> Replacing Scootaloo > by I am not a Dalek > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Meeting Cloud Chaser > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1- Meeting Cloud Chaser “Come on Scoots! Hurry up!” Sweetie Belle yells from the wagon behind me. She came to my house earlier this morning and told me that Apple Bloom called a Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting. I don’t really understand why Sweetie Belle is so worked up about this meeting, but nonetheless, I still flap my small wings faster as we zoom through Ponyville. “Why are you stressing out so much, Sweetie Belle?” I ask as I come to a halt in front of the clubhouse. She stands there awkwardly for a few moments before carefully hoping out of the wagon, walking over to stand next to me. “Because... Apple Bloom sounded really... Odd...” She whispers. I stare at my friend in confusion. Sweetie Belle has been my friend for as long as I can remember, and I have never heard her make a statement like this before. I then begin to worry. “Odd?” I repeat, “What do you mean by ‘Odd’?” “Well... She sounded really happy, but, she sounded scared like she had something really big to tell us...” She kicks her hoof in the dirt nervously. “Maybe she got her Cutie Mark and she doesn’t want to be friends with us anymore!” I laugh and look at the white unicorn. “Stop being a silly filly, Sweetie Belle!” “What are ya’ll doing down there? Get your rumps up here now!” Apple Bloom has her head out the window as she calls down to us. I look over to Sweetie Belle, shrug, and then trot up the ramp to our clubhouse. I look at Apple Bloom first, and see that her flank was still blank. What was so urgent then? I wonder and scan the room until my eyes fall upon a dark blue Pegasus colt. “Oh... Hello?” I gaze at him. “Girls, this is Cloud Chaser!” Apple Bloom announces, “He doesn’t have a cutie mark either!” Cloud Chaser smiles at us both. He is around eleven years old and is slightly taller than the girls and I, his eyes are this plum shade of purple and his mane is two different shades of blue. “Oh cool! You’re a Pegasus too?” He exclaims when he sees my pathetically small wings. “Uh, yeah...” I mumble. I may be a Pegasus, but I do not think I deserve to be one. Although I am almost ten years old, my small wings are still too weak to lift my body; I have never been up in the clouds let alone Cloudsdale, simply because I am unable to fly. I know it is only time before Cloud Chaser finds out how pathetic I am. “Well, how about a race?” He grins and flies down the ramp, waiting for me there. My heart begins to pound as I try to think of an excuse, but none came to mind. The warm evening breeze ruffles my purple mane as I slowly, cautiously walk down the ramp behind the strange colt. I stretch out my wings self-consciously and look over to Sweetie Belle. She is looking at the ground, her face emotionless. We do know this strange colt... For all we know, he could be the blank flank of Diamond Tiara. “So, are you ready... Um...” Cloud Chaser pauses and looks at Apple Bloom; he obviously doesn’t know my name. “Scootaloo...” I answer for Apple Bloom, “and that’s Sweetie Belle.” “Oh, right,” He turns towards the clearing behind the clubhouse. I stand beside him as a bead of sweat trickles down my forehead, I breathe slowly as I beg Celestia for a miracle, but I know one will not come. Apple Bloom nervously steps forward and calls out the three words which I am dreading, “Ready, set, GO!” I flutter my wings as hard as I can and I get about one meter off the ground, however, as I push myself forward I tumble towards the ground and fall face-first into a mud puddle. I lift my head to see that Cloud Chaser is already on his way back with a grin across his face. “So I take it I win?” He laughs as he lands beside me. “Yeah, it looks like you did,” I scramble to my hooves and blink away the tears which are now filling my eyes. “Listen,” Cloud Chaser looks down at me, “we can have a rematch.” I look up at him and see a smile playing at his lips. He is just doing this so he can see me fail again, why does Apple Bloom want him to be one of us? I turn away from him. “No. I can’t fly so there’s no point,” I confess, preparing myself for all the mockery. “Wait, what?” He laughs, “A filly of ten years old can’t even fly yet? You must be joking!” The tears finally escape as I turn around and run as far away from him as I can. I hear Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom calling after me, but I don’t even glance back. They can’t see me cry, I won’t let them. I’m going to be the laughing stock of Ponyville, I just know it... And even worse, the Cutie Mark Crusaders now have a Pegasus who can actually fly, soon enough my friends will not even want me. I slow down once I reach the main town, then I sit down near the fountain and begin to cry. I don’t know what I am going to do, before I met Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom I was a nopony, if I lose them I will go back to the days where I feel worthless and lost. I come from a home where my parents don’t really care about me, they don’t abuse me as such, but they don’t show their love and affection either. They only provide a home and some food for me, other than that they refuse to be seen anywhere with me. That’s the main reason I cannot fly, all the other fillies and colts learnt how to fly when their mother or father taught them, however, both my parents refused when I asked them to teach me so I just gave up. If I lose my only friends because of the fact I cannot fly, I will hate them even more than I do now. Once my crying comes to a stop, I slide down off the bench I am sitting on and slowly walk home; I hope my mother has at least made a nice dinner for a change. I very much doubt it though, this day seems to just be going downhill. > The Initiation Ceremony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2- The Initiation Ceremony I arrive home just after dark to find my family sitting around the table, eating without me. My mother simply glances up at me as I walk into the kitchen, but after then goes back to the conversation she was having with my little sister (although I don’t consider her as a sister), Star Twist, and my father. Both Star Twist and my father ignore me as I place some apple fritters and apple chips onto a plate. I silently walk towards the table and sit at the end, keeping myself isolated from every pony else. “Mum, some pony has already got their cutie mark in my class!” Star Twist complains. At seven years old, Star Twist seems to be more mature than I am even now. I guess I can put that towards the fact that my parents spend an awful lot more time with her rather than me. That is also why she can fly and has been invited to the Wonderbolts summer foal flight camp next month. I am terribly jealous of her but I refuse to show it to any of my ‘family’. “Don’t you worry, my little Star, you will get your cutie mark in no time,” Mother reaches over and strokes her main. “Really Mum?” she sniffles, her eyes glistening with tears. “Yes, really!” Mother replies, “Why are you being so silly?” “Because... I don’t want to be the last blank flank in my class like her.” Star Twist looks over at me. I flinch as her venomous words sting me, but quickly recover and go back to eating. Star Twist never talks to me, only about me; even then she refuses to use my name. Then again, none of my family uses my name, unless they want to boss me around. “Well sweetie, you are far more special than her. She doesn’t even have a special talent,” Mother laughs. That’s it. I have had enough. I pick up my plate and carry it into the kitchen; I dump the food into the bin then gallop up the stairs. I can’t take it with this family. They don’t care about me. No pony cares about me. I lie down on my bed as I listen to my family laugh and enjoy their time together. Tears stream down my face as I slowly, cry myself to sleep. **** I awaken to the sound of our doorbell, and instantly know that it’s either Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom. I sigh sadly and throw my saddle bag over my back before galloping down the stairs. I open the door to find both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom standing there, holding a cupcake out for me. “Hey Scoots, ah’m awful sorry about what happened yesterday...” Apple Bloom hands me the cupcake and motions for me to step outside. I sigh and oblige, closing the door behind me. I look at the two fillies standing before me. “Yeah, me too,” Sweetie Belle hugs me tightly. “It’s okay girls, honestly, I was thinking of asking Rainbow Dash to help me fly or something, no big deal,” I brush off their guilt and put on a mask of excitement. “Really? Oh that’s great news Scoots!” Apple Bloom cheers. “Yeah, I know!” I keep a smile plastered across my face. “Anyway, we’ve decided to accept Cloud Chaser as the next member,” Apple Bloom smiles. I freeze. Why didn’t I have any say in this? Maybe I am slowly getting pushed away from the group. “Oh, awesome...” I mumble, still trying to hide the fact that I am hurting inside. Sweetie Belle presents me with my scooter which I left at the clubhouse yesterday, she smiles sheepishly as she pushes it towards me. They’re going to ask me to take them somewhere, aren’t they? “Ya ran off so fast yesterday ya forgot this...” Apple Bloom smiles, “We bought it because we were wondering if you’d come to the clubhouse with us?” “Why are we going to the clubhouse, I thought we were going to Sugar Cube Corner to borrow some instruments from Pinkie?” I look at my two friends in confusing. Sweetie Belle awkwardly kicks at the ground again. My heart begins to pound. Where are we going instead? “You see... About that we-“Sweetie Belle starts but is cut off by Apple Bloom. “We’re going ta do Cloud Chasers initiation ceremony today!” She beams. “Oh right, of course,” I sigh and hop onto my scooter. I sigh as I wait for the other two to climb on the wagon behind me; once they are on I flutter my wings and speed through Ponyville. If I was alone and I didn’t have the wagon attached, I would most likely do tricks, I’d jump over food stalls, spin in the air and feel the wind in my mane. Rainbow Dash, my true idol and hero, has said on multiple occasions that “I have awesome moves,” hearing that from her has made me the happiest pony in Equestria! Speaking of Rainbow Dash, I am worried about asking her to help me. Although she said she would take me under her wing and be my big sister, she may not want to hang around with a Pegasus who cannot fly. Who does? But if she does manage to get my hooves off the ground, she would want to be seen with me! We could fly through the clouds together as she teaches me tricks and helps me practice for flight camp. I would actually be a some pony, and maybe during this process I would also earn my cutie mark! I feel a tug on my tail and look behind me to see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle staring at me, I then look forward to find that we have passed the clubhouse. I spin my scooter around and go back towards the clubhouse, ignoring my friends questioning looks. Once I stop in front of the clubhouse Apple Bloom hops out and walks over to me. “What the hay was that about, Scoots?” she demands and I flinch at the anger in her voice. “I’m sorry, I was lost in thought,” I mumble and slowly walk up the ramp. I stop to see Cloud Chaser already sitting on the floor. Of course he is. “Okay, who’s doing the initiation ceremony?” I ask. I get no answer from the two fillies so I turn to face them. Sweetie Belle is standing there looking at me sadly; she knows how I feel about this whole thing. Sweetie Belle has known me for far longer than Apple Bloom has so she knows how I react when I’m hurt or angry. So when I see her give me that look I know that I am going to get hurt again. “Well, um, you’re the only one who actually knows the ceremony...” Sweetie sighs sadly. “Oh, okay, I guess I’m doing it then,” I walk up to the podium and climb on then look at Cloud Chaser. He hasn’t said anything about yesterday and I’m not sure whether I should feel grateful about that or be severely hurt that he did not even think to apologise. Maybe he doesn’t care. Why should he? I begin to read out the ceremony, but take the short cut by getting rid of all the extra parts we used for Babs. “...I herby present the new member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Cloud Chaser,” I step down from the podium as Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom clap their hoofs. “I need to go girls,” I say, ignoring the fact that Cloud Chaser is a colt, “I want to talk to Rainbow Dash!” “Oh cool! Can I join?” Cloud Chaser grins and my heart drops. He’s going to steal my big sister from me too. I sigh and climb onto my scooter, “Sure, hop on,” I mumble. Once Cloud Chaser is on the wagon I zoom off, as fast as I can. Since he has wings and can stop himself from getting hurt I go a bit more carelessly as I speed through Ponyville, taking sharper turns than I normally would, I just want him to be afraid. I stop once we get to the tree Rainbow normally sleeps in and I run over to it, and there she is, sleeping right where I thought she would. “Rainbow Dash! Oh, Rainbow Dash!” I yell up to her and she yelps. She floats down and stands next to me, mock anger is evident in her eyes. “Hey squirt, what’s up?” she looks at me with real concern in her eyes. I wonder why until I realise that I have a few tears running down my cheeks. I quickly wipe them away with my hooves. “Nothing, um, something got in my eye, this is Cloud Chaser, he’s a new Crusader,” I point over to him. “Hi! Oh my gosh, it’s Rainbow Dash! You’re my biggest hero!” Cloud Chaser bounces up and down excitedly. I flinch as Rainbow smiles at him. This can’t be happening... It can’t be. “Can we have a race Rainbow?” He begs, “Please!” “Um... sure,” She looks over at me and I just nod. I watch as they both zoom off and sit down alone. Rainbow comes back with Cloud Chaser not in sight. She sits down beside me and wraps a wing around by back. “Now, are you going to tell me what’s going on?” She asks me. I can’t help it, the tears finally escape and I cry into Rainbow’s Chest. “They don’t want a Pegasus who can’t fly,” I sob. “Who doesn’t? Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom?” I can hear the frown in her voice. “Yeah... Cloud Chaser laughed because he asked me to race him, and I couldn’t fly so I fell... “ I cry, “He laughed when I told him I couldn’t fly.” “Hey, Squirt, you’re way cooler than he is, even if you can’t fly,” She holds me, “Anyway, if it makes you feel any better I could teach you?” “Really? Why would you wanna teach me?” I look up at her. I’m useless, I can’t fly, and I’d ruin her image! “Because I’m your big sister, silly... Don’t tell the others that I’m being this sappy though,” She winks at me. I smile and hug her, “Thank you Rainbow! Thank you so much! You’re the best!” “I know,” She grins, “looks like your friend is almost back.” “He’s not my friend,” I mumble, “Anyway, I’ll see you later for training! Bye Dashie!” I stand up and gallop over to my scooter. Cloud Chaser flies over to me before I have a chance to run away. I sigh and look over to Rainbow who is looking between me and Cloud Chaser in confusing but I just shrug it off. “I’m going home so can you make it back to the clubhouse?” I ask, but see that he’s exhausted. “Can you take me home instead?” He floats down into my wagon. It looks like I have no choice anyway. I sigh and wave to Rainbow before riding off into town. “Where do you live?” I ask him as we fly along the Ponyville roads. “Next to Sugar Cube Corner,” He says and I stop just outside, anxiously waiting to get rid of him. He slowly flies out of the wagon and walks into the house a few doors down from the Cake’s shop and home. I glare at him as he doesn't even turn back to say goodbye or thanks. He really is the blank flank of Diamond Tiara. Before I have the chance to burst into tears right there and then, I flap my wings and ride home so I can cry in privacy. > Falling Apart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3- Falling Apart Alone. That’s what I am. All alone. No pony cares about me, they barely even know I exist. I know I’m not special but that doesn’t mean I should be left all alone, should it? I don’t understand, why does Cloud Chaser hate me so much? I don’t even know him. I tried to be nice, honestly I did, but he just made me so angry... Jealous, even. I’m scared to lose the two people who mean the most to me, the fact that he can fly makes my chances of keeping them very slim. I should just disappear, no pony would notice me gone, I don’t think even Rainbow would. I’m beginning to think that I don’t belong here, I’m a pony who will stay a blank flank forever, and I’m a Pegasus who will never fly. I’m worthless, useless. “Filly!” My father calls to me from up the stairs, he refuses to use my real name. I carefully hop down off my bed and walk out into the landing to see my father holding a bag of rubbish. Knowing what I have to do, I take the rubbish in my mouth and begin to make my way out the door. My father puts out his foreleg and stops me. I look up at him, in hope that he’ll accept me for one. “Whilst you’re out there, you can run a few errands,” He throws a saddle bag on my back and puts a few coins in it. I nod and look up at Luna’s beautiful moon and prepare myself for the long night ahead of me. I slowly trudge out of the house and throw away the rubbish before climbing on my scooter and checking the first thing on a list, a special plant from the Everfree forest. I frown and close my eyes before I zoom off into the night. I don’t understand why my family do this to me, why do they seem to hate me so much more than my sister. I don’t care though. Why should I care about them? My scooter suddenly begins to swerve and my front wheel falls off, my train of thought suddenly goes from feeling sorry for myself to finding a way to survive this accident. Before I have any more time to think my scooter falls forward and throws me into the air, sending me flying. I try to throw out my wings but the force of the wind keeps them stuck firmly to my side. Gravity takes its course as I begin to plummet towards the ground and I look below to see that I am heading straight for a thorn-bush. Closing my eyes, I prepare myself for the impact. I hear the rustle of the leaves as my body comes into contact with the bush, and the thorns pull at my fur. Once I have stopped moving I carefully look over the bush to find out what happened. I must have not been paying attention and my front wheel got caught on a rock. I groan and mumble to myself, saying that I’m a “stupid foal.” I slowly climb out of the bush and drag myself over to my poor scooter to assess the damage that has been done. The wheel has been torn in half but over than that it can be easily fixed. I, on the other hand, have cuts and bruises all down my body, and it is clear that it is going to take a while to clear up. I try and get back up on my hooves but am unable to do so; I sigh and lie back down. I look around me to find that I am nowhere near any civilisation so it will probably be morning by the time I’m found. To be honest, I am terrified of staying out near the Everfree forest so late at night, however, I am more afraid of returning home without any of the items my father has asked for. That is how I decide to remain where I am. I just consider myself lucky that its summer so I won’t freeze to death whilst I am stuck out here. Nonetheless, I would very much rather be at home. Outside is a very scary place at night. I guess I should just try and sleep at least because it looks like I’m not going anywhere. I’m sure some pony will find me tomorrow; hopefully it will be a good pony though... **** “Whoa... Scootaloo? Are you okay squirt?” A voice calls to me in my dreams. I groan and search around, looking for the source of this voice. “Oh sweet Celestia, please be okay Kid,” the voice echoes throughout my mind, it begins to warp as it travels through the strange dream world which I am in. My whole body feels heavy, and I am unable to move around this world, it’s as if I am stuck in this one place. Images twist around me as I see Cloud Chaser, sneering in my face, speeding ahead of me, laughing with Rainbow Dash. I see my two best friends. “We don’t wanna talk ta ya no more Scootaloo.” Apple Bloom laughs. “Yeah, we want a Pegasus who can fly!” Sweetie Belle chimes in. “But... you’re my friends!” I cry out as they walk away. I try to chase after them but my hooves are stuck in the ground, I push and push but I stay right where I am, not even moving a centimetre. I watch in despair as my only friends walk away from me with Cloud Chaser, I knew it! I knew he’d replace me. I call for them but it’s as if they can’t hear me, it’s as if I’m invisible. Invisible. That’s what I am, aren’t I? Invisible. My body begins to sink into the ground and the world around me gets covered in black spots, as I get swallowed into the ground. The last thing I hear before I