Alone (Travels in Equestria)

by time_changer

First published

what will happen when the last human takes a leap of faith and lands in a most imposable land were houses talk,unicorns are more the just story's well find out in this will twilight sparkle handle this trouble and the trouble her adopt

what will happen when the last human takes a leap of faith and lands in a most imposable land were houses talk,unicorns are more the just story's well find out in this will twilight sparkle handle this trouble and the trouble her adopted daughter just caused read on to find out

Last Hope

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The day started like any other had in the last few years, I woke to the sound of the base’s Red Alert going off. Looking over at the clock I see the time 0700 hours, I groan. Not that it matters much, as the only living thing in the base all it takes to turn the alarm off is my spoken pass code. Which takes all of to seconds to say “authentication protocol alpha one one nine” the alarm falls silent.

I stretch and get out of the bed it always makes me happy when things go my way but today things seem less cheerful.

“Artemis” I say out loud ,
Yes master” comes the response from the speakers
“How is the latest simulation coming.”
It will be complete in a few minutes, would you like me to run you the numbers sir?
“No, thank you Artemis, I’m fine but can you tell me something ? “
What is it you would like to know?
“Well artemis, have you had any luck finding out why I'm the only person on the base.”
No sir, as in the previous two hundred times you have asked, the data on the main drive is still heavily encrypted. I do have got some good news!
”And what would that be Artemis?”
Well sir, I got the rest of the cartoon you requested decrypted.
”That is good news indeed.”

While I had been talking I managed to walk the quarter mile through the halls of the base to the kitchen. Pushing the doors open I see the familiar sight of the shining appliances that by my estimations should easily help feed an army .

“Artemis how are we on food supplies.”
The reserves are only one fifth of the way depleted sir.
“Thank you Artemis”

As I make my breakfast I can't help but feel excited, yesterdays simulation had shown a 95% success probability rating and with the changes I made last night I was almost certain I would get it to at least a 98% to day which would be within the acceptable parameters for the test.

Walking to the control room I have a thought.

”Artemis can you put some music on for me?”
What would you like to hear sir?
“Hm mm, that is a good question ... ah! How about Smile by Pinkie Pie.”
Good choice sir.
“What a minute, ARTEMIS! Why are you calling me sir again? What happen?”
It wasn't my fault sir but two of the last three robot worker have malfunctioned.
“Why didn't you tell me sooner Artemis?.”
Well you looked so happy for once, and as the song you are having me play says: I like it when you are happy. I was afraid you would stop smiling.
“Ha ha ha! Oh artemis you make me laugh."
"When I think back, to the day five years ago, when I woke out of cryosleep.Without any memories of my self and you were little more than a basic security and maintenance system. Now you are a full blown artificial intelligence, sometime’s."
I ,almost, think of you as a person in your own right.”

“Thank you master by the way have you had any "luck" as you put it on remembering your past.”

“No not yet but sometimes it feels like, all of it is right in front of me, but just out of reach. Well we can talk when today's experiment is done. Speaking of which, what was the final success rate on the simulation I had you running.”

“Calculating that for you now master "...." 97.99%.”

“Good enough for me. Ready test probe number 010 for inter-dimensional travel.”

“Preparations will be completed in twenty minutes.”

“Good I can't wait, to think if all go well today I could be in another dimension tomorrow. Artemis how is the portable quantum computer coming along?”

It should be ready in fifteen hours, forty minutes and twenty nine seconds master.
“Thank you Artemis.How long after it is complete will it take you to transfer over?”
No more than a few minutes master.
“Good! How is the control gauntlet coming along?”
Almost complete master, I took the liberty of attaching the vortex 2000 generator to it.
“Good work artemis!” I leaned back in my chair . “Artemis wake me in a few hours” and with that I fell asleep.

I awoke with a start, to the sound of the proximity alarm! Which was a new experience to me “Artemis what is going on!!”

