Twilight's Nightmare

by Nightsclaw

First published

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

Twilight did her duty. She saved everypony she could, except herself. Now trapped by an evil cult, in more pain than she has even been in before, and dying on a sacrificial altar, she calls for help. The Nightmare answers.

Will Twilight become the next evil to threaten the world or will the Nightmare simply be glad to have some freedom? One thing is for certain, Twilight's life will never be the same again.

The Editors
Cander (CH 1-Current)
Yutah123 (CH 8-9)

Now with an excellent reading by StraightToThePointStudio (Currently only up to CH 30)

And we even have art!
[Warning Spoilers] Twilight's Nightmare Art

CH 1 Upon an Altar of Blood

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If there were one sensation that defined her existence today, Twilight would have said it was pain. To her, It seemed agony was all there ever would be. She could almost not remember what it was like to be free of this suffering. Intellectually she knew that could not be true, but that's how it felt.

She no longer screamed or struggled, her throat was too raw, breath too hard-fought and limbs too weak.

There was one bright fact she could take pride in, that she could try and take comfort in. Yesterday she insured her friends were safe; the ponies of Manehattan were safe. What could have been the most extensive loss of life in recent history prevented. Not a bad final achievement? she thought to herself.

The danger had been a powerful dark magic spell, it was going to end all life within a few miles of the city. It had taken almost all of her considerable arcane might to hold back the destructive dark magic. It felt like hours, her horn burned as she battled the tainted spellcraft. Thank Celestia I held out long enough to let everypony escape. She thought, considering the pain she felt then would feel like a spa visit today.

Thinking back to how she had arrived here, she had to admit her attackers had a good plan. It was a perfectly timed ambush and they expertly executed it. All it had taken was one forced teleportation spell. She was exhausted and just about to make her escape. Distracted and unaware she could do nothing to resist it. Today for all anypony knows I died a hero in an explosion, bravely giving my life, saving everypony.

Oh, how hard it was to try to stay positive or at least accept things. She knew that if she was asked yesterday she would have said that being here was a price she would have paid willingly, to save the others.

She was trapped, completely restrained with no options for escape. Her hope was rapidly fading, her attackers had covered all their bases. Her horn had been removed, her limbs immobilised by the rune encrusted silver rods piercing them. As an almost redundant addition the runes were suppressing her earth pony strength.

Adding insult to injury at least ninety per cent of the runes restraining her was based on a research paper she published two years ago. A moment of wry humour flitted through her mind. At least I can say I do excellent work, they better have accredited me for this. She thought.

Her ever-faithful mind and enhanced Alicorn senses perceived, logged and noted everything. She hardly cared about the dim rough-hewn stone room, and the altar she lay upon, nor the lighting caused by the menacing red radiance from her pooling blood. Her mind noted another sound; her automatic count moved up by one, thirty-five thousand and seventeen drips of her blood since Sombra's servants had left her alone.

Oh, how she wished the pain would stop, to pass out, to go mad or literally anything to bring her relief, but no her new royal body was too robust for that. She was still awake, and fully aware of how bucked she was. In all honesty, she was surprised she was still sane, likely some alicorn mental resilience.

Another drip, thirty-five thousand and eighteen her mind noted

Her ever diligent mind had a full listing in its cold, clinical detail hungry manner of every cut, every break and every degradation inflicted upon her body. She could almost see a little crazed version of herself with a quill eagerly scratching away, recording every detail — each entry dated, time-stamped and even with little diagrams.

Legs broken in four places each, one hoof removed.

Wings dislocated, about half the feathers from one removed.

Torso opened up so her captors could take various samples, six ribs broke, one removed.

The last insult to her body, her horn removed from and stabbed deep into her chest.

If not for their final act, she would eventually have been fine, eventually healed despite everything. They broke her horn off and used it to pierce her heart exploiting one of the few true weaknesses of an alicorn, their own divine horn. They had taken the focus of her special talent, her very destiny and using it as the tool of her demise.

Her heart was still valiantly trying to pump blood around her failing body, each beat just a little weaker. Her innate magic denying her a quick release allowing it to function despite the damage. They said it would take her days to finally die; she sincerely hoped they had overestimated that.

Drip. Another drop of blood fell. Thirty-five thousand and nineteen. her count continued. How many drops of blood would fall in a day, how would you calibrate something that could be so variable to keep accurate time? No, it did not matter. She thought.

I did all the right things; I did my duty as a Princess and kept everypony safe.

Being here now, this is the price I paid? She thought as a filly like voice in the corner of her mind kept asking. why can't I be saved, why is nopony here to rescue me? Why must the suffering always be mine?

Drip. Thirty-five thousand and twenty.

More tears rolled from her eyes; she could hear them drip from her muzzle into her blood below, each making a subtly different sound to other fluid dripping. At least my count will still be accurate. Her mind filled with thoughts of home, family, friends, the Princesses, Celestia.

Oh, how she wished the Princess would come and save her. On how she wished to be wrapped up in those perfect white wings to be soothed and find this is nothing more than a nightmare, a horrible, terrible nightmare but nothing else.

In her mind, she started on one final friendship report, one last letter she would never get Spike to send. Dear Princess Celestia. was as far as she got before another drop fell.

Thirty-five thousand and twenty-one. her mind reported. Her body shook as weak sobs wracked her body.

"Please somepony help me," faintly escaped her lips.

"I am here my Little Star," an almost familiar voice said in a loving tone.

To say Twilight was surprised was an understatement till she remembered. Audio hallucinations could be a sign that I am closer to death.

Something almost like magic brushed against her senses; somehow, she knew this voice of kindness was offering to take her pain away. "Let me help," the voice said as smooth as the softest silk.

Twilight let her eyes fall closed, accepting this gift of help. As darkness closed in, she felt her pain fading like a bad dream; soft feathers enveloped her in an achingly familiar embrace.

After so long, merely the lack of pain was the sweetest of ecstasy. Twilight's slow breath brought her the scents of the crisp night air, feathers, and the warm scent of an equine body.

"There, there you are safe now," her saviour gently stroked her mane with a hoof.

Shifting slightly she found herself free and no longer restricted by pain or evil metal spikes. Twilight reached out with both forelegs and her wings, returning the embrace. Tears of joy now tracing new tracks in her coat. She melted into the sensations of the hug, pressing against the reassuring feel of her saviour's hoof.

Twilight blubbered out her thanks and relief not caring if this was real, a delusion or simply Faust come to claim her soul.

The Spirit waited for something to happen, as always she was aware of everything Twilight experienced. Even if she viewed it in a detached, somewhat removed way. The suffering her host was going through was not what she would wish inflicted upon her worst foes. Even with Twilight being her enemy, she respected her. Yes she might kill her or torment her a bit to prove her dominance, but this unnecessary torture was going too far.

If it were not for the seal preventing her from acting, she would have spared Twilight this suffering and torn apart those foul followers of Somber with relish. Trapped since the Elements had stripped her from Luna, suppressed under the might of Twilight's magic. There was nothing she could do but watch.

She had spent a long time just watching, she had nothing else to do. Given everything she'd seen from her prison in Twilights mind, she had learned much. The Spirit was still unsure of a lot of things, the truth of her existence being the largest issue. Who am I? The original, a fragment, a copy? She wondered again. She did not know the answer, and most of the time she did not care. She was here; she was herself that is all that mattered.

One thing she did not understand, she remembered from Luna that both her previous host and Celeista should know that she was here. It was one of the burdens of using the Elements to contain spirits. So why did they never tell Twilight? No matter, Twilight served as an adequate jailer too strong to be escaped from, too pure to call out for a devil’s bargain. At least this prison has been far more interesting than the moon. Will I be free when Twilight dies? Will I be trapped in her corpse or will this be the end of me?

Well, I should find out in a week or two.. She thought bitterly.

"Please somepony help me," her host spoke in an almost inaudible whimper.

It was a cry. It was weak. It was desperate and contained the sweetest words the Spirit had heard for centuries. It was an open request for assistance, and with her host's magic so weak one she could answer. She could feel her host fading from the blood loss if she was ever going to get a perfect chance; this would be it.

She felt almost giddy, nearly breaking out in laughter before schooling her thoughts and voice. Free, free I will soon be free. What words to use, what to say.

Trying her best to use a tone her hated sister had long ago mastered, she answered. "I am here my little star." Her happiness aiding her attempt to sound truly loving.

The Spirit reached out with a tendril of her power, an open offer for Twilight to accept or rebuff as she wished. No force, no compulsion, it was carefully crafted with nothing that might awaken any suspicion. "Let me help," she almost purred. She was so close it was almost unbearable.

She could feel her host closing her eyes yielding, willingly accepting her, welcoming her in. Everything is perfect. The Spirit thought.

It was foal's play to pull Twilights mind away from the pain. It wanted so much to flee into a simple mindscape, one of a larger Alicorn lovingly holding her, stroking her mane and humming a soft, soothing tune.

The surge of gratitude and relief flooding the Spirit mind from her host was almost overwhelming. So this is what it feels like to take a genuinely willing host. The Spirit thought smiling.

As much as she loathed to admit it, she knew she had gained more respect for Twilight. After watching her adventures and may even have some small amount of affection towards her. She split off a small portion of her mind to keep Twilight company; it was the least she could do for such a good host, she could be this kind at least out of respect.

Turning the rest of her being outward to her host's body, to her body and its senses, the seal that once held her resisting her no more than a warm summer breeze now she had the permission of her host.

It was time to escape.

CH 2 Meeting her Little Star

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Pain, glorious pain. After so long of feeling nothing, even this pain was bliss. She wanted to stretch and flex her body, but that would be most unwise injured as she was. The bright light was something she could do without though.

Slowly she started taking stock of her situation, but her host's intellect beat her to it. Ah, the analytical mind of my host is so useful. She thought as almost automatically the facts about the situation were sorted, ordered and assessed. Twilight was a truly willing host, not fighting her, not resisting and now even helping her. I could get used to this.

A checklist popped up in her mental space. Held in the hooves of a little unicorn Twilight. Is my host insane, or am I? She thought before discarding the idea. Like it mattered.

#1 Keep Friends safe.
#2 Stop blood loss.
#3 Restore magic.
#4 Remove the spikes pinning her form to the altar.
#5 Restore mobility.
#6 Repair any remaining damage.
#7 Deal with the twelve cultists.
#8 Escape the Lost Temple of the hidden path.
#9 Write a report to Princess Celestia.

The Spirit looked at the proud and happy seeming unicorn, her smile at being helpful beaming. The Spirit returned the happy expression; she could not help it, this little foal of a unicorn was cute and seemed so utterly devoted to her.

Thirty-five thousand and twenty-seven. Her host's mind informed her. The little unicorn joyfully trotted off to update a count on another scroll that appeared. Oh, the blood dripping, my host's mind is still counting them, that could get annoying. She thought.

She looked at the unicorn she was imagining. If this little foal is going to be my mental assistant, I will have to name her. She considered for a long moment.

"I shall call you Little Star" The Spirit spoke.

Star did a little happy dance, "Yes Princess Nightmare," joy radiating from Star's tone.

Each item on the provided list had many facts and recommendations linked to them, most of them Nightmare would ignore. She had better options, she planned on using her abilities. Most of the spells Twilight was recommending were unnecessary and would not work without a horn.

Protect her friends? That was not one she was expecting but should have. She was feeling generous, she was free and her host was willing after all, doing little things like this would help keep her host happy Twilight's mind was far too useful to give up as a resource if such simple things could keep it allied.

Stopping the blood loss, simple, in fact, items two through six could be efficiently dealt with at the same time.

Deal with the cultists, oh she would deal with them alright. They had damaged her host, and even with this opportunity they had given her, she would show them no mercy. Any that wanted to become like Sombra would be a rival at best and a dangerous foe at worse. So she would gladly deal with them.

Escape the Temple; The fact Twilight managed to work out where she was in the world by noting the scents in the air, the types of stone the cave was made of, some of the markings on the walls and many other small almost unnoticeable details cross-referenced with her extensive collection of knowledge, most impressive.

Nightmare almost rejected number nine send a report to Celestia out of hand before considering it would be one way to buy more time before she was discovered, she would think about it.

Looking around as best as she could oh, that was cruel of them one of the spikes pinning her body to the altar was Twilight's horn. Well, piercing through the chest is not where that needs to be, at least it is still in contact.

The horn melted in the shadow made mist before creeping over her form back to its proper place slowly solidifying once more.

A gasp escaped Nightmare, magic, unicorn magic and all the sensations of the Arcane that came with it flooded back. The world felt alive like she was blind and now had her sight restored. A new layer of depth to reality revelled, almost as if everything had another dimension. She could feel Twilight smiling in her mind. Twilight's special talent was back.

Star clapped her hooves together, "that was amazing, Princess."

Nightmare smirked she could get used to being called Princess, Queen would be better, but Princess would do, Star was just so adorable... why was that even a point she was considering?

"And that was just the start" Nightmare Spoke with pride her body rippled dissolving into a cloud of miasma leaving the enchanted silver rods behind.

Star watched with rapped attention, a new scroll hastily written upon.

Nightmare felt herself relax, as lovely as any physical sensation felt being free from the pain she was glad to be rid of it. She must have spent a few minutes just resting as an almost formless cloud.

Reforming her body, she decided to still look like Twilight, just a little bit taller with a bit more muscle mass and of course, whole and healed.

Nightmare closed her eyes and stretched like a cat, relishing the play of her muscles under her coat; this was nice. For a bookworm, you kept your body quite fit my host.

Opening her eyes and taking her first step, her hoof splashed in her host's blood. Looking down at its red glow and feeling with her arcane senses, she could tell the sheer amount of magic here was extreme. No way was she leaving this here for her captors to use.

Her horn lit with one of Luna's disintegration spells. The sensation of forming the raw power of an Alicorn even weaken and depleted was a delight to feel.

"Princess, Princess." Star bounced up and down, splashing in the blood seemingly without care waving a new scroll.

"Yes, my little Star?" Nightmare spoke, letting the light of her horn fade and trying not to seem annoyed by the interruption.

Star held the imaginary scroll, so it was easy to read. Upon it was a complicated spell, a new spell, a spell that this fragment of Twilight had just invented in the last few moments.

Nightmare's jaw fell open, and she slowly blinked, a brand new spell based on Nightmares shadow magic the filly had just watched, amazing.

Truth be told As old and powerful as the Nightmare was she was a little intimidated by the sheer intelligence and speed of Twilights mind, even comfortably ignoring the world in a mindscape Little Star the small portion of Twilight still paying attention to real-world was still tracking, analysing, committing everything to Twilights perfect memory and had just invented a new spell.

If this is what a mere fraction of Twilight's mind could do her aversion to showing off was a crime against the world itself.

Nightmare closed her mouth smiling, Star's joy was infectious.

Reaching out with a wing Nightmare pulled Star into a hug. Yes Nightmare knew this was just another form of manipulation, to keep both Star and Twilight content but so far the results were more than worth the effort, and yes she could not deny it, being looked up to and having willing physical contact, even this simple hug, were both pleasant side effects.

Studying the scroll Nightmare smirked, oh this was excellent. If she were reading the spell right, the spell would be able to reclaim much of the power from the blood and shape the rest into solid, useful forms to take with her.

How did Twilight know of a blood blade spell let alone worked out how to cross it with a hybrid spell mixing parts of Nightmares miasma form, a magic redirecting shield and a vampiric healing spell?

What was her sister teaching Twilight? Or did she learn that spell from one of the many times she snuck into forbidden parts of the archives? Given she could not remember watching Twilight learn it, it must have happened before her return from the moon: my, my what a dark past you must have had Twilight.

Star nuzzled Nightmare. "Did I do well, Princess?"

"Yes, yes you most certainly did my Little Star." Nightmare returned the nuzzle.

It would take some time to get to grips with the spell, but until then she would permit the warm hug to continue.

Nightmare blinked as she looked down at the unicorn filly under her wing, she smiled. Under her wing, Star's warmth pressing against her coat. Wait for a minute how am I hugging Star in the real world? How did she have blood on her hooves if she was just a mental projection? Nightmare thought in alarm.

Twilight is insane, and now her insanities can manifest because of my abilities That cold thought rampaged throughout Nightmares mind. A slight shudder ran down her spine. Star looked up at her, and Nightmare just smiled reassuringly.

Oh, what do I have to worry about my Little Star is loyal and wholly devoted to her Princess, to me. A small bit of glee entered Nightmare's smile. This has to be like when I created the Shadowbolts to try and tempt Rainbow. Well, this is most interesting.

"As soon as we have cleaned up here we can both go home my Little Star."

CH 3 Twilight's Unexpected Library

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Twilight yawned. She felt calm, peaceful, rested and content with remembered sensations of wings lovingly wrapped around her, and a heartfelt lullaby. The lullaby was in an ancient dialect she studied back for fun during her first year in Ponyville, her mind offered. Nope, random trivia later, sleep now. She snuggled with her surprisingly book-shaped pillow, happily returning to her sleep.

Sunlight shone in her eyes, Nope, no reason to wake up everything is perfect. She shifted a wing over her head to block the light, much better.

Her movements disturbing the air brought the familiar scent of her fresh ink and books, both ancient tomes and freshly printed modern works only added to how relaxed she was feeling. It felt like home. It felt safe.

Thirty-five thousand and twenty-seven.

Twilight blinked, Thirty-five thousand and twenty-seven? What was that about? Her confusion did more to awaken her than the sunlight ever could.

Glancing around it was clear she had fallen asleep hitting the books once again. Noting her so-called pillow was most certainly a book She chuckled softly "At least Spike did not catch me this time."

She hoped she did not have ink on her face again. Rarity would never let it go if I had to ask for more of her fashion emergency strength coat shampoo.

She stretched, expecting to feel stiffness in her back and neck. Finding none, she smiled, Clearly, another superpower granted by being an Alicorn. She thought.

Now what to have for breakfast, and where is my daily checklist? She ruffled her wings, then settling them back as she looked around, adding a mirror to her search objectives.

Twilight froze, she stared at her work covered desk, the desk in her bedroom, her room in the Golden Oaks Library, the same Golden Oaks Library which now was long destroyed.

"Time travel? Alternate universe? Illusion? A dream?" she mumbled, her mane fraying slightly.

Possibility after possibility rushed through her mind, each with a list of tests she could try to prove or disprove them.

"Spike, Spike!" she called out, trying and failing to hide the panic in her voice.

She waited, there was no response, no little dragon shouting back, no banging of things being dropped or the sound of claws scampering on the wooden floors, not even a quiet request for five more minutes. All her senses told her she was alone.

Where is Spike? What is going on? She had to know, and she wanted to know right this instant. Her mind dragged her attention to the books and scrolls on the desk, maybe this would give her some clues. The puzzle they made up giving her something to focus on.

With her panic put aside now calmly waiting its turn, she looked at the first open book reading its title, 'Red Hooves study on Vampony magic.'

"Oh Celestia, what is this doing here? I thought I put that back years ago, and I was only interested in it because of the silly book series named after me. If they find I have it, I will be sent back to magical..." Twilight stopped herself and inhaled a deep calming breath falling back to Cadance's breathing trick.

"Breathe in, Breathe out, everything is going to be just fine." Now somewhat calmed she looked back to the rest of the texts. Her mind adding the new panic to the orderly queue behind the last one.

"Ok Twilight, no need to panic, no deadline here so no way to be tardy at all, your even a princess now, so you're allowed any books you want even that one." With one more deep breath, she focused back to the desk.

Shining Armour's speciality shield spell caught her attention next "BBBFF, when did you publish a book?" She picked up the book idly flicking through it as she kept on with her investigation. He did forget to tell her about the wedding so it is not beyond plausibility he would have betrayed her in this fashion, but for her to not have found it in the catalogue of spellbooks she browsed, hungrily seeking anything new, doubtful.

She hugged the white tome with her brother's cutie mark on its cover close. She could almost believe it was a treasured gift, a memento from him.

Next advanced spell mechanics books one through ten. Nothing to worry about there, standard reference materials for any halfway competent spell work or a bit of light reading.

A scroll detailing Nightmare Moon's miasma body transmutation, written in Twilights own horn writing no less. Oh, this spell could be so much fun, I could get Rainbow back for all those pranks, all in good spirits naturally, but how and why do I have it?

Lighting her horn, she lifted the scroll scrutinising every detail. Other than the fact she did not remember writing it, she was confident it was her work. "So time travel, memory problems or another world." Twilight tapped her hoof on her chin.

Am I Luna's student in this world and Celestia’s now back from her banishment in the sun for wanting eternal day? She wondered. A quick glance at her bookshelf disproved that idea, right there where it should be on the third shelf was her Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns yearbook.

All the advance spell mechanic books rose in her magic, revealing more scrolls concealed beneath them. The books floated off, filing themselves away on the bookshelf next to her desk as she examined the new scrolls.

The top one just had a running count on 'Thirty-five thousand and twenty-seven' There is that number again; what is it counting? Something dug at her memories. She should know this. Her body trembled, she was afraid to remember, but why?

Tightening her grip on her brother's book and wishing it could really be him, another item was expertly slid into the deal with later queue in her mind.

Putting it aside, she looked at the next one. It looked like some type of violent crime report. Now, why would I have this, am I investigating a crime? Being a princess, I do have legal powers so it might make sense.

The victim was clearly depicted as being an Alicorn. Even without looking at the name on the report that limited who it could be.

The first things she spotted was the horn was crossed off. She gulped, Nope, not going to try to imagine what my life would be like without magic. With an effort of will, panic number three took its place in the line.

There was an arrow going from the horn over to the heart on the diagram. The note said the victim's own horn was used to impale her heart. Attempted murder of a princess no less, flames momentarily flashed through her mane.

Read the facts; you can not do anything without information. Twilight used her reason to add the fiery anger to the back of the panic queue.

Mental images of each of the other princesses dead flooded her mind. She buried and locked them in a mental box labelled do not open, threw away the key then banished the box to the furthest depths of her mind where her nightmares lived and left a posted note with a polite request for Luna to destroy it.

Each leg had four fractures marked; the front right one had its hoof crossed off. Each limb had its fractures in the exact same locations. That is not something that could happen in an accident, is it?

Both wings noted as being dislocated, half the feathers from the left one marked off.

The incisions marked on the torso were horrifying to imagine, six ribs marked as broken and a seventh marked as removed. Who would do this to a pony? These wounds were not an attack they were too clean. This had to be surgery or torture.

She checked the notes, and each organ had a small sample removed. Add to that a hoof for earthpony magic, feathers for pegasus magic and likely a scraping from the horn for unicorn magic. Was somepony studying Alicorns? May be trying to find out how to become one?

Twilight's stomach twisted with disgust as a few motes of flame flickered from her mane.

Whoever did this was a professional and likely would have a medical qualification, it would be listed even if it was rescinded. If they were the sort of pony that would do this, she hoped it had been rescinded. Twilight could not stop her mind trying to work out if it would be possible to empower somepony with what was taken from the victim.

Arcane arrays, magic items, zebra potions and forbidden spell craft danced in her mind's eye, rearranged, altering and becoming something new.

She sat perfectly still, seemed to not even breathe for minutes on end then suddenly all the strength left her limbs. Ice had replaced her blood in her veins, being an Alicorn, if it happened to be correct, she would survive, but she was reasonably sure that's just how she felt, and her blood was healthy blood at this time. A ritual could be constructed. It could be done, it was possible, not reliable but it had more than a thirty percent chance of working without additional reagents.

This fact barged its way to the front of the panic line and impatiently tapped its hoof waiting for Twilight to freak out. Her traitorous mind helped, offering up the fact that the younger the Alicorn the donations came from, the higher the chances of success.

It was not left waiting for long. Looking back at the report, the victim's name slowly wrote itself in dripping red blood. Princess Twilight Sparkle, it cruelly displayed in beautiful flowing script.

It was me, and it happened to me. Twilight commenced hyperventilating as per panic response doctrine. Everything else she was delaying dealing with also jumped in, flooding her mind, striping her of rational thought, the golden oaks starting to fade from her senses.

"You are nothing but the rarest of spell components to me, Princess," a deep gravelly stallion's voice said with cruel amusement. "You shall not escape me," it roared.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Twilight screamed. She had to do something, her body tensed and magic surged to life. Flames and bursts of arcane power consumed her body.

It was dark, she could not move, everything hurt, she could not feel her magic. A migraine starting where her horn used to be, making thinking almost impossible.

Twilight watched helplessly, screams escaping her as sharp blades danced with precise movements of telekinesis dipping and diving as they cut into her flesh. Even with the agonising pain, a part of Twilight's mind marvelled at the skill displayed. Rarity being the only pony she had ever encountered with better control.

In the corner of her eye, she could see a little lavender filly, dutifully recording every cut the blades made on a scroll.

A dark-coated stallion imperiously leaned over her restrained form, pulling her attention away from the filly. His evil eyes showed only glee clearly visible in the dark as they glowed green and leaked toxic purple miasma, just like King Sombra.

"You are nothing but the rarest of spell components to me my formerly beautiful Princess," his deep gravelly stallion's voice said with cruel amusement.

A swarm of surgical blades rushed towards her face. His laughter almost drowned out her screams, almost.

Her world shattered as flames consumed everything.

CH 4 Blood Magic

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The frustrations of twisting her mind to grasp this wonderful spell were finally over. It was vexing, her host made this all look so easy. She sighed. It had taken long enough, but at last, she held the spell complete in her mind.

Actually casting it would take all her focus. She peeked in on Twilight and found her to be sleeping peacefully. Good, she would need her full abilities here.

With a mental summons, she brought her fragment back into her whole. For a moment, her mind spiralled, two chains of events trying to make a single narrative in her memories. The lullaby she used to sing to a lonely Luna persisted as the confusion of her two parts fusing faded.

The memories of comforting Twilight gave her an idea. It would be.. it would prove useful to sing to her Little Star. It would help keep Star happy, reinforcing the Nightmare's claim on Twilight. Yes, yes, that would be most effective, she would do so when they next sought rest.

Every little positive association or pleasant memory she could give Little Star would each affect her host bit by bit, compounding upon each other, infecting Twilight with trust and affection towards the Nightmare.

If the Nightmare could get Twilight to care for her, genuinely care for her, she would be safe from even the hated Elements of Harmony. After all, they have no hold over what is already in harmony.

She wanted to throw her head back and laugh but now was not the time for that, she had much to do before she could see the shocked look on her hated sisters face. Oh, this was going to be glorious.

The Nightmare offered Star an approving smile, before she picked her Little Star up in her forehooves, nuzzled her and placed her down at a safe distance.

Now she only had to cast the most complex spell work she could remember trying. Banishing the happy ancient tune from her mind before it altered the spell, she set to work. This was going to be hard.

Her horn lit, then overcharging with a secondary aura of shadows roiling from it. The very air thrummed with power and shadows, stretching towards this Darklight as if reaching for the now blazing horn.

The Nightmares head hurt, and it felt like her horn had a toothache. Five-dimensional arcane equations were most certainly not to her liking, not at all. Grinding her teeth, she kept at it, she would not be deterred, she would not fail.

Her host's gathered spilt blood swirled, symbols and shapes began forming under its surface. First, a single sizeable Arcane circle rose, tightly packed with interwoven glowing magic runes. Next six more within it, rapidly followed by thirty-six tiny ones formed orbiting the others in an intricate pattern some teleporting between positions others even seeming to be in multiple locations at once.

Visually the whole work was stunning to behold, each part moving in its clockwork dance. To a unicorn's senses, it seemed to sing with the sweetest music a beautiful sirens song of near perfection.

She drew in a ragged breath. Since when was she breathing hard? The now fully constructed spellwork was bearing most of its own magical weight now allowing her to dim her horn. That felt nice, the pain almost instantly fading away.

The runes flared brightly, Nightmare wanted to shield her eyes with her wing, but now was not the time to show weakness, she could stand against the sun, so this was nothing.

Proudly and with a stately stride, she advanced into the magic array. Small arcs of static played over her coat, leaving her mane more than a little frazzled.

Each of the small circles pulsed and leapt at her. She flinched, battle instincts only barely restrained as she remembered this was meant to happen. Raising a shield or knocking the circles away with a burst of force would have destroyed all her work and likely caused an explosion.

With a pinching sensation and a burning chill, the spell circles fused with her coat. Each acting as an anchor for what would happen next, reducing the amount of energy that would be lost in the transfer.

Ethereal chains reached out from the anchors plunging into the blood connecting the Nightmare’s senses directly with a vast pool of magic. The chains flexed once before pulling, reeling in and dragging the blood along.

What extraordinary power, Nightmare closed her eyes relishing the sensation. Yes, yes, Celestia, you might still have a claim to more raw power but compared to my host, you are most wasteful with your spellcraft.

Blood crawled towards her, flowing up her hooves then legs slowly climbing higher. It felt slick, it felt warm as it caressed every part of her it touched. It crackled with magic, it was infused with life, leaving her invigorated.

If felt good, very good, maybe a little too good. Ok, now she knew why blood magic was banned. This was far too sensual and could quickly become addictive to a natural-born corporeal being. If a spa trip was even a pale reflection of this, then that was unquestionably going to be a luxury she indulged in when she got back to civilization.

Being Twilight's power, there was no struggle, no conflict, the power simply settled refilling her wellspring.

She could feel the last layer of the spell activate collecting the little wasted power. It reached out shaping and forging the blood solidifying it, altering its very material properties. The familiar weight of armour forming on her body. Something shaped itself along the length of her wings and horn, likely wing blades and a helm.

She would deny it if anypony asked, but the feeling of armour enclosing her again made her feel safe, like a foal holding its favoured blanket. She scoffed at herself, at least armour is useful. Liking being safe in armour is not a weakness.

"Only thirteen point two percent loss of magical energy from the conversion process, point eight per cent better than predicted", Stars overly enthusiastic voice snapped Nightmare back to reality.

Nightmare opened her eyes finding Star sat like an eager puppy with ears perked up and alert looking at her with admiration, a quill writing once more on a scroll.

Remembering her plan Nightmare reached out with a now armoured hoof to softly caress Star's cheek. "Thank you my Little Star, this would not have been possible without you."

Star blushed and seemed stuck between trying to hide behind her scroll and puffing out her chest with pride.

Nightmare looked over herself, the blood red metal. The armour fit her perfectly, it's colour might not be what she preferred, and it might not make her look as terror-inducing as her old set, but she could get used to it.

She could feel the faint tingling of magic tickling her horn in a timing set by her heartbeat. She focused closer, the armour had a self-repair enchantment, and it was tied to her earth pony magic significantly increasing its durability.

The second most potent armour she had ever worn, crafted not by months of hard labour and mind braking enchantment work. No, it was conjured with a single spell.

The Nightmare flicked her wings out testing the wing blades, Not a weapon she had ever used but they looked the part. The edges looking razor-sharp they almost seemed to whisper to her, pleading to have their thirst sated with just a little blood.

"Come, we shall leave this place." Nightmare turned for the exit. gesturing with a wing for Star to follow before neatly folding her wings to her sides and trotting forward.

The rapid clacking of Star's cantering hooves on the cold stone floor let Nightmare know there was no danger of leaving her behind, even with her longer gait.

If it were not for Star providing directions, Nightmare would have been stuck in the Tartarus forsaken temple till the end of time. The whole place was a confusing mess and somehow without a single bit of detectable magic, was completely warded from both divination and teleportation spells without the right key.

From the lecture, Star had happily provided given temple's age the key would most likely be a stone ring about hoof size. It was hard to seem attentive and offer praise at the right time. Star appeared to be taking this as merely a merry little sightseeing adventure so she must have succeeded.

Nightmare was not worried about being ambushed with her host's sensitive horn and sharp hearing, nopony would get close without her noticing. Even if they did, she was armed, armoured, and her host was an Alicorn, what could they do?

The last thing they needed was to give up any advantage of stealth. A one way sound barrier was a simple solution that prevented anypony else from hearing Star's pleasant conversation and endless observations about the temple and its history.

She went through a thousand years on the moon just fine, she could deal with a few hours long history lesson.

The journey to the entrance chamber proved to be uneventful. Star had likely filled a few hundred scrolls with notes and diagrams.

Using a wing to indicate Star should stay back, the Nightmare approached the open archway leading to the massive entrance chamber. She was careful not to show herself to any within as she listened.

As if waiting for that exact moment a deep male voice called out, "No point hiding, we know you are there Alicorn".

A chill travelled down her spine, the small spike of fear clearly from her host. Willpower alone preventing any outside signs. She knew that voice, her host knew that voice. He would pay and pay dearly.

Clearly, she had underestimated her foes, they apparently had very capable concealing magics likely aided by the temple itself. She would not underestimate them again.

Still warded by the sound barrier she stomped one hoof down. The powerful impact was only audible to herself and Star. Extending her senses through the stone with her earth pony magic, she felt out for those in the entrance chamber.

Thirty-six hooves pressed down on the rock. All of them weighing about what she would expect for unicorn stallions. So she would have to deal with magic and lots of it.

Nightmare stepped into the chamber deliberately concealing Star from view with her body. Letting the sound barrier drop, she flared her wings, displaying the razor edge of her wing blades.

Her eyes quickly swept the entrance chamber. It was large, about the size of the throne room back in Luna's home in the Everfree. The unicorns, whos were identities concealed by black robes, were forming a semi-circle around the archway. They were a good four seconds away at full gallop spaced further enough apart from each other that if she charged one, the rest could quickly scatter then surround her.

The central cultist took a step toward her, "Blood magic dear Twilight, Celestia would be so disappointed with you, she might even send you back to magical kindergarten," He sneered.

This foe had clearly researched his prey knowing enough to try and provoke a hasty reaction from Twilight with his words. Such a shame for him that Twilight was resting.

"I'm the element of magic. All magic bends to my will. Do you truly think one such as you can stand against me?"she purred with menace.

She leant forward threateningly, her horn lit as she changed her stance to one more common to a meat-eating predator. She only just preventing her pupils from becoming her favoured draconic slits.

"I do," the stallion let out a cruel bark of laughter, "You are nothing but the rarest of spell components to me, Princess."

Nightmare flicked her eyes to the exit "And you are worth less than the dust on my hooves, I shall be leaving now."

Nightmare let a lance of ebony fire lose from her horn smiling with glee as the roaring energy slammed into the arrogant stallion.

The fury from her spell cleared, she blinked in disbelief. He was still standing, not having even moved to defend himself. His robes were burned though, but his flesh seemed unharmed. That's impossible. He had no shields, no wards, no armour. What? How?

One of the other cultists violently exploded into a cloud of ash. The others not even flinching. So this wannabe Sombra is using mental domination and harm redirection. No matter, he only has so many sacrificial minions.

Nightmare lit her horn three layers of glows surrounding it multiple spells forming in her mind preparing to cast all of them simultaneously. She would have fun with this.

His eyes flashed virulent green, coils of miasma rolling from them as he roared out, "You shall not escape me!"

Twilight's fear blossomed at that sight, starting to resist, starting to thrash against the Nightmares control. Quickly she tore a piece of her essence off throwing it into the mindscape with orders to calm Twilight now, she needed Twilight calm, right now.

The spells in her mind fell apart, small arks of power sparking from her horn. The now undirected energy as dangerous to her as her foes. She could not fight with the current distraction. She had to play for time and wait for Twilight to settle. She tried to focus on a complex shield spell, but Twilight kept disrupting her concentration.

"No not now," she growled, her voice laced with rage.

A swarm of surgical blades flashed into existence then rushed towards Nightmare's face propelled by the dark stallion's magic. Moments later blasts of force lanced out from the other cultist's horns all converging with deadly intent.

Nightmare's horn sizzled with power as she forced all the strength she was holding back under control and into a simple telekinetic shield.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Twilight screamed in Nightmares mind, the full forced royal voice hitting like one of Applejack's bucks to the face.

Twilight's terror-filled panic rapidly overwhelmed Nightmare's thoughts. The magic she was channelling breaking free from any control. Nightmare felt her body hit the ground hard, her heart felt like it would explode from her chest. Her world shattered as flames consumed it, and darkness claimed her.

CH 5 The fantastic adventures of the Princess and her Little Star

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Star happily trotted along next to the Princess, keeping up despite her shorter limbs. She felt good, she felt great, she felt better than she ever had in her whole life. The Princess was proud of her, praised her spell work and even hugged her.

Now she was taking her on an adventure in this unexplored historical site. It was all she could do not to prance around in sheer joy. How could one day get any better? In fact, a superior day was likely a scientific and magical impossibility.

The only thing that could make it better would be to find out she was secretly the princess's daughter and she would grow up into an Alicorn, able to stay by the Princess's side till the end of time.

