> Gojira and the Battle for Equestria > by Immortan Joe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rise of the Beast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gojira and the Battle for Equestria! By: Dark Nebula Chapter 1 The Doctor sat in front of a very large metal structure, which stood to be about a hundred feet tall. What in the name of Celestia could possibly be behind this massive structure? The Doctor pondered as he tapped the bottom of his chin with his hoof. "How old do you think it is Doctor?" Asked a nearby Stallion who was dressed in a lab coat similar to the Doctors, while he was observing another nearby object which was mounted on the wall right next to the colossal structure. The Doctor looked over at the Stallion, "I don't know Dr. Chimes," The Doctor stated with his Trottingham accent. "Do to how well it has been preserved I just can't tell. Just look at it, Chimes, not a single scratch has been marked on this... This... Well by the looks of it I might just say it's a door of some sorts." The Stallion nodded his head. "See,” The Doctor continued, “when I received the letter from the Princesses asking me to come and check this out I was not expecting this at all!” He said flinging his front forelegs into the air gesturing towards the colossal structure. “Just look at it! How could something like this be underground for such a long period of time and not have a single mark on it, so it could at least give us a hint to how long it's been down here?" The Doctor ranted, for at least once in his life he was actually stumped! He had no clue on what to think of this, some way or another something was keeping this underground city of some sorts preserved but what? "Doctor, Doctor! You might want to have a look at this!" A mare shouted over on the opposite side of the hoofball field size room. "Well what is it Blossom?" A loud clang of metal admitted from the opposite side of the room drawing the Doctor's attention. A unicorn mare and Earth Pony Stallion were dragging a metal object towards the Doctor, "It appears to be some type of box sir!" "Well stop your jibber jabben and open the dang thing!" The Doctor said slightly excited. The Doctor stood up and began to approach the two ponies, meeting them half way. Blossom placed the box in front of him she then wrapped her magic around the box and after a few short seconds the box flung open. The Doctor stared at the objects inside with awe. "Well what's in the bloody thing?" Asked the Stallion on the right who seemed to be growing impatient, the Doctor reached within the confined space of the box he then pulled out what appeared to be a torn piece of paper... The Stallion frowned, "Seriously we spent all our valuable time searching this place just to find a piece of paper?" The Doctor sat there in silence reading over the paper that he held before him; slowly he began to become more ecstatic as a crease of a smile began to form on his lips. I haven't seen anything like this in years! He cheerfully thought. This could literally rewrite all of Equestria's history! Name: Subject-Zero (Also known to the public as Gojira.) Threat Level: Very High Subject-Zero has been successfully contained, after the recent destruction of New York City, and with the help of the Japanese and their technology. We were able to successfully sedate the Creature and contain him in the confinements of his cell. Test Subject-Zero is not to be released unless in a world-wide emergency and must be contained immediately afterwards or he'll become unstable and uncontrollable who knows how much damage he'll cause. Till then Subject-Zero will be stored into Cryo-Stasis until further orders from Captain Arurikan. After further studies with Subject-Zero we have learnt that he is enraged by bright lights and must be contained in a dimly lit environment. We have also learnt that the atomic breath is actually a loose stream of radioactive fire which can lead to very explosive concussive properties. Which the intenseness of the fire can be told by the color of the fins on his back; in other cases subject... The Doctor would've liked to continue but the rest of the page seemed to have been torn, quiet hastily too as if the pony was in a rush or something. Intrigued by who this Gojira was the Doctor placed the picture aside a delved deeper into the metal box hoping to find more answers. As the Doctor explored more of the items he came across something interesting something that amazed him but also bewildered him on multiple levels. A photograph, a photograph of two creatures but none of them were ponies. Instead they were two bi-pedal creatures both dressed in lab coats smiling at the camera. Both creatures seemed to be outside, standing on a balcony of some sorts. In the background the Doctor could make out the mountain in the distance. Right away he recognized it; it was the same mountain just on the surface above them. Below the mountain he could see a vast majority of buildings and other objects. But the Doctor couldn’t remember seeing any ruins of any of these other buildings. Nor does he remember seeing any of the other objects in the picture which looked to be metal boxes that seemed to be moving; which also adds to the theory that this photo must have been taken a very long time ago. "Mr. Leisure,” He said, “could you please excuse me and Blossom for a moment?" The Doctor asked the Stallion who stood impatiently on the side. With a sigh he nodded and wandered off, the Doctor smiled and looked a Blossom who was looking at the Doctor quizzically. "What is it Doctor did you figure out what is behind this giant structure?" The Doctor nodded. "But that's not what I'm trying to show you, now please look at this photograph, and look at the creatures standing in the picture!" The Doctor was excited literally almost bouncing up and down. Blossom took the picture in her magic and held it up to her face examining it. "What about it,” She said taking her gaze off the picture, “it's just two apes dressed up playing Doctor or something." The Doctor faced hoof taking the picture back he looked at Blossom. "Blossom, the apes are not this technically advanced! These creatures in this photo must have built this in entire place from underground and up!" Blossom laughed, "Are you serious, Doc, those two built this place?" The Doctor resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "No what I'm saying is there must have been dozens of them maybe even a whole civilization! What if they are our Forerunners?" "That's impossible, Doc, all pony literature states that we came first before anything else." The Doctor sighed, "Clearly that's a lie because look where we are now!" The Doctor gestured his hooves around the underground facility. "Okay, okay we discovered an ancient civilization..." Blossom yawned. The Doctor frowned, "Are you okay Miss Blossom I thought you would be more excited about this amazing discovery like I am." Blossom smiled, "I am Doctor can't you tell?" The Doctor raised his hoof getting ready to speak but stopped once his eyes met hers. Blossom stood there looking at him, the Doctor stared into her lavender eyes trying seek out any signs of emotion. Yet there was none; his frown deepened This is a weird mare. With a sigh the Doctor took the picture and placed it in his coat pocket; looking back down at the metal box the Doctor noticed a small rectangular object lying at the bottom. Raising an eyebrow he knelt down to retrieved the object, picking it up with his teeth he stood back up. Lifting up his right hoof he placed the object in his hoof to get a closer look. "What's that?" Blossom asked. "I don't know,” He said, “wait there's something written on it hold on." Bringing the object up close the Doctor read out loud, "G-Force." With a grin he chuckled, "Well that's in interesting title isn't it Blossom-" Within an instant a loud click was heard and the room lit up in a bright flash of light blinding everypony inside, the Doctor yelped with surprise and covered his eyes. Seconds later the room dimmed down casting a low light around the room, with a faint hum being heard. "What in the name of Celestia was that!?" The Doctor gasped his heart racing faster than ever. Up on the balcony at least good thirty yards away were a bunch of metallic boxes with sheets of glass in the middle of them, after the lights came on the boxes came to life the glass flashing different images of words and pictures. "Life Support has been placed on standby, please step away from the Cryo-Chamber's door and await Captain Arurikan's orders." A loud female voice boomed throughout the underground facility; the Doctor shot up from where he laid and shouted, "I told none of you not to touch anything!" The Doctor stared at the three ponies who were in the room with him, he looked over a Dr. Chimes who just shrugged and stared at the metal box before him which it too seemed to have come to life flashing red words at him saying please stand by. Next he looked over at Leisure who just sat on the ground a few feet over twirling his hooves. Then at Blossom obviously she didn't do anything she was the one that the Doctor was just talking to, and then it dawned on him. "Where's Ditzy!?" :[-]: Ditzy fell over using her hind legs she pushed herself away from the metallic box, a loud obnoxious beep blared from the console every few seconds. A red button was constantly flashing in front of her of course she would've gotten curious and pushed it! She was startled and was trying to catch her breath looking up she saw the red words that once said Power Off were now gone. Instead replaced with a bright green light that said Power On, looking around she wanted to leave she didn't like this place not one bit. Stumbling back onto her hooves she looked around for the door, while in the midst of searching for her exit she found another shiny button this one saying Only Press In case of Emergency. Well this was an Emergency wasn't it, Ditzy couldn't find the door. With a shrug she reached her right foreleg up and pressed it, "Life support has been placed on standby, please step away from the Cryo-Chamber's door and await Captain Arurikan's orders." A loud female voice boomed scaring Ditzy have to death causing her to fall back over onto the hard floor, scrambling back up onto her hooves she ran back in the direction of the Doctor. :[-]: A loud alarm echoed throughout the entire facility letting out a loud ear retching bellow ever few seconds. "What in Celestia's name did that mare do!?" The Doctor asked, nervous beyond belief. Moments later Ditzy flew passed the door quiet literally to. She crashed into a few Metallic boxes which caused sparks to flare out of them, Ditzy sat back rubbing the side of her head moaning. "Ditzy!" The Doctor shouted, "What is the meaning of this?" Ditzy looked over at the Doctor, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Whooves! I mean it, it was accident!" "Wait a second what was an acci..." He trailed off into silence. "You know what never mind that, we have more important things to be doing." The Doctor sighed and began to pace around the room playing with the small plastic rectangular object trying to figure out what to do. Stopping in mid pace the Doctor looked up at Ditzy, "So where were you?" He asked. Ditzy smiled and raised a hoof to scratch her chin. "Well the reason why I was out and about was because I was searching for treasure!" She said excitedly. The Doctor sighed and rolled his eyes. "Ditzy," He said. "The reason why I brought you along as my assistant is to see if you could, I don't know assist me. Not to go around searching for some hidden treasures-" "Uh, Doctor,” Said Dr. Chimes from across the room, “You're going to want to come see this." Placing the plastic rectangular object in his jacket he made his way over to Dr. Chimes. "This better be good, Dr. Chimes, what is it?" He asked. Dr. Chimes stepped out of the Doctor's way and pointed at the module on the wall. "It’s the strange words; they changed and are now glowing green!" Raising an eyebrow the Doctor made his way up to the module. Looking at the glass in the middle he saw that Dr. Chimes wasn't kidding the letters did change, "Key card is required to open?" The Doctor read out loud he then turned his head towards Chimes, who just shrugged, "I was messing with the buttons and next thing I knew it made some weird noises and this popped up!" The Doctor frowned looking back at the module he began to observe it. Looking at the buttons he saw each one in particular had a letter, all similar to the Equestrian language. Could we have inherited our language from theirs? He thought to himself, the Doctor moved to the side of the module just to get a side angle view. On the side it, it had a long horizontal indent in it. As if you needed to slide a small object into... That's it! The Doctor reached into his jacket and pulled out the plastic object he then stepped towards the module and swiped the card. At first the module let out a deep beep which scared the crap out of the Doctor. After he recovered he tried again this time though he flipped the card over and swiped it again. This time the module let out a pleasant ding, the Doctor looked back up at the glass screen and noticed the words have changed yet again. "Please put in your entry code... What like a pass word or something?" The Doctor looked over at Chimes who yet again just shrugs. "Chimes, you aren't really helping me out." The Doctor said. "I'm sorry, but I have no idea what is going on." The Doctor rolled his eyes and returned to the module. He noticed the buttons with the letters have now been replaced with numbers. "Oh, fun they did want a pass word, well pass number in this case." He grumbled to himself. After about thirty minutes of alarm blaring and random lights flashing, the Doctor sat there still unable to figure out what the code was to put into the machine. "Argh! There has to be some type of clue!" He said smacking the machine quickly recoiling back in pain. Chimes sighed, "Doctor Whooves, don't you think it's time we go back up to the surface and get some rest back at camp." Chimes suggested. "No, Dr. Chimes, I will