The work bots seem to be being chased by a large group of lions master.
“Oh? is that all.. well can you silence that infernal racket then?”
Of course master."
"Master the probe has just returned from its jump outside our dimension.
"Really!! and the results!?”
The test indicates that you will be able to travel without too many difficulties ,and that you will not need to pack food.
“Good, that means I can have you prepare the nanite transport device and attach it to the control gauntlet. What is the weight of that by the way?”
Fifteen pound after that is attached master.
“Artemis is their anything that needs my attention at the moment.”
No master not at the moment.
“Good I’m going for a jog in the gym. When I get back have the gauntlet ready for field tests.”
As you wish master.


Panting heavily as I leave the indoor track, I start the walk to the test lab, where I will don the gauntlet for the first time. The walk is a long one and when I reach the lab I grab a root beer from the fridge and ask Artemis to bring out the gauntlet. As I lay my eyes on it for the first time, my breath was taken away. It look’s like the coolest thing you can think of then, times it by one million!! That is how cool it looked to me .

The moment was ruined as Artemis interrupted me,to tell me that the quantum computer was all that needed to be attached. So that we could, interface at all times, even if for some reason we lost contact with the home dimension.

“Artemis tell me what is left on my to do list.”
Well master all that is left is the optical and audio implants that require well implantation.
” long will it take.”
Only a few minutes master. Now if you would kindly go to the infirmary down the hall.
“OK but make sure the equipment is ready when I get there.”
Of course master.

The infirmary is the only place on the base that I have never liked ,it just has this creepy feeling like it is watching me . The operation was just as quick as artemis said it would be. Now I can see a H.U.D it not only is telling me what direction I'm facing but showing a three dimensional map of my surroundings, my heart rate and a complete list of commands that will activate different functions. There is also a video that as I watch warns against using alternate mode more than a few hours a day.

“Artemis is the gauntlet ready?”
yes master almost.

As I walk back down the hall, I make a few adjustments to the settings of my implants. Mainly, just turning down the sensitivity on the audio implant. As I enter the lab, I see that artemis is using the manipulator arms to attach the quantum computer to the gauntlet.”

“Do you need my help? Artemis.”

No, I've got it master,and there! It is complete now master. If you will kindly put your arm in and turn on the molecular fuser. It will bind to your arm, then we will be ready to go.

After you activate the bases back up system, than at least when we come back we won't have to clean up any dust.

“That's fine Artemis.”

With the last of the preparations done, we head to the gym. Which is the only place I can reach with the fifteen feet of open space I need to use the gauntlet

“Well artemis here go nothing”

And with that, I give the command to activate the transport program and with a blinding flash my sense of balance shift and the scenery changes.

I'm now standing if front of a library made from a tree with a sign that says Golden Oaks. I walk up to the door and knock.

There is a loud snort from the inside, and then the door burst open!!
A very angry purple unicorn shouting that “If you're here to tell me that Nyx is a danger and needs to be lock up... I will turn you into a cactus!” I stand their with my mouth hanging open, as I take in not only the purple unicorn but also the fact that it could talk . By now the unicorn is staring back at me, in much the same disbelief .

“Hi” I said she just kept staring at me in utter disbelief.
“Well can I ask you a question? Can you tell me where I am?”
My question finally seemed to break her trance .

”Ponyville of course! How can you not know where you are?”
“Well, that is a long story. May I come in?”
“Of course, please wipe your feet on the mat. My name is Twilight Sparkle by the way” she said as she ushered me in. What is yours?”

Which brought to my attention for the first time that I didn't know my own name. Artemis has always called me sir or master and I couldn't tell someone I just met to call me either, so I told her the truth that I don't know my name. This made her frown and ask me to tell her my story.

“I'd make yourself comfortable” I say as she and I both sit down. I began to tell her everything I remembered beginning with the day I woke from cryo sleep too the moment I knocked on her door.

