New Town, New Friends and Butterflies

by Shysoldier94

First published

Scion and his family move to Ponyville and he soon becomes aware of a certain pink-haired pegasus.

Scion and his family moved to Ponyville from Cloudsdale on good intentions to live a better life on the ground. So far they were shown the kindness of the locals with a heartwarming welcome to the little town. But Scion meets a young mare in which he quickly falls for. Does she have the same feelings for him or is he just in over his head?

*Cover art done by LuMe*

New Town

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New Town, New Friends and Butterflies

Chapter 1: New Town

It was the beginning of summer when my family and I moved to Ponyville. We lived in Cloudsdale pretty much all my life up until now. My mother was a seamstress who owned her own shop near the center of Cloudsdale Market Square which she called it “Starstruck Boutique”. Her work became very well known and even some of the celebrities from Canterlot were sending in orders for dresses and other types of clothing.

My father was a personal guard who would accompany Cloudsdale officials to meetings or public events. He was a guard, but was fired because one night he got drunk and started a hoof brawl right in front of Cloud Hall. Since then he has been looking for work around Cloudsdale but nopony would hire him because of the incident.

And last there’s my little brother Leo. He’s kind of the main reason we moved down to Ponyville. He was born very early and we were told he wouldn’t last but a few hours. Or he would survive the night if he was lucky. But within a week he was allowed to go home because of his rapid recovery. The only thing we were worried about was his wings. They were much smaller than average newborns wings were. He’s a healthy young colt, but the doctors later discovered that he would never be able to learn to fly. This really hit us hard but it hurt him the most hearing the news that he’ll never be able to fly. So, fearful that he would fall off the edge of a cloud all the way to the ground, my parents decided to move here, in this town out in the country.

“Scion dear, are you all unpacked?” I heard my mother calling from down the hall.

“Yeah. Yeah I’m pretty close.” Truth is I wasn’t. We moved here a few days ago and I only unpacked just a few things. I wasn’t too happy about moving away from my home where I grew up but it was for the best for the sake of Leo so I didn’t complain. Besides it gave me time to meet new people and be able to experience a different place.

But the one thing I was happy about was graduating. So at least I didn’t have to transfer schools and all that. Although it was over a year ago, I decided not to move out of my parents’ straight away due to Leo. He has always looked up to me which I enjoyed the time with him. He was the toughest little brother any pony could ask for and I wasn’t bound to leave him behind like that.

The house we moved in was in the middle of the downtown area. Not as busy as it was in Cloudsdale but still pretty close in comparison. I looked out my bedroom window and saw many little kiosks and ponies all around selling all sorts of knickknacks. But what stood out more than anything was the sight of a pink looking pony with a poofy pink mane that would remind you of cotton candy, jumping up and down heading toward the front door. Not long after that, the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” I called out. I was actually relieved that somepony was coming by to give us a warm welcome into the neighborhood because it gave me an excuse to leave my room. When I opened the front door, I practically jumped 5 feet in the air when streamers and popping sounds coming from what seemed like all around. I looked out to see who it was, but was surprised to see that nopony was there. After stepping a few hoofs into the doorway, that’s when I thought I had a heart attack.

“Hi there!” screeched the pink pony. I fell on my back from the surprise attack, my wings out in full spread out from the unexpected excitement. The pink pony giggled and grabbed my hoof and helped me up.

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie. I saw you the other day and I didn’t recognize you and didn’t know who you were and then I realized that you’re the new ponies that moved in from Cloudsdale and I wanted to ask you who you were and…” She paused and gasped, “I know I know, I’ll throw you a party! That’s it! A 'welcome to Ponyville celebration'!” After screaming that last sentence, she bolted off the porch and before I could comprehend what happened, she was gone.

I closed the door and leaned against it. Maybe I shouldn’t have answered the door…” I thought. I walked to the kitchen to see my mother getting it organized.

“Oh hey there sweetie, who came to the door?”

“Some pony named Pinkie Pie I think? Something like that. Although she seemed to act like Leo when he’s had a load of sweets.”

My mother chuckled. After thinking about what happened, it made me chuckle too.

“Well I got nothing to do so I’m going to explore around for a little while, kind of get an understanding of where things are and what not”

“Okay Scion, just don’t be gone too long. Your father’s going to need help with bringing in the heavy furniture.”

“Got it!” I yelled back before heading out the door and take to the skies. From up in the air, Ponyville looked much different. Obviously it wasn't made of clouds but it didn't look the same in the sky as it was in the air. It wasn’t long before I was about to descend to look at an apple kiosk, somepony or something flew very quickly and knocked me off course, sending me into a bush. After many attempts of struggling to get out, I heard somepony chuckling. I reached my head out and noticed a cyan colored pony with a rainbow mane sitting on her haunches that seemed to be desperately trying not to burst out laughing.

“Are…are you.. okay?” She said between giggles.

“Oh yeah you know, just thought I’d check out this bush, really comfortable. Do you think you could give me a hoof outta here?”

“Sure.” She said with a smile. “Heh, sorry about that up there. Didn’t mean to make ya fall." She added while pulling me out of the bush.

“It’s alright. No harm done.” I replied. Although my flank felt a little numb.

“Say, what’s your name stranger?” She asked.

“I’m Scion. My family and I just moved here the other day”

“Oh yeah I heard about you newcomers! By the way, I’m Rainbow Dash.”

“Wait I’ve heard of you too.” This gave Rainbow a surprised look on her face.

“Really? Where?”

“It was at the Greatest Young Flyer competition. I saw you save that one unicorn and the Wonderbolt members after she knocked them out. And you did the Sonic Rainboom! The first pony ever to successfully create a sonic rainboom!” I was close to shouting I was so excited to be standing in front of the fastest and greatest flyer in all of Equestria.

“Well,” Rainbow Dash said proudly, “It wasn’t easy but I managed to pull it off.”

“So anyways, why were you flying so fast anyway?”

“Oh, I was just finishing practicing my routine. And I was going to find my friend Pinkie Pie. She asked me and my other friends to help prepare for a party.”

“Heh, I met Pinkie Pie. Is she really all hyper like that and skip and jump around?”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Yup that’s Pinkie Pie for you. You get used to her after a while. My other friends heard about your move into Ponyville and are excited to meet you. You should come, besides, it is your party after all. Pinkie throws one for every newcomer in Ponyville. She’s the town’s party girl.”

I was intrigued. Nopony has ever threw me a party before. So I guess it wouldn’t hurt to meet some new people. “Yeah sure I’ll be there. When is it?”

“It’s at 5pm sharp at Sugarcube Corner just a few blocks away. Don’t worry, everypony here are friendly kind folk. They love to meet a new face.” With that, Rainbow started to flap her wings and hover, “I gotta get going to help set everything up. See you there! Gotta Dash!”

“Okay see ya!” Well that went rather well. I met two ponies and already they throw me a party. That isn’t always expected. The ponies in this town sure know how to make a new neighbor feel welcome. Maybe living in Ponyville won’t be so bad after all.


It was 4:45 when I left to head to Sugarcube Corner. It only took a few minutes to get there even by walking. Once i got there, I checked the time and it was 5pm. I stood in front of Sugarcube Corner wondering if it was the right place since the lights were off. I walked up to the door and peered in. I couldn’t see much so I checked to see if the door was unlocked and it was so I walked in. “Hello? Is anypony in here?”

Then before I knew it, the lights flashed on and a room full of Earth ponies, Pegasus and Unicorn ponies yelled “surprise!” My eyes grew wide and a smile came over me. The first one to come over to me was Rainbow Dash.

“Hey there Scion! How about it, were you surprised?”

I gave out a little chuckle. “Yeah I am. I didn’t expect this many ponies welcoming my family to Ponyville.”

Rainbow laughed. "Speaking of your family, where are they?"

"Oh they couldn't make it. They told me to go ahead and come here and have fun." I replied.

"Hey! Hey! What's up buddy nice to meet ya, welcome to Ponyville!" A light red coated Earth pony said.

"Heh you were right when you said they love seeing a new face." I said

“See I told you, everypony loves a newcomer.” Rainbow replied.

“Ain’t that the truth.” I said while looking at all the other ponies waving and saying hello.

“Come on, my friends are dying to meet you!” With that, Rainbow took my hoof and pulled me to a corner of the room where 5 other ponies were standing.

“Hey guys!” Rainbow called to them, “This is Scion, he’s the one Pinkie and I were telling you about. They all said hello in unison and the orange mare with a cowboy hat was the first to walk up to me.

“Howdy there partner! Mah name’s Applejack or as some call me AJ.” She took my hoof and shook it rather roughly. After she finished, I could feel my hoof have its own heartbeat.

Wow she’s strong. I thought to myself. “Yeah it’s nice to meet you too Applejack”

“And I’m Twilight Sparkle” Said the lavender coated unicorn. “I run the town’s library so if you’re looking for anything to read or just to stop by, don’t be afraid to come in and say hello from time to time.”

“Nice to meet you Twilight Sparkle. And I will. I love to enjoy a good read once in a while.” She gave a big smile but was short lived when she yelled at a little dragon she calls Spike to get his face out of the cake.

“Hello there darling, I’m Rarity. I run the Carousel Boutique not too far from here.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you miss Rarity. My mom too opened a seamstress shop downtown. Maybe you two could come together and share ideas and such.

“Oh that would be lovely! I’d love to.”

“Ah’m Big Macintosh” Said the red coat Stallion. “Ah’m AJ’s big brother we both run th’ farm just outside Ponyville.” Big Mac had a deep voice which made me a little nervous at first.

“It’s nice to meet you Big Macintosh” He gave a smile and shook my hoof gently. Which surprised me because he was a big build strong stallion. But after that my nervousness went away.

“It’s nice to meet all of you. Like Rainbow Dash said My fam…” I was interrupted by Rainbow Dash

“Hey where’s Fluttershy?”

There was another? I looked to see if I missed anypony that was in the group that I didn’t see. It wasn’t until I saw a yellow hoof come out slowly underneath the table cloth. Then a yellow colored Pegasus with a light pink mane slowly emerged from underneath the table and hid behind Twilight.

“It’s okay Fluttershy just say hello.” Twilight said. Then she turned to face me, “Don’t worry, she’s always this shy.”

With a little courage, the yellow Pegasus walked away from behind Twilight and stood in front of me with her mane in her face. She stood for a few seconds then moved her mane revealing her face.

“Um..hello…I’m Fluttershy…” She said in a really soft voice.

It was then she looked at me with those big beautiful eyes which sparkled in the light. Her coat seemed to shine with perfection. Her mane was nicely groomed with a curl at the end. She was with no doubt the most beautiful young mare I had ever laid eyes on.

“It’s..uh..n-nice to meet you..Fluttershy.” I could hear my voice crack a bit. It was then Fluttershy looked over to the side with her mane hiding her face once again. She took a few steps back and squeaked. It was the most adorable sound I ever heard. I just stood there with my legs wobbling. I felt dumb because then everypony started looking at me with a curious glance.

Right then and there I knew for sure from the warm flushy feeling that I had in my chest that….I, even though I just now met her, was falling for this Fluttershy.


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It’s been two days since I met Rainbow Dash and the others and... Fluttershy. And that was it, her name, just the very thought of her just stuck in my mind like super glue. For two whole days there was not a time that I wasn’t thinking about her. And I know somepony would be thinking I was just in over my head and need to snap out of it. But it was something about her that caught my attention. She was a very beautiful young mare, but that wasn’t it. It was just her: the very being she is. She is everything perfect I was looking for but never had the chance to have. She was shy, caring, loving, and from what Twilight told me from the party, she treated animals as if they were children; so motherly. Just the very thought of her felt like butterflies were flying around in my stomach. And that’s when it hit me: I have to tell her…

My train of thought was interrupted with somepony knocking on my bedroom door. It was my father who walked in and sat on my bed next to me.

“Son, you’ve been in here for two days straight. Is there something wrong? ‘Cause if there’s not, I’m gonna throw you out the window.” He gave a smile and laughed. My dad always had a different sense of humor.

“No nothing’s wrong. But..I do have something on my mind.” My dad then gave me an ‘oooh I’m interested’ look.

“Well tell me what’s on your mind kiddo.”

I hesitated for a second and glanced around the room. “It’s kinda embarrassing to talk about.” I said, trying to get him to forget about the whole subject and move onto something else.

“Hey come on I’m your father. You can tell me anything. Hay, I probably had the same predicament when I was your age.”

“Um okay, well I’ve been kinda thinking over the past few days..” I swallowed before continuing, nervous about what his response might be. “…what a crush…or I mean what love feels like. You know, how do you know when you feel it?”

His eyes brightened and a smile came across his face. “Well well, we’ve been here for only four days and you’re already in love? Wow son I am impressed!” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gave me a pat on my chest.

“No no heh, nothing like that I was just..ya know, little curious.”

“Well in that case, love is that intense feeling of deep affection for that special somepony that you really care about. It’s a special kind of magic that you don’t have to be a unicorn to possess the power to love. Let me tell you a story. When I first met your mother..”

I interrupted him, “Noo dad do you really have to bring that up?” Obviously it was a story I hear many times before.

“Sorry son, you set yourself up for this one. Anyways, when I first met your mother, I knew that right then and there that she was the mare I was going to marry. And anytime the thought of her came across mind, my wings fluttered, and my legs became wobbly, and butterflies were flying around in my stomach. But that went away and was replaced with a warm feeling in my chest. Even to this day that warm feeling still remains. And that’s how I knew what love felt like.”

“Huh, I never thought of it that way.” It was true. I haven’t given it much thought since she was practically the only thing on my mind for the past few days.

“I promise you Scion, you too will feel that same feeling soon enough.”

“Yeah you’re right.” I hopped off my bed and stretched my wings and my back legs. “Since I’ve been in here for two days, I’m gonna go out for a while and get some fresh air and explore some more.”

“Sounds good to me son. Oh that reminds me, since you’re going out, do you think you can get a bushel of apples from that mare’s kiosk downtown? Your mother needs some for her famous apple cream pie” His ears perked up from just the thought of it.

“Yeah sure no problem.” I said while taking flight out my opened window. “See you later!” When I was about a 100 hoofs away from my house I went in for a landing. It’s a good thing I didn’t tell him the truth. I thought, that would be way too embarrassing. Knowing my dad, he’d go overboard and tell everypony.

Since my wings were cramped from lying in my room all that time, I decided to walk and make my way over to Twilight at the library. Maybe she could help console me with what I was feeling.

I finally made it to the library, and was surprised it was inside a tree. I guess some things are much different than they were in Cloudsdale. Well pretty much everything in Cloudsdale was clouds. I was about to knock on the wooden door, when a purple aura opened it and Twilight jumped at the sight of me, dropping all the books that she was carrying.

“Oh I’m sorry Twilight! I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“That’s quite alright Scion.” Twilight smiled sweetly and giggled. “I was actually going to deliver these cookbooks to the Cakes at Sugarcube Corner but didn’t expect to see you here. Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Um yeah I was actually going to ask you something about a specific somepony.” I helped her pick up the books, still feeling bad about startling her.

“Sure! I’ve lived here long enough to know a thing or two about most of the ponies in Ponyville. Who is it you want to know about?” She asked with a curious smile.

“Um…" I hesitated, "how about this, first I’ll help you deliver these over to Sugarcube Corner, and we can come back here and I’ll tell you all about it.”

Twilight didn’t object. “Okay. I don’t see why not. I could use the company.”

And with that I took about half the books from Twilight and positioned them on my back, my wings holding them in place. On the walk over, Twilight explained to me who the Cakes were. She said they were the couple that owned and ran the bakery. They had two foals named Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. Pinkie Pie watches the two foals while the Cakes work the bakery and when they need to make deliveries.

We arrived and were greeted kindly by Mrs. Cake. “Oh thank you Twilight for letting us borrow these. We’ll be sure to return them as soon as possible.”

“It was my pleasure Mrs. Cake.” Twilight replied. “This is Scion, he’s the new pony that moved in a few days ago.”

“Why it’s good to finally meet you. I’m sorry I didn’t catch you at the party the other day. The twins surely had us busy.”

“That’s quite alright Mrs. Cake. It’s a pleasure to meet you too.”

“Oh my stars that reminds me.” She turned around and quickly trotted into the kitchen and came back with a square pink box. “Here you go deary, have this complimentary cake as a welcome to Ponyville gift.

She took me by surprise. “Why thank you very much Mrs. Cake this is very thoughtful of you.”

“You’re quite welcome dear.”

It was then we heard two foals crying rather loudly from up the stairs. And sounded like Pinkie Pie (from what I remembered what her voice sounded like) yelled down, “Uh Mrs. Cake, your assistance!”

“Looks like somepony needs some reinforcements” She said with a chuckle. “Come back soon you two!”

“Sure will. See you later!” Twilight replied

As we made our way back to the library, I was debating on whether or not it was a good idea to tell Twilight about this feeling. What worries me is what she would say. I’m afraid she would get mad and be protective of her friend. You can’t really blame her. Fluttershy is a very delicate pegasus.

We arrived at the library and Twilight used her magic to open the door. When we stepped inside, she called out, “Spike! I’m back! And Scion’s here!”

Spike turned the corner and ran past us and began walking up the stairs carrying scrolls in both arms. “Hey Twilight. Hey Scion. I’d love to stay and chat but I’m kinda busy sending some important documents to the Princess.”

“No problem buddy. We can talk another time.” I replied

“Sounds good. See ya guys!” Spike ran up the rest of the stairs

I followed Twilight into the next room with tables and stools. She sat down and looked at me with a smile, “Now it’s your turn to return the favor. Remember you said you’d tell me about this specific somepony.”

“Oh yeah hehe. Forgot about that.” I lied. In fact I was nervous about it since I made the deal. But I sat down on the other side of the table facing her. Might as well get this off of my chest now than never.

“Well you remember a few days ago at that little celebration everypony threw for me? And I met all of you guys?” I started

“Yeah I remember. Why you ask? Did one of them hurt you? Did Rainbow Dash throw you into another bush? Did..”

I cut her off giving a nervous chuckle, “No no, none of those things.”

“Then what is it you needed to talk about?” Twilight asked, with her big purple eyes gleaming.

I sat there trying to find the right words but nothing came out. At that moment it felt as if butterflies were flying around in my stomach again. Which is ironic since the pony’s cutiemark I was about to talk to Twilight about is butterflies.

“Okay. That one mare, Fluttershy was it?” I lied. I knew her name but was too nervous about what was about to happen.

“Yeah that’s her name. What about Fluttershy?” Twilight was obviously getting intrigued with what I was about to say.

I felt sweat forming on my forehead. Twilight seemed to look a little worried.

“Are you okay? You look like you’re about to faint. I’ll get you some water.” She left quickly and returned with a glass filled to the brim. I drank it down quickly. After I finished, I took a deep breath.

“Are you okay?” Twilight repeated.

I squeezed my hoofs against my head and blurted out: “Ahh! I can’t hide it anymore! IthinkihaveacrushonFluttershy!” I shouted fast and with my eyes wide I buried my face into my hooves. My face felt like it was on fire I was so embarrassed.

When I looked up, Twilight looked really surprised but she relaxed when it seemed that she processed what I just said.

“Aww that’s so sweet!”

“It’s embarrassing…” I replied

“It’s not embarrassing. It’s sweet that someone like you has taken interest in Fluttershy. You know, not many stallions have taken any significant passion towards her. And you I may have only know you for just a few days, but I could say you’re both perfect for each other.”

“Really?” I replied, with ears perked up.

“Of course! You too have all sorts of things in common. Both of you are shy, and you two talk in really soft voices. And from what you told me at the party, you love animals and so does Fluttershy.”

“Oh.” Was all that I could think of to say. My mind racing with all these thoughts made it intricate to process everything Twilight said.

“I want to be able to tell her how I feel, but I don’t know how I could do it. And I have no idea how she would react.” It was true. Thinking about what Fluttershy would do when she hears about my feelings made me uneasy.

Twilight thought for a moment but beamed with joy when she came up with a solution.“I know! We can go talk to Rarity. If anypony is as close to Fluttershy it’s her. I bet she can come up with an idea how you can talk to her and get you two together in no time!”

“Um okay. I don’t see why not.” I replied nervously.

Then Twilight and I stood up and walked toward the door. She called to Spike that she’ll be back in a little while as I waited outside. When she came out, she motioned for me to follow her to Rarity’s Boutique.

Take Our Chances

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We left Twilight’s tree home and couldn’t feel any more nervous. Sure Rarity is a generous unicorn but how can we surely trust her about the situation? I couldn’t bare it.

“Um Twilight? I’m…I’m not so sure about this.”

Twilight stopped walking and turned to face me. “How come?”

I hesitated. If there was any time I could stop her it was now or never. “I just don’t know if I can trust Rarity about this.”

Twilight gave me a surprised look then giggled. “Oh Scion, for what reason do you have to not trust her?”

“Well you said that she was the closest to Fluttershy. What if she goes to her and spills the secret? And then my chance of ever getting a chance to talk to her would be ruined. And…”

Twilight raised her hoof which was a sign for me to stop. “Well I can rest assure you that Rarity would never do that to her friends.”

I sighed. “I sure hope you’re right about this.”


Fluttershy walked to the front door of her cottage just on the outskirts of Ponyville. She had many things on her mind today and thought going out for a walk to get some fresh air hoping it would help clear her head.

She turned around and kneeled down to her little furry white companion. “You be good now Angel bunny. I’m just going to go out for a few hours.”

Angel nodded his head quickly.

“Now if you need me, or if anypony’s in trouble, I’ll…” She was cut off by Angel crossing his arms and giving her an annoyed glare. “Oh right. Okay I’ll be back in a little while.”

She closed the door of her cottage and walked down the hill. There have been a few things on her mind that she needed to tell somepony. What she was keeping inside was eating her alive and the only pony she could ever trust was Rarity. She’s been much closer to her and could tell her just about anything and the generous unicorn would do her best to help her out. “Maybe Rarity can help me with these thoughts.” Fluttershy said to herself.

After a little while of walking through downtown Ponyville, she made it to Rarity’s boutique. “Oh I hope she isn’t busy.” She walked to the front door and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later a small unicorn with a white coat and curly light purple mane answered.

“Hey Fluttershy!” She squeeled.

“Hello Sweetie Belle. Is Rarity here?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah she’s just finishing up this dress she’s been working on. Come on in.”

“Oh thank you.”

“No problem. Rarity!” Sweetie Belle called out for her sister. “Fluttershy’s here!”

Almost immediately Rarity replied, “Oh Fluttershy darling come to the other room!”

Fluttershy walked to her creation room where Rarity worked on all her dresses. She gave a warm smile as Rarity gave her closest friend a hug.

“Fluttershy how are you? What brings you here?”

“Oh I’m doing okay. Um, I was wondering if you weren’t busy, I could talk to you about some things. But if you are busy, that’s okay. I can come back again another time…”

“Oh no I’m not busy. In fact, I’m just about finished with this new dress somepony ordered from Canterlot. Isn’t it dazzling?”

“It’s very pretty Rarity.” Fluttershy replied in a soft voice.

“Thank you darling. Anyways what were you saying about needing to talk about something?”

“Um, yes. But I’d rather not talk about it here. Somewhere else would be better… if that’s okay with you.”

“Of course dear! How about the spa? In fact we haven’t been there in ages.”

“Oh yes that sounds wonderful.” Fluttershy replied.

Rarity began to put the finishing touches on the dress and gathered up her satchel. “Sweetie Belle! I’m going to the spa with Fluttershy. Please be a dear and try not to burn the place down while I’m gone. You know what happened the last few times with you and Applebloom and Scootaloo.”

“Uggh how many times do I have to say it! That wasn’t my fault. And that only happened once!”

Rarity rolled her eyes and walked over to Fluttershy who gave out a soft giggle. “Well now, shall we get going?”

“Okay. Um, after you.” Fluttershy stepped aside for her friend to go through.

When the two arrived at the spa, Rarity told the manager, “Yes the usual!” It was unusually quiet for the two to not speak to each other during the spa treatments. But when they were alone in the hot tub, it was Rarity that broke the silence.

“Fluttershy dear are you alright? You haven’t spoken since we got here. Is something bothering you?”

Fluttershy began to turn red. “Well… um… do you remember a few days ago, at Pinkie’s party that she threw for that new pony?”

“Why yes I do recall that day with Scion. Such a nice handsome young stallion he is”

Fluttershy began to blush even more, feeling the heat coming off her face. “Yes well… um he’s kind of what I want to talk to you about…”

Rarity’s smile left her face. “What did he do? Did he do something to you? I swear to Celestia, I will…”

“No no he didn’t do any of that.” She said quickly.

“Oh. Well then what is it you want to talk about him?” Rarity was starting to get suspicious.

Fluttershy’s face felt so hot she believed the hot tub would boil over. She couldn’t hold it in any longer,

“IthinkihaveacrushonScion!” She blurted out quickly. Just the sound of his name gave her butterflies in her stomach.

“Aww well isn’t that cute!” Rarity was smiling and patting her on the back. “Why don’t you go talk to him and tell him how you feel?”

“Oh no I couldn’t do that. Besides, I don’t know if he likes me and I’m way too shy.”

“Nonsense darling I think he does like you. I could tell by the way he was looking and asking for you after you met him and hid.”

“Do you really think so?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t think, I know so! You two would be perfect for each other.” Rarity was excited. She was excited that her friend had finally taken an interest in somepony. “I have an idea. I know a way that we can see if he likes you and you be able to hear if he does.”

“Um… I don’t know I…”

“Nonsense darling. I won’t take no for an answer.” She took Fluttershy’s hoof and lead her out of the spa towards the boutique. “I need something at home first.”

Fluttershy swallowed. She was nervous for what event was about to happen.


Twilight knocked on the door to Rarity’s boutique. It was Sweetie Belle who answered.

“Hey Sweetie Belle, is Rarity home?” Twilight asked

“Hey Twilight, hey Scion! No sorry she’s not here. She went with Fluttershy over for some spa treatments.”

“Oh okay. Well when she comes back can you tell her that Scion and I dropped by?”

“Yeah of course Twilight. Bye guys!”

Phew! Thank Celestia that she wasn’t here. I’ve never been so nervous!

“Don’t worry Scion. We can still work this out.”

“Eh I’m not too worried about it.” Liar!

We started to walk back to Twilights tree home when a familiar voice called from behind. “Hey Twilight!” We both turned around and saw that it was Rarity. “Just the two ponies I’ve been looking for.”

“Why have you been looking for…” I was cut off when the sight of a familiar young pegasus with a pink mane and yellow coat poked her head out from behind Rarity. I was frozen in place as our eyes met. As if on cue, both of us squeaked and blushed madly taking a few steps back.

Twilight and Rarity noticed both of us. “Woooaaaahhhh.” Was all they could say.

Making A Comeback

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I stood there with my legs wobbling and my face feeling red hot. I knew this was a bad idea! I thought. Even in my past I’ve always had trouble being around very pretty mares, especially Fluttershy. She was the one that made my heart flutter and my inability to speak.

Twilight leaned her head down to my ear, “This is your chance!” She whispered. “Say hello.”

With all the courage I had within me, I stood up, took a deep breath and walked a few steps over the two mares in front of me; with Fluttershy was hiding behind Rarity. As I walked over to them, Rarity caught glimpse of me and moved to the side, as she expected she knew my intentions. Fluttershy looked up at the sudden movement of her friend. Thinking she was going to see Rarity, but instead, she saw me.

