> Love's Been a Little Bit Hard on Me > by Wrabbit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Method of Modern Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 1: Method of Modern Love With the suddenness of a spring, she sat up in the still darkened room. Not bothering to open her eyes, Cheerilee made her way to the bathroom, still mostly asleep. She stood in front of the mirror, and looked at her reflection. Laughter at the serious case of bed-mane would have issued forth, had she the energy. As it was, all she could manage was a garbled chuckle that ended in a snort. Cheerilee began brushing her teeth, letting her usual morning routine help wake her up. She was halfway through when she remembered that today was Satyrday. Ooohhh... bless it! Last week has gotten me all discombobulated! She thought back to the busy week, and even busier weekend as the teacher finished brushing up, trying hard not to facehoof. I'm glad Twilight decided to let the foalnappers go, but even more so that the Princess has taken custody of them. The poor dear has enough on her mind as it is without adding that to it. After a quick shower to finish her morning ablutions, Cheerilee headed down to the kitchen. “May as well start breakfast,” she said to herself. “We have a long day ahead of ourselves, and a longer weekend still.” She happily hummed to herself as she cooked a pot of oatmeal. It was a valiant effort, but it took less than one refrain before she broke out into full song. She was so into the song and tending to the pot, that she didn't even notice Spike as he came in. The little dragon barely reacted to the sight, opting instead to fix his own breakfast of a bowl of rose quartz shards swimming in sugar and milk. He then sat down to enjoy the show the mare was unknowingly putting on. He had to admit, although her singing was slightly off key, her dancing certainly made up for it. There was a certain kind of energy to her that made it look effortless, despite her moves being about fifteen years out of style. The tyke almost lost it and snorted his meal through his nose when she did the “running in place” step when she got to the “Don't you leave me” line which segued into singing into the spoon for the crescendo. Cheerilee returned to stirring the pot as she sang, adding ingredients as needed. A little cinnamon here, a dash of nutmeg there, a grating of ginger for pep, and about six apples diced finely for taste as well as a hoofful of cranberries. She sashayed over to the cabinet and hit it with her hips, somehow knocking the upper cabinet's door open despite not being connected to the lowers in any way; causing four bowls to bounce out, and roll down one foreleg, over her shoulder, down the other foreleg, and depositing them all in a row on the counter next to the stove. What happened next was almost too fast for the dragon's eyes to follow. The earth pony grabbed a bowl, tossed it up in the air, and lobbed a ladleful of oatmeal into it, knocking it off course of its prescribed arc so that it landed on the table next to him. She repeated this thrice more, each time landing a bowl in a new spot on the table. When all was said and done, all the places at the table were either set, or being used by a shocked dragon, and not a drop of oatmeal had spilled. As the mare finished the song, she turned around to find her stunned audience. Cheerilee blushed a little, but didn't try to play off what had happened. “Morning, Spike!” she chirped. “Um, morning,” Spike returned. “You're awfully chipper for somepony going to meet her fillyfriend's parents for the first time.” Cheerilee walked up to him and gave him a hug. “Oh, Spike. We're all grown mares. Besides, any parents who could raise somepony as great as Twilight is bound to be a delight to meet.” Spike just gave a weak chuckle as he looked away awkwardly. “Yeah...” Before the mare could inquire further, the rest of her herd walked in, practically floating on the aroma of the meals spread before them. “Eat up girls! We have a full day ahead of us, and we'll need the energy!” she said with a grin. Twilight gave her a peck on the cheek as she walked past to her seat, while Trixie gave her a saucy wink, and Spitfire bumped rumps with her playfully. Riding the high from the simple acts of affection, Cheerilee took her seat, sporting a huge grin. They ate in silence for the most part, the only sounds coming from their mouths being moans of appreciation. Every now and then, one of them would give Twilight a seductive look, causing her to blush and concentrate on her meal. All three of them would smile at this, trying to be the next to repeat the adorable act. Spike, for his part, was almost put off his cereal by all the “subtle” PDA. Hoping to break the awkward (for him) silence, he asked, “You sure you want me to go too, Twilight? I know you hate leaving the library closed, especially for so long.” “If it were up to me, I would have you stay and ask the girls to keep an eye on you,” Twilight replied, “but the Princess said that she had an important matter to discuss with you, and could not wait. Besides,” she added perkily, “I would have thought you'd be happy to get away from this dust magnet and see her again. You two hardly had any time to speak at all when she was here last week.” “Yeah, I guess so,” the dragon replied reluctantly. He poked at his cereal with a spoon, watching the crystal shards pop back to the surface of the milk. Twilight ruffled his head spines playfully. “Cheer up, Spike. They'll be here for you when you get back.” The little dragon's eye were wide in worried surprise. “W- W- What do you mean, Twi?” “Your friends, of course.” Twilight beamed at him. Spike laughed nervously. “Oh, them. Yeah, I suppose so.” Twilight's gaze wandered up to the clock on the wall and grimaced. “Ooo, we better get going if we're going to make the first train. Spike, go get the final checklist and run through it with Trixie and Cheerilee. Spitfire, help me clear the dishes away. Don't want to leave them to set for the whole weekend.” The ponies and dragon went about their appointed tasks, making short work of them. It took only a few minutes for all them to finish and meet at the front door where all their saddlebags (and one baby dragon-sized backpack) lay waiting. Their trip in the dark through the early morning town was uneventful, only running across Lyra leading a completely drunken Bonbon home. The mint green unicorn waved and gave them a wink. She held out her hoof, before wandering off, and it took Twilight a moment to figure out what she was doing. “What was that all about?” Trixie asked. Twilight chuckled and shook her head. “Oh, she was giving us what she calls a 'thumbs up'. It's apparently a human thing, but I still haven't grasped the all the nuances behind it.” “Human?” Spitfire said in confusion. “I thought those were an urban legend or fairy tales?” The librarian smiled at her. “Oh, they are, but they've been a fascination of hers since before I met her.” They made it to the train station with time to spare. To pass the time after buying the tickets, they sat on a bench, and huddled for warmth as they waited for the sun to come up. The last of the stars in the east disappeared, and the sky became lighter and lighter, heralding the coming sun. With a brilliant flash, the golden orb peeked over the horizon, instantly warming the five shivering bodies on the bench. The faint sound of a whistle sounded in the distance, and they looked to see the train rounding a bend, clearing a copse of trees. With a grunt, Spitfire hopped down from the bench and stretched her legs. “Come on, everypony. Train's here,” she said with only a hint of sleepiness in her voice. They grumbled and huddled closer to Twilight in response. “Oh, come on,” she cheerfully groused. “It'll be warmer in the train than out here.” With great reluctance, three more ponies and a dragon stood and made their way to the boarding line at the edge of the platform. The train pulled to a stop in front of them, and the conductor happily waved them in after checking their tickets. They settled into their seats, Trixie and Spike sitting on one seat on either side of Twilight, leaving Spitfire and Cheerilee to take the seat facing them. The trip itself was uneventful With Twilight and Trixie sharing a book about the mechanics of illusions, while the rest played a game of cards. The sun was well and truly up by the time they pulled into Canterlot station, hours later. As they disembarked, Twilight heard her name being called, and looked around to find her brother standing next to a dozen guards. “Shining!” the mare squealed in delight, and ran up to him and nuzzled under his head. “Hey there, Twily!” the stallion enthused. “What brings you here, BBBFF?” Twilight asked, grinning at his blush. She's lost count of the number of times he's told her not to call him that in front of the troops; something about familiarity among the ranks. Instead of berating her, he settled for a noogie, which he knew she especially disliked. “I'm here to escort you all, actually.” She paused her unruffling of her mane to tilt her head at him quizzically. “Why the change? I've never had an escort before.” She didn't notice the three ponies behind her give each other a smirk. “Just a temporary thing, Twily,” her brother said with a nonchalant wave of his hoof. “Got a new delegation from Griffo-Minotauria, and the Princesses aren't taking any chances with your safety. It's doubtful they'd try anything, but better safe than sorry, right?” “I suppose,” she answered doubtfully. “Great!” Shining replied. “I've got my trusty lieutenant here to escort Spike to the Princess, and the rest of us will take you four to my place where our parents are waiting.” Twilight scratched her head in confusion. “We're not going to Mom and Dad's house?” They looked at each other and smiled as they said in unison, “Security.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “Are you sure she didn't tell you something and ask you to hide it from me, Dear?” Night Light set his mug of coffee down as he refolded the newspaper. He looked over to his wife and smiled at her. “Honey, you know the answer to that.” Twilight Velvet rolled her eyes as she sighed. “Even if she did, you wouldn't tell me; yes, I know.” She smirked at the stallion across the table. “You know she's really got you wrapped around her little hoof. Always has.” “Daddy's little filly,” he said proudly as he took another sip of coffee. They heard the front door open, and before either of them could move, Twilight had bounded into the room and gathered up her parents in a crushing hug. “Mom! Dad! I missed you guys!” It didn't take them more than a moment to respond in kind and return the affection. When they pulled away, both mares were wiping away tears. “Oh, Twilight, my little filly! We've missed you, too.” “Oh! Before I forget, let me introduce you two,” Twilight said. She stood aside so that the others could be seen. “Mom, Dad, this is Cheerilee, Trixie, and Spitfire,” she pointed to each in turn as she named them off, “my fillyfriends and future herdwives.” One could literally hear a pin drop on the carpet in the room. As one, Night Light and Twilight Velvet sat down on the floor heavily, like two sacks of potatoes. “Whuh, whuh, whuh? B- b- b- but... grandfoals...” Velvet stammered. Twilight scratched the back of her head and grinned nervously. “Aheh. Funny you should mention that...” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Spike peered around the barely open door and peered into the Princess's office. “Y- you wanted to see me, Princess?” Celestia looked up from the paper she was studying on her desk and smiled at him around the reading glasses she wore. “Spike, do come in.” She gestured to a sumptuously cushioned chair in front of the imposing wooden desk. “Please, sit down. Would you like some tea?” The Princess indicated a pot sitting on her desk next to an upturned cup and saucer. The dragon climbed into the chair, sinking into the plush seat so that his feet ended up as high as his stomach. “Um, no thanks, Princess. What did you want to see me about?” “I suppose getting the business out of the way so we can enjoy each others company would be preferable,” Celestia said with a hoof to her chin. “I'd like to ask your permission to cast a spell on you. This spell will allow you to send letters to Luna, Twilight's fillyfriends, Twilight herself, and a special agent, as well as myself.” She pushed the glasses up and steepled her hooves before her face, leaning her elbows on the desk. The... incident last week has brought to my attention how lacking security for Twilight has been. We need... we need other avenues of communication should a similar situation arise again.” She leaned back in her chair, the sunlight streaming in from the window behind her, casting half her face into shadow. “I won't force this on you, but I'll hope you'll agree with me that something needs to be done. Through no fault of her own, trouble seems to follow Twilight around like a lost puppy.” Spike rolled his eyes exasperatedly. “Tell me about it,” he whispered out of the side of his mouth. Returning his attention to her gaze, he said, “I have no problem with that, Princess, but how do I know which pony will receive the letters?” Celestia smiled as she walked out from behind the desk. “You need only concentrate on the pony in question, Spike. As for the special agent, you'll have to use these special ribbons on the scrolls.” She patted a box on her desk. “I'll teach Twilight and Trixie the spell necessary to send a letter to you, and will give a magical charm that will allow Cheerilee and Spitfire to do the same.” “I'm glad this was what you wanted to see me for,” the little dragon said with more than a hint of relief. “I was kinda afraid you were mad at me and Twilight for breaking into the Starswirl the Bearded wing a couple years back, or the garden party they crashed, or the-” Spike stopped when he noticed Celestia staring at him in shock. Her eye twitched spasmodically. “-other things you obviously didn't know about until just now.” Spike looked around nervously, eager for a change of subject. “So... spell, huh?” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Cadance floated a large silver tray of tea into the parlor. The look of shock on her face had yet to go away, and as she set the tray down, her eyes darted to Cheerilee, more specifically, her belly. Even though there was no noticeable bulge yet, she could feel the love for all four mares towards the tiny life growing there. Twily and Cheerilee, I expected, but the other two as well? I would have expected more jealousy than affection. As she served the tea, the alicorn discreetly used her special talent to closely examine their features, and noted that they definitely had some feelings for each other as well as Twilight. Subtle gestures like knees touching, a hoof lingering just a bit longer than was necessary and a genuine smile for each other confirmed her suspicions. Mares in competition with each other wouldn't be this friendly with each other. Hay, they weren't this friendly to each other last I saw them. Hm... Tea served, she sat down again next to her husband, and looked to her in-laws. Night Light seemed to be taking it well, but then, he was always pretty laid back. Velvet, however, seemed to be in a state of shock. She kept mumbling to herself about babies. “So Pun'kin, just couldn't settle on one, huh?” Night Light's words caused his daughter to blush beet red. “Daaaddyyyy!” Twilight whined cutely. “It wasn't like that. There were... It was... I...” She slumped in defeat. “Okay, it was like that. You know what I'm like with the tough decisions. I think we're all lucky I didn't have another 'flying roller skates' incident.” Twilight and her family along with Cadance gave a visible shudder, while her fillyfriends gave each other curious looks. Night Light grinned at his daughter. “Setting that aside,” he said, “what are your plans? You can't marry all three of them. There are laws against that sort of thing, you know.” Glancing at her fillyfriends nervously, the librarian said “Um, well, we found an old law on the books that we think was never repealed. We have to check with the Royal Library to be sure, but if it's still in effect, we're going to form a herd.” “A herd?” Night Light said incredulously. “There hasn't been a herd in... let's see...” His eyes rolled up into his head as he calculated. “Six hundred, forty-two years,” Twilight answered for him, “give or take a few months.” She blushed at his apparent surprise. “I... did a lot of research into this. Granted, the books in the Golden Oaks Library were woefully inadequate, but I was still able to determine that much.” Night Light looked at her with such pride in his eyes. “My little filly is growing up,” he said in a choked voice. Looking at the mares by her side, he added, “And taking after her mother, too.” “What?” Twilight asked incredulously. He looked at his wife sitting next to him, who was now glaring daggers at him. He just smiled and acted as if nothing were wrong. “I stole your mother from an older mare back in college.” He looked at the ceiling in thought. “What was her name again? Vineyard? Vinty?” “Vintage Fields, Dear.” Velvet replied. “Don't play at being obtuse; it doesn't suit you. Cheerilee? Are you alright, dear? You look as if you've seen a ghost.” Indeed, the mare in question was so pale as a sheet. Twilight held her hoof in worry. “Cheery? You okay? Was it... oh.” Realization hit her hard as she recognized the name. “You don't think...” Cheerilee looked to her future in-laws and asked, “This mare, did she have a dark red coat, and a pink mane and tail?” Night Light and Velvet nodded. “And was her cutie mark a wine bottle, a glass, and a bunch of grapes?” “You know her, Cheerilee?” Velvet asked. “Is she a parent of one of your students?” “You could say that,” Cheerilee replied with a facehoof. “She's my mother.” Silence reigned. “Well,” Night Light said with a smile, “that certainly upped the awkward quotient.” “Wait,” Shining Armor said, opening his mouth for the first time since walking into the house, “Do you mean to say that if you hadn't come along, then Twily and I wouldn't...” He trailed off as that train of thought ran to the end of that line. Cadance jumped in, trying to move the conversation along. “So where did you find the spell that... allowed this situation to come into being?” The alicorn had to resist the urge to facehoof at her choice of topics her mind went to in a panic. Wringing her hooves, Twilight nervously looked down at the carpet as she answered. “Um, well, I actually found the spell for it in a book I got as a gift.” The Princess's eyes went wide. “You mean I-” “No!” Twilight's volume surprised them all, herself included. “Um, no,” she said in a much quieter voice. “It wasn't the book you gave me. I got it from... another source,” she finished, eyes darting to Spitfire before returning to the floor. Twilight Velvet stood on rubbery legs and looked to her daughter. “Twilight? Cadance? It's getting near lunchtime. Why don't the three of us prepare something for us all?” Without waiting for them, she walked to the kitchen. With an audible gulp, the lavender unicorn stood. She glanced at her fillyfriends like a condemned pony marching to the gallows. “We'll be um, right back.” Cadance nuzzled her as she walked past. “Come on, Twi. Lunch isn't going to make itself, you know,” she said, leading her away. Night Light smiled at the three mares on the couch opposite him. “So,” he said, rubbing his hooves together, “how many grandfoals are we looking at here?” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “Cadance, Sweetie, would you mind going down to the root cellar and bringing up some potatoes for dinner tonight? No sense waiting foal the las- I mean for the last moment,” Velvet asked her daughter-in-law sweetly. She waited until the door had closed before letting out a world-weary sigh. “Oh, Twilight, what am I going to do with you?” she asked, putting a hoof to her temple and massaging it. The librarian paused in levitating the loaf of bread over to the counter, and looked back at her mother. “In what regard?” The light gray mare brought over some cheese from the refrigerator and a knife to the same counter. “I know I told you to be careful not to get pregnant until there's a ring on your hoof, but that didn't imply that it was okay to get another mare pregnant instead.” “Mom, I took all possible precautions-” “Except the one that always works,” Velvet interrupted. Twilight sighed in exasperation. “Yes, except that one. Mom, I honestly thought I had all the bases covered. I used the variant that didn't have any sperm, none of them were ovulating at the time to my knowledge, and I had calculated my power level down to the picojewel.” She hung her head in shame and looked away from the bread slices she had laid out. “What I hadn't taken into account was that they had been under the effects of a mana blockage in their frontal lobes.” Velvet stood in silent thought. “And that...” “Was enough to throw off my calculations,” Twilight finished. “Luckily, I- that is, only one of them got pregnant.” She sighed heavily and looked at the ceiling. “And I thought that moving to Ponyville would throw off my life plan.” She gave a short bark of rueful laughter. Twilight Velvet hugged her daughter, smiling as the act was reciprocated. “Oh, sweetie. I've told you before that that 'life plan' of yours was an exercise in futility. Life almost never goes the way we want it to, and just when you think you've got things figured out, that's when you really got to be careful. She could feel her light gray coat dampening from the younger mare's tears. “There, there. Things aren't nearly as bad as you think, Twi.” Looking into her mother's eyes, she asked in a pitiful voice, “They're not?” “You have the love of three lovely mares, a supportive family, your health, and a moderately well-paying job. If anything, I say 'count your blessings'.” She brushed a stray hair from the mare's face and smiled at her. “That's not even mentioning the Princesses or your friends. Why, I wish I had half the luck you have when I was pregnant with your brother.” Twilight smiled at her mother. “Mom, you and Dad were in Her Highness's service. You were hardly hurting for cash.” Pulling back from the hug, she bobbed her head in reluctant acquiescence. “True, but if it weren't for the Princess keeping in touch after I retired to have Shiny, it would have been tougher, still. Your Great Uncle Vigilant Watch could only do so much, what with him still being her Captain of the guard.” “Speaking of which, how is he? I had planned on dropping by later tonight, but I was told that he's unavailable,” Twilight inquired. “Something about a reunion?” Cadance popped out from the cellar door. “They call it a reunion of the Captains, but really it's just an excuse for a bunch of old war dogs to get together and drink while ogling mares a quarter their age.” She propped up a burlap sack next to the garbage can, and set a crate of celery and a jar of peanut butter on the counter. “Not,” she quickly amended, “that they don't deserve it, of course. Those 'old war dogs' did more for our country than most of the nobles in Canterlot.” “Well, I'm glad he's enjoying his retirement,” Twilight commented. “Uncle Vigil deserves it. If I don't see him before I leave, could you send him my love?” Velvet paused in spreading peanut butter on a celery stalk and kissed her forehead. “Of course, dear. And that's from him, by the way, just in case.” Twilight beamed up at her. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “Ever since then, she's had a mortal fear of tardiness,” Shining said. “To the point where we never use the 'T' word around her,” Night Light added. Their audience sat on the couch, stunned. “Wow,” Spitfire said in a low, awestruck voice, “Who'd have thought that she could have gathered that much speed with roller skates?” “Or that so many vegetable carts could be found on a single street?” Trixie added. Cheerilee shook her head in amazement. “I'm just shocked that nopony was hurt in the explosion.” She sat in bewilderment for a moment before appending, “And that down comforters could explode.” “Well, to be fair, it was less of an explosion, and more of a 'catching fire so quickly it may as well be an explosion' kind of thing,” Shining said with a shrug. “But it all worked out in the end, and the fire department instituted a new procedure called the Sparkle Maneuver.” Cadance walked into the room just then and announced, “Lunch is ready. Come and get it!” Lunch itself was a quiet affair, and quickly put away so that they could get to the afternoon's scheduled activity. “Shining, get your keister in gear, we're ready to leave and the others are waiting on us in the cab already!” the Princess shouted at the study. The Prince-Consort walked out, rolling up a scroll held in his telekinetic grasp. “Sorry, Dearest, I was just sending a report to Twily's Guardian Captain.” Cadance smirked and poked him in the ribs. “The one you think is creepy?” “No, the one that's taken her place temporarily; and she is creepy,” Shining replied. “You don't have to read her reports. They're more like odes dedicated to Twilight's rump or sonnets to her estimated sexual prowess than reports.” Rolling her eyes, Cadance retorted, “Oh, come on. She's not that bad.” Clearing his throat, Shining said, “And thus, didst the fair Sparkle of the Twilight defeat the foul bear of stars, and return it to the firmament whence it came. Turn she did, to the foalish jackanape perpetrators of the deed, and smote them with facial hair of the premature variety. Only then, did the saucy wench turn about and return to her home, where she took a bath most deserve'd. Know not, did she, just how much consternation her deliciously delightful, downright debilitating derriere did send at least one mare into a bequivering, beguiled, pile of Sapphic sensuality.” Cadance's eyes were wide as saucers. “Wow! She's good.” “No, Shining replied, “she's bad. Bad for my sister, and bad for this job. Unfortunately, the Princess doesn't see it that way. Best I can hope for is that this forced vacation of hers will give her some perspective.” Placing a hoof on his shoulder, Cadance gave him a weary look. “Shining, some ponies can handle living only to make one pony happy, regardless of the personal pain and sacrifice of not having that affection returned. You've said that she's been doing this job for the past ten years, right?” He nodded. “And in that time, she's always shown this... attachment?” Another nod. “If it's really bothering you this much, I'll talk to her. If I feel that this will only end badly, then I'll talk to Auntie and see what we can work out, okay?” Shining sighed, but nodded as he hugged his wife. “Thank you.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) As she kept up her barrage on the heavy bag, Plain Sight kept imagining Black Diamond's face. His sneer haunted her waking moments, but his promises of what he was going to do to Twilight is what plagued her with nightmares. She could see him, standing over her broken body. Left, right, left, left, right left, right, right, left RIGHT! Her ungloved hoof went right through the tough canvas up to her elbow. Sand spilled out, forming a small dune at her hooves. With a jerk, she freed her foreleg and sat down. The spymaster wiped the sweat from her brow, trying to catch her breath. “You keep doing that, and they'll kick you out, you know.” Turning to face the new arrival, Plain Sight shrugged. “If they do, they do.” She walked over to the bench and squeezed out a gulp of water from her bottle. “What are you doing here, Limnear? Shouldn't you be trying to save your fool of a sister from the Princess's wrath?” The griffoness sat down on the bench next to her and smiled. “We're still negotiating her punishment. Her Highness wanted to adjourn for today to take care of some personal business. Luckily, that gives me some time to see an old friend wounded in the line of duty,” she said with only the barest hint of sarcasm. Nodding towards the now half drained bag, Plain Sight said, “As you can see, I'm fit as a fiddle and twice as loud.” “Are you?” “What's that supposed to mean?” the mare asked. “Are you fit, Plain? Or are you still pining for her?” Limnear asked. “Do you still dream of her? Yearn for her? Want to rock her world?” She leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “Still want to make her scream your name to the heavens?” The griffon gently blew into the ear, causing to twitch. Plain Sight placed a hoof on the griffoness's shoulder and gently pushed her away. “Limnear, it's over. I've moved on, and I would have thought that you did too, by now.” Limnear cast her sky blue-eyes to the floor of the gym. “You never forget your first love.” “And you never forget your first breakup, either.” “Or the reason?” A silent wince met the griffon's quietly voiced question. Standing, Limnear made her way to the exit, only to pause at the doorway. “I could have lived with it, you know. Still can.” Plain Sight's whispered reply was to an otherwise empty room. “I can't.” But Limnear had left long ago. > Simply Irresistible > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 2: Simply Irresistible Traveling down the opulent corridors of the palace saw Trixie and Cheerilee gawking at all the richness around them. The rest of the party would give the occasional nod to any pony happening to share the space with them as they passed, but the rubbernecking pair amused the rest. “You two are going to get whiplash if you don't slow down,” Spitfire joked. The rest chuckled at the mares' embarrassment. They rounded a corner and saw Celestia sedately walking towards them. “Princess!” Squealed Twilight, and run up to the diarch. As the Princess laid her neck over Twilight's, Cheerilee noticed a strange look pass over her mother's face, but it was so fast, she wasn't sure she had seen anything at all. Twilight stepped back and beamed up at her. “We were just on our way to your parlor.” Celestia nodded and smiled. “I know. My lunch meeting ended early and I couldn't wait to see you all again.” She turned and gestured further down the hall. “Shall we?” The ponies fell in behind her, but Twilight kept pace with her, making small talk. Cheerilee sped up until she was even with Velvet and ducked down to get a good look at her face. “Everything okay?” She asked quietly. The question actually appeared to have caught her off guard, and she looked at the teacher in surprise. “Hm? Oh, everything's fine. Why do you ask?” Cheerilee chewed her lip for a moment, wondering whether or not to answer her. Finally, she said, “You looked a little... funny when the Princess showed up. Is something wrong?” Velvet smiled (Just a little too much, noted Cheerilee) and waved her question off (just a little too easily, the teacher thought). “Oh, it's nothing. Just trying to remember if I turned the stove off before leaving the house.” Nodding, Cheerilee said, “Well, if something's wrong, or you just want to talk, I'm available.” She thought for a moment before adding, “Though, some travel may be necessary.” The older mare smiled- more genuinely this time- and nodded. “Thank you. It's good to know that there's another ear out there for me should I need one.” Cheerilee smiled in return. They arrived at the parlor, and Celestia made sure they were comfortably seated before starting in on the business. “What was it you wanted to discuss with me, Twilight?” Twilight blushed fiercely as she tried to find the courage to ask for this particular bit of advice. “Um, well. I wanted to tell you that my fillyfriends and I want to form a herd, so we came to you for advice, and to see if the Royal Library had any books on the matter.” Celestia put a hoof to her mouth in surprise. “A herd? Now that is a surprise. Why, a herd hasn't formed in Equestria in-” “Almost six hundred fifty years,” Twilight finished. “I know. We checked, but the history book in the library in Ponyville didn't mention much more than that. I- that is, we were hoping that you'd be able to shed some light on the subject or allow us access into the Royal Archives.” Bringing her hoof down to her chin, Celestia ruminated to herself out loud. “Now where might we find some old law book on herds and marriage, I wonder?” Her eyes fell onto a small bookcase nearby and lit up. “Ah! Perhaps these might be of some assistance,” she said as she walked over to the case and pulled three large, dusty tomes, and floated them over to her pupil. Twilight gently took the books into her own telekinetic field and examined the spines. “Equestrian Law 280PT, Herds; A Historical Account, and So You want to Shatter Societal Norms for Fun and Profit?” She looked to her mentor in confusion. “Princess, the first two I could understand, but this?” She held up the last book of considerably newer vintage. “I would hardly classify what we want to do as shattering anything, much less for fun or profit. And where did these come from, anyway?” Celestia gave her a look that she knew meant that she was in the middle of a lesson. “Twilight, as you, yourself stated, there hasn't been a herd formed in quite some time. What is a pony's instinctual reaction to something unexpected, or goes against what is considered to be 'normal'?” No reply was forthcoming, but all could see Twilight's analytical mind working over the words in her mind, and the eventual slump in her posture. Brushing a hoof across Twilight's cheek, Celestia smiled sadly at her. “No need to lose heart, my Faithful Student. The last book will show you what to expect, and how to deal with it.” Sadness on Twilight's face changed to determination and acceptance, before turning into confusion. “Wait. Why would you need to have this book, Princess? You set society's norms.” She looked up at her mentor quizzically. “Don't you?” “Oh, Twilight,” she replied. “Of course I don't set the norms; ponies do. True, some do it by imitating me, but others go their own way. So long as no laws are broken, and everything is consensual, no harm is done, really.” A knock at the door surprised them all, but Celestia called out, “Enter.” A guardspony walked in and bowed, staying within the doorway. “Your Highness, Duke Golden Bit of Canterlot wishes to-” He was interrupted as a venerable, golden-yellow unicorn with an impeccably coiffed silver mane rudely pushed past him, and sketched only the briefest of bows, not even waiting for leave to rise. “Princess, I really must protest! Your sister is being impossibly truculent with this important matter! Why, she refuses to even consider hearing a vote and-” Celestia sent him a withering stare, instantly stilling his tongue. “Your Grace, I know you would never be so rude as to interrupt a private meeting with my student and her family, but...” She waved a hoof to indicate the rest of the room, filled with ponies staring at him with varying ranges of surprise and/or annoyance. He looked to them, but stopped when he saw Twilight. The old stallion's gaze lingered on her a moment before he gave the barest inclination of his head to the others. “My apologies, but a matter of state has arisen that requires Her Highness's immediate attention.” He said nothing more, waiting for them to leave. “I'm afraid if a matter of state has arisen, then I'll have to ask your indulgence, everypony,” Celestia said with a sigh. Twilight and her family bowed and filed out. As they left, Spitfire turned around to ask the Princess if their regular meeting report was still scheduled, and noticed that the Duke's eyes seemed to follow one pony in particular. Following his gaze, landed her own eyes squarely on Twilight. Walking out into the hall, they ran into another noblepony whose face lit up upon sighting Twilight. “Lady Sparkle, what a pleasant surprise!” Twilight turned and smiled in return. “Prince Blueblood! I haven't seen you since before I left for Ponyville. How have you been?” she asked, trotting up to the stallion. Her fillyfriends watched in horror as he put the moves on her. At least, that's what he attempted to do. Twilight's obliviousness seemed to still be in full effect, as she didn't react at all to his obvious play for attention. “Oh, just here with father on some unpleasantly boring business. You?” He flashed his pearly whites at her and tilted his head at just the right angle to make them gleam. “We were here to visit with the Princess and pick up Spike,” she replied. “Unfortunately, business trumps pleasure, but at least we'll see her again tomorrow.” “Oh?” Blueblood said with interest. “About what time?” Spitfire took Twilight's place by coming up beside her and gently shoving her away. Luckily, Cheerilee was on the opposite side to catch her and she and Trixie led her away, the showmare saying loudly for everypony's benefit, “Come along, Twilight! Much to do!” Twilight tried to resist, but was moved along by her fillyfriends and family quite efficiently around the corner... leaving Spitfire and Blueblood alone in the hall. “Who do you think you are, you commoner?” Blueblood sneered. Spitfire loomed over him, despite actually being the shorter of the two. “Who I am isn't nearly important as what I am; and what I am, is the pony that will beat the Hay out of you if any of us so much as catch you looking at Twilight Sparkle again. I don't care who you are, or what your past relationship with her is, but know this: hit on her again, and I'll return the favor, literally.” To emphasize her point, Spitfire struck out at the empty suit of armor next to him with a flying roundhouse kick, neatly taking the helmet clean off. The piece of armor rolled on the ground, coming to rest against Blueblood's foreleg. He looked at it in horrid fascination, noting the size of the hoofprint that imprinted on the caved-in, steel armor. He gulped loudly and watched the mare walk away. The sound of shuffling brought his attention to the guard standing outside the Princess's parlor, trying hard to remain impassive. Suddenly finding his courage, he walked up to the guardspony. “Did you see that? You saw that, didn't you? You saw her threatening me!” “Don't rightly know what you're talking about, Your Highness,” he replied in a strong Trottingham accent. “Your conversation was too far away for me to hear anything.” Blueblood was incredulous. “But you saw her assault me! You saw what she did to that armor!” “What I saw, Your Highness, was the Captain of the Wonderbolts destroying a bit of the Princess's property. Rest assured that such an act won't go by unreported to my superiors when my duty here is done this afternoon.” The noblepony looked at him stricken before he asked, “Was there anything else I can help you with, Your Highness?” Blueblood said nothing and slowly walked away, out of sight. Twat. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Celestia sighed as the door closed behind Spitfire. She had seen that the pegasus had noticed the Duke's look, and smiled inside in approval. “Now then, Duke, what was this about my sister being unreasonable?” Her words seemed to break through the stallion's antagonism, and he had the good sense to look chastened. “My apologies for my hasty words earlier, Your Highness, but Princess Luna seems to think that she's back in the bad old days of the Diarchy where the two of you ruled with an iron hoof.” “In point of fact, Your Grace, Luna and I never 'ruled with an iron hoof'.” Celestia said with a dangerously impassive voice. “That is simply a rumor perpetrated by our detractors in order to make us appear as unfit rulers. I would thank you to not perpetuate the myth.” The chill in her voice could have instantly frozen water at ten paces. Golden Bit bowed low, touching his nose to the carpet. “I beg Your Highness's forgiveness. I have let my emotions overrule my good sense.” Celestia motioned for him to rise. “You are forgiven, Your Grace. Now what has happened to send you into such a state?” Standing once more, Golden Bit straightened his overcoat and sash of office. “A bill has come before parliament- a very reasonable one, I might add- and Princess Luna has invoked her Right of Refusal of Hearing.” He sighed in exasperation and took a seat on the floor where he stood. “I don't think she has realized that particular law has been amended out of existence.” Celestia was unable to suppress the urge to arch an eyebrow at him. “She must have found something offensive about it to invoke that Right. She has only done so a hoofful of times in the past. What was this law?” Waving a hoof as if to declare it a matter of no importance, he replied, “Just a piddling little matter. It would only affect the nobles in any case.” The sound of a great metallic crash outside captured both their attentions, and the two waited a few moments to see if anything would come of it. When nothing else was heard, Celestia waved the matter off. “If it requires my attention, the guard will let me know. Now, what is this-” The door boomed open, and a fuming Luna stalked in. “Sister, We are most vexed indeed! Dost thou know- You!” Luna finally noticed the Duke and stopped mid-tirade. “Luna, what excellent timing!” Celestia said with an evil smile. “His Grace was just about to tell me all about this proposed law that had your royal hackles up.” She turned to him and let her smile return to it's normal sweet passivity. “If you would please, Duke?” Golden Bit coughed behind his hoof. “Ahem. Yes, it's simply a law that states that one must be of noble birth or ennobled to be advanced to the rank of Captain or higher in the military.” Luna glared at him, but Celestia just tsked. “Your Grace. I had thought our country had evolved beyond such petty controls over the lives of its citizenry. We are an enlightened folk now. Some of our best commanding officers come from common stock. One would think that in an organization that so highly esteems meritocracy, that it would actually be a meritocracy.” “Your Highnesses, it's simply a measure to make sure that the ponies best able to think of the common good are the ones actually in the positions which require such thinking,” Golden Bit replied. “Surely, you remember the fiasco with General Mayhem, and the war he almost started with the zebra nation.” “He cannot be of serious mein?” Luna said to her sister telepathically. “No Your Highness,” Golden Bit continued, “we need to take action to preserve the military's ability to function away from your command, not to mention its reputation..” Celestia shook her head sadly. “Surely there is another way to do this other than noblesse requise, Your Grace? Why don't we set this matter aside for later, private consideration, when everypony has had time to cool their tempers?” “I'm afraid not, Your Highness,” the stallion said sadly. “Time is of the essence. As we speak, Equestria stands on the brink of extinction due to bumbling officers who wouldn't know their duty from a hole in the ground. Neigh, I feel I must push this bill forward most stringently; and I cannot let a matter as minor as Your Highness Princess Luna not realizing that she no longer wields the power she once did, deter me.” He bowed to the alicorns respectfully low. “If you'll excuse me, I must go. I am already late for another appointment.” Without waiting for their permission, he turned and strode out the room. The two of them stood there in shock until Luna broke the silence. “Why that dissembling, tickle-brained, rump-fed flax-wench! How dare he go without our leave, let alone speak to us thusly! We shall-” Celestia laid a calming hoof on her shoulder to restrain her. “Easy, sister. Don't let him get to you. Your anger is exactly what he wants. Act rashly now, and we may lose Twilight to his machinations.” “Twilight?” Luna asked. “What has Twilight to do with this?” Turning away sadly, Celestia replied, “Everything. And I'm afraid it's my fault.” “'Tia?” Celestia heaved a great sigh and pulled a bottle of wine from a nearby rack and poured them each a measure of the crimson liquid. “When I took Twilight in as my student, I placed upon her a target symbol for every social-climbing noble in court. Imagine the coup of claiming the Princess's personal student as a wife or daughter-in-law? The pressure they could exert on me through her? The pain inflicted by turning her away from me and towards their cause?” She sipped from her glass, then swirled it around. “But surely, they could not turn sweet Twilight against thee?” Luna asked. “Yon filly would sooner teareth out her own heart than spurn thee so.” “I would certainly hope so, Luna, but I would still rather spare her from having to deal with that nest of vipers before she is ready.” Celestia stood and slowly walked over to the window overlooking her private garden where she and Twilight had spent many hours in lessons. She saw the mare in question, walking with her family, Spike astride her back despite him getting to be too large for it. She watched as Spitfire slyly intertwined tails with her lover and smirk at the glares coming from the other two mares. Luna joined her at the window and smiled down at the scene. They came upon Celestia's table in the garden and sat at it; the servants there having standing orders to treat Twilight as if the Princess were there at all times. “We still fail to see what this fie bill hath to do with Twilight Sparkle. Not only is not an officer, she's not even a noblepony.” “That's where you're wrong on both counts, Lulu.” Celestia frowned, watching the happy family below sip lemonade as they enjoyed what promised to be one of the last pleasantly warm days of the year before winter set in. “He's not after her for himself. His son is Prince Blueblood, an arrogant, but mostly harmless stallion that's known her since they were foals. I'm not sure how this ties into ensnaring her for him, but...” She downed the rest of her glass in one gulp and set it on the table. “Twilight's brother married a Princess, making her a noble, as well.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight was trying hard to keep the lemonade she was drinking from spilling out of her nose. “We got into so much trouble! The Princess forbade us from having any more cake for a month! I'd never seen Bluey look so crushed before that.” “I'd always heard different stories of Prince Blueblood, myself,” Spitfire said. “Never treated me that well, either.” Twilight laid a hoof on the Wonderbolt's shoulder and smiled. “To be fair, you only met him after his governess got a hold of him. Before she was hired, he was quite fun for a colt. By the time you became a Wonderbolt and began showing up at the castle, she had been drilling into him about his entitlements for almost a year.” She took a long draught from her glass and set the empty vessel on the table. “I often wonder what would have happened if she hadn't been hired. But, he's always treated me the same, despite being... less than pleasant to others. I keep telling him you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, but he always replies that he's after bookworms, not flies. Ah, well.” She smiled as she shrugged. Shining and Cadance shared an eyeroll, while Trixie, Spitfire, and Cheerilee frowned. Twilight's parent's didn't appear too pleased either, but hid it better. “Enjoying the day, my Faithful Student?” Celestia and Luna walked around a corner, causing the ponies to rise from their seats. Luna waved them back into their chairs. “Pray, remain seated. This garden hath but one rule t'which must be observed; there is no ceremony here.” The two alicorns sat in chairs that were brought out for them by servants which disappeared into the background again. Twilight dug around in her saddlebag for a moment, bringing up two small, unmarked boxes and gave them to each of the Princesses. “Oh! What have we here?” Celestia asked. “Just some souvenirs I picked up at the museum in Manehatten,” she replied. With a huge grin, she said, “Go on, open them.” Using her telekinesis, Celestia opened the box and pulled aside some tissue paper. She gasped as she pulled out three tiny glass figurines; one of herself, one of Luna, and one of Twilight. “Oh, Twilight, they're beautiful!” She set them on the table and let the sunlight catch within the semitransparent colored glass, brilliantly gleaming like three diamonds. The craftsponyship was such that not a single drop of paint was applied. All the color was somehow inside the glass, including the meticulously crafted cutie marks. Luna opened her own box to reveal a similar set, and leaned over to nuzzle the smaller unicorn. “Sooth, We have ne'er beheld such loveliness. Thank you, Twilight.” Celestia wrapped her wing around both Luna and Twilight, giving them a brief hug. “Thank you. I'll treasure them.” The tinkling of ice in an empty glass drew everypony's attention to Twilight Velvet as she rose. “Well, it's getting late, and we still have some shopping to do,” she said with careful politeness. “We have a new foal to equip.” “You sound like we're sending her out on an expedition, Mom,” Twilight said, smiling at her. Velvet met her gaze with pity in her eyes. “Oh, Twilight. So much to learn.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Telekinetically throwing a few kernels of popcorn to the pigeons, Shining Armor tried valiantly to not sigh in boredom. Again. “Any sign of them yet, Dad?” Night Light put down his newspaper as he turned around in the bench to peer at the store behind them. “Nope.” Turning back around, he returned to his paper. “They're mares son. We'll be lucky if they leave the store sometime before dark.” Spike swiped a pawful for himself and stuffed the whole lot in his mouth. An old stallion sitting next to them smirked and put a hoof on Shining's shoulder. “Your wife's first foal?” “Sister's, actually.” Shining turned to look at the store window, and could see them excitedly going through racks and racks of newborn's clothes, all of it designed to make the poor foal look cute and/or silly. “Wouldn't be so bad if my Mother and Wife weren't with her, I think.” Shaking his head ruefully, the old stallion replied, “Don't count on it. Alone, she'd second guess and third guess all her choices. At least this way, they have somepony who they can ask for an opinion; somepony who isn't you.” Night Light grunted his agreement and took another sip of his mint clover shake. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Cadance laid the bunny-shaped onesie in the “maybe” cart. “So, have you four started thinking of names yet?” Moving around the changing station on display, Cheerilee looked at her. “Honestly, no. We've been too busy at home right now to even think about that.” “Well you'd better start thinking about it,” Velvet replied. “Before you know it, the day will be upon you, and you'll be left looking awfully foalish in front of the doctors while you try to come up with something on the spot.” She smiled wryly as her face took on a far away look. “If Night Light's Uncle Vigil hadn't been there, Shining might have been named something else.” Turning to Cadance, she asked, “Could you see yourself falling in love with a stallion named Green Scrubs or Heart Monitor?” Cadance grinned evilly as she rubbed her forehooves together. “Ooo... free ammunition; and it's not even my birthday! You're the best Mother-in-Law ever!” Twilight came around the corner, a mobile with stars and planets held in her magical grasp. “Don't you think it would be better to have a list of names, then pick one that seems appropriate once the baby is born? There's little sense in naming her Blue Skies or something if there isn't a lick of blue on her, is there?” Trixie put a “Baby's First Magic Set (Filly)” in the “definite” cart. “Trixie supposes that would be the smartest way to go about it. Keep our options open, so to speak.” “Well, I already have my foal's name picked out,” Spitfire said as she laid a set of “Elements of Harmony” bath toys in the “definite” cart, “and it's all thanks to you.” She kissed Twilight on the nose as she landed. “No, Spitfire. I already told you that we're not naming any filly of ours Starslayer. That's just...” She looked to Trixie and Cheerilee for help. “Tacky?” Trixie offered. “Absurdly difficult to live up to?” Cheerilee supplied. Twilight gestured to them both. “Thank you.” She shook her head. “I swear, I should never have shown you that rare book of old Purrsian myths. You're worse than Rainbow Dash when I finally got her to read Daring Doo.” “Psht. You're just mad that I came up with the perfect name before any of you could.” Spitfire shot back, sticking out her tongue. Velvet put a diaper cover that proclaimed “SPARKLE, SPARKLE, SPARKLE” into the “definite” cart. “You could always follow the family tradition, you know.” “Mom,” Twilight said with a shake of her head, “don't you think there's enough Twilights in the family? Besides, we've pretty much exhausted all plausible combinations with it. I've always thought that Twilight Sunset was really pushing it.” “Your cousin will be disappointed to hear that,” Velvet replied. “You know she thinks the world of you.” Twilight blew a raspberry. “Please. Who do you think is most upset with it?” Cheerilee and Cadance looked into the “definite” cart with worried expressions. “Perhaps this is enough for today?” Cheerilee ventured. “We still need to lug all this back home, and the baby's not due for quite a while yet.” “Hmm, perhaps you're right,” Velvet said. “Tomorrow we can go to our house and pick up a few more old things of Twilight's to use. Make sure to ask your parents as well, girls. If they're anything like us, they're likely to have- What's wrong, Trixie?” The showmare sniffled and tried her best to hide her face as she wiped her nose with a hoof. “N- nothing. Trixie is fine. Just some... dust got in her eyes is all.” Twilight embraced her and cooed gently in her ear. The others looked at each other confused except for Velvet, who covered her mouth with a hoof. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Trixie snuggled into the large, yet crowded bed in between Twilight on one side, and Cheerilee and Spitfire on the other. “Tr- I'm sorry about earlier. I... I'm over it, but there are still times when it just... blindsides me, you know?” Cheerilee nuzzled and kissed her cheek. “It's alright, sweetie. Whatever it is, it's alright.” Twilight kissed her other cheek and grabbed Trixie's foreleg, pulling it close to her. “You've nothing to apologize for, Trixie. It's only equine to feel like this.” Spitfire leaned over and kissed her horn before settling back into her spot. “You should know by now that we're not that easy to get rid of, Hon.” The showmare kissed Twilight on the lips and only reluctantly parted from her to move on to Cheerilee and then Spitfire. She moaned into the kiss as Twilight rolled up behind her and rubbed her cutie mark roughly. Caught between the unicorn in front of her and the pegasus behind her, Cheerilee licked and nibbled at Trixie's neck and collarbone, earning a throaty growl from her. Spitfire was really starting to get into the moment and threw one leg over Cheerilee's hip and began rubbing back and forth; and it wasn't long before she was leaving a trail of moisture behind. She grabbed Cheerilee's tail and pulled it up between her legs, roughly tugging it around. Kisses and moans filled the room, accented by the squeaking of the bed springs as the four mares moved against each other. A gentle knocking at the door halted all action, and Cadance's muffled voice came through. “I know it's a little late to be surprised this sort of thing is going on with you Twily, but do you think you could hold off on the noisy parts for now? We haven't had time to restore the noise dampening enchantments on the walls lately.” Twilight facehoofed and turned red in embarrassment. “S- sorry, Cady. Just... got a little carried away,” she called out. “No problem, Ladybug. G'night.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Limnear sat down on the bench overlooking the plains far below Canterlot and sighed. Far below, she could see the lights of the tiny village of Ponyville, and carefully noted the tree that served as the town's library. Why her, Plain? she thought with a sigh. “You got a permit for that sigh, Ma'am?” Despite the false baritone, the griffoness was easily able to tell who it was. “You still got it, Plain. You're the only pony I know who can sneak up on me, despite those noisemakers you call hooves.” She turned to see the gray mare with a dappled rump step into the light of the streetlamp next to the bench. Sitting down next to her, they watched the lights of the distant village flicker off one by one as households went to bed, though a few remained going strong. “Is this where we reminisce about our youth and lament our bad choices, hoping for better ones in future?” Limnear asked. “We can if you want,” Plain Sight replied, “but it'll be a short conversation. We're still fairly young, you and I.” “But not getting younger.” “True.” A long silence passes between them before the mare said, “I... I want to apologize for earlier today. You didn't deserve that.” Limnear drew lazy circles in the dirt path with a claw, not daring to look at her friend. “No. But neither did you. I do sometimes wish we could go back to those carefree days of youth, though.” Taking off her flatcap, Plain Sight turned it over again and again in her hooves. “Me too. So many things I'd do differently. Actions taken... things said... especially the things said.” “We could always try the 'do over' option,” Limnear offered. Plain Sight chuckled. “You and I both know that only works in stories.” She sighed and replaced her hat on her head. “We have too much history to 'do over'. Remember Las Pegasus?” “Ah, now that was fun,” Limnear agreed. “Taking down the underground fighting ring, and looking good doing it.” “If only that had been our assignment,” Plain Sight said with a grin. “We make a good pair.” Limnear frowned suddenly. “Don't say that unless you mean to make something of it.” The mare winced and apologized. “Sorry, slip of the tongue. Do...” she asked after a moment, “do you think we could at least be friends again? I miss my old training partner.” “You know I could never be satisfied with just that,” the griffoness replied. “Eventually, I would want more. Do you think you could put me before your job? Before... her?” Silence met her question. With a sigh, she rose and left the gray mare sitting alone on the bench, looking over Ponyville. > One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 3: One “Are you sure about leaving your store unattended all weekend, Dad?” Twilight asked as she trotted alongside her father as their entourage made its way through the street. Such a large group of them would have drawn attention all by itself, especially with the baby dragon, but escorted by no less than ten royal guardsponies turned their leisurely walk into a spectacle. “I remember that you never liked Pageturner too much when I was living here. Still worried he'd give his friends unauthorized discounts?” Night Light looked to his daughter and smiled. “He and I had a little talk , and let's just say that I put the fear of Celestia in him.” He dodged around some foals running through the street that almost got underhoof. Velvet came up on the other side of Twilight, saying, “Don't you mean you threatened to audit the receipts and compare with our stock, all in front of him?” She cocked her head to the side and looked up as if trying to remember the scene clearly. “As I recall, you had him in your office where you prominently display the weapons you've captured while working for the Princess, didn't you?” “Interrogation technique number twelve: always show that you have something over them,” Night Light replied with a smile. Velvet shook her head sadly. “Dear, you're no longer Her Highness's agent, and he was hardly a hostile dissident.” The stallion waved off her comment blithely. “Use it or lose it, my Velveteen. Besides, now we know we can leave the store in semi-competent hooves for a few days so we can take time off now and again.” “If I may ask,” Spitfire said behind them, “what did you do for the Princess? I'd never seen either of you there at the palace before.” Both older ponies got a faraway look in their eyes as if their minds were a million kilotrots away. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) As the last of the cultists fell, Night Light staggered against the wall, his many injuries finally catching up with him. Twilight Velvet walked up to him and slumped against the wall next him, their shoulders touching. “I hope this will teach you to not run off after just any 'mare in misfortune' without your partner,” Velvet said. Night Light shook his head. “She really had me fooled, Velveteen. Her story was so convincing, and it felt like there was no time to call you.” He bent over to pick up the black spellbook emblazoned with a silver crescent moon. “Well, this is one cult that won't be summoning the Mare in the Moon.” They helped each other to stand on their hooves again and kissed, heedless of the splatters of slime on their coats. “Let's call the guards before they wake up and escape,” Velvet said. She stopped suddenly and held her hoof to her mouth, her cheeks puffing out. “You okay?” Night Light asked. “Did one of their spells hit you?” Velvet shook her head. “No, it's just morning sickness.” Night Light froze in place. “Do what?” Smirking, she bumped rumps with him. “What do you think happens when two ponies have that much wild, unrestricted sex, sweetheart?” “This changes everything,” the stallion said in a stunned voice. Velvet kissed his cheek. “I sure hope so.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “Diplomatic corps,” they said in well trained, automatic unison. “She retired shortly after Shining was born,” Night Light said with a nod towards his wife, “And I retired after our little Sparkle was born. Traveling like that isn't exactly the best way to raise foals, you know.” They arrived at their house, and Twilight was overwhelmed by a feeling of nostalgia as soon as she stepped through the door. The cozy little home filled her with memories and the scents of her youth. The first thing she noticed was the smell of honeysuckle wafting in on the breeze through the open window leading to the backyard, which transported her to her past. “Welcome home, Sparkle,” Night Light said as he nuzzled his beaming daughter. Twilight looked back at her fillyfriends. “Come on. Let me show you my old roo-” She froze in suddenly realized horror mid-sentence. Without an explanation, she ran up the stairs. Night Light winked at the mares. “You better hurry up there before she hides whatever it is she doesn't want you to see.” He stood aside, letting them pass. “That wasn't very nice, dear,” Velvet said. “But it was funny,” he replied. Spitfire was first up the stairs, taking the winged shortcut. Fast on her hooves was Cheerilee, followed by Trixie. They burst into the small bedroom, and saw Twilight quickly hide a long roll of paper behind her back. So flustered was she, that she was using her hooves instead of her magic. “H- hi, girls! Well, this is my room! Yup, nothing suspicious here!” She backed up against the bed, causing the roll to make an audible crinkling sound as it was caught between her and the furniture. Cheerilee sauntered up to her, using her most seductive hip wiggle. She batted her eyes at the now sweating mare and said in a husky voice, “Twilight... Love...” Twilight gulped, saying, “Y- y- y- yes, Cheery?” The teacher leaned in close to Twilight's ear and gently breathed into it. “Light of my life... You wouldn't hide anything from us, now would you?” She didn't wait for an answer and nibbled on the mare's ear, causing a squeak and a gasp to escape her lips. Trixie grabbed the roll in her magic while their alpha was suitably distracted and pulled it free of her grasp. “Trixie has it!” she exclaimed. Carefully unrolling it, she revealed for all to see, a poster of Spitfire in her Wonderbolt uniform. It was signed, “To my biggest fan, Spitfire” with large, showy hoofwriting. The Spitfire in the poster was hovering, and giving the camera a roguish grin. Head hung low, Twilight said, “I'm sorry, girls. I know this is difficult to explain, but-” She was silenced by a gentle kiss on the lips by Cheerilee. “Twi, we understand. You hadn't even met us when you got this poster,” she said. “Indeed,” Trixie added. “We already knew that you've known Spitfire for longer than the two of us put together.” The showmare walked up and nuzzled her cheek and was rewarded with a similar gesture. Taking a deep breath, she relaxed against the mare and took in her scent of ink and old paper; wondering how she still smelled like a library even when she hadn't set hoof in one for days. Spitfire examined the poster which now lay on the floor. “I'm flattered, Twi, but where did you get it signed? I think I'd remember meeting you at one of my signings,” she asked with a smirk. “Um, actually, I was sorta undercover at the time,” Twilight replied. “Undercover?” Cheerilee and Trixie asked. Twilight hunched down as if waiting for a blow to land on her. “I.. I was going through a phase at the time that I didn't like to show my face in public, so that I wouldn't bring attention to the Princess. I disguised myself with a spell to alter my looks as well as a hoodie and sunglasses. Layers of protection, you see.” She looked up to Spitfire nervously. “You probably don't remember me, you did a lot of signings that day.” The Wonderbolt thought for a moment. “Sorry, Twi. I have so many signings, that they all tend to blur together, and more often than not, a few ponies afraid of being seen or recognized show up every time, so your disguise was fairly effective.” “That would actually be kind of a relief to the old me,” Twilight replied. She looked to the others and gestured towards the poster. “So you're really not mad at me for this?” Cheerilee shook her head. “Dear Heart, of course we're not upset. Like we said, it was long before we came into your life. That would be like being upset at my mother for being involved with your mother when they attended college.” “Trixie concurs. It would be foalish, especially considering our... relationship now,” the showmare added. To emphasize her point, she leaned in and kissed the nervous mare, letting her tongue work its way past their lips. Leaning into it, she kept pushing until Twilight fell backwards onto the bed with Trixie standing over her. Spitfire nudged Cheerilee and indicated with a nod towards the empty portion of the bed. Grinning, Cheerilee hopped up to lay down next to the necking couple. The pegasus flew up and gently landed above her, straddling the mare. She eased down until she was practically mounting her and wrapped her forelegs around Cheerilee's neck. Trixie had moved on to nibbling Twilight's neck, eliciting moans of pleasure from her lover. She eased herself down until she was laying atop the librarian, all four of Twilight's legs wrapped around her. The scene before them had a predictable effect on Spitfire and Cheerilee. The earth pony's tail began to lift, but couldn't go very far due to the weight of the mare atop her. The end result was her dock poking into Spitfire's marehood, spreading the labia and roughly rubbing against her clit. Spitfire responded by grinding her hips into it, causing a flush to appear on their cheeks, and little gasps of pleasure to escape their mouths. A quick knock was all the warning they had before Spike walked in saying, “Twi, your Mom wants to know if grilled chee hee hee hooooh boy!” He turned around quickly, the blush nearly overtaking his whole body. All four mares practically teleported to a standing position on the floor not touching each other, despite only one of them being able to cast that particular spell. “S- S- Spike! What have I told you about entering before getting permission! Knocking by itself isn't permission!” “Sorry, Twilight, but the door was a little open so I thought it was okay!” he said without turning around. Twilight facehoofed. “Well, I suppose it's partly my fault, then. Why did you come up here?” “Your Mom wants to know if grilled cheese and vegetable soup would be okay for lunch,” he replied, still facing out the room. “Homemade?” She asked more than a little eagerly. Spike nodded, and she clenched a hoof in victory. “Yes!” She quickly calmed herself down and said in a more sedate manner, “Please tell her we'll be down in a few minutes, Spike.” The little dragon nodded and left, all without turning back to face them. Twilight shook her head. “Well, there's another awkward conversation we're going to have later.” The mares trooped downstairs and sat down at the table. “Just wait 'till you taste this soup,” Twilight told them. “I'm not sure what she puts in it, but is out of this world!” Velvet set six plates of sandwiches and six bowls of soup- one glittering with crushed gemstones- and kissed the crown of Twilight's head. “I keep telling you it's spinach, but you never believe me.” “Because spinach is the worst vegetable ever grown, that's why,” Twilight retorted. “I'll find out your secret some day, Mom.” She looked at the place settings in confusion. “Isn't Dad joining us?” Velvet sat down and placed a napkin on her lap. “Afraid not, sweetie. He got called away to work. He should be home in time for dinner though.” Further discussion was limited to moans of pleasure from the delicious home cooking. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) As he finished calculating the totals for yesterday, Night Light sighed and sat back in his chair. He scrubbed his eyes with his hooves and groaned. Looking around his little office, his eyes settled on a bookshelf that jutted out into the room, blocking his view of that corner. “You going to hide there all day, or are you going to talk?” A familiar gray mare casually walked out and grinned at him. “How's it going, Teach?” “It would be going a lot better if you didn't waste my time waiting for me to call you out,” he groused at her. “I see little enough of my daughter as is without dashing off whenever you crook your hoof.” Plain Sight sat on the corner of his desk in a blatant display of familiarity. “Aw c'mon, Teach. What was it you taught us in Intelligence school? Always treat each call as if Equestria's safety were on the line?” She arched an eyebrow at him. “So it's true, then? She's really in town today?” Night Light smirked up at her. “As if you didn't already know. You keep closer tabs on her than we do. Now, what is it you wanted?” Plain Sight looked away, her eyes downcast. “I... I need your advice.” “And you thought the father of the mare you're too scared to pursue was the right place to go?” he asked without an ounce of sympathy. “No,” the mare replied with a flinch, “I thought my old teacher would be a good pony to ask.” Night Light said nothing for a long moment, trying to read the younger mare's body language. Breathing out an exasperated sigh, he said, “Go on. Ask.” Licking her dry lips, Plain Sight began with, “You know about me and... Limnear, right?” He nodded in reply. “Well, she's shown up in town and...” The mare swallowed a few times, trying to formulate her words. “She... expressed a desire to come back- to me, that is, not the organization.” “And you want to ask me if you should accept or not?” Plain Sight shook her head. “That's... there was... she...” Night Light's eyes lit up in recognition. “She wants you to put her above... your job.” The gray mare could only nod dumbly in reply. There was a quiet sound that from anypony else, Night Light would have sworn was a stifled sob, but coming from her... “How did you do it?” “How did I walk away from a life and job that I loved, How did I adjust, How did I know that I would want to spend the rest of my life doing this instead of that; what? You're going to have to do a little better to identify just what 'it' is.” Night Light answered. Plain Sight threw her hooves up in a helpless gesture. “All of it!” She hopped off his desk and paced in front of it. “I've been doing this for so long, training practically my whole life for it, that I can't imagine doing anything else! Worse, when I imagine anypony else... watching her, I feel sick to my stomach.” She stopped pacing only long enough to rub her belly as she felt the acids churn, before returning to it. “I know that any pony they assign to her won't feel half as invested in her as I do, and will do the job with a tenth of my dedication!” She whirled and slammed her hooves on his desk. “How can I just abandon her when I'm at my most vulnerable!” Night Light calmly placed his elbows on the desk blotter and steepled his hooves in front of his face. “That. That right there is what you should be asking.” This seemed to bring her up short. “What do you mean?” “You said 'How can I abandon her when I'm at my most vulnerable,” the stallion replied. Plain Sight recoiled. “No I didn't. I said 'she'. 'She's at her most vulnerable'.” “Think back, Plain. Your mind knows it deep down.” He could see her mind working backwards in the conversation, and her poorly hidden surprise. “It's not a question of abandonment,” He said, laying a hoof on hers, “but of letting go, or grabbing on with both hooves and facing your greatest fear.” He sat back in the chair listening to its familiar creak. “You're probably the bravest pony I've ever met; no, scratch that, the bravest being I've ever met, but that's only because the only thing you fear is her- or more accurately, her rejection.” The gray mare dropped down from the desk, looking dejected. “So that's it, then? 'Move on, or face her,' that's your advice?” “Plain, speaking as a friend, not as your former teacher, not as a patriotic agent, not even as her father, but as a friend; I want to help you, and I'm not going to steer you wrong- not with something like this,” Night Light said. He tapped out a rhythm on the arm of his chair with a hoof. “Even at the risk of adding yet another wrinkle to my daughter's already overly complicated life, I'm not going to give you bad advice. This has been festering in you for a long time now. It's time to lance the wound so the healing can begin.” Trying another tack, he said, “Don't you think that Limnear deserves better, too?” Plain Sight visibly flinched at that barb. “Leave her out of this!” she shouted. “Why? She has as much stake in this as you or Twilight,” he calmly asked. Hanging her head low, Plain Sight whispered, “No. She's an innocent in this. I'm the monster here; the coward.” Night Light got up and walked around the desk and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Then mare up, Plain. You can't run from this forever; not if you want to hold your head up high.” Plain Sight ran into his forelegs, hugging him tight. He returned the embrace, stroking her mane, and letting her cry into his chest. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Celestia resumed her seat on the cushion and arched an eyebrow at the griffon across the table from her. “That hardly sounds like punishment to me, Minister Birinj. Would you accept it if ponies came to your country, tried to kidnap someone from one of the families your King favors, and the worst they face was simple deportment?” She shook her head swiftly. “No, simply expelling them from Equestria is not an option.” Slamming his clenched talon on the table, the old, tawny griffon raised his voice at the alicorn. “Regardless, I won't have our citizenry subjected to your so-called punishments! We shall punish them ourselves!” “I can see we're not going to get anywhere today,” Celestia said with a sigh. “Let's adjourn for now-” “No!” Birinj shouted. “These negotiations have gone on for too long as it is! We shall resolve this now.” Celestia narrowed her eyes at his rudeness, then smiled. “Very well, but as I am already late for other appointments, matters of state, you shall have to deal with my sister if you wish to continue today.” With that, she rose and left the room, a surprised griffon sputtering at the table. Turning to his adviser, he said in Griffish, “She wouldn't do that, would she, Limnear? She knows how we feel about the Mad Mare.” “I suggest you mind your tongue, Minister,” Limnear replied. “While she knows of her reputation in our lands, Princess Luna may not find our customs and beliefs so... quaint; less so, our race's name for her.” She sipped from the goblet of ice water on the table. “Throwing that in her face could cause more than a simple diplomatic problem. Moreover, endangering my sister- excuse me- your wife's niece's release could lead to problems of a more... personal nature?” For emphasis, she crushed the heavy pewter cup in her talons like it was made of paper, and dropped it on the table before him. Birinj swallowed hard as he eyed the crushed goblet. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Celestia stormed into the royal private dining suite and slammed the heavy bronze door behind her with her magic, making it boom like an enormous bell. She stomped over to the table where a bemused Luna sat, sipping at a cup of coffee. “We take it negotiations are proceeding apace, then?” she said with a smirk. The elder sister paced in front of the table, refusing to even look at the platter of small cakes laid out for their pleasure. “That buffoon is doing his hardest to derail these simple talks, and is trying to turn this into some sort of advantage towards his own! He won't even listen to me when I try to bring up punishment!” Luna set down her cup and looked to Celestia. “Mayhap t'is time to, as they say in the modern vulgar argot, send in the 'bad cop'?” Looking to Luna, Celestia said, “Lulu, it's time to send in the worst cop. Do you think you can manage it without destroying anything? You know what they call you there.” “We think it meet that We 'turn the tables' on them as t'were.” She let her pupils contract into pinpoints, and one wander off wildly, while a creepy grin worked it's way onto her face. Celestia actually managed to snicker at the face, her bad mood broken. “Please Lulu, don't hurt them,” she said with a silly giggle. Her face returned to normal, she replied, “We shan't.” She rose from her seat and floated a glazed doughnut to her as she looked to the grandmother clock. “T'would seem that We might miss our weekly game night with dear Fluttershy. Wouldst thou rescue us if the meeting goes o'erlong?” Nuzzling her sister, Celestia said, “Of course. Thank you.” Luna smiled as she trotted out, but paused at the door. She looked back. “'Tia? Ar... Art thou sure that t'will happen this time? We- thou and I- were sure t'would happen afore; and we were wrong thence. We- I am not certain that I can take another...” Celestia walked up next to her and draped a wing over her. “All the signs are there, Lulu. She even looks and acts the same. Even you have to admit that aspects of all of them taken together... You said it yourself that the stars themselves seem especially restless.” “Aye. I just... I feel like a carrion crow waiting for-” Celestia put a hoof to her lips. “It's not like that. You know the prophesy as well as I do. It's not... like that...” Luna leaned into her side, basking in her sister's unusually warm body. “She'll come back to us, sister.” Celestia said quietly. “We need only be patient.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight came up for air from the box she had dived headfirst into looking for old treasures. A dusty, old stuffed bunny floated in her magical grasp. “Mr. Bun-Bun!” she exclaimed. “I haven't see you in ages!” She turned to face her fillyfriends, proudly displaying the faded blue toy to them. “This was Smartypants' best study buddy!” Cheerilee looked around the parts of an disassembled crib she was holding up and shook her head. “Twilight, sweetie, that's cute and all, but not what we're here for. Your mother only left for that errand because we promised to keep on track.” Plucking the toy away with her own telekinetic hold, Trixie kissed her on the cheek. “Let's at least pretend we're doing something productive, okay?” “But... Mr. Bun-Bun...” Twilight pouted. “...Will be coming home with us,” Trixie finished, placing it in a small box of cloth diapers. “Now, let's get all this down from the attic. As it is, we might have to buy an extra seat just for all the things we're bringing back with us.” Spitfire flew down the open access to the second floor of the house and shouted up, “Okay, start lowering stuff down! I'm ready!” First down were the crib parts which she stacked by the wall, followed by two small boxes. The rest joined her, and Twilight absently closed the fold-up stairs on the access panel. Twilight looked around at the assembled mares and things they were taking and sighed. “I guess I'm going to have to face facts. The tree just isn't big enough for our growing family and a public library.” “You could always get permission from the mayor to build an addition onto the tree, you know,” Spitfire said, sidling up to Twilight and throwing a hoof over her withers. Twilight looked at her as if she had just grown a second head. “And deface a public landmark? Unlikely.” She sighed in defeat. Cheerilee licked her lips and nervously said, “We could move into my old place. We've just been using it as storage, but I think if we clean it up a little, it could serve us well.” Trixie put a hoof to her chin. “Well, it is large enough to serve our needs for now...” “And it has the added bonus of being designed as a living space, rather than a public building...” Twilight added. “It would be nice to have a place to display my trophies again,” Spitfire added. All four mares smiled at each other. “I better inform Mr. Wheelwright about the change in delivery,” Twilight said. “Looks like we'll need to re-register for a change of address,” Spitfire said with a smirk. “Trixie supposes she will have to move her cart again.” “At least we'll still be close to the library. Do you think Spike will want to move in with us, or stay there?” Cheerilee asked Twilight. Twilight shook her head. “Regardless of what he wants, he'll be living with us for a while yet. He's far too young for that level of responsibility. He can take one of the spare bedrooms, or failing that, the basement.” They heard the front door open and close, followed by Velvet's dulcet tones calling out in a singsong, “Sparkles, come see what I've got for you!” Rolling her eyes as she shook her head, Twilight walked down the stairs. “Mom, I've asked you not to call me that.” She saw her mother standing in the living room, a garment bag held in her magical aura. “What's that?” Velvet smiled at her wolfishly. “Well, when you told your father and I yesterday of your plans, I knew I had to get this ready for you, so I took this to be dry cleaned last night.” She unzipped the bag, and white, frilly lace popped free. As more of the bag was opened, more was revealed, exposing a white silk dress. All four mares gasped when the bag was finally discarded, leaving an old, but timelessly fashionable wedding dress revealed in all it's silk brocaded glory. Velvet smiled at her daughter, tears shimmering in her eyes. “I'm not sure what the ceremony will be like, but I hope you'll wear this for it. It's been passed down in our family for three generations, and now, it's yours.” Twilight rushed into the older mare's forelegs, openly weeping. “Oh, Mom...” They stood there hugging and crying into each other with an occasional “Mom...” or “My baby...”, while the other three stood there in varying degrees of damp-eyed joy. Spike, alerted by all the crying, walked into the room, and only took the time to note the situation before walking back out without a word or sound. Finally getting a hold of herself, Twilight pulled away and said with a sniffle, “But Mom, I'm not... I mean, we... you know.” Velvet nodded with a smile as she wiped away a tear. “That's alright, dear. That's another tradition with this dress.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight levitated three books in front of her as she paced in front of her audience. “So in 276, Prime Minister Union Jack vetoed Parliament's proposed law banning herds. A law which, by all accounts, had just barely passed committee, and was extremely unpopular amongst the common ponies who still practiced that brand of unions in the rural areas.” She pivoted in place, letting a different book take up her field of vision. “According to Herds: A Historical Account, the last known herd was actually formed in 864PT, when a stallion by the name of Gains Bond formed his herd with Moneybit, Honeycrisp Apple, Kitty Aplenty, Merry Goodknight, and Hollyhock Greatcap. Needless to say, they were quite ah, prolific, siring no less than twenty two foals among the five mares.” “Now what this all proves," Twilight said, gently closing all three books, “is that thanks to these as well as the Princess's assurance that this tome is the sole law book that even mentions herds,” she nodded to Celestia who sat on the largest cushion in her parlor and nodded in return at her Faithful Student, “is that I can conclusively prove that there is no legal roadblock to our forming a herd.” The librarian picked up her chalk in her telekinetic aura and turned to the blackboard, making several complicated equations as she talked. “In conclusion, barring any unforeseen events or complications, taking into account any preparations that need to be made ahead of time, our own schedules, and of course, the Princesses' schedules – who have so graciously agreed to perform the ceremony, we can be joined in herded bliss by Amorurary fourteenth.” Circling the date, she turned once more towards her audience with a satisfied smile. “Really, Twily? Hearts and Hooves day?” Shining Armor said with no small degree of slyness. Suddenly looking unsure, Twilight looked back up at the 2/14 encircled on the chalkboard and grinned sheepishly. “Um, oops? Would you believe it was all a coincidence?” Trixie crossed her forelegs and looked to the Captain of the guard. “And what's wrong with Hearts and Hooves day? Trixie happens to think it would be an especially sweet gesture.” “Not to mention slay a personal dragon of mine,” Cheerilee said under her breath. “Well! Now that that's taken care of, what do you all say to celebrating with some cake?”Celestia said, clapping her hooves. Immediately, a swarm of ponies in white swept in pushing carts piled high with multilevel platters of bite-sized cakes, and several large pots of coffee. “I don't know about you,” she said, floating a piece the size of a bonbon and popping it in her mouth, “but I think we just found a good reason to celebrate.” > I Can't Go for That > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 4: I Can't Go for That Twilight wrote down “cake”, and stuck the end of the quill in her mouth, sucking on it. “Hmm... how many guests you think will show?” “Well, a good estimate from your side would be around twenty,” Velvet replied. “Our family has never been all that prolific, and we've scattered pretty far; not to mention we tend to be loners by nature.” Cheerilee added, “You can put down fifteen for my side, though I kinda doubt that many will show.” “That few?” Twilight asked, cocking her head to the side in confusion. “Well,” Cheerilee drawled, “Due to... certain events in our past, much of my family cut us off as a 'lost cause'. While I do miss Nana, I can see now why Mom cut off all contact with her. She wasn't very... open-minded.” Twilight put a reassuring hoof on hers, for which Cheerilee smiled at her. “Put me down for an even dozen, but like Cheery, I doubt that many will show beyond Mom, Dad, and my little brothers,” Spitfire added. Twilight looked at her. “You too?” She nodded, then shrugged. “Yes, but for different reasons. We were just never that close as a family. Dunno why, it's just how it's always been.” After a quick, almost imperceptible glance at Trixie, Twilight looked up at Celestia and asked, “What about you, Princess? Anypony you want to invite?” Celestia shook her head. “No, though you may want to invite some ponies around here. I'm sure there are several old instructors at least who'd love to see you tie the knots.” Twilight blushed hard at the imagery the Princess's words brought to mind. “Princess, please. I'm having a hard enough time dealing with what we're going to do for the ceremony as it is without thinking about it,” she said with a sigh. The alicorn smiled down at her student. “You'd better get used to the idea soon, Twilight. The day will be upon you before you realize it.” “Okay!” Twilight said too brightly, “Moving on to the next thing, we have, lessee... dresses!” Cheerilee noticed Trixie standing a little off to the side with a downcast expression, so she quietly sidled up to her. “You okay?” she whispered. Trixie looked to her in surprise, but quickly calmed down. “Yeah, I'll be okay,” Trixie whispered back absentmindedly. “You want to talk about it?” Cheerilee ventured. “My sister tells me I have a good ear, and she should know, being a bartender.” Trixie shook her head. “No. I just... Well, it's... I have no family to bring to this.” she whispered. “My- my parents... Do you remember the fire that swept through the merchant's quarter about fifteen years ago?” She saw the teacher nod, and continued her story. “Well, my parents were among those who perished that day. It happened when I was little, and the only family I had to take me in was an elderly great aunt. She was nice enough, and she did try, but...” “She just wasn't your parents?” Cheerilee offered. Nodding, Trixie replied, “No. I always got the feeling she looked on me as a burden. Like it was my fault her favorite niece died. It... it leaves an impression on a filly. She never came out and blamed me, but I could tell. She turned a little cold to me after that.” Trixie shook her head. “I must have imagined it, or she felt guilty, because when she passed on shortly after I started doing shows for money, she left me enough in her will to buy my stagecart.” The showmare wiped away a tear as she stared at the floor. “I- I also get a little angry when I hear ponies taking their families for granted. I know that's not the case with you and Spitfire, or even Twilight, but...” Cheerilee laid a hoof on her shoulder. “I understand. Growing up without, you're extra sensitive to noticing these kinds of things.” “I guess.” “Okay, fine,” Twilight said loudly, gaining everypony's attention, “So far We have Summer Bloom, Sweet Reeds, Sunset, Midnight Bloom, and- at Mom's request- Twilight Serenade. Any other suggestions for our first baby's name? All serious suggestions will be considered, but only one will make it, so give it your best shot.” Cheerilee walked over with Trixie and said, “What about Glam-” She stopped dead when she saw Twilight's arched eyebrow and serious expression. “Just kidding, just kidding,” she said, raising her forehooves defensively. “How does Dusky Dawn grab you?” Twilight's face contorted as she considered it. “It's a bit... masculine for a filly's name, isn't it?” “Perhaps,” the teacher admitted. Twilight looked to the wall clock and grumbled. “Well, I guess we should wrap this up. We need to be at the train station in an hour, and we still need to stop by Mom and Dad's place to pick up the baby stuff.” Velvet waved a hoof in dismissal at her. “Oh Twilight, Sweetie, we can ship all that to you later once you're home. But you're right that we need to go. Traffic on the roads at this time will be terrible, even with the guards clearing a path for you.” Celestia rose to her hooves. “We'd best find your brother, then,” she said as she walked to the door. “He'll want to see you off as well.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) The trip back home was much easier than the one to Canterlot. The five of them had a private room in one of the cars all to themselves, and talked freely about baby names, and their future together. There was even friendly arguing as Spitfire refused to back down on naming her first foal Starslayer. By the time the train pulled into the Ponyville station, she had almost convinced Twilight to accept the name by adding Twilight to the front of it. “I dunno, Spitfire, it just sounds so... ostentatious. And what if Luna is offended by it?” the librarian asked as she unlocked the front door. Spitfire came up even with her and intertwined their tails together. “Hon, we can't live our lives worrying about what others think of us. The only ones we can truly please are ourselves, so trying to live up to others' standards just isn't practical. Everypony has different standards.” Twilight nodded reluctantly as they walked into the foyer. “I know, but Luna is different. She's a friend; and friends by definition matter more than most.” “Trixie understands, Twilight,” the showmare said, walking in behind them, “but if she is truly a friend, then Trixie doubts she will be truly offended if you offer her an explanation that there is no malicious intent behind it.” “Maybe,” Twilight replied, “but I'm still not completely sold on the name, Twilight in it or not. The poor filly will be teased pretty mercilessly.” She sighed and sat on the couch. “Remember when that insipid vampony series came out about a decade ago? Well, I happened to still be in school at the time, and let me tell you, it was not a pleasant experience to share a name with that. It would be one thing if the protagonist was likeable, or even relatable, but she was just such a- a- a...” “Mawkish character?” Cheerilee supplied. Twilight smiled at her. “Thank you. When she wasn't mooning over the vampony or the lycanequus, she was jerking them around by their hearts and being useless so they could come to her rescue. She had no personality traits other than 'love interest', no depth, and no redeeming qualities. She-” Spitfire put a hoof to her lips, quieting her down. “We get it, Hon; it was a terrible series.” Kissing the hoof before gently pushing it away, Twilight said, “Then you can imagine what it was like sharing a name with that...” “Literary equivalent of a gilded cow patty?” Cheerilee offered. Twilight considered before nodding. “Yeah. That.” “I thought you might take that route, so I looked around here for something that might help.” Spitfire said. She flew over to a shelf in the non-fiction section and pulled out a book halfway to the ceiling. Flying back, she placed the book at Twilight's hooves. “10,001 Ways to Deal with Bullying?” Twilight asked. Spitfire nodded. “Chapter twelve is titled 'So your parents named you Hoody Doo'.” Twilight winced at the name. “Ouch. Suddenly, Twilight Starslayer doesn't sound so bad.” Spike walked in, sorting through the mail. “Bill, bill, 'You may have already won ten million bits,' bill, ooo! Record club!” “Ugh, Spike, not again. You know that 'ten records for a bit' is just a scam to lure you in,” Twilight replied. “But Twilight, I... I...” Spike's eyes went wide and he let forth a great belch of green smoke that coalesced into a scroll wrapped in a red ribbon bearing Celestia's royal crest. Twilight snatched the letter up in her magical field and unrolled it. “I wonder what the Princess could want this soon after a visit?” She read the letter for a bit before smiling wide. “Good news, everypony! The Princess has given us a mission!” “And how is that good news?” Spike asked. “Every time she gives you one of those, we end up in a fight for our very lives, trying to prevent the next great world threat.” Smiling at her assistant's attitude, Twilight tutted. “Oh ye of little faith, Spike. The Princess would never send out a dangerous mission to an expectant mother.” They all turned to Cheerilee whose hooves went to her belly protectively. “What?” “The Princess wants the five of us to return the library books she borrowed for us when we're done with them,” the librarian said. Spitfire cocked her head at her. “You mean we gotta go back to Canterlot?” Twilight grinned at her. “Nope! She borrowed these from Nyx in the Everfree!” She jumped down from the couch to her hooves and danced in place. “We get to go back to that awesome library!” “Wait, why do I have to go too?” Spike asked. Twilight nosed under his legs behind him and brought her head up, tumbling him over onto her back, and trotted around the room with him hanging on to her. “The Princess wants you to socialize with more of your own kind, so she suggested I bring you as well. Ooo, this is going to be great!” She jumped up , knocking her passenger from his perch, who tumbled off and grabbed on to her tail as she raced around the room like an excited filly. “I can't wait to go!” “There's dragons at this library?” Spike practically shouted. Finally ceasing her capering, Twilight turned to him and nodded. “Just one, as far as I know, but he's super nice and helpful.” She paused, then smiled at him again. “A lot like you, now that I think of it.” Spike blushed a little, then stretched with a huge yawn. “Well, I don't know about you all,” he said with a belly scratch, “but I'm hitting the hay. This trip was exhausting.” His yawn seemed to start a chain reaction of yawns from all of the mares. “He's right,” Cheerilee said when her jaw popped back into place. “Three of us do have to get up early.” Spitfire looked a little down at the prospect of tomorrow. “Ah well. I guess all good things must come to an end. So long vacation. It was nice while it lasted.” “Are you sure about this, Spitfire?” Twilight asked. “It's almost an hour each way for you, and I would think that after all that practice you put in on the field, flying home would be the last thing you'd want to do.” The Wonderbolt nuzzled Twilight under her chin and smiled. “If it's for you girls, I can live with it.” Spike could be heard fake-gagging all the way up to his room. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) The first half of the day seemed to fly by to them. All four mares got up early to see off Cheerilee and Spitfire to their respective jobs. Trixie tried to stay up and help Twilight prepare for her class that afternoon, but fell asleep quickly afterward. Having a full belly of pineapple cream of wheat didn't help in that regard. Around mid-morning, The two of them went to see Rarity to place an order for their big day. “Really Twilight, I never expected to get an order like this from you of all ponies,” Rarity exclaimed when they explained what was needed. Twilight shook her head in amazement. “Believe me, I never expected to be placing an order like this in my life. Could we...” She looked around nervously as if there was anypony but the three of them to overhear, then whispered, “Could we keep this confidential? Other than family and close friends like you, there won't be many ponies attending.” Rarity smiled and batted her eyes at her friend. “Of course, but if may?” “Yes?” The white unicorn looked abashed at what she was about to say. “Don't you think that maybe you're rushing into this a little fast? I mean, you've only been with them for a little over a week; no offense, darling,” she quickly amended to Trixie, who just shrugged nonchalantly. “Shouldn't you wait a little while before...” “Normally, I'd agree with you wholeheartedly,” Twilight replied, “but certain circumstances have necessitated the unseemly haste.” Rarity leaned in, asking, “What circumstances, if I may ask?” Twilight hemmed and hawed for a few minutes, looking uncomfortable until Trixie finally lost her patience and blurted out, “Oh, for Celestia's sake! Cheerilee's pregnant!” Rarity's jaw dropped as she stared between Trixie whom had revealed the information, and Twilight whom wasn't denying it. “But, but, but, how? I mean, you're both mares, and-” Her eyes went wide and a sickly look came over her. “You didn't!” Looking confused, then shocked, Twilight waved her forehooves around in denial, replied, “No! No stallions involved! Not now, not ever! Not for my mares!” Trixie smirked and threw her hooves around Twilight's neck from behind. “Oh, don't be so shy, lover! You tamed the three of us with that magnificent tool of yours! We'll happily sing your praises from the mountaintops!” Rarity's pert rump plopped down to the floor in shock. “You mean all this time, you've been a...” “No!” Twilight shouted. “I'm a mare through and through, honest! One hundred percent! She's talking about a spell I found that... sorta gave me... the necessary plumbing. Temporarily, that is.” The seamstress closed her mouth for the first time in minutes and gulped. A snort of laughter came shortly thereafter, followed by her silver bell-like laugh. It took her a few moments before she could contain her mirth enough to say, “Oh, my. You four are just too adorable!” She leaned in close and whispered, “Do you think you can teach me this spell?” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight's class that afternoon was the most interesting to date. As soon as she walked in, she was barraged by questions from the foals. “Are you gonna marry Ms. Cheerilee?” “Nuh uh, she's gonna marry Trixie! My Daddy said so!” “No way! She's gonna marry them all!” “That's stupid, Snails, you can't marry more than one pony; it's against the law or something.” Twilight put a hoof to her lips and let out a mighty whistle that echoed around the classroom. Silence immediately followed. “Whom I marry is my own concern, and not any of yours, nor your parents. I'll thank you all to leave my private life private.” She turned around to the blackboard and began drawing a diagram on it. “Now let's begin with a review of our last lesson: meditation.” She turned back to the class and pointed to the finished cut-away picture of a unicorn with arrows flowing into it, and more flowing out of the horn. A pointer rod landed on a point just below the unicorn's horn, producing a THAP sound. “Who can tell me which chakra point is located here, and why is it important to meditation?” Two hooves went into the air, and Twilight pointed to the smaller of them. Dinky stood in her seat and said, “That's the Ajna chakra which is associated with the third, or pineal eye. The pineal eye interprets magic, allowing us to understand how it works.” “Very good, Dinky.” She pointed to another foal. “Snails, why don't you come to the front and give us a demonstration of your meditation technique.” Cheerilee had only seen her teach for two weeks now, but it amazed her how rapidly her students were learning from Twilight. Incredible. They've come so far in such little time. The tutors the Ministry usually send over are so jaded, that Snips and Snails had learned next to nothing from them, but now she's got them meditating... successfully! Indeed, Snails was sitting in the butterfly position with each hoof touching its mate, creating a closed circle of magic. He was ever so slightly, levitating off of the ground to the teacher's amazement. She reminds me of myself when I first started teaching. I hope that not coming in every weekday will keep her from burning out and turning jaded on them, Cheerilee thought to herself. Twilight walked around him, nodding in approval. “Notice how he doesn't let outside influences distract him. This is how it's done, ponies.” She barely touched him on the knee, and sent him drifting towards the desk. “Very good, Snails. You may return to your seat.” As the colt walked back, Twilight opened her history book. “Class, please turn to page eighty two in your history texts. Sun Glimmer, why don't you start us off?” Cheerilee practically melted into a puddle of goo in her seat in the corner. Dear Celestia, she has such a big brain! I just want to ravage her right here in front of every pony! I don't care who watches, I want her! The poor mare was so hot and bothered, that she started discretely rubbing her thighs together in an effort to get some relief, but none was to be found. As soon as class let out and the last student disappeared, Cheerilee pounced on the unsuspecting Twilight. All protests were silenced as the teacher locked lips with her dream mare. Cheerilee backed her up to the desk, and pushed her up on it, knocking a stack of papers to the floor. Twilight pushed the hungry mare back weakly. “Cheery, stop,” she moaned as the earth pony nibbled on her neck, leaving a bite mark behind. “We promised... no fun stuff... unless we're all there...” Cheerilee straightened up a little, giving them both some breathing room. “I'm not that sure I can wait that long, Twilight. I need you now!” she whispered fiercely. She took a few deep breaths, then opened her eyes. “Alright. I'm okay now.” She tried to back up, but didn't get very far. “If I'm going to let you up, you need to let me go,” she said with a smirk. Looking down, Twilight saw her legs wrapped around Cheerilee's waist, and her tail flipped up between her lover's legs, up on to her back. She chuckled weakly and released her prisoner. “I have to say that I'm feeling more than a little bothered right now, myself. When I started, I never would have believed that teaching could be so... stimulating.” With her eyes lowered seductively, Cheerilee moaned her approval. “Mmm, I agree. Seeing you up at the blackboard has given me all sorts of ideas. Nasty ideas. The kinds of ideas we can't use in front of... the foals.” She kissed her again, and aroused beyond reason, Twilight returned it with equal fervor, allowing herself to be laid upon the desk again. “What in the name of Celestia is going on?” The shouted question so surprised the two mares, they broke the kiss and hid behind the desk almost faster than the eye could follow. They peeked out to see an enraged Trixie glaring down at them, a bag of groceries spilled onto the floor. “I leave you two alone long enough to shop for dinner, and I find you entwined like two horny teenagers!” Twilight ventured out a little to say, “Um, Trixie-” “No! I don't want to hear excuses!” she shouted back, causing the librarian to duck back down again until just her eyes were visible. Lowering her voice to a low growl, she said, “The four of us are going to have a talk about this when Spitfire gets home.” With that, she turned around and marched to the door, picking up the groceries, waiting for them to leave first. The wait was one of the most awkward they had experienced in a long time. Spike took this opportunity to test the lock on his door and see how loud his phonograph could get without blowing out his eardrums. Twilight and Cheerilee weren't so lucky, and just shot each other awkward looks every so often across the table as Trixie worked in the kitchen to prepare dinner, while keeping an eye on them. Spitfire walked in, loudly proclaiming, “Honeys, I'm ho-” She stopped as soon as she saw the three in the kitchen, the strange tableau setting off alarm bells. Hoo, boy. What happened? “S'up, my ponies?” she asked, going for the relaxed approach. Trixie looked at her, then glared at the “criminals” at the table. “I caught these two making out in the classroom. Even though we all agreed to only do... that with all of us present, they blatantly broke one of the few rules we agreed upon!” Spitfire sighed and sat down at the table. I should have known it was this. “Trixie, that's something I've been meaning to bring up. We're not all going to be together when the mood strikes us, and-” “Oh, not you too!” the showmare angrily interrupted. “What's next, having sex with anypony? Orgies with the whole town? Why not just invite other creatures in on it, too? Why keep it limited to just ponies?” “That's not what I'm saying-” “Then what are you saying, Spitfire? Because from here, it looks like you're okay with making this relationship open to the world!” Twilight cleared her throat nervously. “Trixie, Sweetie, that's not what she meant.” Trixie turned to her and viciously said, “Don't you 'Sweetie' me! I don't want to hear it from you! You can't even control yourself long enough for all of us to be present! You don't get a say in your punishment!” “Now hold on there soldier,” Spitfire said in her best Drill Instructor voice. “There's no call for you to be acting like a bitch!” Reeling back as if physically struck, Trixie glared daggers at the pegasus. “A bitch am I? Then maybe this bitch should sleep in the doghouse!” She ripped off her apron and stormed out of the library, making sure to slam the door behind her. Unable to think of what to do, Twilight just stared at the door, whimpering as Cheerilee hugged on her and cried, and Spitfire turned off the stove and pulled down the bottle of cooking sherry, and took a long pull from it. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Plain Sight smiled as she walked through Ponyville, waving and smiling at the occasional pony that actually noticed her. The stars were out despite the street lighting; an event that rarely happened back in Canterlot. I hope Twilight settles here for good. It's such a nice, friendly town. Quiet for the most part, too. Just as she finished that thought, a blue blur raced past her so close, it clipped her side. “What the hay?” Minuette ran up to her, looking especially frazzled. “Ma'am? What are you doing here?” “Visiting,” the spy replied. “What's going on? Why was Trixie running off like that? And who is watching Twilight?” The unicorn danced in one spot, obviously anxious to run after Trixie. “It's awful, Ma'am. They had a fight, and Trixie ran off! High Hide is still watching the library while I ran after her.” Plain Sight's eyes narrowed dangerously, causing Minuette to gulp audibly. The earth pony's feelings about Twilight was a well-known secret among her subordinates. “Now you listen to me, you little buck-up. You go over to Rarity's and pull Cloudchaser off her detail and the three of you sit on that library; literally if you have to. Not one of those three mares is to go anywhere unescorted. I'll go look after our showmare.” Not bothering to stick around long enough to salute, Minuette ran as fast as her legs could carry her towards the house next to the Carousel Boutique. Plain Sight turned and ran in the direction in which she last saw Trixie running. It wasn't long before she came to the park, and saw a pony shaped lump laying under a tree. Creeping closer, she could make out that it was indeed the sought-after unicorn. Trixie was huddled in a miserable pile, openly sobbing. She was far enough out of the lamppost's light that a pony would have to really squint to see her, but to Plain Sight, she stood out like a beacon. The earth pony bit her lower lip, debating whether or not to reveal herself. A particularly ragged sob made up her mind for her. “You okay?” Trixie's head darted up, and she looked in the direction of the voice, spotting her right away. She wiped her eyes with a hoof, asking, “Who are- Oh, it's you.” She turned away to look at the stars. “Trixie does not think you'll have to worry about her now. Twilight Sparkle obviously doesn't need her anymore. She has the other two now; not to mention any pony that catches her fancy.” Try as she might, she couldn't keep the raw hurt from her voice, and just saying that nearly caused her to break down into tears again. It was a supreme effort of will that kept her somewhat collected. “Who knows? Maybe she'll take you in, too?” The hurt turned to hate, and Plain Sight actually cringed from the venom. Plain Sight pushed down the urge to defend Twilight from anypony, and took a deep breath. “What happened? Maybe I can help.” Even she was shocked at how even her voice sounded. “Didn't you hear me?” Trixie snarled. “I said 'SHE DOESN'T! NEED ME'!” she shouted. “She doesn't... love me anymore.” came the final whisper. Walking around, Plain Sight laid down in the grass before her, and looked her dead in the eye. “Roadapples.” “You don't know!” Trixie retorted. “You weren't there! You didn't see them... rutting like base animals. If I hadn't walked in when I did, there's no telling how long they would have been at it! Or who they would have let join in!” Plain Sight's slap echoed across the park, lingering on the air, and left a burning welt on Trixie's cheek. “You know as well as I do, that isn't true. She loves Spitfire. She loves Cheerilee. And she loves you. Other ponies may share her heart, but no others will share her bed.” She sighed, but didn't lose her stern countenance. “You need to talk to her about what's bothering you. Running away will solve nothing.” A voice in the distance calling Trixie's name caught their attention for a moment. When Trixie turned back to face Plain Sight, she found her gone. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Limnear walked through the mostly-empty dungeon, following her escorts, a pair of large unicorns whose identical appearance was as intimidating as their size. The party stopped in front of a cell, and on of the unicorns said, “We'll be waiting down there as usual. Try not to take too long, Ma'am.” The griffoness nodded and watched them disappear back around the corner, just out of earshot. She turned to the cell which contained a young griffoness, barely out of puberty. “How are you doing, Silva?” The younger griffon looked up at her, but didn't raise her head. “Are they going to let us go home?” Limnear smiled at her. “Not yet. We've removed the roadblock from the negotiating table, so we can at last actually discuss things civilly.” Silva raised an eyebrow at her. “You had Uncle Birinj removed? How did you manage that?” Limnear chuckled at her reaction. “Oh, it was quite simple once he slipped up and called Princess Luna 'Mad Mare' to her face. You've never seen back-flapping until you've seen a 'Diplomat'- emphasis on 'dip'- stick his talon in it and stir. It's a memory I'll cherish forever,” she said with a satisfied smile. Sitting down, she said, “Needless to say, he's no longer welcome in Equestria, and has been escorted to the border. Luckily, I have enough pull back home to be appointed 'Interim Diplomat', and take over until a suitable replacement is sent.” The younger griffon sat up, interest plain on her face. “So you can get me and Forty out? I mean, we're under the age of consent or something, aren't we?” Raising a claw, Limnear calmed her down. “Easy there. It's not that simple. Directly involved or not, you were part of the group responsible for a rather long list of crimes; crimes which in our own country are punishable by death.” Silva gulped and held a claw to her throat. “Luckily, nobody was hurt or killed as a result of your group's actions, and Equestria's laws are a bit more lenient in that regard.” Leaning close, she said, “Let's not mince words though, you are still deep in the crapper, here. Lifetime sentences are not unheard of for your crimes. Lifetime with hard labor.” Leaning back, she glared sternly at her kid sister, remembering all the times they had as fledgelings. “Luckily, you have me on your side. I can get you off with a lighter sentence since you and Great Fortitude are minors, but I need you to work with me.” “What do you need?” Silva asked. “You'll release a written apology to the public, lamenting your involvement in this mess, and condemning the group's actions and rhetoric,” Limnear replied. “Furthermore, you will throw yourself on the mercy of the Princesses, and beg their forgiveness. Do this, and I can all but guarantee that your punishment will be... endurable for you both.” She sighed and looked sad. "As for the others, I can guarantee nothing. You and Forty are only offered this protection due to your young ages. The others are adults who should have known better.” Silva considered this, then asked, “And Forty will be protected too?” Limnear nodded, and was joined by Silva's. “Then I accept as long as he does too.” “Thank you, Silva,” Limnear said. “This is a big load off my mind. And Dad will be proud of you, taking your lumps like a real griffon.” Her words seemed to put a little more backbone into her sister as she straightened up. Limnear stood and brushed her rump off with her tail. “If you'll excuse me, I need to go see Ava in the maximum security wing. Stay patient, Little Feather. Soon this will all be behind you, and you can go on with your life. Who knows,” she said as she walked away, “you might even like your punishment.” > Owner of a Lonely Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 5: Owner of a Lonely Heart Looking to his partner, the guardspony nervously cleared his throat before whispering, “Kinda unusual for her, isn't it?” He nodded slightly towards the double doors they stood before for clarification. The older pony shrugged his shoulders slightly. “Happens about once every few months or so. You get used to it. You also learn not to talk about it, too,” he added with a meaningful look. “But not to be disturbed under any circumstances?” The younger stallion asked. He actually dared to take a sideways glance at the closed doors, from which, no sound issued. “What do you think the two of them are doing in there?” Against protocol, the older pony slowly turned his head to stare- no, glare at his youthful partner. “I know what you're thinking, and you'd best get your mind out of the gutter. These are the Princesses we're talking about.” The menace in his voice chilled his partner's bones. “Not only do they deserve more respect than that, they're sisters.” Swallowing hard, the younger pony replied, “But sisters are sometimes like... that, you know? I have two sisters who like to-” “Before you go into further detail,” the older pony interrupted, “remember that gossip-mongering about our diarchs is grounds for dismissal; no explanations necessary.” That made the younger guard stand at attention and cease all conversation. They stood there in silence for several minutes before the older pony whispered, “Of course, gossip-mongering about your sisters is another matter, entirely.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “Art thou certs about this, 'Tia?” Luna asked. “We know that thou wert still furious at her afore our... bout of mania.” “I'm sure, Lulu,” Celestia gently replied. “It's been nearly twelve millennia after all. That's... a long time to hold on to anger. It's far past time to let it go,” she finished with a sigh. Luna nuzzled her sister's neck. “Thou missest her company as well, dost thou not?” Celestia leaned into the smaller alicorn, who easily held up under her weight. “It's so difficult seeing so many of our... contemporaries disappear.” “Dost thou not mean our friends?” A tear fell onto Luna's mane, disappearing into it's ethereal tresses. “Yes. Our friends.” She sighed and stood straight. “Which means we must hold on to the ones that are left.” She took a deep breath and nodded to her little sister. “Go ahead.” Luna's horn glowed, and they both faded into moonlight, leaving behind a trace of dust that was scattered upon a stray breeze that wafted through the room. A swirl of moondust blew into the ruin-littered meadow on the breeze, coalescing into two alicorns. They looked around, and Celestia's expression turned a little ill. “So much destruction... I... I'd forgotten... I was so angry, I'd never returned since that day.” Luna laid a hoof on the trembling mare's shoulder. “Steady on, Sister.” They walked toward a particularly large grass-covered knoll, and Luna used her telekinesis to sweep aside a curtain of hanging greens to reveal the stone door. She walked through, followed a moment later by a hesitant Celestia. They traversed the obsidian hallway, the sounds of their hoofsteps the only sound to disturb the oppressive silence that hung in the air. Finally, they entered the foyer of the great library, and Onyx turned one dinner plate sized eye to them, away from his record-keeping book. Right away, his eyebrow arched up which caused Celestia to look away in shame. Without saying a word, he left his desk and walked into another room, closing the door behind him. The soft pattering of paws drew their attention towards the library itself, where they saw Nyx walk out from between two rows of shelves, an unreadable expression on her face. She walked in front of them and bowed as one does to an equal. “Princesses.” Celestia winced from the lack of emotion in her voice, and the curtness of the one-word greeting. It felt like somepony had stuffed her mouth with cotton and her shoes with lead. A stabbing pain in her heart worsened with every second that ticked by in silence. For a being who measured time in eons, each second felt like an eternity of painful torment. “I...” Unable to withstand her own guilt any longer, Celestia collapsed to the floor, sobbing. Neither her sister, nor Nyx tried to help her back up, though Luna looked at her with pity in her eyes before quietly slipping away. Celestia cried on the floor for an interminable time, while Nyx stood there, not an ounce of pity in her expression. Indeed, it would be hard to determine just what she was feeling at that moment; her countenance was so stone-like. The sobbing finally subsided and Celestia, regal and placid Celestia, croaked out a tiny “I'm sorry.” A flicker of sadness flitted across Nyx's face. “It's going to take a lot more than an apology to make up for what you've done.” A moment of dread silence hung over them before she added, “But it's a start.” She sighed as she laid down on the floor in front of the disheveled alicorn. “Although I suppose I can understand just where you were coming from when you attacked. Losing her like that... if I had been in your place, there's a seventy-two percent chance I would have reacted the same way.” Celestia sniffled as she wiped her messy nose with a hoof. “That's an awfully precise number.” “Yes, well, I had plenty of time to look into possible time lines and count them,” Nyx replied in offhandedly hurt tone. Finally mustering the courage to look her in the eye. Celestia asked, “I- is there anything I can do? Anything at all?” Nyx looked around at the vast hall filled with shelves; a hall so vast, that the only wall that could be seen was the one that held the entrance. The one pervading descriptor that could be applied to the library was the oppressive silence. Nobody browsed the shelves, looking for that one book that would make their day. Nobody waited at the desk, eager to see if the book they wanted could be borrowed. Nobody occupied the many tables, quietly chatting as they worked or read for pleasure. No child asked an adult to read their favorite story to them. The sphinx took in the desolate room, and tears welled up in her eyes, but refused to fall. “There is nothing I despise more,” she said with venom dripping from her voice, “than to see knowledge wasted. I... I tried to open up to other worlds, but few showed the dedication to learning that I had found here... back then. Even on those, it just wasn't the same. Of all the worlds I've been to, this has held the most special place in my heart.” She laid a giant paw on Celestia's hoof. “I've missed you too. All of you. Despite our physical differences, I felt a kinship with you. You three especially, were closer to me than my own sisters.” Tears returned to Celestia's eyes again. “Especially with... her. I can imagine how painful it was for you to see Twilight. It's like seeing her all over again. Her personality, her drive for knowledge... I know you two were especially close.” Nyx nodded dumbly. She took a deep breath and sighed. “She even remembered some of the old riddles. Riddles that I only imagine hadn't been heard on this world since...” “I know I have no right to ask this,” Celestia said, “but I hope that someday you can forgive this foalish old mare. We immortals are rare enough without being at each other's throats.” She hesitantly looked her in the eye again. “And the friendships we foster are all the more precious for it.” A massive paw shape shifted into a hand, and ran through a celestial mane. “Celly, I would like nothing more than to return to the way things were back then, but those days are gone, never to return.” A moue of sadness passed across the alicorn's features. “But that doesn't mean we can't forgive one another and move on. I know that I had committed a grave trespass on your trust as well, but it was the right action to take at the time. I had foreseen what would likely happen had I not done what I did, and though it pained me because I knew I'd lose her too, I did it because it was the path with the greatest chance of success.” “I didn't want to believe that,” Celestia said quietly. “You were grief-stricken, suffering from a terrible loss, and seeking an easy target,” Nyx rebuffed. “I wish... I wish you had only taken it out on me- that, I could have handled- but given the choice, I would do it again.” “I've wronged you in a way I cannot repay,” Celestia mumbled. Nyx shook her head. “No. You've wronged your ponies far more than anything you did to me. Even with the limited access they would have had, there are billions of books and various reading materials here that could have benefited them. Philosophical treatises, medical tomes, chemistry, physics, engineering; so much knowledge here could have helped them in their times of need, denied them in a fit of pique.” The sphinx's words seemed to sting Celestia even more than the chastisement earlier. Rising to her feet, Nyx padded over to her office. Celestia looked on, grief-stricken, until the huge sphinx turned to regard her. “Come. Let us discuss this over tea.” The alicorn shakily rose to her hooves and followed her. From the shadows, Luna stepped out, followed by Onyx. “That's it?” the dragon said incredulous. “Take a few verbal lumps and all is forgiven? Our city was razed, and the two of us banished for nearly twelve thousand years for doing what was right, and all she gets is a 'naughty girl, don't do it again'? Bah! Where's the justice, I ask of you? Nyx is being far too lenient.” “Mayhap,” Luna agreed, “yet, what our sister hath said rings true as well. There art far too few immortals to quarrel amongst ourselves. We shudder to ponder being 'the last one out', as t'were.” Onyx grunted and turned to the shelves in a vain effort to stem the tide of dust that had accumulated over the eons. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) A breathless Twilight stood gasping and wheezing before Trixie, alongside a disheveled Cheerilee and Spitfire. “Tr... Trixie... We need... to talk...” she managed to say around deep, gulping breaths; before collapsing on the grass before her. She laid down on her side, her barrel rising and falling like a pair of bellows. “Gimme a sec...” Trixie watched her worryingly, then looked to the others. Cheerilee had sat down heavily, also breathing heavily, but Spitfire just shook her head. “We've been looking everywhere for you. We got worried when you stormed out.” The pegasus's words stung Trixie, but she held on to her anger. She said nothing, choosing instead to glare down at the ground. Twilight finally caught her breath and sat up. “Trixie, what happened today? Simple make outs between Cheerilee and I shouldn't have caused this big a reaction.” “You broke your promise!” Trixie retorted. She turned to Cheerilee and added, “Both of you! And you don't seem to care!” she threw the last at Spitfire who stood firm, not flinching away like the other two. Spitfire looked at her sternly. “I think it's time we discussed why we agreed to that point in the first place.” She glanced over at Twilight who flinched under her glare. “I know it was Twilight who convinced us to go along with it, but I think it's time we find out why you pushed so hard for it in the first place.” Trixie hunkered down as if avoiding a physical blow. “It's... it's not easy for Trixie to say. She has... difficulty articulating this feeling.” All three ponies sat down in the grass before her and laid a hoof on hers. “Trixie, understand that we're here for you,” Twilight said gently. She looked to the others, who nodded at her, adding, “All of us. We'll support you no matter what. We love you, Trixie.” “That... that's the thing,” Trixie said. “Trixie knows that here-” she pointed at her heart “-but here-” she moved her hoof to over her head “-she is less certain. Trixie basks in the warmth you all provide her, but she begins to doubt her... her worthiness of receiving it. She fears that you will reject her should you find somepony better than her; somepony more worthy of pursuing.” The showmare huddled down, making herself look smaller. “Trixie knows that she doesn't share the same connection you do with Cheerilee or Spitfire. She doesn't find studying to be interesting in and of itself to pursue it for its own sake. She is no teacher, and only barely got passing marks as a student. She's not brilliant. Shes hasn't been the pony you've pined for since you were a teenager. She doesn't have the sleek, sexy body of an athlete, nor the forbidden allure of a teacher having an illicit affair with a student, her own or not.” She looked up at Twilight, tears pouring down her cheeks. “Trixie is nopony special. She has nothing about herself to find desirable.” Twilight leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. A thrill of passion arrowed through them both straight through their hearts. It was a long moment before Twilight broke off the kiss. “The most desirable thing about Trixie, is Trixie. Trixie is a brave mare, who tried to stand up against an Ursa Minor, despite knowing that she was in over her head. At a very tender young age, she lost the only two ponies who loved her, and persevered. In spite of a less than stellar education, she has made a career out of magic. She has dealt with less than kind townsponies, angry mobs, and wild creatures without even a caravan to call home. Trixie is brilliant; nopony who has done all that can be called anything less. She is a gorgeous mare that anypony would feel lucky to call theirs, and has the allure of the mysterious mare that is so very compelling.” Cheerilee nodded in agreement. “I agree. Trixie is a compellingly beautiful mare. Her self-confidence is a work of art, especially when she deals with hecklers. She is much smarter than she gives herself credit for. She taught herself how to put on shows and the spells she uses in them. And,” she affectionately rubbed noses with her, “she makes the cutest squeaking noises when she comes.” Leaning forward to kiss her on the cheek, Spitfire added, “We are lucky to have Trixie in our lives, much less sharing our bed. There aren't many that I would accept in that position; in fact, every single pony who would fit that description is right here. Trixie is a good, loyal friend, and an excellent lover. She is creative and has one of the biggest hearts I've ever come across. She deserves every bit of happiness we can send her way, and I intend to see her get it, whether she believes that or not.” “Trixie is sorry,” she sobbed, “It's just so hard for her to accept that you still want her around. You already have two very desirable ponies at your beck and call, it makes her wonder if she's just... superfluous.” Twilight used her magic to gently turn the showmare's head until it faced her. “Trixie, you are not superfluous. You're not a third wheel, you are a very important part of my- no our lives. I think I speak for everypony here when I say that our lives would no longer be complete without you in it.” Trixie looked to the others to find them nodding in agreement. “But-” “No buts,” Twilight said sternly. “We love you, we want you to stay in our lives, and we'll do what it takes to keep you there.” “However,” Spitfire interrupted, “this thing about all of us needing to be there is just too impractical. There are going to be times when we want some loving, but one or two of us won't be available. It's inevitable, Trixie.” She leaned close and with a breathy whisper in her ear, said, “Besides, I want a taste of that smoking flank of yours all to myself sometime.” Twilight nodded. “I think as much as I love having all three of you at the same time, I would like a little one-on-one with each of you as well; and I don't want to have to worry about 'keeping everything even', or anything like that. We're all adults here, not children who get upset because one of us gets more ice cream than the others. Going by that, I'm the worst among us with all the attention you three pay to me.” “And if what we've been telling you so far isn't enough,” Cheerilee said with a sly tone, “then think about this; you'll be able to have Twilight all to yourself now and then as well.” Trixie met and held Twilight's gaze, tears threatening to spill forth. “You... you promise not to abandon Trixie?” Smiling gently, Twilight replied, “Trixie, the four of us are going to be so close, ponies will start to think we're joined at the hip.” She considered this for a moment before adding, “More so than they do already.” The showmare leaned forward, nuzzling Twilight, as Cheerilee and Spitfire leaned in to offer physical support. “What do you say to taking this back home, where it's less... public?” Spitfire asked coyly. “No sooner said, than done,” Twilight happily said. The four of them walked back at the library, startling Spike who was peering around the corner of the stairway. Before he could ask, she said, “Sorry about earlier, Spike. Just a little hiccup. New relationships are bound to have them.” “So... everything's cool, now?” he asked, not coming out from around the corner. Twilight nodded and gestured for him to come back down. “We're cool. We have a bit more work ahead of us before this particular hurdle is crossed, but we're cool.” Spike walked down the stairs holding his belly. “Good, 'cause I'm starved! You guys left before finishing dinner, and I was so worried, I couldn't have ate it anyways.” Twilight nuzzled him when he got in reach. “Aw, my poor widdle dwagon. Let's go fix that right now.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Plain Sight walked back from the library window from which she had been spying. “Alright, they looked settled in, now; crisis averted. I'm heading back to Canterlot tonight to personally ask the Princess for more personnel. It looks like this relationship she's got going is likely to be permanent, so we'll need at least six more ponies on the job, if not nine.” She turned to her second-in-command. “Minuette, you're in charge until I get back. If you need the help, ask Amethyst Star to help out with the watches. I'm authorizing you to give her time-and-a-half if need be.” Minuette looked hesitant. “Ma'am, I know that I dropped the ball tonight. I'll understand if you want to have me replaced.” Plain Sight sighed and shook her head. “No, the one who dropped the ball tonight was me. I never should have dressed you down over something beyond your control; especially since you were the agent on the scene. I wasn't even on the clock tonight. There was no way you could have predicted what was going down, would go down.” She patted her on the shoulder and turned away towards the train station. “I'm entrusting her to you, Minuette. Take care of her until I return.” The unicorn saluted and returned to her vigil as Plain Sight trotted off. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) As a strange change of pace, it turned out that Trixie took the center of the pony pile that night. She was surprised when Twilight laid down next to her, followed by Cheerilee on her opposite side, and ending with Spitfire leaning against her rump. Twilight gave her a kiss goodnight that lingered for far too long to suggest going to sleep. Instead, it brought Trixie into full wakefulness. Trixie let out a surprised squeak that turned into a moan as she kissed, when Spitfire sniffed and licked at her marehood, lapping up at her obvious excitement. Cheerilee placed a foreleg over her withers, rolling her onto her back without either Twilight nor Spitfire breaking their respective kisses. Twilight moved with the roll until she stood over Trixie and gently settled into her embrace. With both mares presenting so openly, Spitfire switched from long, slow lick of Trixie, to long swipes going from one set of labia to the next without breaking stride. She moaned her approval of the taste, mingling the two together. Both of her taste beds also moaned their approval, wriggling against one another, their clits flicking against each other harshly. Far from being idle, Cheerilee suckled first one, then the other unicorn's horns, alternating between the two. She noticed right away that each horn began their spirals in a different spot, resulting in a different feel for each horn if she paid attention. The two unicorns began sparking miniscule amounts of magic from the sensations, especially when Cheerilee started humming as she licked and sucked; so much so, that it felt like she had a mouthful of carbonated candy. The sensation was both sweet and tingly, but Trixie was considerably more tart than Twilight. Feeling that the wetness between them was sufficient, Twilight focused her magic, causing her clitoris to swell and grow larger, longer, and much, much thicker. The pseudo-penis brushed against Trixie's labia, and before it could get too long, Twilight lifted up enough to let it continue its growth by sliding along Trixie's belly. The librarian's eyes crossed at this sensation, and Trixie whimpered. She rested her weight once more on the azure form below, letting the scalding warmth of the erection burn the impression into their minds. Trixie mewled her need at Twilight, and her lover complied by slowly sliding back allowing the cock to drag along her belly, leaving a trail of precum. As she went, Twilight kissed and lick at Trixie's coat, intentionally laving against the normal lay, leaving tufts of it stick up in crazy directions. When the head of Twilight's temporary stallionhood was poking at the gates of Trixie's marehood, instead of gliding in, she rocked her hips in an exaggerated fashion in order to wriggle the tip, almost going in, but not quite. Spitfire reverently put her hooves onto the long rod of flesh, surprised at the heat coming from it. Twilight hissed in pleasure at this, but managed to hold on. She let the pegasus's hooves glide along the surface of her cock, feeling every contour and making the tip wriggle around Trixie's petals. Unable to take it any longer, she plunged into the squelching marehood, sinking all the way to the medial ring with a single thrust. Trixie let out a surprised gasp, which was cut short by Cheerilee's open-mouthed kiss. Their tongues vied for dominance over the other as Twilight slowly withdrew her cock until just the tip remained inside. With a grunt of effort, she plunged back in, this time almost to the hilt, her tip just barely kissing Trixie's cervix. Spitfire was lying on her side, her head between their legs, licking at Twilight's penis as it slid in and out of Trixie. She eagerly lapped up their lubricants, glorying in their flavor and clopped herself silly. Twilight's thrusts became more insistent, more forceful, gaining in speed and fervor. Trixie's rear legs splayed into the air, her hooves contorting in odd angles, trembling at the sensations produced by her lovers. Bearing down hard, Twilight plunged into Trixie with increasing ardor. Her zeal was such that Trixie began to slide along the pallet, necessitating the others to crawl along to keep their positions. Already, bruising was evident from the vigorous action, promising quite a mark come tomorrow morning. She pushed so hard and so far that her cock gently pushed up against the cervix, gathering up against it, sending shivers of painfully strong lust through both mares. Far from objecting to this normally uncomfortable situation, Cheerilee had to resume her oral ministrations on Trixie's horn because she narrowly avoided having her tongue bitten twice due to the showmare's enthusiasm. Now, Trixie's tongue lolled out of her mouth like a panting dog's, her eyes unfocused and crossed, and a tiny squeaking sound emanated from her with every thrust in. Twilight sensed that they were reaching their peaks and tried to pull out, only to find that Trixie had locked her rear legs around Twilight's rump, effectively locking them together. “T- Trixie... I- I- I'm gonna.. gonna cum!” “Do it!” Trixie shouted. “Rut your mare! Make her yours! Make sure that everypony knows she's yours!” Trixie's forelegs tightened around Twilight, pulling her down closer, and her vaginal muscles tightened around the marecock, refusing to let it loose. “Take me to the stars, Twilight! I wanna be there with you!” Unable to hold out long enough to extricate herself, Twilight let loose a flood of cum straight into her womb, pumping so much that it leaked around the tight seal of Trixie's vaginal entrance, and was eagerly lapped up by an enthusiastic Spitfire, who came from the taste alone. Cheerilee, still sucking on Trixie's horn, was surprised when her mouth filled with a delicious liquid that not only left her tongue numb, but also sent powerful waves of pleasure through her, causing her own marehood to squirt onto the pallet and the floor beyond. Twilight lay panting atop Trixie, still locked in her embrace. “You... you shouldn't have done that, Trixie. I may... I may have just... impregnated you...” she gasped. Trixie wriggled around Twilight, basking in the afterglow and her love for the mare in her forelegs. “Mmm... nothing would make the Great and Powerful Trixie happier, than to become the Gravid and Pregnant Trixie, carrying Twilight Sparkle's foal.” Twilight shook her head and sighed as she fell asleep in her hooves, exhausted beyond measure. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight looked at the stick again, as if to find a different result there. She heaved a sigh and shook her head with a smile. “Well, Trixie, it looks like we're going to have to speed up our move to the new house.” Trixie looked up, her face a battle ground where joy and excitement warred with fear and chagrin. Settling for a meek smile, she asked, “You're not... upset, are you?” Throwing the stick into the garbage can, Twilight stepped forward and kissed her deeply on the mouth. “Of course not. I love you very much, and I'm sure I speak for us all when I say that we'll love our foal just as much.” She rested her forehead against Trixie's, and they stared into each other's eyes, smiling goofily. A knock on the door broke the moment, and Spike's voice sounded from the other side. “Twi? You two coming to breakfast, or should I just slide the pancakes under the door one at a time?” Twilight chuckled at her impatient assistant. “We're coming, Spike.” She opened the door to find a pair of ponies waiting as well. Noting the questions in their faces, she said, “We're going to need to think up more baby names.” Cheerilee and Spitfire rushed forward, engulfing Trixie and Twilight in hugs. Twilight took the opportunity to look Trixie in the eye. “See? Told you they'd be happy, too.” Spike faceclawed. “Aaawww... another one? Aren't there enough girls around here as it is? I swear, I feel like Big Mac what with the distinct lack of a male viewpoint, here.” “Sorry, Spike,” Twilight replied with a smirk. “You know how it is, females can only produce females with this spell.” Spike arched an eyebrow at her. “Why is that? I mean, magic is magic, right? If it can give you a... you-know-what, then why not make it so that you can have colts while you're at it?” Twilight put a hoof to her chin and stood a while in thought. “Hmm, I guess it is theoretically possible, but once a female wizard goes this far, they really don't see a need to 'go all the way',” she said, making the air-quotes with her hooves. “I mean, if you get tickets to the concert, and the music is all you care about, then why bother with the backstage passes?” She looked at her fillyfriends and asked, “Do you want colts? I could put in the research if it means that much to you.” “I don't care if it's colts or fillies, as long as they're yours,” Trixie said. “'They'?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow. Cheerilee lightly punched her in the foreleg. “You don't seriously think we could be satisfied with just one each, do you?” Twilight looked to Spitfire, who just shook her head. “Doesn't matter how many- or gender for that matter- we have. What we have is what we'll have. My only caveat is that we wait until mid winter to make mine. I want to have mine during the off season so I don't have to quit the team.” Twilight sat down heavily with a wide-eyed expression. “We're gonna need a bigger house. A much bigger house; especially when I start having foals too.” With a disgusted face and a wave of his claws, Spike said, “Oh-kay, that's way too much information for this dragon. I'm getting out of here before this devolves into some sort of girly-girl thing. If anypony wants me, I'll be out with the Crusaders. At least they don't go all weird on me.” And with that, Spike ran off before anypony could stop him. Twilight shook her head and smiled. “I'm going to have to have a talk with him soon. Those three are going to go all 'girly-girl' on him sooner than he realizes.” Trixie sighed blissfully and leaned against Twilight. > For What It's Worth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 6: For What It's Worth Floating the box in front of her, Trixie asked, “Where does this one go, Dearest?” Twilight looked up from the checklist she was triple-triple checking. Taking note of the box, she absently replied, “Lab equipment goes in the basement, Trix. Just be careful with it, it's extra-fragile.” A wave of goosebumps went down Trixie's spine at the new nickname for her. She had never been close enough to another pony to allow them to call her anything but 'Trixie', 'Great and Powerful Trixie', or 'Ma'am'. “Of course I will, Twi.” A similar wave of goosebumps went down Twilight's spine, and she blew a kiss at the departing mare. Returning to her list, she mumbled to herself, “Lessee, change of address: check. Reversion of Library Zoning form filled out and returned: check. Food moved over to the new, bigger icebox: check.” As she went through the list, she absentmindedly removed the drop cloths from the cozy and plush furniture that Cheerilee had covered when she had moved into the library. A knock on the open door attracted her attention, and she looked up to see several large pegasi stallions dressed in identical uniforms standing next to a crate. “Twilight Sparkle?” the oldest inquired. Twilight trotted over to the door happily. “That's me. What can I do for you sirs?” The pegasus pulled out a clipboard and hoofed it over to her. “Delivery from...” he consulted the clipboard again before returning it to its proffered position, “Twilight Velvet. Sign here, please.” Twilight's eyes lit up and she smiled as she produced a quill, signing the paper with a flourish. “Ooo! It's here!” Nodding, the old stallion asked, “Where do you want it, miss?” “In the den, through those doors, please,” Twilight said, pointing at a partially closed door, which her magic opened fully. The task completed, the delivery ponies departed, and Twilight resumed her list checking. However, she didn't even get to find her place before she felt a familiar warmth behind her. She turned to the open door with a meek smile to find her suspicions confirmed. “May I come in, Twilight? We need to talk,” Celestia asked politely. Twilight gestured towards the living room, where she had a pot of tea waiting among the freshly uncovered furniture. “I was expecting you'd want to talk face-to-face instead of through letters,” she said. “Excuse me a moment, please.” She walked over to the stairs leading to the basement and said loudly, “Trixie, she's here.” The showmare appeared at the top of the stairs and looked into the living room, spotting the white alicorn, sitting patiently. “It appears I owe you dessert,” she said quietly. They walked into the room, where Celestia held up a letter from her Faithful Student. “What is this about you getting Trixie pregnant? I hope this is some poor attempt at a joke, Twilight.” The disappointment in her mentor's voice made Twilight flinch. “I- I'm afraid not, Princess.” Celestia shook her head sadly. “I'm surprised at you, Twilight. This was very irresponsible of you. Taking care of one infant is tough enough, but two? How did you manage to lose your head like this? And before your herding ceremony, too.” Twilight did not look up from the tea she served the three of them. “I... I'm sorry, Princess. I never meant to disappoint you, I just... I was... in the heat of the moment when I cast the spell. I got confused about which version I had cast, and...” “Do not blame Twilight,” Trixie said, throwing a hoof around her lover's withers. “It's not entirely her fault. Trixie would not let her pull out. She... I got greedy. I wanted something of Twilight that I could always look at and know that there was proof in this world of our love for each other.” Celestia, shocked to her core, said, “Trixie, there other ways of doing that; ways that don't put so much weight on a foal's shoulders.” “I... I know. I just... I wanted to prove to Twilight that I'm somepony worth keeping around. That I have something worthwhile to offer.” Trixie looked down to her belly and rubbed it. “I never meant to put something like this on our foal's shoulders. I promise that she'll never have to live with it, no matter what.” Twilight wrapped her forelegs around Trixie, comforting her, and looked to her mentor. “We discussed this already as a group. We've decided to hold off on using the spell anymore because it can be so... unreliable in its current iteration. We're going to do some research and see if we can make it foalproof- so to speak, so we don't have to worry about events like this cropping up again.” Celestia nodded as she sipped at her tea. “That's probably for the best. The herding ceremony isn't too far off, so they shouldn't be showing until afterward, but it's best to avoid further complications.” “I'm sorry we're such a cause for worry for you, Princess,” Twilight said glumly. “We really don't mean to keep filling up your day with our problems.” “You can fill all of my time with your problems, both good and bad, Twilight,” Celestia replied, nuzzling the smaller mare. “You should know that no matter what it is, I'll always be there to help you through it, my Faithful Student.” Twilight smiled brightly at the mention of the title. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Several days later found Twilight's herd (and Spike) walking along an overgrown path through the Everfree Forest. The five of them walked along chatting amiably, but keeping an eye out for trouble. While they were fairly confident that they could handle just about anything that might come their way, they didn't want to bring trouble upon themselves by being blasé about the danger. “Wait'll you see it, Spike. This library is enormous! You could fit the entirety of Canterlot inside it, and I don't think I even saw half of it!” Twilight exclaimed. She gamboled around them excitedly, kicking up small clouds of dust. “I bet we could do so much research there!” Trixie looked a little weak at the prospect. “We?” she silently mouthed to nopony. Spike rolled his eyes. “Twi, be a little reasonable, here. This is a long enough walk as it is. Doing this everyday would just not be practical; not to mention leaving the library unattended. You know, the Mayor wasn't too happy at you closing it down for Fryday and Satyrday, even if it's used about as often as a slide ruler in Rainbow Dash's house.” Stopping in front of him, Twilight pinched his cheeks. “Silly, Spikey-Wikey. I'm sure Rainbow uses a slide ruler. They're so useful for calculating. She probably just hides it really well, because she's afraid somepony will call her an egghead for having one.” “Yeah, I'm sure,” Spike said, gently knocking away her mothering hooves. “Setting that aside, what's this dragon in the library like? Is it really a he?” “You'll find out when we get there, and yes, it really is a he,” Twilight replied. “I can't wait to see what texts on magic Miss Nyx has!” They stepped out into the field of ruins, and a reverent hush fell over the group. They passed by some of the remains of buildings, and Spike couldn't help but stop and get a closer look. He ran a claw over the eroded edge, and noticed a peculiar bulge. “Hey, Twilight? What happened to this place?” Twilight stepped over to her assistant and peered closely at the wall. “I dunno. What did you find?” She noted the bulge closely. “No tool marks, so I don't think it's part of a bas-relief.” “It looks like the stone was melted,” Cheerilee said. Twilight looked at her with a wry smile. “Cheerilee, this is granite. It would take temperatures around thirty-one hundred degrees to melt it. You won't find that in an ordinary building fire, not sustained long enough to damage it like this. It would take something on the order of-” “Dragonfire?” Spike offered. Twilight rubbed her chin speculatively. “Possibly, but it would have to come from an especially old and powerful dragon. Heat like this outside of a kiln or forge is difficult to attain.” She rubbed the top of the wall remains with a hoof. “If only this weren't so eroded. If we could see the damage sustained at the break, it would tell us a lot about what had happened here.” “And if we had an archeology team here we could discover even more,” Spitfire said, “but we don't have either. Let's get moving. Miss Nyx didn't strike me as someone you want to keep waiting.” She flapped her wings impatiently as she walked away. “Trixie thought we didn't have an appointment?” the showmare asked. Twilight walked past her, indicating that their pit stop was over. “We don't, but she was expecting us for lunch.” Spike perked up at the mention of a meal. “Lunch? With a dragon? Yes!” he pumped his little claw in triumph. They arrived at the wall, and Twilight held the curtain of greenery with her magic, letting the others through first. Spike looked at the wall hesitantly the others had walked through without a second's thought, and hopped up onto Twilight's back. He grinned nervously at her. “What?” Twilight said nothing, and walked through the wall, letting the curtain fall back in place. Joining her three herdmates in the hall. She looked to Cheerilee and Trixie and asked, “How did you know what to do?” They shrugged. “I guess it was during the dream where we got our marks,” Cheerilee said. Walking into the library itself, they were surprised to find that Nyx had set up a table built for pony-sized creatures near the checkout desk, and was herself sitting at it. The sphinx, who had somehow shrunk herself down to a size comparable to Luna, was setting out a tray of sandwiches and a pitcher of lemonade. She waved them over, saying, “Come in, come in! I was just setting the table.” A black dragon, no larger than a pony stallion walked out from behind the desk. “Nyx, I can't find any napkins back here. Ever since the arc- Oh! Hello,” he said, noticing the ponies and fellow dragon for the first time. As they took their seats, Nyx said, “I suppose we look a bit strange like this, huh? Well, I figured this would be best for entertaining rather than our true forms. Ponies tend to find them a bit... intimidating.” “How big are you normally?” Spike asked, not taking his eyes off of Onyx. The black dragon smiled, baring a few more teeth than normal. “Oh, about the size of an Ursa Minor. Nyx is normally about half that.” Spike dropped the ruby he had been about to bite into back to the plate of gems before him, his eyes as wide as the saucer before him. “That big?” Onyx nodded with a smirk. “Yes, but then, my breed is fairly small where I come from. The big breeds can rival an Ursa Major, and there's a few individuals that I know of that never stopped growing. I know one who could wrap herself around Ponyville; minus Sweet Apple Acres, of course.” “I had heard it theorized that dragons never stop growing,” Twilight said, “but to hear it confirmed... Is there anything in this library about her?” she asked Nyx. The sphinx smiled at her excitement. “Oh, yes. I have many tomes dedicated to her youthful- ah, adventuring days. I dare say Sal would get a thrill knowing her story was being read by a scholar like you, Twilight.” “Sal?” Trixie inquired. “Trixie has never heard of such a dragon name. Aren't they usually something descriptive?” Onyx answered for Nyx, “Sal is just a nickname we use for her, because her actual name is a bit of a mouthful. Salanshandaraen is ancient- emphasis on ancient- Draconic, which roughly translates into Equish as-” “The Hammer of Heaven,” Twilight finished in awe. “She's real? I thought she was just an old tale to tell bad foals to get them to straighten up.” “I assure you that she is very much real, though it has been some time since she left the Firmament,” Nyx said with a nod. “As a matter of fact, she has several books overdue here. If the arcaneficarum were still functional, I could send her a message that way.” Twilight's eyes went wide and she slammed her forehooves onto the table. “You have an arcaneficarum?” she practically shouted. “What's an arcaneficarum?” Cheerilee asked. Trixie and Spitfire shrugged and looked confused as her. “It's only one of, if not the greatest lost secret of magic,” Twilight said, immediately going into lecture mode. “It is essentially a living ward that watches over, serves, and protects an area designated by its creator. There are two kinds, the everyday magificarum, which was serviceable for everyday uses and threats, and the full arcaneficarum which was used only for the the areas in most dire need of protection. They are insanely powerful, but rare and fell out of favor because they require the sacrifice (not necessarily willing) of a living being to form the core of the enchantment.” Her fillyfriends looked horrified at the thought of sacrificing a life. “That's horrid!” Trixie exclaimed. “Who would do such a vile thing?” “To be honest, the stories of the unwilling sacrifices say that they were often truculent and contrary with their owners, frequently following the word of their orders, but twisting them so that they never even came close to the intent of them.” Twilight smiled devilishly at the thought. “Many of those arcaneficarae got their revenge on the casters by hovering over their every word, waiting for a weak or careless moment to exploit. That's actually where a lot of the stories about genies come from, as well as the phrase 'be careful what you wish for; you just might get it'. “However, I doubt that's what we're talking about here, is it?” she asked, looking up at Nyx, who shook her head. “A willing sacrifice is another matter entirely. When a being feels strongly for an area or the population, or some object, they can willingly give up their mortal soul to form the core of the enchantment. These arcaneficarae are true protectors. They not only go by the letter of their orders, but the intent, which only a sapient being can do.” Nyx smiled over at the didactic mare, lost in memories of long ago. “If you don't pay attention, Nyxie, you'll never excel at this field of magic. Now come on. What's the formula for determining the amount of mana needed to prepare an object for permanent enchantment?” The voice of her oldest and best friend echoed in her head, a voice that bore an uncanny resemblance in mannerisms if not tone to the one talking now. “So who volunteered for that job?” Spike asked, interrupting Nyx's thoughts. “Spike!” Twilight scolded. “That was very rude! It was likely someone very close to her. Show some respect.” Nyx smiled at her reassuringly. “It's alright, Twilight; no harm done.” She turned to the baby dragon and said, “Actually,I could never ask anyone to do something like that for me, so I used a shard of my own soul. It was... an experience I wouldn't care to repeat.” “I can only imagine,” Twilight replied. “Doing that must have been like chewing off your own head.” Nyx nodded grimly. “As close to an apt description as you'll ever find. Few ever survive the attempt.” Her eyes grew distant as she looked at a nervous Twilight and her countenance lost all semblance of happiness. Onyx cleared his throat, and a genuine smile returned to her face. “That actually brings me to why I asked Celestia to just send you to me to return the books instead of going back to Canterlot, Twilight. I'd like your help repairing my arcaneficarum. My forte in magic lies in divination, not enchantment, so I'd like to have your expert opinion and help if I may?” “I'd be happy to lend a hoof,” Twilight replied with a huge grin. Nyx's paws shifted in form to resemble a human's, so as to make dishing out the sandwiches easier. “But first, lunch!” After the last sandwich was eaten, and the pitcher was left with only melting ice and lemon dregs, they stood from the table, and Spike walked up to Onyx asking, “Can you tell me about the dragon homeland? I've only been there once, and it wasn't exactly the friendliest place. I had to leave in a hurry.” “Sure,” the larger dragon replied. “Let's go over to my desk, and I can show you some excellent books on it.” The ponies were about to follow Nyx, when she turned and stopped them. “I'm sorry, Cheerilee, but I'll have to ask you to wait out here. Where we're going, the magical energies will have... negative effects on your foal, I'm afraid.” “Then you'd better wait out here too, Trixie,” Twilight added. Nyx raised an eyebrow at her. “You mean you've already... My, my, you have been busy. Is there anyone else that should stay behind?” she asked with a grin. Twilight blushed and silently shook her head. Seeing her fellow herdwives' obvious distress, Spitfire said with a wry smile, “Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on her. Make sure she does nothing too foalish.” Cheerilee and Trixie gave each other worried glances, but said nothing as the three left the room. Nyx led the way down the spiraling stone staircase, an orb of light floating next to her head. “Normally, the magic in this area would light the way for us, but the arcaneficarum monitored things like that, so it's sporadic at best,” Nyx explained. “When did you start having trouble with it?” Twilight asked. “Er, should I say her? I mean, it did come from you and...” Nyx turned back to smile at her. “She always did prefer being addressed as a person, rather than a construct.” Turning forward again, she added, “It started a little under twelve thousand years ago. At first it was little things like a section not getting cleaned, or misplacing books; but when it got to the point where the books themselves were being destroyed, I had to shut her down.” Unseen by her guests, a pained expression made its way across her face, and a tear rolled down her cheek. “That's a long time to go with out her help,” Twilight remarked. “How did you deal with the clean up, let alone maintaining all this?” “For a time, the library still received visitors, mostly from other dimensions and realities,” Nyx said as she ducked under a particularly large and dusty cobweb. “I would exchange library time with them in return for favors, like cleaning up, repairs, and such. Sadly, I had to discontinue that practice when several customers decided to take advantage of the reduced security and pilfer some of my more valuable and irreplaceable tomes.” She sighed, lamenting their loss. “I have yet to track those conniving thieves down and bring them the justice they so richly deserve.” Twilight looked aghast. “That's horrible! How could anypony come to a library under such false pretenses! Why, if they're willing to go that far, I'd bet they would even eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches over them! Do you know which were missing?” Nyx shot her an understanding smile. “The fiends managed to make off with an entire shelf! I don't mind telling you that I lost a lot of respect for my fellow sapient beings, that day.” Patting her shoulder, Twilight reassured her, “It'll be okay. I'm sure you'll get those books back someday.” “It's nice to have someone to talk to, who understands,” Nyx replied. They arrived at the bottom of the stairs, coming to a stop before an enormous, and heavily engraved brass door. The door was decorated with etchings of flourishes, and words of power. Nyx sat on her haunches and motioned Twilight and Spitfire back. “Stand clear. The protections I placed on this door are very old, and may have decayed in odd ways.” When they were clear, she began chanting in a deep, sonorous voice, the words coming out like a song. Twilight perked an ear, trying to make out the words. She reared back in surprise, exclaiming, “That's Ancient Draconic!” “Is that significant?” Spitfire asked. Twilight turned to her, wide-eyed. “I'll say it is! It's only the second oldest magical language there is. Only the Words of Creation and Destruction are older.” She turned to regard their host with awe. “She must have been taught magic by the old dragons.” Quirking an eyebrow, Spitfire asked, “Is it truly that rare? Surely the thousands of dragons out there-” “-who never take on non-dragon students,” Twilight interrupted. “Never. And when it comes to protection, nothing beats draconic wards. It's how they guard their hoards.” She turned to examine the door from their position, so far away. “What I wouldn't give to learn just one or two of those spells...” There was a dull THOOM, and the great brass door opened, a gust of wind rushing inside as the seal was broken. A blue glow could be seen emanating from the room, which grew brighter as the door swung open, blinding them temporarily. When their vision cleared, they saw a circular stone room, about eighty hooves across, it's roof soaring above the flagstone floor in a tower-like dome that capped the room over one hundred seventy hooves above. In the center of the room was a massive tower of crystal, floating about a hoof or two from the ground, gently bobbing up and down. A single gigantic rune, along with many smaller runes on each face of the crystal gave off the blue glow that lit up the area. Some of the smaller runes were unlit, the only indication they even existed from this distance being the light glinting off of an edge. Several smaller crystals floated around the tower, each glowing a different color. Carved into the stone of the room itself, were tens of thousands of runes, some glowing, but the vast majority of them not. Many of the unlit runes showed signs of wear, as if they had been exposed to the elements and eroded; some so bad, that it was impossible to tell what the rune was at one time. Twilight had to restrain herself from running inside to examine the large crystal, and waited impatiently for Nyx to lead them in. The sphinx motioned for them to follow, and they came up beside her in front of the tower. “Wow, even I can feel the magic coming off of this thing,” Spitfire remarked. “It's a shame we had to leave Cheerilee and Trixie behind,” Twilight said with a nod. “They'd have loved to see this.” Turning to Nyx, she asked, “So what happened here? What caused all the damage? Does it have anything to do with the ruins outside?” Nyx got a sad, faraway look in her eyes. “Sadly, yes. A long time ago, I did something that angered a fellow immortal. It was a terrible crime, but it had to be done for the safety of the world. Unfortunately, she didn't see it this way, and attacked. That's when the city around the library was destroyed, and the library itself cast adrift among the outer planes. It was only through the most tenuous of links that I was able to find my way back to Equestria, and that was only very recently.” She noted the disgruntled look on Twilight and smiled at her. “Don't be too angry at her. This other immortal was acting out of hurt, and didn't mean to cause anyone any suffering; not really. She even gave the city time to evacuate before destroying it.” Looking back at the crystal, the sphinx ran a paw over one of the broken runes. “It was me she wanted to hurt, but many others ended up being hurt along with me. But at least some good came of it.” Spitfire looked at her incredulous. “What possible good could have come of all that wanton destruction?” Nyx patted her on the head, and Spitfire felt like a foal being comforted by her mother. “She learned several important lessons from that. First of all, she learned that exacting vengeance is a pointless endeavor, garnering hate, for only an instant of satisfaction. Secondly, she learned that restraint is more useful than blind rage. Lastly, she learned that among all the beings on Equestria, only the immortals can truly be our equal, for no other, save the longest lived dragons, know what it's like to carry the burden we shoulder; and it is amongst our own kind that we form the strongest of bonds.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “So dragons don't really have a monarchy?” Spike asked, looking up at Onyx seated next to him at the table. “Of course not,” the black dragon replied. “Could you see a group of creatures as independent as us heeding the rule of a single dragon, no matter how powerful? It's more of an honorary hereditary role. We're ruled by a council of clan leaders who make all the real decisions, and the King makes sure they're carried out. He doesn't even have his own personal guards anymore.” Cheerilee, sitting across from them and next to Trixie, asked, “But doesn't he have any say in the government?” Shrugging, Onyx brushed it off. “He's allowed to cast votes in order to break ties, but that's it. He's a mouthpiece for the council, nothing more.” “Frankly, given how the past kings have acted, that's the way I prefer him.” All four looked up to see the strangest, yet most beautiful dragon walking towards them, shrinking to the size of an alicorn as she moved. Her golden scales shone like liquid metal, accentuating her rippling muscles as she moved. A barely perceptible golden aura surrounded her, that could most likely be attributed to the light reflecting off of her scales. What really caught their attention were the feathered wings she kept tucked at her sides. Even fully closed, the tips of the opalescent feathers dragged on the floor. Her voice was that of a well practiced singer, carefully modulated so that even a whisper would carry across a room. A beatific smile spread across Onyx's face, one that was matched by the new arrival. “Sal! We've missed you!” He got up and clasped arms with the golden dragon. “Who told you we were back?” “A little white pony, about yea high,” she held a claw almost equal to her head, “billowing pastel mane? Maybe you've heard of her?” Confusion apparent in his voice, Onyx said, “Celestia told you? I guess she's trying to-” He stopped himself and turned so that he could introduce his friend. “Forgive my manners. Sal, this is Cheerilee, Trixie, and Spike. Everyone, this is Salanshandaraen.” The two ponies and baby dragon shook hooves/claws with her, but when Spike went up to her, he was swept up in a hug that threatened to break him in half. “You are just too cute!” Cradling him in her arms, she reverted to baby talk and pinched his cheek. “Who's a little Spiky? Who's a little Spiky? You are! Yes, you are!” “Excuse me, but put my baby dragon down!” Twilight fumed as she stomped over and telekinetically swiped Spike from the dragon's arms. Sal smirked at her. “Technically speaking, he was my baby long before he was yours.” Silence descended upon the room. “What?” Twilight deadpanned. Extending her claw, the golden dragon replied, “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Salanshandaraen, Spike's mother. Pleased to meet you at last, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight's eyes took on a glazed appearance, while Spike fainted dead away. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “Sooth, 'Tia. One day, thou wilt goeth too far by half,” Luna said sourly. “Springing a surprise like this upon thy favored pupil, t'is just cruel.” She laid down a black rook on a square, perilously close to her sister's queen. Celestia shook her head and smiled, moving a knight to to take Luna's bishop. “You underestimate Twilight's resilience, Lulu. Granted, there will be a period of adjustment, but with the support system she's built for herself, she'll pull through stronger than ever before.” “And what of her ward, Spike?” Luna asked pointedly. “Is it not cruel to just suddenly produce his mother without warning?” A pawn moved one space closer, threatening the white king. Celestia shook her head. “It couldn't be helped, Luna. I went to see her to let her know that the library had returned, and she asked about the eggs she left in my care. You know it's nearly impossible to dissemble to her. She sees through lies and half-truths as if they were cheesecloth.” Celestia considered her options before moving a pawn to take back the square. Luna shuddered involuntarally. “Sooth, We would rather not think of her. That disagreeable business whence she mistook one of our night guard for a vampony hath left an indelible impression upon us.” The game seemed to lose some of it's charm, and she stared out the window, counting the pegasi that flew into her field of vision. “She is rather... zealous when it comes to combating evil, isn't she?” Celestia sighed. "Try not to hold it against her, though. She's a very good dragon, just... inflexible.” They passed the moment in silence, listening to the ponies play amongst the clouds. Luna broke the silence with, “'Tia, thou didst remember to warn her about...” Dawning realization overcame Celestia, who disappeared with a muttered “Roadapples!” > A Matter of Trust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 7: A Matter of Trust A beam of sunlight lazily wended its way across the ruin-strewn field, shedding light upon the various stone outcroppings as a breeze gently bent the stalks of grass into wave-like patterns. As the light passed over a freestanding stone arch, the motes of dust that danced in the breeze began to thicken, becoming denser and coming closer together. The motes danced faster and closer, becoming a vague bright-white shape. With a flash, the shape took form and Celestia stood in the field, looking frantically around herself. Gathering her wits, she ran towards the grassy hillock that contained the entrance to the library. Parting the curtain-like plants with her magic, she took a deep breath to compose herself. No sense running in there in a panic. Celestia had learned long ago that when others look up to you, their emotional state tends to remain closely tied to your own. Several deep breaths later, she walked through the door sedately. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “I hear congratulations are in order, Baron Silver Veil. It's not everyday that one's son is up for promotion to Overwatch Captain,” Golden Bit said as he poured another neat scotch for himself and his guest. A middle-aged light blue stallion accepted the glass and took a sip. “A bit premature, Your Grace. He hasn't gotten the post, yet.” Golden Bit smiled and smoothed his mustache before taking a sip of his own. “It's only a matter of time. A colt as talented as he is will certainly go far... unless somepony more talented and deserving happens along, of course.” “Doubtful,” Silver veil said with a sniff. “Shining's set to retire next month to take over his new 'duties', and the most obvious to replace him is my son, Morning Star.” Swirling the drink in his glass, Golden Bit smiled congenially. “Oh, I wouldn't go so far as to say that, Milord. While the current Overwatch Captain's service record is considered exemplary, I'm afraid that it has only reaffirmed the committee's view that just any pony could fill the role. His luck has inflated his own accomplishments, making him seem more fit than he actually was. Why, had he truly been on the ball, the changeling queen would never have been able to kidnap his then fiancée, and pose as her for Light knows how long! Alas, it is ultimately up to the committee to choose his successor. Perhaps you've heard of the recent up and comer, Dead Reckoning? He comes from common stock, true, but many on the committee see him as quite a capable young fellow.” He took a sip, then said, “It would be a shame to see such a prestigious position in the hooves of... lower breeding.” “Quite.” Golden Bit let the silence linger for a moment before saying, “I suppose I should get to the reason why I asked to see you today, Milord. I was wondering whether or not you've had an opportunity to peruse the proposed bill I put before Parliament; the military officer one?” Silver Veil nodded, his expression suddenly serious. “I have, and I must say that it is about time that something was done to curb these commoners from putting on airs. Why, they'll soon be expecting us to lower ourselves to their standards.” “Absurd, is it not? Surely a stallion of your breeding can see the advantages to weeding out the riff-raff?” Golden Bit asked. “Indeed, I can! You may count on my full support when this bill comes before the House of Lords.” the blue stallion replied. “I don't suppose a kind word could find it's way to the committee, say, from somepony whose word they find beyond reproach?” Golden Bit shook his head and sat down on the couch next to his guest. “As much as I would like to see the position go to the right pony, the committee itself seems to be just stuffed with ponies who have blinded themselves to the inherent merits of noble birth. I daresay that it would be very difficult for the pony most deserving to find themselves offered the vaunted post.” “But what-” Silver Veil got no further as the doors to Golden Bit's study were opened and Blueblood walked in, followed by a bowing and apologizing butler. “Father, I-” He stopped dead when he saw the Baron of Coltchester and verbally backpedaled. Bowing to the minor noble, he said, “My apologies, Milord. I didn't mean to interrupt.” Rising, Silver Veil replied, “No, it's quite alright, Blueblood. I was just leaving.” He turned to Golden Bit and bowed to him. “You've given me a lot to think about, Your Grace. I'll be sure to give your proposal careful consideration. I'll let you know within a few days as to my decision.” Golden Bit watched him leave, a smile plastered on his face until the door closed, whereupon he turned to his son with a sour expression. Blueblood staggered back a step, his face looking a little gray. “I- I- I'm sorry, father, I didn't know you were in an important meeting.” “You mean Brass Token didn't tell you?” he asked menacingly. “No- I mean yes- I mean he did, but I-” “But you thought that it couldn't possibly more important than whatever it was you wanted to see me about?” Golden Bit sighed and walked over to the window, watching Silver Veil climb into his carriage. “You do realize what I'm trying to do here, Blue?” Blueblood walked up behind his father with no small amount of trepidation. “You're trying to arrange my marriage to Twilight Sparkle-” “WRONG!” Golden Bit shouted and whirled on his son, cuffing him across the jaw, sending the stallion to the ground from his powerful blow. “I am trying to arrange the most powerful seat in the land to be at your disposal! With that socially inept foal Sparkle gracing your hoof, you'll have the ear of the Princess! You'll be able to regain the power those idiot nobles generations ago frittered away like water! And if the Princess doesn't like it, between the two of us, we can warp Sparkle into a tool against her!” Blueblood looked up at him, hoof holding his sore jaw, a mixture of terror and sadness in his eyes. “But Twi- Sparkle's gotten a lot more socially aware, father. It's possible she might-” Golden Bit stepped forward, standing over the terrified unicorn. “That was your failure! You were supposed to intrigue her as a filly. Win her heart so that she'd follow you anywhere! But no, you couldn't even do that.” Stepping around him, he went to the liquor cabinet and pulled out the bottle of scotch. Forgoing a glass entirely, he drank directly from the bottle and slammed it back down on the cabinet. “So now, we're stuck with plan B. Light help us if we have to resort to plan C or D,” he muttered darkly. Not daring to make a move or sound, Blueblood lay there on the floor, staring at his father, who stood looking at the mirror behind the cabinet, muttering to himself. Finally, the older stallion was interrupted by Brass Token, their butler walking in. “Your Grace, it's time for you to leave if you're to make it on time for your meeting with Lady Aria Heartstrings.” Golden Bit ran a hoof through his mane, getting it back into place. “Thank you, Brass. Have the carriage brought around.” Without further acknowledgment of his son, he walked out of the room, turning off the light as he did. Blueblood sat up, a despairing look in his eyes. As he sat in the darkened study, he performed his favorite pastime, remembering the few times he ever felt happy. Not coincidentally, every one of those times was with a certain purple filly as they played in the halls of the vast Canterlot Palace. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Cadance readjusted the chair again, trying to get comfortable on it, but failing utterly. It wasn't that the chair wasn't hers that made it uncomfortable- it wasn't, but that was beside the point, really. No, the real problem was that the chair was designed for a pony much larger than herself. Sitting in Celestia's chair was the only way she could comfortably use the desk, but doing so made her feel like a child sitting in her father's study, playing at his desk. Sighing in frustration, she finally got off and walked over to the divan that faced the fireplace in the study, dragging all the paperwork to the coffee table before it. She had just settled in when Silent Prompt, Celestia's chamberlain knocked and entered. “Your Highness, your two o'clock is here.” Cadance looked over her shoulder and nodded to her. “Send her in, please.” With a silent nod, the pegasus stepped aside, letting a gray earth pony mare walk through. Plain Sight paused at the unexpected sight of the alicorn, but only for a moment. She walked over to the divan and stopped several paces away and bowed as was proper. “Your Highness. What an unexpected surprise to find you here.” Cadance smiled at the oblique question and indulged her unspoken query. “I'm afraid Auntie had to step out at the last moment for state business, but per her unstated understanding with you, asked me to see you in her stead. Rest assured that she has left me with the authority to deal with your business as needed.” She gestured to a chair cater-corner to herself indicating permission to be seated. “So, what can the crown do for her favored student's favored guardian?” Plain Sight didn't bother with niceties, and plunged straight into the meat of the matter. “I need more hooves on the ground to deal with Twilight's expanded... circle.” Cadance pondered this for a moment. “I suppose it only makes sense since she's discovered love, that her lovers now require the same protection.” She sat again in silence, mulling things over in her mind. “Tell me, Lieutenant. How do you feel about my little La- about Twilight?” “I beg your pardon?” Plain Sight asked, caught totally off guard. Looking her directly in the eye, Cadance asked again, “How do you feel about Twilight? It's a fairly simple question, requiring only a simple answer.” Plain Sight glared at her for a moment before slowly answering, “I thought my feelings for her were quite obvious to everypony, but just to make sure we're both in the same page, I'll tell you now. I love her. I love Twilight Sparkle more than my own life, and have proven that many times over since the first time I entered the picture as her guardian and instituted 'the Sparkle Maneuver' for the fire department, and will continue to love her until the day I die, I expect. Was that clear enough, Your Highness?” Cadance had been watching, not just the mare's face, but her aura, and seen her emotions run quite a gamut, but the one that overlaid them all was the love she felt for that purple unicorn. It truly overshadowed everything else. As far as she could tell, everything Plain Sight did, said, thought, or felt was done for Twilight Sparkle. “Why don't you tell her?” Cadance asked gently. “You know the type of mare she is. She has room in her heart for anypony. There's every possibility that she'd welcome you into her home.” The Spymaster glared at the ground. Without lifting her gaze, she asked, “May I speak freely, Your Highness?” “I just asked something very personal,” Cadance replied. “To not allow you to speak freely now would be hypocritical of me.” Plain Sight glared at her, surprising the Princess with the animosity in her eyes. “What is it with you Princesses butting into my personal life? I've already given my reasons to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and they even seem to find my feelings to be an asset to my work, rather than a hindrance. But you want to know as well? Fine. I'll tell you, but this is the last time I'll say this to anypony. “I don't tell Twilight because I don't deserve her. Twilight is pure, and innocent, and the greatest good that has ever popped out of a pony's vagina. For her, anything is possible, because that's the way she believes the world to work. She sleeps the sleep of the righteous and wields a mind as sharp as any world-weary curmudgeon, but with the facile innocence of a child. She deserves only happiness, and I can't give that to her. “I am a blood-soaked battle mistress with more lives on my hooves than there are apple trees in Sweet Apple Acres. I was conceived in guilt, born in sin, killing my first two victims before I even drew breath, and haven't stopped since then. I have murdered, seduced, stolen, and broken limbs as well as hearts; all in the name of survival, and later, duty. If the Princess says that by slaying a dragon, I can protect Twilight, then I will happily do so with my bare hooves. And when the Pale Mare finally comes to escort me to the afterlife, and asks me what good deeds I've done to earn a place in Elysium, I will simply point to Twilight's innocence. That is why I won't tell her how I feel.” Plain Sight sat back in her chair, breathing heavily. Cadance released a breath she had no idea she was holding, blinking back the tears that threatened to burst forth. It took her a moment to collect herself enough to trust her own voice. “I suppose I deserved that. However, I hope you understand why I asked that. I...” she looked around at the papers, and pulled six folders from them. She floated them over to Plain Sight in a telekinetic field and said, “Your new troops. The Princess was planning for this eventuality, and has selected these six, and is currently considering several more. Use them well.” Plain Sight leafed through the thick dossiers and stopped halfway through. “Her? Are you serious?” Confirming her suspicions with the next folder, she almost shouted, “And him? How am I supposed to hide these two? They're not exactly inconspicuous, you know.” “That's why all three of us 'meddling Princesses' included the last one in that stack,” Cadance answered. With a stab of dread, Plain Sight pulled out the last file and gave a sick, little groan. “Why? Have I wronged you in a past life?” she croaked out pitifully. Cadance smiled sympathetically. “Believe me, I'd have chosen somepony else, but not only did she volunteer to keep an eye on the others and become your adjutant, but both princesses believed her to be the best choice under the circumstances.” A moment of awkward silence passed between them before she added, “It's not like she doesn't have experience with this sort of duty.” Plain Sight hit her forehead with the file bearing the mark, “Confidential”. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Salanshandaraen dangled a ruby the size of Twilight's hoof above Spike, slowly moving it back and forth, watching his eyes follow it's movements with a smile. “You see, in order to keep the peace between Equestria and the dragons, each clan leader had to give up an egg as hostage to ensure our 'good behavior'.” “Not that I'm calling you a liar or anything,” Twilight said, “but I have a hard time believing that the Princesses would do something like that. If there's one thing they value, it's the lives of all children, pony or otherwise.” Swirling her claw in a tight circle, Sal led Spike in a tizzy as he tried to keep the jewel in his sight. “Why do you think we were fine with giving up our young in the first place? The Princesses' love for hatchlings- excuse me, children of all species is legendary. I imagine it has something to do with their difficulty in having some of their own. Not many male alicorns around, in case you haven't noticed.” Twilight put a hoof to her mouth in thought for a moment. She looked back at Trixie and Cheerilee a few paces behind her and wondered if she could do the same thing for the good of all ponykind. Shaking her head, she asked, “Are you sure that Spike is yours, though? No offense, but I don't see a lot of family resemblance here.” “That's because he takes after his father very strongly,” Sal replied. “Since his wings haven't grown in yet, I think in that at least, he'll follow in my wing beats.” Spike stopped following the gem and looked his mother in the eyes. “What's my father like? Where is he?” Sal turned away from his gaze sadly. “He was a great mate, and one of the best leaders clan Karrack ever had. He died... he died a hero, defending a flock of griffons from predation by one of our own kind.” Spike laid a claw on one of Sal's, and she swept him up in a crushing hug that he did not struggle against. Twilight cleared her throat of a sudden catch, and asked, “Are you alright with the Princess using your egg the way she did? I mean, knowing what I do now, it seems a little...” Smiling, Salanshandaraen replied, “Actually, Celestia and I had a bit of a side deal going on. I knew how important the Elements of Harmony are to the safety of not just Equestria, but the whole world, so she asked if she could use my eggs to find the bearers. Like cleaves to-” “There you are, Sal! I've been looking everywhere for you!” Celestia quickly trotted into the library and up to the unusual group of beings, a slightly nervous smile on her lips. The golden dragon carefully regarded the solar diarch for a moment before saying in a voice that was dripping in sarcasm, “Celestia! Why, whatever brings you here?” Celestia nodded to her and then the others, nervously licking her lips as her eyes passed over Nyx and Onyx. “There was an important celestial matter I needed to discuss with you urgently. May we speak privately?” Smiling coyly, Sal rose to her feet . “Of course.” Turning to the others, she politely said, “Please excuse us. This shouldn't take long.” She walked over to a row of bookshelves and disappeared into the poorly lit quasi-corridor. When the others were left far behind, she turned around and smiled at the slightly smaller alicorn. “Really now Celestia, lying to me? You know how I feel about liars.” “I apologize, Sal. I did not wish to do so, but there are certain things that the Elements of Harmony are not yet ready for, especially Twilight,” Celestia explained. “She... tends to react poorly to... certain stimuli.” Sal's smile became more genuine as she considered. “The resemblance is striking, is it not? I have to wonder how strongly the others bear the resemblance.” Celestia chuckled, a nervous quaver still apparent in her voice. “I dare say that they all share some strong aspects. Taken together, I can unequivocally say that it's never been this strong since the first. Luna and I are hopeful that this time is the one.” “Very well,” Sal said in a superior tone, “for her sake, I will say nothing at this time. However, I have a favor to ask of you in return.” Nodding, Celestia replied, “Name it, and I will do my best to see that it happens.” “I would like to spend time with my son. In my home.” The alicorn turned a little gray. She stammered out, “I- I- I cannot promise he will want to go along. He may be his own dragon, but he's still under Twilight's care-” “And I see what a fine job she's done so far. Even though he went through a greed-based growth spurt, he managed to keep his head enough to shrug it off.” Salanshandaraen pulled a book off the shelf, only to have it fall into dust in her claws. “Not many dragons manage to do that. He takes after his father so much.” She brushed the dust from her claws sadly. “Oh dear, it seems I owe Nyx a new book.” “We owe so much to her,” Celestia said quietly. “Indeed.” Celestia sighed and hung her head. “I'll talk to them. Perhaps if I frame it just right, they'll go along with it.” “I'll leave it to you, then.” As she walked past the alicorn, she held out a wing and gently brushed it along the mare's side. “It's good to see you letting go the hate, Celestia. Emotions like that are anathema to any being, but most especially to those who choose to walk the path of light. Your sister learned that the hard way.” Celestia rejoined the rest and with great reluctance, walked over to Twilight and Spike who were debating with Nyx as to the best way to organize a library. “Excuse me. Twilight, Spike, there is something I wish to discuss with you.” The two gave her their full attention and she began, “Spike, your mother-” “So she really is my mother?” Spike asked hopefully. Celestia smiled and nodded. “Oh, yes. She is without a doubt your mother. I'd also like to apologize for not warning you about her visit earlier, but she wanted it to be a surprise. What I wanted to say was that she would like for you to visit her... in her home.” Suddenly unsure of himself and mouth full of cotton, he looked to Twilight uncertainly, before turning back to the Princess. “When? For how long? Will I be coming back?” “A visit implies that you will return home, Spike,” Celestia replied. “I imagine it will be for a few months, and begin when it's convenient for you.” Twilight sat down and pulled the little dragon into a tight hug from behind. Spike struggled feebly for a few seconds before settling into the embrace. “Aw, Twi. I'm not gonna abandon you. If you need me, I'll stay and tell her-” “No Spike,” Twilight interrupted. “You should go. It'll be good for you to reconnect with your... real Mom.” The last two words came out as a strangled sob. Spike turned around despite the crushing pressure and returned the hug. “I'll never leave you forever, Twi. And nobody could replace you.” Twilight leaned down as her horn lit up in a magical field and kissed Spike's forehead. “If something happens and you want to come home early, just call out my name, and I'll be right there with you, Spike,” she said as she released him. The little dragon rubbed the warm spot where the unicorn's lips had just been and smiled up at her. “Thanks, Twi. I really want to find out about my... you know.” “It's alright, Spike,” Twilight said as she ruffled his spines. “I won't be offended if you call her Mom.” Spike gave her another quick hug and ran off to the waiting dragons, who were catching up with each other. Twilight turned around so that her back was to them and stifled a sob. Celestia and Nyx each put a hoof/paw on her shoulders. “It'll be alright, Twilight,” Celestia said. “He won't abandon you.” “Before you know it, he'll be back underhoof again,” Nyx added. She sniffled and wiped her nose with a hoof. “I know. It's just hard letting him go, you know?” Celestia nodded. “The first one is always the hardest.” Twilight looked up at her and whimpered. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “So since Nyx's soul forms the basis of the arcaneficarum, if we pour the energies through her into the obelisk, it will increase my control over how the energies are implemented by a factor of two hundred,” Twilight said, finishing her chalkboard diagram with a flourish. She turned to face her audience and continued, “Now if we have everypony's- excuse me, everyone's cooperation, we can have the arcaneficarum up and running in just a single session instead of the three or four I had initially projected. Any questions?” A golden-scaled claw slowly raised, and Twilight nodded to its owner. Salanshandaraen cleared her throat and asked, “Are you sure that you can handle our magical energies? An alicorn, a sphinx, and two fully grown dragons- all master arcanists, mind you- as well as your own power? Any one of us alone would be far too much for a single unicorn to handle; no matter how talented.” Twilight smirked at her. “Quite certain. I have calculated that when wielding the Elements of Harmony, approximately two point one petajewels passed through my horn per second, and I have no trouble directing that.” Sal looked to Celestia, then over to Onyx and Nyx questioningly. “I have no idea how much energy that is,” she said. Twilight actually looked a little surprised, then saw that Onyx was likewise perplexed, though Nyx appeared to be making calculations in her head. Celestia calmly said, “Twilight, my Faithful Student. Not everyone has had the advantages of your education.” Actually looking chagrined, Twilight stammered, “I- I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...” Catching Celestia's kind, but amused smile, she moved on. “To put it simply, one jewel is equal to the energy expended in applying a force of one newt through a distance of one trot.” She flipped the chalkboard over and wrote out a formula, but stopped halfway through. “Er, perhaps if I just said the work required to produce one wut of power for one second?” The others finally nodded in understanding, causing a relieved smile to appear on her face. “Now, one petajewel is ten to the fifteenth power jewels or-” She wrote out 1,000,000,000,000,000 on the blackboard, then set the chalk down with a satisfied clatter. “-one quadrillion jewels, and as I said earlier, the Elements of Harmony is just over two quadrillion jewels. Now are you convinced?” “That is a lot of power...” Onyx said. “Certainly more than I can force into a standard spell myself,” Nyx replied, “but about what I use when making dimension-wide alterations my library.” Sal smirked at a flabbergasted Twilight. “It seems that Nyx and Celestia at least will have to hold back some.” Twilight picked her jaw up from the floor, and did some quick mental calculations. “Well, if the Princess can limit herself to about half a petajewel, I think I can manage the rest. Nyx can use all of her power since I won't be channeling it, just directing it.” “What's the difference?” Onyx asked. The unicorn was amazed at just how little they knew about how magic worked, and just used it. “Think of it like a firepony with a hose. The hose channels the water, but the firepony directs it. Since he doesn't need to hold the water in the shape needed, he doesn't need nearly as much strength to just point it in the right direction.” A group of three ponies behind Twilight straightened up from their huddle. Cheerilee cleared her throat and said, “Twilight dear, you will use extreme caution during this... procedure.” Twilight could tell from her tone, that it wasn't a question, nor even a statement, but an order. “Trust me,” she replied with a smile. “I'm a scientist!” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Completing her third circuit around the magic circle she had drawn on the floor in quicksilver around the floating crystal tower, Twilight nodded in satisfaction. “Okay, it looks good to me. Circle's closed, runes are set, and proportions are perfect!” She grinned at the mark that had taken over eight hours of painstaking effort, and that was with the help of four accomplished mages. Looking up to her mentor, it felt like her heart would burst with happiness at the look of pride on Celestia. Salanshandaraen nodded as she examined the circle, looking for flaws. “I must say that it's quite refreshing to be working with someone who actually knows what they're doing, instead only thinking that they know what they're doing.” Nyx grunted in agreement. “Indeed. A circle this complex would have taken me several days to finish, if only because I would agonize over whether there were any mistakes or not.” Gesturing with a thumb towards Spike, who had fallen asleep near the door, Onyx asked, “Are you sure he's going to be present enough to act as our anchor? Poor little guy is zonked out.” “He'll be fine,” Twilight said with a nod. Walking up to him, she let out an excited sigh. “Let's get started, then. Spike!” The little dragon jumped up and stood at attention. “Time to start. Stand in the smaller, East circle. I'll be in the Southeast circle, and the Princess in the Northeast one. Nyx, take your place in the West Circle, Salanshandaraen in the Southwest, and Onyx in the Northwest.” When everyone was in position, Twilight said, “Now I'll lead the chant, and everyone follow my rhythm. It's going to be a variation of the Crow Alee chant. Salanshandaraen and Onyx will be singing the bass, the Princess and Nyx tenor, and myself the alto. Spike, I need you to hum, and make sure that it's off key to my own chanting.” “Hum?” Spike asked. “Isn't that going to be distracting? Especially if I'm off key?” “That's the idea, Spike. You're the counter-point. Since counter-point doesn't need to actually chant, humming is just fine for this,” Twilight answered. “Spike, follow my lead, now.” She began a high-pitched aria in a language older than ponykind, surprising all but Spike and Celestia. Although no two words were ever the same, her rhythm was easy to follow, and soon, Spike had joined her, humming low when she hit high notes, and high when she went low. Celestia and Nyx joined in one stanza later, and an octave lower. Their chants blending with Twilight's into a rich harmony. When Onyx and Salanshandaraen joined in a stanza later, their deep voices melded into the others', creating a sound that reverberated off the stone walls, setting the whole library to vibrating with it. Twilight's marefriends waiting in the lobby were struck by the beauty of the chant, and stood motionless, soaking in the harmony that struck a chord in their hearts. It wasn't long before the crystal obelisk floating in the room quivered in sympathy to the words. Twilight tapped her hoof on the floor once, signaling to Celestia to begin pouring her power into the unicorn through the circle. It was a lot stronger than she had been expecting, but she had little problem holding on to it for the moment. Tapping her hoof once more, Salanshandaraen released a gout of arcane energies towards Twilight through the circle as well. A third tap signaled to Onyx to do the same. A fourth tap and Nyx began pouring her energies into the circle, causing it to light up in an eerie blue glow. Twilight began funneling all the power being fed into her towards the tower, causing it to glow a brilliant blue as well. Gently taking control of the aimless energy Nyx contributed, Twilight directed it to the tower and smiled to see all the cracks and various damage it had received healing. Magical energy began arcing out from the obelisk, making contact with the broken and damaged runes carved into the room, filling them with arcane energies until fully repaired, the arcs moved on to other runes. It took only a few minutes to repair the thousands of decrepit runes, and soon the whole room was glowing a bright blue light. When every rune was repaired, the arcs turned upwards and joined at a point just above the obelisk. A small point of light formed where they joined that grew in size until it was fully as large as Nyx in her natural state. The ball of energy grew more and more intense until in a flash, it disappeared to be replaced with a magic circle similar, but simpler to the one Twilight had drawn on the floor. The circle started lazily spinning, then rotating along it's vertical axis. As amazing as that was, it was only the beginning. The circle duplicated itself, splitting along it's horizontal axis, and rotated along it while spinning. The circle started rotating faster along their axes, a vague shape coalescing within them. The form took on a more definite shape; a torso, then arms and head. The form had no legs, or if it did, they were hidden in the formless mass below the torso. More detail came forth, and the facial features bore more than a passing resemblance to a certain sphinx, but everything about the magical construct resembled the humans Twilight read about in fairy tales. The construct blinked its- no, her eyes and looked down at the creatures below her. Twilight tapped her hoof on the ground three times, and everyone slowly reduced the flow of magical energies until they ceased completely. She brought the chanting to a close, and all the magic circles disappeared as if the had never existed. The arcaneficarum floated down to them and smiled. Gliding over to Twilight, she grinned at her and... blushed. Before the unicorn could say a word, the arcaneficarum leaned down and kissed her on the lips. > Little Lies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 8: Little Lies Twilight backpedaled away from the arcaneficarum as if she had just been burned and brought a hoof to her lips. “What the h- er, what was that for?” she asked, nervously glancing towards her mentor to see if she caught the slip in her language. Hiding a blush behind a nervous cough, Nyx replied, “Sorry about that. She's always been friendly, especially towards those who touch her... uh, magically.” A furious blush colored Twilight's entire head, and a small trickle of blood worked it's way from her nose. “Um,” she ventured in a very Fluttershy-like voice, “Can we keep this between us? I don't think the others would understa-” Her request was cut short by the arcaneficarum sweeping her up in her arms in an almost uncomfortably tight hug. “Mistress!” the construct said in a dulcet tone that sounded nothing like Nyx. “W- W- W- WHAT?” Twilight shouted. “What is that supposed to mean?” Nyx walked up and placed a hand on the smaller construct's shoulder. “No, Kat. She only looks like Mistress,” she explained with a sad shake of her head. Still holding the unicorn in her embrace, she pointed to her saying, “But... Mistress...” Nyx shook her head again. “No.” Kat gently set Twilight down, and floated back a few paces, clearly disappointed. Hoping to salvage the situation, Twilight put out her hoof. “Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle,” she said with a smile. Smiling back nervously, Kat floated over and shook her hoof in both her hands. It took Nyx's prompting for Kat to finally let go of the hoof. Salanshandaraen's mind reached out to Onyx's and gave it a small nudge, asking for permission to ease past his mental barriers. He acceded, and once through, she asked him, “What was that all about?” “An arcaneficarum is created from a soul, which cannot lie, and always carries the emotions of the person from which it came,” the smaller dragon replied. “Since the soul of this one was sheared from Nyx...” “Then Nyx and... were...” The golden dragons eyes went wide at the implications. Onyx smirked at no one in particular. “For some time, I had suspected as much, but now I have incontrovertible proof. I suspect that in a few decades or so, I'll finally be able to use this deliciously convenient ammunition.” Twilight looked up at Nyx curiously. “I meant to ask you this earlier, Nyx, but who crafted Kat for you?” “What makes you think that I didn't make her myself?” Nyx asked with a smirk. “I suppose that the first clue was that you didn't know how to repair- er, heal her,” Twilight quickly corrected her choice of words, so as to not hurt her feelings. “The second was that you needed me to direct the power flow. Had you made her yourself, you would have known instinctively just where to point it.” Spike walked over and butted in to the conversation, feeling a little left out. “Then how did you know how to do it, Twi?” The others in the room looked nervously at each other as Twilight answered, “Simple, Spike. I have made it my life's work to study magic in all it's forms. I know the theory behind repairing damage to magical constructs, both living and otherwise. Besides,” she added, “in this case, having a sapient magical construct like Kat over here,” she indicated towards said construct with a nod, who smiled back at her, “she actually helped me to direct the flow as well. She knew which parts were in most dire need of repair first. “However,” she said, turning her attention back to Nyx, “the final clue was her voice. Arcaneficarae take on one or more aspects of their creators, melding them with the features of the soul used. Kat's voice is very different from yours.” “A gold star for the astute pupil,” Nyx said with a smile. “Kat was made for me by a very old friend. One I miss very much...” Her eyes took on a thousand yard stare, and her smile wistful. Celestia gave a polite, attention-getting cough. “Sorry to interrupt, but I really need to get back to the palace. I left Luna in charge, and some of the nobles are still getting used to her... mannerisms.” “I suppose we should go as well,” Twilight said. “It'll be well past dinnertime by the time we get back, and most of us still have work to do.” Salanshandaraen walked over and asked, “So have you decided, Spike?” Spike looked down to the floor and traced one of the runes with a toe claw. “I'd like to take you up on your offer... Mom?” He glanced up at her from the corner of his eye nervously. Smiling as she shed a tear, Salanshandaraen nuzzled the small dragon with her cheek. “See you in a week, then?” receiving a nod, she straightened up and nodded to the rest of the room. “If you'll excuse me, I have much to do as well. There have been reports of a swarm of shadow fiends pestering a small village of minotaurs that I need to look into.” With that, the dragon left, leaving Twilight and Spike to look at Celestia as if seeking confirmation of what they heard. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Plain Sight took a deep breath to calm her jangled nerves and stepped through the door. Right away, she noticed that the room had divided itself into two sides, with a no-pony's land separating them. On one half, a unicorn mare and two earth ponies, a mare, and stallion, sat watching the other three occupants carefully. Plain Sight couldn't really blame them. It wasn't everyday you see two griffons and a minotaur serving Equestria. It took some effort to suppress the sigh from escaping, but she managed it. Walking to the front of the small briefing room, she slammed a hoof down, surprising all but one of the griffons and slapped down a thin pile of files. “Listen up!” Right away, she had everyone's attention. “This assignment that you've all been pulled for is very likely to be the most important thing you will ever do with your miserable excuses for lives, and if you let something as petty and small as what a being is interfere with it, you will crash and burn spectacularly. “Allow me to make a few things perfectly clear at the outset, so that there are no ambiguities or misunderstandings. First! Your duty is to protect your charge, to the death if necessary. Her life is of far more importance than your insignificant existence, and make no mistake; if something happens to her, you better hope you go down with her, because you will[ pay for it. Second, if I or my adjutant give an order, I expect it to be obeyed, post haste. Third, there will be no grumbling or complaining about your assignments; none. “Now I will hoof out your assignments. When I call your name, step forward to receive your dossier. Lackadaisy!” The cream colored unicorn with a red mane stepped forward and saluted. Plain Sight hoofed over a file. “You'll be living in the house next to theirs. Your cover is that you're a musician in a band, looking for peace and quiet to get your creative juices flowing. The pony you'll be watching is Trixie.” Lackadaisy took the file and returned to her seat. “Toola Roola!” The light pink earth pony mare with a polychromatic mane and tail to rival Rainbow Dash stepped forward and saluted. “You'll be living in the same house as Lackadaisy. You're an artist looking for inspiration, so bring your paints. Your charge is Cheerilee.” Toola Roola followed suit and returned to her seat with the file in her teeth. “High Class!” The final pony, a violet-coated earth pony with a red-violet mane came forth and saluted. “You're their roommate from college working under Vintage Fields as a sommelier for her vineyard. Get used to keeping an eye on her as well while on her clock, as she's Cheerilee's mother. Your charge is also Cheerilee.” When he had sat down, she looked towards the three odd ones left and sighed. “To be honest, I'm very iffy on using you three, but the Princess hoof-picked you for this assignment. Since two of you are criminals serving out your terms, know that failure will not result in termination of your services like the rest of us, but with reassignment to other, most likely less desirable duties. We are not above making you clean out latrines if that is all you make yourselves useful for. Believe me, that is not a smell you get used to. “Great Fortitude!” The minotaur stood up as his name was called. “You're assigned to me directly. You'll be living in the spare room of my house, and doing odd jobs around the town as the Mayor directs, mostly litter pick-up. Your uniform is still being made and will be given to you later. Your cover story is that you're doing community service to minimize the chance of messing up. However, let slip what you're really doing to anyone not on the team or approved by me or my adjutant, and there will be consequences, underage or not. Your charge is Twilight Sparkle.” The young minotaur gulped and sat back down. “Silva!” The younger of the two griffons stood up straight and saluted as well. “Your cover assignment is to be an adversarial training aid for the Wonderbolts. You'll be making a daily commute from Ponyville to Cloudsdale, so I hope you're in great shape. The pony you'll be watching is Spitfire. “Limnear!” The elder griffon stood and saluted. “You're my new adjutant for as long as you can stand the job. You're also assigned to the same cover job as your sister, so I hope you kept up your junior flight school training regimen. You'll also be watching over Spitfire with your sister. We've procured you two a cloud home as a residence while in Ponyville. Any questions? Good. The train to Ponyville leaves in an hour, so get moving.” As her new subordinates gathered their belongings and filed out, Plain Sight caught Limnear's eye and signaled her to stay behind. When they were finally alone and the door closed, she walked up to her and leaned against the edge of the desk. “What in the Hay were you thinking? Do you really think that either of us is going to be able to do our jobs given our past?” “I like to think that we're both professional enough to manage that much at least,” the griffoness replied. Plain Sight looked her in the eye and sighed. “I really hope so, Lim.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “I dunno about this, Newsie. The last time we were here, things went to Tartarus in a handbasket pretty quickly.” Buried Lead fidgeted in his harness as his sometimes partner walked free next to him. The green pegasus had been moaning about how this was a bad idea since before they left the Canterlot city gates. The unicorn mare next to him rolled her eyes again for what felt like the millionth time. “Bury, now Ah done tol' yah to stop bein' such a Negative Nelly! The pictures we brung back last time made front page, an' set us up for an award nomination! 