> Chaos Mark Crusaders: RotE Episode 8 > by Dream Volt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sweetie wakes up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I held the brush up with my magic and smiled. I was getting much better. I didn't drop it at all. My mane looked really nice today too. It was like the purple and pink were more purple and pink, but not any darker, but sill more. Is that really possible? Then I pushed some of my mane to look just above my horn and see if it was still there. The mark was a jumble of green notes crisscrossing each other. But that book Twilight gave us about cutie marks was really clear. They shouldn't appear anywhere else. It didn't seem to be Cutie Pox since I didn't even have one in the right place, and wasn't getting anymore. "Sweetie Belle." Called Rarity "I didn't do it." "Do what?" I heard somepony trot up behind me. "I don't know. I didn't do anything, so I know it's not my fault." "Yes, well I just wanted to say your friends are here." "Oh, okay." Rarity let out a sigh. She seemed to sigh an awful lot lately. I rushed down the stairs and outside as quick as I could. It was nice Rarity was finally home but it was kind of fun staying at Applebloom's until she got back. Since we don't have school we could get right to the crusading. I hopped in the wagon and Scootaloo took off. Ever since that scary jet thing she's been pushing herself to go faster and unfortunately it's been working. Applebloom and I were both holding onto the wagon really tightly to make sure we didn't fall out. Applebloom had talked about adding something to make sure we stayed in but she hadn't done anything to the wagon yet. "Uh, could we maybe try something safe today?" I said "No way." Scootaloo shook her head. "I was so close in that thing Blinkie built. It's too bad now she has to ask your sisters if it's okay to give us stuff." "Ah still don't get why your parents don't care." "It's the pegasi way. Freedom, both good and bad, you know the deal." Applebloom and I both shook our heads back and forth. She slowed down a little to look back at us, and we cringed since she didn't stop. I was glad when she turned back around, though not so glad when she sped up again "Whatever, that's not important. I guess we can at least try something slower. I know I won't get my cutie mark, but we made a promise, right?" "Yea, until we all get our marks." I began "We'll do all we can to help each other." Added Scootaloo "Until we're blank flanks no more." We then all laughed. We talked about it after Applebloom seemed to get her cutie mark, and we realized we didn't want that to split us up. I asked about what we do when we all have our cutie marks, but they were already gone, and I didn't want to bring it up again. Why is it most ponies don't take the time to think things through? > Bloom finds something > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash looked around nervously, then landed next to me. I smiled, then kept looking for Scootaloo. She should be around here somewhere, and she was wearing a helmet so I'm sure she's fine. "Rarity ain't around Dash. Far as ah know she's back at her shop." Dash breathed a sigh of relief. "Good. She's really mad at me about that whole not telling her parents thing." "Ah know. Sweetie liked staying with us just fine and dandy though. Ah really don't get what all the fuss is about." "That's what I'm saying. I understand it is a matter of principal, but I was totally only one day late, and she never told me why it was so important I tell her folks, just that I should." "Mah sister still says it was awful bad of ya." "Yea, well I was really busy and they really should have checked to make sure Rarity was at the boutique instead of running off on their vacation." "It was some sorta business thing ah think. Have you seen Scootaloo?" "Nah, but lets try something. Hey Scoots, could you help me with something?" And suddenly Scootaloo was there, big smile on her face, covered in tree sap but still wearing the helmet. I blinked. "What do you need Rainbow Dash?" "Nothing much. Just Applebloom looking for ya. Anyway, I think I'll go annoy AJ for a while. Later squirts." Dash then waved and flew off. "Isn't she amazing." "Ah guess that's one word for her. Now come on Sweetie's probably all worried and such by now." "Eh, whatever." Then she ruffled her wings and under one I saw something. She did it again and I was sure it wasn't tree sap. I zipped in, holding up a wing next time she did it. There was a mark there. It was sort of weird looking. It was a big silver dot with a bunch of arrows coming out in eight directions like some sort of doubled up compass. They were all uneven lengths. Scootaloo then pulled away from me. "Hey, don't do that. That's a sensitive area." "Was that a cutie mark." Scootaloo spun around checking her flank. "What, where, I don't see anything." "Ah mean under your wing. There was a mark." "But didn't we read in that book Cutie Marks only appear on your haunch?" "Yea, and they ain't supposed to be so small neither ah think." "Let's get back to the club house quick and see if we can find something in the book." "Ooo, good idea." We then both ran as fast as we could. Scootaloo was still faster than me, and as usual took an early lead. Then after a while she started slowing down. Also just like usual by the end I won and Scootaloo was far behind me, breathing heavily. > Scootacord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applebloom was totally being difficult. I mean if she'd just stop squirming we would be done by now. I mean this was a really awkward position for me and Sweetie too. Then I saw something on the bottom of one hoof. "Wait, I think I see it." "Let mah go." "It's on the bottom of her hoof. Let me just…" I then wiped away a bit of dirt and could see it clearly. It was a little gold apple with some lettering on it. I think. Or maybe it was just a bunch of random scratches. Applebloom then pulled out of my grip and knocked over Sweetie too. "Hay now you two. That weren't right." "But it was there. Your front left hoof. It's a golden apple." "Ooo, really?" She stood up, and tired to keep her balance and look at her hoof, but failed. She fell over, and frowned, then pulled her hoof up so she could get a good look at it. "Well ah'll be, it is there, and looking mighty fine. But what kinda cutie mark is that?" "Duh, it isn't one." I said "The book says the same thing." Added Sweetie "Maybe we should ask Twilight?" "But miss Twilight won't be back fer a few more days, right Sweetie?" Sweetie nodded. "Yea, they're almost done, but Twilight is still there to make sure Pinkie doesn't do anything weird to mess stuff up." "Ah still don't get what all this is about and…" "Who cares. Lets just go find some other pony to ask. I vote for rainbow Dash." "You always vote for Rainbow Dash, even when it makes no sense." Said Sweetie "Ah say we ask Fluttershy. Plus we know where she is, and unlike mah sister and Rarity we won't get in no trouble." "And why are you so sure of that?" We all turned and glared at Discord. There was a weird tingling sensation whenever he was nearby, but if I wasn't paying attention I would miss it. But he didn't look like normal. He was smaller sometimes, but still looked like he always did. Now he was a little foal standing on the window sill. His coloring was the same, and his fur looked just as mismatched but he looked almost like a pony other than the horns and mismatched wings. Then he flew in and landed right next me, flapping his wings way more than he had to so he could land properly. "Stop that." "Stop what exactly. I'm not doing anything." Said Discord "You know what I mean." I glared at him He looked at his back. "Oh the wings, is somepony a little jealous perhaps?" "You don't count and all baby pegasi can fly. Their magic starts off strong enough to lift their body mass, but it isn't again until way later." He laughed. "Yes, it's a nice little excuse isn't it, but shouldn’t way later be rather soon, in fact more than likely months ago." I looked away. "It doesn't always, I'm just a late bloomer. Fluttershy still had problems way older than me an…" I paused, nearly ready to cry "Stop it you big meanie." Said Sweetie Belle "Yea, leave her alone." Discord blinked. "Oh yes, I nearly forgot why I'm here in the first place. This certainly isn't the best of starts. You see I want to join your little club." I stepped forward glaring at him. He took a step back, but only after a small smile crossed his face. He wasn't so tough as a little foal. Looked gangly sort of like Snips, but not as tall. "You can't get a cutie mark." Said Sweetie Belle "We don't want ya here." Added Applebloom "Yes, but we all know why unlike most of the other ponies in town you can't just go crying to your sisters about every little thing I do." We all looked down. "Oh, yea." I said "Though I don't have a sister." "Wait, the fast one isn't…" He paused. "Well that makes the stalking more creepy, but the extreme admiration slightly less." "Huh?" I said "So now that I've reminded you of my wonderful little bit of blackmail I'll continue. See I never really tried to get a cutie mark, and I myself doubt it will work but I am terribly bored and you three are an excellent combination of reckless and thoughtless" "Hay." I said "I'm not sure what the first one means, but I know the second is an insult." "Ah think you should just go." "Are you sure?" Discord smiled "Because I do plan to help you." "Like that time you sent us into the Everfree?" asked Sweetie He laughed. "Just because it was dangerous and you didn't follow the map properly doesn't mean I lied. The crystal ball I sent you to could have helped you, even if Sparkle was right and I did mainly want it for myself. She never told you she retrieved it for herself, did she? She never even considered it really could help you as well." "Yer lying." "Maybe, maybe not. The best way to cause chaos is to mix the truth with the lies until it is impossible to tell which is which. But how about I be really honest with you adorable little tykes." "Uh, ah guess." "But we still don't know if he's really telling the truth." Added Sweetie "Maybe, but I know the speech you three were given. In the end you were told to use your own judgement and do the right thing because if you just didn't do whatever I told you I could trick you." "That's true enough." Said Applebloom "So just listen. I want chaos. You three seem to be my best option right now for causing some, and the best way is helping you earn your silly little marks." "But you're just gonna give us bad ideas, ain't ya?" "Oh that’s far too obvious, and wouldn't work, you're all far too bright to fall for that. I will be hoping for some chaos with each idea, but really you three do that well enough on your own. Also a little chaos isn't a bad thing. Just look at Pinkie Pie." "She sure ain't a bad pony." "She is really nice though." Said Sweetie "And you so aren't." I added. "You are going to try to trick us, won't you?" "Maybe a little, but simply put I have to be on my best behavior because if I overdue things Luna and Celestia can make my life even more miserable than it already is." "So how you planning to help us anyway?" I asked "Just ideas. We'll start with my area of expertise. Comedy. More specifically, pranks." "You can get a pranking cutie mark?" Asked Sweetie "I think so, honestly I never cared that much so I can't be sure, but I think so." "That sounds kinda cool." I added "Ah guess no harm can come of that." "It does sound fairly safe but…" "Wonderful." Discord then smiled broadly. Not only did he have that one big fang but a bunch of his other teeth were way too sharp too. It didn't look so bad form a distance, almost normal, but none of his teeth were really the right shape, they just fit together to make it look like they did. This might be a bad idea. > Applebloom helps Screwball > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We heard the voice, but couldn’t see the pony that made it. Then we all looked up. Pinkie had said something about Miss Screwball being "floaty" but I guess she really wasn't confused after all. Also Miss Screwball's eyes really were spiraling. I'd seen her wear beanies before, but the thing she was wearing now was more like a weird combo between a cowpony hat and a beanie. She smiled brightly. "Oh, hi kids. Could you help me down? I like to kick off those awful special boots when I'm inside, but sometimes I get stuck." "It's not fair." Said Scootaloo. "I'm not really flying ya know. I can just float about. It is really fun, but one stray breeze and I get blown away. I was halfway to Canterlot when a pegasus found me." "Is that why you didn't get fixed like everypony else?" "Maybe. Though this is tons of fun, mostly. I mean I've always loved cartoons and pranks and stuff, and now I'm like this. It's so cool. The boots are a downside though, they look really dumb too." "Hmmm, ah bet if we can get Scootaloo up there she can use her wings to push you to the ground. But how e gonna do that." "Ooo, I like that idea. Just throw me up there." "How?" asked Sweetie I looked around the shop. Silly goggles and fake vomit wouldn't help, and the rest of the stuff wouldn’t either. Then I saw a bag of super huge rubber bands. I then started looking around. "Miss Screwball, you got a hammer an nails, cause I got an idea." "I don't think so, but I do have some really fast acting glue. It's behind the counter. Be careful with it." "Ah will." "What are you doing?" asked Sweetie "You'll see in a second." I dashed behind the counter and grabbed the glue. There was also two pair of boring looking brown boots with really heavy metal treads on the bottom. I wouldn't call them ugly, but miss Screwball has always been a little weird. I then opened a back of the really big rubber bands, and quickly got a few of them tied together. I then walked over to the door and opened it. "Could somepony move something to hold open the door." "On it." Scootaloo said then ran outside. "And Sweetie, maybe you can help me with the glue and the rubber bands. I wanna glue both ends to either side of the door." "Okay, they don't look that heavy." Screwball laughed for some reason. She laughed a lot so I didn't think much of it, but usually it made sense what she was laughing at even if I didn't think it was funny. On the other hoof I saw Pinkie point and laugh at a kumquat in the middle of the street for a good ten minutes for no reason at all. Sweetie had the glue ready and even had one end of the rubber band rope up at the same time. Her face was all scrunched up. "That's really good, just a little big higher will do." "Okay." "Then put the other end on the same height and we'll be ready." Sweetie did it quickly, probably using a lot more glue than she had too, but it looked like it might hold. The glue went all fuzzy and puffed up just like that special glue Big Mac taught me how to use. I then noticed Scootaloo had pushed a rock in front of the door. I then grabbed the rubber band rope and started walking. "Coving hft ve vish thiff petty ball." "What?" I spit it out. "Oh, uh, come help me pull the rubber band back, then Scootaloo backs up and we pull it back even further." "Ooo, and then you let go and I get fired off like a slingshot. Awesome." I nodded. We quickly got things set up just like I said and the glue held. I moved a little to the left, and decided that was just the right angle like I helped. Then we let go and Scoots went strait at Screwball, front legs outstretched yelling "whoo" all the way. She only managed to grab miss Screwball's back leg before she was past, but that was enough. She then flapped her little wings and brought her higher. I sighed. I was about to say something but once she was close enough to the ceiling miss Screwball pushed off it and slowly drifted to a stop right in front of the counter. "I guess I still need a string to pull myself back down after all." "Aww, that was cool. Could we do it again?" "Maybe. But now that I'm down, I have to ask. You three know I'm weightless, so why didn't you just have Sweetie pull me right down with her magic?" I looked down, and Sweetie and Scoots did the same. Then she then laughed, but just a little bit. I also heard Discord laughing from outside, and it sounded like he was having a good old time laughing at us. I still didn't trust that varmit, but I also remember Applejack and Dash arguing about whether somepony should always be watching him or not. Besides while Twilight said he got out cause the magic weakened mainly, there had to have been some specific event that broke him out. I don't think we'll get in too much trouble if anypony finds out, and so far we haven't done anything bad because of him, just not safe and such. Also so far we're the ones getting in trouble for it. "Oh, and Discord." Said Screwball "I know you're out there, so you can just come in. Now you girls are being careful around him right?" We all nodded. "How is it you always know when I'm around anyway?" "I feel a little itchiness." Said Screwball "Hey, I feel it more like a little tickle." Said Scoots "So do I." Said Sweeite I smiled "And ah do to." "WHA HA HA HA HA." There was a thundercrack and a lightning bolt behind him, despite being inside and it not hitting anything. He then blinked, and looked around. I noticed Scootaloo was now back next to me and Sweeite. "Huh, it was an illusion, but that worked. This whole thing is without a doubt more spotty than it fist appeared." "What are you planning?" Screwball leaned forward and might have been glaring at him but I wasn't sure. "I enjoy watching cartoons with you, but it's also clear enough the sort of thing you really like to do for fun." "Really my dear, I would never dream of harming foals with the watchful eye of…" He blinked. "No, make that watchful eyes of both usurpers upon me. You see that rather positive reaction of theirs suggests they may be a bit chaotic themselves. Sadly most likely more like you and Pinkie, but at least it will be interesting." "He said he's going to help us get our cutie marks." Said Scoots "For pranking." I added "Well a little prank never hurt anypony. Just