//------------------------------// // Act 2 CH 4 New Beginnings: Nightmare // Story: Twilight's Nightmare // by Nightsclaw //------------------------------// The train ride had been strange. For the first time in a very long time, she could see hate and distrust on the face of ponies. Nopony had ordered any secrets to be kept, and Twilight's body was in a dire state. Neither of them was what unsettled the Nightmare. It was how short everypony was now that she was back in Luna's taller frame. There was no doubt this was where she was meant to be, and yet there had also been a rightness to being with Twilight. She knew that each second that passed was a second closer to Celestia recovering from her parting 'gift'. The suffering that truth wrapped with the deepest, darkest nightmare she could craft had brought a thin sliver of vindictive joy to her heart. One did not survive by letting an opponent recuperate, and that fact weighed on her mind, pressed in as if the walls were closing in. Restless energy promised action, but she ignored it. One does not spend a thousand years on the moon without getting used to waiting. The most precious thing in the world needed her to remain here, and so she would. The small blessing of Harmony comfortably curled up under her wing was one of the only reasons she did not drag the moon down and use it as a hammer again and again until either Celestia or herself was no more. If you looked at Little Star now, nopony would ever know that fire had claimed both the hair and flesh from her head less than a day ago. That one so little had been so brave, so determined to push past the pain of a white-hot horn to power a pair of the most powerful teleport spells the Nightmare had ever seen back-to-back. She lightly stroked her daughter's now short mane, careful not to wake the sleeping filly. "You saved us again, daughter mine…" A small tear started to fall, but once again, the shadows stole it away. Twilight's last gift had been the most meaningful. She had promised to give Little Star wings. She had pledged that she would never be lost to old age and she would become an Alicorn like her parents. They might only be the smallest motes right now, but this close, there was no denying it. Under the mountain that was Little Star's unicorn wellspring sat six additional ones as small as the first spring sprouts. Only time would tell if they would bloom in full. Outside the window, the glow of the Crystal Empire's shield dome pierced the blizzard. Wrapped in its own smaller dome, the living extension of the Empire rushed closer to her birthplace. Sanctuary was definitely the most unique fragment Nightmare had ever encountered. Nopony from the Imperium had even conceived of something quite like this. Sanctuary's fears had led Nightmare to know who and what she was. Would Twilight be all right? Would Celestia attack them before they got back home? Would all the ponies in her care be safe? Was she strong enough to protect them if it came to that? Nightmare rested Luna's bare hoof on the crystal wall. It felt so much like Twilight's Castle and yet so different. The castle was alien and aloof most of the time. Sanctuary was a Valkyrie playing foalsitter and woe to all who would harm her charges. "Worry nought, Guardian, if it comes to conflict, we stand with you." Sanctuary did not speak, but a warmth rippled through the crystal beneath Nightmare's hooves and the succulent fears faded to mere doubts. It was not as nourishing, but Twilight would not have been happy if she had let Sanctuary suffer under the weight of fear longer than needed. It was the least she could do for the unintentional aid the potent fear had been in restoring her Luna. Outside, the grating sounds of the cannon turrets twitching smoothed, and the hum of magic from the overcharged obelisk returned to safer levels. In the distance, Equestria called. Her sister was there, and there was no telling what she would do now. Celestia had made the first move and had failed by the narrowest of margins only due to Twilight's brilliance and Little Star's last-second rescue. There were no honeyed words that could soothe over what had happened, no promises that could ever be trusted again. It was far too easy to imagine Celestia calmly smoking her favourite pipe as she gazed out from the heights of Canterlot at the chessboard that was the world. "So it's to be another of the Imperium's games… War."