> Sentimentality: The Poems of Equestria > by GhostWriter17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sentimentality > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sentimentality A Poem by GhostWriter17 **** If you could see me behind closed doors would you understand why I am who I am? My kindness exudes radiates with life those around me compliment my joyousness. They say I am gentle that my heart is warm and my love can calm darkness. Who am I the pony with a name the name so pure Fluttershy? The chirps and squeaks around my home give off a calmness I cannot comprehend. Animals, they trust me put themselves in my care but, I sometimes wonder... What of when I'm no longer there? Will they feed themselves fix their wounds when hurt and can they live on without my care? They're all so cute adorable and sweet will they be vicious without me? I soothed their dark hearts on the day of the race years of work after then has it all been for naught? Oh dear, it's coming again that black and deep hole in the pit of my stomach of what I've given up. I say all I need is my friends' compassion but that could be a lie at least, maybe. I give off love I thus get some back I smile widely I fear being alone. The creatures give comfort to underlying insecurity but my feelings are too strong to ignore any more. I need more out of life maybe break out of my shell do what she does write letters, as well. My life goes nowhere as my friends achieve other successes stuck in this trap that I've made myself. I must speak up and say my mind less I wish to go down with self-pity. Deep breaths follow her hops imitate the skips and live for the jumps. No more being in the background no more being silent my soul has things to say my mouth must speak them. Stay strong break away for brighter days begin with courage. Meekness and sentimentality Blind faith and emotions to be quelled at least to an extent. Tomorrow I live take nothing for granted and be more brave in the face of adversity. Kindness isn't all I need and it's not just what I give but I need inner strength and to trust myself. Not worry of others and what they may say believe in life one day at a time. My name is Fluttershy and I'm no longer meek I'll change for my friends it'll be for the best. At least... I hope it will be... > Beyond the Leaves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beyond the Leaves A poem by: GhostWriter17 **** Every day that I work, I feel a warmth. It grows inside me, filling my heart. I wake up to sights so beautiful. The sun rises as my eyes open, its orange light engulfing me in warmth. My sister, she sleeps, for only a few more hours. Then she, too, must rise for the coming day. My brother downstairs awaits my arrival. Ready for the work we must do. Granny, she is old, humbled. Her age gives her wisdom, despite her slipping mentality. We look at the hills, the fields that are to be worked. An orange glow illuminates all around us. I take a breath, and retrieve the buckets. Macintosh prepares to till the fields. I begin with what is good, ripe, and fresh. I search for trees with only the best apples. I come across the perfect tree. Its fruit is thick, its branches healthy. I turn, placing a few buckets on the ground. Then, I prepare the first act of the day. I shift my weight, pressing down on my forehooves. Looking back, I carefully judge the distance. With concentration, my weight shifts again. I press into the ground, muzzle near the earth. Then, lifting my hind legs, I press back. Pushing backward, I hit the tree with immense force. My strike is precise, exactly calculated. The shock shakes the tree and its fruit loose. My body shakes from the force as I exhale. The satisfaction of fine work, is more than worth the pain. My heart pounds, thumping with excitement. The apples are in the baskets, perfectly arranged. Smiling, I repeat this process. Until my sister wakes up, and breakfast is served. The family eats together in the morning light. The company of others gives me glee. Sister is taken to school. Escorted by my brother, he protects her. And so I resume my duties, bucking trees through the day. All the while, having a smile on my face. The work is hard, the technique is rigorous. But the sweat and pain are more than worth it. I wish to see my friends today, but most likely won't. For we must make cider, for the season to come. But I am not lonely, I have the solitude of nature around me. The wind whispers wisdom into my eager soul. The leaves, they are gentle, the birds, they are jolly. Nature gives me purpose, it is my companion. Doing a service, for my humble town. That, to me, is what life is all about. At the end of the day, we sit in the glow of the sun. It sets along the horizon, majestic in its glory. I climb in bed, comfortable, but aching. Another hard day of work, gone by quickly. I lay down my hat. Father gave it to me. I miss him. I miss mother dearly. Celestia is kind, a great ruler. But why must