figure this out. Just let me look over some of the items we found recently." Returning back over to the metal box; the Doctor went back to looking over the belongings, pencils, pens, more interesting photographs. That was it nothing else, Doctors Whooves sighed sitting back he reached into his pocket and pulled out the previous photograph he found earlier. Looking it over he flipped it which revealed a row of numbers, at first the Doctor sighed and went to just shove it back in his pocket but then he realized. "I found the pass word... Eh, numbers I mean!" Chimes trotted over at the sound of the Doctor's excitement. "What?" He asked. "I found the pass numbers!" He cheered practically jumping up and down. "R-really," Chimes asked in disbelief, "Yeah See!" The Doctor hoofed over the picture to Chimes who took it and reviewed it over. Chimes smile grew wide looking back up at the Doctor said, "Well what are you waiting for, Doc, let us go figure out what is behind that structure!" The two Doctors laughed, and made their way over to the machine. Doctor Whooves stepped up to the machine; looking at the back of the photograph he raised his hoof to push the first button. Upon impact there was a problem... He hit multiple buttons at once. The Doctor stared in frustration at the machine, while the machine let off an obnoxious beep. Rolling his eyes once again, the Doctor bent his head down. His hoof was obviously way too big for the small square keys on the module, so in which he decided to use his nose to push the buttons. “This would be so much easier if we had a Griffon or an ape!” He growled to himself. After a few more frustrating minutes of trial and error, the machine let off a joy filled beep. This was then followed by the most terrifying sound the Doctor thought he could ever hear in his entire life. A loud drawn out menacing siren surged throughout the entire facility, while the large door let off a metallic groan as it began to rotate. After its full rotation the door parted down the middle splitted into two, slowly the two halves began to separate. While the two halves pulled away from each other a white misty fog spilled onto the floor which caused all to go cold, the Doctor gritted his teeth together trying to bite back the cold chill that now engulfed the room. Just moments after the door opened a bright flash of light erupted out of the room, brighter than Celestia's own sun. The Doctor lifted his right foreleg over his eyes trying to block the rays of white light, and through the light the Doctor saw something. A large black mass larger than the tallest spire in Canterlot, more masculine then the strongest Dragon in all of Equestria, and that was just it. The large mass took the shape of a Dragon, but no ordinary Dragon this one had no wings. Instead this one had large menacing spines which sprouted out of its back. "Subject Zero has been successfully awoken from Cryo-stasis,” Boomed the female voice, "Now please stand back for decontamination." The Doctor's gaze shot up towards the ceiling, small objects on the ceiling began to spin and spray what looked to water all around the room. It was if it was raining inside; quickly the Doctor began to back away looking for any signs of cover. "Doctor Whooves, what in the blazes is going on!?" Shouted Dr. Chimes over the loud hissing of the faucets, "I honestly don't know Dr. Chimes! But whatever it is I'm sure we'll be fine just stay calm! And-" The Doctor was cut off be a loud snort coming from deep within the giant Cryo-Stasis chamber. The Doctor turned towards the creature his eyes slowly began to grow wide. Behind him came Dr. Chimes, Leisure, Ditzy, and Blossom the five of them stared into the Cryo-Stasis chamber. Hypnotized by the large black mass that now seemed to move, the large beast raised its right arm and slammed it into the ground causing a mini earthquake. Making the five ponies stumble before the gigantic monster, the creature pushed itself off the ground. Its large spines making contact with ceiling, the ceiling panels were shoved into the air shattering into hundreds of pieces, sparks exploded out of the destroyed lights. Upon contact the spikes dug into the earth above them causing dirt and boulders to cave into the underground facility. "Oh my gosh!" Blossom gasped! All around the facility shook, parts of the ceiling began to fall crashing into the floor and shattering into pieces. The Doctor trembled with excitement and fear, I've never seen anything like this in my entire life! No matter how many adventures I been on around the world this is just fascinating! Just then as the monster began to dig itself out of the earth it let out a loud screeching roar that rocked all five ponies’ ears. The roar over powered the sound of the alarm, the Doctor winced and crumpled to his knees. The roar just echoed throughout the facility bouncing off the hard walls and floors. "Doctor, we must leave now the entire place is coming down!" Shouted Leisure the Doctor turned towards the terrified Stallion whose eyes kept darting back and forth between him and the monster, who was already half way to the surface. With a nod the Doctor got back onto his hooves, "Agreed, Chimes," The Doctor turned to the other Stallion. "Gather our things as fast as you can, and meet us back on the surface!" The other doctor nodded and got to work. "Blossom, go help Dr. Chimes he's going to need your help getting that metal container back up to the surface." Blossom nodded and left to go help Chimes; Doctor Whooves turned his attention over to the lazy eyed mare and Leisure "Ditzy, Leisure, I need you two, to go prep the wagon!" Ditzy nodded her head and smiled. But Leisure frowned, "What about you, Doctor? What are you going to do?" He asked "Well, Leisure, my dear friend, I got a Princess I need to go meet." :[-]: The ground gave way, which revealed the bright rays of the afternoon sunlight. Squinting, his eyes he released in aggravated snarl; grasping the sides of the newly formed hole. Gojira climbed back onto the surface of the newly found land; getting back onto his feet he looked around at the foreign terrain. Trees everywhere not a speck of civilization to be seen; where were the Humans? Where are all the cities and weapons? Why hasn't he been attacked yet? Who released him from his tomb? These questions quickly came into his mind but also left as fast as they came. He didn't care; all he cared about was the fact that there was nothing here that angered him. There was nothing here for him to destroy either. Gojira stared up into the sky and noticed something... Everything was bright; too bright and just staring at everything hurt his eyes. Letting out an aggravated snarl Gojira began to store energy in the pit of his stomach only to release it into a large burst of atomic heat. Vaporizing the bright colorful trees that surrounded him, Gojira turned in a complete 360 degrees forming a ring of fire around him. Causing a large massive smoke cloud to billow up into the sky, letting out another shrieking roar he lowered his head down and stared off into the distance. Gojira is back and boy is he pissed. > Sensations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- His roar echoed throughout the country miles away he could be heard, no pony in particular though actually took notice except for one... Over three thousand miles away do east, laid a Princess in bed resting. The Princess of the Sun to be exact; enjoying a nice relaxing slumber until she sensed him, instantly her eyes snapped open and she said only two words. "It's Alive..." Chapter 2: Sensations Three days have passed since the resurrection of Gojira, after he climbed out of the hole and caused a massive forest fire. All he seemed to do was walk off into the distance towards the ocean, where he then seemed to just have vanished off the face of the planet. Dr. Chimes and Doctor Whooves sat in the back of a Taxi carriage while they were pulled through the streets of Canterlot towards the Canterlot Castle. After a few minutes of riding a in silence Chimes was the first to break the silence, "So, Doctor, have you figured out anything about this Gojira creature yet?" The Doctor took his gaze away from the window and glanced over at Chimes, "No, Dr. Chimes, I haven't found anything; we've been traveling for three days. I never had the proper time to sit down and study the things we have recovered from the facility yet." The Doctor explained. Chimes nodded, "What exactly was that thing, Doc, a Dragon? Some type of Hydra?" He asked. The Doctor shrugged and looked back out the window. "In all honestly, Bell, I don't know." The Doctor yawned; Chimes raised an eyebrow at the sound of his first name. That was the first time the Doctor ever used his first name. But Chimes just sighed and shrugged it off, "All I know for a fact that, this creature is as tall if not, taller than the Canterlot castle." The Doctor grinned, "What about that fire it admitted from its mouth that was no ordinary fire. Like seriously it shot blue fire from its mouth and it obliterated everything in its path! This thing is dangerous!" The Doctor looked back over at Chimes, "But that, Chimes, just makes the research much more fun." The Doctor smiled. Chimes sat back a worried look crossing his face. "Are you sure about this, Doctor, what if somepony gets hurt? Or even worse what is somepony gets k-" Doctor Whooves glanced back over at Chimes. "Don't worry, Dr. Chimes, I got this all covered why do you think we're in Canterlot?" The Doctor asked, "To warn the Princesses of course," Chimes answered right off the bat. Whooves nodded, "Exactly now just calm down, mate, the Princesses won't let anything happen to us or anypony else. Anyways how much damage can one lizard cause anyway?" :[-]: "EXTRA! EXTRA! FILLYDELPHIAN FISHING VESSEL GONE MISSING READ ALL ABOUT IT!" Shouted the news paper colt that stood at the street corner flailing the paper around in his left hoof; Leisure and Blossom walked the streets of Canterlot discussing quietly about the creature they scene three days ago. "I think the Doctor should request for some freaking military action,” Leisure spat, “not some stupid research project on the stupid creature, just sayin." Leisure said kicking the ground with his hoof. "You saw what it was capable of back there. It wiped out half of Bramble Wood Forest in just a few seconds!" Blossom nodded her head, "I know where you're getting at here Leisure but just think of the amount of things we can learn from this creature. We have discovered an entirely new species, and all you want to do is kill it!" Blossom said. "Well I'm just saying that what if something bad happens! What if somepony gets k-" "EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT FILLYDELPHIAN FISHING VESSEL GONE MISSING!" Leisure looked over at the sight of the News Paper Colt, "Fishing vessel gone missing?” He mumbled to himself. “That's strange." Brushing past Blossom Leisure made his way towards the News Paper Colt, "Hey you,” He said while stepping in front of the young colt. He pointed to the newspaper, “how much is it for the paper?" He asked "Two bits kind sir, two bits." The colt said while reaching into a nearby bag full of papers. Leisure pulled out his bag of bits, noticing he only had about five bits left he sighed and tossed the young colt the entire bag, "Keep the change," he said the colt caught the bag and his face lit up with joy, "Why thank you kindly sir,” The boy took one of the papers and hoofed it over to him, “here take your paper." He said overjoyed; Leisure took the paper and smiled at the sight of the colt running down the street with a small bounce in his step. Once the colt was out of sight Leisure began to read, Exactly on March 29, 12:29 PM, the fishing vessel Light Bringer set off on its daily routine of fishing. On Exactly 2:34 PM a bright flash of white light was scene off the cost of Fillydelphia followed by cloud of smoke right off the horizon. Two minutes later after the Light Bringer was suppose to return. Officials say they saw a black mass moving about in the water in the distance right after the bright flash of light, authorities say they'll begin the search for the cre... Leisure looked up from the paper and glanced over at Blossom, "Go find the Doc right now, he needs to see this!" :[-]: The ground shook under the weight of his body, thunder roared as the rain pelted his hide. Gojira made his way through the dark land of Equestria. Exploring the strange new world, during his travels he couldn't figure out quiet where he was... He was lost, stopping for a brief moment Gojira took in his surroundings. Two large mountains stood on either side of him; all he could see for miles on end were either trees or more mountains. Frustrated Gojira turned and began heading north, moments later his stomach growled, he hasn't eaten anything in the passed... How long has it been? A year, few days, how long was he sleeping in that Godforsaken tomb!?