Five Hours Later

As I finish up I ask aloud, “Artemis what time is it?”
02:00 master” Comes his response, from the small micro speaker on the gauntlet.
“Thank you Artemis”

The the unicorn in front of me is suddenly on her feet, and looking around like she is expecting someone to step out of the shadows . It takes me a moment to understand why she look so scared. When I do, I can't help myself, as I break out laughing.
This seems to anger her as she turn to me. Anger is plain to see on her face as she asks “Who else is here!”.
Taking a moment to catch my breath, I see her horn is aglow with a soft purple light
“Calm down my dear we are the only ones here.”
“Then who was that you were talking to? “
“Oh that was just Artemis. Artemis will you introduce yourself to the lady unicorn”.
It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Sparkle.
‘Then why don’t you come out where I can see you?”
“You need to understand something, he can't.”
“Well, why not?” She says with the stamp of a hoof.
“Because he is right here.” I say, as I lift my right arm and show her the gauntlet.
This seem to make her stop and then ask me if I think she is stupid . “of course not, Twilight is it?”
“Then why do you think that lie will distract me as you try to sneak some one in and take her away from me !“
“Take who away from you??” I asked with great confusion, and more than a hint of fear .
This seems to deflate her a tiny bit. “You don’t know what I'm talking about do you?”
“Not a clue my dear. However if you would explain it to, me maybe I could help.”

And with that she told me her story. She found a young filly in the dark forest after she had been ponynapped by a cult trying to bring back a tyrant named Nightmare Moon. How the spell had been interrupted by the Princesses of this magic land. Later when she had gone back, trying to find her bag that the cult had knocked off. She had instead she found tan ink black alicorn filly.The filly was in the bushes ,she had taken care of it while she was trying to decide if it was a threat that the princesses needed to know about. Then she told me how she had changed from just caring for it, too caring for her as more than just some filly but more as a daughter. Then there was something about a dungeon and a hangmares noose and I lost track of the story she was telling me.

“Ok” I finally say.
“So what you are telling me is that your daughter did some things that may have made some ponies a little bit mad.”
“Yes that is why I answered the door on you the way I did.“
“Well now that I have your side of the story, I can see why you would.“
“Oh” she said moments later. “Did I tell you how sorry I'm about that.”
“No you haven't, but that can wait for now. Artemis just did a scan of the surrounding area and according to it there's a large ripple in the local dimensional plain. We had best go check it out me and Artemis that is.”
“Oh no you don’t, you will cause a huge panic no one has seen anything like you ever before. Come to think of it, I know alot but you are something that’s new even to me and that doesn't happen often.”
“Well that may be due to the fact that I'm new to your dimension. What can we do about this.“
“Well” twilight says “I do know a few spells that should do the trick.”
“Oh no you don’t!” I say just a little too quickly.
“Why not, are you scared?” She says in an accusing tone.
“Not in your dreams little miss sparkle. I fear nothing you hear me, Nothing!”
A small smile spreads on her face.
“Oh no I just walked right into that didn't I” I say out loud.
Yes you did master.
“Who asked you Artemis!”
You did, just know master.” At that comment I had to face palm.
“OK, Miss Sparkle do your worst.” I say as I stand up and brace myself for the unknown.

She stands and planting all four of her feet firmly on the ground readies herself. At first I thought she was just standing there then her horn began to glow. The glow continued to grow brighter for a moment, then with a bright flash my sense of balance changed.

I could no longer feel my fingers or toes which is probably a good thing since I no longer had any. I released a breath that I didn't realize I had been holding. then I did the most embarrassing thing I've ever done in my life... I fainted.

some hours later

My head is swimming,as I come too, light and colors play across my vision. I try to stand up. Failing that I settle for sitting up, sunbeams filter in through the windows. I must have been out for at least a few hours.

I try to wipe the sweat from my face and only manage to poke myself in the eye. Taking a moment to look at my hands, I see that they have been replaced by a pair of hooves and that my skin is now covered by a fine coat of soft Midnight Blue hide.

“Artemis how long have I been out?”

Close to ten hours,master.

“Where is our host?”

She left with a large reptile and the filly she told you about last night

Taking my first real look around the room I notice that there seems to be a large pile of books next to a desk that wasn't there when I looked last. Trying to stand again I actually manage it, up on shaking hooves I walk across the room. Now walking is easy, but walking on four legs is hard when you have never done so before.

The room was not that big yet I still managed to trip at least five time.