Oh, what she could learn if she had all that time. She blinked once, the implications of not having that time to share with the Princess trying to contaminate her good mood. All the stuff she would not get to learn because she did not have that time. All the time that she would not be able to be with her Princess. A single tear threatened to fall from her eyes, she sniffled quietly.

"One" A monotone defeated sounding mare's voice said.

Star found herself scratching the number on a scroll levitating next to her. It had many sections, steps taken, tiles walked on, loose stones in the temple and many, many more.

How did she not notice she had been writing all this?
She nearly stumbled, what did she have a subconscious compulsion to count everything? The heading she wrote the number one under was tears. Strangely it was next to it was hugs with The Nightmare which was at two.

The Princess's ears swivelled to Star as if sensing Star's falling mood, then after a moment, she turned her long graceful neck looking back to her, still with that special smile that let her know how proud the Princess was of her.

Star felt a surge of happiness welling up inside of her. So what if she seemed addicted to counting. Everything was perfect, that one smile, that one look that was all she needed, all she wanted.

So she was not immortal, her time was limited. Such facts could do nothing to get her down today. She would just have to make sure to keep giving the Princess reasons to be proud of her, to have more reasons to keep smiling at her like that.

She would give her many, many such reasons and would record each one with joy. Nodding, her self-set goal firmly in mind, she would prove herself to her Princess every chance she could get.

She started a detailed explanation of the temple. She would demonstrate how good of a student she was. That way the Princess would need no other students for as long as Star lived.

Oh, she almost forgot that they were meant to be cleaning this place. One after another she conjured some feather dusters, dustpans and brooms. Each she wrapped a Come-To-Life spell around, setting them free to do their work.

She was so looking forward to going home with the Princess and wanted no delays. Where was home for the Princess? Was it a castle or a palace? Would she get her own room? Would it be big? Would she have a personal library? Oh, her own library just the thought of all those books, each of them hers.

Oh, she could use the same spell she used to get the cleaning done to help take notes, that way, she could record everything and continue her lecture to the Princess at the same time. Multitasking yay!

It took assigning three self animated scrolls to the counting voice to let Star put it out of her mind and stop wanting to pause everything to immediately record the numbers it reported.

Smiling, everything else being taken care of, she turned all of her conscious attention to the Princess. The counting becoming nothing more than a relaxing background sound. It reminded her of her favourite sound, that of pages turning in a library.

Star had a goofy smile, an outside observer could be forgiven for thinking she was intoxicated with happiness. She was surrounded by a swarm of flying self-writing scrolls, her own invention she was now proudly calling S-Five, being short for Star's Super Self-Scribing Scrolls.

She was wrong, the day could get better, she passed a surprise test. She did not even know it was coming, but she passed it with flying colours, not that she could fly, what was up with that saying anyway? The test was a little scary, but she would never disappoint the Princess.

The test was to efficiently find the way out. She had used the carvings on the walls for clues to guide them to the main entrance. She had set about studying them, with the help of her counting voice, she found the pattern in the artwork and followed the clues.

Now here they were, her test completed. The way out just past the next chamber. She felt a bit like Daring-Do on an adventure. If she was, did that mean there would be traps? No, maybe she was not Daring-Do traps did not sound like they would be pleasant to encounter. They could get in the way of her studying these ancient carvings.

The Princess's stride changed, going from stately to a cat-like prowl. Star's eyes snapped to the Princess, alert ears up and rotating, seeking, listening. What did the Princess notice, she looked like she was getting ready for action. This was so exciting and so scary, but the Princess was here, she would be safe, she would be brave.

Star, her eyes glued on the Princess, watched as she stealthily approached the entrance archways leading to the final chamber. Ok, maybe this is more like Daring-Do now.

With a wave of her wing, the Princess indicated for Star to wait where she was and stay quiet. Ok, she could do this. Star sat on her haunches, waiting like a good student.

The swarm of her S-fives were not conducive to being unnoticed so with an Arcane twist of the fifth dimension she opened a new dimensional pocket. She magically labelled it S-Five Aviary and commanded all of them inside.

Once her flock of scrolls were safe, and out of sight, she closed the entrance to their aviary, the small ripple of fifth-dimensional magic as it closed had echoes in it, and the echoes contained labels, labels done in the same way she had just used, even written in her own short-hoof encoding.

She blinked, confused for a moment before rapidly examining the labels and the arcane texture of the echos before they faded. It was clear she had multiple pockets linked to her.

The Daring-Do fan supplies label immediately jumped to her attention, she opened it hungrily looking inside. A childlike grin on her face Star pulled out a pith helmet modified for a unicorn. Spinning it with a flourish, she popped it on her head.

Now she was ready, let the adventure commence. She raised her hoof and almost cheered before she caught herself. Stealth mission, stealth mission, silly Star, you almost blew it there.

"No point hiding, we know you are there Alicorn", a male villain's voice called out from the chamber up ahead.

The Princesses, ears fell for a moment. Oh no, Oh no, her playing around must have let the bad guys know they were here. The Princess would be so disappointed in her.

She had to fix this somehow, what to do, what to do? Suddenly she remembered reading the Notice-Me-Not spell in a book that also had the Want-it Need-it spell.

Rapidly she cast the Notice-Me-Not spell. Stupid, stupid she should have cast it before hoof she knew they were meant to be being stealthy.

A loud impact sound, Star jumped in fright almost hitting the ceiling before falling back down. Eyes wide she saw the Princess had just slammed her hoof down on the stone cracking it.

Some sort of non-kinetic ripple raced through the ground, it tickled her hooves she desperately held in her laugh. What was that?

Princess Nightmare, the brave and powerful made her entrance confronting the villain, her wings flared dramatically. Oh, this was just like the books.

Star's panic dissipated, excitement simply barging it aside, burning it away with its intensity. Two quick pulses of magic later, she had a short-ranged scrying spell giving her a front-row seat and a scroll ready to record the epicness for the ages.

She titled the scroll The fantastic adventures of the Princess and her Little Star. 'The best Princess Nightmare bravely confronted the bad guy of meanness' she wrote.

With awe, Star watched the Princess calmly look around the room, the nine black-robed, clearly evil, villains were standing in a semi-circle around the entrance to the chamber. The one in the middle took a step forward.

"This must be where the bad guy does a monologue," Star quietly mumbled to herself. Quill perched, ready to record everything.

"Blood magic dear Twilight, Celestia would be so disappointed with you, she might even send you back to magical kindergarten," He sneered.

Anger flared in Star, not only was her spell work being criticised he was threatening the Princess with that. Star shuddered, how could anypony be so wicked?

"Hey that spell was perfect, no need to go send the Princess the magical kindergarten" Star shouted slightly squeaky and enraged.

Star froze, panicked, she had interfered, she was meant to stay hidden. It took her a few very long feeling seconds heart pounding in her chest, her body too frozen to realise that nopony heard her, that they could not.

That Notice-Me-Not spell worked exceptionally, she would have to remember it next time she tried to sneak cookies out of the palace kitchen.

She let out a now calm breath and considered what she had heard. The Princess had another name, Twilight, that was a beautiful name. Was it Twilight Nightmare or Nightmare Twilight? She was not sure which sounded better. Star smiled, she had learnt something new about the Princess.

"I'm the element of magic. All magic bends to my will. Do you truly think one such as you can stand against me?" Princess Twilight Nightmare purred with menace.

Another new thing, then she paused, the counting voice did not increase its count on things known about Princess Nightmare? Did she already know it? Was it untrue?

The action continuing snapped Star out of her mental ramblings. She faithfully recorded every detail, every expression and even started some sketches five quills now dancing in her magical grip.

The Princess leaned forward intimidatingly, her horn lit with enough magic that it sent a tremor through Star's horn even so far back. If she did not know the Princess was the hero here, Star would say she would make a scary villain wrapped in her blood-red armour.

"I do," the stallion let out a cruel bark of laughter, "You are nothing but the rarest of spell components to me, Princess."

The Princess flicked her eyes to the exit, "And you are worth less than the dust on my hooves, I shall be leaving now."

Star focused her magical senses trying to learn every detail of the spell that the powerful Princess Nightmare Twilight was about to cast.

Visually from the scrying spell, it was a thick spiralling lance of compressed ebony fire launched from the Princess's horn. A moment later, the Arcane pulse ripped through her horn. Star screamed and fell to the ground.

"Arrrgh, ouch, ouch, ouch", Star held her eyes closed rubbing her horn. Trying to work out how she was tasting colours and hearing the cold of the stone floor she was laying on.

"Eight," The counting voice duly reported how many seconds she had not been paying attention to the scrying spell.

"No not now." Her Princess growled filled with rage and panic.

That sounded bad, Star shook her head, trying to set right her senses before taking the voices hint and looking back through the scrying spell.

The Princess, her Princess, was on fire, she was burning, crumbled to the ground curled up in pain.

The counting voice seemed to have stopped counting everything except the horror happening to her Princess.

"Twelve," kinetic blasts dispersed by armour
"Three," direct hits from kinetic blasts.
"Eighteen," cuts from metal blades.
"Two," seconds of the Princess's flesh and very wellspring burning.

"No, no, no, no," Star screamed in horror. This could not be happening.

"Thirty-four," seconds until the Princess's wellspring is empty.

"No!" Star bellowed determined. The Princess could not die, she would not allow it.

Her mind quickly fell back to panic, what could she do, she was no hero. Her mind flicked back to the warmth she had felt under the Princess's wing, that proud smile. No, she would not disappoint the Princess.

"Thirty-three," the monotoned voice of the counter almost seemed to have the slightest hint of urgency.

Shunting fear and hesitation aside she shifted her mind, this was just a test, only a problem to be solved.

Step one assess the situation.
*Her Princess incapacitated and on fire.
*Five Villains firing force blasts at the Princess.
*One Villain, the speaker using telekinetically controlled blades to attack.
*The Princess is on Fire!

She needed a plan, a course of action, what should she do. A thought flashed across her mind as if delivered from somewhere else. One of the labels for the pocket was labeled emergency plans and spells. This was the worst emergency possible.


No time to waste, Stars horn emitted a crude violent pulse of magic a crude firth dimensional rip and the pocket was torn open scattering its contents, hundreds of scrolls and books fell to the ground around her.

Looking around, how was she going to find what she needed. She would need to come up with a spell to find the spells she needed to save the Princess.


Dread filled Star, she did not have time, what should she do. She could feel her body starting to hyperventilate. It was not meant to happen this way.

"Thirty," the counter spoke in an almost soft tone coming from directly in front of Star.

Star looked up, a grey unicorn mare was in front of her. Six scrolls levitating in a white aura. The counter holding them before Star as if in offering.

The mare, the counter had no expression on her face and a glowing gold collar that was burning her with golden energy. The collar seemed to be trying to counter the telekinesis holding the scrolls.

"Twenty-nine," the mare before her spoke, voice quavering with pain yet none of it showing on the mare's face.

Star lit her horn and reached out accepting the scrolls. When their magic touched flashes of meaningless images, emotions, scents, sounds, desires and despair flooded Star.

"Stop," Star said.

Just like that, all of the images stopped, leaving behind a fully formed spell construct in Stars mind. It was more complicated than her spell work from earlier today. It was the most complex spell she had ever encountered. She had never seen it before, yet it seemed like she had always known it.

"Twenty-eight," a single tear started to fall from the grey mare's face.

She had no time, she had to act now. Driving her power into her horn, she flash cast the spell the mare had given her.

The world shattered, breaking into six identical pieces. A moment later she broke as well, almost as if in sympathy.

Who was she? No, who were they? Where were they and what was going on?

Six of her spent what felt like a full minute trying to work out what had just happened to themselves. Each of them knew what the other was thinking, that each of them seemed to be experiencing time slower and that this spell would not last more than a single minute of standard time.

"Twenty-seven," Grey said, tiredly turning to pick up all the scattered plans.

Three objectives burned like a nova bright in their minds.

#1 Stop the Princess's wellspring meltdown.
#2 Protect the Princess.
#3 Escape to safety

Star One noticed and disregarded the fact that Grey seemed to be moving at full speed, so was likely a spell effect or a delusion.

Star Two focused on using a speed reading spell to start learning the content of the scrolls.

Star Three, got impatient with Star Two and cast a knowledge eating spell. Literally forcing the combined knowledge from the now crumbling scrolls into all of their minds.

Star One was outraged with any destruction of knowledge even if it was a scroll and not a book.

Star Two promised to rewrite the scrolls.

Star four pointed out that they should get on with this.

Star Five started galloping their shared body through the archway and into the entrance chamber.

Star Six confirmed the Notice-Me-Not spell was still in effect, so they had the element of surprise.


Star's Two through Six prepared their spells ready to cast them as soon as needed.

Star One lit their horn with Red Hooves Blood Drain and charged at the Princess lowering her horn.

The clatter of their hooves seemed deafening on the stone floor. Their heart was pounding, forcing blood and much-needed oxygen to where it was needed.

None of them wanted to watch, but Star One had to, so they all had no choice but to observe as their attack lined up with the Princess. Their horn plunged between armour plates and into their Princess's still burning flesh.

As soon as her horn drew blood Star One activated the Blood-Drain spell, pulling with all her might on the depth of Twilight's wellspring.

Two noted there was no resistance, Three was happy that the only way that could be true is if the Princess trusted Star to save her.

They smiled despite the fact their mane was on fire and blood was running down their horn staining her coat.

Burning magic ripped from the wound and orbited Stars horn. She had pulled out the burning magic so violently that it could not ignite the Princess's remaining power.

Objective One complete, the Princess is no longer dying from wellspring meltdown.

"Ha, and you said spells like that could never be used for good..." One started to say before releasing they did not know who they were referencing.

Six dryly pointed out that the creepy stallions now knew something was happening and that mystery could wait.

Two grabbed the burning magic and spun it into a delayed teleporting 'trap' spell, setting the trigger to be when they were outside of the teleportation dampening effect. Leaving burning arcane circle on the ground around the Princess.

Three moved their body in front of the Princess casting Twilights lab safety spell version three. An orb of energy enveloped Star and the Princess, complex purple runes and geometric symbols dancing over its surface.

The heat rapidly draining from within the orb back to perfect room temperature, the now mundane flames the Princess was burning with, died, snuffed out.

"What!" the mean sounding stallion with the glowing green eyes shouted.

The mean stallion pointed his hoof at Star. Star One gulped with the shared body. The other cultists charged their horns and a barrage of kinetic blasts shot towards Star.

Four let fly her prepared spell, Shining Armour's Magic redirecting shield. Placing it as their outer layer of defence and setting it to feed the redirected magic into the lab safety spell, reinforcing it.

The magical bolts hit the shield, sizzling as their magic collapsed, the motes of energy sparkling into the lab safety spell.

One wanted to huddle down and hide, this was all too scary, happening too fast. The magical assault continued.

"You are mine!" Green eyes roared.

A cloud of dozens of sharp metal blades levitated around him before swarming towards the Princess.

He can't see us, Six considered. He thinks the Princess is doing this. This Notice-Me-Not spell is the best.

Star Three thought about the spell she had cast. Lab safety spell version three had been updated to deal with food fights and ponies throwing things at the caster. In addition to protecting from a whole host of magical and mundane hazards, any projectile would be returned to its sender. The spell being overcharged meant it would return them with far more force, oh no.

Three's surprise forced their eyes wide open, their ears falling flat. She forced their head to look away from Green Eyes. She did not want to see what was about to happen.

The cloud of top-grade surgical blades, each engraved with a Canterlot manufacturers mark, spun around the circumference of the lab safety spell. They were greatly accelerated before they zipped off. The air cracked with a series of booms as they each broke the sound barrier.

Star's ears reported nothing but ringing and thankfully nothing to do with the aftermath of the returned projectiles.

Star One was doing her best to distract them all from what could have happened by considering how to improve the sonic protection to make a version four of the lab safety spell.

Objective two, protect the Princess complete.

Six lunged at the Princess, wrapping her in a hug. Noting but ignoring the sizzling sound and scent of burning hair caused by touching the still hot armour plates.

Two took note that the safety spell could not drain the heat from the armour itself.

Five cast her spell. Luna's Hammer. A war spell made for shattering fortifications with kinetic impact. Violently picking both of them up with raw magical force and hurling them out of the temple.

Twilight's Princess blessed safety spell protecting them both from g-force and the titanic impact of the spell as they rocketed towards the night sky, leaving a trail for fire in the wake of the burning teleportation trap being dragged along with them.

With their accelerated perception the Star's got to see the stonework of the temple flash below them, then the mountain face the temple was built in to and then open air.

The world was spectacular from up here One noted, the silver moonlight reflecting off a winding river far, far below.

Two wanted to be able to fly and not just fall with style.

Three thought this was all far too terrifying and wanted to go home.

Four was mentally writing a checklist of how to care for the Princess's wounds.

Six was too busy with her spell to worry about what the rest were on about.

"Three," Grey weakly spoke.

Somehow Star knew what Grey was counting whenever she counted, she always had. Strange. She was counting down the time until they were going to teleport.

Six charged her spell, the forbidden spell Doom-of-Mages. It was magic destroying bomb on a half-second time delay. It would disrupt all magic within a mile and remove any chance of anypony being able to track their teleport.


One wondered where they were teleporting to.

Two did not know, she had set up the spell precisely as written on the scroll.

Three started to panic.

"Home and one," Grey replied to their thought.

Objective three escape to safety, complete.

The still-burning Alicon magic exploded, lighting the night sky for miles around, its booming retort even reaching the distant peaks of Canterlot before echoing back.

CH 6 Interrupted Night Court

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Canterlot Times; Special Edition
Princess Twilight Dead!

Yesterday the Princess valiantly sacrificed herself, securing the safety of everypony within the Manehatten area. She valiantly contained a blast that could have destroyed the whole city, to merely a single building. Nopony has so far claimed responsibility for the Dark magic used. Investigators will have to wait for at least a moon to begin seeking evidence, claiming intense magic fluctuations as the reason for the delay.

It is expected to be at least two moons before any of the residents are allowed to return to the city (see page 45 for the economic ramifications). The Royal Mages citing health concerns due to long term exposure to Magic Flux (see page twelve for advice from our health expert).

Twilight died as she lived, giving her all for this great Equestria. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family. Long may she be remembered as a true hero of Harmony. (see page five for information of our campaign to get a monument built for the late Princess Twilight Sparkle at the site of her death)

With this disturbing news, the Elements of Harmony our greatest defence lay broken. (see page nine for our defence expert’s assessment of the military situation and how it will change relationships with both the Griffons and Dragons)

"Eager little vultures," Luna muttered darkly from her throne, throwing the paper to one of her aids.

"We shall not allow this tripe to be published. Our fellow Princess's fate has yet to be determined."

The Nightguard who had delivered the paper to her spoke, "My Sovereign, I am afraid it is too late."

Luna narrowed her eyes, "Explain."

"Sovereign, they rushed it, wanting to be the first to break the story. By now it will be already distributed and on sale even at this hour."

"So the first news Twilight's friends will hear..."

"Yes, my Sovereign," he said head lowering in submission.

"Unacceptable, gather her friends and family. We shall explain the truth of the situation ourselves."

The Nightguard bowed, took one step back and then faded into the shadows.

"Send in the next petitioner," Luna declared in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

The grand doors to the throne room swung open, admitting the new group of dejected-looking ponies. Refugees, she had been dealing with them all night. Some demanded to be able to return home right now, other demanding bits but most simply wanted hope. By the look of this family, they were the latter. The little foal held a homemade Twilight Sparkle plushie and seemed to be doing her best not to cry.

As pleased as she was to have hundreds of ponies wanting to seek her counsel, she wished it could have been because of a pleasant situation.

Luna offered a reassuring smile even remembering not to use the RCV "We offer greetings, what brings you before the Princess of the Night?"

Luna was fuming, fighting to contain her power; she did not need to do any damage to the throne room. She had just literally thrown a petty noble out of the Throne room. He had the gall to demand the refugees were removed from Canterlot immediately because they were interfering with a party the selfish foal was hosting.

A cheer came up from the remaining petitioners shocking her. Luna's rage broke in an instant replaced with a deeply felt feeling of contentment. She smiled warmly at the ponies in line and offering a bow of her head to them. "Next," she said not even using the RCV.

A thunderous boom rattled the windows. Luna's whole body felt the magic pulse that went with it. All the unicorns in the room flinched.

Holding up her hoof stilling everypony, she closed her eyes, examining the mystic texture of the magic. Pain, terror, rage, desperation, determination and love. All of that mixed with the unique deep burning fire that could only be caused by somepony burning out their wellspring. Luna was well aware of that sensation. It had been the cost of her Element-granted freedom from the Nightmare.

She personally knew all the ponies that could cast magic of this magnitude. She knew all except one of them had been safely at peace dreaming in her realm.

"Twilight?" escaped Luna's lips as a fearful whisper before commandingly bellowing out, "Night court is now suspended indefinitely, Nightguards on me."

Without hesitation, in a flurry of membraned wings and bursts of teleportation, a dozen Nightguards exploded from the shadows. Each landed in well-practised formation around their Sovereign. With no regard for the panic her sudden departure would cause, Luna gathered her magic. The shadows seemed to deepen in the room as the stars in her mane glowed all the brighter. Barely a moment later shadows erupted from her mane gathering around her guards, a flash of magic and the sound of displaced air, they were gone.

CH 7 Discoveries at the Temple

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The Darkmage certainly had better days, but he was still alive despite the pain. He would carry on, little surprises like this would not hold him from his destiny. Finally, after what felt like hours, he had cut his way out of his refuge. He sheltered himself beneath a dome of stone he had managed to drag from the floor in the last moments before the falling ceiling would have crushed him.

He had no idea what that attack spell was, too much had happened in just a few seconds. Whatever happened, it slammed him into the wall shattering it. It's horrid sound alone would have broken his bones and rendered him out cold. If not for the sacrifice of his remaining servants, he would have been dead.

He dragged himself out of the hole staggering to his hooves. "It has been a long time since I have felt pain, well played, Twilight."

He looked around; most of the entrance chamber was nothing but shattered rubble and piles of debris. Gone were the mage lights, now it was lit only by unearthly purple and red flickering fire cast light from outside. He could feel the flames with his horn, and he could hear its need to consume him singing with magic. He had made Twilight very angry at him if her magic left that type of residue.

A flame scorched crater was the only sign of where Twilight lay as she launched her attack, any hint as to what spell she used was destroyed by whatever made it.

This was not how things were meant to happen. He had her at his mercy, completely restrained, horn removed. She was helpless and yet somehow she had healed herself and found the spare time to craft a full set of blood armour. Then calm as can be, she walked up and challenged him, and she won.

Clearly, his information on Alicorns had some gaps, large gaps. More of Celestia's information suppression he supposed. Leaving enough to let him think he was fully prepared. To find out Alicorns can cast magic without a bucking horn. Were screams and pleas nothing more than superb acting skills. Did Alicorns even truly feel pain? Was she just biding her time? If so, why? He would need to gather everything that survived and find a new place. He did not want to be here when Twilight returned.

A massive wave of magic stung his horn, and a loud thundering crack came from outside. It felt like teleportation but that loud, it must have been both long-ranged and heavily laden. He checked for the chain around his neck, yes he was still wearing the Temple's keystone. His horn rippled with magic and he faded from view. He hoped the anti-detection properties of the Temple were still functional.

Six of Luna's Nightguards rushed in and in moments secured the room. Despite their armour, they were as silent as ghosts. His heart skipped a beat. If he had not hidden as soon as he felt that teleport, they would have found him.

Outside he could hear the sound of many armoured hoofs drawing closer and what sounded like Princess Luna and Prince Shining Armour talking.

"See those flames, how they move and how it still burns even upon the bare rock?" Luna asked. Her forced calm tone making it clear she was suppressing a lot of anger.

"Yes, it seems a bit like dragon fire. Do you know what it is? Is Twilight safe?" Shining responded crisp and solid sounding.

Another group of six Nightguards silently rush in and past the first hardly even disturbing the air, heading further into the temple.

"Yes, I know what it is," Luna spoke solemnly as they both trotted into the chamber surrounded by six Crystalguards.

Shining looked straight at her waiting for the rest of the answer. Luna simply let out a detection pulse from her horn. The Darkmage held his breath. The magic pulse washed over him without reacting, he was safe. He settled in, breathing as silently as possible, he got the feeling he would be stuck here for a long time.

Luna looked at the guards "Leave us."

The guards hesitated until Shining nodded his approval. The guard moved outside earshot, setting up the perimeter. The Nightguards were already gone, the Dark Mage had not noticed them leave.

"Soul Fire, the fatal result of setting somepony's wellspring on fire. With these streaks of crimson, it was caused by blood magic. With this much power, it will burn for many years. There are only too possibilities that can explain this and given Twilight was most certainly no twisted warlock practising blood magic... I fear our dearest of Twilight is dead."

"..." Shinning's hesitation spoke volumes.

"Shining," Luna's now forceful voice called out.

"She... Twilly knew blood magic."

Luna stomped a hoof stone shattering, the room shaking and rock dust falling from the ceiling. Her eyes were terrifying to behold, becoming glowing draconic slits for a moment. The Crystalguards snapping their head round to her. "Explain, now!" she forcefully said.

"She knew blood magic, but the memories were sealed away by Celestia," Shining admitted fearfully, waving the guards off with a hoof.

The reasons for Twilight difference in behaviour now apparent to the Darkmage, something he had done had broken the mental seal. Instead of weakening her, he had empowered her and left her with that much reason to hate him. Clearly, it was time for a new appearance, yet another chore to even get back to where he was only hours ago.

"How?" Luna's response was cold, flat and dangerous.

Shining lifted a hoof to take a step back before slowly putting it back down. "A spellbook was hidden in her tower. The book was under a powerful illusion. So nopony knew it was there. When Twilight found it she thought it was left there by Celestia as a test so... she learned the full contents of the book in a week."

"Pray tell us which tome she found."

"Red Hooves Blood Magic, I think."

Luna lowered, her body tensing up, wings half flared showing her agitation. The Dark Mage eyes widened, even he had not had a chance to study from that most coveted of books. He could only get hold of a single damaged scroll that had allegedly been copied from it.

"I must ask, what sort of monstrous deeds did my sister cause to be forgotten for her student?"


"None?" Luna questioned.

"She invented a new spell and demonstrated it to Celestia."

"And what did this spell do?" Luna bit back impatiently.

"It would act like two cups of coffee and a meal. One simple spell and then back to studying. It’s the reason she keeps falling asleep studying, part of her expects that spell's effect despite the seal."

Luna's body relaxed dramatically. She laughed, "Of course dear sweet Twilight, you learn some of the most dangerous war magic and craft yourself something entirely peaceful with it."

That level of control with blood magic, by Tartarus, the bucking Princess of Friendship is a master blood mage. If it were not for whatever caused her to collapse during their conversation, things would have gone very differently. Was her seal only partially broken and she had a relapse of some sort? That's just too good to be true. This changes everything. She could be an ally, scape-goat or at least a distraction. He would wait to see how she now acted, free from her mental seal, before settling on anything more about her. If he decided to let her keep her life, he would have to be careful, they would be sharing eternity after all.

"So Princess, why do you fear Twilight is dead?" Shining grimly said.

"Answer me this first, is there perhaps anything else, bizarre, magical or forbidden secrets about Twilight I should know?"

Shining nodded, Luna slowly rubbed her hoof under her horn. "Please, do go on."

"I don't know much, but a year or so later Celestia had to put another seal on her. A teacher at her school was unhappy that she’d hatched spike's egg. That test was meant to check how somepony reacted to failing. So to fix that he found a book of a spell that only an Alicorn could cast."

"She successfully cast the spell, yes?" Luna interrupted, hoof still against her head.

Shining nodded "Yes, and she was not the only one."


Shining shrugged "You would have to ask your sister, I believe it was only one other though."

"Anything else you remember about the incident?"

"When we next saw her, she seemed withdrawn, colder, like some of the light had been taken out of her. Her work suffered, she was still brilliant but just not quite as much as she was before. There was a reason she needed friendship lessons."

"Tia," Luna sighed before carrying on, "If that book is the one I think it is, it will have no bearing here."

Shining waited, clearly impatient to learn about the possible fate of his sister.

Luna continued sadly, "With the utter destruction outside, the only way I can fathom her being alive is if she overcharged another creatures wellspring with her magic, ignited it and used them as a bomb. Do you think your sister is the type of pony to do that?"

The Darkmage knew Twilight was alive, if she planned to do something as self-destructive as detonating her wellspring she would have done it in the temple to make sure he was dead, not outside. Somehow, whatever level of destruction Luna was talking about, it must have been part of her escape, likely to prevent her being tracked. A little extreme but who knew what this new Twilight would do.

Shining shook his head, ears falling as he lowered his gaze "No." He took a deep breath then raised his gaze with determination. "She will have found another way. It would not be the first time she had done the impossible."

Luna offered Shining a weak smile, "I truly hope you are right," she said.

An unarmed group of ponies carrying boxes of equipment entered, ending Luna and Shining's revealing conversation. They started checking the chamber in detail. Clearly, they were some of the investigators.

Luna lit her horn using a narrow beam to carve a stone chalice, then careful by hoof used it to scoop up some of Twilights Soul Fire. Its red and purple flames seemed to calm as she moved back towards Shining.

Luna's eyes flicked down to the now much calmer flames she held, "Yet more proof this is your sister's fire." She presented the chalice to him, "to keep your hope alight Prince Shining Armor."

He needed to rethink his plans taking into account everything he learnt today. It seems he would not be getting an Alicorn sacrifice anytime soon. He would have to make do with multiple weaker ones, the displaced Manehatten ponies should do.

"Princess," one of the investigators called out.

Both Luna and Shining looked up and headed towards the pony. The brown unicorn in a lab coat pointed a hoof at the Darkmage's stone dome.

"Somepony cut their way out of there less than an hour ago, we have a clear magical signature. It is from a male unicorn with natural affinities for dark, earth and an unnatural blood aspect."

Luna growled "If not for sister dearest delaying us, we would have been here in time to prevent the filth's escape."

Quick to change the subject Shining asked. "Unnatural blood aspect?"

The Darkmage bit his tongue, how could they get that much? He would need to see what new forensic spell they had developed recently. They now had a lot of information about him and would be able to identify him with a detailed affinities scan. He put his hoof on the keystone and hoped their new spells could not breach its concealment.

The investigator nodded, "Yes, some spells, items or training methods can cause somepony to develop unnatural aspects. They are the same as natural ones other than how they are acquired and sometimes being a bit unstable. Our current theory is that Twilight was captured, broke free somehow, then engaged in a battle of spells here." He gestured around the chamber. "Then as she was leaving..."

"Her wellspring detonated," Luna solemnly added.

He nodded, "We have at least five ponies dead under the rocks here and here. Need to dig them out to be sure."

Luna looked to Shining, "Shining you and your guards help secure the ruin, I will search from the sky. Let us see if we can catch ourselves a runaway. Use extreme caution, if he is the one that caused Twilight's wellspring to detonate he could do it to others. Disable him as soon as you see him, in any way you feel necessary."

Shining saluted out of habit before heading off, his emotions now hidden by duty. Luna looked around as if she suspected somepony might be watching her, then walked toward the exit.

"You had better hope Shining finds you first," Luna growled softly as her walk turned to more of a prowl, her mane rippling violently.

The Darkmage smiled to himself. He would wait for his chance, then head to the secret tunnel. He still had his samples from Twilight, and now he knew so much more. The day was not so bad after all, even if they now had his magical scent.

CH 8 Book Forts and Stuffed Toys

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Cocooned in the loving wings of somepony larger, Twilight felt safe. Here, neither burning fire nor stinging blades could reach her. The now-familiar scents of the crisp night air, clean feathers and the unique smell of an Alicorn reached her instead. She knew it was not Celestia, no, it was better. It was her saviour.

She could feel her saviour’s body moving with slow steady breaths. Twilight’s own breathing peacefully settled into the same rhythm.

She remembered the truth now. The injury report was hers, the pain had been real at one point. Her mind had been trying to protect itself, to hide from the pain. All it had accomplished was to cause a larger panic attack later.

Lazily, she considered her situation. Was she even alive anymore? The horn of an Alicorn could be used to kill one, so was this the last fleeting moments of a dying mind? If so, at least it was nice, thought Twilight as she nuzzled the larger Alicorn.

"You have nothing to fear now, my Little Star, you are safe," her saviour said, and Twilight knew it to be true, and the rest simply did not matter.

The larger Alicorn leant closer, placing a motherly kiss below her horn. Her saviour's enchanting voice started singing the Lullaby again. Twilight snuggled contently and let herself fall into a blissful sleep.

Awareness returned to Twilight, the soothing tune of the Lullaby greeting her first. Yet there were no words this time, just music played by an enthralling mix of woodwind and string instruments. Twilight lay there trying to deny she was awake, only finally giving in because she started humming along.

Slowly she let her humming end and took a deep breath. The smell of blood, burnt hair and an overtaxed horn assaulted her nose. Her heart rate spiked as her body got ready to flee. Panic started to rear its ugly head. Her eyes tried and failed to open. Despite the adrenaline now in her blood, she felt too weak to even open her eyes. The panic deepened. Was she too injured to even be able to feel pain?

“You are safe," her saviour seemed to whisper in her ear.

Yes, she was safe, those few words breaking the feedback loop of panic. She let the music help her be calm. Reciting the Lullaby in her head with as much dedication as she would a new spell formula, her heart rate returned to normal.

With every breath, she could feel her strength slowly returning. After a few minutes, she determined that it would be an hour before she could stand and twice that before she could use her horn for anything. The sensation of her wellspring – something normally overwhelming enough to give nearby unicorns hornache – was down to a tiny slowly building ember.

With nothing better to do, she let her mind wander. While she hoped that all the pain had been a nightmare, she was fairly certain that it was real. Was it part of a test? Another trial to prepare her for the hardships of being an immortal? If it was, she would forgive Celestia if only she could see her friends again.

Her mind skipped. If she was thinking that this was another trial, then what were the other ones and why could she not remember them? Did she pass? And why would she need to forgive Celestia? She felt scared, a sinking feeling creeping into her thoughts. Her mind was hiding something else.

As if in response to her worry, something shifted under her wing. Twilight managed to just crack a single eye open, but all she could see for the moment before it closed was blurs of lavender and white.

Obviously vision was still out, so she focused on her sense of touch. She was pressed against something warm, something under her wing. She could feel she had both her legs and wings wrapped around It. Something that seemed to expand and contract in a predictable pattern, most likely breathing.

It, no, they felt soft, with the familiar textures of a soft coat and feathers. Their build felt female, so the likely conclusion was that she was snuggled up with either Rainbow or Fluttershy. No, she was larger now, so the only pony that would feel so large against her would be another Alicorn, and she was a similar size to her so perhaps it was Cadance?

Whoever this mystery Alicorn was, the scents of burnt hair and blood were clearly coming from them. Ok, so whoever they were, they were likely hurt. She had to do something. She forced her eyes open, the blurs taking far longer than they should have to resolve.

Looking at who was under her wing, it seemed that she was curled protectively around a heavy bandaged clone of herself. Examining her copy, who she decided to label Sparkle-Two for now, she had clearly been gravely injured. Her body was horribly burnt. The horn was blackened with cracks running along its length, clearly from channelling too much power. Strangely her mane was undamaged, indicating the mane was in either an ethereal or elemental state when the burns on the rest of Sparkle-two’s body were inflicted.

“A changeling?” Twilight wondered out loud, her voice slurring.

Overall, Sparkle-two looked fitter, and, disregarding the injuries, in a better state of health. Standing a little taller and looking stronger. Like Twilight herself could look if she had taken Rainbow up on that physical training.

She pushed the barest portion of her magic to her horn. There was an unhappy sounding fizzle. “Ouch.” She would have to wait longer to make use of her spells.

Twilight raised her head slowly, peering round, taking in her surroundings. She was in a book fort, the biggest book fort in the history of book forts. The walls were made from spell books on defensive magic and shields, even her BBBFF’s one.

Scattered around her lay a large collection of open medical books, both magical and mundane. They were open to sections on burns, lacerations, horn inflicted stab wounds, magic fatigue, and horn fractures.

Sparkle-Two shifted, revealing she was cradling something in her forelegs. It was a pony plushie, a life-sized one of a unicorn foal, a foal that looked very much like Twilight wearing a burnt looking pith helm with a stethoscope around its neck. The cutie mark was only missing the smaller stars. Did ponies make stuffed toys of her, and were they in enough demand for them to be faked?