- A lightning bolt streaked towards the ground striking Gojira in the back electrocuting him. Gojira howled in pain but was quickly overridden with anger. Turning back he fired a stream of atomic energy into the sky, hoping to strike down his attacker. Ceasing the flow of atomic fire Gojira stared up into the sky waiting, looking to see if his attacker would return. After about a minute of waiting nothing happened, shaking his head Gojira continued on his path. :[-]: The blue light streaked across the sky, illuminating the darkness with its beautiful cyan glow. Flash Step stared at the wonderful sight in awe. Watching the beam of pure energy make its away pass the mountain top and pierce the cloud layer was surely amazing! The young colt looked away from his bedroom window, "Mom, Mom! Come here you got to see this!" The colt jumped off his bed and made his way towards his door, after stumbling over a few toys he jumped up and opened the door. He scampered down the hall way towards his parents’ bedroom, barging into his parents’ room the young colt jumped onto their bed. "Mom, Dad, I just saw the coolest thing ever, quickly if you get up fast enough you might be able to see it!" His mother groaned and rolled over in bed, "Please, Flash, go to bed you can show us in the morning." Flash rolled his eyes, "But Mom it's not going to be there in the morning." He groaned, "Flash, listen to your Mother, now please go to bed." His Father ordered. "But Da-" "No buts, just march yourself off to your room and go to-" A large tremor shook the house, windows shook and pictures fell off their mantles. Instantly Flash's two parents shot up from their bed, their expressions stricken with fear. But as fast as the tremor came it ended, "Was that an earthquake?" Flash asked he too terrified. "I-I think so, but we don't get earthquakes in this part of Equest-" Another tremor shook the house causing pieces of the ceiling to cave in. "Quickly everypony get outside!" His father shouted taking command; a loud piercing roar filled the sky. The father ushered his family outside into the raging storm. The streets were filled with panicking ponies still dressed in there night gowns and pajamas. None bothering to get dressed instead they all ran outside, all running in the same direction as if they were all running away from something. Another roar rocked Flash's ears, "Dad, what's making that scary noise." The colt's father looked down at him, his face filled with terror, "I don't know, son, I don't know." He said. "Now come on, we need to get away from here." A loud crack of thunder sounded off, followed by a streak of lighting which brightened the entire sky. Flash's eyes widened in fear when he saw it for that brief moment, he couldn't make out much except for what seemed to be a giant dragon, making its way through his small village. Flash's father scooped him up and plopped him on his back. "Autumn," Flash's father shouted for his mother. "Let’s go!" "Wait I forgot to get something!" Autumn turned back towards the house, "There's no time we need to get to your sister's house!" His Father protested, "It'll only be for a second." "Well than I'm coming with you!" Flash's father said. But Autumn shook her head, "I need you to stay with our boy." She said before giving her a husband a hug and finally turning back and galloping towards the house, his father sighed and looked away. Only to see Mr. Smith, the village's black smith, came shambling by. "Mr. Smith, are you okay?" Flash’s father asked, Smith was shaking all over his eyes dilated and his body charred. "I saw it... It's Alive... It's Huge!" he trembled tears starting to form at the brim of his eyes, "My family... It killed my family... Meadow oh my dear Meadow," Smith crumpled to his knees tears dripping onto the drenched ground which was caked in mud. "What Smith, What killed Meadow?" Flash's father asked trotting over he planted both of his hooves on the black smith’s shoulders. Smith raised his mud soaked hoof up into the air pointing into the black sky and said, "Th-that monster..." "EVERYPONY WATCH OUT!" Shouted a distant police pony, With a roar coming from the unknown monster (which was too dark to see) a large object... No a tail, struck the earth. Sending a large wave of dust and debris into the sky, Flash's father’s eyes grew wide in horror as he fell to the ground due to the massive tremor before getting back up and scooping up his son. "Autumn, get back here," He screamed, but it was too late. In one swell swoop the monster's mighty tail swept across the ground destroying the entire block of houses and other businesses, destroying their beloved home in the process... "NO!" Flash's Father dropped to his knees, causing Flash to slip off his back. Flash fell into a nearby mud puddle, "N-n-no!" His Father continued to stutter repeating the word no, over and over again. HE pounded the ground with his right hoof, Flash got back onto his hooves, stumbling over to his father. He draped a hoof around his father’s neck and the two embraced each other, lying there weeping while the Harbinger of Death walked right passed them... :[-]: Celestia wandered the halls of the Canterlot Castle paranoid, what was that feeling she felt this morning? Even now she could still sense something deep within her, but she could just barely make it... "Is everything all right your, majesty?" Asked a guard stationed right next to the throne room door. Celestia’s eyes snapped open and shot right to the guard, "WH-what, eh... Yes, yes I'm quite all right, just had a hard time sleeping that's all." She answered. The guard nodded his head, "I'm sorry to hear about that your, majesty, but Doctor Whooves and his expedition team has returned from their trip and they bring urgent news." Celestia smiled, "Thank you, Sliver Knight." She said, "You're welcome your, majesty." He said opening the door for Celestia, revealing to her a very excited Doctor literally bouncing up and down, while talking to Dr. Chimes. "Just think about it, Chimes, if we could actually figure out a way to communicate with this creature think of the amount of knowledge we could obtain from it!" "Uh... Doctor, the Princess..." Chimes tried to tell the Doctor. But Whooves only continued to ramble. "And did you see that fire, oh that fire! Not saying it was a good thing but, the pure heat of energy! Did you see how bright it was! It was as bright as Celestia's sun if not brighter!" "What fire?" Celestia interrupted. The Doctor literally stopped in mid bounce and glanced over at Celestia, dropping back down onto the ground. He chuckled and cleared his throat. He bowed, "Sorry about that my, Princess, I'm just a bit excited about our new discovery." He said glancing back up at the Princess, "What are you talking about, Mr. Whooves, what discovery? What is this talk about a creature?" She asked, "Not to be rude, Princess, but I prefer you just call me the Doctor, and the discovery." He chuckled again like a young school filly. The Doctor cleared his throat his expression returning back to its professional state, "Exactly seventy two hours ago, my expedition team and I found a preserved underground facility. That I assume to be built by our forerunners," He said taking out the photo of the two bi-pedal creatures. Celestia quirked an eyebrow, "Our Forerunners," She asked taking the photo in her magic, Celestia levitated the photo in front of herself she stared intently at it taking in all the details. Celestia cracked a grin, "In all my long life, I have never seen anything this extraordinary. Doctor Whooves I do believe you have just discovered something that could change all of Equestrian history." The Doctors smile stretched so far across his face, it actually began to hurt. Trying to keep his composure in front of the Monarch the Doctor bowed again. "But my dear Princess that is not all." He said Celestia frowned levitating the picture back over to the Doctor. He stood back up and took the Picture and placed it back in his pocket. "There is more?" She asked intrigued, the Doctor nodded. "Well please do tell...” Celestia trailed off in silence and frowned, after a few seconds she continued, “But before you do please follow me to the dining hall," Celestia gestured the two doctors towards the door. "You there, Guard, go down to the kitchen and tell the chef that I'm requesting a feast to be made for my dear subjects who have made an astounding discovery." "Yes your majesty." The Guard gave the Princess a brisk salute and quickly made his way towards the kitchen. Celestia turned back towards the two doctors and smiled, "Now, Doctor, as you were saying?" :[-]: "Halt! No trespassing on Royal Grounds!" Shouted the gate keeper who was stationed in one of the Castle towers, "I have a dire message; I must get to the Princesses and the Doctor immediately!" Leisure shouted up at the guard, "State your message!" The guard demanded, "And we'll send it to the Princesses and the Doctor." "Wouldn't it just be easier if we," Leisure tilted his head towards Blossom who just rolled her eyes. "Just went and told them ourselves." "The Princess is in an important meeting right now, come back later and we'll think about-" "Oh my stars," Blossom sighed "We're part of the expedition team and we came across some valuable information and we need to get it to the Doctor right away. Now can you please let us through?" Blossom shouted up at the guard. "I'm afraid you’re going to have to show us some..." "Thou shalt not need to show proof Captain Platter." Said a familiar voice, from up above came the Princess of the night herself. With a mighty flap of her wings, Princess Luna landed right in front of the two ponies, "What message does one bring to show my sister and us?" Luna asked. Leisure raised an eyebrow leaning towards Blossom, who bowed for the Princess, "What did she just ask?" Leisure whispered Blossom took him by the back of the head with her magic and forced him to bow before the Princess. "We came here to tell Princess Celestia and Doctor Whooves about a recent discovery we found in the papers this morning." Blossom said. Luna chuckled, "What could be so important in the News Paper?" She smiled, “This, your Highness." Blossom said taking the news paper out of Leisure's saddle bag, Blossom flipped to the page containing the recent ship disappearance; Luna took the paper and began skimming through the passage. After she finished Luna raised an eyebrow and gave the paper back to Blossom. "We believe it has to do with the recent discovery." Blossom said. Luna nodded and turned her head towards the guards, "Guards, Open the gates!" "But Princess we cannot do that just-" "Dost thou speak against our orders!?" Luna shouted up at the guard who flinched in fear. Quickly the guard nodded and turned away for a second, "Open the gates!" He shouted moments later the large castle gates parted allowing the two ponies to make their way onto the Royal Grounds. :[-]: "After that it walked off into the distance towards the ocean, and so far we've heard nothing about it." The Doctor said while the Chef placed a nice salad in front of him. Celestia sat at the far end of the table, she nodded, "So you're telling me you accidentally released a monster, which is bigger than my castle. And it has the powers to wipe out an entire forest in a matter of seconds, and don't forget the fact it is older than me myself. Onto our world," The Doctor's ears drooped and he stared at the ground, "Well yeah..." He said, Celestia sighed and buried her face in her hooves. Could this be the creature I sensed this morning? She thought, bringing her head back up she faced the Doctor, "And you're telling me, you want to study it?" She asked. The Doctor nodded his head slowly, looking down at his salad he realized he lost his appetite. "Sorry to get off topic here." Chimes said with his mouth full of lettuce, after a few chews he swallowed. "Has anyone seen Ditzy?” He asked, Chimes looked at the Doctor then back at Celestia, “Seriously I know for a fact I seen her this morning, but... She just vanished." He said. The Doctor looked up at Chimes who just sat there looking confused, "Honestly, Chimes, I don't know it's a possible chance she might've just flown back to Ponyville." The Doctor stated. Chimes shrugged, "That's a possibility, but I just find it strange that one moment she's right here, and the next she's gone." Chimes said, "Well that's Ditzy for you," The Doctor shrugged, "you never know what's she's going to do. Now could we please just get back on topic-?" The doors to the dining hall blew open as Luna strolled in followed by Leisure and Blossom. Luna's face was stern and serious; Celestia snapped out of her stupor and looked up at her sister. "Is something wrong Luna?" Celestia asked. Luna nodded her head and took the News Paper from Blossom and tossed it onto the table. "Somepony has committed a crime Tia." She said, Celestia raised an eyebrow towards her sister, "Crime happens all the time in Equestria Luna, it's something we can't really avoid or get rid of." Celestia said taking the News Paper. "No Sis, this is not thy ordinary crime, now read." She demanded, Celestia shrugged and began looking over the passage, her brow furrowed has her eyes skimmed the page. After the longest minute in all of Equestrian history Celestia glanced back up at Luna with a stern expression that crossed her face. A few seconds later Celestia looked over at the Doctor, who sat there confused not knowing what was going on. "Doctor," She said in a calm whisper, "do you care to explain this?" she asked. The Doctor gulped, Does anypony care to explain to me what in Tartarus is going on? He thought, pulling on a goofy grin he swallowed and said, "I'm afraid I cannot Princess due to the fact I honestly have no idea what is going on." He gulped. Celestia raised an eyebrow, "Well what I assume is that your little discovery might not be as friendly as you made it out to be." She said. The Doctor recoiled back at her assumption, "P-p-princess, please what are you talking about!?" The Doctor was at the verge of losing his composure, "What she's talking about is there was a recent crime revolving around a fishing vessel going missing, also the sighting of a large creature moving on the horizon." Leisure explained. The Doctor glanced over at him cocking an eyebrow, "But that could've been anything," the Doctor said Leisure looked at the Doctor not convinced, "Like a Leviathan or a Hydra." He said. "Mr. Whooves," Celestia said bringing her hooves onto the table and crossing them, "There haven’t been any ship disasters in Equestria in over ten years. Not since that last hurricane the pegasi up in Cloudsdale accidentally caused, but even then nopony has gone missing or has gotten injured." Celestia explained, "Not only is that it’s said that a bright flash of light was seen followed by a cloud of smoke. Doctor, last I recall water cannot smoke." Celestia stated, "But that could've been one of the steam engines exploding-" "Dangit Whooves, why are you defending this creature?" Chimes glared at the Doctor, "You saw what it was capable of! And look at it now, it's attacking ponies! We must take drastic actions now, before things get out of hoof!" "I agree with Dr. Chimes," Leisure said, "Princess Celestia I request that you act now while we still have time, before the creature causes anymore damage." Leisure approached the dining table. "Where do you get across telling the Princess what to do?" Blossom snapped, "What! I'm not commanding her I'm requesting there's a difference, we need to stop this monster now!" Leisure snapped back, "What! So it's a monster now! Leisure didn't you ever stop and think that this creature is only acting on its survival instincts? What if it didn't attack that boat because it just wanted to, what if it was provoked or thought that it was another animal and wanted to eat it or something?" Blossom made her way up to Leisure and looked him in the eyes. Leisure looked away his ears dropping low. "I didn't really think about that." He said, Luna walked over towards her sister and the two began whispering back and forth. After a few quiet moments of murmuring Celestia cleared her throat, "My little ponies," she said the four ponies who were bickering stopped and looked over at the two Princesses who sat on the far side of the table. "It's been decided that my sister and I will take action against this animal.