Guardian's Sorrows

by Thorn231

First published

The Circle of Guardians are tasked with delivering a very important package to Princess Celestia. Their sacrifices in doing so are enormous... May their name live on forever in the fillies they died protecting.

When Lord Arceus tasks the Circle of Guardians with delivering the Mane Six to his partner Princess Celestia all the way in Canterlot, the guardians accept, knowing that they have to sacrifice their own lives if they are to succeed in this impossible mission. On the way, they are ambushed by Queen Kyurem and her Dark Seeker Army. They are mortally wounded in the progress of fighting them, and decide to leave one last parting gift... Read about their sacrifice. I'm sure this story will warm your heart. It is based on this ultra sad picture that I saw online.
By the way, the guardians are the ones from my story, Rise of the Guardians.

The Guardian's Sacrifice

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The Guardian's Sorrows

Rain came down in great lashing torrents, soaking the six guardians that were running down the trail right down to the bone. The leader, Titanium Dragonoid, had been called to the Guardian Castle by his ruler, Lord Arceus, and tasked with delivering a basket of six very important fillies to Princess Celestia, his partner, whom ruled from Canterlot Castle in Equestria. Drago had gone straight to his friends, to seek their aid in this impossible mission.
The fillies were the future Mane Six. They were currently lying in a brown basket, fast asleep, and cradled in the Subterra Guardian Boulderon's arms. Drago turned and gave a order to his friends. The Darkus Guardian, Helios, nodded and instantley his radar system kicked to life. His eyes glowed red as his FARBRAS system scanned the nearby underbrush for any type of hostile lifeforms. His jet turbine flared, and he hovered off the ground, continuing to scan. A minigun popped up from his left arm, while his right summoned a long razor bladed axe from his Attribute symbol.
Taylean, the Ventus Guardian, extended the razor sharp blades hidden in his armored gauntlets, and joined Helios in scanning the area. Drago had put up this many precautions because there were many enemies of the Empire that would happily rip the six fillies limb by bloody limb. Their duties as guardians of the fillies prevented that from happening. "Boulderon! We must not stop! We have to get these fillies to Princess Celestia by nightfall before the Dark Seekers get to us!" Drago shouted.
The Subterra Guardian nodded, his face grim. Trister, the Aquos Guardian, and Wolfurio, the Haos Guardian, followed, Trister happily bouncing despite the rain pelting down on them and the sad atmosphere. Wolfurio had a look of grim determination on his face, his eyes glaring and his fingers wrapped tightly around the handles of his mythical weapons, the Haos Lance and Light Shield.
As the guardians continued to advance through the massive rainstorm to Canterlot Castle, something attacked... A blade flashed out, aimed directly at Drago. The Pyrus Guardian summoned his Flame Shield and Flare Blade and deflected the blade with his shield. "Guardians! Palanax formation!" He roared. The guardians shouted and Boulderon placed the basket containing the fillies on the ground, and they formed a protective wall around it with their own bodies.
A swarm of Dark Seeker soldiers rushed out of the surrounding forest, whooping and giving shouts of rage. The Dark Seeker ruler, Queen Kyurem, had given a bounty on the fillie's heads. The Dark Seeker who could bring the little fillies to the evil queen earned a vast amount of money and a personal suite in the Queen's castle.
Helios's back turbine rocketed, and he flew into the air, a aimer forming on his right eye as it tracked the moving Dark Seekers. Instantley, several small holes opened in the turbine, and a barrage of Darkus energy shots rained out, pelting the Dark Seekers and infliciting a large amount of damage. His arm miniguns popped up, and added to the defening barrage. The plates protecting his Ragonork Cannon slid apart, and it blasted a massive beam of energy at the Dark Seekers, killing off several.
Boulderon lunged forward, grabbing several Dark Seekers and breaking them in half with his immense strength. He picked up huge boulders and hurled them at the dark warriors, crushing several. Wolfurio sped up, using his Haos Attribute to strengthen his energy limits. He lunged forward and slashed the Dark Seekers several times with his glowing lance, and blocking any blow that they threw at him with his large shield.
Trister cupped his hands together, then blasted forth a torrent of water. It slammed into a Dark Seeker, propelling him into his comrades. Then Trister gave a mad grin, and summoned a giant water cannon out of nowhere. "Surprise!" He cackled as he blasted a huge spout of water at the Dark Seekers. It slammed into them, washing many of them away and drowning a large amount.
Drago roared, his body flaring with Pyrus energy, before opening his maw and blasting a huge beam of fiery energy at the swarming Dark Seekers, incinerating many with ease. He then leaped forward, cutting down any Dark Seeker who strayed into his path with a combination of the Flare Blade and his own fiery techniques.
Taylean moved with stealth, like the ninja he was meant to be. He suddenly appeared in front of a Dark Seeker, before slashing the Bisharp across the face, killing him. He then disappeared in a flash of smoke and reappeared behind another. He cast a line of green energy around the Dark Seeker, then twined it. The enemy warrior exploded.
However, the Queen, seeing her warriors having their asses handed to them, decided to come herself... There was a huge gleam from the sky, and a Ice Beam slammed into Taylean, propelling the Ventus Guardian right into his friends. Kyurem slammed into the ground, her body gleaming with frozen ice. Her dull yellow eyes gleamed with sadistic humor as she grinned, bearing her enormous razor sharp teeth.
The Dark Seekers quickly lined up behind their queen, brandishing their weapons. "Your last chance. Hand them over and place your weapons on the ground and we will kill you quickly." Drago snarled back "I would rather die then hand over these fillies! They're our partners and we must protect them at all costs!" Kyurem snarled. "So be it. Kill them." She gestured to her men, who roared and lunged at the six guardians protecting the fillies.
"Guardians! Fight for the fillies! Fight for harmony! Fight for Our Lord Arceus!" Drago roared as he lunged forth, spinning the Flare Blade and Flame Shield within his claws. His friends roared back and followed, determined to destroy the menace. The Dark Seeker horde charged to meet them.
It was a long grueling battle. The guardians easily dispatched the Dark Seeker army, only recieving minor wounds. Then Kyurem, enraged, attacked them with her deadly arsenal of powerful Ice and Dragon type attacks. Draco Meteors and Blizzards pelted the guardians as they struggled to protect the basket. Drago proved the greatest defense, using his Pyrus powers to burn through the ice attacks.
Finally, wielding the Flare Blade, which was powered up with the other Attributes of Power and was now glowing rainbow colors, Drago sliced through Kyurem, killing the Dark Seeker Queen. However, the six guardians were wounded... and each of them had been speared with various icicles.
Struggling to sustain themselves, the six guardians traveled to Canterlot, all the way to Princess Celestia's tower. Kneeling down, Drago gently cuddled Twilight. "I'll miss you Twi..." Drago whispered. Helios hugged Rainbow Dash. "Win a lot of races for me Dashie..." Helios muttered, emotion clogging the Darkus Guardian's chest. Boulderon wrapped his arms around Fluttershy. "Your great with animals Flutters..." The Subterra Guardian said, tears falling down his eyes.
Wolfurio hugged Applejack. "Be honest AJ. Honesty will get you to places." The Haos Guardian sobbed. Taylean wrapped Rarity in his gauntlets, showing his face from his visor for the first time. "Your going to become a brilliant fashionesta. That's for sure. I'll miss you Rare..." Taylean whispered. Trister, the last of the Circle of Guardians, cuddled Pinkie Pie as he whispered "Be the party master you were born to be Pinkie..."
With that, the guardians let the ponies back into the basket, placed it at the doorstep, Taylean slicing his own armor to make a covering, which he placed over the fillies, and ringing the doorbell. Drago took a note written by Lord Arceus himself, only for his partner to read, out of the Perfect Core in his chest and placed it on top of the basket. With tears in their eyes, the guardians departed for the long journey back home... If they would ever make it...
Celestia woke up when she heard the ring. Whipping on her crown and shoes, the Sun Princess yawned as she got up and walked to the door. "Who would want me at this time of night?" The groggy monarch thought as she opened the door. After she opened it, she was surprised to hear the cries of six young fillies. She looked down to see a plain brown basket lying on the doorstep, a large green gleaming armor plate with the Ventus symbol on it covering it.
There was a note pinned to the plate. Celestia used her magic to pick it up and hovered it over her face. It was written by her guardian Lord Arceus. She was surprised. She haven't seen him ever since the gathering of the Rulers three years ago. The note read "Princess Celestia, if you are reading this note, then I know that the Attribute of Power Barers have been successful in their mission in delivering the future Elements of Harmony to you. It is my great pleasure to announce to you that the fillies in the basket is your most strongest weapons against evil. Raise them well my partner. Raise them well. From, Lord Arceus."
Tears began falling from her eyes as she finished reading the note. The guardians... how much of their own happiness and life that they had given up to deliver these fillies to her? She didn't know... but she knew one thing. They were true guardians. She leaned down and scooped up the basket into her forelegs, before entering the tower and closing the door.
She fed the fillies on formula, then laid them down to bed, cleaning them up with her magic as she heated them with a heater. As they laid in the large pillow, fast asleep, Celestia couldn't help but wonder what had happened to the guardians who had brung the fillies to her... She thought that it was a mystery nopony could solve... She was partly right...
Deep in the Everfree Forest...
The bodies of six brave, courageous guardians laid on the dark forest floor. Helios's life support systems had failed to save the shards of ice that were beginning to grow from the icicle, and he finally died in a surprise attack. His back turbine was smashed. His friends were in no better condition... Boulderon's armor was cracked from where the Hydreigon's Focus Blast had landed.
Wolfurio's shield and lance were missing, taken by the victorious Commander Blade after his forces had defeated the guardians in combat. His armor was smashed in, a trickle of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth. Taylean's armor was shattered, his visor caved in and blood flowing freely from the cracks.
Trister's body was crushed, his water cannon sliced into bits. Drago... the brave willing to stare death in the face leader of the guardians was the worst off. The Perfect Core was ripped out of his chest, leaving a bloody hole. His horn was sliced off, along with his right arm. Tears were leaking from the dead dragonoid's closed eyes. An impossible feat. Yet... he was doing it.
Six years later...
Twilight Sparkle and her friends, now thier normal ages, were sent to Ponyville. There, they were sent a letter by Lord Arceus on who their guardians were, and what happened that fateful night. As the ponies read, awed by their guardians's prowess and feats, Princess Celestia stood by, leaning against her guardian's side as he laid a tender hoof around her.
"Will we ever see those brave souls again Arceus?" She asked. "No... But their sacrifice will not be forgotten." Arceus answered, before whispering into Celestia's ear. She nodded as the two turned around. Celestia's horn glowed while Arceus's wheel glowed as well. With a bang of energy, the ground split open and a massive golden statue appeared.
It was of the Circle of Guardians, standing in a protective circle around the basket containing the fillies, fighting against Queen Kyurem and her army of Dark Seekers. The nameplate on the bottom contained six pairs of names.
Drago and Twilight Sparkle
Taylean and Rarity
Trister and Pinkie Pie
Wolfurio and Applejack
Helios and Rainbow Dash
Boulderon and Fluttershy
These guardians sacrificed everything they had to bring their partners to Celestia. May their names and sacrifices never be forgotten in the history of Equestria...
Guardians of the Elements of Harmony Barers, and Attribute of Power Barers. May their name live on forever.