Twilight looked at the button eyes of the plushie and it was if it looked right back at her. She could not turn her eyes away, something about it was just so familiar. Something she had lost.

“Little Star?” that beautiful voice said softly from outside the fort.

“Umm... what, hello?” Twilight quietly responded, not wanting to wake Sparkle-Two.

“Good, you’re awake. Would you care to join me for some tea served with some answers?”

“Tea sounds lovely, thank you, but I don’t think I can get out on my own.”

A blue equine head raised up over the wall, looking down into the fort. It had a long horn, with a long flowing ethereal silver mane and graced with the most beautiful smile Twilight had ever seen. Her saviour’s bright laughter brought a smile to Twilight’s muzzle, there was no way it could not.

“It seems a little too small for me to come in,” her saviour said with a mirthful smile.

The larger Alicorn lit her horn, silver magic carefully lifting Twilight over the wall of books. She also wrapped the copy in a night-black blanket before turning her attention back to Twilight, levitating her in front of her.

“Thank you for saving me, Princess.”

“I am no Princess. My name is Sweet Dreams, and you are welcome, my Little Star.”

Sweet Dreams floated her closer and nuzzled her. Twilight felt herself smile upon hearing that name. Like when Celestia use to call her ’Her Faithful Student’. Why would she be calling her Little Star? Twilight glanced at her cutie mark. Is that why she calls me Little Star? Why does it make me feel so happy?

“My... my name's Twilight.”

“I know, but I think Little Star sounds cute.”

Twilight blushed, and Dreams softly laughed. “I will stop if that is what you wish.”

“I don’t know,” Twilight mumbled.

Dreams stretched a wing around Twilight and pulled her into a hug. Twilight's world was all warmth and feathers once more. She let out a content sigh and rested her head on Dreams' chest once again.

“Am I dead?” Twilight asked, voice calm despite the subject.

Taken aback by the sudden change of topic, Dreams answered, “No more than you have been since your Trial of Thorns.”

“Trial of Thorns?”

Dreams tilted her head, looking down at Twilight, eyes intense. “You truly don't remember?”

“No…“ Twilight shuddered. “why do I feel so scared of something I can’t even remember?”

“We are going to get some tea before we speak another word about such things”, Dream picked up Shining Armor’s spellbook and offered it to Twilight.

Twilight gripped the book and held it tightly to her chest, looking at the cutie mark on the cover with need. Dreams held her, softly singing her ancient Lullaby. Twilight let Dreams’ scent, warmth and the song wash over her.

Leaving the storeroom that held the book fort, Twilight could see that she was in a huge tree. It was similar to her old home, but about ten times the size. With multiple levels and so many books, she could not stop herself from drooling.

Still held in the silver glow of Dreams’ magic, she was levitated along as Dreams jumped the railing and glided down to the ground floor.

Landing on her hind legs, Dreams spun around with forehooves raised and wings spread. “Welcome to the Grand Golden Oaks Library!” she happily declared.

“It's huge,” Twilight whispered, “so many new books!”

Dreams let out her beautiful laugh again and moved the both of them to a reading nook, soft cushions and a tea set already laid out.

Twilight looked around eagerly. The ground floor had relatively few bookshelves. Instead, most of the wall space was taken up with doorways. Sweet Dreams followed Twilight's gaze, explaining what she was looking at.

The first things to catch her attention were five doors, each with one of her friends' cutie marks on them. Oh, how she missed them.

“There you have the sections dedicated to your close friends, the other Elements of Harmony. A part of them will always be with you here.”

Two doorways were almost overflowing with Celestia’s magic. Radiating power and clearly with strong Solar, Astral and Fire affinities. One doorway was missing its door and instead was barricaded with crisscrossing golden chains with razor edges. The chains were stained with blood in places, some old while some others were still wet. The second looked like a cell door and blocked the way down into the basement.

“Celestia's seals. It contains some of the answers you seek. We will talk about her work here once you have some background as to what is going on.”

Right next to each other, almost touching, were two doorways. One with Luna’s mark, the other with Nightmare Moon's symbol atop Twilights own mark. Twilight stared at the combined mark.

The last doorway was too small for adults to go through. The mark on it was like Twilight's but missing the surrounding starts, just like the plushie Sparkle-Two held.

Dreams set Twilight down and took her own cushion. As she started to serve the tea, Twilight asked a question.

“Where are we?”

A soft laugh came in reply. “This is your Grand Golden Oaks Library, your mental bastion.”

“So am I dreaming?”

“It's more than that. Being an immortal Alicorn, your mind is larger than those of mortals. It becomes its own plane of existence. Like your pockets, you carry things in it. Your mind is a space that needs its own protections.”

“That's amazing.” Twilight’s eyes lit up with wonder.

“I have so many questions, so many experiments. Can I bring others here? What would happen if…” Dream’s hoof against Twight’s muzzle ending the potentially endless stream of questions.

“There are other things we need to discuss first.”

“Like the Trial of Thorns?”

“Yes, see that seal?” Dreams asked, a wing guiding Twilight's gaze. “That is where things are kept when Celestia decides you should no longer know of them.”

“She would never… she’s Princess Celestia, she…”

“Grey, if you would?” Dream called out.

From the other side of the seal movement could be seen. Twilight stared as a greyscale version of herself as a unicorn came into view. Grey's face was completely blank, frozen in its non expression. Her eyes, though, they seethed – they were filled with years of contempt and bitterness.

Upon Grey's neck was a barbed golden collar. Twilight immediately recognized the spellwork, it was more of Celestia’s.

Grey reached through the chains, holding out a scroll, ignoring the cuts and scrapes, depositing even more blood upon them. Twilight was still focused on Grey. She looked so similar to when Discord had twisted her mind.

Dreams floated the scroll to herself. “This is your memory of the Trial.”

Twilight looked at the scroll. “My memory? Like the last scroll, the one from when I lost my horn?”

Dreams nodded somberly. “Yes, it seems that you have learnt to place things you don’t want to remember on the other side of Celestia's seal”


Dreams offered the scroll to Twilight. “Would you like to see it, or shall I just tell you what happened?”

“If… I think you can just tell me for now, I can always look at it myself later,” Twilight said.

Putting the scroll aside, Dreams continued. “The short of it is that Celestia decided you needed your full immortal powers available if you were to take on your role in her plan.”

“That doesn't sound so bad…”

“It is the how and the why that makes all the difference, my Little Star,” Dreams said.

Fear and comfort warred in Twilight's mind. “Go on.”

“The how is that after all the ritual preparations, she drove a sword through you, piercing your heart” – anger flared in Dreams’ eyes – “looking down at you impassively, holding you still as you begged and apologised for whatever you did wrong, pleading for your life, for forgiveness.”

Twilight felt like she could not breath, this had to be a lie, it could be nothing else. Or at least, that's what she thought until she met Dreams’ eyes. Those tearful, caring eyes full of anger for what had been inflicted upon Twilight.

“Wh...why... why would she do that… how… how could she do that to me...” Twilight asked.

“She wished for you to be immortal. She had a use for a piece on her chessboard as powerful as you. The younger you were when she performed the rite, the higher the chances of you surviving. That is the one kindness she did you in this, improving your odds of survival.”

Twilight put a hoof to her chest and slowly breathed in and out a few times, calming her nerves. I need facts, freakout later.

Dreams continued “Celestia had to know if she needed to train a replacement, if her meddling with your mind had left you, somehow incomplete—”

“Incomplete?” Twilight interrupted.

“I will start at the very beginning of this sad affair.” Dream's horn flashed and a little stuffed toy version of Twilight appeared in the air.

“Once, there was a little filly who was good at magic, so good in fact that the Sun Princess took her on as her own.”
Another flash and a toy Celestia was added, the toy Twilight made to bounce around happily.

“For a time, everything was perfect, until one day the filly found a book.” A small red book appeared next to the toy Twilight.

“It had been hidden in the filly's room with powerful magics, but they were no match for her magic and the determination that drove it. Now why would this been hidden here? the filly thought. It must be a test, a secret test, a secret test from the Sun Princess just for her.

“The filly studied like she had never studied before, and mastered every spell, no matter how strange they seemed: 'The Princess must have a reason for her to learn these spells,' she told herself. She studied and studied and eventually she was done.

“She rushed to show the Princess, expecting nothing but praise.” Toy Twilight bounced around offering the book up to Celestia. Celestia’s Mane went ablaze and the book burst into flames.

“Scorn and burns was what she received, but that was not all. She knew too much now, and something had to be done.” Toy Celestia raised a hoof to Twilight’s ear and pulled the red book from it. The book was wrapped with golden chains before being returned.

“Golden chains locked the red book, closing it forevermore”. The toys moved around each other, seeming to dance. “Once again things were good for a time.”

“The filly had never felt the bite of failure, the pain of being unable to complete a task the Princess had set for her. No mere mortal should be so successful, the Sun Princess decided, so a test would be performed, one so hard that it was said only an Alicorn could pass.” A book, this time golden, appeared before the Twilight.

“And like last time the filly studied. She would do anything for her Princess even if it seemed impossible,” Twilight rose into the air, glowing. In a flash of light it was gone, and in its place six new toys appeared."

Each toy bobbed forward in turn, making their introductions. First, a toy of Grey in robes with a staff, looking tall, noble, and important. “Grey the Lady Mage, holder of ambition, keen of mind and seeker most efficient.”

Next a white mare with fire for her mane and tail, draconic eyes, and fangs. “Nova the Passionate, passion and power incarnate as befitting her name.”

Then, a Midnight blue mare with spiky black mane, wearing a gothic black dress. “Rule Breaker the rebel, the undoubtable, the achiever of the impossible.”

It was followed by a tall dark purple mare with a supermodel figure. “Dancer the Sensual, the show off, the performer.”

Fifth, a filly Alicorn Twilight with a sun cutie mark. “Sunchaser the Dreamer, ever wanting to be like her Princess.”

Last, a small filly Twilight with a happy smile. “Star the Child, innocent and fun-loving.”

“They rushed to show the Princess, once again expecting nothing but praise.” The group pranced around, each in their own unique way. They circled Celestia, whose mane went ablaze once more and a blade of flame appeared.

“Blade and Fire was what they received, but that was not all. For she had become too much now and something had to be done. 'I will set things right,' declared the Sun Princess as she culled what she deemed unnecessary.”

The blade rose, the blade fell. One by one the toys were cut apart.

“The Sun Princess was disappointed with the filly, but something could still be saved, something could still be used.” Celestia sorted through to pieces of the six toys and with golden thread started sewing together a single filly.

“Distracted by her work, the Sun Princess did not notice two had survived.”

Grey, mostly intact, lay still as Celestia pulled off the left foreleg, the last piece needed to complete her new toy.
Nova lay broken, stuffing falling out, ignored.

“Sunchaser's wings she kept in case she had need of them, the rest swept aside.”

A box of gold appread, the lid open as all the stuffing and toy parts which remained were swept in with a golden glow. Nova growled, looking out from the box as the lid, styled to look like the door to the basement, closed.

“The patchwork filly was now nearly finished, needing only one final touch to make the Sun Princess happy. She made sure the filly would never be such a disappointment again.” The golden tome was pulled from behind the filly's ear. Celestia opened it adding a picture of the six broken toys.

“As golden chains started to seal the second book, Grey took her chance, casting a simple spell, but a spell on which rested her only hope.”

The little and now three-legged toy Grey flashed and disappeared, an image of her reappearing on the cover of the book just as it was hidden back behind the patchwork filly’s ear.

“And then for a time everything was good again, though it was built on lies.” Dreams ended her tale, lowering her head. A flash, and only the patchwork filly remained, now with Sunchaser’s wings.

Twilight knew they were just simple stuffed toys, and yet, if this was her past, could it be true? She had to know. Using a hoof to part her coat, she looked on in horror at the neat, glowing, golden stitches holding her left foreleg to her body. She looked back at her wings, and there was gold thread on them, too. She trembled.

“I’m… I’m –” Twilight grabbed the patchwork filly with flickering magic “– me.”

Twilight jumped at the unexpected hoof on her shoulder, her eyes following up the limb to find Dreams’ loving face. Wings and legs closed around her as Dreams hugged her tightly.

“You are safe here, my Little Star,” Dreams said.

“I know,” Twilight said as she returned the hug, “and thank you, Sweet Dreams.”

Twilight started to hum the lullaby. Dreams nuzzled her and started to sing, though the song seemed just a little bit darker than before. Twilight wanted answers, and she would get them, but for now she wanted to feel cared for. Protected and safe under Dreams’ wings, she did.

CH 9 Nightmare's Reluctant Bedrest

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Nightmare tore her way through the comforting darkness, only to find pain and dizzying motions. To her the world was spinning, yet her horn was telling her it was turning inside out. Her earth pony sense was telling her down was above her and her pegasus senses were telling her she was falling, and yet she could clearly feel she was laying.

She tried to move, to open her eyes, to do anything, but nothing physical worked, nothing would respond. Anger flared. She would not be defeated. She was strong, she was powerful. She lit her horn, the crack and sizzle from her horn drowned out by the agonised scream Nightmare released.

The sound of the scream echoed repeatedly, hammering her head into submission. Everything hurt.

Slowly, she managed to pull herself together. I am strong, I am powerful, she reminded herself again. She could stand against the sun itself. She would get through this, she was in control of her body, she would heal. She just needed to wait.

The sound of galloping hooves approached, of laboured breathing. Then the sound of hooves sliding on a smooth floor, a crash of metal, and glass shattering.

“No, no, no, maybe? No, that one's broken too.” Star seemed to be panicking. “Yes” she shouted.

It sounded like Star had moved closer to her, and the world shift slightly. It felt like she was on a bed and... did Star just climb up on it, too?

Something pricked her flesh, though her senses were still too jumbled to tell where. Her leg? Her body? Who knew. Did she even still have them? No matter. If not, they would grow back.

“There, Princess, that will help with the pain,” Star said.

A wonderful cold numbness started to seep through her flesh. Oh she could resist the drug, stop the drug's effects and halt its spread, but the cold was too nice.

Her world started to fade again, but before it did, she felt something. What was that? A bandage? No, it was warm... is... is Star hugging her?

The sound of a page being turned reached her. “Talk reassuringly to patient,” Star muttered under her breath. “Everything's going to be ok, Princess, we're home. We got away from the bad ponies and…”

Nightmare did not hear what Star was going to say next. The anaesthetic was dragging her into the darkness, but she did not care about that, nor did she care about the smile on her face. Before she slipped away into blissful unconsciousness, a single thought ran through her mind. Somepony cares about me...

Nightmare did not like this, it was humiliating. She was bed-bound, yes, even with an Alicorn for a host. If she just had enough magic she could just discorporate herself and reform, uninjured. Sadly, it was not a possibility – whatever had happened after Twilight’s panic had left their wellspring severely damaged.

Her Little Star was out acquiring food and other supplies. She hoped she was safe, not that she could do anything to keep her asset safe anyway. She snorted. Is it worse to be powerless, she thought, than to be imprisoned?

Laying there on her huge bed, bandages and strong-smelling herbal medicines generously covering her burns, she had little to do. At least the room she was in was interesting: the play of light and shadow upon the crystal wall were quite appealing with the flickering mage light. So, this place is unimportant enough to risk the light failing?

As nearly everything was made of crystal Nightmare figured she was either in Twilight's castle or the Crystal Empire. Where else could one see such opulence? She did not recognise the area, so wherever it was, Twilight had likely never been here, or it had changed since she last was.

She tried again to get into contact with the fragment tending to Twilight. Still no answer, no response. She could feel its presence close to Twilight, so she knew it was still there. Nightmare closed her eyes, shifting her perceptions to her mental space. She was embraced by peaceful darkness and calm music.

Seeking about, she felt they were both close but just out of reach. Am I still too weak even for this? Nightmare thought about herself with scorn.

So long as it kept Twilight happy then everything would be fine. That was the one directive it was given upon its creation that should be its inescapable purpose. She idly wondered what they would be like and if they would try and contest control of the body from her just to try and keep Twilight happy. No, it was probably keeping Twilight with pleasant dreams of her friends.

Opening her eyes and starting to breathe again, she lamented to herself that breathing with this much injuries hurt, but it was a torment she had to endure. Her host did not need to breathe, but for every painful breath she avoided, it was a little less magic dedicated to restoring her wellspring. If only Star had more of that Alchemy she had used before, but alas, there was nothing more to be had.

Upon taking the body she had agreed to deal with the cult and had yet to do so. She already felt a strong urge to get up and go after them, even in her weakened state. She did not, however: She had already had to be put back in bed by her Little Star once today for foalishly believing she could simply use willpower to fight past this body's complaints.

She had not broken her agreement, so her control was still strengthened by it. Deal with the cult and protect her friends. She would deal with them, but just maybe next week.

Spent a thousand years on the moon, and a week of bedrest somehow seems worse. Nightmare let out a snort. She closed her eyes and willed herself to sleep.

“Princess, Princess, wake up, it's time for dinner,” Star said.

Nightmare snapped awake, disorientated. No dreams? It feels like I was locked out. My fragment's doing? Luna's? Nightmare contemplated about the unexpected happening. Remembering what Star said, she opened her eyes to see Star’s wide smile and a tray of steaming food leaving before her.

“Ah, My Little Star,” said Nightmare, smiling. She sniffed the air, her smile widening. “Whatever feast you have prepared smells most divine.”

Star clapped her hooves together with glee. “I found the recipe in cookbook upstairs, only took two attempts to get it right.” Star clambered up on the bed before starting to feed her, levitating a spoon laden with food.

So I have to be fed like a foal. How demeaning. At least nopony else will ever find out. She had borne worse, she would bear this. Gracefully accepting her food, she started to eat. Then the taste hit her, making Nightmare close her eyes and let out a content moan. Oh, by Tartarus this is good.

“Good?” Star asked.

Nightmare could only nod, and for a time gone were her plans of taking over the world or hunting down cultists. All that existed was her Little Star and this most wonderful of foods, apple and cinnamon porridge most fine.

If moving did not hurt so much, she would have just plunged her muzzle in the bowl and devoured the whole thing at once, the bowl included.

After finishing her food, it was not long before she was asleep again.

Nightmare let out a dry chuckle as she turned the page of a two day old copy of The Canterlot Times. So apparently her host was dead. That might make things more difficult. Coming back from the dead would raise more questions than simply having been missing for a time.

Should she write a letter to Celestia? It is what Twilight would do, but what would it gain her? Only a small increase in her control over Twilight. It would be a risk, a large risk. She knew with her injuries, it would be weeks if not months before she was up to facing another Alicorn in battle.

Despite this, remaining hidden for too long would also be risky, and she was rather looking forward to her spa trip. Twilight and her friends looked like they enjoyed it, and she wanted to find out if it felt as good as the blood magic. Was it better or worse, similar or unique?

Whenever she did go, she would have to play the part, have to pretend to be Twilight. Applejack would be the most difficult to trick, with the rest of Twilight's friends having little quirks that could be turned against them. It was just her luck, however, that the earth pony’s Element granted her a sense of truth, so no lies could be said. The only way forward was to control the conversation carefully. She felt Twilight stir within her, a deep longing for her friends blooming as well.

She looked up at her Little Star sleeping peacefully beside her. Nightmare smiled fondly.

How would she explain her, though? The pragmatic thing would be to remove her from the equation. Yet, looking at her, she could not even consider going through with it. Her little Star was too useful, valuable for influencing Twilight, too capable, Nightmare tried to justify, she looks up to me, she cares for me, not for my host but me...

Just the thought of any harm befalling her Little Star roused a cold rage in her heart. She would hate herself if she killed her Star. She never had anything she hated herself for other than being sent to the moon.

Her Little Star had cared for her, treated her injuries, even somehow rescued her and brought her to this safe haven. No, she would not be like her traitorous sister. Her little Star was faithful to her, was loyal to her. Just because so precious few had ever given her loyalty did not mean she should not return it when it was, she told herself. Something that felt very much like approval drifted up from Twilight.

"You are making this old mare soft, My Little Star," Nightmare said.

Discarding the old newspaper, she nuzzled her and set about joining her in sleep. Thoughts of how to explain Twilight's new daughter to the world was the last thing on her mind before sleep claimed her. Who would the papers claim to be the father? Nightmare ruminated, letting out a chuckle. Oh, how sweet, innocent Twilight would react to all the theories.

Nightmare awoke, disconcerted from what seemed to be a recurring problem. My third night and still no dreams. Nothing but darkness, and then the waking world again.What was wrong with her?

Deciding to leave it be for now, she stretched. There was still some pain, but whatever cream applied to her burns made them manageable. She felt she could get up, but it would be unwise, and there was no need at the moment. Give it a day or two at most and she would be mobile again.

A note explaining that Star had gone shopping sat atop today's newspaper. Remembering that her horn was wrapped in a strange leaf and the strict instructions from Star to not even think about casting magic for at least another day, Nightmare she reached out for the paper with her hoof.

The Canterlot Times

Princess Luna Still Unavailable, Mysteries Abound

Night Court is still suspended after the incident in which Princess Luna stormed out three nights ago. The Nightguard have been noticeably lacking in the capital, leaving many a citizen to wonder what they are doing.

That's when whatever happened to me happened, Nightmare realized. When she had asked Star to tell her what happened, all Nightmare could get from Star before she got too emotional was that she had been on fire, curled up on the ground, under fire from dark spells, and after that, Star had rescued her from the 'bad ponies,' getting them both outside the temple before teleporting away. If whoever her prey was could do this much damage to her wellspring, then they were not to be underestimated.

Having sorted out her thoughts, Nightmare continued reading.

Possible Dragon Attack?

Coming hot on the hooves of the tragic loss of Princess Twilight is another attack on our peaceful land. Now, in addition to the chaos wrought by the horrendous attack on Manehattan by parties unknown, it seems the citizens of Equestria have to deal with their forests being destroyed and their mountains being turned into volcanoes.

Is this a prelude to war? It has been confirmed that the mountain was set ablaze with purple and red magical fire, destroying the entrance to a historic pre-Celestia Temple. A question raised by many is if this has anything to do with Princess Luna teleporting out of the throne room with a squad of her Nightguard that night? Our magical expert says the flames have been enchanted and will burn for at least one hundred years. (See page twenty for the implications of an ever-burning flame on firewood and oil prices.)

Nightmare blinked and read that once again. Purple fire? Was that purple fire the same magenta shade as Twilight’s magic? And as for a pre-Celestia Temple, the Temple of the Hidden Path would certainly qualify. What happened? Ever burning fire... no it could not be. Nightmare's mind flicked to memories of her time with Luna.

Gleefully swooping down like an angel of death, she grabbed up her victim, sinking her fangs into their neck to send a spike of dark magic through their blood and into their wellspring. She laughed menacingly as she teleported the pony into a large group of his friends. A building-sized explosion of yellow flames erupted as her pony-turned-bomb did his final duty to the Queen of the Night. That was not all, however, and the dark magic she wove into it leapt from flames as black serpents, biting into the other ponies, spreading the doom. More and more ponies exploded, consumed by soul fire. From Nightmare Moon's view in the sky it looked like fireworks, a celebration in her honour. Just like she always deserved. She smiled, and thus the Badlands were scorched into being from the pyre of a thousand souls.

Nightmare shook her head, clearing the flashback. Twilight’s soul fire? But how are we still alive? Once lit, there should be no way, nay, there is no way to survive. Something inside her felt sickened at that level of destruction. Was it her feeling, or was it Twilight's? Nightmare spent a long moment trying to figure out and falling to determine whose feelings that were. Finally, she simply said, “They were our enemies, they deserved their fate.”

Almost as if in reply, the memories of her escape assaulted her, the all-consuming flames dragging her in. The Nightmare closed her eyes, forcing the soothing darkness in her mental space to smother the phantom of pain. “As you wish, Twilight, no incinerating armies with soul fire,” and like that the flames were gone. Another binding agreement forged.

“We are not making friends with your former captors, though,” Nightmare added. A faint sense of what felt like agreement floated up from her host's mind.

Reaching out, Nightmare tried to reconnect with either her fragment or Twilight. Nothing again, but she could feel they were also recovering and they were closer, but she could not join them or even see what they were doing in Twilight's mental space.

She took a moment to fidget, trying to find a more comfortable position. Trying to forget the flames, she turned back to the paper.

Princess Luna Prepares for War

Princess Luna, ever the militant of the Royal Sisters, has commissioned a new set of war plate. Our sources report she has been seen carrying a weapon thought to have perished to time. Her hammer, Starfall, assumed to be lost for over one thousand years. This mighty weapon of legends is said to be able to strike down even the eldest of dragons with a single blow. Is Her Highness the protector the everypony needs in this dark time, or is she risking provoking a military build up from the other nations?. (See page fifthteen for the expected reactions from the other Nations)

Nightmare slowly shook her head, wondering in slight disbelief how Luna had convinced her sister to allow this. So, is she intending on knocking down Canterlot? I wonder what would be left should somepony make her jump and drop Starfall. Would the mountain still be standing? She knew more than a few valleys, gorges, and lakes were still on the map from where she had fumbled that seige breaking war hammer, said to be made from dead stars.

Princess Celestia Injured

Our sources in the Royal Court have confirmed seeing Princess Celestia with blood on her coat and a broken jaw. What foe was our great princess fighting when she received these injuries, this writer wonders. Regardless, It is expected the Princess will make a full recovery as no changes to Day Court have been announced.

Nightmare grinned. Celestia being hurt was always a good thing. A moment after, she paused her thoughts, expecting outrage from her host. The uncertainty she received instead was surprising, good, but surprising. Her fragment must be doing a better job than she thought. Nightmare’s fang-filled grin would have scared off lesser ponies in that moment. She only wished she could see what was going on in there.

Housing Drive for Manehattan Ponies

The respectable Noble Guide, an up and coming business pony, is set to speak before the Royal Court today to continue their campaign to aid the Ponties of Manehattan. “Canterlot is the shining star of Equestria, and we will show that we all stand for the ideals of Harmony,” he declared to a gathering of Nobles. His other efforts include setting up housing for the displaced ponies, and he is calling for either donations or action to help those affected.

She placed the paper on the nightstand. Dull, another pony trying to look good. This is likely some sort of trap either for the ponies of Manhattan or the crown treasury. Nightmare snorted in her mind.

Nightmare looked around for something else to pass the time with. It felt like Star had been gone a long time, though with no clock and no connection to the moon, she had no way of telling.

Should she be worried yet? No, she had faith that she would come back to her. Faith in somepony else? All it took was nearly dying and being nursed to health by them. She chuckled at the thought.

Something flickered to her left, and she snapped her head around to try to see it, only just remembering not to light her horn. For a moment she could have sworn she had seen Twilight, uninjured and clean. She blinked. She was just looking at the reflective crystal wall of her room.

Was she hallucinating, or was Twilight learning to see out of her dreamscape? She did so herself when seducing Luna to the darkness all those years ago, and Twilight was the Element of Magic so it was not impossible.

“Princess…” Star said, breaking Nightmare’s worried train of thoughts about Twilight.

Nightmare looked to see her walking into the room, ears low, hunched slightly, stride hesitant. She looked exhausted and her coat was a mess, her mane even had twigs and cake in it. What now?

Nightmare opened her wing in invitation, Star desperately accepting the comforting embrace. Using the hug to conceal the fact from Star, Nightmare discreetly searched the room for any flickers or images in any of the room's many reflections before turning her full attention on Star.

“My Little Star, what troubles you so?” Nightmare only had to try a little to make her tone sound loving and concerned. Perhaps, I did not have to try at all. A most surprising change, even if it was... welcome.

After Nightmare pondered on the new development, Star spoke. “Well…”

CH 10 Little Star goes Shopping

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Just like the past two days, she was on another mission; this one, a not so epic tale, of retail and walking. Star was still wearing her trusty helm. She had enchanted it with some defensive runes in a ring around the rim. She had used some powdered gemstones to make the ink for the runes. Strangely she found the gems in the kitchen.

Star felt the helm looked cool. Like if Daring-Do had accepted the help of the enchantress instead of sneaking away on her own.

Next, she wanted to work on a cloak. She was going to enchant it for comfort, stealth, and as armour. She was thinking of adding a come to life spell to allow it to help defend her.

She would be ready if the bad ponies came back, they would not hurt the Princess again.

Star blinked at the wall she had almost walked in to. She was still finding it strange to be just one pony in her own head.

Sixty-five, times you thought that today, Grey added helpfully.

Ok, she was almost alone. Trying to think of too much at the same time just left her distracted now. Even only a single minute under that spell and she had already gotten used to it. Use to letting one of the others handle things like not walking into walls.

Maybe she could modify that spell to have only two of her. If successful, she should be able to use it for longer. Maybe she could make it even simpler and use parts of it as a base. If she mixed it with a few detection spells and part of her come to life spell she would have a Not-Walk-Into-Walls spell.

The Princess would be so proud of her, yet another new spell. She pranced in joy thinking what sort of ink to use to write the final version of the spell in.

“Ouch.” she looked down at the hole she had just twisted her hoof in. Yet another danger to have her walking spell look out for. If she wanted to get through this shopping adventure without harm, she would have to pay attention.

Ponyville was a strange place but it had a nice atmosphere. Something about it seemed familiar, like she had been here before. That pink earthpony was still running around looking for somepony. She kept saying something about a new pony that she just knew was here but could not find. She had been at it for days, Star hoped the poor mare was getting enough rest.

She felt safe with nopony being able to see her, so she kept the Notice-Me-Not spell going. Not as safe as when she was with her Princess, but she had to be brave.

Floating a few items from a nearby market stall to her saddlebags and counting out the right number of coins, she paid for what she was taking. She was not a bad pony, and she didn’t want to be, so she was swapping items for bits of the correct value.

She was no thief, she told herself, she was paying even if they never saw her, so everything was ok. It was also legal as there was no intent to commit a crime, right? She even left them a full list of everything she took so they would know what to restock. It was always good to stay organised.

Checking the skies, she wondered if she would see that rainbow maned pegasus doing stunts again. It was interesting to watch that yesterday. It was the sort of performance ponies would pay to see.

On to the next stop.

She left Barnyards Bargains with a happy spring in her step. That was the last stop for the day.

Her full saddlebags felt heavy on her back. It would have been so much easier just to put the shopping in an extra-dimensional space. She could not risk it, fifth and six-dimensional magic could be noticed by some pony, so no teleporting either.

She looked at her checklist double checking she had everything.

Return medical books to hospital, check.
Buy Newspaper, check.
Buy Food, check.
Buy medical supplies, check.
Buy more paper, check.
Buy more quills, check.

Time to head back home. She would have liked to have talked to some of the other ponies or played some games with the foals around town. However, with all the bad ponies that might still be out there, she could not take the risk — not with the Princess still injured.

Well, at least it was a nice day, the sun warm on her coat and the smell of fresh apple pie. Singing a song to a happy tune she contentedly headed back.

Held in her magic, the apple pie danced through the air with a bag of carrots. She could almost taste that Sweet Apple Acres pie, and she just knew the Princess would like it.

“Hello there, little one,” a warm motherly voice spoke.

“Hello,” Star replied automatically.

Star froze looking round. Yes, the pretty looking white mare with a long pink mane was looking right at her. Star quickly looked behind her to see if there were somepony else there and found nopony.

“You can see me?” Star said hiding the apple pie behind herself.

The mare nodded “yes I can, impressive spell work for one so young, who’s your teacher?”

Grey’s voice cut in Zero, the number of times it has been safe to trust her.

Grey did not like them, did not trust them, was she a bad guy like the ones from the temple? Star thought.

Star’s horn was already lit, carefully she started forming spell patterns hidden in its glow. She was ready to slam them into something useful at a moments notice.

One, time the mare has studied your horn.

She could not help a slight narrowing of her eyes; this mare with the most pleasant of smiles scared her. Something about her seemed powerful. Focusing all of her attention on her she could feel her horn itch, a tickling sensation in her hooves, and an electric chill down her spine.

“Are you all right?” said the mare.

“I should not talk to strangers,” Star said, taking half a step back.

“My name Sunny Days, is your’s Twilight?”

Star tried to hide any reaction, judged by the change in Sunny’s eyes she knew she failed.

This was a test, just a test, keep calm, assess the situation. Need a plan, need a plan. Star thought.

“But you know her?” Sunny said interrupting Star’s thoughts.

Star just knew she was giving things away, and somehow this Sunny Days was getting answers out of her. Is she reading my mind?

One, Two, Four. Eight… Star started doubling in her mind to distract the potential mind reader.

She wanted to run, wanted to flee, but would not achieve anything. She was smaller, so she would be slower than Sunny. She could drop her Notice-Me-Not spell and flee into a crowd for help. No, she could not do that if Sunny was like the other bad ponies, ponies would get hurt.

So three options, talk, try and leave peacefully, or teleport. Talking does not deny the other two, so talk first. Star reasoned.

“Hi, Princess!” a cheery voice exclaimed from behind Star.

Star jumped, spinning around to see the threat. A pink pony, with a fluffy mane, it looked like it was made like cotton candy and this close she could tell it smelled just like it too. The pink mare had a pleased, almost insanely happy smile on her face.

“Good morning, Pinky,” Sunny said.

“Have you seen the new pony? I’ve been looking for days, but they are really, really, really good at hide and seek,” Pink said.

“Sorry, I’m not very good at hide and seek,” Sunny said.

“No? too bad, oh have a cupcake and another one for your imaginary friend.” Pinky pulled two cupcakes out of her mane, the first she offered to Sunny, the second somehow appeared in Star’s mouth.

What? Star, panicked, tried to dislodge the cupcakes and then the taste hit. Oh, this is good Star thought. She started chewing. Well, that was distracting, tasty, but distracting.

“Bye, got to go find the new pony and prep a happy your still alive party,” Pinky said before leaning closer to Star and whispering “Don’t let them tell you your not real just because you’re in a story.”

Pinky Pie winked before she bounced off, cleary defying gravity at points.

“What?” Star said. Her mind needed more than a few moments to catch up.

She must be a wingless pegasus. But what’s with that weird sound every time she bounces? Sonic magic-based movement from and earthpony or wingless pegasus? My horn was lit. Why did I not cast any protective magic when she forced that delicious cupcake on me? Star’s mind raced seeking an explanation.

She was still tracking the Pink mare, she blinked and then Pinky was gone. How? She can teleport as well? What is she, a disguised alicorn? Star looked on in bemusement.

Sunny hid a soft giggle behind her hoof “Pinky makes wonderful cupcakes, does she not?”

Star turned back to face her and slowly nodded, finishing her treat, “Yes but who… what is she?”

Sunny laughed; it was a beautiful laugh. The sunlight seemed a little brighter, a little warmer. Emotional magic? Star thought.

“It’s just Pinky being Pinky, or that’s what my Faithful Student would say.” Sunny carefully watched Star as if waiting for a reaction.

Star was becoming less worried, but more confused. That cupcake really was the best thing she had ever eaten. She thought Pinky Pie worked in the building that looked like it was made of cake, she would have to get some treats from there another day, the Princess had to have some of them. Stop thinking about cupcakes you can get them later. she thought.

“So you’re a teacher? What do you teach?” Star said

“Oh, a little bit of this, a little bit of that but mostly magic and history.”

She felt like she knew this mare, she could almost remember sitting in a room listening to her perfect voice. Star could feel herself being pulled in two directions, and the first part wanted to move closer to Sunny Days, settle next to her and keep talking. Just like old times, her mind added.

Star fortified her resolve. No I can not trust my emotions here. Only my knowledge, Grey has helped me save the Princess so I will trust Grey. Grey seems to hate and distrust Sunny; therefore, Sunny is a bad pony even if she does not look like one, even if part of me is contemplating how nice it would be to hug her right now.

She needed to leave, and she needed to leave right now. Option three then. she decided.

Star let the partial spell forms in her horn collapse discarding any not needed for her teleportation bending the rest to fit. It was sloppy, it was rushed, and it was all she had time for now. Most damning of all, it would only be a B-minus at best. She shuddered at the thought of a bad grade.

Flashing into existence next to Sugar Cube Corner, she let out a deep breath. Why am I here? Oh no, I was thinking of cupcakes again. Star lamented.

She had to get back to the Princess, she had to warn her, but she could not lead this bad pony to her. Not with her still unable to use magic. She would have to be careful.

One by one she crafted basic spell arrays around her horn each spinning and dancing together. They formed an intricate pattern of runes along her horn’s length. It was the most sensitive magic detection spell she knew.

She started walking to Sugar Cube Corner. Sunny Days had a very unique feel about her. With this spell, she would sense if she got close.

