> The Chronicles of Sithmane: The Coming Storm. > by Sithmaneking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The story (Whole thing) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue Applebucking Season/Day 11/CE 1033 Westmanester, West Coast, Equestria. Hell. That was what this was. Princess Luna was fleeing into the forests of the western Everfree, and she was not alone. She was being protected by her own guards, four stallions as dark, armored and camouflaged as Luna herself was. Luna was an alicorn, a pony with a horn and wings like unicorns and pegasi, but with more powerful magic than a unicorn. She was armored like her guards. Luna stood as a mare in the moonlight and starlight as she raised the moon to make the night begin, but she snarled as she looked back at the burning castle that she came from. It was surrounded on all sides by more warriors, but they gleamed like the sun as their armor caught the setting sun on the old castle hill. A tug on her tail and a little colt around 7-years-old with black and red coat and mane, and next to it was a filly with the same color of coat and mane and age as the other. The colt shivered in fear, “Where’s mother, cousin?” the colt spoke in fearful tones, but tried to keep itself from being too scared. “You’re…..” Luna didn’t know if the child would understand. “Sithmane…..She’s not coming back dear……she got caught by Celestia……I’m sorry.” The colt named Sithmane went from fear, to the hardest look Luna ever saw on a colt she saw. He kicked a tree and almost shouted in grief and rage. “Then we must avenge all of them cousin, in a way that Celestia will remain reeling in pain and beg for death!” Luna winched as the colt spoke, fearing that his rage would get the better of the child. “We can’t! Celestia is too powerful now and we need to train you two before the rebellion is destroyed!” “Then take us somewhere safe.” Sithmane replied. “I will train with my sister once we get there. Since we are the last of our family, and you are our guardian, you must keep us safe cousin.” How the buck is this one, the offspring of uncle Blackhoof, able to think of revenge and training this young? Luna thought as the filly next to the colt shivered in shyness and fright. The filly leaned closer to Luna and wanted to speak. “Why is this happening cousin?” the filly spoke. “Why is cousin Celestia attacking us?” Luna didn’t know why, even if she was nearly 1,500 years old. Celestia and all her guards came and started killing the family Luna promised to protect, but whatever the reason; it was another reason why Celestia’s “Republic” was something that needed to be wiped out. The sun had completely set by the time the forces led by Celestia retreated back east, towards Canterlot. “Because Celestia wanted to end a threat. That threat was you and your brother, and now Sithmarea, I am one as well.” Luna glared back and her guards made an aerial sweep of the forest. The guards, under Luna’s command, came back with reports of caves nearby, and something within the caves as well. Something made. “We must set up a camp in the caves. Celestia might not see us in the night, but by day, if we don’t take cover, she’ll know where we are, especially me.” The guards set up a camp deep into the caves, near the artificial building. The building looked more like a temple to a god or goddess besides Celestia or Luna, or even the chaos bringer, Discord. The children rested on the temple steps, sleeping. Luna kept them near her to protect them from any weird creature within the caves. The temple looked stacked and laid in stone. The steps on each face upon it gleamed as if they has precious stones or metal upon them, but some of the glimmer was from the moonlight hitting the water. On the top of the temple stood a small house-like room, which was dark and the winds within the temple were haunted whispers of a time long past. We have lost so many….Bloodhoof, uncle, Relena, all of my real family that’s left...I’ll keep them safe and train them. Luna thought as the children rested. One of the guards enters and speaks in a whisper. The guard tells Luna, in great length, that other leaders of the New Lunar Republic Resistance, those of the once great Lunar Republic, now nothing more than small rebel cells led by Luna in secret within the shadows of the night, away from any sunlight. The next morning, Luna set the stars and the moon and all the guards that stayed overnight to guard head to rest in the temple. Luna awoke as Sithmane wakes and he asks one of the guards on duty to train him and his sister. When Luna nodded her consent, the guard started with basics, but even if the guard went easy on the young warriors, they attacked with strength of one unhinged griffon. Luna kept smiling as the two nearly 7-year-old youngsters fought and trained, and felt almost nostalgic when her mother taught her the same fighting moves, the same sword and gun styles, and her father, the sun bearer before Celestia, taught her how to move the moon and stars when she was just a 5-year-old filly. The day was almost over and the sun setting away from the cave mouth. The children were sleeping and the guards changed places as Luna made the night appear with a new moon upon the sky. Several flaps of wings and hoof-beats upon the ground announced the arrival of the rebel leaders from close-by towns and ruins. One was a large pegasi stallion with more weapons than even Luna’s guards and was a strong believer in Clop Tzu’s “Art of War”, a book made in the early Tribal Era. Two others from Manehatten, far to the east, also arrived. They were unicorns and had a fashion sense, even when traveling. Another one, a mare from a farm in Ponyville, galloped in and turned back aiming with a shotgun at some invisible enemy in the bushes and walked in after everypony else was inside. As the ponies sat, Luna greeted them and gave them water from the cave lakes dark depths. The first to speak was the Pegasi stallion; he cleared his throat and began. “We have heard of Celestia’s attack here and feared our saviors were taken from us,” The stallion began. “But here I see that you gave up your cover to save them, Luna. How are they, and are there any other survivors?” “I am sorry to say that Sithmane and his sister are the last of those alive in the Bloodvolds.” Luna spoke in somber tones. ”My uncle’s family, Blackhoof and Relena are dead, and so are the rest, either by the fire or by Celestia’s brand of torture.” “That is indeed a shame,” Spoke the mare unicorn. “Our numbers dwindle, and even now our saviors are orphaned by Celestia’s warmongering.” “Ah, can’t abide by any of this horseapples and such,” spoke the earth pony. “We back in Sweet Apple Acers can’t hold ’r cover much anymore. A lot of the ol’ family has fled back east an’ west to Appleloosa and Manehatten.” “I understand that, Apple Smith,” Spoke Luna. “But we need you and the farm base for just another few years. We’re at a staging point there to raid Canterlot or Ponyville for supplies if need be, but Celestia has been a pain- in-the-flank during the day.” “Not just the day Princess,” replied Apple smith. “During the night as well. Celestia has those newfangled ‘Dragon Riders’ of hers an’ they’re burning some of our crops at night, trying to uncover our base there. We’re goanna need some support there soon anyway.” “I thought sister wouldn’t have those till next year at best!” exclaimed Luna, thinking about the last reports that she heard from the front. Most of the Intel regarding the movements of the Celestial Empire and it’s armies were gotten from new recruits that waste time in the inns within many of the towns and cities that the empire controlled, but new Intel was hard to get now, since the warning of one of Luna’s nephews, Blueblood, told Celestia of Sithmane and Sithmarea and called them “The two to repel the light”, as was told by many lore-masters under Celestia’s pay. “Apparently,” the pegasi said. “Our Intel was either wrong, or has been given wrong Intel about the Celestial Army and its forces.” “We can’t just fault the Intel gatherers, fer’ this,” Apple Smith spoke in annoyance. “We also need to know who might be in the Light Hag’s pay too!” The earth pony used the rebellion description of Celestia when he referred to her. “There’s gotta be some two-timein’ buckass in the spy sects!” “We’ll deal with it as soon as we get back to Manehatten, A.S.” The stallion unicorn spoke. “We will find any and all suspected double agents that still work in our service. And theirs as well.” “We might also need to bring some of our own hidden forces from the front for the time being.” spoke the pegasi stallion as he rose to get more drink. “The reports I’m getting from the front is that the enemy is attempting to make a planned war-games week in Ponyville, and the griffons from the north are sending their new recruits to learn our tactics, and get some training from these war-games.” “Celestia wouldn’t want to ruffle any griffie feathers if they come to train in war-games.” Luna suspected that Celestia was planning a military alliance and peace treaty, and then sends that to the griffons and their Emperor, but thought that the Northbirds might scoff and just wage war again instead. “I think instead, Celestia