> Discord's Stone Imprisonment > by Diamond Quill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Day Ugh > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ugh. I get turned into stone and what does Celestia give my soul? A BOOK! Well more of a journal or diary? I never knew your soul can move just like you when you're trapped in stone! What WILL I do with you dumb book thing? I KNOW! I'll plot my revenge and when some idiot pony or whatever frees me I will know exactly what to do and when to do it! Let's see I want to destroy Celestia and Luna.....rule Equestria.....yup that's about it. Now to how to do it: Find a way to destroy the Elements of Harmony FOREVER! Then Celestia/Luna will have no power and they will BOW DOWN TO THE ALL CHAOTIC DISCORD! I hope it sounds better in real life and not my head or soul or where ever this thing is or what not. Does my plan sound confusing? OH WAIT! You're a BOOK! I should really know better. Couldn't Celestia give me something else like a unlimited supply of toy E.O.H to destroy? I guess not. HUMPH! Well the thing is HOW to I destroy the E.O.H? They can't just be crushed can they? I hope so! When I get my hands on them I will throw them into the river! But something or someone may find it. I know! I'll make a unicorn SO unhappy and annoyed until she'll do anything to make whatever it is that bothers her stop! THAT might be a good idea. Maybe. What type of unicorn though? Pretty? Ugly to spare the pretty ones? Tall or short? OH! How about pretty and weak personality ONLY since she's TOO pretty but very POWERFUL magic? That will work. Right? OH! Remembered. Still a book. I wonder if my powers still work so you can write back. Let me try. I tried and it totally did not work. How do I know? Well one is that you're not writing back. Two...I have words all over my body. I shook them off. Note to self- never cast a write back spell when one has been turned to stone. Hmmmm... if my spell bounced back then maybe a freeing spell will free me! Let me try. Once again I tried and it did not bounce back this time. It just disappeared into the blackness. The only reason I'm writing is one- I have nothing better to do. Two- I have light, although I have no idea how Celestia and Luna did this, so yeah. That's it. What else do I want to write here? How about a nice story about how I came to be in here book? Well one day I wanted to rule all of Equestria bout silly Celestia and Lunatic Luna used the Elements of Harmony to trap me. Thats how everyone knows it I think. Well thats the short version anyway. This is ythe long thing:One day, Discord wanted to take over Equestria and cause chaos at every turn. Celestia and Luna had been studying their spells and had control over a few powerful objects called the Elements of Harmony. They used them to battle Discord. Although he waas ever so sly, Celestia was distracting him while Luna turneed him into stone. His last words were "I'll get revenge when I'm out I promise! AHHHH!" Celestia didn't turn his eyes to stone so he could watch them become Princesses. Then Princess Luna turned the Ruler of Chaos's eyes back to stone. It was a day I will never forget. All those happy ponies... cheering for thejm like they were MEANINGFUL to them. Then they moved my statue into some sort of garden and Princess Luna sealed the rest of me up as you already know. It's just sad to think that they wuld stop me from chaos. They're just simple do-gooders. I don't care for them that much. I wonder if I will age or not. I hope not. It might take SOME time in order for everyone BUT the princesses to forget about me. Then when some clumsy or evil pony frees me I will seek REVENGE!!! HAHAHA! I think I'm tiring myself out. I don't seem to feel tired. Will all my tiredness burst out when I'm free and interrupt my free time? Princess Celestia or Luna might hear my panting and turn me to stone again! I will have to study moreabout this. Can't Celestiia have added some books for me to study with? Hmmm...maybe if I make some BOOKS appear with magic then I might be able to get away with it. I MUST try. YES!!! IT WORKED!! I MUST study about stone imprisoment. Let's see.... AHA! It says right here:When one is trapped in stone then if they think they are tired then when they are free their tiredness will NOTburst out all of a sudden and therefore, tiredness will not build up in the soul. HA HA AND DOUBLE HA! I am feeling so happy! I am going to study and study all the spells in the world. Then I shall become oh so really powerful that BOTH Celestia and Luna those two wicked ponies will FINALLY bow dow to the all Chaotic Discord! That is GOING ti be the life. Yeah the sweet bow down to me life. I don't know if I can hande it... JUST KIDDING! I handled it before