There was something there, something adding a faint vibration to her horn. She sensed a note of magic too low to be noticed without a high gain, triple-layer, self-sorting, excluding filter.

Was she in the area of effect of a spell? A force? Was this always here? She had never checked. Was she paranoid? She turned down a shadowed alleyway needing to be out of sight. The feeling stopped. Star blinked. Strange magic stops when out of direct sunlight after talking to a peculiar mare named Sunny Days? Sunlight based scrying?

Three, seconds until she has you. Grey added.

Only Grey’s familiar voice stopped her from just bolting back out into the light at full gallop. Right need somewhere dark, somewhere it will be hard to track me. Star thought. She looked up at the Everfree Forest. “Perfect.”


Her horn flashed with Twilight's Lab-Safety spell. Then she poured all the power she could in a single second into her horn, preparing a teleportation spell. She added every safety she could think of, setting it to target any area of unstable magic in the forest.


Star closed her eyes and released the spell, trying not to think about all the dangers she had read about blind teleportation.

A bright flash of light forced its way past Star’s closed eyes, and she raised a hoof to shield them. A few seconds later, the light faded to a more manageable level. She could feel the steam rising from her horn.

She opened her eyes, finding she was in a perfect spherical space, it was lit by the glowing wards of the Lab-Safety spell. The walls of her prison seemed to be made of condensed and burnt wood, looking at the wards around her, the heat protection ones were glowing.

She had blind teleported into a solid object and survived, pulling an S-Five out of its storage she set about recording everything. A reliable way to teleport things into other solid things could be useful. A plan came to her; she could revolutionize doughnut-making for starters.

Four, minutes of air left. Grey informed her.

“Thank you,” Star responded.

She counted the seconds for two minutes giving her horn time to cool after the abuse she had put it through. She considered her options for a few more seconds. She would only need a small hole to let air in. A simple, aggressive cleaning spell would do. It was really a disintegration spell with built-in safeties, which Star easily removed. Her new destructive spell would be the only tool she would need. Lighting her horn and forming the spell, she carefully tightened the focus down to a narrow beam. Star released the spell, a single crack of energy and everything within four horn lengths along that beam instantly became nothing but dust. Now for a second hole so the air could flow. Another crack of energy and she felt the air around her start to become fresher.

A little bit of dull green-tinted light and fresh earthly scented air came in. Star knew that she could not return until the sun had set. She could not risk being picked up by that scrying spell again. So she had hours to do something with. She would have more than enough time to read her guide to the Everfree Forest book.

Looking around her, she had magically condensed Everfree wood around her. It was a material nopony else had ever worked with. She started cutting samples and trying to think if she could make any adventuring gear out of it. Maybe I could even make myself a pet? She considered.

“And that’s what happened. I made sure I was not being followed by the bad pony.” Star sat there being groomed by her Princess, a small pile of twigs, leaves and other detritus off to one side.

“So brave my clever, Little Star.” The Princess pulled her into a powerful hug and started to stroke her mane. It almost seems like the Princess never wanted to let her go again.

She seems a little sad. I know, deploy Plan Apple Pie. With a simple twist of magic, the still oven warm Sweet Apple Acres apple pie popped into existence on the table.

“Look what we have for dessert, Princess,” Star said with cheery pride.

Her Princess smiled warmly down at her.

CH 11 Sunny Days

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Princess Celestia, the regal, all-knowing, all-powerful ruler of the Sun, sat in her throne, or at least her body did. Her mind was elsewhere, only occasionally paying attention. Her Mask was handling the annoying nobles, following the rules it was given, acting the picture-perfect ruler. Celestia had at least an hour before they would even get to the point, so she would use her time more productively.

Within her mental-space, a sunlit garden, Celestia sat on a cushion trying to relax. The warm scents of her favourite flowers mixing perfectly with both her tea and cake. The sound of a gentle stream and wind chimes added to the peaceful atmosphere. She sat before two tables, a white marble pillar off to one side and a glass display case to the other.

“And she said, ‘if we have to banish Twilight, thou too will find thyself upon the moon!’” Celestia continued to Philomena her pet phoenix, who nodded along in all the right places.

Celestia took another bite from her cake, her jaw still twinging. Why did you have to strike me with such force, Luna? she thought. Even here, despite it being long healed, the blow’s aftermath could still be felt. Yes, she had insisted that she not go alone to investigate the magical pulse. Even having gone so far as to use her own raw magical force to overpower and redirect Luna’s first teleport.

Celestia chased the cake with a sip of tea, looking up from her cup to the mare she was sharing tea with. A mare that looked almost like her; If it was not for the burning mane and slit eyes. Daybreaker, her war-mind sat opposite, enjoying her own tea seemingly relaxed despite the golden barbed collar chaining her to a marble pillar in the centre of the garden.

“She would not be so disobedient if you would just let me break her,” Daybreaker said, a fanged smile on her muzzle.

Celestia levelled a cold stare. Mentally cursing Starlight's meddling that seemed to add a little spice to her war-minds personality. “We love our sister, and you would do well to remember that.” Celesta’s words caused the collar to glow brightly.

Daybreaker grit her teeth, bowing her head “Yes, your Radiance.”

Celestia’s gaze shifted, becoming warm and welcoming. “There, is that not better?” she smiled benevolently, “The sooner you give up on the Daybreaker persona, the sooner we can go back to normal.”

Still with head lowered, “I will behave your Radiance, Please allow me to remain as I am.”

Celestia glanced over to the stone archway at the far side of the garden. Within it, the throne room could be seen. Her Mask was still sitting there with perfect attentive smile number four, listening to that brain dead waste of space. Frustration flickered on her face for a moment.

“I’m the one that’s meant to want to set everything on fire,” Daybraker said.

“You know this is not what I intended for the nobility,” Celestia responded.

Daybraker gave Celestia a pointed look. “Then fix it, you have the power, you have the weight of law and even just cause for half of them if your agents can be trusted.”

“Equestria can not tolerate the scale of disruption that would cause, not now at least.”

With a hoof, Daybraker lifted the Twilight piece from the game board on the second table. “And so it comes back to your missing faithful student.” She turned it to face Celestia, “Will I be required to be your sword again?”

Celestia’s wings slumped, “I hope that will not be necessary, I have faith that she will be at least…” Her voice hitched, “salvageable.”

She genuinely cared for Twilight and feared for what state she would find her in. She knew Twilight was still too fragile, not used to the pain or sacrifices that might be required of her. Unprepared for the true torments that could be inflicted upon one that could not die. If only I had merely another hundred years to prepare everything.

Daybreakers muzzle twitched, but it was clear to Celestia, she dare not laugh. “And if the Nightmare is free or Twilight’s Seals are broken?”

Dread and pre-emptive regret bit at Celestia's heart at the thought of what might be required. “Then you will do what I command and nothing more.” her voice was cold as the void.

“Yes, your Radiance.”

Celestia’s eyes shimmered with liquid as she turned her gaze to look at the display case. Row upon row of game pieces, each perfectly caved by her own hoof into the likeness of her friends, foes and favoured tools.

Her golden magic embraced the little figure of a yellow unicorn with a two-toned mane and sun based cutie mark. Drawing it closer, she held it before her face.

Daybreaker draped a wing over Celestia’s back “Our duty, our ponies come first… everything else is secondary.”

Celestia nodded and closed her eyes as she leant into Daybreaker’s warmth. She could do nothing to change the past, only trot forward, keep placing one hoof after another upon the endless path.

“As always, we will do what we must. When you need it, my strength is here for you,” Daybreaker said, nuzzling Celestia.

Seeking comfort in the embrace of my tool of war now, Celestia thought almost laughing. She would need to spend more time investigating how much her war-mind had changed after being exposed to Luna’s chaotic domain.

A Flash of gold dragged her away from her introspection, a report appeared on the table. Celestia glanced up at the archway. Raven had just passed her some paperwork and her Mask thought it worthy enough to spend the not-insignificant amount of magic to send physical objects here.

A flick of her horn and both the Sunset and Twilight figures were placed on the game board. She slowly walked towards the table as Daybreaker returned to her tea.

Celestia looked down at the report, minor theft. The only reason such a trivial report would get sent here was the fact it came from Ponyville. She leafed through them, every item held in her golden magic. Over the past two days, items had been stolen and replaced with their exact value in bits. The thing that marked the report as urgent was the additional information from her agents. Pinky Pie had been searching for a new pony and had been unable to find them.

Her golden magic pulled one of the pieces of evidence, a neatly written receipt, something about it was familiar, she narrowed her eyes at the horn writing. It could not be.

With an effort of will and a lit horn, she reached out to the physical world. A bright flash and a set of drawers from her private chambers were dragged into her mental space.

Taking a deep breath to help recover from the exertion, she opened a drawer. She pulled out some of Twilight's old school projects and placed it next to the evidence, her eyes flit back and forth between the two. This horn writing was almost identical to Twilights before she was sealed. It was full of little hints of joy and eagerness, something that was missing from her later writings.

A soft smile crossed her muzzle. It was just like Twilight to pay for the things she was stealing. She shook her head; Twilight still had more than a few lessons she needed to learn.

She would be taking a trip to Ponyville.

Flying through the air was always a liberating feeling. Celestia could not keep a grin from her muzzle; she was going to find Twilight and everything was going to be alright. If it was not for the fact that she was only concealed by an invisibility spell, she might have let out a happy shout.

Currently, as far as anypony could tell she was still in the throne room holding court. It had taken a lot of promised treats to get Philomena to stay there to act as an anchor for the illusion spell. She could feel her Mask directing the fake the same way it would control her body when she retreated from it.

Daybreaker interrupted her. Do you know what you will do?

“I will find her of course,” Celestia answered out loud.

It is strange how she has not contacted anypony, not her friends, not even you? Daybreaker’s thoughts responded. Celestia could feel Daybreaker’s suspicions. She was always thinking of possible threats, dangers, and how to end them as efficiently, as permanently as possible.

Celestia kept herself below sonic rainboom speeds despite the sudden need to already be there.

Arriving just out of sight of the town, she transformed herself. The old magic wrapped around her, diminishing her form to that of an ordinary unicorn white of coat and pink of mane.

To Celestia the world suddenly seemed enormous, the once almost toyed sized world replaced with a full-sized one. Nodding to herself, she cantered into the town, she would have her answers, she would find her Faithful Student.

Ponyville had changed over the years yet somehow kept the small-town atmosphere from its founding by the Apple family, despite now having Twilight’s Castle. Her ponies going about their lives. If only she could come out and just watch more often. She took a breath of air, full of the smells of the town with none of the refinements of the rarefied scents of Canterlot. Places like this just seem more honest, more real.

Making her way towards the centre of town she could see two of the Elements, Applejack at the market selling her family’s apples. Rainbow Dash sleeping on a cloud.

This town, placed right next to the monster-infested Everfree, is almost defenceless, Daybreaker cut in.

You know why this is, Celestia responded.

Are you intending on using it to test another then?

All six of the elements were strengthened here, it has proved a useful place to forge friendships and temper heros.

Celestia trotted around the town, exchanging greetings, listing to the conversations in the background. After such a long life, she did not even need to think about small talk. Even without her Mask’s aid, it was still as automatic as breathing.

For each pony she encountered, she could see dozens of their ancestors in her mind's eye. She still had a full list detailing all the bloodlines and their traits stored in her mental garden. Part of her mind puzzled over who she would pair with who to breed the most powerful ponies.

At least she had gotten Cadence to agree to that if all things were equal in parental love, then the pairing that would provide the strongest foals would be promoted. In only a few generations, she could have most of the ancient warrior lines back and ready for service.

Unsurprisingly, there was a lot of speculation about Twilight, mostly discussion about if she was really dead or not. It was times like this that she really disliked the laws she passed that allowed the press to have the freedom to print such lies.

She asked about the stolen items and found out more things had gone missing today. Her mind simply absorbed the information she was given, noted who had said it and moved on. It seemed the disappearing items were starting to become an attraction, a puzzle. A small cash prize was available if somepony could figure out how it was being done. Celestia kept her magical sense alert seeking this so-called undetectable thief.

Being out here amongst her ponies under her warming sun felt like a holiday. Even with everything that had happened, merely being away from the court was a welcome breath of fresh air.

She used her horn for levitation to hide that she was scanning all the ponies she could. None of the locals had any signs of any mental manipulation or external control. Thankfully she found no traces of dark magic.

Celestia exchanged a few bits for a sandwich before trotting off to the next merchant on her list. Celestia noticed she was nodding her head to an ancient turn that passed through her mind.

The world around her faded, being replaced by her recollections of a simpler time. Glancing to the side, she looked at a beautiful field of flowers, a foal Luna running through them calling for her sister to come and play.

She could feel the soft smile cross her muzzle as her voice traded polite greetings with whomever she was talking to. She had lost so much over the years, but she had gained many treasured memories. She had to be careful not to lose herself in them too often.

She had her sister back, she would find and save Twilight. Celestia let herself enjoy the song echoing in her mind from the past, a song she would probably never hear in reality ever again.

Celestia… you are not just remembering that song. Daybreakers thoughts were impatient.

The daydream broke, rapidly she refocused her attention, ears swiveling, locking onto the source of the song. It was real, somepony was singing one of her mother’s songs. A song that no pony except herself and Luna had any chance of knowing. Anger, confusion, joy and even hope clashed within her. Mother? A part of her mind whispered. No, the voice is wrong.

Looking around, she could see nopony singing, nopony where the sound was coming from. She had to find them, she had to know how they knew that song.

There, Celestia could feel Daybreker direct her eyes, focusing a bit of her Alicon magic, enhancing them.

A small lavender unicorn filly, the spitting image of Twilight from all those years ago was happily trotting along singing the song, concealed by a very restricted spell. A particular Notice-Me-Not spell and only one pony has seen then book it was in in the past two hundred years.

'Twilight' she wanted to call out, but Daybreaker kept her muzzle closed letting her reconsider.

Celestia just stood there for a moment tracking the filly with her eyes. She had almost forgotten to breathe. That song and now a filly Twilight, it took her experienced mind whole seconds to come to terms with it and decide what to do.

Twilight was wearing a stained slightly burnt helmet and overloaded saddlebags. Levitating a pie and a bag of carrots next to herself, dancing in a happy patten in the air, held in the familiar magenta aura.

Her hooves moved her body closer before she knew what was happening. She had found Twilight, the little inconsistency about age seemingly inconsequential.

Look at her mark Daybreaker seemed to growl in her mind.

Celestia paused and did so, her war-mind was always more observant than herself, she had crafted her that way after all. It took but a moment to see the smaller stars were missing but other than that she was seeing the joyful little filly from all those years ago. The possible implications of Twilight’s mark being different and what it could mean for the Elements of Harmony she discarded for now.

“Hello there, little one,” Celestia said, moving up to the filly and stopping at a polite distance.

“Hello,” the filly responded before seeming to freeze. She quickly looked behind herself then back at Celestia. “You can see me?”

The filly slowly moved the apple pie behind her as if to protect it from Celestia. She could feel a giggle wanting to escape, Twilight was protecting a pie from her, it was not even a cake.

Celestia nodded, “Yes I can, impressive spell work for one so young, who’s your teacher?”

Something flickered in the filly’s eyes, a hint of worry mixed with suspicion and calculation.

Be Careful, Daybraker added, drawing her attention to the many partial spell patterns hiding in the glow of the filly's horn. A casting method only customarily used by duelists or assassins.

She could feel Daybreaker readying herself. Considering if spells would even be needed or if a simple strike to the horn, empowered by earthpony strength, would be enough to end the threat.

The ever so slight narrowing of the filly’s eyes let Celestia know that her observation had not gone unnoticed. Impressive observational skills.

The filly shivered for a moment. Can she sense what Daybreaker is planning? Celestia thought.

“Are you all right?” She asked, lowering herself and softening her voice.

“I should not talk to strangers,” The filly said, taking half a step back.

“My name is Sunny Days. Is your’s Twilight?”

The filly did an excellent job hiding her reaction. Still, you don’t get through thousands of years of politics without getting very, very good at reading ponies. Every slight movement, each flick of the eyes, change in breathing all analysed with her lifetime’s worth of experience. The filly clearly was not called Twilight, but she knew her and knew her well.

“But you know her?” Celestia said, trying to sound calm, she could feel hope building in her chest.

Celestia studied the filly’s reaction. The slight change in posture, movement of her ears, tightening of expression. Seemingly focusing her senses on Celestia and less on possible escape routes, an added edge of fear but not for herself. She is very protective of Twilight and is not grieving. Celestia thought.

So Twilight lives, how do we find her now? Daybreaker thought to her.

They both looked at each other, neither saying or doing anything, the long moment stretched. Celestia blinked, and suddenly there was a Pink Pony behind the filly. It took only a moment for Celestia to recognize Pinky Pie.

“Hi, Princess!” Pinky said bouncing with her usually joy.

The filly jumped, spinning around as if expecting an attack. Celestia got ready to shield Pinky in case the filly let any spells fly.

“Good morning, Pinky,” Celestia said, letting none of her preparations modify her friendly tone.

“Have you seen the new pony? I’ve been looking for days, but they are really, really, really good at hide and seek,” Pinky said

“Sorry I’m not very good at hide and seek,” Celestia said, looking straight at the filly, Pinky did not seem to notice.

“No? Too bad, oh have a cupcake and another one for your imaginary friend.” Pinky pulled two cupcakes out of her mane, the first was offered to Celestia which she accepted in her golden magic. The cupcake giving her a non-threatening reason to have her horn lit.

Pinky forced the second cupcake into the filly’s mouth. She seemed to panic for a moment then started to chew the cupcake, a slight smile forming. Celestia took a dainty bite of her own, yes it was a good cupcake.

“Bye, got to go find the new pony and prep a happy you’re still alive party,” Pinky said.

Pinky leaned closer to the filly and whispered too quietly for Celestia to make out what was said over the sounds of the town.

Pinky Pie winked before she bounced off with her usual disregard for the rules of reality. Thank you, Pinky. Celestia thought with gratitude.

“What?” The filly said after finishing her cupcake, seeming somewhat dazed.

Celestia hid a soft giggle behind her hoof “Pinky makes wonderful cupcakes does she not?”

The filly turned back to face her and slowly nodded, finishing her treat, “Yes but who… what is she?”

Celestia could not help but laugh, “It’s just Pinky being Pinky, or that’s what my Faithful Student would say.”

“So you’re a teacher? What do you teach?”

“Oh, a little bit of this, a little bit of that but mostly magic and history.”

She could see the filly’s body language softening, the fear fading. It almost seemed like she would move closer, a little fidget that Twilight used to do before moving to hug or nuzzle her.

Celestia warmly smiled, it was almost like she was in the past, talking to her faithful student. Was it possible her seal broke, and she was reverted to the age when it was first applied? Has she forgotten her name?

Celestia subtly shifted her own body hinting to the filly’s instincts that a hug would be accepted, that she would be safe, protected.

Daybreaker took over her magic flash casting a self fortification spell. A blinding flash and wave of magic assaulted her senses, leaving her unable to perceive anything for a fraction of a second. When she could see again, the filly was gone.

Her War-Mind was unhappy but sounded respectful in her mind. She formed the partial spell patterns into a teleport and somehow shaped the remaining fragments into a disorientation pulse. If we were an average unicorn, we would be laying on the ground now defenceless for a least a minute.

“She is every bit as impressive as Twilight was, if not more so at that age,” Celestia said.

Reaching out with her connection to the sun, Celestia looked down from that lofty vantage point. Finding her target took no time at all. Anything her sunlight touched, she could detect. The filly was outside Pinky’s home. Celestia trotted that way.

With her scrying she noted the filly constructing an extraordinarily complicated but low powered spell. It looked like one of Twilight’s creations, one of the spells she invented for her lab work.

So she is either Twilight or was taught by her. Daybreaker added

Why do you think that? Celestia responded. Despite agreeing, she wanted to know her War-Mind’s reasoning.

Who else would use such a complicated spell where a simple awareness enhancer would be superior to avoid us?

Moving to cut off the filly’s trip, she kept watching via her scrying. The filly had just ducked into an alley out of direct sunlight. Did she somehow sense the scrying? Celestia increased her pace just in case.

She could feel the eyes of her ponies on her, one does not gallop around without reason. At least with it being Ponyville, only a few ponies reacted with anything other than mild curiosity.

Jumping over a pony that suddenly stepped out into her path, she got to the alleyway. Celestia rounded the corner with haste.

Boom, crackle, zap. A massive flash of light and a scorching ripple of spatial distortion. She could feel arcs of magic dancing across her body. The magic felt wild and undirected, concentrating on her horn’s sensitivity to the arcane, she focused.

It was a powerful teleport effect, with no set destination merely a set of conditions on what sort of locations the caster could arrive at. It would take only a few more moments to decipher the set exit conditions.

A burst of unique, powerful pegasus magic and the sound of wings let her know that Rainbow Dash had arrived. The pegasus magic scrambling the lingering traces of unicorn magic, denying any chance of tracking the teleport.

“Twilight?” Rainbows Dash’s harsh voice called out before looking at the disguised Celestia.

Celestia shook her head and looked up at Rainbow. She stomped her hooves a few times to rid herself of the now sparking lingering magic. Celestia could feel Daybreaker’s anger at the chance to follow the potential Twilight being lost.

“I’m afraid we both seemed to have just missed her,” Celestia said, keeping her frustration from her tone.

“Who are you, you’re not Twilight,” Rainbow said, pointing a hoof at her.

Celestia bowed her head “Sunny Days, it is nice to meet you, Miss Rainbow Dash, holder of the Element of Loyalty.”

Dash looked around the alleyway “That was Twilight’s Magic, what happened? Why are you looking for Twilight” She demanded, poking Celestia in the chest taking on an aggressive pose.

“I work for Princess Celestia, and I have been asked to try and find her.”

Rainbow narrowed her eyes, suspiciously, “Prove it.”

Rainbow turns up just in time to interfere, something is not right here. Daybreaker added.

Celestia lit her horn, pulling a scroll out of her mental garden, wrapping it with an anti-changeling and illusion spell. She offered it to Rainbow as her mind directed her solar scrying in an ever-widening search patten.

Rainbow snatched the scroll from the air breaking the seal “Blah, Blah, Blah. Royal stuff, hereby granted that, more Blah” She looked up “So you're an investigator working Princess Celestia?”

Celestia nodded, noting that the spells on the scroll did nothing, so she was probably dealing with the real Rainbow.

“So where is Twilight?” Rainbow demanded.

That is the question, she thought. She would have to tell the Elements something. What would be the best move to make?

“First tell me what brought you here?”

Rainbow waved her hoof around. “I saw you galloping like mad then a flash of Twi’s magic.”

Interesting nopony else could see her magic. Did she drop her spell to attract loyalty’s attention? Celestia wondered.

Our prey is cunning, Daybreaker purred.

They either have some control of loyalty or know her very well. Celestia responded.

Is the foal a player or merely a piece?

The latter, I suspect…

Rainbow’s blue foreleg waved in front of Celestia’s muzzle. “Hello, anypony in there?”

Yes, loyalty is very impatient, Celestia thought.

“Yes sorry, Miss Dash, I was considering how best to answer you. For now, know that it is believed Twilight has been hiding here in Ponyville.”

“What! If she here then where is she, why hasn’t she come back to us?”

“We do not know...” Celestia said before being cut off.

“How can you not know…” Rainbow said her hoof pressing into Celestia’s chest.

A slight flexing of her Alicorn power was all it took to give Rainbow pause and lend Celestia’s words an edge of command. “Miss Dash could you gather the rest of the Bearers in the Map-room an hour after sunset please.”

“Sure… we’ll be there, and you better have answers.” Rainbow’s exiting shockwave added even more disruption to the magic.

Celestia closed her eyes as she let out a tired sigh. Today is going to be a long day.

CH 12 Connections and Consequences

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The sound of Grey's quills endlessly scribing and the rustle of scrolls moving, filled Twilight with nostalgia. A sad smile crossed her face. All of that time from before she truly knew what friendship was. All of that time, when all she wanted was to be left alone, free to read in peace.

Now that she had it, all she wanted was the distractions to come back. Rainbow crashing through the window. Pinkie and her surprise parties. If only I could walk out the front door and see my friends. She wishfully thought.

She glanced up, looking for Dreams. She craved being enclosed in those perfect wings once more. But no, she was not back yet. She had left to prepare a bath for her. She had to admit that just the thought of it seemed divine.

Her mind thought back to the many spa trips she shared with the girls. Was this what it would be like in a few hundred years? Her, all alone, missing her friends, her family? No, I will not believe that is Harmony’s Plan for me.

Setting aside her dark contemplations, Twilight slowly looked around the Grand Golden Oaks Library, taking it all in. Her Library was perfect, full of more books than she could count, every detail as if It was made just for her. She let out a quiet laugh. A whole plane of existence, just for me.

She ran a hoof over the floor, listening to the sound and feeling the texture of the wood. Everything felt real, not a single detectable fault. What is Cadance's Bastion like? And why did nopony tell me that I had one? How many more surprises am I going to find now that I’m an Alicorn? She mused, face twisting to a frown.

Looking at the doors, her friends, the parts that Celestia locked away and the others. The small door with just the Star she guessed was something to do with the original Twilight. Her attention focused on the last two. Why would she have a wing of her library dedicated to Luna? If what Dreams said was true, that would mean she has a connection with Luna.

Her eyes travelled back to her friend's doors. Could she use these connections to send messages? Could she scry on her friends and check how they were doing? Could she use her magic and bring them here? “A group hug would be perfect right about now,” Twilight said to nopony.

Her eyes fixed on the most troubling door and narrowed. The symbol of her mark covered by that of the Nightmare. What does it mean? Was I ever taken over by the Nightmare? Is that one of the memories that Celestia hid from me?

After her bath, she would have a lot of reading to do, and when her magic recovered, it would be time to experiment. Just the thought of all she could learn sent a shiver of anticipation through her.

Sudden motion behind the seal caught her eye, it looked like there was a little more fresh blood on the chains. She looked over at Grey. She was not much of a conversationalist apparently being unable to talk.

Twilight glanced at the blood. Feeling sorry for myself achieves nothing. She berated herself. It took no time to decide to help, and only moments to form a plan of action.

Briefly pausing at the implications of what she was going to attempt, she shrugged. It was her mind, she could do what she wished. No form filling required beforehoof.

She carefully checked her body, muscle by muscle. Slowly stretching, twisting, rotating herself, she concluded she was good for limited activities. She dragged herself to her hooves. Still weak but moving, she smiled.

Seeking out and finding some wood that was not part of the tree itself, she concluded a small table was her best option. She lit her horn and set to work.

She would be using simple low powered spells she honestly never thought she would use again. Or am I using them for the first time? Twilight thought as her eyes flicked to the patchwork toy.

What would her parents think, what would Shining think? Her eyes fixed on the white book. Are my parents my grandparents? She was going to have to have a lot of long talks with a lot of ponies. Celestia would know but did she dare confront her?

A week ago the thought that under some definitions, ‘Celestia was her mother’ would have filled her heart with joy. Now she just felt betrayed and scared. What will the Princess do if she finds out I know, let alone the fact that I practically gave my body away?

Twilight shook her head, getting back to her self appointed task. She would have enough time to work the rest out later.

She cut, shaped and remade it into a wooden tunnel. It was about large enough for books to be passed through. Any larger and she doubted she could make this work. She might be an Alicorn, but she doubted she was in the same league as Celestia, yet. So she would just have to be smart about it.

Now if I mix this strengthening array with parts of this shield sapping spell, reconfigure it to work vs Seals. Now to specialise it against Solar, Astral and Fire aspected magic.

“Thank you, Starlight.” Who knew our weekly magic duels would prove useful here.

Aiming her horn at her new creation, Twilight fired a thin beam of magic. It was an ingenious modification of a surface cleaning spell to turn it into a disintegration beam. When did I come up with this? She briefly pondered.

With long practiced aim and control, she danced the beam over the wooden surface, etching arcane runes in intricate patterns. Smiling as she worked, Twilight began to hum Dreams’ lullaby. The tune and working towards an objective did wonders to lift her mood.

“And done.” With a flourish Twilight set her creation spinning in her magical aura.

She walked to Grey's seal, her newly constructed gift held in her magic. Grey looked up at her, the quills falling still in the air for a moment. Twilight met her intense eyes and tried not to be overwhelmed by the bitterness she saw within, she smiled in greeting."

This is for you, you should not have to hurt yourself just for helping me." Twilight moved the wood towards the chains with her magenta magic.

Grey pointed to her horn with a hoof and shook her head. Twilight stopped, eyes wide. Grey’s foreleg was made of wood, it was painted to match her coat colour perfectly. At this range, there was no mistaking it for anything other than a prosthetic.

Twilight looked at her own foreleg, her stolen foreleg. She could feel her body start to tremble. No, I will not break down, I have a job to do. She demanded of herself. Deliberately taking a breath and recalling Dreams' Lullaby, she stilled her body.

Twilight looked back up "So no magic touching the seal?"

Grey nodded, so she set to work without her magic. Taking the wooden tunnel in her front hooves Twilight reared up, using her wings for balance, she moved closer. Twilight started to force it between the chains, twisting it this way and that. The runes glowed taking in the golden energy but only barely loosened the chains. It felt like she was pushing Tom without the benefit of her earthpony might.

Her limbs burned, her back legs were really not happy about supporting so much of her weight, let alone pushing something through the seal. Her efforts were spreading the chains apart by just the smallest margin. She would do this. She had stood against every challenge put in front of her, this would not stop her.

A growled curse escaped her as she pushed harder. Something twisted inside of her, power rushing into her straining muscles invigorating them. The magically reinforced wood creaked under the increased grip. She used all her might, She could feel the floor crack under her rear hooves.

The tunnel suddenly slipped forward, and the sharp blades on the chains bit into her flesh. She hissed in pain but pressed on, it was so close, just a little more, and she would be done.

Grey reached into the seal, fresh cuts causing her blood to mix with Twilights. Grey grabbed the chains, prying them apart if only a little. With a final lurch, it was done.

No longer needed, the strange power reinforcing her faded. Twilight slumped dropping tiredly back to all fours.

She dearly hopped the fresh blood deposits were the last either of them would have to pay. Her eyes glanced at the multiple cuts on her forelegs, it was still fascinating to watch her flesh perfectly knit itself back together. If only it would clean the blood from my coat too.

The passageway now in place, Grey took a step back and nodded. She raised a hoof, tracing the shape of a smile over her expressionless face. Twilight’s answering smile was radiant as warmth filled her chest. She was helping ponies again. She half expected her mark to glow, signifying another job well done, another mission complete.

The sound of hooves clapping behind her caught her attention. Twilight, startled, quickly looked, only to be caught up in a surprise hug by Dreams’ warm wings.

"Oh, my little Star" Dream said, nuzzling her, a beautiful, joyful smile on her muzzle.

Twilight blushed, the hug was nice. It added to the growing warmth inside of her. Everything was better with Dreams’ wings around her.

Grey waved before heading back to her task, some of the bitterness in her eyes missing. Dreams did a double-take. "So that is what she looks like when she is happy?"

Twilight laughed, for this moment at least, she was happy. She pressed against Dreams’ body, returning the embrace.

"Bath’s ready, it's a bit of a walk to get there so..." Dreams smiled mischievously as her silver aura lifted Twilight.


"The water will be cold by the time we get there if I let you walk". Dreams placed Twilight on her back, legs hanging down either side of her body.

"I'm not a foal."

"Your hurt, every pony needs help when they are recovering and you little Miss Element of Magic are no different.” Dreams said, sticking out her tongue.

Seeing Dreams act like a foal was just too much, Twilight laughed.

"Much better."

Dreams cantered off, heading to the stairs. Feeling the motion of Dreams Muscles under her was a different experience than simply being carried in her magic, it was pleasant.

Twilight regarded the door with Nightmare’s mark atop her own. Shaking her head, she spoke, “Dreams, is there any way we can help Nova? She is down there, isn’t she?” Twilight pointed a hoof at the floor.

A growl came from below. Nova can hear me? Twilight thought.

Dream not seeming to have noticed the growl answered “No… I don't think so not unless you can defeat Celestia’s seal.”

“What about cutting through the floor?”

Dreams shook her head, “No, that would just hurt you and damage your wellspring, as long as that door is there, there is no other way down to the basement.”

“Knock three times if you can hear me,” Twilight said

Dreams stopped walking and gave Twilight a puzzled look. “Who are you…”




Dream jumped before looking down puzzled.

“Nova, do you remember the old Telegram code?” Twilight said.

A pattern of knocks followed.

“Yes, we have communication!” Twilight cheered. If it were not for Dreams’ wings holding her, Twilight would have jumped off her ride, performing a happy dance right then and there; or fallen flat on her face given how weak she was feeling.

“Well, Miss Nova, Twilight here is going to have a bath. You can talk all you want later,” Dreams said.

Another series of knocks and a hungry growl came from below. Twilight blushed, her face felt like it was on fire, but she could not take her eyes off Dreams, not with Nova’s suggestions.

Dreams started moving again. Twilight now more aware of Dreams’ attractive body and how the muscles felt moving beneath her. Why did you have to point out just how perfect she looks. She thought as she relaxed against Dreams’ warmth. The fatigue from helping Grey dragging her eyes closed.

If this is my prison, at least it has more company than the moon. She thought as she let herself start to fall asleep to Dreams warmth and comforting scent once more. She noticed Dreams’ magic lifting something from the floor as they passed Rainbow’s door it looked like a screwed up bit of paper, but Twilight did not care. I can clean the library later. She thought as rest claimed her.

Twilight was clean, relaxed and feeling worlds better. The warm scented water and Dreams’ talented hooves had managed to work some life back into her body, removing all traces of blood from her coat. She would not be doing the Running of the Leaves any time soon, but she could freely move about. She just didn't want to at the moment.

She let out a contented hum as she examined her bathroom, it was huge. The bath itself was fed by a heated waterfall and was large enough for at least ten fully grown Alicorns. Truth be told, it was more a pool than a bath. Other than the wood and natural stone decor that fitted the library so well, it would happily fit in Canterlot Palace.

Rarity would love this place. Twilight thought, her mind lazily beginning to construct a spell to bring her here.

She looked over to Dreams who was lounging next to her. Dreams stretched out and smiled softly at Twilight.

“So you are back with us?” Dreams said with a cheeky smile.

“Too comfy to words.” Twilight lowered herself in the water relishing its warmth.

“But it's time for a learn something,” Dreams teased.

Twilight’s ears immediately were erect, turning to focus on Dreams.

Dreams lifted her hoof from the bath, an orb of water seemingly stuck to it. “There are a lot of things you have not been told about Alicorns my Little Star.”

Twilight eyes fixed on the orb, it was clearly not unicorn magic. She leaned closer to her, horn lighting with a few analytical spells. Her eyes going wide as the results started to come in. Something was blocking her magical scan. No, not blocking it was causing it to bend around the orb.

“Boop,” Dreams said, placing the orb on against the end of Twilight’s muzzle.

Twilight scrunched her muzzle and pulled her head back looking at the ripples going through the water. “Is this just some effect b...”

Dreams laughed.“So are you ready for your lesson?”

Lesson? Just like that Twilight's ears were upright and alert.“Here, now?”

Dreams nodded, “Yes the water will be useful.” She tossed the orb into the air catching it with the other hoof.

“I can’t take notes here,” Twilight said, her eyes tracking the orb as her mind frantically tried to come to some conclusion on how this was possible.

Twilight once more found her nose meeting with the water orb again. She could feel it, there was some sort of boundary around the water. It was magic of some type, but not unicorn, pegasus or earthpony. Something about it felt familiar, but where had she encountered anything like this?

“There are at least five types of ponies that make up an Alicorn….”

Then Twilight remembered the magic felt similar to what she had experienced in the Crystal Empire. Her eyes were wide, and her hunger for knowledge apparent. She leaned in close, almost muzzle to muzzle to Dreams. “So I’m part Thestral and Crystal Pony?”

“That’s right My Little Star,” Dreams said. her only reaction a small smile.

Twilight grinned. the praise felt intoxicating on its own. More so than Dream’s lovely scent. Focus, Twilight, focus. There was learning to be done. She would save thinking how sexy Dreams looked or the fact they were so close they were almost kissing for later.

She pulled back sitting up on her haunches, looking every part the attentive student. “So what features do Alicorns have from these two?”

Dream raised the orb of water. “This is Crystalpony magic. Think of it as an improvement of the grip field all ponies project from their hooves, just much more versatile. Crystalponies have it flowing over their bodies, acting as armour. To harm them, you need to first shatter this protection, and as you have seen from the water orb, it can be hard to get through it with magic. With practice, it can be used to cut solid matter and even catch spells.”

