaum it can be disastrous."

She pondered to herself about the other applications of her sister's spell and decided to give it a try. She concentrated on Scootaloo, and worked through the spell. Her horn shined a brilliant blue and she felt a tug vaguely to the west. "It appears Scootaloo is sleeping in the clubhouse tonight," she thought. A sudden wave of weariness fell upon Sweetie Belle and the pages of the book momentarily blurred.

She closed the book and started to levitate it in the direction of her desk. She was surprised by a mild but definite ache in her horn as it fell back to the foot of the bed. She blinked a couple of times, then opened one of the drawers of her desk with her magic and quickly deposited the book within. Just one minute later she was soundly asleep.


The next morning the CMC sat in their clubhouse.

"We could try snorkeling," stated Scootaloo.

"We already did that," replied Sweetie Belle. "We could go and collect some gems."

"Pass," said Scootaloo.

"I've got it," said Apple Bloom. "Seeing as we are all part pegasus now, we could build an addition to the clubhouse made of clouds."

"Yeah, I bet Rainbow knows all about that and it would be so cool," replied Scootaloo enthusiastically.

The crusaders flew up to Rainbow Dash's cloud house. Apple Bloom walked over to the door and knocked while Scootaloo cried out, "Rainbow Dash, are you home?"

Tank emerged from one of the windows and landed near the crusaders. Scootaloo gave Tank a hoof-bump against Tank's clawed fore-foot. The door opened soon after and Rainbow Dash sauntered out.

She eyed the trio and settled on Apple Bloom. "What are the crusaders up to this morning?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Well, we got to thinking. The clubhouse is great and all, but it could use a pegasus touch to it now that we can all fly. You are the only pegasus with a cloud home in Ponyville, so we decided to come and ask how they are made."

Rainbow Dash puffed up with pride at the thought of her home. "Most compressed cloud material is made at the weather factory, but you can create your own from regular clouds. It just isn't the fastest method or the easiest. Everything you see here except for the rainbow fountains and the furnishings was made by me."

Rainbow Dash flew off like a shot, leaving a bright contrail. She gathered five nearby puffy clouds together into one larger cloud then started flying rapidly around and around it. The cloud mass shrunk until it was about the size of one of the original clouds. She glided back to her cloud house with the newly compressed cloud following behind her.

She flew back out and gathered another five clouds.

Scootaloo leaped into the air and started to make tight loops around the cloud. It rapidly darkened and shot out a lightning bolt. Scootaloo's mane stood on end as the bolt barely missed her. Shaken, she returned to the cloud house and looked at Rainbow Dash.

"While clouds generally do whatever a pegasus wants them to do, they can be a bit edgy about being compressed down into a construction block," said Rainbow Dash.

"Ahh, so working with a clouds is like dealing with a stubborn apple tree," sagely replied Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom gently flew up to the cloud mass. "Scootaloo wasn't doing anything bad. We just want you to be part of our new clubhouse where we can be together for the next few years, if you will let me."

"Is she really talking to a cloud?" asked Scootaloo of Rainbow Dash. Rainbow just shrugged.

The cloud lightened in color to a more usual white. Apple Bloom started flying in loops around the cloud. It was nowhere near as elegant as Rainbow or Scootaloo but the cloud rapidly shrunk down to size. Triumphantly she returned to the group.

"Um, yeah," said Rainbow Dash. "That works. Well, the weather patrol is supposed to keep the sky clear today, so any cloud you obtain is one fewer we have to destroy. Have fun." She collected Tank and went back into her home.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders cloud architects go!" shouted the trio of alicorns in unison.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle jumped off the cloud house and glided towards Sweet Apple Acres.

"Wait, we have to... horseapples," called out Apple Bloom. She moved the two compressed cloud blocks together into one mass and followed well behind them with the cloud in tow.

Apple Bloom alighted onto the stairs to the clubhouse. She left the clouds just outside and walked up the ramp and into the building.

Scootaloo had drawn a crude map of the border of Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. "The wind is blowing in clouds from the Everfree Forest into Ponyville. If we each take an area, we can grab the most clouds for our cloud fort."

"Apple Bloom should have the area closest to the clubhouse as she has to compress the clouds," added Sweetie Belle.

"I'll take the furthest area," quipped Scootaloo.

"Sounds like a plan," stated Apple Bloom. "Of course time is wasting for the clouds already over Ponyville."

Apple Bloom had an easy time poaching clouds from Thunderlane. After just two runs, he actually nodded and took off, leaving the area completely unattended. He showed up once three hours later but left again soon after.

Flitter saw what Sweetie Belle was doing and started to collect the clouds for her rather than destroying them. She also gave Sweetie Belle a few tips on how to be a weather pony.

Raindrops on the other hoof waged a constant battle with Scootaloo over the clouds. There were never any in the sky when she arrived and Raindrops actively tried to destroy the clouds before Scootaloo could get to them. They danced through the skies after each new cloud.

Time passed and the cloud fort began to take shape. The first few compressed clouds were used to make the floor, then Apple Bloom sculpted four pillars. She placed one pillar at each corner, and made a roof on a small pitch to carry rain off the building.

At the official end of the work day, Flitter followed Sweetie Belle to their clubhouse.

Flitter let out a whistle on seeing the cloud fort. "Wow, impressive little cloud dwelling you have here. I never had the drive to do anything like this at your age."

Apple Bloom blushed. "It wasn't too hard. Cloud is quite easy to work with, even easier than wood and there is nothing to nail."

"Don't sell yourself short," replied Flitter. "I wouldn't want to try to duplicate it from free clouds in a single day."

Flitter raised her wings to leave.

"Thank you for all the help," replied Sweetie Belle. "It would have been much harder without it."

Flitter waved. "It was very nice working with you today. Til we next meet in the sky."

"Bye, Flitter," replied all three crusaders in unison as Flitter vanished into the distance.

They turned to look at their flanks for cutie marks. Finding none they released a collective sigh and broke up for dinner.

Take a Filly to Work Day

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Apple Bloom came in to a landing at the Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse and walked into the main room. Her friends had already arrived.

"Could we please hunt for gems today?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"You asked that yesterday," replied Scootaloo. "Why do you need gems?"

"I wanted to make a token of my appreciation for Rarity," replied Sweetie Belle. "She really went out of her way for me and my visit with her is almost over."

"I could go a gem hunter cutie mark," said Scootaloo. "What do you think Apple Bloom?"

"You only had to ask, Sweetie Belle. If we knew it was that important to you we would have done it yesterday."

Sweetie Belle smiled at her friends.

They gathered together into a huddle. "Cutie Mark Crusaders best friends forever, yay."

Scootaloo put three hammers in her saddle bag. Apple Bloom grabbed a small canteen and some apples. Sweetie levitated the blade of a shovel and couple of pieces of chalk into her bag. Provisioning complete, the crusaders called their meeting to a close and left the clubhouse.

The three alicorns launched into the air and flew west in the direction of Appleoosa towards the gem fields. The apple trees gave way to scrubland and eventually badlands. Sweetie Belle angled downward and the other crusaders followed.

"Okay, now that we are here, how do we find the gems?" asked Scootaloo.

"That's easy," replied Sweetie Belle. She reached for her magic and her horn glowed a bright blue. She was pulled vaguely ahead and sensed gems hiding under the ground about five paces forward. She levitated her shovel out of her pack and proceeded to dig where the gems were.

Apple Bloom walked forward and collected the small pile of rubies and sapphires.

"Cool, did Rarity show you how to do that?" asked Scootaloo.

"Actually, I found the spell in a book," replied Sweetie Belle. I could try to show you though.

Sweetie Belle spent some time going over the basic spell and how it could be narrowed to specific gem types. She remembered her experiences on generalizing it further and decided against bringing that up at this time.

Apple Bloom went over the spell in her mind. Her horn began to shine a very bright yellow as her head jerked sharply to the right. She moaned in discomfort. "Sweetie Belle, is this supposed to hurt?"

Sweetie Belle shook her head then placed a piece of chalk before Apple Bloom. "Try marking where the gems are."

Apple Bloom picked up the chalk with her magic and floated it over to a rock formation off to their right and drew an X. "It feels funny, like something is rubbing against my horn."

Sweetie Belle nodded. Magical fatigue is something unicorns are warned about constantly. She did her best impression of Rarity, "now if you keep trying to do magic in a state like that, your horn is going to crack."

"Doesn't stop Rarity though. I have seen her cast several spells after it started to visibly hurt her. Probably best to take a rest from magic for a while though, and I don't know if you should even try it Scootaloo. It is a hard spell."

Scootaloo took a hammer in her mouth and tapped on the formation Apple Bloom had marked. Several sapphires drained out which she placed in her saddle bag. She went several paces forward then looked back at Sweetie Belle. "I am not afraid to give it a try."

Scootaloo started into the spell. Her horn flared a dazzling red as a rock formation ahead and to her left exploded. She was pummeled with pebbles, and a coating of dust fell over all three alicorns. She walked forward to the crater of where the spell took effect and saw an empty hole with no gemstones. "I am going to try it again," stated Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom silently took a dozen steps backwards while Scootaloo prepared the spell.

Scootaloo thought back to what Twilight had told her. She tried to cast the spell as softly as she could. This time a few bright red sparks flew out of her horn but nothing else happened. She tried to focus her efforts and made a third attempt. Her horn shined with a bright red glow and another burst of dust rolled out from a spot somewhere ahead of her. She walked up to see a small hollowed out area of the ground with a few diamonds inside. She put the diamonds in her bag and said, "I thought you were supposed to get a feeling for where the gems are."

"That is what is supposed to happen," replied Sweetie Belle. "I guess it works differently for different casters, but I wouldn't try using your version for anything I cared about."

Scootaloo stared questioningly at Sweetie Belle.

"At any rate, it is my turn."

Morning gave way to afternoon as the alicorns filled their packs with gemstones.

Apple Bloom levitated a few garnets out of the most recent hole and into her saddle bag. "I don't have that feeling anymore, think it is okay to give it another try?"

"The spell takes a very light touch, Apple Bloom," replied Scootaloo.

"Should be okay, but back off if it starts to hurt," added Sweetie Belle. "I think I have enough gems now anyway and I am tiring myself."

Apple Bloom very carefully and cautiously concentrated on the spell. Her horn glowed a modestly bright yellow, and she felt a nudge behind her. She walked over to the source of her feeling and dug out a few emeralds.

They looked at their flanks and again saw no cutie marks.

After a collective sigh, the fillies made their way back to their clubhouse. Sweetie Belle pulled out a large selection of construction paper and other craft supplies while the other crusaders dumped their gemstones in a pile to her side.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo waved and left to practice flying in preparation for tomorrow's day with Rainbow Dash, leaving Sweetie Belle to start work on her project. She was about half finished when it was time to call it a night and go back to Rarity's for dinner.


Sweetie Belle finished her morning routine and went down the stairs to the work area of Carousel Boutique. She heard Rarity singing in her inspiration room and walked in to join her.

Sweetie Belle watched as Rarity lifted a piece of red ribbon with her magic and tied it into place on the front of her latest creation. Rarity paced around the ponykin giving it one final look over then placed it onto the display with the rest of her summer line.

Rarity wheeled the display from her inspiration room to a prominent spot near the main entrance then flipped the sign on the door from closed to open. She paused a moment to see if any pony was outside before returning to the inspiration room.

"Today is your day to create, Sweetie Belle," said Rarity. She laid out a selection of dress patterns. "These are some of the most popular current styles."

Sweetie Belle lifted one and placed it with her magic on a nearby easel. Rarity then walked over to her rolls of fabric and Sweetie Belle chose a bolt of light purple and one of royal blue. Rarity nodded and pulled some cyan ribbon from out of one of the many drawers in the room.

The doorbell started to chime. Rarity opened the door and gave her trademark greeting. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique and magnifique."

Amethyst Star entered and started browsing through the selection of summer dresses. She levitated a few dresses off the display to see how they might look on her. Rarity made a few suggestions of her own, but it did not result in a purchase.

Sweetie Belle trotted into the main room as Amethyst Star left.

Rarity evened out the dresses on the display and sighed. "I hope Hoity Toity likes these more than she did."

"No accounting for taste," said Sweetie Belle as she walked around the display.

"But that is wrong dear, a masterpiece will call out to the customer and implore to them the necessity that it be purchased," replied Rarity.

"I at least think these are some of the prettiest ones you have ever made," added Sweetie Belle.

They returned to the inspiration room, and Sweetie Belle started cutting the fabric to match the patterns. Rarity checked the sizes and commended Sweetie Belle on how precise the cuts were. She cringed however at some of the stitching when Sweetie Belle tried sewing them together.

The dress was levitated onto the ponykin and Rarity gave it a once over. She placed some ribbon at strategic places to accent the piece, sliced two holes into it for wings, and floated it over to Sweetie Belle. "Go ahead, try it on," she said.

Sweetie Belle looked confused but did as she was asked. She looked at herself in a mirror and was pleased with the fit as well as the look.

"You needed some new clothes to accommodate your wings, so I made up patterns all in your size for today," said Rarity.

The bell rang a second time and Rarity greeted Twinkleshine to the Boutique. She also looked at the dresses without making a purchase.

Rarity looked a little on edge after Twinkleshine left and asked Sweetie Belle if she would like some tea. Rarity left for the kitchen to boil the water.

Sweetie Belle stared at the display. She couldn't understand what was wrong with the customers. If only they could see the dresses the way she did. If only Hoity Toity could.

She thought back to the "want it need it" spell, going over the complex mechanics of the spell in her mind. Her debate with herself over whether or not to cast it was interrupted by the kettle going off in the other room.

Sweetie Belle sighed and prepared her magic. Something felt a little off, but as difficult as the spell was, she thought it must just be the complexity of the magic. Her horn gleamed a dazzling blue as a single heart formed over the display then faded from view.

Rarity emerged into the room, two cups of tea levitating behind her. She passed one off to Sweetie Belle who grasped it with her magic.

They drank their tea then returned to the inspiration room. Rarity opened a drawer with her magic and levitated out a small skein of golden cloth. Sweetie Belle squealed in delight then she made new Cutie Mark Crusader vests for her and her friends in a larger size.

Rarity supervised her making three more dresses after that, then the doorbell again chimed. Rarity adjusted her hair then walked over to the door and opened it.

Sweetie Belle watched anxiously from the inspiration room as Hoity Toity strode into the store and started to examine the display.

Hoity Toity frowned and said, "how ghastly, I haven't seen a worse set of dresses since that stop in Trottingham. What could have possessed you to commit such a travesty against fashion, Rarity?"

Rarity pulled a dress off the rack and stared at it. "I have no idea what I was thinking. Blue and Yellow in a chiffon pattern for a summer dress is madness. I am so sorry for wasting your time."

Rarity opened the trash bin and put all of the dresses from the display into it, slamming the lid shut with her magic. Hoity nodded and left the shop.

"I'm afraid I am not going to be the best company for a while, Sweetie Belle," moaned Rarity.

Sweetie Belle walked over and spread her wings over her sister. "Thank you so much for the vests and spending the day with me."

Rarity nuzzled Sweetie Belle and gave her a few bits to cover dinner. Sweetie Belle collected the vests and put them in her saddlebag as she headed for the exit.

Sweetie Belle was greeted by an overcast sky as she left Carousel Boutique. She pictured Scootaloo in her mind and cast the generalized version of Rarity's gem spell. Her horn blazed a bright blue and she felt a sharp pain in her horn along with a subtle tug in the direction of Ponyville's school.

She flew up to just below the cloud deck and traveled to the northwest, passing over town hall and then the school. The sky cleared as she passed over a few trees and then finally made out her fellow crusaders resting atop a hill in front of her.


Apple Bloom and Scootaloo met just outside of Rainbow Dash's cloud house.

Rainbow Dash looked up from doing some stretches and asked the crusaders to follow her.

From there it was only a short flight over to one of the lower levels of Cloudsdale. They came to a landing near the outside of the ring and walked up to the first building on the left side. It was an official looking structure lined with large pillars, a couple of pegasus sculptures, and a plaque which titled the building "Weather affairs, local districts."

They entered the building and followed a corridor to the right. Rainbow Dash nodded to several pegasi as they passed them. Her office turned out to be the fourth on the left. She opened the door and the three of them entered.

A poster of the wonderbolts hung on the far wall. A wastepaper basket full of crumpled papers sat to the side of a weathered dark mahogany desk.

Scootaloo looked over at the desk and saw several maps with lines and numbers on them. Below that was a sheet with many numbers.

"You do math?" asked Scootaloo.

"You've got me," replied Rainbow Dash. "I don't just do math, I do quite a bit of math charting the weather for Ponyville."

Apple Bloom surveyed the weather data with interest while Scootaloo just stared at Rainbow Dash.

"Being a wonderbolt means even more math," continued Dash. "You don't think they ever do a new trick or routine without laying it out on paper first?"

"I thought you just..." started Scootaloo.

"The key is to make it look easy," added Dash. "Planning it out on paper first is what allows you to do that."

Scootaloo frowned, and Rainbow Dash looked into her eyes. "Sure I fly by the tips of my wings when I am fooling around or when there is not time to plan, but if you want to do more than put a few aileron loops together..."

Rainbow Dash removed a sheet of paper from the desk with a complicated drawing on it. Numerous loops and tricks were shown with distances and velocities charted out. "this is the only way."

She then pulled a clipboard from another drawer. The only thing Scootaloo saw that was readable was several approved stampings.

"It will be an easy but active day weatherwise," started Dash. "Create a small rainstorm over Sweet Apple Acres and set up clouds for tomorrow's big rainstorm over all of Ponyville." She made a hoofmark near the bottom of the clipboard and placed it back in the drawer.

"I don't know about you but I am famished. So, how would you like to have breakfast and maybe meet a griffon?"

Apple Bloom looked cheerful at the prospect while Scootaloo merely nodded.

They walked back out of the office, Rainbow Dash nodding to a few other employees as they passed. They flew back to the outside ring and ascended a level.

Apple Bloom gawked at the surroundings while Scootaloo stifled a chuckle as they passed by two buildings and entered the third. Familiar griffon music played in the background as they took a seat near the corner of the establishment, about four tables from where Scootaloo sat the first time.

Moments later a familiar blue-green pegasus presented them with menus and glasses of water. "My name is Sky Swirls and I will be serving you today. The soup of the day is minestrone. The special is the stuffed peppers. The griffon cuisine special is a pan-fried perch over asparagus if you are feeling adventurous.

"Hi Swirls," replied Rainbow Dash. "Could you do me a favor and fetch Olov out here? I promised the fillies they could meet a griffon."

She gave a wink to Dash, then looked over the rest of the table, and awkwardly back at Rainbow Dash before departing.

Olov walked up to the table behind his serving cart. He laid out a selection of breads and strode over to Scootaloo. "Well hello Scootaloo," he stated boisterously. "Back for another carnivore special already are we? And I see you brought along Rainbow Dash and another friend."

Scootaloo met Olov's gaze, "she's Apple Bloom, fellow crusader, and most reliable pony you could ever know."

Olov turned to Apple Bloom and gave a small bow, "pleased to meet you Apple Bloom. Any friend of Scootaloo's is a friend of mine." He addressed the whole table, "Are we ready to order?"

"Sure, why not?" groused Rainbow Dash. "I'll have the hungry pegasus breakfast with strawberry pancakes and a glass of orange juice."

"Strawberry Pancakes sound good," replied Apple Bloom, "with a couple of scrambled eggs and some apple juice."

"And will you be ordering the perch?" asked Olov of Scootaloo.

Scootaloo pondered for a moment and then nodded.

"In that case I will change my order to the perch as well," added Rainbow Dash.

"Very good choices," stated Olov. He collected the menus and wheeled his cart away.

"What the hay?!" assailed Rainbow Dash.

"You see, Rainbow, I was teaching Sweetie Belle how to fly and we ended up in Cloudsdale and you told me about this restaurant, so I decided to try it," confessed Scootaloo.

"And a standing meat order?" questioned Rainbow Dash.

"Well, when I came here the first time, he seemed to be emphasizing the shrimp alfredo," replied Scootaloo. "And I remembered something you said about griffons. I didn't want to offend him."

"You started with shrimp alfredo?" Rainbow dash chuckled to herself. "Okay kid, If you can stomach that, I guess I can deal with perch for breakfast. It really wasn't what I wanted to order but yeah, if I ever wanted to show my face in here again you didn't leave me much of a choice. I am assuming you have never had perch before."

Scootaloo shook her head.

Rainbow Dash softly smiled.

Apple Bloom watched as Olov wheeled out the cart and placed a special in front of Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash, and something looking more like food in front of her.

Scootaloo tried a bite of her perch. "It's good."

"If you say so," replied Rainbow Dash as she ate another bite.

Apple Bloom didn't care if it was good or not. The strawberry pancakes however were the best she had ever tasted.

She quietly watched Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash posture over their meal. It was almost as delicious as the pancakes.

Olov came back out and removed their dishes. He bowed to Scootaloo and then made a smaller bow to Apple Bloom. "Very nice seeing you again, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Rainbow Dash. The meal is of course on the house, and have a good day."

They got up from their seats and left the restaurant.

"You really thought that was good?" asked Rainbow Dash of Scootaloo.

"Better than the shrimp alfredo I had at least," replied Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash messed up Scootaloo's mane. "So long as you can keep it inside. Next I get to sign for some clouds and then you can meet the team."

Rainbow Dash and the crusaders went up three more levels and then around the edge to the southern side of the ring. They walked up to a square industrial building which lacked most of the elegance of the pegasus architecture.

A burly tan pegasus with a dark red mane emerged with a clipboard. Rainbow Dash stamped the bottom with her hoof and they wordlessly parted.

Rainbow Dash bounded the building and took a position on the far side. The crusaders followed and then watched as the entire outer wall of the building was lowered by several pegasi through the cloud deck to the level beneath them. Inside the warehouse was nothing but black storm clouds.

Rainbow Dash addressed the pegasi. "Blossomforth, Raindrops, Flitter, Cloudchaser, Prism Strider, Star Hunter, and Serenity, these are Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. They may be here for take a filly to work day, but I expect you to treat them like they were rookie weather team members today. We have over two hundred storm clouds to move to Ponyville, which I figure is about twenty-four trips. I heard that Prism Strider. With ten of us, if we keep up a strong pace, we can be done by three. We will start with Sweet Apple Acres and I will set off the storm there after the third pass. The rest of the clouds are to stay ready until nightfall when Prism Strider will kick off the evening's rainstorm."

Flitter, Cloudchaser, and Raindrops started removing clouds from the warehouse.

She turned to the fillies. "We will be in the center. Just drag the cloud behind you like you were doing two days ago. We fly in a row, so if you lose the connection to your cloud the pegasi next to you can help control it. When we get to Ponyville we will be weaving the clouds into a single storm. Just place yours next to mine."

Flitter formed up to the right of Apple Bloom and flashed her a smile. Raindrops took position to the left of Scootaloo and nodded. Rainbow Dash counted down from five and the group of ten pegasi launched into the air.

They started with an easy glide out of Cloudsdale and once they were safely out of range of the city, they picked up speed. Scootaloo worked hard to keep contact with her cloud, but had no trouble keeping pace. Apple Bloom found keeping contact with the cloud easy, but struggled to maintain the brisk speed of the pegasi.

They slowed as they approached Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack waved to Apple Bloom from the ground below as she passed by. Each pegasus dropped off their cloud and knitted it to the clouds to each side.

As coordinated as the flight in was, the flight back was more of a race with each pegasus taking their own route and speed. Scootaloo tried to keep up with Star Hunter and Cloudchaser but Rainbow Dash was far ahead. Apple Bloom was nearer the back of the pack with Blossomforth and Serenity. The first pegasi to arrive started setting up the clouds for the next run. Scootaloo was proud that she got to move her own cloud into line, and get back into formation before the last of the pegasi returned.

The second trip was similar to the first except that they accelerated sooner after launch, and maintained a slightly faster speed.

On the third trip Scootaloo watched as Rainbow Dash bucked the dark clouds with four well-placed kicks to set off the rainstorm. Scootaloo was almost the last pegasus back into formation on that run.

They took a short break around noon at the marketplace. Applejack provided the pegasi with a bushel of apples, some water, and a cider each in thanks for the rainstorm. She exchanged a knowing glance with Apple Bloom as she collected her cider.

Scootaloo thanked her earth pony stamina as they set out for the last trip of the day. The day had taken its toll on some of the pegasi and the run was a little slower than many of the other earlier trips. The town hall clock read 2:35 and Rainbow Dash congratulated her crew and the fillies on an excellent showing. The pegasi soon scattered leaving just Rainbow Dash and the two filly alicorns.

"Well, while I prefer clear sky days myself, that is what happens every time a storm is scheduled," said Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo looked back in dismay while Apple Bloom's expression was more neutral.

"How would you like to see me run through a routine or two?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Both fillies brightened at this prospect and followed Rainbow Dash as she flew over to a hill just south of her cloud home.

"I didn't choose this location at random. It is in a different weather district than Ponyville so it rarely gets rain on the same days. This lets me practice here in sunlight even when a storm is scheduled." Rainbow Dash leaped into the air.

The fillies sat in awe at the aerial acrobatics as Rainbow Dash did a solo performance for their benefit.

"Hello, what brings you out here?" asked Sweetie Belle.

The fillies simply pointed upwards at Rainbow Dash. Sweetie Belle looked up, sat beside her friends, and started watching the show.

"How was weather patrol with Rainbow Dash?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"She made the day great, but I found out it is definitely not what I want to do with my life," replied Scootaloo.

"It was a lot more like farm work than I expected," added Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle prodded the pair and opened her saddle bag. Her friends each grabbed a vest with reverence and they all donned them before going back to watching Rainbow Dash perform.

The sun was starting to get lower in the sky as Rainbow Dash returned to the ground. "Thank you for making a potentially humdrum day significantly more awesome," she said to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, then "and where did you come from Sweetie Belle?"

"My day at Rarity's finished and I followed my friends here," replied Sweetie Belle eliciting a momentary quizzical response from Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom took this opportunity to advance on Rainbow Dash and give her a hug. Rainbow Dash smiled and then flew off.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders flew over to Sweet Apple Acres and had dinner.

Apple Bloom left a letter to Applejack on her bed and Sweetie Belle started on her own letter.

Dear Sis,

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and I are off to do the second part of take a filly to work day.

We thought Luna might not have any pony to spend it with being as she does her duties at night.

We decided to go to Canterlot and see if she would mind showing us what she did.

With Love

Sweetie Belle

Her horn glowed blue as she concentrated on the letter. She heard a noise like the buzzing of hornets and felt a small twinge as the letter popped out of existence. "Well that's done with."

The three alicorns took to the air. The apple trees grew smaller and by the time they reached the cloud deck, most of Sweet Apple Acres was in view. They leveled off and started a nice easy glide east.

"See ya later sis," remarked Sweetie Belle as they flew over Carousel Boutique.

They skirted the edges of the Everfree Forest and looked down at Fluttershy's cottage as they passed. The Canterlot road and nearby railroad tracks were just two lines on the ground beneath them. Scootaloo climbed slightly and flew past her friends. She swayed back and forth, took a quick look behind her, then added more speed. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were up to the challenge and they increased their pace.

The city of Canterlot started to grow in the distance. The rays of the setting sun cast streaks of color against the buildings. The crusaders climbed somewhat, turning their speed into altitude. The guard ponies watched them in silence as they flew over the outer gate. They heard the noises of ponies bartering as they passed by the merchant sector. Just outside the castle itself, the crusaders came in for a landing.

Sweetie Belle led the group as they walked up to the pair of royal guards at the entrance. "We would like to see Princess Luna please."

The guards looked at the alicorn fillies and their eyes grew wide. They said something to each other that she couldn't hear and then one guard charged off into the castle. The other guard blocked the entrance.

Apple Bloom approached and gave her best puppy eye look to the remaining guard. "Please can we see Princess Luna?" He continued to stand impassively.

Two more guards arrived from inside the castle. One took a position beside the other guard while the other advanced and said, "I am Lieutenant Sure Strike. Princess Luna is being advised of the situation at this very moment. If you will just be patient, we will get this sorted out momentarily." A blue scroll popped into existence in front of the guard, which he proceeded to open and read. "It appears you are to be escorted to the royal dining room. If you will follow me."

Sure Strike started walking into the castle, and the crusaders followed. Two of the other guards fell in behind them. Apple Bloom glanced at the tapestries and other decorations that lined the hallway. Sweetie Belle very quietly hummed a tune as she walked along. They all avoided looking back at the guards they could feel behind them.

The corridor turned right and then they came to a door on their left. Sure Strike knocked on the door and it opened. He backed up and motioned for the fillies to enter.

Princess Celestia sat at the head of an oblong oak table, eating a piece of white cake. To her right was Princess Luna.

The fillies bowed and approached the opposite side of the table.

"And to what purpose do we have the pleasure of your company this night, crusaders?" asked Luna.

"Well, this was take a filly to work day," replied Scootaloo. She absent-mindedly twisted a hoof back and forth. "We thought since you worked at night, you might not have any fillies to take to work with you. So we came."

Princess Celestia stifled a small chuckle.

"I don't know," pondered Luna. "There are a lot of things that you might find boring."

"They have to find this out eventually," replied Celestia. "It is just night court." Luna sneered subtly at Celestia while she continued, "Show them the ropes." She turned to the crusaders, "Besides, from what Twilight reported to me, I assume you are at least halfway through 'The Definitive Diarchy' right?"

The three fillies gave a collective gulp.

"No matter, you will learn more from Night Court than you ever could from reading the book anyway," replied Celestia.

Luna's horn glowed and with a soft pop a quill and a sheet of blue paper appeared before her. She wrote a short letter telling Twilight about the crusaders being safely there and that they would be returned by chariot on time for school the next day. In a flash of light, the letter vanished.

Luna got up from the table and opened the door with her magic. She nodded to the guards and started to walk. The crusaders followed behind her. She continued down the passageway that they had entered and after a while she turned to the right. It sloped upward for a short time and then came to a door flanked by royal guards. The left guard opened the door as Luna and her entourage approached it.

They entered through the side door to the back end of the throne room. A stodgy looking unicorn in a white suit stood halfway to the dais. Luna collected the list of petitioners from the Court Clerk and walked up to the throne itself, followed by the three fillies.

Luna turned to Sweetie Belle. "It appears the first petitioner is Prince Blueblood. I propose we have a little fun."

Sweetie Belle thought of all the horrible things Rarity had said about him and grinned.

Luna set Sweetie Belle on the throne. Scootaloo took a position to the left and Apple Bloom to the right. Luna's horn glowed as she vanished into the shadows behind the throne.

The court herald announced, "Prince Blueblood." It echoed loudly through the empty hall.

Prince Blueblood advanced slowly along the red carpet down the center of the room. When he was about half-way to the dais, he looked up at the throne. He stopped midway through a bow, and looked puzzled. Then he seemed to gather his resolve and stiffly walked the rest of the way.

"Where is Princess Luna?" asked Blueblood. "And who are you to be on the throne?"

Sweetie Belle heard a whispering in her ear. She stood up and addressed Blueblood. "Princess Luna is occupied at the moment. We heard from our sister Rarity that you were rude but at least we thought you had respect for the throne."

Blueblood looked visibly uncomfortable as his eyes now shifted to looking at her horn and wings instead of her gaze.

After letting him sweat for a long two minutes at Luna's suggestion, she continued, "as for your question, I am Sweetie Belle, Acting Princess of Equestria and fully capable of hearing your petition."

"M-maybe I could bring this matter up on another night?" stammered Blueblood.

"The clerk has your petition and in that case it would be sum... summarily denied"

Blueblood pondered for a moment before continuing. "Fine, I am here to request an eminent domain case against 'Plaid Paisley Luggage.' I own the storefronts to both sides of what one could charitably call her establishment and even offering her five times the value of her small store, she refuses to leave. It would be best for canterlot development if she vacated the store and allowed me to operate in peace."

Sweetie Belle ruffled some documents. She listened to Luna's voice and said, "while yes it would add a few bits to the tax coffers if ponies like Paisley would relocate on your whim, it would be completely out of bounds and the grossest favoritism for this court to force her to do so. It is out of line that you would even suggest such an action."

"Now see here..." started Blueblood as he took a step forward. Seeing three horns begin to glow he retreated back two steps. Twice he opened his mouth to say something further but closed it without utterance. He pivoted to face away from Sweetie Belle and tromped out of the throne room.

"May I bring a record of this home to Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asked of Luna.

Luna took the throne for the next case which turned out to be over an obscure piece of tax law that the petitioner was trying to use to cut down his tax bill.

Scootaloo got to sit on the throne for the one after that where she approved a new school building on public lands in Trottingham.

Luna approved a zoning request, adjudicated a dispute over land between two earth ponies, and provided clemency to a griffon in Vanhoover.

Apple Bloom took the throne for the final case of the night. It was a request for assistance in the growing of kiwi trees imported from zebra lands in Appleloosa.

"We have now completed the mundane portion of my nightly duties," stated Luna. "The better part comes next."

She exited through the opposite door with the crusaders in tow. She went left and a hard right soon after. The shading of the marble floors shifted from white to black and the walls took on a softer look. They came to an onyx door with a crescent moon etched upon its surface. Luna opened the door and the four alicorns entered the room.

The walls were all black marble and seemed to devour the moonlight coming in through several open windows. A large bed sat in the middle of the room with a stars motif and a shelf with books ran around the top of the room near the ceiling.

Luna bade the fillies to get up onto the bed and said, "This is one of the places I go to watch over the dreams of ponies."

Luna's horn glowed a deep blue and she brought it to touch each of the filly's horns in turn.

The room started to get blurry and then suddenly snapped back to clarity but lost all its color.

"We are now in the dream realm," stated Luna. "Stay close to me and follow."

Scootaloo watched as Luna flew out one of the windows. She and her fellow crusaders leaped into the air behind her. The area was surprisingly bright for just being lit by moonlight but everything stayed monochromatic. An odd white mist seemed to flow out of some of the buildings. Luna banked and Scootaloo turned right to follow her. They flew over several more cottages and Scootaloo saw a red mist flowing from one in the distance, sharply contrasting against the black and white world. Luna landed before it.

"This pony has been having nightmares for the last several weeks," said Luna. "Please gather close."

Her horn glowed an eerie grey in the moonlight and the scene shifted.

There was a rumble of thunder. The sky was filled with black clouds that drenched the area with a driving rain. A rusty gate creaked as it swung back and forth. Beyond the gate was several rows of tombstones. A young brown unicorn filly sat beside one of the larger stones.

Scootaloo walked forward through the gate. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom tried to follow but Luna held them back. Scootaloo quietly approached the small filly. She spread her wings and shielded the filly from the rain. Eyes filled with tears looked back up at Scootaloo.

Scootaloo nodded and shed a tear of her own as they gazed into each others eyes.

Luna stirred and stood up. She looked at the three sleeping alicorns and smiled. She levitated a blanket over them. Thanks to Scootaloo, a small filly would be able to go on with her life. Luna's horn glowed again as she stepped back into the world of dreams.

Interlude: Celestia Confronts Discord

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Princess Celestia stared at the chariot flying next to her. The cargo, one statue of a draconequus, seemed to stare back at her. If any pony had told her just three weeks ago that she would be giving him a shot at freedom, she would have had the pony's head examined. Of course if any pony other than Twilight had told her that three new alicorn fillies had sprung up out of nowhere, they would have met the same fate; three stubborn, precocious alicorn fillies; the same fillies whose quarreling in the stone garden served to release Discord almost two years earlier.

Her sister just encouraged them. When she was supposed to see how things were going and show them the process of her raising the moon, she gave them a constellation of stars. When she was to show them some of what it was like to sit in court, she put them on the throne. She even took them into other ponies' dreams. Luna always seemed to have a connection with young ponies, and was almost smitten with the three new alicorns.

Celestia was concerned from the beginning that the fillies might recklessly or unintentionally damage Ponyville, or harm some pony with their new abilities, but thus far they hadn't shown any evidence of abusing their powers. Maybe her sister was right and they could grow into Princesses.

The problem was that they were not going to have time to grow into that role. This was evident from a letter she received from King Piercing Crest of the griffon empire ten days ago invoking clause #4 of the Treaty of Claw Falles. The right of the griffons to discuss affairs of state with the alicorn of their choice was meant to give them the ability to choose between Luna and Celestia, not allow them to negotiate with Scootaloo.

She had laughed at the prospect, replying that Scootaloo was only a filly, not an adult mare. Not being of age, she could not negotiate for Equestria. She did not laugh when the reply came three days later that they considered Scootaloo an adult mare in the eyes of griffon society. The proof given, that Scootaloo had requested and consumed a meat dish in the presence of a griffon, shocked Celestia. Unfortunately it was a legal rite, duly completed with no going back. Scootaloo was an adult in the eyes of the Griffon Empire.

It would definitely be easier if they would just agree to go back to being normal ponies. Celestia sighed knowing that was unlikely to happen.

The wild card in all of this was Discord. It was his magic that turned the fillies into alicorns, and especially if they were going to end up speaking for Equestria, it was necessary to find out if he had any control over them. She needed to know why he had done this and what his intentions were. Discord was hard to deal with under optimal conditions, but here she needed to take a firm stand.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the chariot coming down for a landing in Ponyville. She dismounted from the chariot and watched as the one carrying Discord came in for a landing beside her. Six obviously anxious ponies were there to meet her.

After a humorous outburst by Twilight, she explained to the elements some mumbo jumbo about them reforming Discord. It wasn't like they had any chance of success, but it would give her the chance to talk to Discord muzzle to muzzle.

As expected they rapidly acceded to the task.

Next she calmly relayed that Fluttershy would be the best one to try to reform Discord. From the reaction of the other elements to Discord's reform potential, she figured this was the best bet for Discord not being turned back to stone before she could confront him, as well as providing an out of the way place for Discord to be.

Surprisingly, Fluttershy gave her little trouble and accepted the job readily.

She gave her excuse about the royal summit and boarded her chariot, which took off into the sky.

When the elements turned their attention to the statue of Discord, she hopped off the chariot and waited on a nearby cloud.

The elements flawlessly conducted a harmony event and freed Discord. After he produced a suitable display of chaos, she watched as Discord followed Fluttershy into her cottage.

She waited and waited. After a couple of hours Fluttershy finally left the cottage but only momentarily to bring back some supplies. Celestia sighed and went back to her stake out. A few minutes later, the house rose into the air and started to rotate.

She saw Twilight and Spike walk up the path and call out to Fluttershy. Fluttershy left the cottage and joined the pair in conversation.

Princess Celestia saw her chance and deftly flew in through the moving window.

"Care for some tea?" asked Discord. "Actually we hardly have time for tea, but that is easy to fix."

Discord snapped a claw and the velocity of the rolling cottage slowed to a crawl.

"What do you have up your sleeves, Discord?" asked Celestia.

"You want to know what I have up my sleeves? The answer is nothing." Discord rolled up his sleeve revealing nothing underneath. "The tea is quite good you know. Fluttershy has an excellent herbal blend."

"What are your plans with Scootaloo?" clarified Celestia.

"Miua, you cut me to the quick Princess," replied a bowing Discord. "I did nothing more or less than grant the filly a boon. She deserved it."

"Scootaloo is an alicorn, Discord!" exclaimed Celestia.

"Whoa, I figured she would use it to fix her wings or something but using the boon to become an alicorn," replied Discord. "Got to admire that one." He chuckled, "Hmm, I wonder how would that turn out: rival, secret love interest, some pony to keep Luna company?"

"Actually, she and her two friends became alicorns," added Celestia.

Discord looked confused for a moment. "But it wouldn't have had the power for that unless..." Discord boisterously laughed. "An earth pony, a unicorn, and a pegasus — this is just rich."

Celestia blankly stared back at Discord.

He flew into the air and did a stationary cartwheel while touching nose to tail. "They each shared some of themselves with each other."

