Equestria girls: before the reset

by Abyssal_eclipse

Crimsons redemption (sidestory during the battle of the bands, his pov)

I wasn’t any better then where I started after turning into a demon though after hearing what Sunrise said shocked me as she was right there was no other way to put it. I decided to accept my suspension that was also given to me as punishment. I walked around the town not caring enough to watch where I’m going. I decided to book an appointment with Dr.Eclipse as soon as I get back. I notice I’m by Sugarcube Corner which I heard was good and wanted to try it, so I walked in and got some hot coco, as well saved some time by working on some homework like a habit, and while I was there though I didn't have much and needed to catch up but I found it interesting. Though I would prefer to stay up late and be tired then fall asleep to the call of the nightmares but somehow my employer knows that I haven’t been sleeping well and had to knock me out to even get me to sleep stubborn as I was. I gave him no choice other than to be down from one backhand alone when it would have taken a lot more to do so. I have only been seen on the school campus once since I was suspended but that was to schedule an appointment for the first day I get back to head over to Dr.Eclipse’s office which might help me out later. After that I just leave and don't come back till my suspension is over.

I was watching the stream that was playing from the school about the battle of the bands to see the girls pony up and defeat the sirens and I felt bad for the three as I know how it felt to be on their side of the rainbow causing him to have to confront what he doesn't remember sense freshman year from the stress and from what the school therapist’s advice for him when he first got there helped him see now that he needed to have himself checked for something on the note he gave me and I went through the test but couldn't afford the medication, thankfully my alter as they are called, thankfully somehow knew I work on the weekends with Dark Thomas Flame or rather now during my suspension whenever I can as I forgot that sense he helped me out I have a place to call home thanks to him and his strange ways. BUT HOW DOES HE SAY SOMETHING THAT MAKES NO SENSE LIKE “shooting fish in a pan” AND WHEN I LOOK HE’S JUGGLING THREE PANS ALL WITH FISH COOKING IN THEM YET THEY WERE STILL COOKED WITH HOW MUCH THEY WERE IN THE AIR COOLING RATHER THAN OVER THE FIRE!!! AND THAT'S NOT TO MENTION HE WAS BANNED FROM HIS OWN KITCHEN SO I HAD TO TAKE OVER THE COOKING AFTER REMINDING HIM!!! That’s what it’s like working with Dark Thomas Flame, the nutjob of the city…

After the suspension was over

It took some time and lots of bullying from the rest of the school as payback. It was only my first day back from suspension. I was just letting it happen as my eyes were opened to what I had done while spinning tales of being a great person to go down in history only to be the one to be forgotten. The only ones to not bully me were the ones I actually tried to kill as that demon though I don’t know how princess Maroon would react, ‘probably hates me for what I did…’ not to mention my demeanor had changed as I was quiet and reserved while good with my studies with the biggest shock to the rest of the school was that I felt like I needed to let this happen to me to atone for what I had done even though I'm not religious I just let it happen and it worried them. When the girls reached out to me and started to help me back onto my feet from the ground, it confused the others including me “why are you trying to help me?” I asked confused.

“You will learn soon” just then an announcement came on and announced that there is going to be a school meeting in the auditorium for the girls explanation for why they did what they did. Everyone made their way to the auditorium after the announcement.

Once everyone was there the principal called my new friends to the stage to get answers so one raised their hand and asked what everyone else was wondering “why did you all become his friends after all he had done?”

They answered with Applejack going first “Just because he was mean to us doesn’ mean we have to be mean back.”

Then Fluttershy “He was hurting and ended up taking that hurt out on others.”

Rainbow answered next “I will admit it crossed my mind once or twice but I reminded myself that I would be hurting someone who is already in pain and Flutters would be disappointed in me if I did”

“Got that right” Fluttershy said while looking at Rainbow Dash 

Rarity started “There is enough cruelty in the world already but just because he caused our pain doesn’t mean we have to do the same.”

Pinkie answered with “It’s not fun being the big bad bully as instead of making people laugh you’re making them cry.”

Twilight was going to answer when Trixie beat her to it “We need to be better than what we were and helping Maroon get the school back together was not easy but we managed to reignite friendships that had burned out. The reason I extended my hand in friendship was more of a way to teach him that he can be better and we all need that friend.”

After Trixie was Sunset “I gave my hand because I know what it’s like to suddenly hit rock bottom when you are high up. It happened when I was younger but if not for my girlfriend and her family I would still be on the streets. So I used the kindness they gave me and extended it to him” after hearing that I was shocked along with everyone else even though I was their enemy but they gave me a second chance to be their friend. I felt my eyes well up with tears because I was happy that they were my friends.

Twilight got her turn and she said “I was going to say that as well about you Sunset, but I guess I’ll have to say something else.”

“I'm sorry” Sunset said while giving Twilight a hug with both giggling after that. There were some disapproving looks but those were few along with the gags.

“I saw a boy who lost his way and the reason I reached out was not to use him like I know some of you are thinking, but because I know that he can and will be better than he was before though what he does next is up to him.” I started to cry at their kindness when Sunrise spoke…

“I will admit that I was tempted to do so however, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that he was like me. Before Moonrise came into my life I was almost like him becoming a bully and thinking others were below me. Then one day I found her on the side of the road abandoned and while I was thinking of doing what Windigo said he would do. I found her in a box and after she said her first words as at the time I found her she was only two years old and it's been four years since then. I realized that I had become who I promised I wouldn't become without realizing it. That was what I needed and when Trixie once told me “you never know how far rock bottom is until you hit it” well she is right and I had fallen over those few months deciding what to do for only to hit the bottom as I adopted my little Moonrise and from there I decided to rebuild myself and become a better mother to her then mine was to me, for her sake and my own” she answered in the auditorium which shocked the ones who didn't know including me “you could say I was looking at my past self through Windigo in a way and now I see a bright future for Crimson.” with a smile on her face and by then I was full on crying as I ran up to them and gave them all a hug right in front of everyone, it felt nice to know that I didn't have to hide my emotions anymore so I let the tears flow.

After that, on my way to the place I used to live, I found three girls out on the street and extended my hand of friendship to them with them accepting. With one look I could tell that they were without a place to stay so “hey wanna come over to my place?” I asked

“Will we need to do anything for you?” the orange one asked

“Only if you feel like it.” I replied with a smile and a wave of my hand. The other two were eager for it while the one that asked shied away at first but decided to join them. In the end it was worth it and they were a major help with my sleep sense. There was only one bed in the whole house which was awkward at first but cuddling became our thing. Not to mention my nightmares don’t haunt me as much as they used to when the three are around me. I was glad but in the back of my mind I doubted that they would help me if I was still Windigo and I knew it would only last so long and that one day I would lose everything.