She looked at me with those big green eyes. She tried to hide herself behind her mane but didn’t work. She quickly glanced at me again.

I swallowed. “Uh.. h-hey there Fluttershy.”

“Uhm…. h-hi there…” She said quietly.

This made me smile a bit. Even in her nervous shy state, she still remained as dazzling.

“I uh…” I began, “uuhmm.. nevermind.” I turned away and lowered my head in shame. As I did, I heard a small squeak from Fluttershy.

So much for that idea. I thought to myself. Now I just made a fool of myself in front of her. I sighed. Feeling defeated, I started to make my way home. Behind me I could hear the distinct voices of Twilight and Rarity trying to get Fluttershy up and moving. As much as I wanted to look back and see what was going on, I couldn’t find it in myself to do so. All I could think about was getting home.

If I would’ve flown, it would normally take only a few minutes to get to my house, but after my embarrassing display, I just didn’t feel the need to. I was too deep in thought and would probably bump into other ponies by not paying attention.

Once I got home, I walked through the front door and got the usual greetings from my parents. “Hey sweetie, how was your little, ‘adventure’ today?” My mom asked with a smile.

I sighed. “Oh you know, same as always when I go out.”

After hearing my response, her smile faded a little. “Well did you meet any other new ponies?”

“Uh, yeah. Just a few.” I replied.

“Oh okay.” My mother seemed to be worried as she turned to my father with a distinctive 'say something' look. And he brought up what I wished he hadn't.

“Well son, uh, did you get to talk to that filly…uh what’s her name?” He said

I sighed again, “Ugh, dad I really don’t wanna talk about that right now. I’m just gonna go to my room and see if there’s anything I can finish unpacking.” I said as I turned and walked up the stairs.

As I got near the doorway, I could hear my parents conversing about what my dad brought up. I paused for a moment and listened.

“Poor colt. He’s never had much good luck with the fillies. They’ve always ended badly for him.” My mother said.

“That last filly Twinkle Shine really broke his heart back in Cloudsdale. Maybe I should go talk to him.”

“No Darrel, I think we should let this one go. He’s been through a lot and needs his space to think.” She suggested.

“Ugh, okay” He grunted as he sat back down near the counter, back to reading his newspaper.

When I was sure they stopped talking, I made my way to my room and closed the door. On my desk laid my stereo system my dad must’ve unpacked for me. I went to go plug it in and search for some CDs that would fit the mood I was in. On my bed was my favorite band Hoofdown CD and decided to play that. I skipped to the song If You Only Knew and tried to sing along, failing miserably due to the mood I was in. Music was always a way for me to escape from the problems of reality and settle in my own world where everything’s peaceful and nothing goes wrong.

It was after dark when I drifted off to sleep. Sometime through the night, my dad came through and turned off the stereo I left on. I woke up to Celestia’s warm sun beaming in my face. When I opened my eyes, I thought they were burned right out of my skull. Okay, maybe I overreacted a bit but everyone does from time to time. I got up and stretched out my aching wings. After not flying for a while, pegasus wings sure do become stiff.

In the middle of a long yawn, I noticed an envelope sitting next to my headlamp. I picked it up and read who it was from: Reiku Spark. Well it’s about time I heard from this little punk. He’s been my best friend in Cloudsdale since Little Flyers Kindergarten.

I proceeded to open it and read what it said:

Dear Scion,

It would probably be awhile before you get this letter. The mail around Cloudsdale has been pretty slow due to hiring new management. Anyways, how you been buddy? You should really come to Cloudsdale sometime and visit. They really fixed up that old park we used to play at when we were foals. I know it seems kinda foalish, but it just has that nostalgic feel to it ya know? Hey maybe I’ll be around Ponyville in a few weeks. I’ve got some relatives that live not too far from you that I’m gonna visit and I’ll swing by your place and catch up on things. Anyways I gotta get going for now. Hope you write back

Catcha later buddy,


I couldn't help but smile. “Ah man we had some good times, that colt and I” I thought aloud. Just then, my thoughts were interrupted by hunger pains. “Well I guess I’ll write him back later. Right now, breakfast time.”

Feeling rested and energetic, I flew down the stairs and into the kitchen. My parents, though seemed surprised, wore smiles on their faces.

“Well, well, look who’s up finally.” My dad said, reading the morning paper, something he always seems to be doing.

“Yeah I felt like eating the entire fridge, so here I am.” I joked. My jokes were always terrible but always got a few laughs from them.

“Did you get that letter from Reiku?” My mother asked.

“Yeah I read it. I was gonna eat something first then write him back.” I replied, digging through the fridge looking for anything that I thought was edible.

After contemplating on what I could eat, I decided to just eat some hay cereal. I grabbed the biggest bowl I could, for I had quite the appetite. And then comes the milk, courtesy of Sweet Apple Acres.

A few seconds after taking a few large mouthfuls of the hay cereal, the doorbell rang.

“Huh, who could that be at this hour?” My father said.

“I have no idea” I shouted through a mouthful of cereal.

“Scion, table manners.” My mother scolded me.

“I’m an adult!” I joked, pounding on the table. My mother couldn’t help but laugh.

My dad answered the door, but couldn’t make out through the muffled voiced of who it could be.

He turned and came into the kitchen. “Hey Scion, a filly by the name of Twilight Sparkle is here to see you.”

“Really?” I reply, walking to the door.

“Hey Scion!” Twilight said with a smile on her face.

“Uh hey. Um how’d you know where I lived?” I asked

“Oh I asked Pinkie Pie. Knowing her, she pretty much knows everypony in Ponyville and their address.”

“Ah.” I replied.

Her voice lowered to a softer, sorrowful tone, “Look, I wanted to say I’m sorry for what happened yesterday. You seemed pretty upset about it. And when I was going to go after you, Rarity had me help her with Fluttershy and she said… something.”

“Said what?” I asked, closing the front door behind me.

Twilight bit her lip, which looked like she wasn’t sure whether or not she should tell what was on her mind.

“Well, after you left, we asked her why she was so shy around you because she hasn’t been that shy around stallions ever.”

“And then what?” I interrupted, dying to know what she said.

“She said when she first saw you, she was just lost. She knew that she was in love when she first saw you. Whenever she thought of you or saw you, she felt like butterflies were flying around in her stomach. And when Fluttershy really likes somepony, she is extremely shy. And she also really wants to talk to you, but one, she’s extremely shy, and two, she’s not sure if you have same thoughts and feelings for her. She’s been down that road before, having her heart broken by some stallion like last time. Applejack and Rainbow Dash sure did teach him a lesson. Heh, he couldn’t walk a straight line for weeks. Ouch.”

“Aww.” Was all I could say after hearing that. So she does have feelings for me! I was excited. “You know what Twilight? I had the same exact feelings and thoughts as she did.”

“You did really?” Twilight’s eyes beamed

“Yeah. I just feel really embarrassed after yesterday.”

“Well I wouldn’t let that worry you. She said she thought it was cute when you got all flustered. And quite frankly, Rarity and I agreed with her. You two really are perfect for each other.”

This made me smile. There was just one thing, “I want to be able to hear her say all this. I want to be sure it’s all real.”

“How are we going to do that?” Twilight asked.

I slumped onto my haunches. “I don’t know.” I replied lowering my head.

Twilight looked as if she thought really hard. “Aha! I got an idea!”

“You do? Well lay it on me. What’s your plan?” I asked.

Twilight walked closer and whispered her well thought of idea in my ear. After a few minutes, I agreed.

“Well come on!” She said. “She’ll be off her break soon.”

“Alright let’s go, wait one sec.” I turned and opened the door, “Mommy! I’m going out I’ll be back whenever!” I could hear both my mother and Twilight giggling.

“Okay son just don’t get beat up by the school bullies!” My father replied, playing along.

“Yes daddy dearest!” I closed the door and turned around to Twilight, who was still giggling.

With a look of determination, I said, “Let’s do this.”

This Just Might Work

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“Let’s do this!” I said excitedly.

Twilight and I jumped off my front porch and trotted down the main road.

“You have the whole plan memorized right?” Twilight asked.

“Yes. We go back to your library, gather a few invisibility potions you created, and head over to Rarity’s boutique. We’ll tell her the plan and she’ll head over to Fluttershy’s cottage. She’ll pretend she needs Fluttershy for measurements on a new dress project but instead, Rainbow Dash and the others will be there. And Rarity will have her tell them her thoughts and feelings like she did to you both and with the potions, I will be there, but not be seen. Am I missing anything?”

“Nope, I think that’s pretty much it.” She replied.

“I still don’t see why I’ll need invisibility potions. Can’t you use your magic or something to make me invisible?” I asked.

“Well normally yes but, the only way it would work if I too was using the invisibility spell on myself along with you. Even if I was able to perform the spell on just you, it takes a lot of energy to keep you fully invisible. Plus it would be pretty suspicious to her when she sees my horn glowing the whole time.” She stated.

“Oh I haven’t thought about that.” I said feeling dumb.

Twilight giggled. “Don’t worry about it. C’mon, we’re almost to the library.”

We picked up our pace and made it to Twilight’s after a few minutes. Near the front door, was the little baby dragon sitting on a bench.

“Spike, do we still have those invisibility potions I brewed up a few days ago?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah they’re downstairs in the basement next to your old telescope.” He replied with a sigh.

“You’re welcome to come in if you’d like.” Twilight said, smiling at me.

“Oh that’s alright. You go on ahead and retrieve the potions. I’ll wait out here.”

“Well okay. I’ll be back in a jiffy.” She said and trotted into the library.

Since I haven’t used my wings in almost a day, they started to get uncomfortably stiff. I decided to stretch them out and as I did so, Spike let out another deep sigh. I folded my wings back at my side and walked next to him.

“May I join you?” I asked, pointing to the open spot next to him.

“Yeah. Sure. I guess so.” He replied. Surely something had to be on his mind.

We sat in silence for a moment before he sighed again. That’s when I had to break the ice. “So…You okay fella? You seem pretty down.”

“Oh it’s nothing.” He said simply put.

“No c’mon you can tell me. There’s nopony, or nodragon in this case, I’ve seen sigh that much. There’s gotta be something on your mind.”

“Well,” He began, “I was helping out Rarity not too long ago with moving some glass vases and I accidentally dropped a few of them. Well, more than a few. And she, well, got really angry and kinda yelled at me. Her head got so red hot I swear it was gonna explode like a rocket.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Is that all?”

“Well I surely hope so.” He replied. “I don’t wanna wake up in the middle of the night with her trying to rip my little baby dragon head of.”

“Don’t worry buddy.” I began, patting his shoulder. “She’ll cool off after a while. Besides it was a mistake I’m sure she’ll forgive you.

“Yeah, maybe when Discord’s chaos reigns over.” He said

“Hey c’mon cheer up. Trust me, she’ll forget all about it by day’s end.”

“You really think so?” He asked.

“Absolutely.” I replied. This seemed to do the trick as he perked up a little bit.

He jumped off the bench and started to walk toward the door of the library. “I’m gonna check what’s taking Twilight so long. See you later Scion”

“Okay, later Spike.” After he went inside, I jumped off the bench. My wings still felt stiff and the dire need to stretch them out was priority. I unfold them at full wingspan and inspect them. I didn’t wanna sound biased but, my wings were big and beautiful. In fact, it seemed like it was a long time before I took a look at myself in a mirror. I was not a bad looking stallion. My coat was a smooth white. Almost as white as snow. My mane was red with a streak of black through the middle and on my tail. And my eyes were a dark sky blue color. I never understood why I was always made fun of back in Cloudsdale…

My thoughts were interrupted as Twilight came out with saddlebags and potion bottles floating with the help of her levitation.

“Okay Scion I’m ready.” She said cheerily.

Her sudden voice made me jump. She giggled as she saw me move frantically to get back on my hooves.

“You okay there Scion?” She asked, still giggling.

“Oh yeah. Perfect. Um, are we good to go?” I asked, feeling my face get hot with embarrassment.

“Yes we’re good. Now all we need is to do now is get to Rarity’s boutique.

“Okay sounds easy enough.” I began. “Let’s go.”

We passed through the town market and made it to Rarity’s boutique. I placed my hoof on the doorbell button and waited. A few seconds later, Rarity appeared through the doorway.

“Why hello Twilight! Hello Scion, what brings you two here?” She said rather cheerfully.

“Well we got something to talk to you about.” Twilight replied.

“Yes of course! Come in, come in.” She said. “My apologies for the mess. Sweetie Belle had Scootaloo and Applebloom over last night for some Crusader sleepover and didn’t clean up after themselves.”

I chuckled. “That’s not a problem. Heh, they were a rowdy bunch at Pinkie’s party.

“They can be much worse and messier I promise you that.” Rarity exclaimed. “Anyways, what did you two want to talk about?”

“Well we got a plan for Fluttershy and Scion.” Twilight said.

“Oh good! Tell me every detail.” Rarity exclaimed. She already knew about the crush between me and Fluttershy so further explanation wasn’t needed.

While Twilight was explaining the plan to Rarity, I drifted off looking around the room and the one next to it. It was amazing! Did she make all these dresses all by herself? Absolutely amazing. My mother would definitely enjoy one of these…

“Why that’s a marvelous idea, darling! I had a similar plan but not as grand as yours. I love it!” Rarity said, excitedly, losing my train of thought.

Twilight nodded. “Now all we need is to get everyone else here. And after that, you’ll go get Fluttershy and bring her here.”

“And then I’ll bring up the subject about Scion. Why, it’s perfect!” Rarity added.

“What do I do?” I asked.

“Hmm.” Twilight thought for a minute. She must’ve got an idea as she turned and showed me toward the front window. “You see that bench over there near that tree surrounded by bushes?” I nodded. “You’ll wait there while Rarity and I gather Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Then when Rarity walks back with Fluttershy on that trail, jump in the bushes until I come out to get you.”

“Then I’ll take a potion?”

“Yes.” Twilight replied, nodding her head

“Okay sounds good!” Rarity said. “I’ll get Applejack while you go find Rainbow and Pinkie. They might be together because I saw them trot past here not too long ago so they’ll be easier to find.”

“Alright. Meet back here with Applejack. Explain to her what’s gonna happen so she’s aware.”

“Mmhmm.” Rarity nodded, and turned to Sweet Apple Acres.

Twilight started to walk towards town. “Okay Scion, you can wait here while I find Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.”

“Can I come with you?” I asked.

Twilight hesitated. “Umm, oh sure. I can use the extra help to find them and to explain the situation too.”

I nodded and we continued on towards the center of town.

We decided to check Sugarcube Corner first, considering that it would’ve been the first place Pinkie would be.

“She was here about an hour ago with Rainbow Dash, but left a few minutes after coming in.” Mr. Cake said.

“Well thanks anyway Mr. Cake.” Twilight replied.

“See you two later!”

We said our goodbye and walked into the street. We took a moment to look around for any sign of the two ponies. Twilight was the first to break the silence.

“Maybe we should check Rainbow’s house to see if they’re there. It’s right above us anyways.” Twilight pointed up to a massive cloud home with a rainbow river on the side.

“I’ll fly up there to see if she’s there.” I said and took to the sky.

I landed on the rather soft clouds. The first thing I thought of was to go to the front door and knock. After about 30 seconds and no answer, I hovered to the window. “Rainbow! Rainbow Dash, you in here?” I shouted. No answer. I flew to the edge and yelled to Twilight, “She’s not here Twi! Although she does have a pretty nice crib!”

Twilight laughed. “Well it was worth a shot. Come back down and let’s look some more.”

I took a nose dive off the rather exquisite cloud home and glided down next to Twilight and continued to look for Rainbow and Pinkie.

We passed Sugarcube Corner and heard a scream from the alley way near us. A pony with rose colored hair and a rose for a cutie mark came running out with something on her head as she tried to shake them off. “AHH!! Snakes! Snakes!!” She screamed, shaking her head to remove the objects. A few seconds later we heard uncontrolled laughter coming from the roof above the alley. Being suspicious that it was them, I picked Twilight up and flew up to the roof. When we landed, we saw Rainbow and Pinkie on their backs holding a can of ‘Snake-in-a-can’.

Twilight didn’t seem happy. “What’s wrong with you two? You know Roseluck’s afraid of snakes, fake or not.”

Rainbow was the first to calm down. “Oh lighten up Twilight, it’s just a harmless prank.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed. “Listen, we’ve been looking for you two and need you to come to Rarity’s boutique.

“How come, Twilight?” Pinkie said.

“We’ll explain on the way.” I replied.


Rarity walked through the gate entering Sweet Apple Acres. As she walked, she took a look around. Hmm, I don’t see Applejack out here. Normally she’s out gathering up apples. She thought. When she got to the front door, she rang the doorbell. After a few seconds with no answer, she rang it again.

A familiar voice called from above. “Hey Rarity up here!” It was Applejack. “ Hang on a second. Ah’ll be down lickety split.” About 20 or so seconds later, the door opened. “Howdy Rarity. Watcha doin’ round these parts?”

“Well you remember that new pegasus stallion right?” Rarity asked.

“Why yes Ah do.” She replied. “A mighty fine stallion Ah might add. Shoot, he even reminds me of ‘ol Fluttershy. Almost as shy as she is.”

“That’s exactly what I was going to talk to you about.” She said

“Whatca mean, Rarity?” Applejack asked, suddenly intrigued by what her friend had to talk about.

“Well Fluttershy and I bumped into Twilight and Scion yesterday and I can tell you those two had their faces as red as apples. Anyways after Scion suddenly walked away, we asked Fluttershy what was wrong and she told us she liked Scion but doesn’t know any way she can tell him without freezing up.”

“So that explains why she came to th’ farm early this morning. She had a scenario where a “friend” of hers has the same problem. Ah figured she was talkin bout herself.”

“Yes, but we have a plan for her to do so.”

“Really?” Well what’s this plan?” Applejack asked.

“Twilight is going to get Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie and bring them to my boutique. I came to get you and bring you over as well. Then I leave to get Fluttershy and pretend to need her for measurements on a new dress. And Twilight will pick up the subject of Scion and you three will ask her about him and have her tell you her thoughts and feelings for him. Meanwhile, Scion will be in the room. But he’ll have drunk one of Twilight’s invisibility potions so he won’t be seen. Then after that, Twilight will use a deactivation spell and he’ll appear and share his feelings too. And that’s all we have so far. The rest will play out as it goes.”

Applejack thought for a moment. “Ehh Ah don’t know Rare, Ah mean it’s a mighty fine idea and Scion's a really kinda fellow but after that last stallion she was with Ah wouldn’t wanna see her delicate heart break again.”

“Don’t you worry Applejack, this is definitely going to work out. I have a good feeling about this one.” Rarity replied.

Applejack sighed. “Okay, Ah’m in. Ah trust your judgment Rarity.

Rarity let out a squeal. “Yay! Okay let’s go back to meet with the others.”


“So lemme get this straight.” Rainbow began. “You basically want to hear and see if it’s true that Fluttershy has feelings for you?”

“Well long and complicated story short, yes.” I replied

Rainbow grinned. “Hay, I’m game! It’s about time Fluttershy met a stallion that was actually made for her instead of some dumb fake immature colt. What about you Pinkie? What do you think?”

“Of course!” She wrapped a hoof around my neck and patted my head. “I may not know everything about you yet, but I do know that you’re perfect for little Fluttershy.”

I smiled. “Thanks Pinkie Pie. That means a lot.”

“It’s what friends are for!” She said hopping around us.

I may have only known these mares for a short time, but they started to become a few of my closest friends.

We made it to Rarity’s boutique and saw Rarity and Applejack was sitting out in the front waiting for us.

“Well it’s about time y’all showed up!” Applejack said jokingly.

“Well we had little trouble finding them at first but…” Twilight was interrupted.

“Here we are!” Pinkie shouted and confetti shot out from behind her.

“Pinkie how did you… never mind I don’t wanna know.” I said.

Pinkie giggled. “Silly Scion, I’m Pinkie Pie!”

Everyone else fell to the ground laughing with me feeling dumbfounded. “I don’t get it.”

Applejack wiped a tear from her eye. “Dontcha worries there little buddy, its best you don’t find out about Pinkie’s randomness.”

“Yeah Pinkie Pie defies the laws of physics.” Rainbow added. “It gets to your head after thinking about it too much like Twilight did.”

Still confused, I take Rainbow Dash’s advice and shook off the idea of finding out how Pinkie Pie does what she does.

“Okay but in all serious business.” Twilight said. “We’re all here Rarity. Are you ready to get Fluttershy?”

She nodded, and trotted down the path to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Okay, everypony inside and wait in the other room until Rarity gets here. Scion you go over there to that bench until I come get you.” Twilight ordered.

“Got it!” Everypony said as if on cue.

“I sure hope this works” I said out loud as I flew to the bench.


Rarity quickened her pace to Fluttershy’s cottage. When she arrived, she was greeted by many of the small woodland creatures Fluttershy takes care of. She walked to the door and lightly knocked three times. The door opened by somepony, well somebunny, she didn’t expect.

“Hello Angel darling is Fluttershy here?” Rarity asked.

Angel rolled his eyes annoyingly and hopped off. Rarity took a few steps inside waiting for Fluttershy. A few seconds later she turned around the corner with Angel on her head.

“Oh hello Rarity, it’s nice to see you.” Fluttershy said in her usual quiet yet soothing voice.

“Hello to you too Fluttershy. How are things?” She asked.

“Oh everything’s been just wonderful. How are things for you?”

“I’ve been getting less busy. I’m starting on a new project and came over to see if you’d like to help with taking measurements for me.”

“I don’t know Rarity.” Fluttershy began. “Who’ll watch over the animals?”

“Oh but it’ll only take just a few minutes darling. Please? Please? PLEAAAASE??

She sighed. “Umm, okay. I’ll do it.”

Rarity squeaked. “Yay! Come along darling.”

“Umm, o-okay,” Fluttershy replied hesitantly.


Twilight sat next to me as we waited to see the sight of Rarity with Fluttershy. With every second passing, my pulse began to quicken. I never felt so nervous before.

“So Twilight you still think this’ll work?” I asked hesitantly.

“Of course. This way you would be able to hear what Fluttershy has to say.” She replied.

I nodded and looked back at the path. As I caught sight of the two, my heart beat faster.

“Twilight! They’re coming!” I tried not to yell as I was getting excited yet terrified at the same time.

“Okay, I’ll go let the others know. Get in that bush and watch until I get you.” With that, she ran off to the boutique.

As I was instructed, I jumped into the bush and kept watching as Fluttershy and Rarity got closer and closer to the boutique. I couldn’t help but noticed that the sun was shining straight on Fluttershy, which made her mane shine. Her eyes too glistened in the sunlight. I know I've probably said this before but, she was definitely the most beautiful mare I’ve ever seen.


“Come on Fluttershy darling, right inside.” Rarity said.

When she walked in, she noticed Twilight sitting in the middle of the entering area.

“Twilight? Umm, what are you doing here?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh I’ve been helping Rarity today. Don’t mind me hehe.” She replied.

“Oh um okay.”

“Okay now Fluttershy step up on that stage platform while I get the measuring tools.”

As she was told, she hopped up on the platform and sat down waiting for the next order. With her magic, Rarity levitated measuring tapes over Fluttershy and pretended to take measurements.

From the other room came Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack.

“Hi Fluttershy!” Pinkie Squealed.

“What’s everypony doing here?” Fluttershy asked.

“We’ve all been helpin’ Rarity today. She needed a hoof around here so we all pitched in some time to help.”

“Oh okay.” Fluttershy said in almost a whisper.

“So Fluttershy darling, do you mind telling us about Scion?” Rarity said

“Yeah!” Rainbow began. “We heard something about it and we’re curious.”

“I’ll be right back Rarity I got to get something with real quick.” Twilight said and slipped out the front.


“Scion! Scion?” Twilight half shouted.

“Over here.” I said waving my hoof out from the bush.

“Hurry, drink this and let’s get back in there before you miss what she’s going to say.”

I quickly took the bottle and gulped it down as fast as I could. Within a few seconds Twilight spoke, “I can’t see you at all. Let’s go.” We trotted back to the boutique and before Twilight opened the door, she whispered, “Now the potions last a long time and I’ll have to cancel it out with my magic when the time comes. Are you ready?”

“Ready” I whispered back


The door opened and everypony turned around.

“There you are Twilight!” Rarity said. “Now Fluttershy what were you about to say?”

Twilight joined the group of faces that leaned in to hear what she was about to share.

“Oh, umm… uhh… oh my..” Fluttershy began to blush.


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I still stood near the doorway, not sure if the potion was actually working. Since nopony noticed I was standing there, I decided to move closer towards the group. I sat down about 7 hoofs away where I got a perfect view of Fluttershy and listened.

“C’mon Fluttershy.” Rainbow said. “We all told each other about our crushes and stuff. And you’re the last one on the list to talk. We’re all friends here; you don’t have to be shy about it. We all know what it’s like.

She sighed. “I don’t know girls. I mean I just feel like a little filly whose head over hooves about some colt that she can’t seem to find the strength to talk to.”

“Well Fluttershy, that’s what it supposed to feel like.” Twilight began. “That means your emotions are trying to tell you that you do like a special somepony.”

“Are you sure?” She asked nervously.

“Yes!” They all said, growing impatient the more she stalled.

She took a deep breath. It’s now or never Fluttershy. She thought. “Okay I’ll tell all of you.”

Their eyes widened as their necks seemed to grow in length a few inches as they leaned in closer.

She could feel her face get red hot as the thoughts went through. “That p-pegasus Scion.” She began.

“Yes?” They all said.

Fluttershy gulped. “Ihaveacrushonhimokay!” She said rather too fast to be understood.

“Huh?” Rainbow said cocking her head 90 degrees.

She sighed. “I have a crush on Scion.” She closed her eyes and buried her face in her hooves.

I put my hoof across my heart. It was definitely pounding from excitement. It was true. I couldn’t help but smile as I listened more.

“Aww!” All said simultaneously.

Surprised, she raised her head up to see all her friends smiling at her. Even Rainbow, who usually gets annoyed by her shyness.

“Well go on darling.” Rarity pressed. “Tell us why you like him.”

“Yeah. I’m not one to be all sappy or anything but, I think it’s kinda cute for you to have a crush on Scion. Besides, he’s lucky it’s YOU instead of somepony else.” Rainbow explained.

Fluttershy gave a weak smile. “Well I guess I can tell you more now that I’m more comfortable.”

Ready for the story they’ve been waiting for, they sat down to listen.

“It all started at the party. When I walked into Sugarcube Corner, I asked Pinkie what the occasion was and she said-…” She was interrupted by the pink pony.

“It was for the new pony that moved to Ponyville!” Pinkie was bouncing around. After a few seconds of trying to keep her still with no luck, Applejack tied her hooves together and sat her down. Pinkie wore an annoyed look on her face. “Kill joy.” She muttered.

Fluttershy giggled. “Yes she said it was for the new pony that moved to Ponyville from Cloudsdale. And after hearing that he was from my hometown and that he was my age, I got interested. But anyways, as the party started, I was talking to Ditzy Doo about her new relationship, I heard the door open and that’s when I first noticed him.”

“The first thought that went through my mind was he was definitely a handsome fellow. His coat was as white as snow and his mane was red with a strip of black through the middle. And his eyes, oh his eyes are what just made my heart melt. A beautiful sky blue. I didn’t feel like taking my eyes off of him nor I thought I ever would.”

As she continued to explain, I could feel my face getting hot.