"But then how could they be safely..." started Celestia.

Discord interrupted and with a sad look on his face replied, "Yes you are correct. I feel sorry for you Celestia but it would be impossible to reverse." He smirked and gave Celestia a quick nudge, "unless you want to kill them, that is."

"Why would you think..." started Celestia.

"How did I know you wanted me to turn them back into normal ponies?" wistfully countered Discord. "Well, why else would we be talking right now? You certainly didn't let me out in the name of friendship. You have spent thousands of years crafting your perfect little society and a few new alicorns potentially threaten to upset your apple cart." Discord pulled a weighty tome out of thin air. "I can read you like a book." He faced the book towards the princess, a white alicorn dominated the cover.

"But you know as well as I that it is about those ponies out there. Fluttershy has ten times the heart that you ever had, and while you once had the fire of Rainbow Dash, her mane has more color than yours today. Between them and three new alicorns, the world will change without me lifting a talon. So I will tell you what, I'll put on a good show for the elements of harmony, and for the length of your reign I will play the part of Discord reformed, keeping my chaos mostly to myself. All I ask in return is to be able to watch as events unfold with no other restrictions beyond not doing anything where I deserve to be petrified."

Celestia watched as Discord presented his foreclaw but made no move towards it.

"This is a better deal than you will otherwise get," added Discord.

"Fine, I will not order you petrified so long as you keep your part of the bargain." Celestia presented her forehoof, and a small glow manifested when they touched.

Celestia took one last look back at Discord, and flew back out the window in the direction of her waiting chariot.

When it came time for her to officially leave, she complimented the elements on their good work with Discord. She couldn't resist whispering a statement to Twilight about leaving the elements with her in case they needed them. The shocked look on Discord's face was priceless.

Forgiveness is Easier Than Permission?

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Scootaloo awoke to the smell of fresh omelettes and hay bacon, rolled in on a cart by a portly unicorn.

He set the cart near the awakening alicorns, bowed, and then left the room.

Sweetie Belle levitated aside the dome lids from the serving tray and the trio started to eat. Between bites they reminisced about their wonderful night with Luna and how great an idea it was to spend the latter part of "take a filly to work day" with her.

Mere seconds after they finished, the unicorn returned for the cart. His horn glowed as he produced, and then read the contents of a dark blue sheet of paper. "It appears you are to be escorted to a waiting chariot on the east dock of the castle: If you would follow me."

He pushed aside the cart and left the room. The alicorns followed, casually glancing at the tapestries and other pieces of artwork that they passed as they chatted amongst each other.

The chariot was a fairly gaudy affair emblazoned with the emblem of the sun and pulled by two pegasi in guard armor. The alicorns boarded and watched as Canterlot shrunk into the distance below them.

Scootaloo shifted and pondered if it would have been faster if they had flown home themselves.

Sweetie Belle was thinking the same thing, preferring the feel of the air through her feathers, but knew a certain decorum probably needed to be maintained.

Apple Bloom was happy enough just watching the fields below as they passed over them.

Ponyville came into sight in the distance. As they descended, they could note the shapes of three ponies waiting for them.

Applejack seemed angry, while Rarity looked concerned, and Twilight was for the most part unreadable. The crusaders glanced at each other as their jubilance turned to apprehension.

The sky carriage came in for a landing in front of Twilight's library and the alicorn fillies dismounted. They thanked the pegasi and watched as the vehicle departed.

Rarity trotted up to Sweetie Belle and drew her into a big hug.

Apple Bloom approached Applejack and tried to give a guilty smile under her chilling glare.

"Now I know Princess Luna has taken a shine to you, but it just isn't right imposing on her like that," started Applejack. "What would you have done if she were too busy to interrupt her night for you? Or if it took several hours to see her and then you had to come home in the middle of the night? Or were you planning to rent out a hotel room?"

"You had us worried," added Rarity. "I do not just up and leave Ponyville without letting my friends know ahead of time, not after the fact."

Twilight floated a small black book in front of her. "We will be expecting you to come to the library and sign this travel log before leaving Ponyville in the future. I am also going to cast a spell that will let me know if you leave the Ponyville area. It only lasts a month and we will talk about if it needs to be recast at the end of its duration."

Scootaloo took a deep breath and approached Twilight. "Rainbow Dash is often in Cloudsdale, and it really isn't far away, and if we are helping with the weather we would need to go there."

Twilight paused for an uncomfortable amount of time before sighing. "Fine, I can have the spell cover Cloudsdale as well, but if you are going there for an extended period without supervision I still want you to sign the travel log. I guess this also opens up the eastern part of the White Tail Woods as well."

"And I sometimes see Zecora, can it be extended to her hut?" asked Apple Bloom.

"I am sorry but no, we want to know if you are going into the Everfree even if it is on the outskirts," replied Twilight.

"What if we gathered a cloud hanging over the edge of the Everfree for our cloud house?" asked Apple Bloom.

"It would trigger the spell, but only for the duration you were over there," replied Twilight. "In that case it would be fine so long as it was only for a short duration.” She shook her head slowly. “I think you are taking this the wrong way girls. The spell isn't meant to be a straitjacket, it is a safety measure. It is a big world out there and we don't want you getting hurt. One final point, it won't trigger so long as you are in the proximity of one of the elements, so if you were to go to Froggy Bottom Bog with Fluttershy, you need not worry about it going off."

Twilight pointed at the spot in front of her with her forehoof and the crusaders gathered where she pointed. Twilight's horn glowed lightly and one tickling feeling later, the spell was complete.

"Well since you all managed to miss school today, I see some apple bucking in your future," said Applejack to Apple Bloom as she nudged her towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Apple Bloom shot a pained look back at Scootaloo as she walked off.

Rarity mumbled something about needing some spa time and trotted in that direction with Sweetie Belle in tow.

Scootaloo tunelessly whistled then launched herself into the sky before she could get roped into anything.

She purposefully failed to hear what Twilight said at that moment and did not look back down until passing the cloud deck. The whole of Ponyville stretched out beneath her, ponies going about their daily business only visible as small moving dots of various colors. She cast about for her quarry, a multicolored lump of pegasus soundlessly sleeping on a nearby cumulus.

She edged in closer and poked one of Dash's hind hooves with her magic. The cloud disintegrated as Rainbow Dash sprang vertically into the sky. She shook her head and snorted in midair.

Just before she would have taken off for another cloud, Scootaloo pouted, "it just isn't fair."

Rainbow Dash slowly turned and approached Scootaloo.

"We were given this huge lecture about bothering Luna and going places without signing a book thing and then Twilight cast a spell on us to tell her when we left the Ponyville area," said Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash frowned. "Has Princess Luna ever let you down?"

"No," answered Scootaloo.

"Did she complain that you showed up?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"She was happy to see us and we did things until late in the night," replied Scootaloo.

"Then no harm was done; I think what you did last night was very cool." Rainbow Dash almost looked wistful. "Twilight doesn't really understand pegasi, Scoots. As my mother used to say, 'Pegasi got to fly.' There's a certain wanderlust in us that is not present in the other ponies. What do you call a pegasus librarian?"

Scootaloo stared blankly.

"A unicorn with a cloudwalking spell," answered Rainbow Dash. "We tend to follow our hearts and not roost in the same place for long periods. It's a part of our nature." She puffed out her chest. "If Twilight gets too in your face, let me know and I'll straighten her out."

Dash looked up into the sky. "Just enough time to get in some speed drills before weather duty; keep up if you can." She shot off into the distance in a blaze of multicolored contrail.

Scootaloo grinned and eagerly pursued.


Rarity waited until they were out of sight of Twilight then turned to her sister. "You are not in any trouble, Sweetie Belle. After how I was yesterday, I fully understand why you couldn't come to me and discuss your plans with Luna. I am just relieved that you made it home safely from your trip. I could never have forgiven myself if something had happened to you."

Sweetie Belle wanted to interrupt but there was just no break in the conversation to do it. She settled for guiltily looking into Rarity's eyes while she continued. "It is just that I have not been there enough for you, and when I have been, there has not been enough that I could do for you, and then I go and mess it all up. In a way I wonder if that is how you have felt sometimes."

"Oh, no no please, it’s all my fault," replied Sweetie Belle.

"That is nice to say but clearly I could have done a better job," continued Rarity as she gazed at Sweetie's form. "It is even hard to call you a little sister anymore. This is a good thing though, and it reminds me how grown up and competent you have become."

Rarity sighed, "At any rate, I have decided to try to look at us more as equals rather than always being the big sister. It will be hard sometimes, but it has the benefits of spending the occasional day at the spa together. Just don't be surprised if your sister ends up leaning on you occasionally."

Sweetie Belle inwardly sulked as they arrived at the Ponyville day spa.

"The works for both of us," announced Rarity to a cheerful Aloe and Lotus.

They were led into a cedar lined room that was quite a bit warmer than Sweetie Belle would find comfortable. Aloe dropped some water onto a batch of large round stones which erupted into steam, before quietly leaving and closing the door behind her.

Rarity melted into a nearby bench and Sweetie Belle sat next to her. They relaxed for a while in silence as the steam rose around them.

"You know there was a time when I snuck out to Canterlot," started Rarity. "No, really. I was just about your age and I had visions of myself with a huge dress shop in Canterlot, the most famous designer in all of history."

"I spent most of my bits on fabrics and all of my free time hunting gems. I devoted my creative energies into coming up with designs ahead of the current styles. Then I sat at the sewing machine my mother had bought me for my birthday two years earlier and turned those ideas into unique creations."

"The last of my bits went into buying a train ticket and the vendor space license to be allowed to set up a stand in the merchant's district of Canterlot. Instead of going to school, I forged my father's signature on the document, and boarded the train into Canterlot."

Vera opened the door, and Rarity trotted out into one of the spa's sitting rooms, Sweetie Belle following behind. Rarity leapt up onto one of the pallets, and Sweetie Belle nearly skewered it with her horn. Still dazed from Rarity's tale thus far, she flitted up onto the pallet next to Rarity's.

Vera grabbed a blotter and spread green mud all over Rarity's face then applied two cucumber slices over her eyes. Sweetie Belle winced slightly as the same was done to her. She heard a door close in front of her as Rarity continued.

"Commuting ponies of all sorts crowded the car and threatened to wrinkle the carefully folded dresses in my saddle bags. Once every pony was settled, I watched the world pass by in silence, lost in my thoughts of what was to come. The train ride seemed to take forever, but it eventually did arrive."

"I dodged the hooves of the other ponies as I cantered out of the train. The castle loomed ahead on the left, but my sights were set on the small table I had rented in the Merchant's District. I trotted around tons of other ponies, up and down several streets. Various kinds of foodstuffs assailed my senses as I finally came to the assigned vendor space."

"It was plain; one small, weathered wooden table among many. I heard the sounds of itinerant merchants hawking their goods. The five dresses I draped over the table hardly seemed in the same class with the wares that the other ponies were trying to sell, but I was a pony with a dream, and I was determined to make this work out."

"Ponies came and went. Some poked at my work, but none of my dresses were selling. I heard comparisons to some designer names, but they did not even address me directly. With the passing of the first hour my mood dampened considerably."

"I tried lowering my prices, but this only got my work more disdain. The first pony to speak to me asked if they were real rubies. Of course they were real. She said to her partner that it was a waste of real rubies and trotted off."

"The sun was starting to descend towards the horizon. When I was about ready to give up hope and retreat to the train station, a blue-maned white stallion in a full suit approached the stall. He lifted them up with his magic and examined them closely."

"Why these are lovely," he said.

"No pony else seems to think so," I replied.

"That is because they are looking at what the dress will do for them rather than what they will look like in the dress," he said. "What would they say if asked at a party, 'who made this dress?' It is not like it has a label, and they would be embarrassed to say it was made by a filly off a table in the merchant's section."

"What you are selling is simply too good to be bought here. No pony who would wear it would ever buy it. The reputation of the dressmaker is more important than the dress itself. It really is a shame that ponies think that way, but that is the way the world works."

He offered me a handkerchief which I accepted gladly. "Most true artists do not learn this lesson until much older, and often too late. You have a lot of talent and the time to make a name for yourself."

“He bought one of my dresses, tipped his hat, and then wandered off into the marketplace. I placed the remaining dresses back into my saddlebags, and walked back to the train station a changed mare. That was the day Rarity was born.”

"I still have the other four dresses in a chest in the attic. As for our parents, they never found out I had made the trip. They noticed that something had changed, but were never able to put a hoof as to how or why."

Sweetie Belle was stunned for the rest of the treatment. Never before had she been so close to her sister. Never before had she felt so guilty. When they parted, she trotted to the clubhouse in silence.


Scootaloo waved to Rainbow Dash when she left to perform her weather duties. She took a lazy lap around Ponyville, passing the adult ponies doing their business in the town square, the schoolhouse still in session, and Apple Bloom bucking one tree after another. Scootaloo snorted out of sheer boredom and ascended towards Cloudsdale.

She came in for a landing on the upper level of the city. Well-kept government buildings dominated this side of Cloudsdale with the cloudesseum and weather factory visible far in the distance. She flew slowly down the street, making note of each structure as she passed. Her objective came into view on the other side.

The Cloudsdale library was an imposing structure flanked by carved manticores atop pillars. Scootaloo hovered with apprehension for a moment outside the building. With the thought that if any pony could make a library cool, it would be the ponies of Cloudsdale, she passed through the threshold.

Rows of books were stored in cloud shelves that ran from the floor to the ceiling. A small display with wonderbolts memorabilia was inset among the books on her left, and a few portraits of famous historical pegasi were spaced among the books on her right. She walked by row after row and approached a small desk at the center of the complex.

She caught the attention of a middle-aged turquoise unicorn mare. "Can I help you find something?"

Scootaloo gave the librarian a somewhat disappointed look. "A friend joked that pegasus librarians were all unicorns."

"Well, while they are not all that common, there have been pegasus librarians." Looking at Scootaloo's blank flank, she added, "are you interested in library science?"

Scootaloo sighed. "It isn't my talent. When we tried to help at the library it was an utter disaster. At least it didn't involve tree sap, but I did have an ink spot on my coat for weeks."

"We?" replied the librarian.

Scootaloo momentarily brightened. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders: we are on a crusade for our cutie marks. Only I am alone today."

The librarian peered into Scootaloo's eyes for a long moment before beginning. "Well, I have worked at this library for the last twenty years, and I have seen a lot of pegasi pass through those doors. I have seen a lot of fillies obtain their cutie marks."

"Many ponies know what their talent is almost from foalhood. A straightforward talent or passion is easy to find. Those ponies tend to be happy with one thing for all their lives. The more interesting talents are much harder to discern; broader talents that actually say something deeper about the pony rather than some surface ability. Thoughtful ponies with no abiding single talent get a special gift — they retain a choice."

Scootaloo blinked for the first time since she said cutie marks and replied, "choice?"

"Mhmm," said the librarian. "A pony with a broad talent is not tied to any one particular interest or career path. It can help with many."

"If you don't mind me asking, what does your cutie mark represent?" asked Scootaloo.

The librarian stared in no particular direction for a time before turning back to Scootaloo. "I am good at helping guide ponies towards finding answers to their questions. Never seems to work for myself though."

Scootaloo's eyes grew even larger. "Then why be a librarian in Cloudsdale?"

"Pegasi tend to be very sincere and a simple answer can often do them a lot of good," replied the librarian. "I like them, and I could find no better place to live than Cloudsdale."

Scootaloo tried to mentally compare this librarian to Twilight and utterly failed. She offered a hoof. "I am Scootaloo. I didn't catch your name."

"Aqua Echo," replied the librarian while completing the hoof bump.

They talked for a while longer, then Scootaloo left the library with a book on cutie marks. She grabbed an order of hay fries from a corner vendor, and glided back down towards Ponyville.


Apple Bloom came in for a landing in front of her clubhouse, then looked above to the cloud dwelling that dwarfed it. She shook off some of her sweat and considered what it would take to add a working shower.

She checked the mailbox and produced a letter. It was postmarked from Fillydelphia.

Apple Bloom walked up to the entry to their clubhouse. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were just lazing about, so tied up in their own worlds that they didn't notice her approach.

She read the letter to herself, gasped, and started to bounce up and down.

She spread it out in front of the now alert ponies.

Cutie Mark Crusaders,

My mom is an astronomer and she was telling me about a new constellation. I was curious as to what it represented. What she said almost had me on the floor. I have been trying to get my cutie mark unsuccessfully for what seems like years. Can I start a branch of the CMC in Fillydelphia?

Shining Star.

They got into a huddle and together screamed out, "Cutie Mark Crusaders Fillydelphia branch — yay."

Built Without Permits

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Apple Bloom placed her toothbrush on the rack and spit into the sink. She looked at her face in the mirror and removed her bow, placing it gently into a basket in the corner of the bathroom. She opened the door with her magic.

She walked across the hall and down the stairs to the living area. Applejack and Big Mac were seated on cushions at the table, while Granny Smith snoozed in the corner.

"Hey sis, I thought you had gone to bed for the night," said Applejack.

Apple Bloom yawned and replied, "I just wanted to ask you if I could borrow the hay wagon tomorrow."

"Now why would you want that old thing?" asked Applejack.

"Well, we wanted to try pulling it around to see if we could get our charioteer cutie marks," replied Apple Bloom.

"I guess you can't get into too much trouble with an old wagon," replied Applejack. She thought for a second before adding, "just be sure to bring it back in one piece."

Apple Bloom hugged her sister and mounted the stairs. She giggled a bit as she entered her room and got two small pieces of parchment. On each she wrote, "Cutie Mark Crusaders Cloudsdale Tours is a go." She thought of Sweetie Belle's room at her parent's house and looked at the first parchment. Her horn glowed brightly as the letter vanished in a pop of magic. She thought of the main bedroom in her cloud dwelling. Her horn glowed softly as the remaining letter vanished. Satisfied, she drifted off into sleep.


Scootaloo woke up and stretched. The cloud bed that Apple Bloom had built was extremely comfortable and she had been getting a better night's sleep than she ever remembered having. She trotted over to the bathroom and took a short shower, then gave her wings a quick preening before exiting through one of the many large window openings.

She embraced the early morning air with a soft glide as she tacked towards Ponyville. She came in for a landing just outside Sugarcube Corner and gave the door a short series of raps.

The door opened to reveal Pinkie Pie wearing a large poofy chef's hat. She pushed a cupcake into Scootaloo's muzzle and started rapidly talking, "That is my most recent creation, kumquat cupcakes. You have got to love how that sounds. Kumquat cupcakes Kumquat cupcakes, yum. We aren't open yet but if you come back in an hour we’ll be ready to serve you."

Scootaloo tried to swallow the cupcake and get a few muffled words out before Pinkie could close the door. "I just wanted to see if I could borrow your megaphone."

Pinkie Pie's pupils grew, then she blinked, said "oh," and vanished in a cloud of flour. She returned moments later with the megaphone and another two cupcakes.

Scootaloo grabbed them with her magic and thanked Pinkie as she trotted off towards town square. Her fellow crusaders were already there with the cart, a couple of harnesses, and an easel with a placard reading, "visit Cloudsdale for only 10 bits. Cloud walking included. Chariot leaves at 9:00 and returns at 5:00."

Scootaloo passed a cupcake to each of her friends, then sat down by the easel. She put the megaphone in front of her muzzle and started to hawk. "Once in a lifetime opportunity today only. Visit Cloudsdale, the greatest city in the sky. See where the weather is made and the cloudesseum: only 10 bits round trip."

For every pony that passed by another pony seemed interested in the trip, and within an hour there were over a dozen ponies milling around.

"I don't think the cart can hold this many ponies," said Sweetie Belle.

"Then we will just have to do two trips," replied Apple Bloom.

"That's a lot of cloud walking spells," added Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo walked over and counted the ponies. "Any objections to leaving early?"

No ponies spoke up so Scootaloo opened the cart.

As each pony walked past Sweetie Belle, she cast a cloud walking spell. It was a tight squeeze but all of the ponies barely fit inside.

Sweetie Belle was visibly sweating by the end but gave her companions a quick nod of assent.

"Thank you for flying cutie mark crusader air tours," started Scootaloo. "Please keep all hooves in the vehicle at all times and enjoy the ride."

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom hitched themselves into the harnesses while Sweetie Belle took a position behind the cart to steady it with her magic.

They turned the cart towards the "road to nowhere" and went into a trot. That trot turned into a gallop down the steep slope. The slope turned into a rise and the alicorns felt the full weight of the cart behind them. They jumped off the edge and spread their wings. To the accompaniment of gasps and shrieks, the cart alighted into the air.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom pumped their wings hard, focusing their pegasus magic with all of their will against the weight of the cart. Sweetie Belle struggled to keep the cart steady and even. The overloaded cart gained altitude.

They gradually angled their path towards the general direction of Cloudsdale. It was obvious to all three that they were not going to make it in one pass. Their wings ached as they spiraled around and around Cloudsdale, getting closer with each rotation.

Their progress started to slow. Sweetie Belle compensated by proving more lift with her magic. Sweat was streaming off Scootaloo and Apple Bloom as they neared level with the city. They were just barely too low as they came in for a landing. Sweetie Belle poured all of her magical abilities into trying to get the cart above the cloud deck.

The cart skidded across the clouds and came to a gradual stop. Bewildered ground ponies tentatively tested the cloud surface with their hooves before disembarking. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom drifted out of their harnesses and collapsed onto the spongy surface.

Sweetie Belle came in for a landing and fought through her splitting hornache to address the ponies. "Welcome to Cloudsdale. Please be sure to gather here by five as no pony can be left behind. We know of a great place to eat if you want to follow us."

She walked over to her friends and gave them a nuzzle. "Are you okay? I thought we were going to lose it there for a moment."

"My wings feel like Spike breathed on them," said Scootaloo.

"My wings feel like my sister mistook them for an apple tree," added Apple Bloom.

"Are you able to make it to Olov's?" asked Sweetie Belle. "I kind of announced it to the tour group and I am famished myself."

"So long as I don't have to fly, I should be able to make it," replied Apple Bloom.

The entire group of earth ponies and unicorns followed behind the three exhausted alicorns. They merited several stares from passing pegasi as they slowly walked down the street and into the Impatient Griffon restaurant.

The cutie mark crusaders melted into the seats at one table and the rest of the ponies took several tables to either side.

The pounding beat of the ambient griffon rock music helped take their minds off their aching bodies.

Sky Swirls walked over to the group and emitted a small eep before setting out menus in front of the ponies. "I'll go fetch Olov," was all they heard as she darted into the side door.

The boisterous griffon emerged from the door and trotted over to Scootaloo's table. "You are full of surprises, my friend. That is quite the group of ponies you have with you."

"It was almost more than we could handle getting them up here," said Scootaloo. "If I ever try for a Cloudsdale tours cutie mark again it will be with five fewer ponies."

They gasped, looked at each other's flanks, and then sighed, completely missing the raised eyebrow Olov gave at the former statement.

"Of course the meal is on the house," started Olov. "The carnivore special is a seafood pancake. I had one earlier and it was exquisite."

"We couldn't ask that," replied Sweetie Belle. "I hoped for a discount for the tour group but that is too much."

"Think nothing of it. The business we will receive for having such a variety of ponies over for breakfast will more than make up for the cost of the meal."

"A double order of the pancakes then, please," replied Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom sighed.

"Oh come on Bloom, you have watched me eat here several times and I am fine," said Scootaloo. "It is good for your wings after all that work."

"One strawberry pancake and okay Scootaloo, a seafood pancake, and some apple juice."

"Some apple juice for me also," added Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle crinkled up her nose. "I will stick to the hungry pegasus special, thank you."

Olov collected the menus, bowed in Apple Bloom's direction and went through the side door.

The alicorns watched as baffled patrons entered the restaurant, the collection of non-pegasi being quite hard to miss. They were surprised that the tables bordering on their group filled rapidly and that conversations sprang out all around them.

Olov returned with a cart and carefully placed their meals in front of the crusaders. He paused and waited until they each had a bite of their meals. Apparently satisfied, he wheeled the cart away.

"I thought you said this was good," asked Apple Bloom as she took a second bite of her pancake.

"I said it was good for you," replied Scootaloo. "Some of the the top flyers swear by the occasional seafood dish. You get used to the taste."

"I'll take your word for it," chimed in Sweetie Belle. "But I am not placing anything in my mouth that once moved around."

A sudden flash of light alarmed Scootaloo but she couldn't discover its source or reason. "Did you see that?"

"See what?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"It got sharply brighter for a second," replied Scootaloo.

"Nothing I noticed," added Apple Bloom.

They went back to eating their pancakes. When they finished, Olov gathered their plates and deposited a few eclairs. He thanked them for choosing his establishment. They waved and he retired through the side door.

They left a nice tip on the table, stood up, and walked out the door. Scootaloo tested her wings and shivered at the resulting twinge of pain.

"Can you make it back to Ponyville?" asked Sweetie Belle with concern in her voice.

"I'll make it," replied Scootaloo. "I am sure Dash has flown in much worse condition."

Two pegasi in light armor were poking at their cart. They overheard one of the pegasi say, "Think we should impound this... vehicle or just push it over the edge?"

They quickened their pace and Apple Bloom said, "Hey, that is our cart."

"Is that what it is?" responded one of the pegasi. "You can't just leave a vehicle of this size out in the open. It impedes pegasus traffic and in general is in the way."

Apple Bloom flexed her wings and cringed. "Is there anywhere it can be stored for the day? I'd prefer if I didn't have to take it down to Ponyville and back up again and Applejack would be really upset if anything happened to it."

"One level down, first building on the left," replied a pegasus. "Five bits per day." He looked at how Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were carrying their wings. "Tell you what; if you give me the bits, I'll take it down for you."

Scootaloo thanked the officer and passed him six bits. The three alicorns then spread their wings and leapt off the edge into a soft glide.

Gravity did its work, and in short order the crusaders came to a landing outside their clubhouse. Apple Bloom opened the mailbox and produced a letter addressed to her from the City of Ponyville. She unfolded it.

"Miss Apple Bloom,

It has come to our attention that an unlawfully constructed dwelling has been built above lot 5A(Sweet Apple Acres). You are hereby ordered to remove the offending structure within two weeks time or it will be removed for you at your expense.

Mayor Mare"

Apple Bloom choked and passed the letter to Scootaloo.

"Oh come on," said Scootaloo. "There is no way that we are letting them tear down our cloud house."

"What?!" exclaimed Sweetie Belle while grabbing the note with her magic.

Apple Bloom reclaimed the note and placed it in her saddlebag. "Let's go give Mayor Mare a piece of our mind."

Three angry alicorns trotted through the orchard and into the town. Other ponies instinctually gave them a wide berth as they passed by.

Apple Bloom wrested the doors open with her magic and they paraded into the town hall, the doors slamming closed behind them.

"Do you have an appointment?" deadpanned the mare at the desk.

Apple Bloom placed the letter in front of the assistant.

"If you do not have an appointment then you will have to wait," added the mare, as she penciled in Apple Bloom's name on a list behind four others.

Apple Bloom snorted, then sighed, then turned away from the desk. They took their position on one of the uncomfortable benches that bracketed the room.

"Serena, the Mayor will see you now," said the mare at the desk.

Scootaloo rapped on the bench with her hooves. Sweetie Belle grabbed a magazine with her magic. Apple Bloom sat in silence.

"Mr. Waddle, you are up," said the mare at the desk.

Scootaloo counted her feathers for the fourth time and facehoofed. Sweetie Belle set aside another two year out of date copy of "Equestrian Times" magazine. Apple Bloom preened.

"Winter Withers, the mayor will see you," said the mare at the desk.

Scootaloo paced, while Sweetie Belle made pirate hats from some of the ads, and Apple Bloom restacked the magazines.

"Roma, the Mayor will see you now," said the mare at the desk.

The earth pony stood up with a creek, and walked through the door behind the assistant leaving the crusaders alone in the waiting room.

"I spy with my little eye something beginning with 'B'," said Scootaloo.

"A bench," replied Apple Bloom.

"Apple Bloom, the Mayor will see you," said the mare at the desk.

"Finally," cried out Scootaloo.

The three terminally bored alicorns gathered themselves and walked through the door.

Mayor Mare stared down at the crusaders from behind a large mahogany desk. She removed her spectacles and set them aside. "I take it you are here because of the demolition order."

The alicorns nodded in unison.

Mayor Mare took a sip of coffee and then started. "Here in Ponyville, we have a set number of designs that have been pre-approved for houses in town. Other buildings need to have their architectural plans submitted before construction."

"A building the size of your cloud house would also need to be submitted for the purpose of collecting taxes on the property. It adds a substantial value to Sweet Apple Acres which would need to be defrayed."

"We were initially willing to let your cloud fort slide because it was a small recreational building, made by fillies on farm property; but as large as it has become, it has started to draw attention."

"It is also the case that no cloud dwelling has ever been approved in Ponyville. It is not in keeping with the tone and ambience of the community. We do not want to become a suburb of Cloudsdale like what happened to Appleheim with Los Pegasus."

"Hold on one second here," started Apple Bloom. "The cloud house owned by Rainbow Dash is almost twice the current size of my building."

"That is correct, Miss Bloom, however Rainbow Dash's residence is located outside the boundaries of Ponyville," replied the mayor. "She was denied twice when she came to council to submit plans for a cloud home within the city limits. In the cellar we still have the broken door with her hoofprints on it, which by the way she had to replace at a sizable cost in bits."

"But the Apples built Ponyville," countered Apple Bloom. "Aren't we allowed to do what we want with our property?"

"No more than any other resident," replied Mayor Mare. "And keeping the style of this community within earth pony norms would no doubt be something the Apples would support."

"Of course you could appeal this decision to the building committee which meets on alternate Thursdays at sunset. I can pencil you for the next one if you like."

"We'll be there," replied Apple Bloom as the three turned to leave.

"Best of luck," replied Mayor Mare. Under her breath she added, "You'll need it."

As soon as they left the town hall, Scootaloo turned to Sweetie Belle. "Could you send a letter to Luna?"

Sweetie Belle's eyes narrowed to pinpricks. "To-to Luna?"

"Yeah, she would help us," said Apple Bloom as she veered in the direction of their clubhouse.

"I don't know," mused Sweetie Belle. "Certainly not now, but could I? I don't think so but I really don't know."

They slowly changed their direction to the library.

Apple Bloom opened the door with her magic and the three alicorns trotted in.

"Good afternoon Twilight," said Apple Bloom.

"Could you send a letter to Princess Luna for us?" asked Scootaloo.

"The dragonfire messages go to Princess Celestia, and Luna wouldn't be awake yet," started Twilight. "Why do you need to send such a letter anyway?"

Apple Bloom passed the town hall document to Twilight. "The mayor wants to tear down my cloud house."

"I can't predict what the princess will say, but I can certainly send a letter for you," said Twilight before shouting, "Spike, could you come down please?"

Spike emerged from the upper floor of the library holding a feather duster. "What do you need, Twilight?"

"Please take a letter for the CMC."

Spike walked over and grabbed a quill and piece of parchment.

The alicorns looked at each other.

"It's your letter," stated Twilight.

"Dear Princess Luna," started Apple Bloom. "Mayor Mare said I have to tear down my cloud house. I have put so much effort into it and it isn't hurting any pony. Please help, Apple Bloom."

"PS: It really is a great house," added Scootaloo. "Please don't let her tear it down, Scootaloo."

Spike paused a bit in case anything else needed to be added, then burned the letter with a gout of green fire.

Twilight pulled a book off the shelves and floated it over to the central table. It was a thick book titled "Ponyville Building Codes." She started furiously turning pages.

"It appears by code 417 that she is within her rights to order the demolition of your building, but code 419b allows an appeal to the building committee," said Twilight.

"Mayor Mare said as much," replied Scootaloo. "She said the committee meets on Thursday."

"Eeew, even if you were to succeed with the appeal you are looking at some hefty fines," added Twilight. "Code 421a sets a fine of no fewer than one hundred bits for failing to file for a permit in addition to the ten bits for the permit itself."

Spike burped up a scroll which Twilight caught with her magic and deposited in front of the crusaders. "I believe this is yours."

Apple Bloom removed the ribbon from the scroll and began to read it out loud.

"Apple Bloom,

We are touched by your dilemma with your cloud house. Unfortunately it would set a very bad precedent if we were to act on your behalf. Each city has the right to handle its own local affairs and it would be improper for the crown to interfere.


Princess Celestia"

Apple Bloom crumpled the letter. "They are not tearing down my cloud house."

The crusaders charged towards the exit.

"Please wait," started Twilight. "You are going to need research and a plan if you are going to win this."

They were already gone.


With each hoofstep the fire of their anger cooled into doubt and sadness.

"Now what do we do?" asked Scootaloo.

"I just don't know," replied Apple Bloom.

They approached the place they set up earlier to sell tickets. Sweetie Belle collected the placards and placed them in a nearby bin, while Scootaloo grabbed the megaphone with her magic.

Apple Bloom took hold of the easel and walked up to Sweetie Belle. Sweetie shook her head and Apple Bloom grimaced. Apple Bloom's horn flared a bright yellow and the easel disappeared.

They walked around the loop to Sugarcube Corner. The doorbell tinkled as they passed through the entryway.

Pinkie Pie sized up the situation and zipped in front of the crusaders. "Why the long faces? Did no pony want to go up to Cloudsdale? I can kind of see why they might be afraid of the trip but it is way worth it."

"That isn't it," replied Scootaloo. "Cloudsdale Tours was a rousing success."

"It was this that wrecked the day," said Apple Bloom as she produced the letter.

"Why that meanie mean pants," said Pinkie Pie. "See if she gets my vote in the next election." She stuck out her tongue. "She was already on thin ice with that sugar tax. Why would any pony want to tax sugar? Why?"

Apple Bloom rolled the letter back up and stuck it in her saddlebag.

"Oh, you might want to go ask Dashie," said Pinkie Pie. "She had some trouble with her cloud home a few years ago." She galloped into the back room with the megaphone and returned with a box of cupcakes. "Triple chocolate layered, the perfect thing to turn that frown upside-down. Be sure to give one to Dashie when you see her at her cloud house." She zipped off yet again, leaving the crusaders in the now empty front room of the bakery.

"Well that was different," said Sweetie Belle.

"At least her advice always comes with cupcakes," replied Scootaloo as she ate her second.

Apple Bloom grabbed the box away from Scootaloo. "We won't have any left for Dash."

With that the three flew up to Rainbow's cloud house. Rainbow Dash saw them coming and interrupted her afternoon training regimen to come to a landing just outside her front door.

"Triple chocolate layered cupcakes, what trouble are you in?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Hmm?" replied Scootaloo.

"Pinkie only makes these for frown emergencies," replied Rainbow Dash. "'If you are going to share a problem you might as well be eating the best cupcakes while doing it,' was what she said last time I saw one of these."

"Mayor Mare wants to tear down my cloud house," said Apple Bloom.

Rainbow Dash ate a cupcake. "And that is why I stay out of local politics. Now you see the largest reason why I live outside city limits — smartest thing I ever did."

"The smarter pony was Fluttershy. She didn't need to spend months in red tape to make her decision. When her application for a permit to house wild animals was denied, she built her house five trots into the Everfree Forest."

Sweetie Belle gasped.

"Yep, the official border is right at the river, but Shy knows better. She doesn't live up against the forest for her health you know. It does ensure that she can live a more secluded life than most ponies. She can do whatever she wants with her animals and Ponyville can't tax or fine her a bent bit."

"If you want some good advice, I'd say just move your house outside of city limits. You can even hitch it onto my house until you find a more permanent location."

"But I want it to be at Sweet Apple Acres," complained Apple Bloom.

"I don't think it would go over well having our cloud house in the wilds," added Scootaloo. "Where it is gives us privacy and supervision."

"Don't say I didn't warn you," said Rainbow Dash. She pushed the box of cupcakes in their direction, "you will be needing these more than I."

Each crusader took a cupcake leaving Rainbow Dash the empty box. They started back for Cloudsdale.

Sweetie Belle was noticeably in the lead for most of the trip with the other two ponies lagging behind, their normal playfulness in the air completely absent.

They came in for a landing on the level below where they normally went. The storage building was a ramshackle affair with a droopy cloud roof and plain square design dominated by the huge front entryway. They trotted to the entrance and knocked on the door. It slid sideways revealing numerous vehicles and other bulky items.

A dark brown pegasus fluttered out. "What can I get for you?"

"A pegasus officer brought down our wooden cart this morning," stated Scootaloo.

He pointed at their cart and said, "that thing?"

"Yup, that's our cart," replied Apple Bloom.

He produced a clipboard and quill. "Sign here."

Apple Bloom signed the paper and he dragged the cart over the threshold.

Sweetie Belle hitched herself into the cart. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo stared at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time before Scootaloo also hitched herself and Apple Bloom took the rear position to steady the cart. They did a wide loop, landing one level higher near the waiting ground ponies. The ponies seemed generally happy, most of them sporting packages and obvious momentos of their trip.

Apple Bloom took a quick count of them as they entered the cart. The numbers matched up so she started giving some instructions. "Please keep all items secured. We do not want dropped items landing on some pony. As with the trip up, please keep all hooves in the vehicle. Thank you for flying CMC."

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo started to trot along the edge of the clouds dragging the heavy cart behind. When they were going as fast as they could they turned right and leapt off Cloudsdale. Apple Bloom groaned as she tried to hold the cart up while the other two struggled to get enough forward velocity. Gravity was on their side this time and soon Apple Bloom just had to steady the cart.

They did one long looping pass of Ponyville and landed with a jolt on the upslope of the road to nowhere. The cart rapidly lost velocity and came to a stop just outside the main part of town. Several ponies thanked the crusaders for their visit and a couple gave them extra bits. They looked at their flanks and saw no cutie marks.

Apple Bloom did a quick check of the cart then let her friends know it was sound. They dragged the cart along the outskirts of town to Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack was waiting for the crusaders when they arrived with the cart at the barn.

"What in tarnation have you filles been up to today?" asked Applejack.

She tossed the current edition of the Ponyville Gazette in front of the crusaders.

Staring back at them were three large pictures, one of them at the Impatient Griffon, one of the cart being towed by two police pegasi, and another of a group of earth ponies outside the Weather Factory.

"You could have gotten those ponies killed," started Applejack. "You have wings but those ponies did not. What if one of them fell off? What if some pony got lost?"

She looked at Sweetie Belle. "What if the cloud walking spell had worn off?"

She looked back at Apple Bloom. "And what is this about you eating meat? This is not the apple family way or even the pony way. It could reflect very poorly on the farm and on how other ponies think of you."

Applejack sighed and gave Apple Bloom a hug. "You got lucky today, sugar cube. You just have to be more careful and think about your actions before you do them. They have consequences and can not be taken back."

Ponyville is Not an Island

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Sweetie Belle glanced out the window of the schoolhouse. Her gaze was met with the flash of a camera carried by a pegasus who was watching her from outside the building.

She turned her eyes back to Cheerilee. The teacher droned on about some event in history, but she was too distracted to really listen to the lecture.

Ever since that first article was published in the Ponyville Gazette, they had been hounded by an ever increasing number of press ponies. Ditching them was becoming a huge hassle.

Their presence was bad enough that her parents had decided that it would be better that she stayed at Carousel Boutique rather than at their home for a while. Rarity was closer to her than ever, but each day together just added to that feeling that she had to do something special for her sister.

It was very good that Apple Bloom's cloud house was functional and offered many ways of entry for them. She didn't want to contemplate what would have happened if Scootaloo didn't have access to it during this time.

If they had to move that house out of town, it would be much worse for them all. Just yesterday Apple Bloom had told her of Applejack's failure to convince the mayor to allow her to keep the cloud house. The building committee meeting was looming closer.

She spun her pencil in the air a couple of times and then tried to listen to Cheerilee.


The school bell rang and the fillies and colts started to file out of Cheerilee's classroom.