'Magine what we can do now that we know what to expect!” She gestured to the wagon behind them filled to the brim with extra cameras, as well as enough film and developing fluid to take a picture of every pony in Equestria, twice. “Oh, Celestia,” he muttered. “I never should have given you that camera for your twelfth birthday. It was the beginning of the end of me.” News Flash snuggled against him and batted her eyes with all the conniving of a wheedling filly. “Oh, c'mon Bury. You know you wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, I have a good feeling about this.” Buried Lead grumbled as he pulled the wagon, mentally calculating when it would be her turn to pull. “I just wish those 'good feelings' of yours would come with warnings when bad stuff was about to happen to us.” Waving off his concern with a raspberry, News Flash replied, “C'mon, yah ol' worrywart. Ah'll spell yah for a while, so's yah can rest a bit.” As they switched over the harness, she added, “Y'all'll see. Once we get to commencin' our photographin', our luck'll turn around faster'n Rainbow Dash hittin' a revolvin' door.” Buried Lead had to try very hard not to facehoof at her jinx. At least she didn't say “what's the worst that could happen”... Roadapples! (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Rainbow Dash lounged on her cloud, whiling away the waning hours of the day. Since she was laying on her belly so that she could see when Pinkie-Pie left Sugarcube Corner, she was unable to cloudgaze, her favorite lazy pastime. Well, her third favorite, anyway. However, it did allow her to notice when Twilight walked back into town with her mares. Even though it had been several weeks since the librarian had collected her harem, Dash couldn't help but drool at the sight of Spitfire. “Oh, Celestia, look at those wings! Powerful, long-lasting, and oh-so downy soft. I bet she gives terrific wingjobs.” Without even bothering to look around, the pegasus slipped a hoof under her belly and flicked at her nipples. “Oh, baby! Work that flank. Unf! Ooo, you naughty filly, winking at me with your pussy...” Dash's hoof went further down, rubbing at her labia, mixing her own moisture with that of the cloud's. “You tease. How dare you hug Twilight with that wing and not me with the other?” Her running commentary was interrupted by a familiar shout from the ground. “Daaashie-poooo! Wherrre aaare yooouuu?” Poking a rainbow covered head over the edge, Dash saw Pinkie directly below her, wearing a grin a mile wide and looking under a rock. Deciding to not let a good head of steam go to waste, she zipped off of the cloud and came up behind the pink mare. Flying underneath her marefriend, she put the giggling baker on her back and flew right up to her own house which had been parked closer to the sweets shop, all in one fluid motion. Flying through the door and right up to her bedroom, Dash didn't even bothering to close any doors. Indeed, her only thought was to get into the most wonderful mare in her life. “Ooo, somepony's ready to go,” Pinkie said with another giggle. Dash wasted no time with mere words, letting her actions speak for her instead. Landing next to the bed, she gave a buck, flinging Pinkie-Pie onto it, who landed on her back, then executed a perfect forward flip on top of her. Planting a kiss on her lips, she brought her wings forward so that they formed a cage around their heads, giving them the illusion that their entire world consisted of just them. Pinkie was hardly idle, as she broke the kiss so that she could nibble on Dash's neck, gnawing at it in an almost ferocious display of affection. As always, this caused the athletic pegasus to roll over onto her back, allowing the pink mare to take control. She relished Dash's moans of pleasure, using her unusually large tongue to lap at her coat, practically giving her a tongue bath. “Down, Pinkie... Further down...” Dash begged her. Always eager to comply with that request, Pinkie moved directly to the pegasus's nethers, skipping past all the preliminaries, only to find her dripping wet. “Mmm! Liquid Rainbow!” she said gleefully, and gave her a swipe of her tongue from the base of her tail, over the puckered rosebud, delving slightly into her folds, and ending her first lick of the evening across both nipples. Dash cried out incoherently and locked her legs over Pinkie's neck. Pinkie knew a hint when one was thrown in her face, and dug into to her all-time favorite snack, hooves down. Her tongue burrowed into the soft, pink folds before her, lapping up the copious honey from inside her lover. She could feel her inner walls flex and heave, indicating that a climax was imminent, and put herself into overdrive. Forming her tongue into a U-shape and hooking the tip upwards, she moved it in and out, tongue-fucking her mare like a machine. The final push came in the form of a hum that came from the back of her throat and rattled her own teeth a little as the hook caught on Dash's G-spot, and the vibrations from her humming affected the tiny little clit that stood proud of her body. Dash's vision whited out, and she arched her back up off the bed in one of the most mind-blowing orgasms to date. Her teeth gritted hard as she tried to hold it in, but just could not restrain herself any longer. “AUGH! SPITFIRE!” Exhausted and spent, she collapsed on to the bed, her tongue lolling out the side of her mouth, and eyes crossed and unfocused. Pinkie-Pie crawled up her lover's sweaty body just enough to rest her head on her hooves across Dash's chest. “You know,” she began with a definite smirk, “a lesser mare would be intensely jealous right now. That's one mare that you just can't have anymore. She's off 'the list'.” Weakly lifting her head, Dash managed to uncross her eyes enough to focus on her all-too understanding fillyfriend. “Aw come on, Pinks. Let a girl have her fantasies.” “This is the sixteenth time in a row you've called her name out, Dashie. I think it's time we get our own pet mare to take your mind off of her.” Pinkie gave her a little moue of sadness, her eyes glistening a little in the fading light of the day. “It's not healthy; especially for your friendship with Twilight.” Dash sighed in resignation. “Yeah, I guess you're right. It started out as a silly schoolfilly crush, but when she hooked up with Twi, I was hoping we could wrangle both of them into the sack. But, they got too much on their plate as it is.” She leaned forward and kissed Pinkie on the nose. “Who else did we have on our list of possibles?” Reaching into her mane and pulling out a pad of paper, Pinkie-Pie replied, “Let's see, there's Derpy. She seems kinda fun.” “She's also kinda married with two kids. Besides, she's a bit old for us,” Dash said. “Who else we got?” Pinkie crossed off the name with a pencil. “Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting since he's away so much. Let's see, there's Cloudchaser and Flitter.” Dash looked at her with a cocked eyebrow. “Aren't they sisters?” “Yeah, pretty hot, huh?” Pinkie asked with a predatory grin and a wiggle of her eyebrows. “Pinks, do you know how much I love you right now?” Pinkie-Pie looked thoughtful and replied, “No, but if you hum a few bars, I can fake it.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Locking up the Golden Oaks Library again, Twilight turned to her fillyfriends again. “Sorry about this, girls. I just wanted a few books to cross-reference the ones I borrowed from Nyx.” “Could we hurry this along? Trixie is famished,” the showmare in front of her complained. Feeling far too upbeat after a visit to a library, Twilight didn't let it get her down. “Alright. I suppose we could go to a restaurant instead of cooking at home. It would be more efficient.” “Not to mention that the only cooking utensils we have unpacked are a frying pan and a large soup pot,” Cheerilee added. “How about The Prancing Pony?” “With how long they take?” Spitfire rebutted with a shake of her head. “What about McClover's?” This time it was Twilight's turn to shoot the idea down. “Not really in the mood for fast food.” “Just choose something!” Trixie shouted. “My big guts are eating my little guts!” Indeed, her stomach took that opportunity to make itself known with a loud rumble. Spike chimed in with, “Okay, first: ew.” He made a face of disgust at Trixie who just rolled her eyes. “Second: why don't we go to Applejack's stand? She finally put in that hot plate last week, and she's been trying out some pretty good new recipes.” “Yes! Fine! Whatever! Let's just go!” Trixie huffed and walked towards the marketplace. They arrived just as Applejack was pulling down the sign for the night. “Well, howdy, y'all. Out for an evenin' stroll?” “Actually, we were hoping that you were still open,” Twilight replied. Trixie ran up to her and skidded to a stop in front of her, forehooves clasped together in supplication. “Please feed Trixie! It feels like days since she last ate!” Smiling down at the haughty mare, the farmer tilted her stetson back. “Well, shoot. How can Ah refuse when yah put it so nice-like. Have a seat. Ah'll fix y'all up some apple stir fry.” They were a little skeptical at first, but once the aroma reached their noses, all doubts were pushed aside. In the ten minutes it took Applejack to cook the dish, all five of her customers were salivating and their stomachs set to growling. She served them and her grin widened even further at their moans of pleasure. “Glad y'all like it. Got that there recipe from cousin Fuji Apple. She makes the best dag blamed Apple Ginger Slaw you ever put in your mouth.” The only reply from her friends was the metallic tinkle of silverware hitting an empty plate. Trixie let loose an enormous burp, followed by a demure “Pardon.” “That was amazing, Applejack,” Cheerilee said. “Yeah,” Spike added. “Only way it could have been better is of you had sprinkled in some diamond dust.” Applejack smiled at him and tipped her hat in acknowledgment. “Why, thank yah kindly, Spike. Ah'm afraid that diamonds just aren't in the budget, though.” Twilight patted her full belly and asked, “How much do I owe you, Applejack?” Before her friend could reply, she added, “And don't say it's on the house. An apple pastry here and there is one thing, but five meals is too much to just give away.” “Aw, Twi. That jus' would'a gone to the compost heap if'n y'all hadn't come by,” Applejack said. “But, seein' as how yah ain't lettin' it go, it'll be five bits a'piece if yah please.” Pulling out the appropriate money, Twilight said, “Glad you finally see it my way, Applejack.” As she put the dirty dishes into the cart's storage rack, the farmer replied, “Well, you four have fun on your date. Ah'll see y'all later.” The four mares looked to each other, then looked down at Spike. Not one to miss a hint that obvious, he grumbled and picked up Twilight's saddlebags. “Yeah, yeah, I'm going.” “So, how about a moonlit walk through the park?” Twilight suggested. Cheerilee sidled up to her and nuzzled her neck. “Mmm... sounds romantic.” “If we hurry, we can catch the moonrise above the lake,” Spitfire said. That was enough to send them all trotting towards the park at a brisk pace. Arriving just a few minutes after the sun set, they sat by the edge of the water facing east. It wasn't long before a silver glow topped the trees and the nocturnal orb began its ascent, shining down on all the land. As it rose higher, a twin showed up in the water of the lake, causing all four of them to sigh in contentment. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Panting heavily, Cheerilee grunted and groaned as she bore down again, nearly cracking her teeth as she grit them. This latest contraction was the hardest yet, and it showed no signs of getting any easier. Twilight gripped her hoof tightly in her own and whispered encouraging words to her. “Doing great, Cheery! We're almost there! The head's crowning now!” Indeed, Celestia could see much of the head of the white filly, only the very top and back half were still obscured. She used her magic to ease some of the pain and staunch some of the bleeding such a large foal caused for her mother. The horn was the first thing out as is usually the case with unicorn foals, so there was no chance of complications from that at least. “Doing great Cheery! One more big push and the head will be through! Come on sweetie, you can do it! Puuush!” Twilight's encouragement got her to bear down again, and the baby's head popped free, startling Celestia. Her mane was a brilliant pastel pink, and it may have just been her imagination, but it looked like that tiny little tuft of hair was waving in the nonexistent wind. Carried by the momentum of the last push, the rest of the filly flowed out an instant later into the alicorn's hooves, giving Celestia a double shock when the wings came into view. An alicorn? But that's not even possible! Both previous shocks paled in comparison however to the third one when she saw that this filly had a penis as well. Double checking, she saw that she did indeed have the requisite mare plumbing, but was also graced with a penis. Aside from that one glaring fact, the filly looked exactly like Celestia herself did when she was young. “Odds bodkins, 'Tia! This is what hast thou whimpering in thy sleep like a filly?” Luna stepped from the shadows, taking the Solar Diarch by total surprise. Oddly enough, nopony else in the room reacted to her, which confused Celestia for a moment. “Luna? Wha- this...” The room faded away to be replaced by a field of tall golden grass, the sun still low in the sky. Looking around she finally understood what was happening and breathed a sigh of relief. “Just a dream...” “A nightmare, more belike,” Luna said. 'Why wouldst dear Twilight's foal being an alicorn trouble thou?” Celestia shot her sister a glare that softened almost immediately. “Did you not note her appearance, Lulu? She bore more than a passing resemblance to me.” Luna shrugged and sat down, watching the wind bend the stalks of grass in waves. “Such things are to be expected when thou shareth thy soul with another, 'Tia.” “But to look just like me?” Celestia asked, rounding on her sister. “That goes well beyond the norm. Not to mention that poor foal's... member.” “Remember that t'was but a dream, dear 'Tia. An ephemeral musing of the mind, with no more meaning that what thou fearest or hopeth for most. The question then becomes; was it what thou fearest, or long for?” Celestia pondered her sister's words, hoping that they would contain the answer to soothe the turmoil in her heart. Sadly, it did not. “I don't know,” she answered quietly. “I... I fear it may have been... prophetic.” This took the lunar diarch aback. “Th- thou still hast these...” Celestia nodded sadly. “They're very infrequent these days, and often inaccurate. Too many unknowable variables, I think.” She smiled wryly and snorted in amusement. “Twilight wrote a paper on how the number of beings with free will make prognostication unreliable. Her report was titled 'Precognition and the effects exerted upon it by Free Will'. She got an A-plus.” Luna sat in silent thought for a moment before asking, “Is that how thou knewest...” “Yes. It's also how I found Twilight. Without that particular vision, it would have been ten times harder to find them this time.” Celestia sighed and waved a hoof, causing a circular hole in space to appear. Through it, they could see Celestia facing down Nightmare Moon again and using the Elements of Harmony to seal her away in the moon. “Had I needed to wield the Elements again, events would not have aligned this advantageously again for ten millennia. We would have been made to endure for that long.” She waved the window away, banishing the sad vision. “We owe her that as well.” Luna sighed and nodded. “We needst tell her the truth, 'Tia.” “No, Luna. Not yet. Let her have this bit of happiness first. She deserves it for all she's done for us, and for Equestria. Let her have this much. Let her live a full life. Let her experience the love she deserves. Let her experience motherhood.” Celestia's eyes were pleading with her sister. “She needs to know.” “She's not ready to know.” “ Thou meanest that thou is not ready. The longer thou waiteth to tell her, the harder t'will be.” “The sooner we tell her, the greater chance of her thinking that we're just vultures waiting for her to die.” Luna flinched, hearing her own words thrown back at her. The silence between them was deafening. Celestia came forward and embraced her tenderly. “I'm so sorry, Luna. I didn't mean-” “Nay, 'Tia. Thou art right. She's not... she's not ready.” Luna may have said that Twilight wasn't ready, but what they both heard was that they weren't ready. (\ /) ( . .) *(")(") Coming out into the clearing, the armored minotaur cautiously examined his surroundings before leaning against a tree. He snorted and looked to the sky, nervous about being this close to pony territory. "You can hide from my eyes, but your stink gives you away, pony," he casually remarked. A breath or two later, a cloaked pony walked out from under the shade of a tree, his coat returning to his normal dark green instead of the bark pattern it had a moment ago. "You should be kinder to the pony that's going to make you financially secure, Cunning Eye." "You want kindness, you pay for it, just like everyone else in the world," Cunning Eye replied. He plucked a twig from a low hanging branch and began picking his teeth with it. "Until then, the best you can hope for is equal indifference. Now, what was so important that you felt the need to activate this communication drop? I can't be gone for long before my absence is noticed." The pony nodded. "Then I'll get right to the point. My boss wants to know how soon you can start causing trouble here." Cunning Eye raised an eyebrow at him. "How much trouble, what kind, and for how long?" "As much trouble as you can without drawing the attention of the council, or as much as you can pay for which will be reimbursed, for as long as you can or until we say stop." The stallion shrugged. "As for the kind, use your imagination. Anything goes. I trust you have loyal troops on your side who know how to keep their mouths shut or lie?" With a nod, Cunning Eye replied, "I do, but again, it depends on how much clink we're talking about." The pony reached under his cloak and threw a small sack which the minotaur deftly caught before it could hit the ground. "About that much," he said. Cunning Eye opened the drawstring and smiled at the gems inside. Closing it up again, he gave a deep bow to the pony. "Trouble your boss wants, then trouble he shall have. When next we meet, we may have to use drop point B. This area may be a little too... hot by then." The cloaked pony nodded and melted back into the foliage, leaving the minotaur alone. "This promises to be fun," Cunning Eye said as he walked back to his forward base, whistling a happy tune. > She Drives Me Crazy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 9: She Drives Me Crazy The doctor hmm'ed as she ran the sensor over Cheerilee's belly with a soft SHLICK sound. She adjusted a knob on the monitor, bringing the picture into better focus; though sonograms would never be called anything resembling a clear picture. She turned to the three other mares in the crowded room with a smile. “Well, she appears to be coming along quite nicely, even if she's a bit uncooperative with these exams.” Spitfire laughed raucously at the comment. “Daughter of a teacher and a professional student, and she hates exams. Oh, the irony!” Twilight shot her a dry smirk. “She's just feisty.” Turning to the gynecologist, she asked her, “Are you sure Doctor Feelgood? She's never really lets you get a good look at her, so you've yet to see all of her in any one of these sessions.” “Well, without using magic to examine her-” “No magic!” All four mares shouted at once. “She's been through enough magic for now,” Twilight sheepishly added. Dr. Feelgood cleared her throat and set the sonogram sensor aside to be cleaned later. “Yes, well, magic not being an option, we just have to infer some things from each session added together. I can tell you that this is the healthiest five-month pregnancy I've ever had the pleasure to see. A shame she's only been gestating for four.” She shook her head in disbelief, muttering to herself about alicorns, diarch or no. Looking to Cheerilee, she asked, “Now you have been keeping active, right? That will go a long way to easing the birth itself.” Spitfire leered at her soon-to-be fellow herdwife and waggled her eyebrows. “Oh, trust me. She's seen more action down there than-” “Spitfire!” came the expected shout from a blushing Twilight and Cheerilee. Trixie rolled her eyes and gently bopped the offender on the back of her head. “Behave, or Trixie won't let you have any fun tonight.” Hearing that particular threat quieted the Wonderbolt in a flash. She even went so far as to make a zipping motion across her mouth, though her smile remained firmly fixed. Dr. Feelgood shook her head in amusement. “Well, that too will help, believe it or not. Just try not to overdo things and keep... er, objects out of the vaginal canal, and you should be fine. Remember, 'in all things, moderation'.” “Who said that?” Trixie asked. “Air Stopple,” Twilight answered automatically. Realizing her faux pas, she looked over the the doctor and ginned sheepishly. “Sorry. Force of habit.” Dr. Feelgood laughed and waved the matter off. “It's alright. Good quotes can be hard to put down.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) As the four left the hospital, Cheerilee couldn't help but smile as she stepped out into the sun. Even now, in the last days of winter, its warmth was a noticeable presence. Twilight fussed over her and Trixie, making sure that their coats were buttoned, scarves securely fastened, and boots in place. The teacher gently pushed away the librarian with an admonishment. “Twi, please. We're fine. I think we can withstand a little cold on the way home from the hospital.” “Are you sure?” Twilight asked. “I could whip up a bubble of warmth for you all no problem.” Trixie kissed her on the cheek. “We're sure, Sweetie. Besides, we need to get to Rarity's for our final fitting of our ceremony dresses, then help Spike get ready for his trip so we can go on our honeymoon right afterward.” Spitfire took to the air and performed a loop-the-loop before landing again. “I can't wait! Beaches, sun, drinks served in coconuts, and the three hottest mares in the world for eye candy. Neighsau, here we come!” Chuckling, Twilight said, “Down, girl! That's still over a week away. And I still have to go to Canterlot to see what important news the Princess wanted to discuss with me. Her letter sounded pretty serious.” “Oh, please. Nothing's gonna stop us!” Spitfire replied. She stood on her hind legs and began shadowboxing, taking swift jabs at the air before her. “I'd like to see somepony try to come between us! They won't know what hit them!” Twilight leapt at her, covering her mouth with both hooves in desperation. “No!” At her fillyfriend's confused look, she said, “Never say things like that! Murr'fey loves a challenge too much to go around saying things like that!” “Murr'fey?” Spitfire asked as she pushed the hoof away from her face. Trixie turned to her and said in a hushed voice, “An old unicorn superstition. There's a fairy that goes around and likes to make the worst possible thing happen when somepony says things like 'what's the worst that could happen' or 'it'll never happen'. They say that the sound she makes when somepony challenges her like that is 'murr'. I'm kind of surprised that Twilight of all ponies believes in her.” “You'd believe in her too if you'd been around here when Pinkie said 'a swarm of ninja parasprites face off against a pirate hydra in the middle of town' preceded by phrase-you-should-never-mention number one,” Twilight hissed at her. Cheerilee shuddered as she remembered that day. “Brr. I still have nightmares about that day.” Arriving at the Carousel Boutique, they walked in to find the resident fashionista putting the finishing touches on a powder blue tuxedo, complete with ruffles. Twilight looked at her in shock, head tilted to the side in amazement. “Rarity? You're that last pony I'd expect to see working on the same kind of tuxedo in which my Dad was married.” Rarity turned around to face them, her mane bearing a stronger resemblance to a bird's nest than the carefully coiffed tresses with which she was usually seen and dried tear tracks streaked her face. “As was I, Twilight. Unfortunately, some customers can be more stubborn than even Applejack. I'm afraid that the best I could manage was to convince him to de-sequin it.” She pointed towards a rather large pile of light-blue, glittering dots on the floor. Looking to the pile, they all grimaced. Twilight backed up a step, edging towards the door. “Well, we can come back later when you're not so... busy?” “Wait!” Rarity called out, halting their retreat. “I need to do something fashionable before I lose all respect from my muse!” She leaped and grabbed onto Twilight's tail as if it were a lifeline. “PLEASE let me do something for you! ANYTHING!” “Well, we did come for our final fittings four our dresses,” Trixie said. “Yes!” Rarity shouted. “Perfect! Let's go into the back so you can try them on! This way, darlings!” She was practically singing and dancing as she led them into the back where four ponnequins stood dressed in regal finery. A light-blue aura surrounded them as the garments flew into the air and circled the room, being applied to the ponies there one piece at a time. When it was done, Rarity stepped back to allow her customers to gaze in wide-eyed wonder at themselves in the mirrors. Twilight wore her Great Grandmother's wedding dress that had been trimmed with a lavender silk so pale, it left you questioning whether the color you saw was real or imagined. Silver slippers adorned her hooves and a matching silver tiara held a gossamer veil in place, while diamonds and amethysts were sparsely scattered in just the right areas to accent the white and brocade. Spitfire stood in awe of the saddle/dress combination she had somehow been forced into without her lifting a hoof. The white dress picked up on enough of Twilight's dress to form a theme, was accented with a sky blue silk as well as diamonds and sapphires similar in effect to Twilight's. Cheerilee's dress/saddle was trimmed in green silk and emeralds, and Trixie's in pink silk along with pink sapphires. All three had veils which were fastened with bridles woven from the same silks of the dresses, blending the colors from all four dresses and fastened with silver fittings. Braided leads of the same silks used in the bridles went to a bit held in Twilight's teeth. Even though she had known what to expect, Twilight was still left stunned and blushing fiercely. Rarity jumped up and down on her hind legs, clapping. “Oh, I knew that you'd all look absolutely fabulous, but I must say that I hadn't expected them to turn out this wonderfully! I daresay that you'll be starting a revival trend with these tres chic garments. I simply must thank your mother, Twilight for letting me alter the dress. It was incredible working with such a lovely dress.” Twilight spit out the bit into her magical grasp. “I knew what we ordered, but I hadn't expected them to be so...” “Bondage-y?” Trixie supplied. Shooting her a grateful look, Twilight said, “That. I suppose I should be glad that we didn't go with the traditional leather or it's modern equivalents.” She turned sideways and admired herself in the mirror. “Still, I have to admit, bondage feel aside, these are incredible Rarity. You've really outdone yourself.” “I agree,” Cheerilee said. “They're much better than I had hoped for. And they fit like a boot, too.” Spitfire slapped Twilight's and Trixie's flanks playfully. “They certainly do things for your rumps that I agree with. Yum!” Trixie rubbed her stinging rear and glared at the pegasus who was now licking her lips lasciviously. “Oh, that's it. Tonight, you only get to watch... for the first round.” Spitfire gave her a puppy dog pout, complete with wet, doe-like eyes, but she held firm. “Don't even try it. You'll just have to keep yourself entertained somehow.” Staring off in the distance with a small dribble of drool hanging from her lip, Rarity shook her head to snap herself out of it. Normally, such talk wouldn't even phase her, having heard much more explicit things in the privacy of the rear dressing room, but imagining four mares proved to be her breaking point. “I'm delighted to hear that you like them. It was agonizing getting just the right silks. I had to order them special from Neighpon.” Twilight pulled a small purse from a magical space, asking, “So how much do we owe you?” Rarity did some quick mental calculations and came up with a number she could live with. “Well, your dress was a simple alteration, but theirs were from scratch, so I think one thousand bits sounds reasonable.” “One thousand?” Twilight exclaimed. “I saw dresses in Canterlot that weren't half this nice going for a thousand each! Surely-” “Up-bup-bup!” Rarity replied, holding up a hoof. “That covers the cost of the materials and my time quite sufficiently, thank you. I refuse to gouge my friend on her best day ever. It would be bad form, bad business, and make for a bad friend.” Twilight hugged her and was joined by her fillyfriends after a moment. “Aw, Rarity, you're the best!” The white mare blushed demurely as she returned the affection. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Turning the corner, the four mares found a flying chariot harnessed to two white pegasi in gold armor parked in front of their home. Twilight perked up in surprise. “Oh! They're here early.” She trotted up to them wearing a courteous smile. “Would you gentlecolts like something warm to drink before we leave? It's awfully cold out here.” They both bowed to her as best they could in their harnesses. “It's kind of you to offer Milady, but the Princess is anxious for your appointment.” “Then let me grab a few things from home, and I'll be right with you,” Twilight told them. Turning to her approaching mares, she added, “Come on. Let's get those bellies in out of the cold!” Cheerilee and Trixie blushed while Spitfire almost fell over laughing. The guards remained stiff-faced, but a faint snort of amusement was covered up by a quick cough from their direction. Twilight was already inside and in the process of donning her already prepared saddlebags when her marefriends walked in. “You'll pay for that, Sparkle,” Trixie threatened. “Well, you'll have most of the day to think up my punishment, Trix,” Twilight replied, kissing her on the cheek, which did nothing to mollify her. She kissed Cheerilee and Spitfire goodbye and bounced out the door to the waiting chariot. Spitfire shook her head in amusement. “What a mare... Well! I better get going to work. I only called in for a half-day, after all.” She gave each of the remaining mares a kiss on the other cheek, and flew out the door. “See you tonight!” Trixie looked to Cheerilee and asked, “Well, now what?” Cheerilee sauntered up to her and kissed her on the lips, slipping her tongue past to wrestle with hers. After a few moments, she drew back, leaving a trail of mixed saliva between their tongues, and a cloud of hot breath exhaled from them both. Rearing up, she put her forelegs around the showmare's withers and stared into her eyes as their noses met. “Two sexy and clever mares, alone for hours; I think we can come up with... something to entertain us, don't you think?” Trixie grinned and levitated her into the bedroom, and pulled out one of their favorite toys from her secret drawer hidden within the massive bed built especially for them. She waved the purple, double-ended dildo in front of the earth pony and grinned. “Oh, look! Trixie's just thought of something!” The teacher smiled and batted her eyes coquettishly, waiting to see what Trixie would do. They had agreed by silent consensus that it would be best to let her take the lead should she ever decide to have sex with one of them one-on-one. Trixie rubbed the silicone shaft across the maroon outer lips, causing Cheerilee to squirm in delight. Unable to resist the fillyish squeals, Trixie dove in and started lapping at her lips, seeking entry into her innermost passage. While she was doing that, she levitated out some lube from her drawer as well, and drizzled a generous amount onto the dildo, and used her magic to spread it all over. When she felt that Cheerilee had opened up enough, Trixie sat up, her muzzle drenched with her lover's nectar, and made a big show of licking her lips clean. “Mmm... You taste so good, Trixie thinks she could get drunk off of this.” Not wanting to waste anymore time, she slid the head of the dildo against the mare's lips before her and pushed gently, but with increasing pressure until POP, it went in. She worked the shaft back and forth and smiled when about a quarter of it had disappeared into the marehood before her. Trixie rearranged herself so that they faced each other on their backs, tail-to-tail. Bending the dildo with her magic, she slid the other end into herself with a grunt and a sigh of pleasure. The showmare crawled into Cheerilee, letting the dildo sink into both of them, stopping when they each had about half of the two hoof long phallus contained within. Trixie brought her left hind leg and laid it over Cheerilee's right, and lifted Cheerilee's left so that it rested over her own right. Finally in position, they pushed and pulled against each other, eventually settling into a rhythm that gave the most to both of them. The room was filled with the perfume of their efforts as well as the sounds of their pleasure. A soft SCHLICK sound was interspersed with their grunts and a wet slap as their marehoods met with each thrust. The action became blurred as they sped up, only for them to slow to a near-crawl, then back to fast and furious. They didn't even have to say anything as they changed speeds; it seemed to have become instinctual for them. They fed off of each other's lust, until with a final climax, they peaked, crying out each other's names. Cheerilee wasted no time, letting the toy slip out of her sore lips and crawled on top of her lover. They laid there, basking in the afterglow, giving each other quick kisses in between the teacher licking up her own nectar that had partially dried on Trixie's face. “You realize what just happened, don't you?” she asked after removing all traces of herself from the face before her. Trixie smiled at her in confusion. “No, what?” “We just had sex without all of us being in the room,” Cheerilee answered. Grinning like a cat full of cream, she said, “Trixie can certainly see the advantages of a little one-on-one. None of that 'who goes where' or 'is it my turn yet' nonsense.” Cheerilee smiled back languidly. “I certainly can't find fault with your argument, though now that I've had a taste of 'group activities', I'm hardly about to give up on it.” “Nor is the Amorous and Puissant Trixie. It's really mind blowing to find yourself the center of three mares' worlds.” “I suppose this means the ban on duets and trios is lifted, now.” Trixie thought about it for a moment before shrugging. “I suppose so; though I still don't relish the thought of being left out of any of the fun.” Nodding in agreement, Cheerilee commented, “Nor I. However, I suppose this means more sex all around rather than less.” “And more sex is a good thing,” Trixie said. “Indeed it is,” Cheerilee agreed, kissing her nose. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight walked through the halls of the palace, reminiscing about the many years she spent living here. Passing a tapestry, she remembered the last time that she and Blueblood had played together, it was a game of hide-and-seek, and she had hidden behind that same tapestry depicting the battle of Neigh Oh-Leans. She had been hidden so well, that she came out of her spot when she heard fear creep into Blueblood's voice as he called out to her, because he couldn't find her. “Twilight Sparkle? Is that you?” Twilight whirled around to find of all ponies, Blueblood. “Bluey!” she said with a smile. “Here to see the Princess, too?” A slight blush colored his cheeks that he hid as he walked up to her. “Yes. My father wanted to me to deliver a message for him. And yourself?” He caught his mistake and dramatically rolled his eyes at himself. “Of course you're here to see her. I imagine it's some new lesson that can only be given in person?” The librarian gave a little shrug and started walking down the hallway, leading the stallion along. “That's what I'm here to find out. She sent me a letter, asking me to come, saying it was urgent. Even made an appointment and everything.” “That is unusual for her, isn't it?” Blueblood commented. Twilight nodded. “Indeed, it is. If it's Safety-of-Equestria level of important, she usually just requests my immediate presence, and clears her books for me, but to say it's urgent and then make an appointment for the next day?” She shook her head in confusion. “I just don't get it.” Arriving at the door to the Princess's private study, Blueblood stopped and said, “Um, look. If everything works out here, do you think we could maybe... get some lunch together? Catch up on old times,” he quickly amended. “I'd love to, Bluey,” Twilight replied, “but if everything goes okay, I've gotta catch the first train back to Ponyville. I have a big day for which I need to finish preparing.” The Prince averted his gaze in disappointment. “Ah. Another time, then.” Twilight beamed at him. “I'd like that.” She had a hoof poised to knock when he asked, “Twilight, don't you ever... don't you ever wish that things could go back to the way they were when you were little? To simpler times?” Lowering her hoof, Twilight turned to face him head-on. “Honestly, Bluey? There are moments from my past that I wish I could relive again. Happy times; moments that I would have wanted to go on forever. And yes, there are days when I wish I didn't have to shoulder the responsibilities that I have now. Days when I just want to chuck it all and live like a hermit in a small library tucked away in obscure corner of the world, where nopony will bother me.” She looked off to a point in space that only she could see and smiled wistfully. Sighing, she said, “But if I were to do that, I would miss out on all the good stuff that my life has brought me now. I'd miss...” She trailed off with that same far-off look and smile. “... There are things for which it's worth leaving your foalhood behind. Make no mistake, there are things from my foalhood that I would never trade away; our friendship being just one of them. I will always cherish them. However, there are things going on in my life now, that I wouldn't trade away for anything, either; and that includes becoming a foal again.” Blueblood looked into her eyes, and was surprised at what he saw there. “You're... you're in love, aren't you?” Twilight blushed hard and looked away, missing the heartbreak on the stallion's face. “Heh, heh. Y- yeah.” She was surprised when Blueblood gently took her hoof and kissed it. Tears were brimming in his eyes, but a smile somehow found it's way to his face. “Then I wish you the best with your special somepony, Twilight.” Before she could respond, he turned around and marched down the hall like a soldier and disappeared around a corner, leaving her in shock. “Bluey?” She wanted to chase after him, but knowing that the Princess was waiting on her, she knocked on the door. “Enter” Twilight walked in, after one last glance down the hall where Blueblood had vanished. Just around that corner, Blueblood sat leaning against the wall, biting his hoof in a vain effort to keep from weeping out loud. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and choked sobs wracked his frame. “Oh, Twilight,” he cried, “when did you get so far ahead of me? When did I lose you?” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight left her doubts behind as she ran up to Celestia and nuzzled her pristine coat. The alicorn returned her affections, but her distress was felt through it. Pulling back, Twilight looked into her eyes and asked, “What's wrong, Princess?” Celestia lead her over to a couch and sat down next to her. “It's about your herding ceremony, I'm afraid. There have been some rather... distressing developments with the Griffo-Minotaurian Hegemony.” Twilight looked up to her in confusion. “I don't understand. What does that have to do with the ceremony?” “I'm not saying that it will be impossible, but we must plan for the contingency that Luna and I may not be available to conduct the ceremony.” Celestia looked out the open window, worry creasing her brow. "It seems that activity along our border with them, specifically, Trottingham, has increased greatly. This could be nothing but sabre-rattling, Light knows how they like to do that, but getting used to the new ambassador they sent us after the interim ambassador left for other duties, and proving to him once more that we are not a nation with which to be trifled is taking more of our attention than we care for. Worse, the situation back in his nation may be irretrievably beyond our ability to influence already, and we are just seeing the first signs of it." She looked down, and noticed the look of worry on her pupil's face. Celestia's face softened to a smile, and she caressed the unicorn's cheek, seeking to reassure her. "Worry not, Twilight. I am sure that it is simply the former, rather than the latter, but we must always prepare for the worst, and hope for the best." “I suppose that's only sensible,” Twilight replied, her mind a whirl of contemplation. It all came to a crashing halt when she realized something else that might directly affect her. “How likely is it that the Wonderbolts will be deployed?” Celestia sadly shook her head. “Unfortunately, that's a distinct possibility we cannot ignore. As Equestria's elite response team, the Wonderbolts are specially trained in taking down larger, or even more numerous foes, so their help in containing any threat the griffon portion of that nation presents, would be invaluable. I can promise you that should it become necessary, it is standard procedure to alert all personnel at least forty-eight hours beforehoof, as conditions permit.” Twilight swallowed hard, but nodded. After a moment of silent contemplation, she added, “I suppose that now I know how Mom felt when Dad was sent away on diplomatic business.” Celestia nodded sadly again. “Alas, I'm afraid that this is something with which all who fall in love with soldiers must deal.” She nuzzled the smaller pony and added, "To be honest, it's also how I felt sending you after some looming threat. Were it my choice, I would have kept you here, by my side, safe and sound." Twilight leapt to her hooves and began pacing in front of the fireplace. “Princess, this is awful! Not only would Spitfire be in danger, but all our soldiers! And the civilians! Those poor ponies in Trottingham will be caught between two clashing armies, they'll be annihilated!” “We'll do what we can to mitigate the situation,” Celestia said, “but we must prepare ourselves for the possibility of conflict. Thankfully, the new ambassador is a much more agreeable fellow than his predecessor, so there is no reason to give up quite yet.” Twilight looked up at her, hope blooming in her eyes. “There was another matter I wished to discuss with you, as well. I was thinking of knighting your mares. That would hopefully keep the rest of the nobles from raising too much of a fuss over your herding.” “Do you really think they would?” Twilight asked before looking away uncertainly. "I mean, it's not like I'm a noble or anything-" "Oh, but you are, Twilight," Celestia interrupted with a smile. "Remember who your brother married." Twilight rolled her eyes as she facehoofed. "Which makes all his immediate relatives noble. Great. I suppose we'll have to, if only to avoid annoying interruptions in the ceremony." Celestia nodded once. “Not to mention making nuisances of themselves by interjecting themselves in your personal business later on.” Turning over the plan in her mind, Twilight could find little to fault her logic. However, she couldn't help but ask one question. “But what if they don't go along with it? I mean, Spitfire probably should have been knighted long ago, if only for the modernization changes she's brought to the Wonderbolts, and Trixie may go along with it just to keep our private business private, but Cheerilee... I have a hard time thinking she would want the privileges that go along with knighthood, let alone the responsibilities.” Celestia sighed before answering. “Then we have one other option, as I see it.” Twilight tilted her head at her in confusion. “Do nothing and just hope for the best." Twilight shook her head. "If life has taught me anything, it's that you should never expect things to go your way." “Indeed, a hard lesson to learn, but an important one, nevertheless.” Celestia leaned forward and nuzzled Twilight's cheek. “I'm sorry, Twilight. I cannot protect you from the political machine any longer.” Twilight sat silently in thought for a moment. Looking up to her mentor, she asked, “And what of Bluey? How much of this has he gone along with? I can't imagine him being that underhoofed.” Shaking her head, Celestia replied, “I do not know. Duke Golden Bit keeps his heir close to his side, meaning I have not been able to talk alone with Blueblood for very long before being interrupted. From what I have seen and heard of him suggests to me that he, at least, would not foment trouble against you and yours, but then again, that may be all part of an act.” Twilight inched forward and laid her head down on Celestia's forelegs, taking comfort in her unusual warmth. Celestia smiled down at her with fondness and a dull ache in her heart. Without lifting her head, Twilight said, “I don't think Bluey's all that bad. He just... he doesn't strike me as the type to do something this devious and iniquitous.” She rested there for a moment, breathing in Celestia's scent of the rosewater in which she bathed, and her own slightly smokey scent as the alicorn draped a massive wing over her and quietly hummed what they referred to as “Their Song”. It was like applying a balm on her soul. “How will this affect our plans, Princess?” She stopped humming and lightly kissed Twilight on the crown of her head. “If all goes well, it shouldn't. We just have to make sure to knight them before the ceremony, and hopefully get the ceremony done before any trouble in the East boils over.” Twilight looked up at her with adoration that caused Celestia no small amount of discomfort. “Should I bring them here, or would it be better to...” “Traditionally, knighting is done where the accolade was earned,” Celestia responded. “It'll be good for the residents of Ponyville to see that they too could aspire to greatness.” The unicorn threw her hooves around Celestia's neck. “I'm sorry I keep making your life so complicated, Princess. I had promised myself a long time ago that I would do anything I could to make your life easier and more pleasant, but it never seems to work out that way.” Celestia smiled and leaned down to rub noses with her. “Silly filly. That's my line.” Twilight started, causing the alicorn to look down at her student, who met her gaze. "You know, I think there might be a way to keep the nobles away, without ruffling anypony's feathers." "There's my Faithful Student," Celestia said to a beaming unicorn. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight stepped out into the hallway a smile upon her face. The smile remained in place until she ran almost face-to-face with Blueblood. “Bluey!” she exclaimed. His expression was more serious than she had ever seen it and surprised her. “Twilight, I need to know; does he make you happy?” “I- wha- it's...” She looked down and smiled before returning her eyes to his. “Yes. Very happy.” Blueblood nodded and looked a little sad, despite his smile. “Then I'm happy for you. I wish you both all the happiness in the world.” Twilight was startled by this, but returned his smile. She gave him a quick hug and muttered, “Thank you, Bluey. That means a lot to me.” The stallion's resolve almost crumbled to dust in her hooves, but he managed to keep himself together. “Go on. Make some new memories that you'd never trade for anything in the world.” He was rather proud that he was able to keep an even voice as he let her go. Without staying around to see her go, he knocked on Celestia's door. “Enter,” came the reply from inside. Blueblood entered and bowed low touching his nose to the floor. “Your Highness, I bear a message from my father, and a request.” Celestia nodded, allowing him to rise. “Which do you wish to discuss first, Milord?” The unicorn thought for a moment before deciding. “The message is of some small matter, but if I may, I'd like to discuss a military matter with you.” > I Need You Tonight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 10: I Need You Tonight Scrunched down in her seat, with her cap pulled down low, she watched her charge from under the hat and smiled to herself. Twilight was trying- without much success it might be noted- to knit. She kept referring to the book in her hooves as she went, grumbling the whole time. The work floated in the air before her, held up in her magical grasp. The pink yarn formed into an uneven sheet about a hoof across either side, and had holes in it big enough to see through if held up to one's face. Stifling a giggle, Plain Sight discreetly checked her watch, careful to still appear to be sleeping to the casual observer. Looking again to the train compartment's other occupants, she noted that the old mare was still dozing away, a line of drool hanging from her lip; and the two school colts were engrossed in their card game of Digiyugimon. Just then, the conductor came through, loudly proclaiming, “Ponyville! Ponyville! Next stop, Ponyville!” This woke up the old mare, and Plain Sight figured that this was a good time to act the same. She stretched her legs out and looked out the window. Sure enough, she could make out the Ponyville station approaching fast, so she gathered her saddlebags and put them on. When the train pulled in to the station, Twilight disembarked, still trying to figure out just where she went wrong, going so far as to unravel a few rows and try to redo them; but only succeeded in making them worse. Plain Sight was struggling to hold in her laughter as she surreptitiously followed the mare. She was almost surprised when a griffon dropped out of the sky to land beside her in the alley. “How was your day?” Plain Sight asked. “So-so,” Limnear replied. “Caught two more 'razi hiding in the clouds, and we ah, 'escorted' them off the practice field. I think they were there more for the Wonderbolts than for Spitfire, though.” She walked alongside the earth pony for a while before adding, “I'd forgotten how boring this duty can be.” “Well, it's not like spying, you know. How was Silva today?” Limnear shrugged. “Doing better. I think she's really getting into this adversarial work. She may not be taking to this secret guard duty, but that at least seems to interest her. Maybe she'll join the Air Force when her debt is repaid.” A non-committal grunt answered her and they walked along in silence for a bit longer. “You never did answer me the other day. Still kinda waiting on that.” More silence met her words. “The cloud house is pretty nice and not having to worry about two-thirds of the population bothering us is great, but there are certain things one can't do well up there.” Still more silence. “So, did you consider-” “Yes, and my answer is still the same,” Plain Sight interrupted shortly. “You two living in my house is a bad idea. There's little enough room as it is, without your sister making moon-eyes at her beau and us trying to keep them apart.” Limnear smiled at finally getting a reply from her. “You put them on opposite schedules already. They see each other maybe a total of five minutes a day, if that. Keeping them apart isn't that hard.” They arrived at Plain Sight's post overlooking Twilight's home. The griffoness used a talon to turn Plain Sight's head so that their eyes finally met. “Now, are we going to talk about the real reason?” Plain Sight was almost able to keep her eyes centered on Limnear's as she said, “I told you, there's no room and too much bother keeping those two apart so they don't 'get in the family way'.” The noticeable quaver in her voice gave Limnear strength. “And keeping us apart has nothing to do with it?” The mare's gaze flicked off to the side for a second before returning and nodded. Limnear smiled and whispered, “Roadapples.” She took Plain Sight's hat off and ran her paw through her mane affectionately. “You're worried that we might rekindle an old flame. You're worried that finding out that you're still in love with me might take something away from how you feel for her. You think that by allowing yourself to love me, you'll somehow be cheating on her.” The gray mare looked nervous for a second before hardening her expression. Frowning, she glared up at Limnear and roughly removed the caressing paw. “How I feel and what I think are none of your concern. Aren't you off your shift? Why aren't you home relaxing?” “How I spend my free time is my concern,” Limnear replied with a smirk. Knowing that she had scored a major point off of the pony, she satisfied herself with that small victory. She replaced the flatcap back onto Plain Sight's head, setting it at a jaunty angle. She leaned in close and whispered, “Lie to yourself all you want, but you're not fooling me. And for what we had; for what we can have again, I'm willing to wait for you to stop fooling yourself.” The griffoness turned around to go, letting her tail wrap around the mare's until she was out of reach. Plain Sight didn't trust herself to watch the griffoness leave, instead focusing her attention on the house in front of her and the sounds of domestic bliss coming from within. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “That's fantastic, Trix! I'm so proud of you!” Twilight enveloped the showmare in a hug so strong that could be called a grappling maneuver in some circles, and kissed her on the lips. Trixie squeezed out of the hold, albeit reluctantly, and proclaimed, “Though Trixie does not mind if it happens without her presence, know that she will seek retribution should she be left out too often!” Spitfire snuck up behind her and leaped onto her back and wrapped her forelegs around the neck. “Sounds like somepony is fishing for some affection.” She ground her hips into Trixie's tail, letting the dock graze into her clit roughly. Trixie tried to buck her off, but only succeeded in rubbing her dock across the pegasus's lips and clit more. This naturally caused Spitfire to tighten her grip and start hunching into her well-formed rump. Twilight finally intervened and magically lifted Spitfire off of Trixie and set her on the ground again. “Alright, that's enough. Save it for after dinner.” Cheerilee nuzzled up to Twilight and breathed a sigh of contentment. “So what was so important that the Princess needed to talk to you in person?” First returning the affection, Twilight walked into the dining room where their meal and Spike awaited. “Well, there's good news, and bad news. Bad news is, there's trouble brewing on the Griffo-Minotaurian border, which may take both Princesses' attention, meaning we'll need at least one back up plan in case one of them isn't free to conduct the ceremony. I'll send a letter to Cadance tomorrow, but I need you three to come up with a list of possibles in case she can't help either.” Spitfire reared back, suddenly concerned. “What? What sort of trouble? You don't think..." Twilight nodded sadly. "The Princess seemed to think it a distinct possibility." "Trixie does not understand. What are you two talking about?" The showmare looked to Cheerilee, who appeared to be just as confused. "She's saying I might be deployed, if things get too hot over there," Spitfire replied. Although her tone was grim, her heart was warmed by the shocked gasps from the other two mares and Spike. It was with a bittersweet smile she looked at Twilight and asked, "How bad is it? Did she share any intel with you?" Twilight shook her head as she set the table for the five of them with her magic. "Only in the most vague terms. I'm not exactly an intelligence analyst, so I'm not really in the loop, as it were. I imagine that what she told me was just a summary of the situation. I can telepath the conversation to you later if you like, you might be able to glean more from it than I did. The gist of it is that the Hegemony is raising a ruckus over there, and we're still feeling out the new ambassador, so all we know right now, is that we don't know much." The whole group was surprised when Trixie walked over and hugged the pegasus from behind, almost possessively. "They're not going to take her away from us, are they? We're expecting two foals, for Celestia's sake!" Spitfire smiled warmly as she laid a hoof over Trixie's and turned to kiss her on the lips. "That's sweet of you to say, Hon, but it's never stopped them before. Besides, there's two things that make my going worthwhile." She paused to enjoy the look of confusion on the showmare's face before adding, "First, I swore an oath to protect this land that I love, and all the creatures that live in it, and I intend to fulfill that oath to the very best of my ability, even should it cost me my life. And second, if I can make this world a little safer for you all and our future fillies, then by Light, I'd count almost any price as cheap." Cheerilee glared at her. "But you intend to come back to us, right? No pointless heroics?" Spitfire crossed her heart and held up a hoof. "Scout's honor. You don't get to the rank of captain by being a medal hunter. Even though I'd be happy to die to protect everyone here, I'd much rather live for you all." She winked at Spike and favored him with a cheeky grin. "That goes for you too, Spike. You're like a cool little brother, who's going to make an even cooler big brother when our foals start coming in." Spike blushed, but his smile didn't quite dispel his melancholy at the thought of their new family breaking apart so soon. "Um, if you want, Twilight, I can delay my trip to my mo- er, you know..." Twilight ruffled his head spines affectionately and smiled down at him. "No, it's fine, Spike. If you don't go now, there will always be something else to delay you. Life goes on. Besides, you promised your mother, and that's not a promise you should break easily." She sighed as she looked at her herd, sorrowful that she wasn't quite done dispensing the bad news. "There was one other piece of news The Princess gave me. She seems to think that some of the nobles are going to cause a fuss over our herding." If Trixie looked upset before, that was nothing compared to now. Releasing Spitfire, she stomped a hoof. “Who was it? The Great and Powerful Trixie shall go 'persuade' them to change their plans.” Twilight took her seat and smiled at her. “Take a seat, G'n'PT. The Princess already has a work-around. She's going to knight you three, so we can proceed as planned. She'll be in contact later tonight with a date and time for the ceremony.” Gasps of surprise met her announcement. “Spitfire's exemplary service aside, what have we done to earn that honor?” Cheerilee asked. “You mean aside from the help you all gave during the foalnapping thing?” Twilight replied. Cheerilee shook her head. “Perhaps you're remembering it differently than I do, sweetheart, but I was the foalnapping victim. One does not get knighted for victimization.” “But the public doesn't know that,” Trixie said. “But I do,” Cheerilee replied hotly. “I can't accept an honor for something I didn't do. It would...” “Cheapen it?” Spitfire offered. Cheerilee nodded and looked away. “I appreciate the offer, but I can't accept knighthood; not for this; not in good conscience.” Twilight laid a hoof over hers and looked at her imploringly. “You realize that there maybe trouble- big trouble if you don't get knighted, right? Some of those nobles are downright vicious in dealing with political rivals, which you would be if you herd with me, and they're not above causing trouble a mere school teacher could never hope to overcome.” Heaving a great sigh, Cheerilee nodded. “As much as I hate to say it, I can't use an easy out. Not one of this magnitude. It would be unethical.” “Ethical? Ethical? What does love have to do with ethics?” Trixie shouted. “Just this morning I gave you something precious! Something I haven't even given to Twilight yet, and you're ready to throw it away for your ethics?” She slammed a hoof down onto the table, rattling the dishes and silverware. "BUCK! THAT! You are going to accept this 'honor' and you are going to like it, or so help me, Celestia, I'll... I'll... I'll do something!” Spike hid under the table as Spitfire grabbed Trixie from behind. “Whoa, there! Ease up on her, girl! It may be putting a crimp on our plans, but I can certainly understand her reasoning.” Trixie tried to whirl around to face her, but could only catch glimpses over her shoulder. “What? You traitor! Against my better judgment, I open my heart to all of you and this is how you treat it? Well, buck you too!” Twilight's horn lit in its magical aura and she stomped a hoof, sending a resounding BOOM throughout the house that rattled everything. "ENOUGH! All three of you calm down! Spitfire, release her. Now.” The pegasus let go the mare in her hooves and backed away from her in shock. “Trixie, sit down and let's talk this over, rationally.” The unicorn quickly found her seat and stared at her wide-eyed. Turning to the final mare, she said in a voice that was carefully controlled, “Cheerilee, is there any act you've done in the past that you feel might warrant knighthood?” Cheerilee squirmed in her seat, rubbing her legs together. “Twilight, I... I'm not one who seeks out greatness, and certainly not the type to have greatness thrust upon me. And I won't-” “Is. There. Anything?” the librarian interrupted, here eyes fairly glowing. “I simply refuse to let anything come between my mares and I. If you can't think of anything, then we are going to have to do something... drastic.” The earth pony gulped audibly as she cast about in her memories for anything that she did that could be construed as heroism above and beyond the call of duty. After a moment, she lowered her head in shame. “No. There's nothing I've done that would have earned knighthood.” With a sigh and a frown, Twilight said, “Spike! Take a letter.” Immediately, the dragon popped up from under the table, quill and paper at the ready. “Dear Princess Celestia. We've hit a bit of a snag on our end. Cheerilee feels that she's done nothing to earn knighthood, and refuses to accept it for fear of cheapening its value. Frankly speaking, I'm inclined to agree with her. So I suggest we implement that contingency plan we discussed just before I left you this afternoon. I apologize for any inconvenience this places upon you, and hope that the rest of our plans can continue as before. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.” Spike rolled up the paper with a ribbon and breathed his green flame, sending it wafting out the chimney. They all looked at Twilight as she resumed her seat. Sensing their eyes on her, she looked up and simply said, “What?” “What do you mean, 'what'?” Trixie exclaimed. “What is this about a 'contingency plan', huh?” Twilight smiled at her and picked up a fork to dig into her salad. “Simple. If knighthood was unacceptable for any reason, we'd just have to go a step above, and give you all honors that don't require exemplary service.” “And that is?” Cheerilee inquired. With her fork poised next to her mouth, Twilight gave her a smirk. “Peerage.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Toola Roola let the curtain drop back into place and resumed washing her paintbrushes in the sink. “Disaster's over. Looks like they worked it out without anypony running off this time.” Lackadaisy breathed a sigh of relief. “Good. Last thing we need is a repeat of Minuette's performance.” Coming up behind Toola Roola, High Class wrapped his forelegs around her waist and breathed in the scent of her mane. “You act like it was my fault. I happened to be working on my cover job. Remember those? Some of us actually have to work as well as do our duty.” The light pink mare got a deadly gleam in her eye and jabbed the stallion in his gut with her elbow, then whirled around in a roundhouse kick, sending him flying into the kitchen wall next to the icebox. “I warned you, High Class! You may be our lover as part of our cover, but when we're alone, I don't want you touching me like that.” She pulled out an X-actoriffic knife with an extraordinarily long blade from seemingly nowhere and brandished it like a dagger. “Do that again, and you'll find out if stallion life is worth living without possessing that which makes you a stallion.” Lackadaisy shook her head sadly over her mug of coffee. “I keep warning you, High. She's not into stallions. When are you going to learn?” “Hey, we gotta keep up appearances,” he said, working his jaw side-to-side. He took to his hooves and brushed the dust off of him. “Besides, fillies like her are just my type. I like 'em with fire.” As Toola Roola left the room in an indignant huff, Lackadaisy commented, “The problem with playing with fire is that sooner or later, you get burned. Why don't you leave well enough alone and finish your report?” High Class sat in his chair to finish his dinner. “Shouldn't we wait for little miss huffy?” “I'll fill her in later, now-” “What was that ruckus about just now?” Plain Sight's voice cut through the room like a laser through the brain. Immediately, Lackadaisy and High Class stood at attention and saluted. She sauntered in from the living room like she owned the place. Looking around the room casually, she demanded, “Explain.” “I-” “Just a disagreement about the chore distribution, Ma'am!” Lackadaisy cut High Class off before he could put his hoof in it again. Plain Sight walked over to the chore chart where it lay on the floor and tacked it back up, covering the dent High Class's body made in the wall. “You three do recall what this detail is about, don't you?” “Yes, Ma'am!” “While it's commendable that you three strive to keep a neat home, remember that it, and all other concerns are secondary, if not lesser.” She walked around the small kitchen table and sat down across from High Class's seat. “As you were.” When they had been seated, she said, “Before I ask for your reports, I want to warn you that some major changes are in the offing as we speak. Twilight's three wives are being ennobled this coming Tuesday. As of the tenth, you'll be watching over Baronesses Trixie, Cheerilee, and Spitfire.” “Baronesses?” Lackadaisy gasped. “What does that make Twilight?” Plain Sight sighed and shook her head. “I see you're living up to your name. If you had bothered to read her file, you'd know that she's already a Countess, though she doesn't like to flaunt it. I strongly suggest that you make that your homework for tonight. Now, where is Toola Roola?” “Probably in her room, sulking with the headphones on, again,” High Class grumbled. Lackadaisy kicked him under the table, causing him to drop his spoon into the soup bowl. “I'll get her, Ma'am.” In Toola Roola's room, Lackadaisy found her slashing at the canvas with her paintbrush like a berserker warrior to her enemy. As expected, the ubiquitous headphones were in place leading to the iHoof strapped to her foreleg. Staying in the doorway, she knocked on it loudly, gaining her attention. “The boss is here, and needs a report. She also has some news for us.” “High Class is being replaced with an inanimate carbon rod?” the artist replied hopefully. Lackadaisy smirked at her. “I said it was news, not that it was good news. Why don't you cut him some slack? You know his tiny brain can't process complex thoughts like the fact that there are mares out there that want nothing to do with him. If you don't let him get your goat so often, he may not try for it so much.” Toola Roola waved a dismissive hoof. “Yeah, well, he shouldn't try to be such a massive tool all the time.” Lackadaisy just rolled her eyes as they walked back to face their boss. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) She knew that answering the phone would only bring trouble, but she really had no choice; not if she wanted to stay in Ponyville and get the big scoop they were waiting for. Sighing, she picked it up on the fifth ring. “News Flash o' the Canterlot Times. How can Ah help you?” “Oh, you think you still work for me, do you? Then why haven't I seen anything on my desk from you for the past week? You think this is a vacation for you or something? What am I paying you for, exactly?” As usual, Evening Edition's call began with a chewing out. If he ever began with pleasantries, she'd know that she was in serious trouble. “Good evenin' to you too, boss. Ah s'pose you're wonderin' where our- my latest 'port is, Sugar?” News Flash had discovered that despite claims to the contrary, her southern accent was quite pleasing to Evening Edition, who was often quoted as saying that listening to her was like getting a tooth drilled by an oil rig run by a family of squirrels hopped up on a gallon of coffee. Colorful (though hyperbolic) observations aside, she did have certain obligations to fulfill. “Someone give the hayseed a cigar! She can be taught! When can I expect your next photos and/or letter of resignation?” News Flash shook her head with a smile. He's so transparent, if a little insulting. “Well, Ah sent a package a' photos yesterday, so yah should'a got 'em this afternoon, or tomorrow at th' latest. As for mah letter o' resignation, y'all'll have to wait a mite longer for that.” “Will wonders never cease? I better look out my window for flying pigs.” “How'd yah get to be such a charmer, Boss?” Her smile turned into a huge grin. “By being forced to work with slack-jawed yokels, half-baked idiots, and overly-educated hacks that wouldn't know a story if it painted itself purple and danced naked up on a piano, singing, 'brilliant stories are here today'. The only advantage to working with the yokels, is that occasionally, they actually do some work.” “Speakin' of workin',” News Flash said, hoping to work off his pleasant surprise, “Ah need y'all to sign off on mah 'spense report. Ah sent it with the pics Ah sent yah.” “And why would I do something monumentally stupid like that?” She grinned again, knowing that she had him this time. “'Cause Ah done got somethin' big in the works. Front page, big. Stop the presses, big. Praise News Flash, big.” “Oh?” “Come Tuesday, Y'all are gonna give me a corner office.” News Flash buffed her hoof on her chest and smirked. “An' that's not even the big news.” “You better not be blowing smoke up my tail, Flash, or you'll be covering birthday parties out in Sticksville.” “Trust me, boss. This is gonna make Princess Cadance's wedding look like an afternoon tea party; an' that's includin' the changelin' invasion.” She hung up the phone and turned to Buried Lead in the bed next to her. “You shouldn't let him insult you like that.” Buried lead said with a frown. “You deserve better than that.” News Flash kissed him and bupped his nose. “Insults are jus' his way o' showin' affection an' respect.” Shaking his head with a wry grin, Buried Lead replied, “Either way, you shouldn't have told him that. He may send out more reporters now. It'll change the thing we have going with Plain Sight now.” News Flash wrapped her hooves around his chest and snuggled into him. “Careful what yah say, Darlin'. That almost sounded... sexual. Relax. Ah'll talk with 'er tomorrow, an' let 'er know that trouble might be comin'.” “I just don't want to queer the deal we have going with her,” Buried Lead replied. “It's not often that a reporter strikes a deal with a bodyguard this sweet. As long as we keep ourselves unobtrusive and our pictures non-intrusive, she keeps us appraised of the big events. That's no small thing, Newsie. “Bury, you truly are in a league of your own, when it comes to worrying,” she said with a playful nibble on his chest. Buried Lead kissed the crown of her head affectionately. “And I can't wait for you to outgrow that youthful invincibility of yours.” News Flash rolled over until she straddled the stallion, her forehooves resting on his chest. “You weren't complaining about my youth an hour ago, Darlin'.” A sudden frown crossed her lover's face prompting her to ask, “What's wrong?” He gave her a tight, humorless smile. “Just wondering what I'm gonna tell your parents. Your father taught me everything I know, your mother takes me in as one of the family, and I repay them by stealing their daughter right from under their noses.” The unicorn mare leaned down and kissed him deeply, backing up onto his rising stallionhood. “Darlin', they saw this comin' the day their twelve year-old daughter asked permission to marry yah. Believe me, they ain't gonna be all that shocked.” She ran her hooves through his mane, relishing the feel of his tip penetrating her lips down below. “Though, yah just might wanna wait to make sure Daddy ain't cleaning his shotgun when yah tell 'em.” “Not to change the subject,” Buried Lead said, “but do you really think that just the two of us can handle covering the ceremonies? Three knightings, and then a herding ceremony the following week? And what about that lead Ink Smudge is following back in Trottingham? Won't a conflict there interfere-” News Flash Silenced him with a hoof on his lips. “Bury, Ah love yah with all mah heart, but if'n you don't fuck me toot sweet, Ah'm-a have to take matters into mah own hoof.” In lieu of a verbal answer, Buried Lead rolled over and gave her the rutting of her life. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) It seemed that love was in the air, that early Amorurary evening. In the master bedroom of a certain house, four mares were getting downright cozy. Twilight looked her mares in the eyes and held their gazes each in turn. “Are you certain about this? Not everypony is... comfortable with this particular spell. For some, it gets a little too... squicky and get all weirded out; let alone for the use to which we'll be putting it tonight.” Spitfire rolled her eyes. “Oh, would you get on with it? We're fine with it.” A nervous nod from Cheerilee and Trixie assuaged her fears, and Twilight closed her eyes in concentration. Her horn began to glow, as did the bed on which they laid. Cheerilee felt something move underneath her and gave a cute little yelp of surprise. It wasn't long before the sheets started moving- just a little at first, but soon, it seemed like the sheets themselves were alive and moving in rippling waves. The first purple tentacle peeped out from the edge of the sheet as if checking to see if the coast was clear, then snaked its way towards the first warm body it could sense, leaving a trail of slick slime behind. As it moved, it exuded a pheromone from its perfectly smooth skin that within seconds had all four mares panting with excitement. A second, third, then many more tentacles joined the first pushing the sheet aside. The first tentacle finally reached a leg, Trixie's as it so happened, and gently trailed its way up the limb, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her. The slick appendage caressed on up the showmare's leg, not even slowing when it met the point where it joined with her body, and kept its momentum until it sensed the slickness of her marehood. It paused there and tentatively poked the tip inside, drawing back from the pressure exerted upon it almost instantaneously upon its intrusion. Cheerilee was the next to feel the tender touch of a tantalizing tentacle. This one was much more aggressive than the first, and wasted no time in wrapping itself around her barrel, lifting her off of the bed completely and flipping her around until she lay suspended in midair and belly up. The tip continued on to her face, playing with her lips until she grabbed it in her forehooves and guided it into her mouth where she sucked on it, relishing the sweet flavor of the sticky lubricant its skin oozed out. Spitfire felt her already lifted tail being grabbed and pulled higher as the rest of the tentacle slid against her marehood, undulating in random patterns, and even doing a fair imitation of a vibrator by shivering against her clit. The mare's eyes crossed then went wide when the formerly smooth tentacle somehow grew nubby little spines and ridges, stimulating her further still. The last to feel their stimulating embrace, Twilight purred like a kitten when she felt two tentacles grab her rear legs and flip her onto her back, keeping them spread wide. A third tentacle joined the first two, sliding up to her exposed marehood. Twilight looked directly at the new arrival and her horn pulsed briefly before returning to its previous intensity. I want to save that for a special occasion. New boundaries set, the tentacle instead went just a touch lower, aiming for her back passage. It teased her puckered star for a few seconds, then wormed its way in, causing Twilight to blush like she never had before. Three more tentacles joined the one holding Cheerilee, one playing with her vulva, and the other two each tackling a nipple. She moaned gutturally around the thick, muscular appendage in her mouth as she tongue-wrestled with it, playfully vying for dominance of her mouth. A muffled “Mmm” was heard each time a tentacle playing with her breasts flicked a nipple, but the biggest reaction came when the last tentacle schlicked its way into her cunny. With a shiver, the tip inflated into a knobby sphere about half the size of a tennis ball and worked back and forth, much to the teacher's delight. Spitfire's wings were caught in the sinuous grasp of a single, seemingly endless tentacle that wound its way between her feathers around one wing, over to the other and continuously slid through them in a single direction. The tentacle sprung out of the bed, through her wings, and back down into the bed, seemingly without end. The pegasus's tongue lolled out of the side of her mouth dripping saliva. So aroused, she didn't even notice the initial intrusion of the previous tentacle into her marehood. It was only when it started to vibrate again that she took notice, and raised her rump into the air. Her wings, already spread full in arousal, stiffened straight out. A new kind of tentacle wended its way over to Trixie, who was moaning on her back, lapping up the sensations of no less than five tentacles which caressed her body in a sensual massage. This new tentacle headed for her horn and wrapped itself around it, eliciting a cute squeak of surprised pleasure from her. It slid off the horn, and several small, pink sparks followed it. The tip of the tentacle opened up like a tiny mouth and slipped over Trixie's horn. Immediately, her eyes crossed and her tongue lolled out like Spitfire's, but dignity was an unknown concept at this point; she was too far gone enjoying one of the best hornjobs she had ever had in her life. Twilight was quite pleased with how her new spell was working out. The Tantric spellbook Spitfire had given her on their first date had certainly made itself useful to them all. Right now, she was enjoying being pinned to the “bed” which was in actuality a mass of tentacles undulating, groping, massaging, and caressing beneath them. A tentacle had firmly grasped each limb as well as her tail and neck, effectively immobilizing her as a seventh moved in and out of her rear passage, making sure to explore every nook and cranny. An eighth moved in and out of her mouth, plunging deep into her throat. She fancied that the tentacle in her mouth was meeting the one in her rump. She knew this wasn't true deep down, but the thought was intoxicating. The room was filled with the messy sounds and smells of sex. Had it not been for Twilight's forethought to put a sound dampening spell on the room, chances are that a certain dragon sleeping down the hall would have been traumatized to the point where sleep would be forever impossible. As it was, the only one who could get traumatized was the pegasus High Hide, who watching through the window from a distance, unable to look away. He had only intended to take a quick peek to make sure everything was alright, but found that like a deer in headlights, he could not look away. He suddenly understood what Plain Sight meant when she talked about how much she loved her job. Spitfire was roughly picked up and positioned with her face over Twilight's cunny, and she wasted no time in attacking the orifice presented to her for her perusal. Her long tongue burrowed into the soaked marehood, greedily lapping up her nectar. Trixie was similarly presented with Cheerilee's, and she too eagerly attacked not only the engorged clit and vulva, but also the engorged appendage currently using said vulva in a manner usually associated with pistons and sleeves. All of them climaxed in a gush of nectar from the mares, and a mysterious clear fluid from the tentacles. As they came down from their high, the tentacles slowly lowered the mares and retracted into the bed again. Four, absolutely shattered mares gasped and panted on the sticky sheets, trying to find the breath to say something, anything. As usual, Trixie was first to find her voice. “That... was incredible!” she managed to get out between gasps. “What was that stuff that came out of the tentacles, Twi?” Spitfire asked with more than a little concern. “I'm not going to... get pregnant, am I?” Twilight sat up on her elbows and smiled stupidly at her. “It's female ejaculate. Absolutely zero chance of pregnancy this time.” “Then why did it taste like that?” Cheerilee asked, not even lifting her head from her resting spot. “None of us usually taste like that.” Falling back flat, Twilight said sleepily, “Added some glucose and some other flavoring compounds. Nothing that in any combination whatsoever that can result in a 'happy little accident'.” As she drifted off, she thought she heard several sighs of relief. > Puttin' on the Ritz > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 11: Puttin' on the Ritz “Miss Sparkle? She'll see you now.” Twilight looked up from her book to see Amethyst Star standing next to the open door to the Mayor's office. Slipping the book into her dimensional pocket and pulling out a rolled up scroll, she made her way over and smiled at the younger unicorn. “Thanks, Amethyst,” she said with a polite nod. She walked in and saw the mayor already standing next to her desk. The earth pony gave her a sort of nervous and uncertain half bow, half nod. “Welcome, Miss Sparkle. What can I do for you today?” Nodding in return, Twilight floated the scroll over to the other mare who took it gingerly. “First of all, I have a formal request for you from The Princess. The gist of it is that she would like to hold a special ceremony here in town tomorrow.” She noted the dismay on the Mayor's face and quickly added, “Nothing fancy or over-the-top, but it will be a formal event. I'll be helping with the set up this morning as well as after my afternoon class. I'm sure that between my friends and I, as well as a few other key ponies, we'll be ready in plenty of time.” Looking over the scroll's message, Mayor Mare felt her eyes go wide. “Why, this is... this is incredible! Never before have so many local ponies been given so many honors before!” She looked at Twilight and said, “We're just a small town, filled with small ponies. We're not used to so much... attention.” “Well, when you grow such exceptional ponies like these, you have to expect a certain amount of accolades to come your way,” Twilight replied with a grin. “You should take it as a compliment that the citizenry here are a cut above the norm.” “I should say so,” Mayor Mare replied. A nervous smile worked its way onto her face as she said, “You know, many of us consider you to be as much a part of this town by now as any of us that were born and raised here.” Twilight blushed and looked away, but her smile was genuinely happy. “Thank you. Th- that means a lot to me,” she said in a low voice. The mayor looked again at the letter and quirked her mouth in thought. “I notice that there's not anything mentioned about your accolades, Miss Sparkle.” The librarian looked at her in confusion. “Why would there be? I was just doing what was expected of me as a representative of the Princess and Bearer of the Element of Magic.” Mayor Mare shook her head and hid a smile at her sudden idea. “Well, I suppose you better get to it, then. I'll start organizing things here on my end.” As Twilight stood to leave, she added, “Oh, could you send Spike over when you go to your class with a progress report? That way I can take over while you're teaching, and there will be a continuous flow of work.” Nodding thoughtfully, Twilight replied, “Sounds sensible. I'll send him over at two, then. I'll see you this afternoon then, Miss Mayor.” With a final respectful nod, she left. The mare leaned back in her chair for a moment, letting her plan fully crystallize in her mind. When she was satisfied, she leaned forward and pushed the button on her intercom. “Miss Star, please come in here. There's a letter I need to dictate.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) A slightly singed Twilight ran into the classroom to find her eight students and one teacher/fillyfriend eagerly awaiting her. “Sorry I'm late, everypony. There was a small fire on the stage, and then the trained songbirds just made it worse, and... you don't really care about any of that,” she said finally seeing the eager faces of her students (and the adoring face of her fillyfriend). “Well, let's get started, then.” She walked over to the chalkboard, dropping off her saddlebags on the way, and began writing on it. “Let's get through the instructional part done so we can get to the practical that I know you've all been waiting for.” Within moments, a simplified diagram of a spell shape had been drawn on the chalkboard. “Now, who can tell me where the starting point for this spell is?” As the lesson continued, Cheerilee was once again struck not only by how into the lesson the foals were, but also by how far they had all come. After just five months, they had learned more than in all the years of tutors she had been having come over to teach them. Granted, they did tend to stray from proscribed curriculum, but since it was the Princess's prize pupil teaching the class, the school board had not uttered a peep about it. Not even the inspector they had sent over after the incident with Snips and his flying scissors had anything negative to say; not after he got a good look at who was doing the teaching. Now here they were, learning magic two grade levels above them, and eagerly asking for more. Why, even Snips and Snails were asking for extra credit work. Twilight tried not to give out too much of that, however, because she didn't want to interfere with their regular schoolwork. However, that didn't stop them from independent study, which frightened them both witless. A long parent-teacher conference put much of those worries to rest, though occasionally one of them came in showing off some new trick they had taught themselves. Dinky Doo especially was prone to doing that. Just last week, she had come to them both and proudly showed them how she could magically regress an apple back into a seed. Even Twilight was deeply impressed by that. The earth pony was shaken out of her reverie by Twilight addressing her directly. “Cheerilee, would you mind passing out the books, please?” With a blush, she got up and passed a small book to each foal. When the last was out, she resumed her seat in the corner, but Berry Pinch raised her hoof. “Miss Twilight, I already know this one. My Mama taught it to me.” Twilight looked at her in surprise. “She did? Well, why don't you trade with the pony next to you, and we'll see how that works out for you.” The maroon filly traded book with Snails, who whispered to her, “Why'd you do that? You could have had it easy.” Leaning close, she whispered back, “But then I wouldn't know if the spell was working or not.” Returning to his normal posture, he said, “Oh. I didn't think of that.” “Okay then, my little ponies,” Twilight said with a quirky smile as she thought of the Princess like she always did when she said that, “Let us begin. Focus on the form, building the pathway layer by layer. Remember that this isn't a race, so take as much time as you need to do it right. Speed comes with familiarity, not the need to impress. Now draw on the power slowly. Let it fill up the pathway you've built until it reaches the center, and...” Nine horns lit up with their distinctive glows, and six fillies, two colts, and a mare opened their eyes as one, letting the glows fade into nothingness. Twilight looked out over her class and said, “Maintenant, jetez un oeil à votre livre et lire, pour moi, ce qui est là, Sweetie Belle.” Sweetie looked down at the little book and read out loud, “El sol es guiado a través del cielo por Celestia— Ay! Estoy leyendo en Reiñol!” Twilight nodded in satisfaction and turned to her next victim, this time speaking in Reinish as Sweetie Belle had. “Snips, lea la primera línea de su libro, por favor.” Snips leaned over his book and spoke slowly and carefully, “Datang ke Gallopfrey. Melihat keajaiban Timur jauh.” “Baik,” Twilight said in Gallopfreyan. “Berry, anda seterusnya.” Berry Pinch read the first sentence of her Neighponese book as if it were written in plain Equish. “Anime wa, neighpon no shuyō na sangyō desu.” Once again, Cheerilee was left stunned as the children answered Twilight in languages they had no way of knowing. It's difficult enough to cast a spell that allowed one to understand, speak, and read one new language, but they're doing it in multiple languages, on the fly! This is incredible for children their age! Twilight dispelled their magic, and they then cast it again several times, practicing until they got it right first time, every time. By the time class ended, every filly and colt was exhausted, but talking animatedly about the lesson. They were eager to show off to their parents and eagerly ran off into the waning daylight. As Twilight was erasing the chalkboard, Cheerilee came up and hugged her from behind. “You never cease to amaze me, Twi.” The librarian looked over her shoulder at her fillyfriend. “Huh? For what?” “These fillies and colts have learned more under your instruction than they have with all the tutors before. You. Are. Amazing,” she said, kissing her after every sentence. Blushing, Twilight turned around and rested her forelegs on Cheerilee's shoulders, while the other mare never relinquished her grasp on Twilight's barrel. “I'm just repeating the lessons given to me in Canterlot. In fact, some of my speeches are taken verbatim from my old class notes.” Cheerilee gave her a raised eyebrow and asked, “You mean you saved- Of course you saved your classroom notes from elementary school. I bet you have them in a file cabinet sorted by year and class, don't you?” Twilight's blush deepened and she looked away. “Maybe,” she replied in a quiet voice. “You are sooo cute!” Cheerilee said and kissed her. Deeply involved with the kiss, they were startled out of it when a familiar voice shouted out, “Ah-ha! I knew we'd find you here!” The moment shattered, they looked to the door with a guilty expression to see their fillyfriends standing there, smirking. “Trixie! Spitfire!” Twilight exclaimed. Spitfire came up and started pushing them out the door. “Come on, you two. We still have a lot to prepare for tomorrow. The stage is set up, but we still need to work on the decorations, and we left Rarity arguing with the Mayor about just what set to use.” Trixie came up alongside them as they passed other ponies in the street, adding, “And perhaps you could talk some sense into your baker friend. She seems to think that a DJ is the solution to all musical needs. Trixie refuses to become ennobled to the sound of 'WUBS', or whatever it is she calls it.” Twilight rolled her eyes. It had already been a long day, and tomorrow promised no respite as well. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) News Flash needled Buried Lead in the ribs. “Yah see? Yah see?” she viciously whispered. “Ah done tol' yah there'd be more than just knighting! Nobles!” Buried Lead shook his head at her exuberance. “Newsie, calm down before you draw their attention. I'm sure that Plain Sight was just too busy to let us know there was a change in plans. Watching over that mare has got to add years to your age.” The unicorn mare smirked up at him and got a glint in her eye that always made him nervous. “Oooh... Ah see. Suddenly into mares closer to your own age, now. Should Ah be worried?” she asked while playfully bumping flanks with him. Glad that her mischief took this relatively safe route, he smiled back at her. “And miss out on this hot piece of flank? Never.” With a kiss, he led her off towards the house they were renting for the duration of their assignments. “Come on. I think that with the telephoto lenses, we can get some fantastic shots of the stage from the second floor of our house.” News Flash shook her head. “Nope. Only one of us will be ponying that station. Y'all'll be a little higher, and a lot closer.” Buried Lead shook his head vigorously. “Nope. Nopenopenopenopenopenopenope. Nope. Nothing doing. The deal we have going is too precious for us to go ruining it by pushing the boundaries. We will not be abusing the small amount of trust we've built up just to get pictures that we could use a telephoto lens to get.” “You always could try to contact her or wait for her to contact you, you know.” The two reporters gasped and whirled around to find a griffon standing behind them. “So you want to get a little closer for the ceremony, huh?” Limnear walked around them with an appraising eye. “Well?” she asked after a moment of silence. Buried Lead hemmed and hawed nervously until News Flash jumped in with an enthusiastic, “Yes!” She ran up to her and tried to give her best cute face. “Please Missus Griffon! Talk to 'er and ask for us! We'll be happy to return the favor someday! Pictures, a favorable story, whatever y'all want, it's yours!” Limnear looked them both over carefully, noting the worried look in the stallion's eyes at the promise of a favor to be named later. “Alright, tell you what. I'll clear it with the boss lady, and you two set up. Just make sure to remain unobserved, and follow all the other rules. This will be for the ceremony only.” News Flash jumped up, pumping a hoof in joy. “However, I want something in return.” She licked her lips, savoring the dismay on Buried Lead's face. “Pictures.” Her single word sent a wave of noticeable relief through the green pegasus, but that didn't last as she elaborated. “Sexy Pictures. Of me, taken by the both of you. Tonight.” She inspected the talons on one forefoot, making sure that their keen points were plainly seen. “I'll also be taking all prints and negatives with me. Tonight. And if word of this gets out to anyone I'll be paying you another visit.Capice?” Both ponies gulped audibly and nodded. Without further word, the griffoness flew off again. Buried Lead glared at his younger companion, who just shrugged and continued their trip home. “He who dares, wins.” The stallion followed several paces behind and muttered to himself, “I wish you'd pay as much attention when I try to tell you to look before you leap.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight stared down her opponent, taking in her measure and weighing her options. A grimace of determination gave her a stern countenance. “It doesn't have to go down this way. There's still time to walk away.” “The same goes for you, Sweet Cheeks,” Spitfire replied, her face equally grim. A smile creeped up onto her face and her hoof shout out, only to bounce off of a purple dome. She withdrew her stinging hoof, holding it close to her chest. “No fair using magic!” she cried. The purple dome formed a bubble around the last biscuit and floated it over towards Twilight who waited with a wide butter knife smeared with strawberry preserves. “I could claim the same thing about your athletic dexterity, but I won't,” she retorted, happily applying the spread to her prize which she had split apart. “Only because you won this round,” Spitfire groused. Twilight chuckled and was about to put the biscuit half in her mouth when she noticed Cheerilee and Trixie eying the food and licking their lips. With a sigh of resignation, she gave each half to one of them. “This is only because you're eating for two now.” She put a hoof to her chin in thought. “Or should that be four?” Cheerilee looked to Trixie and smiled. “You know what would go good with this?” The showmare shook her head and Cheerilee answered, “Clover honey!” Trixie's eyes got wide and they ran into the kitchen. Twilight turned to her remaining fillyfriend and asked, “So, you ready to become a noble tomorrow?” Shaking her head, Spitfire replied, “I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one. I mean me, a Baroness? Vill I haff to talk in a funny ahkzent, like zis?” Spike and Twilight let out a giggle, and the librarian replied, “I don't think so. It might help though, just so you can get into character.” They were interrupted by loud moans of pleasure coming from the kitchen. Twilight looked to Spitfire. “Mom wasn't kidding about the weird cravings. I guess they're more than just a funny joke.” Spike made a disgusted face, partially from the noises emanating from the kitchen. “Personally, I hope they never reach the pickle and ice cream stage.” He stuck his tongue out at the mere thought of the combination. “It's not always the same for everypony, Spike,” Spitfire replied. “When my Mom was pregnant with my brothers, she craved buckwheat noodles and applesauce flavored with wasabi; usually in the middle of the night.” The usual purple scales on the baby dragon took on a distinct greenish tinge and his cheeks bulged. Twilight glared at Spitfire. “If he throws up because of that, you're the one who's going to clean it up, Missy.” Sidling up to him, she replied, “Oh, come on. This little guy is tougher than that. Right, Spike?” To emphasize her point, she slapped him on the back... only for him to lose some of his dinner on her lap. As the little dragon ran to the bathroom to avoid spilling anything else on the floor, Twilight smirked at the thoroughly betrayed mare. “I warned you. Spike is very queasy about certain foods. Ever since he saw Applejack and Apple Bloom making applesauce by hoof, he hasn't touched the stuff, despite repeated explanations by Applejack that they were just fooling around that day, and weren't really making applesauce.” Twilight levitated a damp washcloth that she hoofed over to the still pole-axed Wonderbolt. “Enjoy,” she said sweetly as she walked out of the dining room. Entering the kitchen, she found Trixie and Cheerilee had finished feeding each other the remnants of the biscuit, and had somehow managed to cover their hooves in honey. Cheerilee had a blushing Trixie's hoof in her mouth and was sucking on it like a foal at teat. “Oh, honestly, you two! I think that being pregnant has made you hornier than ever!” Cheerilee took the hoof out of her mouth and made a show out of licking it clean. The bedroom eyes she shot at the librarian made her squirm in place. “Methinks the lady doth protest overmuch.” Twilight ran out of the kitchen yelling, “Spitfire! They're making me think sexy thoughts! Make them stop!” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) It was a unusually warm day for Amorurary. Warm enough for the guards making a sweep of the stage for hidden dangers to not need their regulation scarves or boots, though some still wore them. Twilight stood talking to the newly promoted Overwatch Captain, Dead Reckoning. “So instead of using the standard, yet woefully inadequate Pied Piper's Rat-B-Gone, I went with a much more comprehensive Pigpen's Vermin Shield and followed it up with a Summer Breeze's Zone of Ultimate Comfort.” The white unicorn nodded. “Aye, Ah have to agree thae it is a mooch better spell, noo. We recently went over t'it in the guards' stables, an' the number o' varmin-related health issues hae dropped tae eight parcent, or thereaboot.” “Really? Shining's been trying to implement that change for years. Good to see it finally went through,” Twilight commented. She glanced up and shouted to a pegasus in the sky. “No, Cloudchaser, move that cloud over there. No, a hundred yards west. There!” She looked back at the captain and said sheepishly, “Sorry, just trying to get the lighting right. When the time comes to start, we should have a beam of sunlight hitting all of the stage if my calculations hold.” She looked at him funny as he chuckled quietly. “What?” Dead Reckoning shook his head. “It's nawt. Jus' thinkin' how ye haven't changed since the first time we met. You're going to be a wee bonnie hoofful for a lucky somepony- or should Ah say, someponies?” He gave her a playful elbow in the ribs. Twilight looked around nervously, making sure nopony heard her, but all she saw were the clouds above, and the stage below. One was too high to clearly hear anything, and the other too low to hide anypony. “Shh! We're trying to keep that secret until it's too late for anypony to do anything about it!” she hissed. “Ach, calm doon, lass. There's naepony aboot tae hear,” Dead Reckoning replied quietly. Unconvinced, Twilight looked around nervously. “Still, it's better not to even mention it obliquely, Captain. I'd appreciate it if you didn't until it's over with.” Dead Reckoning nodded. “Aye, Ah'll do that n'all, but ye need tae calm yuirself. Fashin' yuirself so will do nawt but gi' ye a braw headache.” Rubbing her temples, Twilight nodded. “I think you're right. I'm gonna go take some aspirin. I'll be right back.” As she left, the Captain watched her, shaking his head. “A right bonnie lass, but strung way too tight for her oon good.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight checked her mane one last time to make sure the stripes were all to one side, then turned to inspect Spike's scales. Naturally, he resisted, trying to push her hooves away. “Twilight, I'm fine! You're fine, they're fine, we're all fine!” She ruffled the spines on his head playfully and smiled down at him. “Alright, Spike. Just making sure we all look our best.” She turned to her fillyfriends and nodded in approval. Trixie and Spitfire, used to appearing before crowds, naturally were well-groomed, wearing their respective "Class A" uniforms. Even Cheerilee, who looked a little nervous about the whole proceedings was wearing her “Sunday best”, which consisted of her mane styled in a particularly complicated coiffure held in place with a pair of heirloom hair sticks encrusted with amethysts designed to look like a bunch of grapes. “Well, let's go, girls. Nobility awaits!” The five of them walked out of the house, heads held high, and made their way to the town hall where the stage was set. They nodded and greeted friends and neighbors as they passed, and were greeted in turn. They arrived at the backstage, and nodded to the guards who held the curtain open for them. Backstage, they saw the Mayor talking to Celestia, both of whom turned to them. Bowing to her first, Twilight ran up to the alicorn and nuzzled her. Celestia chuckled at her student's apparent agitation. “There's no need to be nervous, Twilight. I've performed this ceremony literally hundreds of times.” “I know, Princess. I just get so jittery in front of crowds,” the librarian replied. “It's why I never liked presenting reports in school.” “Yes, I seem to recall you enjoying the research portion much more,” Celestia replied with a wistful smile. “Remember that one night I had to escort you from the library?” Twilight ducked her head and blushed. “Princess, please. Ot-nay in ront-fay of the erd-hay.” Cheerilee hid a giggle behind a hoof while the other two tried to look innocent when Twilight turned to glare at them. Returning to the Princess, she said, “I hope everything goes well.” “It'll be fine, my Faithful student.” Twilight's nerves were not to be denied, however. “But what if a giant meteor crashed down the road and a swarm of alien creatures bent on eating everypony popped out and overran usputtingsomeofusintogoo-filledpodstosnackonlaterand-” Her fear-filled rant was stopped by Spitfire's kiss, as well as Trixie and Cheerilee hugging her from either side. Spitfire withdrew her lips with an audibly wet smack, leaving Twilight's still in kissing position. “Better?” she asked with a sly smile. “Yeah,” Twilight replied, her lips seemingly stuck in that position for several seconds. With a shake of her head, her face returned to normal. Celestia nodded to the Mayor, who walked out on the stage to begin. As she gave her warm up speech, the alicorn approached the ponies and dragon. “I apologize that we need to do this in order to see your happiness is assured. Politics these days often make me long for the days when Luna and I ruled with more autocratic power. It seems that the very word has come to amount to a legal way to deny others what should be theirs through common sense.” “It's hardly your fault, Your Highness,” Spitfire said. “Being only equine, the allure of power is just too much for some ponies to deny.” “Precisely why Luna and I gave up so much of it,” Celestia replied. They could hear the Mayor winding down her speech, and Twilight said, “Huh. Shorter than usual. Better get into place, everypony.” Celestia walked out from behind the curtain to thunderous applause. “My little ponies,” she began when it had died down enough to be heard without invoking the Royal Canterlot Voice. “We are here today to honor several ponies, whose works and actions go beyond the call of normal duty to be expected from any citizen of Equestria. These ponies are to be held up as exemplars of honor, loyalty, caring and compassion. They risked their lives, not for reward, not for fame, not even asking for recognition; but because they saw what needed to be done, and acted selflessly to see it carried out. “Please join me in honoring Cheerilee, Spitfire, and Trixie Lulamoon!” She clapped as the three ponies walked out as their names were called out. The three of them bowed before her, remaining in that position. A dappled gray earth pony guard came forward, bearing an ornate golden sword on a red velvet pillow, holding it up for the alicorn. Celestia's golden magic aura took hold of the weapon and held it up before her in salute. “Cheerilee, Spitfire, Trixie née Lulamoon. Do you swear to uphold the laws and values of Equestria for as long as you shall draw breath? Do you swear to defend the honor and good name of Equestria for as long as your heart beats in your chests? Do you swear to answer any call to duty great or small for as long as you can put one hoof in front of the other or draw a weapon? And most importantly, do you swear to defend and care for the ponies of Equestria for as long as you live, so say you all?” As one, the three ponies replied in well practiced unison, “We do; so say we all.” Celestia levitated the sword, barely touching each shoulder of the ponies. “It is my great honor to dub thee, Baroness Cheerilee of Ponyville, Baroness Spitfire of Ponyville, and Baroness Trixie née Lulamoon of Ponyville. Rise, my little ponies.” They came to their hooves to the exultant roar of the crowd. The cheering and applause seemed to go on forever. Trixie rose to her rear hooves and threw her forelegs wide, lapping up the jubilation like a cat with a bowl of cream. Spitfire took it in good-natured stride, used to the adulation of large groups. Cheerilee, however, seemed a little dizzy, and leaned against the strong pegasus's side for support. The earth pony guard from before came forth with a gilded box and opened it to Celestia. From it, she levitated a medal hanging from a wide purple ribbon. Over each neck, she laid the medals of office, and gave each a kiss on the forehead, causing each to blush slightly. They felt a thrill of magic in the kiss that suffused their bodies, and wondered what this gesture that Twilight had told them nothing about signified. Celestia returned to the podium and cleared her throat from an uncharacteristic hitch. “There is one last bit of business to be done today before we conclude this ceremony. Madam Mayor?” She nodded to the tan earth pony and conceded the podium. The Mayor resumed her place and looked out over the crowd. “There is one more honor we have to confer today, and it is one that requires the vote of all townsponies. I'd like to see a show of hooves. All in favor of adopting Twilight Sparkle and Spike the Dragon as adopted native Ponyvillians, say aye!” There was a momentary pause as the last minute election was held; but the silence was quickly shattered by an enormous ”AYE!” from everypony gathered. “All opposed?” The only sound to break the silence was a demure cough from a yellow pegasus that had overworked her vocal chords. Smiling, the Mayor happily said, “Motion carried unanimously! Twilight Sparkle and Spike, please come forward!” Twilight and Spike stepped out from the backstage in a daze. They approached the podium, and Pinkie-Pie ran up to give them each a “Congratulations on being adopted by Ponyville” gift basket, and the mayor placed a red ribboned medallion around each of their necks. The tan mare gave them a warm hug and said, “Welcome to the family.