she let tragedy strike? I am honest, because others are not. I know the truth, others don't. Care for others, that's what he said. But even brother knows not of what happened back then. I shall not tell. Not break a promise. But, even with my love, I hate mother and father. Had it not happened, Granny would not be senile. How fate can be dark, I do not understand. But what's done is done, and that's that. My bones sink into the bed, I breathe a sigh. Drifting off to sleep, I dream of tomorrow, and what it may bring. > Say Hello > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Say Hello A poem by GhostWriter17 **** Morning wonder! Bucket of cool liquid Ask for a drink. Water quenches my throat, very cracked and brittle. Serene moisture. Take off! Cold air blows with the flinging of fallen brown leaves. Marvellous! Droplets from my swelling pores drenching dry fur. Race forward! Grand speed so unmatched! I am greatness! Air thins. Climbing shiver grabs me, runs down my spine. Flip back. Ecstasy and rushing emotion. Pleasure mine alone. Flying downward. Blood, chilling speed and tears enhance this feeling. Furious light, sparkle! Pulses of bliss, energy roars sonic speed approaches. There! A blur! Silence! The world stretches under pressure. Compressing, expands at once. Sound! Gasp! Explosion, thundering waves! I rocket to earth. I snap away. Barely miss dust on my hooves. Warm breaths again. Lungs expand, shaking I land, aching on soft ground. Relief, muscles relax. Heavy eyes of mine. Pounding head, parched tongue, soothing. A shadow above. Great performance! Cider. Frothy against my lips. Swallow hard, grateful. Say hello. Say thanks. She sighs, warm nuzzling against me. Massages pained joints. Friends, always true, loyal. Never is it awkward to say I love you. > Unnamed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unnamed A poem by GhostWriter17 **** What's in a name? Golden armour glitters in the sun. What's in a name? Selfless deeds we perform for our Goddesses. What's in a name? Strength in numbers, pride in our undying hearts. What's in a name? We give our lives in the name of Equestria. What's in a name? Country is our motivation, family where our souls lie. What's in a name? A life-long service, dutifully carried out. Whats in a name? Respect is what we aim for, but sometimes we are not given it. Whats in a name? Brothers in arms, a bond unbreakable. Whats in a name? Sisters are by our side, deserving of equal respect. Whats in a name Earthen ones give strengthening walls. Whats in a name They serve like walls, stoic and forceful. Whats n a name Horned ones are majestic, fantastical. Whats n a name From shields to projectiles, they perform miracles. Whats n a name Then there are the winged brethren. What n name They fly, survey, attack. What n name Beautiful, fluttering feathers touching the breeze. What n name Maneuverability and endless grace, they are perfect. What n name How I envy them. What n name Flightless. What n name Unable to serve my Goddesses. What name Name? What name My dream, unfulfilled. What name Diseased and shamed. What ame How I long to don the royal armour. What ame But frailty shatters my hopes. What ame Do I not deserve a better fate such as this? Wat ame Can I not save myself from darkness? Wat ame Is my destiny to die unloved? Wat ame In this facility, I lie awake, barely. Wat ame Facility? More like a prison. Wat ame I cannot leave, cannot move. Wat ame Here I am a number. at ame I am but a statistic. at ame They know it's but a matter of time. at ame A matter of time until the end. at me 759038 at me What shall become of me? at me Pain is all I know. at me Do my Goddesses know of my existence? at me Or are they numbed by seeing death countless times? a me My date is coming. a me Soon, they tell me. a me What will my grave say? a me Will I have a grave? a me Names. a me Just a set of letters. a me Arranged to form something comprehensible. me What's in my name? me Does it matter? me No. me In the end, my name won't be remembered. me My deeds will. me My memory is fuzzy. me Was I always like this? me? So bitter? me? So frail? me? So envious? e? Did I used to be different? e? Why am I so calm? e? What's it mean to be a soldier? ? What's it like to be immortal? ? What awaits me on the other side? ? I miss them. ? I miss my ? ? ? What's in a name? > I'm Hoping, Dreaming, just Not Believing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm Hoping, Dreaming, just Not Believing A poem by GhostWriter17 **** I'm hoping for a day to come. A day of eternal peace. A day where water is calm. A day of solace, release. Days and nights all must end. Eventually, peace, there must be. Waiting with and for a friend. Burning out, soon shall be That day. **** I. I can hope and pray to the stars. I could at any time fly. I could soar into the night's arms. I am free from a cold prison. I set myself there once, long ago. I had partially caused the schism. But I must now learn to let