The crusaders looked at each other then back to their teacher. They collectively sighed and and started to work their way toward the exit.

They emerged to the flashing of cameras and flew east toward Ponyville. With the pegasi in pursuit, they approached the town library. Just before they reached it, they took a sharp turn to the right.

One pegasus crashed into the tree while the others veered off giving the crusaders a greater lead. They crossed over to Sweet Apple Acres and approached their clubhouse then tacked upwards.

The crusaders made a soft landing onto one of the balconies of Apple Bloom's cloud house. Sweetie Belle's horn glowed a soft blue, and the following pegasi bounced off a blue bubble that became visible each time one flew into it.

They turned and stared at the paparazzi pegasi.

"What are your thoughts on fish in the diet of ponies?" said one.

"Don't you consider architecture as beneath the role of a princess?" asked another.

They started to walk into the cloud house when a third pegasus asked in a much quieter voice, "how does it feel to be representing Equestria in the talks with the griffons?"

They slowed visibly and Scootaloo turned her head to get a look at the one who asked that question. Her horn glowed an ominous red color, and the pegasus vanished with a resounding bang leaving only a small gout of smoke behind in his wake.

The other pegasi went suddenly quiet as the trio of alicorns walked deeper into the cloud house.

Sitting comfortably on a couch in the living area was a slightly singed but seemingly unphased grey pegasus.

"Sorry about that; I am not as good as my fellow crusaders at teleportation, but Sweetie Belle was busy and it makes a larger impression if I cast it than Apple Bloom," started Scootaloo. "Were you serious about that comment about the griffons?"

"I've been through worse to get a story. I am Keen Exclusive with the Cloudsdale Breeze, and I believe I can help you quite a bit in exchange for an interview."

Apple Bloom stared apprehensively, while Sweetie Belle walked into the kitchen, and Scootaloo considered the idea.

Sweetie Belle returned with some bottles of apple juice, passing one to each pony, then sat on a cushion. "You haven't exactly been making our lives easy you know. How can we trust anything you have to say?"

Keen Exclusive sighed. "I am not like most of the other ponies slamming against your barrier, which is a fine piece of work by the way. I do my research and look for the deeper story. I try to form a relationship with ponies in the hope that they will come to me when stories need to be chronicled, and am frankly getting way too old to crash into barriers."

Keen Exclusive paused for a moment as he scanned the three alicorns. He shook his head a couple of times before looking directly at Scootaloo. "Yes, I was very serious about your role in the upcoming griffon summit."

"And how do you know this?" asked Scootaloo.

He raised a wing to his nose for a second and replied, "I have well placed sources in the Griffon Empire. King Piercing Crest requested you specifically, and the diarchs have no grounds on which to refuse that request."

"That explains a few of the books that were on your reading list but not ours," said Sweetie Belle to Scootaloo.

"We are never told anything," replied Scootaloo. She turned to Keen Exclusive, "please do not betray our trust with this. We know firsthoof how stories can be twisted."

"Gabby Gums for example," replied Keen to collective gasps by the crusaders. "Yes, I do my homework."

"What do you want from us?" asked Apple Bloom.

Keen peered into Apple Bloom. "Stated simply, I want to know what kind of ponies you are."

For a long time, all three alicorns simply stared. Apple Bloom was mouthing the question over and over to herself, while Scootaloo was as still as a statue. Sweetie Belle looked pensively at her cushion.

Scootaloo blurted out a reply. "I really haven't thought about it in that way. Ouch, a math test would be easier."

"A simple farm filly with wings and a horn who is still looking for her cutie mark?" attempted Apple Bloom.

"I mainly just want to be cool like Rainbow Dash and never leave any pony hanging," added Scootaloo.

Keen looked over at Sweetie Belle, "and you?"

"I just want to be worthy of being Rarity's sister," replied Sweetie Belle.

"I believe you," replied Keen Exclusive. "Now, if we are going to fix your little public relations nightmare, I am going to need to know everything."

He opened his saddlebag and pulled out a wooden box. He placed it on the center table and opened the lid revealing an odd device which looked like it held two movie projector reels. He pushed the lever to the right and the wheels started to turn, then he sat back on the couch and said, "Okay, from the top. Leave nothing out."

The crusaders regaled him with their tale. They started with Discord, then Celestia's attempt to get them to allow her to turn them back into normal ponies, and ended with Apple Bloom's troubles with her cloud house. The only noticeable thing that was left out was Sweetie Belle's failed attempt to enchant Rarity's dress line.

"It looks like you have had quite the couple of weeks," started Keen. "The only real mistakes I have seen were the meat eating at Olov's and the tour trip to Cloudsdale itself. This actually merits some congratulations. The former we will have to go with. You said you had heard that famous flyers had eaten fish. This is certainly a fact, although most do not. The latter should blow over so long as no other ponies are endangered by your actions."

"You are also probably closer to Luna than any pony I know of and that is quite the feat. The right article could help her public image as well. The plan is going to be a long story piece for tomorrow followed by two shorter stories a few days later. Once the other reporters see I am handling you, most of them will back off at least with regard to asking you questions. This won't stop them from trying to get juicy photos though if you give them the chance."

"Now as for your specific problems, Scootaloo, I strongly advise you to find out as much information as you can about the current affairs between our two nations. Piercing Crest is a formidable adversary."

"Apple Bloom, yours is the easier issue even if you do not think so now. You aren't going to win based on facts. If you want to actually have your cloud house it is going to rest solely on the ponies on that comprise the board. Find out as much about them as you can and go in prepared."

He slid the lever on the recorder to neutral, and placed it back into its box then into his saddlebag.

"It was nice meeting you. When you need me again, feel free to contact me courtesy of the Breeze."

With that he gave a slight nod of his head and trotted down the hallway from which the crusaders had entered. Moments later Sweetie Belle felt a small magical pressure when he passed through the barrier.

"Well, he's gone," stated Sweetie Belle. "Do you really think we could trust him?"

"I don't see that we had much of a choice," replied Scootaloo. "Besides, he was quite helpful already, and if he can do even part of what he thinks he can... I would really feel better with fewer ponies watching me all the time."

"I trust him," stated Apple Bloom simply. "Was there anything that led you to believe we couldn't?"

"I just didn't like how he stared at me at times when we were telling our stories," replied Sweetie Belle. "Maybe it was just my imagination."

She continued after a pause, "if any pony would know who is on the committee, it would be my sister."

"Applejack could know," added Apple Bloom.

"Okay, we'll distract the cameras and head over to the farm," said Scootaloo. "Meet us there after you find out what you can from Rarity."

They said in unison but with a bit less verve than usual, "Cutie Mark Crusader information gatherers is a go."


Scootaloo and Apple Bloom walked up to the edge of the barrier then around the outside of the cloud house. They watched as most of the paparazzi followed them. As a pair they passed through the barrier and dropped down to the ground. They ignored the path and instead weaved their way through the trees. They kept their ears pointed backwards as they listened to the sounds of the following pegasi thrashing through the orchard.

When they reached the treeline, Scootaloo took deftly to the air, banking in a well coordinated semi-circle to the entrance of the Apple homestead. Apple Bloom followed a little behind her. Scootaloo opened the door and the pair entered, rapidly closing it behind them.

They removed their saddlebags and placed them carefully out of the way. The smell of cooking vegetables was thick in the air, so they made their way through the house to the kitchen.

They passed through the doorway and saw Granny Smith stirring a large pot full of thick stew.

"Howdy youngins," said Granny Smith. "We expecting extras for supper?"

"Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, if it's all right?" asked Apple Bloom.

"There's plenty of stew," replied Granny Smith.

Granny Smith extinguished the stove and eyed the pair.

"Would you like us to bring in the soup?" asked Scootaloo.

"That would be a help," replied Granny Smith.

They went to get mitts to carry the pot but Granny Smith stopped them. "Go ahead and do the floaty thing."

"But Applejack?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Do you see Applejack?" replied Granny Smith. "Besides, we aren't eating we're setting."

Apple Bloom paused for a moment then deftly levitated the heavy pot onto the very center of the table. She then moved six bowls into their proper positions.

Granny Smith walked out onto the front porch and rang the dinner bell.

The ponies took their places at the table and waited.

Big Mac walked into the room, then over to Apple Bloom. He pivoted so that he faced away from her. She split his yoke at the seam between the pins and passed it back to Mac. He hung the yoke on the wall and took his place at the table.

Applejack entered and took the spot at the head of the table to the opposite side from Granny Smith. She bowed her head and said, "we give thanks to the earth and the hard work and love that goes into helping it provide us with its bounty."

After a moment the ponies served themselves. When every pony's plate was full, they began to eat.

"I have good news for you," started Applejack. "Aunt and Uncle Orange have agreed to a visit for the weekend for you and your friends. You can get out of Ponyville for a while."

"And see Babs!" exclaimed Apple Bloom.

"And the Manehatten CMC," added Scootaloo.

"Yep, it will give you something to take your mind off the committee decision whichever way it goes," added Applejack.

"About that sis, would you happen to know any ponies on the committee?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Why do you want to know that?" asked Applejack.

"Well, maybe we can convince them to take our side with the cloud house," replied Apple Bloom.

"That's a right devious way to go about this, but I do know one pony on the committee you will be going before," said Applejack. "But I doubt it will be of any use to you. Golden Harvest is going to be a vote against your house I'm afraid."

"And if you did change her mind, she would recuse herself from the decision," added Big Mac.

"Recuse?" asked Scootaloo.

"It means that she couldn't vote on the issue," added Applejack. "You shouldn't have direct contact with the members before their decision."

Apple Bloom frowned and went back to eating her stew.


Sweetie Belle quietly walked toward a side room and watched her friends as they strode out the front door. She counted to fifty then visualized the far side of the small stream that wrapped around much of Ponyville. Her horn glowed softly as she carefully teleported in complete silence.

She gathered herself for a moment, taking in the relaxing sounds of the stream as it flowed past her. A pair of sticks lazily floated by, caught in its soft currents. Feeling a bit parched, she took a drink of the cold clear water and let some trickle through her muzzle. She took a deep breath and started off towards the boutique.

The stream meandered around a bit, but made its way into Ponyville. With a single flap of her wings, she leaped across the stream and emerged out of the woodlands behind Carousel Boutique. She walked around the building and up to the door.

Rarity was showing off a selection of clothing to a nobly dressed unicorn stallion.

He turned towards Sweetie Belle at the sound of door opening then focused back on Rarity. "Yes, I can use eight of these as well."

Sweetie Belle closed the door and placed her saddlebags into a nearby cubby, then sat down in an adjacent room to be out of the way and to wait.

Rarity produced another selection of dresses. He looked over them a bit then shook his head. Rarity put those back and brought out another rack.

"All of this buying wearies one," stated the stallion. "You wouldn't happen to have a spot of tea?"

Rarity set the dresses aside. "It does doesn't it? I have the highest quality darjeeling available among other types if you prefer."

"That would be fine," stated the stallion.

Rarity left the showing room, smiled at Sweetie Belle, and then trotted up the stairs towards the kitchen.

Soon after Rarity vanished into the living area of the store, the stallion emerged. He bowed before Sweetie Belle and produced a blue velvet box. He opened the box revealing a perfect star sapphire set in platinum while saying, "Dearest Sweetie Belle, would you consent to give me your hoof in marriage?"

Sweetie Belle's eyes shrunk to pinpricks as she said, "What?"

"You are being granted the opportunity to help lead the House of Burgundy, as my mare," said the stallion.

"I am twelve," mumbled Sweetie Belle.

"And you should be happy to know that we oppose the House of Blueblood on practically everything," added the stallion.

"Twelve," repeated Sweetie Belle with a little more volume.

"And having an alicorn as the right hand of the third most powerful house in Equestria, we would be able to oppose them on equal terms," continued the stallion.

"We have never met," replied Sweetie Belle.

"Sorry, I am Duke Russet," added the stallion. "I figured you would have known of me."

"Rarity!" called Sweetie Belle.

Rarity re-emerged into the room with a steaming hot kettle of tea and several fine ornamental tea cups.

"This gentlecolt just spent the last few minutes trying to explain why I should marry him," said Sweetie Belle.

The cups dropped halfway to the floor before Rarity caught them. Her smile slipped into a practiced neutral expression as she led Duke Russet outside her establishment.

She looked at the Duke straight into his eyes. "If I didn't care more about her future dealings with the nobility of Canterlot than my feelings at the moment, you would be bathing in hot tea right now. In the illusion of being civil I will say to you that she is clearly underage and there is no way her parents would ever give consent to such a marriage. I bid you leave."

She turned away from the Duke, facing her back to him before slowly walking back into her establishment and gently closing the door. She turned the sign to closed before pouring herself a cup of tea and sitting on her divan.

"You handled that admirably well," said Rarity.

"But why?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Some ponies just want to try to use marriage as a way of gaining titles or furthering their political goals," stated Rarity. "I learned the hard way that while a title is nice, some of the most boorish stallions are in the nobility. It shows just how much you are growing up that you were able to handle that without alienating him."

"So he was like Blueblood," pondered Sweetie Belle.

"Well I wouldn't say that," replied Rarity. "This one at least knew how to put up a front of knowing how to act. It probably makes him more troublesome though, if less grating than the prince of his own reflection. But if you mean he is accustomed to getting what he wants without care to others, then yes."

Rarity took a sip from her teacup and offered a cup to her sister. Sweetie Belle wrinkled up her nose at the offered beverage.

"You really ought to acquire a taste for tea," said Rarity. "It is about as social a drink as you will find and often loosens the tongues of your friends and adversaries."

"But it tastes like tree sap," replied Sweetie Belle.

"I wouldn't know that myself, but it is something you have to tolerate for a while before you like it," stated Rarity. "Then eventually it becomes a source of great enjoyment."

"Oh, you wouldn't happen to know any pony on the building committee?" asked Sweetie Belle. "We figured if we could know more about those ponies, we could tailor Apple Bloom's presentation to suit them."

Rarity's eyes twinkled at the statement. "That is an amazingly insightful approach, Sweetie Belle. Do I know anyone on the building committee?"

She thought for a long moment. "I do seem to remember some pony saying something like that during one of my business association meetings."

Rarity tilted her head askew and said softly, "Aloe was talking about her business expanding, and Bon-Bon chimed in... Yes, it was Bon-Bon. She is on the building committee."

"That is wonderful," chimed Sweetie Belle. "There's no way she would vote against Apple Bloom. I have to go tell the others. Thank you sis."

Sweetie Belle gave Rarity a quick hug and shot out the door.

"You're welcome," said Rarity to the empty room as she took another sip of tea.


Sweetie Belle hummed a song while she pranced along the edge of Ponyville. She crossed the creek by air and then continued down the path toward the farm. The packed earth felt good on her hooves as the trees flew by.

She could see the farmstead in the distance. Several press pegasi launched themselves off the roof to intercept her. Her horn glowed a soft blue as she teleported herself just inside the door.

Sweetie Belle smelled cooked vegetables in the air and heard the sounds of ponies talking from deeper into the farmstead. She opened and closed the door to announce her presence and walked towards the noises.

She entered the dining room and took a glance at the table. She walked over to it and sat in the empty place, then she filled her bowl with stew and waited for a lull in the conversation.

"Bon-Bon is on the committee," said Sweetie Belle. "That assures us of a vote in our favor."

"That counters Golden Harvest," remarked Apple Bloom thoughtfully.

"Please take what we said about not bothering the members seriously," said Applejack. "Things will not go well for you if you don't."

"We'll talk about it later," said Scootaloo quietly to Sweetie Belle.

They went back to eating their stew. The conversation died for a bit then drifted into general farm stuff. They were too busy thinking of their next move to really listen.

Apple Bloom took the dirty dishes into the kitchen.

Granny Smith poured the last of the stew into a large jar and shoved it into the icebox. She returned with a plate of apple fritters.

After eating their desserts, the crusaders excused themselves and walked up the stairs to Apple Bloom's room.

"So much for talking to them about it," said Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle smirked. "We could talk to Lyra though."

"She probably knows all sorts of things about the committee," added Scootaloo. "And she plays her lyre in the park every evening."

"Of course we probably have the whole press corp outside," said Apple Bloom.

"The park isn't that far," replied Sweetie Belle.

"And it would throw them off the trail for the rest of the evening," replied Apple Bloom.

"We'll shoot for behind the bench she usually sits on in three two one," stated Sweetie Belle.

Their horns lit up in unison bathing the room in a virtual rainbow of color as they popped out of the farmhouse, appearing together in the park.

They walked around the bench and stood before Lyra.

Lyra set aside her instrument and addressed the crusaders. "What brings you to the park this fine evening?"

"The mayor ordered me to take down my cloud house," said Apple Bloom. "So we are appealing to the building committee."

"Red tape: that odious, sticky mess that restricts the insightful," said Lyra. "I always thought your house brought some variety to the town."

She picked up her lyre and strummed a chord with her magic. "Making things easier for ponies like you is much of why Bons joined the committee in the first place."

"Can you tell us anything about the other ponies on the committee?" asked Sweetie Belle.

She plucked one note on her lyre. "Golden Harvest grimly keeps to her traditions in a single-minded manner. I'm afraid you have no hope convincing her to your side."

She started into a complex set of notes. "Hard Hat is the third member of the committee. He is a master of detail. To convince him to allow your cloud house, you will have to very carefully relate why and how your house meets the building codes."

She set down her lyre. "I do not envy you your task."

"I am going to try," said Apple Bloom.

"Trying your best is all one can ever do," replied Lyra.

The crusaders thanked Lyra then walked a few paces into the park.

Apple Bloom sighed as she turned toward the Ponyville library. "It looks like I have some books to read."

Scootaloo intercepted her. "Do you want a bunch of books you don't understand along with a long winded speech on some scholarly aspect of the topic from Twilight, or do you want actually useful books from a cool librarian in the clouds?"

Apple Bloom regarded Scootaloo questioningly.

"I'll explain on the way to Cloudsdale," said Scootaloo.

The three alicorns took to the air. Scootaloo told the crusaders about her talk with Rainbow Dash that led to her seeing if the Cloudsdale librarian was indeed a unicorn. She went into their conversation about cutie marks, the librarian's special talent, and some of the other things they talked about during her visit. In what seemed like no time, they arrived at Cloudsdale.

They followed Scootaloo to the library itself. Apple Bloom paused for a second to admire the manticore sculptures then cantered to catch up to her companions. They walked past the shelves of books and up to the librarian.

Scootaloo introduced the other crusaders to Aqua Echo, then told her about Keen Exclusive and her looming role in the talks with the griffons. She ended by explaining the issues befalling Apple Bloom about the cloud house.

"You have been busy," said Aqua Echo. "Cloudsdale has quite a bit of information about the history of the Griffon Empire, but anything exploring the most recent issues between the two cultures would be in periodicals. We also have an extensive selection of books on cloud architecture but given your time constraints I'll bring a few books you might need."

She trotted off, and after some time returned with a stack of books and magazines. She gave a book on practical blueprinting and one on cloud architecture to Apple Bloom. All the rest went to Scootaloo.

The pair of alicorns took their books to nearby tables leaving Aqua alone with Sweetie Belle.

"Is there any book you would be looking for?" asked Aqua Echo.

"You wouldn't be able to find an answer to my problem in a book," replied Sweetie Belle.

"Try me," said Aqua Echo. "You might be surprised."

"Well, I have been looking for something truly special that I could do for my sister," started Sweetie Belle. "She's done so much for me, and anything I can think of doing just isn't enough."

Sweetie Belle started to become a bit uncomfortable under the lingering thoughtful gaze of the librarian. She was just about to say something when Aqua Echo spoke first.

"I think I have an idea on what to get," started the librarian. "It is only a hunch, but yes..."

She trotted deeper into the library and through a set of doors. A while later she returned with a book that was horribly faded with age.

"This book is from the restricted archives of the library and can not be removed from the premises. It was written over 1500 years ago and is only one of three copies known. Please be careful with it."

The aura around the book switched from green to blue as Sweetie Belle took hold of the book with her magic. She walked it over to one of the nearby tables.

The cover was too worn to see what the title was, so she turned to the first page. It read, "Ancient Instruments of the Pegasi by Seeking Plume, a study in pegasus musical instruments of the pre-Discord era."

She carefully paged past large horns, vaguely similar to the one used when the pegasi make tornadoes to send water to Cloudsdale and various types of drums.

She stopped at page twenty four.

"The Pegasus Wind Harp was an important instrument used mainly in the temples of Pre-Celestian pegasus tribes. They fell out of favor when the alicorns came to power, and the last known wind harpist master died during the time of Discord. It is a major shame in the view of this author, not only because of the cultural significance of the instrument, but also because of the unique sounds it was able to generate. In the distant past, skilled pegasi would use the wind currents generated from their wings themselves to vibrate the strings of these elegant harps."

Beneath this was a sketch of a pegasus with wings flared, a large harp a trot away to each side.

She levitated the book back over to Aqua Echo and asked, "What do you know about wind harps?"

"Not much I am afraid," started Aqua Echo. "What it said is true, they were pretty much forgotten an age ago. I do not think there is even an example in the Cloudsdale Museum of History."

Sweetie Belle thanked Aqua Echo then joined her friends in their research. A few hours later they checked out some of the books and returned to Ponyville.


When they weren't in class, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom spent most of the next day studying for their respective tasks. Except for one trip to the library to ask Twilight about wind harps, Sweetie Belle spent her time supporting her friends. She was disappointed that Twilight hadn't even heard of the obscure instrument.

Keen's article showed up in the evening newspaper as planned and was generally an abridged, but accurate and complementary summary of their lives to date.

When school ended on the day after that, they spent an hour finalizing Apple Bloom's materials for her presentation and then solemnly made their way to the town hall. A couple of press pegasi flashed pictures of them as they entered the building.

There were cushions spread out all over the floor, somewhat less than half of them already occupied by ponies. At the far end of the room was a long applewood table that looked like it had seen better days. There were three unoccupied benches behind the table and one elaborate cushion at the head of the table facing the opposite wall. In the far corner a burly stallion stood at attention.

The crusaders walked up to three adjacent cushions and sat down. As the clock tower chimed the hour, four ponies walked in from the curtained door to the rear of the room. Bon-Bon, Golden Harvest, and Hard Hat took the three seats facing the ponies, and Silver Scroll walked over to the cushion.

Silver Scroll placed a quill and stack of papers on the table and addressed the audience. "I call this session of the building committee to order. Any ponies with business before this committee will present themselves respectfully when called, and truthfully answer all questions presented to the best of their abilities. All actions of this committee are binding."

She then started to read the minutes of the last meeting.

"Motion to waive the reading," stated Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon and Hard Hat tapped the table with their hoof.

The secretary glared at them for a split second before saying, "carried two to one." She gazed at the pair and sighed. "The floor is open to new business. The committee calls Roseluck."

A yellow earth pony with a rose cutie mark walked over to the table and placed a set of plans before the committee. "Distinguished committee members, during the long winter months ponies have had to go without fresh flowers for many years. What you see before you is the plans for a greenhouse. If approved I should be able to produce a small amount of flowers out of season."

Hard Hat grabbed the blueprints and looked over them with a practiced eye. "I see you got Peerless Draft to design this. It is fairly ambitious. What assurances do you have that this will not fall down when it snows."

"The glass is three quarters of a hoof thick. I have been assured by the Canterlot Glassworks that it would bear the weight of any snowstorm we would ever be likely to get."

"What do you plan to do with the building during the rest of the year?" asked Golden Harvest.

"I plan to place growing vines outside the building. They should creep up the sides and provide a lovely setting for ponies who want such a venue for weddings and such in the summer months."

The ponies talked amongst themselves for a short period of time then turned back to Roseluck.

Hard Hat called a vote and all three ponies tapped on the table.

"Carried three to zero — the plan is approved," stated the secretary. "The committee calls Pine Breeze."

A light grey stallion walked up to the table, setting a small folder upon it. "My wife is expecting in five months and we would like to add a story onto our townhouse."

The three ponies looked at the documentation.

"This would make it the tallest building on Bridle Street," said Golden Harvest.

"The size of the building just doesn't safely support a third floor," added Hard Hat. "Under most circumstances you could add to the foundation but like we said last month when you wanted an addition, you can't build that close to your property line."

Golden Harvest called for a vote and none of the ponies rapped on the table.

"Motion failed zero to three — plan denied," stated the secretary. "The committee calls Apple Bloom."

"Good luck," said Scootaloo as Apple Bloom stood up and approached the table.

Golden Harvest glared at Apple Bloom. "The proper order is to consult this committee before construction, not after. Even if this committee finds in your favor there will be significant fines levied. Do you understand?"

Apple Bloom nodded.

"You also understand that this is an earth pony town and pegasus architecture has never been approved by this committee in the ninety years of its existence."

"The Apple's founded this town," replied Apple Bloom. "I understand what kind of town it is."

Apple Bloom levitated a copy of her plans in front of each pony.

Golden Harvest pointed at the document. "See, this is the kind of thing I am talking about. What will happen to the liquid rainbow from your house if it ran off onto the ground?"

"It wouldn't, and even if something happened it is on Apple land, and regardless a little rainbow hasn't been shown to cause any problems," replied Apple Bloom.

"It is on Ponyville land," replied Golden Harvest. "That land is simply owned by the Apple family."

"Not to get in the way of this lovely discourse," stated Hard Hat, "but who is the architect who designed the building?"

"I designed it and built it myself with my own four hooves," replied Apple Bloom.

Hard Hat sighed, "so no architect."

"Now wait a minute; my cloud house is as well-designed as any house in Ponyville," stated Apple Bloom.

"And how do you judge that?" asked Hard Hat, setting aside the blueprints. "This is a waste of this committee's time."

"There is an architect. That architect is Apple Bloom. And if you examine my blueprints you will see for yourself how sound the design is."

"By what possible authority do you declare yourself an architect?" asked Hard Hat.

Apple Bloom's face turned a bright red as she fumed, "I am sick and tired of ponies ignoring what I say and talking down to me all the time. I can go here but I can't go there without signing some ledger. I should be overly careful about what some pony might think all the time."

"Well there is one thing that I have poured my heart and soul into for weeks and it doesn't harm any pony. It is uniquely mine, a place where I can go to avoid all of this, and now you ponies want it torn down. You do not think I am worthy of being called an architect of my own project just because I don't have..."

Collective gasps, murmurs, and clopping hooves interrupted Apple Bloom. She turned around to see Scootaloo pointing at her. She stared blankly for a moment before looking down at her thigh.

Two cloud pillars holding up a rainbow arch graced her formerly blank flank. She turned back to the committee and announced, "I declare myself an architect by virtue of my inherent talent for it as shown by my cutie mark."

Hard Hat spoke in private with the other members of the committee. Bon-Bon frowned as Golden Harvest beamed. They seemed to argue a bit more before returning to their seats.

Hard Hat stood and looked Apple Bloom straight in the eye. "By unanimous vote, this committee has decided to grant an exception to Apple Bloom, and she may have her cloud dwelling assuming she can pay the fine she has incurred within a two week period. Since architect Apple Bloom should have in her vast knowledge known better than to construct a building without first consulting this committee, we feel we have no choice other than to charge the maximum allowed fine of 15,000 bits in this matter."

The audience again gasped as Hard Hat continued, "this being the last order of business for this committee, I move to adjourn."

Sweetie Belle nonchalantly approached and levitated her saddle bags over the table. She popped the flaps and a huge mound of gems erupted onto its surface. The committee members stared at the growing pile, while the audience started to pound their hooves in applause. Several flash bulbs lit up the room.

"I think this should cover the penalty," stated Sweetie Belle as she and Apple Bloom walked back towards their seats. They collected Scootaloo and were the first ponies out the door as the meeting was closed.

The Manehattan Distraction

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Applejack calmly bucked another apple tree, its fruit falling neatly into the buckets surrounding it. For the fifth time that day, she gazed up at the sky to work out the time from the sun's position.

"What was so gol-durn important to the princess that the crusaders not be present for her trip to Ponyville tomorrow?" pondered Applejack as she trotted toward her farmhouse.

She pushed open the door and walked into the kitchen. She splashed some water over herself, and downed a bottle of apple cider before reseating her stetson as she headed back toward the door.

Big Mac fell into step behind her.

"Going to see Apple Bloom off?" asked Applejack.

"Eeyup," replied Big Mac.

They trotted out of Sweet Apple Acres, along the outskirts of Ponyville to the train station, then made themselves comfortable on one of their benches. They watched the skies in the direction of the schoolhouse and waited.

The crusaders became visible in the distance just as the blast of its whistle heralded the arrival of The Limited. It was one of only three trains per day that made the full journey from Las Pegasus to Manehattan, Ponyville being only a minor stop on its route.

The crusaders came in for a landing, then Applejack rapidly shuffled them toward the last car on the train.

"You mean there's a car just for us?" asked Scootaloo.

"Eeyup," answered Big Mac.

While Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle boarded, Applejack edged in and hugged her sister. "Now remember to be careful in Manehattan, and mind everything that your Aunt Orange tells you."

The train whistle gave a final blow, and Apple Bloom broke the embrace to hurry onto the train.

Just as her hooves touched the plush carpeting of The Limited, the train lurched into motion. She fell back against the front of an overstuffed couch, then glanced at her friends who were seated opposite her.

"Rarity would just love this car," said Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo ran a hoof over the soft cushions. "It just makes me feel uncomfortable is all. I'd have been happy enough flying there."

"And what of all your stuff?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"I'd pack light," replied Scootaloo. "It's not as if our things couldn't be sent on ahead of us if needed."

Sweetie Belle gave Scootaloo an exasperated look, then in a good imitation of Rarity's voice said, "Getting there in style is one of the most important parts of any trip. What kind of image would you present if you just flapped your way into Manehattan?"

"You asked her that didn't you?" replied Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle blushed. "Yeah, I figured we could have made it there in half the time flying, but she would have no part of it."

"It doesn't leave us all that much time to see Babs or really do much of anything," said Apple Bloom as she leaned back into her couch. She sighed and watched the countryside pass by while her friends continued talking.

The train slowed down and came to a stop at Canterlot Station. Sweetie Belle made a comment about the red carpet that was on the platform, and they watched as several unicorns boarded the train.

Soon after the train started back up, Scootaloo stepped off the couch and stretched her wings. "I am sooooo bored. Any pony up for a trek to the engine?"

Sweetie Belle set her book aside. "Sure, maybe we have a talent for running trains."

They went up for a Cutie Mark Crusader engineer cheer, but stopped shy of it when they realized they were one member short.

"Something wrong Bloom?" asked Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom stepped off the couch and walked over to the pair. "No, nothing's wrong. Sure, I'd enjoy seeing how the train works."

Scootaloo walked up to the doors of the car and opened them with her telekinesis revealing a stallion dressed in a tuxedo on the other side.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" asked the stallion.

"Yes, I would like to see the rest of the train," replied Scootaloo.

"Sorry, but I am under strict orders," replied the stallion. "The alicorns are to remain in their car until Manehattan."

"And why would that be?" asked Scootaloo.

The stallion thought for a couple of seconds too long to be convincing. "You wouldn't want to cause a scene, would you?"

Sweetie Belle formed a mental picture of the train car behind the stallion then asked, "How would walking to the engine cause a scene?"

The stallion sighed. "Just think for a moment. You casually walk through a dozen cars, past all sorts of ponies, some of whom might be with the press. Others might just want to meet with you. Some might be a little too interested. It is a closed environment with nowhere to go in the case of mishap."

"Then we could just teleport back here," replied Sweetie Belle.

"Not buying it," added Scootaloo.

The stallion reached under his shirt and pulled out a royal guard badge. "This was supposed to be an easy assignment. Just make sure the VIPs make it safely to Manehattan. Is it too much to ask that I don't screw this up?"

The alicorns looked at each other then let the door close. They walked out of earshot of the door.

"I could teleport past him if I wanted, but that would still leave the door on the other side," said Sweetie Belle.

"It isn't worth it anyway," said Scootaloo. "We'd be noticed."

"Well...maybe not," replied Sweetie Belle.

Her horn glowed a soft blue and her folded wings blended in with the rest of her coat. Then her face scrunched up a bit as she concentrated, and her coat darkened to grey.

"I've been working with that illusion book," said Sweetie Belle. "My biggest problem is the glow off my horn is too visible while trying to keep it up. To be convincing I'd have to be carrying something at the same time with my magic."

"Cool," replied Scootaloo, "but that wouldn't help the three of us. It could be useful though if you needed to scout the train or...you are gonna have to teach me that."

Sweetie Belle looked pained and she let her illusion drop. "Sure um, right. I brought the book with me actually if you want to borrow it."

"Maybe later," replied Scootaloo. "I think I have another idea on how we can pass some of the time."

Scootaloo walked over to the door and opened it. Her eyes met those of the royal guard. "Is there any rule that says you can't join us?"

"Well, I really wasn't supposed to...I guess not," replied the guard.

"Good then come on back with us," replied Scootaloo.

She took a position on one of the side chairs next to the other crusaders, and looked back at the guard who slowly and almost guiltily took a position on the opposite couch. "I'm Scootaloo. You never gave us your name."

"Oh, I'm Ruffled Bearing," replied the guard.

"How do you like being a guard?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"It's a living," replied Ruffled.

"That doesn't sound like you enjoy it much," stated Apple Bloom.

"It's a means to an end is more accurate," replied Ruffled.

"Oh, what do you see yourself doing then?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"I probably shouldn't have brought this up," replied Ruffled. "You will think it is a silly dream."

"You don't know half the things we've tried to get our cutie marks," said Scootaloo. "We are experts and certainly wouldn't find you silly."

"Well my talent is to not stand out much," said Ruffled, "but it is a curse as much as a blessing. I actually want to be a spy. It's like the one way I could really use my talent to make a difference for Equestria, but I never get promoted and only officers can apply."

"I could always run your name past Twilight Sparkle," said Scootaloo.

"She's the sister of Shining Armor," added Sweetie Belle.

They spent the next couple of hours getting to know each other. Ruffled left the car momentarily to get their lunches, then taught the crusaders a few card games after they ate.

The train passed into a tunnel and the car went dark. Sweetie Belle cast some light with her horn.

"That is the Hollow Shades underpass," said Ruffled. "We will be in Manehattan in less than an hour."

They finished their current game and emerged from the tunnel.

Ruffled stood up. "I probably should resume my guard post outside now. This was...fun."

"Nice meeting you Ruffled," said Scootaloo. "We'll be sure to pass your name along. Always follow your dreams!"

Ruffled gave the alicorns a crisp salute and walked out of the car.

"He seemed nice," said Sweetie Belle.

"Kind of sad how his talent gets in the way of using his talent though," said Apple Bloom.

"I wonder how often that kind of thing happens," pondered Scootaloo as she brought forth a scroll and a pencil from her saddlebag. She wrote down the name and issue of the guard so she wouldn't forget them, then stowed her stuff back into her bag.

They looked out the window and watched as the train passed by several organized farms and clusters of small houses. The setting sun tinted the houses a subtle red color. The twilight sky darkened into night as the train traveled the long bridge across the bay into Manehattan.

They could see taller buildings ahead of them as the skyline came into view. Light blazed from the streetlamps and buildings, banishing the night in a haze of near daylight. They could see ponies and wagons busily moving on the street across from the railroad tracks. The crusaders put on their saddle bags and prepared to depart.

The train slowed as it approached the railway platform. The doors opened, revealing Babs, two other fillies, and a colt in CMC uniforms standing on a long red carpet that was draped next to the train.

Babs craned her neck to look up at Apple Bloom. "Wow cuz, I knew you got the wings and all, but I wasn't expecting you to be so big."

Apple Bloom blushed slightly as the alicorns exited the train. She turned to the other ponies, then looked back to Babs. "Do they usually go around with their mouths open like that?"

"Maybe they're trying for a fish impersonation cutie mark?" pondered Scootaloo.

Babs prodded the teal unicorn to her left who then rapidly closed her mouth. "This is Glimmer." She looked at the powder blue earth pony to her right. "And this is Icy Shoal"

Icy Shoal gave an awkward bow.

The orange pegasus colt to her far right took a step forward and announced, "pleased to meet you, I'm Autumn Blaze." He gave Scootaloo a hoof bump then played with his fiery red mane.

The procession of ponies walked down the city street. The multi-story buildings on both sides were brightly lit with lanterns and colored magical lights. Only the moon shone in the darkening sky.

"Where are all the stars?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Oh that," replied Babs. "You hardly ever see any stars here in the city."

"But that was our big surprise," pouted Apple Bloom.

"I know!" exclaimed Scootaloo. "We'll just have to go over the lights."

"That's a great idea," added Sweetie Belle. She stared at the Manehattan ponies. "Gather together near me." They complied, but gave her a questioning look when her horn glowed a bright blue.

Apple Bloom walked over to Babs and bent down. "Climb up cuz, and hold on tight."

"C-climb up?" asked Babs.

"I won't drop you," replied Apple Bloom. "Well?"

Babs cautiously climbed up onto Apple Bloom's back and strongly grasped her neck.

Scootaloo walked up to Icy Shoals, who squeaked like Fluttershy before clambering onto her back.

Glimmer stared for a moment at Sweetie Belle before climbing on.

The alicorns waited for a carriage to pass, then trotted out onto the road. They cantered for a few strides then launched into the air. Several onlookers pointed hooves at the spectacle as the group of alicorns slowly ascended.

The buildings resolved themselves into the Manehattan skyline as the alicorns gained altitude.

"I can see the statue of sovereignty," remarked Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, it's the first thing immigrants see when fleeing to the protection of the princesses," remarked Babs.

The stars came into view as the competing light from below waned. The alicorns and pegasus canted a bit to the right towards one of the few large clouds visible in the mostly clear sky and landed deftly on the soft surface.

Autumn gasped as Apple Bloom squatted down, unloading Babs onto the cloud surface. Glimmer and Icy Shoals pensively followed.

Scootaloo pointed at part of the sky. "And there is what we wanted to show you, the crusader constellation. Luna made one new star for each of us then put a nebula in the shape of our logo in the middle of it. My star is that bright red one."

"Forever into time fillies and colts will be able to look at the stars for inspiration as to their cutie marks," continued Scootaloo.

"So you are that close with Princess Luna then?" asked Icy Shoals. "Don't you ever get scared of her?"

"Of Luna?" replied Scootaloo. "Never! She is the most devoted princess you could ever hope for, always willing to use her time to sweep away the nightmares from pony dreams."

"If either of the diarchs have grown cold through the years, it is her sister Princess Celestia," added Sweetie Belle. "She seems to be all business on the inside while Luna seems to care."

"Did it hurt to become an alicorn?" asked Glimmer.

"Nope, and the freedom it gave is wonderful," replied Scootaloo. "The only problem with it is how others treat you sometimes, but that is totally worth it."

Autumn Blaze noticed the cutie mark on Apple Bloom's flank and pointed at it with a hoof. "I see the crusaders get results in Ponyville. When did you get your mark?"

"A couple of days ago," replied Apple Bloom. "I was defending my cloud house in front of a town committee, and when all seemed lost, it appeared."

"Actually it's getting kinda late," stated Babs. "We'll have plenty of time tomorrow, and I promised the Oranges the crusaders would go there directly from the station. They are probably worried."

The other ponies looked a bit disappointed, except for Apple Bloom who looked relieved.

The ponies climbed upon their respective rides, and the group glided back down to the road below. They bantered back and forth a bit as they passed by several streets worth of houses. Eventually they came to an elegant six story apartment building.

"Well, this is the place," said Babs.

"Aren't you coming with us?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Naw, I don't live here," replied Babs. "I live deeper into the city."

"But I thought we were going to spend time together," stated Apple Bloom. "Can't we go to your place?"

"You wouldn't want to do that," replied Babs. "There simply wouldn't be enough room. The Oranges have the best of everything in their penthouse. I live in a small two room flat above a storefront. We don't even have a spare sofa."