Dreams pushed the orb of water towards Twilight. “Try and lift it with a single hoof.”

Twilight reached out with a hoof placing it against the orb. She could feel the cooling sensation of the Crystal-Magic, her grip seemed to just slide off it, just like the scanning spell had.

Twilight narrowed her eyes, she could feel this magic so she could interact with it. Placing her hoof firmly against the orb she reached for and pulled on this Crystal-Magic.

The orb imploded, water splashing everywhere. Twilight blinked and looked sheepish.

“Not what I was expecting, but amazing progress My Little Star.”

“But I failed…”

“Look at your hoof.” Dream nodded to the hoof.

Twilight’s hoof and lower leg were covered in shimmering magenta crystal. She flexed her leg; everything moved correctly. “Wow.”

“Once you have your Crystal-Armour in place it takes no effort, no concentration to maintain it, for a Crystalpony it regenerates on its own, for us Alicorns we have to deliberately reform it.”

“So the individual tribes have advantages over Alicorns?” Twilight said frowning at her hoof shaking it.

“More like they have a head start with their own abilities and given they only have one....”

“They can spend more time to master it.” Twilight placed her front hooves together and pulled on the Crystal-Armour. The crystals dissolved into light flowing over the other hoof before reforming. “How do I get rid of this?”

“Hold out your hoof,” Dreams instructed.

Twilight complied and waited expectantly. A blur of motion and a substantial impact smashed into her hoof. The sound of shattering glass and the shards falling into the water.

She was expecting pain, she was expecting something. The only thing she had felt was the impact, and her hoof being knocked back. Twilight looked up, seeing that Dreams had clearly struck her. She blinked unsure what to say.

“Until you have it mastered you will probably have to smash it to be rid of it.”

“Oh, that's a bit wasteful.”

“And so is teleporting everywhere you could easily walk.”

“I will have you know I save at least four hours a week by reducing travel time using short-range teleportation.”

“If you value your time over stockpiling your magic reserves then yes it is better.”

“Is that why Celestia is so powerful? She just keeps saving her magic, year after year, hardly using any of it?”

Dreams nodded. “Yes, the more magic you try to force yourself to hold, the slower it will recover. On the other hoof constantly using your power will strengthen your magic and allow you to recover faster.”

“But it still pales against an Alicorn who has been hoarding their magic for hundreds of years?” Twilight asked.

Dreams nodded. “Shall we move on with the lesson?”

“So, Thestrals?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, Thestrals, you should be able to freely swap between pegasus and thestral features. How do you think Luna can still have fangs or have her eyes change when she is angry?”

“Show me.”

Dreams did, the shift happened slowly her ears gained tufts, her eyes became slited. Twilight bit her lip, she liked what she saw. This silver maned beauty of the night was not a Nightmare. She was a dark temptress in full glory.

Desperate to hide her reaction, Twilight grabbed Dreams by the shoulders and shouted, “Teach Me!” She blinked before continuing in a bashful whisper, “Please.”

Only taken back briefly, Dreams responded, “Of course, My Little Star.”

“The Thestral magic is best left until you get a taste for it.” Dream put on a warm smile. “Your homework for this subject is to take the first step on your own. All you need to do is to channel a little of your Alicorn power through your eyes. Then try to force yourself to see in the dark. When things seem to brighten, you have succeeded and are ready to learn more.”

Twilight raised her hoof as if in class. “How do I deliberately channel my Alicorn power?” Twilight’s eyes sparkling with interest. New magic and homework, things just kept getting better and better.

Dream frowned. “Yet another thing that she kept from you.” She smiled at Twilight with pride. “Then you are truly amazing to be as powerful as you are without knowing that.” She paused, taking on a thoughtful look. “What can you tell me about Alicorn Power?”

“Not much.” Twilight shrugged currently too focused on the lesson and her sexy teacher to even consider Celestia withholding yet more things from her. “Only that it is the core contributor to what makes Alicorns Immortal.”

“True but it is so much more than that. Alicorn magic in the purest form does almost nothing other than making one seem impressive. Its true strength comes from combining with other types of magic. It arguments and strengthens whatever it is mixed with.”

“So If I channel it into my horn when casting spells it will amplify them,” Twilight said, settling back comfortably in the bath. Not being able to take notes was a pain but the sheer luxury was more than making up for it.

Dreams nodded, “Ever since your ascension all your spells have been infused with just a trace of Alicorn power. That little bit was enough to at least double their potency.”

Twilight thought back to helping Grey, she closed her eyes and sent her senses inwards seeking the core of the power that lent her strength. It was one of the first meditations Celestia had taught her.

Her wellspring was still depleted and out of balance, but it was steadily healing. It took moments to find the three types of magic she was used to.

Her unicorn magic blazing like a magenta star. Her earthpony and pegasus magic were almost lost against its brilliance.

Looking around, she searched for something more. She found a few faint whispers of at least three other magics but nothing matching what she was looking for just a vast sea of empty space.

The space between! She realised, all the space in her wellspring was no longer an empty void like when she was just a unicorn. No, now it was all full with the faint previously ignored glow of her Alicorn Magic. It was binding all the different types of magic together, allowing them to coexist without destructively interfering with each other.

She reached out to it, pulling just the smallest amount into herself, spreading it out throughout her body, her wings, her horn, her hooves.

Twilight opened her eyes and was greeted by Dreams' pleased smile. Twilight’s body felt alive and powerful. She stretched, she could tell that she was still weakened. Yet she felt physically stronger than she had since the time she had the combined magic of all the other Alicorns within her.

“Just like that, My Little Star.” Dreams pulled her into a hug.

Twilight leaned into the hug hiding her blush from Dreams. Having the Alicorn power infusing her whole body was not just strengthening her muscles; it was amplifying her sense of touch, Dreams coat against her, the warmth radiating from her just felt lovely.

She could stay like this forever; regrettably, Dreams pulled back from the hug to continue the lesson.

“Out of all the magic, Alicorn magic is the most affected by emotion, it will twist the magic, altering it to fit the intent you hold in your heart. Other ponies that you are near may be emotionally affected when you use Alicorn magic depending on how you feel. Normally awed or terrified, but other responses can be crafted.”

“If you hold too much anger or hate towards a pony, you will not be able to heal or protect them unless you forgo using any Alicorn magic. In fact, if your hate is enough, you might even harm them with the attempt.” Dreams warned.

Worry crossed Twilight face, she certainly did not want to harm anypony by accident, let alone when she was trying to help them. A few moments when she was angry or frustrated with her friends crossed her mind. Might she hurt them by mistake if she felt like that again? Despite the relaxing environment, panic started to build in her chest.

A wave of water crashed into Twilight. She spluttered, getting the bathwater out of her nose and mouth. “What did you do that for?”

“It broke your chain of thought, right?”

Twilight considered then nodded “Thank you,” she said halfheartedly.

“You have nothing to worry about. All you need to do is channel the Alicorn power away from your horn when you cast, and it will act like normal unicorn magic.”

“So, back to what I have mastered.” Twilight nodded, feeling much calmer now. She had options and knew how to avoid the problem.

“Now this next lesson is rather pleasant, but you can not share it with anypony but another Alicorn.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“To an Alicorn, this is as basic and important as preening. To a normal pony, this would be painful even possibly lethal. Come lay down and spread your wings,” Dreams said, guiding Twilight into the shallows of the bath.

“Now, as an Alicorn, you have all the internal ley lines of the other tribes. Unlike the other tribes having the wrong energy flowing through them is not harmful.”

“So I could channel Earthpony magic through my horn?”

“Yes, it is a standard technique in Alicorn horn fencing. Now pay attention as I am the only one you can practice on, and I would rather not feel too much pain today.”

Dreams held a hoof up, Twilight could feel the magic beginning. She focused on it as the air rippled. Letting her senses shift to see the magic, it seemed like green nature aspected magic danced with blue wind magic. All of it held together with the silver glow of Dreams’ Alicorn magic.

“The mix should be half and half. By matching part of it to the leyline to be affected, you force it open. The opposing energy can then cleanse the leylines of any residue.”

“Residue?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“Unless an Alicorn has total control and focus, a little of all the types of magic flow in every leyline. This causes a residue to build up. This leads to a lack of sensitivity and fine control. With you formerly being a unicorn and a powerful one at that, all your ley lines are going to have huge amounts of unicorn magic residue. Ideally, this should be done weekly for perfect health.”

Why did Celestia or Luna not tell me any of this? Twilight thought with anger. Keeping secrets was one thing risking my health is another.

“None of those dark thoughts now, My Star.” Dream’s hooves descended upon Twilight wings.

The mixed energy forcing into her leylines. Twilight gasped, her wings went numb yet flared with sensation. She trembled, trying to figure out what she was feeling. Pain, pleasure, touch or heat? It was like every sense was just shouting, leaving nothing but an incomprehensible noise.

Slowly it calmed and in its wake came clarity, she could feel every feather, every slight movement of the air around her. Twilight let out a satisfied moan as Dreams' expertly continued to work on her wings. She could feel her pegasus magic flowing so much better. Buck me, weekly? Who would not want this daily? She thought.

On a whim she twitched a primary, forcing pegasus magic though it. The feather crackled with lightning. Yes. She had never been able to get that to work. Who knew it was due to a common Alicorn health problem. I'm going to give Rainbow a run for her bits when I get back.

Dream applied more pressure, Twilights back arched. All thoughts of racing a pony she might know, fell out of her mind. This was divine, for once in her life, she was tempted to ask for that little extra that would turn this from the best massage ever to something more. She just knew that if she made that request Dreams would not deny her. No, I have things to learn, this is still a lesson.

Dreams moved from one leyline to the next changing the mix of magic needed for each one. Twilight committed each instruction to memory, how much magic to use, each observation and each bit of advice. The only surprise was that her unicorn ley lines were mostly clear due to how overpowered that aspect of herself was in comparison to the others.

By the time it was over, Twilight was utterly helpless and almost purring. She was oblivious to the world around her. As Twilight’s senses and mind recovered, she found herself laying beside Dreams who was enjoying a cup of tea.

“Welcome back,” Dreams said.

“That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt,” Twilight said, her eyes slowly focusing on Dreams.

“So do you remember the lesson?” Dream asked as she lay down, spreading her own wings.

Twilight let her eyes roam, admiring Dreams body, she was perfect. Her every feature crafted to appeal. Ever since Nova's comment earlier, she was finding it hard not to just reach out and touch her. She moved atop Dreams to get better access to the wings of the larger Alicorn.

She pressed her hooves against Dreams flight muscles, letting a mix of earthpony and pegasus magic force its way into Dreams leylines. Dreams hissed and flinched slightly. Guilt flared in Twilight, she quickly readjusted her field. Dreams slight moan let her know she had both the mix and power right.

Was Dream the Nightmare? Did it make any difference? She called for help and was answered. Twilight remembered the power reaching out for her, the offer, and her acceptance. If there were a court that dealt with evil possessing spirits, it would be a pretty open and shut case. Her current situation was infinitely better than being on the Altar bleeding, slowly dying.

“Dreams,” Twilight said.

“Hmm,” Dream answer was fogged with pleasure.

“Why are you so good to me?”

Looking up over her shoulder Dreams answered “It makes me happy, and I love how cute you can be,” her eyes had a strange expression for a moment, “Especially when you blush.”

Dream tensed her body in all the right places, her wings spread showing off her magnificent plumage, horn tilted just so to catch the light and now looking straight into Twilight’s eyes.

Twilight blushed, breathing hard. Nova’s contented purring vibrated in Twilights chest. She was straddling the back of the most beautiful mare she had ever seen, and with that one look, she felt wanted, she felt desired.

If Dreams was the Nightmare, Twilight was not expecting being seduced by the darkness to be so literal. She felt like she was a character from one of Rarity's books.

“My Precious Star, is this what you want,” Dreams husky voice sent a tingle down Twilights spine her wing suddenly extending. She could feel the pose her body was taking, a mix of unicorn and pegasus courtship displays. Horn presented and wings spread. A small part of her mind was telling her how ridiculous she must look.

“Yes,” She almost whimpered “No.. maybe” Twilight whined.

Dreams ended her display, reaching up, slowly twisting and rolling on to her back so she could place a hoof on Twilights cheek. “Then we wait, My Little Star.”

"And if I don't want too?" Twilight purred. Where did that come from? She leant down pinning the larger Alicorn and running her horn against Dreams’ neck, channelling just a trickle of power,

Dreams closed hey eyes accepting her advances, letting out a small moan of pleasure. “Oh, by the Stars.”

What am I doing? This is not like me. Twilight thought. Then it clicked. I have just opened up a connection with a part of myself? Former self? Mother? Ahh, this is so confusing. That part is known for her passion, and I am definitely feeling passionate right now.

She could feel the fire building in her chest, and for the first time, it was not from rage. If she could not control herself, control Nova, she knew exactly what she would be doing over the next few hours. She had read many books on the subject, especially the one on Alicorns that Cadence gave her as a gift after her ascension. She even had a checklist prepared just in case, even if it was filed in the will-never-need section.

Is this what drives other ponies to physical relationships? Is this part of what I have been missing? Twilight thought impressed with herself that she could still think so clearly.

With Nova pushing her, the fact she had zero experience was not the crippling hindrance, she used to think it was. She wanted this, she needed this, she would have this. Twilight's mane and tail flickered, now waving, shifting to warm flames.

A push with her unicorn aura here, a press of a hoof infused with earthpony and pegasus magic there. Dreams turned to putty in her hooves.

What she was doing excited her, the fact that she had no control terrified her like nothing else. "Nova, stop it," Twilight commanded. Nothing happened. As her ability to think started to fade, that shrinking part of her panicked “Please…” she begged almost sobbing.

All at once, her breath calmed, and her heart slowed. The want, the desire, the need was still there but distant as if waiting. The fire in her chest cooled as her mane returned to normal. Taking a deep breath, Twilight looked up to see a now concerned-looking Dreams.

"Are… are you ok my Little Star?" Dreams said still breathing heavily. In moments, gone was the demeanour of the seductive mare, she was back to being the concerned mother. Even if she was struggling to get her wings under control.

The familiar comfort started to replace most of the heated desires Nova had gifted her.

"Of course I am ok, I am fine,” She babbled. “I just want to talk to my friend and ask what to do about the most beautiful mare I have ever seen coming on to me, oh and the fact she lives in my mind, not forgetting I have never really been interested in anything like this before. Nothing strange here at all, nope not at all!" Twilight laughed nervously.

“You think I'm beautiful?” Dream smiled.

Twilight blushed. “Very.”

“And the only reason you stopped was that Nova was influencing you?”

Twilight absently nodded, it was all she could do, pinned by Dreams’ intense stare.

“Then we had better see about getting in contact with your friends, my Precious Star. If there is a single chance in Tartarus, you want to continue what you started. Then I will help you move both the Sun and Moon to make it happen.”

Twilight looked into Dreams eyes they seemed to be slightly slitted, they blazed with determination and hope.

The nightmare tried to bring eternal night because she was lonely and you just offered somepony that could be her a chance at a relationship. What have I just unleashed? Twilight thought to herself. She did not know if she should feel terrified or exhilarated. Nova’s rumbles let her know precisely what an unleashed Dreams could do to her. She let her eyes fall closed as she trembled with anticipation, she was definitely exhilarated.

A powerful force wrapped around her. “Eep,” Twilight’s eyes shot open. She was enveloped in Dreams’ silver aura and was moving, being dragged through the air at speed.

Dreams stepped out of the water, a burst of force and heat magic and they were both dry, if a little fluffy looking. With that done, Dreams galloped off, Twilight trailing behind her levitating.

“Watch out for that wall!” Twilight shrieked covering her face with her forelegs.

They got back to the main chamber of the library without Twight hitting any walls, but it was a near thing with Dreams’ haste.

“Ok, here are your links to your friends,” Dreams said pointing with a wing as the marked doors. “If we are lucky it should be as simple as going in to be able to talk to your friends.”

Twilight needed romantic advice, and with no way to contact Cadence, Rarity was the best pony for the job. So she carefully pushed open the door to Rarity’s wing and entered.

It was still part of the tree, but everything was decorated in Rarity’s impeccable style. The vast wing extended as far as the eye could see, branching off into fine restaurants, workrooms and Celestia knows what else. Bolts of fabric, dresses and other articles of clothing shared space between the books with fine jewels and pictures of everypony her friend knew.

Twilight let her eyes linger on a group photo of her and all her friends. She missed them all dearly.

A flash of motion caught her attention. She turned seeing an open book sat upon a beautiful gem-encrusted lectern as a self animate quill wrote.

Twilight moved up to the open book reading the words as the lavender quill scratched across the page. One of my feathers she noted.

Rarity spoke, “Are you quite sure we need to hurry this much darling?” All this rushing is just murdering my mane.

“It’s about Twilight, she is here in Ponyville,” Rainbow said.

All concern about fashion left Rarity’s mind. “Twilight,” She whispered almost not daring to believe what she had just heard.

I’m home? Or at least my body is...Wait just a minute, that book is recording what is happening right now from Rarity’s point of view, even her thoughts. Twilight smiled; she had contact with her friends after a fashion, but it was such a breach of trust. Would they be happier knowing or not knowing their entire lives were being recorded here?

Twilight scanned the books she could see around the wing. Some were instructional books, at least two on spells, hundreds on fashion and gem cutting. All of her skills recorded for the ages. She thought with awe.

Most of the books were like the journal currently being written. A quick mental calculation based on the writing speed, apparent page count and the number of journals. This stretches back to at least our defeat of Nightmare Moon. I can see what Dreams meant by part of my friends would always be with me.

Pulling one of her own feathers, she created a quill of her own. Charging it with magic, she wrote in the current journal.

Rarity can you hear me, is this message getting through to you?

“It is almost like she is already with us, I just can not wait until this is all over and we can relax in the spa together.” Rarity said, a smile forming on her face. Somehow she just knew Twilight was alright.

Rarity galloped off towards the castle full of more hope than she had been in days. If not for the fact it would have been unladylike she could have giggled at the stunned look on Rainbows face at her abrupt change of pace.

So some effect but not enough for direct communication. Twilight tapped a hoof against her chin. So my options are to check Luna’s wing for dream walking or Nightmares for ‘other’ options. She looked back through the open door at where Dreams was still waiting in the main library. The Dream Realm is Luna’s domain, and I don’t know if I can risk letting her know yet. So only one choice left. She made her decision.

“My Dream.” Twilight smiled. She could definitely get used to addressing Dreams this way. “Thank you for being here for me.” She said as she approached Dreams.

“You are welcome, My Star.” Dreams bowed her head respectfully.

Twilight moved closer, wrapping her wings around Dreams. She placed a hoof against Dreams’ cheek with care. “I am about to investigate Nightmare’s wing… Will I find anything about you there?”

Dreams froze, she stopped even breathing. And there is my answer. Twilight thought.

“Yes,” Dreams’ voice was weak and trembled as she lowered her head.

“Please explain,” she said, keeping her voice soft as she held Dreams in the hug, her hoof still resting on Dreams’ cheek guiding her eyes to her own.

Dreams took a long breath. “As you know, the Elements of Harmony can not destroy anything. They can only imprison. You were her jailer My Star. She was trapped unable to do anything but watch you as your adventures continued.”

Twilight just calmly took everything and watched. She could feel Nova pacing below, waiting unsure if desire or vengeance would be called upon.

Dreams continued, “At first she was bitter, angry, she raged, she even managed to slightly weaken Celestia’s seals but could do nothing to those placed by Harmony itself.” Dreams smiled fondly. “So she watched you learning everything she could about you. In the end, she even came to respect you in her own way. You have been teaching the Nightmare Friendship lessons for years.”

Wait a minute, me teaching The Nightmare friendship lessons?Twilight’s mind almost skipped.

“Do you know what she has done since being free?”

“Yes, she has been protecting a foal. She rescued you from your captivity battling the cultist that hurt you. She even agreed to your terms to protect your friends.”

“Sweet Dreams, are you the Nightmare?”

“It doesn't matter. You made me a part of your self. Bound me to your library and gave me a new purpose. Thank you. My Little Star.”

Dreams leaned closer whispering into Twilight’s ear. “A purpose I like very, very much my Little Star. Let me thank you.”

Dreams hooves pressed into her flight muscles forcing earth magic into them. Electrified feather stroked her wings tips the two energies exploding into sensations where they met.

Twilight’s gasp blended into a long moan. Her eyes closing as her back arched. No, I have to stay focused. It was hard. “Please... please stop.”

Dreams paused, still on top of her. “As you wish My Star.”

“Please answer me, are you the Nightmare.”

“Not anymore, I don't think. I was once a part of her, like how Nova and Grey were a part of the original Twilight Sparkle.” Dream tensed, “I am her gift to you,” Dreams visibly tried to relax taking a calming breath. “This place and your desires shaped me. Allowed me to feel so much. To be so much more than before.” Dreams leaned in nuzzling her.

“I have been here with you My Star while the Nightmare is out there baring your pain, fighting your battles, protecting your friends.”

“Why?” Twilight managed to ask.

“Do you think she liked being a monster? Being used just to empower somepony? You set her free and only asked her to protect your friends as payment.”

Nightmare Moon was being used? By who? How? Why? Twilight’s mind swam with questions.

She is currently in bed recovering from terrible wounds, and she is still trying to look after a young filly.”

Twilight's mind jumped to Sparkle-Two. “My copy, the burns, the damaged horn and the stuffed toy.”


“Can I see her?”

“Of course” Dreams’ smile was so nice. “I know just the book you need.”

“Thank you...” Twilight was silenced as Dreams kissed her. Warmth spread from the kiss, and she could feel flames dancing in her mane.

The floor shook with the force of Nova’s pleased rumble. She blinked looking around, Dreams was gone now, heading to the Nightmare wing.

Dreams had kissed her. How did she feel about that? It felt nice, very nice. Her body clearly liked it.

She turned to watch Dreams casually trot away. She has such a beautiful flank, lovely warm wings and an elegant horn. She thought back to all those hugs. Not even considering what she could do with her ‘health’ treatments.

Was it all a trick? She had already freely given her body to the Nightmare after nearly being tortured to death. So did it matter? Her friends would be protected. She could sense the agreement there like an active spell, giving the Nightmare power over her. It felt like a chain upon her neck, almost unbreakable so long as the Nightmare kept her word.

She needed advice, but she could not talk to her friends. She glanced around the room, there were two ponies she could ask. Her siblings, parents, donors?

Twilight checked to see if Dreams was still in Nightmare’s wing. On seeing it was clear she spoke. “Do you two trust her?” Twilight looked at Grey and then down towards Nova.

Grey started writing on a fresh scroll as Nova tapped her response. The scroll was passed through the tunnel she had created earlier today.

She looked down at where she could feel Nova below. “So you like her and want to give her a chance.” Twilight then used her aura to bring the scroll before her and read.

#1 At this time, our goals align.
#2 The longer she is separated from the Nightmare, the more a part of this realm she becomes and hence yours.
#3 She is a useful instructor for you.
#4 Nova likes her.

#1 She was likely sent here to pacify you.
#2 You are attracted to her. This is a distraction.
#3 Nova likes her.

Nova liking her is a pro and a con? Twilight thought. “So more pros than cons, that sounds like we at least tentatively agree to trust her?”

Grey nodded stiffly, then headed back to her endless writing. Nova simply tapped ‘yes’.

“Everything since me getting these wings just keeps getting crazier.” Twilight lamented, trotting over to the reading nook they used before.

The tea service was still there, with barely a thought she tasked her magic with cleaning it and starting to prepare a new pot and three cups.

The patchwork toy was still there, she lifted it in her aura, meeting it’s gaze contemplating everything she had learnt over the past few days.

The rapid clopping of hooves on the wooden floor brought her back to reality. Dreams cantered towards her, a book dripping shadows following in silver aura.

“Why did you hide who you were, My Dream?” Twilight asked.

Dreams stopped approaching “I thought you would hate me if you found out.”

“Instead, you risked losing my trust forever.”

Dreams seemed to shrink under Twilight cold gaze. “Here, with you, for the first time, I had a friend.”

“We were both taken advantage of by Celestia, both hurt by those we trusted. We were both made to be tools.” Dream paused, fighting against her hesitation. “Even if you hate me now, thank you for the chance to be more than a tool. Thank you for my freedom.”

The book was lowered to the floor beside Twilight and Dreams turned, walking away. Twilight tilted her head and considered Dreams. She did not want to give up her only physical contact with another pony. As each of Dreams’ hooves sounded on the floor telegraphing her retreat, Twilight thought about every interaction she had with her.

“Sweet Dreams,” Twilight voice rang with command.

Dreams froze, looking over her shoulder. “Yes, Twilight?”

“I have had enough secrets for a lifetime. Can I trust there will be no more between us?”

A nod was the response a light of hope starting to shine in Dreams’ eyes.

I have no idea how Pinkie will enforce this here but, Twilight thought before speaking. “Will you Pinkie promise?”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” Dreams said, going through the motions.

“FOREVER!” echoed in from Pinkie’s wing.

Both mares looked at the door for a moment. “Now that that’s out of the way.” Twilight patted the cushion next to her. “Tea?” she asked.

“That would be nice thank you.” Dream slowly trotted over and settled herself down.

Twilight’s aura floated the third cup over to Grey, placing it in the tunnel. “So, My Dream, Friends?” She said, offering her hoof. Discord, Starlight and now at least part of the Nightmare, who next?

Dream pulled Twilight into a bone-crushing hug. “Yes, My Star, Yes.”

Twilight used a bit of Alicorn magic to reinforce her earthpony durability and smiled. Dreams’ body pressed against her, their coats meshing. She relaxed relishing the sensation of Dreams’ warmth and enveloping wings.

Nova offered a suggestion, it only took Twilight a moment to decide. This time the kiss was different. It was deeper, more intense. This time Twilight started it, and Dreams returned it. Harmless flames spread from Twilight’s mane and tail, enveloping both mares.

The unique sound a wooden hoof performing a facehoof could be heard.

CH 13 Luna's Suspicions

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Luna paced in her chambers. “What are you up to now, sister?” Something clearly had happened, she would not leave an illusion to manage court unless it was necessary, despite how much she might want to.

The nobles always managed to sneak things past her sister’s Mask when it was unsupervised. One day of this will take years to fix, Tia. She thought darkly.

She lit her horn, reaching out with her magic. It took but a moment for the spell to complete. No, her sister was not in the city.

The one advantage from her banishment was she felt like she could be far more liberal with casting her magic. Without the colossal store of magic she was used to, she could restore her magic to full in days instead of years for only a small fraction of it.

It currently only took an hours rest to recover the magic used for not sleeping for a week. Despite the fact she was weaker than before her time on the moon, she felt young, powerful and very much alive. The citywide detection spell would only take minutes to recover from.

This ‘advantage’ let her do far more to help her ponies, and have more than enough left to have her fun. Unlike her sister, where every expenditure of magic had to be weighed against how long it would take to recover and how much it would delay increasing the total stockpile.

Each hour the illusion was active would take her sister at least a week to recover from. That her sister was spending her magic so comparatively freely now had Luna worried.

Luna only just sensed the slightest presence in the room with her. Three of them each bearing a hint of her power. A smile crossed her muzzle. They are getting better. Luna thought with satisfaction.

She turned to regard them, each of them perfect in her eyes, each a creature of her night.

“Sovereign.” Her three Nightguard captains saluted.

Luna turned first to her Nightchosen-Unicorn. “Report,” Luna commanded.

“Yes, my Sovereign. There are traces of Alicorn tier Invisibility magic following a route from the Solar Princesses' breakroom to the third-floor balcony. It is believed she left via her own wing power. She limited her speed, so no magic traces could be followed to her destination.”

Next, Luna turned to look at the Nightchosen-Threstral. “Report,”

“Yes, my Sovereign. We questioned all the Ponies that interacted with her until the point we can confirm the illusion was placed. The only thing of note is there was a special delivery from the Solar agents. The Solar Princess immediately teleported the report away and called a break only two minutes later. As we are not allowed to question the Solar Agents directly, we investigated the method that the report got to the Palace. We are confident the report came from Ponyville.”

Luna turned her eyes to a too-large shadow in the corner, where she could sense her Nightchosen-Earthpony hid. “We have a detachment in place?” She asked expectantly.

“Yes, my Sovereign, they are in place. Watching with enchanted spy glasses from long-range to avoid detection.”

“Good, keep me informed,” Luna said, dismissing them all with a wave of her hoof.

“Sovereign,” They spoke as one. There was a teleport flash, the motion of wings and a shift in the shadows. Luna was alone once again.

“I shall make more of you, my children.” Luna smiled, she most certainly liked being able to spend her magic more freely. It just took a small fraction of her Alicorn magic to allow her to mix Threstral traits in the other tribes. The rite was elaborate and forever tied the blessed ponies to her. For her Threstrals, she added a bit more Alicorn magic empowering what they already had.

Just being able to feel them at the edge of her mind somewhat made up for how lonely it was in her mental bastion. Her only attempt to get around the seal Celestia had placed on her, had produced the Tantabus. It was more of a pet than an eternal companion, useful but not what she longed for. At least I still have the dreams to tend to.

“Tia, what are you doing?” Luna was tempted to go to Ponyville. If she did, her sister would detect her, and there would be questions. Better to let my Nightchosen be my eyes.

She was too worried to shapeshift and go out seeking a tempting stallion or mare to pass the time with. She let out a frustrated growl.

Shining Armour and Cadance are here for their protection… Hmm, perhaps I can do something productive and have some sport as well. She thought.

It took a moment to recast the detection spell with the new targets. It was simplicity itself to channel her Therstal magic and step into and becoming one with the shadows.

Looking out from the shadows, Luna observed Shining Armour and Cadance enjoying a simple lunch. As she would not be interrupting anything too personal Luna emerged from the shadows.

Immediately a powerful dome shield sprang into existence around the married couple. Shinings sword was drawn before Cadance jumped to her hooves startled.

The light it radiated nearly blinding to her shadow-adapted eyes, closing them for a moment. She let them shift back to the disagreeable, day-adapted ones. Luna dipped her head. “My compliments on your reflexes Prince Consort.”

Shining bowed his head in response, returning his blade to its sheath.

“Aunty, don’t scare us like that. You had me thinking we were under attack.”

“That was the point, dear Niece. If this were an attack, if not for your consort you would be mine for the taking,” Luna said, advancing licking her lips.

Cadance backed up, her wings spread ready to take flight. “Aunty Luna…”

Shining coughed politely. “Princess Luna, any news on my sister?”

Luna looked to Shining. “Not yet, there are leads that my Nightguards are looking in to… Celestia is off Stars knows where. So I can only assume she is chasing her own leads,” she said. And telling me nothing, again. Luna did not add out loud.

“If this is not about Twilight, why are you here, Aunty?” Cadance asked, her composure now restored.

“One Alicorn is missing, possibly worse.” Luna gazed hardened, looking straight at Cadance. “And by how you reacted to my arrival, you would be an easy target.”

Shining’s only reaction was his eyes narrowing slightly. Cadance, on the other hoof, looked like she might cry.

Luna started to circle the Princess of Love. “I intend to train you. Shining Armour will not always be by your side, dear Cadance.”

“I will not leave her side until we know things are safe.” Shining declared. Misunderstanding what Luna meant. The sadness in Cadance’s eyes let Luna know she took it to mean that he was a mortal.

“I know my sister neglected some important things in Twilight’s training and yet she sent her into battle. How much more did she miss in training her diplomat?” Luna said.

Luna directed her thoughts to Cadance’s mind. Have you at least been through your trial?

“So we should start with basic defence and what options you have as an Alicorn,” Luna said out loud.

Cadance discreetly nodded so Shining would not notice. She responded mentally. The Trial of the Path or that’s how Aunty Celestia explained it afterwards.

“I am sure Shining could train me,” Cadance answered Luna’s spoken question.

Luna raised an eyebrow. Mentally she messaged. Indeed? Well, you must have the luck of the Stars, few survive without preparation. Aloud she said, “He is not an Alicorn, else he would be Tia’s Prince,” She ended teasingly.

As Shining shifted, uncomfortably, the mental conversation continued.

I think she was going to leave it until Shining passed… Cadance responded with sadness in her eyes.

Does he know? Luna’s eyes flicked to Shining.

Cadance shook her head so slightly it was imperceptible to anypony without enhanced senses. It was one of Queen Chrysalis assassins. Celestia covered it all up and told me to tell nopony, not even Shining.

Did you know Twilight has been though her Trial as well?

No, I was unaware, she never told me.

She had terrible nightmares about it and was scared of my sister for a time.

Shining interrupted them. “So if this is happening, how is it being done? I will not have you beating my wife bloody like you do your guards.”

He is so cute. Luna sent, cutting off the mental connection. “My training works and those that pass are far stronger for it.” She said to Shining.

“I will be fine,” Cadance responded before Shining could say anything.

Luna directed her full attention to Shining, channelling a little Alicorn power. “If you wish to be useful, see if you can get any information from the Solarguard about where my sister is and her objectives.”

“If there might be a lead about Twily then you can bet they will tell me.” He said before heading out the room.

“Did you have to influence him like that Aunty?”

“It was more efficient. This way, he gets to feel useful, instead of crying every time I make you bleed.”

Cadance gulped. “Is there no way I can talk you out of this?”

“Yes, but I know you would not agree.” Luna’s eyes became slited and full of lust.

A stunning bolt hit Luna between the eyes. She blinked a few times, clearing her vision.

“No, bad Aunty,” Cadance said a rolled newspaper held in her aura.

Luna laughed a massive grin on her face. “Top marks on the speed of that flash-cast stun spell, only just a passing grade on its power.” her expression returned to neutral. “You need a better weapon than a newspaper. I will find you one.” The smile returned. “You do know we are not actually related, right?” She did not even blink when the improvised paper weapon smashed into her muzzle.

Yes, this was the right choice, this is going to be so much fun.

The shadows in the room leapt towards the two mares as Luna teleported them to her selected training field.

Luna circled Cadance watching the most recent gashes in her flank close. “Doing something immediately is always better than doing the perfect thing a moment too late,” she instructed.

It had taken hours to get to the stage where Cadance would reliably notice attacks from her sides or her rear. Strangely she had no trouble detecting attacks from above or below. She let her eyes drift to the blood coating the stone floor of the windowless chamber as she considered her student's abilities.

Cadance was an acceptable combatant if it was not for two unforgivable flaws. The first was she would not fully commit to an attack with intent to harm, the second, she did not deal well with the unexpected. Against a conventional attack, she could see coming, she could nail it with a stun bolt or raise a shield in the blink of an eye. She excelled at flash-casting low-powered spells.

“Twilight would have blasted me or teleported away. You stopped to think.” Luna complained.

“For Star’s sake, you are an Alicorn. If something unexpected jumps out at you just strike it. Or jump aside if you feel like checking to see if it is truly a threat before committing to an attack.”

“Are you ready to try attacking me, dear Cadance?” Luna asked

Cadance nodded, her horn lit and wings spread.

“You know the one rule, yes?”

“No striking with my horn.”

“Good, then when you are ready,”

She leapt with such force the stone cratered under her hooves. With a mighty flap of her wings, Cadance claimed her rightful place in the air. A deliberate shock wave of air magic concealed everything in a cloud of powdered stone.

Luna left a copy standing where she was as she retreated into the shadow to watch.

A rapid onslaught of stun bolts flew from Cadance’s horn. Darts of crystal formed along her feathers during the upstroke of her wings only to be sent flying at Luna’s copy on the overpowered downstroke. She rolled in the air, evading an expected counter-attack. She raised a bubble shield around her self hovering in place, waiting for the dust to settle.

The stone floor was shattered and singed, ten’s of meter-long crystal darts pierced halfway into the ground. Luna’s copy was standing there unimpressed.

Luna stomped her hooves in approval. “Now that was more like it,” Luna said with relish.

Cadance looked at her. “Celestia taught me never to use things like that, and you make it sound like a good thing.”

“I can understand her teaching you restraint. But to leave you vulnerable, it is almost as if she was leaving you weak just so she could test Twilight.” Luna looked at the broken ground, considering if that could be true. “No matter, you have got to be able to do better than that. Now continue.”

After receiving more than a few painful cuts for hesitating, Cadance acted immediately. Her horn flared with a second corona, she reached out pressing her hooves against her shield.

Interesting. Luna thought.

Cadance’s shield turned to solid crystal and fell from the air. Arks of energy danced over its surface, reaching out finding the darts.

What is this? Luna tried to puzzle out what was going on.