fall into the darkness is a voice saying, “Right, you’re coming home with me until you’re better squirt. It’s my job.” > Up In The Clouds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4- Up In The Clouds I had a strange dream last night, like no other. I remember that I fell on my scooter and slept outside; I know that wasn’t a dream. But there was a voice, calling me, telling me to hang on. That was in the dream. I open my eyes to find that I am not outside anymore, but I am in an unfamiliar room. On the bedside table there is a collection of Daring Do books, all piled up neatly, the fluffy white walls are covered in signed Wonderbolts posters and an acceptance letter to the Wonderbolts Academy. I slide down off the bed and feel the soft floor beneath me, then I realise, I’m in a cloud! I’ve never been in a cloud before! Cautiously, I walk over to the desk by the door and examine everything on it. There’s a pair of goggles, which look similar to the ones which Rainbow Dash wears when doing weather duty. Wait... That must mean... I’m in Rainbow’s house! To make sure that I am correct I look at a photo of six ponies and see that it has Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, AJ, Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie. This definitely is her house... But why am I here? A cyan Pegasus walks into the room, her multi-coloured mane falls in her eyes and she flicks it out before looking at me. “Hey squirt, how are you feeling?” Rainbow Dash asks and sits on her bed. “Why am I here?” I ask as I walk over to the window. Ponyville looks so small from up here, the sun shines across Sweet Apple Acres, I never realised it was so big. The town, full of many colours, has ponies walking around the market or little foals playing in the school playground. It looks as if the town could never have any trouble, any torment. It’s too bright and happy for any of that to happen. “I found you lying by the Everfree forest last night, I needed to help,” Rainbow walks over to me and puts a wing around me. I look up at her, a smile across my face, “Thank you, Dashie.” “What were you doing out there so late, squirt?” She asks me. I sigh and look at the floor. She’s going to think I’m a wimp. “I had to run a few errands and my scooter crashed so I couldn’t move,” I say, not giving her any more details. “Why couldn’t your parents do that?” she walks over to the bed and sits down. “They were busy,” I lie, hating myself for lying to my idol. Rainbow looks over at me with a frown on her face, and then she examines my cuts and bruises. “So, if both of your parents are Pegasi, why did they not teach you how to fly?” She asks as she gently prods at my left wing. I flinch but quickly recover in attempt to act cool around her, “They, um, I just,” I sigh knowing that there is no possible way to lie my way out of this, “My sister is more important to them; they decided to teach her first. She’s been accepted into the Wonderbolts summer camp, you know? She’d love to meet you!” Rainbow puts her hoof back on the ground before looking at me, her purple eyes full of sadness and anger at my parents. I know what she’s thinking, why would two Pegasi refuse to teach their foal how to fly? “No, Scoots, I don’t think I want to meet her... You’re um...” She pauses as she is unable to find the correct words, “You’re way more important to me than your sister would be. I care about you squirt.” I look up at her in awe. Rainbow Dash cares about me? Really? Oh my gosh! “Really? You care about me?” My voice shakes with the tears now filling my eyes. “Yeah, of course I do, when I said I’d take you under my wing I meant it,” She grins at me, “I never let a friend down.” “Thank you Rainbow!” I throw my arms around her. Maybe some pony does care about me, it may not be Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle but still, I’m a some pony! “Now, will you tell me what’s going on with your friends,” Rainbow sits me down. “There’s a new Pegasus, he can fly, you met him...” I whisper and draw circles in the ground with my hoof, “He’s better than me, surely they want a Pegasus who can fly... Anyway, he’s probably a way better friend than I’d ever be. Apple Bloom has been so angry with me recently, and Sweetie Belle doesn’t seem to want to stand up for me...” I think back to the other day when Apple Bloom yelled at me when I lost my train of thought, she didn’t seem to care that I was upset. Sweetie Belle, on the other hand, knew I was upset and she cared, but she didn’t say anything to Apple Bloom, she just let me go ahead with everything, not saying a word. I love my friends but sometimes I feel as if they’d be better off without me. “Listen, every pony has friendship problems from time to time, even I do, but I know you girls will pull through. Have you talked to them about any of this?” Rainbow looks at me, she already knows the answer. “No, I haven’t... But it’d just make matters worse,” I look away, ashamed of myself. Rainbow sighs, “I’m here to talk Scoots, that’s my job as your big sister, but I can’t be any help if you refuse to listen to anything I offer. At least try and talk to them, and if it goes wrong I’ll be here to help.” Rainbow Dash, my role-model, my idol, if I don’t listen to her then I show her that I don’t respect or trust her, I have to trust her. I admit, I am scared, but if I want to be just like Rainbow I have to face my fears and be brave. I have to make her proud. “Okay then, can you take me down?” I ask her. Rainbow smiles, “You’re going to float down!” “Wait? What?!” I yell at her in fear, I have only been less than a meter off the ground and now she expects me to float down off her extremely high and scary cloud mansion? “I’ll be there to catch you if you fall, just trust me!” She leads me outside and stands me by the edge; the sun is beginning to set behind Canterlot. “Okay, hold your wings out,” I do as she says and she picks me up, holding me at arm’s length, “Right, now I am going to hold you until you get the hang of it okay?” I nod, fear suddenly washing over me, she jumps off the edge and flaps her wings, keeping us still. “Tilt your nose towards the ground, not straight down but at an angle,” She positions my body so I am ever so slightly pointed towards the dirt roads of Ponyville, “Once you get close enough you should straighten your body out, you aren’t going to flap your wings just angle them forward until I tell you okay?” Rainbow starts to glide forward and I gulp in fear, I follow her instructions and keep my wings tilted forward, suddenly I feel her hooves move away from me and it takes everything I have not to draw my wings back in with fear. I begin to smoothly glide down towards Ponyville and I look to my side to see Rainbow is there, smiling. “I told you that you could do it! Now carefully bring your body up a bit,” She gently moves move’s my body into the correct position, “and bring your wings straight.” I squeeze my eyes shut and my hooves touch something solid, I stumble forward and fall flat on my face, “I did it Rainbow! I FLEW!” I cheer and throw my hooves around her neck. “Indeed you did kiddo; you just need to work on your landing. Next time you want lessons just find me and I will make time for it, because who better than the best flier in Equestria to teach you right?” She smiles, “Now I have weather duty but you should go and find the other Crusaders.” Knowing that I can’t let Rainbow down, I agree and rush off to find Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, as I run towards Sweet Apple Acres, I turn around and wave to Rainbow, “See you later, Dashie! Thank you!” After conquering the fear of flying from such a distance, I feel invincible, I feel brave enough to even face my two best friends and tell them how I really feel. As the sweet smell of apples fills my nose, I repeat to myself over and over, “You can do this Scoots, they’ll understand.” And they will, I know they will, they’re my best friends for ponies sake! Soon, everything will be back to normal. > Paranoia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5- Paranoia As I walk through the town, I feel as if every pony is laughing at me, talking about me... Pinkie Pie bounces past me and grins. What’s wrong with me? Why are they all looking at me like that? I look around nervously, trying to see if there is anything stuck on my back, or if my mane is a mess... Maybe it’s because I cannot fly. Every pony is laughing at me because I’m the Pegasus who couldn’t fly. Feeling uneasy, I gallop towards the clubhouse, hopefully my fellow crusaders won’t laugh at me. They never did before. Once I get to the clubhouse I hear the giggles of Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, maybe Cloud Chaser is not there? I run up the ramp into the clubhouse, and stop dead when I see the three of them, sitting there happily without me. Why are they here without me, did they not care that I wasn’t at home? Didn’t they try to find me? “Scoots? What happened to you?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Fell into a thorn bush, no big deal... Are my parents mad?” I look at both of the girls. “Why would they be mad?” Apple Bloom looks up at me for the first time since I walked in, “And why in tarnation would we know the answer to that?” “Didn’t you go by my house to try and find me?” I frown, realising that they didn’t even bother to come to my house. “Well... No...But we thought you were upset so we gave you some space,” Sweetie Belle looks at me sadly. I look between both of the girls, and then finally look at Cloud Chaser. “Can I speak to you both?” I ask before looking directly at Cloud Chaser, “Alone.” Both of the fillies nod and look apologetically at Cloud Chaser, “We’ll be back in a minute Chase.” Sweetie Belle smiles brightly at him and I frown, they’ve given him a nickname already, they’re letting me fade away more and more! I slowly walk out into the clearing around our clubhouse and continue walking until we’re far enough away from the clubhouse so we won’t be heard, around us we can hear the faint buzzing of a bee and smell the sweetness of the apples up in the trees. I stay silent for a few moments, using the scenery and the sounds to calm myself down. “Why didn’t you call for me?” I ask, failing to hide how hurt I was. “Cloud Chaser said we should give y’all some space,” Apple Bloom looks at me in confusion. “Oh, so you’re listening to Cloud Chaser now?” I say bitterly, “You didn’t even think to check and see if I was alright?” “Why do ya hate Chase so much?” Apple Bloom snaps at me, “You haven’t even given him a chance!” “He hasn’t given me one either!” I yell, “He laughed at me! You don’t understand how much that hurt!” Sweetie Belle steps forward and puts a hoof on my shoulder, “I know he hurt you Scoots, but he didn’t know...” I wince at the sudden contact of my friend on my shoulder. It’s all a lie, she’s acting. She doesn’t care, she only cares about ‘Chase’ now, and I bet you they were laughing at me before I came a few minutes ago. If Cloud Chaser had wanted to make amends with me, he would have done it already. However, he has not even spoken to me properly since that day. He didn’t even say goodbye to me after I dropped him home! I know that he hates me; he’s been trying to get rid of me, that is probably why he told the girls to give me some space. “Well why hasn’t he apologised yet?” I growl, my anger and hurt finally escaping. Both of the fillies step back in fear, their eyes widen and they hold their hooves in front of them, as if they were trying to fend off a timberwolf. “Calm down Scoots,” Sweetie Belle begs, her eyes full of fear. “No! You’re trying to replace me!” I cry out, “How do you expect me to calm down!” Apple Bloom gasps which causes me to look up at her. Anger fills her amber eyes and it is now my turn to step back. She hates me, that’s why she’s looking at me like that. I suddenly feel the cold bark of the tree against me and I pause, waiting for her to tell me how much she hates me. “How could ya say that?” She screams at me, walking right up to me, “Ah can’t believe y’all would think that of us! We’ve done so much for ya Scootaloo and ya just think we’d want to replace ya?” Tears stream down my face and I realise how much I have hurt my friend, I don’t deserve a friend like her, no wonder she wants to replace me. “Ya know what,” She says with tears rolling down her sunny cheeks too, “we care about ya scoots.” “No, you don’t!” I cry out, “You’re just lying, you hate me, I saw the way you looked at me just then!” Apple Bloom flinches, “Ah’m not lying Scootaloo!” I shake my head and begin to walk away, “Who would want to hang out with a Pegasus who couldn’t fly, I’m pathetic, useless. You just feel sorry for me!” I begin to run, galloping as fast as I can. “For Celestia’s sake why won’t ya listen to me?” Apple Bloom shouts and I can hear both her and Sweetie Belle chasing after me. “Scoots! Please stop!” Sweetie Belle’s voice is full of tears, which makes me hate myself even more. “Just leave it for now, Sweetie,” Apple Bloom says and I hear her gallop slow down into a walk, “She’s fighting with herself, we shouldn’t cause her anymore pain by arguing with her.” I don’t hear anymore of the conversation, for I am too far away. I hate myself; I have made my best friend’s cry and feel horrible. Even if they don’t want to get rid of me they don’t deserve being put through the pain I am causing. I am a useless filly, I have no special talent, and I have no significance in the world. I may as well be dead, no pony would notice a useless pony like me being gone. There are ponies looking at me, talking about me. No pony cares, no pony cares how I feel. They laugh at me, no obvious signs of concerns are shown. They can see my tears and anguish but does any pony dare walk over and ask if I am okay? No. I have lost the only two ponies that would bother asking, I have lost my best friends; I have made them hate me. They have a new Scootaloo now. They have a better Scootaloo, one who can fly and make them laugh. As for me, well, I am stuck with the old Scootaloo, the stupid Scootaloo, the useless Scootaloo. I hate it. I hate it so much. > Pushing Everypony Away > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6- Pushing Everypony Away Fed up with the whole concept of living, I trudge into my room and lock my door. At the moment, I just want to be alone, I don’t want any pony to talk to me, and I don’t want any pony to care about my existence... Well, not that they would anyway. The only pony that would want to talk to me would be my father since I didn’t return with his ingredients last night. I’m sure he managed to get them himself though so I don’t worry about that too much. Right now, I just want to forget that I exist. As I sit in the silence of my room, I think about my greatest fear, the fear of being unloved, the fear I have been living with from a very young age. At the age of three my parents were already pushing me away and replacing me with my new born sister. I desperately tried to draw their attention back to me, however, whatever I did just failed. Mother and father would buy Star Twist all the toys a young filly could dream of, they would take her to the Wonderbolts air shows, they would give her all the things they used to give me before she came along. I was deeply jealous of Star Twist, I despised her... She stole my parents, she stole my happiness. I still blame her for that right up to this day. Back then she was an innocent little foal, I know that I had no right to hate her all those years ago, but now she is just as horrible as the rest of my family. My fear still sticks with me though, in fact, my fear of being unloved is what got me into this mess. I should have just accepted that I was losing my friends, accepted that no pony cared instead of causing all the ponies I love stress and pain. Nonetheless, I still hate the feeling of being alone, being forgotten. No matter how much I tell myself that I should just accept it all, I can’t because I hurt, I hurt so much. I feel as if I am reliving my childhood again and I’m being replaced but instead of Star Twist, this time it’s Cloud Chaser. How could he do this to me? I know he’s making all the other ponies think badly of me, although they probably already thought badly of me before he came along... A knock at the window causes me to snap out of my internal monologue. Curious about who is at my window, I walk over and carefully open it to find a Cyan Pegasus with rose eyes hovering in front of me. “Rainbow?” I ask, confused as to why she’s here. “Hey squirt, mind if I come in?” She smiles, but I can see something different in her eyes, she definitely isn’t happy. “Um, sure...” I step back to let her fly in, then close the window behind her. “So, I just spoke to Rarity...” Rainbow carefully sits down on my bed. I look at her, confused, why is she talking about Rarity? “That’s... nice?” I reply. “She said Sweetie Belle came in really upset today,” Rainbow says, “Apparently you were really worked up and they couldn’t do anything to help.” “I’m... Okay,” I stutter over my words, my eyes begin to water. “I can see you’re not Scoots,” Rainbow gently puts her wing around me and I flinch away. “Why do you care?” I whisper, the tears finally escape. Rainbow stares at me, hurt evident in her expression, “What do you mean? I’m your big sister.” “You only care because you feel sorry for me, because I begged you to be my big sister, you had no choice!” I cry, “I’m a no pony, I can’t fly, I’m no use to you Rainbow Dash!” “Scootaloo, I care about you, why are you pushing us all away?” Her rose eyes look at me sadly. “Because I’m saving you!” I sob, “I’m useless, I’m pathetic, you shouldn’t care about me, no pony else does!” Rainbow Dash is one of the most important ponies to me, and I know that if I really care about her I should let her go before I really hurt her. I hurt every pony. She probably won’t be too upset, I’m pretty sure she’d be relieved. Cloud Chaser has probably already spoken to her about me. She probably said I was just an anchor; she probably wants to take a Pegasus who can actually fly under her wing. I bet she’s already taken Cloud Chaser under her wing. “Scoots...” Rainbow tries to put her wing around me again, but this time I jump up. “Just go!” I yell at her, tears streaming down my face, “I’ll only end up hurting you! Deep down you don’t care, no pony does, and I’m just saving you the trouble Dash!” Rainbow Dash flinches and stands up slowly, “Scoots, kid, please...” She begs but I turn my head away, putting my focus on a chip in the paint on my light blue wall. “You’re wasting your time, think about it Dash, hanging around with a Pegasus that can’t fly... You’re going to ruin your reputation. I’m just saving you,” I whisper, it feels like someone is stabbing me with every word I speak. “I can’t leave you here like this, please Scootaloo; there are ponies who care about you!” She pleads with me, but I know she is lying. Every pony feels sorry for me, I’m just there because they want to be nice, and they don’t actually like me. I’m a hindrance for them. I’m a waste of time and a waste of space. They’re better off without me. “You’re lying, no pony cares about me, it’s just all out of pity,” I spit, “just save yourself Rainbow, just go away.” Rainbow stand there for a few more moments before sighing and walking towards the window, she turns to look at me, “there’s no use talking to you if you’re like this squirt,” She says, “come to me when you’re ready.” The cyan Pegasus opens the window and slowly flies out, she turns to look at me once more and I see her eyes glisten from being slightly damp, she probably just got something in her eye. I close the window quietly before curling up on the floor and crying hysterically. That’s it, I’ve lost my best friends, I have lost my idol and big sister. In a way, I have saved them all too, but I have been left here alone, whilst every pony else goes and finds a replacement for me. I feel as if I am falling deeper and deeper into the black hole which is my mind, and I have no way of escaping. I really am a waste of space. Maybe I should just... Disappear. > Just Let Me Escape > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7- Just Let Me Escape Do I really need to be here? A question which crosses my mind every waking hour of my life. I have considered just ending it so many times before, however, I feel that I deserve to suffer first. I am really just a stupid foal who does not need to be here, I am constantly in my the way of my family and friends and I know that they all think they’d be better off without me. To be honest, if I died right now no pony would notice, no pony would care. I stand up and slowly walk towards the mirror, my purple mane is in a mess, and my eyes are red and puffy. I have tears running down my cheeks still and my face is still tinted pink from all the crying. As I turn away from the mirror, I buck it and listen to it shatter into a million pieces. A shard of glass cuts my front-leg but I do not care, I only feel a slight sting then the warmness of blood rushing down to the floor. I