pay attention. He's tricky girls." We all nodded. "So, you're here for supplies then, lets try and figure out what you need." Miss Screwball then kicked off from the back wall and went sailing through the air a fairly lightweight string tied to a bracelet around her leg. She was smiling. I still didn't trust Discord, but this seemed like this could be a bunch of fun. "Cutie Mark Crusader pranksters go." > Belle is still clean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things had gone really well. We didn't get our cutie marks, but for once we didn't even get dirty, much less covered in tree sap. It had been the smoothest crusade ever. We might have upset a few ponies, but most of them even laughed it off. Even the ones that seemed real upset didn't stay upset that long. Discord was frowning. He almost looked cute as a little colt, even with the mismatched eyes. But he frowned and snarled way too often. There are also a bunch of other faces Rarity said are improper for a young lady to make, but Scootaloo and Applebloom make them all the time. Personally I think they look really cute making some of them. "I don't get it. There are at least half a dozen times things should have ended in a disaster, but somehow it all worked out perfectly." "Ah knew it." Applebloom pointed a hoof at him "You were up to no good." "Oh it wouldn't have been my sort of disaster, really just more in line with your normal sort of chaos, overturned wagons, broken windows, that sort of thing." "We do break a lot of stuff." Said Scootaloo "So what." Said Applebloom "You was still up to no good." I blinked. "But he already told us that. That he was looking for chaos, I thought we were taking his advise because we could outsmart him." "And we totally did." Scootaloo then grinned. "Hah." "Oh please it was more like…" Then he blinked, and smiled "Yes, in fact it was exactly like that. I was hoping for a far more entertaining day, but I think if I can get you three your cutie marks it will be very useful to me." "Does this have something to do with the three marks you know about but we haven't discussed the rest of the day? What's going on?" Discord frowned. "I thought you were the dumb one. I mean that was hours and hours ago, but they still didn't notice it." "Oh yea, I totally forgot about that." "You're trying to maple lip us, ain't ya." Applebloom leaned in toward him, glaring. "What?" Discord blinked "I think she means manipulate." I then looked up. "Maybe." Scootaloo laughed. "And you say your not a dicionary." "Hey." I turned and gave Scootaloo a cross look "Anyway I do know about your silly little marks, but I'm sure there just part of some ridiculously boring pony disease I could care less about." "Now we don't want your help no more." Applebloom then spread her hooves like she was gonna fight. "So don't you go bothering us again." "But what about…" I began "Ah don't care. If we get in trouble we get in trouble. It would be way worse if we keep helping Discord." "And now a good decision, really? Really?" "Applebloom's right." I said "You're a jerk, and we don't want you around. Though if you don't tell Rainbow Dash that would be great." Then Discord laughed. "Oh, now I get it. Okay, lets try a little compromise. I want to hang around you three in the hopes that you'll do something interesting, but I promise not to say a single word to any of you unless you talk first. "Well, ah guess that ain't so bad." "Yea, the tickle is sorta odd but not bad." Said Scootaloo "Okay, but don't like mime anything neither." I added "Ooo, mime. Thanks for that. I forgot how many ponies hate mimes." Then he stomped a hoof and was gone. I was pretty sure he would be miming in the town square tomorrow. Ratity and I both thought they were funny though. I mean what's wrong with mimes? > Bloom misses the floor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord was around way more often now, but he still hadn't done anything. I looked at the empty bed across from mine. It had always been empty until Sweetie came to visit. That had been fun. I then remembered what I was up here for and looked under my bed. The little toolkit Big Mac got me was right there, kicked under there again. I still don't get why he got it for me, it didn't seem like a very good present at the time, but I've sure been using it for our crusading a lot lately. I crawled under the bed, just barely fitting, and pulled out the little red box. I then took its handle in my mouth and started to gallop out of the room quick as I could, but then I tripped. I was really dizzy, but I don't think I had crashed into anything. I then blinked. The room was upside down, and something else was wrong about it too. Also I felt weird. I then waved my hooves around frantically when I realized I couldn’t feel the floor. Not again. Then things began to shift slightly and I was looking at the ground. Wait. There wasn't anything in the room but my toolkit so there was no way I could be stuck again. I then checked myself over, and figured out nothing was holding me up at all, I was just floating in the middle of the room. I took a deep breath. "Applejack, Ah need help." I waited a moment, but there was no reply. "Applejack. Help mah." I think I heard some hoofsteps, but wasn't sure. "Applejack something really weird is going on." "Ah'm coming, ah'm coming. This better be important. Ah was double checking the inventory and yah made me lose mah place." "It is, really." I heard a sigh as she came in the room. She looked around, then down at my tool kit. Then she sighed even deeper. "Please tell me you ain't stuck on the ceiling again." "I thought so too, but swear I learned my lesson from last time." "Then why exactly do I hear yer voice from…" Applejack looked up, he eyes widening. "Okay, ah gotta say this is important fer sure." "What's happening?" "Well Twi said the magic sealed in the tree might effect Ponyville somehow, possibly randomly, ah guess this is what she meant." "You mean Discord's magic?" "Yea. That no good varmint is nothing but trouble. Seems to me woulda been better for everypony if we just sealed him right back up in that statue of his." "Yeah, he's a big meanie." "Wait, he been bothering you cause…" "No, but the last few days he has been following us around and laughing whenever our crusading goes bad enough." "Oh." Applejack blinked. "Er, well ah don't like that but ah guess he ain't doing nothing." "Can you git me down?" "One sec little sis." Applejack then took off her hat and pulled a fairly short bit of rope from it. It was just enough to make a decent lasso and real quick she lassoed me and pulled down. Then she blinked. I was a little confused and got more confused when she gave the rope slack and I went up. She then puled me down some and let me up again a few more times. Then she walked closer to the wall, and let out a little slack, and I drifted away from the wall. "Well that's mighty peculiar. Oh well, time to get you looked at." "What do you mean?" "Ah mean ah want to make sure this ain't hurting you and if it doesn't go away right quick to get you some help." Then Applejack just started walking out the room like I was some balloon. I thought I was going to hit the wall above the door, or at least the doorframe, but I moved away from it once I was close enough, like somepony was pushing me away. Huh? > Unfairaloo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It's not fair." I glared at Applebloom, and she had this little smile but wouldn’t meet my eyes. I then sighed. It wasn't her fault, but still isn't fair. She was even able to move around on her own now. It wasn't exactly flying it was so close. Right now she was just floating about outside the clubhouse. I looked away. "It's still not fair." "Look, ah'm sure you'd love it, but I'm an earth pony. It freaks me out everything big and solid enough pushes me away. Ah haven't touched the ground since yesterday." I glared at her again. "Now you're gloating. I was gonna just try and forget it but…" "Why don't you work together." Said Sweetie We both turned to her. "Huh?" "Well Applebloom is sorta like miss Screwball now, right? She can't move that well, but you move the scooter really fast, maybe if you hold onto her you can…" "Awesome idea Sweetie." I said "Ah don't know Scootaloo. This sounds like…" "Come on, you said you can't hit stuff, right? That you get pushed away, like super antigravity or something? That means we can't even crash. In fact I bet we could take Sweetie along with us too." "Oh, um, maybe you should test it with just you two first. I mean won't three ponies just make everything more complicated." "Probably, but I could do it. Still, it might be better to figure it out with two first. Yea, lets do this." "Ah still don't know. Ah mean it's not like you've never stood on me before or nothing, but this is a bit different." "Eh, you worry too much. Now it's time for the super, Scoota, jump." I was already on the balcony. I don’t' think either of them realized I was already halfway up the steps, then I was off and with a flap of my wings sailing though the air. I couldn’t really fly, but I could generate a little thrust, and was really good at slowing my fall. At least if I had time to get my wings flapping, even a little could work. I landed right on Applebloom's back and just wrapped my hooves around her tight as could be. "Wow, that was amazing. So graceful." "Wait a sec, are yah just going to go?" "Why not?" Then we were off and everything felt so right. Applebloom tipped a little to one side or the other, but I could easily get her strait again. I then tried a turn. It was going great. I think I'd managed to get higher on my scooter, but this was different. I was flying. With help, but I was free. It felt great. Once I realized Applebloom was screaming I stopped. We began to slow down, but I figured I could do better than that. With a little back beat we came to a stop like that. I threw up my front hooves and let out a yelp. Applebloom and I both ended up upside down. "That was incredible. Rainbow Dash must feel like that all the time." "Do we really have to do that again? Ah think we almost hit a tree like ten times." "Really? I guess I got distracted." I grabbed onto her again and flapped my wings, but mostly my left one, to right us. "It wasn't the speed bothering you?" "No. Ah mean it was a little faster than I liked, but unlike that horrible jet thing it was kinda fun too, like being in the wagon." "Okay, so lets get going again." Then I sighed "Except its not really me flying is it?" "Come on, it is. Ah mean I'm keeping you up and stuff, but I just sorta wave my legs around like I'm trying to walk and then I start moving forward." I laughed. "Yea, it looks really silly." "So don't you worry none. Yer gonna be an awesome flier, and till then ah guess you can use me. Though really ah'd rather this end soon." "Then lets not waste any more time." Then I was off again. This time I was way more careful about the trees. Then we were out in the open and Applebloom was laughing and going "whoo!" and "wheee!" with me. It was great. I couldn't help but want to be higher. To be up in the sky. Then suddenly there was a flash and I was tumbling into a cloud. I pulled my head out to find myself in Cloudsdale. I blinked. "How did I get up here?" "How am ah still up here?" I turned to see Applebloom standing on the clouds. She kept turning her head back and forth like the ground would give out under her any second. I guess it sorta should, but clearly she was worrying for nothing. "Do the clouds feel soft under your hooves, not super soft, but like a fluffy carpet, or maybe more like Pinkie's bounce house. Yea, that's more like it." Applebloom blinked. "Uh, yea, ah guess that's about right." "Then either somepony cast the cloudwalking spell on you without telling you, or your floating thing lets you walk on clouds too. Cause that's just like me." "Oh. Ah guess that makes sense." She then slowly walked over to me. She still kept her eyes on her hooves and seemed surprised that after every incredibly slow step she didn't go through the clouds. I rolled my eyes. "And you called me a chicken." She turned to me glaring. "Hay, ah ain't no chicken." "Then stop acting like one." "Hey there Scoots. Didn't expect to see you’re here. Who's your…" I spun around. Rainbow Dash landed next to me. She was staring at Applebloom. It was a little annoying, but it meant I could stare at her longer before she noticed. She was just like the most awesome pony ever. The perfect pegasus. She had such pretty hair, but didn't get all fancy with it because she knew it was more awesome if she didn't. And when she flew, it was amazing. She was perfect. "What the hay?" said Dash "You can't be Applebloom." "Ah can to." "Dash, she has magic that's got her floating in the air down on the ground, but up here it must be like that cloudwalking spell you told me about." "I know about that. I mean she almost feels like a pegasus." Then Dash blinked. "Except she didn't, at all really, and she's just standing there. That doesn't make any sense. I gotta ask Twilight about this." "Uh, ain't she in Griffany?" "Yea, that will make the trip a little longer. Maybe I should go to Spike instead and just get him to write a letter to Twi." "Aww, you're not going to stay." I frowned "But I was going to show Applebloom around Cloudsdale, and thought you could come along." "And ah'd feel much better if there was somepony around ah know can catch a suddenly falling mare." "Hey I could do it to, if I was close enough to grab you. Maybe." "But then what?" "Well I'd slow us down. Probably. I know I can jump off Cloudsdale alone fine but maybe not with another pony." "What?" Applebloom was staring at me Dash laughed. "Duh? What do you think we'd really have the city this high up and let any foals on it if they could hurt themselves falling." "But she hurts herself all the time falling, just like Sweetie an' me." "That's cause I don't have time." I then rolled my eyes. "Yea, even the most hopeless flyer can flap their wings and slow themselves down enough they will be okay. If you're a little better you can slow yourself down enough to make a smooth landing. I used to jump of Cloudsdale all the time." "Does that mean Fluttershy's cutie mark story about falling on the butterflies is really true?" asked Bloom "Ah didn't think pegasai could walk on any kind of cloud." "Well they can't, but she should have been able to slow herself down enough she would be fine. That story has always bugged me, but it could be at least what seemed to happen to her. Even though she does tend to panic and go into wing lock." "Oooo." I said "Maybe it's her nature thing, or even her talent. Since she's good with animals the butterflies could break her fall." "Huh, yea, maybe. In fact if I don't tell her first make sure to mention that to Twilight. It sounds like something she'd care about." I smiled. "Does this mean you aren't going to go see her right away." "Yea, I mean it's weird, but it's also Discord's magic so I guess it's supposed to be weird. Also AJ would be really mad if it does suddenly wear off and you fall through the clouds and she learns I could have been around, but wasn't." Applebloom started shaking. This was going to be fun. I bet Dash knows some even more awesome places here my parents never showed me. Then I suddenly remembered something. How did we get up here anyway? > Sweetie has cake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity didn't believe me. I know a teleport when I see one. I may be just a little foal but I'm still a unicorn and Twilight teleports a lot. Yes it didn't make any sense, but neither did Applebloom flying around. But none of that was important right now. Something far more important was going on. The cauliflower didn't look that bad, especially covered in chocolate, but that wasn't the point. "But Rarity, I don't want it for desert. Desert is cake, or ice cream, or even those fancy things that you serve sometimes, but it isn't just covering something we had for lunch yesterday in chocolate." "Now really Sweetie. You like cauliflower, and this complaining is just silly." "No it isn't. This is a bad desert." Rarity sighed and turned away from me. I glared at it, and picked up the little glass dish. It almost looked like ice cream. I then shook my head. No, if I let her do this once without complaint then she might do it again. It will be chaos. "This is the worst. Possible. Thing." I couldn't pull a whole couch anywhere, much less summon one from nowhere, so I just laid down on the chair. Rarity turned back around. "As cute as that is, the answer is still no." I sat back up. "Please." "For the last time Sweetie…" Rarity's voice was going up again. "Excuse me." Then she turned around again. "I'm sorry, but you simply must eat the food in front of you." "I would if was better." Then suddenly there was a shimmer around the dessert and I lost my grip on it. It was now a huge white chocolate cake on a fancy silver plate. I smiled brightly, then ran over to hug Rarity. She looked down at me blinking. "Were you not just…" "You're the best sister ever. Thank you, thank you, thank you." I then ran back to my seat, and hopped up. It was so close I was tempted to just start eating it right away, but there is no way Rarity wouldn’t be upset by that. And she was being really nice too, so I'd try to be my best with manners and make as little mess as I could. I quickly grabbed the knife and cut a slice, then levitated it to my plate, and even used a fork to eat it. It was really good. It was actually a dark chocolate cake with white frosting. I was a little worried I might be drooling, and that wasn't my best behavior at all, but it was so hard to care with such good cake in my mouth. "Where did that come from?" "Whuff rue mean…" I then covered my mouth with a hoof and finished chewing. "Sorry. I mean what do you mean? You made it. It's amazing. I knew Twilight was helping you but I didn't think you could do anything like that, and it's so tasty too. Don't you have to be really good at cooking too to make really good food with magic?" "Not entirely. As long as a pony excellent at cooking creates a