As I reach the desk I see that the books all seem to be thick manuals on monsters or beast that all seemed more impossible than the last. Come on,manticores, cockatrices. hydras what next werewolf's? Looking at the next thing on the page I'd been reading my mouth fell open as I read “How to identify a werepony.” What does she think that I'm some kind of monster! Oh I'm going to have to try harder to explain myself in the future. Looking around the room again I see that not all the books in this library are as menacing as those in the pile

As I walked around the room, my legs getting stronger with each step, my legs finally stop shaking. The only thing that stops me from walking around the room all day and reading every book in there is a soft whirring noise coming from the door. (click) The door swings open, standing in the doorway is a chestnut colored pony with what looks like a small penlight in hoof steps through the door looking like he is expecting to see some kind of monster. the look in his eyes is one that many brave soldiers would cower at the sight of.

Using the mental up-link in my head I asked Artemis what we had in line of self defense.

Well master at the moment we have a low power force field,but power is low after the trip so we could only keep it up for a few minutes.
“So you are telling me I’m defenseless right now.”
Not entirely.”
“Then what else do we have Artemis!”
A short range teleportation device but it is only good for one use at this power level...
“fine keep it at the ready until further notice.”
yes master

While we had been having this internal talk, the stallion in the door has been regarding me like I’m something that he didn't think he would ever see. His eyes bubbling with curiosity he steps forward and then as he opens his mouth a gray blur slams into his side.The two of them are thrown across the room and slamming into the bookcase on the far wall knocking all the books off the shelf's.

The scene before me was just too much. my legs gave out on me. as I lay on the floor trying to figure out what is going on the two in the pile of books surface.

“Derpy, watch where you are flying will you!”
“Sorry, Doctor”
“Well Derpy now that our entrance is ruined...”
“Who are you?”
“Well I’m the doctor and this is my wife Ditzy...”
“Wait? Doctor Who?”
“No, Doctor Whooves. May I say something else, you do know it is very rude to interrupt someone.”
“Wait why are you here anyway. Are you friends of Twilight's?”
“Well not exactly. Technically, you could say we met once. But even that is kind of a stretch.”
“So then why are you here?”
“Now that is a good question. I’m here because my sonic screwdriver says that someone in this area recently came through a hole in dimensional plains. I’m here to deal with that.”
“Is that a bad thing.” I ask.
“Yes, in my experience at least.”
“And who do you think it is exactly.”
“Don’t know just yet, but if it is who I think it is we are in for a good run.”
“So what will you do when you find them?”
I ask trying to keep my voice from cracking.
Stepping out of of the book pile giving his hind left leg a shake he answers.
“Most likely something clever. Why are you so Curious about this?”
“Just waiting for my legs to work, so I can run and get you a straight jacket is all.”
“Um, Doctor who is he I've never seen him around before.” Says Ditzy

looking at me once more he seems to see through the act I have been putting on for the first time. Getting up my legs shake more than the first time as I try to make my way back to the sofa that I woke up on. I fall halfway there but I’m caught by a feathery wing that help me the rest of the way. Turning my head I look into the eyes of someone without any fear and with only kindness in there eyes.

“Thank you.” I say as I sit down.
“Your very much welcome. What are you by the why?”
“Whatever do you mean my dear.”
“You're not a pony I can see that much is clear.”
“How do you know that my dear.”
“I can see you for what you are.” Seeing the confused look on my face, she adds “It has something to do with my eyes. At least I think so.”
“She can see things that are not what they are supposed to look like. So Ditzy what are you seeing, cyber ponies?”
“No I don’t think so Doctor. He something different.”
“But what!”
“All that matters is that he seems to be harmless.”
“Fine but how did he get here no one is supposed to be able to travel between dimensions it's just not possible. How did you do it”
“Well most of the work was done by Artemis but I did realize that we were going about it from the wrong angle.”
Master, I-I’m at a loss for words. Thank you
“As always you are welcome Artemis”

Then as we start to try to explain things that I barely have a firm grasp on to this ‘Doctor’ twilight gets back from wherever she went to and seems genuinely surprised at the presence of the two new pony’s in the library.