is planning something against us. And she wants to use the games as cover for it.” “It sounds reasonable, but if the griffons wanted war, then Celestia might be distracted by Emperor Alexandros’s invasion, and thus leave us be for awhile.” Luna was hopeing that would be the case. “We just need to be vigilant. And yes, I agree to bringing back our shadow troops immediately. They will be needed later for something different.” Luna breathed in before she spoke again. “There’s also the matter of ‘The Chosen Ones’. I do have them here with me, but I do not wish to be the sole trainer for them in the years to come.” “Perhaps it’s time ta’ show them Luna.” Apple Smith laughed. “After all, most of us came along here to see them anyway.” Luna nods and asks the guard outside to bring Sithmane and Sithmarea to the meeting tent. The guard leaves to gather the two and returns saying that Sithmane was the only one awake and ushers him in. “Good evening to you all.” Spoke Sithmane, “I am Sithmane Bloodvold, last of my clan, along with my sister Sithmarea.” Sithmane looked older, and wiser than Luna thought. Perhaps he thought that he was as strong and capable as the other leaders, and wanted to show it. “So, this is little Prince Sithmane?” The pegasi asked. “He’s going to save us all when he comes of age?” Luna sighed and nodded. “He still needs a lot of training, but within a few years, he could be on the front with his twin sister, Sithmarea.” “This ain’t right,” Apple Smith exclaimed. “Celestia has little fillies and colts his age already out there in the armies! We shouldn’t be doing this to ‘em!” “If you don’t like it Sir Apple Smith, then make your own way and be out of this discussion until you see that you and the rest need me and my sister.” Sithmane looked dangerously at the earth pony, smiling in an almost sadistic smile. “All of my family is dead. My father wanted me and my sister to overthrow Celestia into chaos. And you come here, speaking about the ‘wrongness’ of me and sis being here, even if you have your own wife and kids out there in the farm base doing what they can do to help. Without you fretting about them more than us, and you call yourself a leader?” A small knife was glinting in Sithmane’s hooves and it get’s stabbed into the table. “You, Apple Smith, should be worried me and my sister think you would do nicely as cannon fodder like Celestia does.” With that, Sithmane leaps off the table and walks out. The entire leadership looked stunned at Sithmane, then at the knife in the table, then at Luna; who was just as shocked as the rest of them. Luna cleared her throat and drank some water before continuing. “Sithmane, although he is so young, is right.” The unicorn mare said, picking up the knife out of the table. “Sometimes we must use the enemy’s tactics against them before they can. Celestia wanted him and his sister to use them against us, or to kill them, but one thing is clear: We must train them in all of the means we have in every military book we have, from basics to the more expert stuff at hand. And until we know they are ready, we need to keep them secret and safe from prying eyes.” “There is something different about that boy.” The pegasi stallion said. “Something dark, almost electric about his magical aura. Even our Manehatten allies would feel it. Right, Gemhorn?” The unicorn stallion, Gemhorn, rose and sighed. “Yes Rainborn, that boy does have a more-than-normal magic output. It is as though he was being powered by not just his own magic, but the magic of his family as well.” “If that is the case,” Luna said. “Then the two saviors of the NLR must be protected at all costs. Otherwise, we lose this war against my sister. Now, however, I feel tired, and you all must feel the same. Let us continue this discussion tomorrow morning, and we can figure what to do with both Sithmane and his sister, Sithmarea.” The leadership bow and rise to head to the guest tents that the guards erected for them, but one of them stayed, it was Mageheart, one of the Manehatten delegates. “I feel that our new ‘saviors’ are harnessing some magic from that temple,” Mageheart warned, pointing at the distant temple. “Perhaps even being manipulated by it, you must keep the two of them away from there, or at least out of the temple itself, Luna.” “I shall strive to do that Mageheart,” said Luna. “For I have felt a presence in that foreboding place.” The feeling was more than what she spoke, for the temple resonated with dark omens and power from its walls. “You, or is it Nightmare Moon, that feels this?” Mageheart said in a worried tone. “I…..I think Nightmare does Gemhorn,” Luna sighed. “But I cannot be certain.” “Then we should move you and the children away from this place tomorrow night,” Said Mageheart, worriedly. “I believe that whatever ill powers linger here, the children, especially Sithmane, might succumb to that dark, twisted power.” Luna sighed and wondered what was in the temple that made her dark self, Nightmare Moon, to feel either powerful or slightly…or oddly enough, scared. Luna, at the break in the meeting, went to ask Gemhorn what made her, Mageheart, and Sithmane all magically susceptible to the temple’s dark aura. “Gemhorn?” spoke Luna. “May I speak with you, in private?” Gemhorn nodded and came over to speak to Luna. “Yes, Princess. What is it you require?” “I want to know what sort of ‘dark aura’ you felt in regards to the temple, and how it might, or was affecting Sithmane.” “I felt…a strong feeling of death and warmongering from within that temple.” said Gemhorn. “The temple, and the surrounding lake and cave system, feel just…it’s as if the temple has a demon buried in it.” “A demon,” Luna asked. “What sort of demon?” “I don’t know.” Gemhorn replied, feeling uneasy about the dark feeling from the temple. “I once had a dream…more like a nightmare, that showed a…I do not know if it was a pony, but it was winged…four wings, two horns, and its eyes…the eyes glowed red as fire. If that was not a demon, then I know not what one is.” Gemhorn sighs and picks up a quill and paper and began to draw the ‘demon’. It looked like a dragon, with its two horn points facing back as normal, and the four wings on its back were a mix of dragon and pegasi wings, and the eyes were almost the same color as Sithmane’s. “Are you sure the thing looked like this?” Luna asked. Gemhorn nods and points at the eyes, “These made me most troubled when I saw Sithmane, our savior, talking back and goading Apple Smith, and talking to all of us earlier, I saw those eyes, the eyes of that thing!” Gemhorn spoke and points at the drawing’s eyes. “I don’t know if it was a portent or not, but I am worried, scared even, for our saviors’ protection.” As Luna and Gemhorn finished up their private meeting, the guards made the camp tents for them. Luna spoke for more than an hour to the leaders before heading to her own tent that she shared with the two “Saviors” of the rebellion. She saw both children sleeping together, but Sithmane had his head on top of his sister’s, as a form of protecting her from harm. “Sleep well children.” Spoke Luna as she got into her bed. “Tomorrow will be busy, and the night after too.” Applebucking Season/Day 12/CE 1033 Everfree Forest caves. It was almost noon before Sithmane awoke and began training with his instructors, but this time one of the grown-ups from last night wanted to test him, make him prove his mettle even if he was young. It was the one named Rainborn that tested him in a sword duel, and after nearly 30 minutes, the duel ended with the grown-up winning. “I gotta train harder cousin,” Sithmane whined to Luna. “How else am I to beat anyone at this rate?” He felt sore, but a bit puny after being beaten by Hardhoof, even if it was for play. “You will be good Sithmane.” Luna said. “You’re dad had to train nearly 10 years before he mastered his sword training and went into other things.” “But you know that because you lived during his time, and grandpa’s time!” Sithmane exclaimed, but didn’t believe his cousin at the prospect of training forever. “That’s right cousin.” Luna smiled and ruffled the child’s mane. “I may be a goddess of the moon, but a cousin I am to you.” After training for the afternoon, Sithmane went exploring. He first went around the camp, seeing the preparations be set in place to depart in the evening after Luna made the moon rise. He then walked near the lake that surrounded the Temple that the grown-ups were scared to venture near or into, and that Luna told them to not enter it. Sithmane, being a pegasi like his twin sister, tried to fly up to the top of the tall temple, but grew tired as he got halfway up and climbed the stairs afterwards. As he reached the top, an eerie voice could be heard from the temple’s depths through the door. “Come…..Come to me…..child of dark heart and vengeance……” “Hello?” Sithmane replied. Looking around to see who said those words. “Come hither my vengeful brother…..come and become powerful…..” “Who speaks?! Show thyself coward!” Sithmane was starting to back away, when he saw some glyphs on the doorway into the temple. He did not understand them, but the ruins were weird in many ways to Sithmane, and thus they seemed interesting to him to explore. He turns around