“And when Rainbow Dash brought him over to the group, there was no way I would’ve been able to introduce myself without stuttering or shaking uncontrollably. So the first thing I could think of was to hide under the table.”

“After the party, I couldn’t concentrate as for the only thing that was on my mind was this new stallion. I went around Ponyville and asked others if they could help me deliver a message but I was too afraid to tell them anything. Then a few days later, Rarity and I bump into Twilight and he. And I couldn’t help myself but to just hide as for I knew what would happen if I tried talking to him. I was afraid of rejection and afraid that he would be just like that stallion I was with last year. But after hearing what others said about him, I knew he was the opposite. He was a kind gentle hearted pegasus that loves nature and is shy like I am. I didn’t know if I was being quick about anything but I knew that this stallion was perfect. And I just wish there was a way I was able to tell him everything.”

“Well Fluttershy, what would you say if Scion was here the whole time and heard you say everything you just said?” Rainbow asked.

Her face grew red. “Oh I would be so embarrassed that he would hear the embarrassing parts of me spilling out my feelings.”

I slowly walked to Twilight, making sure I didn’t make any noise, and whispered in her ear, “Is it time?”

“I think now would be the perfect time.” She replied in a soft whisper.

I walked back to my original position and stood until Twilight was ready

“Did you say something Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight cleared her throat. “Uh yeah. I said what would you say if Scion had the same feelings towards you?”

Fluttershy shifted around. “What do you mean?”

“I mean what if he too likes you the same way you like him?”

“Oh I don’t know. I would have to hear him say it to be sure.”

Out of nowhere, a gentle voice was heard, “Well it’s true. I like you Fluttershy.”

Twilight’s horn glowed as Applejack, Rainbow, and Pinkie looked at each other and nodded as they knew what was happening.

I looked down and saw my hooves appear and knew that I was now visible. I took a few steps closer but couldn’t take my eyes off of her.

“He was here… just appeared… heard everything…” Was all she said before she fainted.

Pinkie began to panic. “Oh no Fluttershy!”

“Don’t worry Pinkie.” Rainbow said. “She just fainted with embarrassment.”

“Oh okay.” She replied as she bounced to her original position.

“Hey, Ah thought Ah tied you up.” Applejack said.

Pinkie Pie just giggled as Applejack rolled her eyes.

Rainbow leaned over to Twilight and whispered, “Does he have to fall over and faint too? I saw this in a movie once.” Her eyes beamed.

Twilight rolled her eyes and hoofed the back of Rainbow’s head.

“Ouch!” she shrieked. “Oh fine.” She pouted as she sat down.

I walked up to Fluttershy and moved her on her side and lay near her. “I thought I’d want her to be more comfortable when she wakes up.” I explained.

The group just smiled as they continued to watch.

I took my hoof and brushed her mane out of her face. This was the closest I’ve ever been to her, and she looked even more majestic. I leaned forward and lightly kissed her on her cheek. The awes that the 5 others made couldn’t help but make me smile even more.


We waited for about a half an hour for Fluttershy to wake. Ever since she fainted, I stayed right by her side. The others huddled near the middle of the room.

“Look at them,” Pinkie began. “They look so cute together! And Scion can’t take his eyes off her.”

Twilight smiled. “They sure do look adorable together. Do you girls think we did the right thing?”

“Well of course we did, darling.” Rarity stated. “These two clearly had strong feelings for each other but couldn’t find the strength to tell one another. And I simply could not live with myself if I couldn’t find a way for them to be together.”

“Yeah! Besides, they’re perfect for each other! Anypony with eyes could see that. Except for that stallion that Applejack and I took care of last time. He’s got a certain two items that he won’t need anymore.” Rainbow added as she nudged Applejack’s shoulders.

The group laughed from Rainbow’s comment. They continued to share their thoughts until they heard a soft high pitch whine coming from Fluttershy as she slowly came to.

Fluttershy rubbed her eyes slowly. With her eyes still closed, she stretched out. “Ugh what happened?” She asked softly. She opened her eyes and saw her friends looking past her. She looked over and saw her crush looking straight into her eyes.

“Well look who’s finally awake, sleepyhead.” I said and smiled at her.

As expected, her face turned red. She slowly got to her hoofs and sat down. “Oh..uh h-hello Scion.”

She looked at me and noticed I was looking at the ground. I looked at her again and caught a glimpse of a smile.

“So um… you heard everything I said about you?” She asked almost in a whisper.

I nodded.

It was then we looked over and saw Twilight and the others huddled together and glance back at us. They rose up and slowly walked toward the other room. About halfway, they sprinted into the rest of the way.

Fluttershy giggled.

This is your time man! I thought to myself. Make your move before it’s too late!

“So uh Fluttershy.” I began.

“Hmm?” She turned her head slowly, still hiding behind her mane.

“About everything that you said, your feelings I mean, do you really have a… crush on me?”

She nodded her head and smiled.

“I wanted to try and tell you at first but after that last stallion I was with, I was afraid of being heartbroken again. But the more I thought about you, and heard things about you, the more I realized you were the complete opposite. And that’s something I’ve been looking for in a stallion: Somepony who I could share my feelings with and wake up in the morning thinking about him and all the bad feelings in the world just disappear when he holds me in his hooves.”

“I have the same feelings for you Fluttershy.” I said as she looked straight into my eyes. “I was afraid to tell you because well for one, I’m a shy kinda guy. And also when I lived in Cloudsdale, I never had good luck with the fillies. I would always embarrass myself in front of them and they’d always laugh and I’d get made fun of.”

She lightly touched my hoof with hers. “To be honest, I think it’s cute when you get flustered.”

I smiled. “So I’ve heard.” I took my hoof and brushed her mane out of her face. “Now that’s a beautiful face I’ll never get tired of.” I thought aloud and immediately felt my face flush.

Fluttershy giggled and laid her forehead against mine. “I’d like to get to know you better Mr. Flusterpants.”

“I’d like to get to know you better too Miss Shy.” I replied softly. How about we meet up in market square, say, tomorrow afternoon for lunch?”

She flashed her eyes. “I’d like that.”


Twilight and the others looked up and saw Scion and Fluttershy looking at them. “Let’s go” She whispered. They rose up and slowly walked towards the other room. When they were about halfway, they sprinted through the doorway. Once inside, they all collided and fell into a pile on the floor.

Pinkie Pie was on the bottom and softly giggled. “Ponypile!”

“Pinkie! Shh!” Twilight whispered.

They rose to their hooves and sat down in the dark room.

“Can you believe it? They’re finally speaking to each other.” Rarity said.

“And just to think that they couldn’t even say a word yesterday.” Twilight exclaimed.

“Like I’ve said many times, I’m not a pony to be all sappy,” Rainbow began, “but they look to be a very cute couple. I know it’ll last; they’re totally fallen head over hooves for each other. No doubt.”

Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie all nodded in agreement. Applejack was left not understanding.

“Well how do y’all know that for sure?” She asked, still doubtful.

The four gestured for Applejack to follow. They quietly poked their heads around the corner and saw Fluttershy and Scion’s heads leaning against each other. Backing up where they were previously, they wore a grin on their face waiting for Applejack to respond. She couldn’t help but show a smile.

“Alright, alright. Y’all got me. Ah agree they’re pretty cute together.” She confessed.

“More like amazingly adorable!” Pinkie exclaimed.


We sat there in silence for what felt like forever. It may have only been a few minutes but a time I never wanted to end. But the question all of a sudden dawned on me: What time was it?

I broke the silence. “Hey Fluttershy?”

“Hmm?” She replied softly, eyes closed.

“Do you have the time?”

“It’s almost after 3. Why you ask?”

My eyes shot open and I jumped on my hooves. “Oh horse apples!”

“W-what’s wrong?” She asked, a little startled at my sudden movement.

“I was gonna surprise my little brother and pick him up after school today.” I put my forehead against hers and looked into her eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.” With that, I kissed her forehead and started towards the door until I heard her call from behind me.

“Can I come with you?” She asked.

“I uh…” I began. There was no way I could say no to her. “Of course you can. But we’ll have to hurry.”

She smiled. “Okay.”

With that, we passed the doorway to the other room where Twilight and the others were sitting in.

“Sorry girls gotta go pick up my brother from school!” I said quickly.

“Wait!” Rarity called. “You gotta come back after and tell us how it… ehhhaaand they’re gone.”

“Don’t worry we’ll ask Fluttershy later.” Twilight said. Rarity nodded and watched as their two friends flew off towards Ponyville Elementary.


We were about halfway to the school before Fluttershy spoke. “I didn’t know you had a little brother. I thought it was just you and your parents.”

“He’s kinda like me: quiet and not always heard. That’s probably why not many know about him yet. It doesn’t seem to bother him. He’s happy so if he’s happy, I’m happy.”

Fluttershy smiled. “He must look up to his amazing big brother.”

I couldn’t help but blush. “Well I try my best to be there for him. I mean if it wasn’t for his condition, I would’ve moved out after I graduate Cloudsdale High last year. But he’s my little brother and he looks up to me so I stayed.”

She gave me a curious look. “Condition? Is he sick?”

“No nothing like that, it’s-…” I cut myself out. “How about I tell you everything tomorrow. Then you’ll have the whole day to have the opportunity to ask what you wanna know.”

“Okay.” She replied with another smile. I can’t wait until tomorrow. She thought.

We made it just in time for when we landed, the school bell rang. The two of us watched as young fillies and colts ran out of the front doors of the school. I caught a glimpse of my brother talking to a few others.

“See that little colt over there near the bush? That’s my little bro.” I told her.

“Aww he looks like you.” She replied.

I smiled as I raised my hoof in the air and called for him. “Leo! Leo over here!”

He turned over and saw me as his eyes widened and bolted towards me at full speed. He slowed down as he got closer and threw his arms around me. “Hey big brother!”

“Hey pipsqueak. You have a good day at school today?” I asked him.

“Sure did! I made three more friends today!” He said excitedly.

“That’s awesome! Who are they?” I asked

He turned around and pointed to three fillies in front of the bush near the front door of the school. He waived to them as they waived back. “That one’s Scootaloo, the one next to her is Sweetie Belle, and the last one on the right is Applebloom.”

“I know those fillies!” Fluttershy said.

“Hi there!” Leo said. “You must be a friend of my big brother. What’s your name?”

“I’m Fluttershy.” She said with a smile.

“Well it’s nice to meet you Miss Fluttershy.” Leo said politely.

“Why what a gentlecolt.” She replied in surprise.

“I try.” He said with a smirk.

I laughed. “C’mon pipsqueak, lemme take you home.”

“Sweet!” He replied in a deep voice which made us all laugh.

We walked in silence most of the way until Fluttershy kissed me on the cheek and laid her head against mine. Leo must’ve seen this for he began running around us chanting “Scion and Fluttershy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G the rest of the walk home. He grew tired and gave up his little game and walked in silence as we approached the front porch.

“Go ahead inside Leo and wash up for dinner.” I said.

“Yeah, I know the drill.” He replied, dragging his hooves on the ground.

He went inside as I turned to face Fluttershy. “Well I guess this is where we part.”

Her ears hung low. “Yeah. I wish it was tomorrow already.” She said quietly.

“Don’t worry. It’ll come by before you know it.” This seem to, I don’t know how, do the trick as she smiled.

She leaned her head against mine as we said our goodbyes.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” She asked.

I smiled. “You know it.”

She returned the smile and leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Bye.” She said, blushing.

“Bye.” I replied and placed my hoof on my cheek. Shaking my head, I smiled. This is gonna be amazing. I thought. I turned around and went to the mailbox and picked up a few envelopes and my father’s monthly carriage magazine. Why he reads these things I’ll never know.

As I walked through the front door, my dad on my right was making kissing noises.

I laughed. “Shut up!” I said and tossed the magazine at him.

He laughed in return. “Aw I’m just messin’ with ya son. So who’s the young filly?”

“That’s Fluttershy. I’m going on a date with her tomorrow.” I replied.

“Wow! We’ve been living here in Ponyville for about a week now and you’ve already got a date coming up? Now I’m impressed.”

“Well you know me.” I teased.

“Nope I’m sorry I don’t know who you are. You’re just a random stranger I picked up off the road and moved you into the house.” He countered.

I laughed. “I’ll see you later dad.” Our conversations never made sense.

“Later stranger who calls me dad.” He replied.

I laughed again and shook my head as I made my way up the stairs to my bedroom. I popped my favorite CD into my stereo and jumped onto my bed. I looked out the window and saw Fluttershy far in the distance. Her pink mane was shining in Celestia’s setting sun. I sighed and let out a smile. Tomorrow’s gonna be amazing. I just know it.


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It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining bright and warm and to make that all worthwhile, Fluttershy was leaning next me. I could feel her warmth through my coat. I could even feel the beat of her heart which was gentle. We were under a tree in the playground of Ponyville Elementary and watched as the kids played. This was a moment I never wanted to end. As I wrapped my wing around her, she leaned looked up at me and said something that I couldn’t hear; it sounded like an echo through some kind of metallic object. But that didn’t matter as we both closed our eyes and leaned in closer to each other…

Then I felt a minor pain in my left shoulder. I opened my eyes and all I could see was a wall. What the hay? I thought. Where am I? Where’s Fluttersh… oh wait was this all a dream? Damn it. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of somepony trying to hold in a laugh. I unwrapped myself from my blankets and stood up and saw Leo sitting in the door way, biting his lip trying not to laugh.

“So uh…” He began, “how was your little ‘scene’ with your pillow?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?” I asked.

“I walked to your door to… wake you up and… saw you… making out with your pillow!” He said in between chuckles.

“Oh ha ha.” I said as I tossed my at him, knocking him over. Then he lost it and busted out laughing. After a few seconds, I couldn’t help but to laugh myself. It was a little silly to be caught kissing your own pillow in your sleep, but Leo’s laughing was always contagious. It reminds me of those days in Cloudsdale where we would just laugh and laugh for no reason.

“What is all the laughing about?” My father appeared with a grin on his face.

“I caught Scion making out with his pillow!” Leo shouted.

“Hohoho! You little player!” My father joked.

“Yeah, yeah I know it’s funny. Ha ha now let’s go.” I replied and pushed them through the doorway. Leo I’m gonna get you for that.

As we were walking to the kitchen, we caught a whiff of something that made our stomachs growl with hunger. We all looked at each other and said in unison, “Mom’s cooking.” I picked up Leo while my father and I flew down the stairs and into the kitchen. My mother didn’t seem to notice but when she turned around, she shrieked.

“Where did you all come from?” She asked still surprised.

“You don’t wanna know.” I replied.

She smiled. “So what was all the laughing about I heard upstairs?”

Leo and Dad both gave me an evil grin. Then dad spoke, “Scion was caught making out with his pillow by this little colt here.” Leo gave the biggest smile he could muster.

“Then we teased him about it!” My little brother added.

She chuckled. “You guys are so mean to each other.”

“It’s ‘cause we’re so masculine. It’s what we do.” My father replied in a funny deep accent.

My mother smiled and rolled her eyes as she poured apple juice into each of our glasses.

Dad was the first to finish his. “Wow this is good. Where’d you get this from darling?” He asked while unfolding his morning newspaper.

“This was from that apple stand in the market square that, I believe her name is Applejack, gave to me as a gift after buying a bushel of apples. Such a kind young mare.” She replied, putting eggs and pancakes on each of our plates as well as her own.

“Oh yeah I know her.” I replied.

“Oh really? Where’d you meet her?” She asked.

Before I was about to speak, dad bud in, “She must be friends with your girlfriend? Eh? Am I right?” He nudged my shoulder, putting extra emphasis on ‘girlfriend’.

“She’s not my girlfriend!” I whispered.

“Girlfriend?” My mother replied with a grin on her face.

I sighed. I might as well come clean before they humiliate me any further. I thought. “I have uh… a date with this mare today.” I braced myself for more laughing and joking. Instead was a gentle smile on my mother’s face.

“Well good job Scion. I’m happy you’ve gotten out of your little shell.” She said, patting my shoulder.

“Thanks mom for not laughing like these two immature mules.” I replied as they looked at me and grinned.

She chuckled. “Well it could be worse.”

“Yeah I wouldn’t want it to get any worse than what it already is now.” I replied.

We began changing the subject on to other matters. After finishing my plate of food, I started to walk to the stairs. “I’m gonna shower and get ready for my big day.”

“Don’t take too long in there doing something we don’t know.” Dad added.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I headed up the stairs. I walked into the bathroom, shut the door and turned on the shower. As I waited for the water to warm up, I looked at myself in the mirror. As I stared at my reflection, all these scenarios started racing through my head. What if I do something that hurts her feelings? What if I do something that makes an ass out of myself? What if she never wants to talk to me ever again? I snapped back to reality. No. I can’t think like that. Got to keep a positive outlook. Everything will go out as planned and nothing will go wrong. I shook off the negative thoughts and stepped into the shower. I stood there letting the warm water run through my coat. “Today will be the day.” I said to myself.

I finished up in the shower and turned off the water. Shook off any excess water and reached for a towel. After getting myself mostly dried, I stepped out. I combed out my mane to make myself at least somewhat approachable. I walked downstairs and went into the living room where everypony was doing their usual Saturday routine.

“Hey mom what time is it?” I asked.

“Uhh it’s five after nine.” She answered after looking at the clock.

“Ughh three more hours? What am I gonna do for…” An idea popped into my head and I refrained from shouting ‘idea’ like Rarity.

“Hey Leo wanna help me out on something?” I asked.

“Sure big bro.” He replied and got up.

“Hey I’m gonna take little colt here and take him around town before my date. I haven’t spent a lot of time with him since we moved here so I’ll have him back before then.”

“Okay. Be back soon.” Mother replied.

I closed the door and hopped off the front porch. “Hey Leo wanna go for a flight?”

His face lit up. “Really?! Are you sure mom won’t mind?”

“She doesn’t have to know.” I replied. “Here, hop on my back.”

He jumped on my back with a tiny thud. He was always really small for his age. It still worries us that something else might be wrong with his development but we try not to think about it. I’ll have mom get him a checkup at the hospital later. Ponyville does have better medical than Cloudsdale. I thought to myself.

“You ready?” I asked


“Alright hang on!” I replied.

He held on tightly as I took to the air. I began flying at about a hundred hooves in the air before I heard him shouting above the sound of the wind.

“Go higher!”

“I’ll go above the cloud line!” I shouted back.

When I made it above the clouds, I spotted a large cloud enough for him to be safe on. With a soft puff, I landed on it as Leo slid off my back. He walked over and looked over the edge.

I was getting nervous and walked closer to him, ready for anything that might happen. “Leo be careful.”

He turned to me and stood right in front of me and motioned for me to come closer. “Can you fly faster? I wanna feel the wind in my mane again.”

“You betcha buddy.” I replied

He jumped on my back again and I waited for him to hold tight before I took flight. I picked up speed and over the sound of the wind, I heard what sounded like Leo saying, “Look Sci, no hooves.” Before I could say anything, I felt the pressure of his body weight slide off. I turned my head and saw him falling straight down.

“Oh shit Leo!” I yelled and immediately flapped my wings as fast as I could to try and catch him.

He fell straight through a cloud as if it was nothing and picked up speed. I heard him screaming. “Scion! Help me!”

No matter how fast I flapped my wings, I couldn’t close the gap between us. “Come on wings! Don’t fail me!” I shouted as loud as I could but it wasn’t enough.

Leo was about 100 hooves above from hitting the ground that a light blue object flew and caught him. Before I knew who or what it was, I made my way to the ground. Once I landed, I collapsed. As I panted trying to catch my breath, my wings hung limp at the ground, all the strength gone from trying to catch Leo. I couldn’t hold myself up so I fell to my side. A few minutes later I heard familiar voices, “Scion!” I looked up and there was Leo in the arms of Rainbow Dash as she flew towards me. She set him down and surrounded me. My panting and heartbeat didn’t slow even as I rested.

With no strength in my neck, I turned my eyes and looked at Rainbow. She wore a very worried expression on her face. “Scion! Scion look at me. Are you okay?”

I tried to speak but no words came out.

Without saying another word, she placed her ear on my chest. Then she placed her hoof in the same place.

“What’s wrong with Scion?” Leo asked as he teared up.

“Oh no,” she began, “his heart’s beating much faster than it should be and it’s showing no sign of slowing down. He way over exerted himself.”

“What do we do?” Leo asked, now crying.

Rainbow didn’t say anything as she tried to pick me up but my loose body made it much too difficult. “Help!” she shouted, “Somepony help!” I felt my eyes start to close as they began to roll back into my head.

Rainbow tapped my face with her hoof. “No, no stay with me Scion. You’re okay stay with me.”

A few seconds later, another voice appeared a deep voice that seemed familiar. “What’s wrong?”

“I need your help. We need to get him to Nurse Redheart right now. If we don’t he won’t make it.”

Without any further words being heard, I felt my body lift up and quickly escorted away.

“Kid! You need to come with us!” I heard the stallion say.

My panting and heart rate didn’t slow and I felt myself slowly drifting as I was carried through a large doorway.

“Nurse Redheart!” I heard Rainbow shout.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” A voice replied.

“His heart’s beating too fast and his panting won’t stop!” She answered.

I was laid on what appeared to be a stretcher and felt something cold on my chest that must’ve been a stethoscope.

“We need to get him to the Emergency Wing stat! Dr. Wingheal!” The voice shouted.

I felt myself drifting into darkness.

“Stay with me kid!” another voice said.

“Scion!” I heard Leo shout.

That was the last thing I heard before I felt a small pinch on my arm. My eyes shot open and saw an IV needle in my arm and doctors everywhere in a small room. I heard radical beeping and turned to my left and saw a machine hooked up to my chest showing my heartbeat.

The door to the room was still open as I heard my name being called. Leo looked through and tried coming in but he was stopped by a doctor who tried to keep him out. All of a sudden, I couldn’t breathe and a loud beeping was heard.

“He’s not breathing!” The female nurse with pale pink hair said.

Two doctors made their way to each side of me. “Redheart get a tube in him!” the one on the left shouted. “Dr. Wingheal his heart won’t slow down.” The one on the right said.

As the nurse began to put a tube down my throat, I choked and tried to move but couldn’t.

“Easy. Easy… alright it’s in.” the nurse said.

“Alright we need to slow his heart down or it’s going to burst.” The doctor on the left said.

I turned to my left near the door and saw Leo weeping and Rainbow with her hooves over her mouth with a tear flowing down her face. I couldn’t fight any longer and drifted off into darkness.

Too Late

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**IMPORTANT** to minimize any confusion, this chapter is written in third person due to the events from chapter seven.

Rainbow Dash stood there outside the doorway and tried to process everything that had just occurred. She couldn’t believe that in just the matter of minutes, Scion was hooked to all these tubes and wires. As she watched, she noticed Scion looked straight into her eyes. That moment will forever be seared into her memory. The look he had would give anypony nightmares. The look in his eye was as if he was in pain or in shear regret. Rainbow couldn’t hold in her emotions any longer. She was never one to show her emotions out in front of others but it was too much. Tears began to weld in her eyes as she watched his eyes slowly close. Then the worst thing sound anypony could ever hear on a heart monitor began to sound: flat line.

At the sound, Leo began to break down in tears. Rainbow Dash held onto him and did the best she could to comfort him but she knew there was nothing she could do. She was feeling the same amount of pain he was.

“Nurse!” a doctor yelled, “Get the defibrillators now!”

“Here!” Nurse Redheart replied quickly.

“Charging! And clear!” still flat line.

“Damn it. Set it higher!” The doctor yelled. “Clear!”

Scion’s body jolted upwards more from the increased shock to his heart. This didn’t seem to work.

“Doctor Wingheal it’s not working.” Nurse Redheart said sadly.

“No!” Dr. Wingheal yelled. “Son of a bitch I am not gonna lose another one!” He grabbed the defibrillators and tried again. “Clear!” His voice was now getting emotional and shaky. After another failed attempt with the machine, he began performing CPR, first removing the breathing tube from Scion’s mouth. Nurse Redheart walked to the doctors’ side and tried to pull him away. As expected, he threw her hooves off him as he continued. A few more doctors stepped in to assist Redheart.

“Dr. Wingheal it’s no use. He’s gone.”

Doctor Wingheal was breathing heavily through his nose as he slowly gave up. His eyes began to tear up. “Why?!” He shouted. “He was just a boy!” He slumped down. Defeated.

“Scion!” Leo screamed and ran to his brothers’ side. “No Scion you can’t go! You promised me you’d be with me forever! Please…” he began to sob harder as his words began to slur. “Don’t go… I wove you big bwover… remember that.”

All the doctors and nurses in the room began to feel the pain too. This little colt is now going to grow up without his brother by his side. A doctor from the other side of the room began to walk to Leo.

“Hey kiddo. I’m sorry about your brother. We did all we could to save him.” It was all he could say.

Leo sniffed. “B-but he said he’d be here f-forever… I wanted to be just like him…”

“I know son I know. But listen; do you live with your parents?” Leo nodded. “Come with me. We’ll call for them to come get you.”

Leo didn’t want to leave Scion’s side but he knew he had to. Outside the door, Rainbow Dash was softly weeping and leaning her head in the stallion’s shoulder behind her.

“Ah know it’s hard Rainbow.” The stallion said.

“It’s gonna be harder for Fluttershy. There’s no way she’ll be able to take this news Big Mac. She loved…” She said as she began crying again.

Leo walked up to Rainbow’s front leg and hugged them tightly.

“Are you friends of that young stallion in there?” The doctor who was accompanying Leo asked.

“Yes Doc.” Big Mac replied.

“I’m Doctor Wingsley. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know this is hard and it’s hard on Dr. Wingheal too and…” He was interrupted by a beeping sound.

“Dr. Wingsley!” Nurse Redheart called, “His hearts started beating again! We put the breathing tube back in.”

Without any words, Dr. Wingsley quickly made his way back in the room. Rainbow, Big Mac, and Leo tried to look in the room. To their amazement, it was true. Scion’s heart was beating again!

“Scion!” Leo squealed and tried to run in the room but was stopped by Dr. Wingsley.

“I’m sorry but you three will have to wait outside.” And he shut the door.


Fluttershy was doing her usual morning routine with feeding the animals their breakfast in her cottage. When she finished, she began to get ready for the afternoon. She went to run a bath and as she settled in, she began to have an uneasy feeling. It felt as if something wasn’t right.

It was all sudden that she began to feel a pain in her chest, with what felt like her heart. With it being so sudden, it made her flinch. “Ouch!” She screeched as she placed a hoof on her chest. “Well that’s odd. That’s never happened before.” Feeling a little silly, she shook off the worried thoughts as she began to get ready for her big day.


Rainbow Dash turned her head to look at Leo who was blankly staring at the door. She lightly nudged his tiny shoulder. “Hey Leo, you okay kiddo?”

He looked up and nodded his head while wiping his eyes with his hooves.

“Come on. I’ll take you home. We need to tell your parents about what’s happened.” She said softly.

“Ah’ll stay here ‘n case they have any more news on his condition.” Big Mac stated.

“Okay.” Rainbow said as she and Leo began to walk down the hallway to the front. She stopped and turned toward him, “We should wait to tell Fluttershy. At least until everypony else knows.”

He nodded in agreement as Leo and Rainbow slowly walked out of the E.R. door. As they began to walk down the road, Rainbow broke the silence. “Where do you live? I wanna make sure I get to the right place.” She asked.

Leo pointed towards the center of Ponyville. He didn’t speak since his brother’s heart began beating again.