Her eyes start to scan the room. They stop at the pile of books that the two knocked off the walls. I thought that the Doctor was scary, well this librarians look made him seem like a lost little kitten.

A new fear

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two hours earlier

Spike had gone to bed early the night before happy in the knowledge that twilight was back and that she was safe. Pewee woke him early the next day (He must be hungry) spike thought as he walked down the stairs. He walked right past the Midnight Blue form passed out on the sofa.

As he got Pewee his breakfast. Taking a minute he make’s a cup of cocoa so he can wake up properly. Walking back into the other room his back to the sofa as he pushes the door with his tail the first thing he saw was twilight passed out at her desk. Not that unusual but not what he expected.

“Come on Twi you just got back what could have made you want study so hard.”

He whispered to himself.he walks over to see what she had been reading and stops dead as he sees the nature of the books in the pile.

“Why would Twi be researching monsters.“
“That is a good question.”
“Who’s there!?”
“I’m Artemis, and what is your name?”
By now Spike has spotted the pony that is still passed out on the sofa.
“So are you going to look at me when you talk or are you going to keep pretending to sleep.”
“He’s not the one talking to you, that would be me.” To make sure that he understood artemis made the gauntlet flash a bright light.
“What was that for!” Say spike as he rubs the lights from his eyes.
“Sorry about that I sometimes forget that living things don't like bright lights.”

spike finally understanding that the person he thought that he was talking to is actually a sleep, only takes a moment to get his thoughts together.

“So what are you some kind of disembodied voice?”
“No, I’m Artemis. and the pony that you see before you is my Master.”
“Master you say, then what does that make you? Some kind of pet!?” The thought of this has causes Spike to get very angry.
“what's going on? Spike why are you yelling this early in the morning.” twilight lifts her head and using her magic she knocks lose some papers that were stuck there.
“Twilight do you know how this is?”
“Kind of.”
“And what does that mean?”
“It mean that you need to quiet down before you wake him up, he had a long day”
“That comment confuses me. The day he had was just as long as the one you had was it not?”
“Is this guy serious Twi?”
“I’m afraid so spike, he’s been asking me questions like that scene this friend passed out last night.”
“Is there something wrong with asking questions twilight?”
“Not at all Artemis. It’s just not very often that I run a crossed a mind as inquisitive as mine.”
There comes a knock from the door.
“Now who could that be? Spike could you get the door?”
“Of course twilight.”
Spike walks over to the door and as he opens it a loud voice full of nothing but cheer and happy joy can be heard.
“Oh, spike is twilight up yet the party starts in an hour and, who is that?

Bounding passed Spike, Pinkie Pie was next to the sofa giving the new pony a look of curiosity.and then she began to babble about how long it had been since any new pony had come to ponyville and asking how long he had been staying with twilight.

“And how long did you plan on keeping him a secret from me.”
“Wait what did you say Pinkie?”
“Oh never mind get Nyx and... is it just me or does he not have a cutie mark?”
“What would...“

And that was the moment that twilight saw it was true. The spell had done it’s job and made him a pony but it had not give him a cutie mark. how could she pass him off as a traveler if he had no cutie mark and she could think of a small group of foals that would have alot of questions for him. (How could I have not thought of his.) Twilight was now thinking as fast as a lightning bolt.

“I’ve got it. I need to go see Rarity and don’t you have a party to be setting up?”

“Oh ya, see you at the party Twi. Oh and don't forget to bring Nyx with you.”

And in a cloud of pink dust she was gone.

Twilight then went upstairs to wake up Nyx and get her saddlebags, then with a sleepy Nyx in tow left for the Carousel Boutique.