and sees no-pony around, and with a gulp of water from his water skin, which he kept with him after training, he got from training, he entered the temple with, as the voice said, a wrathful heart. The temple was larger inside than out. And it was large enough for a whole colony of spiders to make a nest in, but even spiders were not seen in the temple halls, just dust and old stones. After nearly what seemed to him like forever, Sithmane was in the deepest and largest of the temple’s rooms, and on the far side. There stood a throne. He sat on the throne and sighed, believing to be on a real throne from long ages gone. Sithmane looked around and spots a stone slab upon the floor, he walked to it and saw that it has weird words on it. The words were not of the common tongue, but of old Equestrian. The words if translated were this: Peace broken into shards, chaos reborn. The demon within, born of fire and dread. Those that bottled it perished, for the spells of its containment breached. Here lies the demons last host. Open this vessel at peril unknown. Beware the Demon: DREADWING. Not knowing what any of the weird words meant, Sithmane attempted to find something to break the slab of rock on the floor with the words on it. He found a large stone that he might be able to push and use as a leverage stone. Along with the stone, he found an iron bar with a pitchfork-like end to it. With an effort, he lifted the bar and puts it into position near the slab. Right. Thought Sithmane. I guess I needed an adult to help me in this. He shakes his head and groans. No! We need to show them we can do this on our own! Mom and dad died and are counting on me because of Celestia and her band! With all his might and determination, Sithmane lifts the slab up and away. The entire room glowed white and blinding. Sithmane’s eyes hurt. Something consumed him. And his thoughts before his screaming from his body transforming were of Luna and her yelling rude things at him if he got caught. Meanwhile… Luna’s eyes hurt and the cave was shaking as the temple emitted a bright light that punctured the ceiling and went into the sky. The others were panicking and trying to keep things falling from the carts they got from the town, and the leaders were all looking towards the temple, wondering if they set something off from within the caves. “What in the world?-“Spoke Gemhorn and Mageheart together. “Luna? Where are our saviors?” Rainborn asked Luna. “THE BUCK SHOULD ME KNOWITH WHERE MY CHARGES ARE! ARE YOU IMPLYING THAT I CANNOT KEEP THEM NEAR MY PERSON WHEN THINGS BEYOND ME HAPPEN?!” Luna yelled in her classical Royal Canterlot Wee that her father used before his death years ago. Luna did not know where Sithmane was, but she had the feeling that he caused whatever the temple was doing. I thought I told him and he understood! Thought Luna as she cursed a stream of expletives near Sithmarea and her guards; Then a blast from the temple made the light abate and go out, and the leaders saw the temple was in ruins, with somepony coming out of the wreckage. “Cousin?” Sithmane was coming out of the ruins, looking scared and with an aura of power around him. “What happened to me?” Luna stood there looking at her cousin with a shocked expression on her face, but smiled when she found out what Sithmane did. He had found power in the temple, and mastered its influence on him. “From what I can say Sithmane, IS THAT THY ARE IN SUCH DEEP HORSEAPPLES THAT YOU MIGHT THINKITH YOURSELF IN THY OWN GRAVE! What were you thinking, entering the temple?!” Luna chided Sithmane. “But cousin.” Sithmane replied. ”I feel more powerful than before….” “I know. You now contain a demon within you Sithmane. Just like me and Celestia.” Luna said with great relief and sadness. “Demon?” Sithmane asks. “There was a slab that spoke of a “demon”, but I thought that was to just scare grave robbers that were superstitious. I opened it and I couldn’t see. Then I woke up, and noticed horseapples happening within the temple.” “What ‘stuff’, Sithmane, what did you or that temple do besided the lights?” Luna was worried what Sithmane was saying was that this demon was Discord. “I do not know, but I feel weird…somepony else is inside me,” Sithmane replied. “Something dark and horrible.” “Luna…if I may,” Mageheart whispered, showing an old book to Luna. “I believe…the demon my brother Gemhorn spoke of…might be in our savior, but not “possessing” him like most hosts beforehand was.” “Speak plainly, Mageheart,” Luna roared. “Is this ‘demon’ in Sithmane is wicked?” “Not exactly,” Mageheart answered. “The demon inside is an old spirit of the “God of Equestrian War”, Dreadwing.” Luna gasped and then almost backed away from Sithmane, fearing what Dreadwing might do if he knew one of his old foes was a relative of his new host. “Can…can we rid Sithmane of him?” “Not without many days of readiness of both myself, and Sithmane.” Mageheart replied. “I believe, my princess, that if we are fortunate to have Sithmane…and in turn Dreadwing in the same body, then we can win this war against Celestia your sister.” “Perhaps Mageheart…” Luna sighed, feeling the worst was to come to them all. “But I have this feeling, that we are all damned to eternal hell.” Chapter One: The Beginning Sweet Apple Acers, Ponyville, Equestria Winter Wrap up Eve, CE 1052 It was cold and clammy in the farm where Sithmane stayed, and that was before the other leaders made it to Sweet Apple Acers. Luna called an emergency meeting that needed to be spoken about, and the closest safe-house for any of them was in Apple Smith’s home in Ponyville, which his wife, Granny Smith took over after his death in a skirmish with Celestial Guards on patrol near Stalliongrad far to the east. Granny Smith was really old, and her eldest son and daughter take care of the farm as she withers in the wind. Applejack was placed as the Ponyville regiment commander and her brother Big Macintosh was the New Lunar Rebellion’s new sector leader after Apple Smith’s death. Applejack, a Caramel coated and blond mane colored mare from the extended Apple Family in Appleloosa was groaning in the hay above Sithmane in the farm. “Ugh…What in tarnation are mah Brother and the other’s talkin’ about now?!” She asks with a kick into the hay. “We have to be patient A.J.” Sighed Sithmane. “We can’t rush them on things of grand and great importance to the cause. You should be calm and patient for them to succeed.” Sithmane was in full leather armor that was a bit tight and made his coat itch underneath it. From nearly 20 years ago, he kept wanting to be part of every leadership meeting and strategy council, but Luna thought that, having him lead one of the lesser armies under her was better than having him and Sithmarea, who was next to him and sitting with Applejack’s sister, Applebloom, in the hay. Sithmarea was in similar leather armor like her brother, but she preferred to be in it, since enemies might try to shoot them from anywhere. Applebloom was just about the same age as Sithmane and Sithmarea’s age 20 years ago, and she already carried a sword for defense, and had started training in the cannon squads, much to Sithmane’s dismay. A strike of thunder was heard and Applebloom awoke from the noise and hid under Sithmarea’s wing. The elder smiled and spoke is soothing tones that the storm was just passing through, but Sithmane was not too sure about that. Storms were uncommon in this area of Equestria, but when they do come, they don’t generate this much wind and rain. It’s a magic storm, thought Sithmane. Celestia must be gathering a force nearby. With the storm getting stronger, the other leaders within the farmhouse thought it prudent to leave before it got worse. Luna and Big Mac entered the barn and Luna shook some rain off. “We need to relocate.” Luna declared. “Gather what you need and we will enter the Everfree by nightfall.” “’Nightfall’?” Sithmane questioned. “Surely you jest cousin! The storm is the worst since I and my sister were ten years old cadets!” “We have to Sithmane, there’s no question in my mind that this storm is not a real one, but a magical one. We must meet in the Everfree; otherwise we might lose our post here in Ponyville.” Luna was indeed worried about the storm. Her sister was powerful, but to have a magic storm on them was worse than being spotted by Celestia’s eye, which was another term for the sun. “Fine,” Groaned Sithmane. “But A.J., Big Mac, and the others should come as well into the forest. Zecora’s hut is within, and we can shelter there.” “We need the ruins, not Zecora!” Exclamed Luna. “I am worried that Zecora is one of Celestia’s spies!” “But she ain’t!” Applebloom spoke up from her rest with a yawn. “I’ve been trainin’ with her since the Cutie Mark Crusaders started helpin’ in the rebellion!” “And since doth I even thinkith to ask a foal what to do and thinkith?!” Luna almost growled at Applebloom. “Luna enough!” Sithmane warned. “We have had all the bickering to do earlier, but like Big Mac, I get regional control of our movements.” Sithmane starts to pack his small, yet heavy-laden bags. “Besides, Zecora has been giving us shelter, medical aid, and potions for Poison Joke and other ailments for years. I don’t think she’s a danger any more than a foal