Each dart exploded into a fine powder, scattering to fill the room. Then there was a bright flash.

Luna woke up, that was odd, she did not remember going to sleep. She reached out to her moon. Four seconds. She thought. She had been unaware of her surrounds for four seconds.

Slowly her senses started to make sense of things. She was splayed out on the ground as if dropped there. Her ears were bleeding, her body was restoring itself from both heat and a considerable impact. Her eyes were still healing, so she could not see. So she reached out to a nearby shadow and scryed from it.

Something pressed against her neck, looking from the shadow she could see a blade of crystal in Cadance’s aura resting against her neck.

She could still not hear, but she could speak. “Well done Cadance, well done.” She smiled as she directed more of her Alicorn magic to heal her sense of hearing first.

“... alright?” She only caught the end of what Cadance said.

“How did you make that explosion with so little magic?” Luna asked with sincere interest.

“A trick I picked up from foal sitting Twilight.”

“What sort of foal sitting has to deal with things like that?” Luna was incredulous.

Cadance laughed, removing the blade from Luna’s neck now the training seemed over. “It was from her reading and experiments. Apparently, anything rendered into a fine powder can be made to explode. It is a common risk with storing flour, and I can use it to my advantage with magically charged crystals.”

Luna got her hooves under her and stood, blinking her newly healed eyes. “It seems I may have underestimated you.” Luna offered a shallow bow to Cadance. “My apologies.”

Cadance pulled Luna into a hug. “I know you did this because you care, and it has been useful.”

Luna returned the hug. “You could use a bath.”

“We both could.”

“Are you offering something?”


“Give it a few hundred years...”

“In your dreams.”

“Now that's an idea,”

“You would not.”

“No, I take my duty seriously. I would only do such a thing with your expressed consent,” Luna said somberly before her tone shifted to playful. “But it is fun to tease you.”

Luna Teleported them both to the Royal baths.

When Shining Armour caught up to them, they were both relaxing, happily chatting. Cadance styling both their manes and tails.

“Did you discover anything Prince Consort?”

“Only that Celestia has sent a lot of messages to her agents.”

“So nothing of any real note, as far as my guards have seen she has been going around Ponyville talking to ponies. Other than one case of her galloping like her tail was on fire, nothing else happened.”

“Do you think she saw a chicken?” Cadance asked giggling.

“Perhaps that would explain her reaction,” Luna said.

“So we know nothing, and you two have been relaxing all day?”

Cadance’s gaze darkened but before she could speak, Luna did. “Yes, there is nothing like sparring with blade and magic followed by a nice relaxing bath,”

“It is good to see you are gentler on my wife than your guards.”

Luna laughed loud and hard. “Tis your wife, who is the brutal one.”

Shining’s unimpressed expression did not seem to believe her. “Whatever you say, Princess.”

Luna looked between the pair. “Would you two be willing to, out of your own concerns for Twilight’s friends, be willing to pay them a visit, and see what you find in Ponyville?”

“That sounds like a plan,” Cadance said, smiling.

“If Twilight is there, we will find her,” Shining promised.

“By arranging this when my sister is away, she can not deny you,” Luna smiled.

“We will head out before sunrise tomorrow,” Cadance decreed.

“We should pack then and get an early night,” Shining said.

They both said their farewells and left. Luna barely noticed, she had a lot to think about. Will this move of mine help Twilight?

“Tia, what is it with you and leaving our younger kin underprepared?” She spoke into the silent room.

Dear sister, why did you not want me teaching either of them? It only took a few hours to drastically improve Cadence's skills. The things I could have done with years to hone Twilight?

She closed her eyes once again, trying to find Twilight in the Dream Realm. Where are you hiding?

CH 14 Difficult Conversations

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Nightmare was resting, half asleep next to her Little Star.

Hello, Nightmare. A sweet voice entered her mind.

Where have you been? Nightmare responded.

Keeping Twilight company. Her fragment answered, letting out a happy giggle. It seemed out of place coming from her fragment. Twilight’s Friends are gathering in the map room. It continued.

How did you find that out my Fragment?

My name is Sweet Dreams now, and I did not, Twilight did.

Interesting, I assume this means you are not returning to me? Nightmare asked cautiously.

No, I am my own mare now. Dream’s asserted.

Nightmare let her mental tone darken. Very well, you do know what will happen if you cross me?

Are you going to harm Twilight? Dream’s snapped in response.

Why would I? Nightmare asked in mild puzzlement.

Then we are good. Dreams’ said before sounding like she was purring. Mmm, keep doing that…

Keep doing what? Nightmare asked, annoyed.

Sorry, Twilight is distracting me again. Dreams said unabashed.


Dreams giggled again. You don't know what you are missing… Twilight has a request. She would like to see her friends.

Does she know who I am? Nightmare could feel an edge of trepidation enter her mind.

She figured it out, kind of hard not to when there is a whole wing in here dedicated to you.

Unexpected. Nightmare stated.

Play nice with her, she has access to all your spells, all your knowledge in here. Dreams’ teasing response carried and undercurrent of warning.

Nightmare paled, that was not something she wanted to deal with. So finally, I find the disadvantage of a willing host.

Whimsically, with a mental voice laced with seductive charm, Dreams commented. Oh, I don’t know Night, she is very grateful to you.

Your doing?

Oh, yes, and you're welcome. Dream’s answered happily before her voice became dark and threatening. Just remember, Twilight is mine, you do anything to hurt her and you won't live to regret it.

“Don't make fragments in haste, when in distress or when drunk.” Nightmare muttered to herself aloud. It was one of Celestia’s lessons that she failed to drum into Luna hard enough. Three simple rules and she broke two of them in creating Sweet Dreams. She would have to live with the consequences.

Nightmare took a steadying breath before reaching for Twilight. All three mares found themselves standing on an obsidian floor under a cloudy sky. Dreams standing taller than the other two

“Nightmare,” Twilight said with far more warmth than Nightmare was expecting.

“Twilight,” She responded civilly. After all, there was no point in antagonising her host. “Do I have your word that you will not try and take control of our body?”

Twilight reached up to her neck the image of an ebon collar briefly flickering into existence.“I Twilight Sparkle...” Twilight corrected herself. “I who think of myself as Twilight Sparkle do hereby pledge not to attempt to regain control of this body today so long as Nightmare does not harm anypony other than in self-defence.”

Nightmare tilted her head. “Strange wording... but I accept. I will not deny you the chance to see your friends,” She could feel her control strengthen, there would be no way Twilight would be able even to attempt to take control today.

The collar, visible once more, was joined by shackles attached to her legs. Despite this, Twilight smiled. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome, my host.” Nightmare responded civilly.

“I have a name, you know.” Twilight snarked.

“One that I have to get used to using.” Nightmare said in a calm tone.

Next to Nightmare’s physical body, Little Star yawned and rolled over, still sound asleep. Nightmare shifted some of her attention to the outside world. She smiled warmly and draped a wing over her.

“Who is your friend?” Twilight gestured with her horn at the ground.

Nightmare refocused to the mindscape. Following Twilight’s gaze, she saw that visible under the floor was the real world. “She is my Little Star,” Nightmare said with affection.

Twilight blushed as Dreams fell over laughing. Nightmare was just glad they were in her mental space and could not wake her Little Star no matter how loud they were.

“Something I should know about?” Nightmare asked with a raised eyebrow.

“That is what she has been calling me,” Twilight said, looking at Dreams.

“This is hilarious, you call your daughter what I call my lover,” Dreams said through her laughter.

“What! Daughter?” Both Twilight and Nightmare said simultaneously.

“When an Alicorn and a Nightmare get together, magic happens, and a new pony is made… What else would you call her?”

“But…” Twilight stammered

“You… no… I don’t think I mind that,” Nightmare said, her physical body leaning down to nuzzle Star.

Twilight smiled warmly as she looked at Nightmare. “You really do care for her, don't you?”

“Yes… she looked up to me. She wanted to be in my company. I was her Princess, and she was just overjoyed just being with me.” Nightmare hoped her voice did not sound as bashful as she felt in that instance.

“The fact she is just so adorable does not hurt, does it?” Dreams added.

Nightmare nodded. “That too, she saved us, you know?”

“Really?” Dreams said, turning her attention to the little unicorn.

Nightmare smiled with pride. “Yes, when I was battling with the dark mages who had us captive , something happened that rendered me helpless. My brave Little Star defended us and managed to teleport us halfway across Equestria.”

“She definitely takes after her mother and father.” Dreams said.

“Who is who?” Twilight asked.

“Well, the Nightmare did enter you, so I guess that means she is the Father,” Dreams laughed.

“Shall we agree that both of us are her mothers?” Nightmare asked.

Twilight nodded. “I don't want to have to add gender issues to all the other identity issues I am dealing with right now, thank you very much.”

“You know she has a wing in Twilight’s Bastion.” Dreams stated.

“I first figured she was merely part of your insanity manifested with my powers.” Nightmare said nodding to Twilight.

“Is it possible another one of my… family survived?” Twilight asked, looking at Dreams.

Dreams shook her head, “I’m sorry, no not in the way you are hoping.” Dream moved to Twilight, pulling her into a hug, “It will be ok, my Star.”

Twilight leant against Dreams and closed her eyes. “Even though I never met her, it still hurts just knowing what my life cost her.”

“She lives on in your kind heart and sense of wonder.” Dreams said comfortingly.

Nightmare watched, unsure what to make of the exchange. As far as she knew all of Twilight’s family was currently safe. Some in Canterlot, the rest in the Empire.

“You know, Rarity is going to be so mad at us… you did not even take me on a date, and here we are with a filly.” Twilight said, laughing.

“You can’t have her.” Dreams pulled Twilight close and stuck her tongue out at Nightmare.

Twilight’s eyes seem to flicker with flames. “What, can I not have my own harem of sexy mares?”

Nightmare felt her cheeks warm just a little. She cleared her throat. “Shall we be going and see our friends now?” Nightmare shifted most of her attention to the real world and tucked Little Star in under a blanket. She placed a motherly kiss below her horn before heading out.

Nightmare placed her hoof on the wall and mentaly asked the Crystal Tree to take her to just outside the map room. Doing this still felt odd. She could tell that the only reason the Tree was helping, was that Star had asked it to. The Tree seemed to be buzzing with a mix of hope and fear, both firmly directed at herself.

No flash, not even a sense of motion, they had just moved location in less than a blink of an eye. Since when has my Castle been able to do that? Twilight’s thoughts asked.

How would I know? With things like this, I would assume since it was first created. Nightmare responded.

Nightmare knew that Twilight’s friends were on the other side of the doors, and with Celestia in town, she would need to talk to them as soon as possible. She needed them on her side if her plans had any chance of working.

Taking a deep breath, she placed her hooves on the doors and pushed them open. All of the Elements were there sat around the table, each killing time in their own way.

“Girls,” Nightmare said, letting Twilight’s relief into her tone. She could feel her host’s joy radiating from the mindscape.

Five pairs of eyes turned to face her. Their relief and happiness were so powerful it was almost a physical force.

“Twilight!” Pinkie called moments before colliding with her like a meteor.

Nightmare crashed into the ground groaning. Just when I thought I might be free of pain. “Hi Pinkie… next time can you avoid my burns please.”

“Why have you been hiding from us Twi?” Rainbow demanded while hovering above her.

“Hiding? If only.” Nightmare laughed. “This is the first day I have been able to walk enough to come and find you.”

“Oh my.” Fluttershy rushed over, pushing the other two aside. Flitting from one bandaged wound to another checking each as her concern grow.

Nightmare slowly pulled herself to her hooves. She pointed at each wound one by one. “Magical fire, surgical blades, stabbed by a unicorn's horn and finally overtaxed my own horn.”

Rainbow seemed impressed, like she was trying to imagine what epic adventure they were from. Rarity looked appalled, most likely from how unladylike Nightmare’s appearance was. Applejack was just watching. Probably looking for any lies I might tell. Nightmare thought. Pinkie was just happy, and Fluttershy held nothing but tender care in her teary eyes.

So far, so good. Nightmare thought before speaking. “Don’t worry, girls I will be fine, only a few more days to fully heal.” She smiled. “The important thing is that I’m back.”

“You know what this calls for?” Pinkie said, bouncing happily.

“A par…”

A flash of golden light interrupted the conversation. Suddenly Celestia was standing there in all her glory but none of her regalia. She was only wearing saddlebags and a sheathed blade. She looked around the room, and her eyes fixed on Nightmare.

“Twilight?” Celestia's voice was full of hope.

This is too soon. Nightmare worried. This was not a meeting she wanted now. She was in no shape for it, and if Celestia even got a hint that she was not Twilight, then she was done for. “Prin… Celestia.”

“I am so glad to see you safe, if unfortunately not unharmed,” Celestia said as her horn lit as she lifted a scroll from her saddlebags.

Something drew her attention to Celestia’s horn. There a wrongness with how it was glowing. It was subtle, but it was there. A spike of alarmed recognition came from Twilight.

No, no, not again. Twilight’s thought of panic drowning under her building anger. Possible countermeasures flooded Nightmares mind. Twilight reached into their wellspring, clearly going to cast something.

Nightmare mentaly reached for chains binding her. Trust her. Dream's whispered in her mind. Nightmare hesitated, that was all the time Twilight needed.

Shimmering magenta Cyrstal manifested over Nightmare's body. She could feel Twilight's plan, now no spell could reach her until the armour was compromised.

Twilight's rage was burning within her. She was furious and if she had control of the body likely would have attacked Celestia. Probably with her own hooves with how mindless the betrayal driven anger felt. That would not have ended well, not in their current state. Calm yourself Twilight. Nightmare thought.

She could sense Dreams taking action, lovingly holding Twilight whispering sweet nothings trying to calm her. A slight pang of jealousy floated through Nightmare’s mind before she banished it.

She did not know exactly what Celestia was going to do. The fact that at least half of the countermeasures Twilight offered were to stop mental domination and memory removal spells gave her a pretty good idea.

Nopony had done anything in the time Nightmare was thinking. Celestia seemed unsure; she was on the backhoof. If I give her a chance to plan, she will have the advantage. Nightmare decided to be bold.

"You will not use more Mind magic on me," She bellowed with the Royal Canterlot Voice, flaring her wings and jutting her chest out aggressively.

The force knocked everypony except Celestia back. Everypony was stunned, nopony, not even Celestia had expected her outburst.

"What in tarnation are you talking about, sugercube?" Applejack broke the stunned silence looking at Nightmare.

Nightmare tried to work out what to say, thankfully Twilight’s various countermeasures provided all the information she needed. Pointing at Celestia's horn, she growled. "So Celestia, why are at least half the spell forms in your horn to do with mind control and memory alterations?"

Rarity’s eyes widened, clearly, she was the only one that truly understood the implications of the concealed spell work. The mention of mind control was more than enough to provoke the others.

"What the hay?" Rainbow blurted out. "We just get Twilight back, and you're going to zap her in the brain?"

“Don’t be silly that’s Dizz’s trick, you need your own Princess.” Pinkie unhelpfully added.

Twilight’s mental presence faded replaced with the sound of multiple quills frantically writing. What is she doing now? Nightmare thought.

I think she is trying to send a message to her friends. Doing what she can to get them on our side. Dreams answered.

One by one the elements bearers took their places beside Nightmare, ready to protect their ‘friend’ from Celestia.

For a moment, Celestia's mask slipped before returning to the warm, caring smile. "One of the possibilities I was worried about was that Twilight was affected by dark magic. I was only ready in case somepony had compelled her to attack us, or worse."

"She ain't lying Twilight," Applejack said.

"Forgive me for being a little on edge, with everything that happened; it is hard even to be sure any of this is real." Nightmare returned to a neutral stance.

"Err… Twilight if you don’t mind telling us. What did you mean by more mind magic?" Fluttershy's voice was so quiet but caught everyone's attention.

Nightmare nervously looked to Celestia. "I am not sure I should tell you, I don't think you want to know," she said to Twilight's friends. Nightmare was frantically trying to work out what to say. Twilight would be no help, she was still off in her own world, writing to her friends.

“Honesty is the best policy. You know that, Twilight.” Applejack said, placing her hoof on Nightmares shoulder. In a soft whisper, she continued to Nightmare alone. “We are here for you.”

Oh, please allow me. Dreams requested, her mental voice dripping with venom.

With no better option at hoof Nightmare mentally took a step back to let Dreams have control for a time. You better know what you are doing.

Dream’s nodded to Applejack in thanks. “Girls, you never met the original Twilight, she died long before I came to Ponyville.”

Every set of eyes were now solidly fixed on Dreams. Celestia seemed to have frozen, even her mane stilled.

What? Nightmare thought.

Later. Dreams responded.

Dream pointed a hoof at Celestia. “You murdered Twilight's children and used the remains to craft your own patchwork filly. Your own perfect tool just to save your sister.”

Horrified looks now spread around four of the bearers faces. Rainbow’s was shifting to anger, the gears slowly turning behind her eyes as she was trying to work out who to aim it at.

“Children.” Escaped Fluttershy's lips in a horrified whimper.

On hearing Fluttershy, Rainbow turned her gaze on Celestia.

Nightmare felt her hoof slam into the crystal floor as Dreams advanced a single step towards Celestia. “What did you think would happen when I found my Library? What did you think would happen when I had a chance to see the aftermath of your magic, of what you did to the original Twilight?”

Not pausing to let Celestia get a word in, she continued her verbal assault. “Those chains are sharp, they hurt, but you would not know that, would you? You are the only Alicorn that is free of them, right?” Motes of flames danced along her mane as her eyes glared at Celestia, daring her to deny it.

“It was the only way to save Twilight…”

“Save her? Save her! She was already gone! All you did was kill her children to make a copy,” Dreams screamed, trembling as arks of rage-filled lightning danced over her feathers.

Nightmare noted the others were rooted in place; clearly, the shock of what they had just found out and the Alicorn magic flooding the room was getting to them.

“They all would have died in days!” Celestia shouted back. “It was the only way to save anything, to save anypony, to save you from that disaster.” She ended in a solemn whisper, tears shimmering in her eyes.

“How can I trust you are even telling the truth?” Dream asked. “YOU, MESSED, WITH, MY, MIND!” She advanced one step with each word. Her thundering hoof falls cracking the floor.

Nightmare did not know who was more stunned, herself, Celestia or Twilight’s friends. She could see the pain in Celestia’s eyes, a deep hurt that would take a long time to heal. Good. She thought to herself.

The two Alicorns now stood still, looking at each other.

“Is that how you feel, my…” Celestia started.

“Don’t you dare!” Dreams snapped back.

“Twilight…” Celestia pleaded.

Dreams cut her off with another stomp of her hoof. “You say being a Princess requires making the hard choices, you’re right. The thing you have to remember is that each choice has consequences. I am yet to make my mind up what they should be for you.”

A shocked expression flashed in Celestia’s eyes, “What…”

“Don’t worry ‘Princess’.” She said the title as if it was a curse. “I will still play my part. I will protect Equestria, my ponies, and my friends.” Dreams turned her back on Celestia, letting all of her displays of power fade. She walked away limping, the strain of Twilights injured body catching up with all the activity. “Please leave.” Dream finished in a weak dejected tone.

Celestia mouth hug open, she was stunned into inaction. A moment later and in a flash of magic, she was gone.

Dreams slumped to the ground crying. Twilight friends broke free from their shock and rushed her. Within moments, she was the centre of a pony pile, enjoying the warmth of a group hug.

That was masterful, well played Sweet Dreams. Nightmare thought.

That was not just a performance. It was the truth. Dreams responded bitterly. Please let Twilight feel this.

As you wish. Nightmare pulled on Twilight’s chain dragging her away from whatever she was doing, Placing her in partial control of her body. For the duration of this hug, I release you from today’s agreement.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Twilight thought at Nightmare.

Tears of joy fell from her eyes.“I love you all,” Twilight spoke from her own mouth for the first time in days as she returned the hug.

In Nightmare’s mindscape, Dreams draped a wing over her. Thank you.

CH 15 Family Reunion 

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Cadance stood proudly atop her cloud fort. Shining Armor, her handsome Alicorn husband, beside her. Multiple rolled up newspapers floating in her aura, as crystal razors lined her feathers.

Searching the sky, her eyes narrowed on her targets. Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon were in a high-speed dive, eyes fixed on her Shiney.

Daybreaker wielded her husband's favoured snack, Nightmare a limited edition O&O book. Both were clad in stockings and sexy lingerie.

Cadance screamed in wordless defiance. She launched wave after wave of her paper missiles at them, each exploding into broken pink hearts.

“Awaken Now,” Luna’s impressive voice shattered the sky, blowing everypony but her away.

Cadance eyes snapped open, the moonlit ceiling of her room in Canterlot Palace greeted her. The sound of Shining’s breathing comforted her as she snuggled against him. After her dream, she was feeling extremely protective of him.

“You would look so dashing with wings.” She whispered to the night air. She fought against the images of him dying, frail and old, held in her forever-young hooves.

A single tear fell and splashed on his ear. It twitched. She closed her eyes slowly breathing in his scent. I will always remember you my Shiney. She silently pledged.

She remembered the dream and how Luna’s words had ended it. Was it real or just my tired imagination? She finally remembered to extend her mystical senses. The cool traces of Luna’s magic clung to her, she had clearly used her domain to force her to awaken fully alert. Whatever was happening, it was important.

A powerful hoof knocked on the door before it was pushed open. A pair of Luna’s Nightguard stood at attention saluting. They did not even wait, this is bad. Cadance worried.

“The Sovereign sends her regards, a chariot is ready for your immediate departure to Ponyville.” The unicorn said, offering a scroll.

“Honey,” Shining asked tiredly but clearly alert.

Cadance took the scroll in her aura and snapped it open and started reading.

Subject Twilight Sparkle,
Confirmed Location Castle of Friendship.
High levels of Active Alicorn magic detected...

She stopped reading and looked back to see Shining’s horn lit, likely he was ready to cast a shield spell at a moments notice. My faithful protector. She thought fondly.

“We are going to Ponyville, now,” she said commandingly.

Shining responded with long honed training, lifting everything he might need in his aura and headed for the door. Bags, armour and weapons finding their place on him as a brush tamed his mane.

Cadance trotted after him, a flash from her horn taking care of her appearance and snagged her overnight bag with her wing on the way past.

“Lead on,” she instructed the two Nightguards.

The group headed off at a decent canter. The Nightguard doing something that dulled the sound of their multiple hoofs falls. Glancing at her hooves, it looked like she had shoes made of shadows wrapped around them. Aunty, you are pulling out all the stops here, what is wrong. She thought.

Turning down a passageway, a Nightguard up ahead waved them back, directing them to go another way.

“Cady, I don’t like this…” Shining said quietly.

“You trust Aunty Luna, right?”

“Yes… still, something feels wrong here.”

A massive pulse of Celestia’s magic rippled through the building. Cadance barely had time to screw her eyes closed with the pain before Shining’s shield formed around the small group, providing instant relief from the Solar Alicorn’s overbearing magic.

“Celestia,” Cadance said.

“The Sovereign will tend to the Solar Princess,” One of the Nightguards said, pointing with a hoof down a servant's passageway. “Go now.”

Twilight or Celestia, the choice warred in her mind. Who should she go to? She could feel the hurt radiating from Celestia from here. Cadance’s eyes flicked the other way considering. Shining's magic lifted her as he galloped off, taking full advantage of the muffling spell on his hooves.

Aunty, please be alright. She thought as the choice was taken out of her hooves.

The flight was rushed, it was uncertain if the Wonderbolts could have gotten them here faster. There was no opportunity to read the rest of the scroll, it would have simply blown away if she had even made the attempt.

Cadance lit her horn, fixing both her own and Shining's windswept manes as she started to canter hopefully towards Twilight. She reached out with her unique sense and found the line that connected her to Twilight and followed it, taking wing to go faster. Celestia was not the only one in distress this night.

She could hear Shining’s hooves hammering into the ground as he started to gallop after her.

Cadance alighted just before the entrance. Her horn lit, magic reaching for the door. The magic reflected as if the door was a mirror. Her horn tingled, making her sneeze. She looked at the door in confusion as Shining came up beside her. “What sort of ward makes somepony sneeze?” she asked.

“One using a prank spell as a base. It is a harmless way to keep people out, and let them know you want them to stay out.”

Cadance’s horn lit again. There was the pop of displaced air and a ripple of magic. “Wait.” Twilight’s instantly familiar voice called from the other side of the door.

Cadance’s heart soared, Twilight was alive, she was here. Shining leaned closer. “She probably has it set so if you try again, you get a meaner prank.”

A complex spell array flashed into existence over the door. It twisted and faded out of existence. A very familiar magenta aura covered the doors as they swung open.

Twilight was revealed before them, her horn blindingly bright. Her body glittered as she was covered from horn to hoof with magenta crystals. Twilight’s eyes shed tears as she saw them, they sparkled in the light as they traced down her crystal-covered face.

Twilight's horn dimmed to a comfortable light level and Cadance got her first good look at Twilight. Is she taller?

Under her Crystal armour, Twilight was a mess both physically and emotionally. The wounds on her flesh seemed nothing in comparison with those on her heart. Seeing bandages under magenta crystal was a bit surreal.

“Shinny, Cadance… I… I…” Twilight looked down, unable to continue.

“Twily,” Shining said, the happiness at the sight of his sister warring with his shock at seeing her state,

“Did.. did she send you?” Twilight asked her expression hardening in an instant.

“No, we are here because you are LSBFF,” Shining said, offering a smile.

Twilight visibly relaxed, she took a few steps back, each making a clink of her crystal hooves on the crystal floor. Gesturing for them to come in with a flick of her wing. She froze a sudden look of stunned realisation crossed her face, her ears flicked.

Twilight turned her smiling gaze to her old foal sitter, then launched into their traditional greeting. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves, and do a little shake.” Cadance only hesitated a moment before joining in.

Twilight swayed on her hooves giggling. Cadance smiled warmly and pulled her into a hug. Twilight leaned heavily into the hug, closing her eyes.

She sensed something was wrong with her sister in law, even without deliberately using her powers. Twilight’s heart was too full and confused. It was flooded with powerful emotions. They ran across the whole range, from intense love to vengeful hatred. The two extremes holding a thin sheet of happiness above a pit of despair. Twilight what has happened to you? She thought.

Cadance let her vision shift to see the connections between ponies, she needed more information. She had to do what she could to mend Twilight’s wounds.

The lines reaching off to her close friends were healthy. She could see how Twilight gripped them, holding on to them for dear life as if she feared she would lose them. Some sort of energy was travelling from her to her friends. It was only causing the connections to grow and shine brighter, so whatever it was, it was not harmful. Maybe something to do with the Elements? Cadance thought.

Four new connections caught her attention, they seemed to turn around and link back to Twilight herself. It made no sense. One bloomed with young romantic love, two with something like family love and the last might become a friendship given time.

She moved on, the links to almost everypony else were normal, there were a few new ones but nothing really unexpected. There was one that held family love that she did not recognise.

Luna’s and her own were faded a little with the slight fraying near Twilight’s end, signifying a lack of trust. That hurt Cadance, but it was minor enough to be easily fixed with a few conversations.

The last two were dark lines, she was almost afraid to look at them. The first she had no idea who it was linked to. From Twilight’s side, it was a jagged mess of terror, hatred and murderous intent. Who would Twilight want to kill? The only thing coming from the other end was mild interest and a sense of respect.

Fearfully she looked at the last one. The line dripped horrid purples and toxic greens. Secrets and betrayal. She thought with fear. It transitioned from the bright love tempered with sadness from the distant end, to almost black twisted by hate. Arcs of lightning danced upon it, indicating powerful rage from Twilight’s end. Cadance could swear she could see a book fort guarding it, with little paper ponies building siege weapons.

She dropped her sight, she could not stand to look at it any longer. It twisted her guts with nausea. That line connected to Aunty Celestia. It took every diplomatic lesson and her many years of experience to prevent letting out a shocked gasp. Oh, Twilight, what did she do to you? Why Luna rushed them here was starting to make a terrifying amount of sense.

“BBBFF, How much do you know about what Ce… Princess Celestia did to me when I was living in the Palace?” Twilight asked voice wavering, her body tensing almost as if she was expecting an attack.

“What do you mean?” Shining Said.

Cadance’s ears flicked towards him. Was that a hint of guilt? She turned her eyes to him. “Shining… what do you know?”

“Twilight!” Rainbow’s voice barged in only moments before the mare herself did. A forceful wave of wind followed her. “Twi, don’t just disappear like that. We only just got you back.”

Twilight rubbed the back of her neck. “I had to disable the wards before anypony got hurt…”

“Twilly,” Shining said in a light tone of reproach.

“I was worried, Cel… The Princess might come back...”

“Twi got into one Hay of a shouting match with Celestia. Oh, hi, you two.” Rainbow interrupted.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed darkly for a moment. “Rainbow, head back to the Girls and let them know everything is alright, please.” She smiled fondly. “I have a few words for my BBBFF and old foal sitter here. I will be back with the snacks soon.”

A faint wash of Alicorn magic brushed against Cadance’s senses as Twilight had spoken. She is using that? Cadance thought.

Rainbow saluted playfully and zipped off with all her typical disregard for her wingpower. Cadance sighed. Now three ponies have windswept mains I need to fix.

Twilight regretfully pulled free from the hug and made her way towards the kitchen. She flicked her wing gesturing for them to follow. “So, Shiney, Cadance, care to answer?”

They both moved to follow her, “When you were younger,” Shining said before hesitating.

Cadance brushed a wing against him, her feathers parting his coat. “Go on,” She said.

“You learnt some very dangerous dark magic… Celestia had to seal it away for your safety.”

“Is that what she told you?” Twilight’s voice sounded dead.

Cadance could feel the connections with herself and Shining strengthening, as the one to Celestia darkened even more. She used an old trick repositioning her wings, hiding the shudder that passed through them.

Cadance’s heart fell, there as no doubt in Twilight’s words or expression. Something terrible had happened.

Shining nodded in response. “Twilily? Did something else happen?”

Twilight simply nodded. “I will tell you in a bit. I don’t feel like saying any of this more times than I need to, and my friends deserve to know as well.”

The door to the kitchen came into sight. Twilight’s horn lit and the sound of things moving around could be heard within.

Twilight opened the door and led them inside. She did not even pay any attention to the amazing display of magic she was performing. She simply made her way to the table where her aura was placing sandwiches, hot chocolate, tea and biscuits.

Cadance paused in amazement. Despite her current state, Twilight was wielding her magic in a perfect dance of coordination. She was doing it with no apparent effort nor paying any attention to it whatsoever. Aunty Luna was right, I am so far behind her… Cadance thought.

Twilight looked at Cadance searchingly, “Come, we have a lot to talk about, and I need to check on my daughter.” Twilight headed further into her home, leaving Cadance and Shining stunned. “Are you coming?” She asked.

“You have a foal?” Cadance asked

“Yes, she is, my Little Star,” Twilight smiled fondly. Cadance did not need her powers to tell there was real love there.

Twilight’s horn flashed, Cadance felt the annoying twisting in her gut and shiver in her horn whenever anypony cast higher dimensional spells around her. She glanced back to the table, finding it empty. She must have stored all the food, and she did it in a single cast. Cadance was starting to feel more than a little underpowered compared to her sister in law.

“How old is she?” Cadance asked.

“A few days or years, it is a bit hard to tell,” Twilight said.

“What?” Shining cut in.

“Magic,” Twilight answered.

“That's not an answer you would normally be happy with,” He replied.

She twitched her wings in a shrug. “It had something to do with the Elements of Harmony.”

“The elements can give you foals,” Shining said in confusion.

“Yes, if you ask nicely, and it promotes Harmony.” Twilight giggled. “Wait here, I will be back in a moment with her.” Twilight trotted off round a corner.

Cadance lowered her voice. “What do you think?”

Shining thought for a moment. “I don’t think Twily’s lying to us… If her mane were going crazy, I would have been worried about another lesson zero incident.”

“... Do you know of anypony your sister hates?” Cadance hesitantly asked

“Tirek, ponies that return books late and those that spoil the ending of books. Why?” He said trying to lighten the mood.

Cadance took a calming breath before stating. “There is somepony out there she hates enough to kill.”

“... is it Celestia?” Shining said in growing horror.

“No, thank all the Stars,” Cadance let out a long breath. “There is a lot of dark feelings, but it is not quite that bad.”

A young fillies voice interrupted them “Yes, yes, yes, yes.”

Twilight laughed from round the corner. “Now there are two ponies I want you to meet.” The odd clinks of her crystal-covered hooves drawing closer.

“Are they nice ponies?” The filly asked.

“Yes, they are two of the nicest ponies,” Twilight said. Cadance could hear the warm smile in Twilight’s voice.

“You know I would never want you to meet any more bad ponies.” Twilight continued before stepping around the corner with a small lavender filly standing on her back. The filly looked just like Twilight did when Cadance had started to foalsit her. She was wearing a fire damaged Daring-Do helmet with spell runes around the rim.

“Hi, my name is Little Star!” The filly called out waving a hoof.

Cadance smiled, she could not hide the joy foals brought to her just by being near. “Nice to meet you, Star, I’m your Aunty Cadance.” She pointed to Shining with a wing. “And this is your Uncle Shining.”

“Where are your wings?” Star asked, looking at Shining, eyes full of innocent curiosity.

Looking to one side, Cadance tried to hide the sadness in her eyes. By the way that Twilight’s ears tracked her, she must have failed.

“Sorry, I’m just a unicorn,” Shining said, rubbing his neck.

“That’s ok, I’m sure Mommy can fix that.”

Shining laughed and reached over patting Star on the head affectionately.

Cadance met Twilight's gaze. “Can you?” she silently mouthed.

Twilight tilted her head and looked thoughtfully at her brother. Then moved closer as she guided the group of them towards the next destination. “Possibly,” she whispered in Cadance’s ear.

Cadance’s horn shivered, and in a burst of light, Star was standing on her back. “What you talking about?” Star looked up at both of them, eyes full of wonder.

“Wings,” Twilight said.

“Oh, ok,” Star said.

“Twilight, can I ask why you have that crystal covering you?” Shining asked.

Twilight stiffened for a moment. “I needed it for protection… and the only way I know to get rid of it is to smash it.”

Cadance blinked. “Oh.”

“It’s been a very long week, and it takes a lot of effort to break it. I will do something about it later,”

“It looks pretty,” Star said. A scroll and quill popped into existence and she started sketching her mother.

The rest of the walk was full of Star sketching everyone as she teleported from pony to pony.

“Girls, I have somepony to introduce you to,” Twilight called out, as the group walked into the map room.

“Don’t be silly we already know your brother and Princess Cadance, we were at the wedding… Unless this is another fake Cadance, or is it a fake Shining now or a Fake Twilight? Is Twilight a fake?.” Pinkie's ramble was cut off as with a flash of magenta light a sandwich materialised in her mouth.

A moment later the rest of the snacks appeared, divided evenly amongst all the ponies in the room.

“Hi, Pinkie, thanks for the cupcake,” Star said, smiling. Drawing the Bearer’s attention to her.

“Twilight, since when is there a mini-you?” Asked Rainbow.

“May I introduce my daughter, Little Star,” Twilight’s aura wrapped around Star pulling her close as she nuzzled her. She turned Star to face the room.

Star waved happily “They are all good ponies, right?” she asked in a stage whisper.

“Yes, they may be a bit strange, but I like them anyway.” Twilight grinned.

“Is that a Daring-Do helmet?” Rainbow asked flapping closer to have a look.

“Yep, had it when I went on my first adventure with Mommy. We had to clean up and escape the Temple of the Hidden Path.”

“You took your foal on an adventure?” Applejack sounded angry.

“More ‘Adventure’ found us AJ.”

“Why is it burnt, what's with the strange marks?” Rainbow said, pointing at the runes.

“Oh, it got burnt when I saved Mommy from the Bad Ponies…. So as soon as I could, I added some protections to it. I need to be ready in case the Bad Ponies try and hurt Mommy again.” Star was grinning happily.

AJ was giving Twilight a very stern look. Cadance could see that words would be spoken and it was probably better if little ears were not around to hear them. “Rainbow can you show Star here Twilight’s collection of Daring-Do books?”

That got both of their attention. “Race you there, kid.” Rainbow said, “Three, two, one, go.” She dashed off at a languid speed for her.

“Bye everypony.” Star waved before just disappearing.

Cadance noticed the only one not seeming worried was Twilight herself.

Twilight closed her eyes for a moment and then nodded. “She has just gone to the library.” Twilight then trotted over to her throne and sat a little stiffly.