-" Blossom and Whooves jaws smacked into the table, "-By upping the security in all coastal cities. We will not try and fight this creature, unless it attacks first till then we'll just stand on watch. If the creature is sighted by any of the coastal cities the guards will order an immediate evacuation." Right after Celestia finished a night guard barged into the dining hall stumbling over his hooves. He was gasping and breathing rapidly as if he just flown three laps around the entire city. "Your... Majesties..." He stopped to take a deep breath, "Why dost thou barge in here without requesting permission," Luna snapped. The guard took one last deep breath before regaining his strength to speak, "I'm sorry your highness it's just..." He trailed off again, "Out with it," Luna ordered, "It's Manesville." He said, "What about it?" Celestia asked raising an eyebrow, "It's been destroyed..." > Death Toll > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Death Toll Luna stood there in a daze; she was stunned by the sight before her. What was once the beautiful village of Manesville. Now laid there in heaps of rubble and debris, in the distance the cries of wounded could be heard. And before her, stallions ran by digging through the rubble looking for loved ones or precious belongings. Other families who were not greatly affected by the destruction caused by Gojira, returned to their homes to pack their things and leave encase the wretched monster should return. "Your highness," Addressed one of Celestia's day guards, Luna jolted because of being caught off guard. Shaking her head she looked down at the stallion in gold armor. "Yes what is it?" She asked, "It is Princess Celestia; she requests you quickly make your way to the medical center." He said giving a low bow. Luna nodded, "Tell our sister We'll be there in a minute." The guard nodded and turned to trot back towards the distant medical tents that were sat up shortly after the rampage. "Wait!" Luna said taking a step forward towards the stallion. stallion stopped and turned towards the Princess. "Yes your highness?" He asked, Luna took a deep breath and looked out towards the destroyed village. "How many... How many died because of this?" She asked looking back at the guard who was still looking at the ruins. Moments later he let out a sigh and glanced up the Alicorn, "I'm afraid I cannot answer that your Highness." He said, Luna frowned "Why not," She asked. The guard’s ears flattened and he scratched the back of his head, "Because there was to many for me to count..." :[-]: "You requested for us, Tia?" Luna asked planting her hooves onto the damp ground, Celestia stood there pale as a ghost. The sight of the dead and injured ponies forever implanted into her mind. Yes Celestia has seen death before she had to cope with it a many of times before. But, not as brutal as this, crushed mangled bodies laid with a tarp pulled over them. Others were charred and burned, but the worst of all were the ones that died after the monster left. Something foul has been left behind by this creature, ponies that’ve been getting sick all of sudden. One moment they seem fine and the other there hacking up blood and dying. Soon they have been showing symptoms of having tumors and boils sprouting up on their bodies. Celestia just shortly ordered an immediate evacuation of any healthy ponies out of Manesville. And the others, who aren't healthy, must be quarantined immediately to avoid any further contamination. How could we have not notice such a large behemoth exist without us knowing? Celestia thought looking out towards the ruined village. What creature could do such a foul act to such innocent ponies, why would… Celestia was forced out of her thoughts, by Luna nuzzling her side. Celestia yelped due to her sisters tickling, "Luna please don't startle me like that!" Celestia took in a deep breath and smiled looking over at Luna. Luna chuckled, "Sorry sister it's just that We have been sitting here for a minute waiting for a response." Celestia nodded, "Sorry I was just thinking about what has happened here." Luna nodded, "We can see that thou are very troubled by what has happened." Celestia nodded, "Yes, Luna, I am. I have never seen such destruction sense before..." Luan's ears flattened and she looked away from Celestia. Celestia stopped and looked at Luna, "Oh sorry sister please forgive me, I didn't mean to bring up the past." Luna nodded and smiled shrugging off Celestia's last comment, "You are okay, Tia, and We do see what you mean though." Looking back over the destruction Celestia sighed, "Would you care to go for a walk, little sister?" Celestia asked glancing over at Luna who too was looking over the tragic sight. Luna looked at Celestia and grinned, "We would like that." :[-]: Doctor Whooves let out another yelp, as again he has stumbled over another piece of rubble. "Please Doctor, watch were you are going." Chimes sighed, "I'm sorry Dr. Chimes; I'm just a little excited." He said pulling out his magnifying glass so he could examine a scorched piece of wood more closely. Chimes stopped walking and glared at the Doctor, "How in the name of Celestia can this excite you," Chimes took a deep breath, "Doctor they’re ponies that are just over the hill that are dying because of us! Because of our curiosity, we have unleashed probably Equestria's most horrifying monsters upon the world!" The Doctor sighed and placed his magnifying glass back in his coat pocket, "You don't think I already know that Chimes, do you not think that I too feel guilt because of this." He said standing up and looking over at Chimes with a stern look. The Doctor sighed and glanced around the village ruins, "In order to advance in life, Chimes, you must sacrifice things or ponies that are close to you.” He said hoping that the common cliché would calm him, “The death of those ponies that died last night will not be in vain. Yet their sacrifices will be for the greater good of science, with what happened last night we can now learn even more about this 'Gojira'." The Doctor said with air quotes. He turned away from Chimes and began to head deeper into the village ruins. Chimes sighed and began to follow the Doctor, "So, Doctor, what happened to Leisure and the others?" Chimes asked as the duo made their way passed the post office that was surprisingly one of the only buildings that was still standing. "Leisure, Dr. Chimes, is out with Captain Heart and the search party up in Manehatten searching for the creature. Blossom is still in Canterlot she is second in command of the research team. They are using whatever we found in that underground facility trying to uncover ways on how to stop this creature." The Doctor climbed up a pile of rubble once he reached the top he turned to help Chimes up, the Doctor stuck out his tail gesturing for Chimes to take it, "I take it you're in charge of the entire operation?" Chimes asked, Chimes took hold of the Doctor’s tail with his teeth and began to climb up. "Yes I am in fact-OUCH! Not too hard, Dr. Chimes!" Chimes chuckled and stood up right next to the Doctor, "Sorry about that, Dr. Whooves." He laughed. The Doctor glared at chimes and began to move forward, "Well as I was saying- Ye-ARGGH!!" The Doctor slipped and fell down the pile of debris scrapping his back on some splintered wood he barrel rolled into a ditch falling about six feet. "Oh my Celestia, Doctor, Doctor, are you okay!? Please answer me!" Chimes panicked, Chimes carefully began to make his way down the pile of rubble towards the wounded Doctor. Slowly climbing to his hooves, the Doctor winced... "What the heck happened?" He asked out loud to nopony in particular. Shaking his head he scrapped the dust and pebbles out of his mane. Opening his eyes he observed his surroundings; he seemed to be in a large ditch about thirty yards wide and about twice the length. "What in the hay... This couldn't have been here a few nights ago. This looks... Freshly made as if something came through... Oh my Celestia!" The Doctor mumbled with astonishment. Chimes came down the side of the ditch stumbling down the final half, causing some debris to fall in with him. Regaining his balance he trotted towards the Doctor who seemed excited yet slightly in a shock. "Doctor Whooves! Please tell me you're all right." He said still slightly panicked, "D-Dr. Chimes do you know what we're in right now," He asked, with excitement trembling out of his lips, "Oh thank Luna..." He sighed while coming to a stop just a few feet away from the Doctor, Chimes stopped and looked around at the ditch they're in. "It looks to me like an ordinary ditch..." The Doctor stood and looked towards Chimes, a small grin pierced his lips as he stared Chimes in the eyes, "But that's where you're wrong Dr. Chimes, this is no ditch. This is a Foot Print" :[-]: The two Alicorns made their way through the field of medical tents, neither of them being able to look towards the wounded or dead ponies. Doctors ran back and forth from cot to cot, patient to patient. They tended to anyone they could, in the distance a crying filly could be heard, screaming repeatedly, "Mom! Please wake up! Mommy, please wake up!" Celestia cringed at the sound of the crying filly. The thought of losing a loved one being almost unbearable for her to think about, "Tia, may we ask you a question?" Luna asked from behind looking towards the crying filly who was embracing what Celestia assumed to be her father. The two both held the expressions of sorrow and guilt, "Yes, Luna," Celestia tried to pull on a calming smile while she spoke to her sister, "How many... How many subjects died at the hands of this beast?" Celestia winced, remembering how large the number was. "Three hundred and thirty two, and still rising my dear sister." Luna's ears drooped regretting she even asked, "My lord... We weren't expecting the number to be that high." Luna whispered. Celestia stepped back and nuzzled her sister trying to comfort her. "Don't worry my younger sister, we'll put a stop to this monster trust me we-" Celestia stopped at the sound of a ringing bell tower. Dong.... Dong.... Dong... "Dear me, who is ringing that bell," Celestia asked out loud, around Celestia guards began jumping to their hooves and began scrambling around. "You there, Guard, who is ringing that bell and why!" Celestia pointed towards the nearest guard. The guard stopped and saluted her, "It is Rose Pedal your, majesty, Captain of the third search party!" He took a breath, "They seemed to have found the monster and it's heading this way this instant!" Celestia's eyes widened in horror, turning to her sister Celestia spoke, "Luna, go find the Doctor right away, and alert any idle guards and order them immediately to get ready for battle!" "But, Tia, we are not prepared to fight a beast with such might! We'll be crushed before we could even raise a hoof!" Luna protested. "Please Luna just do as I say! We cannot afford to lose any more innocent lives!" Celestia said, with that Luna nodded taking flight she flew in the direction of where the Doctor was last seen. Turning away from where Luna was just at Celestia looked at the now panicking ponies that were quickly gathering their items and running. Guards who were stationed along the roads were helping the wounded into wagons and guiding others towards the mountains in the north. "Evacuate all Civilians to the northern mountains," Shouted the pegasi guards that flew over head. One guard in particular who was dressed in purple armor landed in front of Celestia. "Your, majesty," She said "I was told to escort you back to Canterlot in case of an emergency now could you please-" "Are you Rose Pedal?" Asked Celestia, the mare nodded, "Are you the one who rang the bell?" the mare nodded again. "Where is the beast now?" she asked. "Just over the eastern mountain now, Princess, please we must get out of-" Just then the most terrifying screech in all of ponydom. Filled the noon sky, ponies all around dropped to their knees and cupped their ears. Celestia jolted at the horrifying sound, in the distance above the eastern mountain. Came a head of monster so enormous that it casted a shadow that covered a large portion of the already destroyed town. Celestia stared at the creature with horror, "In all my life I've never seen a creature so large and terrifying..." She mumbled, Rose Pedal reached up and tugged on Celestia, "Come, Princess, we must go right away! Please!" Celestia stared at the monster, its hide almost as dark as the night time sky with hints of green. Large blue spines with hints of white on the outer edges outlined its back its pure white eyes glared down at the village. Gojira let out another ear bleeding roar as he turned away from the village and began heading east towards the ocean. Celestia stood there terrified by what she just saw yet she was confused at the same time. By what just happened, why did it leave...? Was it just trying to find its way back to the ocean? Rose Pedal stood there almost petrified; looking back up at the Princess she saw that she wasn't the only one... Celestia