open my bedroom door and limp down the stairs quietly; my family are all in the living room talking so I slip out the door without them noticing me, not that they would anyway. Celestia’s sun is just about to set and the clouds are turning a beautiful shade of pink. This type of evening is always my favourite; I sometimes sit outside and watch the clouds until the sky turns dark. I continue to limp through the town, no pony seems to notice that I’m bleeding and I’m happy they don’t. They shouldn’t get involved, their lives will be ruined once they get involved with me. I don’t know where I’m going; it doesn’t really matter though, as long as I get away from here. I look down at my leg to see that the bleeding has stopped, surprisingly I feel slightly disappointed that It’s stopped. I keep walking through the town until I somehow end up under Rainbow’s house. I frown slightly and realise that if she sees me here I will just make things worse. I turn around and try to gallop away as fast as possible, but thanks to the cut on my leg I just stumble and fall. Pain shoots up my leg and tears fill my eyes in shock. No, pain is good. I tell myself and with that statement I stand up and begin to limp away in a different direction. By the time I pass the town hall the pain is unbearable and I collapse to the floor, I slowly drag myself into a corner so I will not be seen. I just want to be left alone, I don’t want to hurt any pony else. I finally get a chance to examine the cut; unfortunately it’s not too deep. I sigh sadly and close my eyes, just wanting to have a little rest before I get up and get moving again. **** The warm sunlight kisses my closed eyelids, causing me to wake up. I look around, confused about where I am. Last night rushes back into my mind as I slowly climb to my hooves. My leg cries out in pain to me, begging me to get help but I simply ignore it and begin to walk again. A flash of Rainbow zooms over my head, causing wind to rush through my purple mane. I freeze, knowing that it’s Rainbow Dash and she has definitely spotted me. Surely enough the flash of Rainbow flies back towards me and this time stops beside me. “Hey squirt,” Rainbow smiles at me, “Are you... Whoa! Your leg!” Her gaze is focused on my cut leg, it looks bad since I haven’t cleared up the blood but I just shrug it off. “It’s cool, um, what’s up?” I look at her, trying to change the subject. The cyan Pegasus stares at me, and then shakes her head, “I was wondering if you were up for talking yet.” “I already told you Rainbow,” I mutter, “You’re better off without me.” I turn and begin to walk away, trying to hide my limp. “What’s happening to you, squirt?” I hear Rainbow whisper but I pretend not to hear her. I keep walking until I hear Rainbow Dash flying behind me; I stop and turn to face her. “What?!” I snap at her, why can’t she just get it? She doesn’t say a word, she just throws me onto her back and flies before I have a chance to react. We are so high up; I could probably just jump and get this all over with. I shift my weight slightly so I am closer to the back of Rainbow, just one move and I’ll be gone. “Don’t think about it,” Rainbow growls, “I’m the fastest flier in Equestria, I can catch you.” I flinch and move back, “Where are we going?” “To Sweet Apple Acres,” The wind runs through my mane as Rainbow speeds up, “we’re going to sort this out once and for all.” “No! Don’t bring me there!” I cry out, “I can’t go there! I’ll jump, I’ll do it!” Rainbow smirks, “Sure you will, kid,” she rolls her eyes, “You need to sort this out.” I look at her for a few moments, then close my eyes, “Fly back now or I will do it,” I keep my voice calm and steady, making it clear that I’m not messing around. I can see from the look on Rainbow’s face that she still doesn’t believe me, she keeps flying forward and I can see Sweet Apple Acres growing larger and larger as we get closer. I look over the edge once more before closing my eyes, telling myself that this is it, this is where all my pain ends. “Thank you for everything Dashie,” I whisper before I jump off her back. Above me I can hear her scream and fly down after me, but I close my eyes as I feel myself falling and falling. This is a nice way to go, the wind in my mane, the sun in my face, it’s peaceful. I am closer to the ground now, I am almost there, it’s almost over. Suddenly a loud bang and a flash of colour happens above me, I can hear the sound of a Pegasus cutting through the air. Then, everything goes black. **** “Scoots, wake up,” A voice whispers to me, “please, I won’t take you there okay?” Ugh. Why am I still alive, why am I not dead? Is this a cruel joke? “Take me where?” I feel myself mumble a reply. I force my eyes open and see Rainbow Dash holding me, behind her is a large rainbow with every colour of her mane. “To Sweet Apple Acres, I won’t take you there,” tears roll down her cheeks, “I should have listened, I didn’t expect you to jump, why did you jump?” “You did a Sonic Rainboom...” I whisper as I look at the Rainbow in awe. “That doesn’t matter right now,” She makes me look at her, “why did you jump, Scoots?” “I told you to leave me alone,” I sit up weakly, “I’m trouble, I deserve to be gone.” Rainbow looks at me sadly, “Come on, kid, let’s get you home...” I nod and let her put me on her back again. She makes sure that I’m holding onto her and makes it very clear that I must not let go. I agree and allow her to fly me home without any protest. We fly to my house in silence, but once Rainbow opens my bedroom window and places me on my bed she turns to me. “You need to listen to me, squirt, I care about you,” Her eyes begin to tear up again, “I don’t want you doing any stupid stuff.” I look at her for a few minutes, “I won’t,” I feel guilty about saying that because I know it’s a lie. I hate it here, I hate being here. Rainbow probably only saved me because she didn’t want to feel guilty. I sigh as she pulls my covers over me before walking back over to me window; she glances around my room and sees the broken mirror on the floor. She frowns before shaking her head, knowing that I will not give her any good answers if she asks. “You know where I’ll be if you need me, kid,” She looks at me, “Also, you still have the other crusaders to talk to as well.” She smiles at me before flying away, leaving me to my thoughts. **** I was so close, so close to getting out of this place, but I was stupid enough to do it with the fastest flyer in Equestria. I sigh sadly and walk around my room, trying to think of what to do. The cut on my leg has begun to scab over, and I have cleaned away all the blood. It looks disappointingly small, I’m somewhat tempted to make it bigger. Rainbow almost took me to Sweet Apple Acres, which means the other Crusaders must have been there. Maybe they don’t care about me anymore, maybe they don’t want to check and see if I want to crusade with them anymore, not that it matters to me, I told them to back off and that’s exactly what they did. However, what if it’s Cloud Chaser who is stopping them from seeing me? I guess I could thank him for that... but I do have to admit, I miss hanging out with the girls, I feel so lost without them. It’s funny, I’m never going to find my cutie mark now because I’m going to be long gone before that happens. The past few days have proven to me that I am definitely not wanted, no pony has bothered to check on me, not even my closest of friends, I don’t think I’m part of their group anymore. It is as if they have non-verbally kicked me out of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They haven’t invited me out since that Cloud Chaser came to town. He’s the cause of all this. Hanging on my door is the cloak Sweetie Belle made for us so long ago. I quietly throw it around my shoulders before walking down the stairs. I stop when I hear the urgent hushed voices of my parents. “But darling, we can’t just leave her here!” my mother whispers. “We don’t even want her,” My father retorts, “Why should we care?” “Because she is still our child!” Mother hisses at him, her voice rising slightly. “No,” Father growls, “She is your child, not mine, you had her with another colt, she’s your mistake.” I wince as I hear this news, is that why they hate me so much, because I was a mistake? It makes sense, I know they both wanted a child so badly so when I came along they were happy enough and father must have accepted it... Then when Star Twist came along they decided to shun me since they had a better child, they had a child who was both of theirs, and they didn’t need to use me as a comfort anymore so they just decided to forget me. “But we can’t just leave her here whilst we go away for a month, she’ll starve, and we’ll be charged for abuse!” Mother shouts. I then realise that, although she sounded like she cared in the beginning, she only cared about herself and the fact that they’d be in trouble. For all I care they can leave me here forever. I know that I wouldn’t be wanted wherever they’re going so I might as well stay here. To be honest, I’m glad that I am not fathers real child, I wouldn’t want to be related to him whatsoever, so it makes me happy I don’t have his bitterness in my blood, however, I would like to know who my real father is... Knowing mother she probably just had a one night stand so she doesn’t even know him, my chances would be pretty slim at finding out even if she does remember due to the fact that I wasn’t even supposed to hear this conversation at all. I sigh and decide to push this whole situation out of my head before trudging back up the stairs and into my room. I sit down in the broken pieces of mirror whilst I search through my drawers to find something to ease the pain I’m in, both emotionally and physically. Finally, I come across a packet of painkillers so I take them out of the box and walk over to my bed. I ignore the fact that I have opened up my old cut from this morning, plus made at least another five new cuts during this process, and climb into my bed, not caring that I will most likely ruin my sheets. Once I’ve climbed in and gotten comfortable, I take a hoof-full (about 6 or 7) of them and stuff them in my mouth. Hopefully these will knock me out for the night, or better yet make me disappear forever... however, knowing my luck I will wake up in the morning still as alive as ever. The pills begin to slowly drag me under into the grey world where you’re neither asleep nor awake, I drift there for awhile until, finally, I am pulled under into the darkness of a deep sleep. > Getting Help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8- Getting Help Bang. Bang. Bang. The continuous banging interrupts me from my sleep, making it clear to me that I am still alive. Being alive sucks. I force my eyes open and take a look around my room. My throat feels as if it’s on fire, and my eyes still feel extremely heavy from the pills. I roll over and look towards the sound of the banging, and realise that it’s Rainbow Dash at my window again. I sigh and roll off the bed, stumbling towards the window to let her in. “Okay, squirt,” Rainbow says as she flies in and sits on my bed, “We need to help you.” “I don’t need help, I’m okay?” I lie as I turn to clear up the mess I made last night. Rainbow sighs loudly, “Come on, come with me to see Twilight,” She walks over and helps me. I consider how I’m feeling at this moment, I know how much it hurts to be alone, I know how much I hate this. Maybe they can help me get over my loss of the Crusaders? Last night was the worst I have felt in a long time, I thought about things I never thought would cross my mind again. If I go with Rainbow, they can help me accept the fact that the Crusaders do not want me, and I will not feel the need to disappear anymore... I turn to face Rainbow, “Okay,” I whisper. “I’m not taking no for an answer, squirt –“ She starts, then looks at me, “Wait, you said okay?” I nod and look at her, “It hurts so much Rainbow,” I whimper and look at the floor. Rainbow Dash frowns slightly and embraces me in her wings. I lean forward slightly, accepting her touch for the first time in days. I feel Rainbow gently scoop me up and place me on her back, I bury my face in her polychromatic mane in attempt to block out the world around me. My throat is still burning from the pills last night, but the fact that I am on the Pegasus I adore so much makes me forget all my problems. I know, it’s wrong; I am ruining her life... But, me being the selfish filly that I am, I cannot let go. She is the one thing that I do not want to push away; she’s my big sister, my idol, my only real family. Before I know it, I am inside Ponyville library, surrounded by all of the Elements of Harmony. I look around urgently to see if Applejack’s and Rarity’s sisters are here, and sigh in relief when I see there are only six ponies and one baby dragon in here with me. “Hey sugarcube,” Applejack smiles at me, “how are y’all holdin’ up?” I stare at her in confusion. I hurt her sister, why doesn’t she hate me? “Yes, darling, we were very worried about your wellbeing!” Rarity hugs me tightly, causing me to be even more confused. “I’m... uh... Fine, yeah,” I look around nervously, I can feel them all judging me, hating me. Twilight Sparkle steps forward and looks me in the eyes. I step back slightly, worried about what she’s going to do. “Hey, it’s okay,” She says softly, calming my nerves, “If you don’t mind I would like to do a spell on you?” I look up at her for a few moments before nodding slightly, she’s the best Unicorn in Equestria, I know that she won’t mess up the spell she does. The purple Unicorn steps forward, her horn glowing with her light purple aura, I close my eyes preparing myself for the spell. “I’m going to use a mindreading spell on you, okay?” She informs me, “Imagine it as if there was a door with every memory you have, if you don’t want me to see something, close the door and lock it.” I nod, but leave all my doors open, still unsure of what the point of this spell is. I feel the warmth of magic cross my entire body; I gasp slightly as my body begins to tingle and goes numb. Suddenly, I am thrown back into the past. I see me, as a young filly around three years old flying around on my scooter. My mother comes into view, her dark purple mane styled perfectly. Star Twist is sat quietly on her back, clearly content after being recently fed. At this point, Star Twist was about two weeks old. “Scootaloo, get off that thing now!” Mother yells at younger me. “But mummy, mummy, look!” I squeal in delight as I do a spin which I had spent the last week practising. My mother walks towards me and pulls my scooter away from me, “I don’t care about your stupid scooter you foal,” She hisses at me. I slam the door to that memory quickly as I remember what she said to me afterwards, I don’t want to watch that again, it hurts too much. I hear Twilight gasp in shock as she did not expect me to close the door so late into one of my memories. “Sorry, can we move on...” I whisper and close my eyes again. I feel Twilight’s magic surround me again as she enters my past again, I still don’t understand why she is so curious about my childhood. Younger me sits alone in my bedroom as I hear my mother and father playing with Star Twist. Her sweet giggles fill the room causing tears to run down my cheeks. I wish I was like her, I wish they liked me still. Four year old me stands up and walks over to the window, to see the flash of a rainbow zoom right pass my window. Suddenly a grin spreads across my face and my pathetically small wings flutter excitedly. “One day, I’m going to be just like her!” I jump up and down in joy, “And then my parents will love me! Or even better, Rainbow Dash will think I’m cool just like her!” The memory ends and Twilight flicks through to the next one, as if searching for something. I watch seven year old me sit and play with my four year old sister because she was crying and I was attempting to cheer her up. “No. Go away,” Star Twist shouts at me, “I don’t want to know you!” “But why, I’m your sister!” I whimper, clearly hurt by her words. “No, daddy says you’re a waste of space!” She moves away from me, “go away.” And with that, I stood up and ran away. I close all the doors to my memories and stumble back from Twilight, tears streaming down my cheeks. “S-stop...” I sob, “I can’t take it... what are you looking for and I’ll show you!” Twilight looks at me sadly for a few moments, “I’m trying to find a way to help, Scoots, I need to get the best idea of what’s caused all your pain.” I sigh and nod slightly, “Fine, just... Go slower please...” I whisper and step forward. Rainbow Dash steps between me and Twilight, “Are you sure, squirt?” I look at her, “I am Dashie, really.” The Cyan Pegasus steps back slowly, allowing Twilight to perform her magic on me again. Younger me is outside yet again. I’m flying around on my scooter as my wings flutter frantically and the wind blows through my mane. My parents walk out with six year old Star Twist skipping beside them. I stop and look at them. “Where are you going?” I ask, frowning in confusion. My mother smirks and looks at me, “To Auntie Crystal’s house silly!” “Oh, right, I’ll go and get my bag!” I say and turn to go back to the house, but my father stops me. “You aren’t coming with us, you aren’t part of the family,” He growls. I flinch and look up at him with tears in my eyes, watching sadly as they all begin to run away. I flutter my wings urgently, trying to catch up with them; once I do my father turns around once again and pulls the scooter from underneath me, causing me to fall back on my flank. “Stop following us on your worthless piece of junk,” He snarls and throws it to the floor, causing two of the wheels to fall off, “It’s almost as worthless as you are.” Tears fill my eyes as I carefully scoop up my poor scooter and dump it on my doorstep before walking towards the Carousel Boutique. Nine year old Sweetie Belle opens the door and looks at me, “Hey Scoots, I can’t go out today.” “But,” I look at her sadly, “Can I at least hang around with you?” “I’m sorry, it’s family day,” She frowns, “Why don’t you go hang out with your family?” Sweetie Belle still doesn’t know the story about my family, no pony does. “Sure, why not!” I fake a smile and skip back home. I run to my room and curl up on the floor, tears streaming down my cheeks. The memory finishes and I begin to think that Twilight has finished searching my memories, however, she has suddenly thrown me back to last night, and I wince as I relive my pain. Unable to relive the whole experience again, I push Twilight out. The six ponies look at me with sadness in their eyes, and I realise that they must have been shown everything. “Well,” Twilight says, “We can see why you’re so anxious...” “Sugarcube, the Crusaders love ya,” Applejack wraps a hoof around my shoulders, “please try an’ sort it out with ‘em?” I look around the room, each of the Elements of Harmony are smiling at me, their eyes full of love and support. I turn to Rainbow Dash, “Can you take me please?” Rainbow Dash nods and smiles at me, “No jumping off this time, okay squirt?” “I Pinkie Promise, Dashie!” I look over at Pinkie Pie who has been unusually quiet, and then I see her with a load of cupcakes in her hand which clarifies that she is too busy eating to talk. Through the cupcakes Pinkie looks at me and says, “You better not break that! No pony breaks a Pinkie Promise!” I nod in fear; I know that the pink Earth pony would probably chase after me and hunt me down if I broke it. Rainbow Dash smiles and puts me on her back, “Are you ready, kid?” I nod excitedly, “Ready when you are, Dashie!” Rainbow smiles and zooms off towards Sweet Apple Acres. My wings buzz happily as the feel the wind blowing over them; it feels as if I’m really flying! I look at Ponyville, so small below us, and realise that things are possibly getting better. > Sweet and Sour > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9- Sweet and Sour The Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse sat in a secluded part of Sweet Apple Acres, the area was so quiet around it that we could hear the giggles of Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom from a mile off. I sigh shakily before looking at Rainbow Dash. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea...” “I’m like you kid,” Rainbow starts, “I would push every pony away, try to stop them from seeing how much I hurt. But, when I pushed them away I hurt myself even more... I hurt them too. It was stupid, and it’s what you’re doing now, squirt.” I look up at my idol and frown slightly, what am I going to do? I can’t go up to them and ruin their lives again... Anyway, I cannot stand Cloud Chaser, I hate him. I sigh and realise that Rainbow has now landed in front of the clubhouse. I look at her in fear. “Can you stay here, please?” I hold onto her. “In case it all goes wrong...” My role model smiles and nods, “But it isn’t going to go wrong, is it?” I hear Sweetie Belle singing, her sweet voice calms me down instantly and without thinking I walk up the ramp. It's as if she's drawing me in, like a siren. Every pony stops laughing and talking once I reach the door. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom stare at me for a few moments before running over to me and hugging me. “Scoots! We thought y’all would never come back!” Apple Bloom hugs me tighter. “Yeah, I missed you Scoots,” Sweetie sniffles. Tears fill my eyes as I hold them tighter. I know that I’m ruining their lives by being here but it hurts to be away from them, they’re my only family to be honest. Excluding Dash, of course. Cloud Chaser clears his throat, “Sorry to interrupt but we were supposed to go hang-gliding...” “Oh, we’ve already done that...” I frown in confusion. “Yeah, but I haven’t!” Cloud Chaser argues. Anger fills me and I immediately try to keep my cool. “There’s no point though, we aren’t going to get cutie marks from it, that’s the majority of us... Didn’t we have fishing on our list?” “We already went fishing,” Cloud Chaser smirks. It’s as if someone has poured a bucket of ice cold water over me. They went crusading without me? We always go crusading together, always. If one of us can’t make it then we don’t crusade for that day. “Y-you...” I stutter, trying to find the words, “You went crusading without me?” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle awkwardly look at the ground, kicking their hoofs on the small rug which is in the middle of our clubhouse. I look between my friends. “You should go hang-gliding, I sucked at it anyway, just come around when you’re all doing something else okay?” Sweetie Belle steps forward. “How about I hang out with you for today since I was rubbish at hang-gliding too!” “You have to come though, Sweetie!” Cloud Chaser frowns, “It won’t be the same without you!” Sweetie Belle shakes her head and puts a hoof around my shoulder. “I’m sorry but I’m going to spend the day with my best friend.” For the first time in weeks my insides feel warm and happy, I feel like I actually have a hope, that I’m actually cared about. I watch Sweetie Belle skip down the ramp happily to go and talk to Rainbow Dash, before turning to Apple Bloom. “I take it you’re going to stay?” I ask sadly. “Yeah, bu’ I will make sure to hang out with ya tomorrow or somethin’,” she walks over and hugs me tightly. I can smell her sweet apple scent since her mane is in my face. I didn’t realise how much I missed my friends until now, with Apple Bloom pulling away to look at Cloud Chaser. I can tell from the way they look at each-other, the way he puts his wing around her, that they are a little more than ‘just friends’. I guess I’ll have to ask Sweetie about that. “Okay, catch you later, I guess.” I shrug and walk towards the two ponies waiting at the bottom of the ramp. The cyan Pegasus smiles and hugs me.“See squirt, I told you that it’d be okay!” I shrug and smile, “Okay Dashie, well I’m gonna hang out with Sweetie for a bit, if that’s okay with you?” Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes and nods.“Sure, getting rid of me I see.” I feel my cheeks heat up as they turn a deep cherry red, I try to make up for what I said, “No, no! I mean, I don’t want to get rid of you, we can go flying later if you want, I’m sorry I-“ Rainbow’s laughter cuts me off, “Jheez kid, I’m only joking, I’ll catch you later!” I blush even more as she flies off, her laughter echoing as she travels further and further away. “Sugar Cube Corner?” Sweetie Belle asks. “I’ll race you!” I grin and start sprinting towards the exit. Sweetie Belle giggles behind me as we race through the trees, finally everything is getting better. **** A cupcake with pink butter-icing is placed down in front of me next to a chocolate milkshake. I stare at Pinkie Pie in shock since neither I nor Sweetie asked for these. “It’s on the house, silly filly,” she jumps up and down on the spot. “And the same for you, Sweetie!” She places another pink iced cupcake in front of Sweetie. We look at each-other and shrug before taking a bite of the delicious cupcake. “I’m just so glad that you’re friends again,” Pinkie blabbers on, “I mean I saw Rainbow earlier and she seemed pretty happy, which has been a rarity lately... hehe, rarity, like your sister Rarity! That’s funny! Anyway, I said ‘Hey Dashie!’ and she said ‘Hey Pinkie,’ and then I saw Twilight and-“ I block out the sound of Pinkie’s chattering before turning to Sweetie, “So, what’s been going on with Cloud Chaser and Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle rolls her eyes as she takes another bite into her cupcake, getting some pink frosting on her nose, I giggle slightly before waiting to hear what she has to say. “I don’t know, they started flirting the other day and it was really awkward,” she frowns slightly, “And then yesterday we had just finished crusading, and they kissed so I said that I was going to leave...” I feel a pang of guilt as I see my best friends face, she must have felt so left out the past few days. She probably felt as bad as I did, maybe even worse. “So why didn’t you guys come and get me to crusade with you?” I take a sip of the milkshake and shiver as the cold, sweet liquid trickles down my throat. “Well the first day you were too upset, so we obviously wanted to give you a break...” She says and I nod, knowing that she did the right thing, I was a mess, “But the second day I wanted to go but Cloud Chaser said that we shouldn’t and when Apple Bloom tried to disagree he started flirting with her... So it was two against one. I’m sorry Scoots, I should have come to see you at least.” “It’s fine, Sweetie, really,” I contemplate whether or not I should continue on with my statement, then decide that it seems like Sweetie doesn’t like ‘Chase’ either so I carry on, “But I don’t really like Cloud Chaser very much.” Like I guessed, Sweetie Belle shakes her head; she pulls a face as if she’s had something sour. “No, I don’t either. He’s horrible, and I think he’s using Apple Bloom too,” She mutters sadly, “And we can’t do anything about it.” “We’ll see about that,” I smile bitter-sweetly, “Anyway, I need to go home, come around tomorrow okay?” The white Unicorn nods and we hug before we part ways. I run home with a smile on my face, I smile so much my cheeks hurt, I smile as if I’m never going to stop smiling, but once I step through the door I know my smile will be disappearing pretty soon... > Empty House and Empty Threats > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10- Empty House and Empty Threats Celestia’s sun was just beginning to climb beneath the horizon as I arrived home after my day with Sweetie Belle. It was a good day, all in all, however I do feel a bit uneasy about the way in which Cloud Chaser is treating us all. It doesn’t feel right at all. The house seems oddly quiet; normally you would be able to hear the soft murmurs of my family talking, or the sound of knives and forks scraping across the dishes. Now, there is nothing, pure silence. Frowning, I walk slowly down the hallway, checking every room to see if any pony is home but the house is as quiet as Ponyville was when Zecora first came to town. Where is every pony? My mother works at home so she is almost always here, so there should be at least some pony here... On the oak wood table I see a square sheet of paper with some rough script scribbled across it. Curious, I walk over to see what it says: Scootaloo, We are going on a short holiday to visit family up in Trottingham. We shall be back within the next month; there is food in the fridge and 100 bits in your room. Hopefully that will keep you going, if not you will have to fend for yourself. Mum. I flinch slightly as I reread the note over and over again. They have left me, how could they? They will be gone for the rest of the summer break so I will have to get school supplies too, also, 100 bits will not even get me through two days, let alone a month! I trot around the kitchen, stressing about what I’m going to do for the next month. I can’t tell any pony because I’ll be put into care and that is a whole lot worse than being in this house. Suddenly, the front door creaks open and I jump in fear, knowing that no pony should be here. Hoofsteps walk towards the kitchen as I hold my breath, pressing myself against the cool counter. Time seems to freeze for a moment as the hoofsteps stop and all falls silent before the door opens and my father steps in. Once I see him I breathe out in relief, which is something I never thought I would do, and I step away from the counter. “I thought you’d gone,” I say and show him the note. He snatches it off of me and throws it on the floor. “Don’t ask stupid questions, you foal, we forgot our passports,” he snaps at me and I stumble back in fear. “C-can’t I come with you?” I whisper, my voice cracking as I speak. “No, no pony wants you with us,” my father roars at me and pushes me away, causing me to trip and fall on my rump. I stare at my father as he picks up the passports and walks out the door, without a second glance at me. Of course he wouldn’t, he doesn’t care. Slowly, I drag myself to my hooves before trudging up the stairs and into my room. Hopefully I will get to see Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom tomorrow, if not I can go flying with Rainbow. Perhaps my family leaving me isn’t too bad after all. I climb into my bed and burrow my way deep into my duvet, using it as a shield from the world around me, before I slowly drift off to sleep. **** Birds chirping by my window welcome me to the new day in Ponyville. I roll out of bed and fall face first onto my floor. Groaning, I pull myself to my hooves and trot down the stairs to see what my family has left me to eat. In the kitchen I find some hay, dandelions and bread. That’s it. I use everything that has been left over to make two sandwiches, one for now and one for when we go crusading later on. As I munch on my sandwich I run around the house, preparing my saddle bag for the day ahead. Maybe I should use my scooter today... I then realise that I never got it back after the night I spent at Rainbow’s house, so I must go and find her to discover what actually happened to my beloved scooter. Using my teeth to pull the saddle bag onto my back, I adjust it to fit perfectly on my back before checking to see if I have everything I need, including the 100 bits my parents supplied me with. I still don’t understand how they expect me to live on so little money. It’s pathetic. I trot over to the door and step out into the warm, golden sun, tilting my head back to let it flow over my face as it creates a warm, happy feeling from my stomach to my hooves. Strangely enough I am in a rather good mood. The sun is shining, I’m friends with the crusaders again, and nothing could go wrong. As I skip along Ponyville’s dirt roads I am stopped by a dark blue Pegasus. I spoke too soon; everything could go wrong at this rate. “Hey Cloud Chaser!” I smile sweetly at him. “I don’t want you coming near my friends,” he hisses at me, I roll my eyes in response. “Well,” I laugh, “I don’t want you near my friends either, isn’t that funny?” The blue Pegasus glares at me for a few moments before stepping aside. “Be careful, Chicken Wings, stay away from my Apple Bloom.” He stares at me as I walk past, his eyes shooting daggers at me. I turn around to face him, “So she’s your object now, how very sexist, I bet Apple Bloom would hate to hear that,” I smirk, “Get over yourself, dude, you’re stuck with me whether you like it or not.” Spinning around on my back hoof, I begin to trot towards Rainbow’s regular sleeping cloud before waving behind me, saying, “Bye now!” In the most sarcastic tone possible. If he thinks he can control me and my friends, this guy has got another thing coming. Just you wait and see. > Back To The Scooter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11- Back To The Scooter Trotting away from a dumbstruck Cloud Chaser, I end up underneath Rainbow’s regular sleeping cloud. “Rainbow!” I yell and flutter my wings in attempt to get a little higher. I get closer and closer to the cloud before, suddenly, my wings decide to give out, causing me to tumble to the ground. Rainbow’s head shoots out over the edge of the cloud to peer down at me. “Are you okay, squirt?” I sigh and climb to my feet, my cheeks turning red with embarrassment. “Um, yeah, yeah,” I mumble, “I was just wondering if you had my scooter?” Rainbow’s face changes from one of concern to one of excitement within a nano-second. “Yeah! I was going to keep it as a surprise, but now that you’re looking for it, well...” The cyan Pegasus floats down and lands beside me. “I decided to get it fixed for you because it looked pretty busted up... I just got it out of the store yesterday!” I stare at her in awe, a grin spreads across my face, “You... You did that for me?” I whisper and throw my arms around Rainbow’s neck. “Of course kid,” she grins, “Now let’s go and get your scooter, I put it in your clubhouse!” I bounce up and down as if I was Pinkie Pie. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, th-“ I am interrupted by Rainbow placing a soft, cyan wing over my lips. “Calm down, squirt.” Rainbow Dash picks me up and places me carefully onto her back. I squeal in delight as the Pegasus takes off into the deep blue sky. My small wings buzz vigorously behind me as I feel the wind flow through my mane and my feathers. Ponyville grows smaller and smaller below us, I clutch on tighter to Rainbow Dash. “Go faster!” I yell through the wind. Rainbow glances back at me and grins, “You sure, kid?” I nod in reply and she leans forward, pushing herself through the sky faster. My body is pulled back slightly from the force but I keep my grip around Rainbow’s neck as strong as ever as she cuts through the air with ease. Rainbow points her body down towards the ground as we speed towards the ground, it grows larger and larger; I begin to fear that we will not stop in time. I squeeze my eyes shut and grip onto her polychromatic mane, I’m about to yell out to her and tell her to stop. However, when Rainbow’s face is only about 20 centimetres away from the ground she straightens herself out and glides to a stop. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I breathe heavily from the experience I just had. If that’s even half as good as what flying feels like then I want to learn fast. I jump off Rainbow’s back and proceed to bouncing around her. “That. Was. Awesome!” I cheer as I run around my idol. A cyan hoof is put in front of me to stop me and I look up at Rainbow. “Whoa there,” a smile spreads across her face, “Now, do you want your scooter or not?” I grin excitedly and sprint up the ramp into the clubhouse, Rainbow follows close behind. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are already sitting in the clubhouse with Cloud Chaser. “Hey Scoots, we went to ya house but y’all weren’t there,” Apple Bloom smiles at me. “Oh yeah, sorry guys!” I smile sheepishly, “I went to ask Rainbow about my scooter because I lost it the other day, and she said she put it in here!” Both fillies nod in acceptance before looking around. Rainbow Dash walks into the clubhouse, her head nearly brushes the top of the doorframe because she’s so tall. Cloud Chaser speaks for the first time once he sees Rainbow walk in. “Hey Dashie!” I flinch slightly but brush off my jealousy before looking at Rainbow. He better have listened to my advice and not try anything funny. “Hey,” she says nonchalantly before looking over in the corner. “There it is!” My scooter is propped up against the wooden wall, all its wheels intact. I grin and run over to it. “Oh Celestia, I am so sorry that I left you!” I caress my scooters long neck lovingly. “I will never do it again!” Rainbow stares at me with a smirk on her face and I cover my scooter defensively. “Hey! Leave my baby alone,” I mutter and carefully climb onto it. Apple Bloom giggles, “Aww, look at Scoots and her little baby,” she says mockingly. I glare at her and move forward, “Don’t listen to them, they’re just jealous of your awesomeness.” “Not in the clubhouse!” Apple Bloom says firmly. I roll my eyes in response and jump off my scooter before rolling it out of the clubhouse, muttering under my breath about how unfair Apple Bloom was. “Stop being a foal, ah don’t want ya ruining the clubhouse!” She says. I roll my eyes. “Happy now?” I yell back in mock anger. “Eeyup!” I can almost hear the smile in her voice. I grin and flutter my wings as fast as I can, then zoom across the clearing. I swerve around the sweet apple trees. The familiar feeling of the wind in my mane makes me feel as if I am at home. This is where I belong. An old fallen tree is laying across my path so I beat my wings harder as I prepare to jump over it. Once the time is right I push my body up into the air and pull my scooter with me, my body flies through the air behind me for a few moments until I have to place my hooves back onto the platform. I cheer once I have touched down; I haven’t completed a jump like that in a while. The feeling is exhilarating, my heart is pounding, my breath is coming short and fast, my whole body feels warm and fuzzy as I propel myself back towards the clubhouse. I feel as if I could go all day. Once I skid to a halt in front of the small clubhouse I find that I was being watched by three ponies. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom run down to me and throw themselves on me in a massive hug, causing me to fall down onto the ground. “Welcome back Scoots,” Sweetie Belle whispers into my ear. I smile widely as I look at my two friends. She’s right, I am back and it’s all thanks to Rainbow. I hug the two fillies for a few more moments before standing up and walking over to Rainbow before throwing my arms around her. She pulls me close, causing me to have my face being pressed into her soft cyan chest. “Thank you, Dashie,” I whisper with tears in my eyes. “No problem squirt,” she smiles proudly at me, “Now I need to go and sort out a few jobs, you should go and crusade for a while then I can give you a few flying lessons?” I nod enthusiastically before turning to face Sweetie and Apple Bloom; the two fillies are looking at me with hope in their eyes. “Let’s go crusading!” I cheer. “We should try bungee jumping!” Sweetie Belle suggests. Cloud Chaser walks out of the clubhouse as we all cheer, “Cutie Mark Crusaders: Bungee Jumpers, YAY!” Rainbow Dash laughs and flies off as she mutters, “I don’t think I want to know how this is gonna turn out.” Cloud Chaser frowns, “Isn’t bungee jumping dangerous?” “We’ve done lots of dangerous stuff.” I roll my eyes, “And the worst thing that has happened is us getting covered in tree sap without our cutie marks...” The colt still frowns and I look at him. “Are you in or out?” I say, secretly hoping that he says he’s out. “Let’s do this,” he mutters uneasily. Sweetie Belle trots towards us with the scooter wagon being pulled along with her mouth. She spits it out and beams at us. “Let’s go guys!” she grins and hops onto the wagon. The other two ponies follow in suit, Apple Bloom puts a hoof over Cloud Chaser’s but I choose to ignore it this time. I jump onto my scooter and prepare for the journey by placing my helmet on my head and securing the strap tightly beneath my chin. I check back to see if my passengers are sitting comfortably before zooming out of Sweet Apple Acres, towards the town centre. Bungee Jumping... What could go wrong? > Being Saved > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12- Being Saved My fellow Crusaders and I gather around the cliff edge and look over nervously. Sharp rock edges stick upright, pointing towards us. “Whose stupid idea was this in the first place?” Cloud Chaser mutters bitterly, and shoots a look towards me. “It’s not a stupid idea, don’t worry Sweetie Belle, I like your ideas.” I glare back at Cloud Chaser, making it clear that it wasn’t my idea so he better be nice. Sweetie Belle herself looks as if she is going to pass out, it is clear that no pony thinks that this is a good idea; even I think that this is terrible, but I need to prove that I’m not a chicken or a dodo. “So,” Cloud chaser says as he stares down the cliff edge. “Who is going to jump first?” Without thinking, I stupidly step forward and look between my friends. Cloud Chaser stares at me in shock, as if he expected me to be the one to run away. But, I’m like Rainbow, I’m never afraid! “Let’s do this thing!” I say in fake excitement. Cloud Chaser slowly walks over to me with a harness in his mouth; he holds it out so I can step in. The harness clings onto my body as I pull it as tight as possible around me. It painfully digs into my fur but I ignore the pain since I know that the more it hurts the safer it is. A small trickle of fear leaks through my emotional barrier, and I instantly push it out again as I think about how brave I will look after this. Once I’m all secure, I clip the rope onto my harness and step forward. The other Crusaders stare at me in fear as I close my eyes, take a deep breath and step off the edge. Behind me I hear Sweetie whimper in shock as I fall towards the rocks. Suddenly, the rope goes taunt and throws me back up into the