The Dragon Lord's Guardian

by Little_Draco

Prologue: Past Wounds, Present Scars

The Dragon Lord’s Guardian

Prologue: Past Wounds, Present Scars

A sigh left her. “Xilaryra,” The name sent a powerful shiver to every dragon in the room, minus Blacktip and the ponies. “She has and always will be my sister. But she is also the failure of our faults for not controlling her from the start. We had no idea that she was capable of this level of power or havoc, for she had caused a great strife amongst dragons that are felt to this very day and nearly killed a few in the pursuit of power and control.”

No one said anything, the air thick with tension of the tail. Blacktip remained quiet, more so his scribbling was also lowered and slowed to hear this properly. Eliyinsa felt the comfort of her mate, the support of her friends and now the understanding of their new allies. The Princess of the Night stepped forward, offering moral support.
“I understand what that has been like, for we still feel the effects of the Nightmare Moon even a thousand years later. My kind of ponies and thestrals alike have been slowly recuperating, albeit sometimes we are reminded of our troubled pasts.”

A soft hug from her sister as a gesture, adding her own to the troubles of the past. “And while I know that it could have been prevented, it is best we try to deal with the consequences and hope for a better tomorrow.”

Eliyinsa nodded softly, though she wasn’t eased. “I appreciate the sympathy, however the consequences are much dire now that we know that dragon laid an egg and that egg… belongs to Spike. A dragon who DOES NOT deserve to have any affiliation with the one who is our son. He should not have to learn of the horrible creature his mother was nor learn that he may be affected by the past should other dragons come to learn of his birth to her.”
“As is, the story of Spike’s past will remain a mystery,” Torch affirmed with most conviction. “The pain will be too much and with recent events unfolding, we plan to keep it that way. For now, we will do our best to make it our goal to be a far better dragon than any of us.”

“And that is… to be this Dragon Guardian, that you keep mentioning?” Celestia asked. “It seems to be some grand role for you kind then I assume.”

“Oh, it's more than just a grand role, Princess Celestia,” Finally, Blacktip spoke, adding his part in the conversation and trying to lighten the mood. “A Dragon Guardian is a position of High Power. Akin to the Elders but have just the same command and respect as a Dragon Lord and the will to protect dragon kind from all sorts of threats. The role has not been filled in almost a thousand years since the need for it has been lost after you two," pointing towards the Princesses. "-had defeated the Chaos Chimera. The time before that for a Guardian needed was during the death of the Dark Queen Herself, Tiamat, which we had to hide millenniums after. The status of It symbolizes the strength of their character, the will to push forward, the might against strong enemies and the heart that can rival a volcanic eruption. The Dragon Guardian is given vast prowess, control, and other benefits that other dragons could not wield in the way we normally are.”

The prince, Shining Armor, spoke his piece now. “So, my little brother is a special dragon then?” He sounded almost excited. “Meaning he could do amazing things other dragons can’t! I knew he was special but now I feel damn proud that raised him the way we did!” A stallion-like tear left him at that, earning a playful hug from Cadence.
“Indeed Prince Shining Armor. Hence why the role of Dragon Guardian is held in such a high esteem, with stories, songs and more written about each one.”

Those here felt that Spike deserved it, for his bravery, his noble heart and the love he shared, this was vacated for him alone. Yet the main problem remained.
“So, are we expecting your sis-” A draconic growl vibrated the room, causing Celestia to pause in mid speech. “Apologies. I mean, are we expecting any kind of return from this exile or interference from them at some point?”

An annoyed sigh left Eliyinsa with a shake of her head. “Unfortunately, the exile remains in seclusion and far out of my reach. The last impression she had made was in the frozen north close to your Crystal Empire.”
Cadence had brief thoughts that flared but remained neutrally emotionless. Eliyinsa briefly picked up on it but made a note later. Continuing on, her emotions visibly flared. “No doubt she has been aided by an ally or through some means for the last century”

“Century?” Luna queried. “If she has been in exile for that long, why wasn’t Spike’s egg laid earlier?”
“Perhaps she had but kept it hidden until she could find sanctuary and heat it up to a point where it would hatch or had laid it later on. Dragon eggs need a high degree of heat for a long time to hatch and when we exiled her, we forbade her from ever being able to conceive with a male.” A disgusted frown showed on Eliyinsa’s face as she spat out the last word. “Willingly.”