Babs pulled a sheet of paper out of her saddle bags. "Our chapter meets at the Rotary on 36th and Cherry. I live on Bowery Road off 54th. It's all on this map, but we will try to meet you here. Have a nice night."

The crusaders said their goodbyes and passed through the revolving door to enter the building.

They heard the bubbling of an ornate fountain, and the sound of casual conversations. Several ponies were milling about on cushioned benches around an oak table to their right. A pony in a flannel suit jacket stared at them from behind the counter at the far end of the lobby.

Apple Bloom hovered barely inside the entrance, as if just walking on the marble floors might somehow damage something.

Sweetie Belle whispered to Apple Bloom, "The floors won't bite."

This left Scootaloo to take point. She strode confidently toward the receptionist. "The Oranges invited us to stay for the weekend."

He pulled out a notebook and turned through the pages. "Apple Bloom plus two?"

The ponies nodded.

The receptionist pointed toward an elevator behind him. "Penthouse suite, top floor."

Scootaloo thanked the receptionist, and the crusaders walked up to the elevator. The elegant copper grating parted, and another formally dressed pony asked them which floor they wanted as they entered.

"Penthouse please," said Apple Bloom.

The pony pushed one lever which closed the grating, then moved another lever to the side.

They heard the sound of a motor running, and the pulling of chains across gears as the elevator lurched into motion. Floor after floor passed by under the careful eyes of the operator. He moved the lever slowly back to the center position, expertly bringing the elevator to a gentle stop exactly on the proper floor. He then opened the grate and pointed at the exit.

The crusaders walked along the richly carpeted hallway to a gilt door. Scootaloo rapped on the door which quickly opened.

"You must be Scootaloo," said Mrs. Orange while extending a hoof. "It is a pleasure to meet you." She clapped her hooves. "Come right in, and Lily Valet will see to your...saddle bags."

They entered a large common area. Several couches were arrayed around the edges of the room, and any space that did not have a window was filled with some object of art. After their saddle bags were rapidly liberated by Lily, they carefully made their way to the least opulent of the couches, and sat down.

Mr. Orange entered from a side door, and asked the crusaders if they needed anything to eat or drink. They relayed that they hadn't eaten dinner yet, so Mr. Orange asked Lily to prepare something.

Lily came out a few moments later with glasses of juice for the crusaders, and wine for the Oranges. She laid them down and retreated from the room in deferent silence.

"Lily is a true gem," said Mrs. Orange. "When the Millers from the building across the way went on Zebrican safari, we immediately snatched her up. I don't know how I managed without her."

"But enough about the help," added Mrs. Orange. "How are you finding Manehattan?"

"It is...big," replied Scootaloo.

"And the local crusaders seemed quite nice," added Sweetie Belle.

"But it doesn't smell quite right," stated Apple Bloom.

"You know I think Applejack made that same remark when she came to visit so many years ago," said Mr. Orange. "It doesn't take long to get used to, and it goes away entirely for a while after every rain."

"It is a small price to pay for the culture," said Mrs. Orange. On seeing Apple Bloom cringe, she added, "and we have a lot of culture planned for this weekend. This is our chance to expose you to something more relevant than a country fair."

"But I want to spend time with Babs," whined Apple Bloom.

"You will have plenty of opportunities to spend time with your cousin on other trips," said Mrs. Orange. "We have just the one. Now don't sigh, I'm sure you will find the Maretroplitan Museum of Art worthy of your time."

Lily walked in with a plate full of stuffed cucumbers. She moved a small table in front of the couch with the crusaders, then placed the plate on the table without making eye contact. She then left the room.

It was Mrs. Orange's turn to cringe as she watched the crusaders devour the plate of hors d'oeuvres.

They talked cordially for about an hour before Lily showed them to their rooms. They tried to strike up a conversation with her, but the most they could get out of her was a "yes, ma'am."


For the crusaders, the next morning consisted of a light breakfast of fruit, followed by a painful amount of time preparing them, preening them, and lastly perfuming them, under the ministrations of Lily, and the watchful eyes of Mrs. Orange.

When she was satisfied with the appearance of the crusaders, they boarded a carriage and were taken deeper into the city.

The Maretropolitan Museum of Art turned out to be a very large building of worked masonry. It was an odd combination of pegasus architecture and Manehattan composition, depicting the grandeur of the former with the efficiency of the latter. That is at least the rough estimation of the building that Apple Bloom related. Scootaloo's attention was more drawn to all of the snooty ponies who seemed to be acquiring an infusion of ego from just breathing the air around the place. Sweetie Belle was more concerned with the sheer amount of bits and effort that went into the building.

The Oranges patiently waited a couple of minutes while the crusaders just stood in front of the building, before commenting that while it was a landmark, the exhibits were inside. This got some color into the cheeks of the crusaders as they walked up the steps toward the front entrance.

Mrs. Orange took the lead, and started a conversation with the concierge. The tension between them slowly grew, and Scootaloo noticed a comment about how much they had donated to the museum, which resulted in the stallion rolling his eyes. He talked to one of the security ponies, who seemingly appeared from nowhere on a gesture. Mrs. Orange thanked the concierge, dropped a hoofful of bits into the admission box, and walked back to the rest of her group.

A few minutes later, a light brown mare with a greying auburn mane trotted into the lobby. She introduced herself as Deductive Factor, one of the curators of the museum. After a long speech on the history of the museum, and a strict admonition against touching anything, she led the ponies deeper into the complex.

The first room contained a gallery of pony portraits. Factor went over the history of the figures in each of the paintings, as well as the biography of the artist. The crusaders strained to stay awake.

The next room had a selection of Neighponese artwork. Factor described the tapestries, fans, dividers, statuary, and artwork of the distant nation in a way that only Twilight would appreciate. Each of the crusaders found some aspect of the display at least mildly interesting. Sweetie Belle was sure her sister could incorporate some of the patterns in her work, while Apple Bloom appreciated the techniques used in the creation of the statuary.

Then there was a display of armor throughout the ages. Scootaloo paid attention to Factor for this exhibit even though it was presented in a dry manner, while her fellow crusaders' minds drifted.

Scootaloo became even more focused during the griffon art exhibit. Her attention waned when it moved onto Minotaurs.

Sweetie Belle showed interest in the musical instruments exhibit, but was disappointed when there was no wind harp.

All three crusaders fought their boredom in the modern art wing. When Factor spent ten full minutes talking about a painting of a soup can, Scootaloo was about to interrupt, but a single glare from Mrs. Orange stopped her.

Five boring exhibits later, the tour led them into the commissary. Factor departed their company, and the group settled in for a late lunch.

The food was bland, and the portions unsatisfying. It did not seem to bother the Oranges, who chattered about the exhibits and made other light conversation.

Apple Bloom silently thanked Luna as they left the restaurant. She would finally be able to spend at least a little time with her cousin. She could see the sunlight drifting through the windows near the exit in the distance.

A small snicker was heard out of the concierge as Deductive Factor met the group near the exit. "Hello again. I just wanted to thank you for completing the entire tour. You are the first group in years that has not cut out for an early lunch."

"I can't believe any pony would bail on your excellent tour," said Mrs. Orange. She prodded Mr. Orange who promptly agreed with his wife.

"Well, if you don't mind then, I would like your opinion on a new exhibit I have been working on for the past couple of years," replied Factor.

The crusaders drooped slightly as Mrs. Orange accepted the invitation.

They went through a side door which closed behind them into a narrow walkway.

"I must repeat what I said earlier about not touching the artifacts," continued Factor. "A lot of the artwork depicting Luna was destroyed during the period when she became Nightmare Moon, and even more met their end early in the Celestial Era. It was very difficult to collect them."

"Luna?" asked Scootaloo.

"I get that reaction a lot when this comes up," remarked Factor. "Poor princess has an undeservedly bad reputation."

"You misunderstand," said Scootaloo as Factor opened the far door.

Scootaloo trailed off upon seeing the room ahead. The walls were covered in dark blue velvet. A dozen paintings depicting Luna were hung against the velvet in elegant display cases.

Factor in the meantime merely took her place in front of the first painting and started her spiel. "Long before Nightmare Moon and the appearance of Discord; back in the times of Commander Hurricane and a little after Hearth's Warming, we had the first sightings of the eventual diarchs. This is one of only three known paintings depicting Celestia or Luna with normal rather than flowing manes, and the only one depicting both. 'Celestia in Pink,' is in the princess's private collection. 'Luna in flight' is in the hands of a private collector who would not sell or loan it to this exhibit at any price. This painting is 'Alicorns at rest.' It shows the pair of diarchs sleeping together against a pile of hay in an unknown location. Whether this was the imagination of the artist, or if he snuck up on them at some time while they were traveling is unknown, but magical dating verifies the extreme age of the portrait.

"'Luna's Performance' dates to only thirty years later. Here we see her using her magic to play a lyre before a small audience of ponies. The jet black instrument has only been depicted in two other works. Before the coming of Discord she used to occasionally play it, and several other instruments in public. After Discord, her performances were mostly private.

"'Nightmare Night' depicts the holiday as it was originally. We see Luna seated before a large bonfire, a pegasus dropping a token into the flames with a small line of other ponies behind her. Originally Nightmare Night was a holiday where ponies would toss a symbol of something they had lost, or representing a habit they wanted to break into the flames of the bonfire. Doing this would end their nightmare and let them continue on with their lives.

"'Luna's Shower' is significantly later, and depicts Luna drawing down a meteor shower with her magic.

"Which leads us to the most important painting of the collection. 'Luna at Cloudsdale' shows Luna standing before Hurricane the Fourth, a proud figure herself who was looking down upon Luna from her throne in Cloudsdale. Dozens of ponies to either side including eight horn players witnessed this powerful event — the day the pegasi acknowledged Luna as a Princess and came under her and her sister's rule."

Sweetie Belle scrutinized the picture, and prodded Factor. "Over there in the background, a bit offset and behind Hurricane," she said as she pointed at the painting. "Is that a wind harp?"

"You have a sharp eye," replied Factor. "That blue pegasus is indeed playing a wind harp. Strange that you would focus on that in this painting. Not many ponies even know about them."

"Do you think that Luna might know how to play one?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Play a wind harp?" pondered Factor. "I guess if any pony today would retain that knowledge, it would be the Princess, but despite her musical interests at the time, the playing of that instrument was done by very few pegasi. Even fewer would share that knowledge, and I do not think any wind harps even exist anymore."

"Still it is possible," replied Sweetie Belle.

"Yes, it is possible," replied Factor, as she shrunk back slightly from the intensity she saw in Sweetie Belle's eyes.

Sweetie Belle went back to staring at the painting, while Factor moved on to the next one. Scootaloo heard Sweetie Belle mutter something before rejoining the group.

Factor continued to describe painting after painting then went over several other artifacts that were displayed in cases near the center of the room.

She then turned to the tour group and asked for their opinions.

"The paintings are very impressive," said Scootaloo.

"Very impressive," said Sweetie Belle.

"And I think Luna will just love it," added Scootaloo.

"But the presentation might be a little...long winded," said Apple Bloom.

Mrs. Orange gave a short leer at Apple Bloom before turning to Factor. "It was a wonderful exhibit, masterfully described. I think it will be a major draw for the museum."

Factor turned to look at Scootaloo.

"I will tell Luna about this when we next see her," said Scootaloo. "She will want to see this personally. Your exhibit will help her immensely."

Factor looked pale, but maintained enough composure to guide the group back out into the museum, albeit in uncharacteristic silence.

All three crusaders moaned when they saw the red and purple light coming in through the windows.

Mrs. Orange turned to thank Deductive Factor, but she was already gone. In the measure of time that she looked, the crusaders took to the air as stealthily as they could, and made their way for the exit. Mrs. Orange called out to them, but they "didn't hear her" and passed through the entryway, then up into the waiting sky.

They went several blocks back toward the penthouse before coming to a stop on a drifting cloud. The crusaders then took a minute to stretch their stiff wings.

Scootaloo asked Sweetie Belle if she had a fix on their saddle bags. She raised one eyebrow as she glanced at Scootaloo with half a smile, and promptly teleported all three saddle bags right at Scootaloo's hooves.

They promptly donned their saddle bags, then Apple Bloom removed a map from hers. She studied the map for a few seconds, then placed it back in her bag, and jumped off the cloud. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle followed as they flew over the skyline of Manehattan.

Marble yielded to brick as the buildings became progressively less opulent. The clothes worn by the ponies they passed over became less fancy as well. Countless street lamps began to glow as the evening grew darker. It was into this strange mix of residential flats and brick storefronts that the alicorns landed.

The address given by Babs for the CMC headquarters turned out to be called Gray's cameras and phonographs. A long signboard declared that they both sold and repaired such objects at reasonable prices. They walked by a happy couple who were exiting the shop, an album of photos floating with them in their magic. Along the far side they saw a plain wooden door with the crusader logo worked into the wood.

The door opened into a narrow, steeply pitched stairway. The alicorns climbed the stairs single file. Scootaloo reached the small wrought iron landing at the top of the staircase, and opened the wide, half-height door that was to her left. She crouched as she passed through the opening, followed closely by the other two crusaders.

Boxes were piled from the floor to the ceiling along the entire right side of a very long room. A shuffleboard triangle was painted on the floor near where they entered. Babs, Icy Shoals, and Autumn Blaze were near the far side of the room, a podium and some bean bags sitting on the floor behind them.

Babs dropped a shuffleboard stick, and cantered towards the alicorns. "You made it!" she exclaimed. "I thought I wasn't gonna see you again on this trip."

"If Mrs. Orange had her way, we wouldn't have," said Scootaloo, "but it takes more than that to keep the crusaders from crusading."

Sweetie Belle looked at the boxes and back to the ponies. "Interesting choice of location," she said.

"Mr. Gray lets us use this space for our meetings so long as we help him out when he needs something from storage," replied Autumn Blaze.

"It's a little tight for a full sized pony, but we move around it fine," said Icy Shoals. "Present company excepted," she weakly amended.

"Space is hard to secure in the city," said Babs. "It took us weeks of searching to find this."

"And a nice meeting hall it is," said Scootaloo. "Actually, I have something important to share. Can I use the podium?"

"Um, sure," said Icy Shoals.

Scootaloo strode to the podium. Babs and Apple Bloom shared one bean bag, while the other ponies took the rest individually.

"For the longest time, we were doing just random things to find our cutie marks," said Scootaloo. "We had no idea there was a better way."

Scootaloo removed a book from her saddlebags and reverently placed it upon the podium. "This book is titled Stubborn Cutie Marks. I obtained the original from Aqua Echo at the Cloudsdale Public Library, and Twilight was kind enough to make a copy, which I am presenting to you. It is the only book I've ever seen that actually tries to answer the question we all have, and it should be our primary guidebook at all crusader branches."

She started reading. "There are two primary reasons why a pony does not acquire their cutie mark in the normal time frame. The first is that while the pony knows what their talent is on some level, they refuse to acknowledge it as their talent. This can be from being embarrassed about their talent, awkwardness in performing said talent, or having a talent that conflicts with what is expected of the pony in question. It can also be from having two potential talents and the pony dragging their hooves on choosing one. If this refers to you then go directly to chapter 7, Finding Commonalities—Your Choice Can Be Both."

Babs, noticing that Apple Bloom had sagged into her part of the bean bag, her eyes downcast, raised a hoof.

"The second is that the pony's talent is a complicated or broad one, and can not be expressed simply through one singular skill. This is a good thing. Some of the most useful talents almost never show up in a timely manner on ponies. The key here is to find the common thread that links the many things the pony is most adept at and why. A good process for discovering these sorts of talents is provided in chapters 8 through 11."

"Scootaloo," exclaimed Babs. "As interesting as that book is, I haven't had any time with my cousin." She motioned towards the door. "Would you mind if we..."

"Oh," replied Scootaloo. "Sure, go have some fun." Her wings lowered a few inches. "I was doing the same thing as Mrs. Orange, wasn't I? Sorry Bloom."

Apple Bloom smiled, and the pair moved to leave.

Scootaloo returned the smile, and turned to the back inside cover. She showed the small section, mouth-written by the author, to the assembled ponies. "The inscription reads, 'Thank you for reading this adaptation of my thesis on cutie marks. What follows are my opinions on the subject as opposed to the pure research. I got my cutie mark at the age of fifteen. Yes, if you are reading this as a seeker of a cutie mark, know that there have been others who got theirs even later than you did. I find the societal taboo against helping fillies and colts find their cutie marks an outdated abomination. At the very least such should be lifted at the age of eleven when statistically 90% of them have obtained their marks. I have been on a crusade to get this overturned all my life, and self-publishing this against the will of academia is my final act in defiance of tradition before retirement. Bright Light, bringing the unpopular truth to light despite all opposition. PhD, Pony Studies. December 573 CE.'"

"He was truly a kindred spirit amongst ponies," said Scootaloo.


Apple Bloom followed Babs as she descended the stairs to the ground level. They walked for a while in silence before Apple Bloom said, "Thanks for the rescue there."

"No prob, cuz," replied Babs.

Apple Bloom kicked a can as they walked. Babs slowed, allowing Apple Bloom to come up side by side. She sighed, and said, "Okay cuz, you said in your letter to not make a fuss over your cutie mark. I can understand, seeing as your friends haven't found theirs yet, but something is really bothering you, and I'd like you to spill."

Apple Bloom crushed the can and tossed it to the side. She lowered her head and shook it slowly side to side. "I just should feel happier about this, and I don't."

She took several more strides before slowly continuing. "I mean I really do enjoy working with clouds, but I can't use my talent on the farm, and cloud houses aren't even allowed in Ponyville. I could leave Ponyville to pursue my talent, but I love my sister and brother, and it just seems wrong to abandon them in that way."

She started talking a bit faster. "I can't even be sure this was supposed to be my cutie mark. It wasn't even possible for me to work with clouds before my...before I changed into an alicorn. What if my mark was supposed to be in potion making or something?"

She walked faster, Babs having to trot to keep up with Apple Bloom's rapid pace. "Everything is just going so fast. A few weeks ago, the only things I had to worry about were homework and chores, and now the last moments of my childhood are just rushing by. I was crusading with my friends, and now...I don't mind helping them with their marks. I really don't, but I just can't be as enthusiastic about it as they are all the time."

She slowed her pace back to a normal walk. "I am soooooo confused. I'm so tired. I don't know where I fit in anymore, and when I think about it, it scares me."

"Or maybe it's exactly what it's supposed to be," replied Babs. "Maybe you didn't find your talent because you couldn't do what your talent needed yet?"

"What of the pony who had the cloud house outside of Ponyville that you wrote me about?" asked Babs.

"Rainbow Dash?" replied Apple Bloom. "She built her house there because Ponyville wouldn't let her build one inside town limits."

"What would she think about having a few neighbors?" asked Babs. "You could found your own town. I figure other pegasi might not like being forced to live on the ground."

"I am far too young to run a town," replied Apple Bloom, "and I'm looking for less responsibility, not more."

"No, no, what I mean is, would she be willing to be mayor?" asked Babs.

"Rainbow Dash, as mayor?" Apple Bloom let forth a light chuckle just trying to visualize the pegasus running a town. "Then again, she does run the weather team," she finally said, "and she does have some deep dislike for Mayor Mare."

" Ask her," said Babs. "How many ponies have created an entire town? You could be another Granny Smith."

"Yeah, another Granny Smith," replied Apple Bloom. "I like that."

The road abruptly bore right, turning into a long metal bridge.

"But then again sometimes you just need some time away from your problems," said Babs. "Welcome to Pony Island."

Apple Bloom gazed across the bridge and saw bright lights of all colors in the distance. As they crossed it, they saw many ponies swimming in the shallow water. On the other side was a boardwalk with many vendors hawking various games and foodstuffs.

Apple Bloom followed Babs to one of the many stalls. She ordered a couple of sticks of cotton candy, and tossed three bits on the table. The unicorn behind the stall twisted the candy onto sticks and passed them over with his magic.

After the candy had been devoured, Babs continued deeper into the complex. Many ponies were visible, raucously enjoying themselves. Babs stopped at the gate to an arcade amusingly called Luna Park. They passed through a brightly lit arch that had twin pillars gleaming with light above it.

They rode the cyclone roller coaster, a large wooden affair with many sharp turns that rivaled flying for its effects on a pony. They rode the Witching Waves, the cart moving inexplicably in a wave-like motion as they steered it around the track. They entered the caterpillar train ride. A canopy closed in over them, leaving them in complete darkness as it snaked around its tracks and puffed bursts of air in their faces.

They ate some caramel apples, then played some of the games on the arcade. Apple Bloom noticed a pony who looked quite similar to Flim of the Flim Flam brothers running a ring toss game. She took great satisfaction winning the huge teddy bear that no pony was ever supposed to win, much to the chagrin of the owner.

It was only a couple of hours before dawn when Babs and Apple Bloom emerged from the park, the latter levitating her teddy bear proudly above her head.

"So, feeling any better?" Babs asked Apple Bloom.

"Yes, it was sooo nice to spend some time as a kid again," replied Apple Bloom.

"No more moping?" asked Babs.

"Nope, just visions of Rainbow Dash trying to run a town like an amusement park," said Apple Bloom. "I actually got some ideas in there."

"Then this is where we part ways," said Babs. "I'm way past when I was supposed to get home, but it was worth it."

They hugged, then each took off in different directions, Babs at a gallop, and Apple Bloom into the air.

Apple Bloom landed smoothly right in front of the Orange's apartment building. Her hooves clopped ominously on the floor, breaking the silence of the lobby. She slipped by the sleeping pony at the desk, and worked her way toward the elevator. It was empty so she resorted to the stairs.

Seven flights later she emerged into the hallway. She stared at the closed door for a while before quietly opening it with her magic. She entered the dimly lit room, closing the door behind her, and slowly flew toward her room. Over the light swishing sound of her wings, she heard Mr. Orange say, "You know you scared Mrs. Orange no end today."

She came to a landing and squeezed her teddy bear before looking sheepishly at the stallion. "Sorry?"

He looked straight into Apple Bloom. "She was cross with your friends for spoiling her reservations at a really exclusive restaurant earlier tonight. It was going to be quite the feather in her cap showing you off to all her society friends, but at least they had the respect to show up at a decent hour."

He sighed. "You on the other hoof decided to go off on your own into the city for the whole of Luna's night. This isn't Ponyville. It isn't safe out there at this hour."

"I was with Babs," Apple Bloom uncomfortably retorted.

"Did she walk you all the way here, and then have to go alone all the way back to her home?" asked Mr. Orange.

"No, we parted ways at Pony Island," said Apple Bloom. "I guess I was alone here at night, and so was she."

"It was plain irresponsible," said Mr. Orange. He pointed to her room, "Well there it is, have a good night's sleep, what is left of it. I am going to wake Mrs. Orange and let her know you got in okay."

Apple Bloom slunk into her room and went to sleep.


The next morning was very quiet. All of the crusaders woke up late, and they were mostly ignored by the Oranges. A small continental breakfast was served by Lily Valet, who also gathered their things together for their return trip.

Glimmer and Autumn Blaze met the crusaders at the door to the apartments. Autumn Blaze apologized for Babs not being there. She was grounded.

Apple Bloom watched from the rear of the group, as Scootaloo and Autumn Blaze discussed cutie marks, and Sweetie Belle talked magic with Glimmer.

The train was already there when the group approached the station. The crusaders said their goodbyes, then walked across the red carpet and into their waiting private car. They slouched into their seats and sighed, not looking forward to a long, boring trip home.

Scootaloo waved at the Manehattan crusaders as the train pulled away from the station.

"Now what do we do?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"I guess we could fetch out whatever guard they have this time," replied Scootaloo.

"Well I have a few ideas," said Discord.

The crusaders fell into the back cushions of their couches in surprise.

"I thought you were—" started Sweetie Belle.

"Oh, Tia saw fit to give me parole," interrupted Discord, "in no small part due to your actions as alicorns, and I just had to see for myself the ponies who have put me in the odd position of having to thank them twice."

Discord squinted at Scootaloo, then produced an oversized magnifying glass and gave a closer look. "No artistry; cast precisely as it would be out of a textbook," said Discord. "It is definitely the work of Twilight Sparkle. She has you on a leash, you know."

Discord snapped the fingers on his paw, and gave Scootaloo another look. "Twilight's spell was set up such that "responsible adults" defined as the alicorns, the element bearers, Cheerilee, and Big Macintosh, would prevent her little spell from going off. I decided to add myself to the list, and as there are no more responsible adults than me, I set my radius at oh 875 miles give or take."

He lounged into one of the couches. "Comfortable seating. You don't truly appreciate this sort of thing until you are stuck in one position for...but enough about me. How have you been enjoying the beginnings of your eternity?"

"Eternity?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Yes, I must say it was really bold of Scootaloo to use her boon to make you three alicorns," said Discord, patting Scootaloo on her head with his tail. "Totally unexpected, and from me that is a huge compliment." He turned to Apple Bloom. "Leave it to say, you have a long time ahead of you."

"Celestia already covered the outliving your friends thing when she tried to convince us to give up being alicorns," said Scootaloo.

"Mhmm, and how are you finding dear Celestia?" asked Discord.

"Cold and manipulative," replied Scootaloo. "Luna is by far the nicer princess."

Discord looked closely at Scootaloo, then gave a boisterous laugh. "Scootaloo, if more ponies were able to see things like you do...So very few ponies realize things are exactly the way you said. You know, I bet Celestia sent you out here just to keep you away from me during my release."

Scootaloo reached into her saddle bag and produced a thick tome. "She has also has me reading about almost nothing but griffon history. Like I wouldn't figure out something was up with that? I am going to have to represent Equestria at some major summit with the griffons, and she never even told me."

Discord took the book and riffled through the pages like he was shuffling a deck of cards. "You know, Celestia wasn't always like that. Well yes, she was always manipulative, but not always cold." He whispered into Scootaloo's ear, "I'll tell you a Discord secret: there are very few things more fun than taking Celestia out of her game. Her reactions when her well laid plans fall down around her hooves are priceless."

Discord did an aerial loop on the way back to his chair. "History books never do justice to the actual events," said Discord as he snapped his clawed hand.

The crusaders felt dizzy as the scenery shifted. Directly in front of them was a large stone table holding a sizable roll of parchment. Luna and Celestia were standing on one side of the table, and a middle-aged but regal looking griffon on the other side. Further in the distance was lightly wooded grassland, and a cascading waterfall which drained into a river that flowed behind the scene and off to their right.

"Now that is Celestia; not as you know her, but Celestia at her prime," said Discord. "Across the table, you are in the presence of King Swiftclaw, one of the wisest griffons of his generation."

"How are we seeing this?" asked Sweetie Belle.

Discord looked sharply at Sweetie Belle, the corners of his mouth slipping momentarily downward before catching himself. "Just because I was stone didn't mean I couldn't watch everything Celestia was doing. It wasn't like I had any better way to spend the time, but let's focus back on the replaying of my memory."

"Look at Celestia's face," remarked Discord. "She really thinks she is getting the best of old King Swiftclaw, and "little" Luna is not so little there. See the differences in mannerisms?"

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom nodded, as they watched the griffon sign the parchment.

"His nation was defeated and humbled, but he still held that inner defiance and guile that led to section four of the Treaty of Claw Falls," said Discord. "It was hubris that Celestia overlooked that clause. She truly thought that there was always going to be just two equestrian alicorns, herself and Luna, and that 'alicorn of their choice' was harmless."

Discord snapped his claw, and the crusaders found themselves back in the train. He pointed at Scootaloo, and bowed. "This brings us to your current situation, Princess Scootaloo."

"P-princess?" stammered Scootaloo.

"A horn plus wings plus responsibility equals a princess," replied Discord. "She probably didn't tell you that either, did she? Any time you act in affairs of state, you are officially a princess. It is stated thusly at least five times in the equestrian constitution."

Discord's face morphed into a smirk as he glanced out the window of the train, before turning back to the crusaders. "While I would love to continue this conversation, it looks like you have a welcoming committee, so I will bid you farewell."

The crusaders gawked at the empty space that used to house Discord.

The squealing of the train's wheels heralded their arrival in Canterlot.

Sweetie Belle looked out the window at the familiar red carpet that now sported a contingent of royal guards. "Didn't we just leave Manehattan?" she asked of the other crusaders.

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The door to the train opened, and one of the guards approached the crusaders. "We have orders to escort you to Princess Celestia."

Scootaloo glanced about self-consciously.

Sweetie Belle was perfectly still, clearly weighing her options.

"What about my sister?" asked Apple Bloom. "If the train arrives without us, she will worry."

"Not my problem, Ma'am," replied the guard.

Scootaloo shrugged and exited the car, followed by the other two crusaders.

The guards formed a perimeter around the crusaders as they wordlessly left the station. Ponies parted like water, letting the contingent pass through. They kept a brisk pace as they climbed the path up to the castle. The guards at the gate stepped aside, and they entered without pausing.

One set of stairs, and a couple of hallways later, they stopped at a large marble door. The guard knocked twice, then opened the door revealing a rectangular room with an oval table, several ornate cushions, and a fireplace. Seated at the far end of the table was Princess Celestia, who was just finishing the task of moving many papers into a pile with her magic.

"Welcome Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom," said Celestia. "Please have a seat and be comfortable."

The crusaders entered the room, and the door shut behind them.

She waited while they took seats across from her before continuing. "I apologize for the brusque way in which you were brought here, and the manner in which I have treated you during the past month. I had insufficient information, and I truly thought it was in your best interest to test your resolve when it came to remaining as alicorns. As for intercepting your train, I wanted to warn you about Discord at the earliest possible moment. He was released from his stone imprisonment earlier today, and I have no doubt that he will be trying to contact you in the near future. He is dangerously unpredictable and if he tries anything, I would like you to notify Twilight or me immediately."

The crusaders' eyes drifted from Celestia to each other. They nodded as one, then turned back to Celestia.

Scootaloo frowned. "We are not babies who need to be brought around on a lead."

"You could've just asked," added Sweetie Belle.

"It was imperative that you came here quickly and without much notice," replied Celestia. "It is my experience that the ponies of Canterlot were looking at the guards and not you during your way here."

Celestia sighed and looked toward Scootaloo. "We are going to have to work together, and I just want to try to get onto the right hoof."

Scootaloo met Celestia's gaze and calmly asked, "This wouldn't have something to do with griffons, would it?"

Celestia softened a bit. "So you noticed the books." She thought to herself that this might not be as bad as she thought it would be. "What have you learned about the griffons?"

Scootaloo grinned. "I learned that King Piercing Crest probably made an error invoking the Treaty of Claw Falls."

Her grin widened as Celestia's shock was momentarily evident. "And if he thinks he can convince me to give up what they consider the illegitimate colony of Prance at the upcoming conference, he has another think coming."

"Discord was right," she mumbled to herself. "That was fun."

"So it was Discord that told you about all this then," replied Celestia with a small sigh.

Scootaloo smirked. "Nope, I knew about it over a week ago."

"And how did you figure this out?" asked Celestia.

"I have my sources," replied Scootaloo as she tapped her wing against the side of her nose.

"Uhm, Celestia," said Apple Bloom. "If it wouldn't be a problem, I'd like to try to catch the train before it reaches Ponyville. My sister will be awful worried if we aren't on it, and I have some pressing business to get to as well. Scootaloo can tell me everything that is said here."

Celestia momentarily grimaced before assuming a practiced neutral expression. "If you find that more important than this meeting, I won't stop you."

"Thanks," said Apple Bloom as she got up from her cushion.

Celestia called out to the guards, who opened the door. "Apple Bloom has pressing business in Ponyville. She is free to leave."

"Actually, I have some pressing business myself with Princess Luna," said Sweetie Belle. "If that is okay?"

"Really?" replied Celestia. "Stout Shield, please escort Miss Belle to Luna's quarters."

One of the guards entered the room. Sweetie Belle stood up and gave a quick bow to Celestia before following the guard out.

The door shut behind them and the room became suddenly quiet.

"Hopefully you will prove to have better manners than your friends," stated Celestia. "You will be needing good manners, and a lot of training to be ready to meet with Piercing Crest, regardless of what you already know. I can provide this here in Canterlot."

"And if I were to refuse," asked Scootaloo.

"Then I suppose Piercing Crest would come to you in Ponyville, which would be quite a bad thing," replied Celestia.

Scootaloo nodded.

"This way, you can also have the pony I trust most, to be at your side during the negotiations," said Celestia.

Without any horn glow whatsoever, Celestia's wings retreated into her form as her mane turned pink and she shrank to Scootaloo's height.

"Sunny Days can be your assistant on this," said Celestia.

"Neat, Sweetie Belle was trying to teach me how to do that," replied Scootaloo. "She said the most difficult part of the illusion was doubling your magical frequency so it wouldn't glow. I tried it and produced a blinding violet light instead. She frowned when that happened and made a comment that stealth might not be my strong point. I wonder what would happen if I halved the wavelength instead?"

"You would burn your horn off," replied Celestia.

"So you would be my assistant eh?" asked Scootaloo.

"Yes, Sunny Days, lowly government worker unicorn, at your command," said Celestia with a small bow.


Apple Bloom trotted briskly through the halls of the castle. As she approached the main gate, she broke into a canter, then took to the air.

She looked in the direction of Ponyville as she gained altitude. As she expected, the train was completely out of sight. If she was going to beat the train, and stop her friends and family from worrying, there was only one way to do it.

Magic for Bloom, was mostly an extension of herself. She could reach out to the clouds, just like she could reach out to a tree, and they would do what she wanted. Almost any spell she cast had that same feeling to it. There was only one form of magic thus far that kind of unnerved her. This was teleportation. There was simply something unnatural about it that did not fit with the way everything else worked.

She thought back to the safety lessons that Twilight had imparted strongly on the subject. "You must not ever teleport over a distance of two miles," said Twilight. When Scootaloo smirked, she continued more loudly, "That is the maximum distance where the safety measures can overcome the error of the spell. A one mile teleport could have you arriving a hoof's length below the ground, then shunting you back to rest on it. A five mile teleport could have you arriving entirely underground to die a horrible death."

Of course being alicorns, she and her crusader friends had easily discovered exactly why the princesses always did long range teleports by air. In clear air, it didn't matter even if you were off the length of a hoofball field.

She stretched out her wings, going into an easy glide, and steadied her nerves. She picked out a point in the distance maybe a third of the way to Ponyville, and pumped magic into her horn.

She felt a touch of teleportation vertigo as the scenery changed. She modified her glide to suit the different air currents, and cast about for the train. It was in the distance ahead of her. She flapped her wings and accelerated into a shallow dive, allowing her to both catch up to the train, and to attain the proper altitude to come along side it.

She peered into the window to make sure the car was empty, and blinked onto the couch.


"I know the way there myself," said Sweetie Belle to Stout Shield as they slowly walked through the corridors.

They passed a pegasus who was going in the opposite direction.

"Do you attend to Luna often?" asked Sweetie Belle.

A unicorn with a serving tray crossed in front of them.

She entertained the notion of ditching the guard and heading up to Luna's quarters alone, but it wasn't worth the trouble if she were caught, and it would cause a lot of awkwardness when the guard arrived later.

The traffic reduced abruptly as they left Celestia's part of the castle.

She listened to the sound of their hoofsteps as they moved through the empty hallways.

When they arrived at the onyx door, the guard knocked twice upon it.

It slowly opened revealing Luna, who was sporting a fairly bad case of bed mane. "Are you here with my coffee?" she asked the guard before the door opened fully. She stretched and turned to Sweetie Belle. "And what brings you here at this hour?" Upon seeing the look that Sweetie Belle was giving, she added, "It's all right. I was already awake."

"I saw an art exhibit featuring you at the Maretropolitan Museum of Art," said Sweetie Belle.

"Yes, I heard they were putting that together but I was not aware that it was open," replied Luna.

"It isn't open to the public yet," said Sweetie Belle. "We just had the opportunity to see it."

"I trust it was done well?" asked Luna.

"Oh yes," said Sweetie Belle. "It was great, but I noticed something from the pictures. You have an interest in music?"

"After a fashion," said Luna. "I used to play all the time, and even composed a few works, but that was many centuries ago."

Sweetie Belle took a deep breath. "Do you know how to play the wind harp?"

Luna stared past Sweetie Belle for a moment. "How did you even? Yes, I am proficient in the wind harp."

"Could you teach me?" asked Sweetie Belle, her pupils dilating, an anticipatory smile on her muzzle.

"Now wait a minute," said Luna. "The wind harp is not an easy instrument to learn."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to learn it," said Sweetie Belle enthusiastically.

"I am not the best teacher," said Luna.

"You are a great teacher," replied Sweetie Belle. "We never would've been able to help that poor pony with the bad dreams if you weren't, and no other pony knows how to play."

"I am nocturnal," said Luna. "The only time such a thing could be done is at night."

"That isn't a problem," said Sweetie Belle. "I have to get up early for school anyway. I could adjust to waking up even earlier."

"And you would have to go to Canterlot and back all the time," added Luna.

"Flying here is no problem," said Sweetie Belle. "I could use the endurance training, and it would serve to make sure I was fully awake for the lessons."

Luna sighed. "You are dismissed," she said to the guard. "Come in then," she said to Sweetie Belle.

Luna shut the door without even looking at it as they crossed her chambers. On the far side, Luna moved a tapestry revealing a spiral staircase which Luna started to ascend. Sweetie Belle followed.

Hung on the walls were various musical instruments including the lyre she had seen depicted in a painting.

"As you might have guessed by now, I never lost my love of music," said Luna.

The stairs ended at a trap door in the ceiling which Luna opened.

"I come out here to play sometimes," said Luna as they passed through the opening and onto the roof of the bastion. "The acoustics are magically perfect, and the whole area is soundproofed so no other pony can hear what is played."

Her horn glowed with magic as two slots in the roof parted and the paired harps rose into view. "The wind harp can only be played outside. It never sounds right without a good flow of air." She flexed her wings and started to gently flap them. The wind currents from off her wings caused hauntingly lovely music to erupt from the harps.

Sweetie Belle instantly fell in love with the instrument. "Why?" she asked. "How could they ever have let something this beautiful fade from the world?"

"It is a very hard instrument to play," said Luna. "Only the most talented pegasi, who devoted themselves to it could ever master it. That was a different time. With the tribes coming together, something that set them apart didn't seem as important. Then the hard times during and right after Discord... No pony really had the time to learn it, and the ponies capable of doing so had more important things to do. I considered trying to revive it when things settled back down, but my sister thought it was better to let the new musical trends occur naturally and not to interfere. An instrument of pre-unification times that was already on the way out before Discord, that only a few pegasi could possibly play, was better left to the past."

Sweetie Belle cautiously walked up to the instrument, and carefully flapped her wings. The sound that came off the wind harps was awful.

"And that is why so few played it," said Luna. "Precise pegasus magic control in concert with her wings is the only way to do it. Now, are you certain you want to do this?"

"I want to learn," said Sweetie Belle.

"Then mind where you are," said Luna. "I will expect you here nightly, two hours before sunrise. You will have to come here directly by air, as coming through my chambers every night would cause the castle staff and myself undue hassle. If you are late then no lesson will be taught that night. If you do not show significant progress in three weeks, it is hopeless, and you will never ask me of this again. Do you agree to these terms?"

"Yes," replied Sweetie Belle.

"The first thing you will have to learn before you can even approach the harp is how to channel the air off each individual primary on your wings during a flap with no air being sent from any of the others," said Luna. "You will practice that during the day and be ready to perform that action off each feather correctly for me tomorrow night. You must be able to do this before the lesson."

"I will," replied Sweetie Belle.

"Good," said Luna, as she stared up at the darkening sky. "I must alight to my sister and perform my nightly duties. Be sure to master basic wind control before tomorrow night." With that, Luna took to the sky and flew off toward another distant balcony.


Apple Bloom relaxed in the couch, and lazily watched the world go by as the sky darkened.

When the sunset had faded to blue, she stretched and looked at her giant stuffed teddy bear. She wondered what would have become of their possessions if the train had returned empty.