air, the wind runs through my mane as I cheer in excitement, I never knew this would actually be this fun, it feels like I’m flying! Gravity takes action and pulls me back towards the ground again, as I fall I hear a sickening tear behind me. Glancing back, I see that the rope has begun to rip. “Horseapples!” I yell in fear as the rope tears more and more. I can hear Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom screaming in fear as they realise what is happening. I know that there is no way out of this, but nonetheless, I frantically flutter my wings in attempt to fly upwards. However, I keep plummeting towards the sharp rocks. Once I realise that it’s no use, I close my eyes and accept my fate as the single thread that had been holding the rope together, breaks apart. **** A pair of dark blue hooves are wrapped around my body as the jagged rocks grow smaller and smaller beneath me. I look around in confusion, who is this mystery pony who saved me? I look up to the Mystery Stallion’s face, to find that I am in the arms of, no other than, Cloud Chaser. “Wait... You... Saved me?” I whisper, my voice hoarse and my throat dry. Cloud Chaser smiles down at me, “Yes, yes I did...” I stare at him in confusion, why did he save me? “But you hate me. Why did you save me if you hate me?” “I don’t hate you, as such, I just never really got to know you, so I...” He pauses as he searches for the correct word. “Dislike you. But, that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t save you. No pony deserves to die like that.” I frown slightly as the Pegasus places me down beside my friends. “Thank you... I’m sorry about earlier.” Guilt fills me as I realise that it was, in fact, my fault all of this happened, I hated him from the instant I saw him. Cloud Chaser shrugs and wraps a wing around Apple Bloom. “Let’s go to Sugar Cube Corner, Bloom.” Apple Bloom turns around and looks between me and Sweetie before saying, “Ah’ll catch up with y’all later, ah’m glad yer okay Scoots.” And with that, Apple Bloom and Cloud Chaser walk away. He didn’t even acknowledge my apology, I don’t understand: if he really wanted to be my friend he’d ask for a clean slate? Also, wouldn’t he have apologised for the events at the race? I sigh in frustration and turn to look at Sweetie, who is still crying hysterically. I walk up to the white unicorn and wrap my small wings around her. “Hey, Sweetie, it’s okay...” I whisper soothingly. The filly wraps her arms tightly around me as she sobs into my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Scoots, it was my stupid idea! It’s all my fault!” “It isn’t, anyway, it’s all over now, let’s go to the Boutique and ask Rarity if we can have a sleepover?” I release Sweetie from my embrace and look at her. She nods in agreement as her tears begin to slow. We begin trotting towards the town centre of Ponyville as we discuss the issue with Cloud Chaser. “So, I don’t understand, he said he doesn’t know me well but he doesn’t want a clean slate?” I say as I kick a smooth stone down the dirt path. Sweetie Belle frowns, “I still don’t understand why he’s pulling Apple Bloom away from us...” I groan as I kick the innocent stone as hard as I can, causing it to go flying up in the air before plummeting back to the ground and shattering into a million pieces. I stare at it as I realise that I could have been like that stone, less than an hour ago. I shake off the sick feeling that has filled my stomach and sent chills down my spine as I continue on walking. “Still, he did save me.” I stop outside the Boutique and motion for Sweetie to go in first. Sweetie Belle trots in before me and I follow in behind. Rarity is working on one of her fashion pieces, ribbons, sequins and gems fly around the room as they are surrounded in Rarity’s light blue aura. Knowing Rarity’s impatience and precision when it comes to her work, we both sit quietly in the corner as we wait for her to finish. We need to be on our best behaviour if Rarity is going to let us stay over. The older Unicorn places down all the materials carefully and turns to face us. “Hello girls, thank you for waiting so patiently!” Rarity smiles, for once she is in a good mood with Sweetie Belle. “Hey sis, can Scoots sleep over tonight, please?” Sweetie Belle puts on her infamous puppy face as she looks up and her victim. Rarity sighs, all arguments deflating out of her as her younger sister stares at her with the most heartbreaking expression in all of Equestria. “Oh, alright, but no funny business – “ Rarity doesn’t have a chance to finish because both Sweetie and I have ran up the stairs, cheering in excitement. Tonight is going to be awesome! But all I can think about is Cloud Chaser, and why did he save me? > Becoming an Assistant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13- Becoming an Assistant Sweetie Belle and I charge our way into her medium sized bedroom in the Carousel Boutique. Behind us, Rarity is calling up the stairs telling us not to break anything, but we just laugh, she knows we will end up breaking something. As we always do when having a sleepover, we gather up duvets and pillows, creating a small nest on the floor before burrowing deep into the warmth of the covers. We giggle as we look at each other through the darkness of the nest. This is the best place to talk at a sleepover, it is secluded from the world around us, and it is just Sweetie and I. “So, what are we going to do about Cloud Chaser?” Sweetie asks once we’re sitting comfortably. I sit quietly for a few moments; to be honest I am not sure what we are going to do about this at all. Cloud Chaser is either genuinely being nice to me or he wants to be fake towards us to get Apple Bloom on his good side. I don’t want to make any false assumptions but I also don’t want to risk trusting him. Sweetie Belle is waiting patiently beside me when I decide to answer. “We just pretend we like him, but we aren’t going to trust him until we are sure.” Sweetie nods slightly. “But, I want to trust him. I hate not liking ponies.” “I know, Sweetie, but we can’t risk it!” I sigh at my friend; she has to be so nice to every pony. “Okay, fine...” She mumbles in defeat, then her face turns to a grin and she yells in joy: “Let’s play a game!” I giggle and watch as she bounces up and down in her spot. “What game do you wanna play?” “We should play that game where we see who can spin for the longest!” Sweetie Belle jumps to her hooves and gallops into the centre of the room. Knowing that this isn’t going to end well, I reluctantly follow Sweetie into the centre of the room, preparing myself for any injuries that may come. “First one to fall loses and has to offer Rarity assistance in place of Opalescence,” Sweetie Belle announces and I smile, I can totally win this. **** I was wrong. I can totally not win this, I am terrible at this game! I ended up crashing into Sweetie’s dressing table, causing the mirror on of it to wobble and come crashing to the ground, dragging everything else on it along with it. So here I am, standing next to Rarity whilst I balance on one hoof with ribbons, thread and all sorts of materials hanging off my wings and forelegs. Sweetie Belle is watching from the top of the stairs in a fit of giggles, and I shoot daggers at her with my eyes. She is so going to pay for this. “Thank you ever so much for helping me, Scoots,” Rarity beams as she adds a ribbon onto her attire. “Dear Opel was getting very tired.” “It’s okay Rarity,” I mumble around the pin cushion she stuck in my mouth. “I wanted to try and get my cutie mark in being an assistant!” Sweetie Belle laughs hysterically at my comment, knowing that being an assistant would be one of the worst cutie marks to get, ever. Anyway, what would an assistant cutie mark actually look like? Rarity continues to work on her ensemble, mumbling quietly to herself as she squints through her red framed glasses. Finally, she untangles me from the mass of materials and allows me to be back on all four hooves. “Well done, Scootaloo, I wouldn’t have been able to finish this by tonight without you! I wouldn’t be surprised if you did get a cutie mark in being an assistant!” Rarity smiles at me before trotting to bed as she calls down the stairs: “Now off to bed you two, good night!” We sigh in unison as we race each other up the stairs into the bedroom. Once we’re settled in our makeshift nest, we switch off the lights. “You are so going to pay for that Sweetie...” I whisper through the darkness of the room, I refuse to admit that I actually quite enjoyed helping Rarity. “Yeah, yeah, whatever Scoots, I know you secretly enjoyed it!” Sweetie giggles and I send her a glare even though she can’t see it. “Anyway, tomorrow can we sleepover at yours?” I freeze as I remember that my parents are still gone, and they will be for another three weeks. “Um, my sister is having a few friends from out of town around, so I can’t have anyone. She’d flip if I did. Sorry.” I reluctantly lie to my best friend. “Oh, okay!” Sweetie Belle says, believing every word that I just said which makes the lying even harder. “Anyway, we should hit the hay; we can go find Apple Bloom in the morning.” “G’night Sweetie,” I whisper sadly, but get no reply so I figure that the filly has probably fallen asleep already. I lie on my back and stare into the darkness as I wonder what I’m going to do about this whole mess. I suppose I could go and talk to Rainbow about my parents leaving me, I trust her enough to do that, and if she doesn’t want to help then I’d be okay with that. Still, what could she do to help? My parents aren’t going to come back for ages, and when they do what will Rainbow say? If they find out that I have been going around telling every pony that they left me to fend for myself for a month, they would skin me alive. That’s an overstatement even. Sleep drags me under as I continue to worry about the world around me, right up until darkness fills me from the inside out. **** The sun shines brightly through the window as it brushes itself across my cheeks, waking me up as sweetly as possible. Beside me, Sweetie Belle stirs before sitting up, her mane in a mess around her face. I giggle slightly at the state of her. “What? Why are you laughing?” Sweetie Belle says with fear in her voice, “What did you do to me?” I laugh even more, clutching my stomach as I do so. “You should brush your hair before we grab breakfast and leave the house.” Sweetie Belle’s face flushes slightly before she trudges into the bathroom, muttering under her breath as she goes. I can already tell that today is going to be a good day. After all, it’s a brand new day, what could possibly go wrong? > For Once, I Feel Hope > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14- For Once, I Feel Hope Sweetie Belle and I trot towards Sweet Apple Acres as we giggle from the events of last night. We are both giddy from the lack of sleep we both had and in attempt to keep ourselves awake we stopped off in Sugar Cube Corner and asked Pinkie for the most sugary thing on the menu. If Rarity heard about this she would kill us both. I have decided that after the meeting with Apple Bloom and Cloud Chaser that I will go to Rainbow Dash and tell her what’s been going on with my family. I just hope that she understands... Of course she will, she’s the Element of Loyalty for Celestia’s sake! The clubhouse seems to be silent, but when we walk in we find Apple Bloom and Cloud Chaser playing an intense game of noughts and crosses. Sweetie and I sit quietly next to them and watch as Apple Bloom wins the game. “Oh, Horseapples!” Apple Bloom jumps when she sees both of us sitting there. “Hey girls, we jus’ wanted to discuss what our next crusading was gonna be.” “Okay, but I need to meet up with Rainbow afterwards so do you mind if we make this short?” I ask as politely as I can. Apple Bloom nods slightly before looking between us all. “So, what stupid thing are we gonna do next?” Cloud Chaser, who has been silent ever since we entered the clubhouse, now steps forward. “I say, we learn how to fly a hot air balloon.” I stare at him in shock, fly a hot air balloon? I don’t even know how to fly myself let alone another object! That’s insane. Sweetie Belle, on the other hoof, has a look of joy in her eyes. “Yes, yes, yes! We must!” Since I don’t want to be the one to ruin all of this for my friends, I nod in false enthusiasm. This isn’t going to go well, imagine if something went wrong and the only pony who could save us was Cloud Chaser? He’d save Apple Bloom first, obviously. Before I fall into a panic attack, I decide that now is the right time to leave and find Rainbow Dash. “Well, I really need to find Rainbow now guys, I’ll see you later!” I gallop down the ramp and towards the area of town which Rainbow usually clears the sky for. The last thing I hear is Apple Bloom yelling, "Meet us tomorrow, Scoots!" Rainbow Dash is just finishing off her job as she zooms around the sky, clearing the last few clouds in ten seconds flat. I wave at her as she spots me and flies down to my side. “Hey squirt, what’s up?” She says as she hugs me with her wing. I flush slightly and look up at her nervously. “Well, um, I need to, um, tell you something.” Rainbow Dash takes a seat and looks at me, patiently waiting, nodding for me to go on. “I’m listening kiddo.” “My parents went on a month’s holiday and they left me here all alone and I’ve run out of money since they only left me 100 bits and I don’t have any food left and I hate staying alone, it’s really horrible and scary so I’ve been hanging out with Sweetie Belle so no pony has noticed, but I hate it, Dashie. Why don’t they love me?” I blurt out without taking a single breath and suddenly, I’ve fallen into the cyan Pegasus with tears streaming down my cheeks. Rainbow Dash has her forelegs wrapped tightly around me as she holds me close. “Hey, kid, it’s okay. Why don’t you stay with me? I’ll look after you.” “R-really?” I whisper and look up at her through tear filled eyes. Rainbow Dash nods. “As long as you let the other Elements and I have a little... Chat, with your parents once they return.” “What about?” I freeze in fear, if my parents find out about this they will kill me! Rainbow picks me up and places me on her back. “Not to worry, Scoots. I’m going to go and see Twilight for a bit okay, you can come along.” I nod slightly and wrap my hooves around her neck. “Okay then, I trust you Dashie.” Rainbow Dash smiles slightly before lifting off into the sky with a powerful thrust with her wings. **** We arrive at the Library to find that the other five Elements of Harmony are already there. Rarity looks up and her expression is rather surprised to find that I have tagged along. “Oh, hello Scootaloo! I hope you had a splendid night last night, thank you again for helping me with my ensemble, it would not have been completed without you.” Rarity smiles at me. Rainbow Dash looks at me in amusement. “You helped her? Really?” “Yeah, it was actually quite fun,” I mumble in embarrassment, afraid that Rainbow Dash will judge me for actually helping Rarity. Rainbow Dash smiles slightly and nods. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it then. Anyway, girls, I need to talk to you all about something.” Twilight looks up from the book she is reading. “Yes, Rainbow, what is it? Is it private?” Her gaze falls onto me, the small Pegasus who is still clinging onto Rainbow’s neck. “No, it’s fine.” She looks back at me, smiling sadly before continuing, “Scoots’ parents have left her alone whilst they went on holiday. They only left her with 100 bits, which she obviously cannot get by with. What do you think we should do?” Applejack and Rarity both gasp in shock as they look at me. “Scoots, why didn’t ya’ll talk ta me ‘bout this? Ya know ah’m like a second sister to ya!” Applejack frowns at the news she’s just been given. “I couldn’t, I was afraid. They’d kill me if they found out that I told you.” I whisper sadly and hide my face in Rainbow’s mane. “Well, I think we should go to social services about it,” Twilight speaks over the mumbles of the other ponies in the room. I jump off Rainbow’s back and stand on the table between them all. “No!” I yell in fear, “You can’t go to social services, they’ll take me away. Don’t let them take me away.” The whole room goes silent and Twilight Sparkle looks up at me before nodding understandingly. “Okay, sweetie, we’ll find something else to sort this out, okay?” “We should at least talk to them, try and see if they will listen.” Rarity speaks up. “Or we could throw them a party and show how nice of a filly they have!” Pinkie Pie cheers and jumps up and down. Every pony in the room groans at Pinkie’s suggestion. “I, um, agree with Rarity’s idea,” Fluttershy says quietly. Rainbow Dash looks at me, her rose eyes full of concern for me. “Is that okay with you, squirt?” I nod slightly before jumping off the table and walking over to Dash. “As long as they can’t hurt me, and no pony can take me away.” Dash smiles at me, “No pony will take you away, I promise.” She picks me up and turns to the girls. “In the meantime, Scoots will be living with me, if that’s okay with you all.” Each pony nods in acceptance and Rainbow Dash sits with them around the table whilst they begin to discuss what they’re going to say to my parents. I drift off to sleep on the Pegasi's back as I think: for once in my life, I feel hopeful. > Evil Schemes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15- Evil Schemes My bed is soft and fluffy, almost as if it’s a cloud, and my room has a scent that is familiar but it is not the regular scent I receive every morning. My eyes shoot open and I glance around to find that I am in a room with Wonderbolts posters stuck proudly around it. A feeling of déjà vu hits me, and I realise that I’ve been here before. I’m in Rainbow Dash’s house. The events of the night before rush back into my mind. Rainbow promised to take care of me until my parents return, she promised to protect me from social services, which may try and take me away. Beside me, on the bedside table, the alarm clock reads half past ten in the morning. Slowly, I slide out of bed and trot out into the hallway to find Rainbow Dash walking downstairs herself. “Good morning, squirt. Did you have a good sleep?” Rainbow smiles brightly at me. Nodding enthusiastically, I jump into my idols arms. “Yes, Dash, I did! What are we doing today?” Rainbow catches me and places me on her back. “Well, I thought we could go and get your school supplies ready so we don’t have to worry about that, and then we can go for a flight if you want?” “Okay, let’s go then,” I grin as I grip onto her rainbow mane, making sure I don’t interfere with her wings. We soar out of the secluded cloud home, out into the warm skies of Ponyville. Rainbow Dash performs some of her safer tricks whilst I hold on tightly to her mane. My wings stretch out unconsciously as the cool wind breezes through them. A bubble of giggles escapes my lips as I cling onto my idol. Rainbow Dash slowly begins to descend towards Ponyville’s town square and she glances back at me with a warm smile on her face. “Did you enjoy that, kid?” She asks as she lands gently on the cobblestone path. I hop off of Rainbow’s back and land beside her, buzzing my wings excitedly. “Yes I did, it was so fun!” The older Pegasus chuckles as she begins to trot towards the Quills and Sofas shop. I follow behind happily as I look around the town. The sun is shining more than usual today, and the air is warm around us. I arrive in the shop a good few minutes after Rainbow Dash, and find that she is already at the till with a pile of about 6 quills sitting in front of her. Rainbow turns to me once I stop beside her. “Are six quills enough to get you started for the year?” I nod. “Yep, but I’ll need some parchment and a folder to store them in too.” She rolls her rose eyes before scooping me up on her back. “I know that, we’re going to the market to get them now...” She pauses to find that my stomach has involuntarily grumbled. “It looks like we also need to get some pony some breakfast.” I cringe slightly but try and hide the fact that I’m embarrassed because well, I can’t let Rainbow know that. What would she think of me if she knew I got embarrassed that easily? Just as we’re walking out of the Quills and Sofas shop, we bump into the one and only Cloud Chaser. Rainbow Dash glances back at me in worry before allowing me to slide down off her back, leaving us to talk alone. But I can feel her worried gaze on the back of my head constantly. “Hey Cloud Chaser, what’s brought you up around here?” I ask nonchalantly. A smirk crosses the dark blue Pegasi’s face. “I was looking for you, silly.” “Why were you looking for me, we arranged to meet up later on in the week I thought?” I frown and take a step away from the colt. Cloud Chaser laughs a cruel laugh, a laugh that sends chills to my bones. “No, I’m here to show you something.” I glance over at Rainbow Dash, who is at the Apple family stall talking to Applejack. “Okay, well what do you want to show me?” He walks us away from the public eye, and brings me down an empty