“Here climb on my back and we’ll get there faster if we fly.”

Leo hesitated. The last time he climbed on a pegasus’ back, they wound up in the hospital and whom happened to be his brother.

Rainbow noticed something was troubling him. “What’s the matter?”

Leo shook his head and slowly climbed on Rainbow’s back. Once on top, he held on tighter than ever before as Rainbow took to the skies.

It was only a matter of minutes until she landed in front of Scion and Leo’s house. Leo was still hanging on with his eyes closed.

“Easy fella. You can let go now, we’re here.” She said in a soft tone.

Leo opened his eyes and saw she was right. He shifted his body and slid off her back and ran to the front door. As he opened it, he ran inside, “Mom! Dad!” He was crying again.

Rainbow slowly made her way onto the porch and through the front door. She looked to her left and saw two older ponies around Leo.

“Leo what’s wrong?” His father asked. Whatever he did to try and comfort him it didn’t work. He looked up and noticed Rainbow standing at the doorway. “Oh hello you must be… Fluttershy?”

“Oh no I’m Rainbow Dash. I’m a friend of Fluttershy. But that doesn’t matter now. There’s something we need to tell you.

Leo’s mother spoke, “What is it Miss Rainbow?”

She swallowed. “It’s about Scion..”

“What about Scion? Did he get you…” the stallion stated.

“What? Oh no no no no… none of that.” Rainbow quickly replied.

“Well if he didn’t get you knocked up then what is it?” He asked, getting impatient.

“Darrell!” Leo’s mother smacked him on the head.

“He’s in Ponyville hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. And he’s not doing well.”


Big Mac waited outside for about thirty minutes before the door opened. “How is he Doc?”

“Well he’s stable but still in critical condition. Right now he’s in a comatose state. We don’t know what’s wrong. If we did then we could better ourselves at helping him but at this point, I’m afraid there’s not much we can do but hope he’ll pull through.” Dr. Wingsley said as he placed a hoof on Big Macs shoulder.

Mac sighed. “Fluttershy’s not gonna take this easy…” he thought aloud as he sat on his haunches.

“Pardon?” the doctor asked puzzled.

“It’s his uh… marefriend. She’s really sensitive young mare and Ah’m afraid of what her reaction’ll be when she finds out about this.”

Dr. Wingsley eyes widened. “Oh dear.”


“HE”S WHAT!!” She screamed.

“Lilly calm down. Now Miss Rainbow tell us what happened.” Darrell asked.

“Well I was out doing my morning flight when I heard a scream and I looked up and saw Leo falling. I flew as fast as I could and I tried wondered how he got up there and I figured Scion had him with him. So I looked around to see if I could find him. When I did, I landed and Leo and I ran towards him. Then he just collapsed. I went straight to him and his heart and breathing was racing. I yelled for help and I got my friend Big Macintosh to help me take him to the hospital and well he’s still there.” Rainbow told the major details except for the part where Scion’s heart stopped. She figured it should be the doctor’s job for that one.

“Lilly grab Leo. Let’s go. Take us to my son.” Darrell said.

Rainbow nodded and began to head outside. She waited until everyone was outside of the house and took flight. It took less than five minutes to make it to the hospital. When they landed, Darrell ran past Rainbow and went straight for the front desk.

“My son Scion, Scion Starshine was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. I need to see him.” He explained to the nurse on the other side of the desk.

“I’m sorry but no visitors are allowed at this time.” She said with sincerity.

“No no no no. You don’t understand. That is my son in there and he’s in bad shape. That young stallion means everything to me and I will not be told I cannot see him. Please.” Darrell was on the verge of tears as he finished his statement.

The nurse couldn’t deny his plea. “Alright. Follow me.”

“Oh thank you thank you thank you!” He replied.

The nurse led them to the second to the last door on the right side of the hallway. Waiting there was Big Macintosh. “Now stay right out here. I need to talk to the doctors inside and see if it’s alright you can see him.”

They all nodded and waited impatiently as the nurse walked into the room.

“Y’all must be Scion’s parents.” Big Mac broke the silence.

Lilly nodded her head.

“Ah’m Big Macintosh. Ah helped carry y’er son here.” He held out his hoof for a hoof shake. Instead, Darrell went to hug him.

“I can’t thank you enough for your help Mr. Macintosh.”

“No need ‘ta thank me sir. Ah did what Ah knew Ah had ‘ta do.” Big Mac replied.

The door opened to the room and the nurse stepped out. “You can see him but for only a few minutes.” She said as she opened the door all the way and stepped aside.

Upon entering, Lilly immediately burst into tears at the sight of her son. He was hooked up to a heart monitor, a respirator, and many more wires to hooked to him than she knew what they were for. Darrell was frozen solid. He couldn’t look away from Scion as he lay motionless in the bed. Tears welled up in his eyes and began to feel his legs give way as he fell to the floor from utter disbelieve. Scion… what happened… He thought as tears ran down his cheecks.

Outside the door stood Big Mac, Rainbow, and Leo.

“Aren’t any of y’all gonna go in ‘n see him?” He asked.

Rainbow shook her head as she stared at the ground. “I don’t think I could take it.” She replied. Leo just sat motionless and stared down the hallway.

A few minutes later, Darrel and Lilly both walked out along with Dr. Wingsley. “Now I know you have many questions.” He said as he closed the door behind him.

“How did this happen?” Darrell asked as he wiped his eyes.

“Well from my knowledge, he must’ve over exerted himself beyond the normal limit a pegasus can handle. This can cause rapid heart rate and uncontrolled breathing. Although they tend to slow with rest, Scion had a rare case. His heart and breathing did not slow which one by one began to fail. His breathing was first to stop and then his heart.” He explained.

“So you’re telling me that my son… died?” Darrel asked.

“I’m afraid so. He was gone for about four and a half minutes before his heart started to pump again. He’s stable now but is in a comatose state. We don’t know when he’ll come to. It could be at any time but we just don’t know when.”

Tears began to form again in his eyes.

“I know that this is a lot to take in but I assure you that we are doing everything we can to help your son. If nothing can be done here and he doesn’t wake within a week, we’ll have to transport him to Canterlot’s Intensive Medical Unit.”

All they could do was nod.

“Well I guess I should go tell the others.” Rainbow said almost in a whisper.

“Ah’ll go an’ tell AJ back at th’ farm. Ah got some m’terials to bring back.” Big Mac added.

“Don’t tell them the details. Just tell them to meet at Twilight’s and we’ll tell them then.” Rainbow said. He nodded in agreement.

Rainbow and Big Mac headed out together but parted separate ways as they went to tell the rest of the gang of the awful event that occurred.


Big Mac walked through the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres. He had a lot of work he was missing but he didn’t care. His new friend needed all the support he could get and no amount of work was gonna get in the way of that. He searched through the barn but didn’t see her. He didn’t bother looking in the house because Applejack was rarely in there during the day. He decided to see if Applebloom has seen her. He walked to her and her friends’ clubhouse and sure enough, he heard their laughter. “Applebloom have ya seen AJ?” He asked as he walked through the door.

“Oh hey big brother. No Ah haven’t seen her.”

“Applebloom this is serious. Scion’s in the hospital and AJ needs to know.

“Scion’s in the hospital?!” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo shouted.

“Eyup.” He replied.

“Ah think she’s at the south barn” Applebloom answered with wide eyes.

Without another word, Big Mac turned and left the clubhouse and headed for the south fields. When he got there, he checked inside the barn and there she was inside sorting apples. “Uh AJ?”

“Oh hi Big Macintosh. What’s up?”

“Ah was informed that you an Ah need to meet at Twilight Sparkle’s home ASAP.”

“Like right now?” She asked.

Big Mac nodded his head.

“Aw shoot. Alright Ah’m headin’ there.


Rainbow decided to head to Rarity’s since her boutique was closer. As she landed she didn’t bother to ring the doorbell so she just walked in.

“Rainbow Dash! Couldn’t you have just-“ Rarity began but was cut off.

“Rarity you have to meet at Twilight’s home ASAP.” She exclaimed.

“Why what’s going on?” She asked.

“No time to explain. Just meet there and I’ll tell everything when I get there.” Rainbow replied and flew out the door.

Next was Pinkie Pie. She flew quickly to Sugarcube Corner and rushed in. “Mrs. Cake is Pinkie here? It’s an emergency.”

“Oh hello Rainbow Dash! Yes she’s upstairs I’ll go get her for you.” She turned and went up the stairs. A few seconds later, Pinkie hopped down and greeted Rainbow.

“Pinkie you need to meet at Twilight’s home now. It’s important.” Rainbow said, hoping that Pinkie wouldn’t ask a hoof load of questions.

“Okay!” Pinkie replied and began bouncing out the door.

Huh well that was easy. Rainbow thought. Now it’s off to the library and hope everypony is there.

She didn’t fly because for the first time in forever, she didn’t feel like it. So she just walked to Twilight’s library home with her wings limp at her sides. When she arrived at Twilight’s, she knocked on the door lightly. A few seconds later, Twilight answered. “You too Rainbow Dash? Why is everypony coming here? Not that I don’t enjoy the company but I just think it’s odd all at once.”

“I sent them.” Rainbow answered and walked through.

“You sent them? But why?” Twilight asked.

“You’ll find out.” She answered. “Alright everypony listen up! Big Mac come on up here.” Rainbow said. “You’re all probably wondering why you’re here. And the truth is…” she swallowed, “Scion is in Ponyville’s Intensive Care Unit.”

The four ponies’ mouths dropped to the floor as Pinkie’s hair went flat.

“S-Scion’s in the hospital?” Twilight began, “But why?”

“He took his little brother for a flight and little Leo fell off of him. He tried to catch him but he over exerted himself way more than a pegasus can withstand. Big Mac and I rushed him to the hospital and there his breathing stopped. Then… his heart.”

Pinkie began to cry. “Scion’s… gone?” she asked between sobs.

“He was. But his heart started beating again after about four and a half minutes after it stopped.” Rainbow replied.

“Does Fluttershy know?” Twilight asked with tears forming in her eyes.

Rainbow shook her head. “That’s why I brought you all here so you can help me break this to her because I know she’s not gonna take this well.”

“It’s gonna break her delicate heart but I guess it must be done.” Rarity added.

“Well let’s be one our way then.” Big Mac said.

The six ponies headed out of the library and headed toward Fluttershy’s cottage. It was around 11:30 when they arrived and Twilight lightly knocked on the door. About ten seconds later Fluttershy answered.

“Oh hello. What’s everypony doing here?” She asked, not sure what to make of all the unexpected company.

“Fluttershy darling… there’s something we need to talk to you about.” Rarity said

“Um okay. Come on in. Make yourselves at home.” She said with a smile as she opened the door more and stepped aside so they could come in.

Once inside, they all sat down and hesitated as all eyes fixed on Fluttershy who waited patiently with a smile on her face.

Rainbow looked at her friends and gave them an ‘I’ll do it’ look. “Fluttershy I’m afraid there’s been an accident.”

Fluttershy’s smile faded immediately. “What do you mean Rainbow Dash?”

She gulped. “S-Scion’s in the hospital. In Intensive Care.”

Fluttershy’s ears and wings fell loose. Her eyes grew wide. “He’s… in the… hospital?” She asked trying to hold back tears.

“Yes.” Rainbow replied. “He tried to catch his brother after he fell off his back when taking him for a flight. Leo’s safe but Scion stressed his body way over the limit a pegasus can withstand. His heart rate and breathing wouldn’t slow and he collapsed. Big Mac and I rushed him to the hospital and once he was there, his breathing stopped. About a minute or so later his… heart stopped.”

Fluttershy immediately burst into tears when Rainbow mentioned his heart stopping.

“But after about four and a half minutes, his heart started beating again.” Rainbow added.

Fluttershy looked up through tear filled eyes. “So he’s not gone?”

“No he’s still here. But he’s in a coma state and I think you need to be there for him when he wakes up.” Rainbow answered.

“I- I can’t.” Fluttershy replied.

“Yes you can Fluttershy. Look at me,” Rarity began, “Do you love him?”

She nodded her head and answered softly. “Yes I do love him. Very much.”

“We know you love him. And he loves you too but you need to be there for him. I’m sure when he wakes up; you’re the first pony he wants to see.” Rarity added.

Fluttershy thought about what Rarity said. She wiped her eyes and stood up. “Let’s go.”


The group walked through the doors of the Emergency entrance and talked to the nurse at the desk. She recognized Rainbow and let them through. At the end of the hall, was Darrell and Lilly.

“Mr. and Mrs. Starshine, these are the closest friends that Scion has.” Rainbow stated and grabbed onto Fluttershy and lightly pulled her towards the front. “And this is Fluttershy.”

Darrell looked up. “So you’re the famous Fluttershy.” He took her hoof and lightly shook it. “I wish we didn’t have to meet this way.” His eyes were red from tears.

Fluttershy didn’t know what to say. Leo ran to Fluttershy and wrapped his hooves around her front legs.

“Is it alright with you two that they see him real quick?” Rainbow asked.

Lilly nodded. “Only because you’re his closest friends. He’ll be needing all the support he can get.” With that, Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity walked through the room. Fluttershy knew from the gasps that she heard and the cry from Pinkie that he didn’t look good. She wasn’t sure if she could handle it.

After about a minute, Applejack walked out with wide eyes and sat down. After her, Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity walked out with tears flowing down their faces. They sat down near Applejack as tears began to flow down her face that the rest knew she was trying to fight off.

“Are you ready Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked softly.

“I…” Fluttershy hesitated. “Yes…”

Before she was led through the door, Rainbow warned her, “You will not like what you see.”

Fluttershy gulped and proceeded to walk through. When she looked at him, she fell to the floor with tears flowing like a raging river. Scion was laid on his side with a breathing tube down his throat, and hooked up to a heart monitor. Along with those, there were many wires hooked on his forehead that monitored his brain activity and to check if there were any long term damages. And an IV needle that was attached to his wrist.

Be strong Fluttershy. She thought to herself. Scion needs my help and I must be strong. She walked to his side. The rest of the ponies outside peaked around and watched the scene before them. She placed her hoof on his bare chest. “Scion…,” she began, “I don’t know if you can hear me but I’m here and I’m not leaving until you wake up…” She laid her head on his chest. His heart beat was at normal speed. She stood up and spoke in his ear, “I love you…” and leaned and kissed his cheek. As she walked towards the door, she noticed a small smile on Rainbow Dash. When she left the room, she was given hugs by everypony outside including Scion’s parents.

Applejack was the first to speak, “So what happens now?”

“Now we wait.” Fluttershy answered.


Six Days Later

It’s been almost seven days since Scion was admitted into Ponyville Intensive Care Unit and Fluttershy hasn’t left his side throughout that time. On the fifth day, he was showing slow improvement by being able to breathe on his own without a respirator although he was still in his coma state. On the seventh day, the pony gang arrived at their usual time.

“Fluttershy you’ve been here for seven days. You need to get home and rest.” Twilight insisted.

“No. I made a promise that I won’t leave his side until he wakes up. And I’m not going to break that promise.” She answered.

A few minutes later, Dr. Wingsley walked in. “Good afternoon everypony.”

“Afternoon Doc.” Rainbow replied. “How’s he doing?”

“Other than breathing on his own, he’s shown no other signs on improvement. And if he doesn’t come out of this coma by tomorrow morning, he’ll have to be transported to Canterlot.” He answered.

Later that night when everypony was about to head home, they tried once more to get Fluttershy to go with them.

“Please Fluttershy you need to get some rest.” Twilight pleaded. “I’ll tell you what, spend tonight at my house since its closer to here and in the morning you can come back.”

“But…” Fluttershy began but was cut off by Twilight.

“No buts. I won’t take no for an answer. For all we know, he’ll be up and awake by tomorrow.”

Fluttershy took one last look at Scion. She really needed rest. And she wouldn’t want Scion to wake up and see her all worn out. She finally gave in. “Can I have a few more minutes?”

“Of course. I’ll be outside.” Twilight replied.

She walked up to Scion’s side. “If you can hear me,” Fluttershy began, tears flowing again, “I wish I could stay but I can’t. I’m sorry I won’t be here tonight. I love you…” She whispered and kissed his cheek. She wiped her eyes and made her way to the door. But then she heard a sound behind her. It sounded like a grunt coming from Scion! She quickly turned around and saw him slowly moving his arms and legs and then his head. Then he slowly opened his eyes…

When You Wake Up

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Fluttershy couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It has been more than 8 days since she saw Scion’s eyes open. She was speechless and couldn’t move. Scion began blinking and slowly looked around the room until his eyes were fixed on Fluttershy’s. For a few seconds none of them blinked nor moved. Scion broke the silence, “I know that beautiful face…”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile as tears became visible.

“Fluttershy it’s time to go. We need to…” Twilight paused as she turned the corner into the room and looked at Scion. She quickly turned around and yelled down the hall, “Dr. Wingsley!”

A few seconds later he trotted into the room. “What? What is it?” He asked.

Twilight pointed at Scion. “Look he’s awake!”

Dr. Wingsley turned and looked at Scion and to his surprise, was awake. He walked up to his side. “Scion,” he began, “can you hear me? Do you know where you are?”

He continued to look around the room before slowly closing his eyes. A small snore came from his snout a few seconds later.

Dr. Wingsley let out a small chuckle and turned to face the two mares behind him. “Well I have good news, and even better news. Which would you like to hear first?”

“Uh the good news?” Twilight said.

“The good news is Scion doesn’t have to be transported to Canterlot tonight. The even better news is he’s out of his comatose state. And right now, he’s just sleeping. You could probably tell from his snoring.” Dr. Wingsley replied.

This news made Fluttershy exhale with relief and giggle at Scion’s snoring. Well now I know he snores. She thought.

Twilight wrapped a hoof around her friends’ shoulder. “I told you he was gonna make it.” She whispered.

Fluttershy smiled and wiped her eyes.

“Miss Fluttershy,” Dr Wingsley began, “If I may say, you have been in this room and haven’t left since he was admitted here. You look exhausted and barely have had any sleep. Maybe you should get some rest. You look like you can barely stand. I can assure you now that he’s going to be just fine.” He then gave her a reassuring smile.

Fluttershy walked up to the doctor and wrapped her hooves around him. “Thank you.” She whispered. “Thank you for bringing Scion back.”

He smiled and nodded. “I did what I was trained to do.” Then he leaned in closer and whispered, “Between you and me, I think this young stallion really cares for you. When I came in here a few days ago while you were out, I heard him say your name 3 times and I thought I saw him smile too.”

Fluttershy beamed, although she felt as if she was going to fall over from the lack of sleep.

“Come on Fluttershy,” Twilight said, “You need some rest. Like the doctor said, he’ll be just fine.”

She agreed as she let out a long yawn. The two exited the front entrance and headed to Twilight’s home. Once there, Spike ran to them. “Is Scion okay? Please tell me he won’t have to be moved to Canterlot.” He asked in a desperate manner.

“He’s going to be fine Spike.” Twilight replied. “He woke up today from his coma and the doctor said he should be awake up and around in no time.” Although the doctor didn’t say that last part, Twilight thought the poor baby dragon needed some good news. He too looked as if he hasn’t slept well.

He smiled and walked toward the nearest window and looked at the sky. “Thank Celestia he’s okay.” He whispered.

“Up this way Fluttershy,” Twilight began, “I’ll lead you to the guest room.” She turned around and saw her friend struggling to make the first few steps. She turned around and took Fluttershy’s leg and wrapped it around her shoulder.

Once inside the guest room, Twilight helped Fluttershy get into the bed. “Now you get some rest. Scion will be happy to see you when he wakes up again.”

She turned around and before she left, she heard Fluttershy speak, “Um Twilight?”

“Yes?” Twilight replied but noticed her friend was sound asleep. She let out a soft giggle as she walked out and closed the door.

She walked down the steps and went to look for Spike. She spotted him in the center room lying on the couch looking at the ceiling. “Hey Spike?” She said softly.

“What is it Twilight?” He asked

“I know you’re probably exhausted too but do you think you can check up on Fluttershy every once in a while?”

“Yeah of course. Why where you going?” He replied.

“I’m just gonna go tell the others the big news.” She answered.

“Oh yeah you can go do that. Just don’t be gone long because I don’t know how much longer I can stay awake.” He finished with a yawn.

“Don’t worry Spike; I’ll be as quick as I can.” She said as she left trotted out the front door.

As she made her way down the road, she thought of whom to go to first. Hmm, well Pinkie Pie is closest and… She stopped and shook her head. No I’ll tell her last. She’ll go crazy over the excitement. She shuddered and began walking again. She looked up in the sky and saw a lone cloud with a figure on top. That’s gotta be Rainbow. She thought.

“Rainbow Dash!” she called up. Sure enough Rainbow poked her head through the cloud.

“Oh hey Twilight, what’s up?” She asked.

“Come down here and I’ll tell you.”

Rainbow bounced off the cloud and flapped her wings a few times coming to a light landing in front of Twilight. “Alright, I’m here. Now what’s it you gotta tell me?”

“Well there’s good news and even better news. Which would you like to hear first?” Twilight asked, trying to imitate Dr. Wingsley.

“The good news.” Rainbow replied with a ‘duh’ expression.

Twilight giggled. “The good news is Scion doesn’t have to be transported to Canterlot.”

Rainbow Dash smiled. “Yes! That means he’s made some improvements. What’s the better news?”

“The better news is he woke up from his coma.” Twilight could barely hold her excitement.

“No way! This is so awesome!” She shrieked and made a back flip. “How’s Fluttershy doing?”

“She’s at my place in the guest room asleep. Poor girl hasn’t had much sleep since she heard he was in the hospital.”

“I bet.” She replied.

“I went off to go tell everypony the good news but I’m afraid it’ll take too long. Do you think you could tell Applejack since you could get there much quicker than I.” Twilight asked.

“I’m on it.” Rainbow said as she saluted and flew off to Sweet Apple Acres.

Twilight turned and continued on to Rarity’s. Once there she rang the doorbell.

A few seconds later, she answered. “Twilight how are you? Come in.”

“No time Rarity. I just came to tell you that Scion is out of his coma and is asleep.” She replied.

Rarity beamed. “Really?! Oh this is marvelous! Fluttershy will be so happy.”

“She already knows. She’s at my place in the guest room sleeping.” Twilight said

“I haven’t seen her leave that room much. Ever since he was admitted there, she almost never left his side unless one of us made her eat something.” Rarity added.

“I know. Oh, do you think you can check up on her? Spike’s doing so but I don’t think he’ll be awake much longer.” Twilight asked.

“Oh of course dear.” Rarity replied.

“Thank you. I gotta go let Pinkie know. I’ll meet you back at the library.” Twilight added.

Rarity nodded and walked out the door with Twilight. She made her way towards Twilight’s home as Twilight went to Sugarcube Corner. When she got there, Mr. and Mrs. Cake greeted her.

“Is Pinkie Pie here?” Twilight asked.

“Yes of course. I’ll go get her.” Mr. Cake replied.

A few seconds later, Pinkie appeared as she slowly made her way down the steps. When she was fully visible, Twilight saw her mane and tail was flat.

“What’s wrong Pinkie?”Twilight asked.

“She hasn’t spoken a word since Scion’s accident.” Mr. Cake explained. “The Twins tried to cheer her up by pouring a bag of flour over them but that didn’t work. We all tried but nothing’s worked. She’s always been very sensitive about ponies and their health. ”

Twilight smiled. “Well I’ve got some news that’ll cheer her up in an instant.”

Pinkie slowly looked up.

“Pinkie, Scion doesn’t have to be transported to Canterlot. He woke up from his coma.” Twilight said.

Pinkie made a small smile.

“And he’s just asleep and the doctor said he’d be just fine.” She added.

“That’s wonderful news!” Mrs. Cake exclaimed.

Twilight became worried as her friend didn’t bounce around with joy from the news like she expected her to do. “Aren’t you happy Pinkie?”

“I am.” She replied in a soft voice. “I just want to see for myself.”

Twilight understood. “Well you can stay at my place until Fluttershy wakes up. We’re planning on going to visit him as soon as she does.”

Pinkie smiled. “Okay.” She stood up and walked with Twilight to her house. It took longer than usual since Pinkie wasn’t in the mood but just by few minutes.

Once they arrived, they both walked in and Twilight noticed everypony was there. “Wow you girls get here fast.” Twilight said in surprise. Then she turned and saw Spike laying flat on his stomach. “What happened to him?”

“Well when I walked in, he was lying on his back on the couch facing the ceiling. And when I told him I was relieving him of duty, he flung his arms up and said ‘Sweet Celestia’ and turned and fell straight to the ground and has been sleeping since.” Rarity explained.

Everypony in the room laughed.

Once the laughter died down, Rainbow Dash spoke, “So I guess we’re gonna chill here ‘till Fluttershy wakes up and then we’re gonna go visit Scion?”

They all looked at each other and started nodding their heads.


Fluttershy began to wake. She yawned and opened her eyes. Feeling well rested, she got up from the bed and walked to the window and looked out. The clock tower showed 11:27. How long have I been asleep? She thought. Fluttershy turned and walked to the door and opened it. When she made it down the steps, she noticed all her friends were waiting in the living room.

“Hey look at who’s awake.” Applejack said.

“Feeling better?” Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy giggled. “Much better. How long have I been asleep?”

“About fourteen hours.” Twilight replied.

Her eyes grew wide. Wow I never slept that long before in my life! She thought.

To her surprise, Rainbow walked to Fluttershy and whispered in her ear, “Can I talk to you for a second?”

“Uh sure.” She began. “Excuse me everypony.”

She followed Rainbow up the stairs and into the guest room. Fluttershy walked to the middle as Rainbow closed the door.

“So umm what is it you have to talk abou…” Fluttershy was cut off from what she was about to say when Rainbow Dash gave her a warm and meaningful hug.

A minute later, Rainbow let go.

“Um what was that about Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“I just wanted to say… I’m proud of you.” Rainbow replied.

“Proud of me?”

“Yeah. I mean throughout this whole ordeal, you stayed strong. When I told you the news about Scion, I didn’t think you were able to handle it. I never thought you were so strong but you proved me wrong. You are so much more than I ever thought I’d be. If something like this happened to me and my special somepony ended up in the hospital, I think it’s safe to say I would’ve broke down. But you didn’t. You stayed right there at his bedside and didn’t leave. You promised him that you’d never leave him. You have so much dedication and love for that young stallion. I’m very proud of you.” Rainbow said.

Fluttershy didn’t know what to say. She never heard Rainbow talk like this before. “Th-thanks Rainbow Dash. That means a lot.”

They hugged again but this time for much longer.

“Fluttershy?” Rainbow said.


“I know I haven’t always shown it or said it but, you’ve always been my best friend. Even back in Junior Flight Camp when we first met. You know that right?” She said.

Fluttershy felt a tear fall down her cheek. She couldn’t speak but just nodded her head and held her best friend close.

After a few minutes, they let go and wiped away their tears.

“Come on,” Rainbow began, “Let’s go meet the others downstairs.”

Fluttershy nodded and followed Rainbow down to the living room.

“Is everything alright?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah I just had to talk to her for a few minutes.” Rainbow replied.

“Well shall we head over to th’ hospital now?” Applejack asked.

Fluttershy nodded her head. “Let’s.”

They all headed out of Twilight’s home and walked down the path to the Hospital. Once there, they walked to the front desk. Nurse Redheart smiled and motioned for them that they could. They walked down the hall and turned into Scion’s room. They noticed that his parents and Leo were already there.