Her horn glowed as she gathered all their stuff into a pile. She held the pile steady as the train came to a halt.

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack came into view as the train doors slid open. She trotted out of the car, the pile of stuff floating behind her.

"Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are in Canterlot," said Apple Bloom. "I would be too, but I couldn't let the train arrive empty and scaring you all. Yes, we had a good time in Manehattan."

The welcoming committee stared amongst themselves before Rarity asked, "When should I be expecting Sweetie Belle?"

"I have no idea," said Apple Bloom. "Celestia warned us about Discord and was mostly asking Scootaloo a bunch of questions."

"So, you trotted out on the Princess?" asked Rarity.

"I had her permission to leave," replied Apple Bloom.

"What exactly did she say," asked Rarity.

"I think her exact words were, 'If you find that more important than this meeting, I won't stop you,'" said Apple Bloom.

Rarity fainted into her couch, while Applejack cringed, and Rainbow Dash snickered.

Apple Bloom looked back at the pile of objects for a second before looking at Dash. "Are you busy tonight, I have some...things I would like to discuss..." She turned to Applejack, "...if you don't mind that is."

"I was planning on spending some time with Scootaloo," said Dash, "so I'm open."

Applejack shook her head then said, "I guess if you can put off a princess, we can keep your dinner warm."

Apple Bloom's stomach growled. "Actually, Olov's?"

"Sure thing," said Dash.

Apple Bloom split the items between her sister and Rarity, then took off after Dash.

They flew at a brisk pace into Cloudsdale, landed directly in front of Olov's, and seated themselves in a secluded spot near the back of the restaurant.

Moments later an orange pegasus with a black mane presented them with menus and glasses of water. "My name is Jet Streak, and I will be serving you today. The soup of the day is minestrone. The special is Eggplant Involtini. The griffon cuisine special is a honey glazed salmon, if you are feeling adventurous." He looked up at Apple Bloom. "I'll let Olov know he has VIPs."

Olov was at the table soon after. "And where are your other friends," he asked.

"In Canterlot," replied Apple Bloom. "I ditched."

"Mhmm," said Olov. "Both specials are exquisite tonight, but I am always partial to salmon."

"I think I'll stick with the eggplant tonight," said Apple Bloom.

"Make that two," added Dash, "and a sparkling cider if you have it available."

"We do," said Olov. "Just got a new shipment in yesterday."

"Ever have sparkling cider?" asked Dash. "Two of those as well."

Olov bowed and backed away from the table.

"I'm surprised AJ doesn't make sparkling cider," said Dash.

"She thinks it's good enough as it is," said Apple Bloom. "At least she hasn't failed to sell out yet, so there has never been a need."

"Yeah, she sells out," grumbled Dash, then she downed her water in one go.

"You should ask her to save you a barrel," said Apple Bloom. "She would do that for you."

Dash looked straight through Apple Bloom. "She does that?"

"Well, thirty barrels goes to the Rich family each season," said Apple Bloom. "Putting aside one extra barrel wouldn't be a problem."

"I could have had..." said Dash quietly to herself. "Yes, please do that. Two barrels, no three."

"Ooookay," said Apple Bloom as Olov pushed a tray next to their table.

"Two eggplant specials and sparkling ciders," said Olov as he placed the meals in front of the ponies, the aroma from the eggplant wafting tauntingly from the plates, "complements of the house as always."

Olov wheeled the cart away.

Both ponies tore into their eggplant, contented smiles rapidly gracing both their muzzles.

Apple Bloom tried some of her cider and sneezed, eliciting soft snickers from Dash.

She tried a lesser amount, and considered the taste while minding the bubbles. "I think I like our normal cider better."

"It tastes better the second time," replied Dash, "but I don't think you just invited me here to drink cider and eat eggplant."

"Well," said Apple Bloom, "when I was in Manehattan I was pondering about my cutie mark, and the troubles I had with Mayor Mare."

"Mhmm," said Dash, as she finished the last bit of Eggplant.

"Since I can't make houses in Ponyville without problems," said Apple Bloom. "I had the idea of building some pegasus housing in the Whitetail Woods. It only takes a few houses to form a new town, and..."

"Fourteen," interrupted Dash. "It takes fourteen houses to form an official town."

"So you have already considered this?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Looked into it before I built my house," said Dash. "Then I found out that Ponyville still has to provide some basic services even if I am not part of an official town."

"But it would be better if you had an official town," said Apple Bloom.

"I guess," replied Dash, "but I like my privacy anyway."

"The other houses wouldn't have to be right next to yours," said Apple Bloom. "I could build them a mile away and it would still count."

"Two miles actually," replied Dash, "and beyond a hundred trots, I couldn't stop you from placing a town anyway. That's one of the problems of simply staking out a homestead."

"I wouldn't want to cause you any problems," replied Apple Bloom. "I just thought you might want to be a part of the new town."

"Well, there is more to founding a town than just building a few houses," said Dash. "Have you even thought of what it takes to be mayor of a town?"

"I was actually thinking of you as mayor," said Apple Bloom.

"Me?" asked Dash.

"Yes, I mean you are well known by all the pegasi," said Apple Bloom. "Many of the ponies who would live there work under you on the weather patrol, and just think of the look on Mayor Mare's face when she hears you are the mayor of a new town right next to hers."

"And where are you going to be getting the materials for these buildings?" asked Rainbow Dash. "You can make one cloud house from wild materials, but if you want to make dozens..."

Apple Bloom toyed with the last of her eggplant.

"But, I know a pony who deals in such things at pretty cheap prices," continued Dash. "He lives just one level below here."

"So you're game?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Argent Core," said Dash, "and I won't make any promises, but if things come together right, I'll give it a try. Let's go though or we'll be waking him up."

They left the restaurant and dove down the level. They passed several workable middle class cloud houses and business offices before stopping at a particularly bland square cloud building that abutted two others.

Rainbow Dash knocked on the door.

A stallion the color of dust answered the door. "Hey Dash, Ponyville need some extra cloud?"

"Not today, Argent," said Dash. "A friend of mine needs some class B residential for some houses she wants to construct."

He grabbed a clipboard off the wall with his wing, and flipped it over to his right forehoof. "And how much cloud are we talking about?"

"Two, maybe three houses of this size per week?" said Apple Bloom.

He pulled a pencil from off the clipboard with his mouth and checked a couple of boxes. "Delivery point?"

"Sweet Apple Acres, Po...Actually could you take it to the Whitetail Woods, two miles east of RD's house?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Block size?" asked Argent.

Apple Bloom looked to Rainbow Dash.

"He is asking if you need the cloud separated into uniform smaller units with a quick spray of grease, or if you prefer the cloud in larger blocks that you would have to manually split with your magic," said Dash.

"Can I have a mix?" asked Apple Bloom.

Argent checked another box.

"Length of contract?" asked Argent.

"At least a couple of months, but probably much longer," said Apple Bloom.

"Indefinite, with a one month notice of cancellation okay?" asked Argent.

"That would be perfect," said Apple Bloom.

"Method of payment?" asked Argent.

"Gemstones would be easiest for me," said Apple Bloom, "but it would depend on how much we were talking."

Argent checked a couple more boxes, then wrote a few figures with a flourish, and reversed the clipboard.

"Six thousand bits per month?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Try getting it for under ten anywhere else," said Argent.

"Cloud ain't cheap," added Dash.

Apple Bloom gulped and considered the pencil. She took it in her mouth and signed her name at the bottom of the page.

"Pleasure doing business," said Argent. "Your first delivery will be Friday evening, payment for the first month due on inspection." He separated the carbon from the form and passed a copy to Apple Bloom, then brought the clipboard back inside, closing the door behind him.


"Your coronation as a princess is set for Tuesday," said Celestia, "a private affair that only a few select ponies will be attending, but something that must be done before the conference. I had hoped to wait for you to mature, but you declared yourself an adult the second your Alfredo went down your gullet.

"You are also going to need your own Captain of the Royal Guard. I would recommend Lieutenant Ardent Spear. He has been one of my most trustworthy guards for many years, and has had significant actual experience in the field. He also speaks fluent griffish."

"I already know who I want for my Guard Captain," replied Scootaloo. "Ruffled Bearing, the guard who was assigned to us on the trip to Manehattan."

"This is not a joking matter, Scootaloo," said Celestia. "Your Captain will be charged with protecting you from the many dangers that you may face. Your choice also reflects upon how you project to other ponies. Ruffled Bearing isn't even an officer. He has no major distinctions. Do you really want such a pony leading your guard?"

"He is exactly what I want," repeated Scootaloo. "The only reason he hasn't been promoted is because his talent is to not stand out among other ponies. I want a guard who will not stand out. Plus he talks to me, not over me, or around me. He is a pegasus, so he can go with me to places by air, and if he is as unnoticed as you say then no ponies will care that he wasn't an officer before this because they simply won't know. By the way, he also knows griffish."

"He wasn't supposed to be talking to you at all during that trip," replied Celestia. "He was supposed to be guarding you."

"Like that would have worked," said Scootaloo.

Celestia dispelled her illusion and glared at Scootaloo.

"He entertained us on the trip down," replied Scootaloo. "If he had done what you said, we simply would've teleported past him, and explored the rest of the train. Oh, and whoever's idea it was to dress him in that tuxedo is the one who should be talked to. It restricted his wings, and was about the worst possible disguise that could have been chosen."

Celestia sighed. "Ruffled Bearing it is then."

Celestia called out to the guards, and one entered. "Scarlet Sunset, please fetch Kibitz for me, then draft transfer orders for one Corporal Ruffled Bearing. He is to be brought to the castle with utmost haste."

The guard saluted and left, closing the door behind him.

"Kibitz is the very best at what he does," said Celestia. "It will be a burden losing his talents for the next month, but you need him more than I."

A bearded unicorn wearing undersized wireframe glasses entered the room.

"Ahh, good afternoon Kibitz," said Celestia. "I trust you have prepared the schedule for young Scootaloo here?"

"A little tight, your highness, but she will be adequately prepared," said Kibitz.

"I have every confidence," said Celestia. "Please brief Scootaloo, and get her settled into her room."

Kibitz bowed and walked toward the exit. Scootaloo followed after a moment's hesitation.

"I have done the preliminary work, and hoof-picked the best six ponies for your training," said Kibitz, "but it will take a strict adherence to schedule if you are going to be ready for your meeting with King Crest. You are a very lucky pony that they could fit your training into their own busy lives. Tonight, you are to meet each of them for a half hour introduction, followed by a meeting with Argent Spear, and then I will show you to your quarters."

"Argent Spear isn't going to be my guard captain," said Scootaloo. "I went with Ruffled Bearing."

Kibitz looked over his spectacles at Scootaloo. "Then I will schedule a meeting with Bearing, and advise Gerolt that he has an extra hour to use."

"Or we could, maybe, just settle in after the meetings?" asked Scootaloo.

"Every hour is precious," said Kibitz. "You are looking at twelve hour days until the conference, and it just wouldn't do to lose an hour this early in your preparations."

They walked briskly down several passageways and up a set of stairs in silence. "At the end of this hallway is your quarters," said Kibitz. "It is a diplomatic level suite and has all the amenities." He turned down a side passage. "The room behind the first door on your left has been converted into a magical training room. You will be taking your poise class and magic class there. All other classes will take place in the room behind the first door on the right. Meals will be served at the dining room at the end of this hallway. If you want to go anywhere else, or have any particular needs, pull the tasseled cord by your fireplace. It rings a bell downstairs.

Kibitz pulled a pocket watch from his vest, then said, "Steady Hooves should be waiting for you in the magic training room," and walked back the way they came.

Scootaloo tentatively approached the door and opened it, revealing a large rectangular room with a plain red carpeted floor that extended almost up to the ceiling.

"Positively ugly, I agree," said Steady Hooves, "but I was told it was the easiest way to ward the room against stray magic for your other class. I am Steady Hooves, and beyond teaching you how to avoid announcing your dislike for something to all who would notice, I will be showing you poise, court manners, and the basics of heraldry. I also hope to include a lesson on dance."

She opened her satchel and pulled out a measuring tape. Holding it between her hooves, she flew gently over to Scootaloo and took her measurements. "You will be needing a full set of clothes, and training in how to wear them correctly."

She flew back across the room. "Now let's see how you walk...No, head higher, slower, not so animated."

Scootaloo went back and forth several times, sometimes with china stacked on her head, some of which happened to break.

"We have a lot of work to do," said Steady Hooves, "a lot indeed." With that she left the room, and a youthful unicorn the same color as the rug entered.

He paced around Scootaloo. "I hear you have a lot of power, heck, I can tell that just looking at you, but no control. I also suffered from a lack of control, but worked hard over several years to bring my abilities under my command. You have not had the luxury of years, but hopefully in the next few weeks, we will be able to get you to the point where you aren't a danger with your magic."

"What does your cutie mark represent?" asked Scootaloo.

"That is a ball of fire," said the unicorn. "I am Crimson Blaze, by the way, but I prefer to be called Crimson." His horn glowed a soft red, and a ball of flame flew out toward the far wall. Before it reached there, it dropped to the floor and vanished in a puff of smoke. "Good, they didn't spare expense on the wards," he said.

He looked back at Scootaloo and his horn glowed brightly. Scootaloo teleported behind him.

"Very good, an appropriate level of action," said Crimson. "You never know who might be a potential threat. Magic defense is another thing I have been tasked to show you, how to judge and mitigate threats. Of course it would be an overreaction to teleport whenever a pony lights their horn, but in that case you were justified."

His horn glowed moderately and he teleported in a pitcher of water. He pulled a cylindrical device from his saddlebag, filled it most of the way with water from the pitcher, dropped a metallic ball into the water with a small splash, then capped the device. He placed it in front of Scootaloo. "I want you to levitate the ball to the middle of the range and hold it there."

She reached out to the ball, but it wouldn't move. Her horn glowed brighter and the ball shot up to the top of the device, the device itself floating into the air before it dropped to the floor.

"I want you to practice with that until you can easily hold the ball in the middle of the device," said Crimson.

Next Scootaloo crossed the way to what she considered a boring lecture on Equestrian law by a snooty old unicorn mare.

The history lecture had a little more hope because she was to be taught "some things that a pony wouldn't see in a normal history class."

Her current events lecture, on the other hoof, failed to show her anything that she didn't already know.

This left her waiting on the final lecturer, who turned out to be a griffon. She found Gerolt's lecture on griffon culture to be somewhat interesting. She was also taught a few basic words in griffish.

Her bedroom turned out to be a very opulent affair, but the only aspect of it that she noticed was the four poster bed which she sunk into without ceremony, falling to sleep almost before she hit the overstuffed pillows.


What remained of the candle on Celestia's writing desk started to gutter and fail. She sighed and opened her nightstand with her magic. A new candle floated out and replaced the dying one.

Her eyes moved back and forth between the Equestrian constitution and the ancient black book that contained Starswirl's unfinished spell. She took a sip of cold coffee and trotted into her bathroom. She applied a minor illusion to cover the small bags she saw under her eyes, and returned to her writing desk.

A knock came at her door. She hadn't missed the sunrise in centuries and knew it was just a formality. She made her decision, and opened the door.

She wrapped the book in plain brown paper, and passed it to the guard. "Deliver this package discretely to my student in Ponyville," said Celestia, as she left her chambers to bring the new day to Equestria.


It was a long, slow flight back to Ponyville. With each flap of her wings, Sweetie Belle tried to focus the wind off specific feathers, but no matter what she tried, the magic flowed off her wings uniformly.

She landed quietly in front of Carousel Boutique, and cast a simple spell to muffle the sounds of her hooves. Her horn glowed softly as she carefully opened the door. She climbed over a sleeping Opalescence, and walked up to her room without waking Rarity.

She sat on her bed and moved her wings as slowly as she could, concentrating carefully on each tiny movement, but it was to no avail, and she started to wonder if she was ever going to manage Luna's task. Reluctantly, she fell into a light sleep.

She awoke the next morning and flexed her wings. After a few more failures, it became obvious that she needed help. She rushed through her morning routines, then bounded down the stairs.

She said, "Hi Rarity," as she breezed past her, and into the kitchen. One quickly gulped glass of orange juice later, she said, "Bye," as she exited the boutique.

"Have a nice...day," said Rarity to the empty room.

She hoped she would make it on time as she cruised toward Rainbow Dash's cloud house. She stopped at the entry and gave the door a couple of rapid knocks.

The door opened and Rainbow Dash took a look at the winded crusader. "Whoa, what happened to you?"

Sweetie Belle shook some of the sweat off her mane, and replied, "Can you show me how to control the wind coming off each feather when I flap my wings?"

"Why in Cloudsdale would you need to do that?" asked Dash.

"I, it's for my sister, and for Princess Luna," said Sweetie Belle. "She will only teach me if I can do so and it is so hard."

Dash pondered this. "Well, in flight training we learned how to do quarters for some maneuvers, and I managed eights for one or two of my key tricks, but what would you need sixteenths for?"

"It is to play an instrument," replied Sweetie Belle. "The pegasus wind harp. Playing it requires that level of control, and I do not have it."

Dash looked at Sweetie Belle askew. "A musical instrument?"

"Yes," said Sweetie Belle, "the nicest musical instrument lost to time. It plays beautiful music and Luna will only show me if I learn this by tonight."

"By tonight eh?" said Dash. "They took over a week to teach the class quarters in flight school." She noted Sweetie Belle looking downcast and added, "But they didn't have a teacher as awesome as Rainbow Dash."

"So you'll show me?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Sure," said Dash. "The weather is supposed to stay partly cloudy all day so there isn't much to do there. Nothing I can't ditch."

"Oh thank you," said Sweetie Belle. "I thought I was never going to be able to make the wind go off single feathers with no wind off any others."

"Wait a minute," said Dash. "You need no air off the other feathers. Not just all of the magic flowing to single feathers."

"Yes," said Sweetie Belle. "Any wind would make the wrong notes play."

Dash shook her head. "Now that's harder. She seriously only gave you one day?"

"Mhmm," said Sweetie Belle.

"Then the first thing you have to learn is wing neutral stance," said Dash. "In essence it's flapping your wings while using your magic to negate the wind coming off them. Your instincts will want you to have the magic flow out with each flap. What you need to do is reverse it. Think of lifting your wings while lowering them. Think of lowering your wings while lifting them. This will feel...weird."

Sweetie Belle took a few experimental flaps and grimaced.

Dash chuckled. "I need to go get some equipment, and find some pony to cover for me, so keep working on that, and feel free to raid the kitchen but mind Tank. He tends to be floating around somewhere, and you don't want to bump into him. This is going to be a long day."

Sweetie Belle watched Dash fly off as she continued to flap her wings.


Apple Bloom awoke to the sound of a muffled explosion directly above her.

She shook the sleep from her eyes and examined the ceiling. Seeing that it was sound, she placed a small defensive shield around herself, then quietly crept out of her bedroom.

She checked each room of her house for intruders in turn. Finding none, she exited through a window, and flew a ways away to allow the entirety of her house to fill her view. She quickly noted a blackened spot on the roof.

A second explosion rang out and she saw a fine stream of ash fall onto the same spot that was already covered.

She examined the ash, but found nothing special. She got a cloth bag from her kitchen and levitated the ash into the bag in case she had missed something or needed evidence of what had happened.

She waited about as long as she could without being late for school, then sighed and departed.

Her brisk flight was barely fast enough for her to enter the building before the bell rang. All of the chairs were filled except for the three larger chairs set aside for the crusaders. The otherwise full room felt ominously empty without her friends, as she took her seat.

Cheerilee was marking the attendance in her book when Apple Bloom called out.

"Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were called to Canterlot last night by Princess Celestia," said Apple Bloom. "They are probably still there."

"I'll mark them as excused then," said Cheerilee. "Please give them their assignments when you see them."

She walked up to the blackboard, and started her lecture on the history of farming in Equestria. Apple Bloom's mind wandered off the lecture topic to what her friends were doing, if that black spot was anything, how long she would have to harvest gems to meet the upcoming payment, and how she would lay out her new town.

The topic was easy enough that when Cheerilee called on her with a question, she was able to answer it correctly despite not paying attention to the lecture.

The bell sounded for recess, and her thoughts turned to her lack of saddlebags. She had prepared nothing for lunch.

"You seem sort of lost," said Diamond Tiara.

Apple Bloom turned to Diamond Tiara who was the only other pony left in the room. "I've had a lot to think about lately."

"As have I," said Diamond Tiara. She moved her forehoof in lazy circles near the ground. "I-I'm sorry for how I've treated you. I never really had anything against you specifically, but when you joined up with the other two and... It just kinda happened."

"Really?" asked Apple Bloom.

"I just wanted to see if, if you would like to bury the hatchet and maybe be friends," said Diamond Tiara. She looked closer at Apple Bloom. "Do you want some of my lunch?"

An even more shocked Apple Bloom followed Diamond Tiara into the schoolyard, where they sat together at one of the tables.

Diamond Tiara removed her lunch from her saddlebag, and portioned the contents equally. "I hope you like peanut butter and raspberry jam."

They ate the meal in silence, then shared a bottle of apple juice.

"That is a cool cutie mark," said Diamond Tiara. "Have you set a date for your cutecenara?"

"No, things have been too busy," said Apple Bloom. "I reckon it will be sometime next week though."

Some time passed then Diamond Tiara asked, "Are we okay?"

An uncomfortably long time that was closer to half a minute went by before Apple Bloom said, "Yeah, we're okay."

The bell rang, and they and their classmates got back into their seats.

Apple Bloom was even more distracted during the math lecture that followed. She was thankful that she wasn't called on to answer any questions.

When the bell rang, Diamond Tiara trotted up to Apple Bloom.

"Oh, my father wanted me to give this letter to you," said Diamond Tiara, pulling a blue envelope from her saddlebag. "See you in class tomorrow."

"Til tomorrow," said Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom watched Diamond Tiara trot away, then she turned toward the marketplace. She took to the air, the letter floating just behind her. She watched the ponies below, who were playing and talking as she passed. Landing a few trots away from her sister's stand, she closed the rest of the distance on hoof.

Applejack glared at Apple Bloom for a bit. "Finally found some time for you sister, I see," she said.

"Sorry, things have..." started Apple Bloom.

"I understand," interrupted Applejack, bringing Apple Bloom into a hug. "Things get more complicated as you get older."

"You don't know the half of it," said Apple Bloom. She passed the letter to Applejack with her magic. "Letter from Filthy Rich."

Applejack opened the envelope. "This is for you, not me."

Apple Bloom read the letter and sighed. "Seems I have been invited to the Rich estate for dinner. I don't suppose I can be too busy for it. It wouldn't be a lie."

"The Rich's are very important to the family business," said Applejack. After a short pause, she added, "You don't want to get into the habit of being too busy for ponies either."

Apple Bloom sulked.

Applejack sniffed at the air. "And be sure to take a bath and wear your fancies for the dinner. You want to make a good impression."

Apple Bloom kicked a rock across the square and started for the farm house.

"Don't act like it's a funeral," said Applejack loudly.


Scootaloo awoke to a knocking at the door.

"Breakfast," said some pony outside.

Scootaloo opened the door with her magic without getting up.

A servant wheeled a tray into the room. "Eggs and," voice dropping to a whisper, "bacon." She placed a few letters onto the nightstand. "Also a letter from the Princess, and a schedule from Kibitz."

Scootaloo devoured the meal, too hungry to really care about what it was, then looked at the schedule. Her gaze wandered to an ornate grandfather clook which rested against the far wall.

The "letter" from Celestia was simply an invitation to tea, something that was already confirmed in the schedule.

She went into her bathroom and ran some water over mane, then wiped herself off with a nearby towel.

She opened the other door which led to a study. The room had a desk, a low set chair, and an empty bookcase. She opened a drawer in the desk and was rewarded with paper and ink. Another drawer had quills.

She hastily wrote a letter to Apple Bloom, and folded it into thirds. She thought of her clubhouse, the cloud dwelling Apple Bloom built above it, then she visualized it as if she were seeing it from above.

Keeping this image in her mind, she pumped large amounts of magic into her horn, and concentrated on the letter. It erupted into flames and vanished.

She looked up at the ceiling, sighed, then pulled out another piece of paper.

She rewrote the letter, then concentrated on the air around it. Her horn glowed brightly, and the second letter also burned, albeit less dramatically as it vanished.

She closed the desk and went to class.


Sweetie Belle could see Rainbow Dash well off in the distance. As she got closer, it looked like she was carrying a small chest, and two fans.

Dash called out to Sweetie Belle as she landed, then she placed the fans to her left and right. "These are anemometers and will tell me just how badly or well you are doing with your exercises." She paused a bit then said, "When you are ready."

Sweetie Belle beat her wings and the meters started to spin. She tried again and they spun in the other direction. After a dozen more attempts she managed a single beat without them moving at all. Ten minutes later, she was happily flapping her wings up and down with no motion.

"Very good," said Dash. "You might have a future in stunt flying, but then of course that isn't what you are trying to do."

She opened the chest. "If you thought you felt weird before, that's nothing like you will be feeling in a minute." She grabbed one of the clip on discs with her mouth and mumbled, "These are dampeners. They are rarely used in the training of quarters when a pony can't get it down as a last resort. I never understood why though because they are so useful. I'd have started training with them."

She carefully attached one to each of Sweetie Belle's primaries except the first one on each side. "These will stop your magic from affecting your flight off the ones that are clamped. Hopefully you will be able to get a feel for how your magic flows, but even eighths are hard to do."

Sweetie Belle took an experimental flap and ended up doing a poorly choreographed flip, landing on her back. She returned to her hooves and pushed less magic into her wings as she tried again.

Dash moved the dampener from the second primary and placed it on the first, and she did a few more flaps. They repeated the process for each feather a good half-dozen times before Dash removed them.

Dash stood to the side of Sweetie Belle, and spread her wings. "I should be able to tell if you are doing it right, and by the way, it is definitely doable. I tried myself earlier and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. After playing with it a while, I even discovered that a three-sixteenths made more sense for Spitfire's Hairpin than using a quarter, so this exercise improved my flying as well."

Sweetie Belle took a few flaps and Rainbow Dash frowned. They put the dampeners back on and tried again.

The sky was totally dark by the time Sweetie Belle managed her first successful attempt, and three hours later before she could consistently isolate each feather.

"I think you are ready," said Dash. "I hope it was worth missing a night's sleep over. Will you be okay to fly to Canterlot?"

Sweetie Belle flexed her wings and stifled a yawn. "I haven't gone this far to give up now. I'll make it to Canterlot and back for...Well, I can sleep through detention tomorrow."

"Good luck, kiddo," said Dash as she watched Sweetie Belle fly off into the night.


Filthy Rich's Mansion seemed very plain compared to similarly sized houses that Apple Bloom had seen in her forays to Canterlot and Manehattan. If not for the size of it, the red masonry building would have fit anywhere in Ponyville.

She walked past a pair of columns that flagged the entryway, and pulled on a cord that hung next to the door.

Bells rang inside the structure and an elderly earth pony opened the door.

"Follow me," said Randolph. "Mr. Rich is expecting you."

The relatively plain exterior contrasted with the opulent interior of the mansion. Fine oak paneling with gilded design work covered both sides of the foyer, and continued down the hallway. The occasional painting graced the walls.

Randolph knocked once on a dark stained door on the right side of the hallway, then opened the door, and stood beside it.

Filthy Rich was seated on the far end of an oblong mahogany table. A single, ornately carved wooden bench was on the other side. Apple Bloom entered and sat down.

"Welcome to the Rich estate," said Filthy Rich.

A pair of servants emerged from a side door that blended right into the wall. One produced a very familiar looking bottle and poured a glass of sparkling cider into goblets for both ponies. The other placed bone colored neighponese plates, filled with some sort of crepe before each pony. They silently exited.

Filthy Rich gently picked up a goblet with a hoof, and said, "May our families prosper together for generations to come."

Apple Bloom reached for the goblet of cider with her hoof.

"Go ahead and use your magic," said Filthy Rich. "It doesn't bother me. I know I'd use it if I could."

They drank some cider then started in on their meals.

"Fascinating how a little extra processing can make a good product even better," said Filthy Rich as he took another drink of cider.

Seemingly the second they finished their meals, the servants took the plates away, and refilled their glasses.

Filthy Rich stretched out a bit then said, "Word has it that you signed a contract for a large amount of building supplies from Cloudsdale last night."

Apple Bloom glared subtly at Filthy Rich.

"Oh, don't be surprised," said Filthy Rich. "I have contacts in high and low places, even low places in high places, throughout Equestria. One doesn't get where I am in business without them, and it doesn't take a Manehattan MBA to figure out that when a pony with your talent makes such a contract that new buildings are about to be erected, cloud buildings, and the pegasi that will be occupying those buildings will likely be vacating housing here in Ponyville.

He took another swig of cider.

"This will have an effect on the local economy," said Filthy Rich. "Now we have had strong business ties to the Apple family for generations. It would be a sad state of affairs if anything got in the way of that."

"Is that a threat?" asked Apple Bloom.

"No, of course not," said Filthy Rich. "I just want to be here to help, and make sure you don't make any major mistakes. I know you aren't stupid enough to just give away the cloud houses you will be building, so you will be needing a realty. I just happen to run one."

"Sounds awful convenient," said Apple Bloom.

"Yes, it is," said Filthy Rich. "I want to be sure you aren't swindled by my competition, and that the houses go for a reasonable price. New businesses often make many missteps and I would like to be there to make sure you do not. Argent Core was about as good a choice as you could have made for materials without a business license, which is something you need to get as soon as possible. I can also line you up with a good accountant."


Kibitz escorted Scootaloo to a small outdoor area off one of the castle's many towers. Celestia was seated on a cushion before a small round table, sipping tea. Scootaloo sat on the empty cushion on the opposite side.

"So, Scootaloo," said Celestia. "How are you settling in."

"I've been...busy," said Scootaloo. "Kibitz has me going all day, and any time I might have to myself is quickly devoured by overstuffed pillows in four-poster beds."

"Welcome to a princess sized schedule," said Celestia. "You never know how much time you had until you become a princess, and then it's too late."

"Doesn't it get better with time?" asked Scootaloo.

"That is the thing about responsibility," said Celestia. "If you actually care, you find yourself doing more as you get better at it, not less. And then you look back, but this is about you not me."

"But so long as you have friends," replied Scootaloo. "This coronation, I know you want it to be a private thing, but can't I at least invite my sister and fellow crusaders?"

Celestia sighed. "While that might make things easier for you in the short term, it is very important to keep this quiet for now. You need to prepare, and once it is common knowledge that you are a princess, you will find you have even less time than you do now. Maybe now you see why I tried so hard to discourage you from your current path."

"I still would have wished for being an alicorn," said Scootaloo. "It just feels right, beyond having usable wings."

Celestia drank some more of her tea. "I see you haven't touched any of yours."

"I never liked tea," said Scootaloo. "Rarity and Sweetie Belle tried it on me a few times, but it tastes like bitter grass."

"You get used to it," said Celestia. "You actually get used to a great many things."

"I noticed the bacon," said Scootaloo.

"Yes, while you have eaten meat, you will be needing to be comfortable with a wide variety of it," said Celestia. "If you don't want to show weakness in front of the griffons, you need to be able to eat it without your body betraying yourself."

"I understand, and really it isn't that bad," said Scootaloo.

"It was never something I managed to enjoy," said Celestia, "but you would never know it at a griffon dinner table."

"When will the coronation take place," asked Scootaloo.

"Noon, when the sun reaches it's apex," said Celestia.

Scootaloo tried a bit of the tea and winced, then put the cup back down. "I don't think this is something I will ever manage to enjoy."

"Give it a few years," said Celestia. "Either you will, or at least no pony will know that you don't."

Celestia drank a little more tea, then got up from her chair. "This was nice, but I have court to get to." Her horn glowed and she vanished.

Kibitz entered the veranda and fidgeted with his watch. "You are five minutes late for..."

Scootaloo teleported to the lecture room.


After so much precise control, it was refreshing just to fly normally. Sweetie Belle relished the feeling of her magic and the crisp night air flowing through and around her wings. She continued to ascend, and turned toward Canterlot.

Canterlot was utterly dark, the ponies having long since gone to bed. She noted just how few ponies enjoyed Luna's night as she passed over the normally bustling, but now tranquil city. She made one final adjustment and turned toward the castle. She could see Luna, playing the wind harps, in the distance. The silence turned to music as she pierced the sound shield, and came in for a landing.

Luna finished her score and turned to Sweetie Belle. "You are prepared?" she asked.

"Yes," said Sweetie Belle. "I did as you asked."

"Verily?" said Luna in a half question as she walked away from the harps.

Sweetie Belle took her position, then inhaled a deep breath and closed her eyes. She reached deeply for her magic and channeled it through her first feathers while holding the air still with the others. A single pure note came from the harps.

Luna nodded, a faint smile across her muzzle, as she listened to Sweetie Belle cover the notes corresponding to all sixteen feathers.

"Next we will try a chord," said Luna. "Focus your magic through the first, fourth, and eighth feathers on each wing."

"What?!" exclaimed Sweetie Belle.

"That is a basic chord, a feather, a feather four below, and a feather three below that," said Luna.

"Yes, I know what a chord is, oh never mind," said Sweetie Belle.

"You will be using up to six feathers at a time when performing," said Luna. "One couldn't play much just using single notes. Maybe an exercise first. Try the first feather and the rest of the them in turn."

The first note pair worked fine, but Sweetie Belle struggled through the rest of them. On her third try, she mostly succeeded.

"Now try the first and the fourth," said Luna. "And the second and fifth, good."

The moon was nearing the horizon by the time she managed to pull off a chord.

"I did not expect you to even manage my original task," said Luna. "I figured it would dissuade you. I am proud to admit to being wrong. Be here tomorrow at the same time, and we will continue."

Sweetie Belle watched a tear fall to the ground as Luna launched herself into the air.


Scootaloo crossed the hallway to her last class of the night, and sat down at the lone desk.

Professor Memorial Script started droning into his history lecture.

Scootaloo wondered how he could remove any sense of fun from a discourse on the first contacts of the zebra and equestrians, a topic that should have been interesting. It was then that she noticed the book he was reading from. She raised her hoof.

A couple of minutes later Memorial noticed, and paused his exposition.

"What is that book made of?" asked Scootaloo.

"It is bound in dragonscale," said Memorial. "The residual magic of the scale helps fuel the preservation spell on the paper, and of course it helps protect the contents from damage."

"I find this topic fascinating," said Scootaloo. "Could I borrow that book so I can read more about it after class?"

"Those were good times," said Memorial. He levitated the book across the room to Scootaloo. "If you are going to be reading it directly from the source, I will move on. With the successful diplomatic missions with the zebra under Celestia's belt, Equestria turned its attention to the south. In a show of strength, both diarchs led a force a thousand hooves strong into the badlands. They hoped that Jade, the then current changeling queen, would finally give them an audience, and maybe normalize relations...

"...And so the second invasion into Equestria by the changelings ended with a dead queen. The changelings were not seen in Equestria after this for thousands of years. Thus concludes the lecture."

Scootaloo trotted directly to the writing desk in her back room.

She carefully unwrapped the binding of the book, and placed the insides into one of the drawers of the desk. She calmly wrote a letter to Apple Bloom, then folded it in half, and placed it inside the dragon scales.

She thought back to her lecture on magic, and wrote out the formula for the energy requirements of a long distance teleportation. She plugged in the distance to Ponyville, and used the minimum weight as her letter weighed under half the weight of a pony, then stared at the number.

She glanced at her letter, resting in the binding from the history book. She would only have one chance. Her calculations were rough and her control marginal. Though the formula came out to about half what she used before, she thought the scales should help protect the letter, and if she put in too little magic then this would all be for nothing.

She took a deep breath and visualized Apple Bloom's cloud house from above, then carefully channeled about two-thirds the energy she used this morning. The scales glowed then vanished.


Apple Bloom awoke at the crack of dawn. She packed her lunch, some extra water, a shovel blade, and a mining pick head into her saddlebag. She tested their balance then walked out her door.

She leapt into the air and flew out a few trots, then turned around to look back at her house. There was a hole in her roof.

She re-entered her house and climbed up to the attic. The floor was slightly bowed and in the depression was a metallic looking rectangular object.

She reached out with her magic and drew the object to herself. It was two cut dragon scales with a piece of paper inside.

"Apple Bloom,

I hope this reaches you safely and on time. I am still at Canterlot and will be for the next few weeks. At a private ceremony with no ponies I know, I am going to be crowned a princess at noon tomorrow (Tuesday). It would be so much better if you, Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Dash were here with me for the ceremony. They are treating this like a state secret, and have kept me busy constantly since I arrived. There have been some good times as well though. You should have seen the look on Celestia's face when I chose Ruffled Bearing as the head of my guard.

Soon-to-be Princess Scootaloo.

PS: I removed the binding from a really old book to protect this letter. Please bring it back with you."

Apple Bloom descended the stairs and removed her mining implements from her saddlebag. She exited her house and flew straight to Rainbow Dash's cloud house.

She knocked on the door, then again a few seconds later.

A frazzled looking Rainbow Dash emerged. "Kind of busy today, Apple Bloom."

"Too busy for Scootaloo's coronation," said Apple Bloom, showing the letter to Dash.

Dash blinked twice, read the letter, and then smiled. "Give me a minute."

Dash rushed back into her house and Apple Bloom heard the running of water. A short time later, Dash re-emerged wearing her gold laurel from the best young flyer's contest, and the gold sandals from her gala dress.

"I hope Sweetie Belle is back from Canterlot," said Apple Bloom. "She wasn't in school yesterday, and she wouldn't want to miss this."

"Oh, she's around," said Dash, as they both took to the air.

Rainbow Dash and Apple Bloom landed in front of Carousel Boutique. Apple Bloom gave the door a couple of firm taps.

They heard movement inside the house, then the door partially opened revealing Rarity. She looked at Apple Bloom and said, "Sweetie Belle isn't feeling up to school today. She caught a feather virus and looks awful."

Dash stepped up to the opening. "Oh my," exclaimed Dash. "Feather viruses can be serious. I should really take a look at her."

Rarity looked concerned. "Is it really that bad?"

"Well, if it worsens into feather croup she could be laid up for weeks without treatment," said Dash.

Rarity opened the door, and admitted Dash only, standing in the way of Apple Bloom when she tried to follow. "She is upstairs."

Dash quietly climbed the stairs, opened the door, and closed it behind her. Sweetie Belle was sleeping soundly on her bed.

Dash bit the edge of her sheet and pulled it off Sweetie Belle with a single practiced motion. "You're lucky your sister knows nothing about pegasus ailments. There's no such thing as a feather virus."

"I didn't feel..." said Sweetie Belle.

"No time," said Dash. "Scootaloo is being crowned today, and you're invited, well by her if not by Princess Celestia, so if you're up to crashing a coronation, we have to go."

"But my sister," said Sweetie Belle.

"I'll handle Rarity," said Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash climbed back down the stairs with Sweetie Belle shakily following. "She is already starting to cough. Thankfully, we have the proper remedies in Cloudsdale, but I have to get her there immediately before she worsens."

Sweetie Belle coughed twice.

"I'll take good care of Sweetie, I promise," said Dash. "She'll be right as rain tonight."

Rarity was about to make a comment about what Dash was wearing but they were already out the door.

Apple Bloom passed the letter to Sweetie Belle, as the three of them took to the air.

"Rarity isn't going to be pleased she missed this," said Sweetie Belle.

"It looks like all of Equestria is missing this," said Apple Bloom. "That letter broke through the roof of my house, and I am guessing that was her third attempt at sending it."

"She sent it straight from Canterlot," asked Sweetie Belle.

"That she did," said Apple Bloom. "and it kind of explains the loud noises and ash on my roof yesterday."

"But that distance," said Sweetie Belle to herself.

They kept up a brisk pace to Canterlot, then flew rapidly over the bustling city itself, landing right next to the gate guards at the castle.

