When Worlds Collide

by Chris-Cross13

First published

Christian, a simple anti-brony on Earth, is about to discover that Equestria isn't fake after all, much to his dismay.

How would you feel if your life was suddenly twisted into one the worst predicaments possible? Christian Average, a simple teen living in Virginia, asks himself that same question as he is taken to Equestria, the magical land of ponies. For most, it's a paradise of peace and harmony. But for an anti-brony like Christian, it's his worst nightmare come true. Being put on trial for hate crimes, Christian will be forced to learn of the true values of friendship and harmony, if he can survive that is.

The cover art was made by -LightningStrike-. Link to his FIM page is here

And this is the link to his Deviantart page.

My Life in a Nutshell

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The sun shines on a July afternoon in the small, suburban town of Somewhere, Virginia. Sure it's ninety degrees out, but it is a perfect day... for some explosions. Down in a nearby park are three teenagers in the middle of a football field: The first was Nick, a football player at the local high school. His brown hair was messed up from his hat and sweaty from the heat. He is an OK guy, nice enough really. Squatting next to him was Mike. Mike was always known as a tough guy. He can bench 250 and always wanted to pick a fight with someone. In his huge hands, are two pony figures. One is a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail. The other is a lavender unicorn with a purple mane with a pink highlight. The both of them are waiting impatiently for their final friend.

"Christian! Hurry up with those M80's!" Nick yells from across the field.

"Alright! Be patient for Pete's sake!" Their last friend Christian, runs out onto the field. Tired and panting heavily. He is the leader of their little group. Then again, he is the one who hated My Little Pony the most, and he could testify for it. He has so many pictures of The Mane Six in chains, getting cut, bleeding, and dying, he could make his own personal macabre photo album of the show.

"We can't be patient, it's goshdarn hot out!" Mike growls to their late friend.

"Oh I'm sorry! I forgot, who is the one with the leftover fireworks from the Fourth of July? You should be thanking me!" Christian hands Nick the explosives. "Got the camera?"

"Of course dude! This is gonna be SWEET!" Nick says as he starts placing the M80's around their two victims, creating a circle of five around the two colored ponies. "How many views do you think we'll get?" He asks as he finished the placement.

"Well, our detonation of Princess Celestia got over 10,000; and about 8,460 of those are likes." Mike says matter of factly. "Sucks that the only bronies we know that we tick off don't rage about it."

"Don't be so sure." Christian says maliciously. "The last twenty comments on that video are all complaints. I think we've succeeded in making bronies mad at us." He and Nick proceed to high five at the news. Mike snickers a bit.

"Good! Now let's make them cry!" Mike grabs the camera and switches it on. He starts stepping back a few feet as he hits record. "We're rolling!"

Christian smiles as he approaches the camera, waving to his audience. "Hello anti-bronies, it's me again Christian Average with another explosive video!" He motions Mike to follow him to the targets. "Today we have Rainbow Crash and Twitlight Sparkle, who is my least favorite of the bunch. This is going to be oh so gratifying." He points to Nick. "Light it Nick!" Nick complies as he strikes a match and approaches the fuses. In one movement, he ignites all of the fuses. Nick quickly blows out the match and runs toward the other two, who are only a few feet away.

"Here we go!" Mike exclaims. The fuses sizzle down toward the initial explosive. Suddenly, an M80 explodes from behind the figures, causing a chain reaction the blows up the other four. The three friends laugh at the destruction as each one goes off.

"Burn baby! Burn!" Nick yells.

"Have fun, Twitlight!" Christian exclaims.

"We're eating well tonight!" Mike howls.

The smoke settles as the three of them look toward the aftermath. Rainbow Dash is missing all but one leg, her rainbow mane has turned a smoky gray, and her tail is on fire. Twilight's body was completely obliterated, leaving only her purple head. Her horn was blown off from the blast and the leftover stump had melted from the heat. Her once purple mane had become black from burning and ashes. Christian smiled at the results.

"It's so beautiful. I think I might cry." Christian was satisfied. He has been waiting for this all month, and the results were perfect. Mike turns the camera toward him.

"This is to all of those pony loving losers out there!" He proceeds to raise his middle finger to the camera. "Suck it losers!" Nick and Christian cheer him on in satisfaction. He then faces the camera toward Christian once again.

"Well, that is about it for another pony destruction video. See you guys next month where we blow something else up!" The others jump into frame to sign off.

"Peace!" Mike hits record again to end the video.

"That's a wrap! Nice job, Christian! That was one of our best!" Nick comments.

"Hey, I'm just glad Twitlight was in this one! Stupid lavender horse." Christian picks up the remains of Twilight. "I think I'll keep this as a souvenir." He tucks it into his pocket. "Who's taken Rainbow Crash?" He looks toward his two friends. Mike walks up to the blast zone and kneels down to get a good look at the destroyed cyan pony.

"I'll take her. Turn her into a necklace or smelt her into a crayon or something" Mike picks up her plastic carcass as he hands Christian the camera. "Here you go dude. When will it be up?"

Christian gives him a thinking look. "Uhh, tonight. Hopefully." He peers at his watch quickly."Speaking of which, I should go, it's five already." He starts running down the field. "Peace guys!"


A few minutes later, Christian arrives at his luxurious house. It is typical enough: a two story, white brick house with a huge window in the middle. Christian steps up to the blue door and fumbles around in his left pocket for his key. He finally finds it and unlocks his door. In seconds, his husky Apollo, races down to greet him as he enters. Christian pets the dog on the head happily.

"Who's that?!" A voice yells from the kitchen. Christian rolls his eyes. Who does she think?

"Your only son!" Christian yells as he enters the kitchen. He smells stir fry. Dinner was almost ready.

"You're early. Where were you?" She says without taking her eyes off of the stove.

"I was recording with the guys."

His mother lets out a sigh in aggravation. "Christian, you know Lily hates your videos!"

Christian shakes his head in disapproval. "And I care about my little sister's opinion over 10,000 others because...?"

His mother frowns. "I wish you would think of other people's opinions other than your own."

Christian gawks at the response. "I do! Just not hers." He leans back against the counter. "Crystal doesn't care about my videos."

His mother turns and smiles at him in that way that she knows she is smarter and that her son was just trying to find a point. "Honey, she is a senior in high school."

Christian gets a quizzical look on his face, raising a brow at his mother. "And I'm a junior in high school."

"Not yet you aren't!" a voice yells from atop the stairs. Christian rushes to the foyer and stares at his older sister. Crystal was fixing her long, blonde hair with one of her combs. She always cared about her style. "Until school officially starts, you're still just a sophomore Christian!"

Christian sighs. "So by your logic; you're still a junior girl who tries to get with senior guys."

"Whatever." She resides to her room. Their mother starts laughing hysterically at their small feud.

"Oh, you two never stop bickering don't you!" She goes back to stirring dinner. "I wish you two would get along a little better."

"We do! It's just that most of the time we bicker... A lot." Christian protests. Suddenly, a door from upstairs opens and small footsteps are heard running down the stairs. An angelic little girl's voice is heard singing a song that made Christian cringe and cover his ears.

"My Little Pony! My Little Pony! Ahhhhh!"

"Keep singing and I'll rip out your tongue!" Christian hisses at his young sister as she barrels down the hallway. She was dressed in her normal attire: A Rainbow Dash '20% Cooler' T-shirt with a Rarity hoodie over it. Lily was a pegasister, or in Christian's words, 'Prime enemy number one'. Lily has watched every episode in the two seasons at least twenty times and even though they are brother and sister, Christian and Lily hate each other with a passion. The tension between the two of them is always tense.

"Hey Christian, how come I always look better than you?" She looks at what her big brother was wearing: black pants and a red shirt. Christian's typical attire to make him look bigger. "You look like a burnt tomato!"

Christian growls at her before his mouth gained an evil smile. He forgot about his 'souvenir' from today's video. "Oh Lily, I almost forgot, I got you a present!" Lily gives her brother a look of uneasiness before he pulls out the smoking head of Twilight Sparkle. Lily screamed at the disembodied head of her favorite unicorn. Christian drops it into Lily's hands with the biggest grin on his face. Lily on the other hand, is utterly speechless.

"Wh-What did you do to her?!" Lily looks up at the psychopathic she calls a brother.

"I made her look 20% better!" He responds. Lily frowns in anger. First he blows up Twilight, then he tries to rip off her favorite quote? Lily can't believe that she was related to this trash!

"It's 20% cooler, jerk!" She throws the head at Christian, who skillfully ducks as it soars over his head and hits the window. Lily runs upstairs and stomps into her room, which was followed by the loud slam of her door. Christian laughs at the little ten year old's display as he picks up the discarded head and tucks it back into his pocket. His mother saw the entirety of this show and shakes her head in disappointment. Christian knew way better than this

"Christian Icarus Average, really?! You know Midnight is her favorite pony!" Christian rolls his eyes and grabbed a banana.

"Her name is Twilight, Mom. Or as I like to call her Twitlight!" He smiles as his mother lets out an aggravated sigh and returns to cooking. "Anyway, i'll be in my room. Call me when dinner is ready, please!" He starts upstairs toward his room. He enters his room adjacent to Crystal's and closes his door. He faces his desk with a silver laptop gleaming in the sun from the open windows. "Time to upload!" He slides into his rotating chair, spin around and turns on his computer. Before it even powers up, he plugs in the USB cable linked to him laptop to Nick's camera. The screen lights up with the camera's files already open and ready to go. Christian opens his browser to the internet and starts working. "Drag this here, edit the name, fix stability, and...Done!" Christian lies back to admire his work. A loading bar is shown at zero percent. Christian smiles. "Should be done by tonight. Perfect!"

"KIDS! DINNER!" Their mom yells from the foyer.

"Awesome! Stir fry!" Christian rushes downstairs to eat. But as Christian runs off, two figures look into Christian's room from a small magic window in the top left ceiling corner. Princess Celestia cuts off the spell and goes back to her throne. She sits down with a grunt because once again, the human shows no remorse onto the ponies and Equestria.

"So, that's the human you told me about?" Twilight asks..

"Yes Twilight, his name is Christian Icarus Average. I have been monitoring him for a few months now." Celestia casts a flash of light and instantly, a folder of a bunch of files appear next to Twilight. She opens it to reveal pictures and documents. "He has more hate crimes against ponies and Equestria than anyone else. He hates us even more than Discord!" Twilight levitates some of the documents in front of her. She peers at each, noting his many crimes and stares at Christian's photo. She growls at him.

"And he hates me the most huh?" Twilight ponders over the human. "So, he thinks he can hate us, blow us up, and discriminate us and think he can get away with it?" She laughs under her breath. "Alright, what do you want me to do?" She asks her teacher gracefully.

"I need you get your friends and travel to Earth. There, you will get Christian, and bring him here for his trial. Understand Twilight?" Twilight gives her teacher a confused look.

"How am I supposed to travel across the galaxy?" She asks. Celestia, knowing she would ask such a question, quickly reveals next to her a small black orb. She levitates it to Twilight, who plucks it from the air to observe the device. As Twilight examined the object, Celestia spoke.

"This is the portal device given to me from the scientists in Manehatten. It is voice activated to determine location. You will use this to get to Christian." She then floats over a few of the pieces of paper from Christian's file. Twilight looks up from the orb to take them. "Here is his information. I shall be waiting here for you and your friends for his trial. Good luck!" Twilight nods to her teacher with a determined look to bring this human to Equestrian justice!

"You can count on us Celestia! I'll get the others!" Twilight's horn glows purple and in seconds, she vanishes from the room. Celestia smiles maliciously as she floats Christian's picture in front of her. This human was in for the biggest surprise of his life.

An Interplanetary Trial

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Hours later, Christian is sitting in his rotating chair by his desk. His eyes are bloodshot and barely open, and he is tapping his finger vigorously on his laptop. He quickly looks toward his digital clock: 2:45 AM. The video he had posted right before dinner was still buffering, it was only up to three percent. He leans in toward the screen and stares at the loading bar. After a moment it goes up to four. He throws his head back.

"Darn it! At this rate, the video won't be up until fall!" He slams his laptop closed in frustration and shoves it to the back of his desk, knocking over a few of the many knick-knacks on his desk, including a giant synthetic globe. "Forget it! Hopefully, it downloads overnight and surprises me tomorrow." He gets up and goes to fall into his bed. He curls up under one set of thin blankets and throws a pillow over to his chair to make himself comfortable. Almost immediately, he starts sleeping, snoring softly, and tossing a bit. Suddenly, a flash of light consumes the interior of the room, waking Christian up. He shields his eyes and mumbles to himself. "Darn laptop, thought I shut it off." He slams back down into his bed and throws his head under the covers. The light subsides and a low humming is heard, aggravating the human even further. He fumbles around the bed and grabs a pillow, throwing it toward the source of the noise.


Christian's eyes shot open. Laptops don't say ow, the heck did I just hit? He thought. He shoved some blankets out of the way to see six figures standing in front of his bed frame. Christian squinted through the darkness; Two of the figures looked as if they had a cone glued to their heads, two looked like they had a backpack or something, and the last two were nothing special. But they weren't human shaped. Christian reached for his lamp and turned it on, he turned to face the figures and his jaw instantly dropped.

"No...way..." Ponies. Christian was face to face with six ponies. Two unicorns, two pegasi, and two earth. But not just any ponies, the six ponies he hated most, the six ponies he destroyed, the six ponies that he would shot on the spot. It was the Mane Six from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic; Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie; all looking pissed off at him. Twilight especially, as a pillow fell from her head. Christian rubbed his eyes and blinked numerous times to make sure he was seeing this right. "No." He thought. Not a chance. "Well, this is one heck of a dream!" He exclaimed as he approached them all. He was grinning evilly and rubbing his hands together. "Instead of destroying figurines, i'll be torturing the REAL Mane Six! Granted in a dream, but still a great opportunity!" He laughs quietly. Twilight raises a brow and turns to her friends.

"This guy is kidding right?" Christian glares at Twilight. Finally, he was going to torture Twitlight.

"You're first Twitlight!" He grabs the mare, shocked slightly by the texture of her fur. It was soft and plush, like a flannel pillow. Dash quickly runs up and punches the human square in the jaw. Christian flies back into his back wall behind his bed. "OW!" Ow? Wait, you can't feel pain in a dream! Christian thought, even if I could, that sucker punch would have woke me up! He got up and slowly pinched himself on his right arm. He felt a sharp sting. Not good. If this was a dream, it just became a nightmare.

"Dash! We can't hurt him! You know what Celestia said!" Twilight yells.

"I don't care! He was going to hurt you!" Dash retaliates.

Twilight points to her horn. "Dash, I could've just used magic!"

"Oh, right. Good point."

Twilight returns to the human, who had a stupefied look frozen on his face. "Now then, Christian Average."

"How the heck do you know my name?!" Christian shouts; now scared. Six ponies, not fake ponies, were in his room. And he knew that three of them could easily kick his butt.

"Well, you do have more hate crimes against ponies then Discord!" Rarity shouts.

"Really?" Christian smirked a bit. All he knew about Discord from what he heard on the internet and other sources, was that he was some sort of evil spirit of chaos or something stupid. Having more hatred to a bunch of multicolored horses than a god? Awesome! "Why thank you, Rarity! I didn't know I was so famous!" He bows to the group, raising his head and smirking. Twilight grits her teeth in anger. He was HAPPY that he hated them?! Twilight pushes the human back slightly. Christian tumbles to the floor, a lavender horn pointing at his forehead.

"Then I bet you'll love to come to your trial for your hate crimes, huh human?" Twilight said sternly. Christian grew cross and pushed her head out of the way. She swung back and stood her ground. Christian got up and stood eye to eye with his nemesis, looking down at her angrily.

"Ha! I don't have time for you stupid little 'trial'. Go play... whatever ponies play. Uhh, I dunno... dolls or something."

"How old do you think we are? Five?" Pinkie shouts from the back of the group.

"Pretty much, you are a little girl's show."

Twilight's eye twitches in anger. That was just insulting, she was probably smarter than this... alien! And he has the nerve to call her little?! Twilight's horn starts to glow vibrantly. Christian stares at the unicorn's head, he cocked his own in perplexity. He quickly realizes that she was charging a spell. Christian's eyes dart around the room to find some sort of shield. He felt something at his feet. He looked down to find the stupid globe. Stupid piece of plastic. Christian thought. His eyes widened, plastic. He faintly remembers some other show that had wizards or witches in it; and it showed that plastic was unaffected by magic. Without thinking, Christian kicks the globe up into his hands just as Twilight fires off a blast of magic. Christian holds out the globe and turns his head to shield his eyes. The spell hits the globe and causes it to spin around. The spell rebounds back to Twilight, she quickly ducks as it flies over her head and hits Applejack behind her. Applejack flies to the back wall and becomes stuck to the surface.

"How the heck? What happened?" Applejack yells. "Ya'll help me get down!" Dash and Fluttershy comply as they go to help their friend. Twilight turns back to the human in astonishment. Christian blinks a few times and looks down at the globe he was holding. He looks back at Twilight then at the globe again. Quickly he goes into a kung-fu stance, holding the globe.

"Fear me and my plastic spinning sphere!" He shouts. He starts posing in a bunch more weird kung-fu stances; crane, eagle, and komodo dragon, which is just the crab walking right side up. Applejack finally gets off the wall and walks over to the human.

"Uhh, is he...ok?"

"I know kung-fu!" He goes to run at the ponies, feet locked and poised. He quickly breaks out into a dash toward them, a fire burning in his eyes. These ponies are gonna get it. HARD. The ponies don't move from their spot, instead they huddle in a group and shutter. If that...thing can block magic, who knows what it can do? Christian goes to grab Twilight at the horn, but suddenly, feels himself losing his balance. He felt air move around him rapidly as he soared towards the ponies. In that instant, it was as if time slowed down. The globe that was in his hand was now falling away as he lost his grasp from the initial shock of whatever made him start flying. Christian turned his head to see Twilight throwing an oddly shaped sphere toward his wall. A bright light filled the area as he flew into a newly created vortex.

"What the?!..." was all he could say before he zipped into the portal. The group gather in front of the vortex as they try to gather what happened.

"Well, that was easy." Applejack said from behind the group. The others turn to see Applejack with her hoof out in front of her. Apparently, she was able to make Christian trip as he was dashing toward the group. Applejack walks to the portal's entrance. "That's for sticking me to a wall!" She yells into the void.

"Great work Applejack! Plan B was a success!" Twilight says behind her.

"There was a Plan B?" Pinkie asks.

"Well, it was a little rushed. But it worked!" Twilight smiles, showing her teeth, proud in her victory against the idiot who hated her.

"Now, let's go see how his trial will fare, shall we?" Rarity trots into the portal, with the others following behind her. Twilight stays behind as the rest go forward. She looks around the human's desk, the dim light from the portal providing enough to see a few objects: A cup of pens and pencils and a pile of sticky notes at the edge of the table. Twilight grins evilly. She has one last chore to do.

Christian looked around as he swirled through the vortex. It was as if he was stuck inside an LCD light. Bright colors and shades of blue and green flashed and blended around him. "The hell?! Did those ponies give me LSD or something?!" He yelled, his voice echoing throughout the boundaries of the seemingly endless tunnel. Christian turned around to find that the entry point has vanished as well. Christian paused his thoughts for a second, was he moving at all? The answer came to him in the form of a small white speck in the distance, which was moving incredibly fast toward him. "Well, I hope it's a soft landing!" Christian braced himself as the exit of the backwater vortex caught up with him. "Whoa!" He flies out of the vortex with no time to gather his surroundings, but is instantly greeted with a hard surface to smash into.

"...Up...Hey!...Get up!...Hello!"


"I said GET UP!"

"W..What?" Christian finds himself lying face down on a hard, white tile flooring. He looks up to see the six intruders on his left and two unicorns that were decorated in what looked like armor, one of which was punching him hard with his forehoof.

"He's alive." The guard in front said to an unknown figure in front of the human.

"Good. Now get him on his feet." the figure said in a feminine tone.

The other guard magically levitates Christian to his feet. Christian, who was still not fully aware of what was going on, nearly fell over again as he started to stand. After shaking his head and regaining his thoughts and senses, he looked around to find himself inside the throne room of a huge castle somewhere. The entire hall was decorated with marble pillars and purple curtains and banners. Wherever he was it was morning, as light was shining through some very decorated stained glass windows, each with its own design and color. Christian thought they looked pretty cool honestly. He especially liked the yellow one with the moon patterns.

"Are you done gawking yet?"

"Huh?" Christian turned back around to see the hooves of a very tall pony sitting down in a glorious golden throne complete with velvet and is lead up by a few steps made out of the same kind of marble. Christian looked up a little more to see that the royal pony was no ordinary pony, he recognized that sparkling rainbow mane, white wings and horn, and of course, the sun on her side.


"Celestia?! Oh, i'm dead." Christian hung his head down. He JUST blew her up the other week, and now he was standing before her for his trial in... wherever this is. The human really had no clue where he was. He couldn't really see what it looked like outside, the colorful windows sort of blocked the view. "Uhh, ok. First question: Where am I exactly?" He asks nervously. There's a brief moment of awkward silence before The Mane Six started to laugh aloud. Celestia giggles a bit as well. Such a blind human! She thought. The guards on the other hand, showed no expression at all. It was like they were the guards of Buckingham Palace. Christian gains a confused look on his face. "What's so funny?" He said.

"You really don't know where you are?! Yet you know our names?!" Celestia ceases her laughter and calms down to explain herself to the human. "My dear Christian, you're in Equestria."

"I think you mean Heck, but close enough I guess."

The entire room suddenly fills with a sudden stillness. The Six stop laughing immediately and gasp dramatically. Celestia becomes wide eyed at his response. She rises from her throne and slowly approaches the human. Christian feels the hair on his neck stand up as she stops a few feet in front of him. It was really uncomfortable.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" She said sternly.

"Yes." Christian said matter-of-factly. "I just said your name. And I did blow you up last week with a bunch of M80's" Celestia exhaled angrily at his response. "By the way," Christian added, "You need a breath mint. I know you girls act like you live in the 19th century, but hygiene is still kinda important." The Six gawked at how rude this... human was to their princess.

"How dare you!" Twilight shrieks from the far side of the room. "I'll knock you out with a spell for so long, It'll be twenty of your years when you wake up!" Twilight charges toward the human, but is pushed back by her friends.

"It's alright, Twilight; after all I am judge of this court." Celestia trots back to her throne and gives the human a mean glare. Christian facepalms as a response.

"Yup. Dead as roadkill. And what court? There's no jury, no lawyers, is this a joke?"

"Oh i'm sorry, this isn't your earth court that is all friendly-like." Celestia states. "Here we do things a little differently." Celestia's horn starts to glow brightly as a huge manilla folder appears in front of her. It drops to the floor with a huge flop. Celestia pushes the folder toward the human with her forehoof. It slides across the tile to come to a halt at Christian's feet. Christian picks it up and reads the label: Human's Crimes Against Equestria. Kinda flattering he thought. He opened the folder as a bunch of papers and pictures fell out of it. He started scanning through the details and descriptions of each page:

"The human known as Christian Average has a known streak of mass hate crimes against ponykind..."

"Destroying replicas of the citizens and locations of Equestria..."