the past go. I hope for Mother. **** I'm dreaming for the Time. The Time power may be passed on. He once failed, bearded and wise. How I miss his frail smile, he's now gone. But someone must carry the destiny of both. Sun and moon must conjoin. We must move on, but not without pain. Sacrifices must be made if she is to give us peace in Our Twilight. **** I. I dream of a mare. She sends me into eternal serenity. Beautiful, the cosmos awaits me, kind and fair. Sister worries, however, of her students' sanity. My darkness has gone, what does it mean? Is there such a thing as being truly eternal? My existence is not at all what it seemed. I dream of an Inferno. **** I'm just not Believing anymore. Give me what I long for, O Sun! My reverie must be at hand, at the door. I look into all our futures, but they are clouded, all but one. We shall be fine. So why does it not feel so? My skin crawls with each passing night. I feel a presence, once gone, I feel Mother again. **** I! I can now Believe; for she is here! Mother is here, O glorious day! Embracing Sister and I, she sheds a tear. I know now all will be okay. Together, we three ride into the cosmos. We right our wrongs, and Sister is relieved. The world is safe from calamity. With power of both Order and Discord, we succeed. We banish all darkness! **** Once again, we are safe. Safe from evil. Safe from sacrifice. My student is spared the pain, so cruel. Thank Mother, I feared the worst. Now we can move on from it all! I feel alive, fresh, new! My Kingdom is safe, My beautiful Equestria! **** Hail the Sun! Praise the Moon! Forever we sing! Forever we swoon! For our world! For Equestria! Peace, Everlasting! > The Loudest Noise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Loudest Noise A poem by GhostWriter17 **** When Fight or Flight is your only option, which will you choose? When Elements are divided, what are the options one has? Whose side do you take when the lines have been drawn? Internal struggles, those among friends... Those struggles are some of life's worst. Friendship can be horribly cruel. Disharmony has clouded their judgement. They quarrel amongst each other. Can their shattered dreams be mended? First is the party pony, secluded in inability to cope. Her fun has gone away, and her bounce has no more life. Silent, she sobs all through the night. Next, trying to help Pinkie, is the athlete. Her anger knows no bounds. She flies in hatred, consumed by rage. Training is replaced by outer frustration. A Rainbow of darkness flies overhead. Thirdly is Rarity. Her Boutique is closed, her sister is pained. Clear thoughts are clouded by the bottle, inspiration does not come. Drained by drunkenness, her energy and passion has died. Then, Fluttershy. Her meekness has turned into nervousness. She spends each day quaking in fear, afraid of the wrath of the world. She feels her only friends are the creatures she keeps safe. The farmer, stubborn, no longer benign, suffers quietly. She bottles up her feelings, never opening up to others. She works herself to death, relentless and unforgiving. Finally. The student. Her instability is her own demon. Her nights are filled with studying on how to fix friendships. The assistant and her do all they can to repair what's been lost. How I pity them so. How I've tried to help. Alas, my best efforts have all been for naught. The God of Disharmony can only do so much to fix his mistake. I cannot undo the mistake Discord has made. This mistake, that I made. My reformation may be complete, but my presence has caused pain. When I try to do good, I only do bad. Is it my fault, or is it something not under my control? Celestia, I am so sorry. There is only one option. It must be done. But, it shall cost me everything. They say the Silent Martyr makes the Loudest Noise. One life, given for the sake of others, can change destiny. I shall be the Martyr. I shall make the noise. We, The Elements, three Princesses, and I, all gather. To the Crystal Heart we travel, my decision made up. The Elements reluctantly come, but do not speak. With all of the worlds' power, we gather our strength. I am ready for what is to happen, what I must face. Fun and games no longer apply, at the fringes of life. With power so great, I fly in the air. Energy insurmountable rushes toward me. My last act shall be my finest. All my life, I've been an actor on a grand stage. I've once done bad, all for a laugh or six. Now, goodness floods my soul, and I find reverie. One last curtain-call, one last hurrah. My last performance, I give my all. For my former enemies, now my friends, I face oblivion. Discord is no more. Friendship is restored. And I am at peace. The world is at peace. > Lollipop Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lollipop Dreams A Poem by GhostWriter17 **** Happy, happy, joy, joy, it's all in my heart! Spreading love and cheer is what I'm all about! Super-duper days and wonderiffic nights! I don't know which is better! Kaleidoscope