Will You Go Out With Me?

by lorettafox

First published

Scootaloo asks Sweetie Belle out on a date.

Scootaloo works up her courage and during class when everypony else is having a massive bathroom break, she asks Sweetie Belle out on a date. Now, it's all up to this first date to see if Scootaloo can finally have Sweetie Belle as her mare-friend.

They are mare age (or high school age) in this story.

Asking Her Out

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“Apple Bloom, I'm so nervous about this. I mean, what if she says no to me?” Scootaloo told one of her best friends in the very back room of the drama classroom. The two mares were in high school and were at lunch time, eating in the drama room like they usually did every day along with their other best friend, Sweetie Belle.

“Scoots, you're making a big deal out of this. Do you remember your plan?” asked Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo let out a nervous sigh as she closed her eyes, recalling the plan that she had told Apple Bloom a few days ago. “The whole class is gonna have a bathroom break, leaving just me and Sweetie in the room. I'll then proceed to ask her out.”

“Exactly. I'm sure she'll say yes.” Apple Bloom smiled happily. “Oh, I'm so happy for you, Scoots! I can't believe you're finally gonna ask her!”

“Well, I've liked her since school started this year and it's time I stopped being such a cowardly filly!” Scootaloo said as she stomped her hoof into the ground.

“That's the spirit!” Apple Bloom said as she peered at the clock through a window in the backroom. “Lunch is ending in five minutes! Remember, don't get too nervous and I'll throw her off guard.”

“Right, I have nothing to worry about. Except possible rejection.” Scootaloo spoke, slightly sad.

“I'm sure she'll say yes, or at least she'll accept a date from you. Sweetie doesn't wanna rush into a relationship too quickly. She'll panic.”

“Oh, I don't wanna rush things with her! I don't wanna scare her away!” Scootaloo panicked. “I would love to tell her how much I truly feel about her. I mean, she is just so sweet.”

“I know, I know. You told me all of this just a few days ago. Come on, we gotta get out of the backroom and the teacher will think something is going on back here.” Apple Bloom warned as she headed for the door that lead out of the backroom and into the main classroom, which was the biggest in the school. Apple Bloom had just reached the door before she pivoted her head to look back at Scootaloo. “And remember, don't panic and just ask her.”

Scootaloo walked up to Apple Bloom and whispered. “I will, I will. Just remember to call that bathroom break. I can't have everypony staring at me.”

“Relax. I'll make sure everypony is gone.” Apple Bloom said as both she and Scootaloo walked out of the backroom.

“If this works,” Scootaloo whispered. “I owe you one, Apple Bloom.”

“No prob.” Apple Bloom whispered as the two walked around the teacher's desk and both sat next to Sweetie Belle, who was at the moment eating a bowl of hay-flavored noodles that their drama teacher sold at lunch, though the three ponies ate them free of charge as an alternative to the school lunch.

Sweetie Belle perked her head up as she slurped up her noodles as she saw Apple Bloom and Scootaloo approach. “Wow, you guys were back there for a really long time. What were you doing?” Sweetie asked.

“Oh nothing. Just discussing things.” Apple Bloom said. “Oh, lunch is gonna be over any minute now.” Shortly after saying that, the bell rang to signal the end of lunch. Sweetie Belle slurped the last of her noodles and went into the backroom to clean out her bowl.

Apple Bloom leaned over to Scootaloo and whispered. “Remember, keep calm and ask on.” she smiled, purposely making a reference to a popular meme. Scootaloo simply nodded her head as she started to see her classmates coming in for fifth period that was directly after lunch. Scootaloo took her place that was normally behind Sweetie Belle.

It was halfway through the period and Scootaloo felt herself becoming increasingly nervous. She had started to realize at the beginning of this school year how much Sweetie Belle had changed over the summer and how much more attractive she had gotten as well. It had taken some time, but when Scootaloo had finally realized she had developed a crush on one of her best friends, she kept it to herself until finally, a few days ago, she told Apple Bloom how she felt.

Apple Bloom told her that she was happy that she finally told her. Apple Bloom picked up that there was something going on with Scootaloo every time she seemed to be around Sweetie Belle lately. Apple Bloom had been the one to come up with the plan that would enable Scootaloo to ask Sweetie Belle.

“Hey, Sweetie Belle. Look up at the ceiling!” Apple Bloom smiled.

Being slightly gullible, Sweetie Belle looked up and looked back at Apple Bloom. “Umm...why did I look up...hey, did you take something from me?” Sweetie asked angrily.

“Nope, everything is here. See?” Apple Bloom said as she pointed a hoof a Sweetie Belle's notebook, one in which she brought and drew in everyday in order to control her boredom.

“Ok?” Sweetie Belle said, completely confused. “Why did I look up at the ceiling for?”

“Oh, nothing.” Apple Bloom giggled as she really had taken the pencil Sweetie Belle had been using, but Sweetie carried many pencils on her and simply pulled one from her saddlebag, not even noticing the original one had been taken.

“Miss, can we have a bathroom break?” asked a colt from their class. He wasn't aware of Scootaloo's plan, it just happened to be too perfect of a opportunity.

“I guess. Alright, if you need to go to the restroom, go. I'll be out in the hall to make sure.” their teacher said, referring that the school was having a hall freeze, meaning students needed escorts to leave the classroom for anything.

The whole class instantly left the room, most of them always needing to use the bathroom this period. Apple Bloom also got up to use the restroom, though she was truly only leaving to give Scootaloo some space. As she walked past Scootaloo, she gave her a quick eye wink before she left the classroom, leaving the two ponies alone.

Ok, Scoots. It's time to do this. Don't panic and just ask her. Scootaloo thought to herself as she breathed in a heavy breath before releasing it once again. “Hey, Sweetie Belle?”

“Yeah, Scoots?” Sweetie Belle asked, turning herself around in her chair so she could see Scootaloo properly.

“Would you go out with me?” Scootaloo asked quickly.

“Wait, huh?” Sweetie Belle blinked in surprise. Had she heard Scootaloo right? “What did you say?”

“Will you be my mare-friend?” Scootaloo asked again.

“Well, you need to go on a date before becoming mare-friends...” Sweetie Belle spoke nervously, unsure on how to handle the situation. No pony had ever asked her out before, so she didn't know how to react right.

“Would you go on a date with me, then?” asked Scootaloo again, wanting to get a definite answer out of Sweetie Belle.

“Umm...sure, I guess.” Sweetie Belle spoke, sounding very confused. “Excuse me, Scoots. The urge to wander is now upon me.” Sweetie Belle instantly got up and began wandering the back of the classroom, unsure on how to process being out and all.

For Sweetie Belle, something like this was a complete surprise. She was very close to be considered an adult and yet, she had never been on a date with anypony and she had also never had her first kiss. Her mind was in complete shock that Scootaloo, of all ponies, had a crush on somepony like her. If Scoots liked her, Scoots had to think she was attractive, something Sweetie Belle had a hard time believing that she was. She had looked in mirrors time and time again, always wondering if anypony would ever find her attractive.

As Sweetie Belle tried racking her brain for why in Equestria Scoots would like her, a thought occurred. Scootaloo actually liked her. Thought that she was attractive and asked her out. The sudden thought made Sweetie Belle blush intensely.

For Scootaloo, she was more then elated on what had happened to her. Sweetie Belle had said yes! She had a date with her potential mare-friend! The most attractive mare to her had agreed to go on a date with her! Now, where would they go for their first date? Perhaps Sweetie's favorite restaurant and maybe a movie if there was enough time. Oh, the possibilities were endless! Scootaloo had to get planning their future date right away.