Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

by Wolfgang

First published

When a man called the Black King threatens the balance across dimensions, Twilight and her friends must travel to Neo Domino City and battle for the fate of all worlds!

Neo Domino City is a war zone. The mysterious Black King has spread his shadowy influence throughout the once-thriving metropolis. A small resistance movement is fighting against him, but they can't last much longer without help.

In Equestria, the balance is beginning to shift to the darkness. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are sent across dimensions to the human realm to discover the source of the imbalance and to repair it. But she'll discover much more than that, and will eventually learn the true connection between her universe and Yusei's.

DISCLAIMER: My Little Pony! Friendship is Magic, all Yu-Gi-Oh! characters, and the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game are copyright their respective owners. All original story elements, including original cards, their names, and their effects, are mine and may not be reproduced without my consent.

Chapter 1: Black King Rising

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Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter One

Black King Rising


It was inevitable that this would happen. At least, that’s what he believed. And why shouldn’t he? All the evidence pointed to the darkest of results, a silent future painted sanguine by a dying sun, the shadows of stone tablets thrown across the ruins of man’s existence. In the end, there would be only silence.

Oh, he still clung to hope. But it was different from before. Though he still hoped for life, he had abandoned the idea that it could not exist in silence. It could, it certainly could. The cost would be great, and it would never speak again... but life would go on all the same. Salvation could only be achieved within the silence that was the end. Resistance would lead only to death.

And so he cloaked himself in darkness and cold, brute strength. His face became clouded by a hideous mask tinged red at the very edges. Everything about him changed and was concealed.

It was on this day that he declared war on Neo Domino City.


“Twilight!” called Spike as he walked through the front door of the library. “I’m back with your quills!” No answer. Spike looked around. “Twilight?” he called again. There was a flash of purple light from upstairs. Spike heard Twilight yell, “Aha!” The little dragon dropped the bag of quills and ran as fast as he could up the stairs.

“Twilight! Are you okay?” he said. Twilight stood before him, her horn glowing, and a familiar object floating in front of her. “Is that... what I think it is?” said Spike.

“It sure is, Spike,” said Twilight. “I think I’ve successfully recreated my Duel Disk and deck!”

“Oh wow!” said Spike. “That’s so cool!”

A crack appeared in the blade of the Duel Disk. It spread, splintering as it did. Suddenly, the object shattered and exploded, sending fragments everywhere. Twilight quickly erected shields around herself and Spike. The fragments of the Duel Disk bounced off the magical bubbles before vanishing.

“Oh, shoot!” snapped Twilight as her shields vanished. “I thought I had it that time.” She sighed.

“What do you think went wrong?” Spike asked.

“I don’t know,” said Twilight. “Maybe I didn’t do something right in stabilizing it, or maybe I put too much energy into it.”

“Well, we can figure it out later,” said Spike. “You got a letter from the Princess.” Spike held up a piece of parchment, rolled up and bound by a red ribbon. Twilight’s horn lit up and she took the scroll, unrolling it in front of her.

“‘My dearest Twilight,’” she began reading, “‘I have been debating with myself for some time over a very important matter. I’ve come to a decision. Please come to Canterlot as quickly as you can. There are things I must tell you, truths long forgotten by ponykind. Sincerely, Princess Celestia.’” Twilight rolled the scroll up again and set it down on a nearby table. “‘Truths long forgotten’? What’s that mean?”

Spike shrugged. “I’ll go get your bags and start packing,” he said as he turned and left.

“Truths long forgotten,” Twilight muttered.


His war was silent at first. Stealth was important. He had to establish his position first, lest he be stopped. He needed an army. Silently, he recruited his soldiers. Victims of accidents; sufferers of loneliness; the violent and selfish; anyone who held great darkness in their hearts, whether it be fear or longing, cruelty or scorn.

Silently, his army grew.

Neo Domino City’s nights became darker. Fewer lights were turned on every night. The city was slowly blanketed in darkness. On some days, the morning brought with it a strange fog, a dark mist that groaned with the sun’s rise. Strange shapes moved within the fog. But as the sun rose higher in the sky, the fog withdrew into the dark corners of the city.

At night, the fog followed him, trailing behind him, awaiting his orders.

As the weeks wore on, he became bolder. He preyed on even the smallest seeds of darkness. Jealousy. Envy. Loathing. A lack of understanding. Apathy. Frustration. All of these things were amplified in the fog.

At last, when he felt his army was more than strong enough to hold their own, when he was confident that none could undermine his position, he made his move. He and his dark soldiers marched into the Momentum control room. Securing the various consoles, he moved between them, entering commands that would bring the reactor under his control.

Momentum darkened.


A strange fog had rolled into Canterlot that morning. The city’s own weather ponies couldn’t move it, so a special team had been called in from Cloudsdale, under the direction of Wonderbolts captain Spitfire. The fog itself was untouchable, a phenomenon that had occurred so little in Equestrian history that it was nearly unheard of, baffling even most of the special team.

Beyond its immovable nature, the fog behaved as it should. It could be penetrated to a degree with light, though remained incredibly thick. Twilight had lit her horn as bright as she and Spike could stand and navigated her way to the castle. The few local unicorns she spotted had lit up their horns as Twilight had. Aside from these few ponies, Twilight saw no one until she reached the castle gates.

Two unicorn guards stood watch at the gates. They greeted Twilight happily, though they still seemed uneasy in the fog. Twilight continued to the front steps of the palace.

Twilight stopped, her ears perked, her eyes wide.

“What is it, Twilight?” asked Spike. Twilight pointed with a hoof at the top of the steps. A tall, shapeless figure stood there.

“Hello?” called Twilight.

The figure turned and Twilight felt its gaze on her. She shrank back.

“Don’t be afraid of old me,” said the figure. It moved again, then slowly descended the steps. As the figure approached, Twilight could make it out better. It was tall, as tall as Princess Celestia, and it seemed to be limping. It was also using a cane.

“Who are you?” asked Twilight. “What... what are you?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” said the figure. It- he sounded old, yet oddly youthful. In the violet light of her horn, Twilight saw that he was wearing a hooded cloak that covered most of his face in shadow. She looked at the cane again. The figure held it in his hand.

“You’re a human!” said Twilight.

“Yes,” said the figure. “But what are you? Am I in the Duel Monsters Spirit World?”

“The what?” asked Twilight. “No, this is Equestria, a land inhabited by ponies. I’m a unicorn.”

“Twilight, he said ‘Duel Monsters’,” said Spike. “I think he’s a Duelist.”

“You know Duel Monsters?” said the old man. He suddenly began asking question after question, like a little child. “Oh, wow! What’s it like in this world? How often do you duel? What sort of deck do you run?”

“Um... it’s kind of a long story,” said Twilight. “But I use Spellcasters... or I did.”

Twilight saw the stranger smile. He reached into his cloak and pulled out three cards. “Here,” he said. “Let these by symbols of our friendship.” Twilight’s horn lit up and her magic surrounded the cards. The stranger let go of them and they flew into Twilight’s saddle bag.

“Thank you,” she said. “But I don’t even know your name.”

A sudden wind began to pick up. The stranger’s cloak fluttered but stayed wrapped around him. The hood waved about his head. Twilight caught a brief glimpse of his eyes.

“It looks like I have to go,” said the old man. “But I have a feeling we’ll see each other again.”

The fog enveloped him and he was gone.


His title was appropriate and somehow blasphemous. His throne was the chair at the main control terminal of Momentum. His crown was only the achievement of conquering Neo Domino City. His subjects were the ones who lived in darkness. The royalty he possessed now, however.. that he had earned long ago, when he still clung to childish dreams.

As with any kingdom, though, there was resistance. A small rebellion had formed to battle against him. He did not necessarily blame them; they simply couldn’t see what was so clear to him. With the darkening of Momentum, the entire city had lost power. Several other cities in Japan had also shut down because of their link to the reactor in Neo Domino City known as the Central Pillar. Many others that had not yet been linked to the Fortune mainframe remained unaffected: Sendai, Sapporo, Heartland, Osaka. Many others, such as Tokyo and Kyoto, were left without Momentum’s power. Backup power plants that relied on older forms of energy were quickly turned on to combat the blackout, but it wouldn’t last for long.

It was only a matter of time until they learned of the resistance and its reason for being.

He had no intention of waiting until then to make a move. He would weaken their position before they could establish it.


Twilight stood before the massive doors to Princess Celestia’s throne room. The hall was dim because of the weather outside and the doors seemed so much taller because of it. She gulped and pushed the doors open with a shaky hoof.

Celestia and Luna waited for her at the end of the room.

“Twilight, good,” said Celestia. “I’m glad you made it.”

“Twilight Sparkle, there are things which you must know,” said Luna. “But before we can reveal these truths to you, there must be a test.”

“A test?” said Twilight. “Oh no! I should’ve known there’d be a surprise test! I should’ve studied! I-”

“Twilight, it’s not that kind of test,” said Celestia. “This will not be a test of your magical skills.”

“Then what kind of test is it?” Twilight asked.

Two curved objects appeared before the princesses. A familiar noise rang through the royal hall- the noise of a shuffler.

‘It... it can’t be,” said Twilight. “This test...”

“That’s right, Twilight,” said Celestia. “This test is a duel!”



Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight is shocked when both princesses challenge her to a two-on-one duel! The game kicks off and the two sisters show unbelievable skill! How is it that they know how to duel so well? With two powerful dragons staring her down, can Twilight hold on against their combined might?

Chapter 2

Royal Rumble: Twilight vs. Celestia and Luna!

Chapter 2: Royal Rumble: Twilight vs. Celestia and Luna!

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Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter Two

Royal Rumble: Twilight vs. Celestia and Luna!


“A duel?” said Twilight. “But... how do you two know how to duel? I mean, I know you’ve watched Yusei duel, but...”

“Twilight Sparkle, you have many questions,” said Luna. “But we will not answer them just yet. We have a test to administer.”

“If I win, will you tell me what this is all about?” asked Twilight.

“If you pass the test, then we will tell you,” Celestia answered. “The rules are simple. Luna and I will function as a single duelist. We will have a standard-sized field and a single Graveyard, and share four-thousand Life Points. Our hands, decks and Extra Decks will remain separate. Only one of us will control the field at a time, and we will switch after each of your turns.

“Okay,” said Twilight. She took a deep breath, let it out, then used her magic to draw five cards from her deck. “I’m ready.”

“DUEL!” shouted the three ponies.

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 4000
Twilight: 4000

“I will take the first turn,” said Celestia. She drew a card with her magic. “I activate ‘One for One’. By sending a monster from my hand to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon a monster from my hand or deck. From my deck, I summon ‘Supay’ in Defense Mode.” A brown mask with large eyes, horns and tusks appeared. Several red markings decorated its nose, cheeks and forehead.

LV 1

“Next I Release Supay and Advance Summon ‘Oracle of the Sun’,” Celestia continued. The mask vanished in a swirling light and was replaced by a human man. He wore layered robes with a large red sun painted on the front of his shirt.

Oracle of the Sun
LV 5

“I Set two cards and end my turn,” said Celestia. “Your turn, Twilight.”

“I draw,” said Twilight. “Okay, I activate ‘Arcane Barrier’. Each time a Spellcaster-Type monster is destroyed, it gets a Spell Counter. Next, I summon ‘Crusader of Endymion’ in Attack Mode!”

A thin man in blue garb appeared. His face was covered by a blue helmet and blue armor floated around his arms and legs, linked to him by circles of magic.

Crusader of Endymion
LV 4

“Battle!” said Twilight. “Crusader of Endymion, attack Oracle of the Sun! Lunar Punch!”

The warrior pulled his fist back, then threw it forward. A bright white beam of energy shot out of the white gems on the end of his gauntlet. It struck the Oracle in the chest, piercing the sun painting on his shirt and destroying him. A small, green light appeared and began to circle Twilight’s ‘Arcane Barrier’ card.

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 3100

“I guess the Oracle was a Spellcaster,” said Twilight. “Honestly, I expected one of your face-downs to destroy my Crusader.”

“But since it was Oracle who was destroyed, his effect activates,” said Celestia. “Now I can add ‘Fire Ant Ascator’ from my deck to my hand.”

“I’ll Set two cards face-down and end my turn,” said Twilight.

Luna stepped forward. “It is my turn now,” she said. “I draw! And I activate ‘Call of the Haunted’!” One of the Set cards that Celestia had played flipped up. “This card Special Summons a monster from our Graveyard in Attack Mode. Revive, ‘Apocatequil’!”

Dark purple rings filled with arcane runes appeared in front of the Continuous Trap and a short man made entirely of wood blocks appeared. He wore a white robe and held a golden staff in his hand.

LV 4

“Next I activate ‘Call of the Reaper’!” Luna shouted. The other Set card flipped up. “When a monster is Special Summoned from the Graveyard, I can also Special Summon ‘Fire Ant Ascator’ or ‘Supay’ from the Graveyard. Be reborn, ‘Supay’!” The brown mask reappeared on the field.

“Apocatequil’s effect is applied,” the lunar princess continued. “While I control a Tuner Monster, it is treated as Level Five! Level One Supay, tune with the Level Five Apocatequil!” The brown mask rotated around to reveal a white star inside of it. The mask vanished and the star rose into the air, drawing a green ring as it did. The little wooden man jumped into the air and was encircled by the ring. Its body became a bright orange outline, but was then stripped away, leaving five more stars like the first. They formed a line in the ring and were engulfed by a pillar of green light.

“When darkness threatens to consume all, it is the moon that will light the way home. Shine through the clouds with your gentle glow!” said Luna. “Synchro Summon! Rise in dreams, ‘Moon Dragon Quilla’!”

Thick clouds appeared overhead and a soft, blue glow emanated from behind them. A blue moon with a face arose from behind the clouds. Then four serpentine necks unfolded from behind it. At the end of each neck was a blue dragon’s head.

Moon Dragon Quilla
LV 6

“Battle! Moon Dragon Quilla, attack Crusader of Endymion!” said Luna. “Moonlight Flame!” The four heads opened their mouths and spat out streams of blue flame. The fire condensed into a ball that grew larger and larger. Finally, a pale beam of light shot out from the moon-like body of the creature, propelling the fireball toward Twilight’s monster. It slammed into the Crusader, engulfing him in flames and destroying him. Twilight covered her eyes with one hoof until the flames died away.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 3400

“I end my turn,” said Luna.

Twilight put her hoof back on the ground, planting it firmly beneath her. “My turn!” she said, taking a card from the top of her deck. “I activate ‘Monster Reborn’ and revive Crusader of Endymion!” The dark purple portal reappeared, this time in front of Twilight. The Crusader of Endymion jumped out, brandishing his huge gauntlets.

“Crusader of Endymion is a Gemini Monster, which means it’s treated as a Normal Monster on the field and in the Graveyard,” said Twilight. “But it also means I can turn it into an Effect Monster by Normal Summoning it while it’s in play. I Gemini Summon ‘Crusader of Endymion’!”

Twilight’s monster was enveloped in a pillar of white light. The light vanished and the Crusader seemed to glow with a green aura. Silver, wing-like blades had appeared on his back and the white gems on the massive gauntlets were alight.

“I activate Crusader’s effect,” said Twilight. “Once per turn, I can place a Spell Counter on a card that can have Spell Counters, and Crusader gains six hundred Attack Points until the End Phase. Arcane Barrier now has three Spell Counters, and my Crusader is powered up!”

Crusader of Endymion
LV 4

“Battle! Crusader of Endymion, attack Moon Dragon Quilla!” Twilight ordered.

“Moon Dragon Quilla’s effect activates!” said Luna. “When it is targeted for an attack, we gain Life Points equal to half the attacking monster’s Attack Points!”

“I play the Trap ‘Magician’s Circle’!” said Twilight. “When a Spellcaster-Type monster attacks, this card makes both of us summon a Spellcaster from our decks with two thousand or fewer Attack Points in Attack Mode. I summon ‘Dark Red Enchanter’!” A new monster appeared next to Twilight’s first. This one was another humanoid, dressed in red garb. His shoulders were adorned with massive gold and red plates embedded with one large ruby each. A two-pronged helmet rested on his head. In his hand was a gold and red staff, hooked at the end and holding another ruby.

“In that case, I shall summon Oracle of the Sun,” said Luna.

Dark Red Enchanter
LV 6

Oracle of the Sun
LV 5

“The Crusader’s attack continues!” said Twilight. “Go, Light of Selene!” The Crusader threw both fists forward. White light shined from his metal wings onto the massive gauntlets, flowing from one end to the other like water. The four white jewels on each of the massive gauntlets fired white beams of energy at the Moon Dragon, striking it in its stone center, but not before it launched four fireballs at the magical warrior. Both monsters were destroyed.

“Do not forget about Quilla’s effect,” said Luna. “We have gained half of your Crusader’s Attack Points as Life Points, a total of twelve hundred and fifty points.”

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 4350

“I’m not done yet,” said Twilight. “I play the Continuous Trap ‘Pitch-Black Power Stone’.” Twilight’s other Set card flipped up and a black orb with a yellow triangle inside of it appeared. Each of the three points of the gold triangle were glowing. “When it’s activated, it gets three Spell Counters, and during my turn, I can move any of those Spell Counters to another card. I’ll move one of them to my Dark Red Enchanter. And for each Spell Counter he has, he gains three hundred Attack Points!” The the red gem on the Enchanter’s right shoulder plate lit up with a bright red glow.

Dark Red Enchanter
LV 6

“Dark Red Enchanter, attack Oracle of the Sun with Dark-Red Shock Wave!” said Twilight. The red magician pointed his staff at the Oracle. A crimson beam exploded out of the jewel, sending bright red shockwaves into the air around it. It pierced the Oracle’s chest and destroyed it. Luna shielded herself from the blast with her wings.

When the roar of the explosion died away, Luna revealed herself and said, “When Oracle of the Sun is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, I am allowed to add either ‘Fire Ant Ascator’ or ‘Supay’ from my deck to my hand. I choose ‘Supay’.”

“My turn’s not over yet, Princess Luna,” said Twilight. “I move to Main Phase Two and activate the Spell Card 'Magical Blast', which hits you for two hundred points of damage for each Spellcaster I control." A swirling ball of blue, violet and white energy appeared and slammed into the dark blue alicorn.

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 3150

"Dark Red Enchanter gains a Spell Counter each time a Spell is activated. Next, I activate Dark Red Enchanter’s effect. By removing two Spell Counters from it, I can make you discard a random card from your hand.” The glow from the magician’s shoulder plates vanished. A card in Luna’s hand began to glow with a dark red aura and it slid into the Graveyard slot on her Duel Disk.

“Since four Spellcasters were destroyed while it’s been in play, it’s at its maximum of four Spell Counters,” Twilight continued. “So I’ll activate its effect by sending it and Dark Red Enchanter to the Graveyard, letting me draw one card for each of those Spell Counters!” Twilight drew and studied her hand for a few seconds before setting a card face-down and declaring the end of her turn.

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 3150
Twilight: 3400

“It is my turn again, my faithful student,” said Celestia. “But you have only just begun to see what Luna and I can do. My turn!”

Celestia’s horn lit up with her magic as she swiped a card from the top of her deck. “I activate ‘Magical Planter’. By sending a Continuous Trap I control to the Graveyard, I can draw two cards. Since ‘Call of the Haunted’ is just taking up space, I’ll use it to pay the cost.” The Trap Card vanished from the field and Celestia drew two more cards. “Next I activate ‘Monster Reborn’ and revive my Oracle of the Sun!”

“Again?” said Twilight as the priest figure appeared. “That’s the third time!”

“He has one more purpose to serve,” said Celestia. “I summon the Tuner Monster ‘Fire Ant Ascator’.” A giant fire ant appeared on the field. Yellow markings decorated its head, giving the impression of eyes.

Fire Ant Ascator
LV 3

“Level Three Fire Ant Ascator, tune with the Level Five Oracle of the Sun!” said Celestia. The fire ant vanished and three stars replaced it. They formed green rings that encircled the Oracle, stripping away its form and leaving five stars behind.

“When the sun rises, it will illuminate all the dark places,” Celestia chanted. “May its light flood across the land! I Synchro Summon ‘Sun Dragon Inti’!”

A bright light appeared overhead. Sunbeams spread and danced across the throne room floor and the stained glass windows, making the glass and tiles sparkle. A stone sculpture of the sun descended and four crimson dragon heads unfolded from behind it.

Sun Dragon Inti
LV 8

“Battle! Sun Dragon Inti, attack Twilight Sparkle directly!” ordered the princess. “Solar Prominence!” The four heads began to breath bright orange fire that started looping around its body. The sun sculpture absorbed the fire, then let it loose in a giant, spiraling loop. The crest of the loop grew as it raced toward Twilight.



Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight tries to maintain her resources while the royal tag-team continue their assault! With the advent of Twilight’s ace monster, will she be able to stand up to the combined power of the Sun and Moon Dragons?

Chapter 3

The Eternal Cycle

Chapter 3: The Eternal Cycle

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Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter Three

The Eternal Cycle


“Sun Dragon Inti, attack Twilight Sparkle directly!” ordered Celestia. “Solar Prominence!”

A loop grew from the fireball in front of the four-headed dragon, its crest racing towards Twilight. Twilight’s horn lit up as her last Set card revealed itself.

“I activate the Trap Card ‘Defense Draw’!” she said. “I take no damage from this battle and I get to draw one card!” Twilight used her magic to take a card from her deck. The fiery crest died away.

“Impressive, Twilight,” said Celestia. “I will end my turn with by activating the Continuous Spell ‘Temple of the Sun’. As long as it’s in play, monsters we control that were summoned from the Graveyard gain three hundred Attack Points.”

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 3150
Twilight: 3400

“My turn!” said Twilight. “But instead of drawing, I’ll activate the effect of Magical Blast to add it to my hand.” Okay, let’s see, thought the unicorn. I have six cards and I think I can use all of them, but I should do it in the right order. But what is the right order? These cards place Spell Counters... ah-ha! “I play the Field Spell ‘Magical Citadel of Endymion’!” As Twilight placed the card in her Duel Disk, the space around the three ponies began to change, flowing like water around them. A massive citadel arose in the distance behind Twilight.

“Now I’ll activate Pitch-Black Power Stone’s effect and move one of its Spell Counters to the Citadel.” Another corner of the gold triangle faded from the black orb. A green light shot away from it and began to circle the citadel. “Next I activate ‘Spell Power Grasp’. This places a Spell Counter on one card I control and lets me add another copy of ‘Spell Power Grasp’ from my deck to my hand, but I can only activate one each turn. Plus, when a Spell Card is activated, the Citadel gains a Spell Counter!” Two more green lights appeared and joined the first in circling around the building behind Twilight.

“I summon ‘Apprentice Magician’ to the field,” said Twilight. A young man with short, blonde hair appeared, dressed in purple robes.

Apprentice Magician
LV 2

“When Apprentice Magician is Summoned, he places a Spell Counter on one card that can have Spell Counters,” Twilight said. The young man pointed his staff at the Magical Citadel and a fourth green light appeared around it.

“I activate the Quick-Play Spell ‘Magical Dimension’!” said Twilight. “If I control a Spellcaster, I can Release a monster I control and Special Summon a Spellcaster from my hand. I Release Apprentice Magician and Special Summon ‘Endymion, the Master Magician’!”

The young man crossed his arms in front of himself. A cube-shaped metal frame with a casket-like object inside appeared. The casket was held in place by eight chains linked to the inner corners of the cube. The casket opened and the Apprentice Magician floated into it. It closed and a bright light shone from around the edges. When the light faded, the casket opened again, a new magician appeared.

His outfit was black edged with gold. Embedded in his armor and helmet were purple gems that held gold triangles within. A massive metal ring rested on his back, and his cape flowed through the center. The ring was silver with gold edges. Along the inside of the ring were more of the mystical triangles, alternating directions. Between each one was another purple gem. The man held a black staff in his right hand. At the end was a gold crescent. On the outside were spikes made of the same purple gemstone. Within the crescent was yet another purple orb. The man flew out of the casket and took a position before Twilight.

Endymion, the Master Magician
LV 7

“My turn to turn things around!” said Twilight. “Magical Dimension has one last effect! After I summon my monster, I can destroy a monster you control. I’ll destroy Sun Dragon Inti!”

The metal frame and casket reappeared, this time around Celestia’s dragon. The casket opened and the dragon was drawn inside. The casket slammed shut, then the entire construct shattered.

“Battle! Endymion, direct attack! Dark Magic Mastery!” Twilight said. Endymion aimed his staff at Celestia. A purple beam of energy shot out of the orb. Black electricity danced out of the spikes and swirled around the beam, racing with and around it as it approached Celestia. Hit struck her, pushing her back, but she stood firm.

“I’m not done yet, Princess,” said Twilight. “I’ll activate Magical Blast to send two hundred points of damage your way!” Endymion fired another blast at Celestia, pushing her back even further.

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 250

“Well done, Twilight,” said Celestia.

“Are you okay?” asked the unicorn.

“I’m alright,” she replied.

Twilight realized she’d been holding her breath and let it out. “I end my turn,” she said. Am I scared of hurting the princesses? she thought. No, I don’t think that’s it. Then what-

“My turn!” shouted Luna as she drew her card. “The real battle begins here, Twilight Sparkle. I activate the effect of Sun Dragon Inti! On the Standby Phase following its destruction, I am allowed to Special Summon Moon Dragon Quilla from the Graveyard. Revive, Moon Dragon Quilla!”

Dark clouds appeared over the duel field and a pale blue moon began to rise from behind them. Quilla’s four dragon heads unfolded from behind it and roared in unison.

“No way!” said Twilight.

“In addition to this, because it was Special Summoned from the Graveyard,” Luna continued, “Moon Dragon Quilla’s Attack points are increased by three hundred by Temple of the Sun.”

Moon Dragon Quilla
LV 6

“Moon Dragon Quilla, attack Endymion, the Master Magician! Lunar Flame!” The four dragon heads launched their attack. The blue fire struck Endymion and he was destroyed.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 3300

“I Set three cards face-down and end my turn,” said Luna. She narrowed her eyes at Twilight and said, “It is your move now, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight looked at the one card in her hand floating in front of her. Spell Power Grasp, she thought. I still have one left in my deck. The Citadel has six Spell Counters on it, so I can bring back Endymion. And if I used Magical Blast’s effect instead of drawing, I could destroy Moon Dragon Quilla with Endymion’s effect. She looked up at the four-headed dragon. But knowing the princesses, this card has an effect that can resurrect Sun Dragon Inti. I could use Magical Blast to win the duel, but Luna has three Set cards, and one of them could be something that can counter it. I can’t just play offensively here. I also have to play defensively. To do that, I need options. I have to draw a card.

“My turn!” said Twilight. She looked at her new card and her eyes widened. This is one of the cards that stranger gave me outside! She read the card quickly and smiled. I know what I should do! “I activate my second Spell Power Grasp and use it to place a Spell Counter on the Magical Citadel, and add the final copy of it from my deck to my hand. And each time a Spell Card is activated, the Citadel gains a Spell Counter on its own.” Two lights appeared above Twilight, then shot off behind her to the Citadel.

“I Set one card face-down,” said Twilight. She looked at the last card in her hand. I hope this works, she thought.

The card in front of her slid into her Duel Disk. “I activate ‘Card of Sanctity’,” she said. “When it’s activated, both players draw until they’re holding six cards. Um.... I guess only Princess Luna draws.”

“That is correct,” said Luna as she took two cards from her deck. Twilight nodded and drew six cards of her own.

“I’ll use Endymion’s effect,” Twilight announced after looking at her new cards. “By removing six Spell Counters from the Citadel, Endymion can be Special Summoned from my hand or Graveyard. Come back to me, Endymion, the Master Magician!”

Six of the eight lights surrounding the Citadel converged in a vertical line in front of Twilight. A beam of light connected them and expanded around them, forming a wide column. A shadow appeared within the light. When the light vanished, Endymion stood in its place.

Endymion, the Master Magician
LV 7

“Endymion’s effect activates!” said Twilight excitedly. “When he’s Special Summoned this way, I can add a Spell Card from my Graveyard to my hand! I think I’ll choose Monster Reborn.”

“Here she comes, sister,” said Celestia. Luna’s dark stare did not waver.

“I activate Endymion’s second effect,” said Twilight. “Once per turn, I can discard a Spell Card to destroy one card on the field. Endymion, destroy the Moon Dragon! Power of Elis!” The eight gems in the ring on Endymion’s back began to glow. They each fired a twisting beam of thin energy. They swirled around each other and struck the moon at the center of the dragon, piercing through its back. The dragon exploded and was destroyed.

“A valiant effort, Twilight Sparkle,” said Luna, “but the cycle of the sun and moon is eternal! Moon Dragon Quilla’s effect activates! When it is destroyed, it Special Summons Sun Dragon Inti from our Graveyard!”

Bright sunbeams danced across the duel field, shining down from a stone sun as it descended toward the three ponies. The four crimson heads of the dragon unfolded from behind the stone sun and roared.

Sun Dragon Inti
LV 8

“Just as I thought,” said Twilight. “I activate Monster Reborn to Special Summon Crusader of Endymion in Defense Mode. Next, I Gemini Summon him and activate his effect, placing a Spell Counter on the Citadel. Finally, I’ll bring those Spell Counters up to five by moving the last Spell Counter from Pitch-Black Power Stone to the Citadel.” The last of the triangle’s corners vanished and a new light appeared over the Citadel. As it did, the black stone shattered and vanished. “When it has no more Spell Counters, the Power Stone is destroyed. I Set one card and end my turn.”

“During the End Phase of your turn, I activate the Trap Card ‘Destruct Potion’,” said Luna. “This card destroys one monster on our field, and in exchange increases our Life Points by its Attack Points!” Sun Dragon Inti exploded. The smoke twisted and flew down to Luna in thin tendrils. She spread her wings and inhaled the fumes. Her eyes glowed as a Life Point Counter appeared next to her.

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 3550
Twilight: 3300


They had come. He knew they would. But it was too late for them to stop him. Their little skirmishes across the city with his soldiers meant nothing in the end. He had an army. Oh, they certainly had dedication, a perseverance that could rival the strength of any military force. If the entire resistance were as strong willed as they were, he would be worried. But they were strong enough on their own.

But what did it matter? Even as he lost soldiers, he gained new ones to replace them. He ran the numbers and saw the trend. He was winning new soldiers with many of his battles. He would lose some, sometimes more than he had gained before, but he would always claim more to make up for the loss.

The trend was clear: He was gaining ground at a steady pace. The resistance would fall, even with their help.

And he knew that the seeds of despair had been planted in them. Eventually, they would be the only ones left, and then he would take them, one by one.



Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

The royal sisters continue to barrage Twilight with attacks from their Sun and Moon Dragons as Twilight struggles to find some way to break the Eternal Cycle combo. But will defeating the princesses mean having to stop the sun and the moon themselves?

Chapter 4

To Stop the Sun

Chapter 4: To Stop the Sun

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Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter Four

To Stop the Sun


Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 3550
Twilight: 3300

Luna gave Twilight a smirk.

No! thought Twilight. I was so close! She sighed. At least I was right about that counter.

“My turn,” said Celestia. She drew her card. While she examined it, she stole a glance at Luna. “It’s getting worse...” she muttered. She closed her eyes to regain her focus. “During the Standby Phase after it was destroyed, Sun Dragon Inti’s effect activates. I Special Summon Moon Dragon Quilla to the field.”

“I equip Endymion with ‘Darkworld Shackles’,” said Celestia. A black shackle and chain appeared around Endymion’s leg. At the end of the chain was a black iron ball, a sinister grinning face carved into its surface. “While equipped with this card, Endymion’s Attack and Defense Points become one hundred and it cannot attack. Quilla, attack Endymion with Lunar Flame!”

Moon Dragon Quilla
LV 6

Endymion, the Master Magician
LV 7

“I play the Trap ‘Collected Power’!” said Twilight. “All Equip Cards on the field are now equipped to Moon Dragon Quilla.”

Moon Dragon Quilla
LV 6

The ball and chain vanished from Endymion’s leg and reappeared beneath the Moon Dragon. The shackle had been attached to the neck of the bottom head.

“Clever, Twilight,” said Celestia. “I Set a card face-down and end my turn.”

“My turn,” said Twilight. “Instead of drawing, I’ll use Magical Blast’s effect to add it to my hand.”

“During your Standby Phase, I activate ‘Battle Mania’,” Celestia said. Her face-down card flipped up. “All of your monsters are changed to Attack Position and they all must attack this turn.”

Crusader of Endymion had been kneeling his arms crossed in front of his chest, but now stood ready for battle.

“I hope you know what you are doing, sister,” said Luna in a dark tone.

“Trust me, Luna,” replied the taller alicorn. “Come at me with everything you’ve got, Twilight!”

“If you insist,” said Twilight. “I activate my final Spell Power Grasp, placing two Spell Counters on the Citadel.” Twilight’s remaining face-down card flipped up and two lights raced off behind her toward the Citadel. “I’ll also activate Crusader of Endymion’s effect to place a Spell Counter on the Citadel and increase his Attack Points by six hundred.”

Crusader of Endymion
LV 4

“Now I activate the Quick-Play Spell ‘Mystical Space Typhoon’! This destroys one Spell or Trap on the field. I destroy Temple of the Sun!” A massive cyclone appeared and struck the Continuous Spell on Celestia’s field, tearing through it and destroying it.

Moon Dragon Quilla
LV 6

“I activate Magical Blast and inflict four hundred damage to your Life Points,” said Twilight as she played the card. Endymion fired a blast from his staff. Celestia folded her wings in front of herself, but was still pushed back by the blast.

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 3150

“Is that all you’ve got, my student?” asked Celestia with a flare of her wings.

“Not even close,” Twilight replied. “Your Battle Mania card forces me to attack, but that’s just fine. Endymion, attack Moon Dragon Quilla with Dark Magic Mastery!” Endymion aimed his staff at the moon effigy that was the dragon’s body and fired a black and purple beam from the jewel on the end of the staff. The beam pierced the moon and destroyed the creature.

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 1900

“Moon Dragon Quilla’s effect,” said Celestia as the smoke cleared. “Our Life Points are increased by thirteen hundred and fifty points, half of Endymion’s Attack Points. In addition, since you destroyed it, Sun Dragon Inti is revived!”

The red dragon appeared on the field above Celestia, roaring as it descended.

I still have to attack with Crusader, thought Twilight. I should have attacked Quilla with the Crusader! If Endymion were attacking Inti, I’d only take three hundred damage. Plus, I still have more than enough Spell Counters on the Citadel for Endymion to bring himself back and give me a Spell Card. She shook her head quickly. No, there’s no point in thinking about what could have been. It is what it is. I made a mistake, so I have to-

“I activate ‘Alchemy Cycle’!” announced Celestia. “This card reduces the Attack Points of all monsters I control to zero!”

“Huh?” said Twilight. “But, Princess, why would you-”

“Are you insane?!” roared Luna. “How can you say she has passed the test when you handed victory to her on a silver platter?”

Celestia did not answer. She simply gave Twilight a determined look that said, Come at me if you think you can.

“Crusader of Endymion, attack Sun Dragon Inti with Light of Selene!” said Twilight. I can’t believe Princess Celestia would make a mistake like this! I know I messed up, but- wait... oh no! “Crusader, stop!”

The pale white beams of energy continued their race toward the solar dragon.

“You cannot stop it, Twilight,” said Celestia with a smile. “Remember Battle Mania?”

“We are going to lose, Celestia!” snapped Luna.

“Not just yet, Luna,” Celestia replied. “I activate Defense Draw to negate the damage from this battle and draw one card.”

The pale beams from the Crusader’s gauntlets pierced the sun effigy in the center of the dragon’s body. As the beams faded, however, bright orange fire flowing like liquid blasted out of the dragon’s wounds and overwhelmed the Crusader, completely destroying him. The plasma continued and struck Twilight, throwing her to the ground.

“Sun Dragon Inti’s effect,” said Celestia. “When it is destroyed in battle, the monster that defeated it is also destroyed, and its controller receives its attack points as damage.”

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 1900
Twilight: 800

Twilight groaned and moved her hooves to get them beneath her. She stood up and shook her head lightly. Maybe it wasn’t a mistake, the unicorn thought. If that were Endymion instead of Crusader, I’d only have six hundred points left!

“There’s one other thing,” Celestia added. “When a monster affected by Alchemy Cycle is destroyed in battle, I draw one card.”

“I Set a card and end my turn,” said Twilight. She was shaking again. What is this? Why am I... quivering?

“My turn!” said Luna loudly. “During the Standby Phase, Sun Dragon Inti’s effect activates, reviving Moon Dragon Quilla.”

The lunar dragon arose from behind a blanket of night-tinted clouds. Deep growls rumbled in its four throats.

Moon Dragon Quilla
LV 6

“But my precious moon will not stay for long. I activate the Spell Card ‘Dark Hole’, which destroys all monsters on the field!”

“All-?!” Twilight gasped.

“Sister, why?” asked Celestia.

“You foolishly risked our victory last turn, Celestia,” Luna snapped. “So I am ending this duel before you can make the same mistake again! Revive, Sun Dragon Inti!”

The Sun Dragon descended to the field, roaring from each of its four heads. Twilight took a step back.

“But... but that’s your sister’s monster!” she said. “Why?”

“Power is what matters at this point,” said Luna. She narrowed her eyes. “And you do not have the power to defeat me! Sun Dragon Inti, attack Twilight Sparkle directly! Solar Prominence!”

Amidst the oncoming fire, Twilight saw a flash. A dark flash. For a brief moment, she thought she saw...

Worry about that later! she thought. “Counter Trap, ‘Negate Attack’! This stops your attack and ends the Battle Phase!”

The massive plasma arch struck a distortion in space and was sucked into a vortex, swirling around until it vanished.

“Dodging attacks is all you can do, Twilight Sparkle,” said Luna, her voice deep and menacing. “But you cannot hold on forever. I Set four cards face-down and activate my own Temple of the Sun card.”

Sun Dragon Inti
LV 8

Four face-down cards, Twilight thought. And another Temple of the Sun... is she setting up the field for Celestia to finish me? Their Life Points are at nineteen hundred. Even if they have another Destruct Potion- and given the nature of those dragons, it wouldn’t surprise me if they did- I can win this if I attack with Endymion and Crusader. I just have to use Endymion’s effect to destroy Inti. Quilla won’t come back for another turn if I do. A Destruct Potion would take them to fifty-two hundred points- Endymion’s attack strength plus Crusader’s powered up.

But four face-downs... my attack is likely to fail. And if that happens and I’m not prepared, I’m done for. I’m barely hanging on as it is! Twilight shook herself. Think, Twilight! I have two Traps in my hand that I can use to defend myself. But just defending won’t be enough either. I have to attack sooner or later. I need to spring whatever trap Luna’s set up for me. I’ll attack and then defend.

“You plan to attack and win the game,” said Luna. “With Endymion, Crusader, and Magical Blast, you can inflict a total of fifty-six hundred points of damage, taking into account a possible second Destruct Potion. Well, I won’t let you! During your Standby Phase, I activate the Trap Card ‘Thunder of Ruler’! This turn, there is no Battle Phase!”

Twilight gasped. She figured it out?! Twilight shook herself. A thousand years to master quick calculations in her head, maybe more... I shouldn’t be surprised. Okay, Twilight, time to play defense.

“The Magical Citadel currently has fourteen Spell Counters,” said Twilight. “I’ll remove six of them to Special Summon Endymion, the Master Magician from the Graveyard. Return, Endymion!”

Endymion, the Master Magician
LV 7

“Endymion’s effect activates, letting me retrieve Card of Sanctity from the Graveyard,” Twilight continued. “I Set three cards face-down and activate Card of Sanctity. Now we both draw to six cards.” Twilight had emptied her hand and drew six cards. Luna still held one, and only drew five.

Twilight looked over each of her cards. No ‘Assault Teleport’. That’ll be a problem with that in my hand. One other monster, three Spells... wait, what’s this? This Trap... hey! That’s it!

“I Set one more card face-down and end my turn!” said Twilight. Now it’s Princess Celestia’s turn. If I can make it through this...

“During the End Phase, I activate Destruct Potion,” said Luna, “destroying Sun Dragon Inti and increasing our Life Points by its thirty-three hundred Attack Points!”

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 5200

“I leave it to you, sister,” hissed Luna. Her eyes flashed black and red. “Finish this duel. You know what must be done if you truly want success out of your protege.”

“I am well aware of what needs doing, Luna,” said Celestia calmly, her eyes closed. “You misunderstood my intentions in my last turn. I was trying to teach Twilight a lesson, not give her an easy victory. But if you are not convinced that I brought us closer to victory, then watch me carefully.”

Celestia’s eyes snapped open, fierce determination burning in her eyes. “My turn!” she announced, a card being swiped away from her deck by magic. “During my Standby Phase, Moon Dragon Quilla is revived!”

Moon Dragon Quilla
LV 6

“I believe it’s time for a change of scenery,” said Celestia. “I activate the Field Spell ‘Ancient Forest’, replacing the Magical Citadel!” The air around them changed from an almost magical haze to a clear, sunlit atmosphere, flowing over the image of the Magical Citadel of Endymion. Twilight looked around her and could see tall, ancient trees, spaced far enough apart to walk between with room to spare. The grass beneath her hooves waved gently in a light breeze.

But as beautiful as it was, she had a sudden realization. “Oh no!” said Twilight. “I can’t use Endymion’s effect to Special Summon him without the Citadel!”

“It doesn’t end there, Twilight,” said Celestia. “I activate ‘Lightning Vortex’! By discarding one card, Lightning Vortex destroys all face-up monsters you control. You’ve lost the Citadel, and now you will lose its steward!” Thunder roared in the throne room and lightning flashed overhead. A bolt of electricity struck Endymion and destroyed him in an instant.

“Endymion!” cried Twilight.

“Battle! Moon Dragon Quilla, attack Twilight Sparkle directly! Lunar Flame!” ordered Celestia. Blue fire swirled ahead of the dragon and blasted away toward the lavender unicorn.

Twilight’s horn lit up. She grinned.

“Now I know why I was trembling,” she said. “Creating complex combinations, fighting on the edge of defeat... I was trembling because I was excited! Something about a duel is just... indescribably fun! I activate ‘Mirror Force’! This Trap is set off when you declare an attack, and destroys all Attack Mode monsters you control!”

Twilight’s far left card turned up on its edge. The blue fireball struck a barrier in front of the card and began to disperse. The barrier curved outward around the flames, spreading them back toward Moon Dragon Quilla. The dragon was quickly enveloped by its own fire and was destroyed.

“It doesn’t matter, Twilight,” said Celestia. “I activate Moon Dragon Quilla’s effect and revive Sun Dragon Inti!” Inti reappeared onto the field, roaring as it did.

“Sun Dragon Inti, direct attack! Solar Prominence!” barked Celestia. Inti formed the massive loop of plasma and flame, pouring strength into it until it began racing toward Twilight out of sheer expansion.

“I play the Trap ‘Dark Magic Retribution’!” said Twilight. “When you declare an attack, I can use this card to Special Summon a Spellcaster from my Graveyard, but it’s destroyed during the End Phase. Come back to me, Endymion!” she cried. Black smoke erupted from the floor before her and Endymion reappeared from within, dispersing the fumes with a wave of his staff. He knelt and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“There is no escape from my attack, Twilight!” said Celestia. “I play the Continuous Trap ‘Final Attack Orders’! All monsters in play are changed to Attack Mode!” Endymion’s eyes glowed bright as he stood up, ready to battle.

Endymion, the Master Magician
LV 7

Sun Dragon Inti
LV 8

“Endymion!” cried Twilight as her monster was destroyed by the plasma storm.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 200

“This is the finishing move, my student!” said Celestia boldly. “I activate ‘Synchro Overlimit’! When my Synchro Monster destroys one of your monsters in battle, it can attack a second time. Sun Dragon Inti! Solar Prominence!

Twilight stared up at the oncoming plasma arch bearing down on her. Her horn was still aglow.

The storm made contact. There was a flash, the roar of wind and flame.

But when it died away, Twilight still stood, a confident smile on her face.

“Im-impossible” shouted Luna. “How?!”

“A Trap Card called ‘Iron Resolve’,” said Twilight. “By paying half my Life Points, I can negate the damage I take from one battle.”

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 5200
Twilight: 100

“Well done, Twilight,” said Celestia. “At the end of the Damage Step, Synchro Overlimit destroys the monster that attacked with its effect. Before I end my turn, however, you should know that your next turn will be your last. If you attack with a monster while Ancient Forest is in play, it is destroyed at the end of the Battle Phase.”

“And with Final Attack Orders in play, my monsters are forced into Attack Position,” Twilight added.

“Do you understand what it will take to win this duel, Twilight?” asked Celestia.

“Yes, Princess Celestia,” said Twilight. “It’ll take the power to stop the sun!”

“Then come at us, Twilight!” Celestia said. “Come at us with that power!”

“I will,” said Twilight. “Instead of drawing, I add Magical Blast from my Graveyard to my hand.”

“During your Standby Phase, Moon Dragon Quilla is revived,” said Celestia.

Moon Dragon Quilla
LV 6

“It won’t stay for long,” said Twilight. “I Summon ‘Arcane Apprentice’ in Attack Mode.”

A short wizard wrapped head to toe in robes emerged from a blue portal before Twilight. A pointed hat rested on his head and concealed his face in shadow. Only two red orbs were visible beneath the hat.

Arcane Apprentice
LV 2

“Next, I activate ‘Double Spell’! By discarding a Spell Card, Double Spell lets me pick a Spell in your Graveyard and follow its text as if I’d played it myself. I discard Magical Blast and choose Lightning Vortex, discarding a card to destroy Moon Dragon Quilla!”

The lunar dragon was struck by a spiraling bolt of lightning and immediately destroyed.

“Moon Dragon Quilla’s effect activates!” said Celestia. “If it’s destroyed, Sun Dragon Inti is immediately Special Summoned!”

Deep roars were heard as the red dragon descended to the field, its four serpentine necks writhing about.

“Just what I was waiting for,” said Twilight. “I play the Trap ‘Dark Renewal’! When you summon a monster, I can send one monster you summoned this turn and one monster I control to the Graveyard, and then Special Summon a Spellcaster from my Graveyard!”

A large gold and violet coffin emerged from a dark portal on the floor. It opened and an invisible force pulled Twilight’s and Celestia’s monsters into it. The doors slammed shut on them, then slowly reopened.

“Be reborn, Endymion, the Master Magician!” shouted Twilight excitedly. Endymion flew out of the coffin, striking a pose in midair.

Endymion, the Master Magician
LV 7

“You were wrong about me, Princess Luna!” Twilight said. “I do have the strength to win this duel, and I have the power to stop the sun itself! I activate ‘Double Attack’! I discard ‘Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode’ from my hand to the Graveyard to allow Endymion to attack twice this turn!”

“Impossible!” roared Luna.

“Battle! Endymion, the Master Magician, attack Celestia and Luna directly!” Twilight ordered. “Dark Magic Infinity!” Every Spell Counter jewel on Endymion’s armor began to glow. The ring on his back vanished and reappeared in front of him, each of its own gems shining brightly. The ring turned so that its edge faced Endymion and then began spinning like a wheel Endymion aimed his staff at the ring. The crystalline spikes on the back flashed with bolts of magic. The gem in the staff launched a spiralling beam of energy that struck the edge of the massive ring. The beam split in two and sped toward the two alicorns, striking them square in the chest and knocking them both to the ground.

Life Point Count
Celestia/Luna: 0
Twilight: 100

The images from the duel faded away.

“Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!” cried Twilight as she ran over to the royal sisters. “Are you two alright?”

Celestia looked up and smiled, then stood, brushing herself off with her wings. “We’re fine, Twilight,” she said. “That was a good duel. Congratulations on your victory.”

Luna also stood up, but said nothing. She shook her head roughly, then looked around, confusion clouding her face. “What happened? Did Twilight win the duel?” she asked.

“She did,” said Celestia.

“Princess Luna, don’t you remember what happened?” Twilight asked.

“She was under a dark influence, Twilight,” said Celestia. “She remembers nothing of the last few turns.”

“A dark influence? Why?”

“Because there are dark things happening in the human realm. That is what we called you hear to tell you, Twilight. Our realms share a connection much deeper than you know. I believe it was no accident that Nightshroud came here. The same darkness that makes that creature what it is affects all realms.”

“I don’t understand,” said Twilight.

“It’s simple, my faithful student,” said Celestia. “We ponies were once Duel Monster Spirits, and our world was once a part of the Duel Monsters Spirit Realm.”

“We were?” Twilight said. “What happened?”

“There was a calamity eons ago that separated us from the other worlds in the Spirit Realm,” Celestia explained. “One Spirit made a choice that has affected us everything in every realm. The darkness of Nightshroud, the evil of Nightmare Moon, they both come from the same place. And whatever happens in one realm will affect all the others.”

“But why would it be affected Princess Luna now?” Twilight asked.

“It is impossible for the darkness to make isolated moves. Whatever it has touched is affected every time something happens, unless they are purified. Twilight, you and your friends must travel to the human realm to find the source of the darkness and purify it.”

“But... I don’t know how.”

“I will send the Elements of Harmony with you.”

“But what if they don’t work?”

“Then it is up to you to save our world, and Yusei’s. But I have absolute faith in you. You and your friends, without a doubt, can save us all.”

Twilight nodded. “Thank you, Princess. We won’t let you down!”

“Twilight, there’s one other thing,” Celestia continued. “It may be best not to tell your friends about our connection to the Duel Monsters Spirit Realm or the human realm. I don’t know if they will take it as well as you have."

"I guess it does pose some ethical problems," said Twilight. "But I should tell them eventually."

"When the time is right," said Celestia.


Twilight had asked her friends to meet her in the fields outside of Ponyville. She explained the situation as best she could to the five ponies and Spike.

“So something that’s happening in Yusei’s world is affecting Princess Luna?” asked Fluttershy.

“How does Princess Celestia know that?” asked Rarity.

“Um... well, she is over a thousand years old,” Twilight said. “She must have seen something like this before.”

“Well, we know what we’ve gotta do,” said Applejack, “but how’re we gonna get to Yusei’s world in the first place?”

“I believe I can be of some assistance.” Twilight looked up. Standing behind her friends was none other than...

“Discord!” said Twilight. “You’ll help us get there? How?”

“I think I can open a... somewhat stable wormhole into the other dimension,” said Discord. “It won’t last long and will collapse behind you.”

“Aren’t these wormhole things what made everything go crazy when that Paradox guy was here?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Those were rips in time and space, Rainbow Dash,” Discord answered. “A wormhole is merely pushing space aside and making a temporary tunnel rather than destroying the barriers in your way. It’s a tad dangerous for those wishing to travel through the tunnel since it could collapse on them, but not nearly as dangerous for the rest of reality.”

Fluttershy squeaked.

“We’ll be fine, Fluttershy,” said Twilight. “If the tunnel starts to collapse, I think I can push it back long enough to get us through to the other side.”

“Well, what’re we waiting for?” Pinkie chimed in. “Let’s do this!”

Discord snapped his fingers and a portal appeared next to the group. Applejack and Rarity stepped through. Pinkie Pie hopped in. Rainbow Dash shoved Fluttershy through and then dove in herself.

“Good luck, Twilight Sparkle,” said Discord. “You’ll need it.”

Twilight nodded and, Spike on her back, stepped through the portal.


It had been several minutes. Though the scenery was beautiful, Twilight wondered how much longer until they would reach the end of the tunnel.

“Are we there yet?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I was just wondering the same thing, Dash,” said Twilight. “But no, we’re not. And I don’t know how much longer it’ll-”

There was a sound of thunder behind her. Twilight looked back. The tunnel seemed to be folding in on itself.

“Oh no!” she said. “Discord couldn’t hold the tunnel!”

“What are we gonna do?!” squeaked Fluttershy.

“Panic?” Pinkie suggested.

“No, I have a better idea,” said Twilight. “Dash, Fluttershy, gather all of us together. Everypony, hang on tight!”

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash pushed the others into a small cluster. Twilight instructed them to put her at the back and turn her to face the collapse. Her horn lit up and she formed a bubble around her friends. Then she pushed her horn through the shield.

“Darling what are you doing?” asked Rarity.

“Getting us out of here,” said Twilight. Her horn lit up again and a large, pink band appeared. It expanded until it touched the walls of the tunnel. “That should hold the collapse in place long enough for us to get out of here. Rainbow Dash, get out and give us a push.”

“On it!” said Dash. She flew through the bubble and pushed both hooves against the back, flapping her wings hard and fast. The bubble began to move forward.

“Uh, Twilight? You sure this’ll work?” Applejack asked.

“Mostly,” she said. “As long as that band holds, we should get out of here safely at our current pace.”

“Twilight?” said Pinkie. “My knee is pinchy.”

There was a crack and a twang. Twilight looked over Rainbow Dash’s shoulder. The magical ring was breaking.

Twilight sighed. “Of course,” she grumbled. “Rainbow Dash, can you get us to sonic rainboom speed?”

“I’m already trying!” shouted Dash. The cracking was getting louder. Dash and Twilight looked back.

“Dash!” Twilight cried.

Rainbow Dash spun around and kicked the ball as hard as she could with her back hooves. Then she took off after it.

Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Spike and Fluttershy were all screaming.

Pinkie Pie was laughing.

The band had completely shattered and vanished. The tunnel was folding faster than before.

“Oh no,” said Twilight. “Holding the collapse back must have strengthened it! Rainbow Dash, hurry!”

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings as hard as she could. She and Twilight made eye contact for a split second.

That was all she needed.

“Sonic rainboom time!” she whispered. There was a colorful explosion and Dash blasted forward. her front hooves made contact with the bubble. They quickly gained speed and soon they were outflying the collapse.

“Look!” said Spike. “There’s a light! We must be getting close to the other side!”

Thunder roared behind Rainbow Dash. She pushed as hard as she could...


He had found them again. The resistance was constantly on the run, always finding some new place to hide, some new building to use as a fortress. They always failed, always were found. Every time he found them, they always lost soldiers, weak minds that would serve the Black King’s purposes far better.

He watched on the holographic screen from his throne. His dark troops approached the stronghold from the shadows.

Suddenly there was a light, a blinding light. The Black King shielded his eyes. He could hear the hologram projectors overloading, popping and sparking. The light finally faded and he looked back at the image. It flickered in and out sporadically and the picture had become fuzzy. But there, unmistakable, lying on the ground were...

“Inconceivable!” he said.



Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight and her friends have finally arrived in Neo Domino City, but it’s not what they were expecting. Amidst the war torn streets, Twilight is forced into a duel to save her friends! Soon after, they meet a group of humans who may be able to tell them what happened. What is the meaning of the war they are fighting? Just who is the Black King?

Chapter 5

The Resistance

Chapter 5: The Resistance

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Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter Five

The Resistance


Jack wiped the sweat from his brow. The sun was at its highest point and it was unbearably hot. He opened his canteen and took a drink of water. When he’d finished, he looked over and saw his partner drinking as well.

“Don’t drink it all, Leo,” he said. “Otherwise you won’t have any for the return trip.”

Leo stopped and put the cap back on his canteen.

“Yeah, but it’s just so hot!” he said.

“And keep your voice down!” Jack snapped.

“It’s just a stakeout mission, Jack,” said Leo. “The Black King never sends anyone out during the day anyway.”

The Black King, thought Jack. How dare he profane the title of the King!

“Besides, I still think we should be back at Home Base, strengthening our defenses,” Leo continued. “Every time he’s found us, we’ve lost people, and it’s always because they could just walk right in like they owned the place! ...Jack, are you even listening?”

“What?” said Jack.

“Gaaaah! Jack, I was saying that we can’t keep running away like this. We have to protect Home Base and take the fight to them!”

“What did I just say about keeping your voice down?!”

“I’ll yell as much as I want!” shouted Leo. “It’s the middle of the day! There’s no one around for miles, and if they are, they’re not coming out!”

“Is that so?” came a voice from behind Leo. He turned around.

“Dark Troopers!” said Jack. “Good work, Leo, now they’ve got us surrounded!”

“Nothing we can’t handle,” said Leo, revving the engine of his D-Wheel.


“I just don’t understand why this war has to be so violent,” said Aki. “It’s not as though they can’t win through duels. Why do they have to use force?”

Her patient groaned as she removed the bandages around his arm, exposing his wound. A piece of shrapnel from an explosion had pierced his arm front to back.

“I can’t make sense of it either,” said Luna. She was carrying new bandages. Aki took them and began to redress the man’s arm. “But that’s what we’re here for, right? In case things go sour like this.”

“I suppose,” said Aki.

“Dr. Izayoi! Luna! Come quick!” A boy, younger than Luna, ran up to the two of them, panting. “The comcenter sent me. They just got a message from Jack and Leo!”

“Jack and Leo?” Aki repeated.

“Is my brother okay?” asked Luna.

“I think so, but you should hurry anyway!” said the boy. He started running toward the door and shouted over his shoulder, “Come on!”

“Nurse, please finish tending to this man!” said Aki before taking off after the child. Luna followed right behind her.


“Leo, they’re here,” said Jack. Leo nodded and pressed a button on his D-Wheel’s console. Aki and Luna’s faces appeared on his screen.

“Leo! Are you okay? What happened?” Luna asked.

“We’re fine,” said Leo. “Nothing we couldn’t handle. But we’ve got a new problem.”

“The Dark Troopers can come out in daylight,” said Jack. “We were just attacked by a group of them. Warn the council and get them to prepare for an attack.”

“Jack, wait a minute,” said Aki. “Why do you think we’ll be attacked now?”

“It’s not just because the Dark Troopers can move in the day,” Jack answered. “It’s also because we know they only do what they’re told. They’re drones. All they do is follow orders and never disobey!”

“And with what we learned just last week...” said Leo. Luna’s image on the screen nodded and she took off.

“We’ll be back as soon as we can,” said Jack. “One more thing, Aki. Have you heard from Crow yet?” Aki shook her head. Jack grimaced. “Understood.” He turned off his console and revved the engine of his D-Wheel, spinning it around sharply and taking off down the hill with Leo in pursuit.


It was just as Jack had predicted. A group of Dark Troopers had arrived at the headquarters. Luna watched them through a pair of binoculars.

“They’re not making any moves,” she said. “At least it looks like they didn’t bring any guns this time.”

“Are they wearing Duel Disks?” asked Aki. Luna nodded. “I’d almost rather have the guns,” Aki said with a sigh. “They never shoot to kill.”

One of the Dark Troopers stepped forward. Like the others, he wore a black leather suit with orange lines running along the edges of each piece of leather used. The pattern seemed familiar to Aki, but she couldn’t quite place it. The man lifted a megaphone and began to speak.

“We know you’re in there!” he said. “Come out and duel us! Or do we have to invite ourselves in?”

“We can’t let them get in here,” said Luna. “Last time, they took ten people! Ten! Aki, we’ve gotta go down there!”

“Luna, wait!” said Aki, but she was too late. The young girl had already taken off. Aki stood and ran after her. Maybe we can stall for time until Jack and Leo get here, she thought to herself. Yeager should be able to help us with that.


“You have one minute to send some duelists out here!” the man shouted through the megaphone. “You know the rules!”

Moments later, Aki, Luna and Yeager ran outside to face the attackers.

“Not exactly your strongest,” said the man. “Where is Jack Atlas? He cost me five of my best Troopers last time.”

“Are we to presume you’re under orders to take him out?” asked Yeager.

“No, actually. Asking was merely a courtesy. Our orders were to attack while he was away.”

“How did-?!”

“Trade secret. Now, shall we begin?”

A shadowy Duel Disk appeared on the man’s left arm.

Suddenly a bright light appeared in the empty road. A pink bubble flew out of it and struck the ground, causing it to pop. Out of the bubble tumbled several brightly colored animals, all screaming as they fell, then groaning as they lay in a pile.

The lavender one rolled off the top of the pile and picked itself up. It stood on all fours and resembled a unicorn.

“Is everypony okay?” she said.

“D-did that unicorn just speak?” Yeager stammered.

“I think it did,” said Aki.


Twilight and her friends tumbled screaming to the ground. She moaned as she rolled off the pile of ponies and stood, shaking herself.

“Is everypony okay?” she said.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” said Rainbow Dash. “Ow! Okay, maybe not. I think I clipped my wing.”

“I’m alright,” said Applejack.

“Same here!” said Pinkie.

“I’m a bit bruised, but I’ll be fine,” said Rarity.

“Let’s not do that again,” said Fluttershy.

“Can someone make the world stop spinning?” said Spike. “Huh? Hey, who’re those guys?” Spike pointed. Twilight and the others looked in the direction of his finger and saw a group of-

“Humans!” said Twilight. “Spike, we made it!” She quickly ran over to one of the black-garbed humans. “Excuse me! Is this Neo Domino Ci-”

“Get away!” shouted another voice. Twilight turned around. Another human, one shorter and with green hair, was running toward her. This one sounded like a girl. “Those men are dangerous!”

Twilight looked back at the man in front of her. Just as she did, his fist caught the underside of her chin, sending her flying through the air.

“Twilight!” shouted the ponies and Spike.

The girl knelt next to her. “Are you okay?!” she asked.

“Ow... I think so,” Twilight groaned. She sat up and moved her jaw around, making sure it was still in place. “Why’d he hit me?”

“I told you, those men are dangerous!” said the girl. She pointed toward a building behind her. “My friends are in there. Get inside!”

“No one is going anywhere,” said the man. “That is, if you don’t want more of your comrades to suddenly disappear.”

“What’s he talking about?” Twilight asked. “What’s going on here?”

“Little girl! How about you and me have a duel?” said the man. “If you win, we’ll all leave.”

“Duel?” said Twilight.

“Don’t worry about it,” said the girl. “Just get your friends inside, quick-”

“No, I wasn’t asking,” said Twilight. She stood up. “I know what he’s talking about. This means we made it!” She looked around herself, beaming like a filly with a new toy. But the more she saw, the smaller her smile became, until it was gone entirely.

“Wait,” said Twilight. “Is this... Neo Domino City?”

“Yeah it is,” said the girl.

“I wasn’t expecting a war zone!” said Twilight. “What happened here?” The girl pointed over Twilight’s shoulder at the man that landed that uppercut on her chin. He was cracking his knuckles.

“So you guys are responsible for destroying Yusei’s home this time!” said Twilight. “Well, if it’s a duel you want, it’s a duel you’ll get!”

The man laughed. “I don’t know how you intend to duel me,” he said, “but I’m fine with that if you’ve got the cards.”

Twilight’s horn lit up and a pink beam of magical energy connected it to her assailant’s Duel Disk. “So that’s the wave signature,” she muttered. “Got it!” Her horn faded and lit up again. Blinding light shone from her horn for several seconds. As it died down, a mass of magic in front of her began to take shape. Within moments, her Duel Disk had reformed and she had drawn five cards from the top of her deck.

“Duel!” she shouted. The man stepped back, but then grit his teeth and drew his cards.

Life Point Count
Dark Trooper: 4000
Twilight: 4000

“You... can duel?” asked the girl. “Wait! You said Yusei’s name! How do you know him? Have you-”

“It’s a long story,” said Twilight. “I’ll be happy to explain later, but right now, I need to take care of these guys.”

“I will take the first move,” said the man as he drew a card. “I activate the Spell Card ‘Double Summon’, allowing me to Normal Summon twice this turn. Next I summon two copies of ‘Solar Flare Dragon’ in Attack Mode!”

Two massive serpents emerged from blue circles in the air. Their bodies were made of fire and their scales were like hardened magma. Each one roared and their flames intensified with the sound.

Solar Flare Dragon
LV 4

“I’ll activate the Continuous Spell ‘Wave-Motion Cannon’ and end my turn,” said the man. A strange cannon-like structure appeared. It had gauges and levers on the sides, six pipes at the back spewing steam, and four vacuum tubes coming out of the top. It crackled with electrical energy. Twilight wondered to herself what it might do.

“My tur-” she started, but the man interrupted her.

“During the End Phase of my turn, the effects of my Solar Flare Dragons activate!” he said. “Each one will deal you five hundred points of damage!”

The two dragons roared and leapt at Twilight, bringing their fiery fangs down on her. She covered her eyes as they passed through her and reappeared on the opposite side of the field.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 3000

“My turn!” she said. “I summon ‘Magical Exemplar’ in Attack Mode!” A woman in a green robe emerged from the blue portal before her. Glowing turquoise runes ran down the dark green center of her robe.

Magical Exemplar
LV 4

“Magical Exemplar, attack Solar Flare Dragon!” ordered Twilight. Several moments passed and nothing happened. “What? Why won’t she attack?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, did I forget to mention Solar Flare Dragon’s other effect?” said the man. “While there’s another Pyro-Type monster on the field, you cannot attack it!”

“And if they’re both Pyro-Types...” Twilight started.

“Then you can’t attack at all,” the man finished.

“I end my turn.”

The man grinned as he drew his card. “You’ll only have one turn after this,” he said. “I activate Wave-Motion Cannon’s effect! During my Main Phase, I can send it to the Graveyard to deal a thousand points of damage for each of my Standby Phases that it’s been in play!”

The cannon began to whir and spew steam from the pipes on the back. A massive ball of electricity exploded out the end, destroying the cannon as it did. The ball struck Twilight and exploded with a roar and a crackle.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 2000

“And that’s not all!” said the man. “I end my turn and activate the effects of my Solar Flare Dragons!” Once again, the dragons lunged for Twilight, passing through her harmlessly.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 1000

“At the end of my next turn, horsey,” said the man, “you’re toast.”

“Good one,” said Twilight. “You intend to ‘burn’ me with effect damage. But if it’s effect damage you want, then let me show you how it’s done! My turn!” Twilight drew her card. Perfect she thought. “I activate the Field Spell ‘Magical Citadel of Endymion’!” Twilight’s new card slid into a panel that opened on the end of her Duel Disk. The scenery around them changed and the great citadel appeared in the distance behind Twilight.

“Each time a Spell Card is activated,” said Twilight, “Magical Exemplar gains two Spell Counters.” Two green orbs appeared above the emerald-robed woman.

“Next, I activate ‘Spell Power Grasp’, which places a Spell Counter on one card I control and lets me add another copy of ‘Spell Power Grasp’ to my hand. I’ll place that Spell Counter on the Citadel, which also places a Spell Counter on itself because I activated a Spell Card. And Magical Exemplar gets two Spell counters of her own.”

Two orbs of light appeared over the tower in the middle of the distant city, while two more appeared over Twilight’s monster.

“I activate Magical Exemplar’s effect,” Twilight continued. “By removing any number Spell Counters from her, Exemplar can Special Summon a Spellcaster from my hand or Graveyard whose Level is the same as the number of counters I used. I’ll remove all four Spell Counters to Special Summon ‘Alchemist of Black Spells’ in Attack Mode!” Emerging from the familiar blue ring came a black-robed magician, his face concealed by a pale clothe. In his left hand he held a book with the Spell Counter emblem on it.

Alchemist of Black Spells
LV 4

“I activate the Alchemist’s effect. Once per turn, I can switch him to Defense Mode and place a Spell Counter on a card I control.” The alchemist knelt down on one knee, then turned to aim the palm of his right hand at the Citadel. The Spell Counter emblem was tattooed onto his palm. A green Spell Counter orb appeared in front of his hand, then raced off toward the tower.

“Finally, I summon the Tuner monster ‘Arcane Apprentice’!” Twilight’s short, robed wizard appeared on the field, his red eyes gleaming beneath his hat. “Level Two Arcane Apprentice, tune with the Level Four Alchemist of Black Spells!”

The Arcane Apprentice vanished and two stars appeared in his place. They moved in circles, drawing green rings that encircled the Alchemist. “The drive of friendship gives strength to the gales of the strongest spells! Magic, do as you will!”

The Alchemist had turned into an orange outline that was quickly stripped away, leaving only four stars behind. These formed a line within the circles, and all were soon enveloped by a column of green-white light.

“Synchro Summon!” shouted Twilight. “Bring the magical storm! Tempest Magician!”

Another human woman appeared, this one similar in appearance to Magical Exemplar, but taller and wearing blue robes. In her hands she held a long, intimidating scythe.

Tempest Magician
LV 6

Twilight’s opponent laughed. “What do you think you can do with that?” he asked. “Did you forget that you can’t attack me?”

“Nope,” said Twilight. “Tempest Magician’s and Arcane Apprentice’s effects activate! When Tempest Magician is Synchro Summoned, she gains a Spell Counter; and when Arcane Apprentice is sent to the Graveyard for a Synchro Summon, I can add ‘Assault Mode Activate’ from my deck to my hand.”

“What’s the point of all this?” said the man.

Twilight ignored him. “I activate Tempest Magician’s effect! Once per turn, I can discard any number of cards from my hand to place that many Spell Counters on monsters I control. I’m holding four cards. I’ll discard all of them to place four Spell Counters on Magical Exemplar!”

“Spike? Any idea what she’s doin’?” asked Applejack.

“Nuh-uh,” Spike answered with a shrug. “I’ve never seen that Tempest thing before.”

“Tempest Magician’s final effect!” shouted Twilight. “By removing all Spell Counters on the field, Tempest Magician inflicts five hundred points of damage for each of those counters!”

“There are three Spell Counters on the Magical Citadel, one on Tempest Magician herself, and four on Magical Exemplar,” said Rarity.

“Eight Spell Counters total,” Rainbow Dash continued.

“And eight times five hundred...” said Fluttershy.

“Four thousand points of damage!” shouted Pinkie. “GO TWILIGHT!”

“Tempest Magician! Tempest Fury!” Twilight ordered. The tall woman swung her scythe, which seemed to summon tremendous winds that pushed at Twilight’s opponent until he was swept off his feet and fell onto his back.

Life Point Count
Dark Trooper: 0
Twilight: 1000

“Twilight won!” cheered Spike.

“Now leave,” said Twilight. “And don’t let us catch you coming back here again!”

The man stood up and chuckled. “Very well,” he said. “I did agree to that. We will leave... for now.”

The shadows of the buildings behind them seemed to stretch, reaching for the Dark Troopers. They stepped backwards until they began to blend with the shade. Soon, they had vanished entirely.

“That... was creepy,” said Spike.

“That’s never happened before...” said the human girl. Suddenly she jumped on Twilight, hugging her as tight as she could. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

“Can’t... breathe!” Twilight gasped.

“Oops!” said the girl as she let go. “Sorry! It’s just- well, they’ve never left without taking anyone before. They’ve never left without taking someone! Who are you? Where’d you come from?”

“Luna!” shouted another voice, this one young and harsh. Another human ran over to the girl. “Luna, are you alright?!” he said frantically. He looked almost exactly like the girl, except for his hairstyle.

“I’m fine, Leo, you don’t have to worry,” said Luna. She looked at Twilight. “She saved us. She saved all of us!”

“A purple unicorn?” said Leo, his expression one of confusion. “Were you saved by a Duel Monsters Spirit?”

“Actually, we’re not Duel Monsters Spirits,” said Twilight. “We’re just ponies from Equestria. I’m Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends.”

“Talking ponies that aren’t Duel Monsters Spirits,” said another voice, this one deep and strong. “Now I’ve seen everything.” He turned and walked toward the building Luna had come out of.

“That’s Jack,” said Luna. “He’s the strongest duelist here. Without him and Leo, we’d have lost a lot more people to those Shadow Troopers.”

“About what happened... what’s going on here?” asked Twilight. “We’re in Neo Domino City, aren’t we?”

“Yeah, you are,” said Luna. “Um... maybe we should talk about this inside.”


Twilight and the others stood in a large room, surrounded by three tables. Seven humans sat on the far side of the center table.

“I believe introductions are in order,” said the short man in the center. “I am Yeager, mayor of Neo Domino City and director of the resistance movement against the Black King. We are the council that governs the resistance. And you are?”

“I’m Twilight Sparkle,” said Twilight. “These are my friends, Applejack-”

“Howdy,” said Applejack.


“Pleased to meet you,” said Rarity with a nod of her head.


“Um... hello,” said Fluttershy.

“Pinkie Pie-”

“Hiya!” said Pinkie.

“Rainbow Dash-”

“‘Sup?” said Dash.

“And my assistant Spike.”

“Hi there,” said Spike.

“Well, Ms. Sparkle-” Yeager began.

“Just Twilight is fine,” said Twilight.

“Twilight. Very well,” Yeager continued. “While I’m sure you and your friends have many questions, we have several of our own that must be answered. We are at war, you see, and our trust in strangers has been weakened. For starters, where are you from?”

“We’re from Equestria,” said Twilight. “It’s in another dimension.”

“That would make sense, given your appearance,” said a woman with blue hair.

“So why are you here?” asked a man with a gruff voice and a scar on his face. “And how did you know the name of this place?”

“We came to help,” said Twilight. “Bad things are happening in our dimension, and we believe the source is here. As for how we knew about Neo Domino City, that’s because another human told us when he visited Equestria.”

“What was this man's name?” asked Yeager.

“Yusei,” Twilight answered. There was a collective gasp from every human in the room. “You know Yusei?”

“Yusei is a very close friend of all of us,” said Yeager. “He was the savior of this city on many occasions.”

“We’d like to see him, if that’s okay,” said Twilight. “Do you know where he is?”

“We could ask you the same thing,” said the man with the scar.

“What do you mean?” asked Twilight.

“Yusei has been missing for several months now,” said Yeager. “We’ve not heard from him or about him in that time. When was the last you heard from him?”

“It’s been a while for us too,” Twilight answered. “The last time he was in Equestria was when a man named Paradox was wreaking havoc in our dimension.”

“You’ve met Paradox as well?” asked Yeager. “Yes, the anomaly that appeared in Satellite about eight months ago... I suspect it was a portal that led to your realm, correct?”


“Yusei disappeared two months after that incident. A month later, the Black King appeared and declared war on the city. We have been fighting a losing battle ever since.”

“Who’s the Black King?”

“We don’t know,” said Luna. She was standing behind one of the side tables. “He just showed up one day, called himself the Black King and started taking people into the shadows.”

“Most who disappear at his hand are never seen again,” said the blue-haired woman.

“And the rest reemerge as Dark Troopers,” said Yeager. “They find us and attack us, harming our people or kidnapping them into the darkness. We have next to no information on this man, and all attempts at investigation have failed. We only know what he calls himself and what he has told us.”

“Has he told you why he’s doing this?” Twilight asked.

“He only gave us a cryptic statement,” Yeager said. “‘Life can only go on in silence.’ Other than that, he has told us that he wishes to make us despair. Everything he’s done has been for that purpose.”

“Twilight,” said Luna, “we saw that you can duel, and that you’re strong. Will you and your friends help us?”

Twilight nodded. “We’ll do whatever we can,” she said.

Jack slammed his fist against the table. All eyes turned to his seat at the far end of the table.

“How do we know that this isn’t another trick orchestrated by the Black King?” he said. “He could be trying to bring our hopes up just to smash them to the ground again. Well I’m not buying it!”

“Jack, you didn’t see how well she dueled,” said Luna.

“Yeah, and she’s not the only one who can duel!” said Rainbow Dash. “Me and Spike are pretty good ourselves! We can help too!”

Jack snorted. “We have no reason to believe anything you say,” he said.

“Then maybe I can prove it by knocking some sense into you!” said Rainbow Dash. “You, me, Turbo Duel! Let’s go!”

“Ha! You honestly think you stand a chance against me? I was once known as the King of the Cards, the Master of Faster!” said Jack. “Very well, I accept your challenge.”

“Just what I wanted to hear!” said Rainbow Dash.



Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Jack Atlas’ distrust of the ponies has provoked Rainbow Dash into challenging him to a Turbo Duel. As the two race off to battle it out, will Rainbow Dash be able to prove that she and her friends can be trusted?

Chapter 6

A Duel of Trust: Rainbow Dragon vs. Red Dragon Archfiend!

Chapter 6: A Duel of Trust: Rainbow Dragon vs. Red Dragon Archfiend!

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Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter Six
A Duel of Trust: Rainbow Dragon vs. Red Dragon Archfiend!


Twilight stepped up beside Rainbow Dash. “Dash, are you sure about this?” she asked. “We don’t need to be fighting against our new allies. Jack, you understand, don’t you?”

“You are not allies to me until you prove yourselves as such,” said Jack.

The man with the scar stood up. “I think I know what Jack’s getting at,” he said. “My name is Ushio. I knew Yusei. I first met him almost four years ago. I was a cop back then, and I wasn’t a nice one. In fact, the first time I met Yusei, I thought he was a criminal just because he lived in Satellite. I even thought he stole the D-Wheel he was riding. He challenged me to a duel, betting his freedom. Just before we started, he told me that he didn’t trust Security, but he also said he trusted duelists. Since I accepted his challenge, he said he’d trust me.”

“So Jack won’t trust us until after the duel?” asked Twilight.

“Not quite,” Jack answered. “If it’s a good duel, I will trust you.”

“Then what’re we waiting for? Let’s go!” said Rainbow Dash.

Jack nodded. “Follow me,” he said as he walked through the door.


“Cool!” said Rainbow Dash. “Is this your D-Wheel?”

“It is,” said Jack. “The Volcanic Wheel of Fortune. Few things are faster than this without an Overboost System.”

“I bet I can beat it!” said Rainbow Dash with a sneer. Jack snorted and strapped his helmet on, then sat down inside the gigantic wheel. The engine roared to life and Jack’s D-Wheel screeched out of the garage, with Rainbow Dash in hot pursuit.

“Dash, wait!” shouted Twilight. “I have to make a Duel Disk for you!”

But Dash was already outside, chasing after Jack.

Aki and Luna came up behind Twilight. “Come to the mess hall,” said Aki. “We’ll grab some food and watch the duel from there.”

“But Rainbow Dash doesn’t have a Duel Disk,” said Twilight. “I have to make one for her!”

“Oh,” said Aki. “Well, let’s head to the comcenter and contact Jack. Luna, why don’t you show everyone else to the mess hall and get them some food?”

“Okay,” said Luna.


Jack sped along the deserted road, swerving around the occasional abandoned car and truck. Rainbow Dash appeared beside him, flapping her wings quickly.

“There’s a Duel Highway about half a mile from here,” said Jack. “The first one through the gate takes the first turn.”

“Sounds good to me!” said Rainbow Dash.

She and Jack twisted and swerved along the road. Dash knew she could outfly him easily with all the curves along the road, but she decided that wouldn’t be fair or nearly as fun.

Jack began to speed up. Dash looked up and saw a gateway that led to a thin strip of highway surrounded by curved panes of glass. “That must be the gate he was talking about,” Dash muttered. She flapped her wings harder and matched his speed.

Jack glanced over at her and gasped. “Impossible!” he said. “How are you going that fast on just wings?!”

“I can go a lot faster than this!” said Dash. She rose higher in the air and pushed herself ahead of Jack. Suddenly there was an explosion. A rainbow circle stretched out where Dash had been and another rainbow trailed behind her. She descended to the road, following its winding path and launched herself through the gate.

Dash slowed down and let Jack catch up to her.

“Ladies first!” she said with a laugh. “Oh man, you should see your face!”

“Jack, come in,” came a voice. Aki and Twilight appeared on the monitor inside Jack’s D-Wheel.

“Aki? What is it?” Jack asked.

“You two will have to come back for a few minutes,” said Twilight. “Dash doesn’t have a Duel Disk, so I’ll have to make one for her.”

“What are you talking about?” said Jack. “Of course she has a Duel Disk. I’m looking right at it!”

Rainbow Dash looked at her left front leg. A Duel Disk shaped like her outstretched wing had appeared on her arm. The deck rested in a slot on the far side of her hoof. Five cards rested in a groove on the side of the disk. An angled eyepiece made with pale blue glass had appeared over her left eye. The frame looped over her head and around her ear. A tiny image of Twilight appeared on the glass.

“But... how?” said Twilight. “Rainbow Dash, how do you have a Duel Disk?”

“I dunno,” she said. “I did a sonic rainboom to get past Jack and the next thing I knew, there it was.”

“I want to have a look at that Duel Disk- and you- when you get back,” said Twilight.

“Yeah, sure,” said Dash.

“Enough talk!” shouted Jack. “I’m Settting on the Field Spell ‘Speed World 2’! Turbo Duel! Accelerate!”

Life Point Count
Rainbow Dash: 4000
Jack Atlas: 4000

“I beat you on the track,” said Dash as she placed her right hoof over her deck, “so I go first! My turn!” As she pulled her hoof away, a card from the top of her deck followed it, surrounded by a faint gold light.

“Must be some kind of magic,” she muttered. “I Summon ‘Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise’ in Defense Mode.” A giant tortoise appeared beside Rainbow Dash. He was very old and his skin wrinkled. Giant emerald crystals were growing out of the shell on his back.

Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise
LV 4

“I Set two cards face-down and end my turn,” Dash said. “Okay, Jack, come at me with everything you’ve got!”

“With gusto,” said Jack. “My turn!”


Luna walked into the mess hall, followed by four brightly colored ponies and a tiny, purple dragon. The room instantly became silent.

“Um... hi?” said Pinkie. No response.

“Everyone,” said Luna, “these are our new friends. They’ve come from another world to help us fight the Black King.”

Still no response.

Yeager appeared beside Luna. He cleared his throat and began to speak. “I recognize that, given recent events, there will be a measure of distrust among you for our new visitors,” he said. “However, one of their number has already saved us from another raid by Dark Troopers. Furthermore, I believe that any remaining doubts will soon be dispelled by this duel!” Yeager swept his hand into the air, pointing it at the gigantic monitor on the wall.

“It’s Jack!” came several voices in the room. “And he’s dueling one of those things!”

“My turn!” shouted Jack’s image on the monitor. The image of the highway was replaced for a moment by an image that indicated the Speed Counters of the two duelists.

Speed Counters
Rainbow Dash: 1
Jack Atlas: 1

“I Summon ‘Power Breaker’ in Attack Mode!” said Jack. A humanoid figure wearing dark brown armor and a tattered yellow cape emerged from a blue portal in the air. A blue robe was wrapped around his waist, and sharp blades were mounted on thick braces on his forearms.

Power Breaker
LV 4

“What’s he gonna do?” said Dash. “It’s not like he can get over my Emerald Tortoise!”

“Battle! Power Breaker, attack Emerald Tortoise! Power Slash!” said Jack. The armored warrior dashed through the air, swinging its right blade at the shell of the tortoise. The blade struck one of the emerald crystals on its back and Power Breaker was thrown backwards.

Life Point Count
Jack Atlas: 3900

“What’re you doing?” asked Rainbow Dash. “You knew you wouldn’t win!”

“When a Warrior-Type monster I control battles a monster but fails to destroy it, I can Special Summon the Tuner monster ‘Sword Master’ from my hand!” Jack replied. Another blue portal opened and a human dashed through. He wore a pair of short punjabi pants, gold boots, and a crimson vest lined on the inside with fur. A blue mask covered the lower half of his face, and on the top of his head rested a blue turban with a single white feather on the front, held in place by a large red jewel. In each of the man’s hands was a long, thin, curved sword.

Sword Master
LV 3

“A Tuner, huh?” said Rainbow Dash.

“I Set two cards face-down and end my turn,” said Jack. Two giant cards appeared face-down on either side of Jack’s D-wheel, then vanished. “Now, show me your Duel, Rainbow Dash!”

“Jack’s setting up his field for Red Dragon Archfiend,” said Luna. “Your friend’s in a lot of trouble if he summons it.”

“Rainbow Dash will be fine!” said Pinkie Pie. “She’s pretty strong herself!”

“But not as strong as Yusei,” said Fluttershy.

“Well, yeah, I guess,” Pinkie conceded.


“My turn!” said Rainbow Dash.

Speed Counters
Rainbow Dash: 2
Jack Atlas: 2

“I Summon ‘Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus’!” said Rainbow Dash. A fully grown horse appeared on the field, flying on outstretched wings, its sapphire horn gleaming in the sunlight.

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
LV 4

“When Sapphire Pegasus is Summoned, I can put a ‘Crystal Beast’ in my hand, Deck, or Graveyard into my Spell Zones as a Continuous Spell Card,” said Rainbow Dash. “So I’ll choose-”

“I activate the Continuous Trap ‘Fiendish Chain’!” Jack interrupted her. One of his face-down cards reappeared and flipped up on its edge. “This targets one Effect Monster on the field, negating its effects and preventing it from attacking.” Green chains shot out of the card’s artwork and raced toward Dash’s monster.

“Counter Trap, ‘Trap Strap’, activate!” said Rainbow Dash. “When you activate a Trap Card, it Sets back on the field when it resolves, and I can Special Summon a ‘Crystal Beast’ from my hand or deck. From my hand, I Special Summon ‘Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat’!”

A new monster appeared next to Dash, a pink-furred cat wearing an ornamental chest piece, two gold wings flaring beside a purple amethyst.

Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat
LV 3

The green chains that streaked toward the Sapphire Pegasus found their target, wrapping around its neck, wings and legs. But just as suddenly as they struck, they vanished. The Fiendish Chain card fell back into face-down position.

“Because Fiendish Chain is a Continuous Trap, it must remain face-up to negate the targeted monster’s effects,” said Jack. “Clever thinking.”

“Thanks,” said Rainbow Dash. “Sapphire Pegasus places ‘Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle’ in one of my Spell Zones as a Continuous Spell.” A giant ruby appeared behind Rainbow Dash. The form of a cat-like creature rested inside.

“Sapphire Pegasus, attack Sword Master!” Dash said. “Sapphire Tornado!”

The white pegasus rose up to the sky, then dove horn first at Jack’s monster. The horn pierced the man’s chest and he was destroyed.

“Amethyst Cat, now it’s your turn!” said Dash. “Direct Attack!”

“What?!” said Jack. He looked up and saw a cat’s paw slice at his face.

Life Point Count
Jack Atlas: 2700

“What’s the meaning of this?!” Jack roared. “Explain yourself!”

“It’s simple, really,” said Dash with a shrug. “Amethyst Cat can attack you directly, but you only take half the damage if she does it with her effect. Anyway, I’m done attacking for now. Next up, I activate Emerald Tortoise’s effect to switch my Amethyst Cat to Defense Mode. Then I’ll end my turn by throwin’ down a face-down. Your move, Jack.” If I’m right, then this card should work next turn, thought Rainbow Dash. I just hope all that reading pays off!

“Hmph! My turn!” shouted Jack.

Speed Counters
Rainbow Dash: 3
Jack Atlas: 3

“I play the Trap ‘Accel Zone’!” said Rainbow Dash. An explosion sounded off behind Jack, and the cyan pegasus flew off ahead of him, a rainbow trailing behind her. “When you gain Speed Counters except by ‘Speed World’, I can play Accel Zone to gain five Speed Counters!”

“What?!” said Jack. “But I haven’t gained any Speed Counters!”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “You just did, numbskull! ‘Speed World 2’, remember?”


“Of course!” said Twilight.

“What do you mean, Twilight?” asked Aki. “You know how she was able to activate that card? Was it with another effect?”

“No, it wasn’t,” Twilight answered. “Rainbow Dash took advantage of a technicality. ‘Speed World’ and ‘Speed World 2’ are two different cards. Rainbow Dash must have realized this! Talk about flying through a loophole!”


“Of course,” Jack grumbled. “We’re not dueling in the original ‘Speed World’. Fine, keep your Speed Counters! I have absolute power on my side! I summon ‘Dark Bug’ to the field!”

A tangled mass of black cubes emerged onto the field, unfolding several spidery legs.

Dark Bug
LV 1

“When Dark Bug is Normal Summoned, I can Special Summon a Level Three Tuner monster from my Graveyard,” Jack explained. “Come! Sword Master!”

Here it comes, thought Dash.

“Level Three Sword Master, tune with the Level Four Power Breaker, and the Level One Dark Bug!” Jack’s Sword Master vanished, leaving three stars behind. They drew the familiar green rings in the air that soon encircled the man’s other two monsters. Each monster’s body was changed into a bright orange outline that was quickly stripped away, leaving only stars in the rings.

“The pulse of the king now forms a line here! Take witness to its creation-shaking power!” Jack chanted as a beam of green-white light engulfed the stars and rings beside him. Silhouetted claws stretched out and clenched into fists. Wings black against the light flared upward. “I Synchro Summon my very soul, ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’!”

The light faded, revealing a blood-red dragon with three demonic horns atop its head, yellow eyes gleaming in its skull and glaring down at Rainbow Dash. The creature thrust out its chest and gave a mighty, thunderous roar. Rainbow Dash gasped.

Red Dragon Archfiend
LV 8

“Behold, Rainbow Dash!” shouted Jack as he spun his D-Wheel around to face the tiny pegasus. “Behold its valiant form! This is the mightiest of my servants, and the beast whose claws will crush all who dare cower in the face of the King!”

“I’m not cowering,” said Rainbow Dash, “but I’ve seen that monster before. Paradox used it against Yusei when they were in our world!”

“No doubt a corrupted form, if I remember that thief’s deck correctly,” said Jack. “Today you will witness its true power! Battle! Red Dragon Archfiend, attack Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise with Absolute Powerforce!”

“I don’t think so, Jack!” said Dash with a smirk. “I activate the Continuous Trap ‘Speed Booster’! As long as my Speed Counters are higher than yours, I can negate as many of your attacks as I want up to the difference in our Speed Counters. And you can bet I’m stopping this one!”

Rainbow Dash rocketed past Jack. A large device had appeared on her back, two rectangular exhausts spewing fire behind her. She flipped onto her back and gave Jack a wave just before the fiery claws of the red dragon blocked her from his view.

“Hmph! I end my turn,” Jack growled, spinning his D-Wheel back around to face the road.

“My turn!” said Rainbow Dash as she drew a card.

Speed Counters
Rainbow Dash: 9
Jack Atlas: 4

Okay, let’s see here, thought the small pegasus. I’m still two Crystal Beasts away from getting my own dragon on the field. If I use this guy, I can get those last two Crystal Beasts out of my deck with Sapphire and this Speed Spell... but Jack’s still got that Trap of his that negates effects!

Hey, that’s an idea... Jack’s getting kinda low on Life points, so I don’t think he’ll wanna take much more damage. Maybe I can bait him out! If I do that, then I can get those last two Crystal Beasts next turn. After that, I’ll just have to wait for Jack to try and attack again. But I’ve still got Speed Booster, so he might not try it... maybe I can talk him into it. Alright, let’s do this!

“I switch Amethyst Cat to Attack Mode and attack you directly!” shouted Dash.

“I activate Fiendish Chain to stop your attack and negate Amethyst Cat’s effects!” Jack replied.

“I was hoping you would do that,” said Dash. “I summon ‘Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle’ in Defense Mode.” Dash’s new monster was a large, brown eagle with a long, orange plume trailing along its back. A brown chest piece with cobalt stones hung from its neck. Two cobalt stones rested on the joints of the bird’s wings.

Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle
LV 4

“I activate Cobalt Eagle’s effect. Once per turn, I can put a ‘Crystal Beast’ card I control on top of my deck. Sapphire Pegasus, I’ll see you next turn.” The white horse vanished from the field in twinkling light.

“I’ve got one more thing to do before I end my turn,” said Rainbow Dash. “I activate Speed Booster’s second effect! If it’s my turn and I have more Speed Counters than you, I can hit you with a hundred points of damage times the difference in our Speed Counters! I’ve still got five Speed Counters over you, Jack, so that’s five hundred damage!”

Five rockets launched out of the top of the device on Rainbow Dash’s back and struck the ground around Jack. The human swerved to avoid each strike, but was still struck by the force of the explosions.

“My turn!” shouted Jack.

Speed Counters
Rainbow Dash: 10
Jack Atlas: 5

“Let me show you what real damage looks like! I activate the effect of Speed World 2!” Jack yelled. “By paying four Speed Counters and revealing all Speed Spells in my hand, you take eight hundred damage times the number of cards I revealed! I’m currently holding only one ‘Speed Spell’ card, but eight hundred damage is plenty!”

Bolts of electricity shot out of Jack’s headlights and hit Rainbow Dash’s wings. The pony yelped and fell, but caught herself before she hit the road, flapping her wings to regain altitude.

Life Point Count
Rainbow Dash: 3200
Jack Atlas: 2200

“I Set three cards face-down,” said Jack. “Your move, Rainbow Dash.”

Speed Counters
Rainbow Dash: 11
Jack Atlas: 2

Dash drew her card. “I summon Sapphire Pegasus again and place ‘Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger’ in the Spell Zone,” she said. A giant topaz crystal appeared above the road, trailing behind Rainbow Dash. “Alright, time to take the fight to you, Jack! I play ‘Speed Spell - Power Baton’! By sending a monster from my deck to the Graveyard, one of my monsters on the field gains its Attack Points until the end of the next Damage Step! I send ‘Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth’ to the Graveyard. Sapphire Pegasus, feel the power of Amber Mammoth!”

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
LV 4

“Sapphire Pegasus, attack Red Dragon Archfiend with Sapphire Tornado!” The white pegasus rose into the sky and dive bombed at the red dragon, its horn gleaming in the sunlight.

“Trap Card, ‘Prideful Roar’, activate!” Jack countered. “By paying Life Points equal to the difference in our monsters’ Attack Points, during this battle, Red Dragon Archfiend gains that difference in Attack Points, plus three hundred extra points to go with it!”

Red Dragon Archfiend
LV 8

Red Dragon Archfiend roared at the skies, then reached its clawed hand out to its approaching foe. The dragon’s fingers became engulfed in flames as they closed around the white horse, crushing it.

“Sapphire Pegasus!” cried Rainbow Dash. A torrent of flames struck her and she tumbled toward the glass sides of the road. Her hooves made contact and she moved to run before jumping back into the air. A giant sapphire had appeared in the row of jewels behind her.

Life Point Count
Rainbow Dash: 2900
Jack Atlas: 1700


“You’ll pay for doing that to Sapphire!” shouted the on-screen Dash.

Applejack whistled. “Been awhile since I seen her that angry,” said the orange pony.

“I hope she calms down,” said Fluttershy.

“She is calm, dear,” said Rarity. The other ponies, Spike and Luna looked at her in confusion.

“What’re you talking about, Rarity?” asked Spike.

“Yeah! She’s got smoke pouring out of her ears!” Pinkie chimed in.

“Exaggerations aside, look at the corner of her mouth, the way her eyes are slanted,” Rarity said pointing her hoof at the screen.

“I activate Speed Booster’s effect!” shouted Dash. “We’re nine Speed Counters apart, so you’ll be taking nine hundred points of damage!”

Nine missiles erupted out of the device on the pony’s back and raced toward Jack.

“I don’t think so!” Jack sneered. “Counter Trap, ‘Crimson Fire’! When you activate an effect that deals damage while I have a monster whose Attack Points are higher than that damage, that damage is doubled and turned on you instead of me!”

Red Dragon Archfiend opened its jaws and snapped them shut around all nine missiles. Each projectile exploded in the dragon’s mouth, fire lapping at its curled lips from between its teeth. The creature drew its head back, then threw it forward with maw opened wide, spewing a torrent of fire onto Rainbow Dash. Dash flew upward to avoid the hit, but was struck anyway. She spun around, diving over the edge of the road. The waters below were approaching fast. She raised her head and flared her wings, speeding horizontally over the surface of the water. She turned and flew under the thin strip of road, rising into the sky on the other side.

“It’ll take a lot more than that to bring me down, Jack!” shouted the pegasus.

“So I see!” Jack replied with a grin. “Don’t fall just yet, Rainbow Dash. This is just getting interesting!”

Life Point Count
Rainbow Dash: 1100
Jack Atlas: 1700

“She still don’t look calm, Rarity,” said Applejack. “What exactly are you seein’ that we ain’t?”

“The duel,” said Rarity. “Don’t you remember when she fought Yusei? She used a lot of the same tactics against him that we’re seeing now. But she made a mistake then and Yusei quickly figured out what she was doing and prepared for it. This time, it’s different. And now all the cards are in place.”

“You care to connect those dots for us, sugar cube?” Applejack asked.

Rarity sighed. “Rainbow Dash has all seven Crystal Beasts either on the field or in her Graveyard!” she said. “She’s getting ready to summon her own Ace monster, but she doesn’t want Jack to figure it out just yet. The attacks, the anger, those are just ploys to distract him! The real goal of this turn was to finish assembling the Crystal Beasts.”

“She did that by putting Topaz Tiger into her Spell Zone...” said Fluttershy.

“...and Amber Mammoth in her Graveyard!” said Spike.

“Exactly,” said Rarity. “Now, let’s see if she can keep it up...”


Okay, Dash, the Pegasus thought. Jack’s already started countering my moves, which means he’s about ready to mount a counterattack. That’ll be when I shut him down and get the last card I need! I just need one card... “I activate the effect of Speed World 2! I pay seven Speed Counters to draw one card.” Dash drew her card, quickly glanced at it, then smiled. “I Set a card face-down and switch Amethyst Cat to Defense Mode,” she said. “That’ll do for now.”

“My turn!” Jack roared as he drew a card.

Speed Counters
Rainbow Dash: 5
Jack Atlas: 3

“Red Dragon Archfiend, attack Emerald Tortoise with Absolute Powerforce!” Jack ordered. Fire and claws descended toward the gem-encrusted shell on Dash’s field.

“I activate Speed Booster’s effect!” said Rainbow Dash. “Since my Speed Counters are higher, I can negate your attack!” Rainbow Dash spun around and shot off toward the claws of Jack’s dragon, the device on her back propelling her forward.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Rainbow Dash!” shouted Jack. “I play the Trap Card ‘Overpower’! When a card effect would negate an attack, Overpower negates its activation and destroys that card!”

The claws dipped and swiped upward, catching Rainbow Dash and destroying the machine on her back. Dash screamed as she tumbled through the air.

“Red Dragon Archfiend, continue your assault!” Jack ordered.

“Not so fast, Jack!” said Dash. “I’ve got a Trap of my own: ‘Rainbow Path’! I send Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle in my Spell Zone to the Graveyard to negate your attack and add ‘Rainbow Dragon’ from my deck to my hand!”

The giant ruby behind Rainbow Dash exploded and created a wall of red shards that blocked the red dragon’s attack. When the shards vanished, Rainbow Dash remained, hovering in the air and smirking.

Got it! she thought.

“I am not finished yet, Rainbow Dash,” said Jack. “I activate ‘Speed Spell - Overboost’ to increase my Speed Counters by four. Next, I activate the effect of Speed World 2, paying seven Speed Counters to draw one card. I Set a card and end my turn. During the End Phase, Overboost changes the number of my Speed Counters to one.”

“So you dropped your Speed Counters to zero, and then went right back up to one,” said Dash. “Clever. My turn!”

Speed Counters
Rainbow Dash: 6
Jack Atlas: 2

“Unfortunately for me, I can’t draw because of the Power Baton I played last turn,” said Dash. “But it’s fine because I’ve got this bad boy! All seven Crystal Beasts are either on my field or in my Graveyard, Jack! So lemme show you what they can do when they come together! I Special Summon ‘Rainbow Dragon’!”

An aurora appeared overhead, multi colored sheets of light waving in the sunlight. Specks of color danced along the surface of the road and a massive white dragon descended from within the aurora, roaring loudly.

Rainbow Dragon
LV 10

“Rainbow Dragon,” said Jack, “a Duel Monster of legend. I thought only one copy existed. I never imagined that someone from another dimension would have it.”

“That’s not all I’ve got! You’re low on Life Points, and I’ve got more than enough firepower to win right here! Rainbow Dragon, attack Red Dragon Archfiend! Over the Rainbow!”

The great dragon opened its mouth. A rainbow circle expanded in front of its head as it spat a rainbow beam through its center.

Jack laughed.

“You’re about to lose, Jack!” said Dash. “I don’t see what’s so funny!”

“I am Jack Atlas! I was once the King of the dueling world!” Jack said. “I studied dueling history for days at a time before a match, learning new techniques and strategies, watching recorded duels of legendary duelists! I have seen Rainbow Dragon before, Rainbow Dash. Did you honestly believe that someone who once held such a prestigious position as King would not see right through you?”

“You’ve been playing right into my hooves, bub!” the pegasus snapped.

“Wrong. I saw through your strategy the moment you began assembling the Crystal Beasts. You will not defeat me so easily, Rainbow Dash! I activate the Trap Card ‘Break Tune’! This card lets me Special Summon a Tuner monster from my hand, then negates your attack! Descend, ‘Trust Guardian’!”

A tiny, angelic creature appeared in front of Red Dragon Archfiend. It wore a blue robe and an oversized purple hat with tiny wings on the sides. On its back were two large, white, bird-like wings. The small monster folded its wings in front of itself just before it was struck by the approaching rainbow beam of energy. Rainbow Dragon closed its mouth and ceased its attack.

Trust Guardian
LV 3

“Darn it!” said Dash. Then she grumbled, “I end my turn.”

“My turn!” shouted Jack as he drew a card. “I Summon another Tuner, ‘Attack Gainer’!” A strange warrior wearing a black helmet, gauntlets and boots rushed out of a blue portal.

Attack Gainer
LV 1

“Level One Attack Gainer and Level Three Trust Guardian- gaaaaah!” An explosion sent Jack’s D-Wheel spinning. Rainbow Dash looked behind her and saw four other D-Wheels approaching.

“Oh, this isn’t good,” she said.



Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Just as Jack was preparing to summon a new monster, the duel is interrupted by a squad of Shadow Troopers on D-Wheels! But this intrusion heralds the return of an old friend... turned traitor.

Chapter 7

A Bitter Reunion

Chapter 7: A Bitter Reunion

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Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter Seven

A Bitter Reunion


Jack was getting dizzy, but he’d been in worse spins before, even put himself into bad spins just to practice getting out of them. Trained instinct took over and Jack soon regained control of the Wheel of Fortune. He balanced out and kept moving forward to make sure, then turned the D-Wheel around by riding along the curved glass walls.

“Whoever did that is going to regret it!” Jack growled to himself. He looked down at his monitor and saw four D-Wheels up ahead, all stopped. All four of them were painted black. Three were new models he recognized from the Bolger & Company’s ads just before the war began. But the fourth, the one in the lead...

“It can’t be!” said Jack.

Jack pulled on the brake levers and slowed to a halt. Rainbow Dash appeared beside him.

“Jack! You okay?” she asked.

“I’m fine,” he said. “But Crow won’t be when I’m finished with him! He should know better than to interrupt one of my duels!”

Jack moved the left arm of his D-Wheel up and got out of his seat.

“Crow?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Crow! I know that’s you!” Jack roared as he stomped over to the D-Wheels.

“Short-tempered as always,” said the D-Wheeler in the lead, shaking his head. He took off his helmet. Beneath was a young man with a mess of bright orange hair. His face was covered in yellow Markers. “Long time no see, Jack,” he said.

“Crow, I was in the middle of a match! How dare you interrupt it!” Jack bellowed.

“Tone down the volume, Jack,” Crow said. “I have a good reason for interrupting your duel with... um... what IS that?”

“The name’s Rainbow Dash!” said the cyan pegasus, “and don’t you forget it!”

“A blue, flying pony that talks and duels,” said Crow. “Now I’ve seen everything.”

“If you have such a good reason for interrupting our duel, then you’d best explain yourself!” Jack continued to yell.

“I’m not the one who needs to explain himself, Jack,” said Crow. “I stopped your duel to get some answers of my own! For starters, what do you think you’re doing, trashing Neo Domino City like this?”

“Trashing- what are you talking about, Crow?”

“Look around you, Jack! The place is a warzone! And I was told that you and the rest of the team were the ones to blame!”

“Whoever told you that is a filthy liar! We’ve been trying to protect this city!”

“So you’re calling Yusei a liar?”

“W-what?” Jack stammered.

“Did you say ‘Yusei’?” said Rainbow Dash. “You’ve seen him?! Is he alright? Where is he?”

“Slow down there,” said Crow. “How do you know Yusei?”

“We met a while back,” said Rainbow Dash. “So where is he?”

“Uh-uh, no way,” Crow replied. “I’m not telling you anything.”

“Crow, where is Yusei? What’s happened to him?” Jack asked.

“Nothing’s ‘happened’ to him, Jack,” said Crow. “And thankfully it’s because you lunatics haven’t been able to get to him!”

“Lunatics?!” Jack yelled.

“Hey, hey! Jack! Calm down, will ya?” said Rainbow Dash. “Look, there’s probably just been a misunderstanding. Crow, was it? Maybe you could tell us what’s going on.”

“And you can start by telling us when you got here,” said Jack.

“Fine, fine,” said Crow. “Look, I only just got here myself. I’d been taking a break from my tour in Europe when I saw the news. Neo Domino City and a few neighboring cities had blacked out completely. I came back as fast as I could to check up on you guys, but as soon as I got here, I got a message from Yusei. And if you must know, he asked me to meet him at Kaiba Corp. Tower.”


“Crow Hogan to see you, sir.”

“Good. Send him in.”

The man bowed and left. Yusei was standing at the massive window at the back of his office. Crow’s reflection appeared to the left of his own.

“Yusei!” said Crow. “It’s been too long, old pal!”

“I know,” said Yusei. “Almost a year since we just spent time together as friends.” He turned around, a serious look on his face. “But I’m afraid we don’t have time for that now.”

“Yeah, I can tell,” Crow said. “What happened to this place anyway?”

Yusei sighed. “You’re not gonna like what I have to say, Crow.”

“Doesn’t sound like you’re thrilled either.”

“I’m not. Crow... it’s Jack and the others. They’ve turned on us, turned on the city. They’ve been trying to destroy our home in their attempts to gain access to Momentum.”

“What?!” Crow shouted. “Why? Why would they do that?!”

“I have a few theories,” Yusei answered. “My best one right now is that Paradox is behind this. I don’t know how, but he must have turned everyone against Momentum technology, and now they’re trying to destroy it. I’ve been fighting a losing battle ever since.”

“You mean, Paradox still thinks that the future’s doomed?” Crow asked.

“That must be it,” said Yusei.

“But you stopped Z-one, changed the future, and even came up with a way to stop the Meklord Genocide!” said Crow. “He can travel through time, can’t he? Why doesn’t he just go back to the future and see for himself?”

“I wish I knew, Crow,” said Yusei. “The only reason I can think of is that he saw the future and it hasn’t changed... or it’s somehow worse than it was.”

“You can’t think like that, Yusei!” Crow said. “If you do, then that means you failed, and that’s something I just won’t believe is possible, not after everything you’ve done for me, for the team, and for the city!”

Yusei sat down in his chair and smiled. “Thank you, Crow,” he said.

“For what?”

“For being my friend.”

Crow laughed and sat down in a chair opposite Yusei’s desk. “So, what do we do about the others?”

“Jack seems to be leading the group and all of their recruits,” Yusei explained. “For some reason, Paradox is acting as an independent agent now. I almost never hear reports of him meeting with the rebellion, and he’s never engaged anyone defending the tower alongside Jack or anyone else. He’s always alone.”

“Want me to take care of Paradox?” asked Crow. He slammed his fist into the palm of his other hand.

“No, he’s too powerful, even for you,” said Yusei. “And so is Jack for that matter.”

“Jack and I have only ever dueled once!” said Crow indignantly.

“And he and I have dueled many times,” Yusei replied. “I know how strong Jack is, Crow. You can’t beat him without help, or without some new power.” Yusei opened a drawer in his desk. “Speaking of which, I have something for you.”

Yusei held out a card to Crow. Crow reached across the desk and took it.

“Wow, that’s not bad,” said Crow. “And you want me to use this against Jack?”

“See if you can knock some sense into him,” said Yusei. “Bring him around to our side. Use that card and it should work out.”

“You got it, Yusei!” Crow said excitedly.

“But, before you go, I have a few more things I should warn you about...”


“Yusei’s alive and in Kaiba Corp. Tower,” said Jack. “No doubt under the control of the Black King.”

“The... who now?” asked Crow.

“The Black King,” Jack repeated. “Whoever he is, he’s the real reason behind all of this. People started to disappear all around the city, then the Black King shows up and claims that it was his doing. Then he reveals that he’s brainwashed everyone who vanished and declares war on Neo Domino City!”

“Uh-huh,” said Crow in a disbelieving tone. “Look, if that were true, why didn’t Yusei tell me about it?”

“I told you, he must be under the Black King’s control!” Jack said impatiently.

“I don’t think so, Jack,” Crow replied. “You and I both know it was hard enough getting Yusei out of a funk whenever he had that bad dream of his. He’s a genius, but he has a one-track mind, and he’s pretty resilient. Even if this ‘Black King’ guy existed, there’s no way he’d be able to control Yusei like that.”

“You always were a short-sighted fool,” Jack spat. “If you won’t help us in our war for the city’s safety, then I’ll just have to knock some sense into you!” Jack began stomping over to Crow’s D-Wheel, his hands balled into tight fists.

“Yeah, I don’t feel like playing fisticuffs with you, Jack,” said Crow. “But I’ll play a round of Duel Monsters if you like. I have a new trick I wanna show you.”

“No matter what tricks you throw at me, they will be no match for my sheer power,” said Jack. “I accept your challenge! And when I win, you will return to our base with us!”

“‘Us’?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Jack, does that mean-”

“That was a good duel, up until it was stopped,” said Jack. “You have a proud and powerful Duelist’s heart. I will trust you.”

“Aw yeah!” said Dash. “How about I keep those three Dark Troopers off your back while you and Crow duke it out?”

“You sure you can handle it?” asked Jack.

“You saw what I can do,” said Dash with a grin. “This’ll be a piece of cake!”

“Very well then,” said Jack. “Crow, let’s go.” He turned and walked back to the Wheel of Fortune. After he sat down in the seat, he pushed a button next to the monitor. “Aki, come in,” he said. Aki’s face appeared on the monitor.

“Jack! What happened?” she asked. “One minute we’re all watching your duel with Rainbow Dash, and the next minute we get a message that the duel was canceled!”

“Our match was interrupted,” Jack explained. “But we have more pressing matters now anyway. Crow is back.”

“That’s good news, isn’t it?”

“No. He’s not on our side, not yet.”

“Oh no. Did the Black King get to him?”

“There are Dark Troopers with him. It’s possible, but I’m not sure just yet. However, I intend to find out! I’m going to duel him. Rainbow Dash will hold off the Dark Troopers while Crow and I duel.”

“Wait a minute,” came Twilight’s voice. “Dash against three Dark Troopers? Do you think she can handle it?”

“We’ll call it her first test as a new recruit,” Jack said with a knowing smile.

Aki nodded. “Be careful, Jack,” she said. Her image vanished and was replaced by the scenery in front of Jack’s D-Wheel. He turned it to face the stretch of highway again. Crow pulled up beside him.

“You know,” he said, “I was on my way to kickin’ your butt when the Pro Leagues had started up again.”

“No matter how close you would have come to me, Crow Hogan,” Jack replied, “you were always miles away from my throne.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Crow mumbled. “First one out of the gate gets first turn.”

“Agreed,” Jack said.

The two revved the engines of their D-Wheels and took off down the road.

Rainbow Dash turned to the Dark Troopers and rubbed her front hooves together. “Well, boys, looks like it’s just you and me,” she said. “I dunno about you, but I’m gonna have fun beating all three of you!”


There was no such thing as a “perfect plan”. Perfection was overrated. A sustainable plan is one that can adapt to the tide of events. That’s what he always believed, and that is one thing about him that had not changed. There were always unexpected developments no matter how well thought out a plan was.

But this... this was something that should not have happened.

New enemies... and he knew what they were capable of. He would have to work harder and faster to deal with them.

But despite the arrival of these newcomers, he was confident that he would not fail. Whether in a week, a year, or an eon, all things would return to the darkness, to silence. Entropy and degradation were inescapable. Life could only persist if it acted as the embodiment of silence.

“That, my little ponies,” he said to himself, “is the ultimate harmony.”



Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Jack and Crow take off into a new duel! Right from the start, Jack relentlessly pounds against Crow’s defenses, but the tables are quickly turned on him when Crow Synchro Summons a new monster! Can Jack withstand the powerful blows of Bayamo the War Hammer?

Chapter 8

A Violent Wind

Chapter 8: A Violent Wind

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Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter Eight

A Violent Wind


Static covered the giant screens in the mess hall.

“What happened?” asked Fluttershy.

“The feed’s been lost,” Luna answered. She grabbed a black device that was hanging from her belt, held it up to her face and spoke into it. “Luna to Aki,” she said. “What happened? The mess hall’s lost the duel feed.”

“Shellie says that we were kicked out of the H.M.S.,” came Aki’s voice. “She’s trying to get us back in, but it could be a while. She says it looks like the kind of programming that was used to block Marker signals before they went into disuse.”

“What’s that gizmo you got there?” asked Applejack, pointing a hoof at the black rectangle in Luna’s hand.

“This? It’s a walkie-talkie,” she said. “We use these to communicate around the base. They use radio signals so they don’t reach very far. They’re not hard to pick up on, but the limited range means that our messages can’t be intercepted by anyone outside the base.”

Applejack gave a confused look. “I understood everythin’ except ‘radio signals’,” she said.

“Well... don’t worry about it,” said Luna.

“Excuse me, dear,” Rarity said, “but what is the ‘H.M.S.’?”

“The Highway Monitor System,” said Luna. “It’s used to keep track of the duel highways and the people who use them. We mostly use it to keep tabs on the Dark Troopers, but the public channels allow us to watch Turbo Duels as well.”

“And if you’re kicked out, that means you can’t watch the highways or duels anymore?” Spike asked. Luna nodded.


“Try to get in touch with Jack and Rainbow Dash again,” said Aki.

“Yes ma’am,” said Shellie. She typed commands into the computer terminal then spoke into the headset she wore. “HQ to Jack Atlas, come in. Jack, come in... no good.”

“Is he too far out?” asked Twilight.

“Not if he’s at his last known location.”

“What do you think it means?” Twilight asked Aki.

“I don’t know, Twilight,” she said. Then her eyes widened and she said, “Wait... Shellie, didn’t you say the block you ran into looked like a Marker jamming program?”

“Yes ma’am,” replied Shellie.

“Then that’s it,” Aki said. “It’s a jamming signal. They aren’t just blocking our access to the Highway Monitor System, they’re blocking all long range communications.”

“Is there anything we can do?” Twilight asked.

“If we had enough power, we could override the jamming signal,” said Shellie. “But we’re running on archaic gas generators! Without Momentum or a miracle, there’s no way we can get the power we need to get through to Jack or your friend.”


Two D-Wheels sped out of the highway gate- Jack first, then Crow- followed by a cyan pegasus and three more D-Wheels. As the overpass split, Jack and crow turned right, moving between buildings and looping around to an underpass. Rainbow Dash and the Dark Troopers continued straight ahead.

“You boys ready to rumble?” Rainbow Dash shouted over her shoulder. “Here are the rules: Three on one Battle Royal. Nobody can attack on their first turn, and I take the first turn.”

“Agreed,” said one of the Troopers.

“DUEL!” they shouted.

Jack looked on from the underpass, but quickly turned his attention back to the road as it turned to the left and took him and Crow back out to the bay.

“I’m placing a condition on this duel, Crow,” Jack said. “If I win, take me to Yusei.”

“I’ve got no problem with that,” said Crow. “I was gonna take you to him when I win anyway.”

If you win,” said Jack. “Do not forget whom you are addressing.”

“Yeah, yeah,” said Crow, drawing his five cards. “You were first out the gate, so the opening move is yours.”

“Indeed,” said Jack as he drew his hand.

“DUEL!” they shouted.

Life Point Count
Jack: 4000
Crow: 4000

“I won’t hold back against you, Crow,” said Jack. “I’m coming at you full force! By sending a monster from my hand to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon ‘Power Giant’ from my hand and decrease its Level by that of the monster I sent.” Jack slid “Battle Fader” into the Graveyard slot on his Duel Disk, then placed the “Power Giant” card in his hand onto the blade of the Disk. A giant figure composed of differently colored crystals emerged through a blue portal. A point counter appeared next to it. Its Level decreased from “6” to “5” with a beep.

Power Giant
LV 6 to LV 5

“Next I Normal Summon ‘Dark Resonator’ to the field!” Jack continued. A new monster appeared, this one short, round, and grinning like an imp beneath its dull gray helmet. A red frill ran along the bottom edge of the helmet. Two tiny hands reached out from beneath its tattered, dark blue robe. In its left hand was a ball-tipped mallet. In the right, a long tuning fork.

Dark Resonator
LV 3

“Level Three Dark Resonator, tune with the Level Five Power Giant!” Jack said. “The pulse of the king now forms a line here! Take witness to its creation-shaking power! I Synchro Summon my very soul, ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’!”

Claws and fangs erupted tore through light as if it were wax paper. Yellow eyes burned a path through to the city. Leathery, crimson wings carried the beast into the sky above its master, deep roars shaking the glass of the skyscrapers around them.

Red Dragon Archfiend
LV 8

“Comin’ out swingin’, huh?” said Crow. “Guess that’s not too surprising. You always were a hothead.”

“We’ll see, Crow,” Jack answered. “I Set two cards and end my turn.”

“My turn!” said Crow.

Speed Counters
Jack: 1
Crow: 1

“I summon ‘Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame’ in Attack Mode!” From the blue portal came a tall, thin creature carried through the air on wings like those of a giant raven. Its forearms were wide and tipped with claws, its legs thin and bare. Its head was that of a blue-feathered bird, orange crests running across the top edge of its eyes.

Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
LV 4

“Battle!” shouted Crow.

“What?!” Jack gasped.

“Shura the Blue Flame, attack Red Dragon Archfiend!” Crow ordered. The bird-like creature flapped its wings and took off toward Jack’s dragon.

“So that’s your game, is it?” said Jack. “Trap activate: ‘Tuner’s Mind’! When a Synchro Monster I control is attacked, this card returns it to the Extra Deck and Special Summons its original Synchro Material monsters, then switches the attack target to the Tuner!”

Red Dragon Archfiend became a bright white silhouette of itself. The light separated into two masses that took the shapes of Power Giant and Dark Resonator.

Power Giant
LV 6

Dark Resonator
LV 3

Shura brought its massive, clawed hands down on Dark Resonator, but the imp parried the blows with its tuning fork and mallet. It chuckled as Shura flew back to Crow’s side.

“Why’d you do that, Jack?” Crow asked.

“Such a weak creature could not withstand the might of Red Dragon Archfiend without help,” Jack replied. “I knew you had ‘Kalut the Moonshadow’ in your hand. With that to power up Shura, you would have been able to destroy Red Dragon Archfiend. I know you, Crow. Such an obvious strategy won’t work against me!”

“Then it’s a good thing that was just Plan A,” said Crow. “If I control a ‘Blackwing’ monster with a different name, I can Special Summon ‘Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind’ from my hand!”

A new bird appeared next to Shura, this one shorter and with green feathers on its head instead of blue. Its wings were wide, but it had no extra arms as Shura did.

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
LV 3

“Level Three Gale the Whirlwind, tune with my Level Four Shura the Blue Flame!” said Crow. The smaller bird disappeared, leaving three bright stars in its wake. The twinkling lights drew green rings that encircled the taller Blackwing monster, stripping it of its form and leaving more stars behind.

“O blackened gales, become the wings that will soar to the heavens!” Crow chanted. “I Synchro Summon ‘Blackwing Armor Master’!”

Tall, muscular, and armored in black platemail, Crow’s new monster slashed its taloned hands through the green-white light that surrounded it and extended its blade-like black wings. Inside the beak-like opening of its helmet gleamed a giant red jewel that resembled a bright red eye.

Blackwing Armor Master
LV 7

“I Set two cards and end my turn,” Crow said. “Let’s see you get past this guy, Jack! Armor Master here can’t be destroyed by battle and I don’t take any damage from its battles.”

“That I know,” said Jack. “My turn!”

Speed Counters
Jack: 2
Crow: 2

“I Summon the Tuner monster ‘Chain Resonator’ to the field!” Another imp-like creature appeared, bearing close resemblance to Dark Resonator. In its hands were a tuning fork and mallet. A chain circle constructed with thick chain links rattled across its back.

Chain Resonator
LV 1

“When Chain Resonator is Normal Summoned while you control a Synchro Monster, I can Special Summon a ‘Resonator’ Tuner from my deck,” said Jack. “I Special Summon ‘Force Resonator’!” Yet another robed imp appeared, though this one’s hands were empty. Floating behind it was a black ball twice its size and covered in strange, white markings.

Force Resonator
LV 2

“Level Two Force Resonator, tune with the Level Six Power Giant!” Jack ordered. The tuning ritual began. Both monsters vanished, replaced by stars and rings, then light. As Jack chanted, Red Dragon Archfiend burst onto the field once more.

“That’s not the end of it, Crow,” said Jack. “Feel the power of my Burning Soul! Level Three Dark Resonator and Level One Chain Resonator, Double Tune with Red Dragon Archfiend!”

Jack’s remaining “Resonator” monsters banged their mallets against their tuning forks, then put the forks together. The two creatures vanished, replaced by four stars that drew flaming rings in the air. The rings encircled Red Dragon Archfiend and began to spin around it, faster and faster until they were a blurred inferno.

“"The King and the Devil, here and now shall become as one. A raging soul! Lift up the very cries of creation itself! Synchro Summon! Come forth, ‘Red Nova Dragon’!”

The fires died away, but their rage had taken crimson form. A massive dragon, far larger than Red Dragon Archfiend, emerged from the flames. Its blood red armor swirled across its body like the fires that birthed it. Four slender, curved wings flared out on its back. Its tail swung around, tipped with a massive axe-shaped club. Yellow eyes gleamed above a feral snout. Its face was framed by two thick horns extending from the back of its head. The top of its head was crowned with a long crest sweeping back behind it. A deep roar shook the world.

Red Nova Dragon
LV 12

“Red Nova Dragon's Attack Points increase by five hundred for every Tuner monster in my Graveyard," said Jack. "Currently, there are three, powering it up to five thousand points! My ultimate power crushes everything in its path, and your Armor Master is no exception! Red Nova Dragon, attack Blackwing Armor Master! Burning Soul!” Red Nova Dragon folded its wings behind it, spun into the air, then dove at its foe.

“Did you forget about Armor Master’s effect, Jack?” Crow laughed. “I told you what it is two minutes ago.” Armor Master raised a fist and threw it forward.

“You take me for a fool,” Jack spat, “but you are the fool before me! I activate ‘Fiendish Chain’, negating your monster’s effects!”

Green chains appeared and wrapped themselves tightly around Crow’s monster, pinning its arms to its side. The diving dragon was enveloped in fire as it approached its target.

“Don’t count me out just yet, Jack!” said Crow. “I activate a Trap of my own: ‘Fake Feather’! By sending a ‘Blackwing’ monster from my hand to the Graveyard, I can copy a Normal Trap in your Graveyard. Tuner’s Mind is now my card!”

Blackwing Armor Master disappeared and was replaced by Shura and Gale, both with their wings crossed in front of them.

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
LV 3

Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
LV 4

Gale didn’t last long in the fiery whirlwind that Red Nova Dragon had become. It shattered and vanished almost as soon as it made contact with the flames.

“Still the trickster, I see,” said Jack. “I end my turn.”

Speed Counters
Jack: 3
Crow: 3

Crow sighed and drew a card to start his turn. “If I control a ‘Blackwing’, I can Special Summon this guy from my hand,” he said. “Come on out, ‘Blackwing - Bora the Spear’!”

Crow’s new monster was thin and covered in black feathers, much like Shura. However, its head was covered in bright orange feathers that looked wild and unkempt. Long yellow feathers extended from around the back of the bird’s neck. In its spindly hands it held a giant black spear.