spell then…" Then she shook her head. "What an I saying, that isn't the point. I did not make this." "You didn't?" "No, furthermore I think I should be able to recognize a transfigured object thanks to Twilight's help and that most certainly is not one." "But I saw it change right in front of me when I was lifting it." Then I gasped. I spun around trying to catch my flank. I then calmed down and just looked at it, no longer spinning in a circle. There was no mark there. "Awww. I guess I don't get a cake making cutie mark after all." "Sweetie, weren't you the one that just asked me about making a tasty…" Rarity paused, staring at the cake. "Before we continue may I have a piece. I'm not convinced it's a good idea but I desperately want to try it." "It's a really big cake." Then I glared. "Hay, this means you were going to make me eat the cauliflower as a desert, doesn't it." Rarity wasn't looking at me, just nodded as she took her first bite of cake. She got this far off look in her eyes before they closed. Then I remembered my own cake piece and kept eating. It was so good. Rarity let out this little moan. She was smiling widely. Then she sort of jerked upward, standing up stiff and strait. "Oh yes, of course. As tempting as it is to eat this entire cake we simply cannot." "Can I at least finish this piece?" "Yes, and maybe one more. Though leaving it more intact would be for the best." She cringed. "But it's such a marvelous cake. And yes you shouldn’t be able to make something this delicious without considerable effort and help." "But I did it?" "I think so, but I'm not sure. It has a residue of your magic on it for certain, but it doesn't seem like you did anything to it, but the residue suggests you did some real magic not just telekinesis. It's rather perplexing. I'm glad Twilight will be back tomorrow. I'm frankly out of my depth here." "Oh, and we have to save the cake until then?" She nodded. "Still, I'm sure one more slice couldn’t hurt, and it really wouldn’t be fair to you. I do think a mare should always try to watch her figure, and you've never complained about the low fat ice cream we often eat, but I ran out." "So you thought cauliflower covered in chocolate was good enough?" "Yes, I suppose any proper restaurant would never dare to call such a thing a proper desert, would they. Still, you should have eaten it anyway." "But you're not mad." "No dear. It is very hard to be mad at anything after a bite of this cake." Then we both laughed. It was super good cake. Then I suddenly got a really super great stupendous idea. "Oooo, we should make sure we don't eat anymore. I bet with enough left Pinkie could figure out how to make it herself." Rarity blinked. "Yes, she just might. An excellent idea indeed. This seems like simplicity itself but…" Then for a while neither of is said a word as we finished our current slices, and Rarity cut two more. She gave me the slightly larger piece. Then we started eating again, savoring each bite. I noticed even Rarity drooled just a little bit. I giggled for a second. > Oopsaloo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie looked upset about us touring Cloudsdale without her until we asked her what she did. Her only answer was she had cake. It didn't sound very exciting at all, but she seemed to forget all about being mad at us after that. She also drooled a little. Applebloom figured out that if she just pretended like she was walking on the ground she would walk on the air so she didn't look half as silly anymore. It looked a little weird her running around up there, but it was okay. I mean I got to spend a whole day with Rainbow Dash and sort of fly because of her. I doubt Sweetie could top that anytime soon, even though this new idea of hers sounds neat. "So we go around asking if anything else weird has happened?" I asked Sweetie nodded. "Yep. And if we can figure this out…" "We can git our cutie marks." "Cutie Mark Crusader Detectives go!" Then we slammed are hooves together like always. Well, maybe not always, but we did it a lot. There was a flash, and suddenly we were all on top of a pink cotton candy cloud just like the ones Discord made. We were also right over the center of Ponyville. Finally Sweetie Belle had wings like a bat, or I guess a dragon, on her back and Applebloom had antlers. My tail felt weird, and I turned around to see a long scaly green thing instead of my normal one. "Ahhhhhhhh" we all screamed at once. "Ah don't want antlers." She then lightly hit one and cringed. "This tail is freaky." I yelled "I kinda like these, even if they feel weird." Applebloom and I both stared at her. "What, I think Luna's guards look neat. Dark and mysterious." "I guess having wings is awesome." I then looked at my tail. "But this isn't cool." "Ah can feel them, but I bet they look even weirder." I nodded. "They look really strange." "We need to go tell Twilight." Then Discord appeared in front of us. He did a hoof pump just like Rainbow Dash, but somehow made it uncool. Also he had all his fingers curled up for some reason. Though I guess with fingers it might not look right if you didn't do that huh? He then did a little dance in the air. It reminded me a lot of how Appplebloom was walking on the air earlier. "Yes, yes, yes. I was right about you actually causing more chaos without my influence, since you're truly chaotic, and trying to drive you to chaos actually creates order." "Yah mean that's why you ain't been bothering us?" "Mostly. But now all bets are off. You three clearly really are the vessels of my power. Now all I have to do is take it back." The smile he got was really creepy. I noticed Applebloom and Sweetie were cowering together so I hugged them too, to be comforting. I wasn't afraid or shaking like them at all. Then there was a flash on a nearby roof. Discord spun around immediately to face Twilight. She was glaring at him. "I don't know how you're doing this, but you will stop." "Oh I assure I've done nothing yet. It's all these adorably chaotic little tykes. Isn't that right girls." "Ah don't know. Some mighty weird things been happening the last few days." "Yea, Applebloom was totally flying for a while." I said "I turned cauliflower into the perfect cake." Added Sweetie. Then she drooled again. "Perfect cake?" I said, then blinked "Oh, and I think I teleported to Cloudsdale or something. I'm not really sure." "Girls that doesn't make any…" Twilight then tilted her head to look at us and the cloud, then looked back at Discord. "…sense. But that isn't any fun, is it?" Discord laughed. "You remembered. It warms the cockles of my hearts. Don't ask me how many I have. I've completely forgotten." "Yah can forget how many hearts yah have?" "So girls, has he really done nothing?" Twilight asked "Yes, but he was about to." Said Sweeite "Ah think he was gonna eat us so he could get his powers back." Bloom said "Do we really have 'em?" "In a manner of speaking most likely." Twilight then smiled "Thank you for making that clear by the way" Then Discord face hoofed. It looked even more pathetic with hands. Neat. "Clearly not my best idea ever, but no matter. You can't stop me from reclaiming what is mine." Now Twilight laughed. "Don't you get it? I'm not sure how but this strongly suggests they're not just storing your magic, but to some degree absorbing it. It can't be entirely separate from you which worries me, but if they're beginning to use it you'll never be able to get it back because it's part of them." Twilight then blinked. "Somehow." "You know nothing." Then he vanished. After they let go of me I realized I'd comforted my friends enough. Twilight then teleported over to our cloud. She fell though it. It was a slow fall, but she still fell. I jumped off the cloud. The cotton candy didn't seem sticky at all. I flapped my wings to slow down, but it wasn't even that far. Twilight was hanging from bits of cloud which looked really sticky to me. She was also being covered in the white rain coming out of the cloud. Then Appblebloom jumped off the cloud and slammed into the ground. I guess the hovering thing wore off completely now. Sweetie was on top of her, and walked away dazed. Applebloom got up soon after. She just shook her head and started walking around. She had a big smile on her face. "Whoo. I might want to try that flying thing again, once I figured out the sky walking thing is was kinda fun, but it's great to be back to normal." "Other than the antlers?" I asked "Oh, yea." "It's white chocolate." Sweetie then put her head under the cloud with her mouth open. "That's it." Twilight said. "We're going strait home and you're going to do your best to explain everything odd that's happened recently, no detail too small." I was going to ask what she meant, but suddenly we were in the library. Twilight was dry, but her mane and tail looked really bad. Both were all weird and puffy. Probably because she somehow left all the water behind, and it did weird things for some dumb science reason. Then with a glow suddenly her mane and coat looked perfect. "I guess I really do have need to fix my mane a great deal, and it can certainly save time in the morning. To think I almost insisted she didn't have to teach me anything in return." "So, where do we start?" I asked "I don't know. Anything strange that's happened, because as far as the girls can tell every other incident we think might have been caused by chaos magic was in the vicinity of you three, which suggests the tree isn't leaking at all, but you three are." We all began talking at once. Twilight sighed and face hoofed. We all stopped, but I wasn't sure when I should start talking again. > Apples to Chaos Marks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The antlers and tail had just faded away, but Sweetie still had her wings. I think Pinkie copied her to make her feel less weird about them, but I wasn't sure. Also I think Pinkie being a pink shaded copy of her was making Sweetie feel more uncomfortable. Twilight was looking at my hoof. She shook her head. "I still don't see it. Pinkie you said you do, but just barely right?" "Yea, it's all fuzzy and weird if I look directly at it, but I can catch it out of the corner of my eye. They're tricky mini marks." "Mini marks?" we all echoed. "Well yea, they're like cutie marks but smaller, right girls." We all nodded. "But you two really can't see them?" "I'm sorry but no. I was tempted to dismiss their existence out of hoof until Pinkie spoke up. Applejack and Rarity will be back soon hopefully." "Are the marks really important?" said Scootaloo. "If my guess is right, vital. Moonfire's right about me not being rigorous with the scientific method as I should. Magic may break laws of physics, but it has it's own rules and can be studied with science." "Uh, so what do you know?" Asked Scootaloo I nodded "Ah'm sure you gotta know something." "Well as I said I think you three have the bulk of Discord's power. Ideally it would be sealed inside you dormant, but clearly the reason the seal will hold is something I already knew but didn't consider the repercussions of fully." "Huh?" I said, Sweetie and Scoots echoing me. "It means his magic, just like any pony is part of who he is. It's impossible to take from him entirely, but somehow you three have a connection to him the elements used to temporarily seal the power within you. However the true goal is what's currently happening. Namely you merging with that power, and pulling it forever out of his reach via the process of…" "Bor-ing." Said Pinkie very loudly. Twilight sighed. "You have his magic, some of which can be used individually, but anything big would require all three of you working together." "Oh" the three of us echoed. "These marks may be some sign of that. That might explain why Pinkie is the only element of harmony that can see them at all, for obvious reasons." "Cause since ya'll are the opposite of Discord you can't see them." I asked "Wait, but then why can I even a little." Said Pinkie, and Twilight sighed "I don't get it." "Neither do I." Said Sweetie Belle "What I can't figure out is what that connection could possibly be. I mean you can be somewhat chaotic and were there, but it seems like it would have to be something more than just that." The other crusaders looked down the same time as me. It was obvious enough. I then held my head up high just as I heard the door opening and Rarity came back with Lyra, Bon Bon, and Screwball. I then gulped. I didn't want to say this in front of everypony, but if I didn't say this now that would be as good as lying, and this was really important. "We're the ones that set Discord free. We had our fight right before he got out in front of his statue. Ah know it weren't all our fault but…" Twilight laughed. "Girls. We all knew that already." "Yes, I barely know you little tykes and I know." Said Bon Bon "Isn't that only because you tried to have them arrested?" said Lyra Bon Bon turned to her friend. "Really Lyra, you didn't need to tell them that. Also once Twilight explained things properly I realized how silly that was." "I didn't know. Could someone explain?" said Screwball "They did break him out, but mainly because the enchantment was so weak." Said Twilight "The princesses did expect things to take a bit longer, but your little argument only shortened the time frame by a few weeks. It had to happen eventually." "And you should remember your teacher did mention your little tussle." Said Rarity "It was obvious enough to put two and two together." "Which was in front of the whole school of course." Said Bon Bon, shaking her head "So that's why we knew." Lyra added "Okay, now that that's over I need you three to look for these marks." Said Twilight "Okay. Sounds fun." Lyra then smiled "Only because Rarity said this could be so vital." Added Bon Bon "Of course." Said Screwball. Pinkie then pulled Screwball out of her heavy boots with one tug, and led her off like a balloon, string wrapped around her tail. I didn't see her tie it. Tootsie's moms just walked over to us. They all seemed to know where to look. I held up my hoof again. "I can see em all." Said Lyra "Though it hurts my brain to look at for too long." "The same." Bon Bon, then turned to Lyra "But how clear were they to you dear?" "Oh, really clear, at least at first." "Well to me they were rather fuzzy, but still clearly there." "I have no problem seeing them at all, or for any length of time." Added Screwball. "Hmm, so far things are going roughly as I expected. Hopefully Applejack will be back soon with…" "Ah hear mah name?" Then my sister came in with two pegasi behind her. One was Derpy, and the other that yellow pegasus friend of hers. I forget her name. Dinky likes her I know. I still don't get why Dinky doesn't want to go crusading with us again. I mean Twist said she already got her cutie mark and thinks she should focus on that, but Dinky doesn't. Why wouldn't she want to? Neither one has any problems playing with us at school, so it's not like they dislike us or anything. "Nope, nothing." Said the yellow pegasus. "Can I go now?" "The marks of chaos are as clear as such a thing can truly be." Then Derpy giggled "Chaos marks?" said Twilight. "Hmm, that's a good term for them." "Oh, I guess there is something there." Said the yellow pegasus. "I can't see it real great though. It's just sort of a fuzzy smudge." "So it does matter how much magic you have as well." Said Twilight, hoof on chin "I think it has more to do with how chaotic they are, right?" asked Sweetie Twilight stared forward for a moment. I was a little confused at first but then I got it. Pinkie was the queen of random, Lyra was really energetic, and Bon Bon and the yellow pegasus not so much. Screwball was somewhat chaotic and still under the effect of Discord's magic so she had no trouble at all. And we somehow had all his magic stuffed inside us so we didn't have any problems either. And Derpy has like super weird, but also super good eyes so she didn't have problems either. "You're right." Twilight smiled "Thanks Sweetie Belle." "So we're done here, right?" asked Bon Bon "There is only so long I'm willing to leave Tootsie and Dinky alone with Sparkler." "Sparkler is a good pony." Said Derpy "Not what I meant at all." Bon Bon shook her head. "In fact I would be less concerned if I didn't agree. Come now, we must go save her from those in her charge." "OOO, wait." Said Lyra "Is it bad that I said Ruby Pinch could come over and just now remembered?" Derpy and Bon Bon were then very suddenly gone. Lyra then ran after them shouting apologies about not remembering earlier. Parents are weird sometimes. Its times like this I'm even glad I don't see mine that much. Not glad most other times, but they have to do it, and it's not like they're never here. "I'm going to go too." Said the yellow pegasus. "I can stay. I close the store early at random all the time. Probably lose a little business, but I don't really care." Screwball then laughed. "Twilight, what does this all mean?" I said "Yea, I mean right now it sounds super cool." Said Scoots "We can like do a bunch of weird stuff with no downside." "Can does not mean should." Said Rarity Twilight sighed. "Actually there is a slight problem there. You notice how Discord has been slowly regaining some of his abilities?" "Ah already don't like where this is going." Said AJ "The connection is at least somewhat two way. Now it isn't all bad. We can counteract it giving him less access to his power once again. Ultimately even if it currently resides in the crusaders it is at least for the most part still his power." "Well it's mine now and he can't have it." Said Scoots "Ah'll just use it so much Discord won't have the chance." I said Rarity sighed. "While a nice thought magic doesn't work that way." "Ah sure wish it did." Added AJ Twilight laughed. "Actually that is almost exactly what can be done to counteract it. It's not quite a matter of simply if you're using it he can't, but the more you use it the more it should acclimate to your own magic and the more it will become yours. Never entirely, but the more you use it the better." "That sounds dangerous." Said Rarity, and Sweetie nodded. "Well yes, but there