learning to fly is.” “Tell that to Scootaloo, Sithmane.” Applebloom giggled, referring to one of her Cutie Mark Crusaders friends. “She’s been having lessons from Rainbow Dash for months and can’t turn around without running into a tree!” “Thanks for reminding me, Applebloom…my head thanks you for it.” Sithmane got knocked out by Scootaloo’s wayward flying a month ago when he was on tour with the southern rebellion H.Q. sites. The rest got their gear and the barn started to shake from the wind. “We got to go!” Sithmane hollered in the wind. “We must get moving or be swept up by this storm! Applebloom, grab my hoof and come with me! A.J. Keep Big Mac and the others company with the luggage! ‘Marea! You and Luna are rearguard!” While everypony got into position, a tornado formed near the farm and Sithmane had to turn towards it to keep it from nearing them. “Spirits of the wind, your master calls! Keep thy rogue wind brothers at bay!” Sithmane’s shamanic powers, fueled by the demon that he possessed, issued forth and the tornado ceased as the others fled into the forest. Sithmane’s powers then ran rouge and formed more tornadoes, but they turned towards the pastures and apple trees in the farm rather than towards the forest. With little more than two hours remaining before the sun reappeared in the dawn of a new day, the entire group entered the old ruins of Luna’s old tower during the first Lunar Era. Sithmane now stood on the roof of the ruins, and saw the sun start to rise. Luna stood with him, and she was starting to look tired. “Sithmane,” Luna spoke. “Why do you keep avoiding me, avoiding the rebellion leadership? I know that you tend to think we’re not going fast enough for you and your army, but you are going too fast for us to really be effective against Celestia.” “Then you need to review my effectiveness tests again cousin.” Sithmane laughed as he gave a smirk to Luna. “At least I get the job done, win battles that would’ve been defeats if somepony else led the armies instead. If you don’t like it that I’m effective against Celestia more than the other leaders, then have me transferred to somewhere useful, like the main H.Q under Manehatten’s streets!” Luna groaned as the sun’s first rays of morning started to shine over the trees of the forest. “Perhaps we should head inside before Celestia spots us?” “You go on ahead, Luna,” Sithmane sighed. “I’m going to try poking out Celestia’s Eye and blind her to our movements, whatever you and the others have planned.” Sithmane leapt off the roof and unfurled his wings for flight. He almost crashed into a tree and disturbed a family of sparrows, which he regretted. The sun raised more as Sithmane flew as high as he could before losing any breath in the sky above the ruins. The light clouds under Sithmane churned and began to look like dragons during a mating flight, and the sun looked brighter than before the storm the night before. He began to form the clouds into tight bunches over the ruins, and in about an hour-and-a-half, the clouds, along with a deep fog accompanying the cloud cover, draped the ruins in a mask of weather. Luna was looking out into the fog, which was a curtain and the trees nearest the ruins were barely seen in the fog. She sighed and headed into the ruins, which were being remade into the tower that Luna had ages ago, thus making a new regional, and for Luna’s enjoyment, a new national H.Q for the rebellion. Applejack got the entire Apple Family to help get the supplies from the north-east of Equestria to the tower, and Sithmane, Gemhorn, and several others started to remake a smaller, but imposing tower with hundreds of tunnels within the roots of the Everfree. The rebellion was weak, but it was still alive. Chapter Two: The Sun’s Gambit Canterlot, Capitol Sector, Equestria Winter Wrap Up, CE 1052 Canterlot was the capitol of Equestria, or the old united Equestria, as was stated in history books. Celestia was already looking on at her new capitol city of Solaria, and her Solar Empire, and yet she saw shadows, shadows that, to her eyes, were too close for her nation’s prosperity. She was tired of what her sister, Princess Luna, was doing, rebelling against her new world order. Celestia knew how her sister thought, and in turn, knew where her forces in the rebellion would be hiding, and their movements within their self-proclaimed ‘New Lunar Republic’. Celestia’s forces, however, were being driven back from old hiding places of Luna’s rebels, and she did not know how it was happening. She speculated on how it was happening, with ideas springing from disgruntled tribal era traditionalists being fed propaganda by Luna, to even her nephew, Prince Blueblood, secretly supplying and arming the rebels. The latter made Celestia’s coat crawl and the former even more so. She unfortunately, heard of a dark and strong leader of the rebel armies leading several attacks in the south, and sometimes the term ‘The Lost Prince’ was heard in the ranks of her armies. Celestia wanted to know about this ‘Lost Prince’, and what it, or who it was. “Blueblood,” Celestia called. “What news do you have regarding our military fronts?” “Not good my aunt,” Blueblood said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Our lines near Ponyville are wavering due to some rebellion black ops teams and ninja ponies.” Celestia groaned as the news came along. “Anything else, are our forces near your mansion holding well?” “Yes they are,” Blueblood exclaimed. “But they also falter due to resistance from Manehatten and Fillydelphia. And even now our northern borders with the Griffon Empire are weakening. And the Griffons on the other side are looking more and more optimistic each passing day.” “I cannot weaken now, not when I can still deal with the rebellion that my sister has remade.” Celestia Exclaimed. “I must not falter; the people of our nation need me most now, and the Griffons will know that to turn against me is to turn against their own.” Blueblood just stared at the map that showed the campaigns in the regions previously spoken about. The Griffon Empire had units all on the border and around Gryphos, the capitol of the Griffon Empire. The other campaigns near Manehatten and Fillydelphia had rebel and loyalist forces engaging in a town called Clopboken, which was across the Mareson River from Manehatten. The southern front, which Celestia’s “Golden Army of Canterlot”, was besieging the joint Changeling and rebel fortress at Vonga Heights, which was one of several Changeling hives in the area of Las Pegasus. More reports from all fronts came on the board, showing the loyalist lines thinning, and in some places, breaking. Another blip showed a new report within the Everfree, that the rebels were building something, but details were sketchy about what was being built. “We need to reinforce our lines in the east.” Celestia said with a look at the map. “And our forces need to see what that is in the Everfree. The Changelings are little import, so send half of the army in the south towards the eastern lines, and have the Wonderbolts scout the forest.” “The Wonderbolts are in training at Cloudsdale, Auntie” Blueblood intoned. “Spitfire was injured by a stray bullet and their replacement captain wanted to see how well they did things.” Celestia sighed; having Capt. Spitfire out of commission was going to be detrimental to any search of the Everfree. “How soon will she be able to fly?” “About a week, perhaps a fortnight,” Blueblood sighed. “Honestly it is hard to tell, auntie. For Capt. Spitfire’s condition ranges between stable and cautionary.” Celestia got off her throne and walked towards the balcony that faced towards the Everfree. Whatever Luna or her rebellion were up to in there, she needed to know, and soon. She heard her prized Phoenix, soaring and singing in the rising sun. “Is there any word of Luna’s scouts flying nearby?” Blueblood looked at his notes and found a report. “It’s known in the Ponyville area that the so-called ‘Shadowbolts’ were spotted outside the forest edge, and they were escorting Zecora, the zebra of the forest, into town.” Celestia didn’t like hearing about that zebra mare being in bed with her sister’s faction, but she also thought she could be useful. “Send Zecora a letter. Tell her, that if she wants to keep her home and herbs from being burnt to the ground, then she must be willing to spy for us, against my sister.” Blueblood writes it all down and gets a guard to deliver the letter. “It is written and done, my Aunt.” Celestia nodded and let Blueblood and her aides leave her for awhile. She looked up and saw the sun and moon together in the sky during the morning, and she felt, for some odd reason, regret for having to fight her own sister. Chapter Three: Ever free and Fighting Hard Zecora’s Hut (And Lunar Ruins), Everfree Forest, Equestria Bunny Day, C.E 1052 Sithmane and Luna look out from the highest tower in the newly rebuilt Lunar Ruins. The army that defended the tower was relaxed, but still alert for any Celestial Empire troop movements outside the forest and in Ponyville. A.J had the outer Wall and town building defenses ready before any army attacked; Twilight and the other unicorns had the inner walls, and Sithmane, along with Luna and his 300 honor guards