alleyway. Not trusting him at all, I stand as far away from him as I possibly can, my flank ends up being pressed up against a wall. “What do you want?” I ask, my voice shaking slightly. Keeping my body tall and my head high, I try and look as if I don’t fear him whatsoever, but in reality I am shaking in my horseshoes. He walks towards me with a smile which I cannot unpick the meaning of is spread across his face. He puts a hoof on my shoulder and pushes me up against a wall, giving me no way of escape. Suddenly, his lips are against mine and his grip loosens around my shoulders, giving me the option to escape if I want to. A million thoughts fly through my mind in the space of one nanosecond. What is he planning? I thought he hated me. I thought he was with Apple Bloom. A loud bang echoes through the alleyway as my hoof connects with his cheek, I didn’t even have to think about what I was doing, I don’t even remember doing it. He stumbles backwards and looks at me, his eyes as wide as saucers. “What the hay was that for?” He demands as he gently touches his face with his hoof. “You’re with Apple Bloom, what are you doing?” I yell, stepping away from him. Cloud Chaser laughs awkwardly. “Horseapples, you knew about that did you?” Frowning, I take a step away from him, towards the exit of the alleyway. “Of course I did, she’s my best friend.” “I’ve warned you before; they aren’t your best friends.” He sneers at me, “You better stay away from them or else.” “I can tell Apple Bloom what you did, she’d believe me! Then they won’t want you near them.” I hiss, taking another step back as he steps towards me. Cloud Chaser laughs, “As if, they know how much you hate me, they’d just think it’s a plan to get rid of me. Anyway, I’ll tell Apple Bloom that you came onto me first. If you utter a word to any pony about what happened, you’ll have me to answer to, got it?” My heart is pounding in my chest and my brain is yelling at me to walk away. For once, I actually decide to follow my instincts. “Okay, got it.” I mutter as I walk away from him. Rainbow Dash is waiting for me by the Apple family stall, with a worried look on her face. The moment she sees me appear she gallops towards me, throwing a load of questions at me. “Are you okay? What did he say? Are you hurt? Do you want me to beat him up?” She crouches in front of me, examining me to find that I look okay. I laugh at her fretting. “I’m fine, he didn’t say much really, just wanted to arrange our next crusading session you know. You don’t have to beat him up Dash, it’s fine.” Rainbow Dash frowns slightly, it’s obvious that she can see right through my lies, nonetheless, she decides not to push and begins to walk us towards the parchment stand. All the while, I wonder what Cloud Chaser is planning and what mess I’ve gotten myself into. > Finally Erupting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16- Finally Erupting Rainbow Dash and I trot through the town as we gather the last of my school supplies. I feel guilty about the fact that Rainbow is buying me everything, from my quills to my lunch bag and she even bought me a new saddlebag, telling me that it's her treat to me. I do have to admit, my old saddlebag was becoming frayed and torn, so I am thankful that she did this for me. Still, all I can think about is Cloud Chaser and wonder what he is planning to do. Now, I need to be even more cautious when I am around him and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders, but knowing that he is going off like this behind Apple Blooms back, makes me so angry. I could hurt him without feeling an ounce of guilt. "Hey, squirt, are you awake?" Rainbow glances down at me, making it obvious that she knows something is up. Smiling sweetly, I nod at her. "Yup, sorry, just thinking." Rainbow Dash laughs and ruffles my mane. "Wow, that's worrying." I roll my eyes as I continue to walk, knowing that Rainbow is only joking around with me; I don't take her insult to heart. I challenge Rainbow to a race without wings, knowing that I will lose by a long shot. She agrees and gives me a head start, nonetheless, she still manages to shoot ahead of me and win in ten seconds flat. Strangely, I am not so upset about losing. Maybe it's because it was against Rainbow and I knew I had no chance, or maybe it's because I just enjoyed the thrill of the race itself. Either way, I am still happy. Finally, we have collected all my school supplies, so we stop off in Sugar Cube Corner. We find Rarity and Applejack stuck talking to Pinkie as she blabbers on about some new cupcake recipe she's got. Rainbow Dash walks over to her friends and I follow close behind. "Why hello, Rainbow and Scootaloo, it is lovely seeing you both here, darlings," Rarity says, and she smiles her beautiful smile to greet us both. Applejack looks away from Pinkie to greet us both too. "Howdy girls, how are y'all doing?" Rainbow Dash smiles and ruffles my hair. "I've been doing good, just hanging out with the squirt here." "Oh my gosh, hi guys, it's so good to see you. I love seeing my friends, did you come and visit me? that's so nice! Have a cupcake!" Pinkie Pie beams and hooves us each a cupcake before going off in a tangent about the recipe again. I blink in confusion before looking around the group, Rarity smiles at me before pointing over to a sofa booth in the corner of the shop. "The other crusaders should be over there, darling, I know you wouldn't want to be stuck listening to our boring old conversations," she laughs. With that, I'm off running towards the booth as I call back to Rainbow. "I'll see you later, Dash!" Sweetie Belle smiles at me with a look of relief across her face. Apple Bloom and Cloud Chaser must have been leaving her out again, which makes me hate him even more. He's causing both of my best friends to hurt and I hate him for it. Still, I have to resist the urge to punch him since I know that he will use his silver tongue to talk his way out of my accusations. "Hey Scoots, how're you doing?" Sweetie smiles sweetly, I'm glad I had a chance to save her from being alone today. "I've been doing good, hanging out with Rainbow and stuff. How about you?" I shoot a look towards Cloud Chaser, who is gradually leaning closer to Apple Bloom. "I've been okay, do you want to come crusading with us later?" She asks and I instantly nod, knowing that I can't leave her alone with Cloud Chaser and Apple Bloom. Pinkie Pie bounces over to take our orders. "Hey guys, how can I help you today? Do you want the regular?" "Yes please, Pinkie, 4 strawberry milkshakes and chocolate muffins, please!" Sweetie grins as Pinkie bounces off to get our drinks for us. I watch Cloud Chaser as I think about the events which happened earlier on today. I hate the fact that he is sitting so close to Apple Bloom, I hate the fact that he's doing this to her. He can hurt me, but he can't hurt my friends. I hate him for this. "Why are you looking at me like that, Dodo?" Cloud Chaser sneers, bringing me back to reality. I frown and glance at Sweetie. "Looking at you like what exactly?" "You were giving me a dirty look, don't you dare look at me at all," he growls under his breath, causing me to instantly look away. Pinkie Pie returns with our orders and places them down in front of us before bouncing off in her usual fashion, leaving us all to awkwardly eat in silence. A thought suddenly crosses my mind and I realise that my Cutie Mark Crusader cape had been torn that night I crashed on my scooter, and I've had it in my saddlebag ever since. I've been meaning to ask Apple Bloom to fix it for me, since she is better at sewing in comparison to the rest of us. "Hey, Apple Bloom, I ripped my cape the other day, do you mind fixing it for me?" I ask before taking a sip out of my milkshake. Apple Bloom smiles at me, "Yeah, sure, chuck it over now and Ah'll take it home with me." I lean down and reach into my saddlebag, before carefully pulling out the torn cape and chucking it over to Apple Bloom. However, the cape falls onto Cloud Chaser's milkshake, and knocks it onto his lap. He jumps up in shock and sends me a glare, before Apple Bloom reaches over and tells him to calm down. "It's okay, Chase, y'all can share mine," she smiles sweetly before taking my cape and putting it into her own saddle bag. Cloud Chaser smiles thankfully at her before cleaning up the mess I made with a napkin. I continue to watch as Cloud Chaser begins leans closer and closer to Apple Bloom, and without knowing it I kick my hoof forward and hit him on the knee. Suddenly, he buckles over and falls out of the chair, hitting the ground with a thump. Apple Bloom is up instantly, helping him back to his hooves. "What happened, Chase?" "Somepony kicked me." He glares at me and I smile at him sweetly. "Whatever do you mean, Chase?" I say, as I flutter my eyelashes innocently. It all happens in a flash, Cloud Chaser has pounced at me and now has me pinned to the ground. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are yelling out in shock. Out of instinct, I bite down on his foreleg as hard as I can, so hard that I cause blood to flow out of the wound. He yelps in pain and I use this as an opportunity to kick him off me and punch him as hard as I can, over and over again. I can't hear anything around me; all I can see is Cloud Chaser with his bleeding nose and bruised face. I feel him punch and kick me in the stomach, but at this moment I can't feel pain, the adrenaline is pumping through me and I savour this moment of revenge. I'm not just doing this for myself; I'm doing this for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle too. Suddenly, cyan hooves are wrapped around me, pulling me off of Cloud Chaser's body. I look up to find Rainbow Dash, holding me as tight as she can as I struggle to get free and make Cloud Chaser suffer. The dark blue colt jumps towards me and tries to swing at my face, but Applejack has now grabbed him and pulled him back, restraining him as well. My senses all begin to come back to me as I realise that I have the eyes of everypony on me. The taste of blood finally fills my mouth and all the pain rushes through my body. Apple Bloom is crying hysterically as she asks Cloud Chaser if he is okay. My heart clenches when I realise that I've gotten the blame for this. This is the one thing I didn't want to happen, still, it was worth it. I hope that someday soon, Apple Bloom realises how bad of a pony this guy really is. "What in tarnation was that all about, Scoots?" Applejack asks as she continues to restrain Cloud Chaser, even though Apple Bloom is begging her to release him. "He started it, he jumped at me first!" I argue, anger rising in my voice with every syllable. Cloud Chaser looks up at Applejack, his eyes full of fake hurt. "Well, that's because she kicked me, and she's been tormenting me all morning." "I did it because you're cheating on Apple Bloom!" I blurt and the moment it's out, I want to take it all back. Everypony stares at me in complete shock, and Apple Bloom looks between Cloud Chaser and I. "Chase, is that true?" Apple Bloom's voice wavers as she gets to the verge of tears. "Of course not, Bloom! You know how much she hates me, she just wants to break us up, and after all, she did just pick a fight with me." Cloud Chaser does exactly what I expected him to do: smooth talk his way out of this. Sighing, I look at the floor and kick it with my hoof. "Apple Bloom, you know I'd never want to hurt you, we've been friends for almost three years now." "Who are you going to believe, the victim or that crazy psychopathic filly over there?" Cloud Chaser asks. I feel Rainbow Dash's grip tense around me, but I gently shake my head, I'm not going to fight back. It's what he wants. Still, I can't help but shake with anger at his words. "Ah don't know what to believe anymore!" Apple Bloom cries and runs out of the shop. Rainbow Dash silently picks me up and flies me out as well, knowing that I need to get away from all of that. "Scoots, can you please tell me what happened now?" Rainbow says as she places me on a cloud and sits before me, looking deep into my eyes. Finally, I give in and begin to tell her the whole story. I just hope that it's not too late to seek help from her. > The Truth Comes Out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 17- The Truth Comes Out Rainbow Dash listens intently as I tell her everything that has been going on between Cloud Chaser and I. Although I feel like a complete snitch, it feels as if a whole weight has been lifted off of my chest. "Well, this morning when we were out shopping for supplies and Cloud Chaser came over to me and... Well, he kissed me because he wanted Apple Bloom to get mad at me," I frown slightly, feeling disgusted with myself for sharing a kiss with that jerk. "When we got to Sugar Cube Corner, well some things did happen by accident, I swear! It's just, he went to kiss Apple Bloom and I kicked him so it wouldn't happen because I know that he's just using her. I didn't mean to spill over his drink or anything but then he pounced at me and I had to fight him. He was hurting Apple Bloom without her even knowing it, I couldn't let that happen." At some point throughout my story telling, tears began to run down my cheeks, leaving a damp trail in its wake. Rainbow Dash looks at me, her rosy eyes full of concern as she gently reaches out a wing and brushes away the falling tears. I sniffle, and look away, full of embarrassment. Rainbow Dash stays silent for a few moments before looking at me with those worrying eyes, it made it hard to look at her. "Do you want me to talk to him?" I shake my head in fear of Cloud Chaser threatening me and calling me a snitch, or worse. Maybe it'll just be better to leave it and stay away from them all. That way, I won't be hurting Apple Bloom either. "Well, at least let me talk to Applejack so she knows what's going on. After all, Apple Bloom is her sister and there's a risk of her getting hurt in this mess that Cloud Chaser has created," Rainbow Dash says gently, instantly making me feel guilty. How could I not think of Apple Bloom in all of this? She's gonna get hurt, no matter what I do. I don't know why, but Cloud Chaser is using her. Even if I do run away from this mess, it won't help Apple Bloom. Reluctantly, I look at Rainbow and quietly say, "Okay, you can tell Applejack." Rainbow Dash smiles and ruffles my mane, causing me to blush and squirm. "Good girl," she whispers before climbing to her hooves and pulling me onto her back. Sighing sadly, I wrap my hooves tightly around her neck and cling on, waiting for her to lift off and fly to Sweet Apple Acres. Maybe Applejack will want to talk to Cloud Chaser herself, what will I do then? He'll call me a snitch and make things even worse. However, now that Rainbow is aware of what has been going on, she'll be able to help me. I hope. As Rainbow lifts off, I can't help but worry about what is to come. I thought I had finally escaped the pain and fear caused by Cloud Chaser, I thought the Cutie Mark Crusaders could finally become one again. It seems like I was wrong. I know that Cloud Chaser is plotting something and I know it's going to be bad, but I can't do anything about it. If I had it my way, I would make sure he was banished from the Cutie Mark Crusaders permanently. But, he's managed to worm his way into our club through Apple Bloom and make her fall for him head over hooves. Even if we kick him out, Apple Bloom will most likely follow him without a second thought. Sweet Apple Acres begins to grow larger before us, and Rainbow begins to descend towards the Apple family home. The home seems to be quiet except for the soft clattering of dishes in the kitchen. Hopping off her back, I follow as Rainbow Dash walks forward and knocks on the door firmly. After a few moments of silence, the door opens revealing a rather flustered Applejack. "Howdy, Rainbow, Ah'm awful sorry but Ah'm really busy right now..." Applejack says, before turning to close the door. Rainbow reaches a hoof out to stop her, before urgently saying, "No, AJ, this is really important. Can I talk to you, please?" Applejack looks between Rainbow and I, before nodding slowly, a look of worry begins to spread across her face. "Um, sure... Come on in Rainbow." Both mares begin to walk into the Apple family's kitchen. Rainbow turns to face me. "Wait outside, squirt." I groan loudly, ready to protest before biting my lips knowing it would be futile. I turn away and sit outside the kitchen door. Rainbow should know me well enough to know that I'm definitely going to listen in, no matter what she does about it. Once the door has been fully shut, I climb to my hooves and creep over to the door, gently pushing my ear up against the smooth wood. "So what was it y'all wanted to talk 'bout, RD?" Applejack asks. "I don't really know how to put this, so I'm just gonna tell you straight, AJ... Cloud Chaser has been messing around with Apple Bloom. He's leading her on and I know that she'll only end up getting hurt." Rainbow's voice is dull and quiet. "He's hurting Scoots already and he has been since he came. I can't let this go on any longer." I step back from the door in shock. Does she really care this much about me? Muffled voices come from the door again so I return to my position and begin to listen in again. "What do ya mean? Cloud Chaser is a good lad, he's kind." I can hear the frown in Applejack's voice. "That fight in Sugar Cube Corner, was because he kissed Scootaloo, he's trying to push her out of the Crusaders. Apple Bloom thinks that he's in love with her. AJ, you know how much she's fallen for him." Rainbow's voice is softer, gentler. It's obvious that Applejack is struggling with the news. Applejack is silent for a moment, and the tension begins to build in the air. Finally, the farm pony speaks again, "I gotta stop Apple Bloom from talkin' ta him. I can't let him hurt her like this." Her voice begins to grow in anger and hoofsteps come towards the door. I jump back and return to my seat, pretending that I've been there the whole time. Applejack's face is dark with anger as she gallops out of the house in the direction of the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse. Rainbow Dash places me on her back before racing after Applejack. "AJ, wait!" she calls, "don't do anything rash!" We come to a halt a little bit away from the clubhouse as we watch Applejack storm up the ramp before yelling at Cloud Chaser. "Get off of my land, now!" she shouts. "Applejack, what're ya talkin' about?" Apple Bloom asks her sister. "Don't kick Chase out, he ain't done nothin' wrong!" Applejack glowers at her younger sister before pushing a confused Cloud Chaser down the ramp. "Ah don't wanna see y'all around my sister or her friends. Apple Bloom, don't ya go near that colt, ya hear?" Tears fill Apple Blooms eyes. "Applejack, don't do this! He ain't done nothin'!" Instantly, I begin to feel guilty. It's my fault; I'm the one who's caused this. Apple Bloom is hurting because of me. Apple Bloom pushes past Applejack and chases after Cloud Chaser, who is slowly walking away with his head down. "Apple Bloom!" Applejack says sternly. "Get your flank over here, now." Apple Bloom freezes at the sound of her older sister's voice; I can see it in her eyes that she knows not to push it. She walks back towards Applejack, dragging her hooves as she goes. "Ah'm sorry, hun, but that colt ain't nothin' but bad news." She gently ruffles Apple Bloom's mane. "Now, why don't y'all go crusading with Scoots and Sweetie?" Apple Bloom glances up and looks at me with hurt in her eyes. I flinch, looking away slightly, knowing that she's blaming me for all of this. I can tell, just from her look that she's thinking: It's you who did this. You're the worst friend. I hate you. "No thank ya, sis. Crusading ain't the same without Chase. Ah think Ah'll hit the hay. Night." Apple Bloom says, her voice dull as she drags her hooves, disappearing into the forest. Applejack turns to face Rainbow and I. "Thank y'all for letting me know. But it hurts ta see my little sis hurting like that. Ah should go check on her, goodnight." She tips her hat at us before running off in the same direction as her younger sister. "Come on, Scoots, let's go home." Rainbow Dash pauses, as if contemplating whether or not to ask me something. "If Cloud Chaser continues to bother you, you have to promise me that you'll let me know, okay?" Carefully, I wrap my hooves around Rainbow's neck and nod into her soft multicoloured mane. "I promise, Dash." Finally, I hear the soft thump of Rainbow stretching out her wings and we begin to fly over Ponyville, back to the place I wish I could call "home". > Interlude: Apple Bloom's Point of View > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interlude: Apple Bloom's Point of View I gaze out of my window longingly. How could Applejack do this? How could she stop me from seeing Cloud Chaser? Oh, that's right. Supposedly, he kissed Scoots. My best friend, the pony I trusted more than anything. Still, Cloud Chaser explained everything. He told me that Scootaloo had hated him from the very beginning so