though knew for a fact, that was no monster, nor an animal... That there what she just saw could only be described as a Demon... *Authors Message* Sorry for this being a short chapter but I just wanted to describe the aftermath of Godzilla's first rampage. Also for those who are wondering what Godzilla I was describing or want a better image of how I'm describing him. This is actually my favorite Godzilla design, also he is possibly the most terrifying looking one! > Preparation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: Preparation Twilight Sparkle ran around her library in a rush, quickly grasping at books and flipping through the pages. Releasing another aggravated groan she tossed yet another book aside into the pile behind her. "There has to be something relating to the creature in the photo somewhere around here!" She moaned plopping down on her haunches. "Come on Twilight you can't give up now." Her trusty assistant Spike said, making his way towards her holding a feather duster. "But Spike I checked every book twice, I even tripled checked a few!" She said, she let out a sigh and slowly climbed back onto her hooves and began levitating the books back onto their shelves in their rightful spots. "There's nothing in these books that relate back to the creature in the paper." She said placing the final book on the shelf, she trotted into the kitchen and lifted the news paper that was resting on the table and hoofed it over to Spike. Who just made his way into the kitchen, taking the paper in his claws Spike examined the perfectly taken picture. It was a picture of a large dragon like creature looking over the mountain at the ruins of Manesville the picture was taken exactly one week ago. Ever since that day the picture was taken the creature hasn't been seen, it was as if it has fallen off the face of the Earth. "It just looks like an ordinary dragon to me." Spike said handing the paper back over to Twilight. "That's just it, Spike, it does look like a dragon, but the thing is it has no wings! Also dragons don't get that big!" Twilight said a little over dramatically. Spike rolled his eyes, "Twilight, I think you're making a too big of a deal about this, so what you got a dragon that doesn't have wings and had one too many growth spurts. Like look at me for example, when I grew I had no wings," Twilight sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right but that doesn't explain why the ponies of Manesville are suffering from a possibly incurable disease." Twilight said making her way back towards her collection of books; she levitated two books off the shelf that had the titles, All You Need to Know about Diseases 101 and The History of the Great Pony Plague. How convenient. Spike thought. Twilight began rifling through the pages of the books simultaneously, occasionally looking back and forth between the two. "See, Spike, there's nothing in here about this unknown disease," She said "The news paper stated that the ponies suffering from it where having symptoms of boils, tumors, and also dark spots under their coat. The biggest one of them all is fur loss; ponies had fur falling off their body in locks, large clumps of fur just falling off of them for no reason at all." Spike raised an eyebrow at this. "Sounds bad," He said "least they don't have to worry about grooming themselves anymore." Twilight slammed the book shut and glared at Spike angrily. Spike raised his claws in defense, "S-s-sorry I was only kidding." "Spike, do you know what happened to those ponies," she asked, Spike shook his head no. "They all died painfully." She said placing both books back on the shelf. "Oh..." Spike said lowering his head, "Sorry," Twilight nodded her head, "It's okay Spike you didn't know, just think before you speak alright," she smiled glancing over at Spike, "Well I'm going to be heading out for a while okay, and I need you to watch over the library while I'm out. In case anypony shows up wanting to get a book or something." Twilight made her way towards the door and grabbed her saddle bag which laid their idle as usually. Spike waved goodbye as Twilight made her way out the door. :[-]: Ponyville was in a state of paranoia, everypony who heard about the destruction of Manesville and the discovery of the new monster. Scared the living crap out of all the residents, some citizens even packed their things and left. Some ponies even began heading north, towards the Crystal Empire. But for the most part though, the citizens just didn't go outside, so the streets were pretty much empty. Save for a few merchant ponies trying to earn a few bits. Twilight Sparkle on the other hand though was heading over to Sweet Apple Acres to help Applejack with harvesting this season’s apples. After a brisk walk Twilight finally reached the orchard in only a matter of minutes, as she made her way up the dirt path towards the farm house. She was greeted by one of her friends, Applejack; she was seen pulling a few empty baskets out of the house. "Hey AJ how's it going," Twilight asked smiling at her friend, "Could be better, Twi, hey could you help me out by taken a few of these baskets?" AJ asked placing a few of the baskets on her back. "Yeah sure," Twilight said, using her magic she lifted the rest of the baskets and placed them on her back. "Thanks," Said AJ, while they made their way to the field, "Say, Twi," Applejack said trying to start a conversation, "did you find anything about that new monster yet?" Twilight sighed, "I'm afraid not, I searched through every book and I found nothing! It's as if the creature appeared out of nowhere just a week ago." Applejack raised an eyebrow, "So you're sayin you found nothing," she asked, Twilight shook her head, "Not a single thing," "Well, maybe it did just appear out of nowhere then," Twilight stopped and glanced at AJ, "But that wouldn't make any sense," AJ shrugged, "Well the point is, Twi, it's here now and there's nothin we can do about it." AJ turned and began heading back down the dirt road towards the field, Twilight sighed and followed in behind. :[-]: Celestia sat back in her large plush throne, letting out a restless breath she fired up her magic again. Searching deep in her thoughts trying to pin point exactly where this Gojira is but she couldn't sense him, letting go of her magic Celestia breathed deeply. Why can't I sense its energy, I felt it before... But why can't I now. She thought angrily, "Tia," Said Luna, startling Celestia causing her to flinch. Luna chuckled, "Sorry, sis, but thou should get some rest. You have been up all night searching for the monster." Celestia yawned, "I know, Luna, but I need to know where it is exactly so that we can warn our subjects in case of another attack." Celestia said stifling another yawn. "But, sis, that is why we have search parties scattered throughout our nation." Luna said, making her way towards her older sister. She placed a hoof on her shoulder; Celestia sighed and glanced over at one of the many stain glass windows. "Again, Luna, I know but it's still not enough. Even now we still haven't got any information on where it's at. For all we know it could be attacking one of our neighboring allies." Celestia said. "Please, sister, go rest and let us take over," Luna pleaded with her sister. Celestia now finally submitting to defeat nodded her head, "Okay, you have my word I'll go get some rest. But there is one thing I must do first." She said rising up out of her throne. "And what is that, Tia?" Asked Luna while watching her sister step down and make her way towards the door. "I must round up the Elements of Harmony, it might be the only way we can stop this creature." Luna looked at Celestia worried, "And what if the Elements do not stop this monster, Tia, what then?" Celestia stopped and glanced back her sister, "Pray that it'll show mercy on us all." :[-]: Gojira lay deep beneath the ocean green, where he slept on a flat plateau. Gojira snarled and rolled over in his sleep, but while he was in the middle of rolling over something bright shined across his closed eyelids. Growling he opened his eyes looking up at the watery surface he saw a decently sized dark object move across the surface shining a bright light down into the water. The light skimmed across the plateau again this time striking him in his eyes blinding him, Gojira let out a roar in anger. Climbing to his feet he pushed off the ground and began swimming to the surface. Gojira pierced through the water's surface, releasing a screeching roar into the night time sky; ceasing his terrifying howl. Gojira tilted his head towards the vessel that spoiled his night time slumber, the vessel was filled with ponies all dressed in nice suits and dresses. They all stared up at him in horror, glaring down at the ponies Gojira roared again, this time receiving a response. The ponies screamed in fear and began running inside the ship, pushing each other over trying to find an area that could supply shelter. Other ponies that were slightly smarter dove off the side of the ship, others ran for the life boats. Gojira tilted his head back, the spines on his back beginning to go from white to a bright shade of blue. Storing all the amount of energy in the pit of his stomach, Gojira finally released it all causing a cyan explosion to erupt from his mouth firing a bright cyan beam of energy. Which struck the boat causing it to explode into a heaping ball of fire; the fire soared up into the night time sky illuminating the surrounding areas of darkness. The ponies who were smart enough to jump off the ship stared at the destruction with horror. Watching as the ship slowly sunk into the deep dark ocean abyss... Gojira roared with delight, turning away from the sinking ship he was caught off guard by another unexpected sight. Dozens of white lights, all of them seemed to be attached to tall looming buildings. Well at least nothing compared to the buildings the humans built, but still they at least went up to Gojira's chest. But they were all extremely bright, Gojira squinted his eyes trying to stop the lights from burning their way into his retinas. Gojira snarled he couldn't have this by his home. How would he be able to sleep with these pests right on his doorstep? In the distance Gojira heard a loud siren coming from deep within the city. :[-]: Leisure shot up from his bed, the siren waking him from his wonderful sleep; quickly hopping out of bed he ran to his hotel room door. Leisure flung open the door only to be greeted by a massive wave of tourists and other ponies that were quickly making their way down the corridor and towards the stairs. "Squeeze me! Coming through," he shouted while trying to push through wave after wave of panicked ponies. Leisure finally reached the stair well; he began to slowly yet carefully make his way down. "Come on ponies keep on moving!" shouted a police pony at the bottom of the stair case, "Officer," Leisure said finally reaching the bottom he made his way towards the officer, "Officer did they find it? Where is it?" He asked. The cop shook his head, "I'm sorry son I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just here to make sure these ponies get out of here safely, now please get moving." Leisure shook his head and began moving with the herd of ponies again. Finally making his way out into the street, it was worse than back in the hotel. The entire population of Manehatten made their way through the streets; all of them either wore panicked expressions or the look of confusion. Ponies back and forth continued to ask each other the same questions, "What's with the siren, and what the Hay is going on?" They continued to ask. "May I have your attention please; I repeat may I have your attention please!" Everypony stopped, looking to his left Leisure saw another police pony, who was standing on a carriage and was levitating a mega-phone in front of herself. "I've been told that we are evacuating the city of Manehatten, now please remain calm and make your way to the Bucklynn Bridge," ponies really now began to grow scared, murmurs began to sprout up all around. Most being that Gojira is attacking the city. Others thinking it's a terrorist attack, "Now please try to remain calm," said the police pony herself sounding slightly panicked. "We need to evacuate the city in an orderly fashion. We do not want to cause a panic, we are only trying to maintain your safe-" A large tremor surged through the city followed by an enormous bang. Leisure lost his balance and fell to the ground, Ponies screamed in fear and fell to the ground, but then began to quickly climb back onto their hooves. Leisure got up looked to the sky trying to see if he could see anything. He saw an orange glow just above the sky scrapers, but he also saw something else, things that looked like meteorites and they were coming down right towards them! A nearby building exploded the ground too just a few feet away from him. Fiery pieces of rubble came hurdling out of the sky only to collide with the Earth. Leisure quickly began running aimlessly not paying attention to where he was going. Large pieces of debris came crashing down into the ground spraying shards of brick and cobblestone everywhere. The streets were crowded with screaming and crying ponies. Leisure pushed his way through the ponies trying to find a place to seek shelter from the fiery death that seemed to be raining down on them. Leisure turned down a nearby alley way, taking a short breather, only one thought came to his mind, Manehatten is under siege... :[-]: Celestia finished sending her letter to Twilight Sparkle, finally pushing herself away from her work desk she got up. Looking down she realized she was still dressed in her outfit. With a tired sigh, she took off her golden armor and placed them on the nearby hanger. Taking off her crown she placed it on her desk, Celestia yawned and made her way to the bathroom. Towering over the sink she turned on the faucet and began to wash away her makeup, suddenly Celestia was halted by an unknown disturbance. A dark sense of energy filled her body, looking back up into the mirror she notice herself trembling and her pupils were shrunken in fear. What is this feeling? She thought. This... This doesn't feel like the thing I felt before. A knock came at Celestia's door, "Tia, We bring dire news!" shouted Luna. Without waiting for a reply Luna opened Celestia's door. Not seeing her sister in bed Luna made her way towards the bathroom, "Tia? Are you in there," she asked knocking. Celestia didn't respond, she couldn't respond! The dark energy inside her was over powering her commands; she was in a state of shock and fear. Growing worried Luna couldn't wait anymore opening the door, Celestia collapsed to the floor. "Sis," Luna shouted quickly running over to catch her. Catching her sister before she could hit her head on the sink Luan dragged her back into her sister’s room. Celestia trembled all over, "Tia! Tia! Answer Us! What is wrong?" Luna asked herself trembling with fear. "I-I-I, f-f-felt h-him..." she stammered. Luna raised an eyebrow, "Who, Tia, who did you, feel?" Celestia slowly brought up her trembling head until she was looking her little sister in the eyes. "Death..." > Mayhem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: Mayhem Spike sprinted down the dirt road towards Sweet Apple Acres, panting like a hot dog with every step. In his right claw he held onto a letter, a very important letter. He needed to find Twilight and her friends as fast as he could; just passed trees in the distance Spike could the see the Apple Family’s farm house. Spike hopped up the steps, once he reached the door spike then began pounding his fists against it, "Hello? Can anypony hear me? I need to find Twilight!" He shouted.  