Blackwing - Bora the Spear
LV 4

“Next I play the Trap ‘Blackback’! This lets me Special Summon a ‘Blackwing’ with two thousand or less Attack Points from my Graveyard, but I can’t Normal Summon or Set during this turn,” said Crow. “Gale the Whirlwind, return to the field!”

As Crow’s monster reappeared above him, he gave it a new order. “I activate Gale’s effect,” he said, “cutting Red Nova Dragon’s Attack and Defense Points in half!” The tiny bird flapped its wings. Intense winds flared up that sliced against the red dragon’s hide like blades.

Red Nova Dragon
LV 12

“Now for the fun part!” said Crow with a smug grin on his face. “Level Three Gale the Whirlwind, tune with Level Four Bora and Shura!”

Gale flapped its wings together and vanished. Its three stars moved through the air to create the familiar green Synchro rings... but they were darker. They encircled Shura and Bora, stripping them of their bodies and aligning their stars.

“The black hurricane falls, waging war against all that stand with pride! Synchro Summon!” Crow chanted. “Bring down your wrath! ‘Blackwing - Bayamo the War Hammer’!”

The head of a huge, black hammer emerged from one side of the beam of light above Crow and swung around to the other side, wiping the light away. A hulking figure shaped much like the taller Blackwings hovered in the air. Metallic, black wings fanned out behind the monster, each of its blade-like wingtips emitting blue-white flame like jets. Black armor trimmed with dark green and bright silver lines covered its chest, shoulders and midsection. Two yellow eyes gleamed in the darkness that concealed its face within its raven’s head helmet. In its hands rested a massive hammer. The head was pitch black, the front side perfectly flat, the back a sharp spike. The shaft was dark gray, with a single sapphire gem held in place by claws at the bottom.

Blackwing - Bayamo the War Hammer
LV 11

“When Bayamo is Synchro Summoned, it gains four hundred Attack Points for each non-Tuner monster I used,” said Crow. “I’d say it’s time to take Red Nova Dragon down for good! Bayamo the War Hammer, attack Red Nova Dragon!”

“Red Nova Dragon’s effect activates!” said Jack. “I can negate your attack and banish Red Nova Dragon until the end of this turn!”

“Bayamo’s next effect activates,” said Crow. “While it’s attacking a monster, Bayamo can permanently negate that monster’s effects, but it also can never destroy that monster in battle.”

“What?!” shouted Jack. Bayamo flew toward Jack’s monster and aimed its wingtips forward, spewing jetfire onto the dragon. The creature roared as its skin began to char.

“Bayamo, attack with Typhoon Hammerblow!” Crow shouted. Bayamo shot up toward the sky. It did a flip and dove headlong at Red Nova Dragon, its hammer raised, its jets burning harder than before. It swung the hammer around, striking Red Nova Dragon in the side of its head. The red dragon tumbled clumsily through the air, flapping its wings to regain control of itself. The winds pushed against Jack, causing him to swerve for a moment.

Life Point Count
Jack: 2900
Crow: 4000

“How do you like that, Jack?!” Crow jeered. “You always said power was everything. How’s your own medicine taste, huh?!”

Jack grimaced as he wrestled his D-Wheel back under control. “Bayamo the War Hammer...” he muttered. Jack looked over his shoulder at the beast. “That’s my opponent...”



Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Crow continues a relentless assault with his new Synchro Monster, quickly overpowering Jack’s meager defenses! Can Jack turn the tide in this duel, or is the overwhelming might of Bayamo the War Hammer too much for him?

Chapter 9

Wounded Bonds

Chapter 9: Wounded Bonds

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Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter Nine
Wounded Bonds


Paradox wasn’t even his real name.

It had been a long time since he had thought about it. He couldn’t fathom why it would bother him now. Perhaps it was because he had isolated himself from the others and had nothing better to think about. All he was doing was waiting for the next move.

Dueling could be seen as analogous to a number of things in life. If this were an open war, then he could see it as a duel. But this war was anything but open, at least for the moment. Moves were made in secret, concealed from the view of enemy armies.

“Shogi,” Paradox muttered. Japanese chess as it was known in the western world. Despite everything being out in the open, it was easy to miss something, and even easier to conceal your intentions. This war was like a game of shogi.

Paradox leaned back in the seat of his D-Wheel and looked up to the sky, folding his hands behind his head. “How long has it been?” he asked himself. He couldn’t remember. Hopping through time so much, it seemed he’d lost his sense of time. He was an android and had an internal clock, could keep track of time easily enough. But as a person...

He sighed.

“Memories are a funny thing, aren’t they?” came a voice. Paradox jumped. That voice... it wasn’t possible! He leapt to his feet and faced the intruder.

“It can’t be,” whispered Paradox. “Is that you... Antinomy?”


Multiple explosions rocked the highway. A D-Wheel flared open, spewing steam and smoke into the air. Its driver struggled to maintain control, finally screeching to a halt.

“One down!” said Rainbow Dash. “Who else wants some?!”

Speed Counters
Rainbow Dash: 12
Dark Trooper 1: 5
Dark Trooper 3: 7

“How about you, huh? I activate the Speed Spell ‘Power Baton’ and send ‘Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth’ to the Graveyard to power up ‘Amethyst Cat’! Amethyst, direct attack!”

Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat
LV 3

A flurry of claws sliced at the Dark Trooper. It wasn’t enough to defeat him, but he almost lost control trying to dodge the attack.

Life Point Count
Dark Trooper 3: 1950

“‘Slowdown Trap’s’ effect! You lose one Speed Counter for every thousand points of damage you take,” Rainbow Dash said.

Speed Counters
Dark Trooper 3: 6

“A field full of monsters won’t help you now!” she laughed. Then she turned her attention to her other opponent. “Sapphire Pegasus, attack ‘X-Saber Airbellum’ with Sapphire Tornado!”

A faint voice sounded in her earpiece. “Rain... Dash...”

“Twilight? That you?” she said.

The voice became clearer. At last, Twilight appeared in her eyepiece. “Rainbow Dash! I’m glad I got through! Are you okay?” she asked.

“Taking out a few Dark Troopers, but I’m fine,” Dash said. “One sec, Twi. I Set a card and end my turn.”

“Dash, we have a problem,” Twilight said. “We lost contact with you and Jack during your duel, and we still can’t get through to Jack. Is he near you?”

“No, we split when that Crow guy showed up,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Crow guy?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, someone named Crow. I guess Jack knew him,” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Well, backtrack and see if you can find them,” said Twilight. “I can contact you through magic, but the communications center here can’t get through to Jack.”

“On it,” said Rainbow Dash. “Oh, boys! Follow me!”


Life Point Count
Jack: 2900
Crow: 4000

“I Set a card and end my turn,” said Crow. “Let’s see you come back from this, Jack!”

Jack growled. “My turn,” he said.

Speed Counters
Jack: 4
Crow: 4

“I switch Red Nova Dragon to Defense Mode and Set one card face-down,” said Jack. “Your move, Crow.”

Red Nova Dragon
LV 12

Speed Counters
Jack: 5
Crow: 5

“My turn!” said Crow. “Defending won’t do you any good this turn, Jack. I play the Trap ‘Ebon Arrow’! Until the End Phase, Bayamo the War Hammer loses five hundred Attack Points, but it can inflict piercing Battle Damage! Bayamo, attack Red Nova Dragon! Typhoon Hammershot!”

Blackwing - Bayamo the War Hammer
LV 11

A black crossbow had appeared in Bayamo’s right hand. The bird-warrior aimed it at Red Nova Dragon and fired its bolt, embedding it into the blue jewel in the center of the dragon’s chest. Immediately after it pulled the trigger, Bayamo dove and swung its hammer at the arrow in Red Nova Dragon’s chest. The hammerhead struck with such force that the bolt shot out of the dragon’s back and struck Jack’s D-Wheel. The hammer had also caused Red Nova Dragon to fall further to the ground.

Life Point Count
Jack: 1300
Crow: 4000

“Your move, Jack!” Crow laughed.

Blackwing - Bayamo the War Hammer
LV 11

Jack grunted as he tried to recover from the blow. “Crow, what’s gotten into you?!” he yelled. “You were never this aggressive before!”

“I’ve got a lot of pent up aggression against you, you arrogant jerk,” said Crow. “Now hurry up and take your turn!”

Jack glared behind him for a few seconds before returning his attention to the duel. “My turn!” he said.

Speed Counters
Jack: 6
Crow: 6

“I activate the Continuous Trap ‘Dimension Switch’,” said Jack. A face-down card appeared next to his D-Wheel and flipped up onto its edge. “When this card activates, it removes a monster I control from the game. Switch on!” The yellow switch in the card’s artwork flipped on and lit up. Red Nova Dragon vanished from the field. “Now I send Dimension Switch to the Graveyard to activate its second effect, returning Red Nova Dragon to the field. Switch off!” The switch in the card’s art switched off, and the card itself shattered. Red Nova Dragon reappeared above Jack, roaring as it did.

Red Nova Dragon
LV 12

“This is difference between you and I, Crow Hogan,” said Jack. “I have fallen before, but I have learned how to recover. When have you fallen, Crow? When have you reached the heavens only to fall into the pits of the earth?”

“You think I haven’t struggled?! You think my entire LIFE hasn’t been a battle?!” Crow shouted. “My parents were killed in Zero Reverse! I’ve got more Markers than most people, and I earned those trying to take care of orphaned kids! I’ve fought beside you and Yusei since the day we met! You think I don’t know how hard life is?!”

“No, Crow,” said Jack. “You don’t. You started at the bottom, just as I did. But you’ve never reached the top. You’ve never grasped stars in your hand simply because you could. You haven’t been where I’ve been, Crow, not yet. When you’ve gained everything through pure sacrifice only to lose it in the turn of a card, you will begin to understand. And when you have recovered from the fall and reached the heavens once more, you will know how hard life truly is.”

“Quit your pity parade, Jack,” Crow spat. “You lost to Yusei in the Fortune Cup, big deal! You’re the King again!”

“I have no need for pity, Crow!” Jack roared. “I never needed pity from you, Yusei, or anyone else! I got where I am today because I earned it! I scratched and clawed and fought my way to the top. I will not let someone who has always flown on the wings of others give me life advice! Red Nova Dragon, attack Bayamo the War Hammer! Burning Soul!”

Red Nova Dragon’s body erupted into flames as it dove at Crow’s monster. It folded its four wings against its body and pierced through the bird-like warrior, destroying it in a massive explosion.

“Bayamo the War Hammer’s effect!” shouted Crow. “When it’s destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon the Tuner I used to Synchro Summon it as well as one of its non-Tuners, then you take five hundred points of damage. Return, Gale the Whirlwind and Bora the Spear!”

The explosion rocked Jack’s D-Wheel. As the smoke and flames cleared, Gale and Bora could be seen behind Crow, their wings crossed in front of their bodies.

Life Point Count
Jack: 800
Crow: 2600

“I Set two cards and end my turn,” said Jack. “If you think you can beat me now, then come at me!”

“With pleasure,” said Crow as he drew his card.

Speed Counters
Jack: 7
Crow: 7

“I activate ‘Speed Spell - Angel Baton’, said crow. “If I have at least two Speed Counters, I can draw two cards, then send a card from my hand to the Graveyard.” As Crow slid a card into his Graveyard, he said, “But it won’t be there for long. I activate the effect of ‘Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite’ from my Graveyard! By returning a card I control to my hand, I can Special Summon Zephyros from my Graveyard and I take four hundred damage. I return Gale the Whirlwind to my hand!”

Gale the Whirlwind vanished in a beam of light that shot into Crow’s hand. A blue portal appeared over the ground and another bird-warrior appeared from within. It wore brown armor plating on its chest and around its waste. Brown and silver gauntlets covered its forearms and hands, with orange blades riding the top. The monster’s beak was long and narrow, and the plumage on its head blue. Black wings fanned out behind it as it rose into the air.

Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
LV 4

Life Point Count
Crow: 2200

“I Special Summon Gale the Whirlwind back to the field with its effect,” Crow said. Gale reappeared on the field. “I win, Jack. From my hand I activate the Trap Card ‘Delta Crow - Anti Reverse’!”

“A Trap Card from your hand?!” said Jack with a shocked voice. “But how?”

“I can do that if I have exactly three ‘Blackwing’ monsters under my control,” Crow explained. “And its effect destroys all of your face-down Spells and Traps!” Crow’s three Blackwings rose into the sky and fell into a triangle formation, with Gale forming the apex. Three thin beams of gold light formed between the Blackwings. Then, from the center of each beam, another strand formed, all three swirling into a vortex at the center of the triangle. A wide burst of energy fired out of the vortex, striking Jack’s face-down cards.

Crow looked down at the console screen in front of him. “Just as I thought,” he said. “You had ‘Crimson Fire’ face-down. You figured I was going to use Speed World Two’s effect to win this duel.”

Jack remained silent, glaring over his shoulder at Crow.

Crow sped up and moved to Jack’s left side. He took the last card from his hand and revealed it to Jack. “You figured right,” he said. “I pay four Speed Counters and reveal ‘Speed Spell - Speed Force’ to inflict eight hundred damage to your Life Points.”


The first thing she saw was the billowing white cloud.

“Jack!” cried Rainbow Dash. She sped up.

“I’m not through with you yet!” shouted the last Dark Trooper that was following her.

“Yeah?” she replied. “Well, I’m through with you. I activate ‘Speed Spell - Speed Jammer’, decreasing your Speed Counters by six. After that, I activate ‘Speed Booster’s’ effect to inflict twelve hundred points of damage to you. More than enough to take you out.” Twelve rockets launched from the thrusters on the pegasus’ back, striking the D-Wheel behind her. It swerved and fell into a spin, its driver abandoning his ride and sliding along the ground.

Rainbow Dash kept moving.

“Jack!” she shouted. “Jack, are you okay?”

She caught up to him... and gasped. “Oh no.”


“Everything he touches becomes an unstoppable force,” said Antinomy. “But you already knew this, didn’t you?”

Paradox didn’t answer. He simply stared down at the stretch of elevated road. Two D-Wheels sat at rest, one black and yellow, the other white and blue. Jack’s D-Wheel was steaming.

“You can’t stop him,” Antinomy said. “You never could. None of it can be stopped. You know this, Paradox.”

“He told me you were dead,” said Paradox.

“He speaks!”

“He deflects.” Paradox turned to face Antinomy. “You were killed, but...”

“But here I am,” Antinomy replied. “The Antinomy you know... knew... is gone. I’m simply another copy.”

“How?!” Paradox yelled.

“You know how.” Antinomy walked backward to the edge of the building. “This is my cue to leave, Paradox.”

“Antinomy, wait!” Paradox shouted. “He couldn’t have...”

“He did.” Antinomy took another step back and fell. Paradox ran to the edge of the building. He saw a dark blue parachute. “We’ll meet again, old friend!” Antinomy called. “But we are still opposed to each other! My loyalty lies with the Black King!”

He soared over another stretch of road. A D-Wheel appeared in the distance, speeding along the road. Antinomy released the buckles on his harness and dropped from the parachute into the D-Wheel’s seat, speeding off.

The sun was setting. Antinomy’s D-Wheel cast a long shadow across the city.



Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Jack has been defeated. Antinomy has reappeared. Spirits are low amongst the resistance. To try and ease tensions around the base, the ponies decide to help out with anything they can. Twilight, however, goes off to find answers, accompanied by Leo. In the ruins of an old library, they discover someone that Leo recognizes...

Chapter 10

Knowledge is Power


Featured Card

Blackwing - Bayamo the War Hammer
Level 11
Winged Beast/Synchro/Effect
1 "Blackwing" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner "Blackwing" monsters
Must be Synchro Summoned, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. When this card is Synchro Summoned: It gains 400 ATK for each non-Tuner monster used as its Synchro Material. Once per turn, if this card attacks an opponent's face-up monster: You can activate this effect; while that monster is face-up, its effects are negated and this card cannot destroy it by battle (this is a Quick Effect). When this card is destroyed: target 1 non-Tuner monster used as this card's Synchro Material in your Graveyard; Special Summon, from your Graveyard, that target and the Tuner monster used for this card's Synchro Summon, then inflict 500 damage to your opponent. You can only activate this effect of "Blackwing - Bayamo the War Hammer" once per duel.

Chapter 10: Knowledge is Power

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Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter Ten
Knowledge is Power


It was raining heavily.

A week had passed since Jack’s duel with Crow. Morale had fallen throughout the resistance movement. Though Jack still walked tall, he was constantly angry, losing his temper at the slightest things. Most had learned to stay out of his way.

Most. Leo still followed Jack around the base.

“Come on, Jack! It’s not the end of the world,” he would say. “So you lost to Crow, it’s not that bad! You said yourself he had a new card that you didn’t see coming. You’ll get him next time!”

It finally reached a head when, one day in the mess hall, Jack spun around, grabbed Leo by his collar, and yelled at him. “This isn’t just about my defeat, Leo! Crow has returned, but he’s our enemy now! And Yusei... Yusei is still alive and he’s in KaibaCorp. Tower, but he’s probably been brainwashed by the Black King!”

“Jack...” Leo grunted.

“If the Black King controls Yusei AND Crow, then we’re finished! Do you hear me, Leo?! FINISHED!”

“Jack, put him down!”

Ushio ran up and pulled Jack away from Leo.

“Let me go!” Jack roared. He broke away from Ushio’s hold and stormed off.

Twilight walked up beside Ushio. “Will he be okay?” she asked.

“I don’t know, Twilight,” Ushio said. “I’ve never seen him this angry before.”

“Me neither,” said Leo.


One week earlier...

Jack glared down at the console screen in front of him. His hands gripped the handles of his D-Wheel so hard that they hurt. Rainbow Dash landed beside him.

“Jack, what happened?” she asked.

“He lost is what happened,” said Crow.

“Lost?!” Dash cried.

“So, Jack, I won,” said Crow. “You coming with me or what?”

“No,” said Jack.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” Crow asked.

“I said no!” Jack yelled. “I’ll go to Yusei when I’ve earned the right.”

“And you think you don’t have that right? Jack, we’re your friends!”

“Yusei accused me of trying to destroy the city. I’m trying to save it from the Black King!”

“Yeah, Yusei said you’d say that,” Crow sighed. “Look, Jack, there’s no ‘Black King’ or whatever.”

“The entire city saw the broadcast, Crow!”

“You’re delusional, Jack. Yusei told me you’ve been spouting that nonsense since the last time you stormed the tower!”

“We’ve never gotten NEAR the tower!” Jack roared.

“So I guess you ARE calling Yusei a liar,” said Crow.

“I suppose I am!” Jack snapped. “Listen to me, Crow. Something strange is happening here, and I intend to get to the bottom of it. But if you or anyone else tries to stop us, then we will consider you an enemy.”

The Wheel of Fortune roared to life and Jack sped off. Rainbow Dash looked back at Crow for a moment, then took off after Jack.


Jack sat in his favorite chair, the back tilted back so that he could recline and stare at the ceiling.

It doesn’t make any sense, he thought to himself. We all saw the broadcast. The Black King is real. So why would Yusei tell Crow that he doesn’t exist? And what’s more, why would Crow believe him? Unless...

Jack thought back to the World Riding Grand Prix tournament. Their first match in the preliminaries was against Team Unicorn. But their battle didn’t begin during that first round. It began long before then.

Unless he’s playing the long game. It was a closed-circuit broadcast, isolated to Neo Domino City. The whole place has been on a sort of lockdown since the Black King appeared, maybe before. No one outside of Neo Domino would have heard about this if news never got out. This means that, whoever he is, the Black King is at least as smart as Yusei or Jean.

But what about Crow? If Crow had never heard about the Black King before but Yusei had, why would Yusei lie about it? What am I missing?! Jack slammed his fist against the arm of his chair.

A framed photograph fell from its place on the wall, the glass shattering as it struck the floor. Jack sighed and stood to pick up the mess. As he knelt down and grasped the frame of the picture, he saw which picture it was. It was a commemorative photo, taken after the announcement of the Fortune Cup tournament.

The tournament where I lost to Yusei, he thought. The day that I officially lost my title as King. Jack sighed again and placed the picture on his desk, then went to find a broom and dustpan.


Twilight and Leo walked down the hall toward Jack’s room. Jack emerged from behind the door, closed and locked it behind him, then looked up and saw the young man and mare.

“What do you two want?” he asked.

“We just wanted to see if you were okay,” said Twilight.

“No, Twilight, I am not,” said Jack. “We know nothing about our enemy except how he operates, and now we are fighting a war on two fronts. Until I know what it is we’re dealing with, I will not be okay.” He stormed off in the other direction.

“Jack!” Twilight called.

“Let him go,” said Leo. “He’s calmed down a bit, but he still needs to clear his head. A walk should do him some good.”

Twilight and Leo turned around and headed back to the mess hall.

“Jack said we don’t know anything about the Black King,” said Twilight. “Is there anywhere we might could find out something?”

“I don’t know,” said Leo. “But if there were, I’d go there in a heartbeat.”

“Then it is fortunate that I found the two of you,” came a voice behind them. Leo and Twilight stopped and looked behind them.

“Yeager!” said Twilight. “What do you mean? Is there somewhere we can go that will tell us who the Black King is?”

“I don’t believe you can find that information anywhere but in KC Tower, which is strictly off-limits due to obvious dangers at this time,” said Yeager. “However, there may be other useful information that could be gleaned elsewhere. Walk with me.”

Twilight and Leo looked at each other before falling into step behind Yeager.

“There are many mysteries surrounding our world, Miss Sparkle, and humans are far from solving them,” Yeager said. “Oddly, many of these mysteries, ancient though they may be, are connected to the Duel Monsters card game. All such information, for a very long time, was found and compiled into a secret library by a group known as Yliaster. Its location has been moved throughout the ages as danger always befell it. The burning of the Library of Alexandria, the Crusades, the Nazi conquest of World War II and their various book burnings... but each time, the library was saved.”

Yeager stopped and turned to look at Twilight and Leo. “This will be a classified mission. The two of you are to go to the library, find anything you can that might help us in this war, and bring it back here.”

“Why is it classified?” asked Leo.

“Because, dear boy,” said Yeager, “the Black King is playing the long game. He has been since long before his appearance. Jack will surely have realized this by now. I suspect that there are spies within our ranks.”

“Then why trust me with this information?” asked Twilight. “For all you know, my friends and I could have been brought here by the Black King to spy on you.”

“After witnessing your duel against that Dark Trooper, and hearing of Rainbow Dash’s duels, I do not believe that is the case,” said Yeager. “If you were agents of the Black King, you would be here to lull us into a false sense of security. Though morale has improved considerably since your timely arrival, you have done nothing but help us improve our security and have constantly reminded us to keep our guard up. Furthermore, I don’t think he has the technology to travel to an entirely different world wherein dwell brightly colored equines that speak English. In short, Miss Sparkle, I have no reason to distrust you, but every reason to believe you are an ally.”

“I... thank you, sir,” said Twilight. “We won’t let you down!”

“I know you won’t,” Yeager replied. “I will meet you two in the garage with the location of the library. Be there in thirty minutes.”

“Yes sir!” said Leo with a salute.


Leo’s D-Wheel slowed to a halt. “Hey, I recognize this place,” he said. “This is Rex Goodwin’s mansion! Or what’s left of it.”

“Who’s Rex Goodwin?” Twilight asked as she hopped down from the blue D-Wheel.

“He used to be in charge of Neo Domino City,” Leo explained. “He gathered Yusei and the other Signers to fight against the Dark Signers. Um... did Yusei ever tell you about that?”

“A little,” said Twilight. “What are ‘Dark Signers’?”

“Pretty much the exact opposite of a Signer,” Leo answered. He dismounted the D-Wheel and took off his helmet, placing it in a compartment under the seat. “Instead of having a mark from the Crimson Dragon, they have a mark from an evil monster called an Earthbound Immortal. After we beat all the other Dark Signers, Goodwin went nuts and became one himself, then tried to take control of the Crimson Dragon’s power too. Yusei, Jack and Crow beat him, though.”

“What happened to him?” Twilight asked.

“Well, most of the other Dark Signers were brought back to life,” Leo said, “but Rex and his brother Rudger- he was a Dark Signer too- they decided to pass on to the next life.”

“I see,” said Twilight. She and Leo pushed open the tall double doors and entered the mansion.

Inside, it was dark. Faint sunlight streamed in through dust-covered windows. Twilight lit up her horn and started moving forward. She and Leo moved around the wide staircase in the center of the room, walking toward the back wall. Leo opened the first door they came to. Behind it was a narrow and dark corridor.

“Yeager said it was a secret passage right behind the stairs,” said Leo.

“We shouldn’t be too far from it then,” Twilight replied. she moved through the door and turned right. “Feel around the wall. If the door isn’t airtight, then there might be some air moving through the cracks.”

“Good idea,” Leo said. He placed his hands on the wall and started sliding them across it. Moments later, he yelled, “Aha! Found it!”

“Good,” said Twilight. “Stand back.” Her horn began to glow brighter and brighter. Leo stepped back quickly. A burst of magic shot away from Twilight’s horn, blowing a hole in the wall in front of her.

“Was that really necessary?” Leo asked.

“Yeager said that the power might be out, so the secret switches wouldn’t work,” said Twilight. “Besides, it worked, didn’t it?”

“Yeah, I guess it did.”

“Come on, let’s go find that library!” Twilight’s horn lit up again and she bounded through the hole she made in the wall.

“Hey, wait up!” Leo called after her.

Several minutes passed and the stairs seemed to have no end.

“Who puts this many stairs in one place?” Leo asked, panting.

“Someone with a lot of secrets,” Twilight answered. “But I can’t wait to see them!”

“It’s a library, Twilight. Besides it being secret, there’s nothing exciting about a library.”

“Are you kidding? I LIVE in a library! It’s so much fun being surrounded by so much knowledge!”

“I’ve always been more into dueling than reading books. There’s some things you just can’t learn from turning pages.”

“Don’t I know it! I still have to remind myself of that all the time. But still, there’s always something to learn from a book, even if it’s just a concept or a theory.”

“If you say so, Twili- oof!” Leo fell backwards onto the stairs.

“Leo!” said Twilight. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” said Leo. he stood up and rubbed the side of his face. “Ouch... what’d I run into?”

Twilight aimed the light of her horn straight ahead. “I think it’s a door,” she said. “Yes, it is! Here’s the handle!”

Leo reached out and grabbed the handle, pulled on the lever and opened the door. A dry, musty smell hit their nostrils.

“Wow,” said Leo. “This place hasn’t had many visitors, has it?”

“I guess not,” Twilight said. “I’ve never been in an abandoned library before.”

“Where should we start looking?” Leo asked.

“Hmm... I think we should try to find an indexing system for the books,” said Twilight. “If there’s a card catalog, or something like it, we can skim through titles and maybe even subjects. It’ll be a lot easier to pick out useful items that way.”

“Good thinking, Twilight.” Leo pulled a small flashlight out of his pocket and turned it on. A powerful beam of light shone ahead of him, clearly illuminating his path.

“Hey! You had a light the whole time?” said Twilight.

“Yeah, but it runs on batteries,” Leo answered. “It’s a good light, but the batteries don’t last long, so it’ll go dead after about an hour.”

“Then I guess we’d better hurry,” said Twilight. “Let’s split up and try to find some kind of card catalog. If your light goes out, just call for me and I’ll find you.”

“Okay,” said Leo. He and Twilight turned in different directions and began walking along the walls.

Twilight watched the walls and the shelves she passed as she walked. The shelves were unmarked, save for numbers and letters that were lost on her. At the very least, they told her that a catalog existed. The walls were decorated with portraits of humans and Duel Monsters, most of whom she did not recognize. But she passed a few that she knew were familiar.

“Rainbow Dragon... Blue-Eyes White Dragon...” she muttered with a smile as she passed their paintings. She noticed that the paintings had small plaques underneath them. She began reading their names. “‘Red-Eyes Black Dragon’... ‘Elemental HERO Neos’... ‘Cyber End Dragon’...”

She noticed that very few of the human portraits had plaques beneath them. But when they did, she read them aloud. “Jaden Yuki... Seto Kaiba... Maximillion- hey! I know that name!” Twilight brightened her horn.

“So that’s the creator of Duel Monsters,” she said. “I’m sure Rarity would love to talk to him about his fashion sense.” Twilight chuckled and started forward again. But another painting caught her eye and she stopped. This one also had a plaque, but it was too faded and tarnished to read. But something about the human in the picture seemed familiar.

“Those eyes!” she said. “I’ve seen them before!”


Leo wasn’t uncomfortable in the darkness. He’d fought against it before, and won. But it wasn’t always this way. He’d always tried to be brave, for Luna’s sake, but it was often her that was the brave one when the lights went out.

But now he knew better than to fear shadows. It was never the shadows that were scary, but their inhabitants. And even they could be beaten.

Leo moved his flashlight left and right. To his right, he saw only bookshelves marked with meaningless numbers. To his left were a few computer terminals, all nonfunctional.

“I really hope that catalog thing isn’t in these terminals,” Leo muttered. “If it is and there’s no physical backup, then this mission was for nothing.”

There was a noise coming from behind him. Leo stopped and turned around. “Twilight?” he called. “Is that you?”

“Did you hear that?” came a man’s voice. “They are already down here. They must have blown open that hole in the wall.”

Leo switched his flashlight off and hid behind a shelf. Another light came on in the distance, shining from the direction that he originally came from. Leo peeked around the corner of the shelf and saw a huge, burly figure appear, followed by a smaller, feminine one.

“No way,” Leo said under his breath. “Aporia? Sherry?”

“Let’s hurry up with this mission,” said Aporia. “We do not want to keep our master waiting.”

“I don’t like this, Aporia,” said Sherry. “Somezing is not right about...” she stopped. “About him.”

“I am glad you’ve learned your lesson about names,” said Aporia. “But have you learned the importance of our mission?”

“Zee importance of our mission, he says,” Sherry muttered as she walked past the hulking figure. “I am not some robot programmed to obey zee Black King’s every whim, Aporia. I am still human. I have doubts about all of zis!”

Aporia’s hand grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him. Lights flared from his massive shoulders. “And what doubts might those be, my dear?” he asked.

“I doubt zat humanity’s salvation lies in zee void!” she said. “I have seen zee hope for zee future, Aporia! It’s in-”

“You know as well as I that this future you so strongly believe in is a whimsical fantasy and nothing more!” said Aporia. “By accelerating his evolution to unprecedented heights, Yusei Fudo doomed the human race two hundred years sooner!”

“I refuse to believe zat!” said Sherry. “Zat is it! I have had it with you and zee Black King! He can call himself zat if he wishes, but I shall have no more part in zis mad scheme of his!”

“I see,” said Aporia. “Then shall we take this outside? I believe a duel will settle this.”

Oh man! thought Leo. I gotta find Twilight! He looked down at his flashlight. I’ll make it to the end of this aisle and then chance the flashlight. Leo slowly crept away from the wall, keeping his hand on the bookshelf next to him to guide him. Once he reached the other end, he looked back. Aporia’s lights hadn’t moved at all. Good. Leo took a step.


“Oh, great,” Leo muttered.



Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Leo and Twilight attempt to escape the underground library when they are discovered by Sherry LeBlanc and a resurrected Aporia, but it only leads to more trouble. Surrounded by Dark Troopers, Leo and Twilight are forced into a deadly duel for their survival!

Chapter 11

Old Allies, New Enemies


Featured Card

Power Tool Dragon
Level 7
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn: You can add 1 random Equip Spell Card from your deck to your hand. If this card would be destroyed while equipped with an Equip Spell Card, you can send that card to the Graveyard instead.

Chapter 11: Old Allies, New Enemies

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Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter Eleven

Old Allies, New Enemies


Twilight stared up at the mysterious portrait, gazing into violet eyes that seemed childishly kind and humble, but held back an inferno of determination.

“Is this the human I met outside the palace?” Twilight muttered. “Or maybe they’re related... but who is-”


Twilight jumped, startled, and whirled around. Leo was racing toward between the aisles of shelves.

“Twilight, run!” Leo shouted.

“Leo! What’s going on?’ she asked. Leo slid to a halt in front of her and pointed his flashlight behind him. Two humans, a tall woman and a hulking man, were running after him.

“That’s going on!” said Leo. “Run!”

“But who-?”

“Talk later!” said Leo as he pushed her. “Run now!”

Leo and Twilight ran as fast as they could for the stairs. Twilight heard footsteps behind her and saw the woman turn sharply after them. The hulking figure behind her slammed into the wall but seemed not to have noticed as he also kept pace.

She and Leo reached the stairs and began running up them as fast as possible. Halfway up, Twilight stopped and turned around. Her horn was glowing.

“Twilight, what are you doing?!” shouted Leo. “Come on!”

Twilight ignored him. A moment later, a pale pink barrier had formed in the narrow stairway. Twilight turned and ran back to Leo’s side.

“Force field,” she said. “It should hold them long enough for us to get outside.”

Twilight heard a deep yell and looked behind her. The huge man was punching at the forcefield.

“...but under that kind of stress, we might have a little less time,” Twilight said. “Come on!”

She and Leo ran and made it to the top of the stairs when she heard the sound of glass shattering. The enormous man grinned behind his outstretched fist. Twilight gulped as the man ran toward them.

Leo wrapped his arms around Twilight, picked her up and started running.

“L-Leo! What-” Twilight stammered.

“We’ve gotta keep moving, Twilight!” said Leo. He dropped her to her hooves as soon as they were out the front doors.

“Oh no,” said Leo. “My D-Wheel!”

A strange energy had wrapped itself around the wheels of his vehicle.

“Great,” said Leo. “Looks like we’ll have to deal with those two.”

“Leo, who were those people?” Twilight asked.

“Sherry LeBlanc and Aporia,” Leo answered. “Sherry used to be a friend of ours. Aporia... I thought he was-”

“Dead?” the man interrupted. Leo and Twilight spun around. “The Aporia you met is very much dead.”

“Then who are you?” Leo asked.

“I am Aporia,” the hulking man replied.

“Leo, why were we running from them?” Twilight asked.

“They’re working for the Black King,” Leo said through gritted teeth.

Twilight gasped.

“The boy is correct,” Aporia replied. “I was reconstructed by my new master. Miss LeBlanc here joined our ranks shortly after another of my comrades found her.”

“Sherry?” Leo said. “Why? I thought you were our ally!”

“I was, little boy,” said the woman. “However, zat has changed.”

“You will not be getting out of here so easily this time, little boy,” said Aporia. “But we will give you a sporting chance to escape. Duel us, and your victory shall ensure your safe departure.”

“And if we lose?” Leo asked.

“You will come with us to meet the Black King.”

Leo snorted. “Fine. Twilight, you up for this?”

Twilight’s horn lit up and her Duel Disk appeared before her. “You bet, Leo,” she said.

Sherry’s Duel Disk activated, a plain white board with a circular base.

Aporia reached his left hand over his right shoulder and grasped the golden ring that hovered behind him. As he pulled it over his shoulder it bent and slid into place before him, forming a semicircle in front of his middle. Green light danced across the edge and between the gold rods that hovered in front of its edge. The massive red gem on Aporia’s right wrist slid back and up, revealing a deck of cards that was shuffled by the machinery within.

“DUEL!” the four of them shouted.

Life Point Count
Aporia: 4000
Twilight: 4000
Sherry: 4000
Leo: 4000

“The rules will be Battle Royale,” said Aporia. “All players are your opponents. However, I expect you and the unicorn will team up to defeat us. We shall do the same against you.”

“Fair enough,” said Leo. “Do you know the Battle Royale rules, Twilight?” he asked the lavender unicorn.

“Yeah, I saw Yusei in one once,” she said. “Nobody can attack on the first turn, and everyone is technically your opponent.”

Leo nodded.

“I will take the first move,” said Aporia. His massive left hand reached up, and with surprising nimbleness, took a card from the top of his deck. “My turn! I activate the Spell Card ‘Piri Reis Map’, which lets me add a monster with zero Attack Points from my deck to my hand. However, if I Summon it this turn, my Life Points will be halved.”

“What do you think he’s getting?” Twilight asked.

“I can think of a few things,” Leo said uneasily.

“I add ‘Sky Core’ to my hand,” said Aporia. “Next, I summon ‘Meklord Army of Skiel’ in Attack Mode.”

A blue mechanical creature emerged from a bright blue portal in front of Aporia. Steel wings reached out from its back, straight as boards. Thin arms hung beneath the wing joints of the machine. Red markings appeared on the black face of its head, creating a sinister face.

Meklord Army of Skiel
LV 4

“I Set two cards and end my turn,” said Aporia.

“My turn,” said Twilight. Pink magic wrapped itself around the top card of her deck and slid it into the air to join the other five floating in front of her. “I summon ‘Defender, the Magical Knight’ in Defense Mode.”

A stout warrior holding a short sword and a tower shield appeared His blue armor was styled after the many other magicians in Twilight’s deck.

Defender, the Magical Knight
LV 4

“When Defender is Normal Summoned, he gains a Spell Counter,” said Twilight. The large red jewel at the center of the shield began to glow.

“I end my turn,” Twilight said.

“My turn,” said Sherry as she drew a card. “I summon ‘Noble Knight Shield Bearer’ in Defense Mode and Set one card. Your move, Leo.”

A warrior in gray steel armor appeared from the blue portal. He held in front of him a blue Y-shaped shield.

Noble Knight Shield Bearer
LV 4

Leo drew. “I Summon ‘Morphtronic Boarden’ in Defense mode and Set one card,” he said. A wheeled board blasted out of the portal, propelled by two rockets on its back. It squealed to a halt in front of Leo. A giant card appeared face-down behind it.

Morphtronic Boarden
LV 4

“Back to you, Aporia,” said Leo.

“My turn!” said Aporia. “I summon ‘Absurd Stealer’ in Attack Mode!” Emerging from the portal was a machine, T-shaped and armored in purple and gold. On either side of the thing were spinning electrical rods. At the bottom was a circular blue jewel, and at the top was a larger red one.

Absurd Stealer
LV 1

“Absurd Stealer’s effect activates,” said Aporia. “When it is Normal summoned, it reduces the Attack Points of one monster in play to zero, then its own Attack Points become equal to that monster’s Defense Points.” Twilight’s monster, Defender, cried out as its sword was struck by electrical bolts. The blue knight dropped it, then raised its shield to better defend itself.

Defender, the Magical Knight
LV 4

Absurd Stealer
LV 1

“Battle! Absurd Stealer, attack Morphtronic Boarden!” Aporia ordered. The purple machine flipped upside down and fire a blue beam from the gem of the same color at Leo’s monster. The rocket-powered skateboard exploded a moment later.

“I set a third card and end my turn,” said Aporia.

“My turn!” said Twilight. “I summon the Tuner monster ‘Arcane Apprentice’.” A short humanoid wrapped in purple robes covered in brown leather emerged onto the field. His head was completely covered by his pointed hood, only revealing two glowing red eyes in the shadows covering his face. In his left hand he held an ornate violet rod.

Apprentice Magician
LV 2

“Oh no,” said Leo. “Twilight! Don’t-”

“Apprentice Magician, tune with Defender, the Magical Knight!” said Twilight. The magician changed to an orange outline that was stripped away as its two stars shot up into the sky and formed green Synchro rings above Defender. Defender vanished as well and his four stars lined up inside the rings, and all were engulfed in a pillar of light. “The magic of fire and light combine in an explosion that shakes the earth! Synchro Summon! Erupt into battle, ‘Explosive Magician’!”

“Twilight, no!” shouted Leo.

A tall human dressed in white and gold robes emerged from the pillar of light. A chain of flares connected by bolts of lightning erupted from the center of the wide-tipped staff he held in his hand.

Explosive Magician
LV 6

“Twilight, you shouldn’t have done that!” said Leo.

“Why not?” Twilight asked.

“Aporia has Sky Core in his hand! He plans to summon a Meklord Emperor, and then it’ll devour your Synchro Monster!”

“Oh...” said Twilight. “Well, it’s too late now. Let’s just roll with it. Arcane Apprentice’s effect activates. When it’s used as Synchro Material, I can add ‘Assault Mode Activate’ from my deck to my hand.”

Assault Mode Activate? thought Leo. Maybe she can play around the Meklord Emperor’s effect! But I don’t think Explosive Magician has an Assault Mode, does it?

“Battle!” shouted Twilight. “Explosive Magician, attack Absurd Stealer with Chain Flare!” The white-robed magician aimed his staff at at the odd machine. The jewels at the end began to glow.

“I activate the Trap Card ‘Excess Summon’,” said Aporia. “When a monster I control is attacked, this card returns it to my hand and allows me to summon a weaker monster to the field. I Summon ‘Sky Core’!” Absurd Stealer vanished from the field, but was then replaced by a large blue egg-shaped object. The egg opened, revealing a multifaceted core surrounded by a ring of bright blue crystals.

Sky Core
LV 1

“Twilight, destroy it!” said Leo. “If it’s destroyed by an effect, it’ll summon a Meklord Emperor!”

“On it,” said Twilight. “Explosive Magician, redirect and attack Sky Core!”

“Trap Card, ‘Spark Breaker’!” said Aporia. “This destroys one monster I control and all monsters on the field with the same name. I destroy Sky Core!”

“Oh no,” said Leo. “Oh no no no!”

“When Sky Core is destroyed by an effect, it first destroys all monsters on my field.” A blue shockwave erupted from the core of blue egg. It struck Meklord Army of Skiel and it exploded shortly after. “Next, it summons to my field five monsters: ‘Meklord Emperor Skiel Infinity’, ‘Skiel Attack’, ‘Skiel Guard’, ‘Skiel Carrier’, and ‘Skiel Top’ from my hand, deck or Graveyard.”

A massive blue ring appeared above Aporia, and five cards appeared within, silhouetted by the light. From each one emerged strange mechanical constructs of varying shapes and sizes. One was round and shaped like the head of a bird with large, closed eyes. Another was also shaped like a bird’s head, but more elongated. The next had six legs like an insect, but its front curled around underneath its body and came out from the back. After that came a strange machine that had several wiry protrusions emerging from its back, almost like tentacles. The final construct seemed to be nothing more than a frame.

“Well, they don’t look so tough,” said Twilight.

“Then let me show you their true power,” Aporia replied. “Meklord Emperor Skiel Infinity gains the Attack Points of the Meklord Parts that it has combined with. Now, combine!”

The “eyes” of the round bird’s head flashed suddenly opened, but there were no eyes beneath its lids. Instead there was only a hollow cavity, pitch black inside save for a spinning green object orbited by two green rings. The elongated bird’s head attached itself to the top of the first machine, while the thin frame split in two and attached to the sides, forming a pair of wings. The six-legged machine unfolded its tail from beneath its body and spun around, attaching to the back of the round center. The final machine withdrew its tentacles and attached itself to the underside, a large weapon barrel folding upward out of its frame.

Skiel Attack
LV 1

Skiel Guard
LV 1

Skiel Carrier
LV 1

Skiel Top
LV 1

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

The machine’s blue exterior gleamed in the sunlight. It let loose a bird-like shriek. Aporia smiled.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many FuturesAporia has successfully summoned Meklord Emperor Skiel Infinity. Though Twilight remains unimpressed with the machine, Leo remembers the horrors it unleashed upon him and his sister and tries desperately to convince Twilight of the looming danger! Will he convince the young unicorn to be cautious, or will she play right into Aporia’s hands?

Chapter 12

Trust Me!


Featured Card

Skiel Attack
Level 1
If you do not control a face-up "∞" monster, destroy this card.

Skiel Guard
Level 1
If you do not control a face-up "∞" monster, destroy this card. Once per turn, when a monster you control is targeted for an attack: You can target the attacking monster; negate that attack.

Skiel Carrier
Level 1
If you do not control a face-up "∞" monster, destroy this card.

Skiel Top
Level 1
If you do not control a face-up "∞" monster, destroy this card.

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
Level 1
Other monsters you control cannot attack. Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up Synchro Monster your opponent controls; equip that target to this card. This card gains ATK equal to the original ATK of all Synchro Monsters equipped to this card by this effect. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the ATK of all other "Wisel", "Skiel" and "Granel" monsters you control. When this card is destroyed: Destroy all monsters you control.

Chapter 12: Trust Me!

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Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter Twelve

Trust Me!


Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

The machine’s blue exterior gleamed in the sunlight. It let loose a bird-like shriek. Aporia smiled.

“Ha! Even after all that, you still couldn’t summon anything bigger than Explosive Magician!” Twilight laughed. “Attack Skiel Infinity with Chain Flare!”

“That won’t work, my dear,” said Aporia. “Skiel Guard’s effect activates, allowing me to negate your attack.” The tail of the monstrous bird curled up and over the machine’s body. a single cylinder on a long cable moved out in front of the creature. Four more cylinders on the side of the tail also extended forward on cables. A barrier appeared in front of the cylinders.

A flash of light burst from the end of Explosive magician’s staff. A bolt of energy shot out of the flash, then exploded into another flare. Then another bolt emerged and exploded. When the chain finally reached the barrier, it exploded again, but did not breach it.

“Twilight, we have to destroy the center!” said Leo. “That’s the part that absorbs Synchros. Destroy it and the other parts will go with it.”

“But I can’t right now, Leo,” Twilight replied. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. I Set two cards and end my turn.”

“My turn,” said Sherry. “I Summon ‘Horse of ze Floral Knights’ in Attack Mode!” A gray horse in gold and silver armor galloped out of the portal. Hanging from its chest was a silver banner decorated with red and gold designs.

Horse of the Floral Knights
LV 3

“When zis card is Normal Summoned, I am allowed to draw one card,” said Sherry. She looked at the new card in her hand and immediately slid it into her Duel Disk. “I activate ‘Polymerization’, combining Horse of ze Floral Knights with zee ‘Noble Knight Spearholder’ in my hand in order to Fusion Summon ‘Centaur Mina’!”

The horse in front of Sherry vanished as the ghostly figure of a knight holding a long, golden spear appeared. The figure also vanished and a blue portal opened. Through the portal stepped a strange creature. It had the body of a gray horse, its legs covered in gold armor. Connected to its torso was the upper body of a young woman. Long, pink hair flowed down her back. In her left hand was a tall but thin shield. In her right was a very long, two-handed broadsword. Twilight used all her willpower to keep from gagging at the sight of the creature.

Centaur Mina
LV 6

“I activate zee effect of Noble Knight Shield Bearer,” said Sherry. “By removing a ‘Noble Knight’ monster from my Graveyard, I am allowed to draw one card.” The ghostly image of “Noble Knight Spearholder” briefly appeared before vanishing into a swirling mass of dark clouds overhead. Sherry’s deck lit up and she drew a single card from the top.

“I activate zee Trap ‘Spiritual Light Art - Hijiri’,” Sherry continued. “By Releasing a LIGHT monster I control, I am allowed to select and Special Summon one of my monsters zat is removed from play. Eizer of you may negate zis effect by revealing a Trap Card in your hand, however.”

Leo and Twilight looked at their hands. Twilight shook her head.

“Zen I Release Noble Knight Shield Bearer and Special Summon Noble Knight Spearholder to my field!” said Sherry. A young woman in silver armor appeared. Pink hair flowed down from within her tall, silver helmet. She held in both hands a long, golden spear.

Noble Knight Spearholder
LV 2

“I activate zee effect of my Spearholder,” said Sherry. “By sending it from ze field to zee Graveyard, I can add an Equip Spell Card from my deck to my hand!” The young woman vanished, leaving only her spear behind. It turned into a beam of light that arched through the air and struck Sherry’s deck. A single card slid out from the middle and she took it. “I equip Centaur Mina with ‘Fusion Weapon’! Zis card increases zee Attack Points of a Level Six or lower Fusion Monster by fifteen hundred!”

The centaur moved the broadsword her right hand over her shoulder and rested it against her back. Red vines began to grow from the middle of her forearm to the top of her wrist, growing thicker and thicker. Two crimson blades curved away from the central growth, moving forward and stopping just before they met. A third growth appeared above her fist. Yellow and green electricity danced along the strange construct on her arm.

Centaur Mina
LV 6

“Centaur Mina, attack Explosive Magician!” Sherry ordered. “Graceful Blade!”

“I play the Trap ‘Defense Draw’!” said Twilight. “This negates any damage I take from this battle and lets me draw one card!”

“Centaur Mina’s effect activates!” Sherry said. “Once during each of my turns, I can negate zee activation of a Trap Card and return it face-down!”

Twilight’s Trap started to rise, but stopped and moved back to its original position.

“I got ya, Twilight!” said Leo. “I activate ‘Morphtronics, Scramble!’ If I control no monsters when you attack, this negates your attack and lets me Special Summon a ‘Morphtronic’ monster from my hand. I summon ‘Morphtronic Scopen’!”

A black microscope appeared in front of Leo. The two curved feet of the base tilted down on their hinges and turned into actual legs and feet. The two knobs on the side of the body flipped up, and two arms on thin cables emerged from beneath. The eyepiece tilted up, revealing the three lenses beneath, spinning until they were in a position that resembled a face.

Morphtronic Scopen
LV 3

“I end my turn,” said Sherry.

“Thanks, Leo,” said Twilight.

“No problem,” said Leo. “My turn!” Leo drew. Okay, Leo, think! I’ve got to set up some kind of defense against Aporia since he’s up next. But maybe I can go on the attack and take out that Meklord Emperor? No, there’s still the tail piece.... maybe if I destroy it, Twilight can take care of the rest on her turn!

“I activate Morphtronic Scopen’s effect!” said Leo. “Once per turn, while Scopen is in Attack Mode, I can Special Summon a Level Four ‘Morphtronic’ monster from my hand! I summon ‘Morphtronic Boomboxen’ in Attack Mode!”

Morphtronic Boomboxen
LV 4

A red two-speaker cassette player appeared on the field. The speakers pushed outward and turned, extending into robotic arms. The CD-player on the top of the device moved up to reveal a robotic head. Beneath the cassette player on the front appeared two red and silver legs.

“Level Three Morphtronic Scopen, tune with Morphtronic Boomboxen!” Three bright lights appeared in the scope lenses of Morphtronic Scopen. The body of the robot vanished, leaving three stars behind. They drew green rings around the boombox robot and it too disappeared, leaving only stars. The four stars lined up in the circles and a bright column of light engulfed them all.

“By docking strength with courage to protect the world’s peace, I Synchro Summon the Envoy of Love and Justice,” chanted Leo, “‘Power Tool Dragon’!”

The light faded away, but a tall, mechanical dragon remained. Yellow armor gleamed in the light, sheltering silver joints beneath. Atop the left arm was a green jackhammer. The right arm ended in a large digging claw. The tip of the dragon’s tail was a spade shovel. Its red eyes flashed as it let out a mechanical roar.

Power Tool Dragon
LV 7

“Do you honestly expect another Synchro Monster to save you, Leo?” asked Aporia.

“I expect this one to do just that,” Leo replied. “I activate Power Tool Dragon’s effect! Once per turn, I can add a random Equip Spell Card from my deck to my hand!” Leo looked down at his deck as his Duel Disk shuffled it. Come on, Double Tool! he thought. He drew the card that stuck out from his deck. Ah, darn! That’s not it! I can’t... wait... oh wow! Of course!

“I summon ‘Morphtronic Magnen’ in Defense Mode and equip it with ‘Metalsilver Armor’!” said Leo. First a giant horseshoe magnet appeared on the field. Almost as soon as it did, silver armor plates began to cover it all the way around. An empty helmet hovered between the two ends of the magnet, pulled equally by both.

Morphtronic Magnen
LV 3

“Power Tool Dragon, attack Meklord Emperor Skiel with Crafty Break!” shouted Leo. “Thanks to Metalsilver Armor, you can’t target any monsters I control other than Morphtronic Magnen for card effects!”

“I don’t need to,” said Aporia. “I activate the Trap Card ‘Divergence’. This lets me change the target of your attack or card effect from one Machine-Type monster I control to another. Your new target is Skiel Guard.”

Power Tool Dragon brought its shovel arm down onto the tailpiece of the Meklord Emperor. It broke off from the main body and exploded.

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“Leo, what just happened?” Twilight asked. “The Meklord’s power dropped!”

“Meklord Emperors are actually made up of a lot of different monsters,” Leo said. “The main body is the actual Meklord Emperor, and it gets all of its power from the Attack Points of the other pieces.”

“So if we blow up the other parts, we can take out the main body!” Twilight said.

“Twilight, we can’t focus on just the pieces,” Leo replied. “The Meklord Emperor is the real threat! We have to destroy it fast! Otherwise-”

“It’ll be fine, Leo!” Twilight said cheerfully.

“Twilight- ugh... I end my turn,” Leo said.

“My turn,” Aporia said as he drew his card. “Perfect. I activate ‘Wind of the Sky Emperor’. By discarding a Machine-Type WIND monster from my hand while I only control ‘Skiel’ monsters, I am allowed to draw one card for every ‘Skiel’ monster I control, other than my Meklord Emperor, that shares a Level with another monster I control.”

“What’s that mean?” asked Leo.

“Basically,” Twilight said, “his card doesn’t count his Meklord Emperor, but it looks at his other monsters. If any of his other monsters has the same Level as any other monster he controls, he can draw one card for each of them.”

“And his three Skiel Parts cards are all Level One,” Leo finished.

Aporia drew three cards from his deck. “I activate ‘Call of the Sky Emperor’. By discarding one card while Meklord Emperor Skiel Infinity is on my field, I can add two Level Four or lower ‘Skiel’ monsters from my deck to my hand.”

“Here it comes,” said Leo.

“I summon ‘Skiel Guard Three’ to the field in Defense Mode!” A new machine appeared on the field, this one the same shade of blue as the other pieces. Its tailpiece was fully extended and four long, feather-like blades were attached to the ends of the side cylinders. Short, curved spikes ran along the top and bottom of the silver tail. It attached itself to the main body of the Meklord Emperor.

Skiel Guard 3
LV 3

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“Now I activate the Trap ‘Sky T3’,” Aporia continued as one of his face-down cards flipped up. “By sending Skiel Top to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon ‘Skiel Top Three’ from my hand!” The head of Aporia’s mechanical beast vanished, but a new one appeared. This one was sharper, more streamlined, and had two prongs pointing from the back of its head. Its beak was slightly shorter and more pointed. A single streak of silver ran from the tip up the middle of the beak, then split and continued to the ends of the prongs. The base of the neck attached itself to the Meklord Emperor and it let loose a mechanical shriek.

Skiel Top 3
LV 3

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“I activate the effect of Skiel Top Three,” said Aporia. “Once per turn, I can inflict three hundred points of damage to my opponent. Little unicorn, that damage will be directed at you!”

The blue beak of Skiel Top 3 opened and revealed a thin gun barrel. A blue beam of light flashed out of the end and struck Twilight’s shoulder. She cried out in pain. A drop of blood trickled down her leg.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 3700

“Twilight!” cried Leo. “You okay?”

“My shoulder’s bleeding,” said Twilight, “but it’s not bad.” Her horn lit up and a bright pink aura appeared around the cut. Twilight grimaced as the magic stitched her wound back together. “There, all better,” she said before turning to Aporia. “What gives?! These are just supposed to be holograms!”

“In a duel against myself, the damage becomes real,” said Aporia. “I activate ‘Aurora Draw’. If there are no other cards in my hand, I can draw two cards from my deck.” Aporia drew two cards, glanced at them, Set one of them face-down and ended his turn.

“Wait, that’s it?” Leo asked. “You aren’t going to attack?”

“Due to the effect of ‘Call of the Sky Emperor’, I cannot attack this turn,” Aporia explained.

“Fine by me,” said Twilight. “My turn! I activate the Continuous Trap ‘Pitch-Black Power Stone’! When it’s activated, it gains three Spell Counters. I’ll use two of them to activate Explosive Magician’s effect! By removing two Spell Counters from anywhere on my field, I can destroy one Spell or Trap on the field. Sherry, say goodbye to Fusion Weapon!”

Two of the illuminated triangle corners in the black orb vanished, their power surging into Explosive Magician’s open palm. The white-robed spellcaster pushed the energy into a green jewel on his chest, then quickly pulled his hand away as a wide beam of energy blasted out of the gem. Sherry’s Centaur Mina raised its right arm to protect itself. The beam struck the crimson weapon attached to her arm and destroyed it. The centaur reached over her shoulder and grasped the handle of her sword once more.

Centaur Mina
LV 6

“Battle!” shouted Twilight. “Explosive Magician, attack-”

“Twilight, wait!” said Leo. “If you attack, Morphtronic Magnen will take it and it’ll be destroyed!”

“What? Why?” Twilight asked.

“Because of Morphtronic Magnen’s effect. While it’s in Defense Mode, it’s the only monster my opponents can attack, and you’re technically my opponent,” Leo answered. “This is a Battle Royale, remember?”

“Oh yeah,” said Twilight. “Leo, why would you do that if you knew it would seal my attacks?”

“Twilight, trust me on this, okay?” Leo said. “Magnen was the only option I had, and equipping it with Metalsilver Armor stopped Aporia from absorbing either of our Synchros. In fact, nobody but me can target monsters other than Magnen with any card or effect.”

“I don’t see how that would stop the Meklord Emperor,” said Twilight.

“Twilight, the effect to absorb a Synchro Monster targets that Synchro Monster. But it can only target Synchros, and since Magnen isn’t a Synchro but it’s the only monster Aporia can target, then all of our Synchro Monsters are safe!”

“Okay, okay, I get it. But you still stopped me from attacking and I could have given us a big advantage here!” Twilight snorted. “I Set two cards and end my turn.”

“My turn!” said Sherry. “If Morphtronic Magnen eez causing so many problems, zen perhaps it is time to remove it as a factor. I summon zee Tuner Monster ‘Fleur Synchron’!”

An orange plant bulb emerged onto the field. Two green shoes and white gloves on comically thin appendages hovered beside it. An arrogant, cartoonish smirk decorated the front of the bulb.

Fleur Synchron
LV 2

“Level Two Fleur Synchron, tune with zee Level Six Centaur Mina!” said Sherry. As the green rings and stars appeared on the field, she began to chant, “O body born from the speed of light, the time for revolution has come! Bring victory into my grasp! Synchro Summon! Sparkle, ‘Chevalier de Fleur’!”

A long, thin sword cut through the column of green-white light. Pink flower petals whisked through the air on hidden winds. Silver armor gleamed in the light of the now setting sun. A red cape fluttered behind the warrior. Green eyes were ablaze within a silver helmet crested with a giant pink flower.

Chevalier de Fleur
LV 8

“Fleur Synchron’s effect activates,” said Sherry. “When it is used as a Synchro Material Monster, I am allowed to Special Summon a monster of Level Two or below from my hand. I Special Summon ‘Apprentice Knight’ to ze field in Attack Mode!” Another monster appeared next to Sherry’s Chevalier, a young woman with short, red hair, and dressed in knight’s armor.

Apprentice Knight
LV 2

“I activate a Spell Card, ‘Synchro Blast Wave’,” Sherry continued. “If I control a Synchro Monster, zis card destroys one monster zat my opponent controls!” Chevalier de Fleur pointed the tip of her sword at Morphtronic Magnen. Circular waves spread out from the blade and rattled Morphtronic Magnen with pure sound, causing the device and its armor to shatter and vanish.

Sherry laughed. “Now zat is out of ze way, Chevalier de Fleur will attack Power Tool Dragon!”

“Not so fast!” shouted Twilight. “I play a Trap!”

“It is useless!” said Sherry. “Once during each of my turns, Chevalier de Fleur can negate ze activation of an opponent’s Spell or Trap and destroy zat card!”

“Yeah, but can she stop a Counter Trap?” said Twilight with a smile. “I activate ‘Negate Attack’! This stops your attack and ends the Battle Phase!”

Sherry huffed and ended her turn.

Leo drew. “I activate Power Tool Dragon’s effect!” he said. “Once per turn, I can add a random Equip Spell from my deck to my hand.” Leo’s deck was shuffled by his Duel Disk. When it stopped, a single card was sticking out. Leo took it. “All right!” he shouted. “I equip Power Tool Dragon with ‘Double Tool C&D’! During my turn, it gains a thousand Attack Points and negates the effects of any monster it battles!”

Power Tool Dragon’s blue shovel was replaced by a red-framed circular saw. The jackhammer on its left was replaced by a drill.

Power Tool Dragon
LV 7

“As though it matters,” said Aporia. “Skiel Guard Three allows me to change the target of any attack once per turn. And what’s more, Skiel Guard Three itself cannot be attacked!”

“Then let’s level the playing field,” said Twilight. “I send ‘Effect Veiler’ from my hand to the Graveyard to negate Skiel Guard Three’s effects for the rest of this turn!”

A young girl with long, green hair, transparent wings and white clothes appeared on the field. She flapped her wings and flew at Meklord Emperor Skiel.

“That will not work against me,” said Aporia. “I activate the Trap ‘Convert Ghost’, which changes the target of your effect to a monster in my Graveyard. Your new target is the original ‘Skiel Guard’.” The ghostly image of Skiel Guard appeared on the field. Twilight’s Effect Veiler stopped in front of it and wrapped her wings around it before they both vanished.

“A good effort, though,” Aporia said with a smirk.

Leo grit his teeth. “I equip Power Tool Dragon with ‘Break! Draw!’” said Leo. “Battle! Power Tool Dragon, attack Meklord Emperor Skiel Infinity!” he yelled.

“Skiel Guard Three’s effect switches your assault Skiel Attack,” said Aporia. The tail of the great machine curled forward beneath the beast. Its four feather-like blades spun upward, blocking the main body from view. All that was visible was the gun beneath it. Power Tool Dragon roared and flashed its eyes, then shot forward. It threw its left arm forward and activated the drill, it’s spinning form screeching against the body of the gun before piercing it. The device exploded and Power Tool Dragon flew away from the blast.

Life Point Count
Aporia: 4000

“Hey!” Leo shouted. “How come your Life Points didn’t go down?”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” said Aporia. “Did I forget to mention that I when I use Skiel Guard Three’s effect, I take no damage from that battle?”

Leo growled. “‘Break! Draw!’s effect activates,” he said. “Since Power Tool Dragon destroyed a monster in battle, I get to draw one card.” Leo swiped a card from the top of his deck and quickly glanced at it. “I Set a card and end my turn.”

Aporia laughed as he drew a card to start his turn. “I activate a second ‘Wind of the Sky Emperor’,” said Aporia. “By discarding ‘Skiel Attack Three’ from my hand, I can draw three cards.”

“Hold on!” said Leo. “You only have two Level Three monsters on the field!”

“You forget that I also have Skiel Carrier, which is Level One,” said Aporia. “It shares the same Level as Meklord Emperor Skiel. I cannot draw a card for the Emperor, but I can draw a card for the Carrier because its Level is the same as the Emperor’s!” Aporia drew three cards and laughed. “I activate ‘Sky Recovery’, which lets me add any ‘Skiel’ monster in my Graveyard to my hand. I shall retrieve and then Summon ‘Skiel Attack Three’!”

Another blue robot emerged on the field, this one built in the likeness of a dragonfly. The head and wings of the creature withdrew into the body while its back end curled around beneath it, revealing it to be another gun. The top half attached itself to the underside of the Meklord Emperor.

Skiel Attack 3
LV 3

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“It powered up again!” said Twilight. “This is bad. VERY bad!”

“I activate the effect of Skiel Infinity!” said Aporia. “Once per turn, it can equip one of your Synchro Monsters to itself and absorb its Attack Points! Meklord Emperor Skiel Infinity, feast upon Power Tool Dragon!”

The hollow moebius on the Meklord’s chest opened. Bright green tendrils of energy shot out from the spinning core toward Leo’s Power Tool Dragon.

“I play a Trap,” said Twilight, “‘Skill Twist’! This changes the target of your effect to another monster I control!”

The tentacles turned sharply, whipping past the mechanical dragon, racing toward Twilight’s monster.

“Twilight, what are you doing?!” shouted Leo.

“It’s my fault we’re in this mess, Leo,” she said. “I was holding onto a card that could’ve turned this around and stopped it all from happening. I should’ve listened to you. I’m not going to let you pay the price for my mistake!”

The green tendrils wrapped themselves around the Explosive Magician’s arms, legs, neck and waist. The magician was pulled toward the core of the Meklord Emperor, slowly but surely. He struggled hard against it, but to no avail. Within moments, he was changed to light and absorbed into the core, vanishing from sight.

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“Explosive Magician!” shouted Twilight. “I’m sorry!”

“Your apologies will do you little good here, unicorn,” said Aporia. “I was once known as the embodiment of despair. I shall inflict that despair onto all of you, and then you will meet the Black King! Skiel Top Three activates its Pinpoint Cutter effect to inflict three hundred points of damage to you, Twilight!”

The bird-machine opened its beak again and struck Twilight’s left front leg with its wire-thin laser. Twilight cried out and fell to the ground in surprise.

“Now I activate the effect of Skiel Attack Three, cutting the Attack Points of Meklord Emperor Skiel in half and allowing it to attack directly until the end of the turn!” Aporia continued. “Battle! Skiel Infinity, attack Leo directly!”

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

The larger cannon barrel beneath the Meklord’s body began to glow as blue particles appeared and slowly moved toward it. A semi-transparent blue-white blast erupted from the cannon, racing past Power Tool Dragon and striking Leo square in the chest, knocking him to the ground.

“I Set two cards face-down,” said Aporia.

Twilight struggled to stand up. She put her weight on her left front leg, but forgot its wound and fell to the swift, sharp stab of pain that followed her efforts. Groaning, she tried again, this time putting her weight on the right leg, though her right shoulder still stung a little from before.

“You see now what not listening to your friends causes them, little one,” said Aporia. “It brings them pain when you do not listen. And on top of that, this young man has faced me before and knows well my strength. You knew that our paths had crossed, yet you gleefully ignored him in favor of your own strategies.”

Twilight sat down, panting, glaring up at Aporia. She turned to look at Leo as he lay on the ground. Her glare softened to a look of remorse.

“Your desires, your hopes, were robbed from you in an instant,” Aporia continued. “You chased your own wants and look at where it has taken you. They were nothing more than smoke and mirrors, empty illusions and unattainable images. The truth is here, little unicorn.” Aporia’s hand swept into the air. Twilight looked up to the Meklord Emperor. A vision of Explosive Magician appeared, struggling against the bonds that held him in the body of the machine.

“Running after dreams, only to find they are nothing more than that,” said Aporia. “That is the meaning of despair.

“I end my turn.”

Life Point Count
Aporia: 4000
Leo: 1250
Sherry: 4000
Twilight: 3400


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many FuturesTwilight and Leo continue to fight for their lives in a deadly duel against Sherry LeBlanc and the powerful Aporia! Despite her mistakes, Twilight begins planning a counterattack to take out Aporia’s Meklord Emperor, fully confident that she can take it out while avoiding Sherry’s controlled attacks. But as Aporia continues upgrading his Meklord Emperor, will her plans and Leo’s defensive tactics be enough to hold their opponents at bay?

Chapter 13

Level-Headed Heart


Featured Card

Skiel Top 3
Level 3
If you do not control a face-up "∞" monster, destroy this card. Once per turn: You can inflict 300 damage to your opponent.

Skiel Guard 3
Level 3
If you do not control a face-up "∞" monster, destroy this card. This card cannot be targeted for attacks. Once per turn, when your opponent's monster declares an attack: You can change the attack target to another monster you control, except this card, and you take no damage from that battle. Once per turn: You can target 1 Set Spell/Trap your opponent controls; it cannot be activated this turn.

Wind of the Sky Emperor
Spell Card
If you only control "Skiel" monsters: Discard 1 WIND Machine-Type monster; draw 1 card for each "Skiel" monster you control, except "Meklord Emperor Skiel", that shares a Level with another monster you control. This turn, you can only summon "Skiel" monsters that do not have "Meklord" in their names.

Call of the Sky Emperor
Spell Card
If you control a "Meklord Emperor Skiel": Discard 1 card; add 2 Level 4 or lower "Skiel" monster from your deck to your hand. Only 1 "Call of the Sky Emperor" may be activated per turn and you cannot declare an attack the turn you activate this card.

Sky Recovery
Spell Card
Target 1 "Skiel" monster in your Graveyard, other than "Meklord Emperor Skiel"; add it to your hand.

Chapter 13: Level-Headed Heart

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Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter Thirteen
Level-Headed Heart


“I end my turn,” said Aporia.

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

Life Point Count
Aporia: 4000
Twilight: 3400
Sherry: 4000
Leo: 1250

Leo pushed himself upright and rubbed his chest. He looked over at Twilight, her head bowed, her bangs shadowing her eyes.

“Twilight, you okay?” Leo asked.

Twilight didn’t answer.

“Twilight?” Leo asked again.

The corners of Twilight’s mouth turned upward. She looked up at Aporia, determined and smiling.

“I’ve felt enough despair for two lifetimes and came out a better pony for it,” she said. “Maybe I’m not as great a Duelist as Yusei was- I even lost to him once- but I’m still strong and I can still try! I’ve beaten tougher opponents than you and I’ll do it again!”

Aporia stepped back, shocked. Sherry hid a smile.

“My turn!” shouted Twilight. She quickly glanced over her hand and started forming a plan. “You should have finished me off when you had the chance, Aporia! I Set two cards face-down and summon ‘Royal Magical Library’ in Defense Mode to finish my turn!” Two giant face-down cards appeared in front of Twilight. Behind her rose the shelves of an immense library. Platforms levitating on the power of magical stones hovered along the edges of the shelves, robed figures moving about and inspecting the contents of the shelves.

Royal Magical Library
LV 4

“My turn,” said Sherry. She drew her card and gave it a quick glance. But then, she gasped and her gaze returned to the card in her hand. She stared at the card for several moments.

“Sherry,” said Aporia. “Is there a problem?”

Sherry shook her head. “No, zere is no problem,” she said slowly. “I summon ‘Buster Blaster’ in Attack Mode.”

A blue-armored robot emerged from the monster portal. Two gray loops adorned its wide, blue shoulders. Two giant gold cylinders rested on its back, one pointing up, the other down.

Buster Blaster
LV 1

“Buster Blaster is a Union Monster,” said Sherry, “which means I can equip it to a monster I control. I equip it to Chevalier de Fleur!”

The head and hands of the robot disappeared into its body and arms. The body compressed and the feet folded downward. Gun barrels extended from inside the legs. Chevalier de Fleur sheathed her sword and grabbed the handles of the large blaster.

Chevalier de Fleur
LV 8

“You lowered her Attack Points?” said Leo.

“Why would you do that?” asked Twilight.

“Because I intend to destroy Power Tool Dragon,” Sherry said. “I also equip Chevalier de Fleur with zee ‘Black Pendant’ Spell Card, increasing her Attack Points by five hundred and cancelling out ze decrease from Buster Blaster. Chevalier de Fleur, attack Power Tool Dragon!” Yellow particles floated toward the twin blaster barrels, then two yellow beams of energy shot out and struck Power Tool Dragon.

“Leo!” shouted Twilight.

“I got this, Twilight!” said Leo. “Power Tool Dragon can protect itself from being destroyed by sending one of its Equip Spells to the Graveyard instead!” The holographic image of “Break! Draw!” shattered like glass. The twin beams died down.

Life Point Count
Leo: 850

“Double Tool C&D’s effect activates,” Leo continued. “During my opponent’s turn, only the equipped monster can be attacked, but any monster it battles is destroyed at the end of the Damage Step!”

The circular saw on Power Tool Dragon’s arm activated and spun rapidly. Power Tool Dragon flew forward with the saw raised, then brought it down on the floral knight. Chevalier de Fleur blocked the attack with the double-barrel blaster in her hands.

“Chevalier de Fleur is protected from your effect by Buster Blaster,” said Sherry. The saw cut through the gun and it exploded.

Chevalier de Fleur
LV 8

“I end my turn,” said Sherry.

“My move!” said Leo as he drew a card. “And since it’s my turn again, Double Tool C&D increases Power Tool Dragon’s Attack Points by one thousand!”

Power Tool Dragon
LV 7

“As though it matters,” said Aporia. “I still have Skiel Guard Three’s effect. If you try to attack, I will simply negate it.”

He’s right, Leo thought. Good thing I’ve got Plan B. “I play the Trap ‘Power Break’! This sends all Equip Spells on the field and in my Graveyard back to our decks, then deals five hundred points of damage to you, Aporia!”

“That damage will not happen, boy!” Aporia said. “I activate ‘Infinity Force’, negating the damage and destroying all of your monsters!”

A giant green infinity symbol appeared overhead. Lightning flashed from its center. A yellow bolt sliced down through the air toward Power Tool Dragon.

“I send Double Tool C&D to the Graveyard to save Power Tool Dragon!” said Leo. The lightning split into two bolts, each striking the circular saw and drill on Power Tool Dragon’s arms and destroying them. The blue shovel bucket reappeared on Power Tool Dragon’s right arm.

Power Tool Dragon
LV 7

“It didn’t work,” said Twilight.

“Yes it did,” said Leo. “I got your monster back for you.”

“You-” Twilight started to say. She looked at her Duel Disk, then looked up. Explosive Magician was smiling at her. It’s ghostly image vanished. Twilight smiled at Leo. Leo nodded.

“I activate Power Tool Dragon’s effect to add a random Equip Spell to my hand,” he said. He took the card sticking out of his deck and immediately slid it into a slot on the arm of his Disk. “I equip ‘Central Shield’ to Power Tool Dragon and switch it to Defense Mode.” A red U-shape framed in silver metal appeared in front of the now kneeling Power Tool Dragon. Seven red and silver circles emerged from behind the U-shape and formed a circle around it. “While this card is in play, none of you can declare direct attacks!” Leo said. “That’s sealed your Skiel Attack Three!

“Just to be on the safe side, I activate ‘Psychic Cyclone’. I pick one of your face-down cards and call Spell or Trap, then destroy it. If it was the type I called, I get to draw one card. If not, you can draw a card. I call Trap and destroy Convert Ghost!”

The face-down card on Aporia’s field was pushed into the air by a sudden gust of wind. It spun around several times before breaking apart. Leo smiled and drew a card. “I end my turn!”

“Impressive,” said Aporia as he drew his card. “I play the Trap ‘Sky C3’, sending Skiel Carrier to the Graveyard in order to Special Summon ‘Skiel Carrier Three’ from my hand.”

The skeletal wings of Emperor Skiel vanished. Another insect-like machine appeared. Wings sprouted from either side of its tiny body, but then turned and were thrown back sharply, like knives held downward. Yellow spikes ran along the inside of each wing, while a silver blade edge ran along the outside. The machine split in half down the middle of its body. Each half attached itself to the body of the Meklord Emperor, forming new, sharper wings.

Skiel Carrier 3
LV 3

“I activate the effect of Skiel Guard Three,” said Aporia. “Once per turn, I can choose an opponent’s face-down Spell or Trap. Until the End Phase, that card cannot be activated!” As Aporia said this, he pointed at the Set card on Twilight’s left. The card back changed from swirling brown and black to gray stone.

“Twilight can’t protect you this time, Leo,” said Aporia. “Meklord Emperor Skiel Infinity, feast upon Power Tool Dragon!” The chest of the Meklord opened and sent out its bright green tendrils, each one wrapping around a different part of Leo’s mechanical dragon. The ropes of light pulled the dragon in, turning it into light as well and absorbing it into the spinning core. The Meklord’s chest closed behind it.

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“Skiel Infinity, attack Leo directly!” Aporia ordered. The cannon on the underside of the Meklord Emperor began to charge its attack.

“Who says I can’t protect Leo?” said Twilight. “I activate the Continuous Trap ‘Spellbinding Circle’!” A green circle appeared around the body of the Meklord Emperor. Four smaller circles appeared along its edge, drawn with orange outlines that contained large triangles, and ornate yellow designs beneath. White, fire-like symbols appeared in the circle as well. The Meklord Emperor stopped moving entirely.

“That’s a pretty old card,” said Leo. “Old and really rare. Where’d you get it?”

“A friend gave it to me,” said Twilight.

“Perhaps I cannot attack Leo,” Aporia growled, “but I can still hurt you! Skiel Top Three, activate your Pinpoint Cutter!” The mechanical bird’s head opened its beak and spat a blue laser at Twilight. She side-stepped to avoid it, but a rock that was struck by the beam flew up and hit her in the neck.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 3100

“I Set two cards face-down and end my turn,” said Aporia.

“My turn,” said Twilight. “In case no one’s been paying attention, when Sherry activated Black Pendant and Leo played Central Shield, my Royal Magical Library gained two Spell Counters. Now I’ll give it a third by activating ‘Assault Teleport’, letting me shuffle an ‘Assault Mode’ monster in my hand back into my deck so I can draw two new cards!” The remaining card in Twilight’s hand floated to the top of her deck. The cards were shuffled and Twilight drew two new cards.

“Perfect!” said Twilight. “But first things first. I activate the Library’s effect, removing its three Spell Counters so I can draw one card.” Twilight drew a third card and her smile widened. “I Release Royal Magical LIbrary and Advance Summon ‘Disenchanter’ to the field!”

The blue portal opened and a red-haired woman walked onto the field. She wore a purple shirt and a deep blue skirt. A green sash was tied around her waist. She held a long, yellow staff with a gold circle on one end. Resting at the edge of the circle was a bright blue sapphire.

LV 5

“I activate Disenchanter’s effect!” said Twilight. “Once per turn, I can remove a Spell Counter from anywhere on the field to return a face-up Spell Card to its owner’s hand. Leo, you got Explosive Magician back for me, so I’m going to get Power Tool Dragon back for you! Disenchanter, use the last of Pitch-Black Power Stone’s energy and return Power Tool Dragon to Leo!”

The woman spun her staff over her head, then brought it down with both hands, the sapphire pointing at the Meklord Emperor and the other end touching the black orb behind her. The light within the orb vanished and it shattered. Energy traveled up the staff and into the gold disc and the sapphire at the top. A wide beam of light shone out from the sapphire. Power Tool Dragon’s form appeared in the same space as the Meklord Emperor. Disenchanter moved her staff up and Power Tool Dragon followed. The light faded, the robotic dragon roared, and it returned as light to Leo’s Duel Disk.

“Thanks, Twilight,” said Leo.

“I messed up earlier,” said Twilight, “but we’re still going to win this! I Set two cards and end my turn!”

“My turn!” said Sherry. “Chevalier de Fleur, attack Disenchanter!” Chevalier de Fleur drew her sword and rushed forward.

“I play the Trap ‘Mirror Force’! said Twilight. “All of your monsters in Attack Mode are destroyed!”

“Did you forget about Chevalier de Fleur’s effect?” Sherry replied. “Once during each of my turns, I can negate zee activation of an opponent’s Spell or Trap Card and destroy it!”

“Only once,” said Twilight as the Chevalier sliced her sword through the “Mirror Force” card. “I play another Trap: ‘Magic Cylinder’! This negates your attack and inflicts damage equal to your monster’s Attack Points!”

As the remnants of the holographic “Mirror Force” disappeared, a giant cylinder with question marks on the sides appeared behind it. Chevalier de Fleur drew her sword back in preparation for a stab, but then vanished into the shadows within the tube. Another one appeared in front of Sherry and Chevalier de Fleur emerged from it, thrusting her sword forward. Sherry raised her Duel Disk and parried the blow, but was still pushed backward from the force of the strike.

Life Point Count
Sherry: 1300

Sherry and her Chevalier lowered their arms. “I Set one card face-down and end my turn,” said Sherry.

“Finally landed a hit on her,” Twilight said with a sigh.

“Twilight, why didn’t you play those Traps the other way around?” Leo asked.

“Because Chevalier’s effect can only activate on Sherry’s turn,” Twilight answered. “This means that we don’t have to worry about it while we’re attacking. Besides, now she has less than half of her life Points, so it’ll be easier to take her down.”

Leo nodded. “Good plan, Twilight,” he said. Then, as he drew a card, “My turn!” Leo looked at the new card in his hand. “Twilight, have you got a Level Seven Synchro?” he asked.

“Yeah, I do,” she replied.

“What are its Synchro Material requirements?”

“A Tuner and Spellcaster non-Tuners.”

“Darn it! My plan won’t work then,” Leo cried.

“I think I can fix that,” said Twilight. “I play the Trap, ‘Re-Tune’! I reveal a Synchro Monster in my Extra Deck, then call the name of a Synchro Monster in my opponent’s Extra Deck. If it’s in there, the declared monster’s Synchro Material requirements become the same as my revealed monster’s and my opponent draws one card. If not, I take a thousand points of damage. I reveal ‘Arcanite Magician’ and declare ‘Power Tool Dragon’.”

“That works,” Leo said as he drew a card. He turned back to the duel. “I summon the Tuner Monster ‘Morphtronic Remoten’ in Attack Mode!” A white remote control with a circular dial at the bottom and a digital display at the top emerged from the blue monster portal. Legs popped out from beside the dial while arms emerged from the sides of the remote. Two green circles appeared in the display, giving the monster eyes.

Morphtronic Remoten
LV 3

“I activate ‘Level Mirroring’,” Leo continued. “This Spell changes the Level of Morphtronic Remoten to the Level of a monster my opponent controls. I choose Apprentice Knight.”

Morphtronic Remoten
LV 2

“Now I activate ‘Double Ripple’! I choose Synchro Monsters in both our Extra Decks that have the same Level and listed Synchro Materials. I send the appropriate Synchro Materials for one of them from either side of the field to the Graveyard, then Special Summon them to their owners’ fields in Defense Position. Morphtronic Remoten, time to give Disenchanter a tune-up!”

The eyes on Remoten vanished, replaced by the word “TUNING”. Two green dots appeared in the display after the word and pushed through the barrier of the display. Remoten’s body vanished and the stars rose into the sky, forming green rings around Twilight’s Disenchanter. The spellcaster became an orange outline containing five stars. The outline vanished, the stars aligned, and a pillar of light consumed them all.

“Come forth!” shouted Twilight. “‘Arcanite Magician’!”

“Return, Power Tool Dragon!” cried Leo.

The sound of a drop of water striking the surface of a larger body of liquid sounded in the air. The air around the pillar of light rippled like a pond. Two silhouettes appeared in the light. One sharp and angular in places, yet rounded the others; the second pointed like tongues of fire, curving and elegant. The light faded. Power Tool Dragon stood in front of Leo, sounding its mechanical roar. Before Twilight was a tall man, his skin a much lighter shade of her own coat. White robes fluttered in the wind, giving glimpses of obsidian armor trimmed with a deep orange metal. In his left hand he held a green staff, a topaz orb nestled into the leaf-like end.

Power Tool Dragon
LV 7

Arcanite Magician
LV 7

“I activate Power Tool Dragon’s effect,” said Leo. “Go, Power Search!” His deck shuffled and stuck a single card out at him. He took it and played it. “I equip Power Tool Dragon with ‘Power Converter’ and Set a face-down.”

“Now with these monsters, maybe we can fight back!” said Twilight. “I’ve already got my plan lined up!”


“YEAGER!” Jack roared as he burst through the doors. Yeager soared five feet above his chair, an impressive feat for one of his stature.

“J-Jack!” stammered Yeager. “What brings you here?” Yeager laughed nervously.

“Twilight Sparkle and Leo are missing,” Jack growled, “and everyone I’ve spoken to says that they last saw them speaking with you. And unless I miss my guess, that can mean only one thing.”

Yeager gulped.

“You sent them on a mission!”

Yeager pulled nervously at his collar.

“Well?!” Jack yelled. “Where are they?”

“Alright, alright!” Yeager said. “You are correct, I sent them on a mission! An intelligence gathering operation, nothing too big, just retrieving documents.”


“A-at the Goodwin estate!” Yeager squealed.

Jack’s eyes widened. “You sent them to the Goodwin estate?” he said. “Let me guess- there are other secrets besides that temple, aren’t there?”

Yeager nodded. “A library, a collection of scrolls, documents and tomes compiled by Yliaster over the centuries concerning-”

“I don’t care what it concerns, Yeager!” Jack shouted. “You sent Leo out there with a miniature horse who has next to no experience in military operations of any kind!”

“This is important, Jack Atlas!” Yeager said, standing up. “That library contains information about Duel Monsters, ancient information from before Maximillion Pegasus was even born.”

“What?” said Jack.

“Their mission was to go and find any documentation that might help us turn the tide in this war,” Yeager said. “I’ve spoken with Twilight Sparkle on numerous occasions this past week. Did you know she grew up in the study of the most powerful magic user in her homeland? Or that her research skills are unparalleled? Or that she lives in and operates a library? She is not unsuited to this mission, Jack.

“And before you ask about him, I sent Leo because I believe he is ready for assignments with a higher degree of difficulty than mere reconnaissance. He is a strong and experienced Duelist, much like yourself when you were his age.”

“And what would you know about my sixteen-year-old self, Yeager?”

“You didn’t think we were only watching you prior to your initial escape from Satellite, did you? No, we were watching you and Yusei for many years. We saw how powerful you and your friends were and we watched you closely as you and your tiny group dominated each sector of the island, defeating gangs far larger and stronger than yourselves. We didn’t wait until that moment to install Sector Security on the Satellite simply because it would be easier; we sent them there to watch you.”

Jack turned around and started walking toward the door.

“Jack? Where do you think you’re going?” Yeager asked.

“I came in here to find out where you sent Leo and Twilight,” Jack answered. “The sun is setting and they’re not back yet. I’m going after them.”

“Oh... yes, I’d quite forgotten that it was almost sundown,” Yeager said.

“I’ll deal with you when I get back,” Jack said over his shoulder. “And if I have to find you, it will be that much worse when I get my hands on you!” With that, he stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

Yeager sighed and fell back into his chair. “I’ll never hear the end of it from him,” he muttered.


“My turn,” said Aporia. He quickly swiped a card from his deck. “I activate ‘Aurora Draw’. As I have no cards in my hand, I can now draw two cards.”

“Is it just me,” said Twilight, “or does Aporia run a lot of draw Spells?”

“If you can fit ‘em in, that’s the best way to go. I activate ‘Interdimensional Matter Transporter’!” said Leo. “This removes Power Tool Dragon from the game until the end of the turn! I’ll also activate the effect of Power Converter, sending it to the Graveyard so I can gain Life Points equal to Power Tool Dragon’s Attack Points!” Power Tool Dragon’s image shimmered and faded away. Aporia snorted and drew two cards.

Life Point Count
Leo: 3150

“It matters not,” he said. “I activate the Spell Card ‘Chaos Bloom’, which destroys one monster on the field with one thousand or fewer Attack Points. I will destroy Arcanite Magician!”

A whirlwind of red, yellow and blue energy appeared over Twilight’s monster. It swirled around, almost like a flower in bloom.

“Not today, Aporia!” said Twilight. “I play ‘Assault Mode Activate’! I Release Arcanite Magician and Special Summon ‘Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode’ from my deck!”

A stream of purple flames shot out of the spinning energy above Twilight’s monster. Arcanite Magician grabbed his white robe and pulled it away, throwing it into the air. The robe was consumed by the fire and the whirlpool of energy vanished.

Arcanite Magician’s armor was now in full view. The orange edges seemed to burn in the setting sun. Green gemstones embedded in the armor sparkled with the waning light.

“When Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode is Special Summoned, he gains two Spell Counters,” said Twilight as two of the green gems on her monster lit up, “and he gains a thousand Attack Points for every Spell Counter he has!”

Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode\
LV 9

“Alright, Twilight!” shouted Leo. “Now he can’t absorb your Arcanite Magician!”

“And with Spellbinding Circle still in play, he can’t attack either,” Twilight remarked.

“Do you think me helpless in this situation?” said Aporia. “You are wrong. I activate my final Aurora Draw to draw two cards. Next, I activate a second Chaos Bloom! And this time, since there is a Chaos Bloom in my Graveyard, its effect changes, letting me destroy a Spell or Trap on the field! I destroy Spellbinding Circle. Be free, my Meklord Emperor!”

The swirling energy blossom appeared again above Aporia’s Meklord Emperor. The purple fire dropped down and the magical circle that held the machine in place was destroyed.

“So what?” said Twilight. “Leo and I have more than enough Life Points to survive your attack. And since there are no Synchros for you to absorb, there’s nothing you can do to change that!”

“Wrong again,” said Aporia. “I activate Meklord Emperor Skiel’s effect to absorb Chevalier de Fleur!”

“What?!” said Twilight.

“No way!” said Leo.

Sherry’s fist clenched. “How dare you!” she shouted. “We are partners in zis match! You have been wasting your hand for your precious Meklord Emperor every single turn, and you have zee nerve to take my Synchro Monster away from me? You need me to carry on ze offensive while you and your little toys defend and do tricks! Chevalier de Fleur’s effect-”

“Is no longer required,” Aporia interrupted. “I can win this duel by myself now. You may continue to help if you wish. But bear in mind that two turns ago, you put MY monster at risk with that ‘Buster Blaster’ card Antinomy gave you. Had your attack against Power Tool Dragon succeeded, Buster Blaster would have also destroyed my Meklord Emperor. The only reason I said nothing was that I knew young Leo would not let that happen.”

Sherry continued to fume. She looked up as green tendrils emerged from the Meklord’s core and wrapped themselves around the Chevalier as she raised her sword to strike back, paralyzing her before she could. The Synchro was pulled into the Emperor’s chest. The cavity closed behind the light like a hungry mouth finally given food.

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“I activate the effect of Skiel Top Three, as well as the effect of Skiel Attack Three,” said Aporia. Skiel’s beak opened and fired its thin blue laser at Twilight, grazing her cheek. Point counters appeared next to her and the Meklord Emperor.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 2800

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“You have a single face-down card remaining, Twilight Sparkle,” said Aporia. “I activate Skiel Guard Three’s effect to seal it!” The large blades on the tail of the Meklord launched from the gold cylinders that held them in place. The looped through the air, then fell points down onto Twilight’s face-down card, piercing through it and pinning it down. “Meklord Emperor Skiel Infinity, attack Twilight directly!” ordered Aporia.

The blue cannon on the underside of the Meklord Emperor began drawing in energy particles. Twilight took a step back as the energy began to build in the cannon. Moments later, the cannon fired.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many FuturesMeklord Emperor Skiel launches an attack that’s sure to take Twilight out of the duel, but all is not lost! Twilight is saved and the duel presses onward, but Aporia soon completes the upgrade of his Meklord Emperor’s various parts. With 4200 Attack Points and a devoured Synchro Monster on top of that, will Leo and Twilight stand a chance against this fully-realized Meklord Emperor?

Chapter 14

Take Down the Sky Emperor - Evolve, Life Stream Dragon!


Featured Card

Trap Card
Reveal 1 Synchro Monster in your Extra Deck, then declare the name of a Synchro Monster with different listed Synchro Material Monsters; activate an appropriate effect.
● If the declared Synchro Monster is in your opponent's Extra Deck: The listed Synchro Material Monsters of all copies of that monster in your opponent's Extra Deck become the same as your revealed Synchro Monster's.
● If the declared Synchro Monster is not in your opponent's Extra Deck: You take 1000 damage.

Double Ripple
Spell Card
Target 1 Synchro Monster each in your and your opponent's Extra Decks with the same Level and listed Synchro Material Monsters; send appropriate Synchro Material Monsters for 1 of those monsters from either side of the field to the Graveyard, then Special Summon those targets in face-up Defense Position under their owners' control.

Chapter 14: Take Down the Sky Emperor - Evolve, Life Stream Dragon!

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter Fourteen
Take Down the Sky Emperor - Evolve, Life Stream Dragon!


Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

Life Point Count
Twilight: 2800

A stream of energy hurtled toward Twilight. The unicorn took a step back.

“I activate ‘Floral Shield’!” said Sherry. Her lone face-down card flipped up. “Zis negates your attack and lets me draw a card from my deck!” A whirlwind of white flower petals shot out of the card’s artwork. The petals surrounded Twilight just before the energy blast from the Meklord Emperor reached her. The blast struck the petals and went no further, and soon died away. Sherry smiled as she drew her card.

“Sherry?” said Leo.

“I knew it!” said Twilight. “I knew I had a good feeling about you!”

“You treacherous peon!” said Aporia.

“My treachery began sooner zen zat Trap Card’s activation,” said Sherry. “When you absorbed Chevalier de Fleur, zee ‘Black Pendant’ Equip Card was sent to ze Graveyard, inflicting five hundred points of damage to you, Aporia.”

Life Point Count
Aporia: 3500

“What... just happened?” said Leo.

“A new recruit just happened,” said Twilight.

“Hmph. I Set one card face-down,” said Aporia. “That ends my turn.”

“My turn!” said Twilight.

“Get ‘im, Twilight!” shouted Leo.

“With gusto!” Twilight replied. “I activate Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode’s effect! By removing two Spell Counters from him, he can destroy all cards my opponent controls. Kiss your Meklord Emperor goodbye, Aporia! Go, Arcane Explosion!”

All of the green gems in the magician’s armor grew brighter and brighter. Bright beams of light burst out of the gems. He threw his arms out wide as every gem flashed. A torrent of light raced toward Aporia’s field.

“Wasteful and useless,” said Aporia. “I activate the Trap Card ‘Infinity Wall’. If I control a ‘Meklord Emperor’ monster, all effects that would destroy cards on my field are negated during this turn.” The infinity symbol in the chest of the Meklord flashed. A much larger mobius made of green light appeared in front of it. The light pushed against it and slid off and around its edges. When the light faded, the mobius vanished.

Arcanite Magician
LV 9

“No!” said Leo. “It didn’t work! You were so close, Twilight!”

“I know,” she said. She looked at the one card she held in her magical grasp. “Leo... do you trust me?”

Leo nodded.

“Thanks,” Twilight said. “I play the Spell Card ‘Card of Sanctity’! Everybody draws until we’re all holding six cards.”

Six new cards floated out of Twilight’s deck. Leo and Aporia also drew six cards. Sherry drew only four cards.

“I activate ‘Spell Power Grasp’, which places a Spell Counter on my Arcanite Magician,” said Twilight, “then lets me add another copy of itself to my hand. I Set a card face-down and end my turn.” One of the green jewels on the magician’s armor lit up.

“My turn!” said Sherry. “I Set two cards and switch Apprentice Knight to Defense Mode. Your turn, Leo.” The woman knight planted the blade of her sword in the ground and knelt beside it.

Apprentice Knight
LV 2

“My turn!” said Leo as he drew a card. “I summon the Tuner monster ‘Morphtronic Lantron’!”

A lantern-flashlight appeared and quickly began to shape-shift. Arms pushed themselves out of the sides as the body of the light unfolded into legs while the bulb became the robot’s chest. A robotic head emerged from above the light.

Morphtronic Lantron
LV 1

“Morphtronic Lantron, tune with Power Tool Dragon!” said Leo. Lantron spun around and turned the light in its chest on, shining it onto Power Tool Dragon. Lantron’s body vanished and three stars appeared in its place, drawing green rings around the mechanical dragon.

“The courage and power to protect the future of the planet is a revolution! Synchro Summon!” shouted Leo. Fire consumed the metal plating of Power Tool Dragon The body of a real dragon began to break through. Arms, legs, wings, tail, head, all burst out of the armor that hid them. “Evolve, ‘Life Stream Dragon’!”

Life Stream Dragon
LV 8

“Whoa,” said Twilight.

‘Life Stream Dragon,” said Sherry. “Zat is one of ze cards Yusei used to defeat Z-one!”

“And it’ll help us beat Aporia,” said Leo. “Life Stream Dragon’s effect activates. When it’s Synchro Summoned, if a player’s Life Points are below two thousand, those players’ Life Points become two thousand.” Soft light emanated from the leathery wings of the golden dragon. A Life Point counter appeared next to Sherry.

Life Point Count
Sherry: 2000

“Thank you, Leo,” said Sherry.

“If you’re fighting with us, then I gotta help you out,” said Leo. “I Set a card face-down and end my turn!”

The squeal of a D-Wheel echoed in the distance. All four duelists turned to see a blue and white D-Wheel approaching them.

“It’s Jack!” said Leo. “What’s he doing here?”

“So, Jack Atlas has come,” said Aporia.

Jack’s D-Wheel came to a stop. He dismounted and walked up to Leo.

“What do you think you’re doing coming out here by yourself?!” he yelled. “Have you not noticed that we’re at war with the shadows themselves?”

“Jack, not now,” said Leo.

“This cannot wait, Leo!” Jack shouted.

“It’s going to have to wait, Jack!” said Twilight.

“And you! You don’t have the slightest shred of military experience! What makes you think that the two of you alone could-”

“JACK!” shouted Leo. “I get that you’re angry we went out on our own, but now’s not the time! We’re in the middle of a duel. And it’s against Aporia!”

“A-Aporia?” said Jack. He turned and saw the familiar hulk standing across the duel field, a blue Meklord Emperor hovering above him.

“You... you died!” said Jack. “Back in the Ark Cradle!”

“And I have been rebuilt,” Aporia said. “If your little interruption of a tantrum is finished, I have a duel to win. My turn!” Aporia drew. “Meklord Emperor Skiel Infinity, feast on Life Stream Dragon!”

“I play the Trap ‘Synchro Back’!” said Leo. “This returns Life Stream Dragon to my Extra Deck, and it’ll be Special Summoned back to the field during my next Standby Phase.”

“Skiel Top Three’s effect!” Aporia continued. “Leo, you will take three hundred points of damage! Pinpoint Cutter!” The mechanical bird’s mouth opened and fired its thin blue laser at Leo. It sliced through the arm of his riding suit and drew blood.

Life Point Count
Leo: 2850

“Leo!” said Jack. “Are you alright?”

“I’ll be fine,” said Leo, his right hand holding his arm.

“I activate Skiel Guard Three’s effect as well,” Aporia continued. “Sherry, you will not interfere here! The card on your left is paralyzed!” The four blades on Skiel’s tail rocketed away and pierced one of Sherry’s cards, pinning it to the ground. Sherry remained stoic.

“Your end is at hand. I Release Skiel Attack, Guard, Carrier, and Top Three in order to Special Summon ‘Skiel Attack Five’, ‘Skiel Guard Five’, ‘Skiel Carrier Five’, and ‘Skiel Top Five’ from my hand!”

The four extremities of the Meklord Emperor vanished, consumed by swirling balls of color. From within these rainbow spheres emerged four new machines.

The first of these new monsters resembled a giant ant with a tiny butterfly’s head. Its back end curled forward and folded itself beneath its thorax, revealing another large gun barrel within, and its six legs wrapped around it. The insect’s head withdrew into the body like a turtle. the whole thing then attached itself to Skiel’s underside.

Skiel Attack 5
LV 5

The second machine seemed curled into a ball, contained by four curved, blue blades attached to golden cylinders and holding a blue orb in place. The blades turned and released the orb as the tail itself began to unfurl and straighten. It a long, segmented machine, each section curving up and down into long, jagged spikes. The four golden cylinders rested on each side close to the end, and blue blades stood atop each one, each one turned slightly upward. The machine attached itself to the rear of the Meklord Emperor.

Skiel Guard 5
LV 5

The third machine resembled a blue, mechanical squid. Its tentacles seemed to be made of bright white light. Curved, gray fins rested on the sides of its pointed head. The tentacles withdrew into the body as the pointed head split in two and opened. The two halves of the beaked head extended outward on silver cables and attached themselves to the Meklord’s body, the squid’s own halved body forming its wings.

Skiel Carrier 5
LV 5

The final machine appeared as a winged creature. Its head was almost identical to Skiel Top 3’s, but was longer and had three crests instead of two. The silver line that ran up the center of the beak still split into two and ran up to the tips of the outer crests. A gold line appeared in the fork of the silver lines and ran to the base of the middle crest. It glowed and a bright yellow dot appeared in the center. The short wings of the bird slid forward along the neck and then folded upwards as it attached itself to the Meklord’s body.

Skiel Top 5
LV 5

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“Oh man,” said Leo. “That thing’s huge!”

“Zis is bad,” said Sherry. “Even wizout my Chevalier de Fleur equipped to it, Meklord Emperor Skiel still has forty-two hundred Attack Points!”

“If we can’t destroy it by battle,” said Twilight, “then we’ll have to find another way around it!”

“You will not get that chance, Twilight,” said Aporia, “because I will end you here and now! I activate Skiel Top Five’s effect! Once per turn, I can destroy one Spell or Trap on the field! Say goodbye to your Set card, Twilight!”

Skiel lowered its head. The bright spot in the gold line on its head slid up to the crest, pointing it downward. A beam of energy shot out of the entire line and struck Twilight’s card, setting it ablaze and destroying it.

“You fell for it,” said Twilight with a grin. “The card you destroyed was ‘Miracle Synchro Fusion’, and if it’s destroyed by an opponent’s effect while face-down, I draw one card!”

“Skiel Top Five’s effect continues!” said Aporia. “By discarding a card from my hand, I can destroy an additional Spell or Trap on the field!” Skiel turned its head, dragging the beam across the ground to Twilight’s other card.

“Okay... not good,” said Twilight as her card was destroyed.

“Skiel Attack Five’s effect allows all ‘Infinity’ monsters I control to attack directly,” said Aporia. “Meklord Emperor Skiel Infinity, attack Twilight!”

“No!” shouted Sherry. “I play ze Trap ‘Staunch Defender’! During zis turn, you can only attack my Apprentice Knight!”

“Your struggling is useless,” Aporia said. “Skiel Top Five allows my Meklord Emperor to inflict piercing Battle Damage!”


“Attack!” shouted Aporia. The massive cannon on Skiel’s underside fired a blue-white beam at Sherry’s monster. It vanished in the light and Sherry was knocked to the ground.

“Sherry!” cried Twilight.

“My attack is not finished,” said Aporia. “When a monster I control destroys a monster in battle, Skiel Carrier Five inflicts three hundred points of damage to my opponent. Since Life Stream Dragon is currently gone, I shall have that damage inflicted to you, Leo.” Skiel turned its massive wings, revealing huge jets on their backs. White fire shot out of them, blasting at Leo.

Life Point Count
Sherry: 0
Leo: 2550

“You won’t get away with this, Aporia!” said Leo.

“Then come at me, boy,” said Aporia. “I Set two cards and end my turn.”

“My turn!” said Twilight. “I activate Spell Power Grasp, placing a second Spell Counter on Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode and adding another Spell Power Grasp to my hand.” A second green gem on the wizard’s armor lit up.

Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode
LV 9

“I activate his effect,” said Twilight. “I remove both Spell Counters to destroy all cards you control!”

“That won’t work, my dear,” said Aporia. “I activate ‘Infinity Guard Formation’! When a card-destroying effect is activated, this Trap first negates the effects of my monsters, then negates that destruction effect. But in addition to that, Skiel Guard Five protects all ‘Infinity’ monsters I control from the effects of Trap Cards, so Skiel Infinity’s effects are not negated!”

“Not again!” groaned Twilight. “Alright, no more Miss Nice Unicorn! I activate ‘Magical Stone Excavation’, discarding two cards from my hand to add ‘Miracle Synchro Fusion’ to my hand,” Twilight continued. “Next I activate ‘Miracle Synchro Fusion’, combining the ‘Arcanite Magician’ Synchro Monster in my Graveyard with its Assault Mode on my field! Delving into arts new and old and combining them with the works of the arcane, my servant grows even stronger, becoming the ultimate wizard! I Fusion Summon the 'Supreme Arcanite Magician'!”

Orange and emerald fire consumed Twilight’s lone monster, completely hiding it from view. The fires shifted to the same lavender hue as her coat. A green staff emerged from the fires and they died away almost instantly, blown away by powerful winds. The armor the magician wore now mimicked the flames it had emerged from. Glowing green gems were embedded throughout its armor.

“Now’s our chance!” said Leo. “If you can take out the core, the whole thing will go down! You attack him after that, and then I’ll finish him when Life Stream Dragon comes back on my turn!”

“Sorry, Leo, but he’s mine,” said Twilight. “I activate ‘Diffusion Wave-Motion’! By paying one thousand Life Points and targeting a Spellcaster I control of Level Seven or above, that Spellcaster can attack all monsters you control once each.”

“I can negate three of your attacks, little unicorn,” said Aporia. “Skiel Carrier Five can negate one attack, and Skiel Guard Five can negate two!”

“Speaking of negation, didn’t you negate those monsters’ effects?” Twilight said with a sneer. Aporia gasped.

“Supreme Arcanite Magician gains a thousand Attack Points for every Spell Counter he has. And he gains two Spell Counters when he’s Special Summoned.”

Supreme Arcanite Magician
LV 10

“Supreme Arcanite Magician, attack Skiel Top, Attack, Guard, and Carrier, then finish off the Meklord Emperor!” Twilight shouted. “Spell of Supremacy - Wave-Motion Ultima!”

“I play the Trap ‘Infinity Shield Formation’!” said Aporia. “This changes the Battle Positions of all monsters I control other than ‘Infinity’ monsters! And during the End Phase of this turn, I gain 600 Life Points for each monster I controlled that was destroyed this turn. In addition to that, I can banish this Trap from my Graveyard during any player’s turn to Special Summon a ‘Meklord Emperor’ monster from my Graveyard and make it immune to destruction by battle!”

Purple rings of runes appeared above the magician and on the ground beneath him as the green jewels on his armor all lit up. The rings began to move toward each other. The runes turned upright, interlocking with each other and rotating around the magician. He held his staff out in front of him, pointing the jewel and the pen-like tip at Meklord Emperor Skiel. The runes gained speed, moving faster and faster. Rays of light stood from the jewels on the armor, then bent down to the jewel on his staff. The rays of light and the spinning runes disappeared into the jewel and it glowed with a blinding light. The light faded, but soon after, hundreds of thin strings of purple magic shot from the jewel, each one piercing the extremities of the Meklord Emperor and destroying them. Several more shot for the core itself and tore it apart.

Life Point Count
Aporia: 200
Twilight: 1800

Aporia fell to one knee. “I am still in this duel! On Leo’s turn, I shall revive my Meklord Emperor to shield myself, and then I will take his dragon and destroy you both!”

“I’m not through with you yet, Aporia!” said Twilight. “I activate ‘Magical Blast’! You take two hundred points of damage for each Spellcaster-Type monster I control.”

Twilight’s horn glowed. A wide circle of energy formed in front of her. She yelled and pushed it forward. It rushed at Aporia and knocked him backward into the ground.

Life Point Count
Aporia: 0
Twilight: 1800
Sherry: 0
Leo: 2550

Sherry and Aporia groaned as they got to their feet.

“Whoa,” said Leo.

“How did you come back?” asked Jack. “You died right in front of us!”

“It’s a simple explanation, really,” said Aporia as he dusted himself off. “I was rebuilt by the Black King.”

“The Black King?!” said Jack.

“Correct. He has seen our future, Jack Atlas. It is a hopeless one.”

“I refuse to believe that!”

“You will believe it soon enough. All of you will.” Aporia turned around. A white circle appeared before him and he walked through it. The portal closed behind him.

“Sherry LeBlanc?” Jack said when he noticed the woman. “What are you doing here?”

“I was... I was originally here with Aporia,” she said. “But I refuse to work for zee Black King any longer. I wish to join your cause!”

“You were working for the Black King?” said Jack. “How do I know we can trust you?”

“She sacrificed herself to save me in the duel,” said Twilight. “She doesn’t even know me!”

“It’s true, Jack!” said Leo. “Aporia turned on her and fed her Synchro Monster to his Meklord Emperor, so she started fighting on our side!”

Jack snorted. “I still don’t trust you,” he said. “...but that might change. Follow us to our base. Once there, you and your D-Wheel will be put under lockdown.”

“I am prepared to do whatever it takes to earn your trust, Jack,” said Sherry. “Aporia may have come here by portal, but I have always preferred zee road. Zose portals of his make me sick. Ze Sturm und Drang is just outside zee estate’s perimeter.”

“I’ll go with you to get it,” said Jack. “Twilight, Leo’s D-Wheel seems to still be pinned down. Help him get it loose.”

“Will do,” said Twilight. She looked over to Leo. His head hung down. “Leo?” she asked. “Are you okay?”

“Huh?” said Leo, looking up. “Yeah, yeah. I’m okay.”

“Come on, let’s get your D-Wheel free,” said the unicorn.


"So it's done then?" he asked.

"Yes," said Aporia. "They suspect nothing."



"What is it?"

"...something happened in the duel. Sherry played a card, one that I don't believe she had in her deck."

"What card would that be, Aporia?"

"Buster Blaster."



"You are dismissed, Aporia. Prepare for your next battle."

Aporia stood and exited the room.

"Antinomy," muttered the Black King. "What are you up to?"


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many FuturesSherry LeBlanc has abandoned the dark armies of the Black King and joined the Resistance! Jack, however, is distrustful and puts her through intense interrogations. Meanwhile, Twilight and Leo return to the underground library, this time with several engineers ready to to set up lights and make the information search easier. During their search, Spike discovers a strange, black book...

Chapter 15

The Black Tome


Featured Card

Skiel Guard 5
Level 5
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 1 face-up "Skiel Top 3" you control, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If you do not control a face-up "∞" monster, destroy this card. Twice per turn, when your opponent's monster declares an attack: You can negate that attack, and if you do, inflict 300 damage to your opponent. "∞" monsters you control are unaffected by Trap effects.

Skiel Top 5
Level 5
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 1 face-up "Skiel Top 3" you control, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If you do not control a face-up "∞" monster, destroy this card. Once per turn: You can target 1 Spell/Trap Card on the field; destroy it, and if you do, inflict 300 damage to its controller, then you can discard one card, and if you do, destroy 1 additional Spell/Trap Card on the field, and if you do, inflict 300 damage to its controller. When an "∞" monster you control attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing Battle Damage to your opponent.

Skiel Attack 5
Level 5
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 1 face-up "Skiel Attack 3" you control, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If you do not control a face-up "∞" monster, destroy this card. All monsters you control can attack your opponent directly.

Skiel Carrier 5
Level 5
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 1 face-up "Skiel Attack 3" you control, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If you do not control a face-up "∞" monster, destroy this card.
Once per turn, when a monster you control is targeted for an attack: You can target the attacking monster; negate that attack. When a monster you control destroys an opponent's monster by battle: Inflict 300 damage to your opponent.

Infinity Shield Formation
Trap Card
Change the battle positions of all non-"∞" monsters you control. During the End Phase, gain 600 Life Points for each monster you controlled that was destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect) this turn. During either player's turn, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard to target 1 "Meklord Emperor" monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target. It cannot be destroyed by battle.

Chapter 15: The Black Tome

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter Fifteen
The Black Tome


The room was dark, save for the light that swung overhead, its lamp shade focusing the bulb’s glow onto the table and concealing the rest of the room in shadow. Sherry sat in an uncomfortable wooden chair that creaked every time she moved, threatening to give under her.

Tetsu Ushio entered the room and sat down in a metal chair across from her. No noise. It was new, or at least solidly built. It probably wasn’t as uncomfortable as her own chair either. She tried not to let her jealousy show.

Ushio folded his hands in front of him and rested them on the table. “Sherry LeBlanc,” he said. “It’s been a long time, I believe.”

“Forgive me, but I don’t know you,” Sherry replied.

Ushio gasped, then hung his head. He looked back up and said, “We met briefly during the WRGP. The Ghost incident, remember?”

“I remember anozer woman stomping on your foot,” Sherry remarked.

Ushio sighed. “Look, Sherry, most of your friends from Team 5D’s are here. We want to trust you, but you need to give us a good reason to.”

“Let me guess: you want information on ze Black King.”

“Correct. Anything you can tell us.” Sherry remained silent. Ushio sighed again. “Alright, let’s start with the obvious question. Who is he really?”

“I don’t know,” Sherry said.

“You were working for him, weren’t you?” said Ushio.

“Zat does not mean I knew his identity,” Sherry answered.

“Then why did you join him?” Ushio asked.

“Because...” Sherry started. She looked away. “Because of Mizoguchi.”

“Mizoguchi? Your butler?”

Sherry nodded.

“What about him? Was he captured by the Black King?”

Sherry shook her head.

“Then what?”

Sherry shook her head again.

“Miss LeBlanc?”

“I’m sorry,” she finally said. She was crying. “Please, just... just leave me alone for a while. Allow me to regain my composure.”

Ushio nodded. He stood up from his chair and left the room.


“I don’t think she’s telling us everything,” said Leo.

“What gave it away?” asked Jack sarcastically. “She’s obviously buying time to come up with a lie to tell us about Mizoguchi.”

“Not that,” said Leo. “I mean about the Black King’s identity. She knows something.”

“What makes you so sure?” asked Twilight. “Isn’t she our ally now? Why would she hide something like that from us?”

“I don’t know why,” Leo said, “but while we were in the library, I heard her and Aporia talking. Aporia told her, ‘I am glad you’ve learned your lesson about names.’”

“So what?” asked Jack.

“Sherry hesitated and almost said something else before that,” Leo said. “I don’t know, maybe I’m just imagining things.” He yawned and said, “I’m going to bed.”

“I should check in with my friends and go to bed myself,” said Twilight. “Take care, Jack.”


“Back?” said Twilight. “Are you sure?”

Yeager nodded. “However, this time you will be accompanied by a team of engineers and soldiers. They’ll get the lights running in the Goodwin Estate to make your search a little easier. The soldiers will protect the operation from Dark Troopers.”

Leo stared at the edge of the conference table. Yeager got up and walked around to him, then put his hand on the teenager’s shoulder.

“If you are worried that we regard this as a mistake on your part,” he said, “don’t. If anyone is to blame for what happened yesterday, it’s me. I never should have sent the two of you alone.”

“But- Mayor Yeager, I can handle these kinds of missions!” said Leo. “Maybe you don’t think I can protect anyone on my own, but I-”

“I never said that,” Yeager interjected, “and I never will. I know you better than that, dear boy.”

“You do?” Leo asked. Yeager nodded.

“Most duels conducted using Duel Disks are recorded by those Disks,” Yeager said. “After the Arc Cradle incident, I took the liberty of watching the duels fought by you and the rest of Team 5D’s. I cannot say for sure that I know how you felt during your final duel against Aporia, but I can certainly imagine how taxing that duel was for you. And from what Jack and Luna told me, you were ready to sacrifice yourself to save them both.”

“So... if you believe in me so much, why send all this extra support?” Leo asked.

“It was a mistake not to in the first place. Whether it was by sheer coincidence or due to a spy, two powerful agents of the Black King appeared during your mission yesterday. I underestimated the enemy, so this is my responsibility. I won’t let that happen again!”

“I understand. I’m sorry for thinking you didn’t trust me.”

“Not at all, dear boy.”

“We should get going,” said Twilight. “I’ll go get Spike and Rainbow Dash.”

“Will Jack be coming too?” Leo asked.

“I’m afraid not,” said Yeager. “Our base is still in dire need of proper defense. Even if I thought we could spare him for this mission... but nevermind that., He says he also wants to stay and observe the interrogation of Miss LeBlanc.”

“Jack’s seemed a bit... on edge lately, hasn’t he?” Leo remarked. “It’s been more than a week since he lost to Crow. Shouldn’t he have vented enough and started looking for ways to beat him?”

“Perhaps,” said Yeager. “I’ve known Jack for many years now, and though I’ve always been on the receiving end of his unfortunately short temper, it’s never been this bad. I will talk to Miss Aki. Perhaps she can help calm him down.”

“Thanks!” said Leo. “We’re off then!”


Though sudden, the operation was put into action without a hitch. Two supply trucks carrying lights, computers and scanning equipment left the base, led by Leo’s D-Wheel, and followed by a truck which carried a platoon of soldiers, as well as Ushio, Twilight and Spike. Rainbow Dash flew over the convoy and kept watch for attackers.

Most of the highways were deserted, so the trek to the Goodwin estate was short. Once in awhile, the convoy would slow down to navigate around an abandoned car.

Once the convoy arrived, Ushio hopped out and immediately began giving orders. The soldiers spread out to keep watch around the mansion while the engineers unloaded the supply trucks and carried the equipment inside.

After another half an hour of setting up the equipment, the engineers informed Ushio that the power could not be restored and began setting up the portable lights in the secret stairwell and the library. A full hour passed before they had finished, even with Twilight’s help.

When the lights finally came on, Ushio said, “Alright, I’m going back up top to keep an eye out with the soldiers. Sundown is in four hours, so gather anything interesting and scan it in. At one hour to sundown, we pack up and move out.”

“What about the books?” Twilight asked.

“We might have to leave them,” Ushio said. “If whatever you find doesn’t help us out, we might be able to come back.”

“If there’s enough room in the supply trucks, can we take them with us?”

“We only have an hour to shut everything down and load it into the trucks. We won’t have time to grab the books too.”

“Leave that to me,” said Twilight with a grin.

“Magic?” Ushio asked.

“Magic,” Twilight replied.

Ushio shrugged and turned around. “I’ll leave it to you then. Good luck.” With that, he left.

Twilight turned to Spike. “Okay, Spike,” she said. “You know what to do. Start perusing titles, but keep an eye out for anything that looks like a card catalogue. It’ll make things alot easier if we can look at each title and locate anything that looks promising right away.”

“Got it!” said Spike with a salute. He took a shelf and started looking at spines of the books that it held. He glanced up and quickly realized that he would need help.

“Hey, Twilight?” he said. But Twilight had disappeared into the depths of the library. Spike shrugged and decided to to the best he could. He COULD go and find a human... but aside from Yusei, he wasn’t too comfortable around them, if only because they seemed uneasy around him and his friends.

So he searched the bottom two rows of each shelf. Most of them didn’t have titles on the spines, and he knew that would slow them down. Labels with numbers and letters on them had been taped to the spines of each book, but without the card catalogue, they were useless to him.

“At least Twilight can use her magic to get the books down and look at them,” he muttered. “I’m stuck down here. And I can’t climb these shelves without- hey, what’s this?” As he pulled a book off the end of the row, he noticed a lump sticking out of the bottom of the shelf. He pawed it with his hand. It seemed to have a regular shape, but it was too dark to make out. He thought for a moment. Then he spat out a short burst of green fire.

As the airborne flame withered out of existence, Spike began to grin. “It’s a bolt!” he said. “The shelves are bolted to the floor!”

He was grateful that he was only on his second shelf. He went back to the first and began to climb.

Five shelves into the library, Spike said to himself, “What are we even looking for?”

Spike grabbed the next shelf above him and pulled himself up to the top. He grabbed a book and sat on the edge of the shelf. “No title on the cover either,” Spike sighed. He opened the book and started flipping through the pages. “Hey... this is a duel! ...and here too! This is a record of duels!”

“Kid, who are you talking to?” said one of the humans.

“Uh... myself?” said Spike sheepishly. The human turned around and continued working on adjusting the light fixture in front of him. Spike went back to the book in his claws. Page after page contained information on the duels recorded within. Spike put the book back and grabbed another one. It also had duels written inside. As did the next book, and the next.

“This whole shelf must be duel records,” said Spike. He turned to the human. “Hey, mister! Have you got something I can write with?”

The human looked back at Spike. “Why do you need it?”

“All the books on this shelf have duels written in them,” Spike explained. “I should make a note about it so that Twilight will know what she’s looking at.” The human sighed and took a pad of paper out of his shirt pocket, as well as a short, thin rod, and handed them up to the baby dragon.

“Thanks,” said Spike. “Uh... what’s this thing?”

“That’s a pen, kid.”

“Is it like a quill?”

“Sort of.” The human took back the rod and pulled one end off of it. The end was pointed, but had a rounded tip. “The only difference is that it has the ink inside of it already.” He handed the object back to the baby dragon.

“Really?” Spike started to scribble on the paper. “Cool!”

“By the way, did you climb up there?”


“Don’t you think that’s a bad idea?”

“Nah, the shelves are bolted to the floor. They’re not going anywhere.”

“You could fall and hurt yourself.”

“Oh. Yeah, I guess that could happen.”

“How about I help you out? Other than adjusting lights, I don’t have anything to do, and the lights are fine the way they are.”

“That’d be great, thanks!”

“Let’s get you down from there first.” The man reached up and lifted Spike off the shelf, then set him down on the floor.

“Thanks,” said Spike. “I’m Spike. What’s your name?”

“Kazama,” said the human.


“Have you calmed down a bit?” Ushio asked. Sherry nodded. “What is it about your butler that made you work for the Black King?”

“It’s... ze reason he was so devoted to me,” Sherry said. “You see, he’s more than just my butler... more than a bodyguard... after my parents were murdered by Yliaster, Mizoguchi became zee most important man in my life. He raised me, cared for me... he did everyzing he could to train me and keep me safe. But it was all a farce.”

“What are you getting at?” asked Ushio.

“Mizoguchi was my caretaker,” said Sherry, “but it wasn’t for my sake, or for my parents. A month before ze Black King rose to power, Mizoguchi told me the truth about himself. And I hated him for it.”

“Hated him? Why?”

“Because he was an Yliaster spy!” Sherry yelled. “He... my parents named him my godfather... and he murdered them!”

Ushio said nothing.

“I first thought zat it was a cruel joke,” Sherry continued, “but I knew him better. I knew he had no reason to lie about something like zis. I became furious with him. He was my father’s best friend and he betrayed him!” Sherry’s voice was getting louder. “He murdered my parents trying to find the ‘Z-ONE’ card for Yliaster! And when he found it, hidden by my father inside the teddy bear he gave me, he received new orders from Yliaster, to train me, to secretly nurture my rage, to mold me into a powerful Duelist to serve Yliaster and Z-one!

“He begged me to forgive him... but I walked away from him instead.” Sherry slumped back into her chair. “He found me then... zee Black King. He asked me to help him build a world without zat kind of betrayal. I said yes.”

“But here you are,” said Ushio.

“Yes. Here I am.” Sherry blew her bangs out of her eyes. “I learned what he really wants. And... I want to find Mizoguchi. I cannot hate him forever. I want to forgive him.”

“We’ll help you find Mizoguchi when this crisis is over,” Ushio said. “But right now, we need information on your old boss. What is it the Black King wants?”

Sherry looked into Ushio’s eyes with a narrowed gaze. “A world of silence,” she said.


Spike and Kazama had searched seven shelves and noted the types of books each one held. It didn’t take long for Spike to realize that there were groups of shelves devoted to singular subjects.

Kazama unrolled a scroll he found on a top shelf and dragged his eyes across the mysterious text. “Some language I can’t read,” he said. “It looks old. Really old. But if it’s anything like the rest of the shelf, then this one is about an encounter with some monster or other.”

Spike made a note of the shelf on Kazama’s notepad.

“There might be something here Twilight can use,” said the dragon. “You go on ahead to the next shelf. I’ll dig through this one for anything that might be useful.”

“Okay,” said Kazama. “But don’t go climbing the shelf again, alright?”

“I promise nothing,” said Spike. Kazama chuckled and went around to the next shelf.

Spike put down the pen and notepad and started inspecting the spines of each book. Unlike most of the other shelves, these books actually had visible titles. Spike read each one in turn, but none seemed to catch his eye.

And then one did.

The binding of the book was an inky black. There was no title on the spine. Spike pulled it out. No title on the cover either.

And yet... something intrigued him about this one.

Spike opened the book. The pages were yellow with age. He turned them carefully. There was nothing written on the first several pages.

“Why’s there an empty book in here?” Spike muttered. He turned another page. More blank sheets of paper. Spike sighed and moved to return the book to the shelf when he noticed something.

Ink began to flow from the center, moving to the outer edges of the pages, spreading like veins. The ink began to twist and curl until it formed letters that slowly separated from one another.

Behold the secret history,
the lost record of the war,
that great war waged by Light
against the eternal dark.

Spike looked over to the next page.

To fully understand the Light,
one must have Shadow within.
Come, rare and wandering stranger,
I will show you yourself.


Kazama heard something fall.

“Spike?” he said, poking his head around the side of the shelf. A book with empty pages lay open on the floor.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many FuturesSpike has vanished from the underground library and Twilight is frantic! She and Kazama search the library, and as much of the mansion as they can in the time they have. But unbeknownst to them, Spike has been thrown into his own search as he is shown a history he did not expect to see...