are two far more dangerous outcomes if they don't. First the obvious issue of Discord being at least near full power if they don't, but also the second less obvious problem. His magic is essentially pure chaos. Raw uncontrolled magic." "Whu?" AJ and I echoed. "Oh it's really simplicity itself." Said Rarity "Magic, or at least magical power is chaos." "Thus magic users have the power to change reality and break the laws of physics, because that it magic's essential nature." Twilight closed her eyes briefly, a smile on her face "Spells and to some extent all beings with magic channel that into order to break them in a very organized and thoughtful manner." I hopped up and down. "But Discord's magic just breaks whatever all sorts of ways." Twilight nodded. "Exactly. Essentially it's screaming to escape you three, and may indeed do so somehow. In a completely random manner. I don't think it can be entirely controlled, even Discord didn't manage that." Then there was a laugh and Discord was in the room. Pinkie growled at him, but only for a few seconds before breaking out in laughter. She let go of Screwball. He grabbed one of her hooves surprisingly gently and spun around. "So my dear, still enjoying life?" "It's a bit inconvenient at times, but I like it." She smiled. "Also you should probably put that out. This is a library." "What do you mean by…" Then he howled, his foot on fire. There was a little book of matches in his toes. He then hopped around the air in a weird position blowing on his foot. It just made the fire climb higher. Then he teleported away as Twilight's horn lit up, and she smiled. Then the door burst open and he stomped in soaked. Pinkie immediately started licking off the white chocolate he was covered in. He pulled her off, and dropped her on the floor. "No one ever taught you any manners, did they?" "Huh?" Pinkie tilted her head to the right "Why would you think that?" Pinkie was the only one that didn't face hoof. Discord then laughed. "Well that was far from pleasant but at least I know one pony in this town really does appreciate my sense of humor. Now what horribly inaccurate thing was miss Twinkle here saying I felt needed correcting?" "She said you couldn't even control your magic." Said Sweetie "Hay." I said "Don't help him." "Ah yes, how silly of me. You said I couldn't control it? Why would you assume that? Just because I'm the king of chaos, and I might remind you Equestria…" "Pfft, that's not that impressive." Said Pinkie "Oh really? I still like you little pink ball of chaos, but what may I ask are you Queen of exactly?" "Griffany." Discord blinked. "Wait, so that wasn't a joke?" Twilight sighed. "Sadly no. It took a great deal of help from Rarity and both princesses to convince her not to bankrupt the country with her silly plans." Pinkie sat down, and crossed her front hooves. "I still say Griffany needs government mandated parties." Twilight groaned. "No, we're not discussing that anymore. It's over, we came up with various reasonable compromises, let's just move back to whatever poorly thought out point Discord was going to make, okay." "Hmm, I suppose it isn't well thought out, but that's mostly because it's so simple. I don't want to control my power entirely. I mean how would that be fun? But that doesn't mean I can't. I just chose not to control the chaos." "But if it's controlled chaos, is it really chaos at all?" said Sweetie. The room was silent for a while. Pinkie flew up to Screwball and grabbed her. Both slowly floated to the ground. Discord then shook his head. "This is ridiculous." "You mean that you call yourself the king of chaos and never thought of this before?" asked Twilight, then smiled "No, this whole situation. You really think giving three children the power of a god is a good idea. Even if it's divided..." Then he paused, and smiled "Hmm, maybe this isn't so bad after all." Twilight sighed again. "Sadly I can guess what you're thinking. The girls are chaotic it's true, but there is one big difference." "Hay, no we ain't." I said "Yea, I mean it's not like we break stuff on purpose." Said Scoots "We don't mean to cause any trouble, really." Added Sweetie "But that's the best thing about chaos." Discord smiled. "It doesn't matter what you intend, it still gets away from you." "Yes, and they may cause some trouble for Equestria it's true, but as I was saying they are good girls and would never wish anypony any harm. Unlike you." "And you really believe that, don't you?" Discord laughed. "You really are just like those two little usurpers, aren't you? Still, I do have to wait. Now I must go, but don't worry girls, you'll be seeing a lot of me, especially once you join my side." Then Discord was gone. Dash and Fluttershy entered a few minutes later to break the silence. Twilight then smiled. "Excellent. Now that we're all here I can get into the details of exactly what's going on. It's really fascinating actually." "Twi. Speed version please. I have things to do." "Uh, and we already know about most everything since you told Dash and she told me." "Oh, then what don't you know?" "What the marks are." Said Dash "I mean I'm assuming you're right cause you're like a super egghead and such, but what are they?" "Well Derpy gave me the name, but chaos marks seems most appropriate. They are like cutie marks a manifestation of something very important about the pony in question. In this case it's not their personal magic, but Discord's." I jumped up and down. "OOoooo, so they're really sort of like cutie marks?" Scoots and Sweetie joined me then echoed "Really?" "Somewhat. Cutie marks reflect who you are, and what magic you possess." "Fer unicorns you mean?" said AJ "No, I no longer believe that's true of only unicorns. But ultimately the mark is only representative of your talent, not it's actual substance." Everypony but Twilight echoed "Eh?" "It's why similar marks can actually represent various talents, but everypony knows without a doubt what their symbol means." "Uh, sugarcube…" "Well for the most part, also I already explained how that really wasn't an exception." "What da ya mean?" I asked "Never mind. The point is they represent the magic itself. Unfortunately they clearly have no need to clearly represent anything, and in fact the whole point is they are vague and chaotic in meaning. Or the like." "Ugh, I'm really bored." Said Scoots "Can we go yet?" "I do need to run some further tests, but I have some other things to discuss with the girls alone. Miss Screwball I know this is imposing but…" "I'd be happy to." I frowned. "Ah thought you said ah could play by myself now." "That was fore you got filled up with chaos magic. Ah might still be letting ya, but ah need to think about it and talk it over with granny and Big Mac." "Rarity?" said Sweetie Belle "I will have to discuss it with mother and father, but I expect I have realized something Applejack has not so don't see a reason to change things." "What da you mean by that?" "Come on girls." Screwball was in her metal boots again, and gently nudged us until we started moving. Scootaloo ran out the door. Sweetie and I followed behind her. I looked back as all six of them stared at us. What was I missing? > Sweet Firecracker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity decided I didn't need supervision, but she did say that just in case Discord tried something we should have somepony guarding us. Most of the time I didn't see anypony, but Silent Sky assured me we were being protected. She didn't seem much like Fluttershy at all, but she looked a lot a like her, other than being black instead of yellow, and was quiet a lot too. But it was best when we got Screwball to play with us. She was a really fun pony, and even though she was laid back most of the time she could be so silly. She was also way easier to pull back to the ground than Applebloom. Flying was still really weird. Scootaloo said it was weird I didn't at least try to go fast, but she complained about a lot of things. I was pulling Applebloom down by one hoof, and looked down to see Scootaloo glaring up at us. Then suddenly something shifted and Applebloom fell. I tried to hold onto her, but I couldn’t, and Scootaloo just barely got out of the way in time. I was just glad we were pretty close to the ground. She hit with a little "oof" but then got right back up. "It still isn't fair." "Didn't miss Twilight say you should be able to fly too?" said Applebloom I nodded. "Yes, she said unlike Pinkie there is clear magic at work, even if it is chaotic and hard to detect, it's there. She also said it's probably because of you we can all cloudwalk and…" "Yea, yea." Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "And a whole bunch of other boring stuff too. But I can't do it." "It's not like ah got the hang of this neither. Ah sure as hay didn't mean to go that high, and now it just sorta shuts off at random. It's mighty irksome let me tell ya." "But at least you're up there. Also my cool thing is like really hard. I mean teleporting is so awesome, but I so don't get it." "Twilight did say something about how odd what abilities we got." I said "The flying is clearly air magic, which is pegasus magic. The teleporting is arcane magic, and a spell only unicorns usually have, and…" "You have transformation sorta like Pinkie, which is water magic not unicorny and all. I know. But you can make delicious cake and Applebloom can fly. I can most of the time not do anything. It's lame." Then there was an explosion and a pony was standing nearby. I guess that was a teleport, but it looked weird. The mare was aqua, and had a mostly orange mane with yellow and red streaks. Her mane style was weird, all spiky like something exploded in her head and made her hair stick up. Her tail was sort of the same. She had a fire for a cutie mark. I remember she was one of Luna's friends Rarity made dresses for. "Whoo! Hi girls. I'm Firecracker Burst, your guard for the day. First time too. Don't know why. I love kids. So, who wants to play with explosives?" "Oooo, I do." Said Scootaloo "That sounds mighty fun." "It doesn’t sound very safe." I said "Oh don't worry, we're only going to play with the inert explosives, there's nothing safer." I think all of us wanted to say something, Firecracker even seemed to be waiting for us to interrupt her, but we didn't come up with anything. "So, what can we destroy around here nopony will miss?" She smiled "Canterlot has tons of stuff, but its all so nice you can't just blow anything up randomly." "This doesn't seem like a good idea at all." I said "Oh don't be such a spoilsport." Said Scootaloo "She's an adult and one of Luna's guards right?" She paused and Firecracker nodded. "So she's all responsible and stuff." "I sure am." She then smiled widely "Ooo, ah know what we can blow up." Applebloom gave a little hop "The Everfree." "Wow, great idea. Nopony will miss that." Then Firecraker frowned. "Wait doesn't some zebra live in there somewhere?" "Yea, but ah know where she lives. In fact there is this one bit of it that's been creeping over the edge of our property for like ever, but we don't know what to do about." "Oooo, perfect. Could you point it out on a map?" "Ah guess but…" Then there was another explosion and a map appeared with slightly singed edges. Firecracker unrolled it and Applebloom pointed out a spot. Then with a glow of her horn the map burned to a crisp. I landed next to Scootaloo. "I love doing that. Anyway, get together now, it makes it easier to teleport you, and being on the ground helps too. Now you may feel like you're on fire, but don't worry you're really not. Not really sure why that bothers ponies so much but whatever. Oh, but you should check that bow of yours." She pointed at Applebloom "Uh, why?" Applebloom raise an eyebrow "Well because I've gotten real good at not setting ponies on fire…" "Ponies?" I said, shuddering "Yea, I practiced with myself first of course. Objects that don't have their own living aura can still get a bit burnt is the point. So you'll want to put it right out. Oh, or I can. I actually do know tons of fire suppression spells. Practice makes perfect ya know." "So you stop fires all the time?" said Applebloom She sighed and nodded. "Yea. I mean I wouldn't want to have my house burn down either, but it just seems so sad to put out the happy little fires. Still, gotta do what ya gotta do ya know?" I was now huddled together with the other crusaders shaking. Scootaloo would say she wasn't really scared like always, but we all knew she was. Then very suddenly we were on the edge of the Everfree somewhere. Soon there was an explosion and Firecracker appeared again. Then with a second explosion a large crate appeared. She smiled broadly. The other crusaders released me. I guess they were just scared of the teleport itself, and not the pony? I took a deep breath. I guess it doesn't sound like she really means to do anything bad. "Cool, you really are a pegasus that can teleport. Neato. You don't look tired at all either. Thanks for saving me the work. Now come on over here." "OOO, is it in there?" asked Applebloom "This is going to be so awesome." Scootaloo and Applebloom rushed over. I slowly took to the air. Raity said flying everywhere is very elegant, but seems like it would be tiring. I got more tired walking. It still felt weird but at least I didn't have to walk. Firecracker pried the crate open with her magic and pulled a grey lump out. She then threw it at the ground near Applebloom. She and Scootaloo dove for cover, and I was just glad I was slower. But nothing happened. Firecracker smiled broadly. "See, perfectly safe. In fact right now this isn't even technically an explosive at all. These are a type of plastic explosive. So called because some pony was trying to make some new boring polymer, but made this instead. Well something like this." "And it blew up?" I said "Yep. Now this is the safest explosive ever because a key ingredient has been left out. The detonator caps have some and spread it through the clay, then boom, an earth shattering explosion." She had a huge smile and far off look in her eyes as she said the last part. "Are you going to cry?" asked Scootaloo Firecracker laughed. "Sorry, I get emotional when thinking about explosions sometimes. Anyway, we're going to have some fun and place some explosives about. I'll even let you fillies put in a whole blasting cap apiece once we place everything." "May I ask why we're doing this?" I said "Well for one it will be fun. A blast if you will?" She then laughed out loud. "But I know all about your quest, and I bet this is something you haven't tired." Scootaloo smiled. "Ooo, I get it, don't you girls?" "Cutie Mark Crusader demolitionists go!" we all yelled "And this time we're doing it on purpose." Added Applebloom "Now come here and let me explain to you about explosive power, and how to cut the plastic explosive to the right size for the object you're trying to blow up." I was fairly certain this would end badly and none of us would get our cutie marks, but I sighed and waited for Firecracker to start. Of course if we hadn't vowed off touching hooves we might have caused an even bigger disaster a second ago. I then frowned realizing that maybe this is something Scootaloo would be good at, and how terrifying that was. > Scootaboom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was awesome. The detonator caps were actually these really boring silver things with a long needle on the bottom of a square covered in fancy runes. We were under some apple trees way far away, but the explosion was still easy to see from here. There was just a big black spot of flat land where part of the forest had been. The explosion had gone way up in the sky too. Plus the rest of the forest was on fire now. "So cool." "Uh, miss Firecracker, should it be on fire like that?" asked Sweetie "Yes, but don't worry. It should die out any second now." The fire kept burning. "Yes, any second." I was pretty sure the fire was a little bigger now. Cool. "Come on. She stamped a hoof. "I said any second now." "They don't seem to be stopping. Cool, maybe the whole forest will burn." I said Firecracker shook her head. "No, it's heavily enchanted. I'm sure the fire won't last, otherwise Ponyville would have burned it down by now." "Nu uh." Said Applebloom "That ain't why we don't try chop it down, or nothing else like that neither. We haven't because then all the monsters would come out all riled up with nowhere to go." "So, it's just going to keep burning?" "Yep" added Applebloom "I am going to be in so much trouble. I can't stop a blaze that big. Don't worry girls, I'll take the heat for this. Even if it is the one type of heat I don't like." The fire was spreading fast, the burning trees and other stuff we'd blown out of the ground and all over doing a good job of getting the whole forest to burn. It was awesome. I looked up at her. I thought I'd never find a pony half as cool as Dash, but she was at least that, maybe even a whole five eighths as cool. Then I gasped. "Omigosh, Dash was right, I really did learn something useful in math." > Lunar Apple > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was wrong. It took awhile but the storm came out of nowhere and started raining on the fire. It wasn't winning until Luna showed up and made it like super dark and huge though. She was standing in the burnt out area of the forest we helped blow up. Silent Sky was in front of us glaring at Firecracker. There were also a bunch of pegasi in the air keeping the wild storm from leaving the Everfree. Scootaloo was scanning the sky for Dash, and she was up there somewhere. Every so often a rainbow contrail would hang across the sky. Sky was in her fancy silver guard armor. She had such a pretty pink mane and her black fur was really silky like Fluttershy's. "What were you thinking?" Sky's wings flapped a little. "Explosives?" "Come on, everyone knows foals love explosives." "It was pretty neat until the fire started tah spread." I said "It was just plain awesome. I mean not rainboom awesome, but still really cool." "Uh, it was pretty?" Sweetie then smiled "I know, wasn't it?" said Firecracker "Lieutenant." Firecracker looked down. "Sorry mam. It's just, explosives. How can they be bad?" Sky sighed and hung her head. "I should have known that would be your answer. I really should have known. I'll determine your punishment later but it won't be too severe." "Actually we believe she deserves a bonus next paycheck for her service." We all bowed when we heard Luna. I hadn't seen or heard her move, which was creepy, but in daylight she didn't look scary at all. She looked just as pretty as Celestia, but much darker. Sort of like Sky and Fluttershy actually. Though Sky's neon pink hair was brighter than Fluttershy's, not the other way around." "Luna, what do you mean?" asked Sky "I mean my good captain that she did very good work to begin with. Culling the leading edge of the Everfree regularly is a good idea. Furthermore this has lead me to observe something TERRIBLY IMPORTANT." I fell over along with Scoots and Sweetie. The adults looked like they almost did, but they were still standing. Princess Luna blinked. We all quickly got to our feet and smiled. I had a feeling she didn't buy it. "Sorry my littlest ponies. Though I have mostly acclimated to the modern vernacular, I still find myself using the royal Canterlot voice for emphasis at times." "It's okay Princess." Said Sweetie "Yea, we know you ain't trying to do nothing like that." "Don't worry, we're cool." She smiled. "Very good. Now, as I was saying, I learned the magic of the forest has been weakened somewhat. I have a guess how but that can wait." "Ah, so you suggest no punishment at all?" said Sky "Well, something minor perhaps, but you will be getting a bonus regardless Firecracker." She threw her hooves up. "Whoo, more explosives." "Ah get the feeling she has enough." I said "She means recreational explosives, and somehow she never has enough." Firecracker shook her head. "You just don't understand explosives properly, that's all." "I think I'm done here." Said Luna "Sky, you can handle the rest, correct." "Of course." Then Dash came out of the sky. Scootaloo let out a little squeal. Dash came out of the sky so fast then stopped just like that. I wanted to clap but AJ said I should never do anything that might feed her ego if I could help it. "So anyway I had the most awesome idea ever. See I told everypony else to pull back and Ditzy to keep the clouds back. I figure she'll drop the whole storm and soak the forest just like that. Bam, fire out." "Drop the storm?" asked Scootaloo "We remember your story but are you sure that…" Began Luna Then the storm clouds exploded. There wasn't another word for it. The whole storm burst, spraying water everywhere, the clouds gone, and the fire put out by the force of the blast. Or maybe the water. Firecracker was staring at the direction of the now empty sky. Then suddenly she had a huge smile on her face. "Clouds can explode? I didn't know they could do that." She then turned to Sky. "Omigosh, captain, did you know clouds could explode?" "I must say I did not. Now Firecracker you're not going to…" "I have to get started right away." Then she was gone in a firey explosion. Sky sighed. "She is. I have to stay here don't I? That is far too dangerous an idea to let fester in that brain of hers." "The fire is out. Be safe my captain. Now girls, let us go." Then we were on the moon. It just a big grey ball of dirt. It felt solid enough, but was real dusty. Like that one time we went to visit cousin Breburn. You could see the stars even though it was day, and the air seemed strange somehow. Then Scootaloo took off and a started flying around us in circles with her hooves up. "Whoo! Luna is best Princess." Luna laughed. "Ah, so you are still having trouble flying. Interesting. I am glad I could be of assistance, however temporary. But I brought you here to have an important talk." "Ah'm guessing it's about Discord and such." Luna nodded. "Yes. Twilight seems blinded to the true danger. I would have warned you earlier, but I have been busy. Sunny is away calming the other countries of the world worried we shall invade them next. Never mind that we did nothing of the sort." "But Pinkie really is Queen of the griffins, right?" asked Sweetie "Yes, but it was no invasion, but a legally binding transfer of power with clear, albeit vague, rules. Only other nations with similar archaic laws need worry. In fact the only one I can think of with anything similar is Equestria itself." "Ooo, you mean someone can fight you and Celestia for the throne. That would be cool." "That don't sound right tah me." I said "No, it is not a fight, but a friend off. The rule is so old it's not even clear what such a challenge even entailed. We asked the ponies what it meant not long after we sealed Discord away, but none could remember." "So." Said Sweetie. "There is some sort of contest for the crown of Equestira but nopony knows what it is?" Luna nodded "But that is of no import. What is important is Discord. While it is not certain he had a claw in things, it may indeed have been his influence that turned me into Nightmare Moon." "Really?" the three of us echoed She nodded. "I cannot be certain, and I know it was at least mostly my own fault, but I worry he may attempt to do much the same. I think you currently possess the powers he might have used on me, but you are far younger." "And even though I do have wings and a horn, we're not really Alicorns." "Hmm, that is true, but it's debatable. Discord's power is already very near our own in some ways. Thus in truth you in some ways you are alicorns. Or at the very least closer than Twilight and her friends currently are." I then realized how silent the moon could be. It was really, really quiet. I tried to picture myself with wings and horn and all big but I couldn't quite do it. I mean I knew I had some of his power, but I forgot that according to the stories Luna and Celestia couldn’t fight him off. Even with all their power, they needed the elements. A third of that is still an awful lot of power. "Wow." The three of us echoed. "I just want to make clear this is why my guards follow you. To keep you out of his influence if at all possible." "Wait, does this mean we're immortal?" asked Sweetie. "Oh. That's a stupid question isn't it." She then sighed. "Yes, obviously as long as the magic is bound within you, Discord's eternal life is your own. To think otherwise is…" "WHAT?" We all yelled it at once. Luna sorta fell over, but not exactly. She tipped but it was slow and she caught herself with her wings. She landed and shook her head. "Ah, yes, that really is very disconcerting on the other end of things. I must redouble my efforts. So it was not obvious to you?" We all nodded in reply. "Now I know you may have some concerns, but I assure you it is not as bad as it seems." "This is going to be so awesome." Said Scoots "Ah get to say with you girls forever for real?" "We're not stuck as little filly's are we?" asked Sweetie Scotaloo and I turned to Luna. "No. Though your normal maturation might have stopped you still should mature eventually. Possibly very rapidly in fact. Though instead the process may be slowed, or dependant upon various factors." "Ya'll mean we might grow up real slow or real fast right?" "And because it's all chaosy and such…" Began Scoots "That isn't a word." Said Sweetie "… it could be something lame like we have to eat mint on a table made of jello, right?" "I was not thinking something so ridiculous, but in truth I do not know." Luna sighed "You know, you could just ask." Discord was here. Luna glared at him, then blinked. Then she looked at us for a long time, then back at Discord. "Ah, they also act as anchors like the elements." "Of course they do. It's my power. As to them growing up, I was never a pony, but I would guess once they get their cutie marks they'll grow up, but not before." "Wait, so to get my wings I have to find my talent? But if my wings stay shrimpy like this how can I do that?" "Don't ask me. I'm not one for rules. I must say Ponyville is far more entertaining than I initially thought. I mean I didn't even do anything and you blew up part of a forest. That's even my sort of chaos. Nopony got hurt, but you can't have everything, now can you. In fact I mostly came here to make a counter offer." "We don't want nothing tah do wit you." "Yea." Added Scootaloo and Sweetie "Ah, but you're making no progress, and even your rather pathetic attempts to make use of my power seem to be stopping me, so no one has access to my full power. There is no way for that to cause any chaos. So my offer is simple. Let me help." "Huh?" we echoed. "We need none of your help monster." Luna glared at Discord, her eyes going white, just like miss Twilight's do sometimes. "But that is where you are wrong dear Nightmare. No, it's my power and I'm the only one who truly can help. And now that you finally got it thought your thick…" He paused. "I mean now that Lulu and Cici are no longer deceiving you about your true power aren't you curious about what you could do with it?" Scootaloo blinked. "I could fly. Not just here but anywhere." "If I had more magic I bet I could get something I make to come out right." "Maybe ah could really help out with the farm." "Isn't it great when you don't even have to ask for vital information like that?" Discord then laughed. "Almost too easy." "You will not win Discord." "We'll see." Then he cackled and vanished. Luna's horn then lit up and the air around us shimmered. It was sorta like looking through the heat of a bonfire, but it didn't feel hot at all, and it was only stuff far away, Luna looked the same. She then got a great big smile on her face. "Well that went perfectly, but we must be fast children. He will not question that I've blocked his return, but to pull this off we must not linger." "Pull what off?" I asked "To fool Discord. You see while Celestia is busy we were about to have a short magical conference about what she discovered and the effect over time. Discord's current troubles are unfortunately all too temporary." "He seems to be wrong a lot." Said Sweetie "Yes. I will not go into the details of how we determined this, but the important fact is you must make much greater use of his magic if you are to keep it out of his grasp. We can't think how to help you and there is only one we are sure who can." "You really want us to ask that dork for help? The same guy that…" Began Scoots Luna shook her head. "No, he will come to you, and try to manipulate you. Try not to give in immediately, but give in. He will do his best to tempt you, and with his power there is much to tempt you with, simply take him up on his offer." "Won't he know that we're pulling the wool over his eyes. Ah know ah'm better than my sister, but I ain't that good at lying neither." "He should not notice. Also it is not entirely a lie. It is, but it is also a necessary one. I do not wish to leave this burden to you, but I must trust the elements chose you for a reason. That you are up to this task, and it is not just convenience or the connection you shared by being the catalyst of his release." "Eh?" I said "What." "Oh, now I remember." Said Sweetie "I, think." "Neigh thee mind. Simply do your best to learn all you can and use what you have been given as much as possible in as small ways as possible. Also as Twilight said you are to avoid touching if at all possible." "Are you sure?" said Scootaloo "Even Twilight said it should be easier to make stuff happen if we do that." Luna sighed. "Yes, but in truth I do not fear Discord corrupting your minds. In fact I strongly believe one of you will keep that magic no matter how hard he tries, though I could be mistaken. The problem is I fear Sunny and I once knew him." "Duh, you kicked his flank." Said Scoots, then laughed "That ain't what she means, is it princess?" "He wasn't always Discord, was he?" asked Sweetie Luna nodded and turned away. "We cannot be sure, but we think he was a particular alicorn. One whom we thought long gone, but in retrospect that strange blast coincides fairly well with the first draconequus. There is also one other unicorn Sunny suspects somehow, though that's ridiculous. We would not find Discord until much later, and did not consider some of the things he said until well after his defeat." "I don't get it." Said Scoots I gasped. "Yah mean he's family, don't you?" "That is a very complicated question, but the short answer is if he was indeed once the alicorn of chaos then of a sort he is indeed." "So when you said close you really meant it?" said Sweetie "I am not sure and there are countless reasons not to discuss this…" "You mean cause you think we're just little fillies and won't get it." Said Scoots "We're smart girls, try us." Sweetie and I nodded She laughed. "But you are also still vastly out of your depth. Until recently you were ordinary…" Luna then looked up. "Hmm, maybe not entirely so, but mostly ordinary ponies. There are some things that simply cannot be explained at all, and others which require a life longer than any moral to even begin to grasp." We all looked down. "Sorry." "It is not important, and for now neither is the full story. The truth shall come in time. But if we are right then it is Discord's own power that corrupted and transformed him." "Oh." We three echoed. "An ya'll are thinking it might do the same to us." Luna nodded. "That is my fear. This is why you must be most careful. You are different from Discord, but I still worry. If I could take this burden from you I would, but I cannot. Be very careful young ones, and most importantly remember what's important." "Friends?" said Scootaloo "Family?" I said "Uh, both?" Luna laughed. "That is all important, yes, but I meant remember who you are and what you love. Do not lose yourself in this power. I once lost myself and regret it every day." We all nodded. "One last thing before you go. You three have been given a great gift of power, and possibly even the chance to save Discord if we are right. But if we are wrong or you otherwise fail, remember the force that can stop you and who wields them." I blinked. Then I began to cry. If we screwed this up AJ would have to stop me. She would never forgive herself. Rarity would feel the same way about Sweetie. Scootaloo was in a little different position, but if we went evil they would have to be the ones to stop us. Unless we stopped them somehow. That was even worse. "Ah don't want to hurt nopony." "I don't either." Said Sweetie, crying "Rainbow Dash can't lose. How could I even fight her even if she could?" "Once again I am sorry children. But this had to be said. Now it is time to return you home. I will have no trouble moving each of you…" "Wait." I said "Girls, lets make a vow." "Yea." Sweetie and Scoots added, nodding "That will never happen. No matter what, the CMC will never do that. No matter what it takes, we'll stay together, and help Equestira." "Yea." "We'll figure out all this chaos magic nonsense. We'll get our cutie marks, and we'll beat Discord at his own game. He'll never threaten Equestira again." "Yea." I smiled. "And we really will be together forever. If one of us starts to slip we'll do something. Rough em up if we have to, but we won't be turning into no bad apples." "Yea." "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS FOREVER AND ALWAYS." And then we smashed are hooves together. I think Scootaloo was the first one to realize what we were doing was a bad idea, her wings flapping like she was going to fly backwards, but the resounding "clack" already happened. The moon was now made of squishy green smelly cheese. Everypony sunk slightly into it. Luna freed herself first, then Scootaloo and Sweetie did the same, and then they pulled me out. Luna sighed. "It's going to be one of those milleniums, isn't it?" "Sorry." The three of us echoed. > Scootaport! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A full week away from the other crusaders. The way Luna was muttering about how much work it would be to put it back to normal it really wasn't that bad a punishment. Also Dash delivered the bad news and we had fun that whole first day. That was awesome, but it couldn't last. Today my guard was really clumsy and obvious, and he eventually fell asleep. I don't think Luna's stallion guards had been looking after us any other day, but I could be wrong. I left him behind so could get things going. Unlike Applebloom I could lie great, but I still really wanted to fly. I was on this big rock just inside the Everfree. It wasn't deep enough to be dangerous, but since it was inside nopony would come here. It was a great place to be alone. I didn't come here too often, but it was a perfect place to wait. Except it was taking forever. Discord then appeared in front of me a smirk on his face. "Ugh, what took you so long. That was so slow." The smirk vanished. "What?" "I was waiting for you obviously. I don't want Applebloom and Sweetie Belle to know about this since they'd be all…" I tired to imitate Applebloom, but did a bad job of it. "No it's too dangerous. They say that about everything. I want to fly now, not wait until it's time like mom and dad say." "Just like that. This seems too easy somehow." "What do you mean? I know what I want and that you can help me. I also know I'm way smarter than you so I don't have to worry about you tricking me." He smiled. I knew I probably wasn't smarter than him for real, but I was sure Luna was, and she had this all planned out. Well probably not the moon thing, it was still green, though it looked brighter so it probably wasn't cheese anymore. "Anyway, lets get going. I wanna be flying now." "How do you plan to solve this little problem of yours? Frankly if you weren't a failure of a pegasus you could be in the air easily by now." I rolled my eyes. "Well I can fly on the moon. You made a bunch of stuff float when you were messing with Ponyville. Can't I do the same?" "Oh yes, I'm sure you can. It is great fun too. But first lets see if you can master what you've already done before." "The teleporting? That's fun if it works, but I so don't get it. Twilight tried to help me but I don't get it at all." "Well there's your problem right there." He then swept me up in one arm "See Twinkle is what I call a great big stick in the mud. She doesn’t understand how my power works at all. You need to think less." "Less, but Twilight said…" "As I said, ignore her. Also don't focus on the location so much. Focus more on how surprised the ponies will be when you arrive, and the looks on their faces. It's just a tiny bit of chaos, but every little bit helps." "Huh?" "Come on now, give it a try. Think of some bustling metropolis and us just appearing out of nowhere in the middle of a crowd. Think of the look on their faces." I smiled. It was pretty fun to surprise ponies. Then he dropped me. I flapped my wings and suddenly we were in the middle of Cloudsdale. I wasn't sure exactly where we were but it was a really busy intersection and there were a lot of ponies in it. A few of them went running when they saw Discord. "Well at least I can still get a scream of terror or two out of them." "Hay, that was easy." "Yes, that's the way it works. Simple as that." Then he looked up. "But what you want is a bit more complicated. A visual aid would be nice but I can't really teleport more than one pony. Never cared to learn that sort of thing without my magic." "Hey, I just teleported us here." "Yes, but the moon is much further than the nearest clump of cloud huts." "I'll show you." Then Discord smiled again. At first nothing happened, but I then remembered something and flapped my wings while thinking about the moon. I wanted to go there again anyway. Just like that we were there. "Why do I have to flap my wings." "Huh? Oh, I guess you're a pegasus and you do have to do something. Depending on what you're trying to do waving your hooves around or even just bobbing your head might be enough. Most of the time I simply go with a simple snap of my fingers, but obviously because of one of the many things you lack, you can't." "Hey, that was an insult, wasn't it?" "Probably, honestly I'm not paying that much attention to what I'm saying. The point is I think we can move on. What you want to do is learn to mess with gravity. It's a neat trick and one I'm fond of myself. Most ponies hate being absolutely weightless." I took to the air. "Screwball doesn't." He laughed. "Yes, and she is a delight. She's far too concerned about inconveniencing others for my taste, but still a great deal of fun." "Like Pinkie Pie?" He frowned. "Oh yes, she is indeed chaotic, but far too nice." "Whatever. Just tell me how to do this." "It's so easy even you'll figure it out I'm sure. Stop thinking about up and down being so, absolute." He then laughed. He was now upside down and seeming to fall upward. Then suddenly everything was topsy-turvy. I didn't like it at all. I just wanted everything to be normal again. Suddenly I was struggling to keep airborne and Discord crashed into the ground really fast. It looked like he was trying to get up, but couldn't. Once I landed he soared high into the sky, then came back down. He laughed. "Wow, I didn't think that would work at all. You're just a barely contained ball of chaos under there, aren't you?" "What. But it got harder to fly and…" He waved his paw. "Minor issue, I assure you. You reversed gravity, then increased by a huge margin. If you weren't a pegasus you would have surely hit the ground same as me. With just a little bit of practice you'll get a feel for it." "Really?" "Yes, now lets get off this strangely green rock and get some real practice in. Try to take us someplace interesting this time." "Oooo, I want to visit Griffany. Gilda and Dash made it sound awesome." "You've never been there? Wait the boring pony is right about one thing. That…" It was awesome. It was all dark, but majestic too. The pink banners everywhere were sorta weird but Pinkie was in charge now so something had to change. I think the guard's armor being pink had to be her too, but it was still spiky just like Dash said, even that weird silver spike on their helmets, just mostly pink. The guards in front of the big building, whatever it was, looked at us intently, but that wasn't a surprise. I think they had narrowed their eyes cause they were suspicious. The rest of the Griffins around took a quick look, shrugged, and went on their way. I heard Discord sigh. "You really shouldn't teleport to somewhere you've never been. Oh well, it could have been worse I suppose. Griffins always did really need to lighten up. Now if you wouldn't mind could you get me out." "Out of…" Then I laughed. Discord was stuck in the ground up to his neck. The lion's paw was also sticking out of the ground. So Awesome. Then I got a really great idea. "Why?" I smiled "What?" "I mean it shouldn’t really matter if you're stuck at all, and I'd say it's pretty chaotic to be stuck in the ground. You can just teach me from there I'm sure." "Now listen up you little brat. I'm Discord the lord of chaos. The rightful king of your land, the…" I walked up to him and whapped him lightly on the paw. "No you're not. We are. We have all the power and you don't. You're totally lame without it, aren't you?" "I am not a nobody. I am Discord. You will bow down before me. You will all bow. I will have my power back. No matter what I have to do I will take it back." His eyes were glowing red. I really didn't want to be there right then. So I wasn't. I was back in Ponyville, and he was nowhere around me. This almost seemed easy. Don't think about it just do. Forget all that stuff Twilight said just flap my wings and make it happen. So I did, and I launched into the sky. It had worked. I flew high into the sky with my hooves up. "Whoo hoo." Then I fell. I tired to flap but somehow that wasn't working. I suddenly really wanted to be back in the ground and safe. I hadn't thought specifically of Sugar Cube Corner, but I ended up on top of Pinkie's head in the kitchen anyway. Her head then suddenly shot up. "Scootaloo, I didn't leave you in my mane did I? Sometimes things get lost in there but I didn't think I put a whole pony in there, and I totally don't remember you being in there, but maybe I did." "No, I just teleported on top of your head." "Oh, okay. I hate it when I forget important things like that. So, do you want some muffins? They'll be ready soon and…" "What type?" said a new voice Then the back door fell inward, Derpy hovering there with her hoof about where the door handle had been. She looked down, and crossed her hooves in front of her. "I'm sorry." "OOO, you like muffins again?" said Pinkie She nodded. "Dinky asked me what I could eat if I didn't eat anything that tried to eat me at least once. She made a really good point, so now I eat muffins again." "She did?" I asked "It's not that bad unless you include the foods that tried to ensalve me, but I shouldn’t live in fear because of a few pony eating muffins. Most muffins aren't like that." "Yah." Pinkie threw her hooves up. "You'll have to pay, but that's never a problem." Derpy nodded. "If the mayor just told me they needed some money I could have given it to her. I have plenty. Immortality is good for the finances." "Ooo, I know. We could have an immortal party. I can invite the princesses, and you and the crusaders, and the rest of the elements and the Gallopfreeans…" "They don't want anypony to know they're here." Said Derpy "Ohhhhhh yea. I always forget that. Colgate doesn't seem to care though." Derpy nodded. "That isn't her real name, but that's true." "What's a Gallopfreean?" I asked, trying not to lose my balance Derpy turned to me and smiled. "Ponies from a far away land called Gallopfree. They had to sacrifice their home to end a grave threat to the universe. A great many of them live here now. They also have a form of immortality." "But it's sooooo obvious they're not normal ponies." Said Pinkie "I mean they all have the exact same cutie mark for one thing, that's super weird." "Not for them." Then the oven dinged. "Ooo, does that mean they're done?" "Yeppers. Just let me get them out." I then finally fell off Pinkie's head. She had turned into a slightly oversized pink copy of Spike. She pulled oven open and yanked out a tray full of muffins, and placed in on the counter, then pulled out a second tray. She did it all without any sort of potholders or anything, and using her hands she moved them in weird tricky ways. Derpy was hovering in place, giggling, and drooling slightly. I hopped into the air and flapped my wings so I could get a good look at the muffins. I didn't try to mess with gravity or anything since that didn't work too well the last time. I only caught a brief glance before falling to the ground of course. The muffins did look really good. > Bad Apples > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo was walking on the ceiling. Her hair was hanging upwards too. She still didn't feel up to messing about outside with it again, but she liked flying about our barn. Sometimes other stuff happened though. She had started doing the ceiling walking thing on purpose though. She then flew downwards, and started hovering in front of me a bit. It looked really weird, especially with her mane and tail hanging up like that. "Uh, so whatta ya mean ferget him?" "Duh, I mean we don't need him. It's super simple. Just flap your wings and think what you want, that's it." "Mah wings?" "Er, stomp your hooves maybe. I forget the earth pony thing. I think Twilight said something about each pony type casting differently and stuff right?" I nodded. "Yea, it's hooves. Ah still don't know if we should be spending any time like this. Luna said…" "She said to do our best to stay apart. It's not my fault your barn is the biggest indoor area in Ponyville." "But you can teleport all the way to the moon. Why does it need to be in Ponyville?" "Oh, yea, never thought of that. Dang, now I can't use that as an excuse though. Or at least not more than once and I might want to save it." "Save it fer what?" "If I really do need to talk to you. Anyway, I don't want Luna mad at me so I should really go. Make sure you tell Sweetie Belle too." Then she vanished. I thought about what she said. It sure sounded easy enough. I also sure didn't want to finish sorting these apples. I then decided to give it a try. Maybe I could teleport all the bad apples right into the bad bin. I focused, then reared up and stomped both my front hooves down. Nothing happened. "Maybe ah should try again." The apples didn't do anything. I tried again, and again, and nothing happened. I then just got all frustrated and stomped a hoof. "Why won't you dang fool bad apples just git over there in that bin." There was a flash, but nothing else seemed to happen. Then the apples with a bunch of arms and legs started walking over to the bin, climbing up, and screaming as they fell in. I then saw they had little faces too. I blinked. Now I felt sorta bad for the apples, it's not like they did anything wrong. "What in tarnation?" I spun around. "Oh, uh, hi big sister. I'm just doing what you told me, and what Luna told me. So I tried to use Discord's magic to sort the apples." "And now they're walking around, and giving me dirty looks." I spun around to see that one of them was indeed giving AJ a dirty look. I glared at it but it ignored me. I guess they are the bad apples, aren't they. I didn't feel half as guilty now. "Ah feel much better now. Besides, they ain't really alive." One then blew a raspberry at me. "Ah think." "Are you sure you can make em go back to normal?" "Ah think once they're done it will just wear off." "Yah think? What if it don't. What then? What we gonna do with a bunch of unruly animate apples." "Uh, grind them up anyway?" "Ah ain't feeding the hogs with something like that. Who knows what that could do to them. They's hard workers and deserve better than that." I looked down. "I'm sorry. I really am supposed to use it." "Ah know, just think a little more about what you're using it on, and whether it's something you aughta be messing with." "Okay, I'll do better, I promise." "Good then. Now come on, lets go. There is plenty of work outside that needs doing and it ain't gonna git done with the two of us in here." "Er okay, but what about…" "We'll deal with them later. Don't rightly know what to do right now." I nodded, then began following my sister out of the barn. I turned back to see them still coming out of the baskets and jump into the bin. I smiled. It wasn't bad for a first try. I mean at least all the good apples are separated now. Also I could be right and all the bad apples gathering in the bin will go back to normal once they're done. > Mental Belle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He was getting annoying. I looked over my shoulder to see a relatively small Discord following me. It was still a little taller than a pony if his feet were on the ground, but it was much smaller than normal. Scootaloo had been right about one thing. There really wasn't much he could do. According to Twilight he might even be extra powerless against us specifically. "Oh come now, you can't blame me for that, now can you?" "I can and will. Rarity said it's the most hideous piece of clothing in existence, and I agree with her. Also somehow it ate up almost all of her most valuable cloth." "Well it's not my fault. I mean my magic is chaotic true, but something that horrendously ugly takes a clear and ordered vision. You can't get something that bad randomly." "So now you're saying it's my fault your magic messed up?" I spun around to glare at him "Oh no, I'm saying you have no talent and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near any sort of visual medium lest you create something of a similar horrific nature. That doesn't mean it's your fault my dear, after all you were just born that way." I glared at him. He just smiled back. Scoots was right about it being super easy to use so with a thought and a bit of glow Discord was suddenly a little foal even younger than me. He looked pretty adorable and I smiled. He then stomped a hoof, then after a short wait did it again. He tried to get his horns to light up but they just didn't. "I'm stuck like this? But I hate being a pony and…" "Well that will make you think twice before you try to trick me again." I then spun around and walked off in a proper huff. "It's not my fault you have problems." Then he smiled. "Of course I could fix that." I spun back around. "What do you mean?" "I mean there is only one way you could lock me out of my own limited power. You have my mental abilities." "Okay, but what does that have to do with helping me?" He face hooved. "Because my dear, just having my power has already helped overcome the normal weakness of foals, but what you really want is to change your mind." I glared at him best I could be he didn't react for some reason. "I know what you did to my sister and her friends and…" "You don't want that? Pity, but expected. Also I said you have those abilities, not I. You would decide what to do or not do. You don't have the experience to do much right now, but with a little guidance I could help you." "Like you helped with that dress?" "Oh this would be much better. So what do you say?" I paused. I was getting pretty good and making stuff into other stuff, but if I was really just broken maybe with his help I could fix myself. But I had to be really careful. Messing about with minds sounds really dangerous. "Maybe. What do I have to do?" "Just focus on entering your own mind. A unicorn spell would require a great deal of knowledge and study, but for you it should be as simple as can be. Oh, and make sure to take me with you." "Well that does sound easy enough." I focused, my horn glowing. Then I felt really sleepy, but before I could lay down we were both somewhere else. Discord looked like his normal self again. It was the clubhouse, but I could see the interior of Rarity's boutique out the window. There was a bunch of weird junk on the floor. Including Scootaloo's scooter, Applebloom's bow, a pile of Rainbow Dash figures, various random vegetables, and a ball of green cheese that looked like the moon. "Ah, a wonderfully chaotic mind. Come with me my dear, what we're looking for is clearly elsewhere." "What is all this stuff." "Everything here represents something. The little multicolored figures are all the random facts about Dash Scootaloo is constantly spouting. I imagine the pile is far larger than it appears right now." I laughed. "Yea." Then blinked. "Hay, I still don't know what you want me to do?" "We are simply going to unlock a bit of potential. See that is your problem, you don't really have the imagination to be a good designer. At least not yet." "Oh, that does make sense. I mean you said I had no talent but I know I do just like my big sister." "No, you don't, but with enough imagination you can fake it. I'll show you where it is and then you just have to pull it out and…" "That is not accurate." We both turned to see Pinkie at the door of the clubhouse. She was wearing a labcoat and wearing really big glasses. I'm not sure they had frames, and was certain it didn't matter here. Discord was pointing at her. "No, you can't be here. It's impossible." Pinkie looked down, then back up. "Noooo, I am here, so it must be possible." "But you're really here just like me. This is inside her mind, and you…" "Ah, I understand your conundrum. You mean it should be impossible, and I shouldn’t be able to be here. Obviously I am. Follow me Sweetie Belle." "Now wait just a second." Said discord, holding up a claw, pointing at Pinkie "I think following her seems safer." So I did. I followed her up to Rarity's workshop where a blackboard was set up. I also noticed what was outside. It seemed to be some really huge sheet music. I so don't get why it should be so big and important. Pinkie then stopped in front of the board and with a little pointer in one hoof struck it, making it spin around to white board. It was a new magic thing that you could write on with anything, and would wipe off completely if you used one of the magic erasers. It was like you never wrote anything at all. This one was covered in felt drawings. I'm not sure how you could draw with felt but that's what it looked like. Some bits were even a bit scribbly and seemed to sort of shift