The first thing Fluttershy did was walk up to Scion’s side. She nuzzled his cheek softly and noticed he wore a smile. She smiled too.

Everypony in the room let out a soft ‘aww’. She turned around with her face red. Even Dr. Wingsley too was smiling.

“So Doc how long has he been out of his coma?” Rainbow asked. “Or better said, how long has he been sleeping?”

Dr. Wingsley looked at his watch. “I’d say… eh about fifteen and a half hours.”

Rainbow’s eyes grew wide. “Jeez even I don’t sleep that long!” She began to hover above Scion almost touching his muzzle. She put on a playful glare, “How do you sleep that long?”

She jumped back when she heard a muffled response and a white hoof touched her face. “Because I can!”

Full Of Surprises

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**Note: To minimize confusion, this chapter is now back to its original first person POV. **

I began to stir from my deep sleep as I heard faint muffled voices around me. Uggh… why does everypony have to waken me when I sleep? I thought as I started to waken. I didn’t bother to open my eyes but felt the desire to as I felt a familiar presence approaching me. I tried to open my eyes to see who it could be but it was no use. A few seconds later I felt something lightly rub against my cheek. A warm feeling emanated from it and I knew right at that moment who it was.

I couldn’t help but smile. But a thought came over me. Where am I? What happened? I remember trying to catch Wingsley after he fell off my back during our flight but after I fell to the ground I don’t remember anything else at all.

The voices around me became clearer. As one of them spoke, I knew it could be none other than Rainbow Dash.

“So Doc how long has he been out of his coma?” She asked. “Or better said, how long has he been sleeping?”

Doc? Coma? This didn’t make sense. Am I in a hospital? I thought. I didn’t move as I listened further.

“I’d say… eh about fifteen and a half hours.” A voice said.

“Jeez even I don’t sleep that long!” She said.

Then, I heard what sounded like wings flapping. I felt a presence above me which was most likely Rainbow Dash.

“How can you sleep that long?” She asked.

For the first time ever, I felt her being a little bit of a nuisance. Laying on my right side side made it easier as I raised my left hoof up and lightly touched what I believed was her cheek. “Because I can!” I mumbled. As expected, she jumped back.

I then heard many gasps emanating throughout the room. Using what energy I had left in my body, I slowly moved to sit up. When I did, my head began to spin like a top. After finally gaining my balance, I slowly open my eyes. The light began to hurt them so I raised a hoof to shield them. After they adjusted to the light, I was able to get a look around. It was apparent that I was in a hospital. I turned to my left and saw a heart monitor that beeped at a normal pace. I followed the wires connected to it and found they were attached to my chest. What’s going on? I thought.

Then I heard hoofsteps coming in my direction. I looked up and scanned the faces of the ponies standing on the other end of the room with a surprised look on their faces. The first faces I saw were my parents and my little brother.

“Mom,” I said, “Dad, Leo.” I continued to scan the rest of the ponies and recognized each of them: Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Big Mac. They were all there except… Fluttershy. I lower my head and feel my ears droop down. But then I feel a soft poke at my arm. I look up to see who it was. To my right was Fluttershy. At that moment, I didn’t know which to feel, happy that she’s right there right next to me or dumb for not looking to the other side of me.

For the next several moments, we just stare into each other’s eyes. I smiled and broke the silence, “Fluttershy.” I said softly. She gave a small smile as she rose one of her hooves and rested it on my cheek. Her eyes began to weld with tears as she threw her hooves around me in a tight grip. Although I was surprised on how quick she was, I returned the gesture, holding her in my arms. It was one of those moments that you never want to end. But like all good things, they have to end sometime. We parted our embrace and looked over at our audience who were all smiling. At the corner of my eye, I saw Rainbow mouthing the words ‘kiss her, kiss her, kiss her’ as she hovered above everypony. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Just then an older looking stallion wearing a white lab coat walked up to my left side.

“Well the first thing I planned on doing was to ask you if you knew who these ponies were but I think you know.” He said with a smile. I must’ve given him a confused look for he quickly added, “Oh I’m sorry, where are my manners. I’m Doctor Wingsley. I’ve been checking on you ever since you first arrived here. Might I say you are one lucky young stallion to be alive right now.” He finished off with a sense of seriousness in his voice.

I tried to speak but no words came out. I coughed and began with a cracky voice, “What…happened?”

He seemed surprised when I spoke. “You my dear boy way over exerted yourself. Your friend over there said you collapsed and your heart rate and breathing wouldn’t slow but instead increased. She rushed you here. Your heart even stopped.”

“My… heart stopped?” I asked, now able to speak more clearly.

“I’m afraid so. We tried over several minutes to get it to start beating but failed. You were technically dead for a few minutes before your heart miraculously started beating again. And ever since then, you were in a comatose state until about sixteen hours ago. You woke up but unaware of what was going. You’ve been asleep for a long time.”

I lean back on my bed as all this information sinks in. I actually died?

“I know this is a lot to take in,” Doctor Wingsley began, “but you have an amazing family and group of friends that we’re here for you the entire time.

I think for a moment. “No. They’re not friends. They’re all family.” I look in their direction and all of them are running towards me and hug me all at the same time. Many of them had tears. Even Big Mac. Of all the ponies you’d expect to see them cry, you’d think Big Mac would be the last one to be seen.

Over the next several hours, the group shared their experiences over the past week and a half. When Twilight shared her story, she was in tears throughout half of it. I couldn’t help but cry myself because somehow, I could feel all of their pain.
It wasn’t until visiting hours were over when everypony began heading home. When Pinkie Pie left, it was only my mom, my dad, Leo and Fluttershy. Then I had a thought.

“Hey guys, can I have a few minutes with Fluttershy alone please?”

“Oh of course dear.” My mother answered. She kissed my cheek and led dad and Leo out with her.

I turned over and looked at Fluttershy. The low light in the room made her eyes glow radiantly. To avoid staring, I avert my gaze to the blanket I was wrapped in. I lightly tapped it trying to find something, anything, to talk about. “Soo… we’re finally alone.”

She giggles. “Yeah.” I notice her blushing.

“I know this must’ve been hard on you.” I couldn’t help but feel guilty I made her go through this.

“I’m not going to lie, but it was the hardest thing I’ve been through. But I pulled through. And you did too.” She finished with a smile.

I nodded my head, not meeting her gaze. She slid her hoof into mine.

“You know something Fluttershy?” I ask.


“When I was out, the only thing I saw was you. Before I slipped away, I looked at Rainbow and could only think of you. I didn’t know what was going to happen but I wanted you to be by my side the whole time.” I paused and took a deep breath. “I had these dreams. You were in them. No matter where I was in them, you were there next to me. When the doctor said that I died and they tried to bring me back they failed. But a few minutes later, I came back. I think it was love that brought me back. Your love kept me alive Fluttershy.” I pause for a few seconds before continuing. “There’s just one thing I know I have to say.”

“And what is that?” She asks leaning in closer.

I look straight into her eyes. “Fluttershy… I love you.” I could feel my face getting beat red.

She smiled sweetly and softly replied, “I love you too Scion.”

We both leaned closer to each other and closed our eyes. It felt like an eternity but I could feel her face getting closer. At any moment now we’re about to share our…wait, what the buck am I doing?

“Wait!” I said and sat back in my bed. The suddenness of my outburst surprised Fluttershy for her eyes were wide. “I’m sorry I just… I want to wait on it. I want it to be meaningful. And I don’t know about you but having our first kiss here in a hospital room with me hooked up to this monitor isn’t going to be the best memory to look back on.”

She giggles. “You are full of surprises. But you’re right.”

“I know.” I reply, “I try my hardest.”

In It For Life

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I groaned as I walked on the treadmill in the rehab center of the hospital. One hoof after the other for fifteen minutes while a nurse and Dr. Wingsley sat in chairs writing on clipboards was beginning to irritate me. It’s been over two days since I woke up from this… coma as they called it and ever since then they’ve been making me do all these weird and uncomfortable tests: stretching my legs and wings, trotting in place, and walking on this treadmill. It feels like high school gym class again.

I sighed, “Honestly Doc, how long am I going to be doing this for?”

Dr Wingsley looked up from his clipboard and chuckled, “Don’t worry, a few more minutes of this test and we should be all set.”

“I’ve been awake from my coma for over two days, how much longer do I have to stay here?” I asked.

“Your coma happened so sudden so we’re doing these tests to make sure you don’t have any brain damage. After all, your heart did stop which deprived your brain of oxygen enriched blood for about four minutes of oxygen. Honestly, none of us can figure out how you’re even alive. Many of the doctors and nurses here heard about your story. They’ve nicknamed you “Miracle Scion.”

I smiled; he was right. But somehow, during this ‘coma’, it felt like I wasn’t alone. All I remember is feeling as if somepony was right next to me the whole time I was gone. I wonder if…

“Hey Scion be careful!”

I returned to reality as my left front hoof stepped off the moving pad and brought me face first into the monitor. I tried to keep my balance by hopping but the treadmill moved too quickly and before I knew it, I fell down onto the pad as the machine slid me onto the floor. I couldn’t help but laugh uncontrollably.

Dr. Wingsley and the nurse ran to my side.

“Scion are you okay? That looked like a hard landing.” Dr. Wingsley asked.

“Hehe, oops!” I said as I began to laugh again.

I looked up to see him grin as the nurse shook her head.

“Alright Miracle Colt, let’s take a break. How about I treat you to some lunch?” He asked as he extended a hoof.

“Uh sure Doc.” I replied and took hold of his hoof as he pulled me up.

We left the rehab center and made our way down the halls to the cafeteria. Once there, I caught the scent of freshly grilled asparagus which made my stomach growl like a Manticore.

Dr. Wingsley chuckled, “Sounds like you’re hungry.”

“Heh, yeah. I didn’t eat breakfast this morning.” I replied.

“Now Scion, that’s not a good choice. By eating breakfast, you’ll be able to recover faster. Like I always say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” He said as he grabbed a tray. “Go ahead, grab what you find edible.” He leaned in and whispered in my ear. “Between you and me, I think that hospital food taste like craaaaaap.”

We laughed as we gathered up some carrots, hay spaghetti and grilled asparagus and placed them on our trays.

I’ve never met a doctor like Dr. Wingsley. He’s so laid back and seems to have that attitude that can make anypony’s bad day turn around. He reminded me of Reiku and our foalhood back in Cloudsdale.

As we found a table, we sat down and began to eat.

I decided to break the silence, “Hey listen doc, I just want to say thanks. For everything.”

He seemed to look puzzled. “Why thank me?”

“Because you’re taking the time out of your life to help me. You could be doing this for anypony else but you chose me. You check on me every day to make sure I’m recovering well. Nopony’s ever done anything like that for me.” I replied.

He let out a soft chuckle as a small smile appeared, “It’s my job son. Not only that, I care about you. I know you will do good in this fare country of ours. I see a bright future ahead of you.”

“Thanks doc.” I replied with a smile and went for a bite of the asparagus.

“Oh and that young mare, Fluttershy is it? You take care of her. She cares about you more than you realize.” He said

“I care about her too. And I’ll always take care of her.”

“Good because if you two get married and what not, I want to see you both back here with a foal on the way.” He chuckled.

Hearing this, my eyes widened and almost choked on my asparagus. “Uhh I think it’s waaay too early to tell about that one.” I felt my face getting hot.

He laughed. “I’m just sayin’ because I also help birth foals and such.”

“Uhh sure.” I replied nervously.

He laughed again and tapped my shoulder, “C’mon kiddo, let’s finish our lunch. After this I believe we have only one more test left to do and you should be good to be checked outta here.”

“Sounds good to me.” I replied.


After lunch, we headed back down the halls to my recovery room where everypony waited. Once I entered, all of them turned their eyes on me and smiles appeared. Leo ran at full speed and hugged my front forelegs.

“Hey big bro! We missed you!” He squee’d with excitement.

I smiled, “I missed all of you too.” I walked to my parents and they wrapped their hooves around me in a choking hug. “Choking….can’t…breathe!” I said and they loosened their grip.

I turned around and was attacked by hugs by everypony else. In the middle of the pony-pile, I tried to turn my head to see if I could spot Fluttershy. But with the position I was in, there was no way to tell. After a few minutes, everypony backed away as I patted my hospital cloak. I looked up to see Fluttershy near the window. Once our eyes met she smiled sweetly and walked to the middle of the room as I met her there. I kissed her cheek and she wrapped her forelegs around me. I could feel the warmth emanating from her light yellow coat and her soft breath on the back of my neck. I nuzzled her neck and she let out a light giggle. Hearing a few sniffles, we turned to see Pinkie Pie with a handkerchief as she began to cry. Her tears coming out of her eye sockets as if they were a water fountain and everypony looked at her in amazement. Even Dr. Wingsley was bewildered.

He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts, “Well I don’t want to interrupt but I have some good news and even better news.”

“What’s the good news?” My mom asked.

“The good news is that Scion is recovering extraordinarily well since he woke from his coma two days ago.” He replied.

“And what’s the even better news?” Twilight asked.

“The even better news is that Scion has only one more test for us to complete and after we get that cleared, he’s good to be checked out of the hospital.” He said with a smile.

Everypony cheered as I looked at Fluttershy who looked like she wanted to squeal. This only made me smile even more. ‘I never thought I could have these many supportive friends that I could call family.’ I thought.

“Well let’s get this test done shall we?” I asked.

“And that we shall.” Dr. Wingsley replied. “Now if everypony could wait here for another thirty minutes, we should be back with Scion ready to go. And Scion if you could follow me, we can do your last test.”

“Sounds good to me.” I said as I hugged Fluttershy. “I’ll be right back.” I whispered.

“Okay.” She replied with a smile.

I turned and walked out into the hallway beside Dr. Wingsley.

“I can’t wait to get out of here. My wings feel stiff; I need to stretch them out badly.” I said.

“Well then you’re in luck.” Dr. Wingsley replied.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“You’ll see.”

After about a minute more of walking through the bland white hallways, we walked into a large room with what looked like a small wind tunnel taking up about half of the right side of the room.

“Is this a wind tunnel?” I asked.

“Yes it is. This is where we help pegasi who’ve been hospitalized for more than a week stretch their wing muscles before we let them go. So you should start out by stretching a little bit so you don’t pull a muscle.” He said

I nodded as I removed the hospital gown and unfurled my wings. I quickly examined them and they looked as if they shrunk a tiny bit in size. ‘Probably because they’ve been stiff and at my sides for the past week and a half. Nothing to worry about.’ I thought.

I took a few minutes to stretch out every muscle I had in my wings. After still feeling a little stiff, I gave them a quick flap and felt and heard the bones cracking. “Ahh that feels much better.” I said aloud.

Dr. Wingsley laughed, “I bet. Those were pretty loud cracks.”

“I think they’re all stretched out now.” I said.

“You good? Just in time, I got the machine all powered up.” He replied.

“Yup, I’m good to go.”

“Alright, then I’ll need you to step in there for me. Oh and wear this.” He said as he opened the door to the tunnel and handed me what looked to be a sweatband.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“This is a wireless monitor. You place it over your head and wear it at the base of your neck. This will detect any sort of problems with your heart rate and or flight which will be recorded here on the screen at the control panel.” He explained.

“Oh that makes sense.” I said as I quickly placed the band around my head and at the base of my neck.

“Okay now that that’s on, if you can step inside we can get started.”

“Sure thing.” I replied.

As I was told I stepped inside and waited for the next instructions.

“Now when you feel a draft, that means you can start flapping your wings. This machine is going to simulate the wind as if you are flying outside. If it becomes more than you can handle or you think you’re good, wave your hoof and I can stop it.
You got all that?” He said.

“Yes sir.” I replied.

“Good. Now I’m going to close this door and in a few seconds you’ll begin to feel the wind begin to start signaling for you to begin.”

I nodded as Dr. Wingsley closed the heavy door. He walked over to the control panel and pushed a few buttons before slightly pulling a lever. He turned and waved his hoof. A few seconds later I began to feel a slight wind. As I was instructed, I began to flap my wings and hovered a few hooves into the air. My wings at first began to feel stiff and ache but after a few seconds they returned to their normal feeling.

The wind in the tunnel started to blow harder as I adjusted to the changed speed. The more the wind began blow, the harder it became to keep up. ‘Wow, I’m definitely out of shape.’

After what seemed like a good five minutes, I waved my hoof at Dr. Wingsley to signal him to stop the tunnel. He turned and slowly pushed the lever back to its original position. The wind quickly died down and once it was at a small level, I hovered down and touched the floor of the tunnel. My lungs and throat began to feel as if they were lit on fire.

Dr Wingsley walked over to the tunnel door and opened it. I slowly made my way out of it and plopped down onto my haunches, still trying to catch my breath.

“You okay Scion? Do you need a nurse to get you some water?

“No…no…feels good.” I said in between breaths.

“Well let take me take this off of you so you can breathe easier.” He said as he took off the band off. “Now I’ll just need a second to take a look at your results. Nurse Redheart!” A few seconds later, Nurse Redheart appeared in the doorway. “Can you get Scion some water, I’m worried he might be dehydrated.”

“Of course Doctor.” She said.

About a minute later she returned and hoofed me a tall glass of cold water. As my first instinct, I began to guzzle down as much as I could.

“Take it easy Scion. Drink a little bit at a time otherwise you might throw it up later.” Nurse Redheart warned.

I nodded my head and she turned and left the room. When I finished the water, Dr. Wingsley turned around with a smile on his face.

“Well the good news is out of all my patients who used this tunnel, you had the highest recovery score.” He said.

“Oh not too shabby.”

“But the bad news is you should try and stay ground level for the next week. Only fly when you need and remember, don’t overstrain yourself.” He explained.

“Yes sir. I think I learned my lesson.” I replied.

“Then I guess that settles it. You’re good to go Mr. Starshine.” He said with a smile.

“Thank you sir.” I replied.

He lightly pat my shoulder, “’C’mon, I believe you have a party waitin’ for ya.


We walked through the hallways back to my hospital room where everypony was still waiting. Like before, they all smiled at my appearance.

“Mr. Scion Starshine is all good to go to be checked outta here.” Dr. Wingsley said.

Everypony in the room cheered and patted me on the back.

“C’mon let’s get you folks outta here.” He added.

I stood still until everypony was gone. Slightly turning my head, I saw Fluttershy run at me and throw her forelegs around me. I began to hear her sniffle.

“Hey, you okay ‘Shy?” I asked.

She moved her head to face me and nodded her head. She had tears running down her face but she wore a smile. A smile I’d never forget.

I reached my forehoof up and gently wiped away her wet cheek. She smiled more and lightly kissed my cheek. “Thank you.” She whispered.

“You’re welcome.” I smiled, “Shall we?” I asked as I pointed toward the door.

She giggled, “Let’s.”

We walked out of the hospital room together and as we made our way down the hallway to the front of the check-out station, she rested her head on my shoulder and lightly sighed.

As we neared the front, I saw Rainbow Dash poke her head from the corner of the wall. “Let’s go you two lovebirds!”

Fluttershy raised her head and laughed. “Come on, we don’t want to keep them waiting.”

We quickened our pace as I walked to the sign-out station to sign the discharge paperwork, hoping there wasn’t going to be alot. Dr. Wingsley was waiting for me.

“First things first, you’re over eighteen right?” He asked

“Yes sir, nineteen.”

“Okey dokey then! All you have to do is sign here and initial here and another signature here.” He pointed to all the spots I needed to sign.

“Good thing Equestria has free health care.” I said.

Dr. Wingsley laughed. “I hear ya. Most of the ponies in Ponyville wouldn’t be able to afford it if it wasn’t.”

“And one of those ponies would definitely be me.” I said as I signed the last spot.

He laughed again. “Well remember all that I told you and you’ll be back to your old self in no time at all.”

“Thank you again Doctor, for everything.” I held my hoof out as he kindly took it and shook it.

“Like I said before, you have a bright future ahead of you.” He said as he looked at Fluttershy then back to me. “Keep in touch.”

“I will.”

Everypony said their goodbyes as we left the hospital. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath of fresh air. It was my first breath of fresh air since I collapsed over a week and a half ago.

“Well we’d like to stay and everythin’ but Big Mac and Ah have ta get back to th’ farm and tend to some things.” She walked to me and gave me a hug. “Y’all take care now ya hear?”

“Don’t worry, I will.”

Big Mac walked up after Applejack let go. “Ah’ll be keepin’ an eye on you.” He said with a smile. I nodded and returned a smile.

“I have to get going too. Spike’s been running the library for the past few days and as a baby dragon and all he needs his rest.” Twilight said. We exchanged a hug and she headed to her tree home.

“I have to get some clouds ready for tonight’s rainstorm. But if you need help with stretching out your wings, I have some techniques I’ve learned over time.” Rainbow explained.

“Sure. I could use some good techniques and advice.” I replied as she winked and flew off.

Pinkie, Rarity and the others also had some plans. Pinkie over and over said that she should plan a party to celebrate my release from the hospital and mine and Fluttershy’s relationship. We aren’t technically together although it already feels as if we are.

As the last of them left, I turned to Fluttershy and smiled. She returned the smile and gently nuzzled my cheek.

All that was left in the group was my parents, Leo and Fluttershy.

“What are you going to do now Scion?” My father asked.

“Umm, I don’t know. What are you guys doing?” I replied.

“We’re gonna go head off home.” My mother answered.

“That sounds good. You wanna join us Fluttershy?” I asked.

She smiled, “Sure.”

Usually it would only take us a few minutes to get to our house from here. But due to the fact that Dr. Wingsley advised me to stay off my wings for a week, we decided to just walk. Besides, it gave us a good opportunity to have a good family walk and for my folks to get to know Fluttershy.

“So Miss Fluttershy, how did you meet Scion?” My father asked.

“Oh um I was at the party that Pinkie Pie threw for your guys’ arrival to Ponyville. When we were getting things set up, I heard Rainbow Dash talk about him. And, um, when he arrived I thought he was kind of cute and I just, well, fell for him right there.”

“Aww that’s so sweet!” My mother said. I could see Fluttershy’s cheeks turning red.

“Oh yeah we missed that party.” He turned his head to look at Fluttershy, “We missed it because Mrs. Starshine here ‘needed my help’ so she made me stay.”

“That’s a lie! You stayed at your own will.” She defended herself.

“Oh come on you know I’m just teasin’.” My father replied.

“Bite me Darrell.” She snapped.

Fluttershy giggled. She leaned and whispered in my ear, “I like your family. Your parents are funny.” She giggled more as she watched them playfully push each other.

“Heh, yeah I have a pretty whacky family. But I wouldn’t wanna choose any other. Besides, you’re a part of it now that is if you’d like.” I said.

She smiled, “Of course I would.”

We got closer my house as we passed the middle of the Market Square. My parents still playfully pushed each other and argued the whole walk home.

Suddenly, Leo starts sprinting past us towards the house.

“Reiku!” He yelled as I looked up and saw a familiar pony sitting on our front steps.

I smiled. “No way!”

Reiku stepped off the porch and braced himself for the impact. Leo jumped onto his neck and climbed over his shoulders.

“Hey little buddy! Wow you’ve grown so much since I saw you last.” He said to Leo

“Nuh uh! You saw me last month remember” Leo debated.

Reiku turned looked up and made his way over to us with Leo on his back. “I think your little brother has a better memory than I do and he’s only five.” He laughed.

Leo jumped off as we exchanged a hug.

“It’s good to see you brother.” I said.

“Good to see you too.” He replied.

“What brings you to Ponyville?” I asked.

“Well I wanted to stop by so I did. I came to town last week and went to your house but nopony was home. I heard about what happened, you going to the hospital. I asked around to see what happened and somepony said that you died. I…” he paused, “I almost lost myself. I almost lost it when I heard the news that my best friend was gone forever. But then he told me that you were brought back. So I immediately ran to the hospital and demanded to see you. I had to leave right when I got there because I couldn’t stand to see my friend, my brother, hooked up to all those wires like that. I just couldn’t handle it. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you woke up.” A tear began to fall from his cheek.

I took his hoof and shook it gently and whispered, “You have nothing to be sorry for. You’ve always been good to me since we were foals.”

He wiped his eyes and tried to compose himself after a quick glance at Fluttershy who stood behind me. “I’m sorry I didn’t see you standing there.”

“Oh Reiku this is Fluttershy. Fluttershy this is Reiku, my best friend since we were foals. He’s like a brother to me.” I said.

Fluttershy gently nodded her head. “It’s nice to meet you.”

He leaned in and whispered, “She yours?”

“Well not ‘officially’, but yes.” I whispered back.


“Shut uuuup.” I punched his shoulder.

He laughed. “Well I don’t want to interrupt your homecoming from the hospital.”

“Oh no it’s alright.” I said.

“I don’t mind either.” Fluttershy added.

“I would like to stay, but I actually have to go to my Aunt’s place. She lives near the edge of town. I’ve been staying there since I got here. I actually promised to get some things for her. But I’ll catch up with ya later.” He said.

“Oh um okay.” I said as I looked at Fluttershy who just shrugged.

We said our goodbyes and watched as he disappeared over the taller buildings.

I turned to Fluttershy, “So, shall I give you the fabulous tour around the ‘La Scion Starshine Estate’?”

She giggled. “Sure.”

I led her up the porch stairs and through the front door. “Well this here is the front entrance. To the right is the living room which is connected to the kitchen which leads to the outside. It has a fancy middle counter with stools and all that other fancy stuff I never understood.”

“Oh pretty. There’s so much space.”

“Yeah my family tends to like their space except for me. My room is practically cluttered with stuff.” I replied. “Since that has been brought up, wanna check it out?”

She seemed hesitant to answer.

“Don’t worry. There’s nothing bad in there I promise.”

She smiled and nodded.

I led her up the stairs and opened the door to my room and to my surprise, all the boxes containing all my stuff were unpacked and all my collection of band posters was spread out along the walls.

Fluttershy let out a soft giggle. “You sure do love music.”

“My parents must have unpacked all my stuff for me while I was in the hospital.” I replied.

“Well that was very thoughtful. You’re lucky to have a family like them.” She said.

“Yeah.” I trailed off and slowly walked back to the door. All the things that happened since we arrived here in Ponyville, all the things that left me up to this point, could they have happened for a reason?

My thoughts began to fade as I was brought back to reality. I turned around and saw Fluttershy sitting on her haunches in front of my big stack of CDs. When I stood beside her, I noticed she was looking at the one that was located at the top.

“That one there is my favorite band. Hoofed by April; I tried to see them one year in concert in Cloudsdale but I never had the chance due to an illness.” I sighed and looked at the ceiling. “I would do anything to be able to meet my idols.”

After no response, I looked back at Fluttershy who was still gazing at the CD case.

“Fluttershy? You okay?” I tapped her shoulder.

“Hmm? Oh yes. I’m sorry I just got lost in thought.” She replied and gently set the case back at the top of the stack.

“It’s alright. Would you like to see the outside?” I asked. She nodded.

We walked out from my room and headed down the stairs through the living room and into the kitchen. Leo was sitting on a stool at the center counter with a hoof against his cheek looking rather bored.

“Hey kiddo. Where’s Ma and Pap?” I asked.

He shrugged. “I dunno. All they said is that they have something they needed to get done.”

“Oh okay. Well we’ll be outside if you need anything.” I replied.

“Mhmm.” He said as he let his face slam on top of the counter.

We exited the door from the kitchen leading to the backyard. It was fenced in with a large amount of space. To the right was our rocking bench and to the left was our outside table and patio chairs. In the middle was a fire pit surrounded by four big wooden logs to sit on a few hooves away from the pit.