"Torching Rarity with a mane blower, baking Pinkie into a pie, Feeding Applejack and Fluttershy to his dog, detonating Rainbow Dash and Twilight, and destroying Celestia with explosives."

"Leader of a group of humans that hate ponykind as well..."

"What is this nonsense?" Christian said to himself. "And why did I just say nonsense?"

"This Christian, is your criminal record." Celestia states her forehooves meeting together in some sort of wannabe finger movement. "Now, for your sentencing."

"Sentencing?! Nothing happened?!" Christian complains.

"Silence!" Celestia booms. "You Christian, are now required to an unspecified amount of community service around the Ponyville and Canterlot area until you learn to respect us as an actual community. You shall be doing tasks for me, Twilight, and her friends until you befriend them and respect them. And don't try faking it, we have spells that can make you speak nothing but the truth."

Christian raises an eyebrow. Community service to learn about friendship and harmony? Is this a joke, Heck, or just plain dumb? He thought.

"That's stupid. Just community service? I'll be outta here in no time!" Christian boasts. He was way smarter than any of these stupid ponies! And much more advanced! He came from a planet full of technology, while these idiots barely know what a light bulb is! "This will be easy! Plus, I can probably get work done more efficiently because I have the one thing you girls don't!"

"And what's that?" Celestia asks.

"Fingers!" Christian starts to flit his fingers in front of him, silently bragging about being more evolved.

"Oh? Well you didn't let me tell you the second part of your sentencing!" Celestia says excitingly.

"And that's... What exactly?" Christian didn't like the tone in her voice. She sounded a little too excited about this. Was it a trap? Dungeon time? Torture maybe? Christian gulped heavily, he started sweating and got on guard.

"Let me show you!" Celestia boomed. Christian quickly focused on Celestia's horn, which was now glowing a bright white. "Applejack and Rainbow Dash, grab the human." The two of them complied and rushed over to the fixated human. They grabbed his arms with their forehooves and kept their hindlegs stationed to the marble floor. Christian snaps back into focus and quickly realizes what's going on. His thought process was now in full panic mode. He immediately starts tugging and pulling away from the two mares, trying with all of his strength to break away from their grasp. Christian was surprised however that for two ponies with no fingers, they had a remarkably good grip.

"Hey! Let go of me! What do ya think you're doing?!"

"Now now Christian, you shouldn't feel a thing!" Celestia exclaims as she casts a spell toward the fear struck human. Christian stops struggling as he stares at the white ball of magic getting launched toward him. The wind gets knocked out of him as the spell hits him square in the chest. He is knocked out of Dash's and Applejack's grasp and is sent flying several feet back. He lands flat on his back which is accompanied with a loud bang. His eyes are barely open as he is swaying in and out of consciousness. His entire body starts to ache painfully. The last thing he sees are The Mane Six and Celestia surrounding his body, all nervous and Celestia's face grew red with embarrassment. He heard Celestia speak one final time as he slipped into unconsciousness.

"Oops. My bad..."

An Anti-Brony's Worst Nightmare

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Christian awoke, dazed and confused as he opened his eyes. For a few seconds, all was blurry. He couldn't see where he was exactly, but he felt the soft blanket under him. He was in a bed, but it didn't feel right. The blankets under and over him felt alien to his body. Was it really all some twisted nightmare? He thought to himself. When his vision finally cleared, he sat up and shook his head, which felt a little strange, but he simply shrugged it off as being light headed. He looked around to see that he was in his room, at least, that's what it looked like. The blue walls were the first sign of comfort. He looked to his side to see his desk to his right and mirror and drawers to his left. The strange thing though; was that his TV, Gamestation 3, and laptop were all missing.

"Hmm, ok, were the hay is all my stuff?" He said to himself. He quickly became confused by his word choice. "What the hay? Hay! HAYYYYYYYY! The buck is this?!" He quickly covered his mouth. Why can't I curse? He thought. He raised a brow at this odd situation, which became weirder when he saw what was covering his mouth. He looked down to see two light orange hooves in place of his hands and arms. He gasped quietly, staring at them. He flipped over the blankets to see that he wasn't wearing any clothes, but instead, the lean body of a pony took it's place. He looked up, worried and scared as he got out of bed and ran to his mirror, which was quite tough as he was walking on two hooves. He looked right into the mirror to see the muzzle of a pony look back. His blonde hair was replaced with a mane and a blonde tail was behind him as well. and his green eyes were way bigger than he remembered. "No..." Christian said to himself. He slowly picked up one of his hooves and pressed it against the mirror. Christian was shocked; that pony in the mirror really WAS him!

"Hey! I think I hear some noise upstairs!" A voice shouted from below. Christian quickly looked toward the door. He could faintly hear the hoofsteps of some ponies walking up the stairs towards him. Christian panicked as thoughts and ideas quickly raced through his mind. As a last resort, He quickly jumped back into the bed and threw the covers over his body. He started snoring nervously just as the door opened. He started to sweat as the guests surrounded his bed. He then felt a slight jab to his side.

"I think you were hearing things Pinkie." A cocky sounding voice said. "He's still sleeping like a filly."

"No!" A peppy voice answered. "I heard something! I know he's awake!" Christian's eyes shot opened as he felt some mass start jumping on top of the bed wildly, tossing and mashing his body under the blankets. The jumping got progressively faster with each passing second. As Christian was churned by the jumper, he wondered why the others weren't interfering. Suddenly, on a high jump, the stranger landed directly on his stomach, making Christian groan in pain. He rapidly threw off the covers, with whatever it was that was jumping on him to the wall.

"KNOCK IT OFF!" Christian screamed, painting with anger. He turned to his bedside to see that it was The Mane Six, except for Pinkie, whose head popped out of the pile of blankets on the floor. She skipped out and joined the others.

"See? Told ya he was up!" She said matter of factly.

Christian's mind went through many options at that moment. He wanted to ring everyone of those stupid pony's necks. But instead, he was able to build a sentence under his anger.

"What have you done to me?" He said sternly. "Answer me now, or I swear on Celestia that you'll all wake up with one less hoof."

"Geez, aren't you violent." Dash said mockingly. "I guess the spell didn't change your attitude at all."

"Spell?!" Christian said. "Your stupid magic turned me into a bucking pony?!" He got out of the bed and cantered around the room. "My hands? GONE! My clothes? VANISHED! My necklace?..." Christian froze for a moment and looked down toward his neck. Sure enough, his necklace wasn't there. "My necklace..." He repeated. Christian grew wide-eyed. He was missing his most prized object in the world: a golden guitar pick hanging on a black chain. That necklace was like a symbol for him, he felt that it emphasized his look. It also reminded him of his father, whom he rarely saw. He actually got that necklace from his father when he was eight because he was taking up guitar. Without that necklace, he didn't feel complete, like a hollow shell of his former self. Christian furiously looked toward Twilight, who gulped nervously. "Where's my necklace, Twitlight?" He said as he approached her, the others backing out of his way. Twilight stuttered as she tried to form a sentence. This human looked mad, way madder than before. She really felt scared.

"It... It is... It's over there." She said as she lifted one of her wobbly hooves up to the desk to her right. Christian glanced at her as he got out of her face. He walked over to the desk and inspected what was in front of him. Sure enough, he caught a glimmer of gold in the corner. He looked over to see the golden pick dangling of the side of the desk. He smiled wide as he went to pick it up. But without fingers, Christian pounded the chain, causing the necklace to fall to the floor. Aggravated, he leaned down and pick up the chain in his mouth. He brought it in front of Twilight, now snapped out of whatever mood the angry human put him in.

"Puf thif en mi nek!" He said through his clenched teeth.

"What?" Twilight responded.

Christian dropped his necklace on the vanity by the bed. "Put this on my neck!" He shouted, pointing to the necklace.

"Ok, ok, chill out." Twilight's horn glowed lavender. Christian looked over to his necklace, the entire thing glowing the same lavender. She manipulated the necklace to unhook itself. Christian became struck with awe as the necklace magically wrapped around his neck. Twilight's skill with psychokinesis was very intriguing, until Christian felt a sharp pull at his neck. His new pony neck was too big for the necklace, but Twilight didn't want to anger him again, and was trying to make it fit. Christian could no longer speak, coughing and gagging was the only thing he could muster. He stood on his hind hooves as he used his forehooves to grab for his neck.

"I wish I had my fingers back, this royally sucks!" He thought to himself.

"Twilight! Stop! You're choking him!" Fluttershy said loudly. Twilight immediately dropped the necklace to Christian's back hooves. Christian landed on all fours, gasping for breath. He looked down at his necklace as he painted, he noticed that it could fit around his fore hoof. He simply picked up the chain in his mouth and pulled his necklace up his arm. Not bad, he thought.

"Now, before someone else tries to kill me, I want some answers!" Christian shouted. The others simply blinked at him and left out the door. Twilight lagged behind the group.

"Follow us." she said. Christian could see no other answer and followed the group. As Christian left the room, he looked at his surroundings. He was in the same castle that he entered when he first came here. He walked down the carpeted stairs and joined the six in front of a familiar looking throne.

"Well, look who's up and about!" Celestia exclaims. "How are you feeling today Christian?"

"Oh, I feel great! The sun is shining, birds are chirping... How the buck do you think?! I'm a pony for crying out loud!" Christian exclaims as a sharp pain envelops his body. "And to top it off, i'm still sore from your magic!" Celestia rubs the back of her neck nervously.

"Umm, Yea, sorry about that. The spell wasn't meant to hurt you." Celestia answers. "But, this is the perfect way for you to do your community service in Ponyville!"

"Yea, and the only way for you to be human again is to learn to respect us and stuff!" Dash adds. Christian's expression became confused. These ponies were keeping him hostage on their planet until he learns to respect them? Christian shook his head in disagreement.

"This is illegal! I think..." Christian thought for a second. Maybe it wasn't illegal here. No wait, he thought, this was a land of friendship, sunshine, and rainbows! Of course this was illegal! But then again, he thought, if he could last a few days here, he'd be home in no time! Christian then quickly thought about his family. "Wait, what about my family? I bet my mom, Lily, and Crystal are all worried sick right now!"

Celestia laughed. "Don't worry about that Christian, you've only been gone for a few hours. Besides, Twilight made sure to leave a believeable alibi for your family." She turned to Twilight. "Right, Twilight?" Christian turned and cocked a brow at the purple unicorn, who was smiling happily. She left the perfect alibi...

The sun was shining through the window of Christian's room. It reached across his bed and to his mirror, which reflected the light right back to his desk. The alarm clock next to his bed started to buzz loudly. It was 9:30 in the morning. The door to Christian's room opened.

"Honey! Get up! The weather is simply gorgeous out!" She opened her eyes from her morning rant to find that Christian's bed was in array. The blankets looked as if they were tossed about, as they were fixed into a corner of the bed spread. Pillows were all over the place, like he threw them across the room. One of which, must have hit the desk as a mess of objects were sprawled on the floor. His mother pouted. "That kid needs to clean his room once in awhile!" She looked around the bed. "Speaking of which, were is he?" Her attention was cut by the sun shining in her eyes. She turned her attention to the window blinds, which after fumbling around, promptly closed. She looked down at the desk as she finished, eyeing a yellow sticky note. Curious, she picks it up. The writing looked decent, but nothing like Christian's. However, it looked like it was written in a hurry. She read it aloud: "Mom, went to summer camp. Don't know when i'll be back. See you later! - Christian." She stared at the note with one eye opened. After a minute, she shrugs. "Well, I hope he packed enough socks." And with that, she folds the note up and tucks it in her jean pocket. She merrily walks out of the room and closes the door.

Christian, Celestia, and Twilight's friends continue to stare at the lavender unicorn curiously.

"Yup. A good alibi..." she said to herself.

"Anyway..." Celestia continued, "You will first be assigned to Applejack, Christian. She is an earth pony just like you are now."

"She's the orange one right?" Christian asks.

"You betcha!" A western voice rang out from the group. "Howdy Christian! I'm the pony you stuck to the wall, remember?" She said in an angry tone.

"Oh right. Sorry about that." Christian looked at the orange earth pony. Honestly, Christian liked her. He didn't feel annoyed when he saw her. In fact, Christian felt a little wrong when he destroyed her figure. A thought crosses his mind. "Why can't I work with Twitlight?" He asked in a cute manner, as if sucking up to the princess. "I mean, she rarely gets any company in her library, and i've never seen a stallion pay attention to her." He snickered at the unicorn, who actually appeared to be laughing as well. I guess she thought it was that clever. Dash hits Twilight in the ribs, and quickly her mood changes into annoyance. Celestia quickly interferes to prevent another screaming match.

"You're only going to work with earth ponies Christian. You seem to be very... unstable around unicorns and pegasi. The only exception is me and Luna of course. My sister and I could use the extra help."

"Wait, you have a sister?! How come i've never blown her up? Or..." Christian asks, but gets cut off by Celestia as she starts to cast another spell.

"Off to Sweet Apple Acres you two!" The spell flashes around AJ and Christian as they vanish from the castle vicinity. Twilight approaches the area where the human and her friend were.

"Celestia, this seems like a bad idea."

"Nonsense!" Rarity says reassuringly. "Applejack can take care of Christian. If he acts up, all she'll do is show off a little of her strength."

"Yea, and sock him right in the jaw!" Dash exclaims.

"NO!" Celestia screams, the castle echoing over with her voice. "The human is not to be injured under any circumstances. If he is, the pony responsible will be severely punished!"

"Sorry Celestia." Dash murmurs apologetically. "I forgot about..." Dash was about to go on, but shakes her head. "Nevermind, I've got clouds to move!" Dash soars out of castle right through the double doors. Her friends stood there blankly, then quickly following her out. Twilight looks back at Celestia, who nods. Twilight nods back, and as she leaves, cracks a smile.

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Christian blinked a few times as he tried to regain his sight. He rubbed his hoof in his left eye as he gathered his surroundings. He was on some sort of farm, as there was a big red barn a few hundred feet from where he was. Christian admired the architecture of the building from the distance. It looked pretty impressive considering these ponies had no thumbs. Christian took a deep breath as he took it all in, the air was much fresher than on Earth. Christian also sensed something... sweet on the wind as well.

"Ya'll like the barn?" Applejacks voice from behind him rang out. She trotted up next to him as he gazed off at the red structure. Christian turned and smiled.

"Well, I do love the country!" He exclaims. "But I never really saw that much of it. I was born and raised in the city and suburbs, very rarely did I see any open field or farm." He continued. Christian always wanted to see the open land in Kansas or Nebraska. It always seemed much more peaceful than the hustle and bustle of a city or the crowded neighborhoods that he lived near.

"Well, get used to it here!" Applejack said aloud. "Ponyville is miles from any real big city. Hay, even Canterlot is more than a tail shake from here!"

"Ponyville?" Christian asked. He has heard that name a few times before, but never really understood where or what it was. He knew it was a town, but the name sounded so generic, he passed it off as nothing. Applejack snickered a bit and pointed a bit southward. Christian turned around and looked onward to see a small town in the distance. He squinted to see the small little houses and buildings. He could barely see the ant sized pony citizens going to and fro. "That it?" He asked.

"You betcha! Mighty fine place Ponyville is. That's where the others live. Twilight has a library, Pinkie works at a bakery, Rarity has a nifty little boutique, and Fluttershy cares for the animals."

"And Dash?"

"She lives in Cloudsdale. A bit north of here and way up high in the clouds. Actually, it IS the clouds!" Applejack joked.

"But if Ponyville is over there, where the hay are we?" He asked, once again hating the fact that he couldn't curse.

"Didn't the Princess tell you? This here is mah home! Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!" Applejack presented. Christian glanced at the barn again and sniffed the air. It made him drool a bit.

"Well, the 'Sweet Apple' part makes sense. But this place is a bit small to be called 'Acres'." He comments.

"Look to the left, genius." Applejack said blatantly. Christian obliged, and was met with a huge field of apple trees that seemed to go on for miles on end. Christian had to turn his whole body to get the big picture of the entire field. He looked at every treetop to find glistening red apples that looked fresher than anything he's ever seen on Earth. He looked down to find that out of all the trees, only a few apples from each have fallen, maybe two or three. Christian gawked, how did I miss this?! he thought. He then approached one of the many trees and inspected the trunk. There were no holes or steps to get up the tree. All there was, was a few baskets leaning up against the trunk of the tree.

"Umm, how do you get the apples without a ladder or footstool?" He asked curiously. He knew the baskets couldn't be a footstool, they were too low. Unless, they stacked them up.

"That's the fun part Christian!" Applejack said, coming up next to him. "That's also what your going to help me with!"



Christian stared at the orange earth pony wide eyed. If 'bucking' was what he thought it was, he was out. Period. He would rather stay locked in a dungeon forever. Applejack cocked her head in confusion as the human gained a look of worry on his face.

"What's the matter? Buckin' is easy!" Applejack assured. The tan pony gulped. "Here, i'll show ya!" Applejack went to nudge Christian out of the way, but he instantly got back a few feet himself. Applejack gave him another curious look and shrugged. She proceeded to then turn her back to the trunk of the apple tree. Her front legs were bent down so her hind legs would raise up. she looked like a runner in the set position. Christian watched carefully as she kicked up her hind legs to meet the bark of the trunk with a forceful kick. The entire tree wobbled and shook violently. Applejack took her muzzle to one of the many baskets and flipped it onto her back. She then placed it underneath the shaking tree just as every apple fell off all at once. Most, if not every apple managed to find it's way into the basket. Christian raise a brow. That's it? he thought. That's bucking? Thank Celestia!

"And that's how ya do it!" Applejack beamed.

"Phew." Christian wiped the sweat off of his temple. "I thought bucking was... Nevermind." He approached the tree next to Applejack's and pounded it with his hoof gently. "So, how did you do that exactly?"

"Turn around." Applejack said to the earth pony. Christian did as he was told and maneuvered his body around. "Good. First, you want to get down low." Christian simply lied down on all of his hooves. Applejack shook her head in disapproval. "No, not like that!" She bent down into the position again. "You want to go into a position like you're tryin' to intimidate somepony. Not like you're takin' a sun nap!"

"Oh!" Christian responded. He took a careful look at the orange pony and did his best to try and mimic Applejack. The result looked like he was about to do a hoof-stand. Christian felt a little uncomfortable, mostly because his hind legs were up so high.

"That's it! Now, lift up your legs and buck that tree square in the trunk!" Christian awkwardly nodded and proceeded to lift up his hind legs. As they left the ground, he felt himself losing his balance and start falling. Quickly, he threw his legs against the tree only to his empty air as he crashed to the ground onto his stomach. Applejack grimaced at the scene and went to go help him up. Christian stuck a hoof out at her as he blew his mane out of his face and wobbled back up.

"No, don't. I can do this." He got right back into position and slid a bit closer to his target. The tree started to sway in a small breeze. He frowned at the tree with anger. It was like the plant was mocking him in a way, laughing that he couldn't hit it. Christian stared at the trunk one final time before he lifted his hind legs, coiled them, and launched a full force kick right into the tree. The tree did the same violent shaking that happened with Applejack. Christian smiled and pushed a basket underneath the shade, waiting for the fruits of his labor to fall. Instead, when the shaking subsided, nothing happened. Christian stomped over to the tree and tapped it twice. Instantly, every apple fell right on his head. Applejack ran over to the apple pile as Christian's head poked out. He turned to look at her soft smirk.

"Not bad. Now, let's work on your direction of your kick."

After a while, Christian got the hang of apple bucking and was able to kick down a few trees in less than a minute. He was able to time his kick and move it to decide where the apples fell. Left kick for the left, right kick for the right, and center for the whole thing. Christian was actually starting to enjoy the job, as tiring as it became. Christian only finished a dozen trees before he started to get tired. After the twentieth tree, he collapsed into a puddle of sweat. Applejack continued to buck five more trees before she came over to help. Christian glanced at her, she didn't even look out of breath.

"How... do you do this... all the time?" He said painting. Applejack lent a hoof and helped him get back on his hooves. She cracked a smile.

"Shucks, I've been doin' this pretty much mah whole life. You get used to it. Builds up energy and strength."

"No kidding." Christian agreed. There was no way he could buck that many trees and not be out of breath. This was one tough pony.

"Come on now, only three more and you're done for today." Applejack nodded toward the rest of the trees. Christian nodded and got right to work.

"Hey, by the way..." He said as he kicked another tree. "You aren't the type of pony I expected you to be. You're a lot more laid back and cool." He pushed a basket to AJ with his muzzle. "I mean, on a scale from one to Twitlight, you're like a three in annoyance." He said peeking out from behind the pile of apples. Applejack's face scrunched up in a confused manner as Christian moved to the next tree.

"So wait, ya'll... like me?" She asked, with a bit of what seemed like worry in her voice.

Christian was about to buck another tree. "Well, I never said that. But, gimme a sec..." He interrupted to buck yet another tree, "But, you are less annoying and I feel as if I can connect with you, I guess." Christian wasn't sure of how to put it. Applejack was the kind of pony that didn't want to make him puke or blow her up. That kind of wording though seemed off to say, so trying to fit other words in wasn't really working. "It's like... Umm..." He tried to think.

"You want to be my friend instead of hate my guts?" She chimed in.

"Exactly!" Christian exclaimed as he bucked his last tree. The bright red apples fell into the last few baskets around the tree's base. Christian looked around the rest of the area. Only a small portion was cleared of the immense orchard. Christian sighed with relief. "Am I done?" He asked curiously. Applejack said nothing, although it looked like she was worried about something, she shook her head back and forth slowly. "What's wrong? Did I miss a bucking apple?! Stupid fruit." He kicked a nearby tree. Applejack turned toward the human and switched moods.

"Oh! Uhh... sorry. I was thinking about something else. Yea, your work is done with me."

"With you?" He asked.

"Yea, now you have to go into town and find a place called Sugarcube Corner. That is where you will work next."

"Umm... Ok? Anymore details or..." Christian thought that was rather peculiar. She didn't even say who he was working for. He sat down to ponder for a minute.

"Yea, big place. Looks like it's has frosting on it and it has a huge cupcake on top." She was saying this very quickly. Christian kept thinking about her mood shift. He didn't even noticed that Applejack was pushing him toward town. "Anyway, i've gotta go. It was nice meeting you Christian. Bye!" She pushed him right outside the farm gates and instantly ran back to the orchard. Christian looked at her worryingly for a minute before getting up and walking toward. As he entered the small town, he thought about what just happened. Applejack went from tough and cool, to nervous and worried. He wondered if he really did do something wrong. Maybe his form was off or he didn't stack the apples properly and some got crushed. Wait, why do I care? He thought to himself. These are the ponies that you have known to blow up and hate! Why do you feel bad for them? Christian's worried look turned into a grumpy frown. Yea, these ponies don't deserve the kindness I give them! Suddenly, the light around him fades a bit. Confused, he pauses he thoughts and focuses back to where he was walking. Christian was too busy thinking to notice the shadow of a structure looming in front of him: A tall building with a huge pink cupcake on top and frosting along the roof, just as AJ described. Shrugging, Christian continued his previous thoughts and walked up to the front door of the candy coated building and knocked a few times.

"Yea, these ponies don't deserve my respect and nothing is going to..."

"OHMYGOSH! YOU'RE HERE!" Pinkie Pie squealed with joy. Christian was caught off guard and yelped softly. He started at the pink pony, who had a huge grin on her face.