“You have some explaining to do,” Applejack said.

“That is what we are all here for,” Twilight replied.

“First why the buck was that little one in danger?” Applejack exclaimed.

“Because that is where she showed up…” A clamour of voices cut Twilight off.

“Enough!” Twilight’s horn glowed, and suddenly only Twilight’s voice could be heard. “Now I am going to talk, and you are all going to listen… I don’t want to tell you any of this, but you have a right to know.”

Twilight took a deep breath. “Now please, let me speak, there will be time for questions at the end.” Twilight released her spell.

There were nods and murmured agreements around the room.

“There is no easy way for me to say this…” Twilight looked at Shining with tears falling from her eyes. “The Twilight that was sent to Ponyville was not the same Twilight as from before attending Celestia’s School.”

By the mild reactions of Twilight's friends, they clearly knew about this already. Rarity was looking unhappy, Fluttershy was hiding behind her mane and Pinkie was staying still, too still for her. Applejack on the other hoof was watching Twilight, studying every word she said.

“Twily?” Shining’s voice was weak.

“The Twilight you got back after the magic was sealed away was not the original. The Princess… she created a tool, her perfect tool to save her sister.” Twilight looked down, unable to meet his gaze.

Shining slumped, guilt and grief warring for his heart. To Cadance, it seemed like he felt some of the blame was his. “The Alicorn only spell,” He whispered so quietly that only she could hear him.

Cadance could remember a time when Twilight had changed. When she had withdrawn into herself and her studies. A time when Celestia had forbidden her using her sight so she could learn how to interact with ponies regularly.

Twilight glanced back at her wings. “Even these wings were part of her grand plan,” She said, flaring her wings.

Twilight’s eyes met hers. Cadance could feel concern, sympathy and the desperate hope that she was not another victim.

“Simply put, the original died, and the Princess made a replacement… I’m so sorry.” Tears started to roll down Twilight’s face.

“This has got to be a joke, a bad dream. Luna if you're there, this is not funny,” Shining said to himself.

Only something this terrible could have changed the connection between Celestia and Twilight so drastically. Add to that Applejack, the Element of Honesty, was not pointing out any lies. Cadance just looked into Twilight’s hard eyes. “It's true.” She whispered.

“... Princess Celestia even said so…” Fluttershy voice was frail and hollow sounding.

With a mighty flap, she was next to Twilight, pulling her into a hug, wrapping her wings around her sister in law. “Oh, Twilight,” Cadance said, nuzzling her.

Twilight closed her eyes and rested against Cadance. “It means so much to me you don’t hate me,” she whispered trembling.

“I could never hate you,” Cadance answered, matching her volume.

Twilight sniffled then nodded. Still leaning against her sister, she returned her gaze to her brother. She opened her wing in an invitation.

“Family is important… even if its a mite strange,” Applejack said, encouraging Shining. He looked to Cadance, before slowly approaching and joining the hug.

“You can tell Luna all of this if you like,” Twilight softly said into Cadance’s ear, using the hug as cover. “I can feel her magic on you, she woke you and sent you here, yes?”

“We were going to be arriving in the morning, she woke me and told us to get here as soon as possible.” Cadance admitted.

“Then please give her my thanks. It has been wonderful to see both of you.” Twilight said with a warm smile.

“One of the many things I have been learning since…” she paused. “Shining, how much do you know about Alicorns?”

Cadance subtly shook her head. Twilight looked to her then back to Shining. “I got a chance to look at the spellwork the Princess left in here.” She pointed at her head with a hoof. “It answered a lot of questions for me.”

“How can you be so calm about this?” Shining asked.

“I’m not," She let out a bitter laugh. "I’m just so very tired, it feels like it has been years since Manehatten.” Twilight gave a weak laugh

“You should have heard her shouting match with the Princess,” Pinkie happily added, suddenly being a part of the hug.

Cadance noticed Twilight just seemed to enjoy the extra contact. Shining jumped back in fear and maintained a safe distance away from the pink pony.

“So, now how did you get a filly Twilight,” Applejack asked.

“Alicorn magic, the Elements of Harmony and me. Somehow the end result was my daughter.”

“But how?” Applejack insisted.

“I can conjure permanent objects from nothing but raw magic. If you know everything about a living creature, the same should be possible.” Twilight stated.

With her voice dripping with disbelief Applejack exclaimed. “Are you saying you can just light your horn and make a pony!?”

“You remember what happened with the Elements of Harmony when a certain Twilight Sparkle exploded.” Twilight said, oddly sounding a little like Trixie.

“Yeah, you were fine sugercube, all a miss-understanding.” Applejack said.

“More than fine, you got wings, you became a princess,” Rarity said.

“It was scary, we all thought we killed you,” Fluttershy meekly added.

“I really did explode, my entire body was destroyed and turned in to magic.” Twilight said.

“Buts that's just how teleporting works silly.” Pinkie jumped up.

“No, it… hmm” Twilight stopped.

“But you can’t just teleport and become an Alicorn, that would just be silly, it would need to be an extra special teleport.” Pinkie continued.

Twilight was now just staring at Pinkie. Deep in thought. "Forty-five percent," she said before teleporting away in a flash of magic.

"Can an Alicorn become and a double Alicorn? Do they get four wings, eight legs and two horns?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight had returned with Star and Rainbow just in time that nopony sent out a search party. Many a pleasant conversation were had. The gathering slowly changed to a party. Pinkie for once not using her party cannon, yet she still got everything set up in a remarkably short time. It was officially the pre-party for both Twilight's Glad-You-Are-Alive party and Star's Welcome-to-Ponyville party.

Star rendered everypony's likeness in ink, sending the completed ones away in a flash of magic. Cadance had happily accepted a drawing of herself and Twilight hugging, as a gift to Aunty Cadance.

Rarity stepped out for a moment and came back with everything she needed to make Star a few items of clothing. Star even managed to get her to make a Bat-mare style cape. Somehow it matched the Daring-Do helm.

Rainbow flew around the room with Star doing stunts and telling the tale of when she teamed up with Daring-Do. Cadance had never seen a filly with eyes that wide before.

Star got Fluttershy talking in great detail about the animals from the Everfree. Star seemed to be very interested in timberwolves and everything about how animals made of wood were possible.

Applejack even came around, demonstrated a few rope tricks which Star tried and failed to copy.

Cadance watched the ponies around her and smiled, the connections between them were strengthening, and everypony was slowly forming ones with Little Star. For a time, everything was good, Pinkie used her talent to fight off negativity and put smiles on everypony's faces. But nothing lasts forever, time passed and one by one the ponies found places to sleep. The late-night even catching up with the energetic Pinkie.

Finally, Cadance looked at Twilight, the only other pony awake. She was softly stroking her daughter’s mane using her wing as a feather blanket. Despite everything, that look of contentment gave Cadance hope.

Twilight looked up at her as she got up, lifting Star in her aura. She moved up next to her and slowly wrapped her in a one-winged hug. “Do you know how to tend to an Alicorns leylines?” she asked softly.

Cadance looked confused but returned the embrace. “With the normal healing spells for the type of leyline, right?”

Twilight quietly sighed. “What is your bastion like?

“You mean in the Empire?”

“So they kept things from you as well,” Twilight said, smiling sadly. “I expected as much.”

Twilight pulled away from the hug and slowly headed out the room, humming a lovely tune to her daughter.

Cadance listened to the tune until it faded from her hearing. She found herself humming the tune, trying to work out what words belonged with it. She lifted Shining in her hooves as if he were as light as a newborn foal. She took wing, making her way to the room Twilight typically saved for them.

Cadance was lying awake next to Shining in one of the guest rooms of Twilight’s home. Her mind was full of questions. Those two questions Twilight had asked her during their last hug before bed still consuming her thoughts. What did they mean? Why did she ask them? Her biggest fear was finding out she was not who she thought she was. She feared she might just be a tool created by some pony, just like Twilight.

Aunties, what are you hiding from me?

Her horn lit with a three-hour sleep spell, she released it, and the bliss of dreamless sleep chased away her fears.

CH 16 Nightmare's Family

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Nightmare smiled, enjoying the sensation of Dreams’ wing holding her. Luna. She thought nostalgically. She looked down through the obsidian floor’s reflection of the physical world. Twilight was still in the embrace of her friends.

Nightmare almost found herself giggling from the emotional bleed over. Is this what being drunk is like? She wondered.

“So spill,” Rainbow said

Twilight nodded. “I think it is best if I start from the beginning.”

“I reckon that's the best place to start any tale,” Applejack commented.

“First I need you to Pinkie promise not to tell anypony else.”

“I understand wanting to keep this… horrid affair out of the newspapers, darling.” Rarity said.

“I’m worried what the Princess will do to anypony that knows.” Twilight explained.

Fluttershy paled and buried herself in the hug hiding from the outside world.

“Nah, we can handle anything,” Rainbow said full of bravado.

“I know what she did to me, that she could even bring herself to terrifies me. Do you know how much power she has? I do, I held it, felt it, used it.”

“And you were, Awesome!” Rainbow spread her wings and would have taken flight if Twilight had released her from the hug. “Zap, boom, pow…”

Twilight’s aura closed Rainbows mouth. “That is not the point, the point is the only reason I am even willing to risk telling you girls is that we are the Elements of Harmony.”

“Silly, we already know that, if that's the surprise you have for us it’s not very surprising.” Pinkie said.

Twilight facehooved, letting out a happy laugh. “What am I going to do with you, Pinkie?”

“Take me to a party?” Pinkie asked, hopefully.

“Ok, later,” Twilight added.

“Okey Dokey Lokey” Pinkie said putting party supplies back into her mane.

That is still maddening. Nightmare mentally spoke.

Just Pinkie, being, Pinkie. Twilight responded.

We do have a wing dedicated to her… Dreams’ offered.

NO! Both Twilight and Nightmare thought forcefully. Twilight stiffened in the physical world.

Dreams’ giggled in the mental space. Wrapping Nightmare in a twin winged hug. Ah your no fun Nighty.

“You ok, sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“Yes… just remembering when I tried to understand Pinkie’s Pinkie-Sense,” Twilight said nodding once. “The reason I am willing to tell you is that the Princess can not do anything to you. Not without destroying, or at least damaging the Elements.”

“So… we’re safe?” Fluttershy asked, her single visible eye full of fear.

“Yes, will you promise me, Girls, please?” Twilight asked.

They all went through the motions and said the silly yet potent words.

“Thank you,” Twilight said before starting the story. “I was… No, sorry. The original Twilight was given a spell to learn.”

“That sounds part of the course for you.” Rarity said.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, but I don’t think I was meant to be able to cast the spell.”

“Please, you not being able to cast a spell.” Rainbow laughed.

“Well, you’re right. She did cast the spell.” Twilight said eyes starting to shimmer with tears again.

“Whatsit do, Whatsit do?” Pinkie was vibrating, making everypony's teeth shake in their heads.

Twilight lit her horn. A translucent image of a young unicorn Twilight formed floating in the air. Thank you, Trixie. Twilight thought as she cast the Illusion spell as she started her tale.

In the mental space, Nightmare looked up at Dreams studying her colours and mane style closely. She shrugged, turning back to the tale.

“Twilight Sparkle, cast a spell she should not have been able to. Failing to fail yet again.” She paused. “Where is Spike?” Twilight asked with worry.

“Nothing to worry about, he is with your folks.” Applejack said.

Twilight smiled thankfully before continuing. “Yet again, she failed at failing.” The image’s horn flared and disappeared. In its place, six new ponies floated.

She pointed at each. “Grey the Mage, Nova the Passionate, Rule Breaker the Rebel, Dancer the Sensual, Sunchaser the Dreamer, and the Innocent Child.

I think I tell it better, but her illusions are better than my toys, Dreams pondered.

Nightmare joined Twilight’s friends in studying the images. Each seemed drawn to a different one. Fluttershy gazed tenderly at the Child. Rainbow seemed impressed with Rule Breaker. Rarity nearly fainted at the sight of Dancer’s beauty. She’s probably dressing her in her mind. Nightmare thought with amusement. Applejack gazed with distrust at Grey.

Finally, Pinkie was waving her hoof through Nova’s burning mane. “Hay, Twilight, your mane does that too!” She said.

That's not all you get from her. Dreams’ teased Twilight. Nightmare smiled more, enjoying the friendly banter.

Twilight blushed slightly. “Where do you think I get it from?”

Twilight’s blush deepened. Hush you. She mentally responded. Putting a hoof to her chest and performing Cadance’s breathing exercise, she forced her blush away.

“So, Twilight became six ponies?” Applejack asked doubtfully.

Twilight nodded. “Unfortunately for them… They were not who the Princess needed.” A few motes of flames danced over her mane as she sobbed. Nightmare could feel grief and rage leaking from Twilight.

It will be alright. Dreams thought to Twilight as she nudged Nightmare.

We are both here for you, my host. Nightmare added. Dreams nodded thankfully at her.

With her friends around her and the mental words of encouragement, Twilight regained her composure.

Pinkie used her tongue, devouring a marshmallow. A marshmallow she had somehow toasted on Twilight’s mane, with nopony noticing. That mare. Nightmare thought with exasperation.

Twilight, unfazed by Pinkie after years of exposure, just continued. “The Princess needed, Twilight… Or at least somepony that could be the Element of Magic. She needed a pony able to cast all the possible affinities magic can have.”

Twilight’s face darkened, her expression hardened. “All of Twilight’s children were different, they all had their own aspects. The only way the Princess could get what she needed was if she turned six ponies into one.”

“So she just cast a spell and put them all together into one pony?” Fluttershy asked, hopefully.

A shake of her head was Twilight’s response. “I’m afraid not, Fluttershy.”

“What you said to Princess Celesta earlier?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, Twilight’s children were… they were the donors of the essence used to make me.”

“Your wellspring” Rarity gasped.


“Anypony care to tell us what this magic stuff means?” Rainbow asked.

“Twilight is saying her very soul is made from six other ponies.” Rarity answered.

“Are you some sort of Nightmare Night monster now?” Pinkie asked happily.

“I hope not.” Twilight said morosely.

“Not to say I don’t believe you,” Rarity started “but do you have any evidence? Without it, it will just be your word against Celestia’s.”

Twilight’s gaze fell. “None I can show anypony.”

Rarity gathered herself, adjusting her mane, “Darling, even if you did, do you know what this getting out would do? I don’t mean to us, I mean the country, the world.”

Twilight looked up with interest.

“War,” Rarity simply said. “Princess Celestia is an icon, she is the bright light that guides the nation and the strength that shields us from outside forces.”

“So I just have to accept it and move on?” Twilight said calmly, but the sparks of flame on her mane told a different story.

Rarity shook her head, “No, darling, of course not…”

Twilight sighed “I have to think of my ponies.” Twilight nodded to herself. “If it was for the defence of the nation, then what she did to me… the original Twilight and her … What she did could have been perfectly legal. If she filed the right paperwork.”

Twilight slumped, the others hugged her tightly.

You know I was not expecting this hug to last so long. Nightmare commented.

Thank you for letting me have this. Twilight responded.

Twilight enjoyed the hug for a time before directing her thoughts to Nightmare. You know, now that we are a family we rea...?

Family? Nightmare interjected.

We have a daughter, and I want to help raise her too… if you will let me.

Family… Nightmare’s mind flicked back to all the interactions she had watched from Twilight's point of view over the years.

Twilight’s head shot up. Who turned the wards on? She thought in a panic.

I did. Dreams’ responded Incase The Princess came back, even added a surprise that will only trigger for Alicorns.

“Cadance!” Twilight teleported.

The hug ended, a frantic Twilight was once more bound by the chains of her Pact. Nightmare suddenly regained full control of the body. After being dragged from her mindscape, it took Nightmare a moment for her senses to catch up. She was standing before the main doors. Her horn could pick up Alicorn enhanced unicorn magic from the other side of it.

Please get her to stop, tell her to wait, don’t let Cadance get hurt. Twilight pleaded.

“Wait.” Nightmare called out. Explain, quickly, She thought.

Dreams took my harmless ward and added something to it that would only affect Alicorns, and it might kill Cadance. Please don't let that happen. Her host begged.

How do I suspend the wards?

Twilight pushed every detail about the wards into Nightmare’s mind. Helpful notes colour coded, possible improvements, everything. Nightmare’s eyes crossed, she spent a few seconds finding what she needed.

Nightmare lit her horn, it glowed with a powerful luminescence as she reached out and twisted the wards deactivating them. Turning off the wards like that… it must seem like I am welcoming them. She thought.

Making her best attempt at salvaging the situation she opened the doors with her aura.

There before her stood her host’s brother and sister-in-law. He was in partial armour and had two swords, she was dressed as if for a light shopping trip. Cadance was an Alicorn, so was not to be taken lightly.

Nightmare started to greet them. “Shinny, Cadance… I… I…” A massive wave of emotion hit her, Nightmare’s gaze fell under its weight. Love, happiness, joy, gratitude, and so many happy memories.

“Twilly,” Shining said.

Nightmare mentally pushed Twilight away, lifting her gaze and glaring at Shining. “Did.. did she send you?”

“No, we are here because you are my LSBFF,” Shining replied, smiling.

The torrent of emotion from Twilight was calming. Nightmare stepped back from the door and welcomed her host’s family in with a motion of her wing. Family. She thought, the image of her Little Star filling her mind.

We have to do the greeting, or she will think we are changelings. Twilight interrupted, sending the instructions on how to do it.

Nightmare froze. You want me to do what? No, you can do it. Nightmare mentally stepped back for a moment.

Nightmare could feel the smile on her face. As the strangest greeting to be found under the stars began.
“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves, and do a little shake.”

Control snapped back to Nightmare. Twilights emotions once more, making her feel giddy. She giggled and almost fell. She swayed once before ending up in a hug. The feeling of wings around her, she could almost imagine it was like so long ago. She felt her eyes close, her own feelings mixing with Twilights.

Slowly coming to her senses Nightmare formed a plan. She had the Elements on her side. Having these two on her side would be useful. She thought about her Little Star, who happened to have a second mother. It would also save Twilight a lot of pain.

What do you call him Twilight? Nightmare asked.

BBBFF it means Big Brother Best Friends Forever. So that means you need to protect him too. Twilight answered.

“BBBFF, How much do you know about what Ce… Princess Celestia did to me when I was living in the Palace?” Nightmare asked, trying to hide the fact she was ready for battle. Given the state of her body, she should not have even tried.

“What do you mean?” Shining said.

Cadance’s ears flicked towards Shining. “Shining… what do you know?”

“Twilight!” Rainbow grabbed Nightmares attention. She was approaching so fast Nightmare almost tired to catch her in her aura to stop her crashing. “Twi, don’t just disappear like that. We only just got you back.”

Why was I here again? Oh, the wards. Nightmare thought before saying. “I had to disable the wards before anypony got hurt…”

“Twily,” Shining said a light tone of reproach.

He did warn me to be careful with what I put in wards, Twilight commented.

“I was worried, Cel… The Princess might come back...” Nightmare said, watching for their reactions.

“Twi got into one Hay of a shouting match with Celestia. Oh, hi, you two.” Rainbow interrupted.

Rainbow was a distraction she did not need, and if this turned into a fight, having her out of the way would keep her safe. Nightmare channelled some Alicron power into her voice and the surrounding area. Using it to add a slight compulsion instead of her typical use of inspiring terror. “Rainbow, head back to the Girls and let them know everything is alright, please.” She smiled fondly. “I have a few words for my BBBFF and old foal sitter here. I will be back with the snacks soon.”

Rainbow saluted and did what she was told to. I really need to get some more practice flying.

To make what she said true, she would have to get some snacks. She stepped away from the warm embrace, she could feel Twilights regret that the hug was over. Nightmare sort of missed it too.

Nightmare started walking, a simple gesture commanding her host’s relatives to follow. “So, Shiney, Cadance, care to answer?”

They both followed. “When you were younger,” Shining said before hesitating.

Cadance brushed a wing against him, her feathers parting his coat. “Go on,” She said.

Nightmare watched Cadance’s wing settle back into place, she definitely had beautiful wings. She wanted to feel them around her again.

“You learnt some very dangerous dark magic… Celestia had to seal it away for your safety.”

Celestia calls murdering foals, sealing away dark magic. Nightmare's thoughts boiled in rage. She could not force the image of her hated Sister, killing her Little Star out of her head.

“Is that what she told you?” She said in a voice devoid of all emotion.

In the mental space, Dreams wrapped Nightmare in her wings and Twilight shared happy memories about Shining and Cadance.

Shining nodded. “Twily Did something else happen?”

“I will tell you in a bit. I don’t feel like saying any of this more than I need to, and my friends deserve to know as well.” Nightmare said.

The door to the kitchen came into sight. I’ll get the food. Twilight thought as she seemed to walk past Nightmare in the mental space. She felt her horn light and a large number of things being controlled by her aura in the next room.

The amazed look on Cadance’s face was more than worth the risk of letting Twilight control her magic. Being honest with herself, she was impressed as well, just better at not showing it.

Cadance is the Princess of love, right? Dreams’ asked.

That's right. Twilight responded.

Then what better to get her on our side that to show her that we love. Tell her about Star. Dreams concluded.

Trust me, she loves foals, she was my foalsitter after all. Twilight added.

Nightmare looked into Cadance’s eyes looking for any hints of deceptions. Finding none she spoke. “Come, we have a lot to talk about, and I need to check on my daughter.”

Both Cadance and Shining seemed frozen like statues for a long moment. She could hear Dreams laughing and rolling on the floor in the mental space. “Are you coming?” She asked.

Shaking free from her daze, Cadance asked, “You have a foal?”

“Yes, she is, my Little Star,” Nightmare said, feeling the warmth and happy thoughts inside her.

Oh, nearly forgot the food. Twilight thought before taking control of their horn. A single flash and all the food disappeared.

“How old is she?” Cadance asked.

“A few days or years, it is a bit hard to tell.”

“What?” Shining cut in.

“Magic,” Nightmare answered.

“That's not an answer you would normally be happy with,” He replied.

She twitched her wings in a shrug. “It had something to do with the Elements of Harmony.”

“The elements can give you foals,” Shining said in confusion.

Nightmare paused, really thinking about everything. If Twilight had not defeated me, had she not used the Elements and commanded them with the intent to saving ponies, instead of punishing me… You Tartarus damned rocks, you planned this. Her mind flicked back to her Little Star. And now I can’t even hate you for it.

“Yes, if you ask nicely, and it promotes Harmony.” Nightmare giggled, she could not help herself, that whole situation was insane.

You need to go get Star now. Dreams mentally prodded her to get her moving.

“Wait here, I will be back in a moment with her,” Nightmare said, holding back further giggles.

Once round the corner, she placed a hoof on the wall. The tree felt happy, and a little amused. Laugh it up, can you take me to my daughter, please. She thought to it.

Again the transition was instant. There before sleeping soundly was her daughter, her Little Star. She was both the greatest gift ever given to her and the best trap imaginable. “Stupid rocks,” She mumbled with no real venom.

She reached out with a hoof, stroking Star’s mane. She smiled, lighting her horn, a simple spell, and an old spell. One of Luna’s first that she had truly invented on her own. Leaning down, she tapped her horn to Star’s, letting the spell take effect.

Star stretched and immediately opened her eyes. “Princess!” She said defeating Nightmare with the most powerful of attacks, sparkling eyes and a hug.

Nightmare folded her wings around her. “My brave Little Star, that is the last time you will need to use my Title.”

Star tilted her head in confusion, worry just starting to creep into her eyes.

Nightmare’s smile stretched wide. “I have found the most wondrous of information.” The joy in Nightmare’s tone stripped the fear from Star.

“You have?” Star said. Nightmare could see all sorts of ideas dancing behind Star’s eyes as she tried to guess what it could be.

“Yes, my Daughter.”

Star froze, She was completely motionless for two full seconds. Nightmare began to worry mentally reaching for, and receiving a medical scanning spell.

In a flash of light Star teleported from the hug, an endless stream of “Yes, yes, yes.” emitting from her as she danced, pranced and teleported around Nightmare.

So that is what that looks like. Twilight observed.

So Cute! Dreams added.

“Come, we have some of our family to meet.” Nightmare caught Star in her aura.

“Mummy, will I grow wings like you one day?”

The horrid thought of being without her Little Star invaded the happiness of Nightmare’s mind. “Yes, even if I have to give them to you myself.” She pledged.

We all will help. Dreams sent. Nightmare smiled

“Come on, they are waiting for us.” Nightmare reached out with a hoof and asked the Tree to take them back, the Tree happily did so.

“I have more family! Best. Day. Ever,” Star said before continuing hopping around in joy. “Yes, yes, yes, yes.”

More satisfying than eternal night? Twilight asked.

Nightmare did not answer; instead she turned her attention to her Little Star. She could not help but laugh “Now there are two ponies I want you to meet,” she said, starting to walk back to Shining and Cadance. She lifted Star again and placed her upon her back.

“Are they nice ponies?” Star asked

She did not even have to think about her answer. “Yes, they are two of the nicest ponies. You know I would never want you to meet any more bad ponies.”

She rounded the corner and for the first time, allowed other ponies to see her daughter.

“Hi, my name’s Little Star!” Star said, waving with almost enough effort to make her fall from Nightmare’s back.

Nightmare shifted her wings so Star could not fall.

A joyous smile claimed domain over Cadance’s face. “Nice to meet you, Star, I’m your Aunty Cadance.” She pointed to Shining with a wing. “And this is your Uncle Shining.”

“Where are your wings?” Star asked, looking at Shining, eyes full of innocent curiosity.

Twilight pulled Nightmares gaze to Cadance, who looked saddened. She is going to lose him. Nightmare thought.

“Sorry, I’m just a unicorn,” Shining said, rubbing his neck.

“That’s ok, I’m sure Mommy can fix that.”

Shining laughed and reached over patting Star on the head affectionately.

Cadance met Nightmare’s gaze. “Can you?” she silently mouthed.

Nightmare tilted her head and looked thoughtfully at Twilight’s brother. Twilight would lose him too. She thought. Getting the group moving, she leaned in close to Cadance’s ear. “Possibly” she whispered so quietly only an Alicorn could hear it.

In a burst of dazzling light Star Teleported from Nightmare’s to Cadance’s back. “What you talking about?” Star looked up at both of them eyes full of wonder.

“Wings,” Nightmare said.

“Oh, ok,” Star said.

“Twilight, can I ask why you have that crystal covering you?” Shining asked.

Nightmare stiffened for a moment, hating the fact she did not know how to even create the Armour, let alone remove it. “I needed it for protection… and the only way I know to get rid of it, is to smash it.”

Cadance blinked. “Oh.”

“It’s been a very long week, and it takes a lot of effort to break it. I will do something about it later,”

“It looks pretty,” Star said. A scroll and quill popped into existence and she started sketching her mother.

The rest of the walk was full of happier things, and Star sketching everyone as she teleported from pony to pony.

As they were returning to the map room, Twilight asked if she could do the talking. Nightmare agreed, it was one of her best options for defeating Applejack’s abilities.

“Girls, I have somepony to introduce you to,” Twilight called out as the group walked into the map room.

“Don’t be silly we already know your brother and Princess Cadance, we were at the wedding… Unless this is another fake Cadance, or is it a fake Shining now or a Fake Twilight? Is Twilight a fake?”

That was getting a little too close to the truth for Nightmares liking. She teleported one of the sandwiches into Pinkies mouth to Silence her. That was one of Rainbow’s Twilight complained.

Twilight rapidly used her magic to sort out the rest of the food before Nightmare could mess things up anymore. Dreams laughed like a mad mare again.

“Hi, Pinkie, thanks for the cupcake,” Star said, smiling. Drawing the Bearer’s attention to her.

“Twilight, since when is there a mini-you?” Asked Rainbow.

“May I introduce my daughter, Little Star,” Twilight’s aura wrapped around Star pulling her close as she nuzzled her then turning her to face the room. Nightmare could feel Twilight's happiness. Her first time holding our filly. Nightmare thought.

Star waved happily “They are all good ponies, right?” she asked in a stage whisper.

“Yes, they may be a bit strange, but I like them anyway.” Twilight grinned.

“Is that a Daring-Do helmet?” Rainbow asked flapping closer to have a look.

“Yep, had it when I went on my first adventure with Mommy. We had to clean up and escape the Temple of the Hidden Path.”

“You took your foal on an adventure?” Applejack sounded angry.

“More ’Adventure’ found us AJ.”

“Why is it burnt, what's with the strange marks?” Rainbow said, pointing at the runes.

“Oh, it got burnt when I saved Mommy from the Bad Ponies…. So as soon as I could, I added some protections to it, I need to be ready in case the Bad Ponies try and hurt Mommy again.” Star was grinning happily.

Nightmare was proud of her Little Star, she had done so much for such a young filly. She couldn't even imagine what she would achieve when she was older.

AJ was giving Twilight a very stern look. Cadance acted. “Rainbow can you show Star here Twilight’s collection of Daring-Do books?”

Her Star on her own, with that risk-taking pony? No, what if something happens to her.

The sound of a scroll being unrolled came from the mental space. She held off eight dark magic-wielding warlocks and teleported us home on her own. I would be more worried about Rainbow. Dreams stated.

“Race you their kid.” Rainbow said, “Three, two, one, go.” She dashed off at a languid speed for her.

“Bye everypony.” Star waved before just disappearing.

Nightmare felt Twilight close their eyes for a moment, then nodded. “She has just gone to the library.” Twilight then trotted over to her throne and sat a little stiffly. How have you been putting up with the pain? She thought to Nightmare.

You should have felt it the first day I woke up, It was worse than being on that Altar.

“You have some explaining to do,” Applejack said, interrupting the mental conversation.

“That is what we are all here for,” Twilight replied.

“First, why was that little one in danger?”

“Because that is where she showed up…” Too many ponies tried to speak at once, it was annoying.

“Enough!” Nightmare shouted using Twilight’s horn to cast a silencing spell. “Now I am going to talk, and you are all going to listen… I don’t want to tell you any of this, but you have a right to know.”

Nightmare let Twilight continue. She took a deep breath before doing so. “Now please, let me speak, there will be time for questions at the end.” Twilight released her spell.

There were nods and murmured agreements around the room.

“There is no easy way for me to say this…” Twilight looked at Shining tears falling from her eyes. “The Twilight that was sent to Ponyville was not the same Twilight as from before attending Celestia’s School.”

Nightmare watched Applejack, she was unhappy and seemed to be studying Twilight. What have you noticed? Nightmare thought.

“Twily?” Shining’s voice was weak.

“The Twilight you got back after the magic was sealed away was not the original. The Princess… she created a tool, her perfect tool to save her sister.” Twilight looked down, unable to meet his gaze.

Shining slumped, Twilight did not notice, but looking in the floor of the mental space Nightmare and Dreams did.
Nightmare could not hear what he said, but she could read his lips “The Alicorn only spell,”

Nightmare met Dreams gaze, Dream nodded and retreated to wherever she had been hiding Twilight most of the week.

Twilight glanced back at her wings. “Even these wings were part of her grand plan,” She said, flaring her wings. She looked up, meeting Cadance’s gaze. “Simply put, the original died, and the Princess made a replacement… I’m so sorry.” Twilight started crying again.

“This has got to be a joke, a bad dream. Luna if you're there, this is not funny,” Shining said.

I’ll give you bad dreams if you're not there to support her you dumb stallion!

Cadance just looked into Twilights for a long time. “It's true.” She whispered.

“... Princess Celestia even said so…” Fluttershy's voice was frail and hollow sounding.

Cadance did a wing assisted leap, that was almost a textbook perfect combat move before pulling Twilight into a loving hug. Nightmare shared the sensations of those perfect wings wrapping around them.

“Oh, Twilight,” Cadance said, nuzzling her.

Twilight closed their eyes and rested against Cadance. “It means so much to me you don’t hate me,” she whispered trembling.

“I could never hate you,” Cadance answered, matching her volume.

Nightmare enjoyed the contact, it felt so similar to being with Luna, too similar. She extended some of the senses Twilight was not currently using. There it was, right next to her, two of Luna’s spells, the first one the same she had used on Star to wake her up. The second a stealthy little recording spell. Well Played dear Luna.

Twilight sniffled then nodded to Cadance, and still leaning against her sister-in-law she returned her gaze to her brother, a wing held open. Shining moved in and joined the hug.

He would look handsome with wings… Nightmare thought.

No, you will not think of him like that, he is our brother!

Sorry, I forgot. Nightmare responded abashed.

“You can tell Luna all of this if you like,” Nightmare leaned closer to Cadance and whispered into her ear, using the hug as cover. “I can feel her magic on you, she woke you and sent you here, yes?”

What? She did? Twilight asked.

“We were going to arrive in the morning, she woke me and told us to get here as soon as possible,” Cadance said.

“Then please give her my thanks. It has been wonderful to see both of you.” Nightmare answered.

Twilight took control of the conversation. “One of the many things I have been learning since…” she paused.

Nightmare could feel Twilight working something out. Shiney was the Captain of Celestia’s Royal guard, maybe he knows something. Twilight thought, before asking out loud. “Shining, how much do you know about Alicorns?”

Cadance subtly shook her head. Twilight looked to her then back to Shining. “I got a chance to look at the spellwork the Princess left in here.” She pointed at her head with a hoof. “It answered a lot of questions for me.”

“How can you be so calm about this?” Shining asked.

“I’m not, I’m just so very tired, it feels like it has been years since Manehatten.” Twilight gave a weak laugh

“You should have heard her shouting match with the Princess,” Pinkie happily added, suddenly being a part of the hug.

It is almost as if this world is just a dream to her. Nightmare mused.

Twilight continued to enjoy the hug even as Shining jumped away from the unexpected pony.

“So, now how did you get a filly, Twilight,” Applejack asked.

Nightmare took over. “Alicorn magic, the Elements of Harmony and me. Somehow the end result was my daughter.”

Hay! Twilight sent.

This has to be done right, and you will swamp them with details. Nightmare responded.

“But how?” Applejack asked.

“I can conjure permanent objects from nothing but raw magic. If you know everything about a living creature, the same should be possible.”

With her voice dripping with disbelief Applejack exclaimed. “Are you saying you can just light your horn and make a pony.”

“You remember what happened with the Elements of harmony when a certain Twilight Sparkle exploded?” Nightmare said, being very careful with her words so there was not lie for the Element of Honesty to detect.

“Yeah, you were fine sugercube, all a misunderstanding.” Applejack said.

“More than fine, you got wings, you became a princess.” Rarity said.

“It was scary, we all thought we killed you,” Fluttershy meekly added.

Nightmare provided the words and asked Twilight to answer. “I really did explode, my entire body was destroyed and turned in to magic.”

I’m not a puppet. Twilight huffed.

No, but we needed to be honest to dear AJ, yes? Nightmare reasoned.

“Buts that's just how teleporting works silly.” Pinkie jumped up.

“No, it… hmm” Twilight stopped.

Nightmare’s Mind became full with numbers, calculations, whole libraries of information washed away her thoughts. She panicked, it felt like she was drowning. She could do nothing, she was trapped, she screamed, but nopony heard her as she was buried under the sea of knowledge. Everything was fading even her own thoughts. In the end, Twilight frantic mumbles were the only thing left in existence.

Nightmare came to her senses shivering in fear, held tight under a warm wing. She was laying on something soft, she felt comfortable. The familiar words of the lullaby she sang to Luna all those years ago, supported by music that matched it perfectly, yet she had never heard before.

She could feel her body relax, Dreams was the one singing, and by the scent, she was under one of her wings as well.

“Wake up sleepy head.” Dreams teased tickling her nose with a wingtip.

“What happened?” Nightmare asked slowly opening her eyes taking in her situation. She was in what looked like Twilight’s bed from the Golden Oaks Library only larger, clearly now made for at least two Alicorns.

“Twilights went mad scientist again.” Dreams tiredly said.

“Again?” Nightmare quired.

“Yes.” Dreams nodded.


Dreams sighed “She has a lead on making Alicorns, but I need your help before she does something irreversible.”

“What is she doing?” Nightmare could not keep an edge of concern from her voice.

“Currently not much, she is trying to smash her Crystal Armour and failing at it due to our injuries.” Dreams said.

Nightmare’s eyes narrowed. “Why is she doing it, and what do you need of me?”

“She is planning on cutting herself open to get the needed magical reagents. I need you to drag her here so I can distract her until she calms down. Then you need to get out there and get back to her friends before they worry too much.” Dreams instructed.

Nightmare reached out gripping the chains that represented their pact. She pulled. Twilight appeared mane frazzled, a manic look in her eyes. Both magically and emotionally unstable.