eyes with quirky little nobs! They twist and turn, they make icing globs! How does it work? I have no idea! All I know is that it's funny! I make confections, awesomesauce treats! Delectable cupcakes and yummy, tangy sweets! My customers' smiling faces with satisfied bellies, Oh, that's what I care about! I prance down the streets filled with cotton candy clouds! Jumping past gumdrop roads and salty crayon mounds! Gingerbread houses all line my Ponyville! It's full of magic! Everything's a cacophony of lovely sounds! Like horns and songs and fillies, jumping all around! Oh, what a flavorful life we live in! Gummy, rainbow-y life! Some days, though, they're dark and lonely... Some ponies feel sad, but I try to make them not feel so bad or grumpy... It always works, eventually, 'cause Pinkie spreads laughter! Oh. "They" say you can give, but never receive. Or, you can choose to have, but never give. I wish both were true, but things cannot be. Not for lonely Pinkie. Of course, I always say giving joy brings me joy. But does it really work that way, or am I a little blind? Why am I so coy? Maybe it does, 'cause I still remember my party of one. That sad feeling kinda sucked. Gummi agrees. I do my best every day, to make everypony happy. Of course, it always succeeds, for I'm the party pony. Life is good, despite my questions. I shouldn't worry, silly me. Days are sugar-coated, but nights are different. They start off nice, but sometimes end up like an elephant. They're big, loud, and sometimes a little scary. But I always have Gummi! My lollipop dreams fill my nights. I dance on sugarcane rivers and see chocolate delights! I prance with my friends, surfing on caramel lakes, and eating malted bushes! It's a vacuum of bliss! Say hello to joy! Say goodbye to sorrow! Age is gone! There is no tomorrow! There is only today! We're forever free and young! Jelly volcanoes spurt, and the fun never seems to end! Then. Time stops. Smiles I've grown to know freeze in time. Their eyes fixate on me, staring back for a lifetime. Suddenly, they scare me in their silence. Silence so loud. Black rain falls from the sky, exploding on the ground. Every drop erases color, leaving shadows all around. Black and white is my prison, color was once my world. Friends fade away. My walls shatter, friends fall to the abyss. No matter how hard I try, no scream reaches my lips. I have a mouth, but cannot scream. No... I suffocate in my despair. I beg for it to cease. My throat, squeezed by invisible hands, finds no release. Pounding, my heart explodes in anguish. I wake up. Some nights it happens, others it does not. Should I go talk about it? Maybe I ought... Maybe I will, because friends help friends with scary things. That's a good thing. Friends give me joy, and I give joy in return. So, I can give and receive, that, I did learn. Maybe "they" were wrong, and I was naive. That's a good thing. No matter what, my friends are there for me. They can help, no matter what the problem may be. This town, it will keep my gleeful and jumpy! That's a good thing for sure! Everypony needs somepony to be a friend! Sometimes I need a friend to help, a "friend 'till the end"! Friendship and its joys are my magic! That is the goodiest of good things of all! > Dearest Sister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dearest Sister A poem by GhostWriter17 **** Dearest Sister, I apologize for what I've done, for all the misery I have caused. I wish something else could be done, but, alas, that something has become lost. My pain is not my own, and yet, I see, your pain was caused by one who is close, caused by me. Heartache is something that I know you cannot flee, yet I hope that you please, Dearest Sister, listen to me. You are gone away, gone from where we used to be, but I can still give advice and confidence in these letters. You've grown up to be a fine young pony, and that fills me with glee, for now and for ever. I have a confession, Dearest Sister, one so very shameful: Lonliness echoes so loudly in this house of mine. Your hoofsteps are missed, with silence so vile, the ringing never stops, in this house of mine. My shame hangs over like a storm, and I am truly, deeply sorry. Neglect is what I gave you, instead of love that you deserve, so warm, and a heart that has been closed off can become cold and thorny. I apologize for my bluntness, my lack of my usual eccentricity, but I am in a dark place with my sentimentality. Please accept, with all your heart, my apology; and, with time, I hope to mend our relationship, so we can be free. Dearest Sister, I need you now, to bond again, so I may crawl out of this darkness I have fallen in. With the deepest of love, Rarity Belle. > I sit, I wait > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sit, I wait A Poem by: GhostWriter17 **** I sit, I wait and I appreciate all of life's little joys. I sigh, I lie and I realize how wonderful life is. I stare, I blink at the clouds and think about how I wish to fly. I see, I gaze and in a rainbow-colored haze she quickly speeds by. I sigh, I cry and pray once more so I may one day fly. A poster in my bedroom, A fan-club just for her, the one that I adore, Rainbow my sister, forevermore. I breathe, I swallow staring at the ground below catching my belated breath. I gasp, I wheeze as my feathers shiver in the breeze, cold and unnerving. I step, I pace closer to the cliff's face the edge hanging dangerously. I shiver, I shake but I don't wish to fake my ever growing fear. I've always come here, saying that I'd jump, but I'm here once again, and now I'm ready to take the plunge. My wings, they expand to their greatest width, not very grand but I care no longer. Will I die? I do not know. All I do know, is that down is the only way to go. I leap, leaving the ground and I plunge, going down, down, down. My descent has finally begun. > One Day More > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Day More A Poem By: GhostWriter17 **** One Day More and I shall be free. One Day More and I can be me. One Day More and the Sun will rise. One Day More and I'll see a Surprise! Oh, how I've dreamed to be here! How I've dreamed to fly! Oh, how joyous it is to know! To know Celestia trusts me sets my heart aglow! One Day More and the kingdom is there! One Day More till I can really explore! One Day More and life will shine! One Day More and all will be certainly fine! A dream come true, this truly is! I've never known such love as this! Equestria's welcoming me is real bliss! Never have I been treated like this! One Day More and Equestria will be mine! One Day More and the Princesses will bow to one rule, MINE! One Day More and power shall belong to ME! One Day More and all will be as it should be... > Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love A Poem by: GhostWriter17 _________________ Love is a feeling that binds me Never does it confine me Rather, it defines me. I love the feeling, it sends me reeling Floor to ceiling It brings healing. I am the Princess of this emotion Oh, what an ocean Of free-flowing motion! My friends say friendship saves the day Brings color to gloomy gray I say "nay". Love is the one true conqueror It outshines the somber Like my lover in knight's armour. I am wise as I am caring Forever feeling, sharing For my people, I'd be daring. I'd give my life to defend ones I love I'd soar, a dove To the heavens up above. And yet, with my joy and bliss I sense this: Something is truly amiss. A shadow overtakes the land Burning it with a fiery hand A Hellfire, a circular band. No escape from this prison For the Dark Ones have arisen To conquer this world, in my vision. We are safe no longer They grow stronger Until I ponder. I ponder, for there the vision ends When the darkness descends And there are no friends. Whatever it means, I shall overcome The obstacle before it has won For I am not crude or dumb! When darkness come, I be ready Holding Love, so steady Cadence, I, trustworthy. With might and magic, I'll succeed And never will I recede Until I have no air to breathe. > Dividend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dividend A poem by GhostWriter17 ______________ Can this really be the one I sought? Can it? Can it be that I was truly wrong in my endeavors? All this time I've tried to be kind. I've attempted this emotion they call love. But why can I feel no such thing? I may be a creature of Equestria, But I feel all alone. All I do is sit and wait for my lover to come home. When will he ever come? This is the question I ponder. I did it all for him. My heart lingers on this notion of love. I embrace love, so why is there no feeling? I siphon the love from those I want, so why? Why can't they appreciate my work!? I know I can be cruel. I can be a malicious evil, Dangerous and corrupting am I. I inflict harm every time I try to be good. Is it my nature, or something more? A psychological problem? What, brain? What, soul? What, heart!? What is my failing!? Please, answer, I implore! Can I never find the light, always being shadow? Must I forever hide behind the guise of another? Must my original skin be clouded by a second skeleton? She says my true nature must never show... But why? I look around at smiling faces and wonder if things can ever change. I am a creature born of change. Therefore, can I not evoke a positive change in it all? Can change not be for evil? Surely, this must be! The throbbing thrashing pain I have had had to endure must end! Endings must come! This, I am truly sure of, it must be so, mustn't it? I know that changes can be positive, so why can I not carve my own path? This must be my destiny: to change! I can't wallow... Right? If I can wear a lie, I should live a truth! Hiding is cowardice! Hide no longer! Today my independence must be declared! My voice, so it must be heard! How it will ring in jubilation! How I shall scream, "I am myself! I am of flesh, and of bone and of love, and I will