"Uhh... Hi. I believe you are..."

"SHHHHH! Don't talk now!" She got up close to Christian's head. "Other ponies can here us!" She whispered. "They don't know you're a... you know?!

Christian shook his head in confusion. "I don't know to be honest with you."

"An alien!" she finished. Christian gave Pinkie and look of utter confusion. He wasn't called an alien by anyone here. Weren't they the aliens? He thought. Christian was about to protest her statement before she grabbed him. "C'mon! We've got no time to lose! Let's go inside!" Without Christian able to mutter a word, he was thrown inside the store. He bounced on his head a few times and rolled to the counter. He got up and looked at the pink pony angrily.

"Listen here you pink..."

"ATTEN-TION!" Pinkie boomed at the pony. Christian immediately became confused. "My name is Sergeant Pinkie!" She said, still yelling but now in a drill instructor's voice. The first and last words I want to hear out of you filthy mouth will be 'ma'am'. Do I make myself clear?" She approached Christian and met him eye to eye. Christian glanced around the room to see if it was some sort of joke.

"Umm, excuse..." He tried to say be got cut off by the pink pony officer.

"QUIET!" Christian quickly put his hoof over his head as to salute the pony.

"MA'AM! YES MA'AM!" He shouted.

"Your goal is simple: As of right now, you are a little filly! You will make all sorts of delicious treats and goodies and serve them to the folks of Ponyville. You will learn to do so efficiently and effectively, you will not speak unless told to do so! When I ask 'Put these cupcakes in the oven!' You will reply with; 'At what temperature?' Do you get me?

"MA'AM! YES MA'AM!" Christian responded. Pinkie kept her eyes locked to Christian's, who was sweating and was scared out of his mind. This pony was absolutely bonkers! She belonged in an insane asylum rather than a bakery! Pinkie glared into his eyes as Christian continued to grow nervous. Pinkie slowly began to grow her smile again before she burst out into laughing. She tossed onto the floor and started rolling around, tears of laughter streaming from her eyes. Christian looked at her with more confusion. She really was insane! Pinkie got up and rubbed the tears out of her eyes.

"Ahh... Just messing with you! I love doing that to new ponies! Like this one time when Twilight, well you call her Twitlight. Funny name by the way! I thought it was really clever! Anyway, when she first came here, she was all alone and sad so I threw her a party at her house! It was fun! And then there was this other time..." Pinkie was talking way faster than before. Christian could barely understand her!

"Whoa, whoa, slow down. Nice to meet you Pinkie. I'm..."

"Christian! Duh! We all know that! Well, except for Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo, and Mayor Mare, and The Wonderbolts, and..."

"Right! I get it! Are you hyper or something?" Christian asks. He had seen Lily's hyperactivity after eating ten sugar cookies; but this pony's uncontrollable behavior was off the charts!

"Well, I'm described as a little hyperactive. I seem to get it a lot actually ya know. I take it as a complement really because it sounds like fun! Watch!" Pinkie vanished from Christian's sight only to appear on top of the counter behind him and put a hoof out. "Hello! I'm Pinkie Pie! and i'm very hyperactive! See? It sounds fun!"

"That's great in all, but what about the cupcakes?" Christian wanted to get straight to the point. Pinkie wasn't annoying him, but he didn't want to waste anymore time chit-chatting.

Pinkie face-hoofed. "Oh silly me! I almost forgot! You right, let's get started!" Pinkie pranced into the kitchen, with Christian cautiously proceeding behind her. He peered into the kitchen to find the crazy pink maniac setting out a few ingredients and a big, orange bowl. Christian trotted over and looked at the display before him.

"Uh, just to let you know Pinkie, I'm not exactly 'good in the kitchen' on Earth."

Pinkie's head swiveled around as she took out a carton of eggs. "Oh, c'mon! You can't be that bad!" She insisted.

"I can't make toast without burning it into charcoal." He answered plainly. "What makes you think I can make a bunch of cupcakes?"

Pinkie wrapped a hoof around Christian and brought herself closer to him. "I can teach you!"


"Just watch!" Pinkie jumped back to the ingredients in front of Christian. She started humming to herself and tapping her forehoof. Christian pondered what the psycho was thinking until she picked up a brown bag with what looked like powdered chalk in it. She dug into it with a measuring cup and shoved it into Christian's muzzle. The pink pony then suddenly broke out into song.

"All you have to do is take a cup of flour, add it to the..."

"What are you doing!?" Christian yelled over her, his hooves pulling his ears down to block out the horrible noise. Pinkie, who was in the middle of pouring the flour, blinked at the annoyed pony. She smiled as she answered him.

"I'm singing, silly! What else would I be doing?" She giggled as she finished her sentence. Christian frowned once more. He hated to sing and everything about it. He already hated it before he heard some of the songs he overheard on the show. They made the living room inaudible to him on Saturday mornings. Lily would antagonize him further by singing whatever song that was sung on the show non-stop for the rest of the day. At one point, it got so bad that once Christian wore ear plugs for a whole week in June! Now this pink mare was singing live and in front of him. Christian wanted to deck the pony, and slowly went to raise an anger-filled hoof. Instead, however, he controlled himself and uttered a sentence.

"Can you not sing... please? I... don't really like it... at all." He muttered as he started to bit his lip. Pinkie put down the cup and walked over to him. Christian looked as if he was about to explode, Pinkie couldn't help but smile a little. She glanced down at his left hoof to see a bright shimmer of gold. Observantly, Pinkie pointed to it.

"You don't like singing? But you play an instrument!" She exclaimed. Christian became puzzled and wide eyed at her response.

"How did you know it was for an instrument?" He asked. Ponies don't have hands. he thought. How the buck did she know it was for a guitar? Pinkie shrugged dumbfounded.

"Lucky guess?" She said, unsure of herself. Christian sighed at her response.

"You know what? Forget it." Christian walked over to the empty bowl and stared at it. The first verse of Pinkie's stupid song kept replaying in his head. Christian tried to forget about it and focus on how to bake the cupcakes. The song kept pestering him though, and he was losing concentration fast. "All you have to do is add a cup of flour..." he murmured. He switched focus onto the pink measuring cup, suddenly realizing that the song was the recipe. Christian quietly started humming and poured in the flour. He stopped when he realized that he had no idea what to do next. Pinkie on the other hand was tapping her hoof impatiently. Slowly, she started to sing again.

"Then you take a little something sweet, not sour. A little salt, just a pinch!" Christian threw his hooves over his ears again, annoyed that she didn't listen. Moments later however, he slowly took one hoof off his head and listened to the pink pony's lyrics. The tone she was singing in wasn't bad, and she was keeping consistent with the rhythm. Christian took off his other hoof and listened as the song fell to repeat. Christian thought to himself. Maybe, I didn't give some songs the benefit of the doubt? He smiled to himself in confirmation. He started to dance a little as he threw in some candy into the bowl. He looked toward Pinkie to continue. In return, Pinkie became what looked to be slightly confused, but went right back to smiling and singing.

"Baking these treats is such a cinch! Add a teaspoon of vanilla!" Christian nodded happily. He was actually enjoying this! He grabbed the silver spoon and tapped in the sweet, white stuff.

"Add a little more, and you count to four, and you never get your fill of..." Christian rapidly added three more spoonfuls and waited for the next part of the song. Pinkie took out a silver cupcake pan and tossed it to him. Christian knew what the next part was, It was a no brainer! He started pouring in the mixture into the molds and threw it into the oven as Pinkie brought it home.

"Cupcakes! So sweet and tasty! Cupcakes! Don't be hasty! Cupcakes! Cupcakes! Cupcakes! CUPCAKES!" Pinkie bowed as she finished her performance. Christian, not knowing how to clap with his hooves to praise the singer, simply stomped his hooves against the floor. Pinkie stared at Christian and cocked her head. "You... liked it?!" She shouted.

Christian nodded. "Yea! I guess I never gave you girls the benefit of the doubt! That wasn't bad, Pink!" Pinkie smiled softly and opened her mouth to say something.

"DING!" The oven's timer ran out as the newest batch of cupcakes was done. Christian grabbed some nearby oven mitts and pulled out his work. He sauntered over to Pinkie for a review. Pinkie in turn, ignored what she was going to say and went to look at the vanilla treats. She kept one eye open and inspected each one carefully. She turned into a mind game of sorts, making Christian twitch and sweat with every move and "Mhmm" she uttered. Slowly, she picked up one of the delectable delicacies. It certainly looked edible, but what about the taste? Pinkie popped the pastry in her mouth and chewed. Her blue pupils shrunk into the whiteness of her eyes. Christian grimaced in fear and worry.

"Pinkie, are you ok?" He asked worryingly.

Pinkie shut her eyes quickly and crouched down into the fetal position, shivering and shaking violently. Christian knew he bucked up, badly. He knelt down to comfort her. Pinkie started to speak. "O... kay?" she stuttered. "Okay?" Suddenly, Pinkie exploded into a full length jump up to the ceiling, knocking Christian backward onto his back. "THIS IS DELICIOUS!" She shouted. Christian, still dazed from the spring-loaded jump, got up and looked at her with a small, confident smile.

"Really?" Christian was amazed. He actually cooked something edible!

Pinkie started nodding rapidly. "Mmhmm! These are the sweetest cupcakes I've ever tasted! The frosting is smoother than cream! And the cake is perfect golden-brown!" She rushed over to the tan pony and started shaking his forehoof, making him extremely wobbly as his whole body was shaken by her grip. "Nice job Christian! And you said you couldn't cook!" She hits on the shoulder teasingly. Christian rubs the back of his head.

"Really? Because my planet calls it 'dumb luck'." Pinkie laughs silently to herself at the comment. She took the remaining pan of cupcakes and left the kitchen. Her head pops into the door frame a moment later.

"Keep baking Christian! We've got treats to serve!" She hollers as zips out to the counter. Christian looks at the remaining baking ingredients on the table and sighs loudly.

"I'm gonna need a lot more dumb luck" He proceeds to trot over to the table.

Outside Sugarcube Corner, the citizens of Ponyville were enjoying the beautiful weather. Ponies were moving all over the place, working, meeting with friends, or just taking a leisurely stroll. Pinkie looked out from the counter as she placed Christian's tray of cupcakes on top to cool. The smell of the freshly baked cakes begins to flow with the breeze, catching the attention of some of the pony bystanders. One of which, is a tough-looking, maroon unicorn. He was busy delivering a package to somepony in town, but something made him stop and sniff the air. He directed his attention toward the source of the aroma: Sugarcube Corner.

"I... could be a little late." He says as he starts to walk over the bakery. He eyes the desserts Pinkie began to put out. A plain vanilla cupcake with vanilla frosting. No sprinkles, no color, nothing. "This is it?" He says to Pinkie.

"It may look plain, but you'd be surprised!" She says in return. The stallion thinks to himself for a moment before pulling out a few bits and dropping them before Pinkie. He magically levitates one of the treats toward him and takes a bit. Just like Pinkie, his pupils shrink as he experiences one heck of a flavor explosion.

"WOW! That's good!" He shouts, alerting everypony nearby. The nearby citizens quickly flock to Sugarcube Corner in a frenzy. Their hooves and saddlepacks full of bits. Pinkie becomes a little shocked by the ordeal as she tries to take orders for cupcakes.

"So, what happened at the farm?" Twilight says as she walks with Applejack through Ponyville. It's now late afternoon, and the sun was just starting to set. Their are less people in town by now, and most stores are just closing for the day. Applejack caught up with Twilight after she worked with the human.

"It was crazy! At first, he was just getting used to it. But after I while, he..."

"HI GIRLS!" Pinkie's voice rang out from the open road, cutting off Applejack. The two of them proceed to the ecstatic pink pony, who was just helping another customer. "Come again sir!" As she waved the pony off. "Hey you two! Want a cupcake?" she points to the almost empty cupcake tray The last two cupcakes were still fresh from the oven. "C'mon! You know you want to!" She shook the tray in front of them. The two of them looked at the tray apprehensively before both of them grabbed a cake. Slowly, they each take a small bite. Their eyes copy them symptoms of each pony before, and they quickly wolf down the rest of the treat with joy.

"Whoa, that cupcake was somethin' else!" Applejack comments as she polishes off the treat.

"Yea, no kidding!" Twilight says, licking the frosting off her hoof. "Pinkie, you've really outdone yourself this time!" Pinkie blushes with joy and embarrassment from the indirect comment.

"Aww, thanks! But, I didn't make them!" Twilight and Applejack's faces go from happy to distraught in a matter of seconds. They knew that Christian went to work for Pinkie after Sweet Apple Acres. They look down at the remaining crumbs on their hooves. They grow wide eyed as they realize that Christian was the one who baked the cupcakes they just ate.

"What did he do?!" Twilight breaks the silence. "What did he put in those cupcakes?!" Pinkie opens an eye and inspects Twilight. Twilight backs up a bit as Pinkie's head wraps around her, literally. Her head swivels back into place and laughs.

"Nothing, crazy! Christian didn't do anything!" At that moment, Christian comes right behind her, his hoof stacked with empty cupcake trays.

"Hey Pinkie! Where do you want these?" He peers behind the mass of metal and eyes the purple unicorn outside. He snickers. Time to mess with Twitlight! "Hellooooo, Twitlight! I see you like my cupcakes!" He places the trays on top of the new, empty one on the counter. "I gotta tell ya, Pinkie's little song really works! I can actually cook now!" Twilight's eyes grow wide as he says this.

"W-What song?" she says, stuttering at her words. Christian smiles, a little confused, but is happy that at least she's clueless.

"Ohh, you know..." He starts tapping his hoof in a rhythm very familiar to him. Pinkie started to bob up and down to the beat. "All you have to do is add a cup of flour! Add it to the mix! Then you take..."

"Wait, you... like that song?!" Twilight screams at the top of her lungs. Christian immediately stops singing and looks at the irate purple unicorn. The hay is she mad about?

"Yea, it really grows on you!" He says with a smile. "Why? What's wrong?" Twilight stared at the human, anger fixated in her eyes. Christian smiled evilly. He didn't care if he liked the song, this was entertaining! Twilight's right eye started to twitch as she tried to calm down. Her horn started to glow a light purple.

"I'll... be right back... There's something... I must take care of..." She quickly vanishes in front of the group. Christian starts laughing his plot off the moment she vanishes. AJ and Pinkie stare at him before joining in. The three of them, laughing like hyenas.

"What... What WAS THAT?!" He says between gasps of air. "I think I broke her!" AJ grabs the counter for leverage to help her out. She managed to fall down onto the grass from laughter. Pinkie was banging her hoof on the counter as she laughed her head off.

"Her voice it was just... just..." Pinkie couldn't even finish her sentence without laughing hysterically. Applejack finally manages to get up off the ground. Her hat had fallen off and tears of laughter were running down her face. She couldn't even manage to speak a sentence.

Suddenly, a bright light cuts off all three of them as Celestia appears before them, with Twilight right behind her, looking rather mad. Christian jumps over the counter and approaches the alicorn nervously. Celestia stays fixed on Christian, her face stern and motionless. Christian knows Twilight was probably a little snitch and told her everything, and gives her a look of disgust.

"Christian, come with me... NOW!" Christian covers his ears at the end of the sentence. He looks more worried as he dares to speak to her.

"W-What..." He gulps. "What did I do wrong? I'm doing my work." Christian manages to stutter out. He didn't do anything wrong. Other than start to annoy Twilight, which was fun.

"That's not why I need you. Now, come. This is urgent!" Celestia's horn starts to glow a bright white as Christian is magically picked up. In a flash, they vanish from the town, leaving the two friends speechless and confused. Twilight approaches them, downright furious at the both of them.

"What is wrong with the two of you?!" She screams. AJ and Pinkie look right back at her, angry as well.

"What are you talking about?" Pinkie says. "We did what we were told!"

"Obviously not! The human is starting to LIKE you two!" Twilight yells back.

"Uhh, Twi, isn't that the point of us bringing him here? For him to like us?" Twilight's eye started to twitch again. She pushed her face into Applejack's, who sunk down a bit in fear.

"Have you idiots forgotten about the plan?! Christian isn't supposed to like us! He..." Twilight stops when she realizes that the few remaining citizens had gathered around Twilight and Applejack. They stood there, spectating the whole ordeal. They started to whisper to each other about what was going on. some of the ponies were even starting to give Twilight some dirty looks. Twilight quickly started to think of something, her eyes darting around as ideas flew by.

"He's not supposed to like us because... he also needs to learn to respect us! Remember? Celestia said respect, not just liking!" Twilight closes her eyes and puts her muzzle up, peering out of a semi-closed eye. The citizens started to agree with the unicorn and mumble to each other about it all making sense before they disbanded from around the bakery. Twilight sighed in relief before looking cross once again, at her two friends. "We'll talk about this later. I have to go." She turned to leave.

"Wait!" Pinkie shouts, making Twilight stop in her tracks. "What about Christian?" Twilight turns her head half-way to face Pinkie, who looked a bit worried. AJ simply looked confused.

"Oh, Celestia just wants to chat with him... Don't worry about it." She continues to leave, leaving the two of them perplexed and juggling thoughts in their heads. Twilight grins as she walks to her library. They almost ruined everything! She thinks to herself. But if I know Celestia, she'll straighten everything out. Maybe Christian will come in handy after all...

A Rather Big "Change" Of Events

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After a few seconds of blinding white light, Christian opens his eyes to reveal that he is back in the throne room of the castle. The orange sun's setting light was shimmering through the stained-glass windows. Dusk was upon them. The castle was empty with the exceptions of him, Celestia, and a few guards. Christian looked over at Celestia, who looked nervous, distraught, angry, and sad, all in one emotion. She sauntered over to her throne and slumped down into a tired and stressed out position, hardly anything 'royal' or 'proper' for a princess of her stature. Christian slid over nervously to the throne, still worried about whatever he did wrong.

"Umm, Celestia... What's this about? Is this about me messing with Twitlight? I swear, it's too entertaining!" He shouted quickly. Celestia looked up at him with a sigh, then changes her view to peer at the small table next to her throne. Her face turns serious as she gets up and approaches the tan pony. She towers over him, making Christian back up a bit in fear. He was in for it.

"Christian," She says sternly. "It's time you knew why you're REALLY here..." Christian's eyes grow wide as he grinds his teeth in anger. He was kidnapped by ponies, turned INTO a pony, just to be told lies... BY PONIES?!

"WHAT?!" He shouts. "What do you mean 'Why i'm really here'?! What is this?! A joke?!"

"No," Celestia says grimly. "It is much more serious than a joke. Don't take what i'm about to show you lightly, this could affect all of Equestria... And possibly your planet." Christian could tell by her tone that she wasn't fooling around. She meant business, and not the kind with cupcakes in it. Celestia looks over to the small table again and levitates a small envelope toward Christian. Celestia releases the paper from her magical grip. It floats down in front of Christian as it unfurls itself when it lands on the tile floor. He uses one of his forehooves to open the note further and reads it aloud:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

It is I, Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings! Yes i'm aware that the last time you saw me I was defeated by Armor and Candance, but did you really think that was the last you would see of me? HA! I merely took that time off to grow stronger from all of the love outside of Equestria! Celestia, I have contacted you for one reason: An ultimatum. If you don't surrender to my rule in fourteen days, Me and my changeling army will deal with you and your kingdom personality!

I'll see you soon!
~Queen Chrysalis"

Christian's spine shivered as he finished reading the message. He didn't know who this " Queen Chrysalis" was, but she seemed to have it out for Celestia. Christian pushed away the letter so Celestia could magically place it on the table once more. Christian looked at Celestia, who was looking down at the floor in a sad manner.

"Who's Chrysalis?" He said perplexed. "Is she like, your mom or something?" He asked. It didn't seem natural that the 'Queen' was sending her a threat. Celestia's head quickly pivoted in his direction, disgusted at what he just said.

"Heavens no!" she shouted. "Queen Chrysalis is one of the most dangerous foes in Equestria. She and her army of disgusting bug-looking ponies can take on the appearance of anypony in Equestria! Without Shining Armor and Princess Candace's strong love toward each other, she would be ruling right now!" Christian once again, gave a confused look toward the alicorn.


Celestia sighs. "Nevermind, i'll tell you the whole story about that later. But now do you see why we needed you Christian?" She said urgently. Christian nodded.

"Yea, I think so. You need me because... Umm..." Celestia sighed once more. He wasn't grasping the concept very well.

"The reason I need you here, Christian, is for your power and the element of surprise." She said scientifically. She started to walk around Christian as she continued her explanation. "You see, your anger toward ponykind got me thinking; we could use that anger and hate toward us as an advantage, as our enemies would never see it coming! Think about it, we ponies are all about peace and harmony. You humans, especially you Christian, cause fights and wars over the most trivial things! That's why you must learn to respect us, but also contain that hatred. Understand?" Christian was gawking at her detailed rant. It at least explained why the ponies were acting weird when he was starting to like whatever he was working on! It also explained his transformation into a pony, a clever camouflage against the enemies of Equestria that would make him pass off as any other pony!

"But how did you know about our wars and such?" He said as his final question. Celestia chuckled at him.

"Christian, did it ever occur to you that I may have been researching Earth while keeping my eye on you? The continent you live on, The 'USA' as you call it, has had a war with themselves because of a leader's election and a disagreement with each other on slavery! Your nation could have easily found a better way to settle that!"

Christian nodded in agreement. "Anyway, back to the Chrysalis thing. How many more days are left until she arrives with her army?" He asks quickly.

"The moment I received the letter, I started to make a plan. By the time I summoned you here, We had only a week left."

"So that means we only have seven days now? Technically six because we kinda wasted this one?" He said nervously. Celestia nodded to his response. He snickered a bit. Celestia's plan worked so far, he figures that may he is as powerful as she says he is! "Alright then," He glared up at Celestia with confidence in his eyes. "Let's show that wasp and her little cronies what a human can do!" Celestia smiled at the perky human. He was ready.

"Alright then, Christian. We'll start your training tomorrow." Christian jumped for joy.

"Awesome!" He started off upstairs to his makeshift room. "See you tomorrow then!"

"Wait!" She shouts to stop him just as he starts to climb the steps. "Before you go, can you do me a favor?" Christian smiles and nods.

"Sure, why not?" He responds happily.

"Excellent!" Celestia's horn glows again, and from the left of her emerge a stack of two books. Each were about the size of a dictionary, and looked very bulky. "Can you put these in the library downstairs? I used some of them to research Earth a while back, and I never had the time to put them away." Christian tilted his head in confusion. She could teleport. Why the buck didn't she do that before? He shrugs of the simple solution and holds out his right hoof. Celestia places the stack of books onto the bottom-up side of his hoof. Christian's hoof strained under the weight of the books. He sauntered toward the lower staircase to the lower levels of the castle. As he tried to maintain balance and walk at the same time, Celestia said one final comment. "The library is down the first set of stairs and is the first door on the left, NOT ON THE RIGHT! Understand?!" Christian took a moment to take in what she just said. It seemed odd that she was very strict about some directions to a library.