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) With a disgusted grimace, Luna practically growled out the words, “Then by a vote of one-hundred and twelve to sixty-one, the motion is carried. Bill number one- five- four- eight- three- seven- nine- six- two- B- stroke- seven will be sent to the House of Commons for debate and voting.” She slammed the gavel down with far more vigor than was entirely necessary and rose from her seat. The Bailiff shouted, “All rise for her Royal Highness, Princess Luna of the Moon!” All the ponies complied and bowed to her respectfully as she left in a huff. There was some milling about, mostly like-minded nobles congratulating Golden Bit on his victory in pushing his bill through, despite the uphill battle it now faced in the House of Commons. Despite that, Golden Bit had timed this vote too well. Too many of his opponents were away, taking care of problems that had conveniently cropped up to oppose the vote in person. Golden Bit paused in soaking up his accolades as he saw his son walk in to the Parliamentary floor, an act that he hadn't done since Golden Bit himself had brought him in as a colt. He did not care for the determined look in his eye. Blueblood never looked that way, especially not at his father. Resuming his mask, he excused himself and walked over to see what brought him here. Before he could even open his mouth, Blueblood tersely said, “Father.” Just the tone sent a chill of worry down the Duke's spine, and he wondered what sort of obstinance he'd have to be putting down this time. “I hear congratulations are in order.” “Watch your tone, boy. I brought you into this world; believe me, I can still take you out of it just as easily.” He sheathed the steel in his voice within the soft veneer of a false smile that had disarmed many a pony before. “I've just come by to tell you that you've failed. The Princesses have already taken measures to mitigate the damage your plans will do. Twilight Sparkle is safe from your manipulations, and soon, so will I.” Golden Bit had never heard his son speak with such confidence before. Under other circumstances, he would have been proud; the first time in years, but now? “What have you done, boy?” he hissed. Blueblood gathered his courage and puffed out his chest. “I've done what I can to protect her from you. I'll not see Twilight Sparkle used and passed around like a commodity. She deserves better than that, and by Celestia, I'll see that she gets better.” Golden bit watched his son leave, wondering how he could salvage the situation. (\ /) ( . .) *(")(") Cunning Eye picked at his teeth with a splinter as he surveyed the destroyed camp. Tents lay strewn about with holes in them, pony-sized equipment was either broken, or in the process of being broken by the five minotaur and eight griffon subordinates which dominated the clearing. Those not busy actively destroying the camping gear, were eating the food or counting the few bits they had taken from the ponies who now were cowering in front of their leader. Cunning Eye took the splinter from his teeth and flicked it at the old stallion between the eyes, who was trying to shield his daughter and grandfoals with his body. "I hope we understand each other now. This territory belongs to the Hegemony, and we don't appreciate trespassers. You want to camp in our lands, you go through proper channels and get a visa and a permit. Got it?" The colt in his mothers' arms tried to say something, but with a mouth full of hoof, the best he could do was mumble and glare. Cunning Eye smirked at the colt. "Got something to say, kid?" The old stallion shifted so that he was blocking the minotaur's view of the foal. "No sir. Message received." The minotaur lashed out faster than the ponies could react, backhanding the stallion, sending him sprawling to the ground. "I wasn't asking you, old timer." He looked back at the colt, who was too shocked to even move. "Well, kid? Want to say something? I'm right here." The colt wisely held his tongue and just shook his head while glaring at the much larger creature. Cunning Eye let loose a deep belly laugh. "I thought not. You ponies are all the same. You act tough hiding behind your princess' skirts, but on your own, you're just cowards. You should take this as a good lesson, kid. Don't mess with someone unless you're sure you can stand up to them on your own." Turning to his subordinates, he whistled to get their attention. "I think these trespassers have learned their lesson. Sergeant Cooper, escort this scum from above until they leave our borders. The rest of you, return to base." Cooper, a griffon with a snapped off tail licked his beak as he watched the mare help her father up and lead her children off into the woods. He was about to take to the air when Cunning Eye called out to him. "Sergeant!" He waited until he had the griffon's full attention. "Remember, we want some survivors, or this whole excursion was pointless." The griffon nodded before taking to the air, a grin plastered on his beak. > Love Hurts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 12: Love Hurts “Please rise, Miss Mayor. I would like you to treat me just as you did before all this,” Twilight whined in exasperation. She looked to Celestia who stood a few hooves away in the Mayor's office, smirking at her protégé. The tan earth pony rose, but kept her tone deferential. “It would be disrespectful Milady, to address you with such familiarity. Had I known earlier, I never would have-” “And that's exactly why I didn't tell anypony about it,” Twilight interrupted. “If I had wanted fame and recognition, I would have sent out a notice. But I like it here in Ponyville as it is. Sure it's filled with crazy ponies, and yes, there occasionally is some great disaster that threatens everypony's safety, but this place feels like... home. Here I feel welcome because I'm me, not because I'm the Princess's personal student, or a Countess, or even a bearer of an Element of Harmony.” She ducked her head until her eyes met the Mayor's. “I love Ponyville just as much as Ponyville loves me, and I want to live here. I don't want to be treated like royalty, though listening to my advice now and again would make for a nice change of pace.” The mayor reflexively flinched from the ever so mild rebuke. “Yes Mi- Twilight.” Twilight nodded in satisfaction. “Good. And that goes for my her- er, fillyfriends as well.” Mare nodded again. “It's alright, Twilight. You've already informed me about the upcoming... er, thing. I would have had to know anyway when the license crossed my desk.” Twilight put a hoof to her forehead and tried to massage away the tension. “Sorry. It's a little difficult to remember who I've told sometimes. This is all pretty stressful besides." Resting a comforting hoof on her shoulder, Celestia said, “Maybe you should rest, Twilight. You look worn out.” Twilight scrubbed her face with her hooves and groaned. “I can't, Princess. There's still too much to do, yet. I still have to oversee the construction of the pergola and arbor, the local florists won't be able to handle the large order here so I need to make some calls to the larger ones in Canterlot, Pinkie insists on using her deejay friend for all the music which has Trixie up in arms again, and I swear that if Rarity offers one more change to make to the decorations I'm going to scream.” Celestia's horn glowed and a steaming mug appeared in front of the frazzled unicorn. “Have some cocoa, Twilight. It will calm you down.” Gratefully taking the cup in her own magic, Twilight accepted gratefully. “Thank you, Princess. This is just what I need right now.” She finished the cup in one long swallow and licked the marshmallow cream from her upper lip. “Mmm... just like how I...” her mouth cracked open in a wide yawn. “... remember it. Excuse me. I just...” Before she could even finish her sentence, she was asleep on her hooves, snoring away. Celestia caught the mug before it dropped to the floor and teleported it away. She moved Twilight onto her back and nestled her in between her wings, fluffing them up a bit to help keep her steady. She smiled back at her precious cargo wistfully. “I haven't done this since she was a filly,” she whispered. Turning back to the Mayor, she said in a low voice, “I'll leave the local bureaucracy to you, then. If you'll excuse me, I need to deliver her home so she can get some rest.” “Of course, Your Highness,” Mayor Mare whispered and bowed low until she had left the office. Not for the first time, she felt a stab of envy at the familiarity the unicorn and Princess shared. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Waking from a doze on a cloud, she lazily looked around, casually noting that the sun was just starting to sink below the horizon. Alas, time for a little industriousness, We suppose, she thought with a sigh. By the firmament, would that We could relax thus for a week! She rolled onto her stomach with a grunt of lazy effort and looked directly at the sun. She soaked in the warm embrace a bit longer before closing her eyes and concentrating. Her horn did not glow, because this was not magic she was using. At least, it wasn't magic in the sense that others understood it. No, this was something far more... innate. becoming in tune with her true nature, she coaxed the stars out, one by one at first, then a few dozen at a time,, until at last, hundreds, then thousands, then millions came into view, filling the night sky with their pinpricks of light. It wasn't long before the moon joined them, shedding it's own brilliance on the land below it. She looked up to admire her work and smiled. She saw the constellations winking at her, and she returned the friendly gesture. A flap of wings to her right drew her attention, and she looked up to see her best friend. She waved to her and gestured to a space next to her on the cloud. “We hope this lovely eve finds thee well, Nyx.” Nyx landed next to her and nuzzled up to her like a great cat, though not so great as to overwhelm her with her usual size. “Much better now that we're together. I've missed you these past few weeks. Even though you spend them in my Library, I hardly get to see you anymore. Even Kat is feeling neglected.” “Verily, We apologize, but this research couldst be the key to finally putting an end to this sad business. We had to absent ourselves from the library, because We knew if We spent our time frolicking there, We just would have been drawn back into more research.” She nuzzled the sphinx and placed a purple hoof over her paw. “Forgive us?” Nyx blushed and shyly replied, “Always.” They sat together, sharing their body warmth and gazed at the stars quietly for some time. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight awoke, still muzzy from her unintentional nap. How odd. I haven't had that dream in years. Yawning, she stretched her hind end first, sticking it high into the air, then levered forward, stretching her forelegs. A whiff of Celestia's scent lingering on her coat brought a nostalgic smile to her face, and for a moment, she was lost in her foalhood. You know, I just realized suddenly that this was one dream I never shared with the Princess for one reason or another. I wonder if she's still around. One way to find out, I guess. She walked downstairs to find Spike and her fillyfriends having a late dinner. Cheerilee looked up and garnered the rest's attention by saying, “Well, good morning, Miss Sleepyhead. Have a good nap?” Twilight looked around, even peeking into the living room. “Is the Princess gone already?” “'Fraid so, Milady,” Spitfire said in between bites of garlic toast. “If there's something you need to talk to her about, you could always send a letter.” Spike looked mildly nauseous at the idea of burping up fire for a letter this soon after eating garlic. Shaking her head, Twilight replied, “No, it's okay. It's nothing important enough for a letter, and it would be kind of awkward to converse about it like that. It was just... just a dream.” Already, she could feel important details of the sequence slipping away from her, even as she tried to hold on to them. She shook her head to clear it, and asked, “So what are we having?” “Pasketti and marinara!” Trixie said happily. Twilight hugged her from behind and kissed a spot of sauce from her cheek. “I love you girls so much.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Plain Sight watched the Princess's chariot fly off with her in it from the dark of an alley and sighed in relief. “Is it that big a relief to see the back of her?” Plain Sight Whirled her head to glare daggers at Limnear a few paces away. “She is my Diarch; the second most important pony in my life. You will treat her with respect whether or not she is present.” Limnear held up her forepaws defensively. “Hey, whoa, I was just saying that you sounded relieved to see her go, is all. No need to bite my head off.” Somewhat mollified, the earth pony turned back to watch the receding chariot shrink into a speck before disappearing entirely. “Sorry, but she gets enough flak from those insipid nobles without having to deal with insubordinate subordinates. And yes, it's always a relief to see her safely off whenever she comes for these visits. I think she needs them as much as Twilight does, but it's a hoof-biting experience when I know that her safety is my responsibility.” Turning back to the griffoness, she asked, “Was there something you needed?” Limnear held a forepaw over her heart as if shot. “Oh! You wound me as no arrow can with mere words! Can't a griffoness just hang out with her best friend-hopefully-with-privileges-and-much-more? Honestly, PS, you're far too suspicious.” Rolling her eyes, the mare good-naturedly took the bait so elegantly laid out for her. “It comes with the job, baby,” she replied with a fake gangster accent. The two of them shared a smile, the first genuine one Limnear had seen on her mare's face since she returned to Griffonia years ago. Leaning in close, she was glad to see the earth pony didn't flinch or even pull away. “Did you get my present for you?” Plain Sight grinned at her slyly. “I must say that they certainly were eye-openers first thing in the morning. How did you get them on my pillow without waking me?” “I have my ways,” Limnear evaded her questions with practiced ease. “So which was your favorite?” Putting a hoof to her chin, Plain Sight looked off into the distance and said, “That would probably have to be the one where you have your rear in the camera and are looking back. Reminded me of our misspent youth.” Limnear cocked an eye at her. “The one with the teddy and stockings? I hope you appreciate just how difficult it is to put on stockings over fur and not have them come out looking like you stuffed a cat into a plastic bag.” “I remember,” Plain Sight replied. “I helped you into them enough. Of course, taking them off again was always the really fun part.” They shared a laugh that trailed off, ending with them looking into each other's eyes. Neither of them even noticed they were getting closer until Limnear crossed the final few inches and passionately kissed her mare on the lips. As hard as griffon beaks are, there is still some give to them, allowing them to form words and manipulate objects. Though nowhere approaching the dexterity of a pony's lips, they were soft and agile enough to make them decent kissers, given enough practice. Having had said practice with Plain Sight for years, Limnear was almost as good as your average pony, and she put that to good use now. Their eyes closed and tongues dueled, sliding wetly across each other. Caressing against one another in familiar motions, they simultaneously sighed into the kiss. Limnear nipped at Plain Sight's lower lip playfully, then dived in again for seconds, this time softly fondling the mare's taut rump. Plain Sight melted into the kiss, then her eyes shot wide open. She pulled away roughly and ran off down the alley and disappeared into the crowd before Limnear could even utter a word. The griffoness was certain that she had seen tears in the mare's eyes as she ran. “Scat!” she cursed and slammed the side of her fist against the wall to her right. She fell to her stomach and had to restrain herself from clawing at her face with her forepaws. It had taken months for the feathers to grow back and cover the scars the last time she had done that, and she couldn't afford to be away from Plain Sight that long if she wanted her second shot. “Too fast! Too bucking fast, you twit, too fast!” Tears streamed down her face, splashing onto the ground before her. The sound of a small hoof taking a step had her swinging around, claws ready and bared. “Who's there? Come out, now!” A small, gray unicorn filly holding a doll stepped away from a garbage can. “Are you okay, Miss Griffon?” she asked in a tiny voice. Limnear put her claws down right away so as to not scare the poor foal anymore than she already had. “What are you doing back there, kid?” Taking a small step forward, the filly replied, “Um, I heard somepony crying, so I came to offer a hug from Lady Sparkle.” She held her doll out in her magic, surprising the griffoness. She looked at the proffered hand-stitched toy with some trepidation, and was about to tell her to take it away, when she looked closer at it. It was obviously supposed to be a filly, and the gray material had a dappled rump, like someone had spilled bleach on it, somehow missing the black yarn that made up the tail and mane. In fact, it bore an uncanny resemblance to a certain mare that Limnear cared for deeply. Taking the doll in her forepaw, Limnear examined it closely, noting that though it was poorly stitched together, it looked sturdy. Experimentally, she gently squeezed the doll, and a squeak was heard. Limnear smiled at the toy and held it close to her chest. She was surprised at how good it made her feel, like she could salvage the situation, if only she persevered. She returned the doll to the filly and smiled gently at her. “Thanks, kid. I needed that.” She took to the air, heading for her home to think of a way to keep Plain Sight from ending all contact with her. As she flew away, Limnear could hear the filly talking to the doll. “Okay Lady Sparkle, let's change you back before Daddy sees you.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Lyra stormed into her mother's opulent house, not even acknowledging the maid who opened the door for her. “Mother! Mother come explain this!” An aging, lime-green unicorn mare walked out of the parlor, a martini glass in her magical grasp. Her slightly disheveled look letting the mint green mare know that five o'clock had indeed arrived at this home, at least. “Lyra, darling! How nice to see you! I was just thinking of visiting you.” Lyra thrust a sheet of folded paper into her face. “Explain yourself, Mother! I thought you were okay with Bonnie!” Aria placed a hoof on the paper so that her unfocused eyes could meet her only daughter's. “Judging by your tone, I presume you're talking about the letter I sent you.” She finished off her cosmopolitan, despite the glass still being half full, letting the cherry slip past. She shuddered before speaking again. “Lyra, my Princess, you know that I simply adore our Bonnie. She treats you like that oaf of a boyfriend you had never did, and I love her for it. However, the thing is, that you're not dealing with all the available information before running off half-cocked; as usual.” She handed the glass to the waiting maid. “Another please, Hot Toddy. Oh, and see if any of the guests would like another as well.” Lyra rested her face in a hoof. “Oh, Mother. Entertaining while drunk? That's a new low.” Aria ran a lime green hoof through her daughter's mane and smiled. “Again with the leaping to conclusions, Dear Heart. I'm not entertaining, we're strategizing.” “Stra- huh?” Lyra threw a confused look at her Mother. Further discussion came to a halt as Blueblood looked out into the grand foyer of the mansion from the parlor. “Lady Heartstrings? Is everything alright?” Aria waved demurely to the young noble. “I'll join you shortly Milord. I was just explaining the situation to my daughter, here.” Blueblood nodded to Lyra and walked back. Turning to her daughter, she said, "You see, Dear Heart, The Duke of Canterlot has passed a ridiculous bill in the House of Lords making it impossible for commoners to gain any meaningful rank in the military. I shudder to think of the favors he's called in to implement this travesty, but I and several other believe it might be just a prelude to some more sinister bill, perhaps even outlawing marriage between the classes, though that would be almost certain political suicide-" "Mother!" Lyra shouted, halting her dam in mid sentence. "You're drunk and rambling. What was the point of sending me a letter telling me to hide my relationship to Bonbon?" Actually setting down her martini glass, Aria replied, "Sorry, Dear. The point is, that at this moment, it's not a very good idea for a noble such as yourself to be seen cavorting with a commoner such as Bonbon, gem that she is, as it might somehow give the old fool some sort of ammunition to use against us. It would be a different story if you had made an honest mare of that poor girl already, but since you seem to be dragging your hooves on that as well-" She stopped when she noticed the glare Lyra was giving her and cleared her throat. “As you can see, a small gathering of nobles and their offspring who were less than thrilled with the new law have decided to meet and decide what to do about it. Being the kind, giving mare that I am, I decided to let them meet here, rather than in some seedy bar or some such.” Lyra's jaw dropped. “Mother? What are you planning?” she asked, shooting her a strange glance. Waving a dismissive hoof, Aria replied, “Oh, nothing much. Just seeing if it's possible to make Golden Bit choke on his own rage. It's all in the name of science, you see. A grand experiment! Young Twilight Sparkle would approve, I think.” Her sly smile did little to convince Lyra that this was purely a scientific endeavor, nor did her mother's next words. “Why? Did you want to contribute, Dearest?” Lyra smiled and hugged her mother, not even caring about the reek of alcohol on her breath. “Yes, Mom. Bonbon and I would love to help.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) The sound of Busy's famous opera Carmine filled the library as Twilight and Spike re shelved the books. They had been at it for close to an hour when she finally relented and put on the record so that she wouldn't have to listen to Spike, “go mad from the sound of deafening silence, broken only by the sound of them breathing and sliding books onto shelves.” (his words exactly). As they worked, the upbeat overture did help, and Twilight found that their progress had significantly improved. She was about to start mental calculations on the rate of improvement when the door opened and a familiar gray earth pony mare walked in. “Is that Carmine I hear?” Octavia asked. Twilight turned to her with a smile. “Indeed it is! Morning Miss Octavia. Anything I can do for you today?” Octavia's eyes closed and she swayed in time to the music. “Yes. You can let me sit and soak up this culture. I had almost forgotten that real music is not all 'dubstep',” she said, putting her hooves up in air quotes. Twilight nodded, and left her sitting on the couch, returning to her work with Spike. The gray pony waved a hoof about as if conducting an orchestra, while they worked. When the Overture ended, Octavia walked over to her again, her smile threatening to split her face in half. “I had heard from a certain pink pony that you were having a function that needed some musical accompaniment. Since it is your function, I thought I should talk to you in person to get an idea of what you will want.” “Well, while the parties I put on are often called square, it's never been done quite so obliquely,” Twilight replied with a smirk. Octavia looked at her in confusion, but Twilight waved the matter aside. “Sorry, just a little nerd humor. So Pinkie sent you? Really? I guess she finally understood that music doesn't begin with the Pony Pokey and end with oontz oontz oontz.” Spike started shaking his booty, but became indignant when she stopped. “Hey! Why'd you stop? I was just getting into it!” Twilight shot him a withering glare. “Aren't you supposed to be reshelving? You want those extra bits for your allowance or not?” The baby dragon mimed closing a zipper across his lips and turned back to his work. Twilight returned her attention to Octavia and said, “Yeah, I'm actually going to have to swear you to secrecy for this, before I explain what's going on.” “I suppose you shall want one of those silly 'Pinkie Promises' for this?” Octavia asked, and sighed when a nod was her answer. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” she said as she went through the motions. “Now what is this all about?” Looking around to make sure that nopony would hear them beyond Spike, she replied in a low voice, “I'm getting hitched.” The Cellist's face lit up. “Oh my goodness! That is fantastic! Which one was the lucky mare?” Twilight looked side to side and blushed hard. Licking her lips, she replied, “Um, all of them.” Octavia tilted her head and leaned closer. “I'm sorry, it sounded like you said 'all of them'.” “I... did,” she said more confidently. Octavia looked off to her left as she digested this. Looking to the right, she sat down and put a hoof to her chin. She pointed a hoof at Twilight and opened her mouth, but no question was forthcoming. Her brow furrowed as she brought her hoof back to her chin and “Hmm'ed” in thought. “You know,” she said after a moment longer in thought, “if anypony was going to revive the idea of the herd, I would have thought it would be Rainbow Dash. Did you know that she propositioned Vinyl and myself this morning, right in the middle of Sugarcube Corner? During the morning rush?” A hoof met Twilight's face which emitted a groan. “Oh, Dash...” Octavia laid a hoof on her shoulder. “I'm glad you found a few mares that can bring you such happiness while tempering your more... encompassing outbursts.” She looked off to the side before muttering, “Now if only we can do the same for your pink friend...” Twilight's ear twitched. “Sorry, didn't quite catch that last part.” “Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted Pack Able's Canon or that dreadful Wagoner march,” the Cellist replied. “Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of Clerk's Trumpet Voluntary for the processional and Moray's Rondeau for the recessional. Can you handle that with just a quartet or quintet?” Twilight asked, hope gleaming in her eyes. Octavia took out a small black book and began writing in it. “What's that?” Twilight asked her. The gray mare finished writing and put the tiny book away. “Just putting you down as one of the few ponies in this town with whom I need to spend more time. Anypony who suggests those songs for their big day is worth getting to know better.” She straightened her bow tie, saying, “Since the ceremony yesterday, I don't think I have to ask if you're worried about the nobles taking exception to your using what they deem 'their music'.” Twilight smiled wryly at her. “Actually, that ceremony was the way we're hoping to forestall any problems from them on any front. So, with them all four of us officially nobles, they won't have a leg to stand on, should they try to decry us as 'diluting noble blood' or some such.” Her smile became a grin at the earth pony's confusion, and she added, “I'm actually a countess.” Octavia's eyes widened and she rose to quickly bow before her. “Milady.” Waving off her genuflection, Twilight groused, “Oh, stop it. My friends don't bow before me. I want you to treat me just like you did before you knew about this. But, there is one thing I'd like you to do for me,” she said, looking nervous. “Anything, Mil- er, Twilight.” “Keep a lid on the Countess thing as well? At least until the ceremony.” Twilight rubbed a hoof along the other foreleg, looking embarrassed. “I want to enjoy my last few days without all the bowing and scraping that will come when my title is revealed.” Octavia raised an eyebrow and tilted her head as she smiled at the unicorn. “I think this town will pleasantly surprise you in that regard. Just ask Lyra Heartstrings, sometime.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Cadance sipped from her mug of cocoa before asking, “So can we count on your support, Admiral?” The tan pegasus with a dark-brown mane smiled back at her. She rose and saluted. “Your Highness, you may always rely on my support,” she said in a crisp contralto. “Thank you, Honor. It's good to know that we have the backing of one of the navy's oldest dynasties,” Cadance replied. Honor straightened her black tunic and resumed her seat. “I think it's safe to say that the crown will always have the backing of the Herring-Bones, Your Highness.” The gray, stripped tressym sitting on the back of her chair meowed his agreement. “See? Even Kibitz wants to help.” Cadance nodded solemnly to the winged feline before breaking out in a smile. “Thank you, Kibitz. We'll accept any and all help offered.” Taking a sip from her own mug of cocoa, Honor sat back and considered. “Well, offhoof, I know of maybe three admirals directly affected by this law, as well as a good number of captains and one commodore; all commoners, and just about all of them have some sort of political aspirations, whether it's running for the House of Commons, or creating their own family legacies. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how effective it is to tell one of the entitled to do what you want, when it's not a direct order.” “Like herding cats,” Cadance said with a giggle. “Exactly, Your Highness,” Honor said with a smile. “I think that the good Duke has actually done a lot of our work for us. He may have appealed to many of the elitist nobles with this law, but he certainly did himself no favors with the commoners or gentry. I'll do what I can to stir them up, but once they figure out what this really means for them, they'll come to our side in droves.” The alicorn suddenly sobered and looked thoughtful. “What if he took that into account?” “Pardon?” “What if he knew that would eventually be a problem for him further on down the road?” She got up and began pacing in front of the Admiral. “Golden Bit's too clever to have not seen this coming. Surely he has some way to counter any backlash.” She sat again and looked out the window, not really seeing the naval shipyard Honor's office overlooked. Honor put her polished brass prosthetic hoof to her chin. “The more I think about it, the more I realize you're right. He's far too canny to have left himself open like this. The problem is seeing how he planned to ward off any animosity this move would have garnered.” They sat in silent thought for many minutes before Cadance shook her head. “I think I better pay a visit to my Aunties. See if older, wiser heads can see what we're missing.” Rising to her hooves, Honor walked her to the door. “I'll do what I can on my end, Your Highness. If I hear anything, I'll let you know. “Thank you admiral, I knew I could count on you,” Cadance said as she left. It was a pity her thanks did little to alleviate the concern welling up in the pegasus's chest. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight leaned against the wall of the cramped closet, gasping for breath. She looked across the tiny space at Trixie and gave her a silly grin and a blush. “Never heard of... this game before... What's it called... again?” she gasped out. Equally disheveled and sweaty, Trixie whispered, “Seven minutes in Heaven.” She removed her hoof from Twilight's marehood and licked it clean. “Appropriate, no?” “Appropriate, yes!” Twilight countered. “I guess this is what I get for missing out on all this as a filly.” “Mmm...” Trixie murmured. “But at least now, you don't have to worry about being caught-” The door opened, and Spike froze, his paw still reaching for the mop. Trixie and Twilight turned red from head to hoof as the baby dragon reeled back from the overpowering aroma of aroused mares. Spike pinched his nose shut and waved his other paw in front of his face. “Oh, Twilight! Really?” Too mortified to say anything, Twilight just stood there, her mouth agape, and eyes retracted to pinpricks. Trixie grabbed the door handle in her magic and said, “Do you mind? We're having a private moment!” then slammed it shut again. Trixie kissed her lover, then asked, “Now tell Trixie what other sexy games you missed out on as a filly so we can remedy that now? And be sure to describe yourself as a filly, leaving no detail out. Trixie wants this to be as realistic as possible.” “Trixie, I-” She was cut off by another kiss. “Tri-” Kiss. “I-” Kiss. “Spi-” Kiss. Finally having had enough, she forcefully moved the showmare back enough to find room to breathe. “Trixie, that was very rude to Spike. I think you should apologize to him.” Trixie rolled her eyes. “Fine, if it will please you, Trixie will apologize to the dragon.” She resumed kissing Twilight, then added, “When we're done.” Twilight pushed her back again and looked her in the eyes. “Trixie, we're done. Even if I could let that slide for that long, the mood is gone. Now let's make ourselves presentable and talk to him, okay?” When she saw that Trixie was going to be obstinate, she kissed her nose and added, “Please? For me?” The showmare let out an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes again. “Fiiinnne!” she groaned. Running a hoof through their manes, they straightened out any stray hairs, and used a roll of paper towels to clean of any residue left over from their frenetic activities. They walked out to find Spike cleaning up some spilled milk in the kitchen with a washcloth. When he didn't acknowledge their presence, Twilight knew that this was going to be an uphill battle. Taking a seat at the table, she said, “Spike, we need to talk about what just happened.” Spike heaved a sigh of disgust and reluctantly climbed into a chair and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “What.” he said flatly. After a nod from Twilight, Trixie cleared her throat and said, “Trixie apologizes for her rudeness earlier. It was wrong of her to snap at you and slam the door in your face, even if she was feeling... frustrated.” Looking only partly mollified, Spike replied, “Yeah, okay. Apology accepted, I guess.” Twilight reached out a hoof and rested it on Spike's shoulder. “I know what you saw was upsetting Spike. Won't you talk about it with me?” Spike shot her a glare that would be dangerous if it were a pointed object. Seeing that his glare was hurting Twilight's feelings, he softened it and looked away. “This is just getting weird, Twi. When we were moving, I found your box of 'toys', and actually had one in my paw until Trixie told me what it was. Yesterday, I walked into the bathroom to find Cheerilee sitting on Spitfire's lap while she was sitting on the toilet! And now today? Where does it end, Twi?” He sunk low into his chair and mumbled, “I can't wait for Satyrday when Mom comes to pick me up.” Twilight's face paled, as she felt a tight constriction in her chest, and Trixie gasped, bringing her hooves to her mouth. It took the librarian several minutes to trust her voice again. “S- Spike, please understand. I... I'm just discovering my sexuality." She saw him cringe at her choice of words, but soldiered on. “I was never lucky enough growing up to have colts or fillies interested in me enough to ask me to... do... these things. I... never had a chance to sow my wild oats before.” Spike looked her in the eyes finally, seeing the hurt waiting there for him. “But you're like... my Sister/Mom! Sister/Mom's aren't supposed to do... that! It's... it's weird!” A blush overcame Twilight as she considered, then decided to go forth with her decision. “I'm about to tell you something, Spike; and I want you to swear on your Dragon's Code to never reveal this to anypony, ever. Do you swear?” Confused, Spike nodded. "I swear, Twi.” Twilight took a deep breath. “When I was eight, I... walked in on Shining and Cadance in the middle of... you know.” Spike's eyes went wide. “No!” Nodding, Twilight went on. “I know what you're going through, Spike. It's not easy when you find out the pony you look up to is a pony like any other, with wants and needs. The pony you once thought of as perfect and could do no wrong... has mortal failings like desire.” She smiled as she remembered the aftermath. “I didn't speak to either of them for weeks. It took the Princess taking me aside and explaining that even though I thought the world of Shining and Cadance, they still had needs that had to be fulfilled, and that meant doing things that aren't exactly what one might term, 'immaculate'.” Spike looked down at his twiddling thumbs. His cheeks puffed out as he blew out another sigh, this time one of resignation. “Can't you all just... tone it down a bit? This is getting a bit too... much for me.” “We'll tone it down, but it's going to require that you help out too, Spike. That means knocking before entering anywhere with a door, waiting for a response where appropriate, and giving us a little time to ourselves once in a while. In return, we'll try to limit ourselves to the bedroom, or making sure that you're not around. Sound fair?” “I guess so.” Twilight wrapped a foreleg around his shoulders and dragged him in for a hug. “Thanks, Spike.” Spike returned the hug, murmuring, “Sorry about what I said, Sister/Mom.” (\ /) ( . .) *(")(") As he leaned against the wall, looming over the mare below him, Cunning Eye banged his massive fist against the brick façade, and enjoying the look of trepidation in the small mare's eyes. "You understand, right? I mean, a favor for a favor, and all that?" The mare looked out of the alley formed between the train station and the general store next to it, hoping for someone to see her and come to her aid, but what few ponies that were still on the streets of Griffonstone Station were doing their best to not attract attention to themselves. The other beings, mostly griffons and minotaurs, strutted about as if they personally owned the place. Seeing that help would not be forthcoming, she gulped and nodded, wishing fervently that she had never left Baltimare, but the opportunity to make a name for herself in a new, smaller place had been too tempting. She sat down on her rump and looked up at her tormentor with tears in her eyes, and wishing she were anywhere else back in Equestria. Cunning Eye grinned as he took her head in one of his hands and let his thumb gently stroke the mare's supple lips. "I'm glad we understand one another. Don't worry, little one. Please me, and you'll be the richest mare in... whatever you four-hooves call this dump." He had just started to lift the front of his kilt, when a voice from outside the alley stopped him. "Sir, I have a report from Sergeant Cooper up north." The minotaur turned to look at the new, smaller minotaur over his shoulder, not bothering to hide the earth pony over which he stood. "I presume it's important, Watchman." "Wouldn't have interrupted if it weren't, Sir," the minotaur replied, still offering a salute, and carefully not looking to the mare. Heaving a sigh, Cunning Eye dropped the hem and walked out, guiding the mare with a hand behind her head. He turned to the other watchman who was standing guard at the alley, and said, "Escort young Ms. Evening Falls to my quarters, Ice Heart. I'll be along in a few moments, once I deal with this." Ice Heart saluted, and guided Evening Falls away, gently prodding her with the butt end of his spear. When they were out of earshot, Cunning Eye turned to the other minotaur. "Report." The watchman released his salute. "Sergeant Cooper reports that pony forces are beginning to mass at the border around the train tracks. He suspects that they intend to use them to move their troops further into our territory should they actually win any land." Cunning Eye raised an eyebrow at the subordinate. "Sergeant Cooper would do well to remember that even though they are just ponies, there is a reason they are the premier organized military force in the world. Individually, they may be significantly weaker than us, but they outnumber us a dozen to one, and still have the personal backing of their godheads, not to mention that a third of them can fly, and a further third of them can use magic. It takes a special kind of fool to dismiss advantages like those." The watchman nodded grimly. "As you say, Sir. The Sergeant also reports that his scouts are being chased away from Trottingham, so he believes that should the ponies take to the field, it will be a two-pronged attack from the ocean as well as following the tracks. He sent along his estimate of their numbers, and requests updates for his orders." The watchman handed over a folded sheet of paper and waited while his superior read it. With a nod, Cunning Eye refolded the paper and tucked it into his sporran. "Tell the good Sergeant to keep his scouts prodding at Trottingham. I want to know what they are massing there; whether they intend to go over the waves, under the waves, or in the sky. I also want exact numbers on any artillery and weapons the land forces have. He has my permission to sneak across the border if need be, but he is to keep his appetites under control. If I hear one whisper of him engaging in his... hobbies, I'll have his hide decorating my wall, is that clear?" "Crystal, Sir!" "Good." Cunning Eye pulled his kilt up a bit higher and hooked his thumbs under the waistband. "Now if you'll excuse me, Watchman, I plan to have a lovely Evening." "Good hunting, Sir." Cunning Eye's grin returned in full force. "Oh, it will be." > Girls Just Wanna Have Fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 13: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Golden Bit slammed his forehooves onto his office desk so hard, he knocked off a picture frame. “What do you mean 'she's going to be married or something this weekend'? That's the best information you can offer me? 'Married or something'? What kind of report is that? What am I paying you for?” he roared at the poor unicorn stallion trembling before him. The Duke fell back into his chair in a huff. “Whom is she marrying?” The frightened light green stallion pulled a sheet of paper from his saddlebag and read it in a tremulous voice. “Th- they're Cheerilee, Spitfire, and Trixie, though it seems the last was once known as Lulamoon. They were made nobles this Dewsday.” Glaring at his hireling, Golden Bit arched an eyebrow. “What? I don't recognize their names. What ranks do they hold? Wait, three? Since when does that brat get off marrying three ponies? That's illegal!” The stallion glanced at his paper again, mostly so he didn't have to meet his irate boss's eyes. “That's what I don't get either, Your Grace. None of the Princesses have proclaimed any indulgences, nor proposed any laws before Parliament to change marriage laws of any kind.” He looked up to meet Golden Bits' eyes and immediately regretted it. “I'm not sure how she plans to skirt the law, but they don't seem to be worried about it being nullified,” he said with a gulp. Golden Bit steepled his hooves in front of his face and brooded in silence. That certainly explains where Celestia went Dewsday. She went to ennoble those ponies so they could form whatever union they have planned. I remember now overhearing Silver Veil talking to Heartstrings about some sort of new nobles. “I suppose it's too much to ask that you know just who these stallions are, is it?” The spy nervously looked from side to side, refusing to let his eyes rest once more on Golden Bit, in a vain attempt to avoid feeling his ire. “Er, Actually, they're mares. All of them.” Golden Bit sat in silence for a moment, then scrubbed his eyes with his hooves. His shoulders began shaking, causing his spy to take a hesitant half-step backwards. When he burst out into loud, insane-sounding laughter, the spy sat down heavily on his rump. It took several moments before he regained control of himself, and his laughs subsided to mere chuckles, and he wiped the tears from his eyes. “Oh, dear me. And what does she expect to do for children; adopt? Rent-A-Stallion?” A nervous cough from the spy caught his attention and all semblance of mirth disappeared from him. “What?” he asked flatly. Coughing into a hoof, he said, “They've been seeing an obstetrician a lot recently. Like, about as often as you might expect a pregnant mare to go, which is way more than you'd expect from a mare who just moved. I wasn't able to crack the doctor or any of the staff about the reason for the visit, but the nursing staff there seemed very excited.” Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, Golden Bit stood and went to his window and looked out over Canterlot. “I never would have pegged her as brave or kinky enough to use that spell. Certainly puts her in a new light.” Turning his head slightly, he asked, “So what other bad news do you have for me?” “Whatever it is they're doing is occurring this Satyrday. While the whole town is very close-mouthed about just what is going on, several things can't help be known. One: Sweet Apple Acres is central to some sort of gathering requiring that a pergola and archway be rebuilt and decorated with white roses. “Two: said event requires so many flowers that the local producers can't keep up, and additional orders were placed here in Canterlot. “Three: Octavia has canceled a standing appointment here in Canterlot with the Philharmonic for unknown reasons. “Four: Sparkle's friend and dressmaker Rarity, was so busy this past week with a secret order, that she delayed all previous orders, and is taking no more until she opens up again on Moonday. “Five: Sparkle's friend and baker Pinkie-Pie and friend and farmer Applejack have been seen baking for the past two days straight. “Six: Family of all four mares have been heard to be careful to keep their schedules for this coming weekend open. “Seven: For several months, as I have been reporting to you, Twilight has been living with these four mares, and has been seen by me to be acting like more than friends. My only possible conclusion is a marriage of some sort.” Golden Bit rounded on him angrily. “Why haven't you been able to get better confirmation than this? I used to get better reports on her movements than this from you.” The stallion drew himself up and put on a stern face. “I've told Your Grace that since she moved to Ponyville, it's been harder to keep tabs on her movements. Back in Canterlot, it wasn't hard to find ponies within the palace that would tell me what I wanted to know. Here, it's much more difficult, especially with that infernal Plain Sight! I swear she has like a sixth sense when it comes to Sparkle, and is always there to block me.” He rose to his hooves and began pacing in front of the Duke, his anger growing with each step. “It's never anything I can use against her with the local authorities, such as they are in that backwater dump! I think she has contacts within them anyway, since they're never around when she blocks me outright, and there's never witnesses.” He sat down with an exasperated sigh and ran a hoof through his lighter green mane. “Basically Your Grace, until you're willing to put more money and hire more to keep watch over Sparkle, our information on her is going to be spotty at best.” Golden Bit returned to the window and stared out it again for a moment. “Return to your post. Notify me of any changes.” He didn't even turn back when the stallion bowed and left his sumptuous office. When the door closed, the Duke turned and walked over to his liquor cabinet, but paused when a CRACK sounded from under his hoof. Looking down, he saw the picture frame that was knocked from his desk earlier and picked it up in his magic. Golden Bit turned it over to see his son as a colt of about eight smiling as he played a violin for an enthralled Twilight Sparkle. He remembered this as one of the happiest days of his life, because it was when the colt had finally gained her trust, a feat that Blueblood had yet to surpass in his eyes. The stallion smiled fondly, remembering how happy his son had been that he had finally made friends with her, and brushed the shattered glass from the picture. Golden bit then remembered his last meeting with Blueblood and his smile turned into a sour frown. He went over to the trashcan and held the picture frame over it to throw it away, but hesitated. After a moment's indecision, he instead shook all the broken glass out and put the frame back on his desk, facing the chair. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight reached for the final bunch of roses and deftly tied them to the pergola using her magic. With that done, she sighed and stepped back to look over her work. She loved the smell and look of white roses, and the contrast they provided against the red cedar wood really made them pop. She breathed in deeply and felt all the day's weariness drain away on the cool breeze that wended its way through the orchard the Apple family had graciously offered to host the event. She turned at the sound of an approaching pony and smiled at Rarity. “Twilight, darling, we're all done in the barn if you want to come inspect it.” Nodding her assent, Twilight fell into step beside her. ”Not nervous about tomorrow, are you darling?” Rarity asked. Waving a dismissive hoof, Twilight replied, “Of course not.” She grinned at her a little too much and after a few moments, added, “Terrified. I keep worrying that I'll forget to do something, or say something, or Stars forbid, somepony tries something stupid and I lose control.” Rarity paused, halting their progress towards the barn and rested a reassuring hoof on Twilight's shoulder. “Twilight, even if you do manage to forget something, it will still be your best day ever, because you'll be committing to spending the rest of your life with the three luckiest mares in all Equestria.” Twilight embraced Rarity and said in a choked voice, “No, I'm the luckiest mare in all of Equestria, for having friends like you girls, not to mention a herd like mine. I really have to get the Princess something nice for pushing me to make friends.” They walked into the barn to find white and pastel streamers of the colors found in their dresses and bunting hung to artfully disguise the true purpose of the building. Balloons of the same colors accented them, and a small stage off to one side was being used by Octavia's Octet which where currently practicing the processional song picked out. Vinyl Scratch was setting up her turntable behind them, so it would be ready to go at a moment's notice. Tables were set up against the walls, leaving a space in the center for ponies to dance, and a buffet was set up, waiting to be stocked. Best of all, not a speck of hay was to be seen anywhere. Trixie and Cheerilee, who had been setting up tables with tablecloths and centerpieces ran up to her. “Doesn't it look grand, Twilight? Trixie knew we could depend on Rarity!” Rarity blushed at the compliment. “Oh, it was a joint effort, Trixie. I never could have done it alone,” she said bashfully. Just then, a gust of wind blew in, hot on the tail of Rainbow Dash. “Okay, we're all set up! Let's go!” “Go? Go where?” Twilight said, looking around nervously. Rarity smirked at her. “Darling, did you really think we'd see you off without a bachelorette party?” A panicked look overcame the librarian. “What? But I never got that book in the 'For Fun and Profit' series, let alone in the 'For Dummies' series! How will I know what to do? How will I know if we missed anything?” Dash rolled her eyes and started pushing the recalcitrant mare from behind. “Ugh! You and your 'How To' guides. I swear, one of these days, I'm gonna use all the copies in the library for kindling! Just play things by ear for once!” “Come, come, dear. You really need to learn that there are some things that are better off learned in person rather than a book,” Rarity said, closing the doors as they left. “After all, there is only so much they can teach one.” Twilight gasped in utter shock. “Blasphemy! Heresy! I am shocked and appalled at you, Rarity! And Rainbow, if you harm one leaf of paper in my library, I'll revoke your library card!” Unseen behind her, Cheerilee and Trixie shared a silent laugh. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) The party arrived at Fluttershy's house to find Applejack and Spitfire rolling a large barrel into her kitchen and setting it up on the counter. The pegasus chocked it on either side to keep it from rolling, while the farmer pulled out a spigot and a mallet from under her hat. Seeing them enter, Applejack tilted her hat back in greeting with the mallet in her hoof. “Well, howdy there, Twi. Welcome to your last night o' freedom.” Spitfire flew over and hugged Twilight tightly. “If freedom means living without my daily dose of vitamin Twi, I'll take imprisonment, thank you very much.” Twilight breathed in the musky aroma of her fillyfriend's sweaty exertions and sighed contentedly. She threw her forelegs around the pegasus and stuck her tongue out at Applejack. “Don't listen to her, Loves. She's just jealous that Rarity hasn't made an honest mare of her yet.” Rainbow elbowed the white unicorn in the side. “Yeah, that's a good point! Why haven't you and AJ tied the knot yet?” Her face turning bright red, Rarity sputtered nonsense. “I- well- she- that is- you see- it's like-” She turned to Applejack with big dewy eyes and a quivering bottom lip. The farmer came running to her Lady's rescue and laid one possessive foreleg around her neck, and waved her hat at the rest of the ponies playfully with the other. “Back! Back, Ah say!” She turned the unicorn's head to face hers. “Don't you worry none, Sugar. Ah'll protect yah from those mean ol' ponies!” she said in exaggerated baby talk. Pinkie-Pie came bouncing into the kitchen and saw all the hugging going on. “Ooo! It can be Sweetheart Hug Tiem now?” With that, she tackled Dash to the floor and started smothering her with kisses and a move more appropriately called a grapple than a hug. The pegasus below her tried to escape, proclaiming “this mushy stuff” was way uncool, although everypony there could see that she wasn't trying very hard. Not wanting to be left out, Cheerilee and Trixie latched on to their soon-to-be alpha, showering her and each other with chaste kisses. This was the scene that greeted Fluttershy and the three Princesses as they walked in from the backyard. “Oh, my!” Fluttershy eeped out. “Sooth, 'Tia! Wert thou fibbing when thou claim'd that orgies were now the exception, rather than the rule?” Luna asked. Celestia rested a gentle hoof on her shoulder. “Be at ease, sister. I don't believe this is what it appears to be, is it, My Faithful Student?” Twilight gulped, sure that she could hear the capitalization of her favorite nickname. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Another round of laughter erupted from the night-enshrouded house, causing Shining Armor to roll his eyes again. I wonder what crazy color they decided to paint that poor mare's hooves? To say that his idea of what went on in a bachelorette party was a bit skewed would be an understatement. As far as he was concerned, because this was his sister they were talking about, the most risqué thing he could imagine happening there was somepony dogearing a page instead of using a proper bookmark. “Perimeter secure, sir!” Shining saluted without even turning around, but froze halfway to his brow when the voice registered to his brain. He whirled around to see his second-least favorite pony ever standing at attention. “What are you doing here, Plain Sight? You were given the night off so that your whole team can be on hoof tomorrow. The Royal Guard is on duty tonight.” Plain Sight grinned at the unveiled antipathy, which bordered on open hostility. “I am relaxing, Prince-Consort.” Her smile became a little toothier at Shining's frown from her use of his now proper title. “Aw, is the poor widdle Ex-Captain upset that he can't pway Woyal Guawd any mowe?” she asked in singsong baby talk. “Watch your tone, Lieutenant,” he growled in a menacing tone. “I am still a reserve Captain, and your superior in the chain of command.” Plain Sight assumed a pose of attention and saluted smartly. “Sah, yes Sah!” The gleam of mischief in her eyes put lie to the respect in her show. Her posture drooped into something more casual and she leaned an elbow on the fence surrounding Fluttershy's cottage. “What is it with you Captains being such sticklers for protocol? You even say 'left-tenant' like the Princess instead of 'loo-tenant'. It's all very pretentious sounding, you know.” Rather than have to look at her anymore than he must, he turned his attention back to the cottage. “Somepony like you would never understand.” “Mmm, do tell.” A hard gleam in his eyes overcame him as he explained. “It's about taking your responsibility seriously. Dangers lurk everywhere, and it's not enough to be ready for them. Sometimes, you can avert danger by looking like you're looking for danger. Having a menacing-looking guard at your side can do more for your safety and peace of mind than a thousand guards in the shadows that you aren't even aware of.” To her credit, Plain Sight held her laughter in for almost a full five seconds. Shining looked at her sprawled across the fence rail trying to keep her voice down as she shook from deep belly-laughs. At first he was just shocked, but then it turned to anger, and he angrily hissed at her, “What is so funny?” The earth pony wiped a tear from her eye and took a deep breath. “You are. You're so cute! You think that every problem can be solved with a force bolt, or a magical barrier, or a dozen burly guards. Tell me, Prince, what do you use to swat flies, carts? Buildings? Just because you can use a disintegration ray, doesn't necessarily mean that you should.” Shining waved the comment off as negligible. “Yes, yes, I know. Appropriate force levels and all that. It's only the second lesson they drill into us in magic school.” “Then perhaps you need a remedial course?” She smiled at his look of shock for the second time this night. “Tell me, Oh Wise, and Sage Prince Armor; do you think that you sister would be herding with those three ponies tomorrow if she had been under the kind of protection you would deem appropriate? Hmm? Would she have been able to live anything resembling the happy life she's led up to now under that kind of scrutiny? Who would have approached her, knowing that a mean ol' stallion would be glaring down at them, judging them, and just waiting for Twilight to show the tiniest bit of distress? “No, she would probably be back in Canterlot, her nose buried in a book, remaining oblivious to Prince Blueblood's advances; and that would be a best case scenario,” she answered for him. “Worst case scenario, she would have married The Great White Dope and be on her third foal if he and his father had any say in it; and mark my words, they would. Worse still, they would have warped her mind away from the Princess's love, and turned her into a pawn in the little power games.” She looked him in his doubting eyes and held his attention captive. “Don't you think that she's happier with the way things have turned out? She has so many friends, that she needs an abacus to keep track, she has a job that she loves, a little adventure on the side, and the love of three amazing mares. To top it all off, she's beaten her big brother and ex-foalsitter to the punch with grandfoals.” She turned again to face the cottage where another burst of laughter was heard. “This is the happiest she's ever been, Shining. Is hating me always going to color your judgment of my methods, or are you just resentful that you had to retire when you married the love of your life?” “I just don't like the idea of somepony too scared to tell the mare she loves how she feels, guarding my sister.” They stood there in silence, leaning on the fence rail. Plain Sight finally pushed away and started walking off. “Touché.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) All but one pony there was in shock. Yes, they had dared her to do it. Yes, she was drunk as a skunk. And yes, the music was getting to everypony, but they never thought that she actually would do it. Not her. So now they stood there, their mouths hanging open, and their eyes glued to that yellow pegasus rump as it swayed to the beat of the song. They made not a sound as Fluttershy thrust her hips in a provocative manner. They moved not a muscle as she whipped her mane around while bent over, swinging her forelegs back and forth. They hardly even dared to breathe when she looked each of them in the eye seductively as the normally reserved mare lay on her side and lifted one hind leg straight up into the air in a split that would do a cheerleader proud. They didn't even dare to blink when she resumed standing on her hind legs and ran her forehooves all over her body as if begging them to do the same to her. After what seemed like an eternity, the song ended, and the room erupted in cheering, hollering, and catcalls. A thunderous applause met the mare as she stepped down from the coffee table, but the blush on her cheeks was more from the hard cider she had been drinking than embarrassment. As the next song started, Spitfire grabbed Twilight by the hoof, saying, “Come on! We can't let her show us up!” Cheerilee jumped in to the mix. “Oh, think you're gonna leave out the original Barbie Girl from her song? I don't think so!” “Trixie will show you how it's done!” As per usual, when these four mares tried to dance together, it ended up being the most explicit dance scene you could get without actual penetration. Kisses were exchanged, bodies were caressed, and it was finally broken up by Celestia using her magic to separate each pony within their own bubble. The only one to show any remorse was Twilight, who had actually drunk very little. Once she realized that she had all but had sex in front of her mentor, she was so embarrassed, that she hid under her hooves, blushing hard enough to pass for an apple fresh from the orchard. “I am soooo sorry, Princess! I don't know what came over me!” Celestia gave her a reassuring nuzzle. “It's quite alright, Twilight. We all need to cut loose every now and then. Just look at Luna!” The cowering unicorn uncovered one eye and immediately regretted it. Luna was rump-bumping Fluttershy to another song. It was difficult to connect the wholesome looking pegasus, who was casually smacking her flank against the larger alicorn's, while looking up at her her such innocence, to the sex Goddess that had been dancing on the table only minutes before. Pinkie-Pie decided then that it was time for her favorite part of any party. “GAME TIME!” she shouted at the top of her lungs. She passed out fresh mugs of cider to everypony (making sure Trixie's and Cheerilee's were non-alcoholic) and called them to gather around the coffee table in the middle of Fluttershy's living room. Turning off her portable CD player, she brought out an old record player decorated in bright colors. “We're going to play...” From behind her back, she whipped out a long, semi-soft tube made of blue vinyl, “Pass the Vibrator! Rules are simple. Everypony passes the vibrator to the right while the music is playing. When the music stops, that pony is out. Last pony to be holding it when the music stops is out. Winner of the final round gets to keep the vibrator! Neat, huh?” Turning on the vibrator, she handed it to a squeamish Rarity, who stared at it with a horrid fascination. The Baker returned to the record player and started it up. “Start passing!” she said to the strains of Pop Goes the Weasel. First out was Applejack, who actually looked a little disappointed, followed by a relieved Rarity. It kept going like that until it was just Spitfire and Luna passing it between the two of them, both looking serious about winning. The music finally stopped and Luna had to stop herself from passing it on to Spitfire. “Mooney wins!” Pinkie shouted with glee. Luna looked to the vibrator, which was still running and turned to her sister. “Er, how doth one 'turn it off'?” Celestia turned the buzzing toy around so that her little sister could see the bottom with the switch. Blushing, the younger alicorn muttered “My thanks,” and set it aside with her discarded regalia. “Hey, Pinkie! Let's play 'I Never', next!” Cadance said. Pinkie clapped her hooves at the suggestion. “Ooo! That's a good one! One I can play too!” “I Never?” replied Dash. “Sounds like it's right up Rarity's alley!” She fell over backwards laughing. Rarity sniffed and put her nose in the air. “How droll, Rainbow.” Cadance laid her mug on the table and gestured for the rest to follow suit. “The rules are simple. One of us says 'I never,' followed by something they've never done, and everypony who cannot say the same honestly must take a drink, like so.” She cleared her throat and raised her mug. “I never had sex with more than one pony at a time.” Twilight glared into her smirk and took a drink of her cider, as did her herdmates. She was surprised when she saw that they were not alone. In fact, the only ones not drinking were Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Cadance herself. With wide eyes, she turned to Celestia. The white alicorn simply looked at her and shrugged. “What can I say? I've been around for a long time, and was once considered a symbol of fertility and fecundity.” Spitfire turned to Dash with equal surprise. “Really? When have you partaken of... Ooohhh...” Shrugging it off like it was no big deal, the pegasus replied, “It was just a few days ago. No biggie.” Twilight set her mug down and laid her head next to it. “This was more than I wanted to know.” Winking at her, Celestia replied, “Now you know how I feel.” Cadance nodded to Pinkie-Pie next to her. “Oh! My turn? Ooo... What to go with... Ah!” Raising her mug, she proudly proclaimed, “I never lusted after Big Macintosh!” Applejack facehoofed. “Really, Pinkie? That was somethin' Ah coulda done without knowin'.” Pinkie just grinned at her as Twilight, Cheerilee, Rarity, Fluttershy, and most surprising of all, Rainbow Dash and Luna took a drink. Applejack gave Luna and Dash an incredulous look. “The Princess is surprisin' enough, but you too, Dash?” The racer threw up her hooves in frustration. “Why is it so surprising to everypony that I like cock as much pussy? I swear you'd think I have a sign taped to my back that says 'Carpet Muncher' or something!” She jabbed Applejack in the ribs with her elbow, saying, “Besides, your brother is one fine HPOA.” “Huh-poh-ah?” Luna said. “Prithee, what dost that word meaneth?” Spitfire jumped in, saying, “It's an acronym, Princess. It stands for Hot Piece Of Ass. Aych, Pee, Oh, Ay.” Luna crowed with laughter. “Verily, Truer words hath ne'er been spoken!” Applejack groaned and pulled her hat down over her face to hide her embarrassment. Pinkie nodded to Rainbow Dash beside her, who raised her mug and said with confidence, “I never get scared.” Boos and catcalls met this declaration, and the pegasus cleared her throat and said, “Okay, okay, for real, this time. I never...” She thought for a moment, then said, “I never thought I'd find my true love within my own gender.” She was met this time with “Aaawww”s. “That's so sweet!” Rarity said. Celestia added, “It's often where we lest expect to find it.” “Verily,” Luna agreed. This time, only Pinkie-Pie and Twilight took a drink. Snuggling into Spitfire, Twilight said, “I knew as soon as I saw you that first time in the Princess's court that colts were ruined for me forever.” Spitfire's face turned beet red, but she laid her head on top of Twilight's while Trixie and Cheerilee hugged them both. Pinkie declared, “Colts never really interested me. But I knew it was a special day when I met my Dashie-poo.” Applejack raised her mug and said, “Ah never done it with a stallion afore.” Unsurprisingly, Celestia, Cadance, and Luna took a drink, but Dash surprised everypony there by also taking one. She looked at her staring friends and said, “What? It was years ago.” The game continued on like that until more than half of them lay passed out on various pieces of furniture. As Applejack, the last of the non-alicorn hold outs, fell against Rarity on the couch, Celestia stood and stretched her legs and wings. “It has been some time since we last had fun like this. Eh, Lulu?” she asked as she spread a blanket over Twilight and her mares. Luna looked up at her sister. “Sooth. Let us hope that it doesn't take this long afore the next such celebration.” She smiled down at Fluttershy, whose leg was trying to jog along as her belly was rubbed by the Lunar Alicorn. “Auntie Luna, leave that poor mare's belly alone,” Cadance said. She shook her head in bemusement. “I swear, with the way you treat her, she's going to get the wrong idea about you. Half the Royal Guard already has. Why just this morning, I overheard one placing a bet with another as to when you two were going to stop playing games and hook up 'officially'.” Luna stopped rubbing her belly and stroked her cheek instead. “She hath posed us the same question.” Cadance stiffened, but said nothing. “She didst not understand why it cannot be; still doth not. Yet she is always ready to welcome us into her home with a smile and the promise of friendship.” Cadance walked up to her and hugged her tightly. “It'll be okay, Auntie. We're here for you.” “We wouldst wish for a different fate for her. A kinder one. If one were deserving of finding true love, it is she.” Luna leaned into the embrace, finding a small measure of peace in the simple act of kindness. The warmth was more than doubled when Celestia wrapped them both up in her vast wing. “ 'Till all are one.” As if from rote, Luna and Cadance echoed her. “ 'Till all are one.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) She could feel the barrier cracking. It would not be long before it shattered entirely. Not even she could stand up to a pounding from an entire flight of dragons. “No! We must not falter! We cannot!” Looking behind her, she could see the scared faces of the foals left in her care. “Fear not, young ones! We shall prevail!” An especially hard slam against her shield put lie to her words. In truth, it could not last much longer. Already, the dragons were prying at the tiny cracks that had formed, and would soon be through, free to ravage the small church in which the ponies had taken shelter. Their shrieks and roars were louder now, and with each hammer blow upon her magical barrier, it felt like the dragon in question had punched her instead of the proxy. Veins began to stand out and sweat poured down her purple coat as she strained to hold off the imminent slaughter. And then it happened. Her magical barrier, a wall of force that could stand up to the strongest of hurricanes for days on end, a layer of protection that had diverted a river of lava around a village, a mighty shield that once reflected a ray of pure entropy back upon it's caster, the one spell she always knew she could count on, failed. She fell to the stone floor of the church, gasping for breath. The oldest of the foals started to come forward to help her, but she waved her back. “No! Stay-” Whatever else she was going to say was lost forever when the roof of the church was ripped away, and ten dragons looked over the edge of the wall. When they exhaled, breathing the fiercest weapon in their arsenal, the end came so quickly, none of them had a time to even draw breath to scream. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight awoke screaming and flailing her hooves, trying to free herself from the entangling blanket around her. Looking around, she could see no dragons, nothing more threatening than Fluttershy's pet, Angel Bunny, who looked at her like she was insane. Trixie rolled over on the floor beside her, mumbling, “Close the curtains, dear. 'S too early.” Ponies lay sprawled everywhere in the room, laying where they had fallen the previous night. Cadance came over and levitated a glass of water which Twilight eagerly accepted. “Bad dream, Ladybug?” The unicorn nodded silently in reply. “Want to talk about it?” A shake of her head this time. “Then you better get up. Your herding ceremony starts in just three hours,” she said with a wide smile. > White Wedding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 14: White Wedding As he set up the tripod for his camera, Buried Lead couldn't help but look around suspiciously, despite his cover story of wedding photographer. And why shouldn't I be nervous? Here I am in the Ursa's den about to poke her sleeping cub with a stick. I keep telling Newsie to be cautious of the deals she accepts, but she is just sooo eager to get the big scoop. He sighed as he brought out his pride and joy and delicately set it upon the peg of the tripod. The pegasus fiddled with it using his wings until it sat just right. News Flash had been urging him to get a new tripod. She was especially pushing the new ones that magically hold the camera, allowing the user to just plop it on without adjustments, but he preferred doing things the way his mentor- no, her father taught him, and he wasn't about to change just for the sake of changing. At the thought of her father, his oldest friend, Buried Lead sighed again and sat down heavily on the metal case he used to cart around his studio equipment. What am I going to say to them? I promised to take her under my wing the way he did for me; to watch out for her, and protect her, and now this! I know she says that they'll be okay with it, but... A hoof landing on his shoulder from behind sent all thought scattering, and had the pegasus sprawling on the ground in shock. Ending up on his backside, he turned and saw Plain Sight smirking at him, hoof still raised where she had touched him. “Skittish little cuss, aren't you?” Buried Lead laid a hoof on his chest and could feel his racing heart. “Only when ponies go out of their way to sneak up on me.” “Bad experience in Griffonia?” she asked. Buried Lead raised an eyebrow at her. “How did you know about that?” Plain Sight inspected his camera setup without touching it. “You think I don't look into the background of everypony who comes into regular contact with her?” “But the only one I told was...” “And your therapist remained admirably close-mouthed about it, even under threat of jail time.” The earth pony sat down on another metal case and patted the one he had been sitting on earlier. When he sat down again, this time facing her, she said, “I was unable to get anything from him, so I had to use more... circumspect routes to find out everything about you.” Buried Lead never felt so exposed before. Just the way she looked at him made him feel... naked. Running a hoof through his mane, he asked, “So you know about me and...” “Newsie?” Plain Sight asked, making it sound more like “Nosy”. He gulped and nodded, and she smiled at him. “I know that she's had a thing for you ever since her father introduced you to his family when you were just a cub reporter. I know that she's been dropping not-so-subtle hints which you've been ignoring up until...” She put a hoof to her chin as she looked skyward, “two weeks ago.” She tilted her head as she looked at him, seeing the question in his eyes. “What is it?” Buried Lead scratched his forehead, trying to frame his question. “It's just... nothing important. I was just thinking, that since you already knew...” Plain Sight arched an eyebrow at him and looked shocked. “Wait, you want to ask me for advice? Romantic advice? Me?” Buried Lead just looked off to the side and nodded. The gray mare blew out a long breath and leaned back. “Wow. This is a first. So... what was it you wanted to ask?” “Er, What... how do you think I should approach her parents?” the reporter asked. “You seem to know just about all the salient points; so how do I tell my mentor that I'm dating his daughter, when I'm... well, maybe not old enough to be her father, but old enough to have a noticeable age gap” The spymaster chuckled. “My first time giving romantic advice, and it turns out to be a doozie. Don't that figure.” She scratched her head and readjusted her cap again. “Well, from what I've seen, she makes no bones about how she feels about you, even in public. Does she act any different around her parents?” “Now that you mention it,” He replied with a wry grin, “She's always hanging off of me, even around them.” Plain Sight waved a hoof at him. “Then I think you already have your answer. It's likely that they've known for longer than you have, and are now waiting for grandfoals to start rolling in.” “Grandfoals!” Buried Lead asked in shock. “Whoa, whoa,whoa! One thing at a time here!” Shrugging, Plain Sight replied, “Well, parents are like that. Once they know that the apple of their eye is bound and determined to settle down with a particular pony, and will treat their Prince or Princess like royalty, they start thinking along those lines.” She smiled cheekily at him, adding, “I'll bet you bits to beignets that as soon as you two come clean with them, you're going to find that conversations will begin to stray into that particular topic, more and more often.” Buried Lead just sat there in shocked silence, contemplating this new dimension to his life. Plain Sight glanced at the early morning sun, and got to her hooves. “Well, I better get going. Got lots to do still before the ceremony starts.” She started walking away, but paused and stood there as if she had forgotten something. Without turning to look at him, she said, “By the way, I'd appreciate you not making any side deals with Limnear anymore; especially if it involves more boudoir photos. She's... there is more going on than you know, or even want to know.” She left a stunned Buried Lead behind, who just stood there with a dropped jaw until News Flash came up and nudged him. “Hey, you okay?” she asked him. Shaking his head to clear it of the mental images that had sprung up, the pegasus replied, “Yeah. Just thinking about inter-species relations.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Golden Bit swaggered into the business-like conference room, making sure to not let any of his misgivings show. Immediately, the assembled ponies quieted, but an undercurrent remained palpable. Taking his seat at the head of the table, he looked over the small crowd and smiled; not even the glares from several notable members of the gentry dissuading him. As he sat down, Captain Rugged Peak (ret.) of the Frontier Guard rose to her hind legs and leaned on one hoof on the table, her single wing spread in obvious aggression. “'Ere now, what's all this rubbish about banning us from movin' up the ranks? 'Oo are you to tell us 'ow far we can advance, eh? Not even me own Da would say boo to me over this.” Golden Bit made placating gestures with his hooves. “Captain, please. This sort of behavior is precisely the sort that gives military officers a bad name. Commoners such as yourself simply cannot grasp-” “Bollocks!” Rugged Peak replied. “You're 'iding something. You don't do nuffin' unless it benefits you in some way, we just 'aven't twigged to it yet.” She leaned over farther and glared at him. “So tell us, 'Your Grace', wot benefit do you get out of this, eh? Or is it for your li'l boy, Prince Blueballs?” “I advise you to watch yourself, Captain,” Golden Bit said in a dangerous tone, which she shrugged off. “Being elected to the House of Commons does not protect one from prosecution for defamation of character.” An old earth pony stallion rose, leaning heavily on his cane. “Disrespectful or not, you still haven't answered her question, Your Grace. What do you gain out of this new law that can't be had any other way? And more importantly, why should we support something that even I can tell is bad for our nation in the long run?” Golden Bit nodded to the old pony. “But it is for the good of the nation, Gramophone. I have distributed the findings of a team of psychologists, as well as reports culled from our neighboring countries to everypony, and-” “Those doctors are quacks!” This came from a unicorn mare still young enough to have avoided gathering the wrinkles commonly called Parliamentary Lines. “I checked their credentials. Two of them were sued for malpractice, and a third not only barely graduated last in his class of over two hundred, but has a patient list I can count on my hooves! The last doctor hasn't hasn't had a practice in over twenty years, because he's been too busy running- and failing- for political office!” “Those doctors,” replied Golden Bit, “are highly esteemed ponies in their fields, and deserve respect.” A suave and carefully coiffed stallion cleared his throat. “As interesting as this all is, why don't we get down to why we should vote for this law of yours, Your Grace?” Golden Bit carefully hid a smile at Scarlet Fish's well-timed, and well-planned, interruption. “As you wish. Should you pass this law, I would be in a most favorable position, true, but that position would allow me to reward my friends; and as some of you can attest, I am always lavish in rewarding friendship.” Several ponies nodded in agreement, already seeing the potential benefits. Not all were as amenable, however. Most vocal among these was no surprise to anypony. Rugged Peak shouted, “You tosser! You think we'd put our own interests ahead of our constituents, let alone our children? You're daft!” Scarlet Fish held up a hoof in a stalling gesture. “Now hold on there, Captain. You've never been on the receiving end of His Grace's well, good graces, if you'll pardon the phrasing. I don't think you realize just what sort of opportunities you're throwing away out of hoof just because you don't like the string attached.” “Shove off, Scarlet. Everypony 'ere knows that you've been in the Duke's pocket so long, he's attached a fob to your arse and uses you like a watch. If we want to know the time, we'll bloody well ask you.” Rugged Peak turned her attention back to Golden Bit and pointed her remaining wing at him. “As for you, you can take your offer and-” She was stopped by a gnarled foreleg placed on her wing which brought it back down to her side. Gramophone slowly shook his head at her. “There's a time and place for firebrands, girl, and this is neither.” He looked to the Duke and said, “Your Grace, I find your crassness to be offensive and a black mark against your title. Your proposed law is a bad idea, and no amount of doctors or reports you buy can convince me otherwise. “Common sense alone will tell you that an accident of birth does not necessarily make for good officer material, but even if you ignore that and only looked at the evidence, facts show otherwise. Nopony would say that Commander Easyglider was anything but an exemplary officer. Once you start limiting your pool of candidates to just those of noble birth, that pool starts looking more like a puddle. I cannot in good conscience condone this unintended attack on Equestria.” He rose from his chair, both forehooves over his cane, and looked over the assembled Ministers of Parliament. “I won't tell you all to stay away and not bargain away your souls for his favors; it's not really my place to do so. However, I believe that it's time for this old pony to go.” He turned and started slowly walking out, and Rugged Peak turned to follow, grabbing the foreleg of the young unicorn mare next to her who had spoken up earlier against the doctors. “Come on, everypony. Let's go-” She got a few steps away, and stopped as she felt resistance from the mare in her grasp. She looked at her and said, “Public Health? What're you about, lass?” Public Health looked at her with worry in her eyes. “Look, Peak. There's no harm in just listening to what the pony has to say. It's not the same as tacit approval. We can still walk away whenever we like; and a lot of us have projects that have been awaiting approval for decades.” She looked over the rest of the assembled Ministers and saw most of them were seriously considering the offer. She turned back to Rugged Peak with a wink and whispered to her, “Besides, we need somepony on the inside who knows what he's planning if we're going to counter it. I can swallow his rhetoric well enough to do that, while hopefully pulling some back to our side.” Rugged Peak gave her an almost imperceptible nod and yanked her hoof away. In a loud voice, she proclaimed, “Fine. Stay. Listen to 'im. Let 'im turn your brain to mush like 'ee did Scarlet. Just be sure to collect your thirty bits.” As she walked out, two more joined Rugged Peak, but she hardly even noticed them. Her thoughts were centered on the friend she had left behind in the manticore's den. Just don't do anything daft, you great 'arpy. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “Hold still Twilight, or this saddle will never sit right!” Rarity exclaimed. She knew Twilight, she loved Twilight, but if she didn't put down that checklist long enough to get dressed, she was going to- “Darling, please!” Not one to be quelled, Twilight retorted, “Rarity, I need to finish this list for Spike, or he'll forget something for his trip, and this one is super important for him. He's never been to the Celestial Realm before, and he-” “Twi, why don't yah at least let the poor mare finish dressin' yah?” Applejack asked. “We're all feelin' a mite peaked after last night, an' we're all on edge, but-” “Yeah, Twi. Just chill,” Rainbow Dash said from behind the cloth partition that separated Twilight from the rest of her herd as they got dressed. “The little guy will be alright. Besides, he'll be with his Mom, right?” A sharp rapping sound was heard, followed by a loud “Ow!” from Dash. Spitfire brought a hoof to her lips and glared at the Weather Pony. “Shh!” she quietly hissed. “She's still sensitive about that!” It was uncertain if she even heard Dash, as she had never stopped talking. “- So of course he's going to need six yards of chicken wire, a gallon of paste, and a dozen hamsters. I mean, really! How am I supposed to find all that when the pet store rarely stocks more than a couple of them at a time? Applejack arched an eyebrow at her in confusion. “Wait, what? Hamsters? Twi, Ah really hope that was a joke.” Twilight grabbed Applejack's head in her hooves, squishing her cheeks together. “Joke? Joke? Who has time for jokes? He's going to need a containment field and normal unicorn magic doesn't work well there without lots of time to study it, so-” Celestia walked into the tent at that moment and came up to her student. “Twilight, breathe. In...” she inhaled deeply, motioning with a hoof in demonstration, which Twilight followed, “... and out.” She exhaled, Twilight again following her instructions. They repeated this several times until the twitching in Twilight's eye completely calmed down. “Now, Twilight. Whatever it is that's got you so worried can't possibly be important enough to ruin your big day,” Celestia said in a soothing voice. “Where are your wives?” “We tried to calm her down, Princess,” Trixie said from behind the curtain, “but when we started to go over there, she just got worse, saying that it would be bad luck. We're lucky she didn't put a force wall like she had threatened to do.” Celestia looked down at the unicorn, who had the good grace to look sheepish. “Twilight, I thought you believed superstitions to be, what was the phrase you used? 'Whistling in the park'?” “Dark,” Twilight replied morosely. “Whistling in the dark. And that was before I met Pinkie-Pie. She has a way of shattering your world-view. The pink mare in question peered around the cloth barrier dividing the tent. “Hey, I wasn't the one who put that ladder over the litter of black kittens next to the mirror shop. Besides, I only opened that umbrella to keep the shower of salt off of us-” A sky blue hoof wrapped around her mouth and dragged her back behind the curtain. Twilight rolled her eyes. “Anyway, I wanted to take no chances today, so I decided to follow them; at least for today, that is.” Nuzzling the nervous mare, Celestia replied, “Well, just remember that most of those were based on old myths and fairy tales. They have about as much scientific grounding as a Mother Goose bedtime story.” Twilight leaned into the embrace, taking solace in the familiar gesture. She looked up at her with one eye while remaining in the alicorn's affection, and asked, “Why did you come in here though, Princess? Is there news we need to know?” “Yes, but it was mainly because I sensed my Faithful Student was becoming more than a little harried, and wanted to lend a hoof.” Twilight backed away enough to look her in the eye. “What is it? Is it something that will stop the ceremony?” The tent went deathly quiet, awaiting the Princess's reply. “No, nothing like that, My Faithful Student. Just a tidbit of unimportant news. It can wait until after the ceremony.” Mentally checking her internal clock, she nodded. “I better go practice my lines. It's been a few centuries since I was last asked to perform one of these,” she said with a warm smile. Twilight gave her one last nuzzle before letting her go. “Alright, Princess. And thanks for... well, everything.” On the other side of the curtain, Spitfire, Trixie, and Cheerilee gave each other worried glances. “How is it that she always is able to get to her, when all three of us can't?” Trixie angrily hissed at them. “Don't forget that the Princess has been with her since she was five,” Spitfire said. The look in her eyes told them just how unconvinced she was with her argument. Trixie arched an eyebrow at her. “If that's the case, then why do you look so worried?” “Because she's just as worried as you and I are about keeping her happy,” Cheerilee said, causing all three of them to frown. “Not to mention how... touchy they are with each other,” added Trixie. “I don't think we have to worry about the Princess stealing her from us, but aren't you two just a little bit... jealous?” Both of them looked away, unable to meet her gaze nor refute her question. Pinkie-Pie popped up and gathered all three of them in a tight hug. “You silly fillies. What the three of you share with Twilight is something the Princess can never have, just like what she has you can never possess. That doesn't mean that Twilight loves her more than you; just differently.” Cheerilee sighed. “I know that up here,” she said, tapping a hoof to her head. Moving it to her chest, she added, “But here is another matter. Don't you feel a little left out when you see Dash sharing a moment from her past that includes another pony, but not you?” “Trixie wants to be involved in all aspects of Twilight's life, not just this. She wants to consume her thoughts, just as she consumes Trixie's.” She frowned angrily at the floor and scuffed a hoof at it. “Trixie knows how foalish she sounds, but cannot help it. Twilight Sparkle, along with these two, are her entire world. She wants to know what it's like to be somepony else's entire world.” “I have to admit,” Spitfire chimed in, “there is a certain appeal to knowing that you play so big a role in a pony's life. Unfortunately for us, the role of Princess-Mentor has already been filled.” “That's the great part!” Pinkie said excitedly. “You get to play a whole new role! One that only the three of you can fill, and even then, there's going to be differences in how you do it! And just think how great it will be when babies come into the picture!” She rubbed Cheerilee's belly for emphasis, but stopped as she felt movement from within. Gasping, she hugged the mare tightly around the neck. “Oh, Cheerilee! I'm so happy for you! When are you due?” Cheerilee looked at her fearfully. “Pinkie, please! You've got to keep this secret! If the education board found out I got pregnant before I got married, let alone by a mare, there would be so much trouble. Promise me, Pinkie- no Pinkie Promise me you won't tell anypony about this until we say it's okay!” Smiling, the party pony made the motions as she uttered the infamous words. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Don't worry, Cheerilee. I won't tell a soul about this.” “About what, Pinks?” Rainbow Dash flew back into the tent holding the reins that would soon be attached to their bridles. Pinkie playfully waved a hoof at the pegasus hovering above her. “Not gonna tell! Nopony breaks a Pinkie Promise! Not even Pinkie!” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Onyx put the final few cards back into the long, narrow drawer, and sighed. He looked over to Nyx, who was reading a book in a beam of sunlight that streamed in through the window behind her. Though many would call her countenance “stoney”, he knew her better than that. A few millennia with a being will do that. “You sure you don't want to go? There's still time if you teleport, you know.” The sphinx remained silent as she turned a page, not bothering to look up from her reading. Onyx sighed again and turned to the next pile of cards that Kat had made for him while she restored and repaired the shelves in the library. Naturally, he was quite surprised when Nyx's voice cut through the silence. “Would you want to go, if you were in my position?” He considered for a moment, then conceded the argument. “I suppose not.” He shuffled around some more cards, putting them in order according to Nyx's arcane method of sorting. He could almost swear he thought he heard an echo of crying somewhere in the library, but Nyx's face was dry. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight waited at the altar with her brother, Shining Armor and Cadance on her side, while Berry Punch, Soarin', Freaky McFreakerson, and Twilight's friends filled out the bridesmaids positions. She was resplendent in her heirloom wedding dress, while the rest of the wedding party wore dresses similar in style to hers; except for Shining, who wore his best, old military uniform. Her short veil ended just above her muzzle, and the live golden finch Fluttershy had coaxed into nesting on it brought a playful bit of color to it. Celestia and Luna stood behind the pulpit, smiling serenely enjoying the light music as they all waited for the brides. Octavia's group suddenly ended their song with a quick segue tune, and the orchard went silent. A moment later, they began playing the noble strains of Clerk's Trumpet Voluntary. A small, very familiar gray unicorn filly walked out, scattering flower petals from her basket by shaking her head from side to side. She reached the pulpit, but Dinky still had some left, so she upended it, letting them pile up at the steps before walking off to sit with her family. A moment later, three mares walked out side-by-side wearing dresses similar to Twilight's, but with differing accent colors. Veils covered their faces as well, but they supported each other with a gentle nuzzle, to make sure they followed the right path. Sunlight filtered through the clouds just then, shining a beam down on to them, that made it seem as if they descended from the heavens. All three moved with a well-practiced pace that let them end their walk just as the music finished. Celestia cleared her throat and loudly proclaimed, “My little ponies. We have gathered today to witness the herding union of Countess Twilight Sparkle with the Baronesses Spitfire, Cheerilee, and Trixie née Lulamoon.” She smiled as she reached the next line, her personal favorite of the traditional herding ceremony, especially considering the circumstances. “Should any pony here have any cause, just or not, why these ponies may not herd together, let him hold his peace, as the time for that has long since passed.” Luna looked to Twilight and asked in her most serious tone, “Countess Twilight Sparkle. Dost thou pledge thy life, thy love, and thy soul to the protection, the prosperity, and the continuance of your herd for as long as you all shall live?” Twilight solemnly bowed her head and smiled, all traces of fear and nervousness gone from her face. “I do so pledge.” Turning to the other mares, Luna said, “And do you, Baroness Spitfire, Baroness Cheerilee, and Baroness Trixie née Lulamoon pledge thy lives, thy love, and thy souls to the protection, the prosperity, and the continuance of your herd for as long as you all shall live?” “I do so pledge,” they simultaneously said around the bits in their mouths, as they too bowed their heads. Celestia nodded to Shining armor. “The reins, please.” Levitating the red, velvet pillow from Spike's grasp, he moved the cushion holding the leads over to his sister. Celestia's horn lit up to lift the veils of all four ponies as Twilight lifted the reins in her own magic. She solemnly looped the reins through their bits and back to her own, which she took into her mouth. As this was done, Celestia said, “By the powers vested in us by the cosmos, we join thee in the most holy of sacraments.” Luna came in with the next line. “What these ponies form today, let no being rend asunder.” Together, the two alicorns crossed horns and mingled their magical fields. The combined fields enveloped the reins and bits, permanently bonding them. The four mares turned to the audience gathered under the pergola and smiled widely. The diarchs said together, “We are proud to present to you, the Sparkle herd!” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Plain Sight watched Twilight dancing with her herdwives in the Apple family barn with a carefully neutral expression. Even though she didn't turn to acknowledge her, she said, “Stay out of sight, Limnear. A griffon at the reception would draw too much attention.” Poking her head out from behind a curtain, she smirked at the mare. “Like your sour expression isn't out of place here. I'd have to say that you've actually improved over the years, my dear. There's no way you would have known I was here five years ago.” “Are you here to report something?” Plain Sight asked tersely. “Only my undying affection,” the griffoness quipped. “Well, that and my apology for the other day.” The earth pony shook her head. “I already told you the first twenty-three times, you have nothing to apologize for. I should never have let the situation get that far.” Limnear sighed. “I was hoping that an even two dozen times would be the charm. But I'll keep saying it until it sticks.” Keeping her eyes on the scene in front of her rather than the griffon behind her, she stonily replied, “Return to your post. This should be over within the hour.” Limnear silently left, unable to see the tear working it's way down Plain Sight's cheek. (\ /) ( . .) *(")(") Grumbling deep in his throat, Cunning Eye answered the door to the house he had appropriated as his own for the duration of the occupation with far more vigor than was strictly necessary. "What? It's six! Some of us are trying to sleep!" A young griffon saluted smartly, nearly knocking his helmet askew. "Sir! Movement from the front! Corporal Strongarm's forces have been engaged by the ponies, and are being pushed back. He reports that some sort of machine using the tracks has broken through the barricades erected. He was setting charges to blow the tracks before retreating into the forest to await reinforcements." He noticed some movement out of the corner of his eye coming from further in the house, but kept his attention on his superior officer. Cunning Eye growled and slammed a fist into the door frame, shattering it and part of the wall. "Tirek take that fool's eyes! I told him not to touch those tracks, no matter what! Rouse one of the griffon scouts and have him take a message to that idiot to hold his position and not blow the tracks. If I find so much as one rail out of alignment, he'll be replacing it with his own body!" The griffon saluted again and ran off. Cunning Eye turned to the darkened interior and said, "Stay here, my dear. I'll be sure to fetch you should we need to pull back. If I find you've wandered off without me..." He let the threat hang unsaid, and left the door hanging open, since it would no longer close with the damage. Almost five minutes passed until the door was opened again, this time by the griffon who had reported earlier. He poked his head in and looked around. Seeing nothing, he moved inward and whispered, "Evening Falls? Are you still in here?" A whimper from further in guided him towards the bedroom, where he found the mare on the bed, her rear end up in the air and her forelegs covering her face. Bruises and cuts covered her pale yellow coat, and her rose mane and tail were in complete disarray, testifying to the abuses she had been suffering. Light curse me, I should have done this long ago. She shivered and gave a small yelp of fear as the griffon laid a claw on her foreleg. "Evening Falls? I'm here to get you to safety. I'll fly you to Trottingham, but we need to leave now, before Cunning Eye discovers my lie." Evening Falls seemed glued to her spot, so the griffon said, "Sorry, Miss, but I have to get you out of here. I can't stand to see that monster torture you any more, so please pardon my claws." Using her raised rear end to his advantage, the griffon crawled under her until her whole body was splayed over his back with her legs going around his wings. The mare had gone so still, even her shivering stopped, making his task that much easier. The two snuck out of the house, sticking to the shadows between the houses until they reached the edge of the tiny town. The griffon looked around, and seeing no one, took to the skies. The mare shrieked as they left the ground and started flailing around, almost falling until the griffon grabbed her forelegs. "Would you please shut up? If someone hears us, our escape will be over before it's even begun!" "It already has, Auric!" Craning his head back, Auric spotted three familiar griffons now on his tail feathers. He gave a laugh as he continued to pump his wings. "Oh, it's only you and your bookends, Agni. I was worried he might have sent somebird competent." All of them gained speed and altitude so that when the rising sun peeked over the horizon, they could all see the ocean straight ahead, but Auric was slowly widening the distance. Agni and his two compatriots could see that they were losing him, so he nodded to them and all three pulled out crossbows. Loading bolts with blunted heads, they took aim and fired. All three went wide, aleting Auric and Evening Falls to the danger. While the mare started screaming again, Auric started weaving, hoping to outmaneuver their aim, but with a full grown mare on his back, agility wasn't exactly his strong suit. Agni saw his target looking desperately to the skies and gave a loud squawk of laughter. "No clouds for you to hide in out here, Auric! Make sure to say hello to Catrina for us!" They loosed another volley of bolts, this time, one striking Auric along the temple, knocking him unconscious. As they fell, Evening Falls screamed, refusing to let go her rescuer, and the pursuing griffons laughed. They continued to laugh until they spotted an airship heading their direction from Equestria; whereupon, they turned tail and fled. > Let's Spend the Night Together > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 15: Let's Spend the Night Together Looking out of the taxi's window, Twilight grinned at the sight of the beach basking in the late afternoon sun they passed on the left. The gleaming white sand contrasted with the crystal blue of the ocean and the clear skies. A cool sea breeze brought the smells of the salt spray, coconut oil, and flowering blossoms in a mélange that was uniquely tropical and unmistakable. With a huge grin, she turned back to her herd-wives, and was about to comment on the aroma, when she noticed the three of them trying to stifle laughter. “What?” “Nothing,” Spitfire replied, her mouth contorting from her efforts to not laugh. “Everything's perfect,” Trixie added with an amused snort. Cheerilee couldn't hold it in, though. She burst out into gales of laughter and pointed at her new alpha. “You look ridiculous with that junk on your face!” Twilight brought a hoof to her muzzle and wiped off small smear of the zinc oxide she had put there shortly before the airship landed. With a little moue of anger, she jammed her wide-brimmed sunhat on her head. “Hmph! Just you wait until you're all down with sunburn, and I'm safe and healthy! Just for that, I'm not going to let any of you help me put this on.” Holding up a bottle of suntan lotion in her magic, Twilight gave it a little shake. She pretended to ignore them as she put a generous amount on her hoof and slowly spread it on her other foreleg. They watched as the fur of her coat took on a slick appearance from the oil, the shiny highlight spreading onto her chest as she worked it in slowly and sensuously. The others gaped at her display, instantly regretting making fun of her. She moved on to her barrel, making sure to spread an even coat of oil, not missing a single square inch of her svelte body. She had to remove her hat so that she could put her mane up in a ponytail, exposing the little-seen gentle curves of her neck. Twilight had to smack Spitfire's hoof away when she moved on to her flanks, making the stars of her cutie mark glisten and sparkle like the real things. Standing to her hooves, Twilight laid her front half down on the seat so that she could have her forelegs free to massage the oil into her rump (and incidentally, show off her glistening marehood to her new wives). Being in the back of the cab, she felt confident that the gray mare pulling the taxi couldn't see her, and so had a lot more courage for what Cheerilee termed, “naughty stuff”. She took special care rubbing the oil into her pert little breasts, and moaned in delight, taking several minutes on that area alone. Finishing with her hind legs, she sat down again and replaced her hat onto it's perch. Twilight closed the bottle with a flourish and put it back into her saddlebag, before turning to them with a grin. “How do you like- Hey!” She was stopped from finishing her thought by the sight of Trixie and Spitfire necking with Cheerilee between them. Spitfire graced her with a smoldering look. “You didn't seriously expect a display like that to not get a reaction, did you?” Trixie shot her the same look, coming up for air fresh from Cheerilee's mouth. “Indeed, Twilight. One shouldn't preheat the oven if one is not going to do any baking.” Cheerilee just looked at her with a dazed expression and gave a shrug. Giving a snort of disgust at her backfired plan, Twilight crossed her forelegs over her chest, than crossed her legs and looked out the passenger window. Her attitude changed considerably when she spotted their destination, Celestia's private Neighsau manor. The taxi pulled up to the three story manor, and went around the huge fountain in the courtyard. Twilight hardly even waited for the vehicle to come to a complete stop before leaping out with a huge grin on her face. Oh, it's so good to be here again! Memories of the few times Celestia had brought her here when she was younger flooded back, and she danced a little in place. “Eee! This is going to be so much fun!” They unloaded the bags from the roof, and Twilight paid the driver while they took the bags inside. As the dappled mare rode off, Twilight looked back at her. She looked kind of familiar... Shrugging off the thought, she walked in, and was overwhelmed by the familiar opulence once more. She grinned at her herd-wives as they gaped in awe. “Isn't it great?” She pointed out various features and gave them highlights of the events that happened to her. “Over there is the indoor fountain that the Princess once caught me throwing in bits to make wishes. There's the theater where we would have our movie nights. Out back is the pool where she taught me to swim so she could take me out to the ocean.” She started walking upstairs, levitating the luggage along with them. “Up here's where we'll be staying. Down the hall to the right is the game room, but our room is to the left.” She opened the doors before her, revealing an enormous room. The floor-to-ceiling windows were open, allowing the breeze to blow in, unhindered by anything but the peach-colored gossamer curtains. A huge four poster bed big enough to hold a half dozen adult ponies comfortably was against one wall, and an armoire the size of an apple cart next to a vanity sat along the opposite. Potted palms scattered about added a little green to the tropical plantation style architecture of the house. “Here's our room!” Twilight announced. “Of course, we're free to use any room but the Princess's but we pretty much have the run of the place.” “How many rooms are in this place?” Trixie asked. Twilight looked off in the distance as she tried to recall all of the information she remembered about the place. “Let's see, there's twelve bedrooms, four bathrooms, two half-baths, a study, a library, the garage with the sports gear and carriage, an exercise room-” Spitfire put her hoof in Twilight's mouth, cutting off her recitation of the mansion's particulars. “We get it, love. It's a big place.” Taking a running leap, Trixie jumped onto the fluffy bed with a fillyish squeal, and almost sank half a hoof into the bedding. So soft and absorbent was it, that she didn't even bounce up all that much. Rolling onto her back, she let out a giggle and propped herself up on her elbows. “It's so late in the day, and the trip was ever so tiring. What shall we do for the rest of the night?” she asked with a seductive grin. “Seeing as we've already had a light supper,” Cheerilee said as she sashayed over to the bed and in one fluid movement, leapt on to it, and laid on her belly at Trixie's head, “I think we should find something to do around here.” Spitfire nodded her agreement as she flew over to the bed, and laid down, practically draping herself over Cheerilee. “Yes, we've been good girls. I think it's time we had our... dessert.” Twilight rubbed one forehoof along the other, and actually looked nervous. “Um... I uh... I had something special planned for this vacation- but only if you girls are totally okay with it!” she added hastily. “I mean, I want to be totally fair here, and I know we haven't talked about this or anything, but...” “Well, go on, Sweetie. You've gotten our interests,” Cheerilee said. With her hoof migrating to the back of her neck, Twilight's nervousness only increased. “I... Er... M-maybe this was just a bad idea. I mean, we already have got a lot on our plates as it is, and-” “Twi.” Trixie's serious tone as well as her use of the nickname stopped her in her tracks. “You won't know until you tell us your idea. So, spill.” Twilight licked her lips and mumbled something unintelligible. All three wives leaned forward, and Spitfire said, “Hon, you're gonna have to speak up. We can't hear you.” “I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABY!” Twilight shouted at the top of her lungs. She saw the stunned looks on their faces and took the opportunity to plow through while she still had the nerve. “Specifically, Spitfire's. I've crunched some numbers, and found that this staggering of the foals is feasible. It's only in the final three months or so of the pregnancy that the majority of growth is done, so I'll still be able to help should mobility become an issue. “And Spitfire, you said you wanted to wait a bit before conceiving as well, so this is a perfect solution, as it will give you breathing space to arrange for time for your own foaling. And to be... perfectly honest, I've... I've been fantasizing about this for the past eight years or so.” She breathed a sigh of relief at finally getting her confession off her chest, but was too scared to look at her herd-wives to see their reactions just yet. Wincing, she added, “I'll understand if you're upset about this, Cheerilee and Trixie, but...” She looked up to see them looking at each other, a whole, silent conversation going on with just their eyes. “Are you sure about this, Twilight?” Cheerilee asked gently. “Staggering the births is one thing, but what about raising them? One filly is a big enough hoofful as it is, but three at once?” Twilight nodded at her. “I've thought of that as well. My job is just down the road from home, and is pretty sedentary. Trixie is between jobs at the moment, and you're usually home by three, with Spitfire in a little after that, deployments and shows permitting.” Trixie had an unreadable expression on her face, which spoke volumes to the ponies who knew her best. Twilight stepped forward and placed a hoof on her hind leg. “Please understand Trixie, that this doesn't mean I love you any less. I just...” “Trixie knows this, Twili- Twi.” Her expression softened into a genuine smile. “She is not ignorant of the feelings you've had for our Wonderbolt for so long. It's just that she was not prepared for this, nor even considered it. But if you want this, then Trixie wants this as well.” Spitfire smirked at her alpha. “We still have a rather large obstacle to jump over- or rather, a lack of one.” She rolled onto her side and lifted her free hind leg, displaying to all her distinct lack of the requisite equipment. Twilight gave her a smoldering smile and pulled herself up on to the bed. “You think I haven't prepared for this eventuality, Hot Stuff?” Never once taking her eyes off the spread feast before her, the librarian's horn lit up in it's magical aura, as did the pegasus spread out before her. The tiny little nubbin of flesh that was her marehood's focal point slowly started growing. First longer, then in girth as well. Spitfire's eyes widened, then lidded as the the new sensations overwhelmed her. Her expression softened as her new erection hardened. When the spell ended, a sleek, hoof long appendage dangled between her breasts, mostly erect. Looking down at it in wonderment, she prodded the tip with a hoof and let out a sultry moan of pleasure. Smiling, Twilight laid down in front of her new herd-wives. “I take it then, that it meets with your approval?” Spitfire traced her hoof along it's white and golden length. “This... is going to take some getting used to.” Her normally husky voice had taken on overtones that would make Berry White jealous. Her hoof reached the base where it met her marehood, and watched with amusement as it waved back and forth at just a touch. “But I'll manage.” Cheerilee and Trixie were watching her with dangerous gleams in their eyes and licking their lips. “So how do I, uh...” Spitfire trailed off, unsure how to word her question. “How do I... use it? I mean, I know what to do, but how do I... you know, go about it?” Crawling forward in baby steps, Twilight replied, “Well, first of all, that's not going anywhere at half mast. We need you more... solid.” She said this last, as she leaned forward to lick the entire length of the stallionhood, lingering on the tip. The Wonderbolt gasped as if stabbed in the gut. I've never felt anything like that before! As the unicorn continued her ministrations, Spitfire ran a hoof through her mane, relishing the silky smooth tresses of her lover. Twilight worked her way down Spitfire's length until she reached her marehood and licked at both sexes. She wrapped her tongue around the shaft, and worked it back and forth, letting the rough texture stimulate her lover. Not ones to be left out, Trixie and Cheerilee took turns kissing the pegasus, taking the time for a brief tongue-wrestle as they did. Twilight came up for air and giggled. “Oh my! It seems that you're on a bit of a hair trigger, Love.” She tapped the penis before her with a hoof and smiled as it twitched and Spitfire let out a groan. Looking at her other herd-wives, she said, “Why don't the three of us take the edge off, so to speak?” Catching on quickly to her plan, Trixie and Cheerilee wasted no time in joining Twilight for a quick snack at Chez Spitfire. Keeping their eyes on their target's face, Trixie and Cheerilee kissed and licked up and down Spitfire's pole, while Twilight busied herself with her marehood. It wasn't long before the pegasus's eyes crossed at the erotic sight of a triple blowjob being performed on her. Twilight migrated up the shaft, letting Trixie have a taste of the sweet honey oozing from the pot below. She alternated her direction with Cheerilee's, going up when she trailed down and vice versa. Both made sure to lap up the precum that leaked from the tip with a swipe, just as Trixie gave an occasional long, broad swipe across the nether lips. Trixie gave up the honeypot to Cheerilee at her prompting so that she too could have a taste of the sensuous nectar. It was only a few moments later when sensing that Spitfire was at her limit, Twilight grunted, and all three mares joined her on attacking the shaft. With a telling twitch, Spitfire erupted, sending rope after rope of cum over the faces of her lovers, all of whom closed their eyes and hoped that the next hot spurt would land on them. When at last the last bit dribbled out, the mares opened their eyes to the erotic sight of their faces covered in the cum of their herd-wife. Unable to resist, they kissed and licked at each other, smearing the sticky substance across their faces as much as cleaning it off. When Spitfire opened her eyes and saw this happening, her softening shaft immediately reversed course and assumed ramrod rigidity once more. With the last of it cleaned off (and the fur on their faces in complete disarray), the three mares looked to Spitfire, then at the cock before them. With a grin, Twilight assumed the position, letting her front half rest on the bed while her back half waggled in the air, her tail swaying back and forth seductively. Trixie sat up and held the purple rump steady and spread the cheeks wide, giving all an obscene view of Twilight's most intimate parts. Spitfire stood and placed her forehooves on Twilight's pert rump in preparation of consummating their long-held desires. Seeing that she would need guidance, Cheerilee was glad to lend a hoof. She laid down under Twilight, and with her unique viewpoint, was able to gently provide the aim necessary for Spitfire. The teacher wasn't satisfied to just let her send it home all in one go, however. Instead, she brushed the cock across Twilight's lips several times to make sure that both were well lubricated, and to tease them both. She giggled every time that Spitfire lunged forward, but missed because she had moved it out of the path of alignment. Deciding that they'd had enough, Cheerilee aligned them and Spitfire rammed home, evoking gasps of pleasure from both Twilight and herself. Unable to hold back, or use any of her famed finesse, Spitfire rutted into Twilight like her life depended on it. The moist, slick sound of her cock sliding in and out was punctuated by the fleshy slapping of her hips slamming into Twilight's rump. Their breathy gasps alternated with grunts of pleasure as time after time, Spitfire used every bit of her strength and endurance to show the mare in her grasp just how much she meant to her. “T- TWILIGHT!” she managed to grunt out. “SP- SPITFIRE!” the unicorn replied with equal, breathy volume. Her slick walls inside grasped at the meaty intruder, refusing to let it go, and just as eager to welcome it back in with every thrust. Indeed, she clamped down so tightly, that they were dragged out just enough to be seen by the two witnesses to passion. “F- FASTER!” Always eager to comply with orders, the Wonderbolt increased her tempo, augmenting the already considerable heat from their respective organs with that of friction. Feeling left out, Cheerilee strained upwards and licked at the joining of the two mares, causing them both to grunt in surprise and ecstasy. Trixie, of course, was not going to stand for this, and standing behind Spitfire, draped the front half of her body over the athlete's rump, and despite the rhythmic thrusting, managed to land her tongue on the mare's cunny and savored the flavor once more. This proved to be too much for Spitfire, who once again began shooting rope after rope of cum deep into Twilight's pussy. Feeling her lover, her dream mare of the past eight years cumming inside her, Twilight was sent over the edge as well, loosing an unintelligible scream of rapturous delight, her tongue lolling out the side of her mouth mindlessly wagging with each buck from the pegasus. Spitfire reached the very tip of her climax, and prodded one last time as hard as she could, leaving her cock in place. Both mares lost track of everything, and Twilight's wobbling rear legs barely gave Cheerilee enough advance warning before she collapsed on her belly. Twilight just let her legs spread out as she sank to her stomach, Spitfire riding her all the way down to the fluffy, cloud-like bed. It took several minutes before either of them felt like moving again, and it came in the form of Spitfire wrapping her forelegs around Twilight's neck and breathing in her sweaty, post love-making aroma. The heady perfume sent one last spasm through her penis as she “soaked her wick”. Naturally, Twilight felt this, and it stirred her from her stupor. “Well, if that doesn't do it, I don't know what will,” she said with a smirk. She turned her head just enough to see the mare on her back out of the corner of her eye and added with a wink, “But then again, we have all week to 'try, try again', right?” Spitfire could only groan as she rolled off of her. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Plain Sight approached the concealed watchtower and climbed up the spiral walkway. When she reached to top and walked into the small hidden room, Limnear turned back and smiled at her. “Took you long enough to get back. Did the taxi owner give you any trouble?” The mare shrugged as she walked up to the window and picked up a pair of binoculars and looked towards the manor. “Just the usual attempt at gouging that locals pull when they think they can get away with it. I did have to pay a little extra to have the back seat cleaned though.” Before Limnear could do more than raise a questioning eyebrow at this, she added, “And no, it's not what you think. One of them decided that the back of a cab was the ideal place to apply sunscreen, that's all. Stupid cabbie. The seat was pleather anyway.” “Yet you still paid? That's unlike you.” “Ah, I just wanted to leave him open as an option in case I need to borrow his cab again,” Plain Sight replied. “Couldn't do that if he was sore at me for something stupid like that.” They sat in silence for a few moments as they watched the now quiet house. Of course it was Limnear that broke the companionable quiet. “Are you sure you're going to be okay with this? I mean, they were pretty wild in there up until a little while ago. I mean, freaky-deaky stuff. Spitfire was riding her hard, and I kinda doubt it's over yet. Can you really handle-” “Why does everypony keep asking me that?” Plain Sight growled as she turned to the griffoness. “If it's not you, it's the Princesses. If it's not them, it's her brother. If it's not him, it's her father! Yes! I can handle it! I'm a big girl now! I have made my decision, and I will stand by it! I can handle seeing the pony I love in the hooves of another. I can handle seeing her lovey-dovey with another mare. I can even handle seeing her have wild, raunchy sex without me! I! Can! Handle! IT!” Limnear laid a gentle forepaw on the mare's cheek. “But I can't handle seeing you suffer for it. You may think you hide it well, but I can see the want in your eyes. I can hear the pain in your voice every time you say her name. I can smell your desire whenever you catch sight of her. I can taste your tears every time we kiss. PS, you may not believe it, but this is tearing you apart; and it's tearing me apart seeing it happen to you!” “Well, who asked you to be here!” Limnear was taken aback by her words, but saw the tears streaming down the mare's face. Before Plain Sight could act, she rushed forward and enveloped her in a fierce hug. Unable to hold it in any longer, Plain Sight broke down and wept into the griffoness's fur. She wrapped her forelegs around her, returning the hug. “I- I- I just... I never had... the courage. I'm such a coward! I thought I could do it, Lim. I really did!” She sobbed into her friend's chest, seeking and finally finding the comfort for which she'd been seeking for so long. “I thought I had finally made peace with it, but I was wrong. Through the whole ceremony, the only thing I could think was 'that should be me up there'. If only I had the courage to tell her, it would have been me! I'm such a fool!” Limnear held the mare and gently patted her head, cooing soothing nothings at her. When the crying had calmed down to mere sniffles, she said, “You're not a fool; and certainly no coward. You're a smart, brave being like any other who had the misfortune to fall for the wrong mare...” She turned Plain Sight's head up until they faced each other. “... just like I did.” Plain Sight leaped up and planted her lips on Limnear's beak. Their tongues met, pushing and sliding against each other as the griffoness reclined until she lay on her back with the earth pony laying atop her. Plain Sight trailed a line of kisses along the beak, down her jawline, trailing her neck, and onto her chest. With great reluctance, Limnear let her grip on Plain Sight's rump release so that she could continue her trip, but refused to let her go completely. Free to continue her trail of kisses, Plain Sight made her way down past the feathers, and into the fur. Here, she added licks and nibbles to the routine, since fur wasn't as restrictively dense as feathers. Limnear responded by arching her back into the attention and trying to keep Plain Sight's face in contact with her forepaws. She was afraid to say anything for fear of reminding her lover that she wasn't the pony for whom she was pining; and so, kept her beak firmly shut. When she reached the junction of the griffoness's legs, Plain Sight flipped herself around so that her lover could have access to her own nethers, and hopefully return the favor she was about to grant her. Never one to waste time, she dived right into her pussy, licking, kissing, nibbling, and even using her teeth (covered by her lips of course) to pull at the labia, stretching them until they popped free and snapped back into place. Limnear had been dreaming of this since they had broken up years ago. Stopping only to take a deep breath of the aroma wafting out of the steamy marehood before her, she stuck her conical tongue into it, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from the mare. She knew what Plain Sight liked, and just how to go about it. It helped that even for a griffon, her tongue was unusually long and agile. Plain Sight would often remark after their long-ago lovemaking sessions, that with a tongue like that, they'd never have a use for a cock; to which she would always reply “But I am part cock,” and stick that same tongue in her ear. Plain Sight lifted her head from her meal, female cum dripping from her mouth, as her tongue lolled out the side of her mouth. She rocked her hips back and forth on her lover's appendage, delighting in the sensations that she had been missing for so long. Suddenly realizing that she wasn't holding up her end, she dived her head back into Limnear's snatch, virtually attacking it as she greedily lapping up her spend. The room was filled with the sounds of lapping, and licking, and moaning, and gasping until as one, they crested to their orgasm and pushed each other over the edge. For many minutes, they laid there, gasping for breath and basking in the afterglow. Limnear was unable to take the suspense any longer and asked, “So... where does this leave us?” Plain Sight wriggled around until they were face-to-face and laid her head down on the griffoness's chest and sighed. “I need you, Lim. I'm not sure I can quit her without your help. I never stopped thinking about you either. If I'm not thinking about her, I'm thinking about you. You two are the two most important things in the world to me- no, you are the world to me. The air I breathe, the water I drink, the light of my life. I...” She choked back a sob. “... I was so lost when you left. I never meant the things I said to you, and even just thinking about them now feels like a knife in my heart. “And then you came back into my life, and for an instant, I wished that it could be like it was before... before. Of course, I realized that it would never be the same, so I was cold and distant to you. I kept you at arm's length so that I wouldn't get hurt, but also so that I wouldn't hurt you.” She looked up and met the griffoness's eyes, tears in both of them. “Please forgive me.” Limnear craned her head up and beak met lips in a passionate kiss. “As long as you come back to me, yes.” Plain Sight sighed happily and laid her head down on the feathery ruff of the griffoness's chest. “Thank you,” she murmured softly. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) The frontier soldier breathed a deep sigh of relief as he removed his helmet and placed it on the bar next to him. The bartender paused in his polishing of the empty mug in his hooves and looked at him with only half-raised eyelids. “Your usual, Pr- er, Captain?” Blueblood wiped the sweat from his brow and nodded. “Yes, thank you, Shotglass.” He tried to stretch as much as the armor would allow as he waited for the mug of ice cold cider to fill. “Well, if you just aren't the very epitome of 'had a long day', then I don't know what is.” With a blush, Blueblood turned on his bar stool to see Cheery Jubilee taking the seat next to him, cosmopolitan in hoof. “G- g- good afternoon, Miss Jubilee,” he said in an uncertain voice. Cheery Jubilee leaned closer and held his chin in her hoof, ensuring their eyes would meet. “Now honey, I've already told you; just Cherry or Jubilee is fine with me,” she said, her half-lidded eyes holding on to his wild and darting ones. He gave her a nervous laugh and took a deep swig of his cider when it was placed before him. “I- I- I'm sorry Miss Jubilee, but it would hardly be proper to address a lady with such familiarity.” “Ooo... a true gentlecolt. You don't find many of those around here in Dodge Junction.” Without looking, she took the cherry from her mixed drink and holding it in her teeth, plucked the stem from it. She pursed her lips and sucked the cherry into her mouth, smiling at the poor stallion who was unable to look away. “I wonder- you being aaalll the way from Canterlot and all- have you heard the news about the Princess's student?” She noted the wince that passed over his face, but chose to say nothing about it. Blueblood nodded and looked down at his nearly empty mug of cider. Motioning to the bartender for another, he replied, “Yes. She was supposed to be married sometime last weekend.” He finished off the mug and set on the counter for retrieval. “I wonder who the lucky stallion was?” “Oh, she wasn't married, Honey.” She also noted the sudden hopeful gleam in his eye and regretted bringing up the topic immediately. “She formed a herd. Took on three mares, all of them pregnant by her, or so the rumor mill says.” Relief and despair seemed to settle on the errant Prince all at once. “Oh. Rumors. Well, you can't always trust them for reliable information.” Cherry Jubilee mentally berated herself. I just seem to keep pushing the wrong buttons with him today! “Well, to be fair, the pregnancy part is just the rumor. The rest I learned from this.” She pulled out a newspaper and showed him the front page. CANTERLOT TIMES THE HERD IS BACK By: News Flash In a bold move, Countess Twilight Sparkle revived the old tradition of herding today; when she took on alpha responsibilities for three mares. The mares, Baroness Cheerilee, Baroness Trixie Lulamoon, and Baroness Spitfire underwent the herding ceremony with the Countess, and happily proclaimed her as their alpha. All three Princesses were in attendance as well as several prominent nobles, and of course, the other Elements of Har- Blueblood put the paper down and facehoofed. “How could I have been so stupid? This explains everything!” Cherry Jubilee was getting really worried now. “I- is there a problem, Dear?” Blueblood shook his head as he sighed. “Just my usual thick-headedness, I'm afraid. Nothing to be done for it now, the damage was done long ago.” He took another drink and looked at himself in the mirror behind the bar. “You know, I actually requested that the Princess send me to the furthest reaches of the country as a frontier guardspony? I thought if I came out here, I'd be hitting two stakes with one horseshoe. I'd be out of reach from my father's plans, but most of all, I'd put some distance between us and hopefully forget her. So much for the last part.” Cherry Jubilee finally saw an opportunity to ease the young Prince's burdens while perhaps making an opening for herself, and leapt at it. “Do you want to talk about it? Say, over dinner?” She saw his surprise at her question, and better still, that he was considering the offer. “I'm told that my cherry pie is the best tasting dish this side of the Swayback Mountains.” With a sad smile, Blueblood looked at her reflection, then turned to face the real mare. “I think I'd like that.” (\ /) ( . .) *(")(") As Captain Lancer walked down the hospital's hallway at a brisk trot, her aide struggled to keep up, while also going through several reams of paper held in her horn's telekinetic grip. "Ma'am, Admiral Herring-Bone is still waiting for a reply to her message, and your meeting with the mayor is only ten minutes-" Lancer turned left at an intersection, ignoring several soldier's salutes as she went. "I'll have a reply for the Admiral when I find out what our prisoner knows. As for the mayor, he can wait. There are more important things in this world than me personally telling him that nothing has changed since he asked me a hour previous." She came to a room whose door was flanked by a pair of guards, that came to attention when she appeared. "As you were, stallions," she said, acknowledging their salutes with a barely perceptible nod as she and her aide walked in. She looked to the nurse once, who nodded and left, before walking over to the heavily bandaged up griffon. Though his left wing was in a sling, he was still secured to the bed with restraints to prevent any escape attempts. Lancer walked up, noting that his unbandaged eye focused on her. "Welcome back to the land of the living. I hear we have you to thank for bringing home a badly hurt mare of ours." Auric took in her military uniform and nodded. He tried to speak, but all that came out was a weak screech-growl. Lancer held up a hoof and shook her head. "Don't try to speak. The doctors say that you almost broke your neck in the fall and took on a lot of seawater. It'll heal, but it needs time and rest, right now. Polyglot, here," she nodded to her aide, "is going to cast a spell that will allow us to communicate telepathically. If that's okay with you, just nod." Auric nodded. Polyglot's horn lit up, and all three could hear one another's surface thoughts. Lancer thought, "What made you want to defy your superior and rescue the mare?" "Cunning Eye is a beast. He takes what he wants with no regard for the suffering of anyone else, and sometimes does it just because it it causes suffering. He's not worthy of respect, nor command. Besides, she..." "Yes?" Auric blushed and looked away. "She reminds me of my little sister. Seeing her being... used like that made me ask myself what I would do if my sister were actually..." Tears formed in his eyes, and he tried to blink them away. Lancer nodded and patted his foreleg. "I understand, completely. We'll let you recover while we decide what to do with you." Auric turned back to the pony, a fierce look in his eyes. "That's not all. I'm not going back. I couldn't return, even if I wanted to. I'm already branded a traitor over there just for disobeying my commanding officer, send me back and I'll be shunned at best, but more likely executed or worse. I'm officially asking you for asylum, and in return, will tell you everything I know about him and his plans there, as well as the pony traitor who hired him to do all this." Lancer pulled over two chairs for herself and Polyglot. As they sat down, notepad and pen at the ready in Polyglot's telekinetic grasp, she said, "Please, continue." > Shiny, Happy Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 16: Shiny, Happy Ponies The couch was as comfortable a piece of furniture as money could buy. Stuffed with clouds and sheathed in pegasus-crafted fabric, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that the couch was actually the most comfortable place in the entire house, yet Cheerilee grunted as she shifted around to a more comfortable position on it. Looking down at her distended belly, her face took on a conflicted expression as she rubbed her hoof across it. “Eight months along, and I already look ready to pop.” Her voice was full of concern for the little life within her. “Either you're gonna be the biggest filly in Equestrian history, or you're just a little too eager to meet the world. I wish the doctor had encountered something like this before, because you got me worried little girl.” The soothing sounds of the rain outside made the couch and the fireplace all the cozier, and helped to ease her worries. She looked up and smiled as Twilight walked into the living room of their home, levitating a familiar red box. “Last one in the house, Cheery, so make it last.” Cheerilee licked her lips and reached for the box. “Gimme, gimme, gimme!” She opened the top of the box and poured straight into her mouth. Twilight shook her head in amusement. “I don't know how you can eat an entire box of jalapeño cheese crackers in a day.” Licking the cheese powder from her lips, Cheerilee replied, “Hey, what the filly wants, the filly gets.” She closed up the now half-full box again and set it on the coffee table in front of her. “That hit the spot. So, did you give any more thought to the name?” Twilight rubbed the back of her head while she looked off into the distance. “I just don't know, Cheery. That name has a... history for me; good and bad.” “Oh come on, Twi. What could she have possibly done to ruin that name for you forever? Besides, it's cute.” Cheerilee patted the couch seat, and made some room for her to join her. Hopping up and snuggling with her, Twilight said nothing until she had settled in and breathed out a contented sigh, listening to the sounds coming from Cheerilee's belly. “You haven't seen her drunk, Cheery. She gets... sad. And then she looks at me and it's like...” Cheerilee leaned over and kissed the top of Twilight's head. “I'm sorry, Twi. I'll drop it. I didn't know it-” She was stopped by a purple hoof on her lips. “No. No, it's alright. Maybe this will... break the cycle. Might even be cathartic for me- for both of us.” The front door opened, and Spitfire quickly walked in and shut it behind her. “Wow! It is raining cats and dogs out there!” She shook herself off and walked over to the ponies on the couch, giving them both a kiss. “How's my favorite pregnant teacher and student?” “Better now that you're here, Hot Stuff. Maybe now I can get a hoof rub too,” Twilight replied, waving a forehoof at her. Spitfire kissed her hoof gallantly, and walked off to the hallway bathroom. “Let me get dried off first. It was absolutely pouring out there.” “How was work?” Twilight asked. “Since it's above the clouds, I imagine that you didn't have to worry too much about the damp at least.” Coming out of the bathroom, still rubbing her mane dry, Spitfire answered, “We may avoid the damp, but it's still windy as Hay up there during a thunderstorm.” Twilight felt Cheerilee stiffen up and looked to her. “S'wrong, Cheery?” A blush overcame her cheeks, and she said, “Either I just wet myself, or my water just broke; and I didn't feel my bladder release.” Twilight leaped to her hooves and looked at the couch. A huge wet spot stained the fabric, and that's when Cheerilee grabbed onto her stomach and cried out. Immediately, Twilight's magic called forth a list, and she said, “Spitfire! Go get a cab. I'll go wake Trixie from her nap! Hurry!” Trixie was already waking when Twilight ran into the room. “What's goin' on, Twi?” “Cheerilee went into labor! We have to get her to the hospital fast!” Trixie's expression soured as she took to her hooves, an obvious bulge in her belly, but not nearly as big as her fellow herd-wife. “I knew she was trying to get hers out first, the showoff.” “Trixie, this is no time for rivalry! We need to get her there fast, and we can't teleport!” Twilight was running around the room, tearing it apart while looking for something. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Trixie asked, “What are you looking for?” Twilight turned to her, panic in her eyes, despite the comfort of the list floating next to her. “A raincoat, an umbrella, a sheet of plywood, a newspaper, anything to keep the rain off of us!” Trixie took Twilight's face in her forehooves and looked her in the eye. “Twilight, if you don't calm down right now, we'll leave you right here until the filly is born. The last thing we need is you panicking.” She turned her around until she faced the bedroom door and swatted her rump. “The raincoats and umbrellas are where we always keep them, in the closet next to the front door.” “Thanks, Trix!” Twilight yelled as she ran out of the room. Trixie shook her head in amusement as she joined the rest of her herd in the living room. She walked in to find Twilight trying to stuff the very pregnant Cheerilee into a raincoat. Several umbrellas leaned against the couch, which were knocked over by an excited Twilight as she hovered around the mare. The door opened and Spitfire came in again, soaking wet. Waving them over, she said, “Let's go! I managed to wrangle a taxi passing by.” Though the trip itself took only a couple of minutes, it felt like an eternity to the mares. Cheerilee's grunts and screams of pain overwhelmed Twilight's attempts at coaching her breathing. Pulling up in front of the hospital, Spitfire and Twilight guided the mare in, while Trixie went in ahead to call the doctors. They burst through the doors just as Trixie and the nurses came over with a gurney and loaded the teacher onto it. One of the nurses that the mares recognized as Coldheart said, “The doctor's already been called and is on her way. She should be here any moment.” Twilight just nodded to her and continued coaching Cheerilee's breathing as they wheeled her to the delivery room. Just as they were getting settled in, Dr. Feelgood trotted through the door. “Status?” she calmly said. “Contractions coming in two minutes apart, and fully dilated,” Nurse Coldheart replied, just a little harried. “My water broke! What do you think?” Cheerilee shouted at the doctor. Hoping to distract Cheerilee from continuing to harangue the pony that will get her through this, Twilight patted the hoof she was holding on to and said, “Remember, breathe-” “I AM BREATHING! I COULDN'T SHOUT LIKE THIS IF I WASN'T BREATHING!” While the nurses continued to prepare Cheerilee, Doctor Feelgood pulled Trixie and Spitfire aside. “Tell me truthfully, has she been doing the exercises I taught you all, or has she been just laying about?” “Blood pressure, one-forty-five over eighty-three! Heart rate, two-oh-six!” A nurse shouted. Spitfire nodded. “I've been making sure to do the exercises with all three of them each morning. Trust me, they're getting plenty of exercise.” “Is she going to be okay, Doctor?” Trixie asked pleadingly. Doctor Feelgood nodded. “I think so, Trixie. Even though it's way too soon for birth to even be possible right now, the filly has been developing quite quickly, and since she's been up and about, delivery should be relatively simple. I just wish I knew what caused the filly to develop this fast for her, and not for you.” “Doctor, the head's getting ready to crown,” Coldheart said. Not wasting any more time, Doctor Feelgood took up her station between Cheerilee's legs. “Alright, here we go, Cheerilee. You need to really start bearing down now.” “WHAT DO YOU THINK I'VE BEEN DOING?” she shouted at her. Turning to Twilight, she added, “WHEN THIS IS OVER, I'M GONNA PAY YOU BACK FOR THIS, SPARKLE! I'M GONNA KNOCK YOU UP WITH TWINS! SEE IF I DON'T!” Twilight gasped in pain from the grip Cheerilee had on her hoof, nearly falling to her knees. She managed to keep her hooves, and ran a damp washcloth over Cheerilee's forehead. “I'll be glad to take them too, Cheery, but old business first. Puuuuush!” Cheerilee grit her teeth and strained, trying to push the baby along the birth canal. She suddenly slammed her head back and cried out. “Roadapples! The horn's caught on the wall!” Doctor Feelgood said. Her horn lit up, and she used her telekinetic field to feel around and gently dislodged the horn, allowing the foal to slide forward almost two inches at once. “Okay, I got it, now push again, Cheerilee!” “I can't! I can't! It hurts too much!” she replied, tears streaming down her face. The doctor shook her head. “You don't want an epidural right now, Sweetie, it will make the whole process go on longer. Now I need you to be brave and push again.” Gritting her teeth once more, Cheerilee strained, and the doctor smiled. “Okay, doing good now. Here she comes, just keep up the good work.” A white sphere the size of a small cantaloupe with a tiny tuft of pink mane greeted the light of the room, the little nubbin of a horn poking through first. “That's the ol' pepper! Keep it coming, she's almost through!” Twilight leaned in close, giving her quiet words of encouragement while Trixie and Spitfire took turns petting her sweaty mane or wiping her forehead with the cool, damp washcloth. Cheerilee gave a great heave, her mouth and eyes going wide in soundless strain. Doctor Feelgood caught the baby as she squipped out. “She's out! She's...” her pause was suddenly covered by the wailing of the newborn foal. She quickly snipped the umbilical and swaddled the foal in a blanket before hoofing her over to the exhausted mother. Motioning with her head, she cleared the room of nurses, and stood next to the bed while the family cooed over the infant. Clearing her throat, she said, “There's something you need to know about her.” Her serious tone silenced the room. “Wh- what's wrong with my baby?” Cheerilee asked, holding the filly protectively, as if somepony would try to take her away. “I'm not sure that I would qualify this as 'wrong', per se, but it definitely qualifies as different,” she replied. “You see, she's not... entirely female.” Four confused stares met her, and Cheerilee unwrapped the blanket from around the baby in her arms. The last fold was moved aside, and a quite unusual sight greeted them. Nestled between two tiny dots that marked her nipples, was a penis sheath. Looking further down, they saw that she did indeed have a vagina, but then they looked back to the sheath in confusion. Doctor Feelgood gently took the baby and placed her next to Cheerilee's teats, and she immediately started to suckle. Twilight looked from doctor to filly in confusion several times before uttering, “How?” Doctor Feelgood shook her head in confusion. “I don't know either. Remember when I told you that she kept shifting around during the sonograms? Well, that's how I missed it. As to how she came to have both? Well, these sorts of things occur now and then. It's... unusual, but by no means detrimental to her health; and...” She looked down at the filly happily nursing and not even bothering to take in the world around her. “... she's likely to be very popular among the fillies.” The four mares looked to each other, deep concern etched into their faces. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Vintage Fields cooed at the infant in her hooves, making a game of rubbing noses with her. “Who's a beautiful baby? Who's a beautiful baby? You are! Yes you are! Yes you are!” She laughed at the filly's giggle, finding it irresistibly infectious. Cheerilee gently took her daughter back from her mother and smiled at her. “Excuse me, Mom. It's time for someone's feeding.” She watched her daughter whisk her granddaughter away to the nursery, and found her eyes alighting onto Twilight, who was just coming back into the room with a tea service. “So what did the doctor say about her being born so early? Did it have anything to do with... you know... her... thing?” Trixie sniffed at her from her spot on the couch. “It's called a penis, not a thing. And I'll thank you to not treat her like she's-” “Trixie, please. I'm sure she didn't mean anything by that. She's probably just confused about how to deal with such an unusual situation,” Twilight said placatingly. She looked to her Mother-in-law, who nodded back. “See?” She kissed her herd-wife on the cheek and began serving the cups. “But I appreciate you coming to Sunny's defense; and I'm sure Cheerilee would too.” Slightly mollified, Trixie grumbled, “Fine. Trixie will abstain from browbeating, but will not restrain herself should somepony even think to say one bad thing about any of our fillies. Sunny Days is beautiful, and she is healthy. That is all that should matter.” “And it is, Dear,” Vintage Fields replied. “I was just curious if there were some connection between her early birth and her penis,” She said the last word with more than a little relish at the satisfied expression in Trixie's face. A knock at the door drew everypony's attention, and Twilight excused herself to attend to it. As she left the living room, she could hear Trixie and Vintage Fields taking friendly pot shots at each other beneath thinly veiled attempts at compliments. She opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to see Celestia standing there, flanked by two familiar unicorns. “Princess! Mom, Dad! You made it!” Velvet hugged her daughter, and walked past, looking high and low. “Where is she? Where's my-” She stopped dead upon sighting Vintage Fields sitting calmly on the sofa opposite Trixie. “Oh my,” she quietly breathed, clearly taken with her. Night Light walked in after giving his daughter a hug as well, and smirked at both his wife and the mare at which she was staring. “Good morning, Ms. Fields, Trixie.” Twilight facehoofed. “I can't believe I forgot about this...” Celestia walked in and nuzzled Twilight. “I wouldn't worry, my Faithful Student. We're all adults here and know how to behave accordingly.” At that moment, Cheerilee walked back into the room, the tiny filly riding her back. Right away, Twilight Velvet scooped up the foal and cooed at her. “Oh, she is simply marvelous! Look, Dear! Isn't she just divine?” She held Sunny up to her husband, who immediately blew a raspberry on the baby's belly, causing her to giggle. Celestia froze upon seeing her, though. Oh, my. It's just like my nightmare! White coat, pink mane and tail, horn and- Oh, wait! No wings! Thank goodness. She trotted over and nuzzled the foal playfully. “She's wonderful, Twilight. What are you naming her?” Twilight shuffled her hooves as she walked over slowly. “Um, that's the thing, Princess. We were hoping- with your permission, of course- to call her Sunny Days.” Nonplussed by the question, it took her a moment to reply. Her expression softened and her serene smile returned. “I would be honored, Twilight. Let us hope that she lives up to the name.” She bowed her head and touched her horn to the foal's with a flash of light. Appearing startled, she pulled her head back and looked to Twilight with wide eyes. “Is there something you needed to tell us, my Faithful Student?” There she goes again, capitalizing her title for me, Twilight thought to herself. With a nervous cough, she said, “Ah, yes. You see, Mom, Dad, Princess, Sunny was born with something... extra.” Vintage Fields snorted a laugh. “I'll say she has.” Twilight politely coughed into her hoof and continued. “Ahem, yes. Sunny Days is a hermaphrodite. She...” “Oh, for Stars' sake, Twilight!” Trixie said. “She has colt and filly parts, and the first one of you to tell me that she's wrong or bad will have to deal with me!” Celestia extended a wing, brushing it along Trixie's mane. “Peace, Trixie. None of us would ever say such a thing about Sunny Days. She is a beautiful filly, and we are very glad she's come along.” Vintage Fields nervously cleared her throat. “Excuse me, Princess, but you've lived for so long. Have you ever heard of a filly being born like this? Can you tell us if it has anything to do with her early birth? I mean, when I had Cheerilee and Berry Punch they pretty much were born on the dot eleven months later. You could have set a calendar by them.” A light blush came over Celestia's white cheeks, and she looked a little sheepish. “I'm afraid that both events may be my fault.” Twilight Velvet gave her a look that could freeze helium at twenty paces. “How so?” “Allow me to explain from the beginning,” Celestia said, sitting down next to the coffee table, while the rest of the ponies took seats around her, Velvet holding on to the infant like somepony was going to take her away. "When Cheerilee was foalnapped, the Nightmare had cast an Anchor on to little Sunny Day's soul. Twilight and I think that it was attempting to leave behind a piece of itself so that it could be reborn after the main body of its essence was destroyed. “However, we found the spell and removed it from the filly's soul. Unfortunately, the damage it had wrought on her was severe. Bad enough to turn her into a soulless husk should she be born like that.” Celestia took a deep breath and sighed. “We couldn't let that happen, so with the permission of Twilight and her herd, I gave her a piece of my own soul to strengthen hers. Being an alicorn, and the Princess of the Sun, that little portion I gave her would be enough to save her.” Celestia sighed and looked to the infant still cradled in Velvet's forelegs. “This would necessarily create certain... complications. She is nearly as healthy as I, and will almost never suffer from illnesses nor disease, and will heal at an incredible rate. She will likely have an affinity for healing and/or fire magic, but this caused her to grow faster, hence, the early birth. I'm afraid that if the bonding has taken this turn, then she may grow into adulthood faster than normal as well. This doesn't mean she will die sooner, however. On the contrary, she will probably out live her siblings by a wide margin, and any children she has will live longer as well.” “But what about the penis?” Vintage Fields asked. “Does that mean that you...” Celestia blushed and nodded. “Alicorns, that is to say, all alicorns embody the pony races as a whole; whether they be unicorn, pegasi, earth pony... or male or female. I can, at need, have... a penis.” Twilight's eyes went wide with the implications. “Does that mean that Cadance...” Celestia regained a small measure of her mischievous composure and winked at her. “I am unaware whether or not your brother has-” “I can't hear you! La la la la laaaaaaaaa!” Twilight yelled in a loud, sing-song voice, as she put her hooves to her ears. Smiling down at her student, Celestia added, “Needless to say, there's a good chance she can hide it if she so chooses. I'll teach her the trick to it when she's old enough, but for now, it's best to treat her... condition as if it were normal.” A growl from Trixie startled her, and she hastily amended, “Not that she isn't normal, but you know what I mean.” “Does this mean she's... going to be an alicorn?” Trixie asked. Celestia shook her head. “No. One is either born an alicorn, or they are not. Being an alicorn is not a state or change one can 'evolve' or 'grow into'. If that were the case, the world would be overrun with alicorns, and that would just be silly.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “Sister, please! Thou cannot blame thyself for what happened to the foals in thy keeping! Thou hadst no inkling what the dragons wert planning!” Celestia pleaded as she trotted alongside her younger sister. “Our course is set, 'Tia. They threw down the gauntlet, and we must reply, lest they think us weak and overrun our fledgeling nation! We art but three, and we art not omnipresent!” Stopping with a sigh, the lavender alicorn turned to her older sister. “We beseech thee, please let us do this. Or wouldst thou rather press our little sister into this service so grim?” Celestia reared back as if slapped in the face. “Heavens forfend! Luna is far too young to take up arms, let alone shoulder a task as grave as...” She stopped and shook her head. “Do not seek to muddy the waters, sister. There is no reason that We cannot do this rather than thou.” “Except that Equestria needs the sun more than it needs the stars and magic,” the lavender alicorn replied. She sighed as she came forward and nuzzled her sister's cheek. “Believe us, sister. Wert there another way, We wouldst surely take it. Nyx and We thoroughly searched for the answer, and this was the best way.” She continued down the hallway towards the Royal Armory. “At worst, We shalt lose corporeal form for a few days whilst We replenish our divine energies. At best?” She shrugged as she paused at the door to the armory. “We shalt be late for supper.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight bolted up into a sitting position so fast, she fell out of the rocking chair in which she had been dozing. She was confused as to whether it was the dream, or the wailing infant in the crib next to her which had awoken her, but decided that the question could be resolved after the malodorous diaper was changed first. Moving purely on instinct, she used her telekinesis to remove the offending garment. I really must thank Mom and Dad for making me a unicorn. I shudder to think what this would be like having to use my mouth. Task complete, she put the filly down on the large floor cushion and laid down next to her, letting her nuzzle into her breasts for a quick midnight feeding. As Sunny suckled, she looked out the window, and gazed at the star-filled night sky. I really do need to talk to the Princess about these dreams. They're so much more vivid than my other dreams, and aside from my being an alicorn, they almost feel as natural as reality. She watched the stars as they wheeled about in their nightly course, and picked out the star, Sirius, next to Orion the Hunter. She could almost swear that the star was winking at her. Noticing that the suckling had slowed to just an occasional twitch, Twilight looked down to find her foal sleeping contentedly. She picked her up and returned her to the crib by hoof, not once waking her up. She gazed down at the sleeping filly and smiled serenely. I wonder if this is how Mom felt when Shiny and I were just born? The librarian stroked the tiny tuft of pink mane and started softly singing. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away. She leaned over and gently kissed her on the forehead, and whispered, “Goodnight, my Sunshine.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Trixie covered her eyes with her hooves, trying hard not to laugh. “Where's Mama? Where's Mama?” She uncovered her eyes, surprising the tiny filly sitting against the curve of Cheerilee's body. “Here she is!” Sunny Days giggled and clapped. She reached out for Trixie, who gladly took her in her forelegs and cuddled her. “Ooo, you're such a good baby! Mama's going to teach you all her magic tricks!” Cheerilee smiled at her as she finished off another bite of her cucumber sandwich. “Just so long as you don't teach her how to disappear until she's an adult. She's quick enough as is.” “Please, give Trixie some credit,” she replied with a roll of her eyes. “She has a better sense of responsibility than that. Besides, she's a newborn. How far could she get?” she asked, crossing her forelegs across her chest. Cheerilee's eyes went wide. “Trixie, where's Sunny?” she gasped. Looking around, they saw that the filly was not anywhere on their picnic blanket, Trixie even going so far as to lift the corner of the blanket. Cheerilee stiffened and pointed towards the park's lake. “There! By the water!” Trixie turned to see their baby filly sitting by the water, a mare in the water talking to her. They ran up and Trixie scooped the baby up and holding her close. “Sunny, don't you ever run off without a mama again!” The light green mare in the water smiled at them. “Is she yours? She's a lovely child.” Trixie was about to lay into her, but Cheerilee put her hoof in the showmare's mouth. “Yes, she's ours. Thank you so much for making sure she didn't fall into the water. We want to teach her to swim, but the weather's turned far too chilly.” “It was no trouble at all. My sister and I are with child as well, see?” The mare reared up in the water, showing off her distinct belly bulge, sitting right above her fish-like tail. She sank back into the water, making only a small splash. “We know how it is to worry about our young. My name is Scylla, by the way.” She held out a fin-like hoof, which Cheerilee took with a smile. “I'm Cheerilee, the local teacher.” She pointed at her herd-wife and daughter, introducing them as well. “That's Trixie, and our daughter, Sunny Days.” Trixie gingerly took the proffered fin/hoof and shook it. “Charmed.” Scylla looked to Cheerilee and asked, “If you're the teacher, why aren't you in class? It is a school day, is it not?” “Our alpha, Twilight Sparkle, is filling in for me while I'm on maternity leave,” the mulberry mare replied. “Oh, Twilight Sparkle is your alpha?” Scylla asked, “I see. That explains a lot.” Cheerilee tilted her head to the side. “What do you mean?” Scylla blushed a little and sank up to her neck before returning to her previous height out of the water. “Oh! I just meant that Twilight Sparkle's power is legendary, and well, power is an incredible aphrodisiac. Not that we'd ever cheat on our beloved, but, it makes sense for a pony of her stature to attract many mates,” she quickly amended. A light blue mare poked out of the water and splashed Scylla. “Here you are, sister!” She espied the land bound mares, and she smiled at them seductively. “Oh! Aren't you going to introduce us, Scylla?” “Behave, sister,” she said, giving her a playful shove with a fin/hoof. “These are Twilight Sparkle's herd-wives, Cheerilee, and Trixie, as well as their foal, Sunny Days.” Turning to the mares, she added, “Miladies, This is my sister, Charybdis.” Charybdis held out a fin/hoof, which was taken by Cheerilee. “Enchanté,” she said in a slightly more subdued tone. Cheerilee's eyes lit up. “Oh, parlez-vous Fantaisie?” “Oui, juste un peu,” Charybdis replied. Scylla hugged her sister and smiled at them. “As fun as it's been, we need to get home. Beloved will be home soon, and we have a full night planned.” Cheerilee waved to them as they ducked underwater again. “It was a pleasure meeting you both.” She turned to Trixie and nodded towards the picnic they had abandoned in their search for their wayward filly. “I suppose we'd better get home as well. I was considering a three-bean salad and cranberry muffins for dinner. What do you think?” Trixie was about to reply when they spotted a familiar yellow pegasus landing nearby. “Um, H- hello, girls,” Fluttershy said. “Is- um, do you know if Twilight's still in class? I um, need to talk to her, if that's okay.” “I'm afraid so, Fluttershy,” Cheerilee replied. “Class won't let out for another couple of hours at least, and that's if she doesn't have any of the students stick around after class.” “Oh. I see,” Fluttershy said in a small voice. “Is there anything we can help you with?” Trixie asked. Fluttershy looked shocked at the question, and hid behind her mane. “Oh! Um, no thank you. It's nothing important, really. I'll just wait until she's free.” And with that, she flew off, leaving behind two bemused mares, and a napping filly. “What was that all about?” Trixie asked. Cheerilee shrugged. “Search me. She keeps to herself, so it's hard to break past her wall of shyness.” Shrugging, they resumed the task of cleaning up the remains of their picnic lunch. (\ /) ( . .) *(")(") Cunning Eye growled to the nearly empty bar as he nursed his pint of beer. The earth pony tending the bar winced at the growl, but continued polishing the bartop, far enough from his only customer that he could seek shelter should he turn violent again, but close enough to provide speedy service at the slightest indication he might be needed. The commander looked to his aide de camp, a somewhat comely minotaur lass, who was currently working through a pile of paperwork nearly eye level. He considered taking her to his room (he personally burned down the house he had taken when he discovered Evening Falls missing), but knew she had too much work to do to be interrupted so that he could relieve some frustration. Besides, he had an appointment. Now if only- A cloaked stallion walked into the bar, utterly fearless of the apparent danger that kept not only the natives, but also the occupying forces out. The shadowed figure walked straight up to Cunning Eye and took the stool next to him, waving to the barkeep, who slid a pint of cider to him. The stallion gratefully downed half the cider and slammed the mug appreciatively. "Ah! That hit the spot." He turned to Cunning Eye and said, "You said you needed something?" The minotaur grunted and finished off his own mug and slid it down the bar towards the tender. Looking at the fearful stallion, he said, "Beat it. But don't go far." All too happy to comply, the earth pony quickly made his way to the kitchen at the back of the building. When he was gone, Cunning Eye said, "Our friends back home need some more grease. The wheels are starting to get squeaky again." The cloaked stallion snorted in amusement. "It certainly does take a lot to keep a machine like this going, doesn't it? The usual amount?" Cunning Eye nodded, his expression still dour. "That should do it." Looking at him in the mirror, the cloaked stallion remarked, "You don't look like you're enjoying yourself. I thought you lived for this sort of thing." "Nearly five months is a long time to be at a constant state of readiness," Cunning Eye replied. "Not to mention-" "Not to mention losing your favorite toy," the cloaked pony said. "I have to admit, she must have been a fine looking mare before you got to her-" He got no further as Cunning Eye stood in an eye blink, sword drawn, edge resting against the pony's throat. "I will personally see that traitor begging for mercy as I torture him to death with my own hands." The pony drank more of his cider around the blade, and smiled. "It's always good to have goals, even if they are ridiculously unobtainable. Auric has already told his interrogators everything he knew about you and our operation, which thankfully, wasn't much. Good compartmentalization there, by the way. Unfortunately, due to his rescue of young Miss Evening Falls and his help informing the Equestrian Army of you and your usual tactics, he's been granted asylum. He and the lovely Evening Falls have been moved further into Equestria, where even my boss is having trouble locating them. From what I have been given to understand, Miss Evening Falls is quite taken with her rescuer and refuses to leave his side." "Do you enjoy walking on the edge of a knife?" Cunning Eye asked. Both paused as the female minotaur quietly coughed and rose, walked over to them and handed a piece of paper to her superior. Cunning Eye read the note and grunted, nodding his head towards the front door. As she left, he said, "We're going to need a little... help on this." The pony turned his head a little to regard the real minotaur instead of his reflection. "Oh?" Cunning Eye sheathed his sword and sat down again. "Things have gotten... stale, of late. We need a stick to stir up the ponies' nest. The longer, the better. I was thinking of sinking a reinforcement ship, but my adjutant has come up with something I like even better, and puts my men at low risk." He handed the paper to the pony, who read it and smiled. "I think we can work with this." He folded the paper and slid it into a pocket. "Make sure you give your... ah, adjutant a proper bonus for this plan." Cunning Eye grinned and stood. "Oh, you can rely on that." > This is a Call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 17: This is a Call Golden Bit sat in his darkened study, glaring at the palace on the other side of the window. He took another swallow from his glass tumbler of scotch, not even tasting the liquor. The ice clashed together with a CLINK as he set the glass down on his desk. The Duke leaned back in his chair and steepled his hooves in front of him. How does she do it? She must have spies within my own network, if not my house, but I sure as Hay haven't been able to turn them out. Everypony down to the lowest scullery maid has had their movements tracked for weeks, and nothing. Using his magic, he reached out to his wet bar and floated another bottle of scotch over to him and poured another glass, then set it down next to the three empties before him. Nothing. Not so much as an unaccounted for minute. If it weren't so confounding, I think I'd be turned on by her prowess, but not when my legacy is at stake. No. I will find a way to put you under my hoof, My Princess. And I think I finally have it. I'll break up your precious student's happy little family- A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, and with a voice scratchy from disuse and too much alcohol, said, “Enter.” Golden Bit's well-groomed butler entered and sketched a small bow. “Milord, your son has arrived.” Immediately, the Duke sat up straight in his chair and ran a hoof through his unkempt mane. Unfortunately, there was little he could do about the scotch stains on his immaculately tailored jacket, nor the bloodshot eyes, but he coughed into his hoof and gestured. “Thank you, Brass Tack. Send him in.” Brass Tack bowed again and stepped aside to hold the door open wider. Golden Bit was shocked to see his son. No longer was he the sniveling whiny brat he last saw. Gone was the cowed look in his eyes, the stooped posture, and nervous dithering he normally adopted in his father's presence. In his place stood a stallion. He still wore the well used armor of a captain of the Frontier Guard, covered in the dirt and grime of the trail he had undoubtedly gathered on his way here, but wore it as something of a badge of honor rather than treated it as the filth he would have just a few short months ago. Blueblood stepped into the study, placing his doffed helmet on an end table as he did. Golden Bit gave him a genuine smile and said, “My son. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” Still standing at attention, Blueblood replied, “I've come to ask you to repeal your law prematurely, Father.” Golden Bit's smile vanished in an instant, replaced by a scowl. “I'm sure you've seen the damage it can do to Equestria. It still hasn't been passed, yet it has split the military down the middle. The few officers who believe in it are mocked and ridiculed, and even those noble officers who do not are having to turn a blind eye to insubordination, lest they- we end up having to punish whole platoons, leaving us with no troops to command.” The Duke's horn glowed and the door to the study slammed shut. “Do you know what I've gone through to get that piece of legislation passed? The favors I owed- still owe? The cocks I had to suck, the begging I had to do, the pride I had to swallow for this? Are you even aware of how many bridges I had to burn for this? Lady Heartstrings still won't speak to me to this day, and Silver Veil has turned opposing me into some sort of vendetta!” He turned just enough to look out the window once more while keeping Blueblood in his sight. “No. I cannot. Not anymore. Doing so would make me the laughing stock of Parliament.” Blueblood relaxed his posture just a touch and took a step forward. “Father, they've all lost respect for you over this anyway. Even Scarlet Fish is planning to turn against you in the next committee of the Parliamentary Budgetary Office. I still cannot see how this bill will do anything but bolster your pride in an accident of birth.” Golden Bit whirled his chair around and slammed his hooves onto his desk. “What! Where did you learn that?” “You're not the only one with his hoof on the pulse of the noble houses,” Blueblood replied with a sigh. “A lot of the younger generation doesn't like being told how far they can rise.” Golden Bit's eyes narrowed. “You're the one inciting the heirs to rebel against their parents. If it wasn't for those brats, I could have kept the rest of the nobles in line, but thanks to them, everyday I can count another house in the camp against me. How sharper than a serpent's tooth...” Blueblood rolled his eyes. “Really, Father? Trotting out that hoary old Shaky Spear quote?” He relaxed his posture and sat where he stood. “The fact is, Father, that it was your actions that alienated all those ponies. I had little to do, other than alert them to each other's dissatisfaction.” He sighed again and looked out the window for a moment before returning his gaze to his father. “Which brings me to the primary reason for my visit. At the behest of not just the heirs, but the noble rulers themselves, I am here to extend you an offer that you simply cannot refuse. “They wish you to step down as Duke of Canterlot, and pass on your title to me.” Blueblood looked again to the castle through the window and shook his head. “Personally, I would have preferred you to keep the title, and me to go on with my duties in the Frontier Guard, but circumstances demand that I put aside personal desires for the good of Equestria. It's over, Father. The other nobles won't deal with you after this botched move. They all think that you've lost your touch, and many think your sanity as well.” Golden Bit swept his foreleg across the desk, sending the bottles flying across the room to shatter against the wall. Scotch and broken glass trailed down a painting of Golden Bit's deceased wife and Blueblood's mother, staining it. “How dare you! I made you! I've given you everything, and now you dare to lead my foes against me?” Blueblood returned his hard glare without flinching. “No Father, you molded me into your cat's paw. I may have been your son, but I was always first, and foremost, your tool for gaining power. You cared more for your position than for your son or the ponies over which you ruled.” “How dare you even suggest that I cared for power more than for you!” Golden Bit roared. “I sacrificed personal friendships, money, favors, my pride so that you could have it better than I did! I was setting you up to rule over Equestria, not just Canterlot! Even your mother gave up-” He froze mid yell, grief apparent on his features. Blueblood stepped forward and placed a hoof on his. “I know what Mother sacrificed for me, and I'm sorry it cost you as well, but don't you see Father? Aside from the fact that what you were trying to do would be considered treasonous by most, it would never have worked for more than a generation or two at most. Would you want your grandfoals or great grandfoals to suffer for your actions?” Golden Bit slumped back into his chair and looked dejectedly at nothing. “I was hoping that you and your children would want to carry on, make it a tradition. It's well past time we ponies wrested control of Equestria from her incapable hooves. You personally were witness to her incompetence during the last Royal Wedding, not to mention what happened when she let Discord escape.” “And both of those things were beyond her control, Father,” Blueblood retorted. “The changeling queen had everypony fooled, and Discord escaped due to all the disharmony in the world. You cannot blame her for those things.” Looking his son in the eye for the first time in many minutes, Golden Bit replied, “And what of the mess Parliament has become in the past few centuries? What about the increase in border disputes, necessitating the bulking up of the Frontier Guard? What about the increase in frequency of world class threats? Ever since Princess Luna returned as Nightmare Moon...” Blueblood shook his head sadly. “Parliament is such a mess because we ponies are the ones running it. We aren't infallible, and many of us succumb to the allure of power. The border disputes are increasing because the other nations which have always found Equestria's preeminence to rub them the wrong way are testing our borders to see if Princess Luna's return has softened up Princess Celestia. As for the last, there's only so much one can do to preempt those kinds of threats.” He gave another weary sigh. “Father, the truth of the matter is that we have enjoyed an unparalleled length of peace and prosperity under Princess Celestia's rule. As the commoners are wont to say, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it.'” Golden Bit looked unconvinced, but said nothing as he slumped in his chair. Blueblood took the opportunity to plow forward. “There was another reason I wanted to ask you to put a stop to the law before it goes before the PBO for budgetary consideration. I've met a mare wile I was stationed out on the fringe. I can tell you right now that she's not a gold digger, because she's almost as rich as you are, and she wants little to do with court, so she's not after power. She's the only mare to have ever made me forget about Spar- Twilight. I'm in love with her, Father, and I've come to ask for your blessing in pursuing her.” A deafening silence descended upon the room. Blueblood watched his father with pleading eyes, but the old stallion made not even so much as a facial twitch. The longer the silence stretched, the more nervous Blueblood became. It all came to a crashing end when Golden Bit swiveled his chair completely around and whispered, “Get out.” Blueblood slumped and walked to the door, pausing to gather his helm. Turning back enough to see the back of the chair, he said, “I love you, Father.” Golden Bit said nothing, but held the picture of his son and Twilight as foals tightly to his chest, and flinched as he heard the door close. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Spitfire touched down in front of the door to the house she had come to call home. She sighed and felt a tightness in her chest that she had thought was behind her when Twilight accepted her feelings. She made sure that a smile was firmly in place before opening the door and walking in. “I'm home!” Four faces on the couch turned to her as one, and a white blur ran up and tackled one of her legs in a fierce hug. “Ma!” Sunny cried out happily. Spitfire bent to scoop up the little bundle of energy and hugged her tight. “Hey there, Kiddo! I'm happy to see you, too!” Trixie came up and kissed her on the cheek. “About time you showed up. We were about to sit down to dinner whether you were here or not.” “You didn't have to wait on me,” Spitfire replied. “I've told you before to just eat if I'm late. No sense in starving four ponies instead of one, you know.” “Not gonna happen, Hot Stuff,” came Cheerilee's response from the kitchen as she served up the plates. “We endure feast or famine as a family.” Spitfire rolled her eyes. “Ugh. How corny can you get?” she asked playfully. “Let's just sit down and eat, because I, for one, am starved!” Twilight exclaimed. They sat down to their meal, but a little bit of yet to be revealed news kept gnawing at Spitfire's guts, preventing her from enjoying it. Cheerilee was the first to pick up on it and asked, “What's wrong, Spitfire? You look like something's weighing on you mind.” Spitfire let her fork touch the plate again with a sigh. “I'm sorry girls. I was trying to let us have one last enjoyable meal together, but I guess I can't hold it in anymore.” She pushed around the mashed potatoes on her plate, unable to meet their eyes. “I- I'm being shipped out next week.” The mares gasped, but she pushed on. “The trouble on the border with the Griffo-Minotauria Hegemony has really escalated, and Parliament has requested the Princess send a quick response team to deal with anything that could crop up.” Cheerilee gave a weak effort at denying it, but Twilight laid a hoof on her foreleg. “We knew this might happen some day, Cheery.” She looked to Spitfire and with a sad smile, said, “Don't worry, Spitfire. We'll be right here, waiting for you to come home.” All three mares got up from their seats and enveloped her in a hug, making room for a tiny filly who refused to be left out of any affection being doled out. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Salanshandaraen pulled a tight barrel roll before snapping her massive feathered wings out to their full width, braking for a landing. She flapped as she stretched out her hind legs towards the ground, sending out a huge gust of wind that bent the tall stalks of grass in waves. Finally settled onto the ground, she folded them neatly away, accidentally brushing them on the treetops that encroached on the ruins dozens of yards away. The golden dragon brought a forepaw up to her head, and let a tiny purple figure, barely as large as her smallest scale, crawl onto it before lowering it down to the ground. The little purple figure hopped down and turned to the dragon. “Wow, that was intense, Mom!” Spike exclaimed. Sal began shrinking down from her true titanic size to one more comfortable when dealing with smaller creatures, ruffling her feathers back into place as she did. “It was, wasn't it?” “Yeah it was!” Spike shouted, jumping in the air in excitement. “Those griffons were all like 'pull over', and then you were all 'no way', and just took off! They never stood a chance! You blew past them so fast, I think I saw one of them lose all his feathers!” The gold dragon chuckled. “Wouldn't be the first time it's happened,” she replied as she nuzzled Spike. She pulled a satchel from out of thin air, and draped it over her neck. “Come on. I want to talk to Nyx before she sends you home.” They walked into the library, blinking owlishly as they stepped into the now well-lit structure from the dim entryway. One wouldn't recognize it from it's earlier state, but ever since the arcaneficarum had been repaired, the library looked better than it had in millennia. The pair of dragons approached the front desk where Onyx worked, filling out cards for a new card catalog. “Good afternoon, Onyx. Is Nyx in?” The black dragon looked up from his tedious work and smiled. “Sal! Back so soon?” “Just dropping Spike off for home. I also need to see Nyx. Is she busy?” Onyx nodded. “Naturally, but I'm sure she'll take a break for you.” He leaned over the counter and looked at Spike. “You mind waiting here for a bit? She's in one of her 'moods' again.” He reached behind him and pulled out a comic book, handing it to the small dragon. “Here, entertain yourself for a bit.” Spike took the comic reverently, and his eyes widened. “Oh, my gosh! X-Mares number two-seventy-four! This is the one where Rouge and Magnetron get together after losing her powers in the Savage Land!” He giggled like a manic as he clutched the comic to his chest and ran over to the children's reading area within eyesight of the front desk. Turning back to his other guest, Onyx gestured towards Nyx's office with a gentlemanly, “Shall we?” As they approached the door, Kat materialized in front of the door and crossed her arms across her chest. “Kat? What's wrong?” The ghostly image said nothing, just shaking her head. Onyx groaned and facepawed. “Oh, no. Not again...” Salanshandaraen turned to him curiously. “What is it?” Onyx sighed. “She's been... distraught ever since Twilight's herding ceremony. She's taken to hiding in her office and stuffing herself with chocolates from other Prime Material planes.” He looked to the ceiling and shook a fist. “Damn you, Godiva!” “Well what-” The gold dragon never got to finish her question as they both noticed Kat stiffen, and her eyes turn entirely black. “Nyx!” Onyx shouted and threw open the door which passed through Kat harmlessly. He raced in, with Sal close on his heels. The office was a mess. Papers lay scattered everywhere, intermixed with candy wrappers and the stuffing from several torn-up cushions. Nyx herself was laying on her belly, head erect and staring sightlessly forward with pitch-black eyes. Onyx ran to her side and looked into her eyes for only the briefest of moments before looking away. “She's deep in a trance.” He picked up a sheet of blank paper as well as a stick of charcoal, ready to write. A line of drool dripped from her open mouth, and a slight wheeze could be heard as she exhaled. When she spoke, her mouth didn't move, but her raspy voice filled the room and echoed off the walls, giving her already unsettling appearance an extra hint of the macabre. Born between two worlds, bearer of power cosmic, thy time approacheth. Thy travails endeth, with the setting of thy sun, and gift of thy mark. Where Sun and Moon meet, when ends and beginnings join, the cycle will break. With that, Nyx collapsed onto her side, sprawled across several cushions. Salanshandaraen rushed to her and cast a spell. She gazed over her prostrate form for a few seconds, before turning to Onyx. “She'll live, but she's in terrible shape. Dehydration, not enough sleep, too much inactivity, and too much of the wrong foods have taken their toll on her. Let her rest for now; but when she wakes up, force her to eat and drink plenty of water, and make her exercise.” “I tried, but she's just so stubborn, and I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but she's only about ten times more powerful than I,” Onyx protested. He looked to the prophesy in his paw with worry. Sal came up beside him and read it. “At least it sounds positive, right?” Onyx shook his head sadly. “It could be bad or good. Part of the problem with Nyx's prophesies, is finding out for whom they're intended. Unless you solicit her for one of these specifically, we can have a devil's own time trying to figure out their meaning. We have a whole room filled with prophesies just like this one, and we have no idea to whom they belong, nor what they mean.” “You mean it's not talking about her?” Sal asked. Shrugging, Onyx placed the paper on Nyx's desk. “The pieces fit, but we've been wrong about these before. Granted, she's been on her mind a lot lately, but that's no guarantee that's this is about Princess Twilight.” Salanshandaraen closed her eyes as she shook her head in confusion. “I still don't know why Celestia let that name go into common usage.” She tsked and turned back to Onyx. “But like you said, the pieces fit. It all seems fairly neat if you ask me.” “That's because you're a straightforward individual, Sal. Prophesies are purposely vague and open to interpretation. Mortals weren't meant to know what was coming so clearly.” Onyx drew a blanket over the sleeping sphinx. “Nyx says that the worst curse you can inflict on someone is a perfect understanding of what is to come. Judging by her,” he looked at the sleeping immortal sadly, “I'd say she was right.” As he lead her out of the office, he added, “As for your question about... her,” he practically spit out the word, “I'd say that she probably let ponies use the name so that it wouldn't disappear entirely. A sop to the hurt she felt at losing a sister.” The gold dragon scrutinized him carefully, making him wither under her glare. “You need to tend to that anger, lest it fester into something... actionable.” she said, her voice breathy with menace. Her mood lightened almost as quick as it darkened, and she added with a toothy grin, “Just some friendly advice.” Onyx shivered beneath her toothy smile. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Fluttershy paced in front of the Golden Oaks library nervously. She looked in the window again and saw Spike talking with Trixie and Cheerilee, Sunny Days gamboling among the mares' legs. Her eyes refocused, and she took note of her reflection. Oh, my. The bags under my eyes are becoming noticeable. She turned away quickly before she was noticed and slowly flapped over to Sugarcube Corner, hoping to get there before it closed. She made it just as Pinkie-Pie was turning the sign over. “Hiya Flutters!” Pinkie-Pie's cheerful greeting immediately brought a smile to her face. “Oh! Hello, Pinkie. Could I trouble you for a carrot cake cupcake? I wanted to bring home a surprise for Angel.” “Nuts?” Pinkie-Pie asked. Fluttershy cowered down like somepony had just threatened her. “What?” she squeaked. Pinkie held up two cupcakes, one in each hoof. “Do you want one with nuts,” she held up her left hoof, “or without?” she held up her right. Coming out of her crouch a little, the pegasus replied, “With.” She stood there watching Pinkie-Pie wrap up the cupcake for travel, trying to formulate the words in her mind. “'Sup, Shy?” Fluttershy yelped and jumped up so high that she was able to grab onto the light fixture hanging from the ceiling. She peeked out of a partially closed eye and spotted her oldest friend on the ground. “Oh. H- hello Rainbow Dash. How are you?” Dash puffed out her chest and smiled. “Awesome as always. What's up? Besides you, that is.” she added with a smirk. Slowly releasing her death grip on the fixture, Fluttershy floated gently down to the floor. “Um, I was here getting... a...” Tears welled up in her tightly shut eyes and she hid her face behind her curtain-like mane. In an instant, Pinkie was at her side, hugging her. “Oh, Fluttershy, what's wrong?” Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head uncomfortably before offering her a pat on the shoulder. “Aw, come on, Shy. You can tell us anything.” The yellow pegasus shook her head and just silently wept. Glad that the Cakes had left earlier to attend one of Trixie's free shows for foals, Pinkie led her up to her room while Dash silently followed, flummoxed for something to say or do. Once safely behind her door, Pinkie sat her on the edge of the bed and petted her mane. “Come on, Fluttershy. Let us help you,” she pleaded. Fluttershy grabbed Pinkie into a fierce hug and whispered into her mane, “Let me stay with you two tonight. I... I don't want to dream anymore.” Pinkie-Pie tilted Fluttershy's head up with a hoof until their eyes met. She leaned in close and kissed her on the lips, gently at first, but with increasing ardor as it was returned. Rainbow Dash was at a loss as to how to act. On the one hoof, this might be the opportunity they had been looking for to permanently add another mare to their little group, but on the other, this was Fluttershy. Not only was she her oldest friend, but she always considered the mare to be untouchable for many reasons. Her gentle nature, her great beauty, heart filled with so much kindness that she would often suffer so somepony else wouldn't have to, her easygoing attitude, all of it put the yellow mare into a category that Dash had labeled “Look, But Don't Touch”. Hesitantly, Dash approached the necking couple on the bed, and caressed Fluttershy's back gently. The response was immediate, if not expected. Yellow wings spread to their full span as if on a spring, nearly knocking away her hoof, but she was expecting this. While Pinkie occupied her front, Dash leaned into Fluttershy's back and breathed deeply with her nose buried in pink mane. She hesitantly kissed the back of her neck, and smiled at the shudder and low moan. Pinkie gently probed Fluttershy's mouth with her tongue, and almost smiled as the pegasus timidly tried to return the motion. The baker moved her hooves down her friend's sides, gently caressing her generous curves. Dash continued her ministrations, roving Fluttershy's neck with her lips and down her back until she reached the quivering wings. She gently bit down on the shank and playfully gnawed at them. Fluttershy gasped into Pinkie's mouth, and the dock of her tail poked into Dash's thigh as it tried to lift, but was met with resistance. Rainbow forced the wing she was chewing on to fold and eased all three mares onto their sides on the bed, then moved on to the other neglected wing. Reluctantly extricating herself from Fluttershy's luscious lips, Pinkie-Pie maneuvered herself so that she was standing over both her lovers and facing their rears. She watched as Dash mouthed a wing and slid a forehoof down Fluttershy's chest, and didn't stop until it met the juncture of her legs. The yellow mare gave a low moan, and an attractive blush stained her cheeks. Pinkie lowered her head and took a deep breath, inhaling the unique scent of Fluttershy's dripping wet sex, mingling with her marefirend's. Dash brought her hoof to her mouth and licked it clean of the nectar that had collected there, savoring the flavor in case this turned out to be a one-time deal. She felt Fluttershy stiffen in her forelegs, and looked down to see Pinkie-Pie eagerly licking up the overflow straight from the source. The athletic mare felt a drop of wetness on her face, and looked up to see a pink marehood with another drop poised to fall. She craned her head up and with one long swipe, licked Pinkie from clit to tail, causing the earth pony to look up and around at her. Motioning with her eyes, Dash pointed over to their “toy” chest. Pinkie-Pie took the hint and grinned widely. She bounced over to the chest and without even unlocking it, flipped the lid open, and pulled out a small, purple gem. She popped the gem into her mouth and bit down on it with a crunch, and a purple field of energy surrounded her then dissipated. While she was doing that, Dash and dragged the panting mare to the very center of the bed and onto her belly so that she was facing the headboard. She whispered into her ear, “You may want to raise your rear for this.” Confused and more aroused than she had been in a long time, Fluttershy looked at her with a stupid expression and said, “Huh?” “For this, silly filly.” Fluttershy turned her head to see Pinkie-Pie standing on the footboard with just her hind legs while a foreleg wrapped around the post to steady herself. A very male appendage dangled from between her legs as she grinned at her. Well, to be fair, it didn't dangle so much as jut out aggressively, reaching out towards the shy pegasus who gasped at the sight. “H- h- how...” Pinkie pushed the tip down with her free hoof and let it spring up to slap her belly, leaving a wet spot. “Just a gift from Twilight. It'll last a few hours.” She held out another gem in her hoof, and tossed it at Dash, who caught it with her mouth and broke it open with a snap of her teeth. Another cock grew from the pegasus's clit and she winked at Fluttershy with a smirk. “She was going to make them magic bits, but she thought that they would fall out too easy in the heat of the moment, so she made them candy-coated magic instead.” Dash licked her lips and added, “Mmm.. grape. They're single use like a pill, but they do in a pinch. She's working on a more permanent item as soon as she can think of one that doesn't require thought to use.” She rose to her hooves, and walked to stand in front of her. “Trust me Flutters. By the time we're done, you won't be dreaming of anything but us.” Tamping her rear hooves as she raised her plush rump, Fluttershy automatically moved her tail aside, causing Pinkie to grin at the sight of her winking marehood. She looked for Dash again, but instead, found herself mesmerized by a cock swaying in front of her tantalizingly. The pegasus groaned as Pinkie put a forehoof on her cutie marks, and wiped the blunt tip of her penis up and down her dripping slit. She was about to beg her to stop the teasing when Pinkie slammed home in one smooth motion. Fluttershy gasped but she was given no time to recover, as Rainbow Dash's forehooves gently tugged her head up and onto the cock before her. She took a few tentative licks before diving onto it with wild abandon, taking most of the hoof-and-a-half length into her mouth. She worked her tongue around it as Dash plunged into her tight throat and back out again until just the flared end was left inside. With no need to encourage her, Dash used her forehooves to grab onto Fluttershy's wings, and met Pinkie's eyes across the expanse of yellow pegasus back. They grinned at each other, and waited until Fluttershy got used to their well-practiced rhythm of plunging in at the same time, and switched to an alternating one. When one pushed in, the other pulled out, and vice versa. They kept going like this until they knew she became used to this new feeling, then changed again by speeding up. The poor mare's mind had gone on autopilot, allowing her to focus on the powerful feelings her two friends had gifted unto her. Nothing could ever top this feeling, not ever. At least, that's what she was thinking, when Dash's knowledgeable and oh so skillful hooves found her alulae and fondled them mercilessly. This sent her over the edge, causing her marehood to spasm wildly which sent Pinkie over the edge, while Fluttershy sucked harder than ever on Dash, sending her over as well. Pinkie-Pie and Rainbow Dash held onto the mare between them tightly as their cocks spasmed away into either end. Ropes of inert sperm-substitute filled her belly and womb at the same time. Spent, the three of them sank to the bed, not bothering to even wipe themselves clean, just making sure that all three of them would be comfortable. Dash and Pinkie took turns licking Fluttershy's face clean however, causing her to giggle from the sensation. When she was clean of any sign of sperm, Dash asked her, “What had you so upset, Flutters?” Pinkie lightly punched Dash in the shoulder and glared at her. Fluttershy smiled sadly and replied, “It's okay, Pinkie. I just... I've been having some bad dreams lately. I was hoping that Twilight could offer me something to help, but I think she's much too busy.” Dash smirked as a thought occurred to her. “You know, this treatment we just gave you might not take on the first time. You may need to keep coming back to us for a while.” “Oh! Um, I wouldn't want to trouble you two, or worse, come between you. I know how much you two love each other,” Fluttershy said in a tiny voice. Fluttershy was squeezed between Pinkie and Dash's strong forelegs in a reassuring hug. Pinkie rubbed her face into the pegasus's mane and replied, “Silly filly! We love you too! If it helps you, you can sex us up anytime you want!” She leaned close to her ear and stage whispered, “Besides, I think you blew Dashie's mind. She's been dreaming of you for a long time.” Now it was Pinkie's turn to receive a slap on the shoulder, along with Dash's, “Hey!” > I'll Be Watching You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 18: I'll Be Watching You Limnear popped the last of the cookies in her mouth and chewed appreciatively. That Pinkie-Pie sure knows her way around a kitchen, that's for sure. She had just started finishing off her juice box when Silva landed on the cloud next to her. “” she said in her native Griffish. “” Limnear choked on the juice as it tried to go down into her lungs. She tapped her chest with a paw and said, “” “” Silva actually looked panicked at the thought of war. “” Laying a placating paw on her younger sister's shoulder, she said, “” The griffoness paced on the cloud before her sister, thinking out loud. “” She turned to Silva and added, “” Silva nodded with a sly smile. “” She had calmed down some, but still looked worried. Limnear gave her a fist bump before taking to the wing to begin her shift. “” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight smiled as she watched Spike play a game of patty-cake with Sunny in the library's lobby. She was surprised as well as proud of how fast he had taken to the baby. She had expected him to be a little resentful at her essentially supplanting his place, but he bewildered her with his mature acceptance, doubly so, because Sunny seemed to accept him so readily as well. It wasn't long before the two of them were thick as thieves, working together to steal before-dinner snacks like cookies and gems, or even playing pranks like hiding Twilight's quills, or putting sneezing powder in Trixie's hat (the later was done only once, due to her losing her temper and making them both stand in a corner for an hour). Spike tired of the game, and launched into an all-out tickle attack, having the filly rolling around on the rug in an effort to get away. A golden aura surrounded the dragon, and he was rolled away from her. Twilight intervened and stopped the poor baby dragon just inches away from cracking his head on a table leg. Her aura gently overpowered Sunny's, until she felt it dissipate entirely. She stood over her daughter and gave her a stern look. “No, no, Sunny. You don't push around ponies like that, even if they do deserve it.” Sunny looked up at her with her cutest expression, but it didn't seem to be working this time. Unused to that look being directed towards her, she started crying. Twilight bent down so that her face was level with Sunny's, and nuzzled her. Sunny stopped crying, and with a sniffle, said, “Sowwy Mom.” “It's okay, Twi,” Spike said, coming up to her. He held out his arms. “See? No harm done.” Twilight looked to him and replied, “Not the point, Spike. She needs to learn that some things are not okay to do with her magic. If she were to do that to another foal her age, she could seriously hurt her.” She turned back to Sunny and nuzzled her again, getting a giggle from the filly. “Besides,” she added, “between my genes, what the Princess added, and the circumstances of her gestation, there's every chance that she could turn out to be as powerful, if not more so, as myself. She needs to learn self-control.” Shrugging, Spike said, “Well, I'm gonna head out. I promised the girls that I'd meet them at Sugarcube Corner for lunch before we go crusading.” “Do you have some bits to pay?” Twilight asked him as he put a paw on the door handle. He pulled a small, jingly bag from out of nowhere and held it up for her to see. “Right here. I'll be back for dinner!” he said as he ran out the door. Twilight magically lifted her daughter and set the filly on her head. “Come on, Sunny. Let's go watch your Mama practice from the balcony.” Sunny giggled and gave a squeaky, “Yay!” as they trotted up the stairs. She walked out on to the balcony, and walked over to the part that overhung the backyard. Below, Trixie stood on her hind legs on the opened stage of her showcart, and waved her forelegs in pseudo-arcane gestures, before a giant version of her plush doll, Abracadabra, appeared in a puff of smoke and sparkles. Sunny giggled again and clapped her approval. Trixie looked up to see her audience and bowed to them as best she could around the bulge of her belly. “The Great and Powerful Trixie thanks you for your kind applause!” “It's time for lunch, Trixie,” Twilight called down, getting a simple wave in return. Twilight made her way down again, and was surprised to find Fluttershy standing nervously in the library's lobby. “Fluttershy, what a pleasant surprise! What brings you by?” As had happened whenever she was in the same room as Sunny, her eyes locked onto the filly and filled with wonder. She walked up to the foal still sitting on Twilight's head and cooed nonsensical baby words at her. Trixie walked in at that moment, and Twilight turned to her. “Trix, would you be a dear and feed Sunny? I think Fluttershy needs to talk to me, and you know how she gets around babies. I'll be over in a moment to start lunch.” “Why, I'd be delighted to spend time with my number one fan!” Trixie replied, and scooped Sunny up in her forehooves, taking her into what was once the kitchen, but now served as the library's break room. Now bereft of distractions, Twilight could see dark circles under her friend's eyes, and especially stooped posture. “What's wrong, Fluttershy? You look like ten kilotrots of bad road.” Fluttershy winced visibly. “Is it that noticeable?” she asked in a tiny voice. “Only to a pony with working eyes,” the librarian replied. “Is something wrong?” The pegasus gave her a haunted look. “I... I think I'm going crazy, Twilight. I've been having these... I'm not sure if I can even call them dreams, they're so terrible.” Twilight led her over to the couch and sat down with her. “What sort of dreams?” she asked her. Fluttershy sighed weakly. “Terrible dreams. Ponies dying, and there's nothing I can do to help them. Even... even foals no older than Sunny Days are... But the weird thing is... I'm an alicorn in these dreams, and I still can't do anything to help. I can't seem to remember any faces, or even details beyond those, but there's a feeling of dread that looms over me, of... impending doom. It's like a clock is ticking down to my death, and I'm just there to suffer and see suffering until it finally runs out.” She heaved a shuddering sigh and leaned her head into Twilight's neck. “I used to occasionally have these dreams when I was a filly, but they stopped eventually. I had hoped that I had outgrown them, but they recently started again, and I can't get back to sleep after them; I simply can't.” She leaned back, still unable to meet Twilight's eyes. “The only thing that has helped lately has been... well, um...” She blushed deeply and searched for the right words. “Y- you know about Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and myself, right?” When no answer was forthcoming, she nervously looked up to see Twilight with a stricken look on her face. The horror apparent on her face scared her and she tried to backpedal out of the conversation. “I- I- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend you! I'll go no-” “No!” Twilight stopped her from sliding off the couch with a hoof on her foreleg. In a much calmer voice, she said, “No. I think we need to talk to the others, Fluttershy. See just who is having these dreams as well.” Fluttershy looked hopeful. “As well? Do you mean that...” Twilight nodded grimly. “I've been having strange dreams as well. I can never remember much about them other than ponies being hurt, and I can't do anything to help despite being an alicorn. However, our descriptions are too similar to just discount out of hoof as coincidence.” Sliding off the couch, she called out, “Trixie, I need to go talk to my friends. Can you watch Sunny and the library by yourself for a bit?” Trixie poked her head out of the break room. “Can't it wait until after lunch? I was making your favorite, tea and daisy sandwiches.” Walking over to her herd-wife, Twilight gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “Afraid not, Trix. This could be urgent. Think you can manage it? I can ask our neighbors if they could lend a hoof for a bit if you think you need the help.” She thought about it for a moment before shaking her head. “No, Trixie believes she can handle our child and watching over an empty library for a few hours. Go on, but Trixie expects a full explanation later.” With another kiss, Twilight and Fluttershy left at a trot. Outside the library, the librarian turned to her friend and said, “Fly over to Applejack's, and bring her over to Rarity's. I'm going to gather up Rainbow and Pinkie. We'll meet you there.” Fluttershy nodded and flew off at her top speed, which for any other pegasus would constitute a brisk pace. Twilight then trotted as fast as she could to Sugarcube Corner, and groaned upon arrival. The lunch crowd line was already going in full force, and stretched out the door to the next building. She ignored the protests as she walked past them and into the shop, to find Pinkie-Pie and Rainbow Dash working at a furious pace to serve the customers. She walked up to the side of the counter where nopony was standing and said, “Pinkie, Rainbow, We need to talk. It's important.” “Gonna have to wait, Twi,” Dash replied. “I'm sure you can see the line we got going here.” Undeterred, Twilight answered back, “It's really important.” She leaned forward and behind a hoof held up to her mouth to shield her words, whispered into the pegasus's ear, “like, maybe even Elements of Harmony important.” This made Dash pause, but she answered, “Fine, but we still have to take care of these ponies. Can't leave the Cakes hanging, you know.” “Ugh! Fine!” She wrapped a spare apron around her and got behind the counter, bumping Dash out of her spot. “I'll take the orders, you and Pinkie fill them.” Rainbow Dash could tell from her tone that she would brook no argument, and did as she was ordered. With her help, the line had shrunk to nothing in no time at all. When the last pony happily left with their order, Pinkie stuck her head into the kitchen and said with a salute, “Lunch rush successfully served, Sir, Ma'am! Private Dash and Sergeant Pinkie requesting permission for lunch break!” Cupcake smiled at her antics and replied, “Oh, thank you, Pinkie, dear. Of course you may go, just remember to be back in time for the dinner rush.” Completing her salute, Pinkie-Pie left with Dash and Twilight, who were standing in the doorway, waiting for her. They walked over to Rarity's shop where the rest awaited them. Twilight greeted them as she walked in. “Sorry to keep you all waiting, but I had to help out at the bakery so these two could get away.” Rarity nodded at her. “Quite alright, Darling. Applejack and Fluttershy only just arrived a few moments ago.” “What's this all about, Sugarcube? Fluttershy said somethin' 'bout dreams or some such, and practically pushed me th' whole way here,” Applejack asked. Twilight paced in front of them as she talked. “This morning, Fluttershy came to me complaining of terrible nightmares.” “Still?” Dash asked. “I thought we took care of that with our sexy, sexy ways.” She emphasized this by bumping rumps with the yellow pegasus. A blush overtook her face as Fluttershy tried to look sheepish and contrite at the same time. “I'm sorry, Dashie, but it still happens when we don't sleep together.” Realizing what she just said, her blush took over her whole body, and she quickly tried to correct herself. “I mean sleep sleep, not just... you know, sleep sleep.” With an embarrassed cough, Twilight regained their attention. “Yes, well. Nocturnal activities notwithstanding, I too, have something to confess. I have been having the same nightmares lately as well. I used to get them a lot as a filly, but eventually, they stopped. Recently however, they started again, and I cannot ascertain the cause as of yet. The reason this is significant, is because judging from what details we can remember, it sounds like Fluttershy and I are having the same nightmare.” Rarity bit her lip and chewed on it for a moment before saying, “I- I too have been having nightmares when Applejack isn't around.” “Consarnit, Ah jus' knew there was somethin' wrong! Rares, why didn' ya'll tell me about it?” Applejack asked. “Because, Dearest,” Rarity replied, running a hoof over her lover's cheek, “I could tell something was wrong with you as well, but you always dodged the question when I put it to you. I didn't want to add to your worries,” she finished with a kiss on her cheek. Twilight turned to the farmer and asked, “Applejack? Have you been having these nightmares as well?” Applejack dipped the brim of her Stetson until it completely covered her face, hiding her shameful blush. “Yeah,” she answered in a quiet voice. “You're an alicorn who cant do anything as ponies die?” Rainbow Dash asked, her voice quavering a little. Pinkie gasped. “You too? Omigosh, I thought I was the only one!” All six ponies looked to one another, a feeling of dread settling into their stomachs. “What do we do?” Dash asked. “Do?” Twilight asked with a chuckle. “Why, we consult an expert on nightmares, of course.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Spike held as still as he could, trying in vain to quell the trembling he felt in his stomach. With his eyes screwed shut as tight as they were, it was impossible to see anything, which made it both easier and harder to wait for it. Just as he was about to peek anyway, he felt a soft touch on his lips. It was warm, slightly wet, and heavenly. After only a few seconds, the feeling went away, and he opened his eyes. “Sweetie Belle. It definitely had to be Sweetie Belle,” he said. Scootaloo looked to Apple Bloom and asked, “How does he do that?” The yellow filly shrugged. “Search me.” Putting his paws behind his head, Spike leaned back in a relaxed posture against the wall of the official Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse. “That's just how good I am,” he replied with as much smooth coolness he could muster. The three fillies looked at each other with smirks, then pounced on the dragon, ticking him with their hooves and kissing him, demanding him to identify which one had just given him the kiss. Unable to do anything but laugh uncontrollably, Spike rolled around on the floor, trying to throw off his assailants. The gaiety was brought to a halt by the door slamming open, startling all four of the occupants. Apple Bloom was the first to recover, shouting, “Applejack? What're yah doin'-” “No time to 'splain, Bloom. Twilight needs Spike right away. 'S an 'mergency.” Applejack gently bit the tip of Spike's tail and with a flick of her head, threw him onto her back, and dashed out of the treehouse. “What was that all about?” Sweetie Belle squeaked out. “Dunno,” Apple Bloom replied, “but Ah intend t' find out. Let's go! Cutie Mark Crusader 'Mergency Response Team!” “Yeah!” shouted Sweetie Belle and and Scootaloo, and the three of them high hoofed. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Applejack was making good time as she ran along back to town. Still confused, Spike asked, “What's going on, Applejack? Is it an attack? Discord gone bad again? Timberwolves loose in the town?” Applejack shook her head. “Later...” she gasped out. “Busy... running...” About this time, Rainbow Dash flew down from the sky and kept pace with them. “I'll take him from here, Applejack. You can run faster without a passenger, and I don't have to follow the roads. We'll meet you at Rarity's.” Without waiting for a reply, she hooked her forelegs under Spike's arms and flew off with him. “Are you going to tell me what's going on?” he asked. “Sorry, Spike, “Dash replied. “Twi needs you to send a letter to Princess Luna right away.” “That's the emergency?” he asked incredulously. “You meant to say that I'm missing out on smooches for-” He slapped his paws over his face, which was turning red. Looking up, he saw Rainbow Dash grinning at him. “Smooches, eh?” She said in a sly tone. “Now who would be smooching our little Spikey-Wikey, I wonder?” Spike simply folded his arms across his chest and sulked the whole way back to the boutique. When they arrived, Twilight was putting the finishing touches on her final draft and rolling it up. “Ah! There you are. Good timing.” Twilight said without a trace of a smile, which was off-putting to the little dragon. It was then that he noticed that none of the mares were smiling. “I need you to send this to-” “Princess Luna, yeah, I know,” Spike interrupted. He took the scroll and went to an open window, before breathing on it, turning it into a wisp of green smoke. They all watched the smoke fly off, and even Dash's previous good humor had disappeared. Turning back to them, he asked, “So what's this all about, anyway?” Applejack walked in as Twilight explained about the shared dreams, and speculated on their possible significance. “... Which is why we need to consult an expert on dreams. It can't be a coincidence that all six of us have the same nightmare. I've already ascertained that they happen on the same nights, if not at the same exact time. We need to know if this is an effect of the Elements of Harmony, or premonition of some threat on the horizon that the Princesses haven't warned us about yet.” A sudden bright flash of light momentarily blinded everyone, but quickly cleared up to reveal Luna standing amongst them. All but Fluttershy, who ran up to nuzzle her, immediately bowed. “Rise, our little ponies. Thou hast certs earn'd the privilege to forgo obeisance with us.” They did as bidden, and Twilight asked, “Can you help us, Princess? We're worried that it might indicate something terrible in the works, and at the very least, it makes for a terrible night's rest.” Luna nodded to reassure them. “Verily. We hath conferred with our sister afore departing, so as far as we can determine, there is no forgotten looming threat. Pray, tell us everything about thy dreams, that we might find the root cause.” They each told what they could remember of their dreams, but details were depressingly scant. It came down to a few common words like “alicorn”, “death”, “foals”, and “dread”. The only difference was when Twilight mentioned fighting multiple dragons, that the others remembered that they too, had fought dragons in their dreams. Luna put a hoof to her chin in thought and considered their accounts. “Thou rememberst naught else? Location, time, colors, smells, anything?” They shook their heads in reply, and the alicorn quietly “Hmm'ed” to herself. “There doth not seem to be much information with which to work,” she lamented. Twilight nodded. “I know. I've already gone through every book on dreams and symbology in the library when they first started up again, but could find nothing; though that's not saying much for this library. As much as I adore it, it's just too small to be of much help with something so esoteric. We don't even have a copy of Spade's Catalog of Nameless Horrors, let alone a Turban's Spirit Guide.” “Until We know more details, We cannot give thee a definitive answer to thy dilemma, other than this mayhap be a result of being bearers of the Elements,” Luna replied. She sighed sadly. “The best We can offer wouldst be for at least two of thee to lie together when sleeping, whilst We watch over thy slumb'ring, and see these dreams first hoof.” Seeing the concern in their faces, she hastily added, “Worry not, our little ponies. We shalt cast an enchantment upon thee that wilt alert us should a mare of night accost thy repose; an enchantment that wilt have no effect upon thy growing foal,” she added to Twilight. That seemed to ease their worries a little, though Twilight seemed a little unconvinced. Fluttershy even nuzzled her again with a smile. “Thank you, Princess,” she said timidly. “Well, shoot. Ah certainly appreciate you doin' this for us, Princess,” Applejack added. Rarity bowed to the alicorn. “Indeed. We are in your debt, Princess.” Luna shook her head. “Neigh, it is We who are in thy debt. Verily, We wouldst still be in the clutches of that fiend t'were not for thy intervention. We shalt bid thee good day if there is no other concerns, as We have a rather full schedule of late.” With that, she disappeared in a flash, leaving a room full of reassured mares. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Outside, three fillies let go of the window sill from which they hung and slid down to the ground. Scootaloo rubbed her eyes with her hooves and complained, “Does she always make such a bright light when she does that unicorn thingy? All I can see are spots.” “That's what you get for looking at her when you knew she was about to leave,” Apple Bloom replied. Sweetie Belle looked the most concerned out of the three. “Nightmares? Is that why Sis has been so cranky? I thought adults don't get nightmares.” “I thought the Princesses knew everything,” Scootaloo shot back. “If the Princess of Dreams can't figure out why Rainbow Dash is having nightmares, then who can?” Apple Bloom shook her head. “Ah dunno, but we best get away from this here window afore anypony sees us actin' all suspicious-like.” They walked down the alleyway for a bit before she asked, “Y'all think there's anythin' we can do for 'em?” Sweetie Belle looked downcast as she considered what she could do to cheer up her sister, but kept coming up blank. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she was taken by surprise by a kiss on the lips from Scootaloo. “Cheer up, Sweetie. We'll find a way to help them, no matter what.” Apple Bloom mimicked the pegasus's action and added, “Yeah! We can be Cutie Mark Crusader Nightmare Stress Relievers!” Sweetie Belle sniffled, but gave them a smile. “That's got to be the most oddly specific thing to get a cutie mark over,” she said, then kissed them both. “Come on. Let's go get our dragonfriend and start planning how we're going to do it!” With a “Yeah!” from all three, and another high hoof, they took off down the alley, back towards the Carousel Boutique. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Luna reappeared in Celestia's study, where the solar diarch was busy catching up on her paperwork. Celestia rose from her seat at the desk, and sat next to her sister on the couch in front of the fireplace. “How did it go?” she asked. “As thou predicted,” Luna replied. She looked troubled, and tried not to sound accusatory as she said, “Dost thou really think this is best? Could we not tell them something?” Celestia sighed and looked into the vacant fireplace. “I wish we could, without compromising their current happiness, Lulu. Fortunately, it seems the problem is easily remedied, as you yourself figured out. So long as at least two of them sleep touching-” “- their rest shalt be peaceful; aye, We know, Sister.” The lunar diarch rose and walked over to the fireplace, and looked at a framed picture of Celestia instructing a filly Twilight in the intricacies of telekinesis. “She could tell that We wert withholding some facts from her,” she casually commented. “She's too sharp by half to not notice; yet too inexperienced to obfuscate her knowledge.” Celestia nodded her agreement. “She takes after her, doesn't she?” She sighed and got up only to turn around in place and sit down again in the exact same spot. “It's the not knowing that's killing me.” “Sister, thy agitation will slay thee long afore the wait shall have a chance,” Luna said. “Thou needst-” “I need for this to be over and done with,” Celestia snapped. Seeing the hurt look on her sister's face, she recoiled with a wince. “I'm sorry, Lulu. On the one hoof, I'm eager to have our sister returned to us, but on the other, I want Twilight- no all of them to have a long and happy life. The contradiction is...” “Maddening?” Luna offered. Celestia nodded in reply, and Luna went over to her, laying a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “We believe the We know a thing or two on lunacy, 'Tia.” They both chuckled at her joke. Celestia laid her head across Luna's neck and sighed, breathing in the other alicorn's musky scent. “I don't know what I'd do if I had to go through this again with no sisters. Knowing that you would be back in a thousand years was bad enough without wondering when the Elements...” Luna put her forelegs around her sister. “T'is meet that a pony worry for their siblings, but not so that she take leave of her senses. We art here for thee, Sister; allow us to shoulder some of the burden.” Celestia returned the hug and smiled. “Thank you, Lulu.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight stirred the pot then pulled out a sample to taste, and smacked her lips appreciatively. “Mmm, good,” she said to herself. She put the spoon back and covered the pot again, then in a louder voice, said, “So anyway, Princess Luna said she'd keep a watch over our dreams to make sure nothing bad happens, but doesn't seem to think it's all that big a deal.” “I wish you had told us about it in the first place, Twi,” Trixie replied from her spot in the living room. She finished changing Sunny's diaper then set her down on the floor with a playful swat which set her off running for her toys she had left scattered on the floor. “Wives are supposed to let their spouses help them, you know. We're all in this together now; for better or for worse, and all that.” Twilight walked out of the kitchen and sat down on the couch next to her herd-wife. “I know, it's just that I didn't think much of it until I found out that all my friends were having the same nightmare on the same nights. Princess Luna says that as long as two of us sleep touching, we'll be fine, but I seem to be the odd pony out in that equation,” she said with a smirk. Trixie glared at her playfully. “And you better stay the odd pony out in that equation. There are only two mares I intend to share you with, and none of them are among those two.” Spitfire walked in just then and breathed deeply. “Ooo... I could smell that soup cooking from a mile off.” “Welcome home, Hot Stuff,” Twilight said from the couch. The Wonderbolt trotted over to her and gave both of them a long kiss that seemed to melt away the troubles she had accumulated over the course of the day. Looking around, she asked, “Where's Cheery? There's something I want to ask the three of you.” “Asleep at her desk. The poor dear came home exhausted,” Twilight said with a gentle smile. Cheerilee walked into the room, fighting back a massive yawn. “I'm here, I'm here.” She gave an absent kiss on Spitfire's cheek as she walked up to her. “What's up?” “I hope you've kept your weekend free, because I got us some all-day passes to the spa and water park in Canterlot; Spike included,” Spitfire said with a grin. “One last hurrah before you ship off, eh?” Twilight asked. A sly grin worked it's way onto Spitfire's face, and she wriggled her eyebrows at them. “Well, it is a tradition that I never got to experience before, and I do so hate to feel left out.” > What Have I Done to Deserve This? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 19: What Have I Done to Deserve This? The alicorn smiled as she landed on the dragon's back. Dominating his mind had been foal's play, really. She was always surprised when she found a chink in a dragon's armor. They were so massive and intimidating that it was easy to forget that they were just as susceptible to folly as any other creature, and neglecting one's mental defenses was tantamount to inviting oneself to being taken over. The green dragon beneath her flew straight and level so as to not throw her off as she concentrated on her next spell. She looked up at the dragon stooping in a dive upon her, made a quick mental calculation and erected an invisible wall of force above her. The attacking dragon never saw the wall, and smashed into it like a bug on a window. The sickening CRACK when it struck, caused her to wince in sympathy and grimace as the dragon slid off the invisible wall, leaving a smear of red behind until she dismissed the magic holding it together. Unseen from her right, another dragon swooped in to breathe out a cone of freezing cold. Shock raced through the alicorn, causing her to lose her grip on the dragon's mind, but that was immaterial, as her ride plummeted towards the ground, already dead. Fortunately, she was made of sterner stuff, and spread her wings, the motion leaving behind a trail of frost as it became dislodged from her feathers. She activated a dormant enchantment, and sped after the white dragon, following its every jink and juke. A quick glance behind him alerted him to her presence, and he dived down to the treeline, hoping to lose her like he did with so many larger, pursuing dragons. However, she was no dragon, and was far more maneuverable than he; and with her enchantment, just as fast. The white dragon ran out of obstacles as they came to the end of the forest, and into the burning village he and his nestmates had been pillaging. He swooped around a column of smoke, and smiled as he noticed that she was no longer behind him. The smile disappeared, however, when she came at him through the smoke, and tore through the fragile membrane of his wing. No longer able to maintain airworthiness, he plummeted to the ground, and crashed into a burning building. The dragon tried to regain his footing, but slipped on a pile of ashes and charred bones. The alicorn landed a few dozen yards away and neatly folded her wings. She walked towards the battered white dragon, menace gleaming in her eyes. “This village t'was home to over fifteen score ponies. It stood for over a century. We ask thee; what honor lay in its destruction? In the slaying of its ponies? For what reason dost thou lay siege t'it? What profit was in this foul deed? Answer, wyrm!” The dragon waited until she had come close enough, then unleashed his chill breath again. A rime of frost coated her, which she shook off as if it were nothing more than room temperature water. She glared at him. “Thou darest attempt to slay us with cold? Dost thou know not that to We who move the stars in the Vault of Heaven, thy most bitter of cold is belike an ocean breeze to us?” “Nay, monster,” the dragon replied with a smile, “I need'd only to hold thine attention.” Performing a back flip that belied the dragon's great bulk, he took cover behind the charred remains of the building as the alicorn turned around in time to see a golden dragon bearing down upon her. Claws the size of swords struck, slapping her against the wall. A second set of claws struck, slamming her against the wall again, before a tail as large around as the trunk of a mature oak tree slammed her a third time, sending her through the pulverized wall. The gold dragon took a deep breath a breathed a cone of intense flame where she believed the alicorn fell, turning the stone walls and debris into slag. When the flames were extinguished, she warily watched the cooling molten rock, waiting for something to happen. The white dragon walked around the building and looked to the still-glowing rock. “Did we succeed?” he asked. As the gold dragon took a breath to answer, the rock exploded outwards, and the purple alicorn burst free, her eyes glowing with an eerie white light as she regarded them, and blood dripping from quickly-healing wounds. FOOLS! THOU THINKEST THOU CAN SLAY US SO EASILY? THOU SHALT SUFFER, NOT FOR THE TEMERITY OF ATTACKING US, BUT FOR THE SLAUGHTER OF THESE INNOCENTS! MAY THY GODS HAVE MERCY ON THY SOULS, FOR WE SHALL NOT!” A beam of green light shot out from the tip of her horn and struck the white dragon, turning it ashen gray, before it disappeared entirely. The gold dragon recoiled and flapped her wings in an attempt to get away, but another beam reached out to the same effect on her. The alicorn landed and sent a blue beam of energy into the clouds above. The clouds grew bigger and darker until a torrent of rain fell upon the burning village, quenching the fires. She walked among the ruins, looking for survivors, but could find no signs. The alicorn sat down and leaned against a building, letting the cool rain wash away the blood and grime of the fight. “Would that We were quicker this time, We might have saved at least one...” She sighed as she considered her options. The sound of rubble shifting caught the alicorn's attention, and she whirled to face the source of the sound. She pointed her horn at the pile of rubble from which the sound originated and calmly said, “Stand fast! Who goeth there?” The rubble shifted again, revealing a tiny black head. At first, the alicorn thought it was a horribly burned pony, but then she noticed that the shape was all wrong. “A dragon?” She approached the still form, and saw that not only was it wounded, it was still but a hatchling, as small as a foal. The purple alicorn lifted the rest of the debris off of the small form and saw that not only was it badly hurt, it was also extremely young, being only just large enough for it's wings to have grown in. She leaned in and examined the young wyrm, and whispered, “What is thy name, little one?” The hatchling was of course, in no shape to answer her query, and just mewled pathetically, seeking some comfort for it's injuries. “We cannot bring thee to our home. T'is no place fit for thee.” She silently considered the tiny dragon for a moment, even going so far as to wondering if killing it would be a mercy. She shook her head and shivered at the thought of slaughtering one so young, even one from a hostile nation. “Neigh. We shall not sink to their level. We suppose that there is but one course of action left to us. Let us just hope that fair Nyx will care for thee.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Waking with a start, Twilight sat up in bed so fast, it made her head spin. She wiped at her eyes and noted that her hooves came away wet. Taking a deep calming breath, she looked to her left and watched Spitfire sleep. She held Trixie in her hooves like a doll, and seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Twilight ran a hoof through her sleep-tousled mane and sighed. I guess that's a check in the nightmare box. We'll have to wait until tomorrow night to see if two of us Elements sleeping together will counter them. Twilight had suggested the experiment to see if them sleeping in the same room would really prevent the nightmares, so all of her friends were sleeping alone tonight. They agreed that the following night, Applejack and Rarity would sleep together, and finally, Pinkie-Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy on the night after that. She thought that this might give them a threshold point to determine their sleeping arrangements. Knowing that it would be a while before sleep would come back to her, Twilight quietly got up and laid the blanket back over her mares before stepping out of the room. She made her way over to the nursery and watched her baby sleeping. At least, she was sleeping before Twilight stepped on a toy that let out a loud SQUEAK, waking her. Twilight picked up Sunny and sat down in the rocking chair. “Hello, my Sunshine. “Mom's sorry she woke you.” Sunny Days curled up in her forelegs and nuzzled against the purple coat. “Wuv 'oo Mom,” she murmured sleepily and was soon fast asleep again. Rocking gently back and forth, Twilight quietly hummed a lullaby, and contemplated the filly's future. “Bad dream again?” Twilight looked up to see Cheerilee standing in the doorway, concern etched upon her face. She continued humming as she nodded. After the song was finished, she put the filly back in her crib and walked out of the room. “I still can't remember what happened; just a great feeling of sadness and loss so enormous, it felt like my heart was tearing in two.” “Do you think it was brought on by nerves from Spitfire leaving tomorrow?” Cheerilee asked, rubbing her cheek with her alpha's. Running a hoof through her mane, Twilight breathed out a sigh. “Maybe. I don't know. This whole business with the Hegemony has me so worried for her, even if we know that she can take care of herself.” They walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. “It's not just losing her that I'm afraid of,” Twilight continued. She wrapped herself up in a hug as if to fend off the cold, and actually shivered. “I'm afraid of doing something terrible if something does happen to her. Did you know that if I were to pump as much energy as I could into a single spell, I could level a small city?” she asked with a haunted look in her eyes. “I've done the math, and it... it frightens me, Cheery. I don't want to put anypony in the position of having to put me down if I lose it, but-” Cheerilee silenced her with an impassioned kiss that went on for what felt like forever, but ended all to soon. “That's not going to happen, Love. First of all, you have Trixie and I, not to mention all our little ones should something happen to Spitfire, Celestia forbid. Secondly, you have far too many friends and family that won't let you fall from the straight and narrow. Thirdly, and most importantly, you are a good pony. Good enough that you would not let yourself do something that terrible, even if you do lose your mind to grief.” She pulled the distraught mare into her embrace, resting Twilight's head on her chest. She kissed the crown of her head and gently rocked her back and forth. “I'm sorry I'm not better at this, Twi. It's all kinda new ground to me, so I'm unsure just what to say. These aren't the kind of worries that most earth ponies grow up concerned about. Maybe we should talk to Trixie about this in the morning.” “No!” Twilight exclaimed, pushing Cheerilee away at arm's length. In a quieter voice she added, “No. I don't want to add to Spitfire's worries just before she ships out. I want her head and conscience clear for whatever she meets out there. I refuse to be the cause of her not being at her best.” Cheerilee sighed and stood. “Then I suppose we can do it after she leaves in the afternoon, but mark my words, we will discuss this before going to bed again.” Twilight stood and nuzzled her. “Alright, Cheery. Let's just try to go back to sleep for now, okay?” The teacher nodded and followed her alpha back to their bedroom. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) The appearance of an airship in a town like Ponyville was always a big deal; bigger even than the troops that had bivouacked on the outskirts to meet it. Making it an even bigger event was the fact that this airship was made for war. Even though the hatches over the gunports were closed, the menacing look of the vessel left no doubt in anypony's mind just what it's purpose was. Ostensibly, it was picking up troops here because it could lay in ballast at the same time as well as it's proximity to griffon lands, but Twilight couldn't help but feel that Celestia had assigned it this port of call so that Spitfire could have a few more hours at home before leaving her. Deep down, she knew that the Princess wouldn't put her student's convenience above those of so many others', but the flattering thought was still hanging on in the back of her mind. Twilight turned away from the window and watched Spitfire carefully pack her spare flight uniforms into her ditty bag, along with a few personal effects and basic toiletries. She pulled a pair of goggles off of Sunny Days, who was trying to keep them from falling off of her face. “Ma f'y?” she asked. Spitfire kissed her forehead, causing the filly to giggle. “Not today, Sunshine. Ma's got to go to work.” Not liking the answer she had received, Sunny Days crawled into the half full ditty bag, prompting Trixie to pull her out of it. “No, no, Sunny. That's not for playing,” she chided. Trixie shifted her great bulk and gave a squeal of surprise. “Ooo! She's kicking!” She placed Sunny's hooves where she felt the filly in her belly moving around and grinned at the fascination on her face. “You feel her, Sunny? That's your little sister!” Sunny giggled and tried to push back every time she felt the foal inside push out. Trixie finally had to pull her off before something was bruised, namely her. Sunny beamed up at her and exclaimed, “Sissy push good, Mama!” Trixie swept her up in a hug. “Ooo... you're so sweet, you're going to give us cavities, Sunny!” “She's not the only one, Trix,” Spitfire said, leaning down to kiss them both. With a fierce blush, Trixie playfully slapped Spitfire's rump. “You better stop that before you start something you can't finish,” she said with a smirk. Spitfire looked up at the clock on the wall and grimaced. “I suppose we'll have to save it for when I get back.” She glanced over at Twilight and asked, “Is Cheery supposed to meet us over at the launch?” Twilight nodded in reply. “Yes. She was going to let school out early so we can say goodbye.” “Then I suppose we should get going.” The Wonderbolt shouldered her bag and sighed as she took one last look around the bedroom. “I'm going to miss this place while I'm gone.” Twilight sidled up to her and said, “Don't you mean that you're going to miss a nice, big, fluffy bed?” “Filled with hot desirable mares?” Trixie added. Spitfire grinned at them as she placed Sunny on her head, and her blue overseas hat on top of the filly's. “That too.” They walked out to where the airship's launch was docked near the pond. A long, flexible tube dropped from the airship into the water where it was steadily sucking in ballast. The two pegasi ponying the tube were avoiding splashes from the two hippocampi who now called the pond home. As they walked past them, Twilight called out to them. “How's that portal holding up, ladies?” They stopped splashing the pegasi and swam over to the edge of the water. “Oh, it's the magical one, Sister!” one exclaimed. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, Scylla,” she patiently told the sea pony. “Not 'magical one'.” “Mmm... so many delicious ponies visiting us today. We must be doing something right, dear Sister,” Charybdis commented. Spitfire put a foreleg around all of her herd and replied, “Sorry Ladies, but they're spoken for.” “Greedy,” the hippocampi playfully said in unison, before swimming back out to splash the circling pegasi again. The ponies arrived at the launch's docking point to find a cloud designed for lifting supplies and ponies, and pushed around by pegasi, three of which were standing nearby. Trixie shook her head at the absurdity of the regulations required by the military. “Trixie still does not know why you are required to board in this fashion. One would think that being a pegasus, you could just fly up to it.” “It's for everypony's safety, Trixie,” Spitfire replied. “A pony does not approach a warship, even in dock, without the proper clearance unless they don't mind being blown out of the sky, and warships don't let just anypony approach in case they're hostile. The same goes for wet navy, too.” Standing under the ship, they could appreciate it's true enormity. The shadow it cast actually covered a good portion of Ponyville, causing some to worry about the effect this might have on their gardens. The armored gondola that hung beneath the massive lighter than air envelope was painted sky blue, except for the ship's name painted on the bow, proclaiming this to be the Euryale. Twilight squinted, trying to read the name. “Euryale? Then this is from the new Gorgon class carrier?” Spitfire grinned at her. “Yup! Twice as armored, with three times the launching spaces as the previous class. This baby can put a third of her pegasus compliment into the air in a single salvo!” Cheerilee came around the corner of a building and galloped up to them, completely out of breath. “I'm not... too late?” she gasped out. “Just in time, Cheery! We just got here, too!” Twilight answered. Leaning against the pegasus, she caught her breath. She looked to Trixie and Twilight, both of whom nodded to her. Pulling back, the teacher said, “We got you something. A sort of good luck charm and something to remember us all in one.” She bent around and pulled a small, flat box from her saddlebag and dropped it into Spitfire's hoof. “Now, we're giving you this with the understanding that you will come back to us. None of that 'on your hooves or on your shield' nonsense, understand?” “You didn't have to do that,” Spitfire said, opening the box. Inside, was a white silk scarf with their four cutie marks embroidered on it. Spitfire's eyes started tearing up as Twilight used her telekinesis to put it on her, knotting it, aviator style. The Wonderbolt gathered up her mares, struck speechless. A couple of tears escaped her eyes, but she wiped them away so quickly, nopony was sure that they even existed. They stood there in their group hug for many minutes, silently giving each other support. Sunny didn't understand what was going on, but wasn't about to be left out of a hug, and gave each head a squeeze and a kiss. “Final Call for the Euryale!” The mares parted reluctantly, three of them openly crying. Spitfire pulled Sunny down from her head and gave her a hug and a kiss, both of which were eagerly returned. Loathe to let her go, she placed the filly on Cheerilee's back and stepped away. She saluted and said, “Captain Spitfire, requesting permission to depart, Countess!” With tears still streaming down, Twilight returned her salute. “Permission granted, Captain. Return safely, and give them Tartarus!” Spitfire turned smartly, and boarded the sparsely occupied launch, and kept her eyes on her herd, until the pegasi pushing it docked with the ship. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Spitfire looked around the boatbay, watching the ponies going about their duties. A young earth pony stallion wearing a lieutenant's bars came up and saluted. “Captain Spitfire, Ma'am?” Returning the salute, she said, “I have that pleasure.” “Admiral Herring-Bone sends her compliments and requests your presence in her ready room at your earliest convenience.” She nodded in reply. “Very good, Lieutenant. Lead on.” They made the trip in companionable silence, finally stopping before a door. The young stallion knocked on the door, and a crisp contralto voice from the other side declared, “Enter.” Spitfire stepped in and walked up to the desk and saluted smartly. “Captain Spitfire reporting for duty, Ma'am.” The tan pegasus looked up from her paperwork and returned the salute as the gray tressym on the chair's back regarded the new arrival. “At ease, Captain. I take it that you've already gone over your orders, so I won't belabor the point. Your Wonderbolts team has been chosen due to it's specialized training in taking down larger aerial foes, so I don't expect that we'll have much trouble in that regard, but I'm going to be counting on your levelheadedness more than your fighting ability to keep things from escalating that far.” She rose from her desk and walked over to a small refrigerator tucked into a cabinet. As she pulled out two bottles of cider with a wing, she said, “What you may not be aware of, is just who cut your orders.” She hoofed over one of the bottles and gestured towards the small couch. Sitting next to the admiral on the couch, Spitfire was struck by the size difference between them. Though a pegasus like herself, Honor obviously had some strong workhorse genes, and they showed. She stood fully a head taller than the agile Captain, and had a wingspan half again as wide. Combined with her military carriage, she looked like she would be right at home fighting by Commander Hurricane's side. Spitfire gave herself a mental shake from her internal musings, and asked, “I'm afraid I don't understand, Admiral. You mean the Admiralty didn't cut my orders?” Honor popped the top of her bottle with a flight primary and took a swig. “Oh, I'm sure that officially, they came directly from the Admiralty to you, but that's not where they truly originated. You see, it seems you've made a rather powerful enemy recently.” Spitfire stopped in the middle of removing her bottle top and looked at her in confusion. “I don't know who I could have possibly ticked off, Admiral. The only ponies I've even seen recently are my herd and my subordinates in the Wonderbolts. I haven't even had time to make my usual weekly report to the Princesses.” Popping the top for her guest, Honor replied, “That's the thing. It's not anypony you've directly insulted or anything sensible like that. No, you see, it's somepony whose plans you thwarted by herding with that filly of yours, Twilight Sparkle.” “Oh, don't tell me some tin pot dictator of a noble was morally outraged by that.” “If it were a moral objection,” Honor shot back, “I probably wouldn't be so disgusted. Confused, maybe, but not disgusted. No, you simply had the misfortune to snag the most desired filly in all of Canterlot, if not Equestria. Politically speaking, while she has yet to exert any of her power, she has the most desired thing a politician could have, namely, the ears and gratitude of the Princesses. A lot of nobles would give their left everything to have that.” Spitfire snorted in disgust. “Don't that just figure. I finally get the mare of my dreams, not to mention two of the best herd-wives a mare could ask for, and somepony puts me in their sights.” She took a pull from her bottle that drained half the contents. “Why can't they just leave us alone?” she sighed. “That's partly why I'm here, actually,” Honor said casually. The Wonderbolt quirked an eyebrow at her. “Admiral?” “Let's suppose for a moment that a certain purple unicorn you know shares a mutual friend with me. Also suppose that this friend- one that's known Twilight since she was just a foal, and used to sit with her- asked for my help in protecting said unicorn's best interests.” Honor drained the last of her bottle, and toyed with it in her wings, rolling it back and forth. “Let us also suppose- just for the sake of argument, you see- that I also accepted the help of a couple of... professional shadows to help keep said unicorn's interests safe.” With her eyebrow still cocked, Spitfire replied, “That's a lot of supposition, Admiral... but a comforting thought, nonetheless.” Honor gave her a crooked smile. “Indeed. So if I were to say... oh I don't know, assign these shadows to a certain team so as to ensure this unicorn's interests...” Spitfire shrugged. “Whatever an admiral decides to do with her command is beyond question, especially in the field. However, I certainly would try my best to make the newcomers feel welcome and fit in- if it were my team, that is.” Honor clapped a hoof on her shoulder, sending a jolt through the smaller pegasus. “I'm glad to hear that Captain. You'd be surprised at how often an officer refuses to cooperate fully with orders, even when it's something done for their own good. It's the mark of a good leader to know when to accept help offered.” “And it takes intelligence to tell the difference between offered help and charity,” Spitfire replied with a grin. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) The ship's departure was an even bigger event than its arrival. It seemed like every pony in Ponyville turned out to wish Equestria's soldiers well. Many tears were shed, and most ponies stood there waving and watching until the ship disappeared from view. It was several hours later, safely ensconced in their home, that found Twilight and her herd ready to finally talk about what was weighing almost as heavily on their minds as the absence of one of their herd. “So, if I have this straight, you're afraid that you'll lose control like when Cheerilee was foalnapped, and tear apart the griffon nation? Is that what you're saying?” Trixie asked, her eyes wide. “Do you think that it's even a possibility?” Twilight nodded grimly. “I do. I've done the calculations, and if I pour everything I have into one big spell, I could flatten a city; not a major one, but still...” Spike gasped at Twilight. “Whoa, I bet that there aren't many who could claim that.” Unable to help himself, his eyes drifted over to Cheerilee, more specifically, to the blanket that covered her lower half where little Sunny nursed. Cheerilee herself was unaware of his gaze as she reflected inwardly. “Now that I think on it, maybe we should ask the Princesses for advice? I mean, if anypony has ever had to deal with this problem, they have.” Toying with a loose thread on her cushion, Twilight said in a timid voice, “I don't want to bother the Princesses, especially when they're having foreign relations trouble. Some ambassadors can be really touchy.” “I think that laying waste to a hostile nation over a lost or injured spouse is something that they'd want to concern themselves with,” Trixie said. She looked over to Spike and snapped at him. “Spike! Stop staring at Cheerilee, and take a letter!” Almost instantly, a parchment and quill dripping ink appeared in his paws. Twilight ruffled his head spines as she dictated the letter to him. Dear Princess Celestia, My apologies if this letter finds you at a bad time, but I have a personal, yet urgent need to see either you or Princess Luna. The foalnapping last year combined with my reaction to it, as well as Spitfire's deployment to the border has raised a valid, yet disturbing notion within me. To wit, the possibility that should something happen to her, my... darker nature may take over, causing me to retaliate. I would like to discuss with one of you the possibility of this happening and possible ways it can be prevented at your earliest convenience. It need not be in pony, but some reassurance is greatly desired. I eagerly await your reply. Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle Spike rolled up the letter and breathed on it, sending it on it's way. They didn't have long to wait as Spike burped up a letter just minutes later. He unrolled it as he cleared his throat, then read it. My Faithful Student, This is indeed a grave concern to have, and you are right to worry over it. I shall make some time in my schedule for you to visit tomorrow. A chariot will be sent to you, and should arrive by 9am tomorrow. Your herd and Spike if they so choose to accompany you, are of course welcome to attend as well. I look forward to seeing you then. Your Faithful Mentor, Princess Celestia Twilight actually looked elated at the prospect. “Well, it looks like we know what we'll be doing tomorrow, huh?” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) With a rueful sigh, Plain Sight settled into her watch position. It took weeks to get the spot just right, but it really afforded the best position for surveilling Twilight's home. A cool evening breeze rustled the leaves, making a nice counterpoint to the midsummer crickets singing their songs as they came alive now that the sun was setting. Plain Sight smiled as she watched the scene of domestic bliss within the home. She could tell that there was some tension and unease, but that was normal in any home where one of the members was away on deployment. She was so absorbed in watching Twilight and her herd, that it took her a moment to notice that the little filly was staring directly at her. Not sure she could believe what she was seeing, she experimentally waved, and gasped to see Sunny wave back. She saw Spike approach, and say something to her, and the filly pointed out the window towards the spy. Quick as a flash, Plain Sight ducked behind the shrubbery where she was supposed to be hiding. Never had that happen before! NOPONY has ever noticed me like that! She was startled again when a pony joined her behind the bush, and seemed to be just as surprised as her to find her there. “Oh! You're actually using the blind, Boss.” High Hide realized what he just said and stammered an apology. “I- I- I mean, it's not that you don't follow procedures, it's just that-” “Enough,” she whispered, heading off a lengthy series of excuses. “What is it?” High Hide scratched the back of his head, a bad sign by his boss's reckoning. “It's about Forty, actually. He thinks it's unfair that you and uh... er, you know...” “And he's wondering why he can't take Silva somewhere nice, is that it?” Realizing that he was displaying a nervous tell, High Hide put his hoof back on the ground. “That's pretty much the long and short of it, Boss. He says he's ready to file a complaint against you if something doesn't change soon.” Plain Sight shook her head and facehoofed. “Ugh. Kids. Every single one of 'ems a lawyer. I should just let him get her pregnant. Teach him some responsibility.” High Hide looked shocked. “You mean that they...” “Limmy and I have already broken them up several times now. I'm this close to slapping a chastity belt on her and calling it a day,” she said, holding her two forehooves close together. “I swear, if I hadn't made that promise to Limmy before she left...” She sighed and shook her head again. "We got bigger hay to fry right now, though. Alert team alpha that we're going to Canterlot tomorrow. As for that stupid bull, you leave him to me. I'll beat some sense into him if I have to.” She sat there a moment, lost in thought before realizing that High Hide was still there. “What are you waiting for? Go!” She almost smirked as he scrambled to carry out her orders belatedly. > Borderline > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 20: Borderline The sun beat down mercilessly from it's seat high in the sky. There were no clouds to provide the least bit of shade from the glare nor the exhausting heat of the midday. Limnear panted heavily as she worked her wings to propel herself even faster. She glanced to her right to see that her wingmate was keeping up with her, and smiled in satisfaction when she spotted the lilac mare. She appeared just as tired, but was managing to maintain station gamely. A sudden movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention, and she shouted back, “Cloudchaser! Six o'clock high!” The griffoness performed a wingover maneuver, allowing her to properly see the three pegasi chasing them down, as well as making sure her wingmate heard her. The pair of them dived for the cover of the trees, making it through the canopy just ahead of their pursuers. Limnear landed on the ground and began running through the underbrush; while Cloudchaser being smaller and more agile, kept in the tree branches and leapt from tree to tree, but staying within sight of each other. The pursuing pegasi dived in after them, one of them getting tangled among the branches of the canopy, and falling out of the chase with a loud spate of cursing. That still left two of them to continue on, and they both decided to concentrate on the larger prey. Limnear crashed through the underbrush, grinning as the branches she swept past smacked the chasing ponies in the face. The griffoness turned sharply around a tree and charged back at the ponies. She lowered her head and rammed the larger of the two, sending him flying into a prickly bush. The second pegasus swooped around faster than Limnear could follow, but was knocked down by the forgotten Cloudchaser, who had been quietly following from a distance to keep her wingmate covered. The two victors grinned at each other and bumped paws/hooves. Spitfire descended from above, shaking her head ruefully. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. And you call yourselves Wonderbolts.” She was interrupted by the straggler who had been caught up in the branches limped over. “What was I thinking recruiting you yahoos? You three can't even catch a single griffon and pegasus that had already been run ragged dodging two competent squads. Squads I might add, that also failed to bring down more than one of them; and that wasn't without losses either!” She looked to the skies and cried out, “Celestia! All I asked for was one good crop! Just one!” Turning to the late arrival, she glared at her darkly. “And you! You're supposed to be a seasoned vet, Fireflash! You're as wet behind the ears as the greenest recruit!” The normally brash, light yellow pegasus wilted under the tongue lashing. “It's not my fault! These two jumped the gun and dived on them before we were in position. We'd have had total surprise if they had waited!” Spitfire's glare turned downright deadly. “Refresh my memory. Were you, or were you not the wingleader?” Silence was her reply, but it spoke volumes. “And is not the duty of the wingleader to keep a tight rein on her wingmates? Wingmates who are there to keep the wingleader's rump covered and not go off gallivanting on their own?” She turned her stare to the other two ponies, who had the good sense to look anywhere else but at her. With a disgusted snort, she said, “Dismissed. Return to the ship and hit the showers. Then get ready for the debriefing of a lifetime.” She waited until they were out of earshot and turned to the griffoness. “You sneaky little devil, you. You've been holding out on us in training, Lim,” she said with a grin. Limnear dramatically breathed on her talons and polished them on her chest before examining them again. “Hey, it's not like you often use ground terrain in your training. It's a lot harder to cheat with terrain when it's solid, and you're all too aware of what will happen if you should crash and burn, than when you use clouds to simulate it. It's why the Royal Air Wing uses it extensively. I tried suggesting it to that second of yours, but I guess he forgot to mention it.” Scratching her chin, Spitfire replied, “Did you now? I may have to have a talk with good Commander Soarin'.” Turning to Cloudchaser, she added, “You had some pretty good moves out there, too. Great endurance as well. You sure you don't want to be a Wonderbolt? You certainly can't do any worse than squad C.” Cloudchaser smiled but waved her offer away. “Thanks, but if I did that, Flitter would have my rump. She thinks my current job is too dangerous if this is where it can get me.” Lifting off the ground, she led them back to the airship, still underway on its journey. “Well, it's a shame, but I can only keep asking. How long you two been flying together?” Limnear replied, “Oh, off and on for about half a year now, give or take a week or two.” Spitfire was taken aback. “Really? It looks like it's been much longer. You two have great synergy.” Cloudchaser gave a loud chuckle. “Better not let our boss hear you say that. She may reassign me to protecting the bomb squad or something.” Spitfire grinned at her. “I'll try to remember that.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Plain Sight sighed as she watched the chariot ahead of hers. The enchantment laid upon hers made sure that nopony would think to look their way, so she wasn't worried about being spotted. Even the filly in Twilight's chariot wouldn't be able to pierce enchantments laid down by Princess Celestia herself. Nevertheless, she found her gaze settling onto the chariot she was surreptitiously shadowing; or rather, one pony in particular riding in the chariot. Despite the serious nature of the visit, Twilight looked happier than ever. It was plain that the family life agreed with her. She smiled more than ever before. Her work, though less frequent, was of consistently higher quality. Even her circle of friends had expanded farther than it ever had been. And here I am, looking in from the outside, like always. Why can't I just move on? It's not like I don't have someone ready to support me like before. Hay, my relationship with Limmy is stronger than it ever was! So what's keeping me here? Is it devotion? Duty?, Love? Inertia? Why do I get this icy stabbing in my chest at the thought of giving up on her entirely? She winced as she placed a hoof over her heart and rubbed in a vain attempt to ease the pain. Lackadaisy, who was supposed to be scanning the skies for potential attackers, noticed the movement out of the corner of her eye. “Is something wrong, Boss? You look like you're in pain.” Plain Sight stopped rubbing, and her face relaxed into its normal nondescript appearance. “S'fine, Lackadaisy. Just something I ate trying to get back at me. Keep your eyes peeled for anything suspicious.” She turned to the rest of her company of ponies and added, “That goes for all of you.” Sea Swirl and Minuette saluted, and returned to their vigils. The four pegasi pulling their stealthy chariot looked to each other with smirks. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) As the chariot landed in the courtyard of the palace, Twilight was more than a little disappointed to see that Celestia wasn't waiting for them. Instead, she saw Cadance in attendance with several burly guardsponies. Once the vehicle had come to a complete stop, she helped Trixie gingerly step down, and let Sunny run towards the waiting forelegs of the alicorn, who beamed with delight at the filly. “Hello again, Sunny! My, you've certainly grown!” Indeed, the filly was nearly double her birth weight from just a month ago. “Cady!” Sunny exclaimed as she rubbed noses with the Princess. Cadance giggled at the use of her nickname, and smiled as Twilight and Trixie approached. “Hey there, Ladybug. Looks like you're short a pony and a dragon.” Returning the smile, Twilight said, “Cheerilee had summer school to teach. Since I'm her emergency back-up, and she's already canceled too many classes this year as is, she decided to sit this one out. As for Spike, he agreed to mind the library on the very off chance somepony wanted to check out a book.” Looking over to Trixie whom was leaning on her heavily, she said, “I hope you'll forgive me if we forgo the normal greeting, but I can't let my lady love falter, here.” Trixie rubbed cheeks with her and blushed a little. “Hopeless romantic.” Placing the filly on her head, Cadance gestured towards the palace. “Let's go inside before we send some poor noble into apoplexy with all this public display of affection.” They walked through the doors, and Twilight asked the question on her mind. “Where's Princess Celestia? Is she going to have time to meet with me today?” Cadance glanced back at her and smiled reassuringly. “Of course. She just has a rather tight schedule, so she wasn't available to meet you upon landing.” She led them to Celestia's parlor and waved them in. “So what's this about nightmares? I thought you'd gotten over those as a filly.” “Princess Luna says that they're a side effect of the Elements of Harmony resonating with each other,” Twilight replied, getting into the subject now that it was about her field of expertise. “We talked it over through letters, and have decided to try an experiment to test our theories. We'll know more once we have a larger sampling of permutations with which to work.” Cadance tilted her head to the side in confusion. “I never heard of the Elements doing anything like that, before.” Twilight nodded. “Nor had I, but then, we are talking about magical artifacts whose only resource guide has one thin chapter of facts and about twenty thick ones filled with anecdotes, hearsay, and speculation.” She shrugged as she helped Trixie settle onto the couch in a comfortable position, placing Sunny Days next to her. “The fact is, that these artifacts are about as well studied as the sun, and the only pony who's been there is understandably closemouthed about it.” “Yes, well, Auntie 'Tia feels that studying that is just like asking her personal questions about her bodily functions,” Cadance replied. “And the reason for that is well known by both of you,” Celestia said as she walked in. “Auntie!” “Princess!” Celestia smiled as the two ponies ran up to her and nuzzled her on either side. She warmly accepted the attention and returned it, laughing gaily. “My, such a welcome! A pony could get used to this!” She walked past the welcoming committee and sat down on the floor before the couch where Trixie sat. “And how are you doing, Trixie?” the alicorn asked, nuzzling first Trixie's reddening face, then the mare's belly, and finally Sunny. “Um, er, fine, Princess,” Trixie mumbled. Sunny, however, was much more enthusiastic, and held on to the Princess's muzzle, giggling as she was waved about on the end of it. She finally let go when Celestia swiped her tongue across the filly's belly, sending her crashing back to the couch seat, where she fetched up against Trixie's taut belly. Sunny held up her forelegs and said, “Mowa! Mowa, 'Tia!” More than happy to oblige, Celestia bent over the tiny filly and blew raspberries onto her stomach, sending her into gales of laughter that filled the room. The three mares looked on with undisguised surprise as the undisputed ruler of the most powerful nation in the world frolicked with a foal in front of her parents. The “torture” went on until the Princess was out of breath, and Sunny was practically wheezing from laughing so much. Celestia looked over to Twilight only slightly chagrined, and said, “My apologies, my Faithful Student; but it's hard to deny a reasonable request from one's subjects.” “Especially when it comes from one as adorable as her?” Cadance added helpfully. Celestia's face took on a serious mien. “Quite so, my good Princess.” Cadance adopted the same expression and adjusted her tiara. “Indubitably, my good Princess.” For good measure, she added a grunt that sounded suspiciously like “Harumph”, which Celestia returned, followed by Twilight. Soon, the three of them filled the room with unintelligible “Harumph”s, even getting something that sounded more like “Humph!” from Sunny Days, who didn't want to be left out of the fun. Trixie just looked at them all as if they had lost their minds, until Twilight pointed at her and said, “I didn't get a harumph out of her!” Not sure what else to do, Trixie meekly let out a tiny “Harumph?”, which sent all the mares into fits of laughter. Celestia wiped away a tear as she finally came down from her laughing high. She warmly regarded her Faithful Student and said, “It's good to see that you remember how to laugh despite a possibly serious situation, Twilight.” Settling down on the floor in the curve of her mentor's body, Twilight replied, “It's like you used to tell me, Princess. There's no profit to be had in worrying, so you may as well use the energy productively.” “And just how has my toughest lesson for you been put to use?” the diarch asked. A flash of guilt passed across her face before she answered. “Well, I've done a lot of research into the Elements of Harmony, especially mine.” “But you just said that there is almost no research done on the Elements, Ladybug,” Cadance said. “What books have you been using?” Twilight dithered a bit, rubbing a pattern into the rug with a hoof. “That's the thing. I wanted to look through Nyx's library about it and other similar artifacts since it's far more extensive than even the Royal Canterlot Archives. However, she suggested I get your permission for some strange reason. I'd been meaning to do that, but...” She sighed in defeat. “I really have no excuse. I could say that I was distracted by all the new things going on in my life, but I never used to let that happen.” Realizing how what she said could be misconstrued, she hastily added, “But that doesn't mean I'm slacking off! Really! I'm just as dedicated to learning all I can about everything you assign me as well as my own interests, but I-” Celestia silenced her with a kiss on her forehead. “Twilight, you have a herd to take care of now as well as a wonderful daughter and two more on the way. Honestly, I'd only be disappointed in you if you didn't change your priorities to accommodate them.” Twilight gave her a sheepish smile and blushed as she looked up at her. “I'm glad you understand, Princess. I'd never use them as an excuse, but sometimes I just... need to spend time with them, regardless of how far behind I am on my research schedule. Does this mean I have your permission to look through Nyx's library for this?” “Of course, Twilight,” Celestia replied. “I shall have to talk with our good librarian to make certain that nothing dangerous makes its way into your hooves, but you certainly have my permission to conduct your research in her library.” “Dangerous?” Trixie asked with rising concern. “What sort of dangerous things can she have in a library?” Celestia turned her most reassuring smile towards the worried mare. “Nyx has many spellbooks as well as research books that delve into unusual areas of magic and other fields. Some of those books protected by deadly wards or contain spells and ideas that I won't permit to spread in Equestria.” Her countenance hardened momentarily as she added, “I won't allow another Necromantic War to happen.” Shaking off her gloom, she nuzzled Sunny and her mood immediately brightened. Trixie coughed into her hoof, dispelling the despondency that had settled over the room. “Yes, Well. Be that as it may, it's not the main focus of what brings us here today. We wouldn't want to impose upon you any more than is necessary, Princess, so maybe we should get to the heart of the matter?” The solar diarch favored her with a sad smile. “Of course. I wouldn't want to leave Luna alone for too long with the Griffonian ambassador; not after last time.” With a sigh, she turned her attention back to Twilight. “There are a few tricks I can teach you so that you remain centered, but they won't prevent you from harming others should you lose control. Speaking honestly, there are few ways to prevent it that don't require magic or magical items. However, if you and your herd are agreeable to the idea, you and I can implement a little used technique. The only problem is that it's... often considered a violation of privacy, and is only rarely used outside of a romantic relationship.” Trixie's eyes narrowed, and she had to fight to keep her cool. Cadance gasped, while Twilight merely gave a disheartened, “Oh.” Silence descended upon the room, and after a moment, Twilight asked, “What... How would this technique be a violation of privacy? What does it entail?” “It would require the two of us to join our minds and souls in such a way that I would be able to check in on you at will. I would also be alerted to any strong fluctuations in your emotions and physical well-being.” Celestia took a deep breath before adding, “In essence, I could watch what happens to you through your own eyes. You see now why I hesitate to offer this solution. If you like, I can instead make an item that will alert me to power surges in your magic use.” “Will it interfere in the baby's development?” Trixie asked. Celestia shook her head. “No. It will simply be a monitoring de-” “Then we'll do that one,” the showmare replied. Twilight shot her a glare before asking, “How long will it take to create, Princess?” The alicorn thought for a moment, putting a hoof to her chin. “I believe that it will be easier and faster to simply re-purpose a magical item than to make one from scratch. I have just the thing in my office.” She rose to her hooves, forcing Twilight to stand or fall over. “If you'll excuse me, I'll go take care of that now so we can spend the rest of your time here visiting.” She turned to the other alicorn in the room. “Cadance, would you assist me, please? It's been some time since I had to do this particular task, and could use your help.” After they had left the room and the door closed, Twilight returned to glare at Trixie. “What was that all about?” Unperturbed, Trixie turned away with a sniff. “Trixie does not like the idea of her traipsing around in your head or your soul like it's her personal amusement park. Twilight facehoofed and let out a groan. “This again?” She took a deep breath and sighed. “Your fears are totally unfounded, Trixie. Allow me to enumerate why. One: The Princess didn't want to use that power anyway. If you knew her as well as I do, you'd be able to tell. Two: The Princess doesn't see me as a potential mate, but like a daughter she never had, or maybe even a kid sister. Believe me, that brings its own problems to the table come Mother's Day. Three: I happen to feel the same way about her. She's like a second mother to me. Again, that's a whole other set of problems with which I must deal. Fourth, and most importantly: I love you. There are precisely three mares that I love that way, and want to have their babies. You are one of them. I had hoped that we had moved beyond this, Trix.” Twilight gently took the mare's head in her hooves and kissed her, then rested her forehead on hers, crossing their horns in the most intimate gesture two unicorns could share in public. “Please understand that you will always be in my heart, and no matter who else I happen to love, you will forevermore be there.” A tear made its way down Trixie's cheek as she gave a pained sob. “I'm sorry, Twilight. I just...” Twilight ran a hoof over Trixie's withers. “Shh. It's alright Trixie. I know that it's hard to let go, but it'll be alright. Just remember that we love you, and always will.” Sunny patted Trixie's cheek, trying to wipe away the tear. “Don' cwy, Mama. We wuv 'oo.” Trixie swept up the filly in a swift, yet gentle hug, and gave her a loving kiss. “I love you too, Sunny. I love you all.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Trixie stole another glance at Twilight, and felt her heart swell. So beautiful... and she's MINE! A gleeful smile stole onto her face without her even noticing, and she had to look away quickly as Twilight turned to ask her a question. Pretending she hadn't heard, the showmare looked back and asked, “Hmm? What did you say, Twi?” Adjusting the glasses she now wore, Twilight sighed and repeated herself. “I said, 'why don't you go on ahead while I take care of this?' It looks like Daddy's stock ponies are having trouble finding the books I ordered for Cheerilee's class. Go on ahead to my parent's house so they can spend a little more time with you and Sunny before we have to go home.” The showmare actually felt a little weak in the knees whenever Twilight did something that brought her attention to the glasses, which accentuated her appearance so well. Who knew you could improve upon perfection? “Are you sure, darling? I can wait a little longer if we need to.” “I'm sure,” Twilight replied with a nod. “You look like you're about to collapse, and you need to take everything in moderation right now, especially exercise.” She leaned in close and whispered, “Besides, you're ankles are really swollen. They must be killing you.” Now that her attention had been brought to them, Trixie finally noticed the throbbing ache in her hooves, and the filly bouncing on her withers wasn't making matters any better. “Perhaps you're right, Twilight. We shall await you at your parent's house. Come along, Sunny. Let's go see your Nana.” “Yay, Nana!” the tiny filly cheered as they walked out to the waiting carriage pulled by palace guards. Twilight smiled at them and pushed up the glasses Celestia had enchanted for her again. She growled in irritation at the accessory that felt like was constantly on the verge of falling off of her face. “Grr. You're lucky the Princess gave you to me, or I'd throw you in the garbage right now.” “Am I interrupting anything, Miss Sparkle?” Twilight whirled around to find one of her father's most trusted employees standing in front of a stack of boxes. “Bookbinder! Oh, it's nothing. And it's Mrs. Sparkle, by the way.” Bookbinder nodded. “I'd heard you got hitched recently.” He leaned on the stack of boxes, making sure that he rested on his forelegs so that they were showing off his well-toned muscles. “So who's the lucky stallion?” “Mare- well, mares actually. The three most wonderful mares a pony could find.” She hugged herself and giggled like a schoolfilly. “Oh, they're so fantastic! Makes me giddy just thinking about them!” Bookbinder shook his head, trying to clear it of the slack-jawed expression. “Well, if you give me a moment, I'll load these boxes up on your wagon-” Flashing him a careless million-bit smile, she said, “No need. I'll take it from here.” Her pink aura enveloped the boxes and floated them towards the front entrance of her father's bookstore. She failed to noticed Bookbinder's swift attempt to cover up an awkward situation which had developed unbeknownst to her. At the door, she turned long enough to wave at him. “See you later, Bookbinder!” He could see her carefully place the boxes into the wagon guarded by a couple of fierce-looking white unicorns. One of them turned to regard him through the window, causing the smaller stallion to yelp and duck below the counter until just his eyes were left above it. He stayed that way until they were no longer in sight, and he breathed easier. “Wow, she sure has grown up. Still, marrying three mares? And seeing what she looks like now, I bet they're all hot, too...” Bookbinder looked around, and seeing that there was nopony left in the store, he flipped the sign around to indicate it was closed for lunch, and fairly trotted off to the bathroom, intent on relieving some pressure. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight walked in to her parent's house without knocking, shouting, “I'm back!” A tiny, white missile homed in and slammed into her with all the force of a well-placed shot from a trebuchet. “Mom!” squealed the tiny projectile with glee. Twilight picked her up in her forehooves and hugged her tight. “Hey there, Sunshine! I missed you!” Sunny kissed her on the tip of her nose, causing her to laugh. Velvet sashayed into the foyer, grinning ear-to-ear. “I see somepony's taking to motherhood well.” Twilight grinned at her. “I had a good example.” A blush overcame Velvet and she gave her daughter a quick hug. “Come on. I have some tea ready, but you'll have to be quiet. Trixie's having a lie down.” “I told her she was overexerting herself with that walk through the palace,” Twilight replied with a shake of her head. “Is she feeling okay?” Velvet served herself and her daughter's cups, while Twilight gave Sunny a bottle of milk from a saddlebag sitting next to the couch. They both watched her eagerly take the bottle and laughed when she fell over backwards, still sucking on it like nothing had happened. “Oh, how I've missed having little ones around. But to answer your question, yes, she's fine; just exhausted. I suspect she wasn't expecting the extra weight to be such a wonderful burden.” Twilight rubbed her own belly, which so far, still had the same tautness that she always had. “I'm kinda dreading that part myself. Well, that and the actual birthing, that is.” Velvet rested a hoof on Twilight's as she hoofed over the cup of tea. “Don't worry, Sweetie. The pain is well worth it all. The front door opened, and in walked Night Light. Twilight grinned and waved to him from her seat. “Hi, Daddy. Come say hello to your granddaughter.” The request became superfluous, as Sunny dropped her bottle and ran up to Night Light, just as she had done to her mother. The stallion stooped down, and the two of the rubbed noses. “Hey there, Squirt!” “Papa, up!” Sunny said, and he was only to glad to comply, setting her on his head as he walked into the kitchen to empty his saddlebag. “They were out of milk, so I had to go further down the road to get it, and whoa, what happened to you, Sparklebutt?” Night Light Stopped short when he finally noticed his daughter's new accouterment. Twilight rolled her eyes and groaned. “Daddy, I asked you to stop calling me that.” “I was just waiting for you to tell me about them, myself,” Velvet chimed in. “What is the story behind them? Did all that reading in the dark finally catch up to your eyes?” With a sigh, Twilight replied, “No, Mom. I don't read in the dark... anymore.” She adjusted the glasses again with a hoof. “If you must know, these were given to me by the Princess. She wants to monitor my magical use for unusual fluctuations.” Her mood grew somber as she added, “I'm afraid of losing control if... Spitfire... you know...” Velvet gently rubbed her hoof while Night Light gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Oh, Sweetie. Just know that we're here for you, not matter the time of day, or the situation,” Velvet said softly. “Our home is always open to you, Sparklebutt,” Night Light added, getting the expected smile from his daughter. “That's my girl.” “Mah grrl,” Sunny chimed in. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Celestia walked into her office, and nodded to the pony who immediately came to attention. “As you were, Plain Sight. The guards said you had something important to discuss with me?” Plain Sight nodded. “We're going to need a watcher for Sunny Days sooner than I had anticipated. I was hoping that it could wait until Trixie's foal was born, but at the rate Sunny's growing, she'll need one sooner rather than later. I was thinking we could have a nanny assigned to them, that could also do the job.” Celestia considered for a moment as she took a seat on the couch next to her most trusted spy. “A nanny, hmm? I hadn't considered that. It would give us an advantage in that we would always have a pony on the inside should things go horribly awry.” She nodded and said, “I'll start looking through our agents' files to see if there's anypony appropriate.” The gray mare rose to her hooves, saying, “Thank you, Princess.” “Now why don't you tell me what's wrong, before you run off like the building is on fire?” Plain Sight stopped in mid-stride. “Pardon?” “Come now, my little pony. I'm hardly old enough that I wouldn't notice that something has you upset, and has done so for some time now.” Celestia patted the couch next to her. “Come. Sit. Tell me your woes.” “I wouldn't want to burden you, Princess,” Plain Sight said with shake of her head. “You already do so much for us all, I-” “Belay that nonsense, soldier. Your princess has given an order, now come tell her what ails you.” Again, she patted the couch and kept her eyes on the mare until she was seated once more. It was several minutes before Plain Sight could collect her thoughts well enough to speak. “I... It's about Twilight. I'm afraid... I'm just so confused. I still want to protect her and her whole world from itself, but I feel like I'm cheating her of my best.” Now that it was out in the open, the spy's words flowed like water from her mouth. “I recently hooked up again with Limnear, and I love her. I love her so dearly, but it feels like I can't give Twilight my best anymore. Did you know that the other day, I woke up in Limmy's arms, and I actually considered calling in sick? Like this is some sort of nine-to-five where if I don't feel like going in to work for a day, I can just take it easy!” “I love them both so much, but it feels like they're tearing me apart! The hay of it is, that I know- I know that they'd never want me to be like this!” Plain Sight dragged her hooves across her face, pulling them down until they landed on the couch. “I feel like I'm going crazy, Princess! What do I do?” Celestia nuzzled the distraught mare, bringing her a small measure of calm. “Do you wish to give up your position?” “NO!” Unsurprised by the vehemence of her response, Celestia replied, “Then there is but one course of action for you. You must confront Twilight with your feelings.” Never before had Celestia seen such terror on the spy's face. “But... but... I can't!” Plain Sight shot back. “That would... What if... I can't do that to her, Princess; she has a family now! I can't do that to Limnear! Oh, Stars, Lim! She would break if I did that!” “You cannot leave, yet you cannot move forward. One or the other must happen, or you will tear yourself apart, and many ponies will suffer then, not just you.” Celestia kissed her on the forehead and whispered into her ear, “It need not happen today, but it must be soon. Oh, my little pony. I wish I could shoulder this burden for you, but I cannot.” Plain Sight sighed and leaned into the alicorn. “I know, Princess. I know.” > Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 21: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Smiling and gently pushing Trixie away, Twilight admonished her again for the third time in the hour. “Trixie, please. Wait until we get home and put Sunny down for a nap.” Trixie didn't stop kissing Twilight's neck, but mumbled something that could be taken for agreement. She would have grinned from the shiver she elicited from Twilight, had she not been using her teeth to nibble on the mare's collarbone. She licked the bit of flesh between her teeth, causing another shiver, but let go with a yelp when Twilight swatted her rump with her tail. “No, Trixie! That's a bad, Trixie!” Twilight said with her sternest face, which only seemed to inflame the showmare's passion further. “We're going to have a long talk about your behavior today, when we get home with Cheerilee,” she said, only half serious. They looked at Sunny, who was sitting on the seat of the flying chariot, leaning into the wind as if she were flying without the aid of the vehicle. The filly had been particularly rambunctious during her farewells with Celestia just before they took off again. Twilight adjusted her glasses, wondering if there was some sort of significance to it. The sun was nearing the horizon as the chariot pulled into the road in front of their home, allowing the ponies to disembark. Twilight nodded to the guards who had brought them so far. “Would you gentlecolts like something to drink or eat before returning?” she asked as she always did, and like always, they shook their heads politely. She watched them leave before walking back to her home. Walking through the door, she found a strange sight. Trixie was holding her hooves over Cheerilee's eyes and grinning. When Twilight walked in, she removed her hooves and loudly said, “Surprise!” The schoolmarm blinked owlishly a few times before her eyes adjusted and took in the sight before her. Once her mind processed just what it was seeing, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped a little. Trixie smugly pushed it back into place. “Told you it would be worth it.” Cheerilee approached Twilight cautiously. “Are you alright, Twilight? What's with the glasses?” Suddenly remembering the new accouterment, she blushed. “Oh, um, this? It's just something to help the Princess make sure my magic doesn't go wild. They um... they don't look too dorky, do they?” Sauntering up to her, Cheerilee said in a sultry voice, “I don't think that there's anything that could accentuate your attractiveness better.” Twilight was starting to get nervous at the unusual behavior she was getting from her herd-wives. “Where... where's Sunny?” Trixie nibbled on the librarian's ear and whispered, “Out with Spike and his friends. I sent him to pick us up some freshly made cherry pie for dessert at Sugarcube Corner.” Twilight's nervousness ratcheted up another notch as Cheerilee flanked her other side. “Er, you do realize that it will take over an hour for them to make one fresh, don't you? And that's if they even have any cherries.” “Really?” Cheerilee purred as she ran her cheek alongside Twilight's. “I guess we'll have to find some way to occupy our time until then, won't we?” An audible gulp, followed by a nervous laugh was heard coming from Twilight as the two mares escorted her to their bedroom. They got about halfway down the hallway, when Cheerilee suddenly stopped. Trixie looked over at her and asked, “What's wrong?” “Nothing,” she replied with a stupid grin. “But I just remembered something I've been wanting to do since Twilight first arrived in town.” “Something... kinky?” Trixie asked, smirking at the aforementioned mare's whimper. Cheerilee grinned back. “Very.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Even though light still shone through the windows, the brightness was muted by closed curtains. Trixie firmly closed and locked the door behind her with an audible CLICK after readmitting Cheerilee. Twilight looked around the semi-lit room with trepidation. She had seen this room many times in lighting even worse than this, but with these mares, it took on a new, slightly sinister aspect. To be honest, it sent a thrill up her spine. She looked over to the room Cheerilee had walked into and tried to peer around the doorway, but was stopped by Trixie pulling her head around so that their eyes met. “You wouldn't be trying to ruin whatever surprise our dear Cheery was setting up, now would you?” Twilight pulled back and gave a weak laugh. “Of course not. I'm sure that she-” “BRRRRRNNNG! Class has started! To your seats, my students!” Cheerilee stood in the doorway, wearing her mane up in a bun and holding a ruler in one hoof. Half-moon spectacles adorned her face, armoring her stern gaze. Trixie grinned and happily trotted into the reference room of the Golden Oaks Library, with a timid Twilight following behind. As the librarian passed her, Cheerilee gave her a light, but smart rap across her rump with her ruler. “Quick like a bunny, now. Time's a-wasting.” With a yelp better suited to a filly half her age, Twilight stumbled into the makeshift classroom. A portable chalkboard on wheels was set up in front of a table with two chairs facing it. Trixie was already sitting in one of the chairs like a good student. Twilight yelped again when she felt Cheerilee pushing her from behind, and wasn't entirely sure if it was an accident when the teacher's nose slipped into her marehood, but knew for certain that the exhale into it was most definitely on purpose. Cheerilee guided her to her seat and made sure that she sat down in it. Before walking up to the front of the “class”, she pointedly licked the moisture from her nose, moaning in pleasure. That done, she sashayed up to the chalkboard, putting as much hip wiggle as possible in to the small trip, and flipped the chalkboard over, revealing the subject. Twilight blushed hard, not from the topic written in large, bold letters across the top, proclaiming this class to be “SEX EDUCATION 101”, but from the quick, yet accurate model drawn there, which bore a striking resemblance to herself. She also recognized close up diagrams of both her normal marehood, but also that same marehood when she had the erect penis her spell gave her. Using her ruler to point to the diagram, Cheerilee waste no time in roleplaying introductions, instead opting to go straight to the meat of the “lesson”. “Good afternoon, class. Today, we will be discussing ways to please a mare. If I could have a volunteer for a demonstration?” Immediately, Trixie propped up Twilight's hoof, waving it about frantically. Cheerilee smiled. “Ah, good. Miss Sparkle, if you would please?” She waved to a small step stool at one end of the table, at which, Twilight looked at dumbly. Motioning with a forehoof, the teacher indicated a path from the stool to the table. “Please, Miss Sparkle, mount the table.” Twilight's blush deepened, turning her entire head crimson; but she did as asked. Once on the table, she became aware of just how exposed this left her. This high off the ground, she could feel the air wafting about her nethers, and her tail lifted a little involuntarily. Cheerilee walked up to her “volunteer's” rear end and nodded. “Yes, an excellent specimen we have here. Quite lovely. Gather 'round, class.” She waited for Trixie to sidle up to her before continuing. “Notice that even though she has seen recent sexual activity- most likely within the past day or two- her vulva are still rather tight, indicating that this is a recent development.” Setting the ruler down, Cheerilee pulled out a dildo from a saddlebag on the floor and lightly ran the tip up and down Twilight's marehood. Even in the dim light, a glistening of moisture could be seen collecting there. “As you can see, this particular mare seems to be an especially sensitive specimen. I've only just started touching her, and I've gotten a strong reaction. Here, bring your nose close and breathe deeply.” Trixie did as instructed, relishing the heady aroma. “That, is the smell of arousal. Remember it. If it's strong enough, and your nose sensitive enough, you should be able to smell that from across a room. “I'm going to forgo instructing you on the various parts, since I'm sure that you can figure it out from there. However,” Cheerilee swiped her tongue across Twilight's labia, lapping up her nectar as if it were fit for the old gods. Twilight yelped again and took a half step forward until the teacher brought her back to her old spot. “I entreat you to have a small taste for yourself. Imprint this taste on your mind, because there's little chance of ever finding another that tastes this heavenly.” Trixie leaned in and licked, letting her tongue work its way past her folds and into Twilight's interior, leading the way for her whole muzzle. Twilight gasped and moaned, actually pushing back into Trixie. She luxuriated in the sensation of the agile tongue that swiped at her sensitive walls, as well as the muzzle that was jammed in so tightly, her tongue had to work its way out past her teeth. Just as Twilight was cresting her way to an orgasm, Cheerilee pulled Trixie out, leaving her marehood gaping and begging for more. “Now, now, now,” the earth pony said in admonishment, “Let's leave something for later in the lesson, shall we?” She licked the moisture from Trixie's face before continuing on with her “lesson”. She used the dildo as a prod to get Twilight into the optimum position to examine her marehood, with her hind legs spread, tail lifted, and her chest down low on the table. Already, the occasional patter of a drop hitting the table was heard, and Twilight was breathing heavily. “Now this is the optimum position for a mare to be... penetrated,” Cheerilee continued. She pointed out the various spots of note. “Notice how her legs are spread, allowing her labia to spread just a little, making penetration by say, a dildo-” she thrust the substitute phallus into her with little preparation, but little was needed, “much easier. The lifted tail lets her partner know that not only is sexual activity acceptable, but welcomed. The lowered position of her front half would allow a stallion, or a mare wielding a strap-on, or even a mare with the proper spell-enhancement to go even further in, than if her front half were upright.” Cheerilee angled the dildo so that it mimicked a pony standing behind Twilight leaning into her. “You see? From this angle, it becomes easier to hit certain sensitive areas that would normally be difficult for the average penis- or dildo- to reach.” Twilight's tongue was hanging out of the side of her mouth as she panted. The poor mare's eyes were unfocused and staring blankly into nothing in the familiar, “thousand trot stare”. Each time the dildo was thrust in, an erotic mewl of lust escaped her lips, followed by a grunt as the intruder withdrew. “Doesn't this position allow for better clit stimulation, teacher?” Trixie asked, her voice full of awe for the sight of the wrecked mare before her. Cheerilee smiled at her, glad to see she was actively participating in the roleplay. “An excellent point, Miss Lulamoon.” She angled the dildo even higher, eliciting a groan of pleasure from Twilight, and in the process, putting the mare's clitoris on lewd display. “As you can see, since the clitoris is at the bottom of the mons, it doesn't always get the stimulation that it needs or deserves. However, in this position, it becomes easier to access, like so.” Continuing her thrusting of the dildo, Cheerilee used her free forehoof to flick Twilight's clitoris a couple of times before stopping all stimulation, but leaving the dildo in place. Twilight was trying to thrust back to get the motion started again, but Cheerilee simply moved with her motions, denying her the stimulation she needed to climax. Twilight whimpered at her, “Please... don't stop... more... gimme more...” “Patience, my pet,” Cheerilee said, patting her on the rump. “That comes at the end of the lesson, not the middle.” Returning her attention to Trixie, she said, “Now that we have the basics down, let's move to some intermediate stimulation techniques, shall we?” They both grinned at the questioning whimper from Twilight at the word “intermediate”. “Below the clitoris, we have the breasts,” Cheerilee continued. “Oftentimes, they are skipped over in favor of going right for the prize, but there is much to be said for the long, slow approach.” She hefted Twilight's left breast in her hoof, as if considering its weight. “Seeing as our model here is already pregnant, and nursing a foal as well, milk production is well under way, making for some potentially kinky stimulation, should one have the courage and the imagination.” Trixie's eyes were as wide as saucers as she thought about this previously unconsidered avenue. Cheerilee gave her little time to contemplate it; rather, she showed her. “I'm sure that you're already aware just how sensitive nipples can be, so we can skip that. However, the nipple on a lactating mare add a new dimension to foreplay. Simply applying the right pressure here,” she gently pressed on the breast, rolling her hoof towards the nipple, allowing a small squirt of milk to hit Trixie right on the muzzle. Twilight gave out a squeak and tamped her hind legs as if positioning herself to jump. As Trixie licked the milk from her face, Cheerilee said, “In addition to being nutritious and delicious, milking in this venue makes for an especially erotic spice for a normally mundane, yet intimate activity. Until we have her permission when she's not so plainly aroused, we hold off for now on nursing.” Cheerilee's hooves roamed upwards towards the mare's flanks. “Up here, we have the oft-neglected cutie marks. Not many ponies know this, but while there's no direct connection from the flanks to the pleasure centers of the brain, there is a psychological connection. A cutie mark is a very personal thing, representing a pony's passion, something that defines who and what we are. Playing or stimulating these areas can produce some very strong results in your partner, if done correctly.” The teacher took a moment to see if Twilight was still aroused, and was surprised to note that if anything, she was turned on even more than before. With a smile, she returned to her lecture. “There are several ways to stimulate a cutie mark. There's tracing it with a hoof,” she ran a hoof around the edge of Twilight's big star in the center, “massaging it,” she switched to firmly rubbing the smaller stars, “licking them,” she licked each tip of the central star, “or even biting; though you want to be careful not to be too rough with this last one.” Cheerilee gave the center of the big star a quick nibble, leaving behind a barely perceptible bruise. Twilight was quivering wreck by then. Her trembling hind legs were barely able to support her, and only the fact that she had locked her knees and ankles was she able to remain positioned so. Her eyes were fully crossed and glazed, seeing nothing, and her breath came in short, rapid gasps, their rhythm interrupted by a twinge from her sopping pussy which coruscated through her whole body like lightning. Finally deciding that she had enough, Cheerilee announced, “I think we'll conclude our lesson here today. Miss Lulamoon? If you would do the honors?” She hoofed over the dildo to Trixie, who took it in her magical grasp, and climbed up on the table. She stood behind Twilight on her hind legs, and held the phallus in front of her clitoris, where a real one would be with her telekinesis. With one swift push, she slammed the dildo home, eliciting a wet SQUEALCH which was overpowered by a scream of pleasure from the librarian. Trixie used her magic to hold the dildo firmly to her hips, and thrust into Twilight over and over again, sending her into one climax after another. She kept pounding into her, sending ripples through Twilight's rump with each buck, along with another orgasm accompanied by a gasp or scream of ecstasy from the shattered mare. Cheerilee was hardly idle during all this, electing to tend to her own garden. She sat in a chair and splayed her legs wide, allowing her forehooves free and ready access to her own weeping marehood. All pretense of gentleness or finesse was thrown to the wind, as Cheerilee furiously pumped her hoof across her raw and reddened lips, making sure the edge of the hard keratin flicked her clitoris, sending another wave of bliss with each jerk. After what felt like an eternity to all three mares, they could take no more. Trixie climaxed, followed by Cheerilee, and they joined Twilight, who had been in a near constant state of orgasm from the first thrust. All movement slowed to a stop. Cheerilee slumped in her chair, practically dribbling off on to the floor. Trixie gently collapsed on top of Twilight, whose legs had finally had enough, and slowly slid out until she was resting on her belly on the table. All three of them lay where they fell for many minutes, panting for breath. Twilight's mind slowly returned to her, and she noted with a pleased smile, the comforting weight of Trixie, as well as the wonderful bulge of the filly in her belly. She luxuriated in the afterglow of the most intense orgasm of her life, wondering if she would ever experience one like it again. She looked over her shoulder into the blissed-out face of Trixie, who had wrapped her forelegs around her neck. Twilight tried to look around, but with Trixie on her like this, was unable to spot her favorite earth pony. “Cheery?” A maroon hoof raised shakily from the floor, alerting the questing mare to her location. “Present,” she answered weakly. Twilight smiled sleepily and laid her head back on to the cool wood surface below her. “I think if all lessons were like that, everypony'd pass with A's.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Spike was torn. He looked from one pink hoof to the other and scrunched up his face in concentration. After hemming and hawing for a bit, he tapped the one on his right and said, “This one.” Pinkie-Pie turned over both hooves and revealed a golden bit in the hoof Spike hadn't chosen. “Noperoonie! You know, for a dragon, you're terrible at this game. Don't you have like treasure sense or something?” The little dragon rolled his eyes and sighed. “No, that's an acquired talent, not an inherent one, Twilight says.” He looked over at Sunny again to make sure she was okay, and smiled when he saw her playing whatever games babies find amusing among themselves. Scootaloo playfully punched him on the shoulder. “Come on, Spike! You're making us all look bad!” Sweetie Belle hugged him and glared at the pegasus filly. “Oh, leave him alone. If he can't do it, he can't do it. I don't see you chopping down trees bare-hoofed. Besides, he isn't making us look bad.” “Yuh, Fike's 'ool!” Apple Bloom said around her mouthful of cookie. The door chime sounded, alerting everyone to the entrance of a customer. Pinkie bounded over to the new arrival. “Hiya, Twist! What brings you here? Aside from your hooves, that is,” she added with a grin. Twist beamed up at the baker. “My thithter needth thome thugar to make caramel. Can you thpare a big thack? “For our best competitor? Sure! Lemme go get it, and I'll take it over for you,” Pinkie-Pie replied. “That'th okay, Mith Pinkie. I brought my wagon, tho I can take it,” Twist shouted as the pink mare bounced off to the kitchen to fetch the requested sack. She looked over at Apple Bloom, who swallowed the remains of the cookie in her mouth, and said, “Hi, Apple Bloom. Did you finith your thummer homework, yet?” The yellow filly heaved a great sigh. “Finally. Ah had to get Granny's help for th' history, though. Ah jus' cain't wrap mah head aroun' some of it.” Twist felt something touching her leg, and looked down to find Sunny with her arms upraised in the universal gesture requesting to be picked up. “Aw, who are you, Thweetie? You're tho cute,” she said as she obliged the foal. Spike puffed out his chest and proudly proclaimed, “That's my little sister. Say hello, Sunny Days.” Sunny leaned forward and kissed Twist messily on the lips, then hugged her muzzle. Surprised at first, Twist stood stock still, but blushed when her friends burst out laughing. “Ah think she likes yah, Twist.” “She's so cute,” Sweetie Belle said. “I can't wait to have one just like her.” Spike immediately stopped laughing, and looked like a cornered beast. Scootaloo clapped him on the shoulder, saying, “Well, you heard the lady. You better figure out how it's done so you can give her one before some colt does.” This time, everypony but Spike and Sunny laughed, one out of irrational fear, the other because she was too busy cuddling. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) A nervous glance at his pocket watch told him that they were late. He looked around, but being in the middle of a forest, one tree pretty much looked like another to his inexperienced eye. A curious stuttering sound drew his attention, and he looked down to spot his green hoof tapping out a staccato rhythm on the soft dirt. He had to consciously stop himself from making the nervous motion, but he could do nothing to calm the jangled nerves which caused it. A shadow passing overhead alerting him to something approaching, so he ducked down and pulled the hood of his cloak lower, but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was the three he had been waiting on. In the clearing just ahead, three black-feathered griffons landed. The stallion approached them bravely, knowing that to show fear at this time could very well spell his doom. “What kept you?” he demanded of them, not even bothering with a terse greeting. The largest of the three walked forward and stared down at the cloaked pony. “Winds took a sudden, unfavorable turn. We had to take another route to avoid being spotted by a patrol. Do you have it?” The pony took in the appearance of the griffon, noting the necklace of teeth and claws from various enemies both sapient and otherwise. The griffon looked to have been the victor of many battles, sporting scars even on his beak. The well-toned muscles attested to his strength, and the ease with which he carried himself spoke volumes about his skill and confidence. The pony nodded and pulled off a saddlebag, plopping it down at the griffon's paws with a CLINK. Several jewels fell out of the sack and glinted in the waning sunlight. The griffon tilted his head slightly so that he could eye the bag, but not so much that he lost sight of the pony entirely. “That's it?” “That's half,” the pony replied. “The rest deliverable upon confirmation of your mission's completion.” The jet griffon eyed him again. “I presume you have your own way of confirming this?” The pony nodded. “I do.” The griffon considered this for a moment, then asked, “Who's the target, and how dead do you want them?” The pony used his mouth to pull out a file folder from the otherwise empty saddlebag that hung on his other side. He tossed the folder onto the saddlebag on the ground. “Your target is a pegasus named Spitfire. As for how dead, that's up to you. She just needs to be maimed badly enough to send her home again. If she dies during the attack, nothing will be held against you; but she must be gone from this border within the next two weeks.” The griffon picked up the file and leafed through it until he reached the end. He let it drop to the ground with disgust. “That's it? That's all the information you can provide me with? You mention that not only is she the captain of the premier monster-hunter team in your nation, but she has guardians? What sort of guardians? How many? How capable are they?” With a snarl of contempt, the cloaked pony retorted, “I thought your mercenary pride was the toughest in Griffonia. Are you telling me you can't handle a single pegasus and her guards?” “That 'single pegasus' comes with a lot of baggage, Meat. Taking on a Wonderbolt is not something you do on a lark.” The griffon pawed at the ground, digging deep furrows into the ground. “A Wonderbolt never works in enemy territory alone. They always come in groups. They are trained to take down bigger foes, like griffons. That's not even mentioning the help she can get from the ship she's flying from. Now I find out that she's got 'mysterious guardians' that even you can't get info on? You practically gave me her military file, so I know you have high connections, but apparently they aren't high enough to find out this last bit.” The griffon eyed him with a steely glare. “We want double.” “We had an agreement! I paid-” “You paid for a meeting, nothing more. We haven't accepted any other deal... yet,” the griffon hissed dangerously. “Triple or no deal.” “That's outrageous!” the pony cried. The griffon calmly picked the dirt from his talons. “The price is only going to get higher. In fact, it just became quadruple.” Even with the hood up, it was easy to see the contortions the pony's mouth went through, trying to form coherent words. “Fine! Quadruple!” he finally bit off. “Consider this bag a small down payment. The rest will be paid upon completion.” Before he could say anything he might regret, he turned and stomped off into the woods. “A pleasure doing business with you,” the griffon said with a sneer. One of the smaller griffons walked up to his leader and asked, “Are we really going to take on the Wonderbolts, Scaryx?” Scaryx lifted the bag and smiled. “For this many top quality gems? I'd take on a dragon.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) The green stallion doffed his hood, and shook his mane free. He rubbed the stubby horn on his head and grumbled about how the hood chafed it. Looking around, he reassured himself that he was truly alone, and grinned. He calmly trotted back to the small village in which he was staying and nodded to his compatriots, who were single-hoofedly keeping the bar running this early in the day. They raised their glasses to him in salute and returned to their conversation as he left to his room upstairs. Walking into his room, he locked the door, then pulled out a small chest from under the bed. The stallion opened it to reveal a sphere approximately a hoof across made of pink crystal. Tapping it with his horn, he activated the magic which connected with the crystal's twin in Canterlot, while simultaneously creating a bubble of dead air which did not allow for the passage of sound into, or out of the bubble. He waited for the crystal to glow, indicating that it's twin was active, and an unidentifiable and inflectionless voice from the other side said, “Report.” “It went according to plan, Milord. Once they found out who she was, they ended up demanding quadruple the initially proposed amount. What seemed to make them balk most was the unknown guardians.” The green pony appeared unconcerned about the amount of gems he had committed to the deal. “Well done, Backtalk. I only wish I had been able to secure just who her guardians are, but I couldn't even get a set of eyes on that blasted ship. The success of their portion of the mission could depend on it. Water under the bridge, I suppose. Is the rest of our hired muscle ready for their part in this story?” Backtalk smiled toothily. “Yes, Sire. The griffons will be too weakened from their battle to resist this many ponies attacking them, then I shall take care of them. There will be no witnesses to link this back to us. Do you think your son will be assigned to this area, Milord?” “I'll see to it that he is. I still have enough pull with the patricians within the military to do that much, at least. Just worry about what you're doing there, and make sure that you don't slip up. If we do this right, we can make him a hero and take that nobody down a peg or two. She'll regret spurning him for those tramps.” Careful not to make any motion or gesture that could be construed as disrespectful, or even just disagreeable, Backtalk replied, “It will be done, Sire.” With that, the link was severed, and Backtalk breathed a sigh of relief as he closed the chest. I think he's beginning to lose it. His loss of status hit him harder than he will admit. Now he's trying to set his whiny brat up to be some sort of hero? I think this will be my last job for him, regardless of the outcome. He climbed up on the bed and reclined on it, staring out the window. It's time to hitch my wagon to another star. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Floating adrift among the blackness that made up the Firmament, Nyx contemplated many things. Though she calmly lay in the classic sphinx pose, her mind was far from the serenity she projected. A roil of emotions warred with her logic, and she struggled to regain the balance she had lost when she first met Twilight Sparkle. She could feel Celestia's approach from the edge of the firmament, indeed, it would have been impossible for her to not feel it. Celestia was easily among the three strongest immortals she had ever met, and her presence- especially here where everything was laid bare- was almost oppressive in its power. Nyx sighed and gave up all attempts at meditation and opened her eyes, seeing Celestia's true form. She was massive, yet small all at once; and composed of the very stuff of stars, yet flesh and bone. It was like seeing the sun with one eye, and an alicorn with the other, and your brain tried to reconcile the differing inputs. And right now, it annoyed Nyx. “What is it, Celestia?” Celestia was nonplussed by the terse greeting, and hesitated. “I'm sorry to disturb you, but I needed to talk to you about something rather important about Twilight.” Suddenly feeling badly about her rough treatment, she sighed again. “No, I'm sorry. I'm just... you know.” “I do know,” Celestia replied. “It's not easy, this situation.” She laid a fiery hoof on Nyx's script-laden, papery paw. The paper smoldered a little, but did not catch fire. Nyx gave a snort of amusement. “That's putting it mildly. What is it you wanted to discuss?” Celestia took a deep breath, and said, “Twilight is coming to your library to research the Elements. I think you can figure out what would happen if she finds the right book at the wrong time.” Rolling her eyes, Nyx nodded. “Even though I wasn't here when it happened, I heard about your forced attempt at apotheosis. If I recall correctly, the Elements themselves remained inert for something like a quarter of a millennia. I'm glad to see you've learned your lesson about conveniently leaving books like that lying around.” Celestia nodded mutely, and Nyx sighed. “Alright, I'll 'sanitize' that section. That still won't guarantee that she won't piece it together. Sparkle is smart as a whip as well as dedicated to research like me... like... her. She's bound to work it out. And then where will we be?” “We just have to hope if that happens, that it's the proper time,” Celestia replied. Nyx snorted again. “That's a lot of hoping.” “Yes, it is...” > Hazard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 22: Hazard From her hiding spot, Plain Sight was well out of view, but was able to see everything going on at the entrance to Twilight's home. She saw her kiss Trixie and Sunny Days,then bid them farewell as she left for her journey to Nyx's library. The studious mare had packed her saddlebags full of research materials, but apparently had learned to not overpack her bags when going further than the library or schoolhouse. As she stealthily followed her mark down the street, totally ignoring Derpy as the mailmare flew by and crashed into a hanging sign over a store, she couldn't help but consider what might happen if she were to confront her now. Plain Sight shook her head to clear it of distracting thoughts, determined to not be the one who let her down. Twilight paused at Applejack's stand, and acquired a few apples for the road before continuing on her way. As they left the town limits, she could hear Twilight humming to herself a happy little tune, possibly one that Pinkie-Pie had come up with on the spot last week. She's good for that; getting a song stuck in your head. Plain Sight's senses came alive as the hackles on the back of her neck rose. It took her a moment to find the cause of the feeling, but really, there was no doubt that her protection would fail, especially not to a mere assassin vine. Quick as thought, she picked up a dead branch from the forest floor and hurled it, slapping the thorny vine. The assassin vine immediately contracted around the branch, snapping it in two, and alerting Twilight to it's presence. The librarian jumped away from the previously hidden danger, putting a safe distance between her and it. Plain Sight smiled in satisfaction. Atta girl, but you need to pay better attention in the Everfree. This ain't no playground. The master spy breathed a little easier when they finally reached the library, and Twilight was safely inside. She settled down amongst the ruins, awaiting for her charge to reemerge. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight sighed in frustration and set the giant tome aside, next to the towering pile of books. She leaned back in her cushion, took off her glasses, and scrubbed her eyes with her hooves. Looking to her left, she spied the four stacks of books she had yet to go through with growing trepidation. She spied Kat floating back with yet another pile of books in her arms, and sighed as it was set next to the four other unread piles. “Okay, Kat. I think that's enough for now, thanks.” The arcaneficarum smiled down at her brightly, and hovered nearby. Twilight stood and stretched, then placed the glasses on a book and looked over at the waterclock against the wall in front of her. “Six hours? Definitely time for a break. Kat, which way to the little filly's room?” The ghostly figure beckoned her, and lead her past several anatomical models of various creatures, including ponies and griffons, to a room near Nyx's private office. She stood aside to let the mare enter, and was about to follow her in, when Twilight gently, but firmly pushed her back out. “I think I can take it from here, thanks,” Twilight said with a smirk. She went to the sink and splashed some water on her face, washing away the weariness that had accumulated there. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed wearily. I wish we could step up this experiment already. I'm tired of these constant nightmares. But, I guess we couldn't get objective evidence that way, then. She splashed herself again then squeaked the faucet off. Alright, Twilight, just think about tomorrow night. We move on to Pinkie, Rainbow and Fluttershy all sharing the night. Maybe that will help instead of just Applejack and Rarity. Feeling somewhat refreshed, she walked out of the bathroom and noticed right away that Kat was no longer there. “Huh. Guess she was called away for more work,” she reasoned with a shrug. Twilight walked past Nyx's office again and poked her head in, hoping to talk to her about her progress (or more accurately, lack thereof) on her current project. “Nyx? You in?” Twilight cautiously walked into the room and looked around. It was a disarray that she had only seen in her own, most rigorous study sessions. Books lay in piles everywhere, stacks of paper were scattered about, most covered in scribbles. Cups half full of tea or coffee, or even more arcane beverages dotted the room like flagpoles, declaring this pile of book for some nation, or that end table for a Principality. Carefully picking her way through the room, Twilight quickly came to the conclusion that the head librarian was indeed not in. Not wanting to disturb what was obviously a hardcore study session, she turned about and was on her way back to the door, when she passed a couch, and something jumped out to grab her attention. More specifically, it was a book with her name on it, literally. She stopped dead in her tracks and shook her head. Nah, it couldn't be. It's probably just some book on crepuscular magic. Indeed, the book was written in an ancient form of Equish, and the word that caught her attention could be used for that brief time between day and night, but also was used for magic. Curiosity piqued, she levitated the books above it, allowing her to pull the thin tome out to examine. I am curious as to what sort of spells it might contain, though. Just a quick flip-through, and then I'll put it right back. A quick examination of the cover told her a lot about the book. It was bound in some sort of tough, gray-green substance that defied Twilight's experience. The faded gold lettering on the front bore the same word as the spine, declaring either twilight or magic, and was deeply embossed by hoof. Holding the book in her hooves somehow felt... familiar to the mare, but she couldn't quite place the feeling into a proper frame of reference. Twilight opened the cover, and as her eyes fell on the pages within, they went wide. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Rubbing her tired eyes with a paw did little to alleviate the dark circles around them, but Nyx did feel a little better. She planted the paw back on the floor and looked at Onyx with consternation. “So why can't we connect to Twilight's library in Ponyville? We did just fine with the Canterlot Royal Archive.” “It's not a matter of can't, but rather one of we shouldn't,” Onyx replied. He gestured to the floating arcaneficarum beside the sphinx and said, “If we do that, it means that she can go there at will. Are you willing to put up with that? You know her fascination with her and what can happen.” Nyx blushed a little, and glared at the dragon. “Don't you mean my fascination with her?” Onyx shrugged, unapologetic. “Amounts to the same thing. Your feelings are hers, after all; she just has less self-control when it comes to her.” “Are you sure this isn't just a case of jealousy on your part?” Nyx asked with a sly smile, pointing a wing at him. The dragon raised an eyebrow at her. “Excuse me?” Nyx leaned forward and whispered, “All three of us know how you looked up to her, admired her, but never was able to express it to her before she... was taken from us. Are you sure that you're not just jealous that she was able to be more honest than you were?” Onyx's eyes took on a dangerous glint, and his voice was stern and unyielding as he whispered back, “Let's get a few things straight here. Princess Twilight is not that pony. They may share certain traits, but that does not make her the same person. Secondly, I did express my gratitude to her at every available chance, I just didn't drape myself over her whenever the opportunity presented itself.” “I never-” “Third, I will never be jealous of Kat. I work with her, I respect her, I even like her; but jealous?” Onyx shook his head, then suddenly stopped. “Wait, has Kat recovered enough to subdivide, yet?” Shaking her head, Nyx replied, “No, not yet. She needs about another three or four months before her energy reserve has been replenished enough to make even one copy. Why?” Onyx started to look very concerned. “Then who's watching Twilight?” They stared at each other for a moment, then ran back to where they last knew she had been. The bathroom was empty, but in the silence, they head the sound of a page turning emanating from Nyx's office. The sphinx burst into the room, startling Twilight into dropping the book she had been perusing. Nyx ran over and laid a massive paw on Twilight's withers. “Are you alright? You didn't trigger any magical traps, did you?” Twilight gently pushed her paw away. “No, I'm fine; but I would like to know more about this book. It's fascinating. I never thought about splitting up one's magical power like this, but it looks awfully risky. Who authored this? It read like it was an alicorn, but...” Nyx chewed on her lip as she plucked the book from Twilight's telekinetic field. “I'm afraid this particular book is off limits. The magics within its pages are too terrible to just let loose on the world. As for who wrote it... it was an old friend of mine,” she finished sadly. With a downcast look, Twilight muttered, “Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean to intrude, but I wanted to talk to you about my current project. I can see you're exhausted though, So I'll let you get some rest.” She started to back out of the room, when she was stopped by a paw on her shoulder. “Wait,” Nyx said hastily. She smiled weakly at her. “I... I'd love to discuss it with you, Twilight.” She led the pony out of her office and directed her to the private apartments where she and Onyx lived. Twilight smiled up at her and was soon engrossed with relating the details of her newest obsession. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Blueblood closed the cell door with a CLANK, and shook his head in amazement. “I must say, Minister, that I'm surprised to find you out here playing sheriff in addition to your parliamentary duties.” Rugged Peak tossed back her navy-blue mane and laughed. “No' 'alf as surprised as I was to see you take those tossers down like tha'! Stroike me boy, you've done some growin' in the last few months.” She led the way back out of the jail to her office and plopped down on her chair which creaked as she put her rear hooves up on the desk. “Bu' yeah, I have t'wear a lotta hats out 'ere in Barnmouth, 'cause there aren't enough heads out 'ere to wear the bloody things.” “I know what you mean, Minister,” Blueblood replied. “Out in Dodge Junction, there barely enough ponies to form a city council, and I'm forced to be adjudicator, prosecutor, and crowd control, as well as being the representative for law and royal authority. I was just surprised that a minister would have the time to be sheriff as well.” Pouring them both a glass of whiskey, Rugged Peak replied, “You can stop wi' tha' 'Minister' rubbish. I leave tha' hat back in Can'erlot. So what brings you to our li'l corner of paradise? Want t'talk more stra'egy, or you finally ready to move against your Pop?” Blueblood smiled grimly, but shook his head. “Afraid not. As well informed as I am, my information is often weeks, or even months old by the time it gets to me. I'm leaving the tactical situation to a trusted friend back in Canterlot.” He sat down and downed the shot glass in one gulp, then turned it upside down on the table. “No, what brings me here is a request by the mayor of Barnmouth for additional help keeping the border with Griffonia secure. She said she wanted to step up the patrols here, and needed a few more ponies on the job.” Rugged Peak sat up and looked at him in confusion. “First I heard of it.” She leaned over and opened the window with her one wing, shouting at a passing pony. “Oy! Go fetch Paper Pusher!” “Get off your bum an' fetch 'er yourself!” “Don't make me come out there an' deal with you. Jus' go tell Paper Pusher I need to see 'er in me office, tout de suite.” Rugged Peak leaned back and saw the look of amusement on Blueblood's face. “Wot?” “It always amazes me how relaxed formalities are out on the frontier,” the unicorn replied. The one-winged pegasus returned his grin, and the front door opened to admit an elderly-looking earth pony mare. Though obviously getting on in years, she had enough pep left in her to stride over to Rugged Peak confidently, and slam a hoof down on her desk. “What's all this about 'fetching ponies', then, eh? I'm not some packet of crisps to be brought to you when you're feeling peckish.” “Oh, don't get your knickers in a twist, love,” Rugged Peak replied with a dismissive wave of a hoof. “I needed to talk with th' mayor an' ask why she's sendin' out for bobbies when you already have me an' a halfway decent militia. Care to fill me in?” Paper pusher actually looked mildly offended. “I did no such thing! Though, now tha' you mention it, we could do with a spare sheriff when you're off doing your hoity toity nonsense up in Can'erlot. Even when 'ee ain't pissed, Bamstick ain't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.” Rugged Peak rubbed her chin in thought. “You didn't? Sounds like some bloke did it for you then, 'cause Blueblood 'ere got orders to tha' effect.” Paper Pusher looked over the stallion as if noticing him for the first time. “Roight, you'll do,” she said , and tried to lead him off by the hoof, but was stopped by the pegasus. “'Old on, 'old on! You can't just run off with 'im now that 'ee's 'ere,” Rugged Peak declared. “C'lestia knows we get bugger-all in the way of 'elp out 'ere, but somepony sent 'im 'ere, and we be'er figure out 'oo.” “Unfortunately, I think I already know 'who'; I just need to work out 'why',” Blueblood answered. Rugged Peak raised an eyebrow at him questioningly. “You don't think...” Blueblood nodded grimly and pulled out a crumpled up sheet of paper. “I'd stake my rank on it; and I think this missing pony report is a good place to start.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “But the Great and Powerful Sunny Days was unafraid! While other ponies may cower in their homes, waiting in fear for the threat to pass, she was not content to let the menace of the pride on manticores go on uncontested!” Trixie struck a dramatic pose, causing Sunny to clap appreciatively. Her horn glowed, levitating several stuffed animals onto the bed, all led by the fearsome Mr. Bun-bun. “So the Brave and Unequaled Sunny Days marched out into the plains to personally face down the evil manticores.” The toys stalked towards the filly, who was now standing and trying her best to look menacing, but failing utterly. She lowered her front down into a crouch, but left her rear up in the air and waving her stubby tail like a flag. The scowl on her face as she “roared” at them would have almost, but not quite instilled fear into the stuffed animals she faced down. “All at once, the manticores leaped into the attack, biting and clawing for all their worth, but the Stupendous and Ineffable Sunny Days easily deflected their paltry attacks as if they were mere wind.” The stuffed animals pounced onto Sunny, but she met them halfway and collided with them in midair. They fell to the bed in a jumble, with all the “manticores” viciously attacking Sunny. “Using the powerful magic within her horn, the Amazing and Supreme Sunny Days threw the manticores as if they were mere kittens!” The stuffed animals darted away from her like magnets repelling like poles, while the filly stood on her hind legs as if she had just burst free of chains. Suddenly unsupported, she fell over backwards laughing uproariously. Cheerilee walked into the bedroom just then and let her saddlebags fall at the door. She walked over to the bed and plopped down on it, sending Sunny into the air with the bounce. Trixie leaned over and kissed the plainly exhausted teacher. “Rough day?” Cheerilee just groaned and buried her face into the bedding. Sunny walked over to her and hugged her head with a great smile. “Mmm, Mommy...” All of a sudden, Cheerilee rolled over onto her back and grabbed Sunny up in her hooves. She held the filly close, and a beatific expression came over her face. “Oh, I've been waiting for this aaalll day. You been good for Mama, Sunshine?” “She's been a delight, like always. Exhausting, but a delight, nonetheless,” Trixie replied. “Luckily, around lunchtime, our neighbor came over to borrow some sugar, and she helped me watch her. She even offered to make a portrait of her at a reasonable price, too.” Cheerilee held Sunny up so she could look at her first born. Like always, a smile crept over her as she beheld her daughter. “I think that's a wonderful idea. How many prints, though? All the grandparents will want one for themselves.” Trixie put a hoof to her chin in mock thought. “For a painting? I imagine the price was for just the one.” “Oh, a painting! I hadn't even considered that!” She cooed at Sunny in a babyish voice, “You hear that, Sunshine! You're going to be immortalized in paint!” Without taking her eyes from her foal, she asked, “I take it Twi's not back yet from her research trip?” “Well, she did say that she would likely miss dinner, so we should go ahead without her, Trixie replied Fighting back a massive yawn, Cheerilee ventured to ask, “I don't suppose you have it made and ready to go, do you?” Trixie grinned at her fellow herd-wife's laziness. “As a matter of fact, it is.” She couldn't help but laugh at Cheerilee's double-take. “Tomato soup has been stewing for a couple of hours now, and I was waiting for you to get home to start on the grilled cheese and daisy sandwiches.” “Homemade soup?” “The only one I know how to make,” Trixie grinned. A loud crash followed by the sound of something shattering broke the tranquility, and the mares ran out of the room, to find Spike standing over a picture frame that had been hanging on the wall. He held up his paws and said, “Don't look at me. I was in my room in the basement. I found it like this too.” Trixie picked up the picture with her magic, catching the broken glass falling from it. “Well, be a dear and fetch the broom and dustpan, then. We'll need to clean this up before anypony steps on it, Spike.” While the dragon ran off to get the requested items, Trixie turned the picture so she could see which one it was. Spitfire's grinning face stared back at her as she held up a trophy. “Well, at least the photo appears undamaged.” Cheerilee felt a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach as she thought about all the superstitions associated with falling pictures, but mostly about the supposed connection of the even with the health of the person in the picture. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Looking back at her formation, Spitfire smiled in satisfaction. To think that it only took a week for them to shape up. She snorted to herself derisively. Just the fact that we even needed time to shake down into a proper fighting force says a lot about how complacent we've gotten. When we get back, I'm going to suggest to the Princess we implement stricter training regimens across the board. We are far from ready to take on a hostile nation, superior numbers or not. Banking to the right, she steered her flight of Wonderbolts on a course that would allow them to circle around a mountain in the distance. She dared not spare a glance at the clouds above her, where her security detail trailed them. They all knew they were there, but did their best to ignore them, especially Fireflash. Her pride was hardest hit by their antics during training sessions, and it seemed like she was taking it personally. If she doesn't straighten up, I'm going to have to transfer her out. She's a good soldier, but has far too much pride for a good Wonderbolt. A flash of light from the corner of her eye caught Spitfire's attention, and she looked back to see Soarin' breaking formation to pull even with her. “What is it?” Soarin' jerked his head backwards, saying, “I think I saw something back there. I think it was a pony in the forest.” “A pony?” Spitfire cried out. “All the ponies on the border towns have been cleared away from the border, haven't they?” Soarin' shrugged as best he could while flying. “So we've been told. Could be that some didn't get the message, or it's some foals out on a lark.” Spitfire considered for a moment before saying, “We better go see what's up. It could be somepony in trouble.” Her second nodded, and they performed a wingover, sacrificing altitude so that they could make a tighter turn. Soarin' pointed at a patch of less dense foliage, and she nodded. “Keep your wing aloft and alert. I'll take mine in.” The Captain circled the patch before heading in, her wingmates following, and noted that there was indeed something unusual down there. A flash of white as well as dark blue, both vaguely pony-shaped was easily seen, so she tightened her downward spiral, braking as she did. The closer she got, the more distinct the shapes became. Definitely a pony or two down there. I wonder what they're doing out here? They had to fly through the forest canopy, breaking branches as they did. She landed with her five wingmates on a narrow game trail, uniforms bearing tiny rips and tears from the trip. Spitfire looked back at them, and pointed at them, then her eyes. Using her ears in a series of complex motions, she indicated that the two last ponies of her wing take cover in the bushes. Silent as the night, they obeyed and slipped into the shrubbery on either side of the trail. Satisfied, she led the way down the trail towards the shapes she had seen earlier. The trail widened a little, and she saw a small, white filly, her hind leg trapped under a broken branch, and a dark blue stallion, lying unconscious nearby. The little filly was crying, obviously in pain and scared, but still Spitfire approached cautiously. “Hey there, it's okay, Little One. We're here to help,” she said in her most calming voice. The filly looked up at her, allowing the Wonderbolts to see the bruises and cuts that covered her. “Run, Lady!” she shouted just as Spitfire was within reach. Immediately, the forest came alive and attacked the pegasi. At least, that's what it felt like to them. Eight griffons threw aside the magical cloaks they had been using to hide, and leaped into action. Three ebon-feathered griffons leaped at Spitfire, while one went for each of the rest of her wing. Scaryx swiped at Spitfire, but she easily dodged the clumsy attack, but it put her within reach of one of his partners, and he managed to snap his beak onto her tail, and with a jerk of his head, flung her into a tree. She fell to the ground, breath knocked from her, but she still landed on her hooves, and kicked off to rocket back at her assailant. Above the trees, Soarin' was about to call for his wing to dive in to support their fellow Wonderbolts, but was surprised when another six griffons dived down from the clouds where they had lain in hiding. He suddenly found himself fighting to return to the fighting formation they had left to assume lookout. He didn't have to tell them to return, and smiled as they jinked and dived in an effort form up on him. The smile was short-lived as he felt a claw gouge deeply into his flank, right where his cutie mark lay. Back on the ground, Spitfire's team was having a bad time of it. Already, the two who had gone into the bushes for a flanking maneuver had been taken down from behind. They were left unconscious as their attackers leaped into the fray to assist their brethren against the pegasi. Spitfire somersaulted off the chest of the griffon into which she had plowed, landing hoof first against the trunk of a tree, and used it to propel herself at another. However, Scaryx took her by surprise this time, swiping at her wing as she passed him, taking most of her secondary flight feathers, and scraping the limb itself. Hissing in pain, she spiraled out of control and plowed face first into the ground, digging a furrow as she did. The pegasus fought through the pain, and used her forward momentum to flip herself upright, landing on her hooves, but not without a stagger. The goggles had been torn off during the skid, and blood from a scrape on her forehead dripped into her eye, effectively blinding it. Spitfire saw that despite taking down one of the three griffons that initially went after her, another had replaced the fallen, leaving her with the same number of attackers. Pawing at the ground aggressively, she snorted and lowered her head. Soarin' flew for all his worth, but just could not shake his pursuer. It was not until Fireflash plowed into the griffon from above that he was able to do something other than run. He looped around and returned the favor, taking the one pursuing her out of the sky. With the breathing space to do so, He looked around and smiled as he saw a brown flash dive into the foliage below, and a similar lilac streak heading back towards the Euryale. Spitfire bucked the griffon to her right and smiled as she heard the breath whoosh out from his lungs. A high-pitched squeal of terror caught her attention, and she turned to see a griffon standing over the filly, claw raised to strike. “NO!” she cried and zipped over as fast as she could, despite the wounded wing. Scaryx was waiting for this however, and tackled her to the ground just short of her goal. They rolled until coming to a stop, the griffon on top. He immediately began clawing and snapping at his smaller opponent, but Spitfire wasn't going down easy. She bucked at his abdomen, eliciting painful grunts from him and felt a definite SNAP behind at least one of her kicks, but he let out a real scream when she bit down on a talon, not letting go; even when he started wildly pummeling and scratching her face with his free forepaw. The weight on her chest was suddenly lifted, and Spitfire looked to her left to see the black griffon tangled up in a pile with Limnear. They moved too fast for her addled mind to pick out, and they sounded like a flock of eagles were put in a sack of cats, then thrown into a river; but she could tell that Limnear definitely had the upper hoof- er, paw. The griffoness clawed at Scaryx with wild abandon, as if one of her own cubs were being threatened. The larger male griffon was so taken by surprise at her attack, that it took him almost a full second to fight back; a second that he didn't have to waste. By that time, Limnear had gouged open his belly with her hind paw, narrowly missing ripping his penis sheath apart as well, and bit down on a foreleg, breaking it, and nearly snapping it off. Scaryx knew he was overmatched, and rabbit kicked Limnear in the gut, sending her sprawling to the forest floor. He scrambled to his legs and sprinted towards the undergrowth, shouting in Griffish, “” Immediately, all the attacking griffons flew off in different directions, leaving behind confused and wounded pegasi. Limnear ran over to Spitfire, and sniffed at the bleeding mare. Her uniform was shredded, and there was so much blood on her face, it was difficult to tell just where she was wounded. One eye was completely swollen shut, and several teeth were missing; and it was self-evident that her body had suffered as well. The Wonderbolt captain spat out the talon in her mouth, looked up at her and croaked out, “Is... the filly... safe?” Limnear glanced over to the crying filly and the prone stallion, but from this distance, it was difficult to tell anything. “She's fine Captain. Just hold on, help is on the way. Got my fastest flyer dispatched for reinforcements.” Coughing up a gout of blood, Spitfire replied, “Good. Knew I could count on you and Soarin'... so... 'pendable...” Suddenly, she eyes shifted like she was looking past the griffon and she smiled, reaching out a hoof. “Twi...” Limnear looked behind herself, but saw nothing. When she turned back, she saw that the pegasus had closed her eyes, and despite all her urging, would not open them. > Danger Zone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 23: Danger Zone A feeling of dread settled over Blueblood and Rugged Peak the moment they laid eyes on the house. Situated as it was in the woods far away from the small town, it was no wonder that nopony had heard the commotion that had obviously occurred here. The tiny house- more of a shack, really- had definitely seen better days. Not a single window remained unbroken, shingles were missing from the roof, and most telling of all, the front door dangled loosely from a single bent hinge. A closer examination of the building was even more unsettling. Furniture lay overturned and broken, and the remains of a meal- most likely breakfast, going by the smell of spoiled oatmeal- was scattered across the rough, wooden floor. Blueblood silently cursed to himself as he picked up a pony doll from the floor. “Blast...” “Blimey.” Rugged Peak agreed. “How often do these two come into town?” Blueblood asked of his partner. The pegasus sighed. “Every couple'a weeks,” she replied. “They don' talk much; just get their supplies an' scarper. Bloody 'ay! 'Is daughter's only six! When I find out 'oo did this, I'm gonna beat seven shades of shite outta 'em!” Blueblood bent over the broken remains of a bed and asked, “Do they often have dealings with griffons?” “'E'd sooner peel back 'is own eyelids with 'is teeth. T'was them what ran 'im and 'is wife off of their first 'ome,” Rugged Peak answered. “Then I think we have our first clue,” Blueblood said as he turned around holding up a large black feather in his magic. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Scaryx hissed as his wounded leg touched the ground for but an instant; an instant that felt like an eternity of pain that almost sent him rolling on the ground howling. It took a supreme effort of will to not mewl like a newly hatched cub, but he managed it... barely. The team's medic, Orphelia came alongside him and tried to examine the many wounds he had received in this latest battle, but he waved her off. “Not now. I can't afford to look weak in front of the meat. Twelve thousand high quality gems is a lot to lose just because the client decided he didn't need to pay.” Morox came up beside him and said, “If he's stupid enough to try it, we'll just take it from him.” “Idiot! This is why you'll never be a leader,” Scaryx replied with a snarl. “He won't be stupid enough to bring it with him. Smart ones like him work by drops. Kill him and we never will find it, look too weak, and he reneges.” He turned to Orphelia and said, “Just wipe up the blood, and wrap my missing talon. I can shrug off the rest long enough to meet with him.” The ebon griffoness nodded and did as ordered. She had just finished and was tending to the rest of the wounded griffons when the cloaked pony entered the glade. He took in the scene set before him of wounded and winded assassins and nodded. He trotted over to Scaryx, totally unafraid. Stopping before him, he said, “It appears they gave as good as they got. Is it safe to presume the deed is done?” Scaryx shrugged nonchalantly and almost winced at the pain this simple action caused his abdomen. “Enh. We fought worse. And yeah, she's down. Maybe not for good, but it will be a long time before she causes any trouble.” A wry smile appeared on Backtalk's face. “Indeed. I suppose you'll be wanting the balance of your payment now?” A nod from Scaryx answered him. “Then by all means, let payment be given.” Without warning, the forest was alive with ponies. Pegasi dived in from above, while earth ponies and unicorns charged from the surrounding foliage. The glade was suddenly a cacophony of action as the griffons fought for their very survival against ponies armed with weapons and magic. Scaryx himself fell to Backtalk's bolt of force, which took him right between the eyes, stunning the tough griffon. The second bolt made sure he would never rise again. Wounded as they were and outnumbered, the griffons never stood a real chance against a fresh force. Several ponies fell to them, but the ending was never really in question. They were as wheat before the thresher. Treachery complete, Backtalk looked around the bloody field, noting that the carrion birds were already circling, waiting for the larger ponies to move on so they could begin their banquet. Nodding, he said, “Well done, everypony. Let's hide the bodies, then get back to the ranch and celebrate! There's a dozen barrels of cider with our names on them!” A cheer met this proclamation, and he couldn't help but smirk. And then I'll have to get started on your graves. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Each broad sweep of her wings brought her a little closer to her goal, but it just wasn't fast enough. Each second that ticked by another shuddering breath or wheeze could be heard from the wounded ponies on the cloud she was pushing. Limnear looked up and wanted to leap for joy at the sight of the reinforcements winging over to the flight of pegasi and one griffon. Cloudchaser was the first to meet up with them and gasped in horror at the bloody mess on the cloud. A medic pegasus landed on the cloud and didn't even ask what had happened, instead going to work straightaway. Limnear could tell from the grim expression on his face that it wasn't good. She knew that many of the wounded would need a lot of recovery time, and some might never recover. Upon landing on the airship, the wounded ponies were carted off to the medical bay. One of the medics tried to see to her wounds, but she waved him off. “Go on. There's others much worse off than me. Just leave me some bandages, and help the doctors.” He seemed unsure, but she shooed him away. Unfortunately, she wasn't alone long enough to even catch her breath when a familiar flag lieutenant came up to her and saluted. “The admiral requests your presence at your earliest convenience, Ma'am.” Limnear returned his salute with a wince and followed him to the Admiral's quarters. Inside, she found the pegasus seated behind her desk and came to attention. “You wanted to see me, Admiral?” Honor returned the salute. “At ease. I wanted to hear directly from you just what happened out there, and whether or not we should be finding ourselves a bunker to hide from a certain unicorn's wrath.” Carefully sitting on the floor, the griffoness related the events leading up to their unceremonious return. “After that, they fled into the forest. With so many wounded, I felt it better to let them go in favor of getting as many ponies home as possible, so I commandeered the rest of the pegasi to make a cloud stretcher for the wounded and we returned to the ship. If you want to reprimand anyone for that, I'll accept full blame, but I knew that we needed to get the Captain back A.S.A.P.” The pegasus nodded. “I suppose it was the right thing to do in the long run, but for now, we still have to deal with a pack of assassins from an ostensibly hostile nation running loose within our borders.” She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “This is going to be a nightmare to work through...” “If it helps at all, I know who it was that attacked us, Ma'am,” Limnear said with a grin. Honor sat up and leaned forward menacingly, forgetting that the griffon was actually the same size as her. “What? Why didn't you say so sooner?” she yelled. Limnear gave her a lopsided grin. “I wanted to give you the good news last. Hopefully it's give you a better outlook on the day.” She saw Honor twirling her hoof to urge her on, and she smiled. “His name was Jettar, but he changed it to Scaryx after he left the Royal Griffonian Air Wing. Seems he was making a living selling his services on the side. “As you may have heard, such a thing is not all that unusual in our nation. I myself, have done so to Equestria many times in the past, but Jettar always had a passion for the finer things in life, and found that mercenaries get paid much more handsomely than military personnel, not to mention that his 'official' job was putting a crimp on the offers he could take from his sideline. Long story short, he left to pursue a life as a mercenary, and one of the better paid from what I've heard.” Honor's lip curled in disgust. “Mercenaries. Soldiers I can deal with, since they more often than not have a sense of duty that I can respect, but pure mercenaries?” She shook her head and looked back at the griffoness before her. “Do you know how to find him? We need to track him down and find out who hired him before this becomes an international incident, and blows up in our faces.” “Offpaw, I couldn't tell you where to find him, but I'll do some recon. I believe he has a base of operations here in Equestria, since each border crossing increases the chance of being discovered, he'll want to limit those as much as possible.” She rose to her feet and saluted again. “I'll leave Cloudchaser here to watch over Captain Spitfire while I'm out searching. See that she's given all due access to her at all times.” Rising to her hooves as well, Honor replied, “Take a squadron of Wonderbolts with you for backup.” Limnear shook her head. “I'll move faster alone. Besides, they'll be needed here since I'm sure a few of them will be down for some time.” With a final salute, she dismissed herself and made her way down to the medical bay. She had to shoulder past more than a few ponies who crowded the hallway. In frustration, she growled at them, “Don't you all have duties to attend to?” This cleared the way, allowing her to get into the bay. Inside, she found Soarin' and Cloudchaser waiting outside the lone surgery room. “How bad is it?” “Bad enough that they had to take her in there,” Soarin' replied gruffly as he casually pointed towards the door. “Can't get a word out of any of them. You'd swear that they're the best spies in Equestria with how tight-lipped they are.” Limnear chewed on her tongue as she considered her options for a few moments. Finally coming to a decision, she said, “I'm chasing down the mercs who did this. Cloudchaser, you are not to leave Spitfire's side for any reason until I or PS show up. You hear me? For any reason. If she needs to take a leak, you hold up her hospital gown.” The terrified pegasus nodded, satisfying her. “I'm going with you,” Soarin' said. “No, you're staying here and leading the team in the Captain's absence.” She saw him bristle at her command, and tried a new tack. “Which do you think she would want from you right now, chasing down some wounded mercs, or leading the team that she had worked so hard to put together?” Soarin' was undeterred, however. “So I'll bring the team with us.” “And then you land them all in the brig for abandoning your post in wartime. Think, Soarin'! I know you have a brain rattling around in there somewhere, so use it!” Though some of the aggressiveness went out of his stance, he didn't back down. “Look, I know you want to get back for your own, but you have responsibilities here. Mine is catching the mercs before whoever hired them takes them out as a liability to whatever plan they have going, and finding out just who pulled the trigger, before he can destroy the weapon.” The stallion's face looked like he had just swallowed a mouthful of lemon juice, but he nodded. “If you need us, we'll be right here, waiting for the word.” Limnear smiled at him sadly, and put forepaw on his withers. “I'm counting on it.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) She studied the torc under the heaviest magical magnification possible, but could not see anything useful. As far as she could tell, it was a simple gold band of metal and jewels that looked pretty, that happened to have some minor enchantments placed upon it. Disgusted with her lack of progress, Twilight took the magical jeweler's loupe from around her face, and wiped the sweat from her brow with a sigh before replacing her glasses. “Problem?” Twilight turned to see Nyx standing at the door to her magical experiments room within the library. Turning her attention back to the torc, She shook her head. “It just doesn't have the oomph needed to see what I postulated. This magical artifact is just too powerful. Are you sure it's within the power range I asked for?” Nyx walked over to the workbench and peered over the unicorn's shoulder; a feat easily accomplished as she was currently the same approximate size as Celestia. “You checked yourself, Twilight. You would know as well as I that it falls within the accepted range.” A unicorn head plopped down onto the table with a THUD. “I just don't get it. Splitting this into two equally magical artifacts should be simple enough for me, but trying to see into it's magical matrix so I can is like trying to eat with two ten-hoof long poles. I've done this before, but now...” She turned her head to look up at Nyx without lifting it from the table and asked, “This was really made using the same sort of magic as the Elements of Harmony?” Picking up the neck decoration, Nyx turned it over in her paw examining it, even though she already knew every detail on it. “Even made by the same person. Granted, she was an incredibly magical being, but you have at least much magical knowledge as she did.” Twilight reached for the torc, saying, “Well, let me try-” As she touched it, a spark of energy flowed from sphinx to torc, to unicorn and back again, enveloping both beings in a field of electricity that exploded in a great burst of light sending both flying off in opposite directions. The room was filled with a noxious, blue smoke. Nyx sat up on her haunches, groaning from the pain. “Ugh... what-” Some of the smoke cleared, and the sphinx saw a lilac alicorn laying slumped against the opposite wall and started in shock. “T... Twilight?” The alicorn before her wavered and a dizzy spell overtook her, almost making her vomit, but she shook it away and looked again. The alicorn was gone, replaced by the smaller, yet very similar unicorn. A unicorn that wasn't moving. Nyx scrambled over to her, screaming her name. “TWILIGHT! SPEAK TO ME! TWILIGHT!” Onyx barged in through the broken door, shouting, “NYX! WHAT HAPPENED!” Turning to her assistant, she yelled, “Send Kat to Celestia! Tell her there's been a terrible accident and we need healers here now!” She looked down again at Twilight, who still hadn't moved and tears started to pour from her eyes. Her lion's paws morphed into human-like appendages and she cradled the unicorn to her like a child as she rushed up the stairs to her bedroom to lay her down. Casting a minor enchantment upon herself, she examined her to find that she was indeed breathing, though very shallowly. No internal injuries were apparent, but she was totally unresponsive to outer stimuli. Celestia burst into the room, glowing like the noonday sun herself, and immediately went to Twilight's side, nearly pushing Nyx out of the way in the process. One glance told her what she feared. She turned her fury towards the sphinx and roared, ”WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER? WHY IS HER SOUL MISSING?” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight looked around in confusion. “Where am I? What is this place?” A gray mist suffused everything, making it appear like she had walked into an especially dense fog bank. Looking down, she could see that she was not standing on anything at all, but her experiences with cloudwalking magic at least made this seem somewhat familiar. A tightness around her neck caught her attention, and she brought a foreleg to find the torc she had been examining on it. Quirking an eyebrow in confusion, she tried to examine it more closely and despite the bad angle, she saw that it was indeed the same magical artifact, and that's when things began clicking into place. Looking around in wonder once again, she finally recognized it. “Of course! This must be the Astral Realm!” A sudden, icy fear gripped her heart, and she looked down to her belly. Concentrating hard, she saw the tiny, still-forming life squirming around, and she breathed a little easier. “Let's just hope there's no adverse effects for you, little one,” she said quietly, patting the not even noticeable bulge. She could feel the love for her emanating from the small life, and knew that she could feel the same from her. Looking around, she realized that she was completely lost, yet she didn't panic. “Keep it together, Sparkle. Just follow the silver thread back to your body and we'll be-” She turned to look for the silver thread all Astral travelers used to connect them to their bodies, but couldn't find one. A nervous chuckle worked its way up from her throat, which quickly turned into a nervous laugh. Twilight slapped herself, the pain bringing herself back to her senses. “Okay, let's think about this logically. One: we're lost in the Astral with no silver thread to follow back. Two: I can't use much magic on myself without hurting the foal in me. Three...” A strange clicking sound to her right caught her attention, and she lowered her voice to barely above a whisper. “Three: there's something out there...” Instead of walking or running, Twilight used the strength of her mind to push herself away from the noise; slowly at first, but with increasing speed as the clicking grew louder and followed her. What started out as sneaking away, was soon turned into a full-blown flight for life as Twilight fled with all due speed. Shadowy forms within the mist let her know that she had stumbled upon a pack of thought eaters; creatures that feasted on the minds of travelers unlucky enough to cross their paths. They appeared to be flying platypus skeletons, but were reputed to be among the most dangerous creatures known to spell casters. A great pressure built up behind Twilight's eyes, alerting her to the presence of an incredibly strong mental presence approaching. The thought eaters behind her paused for a moment before retreating back the way they came. The pressure became unbearable the closer it approached, but Twilight kept her wits about her. The mist before her grew darker and darker until a massive wall of gold bumped into her, causing her to bounce back several hooves. Twilight came to a stop and placed a protective hoof over her belly to shield her child, and got ready to cast whatever magics she'd need to escape the situation. Her eyes focused on the gold wall, and she noted that they appeared to be... Scales? Looking up, she saw a lean, pointed head easily the size of her library. A blue eye blinked at her, and a familiar voice said, “Twilight?” The mare's mind raced until she could finally place the voice. “Sal?” She would have recognized her sooner, but the dragon's voice was much deeper than she had ever heard it before. A wash of magical energies pushed away the fog, allowing Twilight to see Salanshandaraen floating before her; or at least, the front half of her, since the rest of her massive bulk was still shrouded in the astral fog. She noted that she was also missing a silver thread. The dragon shrunk herself down until she was just a little larger than Celestia. “What are you doing out here? This part of the Astral is incredibly dangerous, especially for ponies from your world.” “I... I'm not entirely sure,” she replied nervously. “I was in Nyx's library doing some research, and when we both touched this torc,” she gestured towards the piece of jewelry, “and the next thing I know, I'm here. I'm not even sure where in the Astral we are, and I seem to have misplaced my silver thread.” The dragon bent her head down to examine the torc, her eyes suddenly blazing with a golden light. “Hmm... Yes, now I recognize that. It was made by y- a talented magic-user a long time ago. It was designed to protect it's wearer in hostile planar environments.” Twilight nodded as she looked at it. “I know, but why did it send me here? That's not even been designed into it.” “I suspect that this is the last place it was used. Somehow, it reacted to your magical aura as well as Nyx's using them to bring you here.” Salanshandaraen tapped a claw to her chin thoughtfully. “The question then becomes, why?” “What's special about this part of the Astral?” Twilight asked. Sal looked around and said, “Well, this is one of the few nexuses on the plane that allows almost instantaneous access to any other part of the plane.” Twilight looked around in wonder. “You mean that if I go to the right spot, I'll be instantly taken to any other part of the Astral? I... I thought that was just a theory; untested.” With a wide smirk, Sal replied, “Oh, I can assure you that it is indeed very much fact. I use them all the time. I've come to rely pretty heavily on them in my work.” “But why-” Twilight's question was interrupted by a mental tug she felt pulling her away from her dragon companion. She started to drift away from her, and had to exert energy to stay still. “Um, this nexus, does it tend to pull you towards it?” Sal flapped her wings once, landing herself closer to Twilight again. “Only when you have a clear destination in mind. Do you have one?” With a panicked shake of her head, Twilight answered, “No! I don't know why I'm feeling this tug.” The dragon used a claw as long as a dagger to gently prod her belly. “Then perhaps this little one does?” Twilight looked down and concentrated again to see that the foal had reoriented herself so that it looked like she was trying to go in the direction of the pull. “But... how? She can't even have any concept of what's going on! Why would she have a place to be when she can't even understand that there are places to be?” “There are more reasons to be in a place than the location itself,” Sal replied smugly. “I think that perhaps there's someone there she wants to be near.” An icicle of fear stabbed through Twilight's heart, and she gasped. “Spitfire!” Without further ado, the unicorn used the power of her vast mind to move faster through the Astral than she ever had before. Using the tugs she felt from the nexus as a navigator, she flew through the fog at speeds inadvisable for anything but a towering intellect. Feeling a familiar pressure, she looked to her left and spied her dragon companion gamely keeping pace with her. “I'd better watch over you until you return. You're in no shape to take on anything out here with your foal still in it's crucial development stages.” “Thank you,” Twilight replied, nearly loosing a tear in the process. They flew on in silence until they came out of the fog bank into a great, open space. Before them, loomed a vortex of swirling gray clouds, converging on a hazy, dark spot. “Is that it?” Twilight asked in a low gasp. The golden dragon nodded grimly. “Yes. I must warn you, many lives have been lost to these nexuses. The trip will not be easy, nor will it be pleasant. It is quite... painful. If you want to find another way, if only to protect your child from this, I'll understand.” Twilight considered for a moment, also noting how the pull was now so strong that even maintaining station was becoming difficult. “Do you have a way to get wherever it was my filly was taking me?” “Well, if I cast the right spell, I can easily know just where she was headed, and while it won't be instantaneous, here in the Astral, I'm the next best thing to it,” Sal replied. She tilted her head to the side and asked, “Shall we?” With a nod, Twilight agreed. “Let's, but we'll have to be quick about it. I've been worried about poor Spitfire since she was deployed, and if our filly is seeking her out, I fear the worst.” Salanshandaraen closed her eyes briefly before opening them again, only this time they glowed with a bright golden light again. Looking around, she nodded. “Alright. I see the spot we need to go. Let me assume my full size, and we'll be on our way.” Without even waiting for a response, she released the shrinking spell she had cast on herself. Twilight floated there in shock as her entire world was suddenly encompassed with a single dragon. She was easily larger than the entire Canterlot palace, and her pearlescent wings could surround all of Ponyville with no difficulty. Iron bands of muscle rippled under scales as large as a barn door contrasted with the plush softness of her wing's feathers that seemed to radiate their own diffuse glow. Salanshandaraen gently scooped up Twilight in one titanic paw and held her close to her chest. ”Hold on,” she sent telepathically, ”this is going to be disorienting.” Bypassing the nexus entirely, they flew past and were out of sight of it before Twilight could even blink. Twilight forced her head out from between claws as big around as grown oak trees, and felt a thrill of excitement at seeing how fast they were going. In the span of three breaths, the dragon came to a halt and released her. They looked around and saw that they were surrounded by the gray shady reflections of living beings in the physical world. Sal shrunk down to more manageable proportions again and tapped Twilight's shoulder with a talon. “Twilight?” The unicorn looked up at her, and the dragon pointed down at her hoof. “I think you should follow that.” Looking down at her hoof, Twilight saw a tiny red thread leading away from her left forehoof. “What the?” She picked up her hoof and examined it closely. The red thread just sort of seemed to appear out of the air from many smaller threads near her hoof before leading away. “What is this?” “Among my people, it's called Gurock Nocali. Loosely translated, it means-” “Thread of Fate?” Twilight finished. The dragon smiled down at her and nodded. “I keep forgetting that you know ancient Draconic. But yes, it signifies that your fate is intertwined with that of another. Most times, you never see them, even here on the Astral, but when you're especially close to the other end, it becomes visible.” Looking closely at the thread, Twilight replied, “So if we follow this, it will lead us to wherever my foal was taking us?” A nod was her answer, and she wasted no more time in following the thread. After several minutes of flying, they came to a gathering of shades, one of which she recognized immediately. “Spitfire!” She ran up to the wavering, reclining image of her herd-wife and tried to touch her, but her hoof went right through her. A weary-looking Spitfire gazed up at her and smiled. ”Twi... you brought our filly.” “What happened to you? Are you all right?” Twilight asked in a panicked tone. With a serene smile, the pegasus replied, “I was wounded, Twi. Pretty badly. I don't know if the doctors here can help...” Twilight looked over to Sal with tears in her eyes. “Is there anything we can do for her? Anything at all?” Sal's eyes glowed again and she said, “Yes, I can help her, but there is something I need for you to do for me; something that you can't do right now, but I'll remind you of this when it's time. It's nothing to which you would normally object, but I just need... reassurance that when the time comes, you won't hesitate.” “Anything! I'll do anything for her!” Salanshandaraen leaned down and gently kissed her forehead. “I knew I could depend on you, Twilight. I just needed the peace of mind this promise brings me. Honestly, I wouldn't have even held you to it.” With that, she turned to the floating pegasus and held out her forepaws. A diffuse golden glow surrounded both pony and dragon. Beatific expressions of joy spread across their faces, and Spitfire's wavering form slowly faded until it resembled those of the others around it. Her working complete, she simply said, “It is done.” “She'll be okay?” Twilight asked with a nervous quaver. Sal smiled down at Spitfire's shadowy reflection. “She'll be fine. Now let's see about getting you back to your body, shall we?” she said, looking down at her side, but found that Twilight was no longer there. "Huh. Convenient." > My Sacrifice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 24: My Sacrifice It's far too pleasant a day to be finding things like this. Limnear sighed and shook her head in disgust. This makes the third fresh, unmarked grave, and there's no telling how many are here. What surprised her was the pegasus stallion she found with the three griffons in this particular plot. The sound of a sword being drawn drew her attention away from the gruesome sight of the overstuffed grave, and towards the two ponies that faced her with bared weapons, one a unicorn dressed in the armor of a Frontier Guardspony, and the other a pegasus mare missing a wing. “State your name and business, griffon,” the unicorn said gruffly. Moving slowly, and deliberately, Limnear pulled a badge of office from her wing and tossed it at their hooves. “The name's Limnear. I'm investigating the attack these griffons made on an important pony. I'm trying to find out who hired them. Seems I'm too late for that, as they've already been silenced.” The stallion picked up the badge with his magic and examined it carefully. His eyes widened in surprise as he found it to be authentic. “You're in a dangerous position, working for a nation hostile to your homeland.” Limnear shrugged her shoulders. “Meh. It makes it more interesting. And what brings you here, Your Lordships?” Blueblood arched an eyebrow at her. “Since further introductions are obviously not in order, I suppose we can get on to the important bits. We're looking for a missing stallion and his daughter, both earth ponies,” Blueblood replied. He sheathed his sword as he walked over to her and returned her badge. “I hope you didn't find them in one of these, did you?” Shaking her head, Limnear replied, “Actually, we rescued a pair of ponies matching that description. They're back on the Euryale right now, being tended to. Seems they were a little banged up, but should be fine. There is a pony here in this grave though. Do you recognize him?” Blueblood peered over the edge of the hole. “No, can't say he looks familiar to me. “What about you, Rugged?” Rugged Peak cautiously walked over, keeping her eye on the griffoness. She took a quick peek, then returned her gaze to Limnear. “Aye, I do. That there's Jackknife, a berk from Barnmouth 'oo always 'ad more brass than brains. 'Ow'd 'ee get 'ere?” Limnear sat down near the edge o the hole, keeping her eyes on the one-winged pegasus before her. “Near as I can figure, he attacked the group that attacked the pony I'm protecting, and got killed.” “Bandits robbing bandits?” Blueblood suggested. “Doubtful,” replied Limnear. “Bandits wouldn't have left valuables behind, and some of these griffons still have small things of value like rings or piercings.” “Then what do you think 'appened?” Rugged Peak asked, suspicion clear in her tone. Smirking at the mare, Limnear cocked an eyebrow at her. “My working theory so far is that the assassins were assassinated.” Blueblood looked around as if he was about to be attacked out of simple fear of the word. “Assassins?” “It's fairly smart if you think about it. Hire some assassins to kill your target, then hire some goons to kill the assassins, leaving no trace to you,” Limnear replied with a nod. “That's daft!” Rugged Peak interjected. “Don't that mean the goons are in danger of being offed, too when they least expect it?” Limnear shrugged again. “Entirely possible. As we speak, all evidence leading us back to the one who hired these assassins could be in the process of being destroyed while we play in the dirt here.” “Then why aren't we out tracking them down before that happens?” Blueblood shouted. “Hey, if you got a lead, I'm more than willing to follow it, Captain,” Limnear calmly replied. “I'm not sitting on my duff because I want to, you know.” “I have a lead,” Rugged Peak said. They looked to her and she continued, “This 'ere berk liked to 'ang out with 'is mates at a sugar beet farm just a couple of kilotrots outside o'Barnmouth. I've 'ad to go out there a few times to bust some 'eads when they got too rowdy.” Limnear sat up and brushed off her rump with her tail. “Then by all means, let's go see this ranch. Maybe we can catch the employer red hoofed.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) In a place known to few, and tread by fewer still, six entities met and conversed. Though they did not use anything as crude as words, they understood each other perfectly, for here, there were no misunderstandings, especially among these six. By mutual consensus, they agreed that this would be the last time they would meet like this before parting ways for the final time. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “Twilight, please reconsider! You don't even know if this will work! Our tests were inconclusive at best!” Princess Twilight turned to regard her lover and confidant. She smiled sadly and gently traced the sphinx's face with a hoof, though she had to reach up to do so. “Oh, Nyx. It will work. We have every confidence in our own calculations as well as those of our lab assistant. However, t'is just a precaution. We do not think it will come to such desperation.” Nyx placed a paw over the hoof on her cheek and leaned into it. “But an immortal has never done anything like this before! We don't know if you will ever recover from it! There are only three immortals I know of with the powers of creation, and even they couldn't or wouldn't tell me if you would recover from this!” The alicorn tilted her head and smiled. “What dost thy inner eye tell thee?” Nyx looked away with a worried, but frustrated expression. “It... It can't see anything of your future, love. The path you walk is too uncertain.” “But thou hast seen what will happen should We not take action? The death, the misery, the suffering? Should we let that all come to pass for want of assurances that we can never have?” Twilight had meant no malice in her words, but they struck hard all the same, causing Nyx to wince. “I just... I just meant that we could continue working to find another way, one that doesn't include your inevitable death at the claws of a maniac!” Nyx's words started out uncertain, but grew in vehemence as she went on. “Please, Twilight! I don't want to lose you now; not when we finally...” Twilight leaned forward and kissed Nyx, then pressed their foreheads together. “Dear Heart, We do not wish this any more than thou, but action must be taken a'fore the Nightmare consumes the land in shadow and madness. We would not have anyone We love be forced to live under the purview of that monster.” Nyx let loose a sob and asked, “Why do you always have to be the hero?” “If not us, then who? If not now, when?” Twilight asked simply. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Princess Twilight surmounted the ridge and looked out upon the land of Tartarus. What hast that fiend done? This land was once as lush as Equestria! Indeed, the last time she had visited, the sky was clear, the ground covered in greenery and blue water, but now... The alicorn had to remember to flap to keep aloft, she was so shocked by the black, sooty skies, and the blasted, dry land below. Rivers of lava replaced the sparkling clear water, giving everything a bloody, reddish tint, even the scorched and blackened earth. Nude hills and craggy outgrowths emerged from the ground, pointing accusing fingers towards the heavens, which were blocked by a perpetual gray blanket of clouds that rained ash upon the ground like a nightmarish, choking, gray snow. Carefully landing on the charred earth, Twilight coughed a little from the cloud of ash her flapping wings had kicked up. “Malsvirthurkear, what hast thou done?” With a determined glare, she lifted off again and made a beeline for the large volcano spewing a cloud of superheated ash into the air. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Pain. All of existence was aflame. The universe was being torn asunder atom by atom, and it was uncertain if it would ever be put back together. All it could do now was to try to direct some of that pain towards the foe that had forced this to come to pass, and hope that it somehow destroyed them both. It was a farfetched hope, but it was all that it could hope for now. With a grunt, what was left of Princess Twilight, second daughter of Time and Space, focused her considerable will and power into a lens to better channel her pain back into the self-styled tyrant. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight opened her eyes to find Celestia looming over her with a worried expression. “P- Princess?” A movement caught her eye, and she saw an alicorn-sized Nyx standing next to her, looking equally pensive. Seeing her face was all it took for her to call to mind everything she had just remembered. “I-” What she was about to say was interrupted by her Tiara slipping a little and blocking her vision. Without thinking, she adjusted it back, then it occurred to her that she was suddenly wearing her Element of Harmony. “Why am I wearing this?” “It just appeared on you a moment ago while you were sleeping,” Celestia answered, unable to conceal the quaver of fear in her voice. Removing the tiara, Twilight examined it a moment, noting for the first time that it had always felt like hers, ever since she had first laid eyes on it. “I... understand now.” Celestia bit her lip and nervously asked, “You do?” Twilight nodded and continued to examine the tiara in minute detail. “Why I have such a deep connection with the others, my connection with you all, why trouble always seems to follow me, it all makes sense now.” She looked up at Celestia and Nyx and with a calm, even tone, asked, “What I don't understand is why you didn't tell me. Why, 'Tia? Nyx? Why didn't you tell me that I'm just a small part of a much larger whole?” She looked Celestia in the eye and added, “That I'm a part of your sister?” Looking Nyx in the eye, she said, “Or part of your lover?” Neither immortal was able to keep eye contact and looked away, but Celestia was the first to recover enough to answer the eerily calm unicorn. “We- I tried to... reawaken my sister once about twelve hundred years ago by forcing the Bearers to remember. To say it did not go well would be an understatement. I believe that doing so weakened the bindings on the Nightmare, allowing it to take possession of Luna.” Shame burned on her face and felt like a dagger in her heart. “You had already found love by the time I found you,” Nyx blurted out. “I didn't want to impose that upon you. It's... my burden, not yours.” Her face took on a stony appearance, making her next words all the more heart-wrenching. “Besides, as much as you resemble her, you're not my Twilight; not entirely. Though you share many of her interests and personality quirks, you're different enough that I can't help but remember how things used to be and how different they are now. I'm waiting for my Twilight to come back. No other will do, no matter how close the resemblance. I'm... I'm sorry if this offends or hurts you.” Twilight leaned forward so that she could rest a hoof on Nyx's paw. “I've seen how she felt about you, Nyx. There's no way I could blame you for holding out for that again. I think- no, I'm certain that you'll be reunited again someday.” Nyx came forward and rubbed cheeks with her. “Thank you, Twilight. That means so much to me.” Turning to her mentor, Twilight said, “I can't say whether your sister would forgive you or not for what you did to those particular Element Bearers, but I can forgive you for withholding this information from me, 'Tia. Is... is it alright if I call you that? It feels... right.” Celestia smiled and nuzzled her. “I'd love for you to call me that, Twilight.” They smiled at each other for a moment, then Twilight asked, “So, what happens now? I'm not absolutely certain, but I think the others must know what's going on now. I can... feel them right now. There's a palpable sense of... relief among us.” Despite this being Twilight, the most literate pony of her generation, the way she said “relief” almost sounded like she was asking for the right word. Celestia was about to reply, when Nyx cut her off. “Now? You live your life, Twilight.” Celestia and Twilight looked at her in surprise. “You put this aside and let it take care of itself; whatever it takes for you to live your life as you wish.” Twilight tried to protest. “But you all-” “Don't have to live your life; and you should not be expected to live up to standards that aren't your own, however high those might be,” Celestia interrupted. She brushed a stray lock of mane out of the unicorn's eyes and said, “Though I would dearly love to see my sister once more, I would not take away what you have right this moment. You have as much right to live as any other pony, and I cannot fault you for it. Consider this matter closed, and I forbid you from allowing it to color any of your decisions.” Nyx nodded in agreement. “You need to learn to not shoulder the weight of the world when it's not your responsibility or fault.” She nuzzled the hoof still resting on her paw with a sad smile. “Your consideration for others may be one of your most endearing points, but it can also be counted among your faults. We want you to have a long and happy life.” “She's right, Twilight,” Celestia chimed in. “Being immortal gives us a very different perspective on time, and a lifetime, even a very long one can pass us by before we even realize it's happened. Besides,” she added, kissing Twilight on the forehead, “I know my sister will return someday, but until then, I have a unicorn that I love like a daughter right here.” Twilight blushed a deep red and smiled sheepishly. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Shifting around to a more comfortable position, Plain Sight sighed and checked the position of the sun. While it was already well below the treeline, the dwindling light let her know that there was still about another half hour or so of day left. “She better hurry up if she doesn't want to walk home in the dark,” she grumbled to herself. She was contemplating going in to see if she had went home by some other method, but was shocked to see Celestia walk out of the library's entrance, look around, then head directly for her. The spy rose to her hooves and bowed before her. “Your Highness! What brings you out here?” Celestia smiled gently down at the mare. “I thought I might find you out here, Plain Sight. Your dedication is commendable. I've come out here to tell you that Twilight will be taking another route home. The library in Ponyville has been temporarily been connected to Miss Nyx's, so she has a direct route between them. If you'll come in to see Nyx, she'll give you the ability to use any doorway as a passage to her library so you can follow her there when necessary.” “Wait, why the change in plans, Princess?” Plain Sight asked. “I thought you were going to surprise her with this when her estate is finished being built. What happened?” A sad look overcame the alicorn's face momentarily before she dispelled it with a shake of her head. “It seems there was some sort of incident in the library that gave Twilight access to some knowledge that I had not intended for her to have just yet. This will necessitate the reevaluation of our priorities and plans.” Plain Sight chewed thoughtfully on her lip for a moment. “Does this mean it's a bad time to tell her how I feel?” Her eyes widened, and she hastily added, “Not that I'm only thinking of myself, but I don't want to add to her burden if I can help it.” “I'm afraid so, my Little Pony,” Celestia said, downcast. “That was not the only big event to happen recently. Spitfire was injured in some manner, so Twilight will be projecting all her worries towards these new developments. Adding another will only confuse her right now, and possibly send her over some metaphorical precipice.” The earth pony chuckled and shook her head. “Ain't that just the way? Here I am, all psyched up to tell her so I can get it off my chest, and I have to hold it in for who knows how long.” She pawed at the ground, sending blades of grass flying into the wind. “It'd be funny if it weren't so frustrating.” Celestia wrapped up the distraught mare in a wing and held her close. “Having one's heart so cruelly mistreated by fate is never funny. Perhaps this will hold you until the opportunity presents itself?” She used a hoof to guide Plain Sight's face until their gazes locked. She then bent down and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips, her horn aglow with golden light. Plain Sight blushed furiously, her surprise melting into contentment as she felt a soothing warmth seep into every fiber of her being. All the worry and anxiety that had built up in her chest came undone like a loosened knot, leaving her with a calmness she hadn't felt in years. Ending the spell as she pulled back from the kiss, the Diarch said, “That charm should last you a while. I don't often do this because I'd rather a pony learn to achieve serenity with themselves on their own. It's longer lasting, and more gratifying; however, when one suffers as much as I've seen you do, and are unable to remedy the situation, I can't help but intervene. You understand, right?” Plain Sight put a hoof to her lips in wonderment, then looked Celestia in the eye. “I do.” A chuckle- genuine this time- escaped her lips. “You know what the funny thing is? It had been so long since I felt this way, that I had forgotten what it was like.” She fully turned towards Celestia, and bowed low to the ground, her nose tickled by the grass. “Thank you, Your Highness. I'll treasure this moment and this feeling forever.” Rather than saying anything, Celestia smiled and rubbed her cheek along the smaller mare's. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Farms by their very nature were not usually this quiet at this time of day. Granted, they weren't at their peak hubbub, but usually, there were ponies coming in from a hard day's work, ready to feast on the fruits their labors. This farm however... “It's too quiet,” Limnear whispered to her companions. “Indeed,” agreed Blueblood. “Much as I hate to say it, we're going to have to split up. Miss Limnear, you check out the house while Miss Peak and I take the barn. Give a shout if there's any trouble. No need to take on trouble alone if we don't have to.” “Too right,” Rugged Peak said, nodding her assent. “Let's get these blighters.” With that, they split into two teams and stealthily made their way to their respective destinations. Limnear cautiously approached the house, noting the deathly stillness of it. The small signs of life seemed artificial or hastily abandoned. The clothesline in back was full of freshly laundered sheets and clothes, and bone-dry. The screen door to the back of the house hung open and squeaked as the wind slammed it against the building almost rhythmically. The house itself was in poor repair, with flaking, peeling paint, some of the siding warped from the weathering. The griffoness closed in on the farmhouse, quiet as a house cat. She pushed herself against the wall and peered into the window from the bottom corner. She saw a kitchen set for dinner, with enough spaces at the table for an army. Serving dishes were set out, still steaming, and looked weighty enough to bow even the thick oak table in the middle. But no ponies. An icicle of dread dripped down between Limnear's shoulder blades, making her shiver. Cautiously, she waited until the screen door was blown open again and dashed in, letting it slam behind her. A cursory scan showed her nothing really new or telling about what was going on here. Careful to keep her claws from clicking on the hard, wooden floor, she padded over to the living room, and found her first evidence of foul play. An earth pony mare, couldn't possibly be more than a few years out of her teenage years lay sprawled on the couch, tongue lolling out of her mouth alongside dried flecks of foam. She didn't even have to get close to catch a whiff of the almond-y smell she knew so well from her years of spying. The clink of metal-on-metal surprised the griffoness, causing her to whirl around back towards the kitchen. She was just quick enough to spy one of the cabinet doors closing quietly. She stalked over to it and quickly slammed the door open, revealing a small filly hiding among the pots and pans. As soon as her hiding place was uncovered, she tried to escape, scrambling over the pots, sending them scattering into the kitchen and Limnear's face. Not about to be beaten by a frightened child, Limnear snaked a foreclaw in and snagged the filly. She dragged the squirming and screaming child into her embrace. “Hold on, little one! I'm not here to hurt you! I want to help!” This predictably had no effect on her, and she continued to writhe in her grasp, screaming bloody murder. “Help! Help! Murder! Rape!” A loud whistling like a rocket, followed by a BOOM from outside caused them both to pause, but Limnear was back in action in less than a heartbeat. Still holding onto the filly, she rushed outside and took to the wing in time to see Blueblood's flare spell still descending. She flew over towards the barn and her ad hoc companions at her greatest speed, the filly squealing a deafening scream in her ears the whole time. She arrived at the front of the open barn to find Rugged Peak bleeding on the ground with a knife stuck in her flank, but still conscious. The pegasus pointed towards the forest. “'Ee went over there! 'Urry! Tha barmy unicorn went after 'em alone!” Limnear thrust the filly at Rugged Peak and dashed off without a word. Finding their path wasn't hard to do, as they appeared to be more concerned with speed rather than concealment. There was an abrupt scream followed by the sound of several magical bolts fired, and finally, a longer, more drawn-out, yet fading scream. Limnear piled on the speed, using her size to burst through the dense underbrush, exploding out of the forest. The trees suddenly stopped, giving way to a cliff. She spotted Blueblood and winged over to him. “What happened?” she asked as she landed. Blueblood pointed to the cliff. She peeked over while he explained. “He suddenly ran out of forest quicker than expected and ran right off the cliff. I was too far behind him to stop his fall.” Indeed, she could see the broken and obviously dead body at the bottom of the canyon. Looking down at the body, her rear paws scratched at the ground as if covering her droppings. “Scat!” She sighed and ran a forepaw through her head feathers. “Alright, head back to the barn. I left a filly that I found with Miss Peak back there. I'll fetch the body and we'll regroup at the house's front porch. Don't go in, and don't let her go in until I can check out the rest of the house for survivors or bodies.” Limnear was stopped by a hoof on her shoulder as she turned to fly down. “There's something you should know.” the stallion said. “Back at the barn...” “Poisoned ponies?” Limnear ventured. Blueblood nodded sadly. “Well over a dozen, if not two. There was a colt, too. Couldn't have been more than fifteen or so.” “I found a mare- most likely the filly's mother- in the house, stinking of almonds,” the griffoness replied. The stallion stomped a hoof angrily. “Roadapples! What kind of monster are we dealing with?” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Cheerilee nudged Trixie beside her on the couch. The unicorn was startled from her book and looked over to her herd-wife in askance. “How long has she been like that?” the teacher asked, gesturing with her head towards the door, where Sunny Days sat quietly. Looking over to the clock on the wall, Trixie replied softly, “About twenty minutes now.” “Call me crazy, but didn't we already put her to bed?” “A half hour ago, Crazy,” Trixie replied with a grin. “She's been sitting there quietly, and not making a mess, so I didn't see the need to press the matter.” Cheerilee bit her lip and asked, “Don't you find it a little... you know... creepy?” Trixie fixed her with a glare that promised violence, and the earth pony tried to explain herself. “I mean, in all the years I've been teaching and just being around foals in general, I've never seen one do... that. At least, not one that wasn't... troubled.” Trixie closed her book and gave the flustered mare a peck on the cheek. “You have to remember that Sunny is... special. In a way, she actually has three biological parents; and there's no telling just what the Princess put into the mix. She's bound to have little... idiosyncrasies.” A grin overtook Cheerilee's face. “You mean like her-” “Yes, just like that,” Trixie interrupted with a grin of her own. Their attention was drawn to Sunny when she suddenly stood, followed an instant later by the door opening and Twilight walking in. Sunny leaped up at her, and a delighted Twilight obliged her by catching the filly in her forelegs. “Hello, my Sunshine!” she cooed to the bubbly filly. “Well, you're home late,” Cheerilee said as she came forward and kissed her. Trixie levitated the mare's saddlebags off of her and set them gently by the door. “Did it go well?” “Better than I had hoped,” Twilight replied with only the barest trace of a smile. Caressing her cheek with a hoof, Trixie asked, “What is it, Love?” It took her a moment to find the words, but eventually, Twilight said, “Spitfire's been hurt. They're sending her home to recuperate for a while.” Before they could ask, she went on. “Physically, she's fine, but it's standard procedure for any seriously wounded soldier to be sent home to convalesce. She'll be arriving by train tomorrow afternoon.” Unable to find any words, Trixie and Cheerilee just moved in and hugged Twilight, who began crying. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “So in all, We were able to rescue the filly as well as an infant we found upstairs in a crib. We weren't able to get much from her; apparently, the assassin was very circumspect. Minister Peak said that she would find them both a good home, so I left them in her care.” Limnear took another deep drink of her glass of water, smiling at Spitfire when she refilled it for her. Looking back at Admiral Herring-Bone, she finished by saying, “So, that's when I headed back. Captain Blueblood said that he'd contact my superior should anything turn up that we need to follow up on, but I don't mind telling you that it's not looking good. Our suspect's face was smashed to pieces by the fall, and his cutie mark was a fairly common one. The only distinguishing thing we found on him was a smashed communications crystal, and even if we repaired that, it wouldn't restore the magic, so it's as good as untraceable.” Honor sighed and turned in her chair to face the large window in her ready room. “I suppose it was a fool's hope to think that we might be able to wrap this up in a neat bow.” She turned back to face Limnear and Spitfire with a wry smile. “At least something good came of this. Spitfire's being sent home to recuperate for four weeks.” Spitfire rolled her eyes and tried not to stress the stitches holding her cheek together by opening her mouth too widely as she spoke. “Gee, thanks BuPers. I hope it didn't break you to give me that much.” “You whine like an air raid siren. Be glad they gave you that much. When I lost my hoof, they threw a bandage over it, gave me a salt tablet, and told me to walk it off,” Honor replied with a smile. “I think it my neglecting to inform them that your bones somehow magically mended that it wasn't half that. In any case, you are still needed up here in the front. After this little stunt gets spread around, you just know that someone's going to use it as grist for their mills.” Spitfire shrugged, then winced at the pain in her shoulder. “Ow! Well, at least I get to go home, even if it's only for a bit. It'll have to do, I suppose.” “Speaking of which, we better get to the train station,” Limnear said, standing up. “It leaves in less than an hour, and I doubt it'll wait around for us.” Honor rose to her hooves and returned the others' salutes. “Get well soon, Captain. I'll try to hold your team together while you're gone.” Spitfire grinned at her. “Just don't let him take over my seat. He always puts my groove out of whack.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Blueblood placed his helm on the table as he sat down across from Cherry Jubilee. “Well, we've pretty much exhausted this particular clue. Went through the entire farm and turned up not a blessed thing. It appears you came out here with me for nothing.” Cherry Jubilee slid a small envelope over to him, along with a tall mug of cider. “This message came for you while you were out. You look positively exhausted, Dear,” she said as she came around to massage his broad shoulders. The stallion moaned a little under her ministrations, then opened the letter with his magic. It was only a few lines,, but it was enough to send him bolt upright. “Dear Celestia!” he whispered. “What is it?” Cherry asked. Blueblood turned to her, looking visibly shaken. “Father's ill. I must go to Canterlot immediately!” > The Waiting is the Hardest Part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 25: The Waiting is the Hardest Part A bright, sunny morning greeted Twilight upon waking. Looking at the mares in her hooves, she felt an incredible lightness in her chest, knowing that Spitfire would soon be home to complete them, if only for a little while. Not wanting to wake them, she used her magic to open the curtains, and let in some of the early morning light. A small blue bird that had been sitting on the windowsill was startled and flew off, seeking a more hospitable perch. Unfortunately, the peace was not to last, as she heard someone knocking on the front door. With a sigh of great reluctance, she slid out of bed and moseyed over to the door. She opened it to find her friends standing there. “Here to talk about what happened yesterday? she asked. “Sure as shootin',” Applejack replied. Rainbow Dash flew in without bothering to wait for an invitation and landed beside her. “Yeah, you gonna spill the beans about why we were all dreaming about you being an alicorn, or are we going to have to wait for the paperback?” With a roll of her eyes, Twilight trotted towards the kitchen and said, “Oh please, do come in. I was just about to make coffee.” “Though a situation may call for sarcasm, it doesn't make it any less unladylike, Darling,” Rarity replied as she walked over to assist her with the task, while the rest gathered around the table. Dash blew a raspberry and rolled her eyes. “Pbbt. Whatever.” The coffee brewing, Twilight turned to her friends with a sigh. “Alright. I think I got a little bit more of the picture, since I was physically there- or at least, as much as you can be on the Astral. There is a reason all six of us were chosen as the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. “A very, very long time ago, there were three alicorn sisters, not just two. Celestia, the eldest, who controlled the sun, Luna the youngest, who controlled the moon, and Twilight, the alicorn of magic who formed the connection between the two. You already know how they wrested control over Equestria from Discord, but another threat followed in his wake.” “The Nightmare?” Rarity asked. Twilight nodded and poured them all some coffee. “I'm still not sure what it originally was, or if it was just something left behind by Discord, but in either case, it grew to be just as dangerous, if not more so. Of the three sisters, only Twilight was able to take on this new threat. Celestia was too important to risk, being that she literally brings life to the entire planet, and Luna was too young to fight such a powerful enemy. So Twilight took it upon herself to fight this enemy alone.” Fluttershy raised her hoof tentatively, and squeaked out a quiet question. “But what about the others?” “Other who?” Pinkie asked. The shy pegasus sunk into her seat and mumbled something unintelligible. “What was that, Darling?” Rarity asked. Twilight rested a hoof on Fluttershy's and gave her a supportive smile. “I think she means the immortals other than the sisters.” “What? There were more?” Dash shouted incredulously. “Then why didn't they help, too? What's wrong with them?” Giving the pegasus her best librarian's “Shh.”, Twilight glared at her. “Keep it down. You wake Sunny, you're the one who'll quiet her down again.” Rainbow sat back in her chair again and had the decency to look abashed. Satisfied there would be no further interruption from her, the unicorn continued, “As I was saying, there are other immortals; Nyx is one of them. Unfortunately at the time, most of them had already disappeared. I'm not sure to where or even why at this time, but by then, the majority were effectively out of the picture, and of those that remained, most were noncombatants. “In any case, She was the only one available, and having a strong sense of responsibility, she threw herself into the fight to defend the ponies they had so recently freed, as well as as much of the world as she could.” Twilight looked sadly down at the mug of coffee in her hoof, remembering all the losses the alicorn had suffered. “The war was a long one, and the price very high. Throughout it all, she had continued her research, looking for a way to defeat the Nightmare decisively and permanently. “Her search bore fruit, but required a personal sacrifice. As a last ditch effort, she cast a spell that divided her power, her life force, and most importantly, her soul into six parts. She had calculated that the split would remain in effect for only a short time, and her immortality would allow her to rejoin herself on her own; while the energy released by this act would annihilate the Nightmare. Unfortunately, she was wrong on both counts. The 'side effect' lasted far longer than she had thought it would for reasons she didn't know, and the Nightmare was only sealed away, rather than being destroyed outright.” Applejack set her mug down and asked, “But what does all this have t'do with us, Twi?” Twilight rubbed the back of her head nervously with a hoof. Here's where we find out if they're ready for this or not, I guess. “When she cast the spell, she not only divided her intangible qualities, but also her physical body, which formed the Elements of Harmony.” “So what you're saying is that the Elements are the physical body of an alicorn?” Rarity asked. Pinkie gushed and grabbed Fluttershy beside her. “That is so cool! But sad, too. That poor pony, trapped like that, never able to party or have fun or-” “Actually, she can. Have parties and fun, that is,” Twilight interrupted. They looked at her in confusion. “See... though the Elements have a physical form- that of the tiara and necklaces- they still require a wielder, and who better than the original holder of that power? The life force and soul shards form into physical beings capable of using the Elements which contain the essence of her magical might.” Fluttershy peeked out from behind her curtain of mane. “Are you saying...” Twilight nodded. “We are the Elements of Harmony, and the Elements are... Princess Twilight.” “Say whut?” Applejack asked in a flat voice. “It happens once a generation,” Twilight replied. She took another sip of her coffee before continuing. “The Elements gather their energies and find a suitable mare. There, they bond with the mare and use their life force to form a new life within the mare.” Rarity looked especially upset at this news. “So... our fathers...” Twilight quickly waved her line of questioning off. “Oh, no, no, no. No. Our fathers do still have some biological influence, as much as our mothers, in fact; but a lot of our traits are guided by the Elements themselves.” Her gaze became far off and unfocused as she considered the possibilities. “I'm still unsure how it all works; I'll have to consult some magic theory as well as some magical biology textbooks, but it looks like our parents provide the biological material, while the Elements provide the direction.” “Wait, I'm confused,” Rainbow Dash said, scratching her head. “Are you saying that we wouldn't be as awesome if the Elements hadn't made us?” Shaking her head, Twilight replied, “No, Rainbow. I'm saying that we would likely still have been born, but we'd lack our connection through the Elements because somepony else would have been chosen.” The pegasus sat there in silence for a moment before getting up. “I need some air,” she said before flying out the house, leaving the door hanging open. Twilight sighed in defeat. “Look girls, I know it's a lot to take in all at once-” “You're dag-blasted right it's a lot t'take in!” Applejack replied, slamming a hoof down on the table. “Dearest, please. Twilight didn't mean-” Rarity laid a restraining hoof on her marefriend's shoulder, only to have it shrugged off. “Ah think Ah need some air, too.” Applejack rose to her hooves and stomped out, slamming the door shut behind her. Fluttershy looked between Twilight and the door, terrified to move. With a sigh, the unicorn nodded. “Go on. I know somepony needs to calm them down, and right now, that pony isn't me.” Pinkie-Pie patted her shoulder on the way out. “Sorry your 'info-dump party' didn't work out, Twilight,” she said and led Fluttershy out to look for their marefriend. “I do so apologize for leaving on such a sour note, Darling, but...” Rarity smiled at her sadly, and gave her a quick hug before heading out to find her own better half. Trixie and Cheerilee walked out from the hallway, Sunny asleep and nestled in one of the teacher's forelegs. “Are you alright, Twilight?” Trixie asked, sliding a foreleg over their alpha's withers. Twilight nuzzled her cheek and sighed. “I suppose it went better than I had feared. Three out of five are still speaking to me.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “Rainbow Dash, you come down from that cloud this instant!” Fluttershy shouted and daintily stomped her hoof. Of course, shouting for her meant that she elevated her volume to what amounted for any other pony to a slightly raised voice. “You know that Pinkie can't fly up there on her own, and I can't carry her!” “I said I'm getting some air!” shouted a lone cloud hovering not fifty hooves from the ground. “Can't a pony get some air around here?” Fluttershy's eyes narrowed and a deadly silence lingered in the air. Knowing that she'd regret it, Dash peeked over the edge and spotted her newest marefriend standing next to her other marefriend, giving her The Stare. With a gulp and an “Eep,” she ducked back, letting the fluffy white barrier do it's work. Unfortunately, the damage was already done. She sighed, and slowly flapped down to the ground, her head hanging low. Satisfied that they could now have a conversation without having to resort to shouting just to be heard, the normally quiet pegasus regarded her oldest friend, and one of the only two ponies she's ever loved physically. “Now, what was that all about, Rainbow?” “Yeah, Dashie. You know you can tell us anything!” Pinkie chipped in. Rainbow Dash scuffed her hoof, kicking over a pebble, exposing a small divot on the ground. “I just... it's... look, it's complicated, alright?” She was surprised by a kiss on her cheeks from each of her marefriends. “Come on, Rainbow. We're your oldest and best friends. There's nothing you can say that will make us think less of you,” Fluttershy said gently. Dash gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut, barely holding back a tear. “It's just that I don't like ponies talking bad about my parents. They worked hard to raise me and all my brothers and sisters, and deserve better than that. Saying that they didn't have anything to do with my birth is just... it makes me want to bash somepony's face in!” She finished her tirade, breathing heavily like she had just sprinted a marathon. Pinkie sidled up to her and rubbed the whole side of her body against Dash's, sending delightful chills up her spine, and calming her down. “Oh, Dashie. You know Twilight didn't mean anything like that!” Leaning into the whole-body caress, Dash sighed. “I know. It's just a sensitive subject for me. S'why I never really talk about them, so nopony can have something bad to say about them. Over half of what I earn as Weather Manager here gets sent back to them, so they can take it easy. It's the least I can do after they nearly killed themselves raising all of us.” Fluttershy came up on the other side of the pegasus and rubbed cheeks with her as well. "Oh, Rainbow. You're going to make such a wonderful momma!” Rainbow Dash smiled as she leaned into the affection until what she said registered in her brain. “Wait, what?” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) It didn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out where Applejack went. Rarity found exactly where she suspected she would, doing exactly what she knew she'd be doing. Setting a rock on the mound of dirt, Applejack took careful aim as she turned around. Quick as a flash, she kicked out, sending the rock flying into a tin can set on the fence rail. The can went flying, arcing up and over the apple trees behind it, landing somewhere in the orchard. Seeing that the range was clear for the moment, Rarity came out from behind a tree and approached the love of her life. “Want to talk about it, Dearest?” “Nope.” Rarity sighed inwardly. I swear, she's more taciturn than her brother when she's upset. “Then I'll talk, and you can listen. I'm not sure what brought all this on, but I want you to know that you'll always have me in your corner; and nothing will ever change that.” With a sigh, Applejack let the rock she had picked up fall back to the ground. “Ah 'ppreciate that, Rares, really Ah do. Was just a lot t'take in, yah know? We had no warnin' no build up, no way o' preparin' ourselves; an' then Twilight comes in an' spects us to jus' accept it like it was nothin'.” “What was Twilight supposed to do to prepare us for it, Darling? It's not like they make greeting cards for this sort of thing, you know,” Rarity asked. That actually got a chuckle out of the farmer. “Ah s'pose so, Darlin'. Maybe she should have asked Pinkie-Pie first? If they do make a card for it, she'd know 'bout it.” Rarity hid a little snort of amusement behind her hoof. “I can see it now. 'Happy Secret Revelation Day!' Or perhaps, 'So you've discovered your secret past...'” Applejack gave her own snort of amusement. “That last one there sounds more like a pamphlet they give out in hospital waiting rooms.” With a sigh, she looked back at the town, and the library clearly visible, even from there. “Ah s'pose Ah should go back an 'pologize t'Twi.” “It would be the right thing to do, Love,” Rarity replied, giving the farmer a chaste kiss. With her head hung low, Applejack made her way back to her friend's house to make reparations. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Waiting at the train station ranked number eight on Twilight's worst ways to spend her time. It wasn't the waiting itself that bothered her. Being a patient pony, she was able to comport herself with a calm demeanor rather easily. No, what bothered- nay, annoyed her about waiting at the train station was that there was rarely time in which to get comfortably involved in a book before the train arrived. She would constantly look up from her reading to make sure she wouldn't miss her train, thereby becoming ta- well, the less said about that the better. Of course, that was before the new dimension was added; namely waiting for the train with a hyperactive foal in tow, anticipating her injured herd-wife's arrival. Make no mistake, she loved Sunny Days with all her heart, but if she or one of her wives had to pull the filly away from trouble once more... well, something would happen, and sadly, it would be likely be nothing more than waiting to pull her away yet again. After the third time of yanking her back from the edge of the platform, they decided to wait on the benches away from all the traffic. Naturally, all the ponies complimented them on their adorable filly, some even staying long enough to make some small talk before moving on. It was with great relief, when they spotted the train coming, and only an hour late, too. They eagerly rose to their hooves, and had huge grins plastered on their faces when the train pulled in to a stop. The whoosh of steam as the train eased its pressure obscured the vehicle for only a moment. When the wind finally cleared the mist away, Spitfire stood there, looking around. One of her wings was in a sling, her barrel was bandaged and a large gauze pad covered one cheek where three claw marks were healing, but at least she was home. Her face lit up like a Hearth's Warming tree as she spotted her family and hobbled over to them as well as her mending bones would allow. Five ponies collided in a gentle crash, hugging each other and crying happily. No words were exchanged, indeed, none were needed at this moment. It was enough that they were all reunited and whole once more. While this reunion was going on, a griffoness and a pegasus slipped out of the other side of the train to meet with their superior in a darkened alley. Plain Sight was easy to spot when she wanted to be, and the duo walked up to her casually. “You were quite thorough in your report,” the gray mare said without preamble, or even a greeting. “Hello to you, too,” Limnear replied with a smirk. “Miss me?” “Like a rock in my shoe,” Plain Sight shot back. She looked over to Cloudchaser, and nodded. “Well done. Head back home and take the rest of the day off. Make sure to report back for duty, bright and early tomorrow.” Cloudchaser gave a sardonic salute, and flew off towards the home she shared with her sister. Limnear turned to say something, but was cut off by Plain Sight planting lips on her beak. Their kiss went on for quite some time, neither one wanting to be the first to break contact. However, the gray mare finally pulled back, relishing the sensation of the griffoness's tongue on her own. “Feels like it's been ages since we did that,” she said a little breathless. “Almost as good as our first,” agreed Limnear. “Shall we head back to your place to finish up my 'debriefing'?” she asked with a coy smile. Plain Sight playfully smacked her forepaw away as it tried to sneak onto her withers. “You know the rules. Business before pleasure.” Limnear smiled at her with adoring eyes. “Tease.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight sighed in contentment as she laid her head over Spitfire's withers. “I quite agree,” said Cheerilee as she laid her own head across the pegasus's forelegs. The rest of her was currently resting on her back so that Sunny could nurse at will; though the filly was currently too busy to stop for something so mundane. She was far too concerned with the business of stacking blocks next to her. Spitfire smiled down at her, and gave her a long, yet too passionate kiss, given that their daughter was still in the room. “I have to say that I rather like spending my time like this as well. My three favorite mares, as well as my favorite filly, all sitting in a warm sunbeam and- ah! The cherry on the sundae approacheth.” Trixie waddled into the room, supporting four tall glasses of iced tea. She floated a glass over to each of the mares, keeping one for herself. She gave Spitfire a kiss of her own before she laid down next to her on the unoccupied side. “Indeed,” the magician said smugly. “Trixie quite agrees with you. She would even go so far as to say that your taste was impeccable.” “Why, thank you, oh Great and Powerful Trixie. You do me much honor,” Spitfire replied with equal smugness. Clearing her throat, Twilight warily ventured into what she hope proved to not be as rocky a topic as she feared. "You know, this might be a good time for us to discuss something potentially unpleasant.” Turning her head to regard her, Spitfire arched an eyebrow, but it was Trixie who said, “Really, Twilight? Does it have to be now? We just got her back; can't we just enjoy her for a bit before diving into that?” Twilight lifted her head, but placed her forelegs over Spitfire like she were a great big cushion. “The sooner we address the manticore in the room, the sooner we can come to a resolution; whatever it might be.” “Alright, Girls. What's going on?” Spitfire asked. Trixie rolled her eyes and let out a huff, but remained silent, as did Cheerilee. Twilight took this for acquiescence, and said, “We were thinking about asking if you would be amenable to perhaps going into inactive duty for a few years.” She tried to play it off as no big deal, but everypony in the room heard the nervousness in her voice. “What,” Spitfire asked flatly. “It would just be for a few years,” Twilight hurriedly explained, “just until the fillies are little older, you see. I mean, we all just got married, and no sooner did we settle into our home than you get sent off to fight and get injured- not that it was your fault, these things happen, but we don't want to lose you so soon after we finally started our life together.” Spitfire sighed and hung her head sadly. “I was wondering when this conversation would crop up.” She looked Twilight in the eye as best she could given their positions. “You do know why I do this, right? Why I'm in the military?” “I know, I know,” Twilight replied, closing her eyes and shaking her head. “You do it to make Equestria safe.” “Wrong.” Spitfire grinned as she managed to catch her alpha by surprise, and bumped their heads together. “I do it to make Equestria safe for my mares and our fillies. The Princesses and the rest of the ponies rank somewhere below that, but they do factor in; along with patriotism, and a plethora of other reasons. But my herd? You're ninety percent of the reason I do this in the first place.” Her words seemed to have the desired result, as Twilight as well as Trixie and Cheerilee appeared to be seriously considering them; though they didn't seem to like where it led them. “That being said,” she continued, “I think that after what happened, I can see that Equestria isn't in the position of power we tend to think it's in.” Her herd-wives looked at her in surprise. “I have an appointment next week to see the Princesses about starting a special training program for our forces. All these years of peace have made us... soft.” “Was it that bad?” Cheerilee asked from her comfortable position. Spitfire shook her head. “Worse. A full squadron of Wonderbolts only just managed to fend off a surprise attack by a couple dozen griffons.” “Sounds like a victory to me,” Trixie said. “Griffons are much larger and fiercer than ponies.” “True, but we're talking about Wonderbolts here.” the pegasus replied. “We should be able to take on three or even four-to-one odds before suffering losses like we did. Granted, nopony was so seriously injured that they'd have to be given a medical discharge, but simple two-to-one odds shouldn't have given us that much trouble, surprise or no.” “What's being done differently now from when Equestria gained its reputation?” Twilight mused aloud. Spitfire shrugged, replying, “That's what I'm hoping to find out.” Twilight grinned at her. “That sounds suspiciously like research to me. It just so happens that we have access to the greatest library of all time.” Spitfire grinned back at her. “I knew I could count on my brainiac. In any case, I think that the Princesses are going to need some one to run these new training regimens, so you may get your wish of getting me out of the direct line of fire.” Just then, the front door opened, and Spike walked in, a dreamy, faraway look on his face. He didn't even acknowledge them as he practically floated past them towards his room in the basement. The mares looked to one another and giggled. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) The hospital waiting room was far too small for pacing, but that didn't stop Blueblood. Cheery Jubilee watched him as he passed back and forth in front of her, with a worried expression on both their faces. It was several minutes after they were told, “Wait here,” that a pony came in to speak to them. Right away, Blueblood was in his face, asking questions. “How is he? What happened to him?” The unicorn doctor pushed him back to give himself a little space and calmly said, “Prince Blueblood, I'm afraid your father has suffered a complete mental breakdown. His butler, Brass Tack told us that he had been under a lot of pressure lately, and he had begun to lose touch with reality. He was found in his office, hiding behind his desk, unwilling to come out for fear that 'they' will get him. Just who 'they' are is unclear, because he refuses to elaborate; but he put three orderlies into the hospital with various broken bones and a concussion when they tried to help him. We currently have him sedated, so you may go in to see him, but be aware that he will be sleeping for some time.” Blueblood staggered back as if he had been kicked in the gut. “How...” The doctor rested a hoof on his withers. “Like I said, we believe it's due to stress. It wouldn't be the first case of it I've ever seen, sadly. Some ponies take on so many responsibilities that they just overwhelm themselves. We believe that to be the case here.” “Can... can he be cured?” the Prince asked. “It's hard to say,” the doctor replied. “In cases like this, patients sometimes come out of it on their own, some with the help of professionals, others... well, we have to face the very real prospect that he may never recover.” Blueblood sat down heavily on his rump, his jaw hanging loose. “I... he...” He looked up at the doctor with pleading eyes. “Is there anything we can do for him? Any procedure, spell, specialist he can see?” The doctor sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. It was apparent that he hadn't gotten much sleep lately. “I've already sent for the best specialist in Equestria. She's the number one psychologist in this field, really top-notch. She'll be able to better diagnose your father, and perhaps come up with a treatment.” The Prince was silent for a moment, then asked, “May I go in and see him?” “Of course,” the doctor replied, standing aside. Blueblood walked in alone on shaky legs. It took him a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darker room, but it was hard to miss the prostrate form of his father lying on the bed. He walked up to him quietly, noting that all four of his legs were restrained by cuffs tied to the bed, presumably so he wouldn't hurt himself. The old stallion had aged since he had last seen him, almost all of his golden mane now turned gray, and it had thinned out considerably. Wrinkles that had not been present last time he had seen him, now crisscrossed the Duke's face. Apparently, he had a lot of practice frowning lately, as that appeared to be where they gathered most. His normally immaculate appearance had suffered as well, with his snowy mane in disarray and looking like it had not been washed in some time, and a five o'clock shadow gave him a rough appearance. A line of dried drool marred his pristine coat, and his tongue lolled out stupidly to the side. The young stallion approached the bed and laid a hoof on his father's. Unshed tears glistened in his eyes as he spoke gently and quietly to him. “Oh, Father. What have you done to yourself? You used to be such a strong pony; an icon to be emulated, and now... Why did you let this control you? You always told me to be in control of my obsessions, lest they control me. Why didn't you follow your own advice?” He took in a shuddering breath, not even caring anymore that his tears finally escaped their bondage and fled down his cheeks. Unable to take seeing him like this any longer, Blueblood turned around and walked back to the door. He paused before opening it and looked back at his sole living parent. “Don't worry, Father. I'll make our family name one to look up to once more.” Having said his piece, the Prince left the darkened room, letting the door quietly click closed behind him. (\ /) ( . .) *(")(") Soarin' really hated this part of the job. Hanging back with his wingmen was bad enough, but watching as the rest of his squadron engaged the enemy while he hovered over the field so as to get a clearer picture just felt like he was shirking his duties. A courier pegasus flew up to him and almost saluted before stopping himself. "Sir! Message from the Euryale. The Admiral's ground forces are in flanking position and will engage at fifteen-twelve exactly." Soarin' pulled out a pocket watch and checked it, then stowed it back in its pocket. "Thank you, Corporal. Return to the ship and let her know that we're going in to engage the main forces as well." He acknowledged the soldier with a nod as he flew off. Looking to Fireflash, he smiled. Sound the charge, Lieutenant." As the three of them performed a wingover and dived into the fray, Fireflash blew into the silver whistle in her mouth, letting loose a short tune that carried due to the whistle's magical enchantment. The reaction from the other Wonderbolts was immediate. They left off their harassment of the Hegemony's forces, and took their place in a huge wedge formation with Soarin' at the apex. The pegasi dove into the occupied town, flying right up the main street taking down minotaurs and grounded griffons at will. The already battered forces were quickly driven back out of their hiding places. Cunning Eye growled in frustration as he surveyed the scene from the open doorway of the saloon. He had been holding on (just barely), but once the Euryale arrived, things had deteriorated considerably, and with much alacrity. It didn't help matters any that his contact with the money had not been seen for several weeks, and his soldiers had long since ransacked this tiny town, meaning that he was running out of money to keep them interested. Such was the way of the bought soldier. "Ehg. It was getting time to head back anyways," he said with disgust. He turned to his aide de camp and nodded. "Sound the retreat. No stopping for anything until we're safely back across the border." The female minotaur nodded silently and walked off to deliver his orders, leaving him alone with the pony bartender, who was trying hard not to glare at him. "Well, it was a good run, I suppose. Broke up the monotony, if nothing else. I just wish you ponies made it more entertaining. Not a single backbone among you." He was still watching out the door, so he didn't notice the stallion slip a powder into his drink which quickly dissolved. Hearing the retreat horn finally being played, Cunning Eye grunted and hit the door frame as he turned away in disgust. He wandered over to the bar and picked up his half full mug and waved it at the pony. "Well, here's to war and all the profit to be had in it." He drained the mug with a flourish and slammed it down on the counter, throwing a punch at the stallion at the same time. "Ha ha ha! Don't think of it as goodbye, just see you later." The stallion glared up at him, holding a hoof over the black eye forming. Not getting a reply, Cunning Eye gave another laugh and leaned over the bar to peer at him. "That's what I like about you, pony. You know when to shut up. I... I..." Cunning Eye wobbled and collapsed on the bar. The stallion smiled despite the pain from the hit and stood up. He grabbed a bottle in each hoof and poured the contents all over the minotaur and the bar, making sure to spread it everywhere. He then walked to the door and looked back at the snoring minotaur. He pulled out a match and struck it, holding it before his swollen shut eye. "No, I think this is goodbye." He threw the match at the puddle of alcohol, but didn't bother to wait around to watch as the flames quickly engulfed his bar and its final customer. The smoke joined the similar columns coming from the other torched pony buildings as the Hegemony forces retreated. > Life Goes On > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 26: Life Goes On Twilight turned the page, reading only a few paragraphs before the quill she held in her magical grasp started scratching away on the paper over which it was suspended. “Interesting...” she muttered, soaking in the information like a sponge. “I never would have thought of blowing a sally port in my own wall for my troops.” A golden pegasus head lifted from her own book and looked over at the unicorn. “Are you kidding me?” Spitfire asked. “Any officer who'd do that would have flunked out of tactics class. Why not use the gates?” Turning to her herd-wife, Twilight said, “Because the gates had the most cannons pointed at them. She made a sally port in the least watched wall under the cover of alchemist's smoke bombs lobbed over it. Then Crush Manna led a lightning strike through the smoke and distraction with her fastest ponies that not only destroyed most of the cannons, but was done so fast that the enemy had almost no time to retaliate. She only lost a half-dozen of the platoon she took with her, before they made it back into the safety of the walls.” Spitfire tilted her head and quirked an eyebrow. “But, she could only have done something like that once, and it would leave a gaping hole in her wall.” “Once was all she needed. They had been building a tunnel to the river to escape, but would never have finished in time had the cannons remained intact, and the artillery she had would never have reached them.” Twilight shrugged and turned her body so her ever-expanding belly would be in a new position to bring her a little relief. “It says here, they filled in the hole with the dirt they had gotten from the tunnel and were long gone before the enemy had recovered enough to resume their attack.” The pegasus thought about it for a moment and shook her head. “I'll grant you it's a brilliant move that a conventional general wouldn't think of doing, but it's still taking a huge unnecessary risk with your fixed defenses.” Twilight shrugged again and replied, “Well, I still plan to cite it as a good example of thinking outside the box, but with the caveat to carefully weigh the pros and cons of such a bold move. We don't want- ooo!” She let out a squeak of surprise and held onto her enormous belly. In a flash, Spitfire was at her side, hoof over the unicorn's. “She at it again?” she asked excitedly. She squealed happily when she felt something push against their hooves. “Ooo! She's got quite a kick on her! She'll be able to throw some serious lightning bolts when she gets older!” “I just hope I live long enough to see it,” Twilight replied with a groan. “The way she goes at it, I think she'll be living up to her name.” Spitfire kissed her, then touched foreheads with her. “I really can't thank you enough for letting me use the name.” Twilight smiled back at her and kissed her nose. “Well, I could hardly say no when you let me add Twilight to the beginning. That, at least, seems to have satisfied Mom enough that she's stopped bugging me about it.” “Well,” Spitfire drawled out, “Twilight Starslayer actually works to make it an even more awesome name.” “I thought I saw Rainbow grumbling about something when I saw her last,” Twilight said with a smirk. “Couldn't resist rubbing her nose in it?” The Wonderbolt held up her hooves defensively. “Hey, she was the one who wanted to make a contest out of giving their foal the coolest name. I can't help it that I have the most awesome brainiac on my side.” Nuzzling her cheek, Twilight replied, “You forgot hottest.” “And sweetest,” the pegasus agreed. A white blur rocketed into the both of them with a high-pitched squeal, and latched onto their necks. “Ma, Mom, guess what Mommy said at school today!” Sunny Days shouted excitedly. Spitfire kissed the filly's cheek and carefully peeled her off of them. It always amazed her how fast the filly was growing. It seemed like she added another inch to her height overnight. She knew that logically, that wasn't happening, but it sure felt that way to her. In the past six months alone, she had grown enough to resemble a filly ready for preschool, which is in fact where she had been. “What did she say, Sunshine?” The filly gamboled around the two mares and their books, literally jumping for joy. “She said when school starts up after winter break I can go to first grade! My test came back, and I can go to school with all the big fillies and colts!” Twilight caught the bundle of energy on her next circuit, exclaiming, “That's wonderful, Sunny! I'm so proud of you!” Spitfire grinned at her slyly and asked, “Are you sure you're not doing it to get closer to a certain filly with glasses?” “Ma-aaAAAahhh!” Sunny cried out, turning beet red. Gently cuffing her mate on the back of her head, Twilight said, “Oh, stop. I'm sure she did it because she wants to be the best she can be, right?” She turned to her daughter, who nodded and smiled, but Twilight wasn't done yet. “And if she just so happens to eventually get into the same class as Twist, it's just a pleasant bonus.” Sunny nodded. “Right, it- hey!” she shouted and playfully pushed away from Twilight. All three of them were still laughing as Trixie walked in to their home, her newborn filly filling the carrier on her back, both bundled up six ways to Sunday. Sunny squirmed free of Twilight and ran up to the azure mare. “Mama, guess what! I'm gonna be in first grade after winter break!” Trixie bent down to rub noses with the filly. “That's fantastic, Sweetie! I think this calls for a special treat. What say you, Twi?” Closing the book, and neatly stacking her notes, Twilight rose unsteadily to her hooves. “Oh, I quite agree. Sunny's been extra good, and worked a lot to get advanced like this. I say that she deserves ice cream at the very least.” “Chocolate and peanut butter?” Sunny asked with stars in her eyes. “And a visit to the park afterward,” Twilight agreed. Spitfire stood as well and whispered into her ear, “Good thinking. Let her run off all that sugar.” Twilight waddled up to her fellow unicorn and kissed her. “What did the doctor say about Starry Skies? Was it serious?” Magically levitating the midnight-blue foal out of her carrier, Trixie set her on the floor, and smiled as Sunny went over to her right away. “I told you it was just diaper rash. She gave me some ointment to take care of it. It's really nothing to get upset over.” Sunny crouched down with her rump waving in the air trying to get her little sister to join in the Ladybug song and the accompanying dance her Mom had taught her, but the foal was having none of it, preferring to suck on her hoof. “Come on, Starry! Like this! Sunshine, sunshine,” she sang as she hopped in place before covering her eyes, then uncovering them, “Ladybugs awake. Clap your- come on, Starry, clap with me!” Unfortunately for her, the baby just stared at her like she was insane and continued sucking her hoof. Turning to the authority on the song, Sunny cried out, “Moooom! She won't do it!” Twilight laughed and nuzzled the distraught filly. “That's because she's too young to know how to do it, Sunny. Give her a few years, and she'll be a pro at it.” “Years?” Sunny cried out, clearly perturbed. “But you taught me the song when I was her age!” “But you had a few advantages over little Starry,” Twilight replied. Seeing that this could only lead to more questions, she headed off the interrogation by saying, “Now why don't we go get that ice cream? We can eat it at the park, and you can talk to Mrs. Scylla and Charybdis.” Sunny grinned at the prospect, but Trixie looked at her dubiously. “Do you think they'll be out in this weather? Their lake froze over last night, you know.” “Only by less than half an inch. Most of it had already broken up by noon,” Twilight retorted, waving off the comment. “I suppose it's just as well I hadn't disrobed yet,” Trixie sighed. They walked out after bundling up against the chill wind, and met Cheerilee on her way home from the City Hall. She gave a kiss to each of her herd-wives and rubbed noses with Sunny. “Afternoon, ladies. I presume you're out to garner some sort of reward for Sunny's advancement?” “Among other things,” Twilight replied. “Care to join us, pretty lady?” “I'm getting two scoops, Mommy! Chocolate and peanut butter!” Sunny happily proclaimed for the world to hear in her squeaky voice. Cheerilee chuckled and took up station next to Trixie, shielding the foal in her carrier from the wind. “It sounds like the 'other things' would include a trip to the park.” Spitfire grinned at her with sultry eyes. “Clever girl.” The group passed the new building being constructed, and again fell to speculating as to it's purpose since the construction crew had neglected to put up a sign declaring what it was they were building. “I still say it's going to be private office space,” Twilight said. “This far from the town center? What sort of office would be located so far from other businesses, and so close to homes?” Trixie asked incredulously. “It's obviously going to be some sort of theater.” Cheerilee shook her head. “Way too small. Perhaps a daycare center?” This time it was Spitfire's turn to shake her head. “Nah. This town's too sparsely populated to need one of those. It's got to be some noble making a summer home, or something.” “But I would have heard about it from the mayor,” Twilight replied. “She's required to seek out the permission of the resident ranking noble before allowing any other noble to build anything on land controlled by the aforementioned resident noble. Besides, it's just common courtesy,” she finished with an exaggerated sniff, and throwing her nose into the air. The four mares laughed and walked into the ice cream shop, which was surprisingly full, considering the time of year. The answer to that question became obvious with a glance at the menu on the wall. “Ice cream soup?” Trixie read aloud. “I don't even... what?” Indeed, there were several ponies at their tables enjoyed what appeared to be steaming bowls of... melted ice cream? Some have whipped cream and cherries floating on top, and one was even using broken bits of a waffle cone to scoop up mouth fulls of the concoction. They walked up to the counter, and Cheerilee asked, “What's going on, Double Scoop? How can you make soup from ice cream?” “Sorry Cheerilee, but that's a trade secret,” the soda jerk behind the counter replied with a smile and a knowing wink. “Would you like to try a bowl? I have your favorite flavor, raspberry lavender swirl.” The teacher looked dubiously at the customers with their bowls and shuddered. “Er, no thanks. I'll just have it in a cone, if you please.” The stallion shrugged and pulled out an intact waffle cone. “Suit yourself. But you're really missing out, here.” Ice cream was distributed among the ponies, and they were soon out in the waning light of the afternoon, heading for the park. They sat on one of the benches eating their treats in contentment. Naturally, this included Sunny somehow getting almost as much ice cream on her face as in it. Finishing her cone, Sunny asked, “May I go see Missus Scylla and Charybdis now?” Cheerilee hardly had completed one nod before the filly dashed off to the nearby pond, brown grass crunching beneath her hooves. She skidded to a stop at the water's edge and started splashing her forehooves in the water, making as much noise as possible. The water's surface was soon broken by two mare's heads who smiled broadly when they spotted Sunny. They swam over, and flopped into the shallows as much as their pregnant bellies would allow to talk and play with the unicorn. Spitfire shook her head at the sight. “I still don't understand just how that pegasus got two hippocampi pregnant,” she mumbled in wonderment. Twilight smiled at her. “It's actually quite simple once you understand the biology of the situ-” Trixie stuffed her alpha's mouth with her mint chocolate chip ice cream, halting her explanation. “Trixie does not care to hear the icky details of another pony's mating habits, especially when two out of the three ponies involved have fish tails instead of proper pony backsides.” “On that, I'll agree wholeheartedly,” Spitfire replied. “Let's keep some things a mystery.” Twilight took a huge bite of the ice cream and swallowed with a grin at Trixie's indignation. “That'll teach you to- ow!” She held a hoof to her head, screwing up her face in pain. “Ice cream headache! Ice cream headache!” “And that will teach you, Sparkle,” Trixie said smugly. They all laughed until Twilight suddenly stopped and held onto her swollen belly with her forelegs, eyes wide. “What is it, Twi, cramp? Should we go inside somewhere?” Spitfire asked. “Yes,” Twilight replied. “We should go inside. Preferably inside the hospital. I think my water just broke.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight held the infant in her forelegs, smiling despite her disheveled state. “You know,” she said in a daze. “This may be the drugs talking, but I think she's going to be even more awesome than her name.” “That's just silly,” Spitfire retorted. “You don't need to be on drugs to see that.” All four mares and one filly peered down at the tiny pink bundle, and gasped when a wing popped free of the swaddling. Most pegasi are born with relatively tiny wings. The newly minted Twilight Starslayer's wings were positively massive in comparison. Taken together, her wingspan was easily the same as her body length, and everypony knows that wings only get proportionately larger as a foal grows. Spitfire's eyes were shining with pride as she took in her newest daughter. Her chest swelled with pride, and she became lost in her own thoughts as she considered all the things she would teach her. “Bit for your thoughts?” Cheerilee whispered. It took the pegasus a moment to gather herself enough to find her own voice again. “Just thinking that I better follow Twilight's example and make a list of all the things I want to teach her.” Her smile became bittersweet and she added, “And how much work I have ahead of me if I'm to protect her world. I want to make sure that it's safe for her to grow up.” Cheerilee kissed her and said, “I think what you're working on right now is doing more to protect her than anything you've personally done in the field.” Trixie set Starry Skies down on the bed, letting her wander across the hilly terrain that was her father. “She's right, you know. I've seen the difference in the soldiers then and now, and I must say that there really is no comparison. The effects of your- that is, yours and Twi's- training regimen is already being felt. Once those griffons and minotaurs encounter the new tactics you're training into the officers, they'll think twice before sending more... you know,” she finished lamely after looking at Sunny. The last thing she wanted to do was to introduce concepts like assassins to the foal's lexicon. “We still haven't gotten a report back from the investigators. There's still no evidence that the Hegemony was behind it,” Spitfire replied. She gently took the newborn foal from a sleeping Twilight, who had drifted off sometime back, and nuzzled the baby. “For all we know, it was simply a gang of thugs looking to score some quick bits.” “Except that a gang or thugs would never try to hit soldiers out on maneuvers,” Trixie said with an eyeroll. “Like I said; we don't know the whole situation, and the investigation team is being very tight-lipped about it.” Spitfire hugged Starslayer close to her chest, a pained expression on her face. “I think they're being so circumspect because they don't want to escalate the hostilities.” Cheerilee nuzzled the pegasus and draped her forelegs around her in a great hug. “Well, we're just glad you're okay, and home for as long as you keep teaching these classes. We were really worried about you, you know.” Spitfire kissed the baby and set her down next to the slumbering unicorn. Turning to Cheerilee, she said, “Let's go, and let Twi get some sleep while we tell everypony the good news.” She looked at Trixie and said, “Since you drew the lucky straw, you get first watch. We'll take the fillies home and be back in a few hours.” Trixie waved them off before settling down in a chair next to the bed. She took Twilight's hoof which had been wrapped around Starslayer in her own and said quietly, “Go on. There's nothing here that the Generous and Puissant Trixie cannot handle.” “We'll leave you to it then, G-and-PT,” Spitfire replied with a smirk, then herded Cheerilee and a squirming Sunny and Starry out the door. With silence reigning, Trixie settled into the chair, watching with wonderment over both mother and filly. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) As she crossed the lobby, the gray mare waved good night to the nurses ponying the check-in station, and replaced the nurse's hat with her own usual tweed flatcap. She hadn't trotted more than a few hooves down the darkened street, before a griffoness landed silently next to her. After first giving her a kiss, Limnear asked, “How is she?” “Mother and child are doing well,” Plain Sight replied, giving her an exhausted and brittle smile. Limnear draped a wing over the mare, pulling her close. So tired was the earth pony, that the griffoness could feel her trembling, and not just from the cold night air. “Love, you've simply got to talk to her. You're falling apart at the seams.” Coming to an abrupt halt, Plain Sight pushed Limnear away. “It's fine. I can't drop this on her right after giving birth.” Not even bothering to conceal how much the mare's actions hurt her, Limnear replied, “And last week it was because she was ready to drop at any moment. The week before, it was because that runaway baby carriage necessitated the fire department performing that absurd 'Sparkle Maneuver'. The week before, we needed to let things settle down after those two colts led an entire pack of timberwolves into the center of town for Trixie.” Plain Sight looked her in the eye angrily. “What's your point?” “Only that there always seems to be something that prevents you from talking to Sparkle, and in the meantime, you're making a wreck of yourself,” Limnear shot back, just as angry. “When was the last time you reported to the Princess? Either one?” That seemed to hit home, and the mare looked away in shame. Limnear held her face in a foreclaw and turned her to face her again. “I'm on your side, and I always will be; but Sweetie, this has to stop.” Without a reply, Plain Sight nodded and walked back to their home. Limnear growled deep in her throat and glared at her as she turned the corner. “Buck this,” she mumbled to herself, and took to the air. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) The next day found the Princesses making one of their many unannounced visits to Ponyville that they had been doing so often of late. They walked up to Twilight's house and knocked. Luna stifled another yawn with her hoof while Celestia picked at the flower arrangement she had brought, complete with helium-filled balloons as they waited. The door opened, and they were greeted by the sight of Starry Skies held in one of Cheerilee's forelegs. Right away, she tried to bow without spilling the filly to the floor, but Celestia stopped her with a hoof on her chin. “I would think that after all we've been through that when in your own home, we could dispense with the formalities.” Cheerilee smiled sheepishly at her. “Of course, Princess. It's just hard to stop doing something so ingrained in you.” “I understand entirely, Baroness,” Celestia replied with a smirk. The teacher let loose a chuckle and stepped aside. “Won't you please come in, Celestia? Luna?” Celestia smiled and nodded at her as she walked past. Luna did the same, but also magically lifted the foal from Cheerilee's grasp, and rubbed noses with her. “And how art one of our favorite fillies?” As she always did, Starry gurgled happily as she unsuccessfully tried to grab the stars floating in Luna's aurora-like mane. Luna for her part laughed gaily as she walked in. Twilight rose to unsteady hooves when Celestia walked into the living room, but it was Sunny who got to her first to nuzzle her. “Auntie 'Tia!” she squealed as she clamped onto the alicorn's foreleg with a surprisingly strong full-body grip. Celestia smiled and had to stretch her neck to rub cheeks with her, but she considered it no burden to do so. “ 'Tia, Luna, this is a pleasant surprise,” Twilight said as she walked over slowly. Celestia smiled at her and replied, “How could I not make a gap in my schedule to see my Faithful Student who just gave birth?” She finally noticed Twilight Velvet, Night Light and Vintage Fields bowing low, and bid them to rise.”Please rise. None of you should have to bow to either of us in private. We would be happy to consider you honorary family members.” They rose, and Velvet stiffly replied, “We would be honored, Your Highness.” “Come now, surely you can do better than that. Family does not stand on titles amongst themselves,” Celestia said, her tone light and playful, though a bit strained to the two others present who knew her best. “We should say not,” Luna interjected, trying to bring out some levity, encumbered as she was by her archaic speech patterns. “Speaking of not standing, We would be much appreciative if one of thee wouldst be so kind as to demonstrate how one doth change a 'diaper' We believe it is called? Young Lady Starry Skies hath soiled herself thoroughly enow to be smelt in Saddle Arabia.” The rest of the ponies laughed, Velvet even managing a small chuckle. “This way, Pri- er, Luna,” Vintage Fields said, motioning towards the nursery. “I'll show you how an earth pony does it; the right way.” She threw a wink at the Princess of the Moon and led her away. Celestia reclined on a cushion on the floor, allowing Sunny climb up on her back and slid down off of her rump. “So where is this newest member of your family, Twilight? I would dearly love to meet... er, what was it you named her?” Twilight telekinetically lifted the newborn from her spot on the couch next to Velvet and into her forelegs. She moved so that the alicorn could see her from her spot, and said, “ 'Tia, I'd like to introduce you to my newest daughter, Twilight Starslayer.” Celestia's eyes went wide, and a knowing smile spread across her face. “Starslayer? Oh, my.” “Too much?” Spitfire asked coyly. “We wanted a name that she could be proud of.” Celestia actually blushed and turned her face away just a little. “It's just that Luna has had dealings with a Starslayer in the past. They had a sort of... adversarial romance one might say.” Twilight glared daggers at Spitfire. “Well. I think we just found a volunteer for telling her the new baby's name, haven't we?” The pegasus just grinned sheepishly at her. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “And that, our Little Ponies is why the Royal Night Guard all look the way they do,” Luna finished with a flourish. Cheerilee was agog. “Wow. I'd always wondered, but the history books never even mentioned Starslayer beyond a few hoofnotes in the back.” Twilight smiled at her sympathetically. “Well, to be fair about that, the only books that I know of containing more than a paragraph or two about her can only be found in the Royal Canterlot Archive, and even then are in the restricted section.” Velvet shook her head incredulously. “I just don't understand how she survived the transformation. A potion that could affect an alicorn, even benignly, must have been like pure poison to a normal pony. She must have been a very hardy individual.” A silly grin overtook Luna's face as she remembered the mare. “Verily. She hadst the constitution of a dragon, and wast renowned far and wide for stamina-” She stopped suddenly and looked at her audience with wide eyes and a spreading blush. “Aaah... hem. Yes.” Celestia was the only one who dared to let their chuckle percolate its way past their throat. Sunny, still perched on Celestia's back had been trying for the past ten minutes, to entice Starry Skies to join her on the diarch's back, but the younger filly was having none of that. She was far too comfortable nestled as she was among Luna's crossed forelegs, endlessly fascinated by the starry mane waving above her in a wind to which only it could feel and react. “Well, we can certainly see which alicorn they favor,” Vintage Fields remarked with a smile. The alicorns in question looked to the fillies playing on them, then looked at each other with a blush. “T'would seem that the battle lines hath been drawn, Sister,” Luna said with a sly smile. “Indeed it would, Sister,” Celestia returned with a smile of her own. Twilight stepped in, saying, “Well, before you start your war, it's time for the armies to lay down for their naps.” She pointed toward Starry, who was already fast asleep in Luna's forelegs. “But I'm not... tired, Mom,” Sunny yawned out, letting her mouth open as if she were going to swallow the world. Twilight lifted her magically along with her sister. “Come on, you two. You can play later.” When she had come back, she found Celestia and Luna already standing. “I suppose we must be going as well. Bureaucracy waits for no pony, I'm afraid.” “Unless it's the weekend,” Spitfire shot back. The solar alicorn smiled at her. “True. Then it makes everypony wait on it.” She nuzzled Twilight and all the mares of her herd. “It's been a delight as always, Twilight. You simply must bring them up to Canterlot before the winter break is over.” Twilight reveled in the affection. “Already planning on it. Take care, 'Tia, Luna.” With that, the alicorns departed, leaving Twilight looking out the window a moment longer before she heaved a sigh and turned back to the rest of her company. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Plain Sight rounded the corner, “accidentally” bumping into the minotaur sweeping the street. Great Fortitude barely even felt her, and looked around before spotting his boss reeling backwards. “Oh, my. Please excuse me, I didn't see you there,” she said, loud enough for the passerby to hear. She then whispered, “You are relieved. Return home after your shift, sweeping.” Fortitude nodded imperceptibly, and said, “Quite alright, Miss. If you'll excuse me.” He then nodded again, this time more noticeably and touching the brim of his hat, and walked away. Satisfied, the mare walked into the alley between two houses, and settled into another boring evening of watching Twilight's home. She pulled out a gray, woolen blanket from her saddlebag, and settled it over herself, blending into the background of the darkening evening. Her expected dull routine was shattered, when she saw a familiar griffon boldly landing on the front stoop of Twilight's home, and boldly knocking on the door. The door opened, revealing Spitfire, who asked, “Limnear. What brings you here? News on the investigation?” The griffoness shook her head. “No. Actually, I'm here on a friend's behalf. May I speak to Twilight Sparkle?” > Behind Blue Eyes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 27: Behind Blue Eyes There have only been a few times in Plain Sight's life when it could honestly be said that she was at a loss for what to do. This most definitely qualified as one of those times. What is that feather-brain thinking? She knows better than to blow her cover! Has something happened and there was no time to inform me? The gray mare paced back and forth for several minutes, glancing up at the house she was supposed to be monitoring every few seconds. Her training finally took over, and she thought to herself, Well, I can't determine anything without information. I suppose I better see about acquiring some. With that, the stealthily made her way towards Twilight's house, trying her hardest to appear nonchalant and like she belonged there in the first place. Plain Sight carefully opened the gate to the white picket fence surrounding the front lawn, and making less noise than a field mouse, walked up to the front-facing window that opened into the dining room. What she saw there nearly stopped her heart. Limnear was sitting down at the table with Twilight, alone. Limnear had obviously just finished saying something, and Twilight was blushing like a schoolfilly. “Can I help you?” It took every bit of Plain Sight's willpower to not jump at the voice's sudden appearance. Taking a quick breath, she pasted a smile on her face and turned to face the owner of that voice she recognized as Cheerilee. “Good evening. I'm looking for my friend, Limnear. She said she'd be here, and-” Cheerilee smiled at her and dragged her by the foreleg into her house. “Of course, come in, come in! She's talking with Twilight right now, but she said to send you right in.” She sidled up close to her and whispered, “Is everything okay? We haven't seen you since the incident in the Everfree. There's not some sort of emergency, is there?” She was about to respond, when she noticed movement below her eye level. Looking down, Plain Sight spied Sunny looking up at her with an odd expression. It was somewhere between curiosity and... anticipation? She smiled down at the filly and said, “Hello there, little one.” Sunny Days said nothing, but nodded and calmly walked away towards the living room where she had left the blocks with which she and Starry Skies had been playing. Cheerilee shook her head and tsked. “I'm sorry. She gets like that sometimes, especially around new ponies.” The spy shrugged and replied, “I probably should go see Limnear, before she says something she shouldn't.” Cheerilee nodded, and let her go through the swinging door to the dining room. Plain Sight walked in, and all conversation stopped. Limnear and Twilight looked over at her, the griffoness smirking at her. “I'm terribly sorry Miss Sparkle, but I won't let Limnear here take anymore of your precious time so if you'll excuse us...” She grabbed Limnear's foreleg and tugged, but the griffoness wasn't budging. “Aren't you forgetting something, Plain Sight?” Limnear asked. Her smirk was quickly becoming brittle, and her eyes had a hint of sadness to them. “No, I don't think so, Limnear. Now let's go and not bother these nice ponies any longer,” Plain Sight answered, her voice cracking a couple of times. She continued tugging at the griffoness's foreleg, becoming more frantic and insistent. “I really think you've forgotten to say something,” Limnear replied, tears welling up in her eyes, her smirk failing several time before disappearing completely. “Perhaps I should just tell her to jog your memory.” All pretense at congeniality was wiped from the earth pony's face as she snarled back, “Don't you dare.” “Ahem.” Plain Sight turned to face Twilight, and for the first time actually locked gazes with her. Limnear continued to stare at her lover, heartsick, but knowing that this had to be done. Twilight looked to Plain Sight and confusion set in on her face. She said, “I know you from somewhere...” She shook away her confusion. “Never mind. What is this about needing to tell me something? Limnear here says it's a matter of life and death; so please, tell me what I can do.” Plain Sight looked away, a sad frown apparent. “Why must you be like this?” Twilight was taken aback by this and pulled back a little. “If only you weren't so bucking selfless it would be so much easier.” She sighed and took a deep breath. “Before I say anything else, know that you are under no obligation to say anything at all, ever. This is my thing, andI'll deal with it, come what may.” Another sigh, followed by a deep breath. “I suppose I should start at the beginning. At a very young age, I was selected to become the bodyguard of an important pony. At first, it was easy. She was young enough to just accept my presence when I was disguised as a palace guard, but eventually, that wasn't enough to keep her safe. Luckily by this time, I was well-trained enough that I could just surveil her from a distance without her even being aware of my being there. “As time went on, I'd come to realize that I had... developed feelings for this young mare. There was so much to admire about her. She was smart, wise, humble, and held no pretensions about herself. It didn't hurt any that she was cute as Hay.” Plain Sight gave a weak chuckle, then continued. “This pony was perfect. Far too good for somepony as... tainted as myself. I had resigned myself to just admiring her from afar, but... circumstances beyond my control necessitate that I admit to her- to you- that I love you, Twilight Sparkle.” By now, Plain Sight was staring at the wall, her eyes subconsciously memorizing the pattern of the wallpaper. “Please understand that though this is not a platonic love- this is eros, you do not have to return my feelings. Indeed, it would be better for all involved if you did not. You have a family now; three mares who love you enough to put aside their differences and love each other, three beautiful foals, with more likely on the way, and a bright future ahead of you. That's too much to lose by returning the affections of a pony who does not deserve them. The only reason I am even telling you all this is to remove this burden from my back that I've been carrying for far too long.” Plain Sight sighed, not from sadness, but from relief. “I know this isn't fair to you; telling you all this and then not allowing you the choice to accept or deny my feelings, but doing that would be even less fair to your wives. Moreover, it wouldn't be fair-” She allowed her gaze to meet Limnear's for the first time. “-to you.” She stood and walked over the griffoness and took her forepaw gently in her hooves. “I love you Lim, and I'll never do anything to hurt you like this ever again. I still love Twilight,” The gray mare leaned forward and kissed Limnear on the beak, then withdrew. “But I love you even more.” Clearly confused and more than a little upset by all this, Twilight tried to keep her calm as she asked, “So... what happens now?” The master spy silently considered for a moment, then replied, “Now, Lim and I return to our jobs and our posts, and you go on as if this conversation never happened.” “Hold on here,” Twilight exclaimed. “I'm not sure how comfortable I am with you watching us from the shadows.” “Why not?” Plain Sight asked with a sly grin. “We've been doing it ever since you became the Princess's protégé. Day one, as a matter of fact. I came a bit later, but since the day the Princess took you under her wing, somepony has been 'watching you from the shadows'.” Twilight banged on the table with a hoof and narrowed her eyes at the mare. “Well, now that I am aware of it, I don't like it.” “Well, sorry, Countess, but that's just how I work,” Plain Sight said with a shrug. “You want big, obvious guards following you around, then ask your BBBFF for some choices. I prefer to keep it low key, and low profile.” “Am I going to have to talk to the Princess about this?” Twilight asked, clearly perturbed. Again, Plain Sight shrugged. “You want change done, going to the top usually works best. But know this, Milady; I, and my ponies have prevented six thousand two hundred and two incidents from escalating to the point where you'd notice and have to step in, and that's just since you moved to Ponyville. We have prevented more from interfering with your life than a force of conspicuous guards ten times our number could have possibly done, and all without getting in your way. We know what we're doing.” Giving her a flat look, Twilight replied, “I'm still going to talk to her about this.” “Suit yourself.” Plain Sight looked to Limnear and nodded towards the door. “Let's go, Lim. You and I need to have a talk.” Twilight watched them leave from her chair, and saw them through the window as they disappeared into the alleyway between two houses. She didn't even acknowledge Cheerilee coming into the room and walking up behind her. Her only reaction to the mare slipping her forelegs around her neck was to place a hoof on one of them. “Want to talk about it?” “No.” Twilight started to shake her head, then stopped. “Yes? Oh, I don't even know anymore,” she sighed. This is all just so...” “Bizarre?” “To say the least,” Twilight replied, rolling her eyes. They sat like that in silence a few moments, Twilight leaning her head back until it fit onto Cheerilee's shoulder. “You know, just before I moved to Ponyville, I had resigned myself to a life alone. Nopony had ever expressed an interest in me other than as an egghead who could help them raise their academic score. I spent Prom Night at home, of all places.” She snorted in private amusement. “Of course, it didn't help any that I was five years younger than all the ponies who actually went. Nopony wants to be seen taking a middle-schooler to their senior Prom. No, I stayed at home and my family threw a Prom just for me. We all danced and ate junk food and drank unhealthy sodas.” A genuine smile came unbidden, to her face as she recalled the night. “It was the only time I remember Mom actually getting along with the Princess without any passive-aggressive tension.” Heaving a great sigh, Twilight continued. “And then you all came along. I was just... blown away that not just one, but three mares would show an interest in me, me of all ponies! An awkward, blundering, cold fish, dull, embarrassing, fussy, gawky, hair-splitting, ill-tempered, jabbering, kooky, loony, monotonous, nerdy, officious, pedantic, ranting, staid, tedious, uninteresting, verbose, wishy-washy, yucky zero who can't even come up with proper adjectives starting with Q or X off the top of her head! And Y wasn't all that great either! Yet somehow, you three were able to look past all that to see something worth loving.” Twilight craned her neck up and kissed the teacher on the cheek. “I'll never know just what it was you saw in me, but I'll forever be grateful that you did. If you hadn't, right at this moment, I'd be starting my research project on the star beasts. I even had the day to start it planned out. I haven't been able to do as much research as I had planned, but the quality of the time I've spent has gone considerably up. I'm happier than I've ever been; I've even become a mother and a father! That was something I thought I'd never get to experience, or at worst, have to resort to a sperm bank or a one night stand, and I really don't think I could handle either. “I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you all and am so grateful, that I'd never even consider ruining what we have by inviting another mare into our herd.” Silence reigned again, but only for a few moments, when Twilight found the next words she wanted to say. “I'm... I'm actually kind of glad that she didn't want me to answer her. I'm not sure I could find the words to gently let her down, and I certainly wouldn't want to make her cry, or anything.” Trixie walked in at that moment, carrying five plates of food, and setting them at the table. “Dinnertime! I hope you're hungry, because there's still half a pot of mashed potatoes left!” she said gaily. Twilight unwound the hooves from around her neck and kissed one before releasing Cheerilee, letting her fall to her hooves. “I'm famished!” “Good to hear,” said Spitfire as she walked in and set Sunny at her own place setting at the table while Cheerilee went to fetch the foals to put into their highchairs. “You had us a little worried there for a while.” Smiling at her herd-wife, Twilight paused, fork halfway to her mouth. “Oh, don't worry. Our... living arrangement won't be changing anytime soon.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Despite the positive way the confrontation with Twilight had ended, Limnear was still quite nervous. Plain Sight was taking this a lot better than she had expected, and that worried her far more than if she had thrown a fit. The mare's body language was that of depression rather than relief. She allowed her to lead her into the alley, and they just stood there, uncertain of what to do. It was some time before the griffoness found her voice, but was still unable to look at the mare. “Er, look-” Limnear flinched with a choke as she felt something land heavily on her chest. She looked down to find that Plain Sight had sat down in front of her, and was resting her head on the griffoness's ruff. “Just hold me,” Plain Sight sobbed. Limnear could feel her feathers getting damp with what she assumed were the mare's tears. “Please. I... I don't want to be alone right now.” The griffoness gladly embraced the shuddering mare, even going so far as to wrap her wings around them both. She was unused to seeing the tough Plain Sight act like this, and was understandably at a loss for words. It was a long time indeed, before either one of them moved. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight sighed and called out, “Sunny! If you don't get out here right now, we'll leave without you!” A distant voice from the bedrooms called back, “I'm coming, Mom! I just need to- oof- grab Mr. Bun-bun.” A moment later, Sunny Days trotted out of the house, her favorite doll carefully perched upon her back. Twilight closed the door and locked it with her magic. “You've got to learn to be more punctual, Sunny. There's nothing in this world worse than being...” The other mares of her herd looked at her encouragingly. “You can say it, Twi. It's okay,” Cheerilee said with a smile. “T- T- Tar- oh, I just can't, Cheery! It's the worst word in the world!” Twilight said, stamping a hoof. The effect was somewhat muted by the adorably frilly, silver snow boots she wore to fend off the cold. Trixie kissed her on the cheek, and adjusted the double foal carrier on the unicorn's back. “It's alright, Love. Let's just go on. Your friends are waiting for us.” Slightly ahead of the group, Spitfire called back, “Get the lead out! Owlowiscious is getting antsy!” She looked to the owl perched upon her back and grimaced as he adjusted his grip to get a more stable footing. Twilight quickly trotted up to her and gave her a quick nuzzle. “Sorry. Let's get this pet play date on the road!” They arrived at the park to find the the others had all arrived ahead of them. Sunny ran ahead, going straight towards Fluttershy, who was wrapping a tiny scarf around Angel's neck. As soon as the rabbit spotted the filly, he dashed off towards some bushes with Sunny in hot pursuit. “Come back, Mr. Angel! I want to introduce you to Mr. Bun-bun so we can have a tea party!” “Sunny, you stay in sight of us, you hear me?” Spitfire called out loudly, getting a noncommittal mumble from her in reply. The pegasus grumbled and flew off after her, letting Owlowiscious fly off of her back. The rest of the herd joined the group already in the park, greeting each other with hugs. Twilight pulled back after hugging Dash and remarked, “Goodness, Rainbow! Pregnancy sure has done wonders for your huggability quotient. You've never been this... comfy.” Dash sighed sadly. “Oh, just go on and say it. I've gone soft. Me! Rainbow Dash! Fastest pegasus in Equestria has turned into the fluffiest cushion this side of a Cloudsdale pillow factory.” A blue hoof met face as she bemoaned her fate. “I look like a whale! A big, fat, blue, soft, comfy whale!” Fluttershy sidled up next to her and draped a wing over her. “Oh, now it's not that bad, Rainbow. You're still the fastest pegasus in Equestria. And even if you weren't, I'm sure that you'd be back to your old self in record time.” “Easy for you to say, Flutters. You're not the one carrying our foal,” she shot back, clearly perturbed. Pinky-Pie hopped up to them, full of pep and vinegar, and an alligator hanging from her tail. “Sounds like somepony's being a Missus Grumpypants,” she sang at them. She squished the unamused Dash's face in her hooves and cooed baby talk at her. “Who's a grumpypants? Who's a grumpypants?” From there, her speech devolved into indecipherable gibberish until the pegasus smacked her hooves away, and grumpily wandered off to where Tank was “playing” with Opalescence. Fluttershy followed her with adoring eyes and whispered an apology to the assembled mares. “I'm sorry about that. She's just a teensy bit upset that she lost another thirty seconds from her best recent time on her favorite obstacle course. I'm not so sure myself, but she says it's a lot, even for her condition.” “Well, Ah reckon we jus' leave her alone for a bit to cool off,” Applejack replied. “She'll be right as rain soon.” Rarity nuzzled the farm pony. “I suppose we should, at that. Let's not give the poor dear the opportunity to say something she'll regret, hormones not.” Cheerilee examined the white unicorn's side, remarking, “Speaking of pregnant mares, you're coming along quite nicely, Rarity. I hope those twins are treating you kindly.” Daintily putting a hoof to her throat, the fashionista replied, “Quite well, thank you. I'm carrying two of the most well-bred ladies in all of- oof!” Her speech was halted by the twins in her belly deciding to have a kicking match to see who was stronger. Applejack smirked and rested a hoof on her mare's belly. “Easy there, girls. Y'all don't wanna get your Ma upset at yah before yah even get born, now do yah?” Amazingly, this actually seemed to calm the foals down, and Rarity shot her a thankful look. “Thank you, Dearest. It seems that they only do that at the most inopportune times,” the fashionista said. Spitfire finally flew back, Sunny hanging from her teeth, the filly's forelegs crossed grumpily. Landing at the circle of mare's she gently set the filly down and nudged her with her nose. “Go on. Tell them.” With the most put upon expression a pony could wear, Sunny sighed and said, “I'm sorry for running off without saying hello. It was rude, and I won't do it again.” “Quite alright, Sunny. We know how excited you were to see Angel again,” Rarity said. Applejack smiled down at her. “Shame he had to run off. Must'a had a lot of bunny business to do.” Pinkie-Pie picked the filly up and placed her on her head. “Come on! This is a pet play date, so let's go play with the pets!” She dashed off in the direction with the highest density of pets, and began chasing Winona, a squealing filly laughing on her head. An eager Fluttershy lifted Starslayer from her carrier and cooed at the baby. “Oooh, you're so adorable! And look at those wings! You're going to be such a strong flier, aren't you!” Starslayer gurgled and flapped her wings like mad, eliciting gales of laughter from Fluttershy. Trixie coughed to get her attention. “Ahem. Fluttershy? She already is a strong flier.” Looking down, Fluttershy saw her rear hooves dangling free several inches from the ground. “Oh, my! You are a strong flier!” The filly looked down at her with what one would almost call a smug expression, before setting them both down on the ground again. The mare was quite surprised to see that she didn't even appear to be winded from the exertion. Twilight sat down and used her telekinesis to pull Starry Skies from her carrier and place her in front of her to play. Luckily, Gummy had fallen off of Pinkie and did not seem to mind the filly trying to use him like a toy car, not even when she went so far as to make “Vroom, vroom” noises. Twilight however, watched her, and made a mental note to bathe her thoroughly before she touched anything back home, especially any of the books. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) The forest green pegasus stood out a little against all the bare trees, but was confident that he had landed far enough away that his targets would not notice him. He stealthily made his way through the forest, and came upon a unicorn mare hiding behind a bush, and feeding a white bunny some of her daisy sandwich. She looked up at him as he approached low to the ground so as to not be spotted by the frolicking mares and fillies with their pets in the clearing ahead. “Did I miss anything?” he asked. “Nah, nothin' good. Just Spitfire flyin' after her filly, an' draggin' her back. Here.” News Flash Dug around in a brown paper sack and pulled out another sandwich, hoofing it over to him. He handed her one of the cups of hot coffee he was carrying in return and she nodded her thanks before taking a long drink from it. “Aaahhh... That's the stuff.” Buried Lead lay on his stomach so that he could look through the camera with a telephoto lens now and then. He looked through it, and saw them just enjoying their day like any family or group of close friends. With a sigh, he turned to his wife. “I think we may have to close up this branch office soon.” News Flash spit out her coffee all over Angel, who glared at her and kicked over her lunch bag before hopping off. “Whadaya mean, 'close up'? We're doing great!” News Flash hissed indignantly. “Oh, we're doing fantastic... for a small town paper,” Buried Lead replied. “Look, the biggest thing to happen lately was when the Timberwolves chased those two colts through the middle of town, and little miss Countess over there didn't even have a hoof in stopping it. And what was the last big thing to happen before that? The Bon Mot sisters blew through town, looking for their brothers Flim and Flam? And that was what, three months prior? Face it, Newsie, the print-worthy news in this town is drying up.” Setting down her coffee, News Flash replied, “Okay, Ah'll admit; we have been goin' through a bit of a dry spell, journalistically, but it's bound t'turn aroun' for us! Think about it, Sugar! We've got th' biggest trouble magnets what ever drew breath, all gathered up in one teeny little town; there's bound t'be somethin' happenin' soon! An' just think of what their foals can get into!” Buried lead laid a hoof on her shoulder. “Whoa. Stop right there. I draw the line at putting children into the national papers.” News Flash nodded. “Alright, alright, t'was jus' an idea. But still, consider th' possibilities here! Not only do we have the bearers o' the Elements o' Harmony all in one place, we have the braggart showmare, the cap'n of the Wonderbolts, a dragon for Celesta's sake, an' that's not even counting all the kooks and weirdos who tromp through here on a reg'lar basis, or the townsponies! We have two griffons and a minotaur livin' in town! A minotaur sweepin' the streets, jus' as neat as yah please! D'yah even realize how preposterous that is?” “What are you saying, that you want to interview him?” Buried Lead asked with a raised eyebrow. The unicorn double facehoofed and dragged them down, deforming her face before letting it pop back into place. “Argh! Don't you get it? There's all this juicy news jus' waitin' for us, an' you want to close up shop because the star attraction is on maternity leave? Now is the time we should be pursuin' all those other stories 'stead of moanin' and whinin' about there being no news!” “Sooo... yes to the interview?” Buried Lead ventured. News Flash's face fell to the ground, her horn digging a small furrow in the cold dirt, and her pink and aquamarine mane covering her face. She took a deep breath, the raised her head again to look her husband in the eye. “Yes,” she said flatly. “Ah think we should interview the freakin' minotaur!” Buried Lead draped a hoof over News Flash's neck and pulled her in for a kiss. “Remember what I said about telling me when I do something annoying? There's no need to get this upset, Newsie.” He stood and pulled her to her hooves. “Come on. Let's leave them to their family time, and badger a minotaur until he gives us an interview.” With a smirk, the unicorn mare said, “You know I hate it when you pull the rational adult act on me.” Buried Lead turned around from putting their camera equipment away and replied with a smirk of his own, “Then you shouldn't give me so many opportunities to do it.” News Flash just gave him a playful smack on the rump for an answer. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Jumping sideways, Sunny took Winona by surprise and came fully around the tree, coming within a gnat's width from tackling her to the ground. Instead, she ended up sprawled out on the ground, momentarily stunned. Something small and cold landed on her nose, and she crossed her eyes trying to see what it was. A white dot crossed her field of vision, and she focused on that instead. The white dot lazily drifted to the grass, where it disappeared. Perplexed, she saw another white dot hit the ground, only to disappear as well. Not knowing what else to do, she went to the deepest well of knowledge she knew. “Mom! Mom, the clouds are shedding!” Twilight turned to her, mirth filling her eyes and the smile she tried to keep from taking over her whole face. “What's that, Sunshine?” Sunny pointed up at the white flakes falling from the clouds. “See? The clouds are shedding like Opal!” The cat in question looked over at the filly and sniffed before walking away. Looking up, Twilight took notice of the snow for the first time and suppressed a shiver from the chill breeze. “That's snow, Sunny. It's frozen rain; and a sign that it's time to go home.” “Aaawww... do we have to?” the filly moaned in disappointment, when she saw the mare putting her sisters into their carrier. Spitfire came up behind her and ruffled her mane. “Cheer up, Sport. If your mothers say it's okay, I'll stay here with you so you can play in the snow.” She looked up at the clouds, gauging them. “Though it doesn't look like there'll be enough to do much.” Sunny looked up at her excitedly. “Will you?” She turned to Twilight, eyes shining bright. “Can we, Mom?” Hiding an inward wince from the filly's weapon's grade smile, Twilight conceded defeat. “Alright, but no more than an hour. I want you both back home for dinner.” Bouncing around Spitfire in a hyperactive show of joy, Sunny shouted, “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!” Rarity leaned in with a wink and said, “You know, I seem to recall my little sister saying that somepony did the exact same dance and cheer when describing how she got her cutie mark. I wonder if that same mare taught her that? Or is it genetic?” Twilight's hoof met her face in silent reply. > Have You Ever Seen the Rain? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 28: Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Staring out the window, Blueblood tried hard to admire the beautiful day, but just could not muster up the will to do so. The bright sun, fluffy clouds, singing birds, even the foals playing in the courtyard could not bring a smile to his face. He sighed sadly and tried to read the magazine in his hooves, but gave up when he realized that he had just read the same paragraph for the third time. He tossed it to the end table next to him with a snort of disgust. From the corner of his eye, he noticed a small colt watching him fearfully the next chair over. He looked familiar, and it took him a few moments to figure out why. The foal wore the same expression Blueblood used to when his father was angry or disappointed with him. The stallion would glare, but the only thing he would say would be, “I'm so disappointed in you, boy,” or something similar. There was nothing more devastating he could have said to the developing colt. Even now, just the memory of those words sent a chill knife through his heart. Blueblood was determined not to make the same mistakes, so he offered the colt the magazine, holding it out with his magic. Nervously, the colt took the proffered article and returned to his mother's side on the other side of the room. A nurse walked into the room and said, “Mr. Blueblood? Your father's ready to receive you.” With a sigh, he stood and walked to the room's exit, but paused to smile when he saw the colt wave to him. Returning the gesture with a nod, he walked out into the hospital proper, following the nurse as she walked up to a door with an electronic lock. She keyed in a code and the door buzzed as it unlocked. They walked through the mental health wing in silence until they came upon his father's room. Before she could open it for him, he laid a hoof on her shoulder and asked, “How has he been lately? Any changes, good or bad?” The nurse shook her head sadly. “I'm afraid not. If you want to talk to his doctor before you leave, I can ask him to stop by to get a better picture.” Blueblood nodded and walked into the private hospital room. It wasn't hard to spot the old stallion, but it was very difficult for Blueblood to look at him for long. He sat on the floor next to the window, toys and dolls scattered around him. He listlessly moved around a pony doll, having it smash down repeatedly onto another pony doll. Walking over, Blueblood sat down on the floor and tried to look into his father's eyes, but the other pony refused to look away from his project. “Good morning, Father. How are you feeling?” Golden Bit said nothing, and kept slamming one doll into the other in a lackluster way. “Is... is that fun? It certainly looks like it.” Again, no response. Blueblood looked back at the nurse who had just returned. He silently mouthed a question at her, “How long?” and mimed slamming his hoof down like his father was doing. The nurse came up and whispered into his ear, “About a half hour or so, now. We tried to stop him yesterday, but he started screaming and throwing a fit, so we leave him to it as long as he doesn't hurt himself or anypony else.” With a nod, Blueblood returned his attention to Golden Bit and tried his best to reach him, to no avail. Eventually, the new Duke of Canterlot had to leave so that the patients could be fed. He managed to avoid crying, but only with the help of several deep breaths and a calming exercise commonly taught to unicorns. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Blueblood walked into his office, and was surprised to find his wife sitting on his desk. “Cherry? What are you doing in here?” Cheery Jubilee sauntered up to him and kissed him. “Waiting for you, my Blueberry. I thought you might need some cheering up. You always do after your visits.” Blueblood kissed her back and smiled weakly at her. “That's very sweet of you, but I'm not really in the mood for...” “Sexual healing?” Cherry Jubilee offered. The Duke sat on the small couch, pulling his wife onto his lap. He smiled- a real one this time- and kissed the top of her head. “That. But, I'll take some snuggles, if you have any to spare.” Cherry nuzzled into his embrace and sighed contentedly. “I always have those in stock, Sweetie.” They laid there like that for a few moments before Cherry broke the silence. “You know, I think I have some news that will cheer you up even more than just snuggles.” “Oh? Do tell,” the unicorn replied. “You're gonna be a daddy.” Silence met her declaration, and the longer it stretched on, the more scared she became. Cherry knew that her husband still had many issues with family to work out, but this situation had arisen much sooner than either had expected. She looked up, terrified to discover what she would find. To her great relief, she saw a stunned, but happy look on Blueblood's face. She reached out a hoof and poked him gently in the ribs. “Hey, there. This is where you jump for joy or say 'Yippee' or something.” Blueblood looked down at her and with a wide grin, calmly said, “Yippee.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Stepping off of the flying chariot and on to the familiar palace grounds, Twilight calmly looked around at the guards. She had always known their purpose- the reasons they were there, but knowing that she had similar guards really drove home their presence. Before her meeting with Plain Sight, the guards were more like stern uncles or guides to her. They had names (many of which she knew personally), families, hopes, dreams, likes, and dislikes. Foibles. Lives. But now, all she could see when she looked upon them were the holes in families they would create should they make the ultimate sacrifice in the course of their duty, namely protecting the Princesses or their guests. She shook her head in confusion and fear that she would be the cause of one of them not coming home to their family someday. Twilight gathered her thoughts as one of those same guards came forward and bowed to her. “Milady,” he said with profound respect before rising again. “I hope your trip was pleasant. Her Highness will see you in her parlor directly.” Twilight nodded respectfully to the guard. “Lieutenant Gleaming Shield. A pleasure to see you again,” she said, giving his rank the same pronunciation that the Princesses did. Gleaming Shield blushed a little at her remembering his name, but returned her smile. “Likewise, Milady.” They started walking into the palace proper, Twilight asking, “If it's not too intrusive, I'd like to ask you a question, if I may, Lieutenant.” “Of course, Milady. I'll answer as best I can, security clearance allowing, of course,” the stallion replied. Twilight waved a hoof dismissively. “Oh, it's nothing secretive, just perhaps a bit... personal. I was wondering why you do it.” She saw the confusion on his face and realized her non sequitur. “I mean this,” She waved a hoof at his armor, “Your job. Why are you a guard instead of a doctor like your father, or a metallurgist like your mother? You like gardening, so why not follow that passion instead of something dangerous like this?” Gleaming Shield almost paused his stride, but his training kept him going on auto-pilot. He smiled at his charge and gave a small chuckle. “You always did ask the hard ones, Milady. To answer your question, I have to say that I do this for a variety of reasons. To be honest, gardening, medicine, and metallurgy are just interesting ways to spend my free time. They don't appeal to me enough to make a career out of them. “As to the danger, there is a certain amount of danger inherent in almost every profession. A doctor exposes himself to contagious diseases, dangerous X-rays, unstable or panicked patients, not to mention lawsuits from unscrupulous lawyers looking to make a bit off of a malpractice suit. A metallurgist often is found working around red hot, if not molten metals, dangerous fumes, exposed flames, corrosive acids, and clumsy assistants. Gardeners are subject to heatstroke, dehydration, allergic reactions to plants or insect stings, and zoning laws. Compared to all that, facing down the odd irate citizen looking to make a statement by pelting the Princess with rotten vegetables or paint, or at the extreme end of things, somepony looking to seriously hurt or kill them is a walk in the park. It's all about what you consider to be acceptable risk,” he finished with a smirk. “But that's not what you asked, is it?” Gleaming Shield said. “Why I do this and not any of those other things comes down to two things. Do you remember when the weather ponies lost control of that storm about fifteen, sixteen years ago?” Twilight nodded after a moment's thought. “I think so. Do you mean the one that flooded Baltimare? I think I read later about it. Wasn't almost the entire weather bureau there fired over it?” Gleaming Shield nodded. “That's the one. There was a huge call out for medical aid, and my family all went to respond to that plea. I was just old enough for my parents to take me instead of leaving me with my aunt like they normally would have. Seeing all that devastation was... sobering. But more than that, seeing all the ponies working together to help those hurt by the storm made me feel proud to be a pony. “And then, She showed up. The Princess flew down from the sky in her largest chariot like a Goddess descending from the heavens to inspect the damage first hoof, but she could not just stand by idly, or make speeches. She told the pegasi pulling it to use it as a makeshift ambulance, and take the doctors out to gather up the wounded. Then she took off most of her shoes and crown, and got into the mud to help the rescuers.” He chuckled to himself and lightly shook his head. “She even had her guards working down there with her, leaving her regalia unattended- not that anypony would touch it uninvited, not after seeing her do that. She didn't ask for praise or recognition, she didn't take over the operation, she didn't even bring any reporters with her. The only reason the story got out at all was that there happened to be somepony there with a camera taking pictures of her.” With a sigh, Gleaming Shield looked to the ceiling, a tear of pride threatening to spill from his eye. “It was then I realized that I would follow her anywhere. She truly cared about us, and didn't just rule from on high. She wanted what was best for us, and didn't care about the glory or the personal price to her. She was worth following. Worth protecting. If I can do that by keeping the thankless masses at bay, falling on an enemy's sword, or even just escorting her guests around the palace grounds, then I'm happy to do so. Of course, I'd rather keep on living so I can continue to serve her, but if it comes down to that, I'm quite ready to do so.” He shot Twilight a sideways glance and smiled. “But I also do it because I love her, and being around her brings me joy, and allows me a chance to try to brighten her day even a tenth as much as she does to mine. It doesn't matter if she ever returns my feelings or not. Just knowing that I'm doing something for her is enough.” He stopped, and Twilight realized that they were standing in front of the door to the Princess's richly appointed parlor. He knocked and announced in a loud, clear voice, “Countess Twilight Sparkle, Your Highness.” He opened the door, and bowed to Twilight once more. Twilight walked in, staring in surprise at Gleaming Shield until the door closed behind her. It was with a little surprise then, that she walked into the couch on which Celestia sat, and tumbled to the floor. The unicorn regained her hooves, rubbing her head. Looking up, she saw the amused look on the alicorn's face, and couldn't help but smile to see her. “Morning, 'Tia.” “It's a much better morning for seeing your smile again, Twilight,” Celestia replied. “What was it you wanted to discuss? Your letter sounded rather urgent last night.” Twilight's hoof migrated to the back of her head where it scratched nervously. “Ah, well. It may not have been as urgent as I had made it out to be last night. I was rather... agitated when I had composed the letter, you see.” Celestia patted the space on the couch next to her. “Come tell me about it. I'm sure that between the two of us, we can work out any problem.” Settling onto the couch next to her mentor, Twilight hesitantly replied, “I sure hope so. I'm sure you're already aware of a pony named Plain Sight and her, uh, job?” Having already been warned the previous night by from Plain Sight what had transpired, Celestia was hardly surprised by the nature of the visit. Deciding to lay more of her cards on the table, the alicorn opted to forgo feigning ignorance any longer. “Indeed I do. I received a report from her just last night to expect you to want a talk with me rather soon-ish. Is it safe to assume that this concerns her?” Her query was met with a nod, so she asked, “What has happened to change the urgency since last night?” “Um... well, several things, actually,” Twilight replied. “I talked with my herd last night after... our discussion, and while they agree with the decision to leave things as they are now, they told me a few stories of how she was helping me from the shadows without my knowledge.” Celestia was disappointed, but tried to not let it show. “So you aren't going to accept her into your herd, then?” Twilight shrugged and watched her hoof as it started doodling idle circles on the pattern of the couch cushion. “I dunno. Even they're sorta ambivalent about the whole notion. They see the merits of bringing her in, but like me, they're worried about disturbing the delicate balance in the dynamic we've achieved.” She snorted in amusement and added, “Not to mention the fact that we know next to nothing about her.” “Then don't you think you should give her a chance before saying 'No' outright?” Celestia asked. “You might be missing out on something exceptional.” Twilight sighed and laid her head on Celestia's cutie mark, an action that caused a swell of emotion for the unicorn from the elder mare. “Moot point now,” Twilight replied. “She took the decision out of our hooves by bowing out of the way.” Celestia's head perked up at this revelation. “She did?” “Yeah. She said some stuff about not being good enough, and not wanting to ruin the good thing I had going with my herd, then practically ran out of the house. I was too stunned by all that information to do anything but sit there.” She turned her head to look up at Celestia without lifting it from its comfortable spot. “Am I a terrible pony for wishing that she had never come forward at all? Just kept it to herself? It feels like a genie has been released, and you know how hard those are to put back in the bottle.” Leaning down, Celestia kissed Twilight on the forehead. “Wishing for continued happiness does not make one a bad pony, but refusing to deal with new information will not return one to blissful ignorance. You know this as well as I do, 'Sister'.” Twilight started at the mention of their relationship and gave a rueful chuckle. “I suppose so, 'Sister'.” She sat up right and looked her in the eye for the first time this whole visit. “So what do you suggest we do?” “My suggestion to you would be to talk with your herd about her, and see if she ever could have a place in it, then let her decide if she feels like she deserves a place or not. I'm sure you've noticed that she can be rather, ah, stubborn about some things,” Celestia noted with no small amount of mirth. “Plain Sight needs to work out in her own mind, her personal worth as a pony, and there is nopony more blind than one who refuses to see. She must come to this realization on her own, unfortunately. Rather ironic, considering her name, don't you think?” “We are our own harshest critic,” Twilight replied with a nod. “I know that more than most, I suppose. Alright, I'll talk with them, but I doubt we'll change our minds. Trixie especially is very... ah, delicate when it comes to relationships, and I'm not exactly the best example in the world of self-confidence.” “Glass houses?” “Indeed,” Twilight replied. “I suppose I should start investigating to find out what kind of pony she is, to see if she would even fit in with us. Could I ask you about her?” Celestia nodded. “So long as you don't ask me to betray any confidences, I'd be happy to tell you. I take it then, that you don't object to her being your unseen guardian, then?” Twilight let her gaze drift off to the side. “Well, I'm still a little iffy about that, actually. Just knowing that there's a pony out there who feels that way about me and is watching my every move is very... off-putting, to say the least, though I can see the value in having a guardian as low-key as her.” “I can certainly relate,” Celestia said with a nod. “It takes some getting used to, but over the millennia, I've found that ponies who guard me out of love and respect do a better job than those who do it because it's a good paycheck; even if they can sometimes cross a line they shouldn't. If you like, I can tell you how I deal with that as well.” Twilight put a hoof to her chin in thought for a moment before replying, “I think that might be a good idea, all things considered.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Sunny walked into the candy shop, letting her shield dissipate as she did, leaving the rain behind her. She looked around, but was unable to spot her objective. She walked up to the counter and tapped on the glass case to get the attention of the mare behind the counter. Looking over the edge, Bonbon smiled down at the little filly. “Hello there, Sunny. What can I do for you today?” “Can Twist come play?” The filly asked, trying her hardest to look cute. She had discovered that the most powerful weapon in her arsenal was her eyes, but she tried not to overuse them. Bonbon smiled sadly at her. “I'm sorry, Sunny, but our Mom would kill me for letting her out in this kind of weather. Besides, she still has to pay me back for all that sugar she used last week, making candy for her whole class.” Sunny looked to the floor, dejected. “Okay. Thanks anyways, Missus Bonbon.” As the filly turned to leave, Bonbon couldn't help but call out to her. “If you like, you can help Twist in the kitchen, but you have to promise to follow all directions, and be extra careful.” Sunny turned around, a million wut smile on her face. “Thanks, Missus Bonbon! I promise we'll be real careful!” As the filly dashed into the kitchen, Bonbon was beginning to have doubts about what she did. This doubt only increased when she heard a cacophony of falling pots and pans, followed by a shouted, “Sorry, Missus Bonbon!” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Twilight walked into her home with an exhausted sigh. “I'm home!” she called out. She was answered by a squeal and a, “Oh no you don't! Get back in that tub, Missy!” Recognizing the exasperated voice of Trixie, Twilight walked over to the bathroom from which the noise was emanating, she found the expected mare trying to force a struggling blob of brown, gooey caramel with eyes into the tub. The caramel looked up and impossibly smiled at the unicorn. “Hi, Mom!” it cried out in Sunny's voice. Unable to tear her eyes away, Twilight calmly asked, “Trixie, what's going on?” Trixie looked up without relinquishing her firm grip on the wriggling mass of candy. “Oh, good. You're back. It seems our eldest went over to Bonbon's and tried to 'help' with the candy-making. I'm just trying to deal with the aftermath of the event.” Twilight stared on in shock. “You mean to tell me that... that is our daughter?” She watched incredulously as the blob was finally lowered into the water. “How did this even...” “I slipped and fell onto the candy table when they were rolling out the caramel!” Sunny replied, much too happily for either mare's liking. “I tried to get it off, but that just made it spread everywhere.” Then, in the king of all non sequiturs, she added with a beaming smile, “I got to kiss Twist again!” Twilight made her displeasure known with a glare and a frown that stopped Sunny's squirming, much to Trixie's relief. “What have I told you about forcing yourself on other ponies?” “But Mom, she didn't even pull away this time! I swear!” the filly answered desperately. “She even tasted really sweet this time,” she added absently. “Like caramel?” Twilight ventured. Sunny put a hoof to her chin in an uncanny imitation of her Mom. “Actually, she tasted like sour apple candy. But that might be because she was making lollipops at the time of the spill. In any case, she didn't pull away this time, and didn't even seem upset at all.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Regardless, I want you to put a leash on those touchy-feely impulses of yours around others. Not everypony is as... affectionate as we are in this house, understand?” Sunny nodded, and Twilight had to stop herself from attempting to ruffle her candy- filled mane. She looked to Trixie and said, “Where are the others? There's an important matter we need to discuss.” Trixie looked up at her from the corner of her eye, and asked, “What about?” “Probably about Missus Plain Sight,” Sunny said, her attention centered on pushing her rubber ducky under the water and letting it pop up again. Both mares stared at the filly in astonishment. “W- what do you know about her, Sunny?” Twilight asked carefully. Sunny kept on playing with the ducky as she replied. “I know that she watches us to make sure we're safe, and that she really, really, really likes Mom. Like likes her. The way I do Twist.” Her matter-of-fact manner surprised the mares with her how honest, insightful, and concise a filly her age was with a matter that adults many times her age could not be. “What do you think about her, Sunny?” Twilight asked. With a shrug, Sunny replied, “I'unno. She's a nice enough pony, I guess. Not sure how'd she'd work out though.” Trixie finally found her voice after swallowing hard. “What do you mean, Sunshine? 'Work out', how?” “I'm just not sure. Letting her live with us could be good or bad. 'S just hard to see,” the filly said. Further conversation was interrupted by the front door opening and closing, followed by Cheerilee's singsong voice calling out, “I'm home.” Sunny tried once more to escape, but Trixie had a firm grip on her with her magic this time. Twilight walked out to greet the newly arrived with a kiss. “Welcome home. How was the meeting with the mayor?” Cheerilee swooned dramatically with the back of a hoof resting on her forehead. “Oh, dear, me! The bureaucracy!” She put all four hooves on the floor again and smiled at her alpha. “We managed to eke out the money for a budget for another year at least. We had to cut back on the annual field trip, but at least no classes will be canceled. It's a very narrow thing, too. If you hadn't offered to do your magic class again gratis, we'd be in real trouble.” “No field trip? Now that's a shame,” Twilight said with a moue of sadness. “Perhaps we could try some things they do in the larger cities. There's plenty of fund raising techniques we could attempt. Bake sales, arts and crafts sales, cart washes, walk-a-thons, or failing all that, door-to-door sales.” The teacher looked less than excited at the prospect. “I suppose we'll have to. I wanted to try to avoid that if at all possible. The last thing I wanted was to turn them into little Eqway ponies.” She put on a fake smile and a squeaky voice, and said, “Hello, Sir! Would you like to buy some wrapping paper?” Her expression dropped once more into a glower. “Ugh. Just the thought of it makes my stomach churn. Maybe I can turn it into a lesson on economy.” Twilight nuzzled her with a poorly concealed smirk. “Well, cheer up, Cheery. We got serious business to discuss later on after dinner tonight.” Cheerilee rolled her eyes. “Ugh. Lovely.” (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) “So, what was it you wanted to talk to us all about, Twi?” Spitfire asked. She was sitting on the bed behind Trixie, running a brush through the unicorn's mane, and smiling at the purr of satisfaction coming from her; tonight being her night to be pampered. She leaned forward so that the majority of her weight was placed on the Trixie's back, practically mounting her from behind. Cheerilee tugged her pink socks up and looked over at the pony pile forming on the bed. “Yes, you mentioned something about it when I came home as well. If this is about sending the kids to an academy again-” Twilight stopped combing the fur on Trixie's forelegs, and waved a hoof in negation. “No, no. You all made very cogent points about that, and I agreed with them. Besides, I don't think I could bear to part with them for so long anymore. No, this actually concerns Plain Sight.” All three of her mares stopped what they were doing and looked at her; Trixie with a sour expression, while the others were obviously just confused. “What about her?” Spitfire asked. “I thought we came to a consensus about her,” agreed Cheerilee. Twilight looked to the side as she said, “Well, that's true, but 'Tia has brought some new information to my attention. Knowing this may change how we feel.” “What can she possibly say change what we've already decided?” Trixie asked with a petulant tone. “I am not keen on bringing another mare into our bedroom.” “Believe it or not, nor am I, when it comes right down to it. I've been exceptionally fortunate in coming to love and be loved by three extraordinary mares such as yourselves,” Twilight replied, surprising them all. “But like I said, when new information comes into light, it must be considered carefully before a decision can be made. I won't go into everything the Princess said, but I will break it down into a few salient points. The first point is that she's been protecting me for many years now, and so knows me very well. Well enough, in fact, to accurately predict my movements and likely courses of action in a given situation. “Point two: she has had unrequited feelings for me, longer even than Spitfire and I have had for each other. Lately, those feelings have begun to interfere with her ability to operate as my guardian, but Limnear seems to have stabilized that to an extent. This actually leads into point three: Limnear herself. The two of them had a relationship in the past, but broke up over a difference of opinion over me, actually. I'm not sure of the specifics, but the gist of it is that Limnear wanted a bigger part of Plain Sight's heart than she was willing to give back then. That seems to have changed lately, but Limnear is still pushing for that bigger share.” Twilight sighed and fidgeted her forehooves in front of her. “That's all the relevant data. There's some other things she said, but they aren't pertinent to the discussion; mostly things my family has said of her over the years.” Trixie was first to voice her opinion. “I say we let the two of them get together and leave us out of it. It sounds like this griffon has a good grasp on her, and if that happens, then she'll have a better chance of getting over our Twilight.” With a roll of her eyes and a sigh of exasperation, Spitfire said, “That's rather cold, Trixie. What would you have done if Twilight rejected you because she chose Cheerilee or myself? Or the both of us, but not you?” The unicorn looked down at the sheets, tears brimming in her eyes. Spitfire leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. “I'm sorry, Trix, but it was needlessly callous; not the words, but the tone and feelings behind them. That being said, I actually agree with you, to an extent.” Looking over her shoulder at the pegasus, Trixie gasped, “What?” Spitfire nuzzled her and threw her forelegs around Trixie's neck. “Silly mare. Whether you meant any malice behind it or not, you hit on the thing that could maintain the status quo. Limnear could capture her heart entirely, so that Plain Sight might not even want to join our herd.” “But there's one thing we need to consider that we haven't yet addressed,” Cheerilee said solemnly. They all turned to her, and she in turn, looked to Twilight. “How do you feel about her joining the herd, now that you know her a bit better?” Twilight closed her eyes and considered the matter carefully in her mind. It took only a few moments before she opened them again and said, “I think I'd like to wait and see what happens with Limnear, first. If it comes to pass later on that she wants to join, we should sit down and talk it over with them both.” Spitfire gave her a sly smile. “And you say you'd make a poor politician.” > Lightning Crashes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE'S BEEN A LITTLE BIT HARD ON ME Chapter 29: Lightning Crashes Hearthember 25, 1005 Twilight efficiently, but gently pulled both the brushes through the unicorn fillies' manes despite their protests. “Just bear with me for a little longer, girls. We're almost done.” She glanced over at Spitfire, who was grooming Starslayer's wings, pulling out tiny, downy feathers, and carefully placing the little pink treasures in a pile to be used in a new pillow for the foal later. “Almost done there, Hot Stuff?” Spitting out a mouthful of feathers, the pegasus smiled at her. “Just about. Don't worry. We'll be done before the guests arrive.” A knock at the front door put lie to the Wonderbolt's statement, and Twilight grinned. “They're here!” she cried out happily, only to be imitated by Sunny. The unicorns all ran off to answer the door, leaving the pegasi in the room, content to continue their grooming routine. Stopping at the door, Twilight smiled as she felt two bumps into her hind legs. She opened the door, and greeted her guests with glee. “Happy Hearth's Warming, everypony!” Twilight Velvet walked in, shedding snow as she did and hugged her daughter tightly. “Twily, Sweetheart, Happy Hearth's Warming!” Looking down, she saw two of her granddaughters, and immediately scooped them up in her forelegs. “Oh, my little Darlings! Happy Hearth's Warming!” “Happy Hearth's Warming, Grandma!” Sunny cried out. Night Light gently pushed her into the house so that he could shake off his own light dusting of snow. He kissed Twilight's cheek and ruffled her mane. “Hello, Twily. Thanks for having us over.” Twilight returned his kiss on the cheek and took her father's scarf from him. “You're all always welcome here, Daddy. Come in out of the cold, everyone.” She stepped aside and beckoned the rest of the group inside. Celestia walked past her, stopping to quickly drape her neck over Twilight's, who gleefully reciprocated the gesture. “Happy Hearth's Warming, Twilight.” Luna followed her in and repeated the gesture and greeting, though with slightly less exuberance. Finally, Cadance and Shining Armor came in, closing the door behind them. Right away, Sunny Squirmed out of Velvet's grasp and began galloping in place in front of the smallest alicorn. “Cady, Cady, Cady!” Cadance dropped her front down as they performed the Ladybug Dance as it had become known. Starry Skies tried to imitate them, but just could not keep up with their pace. Ritual completed, Cadance swept up Sunny and Starry, hugging the giggling fillies close. Shining wandered over to his sister and gave her a gentle noogie. “Hey there, LSBFF. You keeping my nieces in line, or are they running roughshod over you?” “I'll have you know-” Twilight's rebuttal was interrupted by the front door opening again, allowing Spike, Trixie, and Cheerilee to lead Spitfire's parents as well as Vintage Fields, Berry Punch and Berry Pinch in. More greetings were exchanged, and it all happened again when Spitfire walked into the room, Starslayer keeping station above her head. Needless to say, the living room was quite crowded, but a companionable susurration of pleasant conversation grew naturally. The egg nog flowed, and the ponies were having a pleasant time until a the high-pitched TING TING TING of Celestia tapping a fork against her glass got everypony's attention. “Everypony! Your attention, please. I believe it's time to give the gift,” Celestia called out. Twilight looked a little confused. “Exchange the gifts now? But I thought we were waiting until tomorrow morning to do that? You know, actual Hearth's Warming day?” “Normally, we would wait until tomorrow morning, but given the circumstances, it might be better to give just this one gift now, rather than wait until then,” Celestia remarked, waving a hoof at the room packed to the gills with ponies and one baby dragon. She clapped her hooves, and said, “Come on, everypony. Dress warmly. Let's go.” Sidling up to her, Twilight quietly asked, “Dress warmly? You mean it's outside?” Celestia smiled at her, a twinkle in her eyes. “Well, it certainly couldn't fit through the door. Now go get your fillies dressed. Spike, too,” she said with a wink. A few minutes later found them walking through the streets of Ponyville, greeting ponies as they passed in the deepening dark of a chilly night. Ever since Twilight came to live there, they had gotten used to seeing their Solar Princess walking their streets more often than Canterlot did; and so they had gotten to the point where they would simply nod with respect and perhaps give a verbal greeting when they pass her by. This was helped by the fact that the Princess's guards had quietly spread the word that she did not wish for a full obeisance every time they crossed paths within Ponyville's borders. Spitfire pulled up even with Luna and asked, “Princess? Just where is this gift? Why couldn't it be left outside of our home?” The Alicorn of the Night smiled down at the pegasus. “Prithee, possess thyself with a modicum of patience, Our Little Pony. The answer to thy conundrum lieth around the corner.” She was about to respond to this answer, when she heard her parents snorting in laughter behind her. Turning to them, Spitfire said, “Okay, you two. Fess up. What do you know about this?” Her father, Swiftwing, badly hid his smile with his wing. “Why, nothing at all, Pumpkin. You must be imagining things.” His poorly concealed smile failed utterly to convince her of his innocence in the matter. Turning to her mother, she said, “Come on, Ma. Just a little hint? For me?” Hashslinger smirked at her daughter and snapped her gum, but remained otherwise silent. Seeing that she was getting nowhere, she returned to Twilight's side and tried to distract herself by playing with Starslayer, who sat secure in her carrier on her Mom's rump. Celestia, who was leading the group, finally came to a stop next to a recently planted hedge wall taller than herself, and grinned. Twilight tilted her head in confusion, then looked to Trixie, who just shrugged in confusion. Turning back to her mentor, Twilight said, “I don't understand, Princess. Where's the gift?” Celestia politely coughed, and her eyes flicked over to a small plaque in front of the tall bushes. Taking the hint, Twilight bent over to examine the embossed metal plate and read it aloud, “Number twelve Magister avenue, The Twilight herd?” Twilight's head shot up, and she looked around the hedgerow to see the manor that had been under construction for so long. Velvet could resist no longer, and rushed forward to embrace her daughter once more. “Happy Hearth's Warming, Baby! We all pitched in for this.” While Twilight was struck speechless, she wasn't the only one. Her herd-wives joined in her stupification, and they stared at the enormous building that they now apparently owned. Cheerilee lifted a hoof and in a brilliant display of her erudition, managed to intelligently stammer out, “Uh... buh... huh?” The rest of the group pulled, pushed, and prodded the four mares to the building, which was even festively decorated, complete with a Hearth tree in front of the window, clearly on display for any who should happen to pass by. They reached the front door and the four were herded in, all seeking the warmth promised by the cheery, golden light pouring through the windows. The manor was far less ostentatious than the librarian had feared, going by the outside. The rooms were large, but filled with furniture that all the mares could agree upon, the library, enormous by household standards, but large enough to hold all of their personal collections, and then some. Enough bedrooms were to be had to accommodate Twilight's growing herd. But what surprised them were the three ponies already in the house, wearing impeccable uniforms, and bowing before them all. Celesta came forward and waved a wing to the new ponies and said, “Allow me to introduce your staff. This is Citadel, your personal assistant and driver on the rare occasions you need one,” she pointed towards a pegasus stallion, “Clean Sweep, your maid and cook should the need arise,” she then pointed towards the earth pony mare in the middle, “and finally, your household nanny, Civil Discourse.” She finished the introduction, indicating the final stern-looking unicorn mare. It took several moments before Twilight and her herd regained voluntary control over their muscles, and hugs were given all around. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Piaffe 3, 1012 Sunny adjusted the Mortarboard, and turned her head to the left and right, trying to see if there was an angle that didn't make her look like a total tool. Sadly, it seemed that her efforts were in vain. No matter what angle she used, the image in the mirror always looked stupid by her reckoning. “You actually got into a three-way kiss with Twist and Silver Spoon?” With a moue of annoyance, Sunny turned around to face Starslayer, who was lounging on the unicorn's bed and reading her diary. “What of it? You don't even like her anyways. What was it you called her? A 'Hag-nag'?” Starslayer rolled over onto her back so she could see her older sister, though upside-down. “I don't. Like her, that is. Just wondering what could have possessed you to kiss her with your fillyfriend. I thought they hated each other.” Sunny rolled her eyes and took the diary back with her magic. “They don't hate each other. It's... complicated. Besides, she's not so bad since Diamond Tiara went off to college in Canterlot.” With a snort, Starslayer picked up Mr. Bun-bun from next to the pillow and began throwing it up in the air, catching it on the way back down. “Yeah. Real complicated. Like 'electricity and water' complicated.” She looked over once again at the unicorn, who had resumed trying to find a good angle on the mortarboard, moving the tassel to either side. “You know they make you wear those ridiculous things just to make sure you never want to come back.” “I'll remind you of that when it's your turn,” Sunny shot back. “Don't you have a race to be preparing for?” With a dramatic stretch of her massive wing, Starslayer lightly patted the unicorn on the head. “Silly Sunny. Such sacrilegious sayings shan't sway certain supremacy.” With a flick of the overly large appendage, she flipped off of Sunny's bed and onto her hooves. “I got this in the bag, as Mommy would say. There is absolutely no way that Howling Thunder can even hope to win against me.” “I dunno,” Sunny replied with a grin. If there was one thing she enjoyed, it was pushing her sister's buttons. “She's made some real improvement lately. And she is the daughter of the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria.” Starslayer waved a hoof dismissively. “Stuff and nonsense. I may not have pulled off a sonic rainboom like Auntie Dash, but I'm just around the corner from breaking the sound barrier; she said so herself.” “Whatever you say, Sis.” Sunny didn't have to look in the mirror to know that her most annoying sibling was finally gone, most likely to practice for her silly upcoming race with their cousin. However, her shoulders slumped as she looked at herself. “Ugh. This thing is just so... bleagh. Maybe Miss Rarity can do something with it.” With that, she stuffed the hat into her saddlebag, fastening it to her barrel. As she walked down the stairs, she passed by the nanny, Civil, trying to shush the twins, Hocus and Pocus. The two were in the middle of their favorite pastime, crying. She nodded to the mare, who only smiled in return, her voice busy making soothing sounds that were going unheeded by the foals in her forelegs. Sunny finally made it downstairs and heard a familiar alicorn's voice coming from the library. That's right. Satyrday. Mom's day to spend with Auntie 'Tia and Auntie Lulu. I should pop in and say hello. Knocking on the door to the library, she pulled open the slightly ajar door and poked her head in. “Hi, Auntie 'Tia, Lulu!” she called out happily. She walked further into the room as they returned her smile and greeting. Standing before Twilight, she said, “Mom, I'm heading over to Miss Rarity's for a bit, okay?” “That's fine, Sunshine, but why are you going there? Sweetie Belle's with her parents visiting her grandmother, remember?” Twilight replied. Sunny nodded, and replied, “I know. I just need to ask her advice on something.” Seeing her Mom arch an eyebrow at her, she knew that explanation would be insufficient. “It's about fashion. Don't worry, I won't bother her if she's busy, but I kinda need some of her flavor of expertise.” Seeming to accept this, Twilight nodded her approval. “Alright, just be back by dinnertime. We're having rose casserole tonight.” “I will. Bye, Mom. Bye, Aunties!” With a kiss on the cheek for each of them, she was off. As she left the house, she had to chuckle to herself as she spotted Starslayer running through a self-made cloud obstacle course. That's one pest out of the way. The trip to the Apple orchard was long, but thankfully, uneventful. As she started past the apple trees, she saw many of her cousins helping out in the fields, watering, setting up pesticide sigils on the trees among other chores. She waved to them, and they waved back, but didn't leave their tasks, like all true Apples. She finally reached the farmhouse and walked in. It had been long established that as extended family, she was welcome to just walk on in anytime the door was open. “Miss Rarity? It's Sunny. I need your advice.” she softly called out, in case some of the foals were sleeping. Walking into the living room, she spotted Rarity in her rocking chair, darning a tear in a filly's dress. “Miss Rarity, I need your help.” Rarity immediately set the sewing down and patted the hoofstool in front of her. “Well, of course, Darling. What can I do for you?” Sunny sat down and pulled her mortarboard out, hoofing it over to her. “Is there anything you can do? The graduation ceremony is in Juno, and this is the color of our robes and hat.” Placing the hat on Sunny's head, Rarity gave an appraising hum. “Hmm... Yes, I see the problem now. Orange just isn't your color, Dear. Especially not with your lovely pink mane. No, no, no. This simply will not do.” She removed the hat and placed it next to the dress. “I'll see what I can do, Sunny, but there really isn't much to work with. There's only so much one can do with a mortarboard and get away with it, I'm afraid. Worry not, for I shall do my best.” The younger filly threw her forelegs around her in a tight embrace. “Thanks, Miss Rarity. I knew I could count on you.” With that, Sunny quickly left, saying she wanted to see her cousins in the fields. Rarity picked up the mortarboard again and looked at it with fond disgust. “It really is a hideous thing, isn't it? Ah, well. At least this time around, I have a better color sense than I did with my own. Perhaps Rose quartz? It would match her mane, after all.” She put it back down and resumed her earlier sewing, humming a happy song to herself. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Nightober 31, 1019 “Will-o-wisp, you watch out for Cloverleaf and Sweet Reeds, you hear me?” Spitfire smiled when she saw the pegasus filly dressed up like a zombie wave back, then ushered her little sisters (dressed as a construction worker and Starswirl the Bearded respectively) off into the crowd on their annual candy hunt. Smile intact, she turned to Trixie next to her. “You sure you're up for this? You can still go home and pass out candy with Starry Skies, if you're still a little queasy.” Trixie shook her silvery mane and patted her bulging belly. “I'm sure. This isn't my first rodeo, as Applejack would say. I'm just glad it's not twins this time. I love Hocus and Pocus dearly, but I would not care to go through that again.” Spitfire's smile turned into a grin. “You're just lucky that it was Cheerilee that got you this time instead of Twilight. I swear that mare must have supercharged juice or something. She just keeps going like she's still seventeen instead of her mid-thirties.” “Must be making up for lost time,” Trixie replied. Looking around, she spotted Twilight in her atom costume talking to Howling Thunder, who was running the Spider Toss booth for her mother. They approached the booth and Twilight gave each a peck on the cheek when they arrived. “Feeling better, Trix?” Trixie flipped her mane with a well-practiced motion of her head and lifted a foreleg, striking a pose. “I should say so. I may not be able to participate in the costumed portion of tonight, but I never miss a Nightmare Night.” “Besides, we have plenty of costumes at home for... private use,” Spitfire added with a wiggle to her eyebrows. Twilight turned red, while Trixie and Howling Thunder rolled their eyes. “I swear, you four are worse than my own mothers. It's enough to drive a moral pony to crime,” The filly noted. “Speaking of crime, where is our own delinquent?” Spitfire asked. Thunder rolled her eyes again and answered, “Knowing her, out having fun with my Ma, pranking all the foals like I should be instead of running this dumb stall.” Twilight straightened up and assumed her best teaching posture. “Well, that's what happens when you skip out on school for a week straight. Especially silly when you consider that the teacher knows not only you, but your parents personally. I hope you've learned your lesson from this. All your actions have consequences.” She leaned over the filly and her eyes took on a pitch-black appearance with glowing red dots in the centers. ”All your actions,” she said in a sepulchral tone. Right then and there, Howling Thunder resolved to never get on this mare's bad side. “Y-Y-Y-Yes, Miss Twilight. Understood.” Immediately, Twilight's happy mood returned like flipping a switch. “Great! Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to be late for Pinkie's party as it is. Ready to go, girls?” she asked Spitfire and Trixie, who were staring at her in awe. As they walked away, Spitfire leaned in close and whispered so that only the three of them could hear, “You have got to do that in the sack, tonight. It was ten kinds of hot!” “It is fortunate that I already have a bun in the oven, or I would be demanding you do so this instant in front of everypony,” Trixie said. Twilight rolled her eyes, but did so with a smile. “I've created a couple of monsters,” she joked. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Juno 23, 1081 “Trix? Where are you, Sweetie?” Twilight looked around from her place on the couch, blearily trying to focus her rheumy, old eyes. She finally spotted the blue mare on the other side of the library, shelving some books. “Trixie? Come here, Love. We need to talk about what we're going to do for Cheery's birthday next week.” The blue mare looked over at her, and walked over to the couch. “No, Mom. I'm Sweet Reeds. Mama's gone. Mommy, too.” Twilight squinted at her in confusion. “Gone where? She knows we still have to talk about Cheery's birthday. She didn't spill the beans, did she?” Sweet Reeds shook her head, tears forming in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. “No, Mom. I mean they're gone. They passed away over a decade ago, remember? We talked about it just this morning,” she said around a hitch in her throat. “Passed away?” The old, grayed mare asked with a gasp. She leaned forward and whispered, “Does Spitfire know?” The younger librarian laid a hoof on Twilight's and gently rubbed it. “No, Mom. She passed away a couple of years before.” This news was considered, while her daughter silently lent her support. After a moment, she said, “Fetch your sister, Sunny. We need to discuss the inheritance before something happens to me, as well.” Knowing that tone of voice would brook no argument, Sweet Reeds sighed. “Alright, I'll go get her, Mom. Would you mind watching the library while I'm gone?” Twilight chuckled and waved her off. “Silly filly. I've been running this library since before you were born. I know what to do here.” She pulled her close and kissed her forehead, then gently pushed her towards the door. “Go on. Go get your sister.” Sweet Reeds walked over to the door and called back, “I'll be right back, okay?” Twilight waved to her with a shaky hoof. “Go on, you scamp. I'll be fine alone for a few minutes. Celestia knows I went through enough time alone to figure out how to manage.” The door closed with a click, and Twilight laid her head down, exhausted, though unsure why that was. Feeling a sudden chill, she used her faltering magic to spread a light blanket over herself. “Oh, youth is wasted on the young.” “Truer words, were never spoken.” Twilight lifted her head and turned to the sound of the voice and saw three mares standing next to her. “Oh, I'm sorry,” she said in a weak voice. “I didn't see you there. Anything I can help you find? I may not be able to use the ladders very much anymore, but I still know where every book is.” “Oh, we're not here for a book,” the magenta mare in the middle said. “We're here for you, Love,” The yellow one to the left added. Blinking and squinting, Twilight tried to focus her old eyes, until she finally recognized them. “Spitfire! Cheerilee! Trixie! What happened to you? Sweet Reeds said you'd all passed on, but I knew that couldn't be right. I just talked to... you...” She drifted off as she noticed all three mares looked to be in their prime of youth. “Why do you look so young?” All three mares looked at her with melancholic smiles. The color slowly faded from them, and the two mares flanking the one in the middle disappeared entirely. The middle mare however, grew, her form becoming more slender and delicate, and her coat becoming a bone white, with a billowing mane and tail to match that slowly waved in a wind that only it could feel. A long, tapering horn grew from her head, and majestic wings the color of her coat unfurled from her sides. In a graceful move, she extended a hoof to the mare on the couch and simply said, “IT. IS. TIME.” Twilight hesitantly reached out a hoof to take it, and immediately felt rejuvenated. All the years sloughed off her like she was shedding a heavy winter blanket. Her coat returned to it's vibrant colors, and the wrinkles disappeared. The aches in her joints abated, and that annoying palsy that had recently taken up residence in her muscles fled. Looking down, she marveled at her restored youth, and capered around the large, Pale Mare, laughing gaily. It was while she was playing, that she spotted the old mare laying on the couch, seemingly asleep. It took her a moment to recognize herself, old as she was. She approached the old mare, but was stopped by a gentle, yet unyielding hoof on her shoulder. Twilight looked up to see the Pale Mare shake her head. “But, my daughters. I can't go without saying goodbye,” she pleaded. Again, the Pale Mare shook her head, and turned Twilight around. The unicorn spotted her closest friends waiting for her, standing in a field of golden grass that waved in the wind. As the library began to fade around her to be replaced by the golden field, Twilight took one last wistful look back at her body lying on the couch, and silently hoped for the best for her children. The door to the library opened, admitting two ponies deep in discussion. “I know she's already made her final will, but she wanted-” Sweet Reeds covered her mouth when she noticed the still form on the couch. “Shh. I think she fell asleep.” Sunny Days walked in behind her, still wearing her stethoscope and lab coat. She looked over at her mother and smiled gently. “I'll stick around in case she wakes up and remembers that she sent for me,” she said quietly. The younger earth pony nodded. “Alright. If you need me, I'll be in the stacks. Let me know if you leave, okay?” With a nod, she walked over to Twilight. The closer she got however, the more wrong something felt to her. The last few steps had turned into a trot and she held her face close to Twilight's. She felt a stab of fear and inevitability as she cast a spell that would give her a patient's vital statistics, fearing, but already knowing what it would tell her. A tear rolled down her cheek at her worst fear confirmed. With a dull ache in her heart, she pulled the blanket over Twilight's head. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Juno 30, 1081 It was the largest, most well-attended funeral in Celestia's long memory. Not even Blueblood, the Duke of Canterlot, undoubtedly the most beloved to hold that position since the first, had a turnout like this for his. Just going by the Apple family, the Rainbow herd and Twilight's even larger herd, the palace's royal garden was filled to overflowing. Not one, but six of Equestria's most beloved heroes were being laid to rest at once, and a national period of mourning was announced. Many took it to be a bad omen that all six were found dead on the same day, and it was all Celestia and Luna could do to keep their ponies from panicking. But like all other sad events, they pulled together, closing ranks to support one another in this time of profound sadness. There was no shortage of volunteers to give the eulogies, and Celestia was forced to limit them to just ten each for the sake of brevity. Everything else was pretty much a blur to the three alicorns. While the other immortals and dragons in attendance knew and called all six of them friends, none were as close as they. It was a week before any of the alicorns felt up to holding court. (\ /) ( . .) *(“)(“) Hearthember 25, 1082 Celestia awoke from a dead sleep and looked out the open window into the night. Something is about to happen... something... wonderful. Without a second thought, she dissolved into a mote of light, which also faded out of existence... and back into being in the Firmament. Looking around, she spotted her sister Luna, as well as Cadance, Nyx, and Salanshandaraen. With a nod, she thought, ”You felt it too, then?” ”How could I not?” Nyx asked. ”Where is she?” Cadance asked. ”I want to see my new-old auntie!” ”Patience, little one,” Sal said. ”The time is upon us, but she will show when she is ready; not before.” As if on cue, a nebulous field of stars coalesced into being before them, vaguely in the shape of a pony. The form became more distinct by the moment. A horn took shape here, a tail there, wings in between, until an alicorn-shaped window to the night sky as tall as Celestia stood before them. She looked around at the assembled personages, and smiled. A sphinx made of rune-covered paper, a radiant pink alicorn just oozing love from her very being, a titanic dragon made of golden armor and golden light, and finally, the moon and the sun smiled back at her. All in a rush, they ran forward and embraced the reborn alicorn, heedless of the effects their forms had on each other. ”Welcome home, little sister.” ~Owari~