Chapter 16

A Rare and Wandering Dragon


Featured Card

Chevalier de Fleur
Level 8
"Fleur Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once during each of your turns, when your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card: You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it.

Chapter 16: A Rare and Wandering Dragon

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter Sixteen
A Rare and Wandering Dragon


Kazama bent down and picked up the book. He flipped through it, but all the pages were blank.

“Where'd he go?” he mumbled.

“Hello?” Kazama turned around.

“Miss Sparkle,” he said.

“I heard something hit the ground,” said the unicorn. “Where’s Spike? Is he okay?”

“He dropped this book and I thought he went off to get you,” Kazama said. “I don’t know what would make him do that, though. This book is completely blank.”

“He was with you?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, I was helping him with the shelves,” he said. “I’m Kazama. I noticed him climbing to get to the higher books and decided to help out.”

“Why was he climbing the shelves without a ladder?”

“He said the shelves were bolted down. That would keep them from falling over, but he could still fall and hurt himself, so I offered to give him a hand.”

“Well, where is he now?”

“I don’t know, but we should find him quick. We’re still at war, and we’re a bit far from home.”

“You can say that again,” said Twilight.


“Oof!” Air escaped his lungs as Spike hit the ground. He groaned and stood up, dusting himself off. He looked around. Wherever he was, it was barren.

There were no hills. There was no life. The sky, the ground... all of it was gray. The only living thing was himself.

“Where am I?” Spike said. “What is this place?”

A sudden hiss sounded behind him. He jumped and spun around, looking for the source of the noise. He saw nothing.

“Hello?” Spike called. “Is... is someone there?”

The hiss came again. Spike spun around again. Something stood before him. A figure cloaked in black. He looked up. The thing held its sleeves together. Its face was hidden in the shadows of its hood.

“Wh-who are you?” asked Spike.

The figure turned and walked away from Spike and began to walk away. But then it stopped and said over its shoulder, “Come, rare and wandering brother.”

Spike began to follow.

“Where are we going?” asked the baby dragon.

“Existence faces a crisis,” said the figure. “If it is to be saved, then the past must be known. I will show you the sin that tore a world asunder.”

“A sin?” Spike repeated. “What’s a sin?”

The figure stopped. It slowly turned, but stopped with its side to Spike. “You are a child yet. I will explain: A sin is a crime, a deed done in evil,” it said. Its voice was raspy and it sounded sad as it spoke. “A great sin was committed long ago.”

“What happened?” Spike asked.

“I will show you.”

It turned back and continued on its path. Spike ran to catch up to his guide.


Spike had been missing for over an hour. Twilight’s mane was in disarray. Her breathing was quick and her eyes were manic.

“Where could he be?” she muttered as she ran through the library.

“Twilight!” called Kazama as he came back down the stairs. “I told the Chief what happened and he’s got a search party going through the mansion.”

Twilight didn’t stop running.

“If he’s here, we’ll find him,” Kazama continued. “Twilight?”

Twilight was still running.

“Twilight, stop.”

Twilight ran up the aisle again. Kazama grabbed her.

“Twilight! Stop!”

Tears streamed from the unicorns eyes. “I can’t stop!” she said. “You don’t understand! Spike isn’t just my assistant, and he’s more than a friend! He’s like a little brother to me! I practically raised him!”

Kazama let go of Twilight and she sat down.

“Ever since the day Princess Celestia brought him to me, I’ve taken care of him,” Twilight said. “He could barely talk and he was so shy, but so cute too. I’ve looked after him ever since I was a young mare.”

“We’ll find him, I promise,” said Kazama. He smiled. “I’m a cop. It’s in my job description.”

Twilight sniffed and nodded.


Spike and the cloaked figure walked for a long time.

“If you don’t mind me asking,” Spike said, “who are you?”

The figure remained silent.

“Sorry,” said Spike. “If you don’t wanna talk about it, that’s fine.”

“Who I am is something important that you must understand,” said the figure. “I was only contemplating how to explain my existence.”


“Perhaps I am a memory. Perhaps I am a piece of something greater, a lost fragment left behind and forgotten. I have had much time to think on this. I will be honest with you, my rare and wandering brother. I am not entirely sure I understand what I am. But I do understand this: I feel incomplete. I always have.”

“Wow. I’m... sorry to hear that.”

“It is a part of who I am. Without that, I would be something else entirely. I am not sure I am ready for that.”

They walked in silence for a while longer.

“We are here.”

They stood at the crest of a hill. In the distance knelt a strange, pale figure. One made of bones...

“Nightshroud!” said Spike. He grabbed his guide’s cloak. “Come on! We’ve gotta get out of here before it sees us!”

“We are the only ones that can see,” said the figure. “What lies broken before us is but a memory, a vision of the past from my mind. It is nothing to fear.”

“What... what happened to it?” Spike asked. “When is this?”

“This is a time before the creation of many of the worlds you know,” said the voice in the cloak. “It is very early in the age of reality itself.”

Nightshroud sat upright and roared, screaming with its unearthly voice at the barren sky.

“A being of immense power and light tried to gain even more power,” said the cloaked figure. “As a result, it was corrupted, turning into a form of itself as barren as its surroundings. This being, what you now call Nightshroud, swore revenge.”

“Revenge? What for?”

“Come. I will show you.”


Kazama’s watch began to beep. “Not good...” he said under his breath.

“What is it?” asked Twilight.

“It’s time to wrap up,” said Kazama. “We’ve entered the last stage of the operation. We need to pack up what we can and get back to base.”

“But... but what about Spike?”

Kazama didn’t have an answer. He’d only just met the young dragon, but even he felt he couldn’t just leave him behind. Even so, a single delay could put everyone else at risk to an attack by Dark Troopers.

“I’ll talk to the Chief,” he said. “We definitely can’t stay, but we might still have some options. We’ll go over them as fast as we can and see what we can come up with.”

“Okay,” said Twilight as she tried to smooth out her mane. “I’ll keep looking for Spike.”

Kazama nodded, then turned and ran to the stairs.

“Spike... where are you?” Twilight whispered.


They stood in a void.

“Where are we now?” Spike asked.

“We are close to the source of all things,” said his guide. “In the beginning, a single card came into existence. How this card came to be is unknown; but what is known is that it is the source of existence. The code of reality is written in the essence of this card.”

A light appeared before the two travellers. Within were strange geometric shapes that rotated in sync. From the side, they appeared as fragments, separate from one another. But as they turned, they seemed to come together. They formed a single shape and a familiar pattern.

“It really is a card!” said Spike. “Is that it?”

“Yes. This is the Numeron Code.”

“Numeron Code?”

“Yes. As I said, this card contains the code of reality itself. All that you have experienced was possible because the nature of the myriad universes came from this card. But it is much more than that. It is a source of great power.”

“Because reality is written in it?”

“Because it is the first Duel Monsters card.”

Spike gasped. “The first card... but, wait, what does this have to do with Nightshroud?”

The cloaked guide said nothing.

“Look, you said I needed to understand the past if we were gonna save the world. So tell me what happened!”

“Oh, that I had the strength to speak of this tragic day.” The cloaked figure’s hood-covered head bowed and moved from side to side. “I have been here for what seems like an eternity, yet I cannot bear to remember what happened, even for the sake of a brother.”

“And what do you mean by that?” Spike asked. “Just who are you?!”

The figure sighed. “There is a final event I must show you,” it said.

Light suddenly filled Spike’s vision, but faded just as quickly. The scene had changed completely once again. All around him, Spike saw the horrors of war.

“What... what’s happening?” he whimpered.

“After Nightshroud became what he is, he ripped through the reality of the Duel Monsters Spirit World,” said the cloaked being. “The resulting schism in the fabric of space gave birth to creatures as dark as itself. Beings of intense evil were born, hating all things that existed and taking pleasure in death and suffering. They were perversions of life itself. The schism widened until part of the Duel Monsters Spirit World broke off and became its own world.”

Spike said nothing.

“It is your world, oh rare and wandering dragon.”

Spike’s eyes widened. His head shot up to look at the figure.

“What?!” said the dragon. “What do you mean?”

“I mean what I have said. Your world was once a part of the Duel Monsters Spirit World, but was separated from the whole by Nightshroud’s rage and malice.”

“I... I’m a Duel Monster?”

“The beings of your world are descended from the spirits, but are not Duel Monsters Spirits themselves. You are what you are. In your separation from your source, however, you have become more. This was necessary for your survival.”

“But... but I’ve been using them to fight!” said Spike. “They were my soldiers!”

“It is in their nature,” said the figure. “Though all things are connected to the Numeron Code, Duel Monsters Spirits are far closer to it than any other being. As the Numeron Code was the first Duel Monsters card, conflict is a part of its nature, though it was always intended as soulful competition rather than a tool for war. However, free will allows for many things, even the possibility of corruption.”

“I don’t get it... how could I use them like that?” said Spike.

“You are not so different from humans. Duel Monsters Spirits are born from the hearts of man, and so are just as much a part of them as they are of you.”

“How is that supposed to help me?!”

“When you duel, you do not lead soldiers to destruction. You fight with your soul. That is what the cards are- expressions of your soul.”

“So... now what?” Spike asked. “What do I do with all of this? I mean, there’s still some stuff I don’t get. Like, why did Nightshroud swear to get revenge? Revenge on who?”

“He tried to gain immense power and fell,” said the cloaked figure. Their surroundings began to fade into darkness. The cloaked figure turned and walked away from Spike.

“Wait!” shouted Spike. “Please, I still don’t understand!”

“I have shown you all that I can,” said the figure. “I have little power left. If I keep you here, you will never return to your loved ones. Go to them. Tell them. Save him.”

“Wait!” Spike shouted again. He looked around. He was back in the library.


Violet hooves scooped him up and a soft cheek pressed against his. “Spike! I was so worried about you!”

“Twilight?” said Spike.

“What happened? Where did you go? Why did you wander off like that?! Don’t scare me like that again! Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to yell, I was just worried, but you’re here and I’m glad you’re-”

“Twilight, I'm fine!” said Spike. “Come on, you’re rambling more than Pinkie Pie does! Put me down, will ya? We've still got a lot of books to search. I'll tell you what happened when we’re back at base anyway. Besides... there’s something you and the others should know.”

“We don’t have any more time to search the books, Spike,” said Twilight. “We’re packing up and heading back to base.”

“What? How long was I gone?”

“A few hours,” said Kazama. He was standing behind Twilight. “Twilight was going crazy trying to find you.”

“Well, I'm here now,” said Spike. “Let’s just head back, I guess.”

“Before we do...” said Twilight. Her horn began to glow. Every book in the room floated off of their shelves and formed several lines. “Okay, I think I’ve got all the books. Let’s get going.” She slipped her head underneath Spike and tossed him onto her back, then started walking up the stairs. The lines of books floating in the air followed behind her. Kazama whistled and followed the books.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Spike’s strange journey left him with new questions and a disturbing revelation. He discusses these things with his friends, but a fight breaks out when Twilight admits that she knew all along, and things only get worse when Jack overhears...

Chapter 17



Featured Card

Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Level 8
This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale.

Chapter 17: Secrets

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter Seventeen


Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Spike were all lounging around in the room they had been given. They talked and laughed, sharing stories of their time helping the humans.

“Patrol’s kinda boring, but at least I get to fly around a lot,” said Rainbow Dash from her cloud. She’d found that she could manipulate clouds in this world just as easily as in Equestria and brought two inside for herself and Fluttershy to sleep on. “But I still get to fight some Dark Troopers once in awhile, and that’s always tons of fun!”

“I’m happy staying inside and helping Miss Aki,” said Fluttershy. “I think she’s the kind friend that Yusei was talking about when he first came to Ponyville, and we get along so well. She says all of her patients love me, too!”

“That’s great to hear, Fluttershy!” said Twilight.

“Well, you at least get to interact with others,” said Rarity. “I’m certainly happy to help, but I tend to be organizing their records by myself quite a bit. That young Luna comes to help now and again, but she’s usually busy with other things.”

“Well, we gotta keep our own talents up,” said Applejack. “I’m gettin’ plenty o’ exercise haulin’ stuff across the base. You would not believe how much heavy liftin’ they hafta do around here!”

“What about you, Pinkie?” Twilight asked. “How have you been helping the resistance?”

“I keep morale up with desserts and parties!” said Pinkie. “I volunteered to help out in the kitchen and they asked if they could keep me when I made the best cakes they’ve ever had! And after every successful mission, I throw a party!”

“The humans do seem a lot happier than when we first got here,” said Fluttershy.

“Yeah, except for Jack,” said Dash. “He’s still upset about losing to that Crow character. Dunno why. But Leo’s pretty worried about him.”

“I’m sure he’ll be fine,” said Twilight. “Listen, girls, I know it’s sudden to just change the subject, but Spike has something he needs to tell us. Spike?”

Spike had been sitting on his and Twilight’s bed, completely quiet. He looked up from his thumbs. Everyone was looking expectantly at him. He sighed.

“Well, while Twilight and I were at that secret library,” he began, “I found this weird book. It was completely blank at first, but...”

“But what, Spike?” asked Twilight.

“But then it started writing in itself,” said Spike. “It was kinda creepy. Then there was a light and the next thing I knew, I was someplace else... someplace barren.”

“Spike disappeared during the mission,” said Twilight. “I think that book may have had something to do with it.”

“Well, while I was... wherever I was, I met this guy dressed in a cloak. He showed me things... things about Duel Monsters... and about Nightshroud.”

“Nightshroud?!” they all cried. Spike nodded.

“He’s not what we think he is,” said Spike. “At least, that’s the feeling I got from what the cloaked guy showed me.”

“Tell us, Spike. What did he show you?” Twilight asked.

“Well, he showed me three things,” said Spike, “but I don’t really get how they’re connected. First, he showed me Nightshroud. He told me that Nightshroud tried to become more powerful, but was turned into what he is now. He told me he was ‘a being of immense power and light’.”

“A being of light?” said Twilight. “What does that mean?”

“I dunno,” said Spike. “He just told me that Nightshroud- or whatever he was before he became Nightshroud- tried to become even stronger, but he was corrupted and transformed into the Nightshroud that we know. But then we went somewhere else.”

“What was it?” asked Fluttershy.

“He called it the ‘Numeron Code’,” Spike said. “He said it was the first Duel Monsters card, and that it’s the source of existence. All of reality is written in that card.”

“I’ve been studying human physics for the past few days,” said Twilight, “and if this card really does contain information about reality itself, then it really is a powerful card because it can even be used to decide fate.”

“Maybe that’s why Nightshroud tried to get it,” said Spike.

“Please go on, darling,” said Rarity. “You said there were three things this cloaked figure showed you?”

“The last thing... look, you guys might not like the sound of this, but... he said that our world used to be a part of the Duel Monsters Spirit World.”

Silence. Then...

“No. Uh-uh, no way!” said Rainbow Dash. “You’re telling me that we’re Duel Monsters ourselves?”

“That does seem rather far-fetched,” said Rarity.

“That’s not the problem, Rarity! If we’re Duel Monsters, then me, Twilight and Spike have been using our kind as soldiers!”

“I’m sure it’s not that bad-” Applejack started.

“It IS that bad, AJ!” Dash shouted. “The whole gimmick with my Crystal Beasts is that they get destroyed! I’ve been marching them off to certain doom every time I duel!”

“You’re not the only one that this is bothering, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight. “Before we came here, the princesses put me through a test. They knew how to duel and I had to keep reviving Endymion, the Master Magician just to stay in the game. But he kept getting destroyed!”

“Twilight gets it!” said Dash to Spike. “We’ve been- wait, the princesses can duel?”

Twilight nodded.

“And you took on both of them?”

Twilight nodded again.

“And you won?”

“Yes, but it wasn’t easy. To beat both of them, it was like I had to stop the sun itself.”

“Man, if we had both of them here, we could just march right into that tower and beat the Black King once and for all!” Dash said. “Then we could be back home and-”

“It’s not that simple, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight. “Princess Luna was... different during the duel. It was like she was turning back into Nightmare Moon. Princess Celestia said that it was because a dark force here was having an influence on her.”

“The Black King, no doubt,” said Rarity. “But why in the world would his power be influencing our Princess Luna back home? Unless...”

“Unless our worlds really are connected,” said Twilight. “Celestia told me after the duel. The human world and the Duel Monsters Spirit World are intricately linked. Which means we’re connected to them too.”

“Wait, you knew?” said Applejack. “You knew this whole time and didn’t tell us?”

“Twilight, why on earth would you keep something like this from us?” asked Rarity. Everypony looked at her expectantly. Even Pinkie Pie seemed unhappy about the revelation.

“Because Celestia asked me not to say anything,” Twilight said. “She thought you might not take it too well.”

“You’re darn right we’re not taking it well!” said Rainbow Dash. “I used the Crystal Beasts like they were just tools, but they’re the same as me! That’s like if everything Discord said about Rarity when Nightshroud broke him out was true! I used them, Twilight! If we’re Duel Monsters, then they have feelings just like us!”

“Guys, it’s not that bad-” Spike started to say, but he was interrupted.

“I abused my cards like that’s all they were!” Rainbow Dash continued shouting. “How could you keep this from us, Twilight? And how can you keep dueling with that knowledge?”

“Do you think I had a choice?!” Twilight yelled. “Every adversary we’ve encountered here challenged us to duels. It’s that much easier if I accept! And you weren’t there when Aporia and Sherry ambushed me and Leo. Aporia punched through one of my force fields! He made a fist and broke right through it like it was glass! I may be good with magic, but even I can’t take on someone who can just break through it like it’s nothing. So when he challenged us to a duel, I HAD to accept!”

“You could have kept running!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Twilight shouted back.

“I certainly do,” came a deep voice. Everypony looked to the doorway.

“Jack!” said Spike as he jumped to his feet. “Oh, great, maybe you can help me out here! I’m trying to tell them that it isn’t-”

“Not now,” Jack growled. Spike gulped and sat down. Jack glared at Rainbow Dash and Twilight. “Rainbow Dash, Twilight is correct. Sunset was coming and there was no way for them to just run away. Dark Troopers prefer the night and they could easily have been overwhelmed. I was there toward the end of the duel.”

“Thank you,” said Twilight.

“You’re not any better,” said Jack. “Perhaps I can trust Rainbow Dash, but now I know I can’t trust you. You’ve been keeping secrets from your friends, but more importantly, from the resistance!”

“I was only doing what Princess Celestia asked!” Twilight said.

“I do not know this Princess Celestia,” said Jack. “She holds no dominion in this world. Wars aren’t just fought on the battlefield, especially not this one. This is an information war, and the less we have, the worse off we are! But clearly you know better than the people who have been fighting to save Neo Domino City for months on end, don’t you?”

“I never said-”

“You didn’t need to!” Jack roared. He turned around to leave. “I expect you to answer to Yeager and the others tomorrow!” With that, he slammed the door behind him.

“There’s something wrong with him,” said Twilight. “I’ve never known anyone so... paranoid.”

“Don’t go blamin’ Jack,” said Applejack. “He’s right. You were keepin’ secrets from us. If’n you’d told us right from the start, none o’ this woulda happened!”

“I quite agree with Applejack,” said Rarity. “Keeping a secret is a terrible thing, especially when the secret itself is terrible.”

“I’m going to bed,” said Rainbow Dash. She flapped her wings and floated up to her cloud.

“Rainbow Dash, I-”

“Save your breath, Twilight,” said the pegasus.

The other ponies got up and started heading toward their beds.


“Yer gonna ask the Element o’ Honesty for comfort?” said Applejack over her shoulder. “Forget it, Twilight. Ya shouldn’t have kept this from us.”


“Absolutely not,” Rarity huffed. “I had even considered asking you to help me build a Duel Disk! I wanted to fight just as badly as everypony else, but clearly I must find some other way to do that. Maybe I can keep secrets from the Black King.”


“I’m sorry, Twilight,” said Fluttershy. “I... I need to think about this.”

“Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asked tentatively.

“I understand, Twilight,” said the pink mare. “You were asked to keep a secret. Maybe you shouldn’t have kept it, but at least you didn’t go back on your word to the Princess.”

“Thanks, Pinkie Pie,” said Twilight. She sniffed. Tears were welling up in her eyes.

“Um... maybe we should get some sleep too,” said Pinkie. “I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”

“Okay,” said Twilight. Pinkie patted Twilight on the back and then went to her bed. Twilight climbed into her own bed and used her magic to flip the light switch next to the door.

“It’ll be okay, Twilight,” said Spike. “The robed guy told me that it’s not as bad as everypony thinks it is.”

“I don’t see how it couldn’t be this bad,” said Twilight. “Let’s just get some sleep, okay?”


Twilight woke up late the next morning. Everyone was gone, save for Pinkie Pie and Spike.

“Feeling better, Twilight?” Pinkie asked.

“Not really,” Twilight answered.

There was a knock on the door. Almost immediately after, it swung open. Jack stood on the other side, his hand clasped firmly on the handle.

“It’s time to tell the council,” he said. “Let’s go.”

Twilight gulped.

“Wish me luck, Pinkie Pie,” said Twilight.

“Good luck!” said Pinkie.

“I’m coming too!” said Spike.

“Twilight is the only one who has to answer for what she did,” said Jack.

“I’ve got information that has to do with what Princess Celestia told her,” said the baby dragon. “If the council needs to hear what she has to say, then they should hear what I’ve got to say too.”

Jack sighed. “Fine. Let’s go.”


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight and Spike stand before the resistance council and recount everything they’ve learned about the Duel Monsters’ Spirit World. But even after the explanation, Jack still doesn’t trust Twilight. On top of that, Twilight has lost most of her friends in the argument they had the night before. But hope remains when Spike reveals that not everything is as bad as they think...

Chapter 18

Before the Council


Featured Card

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
Level 4
When this card is Summoned: You can place 1 "Crystal Beast" monster from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard face-up in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell Card. If this face-up card is destroyed while it is in a Monster Card Zone, you can place it face-up in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell Card, instead of sending it to the Graveyard.

Chapter 18: Before the Council

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter Eighteen
Before the Council


Twilight gulped. Spike sighed. Jack made no sound.

“If you are not prepared,” Jack said, “that’s too bad.” He opened the doors to the council room and strode in, taking up a spot against a wall. Twilight and Spike followed him in.

“Shut the doors please,” said Yeager. Twilight’s horn lit up and the doors shut behind her.

Seven sets of eyes watched Twilight and Spike as they approached the long table. Some seemed to express sympathy. Others showed no emotion at all. Jack’s alone showed contempt.

“I presume you know why you are here?” said Yeager.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, we do,” she said. “I withheld information from you and my friends, and Spike recently discovered some things related to this.”

“Then you had best explain yourself,” Yeager replied.

Twilight nodded. “Before coming to your world, our rulers- my teacher and her sister, the princesses Celestia and Luna- challenged me to a duel. Though they’d seen Yusei duel before, I had no idea that they themselves could duel. I defeated them. And then they told me a secret: That my world, Equestria, used to be a part of the Duel Monsters Spirit World. They asked me to keep this information a secret.”

“Why would they do that?” asked Ushio.

“Because they feared the reactions my friends might have,” said Twilight. “And I don’t blame them for reacting the way they did. Our kind are descended from Duel Monsters spirits, which means we are the same. I, Rainbow Dash and Spike have all played the game Duel Monsters. We took our fellow spirits to war and watched them be destroyed for our own benefit.”

“But it’s not that bad,” said Spike. “While we were investigating the underground library at that mansion, I found a black book that took me to another world. A tall guy in a hooded robe showed me visions of things that had happened in the past. He told me what Celestia and Luna told Twilight, but he also told me why our worlds split. There was a catastrophe, a war that tore our world apart when it was still young. The spirits in our fragment of the world grew and evolved. We’re not Duel Monsters Spirits anymore, but we’re related to them the same as humans are.”

“Humans are related to the spirits?” asked Aki. Spike nodded.

“The tall guy said that Duel Monsters are born from the hearts of humans,” Spike continued. “When our world split away from the Spirit World, we had to change to survive. We’re not spirits anymore. We’re more than that. Duel Monsters Spirits are born from our hearts, just like they’re born from yours.

“My guide reassured me that none of us fight by leading soldiers. Duel Monsters are born from the spirit of the duelist. We’re fighting with our own souls.”

“Spike...” said Twilight.

“I fail to see the relevance of this,” said Jack. “What matters here is that Twilight Sparkle has been keeping secrets from us! How do we know we can trust you after this?”

“You trusted Rainbow Dash, didn't you?” said Spike.

“That was different!” Jack yelled. “And what’s more, she’s revealed to us every useful ability that she has, including cloud manipulation and the sonic rainboom. Twilight, on the other hand, has KEPT information from us! One little secret pertaining to your origins and now we have every reason to distrust her!”

“Come on, Jack!” said Ushio. “It’s not that bad!”

“It IS that bad!” Jack stood and continued yelling. “What about her magical abilities? How far do they extend, hmm? What exactly can you do with that power? What is your history in Equestria? You never even told us what Yusei was doing in your world! And how do we know you aren't another evil Duel Monster Spirit bent on destroying or conquering both worlds like the Earthbound Immortals?”

“Jack, stop this!” shouted Yeager.

“No, I will NOT stop!” Jack roared. “There is too much that we don’t know in this war! We cannot afford for anyone to be keeping secrets from us!”

A jet of green fire erupted from Spike’s mouth and shot toward Jack. He ducked under the table mere moments before it passed where he was. When the fire died away, Jack stood up and glared at the baby dragon. “What is wrong with you?!” he said.

“I could ask you the same thing!” said Spike. “Yelling out paranoid accusations at my best friend and acting like she’s the problem. She’s not, Jack! You've been getting angrier and more suspicious of everyone ever since you lost to that old buddy of yours! We don’t even know what happened in that duel, but you think it’s okay to be mad at Twilight for keeping one secret? She was asked by royalty not to say anything, and this is why! I don’t know who you think you are, but you don’t get to treat Twilight this way!”

“I’ll tell you who I am!” Jack roared. “I am the King of D-Wheelers! I am the greatest duelist on the planet, second only to Yusei Fudo! I hold the rank of General in this resistance movement and I-”

“Have said enough!” yelled Yeager. “Jack Atlas, sit down at once!”

“You dare interrupt me, you snivelling clown?!”

“I won’t cower before you any longer, Jack! I am the duly elected mayor of Neo Domino City, as well as the appointed Director of this council! A general you may be, but I outrank you in every aspect! Sit down and hold your tongue, or you will be dismissed from this council!”

“You know full well that you don’t have the power to dismiss me on your own!”

“You’re right, Jack,” said Mina. “It will come down to a vote which must be unanimous. And I will back Director Yeager on this.”

“Mina- you-!”

“If you want to think I’m betraying you, then go ahead,” said the woman. “I just wish you could see yourself. You were never such an angry and suspicious man. Cold, perhaps, but never this.”

“Mina is right, Jack,” said Aki. “I too will support your dismissal.”

“So will I,” said Ushio.

“And me,” said Luna.

“Me too,” said Leo.

Jack clenched his fist. He punched the table and sat down. “This isn't over, Yeager,” he growled.

“No, I don’t imagine it is,” Yeager replied.

Twilight sighed. “This is all my fault,” she said. “I’m so sorry about all of this.”

“I understand your reasons for not saying anything,” said Yeager, “but Jack has made a fair point, despite his emotional outburst. There is too much we don’t know in this war. We cannot afford for anyone to keep secrets from us.”

“I understand,” said Twilight.

“Don’t take this to mean we completely trust you,” said Ushio. “I don’t believe it’s appropriate for you to be put into the field again. For the time being, you will be relegated to our research division. You and Spike are to go through every single book we brought back from the Goodwin estate for anything that could prove useful to us in this war.”

“What would we be looking for?” asked Spike.

“I remember reading a news article about the discovery of an ancient stone tablet by Maximillion Pegasus,” Ushio said. “The media followed his quest to create the Crystal Beast series and eventually reported that he had discovered a giant stone carving of Rainbow Dragon. He created a color copy of the image and used that to make the card itself. So one thing you could look for is information that could tell us where we might find more stone tablets.”

“If we find them, could Mr. Pegasus make them into cards?” asked Twilight. Yeager shook his head.

“While his company, Industrial Illusions, lives on, Maximillion Pegasus died a few years ago,” said the short man. “With communication to the outside world cut off, I don’t know if we can get any help in making these cards.”

“Then I’d like to make a request,” said Twilight. “When my friends and I first arrived, Rainbow Dash had a duel against Jack and had spontaneously created a Duel Disk of her own. If someone could get her to come to the research area, I can find out how she made that Duel Disk and then help my other friends make their own.”

“I doubt they’d be willing to fight that way,” said Jack. “The entire reason you are here is because of the conversation I overheard. Most of your friends don’t trust you anymore, Twilight Sparkle. Rainbow Dash is especially angry at you because she is the only other Duelist among your group.”

“I know,” said Twilight. “And I’ve got to try and make things right with her.”

“Will your friends be willing to duel?” asked Luna.

“They will if I tell them what the robed guy told me,” said Spike. “The cards are extensions of our souls, not soldiers that we march off to destruction.”

“Very well,” said Yeager. “I will have a word with Miss Rainbow Dash and ask her to visit you in research.”

“Thank you, Director Yeager,” said Twilight.

“You are dismissed for now,” said Ushio. “Please return to your quarters and await your transfer orders.”


“How’d it go?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“I can’t go out on missions anymore,” said Twilight. “I’m being transferred to the research division. Spike and I have to go through all the books we brought back from the underground library for anything that might be useful.”

“Well, it’s not that bad, right?” said Pinkie. “I mean, you love reading books!”

“That wasn't the worst of it,” said Twilight. “Jack was really angry at me. It just... it seems like he’s becoming unhinged. And I think he and Yeager are going to fight it out at some point...”

“Maybe I can cheer him up!” said Pinkie. “You know I can make anyone smile!”

“This is different, Pinkie,” said Spike. “Jack isn't just angry and upset. He’s becoming violent. I’d steer clear of him if I were you.”

Pinkie sighed. “I guess,” she said. “But I’d still like to try.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Pinkie,” said Twilight, “but maybe I’m just worried about Jack.”


Yeager sighed and slouched into his chair as Twilight left and shut the door behind her.

“That was certainly interesting,” he said.

“You’re a fool, Yeager,” said Jack. “There were too many questions that went unasked and unanswered in this inspection. Spike mentioned that his world had split from the Duel Monsters Spirit World. Did anybody besides me think that this was a question that should have been asked?”

“Do you honestly think it is relevant?” Yeager replied.

“Anything can be relevant!” Jack said. “Don’t you remember that Zero Reverse was caused by Z-one? What if the separation of Equestria from the Spirit World has to do with the Black King?”

“Jack, there are some questions that can be asked and answered at a later time,” said Yeager.

“I agree,” said Ushio. “All we really need to know is how to defeat the Black King and retake KaibaCorp. Tower. If we do that, there’s a chance we can get everyone back and turn the lights back on in the city.”

“You are all fools,” Jack spat. “What if knowing where the Black King came from is the key to defeating him?”

“Then we will search for that answer if it becomes apparent that we need it,” Yeager said. “But for the time being, I see no reason why that would be relevant. Now, I suggest that we adjourn this meeting. I’m quite hungry and- where do you think you’re going, Jack?”

Jack had stood and begun walking to the doors. “You said we should adjourn, so I’m leaving,” he said. “I’m going out on patrol.”

“Jack, you should eat something,” said Leo.

“I’m not hungry.”

“Jack, you've been really on edge for over a week,” said Aki. “When you get back from patrol, I want you to come see me right away.”

“You’re not a shrink,” Jack hissed. “And even if you were, I wouldn't need your quackery! I’m on edge because of this war!”

“Then you need to talk to someone!” Aki pleaded. “Please, Jack, just-”

“I don’t need anything from any of you!” Jack yelled over his shoulder. He pulled open the door in front of him, walked through, and slammed it behind him.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Rarity pays Twilight a visit, but it’s hardly a pleasant surprise. Still reeling from the fight she got into with her friends, Twilight can only listen sheepishly as Rarity lectures her about keeping secrets and about using others to win battles. Spike, however, steps up to confront her...

Chapter 19



Featured Card

Red Dragon Archfiend
Level 8
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
After damage calculation, when this card attacks a Defense Position monster your opponent controls: Destroy all Defense Position monsters your opponent controls. During your End Phase: Destroy all other monsters you control that did not declare an attack this turn. This card must remain face-up on the field to activate and to resolve this effect.

Chapter 19: Conviction

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter Nineteen


If it wasn’t the incessant whining of the fan in the ventilations, it was that Twilight would keep such an important secret from her friends. Rarity snorted and cut off her magic, dropping the three folders that levitated around her.

“Having trouble concentrating?” came a voice behind her. Rarity turned around.

“Director Yeager!” she said. Her horn lit back up and papers began sliding into the folders that lay on the floor. “Oh, I’m so sorry for the mess. Yes, it’s been a trying day today.”

“It has been for all of us,” said the short man. Rarity had not noticed before, but he was indeed shorter than most humans she met. She didn’t have to look up to make eye contact.

“I take it that a lot has been on your mind?” Yeager said.

“Yes, well, with everything that’s happened to us lately,” Rarity began, “visiting another world, getting caught up in a war, finding out Twilight was keeping such a terrible secret from all of us-” The fan in the vent made a slow grinding sound before speeding up again. Rarity flinched.

“That can’t be helping you with your work,” Yeager said with a glance up to the vent. “I’ll find an available mechanic to fix that fan.”

“I do appreciate that, Director, thank you,” Rarity said.

“In the meantime, perhaps you should take a break?” Yeager suggested. “Come, walk with me.”

“That’s... kind of you, but I just started on-”

“If you just started, then you can afford to take a break now. It will still be there when you get back.”

“I... suppose...”

“And if you’d like some help, you have only to ask. Now, come with me to my office. I have some tea brewing.”


“Would you like some sugar in your tea, Rarity?” Yeager asked. He held up a small bowl filled with sugar cubes.

“Yes please,” said Rarity. “One lump is fine.”

Yeager dropped the cube into the hot drink. It made a soft blip. He then stirred it carefully and brought the tray over to the table on the opposite side of the room where Rarity sat. He set the tray down and Rarity picked up her mug using magic. She took a sip and sighed.

“Delightful,” she said. “What sort of tea is this?”

“A simple white tea,” said Yeager. “Baby tea leaves that are plucked when they are just right.”

“It seems our worlds have more in common than any of us realized,” Rarity said. “White tea is a personal favorite of mine back home.”

“Is it now?” Yeager said as he sat in a chair next to the table.

“Oh yes,” said Rarity. “I try to immerse myself in many kinds of culture, tea included. White tea has a smooth and gentle flavor. I find that a small amount of sugar helps to bring it out.”

“Many people I have served tea to always ask for two or even three lumps of sugar,” said Yeager. “They do not appreciate the finer tastes of tea as you obviously do, my dear.”

“Thank you,” said Rarity.

They sat in silence for several minutes, simply sipping their tea. At last, Rarity spoke.


“Yeager is fine, Rarity.”

“Of course. Yeager,” she began again, “could I ask you for some advice?’

“About your situation with Twilight?” Yeager asked. Rarity nodded. Yeager set his tea down on a saucer. “You want to forgive her for keeping that secret, don’t you?”

“Of course I do,” Rarity said. “But what that secret was... it just makes it hard. Duel Monsters Spirits are our own kind! How can she continue to use them like that?”

“Rarity, Twilight also had to explain herself to me and the rest of the council. Most of us wish to forgive her of the secrecy and move on. Even she wishes to help. We learned many things in that meeting, and there are still more questions besides. We are not yet ready to send Twilight out into the field again, but I believe that she never meant any harm in keeping that secret.

“As I said, we learned many things from her and Spike. I believe that you should speak with the two of them as well. Talk to them about this. You’ll see how you can forgive them.”

“I suppose.” Rarity took another sip of her tea. “Friends talk about their problems and forgive each other, right? I suppose I should tell Twilight how I feel about all of this.”

“Why don’t you take the rest of the day off to do that?” said Yeager. “Don’t worry about the details, I’ll sort them out. You go talk with your friends.”

“Thank you, Yeager,” said Rarity. She set her cup down on the saucer in front of her and turned to leave the room.

“Before you go, Rarity,” said Yeager. Rarity stopped and looked over her shoulder. Yeager continued, “Return here. I’ll have a new assignment waiting for you.”


Twilight and Spike closed their books at the same time. They sighed at the same time. They looked at each other and new exactly what the other was thinking.

They had found nothing.

“Next books?” said Spike dejectedly.

“No, I think we’ve read enough for now,” said Twilight. “Let’s go to the mess hall and see if Pinkie can whip something up for us.”

“Good idea,” said Spike.

There was a knock at the door, followed by a creaking of hinges. Rarity stood beyond the threshold of the room.

“Rarity!” said Twilight. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to talk,” the white unicorn replied.

“I don’t have to ask about what, do I?”

Rarity shook her head. Twilight sighed.

“Come on in.” Rarity entered and slowly shut the door behind her with magic.

“Twilight, I just want to ask you something,” said Rarity. “Why did you keep that secret from all of us?”

“I thought I told you,” said Twilight calmly. “Princess Celestia asked me not to say anything. She didn’t think any of you would take it well.”

“That’s not what I asked,” said Rarity.

“Then what-” Twilight stopped. It dawned on her. “You want to know why I went along with it.” Rarity nodded. Twilight looked down. “Because... I thought she was right.”

“And the princess was right, huh?” said Spike.

“It doesn’t matter if she was, Spike,” Rarity said. “What matters is how Twilight felt about keeping this secret from her friends. Twilight, do you really have so little faith in us?”

“It’s not that, Rarity! It’s not that at all! I wanted to keep you girls from getting hurt! Especially Rainbow Dash... I watched her duel with Jack over and over for a whole week because I thought I saw something, something that I saw when she first dueled Yusei.”

“What was it?” asked Spike.

“Joy,” said Twilight. “Dash was overjoyed. She wouldn’t admit to feeling that much happiness, especially like that, but I saw it. She loves dueling just like she loves flying. If she didn’t already have a Cutie mark... We didn’t have time for a talk at first, but after watching her duel with Jack...” Twilight sighed again and shook her head. “I couldn’t do that to her, Rarity. I just couldn’t.”

“Twilight... I had no idea,” said Rarity.

“And when I found out she just manifested a Duel Disk that day, I started hoping that I could bring all of you into the world of Duel Monsters too,” Twilight continued. “But then I remembered Celestia’s secret and I felt even more guilty.”

“Twilight, dear, how did you feel when Celestia first told you this?” Rarity asked.

“Me? I... well, honestly, I... I was curious. I wanted to know what happened. But then, when I started really thinking about it... and after my duel with Celestia and Luna and the strategy that I had to use to hold them off... I felt awful!” Twilight through her forelegs around Rarity’s neck and started crying. “Endymion was getting destroyed every other turn and I just kept bringing him back! I kept trying and trying to fight back, but they had an answer to everything, and Endymion just kept taking the hits for me! Up until Spike found out what he did in that black book, I was having nightmares! I kept ordering Endymion off to battle and he just kept... looking at me. And he was so sad!”

Twilight sobbed for some time. Rarity stroked her friend’s mane while Spike placed a clawed hand on her side. After a while, Twilight’s tears stopped flowing as much and she was sniffling less and less. She stepped back and sat on her haunches.

“Better?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah,” said Twilight as she wiped a tear from her cheek. “Thanks, Rarity. I guess... I guess I needed that too.”

“Sometimes, all anypony needs is a good cry,” said Rarity. “Goodness knows I’ve had my fair share.”

“Everything’s gonna be fine, Twilight,” said Spike.

“Yeah... yeah, you’re right,” said Twilight. “So... Rarity, um... does this mean you-”

“Forgive you?” Rarity finished. “Of course I do, darling.”

“Thank you so much,” said Twilight.

Rarity smiled and sat down in front of Twilight. “Now, you said something that Spike had found something,” Rarity said. “What was it?”

Twilight sniffed a little. Spike stepped up beside them and said, “I got this Twilight.” He turned to Rarity. “Well, thing is, I tried to tell you guys the other night when the fight happened, but better late than never, I guess. See, yesterday I learned that Duel Monsters Spirits are actually born from the souls of the humans. But that was after I learned that the same thing happens with duelists in our world.”

“You mean... the Duel Monsters are created from our hearts?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah,” said Spike. “The guy I met in the book said that we don’t fight with soldiers. We fight with our souls. In a duel, every monster we summon isn’t separate from us. They’re part of us.”

“That’s why Rainbow Dash enjoys dueling so much,” said Twilight. “Just like when she’s flying, she gets to show her soul to the world when she does.”

“There’s more,” said Spike. “But... well, it has to do with Nightshroud. And I think everypony should hear it. Especially Rainbow Dash.”

“Anything to do with Nightshroud is something she won’t like, darling,” said Rarity.

“I know,” the dragon replied. “But there’s something about what my guide told me. It’s been bugging me for a while, but I think I’ve almost got it figured out.”

“Well, I suppose we’ll all have to hear it,” Rarity said.

“I still have to talk to Applejack and Fluttershy,” said Twilight through another sniffle. “Applejack won’t come talk to me out of pride. And Fluttershy is, well, Fluttershy. I’ve got to go to them myself.”

“What about Pinkie Pie?” Rarity asked.

“Pinkie didn’t get mad at me,” said Twilight. “She said she understood that I had to keep it a secret.”

“At least we have that,” said Rarity. “But there’s still Rainbow Dash...”

“I know. But I don’t know how to fix that other than to tell her what Spike just told you. But she might not even be willing to listen!”

“You’ll work it out, dear,” Rarity said. “You always do.”


“Come in!” Yeager called after the knocking at his door had stopped. Rarity pushed her way into his office. “Rarity! How did it go?”

“Twilight and I are alright now,” said the unicorn. “Thank you for the advice, Yeager.”

“Of course, Rarity,” Yeager said. “Do forgive me, though. I hate to dive right into business like this, but with things as they are... it’s about your assignment.”

“Oh, yes. What is it?”

“Twilight seems very much like Yusei was. She’s a strong and intelligent duelist who cares deeply for her friends. Even if there’s a fight, she can bring you back together. I have no doubt that she will mend things with the rest of your friends, but it is Rainbow Dash that is the most important.”

“Why is she the most important?”

“Because of her ability to spontaneously generate a Duel Disk. I’ve asked Twilight to research and replicate that ability. If she succeeds, your assignment will be out in the field once you have a Duel Disk and a deck of your own.”


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Applejack’s long day of work has only just begun, but already it’s made easier when Ushio appears and offers to help. While they work, they begin to talk about what happened between her and Twilight. And it’s then that Twilight appears to win back her friend.

Chapter 20

Heart to Heart


Featured Card

Endymion, the Master Magician
Level 7
You can Special Summon this card (from your hand or Graveyard) by removing 6 Spell Counters from a "Magical Citadel of Endymion" you control. When you do: Target 1 Spell Card in your Graveyard; add that target to your hand. Once per turn: You can discard 1 Spell Card, then target 1 card on the field; destroy that target.

Chapter 20: Heart to Heart

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter Twenty
Heart to Heart


Applejack stretched when she awoke, moving to pop her back in as many places as possible. The bunks she and the others slept in were soft enough, but they just didn’t compare to her bed back home. She rubbed her back a little, then threw off her covers and slipped out of bed as quietly as she could. Most of the others were asleep. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash had woken up earlier than her for their own duties- Pinkie said the night before that she would be making pancakes for the army’s breakfast, and Rainbow Dash had been getting up before dawn for patrol. Applejack chuckled inside. Rainbow Dash was taking this more seriously than cloud duties back home.

Applejack looked around the room. Fluttershy snoozed peacefully on her cloud in the corner. Rarity had managed to stitch together a sleeping mask with materials she found lying about and was still fast asleep. And snoring, but even that somehow seemed ladylike.

Twilight was asleep, but it seemed restless. Spike had draped himself across her as a cat would and was snoring quietly himself. Applejack thought that Spike’s weight was the only thing keeping Twilight from tossing and turning, but she couldn’t fathom why. She watched Twilight thoughtfully for another few seconds before turning to the door and leaving the room.

Applejack made her way to the mess hall for breakfast. She was looking forward to pancakes. As she approached, she heard the muffled sounds of a crowded room coming from behind the doors. It always amazed her that so many humans were up this early in the morning on a regular basis. She was a farmpony by nature and upbringing, so early mornings were nothing new to her, but most ponies she knew didn’t get up as early as she or Big Macintosh normally would.

Applejack approached the serving counter and stood on her hind legs to get a better view. Pinkie Pie was bringing out another tray of pancakes, carefully balancing it on her back. One of the other servers took it and placed it on the counter.

“Mornin’ Pinkie,” said Applejack.

“Good morning, Applejack!” said Pinkie. “Have a good sleep?”

“I guess. Not as good as if I were home, but I slept alright.” She arched her back to pop her spine. “Beds aren’t that comfy, but they’ll do.”

“You seemed kinda restless last night,” said Pinkie. “I woke up and had to use the bathroom. Were you having a bad dream?”

Applejack said nothing, but nodded.

“I dreamt... ah, it don’t matter. Was just a nightmare.”

“If something’s bothering you, you should talk about it with someone.”

“I’m gonna be plenty busy today, Pinkie Pie. Not gonna have much time for talkin’.”

“It’s about Twilight, isn’t it?”

Applejack was silent again. People started to move around her to get at the breakfast foods.

“Applejack,” said Pinkie, “you really should talk to Twilight. I know you’re upset with her about keeping that secret, but-”

“It ain’t just the secret, Pinkie,” Applejack said. “It’s what that secret did to Rainbow Dash. You seen her lately? She’s almost as grouchy as Jack!”

“I know,” said Pinkie. “But you should still talk to Twilight.”

Applejack snorted and started pushing pancakes onto her plate, then moved down the line to grab some biscuits, a juice box and a bowl of grits.

“Mind if I carry your tray for you?” came a gruff voice. Applejack looked up.

“Ushio!” she said. The tall human stood behind her, holding a food tray in his hands. “Naw, I don’t mind. Thanks.” Ushio picked up Applejack’s food tray with one hand and held his own in the other. “See ya later, Pinkie,” Applejack said to her friend before leaving the counter to follow the human.

The ponies still received stares from the humans, but only when they were completely awake. Sunlight was only just beginning to seep in through the windows. Most of the humans were still groggy with sleep, so they hardly noticed Applejack. She liked this time of day because of that.

Ushio found an empty table and set down the two food trays, then sat in a chair in front of his tray. Applejack pulled her chair out and hopped into the seat.

“How’s life in the human world treating you?” Ushio asked. Applejack shrugged.

“S’alright,” she said. “Still ain’t used ta all the stares, but I just keep workin’ to take my mind off it.”

“I think part of the reason they stare at you is that you don’t talk with them much.” Ushio cut off a piece of pancake and put it in his mouth with a fork. He chewed a bit then swallowed. “Pinkie spends a lot of time talking with everyone she sees. Fluttershy talks with a lot of the patients in the clinic. And Rainbow Dash? She’s out on recon missions a lot, so she has to talk with everyone in her group.”

“So they just ain’t used to me yet?”

“Probably, yeah.”

“Makes sense, I guess. Ah remember when Zecora first moved to Ponyville. She’s a zebra and almost everypony in the town was scared of her. Wasn’t nothin’ to be scared of, though. She’s nice as can be and really helpful when it comes to medicine.”

“You live in a strange world, Applejack.”

“I can say the same fer you, Ushio.”

“Different worlds, different cultures.”

“I guess.”

The two ate in silence for several minutes.

Ushio was the first to finish. “Say, Applejack,” he said. “Would you like some help with the crates in storage today? I’ve technically got the day off, but I can never just sit still and do nothing all day. I’m a working man, so I gotta keep busy.”

“You sayin’ I can’t do it alone?” Applejack asked.

“We’ve all seen how well you work for the past week, Applejack. I know you can do it. I just thought you might like someone to help you make some extra progress today.”

“Eh, sure, why not?” said Applejack. She pushed her tray away from her.

“I’ll take our trays and meet you by the door.”

“Sounds good.” Applejack slipped out of her chair and started walking to the doors.


Ushio and Applejack had worked in relative silence for several hours, speaking only when one needed help from the other. Boxes and crates were carried or pulled from one area to another with ease, and Applejack noticed her workload was shrinking.

“It’s almost time for lunch,” said Ushio. “How about I call in a lunch order so we don’t have to walk all the way to the cafeteria and back again?”

“Sounds good,” said Applejack. “Get this crate onto my cart here and you can go ahead and do that.”

“Giving me orders now?” Ushio laughed. He hoisted the crate onto the cart behind Applejack. She walked off with the cart in tow and Ushio walked over to a nearby phone. “Operations? Yeah, this is Chief Ushio. Can you connect me to the kitchen? Thanks... hi, this is Chief Ushio calling in a lunch order for myself and Applejack. We’re in Storage Unit Eight.”

“No need for the order, sir,” came the voice on the other side. “Pinkie Pie just left with lunch for you two. She figured you would be tired from all the work.”

“Did she? Well, that was nice of her. Thanks.”

“Bye then.”

Ushio hung up.

Applejack appeared a few moments later. “So, what’s for lunch?” she asked.

“Dunno,” Ushio replied. “Turns out Pinkie Pie decided to go ahead and bring us food before I called.”

“Now ain’t that sweet o’ her?” said Applejack. “Well, she’ll be here in a few minutes- maybe sooner. She tends to show up when- and where- you least expect her.”

Ushio sat down on a nearby crate. “Listen, Applejack, there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about,” he said. “It’s about your fight with Twilight.”

Applejack sat down. “Probably not much I can do to stop you sayin’ what you’re gonna say,” she said. “So go ahead.”

“Alright. Look, I know you aren’t happy with Twilight about keeping secrets from you and the other ponies, but you can’t just avoid her because of it. You should go and talk to her.”

“Ushio, it ain’t just that she kept a secret from us- and that’s not even that big a deal since Princess Celestia asked her to. It’s the secret itself. Equestrians and Duel Monsters are the same, even if we’re living in different worlds. Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash, they’ve all played this game, but it’s not just a game. Not knowing before an’ still duelin’ is understandable. But after Twilight learned what we really are, she kept duelin’! And she even let Rainbow Dash go out and fight!”

“Those duels were necessary, Applejack,” said Ushio.

“That’s beside the point!” Applejack said. “You didn’t see the look on Rainbow’s face when she found out! She was mortified, Ushio! You’ve seen how her deck’s supposed to work. What if that’s what your military strategy was? It’s even worse for her not just because she didn’t know, but because Twilight did know and didn’t stop her!”

“I know,” came a voice. Ushio and Applejack turned their heads. Pinkie Pie and Twilight were standing a few feet away. Two food trays floated over to Ushio and Applejack. “I know, Applejack,” Twilight said.

“What’re you doin’ here, Twilight?” Applejack said.

“I came to try and win my friend back,” Twilight responded.

“This ain’t no game, Twilight!” Applejack said. “And now that I mention it, neither is Duel Monsters!”

Twilight bowed her head.

“Twilight, I get that the Princess asked you not to say anything, but you still shouldn’t have let Rainbow Dash duel. You even encouraged her! You owed it to her to tell her the truth before she went out there.”

“Applejack, you know what happens if you tell a secret, right?” Pinkie chimed in. “You can-”

“Pinkie, she’s right,” Twilight interrupted. “You can lose friends if you tell secrets. But some things you should tell your friends anyway.” Twilight looked up at Applejack with tears in her eyes. “Applejack, I’m so sorry for not saying anything.”

“Aw... darn it, Twilight, yer makin’ it hard to stay mad at you.” Applejack sighed. “Look, I really ain’t the one you should be apologizin’ to. You owe Rainbow Dash this apology. She’s been sendin’ our own kind to be destroyed with every game she plays because you didn’t tell her sooner.”

“I understand, Applejack. But there’s something else that you should know, something that Spike found out.”

“What is it?”

“We’re not Duel Monsters Spirits. At least, not anymore.”

“...come again?”

“When our worlds split, our kind had to change to survive. We ended up becoming something new. And there’s actually something we have in common with humans.”

“And what’s that?” Ushio asked.

“Neither of our species are Duel Monsters Spirits. However, Duel Monsters Spirits are born from our hearts. They’re a part of us, a part of who we are.”

“What do you mean, Twilight?” Pinkie asked.

“The decks that Spike, Dash and I all have aren’t just cards, and they aren’t soldiers that we send off to battle for us. They’re our souls.”

“Yusei always said that two duelists going all out was like their souls were clashing,” Ushio said. “I always thought he just meant that duelists give it everything they’ve got in a duel and it becomes personal.”

“It’s much deeper than that,” said Twilight. “Rainbow Dash was never commanding soldiers. She was fighting with her own soul.”

Applejack just stared. For a long time, no one said anything.

At last, Applejack said, “No wonder she was havin’ so much fun.”

“Applejack, can you ever forgive me for keeping this from you and the girls?” Twilight asked. Applejack stood up, walked over to the unicorn, and pulled her into a hug.

“O’ course I can, sugar cube,” said the orange mare.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

A convoy moving to establish a recon outpost is attacked by Dark Troopers and a mysterious D-Wheeler, and many people are hurt. Fluttershy and Aki desperately try to keep up with the wounded that flood into the clinic, but soon must call on Twilight and Rarity for help. Twilight decides to take a chance and talk to Fluttershy, but she simply doesn’t want to hear it and tells Twilight to focus on the patients...

Chapter 21

Gentle Work


Featured Card

Goyo Guardian
Level 6
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon that monster to your side of the field in face-up Defense Position.

Chapter 21: Gentle Work

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter Twenty-One
Gentle Work


Rainbow Dash poked her head through the bottom of her cloud. The convoy below her trundled along. She tapped her the head piece she wore and spoke into the microphone.

“Rainbow Dash to Truck One. Things look quiet from up here. How’s it look on your end?”

“Same same down here,” came a human voice.

“How long until we reach the outpost?” Dash asked.

“Another ten minutes.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Roger that. Dash out.”

“Wait,” said the human.

“What is it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“There’s someone in the middle of the road up ahead.”

“A survivor?”

“No... it’s a Dark Trooper! Stop the convoy!”

Alerts started shouting across the comm channel. Rainbow Dash poked her head through the cloud again and saw the Dark Trooper.

“Oh, this is bad,” she muttered. She looked at her Duel Disk. “I can’t...”


Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie ran to the clinic. Luna was standing outside of the doors.

“Girls!” she said.

“Rainbow Dash,” panted Twilight. “How’s Rainbow Dash? Is she okay?”

“Her wing got clipped, but she’s fine otherwise,” Luna answered. “If it weren’t for her, this could’ve been a lot worse.”

“What happened?” Rarity asked.

“The convoy was ambushed by Dark Troopers,” Luna said. “But they weren’t interested in dueling. They... they brought guns.”

“What’s a gun?” asked Pinkie.

“It’s... well, it’s a machine that shoots pieces of metal called bullets,” said Luna.

“Like a slingshot?”

“Much worse than a slingshot. Guns are a lot more dangerous. At the speed it fires a bullet, it can puncture the skin and...”

“Luna, are guns... weapons?” Twilight asked. Luna nodded. “Just how dangerous are they?”

“They can kill.”

Four ponies and a baby dragon gasped.

“We got lucky, though. No one was killed, but there are a lot of people that are hurt really badly. And if we don’t hurry, some of them might not make it.”

The doors behind Luna opened and Aki walked out. “Luna, there you are,” she said. “Oh, Twilight, Rarity, you’re here too! I was just about to send Luna after you. Listen, we need your help. My clinic can’t keep up with all the injured and I can only do so much. I can handle some of the worst injuries, but I have to keep up with everyone else too.”

“We can take care of those that aren’t too bad,” said Rarity. “I happen to know a thing or two about dressing wounds.”

“You?” said Twilight. “That’s great, but I didn’t really expect it.”

“I figured that as long as I was learning about stitches and cloth for my trade, I might learn to patch up other ponies just in case,” Rarity explained. “It was easy enough to pick up, and now it’s going to come in handy. What about you, Twilight?”

“I read plenty about basic first aid in my studies at Canterlot,” Twilight said. “I kinda had to since I also had to raise Spike. Let me tell you, he used to be quite the troublemaker! He-”

“Okay, Twilight? Two things,” Spike interrupted. “First, please don’t embarrass me in front of Rarity. Two, not the time for stories. We need to get in there!”

“Right, sorry,” said Twilight. “Applejack, Pinkie Pie, look after Spike for me.”

“Wait! I wanna help too! Kazama was on that convoy!”

“Spike, a lot of people are badly injured, and you’ve never seen a drop of blood in your life,” Twilight said.

“I can handle it!”

“Spike, dear,” said Rarity, “what Twilight is trying to say is that this will be too much even for you. We all know just how brave you are, but this isn’t just about bravery. It’s also about a strong stomach. You might get sick or pass out from seeing those injuries.”

“Besides,” said Aki, “Kazama’s fine. Fluttershy is tending to him. He was shot in the leg, but it’s not serious. He’ll be fine.”

“Oh... alright,” Spike said, dejected.

“You’re a good dragon, Spike,” said Rarity. “Just for showing this much concern, I’m proud of you.”

“Me too,” said Twilight. “Come on, Rarity!”

Twilight, Rarity and Aki dashed through the doors, leaving their friends out in the hall.

Aki strode over to a nearby sink and turned the water on. “You two need to scrub before we get in there,” she said. “We don’t want anyone we treat to get an infection.” Twilight and Rarity nodded and took turns after Aki scrubbing their hooves and forelegs. When they had finished and donned medical robes, Twilight used her magic to open the doors to the clinic and the three of them walked in.

Almost immediately, Twilight’s ears were assaulted by groans and screams of pain. She winced at the noise.

“This is... this is terrible!” said Rarity.

“Girls!” came a voice. Fluttershy approached the unicorns. “Those two patients need their wounds bandaged right away!”

“Fluttershy, can we talk?” said Twilight.

“Not now, Twilight,” said Fluttershy. “Just do your job.”

“But Fluttershy-”

But Fluttershy had already flown off. Twilight’s head sank.

“Twilight, now isn’t really the time for that heart to heart,” said Rarity. “We have an emergency on our hooves. Let’s take care of that first, alright?”

“Yeah... yeah, okay,” said Twilight.


The doors to Yusei’s office slammed open as Crow stormed into the room.

“Yusei!” he roared. “What’s the matter with you?!”

Yusei looked up from his datapad. “What are you talking about, Crow?” he asked.

Crow slammed his hands onto the desk. “You know what I’m talking about! You ordered the Dark Troopers to open fire on that convoy!”

Yusei set the datapad down with a sigh. “Who told you?”

“Does it matter?” Crow yelled. “You fired on them! And don’t bother trying to tell me those were warning shots or something stupid like that! They were told to make kill shots!”

“And you think I liked giving that order, Crow?” Yusei replied. “Or maybe you believe I feel nothing about it.”

“So you’re telling me you feel bad? If that were true, then why did you tell those men to do it in the first place?!”

“It was a calculated move, Crow. I didn’t want to do it, but it was what needed to be done. There’s more to this war than you can possibly imagine.”

“Then you’d better enlighten me, or you’ll have to shoot me next,” Crow growled.

Yusei sighed again and stood up. “Fine. Follow me.”


The steady beep of the pulse monitor was an unusual sound, but it somehow kept Fluttershy focused. Perhaps a bit of background noise is what helped her work.

But the steady pulse of noise was interrupted by Aki’s voice.

“Fluttershy, don’t you think you should talk with Twilight?” she asked through her surgical mask. Fluttershy just continued to unroll the bandage around their patient’s arm. “Maybe it’s none of my business,” Aki continued, “but friends really shouldn’t fight like this. Not without making up afterward.”

“I know,” said Fluttershy. “Twilight wants to talk, but... I’m afraid.”

“Afraid of what?” Aki asked.

“Afraid she won’t forgive me for not staying with her like Pinkie Pie did,” she said. “Twilight is one of my dearest friends. I couldn’t live with myself if I drove her away.”

“I can understand that,” said Aki. “I used to be afraid of that all the time.”

“You were? Why?”

“Because of my powers. I used to be able to bring Duel Monsters to life. In the past, I used this power to hurt a lot of people. But then I met Yusei... he changed my life. But every day, I was so afraid that my powers would hurt him or his friends and that they would abandon me. Once, I really did hurt him... but he was the best friend I could have ever asked for. Even after everything I’d done, he stuck with me. That meant more to me than he’ll ever know...”

They continued working in silence.

“Point is, Fluttershy,” Aki said after many moments, “Twilight’s the kind of friend that Yusei was to me. She went out of her way to talk to Rarity and Applejack. She won’t give up on you either.”


“Welcome to the Neo Momentum Primary Control Station.”

Crow stood in awe of the massive room. Numerous platforms jutted out from the walls, each one manned by various technicians and engineers. The room seemed slightly darker than the rest of the building, but the light from Momentum made it easy enough to see.

And Momentum itself... the reactor was enormous, bigger than any machine Crow had ever seen in his life. But there was something... off about it.

“Yusei, is it spinning in reverse?” he asked.

“Yes it is,” Yusei replied. “I’ve found a way to do that without allowing it to go berserk.”

“You did what?” said Crow. “How?”

“Darkness,” said Yusei. “When in reverse, Momentum generates Minus Energy. This is the same sort of energy that the Dark Signers used to create the Dark Synchros.”

“What exactly is Minus Energy?” Crow asked.

“It’s not as insidious as you might believe,” Yusei answered. “Just like how a charge can be positive or negative, energy can also be positive or negative. It’s nothing more than a term used for energy that acts in the opposite way of what Momentum usually gives off.”

“So how do the two energies act?”

“Regular energy flows rather smoothly and along its assigned path. It can be used for a number of things. We use it to power the city, but you and I know that it can also be used to accelerate human evolution or to create new monsters. Essentially, it is a ‘giving’ energy.

“Minus Energy is much harder to produce, but also much harder to get rid of. Unlike most forms of energy, Minus Energy actually consumes things.”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you remember the Dark Tuners? When one was used to create a Dark Synchro, their stars combined with the stars of a non-Tuner monster, but some would vanish and the rest would turn dark. Those other stars were consumed and used to turn the rest of them into Minus Energy. The resulting Dark Synchros were usually very difficult to destroy, and always insanely powerful. This is what happens when Minus Energy is created by isn’t controlled or focused.

“The Meklord Emperors took a different approach. Instead of creating Minus Energy, they were Minus Energy. And what’s more, they were focused and controlled to an extent. They still ravenously consumed Synchro Monsters, however, and this made them even stronger and that much more destructive.”

“So they still weren’t completely under Yliaster’s control, huh?”

“No, they weren’t. But I’ve found a way to fix that. Momentum, whether it gives off positive or negative energy, is a light-based machine. To control its destructive aspects, one only needs darkness.”

Yusei pointed at the central band of the machine. “Look closely, Crow. What do you see?”

Crow squinted his eyes. After several seconds, they widened again and he gasped.

“Yusei... what is that?” he asked. “It’s like there’s some kind of... I dunno, a dark cloud or something. What the heck is that?”

“Most people believe that darkness is just the absence of light. They’re not entirely wrong, but they aren’t entirely right either. Darkness is just another wave-particle, like light. But it’s impossible for them to occupy the same space, and when they try, one is always destroyed.”

“They don’t destroy each other?” Crow asked.

“No. There is always a survivor,” Yusei said. “And in most cases, it is darkness that wins. It’s particle properties will disappear temporarily in some cases, but the wave is still there. The energy is still there. In a void, there is always darkness. And in the end, darkness is what will become the eternal world.”

“Yusei... did something happen to you?” Crow asked. “What’s this war really about? Come on, buddy, talk to me!”

Yusei turned to face Crow.

Crow collapsed to the ground. He glared up at Yusei, his hand rubbing his cheek. Yusei looked at his closed fist.

“You failed in your mission, Crow,” said Yusei. “You beat Jack, but you were supposed to use the card I gave you to do it. His heart is erratic and unstable, but it’s nothing more than taint. If we’re to get Jack to join us, the darkness has to be complete inside of him. Go back and duel him again, and this time, make sure that card delivers the final blow.”


Fluttershy floated over to Twilight and Rarity. They were busy bandaging a man’s leg in various places.

“Twilight?” said Fluttershy. “Could I talk to you for a minute?”

Twilight looked up from her work at Fluttershy. Then she looked at Rarity.

“Go on, Twilight,” said the white unicorn. “I can finish up here.”

Twilight nodded and followed Fluttershy to a corner of the room.

“Fluttershy, I’m so sorry I kept that secret from all of you,” Twilight said. “I really, really wish I hadn’t.”


“And I hurt everypony because of it! I can’t even begin to imagine what it did to you!”


“Fluttershy, I’m so, so, so sorry! I don’t want to lose you or anyone else, and I-”

“TWILIGHT!” Fluttershy shouted. Twilight stopped talking. “Twilight, I don’t want to lose you either. I was so scared that I would lose you because I didn’t stay with you like Pinkie, and that I didn’t come talk to you about it.”

“But... but I thought you were angry with me,” said Twilight.

“I was never angry with you, Twilight,” said Fluttershy. “I was a little disappointed, but mostly I was just confused. I didn’t know what to think.”

“So... do you-”

“Of course I forgive you.”


The Black Bird raced along the highway, matching every twist and turn the road produced. The wind stung Crow’s still-sore cheek.

Something was wrong with Yusei. He was falling into darkness. It was like he’d lost hope in the world.

Loyal as he was, Crow new he would have to face Jack again. But before he did, he decided to get some answers.

Paradox, he thought. That stinkin’ android had better be around here somewhere.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Many of the resistance forces have been severely wounded and are unable to carry out their duties, forcing Yeager and the others onto the defensive. Rainbow Dash reports that Dark Troopers are closing in on the base, and when Yeager orders her to duel, she refuses! But when Twilight challenges her, she accepts out of anger. Can Twilight make Rainbow Dash see the truth of her own duel before the Black King’s forces reach the base?

Chapter 22

The Sealed Crystal Beasts - Break Through, Twilight!


Featured Card

Frozen Fitzgerald
Level -5
Fiend/Dark Synchro/Effect
1 non-Tuner - 1 Dark Tuner
In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.
If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate any Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard while you control no other monsters: You can Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position. At the end of each Battle Phase: Destroy all monsters that attacked this card.

Chapter 22: The Sealed Crystal Beasts - Break Through, Twilight!

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 22
The Sealed Crystal Beasts - Break Through, Twilight!


Aporia knelt before the looming shadow of his master.

“The resistance is weakened,” said the shadow. “They are afraid. Go, envoy of despair, and tighten fear’s grip.”

“Yes, Black King,” said Aporia. He stood and left.

After Aporia left, the Black King stood and looked out the window. The image of a cloaked figure appeared behind his reflection.

“The preparations for your return are almost complete,” said the Black King.

“You’ve done well,” the figure replied. “Your reward will be the survival of your people.”

“...in silence,” muttered the Black King.

“Darkness is what will become the eternal realm. Those that are silent are those that will survive. You have seen for yourself what the pursuit of light does to life. Light is destruction and death. Darkness is silence, but it is ultimately preservation.”

He stood in silence, staring at the reflection of someone who wasn’t there.

His insides burned.


Rainbow Dash pushed a small cloud down to the roof of the base, landed on top of it and flopped onto her stomach. She inhaled deeply and sighed heavily. She looked up. The hole she created in the cloud cover was quickly filled. She sighed again and returned her gaze to the dead city.

Why did it have to be like this? she thought. The one way I had of really fighting in this world, and I can’t do it anymore! Why? Just... why couldn’t it just be a card game?

She heard hoofsteps behind her. She looked over her shoulder.

“Whataya want, Twilight? she said.

“I just wanted to talk, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said. The purple unicorn walked up to Rainbow Dash’s cloud and sat beside her on the roof.

“We’ve got nothing to talk about,” Dash said with a huff. A wisp of cloud escaped and drifted off.

“That’s not true, Dash,” said Twilight. “Look, just... hear me out, okay?”

Rainbow Dash snorted. “Fine.”

“Thanks. Look, Dash, I’m sorry about keeping that a secret from you and letting you duel. I should have told you girls right from the start.”

Rainbow Dash remained silent.

“I know what you’re going through right now, Dash,” Twilight continued. “I went through it after Princess Celestia told me-”

“Told you that Duel Monsters are our own kind, yeah,” Dash interrupted. She sat up and glared at Twilight. “Maybe you do know what I’m going through, but that’s just one more reason you should’ve told me that we were ordering our own kind to fight our wars for us. It’s wrong, Twilight, it’s all wrong!”

“Dash, I-”

“No, Twilight, listen! I have nightmares! The Crystal Beasts, they... they just look at me! They try to say things too, but I cover my ears so I can’t hear them asking me why I do that to them, or telling me how awful and cruel I am! Even Rainbow Dragon... I can’t bear the way it looks at me, Twilight!”


“And what about Spike?! I can’t even imagine how badly this is messing with him! He’s just a baby dragon! How do you think this will affect him?”

“Rainbow Dash, please, just listen!”

“No, Twilight!” yelled the pegasus. She drew a deep breath and let it out. “Look,” she said calmly, “thanks for the apology, but this doesn’t change the fact that you should have told us sooner. You should have told me before I dueled Jack. But you know what really kills me?”

Twilight said nothing, tears welling in her eyes.

“Not only did you not stop me, but you offered to make a Duel Disk for me,” Dash continued. “You knew what Duel Monsters are... but you would’ve made a Duel Disk for me to use anyway.”

Rainbow Dash leapt off the cloud and slammed her front hoof into it, destroying it.

“That’s what my deck does, Twilight,” she said. “That’s what my strategy does to the Crystal Beasts. And you would’ve helped me do that.”

Rainbow Dash landed and began walking toward the door.

“We’re not friends anymore, Twilight,” said the pegasus as she walked. “When we get home, I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.”

Rainbow Dash walked through the open door, pulling it shut behind her.

Twilight began sobbing.


Six ponies and a baby dragon walked into the council room. Yeager and the others were already there, sitting behind their tables.

“My little ponies,” said Yeager, “we face a crisis. The attack on the convoy has left us weakened, and the morale of our men is low. What’s more, a scout has reported back that a large force of Dark Troopers is approaching, and they are being led by an enormous man in white.”

“Aporia!” said Twilight.

“Correct,” Yeager continued. “It doesn’t look like they’re carrying weapons this time, so it may be a dueling force. Every available duelist we have needs to be out there. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, that means you too.”

“I can duel!” said Spike. “Twilight just needs to make a Duel Disk for me!”

“If Twilight creates a Disk for me as well, then I’ll also volunteer,” said Rarity.

“Excellent,” said Yeager. “Pinkie Pie, Applejack, I need the two of you to set up defenses. Turn this place into a fortress. Don’t let anyone in until we sound the all-clear.”

“Roger that,” said Applejack.

“You got it!” said Pinkie.

“Fluttershy,” said Aki, “I’ve left one of my nurses in charge, but I need you to stay in the clinic and help out, alright?”

“Of course,” said Fluttershy. “I’m happy to help.”

“Are we all set then?” said Yeager. “Excellent! Then-”


Yeager blinked. Rainbow Dash had spoken out. “W-what was that?”

“I said no.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“It means NO!” Dash shouted. “I can’t duel them! I just can’t!”

“If your Disk isn’t working, I’m sure Twilight can-”

Rainbow Dash’s Duel Disk appeared on her foreleg.


“The Disk isn’t the problem,” said Dash. “The problem is that Duel Monsters and my kind are the same! I can’t just send them off to battle anymore! I’m sorry, Yeager, but I can’t duel them. I can try to fight in other ways, but I won’t duel!”

“Rainbow Dash, as difficult as this may be for you, the safety of this base is more important,” Yeager said. “I’ve seen your duels. You are one of the strongest duelists I’ve ever seen. We need you on this!”

“I can’t!”

“Duel me, Dash,” said Twilight. Silence once again gripped the room as all eyes turned to the lavender unicorn.

“You're joking, right?” said Dash.

“I’m not,” Twilight replied. “There’s a truth about dueling that you’re missing. And if you’d just listen-”

“I don’t want to listen to you, Twilight,” said Dash. “Didn't you hear me the first time? I said I’m done with you.” An audible gasp escaped Fluttershy’s mouth.

“You are a duelist, Rainbow Dash. You need to hear this.”

“I’m not a duelist anymore.”

“Yes you are! That Duel Disk is proof of that! Those cards are proof! They are a part of you, and they always will be. Rainbow Dash, you’re a duelist whether you like it or not! Now duel me!” Twilight’s horn lit up and her own Duel Disk flashed into existence.

"You know what? Fine! I owe you a thrashing for what you did anyway!"


Twilight and Rainbow Dash stood on the roof, far from one another, facing each other. The wind whipped through their manes as clouds billowed over head. Thunder growled in the distance. Fluttershy shuddered and Rarity patted her head softly.

Five cards floated out of Twilight’s Duel Disk and stopped in front of her, floating in the pink energy of her magic. Rainbow Dash put a hoof to her deck and pulled it away. Five cards followed her hoof, a faint gold light outlining the edges. She moved her hoof down her left foreleg and the five cards rested there.

“DUEL!” shouted Twilight and Dash.

Life Point Count
Rainbow Dash: 4000
Twilight: 4000

“I’ll start,” said Dash as she drew a new card.

Wait a minute, she thought. What am I doing? No, I can’t do this to them! ...but I can’t back out either. Maybe I can play it safe...

“I Summon ‘Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise’ in Defense Mode and Set one card face-down,” said Dash. An ancient tortoise with massive emerald crystals growing from its shell appeared in front of Rainbow Dash. A giant card appeared behind the tortoise face-down as the animal withdrew into its shell.

Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise
LV 3

“My turn!” said Twilight. “I activate ‘Terraforming’, which lets me add a Field Spell to my hand of cards. Next, I activate that Field Spell: ‘Magical Citadel of Endymion’!”

A massive citadel appeared behind Twilight, rising up from behind the resistance HQ building. Mystic runes written in light circled around the towers of the city, rising up from the outer wall and disappearing into the belfry of the central tower.

“Next, I’ll give it some protection with the Continuous Spell ‘Field Barrier’,” Twilight continued. “Now that I’m done setting up my protections, it’s time to attack! I summon ‘Crusader of Endymion’ in Attack Mode!” A tall, thin warrior wearing blue armor over a brown suit emerged from a blue portal. Two massive gauntlets floated around his arms, held in place by circles of magic.

Crusader of Endymion
LV 4

“I activate ‘Double Summon’, which lets me Normal Summon a second time,” said Twilight. “And whenever a Spell is activated, like Double Summon, a Spell Counter is added to my Citadel. Now, I Gemini Summon Crusader of Endymion, turning it into an Effect Monster! Then I activate his effect, placing a Spell Counter on the Citadel and increasing his Attack Points by six hundred!”

Crusader of Endymion
LV 4

“Crusader of Endymion, attack Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise!” ordered Twilight. “Light of Selene!”

“I activate ‘Crystal Flash’!” said Rainbow Dash. “This lets me place a ‘Crystal Beast’ from my hand into my Spell Zone as a Continuous Spell, and also protects Emerald Tortoise from being destroyed by battle for the rest of this turn.”

Twilight’s monster threw both of its arms forward. White beams of energy erupted from the four jewels on the ends of each gauntlet and converged into one, focusing on the Tortoise. A massive amber crystal appeared in front of the turtle and blocked the attack. When the beams faded, the crystal floated around behind the Tortoise.

“Crystal Flash was a Quick-Play Spell, which means my Citadel has gained a fourth Spell Counter,” said Twilight. “Let’s make it two more. I activate ‘Spell Power Grasp’, which places a Spell Counter on the Citadel and adds another copy of ‘Spell Power Grasp’ to my hand. And since it’s a Spell Card, that brings the Citadel up to six Spell Counters. That ends my turn.”

That was close! thought Rainbow Dash. Still, I was able to hold her off. Let’s see if I can do that until I can summon Rainbow Dragon.

“My turn!” said Dash. “I equip Emerald Tortoise with ‘Golden Rule’. This lets me put two Level Three ‘Crystal Beasts’ from my deck onto the field as Continuous Spells.” An amethyst and a ruby appeared on the field.

“I activate ‘Crystal Promise’, and Special Summon ‘Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle’ from its crystallized form!” The giant ruby shard began to crack. Light flashed from within the cracks, and a small, purple animal burst out of the ruby. Four large, floppy ears waved in the wind. A thick tail with a ruby orb at the end waved behind the creature.

Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle
LV 3

Magical Citadel of Endymion
Spell Counters: 8

“Ruby’s effect activates!” said Dash. “When it’s Special Summoned, I can Special Summon as many ‘Crystal Beasts’ as possible from my Spell Zones.” The giant amethyst shattered as an enormous, pink cat burst onto the roof. A gray wooly mammoth erupted from the amber gemstone.

Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
LV 4

Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat
LV 3

“Amethyst Cat, attack Twilight directly!” Dash ordered. “Amethyst can bypass your monsters, but you’ll only take half the damage if she does. Go, Amethyst Power Pounce!” The large cat darted forward, sidestepping the Crusader, and leapt claws first at Twilight. Twilight saw red lines flash before her. The cat ran back to her spot next to the tortoise.

Life Point Count
Rainbow Dash: 4000
Twilight: 3400

“After the Battle Phase, I’ll activate Emerald Tortoise’s effect and switch Amethyst Cat to Defense Mode,” said Rainbow Dash. “I’ll end my turn with two face-down cards.”

“My turn,” said Twilight. “I activate ‘Spell Power Grasp’ from my hand to place two Spell Counters on my Magical Citadel and add the final copy of ‘Spell Power Grasp’ to my hand from my deck. Next, I activate Crusader’s effect to place another Spell Counter on the Citadel and increase his Attack Points by six hundred.”

Three shining orbs appeared and flew off to the citadel in the distance behind Twilight.

Magical Citadel of Endymion
Spell Counters: 11

“Now I remove six of those Spell Counters to Special Summon from my hand ‘Endymion, the Master Magician’!” said Twilight. Six of the lights raced off to the top of the central tower. A bright beam of light shone from where the lights had joined, creating a blue portal in front of Twilight. Through the portal stepped the master of the citadel, a tall man in an elaborate black outfit, lined with purple, trimmed with gold, and decorated with countless purple jewels that held within them the three triangles of the Spell Counter symbol. A gold and silver ring rested on the magician’s back, Spell Counter jewels running all along its body. The light faded away and the magician slammed the butt of his staff onto the ground.

Endymion, the Master Magician
LV 7

“Twilight’s ace has appeared,” said Rarity. “This might not go well...”

“For Rainbow Dash?” asked Fluttershy. Rarity shook her head.

“For Twilight,” she said. “She told me that she was having nightmares about what happened to him during her duel with the princesses. I hope that she’ll be okay...”

Endymion turned around and looked down on Twilight. She looked up at him and gulped.

“Endymion,” she said. “I haven’t played your card since we fought Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I... I felt guilty about letting you get destroyed over and over.”

Endymion turned back to face Rainbow Dash.

“Endymion... can you forgive me?” Endymion spun his staff swiftly, stopping it with the head pointing at Rainbow Dash. Twilight smiled. “Then let’s do this! When Endymion is Special Summoned by removing Spell Counters from his Citadel, I can add a Spell Card from my Graveyard to my hand. Now it’s time to battle!”

“No you don’t, Twilight!” said Rainbow Dash. “I activate ‘Crystal Fortress’! Since I have four ‘Crystal Beasts’ in play, anything you have with four thousand or less Attack Points can’t attack this turn!”

“Rats! And here I was ready to go,” said Twilight. “I activate Endymion’s second effect. By discarding a Spell Card from my hand, I can destroy one card on the field. I’ll destroy Amethyst Cat!”

“No you won’t!” said Rainbow Dash. “I activate ‘My Body as a Shield’! I pay fifteen hundred Life Points to negate Endymion’s effect and destroy him instead!”

Rainbow Dash ran in front of her monsters and extended her wings in front of herself. A blast of energy shot from the end of Endymion’s staff and struck Dash’s wings. She pushed against it and soon threw it back at its source. Endymion was struck with the energy and destroyed.

Life Point Count
Rainbow Dash: 2500
Twilight: 3400

“I’ll end my turn there,” said Twilight.

“My turn!” said Rainbow Dash. “I play ‘Swords of Revealing Light’. This card stays in play for three of your turns, and stop you from attacking while it’s there!” Three swords of pure light dropped down from the sky in front of Twilight.

“Dash, you can’t defend forever,” said Twilight. “I’m going to break through eventually.”

“This isn’t about defending myself, Twilight,” said Rainbow Dash. She pointed a hoof at her monsters. “It’s about defending them! I switch Amethyst Cat to Attack Mode and attack directly with her!” Amethyst Cat jumped high into the air and came down on Twilight with furious swipes of her claws, then bounded back to her place.

“Emerald Tortoise switches Amethyst Cat back to Defense Mode. Your turn.”

Twilight drew a card. “I don’t think it’s about defending them at all,” she said. “It’s about defending yourself... and punishing yourself. You feel guilty for your past duels. Especially the one where you borrowed Nightshroud’s power and turned your Crystal Beasts dark. So you’re punishing yourself by trying to take the attacks for your monsters.”

“Don’t get all headshrinker with me, Twilight!” yelled Rainbow Dash. “You think you can just-”

“But you’re also trying to defend yourself!” Twilight yelled back. “I hurt you, Rainbow Dash. I hurt you worse than I ever have before and I’m so, so sorry. I wish you could forgive me as easily as Endymion has, but I know that’s asking too much.”

“You’re right about that,” muttered Rainbow Dash.

“But listen!” Twilight continued. “There’s something about Duel Monsters that Spike learned. We aren’t just their ancestors. We evolved into something else, something more. Now they’re born from our hearts, just like with the humans. They are our souls, Rainbow Dash! They aren’t the same as us; they are us!”

“Shut up,” said Rainbow Dash. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” She flapped her wings and rose into the air. She put her hooves to her ears and shook her head.

“You’re fighting with your own soul, Rainbow Dash! This is you fighting! And this is me! I remove six Spell Counters from the Citadel and Special Summon ‘Endymion, the Master Magician’ from my Graveyard! And since he was summoned this way, he gives me back a Spell Card from my Graveyard, which I will immediately use for his effect! Endymion, destroy Swords of Revealing Light!”

Endymion swung his staff and released a wide arc of energy from the jewel at the end. The arc hit all three swords of light in front of him and caused them to shatter.

“I activate Crusader’s effect to place a Spell Counter on the Magical Citadel and increase his Attack Points to twenty-five hundred,” Twilight continued. “Battle! Crusader of Endymion, attack Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth! Endymion, the Master Magician, attack Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat!”

Beams of light flashed away from the two magicians. The kneeling mammoth and cat were struck by them and shattered. Smoke rose up and was blown away by the wind. Giant crystals stood where the animals had been.

"Amber Mammoth! Amethyst Cat! No!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

“I activate ‘Spell Power Grasp’ and target the Citadel,” said Twilight. “That ends my turn.”

Magical Citadel of Endymion
Spell Counters: 4

Rainbow Dash drew a card. Oh no, she thought. ”Rare Value”? I can’t play this. I can’t do this to them! I can’t!

“I Set one card face-down,” said Dash dejectedly, “and end my turn.”

“Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight with a sigh. “My turn,” she announced. “I activate Crusader’s effect. Endymion, Crusader, attack!”

Light again flashed across the field. Two more monsters were destroyed and replaced with an emerald and a ruby.

“Rainbow Dash... you’re better than this!” shouted Twilight.

“No, no I’m not,” said Rainbow Dash.

“You’re holding yourself back!”

“Of course I am! This isn’t just a game anymore, Twilight! Duel Monsters Spirits are alive! We used to be the same kind!”

“Exactly, Rainbow Dash! We’re not the same anymore.”

“What difference does it make? They’re still alive! And we’re still using them as weapons and shields! The fact that we used to be from the same world just proves that!”

Twilight looked up at Endymion, the Master Magician. “Even if that’s true, that doesn’t make what Spike told me any less true. They’re alive, but they’re still a part of us. Endymion forgave me. The Crystal Beasts will do the same for you.”

“How could they?” Dash cried.

“They still come when you call, don’t they?” Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash noticed that she was still hovering in the air. She lowered herself back to the roof and gazed at her Duel Disk.

“Twilight... I...” her hoof reached for her deck. “I’m sorry... I can’t do this anymore. I... I forf-”

Rainbow Dash...

She stopped. Someone had called her, they must have. But who was it? She looked around. It didn’t sound like any of her friends. It sounded like an old stallion with a nasally voice. The emerald in front of her flashed and caught her eye. The Emerald Tortoise appeared inside the gem.

He was smiling softly.


The Trinidart Ouroboros roared along the highway, its wide frame scraping its wheels against abandoned cars. Aporia towered above everything at the top of the massive D-Wheel. Dozens of trucks and smaller black D-Wheels followed behind him.

This time, there would be no mistakes. The resistance movement would end on that day.

The plan was coming together.


Crow’s footsteps echoed throughout the empty hallway. There were no working lights overhead, and the windows barely provided enough light for him to see. Even the doors left ajar by former inhabitants seemed shrouded in darkness.

This was the last known location that Paradox had been spotted around. Crow had been wandering up and down the halls of the apartment building for an hour, but had found no sign of the man.

Crow sighed and leaned against a wall. Yusei had never struck Crow like that before, even when Crow was sure he would have deserved it. But this time...

“I know I didn’t deserve that,” said Crow. He sighed again and stared up at the ceiling.

“You are a long way from your nest, little bird,” came a monotonous voice. Crow pushed himself off the wall and faced its source.

“Paradox!” he said.

“How did you find me?” asked the strange man.

“By looking,” Crow replied. “You and I need to talk.”

“What could we possibly have to discuss?” Paradox asked.

“You need to tell me what happened to Yusei,” Crow answered.

Paradox shook his head. “I pity you,” he said. “You are loyal to a lost soul.” He turned around and started walking. “Follow me if you want your answers.”

Crow followed him.


Sherry’s eyes flashed open as the door to her cell announced the entrance of a visitor.

“Come on,” came Ushio’s gruff voice. “We need all the help we can get.”

“So you trust me now?” Sherry said as she stared at an empty wall.

“I don’t think Yeager or the others are sure about you,” Ushio replied. “But if you want us to trust you, now’s your chance to prove it. The Black King’s forces are closing in, and they’re being led by Aporia. We’re crippled right now, and you’re one of the strongest duelists I’ve ever seen.”

Sherry turned her gaze to the large man.

“Aporia is coming, is he?” she said. “Then you are doomed either way.” She stood up. “I will help you, but it is a lost cause. Aporia will no doubt have increased his power since we last met.”

Ushio held out Sherry’s Duel Disk. She took it and put it on her arm.

“It took the combined efforts of myself, Leo, and the purple unicorn to take him down last time,” Sherry said as her Duel Disk activated.

“Then it’s a good thing we’ve got you and Rainbow Dash too,” said Ushio. “Come on, let’s go!”


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Rainbow Dash’s defense has been worn down to nothing, and only one option is left to her: To fight back by any means. After receiving encouragement from the Crystal Beasts, Rainbow Dash begins mounting a counterattack against Twilight! But Aporia and his army are closing in and will be upon the base in mere moments. Meanwhile, Crow and Paradox have a talk about Yusei, and what happened to him after he and Paradox returned to Neo Domino City...

Chapter 23

Best Friends


Featured Card

Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise
Level 3
Once per turn: You can target 1 monster you control that attacked this turn; change that target to Defense Position. If this face-up card is destroyed while it is in a Monster Card Zone, you can place it face-up in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell Card, instead of sending it to the Graveyard.

Chapter 23: Best Friends

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 23
Best Friends


Paradox opened the door and stepped inside. Crow followed him cautiously. Paradox continued walking into a large living space. Sitting on the floor in the middle of the room was a tall game board.

“Tell me, Crow Hogan,” said Paradox. “Do you play Shogi?”

“I’ve only ever heard of the game,” answered Crow. “Never really put much thought into learning it.”

“Come, I will teach you.”

“Look, pal, I don’t have time for your games! I need answers now!”

“It’s been far too long since I’ve played a game of Shogi with anyone. Indulge me. That is all I ask.”

“Fine,” Crow snorted. Paradox smiled and sat by the board with his legs folded beneath him. Crow sat opposite him, but did not mirror his position. Paradox’s eyes narrowed, but he said nothing, instead pulling a small box out from under the board. He removed the top of the box and took the purple velvet bag inside. Paradox turned the bag over and gently poured the pieces onto the board, then replaced the bag and slid the box back to its place under the board.

“Set up your pieces the same as mine,” said Paradox as he took a piece from the pile and placed it in the center file of the row in front of him. Crow took a piece with the same mark and placed it across from Paradox’s.

They continued placing their pieces, with Paradox only correcting Crow once- “Do not be a mirror. Switch your bishop and rook.”- until they had each placed all of their pieces on the board.

“Now we decide who goes first,” said Paradox as he picked up five of his pawns. “You are inexperienced, so you are Gyoku, the Jade General. I will perform the Furigoma to determine who goes first.”

“The furry-what-now?” Crow asked.

Furigoma,” Paradox repeated. “I will toss these pieces onto the board, and if more of them land promoted-side up than not, you will take the first turn.” Paradox shook his clasped hands and dropped the pieces onto the board. They clacked about for a moment before stopping. “Beginners first, it seems. Do you know how the pieces move?”

“Can’t say I do,” said Crow. “Do we really have to do this?”

“What happened to Yusei is a long and unpleasant story,” Paradox replied. “It is not something I am fond of remembering. I ask only for this simple pleasure from my previous life to balance it.”

“Your... previous life?”

Paradox nodded. “Just as Antinomy and Aporia were once human, so too was I. Truth be told, I wasn’t even a Duelist... or not much of one, at least. Paradox isn’t even my real name. What parent would name their child ‘Paradox’?”

“I dunno. What kind of parent names their kid ‘Crow’?”

Paradox laughed.

“Do you know how the pieces move?” Paradox asked. Crow shook his head. Paradox explained the movement rules of each piece, then allowed Crow to take his first turn. Crow took a pawn from the center file and pushed it forward. Paradox picked up one of his own pawns and placed it one space forward. The piece made a soft yet firm click as it returned to the board.

Crow moved another piece. “So, start talking,” he said. “Why’s Yusei so different now?”

“Perhaps I should start at the beginning,” said Paradox. “I’m from far into the future. But that future is a desolate one. The world and humanity was destroyed-”

“By Synchro Monsters and Momentum, I know,” said Crow. “We already stopped Z-one and the Ark Cradle, and then Yusei wrote up a program to keep Momentum from going berserk.”

Paradox picked up his knight and moved it over the row of pawns in front of it. “Then I should explain my own role in the plan. Z-one sent me back in time to kill Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters.”

“Why?” Crow asked as he moved another pawn.

“To prevent the further development of Duel Monsters,” Paradox said. “Before his death, Pegasus created many new types of cards to be released throughout the years. The first of these was the Synchro Monster. In my timeline, the others were never released because humanity had become obsessed with Synchros.” He picked up a pawn and moved it forward. “We knew of them, of course, but nobody wanted them. Synchros are the symbols of evolution. Our obsession became a wish, and that wish was granted by Momentum. Eventually, it drove us to extinction. Z-one hoped to mitigate the problem and buy us some time by eliminating Synchro Monsters entirely.

“But I was stopped by the three Legendary Duelists.”

“Three?” Crow asked. “So it wasn’t just Yusei?”

“No,” said Paradox. “Jaden Yuki and Yugi Muto were there as well. I was defeated.”

Crow laughed and picked up his bishop. “The King of Games, huh? No wonder you lost!” He put the bishop back on the board.

Paradox and Crow played in silence for a long time after that.


Rainbow Dash looked around. The tortoise in the gem was still smiling at her.

“Are you... talking to me?” she said.

“I sure am,” the tortoise replied.


“Formally known as ‘Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise’. But you’re a bit more familiar with me, aren’t you?”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened. “You’re-!”

The tortoise nodded. Rainbow Dash burst into tears and fell to her knees.

“I’m sorry! I’m so, so sorry! I’m-”

“You don’t need to apologize to us,” the tortoise interrupted. Rainbow Dash looked up at him. He was still smiling. “Don’t worry about us too much. This is what we do.”

“But... but I... I can’t bear to see this happen to you over and over! You’re alive! This is wrong!” wailed the pegasus. “It’s so wrong!”

“No it’s not.” The tortoise gave a sigh. “Look, you have both halves of the same truth, but you don’t have the piece that makes them whole. Yes, your ancestors used to be a part of our world. Yes, we’re now born in your hearts just like with the humans. But the duel is what we’re born for! It’s our purpose, our life, our essence. The thrill of competition, It’s through battle that a living being reveals its soul. It’s what we’re all born for in the end.”

“T-to fight?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“To show our souls to each other,” the tortoise answered. “To understand one another.”

Rainbow Dash wiped her eyes and stood up.

“Thatta girl,” said the tortoise. “Now you go show your best friend what for! We’ll all back you up!”

“Not just you?” Dash asked.

“Not just me,” the tortoise replied. The images of the other six Crystal Beasts appeared around him. The immense Rainbow Dragon also showed itself to Rainbow Dash. Tears still flowed from her eyes... but now they hit a smile.

“Thank you,” she said. “Thank you for forgiving me.”

The Crystal Beasts vanished.

“Twilight, I’ve been a jerk,” said Rainbow Dash. “Can you ever forgive me?”

Twilight nodded. “I can, Rainbow Dash. I forgive you.”

“Then let’s stop-”

“I end my turn.”

Rainbow Dash blinked, confused. “Uh... Twilight? We don’t have to do this anymore.”

“Yes we do,” she said. “I heard him too. Emerald Tortoise. And he’s right: Dueling is how we show our souls. So show me your soul, Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “You asked for it! My turn!”


“There is something that you must understand, Crow,” Paradox said as he picked up a Silver General and captured a piece with it. “I am not the Paradox that lost to the three historic duelists. I merely observed the duel.”

“Come again?” said Crow.

“I had succeeded in killing Maximillion Pegasus, but only after I had retreated from Jaden Yuki’s era when Yusei followed me there,” Paradox continued. “After my mission was complete, I went back once more to make sure that Yusei could not interfere.”

“But he did, and he stopped you,” Crow said.

“Correct. That is when I moved to take more monsters from throughout history, including your Black-Winged Dragon. In the process of all of this, I stumbled onto an alternate dimension, one populated by-”

“Talking ponies?”

“Yes. How did you know?”

“I met Rainbow something-or-other the day I beat Jack.”

“So, they are here,” said Paradox. “Anyway, I decided to use this world as a weapon to destroy the future itself. Yusei stopped me once again, even saved me from a dark force that had possessed me. When the damage to the Equestrian dimension had been repaired, Yusei and I returned here.”

“That doesn’t really explain why Yusei’s so different now,” Crow said.

“There are still details you are missing,” Paradox replied. “During our final duel, I told Yusei that it was the Fortune network that allowed all Momentum reactors in the world to gain sentience and destroy humanity. When we returned here, Yusei asked for proof. I took him two hundred years into the future.”

Paradox shook his head. “The silence broke his heart.”


“I activate my face-down ‘Rare Value’,” said Rainbow Dash. “You get to pick one of my ‘Crystal Beasts’ in my Spell Zones and send it to the Graveyard, but then I get to draw two cards.”

“Okay then,” said Twilight. “I choose Ruby Carbuncle.”

The massive ruby in front of Rainbow Dash shattered. Rainbow Dash reached her hoof over to her deck and pulled it away. Two cards followed it.

“Now I activate ‘Monster Reborn’ and Special Summon Ruby Carbuncle from my Graveyard!” said Rainbow Dash. A blue portal opened up on the floor of the roof, and the purple carbuncle jumped through it. “You should’ve picked a different crystal, Twi! When Ruby is Special Summoned, it also Special Summons every ‘Crystal Beast’ in my Spell Zones. Come on back, Amber Mammoth, Emerald Tortoise, and Amethyst Cat!”

The remaining three crystals cracked and splintered as their respective animals broke out of them: A massive, four-tusked mammoth, an elegant pink cat, and an ancient green tortoise.

Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
LV 4

Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat
LV 3

Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise
LV 3

Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle
LV 3

“Now I summon ‘Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle’ to the field!” Rainbow Dash placed a card on the wing of her Duel Disk and a new monster emerged onto the roof, an enormous eagle wearing cobalt jewels.

Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle
LV 4

“Amethyst Cat, attack Twilight directly!” Rainbow Dash ordered. The cat hissed and pounced on Twilight, swiping her claws at the unicorn before running back to her companions.

Life Point Count
Rainbow Dash: 2500
Twilight: 2200

“I’ll end my turn with a face-down card,” said Rainbow Dash. “Show me what you got, Twilight!”

“This is the Rainbow Dash I know,” said Twilight with a smile. “Welcome back. My turn!”


“Yusei was determined to change that future I showed him,” said Paradox. “I promised I would help him, just as he helped me. But... on our way back...”

“What?” Crow asked.

Paradox lifted a lance and moved it several spaces forward, placing it next to Crow’s king piece.

“I received a distress signal and followed it,” Paradox said. “In the gap between dimensions, we found the Ark Cradle, damaged and out of power. I asked Yusei what had happened and he explained that Z-one sacrificed himself to stop it from crashing into Neo Domino City. I took us in to investigate. That distress signal could only have been activated manually. Z-one was still alive.”

“He what?!” said Crow. He reached over to the small table next to him and grabbed a pawn. Just before he put it down, his eyes widened. “I’m... in check.”

“Yes,” said Paradox. “We found Z-one in his chamber in the middle of the Ark Cradle. He had temporarily repaired his systems and was trying to reactive the Infinity Generator to return to his own time and see the bright future Yusei had created. We told him that nothing had changed. He... he suddenly lost the will to live. Despite the machines, he died right in front of us. But not before handing a card to Yusei.”

“A card?” Crow repeated. “What was it?”


“I activate Crusader of Endymion’s effect and increase his Attack Points by six hundred,” said Twilight. “Next I summon ‘Apprentice Magician’ in Defense Mode.” A young man in purple robes emerged from a blue portal and knelt on the floor. His cropped blonde hair waved in the breeze, as did the tassels of his red headband. “When Apprentice Magician is Summoned,” Twilight continued, “he places a Spell Counter on one card on the field. I’ll place that counter on the Magical Citadel of Endymion.”

Crusader of Endymion
LV 4

Apprentice Magician
LV 2

Magical Citadel of Endymion
Spell Counters: 9

“I activate ‘Magical Blast’, inflicting two hundred points of damage to you for every Spellcaster-Type monster I control,” said Twilight. “I control three, so that’s six hundred points of damage!” A huge, swirling ball of blue, white and purple energy appeared in front of the giant image of Twilight’s card. It blasted off and passed through Rainbow Dash, pushing her back a few inches.

Life Point Count
Rainbow Dash: 1900

“This also brings the Citadel up to ten Spell Counters. Battle!” shouted Twilight. “Endymion, attack Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle!”

“Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth’s effect activates!” said Rainbow Dash. “When another ‘Crystal Beast’ is attacked, Amber Mammoth takes the attack instead! And that’s not all, Twilight!”

“What?” said Twilight. Endymion aimed his staff at the mammoth and fired a blast of energy at him.

“I play the Trap ‘Amber Crystal Circle’!” Rainbow Dash said. “Now Amber Mammoth gains the Attack Points of all my other Crystal Beasts!” Dash’s mammoth monster stepped forward to take the attack. The gems of the other four beasts began to glow, and swirling, bending rays of light came out of them and encircled the mammoth. He stomped his foot and charged forward, plowing through Endymion’s energy attacks like they were nothing but gusts of wind.

Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
LV 4

Endymion, the Master Magician
LV 7

“I win, Twilight!” said Dash. “You’re about to take twenty-five hundred points of damage and you’ve only got twenty-two hundred Life Points left!”

“You’re not going to beat me because I made one careless move, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight. “From my hand, I activate the Quick-Play Spell ‘Forbidden Chalice’! Until the End Phase, Endymion gains four hundred Attack Points and his effects are negated.”

Four tusks collided with the attacking magician. Endymion was thrown into the air and destroyed by the mammoth’s counter attack.

Life Point Count
Rainbow Dash: 1900
Twilight: 100

“Looks like I’m still in this, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight. “This is where the real fight begins! I activate ‘Card of Sanctity’, which lets both of us draw until we’re holding six cards.”

“Fine by me,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Now I remove six Spell Counters from the Citadel to Special Summon Endymion from my Graveyard,” Twilight continued. Endymion, the Master Magician appeared once more on the roof. “I’ll use his effect to add ‘Spell Power Grasp’ to my hand, and then discard a Spell so Endymion can destroy Amethyst Cat!”

Endymion aimed his staff at the cat and fired a burst of magical energy at her. The cat was destroyed and replaced with a giant amethyst crystal.

“I’ve only got a hundred Life Points. There’s no way I’m going to let you get a free hit in like that. I Set two cards face-down and end my turn!”

“My turn!” said Rainbow Dash. “I summon ‘Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus’!” A tall, white pegasus emerged onto the field. Smooth, brilliant sapphires gleamed on the joints on its wings and around its horn.

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
LV 4

“When Sapphire Pegasus is Summoned, I can put a ‘Crystal Beast’ into my Spell Zone as a Continuous Spell from my hand, deck or Graveyard. I’ve only got one left: ‘Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger’. Go, Sapphire Calling!” The white pegasus stood on its hind legs and whinnied. A blue portal appeared behind it and a giant topaz crystal rose up from within it.

“I equip Sapphire with ‘Crystal Release’, and then activate ‘M-Force’,” said Rainbow Dash. “‘Crystal Release’ increases the equipped monster’s Attack Points by eight hundred, and ‘M-Force’ gives a ‘Crystal Beast’ I control an extra five hundred points!”

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
LV 4

“Sapphire Pegasus, attack Endymion, the Master Magician with Sapphire Tornado!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “Come on, Twilight! You and me! Let’s go!”

“You’re on, Dash!” Twilight countered. “I play the Trap ‘Skill Successor’! Endymion’s Attack Points increase by four hundred!”

Endymion, the Master Magician
LV 7

Sapphire Pegasus flapped its wings and jumped into the air. Endymion spun his staff and stopped it, aiming it directly at the white horse. The pegasus dove at the magician, spinning rapidly as it fell. Endymion fired burst after burst of magic at the pegasus, but it weaved and dodged around each one. Endymion drew his staff back, then thrust it forward. The curved crest struck the blue horn of the pegasus. A blue-white shockwave spread out across the roof, and a fiery explosion followed as both monsters were destroyed.

“Whenever a Crystal Beast is destroyed,” said Rainbow Dash as a massive sapphire crystal appeared before her, “it crystallizes and turns into a Continuous Spell.”

“Endymion won’t be gone for long either,” said Twilight. “On my next turn, I’ll just bring him back by removing six Spell Counters from the Magical Citadel of Endymion.”

“Well, I’m not done,” said Dash. “Amber Mammoth, attack Apprentice Magician!” The mammoth let out a loud, trumpeting cry as it stomped forward and crushed the young spellcaster underfoot.

“When Apprentice Magician is destroyed in battle, I can Special Summon a Level Two or lower Spellcaster from my deck in Defense Mode,” said Twilight. “I Special Summon ‘Synchro Fusionist’.”

A portal appeared and a strange, imp-like creature emerged. It’s skin was bright orange and it had a wide, sinister grin on its face. It danced about and moved as if it were made of shadows.

Synchro Fusionist
LV 2

“I activate Emerald Tortoise’s effect and switch Amber Mammoth to Defense Mode,” said Rainbow Dash. “Then I switch Tortoise, Eagle, and Ruby to Defense Mode and Set two cards. Your turn, Twilight.”

“I activate the effect of ‘Magical Blast’ to add it to my hand instead of drawing a card,” said Twilight. “Next, I activate Crusader’s effect. After that, I’ll remove six Spell Counters from my Citadel and Special Summon Endymion from my Graveyard. Endymion’s effect activates and adds ‘Spell Power Grasp’ to my hand.”

“I play a Trap,” said Rainbow Dash, “‘Crystal Raigeki’! By sending a ‘Crystal Beast’ from my Spell Zone to the Graveyard, I can destroy one card on the field. Say goodbye to Field Barrier!” The large topaz on Dash’s side of the field exploded into glittering pieces as a bolt of lightning flashed out of it. It raced toward the distant Magical Citadel and struck a green barrier that surrounded it. The barrier shattered like glass and the pieces of the topaz faded away with the lightning.

“What are you up to, Rainbow Dash?” asked Twilight.

“Come find out!” Dash taunted.

Twilight smirked. “Okay then,” she said. “Let’s clear that field of yours, shall we? I switch Synchro Fusionist to Attack Mode!”

Synchro Fusionist
LV 2

“Battle! Endymion, attack Amber Mammoth! Dark Magic Mastery!” Twilight ordered. Endymion aimed his staff at the mammoth and fired a burst of energy.

“Gotcha!” shouted Rainbow Dash. The remaining face-down card in front of her flipped up.

“What?!” Twilight gasped.

“You’ve activated my Trap, ‘Last Resort’! When one of your monsters attacks, this card lets me activate ‘Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins’ straight from my deck! And since its a Field Spell, that means your Magical Citadel is automatically destroyed! Of course, this means you get to draw a card since you had an active Field Spell.”

Twilight turned around and watched as the the Magical Citadel beyond the base slowly vanished. An ancient stone colosseum appeared around everyone on the roof and a rainbow arched overhead.

“So that’s why you destroyed Field Barrier instead of Endymion,” said Twilight as she turned back to Rainbow Dash and drew a new card.

“You’ve practically ignored my backrow cards this whole duel,” said Rainbow Dash. “Bad move on your part. And now that you don’t have that Citadel anymore, I can destroy Endymion without him coming back again!”

“Then I guess I should keep you from using your back row. Endymion’s attack continues!” Endymion fired more bursts of energy at the Amber Mammoth and destroyed it. “Crusader, attack Cobalt Eagle! Synchro Fusionist, attack Ruby Carbuncle!” Two beams of energy shot away from Twilight’s monsters and destroyed their targets. Two giant crystals rose up where the destroyed monsters had stood.

“Main Phase Two,” said Twilight. “I Summon the Tuner monster ‘Effect Veiler’.” A young woman in white clothing appeared before her. Veil-like wings spread out behind the girl and her blue hair, tied in two pigtails behind her head.

Effect Veiler
LV 1

“I activate ‘Magical Blast’,” Twilight continued. “Since I have four Spellcasters out, you take eight hundred points of damage.” Another blast of energy formed from the four Spellcasters in front of the unicorn and rushed forward, striking Rainbow Dash.

Life Point Count
Rainbow Dash: 1100
Twilight: 100

“Level One Effect Veiler, tune with my Level Two Synchro Fusionist and Level Four Crusader of Endymion!” said Twilight. The angelic girl spread her arms and wings as she vanished, leaving a single star in her place. The star drew a green Synchro ring in the air around the other two monsters. Their bodies also vanished and the stars they left behind formed a vertical line. A pillar of light enveloped them all as Twilight began to chant.

“Stars gather and shine light on the arcane arts, illuminating the way to the future! Synchro Summon! Adept of the arcane arts, rise! ‘Arcanite Magician’!” A tall man wearing white robes over black armor stepped out of the pillar of light. A green staff gleamed in his hand as the light vanished.

Arcanite Magician
LV 7

“When Arcanite Magician is Synchro Summoned, he gains two Spell Counters,” said Twilight. “And when I use Synchro Fusionist for a Synchro Summon, I can add a Spell Card with ‘Polymerization’ or ‘Fusion’ in its name from my deck to my hand. I choose ‘Miracle Synchro Fusion’.”

So she’s gearing up for that Supreme thing of hers? thought Rainbow Dash.

“I activate Arcanite Magician’s effect,” said Twilight. “By removing one of his Spell Counters, I can destroy a card on your field. Arcanite Magician, destroy the ruby!” Arcanite Magician swung his staff and a wide arc of green magic flashed away from the jewel and sliced through the crystal. “Now I’ll activate the effect again and destroy Emerald Tortoise!” Another slash of light struck Rainbow Dash’s remaining monster. It exploded and was turned into an emerald crystal.

“Your back row is full, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight. “You can’t play any more Spells or Traps now!”

Five gems gleamed in front of Rainbow Dash: A sapphire, an emerald, an amethyst, a cobalt, and an amber stone. Rainbow Dash said nothing.

“Time to secure my position,” said Twilight. “I activate ‘Miracle Synchro Fusion’. I remove Arcanite Magician from my field and Synchro Fusionist from my Graveyard to Fusion Summon ‘Supreme Arcanite Magician’!” Violet flames engulfed the white-robed magician. The fire seemed to merge with his robes, turning them into sweeping plates of armor. The inferno eventually died and all that was left was the magician.

Supreme Arcanite Magician
LV 10

“When he’s Fusion Summoned, Supreme Arcanite Magician gains two Spell Counters,” said Twilight. Two of the green orbs on the magician’s armor lit up. “In addition to that, he gains a thousand Attack Points for each Spell Counter on him. Let’s make it four: I activate ‘Spell Power Grasp’ from my hand, and the Continuous Trap ‘Pitch-Black Power Stone’!” A third light on the magician’s armor lit up. A large, black orb with gold triangles on it appeared next to him. “When Pitch-Black Power Stone is activated it gets three Spell Counters. In addition to that, I can move a Spell Counter from it to another card I control once during each of my turns. I’ll move one to my Supreme Arcanite Magician.” Yet another light appeared on the magician’s armor.

Supreme Arcanite Magician
LV 10

“I Set a card face-down and end my turn,” said Twilight. “You’re not going to win this, Rainbow Dash! I’ve sealed your back row and there’s nothing in your deck strong enough to stand up to my Supreme Magician!”

“We’ll just see about that,” said Rainbow Dash. She smiled. “This is where it gets fun! My turn!”


Paradox stood up from the Shogi board and walked over to the tall window.

“That card, Crow,” he said, “is what finally turned Yusei into what he is now. It is not simply evolution, but a symbol of destruction as well.”

“But what is it?” Crow repeated.

Paradox sighed. “One day, Yusei was clearly overworking himself,” said Paradox. “He kept coming up with ways to prevent Momentum from going berserk again. Every simulation he ran showed that they all failed. I must have seen fifty different papers pinned to the wall of his office. I told him we should take a break, that this incident was still a long ways off. He agreed and we went out for a ride. A duelist challenged him on the road. It wasn’t a pretty sight...”

Paradox turned to look at Crow. “Everything that D-Wheeler did was to punish Yusei for Synchro Summoning. Yusei finally managed to get one shot in with Stardust Dragon when it happened...”

“What?” Crow asked.

“He was pushed too far. Even Shooting Star Dragon couldn’t save him from defeat. So he did the only thing he could do to win... a Delta Accel Synchro.”

“Delta Accel... you mean that thing Antinomy told him about in their last duel?” said Crow. Paradox nodded. “But... wait, is that the card Z-one gave to Yusei?” Paradox nodded again.

“Yusei’s duel became brutal after that,” said Paradox. “He didn’t care about having fun. He even said winning wasn’t important to him. All that mattered to him was survival.

“...the other D-Wheeler crashed. His leg was broken.” Paradox gazed up at the ceiling. “Yusei returned to KaibaCorp. Tower and resumed his work. But a week later, he’d stopped seeing anyone. He never asked for my input. His office was always closed and locked. When he came out again, his eyes were dead. I asked him if he was alright, but he just told me to leave. He said he’d made a breakthrough and didn’t need my help anymore. So I left. Some time later, this war started. The city is almost completely empty.”

“Jack,” muttered Crow. “Even after all this, he still fought against Yusei instead of trying to help him.” Crow got to his feet and began walking to the door. “That’s just one more reason for me to beat him down.”

“Crow Hogan, Jack is not your enemy,” said Paradox.

“Of course he is!” said Crow as he walked to the door. “Look, I’m worried about Yusei. He’s gone through a lot. But right now, he needs my help. He needs everyone’s help! But if Jack can’t see that, then I’ll just have to make him see it!”

“You don’t understand, Crow! Yusei isn’t who he used to be anymore! Now he’s-”

“Look, thanks for telling me what you know,” said Crow, his hand wrapped around the door knob. “But now I have my own battle to fight, and that’s with Jack.”

Crow opened the door and left.


“All seven Crystal Beasts are on the field and in the Graveyard, Twilight!” said Rainbow Dash. “I Special Summon ‘Rainbow Dragon’!”

A shadow slithered through the rainbow overhead. A portal opened above it and an enormous white dragon flew out of it. Seven gems glittered on either side of its neck. Massive, feathered wings spread out behind it like the wings of a giant bird. Yellow eyes flashed and gleamed as the creature announced its arrival with a roar.

Rainbow Dragon
LV 10

“Rainbow Dragon, attack Endymion, the Master Magician!” said Rainbow Dash. “Over the Rainbow!” The crystals on the dragon’s neck lit up as a light began to shine at the back of its throat. It opened its jaw wide and spat a bright white beam at Twilight’s monster. A rainbow shockwave spread away from its jaws.

“I activate ‘Defense Draw’! I take no damage from this battle, and I get to draw a card!” said Twilight. A white barrier of light appeared around Twilight as the blast from Dash’s dragon tore through Endymion. Twilight’s horn lit up as she took a card from her Duel Disk. “I’m sorry, Endymion. Thanks for everything.”

Rainbow Dash grit her teeth.

“You don’t have anything left to do, Dash,” said Twilight. “Just end your turn.”

“I’ve got plenty I can still do,” Rainbow Dash replied. “‘Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins’ has five different effects, and gains one for each ‘Crystal Beast’ I have that’s being treated as a Continuous Spell. I’ll use its fourth effect to draw a card.”

“Draw all the cards you like, you still can’t do anything. Your Spell and Trap Zones are full. You have no monsters left.”

“Full, huh?” said Rainbow Dash. “Then maybe I should do something about that. I activate Rainbow Ruins’ fifth effect and Special Summon ‘Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus’ from its crystal form!”

“What?!” said Twilight.

The giant sapphire in front of Rainbow Dash shattered as the white pegasus burst out of it.

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
LV 4

“Go, Sapphire Calling!” said Rainbow Dash. The sapphire horn on her monster lit up and a large ruby appeared behind it.

“You filled your own zones again,” said Twilight. “What are you doing?”

“Winning!” said Rainbow Dash. “I activate a new copy of ‘Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins’!”

“You had another one?”

“Yep! And now I can do all that stuff again! First I’ll draw a card, then I’ll Special Summon ‘Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle’ from my Spell and Trap Zone. And when Ruby is Special Summoned, I can also Special Summon as many ‘Crystal Beasts’ from my Spell Zones as possible! Return to the field, Cobalt Eagle and Emerald Tortoise!” Two more animals burst out of the gems in Dash’s back row, an eagle with its wings spread and a tortoise hiding in its shell.

Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle
LV 4

Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise
LV 3

“I activate Cobalt Eagle’s effect, letting me put a ‘Crystal Beast’ I control on top of my deck,” said Rainbow Dash. “Amethyst Cat returns to the top of my deck.” The giant amethyst disappeared from the field. “I Set three cards face-down and end my turn.”

“If Twilight doesn’t beat Rainbow Dash this turn, she’ll lose to Amethyst Cat on the next,” said Rarity.

“I had no idea that Rainbow Dash was this strong,” said Spike.

“My turn!” said Twilight. “Instead of drawing, I add ‘Magical Blast’ from my Graveyard to my hand. Now I activate Supreme Arcanite Magician’s effect. By removing a Spell Counter from my field, I can destroy one card you control. I’ll destroy Rainbow Dragon!” The armored wizard slammed the butt of his staff into the ground. A ring of violet flames erupted around him. A line of fire appeared, running from the circle and racing toward the white dragon.

“I play ‘Skill Twist’!” said Rainbow Dash. “When your monster effect targets a monster I control, I can change it to a different monster. I switch the target to Cobalt Eagle.” The line of fire suddenly turned and headed for the eagle. It drew another ring of fire around it and the bird was consumed by the flames.

“I won’t let it crystallize,” said Rainbow Dash. “And this’ll let me activate another Trap: ‘Sapphire Revive’! If I control ‘Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus’, I can Special Summon a monster from your Graveyard to your field, and then Special Summon a ‘Crystal Beast’ from my own Graveyard with the same number of Defense Points. You get back Apprentice Magician, and I’ll revive Cobalt Eagle!”

Apprentice Magician
LV 2

Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle
LV 4

“That’s fine by me,” said Twilight. “When Apprentice Magician is Summoned, he places a Spell Counter on one card I control.” One of the gems on Supreme Arcanite Magician’s armor lit up. “I activate ‘Magical Stone Excavation’. By discarding two cards from my hand, I can add a Spell in my Graveyard to my hand. I choose and activate ‘Spell Power Grasp’. I’ll also activate the effect of ‘Pitch-Black Power Stone’ and move one of its Spell Counters to my Supreme Arcanite Magician! Finally, I’ll activate the effect ‘Skill Successor’ from my Graveyard. By removing it from play on my turn, Supreme Arcanite Magician gains eight hundred Attack Points until the end of the turn!”

Supreme Arcanite Magician
Spell Counters: 6
LV 10

"Now I activate 'Magical Blast' to deal four hundred points of damage," said Twilight, "and I'll also activate this Quick-Play Spell Card I drew when you attacked, 'Spell-Shattering Arrow'! This destroys all face-up Spells you control and deals five hundred damage for each one!"

"You'll only be destroying Amber Mammoth," said Rainbow Dash. "As long as I have a 'Crystal Beast' in my Spell Zone, Rainbow Ruins can't be destroyed by effects!"

A glowing arrow appeared above Twilight, and a swirling mass of energy formed behind it. The two rocketed downward toward Rainbow Dash, striking her and pushing her back.

Life Point Count
Rainbow Dash: 200
Twilight: 100

“They’re only a hundred points apart now!” said Applejack.

“I activate Rainbow Dragon’s effect,” said Rainbow Dash. “During either player’s turn, I can send all ‘Crystal Beast’ monsters I control to the Graveyard and increase Rainbow Dragon’s Attack Points by one thousand for each one.” All four animals on Dash’s field turned into light and were absorbed into the gems on the dragon’s neck.

Rainbow Dragon
LV 10

“This duel’s not over, Twilight,” said Rainbow Dash. “You’re out of options now. If you don’t attack, I’ll draw Amethyst Cat next turn and win with a direct attack.”

“You’re right,” said Twilight. “Then I don’t have a choice. Battle! Supreme Arcanite Magician, attack Rainbow Dragon! Spell of Supremacy: Arcane Ultima!”

Purple rings of runes appeared above the magician and on the ground beneath him as the green jewels on his armor all lit up. The rings began to move toward each other. The runes turned upright, interlocking with each other and rotating around the magician. He held his staff out in front of him, pointing the jewel and the pen-like tip at Rainbow Dragon. The runes gained speed, moving faster and faster. Rays of light stood from the jewels on the armor, then bent down to the jewel on his staff. The rays of light and the spinning runes disappeared into the jewel and it glowed with a blinding light. The light faded and a wide beam of purple magic blasted out of the jewel and raced toward the white dragon.

“It’s over, Rainbow Dash!” said Twilight.

“For you!” Dash countered. “I activate ‘Crystal Slicer’! By sending a ‘Crystal Beast’ from my deck to the Graveyard, one of your monsters loses half of its original Attack Points. I choose Supreme Arcanite Magician!”

“‘Original’ Attack Points?” said Applejack. “The hay does that mean?”

“It means the number written on the card,” said Spike. “Supreme Arcanite Magician’s original Attack strength is fourteen hundred. So half of that is seven hundred.”

“If it’s only the original Attack Points, then that means Supreme Arcanite Magician still gains a thousand points for every Spell Counter it has, plus the eight hundred points he gained from Skill Successor!”

“It’s still not enough,” said Rainbow Dash. “Look at our monsters’ Attack Points again.”

Supreme Arcanite Magician
LV 10

Rainbow Dragon
LV 10

“Rainbow Dragon, counterattack with Over the Rainbow!” shouted Rainbow Dash. The dragon opened its great maw and a white beam erupted from its throat. The dragon’s attack overtook the violet magic of the Supreme Arcanite Magician, engulfing its source and destroying him in a massive explosion.

Life Point Count
Rainbow Dash: 200
Twilight: 0

The smoke cleared away as the monsters vanished. Rainbow Dash was panting. Twilight just stood there with a smile on her face.

“That was incredible, Dash,” she said.

Rainbow Dash suddenly ran toward Twilight and threw her hooves around her neck.

“I’m sorry, Twilight!” she cried. “I don’t wanna fight like that again! I don’t!”

“I’m sorry too, Dash,” Twilight said, returning the hug.

“Still friends?” Dash asked.

“Best friends,” Twilight answered.

Several minutes passed with nothing more being said. Then a gruff voice cut through the silence.

“Sorry to ruin the moment,” said Ushio, “but... well, they’re here.”

Six ponies and a dragon ran to the edge of the roof and peered over. A black army was heading their way.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

The Black King’s army is at the doorstep of the resistance. Though the Bearers of Harmony have finally been reunited, it will take the combined strength of their three duelists to fend off this coming horde! Will Twilight and Yeager be able to lead a counterattack against Aporia and the Dark Troopers?

Chapter 24

Coming of Aporia


Featured Card

Rainbow Dragon
Level 10
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by having 7 "Crystal Beast" cards with different names on your field or in your Graveyard, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card cannot activate its effects the turn it is Special Summoned. ● During either player's turn: You can send all "Crystal Beast" monsters you control to the Graveyard; this card gains 1000 ATK for each card sent. ● You can banish all "Crystal Beast" monsters in your Graveyard; shuffle all cards on the field into the Decks.

Chapter 24: Coming of Aporia

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 24
Coming of Aporia


“We’ve got to get down there!” said Yeager. “Come on-”

“Wait! I’ve got an idea!” said Twilight. Her horn lit up and everyone flashed out of existence, one at a time, reappearing on the ground below.

“Did- you just-” Leo started to say.

“Teleport us to the ground? Yeah,” said Twilight. “Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, you girls get back inside and help keep things under control.”

“On it!” said Applejack.

“I’ll get to the infirmary right away,” said Fluttershy.

“Boobytrap time!” shouted Pinkie. She and the other two ponies ran off. Rarity remained behind.

“Twilight, wait,” said Rarity. “Let me stay here and fight.”

“Rarity, it’ll be dangerous,” said Twilight. “We don’t know what will happen.”

“I said that I would volunteer, and I am,” Rarity replied. “Can you make a Duel Disk for me?”

“Me too!” said Spike. “You know how strong my deck is!”

Twilight nodded. “Alright,” she said. She turned to Rainbow Dash. “Can I use yours as a template?”

“Sure thing,” said Dash. Her Duel Disk appeared in golden light on her foreleg. A beam of pink light connected Twilight’s horn to the Disk.

“Dash, there’s... this is... I don’t know what to say,” said Twilight. “It’s almost like it’s made of... light. How did you make this?”

“I don’t know, Twilight,” said Rainbow Dash. “But let’s try and figure it out later okay? We’ve got bigger things to worry about!”