had the tower and castle grounds in the innermost walls. In the distance, thousands of the enemy was converging on the forces of Luna’s Rebellion. The first true battle was about to begin, ‘The Battle of the Lunar Ruins’. “We are only mortals,” said Sithmane. “And yet with our combined power, we can beat a hundred thousand of Celestia’s army. We must rise up, and combat the terror that she brings to our homes.” “Perhaps it’s time to fight an offensive attack against my sister,” Spoke Luna who stepped up next to Sithmane.” And show her just what a people united against her can do.” “Aye,” Sithmane replied, taking a swig of Cider from the Apple Family’s temporary stock. “And gods help to those who do not live to see another sunrise.” The celestial army was now approaching the forest edge and some advance forces were visible from the walls and ramparts. Cannons and stoked up guns were within the walls of the tower, and the outside walls had, to Sithmane’s view, too few to defend the walls if they were breached. The forces outside, were definitely more armored and numerous than the scouts foretold hours ago. Pegasi and unicorn guards from Canterlot gleamed within the forests eaves, and the shouts of commanders within the lines could be faintly heard in the rows upon rows of infantry. As the night grew on, fires started to show in both camps, and a march was heard from within the trees. Celestial scouts wheeled in the sky above, and most parties were waylaid by rebel scouts in the clouds, but the worst was yet to come. The sky grew ever more ominous, and the pegasi screamed down from the heavens, struck by lightning or arrows. “So it begins,” said Sithmane as he saw the lines of Celestia’s forces widen. “The battle of our time begins, here where it all began, in the Everfree.” Luna stood by and saw each pegasi that fell either die on impact, or glide down on wounded wings towards the castle or the enemy camp. Thankfully, those within the rebellion that were up there glided into the medical bay in the base of the castle towers, and most of the celestials fell to their deaths. Even if the enemy was somehow winning in the early stages, by taking each of the celestial scouts down, Celestia and her army were blind to the defenses in the wall. “Sithmane,” Luna began. “That force against us? It’s Blueblood’s!” “Blueblood?” Sithmane exclaimed in a shocked tone. “What, why in Equestria is he doing here?” “Possibly to fight you under Celestia’s banner, cousin.” Luna shouted back before she saw a cannon round from the celestial camp. “Incoming!” Several rounds hit the tower from the celestial army camp in the far clearing. Ponies shouted counter-fire orders, and then the rebel cannons began their barrage into the celestial lines, making the world nothing but smoke and dust from the cannon shots. Ponies started to scream and yell from the battlefields and the sky. Some landed with thuds into the castle, staring with unseeing eyes into the now pouring, rain filled sky. The first wave nearly destroyed the first defensive wall of the tower, and it cost both sides dearly. Nearly 5,000 of the rebels were either dead or wounded, and more reports kept flooding in to Sithmane’s tent that there were more deaths in various regiments in the army. “This is not a battle,” Sithmane sighed. “This is a massacre. I can’t keep sending these ponies to fight a losing defensive battle, Luna.” “Then ask them to fight one in the woods,” Luna spoke in earnestly and just cause. “One that can rid of Celestia’s remaining forces while they still reel in anguish. They have less than a third of their army still in play, including the reserves.” “Just a third, or even less, you say?” Sithmane asked. He thought of driving back the celestial army, but at what cost would that be? “Have the Elemental Bearers meet me at the edge of the forest, I have a more civilized way of ending this conflict.” Luna bows and differs to Sithmane’s weird, but altogether safe plan. She gallops off and finds Twilight and her friends near the damaged outer wall and Sithmane flew over the wall to the edge of the forest, where he met some overzealous fighters from the celestial army, who came to a rather messy and unfortunately bloody end. “Twilight, get ready to use the elements, just as I trained you and the others for, and for Luna’s sake don’t buck it up this time.” Sithmane unsheathes a blade that started glowing red and silver, and on its chain, was the lost element of harmony, bravery. “Right, let’s do this everypony!” Twilight spoke to the other elemental bearers. Rarity, A.J., Fluttershy, Rainbow dash, and Pinkie Pie all lined up, with Sithmane in the center, bearing the Blade of Harmony. The elements all glow into a beam of the rainbow, which condensed into the blade, and with a roar from Sithmane and the last color from the element of bravery. White, shimmering light shone forth and mowed down half of the remainder of Celestia’s forces into the ground, leaving the encampment in Ponyville in tatters. “Sithmane...” said Luna in a very worried tone.” I think you overdid it there cousin.” “Nonsense,” laughed Sithmane before even opening his eyes. “I just got the enemy into running and….oh.” As Sithmane and Twilight got up from the harmonic cannon shot, Sithmane looked at the huge swath of forest and Ponyville he unfortunately, destroyed. Fluttershy’s hut was damaged, Rarity’s boutique was gone, and the town hall, which was condemned anyway, had its roof missing. “Oh ponyfeathers,” Sithmane said with some shock in his voice. “Can I get somepony to slap me silly for this?” Sithmarea, his sister and second-in-command under Luna, did exactly that, which Fluttershy gasped over the loudness of the slap. “You brother,” she spoke in earnest anger. “Are the craziest, most destructive stallion in the army! However, we all survive because of your…brashness.” “Thank you ‘Marea,” Sithmane groaned as he nursed his now sore cheek. “For realizing that, without me and the elements, we might all be in chains or worse. And since we’re on the subject of casualty reports, how many on our line, and how many on theirs?” “We got lucky this time around brother, “Sithmarea reported. “The Celestial Empire lost the entire Third Army from Stalliongrad, and Blueblood was seen running for dear life before you blasted his army to atoms. So in turn, we won this with only a sixteenth of our forces in mortal peril. Only one regiment of Pegasi, all recon and scouting parties, didn’t make it.” Sithmane sighed and nodded his acknowledgement of the report. He knew any win over Celestia was going to be whooped up in celebration within the rebellion, but he always thought, no matter what, that anypony, be they Celestial or Rebel, didn’t need to die in war. “Well ok…but we need to mourn for the dead, even if they are from the enemy camp.” Sithmane intoned, since war, in so many ways, was rightly known to be, hell. “Then for the sake of those that we leave behind,” Sithmane prayed. “And for those that left us and went on to Luna’s heaven. We win this war, so those can rest in peace and not haunt us for their needless deaths forevermore.” Both Sithmarea and Luna nodded and say little prayers of their own. Then the time was over. The new age of war against Celestia had begun, with blazing glory, so that many of those that forged this great new age, would live forever free, and fight hard for that freedom from Celestia’s tyranny. “Tell twilight that I need one of her teleparchments,” Sithmane ordered. “I got a special message for the sun hag herself.” Canterlot, after the battle… Celestia now was considering her own nephew to be a traitorous colt-of-a-mare. Blueblood was nowhere to be found in the Everfree, or Ponyville for that matter. The energy attack full of the elements own magic, as well as some rather…disturbing power that was registered in the elemental magic of harmony made Celestia feel quite unnerved. “So Sithmane,” Celestia spoke to herself, thinking that she was speaking to her cousin. “You have my old student and her friends. And not only that, you found the lost element of harmony. Either that, or you took the elements after killing my faithful student.” “The only faithful student you have Celestia, is yourself.” An image of Sithmane, made by magic, appeared behind Celestia. The guards in the room with her point their spears at Sithmane’s image, but Celestia waved them to stand down. “Sithmane,” Celestia cooed. “You bastard, you think you are the better leader here? You, who blasted one of my armies to dust, and you, who have a demon inside him, think that I need to be put down?” The image sneered. “You know why cousin, because you are the mess that made this country falter and weak. Uncle wouldn’t want us to fight in this war against the two solar sisters, and he wouldn’t want his daughters to fight anyway.” “What would you know about what father did or didn’t want?” Celestia retorted. “King Solaris, my father was weak, and he shouldn’t been on the throne at all back in the days of old.” “Ah,” Said Sithmane, his image slowly fading. “But I do know what uncle wanted. I had his mouth to my ears more than he ever did with you. Luna also was with me on many things uncle said, and that means I know more of governance than thee.” Celestia