“And this is our backyard. This is actually my first time coming back here. It’s actually rather peaceful.” I said as I listened to the birds chirp in the trees within the fence.

“Mhm.” Fluttershy replied. “I love the sound of the little birdies. They have such sweet singing voices.” She began to softly hum along with the birds. I was blown away by her singing. She had the most soothing voice I’ve ever heard. And like all good things, she stopped singing, opened her eyes and looked at me.

“Wow Fluttershy, you have such a beautiful voice.” I said as I sat down one of the wooden logs.

She began to blush, “T-Thank you.”

“How come you have butterflies as your cutie mark if your singing is such an amazing talent?” I asked.

“Well when I was just a filly, I found out I could communicate with all sorts of animals. I never really sang in front of others because I was so shy. So that wasn’t my true special talent. Taking care of animals is so that’s how this mark came about.” She replied.

“I love animals too but that’s not my special talent.”

“What does your cutie mark look like? Your wings are so big they cover it up.” Fluttershy asked.

I was completely taken by surprise. ‘Should I tell her?’ I thought. “I… uh…” I bit my lip and looked at her as her smile faded and was replaced with a look of curiosity.

I sighed and stood up and unfurled my wings. “I don’t have a cutie mark.”

She lightly gasped. “You… you don’t have a cutie mark?”

I shook my head in shame and plopped back onto my haunches. “I never discovered what my special talent was. I guess I will just be a blank flank for the rest of my life…” I said.

I closed my eyes but felt her wrap a wing around me. “Now don’t you be thinking that. Not everypony discovers their talent as early as every other pony. You will find your true self with time.” She replied.

“Most discover their special talent or their meaning in life at age six or seven. I’m nineteen, Fluttershy. Nineteen years old and still doesn’t know his place in this world.”

“Your place is right here. Think about it, all these recent events in your life didn’t happen coincidentally. They happened for a reason. They happened because this is the path of realizing who you truly are and what your meaning is and your special talent. You will find out one day. I know you will.” Fluttershy said as she rested her head against my shoulder.

“Yeah. Hopefully.”

Within My Heart

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Fluttershy and I leaned against each other on the log in silence. I never let it bother me before, being a blank flank. But now that Fluttershy knows, I can’t help but feel… ashamed. With my wings being so big nopony ever asked or even said anything about me having a cutie mark.

Although the warmth from Fluttershy’s body flew through mine, it did nothing to secede the shameful feeling. I know I shouldn’t be embarrassed or feel ashamed but being nineteen years old and still no cutie mark tends to wear massive amounts of weight on your shoulders.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, holding it in. Slowly, I let the air escape my lungs.

Fluttershy softly nudged my shoulder with her muzzle. “Um, if it would make you feel any better, how about I, um, help you earn your cutie mark?”

I opened my eyes and sighed, “How would you be able to help me?”

“Well, um, what kind of things do you like or are you good at?” She asked.

I thought for a moment, thinking of the things I could like and enjoy that could earn a cutie mark. “Well I love to listen to music. When I’m alone I’ll blare the music on my stereo and sing along with it.”

She smiled, “That’s what your special talent could be. Your cutie mark could have something to do with music.”


“Have I told you that I even helped Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo earn their cutie marks?” She said.

“Really? I didn’t even notice.” I replied.

“Mhmm. They were too silly and never realized what they were truly talented in. Sweetie Belle with her singing, Applebloom with building and fixing things, and Scootaloo with her speed. I didn’t tell them their talent, I made them realize it on their own.”

I thought over her offer and agreed. “I guess we can give it a try.”

She smiled and rest her head on my shoulder. She slowly released her breath and felt it just below my neck, making me try my hardest not to flinch from the ticklish feeling.

A few moments later she looked up at me with her big aqua green eyes. “I, um, have to go and check on the animals. I hope you don’t mind…”

I smiled, “its okay. You go ahead and check up on them. I have an animal of my own I have to check up on.” I said as I pointed toward the back door where Leo was spying.

Fluttershy giggled. “Okay. Um, I’ll see you later?”

“Of course.” I replied.

She lightly squealed and began walking to the fence gate on the left side when she turned around, “Oh I almost forgot, we still need to, um, have that date don’t we?” She asked with a blush.

I nodded. “How about tomorrow afternoon? We meet at our original spot in the center of Town Square? I promise I won’t try and kill myself again.” I joked with a smile.

She returned with another smile, “Oh, that sounds wonderful. Bye!” She turned around and flew towards the setting sun to her cottage.

‘It’ll be a while before I can fly again.’ I thought.

I sighed and turned and walked to the back door where Leo sat with a devious grin on his face. I opened the door and stepped inside as he continued to wear his grin.

“Uh, what’s with the awkward looking smile?” I asked.

“Do you know what I was doing the whole time?” He replied.

“Um, no. What were you doing?”

“Oh nothing.” He attempted to hold in his laughter. “You have a fillyfriend!” He teased.

“Oh shut up. Technically we aren’t yet but you wouldn’t know that because you’re still just a little colt.” I objected.

He returned a stare that said ‘really?’ and walked out toward the hallway.

“You ruin my fun.” He said flatly.

I let out a chuckle and walked through the kitchen and into the living room. I slowly sat down on the couch and let out a
long sigh and closed my eyes. ‘Boy is it good to finally be home.’ I thought.

I walked up the stairs and into my room. I continued on over to the window and watched as the sun set and the ponies in the town square began walking home.

For the first time in… well, a long time, I took a look around and appreciated everything around me. I appreciated that I was alive right at this very moment and how lucky I am.

I turned around and took a few steps and sat down on my bed. I lay down and took in a deep breath, feeling relaxed I was finally in my own warm and soft bed and not in a hospital one. Ever since I woke up from my coma I haven’t gotten more than a few hours of sleep per night. I closed my eyes as sleep took over…


I woke up to the sun shining through the slit in the curtains in my eyes causing them to feel like they were on fire. ‘Damn it. How in Equestria could the sun shine through that small gap? Maybe Princess Celestia’s out to get me..’ I thought.

I groaned as I rolled onto my back expecting to be looking at the ceiling but instead falling to the floor on my back. Although it felt like the wind was knocked out of me, I let out a laugh as I recall events like this happening in my old home back in Cloudsdale, although the floor there was made of clouds and not solid wood.

Once I gained my breath back, I got up and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and like I always do every morning, I let my wings loose and let the warm water soothe and massage my stiff muscles.

When I finished, I shook off any excess water and dried the rest with a towel. I looked myself over in the mirror and brushed my damp mane out of my eyes.

“Today’s the big day buddy.” I say to myself, “Today is the day with your date with Fluttershy. I just hope I don’t screw anything up..”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door that made me jump.

“Scion are you in there?” It was my mother.

“Yeah.” I replied.

“Oh good! When you get done, come downstairs we have a surprise for you.”

“Oh come on I don’t like surprises.”

“Too late!” She said as I heard her hoofsteps quickly make their way downstairs.

I sighed and dried my mane with the towel, thoroughly brushed it and opened the door. I walked downstairs and turned into the living room to see my father, my mother and Leo sitting at the center counter in the kitchen with what looks like a cake.

“What’s all this?” I asked walking into the kitchen.

“Well we went out to gather a few things and we decided to stop by Sugarcube Corner to tell the Cakes that you were alright and well they said to take this cake as a gift for your release from the hospital.” My father said.

“Well that was really nice of them. But they really didn’t have to do that. This cake looks like it’s expensive.” I replied.

“It was expensive and we told them too that they didn’t have to do that but they insisted. Your mother told them that if they were going to give you a cake they should give you a cheaper one but they insisted that you deserved the finest one they had.”

“Well I’ll just have to stop by and tell them thanks. They are really amazing ponies.” I said as I gazed at the cake’s icing that read: Congrats From Your Release From The Hospital Scion!

“They are really amazing ponies. Now, would you like the first slice Scion?” My mother asked.

“Sure. Yes please.” I replied. My mother cut a piece of the cake and put it on a plate and set it in front of me. She did the same for Leo and my father and herself.

We all took a bite simultaneously. With the first bite, everyone’s faces were of pure delight.

“Wow, this is an amazing and delicious cake. The best I’ve ever had.” My father said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Oh my cakes aren’t good enough for you?” My mother glared.

“Um…. No?” My father replied with a grin.

My mother then proceeded to smack him as the rest of us laughed.

After we finished indulging in our share of the sweets, an idea popped into my head.

“Hey mom can you cut two more slices of that cake and put it on a little plate?” I asked.

“Yeah sure.” She replied. She cut the two slices and placed them on a plate and passed them over to me. “What are you going to do with them?” She asked

“I’ll tell you later.” I answered as I wrapped the two plates in plastic wrap. I looked at Leo and my father who wore an ‘I know what you’re planning’ face.

I ignored them and turned to look at the time. The clock read 11:56 am.

“Dang! I almost forgot!” I shouted.

“Almost forgot what?” My mother asked.

“I’m supposed to have my date with Fluttershy today at noon.” I replied.

“Ohhhh!” My father teased.

I glared at him as another idea popped into my head. “Hey Leo wanna help me with something?”

“Sure Scion what do I have to do?”


“You got it little brother?” I asked.

“Mhmmffphh!” He replied as he dashed off to Ponyville Public Park.

Before I closed the front door, I looked at the clock in the kitchen and by the time I finished everything, it was 12:05.
I looked around to search for Fluttershy and spotted her sitting in front of the water fountain statue in the middle of Town’s Square watching the birds fly by with a beautiful smile on her face.

As I approached closer, her smile widened as she got up and hugged me.

“I’m sorry I’m late. I had some things I had to do.” I said.

She giggled, something I’ll never get tired of hearing. “It’s okay. I’ve been in town for a few hours getting some things for my cottage and just got back.”

“Oh cool.” I replied, feeling dumb that I couldn’t think of anything else to say. I looked up and noticed Fluttershy begin to blush.

“So um, what was your little brother doing with a basket in his mouth?” She asked.

“Oh um, I’m not really sure.” I said trying not smile.

“Oh..” She replied, almost in a whisper.

The next few minutes were in silence as both of us blushed. Without thinking of anything else to say, I sat next her in front of the fountain. When I did, she gently leaned her head against my shoulder.

'If Fluttershy and I last, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of these moments. They mean all too much-' My thoughts were cut off as an object blocked the sun and a voice was heard:

“PDA!” That voice could only be Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy smiled and hide hid behind her mane.

Fluttershy and I looked up and my suspicions were correct.

“Rainbow I have wings you know, I can fly up there and chase after you.” I joked.

She instantly began to laugh and took the cloud she had with her and flew off.

I turned to Fluttershy who still hid behind her mane. I looked down at the ground and noticed something between a few feathers.

“Hey Flutters, what’s that under your wing?” I asked.

She looked down and brought a hoof over her face. “I wasn’t going to show you until later.”

“What do you mean and show me what later?” I asked, beginning to become more curious.

“Um, you remember when you shown me your favorite band’s CD in your room?” She asked.

“Uh, yeah, yeah Hoofed by April.” I replied

“Well, Ponyville’s DJ Vinyl Scratch does the sound mixes on their albums and electronics during their live shows. And I knew the band’s name sounded familiar so when I went to talk to her when she was free, I told her what happened to you and all the things that happened since then and she gave me these.” She said as she handed me two tickets.

I gasped and my eyes widened. “You got two tickets for Hoofed by April’s show in Ponyville!!!”

She smiled and nodded.

“How did she get these? This show has been sold out for months. Getting tickets to the show is harder than selling your kidneys.”

“Well she’s part of the band and she’s allowed to give out eight tickets per show to ponies of her choosing and she had only these two left.” She replied.

I looked at the back of the tickets and looked at the date. “June 24th. Well that’s tomorrow!”


“Are you going to go?” I asked.

“Of course I’m going, silly. I may be shy but I love this kind of music. Oh and I heard they may have a surprise during the concert.” She began lightly digging her hooves in the dirt. “Does this count as a date? I mean if you want it to be..” She said.

I smiled. “Of course this counts as a date.” I leaned forward and kissed her forehead, earning a smile from her.

“But, shall we start this one today?” I asked.

She nodded. “Let’s.”

We began walking down the road from the Town’s Square and looked around and the restaurants and diners.

“Where do you want to go?” Fluttershy asked.

“I have an idea. Come on.” I said and motioned for her to follow me.

I lead her in the direction of Ponyville Public Park and watched as the young fillies and colts played with each other as their parents watched over them attentively.

“So what’s your idea? That is if you don’t mind me asking…” She asked.

I turned and looked at her and smirked. “You’ll see.”

She turned away and blushed.

After walking for a good ten minutes, we entered a quiet part of the park and under a big maple tree and under it in the shade was a basket on top of a checkered blanket.

I stopped in front of it and turned to see her face with a questionable look.

“Was this the basket your brother was carrying?” She asked with a questionable but playful tone.

I shrugged, “Well I may have asked him to help out a little..”

She walked up and lightly kissed my cheek.

“It’s perfect.” She whispered.

My heart began to quicken as my face began to feel hot. “So, uh, shall we have some lunch?” I asked, feeling embarrassed that I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

She giggled and nodded.

I sat down in front of the basket as Fluttershy did the same on the other side. I opened the basket and reached in and set down a skinny clear vase and put a few light pink roses into it.

“I got these from Rose’s flower kiosk downtown. I never knew much about romantic stuff but this is the one thing I could come up with and she helped me with it. Such a nice pony.” I said.

“I haven’t either. I never really had the chance to.” She said as she blushed.

I smiled. “Well, what would you like?” I began to dig through what was in the basket. “I’ve got some daffodil and daisy sandwiches, some apples, and two slices of Mr. and Mrs. Cake’s cake, oh and a few muffins…”

“Muffiiin.” A voice suddenly said. I turn around and saw a blonde haired mare pegasus with a light grey coat and crossed eyes slowly move her head behind the tree.

“Who was that?” I asked.

Fluttershy giggled. “That’s Ditzy Doo. She’s the mailmare in Ponyville. Whenever somepony says ‘muffin’, she appears out of nowhere. Nopony knows how she does it but she sure does love muffins.”

“I bet she does.” I laughed and looked back in the basket. “Aha! Miss Fluttershy, would you like to try my Auntie’s homemade étinceler le cocktail de fruit? None alcoholic of course.”

She nodded and smiled. “Ohh yes please.”

I poured her a share into a plastic cup packed along with everything else. “Here you go.” I said as I gave it to her.

“Thank you.” She said and took a sip. “Wow this is delicious! Your Auntie really made this?”

“Uh huh. She lived in the same neighborhood as us until she moved to Canterlot and opened a business there. She makes all kinds of stuff out of the fruit she gets and these fruit cocktails are her best sellers.” I explained.

“That’s cool. It’s awesome to have contact with your family members. I haven’t seen my parents since I was a filly.” Fluttershy said.

Sorrow guilt shot through me. “What happened to them?”

“I don’t know. They dropped me off at Summer Flight Camp and never came back to get me. Luckily, Rainbow Dash’s family was kind enough to let me stay with them until my Aunt and Uncle came for me. They live here in Ponyville and I’ve been living here ever since.” She said.

“Oh my gosh… I’m so sorry that happened to you. Nopony, especially you, should be abandoned like that.” I felt like wrapping my hooves around her and never letting go.

“Well it was for the best. Besides, if it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t have been able to move to Ponyville. And if I didn’t move to Ponyville, I wouldn’t have met you.” She said as she looked straight into my eyes with a smile.

“Yeah.” I replied and returned a smile. “But now you have more family.”

Fluttershy cocked her head to one side. “What do you mean?”

“Well… how do I say this…” I paused and thought for a moment. “Honestly, you’re really important to me. You’ve met my parents and my little brother and they love you. They are supportive ponies and, well, there is always room in our family for another member.”

I stared into her eyes and a tear streamed down her cheek. “You don’t know how much that means to me. Thank you.” She paused and continued through a cracked voice, “I’d love to be part of your family.”
I threw my arms around her, wiped away her tears and held her close. “I think I do. Welcome to the family, Shy.”


Fluttershy and I ate our lunch and watched as other ponies began arriving with their families to have picnics of their own. As we talked, a few young fillies and colts came over and asked us to join them in a game of hoofball.

“Excuse me, but would you two like to play a game of hoofball with us?” One of the colts said.

I looked at Fluttershy who smiled and lightly nudged my shoulder. “You can go ahead. I’ll stay here and watch.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Mhm.” She replied. “Go on, go have fun.”

I nodded and stood up and joined the rest of the foals.

Once there, a colt about the size of Leo approached me, “Hey mister, what’s your name?”

“I’m Scion. What’s your name fella?”

“I’m Redtail.” He turned around and ran to his group that I assumed was his team. “I call the tall stallion guys!” He yelled to the other team and ‘awws’ were heard.

I chuckled lightly and made it over to Redtail’s group. “So kids, what do we do?”

“Before we start, would you like to be our quarterback Scion?” Redtail asked.

“Sure Red. Is everypony ready?” I asked. They all nodded. “Is your team ready?” I shouted to the other team.

“Yup!” They replied.

“Okay. Where’s our goal?”

“In between those two trees is where we score and in between those trees behind us is where we score.” Redtail explained.

“Sounds good. Let’s start.” I said.

Both teams lined up and I took position behind mine.

“Blue twenty-two! Red twenty-two! Hike!” On the go, my team began blocking our opponents as they tried to break through the lines.

“Run scion! Run for the touchdown!” One of the fillies on my team yelled.

I ran past them and knowing that they were just foals, I went easy on them. I trotted slowly and the opponents ran after me and jumped on my back. Deciding to play along, I purposefully trip and let them tackle me.

“Oh no! Tackle! Oh man I’m down… ouch! Who kicked me? Unsportpony-like conduct!”

After a few minutes, their attack had ceased and they asked if I wanted to keep playing.

“Sorry everypony I’d like to keep playing but I have to get back to my fillyfriend, er I mean friend.”

As I walked back, I heard ‘ooooh’s’ coming from the group which made me chuckle.

When I reached the checkered blanket, I fell onto my back. “Those foals are rough.”

Fluttershy giggled. “I know. They beat you up.”

“I never thought I’d say I would ever get beat up by foals.” I said as I looked up and saw them whisper to each other and look at us.

“What do you think they’re saying?” I asked.

“Probably talking about how they kicked your butt.” She giggled again.

Before I could say anything, Redtail and a filly ran to the right behind some trees. I decided to not pay attention and reached into the basket.

“More étinceler le cocktail de fruit?” I asked.

“Oui.” She replied with a smile.

As I poured her another serving, I heard rustling in the bush behind us. I turned around and saw Redtail and his friend pop their heads from inside the bush.

“Psst!” He whispered.

“Yes?” I whispered back.

“Kiss her!” He replied

Fluttershy instantly went red and giggled lightly.

I chuckled and turned to face Fluttershy who looked back at me with half of her face covered. “Should we?” I asked.

Without answering, Fluttershy brought herself forward and her lips met with mine. It lasted for less than a second but it sent the little foals running back to their group.

“They did it! They did it everypony! I told you they would!” Redtail’s friend shrieked.

I was struck down with surprise as Fluttershy blushed madly. She was the first to break the silence.

“That…um… that doesn’t count does it?” She asked.

“I, uh… I don’t think so. Should it?” I replied.

She shook her head and smiled and leaned her head against my left shoulder.

“Scion?” She said.

Yeah Shy?”

“Does this mean we’re officially dating?”

I nodded. “It sure does.” I replied and kissed the back of her head.


As the sun began to set, everypony in the park began to head home. Fluttershy and I had a great time with our picnic and playing with the foals. But the one thing that I couldn’t get off my mind was that kiss. Of course it didn’t count but it was first time I experienced it even though it was less than a second. But the one thing that was better was that Fluttershy and I were now officially together.

With the sun just on the horizon, Fluttershy and I make it back to my house and I drop off the basket and the checkered blanket.

“Would you like me to walk you home?” I asked as I set the basket on the porch.

“Oh no you don’t have to do that..” She replied.

“Oh it’s no trouble.” I said.

“Well I, um, I’m kind of afraid of the dark and usually fly home when I’m this far out.” She added.

“I’ll fly with you.”

“But didn’t the doctor tell you to stay off your wings for a while? He said it might hurt you.” She protested.

I rested my forehead on hers and looked into her eyes, “Putting myself through a little bit of pain with the thought of knowing your safe at home is well worth the risk.” I said softly.

“Well, I…. okay.”

I stretched out my wings to make sure I don’t pull any muscles or tear them. After a few minutes I was ready to go.

“Ready?” I asked.

She smiled and nodded.

Flapping my wings, I hovered for a few seconds before I joined Fluttershy who was already about a hundred hooves above me. Once there, we headed to her cottage.

About halfway, my wings began to stiffen but I ignored the small pain and kept going.

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah. My wings are just getting a little stiff is all. But I’m okay.” I replied.

A few minutes later Fluttershy turned to me and motioned for me to descend. Once on the ground, my wings went limp and I went to catch my breath. I sat down for a few seconds.

“Are you sure you are okay?” Fluttershy asked again, worry was present in her voice.

“Yeah I’m okay. I haven’t flown in about two weeks because of my coma. This happened before when I was in Cloudsdale and didn’t fly for a long time. But don’t worry baby I’ll be….” I caught myself and realized what I said when Fluttershy looked surprised but smiled.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to say that! I-“ I was cut off when she kissed my cheek.

“It’s alright.” She giggled. “I don’t mind.”

“Oh.” I said. “Anyways, why did we land right here?”

“Oh, well this is the path to my cottage and from here it’s about a half a mile and well, I don’t want to say bye too quickly.” She replied.

“I couldn’t agree more.” I said with a smile.

Fluttershy and I walked together with our wings held together, each feather interlocked with another. Her head gently rested against my shoulder. I must have a comfy shoulder.

After about ten minutes, we arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage which was a signal for us to say goodbye.

Her ears drooped down and she gave the best pouty face I’ve ever seen.

“Don’t worry, we’ll see each other again tomorrow at the concert.” I assured her.

She smiled and wrapped her hooves around my neck in an embrace.

“I miss you already.” She said, looking into my eyes.

“I miss you already too.” I replied.

“Thank you for flying me home. I had fun today. We should do it again soon.”

“I had fun too. And since we’re now officially together, we have all the time in the world to do it again. And within my heart, I’ll be looking forward to it every second.” I replied with a smile.

We stood there outside her door and just stared into each other’s eyes. I brought my hoof to her cheek and brushed her mane out of her face to reveal both of her beautiful aqua green eyes. I placed my hook on her cheek as our faces came closer and our lips met, sharing our first real kiss.

The Best Night Ever Part 1

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Author's Note: This chapter contains french words and phrases.

I placed my hoof gently on her cheek as our lips met. The moment they made contact, a sudden rush of feelings shot through me. Everything around us seemed to fade away as nothing else exists but me and her and nothing else. The warmth of her lips on mine sent shivers down my spine. One thing that really stood out was the butterfly feeling in my stomach.

For what seemed like an eternity of grace, we finally broke the kiss. We stared into each other’s eyes only an inch length away from touching noses. Fluttershy’s aqua eyes shimmered as the moonlight bounced off of them making them shutter lightly in an adorable manner.

“Have I ever told you that you have amazing eyes?” I asked as I rested my forehead against hers.

She giggled. “I’m not sure but I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing it.”

I smiled and kissed her again. The second time was just as amazing as the first.

We broke the kiss as my smile faded.

“Wish I didn’t have to go.” I said.

She smiled lightly, “We’ll see each other tomorrow. You wanna, um, meet up before the concert?”

“I’d love to.” I replied as I wrapped my hooves around her in a loving embrace. As we held each other, the warmth from her chest shot through me that gave me instant reassurance.

We parted the hug as I kissed her one last time before heading down the hill from her home to the gate at the bottom. Once I got down, I turned around and saw her leaning against her front door, staring back at me. I waved at her and waited for her to waive back before I took flight back to the direction of my house.

‘This was definitely the best. Day. Ever!’ I shouted in my mind.


Fluttershy lightly kissed Scion one more time before he made his way down the hill. As he turned around, she lost her balanced and softly landed against her front door. All the rushing feelings of the past few minutes began to sink in.

‘I can’t believe it! I can’t believe I have a coltfriend, and it’s Scion!' She thought as she let out a light squeal that was too quiet for Scion to hear. That moment, she felt like a filly who just had her first kiss with her first love.

A few seconds later, at the bottom of the hill Scion waived at Fluttershy and she returned the gesture. She didn’t even feel herself doing so as she was still caught up in the rush.

As Scion took flight, she stood at the door for a few more seconds as she watched him fly off until she couldn’t see him anymore. She shook her head to bring her back to reality as she unlocked the front door but before she went inside, she noticed something. Her lights were on.

When she opened the door, she was surprised to see all of her friends sitting on her living room floor with smiles on their faces.

“Howdy sugarcube! It’s ‘bout time you came home.” Applejack said.

“Oh my goodness! What are you all doing here?” Fluttershy asked in surprise.

“We came to hear about your date with Scion. We’ve been here for hours! What were you two doing?” Rainbow dash asked in a suggestive manner, raising her eyebrows up and down.

Fluttershy instantly blushed. “We, um…”

“It’s alright, darling. What Rainbow meant to say was how did your date go with Scion?” Rarity said, shooting Rainbow Dash a glare.

“It was, um…” She paused for a moment before her face lit up, “It was amazing! Oh my goodness you wouldn’t believe how amazing he is! He’s so kind and caring, he’s good with little kids, and he’s soo romantic!”

Applejack chuckled. “Calm down their girl.”

“Was I talking too fast? I’m sorry.” Fluttershy said.

“It’s alright Flutters!” Pinkie Pie replied. “But there’s just one thing.”

“What’s that Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

“We saw you and Scion coming up to the door through the window and you didn’t come in for about ten minutes. What were ya doing?” She asked in a teasing manner.

“We uh… we were, um…. kissing….” Fluttershy replied with a squeak.

“Oohhhhhhh!” Rainbow Dash teased.

“Awww!” The others said in unison.

“But in all seriousness,” Rainbow began as she landed in front of her friend, “I’m proud of you girl.” She winked.

“Thanks Rainbow Dash. I love you girls.” Fluttershy said.

All six of them came together in a group hug.

“Rainbow Dash?” Applejack called, still in the embrace.


“Y’all know what we gotta do know right?”

“Ohh yeah.” Rainbow replied with a devious grin on her face.


I jumped into the air and took to the air. A few minutes later I began to feel the weariness of the flight. Upon entering the town’s square of Ponyville, I decided to land and walk the rest of the way to my house. As I passed the water fountain statue in the middle of town’s square, just a little ways away was my house. On the porch I noticed a figure that didn’t seem to be either Leo or my parents. As I got closer to the porch, I suddenly figured out who the mysterious figure was.

“Reiku?” I called.

“Heey! There he is.” He replied.

I walked onto the porch and gave my closest friend a hug. “What are you doing here? I thought you had to help out your relatives today?”

“I was but it turns out that they weren’t at home all day. I found a note in the kitchen that they are going to be in Las
Pegasus for the week. I think I just got screwed over. They were always gamblers.” He replied with a drudgingly tone.

I chuckled and sat down next to him. “That wouldn’t be the first time.”

“Nice way to reminisce my memories, Starshine.”

“Hey it’s my pleasure.” I replied.