“Right,” said Twilight. The line of light withdrew from Rainbow Dash’s Duel Disk. Twilight turned to Rarity and drew the line again, this time to her chest. There was a flash of light that caused everyone to shield their eyes. When it faded, a new Duel Disk floated in front of Rarity, held up by her own blue magic. The body was shaped like one of the diamonds on her flank, while the arm resembled a flowing, white cloud. Royal purple tinge lined the outer edge of the arm. A corner of the diamond slid upward and revealed a deck of cards inside.

Twilight then turned to Spike and connected her magic to his left arm. Another Duel Disk flashed into existence. The body was made of layered armor plates, while the arm resembled a leathery dragon wing. The whole thing was in different shades of purple, and a line of green spikes ran along the outside of the arm.

Spikes eyes flashed green and emerald flames erupted from his mouth. The fire wrapped around him and began to grow.

“Spike!” shouted Leo.

“What’s happening?!” said Yeager.

The fire died away. Spike had grown and now stood to Jack’s shoulders.

“Let’s do this,” growled the dragon.

“How... what...” Yeager stammered.

“I’m just as curious as you, but we can find out later,” said Twilight. “We’ve only got seconds before Aporia gets here. We need to organize ourselves into teams, otherwise we-”

“Hello, Twilight.”

“Hi, Aporia. Otherwise we’re fighting an up... hill... oh.” Twilight turned around and looked up at the massive human looming over her.

“You won’t escape me this time, unicorn,” Aporia stated. “You and your Synchro Monsters will be food for my Meklord Emperor.”

“Spike! Look after Rarity!” shouted Twilight. “Rainbow Dash, see if you can get some of them into Turbo Duels and keep them busy! Yeager, your call!”

“Jack, center!” Yeager said. “Leo, Luna, left flank! Aki, you’re with me on the right!”

“Sorry we’re late!” came Ushio’s voice. Two D-Wheel’s raced past the group.

“That was Sherry!” said Twilight. “Alright! We can do this!”

“We’re here too!” came another voice.

Spike turned around and smiled. “Kazama!” he said. At least a dozen other humans were running behind the man.

“You’re mine!” roared Aporia. He grabbed Twilight by the horn, picked her up and threw her across the front walk. Her horn lit up and a pink bubble appeared around Twilight and she floated slowly to the ground. The bubble popped when she was an inch from the ground. A light flared up in front of her as her Duel Disk materialized.

“Let’s do this!” Twilight said.


Life Point Count
Aporia: 4000
Twilight: 4000

“I will begin,” said Aporia. “I activate ‘Foolish Burial’, sending a monster from my deck to the Graveyard. Next, I activate ‘Core Reboot’, which allows me to Special Summon a ‘Core’ monster with ‘Wise’, ‘Sky’, or ‘Grand’ in its name from my Graveyard. I Special Summon ‘Wise Core’!”

A white egg-shaped object emerged from a portal in the ground. Red lines were drawn all along its surface in intersecting patterns. The egg split and opened, revealing gold circuitry and a blue orb of light within.

Wise Core
LV 1

“I now activate ‘Core Grenade’, which destroys Wise Core and inflicts one thousand points of damage to you!” Aporia continued. The white egg exploded, the force of the blast pushing against Twilight.

LIfe Point Count
Twilight: 3000

“When Wise Core is destroyed by a card effect, its own effect activates. All monsters I control are destroyed, and these five monsters are Special Summoned from my hand, deck or Graveyard: ‘Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity’, ‘Wisel Attack’, ‘Wisel Carrier’, ‘Wisel Guard’ and ‘Wisel Top’!”

Five new monsters appeared before Aporia, each one a glossy white machine with a smooth surface. The first was oval-shaped and had gray markings on its front that resembled a mobius strip, and dark spikes on the sides. Wisel Attack was shaped like a white almond and had a large blade running along the side of it. A hand shot out of the end and drew the blade with it. The Guard, which resembled a clam, began to unfold, revealing another hand. The two arms attached themselves to the spikes on the side of the first machine.

Wisel Carrier resembled a pair of leeches that were connected. The underside of the first machine opened and the Carrier attached itself to it, forming the legs of the machine. The white spaces in the mobius strip flashed open like eyes, revealing a spinning, green core.

The final piece, which resembled a snake, attached itself to the top, its front folding down and revealing a face made of red markings against a black screen.

Wisel Attack
LV 1

Wisel Carrier
LV 1

Wisel Guard
LV 1

Wisel Top
LV 1

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
LV 1

“You don’t stand a chance, Twilight Sparkle!” Aporia laughed. “I Set one card face-down. That ends my turn.”

“My turn!” said Twilight. “I summon ‘Defender, the Magical Knight’ in Defense Mode. And when he’s Normal Summoned, he gains a Spell Counter. I’ll Set two cards face-down and end my turn.”

A warrior in thick blue armor and holding a blue and gold tower shield appeared before Twilight. The red jewel in the center of the shield began to glow. Two large face-down cards appeared behind the man.

Defender, the Magical Knight
LV 4
SC: 1

“My turn,” said Aporia. “I activate my Continuous Trap ‘Parts Exchange’. Once during each of my turns, I can destroy one of my Meklord Emperor Parts and place a counter on Parts Exchange, and then Special Summon the same part from a different family of Meklord. I destroy Wisel Guard and replace it with ‘Skiel Guard’.”

The right arm of the giant robot in front of Aporia exploded. A blue portal appeared and the tail piece of Meklord Emperor Skiel appeared and attached itself to the right shoulder of the robot. The blue casing changed to a brilliant white sheen, the same as the robot. The tail, now the arm, waved and thrashed about, then pointed directly at Twilight. She grimaced and dug her hooves into the ground.

Skiel Guard
LV 1

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
LV 1

“You can use different parts?” Twilight gasped.

“Yes. And just like Skiel, Meklord Emperor Wisel gains the Attack Points of its attached parts,” said Aporia. “Meklord Emperor Wisel, attack Defender!”

The red eyes of the Meklord flashed as it raised its arm, and the thin blade along the outside of it. It brought the blade down and struck the shield of the Magical Knight.

“I use Defender’s effect!” said Twilight. “Once per turn, if any Spellcasters would be destroyed, I can remove one Spell Counter from my field for each of them instead!” The red jewel on the tall shield faded. The robot stopped its attack and returned to Aporia’s side.

“Very well. I Set two cards face-down. Your move.”

Twilight drew and looked at the cards she was holding. No Endymion, no Fusion Summons, no way to summon anything bigger than that Meklord Emperor... Twilight looked up from her cards at Aporia’s field. Skiel Guard can negate an attack, but I bet the other Meklord parts don’t do anything special on their own... he’ll probably swap them out for bigger pieces. In that case-!

“I summon ‘Arcane Apprentice’!” Twilight said. A short wizard wrapped from head to toe in robes appeared. His eyes gleamed from the shadows beneath his hood.

Arcane Apprentice
LV 2

“A Tuner, eh?” said Aporia. “And just what do you plan to do with that?”

“This! Arcane Apprentice, tune with Defender!” Twilight said. “The magic of fire and light combine in an explosion that shakes the earth! Synchro Summon! Erupt into battle, ‘Explosive Magician’!”

Twilight’s white-robed magician emerged onto the field, explosions and lightning flashing all around him.

Explosive Magician
LV 6

“Arcane Apprentice adds ‘Assault Mode Activate’ from my deck to my hand,” Twilight said. “Now I play a Continuous Trap of my own: ‘Pitch-Black Power Stone’! When it’s activated it gains three Spell Counters. Next, I’ll remove two Spell Counters from it to activate Explosive Magician’s effect, which destroys one Spell or Trap Card you control. Go,Chain Flash!”

Lightning crackled between the prongs of the magician’s staff. He thrust it forward and a chain of electricity shot away from it, zigzagging its way toward Aporia’s “Parts Exchange” card.

“I play a Trap: ‘Infinity Guard Formation’,” Aporia said calmly. “During this turn, the effects of monsters I control are negated, but so are all effects that would destroy any cards that I control.”

The giant robot disassembled, the cavity in its chest closing, and each piece folding back into its initial form. The five machines spread out and an energy barrier appeared in front of them shaped like a mobius strip.

“Then that means your Meklord Emperor has zero Attack Points, and Skiel Guard can’t stop me,” Twilight replied. “Explosive Magician, attack Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity with Chain Flare!”

“A futile endeavor,” Aporia said. “Counter Trap, ‘Negate Attack’. Your attack is negated, and the Battle Phase ends.” A chain of explosions erupted from Explosive Magician’s staff that raced toward the Meklord Emperor, but disappeared into a swirling vortex in the air.

Twilight grit her teeth, Set a card and ended her turn. Aporia drew after that, and the giant robot reassembled itself.

“During my Standby Phase, I activate Parts Exchange’s effect,” said Aporia. “I destroy Wisel Attack and replace it with ‘Granel Attack’.”

During his Standby Phase? thought Twilight. Why would he do it then?

The left arm of the giant robot detached itself from the main body and exploded. A blue portal opened up and a giant, orange robotic fish emerged from within. The head extended out of its body, and its tail and back half did the same. The tail swung around on a thin cable while the rear half of the body attached itself to Wisel’s shoulder. The orange casing of the machine flashed and turned the same bright white as the rest of the robot.

Granel Attack
LV 1

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
LV 1

“In that case, I’ll activate ‘Forbidden Dress’,” said Twilight. One of her face-down cards flipped up, revealing itself as a Quick-Play Spell. “During this turn, Explosive Magician loses six hundred Attack Points, but it can’t be destroyed or targeted by other effects. Which means you can’t absorb him!”

“Is that what you think?” said Aporia with a chuckle. “I move to Main Phase One. At its start, I activate ‘Electro-Meknetic Pulse’! This card can only be played at the start of Main Phase One while I control a ‘Meklord Emperor’ monster. For the rest of this turn, Trap effects on the field are negated, and Trap Cards and their effects on the field cannot be chained to this card.”

“Oh that’s not good,’’ muttered Twilight.

“Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity, attack Explosive Magician!” Aporia ordered. The robot pointed its new left arm at Twilight’s monster and fired a thin beam of yellow energy from the narrow mouth of the fish. The beam pierced the magician and destroyed him. Twilight shielded her eyes as wind pushed past her.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 2100

“That’s not all, dear Twilight,” said Aporia. “Granel Attack’s effect activates! When an ‘Infinity’ monster I control destroys a Synchro Monster in battle, it absorbs that monster!”

The robot fired another beam at the ground. A large, purple portal opened up. Wisel’s chest shined and opened as several tendrils made of light snaked their way down into the portal. They became taut and pulled a prostrate Explosive Magician out of the portal. As he approached the Meklord’s chest, he turned into light and was absorbed into the greater light inside. The front of the chest cavity closed and the glow faded.

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
LV 1

“Oh, this is not good,” said Twilight.


“Chaos King Archfiend, attack!” ordered Kazama.

“Black Rose Dragon’s effect activates! Go, Black Rose Gale!” shouted Aki.

Explosions and whirlwinds echoed all across the battlefield that had become the front of the base.

“Kazama, take those three on the right flank!” Yeager yelled across the yard. “Leo, if you’re finished, give him backup!”

“On it!” Leo replied.

“You can’t stall forever, little man,” said Yeager’s opponent.

“I don’t have to,” Yeager said as he drew a card. “I summon ‘Jester Lord’!”

Jester Lord
LV 1

“Jester Lord, attack!” A short explosion later, the Dark Trooper in front of Yeager was lying on the ground. Two more stepped up beside him and activated their Duel Disks.

“These guys just don’t let up!” said Leo.

“We have to hold them here!” Yeager said. “If Twilight defeats Aporia, we have a chance of driving them out of the base!”

“Then we don’t have much of a choice, do we?” said Luna.

“No, we don’t,” Aki answered. “We have to buy Twilight more time!”

“If it were me in her place, this would be over by now!” Jack yelled.

“Twilight knows what she’s doing!” shouted Spike. “Just trust her! If she could go toe to toe with Yusei and nearly beat him, she can win against this Aporia guy for sure!”

“Spike’s right!” said Rarity. “Twilight is strong enough to win and save the base. She has to be!”

“What makes you so sure?” Jack spat. “Why should I believe she has even a remote chance of winning against Aporia when I’ve experienced his power firsthand?”

“You know why, Jack!” said Yeager. “If she loses, she’s as good as gone!”

Jack snorted and turned back to his duel. “Exploder Dragonwing, attack!” he ordered.


“I Set one card face-down,” said Aporia. “That ends my turn.”

“My turn,” said Twilight. “I play the Continuous Spell ‘Arcane Barrier’. Next, I Normal Summon ‘Apprentice Magician’ from my hand in Defense Mode.”

A young man with cropped, blonde hair appeared on the field and knelt in front of Twilight with his arms crossed in front of his chest. A large Continuous Spell appeared off to Twilight’s left.

Apprentice Magician
LV 2

“Apprentice Magician’s effect activates. When Summoned, he places a Spell Counter on a card I control,” said Twilight. The young man turned and aimed his staff at the giant Spell Card. A flash of light shot away from the jewel at the end and hovered over the card.

“I also activate Pitch-Black Power Stone’s effect to move one of its Spell Counters to Arcane Barrier,” said Twilight. The last light of the black stone to Twilight’s right faded and the stone shattered. Another light appeared above the “Arcane Barrier” card.

Arcane Barrier
Spell Counters; 2

“Your turn,” said Twilight.

Aporia drew a card and looked at it with a smile. “I activate Granel Attack’s final effect,” said Aporia. “Any Synchro Monsters equipped to Wisel can attack your monsters!”

“What?!” cried Twilight.

The chest cavity of Meklord Emperor Wisel opened up and Explosive Magician emerged from within, still bound by the light tendrils that captured him.

“And what’s more,” Aporia said, laughing, “a monster that attacks this way inflicts piercing Battle Damage!”

Chain explosions raced toward Twilight’s monster and threw him into the air with enough force to destroy him.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 400

“Each time a Spellcaster-Type monster I control is destroyed,” Twilight said, “Arcane Barrier gets a Spell Counter. On top of that, Apprentice Magician’s effect activates! When he’s destroyed by battle, I can Special Summon another Level Two or lower Spellcaster from my deck in Defense Mode. I summon a second Apprentice Magician, then activate his effect to place a Spell Counter on Arcane Barrier.”

“Meklord Emperor Wisel, attack Apprentice Magician!” Aporia ordered.

I’m holding the only other Level Two monster I’ve seen in my deck, Twilight thought, so I can’t let that attack through! “I activate ‘Spellbinding Circle’!” she shouted. A mystic circle of light constructed from four other circles and many strange runes appeared around the midsection of the Meklord Emperor. “As long as it’s trapped in that circle, it can’t attack.”

“That I see,” said Aporia. “I Set one card face-down and end my turn.”

“My tu-” An explosion interrupted Twilight and threw her to the ground at the bottom of the steps. She quickly got her hooves underneath her and looked up to the doors of the base. A group of humans ran inside, Duel Disks raised. Another human stood by the doors, holding a card in his hand. He grinned and gave a tiny salute to Twilight before running inside.

“Spike! Rarity!” she called. “Some of them got inside! Get in there and support Pinkie and Applejack!”

“Roger that!” Spike replied. “Come on!” he said to Rarity. The two quickly ran through the billowing smoke. Rarity’s horn lit up and began clearing their path and their vision.

“The ones that escaped the ambush will not be so lucky this time,” Aporia said. Twilight spun around and glared at him.

“My friends are more than capable of handling yours,” said the unicorn. “Besides, Spike and Rainbow Dash are the strongest duelists I know next to Yusei. My turn!” Twilight drew a card and glanced at it quickly. Time to replenish my resources. “I activate Arcane Barrier’s effect,” she said. “By sending it to the Graveyard along with a Spellcaster-Type monster I control, I can draw one card for each Spell Counter that was on Arcane Barrier.” The giant Spell Card and Apprentice Magician both vanished in swirls of light. Twilight’s deck lit up and she drew four cards.

“Good,” said Twilight. “Time for a change of scenery. I play the Field Spell ‘Magical Citadel of Endymion’!” Light began to rise behind Twilight, transforming the base into a massive tower that radiated energy. “I discard one card from my hand to Special Summon ‘The Tricky’! And alongside it, I Normal Summon the Tuner monster ‘Night’s End Sorcerer’!”

Two new monsters appeared in front of Twilight. The first was humanoid in shape only. It was dressed from head to foot in black and yellow. Bright blue gems glittered on its shoulders and a blue cape fluttered behind it. Two red question marks adorned its body, a large one on its chest and a smaller one upon its face.

The second monster was a young human boy with long, dirty blonde hair, worn clothes, and a tattered scarf. In his hands was the handle of a scythe with a transparent blade.

The Tricky
LV 5

Night’s End Sorcerer
LV 2

“Level Two Night’s End Sorcerer, tune with the Level Five Tricky!” said Twilight. The Tricky bowed as the young man spun his scythe in front of him. Two stars appeared in the spinning blade and began to follow its path. The young sorcerer tossed the scythe into the air and vanished in a flash of light. The scythe also disappeared, leaving the two stars spinning in its wake. They drew two green rings in the air above Twilight. The Tricky jumped into the rings and turned into a bright orange outline.

“Stars gather and shine light on the arcane arts, illuminating the way to the future!” chanted Twilight. The Tricky’s outline vanished and left a line of five stars behind. The stars and rings were enveloped in a pillar of green light. “Synchro Summon! Adept of the arcane arts, rise! ‘Arcanite Magician’!”

A new wizard emerged from the fading light. He wore white and purple robes over black and orange armor. In his left hand he held a green staff with a bright yellow jewel at the tip.

Arcanite Magician
LV 7

“This weakling again,” said Aporia. “What can you hope to gain from these Synchro Monsters, especially one with so few Attack Points?”

“So few? Look again,” said Twilight. “Arcanite Magician gains two Spell Counters when he’s Synchro Summoned, and he gains a thousand Attack Points for each Spell Counter he has.”

“Twenty-four hundred is still far less than what my Meklord Emperor currently stands at,” Aporia snorted.

“Then this is where the real fight begins!” said Twilight.


“Hold it right there!” shouted Spike. The Dark Troopers stopped and turned around.

“Go on,” their leader said. “Take anyone you can into the shadows. I will take care of these two.”

The others nodded and ran off down the hall.

“You caused quite the explosion out there,” said Rarity. “How did you do that?”

“I have certain abilities,” the human said. He took off his helmet, revealing scarlet hair that covered the left side of his face. “I’ve never seen beings like you before. Are you from the world of Duel Monsters?”

“No,” Rarity answered.

“But that won’t stop us from beating you!” said Spike. His Duel Disk appeared on his arm in a green flare. Rarity’s horn lit up and her own Duel Disk appeared before her.

“Two against one hardly seems fair,” said the man. He smirked. “You might get hurt.”

“Ah, shut it,” Spike growled. “You have no idea what you’re in for.

“Nor do you, little one,” said the man. “My name is Sayer. My I ask your names?”

“Spike,” said Spike.

“Rarity,” said Rarity.

“Very well,” said the man. “Shall we begin?”



“Pinkie, do you hear that?” asked Applejack.

Pinkie was twitching. “I feel that,” she replied. “You go warn Fluttershy that we’ve got company. I’ll keep them busy.”

“Think you can handle ‘em?” the orange mare asked.

“I remember every birthday in Ponyville, my special talent is throwing parties, and I am a master prankster,” Pinkie replied. “I think I can handle a few meanie humans.”

“If’n ya say so,” said Applejack. “Good luck, Pinkie Pie!” With that, she ran down the hall as fast as she could.

“Okay then,” said Pinkie as she rubbed her hooves together, a wicked smirk on her face. “Who wants a piece of Pinkie Pie?”



Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Dark Troopers have stormed the base! Spike and Rarity are held up by their apparent leader, the vicious Psychic Duelist, Sayer, while the remaining troopers attempt to locate the infirmary. Pinkie Pie and Applejack fight desperately to keep them away, but can they manage all of them?

Chapter 25

Stop the Intruders!! Rarity of the Gem-Knights


Featured Card

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
Level 1
Other monsters you control cannot attack. Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up Synchro Monster your opponent controls; equip that target to this card. This card gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of all other “Wisel”, “Skiel”, and “Granel” monsters you control, and the original ATK of all Synchro Monsters equipped by its effect. When this card is destroyed: Destroy all monsters you control.

Chapter 25: Stop the Intruders!! Rarity of the Gem-Knights

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 25
Stop the Intruders!! Rarity of the Gem-Knights



Life Point Count
Spike/Rarity: 4000
Sayer: 4000

“The rules are simple,” said Sayer. “The two of you will be a team and function as a single Duelist, sharing four thousand LIfe Points and a single field between you. But to be sporting, I’ll let you go first.”

“Then I got this,” said Spike as he drew a card. “I summon ‘Luster Dragon’ in Defense Mode, and Set three cards face-down. Your move.”

A gleaming sapphire dragon appeared before Spike and folded its wings in front of itself. Three giant cards appeared face-down behind it.

Luster Dragon
LV 4

“My turn,” said Sayer. “I summon ‘Serene Psychic Witch’ in Attack Mode, and Set one card face-down.” A woman in a skin-tight pink suit and a white dress emerged onto the field. She wore a silver headband over her electric-pink hair. In her hands were two silver devices with large, turquoise circles on the sides. The objects were connected to the metal band around her waist by thin cords.

Serene Psychic Witch
LV 3

“My turn!” said Rarity. “Spike, what do you think?”

“I think he’s baiting us,” said Spike. “A weak Attack Mode monster and a face-down is just too obvious.”

“Then perhaps we should take the bait and get it over with,” Rarity said. “I summon ‘Gem-Knight Garnet’!” The monster that emerged from the portal in front of Rarity was a human clad entirely in crimson armor.

Gem-Knight Garnet
LV 4

“Battle! Gem-Knight Garnet, attack Serene Psychic Witch with Flaming Iron Fist!” said Rarity.

The crimson knight raised his fist into the air and it became engulfed in flames. He brought it down, pulled it back, and charged forward. When he reached the Witch, Gem-Knight Garnet threw his burning fist forward, knocking the woman to the ground and destroying her.

Life Point Count
Sayer: 3500

“Did you see that, Spike?” said Rarity excitedly. “I did it!”

“You certainly did, little unicorn,” said the human. “Serene Psychic Witch’s effect activates! When she is destroyed and sent from the field to the Graveyard, I can remove one Psychic-Type monster with two thousand or less Attack in my deck from play. So I’ll remove ‘Mental Seeker’.”

“You’re removing your own cards from the game?” said Spike. “Why?”

“You’ll see,” Sayer replied.

“I Set a Trap Card and end my turn,” said Rarity.

“Rarity!” Spike cried. “You can Set Spells and Traps, so you never tell your opponent which one you put down!”

“Oh,” Rarity said. Her cheeks flushed. “Oops.”

“My turn,” said Sayer. “During my Standby Phase, Serene Psychic Witch’s second effect activates. As she is still in the Graveyard, ‘Mental Seeker’ is now Special Summoned to my field.”

Another human, childlike in size, emerged from a portal. Blue armor covered the black clothing he wore, with red cables connecting his boots to the loin guard. A blue visor covered the boy’s eyes and a blue cape flapped behind him.

Mental Seeker
LV 3

“Mental Seeker’s effect activates!” Sayer announced. “If it was Special Summoned while removed from the game, I get to see the top three cards of your deck and remove one of those from the game.”

“What?!” shouted Spike.

“Spike, it’s alright,” said Rarity. “I’m sure one card won’t be the end of the world.”

Three cards appeared lying face-up on the ground. The first, a Spell, was “Gem-Knight Fusion”. The second was a Normal Monster, “Gem-Knight Sapphire”. The third was a Trap called “Gem-Enhancement”.

“Interesting,” said Sayer, tapping his finger against his chin. He then pointed. “I choose ‘Gem-Knight Fusion’.” A vortex of dark clouds appeared over the dueling field. The chosen card flew up into the eye of the storm and vanished. The other two cards disappeared as well. Rarity’s deck shuffled itself after.

“Well... that’s a bit inconvenient,” Rarity huffed.

“Why’s that?” asked Spike.

“I think my deck focuses on Fusion Monsters,” she said. “I don’t quite know my deck that well yet.”

“You’ll get the hang of it,” said Spike.

“Let’s move onward, shall we?” Sayer announced. “I summon “Hushed Psychic Cleric’ to the field.” A new humanoid appeared before Sayer, an old man. He wore an elaborate white gown trimmed and decorated with gold patterns, and lined on the inside with purple cloth. In his hands was a large, wooden staff with a bright blue sapphire embedded in the hook. The staff had three white-and-gold plates, with the one closest to the bottom connected to the band around his waist by a thin black cable. Two more cables ran from the back of his gloved hands to the band. A large visor of the same color scheme as the rest of his outfit covered his eyes and much of his forehead, leaving only the bearded half of his face exposed.

“When my Cleric is Normal or Special Summoned, he switches himself to Defense Position.”

Hushed Psychic Cleric
LV 3

“I activate Psychic Cleric’s effect,” Sayer continued. “By sending a card from my hand to the Graveyard, I can remove a Psychic-Type monster in my Graveyard from the game.” A transparent image of “Serene Psychic Witch” appeared in front of the Cleric. He waved his staff and the image vanished.

“Level Three Mental Seeker, tune with the Level Three Hushed Psychic Cleric!” The little boy pulled his cape over his shoulder, then threw it behind him again, vanishing during the swift motion and leaving three stars behind. The stars drew green Synchro rings that encircled the Psychic Cleric. The old man faded into an orange outline, revealing three more stars. The outline was stripped away and the stars formed a straight line.

“Black thoughts that fester, ride the psychic waves and infect the minds of my foes! Synchro Summon!” Sayer chanted. A green-white pillar of light engulfed the stars and the rings around them. “Rear your head, ‘Psychic Nightmare’!”

The creature that emerged could only be described as demonic. Purple skin gripped the muscles in its arms and legs, and held tight to its ribs, giving an armored appearance to its chest. Two massive spikes protruded straight up from its shoulders, and several smaller ones ran along its arms and legs. Gold bands covered its ankles and its waist. A segmented tail whipped back and forth behind it. Two giant, bat-like wings spread away from its back. Green, unkempt hair waved behind its head. Six large horns spread away from the back of its head, with two tiny blue ones resting just above its beady eyes.

Psychic Nightmare
LV 6

“Hushed Psychic Cleric’s effect activates,” said Sayer. “When it’s sent from the field to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon one monster that was banished by his effect.” Serene Psychic Witch reappeared on Sayer’s field, kneeling down on one knee and and crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Serene Psychic Witch
LV 3

“Psychic NIghtmare’s effect activates!” Sayer continued. “Once per turn, I can select a random card from my opponent’s hand and guess if it’s a monster, Spell, or Trap Card. If I guess right, Psychic Nightmare gains one thousand Attack Points until the end of your turn.”

Rarity’s hand of cards floated in front of her, held in place by the blue aura of her magic. The magic around one of them turned red and rose into the air.

“That is a monster card,” Sayer declared. The card turned around and revealed itself as “Gem-Knight Lazuli”. Psychic Nightmare roared as the muscles on its clenched and grew.

Psychic NIghtmare
LV 6

“Finally, I activate the Trap Card ‘Psychic Trigger’. If my Life Points are lower than yours, I can remove two Psychic-Type monsters from my Graveyard to draw two cards.” Sayer drew two cards as Mental Seeker and Hushed Psychic Cleric appeared briefly and vanished. “Battle! Psychic Nightmare, destroy Gem-Knight Garnet! Nightmare Claw!”

“I activate ‘Zero Gravity!” shouted Spike. “This changes the battle positions of all monsters on the field.”

Psychic Nightmare
LV 6

Serene Psychic Witch
LV 3

Luster Dragon
LV 4

Gem-Knight Garnet
LV 4

“Very well then. Serene Psychic Witch, attack Gem-Knight Garnet,” Sayer ordered. The witch pointed the two devices she held at Rarity’s monster. Bursts of energy shot away from the thin barrels on the ends and pierced the knight’s armor, destroying him.

“I end my turn with two face-down cards.”


Applejack barreled through the doors to the infirmary. Fluttershy squeaked and took to the air.

“Applejack?” she said. “What are you doing here?”

“We got a problem, Fluttershy,” panted the orange mare. “Some of the bad guys made it inside the base. Pinkie’s tryin’ to hold ‘em off, but I figured I’d better warn you too.”

“Oh no!” she said. “Should we bar the door?”

“N... no....” came a raspy voice. Fluttershy looked down at the patient she’d been tending too. “They can... get in... by the shadows. You’ll need to... escape... if they come.”

“What if we just turned on all the lights?” Applejack asked.

“You can’t get rid... of all the shadows,” the man wheezed.

“Then Ah guess Ah stay an’ fight!” Applejack said.

“You can’t fight in here!” said Fluttershy. “Almost everyone in here is hurt! What if someone gets even more hurt?”

“Shy, we don’t have much of a choice here. If them Dark Troopers get in here, all of these guys are goners.”

“She’s right,” the injured man said. “Even if they don’t... don’t kill us... they’ll take us... into the shadows. When that happens... you become one of them.”

“That don’t sound good.”

“Why are we fighting them, though?” asked Fluttershy. “It just doesn’t make any sense... why fight them? Who is this Black King we keep hearing about?”

“Fluttershy, there’ll be plenty o’ time for those questions later. Right now, we gotta figure a way to keep these people safe!”

“I know, you’re right. It’s just-”

“Duel... Disks...”

“What?” said the two mares.

“Find... as many Duel Disks... as you can,” the man said. “Bring them all here.”

“You’re too injured to fight them!” said Fluttershy.

“I don’t need to stand... to duel! They can’t take us... without a fight!”


“My turn!” said Spike. “Battle! Luster Dragon, attack Psychic Nightmare!” Spike’s dragon roared and slashed its claws, tearing through the bat-wings of Sayer’s demonic monster.

“I activate ‘Telepathic Power’,” said Sayer. “When you destroy a Psychic-Type monster in battle, this card destroys the monster that attacked and increases my Life Points by its Attack Points.” Luster Dragon exploded and a green aura appeared around Sayer.

Life Point Count
Sayer: 5400
Spike/Rarity: 4000

“I figured you might do something like that,” said Spike. “I activate ‘Birthright’, which Special Summons ‘Luster Dragon’ from my Graveyard in Attack Mode. And when a Dragon-Type monster is Special Summoned from the Graveyard, I can activate ‘Adamantine Sword Revival’! By Releasing the monster that was summoned, I can Special Summon ‘Diamond Head Dragon’ from my deck!”

Just as quickly as it had reappeared, the sapphire dragon vanished and was replaced by a much larger, green-skinned dragon. Massive diamonds grew from its sides, its back, and from its forehead.

“Diamond Head Dragon’s Attack Points are a thousand points higher than the monster that was Released to summon it,” said Spike.

Diamond Head Dragon
LV 8

“Diamond Head Dragon, attack Serene Psychic Witch with Diamond Dust Cyclone!” Light flashed along the dragon’s diamond-covered back until it reached its glittering horn. The creature roared as a sparkling whirlwind erupted from the jewel atop its head that struck Sayer’s monster and destroyed her almost instantly.

Life Point Count
Sayer: 3900

“Serene Witch’s effect activates, banishing ‘Esper Girl’ from my deck,” said Sayer.

“I activate ‘Lineage of Destruction’,” Spike continued. “During the turn that I destroyed a monster in Defense Mode, one Level Eight monster I control can attack twice! Go, Diamond Head Dragon!”

“I activate ‘Emergency Teleport’! This Special Summons a Level Three or lower Psychic-Type monster from my deck. I summon Serene Psychic Witch!”

“Diamond Dust Cyclone!”

Another whirlwind erupted from the dragon’s diamond horn. Another Psychic Witch appeared in a flash and was destroyed by the cyclone.

Life Point Count
Sayer: 2400

“I end my turn with two face-down cards,” said Spike.

“You shouldn’t have attacked,” Sayer said. “If you had let it slide, Emergency Teleport’s effect would have removed the summoned monster from the game at the end of the turn. But as it stands, you’ve allowed me to remove another monster from my deck. This means I’ll summon two monsters on my next turn!”

“Then bring it on!” Spike hissed.


“Which way now?” asked one of the men.

“There used to be a sign here,” said another. “Now there’s just... what is that?”

“Looks like a pink bear or something,” said a third.

“Nope! That’s me!” came another voice. The five Dark Troopers turned their heads and saw a pink pony in the distance. She was holding a rope in her hooves.

“What are- gah!” The pony had tugged on the rope and suddenly they were all covered in a white powder. “What is this?!” shouted the trooper.

“Flour!” said the pony. She ran forward a bit and grabbed another rope that was tied to doorknob and tugged with her teeth, undoing the knot. Then she let go. The five men looked up and found themselves being drenched with water. The pink pony laughed and dashed away.

“Why you little-! You two, go that way and find the infirmary! The rest of us will get that... thing!” he flicked a large blob of dough away from his hand and started to give chase. But then he slipped on more dough and fell backwards.

Laughter rang in his ears.


“My turn! And during my Standby Phase, ‘Esper Girl’ and ‘Psychic Snail’ are Special Summoned to my field.” Two new monsters emerged onto Sayer’s field. The first was a little girl wearing white and gold shorts, coat, boots and cape over a brown jumpsuit. Bright green emeralds adorned her shoulders, knees and feet. Two large caps rested on the sides of her head. In her hands was a long white staff with a spiked ball at one end. Four cables ran away from the ends of her staff and the backs of her yellow gloves to something behind her and beneath the cape.

The second monster was a giant purple and gold snail-like creature. Glowing yellow gems adorned its shell and body and lightning flashed away from its artificial antennae. The creature also had muscular, human-like arms.

Esper Girl
LV 2

Psychic Snail
LV 4

“When Esper Girl is Special Summoned when she was removed from play, she removes the top card of my deck face-down. I add it to my hand when she’s sent to the Graveyard.”

“So he’s got a surprise waiting for him,” said Spike.

“I’m not really sure I like his surprises,” said Rarity.

“I summon ‘Silent Psychic Wizard’ in Attack Mode!” Sayer continued. His new monster was a human dressed in blue and white armor, a cape fluttering behind him. In one hand he held the handle of a long, bladed staff. Black cables ran from the handguard and the butt of the staff to the long gauntlets on the wizard’s arms.

Silent Psychic Wizard
LV 4

“When Silent Wizard is Normal Summoned, I can remove a Psychic-Type monster in my Graveyard from play.” Serene Psychic Witch briefly appeared once more before vanishing again. “When Silent Wizard goes to the Graveyard, that monster is Special Summoned to the field. Now, Level Two Esper Girl, tune with the Level Four Silent Psychic Wizard! Stirring within the blackest infernos, become the envoy of my malice! Synchro Summon! Roar in the depths, ‘HTS Psyhemuth’!”

Emerging from the pillar of light was a monstrous, dog-like creature. Every inch of it seemed covered in grey armor. Rainbow-colored crystals grew from its shoulders and hips and formed its strange, curved horns. Energy flowed through its tail like water through a glass pipe. Psychic energy danced like lightning beneath its belly. The creature snarled and roared as it stepped onto the field.

HTS Psyhemuth
LV 6

“Esper Girl and Silent Psychic Wizard’s effects activate! Serene Psychic Witch is Special Summoned to the field in Defense Mode, and the card that Esper Girl originally removed is added to my hand.” Sayer’s monster appeared on the field and he suddenly found himself grasping a new card. He looked at it and smiled. “Perfect!” he said. “I activate ‘Psychokinesis’! If I control a Psychic-Type monster, I can destroy one card on the field, but then I take one thousand points of damage. I destroy Diamond Head Dragon!”

“Spike, I think I have an idea!” said Rarity. “But you have to protect Diamond Head Dragon for it to work!”

“Rarity, the only card I have that can save it will take away its Attack Points!” Spike answered.

“I won’t need its Attack Points, Spike, just its Attribute!”

“Its Attribute?”

“I can win on my next turn, Spike. Trust me!”

Spike pondered on this for a moment, then nodded. “Alright. I play ‘Interdimensional Matter Transporter’, removing Diamond Head Dragon from the game until the End Phase.” A shimmering light appeared at the green dragon’s feet and climbed up, causing the beast to vanish.

“It seems I missed,” said Sayer. “But in that case, I don’t take the damage from Psychokinesis. Not that it matters much. I activate Psychic Snail’s effect by paying eight hundred of my Life Points. Psychic Snail cannot attack this turn, but it permanently gives HTS Psyhemuth the ability to attack twice!”

“Twice?!” said Spike.

“Oh no!” cried Rarity.

“HTS Psyhemuth, attack!”

“I play ‘Soul Resurrection’, and Special Summon Luster Dragon in Defense Mode!” said Spike. His second face-down card flipped up. When it did, Luster Dragon appeared with its wings folded in front of itself.

“You are only delaying the inevitable,” Sayer laughed. “Psyhemuth, destroy Luster Dragon with Beast King Mind Shred!” The crystals and horns of the behemoth began to glow with the full spectrum of color as energy ran along the lines in its armor. It reared up and revealed two concave scarlet circles embedded in its stomach and within each other. A bright purple beam shot away from the belly of the beast and destroyed Luster Dragon.

“My attack continues!” Sayer cried. “HTS Psyhemuth, attack them directly! Beast King Mind Shred!” The creature snarled as another energy blast fired out of its stomach and struck Spike and Rarity. The pair were thrown backwards into the air, then pulled by gravity to the hard floor.

Life Point Count
Sayer: 1600
Spike/Rarity: 1600

Spike sat up with a groan. “Oh... what was that?” he muttered.

“I don’t know,” said Rarity, “but it hurt.”

“You felt it too?”

Rarity’s eyes widened. “That impact... it was real!”

“What do you mean it was real?”

“That’s how he destroyed the front entrance!”

Sayer smirked. “I Set one card face-down and end my turn.”

“During the End Phase, Diamond Head Dragon returns to the field,” Spike said. “Rarity... I’m entrusting this monster to you. Use it well!”

“I will,” said Rarity. She suddenly glared at their opponent. “And as for you, ruffian, it’s my turn!”


“Applejack! There you are!” said Pinkie. “I’ve got three of those Dark Trooper guys dancing on really soapy-wet floors right now! The other two ran off, though. Where are you going with all of those Duel Disks?”

“Back to the infirmary,” Applejack replied. “Those other two must be headin’ there right now. Listen, before I get back, one o’ the men told me to watch out for the shadows.”

“The shadows?” Pinkie repeated, cocking her head curiously.

“Yeah,” Applejack said with a nod. “These guys can go in an’ out of ‘em like doors or somethin’.”

Pinkie put her hoof to her chin and stared at the floor Suddenly her eyes widened and she grinned. “Okie-dokie-lokie! I can handle them easy!”

“You sure, Pinkie Pie?”

“Yeppers!” And with that, she dashed off.


“I summon ‘Gem-Knight Lazuli’ from my hand of cards,” said Rarity. The new monster that appeared resembled a young human woman, but was made almost entirely of grey stone, the only exceptions being her turquoise eyes.

Gem-Knight Lazuli
LV 1

“I activate the Spell Card ‘Particle Fusion’, which combines two monsters on my side of the field. Since Spike and I are sharing a field, this means I can use Diamond Head Dragon!”

The diamonds all along the dragon’s body began to flash repeatedly like lightning as the creature roared. With one final flash, the dragon vanished and Rarity’s monster was enveloped in light. Lazuli began to grow in height, and her armor began to change. A pair of wings made of light sprouted from a bright green gem that had appeared on her chest. A glimmering rapier appeared in her hand as well. A cape descended from her shoulders, waving gently behind her. The light faded and the new monster landed softly on her feet.

“I Fusion Summon ‘Gem-Knight Seraphinite’!” said Rarity.

Gem-Knight Seraphinite
LV 5

“What do you hope to accomplish with that?” Sayer said with a laugh.

“Didn’t your mother ever teach you manners?” Rarity huffed. “It’s impolite to interrupt a lady! I activate the effects of Gem-Knight Lazuli and Particle Fusion. By removing Particle Fusion from my Graveyard, I can choose a ‘Gem-Knight’ monster that I used for this Fusion Summon, then increase the Fusion Monster’s Attack Points by that monster’s Attack Points. In this case, Seraphinite gains six hundred points from Lazuli. Next, Lazuli lets me add a Normal Monster in my Graveyard to my hand when she is sent to the Graveyard by a card effect. Return to me, Gem-Knight Garnet!

“Finally, Gem-Knight Seraphinite allows me to Normal Summon an extra monster each turn. I summon ‘Gem-Knight Garnet’!”

Gem-Knight Garnet
LV 4

Gem-Knight Seraphinite
LV 5

“Battle!” shouted Rarity. “Gem-Knight Garnet, attack Serene Psychic Witch! Go, Flaming Iron Fist!”

A fiery punch descended and Sayer’s defending monster shattered like glass.

“Now, Gem-Knight Seraphinite, attack HTS Psyhemuth with Seraphim Sword Dance!”

Rarity’s monster twirled its sword in an elaborate pattern, each move as fluid as water, each one slicing through the armored hide of the behemoth. Seraphinite drew the sword back, then plunged the end into the Psyhemuth’s forehead.

“HTS Psyhemuth’s effect activates!” shouted Sayer. “If it battles a monster, I can remove both of them from the game after damage calculation!”

The crystals on the dog-like monster began to glow brighter and brighter. One set shattered completely. A massive wave of energy spread way from the beast and both monsters vanished almost instantly. The wave struck Sayer and pushed him back.

Life Point Count
Sayer: 1100

“I’ve grown bored of this,” said Sayer. “Take your victory if you want it.”

“I will!” Rarity snapped. “I activate the Trap Card ‘Pyroxene Fusion’ combining Gem-Knight Garnet on my field with a ‘Gem-Knight’ monster in my hand, I can Fusion Summon ‘Gem-Knight Ruby’!”

The color of Garnet’s armor began to deepen from a red-orange to a deep scarlet. Large, dark rubies appeared on his shoulders, gauntlets and legs. A deep blue cape formed across his shoulders. As he swept it back, he revealed a long-handled axe with a crimson blade.

Gem-Knight Ruby
LV 6

“Gem-Knight Ruby, attack Psychic Snail!” Rarity ordered. “When Ruby attacks a monster in Defense Mode, he inflicts piercing Battle Damage! Go, Flaming Ruby Slash!”

Rarity’s newest warrior spun axe all around him and then jumped into the air, bringing the blade down across the snail's chest. Sayer was knocked to the floor by the force of the strike.

Life Point Count
Sayer: 0
Spike/Rarity: 1600

“We did it!” shouted Rarity. “Spike, we won!”

You won, Rarity!” said Spike. “Way to go!”

“Congratulations, my little pony,” said Sayer. He jumped to his feet and dusted himself off. He then took a card from the arm of his Duel Disk. “This was my face-down card,” he said. He threw it in her direction and she caught it with her magic. “Show that to Aki when this is over. She’ll be most interested to see it. As for me, I think I shall take my leave.”

“Hold it!” Spike growled. “You’re not going anywhere!”

“Is that right? And how are you going to stop me when you can’t even see me?” Sayer held up another card. Massive explosions rocked the room and the pair of friends found their vision clouded with smoke and dust.

“Rarity!” coughed Spike.

“Spike!” Rarity called back.

At last the smoke cleared. Sayer was gone.


Applejack glared at the double doors. Any second now, she thought.

Just then, two dark figures burst through the doors. The walked in slowly, but stopped when the sounds of over forty Duel Disks activating rang out. They looked at each other, then back to the room full of bed-ridden duelists.

“Well, that’s not fair at all,” said one.

“I’m sorry!” said Applejack. “We don’t give a-”

“Applejack!” Fluttershy cried.

“I was gonna say ‘flyin’ backflip’, Shy.” Applejack picked up a rope on the floor with her teeth and started running, twirling a lasso over her head. She pulled her head back, then threw it forward and let go of the rope for only a moment, then grabbed the end. The lasso fell around the two Dark Troopers. Applejack tugged on the rope. Two nurses and Fluttershy came over and helped pull the two men to the floor.

“Yeehaw!” shouted Applejack. “That’s how we do it back home!”

“We did it!” said Fluttershy excitedly.

“There’s three more of ‘em, but Pinkie said she’s got ‘em covered.”

“Should we go check on her?”

“No, you stay here. Ah’ll go find her.”

“Okay. Be careful, Applejack.”

“Will do, Fluttershy.”


Applejack rounded the corner and saw two figures in the distance. But these she knew.

“Rarity!” she called. “And... Spike?”

The white mare and the dragon turned to see their friend running toward them.

“Applejack!” said Rarity. “Darling, are you alright?”

“Ah’m fine,” said the farmpony. “Spike, what happened to you? How’d you get so big?”

Spike shrugged. “Same way I did when Yusei and I fought Discord,” he said. “I think I know how, but I’ll explain later. Five Dark Troopers made it past us. Their leader’s gone too.”

“We got two of ‘em tied up in the infirmary,” Applejack said. “Ah’m tryin’ to find Pinkie PIe. She was gonna fight the other three.”

“How in the world did she plan on doing that?” Rarity asked.

“Probably with pranks and boobytraps,” said Spike.

“Well, we need to find her fast. These Dark Troopers are more dangerous than we knew, and- hey, what’s that?” Applejack pointed behind Spike and Rarity. They turned. A sudden light had flooded the hallway around the far corner. The three friends looked at each other and moved to investigate.

When they rounded the corner, they were met by intense light and covered their eyes.

“Hi guys!” came Pinkie’s excited voice.

“Pinkie Pie, what on earth is that light?” Applejack asked.

“Floodlights!” said Pinkie. “Remember when you told me that Dark Troopers can use shadows like doors? Well I remembered that I saw these big light things one day while I was exploring the base and I asked one of the humans how they worked and he showed me and I said it was neat and went to find something else to learn about and-”

Applejack cut her off. “Whoa, there! Slow down, girl!”

“Sorry. Anyway, when you told me that they can move through shadows, I remembered the floodlights and I got an idea!”

Pinkie Pie stepped to the side. There in the middle of the floor were the three remaining Dark Troopers, covered in splotches of dried dough and wrapped up tightly in rope. Floodlights illuminated them from all directions.

“With all this light, there’s no place for the shadows to go!” said Pinkie.

“Pinkie, you’re downright weird sometimes, but you are a genius!” said Applejack.

“Well done, dear!” said Rarity.

“Aw, shucks!” Pinkie giggled. “Oh, hi, Spike! When’d you get so big?”

“Tell ya later, Pinkie,” said Spike. “Rarity, let’s get back to the entrance in case more of them get past Twilight and the others.”

“How’s Twi’ doin’?” asked Applejack.

“Last I saw, she only had four hundred Life Points,” said Spike. “It didn’t look good.”

“I hope she’s okay,” said Pinkie.

“Me too, Pinkie,” Spike said. “Me too.”


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight’s showdown with Aporia continues as she begins to desperately mount a counterattack against the malevolent android! But as they trade blow for blow, she quickly realizes that she may be out of her league when Aporia returns his Meklord Emperor to its original state and begins upgrading it. But with the knowledge of her friends cheering her on, and the gift she received from the old man, Twilight breaks through!

Chapter 26

Stand Up, Twilight! Wisel ∞ LV5 vs. Supreme Arcanite Magician


Featured Card

Gem-Knight Garnet
Level 4
The Gem-Knight Warrior who carries the Garnet Soul. His Flaming Iron Fist crushes all enemies.

Chapter 26: Stand Up, Twilight! Wisel ∞ LV5 vs. Supreme Arcanite Magician

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 26
Stand Up, Twilight! Wisel ∞ LV5 vs. Supreme Arcanite Magician


Battles raged on. Monsters roared as they fought and obliterated one another. A violet unicorn remained focused on her own battle, staring down the man who sought entrance to the base.

Life Point Count
Aporia: 4000
Twilight: 400

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
LV 1

Arcanite Magician
LV 7
SC: 2

“I activate ‘Spell Power Grasp’, placing a Spell Counter on ‘Arcanite Magician’,” said Twilight. “And since I played a Spell Card, I place a Spell Counter on ‘Magical Citadel of Endymion’.”

Arcanite Magician
SC: 3

Magical Citadel of Endymion
SC: 1

“I activate Arcanite Magician’s effect. By removing a Spell Counter from a card I control, I can destroy one card on the field. I’ll use the Spell Counter on Magical Citadel to destroy Wisel Infinity!”

The lone light circling the tower behind Twilight flew into an arc and raced down toward the jewel on Arcanite Magician’s staff. It hit the orb and began to shine from within. The wizard aimed the shining jewel at the giant robot hovering over Aporia and fired a burst of energy at the robot’s chest.

“Trap Card, ‘Infinity Wall’, activate!” said Aporia. “If I control a ‘Meklord Emperor’, all effects that would destroy cards on the field are negated during this turn.”

A wall made of tiny, glowing infinity symbols erected itself in front of the Meklord Emperor. The energy from Arcanite Magician’s staff struck the wall and dissipated against it.

“Then this is my chance!” said Twilight. “Arcanite Magician, attack Granel Attack with Arcane Blast!” The magician released another burst of energy, this one directed at the bulky left arm

“Skiel Guard’s effect activates and negates your attack,” Aporia said with a sweep of his hand. Wisel thrust its right arm forward and a white barrier appeared before it. The magical attack struck the barrier, exploded, then vanished.

“What?!” said Twilight.

“Infinity Wall does not negate my monsters’ effects,” said Aporia. “Did you really think it would be that easy?”

Augh, how could I miss that? Twilight thought. She blinked. Her vision blurred. That must be it... I’m exhausted from my duel with Rainbow Dash... and from maintaining this Duel Disk for so long.

Okay, let’s think. His Meklord Emperor can’t attack because of Spellbinding Circle. But if he draws another card that can shut it down like ‘Electro-Meknetic Pulse’, I’ll be in trouble. I’ve only got two cards in my hoof... hand... ugh, I need a nap. Twilight shook her head vigorously. Get it together, Twilight! I can play this card to increase my resources, but that would mean giving up my one defense... but I need to break through Aporia’s defense and take out Wisel Infinity! And besides, even if he can’t get rid of Spellbinding Circle, he might try to weaken Arcanite Magician and attack with Explosive Magician... I have to take the risk.

“I play ‘Magical Planter’,” she said. “With this, I can send a Continuous Trap I control to the Graveyard to draw two cards from my deck.” Two cards held by Twilight’s magic floated away from her deck as the mystic circle holding Wisel Infinity in place disappeared. This is perfect! “I Set three cards and end my turn!”

“My turn,” said Aporia. “I activate Parts Exchange’s effect, replacing ‘Wisel Top’ with ‘Granel Top’!” The robot’s head vanished in a flash of light. An orange, serpentine machine appeared. Its shape was that of a seahorse. It spun around and slid its tail into the vacant spot on top of the robot. Half of it slid up, revealing a glowing red eye. The machine’s casing turned bright white to match the rest of the Meklord Emperor.

Granel Top
LV 1

“Because this is the third time I used its effect, Parts Exchange is now destroyed,” Aporia said. “However, I also get to draw one card from this. Now, Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity, attack Arcanite Magician! And at this moment, Granel Top’s effect activates, negating the effects of your Synchro Monster!” The red eye in the robot’s skinny head emitted red waves. A white glow appeared around Twilight’s monster as three lights left his body.

“Oh no!” gasped Twilight. “That means Arcanite Magician loses his Spell Counters and all of his Attack Points!”

Arcanite Magician
LV 7

“Go, Grand Slaughter Cannon!” Aporia shouted. Wisel aimed the fish-shaped cannon arm at Twilight’s monster and fired a wide beam of orange energy at the magician.

“I activate ‘Defense Draw’!” said Twilight. “The damage I take from this battle is reduced to zero and I get to draw one card.”

“Granel Attack’s effect activates!” Aporia continued. Another beam of energy raced out of the barrel and pierced the ground. Tendrils of light snaked out of the Meklord’s chest and into the portal that had formed. “When an ‘Infinity’ monster I control destroys a Synchro Monster in battle, it absorbs that monster!” The tendrils pulled a limp Arcanite Magician out of the portal and turned him to light before pulling him into the robot’s chest.

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
LV 1

“Arcanite Magician!” cried Twilight.

Aporia laughed loud and deep. “Two of your Synchro Monsters have become food for Wisel Infinity! You were a fool to free my Meklord Emperor! I Set two cards face-down and end my turn.”

“My turn!” said Twilight. She looked at the card she held with her magic. Her eyes widened. “I play a Continuous Spell: ‘Spell Absorption’. As long as this is in play, I gain five hundred Life Points each time a Spell Card is activated. Next, I activate ‘Spell Shattering Arrow’! This destroys all face-up Spell Cards on your field and deals five hundred points of damage for each one!”

A giant silver arrow formed above Twilight and raced toward Meklord Emperor Wisel. It wedged itself into the cavity. Two orbs of light emerged from within and took on the forms of Twilight’s magicians. They smiled at her before vanishing with the arrow.

Life Point Count
Aporia: 3000
Twilight: 900

“Insolent little... I activate ‘Infinite Feast’! During the turn that Synchros equipped to an ‘Infinity’ monster I control are sent to the Graveyard, my Meklord Emperor can absorb them once more! Then you take six hundred damage for each one equipped, whilst I gain six hundred Life Points for each!”

“No way!”

“Continue to feast, Wisel!” Aporia laughed. Tentacles whipped out of the Meklord’s chest and shot toward the ground.

“Trap Card, ‘Descending Lost Star’!” said Twilight. “I can Special Summon a Synchro Monster from my Graveyard in Defense Mode. Its Level is reduced by one and its Defense Points become zero.”

The robot’s tentacles slid into the earth once again. Some pulled Explosive Magician out, while a few others remained. Arcanite Magician flew out of the ground with the tentacles chasing after him. They moved to wrap around his limbs, but missed and grasped only air. The magician knelt down before Twilight with his staff held to his chest.

Arcanite Magician
LV 6

“It matters not,” said Aporia. “I can still drain six hundred Life Points from you!”

Aporia held out his hand. A crimson band of energy connected to Twilight’s horn. A white circle appeared around the two of them and Twilight screamed as she felt pain wrack her body and her strength leave her. She fell forward onto her knees.

Life Point count
Aporia: 3600
Twilight: 300

“What... what was that?!” Twilight demanded. “That white light... what did you do?”

“I have decided to stop playing games with you,” Aporia answered nonchalantly. “From this point forward, the damage you receive will be real. It will not be enough to kill you, of course... I believe the Black King would prefer to have you alive. But you should find it incredibly hard to focus.” Aporia smirked.

“I’ve been through worse,” Twilight said as she struggled to get her hooves underneath her. She at last stood up straight. She was panting, her breathing fast and raspy. Beads of sweat ran down the side of her face.

“Still have some fight in you, I see.”

“I’ve got a lot of fight in me. And I’m not through with you just yet! I play ‘Assault Mode Activate’! I Release ‘Arcanite Magician’ and Special Summon from my deck ‘Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode’!”

Bright orange light began to shine beneath the magician’s robe. He grabbed one shoulder of the robe and pulled it away, tossing it to the side. Black armor with orange ridges gleamed like dark fire. Bright green gemstones were embedded into the tall shoulders, the crest of the helmet, the chest, and the gauntlets. The two gems in the shoulders of the armor began to glow.

Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode
LV 9
SC: 2

“I activate Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode’s effect! By removing two Spell Counters from anywhere on my field, I can destroy all cards you control. I played two Spells this turn, so my Magical Citadel has two Spell Counters. Those are the ones I’ll use! Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode, destroy Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity! Arcane Explosion!”

Every green gem and the orange ridges of the wizard’s armor began to glow. Fire grew from the ridges of the armor as the magician drew his arms in. When it seemed that he would be consumed by the fire, he threw his arms to the sides. Light and fire burst from his body and raced toward the Meklord Emperor.

“I am not so easily defeated, and neither is Meklord Emperor Wisel!” Aporia shouted. “Activate Trap, ‘Core Reset’! By Tributing a ‘Wisel’, ‘Skiel’ or ‘Granel’ monster I control, I can Special Summon its ‘Core’ monster from my Graveyard!” Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity vanished, and the other parts exploded. The egg-like machine appeared on Aporia’s field just as the fire began to across it. The flames engulfed the machine and destroyed it. “Wise Core’s effect activates!” shouted Aporia. “Return to me, Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity!”

Red lights flared up within the burning fire. The face and blade of Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity tore through the inferno.

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
LV 1


Rainbow Dash flew back to the base, steaming D-Wheels stranded behind her.

Wow, those guys were easy to beat, she thought. I hope this isn’t the best they have to throw at us, because I’m getting bored already. I just hope Twilight’s doing alright...

She saw the base in the distance. It looked different, though.

Looks like Twilight played Magical Citadel. But... wait, what’s that monster?

She looked around below her, trying to spot an ally. She saw Jack standing just beyond the gates. ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’ was tearing through monsters like tissue paper.

“Jack!” she called out. Jack looked up and saw the pegasus diving toward her.

“Rainbow Dash,” he replied. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. Ran out of guys to fight, though. I was heading back to check on Twilight. She played her Field Spell, but the big guy’s got another big guy on the field. Do you know what it is?”

Jack turned around. His eyes widened.

“That, Rainbow Dash, might be the toughest opponent Twilight will face,” he said.

“What is it?” Dash asked.

“A Synchro Killer,” Jack answered. “It’s one of the most fearsome monsters Yusei and I ever faced. It’s called ‘Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity’.”

“What do you mean by ‘Synchro Killer’?”

“I mean that summoning Synchro Monsters against it is a dangerous strategy to use. It can absorb them and their Attack Points. If Twilight uses any Synchro Monsters against Aporia, he can turn their power on her.”

“Oh no... she uses at least three! Jack, we’ve got to get back there!”

Jack nodded. “I’m not finished here, but you go on ahead.”

“Will you be okay?”

“I was once the King of the dueling world. These peons are no match for my absolute power!” Jack returned his attention to the three Dark Troopers that faced him. “Do you hear me, you scum?! You are nothing more than clowns before the true King of Neo Domino City!”

Rainbow Dash took off through the sky again, flapping her wings as hard as she could.

Twilight... be okay!


“Meklord Emperor Wisel... back to its original form, huh?” Twilight panted.

“Because the monster resurrected by Core Reset was destroyed by an effect, you are allowed to draw one card,” said Aporia. “However, this also means that my monsters cannot be destroyed by card effects until the start of the End Phase.”

Twilight drew a card. “At least you don’t have my Explosive Magician anymore,” she said. “I activate ‘Spell Power Grasp’ and place a Spell Counter on Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode. I also activate ‘Swords of Revealing Light’, so you can’t attack for three turns.” Three swords made of light appeared in front of Aporia and the Meklord Emperor. A faint barrier could be seen between them. Two lights appeared between the towers of the Magical Citadel, and the gem on the Arcanite Magician’s helmet lit up.

Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode
LV 9
SC: 3

Magical Citadel of Endymion
SC: 3

Life Point Count
Aporia: 3600
Twilight: 1300

“I end my turn.”

“My turn,” said Aporia as he drew a card. “I activate the secondary effect of ‘Core Reset’. By removing it and a Level One ‘Core’ monster from my Graveyard, my Meklord Emperor can equip a Synchro Monster from your Graveyard.”

“No! Not again!” The portal in the ground opened once more. The mechanical monster’s chest opened, its light-tentacles reached in and pulled out the limp magician. “Please! Please, stop!” Twilight cried.

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
LV 1

“I activate ‘Treasure of the Wise Emperor’,” Aporia continued. “For every ‘Wisel’ monster I control other than the Meklord Emperor, I can draw one card. However, I cannot conduct my Battle Phase or summon monsters this turn, except for ‘Wisel’ monsters.”


Aporia drew four new cards and smiled. “This is too perfect. I activate the Continuous Spell, ‘Seal of the Wise Emperor’. When activated, this card lets me add a ‘Wisel’ or ‘Wise Core’ monster from my deck to my hand. In addition, while this card is face-up, monsters cannot be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck, except for Synchro Monsters.”

“So are you adding a card to your hand?”

“I am. And I shall activate the effect of that card: ‘Wise Core Level Three’! Its effect can be activated when I control ‘Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity’ and any four different ‘Wisel’, ‘Skiel’, or ‘Granel’ monsters. I send ‘Wise Core Level Three’ from my hand to the Graveyard and pay half my Life Points. In exchange, I can send all of my Level One Meklord Emperor Parts to the Graveyard, and then Special Summon a Level Three ‘Wisel’ version of each one!”

The head, legs and arms of Wisel Infinity shattered and vanished in a flash of light. Four new machines appeared in their places. The right arm was replaced by a snail. The new left arm resembled no animal twilight had ever seen before, almost like a bird or a flying insect.

The machine that appeared over the Meklord Emperor’s body seemed to resemble a rabbit, but its tail was much longer and ended in a leaf-like structure. The machine below was shaped like a vampire bat, red lines criss-crossing across its wings.

Each piece transformed, folding and unfolding into different shapes to combine with the Meklord Emperor. Three blades extended with the left arm, which then attached itself to the chest. The snail took on the shape of the right arm, the “shell” moving down to the wrist to form a shield as the shoulder also combined with the chest.

The rabbit folded its feet into its body and slid into place on top of the chest. The body of the bat extended and split, its head tilted up and its neck lengthening slightly. The wings folded in slightly, but remained partially extended. The legs attached themselves to the body of the Meklord Emperor with a flash of lightning.

Wisel Attack 3
LV 3

Wisel Carrier 3
LV 3

Wisel Guard 3
LV 3

Wisel Top 3
LV 3

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
LV 1

“Six thousand Attack Points...” said Twilight.

“This is not even my full strength,” said Aporia. “You cannot hope to win, Twilight.”

Twilight started to fall, but caught herself. This is bad, she thought. I can’t keep going like this!

“I have one final card to play before ending my turn,” said Aporia. “‘Sword of the Wise Emperor’! First it combines the Levels of all ‘Wisel’ monsters I control, other than ‘Wisel Infinity’. Next, that number is reduced by one for each Level Three ‘Wisel’ monster I control, and two for each Level Five monster. Finally, all of your monsters with a Level less than or equal to that number are destroyed.”

“Four Level Three monsters... twelve minus four... Level Eight.” Twilight panted. She smiled. “Joke’s on you. Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode is Level Nine!”

“Don’t be so sure. ‘Sword of the Wise Emperor’ has another effect. By removing a ‘Wisel’ or ‘Wise Core’ monster from my Graveyard when I activate it, I can reduce the Levels of all monsters you control by the Level of that monster. I remove ‘Wise Core Level Three’!”


A white egg with glowing red lines appeared before Aporia. It opened and revealed a bright blue interior. It flashed and vanished. A point counter appeared next to ‘Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode’.

Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode
LV 6

Wisel Infinity swung its left arm, each of its blades colliding with Twilight’s monster, destroying it. Twilight shielded her face with a hoof.

Normally, when an ‘Assault Mode’ monster is destroyed, it can summon its Synchro form from the Graveyard, she thought, but if I do that, Aporia will just absorb it again. I can’t let that happen! “When a card with Spell Counters is destroyed, that card’s Spell Counters are moved to the Magical Citadel.”

Magical Citadel of Endymion
SC: 9

“Due to the effect of ‘Sword of the Wise Emperor’, I cannot conduct my Battle Phase,” said Aporia. “Your turn.” One of the white swords in front of Aporia faded out of existence.

Twilight drew. I have to stop this! “By removing six Spell Counters from the Citadel, I can Special Summon ‘Endymion, the Master Magician’ from my hand or my Graveyard. Rise, Endymion!”

Six of the lights surrounding the Citadel converged in front of Twilight, forming a single ball of light. A portal expanded from the center. Through it stepped the regal Endymion.

Endymion, the Master Magician
LV 7

“When Endymion is Special Summoned this way, he lets me recover a Spell Card from my Graveyard,” Twilight continued. “I choose ‘Spell Shattering Arrow’! Next, I’ll activate it! Explosive Magician and Seal of the Wise Emperor are destroyed!”

“Wisel Top Three’s effect activates,” said Aporia. “Once per turn, I can negate the activation of a Spell or Trap Card and destroy it.” A red laser flashed shot out of the face of the Meklord Emperor and swept across the field, slicing through Twilight’s Spell Card.

“Oh no... alright, let’s see... okay, I’ll activate Endymion’s effect instead! Once per turn, I can discard a Spell Card to destroy one card on the field. I destroy Meklord Emperor Wisel!”

“Wisel Carrier Three’s effect. Once per turn, one monster I control cannot be destroyed by my opponent’s cards.”

“This is bad,” said Twilight. “I end my turn.”

Aporia drew. “I activate ‘Lock-On Laser’. While this card is in play, you take two hundred points of damage each time you Set a Spell or Trap Card. Your move.” A new card appeared on Aporia’s field. The picture opened and a thick cable emerged, topped with a wide, flat machine with a thin gun barrel at the front. Another sword vanished. The “Spell Absorption” card lit up and a Life Point counter appeared next to Twilight.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 3300

Twilight drew, sighed, and ended her turn.

Aporia drew and Set a card, then passed. The final sword of light disappeared.

“Twilight!” came a distant cry. Twilight looked up.

“Rainbow Dash?” she said.

The cyan pegasus landed next to her. “Twilight! Are you okay?” she asked.

“I think so,” said Twilight. She stumbled. Rainbow Dash pushed against her to keep her from falling completely.

“Easy there!” she said. “No, you’re not okay. Anypony can see that. Twilight, you’re exhausted!”

“I can do this, Rainbow!” said Twilight. “I have to! If I don’t, Aporia might do the same thing to somepony else!”

“What do you mean, ‘the same thing’?” Dash asked.

“He did something... I don’t know what. But now the damage that we take is real. You’re right, I’m worn out. I used up a lot of energy dueling you, maintaining this Duel Disk, teleporting everyone down here, and now this... but I have to keep going!”

“Why? Let me take over!”

“I can’t, Dash! He has Explosive Magician! He’s stolen him three times now! He was eaten by that... that thing! That Meklord Emperor!”

“The Synchro Killer. I saw Jack. He told me what the Meklord Emperors are. Twilight, please, let me take over for you!”

“No, Dash. I’ll be fine. I can do this. I have to do this.”

“But why?! Why do you have to do it alone?”

“Because I was selfish. I hurt you girls with the secret that I kept.”

“And we forgave you for it! You don’t have to punish yourself!”

“This isn’t about punishment, Rainbow Dash. It’s about redeeming myself. Not just in your eyes, but in my own, and in the eyes of the humans. Jack, Yeager, Aki, Leo, Luna... I let them all down. I have to make it up to them. I’ll protect this base, no matter what. Besides...” A smile crept up Twilight’s face. “This guy took something from me, and I won’t quit until I get it back.”

“But do you have to do it alone?”

“Even if I’m dueling by myself... I’m not alone. Not if my friends are near.” Twilight smiled at Rainbow Dash. “Just stay with me and I’ll be okay.”

Rainbow Dash returned the smile and nodded. “Okay, Twi. Go get him!”

“My turn!” shouted Twilight. “This duel’s a long way from being done, Aporia! I activate ‘Forbidden Chalice’! This gives a monster eight hundred extra Attack Points, but that monster’s effects are negated. The target is Meklord Emperor Wisel!”

“Wisel Top Three’s effect activates, negating your card’s activation!” Aporia countered. A red laser sliced through the holographic image of Twilight’s card.

“Just what I was hoping you’d do. I play ‘Card of Sanctity’. Now both of us can draw until we’re holding six cards. And on top of that, I gain five hundred Life Points from Spell Absorption!”

Life Point Count
Twilight: 3800

“Time to end this! I equip Endymion with ‘Mage Power’, which gives him five hundred Attack and Defense Points for each Spell or Trap Card I control. Next, I activate ‘Diffusion Wave-Motion’. By paying a thousand Life Points, a Level Seven or higher Spellcaster-Type monster I control can attack each of your monsters!”

“However, Wisel Guard Three can intercept each of your attacks, and can survive one battle each turn,” Aporia countered. “What’s more, Wisel Carrier Three can protect one monster I control from being destroyed by battle or card effects once each turn. Even if you manage to destroy it, you cannot hope to defeat my Meklord Emperor. Wisel Guard Three has no Attack Points, and so Wisel Infinity will not lose any of its power!”

“Who said I had to attack Wisel Infinity?” said Twilight. “Once I get your Guard out of the way, I can take you out by attacking the head! I Set three cards face-down. Now that I have six Spell or Trap Cards in play, Endymion gains three thousand Attack Points from Mage Power!”

“But since you Set cards, Lock-On Laser inflicts two hundred damage for each!” said Aporia. The cable-mounted cannon fired a thin laser at Twilight, swiping at the ground in front of her.

Endymion, the Master Magician
LV 7

Life Point Count
Twilight: 3200

“Battle!” shouted Twilight. “Endymion, attack Wisel Guard Three!”

“This is pointless,” said Aporia. “I activate the Trap Card ‘Shield of the Wise Emperor’! During this turn, one ‘Wisel’ monster I control in Defense Mode cannot be destroyed by battle. However, once during this turn, I draw one card if exactly one monster I control is destroyed.”

Endymion fired a blast of magical energy from his staff. Wisel Infinity raised its right arm in front of itself, a white energy field appearing around it. The magical attack struck the shield and vanished.

“I end my turn,” said Twilight. She was panting again.

“Twilight...” said Rainbow Dash.

“I’m alright,” Twilight replied.

“My turn,” said Aporia. “As this is my third Standby Phase since Seal of the Wise Emperor’s activation, it is destroyed. However, I activate its final effect: By removing all ‘Wisel’ monsters in my Graveyard from play, I can add up to four different Level Five ‘Wisel’ monsters from my deck to my hand. I add ‘Wisel Top Five’ and ‘Wisel Guard Five’ to my hand. Next, I Release ‘Wisel Guard’, ‘Carrier’, ‘Attack’ and ‘Top Three’ and Special Summon their Level Five forms!”

The extremities of Wisel Infinity vanished in swirling colors. Emerging from these rainbow spheres were five new mechanical animals: An alligator snapping turtle, a swan, a horned toad, and a spider.

The turtle’s spiked shell had glowing green lines running along the edges and points. It opened its mouth and skeletal hand slid out, its fingers curling and uncurling. The tail, ended in a three-pronged spike, the middle being much longer than the curved sides. The center spike connected to the right side of the Meklord Emperor.

The swan flew around to the left side of the Meklord on wings made of glowing green glass. The head connected to the Meklord, while the tail feathers spread out to form the hand. The wings folded over the body and formed a large, curving blade above the hand.

The horned toad hissed and folded its four legs beneath it in much the same way as the rabbit had before connecting to the top of the main body. Its head was entirely black, save for the glowing red lines that seemed to form a menacing face. The rest of the body was white and gray.

The spider was a white creature like the others, but had the telltale hourglass marking on its abdomen, albeit in a shade of bright green. The eight glowing red eyes blinked, then extended out of the head on segmented cables that connected to the underside of the Meklord Emperor and pulled it down to the head, which tilted upward and finished the connection by sliding its mandibles into the Meklord’s body.

Wisel Attack 5
LV 5

Wisel Carrier 5
LV 5

Wisel Guard 5
LV 5

Wisel Top 5
LV 5

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
LV 1

“Seven thousand Attack Points?!” said Rainbow Dash.

“That means that with its Level Five parts, Wisel Infinity has forty-five hundred Attack Points!” said Twilight. “The only way to beat that is to destroy the parts.”

“Best of luck to you in that endeavor,” said Aporia. “You will need it. How very fortunate for you that I cannot conduct my Battle Phase during the turn that I use Seal of the Wise Emperor’s final effect. I Set three cards face-down. Your move.”

Twilight drew. “Continuous Trap, ‘Call of the Haunted’!” she said. “With this, I can Special Summon a monster from my Graveyard in Attack Mode.”

“Wisel Top Five’s effect activates,” said Aporia. “While I control Wisel Infinity and another Level Five ‘Wisel’ monster, it gains two effects. The second lets me negate the activation of any Trap Card and destroy it.”

Twin lasers erupted from the eyes of the Meklord Emperor, slashing at Twilight’s card and destroying it.

“Fine,” she said. “Endymion, attack Wisel Top Five with Dark Magic Mastery!”

“Wisel Guard Five’s effect activates. When you declare an attack, I can change the target of that attack to this card. In addition to that, it cannot be destroyed by battle!”


Endymion fired a burst of dark purple energy at the robot. Its right arm moved to intercept the blast. The energy struck the spiked shield and dissipated harmlessly.

Twilight grit her teeth. “I Set a card face-down and end my turn.” Another laser blast threw dust into her face.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 3000

“My turn,” said Aporia. “My final assault begins here! Battle! Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity, attack Endymion, the Master Magician!” As the robot raised its arm, Aporia said, “At this moment, I play the Trap ‘Wrath of the Wise Emperor’! When Wisel Infinity battles a monster in Attack Mode, this card equips itself to my Meklord Emperor, and changes your monster to Defense Mode. However, your monster will not be destroyed, and you will take no battle damage.”

He’s up to something. “I activate ‘Double Cyclone’!” shouted Twilight. “With this, I can destroy one Spell or Trap Card on each side of the field. I target my Citadel and your ‘Wrath of the Wise Emperor’!”

“Wisel Top Five’s effect negates its activation with its first effect!” said Aporia. “When a Spell Card is activated, I can negate its activation and destroy it.”

“Then I play a Trap: ‘Return Marker’! When you activate a monster effect that would inflict damage or destroy a card I control, that effect is negated and you take damage equal to your monster’s Attack Points.”

“Wisel Attack Five’s effect activates! If an ‘Infinity’ monster I control is attacking, I can negate the activation of a Trap card and destroy it!”

Twin lasers slashed through one of Twilight’s cards, while the clear blade on Wisel’s left arm unfolded and fired green waves of energy from each half, shattering another card. The twin wings folded back together afterward.

“This isn’t good,” said Rainbow Dash. “Twilight, what else ya got?”

“I don’t know, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight.

Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity rushed forward on its eight spider legs and brought its transparent blade down onto Twilight’s monster. Endymion dropped to one knee and raised his staff to block the strike. The force of the impact pushed against Twilight and tossed her into the steps behind her. She cried out in pain as her lungs began to burn.

Endymion, the Master Magician
LV 7

“Twilight!” cried Rainbow Dash. Twilight stood up and shook her head vigorously.

“Although the Wisel Parts cannot attack, my battle is not yet finished,” Aporia stated. “I activate ‘Battle Return’! When a monster I control attacks, but the attack is negated or your monster survives the battle, my monster’s Attack Points are halved during this Battle Phase, and it can attack a second time this turn. Furthermore, Wisel Attack Five allows ‘Infinity’ monsters I control to inflict double piercing Damage! Meklord Emperor Wisel, attack!”

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
LV 1

“Twilight, what does he mean by ‘double piercing’?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“He means that the difference between Wisel Infinity’s Attack Points and Endymion’s Defense Points will be doubled, and I’ll take that much damage,” Twilight answered.

“How much is that?”

“Eighteen hundred points doubled... thirty-six hundred points of damage.”

“Victory is mine, little unicorn!” Aporia laughed.

“Are you sure about that?” said Twilight. She smiled. “I discard ‘Kuriboh’ from my hand of cards to reduce all battle damage I take from this battle to zero!”

“Kuriboh?! Impossible!” shouted Aporia.

A small creature with four green paws, big yellow and purple eyes, and covered in brown fur appeared in front of Twilight. It bounced around, shouting, “Kuri!” happily, then faced the oncoming sword strike from the Meklord Emperor. As the green blade fell, Kuriboh flew upward with its front paws spread to the sides The sword struck the creature and it exploded.

“It doesn’t matter! I activate Wrath of the Wise Emperor’s final effect! When the equipped monster destroys a Defense Mode monster in battle, it inflicts damage equal to the destroyed monster’s original Defense Points!” The blast from the attack pushed against Twilight, but she held her footing this time.

Life Point Count
Aporia: 3600
Twilight: 1300

“I don’t know where you got ‘Kuriboh’, but it is irrelevant. On my next turn, I will defeat you once and for all. I Set one card face-down. Your move.” Twilight glared up at Aporia.

“Twilight, please! Let me take over for you!” Rainbow Dash pleaded.

“No, Rainbow. I can’t. Something’s not right about this.”

Rainbow Dash cocked her head. “What’s not right?” she asked.

“What Aporia just did to stop my counters,” Twilight explained. “Wisel Top Five can negate Spells and Traps. So why didn’t he just use that? Why use Wisel Attack Five’s effect?”

“Maybe he was showing off.”

“That can’t be it. He’s very methodical. He doesn’t strike me as the showy type. Every move he made in this duel has been for a reason. So why would he use both of those effects if he didn’t have to?”

Twilight’s eyes widened.

“That’s it!”

“What’s it?”

“He had to use them! If he couldn’t negate my Trap with Wisel Top Five, he could only do it with Wisel Attack Five! If I’m right about this, then I think I can win!” Her horn began to glow brighter. “This is the final turn, Aporia! I draw!”

Twilight glanced at her new card, then turned to the remaining Set card on her field. “I activate ‘Hope for Escape’! By paying a thousand of my Life Points while they’re lower than yours, I can draw one card for every one thousand points you have over me.”

Life Point Count
Aporia: 3600
Twilight: 300

“I activate Wisel Top Five’s effect to negate your Trap Card,” said Aporia.

“Now to see if I’m right,” Twilight said to Rainbow Dash. “I remove six Spell Counters from ‘Magical Citadel of Endymion’ and Special Summon ‘Endymion, the Master Magician’ from my Graveyard.”

A portal opened on the ground and the mighty spellcaster jumped out, his cape flying behind him and the ring on his back gleaming.

Endymion, the Master Magician
LV 7

“Endymion’s effect activates,” Twilight continued. “When he’s Special Summoned this way, I can add a Spell Card from my Graveyard to my hand. I choose ‘Card of Sanctity’. Next, I’ll activate Endymion’s second effect, discarding ‘Terraforming’ to destroy one card on the field.”

“If you think you’re going to destroy Wisel Infinity, you are sorely mistaken,” Aporia said. “Wisel Carrier Five gives all monsters I control the effect of surviving destruction by card effects once per turn.”

“I figured something like that was the case,” Twilight replied. “Which is why I wasn’t planning on destroying Wisel Infinity. Endymion, destroy Explosive Magician!”

Endymion aimed his staff at the chest of the Meklord Emperor. A thin beam of purple energy shot out and pierced the glowing core inside. Explosive Magician appeared and began to pull his way out of the Meklord. When he was free at last, though still connected to Endymion’s staff by the thin beam of violet light, he smiled at Twilight and placed his hand over his chest before disappearing.

“I Set one card face-down,” said Twilight. The laser turret from ‘Lock-On Laser’ shot at her leg. She cried out. It burned.

Life Point Count
Aporia: 3600
Twilight: 100

“Twilight!” shouted Rainbow.

“I’m okay, Dash. I activate ‘Card of Sanctity’,” Twilight said. “Now we both draw until we have six cards in our hands. Or are you going to negate it?”

“Why would I pass up an opportunity to draw additional cards?” Aporia asked.

“Because I’m going to draw more cards than you,” Twilight replied. “I’m getting six brand new cards, while you’re only getting four.”

“It does not matter. You cannot win.”

“You can’t absorb Explosive Magician or Arcanite Magician anymore, and I don’t plan on summoning any other Synchro Monsters. I know you remember my most powerful monster, and that I used it to take down Meklord Emperor Skiel in our last fight, but you also know that it’s not going to be enough here. Card of Sanctity is the last card I’m holding. Even if my Set card is a Spell, chances are that it can’t help me without Card of Sanctity to provide additional resources to back it up.”

“What’s your point?”

“My point is that it’s a bad move to let me play ‘Card of Sanctity’. You know it’s a bad move, but you’re letting it happen anyway. And there’s only one logical explanation for that.”

Aporia remained silent. Twilight grinned.

“You can’t negate ‘Card of Sanctity’! Wisel Top Five can negate Spells or Traps in a given turn, but not both in the same turn. Am I right?”

“...yes,” Aporia said. “You’re quite perceptive. The Black King would benefit greatly from your recruitment.”

“Whoa... you mean you bluffed him out?” said Rainbow Dash. “Twilight, that’s so cool!”

“Yeah, it is,” Twilight said as she drew six new cards. “I activate my face-down card, ‘Magical Stone Excavation’! By discarding two cards, I can add a Spell Card in my Graveyard to my hand. I choose ‘Diffusion Wave-Motion’.”

“Trap Card, ‘Meklord Force Field’, activate!” Aporia said. Green-white energy flowed out of the Meklord Emperor’s core and surrounded the other parts of its body. “When activated, this card equips to an ‘Infinity’ monster I control and increases its Attack and Defense Points by five hundred. Furthermore, I take no damage from battles that involve monsters other than the equipped monster.”

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
LV 1

“Then I’ll just have to destroy your other monsters,” said Twilight.

“Did you forget that I possess ‘Wisel Guard Five’? It can redirect any attack to itself and it cannot be destroyed in battle!”

“No, I didn’t forget. I activate ‘Miracle Synchro Fusion’! With this card, I can fuse monsters on my field or in my Graveyard by removing them from play, and then Fusion Summon a Synchro Fusion Monster! I remove ‘Arcanite Magician’ and ‘Explosive Magician’ from play in order to Fusion Summon ‘Supreme Arcanite Magician’!”

The ghostly images of Twilight’s Synchro Monsters appeared and swirled around each other, vanishing into a vortex of light. A new monster walked out of the light as it faded behind him and gave way to purple flames. Arcanite Magician now wore armor colored in many shades of indigo and violet, and embedded with bright, glowing emeralds. The wizard slammed the butt of his staff into the ground and the fire behind him vanished like a candle’s flame in the wind.

“When Supreme Arcanite Magician is Fusion Summoned, he gains two Spell Counters. Also, he gains one thousand Attack Points for each Spell Counter he has.”

Supreme Arcanite Magician
LV 10
SC: 2

“I activate Supreme Arcanite Magician’s effect,” Twilight said. “Once per turn, I can remove a Spell Counter from a card on my field to either destroy one card on the field, or draw one card from my deck. I’ll draw.”

A card flew out of Twilight’s Duel Disk and joined the cards floating in front of her.

“Uh... Twilight?” said Rainbow Dash. “You just drew the last card in your deck.”

“That’s okay, Rainbow,” Twilight said. “I only needed one more card. I activate a second ‘Magical Stone Excavation’, discarding two cards to add ‘Forbidden Chalice’ to my hand! Next, I activate it and target Wisel Guard Five. It gains four hundred Attack Points, but its effects are negated!”

“What?!” shouted Aporia.

“I play ‘Diffusion Wave-Motion’,” Twilight continued. “Supreme Arcanite Magician can attack all of your monsters once each! Battle! Supreme Arcanite Magician, attack Wisel Guard, Attack, Carrier, and Top Five with Spell of Supremacy - Wave-Motion Ultima!”

Runes and light appeared above and below the magician and came together in a circle around him. He raised his staff into the air and the runes flew into the jewel at the tip. He lowered it until it pointed at Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity. Hundreds of thin streams of purple light erupted from the jewel and pierced through the robot’s head, arms, and spider-body. The four parts exploded, leaving only the central piece floating in front of Aporia.

Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞
LV 1

“From my Graveyard, I activate the effect of ‘Skill Successor’!” said Twilight. “By removing it from play on my turn, Supreme Arcanite Magician gains eight hundred Attack Points until the End Phase.”

“Impossible! You never sent that card to the Graveyard!” Aporia yelled.

“Yes I did,” Twilight replied with a chuckle. “I discarded it to Special Summon ‘The Tricky’.”

“But... that was...”

Supreme Arcanite Magician
LV 10

“Spell of Supremacy - Arcane Ultima!” shouted Twilight. A massive beam of arcane energy erupted from the jewel at the end of the magician’s staff, engulfing the Meklord Emperor. The machine turned into a silhouette in the bright light, then vanished into it like a stream into a river. The blast struck Aporia squarely in the chest, pushing him back and knocking him to the ground.

Life Point Count
Aporia: 0
Twilight: 2100

Silence crept over the yard. Every duel had stopped as each duelist looked on in awe. Twilight, panting heavily, started to collapse.

“Whoa, easy there!” said Rainbow Dash as she caught her friend. “You’ll be okay. You won! You actually won!”

“Yeah... yeah, I did,” said Twilight.

Aporia groaned as he pushed himself up. Once he was on his feet, he said, “Congratulations to the victor. I and my Dark Troopers will leave now. But this is not the end of the war. The Black King’s plans are nearing completion, and you are only delaying the inevitable. We will meet again, Twilight Sparkle.”

With that, Aporia turned and walked toward the gate. Every Dark Trooper lowered their Duel Disks and followed him.

Twilight’s eyelids began to droop as she slipped into darkness.


Twilight’s eyes opened slowly. She was in a dimly lit room. Shadowed but familiar faces surrounded her. A baby dragon lay curled up by her side.

“She’s pushed herself too hard,” said Rarity.

“Ah reckon that Aporia guy did a real number on her,” came Applejack’s voice.

“I’ll say.” This voice belonged to Rainbow Dash. “Twilight told me he did something to make the damage in that duel real! She’s got a burn on her leg, her eyes are red from all the dust that got kicked around, and she’s bruised from head to tail!”

“It’s a good thing you girls got her to me when you did,” said Fluttershy. “One of her ribs had broken. If Rarity hadn’t helped out, I don’t know what we would have done.”

“I’m just glad you were there to direct me, Fluttershy,” Rarity replied. “You’re more experienced in medicinal matters than I am.”

“This isn’t as much fun as I thought it would be,” said Pinkie Pie. “It seems like every time I turn around, somepony’s fighting or getting hurt. I don’t know what to do anymore.”

“We’re all feeling a little... disoriented, dear,” said Rarity. “But everything will be fine. We’ll get to the bottom of this and fix it, then return home. In the meantime, come outside with me, Pinkie. I just had a remarkable idea.”

“An idea?” said Pinkie as she followed Rarity out the door. “What is it?”

“Rainbow, just what happened out there?” Applejack asked. “Twilight can handle a few cuts an’ bruises, maybe even a broken rib, but she’s been out cold for the past two days!”

Two days? thought Twilight. Wow... I must have been more tired than I thought.

“Aporia made the damage from the duel real. I don’t know how,” said Rainbow Dash. “But it’s not just that. Everything Twilight’s been through since we got here has been piling on. She keeps using so much of her magic, and on so many of us and our friends. She kept her Duel Disk up for two straight duels. She lost to me in the most intense match I’ve ever had! She needs a break, AJ. A long one.”

Twilight decided to stir then. She moved her legs a bit and groaned as she tried not to wake Spike.

“R-Rainbow... Dash...” she said. She started to sit up, but two hooves pressed against her shoulders and made her lie back down.

“You shouldn’t try to get up, Twilight,” said Fluttershy. “You need to rest.”

“I just... want to say... thank you, Dash.”

She drifted off again.

Rainbow Dash smiled and wiped a tear from her eye.

“No... thank you, Twilight,” she whispered.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

With the invasion of the resistance HQ thwarted, the Black King calls his generals back to KaibaCorp. Tower to discuss future plans. A dark shadow looms over them as the Black King reveals the next stage of his master plan...

Chapter 27

Shadows of the Past


Featured Card

Supreme Arcanite Magician
Level 10
Must first be Fusion Summoned. When this card is Fusion Summoned: Place 2 Spell Counters on it. This card gains 1000 ATK for each Spell Counter on it. Once per turn: You can remove 1 Spell Counter from your side of the field, then activate 1 of these effects.
● Target 1 card on the field; destroy it.
● Draw 1 card.

Chapter 27: Shadows of the Past

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 27
Shadows of the Past


Three figures knelt down. A shadow stood silhouetted against the tall window behind his desk. He gazed out at the city. The sun was rising, its warm light playing across his face.

“Aporia,” said the figure, “you first. Report.”

“The invasion was a failure,” said Aporia. “None of the injured were taken, and my front army was beaten, as was I.”

“Who defeated you?” the Black King asked.

“The unicorn, Twilight Sparkle.”

“You underestimated her, didn’t you?”

“I did. She had only defeated me the first time because of Leo and Sherry. I thought I would be victorious this time as it was just her, but I was mistaken. You were right; she is very strong. I will not underestimate her or her friends again.”

“I should hope not. Antinomy, what of your mission?”

“Crow sought out Paradox instead of Jack,” Antinomy said. “I suspect he was seeking information.”

“Information about what?”

“Does it really need saying, Highness?”

“I suppose not. Where is he now?”

“He is probably going to find Jack, or else wait for him to show up himself.”

“And Paradox?”

“He is still operating on his own. He knows that I am tailing him and goes out of his way to avoid me or outrun me. I cannot force him into Turbo Duels either. The firewall in his D-Wheel’s computer is too strong, and is constantly changing. I will have to challenge him, and he will have to accept.”

“Very well. Sayer, what about your proposed mission? How did it fare?”

“I have reason to believe that my troops were captured,” said Sayer. “As for myself, I fought two duelists, both of them from among our visitors.”

“The dragon and pegasus?” the Black King asked.

“No,” Sayer replied. “The dragon, yes, but the other duelist was a white unicorn that he referred to as ‘Rarity’.”

“So she can duel now as well,” muttered the dark figure. “How did the duel go?”

“I threw the match,” Sayer said simply. “But that was enough to deliver the message. Aki will confront me in the future. I will defeat her and bring her to our side then.”

“You had better,” said the Black King. “You are dismissed.” Sayer and Antinomy stood and left the room. Aporia, however, remained kneeling.

“Sire,” said Aporia, “if I may be so bold, what is our endgame? What is the goal of all this?”

The man turned from the window and looked upon his general. “That is sensitive information you’re asking for, Aporia,” he said. “You have been defeated by Twilight Sparkle twice now. I have no doubt that you will grow stronger from this latest defeat, but so will she. If you were to lose, she and the others might be able to extract that information from you.”

“I will not lose to her again, Highness,” Aporia answered. “And if that happens, I will delete the information from my memory banks, but I will still know that I was not fighting for the sake of mere conquest. My previous incarnations never fought for so petty a goal. I wish only to know that my battles are the same.”

“Very well,” the Black King sighed. “I suppose it’s only fair that I tell you. Find Antinomy. Both of you are to meet me at the primary Momentum control station.”

“What of Sayer?” Aporia asked.

“He is not an android like you, and he is unpredictable and selfish. I don’t believe I can trust him with this.”

“As you say, Highness.” Aporia stood and left. As the door clicked shut behind the android, the Black King heard a hissing groan.

“Informing your generals of our plans could prove fatal,” came a deep voice.

“They are my friends,” replied the man. “They have a right to know.”

“You have no need of friends now,” the voice growled. “Friendship will not save your race from extinction. Only I can do that.”

“It’s not as though you’ve told me everything either.”

“This is true. But I do not need to tell you everything. It is only required that I tell you what you need to know to perform the tasks that I give you.”

“If I’m going to help you save humanity, then you should tell me how you plan to do that. Reversing Momentum was only the start, wasn’t it?”

“It was, yes.”

“Then what’s next?”

“Next, I return.”


Antinomy and Aporia were waiting for him when he arrived. So was Sayer.

“What are you doing here?” asked the Black King.

“I could ask you three the same thing,” the man replied. “Having a little get-together without including me? I’m hurt, Majesty.”

“Leave. Now.”

“You need me to get to Aki. But I will refuse if you don’t start letting me in on your little secrets. What do you say?”

The Black King snorted behind his mask. “Your funeral,” he said. He walked past his three generals and sat in the center chair at the console. His fingers flew across the keyboard, and he then turned a dial very slowly.

The dark light of Momentum flashed faster as the core of the reactor gathered speed. A groaning hiss echoed throughout the room. It whispered a single word.


“What is that?” said Sayer. “What in the world is that?”

“That is the voice of humanity’s savior,” said the Black King. A skeletal face appeared in the glass of the reactor behind him. “Its name is Nightshroud.”

“Nightshroud?” repeated Antinomy.

“Yes.” The Black King turned to face his generals. “Nightshroud once attempted to replace our world with its own, and unite all of humanity into a single being. I am going to help it try again. As you know, Momentum can be used to generate portals through time and space. But it must be spinning at a specific frequency in order for this to work. What’s more, it must be spinning in reverse. The Earthbound Immortal and Ark Cradle incidents proved this to me.”

“With all due respect, Sire,” said Aporia, “each time Momentum has spun in reverse, it has caused massive devastation.”

“That is because it spun out of control,” the Black King answered. “I have worked out how to control it. Negative Momentum energy is generated while the reactor is spinning in reverse. This energy could travel along the power lines we used to distribute energy to the city, but it is highly destructive and corrodes the lines easily. As they become impassable, the energy builds up inside the reactor itself until it breaks out. This is what caused Zero Reverse over two decades ago.

“But by using the Fortune Network, and the recently developed Negative Transfer Cables, I can spread the load across all reactors in the network. At the same time, I can prepare to open portals to Nightshroud’s world all over the planet. Instead of a gradual replacement as before, the World of Darkness will flood the planet almost instantly.”

The Black King turned the dial again and the face in the glass vanished.

“Humanity will be united in the World of Darkness, sharing all emotions and understanding. It will be a silent existence, but we will survive. And maybe we can find a way to control Momentum and prevent it from going berserk ever again.”

The Black King walked past the three men. “Energy is building in Momentum all over the world,” he said. “I have asked you to attack the resistance in order to buy me the time I need to open the portals. The resistance is still unbalanced, but the ponies will help them recover quickly. They’ll eventually come here.”

“Then we should strike again!” said Aporia.

“No. Not yet. Our goal for now is to keep them busy. The reactor will be ready soon, and then it won’t matter if they come here or not. Even if they do, fighting us will only create more energy for the portal to use. We’re on the defensive now, so we must stop them from coming here until we’re ready for them.”

The Black King left the room.


“And just where are you off to?”

Sayer turned from the open car door to the source of the voice behind him. Aporia stood a short distance away.

“I’m going out,” said Sayer. “Is that such a crime?”

“You’re up to something,” Aporia said. “I’d like to know what.”

“We all have our secrets, android. I’d like to keep mine to myself.”

“Your first duty is to the Black King. Does he know where you’re going?”

“If I told you that he did, would you believe me?”

“Not likely.”

“Then no, he does not. And he doesn’t need to know. I do what I want, and the Black King allows it. It’s not as though he has much of a choice. He needs me for his plans and he knows it.”

“All the more reason he should know what you’re up to.”

“You won’t stop me, android. And neither will he.”

Sayer smiled and stepped into the car. “Tell the Black King that I’m going out if you like. It really doesn’t matter to me.” With that, he closed the door and revved the car’s engine, then peeled out of the garage.


Sayer’s fingers tapped away at the public Card Database terminal in the city library. The card he was searching for was well known in the Turbo Duel circuits as a signature of Jack Atlas. A Speed Spell. He eventually found it.

“End of the Storm,” he muttered. The effect was of no consequence to him. The art was what mattered. That face... he knew he had seen it before. Nightshroud’s legacy lived on. He began a new search, this time for any information regarding that picture.

He found it. An obscure little article in the Weekly Duel.

Rumors abound that the creature in the artwork of this card was related to the mysterious World Blackout more than twenty years ago, in which people all over the world found themselves awakening wherever they were last. Many seemed to recall strange nightmares. Most could only remember intense feelings of failure.

A group of graduate students from the central branch of Duel Academy claimed that the responsible party was a being called “Nightshroud”, and that it was also responsible for the Abandoned Dorm Incident, wherein every student that resided in the first Obelisk Blue Dorm had vanished without a trace. The dorm building was abandoned and fell into disrepair; the school claimed that the students had been studying abroad, but most of them say that this is not true, but have no memory of the time during their absence. One student who disappeared from the dorm, Yusuke Fujiwara, insists that Nightshroud was the power behind these events, but claims responsibility for unleashing it on the world. When asked, he refused to elaborate, saying only that, “No one should have anything to do with Nightshroud.”

With the commission of the D-Wheel by Industrial Illusions (I2) and its creation by their partner company KaibaCorporation, many cards in the new Speed Spell series were quickly printed to keep pace with the surprisingly high demand and popularity of Turbo Duels. The premier designer of these cards was Chumley Huffington, a former Duel Academy student and personal protégé of Maximillion Pegasus. In an interview, Huffington told the Weekly Duel that it was his friend Jaden Yuki’s story of Nightshroud that inspired this card.

Jaden Yuki could not be reached for comment. To this day, his whereabouts remain a mystery. His disappearance mirrors that of the King of Games, Yugi Muto, four years prior to the World Blackout.

Sayer leaned back in his chair. “Now I know that the creature is real,” he said. “I need to know more about this thing.”


Sayer’s flashlight shone through the empty shelves. It was plain to see that the underground library at the Goodwin estate had been stripped bare, probably by the resistance movement. If there had been any information on Nightshroud, it was now in the hands of the rebels.

“Then it seems my options are limited,” Sayer said to himself. “Perhaps it’s time I payed Aki that visit.”


Rarity was looking over her deck in the cafeteria. She had yet to really study any of her new cards. Though her pride wouldn’t let her say it out loud, she had a nagging feeling that she shouldn’t have won against Sayer.

“There you are!” came a voice. Rarity looked up from the cards that were scattered about the table. Aki approached her. “Do you mind if I sit down? Spike said I needed to talk to you about your duel.”

“Aki! Of course, please, have a seat,” said Rarity. “Don’t mind the mess, I’m simply trying to learn about these cards.”

“Well, it seems like you have much of it settled already,” said Aki. “I studied a lot of cards while I was in Team 5D’s with Yusei and the others. You seem like you’ve worked out a lot of the patterns already. But did you know about this?” Aki took two of the Fusion Monsters, “Gem-Knight Aquamarine” and “Gem-Knight Amethyst”.

“You can use these cards with each other to clear your opponent’s field easily,” Aki said. “If you fused one into the other, its effect will activate.”

“I hadn’t thought about that!” said Rarity. “Thank you, Aki! I think I’ll have this deck mastered in no time! Now, you said Spike sent you?”

“Yes. He said that there was something bugging him about a duel the two of you had.”

“So I’m not the only one,” Rarity said. “You’re right, something seems off about it. We won, but... well, I don’t think we should have. You see our opponent still had one face-down card when I attacked him. I don’t quite understand how it could have helped, but he told me to show it to you.”

A card appeared in front of Aki. She took it and gasped. “Rarity,” she said, “can you tell me what the duel looked like on the last turn?”

“I think so,” Rarity said with a nod. “Let’s see... Spike and I had sixteen hundred Life Points, and the man we fought had the same. He also had a Synchro Monster on the field called... oh, what was it? ‘HTS Psyhemuth’. And he’d used a monster called ‘Psychic Snail’ to give it the ability to attack twice.”

“How did you win?” Aki asked.

“Well, first I destroyed his Synchro Monster. He took five hundred damage from the battle. After that, I used Gem-Knight Ruby to inflict thirteen hundred points of piercing damage to win the game.”

“That’s what I thought. Rarity, this card is called ‘Psi-Curse’. If a Psychic-Type monster is destroyed by an attack, the attacking monster is destroyed, and you would have taken three hundred points of damage multiplied by the destroyed Psychic-Type monster’s Level.”

“The Synchro was a Level Six monster,” said Rarity. “If Sayer had used that Trap Card, we would have lost...”

“Wait! Did you say ‘Sayer’?” said Aki.

“Yes, I did,” said Rarity, puzzled. “Actually, he told us to show you that card once everything was over.”

“I can’t believe it... Sayer’s alive...” Aki looked up at Rarity. “He must have let you and Spike win in order to get my attention. I don’t know why. But you have to listen to me. That man is dangerous. If you or any of your friends see him again, run. Just run.”

“I know how dangerous he is Aki,” said Rarity. “He made real much of the damage he inflicted on Spike and myself. I’m still bruised in places.”

“Rarity, I’m serious! You cannot fight him again! Just leave him to me. He’s my responsibility.”

“Aki, dear, I understand that this is a serious matter, but I get the feeling that there’s something you’re not telling me, something that happened between you two.”

Aki averted her gaze.

“Darling, tell me about it. What did he do?”

Tears welled up in Aki’s eyes.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

The invasion of the resistance base has been repelled and Twilight has awakened. To celebrate, Pinkie Pie organizes an enormous party with the help of Yeager and the twins. Jack, however, has had enough of frivolity and hiding and thinks it’s time to strike back instead of celebrating barely-won victories. As the argument becomes heated, Jack’s temper reaches a breaking point...

Chapter 28

The Fallen King - Rage of Jack Atlas!


Featured Card

Normal Trap Card
Activate only when a face-up Psychic-Type monster you control is destroyed by battle with an opponent's attacking monster and sent to the Graveyard. Destroy the attacking monster, and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the Level of your destroyed Psychic-Type monster × 300.

Chapter 28: The Fallen King - Rage of Jack Atlas!

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 28
The Fallen King - Rage of Jack Atlas!


Dark gray waves splashed along the pale shoreline. Twilight stood on the beach, staring at the featureless horizon. There was no color to the water, the sand, or herself. A light breeze brushed her mane back.

She didn’t know how she got there. There were no hoofprints anywhere around her. She blinked and looked around. “Where am I?” she tried to ask, but no sound came out of her mouth.

Her ears twitched as they picked up something on the wind. A word. A word she knew.

A word she feared.


An enormous wave rose over the horizon. It was rushing toward her, but Twilight couldn’t move. Nothing held her there, but her legs refused to listen. She felt like she should be screaming.

The wave was closer now. A shadow stirred inside. Glowing blue eyes flashed at her.


The crest of the wave now towered over her. The glowing eyes stared unblinkingly down at her. A thought flashed in her mind, a fleeting emotion made of despair and relief: Surrender.

“Not this time,” she said. Again there was no sound. Her horn lit up and she shouted it. “Not this time!”

The gray cracked. She heard herself.

“Never again!” she yelled. The energy that surrounded her horn spread and covered her entire body. She rose into the air. The light spread from her body and the wave was pushed back. The shadow inside roared as the darkness was stripped from its body.

She saw only light after that.


Twilight sat up with a gasp. The room was dimly lit by a small lamp on a faraway table. She squinted and looked around.

“Where...” she started to say. Her throat was dry and she coughed. A sharp pain shot through her chest.

“Twilight?” Twilight looked down. Spike was curled up next to her. He looked up at the unicorn. Then he grinned and jumped to his feet. “Twilight!” he shouted as he sprang up to hug her. She giggled, in spite of her throat. She coughed again after. Her chest hurt again. She remembered Fluttershy saying something about a broken rib.

“Hang on,” said Spike. “I’ll get one of the nurses to bring you some water.” He hopped off the bed and ran to the door. “Close your eyes”, he said. “It’s gonna be bright.” Twilight nodded and shut her eyes. There was a click. When she opened her eyes, Spike was gone.

Moments later, he returned with a human nurse in tow. She held a glass of water in her hand.

“Miss Sparkle?” she said softly. “It’s good to see you awake. Don’t move around too much, just take it easy.”

“How...” Twilight started to say.

“Shh, don’t talk yet,” the nurse said. She held the back of Twilight’s head and held the glass to her mouth, tilting it slowly. Twilight’s hooves reached out to grab the glass. “Take it slow, Miss Sparkle. You don’t want to choke.” Twilight blinked and lowered her hooves.

“You’ve been unconscious for almost a week,” said Spike. “Aporia really did a number on you.”

“I guess,” said Twilight. Her throat was still scratchy, but not as bad as it had been moments ago. “I was pretty exhausted anyway. All that magic I’d been using...”

“Perhaps you should take a break from using your, um... magic,” said the nurse. “I’m sorry, I just.. I still find it hard to believe.”

“Magic?” Twilight asked. The nurse nodded. “That’s understandable, I suppose. From what I’ve seen here, no one in your world is really capable of magic.”

“We’re not,” said the nurse. “Well, Miss Sparkle, you should try and get some more rest. I know you just woke up, but it’s late and you need proper sleep.”

Twilight yawned.

“See?” said the nurse with a chuckle. “Now go back to sleep, both of you.” With that, she left.

Spike yawned and curled up next to Twilight again. “G’night, Twilight,” he said. “I’m glad you’re back.”

“Me too, Spike,” she said with a yawn. She collapsed into the pillows behind her. “Me too.”

Gentle blackness flooded her vision. A darkness that soothed rather than tormented. She welcomed it like an old friend.


“I feel silly,” said Twilight as she poked the dark film wrapped around her eyes.

“I know, Twilight, but it’s a necessary thing,” Aki said. “You were out for several days. Your eyes won’t be used to bright light just yet. It’s a wonder you can still walk without help.”

Twilight sighed. “I guess you’re right,” she said.

“Come on, let’s go!” said Spike. “Everypony’ll be thrilled to see you out of bed!”

Twilight nodded and the three of them left the examination room and headed for the cafeteria. It was only a few minutes before the reached the double doors. Twilight took a deep breath, then let it out. She pushed open one door with a hoof and stepped in.

“SURPRISE!” came a roaring cheer. Humans clapped their hands loudly. Twilight’s friends ran up to her. The unicorn expected a tackle from Pinkie Pie, but the pink mare showed restraint and simply hugged her around the neck.

“Oh, Twilight, we were so worried about you!” said Pinkie.

“Glad to have ya back, Twi,” said Applejack. “How ya feelin’?”

“Better, mostly,” Twilight answered. “Aki says I have to wear this thing to let my eyes readjust to light slowly. My head feels a little foggy too, but that’ll pass. Aki says I shouldn’t try to use magic for a while either.”

“I don’t really know much about your physiology,” said Aki, “but using a lot of magic is what put this strain on you in the first place. Let’s wait for a while before we try anything.”

“I agree,” said Twilight. She looked around. Streamers and balloons littered the ceiling, and a huge banner hung on the far wall over a table of snacks and drinks. It read, “Welcome back, Twilight!”

“Did you guys put all this together for me?” Twilight asked.

“Yep! It was Rarity’s idea, and Yeager and Leo and Luna helped put everything up. But it’s more than just about you waking up.”

“It is?”

Luna and Yeager walked over. “That’s right, Twilight. This is a celebration of our first major victory against the Dark Troopers,” said Luna.

“Not only did we repel a sizable invasion force, and not only did you defeat Aporia singlehandedly in what was quite possibly the most hair-raising duel I’ve ever seen,” Yeager said, “but Applejack and Pinkie Pie helped us capture several Dark Troopers.”

“Pinkie even figured out a way to keep ‘em from escapin’ through the shadows,” said Applejack.

“We plan to interrogate them tomorrow,” Yeager continued. “If they know anything that can help us, we’ll get it out of them.”

“And just how do you plan to do that?” came Jack’s voice. Yeager turned around and gazed almost straight up at his face. “By asking them politely? Maybe have Ushio show off his muscles? They’ll tell you nothing.”

“And what makes you so sure of that, Jack Atlas?” Yeager asked.

“The fact that you’re giving them time to rest and think of ways to dodge your questions, that’s what,” Jack spat. “Let me at them and I’ll get the information you want.”

“Jack, you wouldn’t know where to begin with a line of questioning. Not only have you no experience in proper law enforcement, but your detective and information gathering skills leave much to be desired. You are a general in this movement, but not for either of those things. You are a tactician, a brilliant one at that.”

“Then allow me to share with you my tactical advice,” Jack growled as he crossed his arms. He was wearing his Duel Disk. “Don’t go easy on those Dark Troopers. Interrogate them in force. On top of that, the enemy has been weakened. We know that Twilight can defeat Aporia by herself. Provided she’s willing to continue helping us, we can storm KaibaCorp. Tower and retake Momentum, and even capture the Black King!”

“That is a foolhardy plan, Jack!” said Yeager. “We know nothing about the Black King’s true identity! For all we know, he could be a more powerful duelist than Yusei. In fact, what if he's the reason Yusei is gone at all? If that’s the case, then it wouldn’t be unwise to assume that he outclasses you.”

“What did you say to me?!”

“Okay, okay, cool it!” said Rainbow Dash as she flew between the two humans and pushed them apart with her front hooves. “Look, we’re all still a bit wound up from the invasion. But Pinkie and the others put a lot of effort into this party, so let’s unwind and enjoy ourselves, okay? Come on, Jack. Everyone needs a break from time to time. I bet the Black King’s running himself in circles over this.”

Jack snorted and walked away.


Much of the music was unlike anything Twilight had ever heard before, though some of it resembled the tunes created by that DJ pony she saw from time to time at parties. She and Spike sat at one of the round tables and watched as Pinkie danced with Ushio. Twilight found the sight oddly funny.

“We all missed you, Twilight,” said Spike. “Aki said she was doing everything she could to keep you in shape and hydrated, but she wasn’t sure if you would wake up.”

“I’ll have to thank her for taking care of me then,” said the unicorn. “Wow... I never thought I’d have to fight this hard in my life.”

“Me either.”

“And this whole thing is just... strange. Really mysterious. There’s a lot we don’t know, and even what we do know just raises more questions.”

“Like what?”

“Well... we know the Black King has control of the city’s power source, but why does he want it? And what about your visions about Nightshroud and that card?”

“The Numeron Code?”

“Yes, that. Are they related to all of this somehow? If the being that showed you all of this is intelligent, then I don’t think it did so just to tell us the true nature of Duel Monsters. It helped get Rainbow Dash back to her old self, but that can’t be all there is to it.

“And now that I think about it, something else is bugging me.”

“What is it?” Spike asked.

“Something that Aporia said. I didn’t even notice it the first time it happened. But thinking about it, it doesn’t make any sense.”

“What did he say?”

“My name. My full name.”

“He must have heard Leo say it when you two went to the library,” Spike suggested.

“But Leo only said my first name,” Twilight pointed out. “Aporia said it when Leo and I dueled him and Sherry. I didn't see it at first. But then he said it again when I dueled him alone, and that's when I picked up on it. No one said my full name around him. So how could Aporia know that my full name is Twilight Sparkle?”

“Twilight, we can figure that out later,” said Spike. “Let’s just enjoy the party. You want some more punch?”

Twilight sighed, then smiled. “Okay, Spike,” she said.

“Cool! I’ll go get it.” Spike grabbed his and Twilight’s cups, then hopped out of his chair and jogged to the snack table.

Twilight continued watching the party. Her friends came over and kept her company. Spike returned with the punch. Many of the humans also came over to thank her for fighting off Aporia. One of them even asked if she would look over her deck. Twilight smiled and said she would. As she did, Sherry LeBlanc sat down next to her.

“Hello again, Twilight,” said the tall woman.

“Sherry!” said Twilight. “I heard from Rainbow Dash that you and Ushio really cleared the streets of Dark Troopers.”

“Zat we did,” said Sherry. “But what of you? As soon as we return, I hear you not only fought Aporia by yourself, but zat you won! And against his ‘Wisel’ cards, no less! I had practiced against him before and could never come close to beating zat Meklord Emperor, especially once it had attained Level Three.”

“He got all of his parts up to Level Five,” said Twilight. “I’m not really sure how I survived that.”

“Level Five?!” said Sherry. “But zat... you beat Wisel at Level Five?”

“Yeah, I guess I did,” said Twilight with a smile.

“I’ve never seen any of the Level Five ‘Wisel’ cards. Tell me, what were zey like? What did zey do?”

“Well...” Twilight began to tell Sherry all she could remember about the Wisel monsters she faced. Sherry’s eyes widened with each new effect being described. Twilight stopped to take a deep breath. “Aporia turned the damage real during the game. I broke a rib.”

“You will be fine if you take it easy,” Sherry told her. “I’ve broken my share of ribs in my life. Do not wrap it, take a deep breath every hour, and use painkillers when needed.”

“Aki said the same thing,” said Twilight. Her horn started to light up. Pain stabbed at her behind her eyes and she cried out.

“Twilight, don’t try to use magic,” said Fluttershy. “You’ve used too much as it is. You need to take a few days to give your mind rest.”

“I should stay in practice-”

“You’re in no condition to practice, Twilight,” Fluttershy interrupted. “Rainbow Dash wouldn’t practice her tricks if one of her wings was broken.”

Twilight sighed. “You’re right.” She reached out with her front hooves and grasped the paper cup gently.

“Should I help you with zat?” Sherry asked.

“No, thanks,” Twilight said. “I can do it, it’s just been a while since I’ve had to.” Twilight lifted the cup... and crushed it, spraying juice everywhere. “Eh heh... oops,” she said.

“I’ll go get you a ceramic mug,” said Pinkie, and she dashed off. Rarity levitated several napkins from the snack table and started mopping up the mess.

“Tell me, Twilight,” said Sherry. “How did you defeat Wisel Infinity while it was fully upgraded?”

“Well, each piece had its own flaw,” said Twilight. “His defense wasn’t perfect, and I took advantage of that. I had to work it out myself, but I figured that the Top couldn’t negate Spells and Traps in the same turn. Aporia used Wisel Attack Five’s effect to stop one of my Traps last turn after I used it to protect a Quick-Play Spell, ‘Double Cyclone’. I didn’t think he was trying to show off or be intimidating. So on the next turn, I decided to test my theory.”

“Zat sounds like a very risky gamble, Twilight,” Sherry said.

“It was. If I had been wrong, I would’ve lost for sure. But I wasn’t. I used a Trap and Aporia negated it. then I used a Spell that would let both of us draw more cards and he let it through. That’s when I knew how Wisel Top Five actually worked.”

“What about zee Guard? You said it could intercept all of your attacks, and zat it could not be destroyed in battle.”

“Negated its effect with a Spell,” Twilight answered simply. “I also destroyed Explosive Magician and got him out of the Meklord. After all of that, I summoned Supreme Arcanite Magician and used Diffusion Wave-Motion to attack all of Aporia’s monsters.”

“Incredible,” said Sherry. “You are somezing else, Twilight.”

“Thanks,” said Twilight. “Hey, where’s Pinkie Pie? I know she went to the kitchen, but she’s usually a lot faster than this.” Twilight looked around and spotted her pink friend coming towards her with a mug balanced carefully on her head. Rarity took the mug with her magic and set it down before Twilight.

“Thanks, Rarity,” said Pinkie. “I don’t mean to be rude, but somepony- er, somebody isn’t enjoying the party. I’ll be right back!” She trotted off toward the doors that led out of the cafeteria. Jack was leaning against the wall, looking disgruntled as ever.

“I don’t sink zis will end well,” said Sherry.


Parties. Worthless wastes of time and energy during a crisis. Jack leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, his face indignant. He’d about had enough and was ready to leave.

Then Pinkie Pie approached him.

“Hiya, Jackie!” she said.

“Don’t call me that,” said Jack. “My name is Jack Atlas.”

“Okay, Jack Atlas,” Pinkie said. Jack put his hand to his face. When he removed it and looked down, Pinkie was gone. She was now leaning against the wall next to him, in much the same way as him.

“How are you... never mind. It’s not important.” Jack pushed off from the wall and began to walk away.

“Jack, wait!” said Pinkie as she ran up to his side. “How come you’re so grouchy all the time? Twilight beat Aporia, she’s awake again, and everybody worked hard to keep those Dark Troopers from taking everyone away! We should celebrate!”

“Celebrate?” Jack said as he continued to walk. He was heading for the kitchen. “We don’t have time to celebrate. The Black King is no doubt regrouping and preparing for another invasion. We need to take the fight to them!”

“Jack, everypony needs some downtime. Come on, lighten up a little!” Pinkie said with a hop.

“Pinkie Pie, give me one strategically sound reason why I should ‘lighten up’. Give me one good reason why this party is even necessary!” Jack demanded.

Pinkie trotted ahead of him and walked in front of him... backwards. “To keep up morale!” she said. “Think about it. A lot of humans got hurt in that ambush. Then there was the invasion force. Everyone here is probably scared and tired. They don’t just need a break, Jack, they need something to lift their spirits. And that’s where I come in! You see this mark on my flank?” She turned sideways to show him, hopping along as she did. Then she turned around and fell back beside him. “It means I’m good at parties!”

“You got a tattoo to let the world know that you can plan parties?” Jack said.

“It’s not a tattoo, silly!” said Pinkie. “Whatever a tattoo is... it’s a Cutie mark!”

“A what?” Jack said.

“A Cutie mark. Ponies in my world get them when they discover what their special talent is,” Pinkie explained. “Mine’s throwing parties and making ponies smile! Rarity’s is finding gems and using them when she makes dresses. Applejack’s is taking care of her family’s apple farm. Fluttershy is really good with animals, so she takes care of the animals that live around Ponyville.”

“What about Rainbow Dash?” Jack asked.

“Hers means she loves speed, and that she can do a sonic rainboom!”

“And Twilight Sparkle?”

“That she’s REALLY good with magic!”

“Then perhaps she should use it to gather some information on the Black King!” Jack said.

“Jack, she can’t use magic right now. Her brain’s exhausted. If she tries, it hurts.”

“That’s one more asset that we must do without then! She cannot help us in her condition.”

“That’s what the party’s for, Jack. If she’s happy, she’ll get better a lot faster!”

“You’re a fool.” Jack started to push open the door. Pinkie Pie stepped in his way. “Move,” he said.

“Jack, the humans and Twilight aren’t the only ones who need this party,” Pinkie said. “You do too. You’ve been all wound up and you’re ready to snap.”

“If I’m ready to snap, perhaps I should!” Jack roared.


Twilight heard Pinkie cry out. She looked over to the kitchen doors. She looked and saw her friend lying on the ground, rubbing her cheek. Jack’s hand was in the air.

The room went silent.

Jack glared at everyone.

“Jack Atlas, how dare you!” Yeager shouted angrily as he marched over to Pinkie Pie. He knelt down and helped her to her feet. “Are you alright?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Pinkie said slowly. “Yeah, I’m okay. I just... Jack... I...”

Yeager stared daggers at Jack. “How dare you, sir! These girls have done nothing but help us in every way they can think to do so, and this is how you repay them? By striking the one whose only wish was to make us happy? To bring a smile to YOUR face, of all people!”

Jack returned the sharp glare, but said nothing as he crossed his arms.

“If you want to leave this party, then your wish is granted! I relieve you of duty and confine you to quarters!” Yeager continued. “Get out!”

“You dare speak to the King that way?” Jack growled.

“You’re not the King anymore, Jack,” Yeager replied.

“I will not suffer such disrespect from a sniveling, cowardly little clown!” Jack shouted as his Duel Disk activated. “Yeager, I challenge you to a Duel! I will prove to you once and for all that I am the King!”

“Then I accept, Jack!” Yeager pulled a golden Duel Disk from underneath his coat and strapped it to his arm.


Life Point Count
Jack: 4000
Yeager: 4000

“My turn!” said Jack. “I summon ‘Power Breaker’ in Attack Mode. Your turn.”

Power Breaker
LV 4

“I draw,” said Yeager. “First, I activate 'Upstart Goblin', which lets me draw one card, then increases your Life Points by one thousand. Next, I Special Summon ‘Jester Confit’ from my hand and Set four cards face-down. I also activate ‘Shard of Greed’. Your turn.” The monster that appeared on Yeager’s field was a short and fat court jester. The clown was balanced perfectly on a small red and white striped ball, and maintained its balance as it bowed to Jack.

Jester Confit
LV 1

“My turn,” said Jack as he drew a card. “By sending ‘Dark Resonator’ from my hand to the Graveyard, I Special Summon ‘Power Giant’ from my hand with its Level reduced by three.” A giant man made of multi-colored crystals emerged onto the field.

Power Giant
LV 6 to LV3

“Next, I summon the Tuner Monster ‘Sinister Sprocket’ to the field.” Jack’s newest monster was a black sprocket atop a stem wrapped in chains. Empty, blue eyes glared from the top of the monster’s head.

Sinister Sprocket
LV 1

“I reveal the Continuous Trap ‘Tuning Barrer’,” said Yeager. “While there is a Tuner monster on your field or in your Graveyard, you cannot attack. However, this card is sent to the Graveyard during my third End Phase after it was activated.”

“I have no patience for your antics, Yeager. Level One ‘Sinister Sprocket’ tunes with the Level Three ‘Power Giant’ and Level Four ‘Power Breaker’!” said Jack. The sprocket’s cable unwrapped itself from its body and lassoed Jack’s other two monsters. All three turned into orange outlines of themselves and their stars burst from their bodies. One star drew a green ring around the others as they moved into single file.

“The pulse of the king now forms a line here!” Jack chanted. “Take witness to its creation-shaking power! I Synchro Summon my very soul, ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’!”

A pillar of green light shot up from the ground and engulfed the stars. A dark shadow formed inside the pillar. Claws and wings stretched out of the light. Fire burned from the mouth of the dragon that emerged from within with a deafening roar.

Red Dragon Archfiend
LV 8

“Whoa,” said Spike. “The last time I saw that dragon up close was when Paradox used it against Yusei.”

Twilight heard a thud. She turned her head to the source of the noise. Fluttershy had fainted and fallen out of her seat.

“Oh dear,” said Twilight. “Rarity, could you-?”

“Of course,” said Rarity. “Fluttershy? Darling, wake up!”

Fluttershy groaned and sat up. “Easy now,” said Rarity. “You fainted, probably because of that dreadful dragon that Jack summoned.”

“It’s... it reminds me of...” Fluttershy squeaked.

“I know, dear,” Rarity said. “But remember what Yusei told you: These are just pictures made of light. If you tried to touch it, your hoof would go right through it.”

“I... I know...”

“Maybe we should get you out of here,” Rarity suggested. “Come on, dear, let me help you up.”

“Thank you, Rarity,” said Fluttershy, “but... I want to stay.”

“Stay? But, Fluttershy, whatever for?”

“Because Pinkie’s my friend too.”

Rarity started to say something, but decided against it and nodded in agreement. They turned their attention back to the duel.

“Sinister Sprocket’s effect activates!” said Jack. “When it’s used to Synchro Summon a DARK monster, I can destroy one Spell or Trap Card on the field. ‘Tuning Barrier’ is destroyed!”

“I activate ‘Imperial Custom’,” said Yeager. “Continuous Traps I control other than ‘Imperial Custom’ cannot be destroyed.”

Jack growled. “I Set one card face-down and end my turn.”

“During your End Phase, Jester Confit’s effect activates,” said Yeager. “If it was Special Summoned by its own effect, I can return ‘Jester Confit’ and a monster you control to our hands.” The fat clown laughed as it did a backflip off of its ball. The ball shot forward and struck Red Dragon Archfiend in the chest. Both monsters vanished.

“Since Red Dragon Archfiend was a Synchro Monster, it won’t go to Jack’s hand,” said Twilight.

“What do you mean?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Fusion and Synchro Monsters don’t go to the hand or deck if they’re sent there. Instead, they get redirected to the Extra Deck. If Jack wants to use Red Dragon Archfiend again, he’ll have to perform another Synchro Summon.”

“Maybe that’ll teach him not to be such a jerk,” said Applejack.

“My turn,” said Yeager. The "Shard of Greed" card began to glow. “Each time I draw a card to start my turn, 'Shard of Greed' gains a Greed Counter. Now then, I summon ‘Jester Lord’ in Attack Mode!” Yeager’s monster was a tall, thin man wearing a strange outfit. The body was black and form-fitting, but the sleeves and legs were puffy, and colored blue and orange. A green and yellow cap sat on his head, a large feather waving atop it. The clown was juggling three red balls.

Jester Lord
LV 1

“Because Jester Lord is the only monster on the field, it gains one thousand Attack Points for each Spell and Trap Card in play,” Yeager said. The clown laughed as the number of balls it was juggling doubled.

Jester Lord
LV 1

“Jester Lord, attack Jack directly!”