of course she would lie about such a thing. She's trying to get rid of him and it's worked. At first, I found it hard to believe. "Scoots wouldn't do such a thing, Chase!" I exclaimed. But then, it happened. Applejack came storming in, shouting at Chase, and telling him to get out. I begged her to let him stay, I trust him. He's done so much for me. When I was upset about Scoots pushing us away he helped me. He talks to me when I need it; if I'm feeling down he takes me out. The other day he treated me to a lovely meal. I gave him my first kiss, and he's the only pony I want; he's what makes me happy. I thought Scootaloo wanted me to be happy too. Why does Scootaloo hate him so much? Why can't she see Chase as I see him? Are we really that different? I saw Scootaloo standing with Rainbow Dash when Applejack threw him out. That's when I realised that she was trying to push him away; ever since he came she's been acting funny. I don't understand what's been going on with her. We try to talk to her and sort things out and she just makes stuff up. She snapped at Cloud Chaser in Sugar Cube Corner as well even though he did nothing wrong. I just want to help her, but now she's gone too far. I didn't accept any dinner tonight, I wasn't hungry after what happened earlier. Nopony bothered to disturb me because they know there's no use; I'm too hurt and lost to talk to any of them. The house is finally silent and everypony except me has gone to bed. Slowly, I climb to my hooves and creep out my bedroom door. I know where all the creaky floorboards are so I swiftly avoid them with ease. As I pass Applejack's room, I pause for a second and listen. I can hear her gentle snoring, she's sound asleep. Good, that means I can escape. Once I reach the front door, my creeping changes into a gallop within an instant. I run as fast as I can through the acres into the darkness of the night. I know the acres like the back of my hoof through my many years of exploration. I know all the shortcuts too, so I reach the town of Ponyville within a few minutes at the most. The town itself is also silent; all that can be heard is my soft panting as I catch my breath after that run. The streetlamps are dim, barely lighting up the cobblestone path as I trot through the town towards Cloud Chaser's home. I didn't think this through as much as I should have. What will I do once I get to his house? I can't knock on his front door or I'll wake up his parents. I walk around to the back of his house and look up at his bedroom window. Maybe if I throw something it'll wake him up. I pick up a small rock from the side and throw it at his window. It clatters softly and falls to the ground, leaving the area silent again. Cloud Chaser's light shines through the window and his silhouetted figure appears as the window slides open. "Apple Bloom, what're you doing here?" he asks as he peers down at me. "One second, let me come to the door and let you in." There is a silent click and then his front door swings open, revealing a very worried Cloud Chaser. I run over to him and throw my forelegs around him, holding him as close to me as possible. Finally, the tears escape as I sob into his shoulder. "Ah'm not allowed to see ya anymore, Chase. Ah can't take it, it just ain't fair!" I sniffle as he silently strokes my mane. The air around us is tense and a cold chill brushes over my fur. "It'll be okay, Bloom, don't worry. You can always sneak out and visit, can't you?" Chase whispers into my ear as he continues to hold me close. I think about it for a second. By sneaking out I will disappoint Applejack, I will disappoint my whole family. I'm generally a good filly, the worst I get up to is any stupid stuff I do with the Crusaders. I never thought that I would go against my sister like this, yet I don't feel guilty about it at all. They don't understand how much I love him; they don't understand the pain I'd go through if I could never see him again. I'm old enough to make my own decisions now and my decision is to follow my heart and keep visiting Cloud Chaser. "I'll sneak out and visit you as much as I can," I smile up at him and hold him close. We stand in silence for a few moments as we listen to the soft breeze and some crickets chirping. Although Ponyville isn't a big town, the daytime can get quite busy, what with the market and everything. Night-time in Ponyville is completely different, it's peaceful. You'd think they're two completely different places. If I'm going to be sneaking out visiting Cloud Chaser more often I will be experiencing this peaceful night an awful lot more. Still, I can't help but wonder: Why don't I feel guilty like I should? I care about Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith, don't I? They all acted as parental figures when ours passed away. They brought me up as a happy filly; they gave me love and respect. Yet, all I give them in return is this. Still, I don't have an ounce of guilt. It scares me. > Letting Go > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18- Letting Go Rainbow Dash flies towards her cloudhome as I cling onto her back. The Carousel Boutique passes beneath us and I realise that there is something that I've been meaning to tell Sweetie Belle. Well, by something I mean everything that has happened to me in the past month. "Rainbow, can we stop off and see Sweetie Belle, please?" I shout over the strong wind. Rainbow Dash turns her head to look at me before nodding and doing a U-turn back towards the Boutique. We land a few meters away from the door and the Boutique is almost silent. The only sign of life is the fact that the kitchen light is shining through the window. The front door has a closed sign hanging on it as it sways gently in time with the wind. I slowly walk over to the door and knock on it gently. After a few moments, the door swings open to the sound of Rarity's voice. "I'm awfully sorry but we're closed until morning, please do come back"-- she looks between Rainbow Dash and I before stopping-- "Oh, I'm sorry, darlings. Please come in." Sweetie Belle is at the top of the stairs in a frilly dress which Rarity has obviously forced her into. A blush forms across her cheeks when I fall to the floor in a fit of laughter. "Uh, let me just get changed..." she mumbles and runs into her bedroom, away from my laughter. I sit with Rainbow Dash and Rarity as I wait for Sweetie to return and I half listen into their conversation. "Oh, Rainbow Dash, did you hear? Applejack came here absolutely ballistic about that boy, Cloud Chaser, she refuses to let Apple Bloom see him and she told me to do the same with Sweetie." Rarity says, excited about the new gossip. "I was there, Rarity. Cloud Chaser is no good, it's better for the girls to stay away from him." Rainbow Dash says softly and glances over at me but I pretend that I'm not listening in. Rarity nods in agreement, "Still, if I was in love like Apple Bloom, I would go barmy if I wasn't allowed to see my lover. The poor little mite, she fell for the wrong lad." Sweetie Belle returns at the top of the stairs without the ridiculous clothing and motions for me to come upstairs. I oblige without any protest because I'm fed up with hearing Rarity's gossip which I already know all the details of. "Hey, Scoots. What brings you here?" Sweetie says as she sits on her bed. I sit beside her and look at my best friend nervously. "Well, there's something that I need to tell you... Well, a lot of things. I just hope that you aren't mad or anything." A look of concern fills Sweetie's face. "I won't be mad, Scoots, I could never be mad at you. What's up?" I look at my hooves in silence for a few moments as I take a deep breath before getting ready to tell her everything. "Well, I suppose I should start from the beginning, huh?" I say softly, "Well, ever since I was three years old my parents began ignoring me. My sister Star Twist was the one that received all the love and attention, that's why she can fly exceptionally well and also she got into the Wonderbolts Training Camp. It's also why I can't fly at all. Anyway, my parents and Star Twist decided to go on a family trip for a whole month and left me with only one hundred bits. They've done it before, just not for this long, at first I had the sleepover with you so it wasn't so bad but then I had to turn to Rainbow Dash for help and I've been living with her for the past few days... My parents should be returning soon, so I won't be with her for much longer." I pause and look up at her to find tears streaming down both Sweetie's cheeks and mine. Shakily, I intake a breath before continuing. "So, when Cloud Chaser came I began to think that the thing with Star Twist was happening all over again. I felt forgotten and replaced. It wasn't your fault; you were there for me even when I couldn't see it, even when I hurt you... But, I turned suicidal. I hated myself; I didn't care if I got hurt. I just wanted to die. Deep down, I still do. One night I overdosed on some painkillers in hope that I wouldn't wake up the next morning. Another time, Rainbow tried to force me to go to the Clubhouse and I jumped off her back, she saved me and did a Rainboom in the process of it. I'm okay now, I guess..." I trail off and wipe away any stray tears with the back of my hoof. Sweetie Belle throws her forelegs around me and sobs into my mane. "I'm so sorry, Scoots. I should have been able to help..." She sniffles, "But what about Cloud Chaser?" "Oh, right. Well he did kiss me, and told me to keep away from you both and basically threaten me. But, that's about it, I just hope Apple Bloom comes to her senses," I sigh sadly. "She probably hates me now." Sweetie Belle frowns slightly. "She'll come back to us, don't worry." "After she gets hurt though and there's nothing we can do about it," I look out the window sadly, I just wish she would realise that Cloud Chaser is manipulative. Sweetie Belle sits back on the bed, tears still fresh in her eyes. "What're we going to do, Scoots?" "I don't know, but it'll be alright." I sigh and climb to my hooves. "Let's go downstairs to the others." We walk down the stairs together to find Rarity and Rainbow Dash still gossiping away, but they have now been joined by Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy. Sweetie Belle and I share a glance before joining the others at the table. "Hello, girls," Twilight says, giving us both a smile. "Hi, Twilight. Hi, Fluttershy!" I say to them both and Sweetie does the same. Rarity looks at her younger sister with a worrisome face. "Sweetie, have you been crying?" "Uh, n-no!" She stutters and I know she's trying to hide what I said for my sake, but I just smile and shake my head. "I was just telling her everything that's happened, she deserves to know." I smile and sit down. Rainbow Dash smiles proudly at me and sends me a small wink. Fluttershy finally speaks up. "So, um, is Applejack joining us soon?" "I think she's keeping watch on Apple Bloom tonight, in case she tries to do anything." Twilight replies with a sad smile on her face. "Apple Bloom wouldn't do anything like that, would she?" Sweetie Belle asks in shock. Rarity wraps a foreleg around her sister before gently saying, "You'd do anything if you were in love, Sweetie." I look down at the ground and kick it gently with my hoof. "What if he isn't as bad as we all think, maybe he just hates me but he cares greatly about Apple Bloom." "If he was a good enough bloke, he wouldn't try to get rid of his special somepony's best friend. Plus, he wouldn't kiss another filly. He isn't any good, squirt, your judgment is right. Don't go looking through rose-tinted shades, now." Rainbow Dash says. "Plus, he hurt you, and that means he isn't any good and he shouldn't be allowed near you." I look at Dash for a few moments before sighing and nodding. "Alright, I just... I don't want Apple Bloom to get hurt so I was hoping..." I shake my head. The room is silent for a few moments before Rainbow Dash speaks, "Well, we will just have to wait and see. We need to be heading home now, squirt, it's getting late." "Yes, I agree. Sweetie, Darling, you should get ready for bed now, please." Rarity says before standing up to lead us all to the door. Sweetie Belle nods slightly before hugging me and trudging towards the stairs, grumbling under her breath about Rarity and the fact that if she could have it her way, Sweetie would be up all night modelling for her. "Dash... My parents will probably be coming home soon, if they aren't home already," I say weakly once Sweetie has closed her bedroom door. Rainbow Dash freezes for a few moments before sharing a glance with her friends. "We'll worry about that tomorrow, alright, kiddo?" I nod slightly before climbing onto Rainbow's back and wrapping my forelegs around her neck. Rainbow Dash turns and nods towards her friends before stretching out her wings. "I'll meet with you all tomorrow at the Library, okay?" She says, "Goodnight, everypony." They all nod in agreement before setting off on their own ways home for the night. Rainbow Dash is silent as we fly over the sleepy town of Ponyville. There is not a soul around, all that we can hear is the soft whisper of the wind through the trees. Suddenly, Dash stops midflight which is very unusual for her. My body wobbles slightly at the sudden disturbance, but Rainbow's hoof is gently on my shoulder to help me regain my balance. I open my mouth to ask her why the hay did she stop, but she hisses, "Shush," under her breath before I have the chance to even utter a word. Frowning, I follow her gaze as I wonder what was so important to cause her to stop like that. Then I see it, Cloud Chaser and Apple Bloom standing outside his home as they share a secret embrace. My heart shatters when I realise that Apple Bloom is going behind the backs of her family. She's even going behind the back of the Element of Honesty for ponies' sake. She's hit an all-time low and it's all Cloud Chaser's fault. "Should we do something?" I whisper. Rainbow Dash shakes her head. "AJ must be asleep if Apple Bloom has managed to escape. We'll leave it until the morning, If Applejack hasn't realised what her sister has done by then we will let her know what's been going on." "Okay, can we go then, please?" I mumble, unable to withstand seeing that foal with Apple Bloom for any longer. Dash nods before turning around and flying back towards her home. We both seem to be in shock by what we both saw but I'm absolutely certain that I'm hurting more than Dash is after seeing that. I just hope Apple Bloom returns to us soon. I can't bear to see her so foolishly walk into the arms of a horrible bugger such as Cloud Chaser. > Friendship is Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 19- Friendship is Magic The sun shines through Rainbow Dash's window, indicative of a new day. Tomorrow, school will start again which means my family have most likely returned from their holiday. I don't really want to go home, it's been really fun staying with Dash and she's really nice. I slide out of bed and walk down the stairs to discover that Rainbow Dash is cooking some stewed apple for breakfast. It's strange; I never thought Rainbow would be one to cook. I do have to admit, her meals are pretty tasty. "Good morning," I say as I hop up onto a chair around the kitchen table. Rainbow Dash looks over at me and smiles. "Morning Scoots, how was your last lie in before school?" I groan, "Don't remind me, my parents have probably returned home today... Star Twist probably went to the Wonderbolts summer camp whilst they were gone too, but they're probably back." Rainbow fills two bowls with the stewed apple before placing them down on the table. I reach out for the pot of sugar and pour a few teaspoons over the apples. Dash rolls her eyes as she watches me but then proceeds to pour even more teaspoons than I did over her own bowl. "Hypocrite," I mumble under my breath and she just chuckles. "We're gonna go and talk to AJ first, and then we will go and see your parents, alright?" She says as she begins to eat. I nod and follow her lead as I eat the sweet apple quickly, wanting to get over to Sweet Apple Acres as soon as possible. I need to talk to Apple Bloom. I just hope it's not too late to sort this out. Once I've finished eating, I jump up and run upstairs to brush my teeth. I can hear Dash laughing quietly as she starts to clean the dishes. That's another thing that shocks me about her, I didn't expect her to actually clean but her house is spotless. Maybe she sees it as a sport? Or maybe she just had the idea of having a clean house drilled into her from a very young age. It's probably the latter. I take my time brushing my teeth since I know Rainbow Dash still needs to get ready. I use this opportunity to try and tame my bed-head by flattening it down with water. Finally, when I realise that it's no use – my mane is untamable - I give up and I trot back downstairs to find Rainbow Dash standing at the door, ready to go. I'm suddenly feeling really shaky, what if Apple Bloom turns against me. She must hate me so, so much now. "Are you okay, squirt?" Dash asks with concern evident in her voice. I nod slightly although Rainbow Dash doesn't fall for my false smile. "Listen, if anything bad happens I'll be there to back you up, alright?" she promises comfortingly as she helps me onto her back. I wrap my hooves around her neck and get comfortable. "Thanks, Dash," I whisper. Rainbow Dash glances back at me and sends me a smile before stretching out her wings and flying towards Sweet Apple Acres. We fly in silence as I contemplate what I'm going to say to Apple Bloom. Maybe she won't want to talk to me, I can completely understand, but I did it to help her. I couldn't bear to watch her act so foolishly. The sun shines over Sweet Apple Acres as we draw closer to it. The apples on the trees glisten as the sun reflects off of them. Trees shake as Applejack firmly bucks them with her hind legs and the apples shudder slightly before they tumble down into the baskets positioned below them. Rainbow Dash calls out to Applejack as she prepares herself to land, "Hey, AJ!" Applejack turns to look up at us and tips her hat in greeting as we land beside her. "How are y'all doin'?" she says as she begins to buck trees again. Rainbow Dash glances at me in concern before returning her gaze to Applejack. "Good, but um, we saw Apple Bloom with Cloud Chaser last night..." Applejack's hind legs freeze mid-buck and they fall to the ground behind her. "'Scuse me?" "AJ, don't freak out. Let's just... Give her another chance, maybe she felt really guilty about it but just stay up late tonight and see if she sneaks out again if not then forget this conversation ever happened?" Rainbow Dash suggests since she knows that if Applejack flips off, I will get the blame for snitching, yet again. Applejack stays silent for a few moments before finally nodding in agreement. "Okay, RD, but y'all better not stop me next time 'round because Ah don't want Apple Bloom ta start getting inta bad habits." Rainbow Dash nods. "Sure thing, AJ, please don't get Scoots involved though because Apple Bloom is blaming her too much already." "Ah can try, but if ma sister starts askin' questions, Ah can't lie to her..." Applejack turns to me, "Ah'm awful sorry for the way Apple Bloom is treating y'all, Scoots, but Ah hope ya understand if Ah have to tell her the truth when she asks for it." I glance up at Applejack, I wish I didn't understand, I wish that I could beg her not to tell Apple Bloom anything but I know that she's the Element of Honesty. It's the same with Rainbow Dash; I have to understand if she refuses to leave me alone. That was hard for me to accept at first but now I'm thankful that she's stuck by me. "It's alright, Applejack. I understand that you can't lie," I smile at her, "Just warn me if you do tell her..." Applejack nods. "Sure thing, Sugarcube." "Where is she, anyway? I mean, can I talk to her, please?" I say. Applejack looks around the Acres in thought. "Ah think she's in the Clubhouse with Sweetie, but if not she may be in her room." "Okay, I'll be back soon, Dash!" I smile Rainbow Dash watches me with an agonized look plastered across her face, but I pretend I don't notice it as I gallop past her and through the apple trees. Apple Blooms angry voice fills the clearing around me, causing me to stop abruptly in my tracks and hide behind a tree as I listen in. "Ah'm sorry, Sweetie Belle, but she's lying to us!" Apple Bloom yells. I flinch slightly, knowing that she's talking about me. I cower against the tree as I carry on listening, I know that this is wrong but I can't go in there now. "But, she's our friend. We weren't even there for her when she was suffering. I've known Scoots since I was a little filly and you've known her for three years. How long have we known Cloud Chaser for? A month at the most," Sweetie says, her voice growing with anger too. "But Scoots never gave Chase a chance, she hates him!" Apple Bloom says bitterly. I peak around the tree and see Sweetie Belle standing by the window of the Clubhouse; I can barely make out a few tears in her eyes. "Did