Moments later the door slowly creaked open, and Spike was greeted by a small filly. "Applebloom, is Twilight here, I need to find her!" Spike said in slight panicked state. Applebloom looked at Spike raising an eyebrow she nodded, "Yeah she's here, she's just down in the fields with mah sister." She said using her right hoof to point towards the southern fields.  Spike nodded his head and sighed with relief, "Thank you, Applebloom." He said before turning away, "Wait! Why are you in such a hurry?" She asked,  Spike began running down the stairs, "I'm sorry, Applebloom, but I don't have to time to explain!" He said while running as fast as he could towards the field. :[-]: Twilight lifted the last basket of apples onto her back, while sweat poured down the side of her head. "Well...” Twilight took a deep breath, “That's the last of them."  Twilight turned her attention towards the dimly lit sky; Twilight could just see the tints of purple and red just above the horizon as Celestia’s sun began to set behind the distant mountains. "Thanks for the help, Twi," Applejack said snapping Twilight out of her dazed state, "Ah really appreciate it."  Twilight smiled and looked at her friend, "It's the least I could do, AJ."  Applejack grinned, "You wanna come in and have a drink with me and Granny?" She asked, Twilight shook her head no, even though she was actually dying to have something to drink. Since all she had today was few glasses of water before coming over to help Applejack. "I'm sorry, AJ, but I need to get back to the library and check up on Sp-" "Twilight!" Twilight’s and Applejack’s heads both snapped to left coming up the road they both saw Spike sprinting towards the two them while flailing a piece of parchment around in his right claw. "Spike what's the matter?" Twilight asked. Spike stopped in front of the two mares placing both hands he hunched forward, trying to catch his breath. After a few moments passed he held the small piece of parchment into the air, "I... Received this letter... Earlier from the... Princess..." Spike said still trying to catch his breath. Taking a deep breath he was finally being able to speak, "It's very important." He said, right away Twilight took the letter not knowing what to expect she began reading, Dear, Twilight Sparkle, Due to the recent catastrophes, all Equestrian coastal cities are being evacuated and I'm ordering the Elements of Harmony to gather at Canterlot tomorrow at twelve o'clock sharp. Equestria is in grave danger. And you and your friends, may be are only hope in defeating this dreadful beast. Sincerely, Princess Celestia Twilight knew right away what Celestia was talking about. After re-reading the letter Twilight looked over at AJ; she took deep breath. "AJ, gather the others we're heading to Canterlot." :[-]: Leisure made his way through the crowds of horrified ponies, he constantly having to push others out of the way. He even stumbled over a few who were to in shock to even move, as he made his way through the street he saw countless other ponies lying on the ground beaten and bruised due them being trampled by the panicked stampede. Over the sounds of the screaming Manehattians Leisure could hear the heart stopping roar of the monster that plagued the city. Seconds later a bright cyan flash filled the sky. Taking a quick glance back Leisure saw one of Manehatten's skyscrapers explode into a heaping ball of fire.  Large smoldering pieces of debris rained down from sky, colliding into the earth only to crush and kill any unlucky soul who was in the path of smoldering ruble.  Leisure turned and galloped for his life away from the exploding building, while trying to out maneuver the flaming death that rained down on them. But while running, Leisure was cut off by a large burning piece of debris which landed right in front of him. The force of the impact sent Leisure tumbling into the ground; climbing back onto his hooves a large shadow cascaded over the city street. Turning around Leisure looked up into the sky and saw the beast which was invading the city. "Launch the catapults!" Shouted a nearby Royal Guard soldier; looking to his right Leisure saw three groups of soldiers who of gathered around three siege weapons. The three catapults simultaneously launched their smoldering boulders into the sky towards the monster. The flaming boulders soared through the sky over Manehatten; upon impact with the monster the boulders exploded sending millions of miniature burning shards of rock everywhere. Gojira didn't even flinch, raising an eyebrow he glanced down at the platoon of soldiers. Who only stared back with the looks of pure horror, Gojira snarled breathing in, and the spines on his back began to let off a cyan glow. Leisure could only watch in horror as he knew what was about to happen next. As for he seen this before, on the first day the monster awoken. He could only watch as Gojira unleashed his wretched unearthly heat-ray upon the soldiers. The cries of soldiers were cut off within seconds as the entire city block erupted into a massive wave of fire; soldiers who weren't incinerated from the blast were thrown into the sky do the shock wave. Gojira dragged his ray of heat across the ground incinerating row after row of buildings and ponies. Leisure dove through a nearby shop’s window in order to avoid the immense heat of the monsters fire. Landing on the ground glass shards punctured his back, with a pain filled groan Leisure turned his body over and got to his hooves. Looking around he found himself in an abandon supermarket, taking a deep breath he began limping away from the destroyed street; hoping that there is back door in this place. "I need to send a letter to the Princess." He mumbled to himself. "I need to warn them all." Leisure knew that he couldn't leave Manehatten yet, as much as he liked to. He needed to find Captain Heart, the one who was leading the search party back in Manesville. But that would mean Leisure would have to cut through the entire center part of the city and that means facing the monster again. Shaking his head Leisure snarled, "Come on, me, don't be a chicken." He said, after a few more minutes Leisure finally found a back entrance turning he bucked open the back door of the supermarket that lead into an alleyway. In the distant Leisure heard another group of soldiers screaming in fear only to be silenced by another flash of cyan light and the sound of an explosion. Looking up into the sky which now had an orange tint due to the amount of fires, Leisure gulped, "Pray to Celestia I make it out of this alive." :[-]: Celestia's eyes snapped open, her vision drifted from left to right. Rising up out of her bed she glanced around her she room noticed that she was in here all by herself. Celestia sighed and sunk back into her bed; that was no ordinary feeling she felt earlier, instead if felt more dark and depressing. As if somepony has drove a knife through her heart; she shook the thought out of her head and glanced towards her balcony door. Taking a deep breath Celestia swung her hind legs over the side of her bed. Celestia stepped down onto the floor and made her way over to the door, she pushed the balcony door open and stepped out. It was around mid night and all of Canterlot was asleep, all was dark over the royal city. Not a sound could be heard, no dogs barked, no birds chirped, even the cicadas were silent tonight. Taking in the fresh air Celestia stood at the edge of the balcony with a look of concern. She couldn't rid herself of the concerned feeling she had at the moment. Even though everything seemed peaceful and majestic, she just didn't feel right, "Is everything alright sis?" Asked Luna who seemed to have snuck up on her while she was deep in her thoughts, Celestia jolted at the sound of her sister’s voice spinning around she saw Luna. At the sight of her sister Celestia felt all her concerned feeling fall back into ease, “Oh, Luna, please don’t startle me like that,” She said.  Luna smiled, “We’re sorry sis but we just came to check on you, you really did give us quiet a scare back there." she said. Celestia sighed, "I'm sorry if I frightened you little, sister." Celestia hung her head low, "It's just that I feel that Equestria is in grave danger." Celestia glanced back towards her majestic city, "What if we cannot stop this monster, what if it proves to be too powerful for us?" She said; Luna approached her worried sister. Making her way right beside her the two sisters looked out over their silent metropolis. "Then we keep of fighting," She said, "We will not give this monster the satisfaction of fear." Celestia stood there considering her sisters words. How can they fight a creature so big and powerful? A demon that is even older than herself; the feeling in Celestia’s chest began to grow.  As if it was growing stronger with every growing second; she couldn’t tell if it was her own fear or paranoia. It could even possibly be both; it hasn’t even been two weeks yet and this monster has already taken hundreds of innocent pony lives. Families have been torn apart, crushed, and even burned.  Looking back to her beloved sister Celestia nodded her head, “Send a message to the Crystal Empire; let them know what we are up against.” She said glancing back over her lovely city. Luna took on a more solemn expression nodding her head she then asked, “What about our other neighboring countries, should We let them know of the situation at hoof.” Celestia again nodded her head in agreement, “Yes, you are right Luna. We cannot submit to our fears; in order to stop this monster. We must all band together, we cannot fight this alone Luna. Equestria is in a time of need, we must to go to our allies for aid. We must let the world know of the problems we face.” Luna smiled, “Yes sis, We’ll get right onto it.” Celestia returned her sisters smile, the duo turned back towards her room. Changing the subject Celestia asked, “So how has your day been Luna?”  Luna took a deep breath, “Tis could have gone better… We have found nothing down in Las Pegasus. Most locals down there though do not seem fazed by the recent catastrophe.”  Celestia sighed, “Well that’s good; we don’t need a nationwide panic on our minds.” The two sisters reached Celestia’s chamber door. Celestia turned to face Luna, “Well I should be getting on back to bed.” She said.  Luna smiled, “Well, We’ll let you know if anything happens.” “Have a nice night Luna,” Celestia said. “You too sis, Sleep…” “YOUR MAJESTIES! YOUR MAJESTIES!” Celestia flung open her chamber room door; further down the corridor came a young pegasus guard. He galloped towards the princesses at full speed, his face covered in sweat and his armor charred and burned. Right away Celestia approached the guard raising a hoof she halted him.  “Is something wrong, Sir Lance?” She asked, the guard took a deep breath.  “We found the monster!” She gasped, Celestia’s eyes widened in horror along with Luna’s. “Where was it last seen?” Luna asked the young guard. The guard gulped and his legs trembled, “Out with it, We do not have all night!” Luna barked. “In Manehatten; it’s in Manehatten right as we speak!” Celestia’s jaw dropped,  “Why weren’t We told when it first arrived?” Luna frowned,  “B-because we didn’t have enough time; it rose of the water. We could hardly even see it in the night! Then it attacked us…” The guard’s voice began to waver, “One m-moment I’m ch-chatting with my f-f-fellow guardsmen, then I-I was b-blinded by this flash of li-light. Next thing I kn-knew everything was b-burning!” The once noble and professional guard broke down like young a young foal in front of the two Alicorns. Dropping to his knees he glared up at the princesses, tears streaming down his drenched face he said, “I didn’t know what to do… I was so scared… So I flew! I flew as fast as I can! I abandoned my friends and other guardsmen!” The guard glanced down at the ground, “I can still hear their cries…” Celestia turned towards Luna, her expression filled with anger. Shaking her head she said, “We’ll gather the rest of the guard.” Celestia looked at Luna confused, “Luna, what do you mean you’re going to gather the rest of the guard!?” Luna turned her attention towards her sister.   “Tia, if We do not try and stop this monster now, it’ll continue to wreak havoc on our subjects!” Celestia didn’t know what to do at the moment, she was so confused and nervous she just couldn’t think straight. “Wh-what about you; you could get hurt if you go out there now and try to stop it, and what about warning the rest of Equestria?” Luna shook her head, “That’ll have to wait till later.” Luna said, Luna looked down at the whimpering guard. Crouching down in front of him she lifted his chin up with her hoof. “Now, Sir Lance, We know thou are scared but could you please guide us to the creature once we are ready.” The guard nodded his head, drying his eyes with his free hoof he said, “Yes my lady, just let me know when you’re ready.” Standing back onto his hooves the guard guided Luna down to the barracks. Before Luna left though she turned her head towards Celestia, Celestia who stood there not knowing what to think. Stared back into the eyes of her sister, with one last nod Luna turned and left. Celestia shook herself out of her stupor, looking down at her hooves. She took one deep breath, “Please be safe Luna…” > Eve of War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter: 6 Leisure stumbled over some rubble of a nearby collapsed building; Leisure’s lungs burned every time he took in the air around him. The oxygen was filled with ash and dust; all around him fires raged and he could still hear the roars coming from the monster in the distance. For the past hour Leisure hasn’t seen a single soul. The ground around him was littered with debris and the crushed corpses of the unlucky. The sight of the corpses made a tinge of guilt build up inside of him along with anger. Why didn’t they evacuate the city earlier before the monster came? Leisure thought, Celestia knew it was out there; she knew it was somewhere in the ocean waiting to come out at any point and attack. This was no animal acting on instinct; Blossom was wrong! This is some type of monster that wants to take over Equestria. Leisure continued on his path looking for Captain Heart and the rest of the guard. Hoping that he could find her, so he could somehow contact the Princesses, and what’s this about the Doctor wanting to study it!? Is he mad he’s going to get himself kil- “Help… Me…” Leisure stopped dead in his tracks; the female voice causing him to spin around faster than he ever has before. His eyes darted left and right searching amongst the ruins; clearing his throat he called out to the pony who was asking for his assistance, “Hello? Anypony there,” His own voice dry and ragged due to the stale air, once again Leisure could hear the pain filled moans coming from the victim. Leisure looked amongst the rubble hoping he could fine the mare before it was too late. Making his way towards a large pile of rubble Leisure lifted a large brick out of pile of debris of what use to be the old Manehatten night club. He tossed it aside and turned his gaze back down to the pile; Leisure gasped at the sight of the wounded unicorn mare in front of him. Her once white coat was charred and blood stained, she wore a pair of shattered sun glasses just over her eyes. When she tilted her head up the right lenses shattered revealing her purple iris, her eye was blood shot and faded. The poor mare looked to be barely alive, “Oh my, miss, hold on for a second I’ll get you out of there.” Quickly Leisure began to dig the poor mare out of her tomb, after a few hard earned minutes Leisure lifted the last piece of debris off the unicorn’s back hind legs. Leisure bent his head down and helped the mare back up onto her feet. Despite the situation they were in Leisure just couldn’t help himself but ask, “So what has you in area of town like this?” The mare coughed and wheezed her once crushed lungs were now open and the stale oxygen was spilling into them. “I… I work here, well I use to,” She said finally being able to catch her breath, “I’m a D.J. Vinyl, Vinyl Scratch.” The mare took a step back and stuck out her right hoof. Leisure smiled reaching out with his own hoof the two shook, “My name is Leisure.” Vinyl grinned, “Nice to meet you Leisure, and thanks for saving me, I…” Vinyl shivered, “I didn’t know how long I had left under there.” On the other side of the remaining buildings, Leisure could hear the sounds of explosions. Leisure could feel a knot forming in the pit of his stomach; he turned to face Vinyl Scratch, “Eh… Vinyl yeah, I got to get going; are you going to be able to travel on your own?” Vinyl glanced at Leisure then at her own leg, “I dunno I when the building came down my legs were the first to go.” Vinyl stretched her right foreleg out taking her first step she crumpled to the ground crying out in pain. Leisure ran straight to her side, “Sweet Celestia, are you okay!?” Vinyl gritted her teeth and shot Leisure an irritated glare, “Do I look like I’m okay?” “Here let me see your leg.” He said, Leisure reached out wrapping his hooves around Vinyl’s leg he lifted it off the ground to get a better look. Vinyl clenched one of her eyes shut do to the pain, “Agh! Easy will ya!” “S-sorry, I’m just a little nervous and…” Leisure trailed off into silence, his eyes growing wide in horror. Right away he felt the need to vomit his dinner onto the cobblestone road. “W-what is it? Is something wrong?” Vinyl asked too afraid to look. A large shard of glass was gouged in the back of Vinyl’s leg, along with other smaller pieces. The only reason Leisure could guess on why she didn’t notice before was because of the amount of adrenaline pumping through her veins to keep her going. “Oh… No, no, this ain’t good at all,” Leisure closed his eyes not wanting to look at it any longer, “there’s no way you’ll be able to move without any help.” Vinyl looked at Leisure, “What’s wrong with my leg!?” She asked scared out of her mind. Taking a peek Vinyl gasped her heart began to race and a wave nausea washed over her, “C-can we t-take it out.” Leisure shook his head, “I don’t know, and I don’t want to try. We need to get you to doctor; matter of fact we need to get you out of the city.” “Well I can’t really move in a state like this!” Vinyl panicked she couldn’t take her sight off her wounded leg. Her legs began to tremble and the more her heart raced the more blood would begin to seep out of her leg. Leisure placed his left foreleg on Vinyl’s shoulder, “Hey, Vinyl, look at me,” Vinyl stayed staring at her leg. Her pupils were small pinpricks, “Hey, Vinyl, I need you to look at me.” Giving her a light shake on the shoulder, Vinyl snapped out of her shocked state and stared into Leisure’s eyes. “I need you to remain calm,” “How can I remain calm when there’s a large fu-” Leisure raised a hoof to silence the mare, “I know you’re scared, but I’ll get you out of here.” Even though Leisure needed to find Captain Heart and send a message out to Celestia, he couldn’t just leave this poor mare here to die. “Do you understand me?” He asked, Vinyl nodded her head and quiet quickly too. “Alright, you’re going to have to help me out here.” Leisure bent down and lifted Vinyl’s right foreleg and draped it around his neck. Despite Vinyl’s pain filled whines Leisure lifted her up off the ground. “Alright do you know where the closest bridge is out of here?” He asked, Vinyl nodded, “The Bucklynn bridge is an about a ten or so blocks away that way.” Vinyl said, using her left foreleg to point in the direction of the bridge. Which was also in the same direction that Gojira was heading in; instantly Leisure felt his heart sink in his chest. “Aw… Buck.” :[-]: “Please, Luna, I implore you not to go, it’s too dangerous.” Celestia trailed behind her sister while they made their way through the guard’s barracks. Luna shook her head in objection, “We already told you, Tia, the longer We wait the more destruction this beast can cause.” Celestia sighed, “I understand what you’re saying, little sister, but you seen the amount of destruction this thing can cause.” Celestia reached out with her hoof to stop Luna. Turning her around so that she was looking her sister in the eye she said, “I’m not asking you not to go because I do not care for my subjects. Because I do, with every growing second I’m kicking myself in the flank because I cannot do anything to stop this monster. But I am asking you not go because I love you… And I do not want anything to happen to you.” Celestia said taking her eyes off her sister and looking to floor. Luna smiled stretching her forelegs out she wrapped them around Celestia and pulled her into a hug. “We love you too, Tia, but somepony must do something to stop this monster.” Celestia released a shaky breath, after she finally came to terms with that she will not be able to convince her sister otherwise she said, “Whatever happens out there, Luna, do not be afraid to order a retreat. Whatever happens you bring yourself and our subjects back here as fast as possible.” Luna nodded her head slowly, “Do not worry our dear sister.” With that Luna broke the hug, with one last smile she turned towards the door at the end of the hallway and left. Celestia sighed, turning in the opposite direction she began heading back to the throne room to notify Equestria’s neighboring nations. :[-]: Luna placed her helmet over heard; using her magic she applied her metal shoulder plates. After she finished fastening her chest plate she turned to look at herself in the mirror, the armor she wore was similar to the one Nightmare Moon wore. Yet there were few slight changes and modifications most of the changes though consisted of it not being a spiky and intimidating. The corners were smooth and the surface wasn’t so rough, the designs on the shoes weren’t as fancy as Nightmare Moons. They were mostly just the standard armor horse shoes that the guards wore. Except for the fact that Luna’s armor was silver not gold like Celestia’s day guards, or black as her Night Guards. A knock came from Luna’s chamber door, turning she used her magic to open it. In came a large stallion that was fitted in purple armor, “Your Majesty our troops are prepped and ready for the march.” His voice was low and scruff, yet it also had a touch of softness to it. Luna turned to face the guard; she nodded her head and said, “Tell them We’ll begin the march in a few minutes.” Luna sighed and looked out the window to her left. “If you do not mind me asking your Majesty, but is something bothering you? If you are having second thoughts, we can call of the march at any-” “We are not having any second thoughts, Captain; I just have this feeling deep inside me, a dark one if that.” The guard nodded his head; Luna gazed over the city she watched as Celestia began to raise the sun in the distance. She watched as ponies began to wake up and leave there homes and proceed on with their ordinary lives. Stallions leaving to go to work, wives coming out to tend to their gardens, she could hear the whistles and the shunting of the morning trains. The chirping of birds and the laughter of children, everything seemed so… Peaceful and tranquil. Shaking herself out of her dreamlike state she turned to face the Captain, “Get ready Captain, the march starts when I reach the courtyard.” :[-]: Doctor Whooves crumpled up yet another one his papers and tossed it aside, which landed into a small trash bin that was filled to the brim with other crumpled up papers. Groaning in frustration he planted his forehead on the edge of his desk and began frustratingly running his hooves through his mane. “I take it you still can’t figure anything out,” Asked Dr. Chimes who was taking quiet sips from his cup of coffee. Doctor Whooves groaned, ever since he returned back to home in Ponyville. He hasn’t been able to sleep; he’s been surviving off sugar cubes and coffee. “N-n-no,no,no. Dr. Chimes, I haven’t been able to figure out a DARNED thing!” The Doctor trembled all over, the amount of sugar and caffeine pumping through his veins caused his muscles to spasm at random moments. His right eye twitched occasionally, his mane was frazzled and messy parts of his coat wouldn’t stay down. Dr. Chimes stepped back, covering his nose with his free hoof he gagged, “Mr. Whooves when was the last time you bathed?” He asked while trying to wave the horrid smell away. “F-f-four d-d-days ago… B-but th-that’s not the p-problem.” The Doctor made his way over towards the other side of his study. Which was a small room with a desk sitting in the middle and the rest of the walls were mostly lined with book shelves and filing cabinets. The Doctor pulled down a nearby map from the wall which was lined with red tacks and string, making his way back to his desk. He slammed it down, which caused Chimes to jump back; Doctor Whooves pointed to a small tack which was placed right next to where Gojira was resurrected. “Y-you s-s-see, D-Dr. Chimes, t-this is where, this Gojira was r-resurrected.” Chimes raised a curious eyebrow, “Okay I know that already; where are you getting at with this?” He asked. The Doctor then began to trace the red string which was connected to the next tack, Manesville, “A-an-and t-this is where t-the real f-first attack t-took place.” Chimes again nodded his head. Following the next string which led to the Fillydelphian bay, “Th-this i-is where th-the fishing vessels gone missing.” “What are you trying to get at,” Chimes took a sip of his coffee, “We are already know about all of this.” “I-I know, D-Dr. Chimes. But the r-reason w-why is the q-q-question.” The Doctor said when he took the map in his teeth. He approached the wall to place the map back up. “Well do you have an answer?” Chimes asked. After the Doctor finished placing his map back up on the wall, he turned to face Chimes. “I-I d-do not have a-a-an actual answer, b-b-but I do have a theory. Y-you s-s-see, Dr. Chimes, the b-beast never a-actually g-goes passed the red l-line. S-so in theory I b-believe that it’s forming its territory…” The Doctor trailed off into silence. “Well that’s good to know,” Chimes said, “All we have to do is evacuate the area,” Doctor Whooves crumpled to the floor. Chime’s eyes widened in horror, “Sweet Celestia, Doc, are you okay!?” > The Beginning of the End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: The Beginning of the End “Open the gates!” Guard ponies ran back forth along the walls in a state of frenzy, the rhythmic pattern of marching hooves echoed throughout the city. As the royal army made its way out of the castle and into the city of Canterlot; families