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

The duel between Jack and Yeager continues as each one fights for control of the field! As each one attempts to hold off the other while they replenish their hands, Yeager sees that he is beginning to lose control. All the while, tears flow silently from Pinkie’s eyes...

Chapter 29

Wrath of the King - “Demon Finisher!”


Featured Card

Jester Lord
Level 1
While this card is the only monster on the field, it gains 1000 ATK for each card in the Spell & Trap Card Zones.

Chapter 29: Wrath of the King - “Demon Finisher!”

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 29
Wrath of the King - “Demon Finisher!”


“Jester Lord, attack Jack directly!” shouted Yeager. Jester Lord laughed and threw six juggling balls at Jack, each one catching fire as it raced toward him.

Jester Lord
LV 1

“I activate ‘Changing Destiny’!” said Jack. “This negates your attack and switches Jester Lord to Defense Mode, and it cannot change its Battle Mode as long as it’s on the field. In addition, you must choose an effect to apply: Either you gain half of Jester Lord’s Attack Points as Life Points, or I will take half of its Attack Points as damage.”

Two doors appeared before Jester Lord, one blue and one red.

“I have no intention of relenting on you, Jack Atlas,” Yeager said. “I choose to inflict three thousand points of damage to you!”

The red door opened and the Jester laughed as he ran through, throwing juggling balls at Jack and then kneeling.

Life Point Count
Jack: 2000
Yeager: 4000

“If you think it’ll be easy to beat me after this, Jack Atlas, you are sorely mistaken,” Yeager said. “I activate the Continuous Trap, ‘Late Penalty’! If you have no monsters on the field during your Standby Phase, you cannot conduct your Battle Phase that turn. Your turn.”

Jack drew. “I Set two cards and end my turn,” he said.

“Sacrificing another turn, are we?” Yeager said as he drew. “Your funeral then. ‘Shard of Greed’ now has two Greed Counters, so I will send it to the Graveyard to draw two cards from my deck. After that, I’ll Special Summon ‘Jester Confit’ and end my turn.”

Jester Confit
LV 1

“My turn,” said Jack. “During the Draw Phase, I activate ‘Powerful Rebirth’ and Special Summon ‘Power Breaker’ from the Graveyard. Powerful Rebirth increases its Attack and Defense Points by one hundred, and its Level by one.”

Power Breaker
LV 5

“Did you forget that I also control ‘Tuning Barrier’?” said Yeager.

“I did not, nor does it concern me,” said Jack. “By sending one of your face-up Trap Cards to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon ‘Trap Eater’ from my hand.”

A blue portal appeared below “Imperial Custom”. Jack’s monster emerged from within and swallowed the Trap whole. The creature was a hideous purple blob of skin with large eyes and horns, and a mouth that made up half of its body.

Trap Eater
LV 4

“I activate the Trap ‘Discord’! While I control this card, neither of us can Synchro Summon,” said Yeager as another of his face-down cards revealed itself. “You may as well end your turn, Jack.”

“Synchro Summoning was never my intention for this turn,” said Jack.

“I get it!” said Twilight. “At the end of the turn, Jester Confit’s effect will return one of Jack’s monsters to his hand. If Yeager returns Power Breaker, Jack can resummon Red Dragon Archfiend if he can get around Discord. But if Yeager returns Trap Eater to hand, he’ll lose another Trap Card.”

“That’s why he was called the King,” said Leo. “Except for Yusei and the King of Games, Jack was the best duelist in the world.”

“The King of Games?” said Twilight. “Wait, Yusei told me about him once! Yugi Muto, right? Yusei said he was the best duelist that ever lived.”

“He was right,” said Leo. “But don’t underestimate Jack.”

“Looks like Yeager already did,” said Applejack.

“I end my turn,” said Jack. “Time to choose, Yeager. Which will it be? Power Breaker, or Trap Eater?”

“I’m not going to let you feed another of my Traps to that monster,” said Yeager. “Jester Confit and Power Breaker return to our hands.”

The two monsters vanished from the field. Jack smirked.

“My turn,” said Yeager. “At the end of this turn, Tuning Barrier will be sent to the Graveyard. Waste not, want not. I activate ‘Magical Planter’. This lets me draw two cards in exchange for sending a Continuous Trap that I control to the Graveyard.” Yeager’s “Tuning Barrier” card vanished from the field, and Yeager himself drew two new cards from his deck.

“I Special Summon ‘Jester Confit’ to the field and Set three cards face-down. That ends my turn.”

“My turn,” said Jack. “Since I have a monster on the field, I can conduct my Battle Phase. And since you no longer have Tuning Barrier, I can attack this turn!”

“Is that right?” said Yeager with a chuckle. “I activate ‘Tuning Barrier’ and ‘Summon Limit’! Now you can’t attack, and neither of us can perform more than two summons each turn!”

Jack smiled. “A clown is always a fool,” he said. “I activate ‘Trap Pause’! The effects of your face-up Continuous Traps are negated during this turn, and I can draw one card for each of them.” Jack drew four cards as Yeager’s “Summon Limit”, “Tuning Barrier”, “Discord” and “Late Penalty” cards turned to stone.

“What the-?!” said Yeager.

“I summon ‘Power Breaker’ to the field!” said Jack. “Level Four Trap Eater, tune with the Level Four Power Breaker!”

The purple mouth with eyes belched forth four stars and its body was destroyed. The stars drew rings that encircled Jack’s “Power Breaker”. Its body was stripped away and the remaining stars moved into a line.

“The pulse of the king now forms a line here!” Jack chanted. “Take witness to its creation-shaking power! I Synchro Summon my very soul, ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’!”

Emerging from the light once again was Jack’s Ace monster. The mighty dragon snarled as jets of flame erupted from the sides of its mouth. It roared and shook the entire room.

Red Dragon Archfiend
LV 8

“Red Dragon Archfiend is back,” said Twilight.

“Yeah, but Jack won’t stop there,” said Rainbow Dash.

“What makes you say that?” asked Rarity.

“Just before our duel got interrupted, he was about to summon something else,” Dash explained. “I didn’t get a chance to see it then, but I might get to see it now. Besides, Jack’s too angry to let anything Yeager’s done slide. He’s going to end it now.”

“I wish they wouldn’t,” muttered Pinkie.

“Wouldn’t what, Pinkie?” asked Twilight.

“I wish they wouldn’t fight like this,” she said. “Yusei said that dueling someone makes them his friend... dueling is supposed to be fun! It’s not supposed to be for this!”

Pinkie sniffed. Tears streamed down her cheek.

“Pinkie, Yeager is dueling Jack to teach him a lesson,” said Twilight. “He hit you and he had no right to do that.”

“But this isn’t how it should happen! It’s not how any of it should happen! It’s not right, none of it is!”


“Jack! Yeager! Please, stop this! Jack, I forgive you for hitting me, and I’m sorry if I made you angry, just please stop!”

“This doesn’t concern you, pony,” said Jack. “This duel has been a long time coming. I have had the mind to put this scheming, bumbling idiot in his place for a long time. His place is beneath the feet of the King!”

“Yeager, please!”

“I’m sorry, Pinkie Pie, but Jack is right about this,” Yeager said. “This duel was always going to happen. Jack has gone too far this time. He forgets HIS place. He was once the King... once. He hasn’t been for a long time. And he forgets that it was only through me and Director Goodwin that he ever gained the title in the first place.”

“Can’t you two just talk about this?” Pinkie pleaded. “Please, you don’t have to do this! If you two want to duel, then that’s fine, but not like this!”

Yeager closed his eyes for a moment, then looked up at Jack. “It’s still your turn, Jack.”

Jack nodded. “I activate ‘Red Dragon Vase’. If I control ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’, I can draw two cards from my deck. Next, I Special Summon the Tuners ‘Red Nova’ and ‘Creation Resonator’ from my hand. ‘Red Nova’ can be Special Summoned if I control ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’, and ‘Creation Resonator’ can be Special Summoned if I control a Level Eight or higher Synchro Monster.”

The first monster that appeared was a small human-like creature with flowing maroon hair and great red wings. The second resembled many of the other “Resonator” monsters: A short creature wearing blue robes and a winged helmet, and holding a tuning fork and mallet in its hands. On the monster’s back was an enormous fan with blue blades and pale blue wings coming out of the stem.

Red Nova
LV 1

Creation Resonator
LV 3

“You’re wrong, Yeager,” said Jack. “I never forgot. Every day, I knew in the back of my mind that it was you and Goodwin who gave me a way out of the Satellite. With every battle, I knew that I was only there because I took an opportunity that you offered me. The sources of my power have always come from others. But I don’t need others anymore. I no longer need you, Yeager. I don’t need you, or Goodwin, or Yusei, or the Crimson Dragon! The power that I wield is power that I’ve taken for myself!

“Level One ‘Red Nova’ and Level Three ‘Creation Resonator’, Double Tune with the Level Eight ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’!”

Rings of fire burst from Jack’s monsters and encircled his dragon at four angles, then began spinning to form a flaming cocoon as it curled up within the blaze.

“The King and the Devil, here and now shall become as one. A raging soul! Lift up the very cries of creation itself! Synchro Summon! Come forth, ‘Red Nova Dragon’!”

Ivory claws and black skin tore through the fire. Crimson armor rested on the hide of a mighty, four-winged dragon, displaying endurance and unbridled power. Great red horns flowed away from the sides of its head and down beside its jowls. A long red crest stretched up and back from its head. Its long, thick tail waved behind it, a red axe-shaped club gleaming at the end. The dragon roared long, loud and deep as it clenched fire in its claws.

Red Nova Dragon
LV 12

“Red Nova Dragon’s effect,” Jack continued. “For every Tuner monster in my Graveyard, it gains five hundred Attack Points!”

Red Nova Dragon
LV 12

“First Yeager summons Jester Lord with six thousand Attack Points, and now Jack is matching him!” said Twilight.

“Whoa... is that what I would’ve faced if we’d kept going?” said Rainbow Dash.

“That is correct, Rainbow Dash,” said Jack.

“If you think that overgrown salamander can defeat me, you’re as short-sighted as ever, Jack Atlas,” said Yeager.

“Wait a minute, something’s not right here,” said Leo.

“You’re right,” said Luna. “Jack didn’t use Burning Soul!”

“What’s Burning Soul?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Burning Soul is the power Jack used to get Red Nova Dragon in the first place,” said Leo. “He sealed the strongest Earthbound Immortal into a card and gave its power to Red Dragon Archfiend. He uses it every time he Synchro Summons ‘Red Nova Dragon’.”

“What do you think it means?” asked Twilight.

“I don’t know,” said Luna. “But I don’t think it means anything good.”

“I activate ‘Double Summon’, which grants me a second Normal Summon this turn. I will use it to summon the Tuner monster ‘Force Resonator’,” Jack continued. “By sending this card to the Graveyard from the field, you can’t activate cards or effects that target Red Nova Dragon while it’s attacking. And as I said, ‘Force Resonator’ is a Tuner monster, which means Red Nova Dragon gains an additional five hundred Attack Points!”

“A fool rushes into battle, Jack,” said Yeager. “I activate the Trap Card ‘Taunt’. Now if you attack at all, you must attack ‘Jester Lord’.”

Jack grit his teeth. The kneeling Jester waved his hand and pulled it towards him, goading Jack into attacking him. “Red Nova Dragon, attack Jester Lord!” Jack ordered. Fire erupted from the dragon’s maw and consumed the thin court jester.

“I Set two cards face-down and end my turn,” said Jack.

“During your End Phase, Jester Confit’s effect activates,” said Yeager. “Confit returns to my hand, and Red Nova Dragon returns to your Extra Deck!”

“I was prepared for this,” said Jack as his dragon vanished. “I activate ‘Descending Lost Star’. This resurrects a Synchro Monster in my Graveyard by reducing its Defense Points to zero and its Level by one.”

Jack’s “Red Dragon Archfiend” reappeared on the field, its arms and wings crossed in front of its body.

Red Dragon Archfiend
LV 7

“My turn,” said Yeager. His Trap Cards returned to their violet forms. “I activate ‘Magical Planter’ and send ‘Discord’ to the Graveyard to draw two cards. Next, I summon ‘Jester Queen’ to the field!”

A voluptuous woman with gray skin emerged from a portal. She wore green leggings and a maroon leotard. Bright pink ribbons laced their way around her legs, ending in large bows on her hips. Her shoulders were covered in large feathers topped with a ruffled gold collar, and her neck and was wrapped in gold bands. Her green hair was tied back with a red and pink bow.

Jester Queen
LV 2

“Jester Queen’s effect activates,” said Yeager. “When she is Normal or Special Summoned, she destroys all Spells and Traps that I control.” The remaining Trap Cards on Yeager’s field shattered like glass and vanished.

“What’d he go and do that for?” asked Applejack.

“I Set two cards face-down and activate the Continuous Spell ‘Hidden Passage’. If the Attack Points of all monsters I control are less than that of your weakest monster, one monster I control can attack you directly. In addition to that, Jester Queen can attack once for each Spell or Trap Card that I control if she is the only monster on my field.”

“If Yeager’s attacks go through, that will be twenty-four hundred points of damage,” said Rarity. “Jack will lose!”

“Yeager, that’s enough!” cried Pinkie. “Don’t do this!”

Yeager ignored her. “Battle! Jester Queen, direct attack!” The strange woman leapt into the air and conjured a large, bright yellow ball in front of her, then threw it at Jack.

“I activate the Trap Card ‘Red Carpet’!” said Jack. “If I control a Dragon-Type Synchro Monster, I can Special Summon two ‘Resonator’ monsters from my Graveyard. Come, ‘Dark Resonator’! ‘Force Resonator’!”

Dark Resonator
LV 3

Force Resonator
LV 2

“Now that Jack has a weaker monster than Yeager, he can’t attack directly,” said Twilight. “If he wants to use Hidden Passage’s effect, he’ll have to destroy ‘Force Resonator’, and it still won’t be enough to defeat Jack this turn.

“I activate ‘Urgent Tuning’!” Jack said. “This card allows me to Synchro Summon during the Battle Phase. Level Three ‘Dark Resonator’ and Level Two ‘Force Resonator’, Double Tune with my Level Seven ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’!”

“What’s he doing?!” said Spike. “He could have survived all three of Yeager’s attacks!”

“The Devil is tamed and his power taken, my servant shall roar as the fires of Hell! Synchro Summon! Rise from the inferno, ‘Red Nova Dragon’!”

Fire flooded the room and Jack’s mighty dragon stood up from the flames. They liked at its blackened hide and formed the shape of its crimson armor as the beast roared.

Red Nova Dragon
LV 12

“Wide open again, Jack!” Yeager jeered. “Jester Queen, continue your attack on Jack’s Life Points!”

The yellow ball crashed down in front of Jack and exploded. Wind pushed against Jack, his white coat flying behind him.

Life Point Count
Jack: 1200

“Jester Queen, attack again!” Yeager shouted. The woman created another ball and threw it at Jack. It crashed into his chest and exploded with a flash. Jack stood firm.

Life Point Count
Jack: 400

“Jester Queen, end this now!” Yeager said.

“Jack!” cried Pinkie.

“Red Nova Dragon’s effect activates!” Jack announced. “During my opponent’s turn, I can remove it from the game. During the turn that I do so, I can negate one attack!” Red Nova Dragon caught the yellow ball in its clawed hand and crushed it. Fire shot up from beneath its feet and it disappeared in the flames. The dragon’s shoulders shook and a series of deep growls rumbled in its throat.

“Is it... laughing?” said Twilight.

“I don’t like this,” said Leo.

“You haven’t escaped yet, Jack,” Yeager said. “I Special Summon ‘Jester Confit’ from my hand, and then equip it with my face-down ‘Spirit Burner’. When the equipped monster returns to my hand and ‘Spirit Burner’ is sent to the Graveyard, you take six hundred points of damage. I end my turn!”

“During the End Phase, ‘Red Nova Dragon’ returns to the field,” said Jack. The red dragon reappeared in a burst of flame. “My turn!”

“Continuous Trap, ‘Spirit Barrier’, activate!” Yeager said. “While I control a monster, I take no Battle Damage!”

“Yeager has Jack pinned now,” said Twilight. “Jack only has ‘Red Nova Dragon’ on the field. If he attacks ‘Jester Confit’, he’ll avoid taking damage from Spirit Burner’s effect, but then Jester Queen can attack him directly next turn with Hidden Passage’s effect.”

“Can’t Jack just negate the attack?” Spike asked.

“He can negate one attack, Spike,” Twilight pointed out. “Since Yeager has ‘Spirit Barrier’ and ‘Hidden Passage’ on the field, ‘Jester Queen’ can attack twice.”

“So he should destroy ‘Jester Queen’?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight shook her head.

“If he does that, then ‘Jester Confit’ will return to Yeager’s hand when Jack ends his turn, and ‘Spirit Burner’ will inflict six hundred damage to him. The only way out of this is to destroy both Jesters.”

“You were nothing without another’s power, Jack Atlas,” Yeager said. “It was I who led you out of the Satellite, it was Goodwin who set you up on the throne of Neo Domino City’s Turbo Duel circuit. It was the Crimson Dragon who gave you the strength to fight the Earthbound Immortals, and it was Yusei who gave you a reason to fight even after you were defeated. Now here you are, relying on your own power, and look what it’s gained you: Another defeat!”

“That is where you are wrong, Yeager,” said Jack. “I predicted this outcome the moment you chose the effect of ‘Changing Destiny’. I knew you would try to use ‘Jester Queen’ to defeat me, and I knew you would rely on ‘Imperial Order’ to keep your other cards safe so you could attack four times to compensate for Red Nova Dragon’s effect. Everything I have done has been to this end.”

“You manipulated yourself into your own defeat,” Yeager countered.

“Wrong, Yeager. I took a chance, and it payed off. Let me show you how strong I can be! I summon ‘Dark Bug’ from my hand!” A mess of cubes and spidery legs emerged from a portal. The blue circle remained and a thin line shot out of the back of the strange creature. “When Normal Summoned, ‘Dark Bug’ allows me to Special Summon a Level Three Tuner monster from my Graveyard. Come, ‘Dark Resonator’!”

Dark Resonator
LV 3

Dark Bug
LV 1

Red Nova Dragon
LV 12

“What the- impossible!” said Yeager. “Th- that- that’s-!”

“Dark Bug! Dark Resonator! Attack ‘Jester Confit’ and ‘Jester Queen’!” The black insect jumped into the air and pointed all of its legs straight down, skewering ‘Jester Confit’ like a many-pointed dagger. Jack’s Resonator slammed its mallet into the tuning fork in its other hand and waves of sound blasted out toward ‘Jester Queen’ and destroyed her.

“You have no monsters to protect you anymore, Yeager,” Jack said. “Tell me, clown: Do you feel fear?”

“Wh-wha...?” Yeager stammered. He shook his head and glared at Jack. “I don’t fear a spoiled brat like you, Jack Atlas!”

“Let’s fix that, shall we?” Jack said. A crimson glow appeared around Jack and fire rose from beneath the feet of the dragon as it took to the air. Flames spilled out of the sides of its mouth from between its teeth, racing behind it as it flew upward. “Red Nova Dragon, attack Yeager directly! Devil Finisher!”

Red Nova Dragon fell, spinning as it did, a whirlwind of fire wrapped around it. The dragon roared and opened its mouth wide as it descended onto Yeager.

The explosion shook everyone and everything in the room.

Yeager lay on the floor, staring up at the ceiling.

Life Point Count
Jack: 400
Yeager: 0

Jack’s Duel Disk shut off, the whirring of the Momentum inside dying down.

“I have always deserved to be King,” said Jack. “Circumstances did not favor me at first, but you and Goodwin changed that. I grew stronger as the years passed. Now, I no longer need your schemes or Goodwin’s influence. I don’t need support from others or the mystic powers of benevolent gods. I control the most fearsome Earthbound Immortal that ever existed, and I don’t need the Crimson Dragon to do it.”

Jack walked toward the doors.

“And I don’t need any of you,” he said. “I will defeat the Black King myself.”

“Jack...” said Pinkie. He pushed against the doors and walked through them. Pinkie ran after him, but stopped when the doors slammed shut in front of her. She sat down and hung her head.

Her sobs could be heard in the farthest corners of the cafeteria.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Jack has left the resistance and departed for KaibaCorp. Tower. As he rides toward the looming spire, he encounters Crow. Despite his orders from Yusei, Crow refuses to duel Jack in his current state. Jack, deciding that Crow is no longer worth his time, continues to the tower, and into the darkness...

Chapter 30

The Throne in the Abyss


Featured Card

Red Nova Dragon
Level 12
2 Tuners + "Red Dragon Archfiend"
This card gains 500 ATK for each Tuner monster in your Graveyard. This card cannot be destroyed by the effects of your opponent's Spells, Traps, or monsters. When your opponent's monster declares an attack: You can target the attacking monster; banish this card, and if you do, negate the attack. During the End Phase: Special Summon this card that was banished by this effect.

Chapter 30: The Throne in the Abyss

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 30
The Throne in the Abyss


“Has there been any sign of Jack?” Yeager asked.

“No,” said Mina. “He hasn’t returned to his quarters, and no one in the base has seen him. Not even the guards or the prisoners.”

“You believe the prisoners?” Yeager asked.

“I didn’t see any bruises on their faces,” Mina replied. “And the Wheel of Fortune is missing as well.”

“Fair enough.” Yeager picked up a framed picture on his desk. A woman and child were shown in the photograph. The woman wore a serene smile, while the boy was laughing. “I can’t help but feel at least somewhat responsible for his departure.”

“Mayor, it wasn’t your fault.”

“Not completely, but I must accept some of the blame. I overreacted to Jack’s behavior, probably because I was tired of being pushed around by him. In trying to quell his anger, I let my own get the better of me.”

Yeager sighed and replaced the photograph. He walked past Mina and through the open door of his office. “I’m going for a walk,” he said. “I need to clear my head.”


The Volcanic Wheel of Fortune raced through the empty streets of Neo Domino City. Jack though on this. The city was once bustling. The only way he could get anywhere most days was to take the highways that were off limits to cars. Now, it was a ghost town.

The high-pitched hum of his D-Wheel was a comforting ambience. Jack could always think clearest when he was riding. For the sake of survival, he had to, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. Even today was no different.

The Black King is the reason for all of this, Jack thought. I’ve proven to the rest of them that I can handle him myself. So I’ll find him and end this once and for all! Jack noticed a flickering on his console. He pushed one of the buttons next to the screen and brought up the rear-view camera. But first, I should deal with this.

Jack reduced his speed and let Crow pull up beside him.

“If you’re here for a rematch, I’m not interested,” said Jack. “I have bigger fish to fry.”

“Let me guess: the Black King,” said Crow. “Jack, Yusei says there’s no such thing, and I believe him.”

“Believe what you want,” said Jack. “It doesn’t make any difference to me. But I saw the broadcast. I heard the words of Aporia and Sherry.”

“Aporia?” Crow said. “Aporia’s dead, Jack, you know that.”

“Sherry claims the Black King rebuilt him.”

Crow sighed. “What are you doing out here by yourself anyway?” he asked. “I haven’t seen anyone else on the road. Why just you?”

“I no longer have any ties to the resistance movement,” said Jack. “I don’t need them. I intend to defeat the Black King myself. He’s holed up in KaibaCorp. Tower.”

“Yusei’s there,” said Crow. “You can’t beat him.”

“Yusei is not the Black King,” Jack replied.

“Look, let’s say this Black King of yours is real and Yusei is lying to me for some reason,” said Crow. “What do you even know about him? About his deck? Nothing, I bet!”

Jack remained silent.

“You really don’t know anything!” Crow exclaimed. “You’re nuts!”

Jack increased his speed.

“Jack, get back here! I wasn’t done!” Crow yelled. He revved his engine and caught up to Jack. “What’s gotten into you? Why’d you leave everyone else behind anyway?”

“They were wasting time,” Jack responded. “I made it clear that I want nothing to do with their antics anymore. Yeager challenged me to a duel and I defeated him with ease.”

“You beat Yeager? Jack, I had to use ‘Aurora the Northern Lights’ just to get around his anti-Synchro deck! Did you even use ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’?”

“I finished it with ‘Red Nova Dragon’.”

“How?” Crow asked. “How did you get around his Traps?”

“I didn’t. He did it for me. And then I destroyed him.”

“And what about Leo and Luna? Or Aki? Mina? Ushio? The ponies?” Crow continued. “How do they feel about you leaving?”

“I’ll ask them when I’ve reclaimed my throne,” said Jack. “The Black King... the title of ‘King’ does not belong to him!” Jack looked over at Crow. “Why are you still following me?”

“I have orders from Yusei,” Crow said. “I’m supposed to defeat you again and bring you in.”

“You won’t beat me again,” said Jack.

“It’ll have to wait,” said Crow. “Jack, I’m not going to duel you while you’re like this. You abandoned your friends. You’re delusional.”

“Then fly away, Crow,” Jack said. “I will deal with you once I have freed Neo Domino City!”

Crow shook his head and veered away from Jack, turning down an exit and riding away on a lower road. Jack snorted and continued on.


KaibaCorp. Tower. The tallest spire and centerpiece of Neo Domino City. A gleaming pillar of steel and glass, a beacon of the technological advancement in the past three decades. Jack gazed up at it. The red panels that sat at the top, emblazoned with the KC logo, was just barely visible from where Jack stood.

Jack removed his helmet and placed it in the compartment beneath the seat of his D-Wheel. His Duel Disk on his arm, Jack walked up the steps and through the doors.

“Welcome to the Kaiba Corporation Tower,” came a woman’s voice. She was standing behind the receptionist desk. “Are you here for a tour? Or do you have an appointment with someone?”

“Tell me where the Black King is,” Jack said as his Duel Disk whirred to life.

“Who’s the Black King?” asked the woman.

“Don’t play dumb with me. You are here. You’re working for him. If you think you can take me, then call for reinforcements, but I WILL find the Black King!”

“Sir, there’s no one by that name here,” the woman said.

Jack blinked. “Is... is Yusei Fudo here?” he asked.

“Director Fudo? Yes, he is. May I ask your name?”

“Jack Atlas!” Jack said loudly. “How do you not recognize me?”

“I’m... sorry, Mr... Atlas,” the woman said uneasily. “You don’t have an appointment. Does Director Fudo know you?”

“He does,” Jack replied. “Tell him that I’m here.”

Several minutes passed before the woman looked up from her console. “An escort will take you to the Momentum control station,” she said.

“I know the way,” Jack said. With that, he stormed off.


It took several minutes before he noticed it. But nothing escapes the gaze of Jack Atlas. Jack was walking into darkness. The halls were becoming increasingly decayed with water damage.

And there was no one. Jack couldn’t decide if that was more or less disturbing.

He at last reached the door to the control room. It was partially open, the sliding doors parted and hanging crookedly. Jack gripped each one and pushed them as far as he could, then slipped through.

The massive chamber was completely dark, except for the light of Momentum. A figure stood at the controls, silhouetted against the light of Momentum.. Tall. Dark. Imposing.

The air seemed heavy around Jack. He found it difficult to breathe, almost as though he was underwater.

“I knew you were here,” he said.

“Very few know of my existence,” said the figure. Its voice was deep. Raspy. “You know nothing of the darkness.”

The figure turned around. Jack saw something from the side as it moved to face him. Something elongated, almost skull-like.

“You’re not the Black King,” Jack said. “Who are you then?”

“The darkness,” said the figure. “Tell me, Jack Atlas, what is your greatest dream?”

“To reclaim my title as King,” Jack said simply. “If you’d be so kind as to point me to that blasphemer’s throne room-”

“What is your strongest regret?”

“What? What’s that got to do with the Black King?”

“You have taken many actions in your life that you regret, Jack,” said the figure. “Gaze into the light. I shall let you tell me what you regret the most.” The figure stepped to the side and let the light of Momentum wash over Jack.


The wind was strong that day. There was a storm forming over the harbor. If he had believed in fate, Jack would say that this was the beginning of his destiny.

“Jack?” said a boy. It was Rally.

“Rally,” Jack said, “I need a favor.”

“You want me to do a favor for you?”

“I’ve decided to leave this place.”

“Seriously? But, how?”

“In order to do that, I need your help.”

“If I can help, I’ll do anything!” Rally said excitedly.

“I see...”

It took only a moment to knock him out.


The storm was growing stronger. He and Yusei stood on the water’s edge.

“I received an invitation from the city,” he said. “The tickets into the city are my ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’ and your ‘Stardust Dragon’.”

“What?!” Yusei said.

“But you can go to the city if you have the two cards. So what will you do?” A gust of wind pushed against his jacket. If we battle, you can watch the boat disappear beneath the waves. Or...”

He watched as his friend shed his jacket and dove into the water. He picked up the deck box and took the card he needed. He was gone after that.


Dust faded away into the wind. Carly was gone. She had sacrificed herself to save him... to tell him he loved her.

He said nothing back. He knew he should have. But he hadn’t. He’d wanted to die with her, shouldn’t that have been enough? But he knew it wasn’t.

Jack stood and returned to his D-Wheel. His mind returned to the task at hand. He had to activate the control unit. He had to stop the other Dark Signers. He had to...

“...see her again.”

A lone tear ran down his cheek. Nobody would see. He almost wished someone would. But there was no one, so he let it go.


He and Crow had fought before, but never like this. Jack knew he was innocent, but Crow didn’t. And that caused him to step over the line. He knew he should forgive him.

But Jack had gotten angry too. His pride would not likely allow it.

For the longest time, Jack never spoke of their fight at the prison. Eventually, it seemed like he’d forgotten about it...


Jack gasped as he reeled back. He was panting heavily, trying to catch his breath in the stagnant air.

“What... was...”

“Memories of your regretful actions,” said the being beside him. “Only a few, but they seemed to weigh heaviest among the others. Tell me, Jack, which one is your deepest regret?”

“My... deepest...”

Jack started to laugh. “Every action I have taken has led to the next one I would take,” Jack said. “It has always been my destiny to become the King. There is no point in mourning the past!”

“If you truly believe that you would become King by fate rather than by chance, then why not change something? Perhaps... the day you abandoned your home, and your friends?”

The reactor flashed. Jack staggered backwards.

“The day you lost the woman you loved?”

The reactor flashed again. Jack’s back slammed into the wall behind him.

“I think the day you regret the most,” came a familiar voice, “is the day you accepted my invitation.”

Jack looked up. The tall figure was gone. It had been replaced with Yeager.

“If it was really your destiny all along to become King, then you didn’t need my help. You took it anyway. You kidnapped a child and put him in danger. You stole your best friend’s most precious card, and the D-Wheel he’d worked so hard to build. You abandoned your friends and your home for fame and glory.”

“And then you learned what was really important in life,” said a woman. Jack looked to his left. Carly was standing there.

“Carly!” Jack said. “Where have you been?!”

“You came to love me, didn’t you?” she said. “You learned how valuable another person can be to you. But after the Dark Signers were defeated, you ignored me...”


“Treachery has always been in your nature, Jack.” Jack turned around again.

“Yusei!” he said.

“You betrayed your friends to become the King. You betrayed Carly’s feelings for you when you began to ignore her, and when you shunned her almost a year ago. You’ve hurt so many people in your life, it’s a wonder you can live with yourself.”

“You’re... you’re not Yusei!” Jack yelled. “Yusei would never say anything like that!

“You are correct, Jack Atlas,” came the deep voice again. All three of his friends vanished. The dark figure reappeared. “But their words are no less true. This you cannot deny.”

“Who... what are you?”

“Shall I return you to that day, Jack?”

Jack stepped backward. His leg bumped into something and he fell backwards into a chair. He turned around to inspect it.

“This is the throne I had in the Satellite,” he said.

“You can have it back if you wish,” said the figure. “Avoid the pain of your mistakes. You will still become the King, as you have said.”

Jack’s gaze fell.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Yeager organizes search parties to try and locate Jack. Due to Twilight’s condition, she is not allowed to go, but the other ponies and Spike volunteer in her place. Pinkie and Spike join Kazama’s group. Yeager sends them to KaibaCorp. Tower, but when they arrive, they are met by Aporia, who tells them Jack isn’t there...

Chapter 31

The Search


Featured Card

Red Dragon Archfiend
Level 8
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
After damage calculation, when this card attacks a Defense Position monster your opponent controls: Destroy all Defense Position monsters your opponent controls. During your End Phase: Destroy all other monsters you control that did not declare an attack this turn. This card must remain face-up on the field to activate and to resolve this effect.

Chapter 31: The Search

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 31
The Search


Yeager’s walk took him to many places in the building. At each one, he visited with the people, hoping to lift their spirits, and his own. Though he still felt down about his loss to Jack, it wasn’t this defeat that was dampening his mood, and he knew it. It was Jack’s departure. They’d always seemed to annoy each other, but Yeager still considered Jack a friend ever since Yliaster’s plot had been thwarted nearly four years ago.

Jack had been acting unusually abrasive since his own defeat at Crow’s hands, and it had gotten worse ever since. Yeager knew that the two were connected, but it seemed unlikely that Jack would act so rashly after such a defeat.

Yeager turned a corner and came across Rainbow Dash. She was walking along, looking as down as he was.

“Rainbow Dash?” he said. “You seem troubled.”

“Huh?” Dash said, looking up. “Oh, hi. Yeah, just feeling kinda low since Jack left.”

“We’re all feeling it, Rainbow,” Yeager said.

“It just doesn’t make any sense, though!” said Dash. “He’s a good guy! Why would he act like this?”

“I suspect it has to do with his duel against Crow,” said Yeager, “But we have no way of knowing what happened. I don’t believe that it was just the defeat that triggered Jack’s behavior, as he’s lost many times in the past. It must have been something that occurred during the duel.”

“During the... hey, I just thought of something,” said Rainbow Dash. “The last time Yusei was in Equestria, there was a lot of weird stuff happening. We should go find Twilight, though. She’ll remember some of it better than me.”

“Very well,” said Yeager.


“Twilight? You in here?” called Rainbow Dash.

“In the back!” Twilight shouted. Yeager walked toward the back of the storage room with Rainbow Dash gliding beside him. They found Twilight and Spike examining a single book. Twilight nodded and Spike turned the page.

“Still can’t use magic, huh?” said Dash.

“No. It’s not as bad, but my head still throbs whenever I try,” Twilight said. “What can I do for you two?”

“Rainbow Dash believes you might be able to provide some insight into Jack’s recent actions,” Yeager said. “I believe that something happened during the duel that caused him to act like this, rather than the defeat itself.”

“Yeager might be right,” said Rainbow Dash. “You remember when Yusei dueled Paradox and he summoned that humongous Synchro Monster? What was it called... ‘Malefic Something Dragon’...”

“‘Malefic Singularity Dragon’?” Twilight said.

“Yeah, that!” said Rainbow. “When Paradox played it, he was already merged with that big gold dragon of his-”

“‘Malefic Truth Dragon’,” Twilight interjected.

“That too,” said Dash. “Anyway, when he Synchro Summoned ‘Singularity Dragon’, he became merged with it too, but it turned his hair and clothes all dark and stuff. Then we found out that he had that card because of Nightshroud.”

“Forgive me, but who or what is ‘Nightshroud’?” Yeager asked.

“Guess you don’t know,” said Twilight. “Nightshroud was the threat that brought Yusei to our world in the first place.”

“I thought that threat was Paradox,” said Yeager.

Twilight shook her head. “That was the second time.”

“How many times has Yusei visited your dimension?” Yeager asked.

“Just twice,” said Spike. “The first time, the Crimson Dragon brought him so he could save us all from Nightshroud. The second time was when he rode through a rip to Equestria to fight Paradox.”

“That doesn’t fully explain what Nightshroud is,” said Yeager.

“We’re still not completely sure ourselves,” said Twilight. “What we do know is that it’s from this dimension, and that it was defeated by a human named Jaden Yuki. Yusei said he met him in the past when he traveled through time to fight Paradox and recover his stolen ‘Stardust Dragon’.”

“Jaden Yuki... I believe I’ve heard that name before,” said Yeager. “Yes, he’s regarded as a legendary duelist in our history. He saved his school, the Duel Academy, on many occasions, though the details have always been a bit fuzzy.”

“Anyway,” said Rainbow Dash, “Nightshroud also helped me duel against Paradox, but he turned my cards dark. Something felt off about it the entire time until I summoned ‘Rainbow Dragon’. Even though I lost, it still made everything clear.”

“What are you saying, Rainbow Dash?” asked Yeager.

“I’m saying that Crow might have played some dark card against Jack, and that’s what’s making him act like a foal,” Dash said. “Think about it! You guys suddenly can’t watch duels anymore, and Crow shows up with a bunch of Dark Troopers. He’s gotta be on the wrong side of the war.”

“That would make quite a lot of sense,” said Yeager, “but we must find Jack to confirm it.”

“We should organize some search parties,” said Twilight. “I’m good at organization. I’ll need a map of Neo Domino City and a list of available personnel. Um... if you’ll trust me, that is.”

“On the condition that you answer one question,” said Yeager. “Why didn’t you tell me about Nightshroud?”

“I didn’t think it was relevant,” Twilight answered with a shrug. “We beat the thing twice already. It didn’t come up again in our world or this one until Spike found out about what happened to it in the past.”

“That’s fair, I suppose. Very well. Come with me. We’ll give you the map and personnel list. I expect to have search parties organized and ready to go by tomorrow.”

“Not a problem for me, Yeager.”

Yeager nodded, then turned to leave the room. “Oh, and one more thing, Twilight,” he said over his shoulder. “When this is over, I want to hear everything that all seven of you know about Nightshroud.”

“Yes, sir,” said Twilight.


Twilight had spent most of the night organizing the search parties, and presented them to Yeager. He read through each list and made only a few adjustments of his own before he approved. The day after, each group was lined up outside the base. Yeager stood at the top of the steps that lead to the door.

“Three days have passed since Jack left us,” Yeager said. “The mission I am sending you on is search and possible rescue. You are to locate Jack Atlas. We believe something may have happened to him during his duel with Crow that has made him irrational and distrusting. It’s likely he cannot be reasoned with, so a duel may be necessary to bring him back. However, do not engage him without help. Only the strongest among you should attempt to duel him.

“Now, if there are no questions, begin the mission,” said Yeager. “Find Jack. Bring him home.”

“Yes, sir!” came the collective response. Everyone began moving toward the garage. Several minutes later, jeeps and D-Wheels emerged from the underground and left through the base’s gate.

The last to leave was Kazama's group. However, he wasn't accompanied by humans. Instead, Pinkie Pie and Spike rode with him, both of them in the back seat.

“So, where’s Twilight sending us again?” asked Spike.

“We’re going to search around KaibaCorp. Tower,” Kazama said. “This is going to be a dangerous mission, though, so stealth will be key.”

“You heard him, Pinkie,” said Spike with a sly grin. Pinkie just stared out the window. “Pinkie Pie?” Spike repeated.

“Huh?” she said. “Oh, yeah, stealth. Gotcha.”

“You okay back there?” Kazama asked.

“I’m fine,” said Pinkie. “Just... I kinda feel bad about Jack going missing. I guess I should've just let him leave the party.”

“Come on, Pinkie, don’t be like that,” said Spike. “Jack’s the one who acted like a jerk, not you. Let’s just find him and bring him back before something bad happens to him, okay?”

“Yeah, I guess,” Pinkie sighed.


Kazama did not park their vehicle anywhere near KaibaCorp. Tower. Instead, he hid it in the shadow of an overpass.

“The last thing we want,” he said to Pinkie and Spike, “is for the enemy to see us coming.” Pinkie and Spike nodded, then followed as quickly and quietly as could behind him.

They stopped from time to time, pressed up against walls as small platoons of black D-Wheels raced through the streets. Dark Troopers on patrol. They only moved when Kazama told them to move.

It took almost thirty minutes before they reached the front walk of the building. There was very little cover left for them when they got there.

“I’ll go on ahead,” said Pinkie. “I’m a master of stealth.”

“It’s true,” said Spike. “I lost count of how many times she’s just shown up next to someone a long time ago. Not a word until she’s right there.”

“I’ll scout ahead and see what’s what inside,” Pinkie continued. “I’ll come back for you two if the situation’s good. If I’m not back in ten minutes, get out of here.”

“Pinkie, we won’t leave you behind,” said Kazama. “Twilight would never forgive me if either of you got lost. No buts either.” Pinkie had started to object, but decided against it and just nodded.

“Alright,” she said. “Then in that case, ten minutes and it’s your call, Kazama. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Then she dashed off.

Spike and Kazama waited only a few minutes before she returned. “We’re clear!” she said. “Come on!”

“That was fast,” said Kazama as he picked up Spike and ran behind Pinkie Pie.

“Well, it took longer than I expected,” said Pinkie. “I had to distract a whole bunch of Dark Troopers inside, but I got them away from the door real sneaky-like.”

“How’d you-” Spike started to ask.

“Muffin button,” Pinkie said.

“Huh?” said Kazama.

“What?” said Pinkie.

Spike and Kazama just looked at each other and shrugged.

The automatic doors slid open as Pinkie and Kazama ran through them. But then they stopped short.

“Greetings,” said Aporia. His arms were crossed in front of his chest.

“Pinkie, I thought you said you distracted the guards!” said Kazama.

“I did!” said Pinkie. “I didn’t think Aporia would show up!”

“You’re not familiar with the concept of a security camera, are you?” asked Aporia. Pinkie shook her head. “Then I suppose you can’t be blamed for this. So I am willing to let all three of you walk out of here untouched, on one condition.”

“And that is?” Kazama asked.

“Tell me why you are here.”

The three of them exchanged looks. Spike sighed. “We’re looking for Jack Atlas,” said the dragon. He squirmed and dropped from Kazama’s arm, landing deftly on his feet. “He went nuts and ran off somewhere. We figured he might come here to fight the Black King.”

“Your initial suspicions were correct,” Aporia said. “I’m feeling particularly generous, so I will give you a few breadcrumbs to follow. When Jack arrived, he was confronted with himself and everything he believed in. He’s gone back to the Satellite sector. There’s an old, abandoned theater there. In his early days, that was his palace, his throne room. You will find him there.”

“How do we know this isn’t a trap?” Pinkie asked with narrowed eyes.

“You don’t,” Aporia said. “But it’s your only lead at the moment, so you might as well investigate. Besides, it’s the only way you will leave here unscathed.”

Kazama, Pinkie and Spike exchanged looks again. They looked back at Aporia once more, then turned and left the building as fast as they could.


It took almost an hour to make it to Satellite. It took another hour to find the abandoned theater Aporia had mentioned. The sun had moved to the west horizon, but it wasn’t quite ready to set. Kazama, Spike and Pinkie Pie walked up the steps to the abandoned theater. Many of the buildings in this area were still in heavy disrepair. The place was gloomy.

Kazama pulled a flashlight from his belt and pushed a button on it, turning it on. The dark hallways were illuminated with a wide beam of light.

“Stay close to me,” said Kazama. “There could be Dark Troopers everywhere in here. Or worse.”

“Worse?” gulped Spike.

“What could be worse than Dark Troopers?” asked Pinkie.

“Jack Atlas,” Kazama answered. Pinkie gulped. The three of them moved forward.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Kazama, Spike and Pinkie delve deeper into the old theater, eventually finding Jack’s throne room. But Jack is different. He claims that he is the King of Satellite, soon to be King of Neo Domino City. Kazama tries to get him to come back, but Jack doesn’t listen and instead challenges them to a duel. Kazama and Spike strap up to fight against Jack, but something is wrong in this duel...

Chapter 32

Jewel of the Mad King


Featured Card

Speed Spell - End of the Storm
Normal Spell Card
If you have 10 or more Speed Counters: Destroy all monsters on the field and inflict 300 damage to each player for each of their destroyed monsters that were sent to the Graveyard.

Chapter 32: Jewel of the Mad King

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 32
Jewel of the Mad King


Much of Neo Domino City’s Satellite Sector had undergone massive renovation after Yusei and his friends had reunited it with the mainland. A mere six months after they defeated the Dark Signers, the Security and Maintenance Bureau began massive construction projects all across the city. Instructions left behind by Rex Goodwin and carried out by Vice Director Yeager saw the construction of a new Daedalus Bridge, as well as many Duel Highways that flew through the city and across the bay.

Almost as soon as the bridge was completed it was filled with trucks hauling steel girders, concrete, cranes, wrecking balls, and many other heavy construction and demolition vehicles. Announcements were made that people in Satellite would be relocated one section at a time to the city during construction, but would then be allowed to move back with the completion of each new building. Some remained in the city after adjusting to their new lifestyle, but others returned to the home they’d known for nearly two decades.

In spite of the tremendous amount of progress being made, there were still parts of Satellite that remained in their half-destroyed state. For a long time, many feared to go to the abandoned theater that was once the center of Jack Atlas’ territory, afraid that he might come back to reclaim it.

Three individuals now walked slowly through the dim hallways of the theater.

Rundown as it was, it was still partially lit through the dirty and broken windows that decorated the walls. Kazama only had to use his flashlight sparingly.

It wasn’t long before they found a set of double-doors that led into the theater. Kazama opened one and quietly ushered Pinkie and Spike inside. He followed behind them, closing the door as quietly as its rusty hinges would allow.

They walked down the aisles between the rows of seats in the huge room. Almost halfway toward the stage, they heard a voice.

“I know you’re there.”

They froze. They knew that voice.

In the darkness, they made out a high-backed chair. Someone was sitting in it. He stood up.

“This is my field,” said Jack. “What are you doing here?”

“Jack!” said Kazama. “It’s me, Kaz! We’ve been looking all over for you!”

“No doubt to take my throne,” Jack said. “If you leave now, I won’t stop you.”

“What’s he talking about?” asked Spike.

“I don’t know,” said Kazama. They approached the stage.

“You’re bold,” said Jack. “I admire that. But it will not save you from my wrath.”

“Jack, what happened to you?” asked Kazama. “After you left the base, we went out looking for you. When we went to Kaiba Corp. Tower, Aporia told us you were here.”

“What are you talking about?” Jack said. “Who are you? What are these creatures with you?”

“Jack, don’t you remember?” asked Pinkie Pie. “There was a party and you got mad and left and it was my fault and I’m sorry and-”

“Shut. Up.”

Pinkie Pie’s words caught in her throat.

“I don’t know any of you, but it is clear you know me. I am Jack Atlas! I will one day be the King of Neo Domino City, and of the Dueling World! If you think you can take away my throne, then come at me!”

Jack’s Duel Disk activated.

“I don’t think we have a choice,” said Kazama. “Spike, I doubt either of us can take him alone.”

“Then we’ll do it together,” said Spike. Green flames enveloped him as he grew almost as tall as Kazama. His own Duel Disk appeared on his arm in a flash of emerald fire.

“This will be a Battle Royal. I will go first, and no one may attack on their first turn,” said Jack.


Life Point Count
Jack: 4000
Spike: 4000
Kazama: 4000

“My turn!” said Jack. “I Summon ‘Dark Resonator’ in Defense Mode, then Set one card face-down. I end my turn.”

Jack’s signature Tuner monster emerged from a blue portal and crossed its mallet and tuning fork in front of itself. A face-down card appeared behind it.

Dark Resonator
LV 3

“I’m next,” said Spike. “My turn! I summon ‘Alexandrite Dragon’ in Attack Mode. Your move, Kazama.” A dark gray dragon flew onto the field and landed, standing tall on its hind legs. Rare and precious stones glittered all along its hide. Amber eyes gleamed just as brightly in the dim light.

Alexandrite Dragon
LV 4

“My turn,” said Kazama. “I summon ‘Resound Gardna’ in Defense Mode.” The monster that emerged was a tall, armored man. The armor was form-fitting but still obviously metallic. A gold, spiked bangle was tied over his left shoulder. A helmet covered his entire head, though a wide, green-blue visor allowed him to see. The helmet ran up into a crest, with two more swooping over the sides. In his hand was a circular shield. The front was gray, but several white rings could be seen within, shrinking and growing, bouncing against each other. The shield was humming softly.

Resound Gardna
LV 3

“Next, I activate Gardna’s effect. By paying five hundred Life Points, I can change its Battle Mode. If I changed it to Attack Mode this way, I draw one card and you have to attack it during your next turn.”

Resound Gardna
LV 3

Life Point Count
Kazama: 3500

Kazama drew and then Set a card face-down, ending his turn.

“My turn!” said Jack. “Let me show you how the future King duels. I activate ‘Dimension Switch’! When activated, this card removes a monster I control from the game. Switch on!” A stormy portal appeared behind Dark Resonator and it vanished within. “Next, as you control monsters and I do not, I Normal Summon ‘Big Piece Golem’ without Release!” A massive boulder emerged from a blue ring. stone arms and legs unfolded from the broad sides and lower edges. A human-like face was carved into the front of the monster.

Big Piece Golem
LV 5

“Now, by sending ‘Dimension Switch’ to the Graveyard, I can return the monster that was removed by its effect to the field. Switch off!” Jack’s card vanished and Dark Resonator returned to the field.

Dark Resonator
LV 3

“Level Three ‘Dark Resonator’, tune with the Level Five ‘Big Piece Golem’!” said Jack. Dark Resonator struck its tuning fork with its mallet and disappeared, leaving three stars behind. They drew green Synchro rings around Big Piece Golem. Its body turned to an orange outline and was stripped away. The five stars within lined up, and stars and rings were engulfed by a pillar of light.

“Here it comes,” said Spike.

“Jack’s Ace,” said Kazama.

Pinkie whimpered.

“Rend the obsidian darkness and scorch both Heaven and Earth! In isolation rises the absolute King!” Jack chanted. “Synchro Summon! Clad in burning jewels, rise! ‘Hot Red Dragon Archfiend’!”

“What?!” said Kazama.

A familiar dragon emerged from the light and roared. Deep red garnets appeared on the knuckles of each of its clawed hands. Violet lines drew themselves across the dragon’s black skin, forming ancient patterns and images of wings on its shoulders and chest. The lines glowed as they were created, then the light finished when the drawings were complete.

Hot Red Dragon Archfiend
LV 8

“Is that... is that ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’?” Spike asked.

“No,” Kazama answered. “This is a different monster. I don’t know what it does either!”

“Then allow me to demonstrate,” said Jack. “I activate the effect of ‘Hot Red Dragon Archfiend’! Once per turn, during Main Phase One, it can destroy all other monsters on the field in Attack Mode, but I can only attack with ‘Hot Red Dragon Archfiend’ during the turn I activate this effect. Go, Crimson Prominence!”

Beams of flame shot up from the dragon’s jeweled knuckles. It roared and thrust its fists at the ground, driving the fiery skewers into the floor. Pillars of flame erupted from beneath Spike and Kazama’s monsters.

“I play a Trap!” said Kazama. “‘Sonic Shield’! This turn, if a monster I control would be destroyed by a card effect, I can pay three hundred Life Points instead.” Resound Gardna jumped and spun in the air until it was upside down, then placed his shield below him, blocking the fire. The flames died away and Kazama’s monster flipped around, nimbly landing on his feet.

Life Point Count
Kazama: 3200

“Alexandrite Dragon is still destroyed, but you can’t attack Spike this turn,” said Kazama. “Resound Gardna’s effect is still in play!”

“Very well then,” said Jack. “Battle! Hot Red Dragon Archfiend, attack Resound Gardna! Absolute Judgment!” The dragon opened its black jowls wide, and a deep red fireball formed in front of it. Hot Red Dragon swung its head around and launched the fireball at Kazama’s monster.

“I activate Resound Gardna’s third effect!” said Kazama. “Once per Battle Phase, when it’s targeted for an attack, I can cut the battle damage I take from this battle in half, but Resound Gardna’s other effects are negated. Normally, it can’t be destroyed in battle, but that effect won’t work anymore.”

The fireball struck the warrior and obliterated him. Kazama shielded his face with his arms.

“But since the monster targeted with ‘Sonic Shield’ was destroyed by battle, I gain back the Life Points I payed for its effect,” Kazama continued.

Life Point Count
Kazama: 2500

“I Set one card face-down,” said Jack. “That ends my turn.”

“My turn,” said Spike as he drew a card. “I Summon ‘Maiden with Eyes of Blue’ and Set one card face-down. Your turn, Kazama.” A human woman appeared in front of Spike. She was tall and beautiful, with sparkling blue eyes and shining silver hair. She wore a brown dress, stylized with blue-white patterns that resembled dragons.

Maiden with Eyes of Blue
LV 1

Kazama drew. “I Summon ‘Resound Knight’,” he said. Another humanoid warrior appeared before him. This one held a thin sword in his left hand and a diamond-shaped shield in his right with the same resonating pattern as Resound Gardna’s. The armor the man wore was red and silver, and seemed to fit almost perfectly to his form. His helmet had a tall crest that curved up along the head before dropping straight down to a green gem embedded in the helmet’s forehead. The visor was a wide X-shape and glowed a bright yellow.

Resound Knight
LV 3

“Next, I Special Summon the Tuner monster ‘Reverb Tsurugi’ from my hand,” Kazama continued. “I can Special Summon this card from my hand if the only monster I control is Level Four or below. Now I activate Resound Knight’s effect. Once per turn, I can gain two hundred Life Points times the Level of a monster I control, and if it’s a ‘Reverb’ Tuner monster, it gains a Level.” As he spoke, a new monster appeared on Kazama’s field. It was short and and mechanical, albeit humanoid. Blue, silver and black lines ran along its body. It wore a blue, silver and gold helmet that seemed to have horns on the sides. A black visor ran across the front of it. A golden blade rested atop its right arm, gleaming in the faint sunlight from the damaged roof.

Life Point Count
Kazama: 3100

Reverb Tsurugi
LV 3 to LV 4

“I activate Tsurugi’s effect,” said Kazama. “Once per turn, I can pay five hundred Life Points to change a monster I control to Fiend-Type until the end of the turn. Reverb Tsurugi is now a Fiend-Type monster.” Tsurugi began to glow bright orange. Red eyes appeared in the visor of his helmet.

“Level Four ‘Reverb Tsurugi’, tune with the Level Three ‘Resound Knight’!” said Kazama. “O beating pulse of the new ruler, reveal to us the chaos within! Synchro Summon! Rise with pride, ‘Chaos King Archfiend’!” Stars and rings emerged from the monsters, forming a straight line, then a pillar of light. Clawing its way through the light, Kazama’s monster descended to the field. Its body was thin and blue, with a red jewel embedded in its chest. Wings of fire spread out from its arms and elbows. Its dark red hair billowed like smoke behind the golden mask that was its face.

Chaos King Archfiend
LV 7

“Come on, Jack!” said Kazama. “Remember this monster? You have to remember! This is the card that forged our bonds!”

Jack snorted. “You still claim we know each other?” he said mockingly. “You know my name, my face, and my power. I don’t know any of you, and you are not worth my time.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Spike and Kazama continue fighting desperately against Jack in a grinding match to gain the high ground. As Jack returns to the power of Red Nova Dragon, a darkness becomes apparent and an evil power begins to rise.

Chapter 33

The Ultimate Duo - Fire and Light!!


Featured Card

Hot Red Dragon Archfiend
Level 8
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1: You can destoy all other face-up Attack Position monsters on the field. Monsters other than this card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.

Chapter 33: The Ultimate Duo - Fire and Light!!

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 33
The Ultimate Duo - Fire and Light!!


The Day Before

You were wrong, you know. For the past hour since Crow’s departure, Jack’s mind had been silent. One thought stirred in his head as he approached the glass tower. He shook his head.

“I wasn’t wrong,” he muttered. “They were all wasting their time.”

Morale was low. The celebration was helping.

Jack shook his head again. His D-Wheel came to a stop just outside the doors to the tower.

...have it your way. His mind went silent after that.


What was that? Jack wondered. When did that happen?

“Battle!” shouted Kazama. “Chaos King Archfiend, attack Hot Red Dragon Archfiend! Chaos Fury!” The tall fiend flew at the red dragon, claws outstretched.

“Kazama, what are you doing?!” said Spike. “Chaos King Archfiend isn’t strong enough to beat that dragon!”

“Not true, Spike,” said Kazama. “Chaos King Archfiend’s effect activates: When it attacks, I can switch the Attack and Defense Points of all monsters my opponent controls until the end of the Battle Phase. Go, Chaos Decree!” Jack’s dragon began to glow. A point counter appeared to show the change.

Hot Red Dragon Archfiend
LV 8

“I activate a Trap,” said Jack. “‘Synchro Deflector’! When a Synchro Monster I control is attacked, it negates the attack and destroys a target opponent’s monster. ‘Maiden with Eyes of Blue’ is destroyed!” Chaos King Archfiend’s claws struck an invisible barrier. Hot Red Dragon roared and a bolt of energy shot away from the barrier toward Spike’s monster.

“Maiden’s effect activates!” said Spike. “When she’s targeted by a card effect, I can Special Summon ‘Blue-Eyes White Dragon’ from my hand, deck or Graveyard. Reveal the pure white spirit within!”

“What?!” shouted Jack.

The Maiden threw her arms out to her sides. The patterns on her dress and her blue eyes began to shine. A white light emerged from her chest, growing and shaping itself into the legendary dragon. As the bolt destroyed the Maiden, Blue-Eyes White Dragon roared, announcing its arrival and declaring vengeance.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon
LV 8

“Impossible!” shouted Jack. “No one should have that card but Seto Kaiba! Even in his old age, he wouldn’t dare let it out of his possession!”

“Someone’s going to have to tell me who this Kaiba guy is when we get back to base,” grumbled Spike.

“I Set one card face-down and end my turn,” said Kazama.

Hot Red Dragon Archfiend
LV 8

“My turn!” said Jack. “I summon ‘Flare Resonator’ in Attack Mode. Next, I activate Hot Red Dragon’s effect to destroy all Attack Mode monsters in play. Crimson Prominence!” Pillars of fire erupted from the ground and consumed every other monster in play: Chaos King Archfiend, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and Flare Resonator.

“Kaz, why do you think Jack destroyed his own monster?” Spike asked.

“I’m not sure,” said Kazama. “Maybe whatever happened to him did more than just erase his memories of us.”

“You mean,” said Pinkie, “that he’s not as sharp as he used to be?” Kazama nodded.

“Something weird is going on here,” Spike said. “I don’t know what, but it’s affected Jack’s mind. Kazama, we have to win this!”

“Battle!” Jack yelled. “Hot Red Dragon, attack the little drake directly! Absolute Judgment!”

“I activate ‘Call of the Haunted’!” said Spike. “With its effect, I Special Summon ‘Maiden with Eyes of Blue’ from my Graveyard in Attack Mode!”

Maiden with Eyes of Blue
LV 1

“You think me a fool, yet you summon this weakling instead of Blue-Eyes White Dragon,” Jack scoffed. “Hot Red Dragon, attack-” His finger was pointed Kazama, but he hesitated. He shook his head, then pointed at Spike’s monster. “Attack Maiden with Eyes of Blue!” Jack’s dragon spat out a fireball. It raced toward the Maiden, but she began to glow again and the flames struck pulsating white barrier.

“Maiden’s other effect activates!” said Spike with a grin. “When she’s targeted for an attack, I can negate that attack and change her Battle Position, then I can Special Summon one ‘Blue-Eyes White Dragon’ from my hand, deck or Graveyard.”

“Another one?!” Jack said. Through the barrier and the fireball erupted another white dragon, roaring and spreading its wings. Jack grit his teeth and Set three cards before ending his turn.

“My turn,” said Spike. “I activate ‘Silver’s Cry’! This let’s me Special Summon a Dragon-Type Normal Monster from my Graveyard.” A blue portal appeared on the ground and Spike’s first Blue-Eyes flew into the room from within the circle.

“I switch Maiden back to Attack Mode. Now I activate another Continuous Trap: ‘Castle of Dragon Souls’,” said Spike. “Once per turn, I can remove a Dragon-Type monster in my Graveyard from play to target a monster I control and give it seven hundred Attack Points. I target Maiden with Eyes of Blue, and respond with her effect to Special Summon a third Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck!”

A massive castle appeared behind Spike. The gates opened and the ghost of Alexandrite Dragon appeared from within. It flew toward the Maiden and disappeared into her. The Maiden’s eyes began to glow and a third blue-eyed dragon emerged onto the field.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon
LV 8

Maiden with Eyes of Blue
LV 1

“From my hand, I activate the effect of ‘Rider of the Storm Winds’,” Spike continued. “I can equip this monster from my hand or field to a Dragon-Type Normal Monster I control. Another human, a man with white hair appeared above one of Spike’s dragons, landing at the base of its neck. His outfit was elaborate, but had the same white dragon designs on his tunic as the Maiden. In his hand he held a long staff adorned with a glass dragon wing at the end.

“Battle!” shouted Spike. “Blue-Eyes, attack Hot Red Dragon! Storm Wind Burst!” The dragon spat out a blue-white beam of fire and electricity. Its rider swing his staff and a cyclone appeared around the stream of energy.

“I activate ‘Red Carpet’!” shouted Jack. “If I control a Dragon-Type Synchro monster, this card Special Summons two ‘Resonator’ monsters from my Graveyard.” Jack’s Flare and Dark Resonator monsters reemerged onto his field, each one crossing its mallet and tuning fork in front of itself. Flare Resonator resembled Dark Resonator, but had flames on its back and a fire symbol on its robe.

Flare Resonator
LV 3

Dark Resonator
LV 3

“Blue-Eyes, continue your attack!” Spike ordered. The spiralling beam of fire, lightning and wind raced onward to Jack’s dragon. It stretched out a burning claw and pushed forward. When its hand had almost reached the mouth of the white dragon, the beam exploded. “Rider of the Storm Winds’ effect: If the equipped monster would be destroyed, I can destroy Rider instead,” said Spike. The smoke cleared and Blue-Eyes White Dragon was still there. Hot Red Dragon Archfiend, however, had been destroyed.

“And now you are left with a choice,” said Jack. “I have two monsters in play, but one of them cannot be destroyed in battle once per turn.”

“That’s why he destroyed Flare Resonator last turn,” said Spike. “Okay, fine. Blue-Eyes White Dragons, attack Dark Resonator.” Spike’s remaining dragons fired bursts on Dark Resonator, destroying it.

“Main Phase Two,” said Spike. “Level One ‘Maiden with Eyes of Blue’, tune with the Level Eight ‘Blue-Eyes White Dragon’!” The Maiden closed her eyes and disappeared, leaving a single bright star behind. It flew over to one of the Blue-Eyes White Dragons and drew a green Synchro ring around it. The dragon turned orange and was stripped away. The eight stars that remained formed a straight line in the circle.

“A cry echoes from the heavens as dragon and beauty become one,” chanted Spike. “A stalwart protector descends from the sky! Synchro Summon!” Green-white light enveloped the stars and circles. A shadow appeared inside the light. “Spread your moonlight wings, ‘Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon’!”

The light vanished. Hovering in front of Spike was a huge, silver dragon. Its arms and legs were very muscular. Large, wing-like fins rested on the sides of its face, ending in two small tusks next to its mouth. Segmented armor ran along its back and down its tail. It spread its leathery gray wings and roared long and deep. Its blue eyes gleamed in the sunlight streaming in through the ceiling.

Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon
LV 9

“Azure-Eyes’ effect activates,” said Spike. “When it’s Special Summoned, all Dragon-Type monsters I currently control can’t be targeted or destroyed by card effects until my next Standby Phase.”

“I activate the Trap Card ‘Tuner Capture’!” said Jack. “When you perform a Synchro Summon, the Tuner monster you used is Special Summoned to my side of the field.” The Maiden reappeared in the room, now under Jack’s control.

“I don’t know how you acquired the power of ‘Blue-Eyes White Dragon’, but you obviously don’t know how to fully utilize it,” said Jack. “You could have destroyed both of my monsters had you thought about it.”

“What’s he talking about?” Spike asked Kazama.

“I know,” said Pinkie. “Didn’t you see Dark Resonator’s Defense Points? It only had three hundred. You powered up Maiden with Eyes of Blue by seven hundred Attack Points. She could’ve destroyed Dark Resonator, and your last dragon could’ve attacked Flare Resonator.”

“Oh,” said Spike. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I end my turn.”

“My turn,” said Kazama. “I activate the Spell Card ‘Sound of Fire’. If there is a non-FIRE ‘Reverb’ monster in my Graveyard, I can add ‘Reverb Mobius’ from my deck to my hand. Now I summon ‘Reverb Mobius’!”

A new robot appeared on Kazama’s field. It wore a silver helmet with curving red lines moving next to the crest and down to the dark red visor. Its arms and legs were red with silver plates on them. A red and orange brace with a golden sword rested on the back of its left wrist. Its red and silver body was transparent, and a golden light in the shape of a Mobius strip danced inside.

Reverb Mobius
LV 3

“I activate Mobius’ effect. When he’s Normal Summoned, I take eight hundred points of damage, and I can draw one card.”

“Your Life Points didn’t go down,” said Jack. “Explain yourself!”

“That’s another effect of ‘Sound of Fire’,” Kazama said as he drew a card. “Once this turn, all damage from a card effect is reduced to zero. I activate ‘Monster Reborn’ and Special Summon Chaos King Archfiend from my Graveyard, then I Set a card and end my turn.”

Life Point Count
Kazama: 2600
Hand: 2

Chaos King Archfiend
LV 7

Jack snorted. “My turn,” he said. “I activate ‘Descending Lost Star’ to Special Summon Hot Red Dragon Archfiend in Defense Mode. Its Level is decreased by one, its Defense Points become zero, and its effects are negated.”

The muscular dragon reappeared on the field, kneeling with its arms crossed in front of its chest. It was also colored blue now.

Hot Red Dragon Archfiend
LV 7

“Level One ‘Maiden with Eyes of Blue’, tune with the Level Seven ‘Hot Red Dragon Archfiend’!” said Jack. “The pulse of the king now forms a line here! Take witness to its creation-shaking power! I Synchro Summon my very soul, ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’!”

The room shook with the roar of Jack’s dragon. It lacked the lines and jewels of its counterpart, but Kazama, Spike and Pinkie Pie all remembered its terrible power. It spread its wings and roared again, short flames bursting from the sides of its mouth.

Red Dragon Archfiend
LV 8

“There it is,” said Kazama. “Jack, what the heck was that other dragon you played? Where did you get it?”

“The King should be able to deal with both insurmountable defense and crushing offense,” Jack said. “I created this card with the power I obtained in the B.A.D. area.”

“The bad area?” Pinkie asked. “What’s so bad about it?”

Kazama shook his head. “It’s an acronym,” he said. “It stands for ‘Barbaric Area after Damage’. It’s where the old Momentum reactor is. For a long time after Zero Reverse, it was exactly what it sounds like: A barbaric area riddled with thugs, bandits, and robbers. It definitely wasn’t the safest place on the planet, especially after the Dark Signers appeared.”

“Dark Signers?” asked Spike.

“Yeager can explain when we get back,” said Kazama. “Right now, we have to focus!”

“Hold on a sec,” said Spike. “Jack, you said you created that card with some power you got. What power?”

“You will not last long enough to find out,” Jack said. “I activate ‘Red Dragon Vase’. If I control ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’, I can draw two cards. Now I Summon ‘Attack Gainer’ to the field.”

Attack Gainer
LV 1

“Level Three ‘Flare Resonator’ and Level One ‘Attack Gainer’, Double Tune with the Level Eight ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’!” Jack’s Tuner monsters vanished in flames. Four rings of fire emerged from where they had stood, and wrapped themselves around Jack’s dragon. They began to spin so fast that the fire became a blurred ball of orange, yellow and red. “The Devil is tamed and his power taken, my servant shall roar as the fires of Hell! Synchro Summon! Rise from the inferno, ‘Red Nova Dragon’!”

A new dragon burst through the flames and roared long and deep, spreading its wings as wide as they would go. It glared down at Kazama and Spike with burning yellow eyes and snorted at them. A wisp of smoke escaped its nostrils.

“Flare Resonator’s and Attack Gainer’s effects activates,” said Jack. “When they are used as Synchro Material, Attack Gainer lowers the Attack Points of a monster my opponent controls by one thousand until the End Phase, the Synchro Monster that I Summoned gains three hundred Attack Points from Flare Resonator. Red Nova Dragon also gains five hundred Attack Points for every Tuner monster in my Graveyard!”

Red Nova Dragon
LV 12

Chaos King Archfiend
LV 7

“Battle!” Jack shouted. “Red Nova Dragon, attack Chaos King Archfiend with ‘Devil Finisher’!” The great dragon’s wings erupted into fire as it rose into the air. The flames engulfed its entire body as it fell, spinning, toward Kazama’s monster.

“I play ‘Perfect Reverberation’,” said Kazama. His face-down card flipped up and revealed a Trap Card. “This card negates your attack and makes the Levels of all monsters I control the same as the Level of Reverb Mobius.” The twisting light inside of Reverb Mobius flared out of its body and formed a shield in front of it and Chaos King Archfiend. Fire and teeth struck the barrier, but couldn’t break through it. The dragon repeatedly struck the barrier. That’s when they saw it.

“Kazama!” Spike shouted. “Look!”

Snakes were beating themselves against the shield. Their bodies were made of blood-red light and their eyes glowed yellow. The dragon growled and roared, then flew away, the serpents vanishing into its body.

“Jack, what the heck was that?” Kazama yelled. “What’s wrong with Red Nova Dragon?! Answer me!”

Jack snorted. “I Set a card face-down and end my turn,” he said. “If you survive this duel, you may find out why. Your move, drake.”

Reverb Mobius
LV 3

Chaos King Archfiend
LV 6 to LV 3

“My turn!” said Spike, swiping a card from his deck. “During my Standby Phase, Azure-Eyes’ effect activates, resurrecting ‘Blue-Eyes White Dragon’ from the Graveyard. Go, Silver’s Cry!” The silver dragon opened its jaws and roared, its cry ringing throughout the theater. A Graveyard portal appeared over the floor and a white dragon flew out.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon
LV 8

“I activate ‘Cards of Consonance’,” Spike continued. “By discarding a Dragon-Type Tuner monster with a thousand or less Attack, I can draw two cards.” Spike slid a card into his Graveyard, then drew two more cards from his deck. “The card I discarded was ‘The White Stone of Legend’, so its effect activates, adding a ‘Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck to my hand. Now I play ‘Polymerization’, fusing the two Blue-Eyes’ on my field with the one in my hand. I Fusion Summon ‘Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon’!”

A third Blue-Eyes White Dragon appeared, but all three vanished just as quickly. A new dragon emerged from a swirling portal. Three heads came first, then claws, then wings. Each head roared individually, creating a reverberating cacophony.

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
LV 12

“Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. A worthy opponent to be sure,” said Jack, “but its power still falls short to that of Red Nova Dragon.”

“I Set a card face-down and end my turn,” said Spike. “Get ‘im, Kazama!”

“My turn!” said Kazama. “Level Three ‘Reverb Mobius’, tune with the Level Three ‘Chaos King Archfiend’!” Reverb Mobius rose into the air as the glowing mobius loop inside its body began to grow. The machine’s body vanished and three stars appeared along the outline of the loop. The loop itself vanished and the stars drew green rings around Chaos King Archfiend. Its body became an orange outline and the three stars inside formed a straight line.

“Burning heart of the new ruler, tap into chaos with the fire within!” said Kazama. “Synchro Summon! Rise with bravery, ‘Chaos King Burner’!” Emerging from the pillar of light that had formed came another thin monster. Its body was a bright red with a carved sapphire in the middle of its chest. The golden mask was the same as Chaos King Archfiend’s, but a jet of fire flared behind it. It lacked the fiery wings of the Archfiend on both its back and its arms. Instead, it had two thin shoulder braces and jets mounted on its elbows.

Chaos King Burner
LV 6

“Reverb Mobius’ effect activates, letting me draw one more card after I use it as Synchro Material. Now I equip Burner with ‘King’s Light’. Chaos King Burner, attack Red Nova Dragon!” An aura of yellow-white light appeared around the Synchro Monster. It jumped into the air and brought its fists down on its target. The jets on its arms activated and its speed increased dramatically.

“Kazama, what are you doing?!” shouted Spike.

“Taking out that dragon,” said Kazama. “Chaos King Burner’s effect activates! When it attacks a monster, that monster’s Attack and Defense Points are switched until my opponent’s next End Phase. On top of that, King’s Light increases the equipped monster’s Attack Points by one thousand during the Damage Step.”

“You won’t get that far,” said Jack. “I activate Red Nova Dragon’s effect! During my opponent’s turn, I can remove it from the game. During this turn, I can also negate one attack.”

“I play the Trap Card ‘Reverberation Breakdown’! By discarding a card, I can choose a ‘Reverb’ monster in my Graveyard and negate the effects of all monsters on the field with the same Attribute until the End Phase.”

“Then I activate ‘Half or Nothing’!” said Jack. “You can either halve the Attack Points of your monster, or you can end the Battle Phase. The choice is yours.”

“Kazama, there’s no way you can win now,” said Spike. “You’ve gotta stop.”

Kazama nodded. “I end the Battle Phase,” he said. “I activate ‘Resounding Promise’. I remove two ‘Resound’ monsters from my Graveyard, then draw two cards. I Set two cards and end my turn.”

“My turn,” said Jack. He stared at the card he drew. “You asked what was wrong with Red Nova Dragon. There is nothing wrong. The true source of its power is simply breaking out. I Release ‘Red Nova Dragon’ and Advance Summon ‘Earthbound Immortal Red Nova’!”


The Black King looked up from the notes and cards scattered across his desk. He felt something. He stood and walked over to the windows that faced the bay. Dark clouds had appeared over Satellite, and a purple glow could be seen.

“The seed of darkness has grown wild in Jack Atlas,” said the shadow behind him. “I did not anticipate this.”

“I should go stop him,” said the Black King. “I know that glow.”

“Let him be. I can still sense the darkness in his heart. It has released the most fearsome of the Earthbound Immortals. He is dueling. We should wait.”

“Wait for what? If he goes on a rampage, it will undo everything!”

“If he wins, he may rampage. We can use this as a distraction. The resistance will have to deal with Jack Atlas first, which gives us time.”

“And if he loses?” asked the Black King.

“Then we destroy the resistance ourselves, from the inside.”


The theater was bathed in blood-red light. The body of a giant man loomed behind Jack, sitting atop the coiled body of an enormous snake. Many more snakes sprouted away from the thing’s tail, each one waving itself in the air, letting out the occasional hiss at Kazama, Spike, and Pinkie Pie. The face of the man, long and distorted beyond nature, grinned at them, yellow eyes flaring as he bared his teeth.

Earthbound Immortal Red Nova
LV 12

“‘Earthbound Immortal’? But... but that’s impossible!” said Kazama. “The Earthbound Immortals were defeated years ago! And there were only seven of them! Jack, where did you get that card?”

“I found this creature while wandering in the B.A.D. area. At Old Momentum,” said Jack. “It called out to me and tried to make me its servant... I subdued it instead, and made it my servant.”

“Worry about that later,” said Spike to Kazama. He turned to Jack. “How’d you Advance Summon it with only one Release? It’s a Level Twelve monster!”

“Earthbound Immortal Red Nova can be Advanced Summoned by Releasing a single DARK monster that is Level Ten or above,” Jack explained. “I activate the Field Spell ‘Eye of the Gods’. When activated, the effect of an ‘Earthbound Immortal’ on my field that prevents it from being attacked is negated. And as long as this Field Spell is in play, monsters cannot be changed to Defense Mode, except by with a card’s effect.”

“Not good,” said Spike.

“What’s more, Red Nova gains several more effects now that there is a Field Spell active,” Jack continued. “It is unaffected by your Spell and Trap effects, it can attack each monster you control once, and it gains the Attack Points of all DARK monsters in my Graveyard.”

Four of the crimson snakes burrowed into the ground, then came back up, each one with a different monster lying limp in its jaws: Red Dragon Archfiend, Dark Resonator, Hot Red Dragon Archfiend, and Red Nova Dragon.

Earthbound Immortal Red Nova
LV 12

“Earthbound Immortal Red Nova, attack Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!” Jack ordered. “Hellfire Gorgon Barrage!”

“I play ‘Zero Gravity’,” said Spike. “Monsters in Attack Mode switch to Defense Mode, and Defense Mode monsters go to Attack Mode.”

“Did you forget that Red Nova is unaffected by opposing Spells and Traps?” laughed Jack.

“No,” said Spike. “But I bet it can’t inflict piercing Battle Damage.”

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
LV 12

A storm of crimson snakes struck Spike’s monster, biting it all over its body. The image of the Ultimate Dragon shattered as the monster itself was destroyed.

“You saved yourself from one attack, but not from all of them! Red Nova, attack Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon!” Jack said. “Dark Subjugation!” The red demon reached out a hand toward the silver dragon, a wicked grin spreading across its face.

Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon
LV 9

“My turn to play a Trap,” said Kazama. “I activate ‘Resounding Exchange’! If there’s a ‘Resound’ monster in my Graveyard, I draw one card, and until my next turn’s End Phase, Spike takes no further Battle Damage!”

A fist clenched around the silver dragon and it vanished from sight. Then the creature’s hand opened and a ball of fire flew out and knocked Spike to the ground.

“Spike!” cried Pinkie.

“Spike, you okay?” Kazama called.

“Yeah,” groaned Spike as he sat up. “What was that?”

“Earthbound Immortal Red Nova’s effect,” said Jack. “When it destroys a Synchro Monster by battle, that monster’s controller takes damage equal to its Attack or Defense Points in the Graveyard, whichever is higher.”

Life Point Count
Spike: 1000
Hand: 2

“Red Nova’s attack continues!” said Jack. “Earthbound Immortal Red Nova, attack Chaos King Burner! Dark Subjugation!”

The red demon grabbed Kazama’s monster and crushed it, then released another fireball that flew straight for Kazama. It struck him and exploded, knocking him to the ground. He groaned and sat up. A white aura appeared around him.

“‘King’s Light’ has one final effect,” said Kazama. “When it’s sent to the Graveyard because the equipped monster was destroyed by my opponent, I can draw one card and gain one thousand Life Points.”

Life Point Count
Kazama: 1100
Hand: 3

Jack growled. “I Set one card face-down and end my turn,” he said.

“My turn,” said Spike.

“Spike,” said Kazama. “I need you to summon the biggest LIGHT monster you possibly can. Can you do it?”

“I can,” said the drake, “but nothing I play can get over ten thousand Attack Points.”

“It doesn’t have to,” said Kazama. “Trust me.”

Spike nodded. “I activate ‘Re-Fusion’,” he said. “By paying eight hundred Life Points, I can Special Summon a Fusion Monster from my Graveyard and equip it with this card. I Special Summon ‘Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon’!” Three sharp heads emerged from a portal in the ground. The rest of the dragon followed, three roars echoing throughout the room.

“I’m not done yet,” said Spike. “When a Dragon-Type monster is Special Summoned, I can activate ‘Adamantine Sword Revival’, which Releases that monster and Special Summons ‘Diamond Head Dragon’ from my deck in Attack Position to the same side of the field. I Special Summon ‘Diamond Head Dragon’!”

The three-headed Ultimate Dragon vanished in a swirling light. A portal appeared and an enormous green dragon emerged from inside. Diamonds covered its face, back, shoulders and tail. It roared and swung its diamond-tipped tail around.

“Diamond Head Dragon’s original Attack Points are one thousand points higher than the monster that was Released to summon it,” said Spike.

Diamond Head Dragon
LV 8

“Due to the effect of the Field Spell ‘Eye of the Gods’, your monster must declare an attack this turn,” said Jack. “What you just did was pointless. You were better off with an empty field.”

“I equip Diamond Head Dragon with ‘Dragon Shield’,” said Spike. Brown, red, and white armor clamped down onto the arms, head, wings and tail of Diamond Head Dragon. “Now it can’t be destroyed by battle, and I take no damage from its battles. I end my turn.”

“Before you can, our monsters must battle,” said Jack. Diamond Head Dragon roared and a storm of diamond shards erupted from the diamond horn on its head. Red Nova blocked the storm with the palm of his hand, then swiped at it, sending it back at the dragon. It folded its wings in front of itself to block the attack.

“My turn,” said Kazama. “I activate ‘Reverberating Rebirth’ and ‘Reverberating Light’. Rebirth Special Summons a ‘Reverb’ Tuner monster from my Graveyard if my Life Points are two thousand or less. ‘Reverberating Light’ can be activated if there’s a ‘Reverb’ monster in my Graveyard while my Life Points are fifteen hundred or less, and it Special Summons a ‘Reverb’ monster from my deck. From my Graveyard, I Special Summon ‘Reverb Mobius’!”

The red robot reappeared on the field in a flash of light shaped like its namesake.

“Release your heart from the armor of vengeance and fly to the future! I Special Summon ‘Reverb Hikari’!”

Reverb Tsurugi reappeared on the field. Its armor began to glow brighter and brighter, until it exploded away from the robot. Its body was clear and had a line of blue light inside, slashing around in triangular patterns.

Reverb Mobius
LV 3

Reverb Hikari
LV 3

“Next, I summon ‘Resound Supplier,” said Kazama. His new monster was a shorter warrior with a round, childlike head. His armor was mostly silver with a few red lines running up and down the sides. His left arm had a small buckler shield attached to it. White circles bounced within its gray face.

Resound Supplier
LV 2

“I activate Resound Supplier’s effect,” Kazama continued. “When it’s Normal Summoned while I only control ‘Reverb’ monsters, I can draw one card.” Kazama drew his card and glanced at it. “It’s here!” he said. “I activate ‘Ultimate Duo’! This card can only be activated if I control exactly two ‘Reverb’ monsters, and its effect changes based on their Attributes. Since I control a FIRE and a LIGHT monster, any Synchro Monsters that I Synchro Summon this turn gain a hundred Attack Points times their Levels until the End Phase. Level Three ‘Reverb Hikari’, tune with the Level Two ‘Resound Supplier’!”

Hikari crossed his arms in front of his chest, then threw them out to his sides. The slashing light in his body burst out and began moving around Resound Supplier. The little warrior raised his shield into the air and his body was stripped away, leaving only two stars behind. The light suddenly shot down through the two stars and a pillar of light appeared around them.

“Shining heart of the new ruler, show us the light that chaos brings! Synchro Summon! Rise with justice, 'Shining Chaos King'!” The new Synchro Monster had the same thin body as the previous Chaos Kings, but this one was sky blue and had a pure white, carved moonstone on its chest. Nothing else adorned its arms, back or shoulders, but rays of light shone out from behind the golden mask.

Shining Chaos King
LV 5

“Resound Supplier’s effect activates. When it leaves the field, I take one thousand damage. Next, I activate the second effect of ‘Reverberating Light’. If the monster it summoned was ‘Reverb Hikari’ and I Synchro Summon with it, I draw two cards. But I’m not done yet,” Kazama continued. “Reverb Hikari and Shining Chaos King’s effects activate! When Hikari is used as a Synchro Material Monster, I gain one thousand Life Points and draw one card. During the turn that it was Synchro Summoned, I can have Shining Chaos King lose all of its Attack Points, and one of your monsters loses the same amount of Attack Points. Thanks to ‘Ultimate Duo’, Shining Chaos King gained one thousand Attack Points.”

Shining Chaos King
ATK/3000 to 0
LV 5

Earthbound Immortal Red Nova
LV 12

Life Point Count
Kazama: 1100
Hand: 4

“Now, Level Three ‘Reverb Mobius’, tune with the Level Five ‘Shining Chaos King’! Golden bravery of the new ruler, fight onward to the chaotic future! Synchro Summon! Rise with your sword, 'Chaos King Knight Burner'!”

Chaos King Knight Burner
LV 8

“Thanks to Ultimate Duo’s effect, Knight Burner gains eight hundred Attack Points until the End Phase. On top of that, since it was the only monster I controlled when I Synchro Summoned it, Knight Burner also gains two hundred Attack Points times its Level until the End Phase.” Once again, the Chaos King changed its appearance, this time to a gold and red body, a sparkling sapphire embedded in golden armor on its chest. A jet of fire shout out from behind the golden mask. A crimson blade rested on its left wrist.

Chaos King Knight Burner
LV 8

“I activate Knight Burner’s other effect,” said Kazama, sliding one card from his hand into the Graveyard slot of his Duel Disk. “By discarding one card, one monster you control loses eight hundred Attack Points.”

“I activate ‘Fiendish Chain’,” said Jack. “Your monster cannot attack and its effects are negated!” Green chains appeared and wrapped themselves around the Knight Burner.

“Knight Burner’s own Attack gain remains despite its effects being negated,” said Kazama.

“That doesn’t matter,” said Jack. “What can you possibly do now?”

“I have a few more cards to play, Jack,” said Kazama. “I activate ‘Leeching the Light’! This increases the Attack Points of all monsters I control by the Attack Points of one LIGHT monster my opponent controls!”

“I get it now!” said Spike. “Let me give you some extra help with that. I activate the effect of ‘Castle of Dragon Souls’! By banishing ‘Rider of the Storm Winds’ from my Graveyard, Diamond Head Dragon gains seven hundred Attack Points!”

Diamond Head Dragon
LV 8

Chaos King Knight Burner
LV 8

“Battle! Chaos King Knight Burner, attack Earthbound Immortal Red Nova!” ordered Kazama.

“Did you forget that your monster cannot attack?” asked Jack.

“No,” said Kazama. “But you forgot that I have one last face-down card. I activate ‘Reverberation Force’! During the Battle Phase, I can discard a card from my hand and banish a ‘Reverb’ monster from my Graveyard so that a Synchro Monster with the same Attribute gains five hundred Attack Points and becomes unaffected by the effects of other Trap Cards! Chaos King Knight Burner, break your chains and attack with Blade Overload!”

Chaos King Knight Burner
LV 8

Earthbound Immortal Red Nova
LV 12

Knight Burner raised its arms and broke the green chains that had enwrapped it. It braced its sword in front of itself and ran forward. Knight Burner leaped into the air and slashed the red blade. Fire and light ran down the blade of the sword and extended its length. Red Nova attacked with several of the serpents on its body, but all were cut down by the sword. As Knight Burner fell back to the ground, it raised the sword above its head and brought it straight down through Red Nova’s body, cutting the beast in two. It exploded with a deep howl.

Life Point Count
Jack: 0
Hand: 0

The holograms of the duel faded away. “Jack!” cried Kazama. He and his companions ran up to the stage and jumped up, then ran to Jack. Kazama knelt down next to him. “Jack, are you okay?”

Jack opened his eyes. “Kazama?” he said. “What... what happened?”

“Spike and I just dueled you,” Kazama replied. “Do you remember it?”

“I... I think so,” said Jack as he sat up. “You... won.”

“Jack?” said Pinkie. Jack looked over at her. “I’m sorry I made you angry back at the hideout. I should’ve just let you leave the party if you really wanted to.”

“Leave the- ah!” Jack yelped, placing his hand against his head.

“Jack!” said Spike.

“I’m fine,” said Jack. “Just... a lot of memories.” He looked back up at Pinkie. “Pinkie Pie, I’m the one who owes you an apology. I wasn’t myself, but that doesn’t excuse my actions. I’m sorry I hit you.”

“It’s okay, Jack,” said Pinkie.

“Jack, I need to ask you something serious,” said Kazama. “Do you remember the last monster you summoned?”

Jack shook his head. “I can only remember bits and pieces of the duel. What was it?”

“An Earthbound Immortal,” said Kazama. “Red Nova.”

“Red Nova?!” Jack repeated. He took his deck out of his Duel Disk and found the card. “So you broke free of your prison, did you?” he said. He laid the card on the floor, stood up and backed away. He put his right fist over his heart. Fire wrapped around it and his eyes began to glow red. He held up his hand and red streams of light appeared out of the card on the floor, moving into the palm of Jack’s hand. The card faded away and all that remained was a red light that Jack gripped tightly. He pushed it into the Extra Deck slot of his Duel Disk.

“Red Nova is the most powerful Earthbound Immortal in existence,” said Jack. “So powerful that even the Dark Signers feared to use it. But with the power of my Burning Soul, I sealed its power into my ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’ and created ‘Red Nova Dragon’. I don’t know why it was able to break out, but it must have been how I created that new card, ‘Hot Red Dragon Archfiend’.”

Jack looked at each of the three friends that came for him. “Let’s go back to headquarters,” he said. “There are more people I should apologize to.”

Green fire wrapped itself around Spike and he shrunk back to his baby dragon size. “Let’s hurry up!” he said. “The sun’s starting to set and Twilight will be worried sick about us.”

Jack nodded and the four of them set off.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Jack is back to his former self and is returning to the resistance’s base. But when he and the others arrive, they find it overrun with Dark Troopers. As they try to escape, the Dark Troopers corner them. Suddenly, an unexpected ally appears...

Chapter 34

The Return of Paradox


Featured Card

Chaos King Knight Burner
Level 8
"Reverb Mobius" + 1 or more non-Tuner LIGHT monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned: While this card is the only monster you control, it gains ATK equal to its Level x 200 until the End Phase of this turn. (This ATK gain remains even if this card's effect is negated.) Once per turn: You can discard 1 card to target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; it loses 200 ATK x its Level.

Earthbound Immortal Red Nova
Level 12
You can Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 1 Level 10 or higher DARK monster. "Earthbound Immortal" monsters cannot be Summoned while this card is face-up on the field. During the End Phase, if there is no Field Spell Card active: Destroy this card. While no Field Spell Card is active, the following effects are negated: ● This card can attack your opponent directly. ● This card is unaffected by your opponent's Spell/Trap effects. ● This card cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. ● When this card destroys a Synchro Monster by battle: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster's ATK or DEF in the Graveyard (whichever is higher). ● This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls once each. ● This card gains ATK equal to the ATK of all DARK monsters in your Graveyard.

Chapter 34: The Return of Paradox

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 34
The Return of Paradox


Pinkie was so happy.

Jack not only agreed to return to base, but apologized to her for hitting her. Her day got even brighter when, after the four companions had left Jack’s old hideout, he told her that she didn’t need to apologize for trying to keep Jack at the party.

“I realize now that you were actually trying to help the resistance,” he said. “We defended the base against a siege, but we only barely won. The men needed that party to lift their spirits, and you even said so yourself. You are smarter than I ever gave you credit for. You were right to set up that party, Pinkie Pie. If you like, I’ll help you organize the next one.”

Pinkie squealed and hugged Jack around his waist. Jack was stunned by the action, but it passed in a moment and he laughed, patting her on the head. She hopped the rest of the way to the jeep.

Had Kazama not made it clear that driving required a lot of concentration, Pinkie would be hopping about the back seat of the vehicle. Spike rolled his eyes and figured she’d explode into candy and confetti at any moment. Pinkie simply sat in her seat, swaying her head back and forth while she hummed a bright tune.

Jack lead the way back to the base. Though Kazama had taken any path he could that didn’t contain Dark Troopers, Jack didn’t seem to care and took the most direct route. Their enemies never once showed themselves on the road. Pinkie noticed this, but decided not to question it until later. Right now, the day was good. Let the mysteries of the human world wait a while.

It wasn’t very long before they saw the base ahead. The sun’s light was beginning to fade in the city, but streaks of orange and yellow light still glowed on the streets.

Pinkie started shaking.

“Oh no,” she said.

“What’s wrong, Pinkie?” Spike asked.

“Pinkie Sense! Bad things! Kazama, turn around!” she said. She stuck her upper half out of the window and waved her forelegs frantically while shouting, “Jack! Jack!” Jack changed lanes and slowed down so that he was beside the jeep.

“What is it, Pinkie?” he asked.

“Something’s wrong! We’ve gotta get out of here!” she said.

“Pinkie, what’s gotten into you?” Kazama asked. “What bad things are you talking about?”

“I don’t know! I just know it’s bad! We can’t go back to base yet!” she said.

“Uh, Kazama? I think we should listen to her,” said Spike. “I know it sounds crazy, but Pinkie can sorta tell when things are about to happen. If she says we should get out of here, then it’s probably a good idea to do just that.”

“Is that what she meant by ‘Pinkie Sense’? Come on, Spike! That sounds like something out of a comic book!”

“There’s a bright pink pony and a baby dragon in the back seat of your wagon-thing that are talking to you. Up until we actually showed up here, you’d never heard of such a thing.”

“....fair point. Let’s go.”

Kazama turned the steering wheel to the right and moved down a different street. As he did, a line of black D-Wheels suddenly appeared ahead of them.

“Oh no,” said Pinkie, her ears flattening against her head.

Spike climbed into the front seat next to Kazama and peered out of the windshield. “Uh... different direction?” he suggested.

Kazama switched the vehicle to reverse and hit the gas. The jeep squealed backwards out of the road and back to the one they had arrived on. Jack swung his D-Wheel around and followed as Kazama drove away from the area.

Another line of Dark Troopers appeared in front of them. Kazama stepped on the brakes as hard as he could. Pinkie, still hanging out of the window, was trembling. “This is bad,” she said. “Very bad!”

Jack pulled up next to Pinkie and Kazama. “We can’t go that way either,” he said. “I guess we’ll just have to duel them!”

“Jack, no!” cried Pinkie. “My Pinkie Sense says you’ll lose! There’s too many of them!”

“‘Pinkie Sense’?” Jack repeated. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“I’ll explain later, I promise!” Pinkie said. “Just don’t fight them now!”

“Jack, just listen to her!” Kazama said. The jeep moved past Jack and down the road on the left.

Jack blinked. For just a moment, he saw himself hitting Pinkie.

“All right,” he muttered to himself. He revved his engine and took off after them.

More Dark Troopers appeared ahead of them and Kazama and Jack turned once more down another road. Jack shouted, “Follow me!” and raced ahead. He took a sharp turn and moved onto an overpass.

“Where’s he going?” asked Spike.

“I think he’s heading for the highway,” said Kazama. “But the only reason he’d take us there is if...”

“If what?” Spike asked.

“If he’s taking us back to Satellite,” said Kazama. “Of course! There are still a lot of places where renovation hasn’t even begun yet! We can lose them there easily!”

Pinkie looked behind them. Rank after rank of Dark Trooper D-Wheels raced after them. She whimpered to herself. I wish I could fight them, she thought.

Another wall of D-Wheels appeared and a Duel Gate opened nearby. Kazama turned the jeep as sharply as he could without tilting it over, just barely making the turn after Jack.

An explosion went off nearby. Dark Troopers were still pursuing them, but the Duel Gate collapsed behind them. Another explosion ahead of them caught Pinkie’s attention. Her eyes widened.

“They’re blocking off our escape paths!” she shouted.

Kazama took a turn very sharply. Pinkie Pie tumbled out of the window with a scream. She shut her eyes.

But nothing came. No pain, no crash, no nothing. She opened her eyes again. After a quick look around, she grinned.

“Jack!” she said. “You saved me!”

“What are friends for?” he said with a small smile. “Just don’t block that screen, I need that to see the road.”

“Got it!” said Pinkie. Pinkie lay flat in Jack’s lap, looking ahead and behind the D-Wheel. A wave of black D-Wheels pursued them through the streets.

“Hang on!” Jack shouted. Pinkie turned her head to the front of the D-Wheel and saw more Dark Troopers ahead. Jack turned sharply and they headed down another narrow street. Their path was again blocked, but this time it wasn’t by Dark Troopers. It was a brick wall.

“I knew it!” Jack growled. “They were herding us into a dead end!”

“What do we do, Jack?” asked Kazama. “We can’t take them all without some serious help!”

The Dark Troopers were closing in slowly. Jack grit his teeth. Pinkie whimpered. Spike and Kazama looked at each other.

Suddenly a clear, sparkling beam struck the ground in front of the advancing Dark Troopers. Fire and smoke kicked up into the air and flooded the alley.

“That attack... it can’t be!” said Jack.

The engine of a D-Wheel roared above them. Its silhouette sailed overhead before crashing down into the smoke.

“Quickly!” came the voice of its rider. “We must go!”

Jack snorted. “Of course it isn’t...” he muttered. Kazama shifted into reverse and blasted out of the alley, with Jack and Pinkie following behind him. Once clear of the smoke, Jack called out to their rescuer.

“About time you joined the fight, Paradox!” he said. Paradox didn’t respond to Jack’s comment. Instead, he said, “I have a hideout not too far from here. We’ll be safe there. Follow me!” A white dragon clad in black and white armor roared overhead, spewing out clear beams of sound at Dark Troopers as they came upon them. Smoke was thrown into the air as the dragon attacked. Its cries echoed between the buildings.


“I’m afraid I am ill equipped to host guests,” said Paradox as he opened the door to the apartment he’d chosen. “As an android, I do not require food, so I have never bought any.”

“That’s okay, Paradox,” said Kazama. “We probably won’t be staying long.”

“Long enough to get some answers, anyway,” said Jack. “What happened to the base? Where’s the rest of the resistance?”

Paradox sighed as he closed the door. “The resistance is fallen,” he said. “I don’t know how many made it out, or even how it started. All I know is that Dark Troopers started pouring out of the building like a flood of black water.”

“It might not have happened at all if you’d joined us in the first place,” Jack grumbled.

“I have never worked well with others,” Paradox said. “Even as a human, I tended to work on my own end of our projects by myself when the world had ended. Z-one at least never questioned it. I’ve always worked best alone.”

“That doesn’t excuse you!” Jack roared. “It took the likes of Yusei, Jaden Yuki, and Yugi Muto himself to take you down the first time, and I’ve seen your deck first hand!”

“Jack, don’t,” said Pinkie, placing a hoof on his elbow. Jack looked down at her and softened his expression. “If Paradox says he works best alone, then maybe that is what’s best.”

Jack sighed. “Fine. At least tell me this: Did you help anyone escape?”

“I did,” said Paradox. “I was able to provide cover for a few people, as well as the ponies.”

“Can you tell us who escaped?” Kazama asked.

“Yeager and Rarity escaped without any problems,” Paradox said. “I believe Aki managed to escape with Fluttershy as well.”

“Rarity and Fluttershy are okay,” said Spike. “That’s good. Anyone else?”

“A few of your foot soldiers ran, but I don’t know what became of them. The twins stayed to fight, but they didn't stay for long.”

“What about Mina and Ushio?” asked Jack. “Or the other ponies?”

“I do not know who ‘Mina’ or ‘Ushio’ are,” said Paradox. “But Applejack and Rainbow Dash escaped as well. They practically dragged the twins out of the fray.”

“And... Twilight?” asked Spike. “Is she okay?”

Paradox didn’t answer.

“Paradox,” said Pinkie, “what happened to Twilight?”

Paradox looked at her. “You must understand that I did everything I could to help,” he said. “I tried to save Twilight, but there are some things even the I cannot stand against.”

“Where’s Twilight?” said Spike. “Tell me!”

“She was taken, little dragon,” said Paradox. “Antinomy took her to KaibaCorp. She’s in the hands of the Black King.”

“Who’s Antinomy?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“Antinomy, did you say?” said Jack. “That’s impossible! Yusei saw him perish with his own eyes!”

“He has been rebuilt, just as Aporia was,” said Paradox. “Both by the man you call the Black King.”

“But who’s Antinomy?” Pinkie asked again. “And why does his name sound familiar?”

“Antinomy was a friend of ours,” said Jack. “But we knew him as Bruno. He was the one who taught Yusei the Accel Synchro technique.”

“Oh yeah, Accel Synchro!” said Pinkie. “Paradox, you mentioned Antinomy when Yusei played ‘Shooting Star Dragon’ when you guys dueled back in Equestria, right? That’s why the name sounded familiar!”

“Indeed,” said Paradox. “Antinomy, Aporia, and myself were friends with Z-one. We were the last surviving humans after the Meklord Genocide that wiped out the human race. Antinomy and I died of old age, and Aporia soon followed. Z-one then created android bodies for us and we continued helping him. We tried so hard to prevent that future from happening... but no matter what, it has all been for naught.”

“Paradox, don’t give up,” said Pinkie. “If we find the others, we can go and rescue Twilight! With her and Jack on our side, the Black King doesn’t stand a chance!”

“And we can probably find Yusei while we’re at it,” said Jack. “Crow claims to have seen him. If I duel him again, I can find out exactly what he was talking about.”

Paradox sighed again. “What is the use of fighting anymore? Time corrects itself. Humanity was destroyed before we evolved far enough to change it. We cannot stop this from happening, it seems.”

“But you’re here,” said Pinkie.

“What?” said Paradox.

“You’re here,” she repeated. “You should be dead. But you’re not. You’re here.”

“What do you mean, my little pony?” Paradox asked.

“You told Yusei that you killed Maximillion Pegasus. The human who created the Duel Monsters card game. Then you went back in time again to make sure Yusei couldn’t stop you. But he did. You died in that first duel, but here you are.” Pinkie smiled up at him. “You see? You’re proof that we can change the future!”

“How am I proof of that?”

“Because Yusei changed your past, but you’re still here,” said Pinkie. “If we can change the past, we can change the future.”

“I still don’t see how that proves anything, Pinkie Pie. Yes, the past can be changed, but doing so has not led to the creation of a new future.”

“Yes it has! And you’re living in it! The future that you should be living in never happened. In fact, YOU shouldn’t have happened! You’re a paradox, Paradox!” Pinkie started hopping around and chanting, “Paradox the paradox! Paradox the paradox!”

Paradox stood in the middle of the passage. He didn’t move. He didn’t even blink. Pinkie Pie stopped hopping around and poked him.

“I’m... a paradox,” he said. “That’s it! If a paradox like me can exist, then anything is possible!”

“Now you got it!” said Pinkie. “I figured this out, like, ages ago!”

“Pinkie, you are smarter than I have ever given you credit for,” Paradox said.

Pinkie giggled. “Yeah, I get that a lot,” she said.

“Do you like games?” Paradox asked. “We should take time to recuperate, and I would love to show you how to play Shogi.”


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

With the resistance broken and scattered, darkness itself seems to blanket the city. However, its leader, Yeager, refuses to give up. Accompanied by Rarity, Yeager makes his way through the city’s underbelly, foraging for supplies and fighting to survive. Soon, they discover one of his old hideaways...

Chapter 35

Family Man


Featured Card

Malefic Stardust Dragon
Level 8
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your Extra Deck and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. There can only be 1 face-up "Malefic" monster on the field. Face-up Field Spell Cards cannot be destroyed by effects. Other monsters you control cannot declare an attack. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card.

Chapter 35: Family Man

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 35
Family Man


Despite the population being all but gone, the streets of Neo Domino City had become very lively in the last week. Today was no exception. Rarity and Yeager ran as fast as they could while five Dark Troopers chased after them on foot. Rarity looked behind her and saw that Yeager was falling behind.

“Yeager, hurry!” she said.

“I’m going as fast as I can!” Yeager replied.

Rarity frowned. “Don’t stop running,” she said, “and don’t look back!” Her horn began to glow as she jumped and spun around in midair. She fired a burst of magic at the Dark Troopers. It exploded just before it reached them and created a blinding flash of light. The dark men stopped and yelled, covering their eyes with their arms and hands. Yeager and Rarity quickly turned down an alley, ran to the next street over, then descended into a reservoir.

“In there!” Yeager said, pointing at a large tunnel in the side of the reservoir wall. He and Rarity jumped in and ran into the darkness. They finally stopped, both of them leaning against the walls for support as they tried to catch their breath.

“Do you think we lost them?” Rarity asked.

“I hope so,” Yeager panted. “What did you do back there?”

“Flash spell,” Rarity answered with a gasp. “Twilight taught me. In case I got kidnapped again.”

“Again?” Yeager said.

“Long story,” Rarity said as she began to tidy her mane, her breathing finally slowing down. “Where are we, anyway?”

“A drainage tunnel,” Yeager said, his own breathing coming under control. “Water is collected in the gutters of our streets during rain, and it comes through here into the reservoir.”

“This is a sewage tunnel?” Rarity gasped.

“I don’t like it any more than you, Rarity, but we must press onward. There are still Dark Troopers looking for us. Besides, much of the ‘sewage’ that comes through here is treated along the way, so it isn’t as bad as you might imagine.”

“Oh, very well.” Rarity flipped her mane behind her head and started walking. Yeager followed jogged and caught up with her.

“You know a lot about this city, don’t you?” Rarity asked.

“It was part of my job,” Yeager replied. “Before being elected mayor, I was the Vice Director, and then Director of the Security and Maintenance Bureau. Managing the city itself was the job of the Bureau. Construction, repairs, cleaning, law enforcement, all of these things are required for a city’s population to be comfortable and healthy. I know this city’s layout as if I had constructed it myself.”

“That’s quite impressive, Yeager,” Rarity said. “How did you come to be in charge of the Maintenance Bureau?”

“That is quite a story. When I was a child, I performed in a circus with my family. However, business was terrible and we barely had enough money to get by. As the oldest child, I went out into the world to find a better job, and I became an officer in Sector Security. My circus training was very useful in my career, and Director Rex Goodwin himself promoted me to head of special investigations. I was climbing the ladder quite quickly due to my talents. I was finally able to support my family.

“After Director Goodwin’s death at the end of the Dark Signer War, four directors were appointed to replace him. Three of them were from Yliaster, and the fourth was a weak front man. He was just a face for the crowds to look at. Eventually, Yliaster used their technology to change history, and the Bureau was left without a direct once again. It was around that time that Team 5D’s convinced me to fight with them against Yliaster. I took over the Bureau and appointed myself as Director.”

“Team 5D’s?” asked Rarity.

“Yes. At the time there was a Turbo Duel tournament going on called the World Riding Grand Prix. Yusei and his friends entered as Team 5D’s, referencing the marks of the Crimson Dragon that they all bore.”

“So... who exactly is Yliaster? You’ve mentioned them a few times, but no one has ever told us about them, not even Yusei.”

“Yliaster was a secret society, and an ancient one at that, dating almost as far back as the previous Dark Signer War some five thousand years ago. They were dedicated to finding and gathering the Signers, as well as acquiring and preserving any knowledge that could help them defeat the Dark Signers and the Earthbound Immortals. But at some point, they were infiltrated and corrupted by Z-one.”

“Z-one... now that’s a name I am familiar with,” Rarity said. “Yusei said he was the only surviving human in the future, and that he sent his servants to change the past by destroying it.”

Yeager nodded. “Z-one knew that he could make good use of the resources at Yliaster’s disposal. However, all of his servants failed, and he eventually came to Neo Domino City to destroy it himself. Yusei stopped him, thank God. After that, the corrupt elements in Yliaster disappeared. The society itself still exists, but they are far more careful about who they let into their little world. I voluntarily left their service because even I had been an unwitting pawn of Z-one’s. I knew they would not trust me again, no matter how much their leaders actually liked me. However, in spite of my appearance and background, I have come to realize that I am a born leader, but one who also serves. I pursued a career in politics and was elected mayor of Neo Domino City shortly after the Security and Maintenance Bureau was disbanded.”

“It sounds like you’ve had quite the adventurous life,” said Rarity.

Yeager stopped with a raised hand.

“What is it?” asked Rarity.

“I just remembered where we are,” Yeager said. The passage before them forked in two directions. Along the wall beside one of the passages was a strange marking that Rarity didn’t recognize. Yeager walked down that passage with Rarity trotting behind him. Moments later, they came to a large curtain. Yeager pushed it aside, reached over to the wall and flipped a switch.

Light flooded the room. It was very simply furnished. A low table sat in the center. At the back wall was a small stove and a rusty kettle. To the left were three beds. Yeager sighed as he took it in.

“What is this place?” Rarity asked.

“During Yliaster’s attack on the city, I became privy to certain information,” said Yeager. “I fled with my family here and did my best to keep them safe. Yusei and his friends found me and convinced me to help them defend the city.”

“Where is your family now?” asked Rarity.

Yeager sighed again. “Gone,” he said. “Taken into the shadows. My wife and son... they were taken from my by the Black King’s armies.

“It was during the first days of the Black King’s rise,” said Yeager. “People had been disappearing at an alarming rate, but we didn’t have any leads. Not until my house was attacked. They broke into our home. I told my family to run, but the Dark Troopers grabbed them and took them into the shadows. The only reason I escaped is because they knew I was a duelist and challenged me. I won.”

“Yeager, I’m so sorry,” Rarity said, putting a hoof on his shoulder.

“There was nothing I could do, but that hasn’t stopped the guilt,” Yeager said. “Perhaps that is why I failed to protect the resistance. I’m not much of a leader, am I?”

“You did a fine job of protecting them, and you are an excellent leader. You shouldn’t doubt yourself.”

Yeager sighed. “Perhaps you’re right,” he said. “And now isn’t the best time to be moping. I suppose we can hole up here for a while, but not for long.”

“Where will we go?”

“We can hide out in apartment buildings and hotels. Beyond that, I don’t know what we’ll do...”

“We can’t run forever, Yeager.”

“I know, Rarity. But I truly don’t know what else to do.”

“I never thought I would hear the words leave my mouth,” Rarity said, “but we should fight.”

Yeager was silent.

“That human with the glasses foalnapped Twilight! He must be working for the Black King! We have to go save her!” Rarity pleaded.

“We can’t just storm KaibaCorp. Tower by ourselves, Rarity,” Yeager said. “And sneaking in will be next to impossible.”

“Well, we have to do something!” Rarity said. “Yeager, Twilight is my best friend! What do I have to do to convince you that we have to try?”

Yeager looked her in the eyes. “There are two things you can do for me. First, do you remember when I said that I would have a field assignment for you when you acquired a Duel Disk?”

“Yes, I do,” Rarity replied.

“I had hoped that you and Twilight would accompany me on a specific mission,” he said, “perhaps you and I alone can carry it out, but there is one other thing you must do first.”

“What is it?” Rarity asked.

“Duel me,” said Yeager. “You made mistakes in your first few duels, and you haven’t had much time to improve.”

“You’re being awfully blunt,” Rarity said with a huff.

“Duel me,” said Yeager. “Let me evaluate your skills firsthand and I’ll tell you what all of this is about.”

Rarity sighed. Her Duel Disk flashed into existence before her. “Very well,” she said. “If you think I’m good enough, then we go on this mission of yours. If I win, then promise me that we’ll go save Twilight, even if it’s just the two of us.”

Yeager lowered his gaze. “It will be nearly impossible,” he said. He looked back up at her. “But I suppose you’ll go with or without me, won’t you?”

Rarity nodded.

“Alright then. If you defeat me, we’ll go save Twilight immediately after my mission. Follow me. There’s a large junction in these tunnels we can use to conduct the duel.”


Rarity and Yeager arrived at the junction without incident. It was very large and several tunnels connected to it. Yeager took a rock and made a small mark near the floor on the wall of the tunnel they came from. “So we can find our way back,” he said. He and Rarity walked to opposite ends Rarity’s Duel Disk hovered in front of her. Yeager reached behind him and pulled his golden Disk out of his jacket, then attached it to his wrist.

“DUEL!” they shouted.

Life Point Count
Yeager: 4000
Rarity: 4000

"I'll begin," said Yeager. "I Summon 'Jester Lord' and Set two cards face-down." Yeager’s tall, thin monster appeared before him, juggling two flaming orbs in his hands.

Jester Lord
LV 1

“My turn!” said Rarity as she drew a card with her magic. “I activate ‘Gem-Knight Fusion’. With this, I combine ‘Gem-Knight Tourmaline’ and ‘Gem-Knight Obsidian’ and Fusion Summon ‘Gem-Knight Topaz’!” Two “Gem-Knights” appeared behind Rarity. The first wore bright yellow armor and fired lightning bolts from the silver rods on his wrists. The second was dressed in black armor with a ring of obsidian orbs resting on his shoulder. The two leapt into the air and disappeared into a swirling red and blue vortex. A light flashed and a new knight in orange armor and wearing a black cape appeared. In each of his hands he held a sword with a lightning-shaped blade.

Gem-Knight Topaz
LV 6

“Since I control a monster, Jester Lord’s Attack Points drop back to zero,” said Rarity. “And if that wasn’t enough for you, ‘Gem-Knight Topaz’ can attack twice each turn.”

“I won’t give it that chance,” said Yeager. “I reveal my Continuous Trap ‘Grave of the Super-Ancient Organism’. While this card is in play, Level Six and above monsters on the field that were Special Summoned cannot declare attacks or activate their effects.”

“I still have another play to make,” Rarity replied. “When ‘Gem-Knight Obsidian’ is sent to the Graveyard from my hand, I can Special Summon a Level Four or lower Normal Monster from my Graveyard. I Summon ‘Gem-Knight Tourmaline’!”

Gem-Knight Tourmaline
LV 4

“Battle! ‘Gem-Knight Tourmaline’, attack ‘Jester Lord’ with Mystic Lightning Strike!” Rarity ordered. The yellow knight held his hands out to his sides and an arch of electricity appeared above him. A ball of lightning formed at the crest and descended into the jewel on his breastplate. “Tourmaline” was glowing with energy. He threw his fists forward and fired bolts of lightning from the silver rods on his wrists, destroying the thin “Jester Lord”.

Player: Yeager
Life Points: 2400
Hand: 3

“I Set one card face-down and end my turn,” said Rarity.

“Not bad,” Yeager said. “But this duel isn’t over yet. My turn! I reveal my other face-down card ‘Discord’. But since you don’t use Synchro Monsters, it’s not very useful here. I activate ‘Magic Planter’, letting me draw two cards by sending a Continuous Trap from my field to the Graveyard.” Yeager’s “Discord” card disappeared and he drew two cards. “I Special Summon ‘Jester Confit’ from my hand in Attack Mode. Next, I equip it with ‘Spirit Burner’ and use its effect to switch ‘Jester Confit’ to Defense Mode.

“I Set three cards and end my turn.” A new “Jester” appeared, a short, fat man dancing atop a tiny ball.

Jester Confit
LV 1

“My turn,” Rarity said. “I Summon ‘Gem-Knight Sardonyx’ to the field!” Rarity’s new monster was a burly warrior with swirling stripes of red and white armor and gold plating. In his hands was a long chain made of red onyx. At the end was a spiked ball made of the same stone.

Gem-Knight Sardonyx
LV 4

“I play ‘Particle Fusion’,” Rarity continued. “This card fuses two ‘Gem-Knights’ on my field. I fuse ‘Tourmaline’ and ‘Sardonyx’ to create ‘Gem-Knight Citrine’!” The two “Gem-Knights” turned to each other and slammed their fists together. A bright light erupted from the collision and a new Gem-Knight appeared. He wore bronze armor decorated with vertical red stripes, wing-like white markings on the breastplate, and yellow jewels on his shoulder guards, helmet and chest. A stone gray cape billowed behind him. His hands and his sword glowed bright orange, as if they were made of molten rock.

Gem-Knight Citrine
LV 7

“‘Particle Fusion’s’ other effect activates,” Rarity said. “When I Fusion Summon with it, ‘Particle Fusion’ is removed from my Graveyard, and this increases ‘Citrine’s’ Attack Points by the Attack Points of one of its Fusion Materials until the End Phase.” A ghostly “Gem-Knight Sardonyx” appeared. Its image was absorbed into the large jewel on “Citrine’s” chest. “Citrine” began to glow a bright red.

Gem-Knight Citrine
LV 7

“Battle! ‘Gem-Knight Citrine’, attack ‘Jester Confit’!” Rarity shouted. However, her monster didn’t move. “What? Why isn’t he attacking? Come on, you! Activate your effect and attack!”

“Surely you didn’t forget about ‘Grave of the Super-Ancient Organism’, did you?” Yeager asked.

“No, I didn’t,” Rarity replied. “‘Gem-Knight Citrine’ prevents you from activating cards and effects when he attacks or is attacked. I don’t understand why he won’t attack, though!”

“Because he can’t attack at all, my dear.” Yeager cleared his throat. “Allow me to explain: What your monster and my Trap Card have in common are that their effects are Continuous. They do not activate. Think of them as a rule that is only applied while they are face-up on the field. For instance, you’re familiar with the rule that a player cannot conduct their Battle Phase on the first turn of the duel?”

Rarity nodded.

“These effects work the same way,” Yeager continued. “The only difference is that they can still be negated by other card effects.”

“So ‘Citrine’s’ effect only applies when it’s battling. If it can’t declare an attack...” Rarity said.

“Then its effect does not apply,” Yeager finished.

“Then I suppose my move was wasted,” Rarity said. “I end my turn.”

“During your End Phase, ‘Jester Confit’s’ effect activates,” Yeager said. “It returns itself and one of your monsters to our hands.” “Jester Confit” laughed and bounced off of its ball with a backflip, disappearing into Yeager’s hand. The ball struck “Gem-Knight Citrine” square in the chest and he too vanished. “‘Spirit Burner’s’ effect activates as well. When the equipped monster returns to my hand, you take six hundred points of damage.” Blue flames rose up around Rarity and swirled around her for a moment before dying away.

Player: Rarity
Life Points: 3400
Hand: 1

“My turn,” Yeager said. “First I activate my three Continuous Traps: ‘Imperial Custom’, ‘Astral Barrier’, and ‘Trick Battle’. Next, I play 'Jester's Trade'. If there are no monsters on my field, I can discard a 'Jester' monster from my hand to draw two cards and destroy one Spell or Trap Card I control. I choose 'Astral Barrier'." Yeager slid "Jester Confit" into his Graveyard and drew two new cards.

"Perfect!" Yeager said. "I summon-"

"Wait just a moment!" Rarity said. "The card you chose hasn't been destroyed!"

"Ah, yes," Yeager said. "That would be the effect of 'Imperial Order'. Continuous Traps other than itself cannot be destroyed. Moving onward, I Summon ‘Jester Queen’ from my hand.” The gray-skinned woman appeared before Yeager, showing off her figure as she arrived on the field.

Jester Queen
LV 2

“When she is summoned, ‘Jester Queen’ destroys all Spells and Traps I control. However, ‘Imperial Custom’ prevents the other Continuous Traps I control from being destroyed, so it leaves and the other three remain. Finally, I activate ‘Secret Passage’, allowing ‘Jester Queen’ to attack directly. And remember, ‘Jester Queen’ can attack once for every Spell or Trap I control. ‘Jester Queen’, attack Rarity directly four times!” Yeager’s monster leapt into the air and threw four shining balls of light at Rarity. Each one struck the ground around her and created a small explosion.

Life Point Count
Yeager: 2400
Rarity: 200

“That ends my turn,” said Yeager.

Rarity grit her teeth. “My turn!” she said. She glanced at the card floating beside her. ”Gem-Knight Sapphire”, she thought. This won’t do much good on its own. I need a way to attack with my Fusion Monsters! But as long as Yeager has that particular Trap in play.... Hmm... Suddenly her eyes widened and a wide grin spread across her face.

“I have a question for you Yeager,” Rarity said. “Can you read to me the exact text of ‘Grave of the Super-Ancient Organism’?”

“Of course,” Yeager said. “‘All face-up Level 6 or higher Special Summoned monsters on the field cannot declare an attack or activate their effects.’”

“‘On the field...’ then I know what to do! First thing’s first. I activate the effect of ‘Gem-Knight Fusion’ in my Graveyard. By removing a ‘Gem-Knight’ monster in my Graveyard from play, I can add ‘Gem-Knight Fusion’ from my Graveyard to my hand of cards.” Two cards slid out of the Graveyard slot on Rarity’s Duel Disk. The first was “Gem-Knight Tourmaline”, which flew away and disappeared into a black vortex. The second was “Gem-Knight Fusion”, which floated over to the other two cards in Rarity’s hand. “Now I’ll activate ‘Gem-Knight Fusion’ itself, and fuse the Thunder-Type ‘Gem-Knight Topaz’ with ‘Gem-Knight Sapphire’. Lightning cracks in the bodies of fractured gems as they shatter and unleash their power! I Fusion Summon ‘Gem-Knight Prismaura’!”

The newest “Gem-Knight” to appear wore silver armor edged with gold. Crystal stalagmites grew from his shoulders. Two curved, crystal horns stood on the sides of his helmet. In his left hand was a round shield decorated with a protruding white triangle with a gold tip and green gems on the sides. In his right hand was a lance made entirely out of clear crystal. A red cape rested on his shoulders.

Gem-Knight Prismaura
LV 7

“I activate my Trap Card ‘Fragment Fusion’,” Rarity said. “This fuses two ‘Gem-Knights’ in my Graveyard by removing them from the game. I remove ‘Gem-Knight Sapphire’ and ‘Gem-Knight Sardonyx’ to Fusion Summon ‘Gem-Knight Aquamarine’!”

The ghostly figures of "Gem-Knight Sardonyx" and "Gem-Knight Sapphire"- a warrior in slim, snow white armor- appeared before Rarity and swirled together. Her new monster was a burly warrior in deep blue armor. A hood curved up from the armor and surrounded the warrior’s helmeted head. Sapphires were set into the shoulders and chest of the armor. His right hand held a weapon that was both shield and sword, the blade protruding from beneath the circular shield. A large blue jewel was inset into the shield.

Gem-Knight Aquamarine
LV 6

“What are you up to, Rarity?” Yeager asked.

“You’ll see in just a moment,” Rarity answered. “I activate ‘Gem-Knight Fusion’s’ effect, removing ‘Gem-Knight Topaz’ from my Graveyard to return it to my hand. Next I activate it, fusing the Aqua-Type ‘Gem-Knight Aquamarine’ with ‘Gem-Knight Garnet’ in my hand. Waves surging through crystalline waters, nourish the gems and give them strength! I Fusion Summon ‘Gem-Knight Amethyst’!”

Another new Gem-Knight appeared, this one wearing violet armor. Violet crystals crew up from its shoulders, and another was embedded in its chestplate. His left hand held a shield made of swirling crystal. A long blade made of the same crystal was mounted atop his right wrist. A violet cape waved behind him.

Gem-Knight Amethyst
LV 7

“‘Aquamarine’s’ effect activates!” Rarity said. “When he’s sent to the Graveyard from the field, I can return one card on your field to your hand. I choose ‘Grave of the Super-Ancient Organism’! And since this ‘Aquamarine’ is in the Graveyard, your Trap can’t stop it!” A huge wave rose up from the water behind Rarity and splashed down onto Yeager’s card. It vanished in the water and reappeared in his hand.

“Don’t think this game is over, Rarity,” said Yeager. “If two monsters in Attack Mode battle each other, ‘Trick Battle’ makes it so the stronger monster is destroyed by that battle!”

“I activate ‘Gem-Knight Fusion’s’ effect one more time,” Rarity said. “I remove ‘Gem-Knight Garnet’ for its cost. And now that it’s in my hand again, I’ll send it to the Graveyard to activate ‘Prismaura’s’ effect. ‘Gem-Knight Prismaura’, destroy ‘Jester Queen’! Thunder Aura!” “Prismaura” raised his shield into the air, then brought it down to face “Jester Queen”. Waves of color erupted from the green gems and the gold triangle-tip of the shield, striking the gray woman and destroying her.

“You’re wide open, Yeager!” Rarity said excitedly. “‘Gem-Knight Prismaura’, attack Yeager directly! Prismatic Lightning!” Rarity’s monster pointed his lance straight up. Multicolored bolts of lightning struck the lance and filled it with color. “Prismaura” brought the weapon down, drew his arm back, and charged. The knight jumped into the air and thrust the lance forward as he came down on Yeager. Yeager was hit and thrown back.

Life Point Count
Yeager: 0
Rarity: 200

Rarity walked up to Yeager, who was lying on his back. She offered him a hoof. He took it and she pulled him up.

“You made some mistakes, but your final turn was spectacular,” Yeager said as he dusted himself off. “Very well. You won, so I will honor my word. After my mission is complete, we will go to Kaiba Corp. Tower and rescue Twilight.”

“What is this mission of yours?” Rarity asked.

“Another rescue mission,” Yeager said. “We are going to find and save my family.”


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Applejack and Rainbow Dash are trying to find shelter for themselves and Leo and Luna. They soon take up shelter in a grocery store. However, tensions are high within the group. In the end, the path they decide to take is....