He chuckled and lightly hoofed my shoulder. “Well I came here about six hours ago, which was three o’clock by the way.”

I looked through the front window and tried to find the clock in my living room with no luck.

“What time is it, Reiku?” I asked.

“Almost nine thirty.”

“Wow almost ten hours. That’s the longest time I’ve ever been on a date with a mare.” I said.

I turned over in time to see Reiku with a grin on his face.

“What’s with the creepy smile?” I asked.

“Soo…. How’d it go with your fillyfriend?” He asked.

“You want the truth or the exaggerated truth or both?” I replied.

He sat silence for a minute. “Buck it, surprise me.”

“Well where do I start. She’s just plain amazing, Reiku. She’s sweet, she’s kind, good with little kids, good with little animals, she has a sense of humor, and she listens attentively whenever I speak. Reiku I think I’m in love.” I state as I put my hoof on his shoulder and stare off into the distance.

He chuckles. “Well there’s one thing I can say is that I’m happy for you buddy. You found somepony that makes you happy. And as your best friend, if you’re happy, I’m happy.” He pauses for a few seconds before continuing, “So if you two get married, hypothetically speaking, does that mean I’ll be your best stallion?”

“Of course. There’s nopony in the world that’s more qualified for that position than you are.” I replied.

“Sweet. Hey I got a question for you.” Reiku asked.

“Sure what’s on your mind?”

“Before I met your fillyfriend, behind them I noticed a group of mares. What was that one’s name?”

“Which one?” I replied.

“The blue one with the rainbow mane.”

“Oh that’s Rainbow Dash.”

“Rainbow Dash. I like that…” Reiku began mumbling.

“What’d you say? I asked.

“Oh nothing.” He replied.

“Nothing? Well it sounded more like ‘I like that plot.” I teased.

“Alright, alright! Maybe I think she’s cute, or some such..”

“Well maybe you should talk to her. Besides you’re going to be here for a long week looking after your relative’s house.” I said.

“You’re right. I’ll try the next time I see her.” He replied.

“That’s the Reiku I know. Why do you seem so nervous? You were the filly’s stallion back in Cloudsdale.”

“It’s because I heard about her. She’s turned down almost every single stallion that asks her out. I may have been like
that back then because I was just a kid and I was adventurous. But now that I want to slow down and settle, I’m afraid of rejection.” He replied honestly.

I thought for a moment, not sure how to respond to him. “Well I don’t really know what to tell you. We’re just gonna have to see how things unravel.”

He pecked at the wooden floorboards of the front porch with his hoof. “I guess that sounds reasonable.”

I nodded in agreement. “Well it’s getting pretty late. I have a big day tomorrow.”

“Another date?” Reiku asked.

“Yeah. You know what Fluttershy did? This afternoon she showed me tickets to Hoofed by April’s concert here in Ponyville tomorrow.”

“No way! I thought they’ve been sold out for months?” He replied.

“That’s what I thought. But she knows someone in Ponyville that does their sound mixes and she gave her two free

“Well aren’t you just lucky. I had to pay for mine.” He said.

“You have tickets?” I asked

“Yes I do.” He replied with a grin.

“Well I hope to see you there.”

“Nah, I’ll let you two lovebirds have your time together.”

“Oh alright.” I replied, “Well at least say hi to us after the show’s over.

“You got it.”

“Hey do you wanna stay over for the night?”

“Wish I could but I got to get back to watch over their house.” He replied.

“Okay well see you tomorrow Reiku.”

“Later, bud!”

I turned around and opened the door. Once inside, I closed the door and leaned against it and lightly slid down against it to the floor. My wings ached from the flight to Fluttershy’s house and back to here.

I slowly rose to my hooves and walked up the stairs into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for it to turn warm. Once it was warm, I walked inside and shut the shower door. I unfurled my wings and let the warm water soak the feathers and help soothe the muscles.

After a few minutes, the door opened and a recognizable voice rang out: “Howdy, howdy!”

“Dad, have you ever heard of privacy?” I asked.

“Hehe, nope!” He said as he raced out and shut the door.

I turned to the small mirror in the shower and stared at myself for a second. There was only one thing that I could say: “What the buck?”

I finished my business in the shower and walked into my room and closed the door and lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling. I turned over to my right and read the time on the clock on my dresser: ten thirty.

Thoughts of the previous day began to flood my mind as I soon drifted off to sleep.


I woke up in a sudden jump. I opened my eyes and looked around the dark room and then at the clock: two-twenty three a.m.

I rolled out of bed and left my room to go downstairs and into the kitchen and grabbed a glass and filled it up with water. Once feeling satisfied, I left to go back upstairs. After shutting my bedroom door, I looked out the window and noticed a figure in the distance. Near the fountain statue was what looked to be Fluttershy.

I opened the window and jump out, flapping my wings until I landed softly on the ground. About halfway to the statue, she got up and began walking in the direction of Ponyville Park. I quickened my walking to reach her and when I was a few hooves away, I stepped on a twig which made her screech and jump into the bush she was next to.

“Fluttershy it’s me.” I said

“Scion?” She replied, poking her head above the leaves.

I noticed her shaking. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” I walked closer to her and out of the trees’ shadow and into the moonlight to assure her it was me.

“It is you. And it’s okay I’m usually pretty jumpy.” She said as she lightly jumped out the push and wrapped her hooves around me.

I kissed her cheek and held her as I spoke softly: “We’ve been officially together for less than twenty four hours and I already scared the feathers out of you.”

She giggled. “Well what can you do. Things just happen.”

We looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.

“Yeah.” I replied. I kissed her lightly and showed her over to one of the trees.

As I lied down, she did the same next to me and lay her head on my back.

A few minutes past before I spoke, “So Fluttershy, how come you were out so late?”

“I could say the same about you.” She replied with a giggle.

I smiled, knowing I was out the same time she was.

“But the reason I was out was because… um… well I was trying to sleep but I couldn’t stop thinking about what we did today and how much of a great time we had and I have all these feelings that I just can’t explain so I thought a little walk would help clear my head.” She continued.

I thought for a moment. “What kind of feelings?”

“I can’t really explain. I just have this warm feeling whenever I’m around you and whenever I think about you when you’re not with me, my tummy fills up with butterflies.”

I turned slightly and looked into her eyes before kissing her lightly. The soft tenderness of her lips against mine sent chills up my spine. I began to feel a warm feeling in my chest and the same butterfly feeling in my stomach that Fluttershy described.

We broke the kiss and leaned against each other’s foreheads, still looking into each other’s eyes.

“Hey it’s still really early, maybe you should get some sleep. We have a big day ahead of us.” I said almost in a whisper.

Fluttershy nodded and began to stand up. “I hope you are excited for what’s going to happen tomorrow.”

“Of course I’m excited, Flutters. This is the best and most kind gift that anypony has ever given me. Thank you.” I said and kissed her.

“It wasn’t a problem really. It’s the least I could do let you have a good time after being cooped up in the hospital for so long.” She said.

“But it means much more than that.” I said and wrapped my hooves around her. A few seconds later I let go and kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

“Okay.” She said and smiled.

I began to walk home until I heard a soft call behind me.


I turned around and saw Fluttershy land a few hooves away. “Yeah, what’s wrong?”

“Oh nothing I just forgot to say that I… I lo…” She sighed, “I’ll see you later at the fountain statue at about two p.m.?”

“Sure. I can do that. I’ll see you there Fluttershy.” I replied.

She smiled. “Okay! Bye Scion!”

“Bye!” I waved and watched as she took flight. I kept watch until I couldn’t see her any longer and turned around to head back home.

I reached my front yard and looked up at my window. It was still open so I flapped my wings and grabbed the ledge only pulling half of myself in before realizing how tired I was. My eyes felt heavy and my muscles refused to push me the rest of the way through the window. I gathered all the energy I had left and shoved myself onto the floor. I slowly turned around and lazily shut the window and climbed into bed. I looked at the clock on my dresser and it read three o’ seven a.m. and slowly became blurry as I fell asleep.


I awoke with a pain in the center part of my back and a slight pressure in my head. I opened my eyes and everything was upside down. It took me a moment to realize that I was upside down. I chuckled and rolled over, falling off of my bed. My window was open with the curtains drawn and the sound of birds chirping was heard. I walked over and looked outside at all the ponies in the town square.

'What time is it?' I thought as I looked over at the clock: Eleven fifty three.

“Wow I was asleep for a long time. Mom must’ve opened the window while I was asleep.” I said aloud.

I stretched out my wings and my neck, making sure to get my back for a good measure.

Feeling better, I left my room and went into the bathroom for my daily shower. After I got done, I dried off, shook any excess water off and went downstairs.

After seeing nobody, I walked into the kitchen and a note was left on the kitchen center counter:


Your father and I went out to Cloudsdale for a little visit for a couple days. Leo wanted you to go but he didn’t want to wake you or wait for you to wake up. We decided to let you stay here and rest up. We left 200 bits on the counter next to this note for food and emergencies only! Have fun Scion and make sure you stretch out your wings well and do what the doctors told you!


P.S.- This is your father. Your mom’s upstairs as I write this. Don’t do anything stupid like blowing up the house or setting it on fire or whatever you kids do to houses these days. Oh and don’t go sneaking off to Fluttershy’s house at night for a “little fun” because I raised you better than that and most importantly, I’m watching you….. Have fun!



I threw the note across the counter. “Really dad? Do I look dumb to you..? Ooh 200 bits she said?”

I picked up the bag of bits and brought it upstairs and put it in my saddlebag. I quickly threw it onto my back and headed downstairs and out the front door.

“Today, I’m going to make a surprise visit to Fluttershy’s place.” I told myself aloud.

Locking the front door, I made my way down through the busy Market Square and walked to the path to Fluttershy’s cottage. Once through the gate, I could hear a distinct whistling noise that sounded pleasant to my ears.

Upon walking further up the hill toward the house, I saw Fluttershy in front of a small tree with the branches covered with birds with what looked like a choir setting.

I sat down on the trunk of a tree and watched her move her hooves around in a gentle swinging motion, guiding the birds to the correct notes. Every once in a while, she would stop and go up to one of the birds and help with posture or help any of them get back on key.

Once she finished, the birds flew off to their bird houses and Fluttershy turned and began humming a tune with her eyes closed. When she opened them, they were immediately on me. She flinched in surprise but smiled once she realized it was me.

“You know how to sneak up on me.” She said with a giggle as I walked with her to the back part of her cottage.

“I couldn’t help but just watch. The birds’ singing was so soothing I just couldn’t interrupt.” I replied.

She looked over at me and smiled. “So how come you came over?” She looked up at the sky for a brief second, “We don’t have to meet up for about another two hours.”

“I thought I’d make a surprise visit and say hello.” I said.

“Well I appreciate the generous thoughts.” She said as she wrapped her wing around my back.

“And I thought that we can maybe have some late lunch or something before the concert tonight.”

“Oh, that would be lovely. I’ll meet you around the front when I’m finished feeding the rest of my animal friends?”

“Sure. I’ll be on the bench outside your door.” I replied.

“Okay.” She replied with a smile and waived.


I lay on my back looking at the clouds when Fluttershy came around the corner of her cottage.

“I’m all finished.” She said.

“Okie doke!” I said as I slid off the bench.

“Where would you like to go?” She asked.

“I guess we can decide once we get there. I’m not really sure what Ponyville has for restaurants.”

“That’s fair enough.”

We walked down the path from her cottage and went straight to the Market Square. Once there, we looked around and noticed more restaurants than you could possibly think.

“I never thought a small town like Ponyville had so many places to eat that I’ve never noticed before.” I chuckled.
Fluttershy turned and giggled lightly, “That’s what I thought when I first came to Ponyville.”

After a few more moments, I pointed to a rather intriguing building with posters of daisy and daffodil salads on the windows. We decided to go here and headed on inside. We waited for a moment before a young looking stallion came up.

“Hello and welcome to Jonquille et Daisy Buffet. Table for two?”

“You got it.” I replied.

“Wonderful! Follow me and I’ll bring you to your table.” He said in a genteel manner as he grabbed two menus from behind the counter.

We followed him out to a table near a window; he stopped and turned around:

“We have two spots you can choose: a spot here at the window with a great view of the southern hill of Ponyville or outside in the shady spot overlooking Ponyville’s Market Square.”

I looked at Fluttershy and shrugged. “Doesn’t matter to me, what do you think?”

“Well it is a beautiful day today… the table outside… if that’s okay with you I mean.” She replied shyly.

I smiled and turned to the stallion. “We’ll have the outside table.”

“Good choice! And I must agree it is a beautiful day this afternoon.” He said and motioned for us to follow.

He led us to the outside and to a vacant area with the other ponies on the other side of the outside dining area.

As we took our seats at the table, the waiter leaned over and whispered: “I thought I’d give you a table to yourselves and not be bothered by anypony.”

“Ohh well thank you kindly.” I replied.

“You are very welcome.” He returned to his regular posture and handed out the menus. “Your waiter will be with you in just a few quick moments. Thank you for choosing Jonquille et Daisy Buffet and enjoy your meal.”

“Thank you.” We replied as he went back inside.

“What a nice fellow.” I said.

“That’s the first time I’ve met someone that nice at a restaurant before.” Fluttershy said.

“When I lived in Cloudsdale, we rarely had any nice waiters or waitresses.” I replied.

She giggled. “That sounds like Cloudsdale.”

A few moments later another stallion that looked to be the same age as the previous one arrived and set silverware on the table.

“Bonjour, my name is Leirre and I’ll be your waiter this afternoon. Could I start off with drinks?”

“I’ll have water.” I replied.

“I’ll have, um.. water.” She replied quietly.

He gave a light chuckle, “Don’t worry ma’am I don’t bite. And I want to apologize for my heavy accent and don’t be afraid to ask me to repeat anything, okay?”

“Oh I could understand you perfectly.” I replied.

“Merveilleux! I’ll be back with your drinks momentarily.”

We sat in silence for a few moments as I watched Fluttershy hide behind her mane and lightly poke at the silverware. As she did this, the one thing I could imagine was a tiny foal next to her with similar features as her and doing the same thing…

‘Why the buck am I thinking about that right now?!’ I thought.

A few seconds later, Leirre arrived with our drinks.

“Here we are, water for the monsieur and water for the dame. Are you ready to order or do you need a few more

“Uhh I’ll get the daffodil and daisy salad.”

“Okay, and what about you dame?”

“Um, I’ll have the same..”

“Magifique! I’ll be back with your orders.”

Once he left, I turned over to see Fluttershy blushing and looking straight into my eyes.

I couldn’t hold it any longer. “Nooo, stop looking at me like that it’s too adorable!”

I first began to notice I said that too loud as the ponies across the way began to chuckle. I felt my face getting hot and before I knew it, I felt a warm sense on my arm. I looked to see it was Fluttershy who moved her chair and sat next to me. She lightly kissed my cheek and at that second, Leirre arrived with our food.

“Oh, Je suis désolé I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.” He said

I chuckled. “No you’re okay.”

“Ah, well here is your food. Enjoy your meal! I’ll be checking in every few moments to see how things are and don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything.” He added.

“Thank you Leirre.” Fluttershy said.

“Vous êtes le bienvenu, madame.” He replied with a smile and walked back inside.

Over the next half hour, we ate our food and shared our life stories. The more Fluttershy talked about her past, the more I became intrigued. She said that she wasn’t always shy but at a moment when she was very little, she lost her parents and was alone for two days. Once they found her, she didn’t speak a word for a whole year. Her parents began to think she was never going to speak again but she did after she earned her cutie mark. After that, she never heard or seen her parents ever again. That’s the time when her Aunt and Uncle took her in.

“If it wasn’t for them, the counselors at Summer Flight Camp would have told the authorities and a foster home would’ve had temporary custody until they found my parents. But you could say it was a good thing because if it wasn’t for all of that, I wouldn’t have moved to Ponyville and meet all these amazing ponies. Including you.”

I smiled and kissed her forehead. She may be right, but it still doesn’t mean it was the right thing.

“Do you ever think about them? Do you ever wonder if they’ll ever find you?” I asked.

She sighed lightly. “Honestly, I don’t really think about it that much. But I have dreamed that one day, one day we will see each other and reconnect. I don’t want to just assume that they’ve abandoned me.”

“I don’t think they’ve abandoned you. I think they did it for a purpose and we will never know that purpose until they come around.” I replied.

“You’re right. You’re so smart.” She said as she nuzzled my neck making me chuckle. After a second, I heard a pony from across the way say ‘aww’.

I looked over and saw Leirre and a few other waiters with him carrying two bowls with fancy toppings.

“I don’t mean to interrupt again but me and my colleagues here would like to give you this wonderful dessert, our most delicate dessert, free of charge.”

Both Fluttershy and I were taken by surprise we couldn’t say a word.

“T-Thank you so much Leirre, this is amazing.” Was the only thing I could say.

“Il est notre plaisir, monsieur. Enjoy!”

As we ate our dessert, we talked about how amazing it was. It had the sweetness of Sweet Apple Acres’ apples, and had cracker crumb layers between the frosting and fudge. For those few minutes, we were in heaven.

We finished our dessert and paid the bill. I made sure to leave extra tip for Leirre for his wonderful hospitality.

He walked with us to the door and held it open for us.

“Merci d'avoir choisi Jonquille et Daisy Buffet, you are always welcome.” He said.

“And I most definitely will come back Leirre. Thank you for the excellent service.” I replied.

“It was my pleasure. Good day!” He waved.

We returned the gesture and headed toward our usual spot at the fountain statue. We sat on the bench in front of it and Fluttershy leaned on my shoulder.

We sat there for a good ten minutes while I gently ran my hoof through her mane, every inch of it softer than a plush cloud.

Suddenly she jumped up and looked around frantically. “Oh my goodness! What time is it?”

“It’s about ten minutes after two o’clock. Why, what’s the matter?” I asked.

“Oh my, oh my! Um what time does the concert start?”

“I believe it’s at seven.”

“Oh no I almost forgot!” She replied.

“Wait, forgot what?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you later. I forgot I needed to get some things done before the concert! I’ll meet you here at six? If that’s okay with you I mean…”

“Yes, I’ll meet you here at six.” I replied.

“Okay.” She kissed me quickly. “Thanks Scion.”

“You’re welcome Shy.” I replied.

She began to flap her wings and take off into the air. I watched as she disappeared into the horizon of the trees to her cottage…

The Best Night Ever Part 2

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I stared off into the distance after Fluttershy’s figure was no longer visible. The main thing that remained on my mind was what the heck happened? Why was she all frantic and leave all of a sudden?

I decided to shake off the thought and head on home and wait there until it was time to meet back here at the fountain.

By the time I got home, it was almost two-thirty. I slumped onto the couch and lay my head onto the armrest and stared at the ceiling.

“What am I going to do until six?” I said to myself


Fluttershy flew over the trees and landed in front of her cottage. She opened the door and hastily trotted to the inside of the living room where all her friends were waiting.

“Is…everything ready?” Fluttershy asked in between breaths.

“Sure is.” Rainbow replied.

“Vinyl is with the rest of the band members getting the stage set up. We’ll be backstage and warn Jimmie in his earpiece when it’s time.” Twilight added.

“Are you girls sure this is a good idea?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course it is, darling. You’ve helped Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. I’m sure this will help Scion too. Besides, you two need to have fun together.” Rarity replied.

Fluttershy sighed. “I just hope I don’t embarrass him…”


After almost three and a half hours waiting anxiously and getting ready, it was time to head back to the fountain statue.

Once there, I looked around for the clock tower and the time read five fifty nine. A few moments later, I heard the sound of hooves touching the ground behind me. I turned around and saw Fluttershy with a smile on her face and a white colored shirt. I returned a smile and kissed her cheek.

“What’s that?” I asked pointing to her shirt.

She looked down. “Oh this is one of their band shirts.” She sat on her haunches and moved her hooves out to show the shirt’s design.

I smiled. “You look so cute in that.”

She instantly turned red. “Well… thank you.”

I wrapped my hoof around her and nuzzled her neck. “Should we get going early? Maybe we can get in front row.”

“Sure.” She replied.

As we got closer the stadium, the night sky began to take over and the lights from the concert became more distinct. Once we arrived, the line to enter was much shorter than I anticipate it would be.

Our turn came to hand in our tickets and we entered the stadium. Once inside, we noticed that we were just in time to make it to the front row.

As time went on, the closer seven o’clock came, the more full the stadium became.

When the clock hit seven, a unicorn with a light blue coat wearing a headset trotted onto the stage. He walked up to the microphone stand and tapped it.

“Hello everypony! Thank you all for coming for tonight’s concert and the show will begin in ten minutes.” With that, he turned around and quickly headed to the back of the stage.

To pass the time, I took the time to examine the stage. Behind the drum set was a large banner that had the name Hoofed by April on it. Leaning against the amplifiers on the right side was the guitarist’s guitar and on the right side was the bass players bass. In front were two stools and two microphone stands each holding a cordless microphone along with the sound mix table.

Time seemed to slip away as the lights in the stadium turned off.

“Are you ready for this?” I asked Fluttershy, trying not to explode from the excitement.

She smiled and nodded and turned to face the stage as the lights turned on the stage. The members of Hoofed by April entered the stage and took their place on the stage with their instruments: Alexander on his drums, Marcus on the bass, Pontus with his guitar, and Jimmie and Zandro took their places in the front with their microphones along with Vinyl Scratch at her sound mix table.

After the Pontus and Marcus put their talons on, Zandro raised up his microphone, “How are we doing Ponyville?”

The crowd screamed in reply.

Jimmie then took his turn, “We said, how are you doing Ponyville?!” His screams flew through the crowd that sent chills down my spine.

The crowd roared in response.

“Now that’s better!” He said with his signature accent.

“With this being our first ever show here in Equestria, we have a little surprise for you tonight.” Zandro added.

I couldn’t hold my excitement any longer as I began bouncing up and down on my hind legs and screaming out, not caring of what anypony thought.

“But we can’t tell you what it is because that will ruin the fun and we want to see you guys excited.” Jimmie replied with a grin.

In the background, Pontus began playing random notes which brought out the crowd’s hidden energy.

Zandro seemed like he couldn’t control his smiling. The crowd’s screams and shouts died down as he raised the microphone:

“Jimmie, I think we got a wonderful crowd here.”

“I believe we do. Then what are we doing making them wait? Let’s get this show started.”

“This song here goes to a special couple out there in this very stadium. This is When You Wake Up.”

The crowd wailed in delight when Vinyl started up her sound table and the guitars and drums picked up with the rhythm.

After a few moments of the intro, Jimmie raised the microphone,

When you wake up (wake up, wake up)
When you wake up (wake up, wake up)

I can see your hurt, See your sorry
I know the face, I know the story
When hope is fading out, You can trust me I'll be there
When pain is screaming loud, I'll

I'm awake, To be watching over you
Don't you worry, I'm never taking my eyes off of you
Fall asleep now, I will be there when you wake up
Don't you worry, I will be there
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
When you wake up

Try to forget, Try to forgive
Try to move on, Try to live
When hope is fading out, You can turn to me and say
This is more than I can possibly take

I'm awake, To be watching over you
I'm awake, I'm never taking my eyes off of you
Fall asleep now, I will be there when you wake up
When you wake up

Keep fighting every day,
It takes a lot of time
It's only in your mind
Keep fighting every day
Look inside yourself, be strong
Because from here it won't take long
Until you wake up
Until you wake up
Until you wake up, hey

I'm awake, to be watching over you
I'm awake, I'm never taking my eyes off of you
Fall asleep now, I will be there when you wake up
Don't you worry, I will be there
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
When you wake up
When you wake up

I raised my hooves into the air and cheered. Although my ears were ringing because of the amplifiers, I didn’t care. I turned over to see Fluttershy also cheering.

“Now you guys are awake!” Zandro announced. “This next song we’re going to play is our newest release and will be the first time played here in Ponyville. This is Mystery!”

“Thought it'd be easy
Now it’s getting critical
You're out of my life now
It’s unbelievable
The more things change they stay the same

Thought I could take it
But I am unable
It is too much to handle
It isn't over until it’s over

Got the heart of an ox
Got the skin of a dragon
I'm a fighter, always standing up
Now the weakness talks
I'm on my knees, and I'm about to drop!

It’s a mystery
Why I can’t stop thinking of you
How everything circles around you
In my mind

I'm doing all in my power
To get free!

In my mind
I promised myself till this day I'd be
But it’s a mystery

Can feel your presence
Can smell your fragrance
As if you stood beside me
It isn't over until it's over

I'm not gonna cry
I've been thought better than that
My eyes are too bucking dry
Now Isn't that ironic?
This is my own fight
I'm gonna wear it out
I'm gonna bleed it out!

It’s a mystery
Why I can’t stop thinking of you
How everything circles around you
In my mind

I'm doing all in my power
To get free!

In my mind
I promised myself till this day I'd be
But it’s a mystery

Now it's critical
Now it's critical
It's unbelievable
It's unbelievable

It's unbelievable
It's unbelievable!

Its a mystery
Why I cant stop thinking

Its a mystery
How everything circles around you
In my mind

I'm doing all in my power
To get free!

In my mind
I promised myself till this day I'd be
But it’s a mystery”

The crowd again began to roar. I look up and saw many pegasi flying in circles in a group. This was definitely going to be a night to remember.

“We love you guys tonight!” Jimmie exclaimed. “We have one more song for all of you tonight before we reveal the surprise. Are you ready to hear it?”

The stadium echoed with our cheers.

“I-I’m sorry I didn’t quite hear that.” Jimmie said with a hoof to his ear, pretending he didn’t hear us.

“Let’s hear it!” I screamed along with the crowd.

“Now I can hear it!” Jimmie chuckled and pointed over to Zandro.

“This one’s Incomparable.”

“I would carry the world
I would stand here and burn

You are
You are
You are
You are

I would catch if you fall
I'd take a spit through my heart

You are
You are
You are
You are

No hurricane can move me
Earthquakes can't shake me
I will always stand my ground
Always be around
No snowstorm can freeze me
Black holes can't take me
I will always stand my ground
Always be around

You are
You are
You are

No hurricane can move me
Earthquakes can't shake me
I will always stand my ground
Always be around
No snowstorm can freeze me
Black holes can't take me
I will always stand my ground
Always be around”

When the music ended, I flapped my wings and joined the crowd of pegasi above in circles. After a few moments and becoming a little dizzy, I made my way back to my spot. I turned over to Fluttershy who had a huge smile over her face as she wrapped her arms around me.

She kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear, “Here’s the surprise.”

I became confused to what she meant but turned to the stage.

“You guys have been amazing tonight and we know that you’ve been waiting for this. We will have one lucky member of the crowd tonight come up on stage and sing a song of your choice!” Jimmie explained.

Everyone at once began screaming they wanted on stage.

Zandro quickly trotted from the back stage and handed Jimmie a note in which he opened and read it.

“We have a lucky winner!” He quickly gazed through the crowd and pointed toward me. “You, with the red mane and black stripe through the middle, come on up here.”

My eyes almost bulged out of my head I couldn’t believe what I heard. Did he just… ask me to come up there?!

“M-Me?” I asked pointing at myself.

“That’s right, Pontus help this young lucky stallion up on stage.”

I slowly took a few steps forward and waited for Pontus to come for me. When he did, he had a smile on his face.

“Right this way, buddy.” He said and motioned for me to follow. From behind, I could hear scattered cheers and some ponies clapping.

“Now head on over to Jimmie over there.” He said and lightly tapped my back as we got on stage.

I did as he said and walked over to him.