"No problem Celestia!" He shouted as he started to descend the stairs. The lighting naturally grew darker as he descended, with only a few torches along the walls to guide him and help him watch his step. As he walked, he noticed that the atmosphere of the castle was changing drastically. No longer the bright and sunny castle that he normally saw, now it was like the fresh air and sun was sucked out, leaving the lower levels dark, dank, and smelling downright horrible. Christian finally manages to make it to the bottom of the stairs. He walks down the black hallway toward a pair of wooden doors; one on the left and one on the right. Christian heeded Celestia's warning and walked through the left door. Inside, he was greeted with sunlight once more as he saw an enormous library. He looked left and right, marble bookshelves were stacked high up to the dome ceiling. "Whoa, talk about your bookworms! This is crazy!" Christian looked up toward the tops of the high-up shelves. There were a few empty spaces on one of the topmost shelves. "How am I supposed to get up to the ceiling?!" He shouted, his voice echoing around the room. He looked toward the door to find a small table. "I don't think she'll mind if I just leave them here." He dropped the books onto the small table carefully and left. As he closed the door behind him, he looked at the door parallel to him. Instead of looking pristine, the wooden door looked rotten and old. Christian quickly peered around the area. No one else was around.

Christian slowly approached the door. He thought about Celestia's words one final time. He won't dare to go against the one pony that decides his fate, but his curiosity was peaked at this point, and the door WAS slightly ajar. Slowly, he put his hoof on the ancient wood and quietly pushed it open. He crept in and slowly pushed the door closed.

"Whew!" He shouted quietly as he wiped some sweat off of his forehead. He looked around the new room. The lighting was still very dark, but he could faintly see iron bars blocking off several different smaller rooms. the room smelt horrific, like dirty laundry and garbage mixed together. It made Christian tear up a little. He started down the dark, dank corridor. "Huh, this must be the castle dungeon." He said while looking into each of the cells. Each cell was empty and void of any life ever being there. Odd. He thought to himself. He gave off a quizzical look and continued down the hall, looking left and right in each cell still finding nothing. Christian glanced back at the door, which was almost completely shrouded in the dark in the distance. He rubbed his hoof on his chin. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea." He said to himself. He quickly turned and started to walk back. Hopefully, Celestia wouldn't notice his long absence.

"Hello?" A feminine voice said from the darkness. Christian stopped, as did his heart with fear. He froze with fear for a moment as he looked around the area he was in. The cells still looked empty.

"W-Who's there?" He said, wide-eyed and shaking with his response. It could be Celestia playing a prank, he thought. But that voice sounded nothing like her. It sounded smart...and familiar.

"Please... Help..." The voice said. Christian turned to one of the cells right next to him and peered between the bars. He could now faintly make out a shadowy blob inside. He squinted a bit more to notice that the blob had a horn on its head. It was a unicorn.

"Who are you?" Christian said to the unicorn prisoner. The shadow slowly moved out from the corner of the stone cell and into the light of the torches around them. The chains around the ponies hooves clanged together as she moved toward him and into the dim lighting. But even though the small amount of light, Christian could still see who the prisoner was. What he saw made him grin ear to ear. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Why, if it isn't Twitlight Sparkle! So, Celestia locked you up because you threw a fit about me liking a song? Man, Celestia's more strict than I thought!" He laughed a little. He had to thank Celestia later. He was just wishing he had a camera. Twilight looked up at the laughing tan pony in front of her, and gasped quietly.

"You're the human..." She said suddenly. Christian stopped laughing and looked over at the purple prisoner in confusion.

"Uhh, duh! Of course I am! You know that Twitty, you were there when I got hit with the spell remember?"

"No... I don't." She responded, worryingly.

"Alright Twitlight, stop playing dumb. C'mon you know who I am!" He said, casually.

"I'm sorry, all I know is that you're a human." Twilight responded. Christian couldn't comprehend what she was hearing. She knew who he was! Out of every pony, she knew more about Earth and himself than the other five!

"You're messing with me right?" Christian said as he got closer to Twilight's cell bars.

"I'm afraid she ain't." Another voice said behind him. Christian turned to see another shadow, but this one had a cowboy hat on. Christian rushed over to see Applejack in chains, lying down on the cold, tile floor. Christian backed up, dizzy with confusion.

"Ok, what the buck is going on? I JUST saw you a few minutes ago outside with me! You came over with Twitlight and tried my cupcakes that I baked for Pinkie.

"No you didn't... I'm right here." A third voice said. Christian moved up to see the pink pony sitting in the light. Her hair wasn't fluffy and puffy though. It was straight and long, like someone ironed it out over a long period of time. Christian grew wide-eyed again. Twilight, Applejack, AND Pinkie were all chained and in cells from the time he saw him to the time he had his talk with Celestia.

"Why are you three down here? Did you all get in trouble by Celestia? And what about Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash?" He said confused. Twilight motioned a chained hoof behind him, pointing toward three cells. Christian quickly rushed toward them. In the first cell, he saw a blue pegasus who just got up from a nap. Dash looked at him with pleading eyes. Christian exchanged the same looked as he moved on. The next cell had Rarity quietly weeping on the floor. Christian looked up and down the hallway. The crying was barely audible, but he was surprised it didn't echo in the noiseless dungeon! The last cell Twilight pointed to showed a yellow pegasus who was crouched in a corner, simply looking sad. "They're all here too..." Christian said to himself. He ran back toward Twilight, the other five trotted to the bars of their cells to get a look at what was going on. "This is just weird. I gotta go tell Celestia about this!" He went to race off toward the door.

"There's no need for that, Christian." The tan pony froze in mid-step and turned halfway toward the cell next to Twilight's. He slowly crept over to see the white alicorn, also chained and distraught. Christian was absolutely baffled. Why would she put herself in a cell?

"W-What the?! Celestia?! How the? But you were just... Wha?" Christian's brain was starting to hurt. This was making absolutely no sense whatsoever. Why was Celestia down in her dungeon, chained and locked up? What kind of a prank is this? "Someone better explain what is going on right now!" He shouts.

"SHHH! Not so loud!" Celestia whispers. "If Chrysalis catches you down here, you're history!" Christian's brain finally clicked. 'Celestia' told him that Chrysalis could transform into anypony, as could her changelings. But how did she get here early, and while Christian wasn't looking?

"Chrysalis?" Christian says, baffled. "No... no, that's not possible. Chrysalis wrote a letter stating that she would arrive in six days from now."

"No Christian;" Celestia approaches the cold bars of her cell. She puts a chained hoof up to rest on one of the bars and exhales. "Chrysalis defeated me, my sister, and The Elements of Harmony over two months ago. She's secretly ruled ever since" Christian simply stared at the alicorn in disbelief. He quickly thought about everything that has happened to him today. Would the REAL Mane Six and Celestia kidnap him and turn him into a pony against his will? Christian gave the princess another look of confusion.

"So, you're telling me that two months ago; Chrysalis caught you and The Six completely off guard, you all ended up getting captured, and thrown into these cells? What about you royal guards, huh?!"

"Well, Armor and Candance are on their honeymoon... and I did allow Armor to have the entirety of the royal guard escort them and watch them during their vacation. We didn't want a repeat of the wedding." Celestia answers. Christian became a bit angry, this wasn't making any sense at all.

"Yea right! I bet YOU are really Chrysalis and these are your changelings in disguise right now!" Celestia turned her head away from the tan pony and walked to the back off her cell. Christian moved a bit to the left to reposition the light inside. He couldn't see anything. After a moment of silence, Celestia reappeared with another alicorn following her. This alicorn looked like the complete opposite of Celestia. She was smaller compared to Celestia and her fur was a dark blue instead of white. The most obvious difference was that this smaller alicorn had a moon as her symbol, unlike Celestia's sun. "Who is this?' Christian said quietly. Celestia approached the cell bars again.

"This is my sister, Luna." Sister? Christian's brain clicked again. Sister... He remembered that when he tried to ask about Celestia's sister to 'Celestia', She cut him off. That now made sense, but couldn't another changeling copy Luna as well?

"Wait a second..." Christian said suddenly. "How does Luna answer my question?!" Celestia gave Christian a grim stare.

"If we really were changelings, that would mean there would be TWO changelings the size of Chrysalis."


"That's impossible, Christian." Twilight said from her cell. Christian thought to himself. They did make a good point. Christian sighed and looked at the ponies in the cells. He felt a little bad for them. However, this was probably the coolest thing he's ever seen. He hated these ponies, and now they were all in cells! He was really wishing that he brought his camera. Christian snickered a little.

"So, do you know what Chrysalis REALLY wants from me?" Christian says. Celestia nods her head a little.

"Yes, she wants to use you as a weapon for her own purposes. The 'training' you're going to go through will make you stronger than any other human on Earth."

"How do you know that?" Christian asks.

"Before I was captured, I was researching Earth and you myself after I received a tip-off from Manehatten, claiming they found another planet full of life. It was actually though the prototype portal device that I received that Chrysalis was able to locate you and bring you here." Christian grew angry again.

"So, you WERE going to turn me into a pony?! This was all going to happen anyway?!" Christian shouted. Celestia, Luna, and The Six quickly tried to make him more quiet.

"SHHH! No Christian! Not at all! If we were going to bring you to Equestria, we would have simply tried a peaceful arrangement, not turn you into a pony against your will! We're not monsters! Christian thought about what they just said. Now that made a lot more sense for a bunch of peaceful ponies! But he thought about the alternative, he could rule with Chrysalis and use all of these ponies as slaves! It would be great! He glared at Twilight and smirked. Twilight returned the look with the saddest looking pair of puppy dog eyes he's ever seen.

"Please Christian, help us..." she said softly. Christian's smirk turned into a saddened look. He hated these ponies, but was it really right to have them locked up? They were considered heroes, and Christian didn't want to be a bad guy, It ruined his image. But he was supposed to hate these ponies! His brain fought back in forth as he searched for an answer, making his brain hurt again. Should he help or rule? He went wided eyed as finally, he found an answer.

"Alright, even though this is about to go against everything I know, I'll help you all out. What do I need to do?" Celestia grinned and nodded at the human; The Six also smiled toward the tan pony. Celestia knelt down toward Christian to speak clearer.

"You need to get a hold of one of the portal devices. There is one in Twilight's library, heavily protected and guarded. And the other is in my room in the castle."

"Alright, obviously i'll go for the one in your room. Next?"

"Once you obtain a device, you'll need to contact your government for help." Christian raised a brow at her plan.

"Umm, I don't know if you have ever met my government, but i'm pretty sure they won't be very cooperative."

"They will when they see you as a pony that can talk."

Christian went wided eyed again. "That's another thing actually, You are going to turn me back into a human, right?" Celestia bites her bottom lip at this question as Luna gives her sister a look of nervousness. Celestia looks at Christian again, who cocks his head at the alicorn.

"Umm, about that. The transformation spell isn't a spell... it's a curse."

"Say what now?" Christian says quickly.

"There is no guarantee that I have a spell to reverse the curse Chrysalis has put on you." Christian grits his teeth in anger. He may be stuck like this FOREVER?! Christian stomps away from Celestia for a moment. If he was going to be stuck like this, why help the ponies that were the cause of this mess? But, there was a small chance that she did have a spell to make him normal again. He rushes back to Celestia, who was still biting her lip.

"Fine, FINE! I'll do it. But you better have a spell to make me normal again, or i'll make sure your sister is my royal footrest when I rule with Chrysalis!" Celestia nods at Christian's agreement.

"Yes, i'll try to think of a reversal spell right away! But for now, you must go!" Christian nods and runs off to the door of the dungeon. "Good luck Christian!" She shouts as he runs off. Christian turns his head and nods at the captives. He makes it to the rotten door and quietly opens it again. He slowly tiptoes out backwards from the dark, dank dungeon. He looks from side to side to see if any 'guards' noticed him. The hallway was empty. Christian sighs in relief as he turns around and trots away.

"A-HEM!" Christian pupils shrink as he turns around slowly to see Chrysali..."Celestia" tapping her hoof at the tan pony. Christian's eyes dart around the room as he tries to think of an excuse.

"Oh! Uhh... Hi Celestia! What's up? Heh heh..." Celestia glances at Christian oddly. The heck was his problem?

"What are you doing?" She asks the pony. "Didn't I tell you not to go in the door on the right?!"

"Yea, you did. But, the door was a open a little. I swear, I took a quick glance in, saw nothing but darkness, and closed it shut!" Celestia gave Christian a observant look as Christian slid around her. "Well, I should get to bed! Night Celestia! Can't wait to start training tomorrow!" He quickly runs off upstairs, leaving the fake Celestia in complete confusion. She glances at the door to the castle dungeon, and then back at where Christian ran off. She shrugs.

"He probably just took a quick look in. I doubt he had the nerve to go against me." She trots back upstairs, completely confident in the fact that her plan is going along smoothly. Christian would be the perfect ally in her takeover.

The FBI... Am Very Confused

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Night had fallen onto Canterlot and Ponyville. Every shop and store was closed tight and most of the citizens were in their beds and off to dreamland. "Celestia" was in her room with a few guards outside to watch the door. Christian was in the room, the pale light of the moon was the only light that shone through his window; dimly lighting himself and his bed. He was still wide-awake, staring at the moon from under his blanket. He lies back and looks up at his ceiling, still thinking about the captured ponies in the dungeon below him; and the fake princess who thought she could use him as a pawn. Christian grits his teeth and looks back outside; The moon still shining brilliantly.

"Surely, she must be asleep by now?" He said as he removed the covers over him and trotted quietly to his door. He puts one of his ears up to it. He vaguely heard the hoof steps of some guards walking from across the hall. He knew there were a few guards by "Celestia's" door, but they were just stupid changelings. Christian sighed, this was the perfect time. "Go time." He said quietly. He slowly manipulated his forehooves around the doorknob and opened his door just wide enough for him to slip his pony body out of his room. He closed his door and looked across the hallway. Two guards were walking away from "Celestia's" room; their horns glowing like flashlights to show their way. Christian started to slowly creep toward the opposite side of the hall. One guard stops momentarily, making Christian freeze in his tracks. Quickly he jumps behind one of the tall marble pillars for a hiding place.

"What's the matter?" The guard beside him asks.

"Did you hear that?" The first guard asks. The other guard looks around.

"No, what is it?" He asks. The guard shines a light toward the pillar where Christian was hiding. Christian started to sweat profusely. The guard walks over the pillar, inspecting it carefully. Christian starts silently praying that they wouldn't find him.

"Quit messing around! C'mon, i'm tired!" The other guard shouts. The first guard is about to look behind the pillar, but listens to his co-worker and walks off. Christian peers out from his hiding place and sighs with relief.

"Thank Celestia!" He shouts quietly. Quickly he looks around. "This 'Thank Celestia' thing better stop when I get back to Earth." He says to himself. He sneaks over to the now unguarded door leading to "Celestia's" room. He slowly opened the door slightly to see the second Celestia getting ready for bed.

"Mmhmmm." She laughs to herself. "That human doesn't suspect a thing! Tomorrow, his training shall begin. I will mold that human slash pony into the strongest human slash pony ever! He will help me dominate all of Equestria! Or my name isn't..." A green aura surrounds the princess. Christian watches in awe, horror, and disgust as the sun princess loses her camouflage and her entire physical appearance is altered. Her white wings turn into the translucent wings of an insect. Her white coat becomes a dark and sick green, full of holes like swiss cheese. Her sparkling rainbow hair and tail turn into a dark blue, also full of holes. "Queen Chrysalis!" she laughs out loud again. Christian turns away momentarily from the door. The Celestia in the dungeon was right! She and The Six are all fakes! He looks at the impostor again. "And maybe, after I take over Equestria..." She walks over to her bedside and reveals a black orb. The same black orb Christian saw Twilight throw at the wall when they kidnapped him. "I might pay Earth a small visit. My ever growing army should be more than ready after this small takeover. And with Christian by my side, we'll be unstoppable!" She puts down the orb on her bed stand and goes around to the other side of her bed. "Ahhh, Celestia's bed has been so comfortable these few months. My sleep has been wonderful ever since I took over! " And with that, she lies down into 'her' bed and falls right to sleep. Christian slips into the room without making a single noise. He tiptoes to the other side of Chrysalis's bed. He stares at the enigmatic orb.

"So this is my ticket home?" He glances back at Chrysalis, still snoring away. He quietly positions both of his forehooves over the device and picks it up. Slowly, he puts it down on the floor. The orb does nothing. Christian pokes it and looks around its exterior. "Now, how am I supposed to work this thing?" Suddenly, a voice emits from the sphere.

"Destination is set to: Earth. Location?" Christian quickly muffles the sphere by lying on top of it. Chrysalis simply stretches one of her forehooves and turns on her side. Christian looks at the queen and rolls her eyes.

"Idiot." He uncovers the sphere. "Voice activation huh? I guess these ponies are more advanced than I thought. But then, why are Ponyville and Canterlot so... not technologically advanced?" He said to himself.

"Location?" The sphere repeated. Christian got close to it.

"Umm..." Christian tried to think of an area of the government that was full of security. Suddenly, he widened his smile. The location of the tightest security, was the location of the area closest to his house! "The Pentagon!" Christian shouted silently. The sphere started beep for a few moments, searching for its user's destined location. Without warning, the sphere quickly split into two at the top, sending out a bright light. Christian shielded his eyes and looked toward Chrysalis, who was still sleeping. "Wow, she is a heavy sleeper." The light fades, revealing the familiar looking vortex. Christian approaches the portal. He knew that after jumping through, their was no going back. He could just abandon these ponies and go back to Earth. But he knew he would still be a pony. He had to help Celestia, Luna, and The Six. He had no choice. "Sweet dreams Chrissy!" He whispers to Chrysalis. He quickly leaps into the colorful portal, the dark orb following him in, closing the vortex. The dim lights dissipate just as Chrysalis wakes up.

"Who what where?" She swiftly looks side to side. she was sure she saw something. She looks to her bed stand. "Huh, the portal device is missing." She lies back down to go back to sleep. "The portal device is missing..." Her brain finally wakes up. She rockets into a sitting position. "THE PORTAL DEVICE IS MISSING?!" Guards rush into the room. They were able to hear the scream from a mile away.

"What's wrong my queen?" A guard asks.

"The portal device is missing!" She shouts as she gets up and looks under her bed and around the stand. Another guard rushes in, completely out of breath.

"My... queen... Christian... is gone!" Chrysalis looks up, angry written on her eyes. The guards huddle together, scared out of their minds. Chrysalis starts to shake violently before letting out an ear piercing scream that is loud enough to wake Celestia sleeping in the dungeon.


"WAHOO!" Christian screams as he flies down the colorful vortex. He was already halfway home. "Alright! Now when I get into The Pentagon; all I got to do is get some help from one of the hundreds of security personnel to help me help a bunch of talking ponies, unicorns, and pegasi; while i'm still a talking pony!" Christian's carefree smile quickly faded. This plan of his had a lot of flaws that he didn't think of right away. He was going to get captured and dissected by every single agent in that building. "Oh, snap. This won't be fun." He says as the exit to the portal looms toward him. He gets tossed out of the vortex at a high velocity, throwing him down at the floor again. Christian, however, braces himself this time and is able to roll across the floor on his landing, landing on his back instead of his face. After getting back up, he looks around. He is surrounded by high tech machines and equipment; the kind that he had no idea what they did. Oddly enough, none of them made any sound. In fact, the entire floor was completely silent. There was also not a single guard around. Christian scrolled his eyes around the five-sided room and they rested on a huge translucent map of Earth. On the bright side, at least he knew the device got him to where he needed to be.

"Huh, maybe this will be easier than I thought." He said as he took his first steps forward. Suddenly, a bright red warning signal started to go off around him. Christian freezes in his tracks. "It's probably nothing!" He says to himself reassuringly. A voice pings over the intercom.


"Figures." Christian says as dozens of armed military and security personnel enter the control room and surround him. They were all wearing body armor some kind, either camo or security guard based. The ones with the security guard armor had sunglasses on. The guards surround him on the ground and some of them appear above him on a steel catwalk, their steps clanging as they marched into position. Christian looks around in fear as each one draws a tranquilizer rifle at him and point their laser sights directly at Christian's neck. Christian does not dare move, in fear of getting blindsided by a dart. After a few moments, a door above him on a catwalk opens. A man shrouded in darkness appears above him on the catwalk.

"Intruder! Put your hands in the..." The man pauses for a second. "Is that a pony?" He says, oddly.

"NO!" Christian shouts at the top of his lungs. The guards look at each other, like this is some kind of joke.

"Did that pony just talk?" One of the guards asks.

"Maybe!" Christian shouts from below. The guards look toward the man in darkness, who seems to give an intrigued expression.

"Interesting." The shadowy man said as he started to pace back and forth across the steel catwalk. "Tell me pony, are you an alien of some kind?" Christian stared at him, confused about what to say next. He knew he was human, but he looked like a pony!

"No?" He said, unsure of himself. "I mean, yes? I mean... I am human, I just look like a pony." Some of the guards started to laugh a little, making Christian frown in anger. The man put his hand up, silencing the few laughing guards.

"Hmm, alright. Explain." The man said. Christian returned his vision to the dozens of guards pointing rifles at him. He started to sweat a little more. He knew that if he slipped up, he would be in for another day-long nap. He took a deep breath and began.

"Well, I was originally on Earth; until the main characters from the show: My Little Pony, came to our planet, kidnapped me, and turned me into a pony." Christian shut his eyes tight, waiting for a dart to hit him. Nothing was heard. He opened an eye to see most of the guards struggling to hold back laughter. The man on the catwalk seemed to be rubbing his chin in confusion.

"And what is your 'human name'?" The man said suddenly. Christian gave the guards a little smirk before answering.

"Christian Average." He said proudly. The guards started to look towards each other again, this time in huddled whispers. The shadowy man didn't say anything, he just left through the door he came in. The guards still had their weapons at the ready, which was getting annoying already because the laser sights were getting in Christian's eyes. After a few agonizing minutes pass the door opened again, this time though the shadowy man appeared with someone else.

"Who? The pony?" The other man said to the dark man. "No, that can't be..." Christian recognized this other man's voice. It wasn't like shadowy man's or a guards. He remembered hearing this voice on several occasions.

"Uncle John? Is that you?" Christian says to the two men up top. The shadowy man's friend walks a bit forward so he could come into Christian's view. Christian's uncle had brown hair with long bangs in the front, resembling his dad's look. He was also a few inches taller than Christian's dad. His attire was different than that of the guards around him: wearing a black suit, tie, and a pair of black sunglasses.

"Christian? No, that can't be my nephew." John said, disbelieving the fact that the pony looked a bit like his nephew. Christian stumbled his words to think of a way to prove it.

"I... Uh... Umm... Wait! Look!" Christian stomps his forehoof a few times, making some of the guards ready their aim on their rifles. After a few powerful hoof stomps, a necklace falls off his leg and to the floor. Christian maneuvers his hoof so he can raise the black necklace. "Remember this?"

John walked down some steps to the left on the catwalk to make his way down. He motioned some guards to move as he got closer to the pony. He knelt down and looked at the necklace. He inspects it thoroughly, spinning around the gold pick and rubbing the black chain. The necklace matched Christian's specifically made necklace that he helped pick out with his brother for Christian's birthday a few years back.