live!" No more living between the Dividing Line. Divide and ye shall never overcome. That is my truth. That... Is I. I can only hope things will turn out right. I can only pray alll will be fine. All wounds heal with time, they say. So shall I. It may be hard, but I'll go forth! Out of darkness, I march! I am the one to evoke change! Change in perceptions! Change in life! A change of heart! A change in me. > Gasping > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gasping A Poem by GhostWriter17 )( )( )( )( I'm gasping for breath. Suffocating in sorrow. A battle of the mind. I can't regret. Regretting what I've done, It feels meaningless. I'm sobbing. Sobbing in shadow. I sit alone in the dark. I think of my actions, my armour burning with red. The red of my lover... She is dead. Did I have a choice? She wasn't real, after all. The wedding was another hoax, And now the curtain must fall. What do I do with what I'm dealt? On this blood-stained floor? My heart is wounded, sore, I can find no healing. Twilight, can she forgive me? Will my sister understand? Or will she shun me for my deed? I can imagine warmth from her, The smell of her mane, And her soothing words, telling me it will be alright. I am shaking. Shaking in fear. All alone. Here. There is a Sun, I hope. I've got to grab it. Got to find my true wife. Cadence. I'm coming... > And Again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- And Again A poem by GhostWriter17 |~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~| And again I wake up to the morning, I'm ready to face my day! The new day is dawning, and Twilight, she awaits. My calling is simple, to be by her side, Always and forever, together in our stride. Never can I falter, and never can I sway, For she needs me ever, each and every day. I've sworn to be by her side. In my heart she'll always hide. My routines are quick, my thinking is nimble, Some say I'm slick, others call me simple. I may be chubby, but that doesn't make me hurt, They can say what they wish; I'll never feel like dirt! Sometimes I laugh and enjoy life. Other times thoughts are full of evil. It's a common occurrence, I suppose... My days go by quickly, and I'm never missing a beat! Always acting swiftly, always on my feet! Be it for Miss Rarity, my one true love, Or for any pony else that needs my love. I live to serve, for serving is my life. Sometimes I wish things were better than this... And Again I care not about what they say. I can live! I can live anyway! Of course, sometimes it's difficult to get through, But oftentimes I push away that blue. And Again I am alone to clean the library. Sweeping and cleaning, my mind fills into the imaginary. I run across lava and chase evil beasts! Take out fearsome foes and eat delicious treats! The world it has color, so vibrant and raw! On my mission to save Her, I have no flaw! And AGAIN I have saved Her after hours of work. Expecting a peck on the cheek, I- No such thing comes. She pushes me away. Hate boils through my brain. My vision blurs, and I try to laugh. Rarity walks. No time to mull. I call out to her as shadows overtake my skin, It seems she's unaware of me. Her daggers pierce me and slice my beating heart, Be still... Be still... Calm down. But to be the sidekick, small and meek, Does it mean I'm awful? Does it make me weak? To be outgoing... Or not to be that way... What's my true purpose? Why am I? Why must these thoughts come now? Oh why, Today? And Again with these questions rolling in my brain, I seek a station for my train. Curled up in my blankets, soft in its safeness, I am free to think alone. And Again I cry of purpose, no matter what I've been through before, For I know not where I'm going, or what I'm even here for. Do they truly love me? Do I even matter? I can cause joy, but I also cause calamity. And Again Twilight sobs in her bed, knowing of my sorrow, That pitch-black that is I inside this cradle, hollow. And Again my head beats while my heart stays silent. I let the numbness flow through me, I, my own Tyrant. Should I seek a new refuge, like I did before? Or should I stay here wanting nothing more? I don't know. I always try to stay calm and keep my mind in focus. Breathe, Spike- Don't let those thoughts consume you And you can finally be free from This torture that showers you in evil. You have to learn to let go So you can be happy again. Who cares, I ask myself, If she has others to care for her? I can still be there! I know I can. I've spent far too long dwelling on this Calamity that scratches my heart. Twilight is right; I have to be better, and move on. "Don't be bitter, Spike, but understand Time can heal these wounds, as long as you let feelings go." Oh, but the pain is a numbness One I find so calming. After feeling it for so long It protects me, my mind's awning. This pain is real, and it's okay. I'll live. I'll live anyway. I'll get by. It's alright. I don't need her. I can be sad. But... I don't want to be... What to do?