and I can handle it again. Nothing can stop me unless... It's too horrible to think about. I'll say it...unless the Elements of Harmony go under a...a...new OWNERSHIP! That will totally be so horrible. I read that the more ownerships the Elements have been through the more powerful it will become. PLEASE DON'T LET THERE BE A NEW OWNERSHIP!! I think that I miss the chocolate rain most...NO the dancing bull cows or how about the long legged rabbits? I think I miss them all. Those were the good days when you got to be ruler of everything. I, Discord, must find a way to get out of this stone imprisonment. I'll just get some more books. So I found out that there is a backfire spell in my soul. Since when did that happen? Must have been Celestia again. How can she interfere with my own body? I must study more on this. Well I guess bye for today. Ugh. Imprisonment. > Still Mad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh Celestia MUST be oh so happy that I'm not in her way to ruin her plans. Her sister might be happy as well. Who am I kidding of course she's happy. Everypony is happy now that I'm gone. If only they can cause misery and EVIL. That's it! I'll try to turn one of them evil! I just have to study the spell for it. I also need to find a way for it to reach somepony. Let's see aha! Here it is: To turn somepony evil you need to cast a spell called the Evilian Spell. This will cause them to think of the BAD things in life and want to make other pony's lives horrible as well. If you are trapped in someplace and want to cast the spell, look in Amazing Spells by Starswirl the Bearded. That book will show you the ins and outs of good and evil. SEE! I will just have to get the dumb book and poof! One of the Princesses may turn EVIL! That is something that will make me a little bit more happier! I realized that the lights here are a little dimmer than usual(still have NO CLUE how the lights got in here in the first place) when it's night time. I checked the clock (don't know how that got here either) when the lights get dim everyday. I just need to find the dumb book and here it is now! OH!! I found the spell I was looking for! Let me study it for like an hour. I love this book! It tells me EVERYTHING I WANT TO KNOW! Listen to this:The Evilian Spell couses any single pony to think of the bad things in life and eventually tun evil. This spell is hard to cast because it is very dangerous. In order to cast this spell, think of the pony you want to cast the spell on. then focus really hard on ALL or MOST of that one single pony's happy thoughts. Then think of all the things they are against. Your spell will then be cast and will reach your target in at least 5 minutes. If you are somehow trapped or imprisoned and want/need to cast this spell then think about their happy and evil thoughts TOGETHER. That is the only way you can do it. The process of the spell is the same as the one before. If your target is PURELY good then the spell may take up to 8 to 12 months before fully in action. Good luck on this one. I then need to cast and learn this spell right away. If only there were some other way. I'll need a book on that though. Maybe if I think of something good the book will somehow pop up. I'm going to try it. The book Spells the Other Way by Merpone just showed up. I LOVE Merpone! He is the most famous pony for writing books on evil and disharmony! I have GOT to check it out! Let me tell you his history before I start studying so you know(like if you ever decide to answer me back.) Here we go:Long ago, Merpone was born before the rule of Celestia. He was a strange little pony since he was so interested in the science of evil and chaos. He soon wanted to become supreme ruler of Equestria. He created numerous numbers of spells and cheats to hard spells and wrote them down in a book. He then used these spells to rule the world. Many tried to stop him but the harde and powerful spells took too long and since Merpone had the cheats, he easily beat them. Merpone then imprisoned Starswirl the Bearded in his crown which he forced the metalworkers to male. Merpone proudly ruled and whoever tried to defeat him faced his wrath. When Merpone knew that his time was going to be up soon, he published numerous books on evil and disharmony and cast a spell on them so they could never be removed, destroyed, or damaged by others. That is how his books survived. Then, he finally died and all Starswirl the Bearded was freed. Isn't Merpone great? He was so famous people teach the fillies about him and stuff. TOTALLY worth my time tellin you. It's not like I can age or anything. So I'm going to study. I'm still studying but I'm taking a break to tell you the cheat: One way to cheat the Evilian spell is to just think of your