Rainbow Dash walked up to the guard. "We are here to see Scootaloo."

"Scootaloo is busy at the moment and is not seeing any pony," said the guard.

"Well we're her friends, and she is going to be having a coronation soon, and we have been invited," said Rainbow Dash.

"Unless you have a note from Princess Celestia to that effect, you are not cleared to see Scootaloo," said the guard.

"Then let me see Princess Celestia," growled Rainbow Dash.

"Princess Celestia is busy at the moment," said the guard.

"Let me handle this," said Sweetie Belle to Rainbow Dash. "May we see Ruffled Bearing then?"

She overheard the guard asking the other guard, "Wasn't he the one who was just attached to Canterlot?"

"I'll go fetch him," said the second guard.

"I don't see how..." started Rainbow Dash only to be interrupted by a hoof motion by Sweetie Belle across her muzzle.

After silent minutes that seemed like hours, the guard returned with Ruffled Bearing in tow.

"Hey Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom," said Ruffled Bearing. "Here to see Scootaloo?"

"Yes, we're here for her coronation, and these guards were giving us a hard time," said Sweetie Belle.

Ruffled Bearing presented a paper to the guards, and they choked as they read it. They assumed a formation, then saluted Ruffled Bearing, and as one said, "We are sorry, sir. We didn't know, sir."

"At ease," said Ruffled Bearing. "Knowledge of my promotion wasn't to be formally announced until later today. Now I hear you were giving these fine ponies a hard time."

"We are sorry, sir," said one of the guards, "but we were given strict orders that no pony was allowed to see Scootaloo today, and we were following those orders."

"And the coronation is being held where?" asked Ruffled Bearing.

"In the western courtyard, sir, in twenty minutes," replied the guard.


Scootaloo awoke to a frenzied knocking at her door. She reached out with her magic, revealing a quartet of servants, and Kibitz.

"Up up," said Kibitz. "Big day today. It wouldn't do to be late to your own coronation."

Scootaloo yawned and stepped out of bed, then was practically shuffled off to her bathroom.

Two servants started drawing a bath while the other two started working on Scootaloo's hooves. She balked a bit but that just led to her hooves being held tighter.

Resigned to her fate, she tried to think of other things like if her friends would be coming, while the ponies scrubbed her fur, then oiled her wings.

When they were satisfied with her appearance, she stepped back out of the bathroom to see Kibitz looking at his pocket watch. He slipped it into his vest, shook his head, then said, "Special class with Steady Hooves, then the coronation proper, a meeting with your guard captain, and classes in the lecture hall."

Scootaloo cantered out of her room, down the hall, and into the training area. She saw Steady Hooves holding the ugliest dress she had ever laid eyes on.

She fidgeted a bit, as the ungainly thing was placed upon her. She felt constricted as her wings chafed a bit through the holes in the dress. Fabric trailed behind her, threatening to trip her with any movement.

It took over an hour before she could even trot in the thing to Steady Hooves' satisfaction. Steady Hooves then went over the ceremony, and corrected Scootaloo's responses several times.

She opened the door and Scootaloo passed through it. Kibitz was waiting. The pair walked down the hall, carefully down the stairs then hung a right, and snaked their way around the castle into a wide passage.

Ahead of them, they saw Princess Celestia, Prince Blueblood, and a couple of guards waiting outside a pair of large double doors. They swung open on their approach and the group passed through the opening.

The solar and lunar flags flanked the entry to the courtyard. The rays of the sun on the bright green of the grass provided a more natural look than the stale marbles and stonework of the castle interior.

Celestia walked across the grounds to a raised dais on the other side. Kibitz and Prince Blueblood sat to either side of Celestia, while her guards stood behind her.

Scootaloo slowly marched to the center of the courtyard, and sat.

"We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion," said Celestia, who then paused for effect.

"While Scootaloo ascended through unusual means, her heart is pure and her motivation sincere.

"Do you Scootaloo, accept the responsibilities and privileges of being a Princess of Equestria, to serve to the limits of your abilities, and never betray the harmony of this land?"

"I gladly accept the responsibilities of being a Princess of Equestria," said Scootaloo. "I pledge to serve the ponies and to protect the spirit of this land to the best of my abilities for as long as I shall live."

Celestia levitated a crown onto her head, and she was suddenly able to see the true forms of the guards in front of her through their uniforms.

"Stand Scootaloo, Princess of Equestria," said Celestia.

She met the gaze of Celestia, both doing an eighth bow, then met Blueblood's gaze who did a half bow.

She did an elegant turn in place, and saw her friends waving to her from the entrance to the courtyard.

She cantered straight toward them, and into a giant group hug complete with nuzzles.

Behind Frenemy Lines

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Scootaloo turned in her sleep and woke up. She could feel beads of sweat upon her mane. Lighting her horn, she gazed about the room to see her blankets in a pile on the floor.

"It just doesn't add up," she thought to herself.

She flopped out of bed, and looked out her window. The position of the full moon let her know that there was only about an hour before dawn.

She pulled a brush off its hook on the wall, and took a few strokes through her mane, then she grabbed her dragon scale binding, a bottle of ink, some paper, and her bits, and stuffed them into her saddle bags which she then donned.

She opened her door, and started walking down the hallway. The clopping noises of her hooves echoed down the hallway. Gently flapping her wings she proceeded by air.

She expertly traversed the castle to the section where her history professor lived without passing by a single pony, then landed in front of his door without a sound.

She rapped on the door. A small amount of light flowed out from underneath it and she could hear noises from inside the suite.

The door swung open.

"Now, just what in Celestia's name is worth getting me up at this hour?" asked the Professor.

"I'm sorry Professor Script, but I had an urgent question..." said Scootaloo.

"One good thing about history is it usually can wait, but since I have already been disturbed, just ask your question so I can get back to sleep," interrupted Script.

"When was the last time ponies mounted an expedition to Griffonstone? Or anywhere in Griffon territory for that matter?" asked Scootaloo.

"I don't see how that couldn't have waited until morning," said Script.

"Please, professor," said Scootaloo.

Memorial Script sighed. "The griffons are a prideful people, and... 50 years. That was when the last meeting took place in Griffonstone with King Guto."

"So all of the recent information we have is second hoof" muttered Scootaloo. "Thanks Professor, that was really helpful."

Script grunted and closed the door behind him, the light under the door flickering off soon afterward.

Scootaloo went to the window at the end of the hall, and teleported herself beyond it into the night air. She flew around the castle toward where Sweetie Belle would be being taught by Princess Luna. The normal noises of the night abruptly gave way to music as she crossed the magical barrier, coming to a soft landing near the back quarter of the tower's roof.

"It was remarkable how far Sweetie Belle's playing had come in such a short time," thought Scootaloo as she listened to her work the wind harps. She waited patiently for Luna to finish the lesson then trotted up to the pair.

"Nice to see you Scootaloo," said Luna. "I trust my sister isn't working you too very hard."

"She kinda is, but it's worth it," said Scootaloo. After a brief pause she continued, "Actually, I could use a small break. Could you tell her that I decided to go to Ponyville with Sweetie Belle for the day?"

Sweetie Belle winced, while Luna's eyebrow raised slightly for just a moment as she replied, "Yes, I will do that for you."

Luna turned to Sweetie Belle. "Have fun with Scootaloo. I think we can skip just one night, so I will see you two nights hence." With that she flew off.

Sweetie Belle regained her composure just as Scootaloo's gaze returned to her direction. "Could you use that illusion spell of yours to look like a griffon?" asked Scootaloo.

"Yes, but I'd never be able to hide the glow of my horn while doing it," said Sweetie Belle.

"Not on you, on me," said Scootaloo.

"Uh, sure, but why would you..." said Sweetie Belle.

"Great," interrupted Scootaloo as she started frantically writing.

"I am on an urgent and secret mission to Griffonstone.

Don't worry about my location and tell no pony.

Princess Scootaloo.

PS: Sweetie Belle is coming with me and if you could make some

excuse for her not going back to Ponyville, like her visiting

me, I'd be most obliged. I wouldn't want Rarity to worry about her.

She should be back tomorrow sometime.


She inserted the paper into her dragon scale binding and sent it off to Twilight with a loud bang.

"Up for a long fly," asked Scootaloo.

"Sure, but where? What is going on?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"I'll tell you on the wing," said Scootaloo as she launched herself into the air, Sweetie Belle following.

They rapidly descended off and around Canterlot Mountain to the Baltimare branch of the railroad. When they had followed the tracks for a while Scootaloo looked back over her shoulders, scanned the sky, then said to Sweetie Belle, "We're going to Griffonstone."

"But why, aren't they meeting you here soon?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Yes, I'm supposed to meet with their king in a week, but I have a sneaking suspicion all is not as it seems in the Griffon Empire," said Scootaloo. "I also really needed the adventure. I'm tired of being cooped up in Canterlot, and these wings needed to fly, but if I'm wrong, at least I'll get a feel for things directly rather than from books or ponies that have never been there."

"We've really missed you," said Sweetie Belle.

"Huh?" said Scootaloo.

"Well, with you in Canterlot, things have been...boring," said Sweetie Belle. "Well, maybe not boring boring, but between school and music, and Apple Bloom always working on her cloud houses...You were always the one who managed to get the three of us doing stuff, you know, together."

"It can't be that bad back in Ponyville," said Scootaloo.

"Well, no," said Sweetie Belle. "I-It isn't all bad. Even Diamond Tiara came around."

Scootaloo abruptly lost some elevation before righting herself in the air. "Diamond Tiara?"

"Yep, one day she apologized to Bloom at lunch and she's been all kinds of friendly ever since," said Sweetie Belle. "And her father's been helping out with Bloom's housing stuff as well."

"I don't buy it," said Scootaloo.

"But she has," said Sweetie Belle.

"Always look for the reason," said Scootaloo in an imitation of her Equestrian Law teacher. "When there is a sudden change in attitude, always look for a reason why, and you will often find something deeper." She changed back to her normal voice. "I'd give five bits that daddy told Tiara to play nice."

"But she has," muttered Sweetie Belle to herself, as she retreated into thought.

A train was chugging along ahead of them in the distance. They caught up to it and passed it, as if it were standing still. An hour or two later, the Fillydelphia line branched off to their left as they continued onward.

"I think you might be right, but I think it would hurt Apple Bloom if she found out about Tiara," said Sweetie Belle.

"I don't disagree there," said Scootaloo, "but they could be taking advantage of her."

"Bloom can take care of herself," said Sweetie Belle. "Besides, think of what Applejack would do if Rich took advantage of her."

"Ouch," said Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle's stomach rumbled. "I've never been to Baltimare."

"Neither have I," said Scootaloo, "and I don't plan to today either. We do kind of stand out in a crowd, and it might not be good if our journey became public knowledge."

"It's a shame you haven't mastered glamours or we wouldn't have a problem," said Sweetie Belle.

"I'm just not cut out for illusions," said Scootaloo, "although I have been getting better with other kinds of magic. Crimson Blaze has helped me a lot. I was doing so much so wrong."

Wilderness gave way to farmland which gave way to small towns as they followed the railroad tracks. Sweetie Belle could see a sign for "Wood Lawn" in the distance. "I could always go in alone to the train station and grab a couple of burgers and hay fries."

"Sure, we could eat it on that cloud, like a picnic," said Scootaloo.

Scootaloo flew up to the cloud while Sweetie Belle landed and made her wings unseen. She trotted along the tracks to the railway station, gave a nod to the conductor which was returned, then continued into the building.

The hayburger outlet in the back was one of the small ones with just a counter and a few chairs and tables, all completely empty except for the remains of a meal scattered across one of them.

She walked up to the counter. "Two jumbo specials with extra sauce, please," said Sweetie Belle.

The pegasus server yelled back, "Burn two then douse em." She turned to Sweetie Belle. "Where'd you come from? No train due for an hour and the last one left over an hour ago."

"I um didn't consult the schedule?" said Sweetie Belle.

"Hey, it's no business of mine," said the pegasus. "I'm just glad to be doin' something rather than sitting here bored, and I'm just makin' small talk."

"So it gets boring here?" said Sweetie Belle.

"Yep, except when it isn't," said the pegasus. "A full train comes through and whoo-wee I wish I had an extra pair of wings, but between trains it's all too quiet."

"Which leaves you lurching between boring and crazy," replied Sweetie Belle. "I understand."

The smell of cooking burgers wafted across the counter while the pair stared at each other. A bell rang, and the pegasus flew back toward the kitchen, deftly grabbed the bad with her mouth, and flopped it before Sweetie Belle. She floated a few bits to the pegasus then started walking toward the door, the bag following behind her.

"Nice meeting you, miss," said the pegasus.

"You too," said Sweetie Belle without slowing her stride. She left the building, then dropped her illusion, and flew up to the cloud.

"Did you have any trouble?" asked Scootaloo.

"Nope, it was practically empty in there except for the server who was a pegasus with too much time on her hooves."

The bagful of greasy goodness was rapidly devoured by the two alicorns, their hunger getting in the way of any pretense of propriety. Sweetie Belle rolled the bag up tightly, then teleported it into the receptacle down below.

They leapt back into the air. As the surroundings became more populated, they veered left away from the railroad track. The city of Baltimare became visible in the distance and the shoreline loomed ahead. The squawks of gulls, and the smells of the nearby sea flavored the setting for the pair.

The sandy shoreline gave way to the sea. Scootaloo took the opportunity to playfully buzz the surface, sending a spray of water up into the air. They spotted a pod of dolphins that clicked and squeaked as they flew over them. Eventually the water ended at a barren rocky shoreline.

They gained altitude as the land rose sharply, then crossed over deadfalls and gullies. Furrowed channels carved into raw stone by the forces of nature seemed hungry for passing travelers. Looming in the distance was Griffonstone Mountain itself.

As they got closer, they saw a single path winding its way around the mountain. They followed the path, constantly casting about for other ponies or griffons, but saw none. They landed just out of sight of the city.

Sweetie Belle's horn glowed as she cast her glamour on Scootaloo, the form of a griffon spreading over her.

"Try not to bump into any ponies while you are in there," said Sweetie Belle. "The illusion only covers sight, and contact would give you away. Good luck."

Scootaloo looked back at Sweetie Belle, noting her still glowing horn, then nodded, turned, and launched herself into the air.

Griffonstone looked like a complete disaster area. Dilapidated houses, complete with holes in their thatched roofs assaulted her senses. Griffons stood perched on their houses, or shuffled meanly down the straw-laded boulevards. It didn't resemble what Griffonstone was supposed to look like at all.

She tried to get the attention of one of the griffons, but it just breezed on past her, actually forcing her to jump out of the way to not get walked into. After two more similar encounters, she decided to try for one of the ones nesting on their roof. She chose a particularly old griffon who was resting on a house completely made of wood.

She rapped on the wall, waking the griffon, then landed in front of his house. "Excuse me good sir, but could you direct me to where one gets an audience with King Piercing Crest?"

"That'll be two bits," said the griffon.

Scootaloo pulled out two bits and the griffon floated down in front of her. He took the bits, then bit into one of them before flipping them into a bag at his side. "I don't know from what rock you crawled out of, but there hasn't been a king in Griffonstone since King Guto. For three bits, I'll tell you more."

Scootaloo sighed and tossed three more bits to the griffon. "It is a tragic tale of loss. The Idol of Boreas was the pride of every griffon that saw it. It was what kept us together, but one night Arimaspi stole the idol. We chased him to the bridge over abysmal gorge. Guto directed a lightning bolt straight at the old goat to stop his escape, but he fell into the gorge taking the idol with him. Without the idol, Guto's power diminished and he had no successor. The end."

Scootaloo bowed. In response the griffon grunted and went back to his nest.

Scootaloo shrugged, and flew directly back to Sweetie Belle, who rapidly dropped her glamour. Scootaloo opened her pack, and started making a drawing. The Idol of Boreas was shown so prominently so often in her griffon texts that picturing it was no trouble. She hoofed her drawing over to Sweetie Belle. "The idol is solid gold with a peach colored gem. Is this detailed enough for you to find it?"

Sweetie Belle studied the picture, then her horn started to glow, pointing away from the mountain. She took to the air, and flew slowly in the direction her horn led her, eventually landing on the bank of a ravine. She peeked over the edge.

"It's most of the way across and not too far down," said Sweetie Belle. "It looks pretty dangerous down there though."

"I've been to Ghastly Gorge with Dash," replied Scootaloo. "This will be cake."

Scootaloo swooped down into the ravine, but the gale force winds quickly pinned her to the cliff-face. She slipped roughly along the canyon wall until coming to rest on a small ledge jutting out from the rocky surface.

"Okay, maybe not quite cake," thought Scootaloo as she examined her abrasions and the precarious surface she was standing on. She felt the wind whip around her and quietly thanked Crimson Blaze for his magical teachings.

Scootaloo reached deeply within herself as her horn started to glow. She overlayed her own tumultuous magic upon the winds of the canyon and let the two mix, then she calmed the magic and the winds died down.

It became an easy glide down to an outcropping, where the Idol of Boreas laid waiting for the pony daring enough to claim it. She reached out and grabbed the golden statue with her magic, and floated it into her saddlebags. Turning around, she was startled by the skull of the goat who had originally stolen the artifact. She spread her wings as the unstable surface fell beneath her into the void below.

A few careful flaps of her wings later, she landed next to Sweetie Belle. She shook the dust off her coat, then produced the idol.

"Now we can simply have Rarity make a pocket for this in my formal dress, and the pieces will all be in place for my meeting with the griffons," said Scootaloo.

"Um, about the dress," said Sweetie Belle.

"Yes?" asked Scootaloo.

"Rarity is a bit under the weather right now, and I don't know..." said Sweetie Belle. "I don't think she'll be making the dress."

"Oh," said Scootaloo as Sweetie Belle took to the air.

Scootaloo caught up rapidly as they exited griffon lands. They gained altitude to avoid notice of a passing schooner, as it made its way across the sea, its sails billowing in the breeze. They maintained their height as they flew over the suburbs of Baltimare far below them. The city gave way to farmland, and soon Sweetie Belle was pointing at the Wood Lawn station. Scootaloo nodded and they came to rest on a nearby cloud.

They took a short nap to recharge and rest their wings, then Sweetie Belle glided down to the ground and redonned her magical disguise.

The restaurant was as empty as it was earlier. The pegasus from before was standing at the counter, looking up at the ceiling.

Sweetie Belle approached. "Still slow I see."

The pegasus turned to Sweetie Belle and sighed. "Yeah, slow days are the worst. Can I take your order?"

"A couple of milkshakes to go," said Sweetie Belle.

The pegasus dumped some ice cream, milk, and vanilla into the mixing machine, which made a whirring noise. She grabbed the dispenser and poured it out into two large cups.

Sweetie Belle placed a couple of bits on the counter and collected her milkshakes, while the pegasus went back to staring at the ceiling.

"As long as you have friends, you can always pull through," said Sweetie Belle.

The pegasus looked back at her, slowly nodded, then went into the kitchen.

Sweetie Belle exited the building, and took the milkshakes up to Scootaloo. After enjoying their treat, they resumed their journey, flying side by side and simply enjoying each other's company as the miles passed by.

The skies began to darken as they got closer to familiar territory. When Canterlot Mountain became visible in the distance, the pair parted, Scootaloo heading for Canterlot, and Sweetie Belle veering south toward home.

Sweetie Belle picked up her pace, and it wasn't long before she could see the houses of Ponyville, warm light spilling from their windows against the darkness of the night. "Ponyville almost seems normal," thought Sweetie Belle, as she passed over the mostly vacant streets of the town. She banked over Carousel Boutique, and continued on to what was Rainbow Dash's house. It was tethered to the ground now, as it really had to be for its current resident.

Sweetie Belle landed near the door, beside the two new cloud sculptures that Apple Bloom had recently made. She sighed, and walked into the house.

"How was your visit with Scootaloo?" asked Rarity.

"It was fun," said Sweetie Belle. "She always has this way of getting adventure into your life. How was your day on the weather patrol?"

"Oh, it was quite the day," said Rarity. "The ponies just don't seem to appreciate a little creativity in your work, and a completely clear sky is just so bland."

Sweetie Belle hugged Rarity, then walked into the guest room. She shed a silent tear, then went to bed.

Knowledge is Power

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Cheerilee turned a page on an oversized notepad at the front of the classroom, revealing a white sheet with a picture of a breezie floating next to a flower.

"These little ponies with the butterfly wings are known as breezies," said Cheerilee.

"Awwww," said Twist. "They're so cute."

Cheerilee turned the page revealing a pegasus in mid flap, and wind lines with happy breezies floating on the air currents.

"Every four years they pass through Equestria with help from the pegasi. The chosen pegasi provide the breeze that activates their pollen and allows them to fly home."

The next page revealed a bunch of ponies watching breezies in mid-flight.

"One moon into the break, the breezies will be passing through Ponyville. You won't want to miss this event."

To the sound of the school bell ringing, Cheerilee added, "Have a nice summer everypony."

Sweetie Belle charged out of the schoolhouse alongside all of the other fillies and colts.

She quickly took to the air and flew directly to the Books and Branches. She passed through the door and allowed herself the luxury of a slight bit of hope.

"Hey Twilight," said Sweetie Belle. "Any luck on..you know?"

"I'm sorry, but I just don't know what to do."

Sweetie Belle's eyes cast down at the floor as she said, "You'll figure it out eventually. You must."

"It was good that you spent some time with Scootaloo," said Twilight, deflecting the conversation.

"I didn't want to be away so long, but a true friend always helps a friend in need," replied Sweetie Belle.

"You're a genius!" exclaimed Twilight.

"I am?" said Sweetie Belle.

Twilight levitated the Elements of Harmony into a small chest and galloped out the library door.


"The Breezies are a semi-indigenous miniature race of flighted ponies who have transited Equestria, from Rambling Ridge to the Smoky Mountains, every four years since before ponies moved here from the old homeland," said Memorial Script. "An enigma to the ponies of the time, they were mostly aloof to contact. This did not stop some ponies from trying, but with no common language, and with the breezies unwilling to pause in their journeys, their efforts were completely unfruitful. By the time a century passed, it was mainly a curiosity, a few ponies leaving out breezie feeders with a few grapes at strategic points along their flight route being the full extent of pony-breezie relations.

"This changed abruptly in the third year of Discord's rule, when Princess Luna took it upon herself to protect the breezies. Despite coming close to discovery by Discord on two occasions, she managed to successfully escort the breezies through their entire flight route. She did the same four years later.

"In the first year after the reign of Discord, two breezies, Lilac Skipper and Ocean Breeze, arrived at the Castle of the Two Sisters. Princess Luna surprised all by arguing at length with them in fluent Breezie before announcing they were staying for the period between their flights. When questioned about her knowledge of their language, she shrugged it off saying that she learned it from their dreams. She also made it known that she was very much against this level of contact with their culture.

"Over time, the breezies accepted more and more help during their flights, but it was not until after Luna's banishment that they became practically dependent on the ponies for their journey. This is how things remain today.

"This concludes today's lecture," said Memorial Script.

Scootaloo vacated the lone school desk and stretched, her cracking bones competing against the hoofbeats of her professor. She followed him out the door and to a waiting Kibitz. Her eyes glazed over as she half-listened to his rendition of her schedule for the next day.

"Kibitz," said Scootaloo. "Could you set up a meeting for me with Celestia?"

He looked at her over his spectacles. "I will bring it to her attention immediately."

Scootaloo walked the short distance to her suite, and dropped her saddlebags unceremoniously onto the floor, then she opened the door to her study, and passed within, closing the door behind her. She pulled a velvet cloth off the Idol of Boreas, allowing the last rays of the setting sun to playfully reflect off its sleek contours.

Scootaloo heard a rapping on her door. She placed the cloth back over the Idol, and re-entered the main room, then opened the door.

"Celestia will see you on her balcony for the sunrise," said Kibitz.

"Thank you Kibitz," replied Scootaloo.


Sweetie Belle did a playful barrel roll in the air.

She came to a landing before Luna on her tower.

"Rarity, she's herself again," said Sweetie Belle.

"We—I know," said Luna. "I am pleased that your suffering has ended, and that the bearers are back to normal. My sister told me several hours ago. We actually had quite the argument at the time, but it makes what I have to say easier."

Sweetie Belle looked askew at Luna.

"What is your assessment of your progress with the wind harp?" asked Luna.

"Well, I still mess up occasionally, but I think I do all right most of the time," said Sweetie Belle.

Luna nodded. "An opportunity is available in half a moon if you find yourself up to it. The anniversary of when Cloudsdale, and with it the pegasus tribe formally entered Equestria, will be happening, and I would like to reintroduce the wind harp to their culture."

"We'd be playing together right?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Nay, Sweetie Belle," said Luna. "It is not mine to do such."

"Sure, I'll do it," replied Sweetie Belle.

"Thank you," said Luna. "I'd also be honored to elevate you formally to Princess at the conclusion of the event."

"But, like Scootaloo, aren't we keeping that sort of thing quiet?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Not after what is to occur in three days," said Luna. "My sister is planning a huge ceremony for Twilight Sparkle. With that, I no longer care about keeping your role in the future governance of Equestria secret."


Scootaloo walked down the hallways of the castle to the balcony which served as a state room for when Celestia wanted to impress ponies or at least leave an impression upon said ponies of her power.

The inward opening door was wide open with no guards in sight, not that Celestia really needed them.

Celestia was staring across the horizon at the night sky. An azure tea service with golden accents was steaming on a birch wood table in the middle of the room with a velvet covered chair awaiting occupants on each end. Scootaloo had seen several of her tea sets in her time at the castle, but never the same one twice.

Scootaloo entered the room without saying a word, and sat in the nearest chair. She watched as Celestia's horn started to glow. Celestia rose slightly into the air, as in the distance the blues and blacks of night gave way to garish reds, yellows, and oranges. A few moments later, the sun emerged from over the horizon, and the colors morphed into the more simple light blue of daytime. Celestia's horn dimmed and she took the other seat, then poured some tea for herself.

Scootaloo poured some tea as well, and took a sip. It was a strong dark zebrican blend, somehow made without a trace of bitterness, that she had never tasted before. She took a deep breath, then said, "How did things get so bad?"

"What do you mean, my little pony?" asked Celestia.

"I have been learning so much of our past," said Scootaloo, "so much about what we used to do, but then I think, 'When was the last time a pony went to Minos?' Minotaurs do show up in Equestria from time to time, but when was the last time we had contact with their capital? Then there are the Arimasphi who lurk just south of our borders. What measures have we taken in case they return? Even the Yaks manage to come down off their mountain to trade. When was the last time a pony visited them? It make me wonder why ponies seem to have withdrawn from the world?"

Celestia drank a little tea and paused for a while before answering, "I like to think of my ponies as content."

"Content, yes ponies are content, but we are so content that we don't actually do anything. We have almost become akin to the breezies, going about our days in relative safety, with our eyes closed. In the past we did great things, and participated actively in the world, but now we are content to just let the world come to us. It is as if we have lost our sense of pride."

"And you think pride is important?" asked Celestia.

"Of course it is," said Scootaloo. "Someday the world will stop coming to us, and will leave us behind. At that point we may find that our reputation doesn't shield us from our enemies, nor allow us to come from a position of strength with our friends."

Celestia sighed. "And these are the lessons you have taken from the history classes you have attended?"

Scootaloo nodded. "Sadly it is."

"I actually see a lot of myself in you," said Celestia. "It scares me sometimes. That said, you may be happy with one decision I have made. It has been far too long since we have had formal relations with the Griffon Empire. I had planned on bringing this up with you after we had met with their King, but assuming you have no complaint, I would like to appoint you as our ambassador. You could go with them and represent our interests in Griffonstone."

Scootaloo tried and failed to completely suppress her body from reeling at the statement.

"Of course the choice would be completely yours," said Celestia, "but I would highly recommend it." She took another sip. "Take some time to mull it over. I've been watching your progress and I have every confidence that you are ready for the upcoming meeting and the ambassadorship."

"So, I should as you said, mull it over," replied Scootaloo.

"Indeed," said Celestia, standing up. "In fact, take the day off if you like." She sighed as her gaze fell off Scootaloo. "You may, sometime in the future, look back fondly on when you were able to just take days off for yourself."

Scootaloo stood up, and deliberately walked out the door, trying to mask the extent of how shaken she was. She counted to twenty as she distanced herself from the state room. She chanced one glance over her shoulder to confirm that she wasn't being watched, then took to the air.

She passed through several corridors at borderline unsafe speeds, arriving at the library, where she dropped to the ground, and walked purposefully into the annex, then continued straight on to the reference desk.

"Do you have any books that describe how to send off scrolls to dragons?" asked Scootaloo.

"You'd be wanting 'Fanning the Flames,' said the librarian. "It's the definitive work on dragons, I know for a fact that it has that spell in it."

The librarian walked back through the shelves and returned with a large scale-bound tome.

Scootaloo thanked the librarian and carried the book in her magic to one of the many nearby reading tables that circled the center of the room, placing it gently near the lamp which sat at the corner of the table.

She concentrated on the writing desk in her chambers, then specifically on the ink and scrolls contained in one of its drawers. She calmed herself and focused her magic. Her horn glowed and the air stirred slightly as they appeared before her with a popping noise loud enough to draw a few shushing noises from the other library patrons. She smiled and took the pen in her magic.


It's been a while. It's been fine here in Canterlot, although the castle staff here can't make nachos to save their lives. I have a question to ask you. I know Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was Twilight's foalsitter, and a few dry historical facts, but not much else. What could you tell me about her?

With thanks,
Princess Scootaloo."

She opened the book to the table of contents. The dragonfire sending spell was in a middle chapter.

The spell itself was everything she had to avoid doing when casting other spells. It was so simple. She concentrated on the scroll and it erupted into flames.

She waited. Just when she thought something must have gone wrong with her original sending, or that Spike was simply too busy to reply, a scroll materialized in front of her.


Cadance (she hates her full title) is a kind, smart, and thoughtful pony. Really, she is great. And thanks for the compliment on my cooking, and sending me a letter. I get tons of letters for Twilight but never ones for me.


Scootaloo twirled her quill in midair for a few moments then started penning another scroll.


That was quite helpful, and I apologize for not writing. I simply didn't think of looking up the spell to do this. You should get out more, on your own. Spending your life entirely in Twilight's shadow won't get you your own mail. You have a lot to give.

Princess Scootaloo."

Scootaloo returned the book to the librarian, and teleported the quill and scrolls back into her desk, then she strode out of the library.

She walked down the halls to the commissary, where she had eaten most of her meals at the castle. All but one of the plain oak tables were empty. As she approached the front of the room, where a bored-looking unicorn stallion wearing a vest stood waiting for orders, another scroll materialized in front of her.

"Princess Scootaloo,

I wasn't upset at you not writing, and yes I could get out more, but Twilight needs me. She shows appreciation in her own way. She really does.


Scootaloo grabbed the scroll in her magic and read it, then she mouthed to herself, "Keep telling yourself that," while making a mental note to try to help Spike get out more despite himself. With a quick flash of magic, she teleported the scroll back to her room.

Scootaloo ordered an oat and mixed flowers omelette with apple cider, then sat one table away from the other pony. She was Gloaming Fan, a tan mare with an indigo mane and a cutie mark of a folded napkin, although most would have simply seen her as one of the many royal guards in the castle.

"What has you up so early?" asked Scootaloo.

Fan yawned. "Late, not early. A couple of the night shift called in sick, and I was temporarily reassigned to cover. Of course that means I just pulled a double."

"You could always join my guard," said Scootaloo. "I still have a few slots open."

"I'll think about it," said Fan. After a pause she added, "Sorry, that didn't come out the way I wanted it to. I'm just dead on my hooves right now."

"No offense taken," said Scootaloo.

"You seem busy as ever," said Fan.

"Actually, I have been given the day off," said Scootaloo. "So yes, I am if anything even busier."

Fan laughed quietly. "So then, what mischief are you up to?"

"Me?" asked Scootaloo. "I don't know where you'd get such a crazy idea."

Fan gave Scootaloo a serious look, and they both burst into laughter.

"Thanks," said Scootaloo. "I needed that."

The unicorn stallion wordlessly placed Scootaloo's meal in front of her, retreating immediately after to his post.

"See Scoots; he knows better," said Fan.

"To answer your question though, I decided to take a trip to the Crystal Empire," said Scootaloo. "Maybe compare notes."

Scootaloo ate some of her meal then hesitantly continued. "I don't expect to be in Canterlot all that much longer."

Fan tapped her fork against her empty plate a few times then sighed. "I'll talk to Bearing. Discord only knows how big of a hole I have in my head to do this."

"I'll have to ask him," said Scootaloo.

Fan glared at Scootaloo for a second, then saluted and left.

Scootaloo watched her go, then returned her attention to her meal. The flowers were fresh, likely picked from the royal gardens, and the oats were very light in color, without the slightest trace of mold. No matter what she ordered, the food was always excellent.

Stomach full, Scootaloo trotted out of the commissary. She worked her way to the northern edge of the castle and exited through one of the many windows.

Below her were the checkerboard patterns of cultivated fields. These rapidly gave way to the more flowing patterns of untamed natural ground.

She crossed the Neighagra river twice, its flowing water cutting through the otherwise unremarkable grassy plains.

It got colder as she went, and the grass below her became sparser, with the only the occasional scrubby bush to give variety to the land below.

It became colder still, and the ground was covered in patches of snow yielding to rough terrain completely cloaked in white.

A light snow began to fall as she ascended over the mountain range that split Equestria from the Crystal Empire.

Ahead of her, she spotted the eerie weather bubble that surrounded the capital city.

The light snow and bitter cold abruptly ended as Scootaloo passed through the bubble and into the outskirts of the city.

The crystal ponies below her obliviously went about their business. Most of them seemed quite occupied with cleaning up the city. As she flew overhead toward the castle, she also noticed foals running around gleefully, with pennants hanging from their mouths. She came in for a landing on one of the balconies of the palace itself, the guards at the castle entrance showing no awareness of her presence.

She sighed and passed into a room with an ornate four poster bed, bookshelf, and side tables, all covered in a light blanket of dust. Opening the door, she walked into a corridor which would be plain except for the fact that it was cut out of crystal. She flew slowly, just above the ground, so her hooves wouldn't ring against the floor. She passed door after door as she traversed the hallway. It came to a T and she went right. She continued to pass room after room. A side passage opened up which she took. It led to a staircase going down. On this floor she could hear the clopping of hoofsteps ahead of her, and to her left. She flew closer to the ceiling as she waited near the intersection. A crystal pony guard walked deliberately down the side passage, completely missing her.

"Ahem," said Scootaloo.

The guard jumped several hooves into the air. A loud thud accompanied the clanking of his armor when he awkwardly landed. He turned in place, gazed upward, and said, "Halt."

Scootaloo shook her head. "I was getting bored walking through the unguarded halls of the castle looking for Princess Cadance."

The guard motioned for Scootaloo to land.

Scootaloo slowly descended. "I was hoping to meet with Princess Cadance without a lot of fanfare. Do you know where she currently is?"

The guard huffed, and pointed ahead of himself with his spear.

Scootaloo landed ahead of him, but stayed to his right to be able to keep him in her peripheral vision.

They walked slowly down the hallway. After a while, the guard moved around her side to her front, bringing them both to a stop, then pointed at an ornate crystal door. "Stand there."

He watched as Scootaloo got into position then walked to within range of the door and rapped upon it twice with his spear. After a few moments, the door swung open revealing a round room detailed completely in pink wherein Princess Cadance was doing her mane while sitting in front of an oval mirror which hung above a small dressing table.

"I found this one wandering about the castle, princess," said the guard.

"When I called out to you, just after you walked right by me," said Scootaloo. "But that aside, greetings Princess Cadance."

Cadance turned then lowered her brush to the table. "And you are?"

"Scootaloo. Recently crowned a Princess of Equestria? I was a flower filly at your wedding."

"Would you mind if I scanned you to make sure you aren't a changeling?" asked Cadance.

"Actually that is the first rational security concern I have encountered here," said Scootaloo. "Please go ahead."

Cadance's horn glowed then she nodded. "One can never be too careful."

Scootaloo withheld a chuckle as she thought briefly of a particular incident with a zip-line. "Yes, careful is good."

"So then," said Cadance. "What brings you all the way up here?"

"As you may or may not know, there is a summit coming up between myself and the supposed king of the griffons, King Piercing Crest of Griffonstone," said Scootaloo. "I have been preparing for that meeting, and my classes on history led me to wonder about the role Equestria is playing in current affairs. When I asked Celestia about it, she revealed that she had planned for some time to pawn me off on the Griffon Empire. This made me think of you, and your situation. Have you had any say in Equestria governance since you accepted the throne of the Crystal Empire?"

Cadance paused to think.

"Or have you been kept busy with things like the Equestria Games?" added Scootaloo, "which while being an honor, in this case serves more as a distraction from the world stage."

"Come to think about it, I have been fairly isolated," said Cadance, "and while it has been nice to have some time with my Shining Armor, it has been..a little boring..nice but..."

Cadance stood up and her horn glowed a strong blue, her body glowing the same blue color for a few moments. She shuddered and the pupils of her eyes grew large while her mouth hung slightly open. "I'm fertile," said Cadance at a tone barely above a whisper.

Scootaloo's head tilted slightly askew, clearly confused by the statement.

Cadance applied a neutral expression. "I definitely think you're onto something here. What to do about it on the other hoof is a larger question. I am grateful though that you came to me with this. You saved me from going down a road I am not prepared to commit to."

"And in the short term?" asked Scootaloo.

"Well, there is a wide distance between a flat out refusal and an acceptance," said Cadance. "I'd keep to the grey areas. Don't say you'll take the assignment, say you'll try it out. This gives you the latitude to back out of it later. Just keep your options open."

Cadance walked out her dressing room and joined Scootaloo in the corridor. She nodded to the guard, and he started walking down the hallway. Once he was out of range, she asked Scootaloo, "Does she know you came to consult with me?"

"I don't believe so," said Scootaloo.

"I'd prefer if she didn't," said Cadance, "at least not for now. I have some rather large decisions to make and that could complicate things, probably for both of us."

"I agree," said Scootaloo.

"Then while I'd love to extend the hospitality of the Crystal Empire out to you..."

"You'd rather I teleported myself out of city limits and flew back the way I came," interrupted Scootaloo.

"Unfortunately, yes," replied Cadance. "And I do apologize, and hope we will become good friends. Please keep in touch."

"That actually could be easier than you think," said Scootaloo. "Do you know the dragonfire sending spell?"

"Yes, I use it sometimes to send letters to Twilight Sparkle," said Cadance.

"Perfect," said Scootaloo. "Spike can relay messages for us."

Scootaloo paused a few seconds then turned toward the wall. Her horn glowed, and she found herself back in the icy cold of the frozen north.

She shuddered at the sudden temperature change, and started retracing her path back south.

The sun was low on the horizon by the time she flew into Canterlot. She was glad to rest her wings as she entered the castle through one of its many windows.

Scootaloo walked down the now familiar corridors, nodding to a servant or two as she worked her way to her chambers. As she turned the final corner, she saw Gloaming Fan standing outside her door.

"I went to see Ruffled Bearing," said Fan.

A genuine smile spread across Scootaloo's face as she said, "Welcome to the team," while closing the distance between them.

"I didn't expect that opening to be for a First Lieutenant's position," said Fan. "You do know I am just a Corporal. I haven't had any officer training."

"You did accept the posting?" asked Scootaloo.

"Yes, I would have been a fool not to, but are you sure you want me as your second in command? There have to be far better trained ponies you could choose from."

"If I wanted the best trained ponies," said Scootaloo, "I could have gone with Celestia's recommendations. I am not looking for ponies to fight a war."

Scootaloo looked into Fan's eyes. "I want ponies that are fun to be around, and that I can trust. It is more important that my guards can blend in casually than that they can imposingly stand at attention for hours at a time. I am not seeking to make that kind of presence. I believe you are one of those ponies."