"Well i'll be... It really is you, Christian!" John says quietly. The other guards get confused again. How did a necklace prove anything about a pony being human? John looks at all of the guards aiming their guns and ready to fire. "Lower you weapons." John says to every guard. None of them respond to the demand. "NOW!" John starts yelling at them. The guards quickly point their guns to the ground. John smirks. "That's better." He looks up toward the catwalk again. The shadowy man is still standing there, observing everything that just went on. "It's ok sir, it's just my nephew." He looks toward Christian, who was putting his necklace back on his foreleg. "As weird as that sounds." He kneels to Christian again, who was now looking at John like he was a big shot. "What are you doing here and why are you a pony?" Christian's face scrunched in confusion.

"I should be the one asking you questions. Like: 'Why are you in The Pentagon, ordering soldiers and guards around?'

"Surprise! I work here" John says with jazz hands. Christian laughs a little bit. John always had a good sense of humor. "But seriously, what's with you." He said quickly and in a serious voice.

"I was sent to Equestria because I was kidnapped by some ponies that aren't really ponies but in fact insect-looking ponies." Christian said in a very fast manner. John looked at him blankly.

"...What?" John said, as he had no idea how to respond to that. Christian rolled his eyes. "Ok what, how did these... things, even get you to this 'Equestria'? He said. Christian walked over to a nearby lab table and crawled underneath it. John and some of the soldiers looked at each other oddly as Christian fumbled under the table. Finally, Christian emerged, rolling a black orb with his hoof.

"Here!" Christian rolls the orb to John's feet. John carefully picks up and examines the orb.

"What is this?" He asks.

"It's the portal device the insect-ponies used to get me and that I used to get here. It's voice operated."

"Interesting!" John said as he rolled the sphere around in his hand. He passed it off to one of the soldiers next to him. "Get that down to the lab to analyze it."

"Yes sir!" The agent runs out of the room, sphere in tow. John looks at Christian, who is now smiling.

"Anything else?"

"Yea, Princess Celestia and The Mane Six aren't really them, they're impostors. They captured the real ones, we have to help them."

"Who?" John asks. Christian rolls his eyes. It was like twenty questions with him!

"Look them up. You are the government!" Christian yells. John nods to one of the other soldiers. He nods in confirmation

"I'll get right on it!" The soldier yells as he sits down at a nearby computer. Christian was happy. He was going to help the ponies he hated, but I guess it was worth it to find out that his Uncle worked at The Pentagon! He looked at his uncle with pride.

"Nice shades by the way." He says. His uncle laughs and takes them off to inspect them.

"What? These plastic things? Heh." He puts them back on. "We would get better ones but with budget cuts and whatnot. It's the same reason why we don't use bullets, we use tranquilizer darts and..."

"Yea, I get it." The two of them start walking toward a pair of double doors. "So, when do we save the girls?"

"Well after the lab boys analyze the sphere thing, we can reverse engineer it and make a few..." A bright light behind them cuts him off. Christian shields his eyes as a huge mass comes into view. John does the same as light grows brighter. The light finally subsides a few seconds later. Christian is devastated to find out what it is.

"Celestia?! Wha- how the..." He's trying to speak put Celestia puts her hoof up. John hovers his hand over his tranquilizer pistol, and all of the other soldiers surround Celestia. She smirks.

"Relax boys, I'm only here for the pony!" Her horn glows a soft white. Instantly, Christian glows the same color and starts floating in the air, levitating by the will of Celestia's magic. Celestia reveals another portal behind her, making Christian start to squirm in fear. He starts screaming as he gets tossed into the swirling vortex

"HELP! UNCLE JOHN! HE--" Is the last thing he is able to shout before vanishing into the colorful lights. John starts to get way more apprehensive, and whips out his tranquilizer pistol.

"What do you want with my nephew?!" He says quickly. Celestia starts laughing, the guards around her aim their sights at her forehead.

"Oh nothing major, I just want to have a little chat with him is all..." She slowly starts to back into the portal, the soldiers' fingers start to shake as they get ready to fire. "Oh, and just to make sure we won't have any problems, I'll have to erase your minds!" Her horn starts to glow a very vibrant white. Just as she enters the portal, her horn explodes into a white flash, blinding everyone in the room. The light lasts for just a few seconds, just enough time for Celestia and the portal to vanish. As the light subsides, the soldiers get up from the flash and scratch their heads.

"The heck just happened?" One of the many confused guards says.

"Were we doing something?" Another says.

"I dunno." The first one responds. John shakes his head a few times. He had no idea what just happened, but it wasn't good. He looked up toward his shadowy, superior for a response. The man simply cocked his head and left through a door behind him.


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Christian gets spit out of the portal and flies across the castle throne room. The tile flooring greets him with a painful thud as he lands on his stomach and rolls a few feet forward.

"Uhhhh..." He groans in pain as he is lifted to his hooves by two royal guards. Christian takes a minute to gather his surroundings. It was still night out, seeing as the moon and night sky still shone through the stained glass windows. The portal that he got thrown out of was still present, meaning 'Celestia' was about to chew him out like month-old gum. Christian gulped. He was totally done for. Seconds later, The doppelganger Celestia jumps out of the portal, a black sphere following her afterwards. To Christian's astonishment, she only had the one.

"How DARE you! Thinking you can get out of your community service?! Well, it didn't work did it?!" She starts pacing back and forth in front of Christian at this point. Christian raised a brow, concerned that she didn't figure out that he knew everything and that a portal device was missing. "You're lucky that you know the reason why you're really here, otherwise, I would send you to the dungeon!"

"You mean the dungeon with the REAL Mane Six, Celestia, and Luna in it?" Christian pointed out. Chrysalis went wide-eyed.

"What are you talking about..."

"Oh, quit playing stupid! You know exactly what i'm talking about Chrysalis!" Chrysalis's pupils remained dilated. How did he figure everything out? Chrysalis dropped here Celestia camouflage with an angry frown. She nodded to her 'guards' and after a few seconds and some more green flashes, they got rid of their fake guard appearances as well; turning into their true disgusting form.

"It appears you didn't take 'just a quick glance' into the dungeon." Chrysalis says matter-of-factly into Christian's face. Christian smirks, making the changelings pull on him harder. Chrysalis proceeds back to Celestia's throne and slumps down. "Ah, but it doesn't matter, there's not a chance you have what it take to defeat me alone!" Christian starts to laugh uncontrollably. Didn't she realize he was just with his government not five minutes ago?

"Luckily, I don't have to. In a few minutes, my uncle and some troops will march in here and take you down!" He says as he struggles against the changelings' grip. Chrysalis starts to laugh out loud and gets up from the throne. She approaches the smiling human, and sticks her head to his.

"Oh right, I forgot about them. Must be a side effect of the mind wipe spell I used on them!" Christian's jaw drops. Chrysalis is now the one with a big smile on her face. "Oh, i'm sorry. Did I forget to mention that?" She laughs as she starts to circle the now upset tan pony. Christian's mind starts to process that he was probably not getting any help, but he was saving those ponies, one way or an other. His expression changes to anger as he forcefully thrusts his forehooves forward, throwing the two changelings to each side of the gold throne. Chrysalis ducks to avoid getting hit by her own minions.

"It doesn't matter! I'll save those ponies! You can bet on it!" He dashes up to his makeshift room, leaving the two injured changelings and a confused Chrysalis to watch him run off. One of the changelings haphazardly flies next to his queen.

"Should we get after him Queen Chrysalissssssssssss?" He says. Chrysalis swivels her head and returns to her throne.

"Nah, just make sure he doesn't pull anything else tonight. Keep a close eye on him."

"We'll take care of that my Queen." Twilight and the rest of the fake Mane Six enter the castle. Twilight surrounds the six of them in a eerie green glow. They transform into their changeling selves, all holes and fangs. Chrysalis smiles maliciously.

"Ahh good." She gets up and motions to go back to Celestia's room "I'm going back to bed. I want you six to keep a close eye on him. Report to me if he pulls anything." She trots off to Celestia's bed. The changeling that was impersonating Twilight nods to their ruler.

"Don't worry Chrysalissssssssssss, he will not leave our ssssssssssssight!" The six of them fly up to Christian's room and start to patrol the area; watching his door like a couple of hawks. In his room, Christian started out his window. It was still night out, heck, the moon looked like it was in the same position! The night was still young and Christian knew he had to act now. He put an ear up to his door and heard the hissing and hoofsteps of the changelings that were keeping his room on lockdown.

"Heh, these idiots can't stay awake for long. I'll wait all night if I have to. I don't care if..."

"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..." Snoring is suddenly heard from the other side of the door. Christian's expression changes to confusion as he takes his ear off the door and opens it a crack. He peers out to see six changelings curled up and lying down on the floor, snoring away. Christian quickly and quietly shuts his door again and starts to laugh silently.

"Yup, great guards, Chrissy!" He says. He walks over to his window. He stares out to the small town of Ponyville below. He sighs. "Now all I need is a plan. Hmm..." Suddenly, a bright light comes up behind him. Christian turns around to see the opening of a vortex behind him. However, this one didn't have swirling colors like the orb's. This one was like a hole in space. On the other side, he saw a white lab and a bunch of complex technology. "Huh?" Christian was confused at the new type of portal. It definitely wasn't Chrysalis's.

"C'mon kid! We're not waiting all day!" A voice screamed from the other side of the portal. Christian looked in to see a bunch of familiar guards aiming rifles at his head. Christian quickly put his hooves over his head, but then realized it was the guards from before. "Well?!" One of them shouted at the scared tan pony. Christian peeked an eye out and smiled. He looked around one last time and jumped in. Christian became blinded for a few seconds from all of the white in the room. After uncovering his eyes, Christian looks up and sees a huge shadow looming over him.

"Miss me?" The figure asks. Christian smiles.

"Uncle John?! But how? I thought Chrysalis erased everyone's mind!" His uncle laughs and kneels down to meet him eye to eye.

"Well yes, some guards did have a problem with that..." He points to a few of the guards in the back, who were busy gawking at the talking pony in front of them.

"I see." Christian says, a little disturbed.

"But, who ever was wearing sunglasses didn't get their minds wiped." Christian thought about this for a second. The sunglasses prevented the spell from working. He tried to remember what his uncle said about them: "What? These plastic things..." Christian smiles as he figures it out.

"That's because the sunglasses are made of plastic."

"So?" John says, confused. Christian rolls his eyes.

"Plastic isn't affected by magic."

"Ahhh! Interesting! I'll make sure to keep a note of that." John points to the other end of the room. Christian nods and walks with him. The guards behind them close up the portal. A moment later, a bunch of men in white coats take out tablets and start to do equations and take notes. Christian shrugs. Scientists. What won't they do for research? Christian and John approach a giant table with a blue screen hovering over it.

"So, what's the game plan?' Christian asks. One of the men in lab coats comes behind him an presses a button on his tablet. Instantly, a map pops up on the table. The map showed nothing whatsoever. "Great, a map with nothing on it. Did you guys also make a clock that doesn't show the time?" John doesn't laugh at this joke. He gains a very serious look at Christian.

"Christian, this isn't a joke. We need your help from this."

"Really? How so?" His uncle pushes another button on the table. A blueprint pops up of a torpedo looking thing. His uncle points to it, making the image enlarge.

"You see this, Christian?" Christian inspects the hologram.

"Yea, what is it?"

"Well, after we did our fair share of research on this...subject. We discovered an easy way to take down Chrysalis and her changelings in a safe way so no harm will come to them."

"Which is?" Christian said disgusted and bummed out. If anything, she should be defeated in the most painful way possible!

"This." John brings up a description of the device on the hologram. "This specially made bomb is designed to..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, A BOMB?! I thought you said it wouldn't hurt them!" John puts his hand up to silence his nephew.

"If you let me finish. I was going to say that this bomb is designed to first send out a shockwave of wind, hopefully blowing away any of those changelings in the surrounding area. And if that doesn't work, then the bomb will emit a special chemical that will turn anything that is around the same size of the target in said area into stone."

"Ahh, like that Discord guy?" Christian asks. John nods.

"Basically." Christian puts a hoof on his chin. Determining that the plan was genius, but he still had a few questions.

"Ok, hang on. First off, what am I here for?"

"You are here to give us a detailed map of the Ponyville area." Christian nodded. He was the only one who has actually been there.

"Alright. Two, What about the other ponies?" John and the man in the lab coat scratch their necks in nervousness after Christian asks this question. Christian looks at the two of them a starts to tap his hoof impatiently. "Well?!" John kneels to Christian again.

"Well, that's why you're giving us the map. You see, the bomb would affect the ponies in the surrounding area. However, if we can sneak into Ponyville and get every single citizen here, outside the portal. It would save them all."

"Ok, great! So, when do we go?" John laughs, followed by some of the guards snickering.

"Well Christian, I leave in one minute. YOU will stay here and map out the area." Christian's jaw drops and hangs wide. Seriously, he was stuck here?

"Wait, WHAT?! But I want to help!"

"And you will." John motions the scientists to open the portal again. A bright flash occurs and a zap is heard. The portal reopens in front of the small, quiet pony town. It was still nighttime, but the moon looked like it was starting to set. A few of the guards have already jumped through, wearing dark, night like camo. Three of them were carrying the torpedo shaped explosive through the portal. John stood right the portal ready to jump in. "Now, all you have to do is show us the area via our links in our wrist pads. John puts back his sleeve to show a smaller, more portable tablet. It blinked blue to indicate it was on an linked to the table. "And we'll make sure that everypony is saved and that Chrysalis and her minions are destroyed!" He hops through the portal, leaving Christian with the holographic table and a bunch of scientists. Christian sighs.

"Alright, let's get started gentlemen." Christian starts to maneuver his hooves over the table, making houses and small buildings show up. At the same time, the exact same image was appearing on every soldiers wrist tablet. The blue wire frames quickly turned into the colorful buildings off Ponyville, making for a very easy extraction of its citizens. Christian continued to draw out the entire town, from the Sweet Apple Acres to Twilight's library to Sugarcube Corner. The soldiers proceeded to split up in the middle of the town and sneak into each of the houses and buildings. After a few minutes, one of the soldiers jumps back through the portal with a pony in tow.

"This is your plan? Taking each pony through the portal one at a time?"

The soldier shrugs. "It's the quickest, quietest, and safest way to get every pony out of the town. Just deal with it until everyone is evacuated." Christian rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." Christian goes back to directing the scientists and constructing the wire frames of the buildings. Soon after, more soldiers come back with ponies. Earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, fillies, and colts. The more ponies the soldiers rounded up, the more surprised Christian gotr that none of them have woken up yet. As the minutes turned into hours, the room began to fill with the sounds of sleeping, snoring ponies, which was making Christian lose his mind. Finally, Christian finished the 3D map of Ponyville. He wiped the sweat off his head and rubbed his eyes. He hasn't gotten any sleep tonight, and he deserves a nap after everything he has done. With a loud yawn, he trots away from the table and tries to find a vacant blanket or bed. He searches around the sea of sleeping ponies, but can't find anything.

"Hey Christian!" A voice calls behind him. Christian turns around lazily to see his uncle steppin through the portal. He smiles in a daze.

"Hey." He yawns. "What goes on?"

"Well, the bomb is in place and every citizen is saved. In one hour, Chrysalis and her minions will be nothing but statues!" Christian yawns again. It was great victory, but he was way too tired to care.

"That's great." He scans all of the ponies in the room. He was happy he helped saved everyone. Now, he just needs to find Celestia so he can become human again. Suddenly, Christian perks up immediately and gives the room a good look around. He couldn't see Celestia at all. Come to think of it, He couldn't find Luna or The Mane Six either. "Uh, Uncle John, you saved Celestia, Luna, and The Mane Six in the dungeon right? John looks at his ponified nephew quizzically.

"What dungeon?"

"You know, in the huge castle on the cliff?" John and some of the soldiers looked at each other.

"What castle?" Christian facehoofs. He forgot to put the castle on the 3D map! Christian moans in anger. Without Celestia, he would be stuck as a pony permanently!

"We have to go back! I need to save them!" Christian launches into a full on sprint toward the portal. John, however, steps in his way an blocks him, making Christian slide to a halt. "Move John! I need to save the others!" Christian tries to slip around his uncle, but John sidesteps each and every way to stop him. John sighs apologetically.

"Listen Christian, that bomb is going off in fifty five minutes. There is no way one of us, let alone any human; can get to a castle on a cliff miles away from here, save eight ponies in a dungeon, and return back without getting caught in the process or running out of time and getting turned to stone as well. I'm sorry Christian."

"But... But..."

"I'm sorry. Maybe after the detonation we can try and make them organic, but right now, nothing will work." A solider then comes up behind John.

"Uh sir, what do we do with these ponies anyway?" John turns away from a sad and distraught Christian.

"Well, as long as we keep them here..." As John talked to the soldier, thoughts started to race in Christian said about what his uncle just told him. He said no human could save those ponies. But that was just it, Christian was no longer a human. He was a one-hundred percent, ready to roll earth pony! And he was going to save those captives if it killed him. Plus, he wanted to be human again, and no force on Earth or Equestria was going to stop him! Silently and with a smirk on his face, Christian crept away from his uncle. Now, he just needed some tools...

"So as long as we can close the portal now, we won't get turned to stone and neither will these ponies." John finished his explanation to the soldier. The soldier nodded, it all made sense now!

"I see. Ok, got it! By the way, weren't you talking to a tan pony behind you?" John raised a brow at the soldier.

"Who, my nephew? Yes, he's right..." He turns around to show his pony nephew to the perplexed soldier. But to his surprise, Christian vanished. John quickly looked around the room for a tan pony with a blonde mane and tail, but none of the sleeping ponies matched Christian's description. "Odd, I thought he was going to sleep. Where is he?" A guard suddenly yells from across the room. He was by another table.

"Uhh, has anyone seen my small hang glider? I left it right here next to Dave's crossbow." The soldier next to him got from under the table.

"Yea, and my wrist-mounted crossbow is missing too. Along with my bolts! And I really wanted to try that grappling hook feature." John looks at the soldier he was talking to. The soldier returns the favor, and they both quickly swivel their heads toward the open portal just in time to see a small shadow run off into the distant night. It was the shadow of a pony. John was petrified with fear, and shouts through the portal:


Reversing the Curse... With A Drawback

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Christian is in a full sprint as he rushes toward his castle destination. The night sky providing the perfect camouflage for his objective. He looks back toward the portal, now nothing but a tiny white speck in the distance. He smirks, there was no way they would catch him now! He smiles with joy as he approaches the bottom of the mountain. He squints upward toward the dark castle.

"Now, how do I get up there?" Christian says to himself. He lifts a hoof and inspects the crossbow he took from the guard. "More importantly, how do you fire this thing?"


"What the hay?" Christian exclaims quietly. He looks down toward the rest of the crossbow and notices that it was linked to one of the wrist pads his uncle showed him earlier. He taps the blue, blinking screen with his muzzle and a screen pops up. His uncle appears, looking not too happy and worried sick.

"Christian?! What are you doing?!" John yells. Christian frowns at his uncle's remarks.

"I'm saving those ponies whether you like it or not!" Christian replies. His uncle shakes his head in disapproval.

"Christian, you'll never make it back in time! Look!" A smaller screen pops up on the small pad, showing a countdown timer of the bomb. Christian was shocked, he had forty-five minutes. "You see?! You're not even halfway there and..."

"Actually, i'm at the base of the mountain right now." John was cut off by Christian, who looked at his uncle in a confused manner. It only took him, like, fifteen minutes to get here. His uncle was completely puzzled.

"How did you..."

"I'm a pony; not a human, John. I can run faster now." Christian explained while rolling his eyes. John gawked at this very obvious realization.

"Oh right! How did I forget that?" Christian shrugs. "Alright then, if you're already there, you may be able to save them AND make it out with a few minutes to spare."

"Ok cool... Now where is the grappling hook on this thing?" John sighs and points at the bolt on the left end of the bow. It looked like a three-pronged fish hook.

"See that bolt that looks like a hook?" Christian looks at the bow. There were several bolts, but finally spots the one John was talking about. Christian points his muzzle toward it for a response. "Yea, that one. Now, flick your...hoof to fire that bolt upwards toward the castle and you should reach the top in no time!" Christian smiled softly and nodded.

"Thanks uncle John!" John returned the nod.

"Good luck, kiddo." John's screen vanishes, only leaving the countdown timer with forty minutes. Plenty of time, but Christian knew he should act quickly anyway. He grabs the hook bolt with his teeth and moves it toward the crossbow's chamber. He motions his jaw to lock the bolt into position, without trying to be hooked like a trout in the process. After some trouble, he manages to lock the bolt into the chamber.

"Finally! Geez..." He points his left hoof up toward the small, dark outer balcony of the castle. He sighs nervously. "This thing better be long enough to make it." Christian takes a deep breath, exhales, and flicks his hoof. Instantly, the hook flies out of the bow with tremendous accuracy. It becomes a small, dark dot as it heads to it's destination. Christian grins in victory. "Piece of cake!" He exclaims. The small thread of continues to unravel out of the bow as the hook goes higher and higher. "Wow, that's high up." Up at the castle, the hook manages to soar over the balcony outside Celestia's room. It falls back down toward the edge and wraps around the small gap in the guarding surrounding the edge. The hook's string tugs, confirming that it's locked into position. Christian feels the tug and flicks his wrist again. "Wait, how do I know this thing can support..."

The string cuts Christian off, and starts reeling him in at breakneck speed. His body is lifted off the ground and rockets him into the air, following the hook's path. "ME!" Christian manages to finish his sentence halfway up the mountain. He looks back down to see that Ponyville is shrinking below him. He swallows nervously. If this thing breaks, it wouldn't be a fun trip back down. He zips up the string silently, finally leading up to the balcony, where the hook undoes itself and sends the tan pony flying upwards and landing with a painful THUD! onto his back right onto the balcony. He groans in pain. "Well, that answers that question. Ow..."

He gets up slowly, his back throbbing in pain. He saunters over to Celestia's dark room, and closes his eyes and prepares to sneak around the sleeping, evil queen. But to his surprise, she wasn't there. He sighed in relief at the good luck and races out of the empty room. As he quietly shuts the door behind him, he hears murmurs from the throne room below him. The entire room was lit up, meaning Chrysalis and her guards were wide awake. Christian quickly hides in the shadow of one of the large marble columns, which brings back the thoughts of how this hiding spot almost failed horribly. In the shadows, he listens in on the conversation.

"What do you mean he is gone again!? I left you six to watch him!" Chrysalis boomed. The six changelings before her looked scared out of their minds. Three of them were hiding behind the head changeling, which Christian identified as Twilight's impersonator earlier.

"We are ssssssssssssorry Queen Chrysalissssssssssss. He got the besssssssssssst of ussssssssssss." The head changeling said. Chrysalis growls in anger.

"He must have gone back to Earth again! We must head to Twilight's house and use the other portal device to get after him before my plan is ruined!" The changelings nod to their ruler.

"As you wish, Queen Chrysalissssssssssss." Chrysalis gets up from the throne and proceeds to leave the castle, her changelings flying close beside her. The heavy doors slam shut, signaling Christian that the coast was clear to step out. He looks around the empty castle one more time, just to be safe. Quickly, he starts to tap his muzzle onto his hoof tablet. After a few seconds, another screen pops up with John's face.

"What the? Oh, hey kiddo! How goes the rescue?" He says, happy to see that his nephew was still alive.

"It's going great!" Christian says sarcastically. "I'm in the castle, everything is fine, and oh yea; Chrysalis and an army of changelings are about to swarm you guys!" Christian screams quietly. John gives the pony a blank stare, before snickering a little bit. Christian gives his uncle a bewildered look. "What's so funny?" He asks.