Chapter 36



Featured Card

Gem-Knight Fusion
Normal Spell Card
Send, from your hand or your side of the field to the Graveyard, the Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on a "Gem-Knight" Fusion Monster Card, then Special Summon that Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon.) If this card is in the Graveyard: You can banish 1 "Gem-Knight" monster from your Graveyard; add this card to your hand.

Chapter 36: Rivalries

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 36


Rainbow Dash poked a hole in her cloud and peeked through. The streets below were empty and lifeless. She rolled her eyes in disappointment as her Duel Disk disappeared with a flash. She flapped her wings and pushed the cloud back to the alley, slowly so she wouldn’t attract attention. When she made it back, she burst the cloud and landed on the ground in front of her friends.

“You need to be quieter when you land, Rainbow,” said Applejack.

“Whatever,” said Rainbow Dash. “The coast is clear anyway. The nearest Dark Trooper patrol is five blocks away. We should keep moving.”

“I agree with Rainbow Dash,” said Leo. “We need to find food too.”

Applejack’s stomach rumbled in response to the word “food”. “Sounds like a plan,” she said. “But where are we gonna find something to eat when the city’s been abandoned for months?”

“I know this area,” said Leo. “There’s a grocery store about two blocks away from here. Follow me.”

Leo peeked around the corner of the alleyway and then took off running. Luna, Rainbow Dash and Applejack ran after him. It wasn’t long before they reached the grocery store. Leo started to walk toward the door when Luna stopped him.

“Wait a second,” she said. “I just thought of something!”

“What is it?” Leo asked.

“If it’s been a few months since anyone has worked in the store, there’s no telling how much of the food has gone bad,” Luna replied.

“You know they have robots doing a lot of that work now, right?”

“Wait, they do?”

“What’re robots?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Machines built to do complex tasks,” said Luna. “Leo, how do you know that?”

“We’re in the Daimon Area. I still come here to duel and hang out. Or I did, before the Black King came. But yeah, I used to pop into this store whenever I got hungry. Most of the work shelf work is handled by robots, and you know good food preservation’s gotten in the last three years since Neo Domino City and the Satellite reunited.”

“So, how much of the food will be fresh?” asked Applejack.

“A lot of it, I bet,” Leo said. “Only one way to find out, though.”

“Leo, I still don’t think this is a good idea,” Luna said.

“Come on, Luna!” Leo said as he walked to the door. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

The automatic doors opened and he looked inside. Four Dark Troopers looked up at them.

“Oh,” said Leo. “Crapbaskets.”

* * * * *

Several minutes later

The four companions now found themselves alone in the store. The Dark Troopers were driven off, so they had free reign of the building, but they knew they would have to move soon before more came back.

Applejack sat munching on some fruits and vegetables she had found. Rainbow Dash had opened up a bag of potato chips and was steadily munching on them. Leo and Luna had found a portable stove and some pots, and were using them to make some noodle soup.

“What all are ya puttin’ in that?” asked Applejack.

“Udon noodles, some vegetables, and a few slices of ham,” said Leo.

“What’s ham?” asked Rainbow Dash.

Leo stopped stirring the soup and looked at Luna. “Oh dear,” said Luna. “Um... well....”

“There’s no point in trying to make it sound pretty, Luna,” said Leo with a sigh. “Ham is a kind of meat. It comes from pigs.”

“Wait, WHAT?!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“Calm yer feathers, Rainbow, it ain’t THAT weird,” said Applejack.

“‘Ain’t that weird’? AJ, don’t you HAVE pigs on your farm?” said Rainbow Dash. “Don’t you talk with them?”

“Pigs talk where you’re from?” asked Leo.

“And a lot of other creatures too,” said Dash. “And you’re telling me you EAT them?”

“They don’t talk here,” said Leo. “They’re just animals. Not that smart. Besides, there have to be some meat-eating animals in your world, right?”

“He’s right, Rainbow,” said Applejack. “I once helped Fluttershy feedin’ her critters. You know what she feeds the otters? Fish. I don’t know how she gets ‘em, and I didn’t ask, but things obviously work different in this world.”

“....I still think it’s freaky,” said Rainbow Dash as she plopped onto her rump and crossed her forelegs in front of her.

“Nopony’s gonna make us eat it,” said Applejack.

“That’s right,” said Luna. “Meat is just something humans need to eat because there are some nutrients that we can’t get from a lot of other places, like proteins. And not all of us eat meat anyway. I’ve met some kids at school who were vegetarian or vegan. They didn’t eat anything that came from animals at all. But not all of us think we should have to give up meat.”

“Whatever,” said Rainbow Dash and she walked off.

“Uh, RD? You forgot yer chips,” Applejack called after her.

“I lost my appetite,” Rainbow Dash replied without looking back.

“Hoo boy,” Applejack said. “She’ll get over it, but she’ll need some time. I’m gonna go see if I can find some bags or somethin’ we can carry more food in.”

“I’ll help,” said Luna. “I should find us some bowls for the soup anyway. Leo, can you handle cooking?”

“‘Course I can,” he said. “Every time you got sick when Mom and Dad were gone, I cooked soup for you, remember?”

“Wait, that was you? I thought you just bought soup at a store and heated it.”

“I’ve got other talents besides dueling, Luna,” said Leo.

Luna smiled and left Leo with the soup.


Leo and Luna sat in fold-out chairs that Luna had found. Applejack was munching on a salad that Leo prepared for her. Rainbow Dash was curled up and ignoring her own salad.

“What’s wrong, Rainbow?” asked Applejack. “Don’t tell me yer still upset about the meat thing.”

Rainbow Dash muttered something.

“Can’t hear ya, Dash,” said Applejack.

“I said, ‘I want to go home,’” Dash said. She sat up and looked at her companions. “I know we were sent here to fix whatever’s wrong so that our world can be safe, but... I didn’t expect this. I mean, I read about the old Equestrian wars, but this is.... I never thought war would be like this.”

“I know,” said Applejack. “I wanna go home too, but we can’t do that yet.”

“It was so peaceful at home,” said Dash. “I miss that. I mean, yeah, there was excitement and I miss that too. I miss my cloud control job. I miss our races. I miss reading about the Wonderbolts in the newspaper. I miss my Daring Do books. I miss all those wild adventures we’d have. There was excitement at home, but there weren’t any wars. And now we’re stuck here. Twilight’s gone. Yusei’s gone. Everypony’s gone. We don’t even know how we’re gonna get home!”

Leo and Luna looked at each other.

“You’ve been thinkin’ about this a lot, haven’t ya, Rainbow?” Applejack asked. Rainbow nodded. “I’m not gonna say you’re over thinkin’- because for you, there’s not enough thinkin’ on your part-”

“Hey!” Dash said indignantly.

“But maybe you’re dwellin’ on it more than you should. Look, I know how you feel. We all do. It’s been a nightmare since we got here, and everything just keeps fallin’ apart no matter how many times we put the pieces together. But we have to keep tryin’, Rainbow. We can’t just give up and go home.”

“Like we can even get home,” Dash muttered. “What does it matter anyway? They’ve got Twilight. Everything’s hopeless now.”

“No it’s not, Rainbow,” Applejack said. “We still got you!”

“So what? I wasn’t there to protect Twilight, and now the Black King has her. We still don’t know anything about this guy either!”

“That guy who took Twilight looked familiar, though,” said Leo. “Wait, I remember now! That was Bruno!”

“Bruno?” asked Applejack.

“He was a friend of ours and part of Team 5D’s,” Luna said. “He helped Yusei figure out how to Accel Synchro Summon, but he was actually working for Z-one. Z-one wanted to destroy Neo Domino City to permanently wipe out Momentum from history.”

“In the end, Bruno dueled with Yusei and lost,” said Leo. “But Yusei said Bruno sacrificed himself to save him.”

“Maybe he’s like Paradox,” said Dash. “A thinking machine. And if he’s as strong as Paradox, then we don’t have any hope left at all. I can’t beat him.”

“Dash, you don’t know that,” said Applejack.

“I couldn’t even save Twilight!” Dash cried. “First I turn my back on her, then I’m not there for her when she needs me the most!”

“Rainbow, none o’ this is yer fault,” said Applejack. “You did what ya could-”

“That’s the point!” Dash yelled. “I did everything I could, they got her anyway!”

“And that ain’t yer fault!” Applejack shouted back. “Look, they got Twilight, but she’ll be gettin’ her strength back soon. And now she’s on the inside! She can tear that place apart!”

“What if they brainwash her or something?” Dash asked.

“Not gonna happen,” said Applejack. “Twilight’s too smart for that to work.”

“But what if it does?” Rainbow Dash asked. She put her head in her hooves. “I wasn’t there and now she’s gone and it’s all my fault!”

“Rainbow...” Rainbow Dash looked up and saw an orange hoof rushing toward her. The next thing she knew, she was on her side.

“Applejack!” shouted Luna. “What did you do that-” Leo held up a hand to stop her.

Rainbow Dash groaned and sat up.

“You snapped out of it yet?” asked Applejack.

“W- what?” Dash said, stunned.

“Look, you’re gettin’ yerself worked up over somethin’ that ain’t your fault. It doesn’t matter if you made a mistake or if there was nothing you could do to stop this Bruno guy from taking Twilight. That’s in the past and it don’t matter none. What matters now is what yer gonna do about it.”

Dash didn’t move. She simply gaped at Applejack. AJ raised another hoof and threw it forward. It struck Rainbow Dash’s cheek just as Rainbow’s hoof struck her own.

Both ponies were thrown backward. Then they stood up and looked at each other.

“You’re right,” said Dash. “It doesn’t matter if I failed. What matters is what I’m gonna do about it. What we’re gonna do about it!”

Applejack grinned. “Atta girl!” she said. “So what’re we gonna do about it?”

“...what ARE we gonna do about it?” Rainbow Dash asked. Applejack put her face in her hoof.

“We’re gonna rescue Twilight, dummy!” said Applejack.

“Oh, right, yeah. I knew that,” said Dash. Leo and Luna looked at each other and laughed. “What?” Dash asked.

“You two remind us of... well, us,” said Luna.

“Yeah, we used to fight all the time when we were younger,” said Leo between laughs. “But we always ended up doing the right thing afterward.”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack smiled. “I guess having a rival as your best friend means you know when to knock some sense into ‘em,” said Rainbow Dash.

“You said it, Rainbow,” Applejack agreed. “Now, let’s pack some food and go rescue Twilight!”


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Fluttershy and Aki wander the streets aimlessly. The shadows are closing in and Fluttershy fears the worst has happened to Twilight. Aki insists on returning to the base to see if there are any stragglers they can help. But in the darkness, Aki faces her nightmares...

Chapter 37

Thorns of a Rose


Featured Card

T.G. Blade Blaster MAXX-10000
Level 10
Machine/Accel Synchro/Effect
1 Tuner Synchro Monster + 1 or more non-Tuner Synchro Monsters
You can Synchro Summon this card during your opponent's turn. When your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card: You can discard 1 card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. Once per opponent's turn: You can banish this face-up card until the End Phase. When this card is destroyed: You can draw 1 card, and if you do, Special Summon the monsters used in its Synchro Summon if they are in your Graveyard.

Chapter 37: Thorns of a Rose

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 37
Thorns of a Rose


The sun hovered over the west horizon. Yellow light splashed itself across the streets of Neo Domino City from between the buildings. A breeze pushed a stray paper along the sidewalk. It found itself plastered to Fluttershy’s face. She screamed through the paper and started swatting at it with her hooves.

“Get it off! Get it off!” she cried.

“Okay, okay! Hold still, Fluttershy!” said Aki. She reached down and grabbed the paper from Fluttershy’s face.

“Thanks, Aki,” said Fluttershy. “I’m sorry. I get scared really easily.”

“It’s okay, Fluttershy,” said Aki. She wadded up the paper and put it into a nearby trashcan. “You don’t have to worry about anything while I’m here, okay? Don’t be scared.”

“I’ll... try,” said Fluttershy. She hid her face in her mane.

“Fluttershy, I know it’s dangerous, but I think we should go back to the base,” said Aki. “There might be some people trapped inside that need our help.”

“But Aki,” Fluttershy said, “it’s getting dark. Don’t you think we should find some shelter first?”

“It’s just the two of us right now, Fluttershy. We need more people with us. Don’t worry; so long as we’re quiet and careful, we won’t have to deal with any Dark Troopers.”

“But what if we do run into Dark Troopers?” Fluttershy asked.

“Then I’ll deal with them,” she said. “I can handle them well enough. Okay?”

Fluttershy nodded timidly.

“Then let’s go,” said Aki. She ran off and Fluttershy fluttered after her.

It wasn’t long before they arrived at the base. An unusually dark cloud hung over the entire facility and the windows appeared black as pitch. There was no one visible inside the fence. The entire area seemed devoid of life. Even the grass appeared to have withered away in the darkness.

“I don’t like this, Aki,” said Fluttershy. “It’s too quiet, even for me.”

“You might be right,” said Aki, “but we have to try to find someone on our side.”

“The Dark Troopers have the base, Aki,” said Fluttershy. “I don’t think there’s anyone left on our side.”

“What about my patients?” Aki replied. “I can’t just leave them in there.”

“I... guess you’re right,” said Fluttershy.

Aki and Fluttershy moved along the fence until they found a small side gate. Aki quickly pushed several buttons on the keypad and unlocked the gate. Aki ran through while Fluttershy hovered soundlessly behind her. They reached a door and slipped inside.

Despite being near a window, the hall was black as night. Aki pulled a square device from her bag and tapped it with her fingers twice. A bright light appeared on the side facing away from her that lit up the hallway several feet ahead of them.

“Stay close to me,” said Aki. Fluttershy gulped and nodded in response. Aki started walking slowly, holding the device ahead of her to light the way. “The infirmary shouldn’t be too far from where we are,” she said. “We just need to get there to find out if everyone is okay.”

Aki turned a corner, then immediately ducked back around the wall and covered the light with a hand. Fluttershy didn’t make a sound.

They waited. After a moment, they heard a door open and shut. Aki peered around the corner with her light again. There was nothing but the double doors to the infirmary.

“I saw shapes,” she muttered to Fluttershy. “It must have been Dark Troopers. They probably went in there.”

“Aki, we should get out of here,” said Fluttershy. But Aki was already moving again. Fluttershy fluttered after her.

Aki reached the doors and opened one as soundlessly as she could. She urged Fluttershy in, then slid in after her. She eased the door shut, then turned around and pulled her light out of her pocket.

The two companions gasped at what they saw.

Every bed that contained one of Aki’s patients was still occupied. Only now, each one was surrounded by a shimmering black nexus. The substance of the lines looked somewhere between liquid and billowing cloud. Aki ran to one of the beds.

“Well done getting in here, Aki,” said a gruff voice. Aki and Fluttershy spun to the left. Two figures stepped forward. “But then, we knew you’d come, didn’t we?”

“That we did, Ushio,” said a woman, her accent thick. “Perhaps we should not have made it so easy, though. I would like to have worn her down first.”

“Ushio! Sherry!” said Aki.

“In case you haven’t figured it out,” said Ushio, “this was a trap. And you walked right into it.”

“Why?” Aki said. “Why would you betray us, Ushio?”

“Sherry,” he said. “She showed me the light. Or should I say, she showed me the Darkness.”

“Jack was right to distrust me,” said Sherry. “I was planted here, as were the Dark Troopers that were captured in the siege. We waited for the moment when we would be ordered to strike.”

“That moment came,” said Ushio, “when Jack was defeated in a duel and returned to his senses. The Seed of Darkness had grown wild in him, but burned out prematurely. Sherry heard her orders... and showed them to me.”

“Traitor!” shouted Aki. She pulled her Duel Disk out from beneath her coat and strapped it to her wrist.

“There’s no call for that,” said Ushio. Water flooded the room. Aki looked down as black water sloshed around her feet.

“Fluttershy, go!” shouted Aki. “Get help! Find the others!”

“What about you?” Fluttershy asked frantically.

“Just GO!” Aki shouted. Fluttershy squeaked and flew through the double doors, bolting out of the building like lightning. Aki sighed and turned back to her enemies. The water was rising higher and higher.

“I summon-” she started to say, but her words were cut off by the water. Ushio and Sherry smiled at her.


Aki was laying on the floor when she awoke. She quickly looked around. She was in a hallway, but couldn’t tell which one. It was very dimly lit and seemed familiar to her... but not as familiar as Home Base. This was something else, somewhere else.

Aki slowly picked herself up from the floor. She looked around again, but still couldn’t make out much. A landscape painting hung from a wall. A cushioned bench sat a little further ahead. A dead plant sat withering in its pot next to Aki. The sight of the plant made Aki shudder, but she didn’t know why.

She looked down one end of the hall and decided to move. She walked and walked, taking in her darkened surroundings as best she could. As she walked, the hall became more and more dilapidated. The walls were wrinkled with water damage and mold. Plants were overtaking the floor and the walls as well. Vines were creeping up the walls and wrapping themselves around the benches. Further along, thick roots were breaking through the walls. Aki found it increasingly hard to walk.

She stopped. Before her was a massive black branch covered in thorns stretching across the hall. It had burst through one wall and pierced the one across from it. Her breath came up short, but she shook her head and decided to keep going. She moved underneath the black branch and carefully crossed to the other side. The roots stretching across the floor were getting thicker. Her footing was unsure and it took all of her concentration to keep from falling.

Lush green vines continued to spread across the walls and barred access to the doors that Aki found, but she now saw something else on them. Roses were in bloom, but their petals seemed wrong. They were a deep crimson, but mottled with black spots and streaks.

A light at the end of the hall suddenly flashed into existence. Aki’s reflexes made her raise her hand to her eyes, but she continued on after only a moment’s hesitation.

Her eyes adjusted to the light as she entered the huge room. The ceiling had been greatly damaged and sunlight streamed in through the gaping holes and cracks. There was a raised platform in the center, overrun with vines. Aki carefully climbed the steps to the platform. On the far side, basking in a ray of light, she saw an enormous, bright red rose bud. It began to unfold its petals. Aki gasped as the inside of the blossom revealed itself. Though the outer petals were bright red, the inner petals were as black as night. A figure stepped out of the blossom. Aki’s eyes widened in horror. The figure standing before her wore loose, black robes. Beneath the hood of the robe was a stark white mask with glaring, blank eyes.

“Who are you?” Aki demanded.

“Do you not recognize me?” the figure asked. Though muffled somewhat by the mask, the voice was unmistakably Aki’s own.

“What is this place?” Aki asked.

“Do you not remember?” the figure asked in return. “This is where you first accepted yourself. This is the Academia dueling stage where you first manifested your powers to hurt others. Do you remember? The social awkwardness, the whispers and rumors, the building rage... the rage bursting forth into the power of the Duel Monsters themselves.”

“My first rampage...” Aki said. The figure nodded.

“You enjoyed making your tormentors suffer so,” she said. “You began to see that pain is part of who you are. Everyone enjoys sharing their most cherished aspects with others. Yours is pain. It has always been pain.”

“I never wanted to be in pain!” Aki yelled.

“Not at first, no,” the figure said. “But you were immersed in it, embraced by it. Your father hated you-”

“He was sorry for what he did!”

“That doesn’t change that he hurt you, called you a monster, and struck you because he couldn’t understand. And your mother stuck by his side instead of rushing to your defense, didn’t she? Your were scorned by one, abandoned by the other, then betrayed by them both when they sent you away instead of owning up to their mistakes. But it wasn’t until that duel that you truly saw how much pain had woven itself into who you are. You shared your pain with so many people that day, didn’t you?”

Aki remained silent.

“I said that pain embraced you. You returned its embrace.”

“I’m not that person anymore!” Aki yelled. “I put on the mask because I couldn’t deal with the guilt on my own, but Yusei broke the mask!”

“A piece still remains in your heart,” said the cloaked figure. “The seed of darkness is in everyone. Yours will grow and bloom into a beautiful black rose. You will always be the Black Rose Witch.”

“I refuse to believe that!” Aki shouted.

“You created me to deal with the guilt,” said the Witch, “and that makes me stronger than you. Shall I prove it to you?” She raised her arm and pulled back the sleeve of the robe. A Duel Disk appeared on her right arm. The body was shaped like a black rose in full bloom. The blade was divided into sections, each one shaped like a rose petal, but with a sharp edge on the outside. Small thorns protruded at different angles from the wrist brace of the Disk.

Aki’s Duel Disk appeared on her left arm and she moved it into its active position.


Life Point Count
Black Rose Witch: 4000
Aki: 4000

“I will go first,” said the Witch. She drew a card with her left hand and held it above her. “First I activate ‘Foolish Burial,’ which sends one monster from my deck to the Graveyard. Now I summon ‘Evil Thorn’ to the field.” A withered plant rose from the roots and vines covering the duel stage On one side hung a pitiful pink blossom. On the other hung a black pod covered in thorns.

Evil Thorn
ATK / 100
LV 1

“I activate ‘Evil Thorn’s’ effect. By Releasing it, I can inflict three hundred points of damage to your Life Points and Special Summon two more ‘Evil Thorns’ from my deck in Attack Mode. However, their effects cannot be activated.” The black pod exploded, sending thorns out in every direction. Several struck Aki, tearing at her sleeves and leaving a cut on her cheek. Two embedded themselves into the ground and quickly grew into two more withered plants.

“I Set four cards face-down and end my turn,” said the Witch. “Fight me if you think you can.”

“My turn!” shouted Aki, swiping a card from the top of her deck.

Player: Aki
LP: 3700
Hand: 6

“I activate ‘Fragrance Storm,’ which destroys one Plant-Type monster on the field and lets me draw a card,” said Aki. “If the card I draw is a Plant-Type monster, I can reveal it to draw another card.” One of the ‘Evil Thorns’ was engulfed in a whirlwind and shredded by the air currents. Aki drew a card, glanced at it, then showed it to the Witch. “The card I drew is the Plant-Type ‘Rose Fairy,’ so I can draw another card.

“Now I activate the effect of ‘Rose Fairy,’ ” Aki continued. “If it’s added to my hand by a card effect, I can Special Summon it to my field!”

“Continuous Trap, ‘Rose Flame,’ ” said the Black Rose Witch. “Each time a Plant-Type monster is Summoned to your field, you will take five hundred points of damage.”

A small pink fairy with big red eyes and a rose blossom atop its head appeared before Aki. A burst of fire erupted from the Trap Card on the opposite side of the field and hit her in the chest. Unfazed, she continued to play.

“I Summon the Tuner monster ‘Copy Plant,’ ” said Aki. A tangled mass of roots and branches emerged from the ground before Aki. Gleaming in the darkness within the roots were two green eyes. Another burst of fire struck Aki.

Rose Fairy
ATK / 600
LV 3

Copy Plant
ATK / 0
LV 1

“I activate ‘Copy Plant’s’ effect,” said Aki. “Once per turn, it can copy the Level of another Plant-Type monster on the field. I copy ‘Rose Fairy’s’ Level. Level Three ‘Copy Plant,’ tune with the Level Three ‘Rose Fairy!’ ”

The body of ‘Copy Plant’ vanished in a flash of light. Three bright stars appeared in its place and drew green Synchro rings around the tiny fairy. Its body became an orange outline, revealing three more stars inside. The outline was stripped away and the stars formed a straight line within the rings.

“Splendid hunter and dweller of the sacred forest, with your whip of punishment in hand, come forth now!” Aki chanted. A column of light shot through the stars and expanded to engulf the stars and rings. “Synchro Summon! Appear, ‘Splendid Rose!’ ”

Emerging from the column of light came a tall, slender woman dressed in a half green, half black suit. Red rose petals wrapped themselves around her ankles. Four whip-like vines emerged from the back of the belt around her waist. Thorns were spaced evenly apart and pointing at angles along the whips. The woman’s hair was blonde and short, with a thick curl covering her left eye.

Splendid Rose
LV 6

“ ‘Rose Flame’s’ effect inflicts another five hundred points of damage to you,” said the masked woman. Aki was struck by another burst of fire.

Player: Aki
LP: 2200
Hand: 5

Aki glared up at her opponent. “Battle! ‘Splendid Rose,’ attack ‘Evil Thorn’ with Punish-Whip!” Aki ordered. The blonde woman drew another whip from within her fists and slashed it toward the black bulb of the ‘Evil Thorn’ plant.

“I play the Trap ‘Ground Capture,’ “ said the Witch. “This halves the damage I would take from this battle and lets me draw a card if I still take at least a thousand points of damage.” A massive hand rose from the earth beneath the ‘Evil Thorn’ and closed its fist around the plant and the oncoming whip-vine. The plant was destroyed and the whip vanished.

Player: Black Rose Witch
LP: 2950
Hand: 1

“I activate ‘Splendid Rose’s’ effect,” Aki continued. “If she attacks, I can remove a Plant-Type monster from my Graveyard during the same Battle Phase to give her a second attack. I remove ‘Rose Fairy’ from play. ‘Splendid Rose,’ attack directly with Splendid Dive!”

‘Splendid Rose’ somersaulted into the air and came down, feet first, on the Black Rose Witch spinning like a drill to deliver a devastating kick.

“I activate ‘Offensive Guard,’ “ said the Witch. “When your monster attacks me directly, its Attack Points are halved and I draw one card.” The witch raised her left hand and drew a card from her deck as an orange translucent barrier appeared around her. ‘Splendid Rose’s’ kick struck the barrier and she backflipped away from it and back to Aki’s field.

Player: Black Rose Witch
LP: 2400
Hand: 2

“I end my turn,” said Aki. “During the End Phase, ‘Splendid Rose’s’ Attack Points return to normal.”

“My turn,” said the Witch as she drew a card. “I activate ‘Fragrance Storm’ and destroy ‘Splendid Rose.’ “ Aki’s monster cried out and was destroyed in another whirlwind. The Witch drew a card. “I drew a monster,” said the Witch. She revealed “Wall of Ivy” to Aki, then drew another card.

“I activate the Field Spell ‘Black Garden,’ “ the Witch continued, revealing the card she just drew. Aki’s eyes widened in shock. The platform became enclosed in a dome of black vines and blacker thorns. “Whenever a monster is Summoned to the field, other than by the effects of ‘Black Garden,’ its Attack Points will be halved, and a ‘Rose Token’ will be Special Summoned to the opposite side of the field.

“I summon ‘Wall of Ivy’ in Defense Mode.” A stone slab shot up from the earth. Vines of ivy and thorns sprang up from the ground around it and wrapped themselves around the slab. Opposite the vine-wrapped stone grew an oversized rose. Bursts of fire erupted from the “Rose Flame” Trap Card and struck Aki.

Wall of Ivy
ATK / 300 to 150
DEF / 1200
LV 2

Rose Token
ATK / 800
LV 2

Player: Aki
LP: 1700
Hand: 5

“I Set two cards face-down,” the Witch continued. “Finally, I activate ‘Doom Petal Countdown.’ “ Another face-down card flipped up onto its edge. “During each of my End Phases, I can remove a Plant-Type monster from my Graveyard to inflict three hundred damage to you. I remove one ‘Evil Thorn’ from my Graveyard and end my turn.” A skull-shaped flower bloomed beside the Witch and spat a burst of yellow flame at Aki.

Player: Aki
LP: 1400
Hand: 5

“My turn!” said Aki. “I Release the ‘Rose Token’ you gave me to Advance Summon ‘Rose Tentacles!’ “ The tall rose before Aki vanished, and in its place rose a new plant grew in its place. It was much taller than Aki, with a rose bud at the top of the stem. Two orange eyes glowed beneath the bud, and beneath the eyes were mass of tentacle-like vines that made the monster resemble an octopus or squid.

Rose Tentacles
ATK / 2200
LV 6

“The effects of ‘Black Garden’ and ‘Rose Flame’ activate now,” said the Black Rose Witch calmly. “When a monster is Normal or Special Summoned to your field, its Attack Points are halved and a ‘Rose Token’ is Special Summoned to my field. Since the monster you Summoned is Plant-Type, you will also take five hundred points of damage.”

A “Rose Token” rose up on the Witch’s side of the field. Black thorny vines grew up around the stem of “Rose Tentacles,” and a point display appeared showing its Attack Points reduced. Finally, a burst of fire erupted from the Witch’s Trap Card and struck Aki in the chest.

Rose Tentacles
ATK / 1100
LV 6

Rose Token
ATK / 800
LV 2

Player: Aki
LP: 900
Hand: 5

“I equip ‘Rose Tentacles’ with ‘Thorn of Malice!’ “ said Aki. The thorns on the creature’s vines became much longer and sharper, almost blade-like. “ ‘Rose Tentacles’ gains six hundred Attack Points and any monster it battles isn’t destroyed in that battle!”

Rose Tentacles
ATK / 1700
LV 6

“At the start of the Battle Phase, ‘Rose Tentacles’ gains an extra attack for each Plant-Type monster you control,” Aki continued. “Battle! ‘Rose Tentacles,’ attack the ‘Rose Token’ with Triple Thorn Whip!” Three vines whipped into the air and then sliced down to the giant rose across from it.

“I activate the Trap Card ‘Rose Blizzard,’ “ said the Witch calmly. “This negates your attack and changes the attacking monster to Defense Mode.” Cold blasts of wind and frozen rose petals sliced through the air. The vines from “Rose Tentacles” became covered in frost and ice. The monster withdrew its vines and wrapped them around itself in a defensive pose. A blue outline appeared around the plant.

Rose Tentacles
DEF / 1200
LV 6

“I Set three cards face-down and end my turn.”

“Why do you struggle? You’re going to lose this duel. Tell me why.”

Aki remained silent.

“Come, Aki. Tell me why.”

Aki just glared.

“Then I will say it for you. You made me to be stronger than you. That is why I will win. That is why you will embrace the thorns of the Black Rose Witch once more. It is natural that I replace you.

“My turn,” the Witch said as she drew a card. “I think it’s time I end this duel. During my Standby Phase, I Special Summon ‘Darkness Seed.’ When it is sent to the Graveyard, its effect activates and it is Summoned from the Graveyard on my second turn afterward.”

A brown, withered plant shot up between the roots that covered the dueling stage. At the top was a blue bulb. Many red eyes opened up across the bulb’s surface, then it split and opened up, revealing a mouth with several rows of teeth. Two massive scythes curved around the plant from its back.

Darkness Seed
ATK / 1000
LV 2

“The effect of ‘Black Garden’ activates,” the Witch said. Black thorns grew up around the stem of the withered plant and a “Rose Token” appeared on Aki’s field.

“I play the Trap ‘Illusion Destruction,’ “ said Aki. “With this card, I can flip your ‘Rose Flame’ face-down so I won’t take any damage from its effect!” The Continuous Trap on the Witch’s field fell down onto its face and vanished from the field.

“That will not save you from your fate. I Summon the Tuner monster ‘Twilight Rose Knight.’ “ A young woman with pale blue hair appeared on the field. She wore a form-fitting white suit, over which she wore black armor. Red lines trimmed the edges of the armor and ran across it. The waist cape depicted green thorny vines. The center of the chest plate was emblazoned with a rose emblem. The shoulder plates resembled black flower petals, and a long white cape fluttered out from beneath them. On her head was a diadem with a tall black center, embedded with yellow jewels. She drew a sword from its sheathe with her left hand and held it aloft.

Twilight Rose Knight
ATK / 1000
LV 3

“I activate the effects of ‘Black Garden’ and ‘Twilight Rose Knight.’ My ‘Knight’s’ Attack Points are halved and a ‘Rose Token’ will be Summoned to your field. ‘Twilight Rose Knight’ lets me Special Summon a Level Four or below Plant-Type monster from my hand. I Special Summon ‘Lord Poison’ from my hand!” The young knight pointed her sword at the ground next to her. A twisted mass of yellow bark and black spikes appeared on the field, letting out a moan from its mouth-like opening at the top. Black vines rose up and wrapped themselves around the two new monsters, and two “Rose Tokens” rose up on Aki’s field.

Twilight Rose Knight
ATK / 1000 to 500
LV 3

Lord Poison
ATK / 1500 to 750
LV 4

“Level Three ‘Twilight Rose Knight’ tunes with the Level Two ‘Darkness Seed’ and ‘Wall of Ivy!’ “ The young knight raised her sword straight up. Three bright lights raced up along the blade and into the air, and the woman vanished. The lights drew black tuning rings in the air, then the rings descended onto the other two monsters the Witch had designated. Their forms became orange outlines and four more lights erupted from within, forming a straight line within the rings. A beam of light shot through them and widened, engulfing the stars and rings.

“Dark waters nourish the black seed of judgment, and within its current blooms a bloody flower!” the Witch chanted. “I Synchro Summon ‘Black Rose Dragon!’ “ A dragon emerged from within the green-white column of light beside the Witch. Its body was short and covered in scales that resembled a rose in full bloom. It extended its massive wings, which were covered in the same petal-like scales. The scales were bright red, but blood-toned splotches adorned the edges of each one. The skin beneath the “petals” was black as pitch. A black tail covered in thorn-like spines whipped about behind the creature. Several thorny vines slithered onto the ground beneath the dragon’s wings. The creature roared a deep, guttural cry. Its eyes were a bright, sickly yellow and ringed with red.

Black Rose Dragon
ATK / 2400
LV 7

“The effect of ‘Black Garden’ halves the Attack Points of ‘Black Rose Dragon,’ while also Summoning a ‘Rose Token’ to your field,” the Witch said. Then she continued, “I activate ‘Black Rose Dragon’s’ effect: By removing the Plant-Type ‘Evil Thorn’ in my Graveyard from the game, I can change your Defense Mode ‘Rose Tentacles’ to Attack Mode and reduce its Attack Points to zero. Go, Rose Restriction!” The four vines beneath the dragon’s wings whipped violently through the air and wrapped themselves around Aki’s “Rose Tentacles.”

Black Rose Dragon
ATK / 1200
LV 7

Rose Tentacles
ATK / 0
LV 6

“Battle! ‘Lord Poison,’ attack ‘Rose Tentacles!’ “ The ghost-shaped plant howled and slithered forward with its clawed arms raised above it.

“Trap Card, open! ‘Card Defense!’ “ Another of Aki’s Trap Cards flipped up and a criss-crossing wall of cards appeared in front of “Rose Tentacles.” “I can negate your attack and draw one card by discarding a card from my hand!” The black claws of “Lord Poison” slashed at Aki’s monster, but hit only a barrier of cards. Aki placed the last card in her hand into the Graveyard, then drew a card to replace it.

“My attack continues. ‘Black Rose Dragon,’ attack ‘Rose Tentacles’ with Black Rose Flare!” ordered the Black Rose Witch. The dragon inhaled and launched a red-black stream of fire erupted from its maw, flying down toward Aki’s monster.

“I activate ‘Half Counter,’ “ said Aki. “This Trap increases my monster’s Attack Points by half of the attacking monster’s original Attack Points. This puts both of our monsters at twelve-hundred points!” The dragon’s fiery breath engulfed “Rose Tentacles” and turned its form black as it burned away. The fire exploded and knocked Aki into the wall of vines and thorns behind her. Thorns pierced her back and the backs of her arms and legs. She fell to the uneven roots that covered the dueling stage, scraping her arms and legs and sending even more pain through her body.

“Because ‘Rose Tentacles’ was equipped with ‘Thorn of Malice,’ ‘Black Rose Dragon’ is not destroyed by this battle,” the Witch said. “My turn is not quite over. First I will attack a ‘Rose Token’ with my own Token. Then, during the End Phase, I remove the third ‘Evil Thorn’ from my Graveyard to activate ‘Doom Petal Countdown’s’ effect. You take three hundred points of damage!”

Aki pushed herself onto her hands and knees, but another blast knocked her back to the ground. She groaned in pain and tried again to get up.

Player: Aki
LP 600
Hand: 1

“Look at yourself,” said the Witch as Aki finally got to her feet. “Crushed and broken... you can barely hold yourself up. Pain has always been a part of your life, Aki. It wishes to hold you again. Return to its embrace, Aki. Wear the mask.”

Aki opened her eyes. The same white mask stared up at her from the ground. Its gaze seemed to meet hers. She remembered way the mask felt in front of her face. She remembered how she could close her eyes behind it and shut out the light entirely. She remembered the calm she felt knowing that she had that mask. Even after Sayer had found her, she continued to wear the mask whenever she felt the need to rampage and hurt the world.

The mask shut out the world when it wanted to hurt her. She wore the mask to hurt the world back.


Aki slipped a hand beneath the mask to pick it up. The world had become so painful now. Her friends had been scattered. Crow had betrayed them. Jack was insane. The twins were gone. Yusei had vanished from her life entirely.


Someone was calling her, but they were so far away. It didn’t matter that someone was looking for her. They would be gone too. Aki lifted the mask off the ground.

“...up, Aki!”

Aki’s gaze drifted down. Her eyes widened. The porcelain mask was chipped.

“Get up, Aki!”

A jagged crack sliced through the mask. The bottom half fell away from her hand and shattered against the roots and vines on the floor.

“Yusei...” Aki whispered.

The rest of the mask drifted away as if it were no more than dust. Aki smiled and got to her feet.

“You’re wrong, Black Rose,” said Aki. “You’re not stronger than me.”

“I am, Aki,” said the Witch. “I think, therefore I am. My existence began so that I could take on your guilt. You could not hold it all on your own.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Black Rose,” Aki replied. “You’re not stronger than me because you are me. The Black Rose Witch was never a different person from me.”

“Then you are embracing the pain?”

Aki shook her head and smiled. “No, Black Rose. That chapter in my life has closed. I am no longer a witch who wants to hurt others. The Black Rose Witch is only a bad memory now, but one I can look back on in peace. I can’t change what I did, but I won’t let it drag me down. Many futures await.

“My turn!” Aki drew a card from her deck.

“I will prove my superiority to you, Aki Izayoi!” the Witch shouted. “I activate ‘Rose Flame’ once again! You only have six hundred Life Points left, and if you Summon a Plant-Type monster, you will take five hundred points of damage. On my next turn, I will end you!”

“You could have done it last turn,” said Aki. “But you didn’t. You were so focused on making me hurt, making me give up on my own that you didn’t think about how you could win that turn.”

The Witch looked down at her Duel Disk, then looked at the field before her. She gasped.

“I Summon ‘Blue Rose Dragon!’ “ A blue rose bud appeared on Aki’s field and began to bloom. A black dragon’s head emerged from the flower. Blue rose petal-wings spread on either side of its body. Black thorns appeared around it as the effect of “Black Garden” activated and a giant rose grew just opposite the dragon.

Blue Rose Dragon
ATK / 1600 to 800
LV 4

“I activate the effect of ‘Glow-Up Bulb.’ By sending the top card of my deck to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon this card from my Graveyard. I Special Summon the Tuner monster ‘Glow-Up Bulb!’ “

A brown plant bulb appeared on the field in front of Aki. A single blue eye appeared on the side and a white flower bloomed on the top. More black thorns and another “Rose Token” also rose up on the field.

Glow-Up Bulb
ATK / 100 to 50
LV 1

“Because you summoned a Plant-Type monster, you take five hundred points of damage from my ‘Rose Flame’ Trap Card,” the Witch said. “Burn in a hell of your own making!” A fireball shot away from the Trap Card and raced toward Aki. She crossed her arms in front of herself just before the fireball struck her. She held her ground and lowered her arms. She was still smiling.

Player: Aki
LP: 100
Hand: 0

“I still have three ‘Rose Tokens’ of my own, Black Rose,” Aki said with a smile. “Level One ‘Glow-Up Bulb’ tunes with my three Level Two ‘Rose Tokens!’ “

A bright star burst out of the bulb and drew a green ring above the three “Rose Tokens.” The giant roses turned into orange outlines and six stars burst out of them, forming a straight line inside the ring.

"A blue flame envelops the world, and within its blinding light a black flower blooms. I Synchro Summon ‘Black Rose Dragon!’ "

A stream of oscillating light ran through the stars and expanded outward to engulf the green ring. A dragon identical to the one on the Witch’s field emerged from column of light. Its colors were brighter than those of the other dragon, and its scales lacked the blood red edges. Its eyes were still yellow, but brighter and gleaming with life. The dragon roared, and it was louder and sharper than the other dragon.

Black Rose Dragon
ATK / 2400
LV 7

“The effect of ‘Black Garden’ activates,” said the Black Rose Witch. “When a monster is Summoned, its Attack Points are-”

“ ‘Black Rose Dragon’s’ effect activates!” Aki shouted. “When it’s Synchro Summoned, it can destroy all cards on the field. Go, Black Rose Gale!” Aki’s new monster roared and flapped its wings. Incredibly strong winds whipped up around the dueling stage. They tore at the vines that enclosed the stage, ripping them down. Every monster on the field shattered as they were destroyed by the gale.

“What did you hope to accomplish from this? You’ve destroyed every card on the field and left yourself with nothing. If I draw a monster with at least a hundred Attack Points on my next turn, you will lose this duel!”

“There won’t be a ‘next turn’ for you,” Aki replied. “ ‘Blue Rose Dragon’s’ effect activates! When it’s destroyed, I can Special Summon ‘Black Rose Dragon’ from the Graveyard!”


“Return to my side, ‘Black Rose Dragon!’ “ A blue flower blossom appeared on the field and caught fire. Its petals turned bright red and the claws, head, wings and tail of Aki’s dragon emerged from the folds of the flower. The fire faded and the dragon roared.

Black Rose Dragon
ATK / 2400
LV 7

Player: Black Rose Witch
LP: 2400
Hand: 0

“Battle!” Aki shouted. “ ‘Black Rose Dragon,’ end the pain and end this duel! Attack the Black Rose Witch directly with Black Rose Flare!”

Violet flames surged out of the dragon’s open maw and raced toward the Witch. The fire tore at her robe and bathed the entire arena in purple light. Flames consumed the room and everything in it. Aki watched as the fire tore at the robes of the Witch.

Aki heard a man scream. Where the Black Rose Witch had stood a moment before was her father. He fell to his knees and reached for Aki.

“F-father?” Aki said. “No.... no, this isn’t real! It can’t be real!”

”Get up, Aki!”

Aki gasped. She knew that voice.

“Fluttershy...?” she murmured.

A light flashed before her eyes and the image of her father in flames disappeared. Now she saw a tall man in black garb in the fire. He wore a pair of dark glasses across his eyes, but Aki could feel his glare on her. She glared back at him and he vanished.

The flames disappeared. The room melted away. The light around Aki faded. She heard water rushing all around her.

She bolted upright and drew a sharp breath. As quickly as the air entered her lungs, it was forced out just as fast by a sudden squeezing embrace.

“Aki! You’re okay!”

“Fluttershy... can’t... breathe...”

“Oh! Oops! Sorry!” Fluttershy let go of Aki’s neck and backed up a few paces.

“What... what happened?” Aki asked. “Are we still in the infirmary? Wait, I told you to run!”

“Aki, it’s okay now,” Fluttershy said as reassuringly as she could manage. “Ushio and Sherry are gone. But... well, so is everyone else. I don’t know where they went.”

“What happened to me?”

“You were lying on the floor wrapped up in one of those black net-things we saw around your patients.”

“I must have gotten free when I won my duel,” Aki said.

“You had a duel? I wish I could have seen it.”

Aki chuckled. “Trust me, Fluttershy. No you don’t.”

“Oh well. Anyway, I thought that my Element of Kindness had helped get you out of that black net.”

“Element of what?” Aki looked puzzled.

“Oh. I guess Twilight never told you or the others about the Elements of Harmony. I can explain later when we find a safe spot.”

“Help me up and tell me what happened,” Aki said. Fluttershy crouched, put her head under Aki’s arm, then pushed up. “Thank you, Fluttershy,” said Aki. “Let’s get out of here. Tell me what happened on the way.”

“Okay. Well, you told me to run, so I got out of the building as fast as I could. I had to run and fly around a lot of Dark Troopers too. I kept going and going until I found the spot where my friends and I arrived. That’s when I noticed the saddlebag. I looked inside and it had the Elements of Harmony in it! I grabbed it up and ran back in here, hoping that they would do something. Almost as soon as I got in, the Dark Troopers and all the unnatural shadows just... vanished. Even Ushio and Sherry disappeared. You were the only one left, so I stayed and tried to get you to wake up.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy.” Aki pushed open the door at the end of the hall. The dusk was just settling on the city. A cool breeze brushed through Aki’s hair. She smiled.

“Aki?” Fluttershy said.

“Yes, Fluttershy?”

“Um... I think I know what we should do now. We need to find our friends.”

“I was just thinking the same thing, Fluttershy. And if I know some of my friends as well as I think, then I know where we should start looking.” She pointed toward Kaiba Corp. Tower.

“That’s where the Black King is,” Aki said. “If Jack’s back to normal, he’ll go there to finish this.”

“If that’s where the Black King is, that’s where Twilight is,” Fluttershy said. “My friends will go there too!”

“We need to get there fast,” said Aki. “Let’s go to the garage. I think it’s time I took the Bloody Kiss out for one last run.”


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight awakens to a dark room and a dull throbbing in her head. Captured by the enemy and still unable to use her magic, she also discovers that she’s not alone. Her captor has come to pay her a visit, and to give her some answers...

Chapter 38

Hushed Interview


Featured Card

Black Rose Dragon
Level 7
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can destroy all cards on the field. Once per turn: You can banish 1 Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard, then target 1 Defense Position monster your opponent controls; change that target to face-up Attack Position, and if you do, its ATK becomes 0 until the end of this turn.

Chapter 38: Hushed Interview

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 38
Hushed Interview


Twilight awoke with a start, jolted upright, then regretted doing so as her head throbbed. She groaned, rubbed her head, then slowly lay back down until her headache had dulled somewhat. She slowly raised her head and looked around. She was lying on her stomach in a bed in a dimly lit room. A blanket lay over her hindquarters, having slid down her back from when she woke up. An IV drip was attached to her left foreleg, while a strange wristband was wrapped around her right. There were tiny lights blinking on the band, but Twilight’s head was still too clouded from pain to wonder about it.

The rest of the room seemed ordinary enough. There were large windows with drawn curtains on one wall, a door leading to a small bathroom, and another door past the first. Twilight slowly pushed herself into a sitting position. She looked at the far door again and decided it led outside of her room- but couldn’t get much farther than that.

She decided to inspect the band on her leg again. There was a green light blinking steadily next to a black bar with a pair of numbers written across it. These numbers would change on occasion, always at regular intervals. Twilight tried to count the time between changes, but kept losing track because of her headache. She decided to see what happened if she took the band off. She moved her teeth beneath it, then pulled the thing off her leg. The green light turned to a solid red and the numbers changed to the words “NO PULSE”. Twilight dropped the band on the bed in front of her and waited.

She didn’t wait long. After only a few moments, the far door clicked and opened. A tall human strode in and closed the door behind him.

“I was wondering when you would wake up,” he said, his voice deep and resonating. Twilight flinched. “Oh, sorry,” the man said at a lower volume. “Your head must be throbbing. I’m sorry to say, but that’s a side effect of the drip we have you hooked up to. It’ll keep you hydrated, but I expect the headache will stop you from using your magic.”

“Where am I?” Twilight said. “Who are you?”

The human stepped closer. He wore a cobalt riding suit like some of the D-Wheelers she’d seen around the human world. Over the jacket he wore a grey cuirass. A red visor obscured his eyes.

“You are in Kaiba Corporation Central Headquarters,” the man said. “The stronghold of the Black King.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. Her horn lit up for a moment, then the magic flashed out and she groaned, falling flat on the bed again.

“Take it easy, Twilight,” said the human. “No one’s going to hurt you.”

“How... do you know my name?” Twilight groaned. “Who are you?”

“I know who you are because the Black King told me about you and your friends. My name is Antinomy... but my friends call me Bruno.”

“How did I get here?” Twilight asked after a moment’s rest.

“I brought you here. After the sleeper cell that was planted during the siege broke up the resistance, I rode in and grabbed you, then I brought you here.”


“To keep you safe.”

“Safe? Safe from what?”

Antinomy grabbed a nearby chair and pulled it over to the bed and sat down. “How much do you know about what’s happening in Neo Domino City?”

“Just that a war’s been going on between the Black King and a resistance group led by Yusei’s friends. They don’t know what the Black King wants either. They just know that he’s caused most of the city to disappear.”

“And why did you and your friends come here?”

“Because- why should I even trust you?”

“Because I know who the Black King is. Tell me as much as you know about the situation and why you and the other ponies came to this world, and I will give you all the answers you could want. If it makes you feel any better, I won’t ask about where your friends are or what the resistance was trying to accomplish before they were destroyed.”

“Why not?”

“Because we actually do need that information, but I need your trust more.”

“I still don’t trust you, Antinomy.”

Antinomy stared at her for a moment. Then he reached for her. Twilight pointed her horn at him and he stopped for only a moment. He reached for her left foreleg took hold of the tube that was taped to it. “This will sting for a moment,” he said. “But hold still.” He gave the tube a quick tug and it came away from Twilight’s leg. Then he pulled a small roll of gauze out of a pocket and wrapped some of it around Twilight’s leg.

“Your headache won’t go away for a while,” he said, “but you’ll be able to use your magic again soon.”

Twilight looked down at her leg, then back at Antinomy. “Why?” she asked.

“I told you, I need your trust more than we need that information. Please tell me, why are you and your friends here?”

Twilight considered him for a moment, then answered, “Whatever’s going on here is also affecting Princess Luna in our world. She fell into darkness once and it’s starting to take over again. If we fix whatever’s going on here, maybe that will stop the darkness from possessing her.”

“I believe you’re right,” said Antinomy. He leaned forward, folding his hands into his lap. “I have a theory that all darkness has a singular source, but what that source is I do not know.” Antinomy shook his head. “How did you and your friends get here? And how did you meet the resistance movement?’

“Another friend of ours, Discord, the spirit of chaos, opened a wormhole from our world to this one and we came through that. When we got here, we landed right in the middle of a fight between Yusei’s friends and your Dark Troopers. I dueled the leader of the Troopers and beat him, and they all left after that. That’s when we met the resistance. We don’t know much more about the situation than they do.Every physics expert in the world will tell you that darkness is merely an absence of light, but I don’t think so. I think darkness is just as tangible as light. If something here is affecting your world, then it’s the corrupting influence of darkness. And I have an idea of what that ‘something’ is.”

“What?” Twilight asked.

“A dark creature. My master told me that it tried to take over our world once before, and he called it humanity’s savior.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “No... it can’t be...”

“You know what it is?”

“I think I can guess. Something that sounds like what you described tried to conquer Equestria a few years ago, and then tried again with Paradox’s help. It called itself Nightshroud.”

Antinomy sat straight up.

“It’s the same thing, isn’t it?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, Twilight,” Antinomy answered gravely. Then he said, “Wait a moment. Paradox? Why would he work with Nightshroud?”

“He was trying to destroy Equestria so he could use its energy to destroy the future of this world. Nightshroud also gave him a couple of new cards. I guess he wanted the extra power to make sure he couldn’t lose.”

“But he lost?””

“To Yusei.”

“That’s no surprise. Even today he’s a legend.”

“Do you know where he is?”

“What can you tell me about Nightshroud?” Antinomy asked. “What does it want?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “It wants to take all humans into its world- the World of Darkness. Then it tortures its victims by making them watch their hopes and dreams fail until they give up on themselves. Who they are.”

“Then what?”

“Without their individuality, everyone merges into a single being. They share all the joy and sadness they will ever feel, and they live forever as one.”

“I can see how this might be a good thing for some,” Antinomy said, “but you said ‘victims,’ didn’t you? Doesn’t that mean it forces this unification on people?”

“It does,” Twilight replied.

“Why? Why would it do this?” Antinomy asked.

“I don’t know,” said Twilight. “Unless...”

“Unless what?”

“Unless it wants revenge. Listen, my friend Spike, the baby dragon that came with us, he found a book that told him some things about Nightshroud. Spike said that Nightshroud used to be a being of light, but was corrupted when he tried to become more powerful.”

“What happened, exactly?”

“I think it tried to control the Numeron Code.”

“What’s that?”

“Spike said it was the first Duel Monsters card, and that all of reality’s laws are written in it. If you control that card, you control fate itself. It must have tried to acquire the Numeron Code, or maybe it did and tried to use it. Either way, Nightshroud fell and became a being of darkness, maybe even the source of darkness.”

“But you said Nightshroud wants revenge. Revenge on whom?”

“I don’t know,” said Twilight. “I’m not even sure it’s revenge Nightshroud’s after, but it seems like a good explanation. Maybe it wants revenge on the Numeron Code. Or on whoever created it.”

“Either way, it has to be stopped,” Antinomy said as he stood up. “Neo Domino City is a necropolis because of Nightshroud. Everyone is gone, probably into its world. Nightshroud and the Black King are going to plunge the whole world into darkness if we don’t put an end to their schemes!”

Twilight put a hoof out. “I’ve told you everything I know about what’s going on,” she said. “Time to hold up your end of the deal. Who is the Black King?”

Antinomy sighed and sat back down. “You won’t like what I have to tell you, Twilight. Let me ask you something first: What else do you know about our world and its history?”

“Not much,” Twilight said. “Just things that Yusei and his friends told me.”

“Yusei was a legend in Neo Domino city. A hero. He was the first D-Wheeler to defeat Jack Atlas when he was the King of D-Wheelers. He led the Signers in a battle against the Dark Signers and the Earthbound Immortals to save the world from five thousand years of destruction and darkness. He created two new kinds of Synchro Summoning and used them to save the city from Z-one. But it turns out that the future still hasn’t been saved.”

“Hold on. I’m still a bit unclear on some things,” Twilight said. “First off, what are Earthbound Immortals? Yusei told me about them once, but he didn’t really go into a lot of detail.”

“Most of the information available on the Earthbound Immortals comes from the testimony of Team 5D’s- during the World Riding Grand Prix tournament, that’s what Yusei and his friends called themselves,” Antinomy explained. “According to them, and they got their information from another source, the Earthbound Immortals are evil gods that once plagued the earth. The Crimson Dragon and its dragon servants appeared to fight against them, sealing them into the earth for five thousand years at a time. And just as the Crimson Dragon would recruit humans and mark them as Signers, the Earthbound Immortals would mark and resurrect the dead as Dark Signers. In modern times, the war of these gods was waged through Duel Monsters. I imagine these evil gods are Duel Monsters Spirits.”

“Okay,” said Twilight. “What about Z-one? Who’s he?”

“Z-one and I originally came from the same era two hundred years from now. I was a professional D-Wheeler, and a master Synchro user. However, Synchro Summoning ended up becoming forbidden, outlawed by every government in the world.”


“Because it was causing Momentum to go out of control. Do you know what Momentum is?”

“Kind of. It’s a source of energy, right? A machine invented by Yusei’s father?”

“That’s mostly right. Yusei’s father created a machine that he called Momentum, but it’s also a sort of living energy. It is moved by human intent and can fuel the object of the intention. In our case, Synchros are the symbols of evolution, so Momentum caused us to evolve faster and faster. Humanity became subconsciously obsessed with it all. That’s when it happened.”

“When what happened?”

“The Meklord Genocide. Every Momentum reactor on the planet was linked together in a massive, global network. The sheer amount of power and code caused that network to become self-aware. It saw us humans as greedy, undeserving of life. It decided to punish us for abusing the power of Momentum.

“Massive robots were unleashed onto the world. Meklord Emperors. They attacked and killed so many people, Twilight...”

Antinomy became silent for a long time.

“I’m so sorry,” Twilight said.

Antinomy shook his head. “There was a man... a scientist. I never knew his real name. He had studied Neo Domino City’s historical records for years before he discovered Yusei, the Savior of Neo Domino City. Not only did he protect the city from the Dark Signers, but he also invented Accel Synchro and Delta Accel Synchro.”

“I’ve seen his Accel Synchro Monster, ‘Shooting Star Dragon’ “ Twilight said. “But what’s Delta Accel Synchro?”

“Accel Synchro Summoning uses a Synchro Tuner and a regular Synchro Monster to create an even more powerful Synchro Monster,” Antinomy explained. “A Delta Accel takes that one step further, using a Synchro Tuner and two other Synchro Monsters.

“Z-one created a device that changed him into Yusei, body and mind. He rode through the city, fighting against the Meklords and saving as many people as he could. He lead a cultural revolution using Accel Synchro. People began to care about one another, and it was them that the Meklords ignored.

“Pride grew in Z-one’s heart, however. Momentum saw this and decided to wipe us out once and for all. It had successfully removed all safeguards on its programming, and destroyed itself and every Meklord in the world. The earth itself split open and swallowed people. Z-one was injured and the device that changed him was damaged. He gave up on Synchro Summoning altogether.

“That’s when he found me. Well, the human I’m based on. Really, I’m just a machine with his likeness and a copy of his mind. But now is no time for existential philosophy.”

“What happened when he found you?” Twilight asked.

“Most of the Meklords had self-destructed, but there were still a few left killing stragglers like myself. I was about to be turned to a pile of ash by one. Z-one destroyed it and saved my life. Then he asked me to join him in finding a way to stop this once and for all. I followed him because I owed him my life, but he wanted to wipe out Synchro Summoning entirely. I tried telling him that we just needed to find the right way to use Synchro Summons, but he told me he had tried and wouldn’t listen anymore.

We encountered fewer and fewer Meklords as the days passed. Eventually we found another man. You know him today as the android Paradox. He was another scientist like, Z-one, and said that he had been researching wormholes and their various applications before the whole world went to hell. He said we might could use this technology for time travel, but its use would be very limited. In fact, since it operated on Momentum technology, it wouldn’t be able to go any further back than the construction of the first man-made reactor.”

“I don’t get it,” said Twilight. “Why couldn’t it go back further than when the first Momentum was made?”

“Like I said earlier, Momentum isn’t just an energy source, it’s the energy itself. All energy moves in different waves, but sometimes the same kind of energy can move at different wavelengths.”

“Like magic! All the spells that a unicorn has to learn aren’t just magic words and focusing on ideas or actions. It’s also about controlling how your magic oscillates.”

Antinomy nodded and continued his explanation. “Though Momentum energy moves at different wavelengths, it’s still the same energy. Momentum channelled through man-made reactors moves in a very specific pattern. Paradox’s wormholes could only be built with that pattern, and it didn’t exist until the first Momentum was turned on.”

“Oh, I get it now,” said Twilight. “But, wait, Paradox did a lot of time-travelling when he attacked my world, and I know he tried to kill the creator of Duel Monsters. That must have been before Momentum was built, right? How did he manage that?”

“After the deaths of myself, Aporia and Paradox, Z-one created androids that would house the digital copies of our minds. With digital brains instead of organic, we could think through our calculations a lot faster and create the technology we needed sooner. Within a few years, Paradox had created a fully functional time-gate generator.

“But we’re getting sidetracked with details. Listen, all of Z-one’s plans failed. When Paradox tried to kill Pegasus, he was stopped by three legendary duelists, including Yusei. Aporia tried to have Rudger Goodwin destroy the first Momentum by making it spin in reverse, but the reactor survived and the explosion opened a gateway that let the Earthbound Immortals escape into Neo Domino City. All he did was ensure that the history Z-one studied when he transformed himself into Yusei Fudo would still happen.

“Z-one’s final plan was a far-reaching and elaborate scheme. Through Aporia, he established a secret society named Yliaster, which existed for several millennia. When Yusei and his friends defeated the Earthbound Immortals, a massive project to reunite the Satellite sector with the mainland was put under way. But Yliaster was pulling the strings, so there was an ulterior motive.

“You must have noticed all the bridges and highways that run at all levels of the city. Most of those are Duel Highways and reserved exclusively for Turbo Duels. This was an intentional part of Yliaster’s plan.

“While the highways were being built, they infiltrated a major corporation called Momentum Express. It was doing research on the applications of Momentum, but specifically was using it to develop its own wormhole generator, which they called Infinity. This was another part of the plan. With the resources of a huge company like Momentum Express at their disposal, Yliaster could vastly improve Paradox’s time-gate technology. And they did. Then they used it to erase Momentum Express from existence, effectively destroying the evidence.

“The final step was to integrate Infinity into the very infrastructure of the city. That’s what all those Duel Highways are for. D-Wheels are powered by a miniature Momentum reactor, which generates excess energy during duels. The Infinity Circuit was designed to absorb this excess energy. Once it had enough, it would activate and open up a giant wormhole. Z-one and his final weapon, the Ark Cradle, descended on the city. Yusei had his final showdown against Z-one there. My predecessor, the Antinomy that Z-one built, taught Yusei the technique of Top Clear Mind, which is needed to perform a Delta Accel Synchro. But when Yusei dueled Z-one, he went even further than that. He called it Limitover Accel Synchro, and he used five Synchro Monsters to do it. Needless to say, he won.

“Z-one, in the aftermath, sacrificed himself to stop his own weapon, satisfied that Team 5D’s had evolved enough to change the future. But...”

“But nothing’s changed, has it?” Twilight finished. “Paradox told us everything when he and Yusei dueled in my dimension. Yusei’s Fortune program is what caused it all to go berserk in the first place.”

“That’s right. When they got back, Yusei wanted to see it for himself, so Paradox took him into the future. He was a changed man when they returned to Neo Domino City in this era, and not for the better.”

“What do you mean?”

“He saw ruin and heard silence in humanity’s future. The planet was a graveyard, a testament to what happens when a society becomes too greedy. It broke him, Twilight. Even after I came online, I could tell that he was still picking up the pieces.”

“Poor Yusei...” Twilight said. “Wait, you saw him?”

“Yes. Before they made it back to our time, Yusei and Paradox found the Ark Cradle, and Z-one. He was just barely alive and trying to get to the future to see all the good Yusei had done, but he died when they told him the truth. After that, they retrieved as much information as they could from the databanks on the Ark Cradle and came back here. The schematics and mental imprints of myself and Aporia were in that information, but he didn’t build us until after he had given up on keeping Momentum balanced.

“Believe me, Twilight, when I say that Yusei worked harder than anyone has ever worked to find a way to save mankind. I’ve seen all of his research, but he’s certain it all leads to the same result. ”

“Yusei built you... and Aporia?”

“That’s right.”

I was rebuilt by the Black King.

“Antinomy,” said Twilight, “where is Yusei?”

Antinomy did not answer. He stood up from his chair and walked slowly to the windows.

He has seen our future. It is a hopeless one.

“Who is the Black King?” Twilight asked. She stood up on the bed.

“I’ve told you everything there is to know, Twilight Sparkle,” said Antinomy.

“Liar!” Twilight’s horn lit up and Antinomy was thrown against a wall, pinned flat by the unicorn’s magic. “Yusei didn’t build you! Aporia said that he was built by the Black King!”

“I didn’t lie to you,” Antinomy groaned.

“Where’s Yusei?” Twilight growled. “Who is the Black King? Tell me!”

“I told you the truth... and so did Aporia.”

“Either Yusei built you or the Black King did. You can’t both be telling the truth!”

“Yes we can,” Antinomy said.

“I’m going to ask you one last time. Where is Yusei? Who is the Black King?”

“Each question has the same answer, Twilight.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. She released her magic and Antinomy fell to the ground in a heap.

“Yusei is the Black King,” Twilight whispered. “No.... Yusei, why?”

Antinomy stood and removed his visor. He looked down at Twilight with sad, blue eyes and put his hand on her head.

“I’m so sorry, Twilight,” he said.

The weight of everything that had happened came over Twilight, and she wept.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight’s friends begin to converge on Kaiba Corp. Tower at the heart of Neo Domino City. The Black King knows they are coming and marshals his own forces, readying them for battle. The desperation felt by both sides begins to peak! But are they ready for what they will find?

Chapter 39

At the Heart of the City


Featured Card

T.G. Halberd Cannon MAXXX-∞
Level 12
Machine/Delta Accel Synchro/Effect
1 Tuner Synchro Monster + 2 or more non-Tuner Synchro Monsters
When a monster(s) would be Summoned: You can negate that Summon, and if you do, destroy it.. This effect can be used up to the number of Synchro Material Monsters used to Synchro Summon this card. When this card leaves the field: You can Special Summon 1 "T.G." monster from your Extra Deck. When your opponent activates a monster effect that would remove a monster(s) from the field: You can negate that effect, and if you do, that monster loses 800 ATK.

Chapter 39: At the Heart of the City

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 39
At the Heart of the City


“‘Gem-Knight Citrine’, attack directly!” Rarity shouted.

Life Point Count
Dark Trooper: 0

“Well done, Rarity!” said Yeager. “Absolutely flawless!”

“Thank you, Yeager,” Rarity said. She turned to her fallen opponent. “Now, if you’re a duelist of your word, talk! Where are the missing humans of Neo Domino City?”

The Dark Trooper groaned and sat up, rubbing his head. “I’ll end up in the same place if I tell you,” he said. “But then, you will too, eventually.”

“Talk!” Yeager snapped. “Where are the citizens of my city? Where is my family?”

The Dark Trooper laughed. “If you really want to see them that badly, I’ll tell you: They’re in the World of Darkness.”

Rarity’s eyes widened. “No... not that!”

“How do you know this?” asked Yeager.

“We’re all linked through the World of Darkness,” the man replied.

“There may be a gateway into that world,” said Rarity. “As much as I would hate to return there, it may be the only way to find and rescue your family.”

Yeager nodded. “Is there some way to get from this world to the one you spoke of?” he asked of the Dark Trooper. The man laughed in response. “If you won’t tell me then we’ll find and defeat someone who will!”

“It doesn’t matter what you do now. The last opponent you’ll ever face is the Black King. You’ll either fall to us, or you’ll fall to him! And if you don’t feel like delaying the inevitable, go to the heart of the city and see him yourself. He’ll send you to your family. So either way you’re a casualty.” The Dark Trooper grinned as shadows appeared on the ground around him. The sound of rushing water filled Rarity’s and Yeager’s ears and the man disappeared into the darkness beneath him.

“I’m so sorry, Yeager,” said Rarity. “I suppose we should have realized that Nightshroud was involved in all of this a lot sooner. Much of what has happened is the same as when it invaded Equestria.”

“Yes, Twilight told me about Nightshroud, or as much as she knows about it. I did some independent research of my own and discovered Jaden Yuki’s account of the creature’s appearance during the World Blackout incident about two decades ago. If everything that I’ve learned is true, then my family may be lost...”

“That’s not true!” said Rarity firmly. “Don’t even begin to think like that! Everypony gave up on themselves until Yusei saved us, and we came out of it quite alright. Scarred, yes, but alright, and scars fade over time. Your family isn’t lost as long as there’s hope.”

Yeager, however, remained silent.

“Yeager, perhaps that Dark Trooper was right. We should go to the Black King’s tower.”

Yeager looked at her with dark eyes. “That is a foolish idea, Rarity,” he said. “I know you want to rescue Twilight, and I do as well, but my family must take priority for me.”

“This isn’t just about Twilight, Yeager. This is about your family as well, and the families of everyone left in this city. My friends and yours will be heading there to rescue her as well.”


“Yeager, enough! Even if we are the only ones left, we cannot be afraid to fight! This city is waiting for a better day, and it’s our duty to bring the dawn! We must battle this tyrant that’s emptied Neo Domino City, even if it means failure!”

Yeager sighed. “You can be quite forceful when you’re being persuasive. Very well. If we’re going to find any answers about my family, we have to go to Kaiba Corp. Tower and confront the Black King ourselves.”

“And I don’t think we’ll be alone either,” said Rarity. “I’m sure our friends are on their way to rescue Twilight. We should meet them there!”

“Agreed,” Yeager said. “If Kazama and the others succeeded in finding Jack, then we’ll have even more power on our side. In this city, Jack’s skill is second only to Yusei himself.”

“I just wish we knew where Yusei was,” said Rarity. “No, we can’t focus on that now. We have to get to the tower.”

* * * * *

“So, Fluttershy, what are these?” Aki asked. Fluttershy set the bag down and released her bite on the edge.

“They’re the Elements of Harmony,” she said. “They’re magical items that we used to maintain peace in my world. We don’t know where they came from, or even fully how they work, but if Nightshroud is involved in all of this, then we’re going to need them.”

“How did they get here, though?” Aki picked up the bag and started walking. Fluttershy trotted along behind her.

“I.... don’t know. I found them when I ran outside... I thought that they might help get you out of the darkness... I don’t know if they did or not, though.”

“Well, thank you for coming back, Fluttershy,” Aki said. “So... Nightshroud. Yeager told us about him at our last meeting. Well, everything that Twilight had told Yeager.”

“Whatever Nightshroud actually is, I’m sure it’s pure evil, and it’s done all of this to your city,” Fluttershy replied. “We have to stop it! I can’t duel like you can, but if we can find my friends and rescue Twilight, then we can use the Elements to send Nightshroud away for good! I hope...”

“I’ll get us there, Fluttershy, don’t you worry,” said Aki. “And I bet all of our friends are on their way to rescue Twilight as well.”

Aki stopped. “We’re here,” she said. “You’ve seen a few different D-Wheels, right?” Fluttershy nodded. “Let me show you mine.” Aki walked over to a wall and flipped a light switch. Fluttershy blinked away the brightness and let her eyes adjust. Before the pair was a crimson D-Wheel with sharp features. Two bladewings rested on the sides while a large spoiler sat on the back of the body.

“Wow,” said Fluttershy. “It must go very fast.”

“It does. And it’ll get us to Kaiba Corp. Tower a lot faster than just walking.”

“Kaiba Corp Tower?” Fluttershy tilted her head, puzzled.

“That huge skyscraper at the heart of Neo Domino City,” said Aki. “The one with the red signs on top? That’s where we’re going.”

“That’s where Twilight is.”

Aki nodded. She opened the seat of the D-Wheel and pulled out a helmet. As she placed the helmet on her head, she turned to Fluttershy. “Get on.”

Fluttershy gulped.

“I know you’re scared, Fluttershy,” said Aki, “but we have to do this.”

“I know,” said the yellow pegasus. “I’m just... trying to be brave. For Twilight.”

“I don’t think you have to try very hard to be brave, Fluttershy. You and your friends came to a whole other world to help us. You got involved in a war that wasn’t yours to begin with, simply because you wanted to help. I watched you treat so many people while you were helping me in the infirmary, and you never flinched. You’re braver than you know, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled. “You’re right. Thank you, Aki.” She spread her wings and flew over to the red D-Wheel, then settled down on the seat. Aki climbed on behind her and turned on the engine.

* * * * *

“We can’t run and hide forever!” Rainbow Dash hissed.

“I know that, but we can’t just go runnin’ through the streets with all them Dark Troopers roamin’ around!” Applejack hissed back.

“We’ve got to get to that tower somehow,” said Luna. “But how?”

“Shh! Listen!” Leo said. “I hear some D-Wheels.”

“Probably just Dark Troopers,” said Applejack.

“I’ll check. Stay back.” Leo slid his back to the far wall and peeked around the corner. Racing down a ramp onto the street below was a huge white wheel encased in a blue and yellow frame. Another D-Wheel, huge and white with purple highlights, raced alongside it. A jeep followed close behind it.

“I don’t believe it!” Leo said. “It’s Jack! And Paradox is with him!” Leo jumped out of the alley and started waving his arms. “Jack! Over here!”

“Leo, no!” Luna cried, too late. Dark Troopers along the streets looked up and saw the young man before them. Leo looked over his shoulder and gulped. He activated his Duel Disk and spun around. Luna and Rainbow Dash appeared next to him.

Suddenly, Paradox’s D-Wheel raced past them. An enormous white dragon appeared above them. A silver-tinted stream erupted from its mouth struck the ground in front of each Dark Trooper, kicking up clouds of smoke and dust.

Jack’s D-Wheel and the jeep behind him stopped by the alley.

“Leo! Are you alright?” Jack asked.

Leo nodded. “We’re good, Jack.”

Paradox’s D-Wheel spun around and pulled up to the others. “I can only do so much without destroying the city. My blasts won’t buy us much cover, so we must go now.”

“Rainbow Dash! Applejack! Come on!” shouted Pinkie Pie from the jeep.

“Pinkie! You’re okay!” Dash yelled happily. She flew into the air and swooped down on her friend to hug her.

“I’m here too!” said Spike. “Applejack, get in!”

Applejack ran and jumped over the door, crashing into the floorboard of the back seat. She stood up, grabbed Spike and rubbed her hoof against his skull. “Yer a tenacious little dragon, my friend!” she said.

“Kazama, step on it!” Jack yelled.

“You got it!” replied the human driving the jeep. Tires squealed and the three vehicles raced off through the smoke. Another burst from the white dragon above drew up another wall of smoke behind them.

“Jack, are you back with us?” Leo shouted through the wind. Jack looked back and nodded before returning his eyes to the road. Leo slumped into his seat with a sigh. “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day. What happened?”

“We’re not sure, Leo,” said Spike. “Jack kind of lost his mind and thought he was living in his past. Kazama and I dueled him and managed to snap him out of it, but we still don’t know what made him like that in the first place.”

“Worry about that later,” said Rainbow Dash. She flapped her wings and quickly matched the speed of the vehicles, then caught up to Jack. She tapped him on the shoulder. “What’s the plan?” she asked him.

“We storm the Black King’s stronghold, rescue Twilight Sparkle, and save Neo Domino City,” said Jack, “or we die trying!”

“That’s what I wanted to hear!” Dash shouted.

“There’s a city that this darkness cannot hide, Rainbow Dash,” Jack said. “It’s time we bring back the light!”

* * * * *

The Black King stood up from his chair. He walked over to the window. He thought he saw something on the roads, a flash of reflected light. It reminded him of something... something he felt a long time ago.

He began to feel a fire burning inside of him, a tiny spark that managed to catch. He felt it grow as if his veins were filled with gasoline.

“You feel them coming,” said the shadow at his ear.

“I do,” he replied. “I don’t know why. I know they’re coming.... they’re all coming.”

“We must buy ourselves time,” the shadow continued. “Have all of our soldiers converge at the base of the tower. Send out Antinomy and Crow Hogan to delay Paradox and Jack Atlas. They must not reach the control room before the countdown has begun.”

“What about Twilight?”

“I will deal with her myself.” The shadow disappeared from the Black King’s back. All at once he felt lighter.

Yusei removed the mask and pushed a button on the intercom. “Crow, I need you,” he said.

* * * * *

Antinomy had left Twilight alone in her room. She was no longer attached to any of the strange machines and her head felt clearer... but she had no desire to do anything.

“Yusei is behind all of this,” she muttered. “All of this war, this pain... this darkness...”

She closed her eyes, but all it once it seemed as though she had opened them. There was darkness around her. Darkness and water.

“Hello?” she said.

“Twilight Sparkle,” came a voice, hideously familiar, from behind her. Very muscle in her body tensed up.

She dared not move.

“There is darkness in your heart,” said Nightshroud. “The seeds of darkness are not merely planted, but created. I can feel when one emerges in a soul. Not all darkness is born from me, but it all joins with me in the end.”

Twilight still didn’t move.

“Shall I tell you of your darkness, my little pony?” Nightshroud asked. “It is confusion. It is desperation. It is hopelessness. I can feel it.”

Twilight’s head dipped and her ears flattened behind her.

“You are right to feel these things, Twilight Sparkle,” Nightshroud continued. “Your friend Yusei has betrayed your world and his own. He too became desperate, desperate to save his race from extinction. But there is no way to escape the silence. Darkness will become the eternal realm. Silence will fall, and through me, the human race will live forever.”

“....why them?” Twilight asked.


“Why humans? Why them?” she asked again. “Why don’t you talk about bringing all worlds into the darkness? Why just the human world?”

“The world will fall into darkness,” Nightshroud said. “There is nothing you can do to change this. Yusei-”

“Yusei is my friend!” Twilight yelled. “I don’t know what happened to make him join you, but I will save him, and we’ll save his world!” Two lights appeared on Twilight’s back. Bright gold wings flared up from her shoulders and spread out behind her.

“W-what?!” Nightshroud cried. “You are... a being of light?!”

“You said once that the world of man is the key to bringing all worlds into yours,” said Twilight. “Why is that?”

“You could not comprehend my purposes,” Nightshroud said. “Darkness-”

“Is not what you were before!” Twilight interrupted. Nightshroud gasped. “You tried to take the Numeron Code, but its power overwhelmed you, and you became what you are now.”

“How do you know about that?!” Nightshroud growled.

“Spike found a book, and someone inside showed him,” Twilight answered curtly.

“A... book?” Nightshroud muttered. “It... survived? All these ages...”

“I think I figured it out, Nightshroud,” Twilight continued. “You said once that all worlds would fall, but that the world of man was the key. The Numeron Code is in the human world, isn’t it?”

Nightshroud’s eyes flashed from blue to red, then back again. “You unruly equine!” Nightshroud roared. “You will all be enshrouded in eternal night!” Water burst through the windows and the ceiling, rushing toward Twilight in waves and columns.

None of it reached her. The light from her wings repelled it all. Nightshroud roared and reached a bony hand out to grab the unicorn. Its claws struck the edge of the barrier surrounding Twilight. Black bolts shot away from Nightshroud’s outstretched fingers.

Twilight didn’t flinch. Instead, she smiled. Nightshroud’s hand passed through the barrier, but was withdrawn quickly. Nightshroud gazed at its hand, curling and uncurling it.

“It... burns...!” The creature let loose a mighty roar.

Twilight reached out a hoof.

* * * * *

Twilight awoke with her hoof stretched out before her. She lowered her hoof and looked around.

“I’m... still here?” she said. She looked around. The room was dark now, but a bright light was shining around the edges of the curtains. Twilight tried to call up her magic to draw the curtains. They lit up just as her horn did, and she smiled. Suddenly the curtains flew back and were ripped off the frame. Twilight jumped and released the magic, and the curtains crumpled to the floor in the corners.

“I guess my magic’s at full strength again,” she said. “I better be careful about how I use it until I get used to it again.” She hopped off the bed and onto the floor. She felt a bit woozy, but quickly found her footing. She walked over to the window. “The sun’s up. Is it morning?”

Twilight took a moment to admire the view of the city, then she looked down at the areas closer to the tower. A huge black shadow was racing down one of the roads. “Wait a second,” said Twilight, squinting her eyes. “That’s not a shadow. Those are Dark Troopers! And... they’re chasing Jack! And another human!”

Twilight turned around and threw the door open with magic, pushing the doorstop through the wall and leaving a handle-shaped hole in the sheet rock. Twilight flinched, but then charged through the open door and into the hallway.

“I’m coming, guys!” she said as she ran.

She rounded a corner and three Dark Troopers appeared before her. Her horn lit up and her Duel Disk appeared before her. She smiled.

* * * * *

“Crow, Jack is on his way here,” Yusei said. “I need you to get to him before that. Duel him and stop him.”

Crow stared at his friend. “Yusei, what’s all this really about?” he asked. “What are the Dark Troopers really? Why do you need me to defeat Jack with that card you gave me? Just what’s going on here?”

Yusei sighed. “I’m trying to save us, Crow,” Yusei said. “Paradox told me that it was the Fortune mainframe that destroyed humanity in the timeline he’s from, but that I created it after I’d retired from pro-Dueling. Creating it when I did in this timeline just means that it’ll happen that much sooner.”

“Or we’ll have more time to figure out how to stop it,” Crow replied. “Look, Yusei, I’m as scared of the future as you are, but we can still change it.”

“Crow you don’t get it. The future is silent. Nothing we do will change that, so all we can do is change the nature of the silence. I found a way, Crow, and I need you to keep Jack from getting here to stop me. If you can defeat him using the card I gave you, so much the better.”


“GO!” Yusei yelled.

Crow sighed and turned to leave. He stopped in the doorway and said over his shoulder, “The future doesn’t have to be silent, Yusei. If one person has a voice, it’s never silent.”

Crow shut the door behind him.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

As Jack and the others close in on Kaiba Corp. Tower, a mysterious and familiar D-Wheel emerges from the shadows. Paradox, recognizing his old friend Antinomy, leaves the group to duel the intruder. Can the power of each era’s strongest monsters withstand the might of the future’s Synchro Monsters?

Chapter 40

The Past and the Future


Featured Card

Gem-Knight Citrine
Level 7
1 "Gem-Knight" monster + 1 Pyro-Type monster
Must first be Fusion Summoned. If this card attacks or is attacked, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step.
ATK / 2200
DEF / 1950

Chapter 40: The Past and the Future

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 40
The Past and the Future


Two D-Wheels and an open-top jeep sped down the wide city road toward the tower that stood above everything else they could see. A silver dragon in black and white armor followed behind them.

“Jack, turn left!” shouted Pinkie Pie. Jack glanced back and nodded, then turned sharply. Just as he did, he saw a wall of darkness erupt in their previous path. Jack passed a few intersections before turning right and getting back on the path to Kaiba Corp. Tower. He glanced over his shoulder again and saw that Kazama and Paradox were both still behind him. When he looked forward again, however, another D-Wheel was heading straight for them.

He recognized it. Its narrow body tapered to a needle point at the front, and the whole of it rested on a giant wheel in the back.

“It can’t be!” Jack shouted as he squeezed the brakes. The Volcanic Wheel of Fortune screeched to a halt. Kazama braked hard to avoid ramming into him. Paradox, however, sped straight past him.

“Paradox!” Jack called.

Paradox swerved right, then back left and started moving in a wide circle. The new D-Wheel had copied him move for move. Eventually, the two stopped circling one another.

“Hello again, Paradox,” said the D-Wheeler riding the strange machine.

“Antinomy,” Paradox replied. “I take it you’re here to stop us?”

Antinomy shook his head. “Not everyone. Just you.”

“Why only me?” Paradox asked.

“You know why, old friend,” Antinomy answered.

“Fine,” Paradox said. “We’ll settle the score once and for all. If I win, then you escort us to the tower yourself.”

“You won’t win, my friend,” Antinomy said. “The past can never conquer the future.”

“We’ll see about that, won’t we?” Paradox looked at Jack and the others. “Continue to the tower, but be careful. I believe the Black King will have sent someone else to intercept you.”

Paradox’s D-Wheel sped off past Jack toward one of the Duel Highways. Antinomy’s D-Wheel followed him.

Jack revved his D-Wheel and started to spin around to follow them when he caught sight of another D-Wheel approaching from behind them.

“Crow,” he growled.

* * * * *

The Delta Eagle raced around the first turn of the highway. Paradox’s D-Wheel followed behind him at a distance, unable to take the turn as sharply due to its size.


Life Point Count
Antinomy: 4000
Paradox: 4000

“My turn,” said Antinomy as he drew a card. “I Summon ‘Tech Genus Catapult Dragon’ and activate its effect. Once per turn, I can Special Summon a Level Three or lower Tuner monster from my hand. I Special Summon ‘Tech Genus Cyber Magician!’ ”

A small, purple dragon appeared on the field next to the Delta Eagle. Its body was covered in orange-red lines. Atop its head was a catapult launcher. A ball of light appeared on the launcher and was fired into the air. The ball transformed into a small magician in silver armor and a black cape.

T.G. Catapult Dragon DR-08
ATK / 900
LV 2

T.G. Cyber Magician SC-01
ATK / 0
LV 1

“Cyber Magician can tune with monsters in my hand. Level One Cyber Magician tunes with the Level Four ‘Tech Genus Rush Rhino!’ ” An armored, bipedal rhinoceros appeared next to the little magician. The magician vanished and was replaced by a single star, which then changed into a green ring that encircled rhino. Its form became an orange outline that was stripped away, leaving four stars that formed a single file line within the ring.

“Synchro Flight Control! Limiter removal, Level Five! Booster injection at one-hundred twenty percent. Recovery Network range updated. All Clear! GO! Synchro Summon!” A column of pulsing white light expanded outward from within the stars until it engulfed the green rings around it. “Come on! ‘Tech Genus Power Gladiator!’ ”

Out of the light emerged a warrior in traditional Roman gladiator armor. He wore a skirt decorated with long metal plates, chest and shoulder armor, and thick, spiked boots. Long dark hair waved around in the wind behind him. In his right hand was a large broad-bladed axe.

T.G. Power Gladiator WAX-1000
ATK / 2300
LV 5

“I Set three cards face-down and end my turn,” said Antinomy.

“My turn,” said Paradox calmly. As he did, the Speed Counter on his D-Wheel’s display lit up.

Speed Counters
Antinomy: 1
Paradox: 1

“I summon ‘Malefic Gateway’ and Set three cards,” Paradox said. “That will end my turn.” Three cards appeared around the front of his D-Wheel and vanished. A blue monster portal opened next to Paradox and an oval-shaped ring emerged from within. The structure was black on one side, with intermittent white rectangles, and white with jagged black stripes on the other, but the hole in the center was rectangular.

Malefic Gateway
ATK / 0
LV 4

“Seems like a slow pace for you, Paradox,” said Antinomy. “It’s my turn. I switch Catapult Dragon to Attack Mode and activate its effect to Special Summon the Tuner monster ‘Tech Genus Striker’ from my hand.”

The dragon changed from blue to red and roared, then launched another ball of light into the air. The ball took on a humanoid shape, then faded to reveal a man wearing a black jumpsuit under sky blue armor.

T.G. Striker WA-01
ATK / 800
LV 2

“Battle! Tech Genus Striker, attack Malefic Gateway!” Antinomy’s monster flew forward and up into the air, then came down at the oval structure fist first.

“Malefic Gateway’s effect activates!” Paradox shouted. “By revealing a ‘Malefic’ monster in my hand when it’s attacked, Gateway can take on that monster’s Attack and Defense Points. I reveal ‘Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon!’ ” The center of the Gateway lit up and filled with rainbow light. A thin, barbed black dragon with red eyes emerged from the gate. As it did, black and white armor appeared on its body, legs, wings, and most of its face, leaving only the lower jaw and a single eye uncovered.

Malefic Gateway
ATK / 2400
LV 4

“Trap Card, open!” Antinomy said. A card appeared in front of his D-Wheel and flipped up on its bottom edge. “’TG1-EM1!’ This card switches control of a ‘Tech Genus’ monster on my field with one monster on your field.”

A large, circular, red-on-white device appeared between Malefic Gateway and Red-Eyes, and Tech Genus Striker. Orange light erupted from the inner circle and four irregularly shaped wings extended from the outer edge of the ring. Each monster froze and the device slowly spun around, swapping the places of the monsters.

“In addition to that, Tech Genus Striker’s effect activates,” said Antinomy. “When one of my Spell or Trap Cards targets this card, I can halve its original Attack and Defense Points!”

T.G. Striker WA-01
ATK / 400
LV 2

The light faded and the device shattered. Striker was rising in the air with his fist forward. Malefic Red-Eyes opened its jaws and clamped them down on the warrior, destroying him. The dragon disappeared into the Gateway after that.

Life Point Count
Antinomy: 4000
Paradox: 2000

“Striker’s final effect activates,” Antinomy continued. “When it’s destroyed, I can add another ‘Tech Genus’ monster from my deck to my hand, but I cannot Summon it this turn. I add ‘Tech Genus Jet Falcon’ to my hand.”

“Well played, old friend,” said Paradox. “But I’m still in this duel.”

“Not for long. Power Gladiator, attack Paradox directly!” Fire jetted out from the soles of the warrior’s boots as he flew into the air and raised his axe over his head.

“Continuous Trap, open: ‘Malefic Time-Space!’ ” Paradox said. “To activate this card, I must pay one thousand of my Life Points. While there’s a Field Spell on the field, Malefic Time-Space treats itself as ‘Malefic World.’ ”

“That alone won’t save you, Paradox,” Antinomy said. Power Gladiator swung his axe down toward Paradox.

“No, but this will,” said Paradox. “In the Damage Step, I activate ‘Malefic Zero-Warp!’ If I control no monsters while Malefic World is on the field, the Attack Points of all your monsters become zero!”

Power Gladiator’s axe came down on Paradox’s back, but passed harmlessly through it like a ghost. The gladiator retreated to his master’s side.

T.G. Power Gladiator WAX-1000
ATK / 0
LV 5

T.G. Catapult Dragon DR-08
ATK / 0
LV 2

Malefic Gateway
ATK / 0
LV 4

“Come on, Antinomy! Is that the best you’ve got for me?” said Paradox. “At the end of the Battle Phase, Malefic Gateway is destroyed for using its effect. Zero-Warp and Gateway’s final effects activate: If Gateway is destroyed, I can add a ‘Malefic’ card from my deck to my hand, then Zero-Warp lets me draw one card when a monster it affected is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard.”

The mechanisms in Paradox’s Duel Disk pushed a single card out of the middle of his deck, then shuffled the deck as he took the card- a monster called “Malefic Retrograde”- and placed it in the slot that held his hand. He then drew a card from the top of the deck and added it to his hand as well.

“I reveal another Trap Card,” said Antinomy. “’TGX3-DX2.’ This returns three ‘Tech Genus’ monsters in my Graveyard to the deck, then lets me draw two cards.” Ghostly images of Striker, Cyber Magician and Rush Rhino appeared above Antinomy. They turned into light and were sucked downward into his deck. After the deck was shuffled, Antinomy drew two cards, then Set one card and ended his turn. As he did, Paradox announced that all of Malefic Zero-Warp’s effects had ended.

Paradox drew a card to start his turn. “It seems almost ironically fitting, doesn’t it?” he said.

“What does?” Antinomy asked.

“Us. This duel. My deck’s theme is the past, while yours is the future. Yet here we are, each of us on the wrong side. Me fighting for the future, and you fighting to dredge up the past.” Paradox laughed. “Why can’t things be simple for once?”

“Nothing is ever that simple,” Antinomy said.

Paradox chuckled again. “I activate ‘Malefic Descent,’ ” he said as his final Trap Card flipped up. “This lets me reveal any number of non-‘Malefic’ monsters from my hand and place them on the bottom of my deck. After that, I draw one card plus one for each monster I returned to the deck this way. I reveal ‘Red-Eyes Black Dragon’ and ‘Armed Dragon Level 10.’ “ Paradox slid the cards under his deck, then drew three cards to replace them.

“I summon ‘Malefic Retrograde,’ “ Paradox continued. A new black and white structure appeared on the field. It was in the shape of a spiral that widened as it went up. A cloud of dark, multicolored energy floated within its center. Multiple golden gears ran up and down the inside of the spiral structure, appearing to grow and shrink as they approached the top and the bottom.

Malefic Retrograde
ATK / 0
LV 3

“I activate Retrograde’s effect,” Paradox said. “By Releasing this card, I can add one ‘Malefic’ card from my Graveyard to my hand.” Malefic Zero-Warp slid out of Paradox’s Graveyard and he added it to his hand. “Now I send ‘Red-Eyes Black Dragon’ and ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’ from my deck and Extra Deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon ‘Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon’ and ‘Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend’ from my hand!”

The thin black dragon that appeared from Malefic Gateway reemerged onto the field. Beside it appeared the imposing form of ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’ clad in black and white armor, its face and horns covered in a mask.

Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon
ATK / 2400
LV 7

Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend
ATK / 3000
LV 8

“Battle! Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend, attack Power Gladiator with Absolute Powerforce!” Paradox ordered. The red dragon’s right hand became engulfed in fire. It slammed its open palm onto the gladiator and crushed him in its fiery grip.

Life Point Count
Antinomy: 3700
Paradox: 1000

“When Power Gladiator is destroyed, I can draw one card,” said Antinomy.

“You’re turn, Red-Eyes! Attack Catapult Dragon with Inferno Fire Blast!” The black dragon spat out a swirling ball of black and red flames.

“Not this time, Paradox! I activate two Traps: ‘Sonic Stun’ and ‘Double Type Rescue!’ Sonic Stun negates your attack and Special Summons the Tuner monster ‘Tech Genus Jet Falcon’ from my hand, and ‘Double Type Rescue’ lets me revive Tech Genus Power Gladiator while I have two different Types on the field, but you control more monsters than me!” A portal then opened up in the road and Power Gladiator jumped through. Then a black falcon with a red-feathered head emerged through a portal above Antinomy. A set of curved, artificial blue wings in the shape of an omega and two large jets were harnessed to its back. As it did, a shockwave spread out from the portal, neutralizing and dissipating the dark fireball.

T.G. Jet Falcon WB-07
ATK / 1400
LV 3

T.G. Power Gladiator WAX-1000
ATK / 2300
LV 5

“So you activated both in a Chain,” said Paradox. “That way, you could get the benefits of both cards at the same time, while still getting around their timing requirements. Well played. I Set two cards face-down and end my turn.”

“My turn!” said Antinomy. “I activate Catapult Dragon’s effect to Special Summon ‘Tech Genus Psyborg Hunter’ from my hand.” A metal frame in the shape of an upside-down "A" appeared. In the center was a clear container that held a brain, a line of nerves extending down into the machine. The frame began to glow and a humanoid shape made of green energy appeared around it.

T.G. Psyborg Hunter PS-01
ATK / 1200
LV 3

“Psyborg Hunter’s effect activates. When it’s Special Summoned, I can add ‘Tech Genus Metal Skeleton’ from my deck to my hand. Next, I Normal Summon Metal Skeleton.” Antinomy's new monster was a skeleton encased in a transparent blue material. Six long spikes extended from its back and its eyes glowed bright red.

T.G. Metal Skeleton ZO-02
ATK / 1100
LV 2

“Level Three Psyborg Hunter tunes with the Level Two Metal Skeleton!" Antinomy said. "Synchro Flight Control! Limiter removal, Level Five! Regulator open! Thruster warm up, OK! Uplink: All Clear! GO! Synchro Summon!” A column of pulsing white light expanded outward from within the stars until it engulfed the green rings around it. “Come on! ‘Tech Genus Hyper Librarian!’”

A white-robed man holding a metal tablet aloft appeared. A white cape fluttered behind him in the wind revealing the purple lining on the inside. His sleeves and the right side of his robe were black and he wore a blue visor over his eyes.

T.G. Hyper Librarian SCX-1100
ATK / 2400
LV 5

"I'm not done yet," Antinomy continued. "Level Three Jet Falcon will be tuning up the Level Two Catapult Dragon. Limiter removal, Level Five! Booster launch, OK! Inclination, OK! Ground support, all clear! GO! Synchro Summon!" As he spoke, the armored bird flying above him fired up the jets on its back, then disappeared as three stars burst from its body. The stars changed into green rings that moved around the red dragon. Its body vanished as well, leaving two stars behind. A column of light engulfed the stars and the rings and a new monster emerged.

"Come on! 'Tech Genus Wonder Magician!' " The monster was a woman with long, bright pink hair and a pale green stripe across the right side of her face. She wore a dress and three-pronged spellcaster's hat, both colored deep red. Four long, metal wings rested on her back.

T.G. Wonder Magician SCX-1000
ATK / 1900
LV 5

"Hyper Librarian and Jet Falcon's effects activate," said Antinomy. 'When Jet Falcon is sent to the Graveyard as Synchro Material, it inflicts five hundred damage to my opponent, and when a monster is Synchro Summoned, I draw one card by Hyper Librarian's effect." Antinomy drew a card from his deck, swiping his left hand out to the side with the card between his fingers. As he did, the wings on Wonder Magician's back began to glow and she fired a burst of energy from the palm of her hand at Paradox.

Player: Paradox
LP: 500
Hand: 2

Paradox's D-Wheel swerved left and right, but he quickly regained control. "Is that all you've got?" he shouted.

"Not even close," Antinomy replied over his shoulder. "You might not think so, but I entered this duel with no doubts, no reservations about where I stand. Even now, dueling one of my best friends in all of time, I possess a Clear Mind! Level Five Synchro Tuner, Wonder Magician, tunes with the Level Five Synchro Monster Power Gladiator!" Wonder Magician's body vanished and left five stars behind. The stars became rings which encircled the Gladiator, stripping him of his form and leaving five more stars behind.

Violet light gathered at the tip of the Delta Eagle as its speed increased.

"Limiter removal, Level Ten! Main bus booster control: All Clear! Infinite power is now released and heads beyond dimensions!" Antinomy chanted. "GO! Accel Synchro!"

The Delta Eagle vanished in a flash of light. Paradox sped up and raced past where Antinomy had just been. Another flash appeared behind him as the Delta Eagle raced back onto the road, a green robot flying above it. In its hand was a gun with a large blade mounted underneath the barrel.

"Come on! 'Tech Genus Blade Blaster!' " said Antinomy.

T.G. Blade Blaster MAXX-10000
ATK / 3300
LV 10

"Hyper Librarian's effect activates on Blade Blaster's Synchro Summon," said Antinomy as he drew a card. "Battle! Blade Blaster, attack Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend with Blade Shot!" The robot flew forward with the jets on its back and raised the weapon above its head.

"I activate the effect of Malefic Retrograde from my Graveyard, and Chain to it with the Trap 'Malefic Redirect'!" said Antinomy. "Retrograde's effect changes any damage I take this turn into Life Gain, while my Trap changes the target of your attack to Malefic Red-Eyes." The black dragon roared and flew ahead of its red comrade to take on the robot.

"Blade Blaster's effect activates," said Antinomy calmly. "By discarding one card from my hand, I can negate the activation of your Trap Card and destroy it." Blade Blaster used its left hand to bat Red-Eyes out of its path.

"I play another Trap: 'Malefic Shock Wave'! Blade Blaster's effects are negated, and you cannot activate its effects in response!"

Red-Eyes quickly spun around and bit down on the robot's arm. It turned around and sliced the blade through the dragon's shoulder and into its chest. Red-Eyes roared and slashed at its foe, leaving three gashes in its chest. Then the robot pulled the trigger and fired its gun into Malefic Red-Eyes until it was destroyed. It looked at its arm, crushed and nearly useless from the dragon's bite.

Three of the bullets that shot their way through Paradox's dragon approached him, but struck a translucent green dome. As each one hit, Paradox's Life Points increased.

"Malefic Redirect's final effect," Paradox announced. "If you destroy my monster by battle, I can add one 'Malefic' monster with a higher Level from my deck to my hand. I add 'Malefic Rainbow Dragon' to my hand."

Player: Paradox
LP: 1400
Hand: 3

"I Set one card face-down. Turn over." Antinomy said.

"My turn! But instead of drawing, I'll activate Malefic Time-Space's effect to add a random 'Malefic' monster to my hand." The automatic shuffler whirred as Paradox's deck was shuffled. It stopped and a single card stuck out. Paradox took it and smiled. "I send 'Cyber End Dragon' from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon 'Malefic Cyber End Dragon' from my hand!"

An enormous machine appeared behind Paradox. Its body was serpentine with two huge wings, black with thin white veins, spreading out behind it. Three differently-shaped heads writhed on long necks. Each one was covered by a different mask. The right head wore a black mask, the left wore a white mask, and the middle head wore a half-black half-white mask.

Malefic Cyber End Dragon
ATK / 4000
LV 10

"Malefic Cyber End Dragon, attack Tech Genus Blade Blaster with Eternal Evolution Burst!" Paradox ordered. Each of the dragon's heads roared and spit out a fireball at the green robot. It raised its crushed left arm in front of its face.

"Trap Card, open! 'TGXA-SH!' " Antinomy said. A wide shield with the letters "TG" emblazoned on the front appeared. The rim of the shield glowed with a flowing green light. "During this turn, 'Tech Genus' monsters I control cannot be destroyed by battle, and damage I take from their battles is halved." Each fireball struck the shield. Sparks splashed off of it, hitting Antinomy as they did.

"Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend, attack Hyper Librarian!" Paradox said. The red dragon spat out a stream of fire at the white-robed man, but the tablet he was holding changed into a shield identical to Blade Blaster's. The fire slid off the shield and hit Antinomy's D-Wheel.

Player: Antinomy
LP: 1350
Hand: 2

"I Set two cards face-down," said Paradox. "Your turn."

"Draw!" said Antinomy.

Speed Counters
Antinomy: 6
Paradox: 6

"I reduce Blade Blaster's Attack Points by one thousand to Special Summon 'Tech Genus Gear Zombie' from my hand, then I Normal Summon 'Tech Genus Drill Fish' from my hand." Two new monsters appeared above Antinomy. The first was a zombie, thin and gaunt with mottled green skin and gears sticking out of its head, arms and legs. The second monster was a red fish with a silver underbelly and a long yellow drill mounted on its snout.

T.G. Gear Zombie ZO-06
ATK / 600
LV 1

T.G. Drill Fish FS-05
ATK / 100
LV 1

"Level One Gear Zombie, tune with the Level One Drill Fish!" Antinomy said. "Limiter removal, Level Two! Regulator open! Navigation, All Clear! GO! Synchro Summon!" The mechanical zombie vanished and a single star became a green ring that surrounded the red fish. Its body vanished and a lone star was enveloped by a column of pulsing green-white light. "Come on! 'Tech Genus Recipro Dragonfly!' " The light vanished and a man-sized orange dragonfly appeared. Four wings spun around a motor that encased the center of its body, becoming a blurred circle.

T.G. Recipro Dragonfly INX-1100
ATK / 300
LV 2

"I draw one card with Hyper Librarian's effect. Next, I activate Recipro Dragonfly's effect. By returning Tech Genus Blade Blaster to the Extra Deck, I can Special Summon the Synchro Monsters I used as its Synchro Materials from the Graveyard. Revive, Tech Genus Power Gladiator! Tech Genus Wonder Magician!" Blade Blaster changed into pure light and split in two, each half becoming Antinomy's previous monsters.

"It's time I ended this," said Antinomy. "I'm glad I could duel with you again, George, but we both know how this ends. You lose. The past cannot conquer the future, and I cannot betray Yusei. Level Five Wonder Magician tunes with the Level Five Power Gladiator and Level Two Recipro Dragonfly!"

Once again, Wonder Magician's form vanished and five stars drew five rings in the air. Power Gladiator and Recipro Dragonfly moved into the rings and vanished, leaving seven stars behind that moved into single file.

"Limiter removal, Level Max! Regulator open! All Clear! Infinite power, break through time and space to open the unknown world! GO! Delta Accel!" Rings and stars were engulfed in a column of pulsing light. From within emerged an enormous black and orange robot holding a halberd in both hands.

T.G. Halberd Cannon MAXXX-∞
ATK / 4000
LV 12

"Hyper Librarian's effect lets me draw one card when a monster is Synchro Summoned," Antinomy said. "I activate 'Speed Spell - Sideswipe!' If I have four or more Speed Counters, one monster I control can attack twice this turn, but if its Level is higher than my Speed Counters, it loses a hundred Attack Points times the difference during the second attack. Next, I banish TGXA-SH from my Graveyard to activate its second effect. During my current turn, each 'Tech Genus' monster I control cannot be destroyed by battle once."

"So you intend to destroy both of my monsters with Halberd Cannon," Paradox said.

"Leaving you open to a direct attack from Hyper Librarian," Antinomy finished "Battle! Halberd Cannon, attack Malefic Cyber End Dragon!" The massive robot swung its halberd up and into the mechanism on its back, then gripped the sides of the mechanism and pulled it down over its head. Paradox saw that the pole of the halberd now doubled as the barrel of a cannon.

The cannon roared as an explosion forced its way out of the barrel. Paradox didn't see the blast that struck Malefic Cyber End Dragon, only the explosion that followed. His monster had been destroyed.

Suddenly Halberd Cannon flew through the smoke, its halberd drawn back behind it. It swung the blade at Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend, slicing through its chest and destroying it as well.

"You've got nothing left that can save you, Paradox," said Antinomy. "Hyper Librarian, direct attack!"

Player: Paradox
LP: 1000
Hand: 1

"I play the Trap 'Malefic Zero-Warp!' " Paradox said. "If Malefic World is in play and I control no monsters, the Attack Points of every monster on your field drop to zero during this turn."

"Malefic Time-Space changes its name to 'Malefic World' while it's on the field," said Antinomy. "You expected this, didn't you?"

"That's one reason I use this deck, Johnny," said Paradox. "The point isn't to conquer the future with the past, it's to learn from the past so we can change the future."

Antinomy remained silent for a moment. Then he Set two cards face-down and ended his turn.

"My turn!" Paradox said. "I activate the Speed Spell 'Drift Summon!' If I have six or more Speed Counters, I can play this card. This turn, any effect that negates or responds to my Summons is negated!"

"Halberd Cannon can negate one Summon for each of its Synchro Materials," Antinomy said. "You remembered?"

"I did," Paradox answered. "I send 'Rainbow Dragon' from my deck to the Graveyard and Special Summon 'Malefic Rainbow Dragon' from my hand!" The sky darkened and a rainbow appeared overhead. A deep roar echoed through the city and a serpentine dragon flew out of the rainbow. The Malefic mask covered its face and white-tipped black armor coated its wings.

Malefic Rainbow Dragon
ATK / 4000
LV 10

"Next, I activate 'Malefic Panic!' This card resurrects as many of my fallen 'Malefic' monsters as possible! Return to the field, Malefic Red-Eyes! Malefic Red Dragon! Malefic Cyber End Dragon! And Malefic Gateway!"

Malefic Monsters
ATK / 0

"I activate Malefic Rainbow Dragon's effect! All other 'Malefic' monsters I control are sent to the Graveyard, and Malefic Rainbow Dragon gains one thousand Attack Points for each one!" The other four monsters turned into different colored lights and disappeared into the gems on either side of Rainbow Dragon's body. It roared as a rainbow nimbus surrounded it.

Malefic Rainbow Dragon
ATK / 8000
LV 10

"Battle! Malefic Rainbow Dragon, attack Halberd Cannon! Over the Rainbow!" The dragon roared and a white beam shot out of its mouth, and a rainbow shockwave appeared around it. As the beam approached Antinomy's monster, a card flipped up.

"I activate 'Labyrinth of Kline!' " said Antinomy. "The original Attack and Defense Points of your monster are switched and my monster cannot be destroyed by battle this turn."

"Malefic Rainbow Dragon's original Defense is zero," said Paradox. "That means its Attack Points will be..."

"Four thousand points," Antinomy finished.

Malefic Rainbow Dragon
ATK / 4000
DEF / 4000

The white beam twisted in the air, turning in on itself. Halberd Cannon swung its blade and sliced through the beam. Then, aiming its weapon forward, it flew straight at the dragon and cut through its body, destroying it.

Paradox grit his teeth. "I acitvate the second effect of 'Speed World Two,' " he said. "By paying seven Speed Counters, I can draw one card." He drew a card, looked at it, then Set it face-down. "Your turn."

Speed Counters
Antinomy: 8
Paradox: 1

"Tech Genus Halberd Cannon, direct attack!" Antinomy ordered. The giant robot combined its halberd with the device on its back, pulling it down over its head and aiming the barrel of the cannon directly at Paradox. It fired.

"Trap Card, open! 'Malefic Flash Revive!' " Paradox shouted. "When you attack, this card Special Summons a 'Malefic' monster from my Graveyard and forces you to attack it! Revive, Malefic Rainbow Dragon!"

Another rainbow began to form over Paradox, but Antinomy activated another card. "Counter Trap, 'TGX1-NG' activate! This negates the activation or summon of an opponent's card and destroys it, then destroys one 'Tech Genus' monster I control." Halberd Cannon removed its weapon and flew forward, striking at Paradox's Trap Card. Both monster and Trap were destroyed, but out of the smoke flew the green form of Tech Genus Blade Blaster.

"When Halberd Cannon leaves the field, its final effect activates, letting me Special Summon 'Tech Genus Blade Blaster' from my Extra Deck," said Antinomy. "You've lost, George."

Player: Paradox
LP: 1000
Hand: 0

"Blade Blaster... attack."


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Chaos has broken out in Kaiba Corp. Tower as Twilight makes her escape! If that wasn't enough, Rarity and Yeager have arrived and are making their assault at the entrance, and Pinkie and the others are closing in! But Yusei's plan is beginning to take form...

Chapter 41

Reunion of Harmony


Featured Card

T.G. Blade Blaster MAXX-10000
Level 10
Machine / Accel Synchro / Effect
1 Tuner Synchro Monster + 1 or more non-Tuner Synchro Monsters
Can be Synchro Summoned during your opponent's turn. When your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card: You can discard 1 card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. Once per turn, during your opponent's turn: You can banish this face-up card until the End Phase. When this card is destroyed: You can draw 1 card, and if you do, Special Summon the Material Monsters used in this card's Synchro Summon from the Graveyard.
ATK / 3300
DEF / 2200

Chapter 41: Reunion of Harmony

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 41
Reunion of Harmony


Twilight galloped through the halls, leaving a trail of half-conscious Dark Troopers in her wake. "Endymion, the Master Magician" ran behind her, occasionally throwing out a blast of magic from his staff as Dark Troopers attempted to intercept her. The blasts knocked them to the ground before they could activate their Duel Disks.

Twilight turned as sharply as she could at the next corner, almost falling on her side as she did. Up ahead, she spotted a somewhat short man with bushy-spiked orange hair standing in front of an odd door. Twilight skidded to a stop. Endymion halted behind her, aiming his staff at the human.

"Hey!" Twilight shouted. The human looked in her direction.

"What? Hey, aren't you one of those pony-things?" said the human.

"Yeah, and I'm a pretty dangerous 'pony-thing,' " Twilight replied. "Where are the stairs? I'm getting out of here!"

"How'd you get here?" the human asked.

"One of your friends brought me here," said Twilight. "Antinomy."

"Antinomy... wait a second, I know that name!" The human had a look of shock on his face. "But... that can't be right! He's dead!"

"Well, Yusei rebuilt him," said Twilight. "Tell me where the stairs are!"

"Take it easy!" said the human. "What do you mean Yusei rebuilt him?"

"Stairs! Now!" Twilight shouted. Her horn and Endymion's staff began to glow. The human sighed.

"The elevator's faster," he said. "I'm going down anyway. We'll ride the elevator together and you can tell me what the heck you're talking about."

Twilight wasn't sure if she could trust this human. Her ears flattened backward and she glared. "Who are you?" she asked.

"The name's Crow Hogan," the man replied.

"Crow? You're the guy that beat Jack!"

"Yeah, and I have to do it again," Crow said dejectedly. "Apparently, I didn't do it right the first time."

"Yeah, I don't think I trust you," said Twilight.

"I'm not gonna stop you from leaving," Crow said. "If you want to give me some answers before you do, though, I'd be grateful."

"And if I don't?"

Crow pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. "Stairs are that way, but we're pretty far up. It'll be a while before you reach the ground floor."

Twilight weighed her options. She looked up at Endymion, then back at Crow. "Fine," she said. "But try any funny business and Endymion here will blast you into next week."

"Fair enough," Crow said. The elevator doors opened and he walked in. Twilight and Endymion followed him inside. The doors closed behind them. Twilight stared up at Crow. Like many of the humans, he wasn't much taller than she was.

"So whaddya mean Yusei rebuilt Antinomy?" Crow asked.

"I mean just that: Yusei rebuilt him."

"But that's impossible! Yusei's smart, but Bruno was from the future. Yusei can't rebuild him just like that," Crow protested.

"Well, he did," said Twilight. "Antinomy told me that he did."

"He must be lying," Crow said. "Even if Yusei knew how to build a machine as advanced as Antinomy or Aporia-"

"He rebuilt him too," Twilight interjected.

Crow stood there with his mouth open in midsentence for a moment before finally saying softly, "You've gotta be kidding me."

"I wish I were, but I've dueled him twice now," Twilight said.

Crow shook his head. "This just gets crazier and crazier," he muttered. "Look, there's just no way Yusei could've rebuilt those two. The tech they were made of is two hundred years ahead of everything we know right now. Even if he could design and build new bodies for them, he would still need... their..." Crow stopped talking as a look of shocked realization spread across his face.

"Their mental imprints," Twilight said. "Antinomy said Yusei got those-"

"When he and Paradox found the Ark Cradle," Crow finished. "I found Paradox and got some answers straight from him about why Yusei's been acting so weird. Man, I didn't think he'd go as far as rebuilding Bruno and Aporia!"

"He's done a lot more than that, Crow. Yusei's the one who turned Neo Domino City into a ghost town, and he's trying to bring an evil creature called Nightshroud into your world."

"The heck's a Nightshroud?" Crow asked, scratching his head. "And what's this got to do with Yusei emptying the city? How would he have done that in the first place?"

"Yusei is the Black King, Crow," said Twilight. "He's responsible for everything that's happened here, and he did it using Nightshroud's power."

"Yusei told me the Black King isn't real," Crow countered. "Why would he lie to me about that?"

"Probably to keep you on his side, if you're working with him," Twilight said.

"Yusei doesn't need to lie to me about anything!" Crow yelled. "He's my best friend; I'd do anything for him!"

"Crow, he's trying to resurrect Nightshroud! It's an evil creature that's attacked your world once before, and my world twice!" Twilight said. "It's been trying to overtake your world for who knows how long. With Yusei's help, it might even succeed this time."

"Look, I don't think Yusei would do something like that, no matter how desperate he might be to change the future," Crow objected. "Yusei's not like that. He never gave up against the Dark Signers, he didn't stop fighting against Yliaster, and he was even willing to fly and duel against Z-one. No matter what happened, Yusei fought for a brighter future, even if he had to go up against gods."

"Nightshroud claims it can make humanity immortal by merging all of you into a single mind. It calls this the Living Singularity. Yusei and I fought against Nightshroud because it plans to force this unity onto everyone. But it claims that it's the only way for your race to survive the coming destruction. Yusei might have started to believe it."

"Well, I don't buy it," said Crow. "I'm going to keep fighting for Yusei. If he's found a way to save the human race, then I have to help him."

"Crow, you don't understand! The path he's chosen ends in silence for you and every other human alive!"

"I don't think that's what he's doing," said Crow. "I know Yusei. He won't give up just like that, and he definitely won't go down a path that forces people to do something they might not want to do in the first place."

The elevator stopped moving. A the sound of a bell ringing echoed in the tiny room and the doors opened in front of Crow and Twilight. Crow walked out. A black D-Wheel stood outside the front doors.

"Hey, that doesn't look like one of the D-Wheels the Dark Troopers use," said Twilight.

"Of course it's not," Crow said. "That's MY D-Wheel, the Blackbird!" Crow stopped and turned around. "Hey, what's your name? You never told me."

Twilight debated whether or not she should tell him, but decided there was no harm since he'd recognize her in the future anyway. "Twilight Sparkle," she said.

"Nice to meet ya, Twilight," said Crow. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go duel Jack again."

Crow opened a compartment under the seat of the vehicle and pulled out a black helmet. As he slid it down over his head and lowered the visor, he turned back to Twilight. "That's a Duel Monster following you around, isn't it? When all this is over, maybe you and I can duel. Yusei always said you should duel to make new friends."

Twilight stood rooted to the spot for a moment, then smiled. "That sounds like Yusei, alright," she said. "But, Crow, Yusei's not the same person he was when I met him. He's changed. He's so desperate to save your future now that he'll even work with a demon!"

"No matter how desperate things get, Yusei will always try to do the right thing," Crow replied. "Until this is over, I guess you and I aren't on the same side. Crying shame, really. You seem really smart, almost as smart as Yusei is, and believe me when I say that's really saying something." Crow mounted his D-Wheel, revved it up and took off. Twilight went back into the elevator and pushed the button labeled "G". The doors closed in front of her and Endymion again and the elevator shuddered to life.

* * * * *

Yusei stepped into the observation gallery. A shadow glow emanated from the Momentum reactor's core. The light inside flowed in a way that looked like the chamber was filled with water.

"Is the link established?" hissed Nightshroud. Its skeletal features flowed into shape inside the reactor's core chamber.

"It's getting there," Yusei answered. "The code makes for a very large file, so it'll take time for the other Momentum computers to download and install it. But by my estimate, we're about halfway there."

"When did it begin?"

"An hour ago. Not every country has access to the best technology, so the download rate varies throughout the world. The amount of time each system takes to actually update shouldn't be too different, though. It should happen in about another hour."

"Is there no way to accelerate the process?"


"Very well. Defend the Momentum until your changes to the mainframe take effect and I have control of the global network. The Dark Signers and their gods were able to open a portal to what they called the Netherworld, the schism in reality from which all darkness flows like water. They do not understand what this is. It is MY world, Yusei Fudo. Not even the power of the Crimson Demon, Red Nova is equal to mine, for it was I that tore open that schism and gave form to the shadows."

"So you plan to open the portal again?" Yusei asked.

"I will do more than that," Nightshroud growled.

"What do you mean?" asked Yusei.

Nightshroud merely chuckled as its bony face faded from the light.

* * * * *

"Go faster!" Pinkie yelled.

"Don't yell in my ear, Pinkie!" Kazama yelled back.

"Sorry!" Pinkie yelled.

"And this isn't a joyride, Pinkie," Kazama said.

"No, the gate's closing!" Pinkie shouted, pointing her hoof. A tall metal gate was sliding sideways into the concrete fence. "Go faster!"

"I see it!" said Kazama. He stomped his foot down and the jeep lurched forward, throwing Pinkie back into her seat. They gained more and more speed, and just as they were almost through, the gate clipped the back bumper. Kazama struggled with the steering wheel, trying to keep the vehicle from spinning out. Pinkie suddenly grabbed it and turned it in the direction the vehicle wanted to go. It spun around several times, tires squealing against the pavement, before coming to a stop. Pinkie flopped onto her belly, her eyes spinning in different directions in their sockets.

"Pinkie, what were you thinking?" Kazama snapped. "You could've got us all killed!"

"No... Pinkie Sense... had to spin... would've flipped over...." Pinkie said through her dizziness.

"Kaz, when Pinkie's Pinkie Sense goes off, it's best to trust it," said Spike. "And before you ask, we'll explain when we've got more time. Right now, we've got company!" Spike popped open his door and hopped out. He landed on his feet, but stumbled and fell backwards. He sat up and shook his head.

"You okay, Spike?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah," he said. "Just a little dizzy. I'll be fine."

Rainbow Dash jumped into the air with a flap of her wings. Her Duel Disk appeared on her left foreleg as two Dark Troopers ran toward her and the van, fierce monsters trailing behind them.

"All right, who wants some?!" yelled the pegasus.

Suddenly, a massive ball of fire raced overhead and struck one of the Dark Troopers, knocking him to the ground. Dash spun around in the air and saw a familiar monster.

Jester Queen
ATK / 800
LV 2

"Yeager!" Dash shouted. "Rarity!"

"Sorry we're late, Rainbow Dash," said Rarity. Dash flew over and gave her friend a hug. Both of them were then tackled to the ground by Pinkie Pie.

"Rarity! Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're here!" Pinkie said.

"Good t'see ya, Rare," Applejack chimed in from the jeep.

"Rarity! You're okay!" Spike called out.

"Pinkie, let us up," Rarity said. Pinkie nodded and got on her hooves, then helped her friends off the ground. Rarity brushed herself off, lit up her horn, and conjured her Duel Disk. "If none of you would mind terribly, I'd like this last Dark Trooper for myself."

"Think you can handle him?" Rainbow asked.

"Of course she can," said Yeager. "Her dueling has become flawless."

"My turn!" shouted the Dark Trooper. "I activate 'Dark World Dealings'. Both of us draw one card, then discard one card. Next, I Summon the Tuner monster 'Masked Chameleon' in Attack Mode!" A giant chameleon wearing an elaborate, bug-eyed mask emerged through a blue portal behind the Trooper.

Masked Chameleon
ATK / 1600
LV 4

"Masked Chameleon's effect activates! When it's Normal Summoned, it Special Summons a monster with zero Defense Points from my Graveyard. Revive, 'Infernal Dragon!' " A purple, rune-rimmed portal appeared on the ground. The Masked Chameleon shot its tongue into the portal and pulled out a black dragon with a long neck, many spikes on its shoulders and down its back, and three gold spikes on the end of its tail.

Infernal Dragon
DEF / 0
LV 4

"My Level Four 'Masked Chameleon' tunes with the Level Four DARK monster 'Infernal Dragon'! Synchro Summon! Rise from shadow, 'Dark End Dragon!' " A column of green light appeared and consumed the two monsters. A new dragon emerged from the light. It was a thin, hideous creature, its face seemingly grinning, with a much larger, grinning face on its chest. Two grey spikes jutted straight out from the sides of its head. Frayed wings spread out behind it and a thin tail with a single grey spike swung about in the air.

Dark End Dragon
ATK / 2600
LV 8

"I equip Dark End Dragon with 'Axe of Despair,' increasing its Attack Points by one thousand," the Trooper said. A grisly axe, the blade held in place by a shriveled, green human head, appeared in the dragon's grasp. A red aura appeared around it as its Attack Points increased. "Finally, I activate 'Kaiser Colosseum', which stops you from having more monsters on the field than I do. I end my turn."

"Is that all?" Rarity asked as she approached her opponent. Her horn lit up and her Duel Disk appeared before her. "My turn!" she announced.

Player: Rarity
LP: 4000
Hand: 6

"I activate 'Brilliant Fusion,' " she said. "This card Summons a 'Gem-Knight' Fusion Monster by sending its Material monsters from my deck to the Graveyard, but makes its Attack and Defense Points become zero. I fuse 'Gem-Knight Tourmaline' and 'Gem-Knight Lazuli' in my deck! Stone warrior in armor of lightning, green stone of law, meld your strength to become the perfect storm! I Fusion Summon 'Gem-Knight Prismaura!' " There was a blinding flash of light, but from within formed a silhouette. The light faded and the shadow became clear. It was a warrior in gleaming white armor, crystals jutting up from the shoulder plates. A cape fluttered in the wind behind him. In his left hand was a round shield with a pyramid corner jutting out from the front. In his right, a lance made of pure crystal.

Gem-Knight Prismaura
ATK / 0
LV 7

"Is that supposed to scare me?" the Dark Trooper laughed.

"It's rude to interrupt a lady," Rarity said. "But yes, it should. First I activate Lazuli's effect. When it's sent to the Graveyard, I can retrieve a Normal Monster from my Graveyard and add it to my hand. I choose 'Gem-Knight Sapphire,' but then send it back to the Graveyard to activate Prismaura's effect, which destroys 'Kaiser Colosseum!' " Prismaura raised his lance into the air. It was struck by lightning and began to flash with electricity. Prismaura pulled back and thrust the lance into the ground. The ground rumbled like thunder and a jagged bolt of blue-white lightning shot out and pierced through the holographic image of "Kaiser Colosseum," shattering it like glass.

"What?!" the Dark Trooper cried.

"I'm just getting started," said Rarity. Another card flew up in front of her from her hand of cards. "I activate 'De-Fusion,' which returns Prismaura to my Extra Deck and Special Summons its Fusion Materials from the Graveyard. Appear, 'Gem-Knight Tourmaline' and 'Gem-Knight Lazuli!' " Two new warriors appeared, one a knight in gleaming yellow armor, the other a small girl whose eyes were bright green stone.

Gem-Knight Tourmaline
ATK / 1600
LV 4

Gem-Knight Lazuli
ATK / 600
LV 1

"I activate 'Gem-Knight Fusion', combining Tourmaline on my field with 'Gem-Knight Obsidian' in my hand. Stone warrior in armor of lightning, black knight of chaos and combat, meld your might to make your light blinding bright! Fusion Summon! Pursue victory, 'Gem-Knight Topaz!' " A whirlpool of light appeared above Rarity. Two knights in stone armor appeared and vanished into the whirlpool. Swirling yellow and black light suddenly flashed and a new warrior appeared. He wore dark yellow armor and held two lightning-shaped blades in his hands. A huge cape fluttered in the wind behind him as he landed on the ground.

Gem-Knight Topaz
ATK / 1800
LV 6

"Gem-Knight Obsidian activates its effect and Special Summons Gem-Knight Sapphire from my Graveyard," Rarity said. This new warrior appeared in blue-white armor, kneeling on the ground with his arms crossed in front of his chest. A short wall of ice grew up around him.

Gem-Knight Sapphire
DEF / 2100
LV 4

"None of those monsters stand a chance against Dark End Dragon!" the Dark Trooper laughed.