The thought disgusted most around her, including the Princesses. “So… she found a male to seduce to mate with her?”
Zynthia snorted. “More like forcing them through… harsh means, most likely mental manipulation or forced perception. As part of the exile process, we forbade her so no male would look at her as a viable or worthy mate, even during our seasons. We made a crucial mistake in that when we exiled her, we were only able to bind her with one brace,” Eliyinsa was about to lift her tail to show her two rings, but failed and lowered once memory returned of her unclasping from them. A small sniff and she continued on. “She ran away before we could slip the other one. We thought it would be sufficient but it seems not.”

“Did you ever try to locate her after?” Cadence asked. Once more a thought came up that seemed worth checking on but Torch and the others shook their heads.
“When a dragon is exiled, we no longer deal with them in any way or form. Should they live or die, it's no longer our concern, even one as strong as her. A mistake we are now paying for years later.”

“Then the question remains,” Celestia stated in a serious tone. “What happens should she re-emerge? She left Spike's egg in my care, as I was not aware of who she was for twenty years, will she come back seeking it? And is she truly so powerful that it can affect us?”

Eliyinsa looked at the Solar Monarch and leaned closer to her. “Did she say anything to you inspecific when she gave you the egg?
Celestia felt her trying to peer into her mind once more, finding many things within her, earning a small grunt from her. “Please, there is no need for that, I will explain it for you.” Eliyinsa bowed her head.
“Apologies. At this point, I’m… we are desperate to know if we must protect Spike at all costs and any vital information is key to this.”
Understanding, Celestia recalled the visitation. “At first, she came out of the sky, almost like an imminent attack of sorts, but this happened long before the migration decades ago. I sent the guards to their stations and prepared for an attack but she… almost came crashing down to Canterlot  gardens.”
The elders peered in closer, with Blacktip writing furiously to capture everything he could. Continuing, Celestia frowned for a moment. “I thought that perhaps she was injured or was hurt, which was the case, but she also was… crying and scared.”

No Elder cared for the feelings of an exile, yet Eliyinsa seemed intrigued by this, almost wanting to bark in laughter at the fact that… the creature could feel emotions such as those.

“She saw me, knowing or reading into my mind, who I was and begged me to help her. To help save something precious for her.” Celestia paused and looked up to each of them, a begging of permission forming. “I know she doesn’t mean much to you, but can I still refer to her as a dragon or name?”

Each dragon gave a low toned growl but Eliyinsa nodded with permission. “If it helps keep the story going, please do so.”
Though she only said the name once, she nodded before continuing on. “Xilaryra," she called herself and showed me her egg and asked if I could take care of it for her. To raise it and to give it a good home for it. She could not because there were dragons after her at the moment. If I were to have the heart that she claims she has heard of me, that I would take her egg. I did. Then she instructed me that only high heat or powerful magic would hatch the egg, how magic may assist in raising him, she made me swear that I would never tell anyone who she was and that she dropped off the egg.” A pause as she studied each elder, trying to gauge their emotions and spoke on. “I swore… that I would take care of it, but I did ask if she would return.”
Eliyinsa was now studying the princess intently, hoping to get an answer or a need to hear something they wanted. Celestia sighed and shook her head. “She said she would not, for she explained to me that her fate was sealed and that she would lose the only heart she had in this world. Before I took it, she quickly spoke to the egg, though I couldn’t hear it, she cried as she did so and finally handed me the egg. I did ask if she had a name to give it but she said no, it was not in her control. Then she thanked me once again and took off.” Celestia pursed her lips and she gave a small look of annoyance. “I swore to her that I wouldn’t tell anyone about her arrival. But because of who she is and what she has done, I am not sure if I still feel comfortable revealing that yet.”

The Elder dragons were silent, each one carrying their own weight of emotions. None were actually content with the story but they seemed more puzzled by the information. Eliyinsa was more stoic than even Torch was, for her mind was blazing with too many emotions for herself to distinguish. Blacktip, having finished writing, broke the silence in the room.

“Judging by the two decades since her departure and the fact she believed she may not survive, it is safe to assume that she will never return to enter Spike's life or that she may have died in the decades since.”