John calms down to explain. "Chrysalis and her army won't be a problem Christian. You don't have to worry about a thing." Christian gave a very confused look. John could tell he wasn't getting it. He sighs. "Remember that black sphere that you gave us?"


"Well, we used that sphere for a trial run to Equestria before getting you. The portal led us to a huge tree, which was actually a library and..."

"Get to the point John, i'm in a hurry" Christian cuts him off. Now was not the time for telling stories.

"Long story short, we found this." John reveals a black sphere from underneath the desk. "Another portal device. It seems Chrysalis had a spare. Probably how she got to you."

"And you took it so she couldn't get back to Earth. Nice move uncle." Christian comments. John nods at the compliment.

"Thanks. Now go save the others! You only have thirty minutes! And there's no telling how long it will take Chrysalis to find out that she has no other portal device!" Christian nods and John disappears from the tablet. Christian goes back to sneaking and hiding. He moves down the staircase swiftly and reaches the lower stair to the dungeon and library. He peers down the dark decent and gulps. Who knows if tons of guards were waiting for him down there? He takes a deep breath and starts moving down the flight, step by step. The moonlight slowly starts to disappear as he gets halfway down. "Watch your step." Christian whispers to himself. With four hooves, it wasn't hard to slip up.

Finally, after a few minutes of inching down the crypt, Christian finally reaches the pair of doors from earlier. He was surprised that, just like before, not a single guard was there. "Thank Celestia." Christian whispers. He goes up to the old door on the right and forcefully opens it. The door hits the sidewall with a crack, making something ding in the process. Christian curiously moves the door out of the way to reveal a ring of keys right next to the door. "Seriously?! Wow, Chrysalis is stupider than I thought!" Christian grabs the keys in his mouth and race down the corridor. He looks left and right into each cell, but can't find the pony prisoners anywhere. He stops for a moment. They must be sleeping. He puts the keys down in front of his forehooves and takes a deep breath. "GIRLS!" He yells down the hall. Christian quickly covers his mouth. Hopefully, that didn't just blow his cover.

"Wha?" Yelps a pony in the shadows. Christian quickly swivels his head toward the small sound. He squints into one of the cells next to him. It was Twilight. "Christian? Is that you?" She exclaims silently. The cells around her suddenly come alive. Each other pony instantly wakes up from their slumber, and rushes to their cell bars. Christian peers through one of the dark cells to see Celestia's white coat. He smiles.

"Miss me?" He says with a bit of attitude. Celestia welcomes him with wide eyes.

"Christian?! You came back!" Christian rolls his eyes.

"Duh. I would like to be human again. And also, you girls don't really deserve to be statues." Celestia looks at the tan pony curiously.

"What do you mean 'statues'? What's going to happen?" Christian rubs the back of his neck. How was he supposed to tell Celestia and the others that a bomb was about to turn everyone in the area into a stone statues? He bit his lip as he tried to explain.

"Well... Umm... You see, there's a bomb that my government put in the middle of the town that, when it explodes, it will turn everypony in the area into stone statues." He gulped loudly as he finished his explanation. The ponies in the cells all had their jaws agape as they finished processing what Christian just said. Christian had to think of something quick to comfort them. "Uh... Uh... But! My government has safely gotten all of the citizens of Ponyville out of town and to Earth, which is out of the radius of the explosion!" Christian heard gasps of relief after he finished. Celestia, however, grow wide-eyed again.

"Wait, do we have enough time to get out of here?" Christian rubbed his chin and looked back at his wrist tablet. They had twenty five minutes.

"Just about. Now..." He nudges the keys with his muzzle. "Which key opens your cells?"

"The first one." Celestia says. Christian picks up the first key on the bronze ring.

"Thich on?" He says. Celestia nods. Quickly, Christian rushes over to Celestia and Luna's cell. He haphazardly tilts his head, trying to position the key into the lock. After a few minutes of trial and error, Christian finally hears a small click and turns the key in the lock. The cell opens with a loud creak, allowing Christian to enter the confines of Celestia and Luna's cell.

"Good. Now get the other key for these shackles." The sun princess says. Christian throws the ring of keys onto the ground and fumbles with them a bit before he picks them back up; the other key now in his teeth. Carefully, Christian unlocks each of the shackles on each of the Celestia's hooves; moving on to Luna's afterward. With a stretch of her legs, Celestia leaves her damp cell and emerges into the corridor.

"Ahhh, I can feel Chrysalis's grip on me leaving. Thank you, Christian." Christian nods at the alicorn happily. Luna yawns with glee.

"Thou art a good fere, Christian!" Luna shouts as she trots out of the cell. Christian rubs his neck confusion.

"Thanks, I guess." He honestly has no idea what she just said. Celestia turns to The Mane Six, who were wide awake now.

"And now that some of my magic is back..." Celestia's horn starts to glow white. A few seconds later, the cell doors of the other six ponies's cells start to glow the same white aura. Celestia concentrates her magic on the cells and in seconds, every single one of the Mane Six's cells fly open. The ponies' shackles then start to glow white, becoming uncoupled from the hooves of the Six soon after. The Mane Six cheer with joy as they rush out of their respective cells and stretch their legs.

"Finally!" Dash yells. "It was cramped in there! My wings are aching I haven't flown in so long!"

"No time for some flying exercises, Dash!" Rarity says. "We have to get out of here!"

"This way!" Twilight yells. The Six start racing toward the exit of the dungeon.

"HANG ON!" Christian yells after them. The six ponies stop in their tracks. They turn to see a very angry tan stallion glaring at them.

"What's wrong?! We need to go NOW!" Dash yells. Christian's eye starts to twitch.

"First off, I'M the only one who knows where the portal to Earth is, and you're not gonna get it until i'm human again!" He yells. Celestia looks toward the six. Christian was right, he was the only one who knew how to escape the bomb. Twilight's jaw drops.

"You're kidding, right?" Twilight asks. Christian turns away from the ponies and puts his head up.

"No spell, no location!" He yells in retaliation. Twilight and other five start to look very worried. Celestia approaches the pony from behind and taps him on the shoulder. Christian turns a bit. "You have the spell, right?" Celestia looks away in worry, and then quickly looks back to answer.

"Well, yes I do."

"Alright cool! Let's go! I want to be human!" Christian pouts. Celestia sighs.

"Alright. Do you have an article of clothing I can charm?" Christian thinks for a minute and quickly looks at the white alicorn. Why did she need to charm something?

"Charm? Why?" He asks in a confused manner. Celestia sighs and looks at The Six and her sisters behind her. Luna gives her sister an apologetic look.

"Tia..." She nudges toward the worried human. Celestia and nods and looks back at Christian.

"Christian, I was able to find a spell that can make you a human again. But..." She pauses. Christian's jaw drops in suspense.

"But... What?" He asks in a concerned manner.

"This spell won't make you fully human i'm afraid. The spell will have your human DNA fuse with that of your pony DNA. By charming an article of clothing on you, you will look and act like a regular human. But after you take off the necklace..."

"I'll become a pony again?!" He shouts Celestia nods with sorrow. Twilight and the others gasp at this explanation. Christian starts to shake his head in disbelief. The only way for him to be human again, is to become a half human slash pony hybrid. Tears start trickling down his cheek. Christian wipes them away and looks back up to Celestia with a small grin. "Do it." Celestia gains a surprised look, as do Luna and the others.

"Are you sure Christian?" Celestia asks, concerned.

"Yea, this is nuts!" Twilight shouts from the back. Christian starts to laugh a little bit, throwing the ponies off guard.

"If i've learned anything from this whole ordeal, it's that Chrysalis is the biggest jerk in history, and that you ponies are actually a lot of fun to hang out with! I mean, granted I was working with fakes, but they copied you life exactly how I heard it was like! Bucking trees with AJ and baking with Pinkie, I know for a fact that you two actually do those things and, well dang it! I wanna do it again! Maybe next I could help Dash or Rarity..."

"Or me?" Twilight said excited. She was hoping the human liked her now to.

"No, no, still hate your guts. And another thing, respect. I mean, look at this right now! You were trapped for two months and your citizens didn't even notice! Like, are you kidding?! Not to mention that you've saved Equestria how many times? I should treat you girls better, even though I will definitely still hate all of you after this." This makes the ponies roll their eyes happily. At least he had some of his old self still in him. Christian continued. "This charm thing will make it so I'm on an equal playing field with you girls." Christian stops his forehoof a few times, making his necklace fall to the floor. "Here, use this. I wear it all the time anyway. Just, make sure it's a bit bigger so it can fit. Last time, fake Twilight almost choked me to death!" Celestia nods happily. This human really did learn a lot from his short time here!

The black chained necklace started to glow a faint white as it was lifted into the air. Celestia's eyes started to glow a bright white as well. She focused every ounce of magic in her onto the gold pick necklace until it started to glow brighter and brighter until everypony in the room had to shield their eyes from the intense brightness. It was ready.

"Are you sure about this Christian?!" Celestia yells to the tan pony. Christian simply puffs out his chest and looks up toward the ceiling.

"HIT ME!" He shouts. Celestia nods and with in seconds, the necklace greets Christian at high speed. The whole room glows an intense white as the spell starts to take it's effects on Christian's pony body. Horrible groans of pain are heard from where Christian was, making everypony worry sick about him. Twilight couldn't stand it.

"Celestia, we have to..." She gets cut off by Luna, who put her hoof to Twilight's mouth to silence her.

"There is nary we can do Twilight." She says seriously. Twilight bits her lip, as if feeling the agony the human was feeling. Rainbow Dash and Applejack look at each other nervously. They knew it wasn't pretty. Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy look away as the light was getting to them. Mainly Pinkie because she could wait to see the surprise of what might happen. Finally, the light diminishes and Celestia collapses under her hooves.

"Whew! That must have... drained nearly all of my magic." She says exhausted. Luna rushes over to help her sister up. The Six run into the darkness to see what has become of the tan pony. The crowd the shadowy blob that remained where he was. He was definitely unconscious, as not a single noise was coming from the shadow.

"I can't see him! It's too dark!" Dash yells.

"Oh my." Rarity exclaims in grief. "Christian, all you alright dear?" Christian groans as a response.

"Yea, he's fine." Dash says, a little disappointed.

"I don't know about that, Dash. I think he's hurt." Fluttershy points out. The blob of shadow starts to move a bit. Christian starts to wake up from the spell's effects. He groans again, it's the only thing he can do.

"Did it work?! Did it work?!" Pinkie exclaims. The blob of matter flops onto his stomach and kneels in front of the ponies.

"Uhh... my head." Christian rubs his head. It felt like a truck rammed into his body at the force of a thousand newtons, and it was doing a number on his head. "Anyone got a painkiller or some asprin, my head is... My head." Christian feels around and sure enough, his head is circular. He quickly realizes that his forehooves aren't forehooves, they're hands! Celestia uses the last bit of her magic to light up the dark crypt and Christian smiles. "I'm...
I'm me! I'm back to normal! YA HOO! I'm human! I'm human! Look at me! I've got fingers again!" He grabs the keys with his hand and clenched them into a fist. "Awesome! I can grab stuff again! And i've got my legs back, and my clothes which, i'll be honest here, i'm thanking Celestia right now that I still have clothes on right now. I thought they would have vanished or something." Christian quickly realizes that he was still thanking Celestia. But he didn't care, he was happy to be human once more.

"Well, aren't you happy." Twilight points out. Christian nods at the purple unicorn.

"Yes I am Twitlight! Thanks for asking!" Twilight groans. Yup, he was back to normal all right. Christian turns to Celestia, his mood switching to concern.

"So, wait a sec..." He takes out his necklace from under his shirt. He places it into his palm and stares at it."When I take off my necklace, that means..."

"You will be a pony once more. I'm sorry, Christian." Celestia finishes for him. Christian nods, understanding that while he may never be fully human, it was nice to enjoy this while he still wearing the necklace. He shrugs, and places his necklace over his shirt. He liked the way the gold pick shined in Celestia's light. "Oh well, I wear this thing twenty four seven anyway. I barely notice i'm wearing it half the time!" Celestia laughs with joy.

"Uhh, hey. Sorry to ruin this celebration, but we have to get outta here before we become garden decorations!" Dash yells. Christian gasps in shock and looks at the countdown timer on the tablet. Only twenty minutes remained.

"She's right, girls! There's no time to waste! Let's get the heck out of here!" Christian starts off toward the door, the others following him at breakneck speed. He creeps up to the door and opens it a crack. He peers outside. Not a single guard was in sight. He motioned the girls to follow close behind him. He opened the door completely and rushed out of the dungeon. The girls trotted out in front of him while Christian shuts the door behind him.

"Alright up the stairs! Just, watch your step." The group runs up the stairs, with Christian still leading.

"Whoa, whoa, stop for a sec." Christian says silently. He was already at the top of the stairs. He peers out from the stairwell. Still, there were no guards in sight. Christian was really confused at this point. Where were all of the changelings? Were they still at Twilight's house? Christian shrugs and looks back down at the group behind him. They were all still worried at how much was left.

"Anything?" Celestia asks. Christian shakes his head.

"No, which is weird. Just be on your toes girls." Pinkie gives Christian a look.

"Toes?" Pinkie asks. Christian rolls his eyes at her stupidity.

"Hooves. Whatever! Let's go!" Christian dashes up toward the stairs in the throne room. Stopping once more to scope out ahead. The throne room was now dark and deserted. The only light being the sun that started to rise. It shined through the stained glass windows, making the tile flooring of the room shine with all kinds of colors. Christian smiled, luck was on his side. "Alright, all we need to do is get to town. One of you girls can teleport us down right?" He asks Celestia, Luna, and Twilight. Twilight and Luna shake their heads

"Our magic is still very weak." Twilight answers

"And I just used the rest of mine on that charm of yours." Celestia says. Christian face palms and pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Ok, how fast can you girls fly?" He looks toward Dash first.

"Pfft, is that even a question? You're looking at the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria!" Dash boasts. Christian raises a brow.

"Ok, so you're fine. What about you?" He points toward Fluttershy

"I... Umm... Well..." Fluttershy tries to speak. Christian taps his foot impatiently.

"She's... not as fast." Twilight jumps in. Christian looks over to the two princesses next.

"And you two?" Celestia and Luna look at each other with a grin, and then nod toward the human.

"We're fast enough." They answer simultaneously. Christian sighs as he sorts out his plan.

"Ok, here's what we'll do: All of us will go up to Celestia's balcony and we'll all fly off toward the town. That should make off for any lost time. Everyone who can't fly, hang on to a pegasus." He whispers to Twilight. "What's the yellow ones name?"

"Fluttershy." She whispers back.

"Fluttershy, you will hitch a ride onto Dash for some speed. Got it?" Fluttershy nods, as do every other pony. It was a simple plan, pretty clever really. But Twilight seemed a bit puzzled.

"Wait, what about you Christian? Last I checked, humans don't have wings." Christian snickered a bit as they approached the stairs leading up to Celestia's room.

"Don't worry about me Twitlight. I'll..."

"You'll do what exactly?" An evil voice cuts Christian off. The group comes to a halt as they look around for the source of the mysterious figure. "Up here idiots!" The group looks up to see Chrysalis flying above them. She looked rather happy to see them. "Well, this is a new one. It seems that my prisoners have escaped, and my pony pawn is now human once more! Fancy that!" The Six growl in anger.

"Chrysalis!" Twilight yells at the queen. Chrysalis laughs at the nine of them.

"Yes it is, poor Twilight. But i'm not alone..." She lands onto the tile floor and stomps her hoof three times. Suddenly, the room comes alive with changelings. flying in from the double doors in front of them and down from the staircase behind them. In seconds, they were surrounded by Chrysalis's minions. The Six huddle together in fear. Celestia and Luna glare at the changelings, ready to fight the battalion. Christian looks around in terror.

"Well, we're doomed."

The Final Countdown

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Chrysalis looked at the group of intruders and smirked evilly. Christian glared at her apprehensively and clenched his fists as he positioned himself into a intimidating stance. The Mane Six behind him broke out of their scared group hug and got into fighting stances as well. Celestia and Luna stood next to the ticked-off human, also eyeing the evil queen. Chrysalis snickered at their pathetic attempts to try and frighten her and her army.

"Ohh, how adorable! You think you nine stand a chance against my changeling army? Mmmhmm! That's a good laugh!" She laughs triumphantly as the changelings start to close in on the group. Christian gives the queen a wicked smile.

"Wow, you really ARE stupid!" Chrysalis stops laughing and raises a hoof up, commanding her army to stop closing in. She dawns an angry frown as she encircles the smug human.

"What are you saying?!" She demands.

"I'm saying that you aren't the smartest villain are you? It's like you WANT to be defeated!" Twilight creeps up behind Christian as he backtalks.

"Christian!? What are you doing!?" She whispers behind the human. Christian turns his head slightly to address her.

"Don't worry, just stick to the plan!" He whispers back. Chrysalis stomps her hoof in annoyance. This human had quite the mouth.

"Quit whispering! Tell me Christian, how will I be defeated? I have all of you surrounded by five hundred of my fellow changelings, not including myself! You don't stand a chance with the princess's sad excuse for magic and that worthless gauntlet of yours!" Christian gained an agitated frown.

"It's a crossbow, first of all. Second, you have no idea what I have been up to, have you?" Chrysalis eyes grow wide, but then suddenly shrink back down to their original size. She starts to snicker quietly under a raised hoof. Christian eyes her curiously. She knew something.

"Oh Christian, you are very naive. Do you think I don't know of the giant bomb in the center of Ponyville?" Chrysalis asks. Christian bit his lip nervously.

"Aww, snap." He responds. Chrysalis laughs at his realization.

"That's right Christian! I know all about your government's little trek to Ponyville: The bomb, saving the citizens, blah, blah, blah! But, I never could have suspected that you, of all of the people on Earth, would come back and rescue the ponies that you've known to hate and loathe!" Christian smirked at her comment. "Tell me, why did you decide to return? Oh and please hurry; you only have about thirteen minutes before that bomb goes off, and while I would love to see you all destroyed, I would rather not be in the way." Christian proceeds to separate himself from the group and start to pace back and forth in front of the curious fiend.

"Before I answer anything, I have a few things to say; One: The bomb won't destroy us, it will turn us all into stone statues."

"Tomatoes, Toma-toes." Chrysalis says as she rolls her eyes. "Continue."

"Two: The reason I came back was so I could be human once more. Celestia was able to reverse the curse you put on me... sort of."

"What do you mean 'sort of'?" Chrysalis cuts of Christian. The question makes him start to sweat and quiver. However, Christian keeps his wits with him and smiles a bit.

"I'm not just a regular human anymore. The spell Celestia used on me has made my human DNA fuse with that of my pony DNA. I am now half human, half pony, and all for protecting these ponies from you!" He points behind him to the town below. As he is doing this, he starts to turn himself and the entire group around to the point that Twilight's plot starts touching the stained glass window behind her. She glances behind her to see how high up they were. The entire group grows nervous, in fear of falling a few stories. Twilight tries to interrupt the defensive human.

"Umm, Christian? Hello? Can you be a little careful..." Christian turns around a winks. Twilight grows confused.

"Just stick to the plan." He whispers. Celestia nods and gets down onto her hooves. Twilight quickly remembers Christian's aerial escape plan and scrambles onto Celestia's back. Rarity hops aboard soon after. Luna does the same as her sister, letting Applejack and Pinkie get on her back. Fluttershy and Dash stood next to each other, getting ready to fly. Twilight smiled at his ingenious distraction. But one question remained: Where were they flying from? There was no exit. "And three:" Christian continued to Chrysalis. "How did you know of my government coming here?" Chrysalis smirks.

"It was quite simple Christian. After I realized that the other portal device was missing, I had my changelings search the area. One came back claiming that he say some figures sneaking out of some of the houses. After staking out the town for a bit, we saw the humans taking ponies out of houses and through another portal. I'm assuming the portal device YOU gave them!" She pushes Christian on the nose with her hoof. Christian slaps it away.

"No, it was a new one they developed. My planet isn't as stupid as you think!"

"Mmhmm." She laughs to herself. "I'm sure. Now, this little talk has been fun, but now I think it's time for you to be stones. Changelings! Get them!" The changelings zip toward the group. Christian smiles happily, as if taunting them to move faster. Know he can't back up any further he looks back to see that the ponies have a fearful expression. The changelings were getting close and there was no way out.

"Uhh, Christian!?" Celestia screams. Christian returns with a smile.

"Just stick to the plan!" He repeats. He faces Chrysalis who was laughing maniacally. "Hey Chrissy! You forgot one thing about us humans!" He shouts with a smirk.

"And what's that?" Chrysalis asks nonchalantly. The human couldn't do anything. If anything, he was bluffing.

"We take huge risks!" He turns toward the girls. "JUMP!" He runs right through the group of ponies and body checks the yellow stained glass window behind him. The glass shatters instantly, making the human plummet below the cloud layer under the castle's cliff. Chrysalis and her changelings stop their onslaught to comprehend what just happened. The human jumped, just jumped, to his demise hundreds of feet below. Not a scream, not a murmur was heard. It was as if he surrendered to his fate, but didn't want to go out as Chrysalis's stone trophy.

"CHRISTIAN!" Celestia's group shouts as they look over the edge of the window. Nothing was there. Only a few shards of yellow glass could be seen glistening in the soft rising sunlight before falling below the clouds. Twilight became a bit misty eyed. Christian just saved them, and then he pulled a stupid stunt like that. The changelings were doing double takes and looking at each other wondering if that just really happened. Chrysalis was also wide eyed and confused, but quickly shook off the look.

"Well, that happened." She looks over the broken window and smiles. "Pfft, I knew the human was weak." She turns away and starts to walk toward the castle's front doors. Celestia's group still sat there, quivering with sorrow. Chrysalis rolls her eyes and sighs. It was time to move on with her escape plan, and these sniveling, sobbing ponies were starting to annoy her. "Changelings, take Celestia and the others back to their cell and..."

"WAHOO!" A voice was heard from outside the window. Chrysalis freezes in her tracks. She knows she heard something. She rushes back to the window and looks back down to the clouds. Nothing is seen.

"Well, that was odd. But I could have sworn I..." Suddenly, something soars up from the clouds and smashes into Chrysalis's face, sending her flying back and onto the floor, knocking her out cold in the process. The group looks toward the mysterious object to see a black triangle flying in the sky. The group follows the object as it starts to fly in circles.

"What is that?" Dash asks. The object flips over to reveal the underside, showing Christian hanging on.

"Hey girls! I said jump, didn't you listen?" He shouts. The girls smile. He wasn't gone after all!

"Christian?! But how?" Twilight shouts. Christian points to the triangle on his back.

"Hang glider. Borrowed it from a guard back on Earth!"

"Like the crossbow?" Twilight yells back.

"Pretty much! Now c'mon! We only have ten minutes until that bomb goes off!" Christian starts to dip toward the town below. The group looks down to see how high they were.

"Uhh Dash, this seems a little..." Fluttershy tries to say something, but Dash hops right off the castle and soars right next to Christian.

"Aww yea! Now this is fun! Haven't flown like this in ages!" Dash does a corkscrew to show her excitement. The princesses above proceed to jump off and fly away as well, catching up to the flying human in seconds.