target being tortured and oh so sad. Then think of a time limit for example 1 day and that is the amount of time it will take for the spell to reach the target. The best part is that the spell is INDESTRUCTIBLE and if censored cannot be destoyed no matter what. It can easily pass through spellbound walls and such tiny things those fools. HA HA HA! Isn't Merpone the best? I wish I were there to see him rule but of course I would be miserable. NOT! Merpone lets the chaotic rule alongside him! I would have been ruler as well! If only he could be here to DESTROY Celestia that wannabe Princess. It angers me to even think of her! If only I could go back in time and change what happened. Back to studying anyway. I am bored of studying so I'm going to tell you what I should have done to Celestia and Luna: Discord was just simply creating chaos when Celestia and her dreaded sister Luna bust in through the door. Luna pranced up to him and tried to attack with all her magic but the great Discord knew her weakness and attacked her sister, Celestia. Luna was horrified as she turned her focus on Celestia. Then, because the magic spell she was going to cast at Discord was ready to fire, Luna accidentally fired the spell at Celestia which caused more pain to Celestia. Luna completely collapsed crying and sobbing. Discord took the advantage and tuned Celestia ,who was still alive, and Luna into mere foals. He then raised them to become powerful and just as chaotic as he was and together, they RULED THE WORLD! That is what I should have done but I didn't. If only I could turn back time. OH! NO time to write, I need to get studying! So sorry about the study thing. I was just checking if I could turn back time while trapped in this stone. Apparently I can't really do that. I could if I were out of here though. I just hope that I'll still be able to do my Evilian Spell. This is what Merpone says about the Timer Spell: The timer spell is one of my favorite spells. I used it when ever I messed up on anything like well...everything. If you want to cast this spell then prepare to be youngified yourself. I say DO NOT cast this spell if you are trapped in like ice or rock or you'll still be trapped but as a baby. Too bad, if only I knew what spell Celestia used to trap me. Then I could maybe whatever blah blah you know what right? I'll be able to be freed if I change. WOAH! I feel sick to my stomach. It's like my stone is being moved. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT?!? I am seeing a WINDOW in my body! HOW DOES CELESTIA DO THESE THINGS?!? I see ponies moving me into a garden of some kind. It's a statue garden. I'm going to cast a time freeze spell. > Angry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curse all of Equstria and the ponies who absolutely ADORE Celestia herself OR Luna those FOOLS. I am just so angry. When I tried to cast that time freeze spell it backfired! I stayed completely frozen throughout the ENTIRE night. Why can't Celestia see the good chaos does? It gives you a ton of power and is so HILARIOUS! Have you seen the silly little ponies sneezing ans acting all funny?THAT is the great of chaos. If only someone will understand me like Merpone. If I could only be with him. I also need some REAL person to talk to and not a dumb book that wont answer me BACK!!! Hello Discord You're answering back?!? How are you able to do that? Ha ha ha you see, I am not your book but PRINCESS Celestia. I have come to tell you that you have been moved to the statue garden and will now be a piece of the Museum of Equestrian Artwork and History. Would you like to say a few words? WOULD I! YOU ARE THE MOST HORRID BEAST I HAVE EVER LAID EYES ON! I WILL GET OUT AND TURN ALL OF EQUESTRIA EVIL! JUST YOU WAIT! WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE YOU WILL BE DEAD YOU HEAR ME?!? DEAD! Bye Discord! Can you believe it! She just told me that I've been moved well I clearly saw that I was being moved dumb Celestia. I will get my revenge. What does she think I am? BLIND? Surely not. If I were blind then how come I am able to talk to you then huh? I may or may NOT be going crazy. If only i could... Discord..do you want me to make your book talk? Maybe.. Okay then Hi Discord! I'm your book! Here to make you feel better! Are you really my book? If so, then what did I think (sarcastically) Celestia thought I was? Hmm!?! Blind Yes! It really is you! Well..as you know Celestia is the most wretched pony I have ever seen! I am a great and powerful ruler who cannot be stopped! If only there was someway I could break out. Don't be sad Discord! I'll put you to sleep and when you wake up, you'll be free. 1..2.. Wait.What?NO!!!!! 3!*POOF* From that day on Discord slept and slept for centuries. Until one day...