Torch gave the scholar a look that would say otherwise. “While I highly doubt the exile will come back for the egg, I don't expect the exile to have perished. Unfortunately.”
The ponies in the room flinched at the crude and almost disturbing thought of how little they thought of an individual’s life no matter their crimes, but none said anything out loud.
Saphira then turned to Eliyinsa. “Do you fear that she is still alive and will return to cause havoc, Elder Eliyinsa?”

The black dragoness had been quiet for the last few moments and was vastly disturbed by everything. Her mental turmoil was disrupted by the calm and gentle voice of Saphira and she looked up at her with a look of worry that consumed her far more then the others. “I am not afraid that she is alive, I am afraid that she will come back and re-enter Spike’s life and ruin his. From what Celestia has said, to give up Spike’s egg to her willingly and her emotional state after, make me fear that her instincts will kick in and the fact that I might be alerting her by my scan, will have her reacting to come seeking him.”

“You know she cannot return to the Dragon Lands,” Zynthia remarked with much confirmation. “She cannot and will not step a single claw near Spike so long as he remains home.”
“And as a Dragon Guardian, do you think that will apply to him and his duties?” Eliyinsa asked, her voice showing her concern and her fears warranted. “Spike’s role will have him travel outside the lands and beyond. His attachment to Ember will not slow his progress nor will it prevent him from trying to aid other dragons or his pony family either. Because of our oath to not speak about his past, there may be a moment where he will encounter her in some form or another.”

A powerful ripple of anger and worry consumed through them all and a grip held their hearts. Three mothers worried about the pain their child would face and others could not phantom would agony would come to pass as Spike’s future as a Guardian has become more complicated. Yet it did not seem hopeless by the scholar himself.

“Then perhaps we can speed up his progress in becoming a Dragon Guardian,” Blacktip pipped in, causing every head to turn to him. He finished his writing and snapped both quill and scroll away in flames. “It is my understanding that if… Spike was to encounter the exile, he should be ready. As a Dragon Guardian, it is all up to us to prepare for confrontation of not just her but of other potential threats that will arise for him in the future. He has already proven himself with the Storm Army and while he did not attack them directly, his commitment to helping and protecting others is already vastly overshadowed by how much effort he is willing to put forward to do so. However, I must advise that we take precautionary measures to ensure his survival as well.”

Each dragon seemed apprehensive at first but slowly started to come forward on the idea, same with the ponies.
“What do you suggest then, Blacktip?” Torch asked, “Do we start training him earlier than planned?" 

The green drake nodded. “No time like the present but, we train him not just as a Dragon Guardian, but in different forms as well besides the standards of Seekers, Brawlers, Enhanced, and other forms of Dragon training that should be given to him.” His eyes turned to Eliyinsa. “Perhaps training him how to deal with mental and psychic abilities from Elder Eliyinsa,” He then turned to the ponies. “And even learn how to deal with magical aspects as well. We know that Dragons will eventually grow to be resistant to magic, but perhaps he could learn how to wield it through his own. As is, the exile explained to use excessive magic to hatch him, correct?” A slow nod from Celestia. "Then perhaps knowing to infuse your magic to Spike at a young age with magic was a given or instructed by the exile?”
Celestia paused at the thought though she tried to offer clarification. “I have my familiar ‘Philomena’, who can send scrolls because she was a fire elemental. Something my mentor, Starswirl the Bearded, had shown me when I was young.” Though a frown worked its way up. “I didn’t know if it would work on Spike or not since my encounters with dragons have been limited.” Her eyes went to Torch and Saphira. “Outside of meeting you two over the centuries, I had no way of knowing. I tested it only years later when Twilight fully became my student and was ready to deliver me her reports. Spike’s fire casting-”
“Firebreaking, Princess Celestia.” Blacktip corrected with politeness.
“-Firebreaking… would actually work until he breathed his first flames. I wasn’t even consciously aware I could apply to him.
“The imprint the exile left on you,” Eliyinsa stated confidently albeit with some minor discomfort of the preplanned notion that even she  was not aware of. “It’s in there, as is the need to treat and care for Spike as your son.” It was small, but there was something here for her to smile about. “He was and always will be your son as well, even if the imprint was implanted it helped him. Now comes the part of where the magic aspect comes into helping him on his journey.”  
Blacktip nodded at the confused looks from the ponies. “If he has been surrounded by pony magic his whole life, then it shouldn’t have come to a surprise that he has some of it embedded within him.”

“We do not know that he can fully wield pony magic,” Stated Eliyinsa.
“We do not know that he won’t be able to,” Blacktip replied back with certainty. “The sheer fact that Twilight and Celestia have enchanted him with their own magic since youth perhaps gives him an edge that he may not even know he has of its own, with or without the exile’s grace of implantation. What I am proposing is that we train him in every form, in every way he can. A Dragon Guardian is supposed to defend dragon kin from all threats whether they be magical, mystical, physical and more. He will not be able to battle the likes of gods so to speak but we can give him the means to protect those around him.”

“And you think that by all of us training him, that he would not suspect something? Or that he will be worn out?” Zynthia queried in worry for her son. "We had planned to let him rest and recover after everything he has been through. Surely we can let them rest?" That was echoed by Eliyinsa's concerns as well.
"But if it means he will push past it to accept his role, he will endure through the workout we put him through, but with less suspicion." Torch is affirmed by Spike’s morals and attitude.

Blacktip agreed. “No doubt, Spike will suspect something. His intelligence has made him superior to many dragons combined. However, stating that this is the role of a Guardian and the benefits of being more than he could ever be, will no doubt push his boundaries and have him reach new heights before his first century.” He then motioned towards the prince and princesses alike. “You have all given your love and support to him for years and because of that, he always sought to achieve more than what he knew what to do with. Now he paid it back by saving the ponies on a multitude of occasions without demanding reward.”
He then looked back to the Elders. “You four have given him a draconic family, that he didn’t know he could have that has spread his hearts amongst and more. So, while you feel that this is going to be a breaking point for him, I believe that this is just the start for him. That he will make an astonishing effort to be the best he can be without struggling. Assigning him a small role from each of us, will give him the need to always help those around him, in the name of Friendship and his heart.”

Blacktip snapped back both quill and scroll, writing objectives for each member present here. "From me, he will learn how to properly hone his Firebreaking and manipulation. Zynthia will teach him about strength and combat like she has before. Torch and Saphira may teach him about our history that can prove vital or essential that could teach him more of our kind. Eliyinsa can teach him how to protect himself from telepathic and mental attacks, as well as improving his psyche from other forms of harm." After marking that, he pointed towards the Princesses. "While I am not sure if you can teach him from afar, perhaps sending him lessons on defensive magical projections or harnessing would help."
“Perhaps we can start by sending sorcerers or scholars to provide books or lessons via train, to assist on the side or bring him new information on how to wield pony magic.” Celestia proposed, then turning to the Elders through a small pause. “As a way to start trades of goods and services between our lands and start the process of becoming good neighbors.”
All Elders looked to Eliyinsa, who created a psychic link between them to agree in both the effort to aid Spike as well as the construction of such a process. In just moments however, it was unanimous. 
“Agreed.” They echoed, created the warmest and most positive news yet.
Once done writing with everything so far, snapped both away and seemed content with what he had just established with them all. "What happens from here on out, is up to us. We can and will make sure Spike is prepared for his role and beyond."
The Elders and Princesses agreed.
"For his future," the Elders roared in agreement.
"For his life," The princesses agreed.
"And… in the name of Harmony." Blacktip added.

They all bowed their heads and the meeting was concluded.

The dragons left that night, allowing the others to remain until the morning came and the Scepter’s need to return home.

On the flight home, Eliyinsa made a loud statement to them all. “He has fully bonded to his mates now, making them connected to each other beyond normal means. The Bloodstone deems him worthy.”
This concerned them all since the defeat of the Storm King, unseen by Blacktip however. “Surely it hasn’t responded to him that quickly?”
“You were not there to witness it, Blacktip.” Torch reminded him. “The Bloodstone Scepter came to him, it pulled towards him without his touch and for now, he commands the same power as Ember.” 

A pause at the rushing winds that came before them. “Should we be concerned then?” This came from Eliyinsa.

Zynthia nodded. “If he continues the selfless crusade of protecting others instead of himself, then we need to teach him not to be, for the sake of his hoard.” 
No dragon disagreed and no one said anything else as they headed back home. A different storm was coming for him, but it would affect those around him, triggering events outside of their control. For what it was worth, Spike would have all the help he could possibly get from two worlds, but moreso, the love and support he would receive would push him to go further than he had ever gone before and his life would be a part of history.

The future remained unknown… but Harmony had its own plans.