"Wow Christian! That was a risky move back there!" Celestia yells.

"Not really!" He shouts back. "I had it planned all along! I knew Chrysalis would figure out everything, it just took keen timing and a quick distraction to make my move!" Celestia nods.

"It was very well thought out, Christian!" She comments.

"So that's what was on your back?" Rarity shouts from the other side of the alicorn. Up until now, she was too scared of falling to speak.

"Yup!" Christian responds. "Umm, are you ok Rarity? You're looking a bit... green." Rarity looked as sick as a dog. Her tongue was flapping in the wind, and her eyes were teary and red.

"No, no. I'm fine. I'm just a bit airsick is all." She heaved a bit, making her cheeks bulge out before she swallowed. Christian gagged at the sight. A queasy pony wasn't going to fun to try and transport.

"You better not hurl, Rarity. I don't think my government is going to like having foreign germs all over the place. We might get some weird pony virus or something." Rarity nods sickly.

"I'll try not to... Ugh!" She heaves again. Christian groans in frustration.

"Hang on! Everyone land for a second!" Christian and the group dives below the cloud layer. The pegasi land in an open clearing a few miles from town. Rarity falls off of Celestia's back, all wobbly like. Christian remains in the air as he can't fly without a huge drop or some air lift. He starts circling the group to maintain the little lift he has. "Dash, you'll have to carry Rarity." Dash looks at the flying human confused.

"What? I don't want Rarity getting sick on my back! Besides, I already have Fluttershy!" Christian rolls his eyes. He loads a dart into the crossbow on his arm.

"Relax Dash, i'm going to tranq Rarity so she can sleep and won't get sick. What you're going to do is get Rarity to the portal ASAP. Fluttershy can fly solo in order to balance everything out." A click is heard from his wrist. The dart was ready. Christian only shot the bow once, and with him constantly moving, it was going to be a tough shot.

"Well, where is the portal?" Dash asks as Fluttershy floats off of her back.

"Just outside town. Can't miss it." He steadies his aim for Rarity, who was lying on her stomach in the grass. With a quick flick of the wrist, the metal dart rockets out of the bow. It slices through the air, meeting up with it's intended target: Rarity's cutie mark. Rarity eyes bolt awake at the pinch, but then quickly fall as the tranquilizer takes effect. In moments, she is sound asleep. Applejack takes Rarity's tired body and flops it onto Dash's back. "While you're at it, tell my uncle the rest of us are on the way!" Christian shouts from above. Dash nods and then like a rocket, she bursts out of the clearing with Rarity in tow.

Back on Earth, John looks toward the portal for any sign of his nephew. He sighs in distress. It's almost time for the detonation of the bomb. John got up from his seat and started to pace back and forth. One of his fellow agents comes up to him.

"John face it, there is only eight minutes until that bomb goes off. He isn't going to make it. We must close the portal." John starts laughing a little.

"Oh, don't doubt my nephew. He'll make it."

"John, there's not a chance he'll..." A blue streak flies out of the portal, past the two men and into the wall behind them, cutting off the agent from his sentence. The two men look at each other. John smiles.

"Told you." He runs over to the crash victims to help them up.

"Hey, this pony doesn't look like your nephew!" The agent shouts.

"Ponies, agent. There's two of them." John was correct. One pony was a blue pegasus who was rubbing her head in pain.

"You couldn't make a softer wall to hit!" She complains. The other pony was completely out cold. But it wasn't from the crash, John knew it wasn't. Because on her diamond cutie mark was a small metal bolt... from a crossbow. John smiles.

"Christian sent you, didn't he?" John asks the conscious blue pegasus. She nods.

"Yea, he said he's coming soon with the others and to keep the portal open. Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go nap in a vacant bed. After hitting that wall, my head feels like a truck hit it." The pegasus said as she sauntered off. John smiled at the disbelieving agent.

"Told you." John says happily. The agent crosses his arms and sighs.

"You really think he'll make it?"

"It's my nephew. He'll do anything to make it out."

Meanwhile, back at the castle. Chrysalis wakes up after being knocked out by the sudden flying human. She gets up into a sitting position to see a few of her changelings trying to comfort her, and the rest flying around aimlessly and slacking off. She is utterly disgusted. The human had escaped with her prisoners and was about to go back to Earth, while they would be stuck here... as statues!

"WHAT ARE YOU CHANGELINGS DOING?!" Chrysalis yells. The changelings all stare at her like she's an alien from another planet. Chrysalis grits her teeth in anger. "The prisoners are getting away you dimwits! GET THEM!" The changelings comply and swarm out of the broken window toward the escapees. The ponies were back in the air, the flight was going a lot smoother and calmer since Rarity was flown off. Christian looked behind him, assured that nothing was going to get in their way.

"Oh boy..." He looks down at the ponies under him. "Uhh, girls. We've got company!" The swarm of changelings quickly start to fill the orange sky. They start to surround the group, hoping to trap them so they don't go any further. Christian glances at the timer. Only five more minutes remained, and they were only halfway there. "Girls! Any magic yet?!" Celestia, Twilight, and Luna shake their heads in grief. "Alright then. Time for some evasive maneuvers! Go down and left!" Christian swoops in his given directions, evading the mass of changelings by ducking underneath them. The changelings counter by following them down. "Ahh shoot!" Christian yells. These changelings weren't as stupid as their leader. "Keep dodging and swerving!" The group's exit path soon became a bunch of erratic movements. Chrysalis comes up behind her army, disappointed because they didn't catch them yet.

"Don't just fly after them idiots! Blast them out of the sky!"

"Yessssssssssss Queen Chrysalissssssssssss!" The changelings reply. Christian wipes his head in relief. As long as they kept dodging, they would make it out okay.

"Alright, as long as nothing else happens, we should be..." A sudden green blast of magic nearly misses Christian's head. He looks behind him to see a bunch of changeling horns lit up bright green. He groans in aggravation. "Oh, give me a break!" He shouts. In seconds, hundreds of vibrant green blasts of magic start flying past them. The group start dodging more erratically in order to avoid the oncoming fire. One of the bursts hits Celestia's right wing.

"AHH!" Celestia plummets out of the sky. Christian quickly sees the falling princess and dives after her. However, Christian sets himself up to get hit with another blast, making a rather big hole in his hang glider.

"Dang it!' He shouts as he starts falling to the ground as well. Luna was still in the air and looks toward her crashed sister. She halts in mid-air.

"TIA!" She races down to aid her sister, leaving Fluttershy the only pegasi in the air. Christian looks up from his crash site in a daze to see a scared yellow pegasi. Christian leans up on his arm.

"Fluttershy... GO!... FLY!" She complies and races away faster than she has ever flown. Christian looks toward the escaping pony and toward the direction she was flying in. The portal was only a mile or so away. We might be able to still make it! Christian thinks to himself. He looks at the conditions of the others. Luna was perfectly fine, as were AJ and Pinkie. But as for Celestia, her right wing was in no condition for flying. Christian himself was alright aside from a few scrapes and bruises, but his hang glider had a giant hole in it. He kneels to get up and brushes some of the dirt off of himself. Celestia gets up into a semi-standing position, and Luna was in an intimidating stance, ready to fight. The changelings hover in front of the crashed group. Chrysalis lands in front of Christian, who growled at her in response. One changeling looks over at the escaping Fluttershy.

"Should we go after her Queen Chryslaissssssssssss?" He asks. Chrysalis shakes her head.

"Nah, Let her go. I want her to see her friends becoming nothing but mere statues!"

John and some other agents are looking out of the portal. After Dash said that Christian and the others were arriving shortly, they expected Christian to be here by now. Instead, they got a great look at Chrysalis and her changelings confronting Christian and the rest of the escapees.

"Oh no! Christian!" John shouts in agony. His nephew only had two more minutes, and with Chrysalis in the way, it seemed hopeless. Dash quickly zipped over from her bed after hearing the terrified human. When she saw the mass of changelings, she became furious.

"I'm not gonna let a bunch of bugs trap my friends, the princesses, and the human who saved us! I'm going after them!" She was about to fly out when John steps in the way.

"Dash, they're over a mile away. You'll never save all of them in time!" Dash thought for a second. Sure, she was fast. But was she fast enough to lug two alicorns, one being injured, to a portal a mile away that quickly? John was right, she would only end up a statue. Just then, the flapping of wings could be heard. A few seconds later, a yellow pegasus flies in, panting and sweating wildly. She collapses to the floor, almost completely out of breath.

"Fluttershy?! What happened?" Dash asks.

"Christian... told me... to fly... So... I did."

"Who's left?" Dash asks nervously.

"The Princesses... Applejack... Pinkie... Twilight... and Christian." John and Dash both give a sentimental look toward each other.

"How much more time?" Dash asks. John glances over at the timer and shakes his head.

"Not enough. Only a minute thirty is left." Dash gasps quietly. Her friends were about to become history. But to heck with that! She didn't care if she got turned to stone either! She knew she couldn't save everyone, but she was going to help as much as she could.

"You better keep this portal open for them!" She yells at the agents. One of the scientists comes over to her.

"Not to burst your bubble, but if don't close it now, the..." Dash grabs the scientist by his collar and heaves him up into the air.

"Listen here egghead! They'll make it! I know they will! If you so much as glance at that button to close the portal, I'll make sure that you will regret every second of it!" She tugs even harder on his collar. "Got it?!" The scientist nods wildly. Dash drops him painfully and glances over to the group of lab coat men on the other side. "Same goes for you eggheads too!" The scientist all nod, agreeing with the pegasi completely. Dash flies back over to John. "Do... Do you think they'll make it?" John couldn't say for sure. He shakes his head.

"Heck if I know. But it will be close."

Back at the crash site. Christian finally manages to get up into a slightly crooked standing position. His right leg hurt a bit from the landing, but it was nothing compared to Celestia's wing. He looks over to see her groaning and moaning every time she moves it. Christian knew it was broken and that she couldn't fly. Luna and Twilight were trying their best to comfort her, but she was still in a lot of pain. Chrysalis, meanwhile, was laughing her plot off.

"Well! I love it when a story ends happily! You're all doomed and Celestia's hurt to boot! I mean sure, i'll be stuck here too, but oh well, that's the price I have to pay for quality work!" She laughed again. Christian glanced back at the timer. Only one minute left. Christian needed to think quickly. He knew Celestia can't fly, but maybe they didn't have to fly...

"Celestia, can you still spread both of your wings?" Christian asks. Celestia painfully spreads both of her wings like she was ready to fly.

"It hurts a little, but I can. Why?" Celestia asks. Christian smiled a little. Oh, he had a plan. Another plan that Chrysalis would miss by a mile!

"Just keep your wings spread." He says quietly. "Twilight, you get back onto Celestia. Just watch her right wing." Twilight nods and mounts Celestia onto her left side. "Luna, spread your wings as well. And girls, hang on tight!" Chrysalis notices the human's odd behavior. She immediately reacts.

"What are you doing now Christian?" She asks. Christian doesn't respond. Instead, he straightens out his hang glider on his back and makes sure the wings are out like the others. Chrysalis laughs again, making Christian roll his eyes. Does she ever take a breather?

"Seriously, what ARE you morons doing? Spreading your wings like butterflies to scare me off?" Christian is the one who laughs this time. He shakes his head.

"No, we're escaping." Thirty seconds left. Twilight looks at Celestia. They shared the look of fear as the timer continued to tick. Luna was still glaring at Chrysalis. She didn't care if they couldn't make it, at least Chrysalis would be stuck here too! Chrysalis approaches the human. He was so sure of himself that this will work, they just needed to stall a few more seconds.

"Escape? HA! Christian, I don't know if you're aware, but behind me are five hundred changelings that..."

"Will completely destroy you. Blah, blah, blah. You said this before!" Chrysalis growls at the human and then as quickly as she did, trotted backwards to her army behind her.

"Go ahead and make me mad Christian, it doesn't affect me. Because in ten seconds, you'll be gone!" She laughs again, making Christian cringe at her annoying laugh. But he himself started to laugh, because Chrysalis still had no clue what they were up to. Chrysalis stopped laughing and addressed the human. "Why are you laughing?" She asks apprehensively. Christian looks up a her with a big smirk.

"I'm laughing because you'll be the stupidest statue ever created!" The timer beeps very rapidly. The countdown was over. After a few seconds, a small noise is heard behind the changelings, followed by a giant shock wave of sheer energy. The shockwave throws Chrysalis right off of her hooves and the changelings all crash to the ground. Chrysalis braces herself as the powerful winds fly by her. She looks up to see how her prisoners are fairing...

...But they were long gone. Christian remembered that the shockwave would come first. He just needed to stall Chrysalis long enough to make sure that her little army didn't completely surround them. The moment the shockwave hit the group, their spread wings made them fly right off of the ground and into the air. Even with a huge hole in his hang glider, Christian managed to take off and fly haphazardly. He smiled at the ponies who were flying next to him. Celestia looked the most happy. Any amount of pain that she was experiencing was now long gone. Back on the ground, Chrysalis manages to catch a glimpse of the group's getaway. She pounds her forehoof in the dirt.

"They won't get away so easily!" She shouts as she is also lifted off the ground by the last bit of the shockwave, leaving her changelings behind to be turned to stone. Meanwhile, Christian's group was nearing the portal quicker than they thought. Luna had already past the two of them, as she could still fly. John and Dash quickly dive out of the way so Luna could zoom in with her ponies in tow.

"Hiya Dash!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she flies past and into the same wall that Dash had crashed into earlier. Luna rubs her head in pain, but AJ and Pinkie come out unharmed.

"I know! It's a hard wall, right?" Dash yells to Luna.

Celestia and Christian meanwhile, were still hundreds of feet away. Celestia was a little bit ahead of Christian, leading the two of them closer to their destination.

"We're gonna make it!" Christian yells. Suddenly and seemingly out of no where, a blast of green hits Celestia's other wing. Celestia gets rocketed forward and starts to fall out of the sky again. Christian looks up to see the insect queen once again. She said nothing, but was already preparing a spell for Christian. Down toward the ground, Celestia manages to bounce and slide her way into the portal. As quickly as possible, medics appear on the scene to aid the handicapped princess. Celestia looked up on her back to see humans trying to aid her. But she quickly realizes the more pressing matter. She rockets up into a sitting position and screams:

'Where's Twilight?!"

A scream is heard as Christian nears the portal. A very familiar sounding scream. He glances over to see Twilight plummeting to the ground. The blast Chrysalis used to hit Celestia managed to throw Twilight off of her back and up into the air for a few seconds, before she started to fall back down to the ground. Christian watches as she falls in front of him. The pony he hated the most was about to meet a terrible fate. Twilight herself kept screaming as she fell hundreds of feet toward the hard ground below. This is how it was going to end for me. She thought to herself. It wouldn't be the statue bomb or Chrysalis. No, it would be falling to my untimely demise. She braced herself as the ground caught up to her...

But then, she feels a sharp tug on her neck. She opens her eyes to see her body flying just inches away from the ground. What happened? Was this her magic? She wasn't feeling any magical withdrawal from her horn. Twilight became very confused at her current condition. That is, until a certain someone spoke up.

"Gotcha!" Twilight looks up to see Christian, who grabbed her at the last moment before she hit the ground. Twilight couldn't believe what she was seeing. The human who hated her, the human who despised her, the human who would love to see her become nothing but forgotten, just saved her life. Twilight smiled at the human savior, who in return smiled back. They both soared into the portal with Chrysalis still racing after them. Quickly, Christian turned around in mid-exit toward the portal and fired off a single bolt before landing in a comfortable pile of pillows where the back wall used to be. The bolt flew toward the portal's off button and hit it dead center. The reactors used to stabilize the portal shutdown immediately. The portal itself dissipates, leaving Chrysalis back in Equestria.

"NO!" She exclaims as she flies past where the portal used to be and into a tree in front of her. She falls out of the branches just in time to see a huge translucent dome of gray envelop the town. Chrysalis goes to shield her eyes before she realizes that she can't move her fore hooves. She looks down to see that all of her hooves had turned into stone. She looks up to the sky as the bomb works its magic, turning the rest of her body into a rock. But not until she utters her last words:


Back on Earth, Christian is still lying in the pile of pillows. He was exhausted. Saving two planets isn't what it's all cracked up to be. Twilight pops her head out from the pile and looks at the human.

"Christian... you... saved my life." She says quietly. Christian nods, tired but with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Yea, I did. Don't mention it." He looks up toward the group of ponies that was surrounding him. "Alright, we made it, yay! Good work girls! Let's just not go to work tomorrow. Let's just take a day off after this. I need a nap."

"We're not done yet Christian." His uncle interrupts. "According to these scanners, the bomb's effects just wore off. We need to get every citizen back to Ponyville and back into their houses before they all wake up in..." John checks his watch. "Thirty minutes!" Christian lifts his head up to see the mass of sleeping ponies. He glances at the girls and smiles.

"Who's up for some heavy lifting?"

Well, This is Shocking...

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The sun had finally risen in Equestria. It was a beautiful summer day. The citizens were out and about, enjoying the wonderful weather. After the incident, the ponies of Ponyville were quietly and soundly returned to their homes. When they all awoke, Celestia did a bit of explaining to the Mayor Mare, who explained everything to the rest of the town, and everything was cool. John and his boss were talking to the princesses, while Christian was busy chatting with the Mayor.

"Christian, the citizens of Ponyville and I can't thank you enough for what you did!" Mayor Mare exclaims. Christian blushes a bit. What he did was just common sense, even if it was for a bunch of ponies that he hated.

"It was nothing really." He says with a grin.

"No really! You've saved all of us from Chrysalis and her changelings! Not to mention Celestia and Luna!"

"And The Mane Six." Christian adds in. He didn't want to forget the ponies he saved... and who definitely owe him one. Especially a certain annoying lavender unicorn. "Excuse me Ms. Mare, but I need to go talk with The Six." Mayor Mare shows a hoof to their location. Christian nods for the help and walks over to the happy group of ponies.

"I can't believe we pulled it off!" Dash exclaims.

"Well Dash, you really didn't do much. You just helped get Rarity through the portal!" Pinkie chimes in.

"Thanks for that by the way darling. I got a bit woozy up there." Rarity says with the yawn. "That nap really helped as well!"

"But hey, y'all know we would still be stuck in those cells without..." Applejack gets cut off by Christian, who was leaning up against a tree.

"Me?" He continues toward them. A huge grin now on his face.

"Well yea, pretty much." Applejack continues. Christian laughs.

"Yea I know, i'm awesome." Christian says with pride. Twilight rolls her eyes.

"I see you still have a huge ego with you." She says with grief.

"You know it Twitty!" Twilight smiles a bit.

"Good, it wouldn't be any fun if you didn't toy with us."

"Yea, it really wouldn't." Twilight laughs again. She's really starting to warm up to Christian ever since he saved her from that fall. "Umm, by the way Christian..." She beckons him closer. Christian kneels down to her height and Twilight walks up to his ear. "Thanks for the save. I owe you one." Christian snickers. This was perfect.

"Or a few..." He says quietly. Twilight gulps. But then again, he did save her life. She sighs in annoyance and defeat.

"Alright fine. You did save all of Equestria." Pinkie suddenly butts in between the two.

"Watcha talkin' about?!" She yells curiously.

"Oh nothing much." There was a awkward pause, everypony and Christian looked at each other for a few seconds until Applejack broke the silence.

"It was how you saved Twilight, isn't it?" Christian nods.

"Yea, but don't worry about it. She won't be my slave or anything." Christian says happily. Twilight wipes off the sweat on her temple. She though she would have to be his maid for life or something! "But a few pictures of her in chains, cages and cells, looking all sad wouldn't hurt!" Twilight groans. She knew it would be degrading, but at least it wasn't that bad. She laughs a bit, making Christian laugh a little as well. Suddenly, a camo-clad agent jumps into the group.

"Sorry to disturb your little talk Christian, but Celestia, Luna, and your uncle want to see you." Christian groans with aggravation. He knew that now that a normal civilian knows about an alien planet, the government would probably erase his memory. He starts to stomp away from The Six in frustration. He turns back one more time to see that they all look a little worried. He sighs.

"It's been fun girls. I'll see you... never." He walks away from the Six. Twilight starts cheering. The others look a little mad at her. She pauses when she sees the looks of anger on their faces.

"What? I won't have to be in chains!"

Christian slowly saunters over to His uncle and the royal alicorns. They were having a little chat and then started laughing from time to time. He walks up behind him uncle and lightly taps him on the shoulder.

"Uhh... Uncle John?" John turns around with a huge grin on his face.

"Ahh! Christian! We were just talking about you!" Christian rolled his eyes. He didn't think getting his memory erased would be that funny. It must be some sort of intergalactic government inside joke.

"I bet you were. Now, what's this about?" Christian asks disgruntled. John looks at the royal alicorn with a very confused face. Why was he so mad?

"Well Christian, while you and the others were busy escorting the ponies back to town, The princesses had a little talk with a few... major authority figures." John exclaims.

"Let me guess; Your boss and The President right?" John nods.

"Exactly! Well, they were discussing a peace treaty, trading, alliances, and..." Christian was getting board... and very confused. If they were going to erase his mind, why was he telling him all of this information?

"Get to the point!" Christian chimes in. John sighs in aggravation. His nephew never did have any patience.

"Anyway, we were also discussing who would represent each others' planet." Christian became confused again. What was the big deal about telling him they were going to have an ambassador?

"Wait, why are you telling me this if you are going to erase my mind?" John glanced over at the princesses, giving them a look before they all started to laugh uncontrollably. Christian rolled his eyes. He didn't know his memory being erased would be THAT funny! He growled. "What's so funny?!" He yells. John manages to speak through his laughter.

"Christian, why would you think we would erase your mind?!" John continues laughing. Christian looks at his uncle bewildered and relieved. But, if they weren't going to make him forget everything that has happened, why did they call him over?

"Say what now?" Christian responds. Celestia is the one who answers Christian this time.

"Christian, after what you did for Equestria, we owe you a great deal of gratitude! We wouldn't have you simply forget what you have done!"

"Plus, you are my nephew. I would never allow the FBI to erase your mind!" Christian smiled with satisfaction; which quickly turned to awe. Did his uncle just say FBI?

"Wait, the FBI? I have been helping the FBI this whole time?!" Christian was amazed. He had no idea he was helping one of the most top-notch organizations in the world! John nods.

"We thought you knew." There was an extremely long pause. Christian still remained gawking at his uncle. John, Celestia, and Luna each gave each other an uneasy look. "Huh, well this is awkward." John scratches his head in embarrassment. Christian remained beaming with excitement.

"So... What do they want?" He asks pleadingly.

"I can answer that." A voice says behind John. John quickly steps to the side to allow a familiar looking man. Christian eyes him curiously.

"You must be The Director I take it?" Christian asks matter-of-factly. The shadowy man nods.

"That is correct Christian. My sources were right, you are smart indeed." He starts walks back and forth, like he did back in The Pentagon. "We could use a young man like you." Christian raises a brow. What was he talking about?

"What do you mean?" Christian asks. The Director snickers. Christian again, scrunches his face in confusion. Now why was he laughing?

"Well Christian, after I got a thorough explanation of what had occurred, I thought you had deserved a few... let's just say, 'privileges'."