gathered outside their doors or balconies. Watching as the line of soldiers and siege weapons made their way down the streets. Celestia stood next to her sister for the last time this morning watching as the army marched, “Are you okay with this?” Celestia asked already even though she already knew the answer. Luna nodded her head, “Yes, Tia, have thou contacted our neighbors?” Luna asked as she turned to face Celestia. She nodded, “Yes I have.” “What did they say?” Luna asked. Celestia sighed, “The council has arranged a meeting for this upcoming Wednesday.” In the distance a horn blared signaling that the army was ready to advance, Luna sighed, “That is my signal.” Luna stretched out her wings and took to the sky, but before leaving she turned to face her older sister, “What of the Elements?” “I haven’t heard anything back from my student yet. But I am sure they’ll be here soon,” Celestia said, Luna nodded her head and turned back towards the army. “Please, Luna, don’t do anything you’ll regret.” :[-]: “Everypony run!” Gojira’s tail smashed fell onto the brigade of soldiers; he dragged his tail across the ground destroying dozens of buildings in the process. The soldiers scattered, “Fall back! Fall back!” Captain Heart shouted to her men, the soldiers did as she said and ran. Gojira roared as he continued to smash through the now ruined city. Smoke rose into the sky blotting out the stars, all around Rose could hear the screams of her own men. “Captain Heart,” Shouted a nearby soldier, “what are your orders?” Heart turned to see a white stallion that stood by another battalion of guards. Heart turned towards her men, shaking her head she looked back at the behemoth, with a regretful sigh she turned back to her men, “Flee.” Gojira roared charging up his energy he blasted another row of buildings, causing a massive wave of fire to engulf everything around it. Spinning around he swung his tail into the skyscraper behind him, the buildings caved in and keeled over. Looking over his own destruction Gojira smiled, turning back towards the ocean he began to walk. :[-]: “Come on single file!” Shouted a police pony, the bridge was packed Leisure and Vinyl quickly made their way passed the terrified ponies. Leisure who was moving as fast as he could shoved ponies out of his way. “Could you please slow down?” Vinyl snapped as she stumbled over her own hooves while trying to match Leisure’s pace, “My legs can’t take it!” “What would you rather rest here and have that creature eat you or something?” Leisure retorted. Vinyl grinned, “A rest does sound a quiet good.” Leisure shook his head, “Well just hang in there we’re halfway across, once we get off this bridge we’re home free.” “It’s coming this way!” Shouted a horrified mare Leisure’s attention snapped to the left, in the distance behind the smoke and fire was an outline of the beast. The creature howled into the night time, the ponies on the bridge gave a response back by screaming in fear. The ponies began pushing and ramming into each other. “Everypony, would you please calm down!” Shouted an officer, “If we all remain calm we will not draw att-” The officer was knocked over by a large stallion who wasn’t paying attention. Pegasi took to the skies, leaving the earth ponies and unicorns to fend for themselves; the monster stepped into the harbor. Causing large waves ram against the side of the bridge making it shake. Leisure could only watch in horror as the beast made its way towards them, the bridge was big enough to go to its waist and this was the closest Leisure has ever seen this creature. The waves began to rock the bridge; the ponies stumbled their way towards the other end of the bridge. Others not willing to take the chance ran back to the city in fear; Leisure adjusted Vinyl’s leg so that he could hold onto her better. He then turned and began heading towards back to the city, “What the hay are you doing!?” Vinyl protested, “I can’t take the chance, it’s too close!” Leisure explained. “But we’re halfway there we’ll surely make it if we just hoof it!” Gojira let off a screeching roar, which caused Leisure to clench his eyes shut and grit his teeth. Once Gojira stopped roaring Leisure took a quick glance back at the monster, he watched as Gojira stared down at the bridge. But instead of going through it like he expected it to do, it instead dove under the bridge and went into the water. “What’s going on?” Vinyl asked not being able to look at it. “It… Just went under the water,” He said, “I think it’s leaving.” Ponies that just noticed the monster’s absence stopped fleeing and turned their attention to the side of the bridge. Leisure looked at Vinyl, “Come on I think it’s safe to cro-” “OH SWEET CELESTIA WATCH OUT!” The bridge shook as a massive object rose up out of the water; water fell from the sky as if a storm had just blown in. The bridge shook violently and let off a groan in protest, Leisure stared at the object. He could hardly make out the details but it looked like a tendril, the object stood to full height. For a few mere seconds it stood there, until it slowly came crashing down onto the bridge. Ponies screamed in fear as the large beams of medal caved in, the wires that held the bridge in place snapped and came crashing down. Leisure who stood right below the massive of tail watched in horror as it came right down onto him… Gojira's tail collided with the bridge, the force flung ponies into the air. Ponies were crushed and others were flung off by the force, shards of metal and brick were thrown up into the air. Ponies that weren’t thrown off ran for the lives trying to escape the bridge before it fully collapsed. Gojira rose up from out of the water, turning one last time to look back on his destruction. He turned to see the rising sun on the horizon; the once black sky was now overcome with beautiful hues of purple and tints of blue. He could feel the warm rays of the sun hit his hide, with a snarl he shook his head and took the water. :[-]: The Doctor kicked open the door to the Canterlot Research Department, “Where’s Blossom?” He snapped at the receptionist. The pony behind the desk that was a tan unicorn mare stared to the Doctor with a minor look of shock, “Oh sorry, sir, she won’t be here for another two hours.” “What are you talking about, darling, it’s only…” The Doctor looked around for a clock, “I’m sorry but do you know what time it is?” He asked. “Six O’clock in the morning pardon me, sir-” The Doctor raised a hoof, “Please you can just call me the Doctor” “Oh sorry, but pardon me, Doctor, but may please ask you this are you okay?” She asked. The Doctor tilted his head in confusion, “Why of course I’m fine,” The Doctor glanced upwards trying to look at his mane, “Is something wrong with my mane?” He asked while brushing a hoof through it. The unicorn chuckled, “It’s not just your mane, sir.” She said while tilting the small mirror on the desk towards him. The Doctor approached the mirror glancing down he looked at himself, his mane was stiff and wasn’t straight like it normally was. Around the bottom his chin parts of his coat was sticking up, especially down his back. His eyes were bloodshot and he bore large bags under his eyes. The Doctor the scratched the bottom of his chin with his right hoof, smiling he looked up at the young receptionist. “Nah, I don’t like that bad. But trust me I’m fine, now when did you say Blossom gets here?” “Eight O’clock.” She said. The Doctor sighed, “Well is there any way that I could get into her office?” He asked. The mare raised an eyebrow, “Now why would you want to do that?” “Sorry but that’s personal business.” The mare chuckled and pulled on a smile, “What is she your special-” The Doctor’s eyes widened and he shook his head, “No, no, no, she is not my special somepony thank you very much. Now is there by any chance I can get into her office?” The mare sighed, “Do you by any chance have a pass?” The Doctor furrowed his brow, “Pass? Nopony ever told me that I needed a pass?” The mare sighed and began tending to the papers on her desk, “I’m sorry, Doctor, no pass no entry.” The Doctor rolled his eyes, “Fine I need to go her office so I can pick up my note book and a few other documents; it’ll only be for a minute.” “Nope, cannot let you do that.” The Doctor shook his head in frustration, “What if I just walk in there right now, what are you going to do to me?” The mare looked to the Doctor with a raised eyebrow, “Seriously, why can’t you just wait till Ms. Blossom arrives?” “Because I need those documents right now,” The Doctor said while approaching the desk. Placing his front fore hooves onto the desk he leaned closely so that his nose was almost touching the mares, “trust me, miss, those documents are going to save lives…” :[-]: Dr. Chimes sat outside the Canterlot Research Department on a nearby bench. He listened to the sound of marching hooves as the nearby royal army made its way out of Canterlot so they could battle the marauding beast. Chimes sat on the bench while fiddling with a single bit, using his hooves he was trying to twirl the bit on the smooth wood. After a few moments of trial and error, he was finally able to get the coin to spin. He watched with a large smile on his face, for over ten seconds the small gold coin continued to spin. Chimes smile soon turned to astonishment as he just realized that this was the longest time he was ever able to get the coin to spin. For all he knew this could be a world record, Chimes was a amazed this had to be world record as long as he is able to know the exact am- Chimes was startled by the random brown saddlebag that was flung onto the bench which knocked the coin over in the process. To his right he heard a long drawn out yawn; Chimes frowned looking over her saw Doctor Whooves standing right behind the bench. Rolling his eyes he asked, “So did you finally get what you need?” The Doctor nodded after he finished yawning he answered, “Yep, got my grocery store checklist and my lunch bag.” Chimes stood back surprised, “Really? W-we came all the way here just so you could grab your lunch and checklist?” The Doctor chuckled, “I’m just teasing you, Chimes, but yes I did get what we need.” “Well what is it?” The Doctor shook his head, “I cannot show you here, come we’ll talk in my bedchamber.” Once the two doctors reached the castle the each made their way back to Doctor Whooves guest room. Once they reached the room the Doctor pulled every window shut and locked them only to then pull the blinds over them. Lighting all the candles he flung the saddlebag off his back and gently placed it on the bed. “What are you doing, Doctor?” The Doctor turned towards Chimes and in a low whisper he said, “What I am about to tell you Chimes is not to leave this room, you hear me,” Chimes nodded his head slightly worried about what the Doctor is about to tell him, “Not only have I been studying this Gojira, I’ve also been trying to learn about our forerunners.” Chime’s raised an eyebrow, “What about them, Doctor? They’re all dead there’s no reason to be snooping around a dead pony’s grave.” The Doctor sighed, “I know that, Chimes, but what I want to know is what killed them.” The Doctor said, “These creatures were far more technologically advanced than us, there should be no reason on why they all died.” “All things live and all things die, Doctor, that’s just how life is. But that still doesn’t explain on why we need to be locked up in this room.” The Doctor nodded turning back to the bag towards the bag he said, “That is true, Chimes, that is true; but the reason why I’ve brought you in here is to show you this.” The Doctor opened the bag and reached in, after a few moments of rifling through his possessions the Doctor came back out. In his teeth he held a rolled up piece of parchment, placing it on the bed he unrolled it. Only to show a map of Equestria, the only difference was that just below where Bramble Wood Forest use to be was a red X. “So it’s the map to the underground facility.” Dr. Chimes said. The Doctor nodded his head, “Exactly!” “What about it?” “We need to go back.” Chimes recoiled back and shouted, “What!?” The Doctor shoved his hoof into Chimes mouth, “Shh! We need to be quiet about this!” “Wh-why do we need to back? That monster already destroyed everything!” “You don’t know that, Chimes, you saw how big that place was. For all we know that could’ve only been one small section of it.” The Doctor said. Chimes looked at the Doctor as if he was some kind of mad pony, “But why?” The Doctor sighed, “Because, Chimes, we need more information.” Reaching back into the bag the Doctor pulled out a torn piece a paper. The same document he found the first day the monster was resurrected, “All the information we have of this monster is this single torn piece of paper,” he said, “which isn’t even enough. We need to know what we are dealing with here, Chimes.” “Yeah an overgrown dragon that’s what we’re dealing with here,” Chimes said. The Doctor face hoofed, “I’m being serious, Chimes.” “So am I! I’m not going back there, Doctor, who knows what kinds of other hideous abominations are hiding down there!” Chimes turned and began heading towards the door. “Please, Chimes, I can’t do this without your help.” The Doctor said reaching out with his hoof to stop him. “I’m sorry, Doctor, but you’re going to have to find somepony else. I have seen my fair share of that facility, and what I’ve seen I’m not going back there… Ever, I’m sorry.” “Chimes, I know you’re afraid but trust me. There’s nothing there that is going to hurt you, you even seen it for yourself there was nothing else there.” Chimes shook his head, “I told you, Doctor, I’m not going and there is nothing you can do to change my mind!” Chimes opened the door. “I’ll pay you five hundred bits, and I’ll buy you dinner for the next three weeks when this all over.” The Doctor said with his straightest face. Chimes stood there facing away from the Doctor for a good minute, slowly shutting the door he turned to face the Doctor, “If anything happens to me out there, I swear on Celestia’s beard that I’ll never forgive you.” The Doctor smiled, “That’s the Chimes I like to see.”