At the Boutique
(one hour earlier)


“Who is it?”
“It’s me, Twilight and Rarity I need another favor from you.”
“Well come in my dear you look awful, what did you do to your mane.”
“Oh.” and she uses her magic to comb her mane back in to order.
“Much better my dear, now what do you need from me?”
“I need you to make a suit for a friend of mine and before you ask here.” Summoning up an image of him with her magic she says. “And I need it as fast as you can but. I also need it to hide his cutie mark if that is not too much to ask that is.“ Trying to give Rarity a reassuring smile.
“Fine dear but I will need him for a fitting so it will fit right. So why don’t you, Nyx and Spike go get something to eat in town and then bring your ‘friend’ by for his fitting in an hour or two.”
“Thank you Rarity and I owe you one.”
“That’s fine my dear but I must get to work or it won’t be ready in time, so off you go.” and then taking a long hard look at the image that twilight had made started to levitate different bolts of cloth onto the workbench and set to work.
turning around the three set out to get something to eat in town.

the present

“You two pick up those books and put them back, right now and you!”

She turns her attention to me and I forget that the two now picking up book, were ever in my mind a threat. As her eyes slowly cool the anger fading, and being replaced by kindness and the affection that you see in the eyes of someone who has just decided to help a lost animal.

“And you can come with me I have a surprise for you a little gift from one ‘friend’ to another.”
“That’s not necessary you've done so much to help me and I barely know you and I could not ask any more of you.”
“Yes, but you are going to stay for a little bit longer aren't you? I mean how often do you talk to anypony and before you answer remember you told me yourself that you haven't talked to anypony in year’s.”
“Well I-I, (Sigh) you win I’ll stay until you think it is safe for me to be on my own.”
She was happy enough to do a dance but she didn’t. Instead she was interrupted by a small cough from Nyx.
“So is he going to stay with us then?”
“Yes Nyx I think it is a good idea that he stays here for a bit.”
“That’s fine but where will he sleep, or was he going to stay on the sofa?”
“Good point Nyx.”
“Do you have a basement?” I asked.
“Yes, but I'm certain we can come up with something more comfortable.”
“That’s fine, I’m certain that it will do. I can do some work to make it more like where I came from in no time at all.”
“OK, but we had better go or Rarity may get upset”
“Oh I forgot that you don’t know Rarity do you?”
“I know you mentioned her when when we talked last night, but I can’t say we’ve met yet”
“Well then we best not keep her waiting. And you two feel free to leave when you are done.”
And with that she turns and starts to lead the way only to stop turn back to me and ask if I had any way to disguise myself.
“Yes the gauntlet has an active camouflage but why is that important?”
“Well, just humor me.”
“Fine but I don’t see the point.”

Turning on the active camouflage my form blurs and then all that is left to show that i'm still there is fore hoof sized indents in the grass as we walk away. the walk is pleasant enough. We passed so many pony's, I'm glad that they can’t see me or how bad I’m shaking. As we walk farther into town we pass a small shop that seems to be hosting a party that is too big to be contained in one building let alone the small shop it’s in. while we are passing through the square I stopped to look at the fountain and would wish I hadn't in a moment. sprinting to catch up to my guild I heard someone yell.

“In coming watch out!”

Twilight dove to the ground and a rainbow colored blur shot right over her and slammed into my side, sending me and the colorful one into the bush. not only did pulling myself out hurt as the bush scratched me without mercy. But the gauntlet was damaged and now everypony could see me, not that they were worried about me, those that stopped at all were helping the Pegasus get untangled. Once she was untangled she came over.

“Sorry bout that I didn't see you there. are you o.k?”

“I'm fine but you should be more careful most pony’s might not have been so lucky.”

“Ya whatever. I've got to get going anyway,”

“Rainbow Dash!”

The Pegasus whips her head around and sees Twilight. Who walks over and walks a slow circle around me. then stops and looks at her and in a tone that borders on mild annoyance and slight anger starts to speak.

“Rainbow Dash how many times have I told you you need to be more careful or one of these days someone is going to get hurt.”

“Twilight you are overreacting look he’s fine, I’m fine no harm no foul right.”

Turning her head to face me Twilight speaks.

“Come on let’s go or Rarity will get mad that we are late.”

“Wait, why is this guy going to the Boutique.”

“Why don’t you come with us and find out.”

With that we set off down the road again but now with Rainbow Dash along for the ride. As we neared our destination I got the feeling I had forgotten something and when I tried to ask Artemis all I got was a message that said “A.I. unavailable”

...that one small line filled my heart with dread.