"Ok, cool." Christian replies, curious about what kind of reward he is going to get. "So, what are they?" The Director laughs. John was right, he was impatient. But that could be useful...

"Christian, we are going to propose two options for you to choose. Option A: You can go back to Earth, and live your normal life once more. However, since you know about every little detail of what has happened, you will have to be carefully supervised twenty four seven. Also, if you say anything about what has happened to anyone, we will have to..." He coughs. " 'make you disappear'." Christian eyes grow as he finishes his sentence. He would rather have his memory wiped!

"Okay... And the alternative?" Christian asks, hoping that it won't be worse then the first option.

"Option B is that you will have to become the ambassador that we were referring to. However, knowing your hatred of these ponies, we don't think you will..."

"Done." Christian says happily. The Director scratches his head.

"Pardon me?"

"You want me to become the ambassador to Equestria?! That's... That's awesome! I would love to help these girls out!" Christian was beaming with happiness at the moment. The Director continued to be confused. All of his agents said that Christian hated these ponies, John included!

"I'm still confused. Don't you hate these ponies?" He asks. Christian nods his head with a smirk.

"Well, not as much as I used to. I mean, they helped me in a horrible situation. So, I decided to return the favor. And it was well worth it! Besides, hanging out with them is actually a lot of fun!" The Director laughs a bit as Christian finishes. Maybe their was much more to this kid than he thought.

"Alright then. Now, as ambassador, not only will relay information for planet to planet; but you will also have to come here everyday, just to check in on the princesses."

"And because it's fun?" Christian asks. The Director laughs.

"That too. Also, you will also need some special authorization..." He pulls out a small black item. Christian eyes the object. It looked like a wallet. "Agent..." He hands over the black item. Christian slowly takes it from The Director. He opens up the leather envelope to reveal a golden FBI badge. Christian is struck with awe. He even finds it difficult to put together his words.

"Special Agent... CIA? What the heck? I thought you guys were the FBI!" He shouts in confusion. The Director laughs.

"Christian, you are much too young to have your full name as your title. That is why we used your initials."

"Ohhhhhh. Well, that won't be confusing." He tucks his new badge into his right pocket. Suddenly, he feels something else in his pocket. It felt charred. Christian sighs after he realizes what it was. He glances over to Twilight, who was happily talking to her friends. "Umm, excuse me, but I need to talk to Twitlight again." The Director nods.

"That's perfectly fine, Christian. After all, you should tell them about your new job." Christian goes to run off, before stopping in his tracks. He looks down on his wrist and realizes that he still had the crossbow on.

"Oh, forgot about this. I'm pretty sure you want this back." Christian takes off the bow and offers it to The Director. He shoves it away.

"No, keep it. Consider it a gift from us for your new occupation." Christian nods with thanks and proceeds to put the crossbow back onto his left wrist.

"What about my hang glider?" Christian asks curiously.

"If you don't mind Christian, we would like to 'upgrade' your hang glider. It is broken anyway." Christian nods happily. He looks over to the princesses and sighs.

"Well, I guess this means you two are my new bosses!" He says. Celestia and Luna laugh.

"I guess that means you are our new guard!" Celestia says. Christian returns the laugh.

"I guess so!" He smiles. He can't believe this was all happening! Becoming an ambassador... for alien ponies and humans?! His father would be so proud of him! And his mother... Christian suddenly stops and thinks: He was part of a secret organization now. Could he tell his mother? "Wait a sec, what about my family? Won't they have to know everything?" John sidesteps behind The Director after overhearing the last bit of the conversation.

"I'll tell you mother, Christian. I bet she'll be thrilled about it!"

"But, what about Lily and Crystal?" John scratches his head.

"Umm... Well... Maybe after you can secure yourself here."

"Gotcha." Christian answers. He starts off toward the Six again.

"You start tomorrow, Christian." The Director signals an agent over on the far left. Instantaneously, a portal opens behind him. Before he walks through, he turns back toward Christian. "Oh, and by the way, you did a good job Christian. I hope to see more good work out of you in the future." And with that, he disappears back to Earth, leaving Christian and John behind.

"Wait, how am I supposed to get here without taking out a suspicious black orb?" John kneels down to Christian's ear.

"I had some engineers remodel underneath your basement. They will put in a portal gate, like the one in The Pentagon. You can use it just in case the orb breaks or you need to get to Equestria from your house." He whispers. Christian can't believe what he is hearing.

"Isn't that a bit cliche?" He asks. John frowns.

"So you don't want a portal gate in the house?" Christian clenches his teeth in fear.

"No! No! It's fine! Really!" He sighs. "I'll go talk with Twitlight now." John laughs. Christian was just fooling around with his emotions. I bet he was just flustered at everything that has just happened.

"Christian it's fine!" Christian looks at his uncle with a very uneasy frown. "Look, I know these past few days have been... crazy. But, you'll be fine! We have seen you in action, and you can definitely handle yourself." He puts a hand on Christian's shoulder and smiles. "You'll do fine kiddo, I know it." Christian smiles back.

"Thanks Uncle John." John gets up and starts off toward the portal. Christian grabs his arm as he leaves. "By the way, I get paid well for this right?" John laughs. Greed was never good, but I don't think his nephew cared.

"Very well." John says happily. Christian's grin becomes bigger.

"Cool." John continues toward the portal and stops short.

"Now to explain everything to your mother." He sighs in distress. "Oh boy. Wish me luck!" He shouts as he heads back to Earth. Christian waves off his uncle with a huge grin.

"Luck!" The portal closes and Christian looks back toward the group of six laughing ponies. With a happy and exhausted sigh he casually walks over to Twilight. Twilight doesn't bother to realize that he is right behind her. Christian rolls his eyes in aggravation.

"Ahem!" Twilight jumps at the sound before turning around slowly. The others quickly look up to see a very agitated Christian tapping his foot. "Hello Twitty!" Twilight gulps.

"C-Christian?! What are you still doing here?!" Christian gains a malicious smile.

"Well, I'm gonna have to stick around If I want to keep my new job!" The six ponies eye each other curiously. They simply thought that Christian would get his mind erased! What was this about a new job?

"New job?" Twilight asks curiously. "What new job?"

"Well, your princesses and my government will be making a few deals and treaties soon, and they need someone to visit daily." Christian starts to pace back and forth as he explains everything. "You know, to check up on everything, hang out with you girls, fight off evil, that sort of thing." Twilight tries to think of what Christian is referring to. The others are completely lost. Dash shows this by pounding her head with her hooves for an answer.

"I don't get it." She says annoyed. Christian shakes his head. They were absolutely clueless.

"I'm your new ambassador." The girls' jaws dropped in shock and awe. They couldn't believe their new ambassador was a human... Well, sort of.

"It does make sense that you would get a high position like that Christian, you know, considering everything that has happened." Rarity points out. Christian nods in agreement.

"And..." Christian adds as he pulls out the black book and flips open to his golden badge. It shined in the sunlight, which made it rather tough to read.

"What does it say?" Applejack asks.

"This says i'm now a certified FBI Special Agent under the codename: CIA." The group gave each other odd looks.

"I thought you said it was for the FBI?!" Pinkie asks. Christian sighs heavily.

"It is! CIA stands for Christian Icarus Average! They are using my initials!" Everypony "Ohhhh's" in realization, making Christian facepalm in the process. "Seriously?!" He shouts frustrated.

"Sorry Christian, we didn't know that was your full name." Twilight says apologetic.

"It's fine." He says aggravated. Pinkie meanwhile, is jumping for joy.

"YAY! Now you can always hang out with us!" Christian nods with the pink pony.

"That's the plan!" He nudges Pinkie playfully. Pinkie laughs as a response, followed by the others. As they are laughing together, Christian quietly pulls aside Twilight. Twilight becomes extremely nervous, as she knew it was probably about Christian wanting a few pics in early. "Umm... Twilight, can I cash in one of those favors early? It's kinda important." Twilight lets out a very aggravated sigh.

"Fine, meet me in the dungeon." Christian shakes his head.

"No. A different favor..." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the burned up head of Twilight he gave to Lily the day before. Twilight jumps at the sight. She growls in anger at Christian, but then realizes the sad look on his face. Twilight immediately feels sorry. She forgot that he probably did this before he came here. "Can you restore it?" He asks hopefully. Using her magic, Twilight lifts up the destroyed portion of the figurine part and inspects the damage. It looked beyond repair, considering that the rest of the body was gone. Twilight smiled.

"Nothing a little magic can't solve...".

A (Slight) Change of Heart

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Christian's mother was busy doing work around the house. Since Christian was out of her hair, she was able to clean the living room, wash the car, and make herself lunch, all in about two hours! She was enjoying the peace and quiet of her son not ranting about his latest explosion. Crystal could care less about what her crazy little bro was up to, as it didn't affect her in any way at all. Lily was enjoying Christian's absence way too much however; she could watch My Little Pony and sing all she wanted, and not have a death threat said to her at all! Christian's summer camp vacation was perfect for her!

"I'm home!" A voice yells from the foyer, followed by a slam of the front door. Christian's mother immediately rushes over to her son and gives him big hug, lifting him up into the air in the process. Christian was taken by surprise at the affectionate act. Crystal emerges from her room.

"Who's at the door?" She stares at her brother. "Oh, cool. Hey bro." She says nonchalantly as she walks back to her room. Lily groans from the family room.

"Is Christian back already?! How short was that summer camp?!" She complains.

"It was pretty short!" Christian yells back. "But I learned a lot." He smiles at his mother, who winks back at her. "You do know, right?" He asks confused. His mother nods her head.

"Your uncle called last night. I can't believe my son is..." Lily rushes in from the living room.

"Is what?" Lily asks playfully. Christian's mother bites her lip in terror. Christian quickly intervenes.

"She is... excited that i'm back from summer camp." He says simply. Christian's eyes suddenly pop as he realizes he just remembered he got his little sis a present. "Oh Lily, I almost forgot..." He reaches his hand into his pocket. "I got you something!" He says happily. Lily groans again.

"If it's Rainbow Dash's wings that you torched off, I'll never stop singing Pinkie's Cupcake song." She says angrily. Christian is mortified at his sister's response.

"Now why would I do that? Besides, that song is awesome! I could care less if you sung it!" Lily's jaw drops at what her anti-brony bro just said.

"Did you bang your head against a brick wall at that summer camp?" She asks concerned. Christian shakes his head happily.

"No, I just..." He finally finds Lily's gift in his pocket. "Ah! Here we go!" He pulls out the item, which makes Lily gawk immediately.

"Is... Is that... A Twilight Sparkle figure SIGNED by Twilight herself?!" She exclaims with joy. Christian nods happily as Lily carefully plucks the figure out of Christian's hands. She starts to inspect the figure very carefully, to see if her brother messed with it. But, their was not a single scratch on the figure at all! Twilight's purple body was spotless as was her shining purple mane, the pink highlight seemingly glowing in the sunshine. Lily especially adored the cursive, black signature of Twilight Sparkle right across her back. "How... How did you get this?!" She asks in awe.

"Well, you know Twilight's voice actor on the show?"

"Tara Strong?"

"Yea. She was a councilor at the camp. I asked if I could have her autograph because my sister was a big fan. And well, there you go!" Lily looks at his brother suspiciously.

"But wait, I thought you hated Twilight?" Christian kneels down to his sister.

"Well Lil, I... Let's just say I learned a lot at camp." Lily cocks her head in confusion.

"Learned about what?" She asks. Christian laughs a bit.

"If you knew, your mind would be blown." He gets back up and starts climbing the stairs toward his room. Suddenly, he remembers the last thing he did on Earth. He shouts from the top of the steps. "Lily! Did you go into my room?!"

"Noooooo..." Lily says as she roll her eyes. Christian sighs in annoyance.

"I'm serious. Did you?"

"Ugh, fine. I did."


"A few hours ago." Christian's thanking Celestia that she actually went into his room without his permission for once.

"Was my laptop on?" He asks nervously. Lily nods rapidly.

"By the way, what does the red bar with the ninety five percent on it mean?" Christian gasps suddenly and then quickly rushes into his room. Lily blinks toward his mother. "What's with him?" She asks. His mother nods her head.

"Nothing, he was probably wasting the battery on his computer."

Meanwhile, Christian slams the door on his room and looks around. He was glad to see his TV and Gamestation back on top of his dresser. It was good to be back home. He thought to himself as he put his hands on his hips. He walks over to his computer, which was upside-down and closed on his carpet. He lifts it up and places it on his desk. It opens to a white screen with a red progress bar.

"Hmm, guess I was right about the overnight thing." He says to himself. The percentage had reached ninety nine percent. He motions the mouse to hover over the top right corner of the loading screen, right above the X to close it. He thought about his options for a second. If he did close out the video, Mike would get all mad that he would be soft, and spread word that he was now a brony. If he didn't, his conscious would never be clear. After a few moments, he finally makes a decision. He clicks on the red X, stopping the video rendering. He then goes over to his channel and deletes every single pony explosion video ever made.

Christian takes a step back and admires the blank page in front of him. He reaches into his left pocket and pulls out his leather wallet. With a smile, he opens it up, staring at the clear plastic window in the middle. "Thanks." He says quietly to a picture of a sad looking Twilight, in chains, in the dungeon. "As long as you girls live, i'll help you and your fanbase. No matter who is in my way." Suddenly, his phone on his desk rings. He picks it up. "Hello?... Mike! What's up?... Wait, what's wrong with Nick?... Alright, fine. I'll meet you on the field." Christian hangs up and puts his phone down. "Huh, wonder what's up. Better head over to the field." He races back out of his room and down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" His mother asks as Christian jumps down the last few steps.

"Heading to the field. Something's up with Nick." He opens the front door and is about to leave when his mother stops him.

"Don't forget, you start work at three o'clock." She says strictly. Christian looks at his watch. It was two thirty already. He nods and rolls his eyes.

"Like I would forget my new awesome job!" He exclaims. Lily suddenly pops his head in.

"Job? What new job?" Christian is caught completely off guard by the her sister's question, as he thought she was in the other room.

"Oh... Uhh... My new job at the camp! Yea, i'm a councilor. I help out and stuff." He quickly heads out the door. "Gotta go bye!" He says quickly as he slams the door. Lily looks at her mother, who was smiling happily at where her son left.

"He doesn't work at the camp, does he?" Her mother sighs with happiness.

"Nope. Not at all."




"You know what! Who do you think you are?!"

"Look, i'm just saying I saw the show and... Well, I kinda like it!"

"You are messed up in the head, you know that!?"

When Christian finally arrived at the football field, he realized immediately what the huge argument was about. Nick must have watched My Little Pony and enjoyed it, causing Mike to throw a fit. Christian however, quickly butts in to get the full story. He rushes in between the two of them.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What is going on here?!" He shouts in between both of them.

"Well, Nick here thought it would be a good idea to watch those stupid moronic ponies. And now, he LIKES them!" Mike exclaims.

"What's so wrong about it?! We were best friends, like, two seconds ago!" Nick counters back.

"Yea, because WE HATED THE PONIES!" Mike yells. He turns toward Christian, who was trying to regain a bit of his hearing. "Christian! Please, talk some sense into Nick would ya?!" Christian looks at both of his friends. Nick looked at Christian a bit defeated. Mike however, had his arm crossed in a mocking way toward their quarterback friend. Christian's head started to swivel back and forth between his two friends. Finally, he steps in front of Nick and glares evilly at Mike. Mike's jaw drops in shock. "CHRISTIAN?! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!"

"Helping a friend. What does it look like?" Christian smirks, as does Nick. Mike growls at the both of them.

"So, it's come to this. You like the ponies too don't you, Christian?! I bet it's also the reason you deleted our channel!" Christian narrows his eyes.

"Mike, you know I hate those ponies more than anyone else in the world. But, it's not bad to like something once in awhile." Mike's face scrunches in confusion.

"Whatever. If you like those ponies, then you are now a stupid brony!"

"I never said I was a brony. I still hate those ponies, but less than I did before. Plus, hating someone over something they like but you don't isn't cool whatsoever." Mike was still really confused.

"Whatever! Move aside brony... hater... whatever! I'm gonna teach this anti-gone-soft about what happens when you switch sides!" Mike curls up his right hand into a heavy fist. His knuckles crack under the immense power. With closed eyes, he puts his arm back before throwing it full force against Nick's face...

...But something stops the oncoming fist. Mike opens his eyes to see Christian holding back Mike's fist with one hand.

"My turn." Christian throws a punch right at Mike's jaw, sending him flying backward onto the ground. Mike lies there, writhing in pain for a few seconds, before shaking it off and getting back on his feet. Christian wasn't particularly strong, but even he knew that the punch must have hurt.

"Ow... Man Christian. Your punches aren't that strong unless you're ticked off."

"I am ticked off." He marches up to the battle ready Mike. "You don't mess with my friends, understand?" Mike nods rapidly." If they like ponies, so what? Some of those ponies are kinda cool anyway."

"Whatever man." He proceeds to go back to his bike behind him. He gets on and starts to pedal away, before stopping short halfway up the field. "You know, something happened to you at that summer camp you mom told me about, dude. And if you like those ponies, then consider us no longer friends!"

"Fine by me! Now get outta here!" Christian yells back. Mike nods and rides off of the field and down the sidewalk straight out of the park. Christian and Nick smile at each other.

"You know Nick, you could have easily taken him." Nick nods.

"Yea, but I wanted to see what you would do. I didn't think you could punch him that hard!" Christian looks at his fist. It was throbbing in pain after he sucker punched Mike. Christian shrugs.

"Hey, no bully is gonna mess with my friends. If you're a brony, i'm perfectly fine with it. Plus, Pinkie is kinda cool."

"I prefer Applejack. Anyway, Thanks man." Nick says with gratitude.

"No problem!" Christian responds. The two of them high five in victory. That is, until a faint beeping is heard. Christian looks down at his watch. It was already three. "Oh shoot! Three already?! I gotta go!" Christian dashes off behind Nick and heads back toward home. Nick scratches his head.

"Wait, why?!" He shouts at Christian. Christian starts running backwards to answer back.

"I got a new job!"

"Job?! Where?!" Christian stops for a second, before answering with a huge smile.

"With cartoons!" Nick was take a bit off guard at the response. He must have gone into animating. Christian always said he wanted to design characters. He thinks to himself.

"Does it pay well?!" Christian give a thumbs up.

"Too well! Peace!" Christian starts running back again, leaving Nick laughing to himself and shaking his head. Whatever happened at Christian's summer camp made Christian real defensive about this whole brony debacle. Nick was just happy that his friend pulled through for him. But he really think Christian, of all people, would defend him about his opinion.

"I guess it's true what they say: Friendship is Magic!" Nick says to himself as he to walks off the field and west toward his home.

Christian was still in a full sprint down the street. He looks back to see that the football field was just a small speck. He assess the surrounding area. There was not a single person to be found. with a smirk, Christian reveals the small, black portal orb. He looks down to see the onyx coloring shining in the sunlight.

"Destination is set to: Equestria. Location?" The sphere asks.

"Ponyville!" Christian abruptly throws the orb a few yards in front of him as it searches for its target location. It bounces across the black asphalt a few times before opening into a colorful portal. Christian immediately kicks up his speed to avoid being seen, as who knows who could be around the next corner. Christian jumps to dive into the swirl of colors. "Now this I could get used to!" He leaps into the vortex, followed by the black sphere which closes the portal behind him. The street goes back to its natural state as quick as the human vanished, leaving no trace of Christian or the orb. In the vortex, Christian's necklace floats out in front of him. He smiles and looks toward the exit of the portal that was racing up to greet him. "Oh yea, very used to..."


Back at the house, the doorbell rings. Lily prances toward the door happily. She opens it to see a somewhat familiar face.

"Uncle John!" Lily jumps into his arms.

"Hey there, Lily billy!" He kisses the cute little girl on the head. Crystal looks down from the banister upstairs.

"Whoa. This is a surprise, John. We normally just see you at Thanksgiving or Christmas." John puts down Lily and casually walks to the bottom of the stairs.

"Yea well, I have important news for you all." He says with a smile.

"What about?" Crystal asks curiously.

"Well Crystal, I've never told the family this. In fact, the only people that do know are you parents."

"What is this about?" Crystal asks, now concerned.

"Well, the fact is, your uncle works for the government. More accurately, the FBI." Crystal's jaw drops, while Lily looks at her uncle like he's an alien.

"What's the FBI?" Lily asks. Crystal starts down the stairs. She a bit annoyed that her sister doesn't know what organization their uncle is from.

"Government organization that specializes in investigating terrorism, counter-terrorism, basically they defend us and help other nations if needed." Crystal said matter-of-factly. John nodded.

"Correct. Well, something happened over the past few days involving your brother and well... The rest of the family should be notified about it."

"Oh my god, what did he do?" Crystal asks in an extremely distraught manner. Lily looks at her uncle with big eyes. She knew the present he gave her was weird. John looks at the two of them and laughs, cuing their mother to walk into the foyer. She leaned up against the wall to listen in on what John was telling the kids.

"Your brother did the most amazing thing this organization has ever seen." Crystal and Lily locked eyes, stunned that their brother helped the FBI to the point of them being grateful!

"What did he do?" Lily asks. John gets up and goes by their mother. He beckons the three of them.

"Let's sit down for this story, shall we?" Lily nods and quickly runs over to the couch and waits patiently for the story. Crystal eyes her uncle suspiciously before heading to the kitchen for an apple and sitting down on the couch opposite of Lily. Their mother remains under the archway, still listening to what was going on. John sits down next to Lily.

"Lily, you're a fan of My Little Pony right?" Lily nods her head rapidly.

"Of course! Why?"

"Well, what if I told you Equestria and all of the characters of My Little Pony were real?" Lily looks like a deer caught in car headlights. Her mouth starts to water a bit as he jaw drops to the ground.

"OMG! CAN WE GO?! CAN WE?! PLEASE?!" Lily pleads in between her bounces of joy. John starts laughing.

"Well, you would have to get authorization from your brother first." Lily stops jumping to comprehend what her uncle just said.

"Say what?" Crystal says with a mouthful of apple. John nods.

"Yup. Your brother has to give you girls permission. He is the ambassador after all."

"There's not a chance. Prove it." Crystal says. She was now thinking that their uncle was messing with the two of them. There is no way that Christian would become ambassador to a bunch of ponies. John looks at Crystal like she was out of her mind. He reaches into the backpack behind him and pulls out a crossbow.

"Here's your proof. Christian used this crossbow to get Rarity to Earth when she had motion sickness." Crystal eyes the crossbow. It did look like it would fit Christian, but it still meant nothing.

"This doesn't prove anything!" Crystal shouts at her uncle. John rolls his eyes and takes out a newspaper.

"How about this?" Crystal and Lily both take the newspaper and read the headline.

"Hater Turned Hero. Other Worldly Human, Christian Average Saves Celestia, Luna, Twilight and Friends From Chrysalis's Wrath."

"Whoa!" Crystal exclaims.

"Cool! What happened?! How did he do it?!" Lily asks excited. John motions the both of them to calm down.

"Alright, alright, let me tell you everything." The two of them lean in close to their uncle, anxious about what happened a few days ago. Question were racing in their mind. How did their brother get to Equestria? What happened there? And how did he get tangled in with the FBI? They wanted to know. John takes a deep breath and begins. "It all started a few days ago, on the football field..."