The beginnings of tears welled up in Fan's eyes. "Thank you, Scootaloo. I will try my best to live up to the faith you have in me."

"I can ask for nothing more," replied Scootaloo.

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Scootaloo sat on the small chair in her study. On the desk in front of her was her invitation to Twilight's coronation, while on the floor to her right lay the dress she had chosen to wear for the occasion. A brush floated in Scootaloo's magic, angrily pulling at the tangles in her mane.

Tomorrow she was to meet with the fake griffon king, and instead of preparing for it, she had a coronation to attend, one that overshadowed her own.

She consoled herself with the likelihood that she would be spending some time with her friends, something she would probably not have been able to do otherwise, as she removed another knot with her brush.

Scootaloo heard a light knock at the door to her suite.

She got up and left her study, closing the door behind her. She faced the outer door, and opened it with her magic.

"Do you mind if I come in," said Twilight Sparkle, her wings drooping slightly at her sides.

"Uh, sure," said Scootaloo.

"I just came to apologize," said Twilight. "I had no idea what you were going through."

"You don't need to.." started Scootaloo.

"Oh but I do," said Twilight. "Here I am, about to get a huge ceremony, simply for fixing a mistake of my own making, and there you are, about to do something of actual worth. Frankly I would have preferred that they just let me be myself in my library. I don't know what to think, what to do, then while considering how ill-prepared I am for this, my thoughts come right back around to you. I should have been there more, and not treated it akin to a research project.

"I mean I got wings for 'making new magic.' Why isn't Dash an alicorn? She made the impossible possible years ago, and was the lynchpin to...everything." She collected herself and bowed her head. "I would like to be a better friend, if you'll still have me."

"Twilight," said Scootaloo. "You were just being yourself. I have no doubt you were doing what you thought was best for us." Twilight was about to interrupt again, but Scootaloo stared her down while shushing her. "You never asked to act as Celestia's babysitter, and while you didn't go out of your way to actively befriend us, you were there and willing to give of yourself. It wasn't like we had a lot in common to build on.

"So you have nothing in my eyes to apologize for, and if you want to have me as a friend, I am completely willing to reciprocate."

Twilight closed the distance between them, and they shared a somewhat awkward hug.

"Thank you," said Twilight, as she left the suite.

Scootaloo watched as Twilight clopped down the hallway into the castle, thinking to herself that today might not be so bad after all.

Scootaloo ran her comb a few more times through her mane, then with it fixed to her satisfaction, she donned her dress. She glanced at the clock, then pulled a book on griffon culture from her desk.

She read a few chapters, then looked again at the clock. She put down the book on griffon culture, and exited her suite, then deftly traversed several corridors, coming to a stop at a marble door.

It was carved in a solar motif, and flanked by a pair of guards. They bowed and opened the door, then Scootaloo walked onto a balcony.

The balcony looked out over a huge crowd of ponies to either side of the runway which led at the far end to a dais where stood the three princesses. To her left was Apple Bloom and to her right Sweetie Belle.

A peal of horns heralded the arrival of the new princess. Twilight walked confidently down the runway.

"Well, it looks like the era of small ceremonies for new alicorns is over," said Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle giggled. "My coronation will be held in a week by Luna up in Cloudsdale. She figured that after this display, we might as well hold it in public, right after I get to perform a wind harp recital."

"I could have had Luna officiate my ceremony rather than Celestia?" asked Scootaloo.

"Yep," replied Sweetie Belle. "Seems any princess can perform the rite."

Scootaloo sighed and looked at Apple Bloom, "I guess that means you'll also be having a big enough ceremony to put your reunions to shame."

"Oh, I'm in no hurry to be crowned a princess," said Apple Bloom. "It would only complicate things. Besides, I'm happy where I am. Why add a ton of responsibilities when I don't need to?"

"B-but your duty?" said Scootaloo.

"My only real duty is to myself, my family and my friends," said Apple Bloom. "The crown can wait."

Scootaloo grumbled a bit, then went back to observing the ceremony, only to see Twilight walking out the other side of the hall. She returned a short time later to be embraced by her friends. The assembled ponies then filed out in an orderly fashion.

"That..actually wasn't any longer than mine," said Scootaloo.

"Why would it be?" asked Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo thought back on what she was taught in history class about Celestia and Luna's coronations. "Why would it be, indeed. So, how is Ponyville?"

"Same old same old," said Sweetie Belle. "Ponyville always continues on."

"And how is that new town of yours coming along?" asked Scootaloo.

"Amazingly well actually," said Apple Bloom. "I thought I was only going to be able to make three houses per week, but I rapidly reached one per day. Then Raindrops decided to sign on and things really started to move."

"The same Raindrops who was competing with me for clouds when we first became alicorns?" asked Scootaloo.

"Mhmm, seems she got pretty shaken up when she tried out for the Wonderbolts reserves and decided to examine what she was doing with her life," said Apple Bloom. "She is actually quite good at cloud shaping."

"So how many have you sold out of how many built so far?" asked Scootaloo.

"We passed fifty yesterday," said Apple Bloom. "Haven't sold any yet though. Filthy Rich seems to think they would sell better if we had everything in place before putting them on the market. Something about planned communities, waiting ponies wanting things more, and being able to see the community as a whole before buying in. He does have a list of interested ponies though."

Sweetie Belle coughed. "As much as I would love to hear all about Rainbowville, Rarity and I have some plans that I should be getting to."

"Sure, Sweetie Belle," said Scootaloo. "Hopefully we'll be seeing a lot more of each other soon — like old times only not so long ago."

"Til then," said Sweetie Belle as she trotted out the door.

"She always gets that way when I start to talk shop," said Apple Bloom, "but she does have a point. I'm probably keeping my sister waiting as well."

"Nice seeing you," said Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom closed in for a quick hug. "I really am looking forward to you returning to Ponyville. Sweetie Belle and I just don't mesh as well without you."

"I miss Ponyville too," said Scootaloo, sighing.


Scootaloo donned her dress and hid the Idol in its enchanted hidden pocket.

She looked at herself in the mirror, and turned. Rarity had certainly outdone herself with the outfit. No pony would be able to tell that a large golden statue was hidden beneath it, and it made her look genuinely regal while still being aerodynamic enough to not get in her way should she decide to fly.

She opened the door to find Gloaming Fan and Ruffled Bearing waiting on either side of the entrance.

They fell into line behind her as she left her suite, and walked through several hallways to their staging area for the diplomatic conference. Celestia, in the guise of a unicorn, was waiting for them.

"Would you like some tea, Princess Scootaloo, or would you prefer some coffee?" asked Celestia with a giggle.

"You are enjoying this far too much," replied Scootaloo.

"Oh, lighten up," said Celestia. "Your highness," she added with a deep curtsey.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, then paused a second. "Some tea might actually be good about now, something calming, a nice herbal blend to take one's mind off the stress of the day that comes from one's cheeky subordinates."

"I know just the stuff," said Celestia as her horn glowed.

A porceline teacup appeared in front of Scootaloo, then a stream of tea fell into the cup seemingly out of midair. "That is what I drink after that kind of day."

Scootaloo grabbed the cup in her magic and tasted the tea. "Not bad, and the presentation was surprising."

"Precise teleportation control," said Celestia. "Do something often enough, and it becomes routine."

"And when everything becomes routine?" asked Scootaloo.

"You drink tea," said Celestia.

Scootaloo drained the rest of the cup and Celestia ported it back to whence it came.

The group started to move forward, snaking its way through the castle's passages.

They left the castle into a large courtyard. Trumpets announced their arrival. King Piercing Crest and his entourage was visible at the far end of the courtyard. A marble table was ahead and to her right, while a large buffet was ahead and to her left. Servants and guards were scattered throughout.

Scootaloo closed the distance to King Piercing Crest with her own entourage following behind her.

Scootaloo extended a hoof to the griffon king. "Reynold Piercing Crest, it is good to finally meet you," said Scootaloo.

King Piercing Crest met Scootaloo's gaze, then extended a claw which was met by Scootaloo's hoof. "And I you; may we further the bonds of friendship between our two nations."

They made their way over to the buffet table. Piercing Crest grabbed a skewer of assorted meat products with his claw. Scootaloo levitated a similar skewer with her magic. Piercing Crest watched as Scootaloo tore the meat off it, and swallowed, then did the same with his.

"May our nations soar free, hunt well, and prosper," said Scootaloo.

"You know the formalities of diplomacy well," said Piercing Crest. "It honors me."

"Anyone with a few hours to spare reading a book could manage that," said Scootaloo.

"But not with poise and grace," said Piercing Crest.

"Well, I have always considered myself a people pony," said Scootaloo, "but thanks for the compliment all the same."

Piercing Crest grabbed and devoured another skewer.

"Of course if we just wanted to exchange pleasantries and have a good meal, we could have gotten a table at 'The Impatient Griffon' in Cloudsdale," said Scootaloo.

Piercing Crest threw the empty skewer over his shoulder and said, "True, I am here for more than the view and the cuisine." He snapped his claw and one of the other griffons pulled a scroll from his pack and passed it to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo took the scroll in her magic, and glossed over what was written there. "This reads more like a financial statement than a diplomatic agreement. In short you want to sell the Clog Eye and Gani Wild gold mines, renounce all claims on Prance, and sell several other properties, for a large payment in bits. What possible reason do you have for looking for so much cash?"

"Well, I hate to admit it, but we aren't exactly the best miners," said Piercing Crest, "and I would much rather deal with Equestria than with diamond dogs. We have also been having a good deal of trouble of late with the bugbears from the north, and those troops need to be paid."

"Well if it was military aid you wanted, then why didn't you ask?" said Scootaloo. "I'm sure we could allocate some resources to help with your northern border."

"Thank you for the generous offer," said Piercing Crest, "but we pretty much have it under control at the moment. We try to handle such things ourselves in general and it is more an issue of our having gotten ourselves overextended a bit, so to say."

"It is also a concern of Equestria's though," continued Scootaloo. "If they are pushing their borders, we could be in for another incursion into our territory. We don't want to see another incident like what happened 500 years ago in Manehattan."

"You have nothing to worry about," said Piercing Crest. "The problem is over but the debt remains, hence the agreement."

"Did they reach Griffonstone itself?" asked Scootaloo.

Piercing Crest sighed. "Yes, and we actually had to rebuild part of Griffonstone. That is part of why it was so costly."

"You know," said Scootaloo. "I was just in Griffonstone a couple of weeks ago, and I didn't see any signs of rebuilding. If anything it looked like a bugbear attack would only improve the place."

"You don't say," said Piercing Crest, his entourage's formation tightening up a bit as he took a couple of steps backwards.

"I also found out that certain popular thoughts about the condition of things in the Griffon Empire were a bit in error, most importantly that you haven't had a king since a certain magical artifact was lost," said Scootaloo, as she removed the Idol of Borias from her dress and levitated it above her head.

The sun's rays reflected off the idol bathing Scootaloo in a halo effect.

The griffons immediately fell into full body bows.

"Prin-Queen Scootaloo," said the imposter. "I humbly beg mercy for letting my greed get the better of me."

"Long live the merciful Queen Scootaloo," said one of the griffons in the entourage.

Scootaloo paced in front of the prostrate griffons.

"Depart my presence," said Scootaloo. "and tell Griffonstone I am on my way."

The griffons stood up, and launched themselves into the air. Flying at a blistering pace, they soon vanished into the distance.

"Well done Scootaloo," said Celestia as she dropped her illusion.

Scootaloo sighed, playfully rotating the Idol of Boreas in her magic. "Such a strange cultural anomaly that they ascribe rulership to the possession of a hunk of gold."

"Well, in the distant past, the most powerful griffon ruled by force. The artifact you are holding actually does a good job of keeping their baser selves in check, converting their greed to pride. I trust you have noticed its effects having carried it for a while."

"Now that you mention it," said Scootaloo, "but how do you know so much about it?"

"Who do you think commissioned the making of that idol in the first place?" asked Celestia.

Celestia chuckled then teleported away.

Scootaloo teleported back to her room, and took out her saddlebags. She gently folded the dress and placed it inside, then donned the saddlebags, and headed off for the short flight to Ponyville.

Apple Bloom's cloud town was visible even before Ponyville itself. She breathed a sigh of relief that it was even bigger than advertised.

She circled the town, landing in front of a partially completed building that Apple Bloom and Raindrops were working on.

"Hey Bloom," she called out.

Apple Bloom emerged from the house and flew down to Scootaloo.

"Welcome to my project," said Apple Bloom. "Not too shabby if I say so myself."

"It's quite impressive," said Scootaloo. "I love how everything seems to flow together. It gives it a sense of motion."

"That was what I was going for," said Apple Bloom. "The Cloudsdale buildings were just too static, and I got to thinking about some of the contours and fountains in Dash's house, and how Ponyville itself seems to always be in motion, and the idea came to me."

"It does make for a unique impression," said Scootaloo.

"But enough about this," said Apple Bloom with a little twirl. "How did your conference go, and are you back to stay?"

"There were some..complications," said Scootaloo, "and I sort of might be bringing a few guests with me."

"Oh, I'm sure I could allocate a few houses for them," said Apple Bloom. "Filthy might not like that I let some go early, but he'll get a wide grin on his face at the prospect of having your entourage from Canterlot in the new town."

"It's a little more complicated than that," said Scootaloo. "On seeing the Idol of Boreas the griffons kind of reacted in a way..Oh ponyfeathers, they declared me their Queen."

"Congratulations..maybe?" asked Apple Bloom.

"That is sort of the way I see it as well," said Scootaloo. "Thing is I'm pretty sure Celestia saw this happening a mile away, and was planning for it. You saw Griffonstone. You simply can't let me end up having to live there."

"So you want to transplant Griffonstone," said Apple Bloom, slowly and enunciating each word, "and bring it here?"

"Essentially, yes," said Scootaloo. "I mean the whole planned town could be purchased with crown money, so at least that wouldn't be an issue."

"Well, it isn't entirely my decision," said Apple Bloom. "The founding documents list Rainbow Dash as the Mayor of the new town. I don't know what she will think of your idea. Does she even know Gilda is in Griffonstone?"

"But if she will go along with it?" asked Scootaloo.

"I..guess," said Apple Bloom.

"Thanks, you don't know what this means to me," said Scootaloo as she leapt into the air.

Scootaloo swiftly crossed the distance from the main body of the town to Rainbow's cloud house. She landed on her balcony, and rapped on the door.

"Coming" followed by a much lower "sheesh" was audible to Scootaloo.

The door opened revealing Rainbow Dash. She had a somewhat stern, but tired look on her face, and a few of her feathers weren't exactly in the right places. A faint smell of cooking eggs wafted from the interior.

On seeing Scootaloo, her mood lightened immediately. "Hey squirt," said Dash. "How's Canterlot treating you?"

"I'm okay," said Scootaloo. "Are you?"

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Ever wonder what happens if you take a few weeks off from training?" She spread her wings. "It'll be several moons before I'm back in shape. I'll make it back to form though." She refolded her wings.

As Scootaloo walked through Dash's house to the kitchen, she noticed that it was cleaner than she had ever seen it, but it felt off, a little less "awesome," less Dash.

Rainbow Dash deftly flipped the already cooked eggs onto a waiting plate, and slid it in front of Scootaloo, then cracked a couple more eggs, placing them on the stove.

"The truth of the matter is I wasn't quite myself the last couple of weeks," said Rainbow Dash. "It did leave me with a greater appreciation of what Fluttershy does, but I'm glad to be me."

"Why didn't you write?" asked Scootaloo. "I would have been able to help."

"I wasn't in a position to ask," said Rainbow Dash. "And frankly, I just want to put the last few weeks behind me." She reached over and mussed up Scootaloo's mane. "Thanks all the same though."

"Sure," said Scootaloo.

Scootaloo glided the eggs into her mouth with her magic, and ate them. "They're quite good."

"It's all in the spices," said Rainbow Dash, perking up a bit. "You have to put a little dash into the eggs or they come out lifeless."

"On the subject of extra spice in life," said Scootaloo. "I have a favor to ask, but I; it's a long story.

"Well, it all started when I flew over to Griffonstone to scout things out ahead of my meeting with their king. Something didn't seem right and I set out to find out why.

"When I got there, I found the city was a dilapidated hulk. I bore the illusion of a griffon and asked around. They said that their symbol of power was lost a half century ago, and they no longer have a king.

"So I descended into the depths of the Abysmal Abyss and successfully recovered the Idol of Boreas."

"Very awesome," said Dash. "Sounds like a Daring Do adventure, but for real."

"At the conference, I exposed their king for the fraud he was, and it seems the Idol gives me rulership. Now I certainly don't like the idea of living in Griffonstone, but luckily Apple Bloom has tons of cloud homes all built right here. She said you were to be mayor of the new town though, so..."

"Griffons can be kind of cool and all, but they can also be quite a headache when taken in large quantities. I don't know if Ponyville could handle what you are proposing. It would annoy Mayor Mare to no end though. Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"I think it's the only possible way forward," said Scootaloo. "Hopefully the presence of the Idol will keep them in line more than the griffons you have had experience with."

"Then the town is yours," said Rainbow Dash. "It's become far larger than I figured it would be, and I never really wanted to run it in the first place, anyway."

"Now that I'm back, maybe we can practice together sometimes?" asked Scootaloo. "I doubt you ever had a partner strong enough to really be useful in your training, and it would be an honor to help you get back into shape."

"I'd like that," said Rainbow Dash.

They bumped hooves.

Rainbow Dash finished her eggs.

Scootaloo flew back over to the construction site.

"Why didn't you tell me?" said Scootaloo.

"Tell you what?" asked Apple Bloom.

"You know what," said Scootaloo. "I spent most of my life in envy of working wings. You thought I wouldn't notice that Dash was out of shape?"

"Oh, that," said Apple Bloom. "Sweetie Belle, Twilight, and I came to the conclusion that it would only cause you grief if you knew."

"Rainbow seems to agree with you," said Scootaloo. "Still, we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders. We shouldn't be keeping things from each other."

"It wasn't like you told me you were going to take over an empire," said Apple Bloom.

"That was different," said Scootaloo. "I wasn't sure this was how things were going to go down, and anything happening to Rainbow Dash is personal."

"And this isn't," asked Apple Bloom, pointing at her town.

Scootaloo sighed. "I guess I could have relayed my suspicions yesterday at least, but I didn't want it coming back to Celestia."

"Ahhh," said Apple Bloom. "You still could have written."

"True," said Scootaloo. "This has been a busy couple of days, but I could have. I guess I was also afraid that you might have said 'No.'"

Apple Bloom slowly shook her head, then looked straight at Scootaloo. "So, are there any changes you think have to be made for the incoming griffons?"

"You are the architect," said Scootaloo. "I leave that in your capable hooves, and thanks."

The pair embraced, then Scootaloo took to the sky.

She ascended rapidly, feeling out the air currents as she went. It wasn't until her flight level was around Canterlot height that she found favorable winds, and set off in the direction of Griffonstone.

She went over her speech in her head as the terrain passed beneath her. She hoped she would be able to be convincing. Dealing with the griffons would require a certain forcefulness that she didn't exactly want to become too accustomed to, especially considering the influence of the Idol she was bearing. She thought back on the decisions she had made since acquiring the Idol, and concluded that she would have to watch that closely.

A large cloud came into view ahead of her, and she came in for a landing. She was fairly close to Griffonstone, and readied to cast the modified version of Rarity's gem finding spell. With a strong burst of magic from her horn, she located the false griffon king.

Their party was a bit further north of her position, but about as far from Griffonstone, and at a much lower altitude. She changed into her dress, then leapt off the cloud and closed in on them from above.

"I figured you'd be in Griffonstone by now," said Scootaloo.

Piercing Crest broke from the rest of his party and flew up beside Scootaloo. "My Queen, your presence so soon is unexpected."

"It only took me so long because I had some business to take care of in Ponyville," said Scootaloo. "You had over twice the time to cover the distance."

"Which begs the question of how you found us," asked Piercing Crest.

"I can easily find you wherever you are," said Scootaloo, who watched as Piercing Crest mistimed a wingbeat. "As to the unasked question of why, I would like to be announced before the sun sets."

"We will fly with all haste," replied Piercing Crest, then he descended back to his group.

Scootaloo ascended back to a more private flight level, and watched the party below as it accelerated to a fairly respectable speed.

She kept them just within sight and landed outside of town when they crossed into it.

She waited until just a few minutes before sunset, then trotted into Griffonstone.

The party had done its job, as in the town square there loitered a few dozen griffons, the bulk of the town.

All eyes were on her as she brought forth the idol, allowing the last rays of the setting sun to gleam across its surface. The reaction was swift, as every griffon fell into a deep bow.

She paused for effect, then said, "I can't believe how far the Griffon Empire has fallen. Don't you have any pride at all? Look around you."

Scootaloo waited for the griffons to actually look. "This place is an utter disaster. You have let it fall into decay. From this point forth I declare it a monument to the decline of griffonkind, and no longer the capitol of the Griffon Empire."

She looked over the prostrate griffons, who seemingly couldn't get any lower even if they tried. "May the Griffon Empire never again plumb the depths of avarice and sloth. Instead may it look to a brighter future, for not only am I your Queen, but also a Princess of Equestria. This makes you all equestrian citizens.

"All griffons who want can move to the new capitol which is being built in Equestria. Just fly towards Ponyville and you can't miss it. Cloud houses will be provided for each of you courtesy of the crown."

Scootaloo turned her back on the griffons and started walking away from the old capitol.

She heard hoofsteps behind her, and turned.

One of the griffons had followed her, while all of the others had headed back to their houses.

"I am really impressed with you," said the griffon.

"Um, thanks?" said Scootaloo.

"Are you really going to settle all of us to near Ponyville inside Equestria?" asked the griffon.

"That is the plan," said Scootaloo. "Since you consider me your Queen, I have the authority as a Princess of Equestria to accept you all as citizens, and much of the housing has already been built. It may upset the nearby mayor of Ponyville, but she simply doesn't have jurisdiction. Of course the old homeland also needs to be integrated into Equestria, but in time I see the two nations merging nicely."

"What are your views on changelings?"

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow.

The griffon looked around, then shimmered with a green light, revealing his true form. "I am Kevin, of the Changeling Hive. I request, on behalf of my Queen Chrysalis, a normalization of relations with Equestria, and citizenship within its territories."

"What about the whole invasion of Canterlot?" asked Scootaloo.

"Mistakes were made," said Kevin.

"That is quite an understatement," replied Scootaloo.

"Large mistakes were made," repeated Kevin. "Look, you could be our first hope in millennia. We tried several times in the past to integrate with ponies. Every single time it was stopped by Celestia."

"Do you really want to bring your checkered past into this?" asked Scootaloo.

"What have checkers to do with our past?" asked Kevin.

Scootaloo paused to think of the city where the first mention of changelings was from her history lessons. "What of the foalnappings at Trottingham?"

"That was over two millennia ago," said Kevin, "and around the time of Discord, many nations did things they would later regret."

"Hollow Shades?" said Scootaloo.

"What about Hollow Shades?" said Kevin.

"When the changelings tried to take over the town," said Scootaloo.

"Never happened," said Kevin.

"Vanhoover?" said Scootaloo.

"Again, I request clarification as nothing of interest to us has ever happened in Vanhoover," said Kevin.

"Hmm," said Scootaloo. "I will also say there is no record of your alleged previous attempts to integrate with us."

"It seems pretty obvious that a lot of your history of our people is total propaganda," said Kevin. "But if you are truly interested in our history, we have a written chronicle. It can be provided, then you can contrast the versions and make your own conclusions."

"Sure, I'd be happy to give it a look," said Scootaloo.

"It will be in your room in Canterlot by the time you get back there," said Kevin.

"That you can do that isn't exactly helping your case," said Scootaloo.

"We would be amiss if we didn't keep tabs on ponies, even in these times," said Kevin.

"Also, I am not going back to Canterlot tonight," said Scootaloo. "I am going home."

"Your cloud house is just as easy a delivery location," said Kevin.

"Sure," said Scootaloo, sighing.

"You aren't compelled to take up our cause," said Kevin. "If you aren't interested, I can leave and we will never meet again."

"No, Kevin," said Scootaloo. "You have the right pony, assuming you want a fair hearing. I have little doubt that if such an accord is possible, Equestria would be far better off having you as our citizens rather than our enemies, but you have to understand that you guys haven't exactly made the best base to build trust upon.

"The other point is that while I do have the authority to welcome in an allied country that decides to come under our rule, your situation is a little more complicated. For one thing, we are currently at war. The other is Queen Chrysalis herself. I am figuring that you are essentially asking for a country within a country simply by your nature. This would need to come to a vote amongst all the princesses."

"My queen expected this," said Kevin, "and a fair hearing is exactly what we are looking for. If you can provide that, win or lose, you will have the appreciation of the changelings. A dragonfire signature address will be provided with the book so you can contact us."

Kevin shifted into a griffon and was soon lost among the griffons in Griffonstone.

Scootaloo sprang into the sky, and flew in the direction of Ponyville. Just after she crossed the Celestial Sea, she came in for a landing on the far shore. Her horn glowed fiercely as she cast the modified gem finder. It was faint due to the distance, but she could pick up Kevin, in a direction significantly to the south of Griffonstone. She changed into her saddlebags and continued her flight.

The moon was almost directly overhead when Scootaloo arrived at Ponyville. Over half of the buildings were dark, and the streets were mostly empty. The smell of the apple orchard was welcomed as Scootaloo approached the cloud house above her old tree house which served as her home. She flew in through a window, landing on the spongy surface of cloud. She yawned as she walked to her bedroom.

Sitting on her bed was a large book, its weight making it sag into the cloud mattress. The book's cover was green and it had a waxy texture. Opening the book revealed a page that was completely covered in neatly written, old equestrian script. Scootaloo frowned as she carefully turned page after page. Each chapter was bound separately and the script merely yielded to middle equestrian as she got further into it.

Scootaloo walked out of her bedroom and into a living area, laying the book down on a table. She set some paper next to it, and started writing.


I have come into possession of a unique history book from an equally unique perspective. It is written in old equestrian. Do you have any time to look at it?


Scootaloo sent the letter off to Spike, and proceeded to lounge on a couch, waiting for a response.

She jerked awake to a popping noise that would have been loud enough to wake up all of Ponyville if it were centered nearer the town. She looked in the direction the sound came from to see Twilight's head crash through the wall of the cloud house.

Twilight muttered something about wings, then teleported into the room.

"Sorry about the wall," said Twilight, who was looking about the room.

"You didn't have to; I'm assuming you teleported directly from...Canterlot?" said Scootaloo.

"Oh yes, some pure research is exactly what this pony needs after the day I have had," said Twilight. Her eyes caught glimpse of the book, and she levitated it to herself, then lovingly rotated it in her magic.

"Do you know what you have here?" asked Twilight.

"I believe so," said Scootaloo.

"The binding," said Twilight, "this was made by changelings."

"Mhmm," said Scootaloo.

Twilight opened the book, then clopped her front hooves together and squeed. "This..This is over three thousand years old. How did you come by it?"

"From a changeling," said Scootaloo. "He was under the impression that our view of events is incorrect, and he gave it to me to show his side of the story. Unfortunately I was unable to read it, and translating it would take far too long."

Twilight frowned. "Scootaloo, I shouldn't have to tell you that changelings are dangerous creatures."

"He sought me out, not the reverse," said Scootaloo, "and it was with a proposal of friendship. Besides, I think revealing himself to me was such a dangerous enough issue for him, that I was willing to give him some benefit of the doubt."

"You know what they did to Cadance," said Twilight. "Were it not for the dragon mail sending, I'd be scanning you to see if you were one."

"Actually, Twilight, they are perfectly capable of doing dragon mail," said Scootaloo, "and if you are that worried, feel free to scan me. I guess the other question I have to ask now is if you are too prejudiced to come at this scientifically."

Twilight deflated. "You do know I should take this book right to Celestia."

"But you won't," said Scootaloo.

Twilight shook her head. "No, I won't. If they were being honest with you, this is a major opportunity, but their veracity is very much in question."

"Hence the book," said Scootaloo.

"Hence the book," repeated Twilight.

The New Normal

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A pair of beeswax candles burned at either side of the desk. Books were strewn in several piles around the desk, but it was the green book that held Twilight's rapt attention.

"The snowfall increased yet again this night, as the bickering between the pony tribes continued. Do they not know this only further strengthens the Windego? The hatred pouring out from above left a constant bad taste for everyone. Food reserves continued to dwindle, as a cold and hungry pony has little love to give."

"Our last hope that the pony tribes would resume cordial relations ended today in failure. Plush Pansy's dislike of the ground ponies doomed the negotiations. The decision was made to replace Pansy with one of the hive."

"We abandoned our hive today to follow the ponies whose three tribes decided independently to leave their lands. We had no choice but to follow."

"Lush lands were discovered, but they did not remain so. It was very close to all out war between the ponies, and the Windegos took full advantage of it."

"We breathed a collective sigh of relief as the Windegos left. Pansy reported in that she managed to come to an agreement with the other seconds to put aside their hostilities."


Mayor Mare looked out her window and saw a trio of griffons flying by. She donned her vest and trotted to her office. Once inside, she approached one of her subordinates. "Lively Script, come with me please."

Lively Script fell into line behind Mayor Mare, as she left her office. The mayor greeted several of the more prominent citizens cordially as she passed through and beyond the town.

Mayor Mare ignored the griffons flying around as she walked into, or more aptly under Griffonville, making her way slowly to its mayoral building, an oversized monstrosity of cloud, hovering a couple of hundred trots off the ground.

"She wonders why I have issues when no self-respecting earth pony can even get to her door," muttered Mayor Mare to herself. She shook her head and glared at Lively Script. "Well? Get me up there."

Lively Script's horn glowed, and Mayor Mare started to float in the air. A few moments later, she found herself in front of the main door.

Mayor Mare tried to knock, but her hoof went through the door. She snorted and called out for Scootaloo.

"Hold on," said Scootaloo from inside.

The door opened, disintegrating into a mist, as it passed through Mayor Mare, leaving her coat damp with moisture.

"Mayor Mare, how interesting to see you here," said Scootaloo.

She glowered at Scootaloo. "There are griffons in Ponyville."

"Yes," said Scootaloo.

"And you are responsible for this," said Mayor Mare.

"Two for two," replied Scootaloo.

"When may I ask then are they going to leave?" said Mayor Mare.

"Quite possibly never," replied Scootaloo.

Mayor Mare snorted.

"If you give me a list of anything unreasonable the griffons do, I'll make sure they don't do it again," said Scootaloo.

"When," said Mayor Mare, with a severe edge to her voice, "the griffons cause trouble, and we both know they will, I'll do more than just give you a list." She then shouted, "Lively Script, bring me down."

Mayor Mare floated back down, next to a panting Lively Script who exhaled in relief as Mayor Mare hit the ground.

Scootaloo watched as the left and shook her head.


"Like the earth ponies and unicorns had previously done before Celestia, the pegasus ponies of Cloudsdale bowed before Luna, thus joining the three pony tribes officially as one nation."

"The decision was made to attempt formal contact with the ponies, hopefully leading to establishing relations."

"Queen Tenacious met with Celestia today. It did not go well. Celestia demanded we leave her kingdom. We refused. Tenacious barely got out with her carapace intact."

"The ponies enacted several countermeasures against us, but all were easily overcome due to our being entrenched in key positions."


Another griffon landed outside the town hall, bringing the number to twenty.

Scootaloo looked to Ruffled Bearing, who nodded.

"Welcome, newcomers, to the town of Griffonville," said Scootaloo. "There are many houses in the town, and more are being built daily. Feel free to claim one of them as your own.

"The most important thing to remember is that we want to make a good example. Many of you are used to having no neighbors other than other griffons. This is no longer the case.

"Very few ponies eat meat in any form or fashion. This means no hunting inside Ponyville city limits, or really any pony city or town. In addition, an area of one mile radius of Fluttershy's cottage is a nature preserve, and not to be hunted. She has a magical stare that can cow a cockatrice. Do not put it to the test.

"Try not make ponies uncomfortable by eating meat products in front of them, or cooking meat within smell distance. A wind pattern has been established so you do not have to worry about any smells generated in or near the city itself.

"Otherwise you'll find ponies and griffons have a lot in common. So long as you treat the ponies with respect, you will get along fine."

Scootaloo produced and raised the Idol of Boreas.

"Have pride in yourself. Your actions reflect not only on you, but on all of us as a whole."

As the assembled griffons started to disband, Scootaloo turned to Ruffled Bearing. "We seem to have more griffons than I saw in Griffonstone."

"They seem to be coming from the outlying areas of griffon territory," said Bearing. "Griffonstone actually only held a small percentage of their population. I expect the flow to stay at this rate for some time."

"What of the Clog Eye mine?" asked Scootaloo.

"Vacant, just like Gani Wild," said Ruffled Bearing, "for dozens of years. It'll take a lot of work just to make it safe for ponies, let alone having it produce anything."

"I'll see if Apple Bloom can get us some miners," said Scootaloo, "unless you have a better idea."

Ruffled shrugged, his wings drooping somewhat at his sides. "I don't know any pony who is in the mining trade. That would be the kind of thing I would have funneled up the command chain." Something seemed to click with him and he smiled widely. "Actually, you could try Princess Cadance. Under Sombra a lot of the crystal ponies were forced to work in the mines. I'm sure at least some of them would be willing to give it a shot."

"Good idea, Ruffled," said Scootaloo. "If Apple Bloom doesn't have any local mining contacts, I'll certainly ask Cadance. Thanks."

Scootaloo took to the air, and made her way to the part of the town that was under construction.

In the distance she could see Raindrops moving a cloud up to one of the incomplete cloud homes.

Raindrops was sculpting it into position as Scootaloo settled down for a landing.

"Have you seen Apple Bloom?" asked Scootaloo.

Raindrops pointed at another building, barely pausing in her work.

Scootaloo paused for a while until she was finished with what turned out to be a column. "How are things?"

"Quiet in the midst of activity," said Raindrops. "I've been..happy, quite possibly for the first stretch of time in my life."

"That's a far cry from the competitive Raindrops I knew," said Scootaloo.

Raindrops nodded, then went back to her cloud sculpting.

Scootaloo watched for a second, then flew over to the cloud home that Apple Bloom was working on.

"Hey Bloom," said Scootaloo, prompting Apple Bloom to turn around. "You seem to have a lot of connections lately, with your business and all, and I've inherited an issue that you might be able to help with. I seem to now have two major gold mines that are in severe disrepair," said Scootaloo. "Do you have an idea of who I could contact to bring them into service?"

"Most of my contacts are in Cloudsdale, which isn't the best place for miners," said Apple Bloom. "I could bring Filthy Rich into it, but this isn't really his line of work. He'd end up subcontracting it out while taking his own cut." She thought for a bit. "I don't even think my sister could help you much either. Farming and mining are very different. Maybe Pinkie Pie? Her family are rock farmers. They might know some ponies, but even that would be a stretch.

"I have been meaning to talk to you about the town though. At the rate it's growing, it's going to need quite a few more amenities, not just more housing. At the very least, I'd recommend a ground area, that is unless you want to do all transactions with flightless races in Ponyville."

"You're the expert," said Scootaloo. "Build anything you think the town needs. I'm sure whatever you come up with will be great."

Apple Bloom blushed slightly. "I'll try my best."

Scootaloo walked back to the edge of the cloud, then leapt back into the air. She flew away from her new town, over to Sweet Apple Acres, and the original cloud house. She gazed down at what was once CMC headquarters as she came in for a landing.

She opened the front door of the house, and glided slowly to the great room at its center.

Glad to have some privacy, away from all the griffons, she lounged in front of her writing desk.

After a while, She grabbed a scroll with her magic.


Would you mind relaying a few messages back and forth between me and Cadance?


In a burst of flame, she sent it off with her magic.

Soon after, a scroll appeared in front of Scootaloo.


I'm bored stiff at the moment. Between Twilight's research, studies, meetings with Princess Celestia, and whatever else is the task of the moment, she hasn't had nearly as much use for me as she normally does. The castle staff handles most of the chores. I haven't even had the chance to cook. It would be nice to be useful for a change."


Scootaloo selected some choice gems from the ones the Crusaders had gathered shortly after they became alicorns, and pondered a bit on just how much had happened in so short a time. Shrugging it off, she placed them with her magic onto the surface of another scroll.


Sorry to hear that. Maybe you can make something nice for yourself with these gems, since the staff are doing the rest of the cooking. Thanks in advance for forwarding these letters.


She prepared another scroll.

"Princess Cadance,

Part of what I was bestowed as ruler of the griffons was two derelict gold mines. These mines are in rough shape, but once produced large amounts of gold for the Griffon Empire. I was curious if any of the crystal ponies had a talent for such mining, and would be interested in putting the mines back into service.

Princess Scootaloo"

A scroll appeared in front of Scootaloo.


There are quite a few ponies who have mining talents that are idle in the Empire. They have been stuck doing other jobs that are only related to mining in the most general ways.

How many do you need?


Scootaloo prepared another scroll.


Maybe a dozen ponies for each mine? I could send Ruffled and Fan over to the Griffonstone station to meet them, and they would guide them to the respective mines. There are even small empty hamlets near each of the mines, so housing and water wouldn't be a problem.


Moments later another scroll arrived.


I'll have the ponies you requested at Griffonstone in three days at noon, along with rations for two weeks.


Scootaloo was about to get up, but stopped, getting another scroll instead.


Thanks for the help.



"Today from out of nowhere, a strange creature arrived in Cloudsdale. It seems to be made of parts from many different kinds of creatures. It brings pure chaos in its wake. The entire city turned to cotton candy and then fell. Ponies under his influence are completely insane and provide no love."

"Luna and Celestia have gone into hiding leaving the ponies to Discord's whims. Discord's influence continues to spread. The sun and moon appear randomly in the sky."

"It is day 34 of Discord. He spread his influence over Manehattan today. All cities west of Trottingham are lost. In the hopes of our survival, our Queen made the decision that we foalnap all of the foals between ages 3 and 6 from Trottingham and trek into bugbear territory. It is hoped that we will escape notice."

Twilight quickly read the pages which covered the changelings hiding in bugbear lands.

"The sun and moon returned to their normal cycles. Our scouts reported that Discord is gone from Equestria, conquered by the Diarchs of Sun and Moon."

"The decision was made to return the ponies of Trottingham, now between 11 and 14 years of age to the ponies. It is hoped that they will simply be counted amongst the many clusters of ponies who were under Discord's influence."

"The headlines of the major newspapers all chimed with outrage over the Trottingham foals. Tenacious refused an audience."


Sweetie Belle came to a landing on Cloudsdale. She swiftly covered the distance to the library, then entered it, and walked quietly toward the research desk. Once there she placed a VIP ticket onto its surface.

Aqua Echo looked at the ticket then directly at Sweetie Belle.

"I wanted to thank you for giving me the information on wind harps," said Sweetie Belle. "I've been working with Luna for a couple of moons and I figured few ponies would appreciate hearing the first playing of the harps in an age more than you would."

Aqua Echo slid the ticket back towards Sweetie Belle.

"It was just my talent," said Aqua Echo. "I don't deserve anything special for using it."

"Then come as a friend," said Sweetie Belle.

Aqua Echo looked deeply into Sweetie Belle's eyes. "You really want me there, don't you."

"Mhmm," said Sweetie Belle.

"Sure, I'll do it," said Aqua Echo, "I'd be happy to see you perform."

Sweetie Belle leapt over the bench and Aqua Echo found herself the target of a large hug.


"A magical plague hit Hollow Shades. All ponies and two changelings died. Celestia blamed it publicly on changelings, and quietly took control of the bodies of our fallen."

"The bodies of our fallen were recovered from the ponies."

"A fifth foal went missing in Vanhoover. Newspapers speculate it was changelings."