from being marker into felt. Looking at the transition made my brain hurt. She pointed to one of the drawings. It looked like me and a little circle with locks on it. In the circle was a bunch of random stuff I couldn't make out. "You see, that is a normal mind, what exactly the locks represent vary from pony to pony, but they are the restraints we put on our imagination." Then she pointed to the next picture, felt Pinkie, and near its head the circle had only two locks. There were a variety of balloons, party favors, and cake on the ground. The circle was considerably less full of stuff. I blinked. "Yes, I indeed have fewer locks. And some of the party in my head leaks out." "Uh, Pinkie, what does that mean? You don't literally pull stuff out of your head, do you?" "No, of course not." Then she paused, putting a hoof on her chin. "Wait, maybe I do. I didn't think so but I could be wrong." "Uh, so what is the stuff coming out supposed to represent?" "Oh, bad ideas. See there's all sorts of stuff that if we didn't have some restraint we might think up. Sometimes bad ideas can be super fun, but…" She pointed to the next one it was felt Discord surrounded by formless pieces of felt and a circle with no locks at all. Then she pointed at a felt Twillight who had a ton of locks on her circle. "Having too few or too many can be bad. Some of Twilight's have fallen off, but there are a ton more. Having too many just makes you unhappy, but too few can make everypony unhappy." "Oh please, that's not true at all." Discord floated up next to the board. "I haven't said anything yet because I just couldn’t hold in my curiosity about what you were going to say, that isn't how it works at all." "Wait, so you're saying he was trying to trick me?" Pinkie nodded. "Yeppers. It really wouldn't hurt you and you do have to do it yourself, but it would totally be bad." "Oh please." He rolled his eyes. They didn't stop for while. "She'd enjoy it immensely, and you haven't yet said it wouldn’t work." "Well, it might, but I don't think so. I dunno about fashion, so maybe he is right." "Yes. At the very least lets take a look at what we're dealing with." Then Discord gave a small statue of me on the bedside table a whack and the walls fell down. Somehow that swept the music pages outside with it. There was now a stary sky above us, filled with items swirling though the air so fast I couldn't track them at all. Pinkie dropped her pointer. "Oooo, it's so pretty." "What the heck? This doesn't look remotely right. There aren't even any seals on your imagination at all. Are you saying the only thing that restrains you is your own force of will and decision making ability?" "Uh, yes?" Then then tilted my head. "I think." "Wow, I didn't even know you could do that." Said Pinkie "Then again I don't really know what I'm talking about at all, so that makes sense, huh?" Discord sighed. "Well this is a bust. Come on, there must be something else you want. Something some magic can get you?" I shook my head. "I just want to be like Rarity and get my cutie mark in fashion." "That is never gonna happen you stupid little brat." Then Discord smiled. "Of course I just realized there is an opportunity here." Then Discord picked up Pinkie and threw her over the edge of the open building. I then yawned, back in the field not far away from Rarity's real boutique. Discord and Pinkie were missing. What just happened? "Run Sweetie Belle. Run." I heard Applejack yell "Why should I…" I turned to see a giant monster made of apples running right behind Applebloom and Applejack. It was only a vague four legged shape, not really looking exactly like anything. The only thing clear was it had a huge mouth full of what looked like sharpened fence posts for teeth. I took off running too. > Scootalight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and some dark green unicorn stallion I didn't know the name of were sitting in the middle of the mess. The monster was now nothing but a pile of pulped apple all around and on them. Twilight collapsed to the ground, but unlike most times I saw her do big magic she didn't look that tired. She was probably just relived it worked. "Well Twi, gotta say I'm really glad ta see ya." Said Applejack. "Almost as glad as when we figured out that weird critter didn't have no guts to digest nothing." Twilight laughed. "Yes. Clearly it wasn't quite as dangerous as it appeared. But what I don't understand is where it came from." Applebloom immediately said "Sorry." And looked down "Now it's alright. Ain't your fault this whole mess got started, it's mine. Shoulda ground up them apples to begin with rather than just leaving em be like that. You made a mistake, but I made a bad situation worse." "Sweetie Belle, come with me, you can get cleaned up at the library. And Scootaloo I see you there. You still need to stay apart, remember." "Awww." I said "Just go." Said Rarity "I assume you'll be going back to the farm you two?" "What about me?" said the green stallion "Oh, sorry sir." Twilight turned to the stallion. "Do you need any help?" "Uh, I guess not." "And we sure as the sun's gonna rise tommara have to get back home. Seems such a waste of apples though." "I suppose." Added Rarity "Come on Sweetie Belle." Everypony then went there separate ways. I was hiding behind some boxes hoping the monster wouldn’t see me, and it had worked. Though not with Twilight. I pulled out my scooter and continued what I was doing before I saw the thing. Namely riding around town at random in random directions. I had pulled of a few sweet tricks but I just wasn't quite into in today for some reason. "Oh now wasn't that just wonderful? I mean a great deal of chaos and no one even really got hurt. Not my preference, but I know it's yours." "Go away, I don't need you." "No, but I could make things so much easier." "It's just dumb advice like before, isn't it you…" I turned around to see Discord as an even younger colt lazily flying through the air. I glared at him. He had to be doing it on purpose. "Yes, quite the number she did on me yes. By the way, do you know why you're having so much trouble?" "Oh like you know." "Ah, but I do. Applebloom has the power to manipulate gravity and a few similar abilities, not you. You're just borrowing it so it's much harder to use." "So we really got different bits of your powers?" He nodded. "Yes. In fact some bits are utterly useless without others. That's the real reason they want you separated, because it limits you. It makes sure you can't be a threat to the usurpers that call themselves princesses. They're lying about that too ya know." "I know about that." I blinked. "I mean the separating thing, not the other thing you said. That's the whole point. I don't want to be a threat to anypony." Discord groaned. "Oh whatever. The point is I can help you. You can use each other's abilities to some extent, but that varies between you. I can help you guide it to do something a bit more permanent." "What do you mean?" "I mean with my help you can weight almost nothing. Being truly weightless is a bit much for you. Just enough that you can lift your own weight easily." "Alright that sounds awesome I bet…" Then I frowned. "Wait, this is some sort of trick, isn't it?" He shook his head. "Not at all. I have no doubt you'll soon find yourself a terrible flyer, constantly bumping into things and in all ways being a menace. I'm sure it will be terribly entertaining. So, what do you say?" "Well you don't know anything. I'll be great. How do I know this isn't a trick?" "Because dear girl you are ultimately going to do it yourself. I just act as a guide and focus since all three of you are linked to me." "So, what do I do?" "Just a single touch, then focus on what you want. As long as we're touching I can help you. Simple as that." "Fine." I finally stopped my scooter. Then I bit down on his tail, hard. The only reason I regretted it was because he tasted horrible. I then focused on what I wanted. To be lighter. To easily soar through the air. Nothing seemed to happen. I spit out his tail. "Really, nothing?" "It worked. You didn't even notice you were flapping those little wings, but it worked." I gave it a try. I did feel lighter, and got of the ground, but it didn't seem like that big of difference. I sure wasn't as light as on the moon. I had to take a rest almost immediately and didn't even get that high. "Hay, you said it worked." "Well you clearly wanted it permanent. That can take time. It doesn't always, but it can. Trust me, you'll have no problem in a few days. Maybe even later today." "Oh, well, uh…" "Anyway, I must be off. Toodles." Then he was gone, and I was left standing there with the strong feeling that was really, really, dumb. It was just so tempting. I don't think he can make stuff work I don't want to, but he just seemed a little too happy. I bet Sweetie Belle would have stopped me, or maybe Applebloom. > Looking to Bloom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I really wanted somepony to ask about this, but it might look weird if I asked Applejack since we're supposed to pretend to give in. It sure seemed simple enough, and Twilight and Luna both said we were the ones in control. I sighed and looked at Discord in his colt form. He looked way more trustworthy like this too. "Fine. What da ah do?" "A single touch, then focus on what you want, and…" he rolled his eyes. "Stamp your hooves or something. I don't know. You're awful at getting the flying to work so even with my help I doubt…" "Ah can do it." "Then all you have to do is touch me and focus on what you want." "Yea, I want to be big and strong so I can work the farm." "Yes, perfect. Come on now, any contact will do." "Really now?" I then smiled, and reared up. I then came down right on his back with both hooves, concentrating on what I wanted. He yelped in pain, but right away I felt something happen. It was a weird sorta all over tingle. When I got off him I could already tell I was taller, even if just a tiny bit. "Whoo, that worked real well." "Amazingly it did." He groaned. "But that was a horrible idea and anyone even slightly less amazing than myself would have lost all concentration instantly." "Well you ain't gonna die or nothing now is you? Besides you are trying to trick me ah know but you ain't as smart as you think." "But I did trick you, and the orange one too. I just need to figure out something the singer wants, and I can have a hat trick of tricks. Now, if you'll excuse me I have a certain pink pony to torture as best I can. Though I'm not sure she notices." Then with a stomp of his hooves he was gone. So much of that didn't make sense, though I guess Sweetie is a good singer. I don't know why he'd call her that though. So he just admitted he tricked us both somehow, but what could he mean? > Worsealoo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything in my room floating was probably bad, but right now I just didn't care. I could fly. I could soar above the clouds and visit Rainbow Dash without help. I mean it seemed to only be stuff I touched a lot like my bed and dresser, and it wasn't that big a deal to tie them down. I then saw a yellow dot with some red on as I was flying over Sweet Apple Acres. It was only two more days. That's close enough right? "Hey there Applebloom." "Scootaloo? Where are you." "I'm right above…" Then I was close enough to realize something was wrong. I landed just to make sure. Applbloom was much bigger than me now. She looked the same as ever, just was bigger. An extra large filly. Then the wind gusted and I nearly blew away. Applebloom grabbed my tail before I could act. I then flew out of her grip. Flying was great but it was tiring too. "So Discord messed ya up too?" "Oh, what did you want, to be super huge." "Just big and strong. Ah guess that varmint can bend things we want a bit and made it focus on the big more than the strong." "He did exactly what he said for me, just being super light can be annoying sometimes. Doesn't matter much inside when there's no wind though." "Ah see. You think he got Sweetie too somehow?" "Probably. Still, its not like this is a big deal and flying is so awesome." Applebloom smiled. "Yea, I can get a real good buck in. Not quite as good as Applejack, but I never had a problem with hard work. Practice makes perfect." "Yea, whatever. It sounds really boring to me, but all your family got their cutie marks for working the farm and stuff right?" Applebloom nodded. "Yea, ah'm sure they did. Ah can't remember the exact stories right now but they musta, right?" "Yea, just like I'm sure flying has to be how I get my cutie mark. I mean we've tried like everything else, so that just makes sense." "And ah bet Sweetie with her new magic can make some awesome dresses just like Rarity. Remember those great costumes she made for the talent show." I smiled. "Yea those were awesome alright." Then I frowned. "Still, we probably should like tell somepony, right?" "It ain't like ah can hide this. Twilight already said she can't do nothing and we should just hope fer the best." "Oh, well I do have one other problem, but it's probably the same thing." "What problem?" "Stuff in my room is floating. It isn't a big deal or anything, and I guess if Twilight can't do anything no point in thinking about it any longer, is there?" Applebloom nodded. "Yea, besides, how much worse can it get?" There was a huge crash of rumbling thunder. We both jumped at the sudden sound. I looked up to see a huge dark cloud overhead. Rainbow Dash then peeked over the side. I immediately sped into the air so I could look her in the eyes. "Ah, finally got off the ground for real squirt? Nice." "What ya doing Dash?" "Just moving this cloud. Oh, uh, sorry by the way. Didn't mean to spook ya like that." "I wasn't scared, just surprised." Dash laughed. "I use that one too sometimes." Then she blinked and shook her head. "I mea, yea, of course, just like me. It's supposed to be a surprise, it's sorta the point." "Oooo, can I help you with that?" Dash shook her head. "The basic weather management course isn't a bid deal, but there is a good reason it's required for weather work even if 90% of it is stuff every pegasus knows, and the almost all the rest is pretty obvious if you think about it a little." "And even though I can fly now I'm too little." "Actually Scoots the basic course is available right after you finish flight school, but most don't take it because you have to keep going to normal school too." "Aww, really. That's lame. Oo, I can at least watch though right?" "Yea, sure, why not. Though you feel kinda weird somehow, like you're flying, but not really flying. Or maybe just really weak flying somehow." I looked down. "Uh, I kinda used some of Discord's magic to make myself lighter." "Oh, that's all? Sounds a little risky, but I've done way more dangerous things trying to be the best. Well, sorta. I mean you are supposed to be using it somehow right?" I nodded. "Yea, Luna and Twilight, and I think even Celestia said so." "Well there ya go. You're good. Come, just be careful, this a wild cloud that came out of the Everfree and it's still a little ornery." Then Dash was off, rainbow trail behind her. It was amazing. I followed fast as I could behind her. I had to teleport a few times to keep up. Dash is so cool. > Big Apple > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zecora had screamed mighty loud when I looked in her cottage. It looked so tiny now. It had only been a few days and I was already struggling to get in the barn doors. She had been looking at me for a good long while now walking around me looking at who knows what. She finally stopped in front of me and nodded. "The truth is simple this is true. There is nothing I can do." "What? But it seems like…" "This is magic great. Held by only gods of endless mystical weight. A mere mortal such as I stands no chance against such. Yet thankfully there are those of which you are in touch. Though beyond my skill, three new goddesses of one shall fill." I jumped and down. The ground shook slightly, and Zecora barely managed to stay standing. I looked down at my hooves. "Mighty sorry about that Zecora." "Worry not my not so little pony. Your exuberance clearly was not phony. You acted much as you always do, but neglected to think things through." "Okay, so who are these three pony goddesses? Are they nice?" Zecora sighed. "Of goddesses new there are precious few. I speak of course of your friends and you. For while divided among a new trinity. It is without a doubt still the full power of the chaos god and near infinity." "Oh, but then why can't I undo it mahself." "It was you dear Applebloom that said he guided power from your fellow friends. Discord used that for his own ends. Now only power you do not have can undo what he has wrought. Yet correction need not be hard fought." "Oh, cause Scoots or Sweetie have to be able to fix it, I just gotta go ask em. Thanks Zecora, you been a great help." I then ran off fast as I could. I had been thinking about running away, I mean I was already big enough I could fight off lots of stuff I was sure, but it was so scary I ended up on the path to Zecora's. She didn't fix me like I hoped but I bet Sweetie could, and if she couldn’t then I'm sure Scoots could. > Pinkie Belle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The voice never stops. It's endless in its desires. Candy, sweets, balloons, but most of all parties. It sounds like Pinkie but only I can hear it. It's a voice in my head. I keep changing things but it's never satisfied. The first day wasn't so bad, but each day gets worse and worse. I think I could see the other girls again by now, but I'm not sure how long it's been. I turned a bush into a large chocolate cake. I took a few bites, but knew it wouldn’t be long before I had to make something different. "Sweetie. More balloons. And cake. Oooo, and streamers, never can have too many streamers. Have a party. Parties make everything better." "But Pinkie they're all avoiding me. Just because I might have turned one pony into chocolate, they're afraid of me. Or was it the one I turned into icecream." "What the hay are you talking about?" said