Cloud Chaser give Scoots a chance? He's manipulating you, Apple Bloom, and you're acting stupid! Do you even care about Scoots?" She shouts and takes a step towards Apple Bloom. "Ah did until she turned against me! Ah trusted her!" Apple Bloom turns away. I suppose it's time to go in and try and sort this out, I can't leave Sweetie Belle to go through this all alone. So, I slowly come out of my hiding place and walk towards the Clubhouse. Sweetie turns when she hears my hoofsteps and she shakes her head, telling be that I'm better off going. Apple Bloom catches sight of me and she glowers at me darkly. Taking a deep breath as I walk up the ramp, I prepare myself for the worst. "What do ya want, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom says resentfully. I ignore the tone she uses towards me and put on a calm face, I can't stoop to her level. We need to sort this out without fighting. "I wanna sort things out, please," I take a seat in my usual place and nod towards her seat. Apple Bloom hesitates before sitting down. Sweetie Belle does the same. We sit in silence for a few moments before I decide to speak up. "Just look at us, girls: the Cutie Mark Crusaders. We made this club out of friendship, we wanted to show everypony that we're special and that we can work together to find out our special talent. Recently we haven't really been a club; we haven't even acted as friends... "I look at my two best friends and swallow back any tears I have coming through my emotional shield."Remember what we promised all those years ago?" When there is no answer, I walk over to the clubs notebook which has all of our crusading failures and our promises which we made along the way. I flip it open to the first page and stand up at our podium where we have planned so many missions and made so many memories. I glance up at the two girls who now have tears in their eyes too, and then I look back at the notebook and begin to read, "'As a Cutie Mark Crusader, we all agree that we must trust each other both when searching for our cutie marks and also in our friendship. We need to be able to talk to each other when we need help and we need to rely on each other to be supportive. Finally, and most importantly, we must do everything in our power to stay friends even after we have discovered our special talents. We know that our friendship is important and we do not want to lose it, whatever obstacle which comes our way is passable we just need each other's help to keep us going. We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders and nothing will split us up.'" I finish and realise that tears are streaming down my cheeks. "I admit: I haven't kept many of those promises. I didn't turn to you when I needed help but that was because I thought I didn't need it," I pause and look at Apple Bloom to find her gazing back at me in confusion. "Right, you don't know. My parents hate me, they prefer my sister because, I don't really know why actually. They stopped loving me after she was born which is why I don't know how to fly. Anyway, they left me to fend for myself a few weeks ago and in the end Rainbow Dash helped me... I thought you guys were trying to replace me with a Pegasus who could fly and that was wrong of me but I wasn't thinking straight. I was just so scared that the same thing which happened with my family would happen with you. If it wasn't for Dash I probably wouldn't be here," I try to keep out any of the horrible details since I don't want to make things worse. Apple Bloom looks taken aback for a moment as I tell her what has been going on with me. "A-Ah'm so sorry, Scoots..." She whispers. I shake my head and brush off her apology before carrying on. "Anyway, there is one promise that I am keeping which is doing everything in my power to stay friends. I'm sorry, that you can't see Cloud Chaser anymore, but you have to trust me when I say that he's using you-" "No, you said ya weren't thinking straight, that's why y'all don't like Chase!" Apple Bloom says, cutting me off. "Go tell Applejack that ya were wrong, that he is a good guy!" "I can't, I'm sorry but I can't. He did kiss me and he has been threatening me, I didn't make it up," I say painfully, I hate having to hurt one of my best friends. "Apple Bloom, why can't you see?" Sweetie Belle groans in exasperation. Apple Bloom shakes her head angrily. "No! Y'all are making it up; your mind is playing tricks on you. Tell ma sister ta let him see me again!" "I can't, Apple Bloom! I can't let him hurt you again," I cry and turn away from her. "Then git out! Ah don't wanna see ya again!" Both Sweetie Belle and I stare at our fellow Crusader completely dumbfounded. Things were going so well, we were so close to making up. How could things turn from an amazing improvement to a dog's dinner in a matter of seconds? When I don't react, Apple Bloom steps forward and roughly pushes me towards the door. I gasp in shock and stumble backwards and down the ramp before falling on my flank. Sweetie Belle cries out in disbelief which causes Apple Bloom to swing around and face her. "Who's side are ya gonna take, Sweetie? Are ya gonna stay with me or go with the liar?" Apple Bloom growls and when Sweetie doesn't reply she begins to shout. "Well, Sweetie?" "I don't want to pick sides, and Scoots isn't a liar!" Sweetie exclaims, her voice shaking with both fear and shock. Apple Bloom shoves Sweetie down the ramp after me, "Well y'all might as well leave too!" "What is your problem? What happened to the Apple Bloom that would never hurt her friends?" I say as I run over to Sweetie and wrap one of my small wings over her back in attempt to comfort her. Apple Bloom tears up the notebook which we have kept with us for the past three years and she throws it in the dirt by our hooves. "She went when y'all started lying, ya ain't my friends anymore! Ah don't want to ever see y'all again!" I flinch slightly. "We're supposed to be the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" "Well, we ain't the Cutie Mark Crusaders no more, we're done. Ah'll find ma cutie mark on ma own," she growls and slams the door of our old Clubhouse shut. Sweetie Belle begins to sob uncontrollably which then causes tears to roll down my cheeks too. I throw my forelegs around Sweetie and hug her tightly. "C'mon, Sweetie, let's get out of here," I say gently and pick up the torn notebook from the ground. I keep the notebook in my mouth as I tenderly pull Sweetie Belle back towards the Apple family's farm and away from our past as a Cutie Mark Crusader. Rainbow Dash and Applejack are working together: Rainbow Dash shoots around as she sets out the baskets underneath the apple trees before shaking each of them and bringing the baskets back to the farmhouse. Applejack is carrying some of the baskets back to the farmhouse as well as bucking some trees along the way. However, they both stop when they see Sweetie Belle and I stumble through the forest with tear streaked cheeks and red eyes. "Ah thought y'all would have sorted things out and gone crusading by now... What in tarnation happened?" Applejack says as she approaches us both. "No, we aren't going crusading anymore because we're not ... We're not the Cutie Mark Crusaders anymore!" Sweetie Belle says as she bursts into tears. Finally, I fall to the ground and begin to sob uncontrollably too. It hurts so much; I can't believe that it's all over. I wanted to try and fix it but I just made it worse. Applejack and Rainbow Dash share worried glances before Applejack places Sweetie on her back and Rainbow does the same with me. They then carry us out of the farm as we both sob silently; neither of us seems to be bothered about where the mares are taking us. We just want to be out of the farm where we shared so many fond memories. I bury my face in Rainbow's multicoloured mane as tears stream down my cheeks; it feels like they're never going to stop. > ... And Magic is Free > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 20- ... And Magic Is Free The sun shines brightly through my bedroom window, pulling me out of yet another restless night. My parents arguing had kept me up until the early hours of the morning, and I would have tried to ignore it but it's kinda hard considering they were talking about me. I sigh softly as I roll out of bed, groggily rubbing my eyes with my hoof. I wish I could just climb back into bed and let the day slowly waste away. Sadly, life doesn't seem to go my way. I create a list in my head of what I need to do today: Regular chores first, and then Apple Bloom said she was coming around to help me with my homework. It sounds easy enough, my to do list for today is an awful lot shorter to what it normally is and I'm glad that I've managed to earn some time with Bloom today. Recently, we've been spending less and less time together. Mainly because of Applejack keeping her on lockdown and the other crusaders trying to tear us apart, I try to find the point in time when things suddenly turned horrid for us all. I can't seem to find what went wrong. I wish I could fix it; I just want to spend time with Apple Bloom. The thought of seeing Apple Bloom sends warmth throughout my body. I'm not really sure how another pony has managed to make me feel this way. Nopony has ever made me feel this way before, well to be honest; nopony has ever shown me love before. I suppose that's why I was so overprotective, so stubborn when it came to the other crusaders. Apple Bloom is the only pony to show love towards me and I don't want to lose her. I'm so afraid that I'm going to lose her. Another reason why I acted so cold, particularly towards Scootaloo, was because she reminded me of myself. I know, it's awful, I should know how she feels, how much it hurts to be pushed away. But I could see it in her eyes, the heartbreaking sadness which shows me that she is going through what I go through every day. The fact that she couldn't fly was also an indicator that her family didn't seem to care for her. I don't understand why nopony has questioned it yet, that's when I think back to the bitter words I uttered to her about being unable to fly. Truthfully, I had to teach myself to fly a few years ago so I had no right to comment on her inability. I should have offered to teach her. I couldn't though; it hurt to look into her lonely, empty eyes. It still hurts now. My first reaction was to be bitter, before Apple Bloom I didn't know anything other than bitterness and hate. Now, I'm going to lose the one thing that is keeping me happy and it's all Scootaloo's fault. That's why I kissed her. I wanted her to know that she should just go. I wanted her to think that if she stayed around she'd hurt Apple Bloom too. She's ruining my life, she's ruining my one chance of happiness, and I just want to be loved, is that so much to ask? Right now, I need to do whatever I can to keep Apple Bloom. If that means hurting innocent ponies that don't really deserve it, then I'll do it. I don't want to lose Apple Bloom because Scootaloo is making things worse, if it means I have to make Apple Bloom hate her so that I won't lose her, then I will do it. I just want to be loved. I trudge out of my room quietly and down the stairs to find my family eating without me. I'm not shocked; it's the same every morning. They don't care about me. Sure, my parents have provided me with food, shelter and the occasional toy to keep myself entertained but once I turned six I was expected to cook for myself. I may be given toys but they never play with me, they never tell me that they love me, they never hold me when I'm sad. They aren't parents, they aren't real parents but I don't know any different. Until I met Apple Bloom, I didn't know what love was. I thought it only existed in stories. I decide to skip breakfast today, and go on doing my regular chores which include washing the dishes, cleaning the floor and doing the laundry. However, a knock at the front door stops me before I have a chance to even reach the sink. None of my family seems to shift, wordlessly indicating that I have to deal with that as well as all the other chores which they've left lying around for me. I roll my eyes and mumble bitterly under my breath as I proceed to answer the door. As the door swings open, the sobs which could only be Apple Bloom's fill the room. I instantly step forward and wrap my forelegs around her. Her warm tears wet my fur as I gently stroke her mane in a hopeless attempt to soothe her. "What's wrong, sweetie?" I ask gently as I pull her inside. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders aren't together no more!" She sobs into me, her voice being muffled by my neck. I freeze for a moment, unsure of how to react. I'm happy because there's no risk of Apple Bloom leaving me anymore, I can look after and stop her from getting hurt by her friends. But, I'm hurting because Bloom is distraught. I hate seeing her upset. I should be happy that I get to have her to myself, but I just can't. "It's alright, I'm here okay?" I say as I continue to stroke her mane, letting her cry it out. Bloom shudders against me as her tears continue to fall. "Ah know, Chase, but they were ma best friends, Ah don't want them ta hate me." "I know, but it'll be okay. What happened?" I ask curiously, I wonder who caused all of this to happen, I bet it was Scootaloo. "Well, Ah was angry cos Sweetie was stickin' up for Scootaloo and Ah wanted ta see ya, so Ah was telling Sweetie that Scootaloo was lyin' and stuff... Then Scootaloo came and we all had a talk, ya know? It was a nice talk..." She stops as she takes in a shaky breath, obviously still trying to gain composure. "Then she told me that y'all were a bad guy and Ah didn't want ta hear it so Ah snapped, Ah didn't mean ta. Ah just love ya, Chase." Of course it was Scootaloo who caused this to happen. I would be thanking her but seeing Apple Bloom like this almost makes me want to run and sort this out. Almost. I know that Apple Bloom is hurting but she will get over this soon enough. She has me as a friend, I'll support her until she stops hurting. I just hope it won't take long because I feel helpless just sitting here watching her cry. All I can do is comfort her, and be a better friend than those other girls ever were. > Help Arrives > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 21- Help Arrives Dear Babs, Applejack here, I was wondering if you could come down to Ponyville for a few weeks before school starts because I'm sure Apple Bloom and the other girls would love to see you. That and, well, they've been going through a rough patch and I think it'd be helpful if they had another friend to help. I've already discussed this with your ma and pa so you don't need to worry. See you soon. Love, AJ xx Staring at the letter for what may be the twentieth time, I blink away the fatigue from my eyes and frowned. What could be so important that Applejack needs me to come down to help? Worry gnaws at the back of my mind as the train to Ponyville wobbles and clatters against the tracks. I wonder what Applejack meant by a "rough patch". Did she mean the other girls had an argument? Or did one of them get hurt? Are they all okay? Questions raced through my mind as I anxiously trot around the carriage. Other ponies sharing this rather small space with me shoot angry glances at me or quietly tut under their breath. Since I'm too worried about my fellow crusaders, I just roll my eyes and shrug off the complaints. My eyes shoot over to the window, trees blur past us as the train zooms through Equestria. I climb up my seat and notice Ponyville station getting bigger and bigger in the distance. My heart suddenly begins to pound as I prepare myself for the worst. Things could be absolutely awful and I'd be expected to fix it all. The train squeals as the breaks activate and the carriage jolts to a stop. I stumble slightly, before swiftly grabbing my saddlebag with my mouth and throwing it over my back. Ponies move swiftly around me, pushing me out of the way. I sigh and mumble underneath my breath as I wait for the crowd to die down before I make an attempt to get off the train. I glance around the station cautiously, hoping to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders standing together on the platform waiting for me. My heart drops when I find only Applejack with a sad smile across her face. "Hey Babs, how're ya doin'?" she asks almost defensively, like she was bracing herself for this conversation. "I'm fine... But what 'bout Apple Bloom?" I answer. Applejack winces slightly but I maintain my straightforward demeanor. She glances around nervously. "Well, th' Cutie Mark Crusaders broke up, it seems..." I freeze. Is she being serious? Why, what happened? They were the best of friends last time I was here! "Where's Apple Bloom?" I ask urgently. I need to figure out what's going on. "In her room, she came back from her, uh, friend's house just before Ah came t' pick ya up but—" I start running before AJ can finish her sentence. I run as fast as I can, ignoring her calls as I sprint towards Sweet Apple Acres. Big Mac is sitting under a tree eating an apple and he calls out to me but I ignore him as well, I need to get to Apple Bloom. I need to find out why everything has gone so wrong. The front door of the house is slightly ajar and I push it open to find Granny Smith in the kitchen. She turns around in shock at my loud entrance. "Oh, Babs! How lovely t' see you. Apple Bloom really needs ya right now," she says. I nod, "Hey Granny, I'm gonna go up 'n see her now." Without waiting for a response, I run up the stairs. Once I'm upstairs I walk up to Apple Bloom's door and gently knock. After a few moments I hear Apple Bloom's voice, thick with tears, calling me in. "Hey, how're ya doin'?" I say and sit beside her. Apple Bloom looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Oh Babs, Ah've ruined everything." "I'm sure ya didn't... What happened?" "Well, Ah met a colt named Cloud Chaser and he's the nicest pony Ah've ever met... But Scoots didn't seem t' like 'em very much... And she became distant... But then she said that Chase kissed her, but she was only sayin' that cos she hates him! Now AJ is stoppin' me from seeing him but he's a good pony Babs, he is!" She sobs hysterically. I glance around awkwardly, not know what to say or who to believe. "Maybe you should trust Scoots though. You two have been best friends for a long time... Maybe dis Cloud Chaser ain't all he's made out to be." "A-Ah'm startin' t' believe that too, when Ah'm sittin' here alone Ah think about it all and begin t' think that Scoots would never want t' hurt me... But when Ah'm wit' him it all changes, and Ah don't want him t' leave me. Ah don't know what t' do, Babs." She falls into my side and throws her forelegs around me, her tears dampening my fur. "Ah didn't mean t' break us all up. That was th' last thing Ah wanted," she mumbled. I nod and stroke her mane comfortingly. "Maybe we should meet up with 'dem all and sort it out?" "But what about Chase? Ah still don't know..." Apple Bloom sniffles. "Well, if you're starting to doubt 'em then... I dunno, I can't tell you what to do with your emotions, cuz. Trust your instincts... If you really want I can go and see 'em, see what he's like?" I suggest, maybe I'll be able to get an impartial opinion of him? She nods slightly, her tears finally subsiding. "Okay, I'mma go, on my way back, I'll look for t' other girls, a'right?" I continue gently untangling myself from Apple Bloom's embrace. Slowly, I walk downstairs, lost in thought. How long has this been going on for? Why is Applebloom ignoring everyone else 'cept me? Maybe it's because I'm not involved, or maybe because I'm her cousin she trusts... But then again, she trusted Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo as well. Something else must have happened for Scootaloo to distance herself from the others... Before I know it I'm already in Ponyville's town square and I spot a rainbowed-mane, cyan Pegasus carrying a sobbing filly on her back. "Scoots!" I call out and run towards the pair. Rainbow Dash stops and glances towards me, prepared to stop anyone from talking to the crying filly on her back. "Oh, hey Babs. I didn't think you'd get down to Ponyville so quick..." Rainbow says and glances back at Scootaloo in concern. "Yeh, well once I heard that things weren't going so well I had to get down here quick... Do you mind if I talk to Scootaloo for a moment?" I ask. Scootaloo looks up at me, her eyes red with tears. "Sure Babs, what's up?" "Well, I was wondering if you and Sweetie wanna meet us at the Clubhouse in a bit, she's really upset." I glance at Dash and see a worried look spread across her face, but it's gone in a millisecond. Scootaloo frowns for a moment before nodding cautiously. "Okay, sure... I'll go get Sweetie Belle I guess." "A'right, well, while you're doin' dat, I'll go find dis Cloud Chaser guy. D'you know where he's gonna be?" I ask, glancing around. The two ponies give me quick directions to his home before we go our separate ways. Hopefully everything will work out in the end. I hate seeing everyone fighting.