shouted defiance at the parchment image and before it faded into nothing, she burns the parchment that carried it here. Before it was completely gone, Celestia saw that Twilight’s personal message mark was upon it, and she felt grievance for it. “What of Sithmane’s lies has made you turn against me, Twilight Sparkle?” Celestia asked, thinking why either Sithmane or Luna got her former faithful student to change sides. “Guards, leave me.” Celestia ordered, and the guards leave. She then went to where the largest of her vaults within the castle was behind her throne, and a deep growl was heard from within. “Are you ready, my dearest Solar Flare?” The Solar Demon, Solar flare, counterpart of Nightmare Moon and rival of Dreadwing, sneered in his flaming body. “When am I never ready, my host?” Chapter Four: The Costly Battles Ahead Ponyville, Equestria Summer Sun Celebration Day, C.E. 1056 Sithmane was walking through what remained of Sweet Apple Acers. The barn was in horrible shape, and Applejack was with her brother and sister, Big Macintosh and Applebloom, overlooking the cannon blasts that destroyed the barn and farmhouse, and even a small grave was in front of them and Sithmane. Old Granny Smith was killed in a freak cannon explosion, and the Apples were taking it hard. “She was a good sort,” Applejack said in a somber tone. “But downright stubborn when she forgets something. Ah’ Always tol’ her to keep lookin’ to the sky during the battle, but she jus’ didn’ listen t’me.” “Eeyup,” spoke Big Mac, looking down on poor Applebloom, who was on the verge of tears. “Granny knew what was heading her way, but she wandered back here to get Gran’pappy’s old sword from the cellar.” Sithmane coughed politely and came up to the grave to lay a wreath of flowers on it. “We’ll all miss her back at camp. She was a good drill instructor and teacher to the foals in camp, but she was like a mother hen when she wanted to.” “Amen, Prince Sithmane.” Applejack concluded, then lifted a cart bar and started pulling. Big Mac got another cart and started for camp faster than his sisters. The carts held the old covert-operations devices that were hidden in the barn and farmhouse, and Celestia’s scouts and recon units flew over several times during the night before to find the devices and gather for “Her Royal Highness, Queen Celestia”, which made everypony in the Republic feel sick hearing about “Sun Hag Celestia”, which is what everypony in the Lunar Republic called her. As the group headed into the camp, a crack of cannon fire was heard, and the ‘whizz’ of the cannonball came close by. Sithmane heard it first and shouted at the guards nearby. “INCOMING! GET EVERYPONY DOWN. RETURN FIRE!” Every guard got into action stations and the cannonballs landed into the Prisoner-of-War enclose, killing some unfortunate Celestial troops as it blew up. Sithmane growled and Sithmarea got the foals that she was teaching to a safer place in the camp. A.J and Big Mac looked around and saw a wave of Celestial Empire troops in full armor charging the camp. “Sithmane,” shouted A.J “Got those Celestia-lovers comin’ in, and they’re mighty pissed!” She turned around afterwards and goes flank-to-flank with Big Mac and Applebloom, then fires a rapid fire rifle at the horde of angry Celestia armor. Sithmane nodded and whistles for his blades to be brought. He got them from a filly named Dinky and smiled when he sees the filly scared out of her mind. “Don’t you worry little one, we’ll all survive this bloody war.” “It’s not the war Mr. Sithmane,” spoke Dinky. “It’s whether this battle will crush us or not.” Sithmane pats Dinky on the head and gets her on her way back to her mother, who was now helping to get the younger children into the shelters and trenches that were the defenses of the camp. Not good, thought Sithmane as another cannonball landed. The enemy might know how bad off we are, and cut off our only supply line from Manehatten and Las Pegasus. Sithmane tosses a spear into the Celestial line and then heaves quick charge cannon of his own making into position. “A.J,” shouted Sithmane. “Get yourself and Applebloom into camp! Mac and I will deal with this lot. Mac, Stormchaser, to me mates! I need your gun-feeding skills!” Mac and Stormchaser came to Sithmane’s side, carrying ammo for is gun. The bullets were clacked into place and Sithmane grins before he pressed the ignition/trigger button to start firing. The Celestial troops started falling in bloody heaps before Sithmane, who started laughing and roaring many curses at the fallen. “BOW BEFORE ME, YOU TYRANT LOVERS! FALL BEFORE YOUR GOD OF WAR!!!!!” Both Big Mac and Stormchaser looked worried at Sithmane and started to gulp at the massacre in front of them. Then they started backing up when the old demon within Sithmane, Dreadwing, started forming in a black shroud of cloth and mist. “Sithmane, ya’ need ta’ relax and not go overboard.” Big Mac spoke over the gun retorts. “That damn demon ah’ yours is showing!” Sithmane stopped shooting and growled, feeling more lustful for blood than normal, then Dreadwing subsided and the feelings of bloodlust subsided. He surveyed the carnage, seeing dozens of guards and Celestial Troops fallen, all bloody and torn asunder by Sithmane’s rampage. “So…” Sithmane spoke in sadden tones “Celestia sends suicidal stallions of war against me…try to end us in fire and blood, both mentally and physically.” As Sithmane spoke, a dozen beeps were heard from the mass of corpses. Celestia had all of her remaining 15th army forces as kamikaze troops, laden with bombs. Sithmane started yelling for everypony to take cover, but the large explosion, and a bright light filled with heat came up, and tossed Sithmane into the air with Big Mac and Stormchaser. Sithmane heard and saw Stormchaser get caught by shrapnel and die, while Big Mac landed on a tent. He however, landed on the hard ground, hit his head on a rock, and passed out. The only thought afterwards was vengeance at Celestia, and hope for the world if he left. Two Weeks Later… Sithmane groaned, groggily as he awoke. A mare with an orange coat was next to his bed, sleeping and muttering in her sleep. Sithmane recognized her almost immediately and tried waking her, but grunted in pain as his wings and head still hurt. How long was I out, thought Sithmane as he gasped from the pain, Days, Weeks? Surely not months! The mare heard his complaints of pain and awoke with a sigh and hug. Sithmane gasped and felt a magic envelop him, the mare was using a medallion, or a gear of sorts, that healed his wings and head. “Thank you, Tiffany.” The mare, Tiffany, nods and hugs him more. “How do you feel now dear?” “Pretty good,” Spoke Sithmane. “All things considered, but what of the army? How long was I out? “Half a month,” replied Tiffany. “Luna and ‘Marea have been in action stations for as long as you were comatose, and I’ve been called here to stay with you from Manehatten.” “Oh Tiff, you had a long and stressful wait, I’m sorry.” Sithmane brushed his hoof on Tiffany’s cheek, feeling lost in her beauty and concern for him. “How can I repay your kindness this time?” “How about a nice warm rest by the fire, and perhaps more,” Tiffany smiled, giving Sithmane the eyes of a lover, and the need to be close. “I haven’t been this close to you for weeks.” “If my love desires it,” Spoke Sithmane in an equal measure of love and affection as Tiffany’s words. “Then let it be done, and may the gods, especially Luna, smile on our nightly romps.” As the two kissed in the bed, the fire started burning brightly, and the moon, shone more than ever before. For now, love was refound and it carried in the air like blossoms off a tree. Chapter Five The Death of the Moon Outside Canterlot, Equestria Day of Fire Eve, Morning, C.E. 1062 Sithmane was drenched in blood, both blood of his enemies, and blood from his mate, Tiffany, giving birth, which was to Sithmane’s view, the first non-combat bloody affair of almost blessed, yet rather messy, affairs that this day offered. “Alright Tiffany, whenever you are ready.” Fluttershy spoke in calming tones. She was aiding the delivery of Sithmane and Tiffany’s second foal together. The two of them had been married for nearly five years now, and Toby, the first foal they had was waiting outside with some of his friends from school, and the entire camp. “God this is harder than before!” Tiffany yelled at Sithmane, grabbing his hoof. “Can you see the head yet honey?!” “No dear”, Sithmane tried to calm his wife down. “Not yet, but- Oh! There it is!” The foals head was now cresting Tiffany’s exit and she screamed more as she pushed the foal out. The foal was caught by Fluttershy, and it wailed its first breath. “Congratulations,” Fluttershy said in a happy tone. “It’s a filly you two!” Toby, who had orange for a coat, and purple and yellow mane like his mother, but the straight and razor-like shape to his mane like his father’s, snuck in and heard this came out of his hiding place and cheered. “I got a baby sister!” “Yes Toby,” Laughed Sithmane. “But I thought I told you to stay out with the-“ A whole cacophony of cheering, whooping, and musical instruments started building and made noise in the camp that Sithmane and Tiffany were staying. “Oh hell,” spoke