Applebloom from somewhere nearby "Oh silly filly, that doesn't matter. If there is nopony out there who wants to party, then just throw better parties until somepony shows up." "Oh." I nodded. "I guess that makes sense." "No it don't. Sweetie Belle are you okay?" I looked in Applebloom's direction for the first time. She was really big. I guess the hallucinations are getting worse. I sighed. "Hello giant Applebloom. Let me guess, you're going to tell me I need to throw an even bigger party right?" "No ah ain't. Okay, something seems mighty wrong with you. Like yer got a screw loose." "No, I just have Pinkie's voice in my head." I hung my head. "I'm not insane, she is." "Ooo, I bet she'd make a great party ride. And you could hang streamers on her." "Well it ain't like it's really Pinkie." "It could be. She was in my head the same time as Discord, and he did something to her." "Do ya mean literally?" Applebloom cocked an eyebrow "With them two I can't be too sure." "I think so. I can look in my own head you know." "We should serve chimmi cheri chongas. You know, I’m still not sure about that name, maybe just chimmi chongas, or maybe cheri chongas is better. Then again…" "Then don't that mean that mean you could find that voice and just kick it out?" "Oh, you're my best friend imaginary giant Applebloom." "What ya mean by…" I felt sleepy just like the last time. Then my head cleared for the first time in who knows how long. Oddly I was standing on Pinkie's pink fish blimp this time. Pinkie was on the other side of it a good number of hooves away. She got a great big smile on her face. "Finally. I tried to make it stop, but I just couldn’t do it. I couldn't give you the idea any other way either. I thought I could manipulate the party center of my brain to send you a message, but that so didn't work." "Pinkie, I don't think there is such a thing as a party center." "Are you sure, cause I'm pretty sure about that. I sure don't think I'm wrong." "Uh, well, I guess maybe at least you could have one, even if nopony else has one. What did Discord do anyway?" "I dunno." She then giggled. "It's weird and fun being inside your head, but whatever he did made me all stuck. Not that I explain how I got here or how I know I'm traped, but trust me I totally am. Also I know I was hooked up to your thoughts somehow, and that's why you went all crazy pony." "Maybe not exactly what you said, but somehow." She nodded. "Yeppers. Now come on, we need to get out of here and your friends are in real trouble and need your help." "My help?" "Duh. Nopony else has the power to undo Discord's magic." "So, how do I get you out of my head." "You mean you don't know?" I face hooved. Well at least this is better than Pinkie's voice constantly nagging me to do all sorts of strange things. I briefly wondered how a pony made entirely of streamers could hold together, much less move and such, but then tried to focus on the matter at hoof. I am a smart pony. I can figure this out. "Well?" "I'm not sure." I said "I need a way to pull you out but it's not that simple. It's not like you're physically in my head. I can't just reach in a hoof and pull you out." "Ooo, sneezing. Sneezing might work." "Pinkie, that doesn't make any sense. Lyra might not know quite as much about magic as Miss Twilight but…" Then I remembered sense didn't matter. I looked out into the sky. It was that white near void of endless sheet music again. I still don't get that. I then focused and a scene appeared on the balloon of me slumped on the street, a pool of pink drool coming out of my mouth. Why was it pink? I then focused and willed a hoof to lift. It worked. I then had the hoof press against my ear and push. I pushed harder and harder until there was a great rumble and a giant white shape was suddenly touching the blimp. At this scale it barely even looked like a hoof, just a giant structure covered in white trees of some sort. "Oooo. Neat." "Uh, get on I guess. I wasn't really expecting that exactly but it looks like it will…" "Okie dokie. Come on." "Pinkie, I think leaving my own head might be a bad idea." "Ohhhhhh." Then she nodded. "Maybe. Yea, I can see that. Okay, then see you soon." Once she was among the forest of white I willed the hoof to come out. I didn't see Pinkie on it. Then I tried to wake up. I looked down at the very real puddle of pink, still not understanding the color. The voice was gone. I wasn't sure where Pinkie might be, but I she didn't seem to be in my head anymore. I sure hope she isn't, and it's somewhere safe. Now I need to go find out what's wrong with the others. Then I noticed the large number of things that were floating around Ponyville, including many ponies. "Uh oh." "So, is you feeling better now?" I then looked up at the very real giant Applebloom. Yes, that is without a doubt a big problem. Rarity was right. In some cases fainting is the only reasonable action. > Bigger Bloom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She didn't run at least. All the other ponies ran away screaming. The small fainting couch had been the puddle of pink drool I think, or maybe something in it. I knew it vanished the same time the couch appeared. The town was crazy. Between all the floating stuff, including actual balloons, the baked goods and sweets, and party decorations the town looked really different. I think I was obviously bigger than an hour ago already. Sweetie then opened her eyes and looked up at me. "Is that really you Applebloom?" "Uh, yea." I looked away from Sweetie "I got really big." She nodded. "Discord, right?" I nodded. "Yea. What did he do ta ya'll?" "He trapped Pinkie inside my brain. I think he wasn't even trying to mess with me, just trap Pinkie but…" "She's nuttier than an acorn and that ain't something you should be having wandering about your brain." "Uh, maybe. She told me what she thinks happened, but I don't think it's right." "So, do ya think you can fix me?" I asked "I can try." Then Sweetie's horn lit up. I felt a tingling again, starting at my hooves and slowly washing over me ending at the tip of my nose and tail. Then suddenly everything looked bigger, but not as big as it should. I also felt really strange. I also heard Sweetie gasp. I closed my eyes. "Ya messed up right?" I said "I'm sooooo sorry." "It ain't your fault. I'm sure it's just more of Discord's dumb magic being dumb." "So, can you tell what I did yet?" I sighed. I opened my eyes and swung a tail I did have way more control over in front of me. It was covered in yellow scales. I then held up a claw. Yep, just about the same. I was surprised to find my hair was at least sort of intact, and so was my bow. I ran a claw along my mouth just to make sure it was filled with super sharp teeth like I thought. I spread my wings. I wasn't a huge dragon by any means, but I was still without doubt a dragon, and sure as heck not a baby. "Ah guess we should get ta finding Scoots first then you can try again. Seems like this might be a worse before it gets better thing." "I'm really sorry. I can change myself easy, but it didn't work the same for you at all." "How often do you change yerself?" "Well it seems really safe. I mean if Pinkie's doing it then it can't be that bad, so that by itself might be enough, right?" "Ah guess. Anyway, all the floating stuff is probably Scoots. Also ah gotta feeling you mighta undone what Discord did so I won't be getting any bigger." "She's probably up in the air some where." "Er okay, but I ain't really tried flying with wings ya know." "I doubt it can be much harder." I nodded. That made sense. I then flapped my wings and took off. It seemed easy enough. Which is why I was so surprised I almost immediately fell out of the sky and crashed into somepony's roof. He ran away screaming before I could get a good look at him. I couldn't really blame him. I mean a giant filly walking peacefully doesn't seem like it's really that scary, but a dragon crashing though your roof is a different story. It's strange, but that didn't seem to even hurt that much. > Surrenderloo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They were both glaring at me. Applebloom being a dragon made her glare way scarier than normal, but I still wasn't backing down. It was simple, I just stayed away from everything and everypony and I could still fly. Then Rainbow Dash flew right in front of me and glared. I hung my head. "I don't have to say it, do I?" she asked "No Rainbow Dash. I have to do it even though it's lame, right?" She nodded. "Yea, now…" She blinked. "Wait, what exactly is it anyway, I don't think Twi told me. Or did she and I wasn't paying attention because it was so boring?" "Ah have to fix her." Then Applebloom held up a claw. "Er, but now that I think of it ah'm not sure I can." She wiggled her fingers. "These sure ain't hooves." I smiled. "That means I'm stuck like…" They all glared at me again "Fine. Look if you need hooves just make Sweetie give em back duh." "Oh yea." Said Bloom "Come on, Ah'm sick of being all weird like this." "Okay just give me a second and…" Sweetie's horn began to glow, but Rainbow Dash zipped over to Sweetie hovering in the air on her little black wings and gave her horn a light smack. "Hey." Yelled Sweetie "That weren't very nice." Added Bloom "You must have had a reason, right Rainbow Dash?" I asked Dash face hooved. "Don't you get it, you were about to turn her into an earth pony up in the air. Don't you get how bad an idea that is?" "Ohhhhh." We all echoed "Ah didn't think of that at all." "Oh my, neither did I." Said Sweetie "You mean you two weren't assuming Applebloom would just do her weird flying magic?" I asked "Ah mean you didn't forget that did you?" Sweetie rubbed a hoof behind her head. "Sorta." "Ah'm not that good with it really and would much rather not test it this high up." "Well then come on. Twi and the others have Discord in front of the library. Lets go, you all." Dash then smiled. "Last one's there a rotten egg." I sped after Dash as fast as I could. I knew I could win easy if I teleported, but she wasn't even going that fast so I could easily catch up. Then Applebloom pulled ahead with her much bigger wings. I had to give it my all to try to catch up, but I think for Dash this was more like her normal cruising speed. This was so awesome. If I had to be stuck on the ground again this was a great last flight. > The Sweetie Shuffle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took me a long time to catch up. Applebloom had Discord in a headlock and was giving him a noogie when I arrived. He wasn't stuck as a colt anymore clearly. Though I guess since I don't know how I got him stuck in the first place I shouldn't be surprised I don't know how to make it last. He was frowning deeply. My sister and the rest of the elements were laughing along with Scootaloo. Also nothing seemed to be floating anymore. I landed next to Rarity. "Ah could get used to this ah'm thinking. Still, I don't want to be a dragon anymore." "I must ask you dear…" Rarity turned down to me. "Why exactly did you turn her into a dragon to begin with?" "I didn't mean to. It was an accident. She was stuck as a giant pony and…" "By the way…" Twilight interrupted. "Really now Twilight, that's terribly rude." "It's okay." I said "They already told you right?" "Yes, and you did the right thing. Discord's magic is chaotic, but in your hooves somewhat less so. I can't analyze it very well but you certainly canceled the previous growing effect. Now you just have to get her back to normal." "Okay, I'll try." I had a bad feeling about the little laugh that Discord let slip when I said that. I had to at least try. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? Then I was dragon. I was even smaller than Applebloom, but not as small as Spike. Just a little bit bigger than Big Mac I think. It wasn't so bad, but I had tried giving myself fingers before. I was just so curious. It was still weird being so big though. I laughed, looking down. "Ooops. I guess…" I began "Noooooo!" I then looked up to see an orange cockatrice. Specifically one with purple scales now muttering "No no no" over and over in Scootaloo's voice. There was also a yellow fawn with a red mane standing on Discord's head that just had to be Applebloom. Everypony else was just staring saying nothing. Finally Pinkie broke the relative silence by clapping. Discord now had a big smile on his face. "Ooo, that was neat. I wonder if I can transform other ponies too." "Oh no." echoed everypony but Pinkie and Discord "Okay, one disaster at a time now." Said Applejack. "Now it's clear you ain't mean to do that, and some smug varmint knew you was gonna fail." Applejack turned to glare at Discord. He just kept smiling, first taking Applebloom off his head and dropping her to the ground, next he flew just out of easy reach, and then he laughed. I felt something shift, like the ground was moving, but at the same time not. Discord laughed again. "Oh please? You think that little glare will scare me? Your shy friend can do much better, and I'm not weak willed enough to give in to her, but you think you stand a chance? Ridiculous." Then he laughed again. "Just tell us what's going on." Said Applebloom "Normally I wouldn’t, but just this once. She's insane. She's had that pink menace…" "I'm not a menace." Said Pinkie Pie, then frowned "…in her head for days. She's never going to be right again, no matter what she thinks, or how clear headed she feels. She can't control anything now." "In her head?" Twilight turned to me and sighed. "I'm going to regret this but he means literally, doesn't he?" "Not like some tiny Pinkie or nothing." Said Applebloom "Just like, uh…" "Metaphysically." I added "No, physically, but only in a metaphysical sense." Added Discord "What?" said Twilight, and Discord smiled again "That don't make no sense, but I'm guessing it's true. Sweetie told me." Said Applebloom "So, does this mean I should just stop trying?" I then knocked something over with my new tail. "No, we certainly can't leave you like this. It might be odd but as a dragon you can still use your horns as a focus, just try to keep the magic balanced. "It's not going to work." Said Discord I was going to make it work. I focused as hard as I could and tried to do what I always had but it was so different. Twilight made it sound like nothing, but even ignoring that balancing thing which I didn't understand at all, this was really hard. I pictured my friends back to normal, then suddenly had a thought. If we had been together I could have just helped both to begin with. I bet with bigger wings Scootaloo would be an awesome flyer, and Applebloom could do tons of work around the farm if she was just a little bit bigger and stronger. Just a year or two older would do I bet. She is going to be a strong pony for sure. Then I got the idea that since I had two horns I could just think of each like one horn, but do two things and everything would work out. I noticed a few problems right off. First standing in front of me where my friends had just been were now a cute little griffin and what almost looked like an alicorn. The second problem is the griffin had red feathers covering her head, but her fur was yellow. The third was the alicorn looking pony was orange with a purple mane that looked like it was made out of clouds. The forth problem that while she looked a lot like Celestia and Luna, Scootaloo didn’t actually have wings. I sighed. "Sorry." "Ah really don't know if this is an improvement or not." Applebloom then shook her head "Oh come on, no wings?" Scootaloo kicked at the ground "Really?" Discord laughed. "Ah'm thinking ya should stop before things get even worse." Said Applejack "I have to agree." Said Twilight "I think a little practice might be in order. Also this is a direct transformation so I might be able to undo it myself. But no promises." "OOO, Ooo. Make everyone alicons. That will be awesome. Then we can have an alicorn party." Everyone sighed. Well nothing was floating and Applebloom and Scootaloo were both species ponies didn't go running from so maybe if I focused on fixing myself first I could figure out how to really fix them too. I then held up a claw. Also Spike seemed to always be a big help to Rarity so maybe I could do the same. That might be nice. "Oh hello there gorgeous. I don't think I've seen you around before." I then turned to see Spike looking up at me and smiling. I blinked. What was with that look, it almost looked like the way he looked at Rarity sometimes. Everyone else started laughing but Spike. I don't get it. > Friendship Report > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Celestia, Twilight is writing this letter because Spike ran off blushing for some reason. (Applebloom and Scootaloo giggled at this point Princess.) We want to tell you all we learned this week. First we done learned something that ain't really about friendship, but real important. Yea, never trust jerks. Ah was gonna say just like ma sister says doing things the easy way usually ain't the right way. (I'm not sure Princess, should I really be writing out her accent, and everything they say?) Also even if you're told to do something you should still be careful if you think it might be dangerous. But what we learned about friendship is working together you can do anything. Uh huh. Even if you don't get it right, it's still better than being alone. So yea, it was really stupid of you to separate us. (Please don't judge her too harshly princess. She's just a foal.) Scootaloo. What, she probably knew it was dumb and did it to us to teach us a lesson. (Did they forget they were being punished?) Ah know we all learned it real good, and we know the only way to make it though this mess is stick with each other no matter what. (Does that mean separating them was always planned?) Yeah. (They said this all at the same time.) So we'll eventually fix ourselves and get our cutie marks. And Scootaloo will fly too. (Then they hugged and started talking amongst themselves. I think they forgot they were even dictating a letter. I got them to sign their names once I realized that.) Your loyal subjects Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle