Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen

by Epic Fable

ACT I: Episode 1: Chapter 2

Light would fade in as Sunsets fluttered open. She would grab her head when the headache settled as she stumbled up and staggered. She looked around and saw a forest that she thought might be beautiful. Vibrant colors, vines everywhere, tall trees and what appeared to be…TVs growing out of plans?
“What the…” Sunset would poke at one of the TV like plants before looking around.
“Where am I?” She would find her friends laid out in the area as she jolted to them.
“Guys! Guys wake up!” At that outburst everyone would slowly stir as they would get up.
“Uh…I’m okay. Just a headache.” Applejack replied, rubbing her head.
Rainbow would just give her a thumbs up but Flash looked around and went to Sunset.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Thanks.”
“Where are we?”
“I have no idea. I woke up just now.”
“My head feels all wonky…” Pinkie said as Rarity helped her up.
“A forest? This doesn't look familiar at all.” Fluttershy commented.
“Ugh And I’m not prepared at all! I don't have my camp equipment, my clothes-” Rarity would just ramble.
“I’m pretty sure we never left my house. This isn’t right.”
“My ankle hurts…I may have sprained it…” Fluttershy groaned as she clutched her leg. Flash would help her balance herself as the group grew quiet.
“Spike? Spike! Oh no where is he?!” Twilight said in a panic as she looked around.
“Twilight!” Twilight would turn around and see the little purple pup run to her and jump in her arms.
“There you are. Don’t scare me like that. Where were you?”
“I was over there by those rocks. Woke up just now.”
“Seems like we all did.” Sunset thought a loud. As everyone gathered together their thoughts were interrupted by a rumbling followed by a rhythmic noise.
“W-What is that…?” Fluttershy asked in a whisper.
The noise would turn to what seemed like a loud stomping before something appeared from the thick brush of trees. A very large green reptile that had a resemblance of a t-rex of some kind with markings and two large black horns on its back as it leered at the group. The group shook as Rainbow smirked.
“Magic time!” Rainbow reached for her geode…only to find it gone.
“My geode is missing!”
“Mine too!” Rarity shouted. All the girls inspected their person quickly only to spot the creature roaring. Rainbow was the first to speak.
“RUN!” The creature let out a tyrannosaurus-like roar as it ran towards the group as everyone ran for dear life. Flash tried to run with Fluttershy before cursing to himself and just picked her up bridal style as he struggled to keep up with the others. As the group ran Sunset would yelp as she fell into a ditch. The others not reacting in time fell into the same ditch one after the other and those that did pushed each other in by accident like human dominoes. The action was so quick it surprised the large reptile as it looked confused and sniffed around. It turned its head then left after a while. To the group the stomping became quieter and quieter before no noise was heard.
“Ugh…everyone okay?” Applejack asked quietly.
“No…” Fluttershy groaned. Everyone would look where they were as Flash and Sunset looked from out of the pity slowly.
“I think we’re good.” Flash stated. He would be the first to climb out and then offered a hand to Sunset. She would take his hand as he helped her climb up. They would each help the girls with Applejack then helping the hurt Fluttershy. Twilight gave Sunset Spike out of the pit before being helped herself.
“Thank you.”
“What in tarnation was that thing?!”
“Some dinosaur…awesome…”
“No, not awesome, we almost got killed!” Twilight snapped.
“Ow…” Fluttershy winced as Rainbow supported her.
“We can debate this later. We need to find where we are.” Applejack said sternly.
“The geodes! They really are gone!” The girls all reacted in unison as they each inspected their person.
“Geodes? The stuff that gives you guys powers from the camp right?” Flash asked.
“Yes and I can’t find mine either!” Rarity cried out.
“This can’t be happening. Those geodes always helped us! We either didn’t have them on or we lost them when we got transported…wherever this is.” Sunset thought aloud.
“It’s like some isekai scenario…” Fluttershy said quietly.
“What is that?” Pinkie chirped.
“Another world.”
“Maybe but..we still look the way we do so probably not Equestria related but this…something feels off.” Sunset spoke up. As the rest explored their surroundings slowly they heard other voices.
“-you know we shouldn’t be out here!”
“We need the food. It’s our turn anyway. Come on let’s g-”
The sources of the voices collided with the group of girls and Flash as both stared at one another. What caught their attention was what they are. One looked like a small blueish greenish dragon with little red wings, red eastern dragon like horns and red eyes and the other a lion cub with a tuft of red hair, a big golden collar with a green jewel. Its green eyes stared back along with its dragon companion back at the humans like a dear caught in headlights.
“Aww! They are so adorable!” Fluttershy smiled. Everyone else was in awe as they just stared.
“They might be dangerous.” Flash commented.
“They talked. I heard. They’re like me!” Spike said as his tail wagged.
“A dragon…and a talking lion?” Sunset said inquisitive. She would inch closer.
“Sunet what are you doing?!” Twilight asked quickly.
“If they can talk then…maybe they can understand us. Help us.”
The lion cub would step up and then spoke. 
“I’ve never seen digimon like you before.”
“Be Careful. It would be unwise to go near them…” the little dragon then spoke.
“Digimon?” Applejack repeated. “What is that?”
“It’s what we are? Duh.”
“So you CAN talk! Ohmygoshthatsointeresting. Sure we’re used to it but to see it again so exciting!” Pinkie went on.
“Uh why wouldn’t we?” a voice said from above. As the group looked up they would spot a red and white bird with a belt on its head with large talons and a lone feather on its head.
“Hawkmon! I told it’s our turn today!”
“Oh relaaaaax I just wanted to see you guys…and maybe be outside and spread my wings…”
“Aww such a cute and big bird…” Fluttershy squeed. “Is Hawkmon your name?”
“It’s what I am, yeah!”
“My name is Dracomon.” the little dragon greeted.
“I’m Liollmon.” the lion cub greeted as well.
“So what kind of digimon are you guys?” Hawkmon asked.
“We’re not. We’re humans. And Spike is a dog.” Twilight explained.
“GASP! Wait humans? So the old sister was right!”
“Watch your mouth.” Dracomon sneered at his bird friend. He would turn to Fluttershy noticing her pain expression.
“You seemed hurt.”
“We can take you to our place! The sistermon can treat you alright.” Hawkmon said in an upbeat manner.
“Are you nuts? We don’t know them. They could be vicious predators too.”
“Hey we’re not any of the sort! We’re just trying to find where we are and how to get back home.” Sunset snapped.
“I just don’t think-”
“I heard humans can’t do much. We’ll be fine! And look, one of them is hurt. We’re helping.”
“Sigh fine. Come with us. No funny business.” Dracomon looked annoyed as he and the other two creatures led the way as Sunset just eyed him in annoyance. The entire group would follow the creatures through a messy path through and in between the trees of the forest.