“You are our lucky winner tonight to sing with us the song of your choice!” He said as he spoke into the microphone. “Now what is your name?” He moved the mic over in front of me.

“S-Scion. Scion Starshine.” I stuttered.

Jimmie softly chuckled. “No need to be nervous fella. Now, what does it feel to be picked from a crowd of thousands to sing with us?”

“Honestly, I’m shocked I don’t know what to say. The only thing I can say is that it’s an honor to live the dream. I have always to sing with my idols.” I replied.

“Well that dream, Scion is going to come true, right here tonight.” He said. “Now before we get started, you had something tragic happen to you recently is that correct?”

“Yes. I was in a coma for about a week. The doctors said that my heart stopped and couldn’t get it to start again but miraculously it did.”

“We heard about it before we arrived in Equestria. That is what I call a miracle. What was it like to wake up after that?” He questioned.

“Well I was confused at first to where I was at. I remember flying and then collapsing and then being in the hospital and seeing my friends in the hallway but after that I don’t remember a thing. Although I did feel like there was somepony with me the whole time and that I could hear her voice.” I explained.

“Do you believe it was one of your friends?”

“It was one of my friends, but she’s more than a friend now.” I said as I laid my eyes on Fluttershy who blushed madly. The crowd awed.

Jimmie smiled. “You seem like you have somepony who really cares about you Scion. Never let her go.”

“I won’t.” I whispered.

“Are you nervous?” He asked

“Not anymore.”

“Do you have a song picked out?”

“I do. It’s I Made It. I chose this song because it reflects my past and how I made it through the rough times that made me a better pony that I am today.” I said.

“And you picked the perfect song for it. Vinyl, let’s start it up.”

Vinyl gave a hoof up as she began to play the intro of the song. After about thirty-five seconds, I took a deep breath and stepped up to the microphone:

Gone are the flames
Gone are the tears and pain
That burned me that hurt me
Some days I could barely get through
Still I knew I stood never too far from you

Look at me now, I made it
Feel my heart now, I made it
Reaching things now, I never thought possible
Here I am now, I made it
Here is my life, my true dream

I'm not afraid
Even through the darkest moment
I never gave up
In my mind what I'm reaching for
Is coming closer
My dream never faded out

I never gave it up!

Look at me now, I made it
Feel my heart now, I made it
Reaching things now, I never thought possible
Here I am now, I made it
Here is my life, my true dream

I saw you in me
I felt you near me!
I felt you near me
I saw you in me!
I never gave up
I never gave it up!

Through the vocal pause, I moved with the beat of the drums and the guitars by swinging my head from side to side.

Look at me now, I made it
Look at me now, I made it
Feel my heart now, I made it
Look at me now I made it (look at me now)
Feel my hope now, I made it (look at me now)
Reaching things now, I never thought possible
Here I am now, I made it
Here is my life, my true dream

Once the music stopped, the stadium echoed with cheers and whistles and hearing ponies scream.

“That was phenomenal! Where did you learn to sing like that?” Jimmie asked.

“I-I don’t know. I’ve never sang like this before but I guess it just comes naturally.” I replied. I looked over to Fluttershy who wore a surprised but cheerful expression on her face.

“Well either way, it was truly amazing.”

I had no words. There was nothing that I could say that could describe what I was feeling at that moment.

“Can I bring somepony up here?” I asked.

“You sure can.” Jimmie replied.

“Fluttershy come on up here.” I said as I spoke into the microphone.

Slowly, she made her way onto the stage and stood next to me.

I softly spoke to everyone in the stadium, “This here is the mare that turned my life amazing since I met her and helped discover things about myself I never knew.”

A few aww’s were heard throughout the stadium until some stallion started chanting, “Kiss her!” Soon almost everypony in the stadium began chanting the words.

I turned to Fluttershy - who was blushing like never before and hiding behind her mane – shrugged, and gently brought my lips to hers. The crowd then went completely nuts. Their screaming seemed to be as loud as Pontus’s guitar but I didn’t care. As long as I was with her, nothing else mattered.

After a few moments, we broke the kiss. Jimmie behind us had a smile across his face as he turned to the crowd and lifted his microphone:

“Thank you Ponyville you’ve been wonderful tonight!” Jimmie shouted and walked towards us. “You two can exit through the back way if you’d like. You’re more than likely to get trampled by the crowd out the other way.”

I shrugged. “Okay.”

He led us through to the back of the stage where the other band members were and ponies with backstage passes. In the corner I saw Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie walking towards us.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked, very surprised.

“Well we thought that you needed a good time after being in the hospital for so long and all that so we heard you liked this band and since they were coming to Ponyville, Vinyl had extra tickets so she gave them to Fluttershy.” Twilight explained

I thought for a moment. “Wait a sec, you guys set this whole thing up: for me to come to my favorite bands’ concert and to sing with my idols?”

They all nodded their heads.

“Fluttershy was in on it too. It was pretty much her idea.” Rainbow added.

I turned to Fluttershy who was nodding her head. I turned back to the group. I grabbed all of them and held them tight in an embrace.

“Thank you girls so much for this; you are all my true friends.” I tried not to tear up but was hard not to due to the fact that nopony has ever done anything like this for me before. I was truly greatful.

Suddenly, through closed eyelids, there was a small flash of light. I let go of everypony and looked around.

“Did anypony see that?” I asked.

“See what?” Fluttershy replied.

“I saw a flash of light.”

Everypony looked around.

“It was probably one of the lights up there.” Applejack said.

Not sure if that’s what it was, I shook off the thought and looked at both Applejack and Rainbow Dash who wore devious grins on their faces.

“Now?” I heard Rainbow whisper.

“Now.” Applejack replied. “Hey Scion, why dontcha come on over here, we gotta tell y’all somethin’.”

“Uh sure.” I replied. I wasn’t sure if they were planning on doing anything on account of their grins a few moments earlier but I complied.

They led me into a corner where everypony else couldn’t see and took hold of my shoulders and pinned me against the wall.

“Now listen here Scion, we like you and like the idea that you’re now dating Fluttershy..” Rainbow began.

“But if y’all even think ‘bout breakin’ that young mare’s heart..” Applejack added.

“We’ll make sure that you become sterile. Got it?” Rainbow finished.

“Yes! I will never break her heart, I don’t plan to!” I said, feeling my heart almost pound out of my chest.

“Good, glad we got that out of the way. Oh and by the way, great singing out there Scion. You have one talented voice.”

“Uhhmm… t-thanks.” I replied.

Applejack and Rainbow walked away chuckling. I soon made my way back to the group who looked at me with confused expression.

“Are you okay Scion dear? You’re looking paler than usual?” Rarity asked.

Twilight looked over and saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash laughing. She sighed and smiled. “Did they give you ‘their talk’?”

I slowly nodded my head.

They laughed.

“Don’t worry, they won’t make you sterile. They’ll just hurt you like they did….” Pinkie was cut off with Twilight’s magical mouth zipper.

“What she means is they’re just trying to scare you.” Twilight said.

“Well that’s one twisted way of scaring a stallion.” I replied.

Fluttershy sat herself next to me and put her head on my shoulder. “I won’t let them do anything to hurt you, don’t worry.”

I sighed. “Now you I believe you.”

“As much as we love seeing two lovebirds being romantic with each other, let’s say we get on out of here.” Twilight suggested.

“Sure.” I replied.

Before we got to the backstage door, I heard somepony call my name.

“Scion, Scion!”

I turned around and saw a younger looking stallion along with a younger mare.

“Can we.. get your autograph?” He asked.

“Uh sure.” I replied. “Who do I make this out to?”

“To Lightning Jackson. I’m Lightning and this is my fillyfriend, Summer. We loved your singing, it was amazing!”

“Well thank you. How old are you kid?” I asked.

“We’re both fifteen.”

“Well Mr. Lightning and Miss Summer, thanks for your compliments. Maybe we can have a double date sometime get to know each other.” I said while pointing to Fluttershy.

“That would be awesome!” He took the autograph and pen with his mouth. “Fank you mifster!”

I turned around and headed outside with the rest of the group.

As we neared the downtown area, Rainbow Dash hovered next to me, “Looks like you got some fans already.”

Soon afterwards, I felt someone land next to me.

“Hey Reiku, how’d you enjoy the show?” I asked.

“It was amazing. And your part was phenomenal! Out of all the time I knew you I never knew you could sing like that!”

“Neither did I.” I replied. I looked over and barely noticed that he was wearing a shirt. “Is that a shirt?”

“Totally!” He replied.

“Reiku, why did you get a grey shirt? Your coat color is grey.” I asked.

“I know! But if you kind of look at it the right way, my coat has the same exact grey color as the shirt. Heh, it looks like a tattoo.” He said with a comical grin on his face.

Everyone in the group chuckled.

“Oh everypony, this is Reiku my longtime friend from Cloudsdale.”

“Hey everypony.” Reiku said.

“Do you wanna hang out with us Reiku?” Twilight asked.

“Nah maybe another time. I think I’ll leave these two lovebirds to do their thing. Besides it’s their special night. See ya later Scion!”

“Bye!” I replied as he flew off.

“Well I guess we’ll leave you two alone for the night.” Twilight said.

“Are you girls sure?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah. Ah have ‘n early day on th’ farm in th’ mornin’. Good night everypony!”

“I’ll get going too. Night everypony.” Rainbow added.

Everypony else said goodnight and headed on home which left Fluttershy and I alone together.

“Well, I guess that means it’s just the two of us.” Fluttershy said.

“I guess it does. Where should we go now, it’s only nine forty-five.” I asked.

“Doesn’t matter to me..” She replied.

I thought for a minute and an idea popped into my head. “How about we go star gazing? It’s a beautiful night out and there’s not a cloud in the sky.”

“That sounds wonderful!” She replied

“Where could we seem them without any light interference?” I asked.

“We could go to the backyard of my cottage. There are no lights out there so we’ll be able to see them more clearly.” She suggested.

“Your cottage it is!” I replied and we headed off to her cottage.


After we entered the gate to the cottage, we headed up the hill and into the backyard. We looked up but noticed that there was only one cloud in the sky. I looked to the side and saw a figure flying off and what I concluded was Rainbow Dash.

I smiled and pointed out the cloud to Fluttershy. “I think that cloud is big enough for both of us and we can see the stars easier from there.”

Fluttershy blushed. “Okay.”

I gently took hold of her hoof and we both flew up onto the cloud. Sure enough, it was big enough for both of us. We lay on our back on the soft cloud and admired the wonderful patterns of the stars before us.

After a few minutes of searching, I point to one right above us, “You see that one, that one almost looks like a butterfly.”

I could feel Fluttershy turning her head in different directions. “Oh I see it. And that one looks like Angel Bunny.”

“Angel Bunny?” I repeated.

“Yeah, one of the bunnies I care for.” She replied.

“Ohh, right.” A few moments of silence took place before I pointed up again. “You see that one up there? It looks like a heart.”

A few seconds passed before she replied, “I don’t see it.”

“The best and most beautiful things in the world can’t be seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart thus aiding them to see wonderful things.” I replied.

“Aww.” She turned to look back at the sky and closed her eyes. She opened them back up. “Now I see it.” A few minutes of silence occurred before she spoke, “You know something Scion?”

“What’s that?” I replied.

“They say that you can only fall in love once. But I don’t believe that is true because every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again.” She added.

I was at a loss for words. There was nothing that I could say that could describe the feelings that I had swarming through me at that very moment.

Fluttershy leaned up and rested her hoof and my cheek and brought her lips to mine. It felt like our first kiss all over again. The feeling of being drifted away by a million butterflies.

My hoof lightly tapped the side of her belly and she gently flinched and let out a soft giggle. I broke the kiss and lightly poked her belly again while watching her giggle.

“Miss Fluttershy are you ticklish?” I asked.

She attempted to hide her smile with her hooves while shaking her head. “What about you?” She asked as she poked my side.

I flinched and laughed. “Oh it is on!” The tickle war has begun.

After a few minutes of the tickle fights, Fluttershy shrieked, “You win! You win!”

I stopped and lay on my back next to her and looked up at the sky while we tried to catch our breaths.

“What is that?” I heard Fluttershy say.

“What is what?” I replied.

“On your flank.”

I turned over and noticed something was under my wing on my flank. I moved my wing and was caught by surprise. “Is.. Is that my cutie mark?!” I proceeded to touch it to be sure it was real. “It is! It is my cutie mark!”

“Oh my goodness? What does it look like?” She asked.

I turned slightly to have the moon shine on my flank. “It looks like a heart with a musical note in the middle.”

“What does that mean about your talent?” She asked.

“I think it means I have two talents. One is to sing and one is to love.” I replied and Fluttershy began to blush.



“There was something I was trying to tell you last night at the park.”

“What was it?” I replied.

“I mean I don’t know if it’s too early but my heart tells me otherwise. The thing is Scion, I… I love you..”

She began to blush and hide behind her mane. The warm feeling in my chest began and the butterfly feeling too made me realize that all these signs, were the signs my father told me about love.

I brushed her mane from her face and kissed her lightly. “I love you too, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy scooted even closer and buried her muzzle into my chest and soon fell asleep. I too became tired and rested my head just above Fluttershy’s.

“I love you Fluttershy.” I whispered and soon fell asleep.

The Morning After

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I awakened to the sound of birds lightly chirping in the distance. I opened my eyes to the sight of the sun just grazing over the horizon, bathing the land in its warmth. I never remembered the last time I was so indulged in its welcoming rays.

I let out a light yawn and took a moment to look at my surroundings. To my right was Fluttershy, sound asleep. I leaned down and kissed her forehead and watched as a tiny smile spread across her face. As peaceful as she appeared, she seemed to be shivering slightly.

‘Well it is rather chilly this morning.’ I thought.

Without waking her up, I stood up and peered over the side of the cloud. Somehow it must have lowered a little during the night as we were just a few hooves distance above ground than Fluttershy’s roof.

I jumped lightly off the cloud and flapped my wings to help slow my fall. Once on the ground, I took a moment and stretched out my legs and back and wings. I walked to the back door of her cottage nudged at the doorknob. It was unlocked.

“I hope she doesn’t mind..” I said quietly.

I eased myself through the door. Inside were all sorts of sleeping animals in their little beddings. As quietly as I could, I
lightly tip-hoofed through the doorway of the kitchen and across the living room. To my right was a staircase.

‘Her bedroom must be up there.’ I thought and proceeded up the stair case. Once I got to the top, there were two rooms; one that was a bedroom that I assumed was Fluttershy’s and another with miscellaneous supplies inside.

I walked into Fluttershy’s room and noticed a large blanket folded inside a basket near the corner. I picked it up and tip-hoofed my way back outside. I flapped my wings and gently landed on the cloud next to her. I unfolded the blanket and wrapped it around her making sure she wouldn’t shiver. I kissed her forehead and lay next to her. I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.


I awoke to the smell of what seemed to be something cooking. I opened my eyes to the sun nearly burning my corneas.

“Damn it! Everytime…” I said aloud. Celestia must definitely be out to get me.

After getting some sight back to my eyes, I looked over and noticed that Fluttershy wasn’t there and that I was wrapped in the blanket I fetched for her. I sat up and looked around. A faint trail of smoke rose from the chimney of Fluttershy’s cottage. Along with it was a most pleasant smell.

I wrapped the blanket around my neck and flew down to the back door of the cottage. Once there, I could hear what sounded like Fluttershy humming a lovely melody. It was a melody all too familiar to me.

I quietly opened the door and poked my head through. Fluttershy was at the stove with her back turned towards the door. I silently walked across the floor and wrapped my hooves around her and awarded her a surprise kiss on the cheek.

“Good morning sleepyhead.” She said with a smile.

“I know that song.” I said

“Oh? And which one is it? She said with a grin.

“The song When You Wake Up from the concert last night.” I replied

She smiled. “Well I didn’t want to wake you so I came down here and thought I’d make you some breakfast.”

“Oh that was nice of you.” I replied. “What you making?”

“It’s something my Auntie taught me to make. It’s banana nut pancakes.” She said.

“Ohhh…” I replied and sniffed the air. “Mmm, it smells delicious.” I uttered.

“It tastes as good as it smells. Here you go.” She said and she handed me a plate with the banana nut pancakes. She lightly poured a stream of syrup on top.

I took a bite and was instantly stunned. ‘Oh my Celestia these are amazing!’ I thought.

“Fluttershy, these are absolutely delicious. Thank you.” I said sincerely.

“Anything for you.” She replied with a smile and kissed my cheek.

I continued to eat the pancakes as she pursued on making more.

As I ate, I couldn’t help but just gaze upon her. She is everything that I’ve ever wanted in a mare and more. There was nothing more at that moment that I could ask for.

Once she turned to look at me, she smiled. It was a smile that can say a million things without words.

Once we finished breakfast, I kissed her lightly and held her in my hooves.

“Shall we get ready for the day?” I asked

She giggled and smiled, “Yes.”


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2 Years Later…

‘Hmm….” I thought aloud, looking through the glass counter. “It can’t be like anything ordinary, it has to be perfect. A perfect mare deserves the best.” I thought.

“Ah, that one there!” I explained; my excitement began to manifest.

I gave the money to the clerk, thanked her, and headed out of the shop.

“I sure hope to Celestia that she likes this..” I said quietly. I stowed the small box in my saddlebag and headed down the trail to Fluttershy’s cottage.

It’s been over two years since Fluttershy and I began dating and everyday being with her has made the next day even better than the last.

During these two years, Reiku moved to Ponyville. He decided that after being here for a while, he wanted to stay. He quickly fit in here in the small town. After a year or so, and after several attempts, he finally convinced Rainbow Dash to go out on a date with him. And ever since then, the two lovebirds became almost inseparable. Although I never thought Rainbow Dash would have given him a chance seeing how strict she was with stallions, I’m happy to see them together.

As I passed my house and through the town square, I noticed Applejack by her apple stand.

“Hey AJ! How are you doing on this fine day?” I asked.

“Howdy Scion! Ah’m doin’ mighty fine. My, you seem rather happy today.” She said as she winked.

I chuckled. “Who would be sad on such a beautiful day such as this?” I said and returned the gesture.

She chortled. “Ah agree.”

“See you at Fluttershy’s in a few?” I asked.

“You betcha’.” She replied.

We said our goodbyes as I continued on to Fluttershy’s. As I neared the gate leading to her cottage, I looked up and spotted Fluttershy unhooking the gate. I quickly flew over.

“Fluttershy!” I half shouted. She turned around as I quickly wrapped my hooves around her and locked our lips together in a long kiss.

“Well hello Scion.” She said cheerfully as she kissed me again. “What brings you here? I mean not that I don’t like seeing you or anything…” She fluttered her eyelashes.

“I thought it was you by the gate and thought I’d surprise you…” I stopped and looked behind me as I heard a whistle.

“What was that?” Fluttershy asked.

“Stay right here. I’ll be right back.” I said and flew towards the focus of the whistle.

I quickly moved behind a large tree and landed. It was Applejack.

“What is it?” I asked quietly.

“How’ll Ah get there without her seein’ me?” She questioned.

I thought for a moment. “Ah! I think you’ll have to go the back way. I’ll distract Fluttershy for as long as I can so you have the time needed to get behind her cottage. Is everypony there?”

She nodded. “Ah just came back from there an’ quickly hid ’cause Ah didn’t want her to see me.”

“Okay, when you get up there, whistle like you did just a few moments ago.”

“Got it.” She replied and began to tip-hoof around the trees.

I turned around to head back to Fluttershy. When I caught sight of her, she was sitting on her haunches and carried the cutest smile.

“Did you find what it was?” She asked.

“Oh it was a little baby bird on the ground.” I replied.

Her smile quickly faded and she quickly jumped to her hooves. “Oh my goodness, is the poor darling okay?” She asked as she began to flap in the direction of the large tree.

I held her hoof in mine. “It’s alright darling, I took care of it.”

She landed and puffed out her cheeks as if fighting off the urge to follow her instincts. “Okay..” She breathed out.

I placed my hoof under her chin and gently lifted it up until we made eye contact. I smiled to reassure her everything was okay. It worked as she returned a smile and lightly locked our lips together.

We broke the kiss and sat in silence for a moment. It seemed like minutes before I broke the silence.

“So… were you heading home before I attacked you with kisses?” I winked.

She giggled. “Yes. I went out for little walk by Twilight’s suggestion. But I’m glad that you’re here.” She turned her head slightly. “What’s the saddlebags for?”

“That my dear… is a surprise.” I replied and helped her to her hooves.

I unhooked the gate and opened it. “After you.”

“Why thank you.” She replied and lightly whipped my nose with her tail seductively.

I caught up to her and stole a quick kiss on her cheek, close to her snout.

I chuckled. “So close.”

Fluttershy giggled and laid her head on my shoulder as we slowly walked up the hill to her cottage.

“Hey Scion?” She asked.


“I have a question for you but do you promise not to freak out?”

“Ask anything you’d like.” I replied.

She took a deep breath. “Do you like kids?”

“Like kids? No I don’t like kids…. I LOVE kids! I always told myself when I was a young teenager that I wanted foals of my own when I got older.” I replied. “Why do you ask?”

“Oh, I was just wondering…” She replied, sounding as if she had something on her mind.

“Nah tell me.” I nudged her shoulder.

“Well I too have always wanted a little foal of my own since I was a filly. I knew that one day I’d grow up and make it happen. Ever since I watched Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Applebloom, a feeling inside of me grew and said that I want to experience what it would be like to be a mother.” She replied as she looked into my eyes, her aqua eyes fluttering in the sunlight.

I leaned my head against hers. We walked together in silence as I felt the warmth of her coat against my wing. There was no need for words. We both felt a warm burning passion that couldn’t be explained nor understood unless experienced.

We reached the top of the hill and stopped near the front corner of her cottage.

“Hey, follow me.” I said.

Fluttershy followed behind. As I neared the corner of the back yard of the cottage, I stopped for a moment and looked around the corner. I first caught sight of Applejack and turned around.

“Now baby do me a favor. Close your eyes and count to twenty and then come around to the backyard.” I explained.

“What’s going on?” She asked.

“You’ll see.”

She giggled and closed her eyes and started counting.

I quickly rounded the corner of the back yard and noticed that everypony was there: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Reiku, my parents, Leo, Twilight and everypony else. I jumped behind them and took out the tiny box from my saddlebag.

“So what are we doing here?” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“You’ll see in just a moment. Just tell me when she comes back here.” I replied and unraveled the box from its wrapper.

“Oh my goodness, what’s everypony doing here?” I heard Fluttershy’s gentle voice say.

“She’s here.” Rainbow said.

I stood up and began to walk through the crowd. As I approached Fluttershy, I never broke eye contact.

I sat on my haunches with the box behind my back.

“Fluttershy, I brought everypony here to witness this.” I began and noticed Fluttershy’s eyes begin to widen. “Ever since I first saw you at Pinkie’s party when I first moved here, I knew you’d be the one I was going to be happy with. We’ve been together for more than two years. We’ve stuck with each other through the thick and thin and managed to come out stronger than before. And I also knew that you would be the one I would want to spend the rest of my life with.” Her eyes began to tear up as she held her hooves over her mouth. I pulled out the box and unveiled an engagement ring carrying a gem the same color as her eyes. “Fluttershy, will you marry me?”

Before I knew it, her lips were locked to mine and her arms tight around me. A few in the crowd began to ‘aww’.

“Yes!” She sniffed and wiped away her tears. “I would love to marry and spend the rest of my life with you!” She replied and we kissed again.

The crowd clapped their hooves together as Fluttershy held each other tightly, knowing that one day, we will have a family of our own.


Later That Evening…

“Oh my gosh!” A now seven-year-old Leo pranced around the living room joyfully. “I can’t believe you’re marrying Fluttershy!”

I smiled. “Fluttershy’s now gonna be your sister-in-law.”

“I know! Oh boy, this is gonna be so awesome!” He squeaked.

I chuckled. After watching Leo bounce around the living room for a few minutes, I heard a sudden loud thud coming from upstairs.

“What was that?” I said. I sat up and began to walk toward the stairs when Leo trotted quickly in front of me, blocking my way.

“You don’t wanna go up there.” He said with widened eyes.

“Why’s that?” I asked.

He let out a deep sigh. “Trust me.”

I grinned. “It sounded like it come from my room. Maybe my stereo fell or something so I have to go and check it out.” It was a lame excuse but he had no interjection.

“I’ve warned you.” He said as he quickly trotted off.

With curiosity, I slowly made my way up the stairs. Once I reached the top I heard yet another loud bang. It was indeed coming from my room. I turned the corner and noticed the door to my room shut.

‘That’s odd. I never close my door during the day.’ I thought.

I made my way to the door and before I touched the door knob, I heard a high pitched pleasurable grunt from the other side.

I quickly turned the knob and opened the door only to find Rainbow Dash on her back and Reiku on top of her doing…. certain activities. I rapidly shield my eyes with my hoof.

“OH MY CELESTIA! Reiku couldn’t you have picked a better place?” I couldn’t resist but see if they have had the decency to cover themselves up but from what I’ve witnessed, they haven’t. “And why did you have to use my bed?”

“Dammit, doesn’t anypony knock anymore?” He replied. Rainbow continued to make high pitched grunt noises as my bed started to squeak from their movement.

I rapidly closed the door and took a deep breath. “How long have you two been doing this stuff?”

“A few..ehhnggg… a few months!” Rainbow replied between breaths. She then suddenly let out a short pleasurable scream.

There was a few moments of silence. “Oh… um, sorry about your bed, buddy.” Reiku said.

I cringed. I knew exactly what happened. “Just burn it when you’re done.” I replied and headed downstairs.

I headed for the door and turned to see Leo sitting on his haunches in the middle of the living room floor as if he has been waiting for me.

“I told you it was a bad idea to go up there.” He said.

“I’m gonna go see Fluttershy.” I said slowly. Maybe seeing her would take my mind off of what I had just witnessed. In my room…..and on my bed.


As the sun began to set, I flew over to Fluttershy’s cottage and saw her outside in her backyard. She looked up and waved. I flew down and landed in front of her.

“Hey sweetie.” I said and kissed her.

“Hey Scion. What are you up to?” She asked.

“Well I caught Rainbow Dash and Reiku having sex on my bed.” I replied.

She brought her hooves up to her mouth to suppress her laughter.

“Come on, let it out.” I smiled and poked the side of her belly. When doing so, she let out a light laugh that would make anypony’s day.

“I’m sorry, but that’s funny. Just last week I caught them doing it in my chicken’s coop.” She said.

“Jeez, they seem to be feeling like doing it anywhere it seems.” I replied.

A short silence followed as Fluttershy lightly dug at the ground with her hoof.

“Got something on your mind?” I asked.

“Well..” She hesitated. “Just one thing.”

“Like what?” I replied.

“Well we’ve never done anything like that yet.” She said.

“What, sex?” I asked.

She nodded and instantly began to turn red. I too began to feel my face getting hot.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” Fluttershy said.

“No it’s okay. You just took me by surprise that’s all.” I assured.

“Okay.” She replied.

“Well since we are about to get married, you know what newlyweds do after the wedding?” I asked.


I looked at her with a seductive glare to which she began to blush even more.

She walked slowly to me and lightly bumped my side with her rump. “We’ll just have to see.” She said and seductively brushed her tail across my cheek.

As she walked, I couldn’t help but glance at the curves of her body. She turned her head around and winked. I could feel my face becoming hot.

“This wedding couldn’t come soon enough.” I thought.