Sithmane. “And here I thought things were going to be quiet for a change.” “Well,” Tiffany gasped and held her newborn child with Toby next to her. “Everypony’s going to give us a happy time now, won’t they?” “Yeah,” Spoke Sithmane. “But Celestia will try to get us again, just like when you had Toby.” Tiffany nodded and nuzzled her children close. She sighed and thought of the newborn’s name. “What should we name her?” asked Tiffany. “We named Toby for one of my people’s names, so perhaps our filly should be one of Equestrian name?” “How about ‘Wildfire’, I’m sure the Wonderbolts might like our little one to be named after one of their old commanders?” Sithmane asked. “No, too rough for her.” Tiffany saw the little foal yawning with its coat striped like Sithmane’s, but still gentle curves of its mane like her own. “I’m thinking, since my mother was more of a singer, and our child was born in the night, I’m thinking of ‘Nightsong’.” “Just like Luna’s singing, and a perfect name for a filly.” Sithmane nuzzled Tiffany and the foal tried reaching out to him, giving him a little bop on the nose, which made him smile. “She’ll be a glorious mare when she’s of age, I can tell.” Just when Sithmane was getting relaxed and cleaned with Fluttershy, a guard burst in, to inform Sithmane, Luna, and the whole newly extended family of the Ryu Clan, that Celestia herself, along with nearly a tenth of a million troops were heading out of Canterlot, to attack the celebrating camp. “Does she ever respect our happiness?!” Sithmane retorted, getting his armor on. “I’ll be back hon, just keep Toby and Nightsong safe with the others.” “You better not almost die like you did after Toby was born, dear,” Tiffany cried out. “I couldn’t handle that and these two alone!” Sithmane nodded, thinking she couldn’t handle taking care of their kids alone, and thus spent a lot of his time finding magical ways to protection for himself, Tiffany and the two children that now, rely on him to remain alive to be what he thought, years before, not possible before Toby came, being a father and a general to an entire nation, not just his family. “I shall, no…I will return, Tiffany.” promised Sithmane. “Even if I have to lose a war, I shall return.” With that in mind, he left for the front, with everypony already in armor, or getting the cannons ready, starting to honor, and cheer for Sithmane, now that his line, and his family, were secure with a new generation. “People of Equestria, my kinsman, my brothers and sisters of Luna’s faith, hear my words, the words of Sithmane Ryu!” Sithmane saw everypony in the camp turn to look at him. “Look around you. Barren, lost lands stretch even to Canterlot’s very walls. And yet what do we all see? We see hope; hope that one day, your families, like mine, can walk in freedom and peace and prosperity. Sithmane saw that his army heard him were worried, thinking that this was the final battle for not just for them, but for Sithmane as well. “I see in your eyes, in all of you, that same fear of death that I have, but hear me when I say, that with our might, as we have done so in the past few days here, outside Canterlot, besieging the very capitol of tyranny, shall we overcome and defeat, Celestia and her ilk!” A roar of defiance and hope rang forth from the whole camp, and Sithmane’s eyes glowed red as he began his final brave words against Celestia. “HEAR US NOW CELESTIA, HEAR US AND BE AFRAID! FOR WE COME FOR YOU, ONE LAST TIME!” Luna, who stood with her own armor by her side, nodded and heard a roar and cheer in the camp that nopony, could muster when she spoke to them. “How long will they last,” Luna asked Sithmane as he put on his helm. “How long till we must fight sister, for the people need to see us fight her, for they need hope. And will she ever come, a duel to the death as you called her for?” “She will come,” Sithmane spoke, looking more regal than before. “She fears my family now, since I started giving my seed to Tiffany, and it sprouted. She will come to end my line before it blossoms into a force she will fear. And it’s not just my own, but ‘Marea and Lightfoot’s, and the entire Ryu clan. She fears us all. A bright light of brilliance shone on Sithmane and Luna, and Luna had to cover her eyes with her wings to see what it was that was attacking. Sithmane ready for Celestia’s magic that would blind them and he parried a hidden sun attack. The forces behind her attacked Sithmane’s army, and the battle started with the three royals in mortal combat on the hill overlooking the battle. “Well, well,” Celestia said with a smirk. “The lost prince is making a family, and wanting my crown, how pathetic.” “Celestia just shut up, sister!” Luna roared and swiped her with a knife, which cut some of Celestia’s mane off, and slashed Celestia’s cheek. Celestia touched the cut, and then gasped. “You will pay for that, Luna.” Celestia screamed. “You will all pay for this war!” “This was a war you started, Celestia my cousin.” Sithmane retorted, his whole blade glowing into a ruby red as he grinned into bloodlust. “And this war, you will fail, and die within, for this is your fate.” “You will never take the throne,” Celestia roared. “None of you will!” “Oh shut up and die, sister.” Luna attacks Celestia, and Sithmane tries a magic spell against Celestia. Both attacks fail and Luna get’s kicked away from Celestia and Sithmane stands his ground, even though his eyes appeared blinded. Celestia started to attack Sithmane first, since she believed him to be the larger threat to her rule. Luna kept trying to distract Celestia, and Sithmane kept blocking Celestia’s attempts to end him quickly. This war will never be over with her around, thought Sithmane, wheeling around as he cut Celestia on the leg. She screamed and cut him in the arm, almost too close to his neck. “Damn you Celestia!” Sithmane roared his eyes glowed red and his shouts of rage went into a berserker’s wrath. “You will not best me Sithmane,” roared Celestia. “Nopony can, not even Luna!” Luna came up behind Celestia, but the latter sister knew where and Celestia turned and gouged her blade into Luna’s chest, resulting in a bluish light and blood seeping out of Luna. “You were never meant to be a leader Luna,” Celestia laughed. “And now you will die, Along with your foolish friends and allies.” “No…sister…” Luna coughed as she started to grin. “It is you who will die…For Sithmane will end…you…” Luna said as she struck a knife suddenly into Celestia’s knee, and then lay motionless on the ground, bleeding out. Sithmane was far too gone to be reasoned with, and Celestia, when turning to him, saw that she was staring at Dreadwing, and Sithmane’s unholy swords of fire. “You have crossed the line, Celestia. And now you have become a true tyrant.” “I am no tyrant, Sithmane. And you are nothing but a malevolent fool if you think you can-” Without warning, Celestia’s retort was interrupted by Sithmane kicking her in the guts and glowing red as he reverted into his more calm state. “You may have killed Luna, but do you think you can kill me, Celestia, murderer of my parents, my old clan, and Luna Moon?” Celestia scoffed and started to run after taking out the knife in her knee, looking to kill Sithmane quickly, but found a hoof at her face instead. Sithmane’s hoof met her face and she gets knocked back into the ground. Celestia counters with a kick to Sithmane’s legs, which make him fall and rebound after finding his wings to counter her thrust into his own chest. “You are pretty good with an amateurish blade, Celestia Sun-Hag,” Sithmane joked as he turned. “But can you go as powerful as they claim you are?” “Depends on who ‘They’ are, cousin,” Celestia starts to turn red hot and Sithmane yelps in pain from his hooves being burnt by Celestia’s flame-mane. “If you refer to poor dearly departed parents, then yes. Same for poor Luna, whose death is near-“Celestia gasps and sees a knife poke through her chest from her back. Luna was behind here, and grinning. “Heh…You got me, but I’m taking you…with me…” Luna sighs and falls with her sister onto the ground, Celestia was coughing up blood. “I-Impossible,” Celestia yelled. “You can’t…have done that!” “Sithmane…Run.” Luna pressed something on her blade and she kept herself on top of her wounded sister. “You and I are going home to momma and poppa, dear sister.” Sithmane started galloping as fast as he could, with several hundred of his forces following him, thinking it was a retreat. Celestial forces gave chase, but then a blinding light took both Celestia and Luna into somewhere that Sithmane didn’t want to go, and as soon as the heat wave dissipated, the Celestials were in retreat, and both sisters were gone. Nothing but a crater and heat remained of them. The battle was won, but at what cost? After the battle, Sithmane and Tiffany, along with the rest of the surviving leadership, the army, and the entire Ryu Clan, stood in the crater, and paid respects to Luna, goddess of the night and dream master of Equestria. “Be at peace, Luna. And forever give your people hope up there.” Sithmane spoke, hearing his troops pray for her to return, which was never to be again. Canterlot itself, now had no leader, but the Celestials still held their ground inside the