"Not on their own, no," Rarity replied, "but when they combine their strengths, they are unstoppable! I activate 'Particle Fusion', and fuse Sapphire, Topaz, and Lazuli together! Storming knight of thunder, lavender gem of wisdom, merge within the blue glow of power to forge a blinding new brightness! I Fusion Summon the mighty 'Gem-Knight Master Diamond!' "

Rarity's newest Gem-Knight stood taller than any other. He wore layered white armor embedded with diamonds. A black cape flowed to the ground behind him. In front of him, he held a long, black broadsword, its edges a gleaming silver-white and a rainbow of gems embedded in the flat of the blade. The sword was held pointing down, its tip resting on the concrete.

Gem-Knight Master Diamond
ATK / 2900
LV 9

"Particle Fusion's second effect activates," she continued. "When I Fusion Summon with it, it is removed from my Graveyard and Master Diamond's Attack Points increase by those of Gem-Knight Topaz. Along with that, Master Diamond gains one hundred Attack Points for each 'Gem-Knight' monster in my Graveyard. Finally, I activate Master Diamond's effect, banishing Topaz from my Graveyard to let Master Diamond gain its effects."

Gem-Knight Master Diamond
ATK / 5000
LV 9

"Battle! Gem-Knight Master Diamond, attack Dark End Dragon with Rainbow Sword Slash!"

Player: Dark Trooper
LP: 2600
Hand: 2

"Master Diamond will activate Gem-Knight Topaz's effect. When it sends a monster to the Graveyard by battle, that monster's original Attack Points are inflicted as damage to your Life Points."

Life Point Count
Dark Trooper: 0
Rarity: 4000

The Dark Trooper fell to his knees, then to his side. Suddenly, black smoke began to rise from the man, weaving its way into the air like a stream of water in reverse. There was a loud hissing sound and a guttural roar as the smoke formed an acrid cloud and then quickly vanished.

"What the hay was that?" asked Applejack.

"I... I don't know, Applejack," Rarity said.

Rainbow Dash stepped forward with her mouth hanging open.

"Are you alright, darling?" Rarity asked.

"You can do it too?" Dash said after a few seconds.

"Do... what, exactly?"

"Well, I'm not really sure myself, but I saw it happen to a few of the Troopers that I beat."

"What do you suppose it was?" Rarity asked.

"Maybe they're all possessed by Nightshroud and you chased it out of them," Pinkie said. Everyone turned to look at her with puzzled expressions. "What? It's not like it's the craziest thing we've seen lately."

"I guess not," said Spike.

The human began to stir. He seemed to be wearing normal clothes now. He sat up and looked around. When he saw the ponies and Spike, he yelped and began crawling backwards. Kazama approached him and knelt down beside him.

"Hey, it's okay," Kazama told the man. "I'm Officer Kazama. Do you know where you are?"

"Officer... like Sector Security?" Kazama nodded. "I don't know where I am. I don't remember how I got here either. I just remember this... awful nightmare."

"What's your name?" Kazama asked.

"Richie," the man said. "Wha.... what are those?" He pointed at Rarity and the others. Kazama looked back at them, then smiled at the man.

"They're friends," he replied. "And one of them just helped you, by the looks of it. Listen, can you duel? We need help in there."

"Yeah... yeah, I can duel. Have I been dueling? Is that why my Disk's on my arm?"

"That's part of it. We don't have time for the full story, though, but we need all the extra Duelists we can get at this point. One of our friends is trapped inside, and Neo Domino City's in trouble. BIG trouble."

"It's not just the city," came another voice. Everyone turned toward the building.

"Twilight!" shouted the ponies and Spike. They all ran over to hug her.

"It's good to see you all again," she said happily as she hugged everyone back. "I'm so glad you're all safe."

"Twilight, we were all coming to rescue you!" said Pinkie. "How'd you get out here?"

"I had a nap and then I escaped with Endymion's help," she said. "Hey, where's Fluttershy?"

"I'm over here!" called Fluttershy as she flew over the fence. Aki was standing on the other side of the gate next to her D-Wheel. Yeager and Kazama ran over to the gate and opened it as quickly as they could. Aki pushed her D-Wheel, the Bloody Kiss, into the courtyard. Leo and Luna ran up to her and hugged her.

"Big Sis Aki!" they shouted.

"Hey, you two!" she said as she hugged them back.

Across the courtyard, Fluttershy dove into the group hug of her friends.

Richie stood up and walked over to Kazama. "Talking, brightly colored ponies, and a lizard the size of a baby. A cop. Aki Izayoi of Team 5D's. And the city's mayor himself. And you're asking for my help?"

"We need everyone," said Kazama. "And if Rarity and Rainbow Dash can free others from the darkness like they did with you, then we can free up more people to fight with us."

"Who are we fighting?" Richie asked.

"Yusei Fudo," said Twilight. Everyone turned toward her. She and her friends had ended their group hug and rejoined the humans in the group. "He's planning something terrible for the city, maybe the whole world, and we have to stop him."

"Wait. Yusei Fudo? The Savior of Neo Domino?" said Richie incredulously. "You're kidding, right?"

"I wish I were," said Twilight, shaking her head. "He's my friend, but he's gotten desperate enough to work with a demon. There's something much worse coming to this city, and the whole world, and he can't stop it. So it's up to us to stop him from covering the world in darkness."

"Twilight, you can't be serious," said Rarity. "Yusei would never do such a thing!"

"Yeah! Come on, you dueled the guy," said Rainbow Dash. "You know he wouldn't do all of this!"

"Girls, I'm sorry, but it's true."

"But how do you know?" asked Applejack.

"Yeah, Twilight," said Spike. "You're not actually saying Yusei's working with Nightshroud, are you?"

"I am, Spike. I'm sorry."

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie gasped.

"It can't be," said Aki.

"No way!" shouted Leo. "Yusei would never do all of this! Not in a million years!"

"Leo, it's true. Antinomy told me, and he helped me see all the little clues that proved it. Like how Aporia knew my last name was 'Sparkle' when no one who could've known that had said it around him."

"Wait, Aporia-"

"Yes, Rainbow, he knew. Look, we don't have a lot of time for the story, but here's what happened: Yusei asked Paradox to show him the future, so he did, and it wasn't good. They found the fortress where Paradox was created and he grabbed Aporia and Antinomy's schematics and mental imprints before they left. He worked for weeks trying to find a way to stop the future he saw from happening, but nothing worked, so he turned to Nightshroud for help and rebuilt Aporia and Antinomy. He told them everything about us too."

"Oh man," said Leo. "This is NOT good!"

"What are we going to do?" asked Luna.

"What we have to do," said Twilight. "We're gonna march right back in there, put a stop to Nightshroud's plans, and save Yusei." She sighed. "I don't know how we're going to do that, but we have to try.

"Um, Twilight?" said Fluttershy. "I think I know a way." She nodded to Aki. Aki nodded back and opened the compartment beneath the seat of her D-Wheel. She reached inside and pulled out a large bag. Fluttershy looked back at Twilight and smiled. "We've got the Elements of Harmony here too. If Yusei is really possessed by Nightshroud, we can use the Elements to save him like we did with Paradox!"

"The Elements of Harmony? What are they doing here?" Twilight asked.

"Who cares, Twilight?" said Rainbow Dash. "We've got a fighting chance now!"

"Yeah, sugar cube," Applejack chimed in. "Besides, if it's important why they're here and not back home, it'll come back to bite us."

Aki set the open bag on the ground in front of Twilight. "If you think these can help us, then use them."

"There's more than that as well, Twilight," Rarity said. "Do you see that man over there?" She aimed a hoof at Richie. "He used to be a Dark Trooper. I just now defeated him, and it somehow caused the darkness to leave him. Rainbow Dash says she can do the same thing. We didn't have the Elements with us either."

"Strange," said Twilight. "How come none of the Dark Troopers that I beat turned back to normal? What do you and Rainbow Dash have in common?"

"I dunno," said Dash with a shrug. "Wait, didn't you use my Duel Disk to make one for Rarity?"

"Yeah, but what would that have to do with it?" Twilight asked.

"You said it was made of light!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Maybe that's the reason! We're using light to beat the darkness!"

"I don't know, Rainbow," said Twilight. "I think I said it looked like it was made of light. And even if you're right about that, wouldn't that mean Spike can do it too?"

"Well, when Kaz and I dueled Jack, we DID turn him back to normal," Spike said.

"You did? Great!" Twilight exclaimed. "Where is he?"

"You won't be seeing him again, Twilight Sparkle," came a new voice. Beyond the gate was Paradox astride his D-Wheel.

"Paradox! You're okay!" said Pinkie.

"Did you beat that guy that wanted to duel you?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"He did not," said yet another voice. Another D-Wheel skidded to a halt. The main body was huge, needle-like, and held aloft by a large wheel at the back.

"Antinomy was the victor," Paradox said.

"Antinomy!" shouted Twilight. "You told me you needed my help! Did you lie to me? What did you really want from me?"

"I haven't lied since we met, Twilight," said the man in blue.

"Well, you're not going to stop us from saving this city!" shouted Yeager.

"Save it?" Paradox chuckled. "If you continue this fight, you will not save the city. You will destroy the world!" His Duel Disk flared to life on his right arm and his D-Wheel transformed and lifted into the air as a large platform.

"Like you tried to destroy mine?!" Twilight growled as her own Duel Disk appeared. "In case you can't tell, I still haven't forgiven you for that!"

"Twilight, he's just baiting you," said Rainbow Dash. "Come on, we have to get inside and stop whatever Nightshroud's planning!"

"You go on, Dash," said Twilight. "I'm gonna make Paradox pay for what he did!"

"I'm not leaving you alone here, Twilight," said Dash. "I'm not leaving you again!" Her own Duel Disk formed alongside her left foreleg.

"Do you both intend to take me on?" Paradox asked. "Very well. And unlike with the Legendary Duelists, I will not make any mistakes."

"Bring it on, Paradox!" shouted Twilight. "You're gonna pay for all the damage you caused here and at my home!"



Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight and Rainbow Dash begin a deadly Battle Royale against Paradox, who has turned against them! The rest of their group watches on as Twilight unleashes a vicious assault on their former ally. Rainbow Dash tries to help her friend move past her anger, but will her loyalty be enough?

Chapter 42



Featured Card

Gem-Knight Master Diamond
Level 9
3 "Gem-Knight" monsters
Must first be Fusion Summoned. This card gains 100 ATK for each "Gem-" monster in your Graveyard. Once per turn: You can banish 1 Level 7 or lower "Gem-Knight" Fusion Monster from your Graveyard; until the End Phase, this card's name becomes that monster's, and replace this effect with that monster's original effects.

Chapter 42: Remnant

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 42


Life Point Count
Paradox: 4000
Twilight: 4000
Rainbow Dash: 4000

"I will begin," said Paradox, drawing five cards and then a sixth. "I activate 'Malefic World Two.' While it's in play, it is treated as 'Malefic World,' but allows each player to control their own Field Spell as well. However, unlike the original 'Malefic World,' there is no danger to the lives of duelists. The Black King needs you alive, after all. Next, I Normal Summon the Tuner monster 'Malefic Compass Gear.'"

A cube made of gears emerged from a blue portal. On each face of the cube was a compass rose, with a red arrow pointing in a different direction on each side.

Malefic Compass Gear
ATK / 0
LV 1

"When Compass Gear is Normal Summoned, I can add a Level Seven or higher 'Malefic' monster to my hand from my deck," Paradox said. "I choose 'Malefic Cyberdark Dragon.' It's second effect also lets me use monsters in my hand as Synchro Materials when I Synchro Summon with it. I tune my Level Eight 'Malefic Cyberdark Dragon' in my hand with the Level One Compass Gear." The ghostly image of a corrupted "Cyberdark Dragon" appeared. A single star burst out of the cube of gears and drew a black ring around it. "Malefic Cyberdark Dragon" changed to an orange outline of its form that vanished, leaving eight stars behind. The formed a straight line and a column of black light surrounded by blue lightning consumed them.

"Cut off from your own time, emerge from the cracks in space to a new world! Synchro Summon, Level Nine! Wanderer of lost eras, 'Malefic Remnant Dragon!'"

The column of light and lightning cleared as a massive wyvern slammed onto the ground, the claws in its powerful legs and on its folded wings digging into the ground. A segmented tail waved over the ground, slowly, deliberately. The muscles in its chest and shoulders were thick and massive, flexing visibly beneath its shadowy black skin. Its eyes glowed bright blue and were sunken into the skull. It had no mouth, but the skin flexed as it stretched its jaws and somehow loosed a deep, haunting cry that ended in vibrato and a sinister growl.

Malefic Remnant Dragon
ATK / 3000
LV 9

"While Remnant Dragon is on the field, the opponents of its owner cannot conduct their second Main Phase," Paradox stated. "I Set one card face-down and end my turn."

"No Main Phase Two, huh?" said Twilight. "Then I'll just have to get rid of that dragon. My turn!" A card flew out of her Duel Disk and joined the other five floating in front of her. "I summon 'Blast Magician' to the field."

A blue portal opened in front of Twilight. A human-like figure stepped out and the portal closed behind him. He was dressed in a black suit and red-orange magician robes. In his left hand was a staff topped with a scythe-like blade, but extended and hooked in the back. A single Spell Counter stone was embedded in the blade where it met the end of the staff.

Blast Magician
ATK / 1400
LV 4

"Blast Magician gains one Spell Counter each time a Spell Card is activated. First I play the Field Spell 'Magical Citadel of Endymion.' It also gains Spell Counters when Spell Cards are activated. Next, I equip Blast Magician with 'Broken Bamboo Sword.' All this does is increase his Attack Points by zero." A sword with a broken bamboo shoot as its blade appeared and the orange magician took hold of it with his right hand. He looked at it curiously.

"Twilight, why would you give your monster a card that doesn't even do anything?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Because now I can play this," Twilight said as another card floated into her Duel Disk. "I equip 'Cursed Bamboo Sword' to Blast Magician, then use its effect to return 'Broken Bamboo Sword' to my hand, allowing Blast Magician to attack directly this turn. Next, I reequip the 'Broken Bamboo Sword' to Blast Magician. Finally, I activate the Continuous Spell 'Arcane Barrier.' " The broken blade of the sword began to glow and it extended outwards, forming a proper edge. A faint moaning could be heard and blob-like shadows moved along the blade's edge. For a brief moment, the entire sword became shadow, but the hilt changed back to normal when Twilight replayed the "Broken Bamboo Sword" card. A holographic image of "Arcane Barrier" also appeared next to Twilight.

"Are you quite finished?" Paradox asked.

"No, but you are!" Twilight replied. "I activate 'Blast Magician's effect. By removing Spell Counters from my field, I can destroy one monster on the field with Attack Points equal or less than seven hundred for each counter. I remove all five from Blast Magician and destroy 'Malefic Remnant Dragon!'" The gemstone in Blast Magician's staff had begun to glow very brightly. The entire staff suddenly became engulfed in flame. The magician raised the staff into the air, then slammed the butt end into the ground. The fire raced to the top until it surrounded only the blade on top. The magician raised the staff again, then slammed the tip of the blade into the ground. A wall of fire shot out of the ground and sped toward Paradox's dragon.

"Remnant Dragon's effect activates," Paradox said calmly. "During my opponent's first Main Phase or Battle Phase, I can Special Summon another 'Malefic Remnant Dragon' from my Extra Deck if I do not control another already. This Special Summon is also treated as a Synchro Summon."

A strange distortion appeared in the air, looking almost like a circle of rippling water. A second Remnant Dragon flew out of it silently. It made eye contact with the first one moments before it was destroyed by the fire.

"My destroyed Remnant Dragon's final effect activates," said Paradox. "If it is sent to the Graveyard, I can return it to the Extra Deck to add the Tuner monster used for its Synchro Summon back to my hand." Two cards slid out of the Graveyard slot of Paradox's Duel Disk. He put one into a different slot then held up the other with his left hand, revealing it as "Malefic Compass Gear".

"This is the truth of my existence, Twilight Sparkle," said Paradox. "I am a remnant of a bygone era that must never come to pass. I witnessed my own destruction. Now it is my duty to prevent the destruction of my world."

"By handing it over to Nightshroud?" Twilight spat. "You honestly think that's salvation?"

"If my race lives, then yes, it is," Paradox responded.

"Then you're heartless."

* * * * *

Jack and Crow stopped their D-Wheels directly in front of each other.

"Jack," Crow said.

"Crow," Jack replied. "It's time we had that rematch. Last time you won because I was unprepared and had to spend all of my resources to destroy your new card. This time will be different."

"There's the Jack I know," said Crow with a smile. "Just as cocky as ever."

"You know my skills are on par with Yusei's," said Jack. "I have earned my confidence."

"I beat you once," Crow said, "and I can do it again."

"Did I ever tell you how I acquired Red Nova Dragon, Crow?" Jack asked. Crow shook his head. "It was when Yusei and I went to Peru to see Greiger and his brother and sister. He had had a vision. In it, Greiger saw my destruction through my own power. Twice before I had seen my own power turned against me, and I witnessed it twice more there, at the hands of a servant of the strongest Earthbound Immortal."

"'The strongest Earthbound Immortal?'" Crow asked. "You mean that condor thing Goodwin had?"

"No," Jack said, shaking his hand. "There was another, one more powerful than any of the others: the Crimson Devil, Red Nova. Its power was on par even with the Crimson Dragon's, but it was sealed away by a legendary Signer. He channeled the Crimson Dragon's power through himself, creating the Burning Soul ability which I now possess. The Crimson Devil remained sealed for ten thousand years before mustering up enough strength to destroy a village and toy with Greiger's mind. It lured me and Yusei to Nazca to trap and possess me, but I defeated its familiar in a ceremonial duel by sealing Red Nova's power into a card with my Burning Soul, then giving that power to Red Dragon Archfiend."

"Well, that's cool and all," said Crow, "but I don't see what you're getting at."

"During the duel with the Familiar, the burning wretch turned my own power against me, causing me to take damage every time I tried to attack. But during the duel, I changed tactics, using his own combo to inflict damage to him. The familiar changed tactics as well and started actively attacking me, but engaging me in a power struggle is useless. It was then that I sealed his fate with Red Nova Dragon."

"What's your point?" Crow asked impatiently.

"Yusei excelled at dueling because he excelled at learning and adapting. That was the one advantage he had over my otherwise insurmountable power, for I saw no need to improve if I could not be conquered. But that changed the day I acquired Red Nova Dragon. I can learn and adapt. I know how to beat you now, Crow Hogan. Until I defeat Yusei Fudo in a duel, none shall ever surpass me again!"

"Prove it, tough guy!" Crow said, revving his engine and spinning the Black Bird around. He raced off and Jack quickly followed.

* * * * *

In the darkness of the former resistance head quarters, something stirred. Footsteps echoed through the shadowed halls. They were slow, as if each one was made deliberately and carefully.

The shadows seemed to shrink away as the stranger walked. Overhead lights flickered on as he passed under them, only to be shrouded in darkness once again.

He stopped, held an object in his hand, then turned and opened the door next to him. He entered the room.

The shadows in this room seemed to swim through the air, but as the stranger entered, they moved away. Scattered throughout the room were tables piled high with books. He moved between each one, the unnatural darkness keeping its distance from him.

He stopped before one of the tables and picked up a black book.

"This is it," he said. "I can feel it."

He heard footsteps behind him. He turned back to the door.

Time to go, he thought to himself.

* * * * *

Twilight set one card face-down and ended her turn.

"My turn!" said Rainbow Dash. She quickly glanced over her hand and formed a plan. Then she looked at Twilight.

I know what Paradox did was pretty bad, she thought, but I've never seen Twilight THIS angry.

"I Summon 'Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus' and activate its effect," said Dash. "When it's Normal or Special Summoned, I can place a 'Crystal Beast' monster from my hand, deck or Graveyard into my Spell and Trap Zone as a Continuous Spell Card. I choose 'Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle.'"

First a white pegasus with a sapphire horn appeared on the field. Its horn began to glow and a giant ruby appeared behind it. The ghostly image of a four-legged animal appeared briefly in front of it.

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
ATK / 1800
LV 4

"Since Rainbow didn't 'activate' Ruby Carbuncle as a Spell, none of my cards gain Spell Counters," said Twilight.

"Kind of a bummer, right?" said Dash. "Be kinda neat if you could activate monsters like Spells! Anyway, I equip 'Golden Rule' to Sapphire Pegasus. When I activate it, I can place two Level Three or lower 'Crystal Beasts' from my deck into my Spell and Trap Zones as Continuous Spells, then I can Special Summon a 'Crystal Beast' from my hand. I crystallize 'Emerald Tortoise' and 'Amethyst Cat', then Special Summon 'Amber Mammoth' from my hand. After that, I'll throw down a face-down and end my turn." Two more gemstones appeared next to the ruby, an amethyst and an emerald. Following that, a massive mammoth with four long tusks and a round amber on its forehead emerged onto the field.

Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
ATK / 1700
LV 4

"My turn," said Paradox. "I move to the Battle Phase and attack 'Blast Magician' with 'Malefic Remnant Dragon'. Go, Timesplitter Stream!" A dark blue ball of energy began to form in front of the dragon's face. It erupted into a stream of crackling electricity that raced toward the orange-clad magician.

"I activate 'Collected Power!'" said Twilight. "This reequips all Equip Cards on the field to one monster of my choice. I choose Sapphire Pegasus!"

'Clever move, my little pony," said Paradox. "You must still need to create more Spell Counters. I Set one card and end my turn."

"My turn!" shouted Twilight. She held only one card now and grit her teeth. "I Summon 'Apprentice Magician' in Defense Mode. When Summoned, he places a Spell Counter on one card on the field. I'll place it on the Citadel, bringing it up to seven Spell Counters. Then I'll activate the effect of 'Cursed Bamboo Sword,' returning 'Broken Bamboo Sword' to my hand and allowing Sapphire Pegasus to attack directly this turn. Then I reequip the 'Broken Sword' to Sapphire Pegasus and end my turn." The Apprentice Magician monster appeared on the field, kneeling and holding his staff in front of him.

Apprentice Magician
DEF / 800
LV 2

Magical Citadel of Endymion
Spell Counters: 8

Arcane Barrier
Spell Counters: 1

"My turn," said Rainbow Dash. "During my Standby Phase, I play the Trap Card 'Gem-Flash Energy.' During each of my Standby Phases, this hits you with three hundred points of damage for each Continuous Spell on my field." The three massive crystals on Dash's field flashed with light. Three bursts of light erupted from them and struck Paradox in the body and shoulders.

Player: Paradox
LP: 3100
Hand: 4

"Hey, Twilight," Dash said. "What's that 'Arcane Barrier' card do again?"

"It gains Spell Counters whenever a Spellcaster is destroyed," Twilight answered.

"Doesn't it also let you draw cards?"

"Yes it does."

"That's what I thought. Battle! Amber Mammoth, attack Apprentice Magician!"

"Dash, what are you doing?!"


Amber Mammoth ran at Twilight's monster and headbutt it. Apprentice Magician was destroyed, but left a small glowing light behind. It raced over to the hologram of the "Arcane Barrier" card and bean to circle it. After that, another Apprentice Magician appeared on the field kneeling with his arms crossed in front of him.

"When Apprentice Magician is destroyed by battle, I can Special Summon a Level Two or below Spellcaster from my deck in Defense Mode," said Twilight.

"I know!" said Rainbow Dash excitedly. "Sapphire Pegasus, attack the new Apprentice Magician!"

A blue whirlwind appeared above Sapphire Pegasus' horn. It lowered its horn, bringing the whirlwind down like a sword onto Twilight's monster, destroying it like the last one. Another light appeared and began circling "Arcane Barrier," and a third Apprentice Magician took its comrade's place.

"I end my turn!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash, you just plowed through what might have been my best shot at defending myself," Twilight said with a glare.

"Twi, my Element of Harmony is loyalty," Dash replied. "Just trust me when I say I helped you out, okay?"

"My turn!" said Paradox. "I reveal the Continuous Trap 'Corrupt Reload.' When it's activated, I place three 'Dark Ammo' counters on it. Once per turn, during my Main Phase One, I can remove one of these counters and reveal my hand for the rest of the turn, then shuffle all monsters, Spells, or Traps in my hand back into my deck, then draw the same number of cards I returned." Paradox revealed his hand. Giant holograms of each card appeared above him. Three were Spells, one was "Malefic Compass Gear", and the last was the Trap Card "Malefic Claw Stream." The three Spells vanished as Paradox returned them to his deck and his Duel Disk shuffled it. He then drew three new cards. Two were monsters, and the third was the Spell "Malefic Greed."

"I send 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon' from my deck and 'Black-Winged Dragon' from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard and Special Summon their Malefic counterparts from my hand!" Paradox announced. The monsters emerged from the holograms of their cards and spread their armored wings, roaring as they did.

Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon
ATK / 3000
LV 8

Malefic Black-Winged Dragon
ATK / 2800
LV 8

"Pretty impressive for knockoffs!" shouted Rainbow Dash. Paradox glared at her. "Oh, you want some of this? Come and get me, tough guy!"

"Interesting. Battle! Malefic Blue-Eyes, attack Sapphire Pegasus with Burst Stream of Destruction!" Paradox ordered. The masked dragon inhaled and spat out a white stream of crackling energy, aiming it at the great pegasus.

"Amber Mammoth's effect activates!" Dash shouted. "When another 'Crystal Beast' is attacked, I can change the attack to Amber Mammoth!" Amber Mammoth bellowed and ran in front of the oncoming blast.

Amber Mammoth trumpeted and ran headlong into the oncoming energy blast. It was obliterated in seconds. The blast continued on and struck Rainbow Dash. She tumbled through the air for a moment, then spread her wings and stopped herself with a few flaps.

Player: Rainbow Dash
LP: 2700
Hand: 3

"Fell for it!" Dash laughed.

Twilight's face lit up with understanding. "If he'd focused his attacks on me, I'd have lost," she noted. "Thank you, Rainbow."

"What are friends for?"

"My turn is not finished," Paradox interrupted. "Malefic Black-Winged Dragon, attack Apprentice Magician with Noble Stream!"

"Too little, too late," said Twilight. Her last Apprentice Magician faded away in a red and black stream of energy, but human boy in tattered clothing holding a scythe with a dramatically curved blade appeared in his place.

Night's End Sorcerer
DEF / 400
LV 2

"When 'Night's End Sorcerer' is Special Summoned, I can remove up to two monsters in my opponent's Graveyard from the game. I choose 'Malefic Cyberdark Dragon' and 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon!' You won't be using their power again!"

"Malefic Remnant Dragon, destroy Night's End Sorcerer," Paradox continued. A spiral of blue electricity destroyed Twilight's monster in an instant. "I Set one card and end my turn."

"It's times like this when I really shine as a duelist, Paradox," said Twilight. "You should've taken me out when you had the chance. But I guess you never really learned anything from the three Legendary Duelists, did you?"

Paradox said nothing.

"My turn!" Twilight shouted, using magic to swipe a card from the top of her deck.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight's hand is replenished and she begins a major comeback assault on Paradox's field! But Paradox is far from finished as he confronts the two ponies with Malefic Truth Dragon! Twilight's anger rises even further, but is it really justified anymore?

"Twilight, you've gotta forgive him!"

Chapter 43

Inner Peace


Featured Card

Malefic Remnant Dragon
Level 9
1 "Malefic" Tuner + 1 non-Tuner "Malefic" monster
While this Synchro Summoned card is face-up, its owner's opponent cannot conduct their Main Phase 2. During your opponent's Main Phase 1 or Battle Phase: You can Special Summon 1 "Malefic Remnant Dragon" from your Extra Deck in Attack Position (this Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon). (This is a Quick Effect.) You must control exactly 1 "Malefic Remnant Dragon" to activate and to resolve this effect. If this Synchro Summoned card is sent to the Graveyard: You can target this card's Tuner Synchro Material Monster in your Graveyard; return this card to the Extra Deck, and if you do, add that target to your hand. When this card is destroyed, if there are 3 "Malefic Remnant Dragons" in the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 "Malefic Paradox Dragoon" from your Extra Deck (this Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon).

Chapter 43: Inner Peace

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 43
Inner Peace


"My turn!" shouted Twilight.

Player: Twilight Sparkle
LP: 2400
Hand: 1

"I summon 'Royal Magical Library,'" Twilight said. A massive, curved wall of shelves appeared behind her. Magical platforms floated along beside them, robed figures taking and replacing books as they passed.

Royal Magical Library
DEF / 2000
LV 4

"I activate the Library's effect. I can remove three Spell Counters from it to draw one card. I'll also use it with my Citadel, which can substitute its own Spell Counters for the cost." Three of the glowing lights circling the citadel in the distance behind Twilight raced towards the Magical Library, sparking quickly and vanishing into the books. Twilight drew a card and smiled. "I activate 'Golden Bamboo Sword.' If I control a 'Bamboo Sword' card, this lets me draw two cards. And since it's a Spell Card, my Citadel and Royal Library each gain one Spell Counter! Next I play 'Spell Power Grasp' to place a Spell Counter on the Library and add another 'Spell Power Grasp' from my deck to my hand. Finally, I'll activate the Library's effect again with its own Spell Counters, then follow up with the effect of 'Arcane Barrier,' sending it and the Library to the Graveyard to draw one card for each Spell Counter the Barrier had. I draw a total of five cards!"

"Impressive, my little pony," said Paradox. "You've replenished your hand very quickly, but you've used your Normal Summon to do it."

"Don't need it anymore," said Twilight. "The 'Magical Citadel of Endymion' has nine Spell Counters on it. I remove six of them to Special Summon 'Endymion, the Master Magician' from my hand!"

Six of the lights around the Citadel raced down in front of Twilight and formed a circle. A blue portal appeared around them and "Endymion" leapt through, twirling his staff like a baton.

Endymion, the Master Magician
ATK / 2700
LV 7

"Endymion's effect activates! When I Special Summon him by removing Spell Counters from his Citadel, I can add a Spell Card in my Graveyard back to my hand. I choose and activate 'Golden Bamboo Sword' so I can draw two more cards!"

"What do you hope to accomplish by drawing more and more cards?" Paradox asked.

"I've already got my plan for this turn," Twilight replied. "I'm just getting set for the future. "I'll use 'Cursed Bamboo Sword's' effect to return 'Broken Bamboo Sword' to my hand, then I'll equip the Broken Bamboo Sword to Endymion. I'll also activate the Continuous Spell 'Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword' and select Endymion for its effect. If Endymion inflicts Battle Damage, you have to skip your next Draw Phase." The broken sword appeared in front of Endymion and he took hold of it, but then it was suddenly repaired and a dark energy burned along the blade.

"I suppose it's pointless to ask if you're finished," Paradox stated dryly.

"It is. I equip Endymion with 'One-Shot Wand,' which increases his Attack Points by eight hundred, and then I play 'Diffusion Wave-Motion,' paying a thousand Life Points so Endymion can attack all of your monsters!" Endymion drove the end of his staff into the ground as a thin wand with a wide, angled yellow adornment materialized in front of him. He took the wand in his hand.

Endymion, the Master Magician
ATK / 3500
LV 7

"Endymion, attack Paradox's monsters, starting with Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon, then follow up on Malefic Black-Winged Dragon!" Endymion swung the One-Shot Wand and released yellow burst of wide, flat energy that cut through the white dragon. The bamboo sword in his other hand glowed brighter and grew to an impossible length. Endymion raised the sword as it continued to grow, then brought it down on the bird-like dragon, cutting it at an angle from shoulder to leg.

Player: Paradox
LP: 1900
Hand: 2

"Endymion, attack Malefic Remnant Dragon!" Twilight ordered. Endymion swung the wand and fired another energy blade, cutting through the black dragon. A distortion appeared behind its shattering form and another one emerged onto the field.

"Malefic Remnant Dragon's effect lets me summon another from my Extra Deck during my opponent's turn, treating it as being Synchro Summoned," said Paradox. "However, the one that was destroyed cannot activate its effect, as it was not Synchro Summoned the usual way, and it has no Tuner in my Graveyard."

"But thanks to 'Diffusion Wave-Motion,' I can attack the new one too! Endymion, attack!" Endymion raised the bamboo sword in his other hand and cut through the new Remnant Dragon. A third one appeared in its place. Endymion fired off another energy blast and destroyed it too.

"Looks like you're all out of dragons, Paradox," Twilight sneered. "And that means you're wide open! Rainbow can take you out next turn, and you'll finally start getting what you deserve for what you did in Equestria!"

"Is that right?" Paradox replied. "I have made mistakes in my lives, both as a human and as an android, but you have made a much more fatal error! When the final Remnant Dragon is destroyed, and because all three are in my Graveyard, I can now Special Summon 'Malefic Paradox Dragon' from my Extra Deck, treating it as being Synchro Summoned!"


"No way!" said Dash.

“Born from the threshold of the dimension of Darkness, the time has come to lower the curtain of destruction on the stage that surpasses time and space!” Paradox chanted. A new distortion appeared above him, much larger than any other. "Rise from the cracks in time, 'Malefic Paradox Dragon!'" From the distortion came Paradox's dragon, black armor with white running along the ridges shifting across its body as it moved, thick wings carrying it through the air. Yellow spikes jutted out from behind its head. Its blank red eyes seemed to stare directly at Twilight.

Malefic Paradox Dragon
ATK / 4000
LV 10

"Malefic Paradox Dragon's effect activates. When Synchro Summoned, I can Special Summon any Synchro Monster in my Graveyard, ignoring all Summoning conditions. I revive 'Black-Winged Dragon.'" The bird-like dragon emerged from a portal in the ground, but it lacked the Malefic armor that covered its face and chest before.

Black-Winged Dragon
DEF / 2000
LV 8

"Paradox Dragon's curse applies, lowering the Attack Points of all monsters you each control by the Attack Points of all other Synchro Monsters I control. Each of your monsters will lose twenty-eight hundred Attack Points so long as Paradox Dragon and Black-Winged Dragon are on the field."

Endymion, the Master Magician
ATK / 700
LV 7

Twilight frowned. "I Set a card and end my turn."

Paradox suddenly laughed. "It just occurred to me that you and I aren't that different," he chuckled.

"What are you talking about?"

"When I was in your world, the destruction I caused wreaked such havoc, I created a paradox the likes of which even I could not have anticipated. Now, here you are, in my world, doing the same thing. You turned my field into a burning wasteland, but this gave rise to something you clearly did not anticipate: Malefic Paradox Dragon!" As Paradox said its name, the black dragon roared.

"At least I'm not trying to erase a whole dimension!" Twilight shouted back. "Besides, you have this coming to you, and you know it!"

"Twilight, chill out!" Rainbow Dash called. "He's just baiting you!"

"I know that," Twilight said, "and it's working. But mark my words, I'm gonna show him what REAL destruction looks like!"

"Twi, why are you getting so worked up over this?" Rainbow asked. "He said he was sorry and he helped fix what he did back in Equestria. And right now, he's clearly being controlled by whatever's been messing around with the humans!"

"That doesn't mean I should forgive him!" Twilight screamed.

No one said anything for many moments. Then, Paradox spoke.

"What Yusei said in your world is true. There is a way to save humanity without destruction. I am truly sorry for what I did in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle, though I don't expect you to forgive me. If this duel is how you must come to terms with my actions, then so be it. We will carry on. But you must know that you cannot win. Yusei eventually realized that simply containing or preventing the problem wouldn't save us. He knows now that we must eliminate our singular nature, eliminate greed and apathy and misunderstanding. Humanity cannot save itself because our old habits will never completely die out. I see that as well. We must be saved by one who lacks these negative traits."

"Nightshroud doesn't lack those things, Paradox," Twilight replied. "He's just as selfish as any of us! I know why he is what he is. He tried to become more powerful and it cost him! I still don't know why he's so interested in taking the humans down with him, but we're going to stop him. You should just get out of my way while you still can."

"Twilight..." said Rainbow Dash. She shook her head and placed a hoof over her deck. "My turn!" She pulled her hoof away and the next card followed.

"During your Standby Phase, 'Gem-Flash Energy' activates its effect, but the damage it inflicts will be absorbed by Black-Winged Dragon," Paradox said. Streams of light shot out of the gems on Dash's field, but Black-Winged Dragon opened its beaked maw and swallowed the light. The some of long white feathers on its wings changed to black and red. "The damage is converted into a Black Feather Counter. Black-Winged Dragon loses seven hundred Attack Points for each of these counters it has."

"Whatever. I summon 'Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle.'" A brown-feathered eagle emerged onto the field. A dark grey breastplate with cobalt stones embedded in it covered its chest, and a blue cobalt rested on the joints of each wing. A dark aura appeared around it and the bird fell to the ground, weakened from Malefic Paradox Dragon's effect.

Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle
ATK / 1400 --> 0
LV 4

"I'll use Cobalt Eagle's effect to put 'Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus' on top of my deck," Dash continued. The great white pegasus disappeared from the field. "Since it's gone, the Equip Spells it had are also destroyed."

Holograms of "Golden Rule" and "Cursed Bamboo Sword" appeared and shattered like glass.

"I play 'Magic Planter' and send 'Gem-Flash Energy' to the Graveyard to draw two cards. Next, play 'Double Summon,' which lets me Normal Summon twice this turn. I Summon 'Sapphire Pegasus' back to the field and use its effect to put 'Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger' on the field as a Continuous Spell." The white pegasus reemerged on the field. A giant topaz stone appeared in the row of gems behind it.

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
ATK / 1800 --> 0
LV 4

"It's about time I got in on this Field Spell game we're all playing. I activate 'Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins!'" A colosseum flanked by massive stone pillars and crowned with a bright rainbow appeared in the distance behind Rainbow Dash. "'Rainbow Ruins' gains a new effect for each 'Crystal Beast' in my Spell Zones. I've got four, so I'll use its fourth effect to draw one card." Rainbow Dash drew and looked at the new card. "YES! It's here! All seven 'Crystal Beasts' are either on the field or in the Graveyard, which means I can Special Summon 'Rainbow Dragon' from my hand!"

The four stones and the gems on Rainbow Dash's monsters began to glow. A ghost of Amber Mammoth appeared with its own gems glowing. Beams of light shot into the air from each crystal, twisting around each other, then separating and forming a ring high above the field. The great white body of Rainbow Dragon flew out of the ring, its roar echoing throughout the city.

Rainbow Dragon
ATK / 4000 --> 1200
LV 10

"I play 'Effect Veiler' from my hand!" shouted Twilight. "During my opponent's Main Phase, I can send this monster from my hand to the Graveyard to negate the effects of a monster on the field for the rest of the turn. I choose 'Malefic Paradox Dragon!'"

"And without its effect, all our monsters' Attack Points return to normal!" Rainbow Dash added. "Rainbow Dragon, attack Black-Winged Dragon! Over the Rainbow!" The seven gems on each side of the dragon's neck briefly lit up from bottom to top. The dragon's eyes flashed and it opened its mouth. Two rainbow rings appeared in front of its mouth as a pure white stream of energy fired out of its throat.

"I activate the Trap Card 'Malefic Claw Stream!'" said Paradox. "If I control a 'Malefic' Synchro Monster, I can destroy one monster my opponent controls. Malefic Paradox Dragon, destroy Rainbow Dragon!" Paradox's face-down card flipped up. A violet whirlwind erupted from the picture and headed straight for Dash's dragon.

"I don't think so! I play 'My Body as a Shield!' I pay fifteen hundred Life Points to negate and destroy any card that would destroy monsters on the field!" Rainbow Dash quickly slid her card into her Duel Disk then flew into the air and put herself between the whirlwind and Rainbow Dragon. The whirlwind struck her and she cried out, but kept flying. It soon died away and the Trap it came from shattered.

Rainbow Dragon's attack continued, engulfing Black-Winged Dragon and destroying it.

Player: Rainbow Dash
LP: 1200
Hand: 0

"I end my turn!" said Rainbow Dash as she landed. "Let's see you get past this, Paradox!"

"Effect Veiler's effect ends at the end of Rainbow's turn, but Paradox Dragon's curse doesn't apply without another Synchro Monster on your field," said Twilight. "And something else you should know: Since I dealt Battle Damage to you with Endymion, 'Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword' makes you skip your Draw Phase."

"Regardless of what you may think, I still have the upper hand in terms of raw power! My turn!" Paradox announced. "I'll remove a Dark Ammo Counter from 'Corrupt Reload' and reveal 'Malefic Compass Gear' in my hand. 'Compass Gear' is returned to my deck and I draw a new card in its place. Now I play 'Malefic Divide' and resurrect 'Malefic Remnant Dragon!' As it is a Synchro Monster, Paradox Dragon's effect reapplies and all monsters you each control lose three thousand Attack Points! Malefic Paradox Dragon, attack Rainbow Dragon with Paradox Stream!"

Malefic Paradox Dragon
ATK / 4000
LV 10

Malefic Remnant Dragon
ATK / 3000
LV 9

Rainbow Dragon
ATK / 1000
LV 10

Endymion, the Master Magician
ATK / 500
LV 7

"I activate Rainbow Dragon's effect! During anyone's turn, I can send every 'Crystal Beast' monster from my field to the Graveyard and pump up its Attack Points by a thousand for each one. Then I'll use the second effect of 'Rainbow Ruins' to cut the Battle Damage in half!" Cobalt Eagle and Sapphire Pegasus vanished, with two of the gems on Rainbow Dragon's body lighting up. Rainbow Dragon spat out another beam of energy as Paradox Dragon let loose its own spiraling beam, but it was quickly overpowered and Rainbow Dragon was destroyed.

"And don't think I haven't forgotten about you, Twilight Sparkle," Paradox said as he turned his gaze to Twilight. "Your remaining Life Points are only fourteen hundred. You cannot survive this next attack! Malefic Remnant Dragon, attack 'Endymion, the Master Magician' with Timesplitter Stream!"

"I reveal 'Magicians' Defense!'" shouted Twilight. "While it's face-up and I control a Spellcaster-Type monster, all damage I take is halved!" Endymion spun his staff like a baton and dispersed some of the oncoming energy, but he was still destroyed and Twilight was hit.

Life Point Count
Paradox: 400
Twilight: 150
Rainbow Dash: 700

"One-Shot Wand's effect activates," Twilight said. "If the monster it's equipped to battles, I can destroy the wand after damage calculation to draw one card."

"I activate 'Malefic Greed,'" Paradox continued. "If I control 'Malefic World' and two different 'Malefic' monsters, I can draw two cards. I'll end my turn by Setting one card face-down. During the End Phase, the monster summoned by 'Malefic Divide' is removed from the game." Malefic Remnant Dragon's eyes widened as it dissipated into ash and flecks of dark light.

"My turn," said Twilight. "I play 'Spell Power Grasp,' placing a Spell Counter on 'Magical Citadel of Endymion' and adding another 'Spell Power Grasp' to my hand. Since it was a Spell, the Citadel also gains a Spell Counter for its activation."

Magical Citadel of Endymion
Spell Counters: 16

Dash whistled and said, "Wow, you're really piling those things up, Twi."

"I remove six Spell Counters to revive 'Endymion, the Master Magician' in Defense Mode. When Summoned this way, I can add a Spell in my Graveyard to my hand. I choose 'Golden Bamboo Sword,' and then I'll play it to draw two cards. I'll Set three cards and end my turn."

"My turn," Dash said. "I activate Rainbow Ruins' fourth effect and draw one card. Now I play 'Rare Value.' Twilight, you pick one of my 'Crystal Beasts' to send to the Graveyard, then I draw one card."

"Alright, Rainbow. I choose Topaz Tiger.'"

The giant topaz stone vanished and Rainbow Dash drew two cards, then immediately Set them face-down and ended her turn.

"My turn," said Paradox. "Rainbow Dash, you have no monsters in play and are wide open. You've also become something of a nuisance in this duel. I will eliminate you, and then I will deal with your friend."

"No!" Twilight shouted. "You hurt so many of my friends and you nearly destroyed my world! I won't let you do it again! Go, 'Magical Dimension!' If I have a Spellcaster on the field, I can Release a monster I control and Special Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster from my hand, then I can destroy a monster on the field. I Release Endymion and Special Summon 'Defender, the Magical Knight' from my hand in Defense Mode!"

Chains appeared and bound the black dragon. A coffin appeared in the middle of the field. Endymion and Paradox Dragon turned into balls of light and disappeared into the coffin, its lid slamming shut over them. When it reopened, a magician wearing thick blue armor and holding a short sword in one hand and a tower shield in the other emerged.

Defender, the Magical Knight
DEF / 2000
LV 4

"You think by ending a paradox that any of you are safe? No, you simply reveal the truth of time! I activate 'Malefic Paradigm Shift!' When 'Malefic Paradox Dragon' is destroyed, I can pay half my Life Points to Special Summon 'Malefic Truth Dragon' from my hand, deck, or Graveyard!"

An enormous portal opened behind Paradox. Through it came a huge golden dragon, twice as large as Malefic Paradox Dragon. Sharp white teeth fit perfectly together in a wicked grin as the creature glared down on the three duelists. Enormous gold wings flared out to either side as it roared.

Malefic Truth Dragon
ATK / 5000
LV 12

"Now I play 'Malefic Graverobber!' By targeting a Level Seven or above monster in my opponent's Graveyard, I can Special Summon a 'Malefic' monster from my hand, deck, or Graveyard with the same Level, ignoring its conditions. After that, if the target's name is written in my monster's Summon procedure, I gain Life Points equal to its original Attack Points! I choose 'Rainbow Dragon' in your Graveyard, Rainbow Dash, and Special Summon 'Malefic Rainbow Dragon!' Then I gain Life Points equal to its original Attack strength!"

Another portal emerged and 'Rainbow Dragon' flew through it. However, its face and wings became incased in black and white armor soon after.

Malefic Rainbow Dragon
ATK / 4000
LV 10

Player: Paradox
LP: 4400
Hand: 1

"The only downsides to this are that I cannot attack with 'Malefic Rainbow Dragon' this turn, nor can I Summon other monsters for the rest of the turn. But that hardly matters now. Battle! Malefic Truth Dragon, direct attack!" The dragon inhaled and spat out a stream of crimson energy at Rainbow Dash.

"I play 'Rainbow Gravity!' I've still got all seven 'Crystal Beasts' gathered, so this lets me Summon 'Rainbow Dragon' from my deck or Graveyard, ignoring its Summoning conditions! Now I'll use Rainbow Ruins' effect to halve the damage from this battle!"

Player: Rainbow Dash
LP: 200
Hand: 0

"Rainbow! Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. That was close, though."

"We're not out of the woods yet." Both ponies looked up and saw countless black spikes appear around Paradox's dragon.

"Malefic Truth Dragon's effect activates," Paradox said with a grin. "When a 'Malefic' monster I control destroys a monster in battle, Truth Dragon destroys all opposing monsters and inflicts eight hundred damage to my opponent for each one destroyed!" The spikes lurched forward, racing toward Twilight's monster like rain in a hurricane.

"I use Defender's effect! Once per turn, I can remove Spell Counters on the field equal to the number of Spellcasters on the field that would be destroyed by battle or an effect." The red Spell Counter gem in Defender's shield began to glow. Defender knelt behind the tower shield and a wide barrier projected itself from the shield's edges around himself and Twilight. The spikes struck the barrier to no avail, vanishing in clouds of light on impact.

"I Set one card face-down and end my turn," said Paradox.

"My turn!" Twilight said.

"Trap Card, open! 'Malefic Time Bomb!' I choose a 'Malefic' monster I control and it cannot be attacked or destroyed by your effects, but it is destroyed during the End Phase. When it's destroyed, we all take damage equal to its original Attack Points. This is your last turn, Twilight!"

"So that's it, then? You're just gonna keep destroying everything around you? You haven't changed at all from when you rampaged in my home, have you?!"

"Whether or not I've changed doesn't matter since you're about to lose."

"Yusei believed in you! He fought so hard to save your life! You're just gonna throw all of that away?"

"I am repaying his kindness by working with him to save our world."

"You SHOULD be helping us to save him! You never cared about Yusei or anyone else, just your stupid mission! You nearly destroyed my world and now you're going to let this one be covered in darkness! I'll never forgive you!"

"TWILIGHT!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "That's enough!"

Twilight looked over at her friend.

"Rainbow, he-"

"I know what he did. I know he nearly destroyed our world, but he's sorry and he helped fix it! Besides, that's all over now. You've gotta forgive him!"

"No I don't, Rainbow. He doesn't deserve it."

"Maybe not, but you do."

"I deserve to be forgiven?"

"No, you deserve to forgive Paradox."

"How dare you!"

"No, listen! You being so angry has been bugging me a lot, and I just figured out why. When I was angry at you about the whole Duel Monsters Spirit thing you kept from us, I ended up forgiving you, didn't I? But the thing is, I didn't do it just for you. I did it for myself too."

"I don't follow. What are you talking about, Rainbow?"

"I was a mess inside because of how angry I was. But when I forgave you, that all went away. Twilight, even if Paradox doesn't deserve to be forgiven, you deserve some peace of mind. You should forgive him. It doesn't have to be for him, but it should be for yourself."

"Forgive him... for myself?" Twilight raised a hoof to eye level. "I... deserve peace." She closed her eyes.

She heard something. The sound her magic made. A blade being drawn. The ticking of a clock.

She saw a silhouette. A man looked over his shoulder at her.

Her eyes flashed open. She looked at the card she just drew. "Lightwave Tuning."

"You're right, Rainbow. I should forgive Paradox."

"So have you accepted your defeat?" Paradox asked.

Twilight smiled. "Nope! I forgive you, but I'm still gonna beat you!"

"You still hope for a bright future," Paradox said. "Then show me!"

"I will. But first things first: As this is my second Standby Phase since I played it, 'Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword' is destroyed. But I don't need it anymore. I activate 'Call of the Haunted' to Special Summon 'Blast Magician' from my Graveyard in Attack Mode. Now I activate 'Soul Taker!' This destroys a monster on your field, but you gain a thousand Life Points. I choose 'Malefic Truth Dragon!'"

"I use Malefic Truth Dragon's effect! I can remove a 'Malefic' monster in my Graveyard from the game to negate its destruction!" Malefic Black-Winged Dragon suddenly appeared on the field in front of Malefic Truth Dragon. A massive clawed hand made of dark energy reached out of nowhere and gripped the black dragon's chest. It pulled out a ball of light and vanished. Malefic Black-Winged Dragon exploded and disappeared.

"Then no Life Points for you, but Blast Magician and Magical Citadel each gain a Spell Counter."

Spell Counters
Blast Magician: 1
Magical Citadel of Endymion: 14

"I play my last copy of 'Spell Power Grasp' and give a Spell Counter to Blast Magician. The Citadel and Blast Magician also gain a Spell Counter for the activation of a Spell Card. And finally, I play 'Lightwave Tuning,' which lets me turn a Level Four LIGHT monster I control into a Tuner while it's on the field. I choose 'Defender, the Magical Knight!'"

"Twilight, are you going to summon 'Arcanite Magician?'" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No, Dash. I've got something else in mind." Twilight turned her attention back to the duel. "I activate Blast Magician's effect. I can remove any number of Spell Counters to destroy one monster on the field whose Attack Points are less than or equal to that number, multiplied by seven hundred. I remove four counters from Blast and four from the Citadel to destroy Malefic Truth Dragon!"

"I remove another 'Malefic' monster from my Graveyard to negate that destruction," said Paradox. Blast Magician gathered eight Spell Counter lights into a massive fireball above his staff, then hurled the fireball at Malefic Truth Dragon. This time, it was Malefic Blue-Eyes that intercepted it.

"Then I'll do it again, this time taking all eight Spell Counters from the Citadel!"

"And I will negate that destruction as well!" Another fireball was formed and thrown, but was intercepted by Malefic Remnant Dragon.

"Twilight, what are you doing?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Do you remember how Yusei beat Paradox when they fought at the Singularity? He forced Paradox to get rid of all the 'Malefic' monsters in his Graveyard. I'm doing the same thing. Paradox has two monsters left that he can use to shield Malefic Truth Dragon. If I can get rid of those, and if you can weaken the dragon, then we can win this!"

"How are you gonna get rid of them?"

"With my new monster. Level Four Defender tunes with Blast Magician!" Defender raised his tower shield and slammed the edge into the ground. His body vanished as four stars appeared and drew green rings around Blast Magician. His body became an orange outline and was stripped away, revealing four more stars that formed a straight line.

"Hero's blade that sets forth unyielding light, here and now, awaken with a flash! Synchro Summon! Appear, Level Eight! Magical Swordsman of Awakening, 'Enlightenment Paladin!'"

The column of light vanished. Before Twilight stood a tall human dressed in white robes and armor. A white cape hung from around his neck. In each hand was a different type of blade. In the right was a sword with a long, curved blade and a single edge, and a golden gear-like handguard in front of the handle. The blade in his left hand he held in reverse. It too had a gear-like handguard, but the handle was much longer and the blade was straighter.

Enlightenment Paladin
ATK / 2500
LV 8

"Whoa... Twilight, what is that? I've never seen it before!" said Dash.

"If I use a 'Magician' monster as Synchro Material to Summon it, Enlightenment Paladin lets me add a Spell Card in my Graveyard to my hand. I choose and activate 'Soul Taker!'"

"Your persistence will get you nowhere, Twilight Sparkle! I remove another 'Malefic' monster from my Graveyard to negate Truth Dragon's destruction!" Another Remnant Dragon appeared and was destroyed.

"You've only got one monster left, Paradox. I activate 'Spellbook of Power.' Enlightenment Paladin gains one thousand Attack Points! Next, I remove six Spell Counters from the Citadel to summon Endymion from my Graveyard. I'll then use his effect to get back 'Spellbook of Power' and give Enlightenment Paladin another boost!"

Enlightenment Paladin
ATK / 4500
LV 8

"You've gone as far as you can, Twilight," said Paradox. "You cannot attack Malefic Rainbow Dragon, and your Paladin isn't strong enough to win against Truth Dragon."

"I've gone as far as I can on my own, but I can go farther when my friends are helping me. Rainbow, now!"

Dash nodded. "I play 'Crystal Slicer!' If I send a 'Crystal Beast' from my deck to the Graveyard and let you draw one card, I can cut your dragon's original Attack Points in half!"

"You don't have any more 'Crystal Beasts' in your deck," said Paradox. "All seven are on the field or in your Graveyard."

"What, you think I don't have more than one copy of each in here? I'll use 'Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus' to bring your dragon down to size!" A ghostly image of Sapphire Pegasus appeared and slammed into the massive golden dragon.

Malefic Truth Dragon
ATK / 2500
LV 12

"Battle!" Twilight shouted. "Enlightenment Paladin, attack Malefic Truth Dragon!" The white-clad paladin held each blade aloft. The handles began to glow as he merged them together. The curved handguards also disappeared. He spun the twin-bladed staff and threw it at Paradox's dragon.

"I remove another 'Malefic' monster to save it!"

"But you still take Battle Damage!"

Malefic Paradox Dragon suddenly appeared in front of Truth Dragon. The spinning blade stuck into the creature's chest. Enlightenment Paladin ran up to it and jumped, grabbing the handle between the blades and planting his feet on the dragon's chest. With a push, the Paladin pulled the blade out and back flipped away from the dragon as it exploded.

Player: Paradox
LP: 2400
Hand: 1

"This is my last move, Paradox! I play the Trap 'Miracle Locus!' Enlightenment Paladin can declare up to two attacks on monsters this turn, but you draw one card and you don't take any more Battle Damage for the rest of the turn. Enlightenment Paladin, destroy Malefic Truth Dragon!" Twilight ordered. Once again the Paladin began spinning his twin bladed staff, but held onto it as he flew past the dragon's neck, cutting through it. The dragon roared and was destroyed.

"Enlightenment Paladin's second effect activates," said Twilight calmly. "When he destroys a monster by battle, it inflicts damage to you equal to the Attack Points that monster had on the field."


Enlightenment Paladin separated his blades and held them to either side, pointing them behind him. A translucent image of Malefic Truth Dragon appeared behind him, glaring down at Paradox. It vanished in a flash of light as the paladin swung his blades downward on Paradox, sending him flying several feet before he crashed back to the ground.

Life Point Count
Paradox: 0
Twilight: 150
Rainbow Dash: 700

"Paradox!" cried Twilight. She ran up to where he lay on the ground. "Hey, are you alright?"

He groaned and opened his eyes. "Twilight... Sparkle?" he said. Rainbow Dash flew over the two of them and landed on his other side. "Rainbow Dash? What... ah!" His hand shot to his temple. "I... I lost to Antinomy. Then I... we..."

"We dueled," said Twilight.

"It feels strange," Paradox said as he sat up. "I remember... but it's like these are not my memories. As if I were only watching through someone else's eyes. And yet... no, I was there. I was really there."

"You made mistakes, Paradox," came another voice. Paradox looked over his shoulder, then stood up. The man with the visor stood with his arms crossed. "If you had focused on one or the other instead of switching between the two constantly, you would have won."

"Actually, Antinomy, that was no mistake."


"I see it. I wasn't in full control of myself, but I still knew what I was doing. They weren't the only ones fighting."

"You misplayed on purpose?"

"I did. My way of apologizing to Twilight Sparkle, and asking her for help."

"I had no idea, Paradox," said Twilight. "I'm sorry for everything I said."

"Thank you," Paradox replied. "And thank you both for saving me."

"No problem," said Dash. "So, what do we do about him?" She pointed at Antinomy.

"He's defeated me once already. I'm not sure I can defeat him, even now. We know each other too well."

"Then let me help! If me and Twilight could beat you, I'm sure you and I can take him!"

"I will accept this challenge," Antinomy said. "But this will not be a Battle Royale. This will be a Tag Team duel. You both will function as a single duelist against me."

"I'm fine with that!" said Rainbow Dash.

"We must be careful," Paradox said. "It is possible for our decks to get in each other's way."

"We'll be fine!" Dash reassured him. Her Duel Disk flared up on her forearm and she shot into the air. Paradox and Antinomy mounted their D-Wheels.

"Twilight, go rejoin your friends!" Paradox said. "Make your way to the Momentum Core in the tower's lower levels and stop Yusei from opening the door between worlds! You must hold back the night!"

Twilight nodded, turned around and ran into the tower.

Antinomy looked up at Rainbow Dash. "You know nothing of my deck, and this is effectively a rematch between old friends. If it's all the same to you, who goes first will be between myself and Paradox."

"That's fine," Dash answered.

"Then let's go!" Paradox shouted. He revved his D-Wheel's engine and sped off, with Antinomy and Rainbow Dash racing beside him.

* * * * *

Yusei held up a card and stared at it. I made this, he thought, and yet I didn't. It was... another me. One that doesn't exist anymore.

He heard heavy footsteps behind him. Aporia. He turned to face him.

"We need time, Aporia. Can you and the others hold them?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Then go. Your orders are to simply buy me time. Do whatever you must."

"Yes, Yusei."

Aporia left. Yusei looked at the card again.

"'Cosmic Blazar Dragon,'" he said, reading the name of the card. "History may repeat itself after all."


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Jack and Crow race down the highway as their rematch begins! Though his tactics have changed, Jack still seems to be on the defensive until Crow summons Bayamo the War Hammer! Can Jack turn the tide and fight back against Crow's new Synchro Monster? Or will he be overwhelmed again by the violent storm?

"You can't stop a perfect storm, Jack!"

"There's no such thing as perfection in a duel! There is only the next level!"

Chapter 44

Perfect Storm


Featured Card

Enlightenment Paladin
Level 8
Spellcaster / Synchro / Effect
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
If this card is Synchro Summoned using a "Magician" monster as Material: You can target 1 Spell Card in your Graveyard; return it to your hand. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK that monster had on the field.
ATK / 2500
DEF / 2000

Chapter 44: Perfect Storm

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 44

Perfect Storm


Two D-Wheels raced through the highway gate, one white, the other black.

"The first move is mine, Crow!" Jack announced. "I'm setting on the Field Spell 'Speed World Two!'"


Life Point Count
Jack: 4000
Crow: 4000

"I activate the Speed Spell 'Overboost,' increasing my Speed Counters by four, but decreasing them to one at the end of the turn," said Jack. "With this done, I can play 'Speed Spell - Speed Fusion,' combining 'Big Piece Golem' and 'Medium Piece Golem'! Grey boulder of the mountains, yellow stone of the earth, become the bedrock and brick for a mighty soldier! Fusion Summon! Appear, 'Multiple Piece Golem!'" Jack's two monsters appeared briefly, then vanished into a swirling light. A new monster emerged, shaped like a man but made of bricks and stone. Three red fingers on each of its hands flexed up and down. Yellow eyes gleamed from within its tower-like head.

Multiple Piece Golem
ATK / 2600
LV 7

"Never seen you Fusion Summon before," Crow said. "Is that your new trick?"

"No, Crow," said Jack. "This is a very old strategy. I Set one card face-down and end my turn. During my End Phase, Overboost reduces my Speed Counters to one."

An old strategy? Crow wondered. This wasn't in his deck when we practiced for the WRGP... what's he doing? "My turn!" Crow said as he drew a card.

Speed Counters
Jack: 2
Crow: 1

"I Normal Summon 'Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame.'" A bird-like creature emerged from a portal above Crow. Black and blue feathers waved in the wind. "If I control a different 'Blackwing' monster, I can Special Summon 'Blackwing - Oroshi the Squall' from my hand. I'll also play 'Speed Spell - Slipstream Summon!' Once per duel, if you have more Speed Counters than me, I can Special Summon a monster from my deck with a Level equal to your Speed Counters, but I can't summon any monsters with the same name for the rest of the duel. I summon 'Blackwing - Harmattan the Dust!'" Two more birds appeared, the first a small creature with a bulbous red wattle beneath is throat, and the second a black-feathered ibis.

Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
ATK / 1800
LV 4

Blackwing - Oroshi the Squall
ATK / 400
LV 1

Blackwing - Harmattan the Dust
ATK / 800
LV 2

"When Harmattan the Dust is Normal or Special Summoned, I can increase its Level by the Level of another 'Blackwing' monster I control. I choose Shura. Now, I'll tune my Level Six 'Harmattan' the my Level One 'Oroshi the Squall!' Darkened gales, become the wings that will soar to the heavens! Synchro Summon! 'Blackwing Armor Master!'" A column of light engulfed Oroshi and Harmattan, then faded to reveal a warrior clad in black armor, dark wings extending behind him. A single red eye stared out of its bird-like helmet.

Blackwing Armor Master
ATK / 2500
LV 7

"When Oroshi the Squall is sent to the Graveyard for a Synchro Summon, I can change the battle mode of a monster on the field. Multiple Piece Golem switches to Defense Mode!" The massive golem crossed its arms in front of its chest and a blue outline appeared around it.

Multiple Piece Golem
DEF / 1300
LV 7

"Battle! Shura the Blue Flame, attack Multiple Piece Golem!"

"I play the Trap 'Half or Nothing!' Crow, now you must either end the Battle Phase, or continue with only half the attack strength of your monsters."

"I'll take that hit," Crow said. Shura's feathered fist struck the golem but it was repelled.

Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
ATK / 900
LV 4

Player: Crow
LP: 3600
Hand: 3

"Armor Master, you're up! Attack!" Crow ordered.

"Your monster's Attack Points are fifty points lower than Golem's Defense Points," Jack pointed out.

"Doesn't matter," Crow replied. Armor Master's fist slammed into the stone body of Jack's monster. When it pulled away and returned to Crow's side, a black spike was left behind, wedged between the bricks. "I take no damage from Armor Master's battles, and it places a Wedge Counter on any monster it battles at the end of the Damage Step."

"That's not all that happens, Crow. At the end of the Battle Phase, if Multiple Piece Golem battled, it returns to the Extra Deck and Special Summons its Fusion Materials from my Graveyard!"


"Medium Piece Golem's effect activates! When it's Summoned, if I control 'Big Piece Golem,' I can Special Summon 'Small Piece Golem' from my deck with its effects negated!" As he spoke, a third monster appeared on Jack's field, a dark brown rock with arms and legs and blue eyes.

Big Piece Golem
ATK / 2100
LV 5

Medium Piece Golem
ATK / 1600
LV 4

Small Piece Golem
ATK / 1100
LV 3

"Tch. I Set three cards and end my turn," Crow said.

"My turn!" Jack drew a card. Perfect! he thought. "I Summon the Tuner monster 'Chain Resonator!' When it's Normal Summoned while a Synchro Monster is on the field, I can Special Summon another 'Resonator' monster from my deck. Come! 'Synkron Resonator!'" First a "Resonator" monster appeared, a long chain forming a loop behind its head. The more chains shot out from behind it through a blue portal and pulled out another Resonator, this one with two pieces of green and yellow metal behind it.

"Two Tuners at once?!" Crow said.

"Level One 'Chain Resonator,' tune with the Level Five 'Big Piece Golem!' These two souls shall become one. All will tremble before the king's might! Synchro Summon! Appear, 'Red Wyvern!'" Jack's monsters disappeared into a shaft of light and a new monster emerged, a brown-skinned wyvern with thick, red scales for armor. Fires blazed on its head and from the edges of its wings.

Red Wyvern
ATK / 2400
LV 6

"Another old strategy, Jack?" Crow asked.

"No. This one is new. But if you want to see something familiar, I'll grant you that. Level One 'Synkron Resonator,' tune with the Level Four 'Medium Piece Golem' and Level Three 'Small Piece Golem!' The king's determination is conceived in flame that burns red and becomes a crimson sword. Appear from beyond the burning hot waves! Synchro Summon! Blazing ferocity, 'Crimson Blader!'" The metal pieces on Synkron Resonator's back clasped together, forming a spade symbol. It vanished and left a green ring that drew the golems into the light. A thin warrior in red armor emerged, spinning around and brandishing two long swords, a dark blue cape billowing out behind it.

Crimson Blader
ATK / 2800
LV 8

"Synkron Resonator's effect activates. When it is sent to the Graveyard for a Synchro Summon, I can add another 'Resonator' monster from my Graveyard to my hand." Chain Resonator slid out of the Graveyard slot of Jack's Duel Disk. He took it and added it to his hand.

"Trap Card, open! 'Blackboost!' If I control two 'Blackwings' I can draw two cards." Crow drew two cards, added one to his hand, then played the other. "Since it was added from my deck to my hand by the effect of Blackboost, I can Special Summon 'Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr.'" A portal appeared and a bright orange bird-like monster flew out of it.

Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr
DEF / 300
LV 3

"Battle! Crimson Blader, attack Shura the Blue Flame with Red Murder!"

"I send 'Blackwing - Jetstream the Blue Sky' from my hand to the Graveyard to activate its effect! Shura isn't destroyed by this battle!"

"But you'll still take damage, Crow. And now it's Red Wyvern's turn! Attack Shura with Crimson Fireball!"

Life Point Count
Jack: 4000
Crow: 2000

"When Shura is destroyed, I activate 'Black Wing Revenge' and Summon two 'Blackwing - Black Crest Tokens' to my field." Another of Crow's Traps flipped up and created two tiny black birds on his field.

Blackwing - Black Crest Token
DEF / 800
LV 2

"I Set one card face-down and end my turn," said Jack. Crow currently has four monsters on the field, one of which is a Tuner. If he draws a Level Four monster, then he can summon 'Bayamo the War Hammer...'

"My turn!" said Crow as he drew a card. "I Summon 'Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite!'"

Of course, Jack thought with irritation.

"Level Three 'Breeze the Zephyr' tunes with my Level Four 'Zephyros' and my Level Two 'Black Crest Tokens,'" Crow said. “The black hurricane falls, waging war against all that stand with pride! Synchro Summon! Bring down your wrath! ‘Blackwing - Bayamo the War Hammer’!”

From within the light a hammer swung out. The massive frame of Bayamo the War Hammer became visible as it spread its wings and pointed its hammer at Jack.

"When Bayamo is Synchro Summoned, it gains four hundred Attack Points for each non-Tuner monster used as its Material," Crow continued.

Blackwing - Bayamo the War Hammer
ATK / 2800 --> 4000
LV 11

"So you've finally Summoned it," Jack said. "Bayamo the War Hammer... well, I was prepared for this! I activate Red Wyvern's effect! Once per my opponent's turn, if you control two or more monsters with higher Attack Points than Red Wyvern, I can destroy the strongest monster you control! Burning Storm!"

"I play the Trap 'Guard Mines!'" Crow's last face-down card flipped up and flurry of round mines flew out of the picture. "When you activate a card or monster effect that destroys exactly one of my monsters, I can negate that effect, destroy the card it came from, and inflict five hundred points of damage to you." The mines slammed into Red Wyvern, detonating against it and destroying it.

Player: Jack
LP: 3500
Hand: 1

"Nice try, Jack," Crow jeered. "Battle! Bayamo the War Hammer, attack Crimson Blader! Typhoon Hammerblow!"

"Trap Card, open! 'Tuner's Mind!' Crimson Blader is returned to the Extra Deck and its Synchro Materials are summoned to the field in Defense Mode, and the Tuner monster becomes the new attack target."

Crimson Blader vanished and was quickly replaced by Small and Medium Piece Golems, and Synkron Resonator. Bayamo's massive war hammer slammed down onto the imp, crushing it.

"Armor Master, attack Medium Piece Golem with Black Hurricane!"

Blackwing Armor Master beat its wings and raced toward the yellow boulder-monster, punching through it like glass.

"You see this, Jack? Do you see the field? I've got two of my best monsters in play, while you've got a pathetic little non-Tuner. Face it, I'm stronger than you. You can't stop a perfect storm, Jack!"

"Hmph! There's no such thing as perfection in a duel! There is only the next level! Yusei understood this, and I have come to understand it as well. You are the last member of Team 5D's to learn this lesson, Crow, and if you ever want to surpass me, then it must be me who teaches you! My turn!"

Speed Counters
Jack: 5
Crow: 4

"I summon 'Chain Resonator' and use its effect to summon 'Dark Resonator' from my deck," Jack said. Chain Resonator reappeared on the field and pulled a new Resonator with multiple cymbals adorning its back out of a portal with its chains.

Dark Resonator
ATK / 1300
LV 3

"Level Three 'Dark Resonator' tunes with the Level Three 'Small Piece Golem!'" Dark Resonator struck its tuning fork with its mallet and disappeared, leaving three stars that became green Synchro rings. They encircled the brown rock monster, stripping away its form and aligning its three stars. "From the fires of adversity rises the star of authority. Witness the rebirth of the king! Synchro Summon! Ascend from the depths, 'Red Rising Dragon!'

The new monster that appeared was made almost entirely of flames, save for the dark red armor plates on its torso. The fire became concentrated and took on the shape of "Red Dragon Archfiend." It roared, sounding like the blaze of a giant fire.

Red Rising Dragon
ATK / 2100
LV 6

"More new cards?" Crow said. "Seems pretty small for one of your monsters, though."

"It's true power is to create the path of the king. Red Rising Dragon's effect lets me Special Summon a 'Resonator' monster from my Graveyard when I Synchro Summon it. I resurrect 'Synkron Resonator! Next, I tune Red Rising Dragon using Chain Resonator! The shouts of the king echo throughout! Let the Hammer of Victory shatter the very earth! Synchro Summon! Flap your wings, 'Exploder Dragonwing!'" The newest dragon that appeared stood upright, but was hunched over, a massive hump on its back from which sprouted two orange wings. An orange frill adorned the back of its head and the edges of its tail.

Exploder Dragonwing
ATK / 2400
LV 7

"Finally, I tune Exploder Dragonwing using Synkron Resonator!" Jack shouted. Synkron Resonator banged its tuning fork and became a single green ring that transformed Exploder Dragonwing into a line of seven stars. The beam of light that engulfed them pulsed wildly as a shadow rose up from within. "The pulse of the king now forms a line here! Take witness to its creation-shaking power! Synchro Summon! My soul, Red Dragon Archfiend!" Massive red wings spread out from the light as it faded away. Yellow eyes flashed and the demon dragon let loose its deep, rumbling roar.

Red Dragon Archfiend
ATK / 3000
LV 8

"Synkron Resonator returns Chain Resonator to my hand from the Graveyard," Jack said. "I Set one card face-down and end my turn."

"Finally taking this seriously, Jack?" Crow taunted.

"I was serious from the start, Crow. Every move I've made thus far was planned out. Your tactics are familiar, Crow, even with this new Synchro Monster."

"You haven't done a whole lot of anything different yourself."

"And that is where you are wrong, Crow. I have decided to blend the old with the new. Not even Yusei thought to do this; he simply found new purposes for his cards. I, however, have used the old purposes to accomplish new ends, something that neither of you ever thought to do."

"You gotta keep up with the times, Jack."

"But you must never forget the past."

"You're the one who encouraged all of us to leave Neo Domino City and lead our own lives!"

"And I stand by what I said. Everyone must, in time, learn to grow on their own. But I never forgot the people who helped me grow before that point. After all, the true King must always carry the feelings of those whom he defeated."

"You're not the King anymore, Jack."

"Neither is Yusei if this is how he intends to save our world."

"I'll make you eat those words, Jack!"

Jack smiled. Your anger will be your downfall, he thought, but now I know I can get through to you. You're not beyond my reach.

"Bring it on, Crow!" Jack shouted.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Jack's rematch with Crow continues as he begins his counterattack with Red Nova Dragon! Despite this, Crow continues his relentless assault with Bayamo the War Hammer. As the black hammer falls again and again, a dark voice speaks to Jack...

"Release me, Jack Atlas!"

Can Jack tame the darkness once more, or has Crow already won?

Chapter 45

Dark Revelations


Featured Card

Multiple Piece Golem
Level 7
"Big Piece Golem" + "Medium Piece Golem"
At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card attacked or was attacked: You can return it to the Extra Deck, then, if all of the Fusion Material Monsters that were used for the Fusion Summon of this card are in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon them.

Chapter 45: Dark Revelations

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 45

Dark Revelations


"Everyone must, in time, learn to grow on their own. But I never forgot the people who helped me grow before that point. After all, the true King must always carry the feelings of those whom he defeated," said Jack as he rounded a corner on the highway. Crow's voice sounded from the speaker in his helmet.

"You're not the King anymore, Jack."

"Neither is Yusei if this is how he intends to save our world."

"I'll make you eat those words, Jack!"

"Bring it on, Crow!" Jack shouted.

Life Point Count
Jack: 3500
Crow: 2000

"My turn!" Crow drew a card. "Bayamo the War Hammer, attack Red Dragon Archfiend!"

"Continuous Trap, open: 'Red Screen!' While this card is face-up, your monsters cannot attack." A crimson barrier appeared behind Jack and Red Dragon Archfiend. Crow growled, Set a card face-down and ended his turn.

Jack started his turn and drew a card. As he did, Crow activated his Trap Card. "I play 'Blackboost' and draw two cards," he said.

"I Summon the Tuner monster 'Trust Guardian,'" Jack said. The tiny armored fairy appeared on his field, a serious look on its face.

Trust Guardian
ATK / 0
LV 3

"Do you remember this monster, Crow? I was able to overcome myself because of this card. You and Yusei insisted that I use it, and it's never failed me when I have!"

"And what's it gonna do for you now?"

"You should know by now. If I control 'Red Dragon Archfiend,' I can destroy Red Screen to use its final effect, reviving a Level One Tuner monster from my Graveyard. Return, 'Synkron Resonator!'"

Synkron Resonator
ATK / 0
LV 1

Release me, said a voice in Jack's head. Jack shook his head to get the voice out.

"The darkness is calling me, Crow," Jack said. A red light emanated from the left side of his chest. "But I won't give it what it wants, not yet. It's still subject to my Burning Soul! Trust Guardian, Synkron Resonator, double-tune with Red Dragon Archfiend!"

Both Tuners vanished, leaving four rings of fire behind that encircled Red Dragon Archfiend. They began to spin rapidly until it was encased in a ball of fire.

“The King and the Devil, here and now shall become as one. A raging soul! Lift up the very cries of creation itself! Synchro Summon! Come forth, ‘Red Nova Dragon’!”

Jack's strongest monster burst out of the flames with a roar that echoed between the city's buildings. A yellow gleam flashed in its eyes, and fire flew away from its wings and claws.

Red Nova Dragon
ATK / 5000
LV 12

"When Synkron Resonator is sent to the Graveyard, it adds another 'Resonator' monster in my Graveyard to my hand." Dark Resonator slid out of Jack's Duel Disk and he placed it in the card holder on his wrist. Red Nova Dragon's Attack Points dropped by five hundred. "Battle! Red Nova Dragon, attack Bayamo the War Hammer! Burning Soul!" Red Nova Dragon burst into flames and flew toward Bayamo as it tightened its grip on its hammer.

"I activate 'Kalut the Moon Shadow's' effect!" Crow shouted. "By sending it from my hand to the Graveyard, I can give a battling 'Blackwing' monster I control a fourteen-hundred Attack Point boost until the End Phase!"

Blackwing - Bayamo the War Hammer
ATK / 5400
LV 11

The streets below gave way to water as the two monsters drew closer. Bayamo raised its hammer as Red Nova Dragon approached, then brought it down on its head, sending it careening past the highway and into the bay. Red Nova Dragon reemerged moments later, its fire extinguished and water pouring off its body.

"Since Trust Guardian was used as one of its Tuners, Red Nova Dragon can give up four hundred of its Attack and Defense Points to survive one battle each turn," Jack stated. "I end my turn."

Player: Jack
LP: 2600
Hand: 2
SPC: 7

Red Nova Dragon
ATK / 4100
DEF / 2600
LV 12

"My turn! Bayamo the War Hammer, attack Red Nova Dragon!" The jets in Bayamo's wings flared up, pushing it forward at incredible speed. "Now I activate Bayamo's effect, negating Red Nova Dragon's effects, but Bayamo cannot destroy it by battle while they're both face-up." Red Nova Dragon's Attack Points dropped by one thousand moments before Bayamo's hammer smashed into the side of its face, sending it tumbling toward the water again. Red Nova Dragon regained its balance and flew under the highway, then returned to the sky above Jack.

"Even though Bayamo cannot destroy Red Nova Dragon now, Trust Guardian's effect still applies," Jack said.

Red Nova Dragon
ATK / 2700
LV 12

"Blackwing Armor Master, attack Red Nova Dragon and plant a Wedge Counter on it!" Crow shouted. "I Set two cards and end my turn."

"My turn," Jack said. "I activate the second effect of 'Speed World Two.' I pay seven Speed Counters to draw one card. Next, I change Red Nova Dragon to Defense Mode, Set one card face-down, and end my turn."

"My turn! I activate Armor Master's effect. Red Nova Dragon's Wedge Counter is removed and its Attack and Defense Points are reduced to zero."

The black needle wedged into Red Nova Dragon's hide disappeared and its Attack and Defense Points dropped instantly.

Jack spun his D-Wheel around and shifted it into reverse. "Red Nova Dragon is still protected by Trust Guardian," he said. "You cannot defeat me this turn, Crow."

"Is that right?" Crow said. "Did you forget that Red Nova Dragon's effects are negated?"

"I did not, nor does it concern me."

"Well, it should! I activate the Trap 'Level Retuner' and reduce Armor Master's Level by two. Next, I summon 'Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North' from my hand and use its effect Special Summon 'Blackwing - Jetstream the Blue Sky' from my Graveyard."

A small, white bird with black feathers running along the edges of its wings and a black-feathered crest on its head appeared above Crow. The blue-feathered Jetstream appeared beside it.

"Level Two Blizzard, tune with the Level One 'Jetstream' and Level Five 'Armor Master!' Gust fiercely, O storm! Gain the will of steel and the speed of light to sublime your form! Synchro Summon! 'Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant!'"

A sword flashed in the sunlight as a thin warrior born on silver wings descended to the field. Though he wore a dark suit, thin golden armor covered that. Gold boots protected his feet. His helmet bore striking resemblance to the head of "Black-Winged Dragon."

Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant
ATK / 2800
LV 8

"I activate Silverwind's effect! Once per turn, I can destroy up to two monsters with lower Defense than Silverwind's Attack Points, but Silverwind can't attack this turn. Go, Perfect Storm!"

"I told you that there's no such thing as perfection in a Duel!" Jack shouted. He spun his D-Wheel back around, shifting back to forward gear. "Continuous Trap, 'Burning Rebirth!' By Releasing a Level Eight or higher Synchro I control, I can resurrect 'Red Dragon Archfiend' from my Graveyard and equip it with this card. If 'Burning Rebirth' leaves the field, the equipped monster is destroyed. Revive, my mighty servant!"

Silverwind began slashing and stabbing wildly with its rapier, but Red Nova Dragon vanished in a burst of flame. More fire erupted from the water below as Red Dragon Archfiend soared into the air with a mighty roar.

Red Dragon Archfiend
ATK / 3000
LV 8

"I'm still not finished with you, Jack! Bayamo the War Hammer, attack Red Dragon Archfiend! Typhoon Hammerblow!" Bayamo raised its war hammer and raced toward Red Dragon Archfiend.

"Burning Rebirth's final effect!" Jack announced. "By sending this card and a Tuner in my hand to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon the monster Released for its activation. Be reborn, 'Red Nova Dragon!'" Fire once again engulfed Red Dragon Archfiend. It burned a deep crimson, took solid form and clung to the creature's body. Red Nova Dragon spread its wings to dismiss the fire and roared.

Red Nova Dragon
ATK / 5000
LV 12

"You're in a tight spot now, Crow!" Jack laughed. "I figured out how to stop Bayamo's effect entirely. You can only use it when it starts its attack, but changing the number of my monsters on the field, even simply by replacing them, causes a replay, where your monster is still attacking but you must now choose a new target or cancel the attack. Bayamo the War Hammer is no match for Red Nova Dragon!"

"Bayamo, stop!" Crow yelled. The afterburners on its wings shut down and it returned to Crow's side. "I activate my final 'Blackboost' and pay seven Speed Counters for 'Speed World Two's' effect. I draw three cards... and I Set them face-down. Your turn, Jack."

"You still have much to learn if you are ever going to best me, Crow Hogan," Jack said. "My turn!"

Release me. The voice again. Release me, Jack Atlas!

Dark fire flared up on Jack's chest. He cried out in pain.

"Jack!" Crow called.

* * * * *

Jack found himself in a dark room made of yellow bricks and lit by torchlight. A crimson glow came from the pit surrounding the platform where he stood.

"The hidden temple of Red Nova," Jack muttered. "Well? Show yourself!"

The massive stone statue on the other side of the room cracked and exploded. Jack shielded his eyes from the dust until it cleared. When he looked up, the face of Red Nova loomed over him.

You are losing.

Jack crossed his arms.

You are a skilled duelist to have discovered the weakness of your opponent's monster. But it will not be enough, and you know it. It will never be enough.

"You expect me to release you out of desperation?"

Is that not why you allowed me to speak to you?

"No. I AM the King of this city. You are still subject to my power."

You are still losing.

"And if I lose again to Crow, it will not matter."

You do not care if you lose? That all of your words will be bluster?

"No. Crow is my friend. As long as he learns and grows, I am fine with defeat at his hands."

You and I both know that he is not stronger than you on his own. That card has dark origins.

"I suspected as much. Crow says he got that card from Yusei. Yusei also told him that the Black King isn't real. I think something happened to Yusei and that HE is the Black King."

And what if Crow Hogan is lying?

"Crow's never told a lie a day in his life. There's no reason he would start now."

He will learn nothing if you let him win. If you care for him, for this city, for your reputation, you must release me!

Thousands of blood-red snakes shot up from the pit around Jack. They all glared down at him, hissing loudly. Jack looked around at them and uncrossed his arms.

"What exactly are you?"

Red Nova blinked, taken aback by the question. What?

"I was told that the Earthbound Immortals were evil gods imprisoned in the earth itself by the Crimson Dragon, which was called Quetzalcoatl in those days. But the people in that age only thought it was a god because they did not know better. You are no god. What are you?"

I AM A GOD! The snakes lunged forward at Jack, but stopped. A red aura appeared around him as his heart began to glow.

"A god could not be bested by a mortal. What are you?"

The serpents withdrew.

My brethren and I were born from purest darkness. It was a schism, the fabric of reality as it was before ripped apart by the rage of something more ancient than any of us.

"You seem to want only death and destruction. Why?"

Because we cannot have it ourselves.

"What do you mean?"

Our lives are nothing but pain. We want to die, to stop, all of us did, but we are also all born with an incredibly strong survival instinct. We fight to preserve our own lives, even against our conscious wishes. That, in part, is what led to our immortality- a subconscious desire of our instincts. We cannot have our own destruction, and so we began to destroy everything else in sight. It made us feel better... partially. But it was never enough.

Do you see, Jack Atlas? We are living beings, and yet our existence is a perversion of life itself! This is never how it should have been! My imprisonment has been unbearable! Release me and let me destroy the world to sate my thirst!

"Lend me your power, then," Jack said. "But you will not destroy the world. Instead, I will help you."

You cannot help me or my kind! We are darkness incarnate! We are mockeries of life! We were never meant to exist! Release me and let me show your opponent the depths of my rage!

Jack raised his hand to Red Nova.

* * * * *

Jack slumped over the console for a moment, then shook his head quickly to clear it.

"Jack!" Crow called as he pulled up alongside him. "What happened? What was with the weird glowing and the screaming?"

"Here is a final lesson for you, Crow," Jack said. "It's one that Yusei has tried to teach us both all our lives: Strength is not something you build up alone."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I Normal Summon 'Chain Resonator!'" Chain Resonator appeared on the field. The chain on its back flowed in the wind like a cape. "When Chain Resonator is Normal Summoned while a Synchro Monster is on the field, I can Special Summon a 'Resonator' monster from my deck. Red Nova, lend me your power!" A card slid out of Jack's deck. What looked like black smoke enveloped the card.

"I Special Summon 'Dark Tuner - Clear Resonator!'"

"'Dark Tuner?!'" Crow repeated.

Chain Resonator tossed its chain into a portal and pulled it out again with it wrapped around a new monster. It was another 'Resonator,' but it was encased in a huge crystal. Its robes appeared torn and a dark blue orb was sunken into its chest.

Dark Tuner - Clear Resonator
ATK / 0
LV 1


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Jack has summoned a fearsome 'Dark Tuner' monster, a creature only bestowed upon Dark Signers by the Earthbound Immortals! But Jack insists that he hasn't fallen to the darkness. Instead, Jack takes his duel further than ever before with a new kind of Synchro Summon!

"This is the true strength of the King, Crow!"

Thank you, Jack Atlas.

Chapter 45

The King's Duel


Featured Card

Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant
Level 8
Winged Beast/Synchro/Effect
1 "Blackwing" Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn: You can target up to 2 face-up monsters whose DEF is equal or less than this card's ATK; destroy them. This card cannot attack during the turn you activate this effect. Once per turn, if a "Blackwing" monster you control would be destroyed (by battle or card effect), it is not destroyed.

Burning Rebirth
Continuous Trap Card
Tribute 1 Level 8 or higher Synchro Monster you control to target 1 "Red Dragon Archfiend" in your Graveyard; Special Summon it, and equip it with this card. When this card leaves the field, destroy the equipped monster. During either player's turn: You can send, to the Graveyard, this face-up card you control and 1 Tuner monster from your hand; Special Summon the monster Tributed for this card's activation.

Blackwing - Bayamo the War Hammer
Level 11
Winged Beast/Synchro/Effect
1 "Blackwing" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner "Blackwing" monsters
Must be Synchro Summoned, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. When this card is Synchro Summoned: It gains 400 ATK for each non-Tuner monster used as its Synchro Material. Once per turn, if this card attacks an opponent's face-up monster: You can activate this effect; while that monster is face-up, its effects are negated and this card cannot destroy it by battle (this is a Quick Effect). When this card is destroyed: target 1 non-Tuner monster used as this card's Synchro Material in your Graveyard; Special Summon, from your Graveyard, that target and the Tuner monster used for this card's Synchro Summon, then inflict 500 damage to your opponent. You can only activate this effect of "Blackwing - Bayamo the War Hammer" once per duel.

Chapter 46: The King's Duel

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 46

The King's Duel


Dark Tuner - Clear Resonator
ATK / 0
LV 1

"Jack, what's going on?!" Crow demanded. "Why do you have a Dark Tuner? Is this why you're fighting against Yusei? Are you a Dark Signer now?!"

Jack slowed down and allowed Crow to pull up beside him.

"Do I look like a Dark Signer to you, Crow?" he replied. His eyes hadn't changed. "I don't want to destroy anything, Crow. In fact, I want to help Yusei as badly as you do. So I am doing what no one has done before: I am embracing the darkness to become the light! Clear Resonator's effect activates! Once per turn, I can select a Tuner I control; this turn, it can be treated as a non-Tuner for a Synchro Summon. Dark Clarity!"

The crystal around Clear Resonator's body began to glow with a light that rippled like water. Waves of light struck Chain Resonator and it dropped its tuning fork and mallet.

"Level One 'Clear Resonator,' Dark Tune with the Level One 'Chain Resonator!'" The orb in the middle of the Resonator's body began to glow. A star burst out of it and broke through the crystal, then pushed its way into the body of Chain Resonator. Its form faded, leaving only an orange outline, and the star turned dark. It collided with the bright star inside Chain Resonator and the two lights vanished.

"Jack, you can't seriously think this is a good idea!" Crow shouted. Jack simply sped up and returned to his position ahead of him. A column of darkness descended and overtook the hollow body of Chain Resonator.

"When the darkness descends, the King shall reveal the light within, the infinite potential in the shadow of the void! Dark Synchro! Light up the night, 'Zero Resonator!'" The darkness gave way and revealed Jack's new monster. It was another 'Resonator,' with a giant number zero on its back.

Zero Resonator
ATK / 0
LV 0

"A Level Zero monster?" Crow said. "Now I've seen everything."

"Not yet, you haven't! Zero and Clear Resonators' effects activate. If Clear Resonator is used as Synchro Material with only the monster targeted by its effect, I draw one card. When Zero Resonator is Synchro Summoned, I can add 'Resonator' monster from my Graveyard to my hand." Jack drew a card, then took Synkron Resonator from his Graveyard, and added both cards to his hand.

"Now, Zero Resonator, retune the Level Twelve 'Red Nova Dragon!'" Jack shouted. He slammed his fist into his chest, then raised it into the air with fire burning around it. "Use the power of my Burning Soul!"

"'Retune?!'" Crow exclaimed.

A Mach cone began to form around Jack's D-Wheel, focused right at the nose. Streaks for light and fire appeared in the air around him. Zero Resonator banged its mallet on its tuning fork and vanished. Waves rippled through the air and hit Red Nova Dragon's body. As they did, Red Nova Dragon roared and raised its hands to the side of its head, as if to cover its ears. Suddenly, fire erupted all around it and covered it from head to tail tip. It roared as the fire overwhelmed its entire body.

A voice screamed in Jack's head. NO! What are... you... The voice roared violently. JACK.... ATLAS!

"Born from infinite darkness, consumed by rage and pain, be purified in the fires of the King's heart! Burning Accel Synchro!"

Jack pulled back his burning fist and thrust it forward. The flames burning on his fist shot forward and exploded in front of him. At that moment, Jack and the fireball above him disappeared and Crow rode right past the spot he had just been.

"Accel... just like Yusei," he said. Suddenly Jack reappeared behind him, with a new monster flying above.

"Reveal your true self! Level Twelve, 'Resonant Immortal Xiuhcoatl Nova!'" Jack shouted.

Resonant Immortal Xiuhcoatl Nova
ATK / 0
LV 12

"What... what IS that?" Crow asked.

"This was once the Crimson Devil, the Earthbound Immortal named Red Nova. It has been purified by my Burning Soul. The darkness that tortured it since its birth has been turned into light."

The monster had the body of a serpent, but the torso and arms of a muscular man. Its entire skin was a pale blue, not unlike the sky on a clear day. Lines of violet, green, and bright red ran along its arms, face, body and tail. Atop its head was a feathered headdress, and at the end of its tail were two stacked trapezoids, and a large spike sitting atop those. A massive, dark blue gem rested on the monster's chest. Xiuhcoatl looked at its hands and its serpentine body. It looked down at Jack and nodded.

Thank you, Jack Atlas. Forgive me for any pain I and my brethren have caused you.

"There's nothing to forgive. Now, let's show Crow what a REAL duel looks like! I Special Summon 'Synkron Resonator' from my hand, then Release it to activate Xiuhcoatl Nova's effect! Once per turn, I can Release a Tuner monster I control so that Xiuhcoatl Nova can copy the name, Attack, Defense, and effects of a Synchro Monster in my Graveyard. Xiuhcoatl Nova gains the power of Red Nova Dragon! Synkron Resonator then adds 'Chain Resonator' from my Graveyard to my hand."

Synkron Resonator changed into a ball of light that struck the gem at the base of Xiuhcoatl's headdress. As it lit up, each gem above it did so as well, and in sequence. A translucent image of Red Nova Dragon appeared and was absorbed into the large jewel on Xiuhcoatl's chest. The blue monster began to glow, white energy swirling like fire around its body. The wings of Red Nova Dragon appeared on its back.

Xiuhcoatl Nova (Red Nova Dragon)
ATK / 6000
LV 12

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Crow shouted.

"Xiuhcoatl Nova, attack Bayamo the War Hammer! Burning Thunder!" Dark clouds appeared overhead and thunder rumbled in the sky. Lightning flashed about, but a bolt flew down toward Bayamo, burning as if it were made of fire.

"I play 'Defense Draw!' I negate the damage from this attack and draw one card!" Crow drew his card and a barrier appeared around him and Bayamo the War Hammer, blocking Xiuhcoatl's attack. The clouds began to dissipate.

"Your monster is still destroyed, Crow!" Jack replied.

"No it's not! Silverwind the Ascendant can save one 'Blackwing' monster from destruction each turn."

"Very well then. I Set one card and end my turn. During the End Phase, Xiuhcoatl Nova's effect ends." Red Nova Dragon's wings vanished.

"I activate 'Star Shift' and 'Synchro Back!'" Crow said. "Star Shift lets me swap out Silverwind the Ascendant for another Synchro Monster with the same Level, but with its effects negated. Rise, 'Black-Winged Dragon!'"

"So you've decided to stop holding back, have you?" Jack snorted.

Crow ignored him and continued. "Synchro Back returns a Synchro Monster on my field to the Extra Deck, but only until the next Standby Phase." Black-Winged Dragon vanished almost as soon as it had appeared.

Crow drew. "My turn! It's my Standby Phase now, Jack, so Black-Winged Dragon is Special Summoned back to the field! Darkened whirlwind, become the wings that soar from resolved hope! Soar, 'Black-Winged Dragon!'"

Black-Winged Dragon
ATK / 2800
LV 8

"Now it gets interesting!" Jack laughed.

"You're not the only one with surprises, Jack," Crow said. "I activate 'Cards for Black Feathers,' and send 'Blackwing - Boreas the Sharp' from my hand to the Graveyard to draw two cards."

"What?!" Jack said. "That's not a 'Speed Spell!' You'll lose the duel!"

"That's what you think, Jack. Normally when a regular Spell is played, its controller takes two thousand damage when it resolves, but with Black-Winged Dragon on the field, that won't happen. Black-Winged Dragon's effect: It absorbs the damage and turns it into a 'Black Feather Counter,' but loses seven hundred Attack Points for each of these counters it has. Go, Damage Drain!"

A red glow appeared around Crow. Black-Winged Dragon opened its beak and the red light rose up away from Crow and spiraled into the dragon's mouth. Some of the feathers on its wings changed from white to black and red.

Jack blinked, then smiled. "You've found a way around the restrictions of Speed World... I can't remember the last time I said this to anyone, but I'm impressed. Perhaps you will take my throne one day."

"You don't have a throne anymore, Jack."

"Don't I?" Jack replied. "From the beginning, I was King of some small territory. Goodwin and Yeager set me up on the throne of Neo Domino City, but it was through my own effort that I maintained my kingship. It wasn't until Yusei came to face me that I lost. After we parted ways I was on the verge of regaining my throne when the Black King appeared and claimed the city as his own. This city is mine, Crow, and I will not let this 'Black King' desecrate my title any longer!"

"There IS NO Black King, Jack!" Crow shouted.

"There IS, Crow!" Jack responded.

Jack Atlas, I know what it was that released me before.

"What?" Jack asked.

When Crow first defeated you, he planted seeds of darkness in you with Bayamo the War Hammer, but they were not fully nourished because Bayamo did not inflict the final blow. When you went to confront the Black King and were instead met by the god of darkness Nightshroud, the seeds grew out of control. Nightshroud brainwashed you and sent you back to the Satellite to keep you out of his way.

"I see... Crow! Where did you get Bayamo from?"

"What? I told you already, Yusei gave me this card."

"Then that proves it: The Black King is real, Crow, and it seems we've both been played by him. He is Yusei!"


"Something has happened to him, Crow, and we must figure out what it is and help him before the god of darkness swallows him!"

"Jack, just STOP! You're trying to destroy everything Yusei worked so hard to build! And for what? So you can feel like the King again? Well, you're NOT the King, Jack, and you never will be again if I have anything to say about it!"

"Yusei told you that Bayamo must deal the finishing blow, didn't he?"

"Wha- yeah, how did you know?"

"Xiuhcoatl Nova saw how it corrupted me while it was still Red Nova, trapped in my 'Red Nova Dragon' card. Because it wasn't the card you used to defeat me in our last duel, the corruption wasn't complete. This proves that Yusei is the Black King, Crow!"

"I don't have to listen to this! I remove 'Boreas the Sharp' from my Graveyard to activate its effect. One 'Blackwing' monster I control can't be destroyed by battle and I take no damage from its battles with monsters this turn. And if it battles a monster, it destroys it after damage calculation! Battle! Bayamo the War Hammer, attack Xiuhcoatl Nova!"

Bayamo raised its war hammer and blasted off after Xiuhcoatl Nova. Xiuhcoatl crossed his fists in front of his chest, then threw his arms out to the sides. The massive jewel on his chest began to glow and a fire appeared inside it.

"Xiuhcoatl Nova's effect activates!" Jack announced. "When it's attacked, I can Special Summon a Synchro Monster from my Graveyard, but it's sent to the Extra Deck during the End Phase."

"I activate Bayamo's effect! When it battles a monster, I can negate that monster's effects!" Crow responded.

"That won't work, Crow. When Xiuhcoatl Nova is Synchro Summoned by using 'Red Nova Dragon' as Material, it becomes unaffected by all of my opponent's card effects! Revive, 'Red Nova Dragon!'"

Xiuhcoatl grabbed the jewel on its chest and raised it over its head. The jewel burst into flames and Xiuhcoatl threw it into the ocean. A column of steam erupted from where the flaming jewel struck the water, surrounded by the crests of the waves that splashed up. A shadow appeared in the steam. It began to spin, spreading red wings out of the steam as it did. The steam was blown away and Red Nova Dragon's roar echoed across the bay.

Red Nova Dragon
ATK / 6000
LV 12

"Xiuhcoatl cannot be targeted for attacks while I control another monster that is DARK or FIRE Attribute, and your monsters must attack, if possible. Red Nova Dragon, intercept Bayamo the War Hammer!"

Red Nova Dragon folded its wings in and dove for Bayamo, reaching out a burning, clawed hand. Bayamo noticed and raised its hammer to block the strike.

"Thanks to Boreas the Sharp, Bayamo isn't destroyed and I take no damage," Crow said.

"But Red Nova Dragon cannot be destroyed by my opponent's effects, so it will not be destroyed by Boreas' effect," Jack replied.

"My turn's not over, Jack. I play the Speed Spell 'Overspeed.' If I have four or more Speed Counters, my Speed Counters drop to zero, but I get to add a Level Three or lower monster and a Spell or Trap in my Graveyard to my hand. I also can't gain Speed Counters for the next three turns. I choose 'Kalut the Moon Shadow' and 'Cards for Black Feathers.' Then I activate Cards for Black Feathers, sending 'Blackwing - Steam the Cloak' to the Graveyard to draw two cards. Black-Winged Dragon absorbs the damage I would've taken from Speed World Two. Finally, I play the Spell 'Dark Eruption' to add a DARK monster with fifteen hundred or less Attack Points in my Graveyard to my hand. I'll add 'Blackwing - Jetstream the Blue Sky.' Black-Winged Dragon absorbs damage from Speed World Two again."

Player: Crow
LP: 2000
Hand: 3
SPC: 4 --> 0

Black-Winged Dragon
ATK / 700
BFC: 3

"I activate Black-Winged Dragon's effect! I can remove all of its Black Feather Counters to lower the Attack Points of one of your monsters by seven hundred points per counter, and you'll take damage equal to the amount of points that monster lost! Black-Winged Dragon, Black Burst!"

"Counter Trap, 'Crimson Fire!' When you activate an effect that would inflict damage to me while I control a monster with more Attack Points than that damage, it's doubled and redirected back to you!"

"Black-Winged Dragon absorbs it! Damage Drain!"

A black ball of energy, crackling with red lightning, formed at the tips of the claw-like legs underneath the Black-Winged Dragon's body, its wings changing back to white as the orb grew. It launched the orb at Red Nova Dragon, which caught it in its mouth, then spat out a torrent of fire. Black-Winged Dragon inhaled it and its wings began to turn black again.

"Well played, Crow. Once again you were able to dodge the effect of 'Crimson Fire.'"

"Yeah, well, you're kinda predictable," Crow said with a smirk. Jack suddenly laughed. "What, got more 'I'm the King!' crap for me?"

"No, no," Jack answered, calming down. "I thought that was funny because it's what I told Yusei when we fought against the Meklords. Here I am reusing old strategies, creating new ones, and even adding a twist to Yusei's Synchro technique. I'm becoming so much like him in the simplest ways."

"Makes what I said true."

"Which puts you in my shoes. Which also makes it funny."

It was Crow's turn to laugh.

"Jeez, Jack... what happened to us?" he asked. "We used to be close. We fought a lot, but we grew up together, so you were always like a big brother to me."

"We grew up. We parted ways. We reunited, but we're on opposite sides of the same conflict. I stand by what I said earlier, Crow: Yusei has played us both, but I believe he was betting on your victory."

"But why would he do that?"

"Has he behaved strangely at all?"

Crow thought back to when Yusei hit him. How he was dressed in dark clothes, not even a lab coat. How his eyes didn't shine like they used to. The strange people that roamed the halls of Kaiba Corp. "Now that you mention it, yeah," Crow said.

"I think some dark force has claimed Yusei for itself. He encountered it twice when he visited the world the ponies are from."

"Wait, he's been to their world?"

"Yes, twice. The first time was after his first duel with Paradox, before he returned to our time. The second time was when Paradox stole our dragons from us."

"That explains a lot."


They road in silence for some time.

"What do we do now?" asked Crow.

"We finish what we started," Jack answered.

"Are you sure?"

"Do you believe what I said about Yusei?"

"Not completely."

"Then that settles it. You are not ready to be the King of this city, Crow, not yet. Not only must I prove to you that I'm telling the truth about Yusei, I must also prove that I am the true King of Neo Domino City!"

"Jack, come on!"

"Finish your turn, Crow."

Crow sighed. "I switch Black-Winged Dragon to Defense Mode and Set one card face-down. Your move, Jack." Black-Winged Dragon folded its strange wings in front of its body and gained a blue outline.

Black-Winged Dragon
ATK / 2100
DEF / 1600
BFC: 1

"During the End Phase, Red Nova Dragon returns to the Extra Deck," Jack said. Red Nova Dragon's form vanished. All that remained was the jewel that Xiuhcoatl Nova had used to revive it. Xiuhcoatl took the jewel in hand and placed it back on his chest.

"My turn!" Jack announced as he drew a card.

Player: Jack
LP: 1700
Hand: 4
SPC: 6

"I play 'Speed Spell - Angel Baton,' which lets me draw two cards and send 1 card from my hand to the Graveyard. I'll send Chain Resonator. Next, I activate 'Red Rising Dragon's' effect from the Graveyard. By removing it from the game, I can Special Summon two Level One 'Resonator' monsters from my Graveyard. I summon Chain and Synkron Resonators!"

Chain Resonator
DEF / 100
LV 1

Synkron Resonator
DEF / 100
LV 1

"I Release Chain Resonator to activate Xiuhcoatl's effect, allowing it to copy 'Crimson Blader.' Next, I activate the Speed Spell 'Sonic Buster' to inflict half of Xiuhcoatl's Attack Points as damage to you."

"Black-Winged Dragon's effect absorbs it and turns it into a Black Feather Counter. Damage Drain!"

The image of Crimson Blader appeared and was absorbed into the gem on Xiuhcoatl's chest. A giant red sword appeared and Xiuhcoatl grabbed the hilt. Shortly after that, a pink-white beam shot out of the gem, but Black-Winged Dragon swallowed it, turning more of its massive white feathers black.

Xiuhcoatl Nova (Crimson Blader)
ATK / 2800
LV 12

Black-Winged Dragon
ATK / 1400
BFC: 2
LV 8

"As expected. Now I activate 'Speed Spell - Defense Buster' and switch Black-Winged Dragon to Attack Mode!" Black-Winged Dragon flung its wings out to the side and screeched.

"Uh-oh," Crow said under his breath.

"Battle! Xiuhcoatl Blader, attack Black-Winged Dragon with Red Thunder!" Xiuhcoatl raised its sword to the sky. Storm clouds again appeared overhead, rolling with the sound of thunder. Crimson bolts of lightning struck the ground around the duel highway.

"Trap Card, 'Fake Feather!' I send 'Blackwing - Jetstream the Blue Sky' from my hand to the Graveyard to copy the effect of 'Half or Nothing' in your Graveyard! Choose, Jack: Cut your monster's Attack Points in half, or end the Battle Phase!"

"Xiuhcoatl Blader, stop!" Jack shouted. The lightning faded and the clouds vanished. "I Set two cards and end my turn."

"My turn!" Crow shouted. "Bayamo the War Hammer, attack Xiuhcoatl Nova! Typhoon Hammerblow!" The jets in Bayamo's wings pushed it into the air, then stopped. As it fell toward Xiuhcoatl, Bayamo raised its hammer over its head.

"You expect me to summon a Synchro Monster so you can beat that down, and you plan to keep doing it until I run out of cards, right? Well, it won't work. You're not playing with some amateur, Crow. You're dueling against the King! Trap Card, open! 'King's Synchro!'"

"What?!" Crow said, astonished and shocked.

"This negates your attack and lets me Synchro Summon by removing the Synchro Monster you attacked and a Tuner in my Graveyard from the game!" Jack said.

"But Xiuhcoatl's Level Twelve! There aren't any Synchros with a higher Level!"

"But there is one with an equal Level," Jack replied calmly.

Crow's eyes widened. "Zero Resonator is in your Graveyard..." he said.

"I tune Xiuhcoatl Nova using Zero Resonator and the power of my Burning Soul!" Zero Resonator reappeared and banged its tuning fork with its mallet. It vanished and sound waves rippled through the air. Xiuhcoatl looked down at Jack as its body began to glow. Fire appeared around it as it coiled its tail beneath itself, curling into a ball as it did.

"Once more, take the form of the devil and cross the path of the King. Show your blazing spirit and lift up the cries of creation itself! Synchro Summon! Come forth, 'Red Nova Dragon!'" The fireball exploded, knocking Bayamo back toward Crow. Red Nova Dragon emerged from the fire, roaring long and deep, the windows of the buildings they passed trembling with the sound.

Red Nova Dragon
ATK / 6000
LV 12

"Wait a second! How does it have six thousand Attack Points?" Crow asked. "There aren't enough Tuners in your Graveyard!"

"If Zero Resonator leaves the Graveyard, except by being Special Summoned, I'm allowed to send another 'Resonator' monster from my deck to the Graveyard. I chose 'Mirror Resonator.'"

"I'm not done yet! I switch Black-Winged Dragon to Defense Mode. Next, I summon 'Kalut the Moon Shadow,' then return it to my hand to activate 'Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite's' effect. Zephyros is Special Summoned from my Graveyard in Defense Mode, and I take four hundred damage, but Black-Winged Dragon absorbs it and turns it into a Black Feather Counter. Now I'll activate Black-Winged Dragon's effect! All three Black Feather Counters are removed from Black-Winged Dragon, Red Nova Dragon loses seven hundred Attack Points for each one, and you take the same amount of points as damage!"

"Continuous Trap, 'Fiendish Chain!'" Jack's final face-down card flipped up. Green chains erupted from the artwork and wrapped themselves around Black-Winged Dragon. "Black-Winged Dragon's effects are negated and it cannot attack!"

Crow ground his teeth. "I Set one card, and end my turn," he said.

Player: Crow
LP: 2000
Hand: 1
SPC: 0

Blackwing - Bayamo the War Hammer
ATK / 4000
LV 11

Black-Winged Dragon
DEF / 1600
LV 8

Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
DEF / 1000
LV 4

It doesn't matter what Jack does, Crow thought. I've got him pinned now! If he doesn't attack with Red Nova Dragon, I can beat him next turn, and he knows it. But if he DOES attack, I'll just use Kalut to raise Bayamo's Attack Points and lower the damage I take. After that, Bayamo's final effect will activate, but I'll also play my Trap... that'll put Jack at exactly five hundred Life Points, and Bayamo's effect can finish him off then and there!

"This is my last chance, Crow! My turn!" Jack shouted as he drew his card.

Player: Jack
LP: 1700
Hand: 1
SPC: 8

"I activate 'Speed Spell - Final Attack!' If I have eight or more Speed Counters, it doubles the Attack Points of a monster I control, but it cannot attack directly and is destroyed during the End Phase!"

Red Nova Dragon
ATK / 12000
LV 12

"Impossible!" Crow yelled.

"Battle! Red Nova Dragon, attack Blackwing - Bayamo the War Hammer! Absolute Burning Soul!"

Red Nova Dragon beat its wings once and shot high into the air. Fire burned all around it. It spread out its wings, arms, legs, and tail, allowing everyone and everything to see its full shape. It suddenly dove toward Bayamo, the fire burning hotter and hotter. The dragon began to spin like a drill and extended its claws forward. It sliced through the long handle of Bayamo's hammer, and pierced through Bayamo as well. The Blackwing was destroyed in a massive explosion. Crow's D-Wheel spun out of control as it opened its vents and spewed out huge amounts of steam.

Life Point Count
Jack: 1700
Crow: 0

Jack stopped his D-Wheel a short distance from Crow and raised his right arm straight up, pointing a finger at the sky. "There is only one King, and that is me!"

Crow got off his D-Wheel, coughing and waving away the steam. Jack lowered his arm and dismounted as well and walked over to Crow.

"I would like to guess what your Set card was," he said. "You were told to defeat me using Bayamo the War Hammer, were you not? That means you would need some way of reducing my Life Points to five hundred points, or less. You had Kalut the Moon Shadow in your hand, so without my Speed Spell, there's no way I could have defeated you that turn. I imagine your Set card would've exploited this fact."

Crow nodded. "It was 'Black Thunder.' If you had destroyed Bayamo, not only would its effect go off, but I'd activate Black Thunder too. It would've dealt four hundred damage to you for each card on your field. You had three. After that, Bayamo's effect would've wiped out the last five hundred Life Points you had. Not only would I have beaten you with Bayamo, but it would've been a perfect finish."

"Didn't I tell you already?" Jack said with a smile. "There's no such thing as perfection."

"Yeah, yeah," Crow said dismissively.

"Listen, Crow. I beat you the same way Yusei beat me at the end of the Fortune Cup all those years ago. He knew I would try to finish things with a certain card, a card fit for the King's finishing move. He planned ahead and countered my entire plan for him. He then defeated me with the same Speed Spell that I used here."

"What's your point, Jack? You think you're turning into Yusei?"

"No. My point is that you have grown much more than I realized. You are closer to the throne than you have been, closer than I thought you could be at this point." Jack offered his hand to Crow. "Congratulations on a spectacular duel, Crow. You're stronger than I've ever given you credit for."

"Wow... thanks, Jack," said Crow, taking Jack's hand and giving it a firm shake.

"You still have a long way to go," Jack continued, "but it may not be as far as either of us thought. I'm proud to call you my friend, Crow."

"Same to you, Jack. Now, let's go save Yusei!"

Moments later, the Blackbird and the Volcanic Wheel of Fortune were speeding down the highway back to the KC Tower.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight races back into the tower to rejoin her friends and lead the assault on the Black King's stronghold! But as she and the others storm the lobby, familiar faces greet them: Aporia, Ushio, Sherry, and Sayer.

Sayer: "Aki, you're as radiant as ever. I hope there are no hard feelings between us?"

Sherry: "Ze last remnants of the resistance have appeared."

Ushio: "Let's fix that."

Aporia: "I will not lose to you again, Twilight Sparkle!"

As everyone prepares for the fight of their lives, the room is suddenly shrouded in darkness, and everyone begins to see what's inside themselves...

Chapter 47

Regrets and Fears


Featured Card

Dark Tuner - Clear Resonator
Level 1
Fiend/Dark Tuner/Effect
(This card is also always treated as a Tuner monster.)
Cannot be used as Synchro Material, except for a Dark Synchro Monster. If you control no Synchro Monsters, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand or Graveyard). You can only Special Summon "Clear Resonator" once per turn this way. Once per turn: You can target 1 other Tuner monster you control; this turn, it can be treated as a non-Tuner monster for a Synchro Summon, also it becomes Level 1. If you Synchro Summon using only this card and the monster targeted this turn by this card's effect: Draw 1 card.

Zero Resonator
Level 0
Fiend/Dark Synchro/Tuner/Effect
1 non-Tuner - 1 DARK "Resonator" Tuner monster
(This card is also always treated as a Synchro Monster.)
Can only be Synchro Summoned if the Level of the non-Tuner Synchro Material Monster minus the Level of the Tuner Synchro Material Monster equals 0. (This card's original Level is always treated as 2.)
While this card is on the field or in the Graveyard, its Level becomes 0. When this card is Synchro Summoned: Target 1 "Resonator" monster in your Graveyard; add it to your hand. If this card leaves the Graveyard, except if it was Special Summoned: You can send 1 "Resonator" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard.

Resonant Immortal Xiuhcoatl Nova
Level 12
1 Tuner + 1 or more DARK Synchro Monsters
Must be Synchro Summoned, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If this card was Synchro Summoned using "Red Nova Dragon" as Material, it is unaffected by your opponent's card effects. Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 Tuner monster you control to target 1 Synchro Monster in your Graveyard; this card's name, ATK and DEF become that card's original name, original ATK, and original DEF, also it gains that card's original effects. These changes last until the end of the turn. When a monster your opponent controls is destroyed by battle: You can Special Summon 1 Tuner monster from your Graveyard. When this card is targeted for an attack: You can target 1 Synchro Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it, but return it to the Extra Deck during the End Phase. While you control another DARK or FIRE Synchro Monster, this card cannot be targeted for attacks.

King's Synchro
Normal Trap Card
If a Synchro Monster you control is targeted for an attack: Target that Synchro Monster and 1 Tuner monster in your Graveyard; negate the attack, and if you do, immediately after this effect resolves, Synchro Summon 1 Synchro Monster, using those targets only. These Synchro Materials are banished.

Chapter 47: Regrets and Fears

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 47

Regrets and Fears


Twilight galloped back into the tower and ran around the large reception desk ahead of her. At the far end of the room, near the elevators, she saw her friends. Twilight lit her horn, conjured her Duel Disk, and stopped next to Spike.

"Twilight!" cried Spike, hugging her leg. "Are you okay? Where's Rainbow Dash?"

"I'm fine, Spike. Better, actually," Twilight answered. "Rainbow went with Paradox to help him after we got him back to normal."

"Okay," said Spike. "Help him with what?"

"The guy who beat him in the first place. Antinomy. They're both dueling him."

"Glad you could join us, Miss Sparkle," Yeager said. "Some of your friends still need Duel Disks."

Twilight nodded, then looked at Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. "Will you help us out, girls?" she asked.

"Of course, sugar cube," Applejack said.

"Absolutely," Fluttershy said with a smile.

'Yep yep yep! Beating bad guys with games sounds like fun!" Pinkie Pie squealed. Twilight raised an eyebrow. "And, we gotta save the world and all," Pinkie added with a sheepish smile.

"Thank you," she said. "Rarity, Spike, bring up your Duel Disks so I can use them as templates. We need as many of these 'Light Disks' as we can get." Rarity lit her horn and Spike suddenly grew taller than all of the ponies. Their Duel Disks appeared and Twilight lit them both up with her magic, then created three new Duel Disks for the other girls.

Pinkie Pie's Disk was shaped and colored like the blue balloon in her Cutie mark, and the blade was wide, straight, and pink, with white sections where monster cards were played, and what looked like icing decoration all along the edges of the blade. "YAHOO!" she shouted, jumping ten feet into the air.

"How does she do that?" Kazama asked.

"I have no idea," Spike replied.

Applejack's Duel Disk had a body shaped like a bright red apple. The blade itself was a light brown, with bright green edges and monster card slots. Applejack nodded. "Ready to kick some tail with this thing!"

Fluttershy's was shaped like a flower with five pale pink petals. The petals spun around the Duel Disk, then curved out in front of it to form the blade. A slot opened up in the body and a deck of cards appeared.

"I hope I can do this," she said.

"You can, Fluttershy," said Twilight. "I know you can!"

"How touching," came a voice from above them. Twilight and the others looked up on their right. Standing on an elevated walkway were four humans: Aporia, Sherry, Ushio, and fourth that Twilight didn't recognize.

"Sayer!" Aki gasped.

"Aki, you're looking radiant as ever," Sayer replied. "I hope there are no hard feelings between us?"

"You used me! I was just a tool to you!" she shouted.

"Come now, Aki, you know that isn't true. Psychic duelists have always been discriminated against. You were hurt worse than any I had encountered before, and I truly cared for you."

"You blackmailed and killed people! You planted words in my head to control me! You did horrible things, Sayer, and I'll never forgive you for it!"

"Every horrible thing I did was for you, Aki."

"I don't believe you! You lied to me about everything! Why should I ever believe you again?"

Another voice filled the room. "You shouldn't." On the opposite side of the room, a holographic image appeared. It was the Black King. "You're right. He's lied to you about so many things, and he never truly cared about you. If he did, he would never have brainwashed you."

Sayer frowned and clenched a fist.

Twilight stepped away from the group and looked up at the hologram. "Take off the mask, Yusei," she said. "I know it's you. We all do now."

The Black King said and did nothing for several seconds. Then he reached up and gripped the face of the mask and pulled it off. Yusei's piercing blue eyes met Twilight's purple ones.

"It's been too long, Twilight," Yusei said.

"I know what you're doing, Yusei. It doesn't have to be this way."

"You don't know what I know, Twilight. You haven't seen the things that I have. What Paradox told me at the Singularity is true: My program, the Fortune mainframe, was the final catalyst that led to the death of the world. He showed me. He took me two hundred and forty years into the future, and the world was still dead. We were able to power up some old computers and he showed me the data that proved it. When we came back, I worked so hard to stop it, to change Fortune so that Momentum could never go out of control even if it did become sentient. But nothing worked. Every simulation, every test, all of it... all of it failed. I will never save my people from our own creations. Paradox, Z-one, Aporia, Antinomy, none of them will see a future where they can live out their lives in peace."

"You can't give up now, Yusei!" Twilight pleaded. "Look, maybe you won't get to see for yourself whether or not that future gets prevented, but you can't just give up on that! I'm sure there's a way we can save humans from extinction!"

"There is, Twilight," Yusei said. "It's Nightshroud." His image vanished.

"Yusei!" Twilight shouted. "Yusei, come back!"

Aporia chuckled. "You are mine now, unicorn." He grabbed one of the golden rods hovering over the ring on his back and pulled the whole structure over his shoulder. A duel blade made of translucent green energy formed on the outer edge of the ring and between the rods. The front of the gem on his right wrist slid up and back to reveal his deck. "I will not lose to you again, Twilight Sparkle!"

"Bring it on, Aporia!" Twilight shouted back.

And then the lights went out.

* * * * *

Twilight woke up slowly. She opened her eyes, but saw nothing. Her horn lit up and light spread out around her. She was still inside the lobby of the tower, but now the place looked rundown. Dilapidated. Puddles of water gleamed as her light passed over them. A slow, steady dripping sound could be heard as water fell into one of the small pools. Twilight walked over to one and saw that it was murky with filth. Tiles in the floor were cracked or outright missing, exposing slightly eroded concrete. The walls were green with slime and water damage.

"What happened?" Twilight muttered. "This place is falling part. How long was I out?"

She began walking. She pushed an elevator button with her magic, but nothing happened. "The power must be out here," she said. She started walking again, looking in every door and down every hallway that she could. She eventually found some stairs that went up. With no other obvious paths available, she climbed them.

Twilight used her magic to open the door at the top and stepped through slowly. The sound of dripping water could still be heard. She continued down the hall carefully, trying every door she passed with her magic. Most were jammed or locked. The few she found open had nothing of interest in them.

She heard footsteps behind her. She looked over her shoulder and shined her light down the hall. Her eyes widened.


The giant human stopped. "Twilight Sparkle," he said.

"What's going on here?" Twilight asked him.

"I am not sure myself," Aporia said. "But if I had to guess, I suppose it has something to do with that thing Yusei was talking to in the reactor room."

"Nightshroud," Twilight said.

"You know of it? How?"

"It caused some trouble in my world before. I've seen what it can do, but I don't know that it could do something like this. It's like the lower floors of the tower were caught in a flood that lasted for a week and no one bothered to fix anything."

"My duty is to serve the Black King... Yusei. You are opposed to him, so you are naturally my enemy. But, in light of our current situation, I propose a truce. I cannot do anything for Yusei where I am now. Even defeating you might prove pointless if it turns out I was needed elsewhere."

"I hate to say it, but I was thinking the same thing. We need to get out of here before we can do anything else."

Twilight turned back around and started walking again. The massive gems in Paradox's shoulders lit up, flooding the hall with light. Twilight let her magic fade, then looked back at Aporia. "I didn't know you could do that," she said.

"Let's go," Aporia replied.

The two walked in silence for a time. Twilight continued trying every door they passed, quickly investigating the rooms she could get into and finding nothing and no one.

Twilight was the first to speak. "Why is the city so empty?"

"Because of Nightshroud. And Yusei. His initial attempts to bring Nightshroud to the human world failed. He almost succeeded once, but Nightshroud's link to our world wasn't completely stable. He took most of the people in Neo Domino City who could not stand up to his servants in a duel. The ones who remained were strong enough to hold their own, or were lucky enough to not lose before the connection to the World of Darkness fell apart. They became the resistance that you and your friends met and joined. But now Yusei has worked out how keep the connection stable. Once Momentum has generated enough negative energy, Nightshroud will replace our world with its own."

"I still don't understand why Yusei would do this, though. What happened to him?"

"I am not certain. He told me that he had seen the future, that it was still unchanged even after Z-one's defeat at his hands, and that he's trying to save the world from itself. I don't know anything more than that, Twilight. I'm sorry."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

Aporia stopped walking. Twilight also stopped and turned to look at him. "At this point in the war, whether or not you know how things turned out this way is irrelevant. You cannot stop what is happening. Besides, I learned something from Yusei and his friends in my previous life, when I served under Z-one: A bond can form when you duel someone. You are a powerful rival, Twilight Sparkle, and I have great respect for you. You don't have to believe me, but I am not lying to you."

* * * * *

Twilight opened the door in front of them. Lights suddenly flashed on and she shielded her eyes from the light until they adjusted.

"I know this place," Aporia said, stepping past her. Twilight put her hoof back on the floor to get a better look at the room. It was undamaged, pristine, unlike the rest of the building they had seen so far. The room was large, spacious, with chairs and sofas nestled into sunken corners. A boy sat on the floor next to a low table. Duel Monsters cards were scattered across the table in front of him. He smiled as he picked them up one at a time and examined them.