"Tenacious attempted to meet with Luna. She never returned, and was assumed killed on sight."

"The moon bears an ominous visage of a pony."

"Princess Chrysalis was crowned today. Long live Queen Chrysalis."

The book ended there.

Twilight closed the book and pondered.

She found it most concerning that the book didn't include any events with the current queen. There was obviously something she wanted to hide. On the other hoof, it could simply have been done that way such that Scootaloo couldn't read it. In that case it was a plan to get her involved as well, a two for the price of one kind of thing.

Twilight extinguished the candles with her magic, then carefully slipped the book into her saddlebags.

She made her way to Celestia's chambers, then rapped on the door with her magic.

In response the door slowly slid open.

"Hello Princess Celestia," said Twilight while entering the room.

"Greetings Twilight," said Celestia.

"I have sort of been wondering a bit about the changelings," said Twilight.

"I expected this," said Celestia.

"Really?" said Twilight.

"Yes, although it is a bit gratifying that you figured it out without any prompting on my part," said Celestia. "I was never in any real danger from the changelings, and even if everything went inexplicably wrong, Luna would have taken care of it."

"Actually, that wasn't what I was here to ask about," said Twilight.

Celestia looked directly at Twilight.

"I came across some interesting passages in a book about changelings," said Twilight.

"Interesting is a word and a half word," said Celestia.

"It portrays the changelings as good," said Twilight.

"May I see this book?" asked Celestia.

"Sure," said Twilight, as she levitated the book from her saddlebags.

"I know every book in the library and this is not one of them," said Celestia, as she rifled through the book.

"Still, what do you think?" asked Twilight.

"I think that further study is warranted," said Celestia as she teleported the book.

"But," started Twilight.

"Don't worry about the book," said Celestia, interrupting Twilight. "I'll treat it with ample care." After a short pause, Celestia added, "You do have your meeting with the zebra delegation to prepare for."

Twilight eyed Celestia with a tiny twinge of skepticism then sighed and said, "I'll go do that."

Twilight left the room, ground a hoof a few times into the tile floor, then leapt out a window. Moments later she found herself high enough to safely use a long range teleport spell.

Twilight appeared above Griffonville with a loud pop, then circled the town, coming to an awkward landing upon sighting Scootaloo.

Twilight charged up to Scootaloo.

"I let Princess Celestia look at the book," said Twilight. "She kept it. I'm sorry."

"Pine sap comes out of the coat," said Scootaloo.

Twilight tilted her head at an odd angle.

"It's a Crusader thing," said Scootaloo. "Many of our failed attempts at gaining our cutie marks ended up with us covered in tree sap. It was painful to get out, but eventually it did and we were ready for our next go at it. So you screwed up, but you learned something. In the end I think that's far greater than the loss of the book.

"Of course I am assuming that you read the whole book first," added Scootaloo.

Twilight pursed her lips, and in a voice dripping with sarcasm said, "No, the first thing I did was give it away. Of course I read it."

"Well then," said Scootaloo. "What was written in the book?"

"It was a history of our part of the world from before Hearth's Warming to a little under a thousand years ago," said Twilight.

"Now, I'm a bit more sad that Celestia got it," said Scootaloo. "Sounds like something I would have liked to read."

"I remember everything I read," said Twilight. "When I get the time, I'll make you a translated copy."

"Do you trust what was written?" asked Scootaloo.

"Well, there was a lot of data," said Twilight, "but there was a lot of data purposefully missing as well. While I am less willing to dismiss Chrysalis's offer out of hoof than I was, that she provided a book featuring her predecessor's reign, not her own is telling. I'd advise caution."

"From your original position that is almost a rousing endorsement," said Scootaloo.

"Well, I tend to look for friendship where I can find it," said Twilight.

"Same here," said Scootaloo, "and I think I am willing to take the next step."

"Caution," said Twilight. "Be careful."

"When have I ever not been careful?" asked Scootaloo with a smirk.

"Riiight," said Twilight.

"I plan to leave the next move up to the changelings," said Scootaloo.

"Keep me informed," said Twilight.

Twilight teleported away.

"She should really get some sleep," said Scootaloo to the empty air.

"I agree," said a griffon, as she descended from a nearby cloud.

Chrysalis dropped her guise with a flash of green light, and approached Scootaloo.

"So you've been here, watching us, this whole time?" asked Scootaloo.

"Did you expect anything less?" asked Chrysalis. "That wouldn't have been respectful."

"I guess not," said Scootaloo. "Celestia would probably ask you to sit down and discuss things over tea right about now."

"Celestia doesn't trust any species that can't drink tea," said Chrysalis. "It puts her off her game. Not like she really trusts any species that can drink tea either."

"It is quite a shame that she got hold of the book," said Scootaloo.

"That too wasn't unexpected," said Chrysalis. "It doesn't reveal all that much that Celestia didn't know already. True, it might put a bow on some of the details, but I am unconcerned."

"You definitely seem to have impressed Twilight Sparkle though," said Scootaloo.

"You got that from what she said?" asked Chrysalis.

"She has her tells," said Scootaloo.

"Very good," said Chrysalis. "I compliment you on your skills. You are certainly the right pony at the right time to finally heal the rift between our peoples." She ran her tongue over one of her fangs. "There is an issue that could imperil these efforts before they have a chance to flourish."

"Yes?" said Scootaloo.

"Thorax," said Chrysalis with a sneer, "an unstable renegade, somewhat recently fled the hive with many stolen supplies. He was last seen near the Crystal Empire. He is very dangerous, and it would be hard to overstate the threat he could pose if he managed to obtain the Crystal Heart. We'd like him returned."

"I didn't realize that happened with changelings," said Scootaloo.

"It is very rare," said Chrysalis, "but defective drones do happen from time to time."

"I'll see what I can do," said Scootaloo. After thinking a bit, she added, "Actually, in the interests of bringing Thorax to justice, and expanding the trust between our two nations, as well as giving me some leverage with the other princesses when it comes to improving relations...Assuming Thorax is disguised, how would we best uncover him?"

Chrysalis nodded. "You seek an easy way to detect us. Clever, and to show just how serious I am about our future as friends, I'll actually answer your question. No matter what form we take, we still weigh the same amount, that weight being somewhat lower than your normal crystal pony. It should significantly help you in finding Thorax should he try to find refuge in the Crystal Empire."

"I'll relay that information to Cadance right away," said Scootaloo. "I'm surprised at the level of trust."

"You've decided to take up our cause," said Chrysalis, "and I have every reason to believe that you will succeed."

Scootaloo looked somewhat askance at Chrysalis.

"Well, that was easy to see," said Chrysalis, as she pointed a hoof at Scootaloo's flank. "I do thank you for your confidence in me, and with destiny itself on our side, what could possibly go wrong?"

"My cutie mark!" exclaimed Scootaloo, as she looked at her new mark consisting of a claw, a hoof, and a holed hoof clenched in friendship.

Chrysalis sighed while looking up at the sky.

It's a Breezie

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Sweetie Belle finished the final note of the score that she was to play at her upcoming recital.

As the note faded into the night, Luna somewhat pensively approached Sweetie Belle. "You are ready..more than ready actually." She sighed. "I've had a good time teaching you how to play the Wind Harp." She cursed to herself lightly under her breath. "What I'd like to say is my sister has Twilight, and the night can be a lonely place."

She held up her hoof, interrupting what Sweetie Belle was going to reply. "I-I think one of the reasons I fell was I had no pony to share the night with. Would you possibly be willing to become my apprentice and master the mysteries of the night?"

Sweetie Belle looked up at the sky for a moment then gazed in the direction of Ponyville for a while before turning back towards Luna. "Yes."

Luna smiled. "I'll have the servants make up a suite for you in the castle."

"I understand this will mean that I need to leave Ponyville, but I regret leaving my sister," said Sweetie Belle. "When I was learning magic, I hurt her business with an ill cast spell. I've been looking for a way to make it up to her, and now instead I'll be leaving her behind."

"In my eyes, you have done quite a lot for your sister," said Luna. "Taking care of her during the time when her cutie mark was switched was no meager task, and your insight on the problem was what led Twilight to a solution; besides, it's looking forward not backwards that is important. You and your friends helped me see that."

"I still feel a debt to my sister," said Sweetie Belle.

Luna looked up at the sky for a moment. "What is the one thing Rarity truly desires."

"Well," said Sweetie Belle, "she has always wanted to live in Canterlot in her own Canterlot Boutique."

"That is painfully easy to fulfill," said Luna. "There are many buildings owned by the crown that could serve that purpose. Bringing her to Canterlot would also mean that you could more easily spend time together."

"Maybe," said Sweetie Belle, "but she is kind of picky with things."

"She has cultural interests," said Luna. "Perhaps the building across from the theater."

"That would be perfect," said Sweetie Belle.

"I'll get the papers together tonight," said Luna, "and you can give them to her at the coronation. That should be suitably dramatic."

"She will love it," said Sweetie Belle. "Thanks for, well, everything."

"I can assure you that I am getting the better part of the bargain," said Luna.


Scootaloo glanced at the position of the sun, confirming the time to be just short of midday.

Griffons and ponies lined the main street of Ponyville, the former under strict orders not to fly. The only ponies in the sky above them were Thunderlane, Cloudchaser, and Rainbow Dash, who were hovering in a controlled manner. Further down the street, Luna was making a rare daytime appearance next to Sweetie Belle. Notably absent was Twilight Sparkle who was still stuck in Canterlot.

The word was given by Rainbow Dash, and a colorful procession of breezies glided through the town. Out of the corner of Scootaloo's eye, she saw a young grey griffon do a backflip into the air. The crowd gasped as the current of air being created by Rainbow Dash was cut. Breezies went out of control, and before Scootaloo could react, Fluttershy dived in and collected them.

Simultaneously Scootaloo and Luna broke from the crowd and approached the din.

The breezies clung to Fluttershy, all but one, which was hovering beside her. She was having a conversation with them in their own language.

Luna walked up to Fluttershy and said something in Breezie, which Scootaloo could barely hear, and couldn't understand.

The lone breezie replied in Equish, "That is what I have been trying to tell them. We have got to get going."

"But they have been through a traumatic experience," said Fluttershy, "and could use some hot cocoa, and a rest, and maybe a soft pillow to rest on."

The breezies clenched her tighter, and looked doe-eyed.

Luna yelled at the breezies in their own tongue.

Fluttershy looked gravely at Luna while the breezies formed an orderly line.

Luna counted the assembled breezies and sighed. Her horn glowed a dark blue, and the breezies grew slightly. She backed up, said a single word in their language, and flapped her wings. It wasn't quite as gentle as Rainbow Dash's breeze but the breezies were able to fly with it.

It wasn't very long before the two airstreams connected, and Luna dropped to the ground.

She shook her head and turned to Fluttershy. " That was utterly necessary."

"But it seemed so..cruel," said Fluttershy.

"The breezies would have taken you for everything your kindness could bear," said Luna. "Then they would have been stranded here. You wouldn't want that now, would you?"

Fluttershy trailed off into a series of indiscernible squeaks.

Luna sighed. "Sometimes to be kind, you must take some actions that on the surface might seem cruel, but in reality are not."

"Luna personally protected the breezies for their treks during the time of Discord," said Scootaloo, "at considerable risk to herself."

"Okay," said Fluttershy, barely audible.

Scootaloo looked at Luna then back to Fluttershy.

Luna nodded, and with a small surge of magic from her horn, a book appeared. She grasped the book with her magic, and held it out to Fluttershy. "This is my copy of the original notes that Lilac Skipper and Ocean Breeze when they purposefully missed their window just after the time of Discord. If you compare these to what the current breezies are, you will gain a greater understanding of the situation."

"If only my talent extended to writing," thought Fluttershy, as she glanced at the book. "Thanks," she said to Luna, as she backed away while balancing the book on her wings.

Finding herself suddenly alone with Luna, Scootaloo produced a scroll from her saddlebag, and passed it to her.

Luna perused the scroll and tilted her head askew, her face a mask of confusion. "Really?"

"Mhmm," said Scootaloo. "I've been in communication with the changelings since I annexed Griffonstone. I'd even guess Chrysalis is out there in the crowds somewhere. While initially surprised at their wanting to join Equestria, I believe them, and think they deserve the chance."

"Chrysalis will have the opportunity to speak for herself at the country meeting," said Luna.

"I suppose so," said Scootaloo.

"Good luck though Scootaloo," said Luna. "If you are able to bring them into the fold, it will be a great achievement."

Luna crossed the street and rejoined Sweetie Belle, who waved towards Scootaloo.

Scootaloo followed.

"I hope you won't miss my wind harp recital," said Sweetie Belle.

"How could I miss it?" said Scootaloo. "How could you think I'd possibly miss it?"

"You have been kind of busy," said Sweetie Belle.

"Not remotely that busy," said Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle laughed. "Of course you aren't, merely too preoccupied to come visit socially."

"You haven't exactly been available yourself of late," said Scootaloo.

"Touche," said Sweetie Belle. "I guess we both have our tasks."

"It will be getting a bit more difficult in the near future," said Sweetie Belle. "I have decided to apprentice to Luna."

"Congratulations," said Scootaloo. "That will just give me good reasons to come to Canterlot after hours."

Sweetie Belle chuckled. "We'll see."

Luna yawned and Sweetie Belle chuckled.

"It has reached the time where I must go or ponies will suffer this night," said Luna.

Sweetie Belle and Luna took to the air together.

That left one guilty griffon to stand before Scootaloo.

Scootaloo turned her attention to the griffon that started it all. "One instruction..."

"But they were so cute," said Gabby. "I couldn't help myself."

Scootaloo shook her head. "At least nothing really bad came of it, but it could have."

"I am sooo.... sorry," said Gabby.

"So long as you learned from it," said Scootaloo, "it's fine."

Gabby scooped Scootaloo up in a nearly bone-breaking hug.

Scootaloo was left gasping for air, as Gabby flew off.

"What an odd griffon," thought Scootaloo, as she watched the streets start to clear.

Scootaloo dusted herself off, then took to the air, returning via a direct path to her office.

She sat behind her desk, and her eyes fell upon a brown paper wrapped package that had been placed upon it in her absence. She grasped it with her magic and tore the wrapping revealing the latest Daring Do book.

Her first thoughts were to get in some much needed down time with Rainbow Dash. On seeing the cover, however, Scootaloo blanched.

She flew so quickly out of her office that the brown paper followed her in her wake, falling from the clouds to the ground below.

Moments later, she came to a stop at Rainbow's home, and rapped on the door.

The door opened revealing Rainbow Dash, strutting through the air as if it were solid ground.

Scootaloo held the book out in front of her with her magic.

"I know," said Rainbow Dash. "Cool, huh?"

"But...how?" asked Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash drew closer to Scootaloo. "Daring Do is real, and I got to do an adventure with her, and it was soooo awesome."

"Noooooooooooo!" exclaimed Scootaloo.

"Whuh?" said Rainbow Dash.

"If Daring Do is real then so is Arizoutl, and all the dark artifacts," said Scootaloo.

"And?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"The constant danger to Equestria," said Scootaloo.

"And Daring Do is there to handle it," said Rainbow Dash, "sometimes accompanied by..Rainbow Dash..It's so awesome."

"Argh," said Scootaloo as she flew back out the opening leaving a very confused Rainbow Dash.

She tried to regain her composure as she flew back toward her office. Below her, she spotted Apple Bloom. She reduced her speed, flying in most of a circle before dropping down next to her.

"Question for you Bloom," said Scootaloo. "I know you aren't interested in accepting the title of Princess, but we could perform the ritual in secret. No pony need ever know unless it became important, and at that point it is better done than late, plus then you get to see through all the guard's uniforms instead of not being able to tell one from another."

"Being a Princess would only serve to get in the way of my house building," said Apple Bloom. "Sorry Scootaloo, but I won't be a princess, not yet at least. Plus I know you, or at least what you've become. I doubt you would be asking me this if you didn't have something in mind already where I would be compelled to take on the role. So no, I'll help you build your city, but I will not be a princess for you."

"I'm..sorry you feel that way," said Scootaloo. "I won't ask again."

"Oh don't pout," said Apple Bloom. "If you really want to ask again sometime, you may, but I probably won't change my answer."

"Sometimes there simply isn't time to," said Scootaloo. "How can I when there is so much going on in the world?"

"Just because you are an alicorn doesn't mean the whole world rests on your withers," said Apple Bloom.

"If not ours, then whose?" said Scootaloo.

"Well, I for one want to enjoy myself.." said Apple Bloom. "Wait, you are enjoying yourself. Why didn't I think of this before? Just as I enjoy building stuff, you enjoy what your mark represents. It's so simple. I'm sorry Scootaloo."

"So you'll become a Princess?" asked Scootaloo.

"No, but I understand better why you want me to," said Apple Bloom, "and am no longer cross at you asking."

Scootaloo sighed.

"The world has been around for thousands of years," said Apple Bloom. "It won't fall apart now just because a couple of new alicorns didn't immediately have Twilight levels of dedication. Even Applejack takes a day off every once in a while."

"Maybe," said Scootaloo, "but how much of the world do we even know about? Has a pony even bothered to go around the world? I look at maps that have blank areas. Sometimes I think the only reason the world hasn't fallen apart is by sheer luck."

"Filling in those parts is a lot of hard work," said Apple Bloom, "but if you decide to explore the world sometime; that I could get behind."

"I may take you up on that offer someday," replied Scootaloo.

"I hope you will," said Apple Bloom.


Scootaloo flew back to her office

She reached into her desk with her magic and produced a quill and scroll.

"Queen Chrysalis,

I would like to talk to you in my office on a matter of some urgency, if you are around.

Thank You

Scootaloo sent off the letter in a burst of flame.

Seemingly too quickly Chrysalis strode into the office.

"Now what was so important that you had to interrupt me in the middle of lunch?" said Chrysalis.

"Daring Do is real," said Scootaloo.

"And?" said Chrysalis. "We've been following Daring Do around since before you were born. We have a pony close to Arizoutl, and Cabelleron's right hoof is one of ours."

"But," said Scootaloo, rapidly being interrupted by Chrysalis.

"There is nothing she does that we do not see, and on the rare cases where she has seemed to be in trouble, we have lent her a hoof, not that she has ever noticed of course."

"So the South is fine then?" asked Scootaloo.

"Well, there is a reason why we hunted for love to the North as opposed to the South, but I'd consider the South as relatively harmless due mostly to its internal squabbles. There aren't many opportunities for 'friendship' though. Your best chance would probably be with Queen Novo of the Hippogriffs, but they mostly keep to themselves on their island, and none of the other races in the South are dumb enough to bother them."

"Strange that they weren't even mentioned in the official histories," said Scootaloo.

"Celestia has met with Novo before, albeit 500..no 600 years ago. I'd guess that it didn't make the history because it wasn't all that remarkable, and was outside her sphere of influence."

"What of the undiscovered West?" said Scootaloo.

"Go far enough and you'll find the minotaurs," said Chrysalis. "Yes, everything has to live somewhere, and it isn't so much undiscovered as inhospitable. Mark something on a map as undiscovered and you'll dissuade practically all ponies from bothering to go there. There's actually a trading company that works out of Los Pegasus that does have a route through Minos. They think it is their big secret and they keep it that way."

Scootaloo began to speak but was interrupted by Chrysalis. "Yes, yes, the East with its zebras and the like. I'll make sure that you are provided with maps showing our best understanding of what is out there."

A griffon walked into the office then shifted into a changeling with a red frill and violet eyes.

"Here already I see," said Chrysalis. "Place the atlas on the desk."

The changeling dropped a large but thin square shaped book onto the desk, and stood behind Chrysalis.

"This should be all you need to allay your fears, and sate your curiosities," said Chrysalis. She turned her body towards the exit, then glanced back at Scootaloo. "Unless you need anything else?" She paused for only a second before striding out the door, the other changeling emitting a small hiss as he followed her.

Interlude: Bug Hunt

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A pressure plate was triggered in the merchant district sending a signal to the palace in the Crystal Empire.

Shining Armor and several of his soldiers were dispatched.

They traveled out of the castle and down a couple of busy streets to talk to the merchant who owned the stall where the signal came from.

The merchant described a blue crystal pony with a grey mane and an urn with horseshoes as the cutie mark.

It did not take them long to locate their quarry. The "pony" was buying some cloth at a vendor just across the way.

As they approached, the pony's ears perked up and it began to move cautiously but stridently in the opposite direction through the district.

Shining armor and his patrol followed.

The pony picked up his pace and went into a gallop the moment he entered the outskirts of the city.

He gained some distance as the soldiers couldn't safely keep pace with him among the ponies of the market.

He was almost to the weather shield when Shining's soldiers cleared the market.

Shining and his soldiers crossed the barrier. The arctic winter blasted in around them. Well in the distance they could barely see the earth pony trudging through the snow. They marched faster.

The snow swirled in the wind, a wind which bit deeply into every soldier on the patrol. Resolutely they marched, following the changeling ahead of them.

The patrol continued to advance on Thorax, closing the distance between them. Once they were close enough that they were sure he'd be able to hear them over the wind, one of the guards shouted, "Thorax, stay where you are."

Thorax's disguise folded around him in a green flash. He involuntarily hissed at the guard as he turned.

Shining Armor saw this action, and figuring it as a prelude to an attack, let loose his spear. The aim was true and the spear hit Thorax right between the plates of his chitin.

The guard unit slowly approached the downed changeling. One of the guards tapped it lightly with a hoof. "It appears dead," said the guard.

"Haul it back to town," said Shining Armor.

A few guards made a litter and placed the corpse upon it. Each guard carried a corner as they worked their way back to the city.


A scroll appeared in front of Scootaloo.

"Princess Scootaloo,

Thorax has been eliminated. Please ask Chrysalis how she wants the body disposed of.

Princess Cadance."

Scootaloo's head drooped a bit as she rolled the scroll back up with her magic. She grabbed a scroll of her own and started writing.

"Queen Chrysalis,

Thorax is dead. I didn't expect that to happen, but apparently it has. Cadance is asking what is to be done with the remains.

Princess Scootaloo."

She rolled up the scroll and sent it off in a burst of flame. Mere moments after, the return message arrived.

"We care not what is done with the remains of the renegade. Do what you will with it."

Scootaloo started another scroll.

"It seems she doesn't care, and gives you leave to do whatever you want with the remains."

As she sent it off with her magic, she pondered on how swiftly and callously the whole event was treated.

Night's Bounty

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Sweetie Belle sprang to her hooves, and trotted out the door.

Rarity closed the door and followed behind Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle turned to face her sister. "Twilight told me how much you enjoyed using the magical wings spell."

"Did Twilight also tell you how much trouble she had controlling the spell?" said Rarity. "You shouldn't be casting..."

Rarity began to rise into the air as a cocoon of magic formed around her.

The air shimmered and the magic flashed, leaving Rarity in mid-air under the power of her butterfly wings.

"See, I can do it," panted Sweetie Belle.

"I didn't say that you couldn't do it," said Rarity, "I said that you shouldn't do it. I didn't want you to expend that much magic before your concert, and I'd have been fine just walking on clouds."

"Then I would have had to carry you up to Cloudsdale," said Sweetie Belle. "Besides, your 'seat' isn't on ground level anyway. None of the good seats are."

"Then what would I have done if the spell had failed?" asked Rarity.

"It wasn't going to fail," said Sweetie Belle, as she slowly took to the air.

Rarity sighed and took off after her.


Sweetie Belle carefully measured her pace so her sister could keep up with her. She looked back and saw Rarity floating along, clearly enjoying herself. She slowed down further.

She went over her upcoming performance in her head, without a word spoken between her and her sister, as she got closer to Cloudsdale.

She broke out of her mental practicing when Rarity pulled on her tail, and pointed at the city. Looking up, Cloudsdale seemed ablaze with torchlight.

Sweetie Belle touched down on the clouds with Rarity landing beside her.

"Break a leg," said Rarity.

"Actually," said Sweetie Belle, "the ancient pegasi used a...never mind. Thanks Rarity."

Sweetie Belle watched as Rarity fluttered off, then she sighed and took a moment to absorb the ambiance of the city. She shook herself off, cast a quick spell to freshen up her coat and mane, then followed with another spell which hid her horn.

She took a wide path around the event area, avoiding the hundreds of pegasi that were flooding in to see the spectacle.

Sweetie Belle flew around the stage, and came to a landing at the edge of the cloud platform, well behind the throne. She dismissed her invisibility and walked slowly towards the wind harps.

She took her position between the harps and tried to relax, alternatively watching the audience, and the actor ponies taking their marks on the stage.

Horns rang out from the opposite end of the space, signalling the beginning of event.

Sweetie Belle quickly went over the song in her mind one last time, then after taking a deep breath, she flexed her wings.

The haunting tones of a three thousand year old melody rose from the wind harps.

Sweetie Belle took care to play each note with precision, what few butterflies she had in her stomach vanishing, as each note was played correctly.

The audience gave her music their rapt attention.

Sweetie Belle continued, her training allowing her to scan the audience for their reactions while still playing well.

She noted their reactions and it encouraged her to play even better, working through the most complicated section with ease.

The piece slowed as it neared its ending, Sweetie Belle holding each note for maximum effect.

She felt her flank glow as she played the final notes of the piece.

The music faded, leaving the area in a state of complete silence.

She glanced at her new cutie mark, a lunar moth in flight, trailing musical notes in its wake, and it took all her strength to not interrupt the proceedings.

Princess Luna walked down the aisle to the dais where an actor playing Commander Hurricane the Fourth was standing.

"While some may have attempted to win us over with words, you have won us over by deeds," said Hurricane. "The trust of the pegasi is not easily won, but in so doing, you have proven yourself worthy. We have made our decision."

Princess Luna turned to the assembled pegasi.

"I pledge to respect the customs of the pegasi, that their traditions shall not falter under my rule, that they will retain their unique heritage over the span of time

"I will soar with the spirit of the pegasi. This union shall not fail to earthly desires.

"I will spread my wings over the pegasi, and keep them safe from harm in the stormiest times.

"This and more shall I do til the end of time, or my place within it."

"I accept your pledge, and yield the throne to Princess Luna," said Hurricane.

Hurricane exchanged places with Princess Luna.

"I accept your fealty," said Luna.

A cheer rang out from the other pegasi.

Luna waited until the noise died down.

"As Princess of the pegasi and Equestria, I have chosen this time and place to induct another into our order. It has a special sentiment to me, and I could think of no better place to do so. Sweetie Belle, please stand.

"Do you, Sweetie Belle, swear to serve Equestria to the best of your abilities?"

"I object," said Prince Blueblood. "She is distinctly unqualified to be a Princess, both in temperament and training. As such she is an unfit candidate."

"Our sister's nephew, Blueblood the..." said Luna. "Just which number are you up to now?" She paused for a couple of seconds. "Diluted by 67 generations has decided that he is more knowledgeable about who should be a Princess than we, who stood before you, long before that ancestor was even born.

"We think you should sit down before you embarrass yourself further and remember that we are not as forgiving as our sister."

Blueblood seemed even paler than usual, as he slunk down into his seat.

"I do swear," said Sweetie Belle.

"Then I declare you a princess, with all responsibilities that go with the position," said Luna.

An even louder cheer rang out from the audience.

When the cheering died down, music began to play in the background, and some of the pegasi started to sky dance. Refreshments were carted out from several hidden locations around the stage to the delight of other pegasi who approached the grub with little sense of order.

Luna and Rarity glided over to Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle looked to Luna, who nodded.

"I present you the deed to lot 5780," said Sweetie Belle. "This is a sizable, but currently vacant shop right across from the Canterlot Opera House."

"You are giving me a shop in Canterlot?" muttered Rarity.

"I know it's a dream of yours to own a shop in Canterlot," said Sweetie Belle, "and it became available."

"I don't know what to say," said Rarity.

"It is not totally selfless. I will be moving to Canterlot to apprentice under Luna, and I wanted it to be easier for us to see each other."

"Are you sure you want to make such a commitment?" asked Rarity.

"Well, with Apple Bloom, Celestia, Cadance, Scootaloo, and Twilight active during the day, some pony had to take the night with Luna. It just wouldn't be right for her to be alone, and besides, she needs me."

"If you think it best," said Rarity, "I'll support your decision."

"It truly is," said Sweetie Belle.

"Then with that settled," said Rarity as she began to twirl Sweetie Belle, "I have a boutique in Canterlot."


The moon was directly overhead as Scootaloo left Cloudsdale. Sweetie Belle getting her cutie mark filled her with a sense of nostalgia, and she soon found herself flying over the clubhouse where it all started. She descended and entered the old clubhouse.

A layer of dust covered the room, and a small water stain was distinctly visible in front of the podium. The fireflies had long escaped the lantern that hung over podium. Scootaloo concentrated and it began to emit a soft light.

As she stood in the middle of the clubhouse, she noted that it wasn't the signs of neglect that really got to her most, it was the size of the place. It just somehow felt smaller.

Scootaloo heard the door open behind her.

"Hey, Scootaloo," said Apple Bloom. "I saw the light on, and well, I guess you feel the same as I do about now."

"We had a lot of fun times in this place," said Scootaloo.

"Yeah," said Apple Bloom, "lots of fun times."

"And now it's done," said Scootaloo.

"Sweetie Belle sure did look good out there," said Apple Bloom.

"Mhmm," said Scootaloo. "I guess now we just have the cutesenera to plan."

"I know we agreed to wait until we all had our marks to do it," said Apple Bloom, "but somehow..."

"I know," said Scootaloo. "I certainly don't need a bunch of gifts with my cutie mark on them. My budget is high enough to buy anything I'd want, even if I hadn't emblazoned it on my stuff myself already."

"And then there would be the guards," said Apple Bloom, "and all the ponies and griffons that would want to be there just because you are princesses and all. I had enough of Tiara sucking up to me. I don't need to be the center of attention."

"So that's it then," said Scootaloo.

"I reckon it is," said Apple Bloom.

"Let the final meeting of the Cutie Mark Crusaders come to order," said Scootaloo from behind the podium.

Sweetie Belle flew in through the open door. "I hope I'm not too late."

"Fashionably late as usual," said Scootaloo. "You do seem to have your sister's sense of timing."

"I did have quite the big night," said Sweetie Belle.

"You sure did," said Scootaloo. "Welcome to the club."

Sweetie Belle giggled. "Yeah, I guess I joined the princess club as well as gaining my cutie mark."

"Don't look at me," said Apple Bloom.

"I admit I was kind of surprised to see you all here, although I probably shouldn't be. I came to collect my things from up above, now that I'm moving to Canterlot."

"Canterlot isn't all that far away you know," said Scootaloo.

"My new nocturnal schedule might also interfere," said Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo sighed. "We all have things in our lives that limit us. While it may not be as easy for us to get together..actually..one last time.."

The Crusaders joined hooves.

"Let us always keep our friendship alive," said Apple Bloom.

"No matter how far our duties take us," said Scootaloo.

"We always were Crusaders," said Sweetie Belle.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders, completed!" shouted all three.

They shared a heart-felt hug together.

Epilogue: Second Chances

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Down in the valley beneath her, Arizoutl raised the Idol of Boreas before him. A throng of Griffons bowed deeply, chanting out his name over and over.

Scootaloo furiously nipped at her bonds, fraying the edge of the rope in her teeth. After a few more moments, she managed to free herself. She popped the suppressor off her horn -- Arizoutl would pay for the mistake he'd made thinking that without her magic, she was helpless.

She turned to Daring Do, who was similarly tied up, and sliced her bonds with a ray from her horn.

The pair flared their wings, shaking off the pain as blood flowed through them. They looked at each other then back down into the valley before them.

Just as they were about to spring into action, Luna landed right in front of them with Sweetie Belle beside her.

"Greetings, Scootaloo," said Luna. "Sweetie Belle had some concerns about Chrysalis and this seemed the most convenient and discreet method of having the discussion."

"I'm dreaming," said Scootaloo, Daring Do fading into nothingness at the declaration.

"That you are," said Luna. "I can use my dreamwalking to speak privately to any pony I so desire. It has been useful at times, like when one is potentially being spied upon, coerced, or controlled."

"Well, while I can't guarantee that we weren't being spied upon," said Scootaloo. "I can say that I am not being coerced or controlled, at least not by Chrysalis."

"Then by whom?" asked Luna.

"Well, I don't exactly trust the Idol of Boreas," said Scootaloo. "Your sister had a hoof in making it, and she knows far more about it than I. In addition, she seemed all too happy about me getting it."

"The Idol is fairly harmless," said Luna. "It is the artifacts that try to hide that you are being manipulated that cause the largest problems. Boreas is straight-forward in its effects. I fully trust that you are capable of dealing with them."

"I agree though," said Scootaloo, "that this kind of contact is very useful. Can you teach me?"

"Just dreamwalking isn't all that difficult," said Luna. "Contacting the dreamer you want when there are thousands of other dreamers between you and your target takes a lifetime of training."

Scootaloo drooped a bit. "I guess dragonfire will have to do, but..it might work anyway if I sent you a note to instigate a dream if it were absolutely needed."

"Scootaloo," said Sweetie Belle.

"Let's stay on point," said Luna. "What is your counsel on the changelings?"

"To let them in?" said Scootaloo. "Mistakes have been made on both sides of the relationship between changelings and ponies and we have a chance to forge a new union to the benefit of all."

Luna nodded. "I just hope that the trust you have granted her is never betrayed."

"By either side," said Scootaloo.

Luna flinched slightly at the statement, but followed up with another nod. She said something quietly to Sweetie Belle, then they both flew into the sky.

Luna and Sweetie Belle vanished from the dream, leaving Scootaloo lucid and alone in a blank field.

She was somewhat at a loss as to what to do in the remnants of the dream. She pondered on the fact that as a not all that younger pony, she would simply have rocketed forth into the sky given this chance. But she couldn't think of one simple pleasure she wanted to indulge.

She sighed and woke up.

Scootaloo floated a brush over and managed some semblance of straightening her unruly bed-mane, while wondering what she'd have to do to have her mane flow like Celestia or Luna's. She looked at the clock, then hastily descended the stairs to the more public area of her current residence.

Scootaloo made her way to the mayoral conference room, and saw all of her major staff members already seated. She stepped forward to her own place and sat down.

"Quick report today please," said Scootaloo.

"The mines are producing way ahead of schedule," said Ruffled Bearing. "From what I saw of them, I figured it would have been months, but those crystal ponies sure know their trade."

"Practically all our coin is going to the construction of this city," said her financial minister. "You do know that the tax rates are less than half what they were in the Griffon Empire before you took over? Please reconsider the leniency you are giving. Having such low taxes could also make you look weak in the eyes of some griffons."

"There is one uniform tax code throughout Equestria," said Scootaloo, "and while emergency raising of funds is allowed, I am fine with things as they are."

"We continue to have new griffons immigrating to the city," said another griffon. "A higher percentage of these are from outside Griffonstone as word of your glory spreads throughout the empire. There have also been several pegasi who have taken residence."

"Keep up the good work," said Scootaloo. "I plan to be out of town most of the day."

Ruffled Bearing saluted while the griffons bowed.

Scootaloo bid farewell to her cabinet and took off for west of Canterlot.

Scenarios played in her head about how things might go, and she found herself nearing outskirts of the city without having paid attention to the trip there.

She changed course, avoiding Canterlot proper.

Ahead of her she saw a clearing, and as she got closer it resolved into a temporary staging area, dominated by a huge pavillion tent, and surrounded by guards.

Scootaloo landed near the guards, who parted to let her through.

As she passed the entrance of the pavilion tent, she noticed the fine weave of enchantments set onto its cloth. Whatever they did, it was something spectacular.

Inside the tent, she saw the petitioner's stall in the center, an oaken structure that would surround the petitioner on three sides. Around the edges of the tent were soft velvet pillows, each emblazoned with the cutie mark of one of the princesses, in the color of their coat.

The ones directly across from the opening belonged to Celestia and Luna, with Twilight's to Celestia's left, and Sweetie Belle's to Luna's right. Her own was on the edge nearest Twilight's.

Two royal guards had point nearer the entry flaps on the inside, and Celestia was sitting quietly on her pillow, like an alabaster statue overlooking the upcoming proceeding. Twilight sat next to her, looking vaguely uncomfortable.

Scootaloo nodded to Celestia, and took her place on her pillow.

A few minutes later, Luna and Sweetie Belle entered, chatting amongst themselves. They took their places and went silent.

Cadance entered soon after, and took her seat directly across from Scootaloo. She did not make eye contact.

The sound of a trumpet blared from outside of the tent.

Chrysalis strode in, flanked by two royal guards and stood behind the box.

She gazed into the eyes of each of the ponies around her, then said, "I, Hive Queen Chrysalis, do formally request a normalization of relations between me, and my hive, and Equestria, and furthermore request that my changelings and I be allowed citizenship in Equestria seeing as our lands are inside the boundaries of the current Equestria."

"Did you not just recently bring war upon Canterlot? Why shouldn't we be taking you into custody right now for crimes against Equestria?" asked Celestia.

"I simply did not think that peace with Equestria was a possibility," said Chrysalis, "and was taking actions that I at the time felt was best for my changelings. My mother had tried a few times to find peace and only found her demise."

"And yet here you stand, asking for just that," said Celestia.

"Times change," said Chrysalis, "and I found in Princess Scootaloo the hope that we could put our past behind us; that ponies, griffons, changelings, and others could live in harmony."

"In what way did Scootaloo change your mind?" asked Celestia

"I was impressed with how Princess Scootaloo dealt with the griffons," said Chrysalis. "She seemed like a pony I could deal with, so I gave her a chance. She passed every test I had my proxy place before her, without fear or prejudice. Even when I appeared before her for the first time, she took it in stride, and was affable."

"And what if you change your mind again?" asked Celestia.

"If circumstances were to force me to re-evaluate my position," said Chrysalis, "it would mean that we have all failed."

"Which doesn't really answer my question," said Celesita.

"Doesn't it?" asked Chrysalis.

Celestia thought visibly for a few moments. "Moving on then: What role do you see yourself and your changelings having in pony society?"

Chrysalis took on a mock-aristocratic air. "Thespians, we could produce the best actors and playwrights in Equestria, or do you expect courtesans? Changelings fulfilling any pony desire, or maybe we could be professional card players. Reading the emotions of the ponies at the table would provide a huge advantage. My changelings have a lot of talents."

"You say your changelings a lot," said Celestia. "You do realize that they would be coming under the rule of Equestria if your petition is granted."

"I will always think of them as my changelings," said Chrysalis. "Do you not think of the ponies as your ponies? Would you ever not if you joined in a greater empire?

After a short pause, she continued. "It is increasingly clear though where you stand on the issue. You didn't give my Mother a chance, and she was..lost. I don't think any changeling ever truly cared more than she did. Maybe it is time to give these fine ponies a chance to cast their votes."

"Any objection?" said Celestia.

Chrysalis sat down while Celestia turned to Scootaloo. "In the absence of any objections, how do you vote?"

"I have been dealing with the changelings for some time now," said Scootaloo, "and I believe they are sincere in their application for citizenship. They certainly would be far more useful as allies than enemies. I vote for admission."

"We feel it is time to give the changelings a chance," said Luna. They have had a hard time in the past, and I would not deny a chance at redemption given my own experiences."

"I also think they should have a chance," said Sweetie Belle. "Why couldn't a changeling change?"

"The changelings have an ancient culture that we would be remiss in losing the chance of studying, without having the clearest evidence of their perfidy in these proceedings," said Twilight.

"I would be glad to welcome the changelings into the light," said Celestia. "So long as they are willing to conform to all the laws of the land, I approve their motion on both counts."

"The Crystal Empire will not be a part of a nation that would accept Changelings," said Cadance. "We exercise our sovereign rights and formally withdraw from Equestria."

Cadance turned her back on the other princesses and walked out of the room.

"The petitioner's request is granted," said Celestia, then she rushed out of the tent after Cadance.