walls. The second battle was soon coming. “Tiffany,” Sithmane spoke after the service. “There’s something we need to discuss.” “What is it?” asked Tiffany looking sad and worried. “We must consider…” Sithmane paused and drew a sigh. “Being Equestria’s next leaders, the nation needs, and always will need, leaders.” Chapter Six New Rulers and a Nation Canterlot Outer Wall, Equestria Day of Fire Eve, Evening, C.E. 1062 The city was quiet, and Sithmane was worried. He sent out several of Equestria’s best scouts to look further into the city, but reports of random fighting, looting, and death were rampant in the inner city. He then sent peace-keepers with guards into the city, but the rebel Celestials still inside the castle proper in the deeper city, were holding out, and even trying to dissuade Sithmane from getting to the castle, let alone the throne of Equestria. And now, since Luna wished the republic renamed if she fell, which was just a night ago, Sithmane took her place as overall leader of a New Ryu Republic. Sithmane would get the throne, but only if he wanted it, he was leery of leading a new Ryu Republic, and claiming the kingship. Even Tiffany considered it to be a waste, and her idea of recapitalizing one of the other cities in Equestria, and have the Ryu Clan in Canterlot as advisors in the castle, but the Old Lunar Republic leaders made an ultimatum: Canterlot, or no support. Sithmane was in a bind, since he was to be the de-facto king of Equestria, he promised the old ways to return, but these were going to change for what he believed his uncle Solaris wanted. It would be a difficult transition, but one he wished no further bloodshed upon a new era for Equestria. Luna could have been kept the people calmer than I could…hell, she could’ve been an interim leader before I took office. Sithmane thought as he looked out from his tent with Tiffany, who was nursing little Nightsong, his second child with her. And, Sithmane thought. I want to make this land peaceful for my children and Tiffany, which will be more difficult with these Celestial Rebels around. “Honey,” Tiffany called from within the tent. “What’s wrong?” “I’m…Worried,” Sithmane answered. “For the people, and you and the family, dear. The former tyranny is gone, but I fear some might want to end the dream of all before we become rulers. I…am afraid for you and the children if I’m assassinated.” “That has been a concern as well for me too, Sithmane dear,” Tiffany said, holding Nightsong closer to her. “You and I need to have a plan for that…or something along those…lines.” “I know, but the people need us to be leaders for a new Equestria.” Sithmane countered, letting off a sigh, for he felt weary of the war. “Toby and Nightsong won’t be ready for years to come, and I’m a valuable target now for the celestial rebellion, but you are one as well, now that I think on it. A nation can’t be governed by only one ruler, there must be two.” Tiffany nods, knowing a one-ruler nation could only be trouble ahead, and that ponies will think it as switching one tyrant to another, which some feared if Luna became leader before Sithmane did. “The nation needs guidance,” Tiffany said, putting down Nightsong in a crib. “It and its people need guidance and concern from its king.” “Equestria needs a strong king,” Sithmane sighed. “Not one with doubts about himself.” “Yes, but one with doubt is mostly the one with more understanding about his people,” Tiffany spoke back. “A true king and one that was willing to hear his people out!” Sithmane nodded, and even sighed as Tiffany said this. He always felt inclined to be a ruler, but only at some small neck of the woods near his old home, not a king of a land as large as Equestria. And with threats within and without. “Perhaps...a more democratic way must be forged.” Sithmane spoke, with a glint of wise council within his eyes. “Why should the people stand with one ruler or ones that were pre-ordained such as me by older councils of my forbears? “You mean, like we humans have it?” Tiffany asked. “Exactly!” Sithmane Exclamed. “Your people have democratic nations that have a monarch, but the ruler is just a figurehead, letting the people have a parliamentary vote on the larger things unless the king and/or queen must give a final vote?” “Yes, the British and several eastern nations of Earth have such things,” Tiffany answered, knowing what Sithmane planned. “But it’s mostly Presidents and Prime Ministers nowadays, not monarchs and such. Indeed, only one nation, the United Kingdom, has a more profound and historic monarch/parliament system than most.” Sithmane saw that history might have to repeat itself in order to use a new way, but With Luna gone, it would be difficult. Blueblood was his only option, getting him to be a royal for several weeks to reconstruct the nation, but look like the Celestial’s had won a vote for no more reason than Sithmane had no wish to be ruler. Blueblood would take a fall as the people had more freedom to speak out again, now more than ever, and small bands try to take matters into their own hooves, but with little or no luck in having it stick. Only the knowing, thought Sithmane. And the strong survive, but only in this nation, can the weak also, find peace and dominion. Luna gave us hope in the beginning, but in the end, I must bear the weight of a people and a nation. Tiffany was now yawning, and Toby was asleep on the sofa. Sithmane smiled and got Toby back into bed, then got back to Tiffany and little Nightsong. He nuzzled the small bundle of joy in the crib and got into bed with Tiffany, which was only small for the tent, but large for him and Tiffany to sleep in peace. “Do you think it will work out,” Tiffany asked. “Being king and queen for Equestria; being a family after the war, being with me?” “It will work,” Sithmane replied, thinking the same things. “We just need to be strong, and the people need to see that as well. Equestria just needs to heal from this war, and it’ll be a long healing for us all.” “But what about the other nations, Tiffany said with a worry eye. “Such as the Griffons that used to be on Celestia’s side since we pissed them off once. And the Changelings that are still in hiding in the forest?” “The Griffons will need some sort of deal or treaty.” Sithmane replied. “They need to know that even if we took over, we don’t wish another war too soon after this one. The changeling, however, will try to steal their “love” from our people.” “What do you mean by that, the changelings want our peoples love?” Tiffany was really confused, and Changelings just started to scare her, and rightly so. “I mean to say that Changelings are like human myth-like beings, Vampires.” Sithmane intoned. “Blood suckers, love takers, life snatchers, they’re the entire bucking same thing.” “Well we can figure it all out tomorrow,” Tiffany said and kissed Sithmane on the cheek. “I need sleep, and so do you for tomorrow.” Aye dear, Sithmane silently thought, knowing only the final battle in a war that had raged for nearly a quarter-century was looming. And II fear for our home and country even more knowing that the end is coming. “Yeah, tomorrow is busy, but I’ll keep trying to make the nation strong.” Sithmane kissed Tiffany as she got into the covers, and then started to rest as well. He unfortunately, also felt the eyes of those that died before him upon him and the nation, burrowing into his skull with unseen eyes, and making him fearful of the day ahead. Epilogue Castle Ryu (Old Solaris Castle), Canterlot, Equestria Coronation Day, C.E 1063 The crowds of ponies outside made Sithmane uneasy, almost transparent. Soon he and Tiffany would be crowned by old Starswirl the Wise, and then Toby and Nightsong were to be considered as Prince and Princess of the land. Sithmane sighed, feeling heavy with his new responsibilities that would be placed on him. He saw the crowds, and thought to himself. Now come the days of a new era, and in turn, a new king. Will the people, who blessed and followed me to this point, continue to support me in this hour of newly found hope for our nation? Tiffany knocked and came in, looking dazzling in her queenly gown made by one of her cousins in the clan. “Honey, it’s time.” Sithmane looked back, smiling and feeling better, now that she was with him to go for the coronation. “Aye…that it is.” The two smiled at each other, and as Sithmane locked arms with his wife, he felt the weight of the world ease from his mind. Perhaps Sithmane thought as he and Tiffany went out into the fanfare and music of the festivities, being a king, won’t be as bad as uncle said it to be before. This new era of peace, now rested in Equestria. The war was now called “The Great Split”, or “The Civil War of Equestria”, but everyone knew it as “The Last War”, for it signaled the end of a dark era, and the birth of a new, and brighter Equestria. Two sisters fought, and lost themselves in war. A light shining in fire, showed a third in flame undying. The Lost Prince comes to free us all. From war and death, tyrants overthrown and nations mended. Hark now, for he has come. Sithmane the Savior. He has come to free his flock. And bring us all, from a war everlasting. -From the book of Equestrian Legends, Chapter 16, page 127.