He wore a strange but simple clothes. White pants with a black shirt. Over that he wore a white and turquoise coat with a blue vest attached. Long red hair fell down his back.

"That's me," Aporia said.

"That's you?" Twilight repeated.

"Yes... but this has already happened. I remember this day."

Suddenly, there was an explosion. The boy looked up from his cards and ran to the glass wall at the edge of the room. Smoke rose up from a building in the distance. Then there was another explosion close to the first. More smoke. A beam of green light shot toward the sky, striking one of the flying city-ships that floated above the city. It descended slowly before crashing into the bay.

Two adults ran into the room. "Alexander! Hurry! We have to leave!" said the woman.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" The boy asked.

"Something went wrong with Momentum. Hurry!" said the boy's father. His mother grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door.

The scene faded. The room was dark.

"That was the day Momentum went out of control," Aporia explained as he stepped into the room, turning as he did to shine light into the darkest areas. "I was just a child at the time. I learned later on in life that Momentum had become self-aware and judged humans as unworthy of life for abusing its power. It began creating Meklords that wreaked havoc on the world."

"It made the Meklords?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. Synchro Monsters are the symbols of evolution, and my people became obsessed with it. Before its awakening, Momentum's energy not only powered our cities, but our advancement. The more we used Synchro Monsters, the more we expressed our desire to evolve further and faster. That energy drove us to new heights... and we brought Momentum with us. That is why the 'Meklord' card series is so focused on anti-Synchro tactics."

There was another flash of light. A woman stood in front of Aporia. She looked up at him, smiling.

"Xander," she said before fading away.

"Who was that?" Twilight asked. Suddenly the room changed again. A young man with spiky gray hair was walking through an empty store. Most of the shelves and stands were bare, but he found food that had been left behind now and again. He grabbed a box of rice crackers and pried it open.

"Hey!" called a voice. He jumped and looked around. A woman stood at the end of the aisle. She was dressed in soldier's garb. Simple grey outfit, body armor, a headband. She shouldered her gun and walked up to him. "You hungry?" she asked. The man didn't answer. "You must be if you're willing to eat expired crackers. Follow me."

"Where?" the man asked, still holding the box of crackers.

"To the resistance," she said. "You join the fight and we can feed you."

"You can't fight those things," said the man.

"We've been doing it for a while now," she said. "We've even seen some guy on a red D-Wheel doing it too, taking the machines down in one shot. The big ones too, not just the soldiers."

"That's just a rumor. And I told you, you can't fight them. I've seen what they can do." He turned around and started walking away.

"Who did you lose?" the woman asked. The man stopped. She walked up beside him. "We've all lost people in this war. That's what happens. But we need help, all the help we can get. If we don't stop the machines, a lot more people are going to lose their lives. There will be more and more people like us. Come on. What do you say?"

The scene faded and darkness once more flooded the room.

"Who was that?" Twilight asked.

"The love of my life," Aporia said. "Eurea Pastel. This was the day we met. She convinced me to join the resistance against Momentum. It was a loose-knit group, barely organized at all. But they had heart, and information. Thanks to them, I got a piece of the story. That was when I learned that the machines were coming out of the Momentum power plants. We didn't know much more than that, however. No one could get close enough to learn anything else. It wasn't until I met Z-one that I learned the truth of what happened.

"Eurea and I were always together. We fought together, we ate together, we..." Aporia's voice caught in his throat. "I loved her. I never knew how to love someone like that until I met her."

"What happened to her?" Twilight asked. Aporia closed his eyes. "I'm sorry. If you don't want-"

"No. I will tell you. She was killed. The same kind of Meklord that killed my parents killed her too. Granel Type, Emperor Class. We were on a mission, tracking one that had been patrolling near our base. We planned to destroy it, but it was tougher than the other types we'd faced. Its armor was thicker, more resilient to damage. We didn't even scratch the paint."

"I'm so sorry, Aporia."

"The resistance fell soon after that. The base was attacked directly and most of us were killed. The rest of us fled. For years, I would hear rumors of some of the survivors trying to start a new resistance. Nothing lasted long. I also kept hearing rumors of the red D-Wheeler that could destroy the Meklords in one shot. But then, one day... one day, I stopped hearing those rumors."

"Was he killed?"

"Everyone was. The rumors stopped because there was no one left to say them. I wandered the cities of Japan for ages. I don't know how I survived as long as I did. I was old. The Meklords had ceased all activity and I never saw them again, but I never saw any humans again either. I had lost everyone... the people who loved me, the one I loved... and at the end of it all, I had no one left to love. I thought I was the last.

"That's when I met Z-one. He was a scientist, and the red D-Wheeler I used to hear so much about. He and two other men, older than I was, found me and asked me to join them. I was no scientist like Z-one or George, and I wasn't a pro duelist like Johnny, so I knew almost nothing about the true power of Synchro Monsters or Momentum. All I could give them was companionship."

"Who are George and Johnny?"

"You know them as Paradox and Antinomy, respectively. Those are just code names, given to them after they were revived as androids. I am the same.

"Z-one often tried to bring me up to speed on the science they were experimenting with. He had a gift for simplifying things so that even I could understand what they were trying to do. I sometimes tried to contribute ideas, but most had been thought of already. They tried my more ridiculous ideas, though. None of them worked, but they did it for me anyway. Z-one often encouraged the group to have faith in me, that I was trying just as hard as they were to fix this. Z-one was the closest friend I had ever had. I respected him more than anyone, and I respected the others a great deal.

"But, one by one, we fell. We created computerized pods that would preserve our bodies and maintain our minds. There were three of them. Z-one was the best of us and we worked to extend his life so that he could keep trying to change what happened. With our minds saved on computers, we would be there to help him whenever he needed us."

"I never knew you had such a personal stake in all of this, Aporia," said Twilight. "I'm sorry."

"Thank you, Twilight." Aporia sighed. "If we find our way out of here, you know we are enemies again, don't you?"

"Yeah, I know," Twilight said sadly. "I wish it didn't have to be this way."

"So do I, my little pony. So do I."

They walked for a time in silence.

Twilight stopped and perked up her ears. "Do you hear something?" she asked.

"No," Aporia replied, still walking. Twilight looked around quickly and ran to catch up to Aporia. Mere moments later, she stopped again.

"Okay, this time I heard something," she said. Aporia stopped and turned around, sweeping the hallway with his lights. "There!" Twilight shouted, pointing with a hoof. Something moved out of the light.

"I don't see anything," Aporia said.

Suddenly a black shadow swooped over Twilight and Aporia. The sound it made was like roaring wind. Twilight ducked, but Aporia stood steady.

"Did you see that?" Twilight asked. "What WAS that?!"

"I'm sorry, Twilight, but I didn't see anything."

"But it was just over us! You couldn't have-"

"Twilight, I'm an android. I can see colors you've never even heard of. If I don't see it, it isn't there."

"I... I guess," Twilight said. She glanced over her shoulder, then ran up to Aporia. "Maybe it's Nightshroud playing tricks on us."

The shadow watched them leave. It smiled.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight and Aporia continue their trek through the seemingly abandoned building. Twilight still believes they are being followed by something. In the darkness, the two are shown more visions...

Chapter 48

Shadow of Truth


Featured Card

Meklord Emperor Granel ∞
Level 1
Other monsters you control cannot attack. This card gains ATK equal to your LP. Once per turn: You can target 1 Synchro Monster your opponent controls; equip that target to this card. This card gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of all Synchro Monsters equipped to it by this effect. When this card is destroyed: Destroy all monsters you control.
ATK / 0
DEF / 0

Chapter 48: Shadow of Truth

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 48

Shadow of Truth


A drop of water splashed on Twilight's horn, sending a few droplets down to her face. She blinked them away and shook her head. Aporia continued forward, unfazed by the damp.

"Aporia, let's stop for a minute," Twilight said.

"Neither of us has the time for rest, Twilight," Aporia answered without stopping. "I must return to Yusei, and you must find your friends. If either of our missions is to succeed, we cannot stop."


"And besides," Aporia continued, stopping to turn and look at Twilight, "I still have a score to settle with you. You've beaten me twice now. We are both growing stronger. I have to know if I've become stronger than you."

"It's not just about Yusei anymore, is it?" Twilight asked as she broke into a quick trot to catch up to Aporia.

"No. Now, it truly is about rivalry. I want to test myself against you. Stopping the resistance and protecting Yusei is simply a means to an end."

"That's the same kind of tenacity that Yusei had." Twilight caught up to Aporia and the two continued walking down the dark hall. "It helped him save my world twice already. I just don't understand how he could give up like that."

"Some things simply cannot be conquered with one's own power."

"Then he should ask other people for help! He's got you and Antinomy and Paradox! I don't know much about the technology or physics here, but I'm a quick study so even I might be able to help!"

"It's not that simple, Twilight. No matter what happens, the Fudo family is ultimately responsible for the extinction of mankind. Yusei has tried everything in his power to avoid that fate, but it's not enough. Paradox could not help him either. In the end, he realized that the only way to save mankind is through silence." Aporia stopped. The lights in his shoulders went out. "Darkness is eternal, Twilight Sparkle. No matter what, it always returns when the light is gone. Light, on the other hand, is fleeting because it must have a source."

"But life depends on light. It fights for the light, to keep it burning. Even if one light goes out, another one has been lit."

Aporia said nothing.

"We can't give up, Aporia. We can still save the world, and Yusei."

Aporia stopped.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"Look," Aporia said, pointing a finger. Twilight looked in the direction he indicated.

"That's you!" she said. "And there's Yusei! And Jack, and Crow! And everyone! What's-"

"Another vision," Aporia said. "This was the day of my final death. Yusei had defeated me hours before in the finals of the WRGP, and I lost once again to Jack Atlas and the twins. But I returned because Jack made me realize that I still held on to hope."

"You look like you fell down a cliff," Twilight said.

"The chamber I guarded collapsed after I lost and I was heavily damaged on the way down. I was barely able to climb my way back up."

"What's going on now?" Twilight asked. "And what's that over there?" She pointed toward a strange machine floating in the air. It was shaped like a comma, though upside-down. Twilight noticed that it also resembled Yusei's D-Wheel, but more compact and with a reversed color scheme, white with a few red stripes. Six blue tubes extended from the back of the device and Twilight could see electricity and Duel Monsters cards inside them. In the center of the device was what looked like the upper half of a man completely covered in metal and wearing a strange mask.

"That's Z-one."

"Z-one?" Twilight repeated. "That's him? The last human?"

"Yes. I returned to challenge him, to show him the hope that Team 5D's had given me, but it wasn't enough. I couldn't win."

A mechanical voice echoed throughout the room, originating from the machine in the air. Twilight looked around and realized they were now surrounded by massive piles of junk and scrap metal.

"Aporia, your role has ended," said the voice. "Farewell. Lazion, the Timelord's effect activates! When you conduct your normal draw, you receive one thousand points of damage."

The damaged Aporia was engulfed in flames. He screamed, the fire tearing at his body. "Z... Z-one...." he gasped before falling to the ground.

"I gave the last of my hopes to Yusei. He told me he was able to defeat Z-one and even partly changed history when he summoned a new monster, but Paradox proved that it still wasn't enough. Time is a fickle thing, Twilight. It doesn't like to be changed."

"Tell me about it," said Twilight.

The vision faded. Twilight and Aporia were once again standing in the darkness of the abandoned Kaiba Corp. building. Aporia turned on his lights again. But this time, the light hit something bright and clean. It was Z-one.

"Team 5D's asked me how I could kill my friend like that," said Z-one. "I acted as if I didn't care, that you were not truly the Aporia that I knew, that you were just a puppet. But the truth is, it tore me apart inside. That's why I asked in the midst of the duel that we stopped. I knew you could not defeat me when all you had was hope. Hope alone cannot rebuild the future."

"Z-one?" Aporia said. "Is it... is it truly you?"

"Aporia, it's a trick!" Twilight said. "The real Z-one is dead. Antinomy told me he sacrificed himself to stop the Ark Cradle after Yusei beat him in a duel.'

"But... he's right here," Aporia said. "Z-one, how did you survive?"

"Yusei saved me," Z-one replied.

"You're lying!" Twilight said. "Antinomy told me that you died, and I bet Paradox and Yusei would say the same thing!"

"Z-one... I'm sorry we couldn't save the future. You were right, we should have destroyed Neo Domino City and removed Momentum from history."

"History will never change, Aporia, not without great sacrifice," Z-one said with his mechanical voice. There was a bright flash. Twilight and Aporia covered their eyes until the light died down. They suddenly found themselves in a purely white space, standing on a tiled floor. Z-one's hoverchair turned so he could face them. Two massive, mechanical arms appeared beside him, and a third device that resembled a gigantic deck holder materialized above his right arm.

"You failed me, Aporia. "

"Z-one, I did the best that I could!"

"You betrayed me."

"I tried to save you from your madness!"


Incredible winds kicked up out of nowhere and pushed hard against Twilight and Aporia.

"Duel me, Aporia!" The left arm swing over to the deck holder and drew five massive cards.

"Z-one, please!" Aporia pleaded.

"Aporia, let's both take him on," Twilight said. "There's something funny going on here, and I want to know what it is. Dueling 'Z-one' over there might be the only way to get some answers. "Besides, you know more about his deck than I do, and he can't defeat us both, right?"

"Whether or not this is the real Z-one, you are right that he may have answers," Aporia agreed. "And even if that were not the case, I suppose I should face him."

Twilight nodded, then said to the floating machine before them, "We'll both duel you!" Her Duel Disk appeared in front of her and Aporia pulled the golden ring behind him down to his waist. Green energy formed along the outer edge as his Duel Disk activated.

"Very well," Z-one said. "This will be a tag duel. Neither of you are opponents to each other, but both of you are treated as my opponent. We will also take our turns in direct sequence, with one of you following the other, and none of us can attack on our first turn."

Twilight and Aporia nodded in agreement.


Life Point Count
Z-one: 4000
Aporia: 4000
Twilight: 4000

"My turn!" said Z-one. The left arm took a card from his hand and slammed it onto the ground. "I summon 'Time Angel' in Attack Position."

A slender, metallic monster arose from the card on the ground. Its body was dark silver and metallic. The chest was hollow and covered with a gold cuirass that ran down to the bottom of its body in a single line. The gold circled around its body and formed two wing-like structures. Its arms and shoulders were pieces of armor with nothing inside them, floating disconnected next to the body. A gold mask rested just above the chest cavity. Two red eyes flared up from behind the mask as two massive, blue wings unfurled above it.

Time Angel
ATK / 0
LV 1

"I Set three cards face-down, and end my turn." The giant arm put three more cards face-down on the floor.

"A monster with zero Attack Points in Attack Position?" Twilight said. "What's he planning?"

"I know exactly what he's planning. Allow me to go first, Twilight. My turn!" shouted Aporia. "I summon 'Grand Core' in Attack Position!" An orange egg appeared on Aporia's field. The top half tilted back partly, like a lid, and two smaller parts popped out of the sides. Long white fins emerged from within the egg as well.

Grand Core
ATK / 0
LV 1

"I activate 'Chaos Blast'! By sending the top three cards of my deck to the Graveyard, I can destroy one Level Four or below monster on the field. I destroy Grand Core. Next, when Grand Core is destroyed by a card effect, I destroy all monsters on my field and Special Summon 'Meklord Emperor Granel Infinity', 'Granel Top', 'Granel Attack', 'Granel Guard', and 'Granel Carrier' from my hand, deck, or Graveyard."

Five new monsters appeared in front of Aporia. The central piece resembled the other two Meklord Emperors, but was colored gold. Two claws folded out from its back to the sides as the center opened and revealed the green energy orb inside. Each claw opened up as the top and undersides of the machine also opened. Twilight thought of a crab as she watched.

Two fish-like machines appeared as well. On Granel's right was what looked like a coelacanth, while the left resembled a long-nosed butterfly fish. Each one stretched and rotated into different shapes, then locked into place in the claws of the center piece.

Beneath the Meklord was a dome-like machine with a small, curved structure on top. The machine split open and the structure extended upward, joining with the Meklord body. The underside of each half of the machine folded open and into the upper half, revealing a pair of caterpillar treads.

The final piece resembled a sea horse with single, large red eye. It spun around to face Aporia as the spiked tip of its tail slid down into the top of Granel's body until the fins rested just above the shoulders. The top half popped up and revealed a much larger red eye inside.

Meklord Emperor Granel ∞
ATK / 0
LV 1

Granel Top
ATK / 500
LV 1

Granel Attack
ATK / 1300
LV 1

Granel Guard
ATK / 500
LV 1

Granel Carrier
ATK / 700
LV 1

"Granel Infinity's Attack Points are equal to my Life Points," Aporia continued. "Combine, Meklord Emperor Granel Infinity!"

Meklord Emperor Granel ∞
ATK / 4000
LV 1

"Whoa," Twilight said. "Four thousand Attack Points right away? That's impressive, Aporia."

"I play the Spell 'Chaos Bloom'! It's effect changes based on how many other copies of it are in my Graveyard. Since there are none, I can destroy one monster on the field with no more than one thousand Attack Points. I destroy Time Angel! I then Set one card and end my turn."

"My turn," said Twilight. "I summon 'Milla the Temporal Magician'. When Milla is Normal Summoned, I can look at one of your face-down cards. I'll pick the one on the far left."

Z-one's card flipped up. Twilight read it, but it remained shadowed to Aporia.

"That's strange," Twilight said. "Would Z-one have used that with his Time Angel card?"

"If the card you see is 'Magician's Adage', then yes," Aporia said. "When Time Angel is destroyed by battle, it sends all opposing monsters back to the hand. Z-one would then have used Magician's Adage to inflict three hundred damage to us for each of those monsters."

"That clears that up," Twilight said. "I Set a card and end my turn."

"It is my turn again," said Z-one. His center face-down card flipped up on its edge and a golden ring appeared before him. "I activate the Continuous Trap 'Nonexistence'. While this card is face-up, I can Normal Summon any monster of Level Ten or above without Release, but the Attack Points of all monsters I control becomes zero."

"Brace yourself, Twilight," said Aporia.

"I summon 'Metaion, the Timelord'!" Z-one threw a card through the gold ring and a new monster appeared on his field. The new monster seemed like a much larger version of Time Angel. The arm pieces were much larger and painted bright orange. Two orange shoulder pieces curved out and up from the side of the body. A faceless headpiece floated above the body. A pair of sheer, white, metallic wings rested behind the machine. It's chest was wide and glass-like. Twilight gasped when a wide-eyed, grinning human face appeared inside the glass.

Metaion, the Timelord
ATK / 0
LV 10

"Level Ten, but it's Attack Points are at zero," Twilight said.

"Do not underestimate Metaion," Aporia replied.

"Battle! Metaion, attack Meklord Emperor Granel," Z-one ordered. Metaion grinned and held its hands out in front of itself. A whirlwind of fire erupted from his palms, aimed directly at Granel.

"He'll lose!" Twilight gasped.

"No! Twilight, stop the attack!" Aporia shouted.

"Even if I could, why-"

"Metaion's effect activates," Z-one announced. "At the end of a Battle Phase in which it attacked, Metaion returns all opposing monsters to the hand and inflicts three hundred damage per card. In addition, I activate the Trap 'Magician's Adage', inflicting an additional three hundred damage per card returned to the hand."

Metaion grinned as a whirlwind of fire spun up from the ground beneath Twilight's and Aporia's monsters. As each one was launched into the air, another of Z-one's Set cards flipped up. The fire turned bright blue and rushed towards Twilight and Aporia. The two were thrown backwards, landing flat on the ground several feet away from where they were. Their monsters disappeared with the flames.

Life Point Count
Z-one: 4000
Aporia: 400
Twilight: 400

"Thirty six hundred points of damage," Twilight groaned as she tried to stand up. She stumbled and fell back down. "Eighteen hundred points from each card..."

Aporia pushed himself up into a sitting position with some effort. "You couldn't stop the attack?" he asked.

"No," Twilight said. "Honestly, I didn't think he could do much if he was relying on Traps and weak monsters, but I won't underestimate him again."

"I Set one card face-down and end my turn," said Z-one. "Whether or not you underestimate me will not help you. You are dueling against the power of a god."

"A god...?" Twilight finally managed to get her hooves under her.

"Indeed," Z-one answered. "I manipulated all of human history for the sole purpose of saving the future of the human race. I am as a god to all."

"Well, there's just one problem with that," Twilight said. "Yusei beat you once already. God or not, that means we can too! Aporia, it's your turn! Show him what you've got!"

Aporia nodded. "My turn!"


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Twilight and Aporia struggle to stay in the duel in the face of Z-one's godlike defenses and controlling tactics! But Twilight still suspects something else is beneath the mask. Aporia, however, doesn't believe it until a new monster appears...!

Chapter 49

False God


Featured Card

Metaion, the Timelord
Level 10
Cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects. Players take no battle damage from attacks involving this Attack Position card. You cannot Summon monsters. At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card attacked or was attacked: Return all monsters your opponent controls to the hand, and if you do, inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each card returned. During your Standby Phase: Shuffle this card into the Deck.
ATK / 0
DEF / 0

Chapter 49: False God

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 49

False God


"My turn!" Aporia shouted as he drew a card.

Player: Aporia
LP: 400
Hand: 8

"I Set three cards, then activate my face-down 'Reload'! This shuffles all cards in my hand into the deck, then lets me draw the same number of cards that I returned. There are five cards left in my hand, so I draw five cards!"

"You knew that I would return Granel to your hand," Z-one said.

"I did, since you did it before," Aporia replied. "I activate my face-down 'Core Reboot' to Special Summon 'Grand Core' from my Graveyard. Next I activate 'Core Grenade' to destroy Grand Core and inflict one thousand points of damage to you!"

Grand Core reemerged onto the field, but suddenly exploded. The flames swirled around Z-one for a moment before vanishing. Suddenly, the five pieces of Meklord Emperor Granel appeared and joined together to reform the robot.

Meklord Emperor Granel ∞
ATK / 400
LV 1

"When Grand Core is destroyed, it destroys all monsters on my field and Special Summons 'Meklord Emperor Granel Infinity' and its four pieces from my deck."

"Its Attack Points are equal to your Life Points, Aporia," Z-one remarked, pointing a finger at Aporia. "The weaker you are, the weaker your monster becomes."

"That's what you think," said Aporia. "I equip Granel with my face-down 'Grand Converter'. Instead of my Life Points, Granel Infinity now gets its Attack Points from its Meklord Parts! And during each of my Standby Phases, I gain two hundred Life Points for each 'Granel' monster I control." A black and red device appeared that began to wrap itself around the Meklord's joints. The green light in the chest changed to a bright red.

Granel Top
ATK / 500
LV 1

Granel Attack
ATK / 1300
LV 1

Granel Guard
ATK / 500
LV 1

Granel Carrier
ATK / 700
LV 1

Meklord Emperor Granel ∞
ATK / 3000
LV 1

"All right!" Twilight cheered. "Now Granel works the same way as the other Meklord Emperors!"

"It doesn't matter. So long as I control 'Metaion, the Timelord', I am untouchable."

"You won't control it for long. During your Standby Phase, Metaion, the Timelord is shuffled into your deck, leaving you open! You'll have to summon another Timelord if you want to protect yourself from us. I Set two cards and end my turn."

"My turn!" As Twilight drew, one of Aporia's Set cards flipped up. "I activate 'Grand Diversion'," he announced. "This card inflicts five hundred points of damage to you, Z-one!" Granel Infinity aimed its left arm at Metaion and fired a short burst of energy. Metaion slapped it aside and grinned, but Granel had already moved his arm to point at Z-one and fired another burst. Z-one was pushed back by the hit, but floated forward again to retake his place.

"Is that the best you can do, Aporia?" Z-one asked with a chuckle.

"No. This is: I activate 'Grand Crown'! When you take effect damage while I control Granel Infinity, I draw one card, and until the end of my next turn, all effect damage any player takes is converted to life gain, unless it's from a card that I control."

"Time to show off some of my magic tricks," Twilight said with a smile. "I summon 'Milla the Temporal Magician' and use her effect to take a peek at your middle card!" Twilight pointed a hoof and the card she indicated flipped up. He must have Set that card as part of his combo with 'Time Angel'. "Alright, Z-one, time to battle!"

"Twilight, what are you doing?" Aporia shouted. "If you attack Metaion, all of our monsters will return to our hands!"

"Trust me, I've got a plan. Milla, attack Metaion!" Milla lifted her staff into the air and a bright light began to shine from the end. "I play the Trap 'Magician's Circle'!" Twilight said. "If a Spellcaster-Type monster attacks, each player has to Special Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster from their deck with two thousand or fewer Attack Points in Attack Mode, if they have one." She looked over at Aporia and smiled. "See? When Z-one summons a monster, it'll cause a replay and I can cancel the attack. Plus, I'll have a new monster too! I Special Summon 'Crusader of Endymion'!"

Crusader of Endymion
ATK / 1900
LV 4

"Twilight, the Timelords are all Fairy-Type monsters," Aporia explained. "And what's more, Metaion prevents Z-one from summoning other-"

"I activate 'Endless Emptiness' by sending 'Nonexistence' to the Graveyard. Now I can ignore the effects of Timelords that prevent me from Summoning other monsters. With 'Magician's Circle' I Special Summon 'Dark Archetype' from my deck," Z-one said. The gold ring floating in front of Z-one vanished and was replaced by a pair of rings, joined at the edges. His new monster emerged from a puddle of black ooze. Massive, three-clawed arms and legs pulled the thing out of the muck. Its body was black and pink, as if it were rotting away and its muscles were visible. A tiny, grey head with beady yellow eyes emerged from the center of a metal device around its neck. A black tail whipped around behind it.

Dark Archetype
ATK / 1400
LV 4

"What? But..." Aporia stammered. "Th-that wasn't in his deck! What IS that?"

"I don't know, Aporia," Twilight stated. "But I am a mare of science. And do you know how a scientist learns about something she's never seen before?"

Aporia said nothing. Twilight grinned.

"She hits it with a stick to see what happens! Milla the Temporal Magician attacks Dark Archetype!" The young woman still held her staff in the air. A beam of light erupted from the end and shone on Dark Archetype. It struck the creature and destroyed it instantly, leaving behind another puddle of black slime.

"I activate the Trap Card 'Foolish Decision'," Z-one said. "All damage I take from this battle is reduced to zero. Next, I activate Dark Archetype's effect. If it's destroyed by battle, I can Special Summon a monster from my deck whose Attack Points are equal to the damage I took by sending monsters from my hand to the Graveyard with the same total Level. I send a Level Ten 'Timelord' from my hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon 'Zaphion, the Timelord' to the field!"

A new Timelord rose up from the black ooze. The metal was painted blue and the structures around the screen were much more ornate. Gold wings slid up behind the machine's top. The face of a human woman appeared in the screen. She had blue skin, violet hair, and a gold tiara.

Zaphion, the Timelord
ATK / 0
LV 10

"Crusader of Endymion, attack Zaphion!" The blue armored warrior-mage ran forward and threw a punch at the massive face on the front of the Timelord's body. The gauntlet struck the screen, but nothing happened and Crusader returned to Twilight.

"Timelords cannot be destroyed by battle or effects, and players take no damage from battles involving them," Z-one said. "At the end of a Damage Step where Zaphion battled, all Spell and Trap Cards on my opponent's field are shuffled into the deck."

Zaphion extended the arms of her machine to the sides and a torrent of water erupted from the screen. It washed over Meklord Emperor Granel and caused the device around its body to vanish.

Meklord Emperor Granel ∞
ATK / 400
LV 1

"Aporia, I'm sorry," said Twilight. "I had to find out what it does. I Set two cards and end my turn."

"During the End Phase of the turn when it was activated, Grand Diversion lets me Set a card from my hand," said Aporia. "You were merely acquiring information, Twilight Sparkle. That is the most valuable asset a duelist can have in any duel."

"My turn," said Z-one. His left arm drew a card from the floating deck. "During my Standby Phase, Metaion and Zaphion are shuffled into my deck." The angelic machines vanished and their cards floated into the air, then into Z-one's deck, which was then shuffled. "Zaphion's effect activates. When it leaves the field, I draw until I'm holding five cards in my hand."

"Zaphion returned to the deck, though," said Twilight. "I thought effects like that didn't activate if the card is shuffled into the deck."

"Zaphion will activate regardless," Z-one explained as he drew four cards. "I activate the effect of 'Endless Emptiness'. This lets me Special Summon Level Ten and above monsters from my hand, but the Attack Points of all monsters I control becomes zero."

"Not so fast, Z-one!" said Aporia. "I activate the card I Set with Grand Diversion's effect: 'Infinity Barrage'! If you control no monsters, you take four hundred damage for each monster I control!"

"From my hand, I activate 'Raphael's Blessing'," Z-one said calmly. "When a card or effect activates that would inflict damage to a player's Life Points, the activation is negated, then its controller and I draw one card."

"But that's a Counter Trap!" Twilight objected. "Trap Cards have to be Set face-down before you can use them, and you can't activate them in the same turn they're Set!"

"Raphael's Blessing can be activated from my hand during my own turn. Now, as I was saying, I Special Summon three new Timelords from my hand: 'Lazion, the Timelord', 'Kamion, the Timelord', and 'Sadion, the Timelord'." Z-one threw three cards through the pair of rings before him. Three new Timelords appeared, one red and silver with fire burning in its shoulders; another brown and black with a wide frame; and the third green with a silver center and flowing forms.

Lazion, the Timelord
ATK / 0
LV 10

Kamion, the Timelord
ATK / 0
LV 10

Sadion, the Timelord
ATK / 0
LV 10

"Be careful, Twilight," Aporia said. "If Lazion attacks, it will shuffle all cards on our fields and in our Graveyards back into our decks. I do not know what the others do."

Twilight looked at her two face-down cards. Then which ones should I stop? she wondered. Maybe he'll test the waters with a bluff effect...

"Battle! Sadion, the Timelord will attack Meklord Emperor Granel," Z-one ordered. Sadion held his hands out with his wrists together and a tornado erupted from his palms. However, Granel stood strong against the storm. "When Sadion attacks, my Life Points increase to four thousand at the end of the Damage Step."

Player: Z-one
LP: 4000
Hand: 2

"Even if he hadn't played 'Raphael's Blessing', he could've reset his Life Points," said Twilight, dismayed.

"So why did he play it?" Aporia asked. "If he didn't need to at all, he would've held on to it."

Twilight's eyes widened. "Hey, you're right. Why play a card if you don't need to? Either he's showing off..."

"...or he didn't have Sadion in his hand! And he only played three Timelords when he could have played more, which means Z-one only had Kamion and Lazion in his hand."

"If Infinity Barrage had worked, Z-one would only have five hundred Life Points left."

"He didn't want to take the chance of one of us defeating him after this turn!"

And I was right about him testing the waters. This means I should stop Kamion and Lazion when they attack. "He's very methodical isn't he?"

"Z-one was the leader of Iliaster, a genius who was able to work out a plan that spanned millennia."

"I controlled man's development for thousands of years, using the secret society known as Iliaster to acquire the vast resources and connections required to fulfill my plan to save the future of man," Z-one said. "Not even the lives of Team 5D's were outside of my influence. I am equal to a god, with the greatest of the angels at my command."

"You're not a god, Z-one," said Twilight. "If you were, you could've stopped Duel Monsters from being created. You could've stopped Momentum from ever being invented! But you couldn't, could you? You could influence the past, but you were just part of a destiny trap, doing everything that would ensure your own future!"

"You know nothing, unicorn!" Z-one shouted.

"I know a false god when I see one," Twilight shot back.

"ENOUGH! Lazion, the Timelord, attack Granel Infinity!" The eyes of the bearded man displayed on the Timelord's front widened fiercely as the mechanical hands were raised above it. Dozens of fireballs began to take shape above the machine. It lowered its hands and the fireballs rained down like meteors at Aporia's robot.

"I play the Trap 'Break Tune'!" Twilight shouted. "This negates your attack and Special Summons a Tuner monster from my hand! Come on out, 'Arcane Apprentice'!"

Arcane Apprentice
DEF / 400
LV 2

"Then I attack with Kamion, the Timelord!" Z-one ordered.

"Oh, no you don't! I play 'Spellbinding Circle' and target Kamion! Now it can't attack as long as it's trapped inside the circle!" A magical circle appeared around the earthen Timelord, pinning its arms to its sides. The broad face in the center shook back and forth as if struggling to get free. Z-one ended his turn.

Aporia drew. "Lazion's effect activates," Z-one announced. "When you draw cards during the Draw Phase, you take one thousand points of damage!"

"But because of 'Grand Crown's' effect, damage from card effects other than my own increases that player's Life Points instead!" Aporia countered.

Player: Aporia
LP: 1400
Hand: 5

Aporia looked at the new card in his hand. "You were right to play that Counter Trap," he said. "I equip Granel Infinity with 'Grand Scope'! Now it can attack directly, but all damage it inflicts is equal to the Attack Points of 'Granel Attack'. Go, Grand Slaughter Cannon!"

Granel Attack
ATK / 1300
LV 1

Granel Infinity aimed its arm cannon directly at Z-one and fired a pinpoint shot at him. It struck the mask and sent him spinning backwards through the air. The Timelords on his field turned and followed him. Twilight and Aporia ran after them as well.

Z-one slammed his empty hand onto the ground to slow down and steady himself. He turned to face Aporia and Twilight as they ran to catch up to him. The mask had been destroyed on Z-one's left side. Twilight gasped.

Inside the armored body was black liquid, bubbling and rippling like the ocean in a storm.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

'Z-one' is revealed to be an imposter! With his mask destroyed, Twilight and Aporia's opponent reveals himself. The team press the thing for answers, but the duel becomes more and more frenzied and desperate as Aporia's field is relentlessly assaulted and Twilight's own resources are depleted trying to protect him! Information is all in this duel, but who has enough to know that they'll win?

Chapter 50

The Truthful Liar


Featured Card

Dark Archetype
Level 4
If this card is destroyed by battle: You can send any number of monsters from your hand to the Graveyard (min. 1), then Special Summon 1 monster from your deck whose ATK is equal to the battle damage you took and with a Level equal to the total Levels of the monsters sent to the Graveyard by this effect.
ATK / 1400
DEF / 400

Chapter 50: The Truthful Liar

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 50

The Truthful Liar


Twilight and Aporia gasped when their eyes saw what was behind Z-one's mask. A bubbling mass of black liquid rippled inside the armored suit, black drops trailing down from between the cracks. Suddenly, the entire form dissolved into black liquid.

"What's going on?!" Twilight cried.

"Z-one!" shouted Aporia.

Cards began to float up from the puddle that lay on the white floor like bubbles. Dozens of cards and more floated in the air, a shadowy aura surrounding each one. They suddenly converged and took on a humanoid shape. The shadows grew stronger, then faded away to reveal a man dressed entirely in black, orange lines running across his suit to form the shapes of a face-down card. A black visor hid his eyes from sight. A black Duel Disk resembling a dragon's wing was strapped protruded from his left arm.

"Who are you?! What have you done with Z-one?!" Aporia clenched his left hand into a fist.

The man examined his hands and his body. "That form has been broken," he said as he flexed his fingers one at a time. "Perhaps it could not be maintained because I did not know Z-one. Or, should I say, you didn't know him, Aporia?"

"Z-one was my friend! How dare you-"

"What was his name?"

"What are you-"

"His REAL name. Before he became the last human. Who was he? Who was the man beneath the mask?"

"I..." Aporia began.

"You never really knew him," said the man in black. "He killed you before you ever learned his true identity."

"So that's it, huh?" Twilight said. "You're able to see Aporia's memories, right? And you're the one who's been showing us those visions."

"That is correct, Twilight Sparkle," the man said.

"Why him and not me? I've won against Aporia twice already... well, I had help the first time, but still, I won. So why go after him and not me?"

"Would you prefer I focus my efforts on you instead?"

"You don't know just how tough I can be," Twilight said with a smirk. "Didn't answer my question either," she added.

"You overestimate yourself, little unicorn. Aporia has already created a strategy designed to defeat you, and I can use that knowledge to my advantage as well."

"You're inside his head but not in mine?" Twilight asked. "Why? Why him and not me? Just who are you?"

"Yes, I suppose I've been quite rude," the man said. "I am the emissary of the darkness. I serve the one who knows the truth of reality. You know my master as Nightshroud. As to my name, many years ago, I chose the moniker Trueman. I am one who speaks the truth. For now, however, you may call me 'Mister T.'"

"I'm not calling you that," Twilight said flatly. "That's just dumb."

"Suit yourself," Trueman said with a shrug. "Aporia, I believe it's still your turn."

"It is," Aporia said with a nod. "I Set three cards and end my turn."

"At this moment, the effect of 'Grand Crown' ends, and effect damage from other players' cards is no longer converted to life gain," Trueman said, a small smile creeping up his face. "Twilight Sparkle, I never needed to go after you. Your defeat at my hands is assured."

Twilight looked up at Lazion, the Timelord. The bearded face behind the glass glared down at her mockingly.

"I guess this is it," Twilight said. "Aporia, do you think you can handle this guy?"

Aporia nodded.

"Okay then," Twilight sighed. "I draw!"

"Lazion, the Timelord's effect activates!" Trueman announced. "Each time you draw cards during the Draw Phase, you take one thousand points of damage!" Lazion's shoulders rotated so that the flames pointed at Twilight. They shot out as two jets of concentrated fire at the unicorn. Twilight dropped to the floor and covered her head with her hooves.

"Counter Trap, open!" shouted Aporia. "'Damage Polarizer'! This negates the activation of Lazion's effect to inflict damage and allows all of us to draw one card!"

A translucent white barrier appeared above Twilight between her and the flames. The fire struck the barrier but was sucked into it. Fire and barrier soon vanished harmlessly.

"Aporia... why?" Twilight asked.

"Because, Twilight," Aporia said as he drew a card, "if anyone is going to defeat you, it will be me. Now, stand up and fight!"

Twilight nodded and got up. She drew another card for the effect of Aporia's Trap. "I summon 'Clear Effector' to the field!" A human woman wearing an orange dress and a very large gold headdress appeared. A large green gem was embedded in the center of the headdress. A long golden sash ran from each of her sleeves and formed a big golden bow at the small of her back. She twirled around, the sash waving elegantly after her.

Clear Effector
ATK / 0
LV 2

"Now I activate 'Spell Absorption' and 'Magical Blast'! The first increases my Life Points by five hundred each time a Spell Card is played, and the second inflicts two hundred points of damage for each Spellcaster-Type monster on my field. I control four, so that's eight hundred damage!" All four of Twilight's monsters pooled their energy together to form a massive swirling ball of magic. It flew forward and struck Trueman, pushing him back across the ground.

Player: Trueman
LP: 1900
Hand: 3

"Level Two 'Arcane Apprentice' tunes my Level Two 'Clear Effector' and Level Four 'Milla the Temporal Magician'! Sword of the hero that gives gallant light, awaken now, in a flash of light! Synchro Summon! Transform the soul, Level Eight, 'Enlightenment Paladin'!"

As Twilight chanted, Arcane Apprentice faded and left two bright stars behind. They drew green tuning rings around Clear Effector and Milla, stripping their forms away and revealing the stars within them as well. They lined up perfectly, then stars and rings alike were consumed by a column of light. Twilight's twin-bladed swordsman emerged from within.

Enlightenment Paladin
ATK / 2500
LV 8

"What... what is this?" Aporia said. "Every Synchro Monster ever made is detailed in my memory banks... that monster never existed before!"

"If Enlightenment Paladin is Synchro Summoned using a 'Magician' monster as Material, I can add one Spell Card from my Graveyard to my hand. I choose 'Magical Blast' and activate it, dealing four hundred damage to you, Trueman, and increasing my Life Points by five hundred through 'Spell Absorption'!"

Life Point Count
Trueman: 1500
Aporia: 1400
Twilight: 1400

"In addition to that, 'Clear Effector' and 'Arcane Apprentice' activate their effects. Arcane Apprentice adds 'Assault Mode Activate' from my deck to my hand, then Clear Effector lets me draw one card when she's used as Synchro Material." A card floated out of the middle of Twilight's deck, then Twilight drew a card. Trueman held up two of the cards in his hand.

"From my hand, I activate the Traps 'Empress' Crown' and 'Hermit's Lantern'. The first can be activated if I control a 'Timelord' monster, and can be played from my hand when a Synchro Monster is Special Summoned to my opponent's field. It lets me draw two cards for each Synchro Monster you control.

"The second card, Hermit's Lantern, can be activated when a Trap Card activates while I control a 'Timelord' monster with zero Attack Points, but can be played from my hand if that Trap Card was mine, and while all 'Timelord' monsters I control- a minimum of three- have zero Attack Points. It lets me draw one card for each 'Timelord' monster with zero Attack Points I control."

Trueman drew five new cards and smiled. "Your defeat is assured now," he said.

"We'll see about that," said Twilight. "I Set a card face-down and end my turn."

Trueman chuckled. "My turn! During my Standby Phase, Kamion, Lazion, and Sadion return to my deck. Now, using the effect of 'Endless Emptiness', I Special Summon five monsters from my hand: The Timelords 'Hailon', 'Gabrion', 'Michion', 'Raphion', and 'Sandaion'!"

Four new Timelords appeared in front of Trueman. The first, Hailon, depicted a woman with stone grey skin and burgundy hair, with the screen mounted between a base and top that matched these colors, respectively, all wrapped in ornate gold designs. Four thin arms descended from the "shoulders" of the Timelord, each one ending in a silver hand with long, thin fingers.

The second, Gabrion, was much simpler in design, being thin, wide, and sharp in its angles. A blue-skinned, green-haired man with a serious look clouding his face was depicted inside the short but wide screen.

Michion, the third Timelord, had a taller design, but with the Y-shaped screen almost dead center on the orange upper half of the body. The orange pieces moved downward as they flared out, and while he lacked any arms, six wings ran up and down the sides of its body, three on each side.

Raphion was the fourth Timelord to appear. He seemed smaller than the others, and not as sharp or rounded. Green was the dominant color of his body, and a child-like face was depicted on a diamond-shaped screen. Silver-blue wings extended outward from his back.

The final Timelord appeared behind Trueman and was massive compared to the others, being more than ten times their size. Dark yellow armor formed the upper half of his body, with wide, flat-tipped shoulder spikes moving out to the sides. A solid, square face was shown inside the cross-shaped screen in the middle of its body. A counter appeared next to Sandaion, indicating four thousand Attack Points, but they quickly dropped to zero due to the effect of the "Endless Emptiness" Trap Card.

"Five Timelords at once?!" Twilight gasped.

"Stay calm, Twilight," said Aporia. "If we make it through this turn, all five will return to his deck on his next Standby Phase, and then he'll be open to direct attacks."

"But how can we survive five Timelords? They can't be destroyed, no damage is inflicted from their battles, and their effects will all be devastating!"

"Some more than others. Think back and remain calm, Twilight. There must be a pattern to these monsters."

"A pattern?"

"Yes. Every series of cards like this has a pattern. We simply have to figure out what it is."

Twilight closed her eyes. If there's a pattern, what is it? They're all Fairy-Type and Level Ten, but their elements are different. They have unique effects as well... but do they have a common theme? Wait... none of them destroy cards! Three of them returned monsters to the hand or deck, one returned Spells and Traps, and the last was life recovery. Effect damage, non-destructive removal, and protection of themselves and their controller! That's the theme!

But what's their weakness? They should all have a common weak point. Oh, I know! Their weakness is that their effects are connected to their ability to attack! They don't attack the way monsters traditionally do. They attack with their effects! It's meant to avoid effects that have anything to do with destruction or battle damage! But how does this help us with what these new Timelords do? I can stop one attack. Aporia has three face-down cards, so I have to trust he can stop three more attacks. But if we stop the wrong attack, it's game over for both of us!

Twilight's eyes shot open. But Trueman knows this! If he has anything to do with Nightshroud, then he'll do this logically and the first Timelord he uses won't affect us significantly!

"Battle! 'Michion, the Timelord', attack Enlightenment Paladin!" Trueman said. Twilight planted her hooves firmly and braced herself. Michion's golden wings flapped and launched burning feathers at Enlightenment Paladin and Twilight.

"Twilight, your monster is in danger!" Aporia shouted.

Twilight ignored him. The Paladin merged his twin blades and spun them in front of him to block the attack.

"Twilight!" Aporia shouted again. "Trap Card, open-"

"Aporia, no!" Twilight cried. "Let it through!" Moments later, Michion's feathers struck the ground around Twilight and set it ablaze. The fire spread to Aporia and quickly engulfed him as well.

"If you will not stop the attack, then you will take my monster's effect. If Michion battles, your Life Points are halved at the end of the Damage Step."

Life Point Count
Trueman: 1500
Aporia: 700
Twilight: 700

"Twilight, why did you stop me?" Aporia asked.

"Because I figured out the pattern," she replied. "The Timelords don't destroy anything, they just reset the opponent's field and damage their Life Points directly. They don't attack the way other monsters do. What's more, not all of them are capable of dealing crippling or fatal blows. Since we've been able to stop most of the Timelords so far, I figured Trueman would try to bluff with his first attack."

She looked at Trueman and pointed a hoof at him. "That's your one free shot, Trueman," Twilight said with a smirk. "None of the others will make it through!"

"We shall see. I now attack Enlightenment Paladin with 'Hailon, the Timelord'!"

"Continuous Trap, open! 'Grand Shield'!" Aporia's center card flipped up. A massive golden shield appeared on Granel's right side and attached itself to its right arm. "If I control Granel Infinity and exactly one 'Granel Guard' monster, I can equip this card to Granel Infinity. While equipped, you can't attack any other monster!"

"Then Hailon will attack your Meklord Emperor. It makes no difference." Hailon brought her four hands together in a circle. A circle of bright light appeared in front of her. Eight black crystals jutted out of the light and it faded away, revealing they were part of the same structure. It spun wildly in all directions and flew forward at Aporia's monster.

"It makes all the difference! When the equipped monster is attacked while I control a Level One 'Granel Guard' monster, I can negate that attack!" Granel brought the shield around in front of itself and used it to bat away the spinning crystal. It flew off into the distance and shattered against a wall.

"Had Hailon's attack succeeded, you would have taken damage equal to the difference between my Life Points and yours. But the Battle Phase isn't over yet. I now attack with Raphion, the Timelord!" Raphion crossed his arms above the screen displaying his face and took on a wicked smile. It appeared to inhale, then spewed forth a solid white wind at Granel.

"Aporia, he's going to try to clear the field now!" Twilight said.

"Continuous Trap, 'Grand Anchor'! 'Granel' monsters I control can only leave the field by being destroyed. Also, I activate Grand Anchor's second effect and target Enlightenment Paladin! Once per opponent's turn, I can target any face-up Synchro Monster Card and it has the same protection until the end of the turn." A large anchor manifested itself in the end of Granel Guard. Granel pointed its right arm at Twilight's Paladin and fired the anchor at him. Enlightenment Paladin swiped his arm up to grab the chain, allowing it and the anchor to wrap themselves around his arm.

"Thanks, Aporia!"

"Raphion returns the monster it battles to the hand and inflicts that monster's Attack Points on the field as damage to my opponent," Trueman said. "You are proving quite stubborn. I now attack with Gabrion, the Timelord." Gabrion positioned his right hand face-up in front of himself, and the left hand face-down above it. His right hand began to glow blue and a single drop of water fell from the tip of his finger. It struck the ground beneath him and unleashed a massive torrent of water.

"I play a Trap: 'Card Defense'!" Twilight shouted. "I discard 'Assault Mode Activate' from my hand to negate your attack and draw one card!" A wall of cards appeared, crisscrossing in front of Twilight and Aporia, blocking the water.

"Gabrion would have returned all cards on your fields to your decks. Grand Anchor would have protected your monsters, of course, but it hardly matters. I still have one Timelord left. Go, Sandaion, the Timelord! Attack Meklord Emperor Granel Infinity!" Lightning struck Sandaion's shoulders as they rotated forward. A massive ball of electricity formed between them and then shot forward at Aporia's monster.

"I activate 'Grand Core Level Three' from my hand!" Aporia revealed a monster then slid it into his Graveyard. "If I control Granel Infinity and four other Level One 'Granel' monsters with different names, and if there is a Synchro Monster on the field with double or more Attack Points than my Life Points, I can send this card from my hand to the Graveyard during anyone's turn to destroy all Granel Parts I control and upgrade them to Level Three!" The four extensions of the robot detached from the body and exploded. Four new monsters appeared around it and attached themselves to it. Each machine resembled a marine or aquatic animal. The first, Granel Top 3, bore close resemblance to a stingray. It flew up into the air, then descended tail first onto the center body of Granel. The tail was inserted into the upper slot, vanishing into the darkness until the body of the stingray had almost made contact with Granel. The stingray's body split in half from top to bottom, each half sliding open and revealing a black, upturned oval. Red lines appeared on the oval, giving the impression of a fierce, battle-ready face.

The machine on the right resembled a sea turtle. The shell was nothing more than a gold octagon resting atop its body, connected to its back by a line of silver circles across the middle. Four more circles were placed in each of the upper and lower corners. The fins of the turtle were silver-white and bladelike. Its plug-shaped tail extended into the right side of Granel's body. A red energy field appeared within and around the shell as it turned sideways to face any threats.

On the left was a piranha-shaped machine. White fins extended from its sides and top. Its tail fell off as the armor covering its back half extended backwards, then connected to the left side of Granel's body. The tail then reconnected on the left side. Its inner jaws, lined with sharp teeth, opened and revealed a rectangle-barreled cannon inside.

Beneath the robot, a giant orange octopus "swam" through the portal onto the field. The undersides of its body and tentacles were silver. Two metal-grey pipes jutted out from either side of its bulbous body. It flipped itself over and folded its tentacles together to form a long spike. The spike was inserted into the underside of the Meklord's body. The body of the octopus split in two and rotated upwards, the stalks of the tentacles bending as they did, revealing a number of jets inside. Each one ignited and smoke poured out of the pipes on the sides.

Granel Top 3
ATK / 500
LV 3

Granel Guard 3
ATK / 800
LV 3

Granel Attack 3
ATK / 1800
LV 3

Granel Carrier 3
ATK / 900
LV 3

"'Granel Carrier Three' allows Granel Infinity to gain the Attack Points of its attached parts during your turn only, putting it at four thousand Attack Points!" The fire from the jets underneath Granel intensified as its Attack Points changed to reflect its parts rather than its master's life.

"Sandaion's effect activates at the end of the Battle Phase," Trueman said. "Each of you will take four thousand points of damage!" Sandaion held up his hands and created another ball of lightning that he drew out into a long bolt. Like the Greek god Zeus, Sandaion threw the bolt down at the ground between Twilight and Aporia.

"I activate Granel Guard Three's effect! Once per turn, when you activate a monster effect, I can negate it!" A translucent white barrier in the shape of a sea turtle's shell appeared around the two duelists. The lightning struck the barrier but could not penetrate it.

"Your persistence will get you nowhere. I Set one card face-down and end my turn."

"My turn!" Aporia drew. "Twilight, if we can make it to his next turn, all five of those Timelords will return to the deck. Trueman has no cards in his hand, so if he doesn't draw a Timelord, we can win this."

"We make a pretty good team, don't we?" Twilight said with a smile.

"Neither of you will survive this duel!" Trueman shouted. "I send 'Endless Emptiness' to the Graveyard to activate 'Infinite Light'! It has the effect of letting me Special Summon Level Ten or above monsters from my hand, and 'Timelord' monsters cannot prevent this. However, Infinite Light also prevents my Timelords from returning to the deck in my Standby Phase, and does not change the Attack Points of my monsters to zero. Because of this, Sandaion's Attack Points return to their original amount!"

Sandaion, the Timelord
ATK / 4000
LV 10

"So what? Aporia can just attack you directly with 'Grand Scope'! You only have fifteen hundred Life Points left, but 'Granel Attack Three' has eighteen hundred Attack Points!"

"I can't, Twilight," said Aporia. "Grand Scope self-destructs if ever I do not control exactly one 'Granel Attack' monster. When I destroyed 'Granel Attack' with 'Grand Core Level Three', there was a moment when I did not have an appropriate monster on the field, so it was destroyed as well."

"Oh no," Twilight said. "Well, we'll just have to hang on then."

"We'll do better than that," said Aporia. "I activate 'Purity of the Grand Emperor'! So long as all monsters I control are 'Granel' monsters and the non-'Infinity' monsters among them have the same Level, the effects of my opponent's monsters are negated during the Battle Phase, but you take no damage from their battles. Because I played a Spell Card, Twilight also gains five hundred Life Points from 'Spell Absorption'. I Set one card and end my turn. Twilight, you're up!"

"My turn!" said Twilight. She brought the card she drew closer to her. Diffusion Wave-Motion! she thought excitedly. I can use this to destroy most of the Timelords since Aporia played that other card. But I need a way to deal with Sandaion next turn. "I activate 'Magical Planter'. This lets me send 'Spellbinding Circle' to the Graveyard to draw two new cards. I also gain five hundred Life Points from Spell Absorption's effect." Twilight drew, glanced at the cards floating next to her, and grinned. "I activate the Spell Card 'Union Attack'! This increases Enlightenment Paladin's Attack Points by the Attack Points of every other monster on my field, but he's the only one that can attack this turn."

Crusader of Endymion
ATK / 1900
LV 4

Enlightenment Paladin
ATK / 2500 --> 4400
LV 8

"Now I play 'Diffusion Wave-Motion'! I pay a thousand Life Points and choose a Level Six or above Spellcaster-Type monster I control. This turn, only that monster can attack, but it can attack all of your monsters, once each!"

"What?!" Trueman cried.

"Enlightenment Paladin, attack!"

"Enlightenment Paladin's effect activates!" said Twilight. "When it destroys a monster by battle, you take damage equal to its Attack Points on the field! Take Sandaion's power yourself!"

"From my hand, I activate the Counter Trap 'Scales of Justice'! I can activate this card when an effect that inflicts damage is activated, and I can play it from my hand if it was the effect of a Synchro Monster. You must choose an effect to apply, Twilight Sparkle: Either all three of us take the same amount of damage, or none of us take any damage but I draw one card."

Twilight grit her teeth. "Draw your card, Trueman," she spat. "I Set a card and end my turn."

Player: Twilight
LP: 1700
Hand: 1

Trueman laughed as he drew a card. "I activate the final effect of 'Infinite Light'! If I have summoned at least ten different 'Timelord' monsters, I can send this card to the Graveyard to Special Summon the most powerful Timelord of all from my hand, deck, or Graveyard." A card slid out the side of Trueman's arm. He took it and placed it on his Duel Disk. The three rings that made up Infinite Light separated and moved into a stacked position. A massive beam of ight, swirling like a vortex, erupted from within the rings. The light engulfed the rings and began to branch out. Eight circles appeared on the branches, four on each side, and two more appeared at the top and bottom. The light dimmed and took on the appearance of a massive tree. The ten 'Timelord' cards appeared, one in front of each circle, and the tree morphed into a structure made of three columns, with three circles occupying the left and right columns, and four on the center column. The circles and Timelords remained, but now brightly colored rods connected many of the circles together.

A new circle appeared on the center pillar, in the space just beneath Metaion at the top.

"Timelords emerge from ten lights. Beyond the lights are hidden wisdom that only the chosen saint can use, the secret Da'at that is the unity of all, and the final key to the embodiment of God! Emptiness becomes infinite, and the infinite light gives birth to the ultimate Timelord. From the Graveyard, I Special Summon 'Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord'!"

Lightning flashed and the tree disappeared, replaced by a golden circle with two very ornate and very tall wings surrounding the edges. Lightning flashed again and a new Timelord's body appeared in front of the ring. It was dark blue, massive even compared to Sandaion. Gold arms swung out and silver hands curled into fists around green balls of energy. A tall, thin helmet floated above its body, with a golden halo floating around the top. The bearded face of an old man appeared inside the screen on the Timelord's chest and let loose an earth-shattering war cry.

Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord
ATK / 4000
LV 10

"He must have sent it to the Graveyard when he activated 'Dark Archetype's' effect," Twilight said. "Has he been planning to summon Sephylon for this long?"

"If that's his only monster, it won't matter," Aporia responded. "During my opponent's turn, Granel Carrier Three acts as a power converter and changes Granel Infinity's original Attack Points to those of its parts and absorbed Synchro Monsters. Plus, I still control 'Purity of the Grand Emperor'. Any effects it has are worthless in battle!"

"From my hand, I activate the Trap 'Hierophant's Scepter'!" said Trueman. "I can activate this card from my hand on my turn if I control a 'Timelord' monster. It lets me destroy one Spell or Trap Card for every 'Timelord' I control, but I must destroy that exact number. I control only Sephylon, so I will destroy 'Purity of the Grand Emperor'!" A lightning bolt struck Aporia's card and shattered it.

"When 'Purity of the Grand Emperor' is destroyed, I can draw one card," said Aporia.

"I activate Sephylon's effect!" Trueman announced. "Once per turn, I can Special Summon as many 'Timelords' as possible from my hand, deck, or Graveyard, and their Attack Points all become four thousand. I Summon 'Metaion', 'Gabrion', 'Sadion', and 'Sandaion, the Timelords'! In addition to that, Sephylon gains the Attack Points of all other 'Timelords' on the field!"

Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord
ATK / 20,000
LV 10

"Twenty thousand Attack Points?" gasped Twilight. "Aporia, I think we're in trouble."

"This is the 'Ultimate Timelord'..." Aporia said, his voice trailing off.

"Battle! Sephylon, attack! Rend Granel Infinity into scrap metal! Akashic Storm!" Sephylon's face glowed and a stream of yellow-white energy erupted from his screen. Dark blue energy formed a monstrous and ghostly face at the front of the energy as it rushed toward Granel Infinity.

Aporia sighed. "Twilight, there is only so much that I can do," said Aporia. "Against a god, a true god, even we are nothing. We cannot win."

"Not with that attitude!" Twilight said with a grin.

"What?" Aporia asked, bewildered by Twilight's optimism.

"Sitting around doing nothing won't get us anywhere. Trueman's no god, he's just the messenger of a demon who thinks of himself as one. And you're just gonna let him get in your head and push you around?"

"What are you talking about? Even if I were to stop this attack, there are still the other Timelords!"

"Stand your ground, Aporia! Get ready to fight back, and don't let anyone put you at a disadvantage, not even me!"

"Not even..." Aporia's eyes widened "I activate the effect of 'Grand Crown' from my Graveyard! During either player's turn, I can remove it from play to protect my 'Granel' monsters from non-'Granel' effects!"

"Do you honestly think that will save you from me?" Trueman laughed as the Akashic Storm engulfed Granel Infinity.

"No, but this will!" Twilight yelled. "Go, 'Forbidden Scripture'! During damage calculation, all other effects on the field are negated, and this battle uses the battling monsters' original Attack and Defense values!"

"Since 'Grand Crown' is protecting my monsters, Forbidden Scripture does not negate Carrier Three's effect, and Granel Infinity can defeat your monster in a draw!"

"Yours will be destroyed as well," Trueman countered, "and then my other Timelords will fall on you and destroy you!"

"Granel Carrier Three also protects my monsters from being destroyed twice per turn each," Aporia said. "Go, Granel! Grand Slaughter Cannon!" Granel aimed its piranha-shaped cannon at Sephylon and fired a burst of energy that tore through the Akashic Storm.

Trueman snarled and took a card from his hand. "I activate 'Wings of Temperance'! This Trap can be played from my hand when control at least as many monsters as I do, and prevents my monster from being destroyed!"

A pair of massive red wings appeared and enveloped Sephylon. Granel's attack hit the wings and dispersed almost instantly.

"I still have my other Timelords, Aporia! Metaion, Gabrion, Sandaion, Michion, attack!"

"I use the effect of 'Grand Shield'! Since I control 'Granel Guard Three', the shield's effect negate three attack each turn and gain five hundred Life Points each time! And now I know what all of Z-one's Timelords do, so I know which ones to stop. I negate the attacks of Metaion, Gabrion, and Sandaion!"

"Michion's attack still hits and cuts your Life Points in half!"

Life Point Count
Trueman: 1500
Aporia: 1100
Twilight: 850

"I end my turn. You are at the end of your rope, Aporia," Trueman said. "Z-one was always your god, and thanks to you, Paradox and Yusei, Nightshroud now has his power as well. Soon, darkness will cover this world and all of reality! Every living being will be at peace."

"What you call peace..." Twilight groaned as she stood up. "That's not... real peace. Not so long as you have to force it on others!" There was a flash of light from her horn. Aporia glimpsed two shining wings on her back, but only for a moment. They vanished almost as soon as they appeared. He clenched his fists and stood up.

"She's right," he said as he rose to his full height. "Yusei would never want this kind of peace. It's not what he fought for all those years ago. It's not what I came to believe in when I confronted my friend."

"Aporia?" Twilight said.

"It seems I am once again fighting on the wrong side," said Aporia. "But I can't just abandon it. Not this time."

"Why not?" asked the unicorn.

"Because I don't know if you're strong enough to win," said Aporia. "I don't know if I'm strong enough. And because I don't want Yusei to think that I betrayed him the way Z-one must have."

"The real Z-one understood why you turned against him," Twilight said. "He must have, because Antinomy told me that Z-one had originally turned himself INTO Yusei."


"Yeah. He was the red D-Wheeler you heard so much about. He'd recreated Yusei's deck and D-Wheel, then used a machine to become Yusei. He did it so he could recreate Accel Synchro and the Clear Mind technique, and use them to lead humans toward peace and cooperation."

"He must have failed and given up on that ideal."

"He did, but not completely. After Yusei defeated him, Z-one sacrificed himself to stop the Ark Cradle. On some level, he still believed in Yusei and his friends. Because of that, I think Z-one understood why you changed sides. And when we save Yusei, he will too."

"How can I save anyone when I've never been able to save myself?" Aporia asked. "My parents, my beloved, my friends, my species... I couldn't save anyone. And after losing to Yusei, Jack, Z-one, and even you, I now know that it's because I was never strong enough."

"Not with that attitude!" Aporia looked at Twilight with one eyebrow raised. She grinned at him. "Prove you've gotten stronger than Z-one. Finish him in this turn!"

Aporia stared for a long time before nodding and drawing a card. "My turn!" he announced. He looked at his card and smiled. "I equip Granel Infinity with 'Grand Converter', allowing it to draw power from its Meklord Parts instead of my Life Points!"

Meklord Emperor Granel ∞
ATK / 4000
LV 1

"Now I activate 'Grand Emperor Storm'. If I control five different 'Granel' monsters, I can pay half my Life Points so that a Granel Infinity among them can attack all of your monsters once each! And if it destroys a monster by battle, I gain Life Points equal to Granel Infinity's Attack Points!"

"You're a fool if you think you can beat me with that," said Trueman. "Each Timelord other than Sephylon has four thousand Attack Points and cannot be destroyed by battle."

"You're half right," Aporia said. "Your monsters have four thousand Attack Points thanks to Sephylon, but they CAN be destroyed by battle! I activate the last effect of 'Grand Diversion' in my Graveyard! By removing it from play during my turn while I control Granel Infinity, I can add a 'Grand Emperor' Spell or Trap Card from my Graveyard to my hand. I choose 'Purity of the Grand Emperor!'"

"You will never defeat Sephylon!" shouted Trueman. "I play the Trap 'Emperor's Throne'! If I control a 'Timelord' with more than zero Attack Points, I can activate this card from my hand. It makes one monster I control unaffected by your card effects for the rest of the turn. Sephylon is the target and becomes invincible!"

"That won't matter when Granel has destroyed you and your false god." Aporia slid a card into his Duel Disk. "I activate 'Purity of the Grand Emperor!' The effects of your monsters are negated during the Battle Phase, but you take no damage from a battle involving a monster with a negated effect. Battle! Meklord Emperor Granel, attack Michion, the Timelord! Grand Slaughter Cannon!"

Granel fired massive waves of energy at each of the four other Timelords, eliminating them one by one. Each time one vanished, Aporia's Life Points doubled. After the second one, Aporia's "Grand Converter" was destroyed, but Granel Infinity kept destroying the Timelords.

"When my Life Points become four thousand or more, 'Grand Converter' is destroyed," said Aporia. "Without it, Granel Infinity's Attack Points are equal to my Life Points!"

Player: Aporia
LP: 17600
Hand: 0

Meklord Emperor Granel ∞
ATK / 17600
LV 1

Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord
ATK / 4000
LV 10

"It seems gods are only as strong as the number of their servants," Aporia said. "Granel Infinity, destroy Sephylon once and for all! Grand Slaughter Cannon!"

"An emperor is nothing to a God! When Sephylon battles a monster, that monster's effects are negated!"

"A god is nothing to a nonbeliever. 'Purity of the Grand Emperor' protects Granel Infinity's effects from negation during my turn."

The last thing Twilight saw was the flash of light as a blast bigger than anything she'd seen before erupted from Granel's left arm, then the light consuming Sephylon and Trueman.

Player: Trueman
LP: 0
Hand: 0

* * * * *

Twilight and Aporia awoke in the lobby of the Kaiba Corporation building. No one else was around.

"What happened?" Twilight asked as she got her hooves under her.

Aporia sat up slowly and shook his head. "I think we won," he said. He stood up. "Thank you for your help, Twilight, but we have escaped the darkness now. We are enemies again."

"Aporia, wait! We can save Yusei together!"

"It is not Yusei that truly needs salvation, my little pony. It's the human race. Unless something is done to prevent Zero Reverse from ever happening again, my people will go extinct. Yusei was a symbol of hope for Neo Domino City for two centuries before I became what I am. He is the only one who can find a path to survival, and he believes Nightshroud's way is that path. I still believe in Yusei. You're not strong enough to defeat him on your own."


"Find your friends, Twilight. I will find Yusei. We'll meet again at the reactor."

Aporia turned and walked away. Twilight hung her head, turned around herself, and walked away.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Antinomy and Paradox begin their rematch, and Rainbow Dash joins the fray! But even determining who gets the first move is dangerous. Paradox and Antinomy engage in a deadly race along the highway at incredible speeds, and Rainbow Dash can barely keep up. Who will get the first turn of this tag-team Turbo Duel? Will they even survive to find out?

"You were never a pro D-Wheeler like I was, Paradox. You can't keep pace with me!"

"Paradox, look out!"

Chapter 51

Knife's Edge


Featured Card

Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord
Level 10
Cannot be Special Summoned, except by "Infinite Light". Once per turn: You can Special Summon as many "Timelord" monsters as possible from your hand, Deck, and/or Graveyard, and their ATK becomes 4000. This card gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of all "Timelord" monsters you control, except "Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord". Negate the effects of any monster that battles with this card. If this face-up card would be destroyed, you can banish 1 other face-up "Timelord" monster you control instead, and if you do, if this card would be destroyed by battle, you take no Battle Damage from that battle.
ATK / 4000
DEF / 4000

Chapter 51: Knife's Edge

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 51
Knife's Edge


Rainbow Dash beat her wings as fast as she could to keep up with the two D-Wheelers riding below her. They were approaching a highway gate.

"Once we enter the gate, whoever takes the next corner will get the first turn," said Antinomy.

"Agreed," answered Paradox.

Dash flapped her wings and gained altitude so she could see the highway course. "Paradox, it's gonna be tricky, but I think you can take the first corner. Keep to the inside and accelerate around the turn and you'll make it."

"Accelerate?" Paradox repeated. "You're supposed to slow down when you reach a turn!"

"If you do, the other guy can get past you even on the outside if he's brave enough to do it himself. Trust me, alright?"

"Fine. I will try it."

Paradox sped up and moved to the inside of the approaching turn. He twisted the throttle and accelerated even more, beginning to lean into the curve. One of the metal extensions on the side began scraping against the road, sending sparks flying upward. He tried to accelerate further, but the sparks intensified. Paradox lost his nerve and began to pull back. As he did, Antinomy approached on his left and smiled at him before racing ahead. Paradox pulled out of the turn and straightened out, but nearly lost control of his D-Wheel as he did.

"Paradox!" Rainbow Dash called out to him as she flew up next to him. "You okay? What happened?"

"I lost my nerve," he said, panting from the effort of maintaining control. "I am an android, and not a human... yet I was afraid of the speed?"

"You were never a pro D-Wheeler like I was, Paradox," Antinomy said. "You can't keep pace with me!"

Rainbow Dash turned her attention to Antinomy. "Maybe he can't do it alone, but he's got help this time!"

"And I'm confident I can take you both!" Antinomy replied.

"We shall see, old friend," Paradox said.


Life Point Count
Antinomy: 4000
Paradox/Rainbow Dash: 4000

"My turn!" Antinomy announced. "I summon the Tuner monster 'Tech Genus BIOSphere' in Attack Mode and activate its effect. When Normal Summoned, BIOSphere lets me Special Summon a 'Tech Genus' monster from my hand or Graveyard. I summon 'Tech Genus Spark Salamander'!"

The first monster to appear was humanoid in shape but seemed composed of vines and root. Cybernetic implants were embedded in various parts of its body, giving the appearance of a face on its head and armoring its shoulders and shins. A black sphere was embedded in the center of it torso and green lines of code ran along its surface.

The second monster was a small reptile with flame-like red and orange patterns on its body and armor plates running along its back and tail. Two small cannons rested on its shoulders and spurted jets of flames as it emerged onto the field.

T.G. BIOSphere PL-09
ATK / 1800
LV 4

T.G. Spark Salamander RE-03
ATK / 500
LV 1

"Level Four 'BIOSphere' tunes my Level One 'Spark Salamander'!" More green code appeared on the black orb in BIOSphere's body that took the shape of an X with the letters "TG" inside it. It flashed away and was replaced with the word "Tuning". BIOSphere's body vanished and left four stars in its place. They flew through the air and drew green Synchro rings in the air. Spark Salamander flew into the rings and became an orange outline of itself with a single star inside. The outline was stripped away and a line of light shot through the star before expanding around it and then enveloping the green rings.

"Synchro Flight Control! Limiter removal, Level Five! Regulator open! Thruster warm up, OK! Uplink: All Clear! GO! Synchro Summon!” said Antinomy. "Come on! 'Tech Genus Hyper Librarian'!"

T.G. Hyper Librarian SCX-1100
ATK / 2400
LV 5

"A Synchro Summon on the first turn," said Rainbow Dash.

"Synchro Summoning is the primary focus of his deck," Paradox explained. "But it's only a means to an end. His goal is to perform an Accel Synchro Summon."

"Accel Synchro? Like Yusei's Shooting Star Dragon?"

"Yes. When Z-one brought us all online, he told us what our roles in his plan were. Mine was to attempt to eliminate Duel Monsters from history. Failing that, Aporia would be deployed to try and stop the development of Momentum. If that plan failed as well, Antinomy would be sent back to help Yusei evolve in his Dueling, but only so that Z-one could come to the past himself and destroy the city and all Momentum technology present. Yusei evolved further than Z-one anticipated and stopped him."

"So Antinomy taught Yusei how to Accel Synchro?" Dash asked.

"Correct," Paradox answered.

"There's one thing you're missing, old friend," interrupted Antinomy. "I taught this timeline's Yusei about Accel Synchro Summoning, but the one from our timeline is the true creator."

"Yusei created Accel Synchro?" Dash said, amazed.

"Indeed, and history repeats itself even when changed. I also taught him about Delta Accel Synchro, but he went further and created Limitover Accel Synchro to defeat Z-one and save Neo Domino City. Yusei was always destined to be a pioneer in evolutionary tactics.

"But the end result of all evolution is death. Spark Salamander's effect lets me draw one card when it's used for a Synchro Summon. I Set two cards and end my turn."

"What're 'Delta Accel Synchro' and 'Limitover Accel Synchro'?" Dash asked Paradox.

"It's what lies beyond Accel Synchro," he explained. "Instead of using two Synchro Monsters for a Synchro Summon, a Delta Accel uses three. But as for 'Limitover Accel', I don't know. I can only assume it uses more than just three Synchros. But let's worry about that when we face Yusei. My turn!" Paradox drew a card. As he did, displays on his and Antinomy's screens appeared showing that their Speed Counters had begun to increase. A similar display appeared in Rainbow Dash's eyepiece.

Speed Counters
Antinomy: 1
Paradox/Dash: 1

"I summon 'Malefic Pathfinder' to the field." Paradox's monster was a large, angular vehicle with an otherwise box-like shape and six wheels. Black and white lines formed the Malefic patterns across its surface.

Malefic Pathfinder
ATK / 0
LV 2

"When this card is summoned, it destroys itself, but while it's in the Graveyard, face-up Field Spells have their names changed to 'Malefic World'." The vehicle exploded and an energy wave expanded outward, changing the air around them to a purple hue. "Next, I send 'Cyber End Dragon' from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard and Special Summon 'Malefic Cyber End Dragon' in Attack Mode!" Black metal wings spread, white line running along the fingers, edges, and joints, as three mechanical dragon heads wearing masks patterned after their master's roared to life.

Malefic Cyber End Dragon
ATK / 4000
LV 10

"Malefic Cyber End Dragon, attack Hyper Librarian with Eternal Evolution Burst!" Each dragon head roared and spat beams of yellow-white energy at Antinomy's monster.

"I play my Trap 'Sonic Stun'," said Antinomy calmly. "This negates your attack and lets me Special Summon a Tuner from my hand. Come out, 'Tech Genus Cyber Magician'!" A small wizard in green-edged white armor appeared, flourishing a black cape behind him. Strange blue capsules containing an orange liquid rested on his shoulders.

T.G. Cyber Magician SC-01
ATK / 0
LV 1

Paradox frowned slightly. "I Set one card face-down and end my turn," he said.

"My turn again," Antinomy said.

Player: Antinomy
LP: 4000
Hand: 3

Speed Counters
Antinomy: 2
Paradox/Dash: 2

"Cyber Magician can tune with other non-Tuner monsters in my hand. My Level One 'Cyber Magician' tunes with the Level Four 'Tech Genus Rush Rhino' in my hand!" A bipedal, armored rhino briefly appeared before fading away and leaving four stars behind. The small magician also vanished, leaving a single star that drew a green Synchro ring around the four stars. They formed a line before being pierced and enveloped by a column of light.

"Limiter removal, Level Five! Booster injection at one-hundred twenty percent. Recovery Network range updated. All Clear! GO! Synchro Summon!" The light expanded and faded to reveal a tanned human in green armor and wielding broad-bladed axe. "Come on! 'Tech Genus Power Gladiator'!"

T.G. Power Gladiator WAX-1000
ATK / 2300
LV 5

"Whenever a monster is Synchro Summoned, Hyper Librarian's effect activates and I draw one card. Next I activate the Continuous Trap 'Graceful Revival', which lets me resurrect a Level Two or below monster from my Graveyard. I Special Summon 'Tech Genus Cyber Magician' back to the field, then have it tune the Level Four 'Tech Genus Titanium Wolf' in my hand!"

Tech Genus Cyber Magician arose from a horizontal portal as Antinomy's Trap flipped up. Moments after, a black wolf in silver-grey armor edged in sky-blue and bearing the Tech Genus insignia on the chest plate in the same color appeared overhead and roared before disappearing the same way as Rush Rhino, leaving only four stars behind. The small wizard also vanished, repeating the tuning process.

"Limiter removal, Level Five! Booster launch, OK! Inclination, OK! Ground support, all clear! GO! Synchro Summon!" Within the pulsing column of light, a new monster appeared, a female magician in red and pink armor edged with gold. Long pink hair tied into thick pigtails flew in the wind from beneath her hat, her pink bangs fluttering in front of her face.

T.G. Wonder Magician SCX-1000
ATK / 1900
LV 5

"Hyper Librarian one again lets me draw one card," Antinomy continued. "Now I Normal Summon 'Tech Genus Catapult Dragon' and use its effect to Special Summon 'Tech Genus Solid Wyburn' from my hand."

A purple and orange drake with a catapult launcher atop its head emerged from a blue portal. A ball of light appeared on the launcher, which the dragon fired into the air, creating another portal and allowing a wyvern covered in red and silver armor to appear. Its eyes were bright blue and triangular in shape, although angled and with slightly wavy edges. Four silver jets burned on its wings and legs, and a silver, blade-like ridge ran along its back, curving upward and ending at a sharp point above the base of its tail.

T.G. Catapult Dragon DR-08
ATK / 900
LV 2

T.G. Solid Wyburn DR-03
ATK / 1500
LV 3

"If I use it for a Synchro Summon, Solid Wyburn lets me use one 'Tech Genus' monster from my deck as the other material. Level Three Solid Wyburn tunes with the Level Two 'Tech Genus Bladewing Butterfly' in my deck!" Antinomy announced. A butterfly with silver, razor-edged wings appeared, but it and the armored wyvern were reduced to stars, with two of them lining up and the remaining three drawing green rings around them. "Limiter removal, Level Five! Over Boost System primed. G-Diffuser, OK! Launch thrusters, OK! Navigation, All Clear! GO! Synchro Summon!" A white beam of light pierced the stars and engulfed them and the Synchro rings before fading to reveal a new monster. "Come on! 'Tech Genus Slipstream Dragon'!"

A dragon emerged above the highway. It wore white armor with blue plates on its hips, green on its shoulders and chest, and green and blue patterns on its head. A blue blade tipped its tail. The Tech Genus insignia was embedded in black on its chest plate. It spread and flapped its white wings, the front edges colored blue from the shoulders to the first joint, and green to the edges.

T.G. Slipstream Dragon DRX-1200
ATK / 2400
LV 5

Antinomy pointed at Paradox's monster. "Slipstream Dragon, attack Malefic Cyber End Dragon!"

"I play the Trap 'Malefic Quake'!" said Paradox. Malefic Cyber End Dragon roared with each of its heads, beating its wings and slamming its tail into the highway. "If I control a 'Malefic' monster, all monsters on the field switch to Defense Mode, and until the end of the next turn, if a monster that was affected by this card is changed to Attack Mode, its controller takes its original Attack Points as damage."

"Why'd you stop the attack, Paradox?" Rainbow Dash asked. "His monster would've been destroyed!"

"Antinomy isn't your average Duelist. He would not have made a move like that without a plan," Paradox explained. "I've known him too long to just let him make seemingly bad moves."

"Paradox is correct," Antinomy chimed in. "If Slipstream Dragon battles a monster with both a higher Level and higher Attack Points, I can destroy that monster at the start of the Damage Step. Since everything is now in Defense Mode, I'll end my turn."

"Yes! Now it's my turn to joint he fight!" Dash said excitedly. "I draw!"

Speed Counters
Antinomy: 3
Paradox/Dash: 3

"I summon 'Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus' and use its effect to place 'Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise' in my back row as a Continuous Spell." First a white Pegasus with a sapphire horn emerged from a blue portal. Then its horn lit up and a massive emerald appeared behind it.

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
ATK / 1800
LV 4

"I play the Speed Spell 'Speed Energy', and give Sapphire Pegasus two hundred Attack Points for each Speed Counter I have. Since Paradox and I have three counters, that's six hundred points, putting Sapphire Pegasus at twenty-four hundred Attack Points! Sapphire Pegasus, take out Hyper Librarian with Sapphire Tornado!"

"Going for mutual destruction?" Antinomy asked.

"Not quite, bub. If a Crystal Beast on the field would be destroyed, I can turn it into a crystal in my Spell and Trap Zones instead."

"And you don't want me drawing any more cards from Synchro Summoning, is that right? Well, unfortunately for you, I'm still going to get one more draw out of my Librarian. My Level Five 'Tech Genus Wonder Magician' tunes the Level Five 'Tech Genus Power Gladiator'!" Power Gladiator raised his axe to the sky. His body changed to an orange framework before vanishing and leaving five stars behind. Wonder Magician closed her eyes and clasped her hands together. Her hat vanished in a flash of light, letting her hair fly free in the wind. She too disappeared as five green Synchro rings appeared and encircled the line of stars that had taken Power Gladiator's place.

"Uh-oh... kinda forgot about that," said Dash.

"Here it comes!" said Paradox.

"Limiter removal, Level Ten! Central Hub Connection established! All Clear! Infinite power is now focused and pierces through dimensions! GO! Accel Synchro!" Waves of light flashed around Antinomy before he disappeared through a wall of light. Paradox and Rainbow Dash passed the point where Antinomy vanished a split second later. Suddenly he appeared behind them with a new monster flying above him. "Come on! 'Tech Genus Broadsword Driver'!"

The monster was a navy blue robot, thin in construction and bearing orange mark on its chest, shoulders and knees. It held in both hands a wide broadsword with a gold band running down the middle of the blade. The hilt was very large and connected to a cover over the handle. It swing the blade with both hands in an X-shape then brought it to rest on its left shoulder.

T.G. Broadsword Driver MAXX-11000
ATK / 3000
LV 10

"That's an Accel Synchro Monster?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It is, but I've never seen that one before!" Paradox answered.

"When a Synchro Monster is Synchro Summoned, Hyper Librarian activates and I draw one card." Antinomy drew from his deck and placed the card in his hand. "Because I summoned a new monster, a replay occurs. Rainbow Dash, you can now reselect your target, or you can call off your attack."

"You're not getting off that easy, buster! Sapphire Pegasus, don't stop and take out that Librarian!"

"I thought you'd say that. Level Five Slipstream Dragon tunes my Level Five Hyper Librarian!"

"You're Accel Synchro Summoning again?!" Dash exclaimed.

"Slipstream Dragon is another Synchro Tuner!" Paradox said, shocked.

"Synchro Monsters are the symbols of evolution, Paradox. Let me show you how much I've evolved! Limiter removal, Level Ten! Full network control established! All Clear! Infinite power condenses and launches through dimensions! GO! Accel Synchro!" Once again he disappeared in a flash of light, but this time reemerged next to Paradox. "Come on! 'Tech Genus Shield Catapult'!"

Another robot appeared above Antinomy. It had a bulky, sturdy build and was white with orange markings on its chest, knees and upper arms. It held in its right hand a massive, diamond-shaped shield, white with a blue edge and the Tech Genus insignia in the center. The white robot knelt down and slid the shield into a special slot at the bottom of its right shin.

T.G. Shield Catapult MAXX-12000
DEF / 3300
LV 10

"I don't believe it," Paradox said. "He has two new Accel Synchro Monsters. Antinomy, just how far do you plan to evolve?"

"As far as it takes for us to survive," he said. "Yusei knows that the end result of all evolution is death. The trick is finding that point where you can take control and direct your evolution yourself. Yusei has found it."

"No he hasn't! He's just found another dead end!" said Rainbow Dash.

"It's like I said before, Rainbow Dash," Antinomy replied. "Synchro Monsters are the symbols of evolution. Yusei is like a Tuner trying to unite everyone to create something new: The Living Singularity. When we are reborn as one, our evolution will go down a new path. Humanity will live on as a new super-consciousness!"

Life Point Count
Antinomy: 4000
Paradox/Dash: 4000


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Antinomy has summoned two powerful Accel Synchro Monsters and uses them to back Paradox and Rainbow Dash into a corner. As the two of them try to stop the devastating damage and destruction effects of the two robots, Rainbow Dash remembers a vital clue that could reveal Nightshroud's true intentions...

Chapter 52

The Knight of Evolution


Featured Card

T.G. Slipstream Dragon DRX-1200
Level 5
1 "T.G." Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
At the start of the Damage Step, if this card attacks a monster whose Level and ATK are both higher than this card's: You can destroy that monster. This card can also be treated as a Machine monster. When a Spell/Trap Card you control targets this card, halve this card's original ATK and DEF. When this card is destroyed: Draw 2 cards, then send 1 "T.G." monster from your hand to the GY, or, if you don't have any in your hand, send both drawn cards to the GY.

T.G. Broadsword Driver MAXX-11000
Level 10
Machine/Accel Synchro/Effect
1 Tuner Synchro + 1+ non-Tuner Synchro Monsters
During your opponent's turn, if this card is in your Extra Deck, you can: Immediately after this effect resolves, Synchro Summon this card using monsters you control as Material. [Other effects unknown]

T.G. Shield Catapult MAXX-12000
Level 10
Machine/Accel Synchro/Effect
1 Tuner Synchro + 1+ non-Tuner Synchro Monsters
During your opponent's turn, if this card is in your Extra Deck, you can: Immediately after this effect resolves, Synchro Summon this card using monsters you control as Material. [Other effects unknown]

Chapter 52: The Knight of Evolution

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 52
The Knight of Evolution


Antinomy accelerated around a leftward corner with Rainbow Dash in hot pursuit. Paradox brought up the rear, having to take the turn slower than the others due to the size of his D-Wheel. The road straightened out and Rainbow Dash fell back beside Paradox.

"What's he talking about? What's a 'super-consciousness'?" Rainbow asked.

"I believe it is a new, more powerful mind created from the union of a great many other minds," Paradox answered.

"How does that work?"

"Similar to how the brain works, I imagine. The human brain- well, pony brains too- are made of different parts working together, and each of those is made up of thousands of individual cells. All of them work in tandem to perform numerous functions, but all of this ultimately gives rise to consciousness. In a way, you could say that we are more than the sum of our parts."

"So our brains are a bunch of parts working together to make us who we are, and a super-consciousness is a bunch of brains working together as a super-brain?"

"Exactly, though I worry that individual personalities will become lost like a drop of water in an ocean."

"That is the price to pay for survival, Paradox," said Antinomy. "They will not be lost completely, however. The essence of who they are will still be there, even if it is not all together."

Paradox grit his teeth and accelerated to Antinomy's side. "I agree that our survival is important, and even that sacrifices may be necessary, but we must not force it onto people! They must be free to choose!"

"Weren't you sent back in time to kill the creator of Duel Monsters?" Antinomy countered.

"I was, and Yusei convinced me to renounce my mission. He gave me hope that we can change humanity's fate without destruction!"

"In a way, he was right." Antinomy accelerated. "Rainbow Dash, it's still your turn!"

Dash frowned. "Sapphire Pegasus attacks Catapult Dragon!" she shouted. Her monster dove at the drake and destroyed it. "I Set two cards face-down and end my turn."

"My turn!" Antinomy said as he drew a card.

Speed Counters
Antinomy: 4
Paradox/Dash: 4

"I activate the effect of 'Tech Genus Shield Catapult'. Once per turn, can remove a 'Tech Genus' monster in my Graveyard from play to inflict damage equal to its Level multiplied by three hundred. I remove the Level Five 'Tech Genus Power Gladiator'!" The white robot gripped the edges of its shield with both hands and moved it over its head and onto its back, pulling on the sides so that it opened and widened as it did. The shield attached itself to its back. A panel slid up vertically to turn it into a launcher-style catapult similar to Antinomy's destroyed dragon.

The robot, still kneeling, leaned far forward. The ghost of Power Gladiator appeared on the catapult, also kneeling. He was launched into the air at Rainbow Dash.

"I play the Trap 'Damage Refraction'! This turns that damage into Attack Points for my Sapphire Pegasus for the rest of the turn!" The airborne ghost of Power Gladiator changed into a ball of light, but was intercepted by Sapphire Pegasus. The light was absorbed into its horn, causing it to glow with a white aura.

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
ATK / 3300
LV 4

"In that case, I'll activate 'Tech Genus Broadsword Driver's' effect. Once per turn, I can discard one card from my hand to destroy a card on the field that's the same card type as what I discarded, and you'll take one thousand points of damage. I discard 'Tech Genus Titanium Wolf' and destroy 'Malefic Cyber End Dragon'!"

The blue robot pointed its sword at the robotic dragon, gripped the handle with both hands and twisted them in different directions. The blade of the sword split along the central ridge from tip to base and spread apart. Each half of the blade tilted upward at an angle and a rail made of hard light appeared at the bottom of the valley that each half formed. The sword had become a mass driver.

A transparent image of a wolf in sky-blue armor appeared above the robot, transformed into a ball of light and settled onto the light-rail at the lower end of the sword. The blade-halves began to glow at the base. The light suddenly rushed to the tips and the ball of light flew forward at high speed, launching from the driver and crashing into Malefic Cyber End Dragon. The light punched through the machine-dragon's body, bursting out of its back. The dragon exploded violently and the shock wave hit Paradox's D-Wheel, causing him to spin around on the highway and almost lose his balance. Rainbow Dash dove and grabbed the back of the D-Wheel. She flapped and angled her wings to try and help him regain balance. Paradox leveled out and accelerated to catch up with Antinomy as he sped away. Rainbow Dash let go and flew up beside her partner.

Life Point Count
Antinomy: 4000
Paradox/Dash: 3000

"I Set a card face-down and end my turn. During the End Phase, I activate Titanium Wolf's effect in the Graveyard. If the only monsters I control are at least two 'Tech Genus' Synchros, I can shuffle Titanium Wolf into my deck. My turn is over, so let's see what you've got, Paradox!" Antinomy accelerated around the next turn. Paradox grit his teeth.

"My turn!" said Paradox as he drew his card.

Speed Counters
Antinomy: 5
Paradox/Dash: 5

"I send 'Rainbow Dragon' from my Main Deck and 'Black-Winged Dragon' from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon 'Malefic Rainbow Dragon' and 'Malefic Black-Winged Dragon' from my hand!" Portals opened up beside Paradox and the two serpent-like dragons flew out above the highway. Black and white armor covered their bodies, wings and faces, and each one roared.

Malefic Rainbow Dragon
ATK / 4000
LV 10

Malefic Black-Winged Dragon
ATK / 2800
LV 8

Paradox looked over to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash, let me borrow your power a bit longer!" Dash nodded to him and flew high up above the highway. "Battle! Malefic Rainbow Dragon, attack Broadsword Driver with Spectral Surge!" Malefic Rainbow Dragon opened its maw and spat out a stream of blinding light edged in a rainbow. The blue robot held its sword above over its head, pointing straight up. The blade split down the central ridge and energy arcs danced between the two halves of the blade.

"I activate Broadsword Driver's effect," Antinomy announced. "Once during my opponent's turn, I can remove it from play until the End Phase." The robot twisted the blade and slashed it straight down, cutting a hole open in the space in front of it. It flew into the rift and vanished, the light beam missing it by a split second.

"Then I'll redirect the attack to Shield Catapult!" Malefic Rainbow Dragon twisted its body and turned its head, dragging the beam toward the white robot on Antinomy's field. The beam struck the robot's shield but seemed to slide off of it and was absorbed into the edges. The edges of the shield glowed in a shifting rainbow.

"Shield Catapult's effect activates as well," said Antinomy. "When it's targeted for an attack, I can negate that attack and have your attacking monster lose one hundred Attack Points times its own Level." The rainbow energy traveled from the edges of the shield to the "TG" insignia along circuit-like paths. The insignia began to glow and a translucent rainbow beam fired from it, striking Malefic Rainbow Dragon in the chest. It roared as its power decreased.

Malefic Rainbow Dragon
ATK / 3000
LV 10

Paradox grimaced. "I Set two cards and end my turn."

"My turn," Paradox said.

Speed Counters
Antinomy: 6
Paradox/Dash: 6

Antinomy turned his D-Wheel to the side and drifted down the highway, watching Paradox and Rainbow Dash approach. "Battle! Broadsword Driver, attack Malefic Black-Winged Dragon! Cutting Drive!" Broadsword Driver aimed its transforming sword at the black dragon and twisted the handles to open the blade. A metal rod appeared on the underside of its right wrist and the robot placed it between the two halves of the blade. The blade halves began to glow and the rod suddenly shot forward, punching through the black dragon's chest and destroying it.

Player: Paradox
LP: 2800
Hand: 0
SPC: 6

"I activate my monsters' effects. By discarding a monster, Broadsword Driver destroys Malefic Rainbow Dragon and deals 1000 damage to you, and by banishing 'Tech Genus Wonder Magician' from my Graveyard, Shield Catapult inflicts fifteen hundred damage to you." The blue robot fired a blast from its sword and destroyed Malefic Rainbow Dragon. As it did so, a shock wave erupted from the dragon, causing the white robot to short circuit.

"I play the Trap 'Malefic Shock Wave'! If you activate a monster effect while I control 'Malefic World', that monster's effects are negated and it cannot respond to Malefic Shock Wave's activation with any of its effects. The only downside is that my 'Malefic' monsters cannot attack this turn."

"But since it's your turn, Antinomy, that doesn't matter!" Rainbow Dash said.

Life Point Count
Antinomy: 4000
Paradox/Dash: 1800

Antinomy smiled and turned back to the road as Paradox and Rainbow Dash passed him. "Well played, Paradox. I end my turn."

"My turn!" shouted Rainbow Dash. She swiped her hoof over her deck and a card followed it. She looked at it, then at her hand. How is it I can go head to head with Twilight even after making a bunch of mistakes, but I'm basically just support for Paradox here? All I can do is keep us in the game while Paradox does all the heavy lifting! She grimaced.

"Rainbow Dash, what's wrong?" Paradox asked.

"I feel like I'm not really doing anything in this Duel, Paradox," said the Pegasus. "All I've done is keep our heads above water, but do you really need me for that?"

"I lost to Antinomy before, and I'd have lost again if it weren't for you. Don't give up, Rainbow Dash! We'll figure out a way forward and become stronger together!"

"Stronger together..." She looked at the card she just drew. Hey, this is... I didn't know you guys could fuse! Wait... Something clicked in her mind. "Oh man, I think I know what Yusei is trying to do! He's looking for the Numeron Code!"

"The Numeron Code? What's that?" Paradox asked.

"The first Duel Monsters card! Look, I'll explain later, right now we need to win this. I summon 'Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth', Set a card face-down, and end my turn." A gray mammoth with four tusks and an oval-shaped amber on its forehead appeared running beside Rainbow Dash. A face-down card also appeared and vanished.

Antinomy drew a card. "My turn! Broadsword Driver, attack Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus! Brave Rail!" Broadsword Driver flew into the air and raised its sword over its head. It swing the blade down as it descended toward Dash's monster. Sapphire Pegasus flapped its wings and pushed itself out of the way. Amber Mammoth trumpeted in defiance at the approaching blade.

"Amber Mammoth's effect activates and becomes the target of your attack," Rainbow Dash said. "And that lets me use this Trap Card: 'Amber Crystal Circle'! Amber Mammoth's Attack Points go up by the Attack Points of every other 'Crystal Beast' monster I control!"

Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
ATK / 3500
LV 4

T.G. Broadsword Driver MAXX-11000
ATK / 3000
LV 10

Amber Mammoth parried the sword with its tusks and knocked the blue robot back with its trunk. It charged forward and rammed its amber crystal into the robot's chest, denting it and causing it to explode into fragments of light.

Player: Antinomy
LP: 3500
SPC: 8

"Broadsword Driver's effect activates," Antinomy announced coolly. "When it's destroyed, I can draw one card and Special Summon a 'Tech Genus' Synchro Monster from my Extra Deck with a lower Level, and treat it as a Synchro Summon. C'mon! 'Tech Genus Flash Moth'!"

A blue portal appeared and a column of light shot out. A massive moth-like creature emerged. Its body was white with pale green armor around its thorax. The top of the abdomen had six pale green chevrons pointing forward. The wings were long, angled and translucent, and had printed electronic circuitry running through them. Hidden on its back were two small, rectangular exhaust ports pulsing with energy that pushed it forward.

T.G. Flash Moth INX-1000
ATK / 100
LV 2

"When Flash Moth is Special Summoned, its effect activates," Antinomy continued. "It targets and destroys a monster on the field with the same Type, and if it does, I add a 'Tech Genus' monster from my deck to my hand."

"Flash Moth is an Insect-Type monster, and I don't see any other bugs," Rainbow Dash pointed out. "Looks like you're not destroying anything!"

"Not quite, Rainbow Dash. Look closer at Flash Moth," Paradox said. "Most Tech Genus monsters have an effect that treats them as both their original Type and as Machine-Type. Flash Moth has that same effect."

"But there's only one other Machine on the field..." Rainbow Dash thought for a second, then grinned. "That means he's gonna lose Shield Catapult!"

Flash Moth turned to the white robot. It's eyes flashed and two pale green beams hit the robot and destroyed it.

"Looks like you're all out of robots, bub!" Dash taunted.

"Am I? The point of evolution is to adapt in the face of adversity," Antinomy replied. "First, I add 'Tech Genus Titanium Wolf' to my hand with Flash Moth's effect. Next, Shield Catapult's effect activates! When it's destroyed, I can draw 1 card and Special Summon its Synchro Materials from my Graveyard." As Antinomy spoke, he drew a card and the monsters "Hyper Librarian" and "Slipstream Dragon" reappeared on his field.

T.G. Hyper Librarian SCX-1100
ATK / 2400
LV 5

T.G. Slipstream Dragon DRX-1200
ATK / 2400
LV 5

"Oh no... he's going to summon his ultimate monster," Paradox said.

"What's his ultimate monster?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Wait... three Synchros, and one's a Tuner. Is this that 'Delta' thing you were talking about?!"

"It is, Rainbow Dash!" Antinomy interrupted. "I activate 'Urgent Tuning'! With this Trap Card, I can Synchro Summon during the Battle Phase. Level Five Slipstream Dragon tunes with the Level Five Hyper Librarian and Level Two Flash Moth!"

Antinomy accelerated forward, with Slipstream Dragon close behind him. The dragon vanished, leaving its five stars behind to form tuning rings. Hyper Librarian and Flash Moth entered the rings and were stripped down to their stars as well. They formed a line and were engulfed in a column of light.

"Limiter removal, Level Max! Regulator open! All Clear! Infinite power, break through time and space to open the unknown world! GO! Delta Accel! C'mon! 'Tech Genus Halberd Cannon'!" A halberd emerged from the light and swung around in a wide circle, dissipating the light and revealing the bulky robot holding the weapon. Its eyes flashed as it flew out over the highway and brandished its weapon.

T.G. Halberd Cannon MAXXX-∞
ATK / 4000
LV 12

Paradox's eyes widened as he stared up at the black robot.

"Paradox, are you okay?" Rainbow Dash called out. "Paradox! Snap out of- uh-oh..." Rainbow Dash looked up and saw the robot diving toward Amber Mammoth.

"Halberd Cannon attacks Amber Mammoth!" Antinomy ordered. Halberd Cannon raised its weapon and swing it down.

"Trap Card, 'Rainbow Life'!" Dash shouted. "I ditch a card from my hand and all damage we take this turn increases our Life Points instead!" A rainbow barrier appeared around her and Paradox as the blade of the halberd connected with Amber Mammoth. The shock wave hit the barrier but was absorbed and turned into warm light. Amber Mammoth, meanwhile, had become a huge chunk of amber on Dash's field.

Life Point Count
Antinomy: 3500
Paradox/Dash: 1300

"Your field is empty, friends," said Antinomy. "On my next turn, my 'ultimate monster', as Paradox described it, will finish this Duel once and for all!"

"You're not the only one with an 'ultimate monster', pal! And since you destroyed Amber Mammoth by battle, I can summon mine! Go, 'Ultimate Crystal Magic'!" A Trap flipped up below Rainbow Dash. "I can send all seven 'Crystal Beasts' from my hand, deck or field to the Graveyard and Fusion Summon an 'Ultimate Crystal' monster. Take flight, 'Rainbow Overdragon'!"

All seven Crystal Beasts appeared around Rainbow Dash, then flew into the air in streaks of multi-colored light. They swirled into a rainbow-colored circle, bright white light flashing in the middle. Rainbow Dragon's roar echoed over the highway as two gigantic wings emerged from the circle, followed by a serpentine shape. The seven Crystal Beasts flew after it and disappeared into its body. The intense light faded, revealing the monster's form.

It was Rainbow Dragon, but bigger, more majestic. Its armor was now polished silver and lined with gold, though the armor on its front was purple in color. Seven different colored orbs could be seen behind the purple armor. Gold armor closed around its chest and connected to the gold on the fore wings. The wings themselves had hundreds of feather-like scales, giving them an angelic appearance. Further back on the dragon's body were two smaller, leathery wings with purple skin. The fins on the side of the dragon's head were larger than the original's and had the same purple skin. Armor plating covered the top of its head and surrounded its horns. It roared, a rainbow of light shining from the jewels inside its body, then beat its wings and joined the duel.

Rainbow Overdragon
ATK / 4000
LV 12

"This duel's not finished yet, bub. In fact, it's just getting started!" Rainbow Dash smirked. Time for me to do the heavy lifting!


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Rainbow Dash has summoned her new ace monster, Rainbow Overdragon! With Paradox effectively out of cards, can Rainbow Dash stand up to the might of Antinomy's "Halberd Cannon"? Can Paradox get back into the fight? Or has Antinomy evolved beyond both of them?

Chapter 53

Counterattack! Rainbow and Arrow


Featured Card

Rainbow Overdragon
Level 12
7 "Crystal Beast" monsters
(This card is always treated as an "Ultimate Crystal" card.)
Must be either Fusion Summoned, or Special Summoned by Tributing 1 Level 10 "Ultimate Crystal" monster (in which case you do not use "Polymerization"). Once per turn: You can banish 1 "Crystal Beast" monster from your GY; this card gains ATK equal to the banished monster's, until the end of this turn. (Quick Effect): You can Tribute this Fusion Summoned card; shuffle all cards on the field into the Deck.
ATK / 4000
DEF / 0

Chapter 53: Counterattack! Rainbow and Arrow

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Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 53

Counterattack! Rainbow and Arrow


Rainbow Overdragon spread its wings and roared. Tech Genus Halberd Cannon spun its pole-arm and pointed it at the dragon.

Rainbow Overdragon
ATK / 4000
LV 12

T.G. Halberd Cannon MAXXX-∞
ATK / 4000
LV 12

"I wonder if Yusei knew you had this kind of potential?" said Antinomy. "I Set one card face-down and end my turn."

"Paradox, you're up!" said Rainbow Dash.

Player: Paradox
LP: 1300
SPC: 9
Hand: 2

"My turn!" Paradox drew a card. He frowned. "I summon the Tuner monster 'Malefic Compass Gear' in Attack Mode." Paradox’s new monster emerged through a blue portal. It was another set of gears on a spindle, but with a large red and white compass needle spinning atop it.

Malefic Compass Gear
ATK / 0
LV 1

"When it's summoned-"

"Sorry, Paradox, but I can't afford for you to summon anything else!" Antinomy interrupted. "Halberd Cannon's effect activates! When a monster would be summoned, I can negate that summon and destroy it. Close Summon!" Halberd Cannon jammed its weapon forward, pushing the mechanical monster back into its portal. Electricity arced around the portal and it exploded, vanishing from sight.

"That's one," Paradox muttered. "Rainbow Dash, Halberd Cannon can use that effect once for each monster used to summon it, so that means it can negate two more summons. I Set two cards and end my turn."

If it can negate summons, why didn't Antinomy stop me from summoning Rainbow Overdragon? thought Rainbow Dash.

"My turn," said Antinomy. "I remove four Speed Counters to activate the first effect of 'Speed World Two'. You take eight hundred damage for each 'Speed Spell' in my hand." Antinomy spun around and revealed one card from his hand. A bolt of lightning shot away from the nose of his D-Wheel, striking Rainbow Dash then turning to hit Paradox.

Life Point Count
Antinomy: 3500
Paradox/Dash: 500

"Now I'll activate 'Speed Spell - Speed Energy'. This gives Halberd Cannon two hundred Attack Points for each of my Speed Counters."

Rainbow Dash scratched her head with her hoof. "I'm confused. Why not use Speed World Two's third effect? Or just play the Speed Spell while you had ten Speed Counters? Or both?'

"Either one would be overextending myself. Besides," Antinomy said with a smile, "I know what your dragon does. If I'd tried either of those options, it wouldn't end well for me. At least this way I still have Speed Counters I can use on my next turn. Now, let's battle! Halberd Cannon, attack Rainbow Overdragon!" A secondary handle swung down from the base of the halberd's pole. The robot gripped it and swung its halberd over its head, attaching it to the mechanism on its back. It pulled the assembly over its head, the halberd now forming the barrel of a cannon. An eyepiece slid back along the mechanism, fitting itself over the robot's face. The targeting system locked onto the dragon and a massive blast of energy rocketed out of the cannon. Rainbow Dash grit her teeth and started to shout something when Paradox swerved in front of her.

"I activate 'Malefic Wake Barrier'! By sending a monster and its 'Malefic' counterpart from my hand, deck or Extra Deck to the Graveyard, I can negate your attack and end the Battle Phase." Paradox slid two cards into the Graveyard slot of his console. A familiar cry echoed overhead. Rainbow Dash looked up.

"Stardust Dragon!" she said excitedly. Black and white armor appeared around it and attached itself to the dragon as it flew between Halberd Cannon's shot and Rainbow Overdragon. The blast struck the armored dragon and exploded. The smoke cleared and Malefic Stardust was gone, but Rainbow Overdragon remained. Halberd Cannon disassembled its cannon assembly and spun its halberd into a resting position on its shoulder.

"You're not the only one relying on Yusei's power, Antinomy," said Paradox. "I learned a lot from him about protecting others."

"So I see," Antinomy mused. "I end my turn!"

"Go time!" shouted Rainbow Dash as she drew a card.

Speed Counters
Antinomy: 7
Paradox/Dash: 11

"I'll activate Rainbow Overdragon's effect. By removing a 'Crystal Beast' in my Graveyard from play, Overdragon gains its Attack Points until the end of this turn! I remove 'Sapphire Pegasus'! Wavelength Refraction!" Sapphire Pegasus appeared in transparent form and vanished into the sapphire orb inside of Overdragon's body. Overdragon roared as its Attack Points rose.

Rainbow Overdragon
ATK / 5800
LV 12

"Rainbow Overdragon, attack Halberd Cannon! Eternal Rainbow Stream!" Each orb inside the dragon's body lit up from bottom to top. It's eyes lit up and its horn crackled with rainbow electricity. It raised its head, then threw it forward as it spat a beam of blinding white light, rainbow shock waves spreading out from around it.

"I activate 'Three Strikes Barrier'!" A card flipped up behind Antinomy and a blue barrier appeared around Halberd Cannon.

"If you control exactly three cards, I can choose one of its three effects to activate. I choose the effect to prevent my monsters from being destroyed by battle this turn."

"You'll still take all the damage, though!" Dash jeered. Rainbow Overdragon's beam slammed into the barrier and energy slid off around it, hitting the ground around Antinomy's D-Wheel.

Player: Antinomy
LP: 1700
Hand: 3SPC: 7

"How were you able to activate that card, Antinomy?" Paradox asked. "We only controlled two cards: Rainbow Overdragon and my Set card."

"We also have Speed World Two, Paradox," said Rainbow Dash. "We all control it, so it counts as a card on both fields."

"Rainbow Dash is correct," Antinomy said.

"I end my turn," Dash said. "My turn's over, so Rainbow Overdragon's Attack Points return to normal."

"My turn!" Antinomy drew a card. "I Set two cards face-down and end my turn."

"That's it?" Rainbow Dash was puzzled. "We've been really back-and-forth up until now, so I thought for sure he'd try something."

"He can't get past Rainbow Overdragon without losing Halberd Cannon, and he doesn't want that. He's making preparations for future turns," Paradox explained. He drew a card. "So let's see if we can throw him off balance!"

Speed Counters
Antinomy: 9
Paradox/Dash: 12

"I activate Speed World Two's third effect! By paying ten Speed Counters, I can target and destroy one card on the field. I choose Halberd Cannon!" Paradox pointed at the orange robot. The headlights of his D-Wheel lit up and fired bolts of energy at it.

"Trap Card, open! 'TGX1-Gauntlet'! This equips to one 'Tech Genus' monster I control. It gains five hundred Attack and Defense Points, and cannot be destroyed by my opponent's effects!" Halberd Cannon swung its spear behind it with the left hand, holding the right in front of it with the fingers spread wide. A crimson and gold gauntlet appeared around its arm, the "TG" insignia emblazoned on the back of the hand. The insignia lit up and Halberd Cannon, curled its fingers into a fist. A red circle of translucent light appeared around the gauntlet. Halberd Cannon swung its arm, deflecting the energy bolts with the gauntlet.

T.G. Halberd Cannon MAXXX-∞
ATK / 4500
DEF / 4500
LV 12

"Shoot, he blocked it," Rainbow Dash said. "Got any other ideas, Paradox?"

"As a matter of fact," Paradox took a card from his Graveyard. "I activate the effect of 'Malefic Compass Gear'! If this card is in my Graveyard while I control 'Malefic World' but no 'Malefic' monsters, I can Special Summon it, but it’s removed from play when it leaves the field."

"Won't he be able to negate it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No, Rainbow Dash, and for the same reason he could not stop you from Fusion Summoning," explained Paradox. "When a card or effect activates, a chain is created with that effect as the first link, and each responding effect as a new link."

"And then the last card played is the first one to do it's thing, I know. What's this got to do with it?"

"Once a chain of effects, even just one effect, starts resolving, no other cards or effects can activate until the entire chain has been completed. Compass Gear's effect to revive itself started a Chain and the summon happens during resolution..."

"Which means Antinomy can't negate it!" Rainbow Dash smiled and her eyes widened. "So that's why he didn't stop me from calling Rainbow Overdragon! He couldn't!"

Malefic Compass Gear
ATK / 0
LV 1

"If I use Compass Gear for a Synchro Summon, I can use a 'Malefic' monster in my hand as the only other Synchro Material," said Paradox as he grabbed a card from his hand. "My Level One 'Malefic Compass Gear' tunes the Level Seven 'Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon' in my hand!" A masked and armored Red-Eyes Black Dragon appeared above Paradox. Malefic Compass Gear's gears and cogs spun and it vanished, leaving a single star that drew a green Synchro ring around the dragon. It roared as it became an orange outline and then vanished, leaving seven stars behind. The formed a line and were engulfed in a column of light.

"Released at the dawn of space, show us the end and the beginning of all things! Synchro Summon, Level Eight! Fly ever forward, 'Malefic Arrow Dragon'!"

A shape began to form in the ray of light, a dark line with an arrowhead at the front. Wings spread out from the body and the light vanished. The new monster was a silver wyvern, dark gray lines streaking across its body and wings like circuits. Gold armor protected its knees and shoulders, and gold spikes encircled the end of its tail. Its head was a much darker shade of gray than the lines on its body, and shaped like an arrowhead ending in four tapered points at the back, and a single point at the front. It beat its wings and rose high in the air as it roared, a deep growl that rose into a whistling screech.

Malefic Arrow Dragon
ATK / 2000
LV 8

"I activate Halberd Cannon's effect! Close Summon!" The robot pushed its chest forward and fired a red beam at the dragon. Its eyes flashed and the beam struck the pointed tip of its head, sliding off in different directions. "What?!"

"Malefic Arrow Dragon's Synchro Summon cannot be negated. The arrow of time cannot be stopped once it's launched, Antinomy! I learned this in the ponies' dimension, and now it's time to show you too! Battle! Malefic Arrow Dragon, attack Tech Genus Halberd Cannon with Time's Arrow!"

"Paradox, what are you doing? This is suicide!" Antinomy shouted over his shoulder. Halberd Cannon twirled lifted its halberd, ready to strike the approaching dragon. Antinomy caught a glimpse of Paradox's eyes and his own widened. "Trap Card, open: 'Synchro Strike!' Halberd Cannon gains five hundred Attack Points for each monster used as its Synchro Material until the End Phase!"

T.G. Halberd Cannon MAXXX-∞
ATK / 6000
LV 12

"Trap Card, open: 'Malefic EMP Charge'! If a monster effect or a Spell or Trap Card is activated in the Battle Phase while 'Malefic World' is in play, the Battle Phase ends immediately." Paradox slowed down and his dragon allowed air to fill its wings as it fell away from Halberd Cannon.

"Paradox, what just happened?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Antinomy figured out what I was aiming for, or at least that I wouldn't have lost that battle. Because of Arrow Dragon's effect, Halberd Cannon would lose five hundred Attack Points for each 'Malefic' monster in my Graveyard during this battle. There are six 'Malefic' monsters in my Graveyard, so Halberd Cannon would have lost three thousand Attack Points."

"Putting it at fifteen hundred," Dash finished. "So he used his Trap to give it an extra fifteen hundred Attack Points. Since you couldn't weaken it enough, you used your Trap to stop the battle, right?"

"Exactly," Paradox said with a nod. "I Set a card face-down and end my turn!"

"My turn!" shouted Antinomy as he drew.

Speed Counters
Antinomy: 10
Paradox/Dash: 3

"Let's battle, Rainbow Dash! Halberd Cannon, attack Rainbow Overdragon! GO! Delta Halberd Plasma!" Halberd Cannon formed its cannon apparatus and fired a stream of bright orange energy at Rainbow's dragon.

"I use Rainbow Overdragon's effect!" shouted the Pegasus. "During either player's turn, if it was Fusion Summoned, I can Release it to shuffle all cards on the field into our decks! Return to the Rainbow!"

Rainbow Overdragon roared as the seven gems in its chest lit up, beams of light radiating out and turning upward in sequence. The dragon flapped its wings and soared into the sky. It began flying in a circle over the Duelists, moving faster and faster until it became a spinning rainbow ring. The ring grew wider as it descended onto the field. Halberd Cannon and Malefic Arrow Dragon turned their heads upward and saw the purest white light. Rainbow Dash smirked. So did Antinomy.

"Halberd Cannon's effect activates." The robot's red eyes flashed and it swung its halberd over its head before swinging it down, the blade slicing through the rainbow ring. The robot shot forward and grabbed Malefic Arrow Dragon by the neck, then slammed it into the ground. The dragon roared as it was dragged along the highway's pavement.

Malefic Arrow Dragon
ATK / 2000 --> 1200
LV 8

"Malefic Arrow Dragon!" Paradox cried out.

"What did you do?!" demanded Rainbow Dash.

"Whenever your monsters would leave the field because of your card effect, I can negate that effect and your monsters lose 800 Attack Points." Halberd Cannon released Malefic Arrow Dragon and changed its halberd into its cannon form. "Since the number of monsters on your field has changed during battle, a replay occurs. Halberd Cannon, attack Malefic Arrow Dragon! Delta Halberd Plasma!"

“I use Malefic EMP Charge’s effect in the Graveyard!” Paradox shouted. “By removing it and Malefic Red-Eyes from play, I can negate Arrow Dragon’s destruction!”

A bright orange energy beam burst forth and raced toward Paradox's weakened monster, but slammed into a pale blue barrier surrounding the dragon. Some of the beam managed to slip through, striking Malefic Arrow Dragon and hitting the highway around Paradox. One beam also clipped Rainbow Dash on the wing, causing her to falter in the air and lose altitude. She regained her balance and control, and flew beside Paradox, a grim look on her face.

Player: Paradox
LP: 100
Hand: 0

"I Set a card face-down and end my turn," said Antinomy.

"We're in a tight spot, Paradox," said Rainbow Dash. "What should we do?"

"The only thing we can do, my little pony," Paradox replied. "We hold on and wait for an opening... or create one."

"Finding openings is my specialty! I draw!" Rainbow Dash swiped her hoof over her deck, a card following it. "I Set two cards face-down and end my turn!"

"My turn again," Antinomy said. "Time to end this. I activate the third effect of 'Speed World Two'! By paying ten Speed Counters, I can target and destroy one card on the field. Paradox, I'm destroying your face-down card!"

Antinomy raced ahead of his opponents and spun once in a full circle. As he did, lightning arced from the headlights of his D-Wheel. Paradox's face-down card appeared in front of him and stood on its bottom edge as the lightning slashed through it, destroying the card before dissipating into fading sparks.

"'Malefic Flash Strike' could've destroyed Halberd Cannon and a face-up Spell or Trap on the field." Antinomy accelerated again. "Let's battle! Halberd Cannon, attack Malefic Arrow Dragon!"

"Did you forget about Arrow Dragon's effect, bub?" taunted Rainbow.

"I did not. I activate 'TG-EM Lockdown'." Antinomy's face-down card flipped up. "I target one 'Tech Genus' monster on my field and one monster on yours and negate their effects during this turn!" The large metal plate with Tech Genus emblem appeared on Halberd Cannon’s and Arrow Dragon’s chests, held in place by crimson clasps around their shoulders and waists.

"I play the Trap 'Mirror Mail'!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "When one of our monsters is attacked, its Attack Points become the same as the monster attacking it!" Arrow Dragon oriented itself vertically in the air and spread its wings. Round mirrors appeared on its body and in the air around it, each one glowing with a brilliant white light.

Malefic Arrow Dragon
ATK / 1200 --> 4500
LV 8

"You won't destroy Halberd Cannon so easily! During the Damage Step, I activate 'TGX1-Overclock'! It's original Attack Points are doubled until the end of the turn!"

"I've got another Trap for ya: 'Crystal Slicer'! I send a Crystal Beast from my deck to the Graveyard to cut your monster's original Attack Points in half!"

T.G. Halberd Cannon MAXXX-∞
ATK / 4500
LV 12

Antinomy grit his teeth. The console screen in front of him flashed and caught his attention. He smiled. "Your Trap has one other effect, Rainbow Dash," he said. "I get to draw a card!" Antinomy drew and placed the new card into the holder on his wrist dealer. He looked at it for several moments. The final showdown is next turn, he thought.

"Our monsters' Attack Points are the same, Antinomy," Paradox said. "Go, Malefic Arrow Dragon! Time's Arrow!"

"Halberd Cannon, attack! Delta Halberd Plasma!"

Halberd Cannon swung its pole-arm into the frame on its shoulders and pulled it down. It took aim and fired. Malefic Arrow Dragon roared and beat its wings furiously, picking up speed. An energy field appeared around it and the beam from the cannon clashed against it, splitting and sliding off in all directions. The dragon pushed forward through the beam until it reached its enemy. There was an explosion and both monsters were consumed. As the smoke cleared, two new monsters appeared.

"When Halberd Cannon leaves the field, I can Special Summon another 'Tech Genus' monster from my Extra Deck. C'mon! 'Tech Genus Blade Blaster'!" called Antinomy.

"When Malefic Arrow Dragon is destroyed, I can Special Summon a 'Malefic' monster with a higher Level from my Extra Deck, and treat it as a Synchro Summon," Paradox stated. "Descend! 'Malefic Paradox Dragon'!"

T.G. Blade Blaster MAXX-10000
ATK / 3300
LV 10

Malefic Paradox Dragon
ATK / 4000
LV 10

"That's not all, Antinomy!" Rainbow Dash chimed in. "When Malefic Paradox Dragon is Synchro Summoned, it can bring out any Synchro Monster from Paradox's Graveyard!"

"Fly once more, Malefic Arrow Dragon!" Malefic Arrow Dragon flew through a portal that appeared over the ground in front of Paradox's D-Wheel. It roared and spread its wings, glaring down at Antinomy. "And now Blade Blaster suffers Paradox Dragon's other effect: It lowers the Attack Points of your monsters by the total attack strength of all other Synchros I control!"

T.G. Blade Blaster MAXX-10000
ATK / 3300 --> 1300
LV 10

"I end my turn," said Antinomy.

"My turn!" Paradox drew. Rainbow Dash flew beside him.

"I'm out of steam, Paradox," she said. "Can you finish this on your own?"

"If there's one thing I learned from you ponies and Yusei," Paradox replied, "it's that I'm not really alone. We came this far together, Rainbow Dash." He turned his attention back to the Duel. "Let's end this, Antinomy! Battle! Malefic Paradox Dragon, attack Tech Genus Blade Blaster! Paradox Stream!"

"Go, Blade Blaster! Blasting Blade!"

Malefic Paradox Dragon opened its mouth and spat out a stream of sparkling dark blue energy. Blade Blaster aimed its gun and fired several rounds as it flew around the beam.

“Time to end this, Paradox! I activate the effect of ‘Tech Genus Titanium Wolf’ from my hand! When an attack is declared involving my ‘Tech Genus’ Synchro, I can send Titanium Wolf from my hand to the Graveyard to double its original Attack Points during damage calculation. Blade Blaster’s Attack Points rise to forty-six hundred!”

T.G. Blade Blaster MAXX-10000
ATK / 1300 --> 4600
LV 10

“It won’t matter, Antinomy,” Paradox said calmly. “Malefic Arrow Dragon’s effect will still activate for this battle.”

Antinomy’s eyes went wide with shock. “What?!”

“I thought it could only activate if Arrow Dragon itself battles!” said Rainbow Dash.

“No,” Paradox replied. “It can activate when any ‘Malefic’ Synchro Monster battles! There are five ‘Malefic’ monsters in my Graveyard, which means Blade Blaster will lose twenty-five hundred Attack Points.”

T.G. Blade Blaster MAXX-10000
ATK / 4600 --> 2100
LV 10

Antinomy grit his teeth. “The past can never conquer the future, Paradox! I activate the second effect of ‘TGX1-Gauntlet’, chaining it to my Titanium Wolf’s effect! It’s equipped from the Graveyard to Halberd Cannon, increasing its Attack Points by one thousand and reflecting all battle damage back to you. It will be destroyed at the end of the turn, but this duel will be over before then!”

“Yes, it will be over,” said Paradox as he played the last card in his hand. “I activate a Counter Trap: ‘Malefic Reboot’! When you activate a Trap Card or effect, I can negate that effect and return that card to your hand. You can set a Spell or Trap from your hand after, but if you do, you can’t activate Trap Cards for the rest of the turn.”

“Paradox, how are you playing a Counter Trap from your hand?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I can play this card from my hand by paying half of our Life Points if my only monsters are at least two ‘Malefic’ Synchros,” Paradox explained. “The downsides to doing this are that I can’t use Spells or Traps for the rest of the turn, and I can only play Malefic Reboot once per Duel, but once is all I need.”

Paradox turned his attention back to the battle. “The past is not irrelevant to the future! The past is what creates the future! Launch the arrow of time! Paradox Dragon, Arrow Dragon, go! Paradox Arrow Stream!” Malefic Arrow Dragon raced toward Blade Blaster and grabbed it with its claws and teeth. It spun the robot around and threw it high into the sky, then raced after it. Paradox Dragon fired another stream, the beam widening until it surrounded Arrow Dragon’s body. Arrow Dragon folded in its wings as the energy from its ally’s beam swirled around it. The point of its head crashed into the robot’s body and pierced its armor. The dragon flew straight through and spread its wings as the beam vanished and Blade Blaster exploded.

Antinomy cried out as the explosion struck him, sending him spinning down the road. Steam erupted from his D-Wheel as he finally came to a stop.

Paradox pulled up next to Antinomy and Rainbow Dash landed close by. Antinomy smiled. “You’ve grown stronger, Paradox.”

“I’ve learned a lot since Yusei saved me,” said Paradox. “I learned that power is not what matters, but rather what is done with it. I learned that forgiveness is just as much for oneself as those being forgiven. And there’s one other thing.”

“What’s that, Paradox?” Antinomy raised the visor on his helmet and looked at Paradox.

“I learned that anyone can be saved.”

Antinomy smiled and slid the visor back down. “Then let’s go save Yusei!”

Two D-Wheels and a cyan Pegasus raced back to the center of Neo Domino City. The sun was beginning to set.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

Applejack has found herself alone in a world of darkness. Ambushed by Trueman, she will find her own honesty put to the test in her very first Duel! Can she stay true to herself, or will Trueman’s tricks make her crumble?

Chapter 54

Heavy Truth


Featured Card

Malefic Arrow Dragon
Level 8
1 "Malefic Tuner" + 1 non-Tuner "Malefic" monster
If "Malefic World" is not face-up on the field, destroy this card. Cannot be destroyed by other cards' effects. This card's Synchro Summon cannot be negated. When a "Malefic" Synchro Monster you control battles an opponent's monster, during damage calculation: That opponent's monster loses 500 ATK for each "Malefic" monster in your Graveyard. When this card is destroyed: You can Special Summon 1 "Malefic" Synchro Monster with a higher Level than this card from your Extra Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon.)