Before she could even notice the change in her surroundings, Dreams pinned Twilight to the bed and kissed the insane mare.

The insane mare just stopped, her eyes slowly returned to normal. Something vibrated the room from below as a few traces of flames danced along Twilight's mane.

“Thank you.” Dreams said, pushing Nightmare out of bed.

Nightmare snapped back to awareness in control of the body again. She was holding an anvil in her aura. By the look of it, she was about to smash it into her crystal-covered leg. She set it down beside her and slowly scanned the room she was in.

She was in Twilight’s Lab. Complex spell equations and theories in seven different languages covered ten’s of blackboards, hundreds of scrolls, the walls, and even the ceiling.

“How long have I been…” Nightmare started.

Nine hundred and sixteen seconds. An unfamiliar monotone female voice answered her.

She looked around the room for a second time noting the surgical equipment and sample preservation devices. For yet another time, Nightmare was scared of Twilight.

Nightmare put a hoof to her chest and tried Cadance’s breathing trick. “I need to see my daughter,” she said, trotting out of the lab.

It had not taken long to find her Little Star and Rainbow. Getting them to come back to the map room was easy once Rainbow had pointed out Pinkie was probably already making it a party. Rainbow was right, when they got there, the party was almost set up.

It was strange being alone with her own thoughts again. Whatever that veil Dreams used to keep Nightmare out was back in effect. Nightmare went through the motions at the party, acting as Twilight would have. She had seen it enough over the years to copy it.

Only two things mattered to her. The most important thing being that her Little Star was having a good time. The other was how long until Luna’s recording spell ended.

Time passed, and one by one, the ponies left to find places to sleep.

Nightmare sat, letting Star sleep under a wing. She felt content, peaceful, it was strange. She let her hoof stroke Star’s mane, wondering what the future would bring.

Finally, the last of Luna’s magic faded, she could speak to Cadance freely. She looked up to see Cadance looking at her. Nightmare carefully stood, lovingly lifting Star in her aura. She added just a little magic to help Star stay asleep. Sleep well. Nightmare thought.

She slowly approached Cadance and wrapped a wing around her. “Do you know how to tend to an Alicorns leylines?” Nightmare asked, planting her first seed.

Cadance looked confused but returned the embrace. “With the normal healing spells for the type of leyline, right?”

Nightmare sighed, she was enjoying the warmth, but it seemed her hated sister was at it again.

“What is your Bastion like?” Nightmare asked.

“You mean in the Empire?”

“So they kept things from you as well,” Nightmare said smiling sadly. “I expected as much.”

Nightmare pulled away from the hug and slowly made her way from the room, humming to her daughter.

Sister, what are you doing? If I wanted to, I could take her for my own. What advantage can you possibly gain by leaving her so vulnerable? She remembered how cold she had felt during her imprisonment on the moon. Do you even know what family is?

She glanced around, making sure they were alone then asked the Tree to take them to their room.

CH 17 Tears of the Sun

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Celestia sat in her mental garden, looking at her game board. This was a bad situation, Twilight was not her foe, but could no longer be counted to be the unwavering ally she was just a week ago. Here, where nopony could see her, she had let her tears fall, their trails still visible on her coat.

The whole of Twilight’s rant kept going through her mind. Those last two words stuck like daggers to her heart. ‘Please leave.’ Her tone had just been so heartbroken. Twilight was no monster; she was just a hurt filly whose world had been shattered.

She had gone out hoping to rescue her Twilight, ready to heal her, and fearing she would have to end her. The one thing Celestia was not prepared for was a sane but angry Twilight, That now might hate her for all eternity.

“She was not meant to find out for at least ten more years. How could this happen?” Celestia slumped, resting her head on the table, a few game pieces fell and rolled to the grass. Years of preparation wasted. She lamented the loss of the journey of discovery she had planned for her former student.

“Even with everything that happened, she is still an overachiever,” Daybreaker said pushing Twilight’s game piece towards her.

“How do I keep failing my students?”

“You did not; she is strong; she is willing to stand up to you. She is ready and able to defend her ponies. She is almost everything you wanted.” Daybreaker said, her gaze challenging Celestia to disagree.

Celestia looked at the figure of Twilight, recalling every cut she used to shape it, every stroke of the brush as she painted it. Her creation was perfect, lifelike in detail, a true masterpiece.

The smallest tilt of her head and the figure shifted, Celestia's eyes now seeing the mare she knew so well. The Garden faded as her mind drifted into the past. She thought back to every lesson and each kind word, all the hints subtly placed and the delicately crafted situations. Everything deliberately done to encourage her to grow. Twilight was her masterpiece, and she was nearly perfect.

Daybreaker's voice shattered the image. “You still need to find out about the blood magic and how she survived.”

“It can wait," Celestia said her tone flat. She wanted nothing more than to return to her memories. A small lavender filly nestled under a wing, listening with rapt attention to the latest lesson. The joy that lit up in Twilight's eyes when she spoke just three words. My faithful student.

“Are you sure?” Daybreaker was insistent.

Celestia sighed. “No… I will ask Luna to find out, or perhaps Cadance will have more luck.” Celestia sat up back into her noble bearing and restored the position of everything on her grand game board.

“Remember, nopony taught her how to manifest Crystal Armour, and she displayed vast improvement in control of her Alicorn power compared to when you last saw her. Not to mention that young filly, now we know she is not Twilight.”

Leaving my Mask behind to deal with things in Canterlot had been a mistake, She thought. She knew It left her acting far too emotional.

She would find what answers she could, a goal in mind, she acted. With a wave of her hoof, a stone arch rose from the ground. Within its span, last night’s meeting replayed. Celestia leaned closer, watching them even from a more detached perspective, rather than merely remembering it.

Celestia watched as her past self appeared from her teleport.

Past Celestia stood by the external entrance to the Map Room in Twilight’s home. Her eyes found Twilight and widened with hope. Twilight was covered in bandages, her horn was blackened and had freshly healed cracks in it. For an Alicorn to be this injured for this long spoke of extraordinary violence being inflicted upon them.

“Twilight?” Her past self’s voice was full of hope.

Twilight body tensed slightly, her ears flicked and eyes widen in panic for a moment. “Prin… Celestia.”

“I am so glad to see you safe, if unfortunately not unharmed,” Past Celestia said her horn lit with all the spells she feared she might need reaching for a scroll as cover.

Twilight’s eyes tightened slightly, glancing at past Celestia’s horn for only a moment timed between blinks.

“Her observational skills have vastly improved,” Daybreak commented.

Crystal Armour flashed into place effectively warding Twilight from any spells the other Elements would survive being in the same room as.

Everypony just stood still in a mix of shock and surprise. Past Celestia was unsure what to do, that Armour had just denied most of her available options that would leave the building standing. Past Celestia’s face changed; she was just about to speak.

Twilight acted first. "You will not use more Mind magic on me," She bellowed in the RCV, flaring her wings and jutting her chest out aggressively.

The voice was amplified with Alicorn power and air aspected magic. It pushed the other ponies back, if it was done by volume alone, everypony would have been bleeding from their ears.

“A perfect defensive move and then denying you a chance to explain yourself. She was in control of the situation even then.” Daybreaker said.

“With what she feared I might do, it was an expected response.”

“Too well-timed if you ask me, she was trying to keep you off balance, she was wearing away at your position and setting up for what she would reveal later.”

“How certain are you?”

“Not as much as I would want to be to take action… but be aware it is a very real possibility.”

"What in tarnation are you talking about, sugercube?" Applejack was the first to speak.

"So Celestia, why are at least half the spell forms in your horn to do with mind control and memory alterations?"

Rarity’s eyes widened as soon as spell forms were mentioned. The others only reacted when mind control came up.

"What the hay?" Rainbow blurted out. "We just get Twilight back, and you're going to zap her in the brain?"

“Don’t be silly that’s Dizz’s trick, you need your own Princess.” Pinkie said.

“Comparing us to Discord, how unflattering,” Daybreaker spat.

“Keep your comments relevant, please.”

The Elements lined up in front of Twilight, clearly in a protective line. Even Fluttershy terrified as she was, stood strong.

Past Celestia put on concerned smile number six and spoke. "One of the possibilities I was worried about was that Twilight was affected by dark magic. I was only ready in case somepony had compelled her to attack us, or worse"

Applejack watched Celestia very carefully before turning to Twilight "She ain't lying Twilight,"

"Forgive me for being a little on edge, with everything that happened, it is hard even to be sure any of this is real." Twilight returned to a neutral stance, but the motion was slowed by more than her injured body.

“She was still expecting to have to fight you then, look at how she is holding her barrel.” Daybreaker pointed with her hoof. “And the line of the muscles in her back left leg.”

“She was ready to drop and roll to the side, placing the table between us.”

Daybreaker Nodded.

“Why did you not tell me at the time?”

Daybreaker shrugged. “I did not notice; I was on guard for what magic she might use. At the time, I was not expecting a purely physical defence. That is not something your 'Faithful' Student has been trained in.”


"Err… Twilight if you don’t mind telling us. What did you mean by more mind magic?" Fluttershy's voice was so quiet but firm. It was clear this was a point she was not going to back down from. Her eyes were just a bit more intense than normal.

Twilight nervously looked to Celestia. Her body-language cycled through a mix of fear, panic, calculation and possibly regret. "I am not sure I should tell you, I don't think you want to know," Twilight said, looking back to her friends, hesitation on her face.

“Honesty is the best policy, you know that Twilight.” Applejack said, placing her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. In a soft whisper meant only to be heard by Twilight, she added, “We are here for you.”

Twilight nodded to Applejack in thanks. Something changed in her eyes, Twilight’s resolve hardened and her body straightened “Girls, you never met the original Twilight, she died long before I came to Ponyville.”

“If Applejack had not said that, we could have had a quiet conversation and dealt with this peacefully,” Celestia said, voice full of regret.

“I am not so sure; I believe she was playing Applejack, leading her to say something like that. She was setting up her verbal attack on you, framing it perfectly so her friends would side with her, no questions asked.”

“Are you always so untrusting?” Celestia asked.

Daybreaker smiled proudly. “It was one of the tasks you made me for, so you could always look for the good in each pony.”

Twilight pointed her hoof at past Celestia. The motion so forceful, it seemed like she was commanding an attack. “You murdered Twilight's children and used the remains to craft your own patchwork filly. Your own perfect tool, just to save your sister.”

The Elements all reacted with horror, Rainbow's masked with righteous anger.

“Children.” Fluttershy whimpered and by the looks of it almost fainted.

Rainbows eyes shifting to hate as they aimed at past Celestia, her body tensing readying for violence, wind aspected magic gathering along the edges of her wings.

“You are going to have to watch out for that one; she is a hothead.” Daybreaker commented.

Celestia looked to her Warmind. “Like you?”

Daybreaker let her fangs show. “Yes, and if she were not a potential foe at this time, I would go back to trying to get you to bed her.”

“She is mortal.” Celestia protected.

A sneer crosser Daybreaker’s muzzle. “So? You always liked the fast flyers, and you don't see that stopping Luna.”

“She loves loosely, but I can not.” Celesita did her best to displace none of her regret.

“Then let me, you can just enjoy the experience.” Daybreaker said a hint of lust flavouring her words.

“No.” Celestia’s response was as cold as the frozen north.

“Fine, we will just wait for the perfect Alicorn stallion to ask for your hoof in marriage then,” Daybreaker said before mumbling. “It is not like Alicron stallions are uncommon or anything.”

Celestia turned her attention back to the memory.

Twilight advanced her hoof slamming into the floor; the sound boomed loudly around the room. “What did you think would happen when I found my Library? What did you think would happen when I had a chance to see the aftermath of your magic, of what you did to the original Twilight?”

Twilight glared at past Celestia hints of flame in her eyes as actual fire flowed along her mane.“Those chains are sharp, they hurt, but you would not know that, would you? You are the only Alicorn that is free of them, right?”

“It was the only way to save Twilight…”

Celestia winced at her weak response, if she was not so off-balance, she might have been able to control the situation. But her own words had set Twilight off instead.

“Save her? Save her! She was already gone! All you did was kill her children to make a copy,” Twilight screamed, Her trembling arks of rage-filled lightning danced over her feathers only one act away from throwing a powerful blast at past Celestia.

“Ancient pegasus lighting shaping now? I know Twilight reads a lot but is this not getting just a bit suspicious, your Radiance?" Daybreaker asked with a touch of scorn.

“I will admit I did not see the slight twist of her wings then,” Celestia said. “But when she became an Alicorn she read every book she could get her hooves on that had anything to do with the abilities of the three tribes.”

“That still leaves the question of the Armour.” Daybreaker said reinforcing her suspicion.

Celestia considered the facts for a moment. “She could have read about it in the Empire.”

“We need to purge that Library of any restricted books.” Daybreaker decreed.

“Hard to arrange.” Celestia mused.

Daybreak shrugged her wings. “Then task Luna and her Nightguards with it. They are most suited to the work.”

Celestia nodded.

“They all would have died in days!” Past Celestia shouted back. “It was the only way to save anything, to save anypony, to save you from that disaster.” she ended in a solemn whisper, tears shimmering in her eyes but refusing to fall.

Celestia looked, expression falling. “I should not have raised my voice… that was my last chance to keep her.”

“How can I trust you are even telling the truth?” Twilight asked. “You, messed, with, my, mind!” She advanced one step with each word; her thundering hoof falls cracking the floor.

Twilight and past Celestia stood looking into each other's eyes as if they were the only two in the room. With Twilight radiating Alicorn power, it may as well have been true for nopony else was capable of acting.

“Is that how you feel, my…”

“Don’t you dare!”


Twilight stomped her hoof a ripple of earthpony magic rippling out from it. “You say being a Princess requires making the hard choices, you are right. The thing you have to remember is that each choice has consequences. I am yet to make my mind up what they should be for you.”


“Don’t worry ‘Princess’,” Twilight said with venom.

Celestia could see the hate in those eyes, a wave of blazing anger visible just for a moment before Twilight got control of herself once more. She went on in a more normal tone. “I will still play my part. I will protect Equestria, my ponies, and my friends.”

“Duty first, despite how she might feel about you. You should be proud of her; you raised her well,” Daybraker said.

Twilight turned her back on past Celestia, letting all of her displays of power fade. She walked away limping, the strain on Twilights injured body now showing, she looked like a Breezy could push her over now.

“Please leave.” The tone was dejected, heartbroken, betrayed.

Celestia ended the memory, fresh tears falling from her eyes. Those final two words were jagged in her heart.

“The petitioner you wish to see is here, your Radiance.” Her Mask's voice was as flat and emotionless as always in this mental space.

Celestia looked away from the frozen memory, noting that she was pressed against Daybreaker sheltering under her wing.

“Go, you have work to do,” Daybreaker said using a wingtip to wipe the remaining tears from her eyes.

Celestia nodded, it only took a single thought, and she was in her throne room, back in control of her body. Her Mask directing her body language and regulating her tone of voice to precisely what she intended.

Once more she was Princess Celestia, the majestic ruler of the sun. The Princess spoke, her voice clear and pure, carrying the warmth and confidence that had guided ponies for millennia. “Noble Guide, you may approach. The Solar Throne is ready to hear your petition.”

Standing before her was a handsome, well-dressed unicorn stallion. His black mane matched his brown coat. His mark was a map with trails marked on it.

She listened to him speak, taking in his long-winded words. The petition Noble Guide had was a pleasant surprise, and hence, she was looking for the trick. His request was utterly selfless. It was a plan to build a semi-permanent settlement for the Manehatten ponies and later maintain for possible future need. Adding to her doubt was the fact this was just what her ponies needed right now.

His breathing was calm; his expression spoke of sincerity. Celestia studied him intently, every gesture, every motion of his body, the flicks of his ears and change in his gaze. There was nothing to give her any reason to doubt him. This is too good to be true. Daybreaker commented Celestia agreed.

As the conversation continued, she extended her Alicorn senses taking in everything about him. She could feel his wellspring, examining his very soul. It was pure, free of both dark and blood magic. He was strongly earth aspected, and unfortunately his life was fading. He had at most three years left. Does he know? Is he seeking to leave a legacy? She wondered with a hint of sadness.

You have to be sure. Daybreaker instructed.

Gazing deeper into his very being with her mystic vision, Celestia looked into his mind. Compared to an immortal's, his mind was a simple thing. His mind felt neat, tidy, organised. It would be easy to reach in and alter it to her whim.

She examined his intent; it was simple and bright. He wanted to help the ponies for two reasons. The first because it was the right thing to do. Celestia instructed her Mask to let a little more eagerness show. The second reason was not unexpected but was what kept so many of her ponies from being great. Noble Guide wanted the influence such an achievement would grant him. Such a shame, you are nearly the pony I need on my council. She thought.

Celestia knew she could change him, but she would not. He was doing the right thing, for, mostly, the right reason. She had no justification for meddling.

Out of grim curiosity, she peaked for one more fact. No, he did not know that he is dying. She would not tell him, somethings it was better for her ponies not to know. Perhaps I will name a charity after him, it could encourage others to follow his example. She thought.

She let her Mask smile, she would approve his petition. Now all she had to do was wait the hours for him to finish talking.

With hope restored that at least some of her nobles had value, she was feeling a little better. Her emotions had calmed, the familiar traditions of the court bringing her some measure of peace. Still, it was dull, and she had more important things to focus on.

Twilight, what am I going to do with you. Celestia thought as she retreated back to her garden, leaving her Mask to be the Princess once more.

CH 18 Little Star’s morning in Ponyville 

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Trotting through her mother’s castle, Star made her way to the kitchen. Assuming this was real and not just the best dream ever, she had a mission. She pinched her self with her magic, it still hurt.

‘Sixteen’ times you have checked to see if you are dreaming. Grey added.

A part of her still could not believe it, she was her Princess’ daughter, she was going to get wings. Making everything just that much better she had an Aunt and Uncle. Last night was so much fun, the games, all the new ponies. Her face was starting to ache due to how much she had been smiling.

She ran a hoof along the crystal walls, the contact making her feel safe, protected despite being nearly on her own. Her mother was still asleep, as were all the good ponies she had met last night.

Focusing her attention on the incomplete group picture of all of them floating in her aura as she trotted on paying no attention to where she was going. Grey’s familiar voice counting down the steps until the next turning ensuring she could not get lost. Allowing her to keep most of her attention on the lines she inked on to the paper. Her mother seemed so happy with them, she was making sure it would be her best work. Her mother deserved a gift for being the best.

Yes, she could have just asked the spirit in the tree to take her straight there, but she did not want to wake her up in case she was also sleeping in. What would a Crystal Tree spirit want for a gift? Star wondered.

‘Zero.’ Grey announced as Star arrived in the kitchen. Her magic reached out for the tools needed to complete her mission.

‘Eight’ ponies that would appreciate having breakfast ready when they awaken. Grey’s familiar monotone voice informed her.

“Aunty, Uncle and Mummy’s friends,” Star said, applying hoof to face. “It would be mean to only cook for Mummy.”

Grey provided a numbered count of how many ponies would want what dish for breakfast.

“We make a great team, Grey,” Star said setting to work, her aura enveloping most the cookware in the kitchen.

Prancing around, she danced with the many things she was manipulating with her magic. She relished the freedom and joy that wielding her magic gave her. It was nice being able to use it when she did not have Bad Ponies to deal with.

She playfully laughed as the white glow of Grey’s aura took control of a few things, the items moving to block and chase hers. The dance rapidly becoming a game of magical tag. Items darted and weaved about, colour coded auras making it clear their allegiance. A few things got broken, smashed or dented, but it was nothing simple spells could not fix.

Breakfast took much longer to prepare than intended.

After the epic battle of the flying plates, Star had completed another mission, along with the needed clean up. She smiled, pulling some pieces of super-condensed Everfree wild heartwood from her extra-dimensional storage.

She lay everything out on the table, each chunk equally spaced. Two scrolls appeared next to them, her plans for her first pets. She lit her horn with the same modified cleaning spell use used to make an air hole in the great tree the wood had come from.

She diligently set to work, marking, measuring and cutting the pieces into the required shapes. It took time and focus. Oh, no. She thought as one disintegration beam cut too deep, rendering part of the tabletop to dust.

‘Five’ seconds until Cadance arrives. Grey’s helpfully informed Star.

“Thank you,” Star said. Her horn glowed as she twisted space, a slight clink and a plate of fresh pancakes and a cup of tea appeared. With a hoof, she pushed one of her scrolls over the mar in the table. I can fix it later.

Star was really getting to like the fact that you did not have to include the fourth dimension in extradimensional spaces. So no time would pass for anything within it. I am so going to fill one with Ice-Cream! She thought.

Perfectly in time with Grey’s countdown to zero, Star spoke, ambushing Cadance with her greeting. “Good morning Aunty Cadance,” Star said happily, lifting the prepared breakfast in her magenta aura. “Hungry?”

Cadance wings twitched, an instant later a warm smile graced her muzzle. “Good morning Little Star,” she said. She inhaled, eyes looking at the offered food in appreciation. “Oh, why thank you. Did you make them yourself.”

Star nodded. “Yep.”

“Where is yours? Little fillies need to eat to grow up big and strong,” Cadance said, moving over to the table and taking a seat.

“Right here,” Star said, moving aside her work with her aura. A twist of magic and Star’s food took its place on the table.

Cadance flinched slightly, placing a hoof to her horn.

Star looked at her in concern, her mind thinking about the medical books she read when tending to her mother. “Do you need a doctor?”

With a wave of her hoof and a smile, Cadance reassured Star. “It’s nothing, I’m still not as used to this thing as I could be.” She pointed at the Everfree wood as she started to eat her breakfast. “This is really good, thank you. What are you working on?”

“I’m making myself some pets,” Star said with pride.

“Making pets?” Cadance asked.

“Yes... well more like clever golems, but I’m calling them my pets.” She pointed at the Scrolls in turn. “That one is going to be Owlowiscious, and that one is going to be Spike.”

Cadance picked up both scrolls in her blue aura. “So Owlowiscious the owl and Spike, the dog?”

Little Star nodded. “Yep.”

Cadance looked thoughtful for a moment. “You might want to rename Spike, It might get a little confusing when Spike, the dragon your mother hatched, comes back.”

“Mummy lays eggs? Does that mean I will lay eggs too?” Star’s expression was a mix of confusion and worry.

Cadance’s laugh was soft and reassuring. “No, no, she just helped him hatch with her magic.”

“Does that make him like my brother?” Star asked with hopeful eyes. More family? She thought, wondering how many family members she had yet to meet,

“You will have to ask your mother,” Cadance dodged the question.

Star made a note on a scroll. “So is Thorn, all right for a name?”

‘Twenty-one’ seconds until your mother arrives. Grey informed Star.

Cadance nodded. “That should avoid confusion at least.”

Star started clearing another place on the table. “Mummy will be here soon.”

Cadance watched her, something about the look in her eyes made Star worry. What have I done wrong? She thought with panic.

Cadance expression changed in an instant, suddenly all warm concern and love. “Sorry,” she said in a soothing tone.” She pointed to her horn. “Not the best with this thing, I was trying to work out what spell your mother used to message you.”

“Oh, I have some… something that counts things for me, it let me know when she will be here. In, five, four, three, two, one.” Star teleported disappearing in a burst of light, appearing hugging a now started looking and still crystal-covered mother standing in the doorway.

“Good morning my Little Star,” her mother said, wrapping her in loving wings.

“I made everypony breakfast,” Star said, multiple flashes from her horn and both of them were sat at the table, her mother’s plate of Hay burgers in place.

Her mother smiled, hungry eyes fixing on the food as she licked her lips.

“Hay burgers for breakfast?” Cadance asked.

Star nodded, her mother did not seem to notice. Her mother’s eyes were fixed upon her prey.

“Twilight?” Cadance’s voice now held a little concern.

Twilight lowered her head and with a savage bite started to devour the food. Magenta aura and hooves held it in place, preventing any from escaping as the red sauce covered her muzzle.

Cadance laughed and nearly fell from her seat, Star joined in laughing. Mummys such a messy eater. She thought.

Pulling another scroll into the physical world with her magic, she started sketching, she would remember this forever.

Cadance leaned in close. “Never get between your mother and a hay burger.”

Star nodded in response. It really did look dangerous. Note to self, do not transmute anything or anypony I care about into a hay burger. She thought, just to be sure she also noted it down on a scroll.

Cadance let out a small laugh upon seeing what Star had written. “Twilight?” She tried again.

Twilight blinked and slowly looked around, confused. Her tongue and aura cleaned her muzzle, still leaving red splotches on her coat and in her mane. “Good morning, Cadance,” she said, sounding much more composed and respectable than her appearance would indicate.

Cadance horn lit and a plane of reflective crystal appeared before Twilight. “You missed a bit,” she said, trying her best not to laugh. She made no sound, but the shaking of her chest gave her away.

“They were… I just had to have them,” Twilight said, sounding sheepish.

“Well at least with that armour it will be easy to wash off,” Cadance said.

“About that, I would like your help to get rid of it.” Twilight said.

“But it looks pretty,” Star complained.

“Yes, it does have its charms,” Twilight said, looking at her body. “But as with all things, it has its downsides. It is tough to take a proper bath if the water can’t get to your coat.”

“Oh,” Star said.

“What do you need me to do?” Cadance asked.

Star smiled as her mother looked at her. Twilight smiled back as if to say everything will be alright before turning to Cadance.

“I require your aid in smashing this protection. I could ask Applejack, but I doubt she would agree to use enough force. After all, she is not familiar with how durable we Alicorns are.”

‘Zero’ percent chance of any lasting harm. Grey reassured Star before she could worry.

Cadance nodded.

“Will you be alright on your own for a little bit, my Little Star?” Her mother asked.

“Yes, Mummy, I can keep working on my pets.” Star pointed with her horn to the neatly laid out pieces of wood and scrolls.

“Very impressive, I look forward to seeing them once your work is complete,” Twilight said before pulling Star into a loving wing hug.

“See you soon,” Cadance said, hugging her after Twilight finished.

“Bye,” Star said, waving a hoof turning back to her pets, some assembly still required.

Both Alicorns made their way from the room. “About what you said last night…” Was the last Star heard of them before they got out of earshot.

Quickly she lifted the scrolls and cast a mending spell on the table.

‘One’ time you have gotten away with that. Star smiled at Grey’s words. Even with her mother off with Cadance, everything would be fine.

Finishing cutting the pieces did not take long, with all the rune work pre-planned she burned them into the surface with happy abandon.

Grey’s counting of every cut, every mark, how many times she had used each rune. All the numbers were just the normal background sounds of her life now. It was nice being able to tell the difference between the important numbers and the background numbers.

Picking up a single golden fork and a silver spoon she levitated them in the air, a simple shield spell forming around them. A ring of heat-reflecting wards appeared on the inside.

The glow around her horn changed from a steady light to a roiling magenta flame. Leaning forward, she pressed her horn against the shield, willing the flames to pass through it. The flames dripping through the magical barrier, reforming into an orb in the centre. One by one, the runes ringing the inner surface of the shield lit up, reflecting the heat and slightly amplifying the temperature.

“All components cut, check. Runes carved, check. Metal inlays, pending, still waiting on the metal to liquify. Create blood gems, I can do that instead of just waiting.”

Hopping up, she headed over to the kitchen side, grabbing a large bowl and the sharpest knife she could find. A small flash of magic and she and her tools were back at the table.

The knife hung in the air held in her aura. She only needed a little blood, but it was the most important component in crafting her golem cores. I could cast a numbing spell… Star thought before shaking her head. No that might contaminate the blood.

She placed two hoof sized diamonds in the bowl and held her lower-leg over it. Star trembled, the knife looked sharp, she knew this would hurt.

Blood magic can be used for good, and I’ll show you! The forceful thought pushed through her mind. Like the words she had spoken when saving her mother, she did not know where they came from. She only knew it strengthened her resolve.

The blade came down, and in a precise surgical strike, pain flared. Her body loyally reporting it had just been damaged. She closed her eyes, letting out a quiet whimper. Her body shook, but her foreleg held perfectly still.

Reaching into her wellspring, she grabbed a hoof full of her magic and directed it into her blood. Focusing internally the pain lessened.

A red glow breached her closed eyelids, slowly she opened them looking into the bowl. The two gems drank hungrily of the pooling blood, taking on an inner red radiance.

Despite the stinging pain, she smiled. There, not so bad. She thought.

The dripping blood slowed and stopped. Star blinked glancing at her foreleg. Her eyes widened as the wound finished closing. Well, that’s useful. She thought happily before looking at the bowl only being half full. Great now I have to do that again.

Gritting her teeth, she let the blade cut into her flesh, this time with no hesitation. The sounds of dripping blood seemed very familiar, almost soothing like Grey’s counting. The urge to count each drop herself and record it on a scroll nagged at the back of her mind. She ignored it, instead watching the wound and how it healed before her eyes. In less than a minute it was as if it was never there and she had a few sketches of her wound in various states of healing.

Star thought back to saving her mother, looking over her body, she could see no indications of where she had pressed against the searing hot armour. Her coat looked intact. Is this because of who my Mummy is? She thought.

‘Ninety-two’ seconds until you have company. Grey let her know, somehow she knew that meant all the other guests were turning up soon.

Star looked at the bowl, the gems were glowing a brilliant red now. She trusted Cadance and maybe Rarity to not mess with her work. The thought of what Pinkie Pie might do... Better safe than sorry. She thought, sending all the components, the now molten metal, the freshly created blood gems, and even the bowl and knife she used into her pocket.

Another flash of magic and food started appearing on the table, each one with a little note saying who it was for. She looked at her somewhat messy appearance. I need to make sure I’m all clean. No blood or any traces of the epic battle of the flying plates are to be left. She thought.

Quietly, so as not to wake her if she was asleep. Star asked the Tree Spirit to take her back to her room. Luckily the Tree was awake.

Not that long later, Star returned and was almost at the kitchen.

“Pinkie!” Rainbows annoyed voice made Star stop.

“Yes?” Pinkie answered, by the sound of it, she was bouncing around the room. The strange sound she made still making Star’s eyes twitch at the impossibility of it.

“Darling, I think what Rainbow is trying to express, is that somepony clearly went to the trouble of preparing a personalised meal plan for each of us…”

“And you ate all of it,” Rainbow grumbled.

“But it looked so tasty.”

All that work for nothing. Star’s heart fell.

‘One’ time Princess Cadance has enjoyed your cooking. Grey interjected into Star’s gloomy thoughts.

‘One’ time your mother looked silly, eating your hay burgers. Grey continued, Star laughed remembering it.

“Ok, so not a complete waste of time.”

Uncle Shiny leaned around the corner. “Hey good morning...” He was cut off by Star’s Teleport hug.

“Morning Uncle Sleepy Shiny,” She said.

Shining smiled and ruffled her mane as he returned the hug. “Not everypony has your youthful energy, do you know where Aunty Cadance is.”

Star struggled playfully. “She’s helping Mummy stop being all shiny.”

Pink filled her vision. “Don’t be silly, he’s Shiny, your Mummy’s all Sparkly.”

Star jumped before recovering. Her eyes narrowed as she stomped her little hoof. “And you’re a meany pants who ate everyponies’ food.”

“But it was so tasty.” Pinkie pleaded with puppy eyes and a quivering lip.

Star’s expression shifted to thoughtful. “Are you a foal that somepony used an age spell on?” She asked, entirely serious.

Rainbows laughter exploded from inside the kitchen.

“Pinkie’s just Pinkie, Sugercube.” Applejack said, coming round the corner.

‘Four’ seconds until your mother comes around the corner.

Forewarned by Grey, Star looked down the corridor. “Mummy!” she said before launching into another Teleport hug.

Twilight laughed and wrapped both wings around her. “So, how have you been my Little Star,” she asked, leaning down and nuzzling her.

Star had to admit the hugs felt much warmer with the pretty crystal gone. “Fine… I got a lot of work done on my pets. The only bad thing was that Pinkie ate all the food I made for everypony else.”

Fluttershy looked to Star with interest at the mention of pets.

“That mare…” Twilight growled almost inaudibly.

“Then we shall just have to eat out, my treat,” Cadance spoke from slightly behind Twilight.

Walking outside without the Notice-Me-Not spell made Star want to hide. She did not, she would be brave. Mummy is right here and so is Aunty Cadance. She thought taking comfort in the Alicorns looking after her. She teleported, sheltering on her mother’s back.

Uncle Shiny seemed like he would try to protect me, but like me, he is only a unicorn.

Star waved and smiled at everypony, showing that she was nice. But not many were paying attention to her. Nearly all eyes were on Twilight. It seemed like everypony in town wanted to personally greet her mother. They were all glad to see her, all overjoyed she was still alive. Mummy is the best, who would not be happy she is alive? She thought, trying not to think about the Bad Ponies.

As their progress was slow, Star teleported away. Her goal, to do some of the food shopping for the next few days.

Arriving in the shop in a burst of magic, she set straight to work. Lifting her intended purchases in her aura. “Hello, nice day. Can I have these, please?” The merchant jumped at her sudden appearance and just looked at her, stunned. “OK… Here are the bits, thank you, bye.” She said, and then in another burst of light was gone.

This is so much easier when I don’t need to hide. She thought. Putting her new purchases in her pocket. Blinking back to the group, she caught the end of a conversation.

“Just how powerful is she?” Shining asked.

“About twice as powerful as I was, before these,” Her mother waved her wings, then glanced to Star smiling.

Her mother’s friends were giving her a strange look, she was unsure whether to feel proud or hide. Another teleport and Star was back on her mother’s back.

“Definitely part of the family then,” Shining said, with a goofy grin.

“And what can you do that’s that awesome then?” Rainbow asked with a wink.

“Not much, just put a shield over all of Canterlot for days,” Shining answered.

“Unless a Cha…” Pinkie started.

“We don’t want to spoil breakfast, now do we, darling?” Rarity interrupted.

Cadance gave a grateful nod to Rarity. Pinkie looked at Rarity with deadly seriousness. “This is brunch, silly.”

Rainbow groaned. “Maybe for you,” she muttered.

As the group approached and their destination became clear to the ponies around them, a commotion started up ahead. Star watched as the restaurant’s staff fussed and ran around like mad. They clearly had not expected such a group to descend upon their establishment. Two princesses, maybe three if she counted as one. A prince, the Elements of Harmony, whatever they were.

All the staff directed them to their seats while three new ponies joined them, Applejacks and Raritys sisters, Applebloom and Sweetie Bell respectively. The last new pony was Scootaloo, she seemed to be Rainbow’s almost-sister.

The younger ponies were all to be seated together. Star Teleported to claim the seat that also put her beside her mother before anypony else could.

“You can teleport?” Sweetie asked.

Star nodded, “It’s easy.”

“Can you teach me?” Sweetie enthused.

Star looked at her, “Do you know what your magic is aspected with?”

Sweetie’s face looked blank. “What?”

“To be able to teleport, you need to be able to cast Astral Aspected magic.” Star helpfully explained.

“Oh, can I?” Sweetie still sounded confused.

Little Star straightened her pose and got ready to start a magic lesson, she got as far as opening her mother before she was cut off.

“Enough magic talk, why do you look like a smaller Twilight?” Scootaloo declared.

“She’s my Mummy,” Star said, sitting taller with pride.

“You sure your not some sort of clone here to take her place?” Scootaloo leaned in, only to be pushed back by Sweetie Bell’s aura.

“I don’t think…” Star started.

“So Twilight’s your mother… whos your father?” Sweetie Bell chimed in.

“Father…” Star said thinking. Who is my father? She did not know, Star’s expression started to turn sad, her eyes began to shimmer slightly.

“How did you get your cutiemark?” Applebloom asked quickly changing the subject.

Star looked at her flank. “I have always had it.” She shrugged, still sounding a little hollow.

“How is that fair,” Scootaloo mumbled. Star thought she sounded very much like Rainbow.

“So you don't got a cutiemark story?” Applebloom asked.

Star shook her head, “No.”

Applebloom piped up with excitement. “Do you know what it means? Us three started the Cutie Mark Crusaders to discover our marks. Now that we have them, we going round helping ponies find theirs.”

“Or help ponies that are in need of advice about what their Mark means.” Sweetie added.

“Can you help me?” Star’s voice was small. She had no father, did not know how she got her mark. It felt like there was a hollow deep inside of her, empty and yearning to be filled.

“Sure can,” Applebloom said,

“So What’re you good at?” Scootaloo asked.

“Magic?” Star asked hesitantly, she could feel something building in her wellspring. “My special talent is magic,” Star said with pride, pushing her chest out. She grinned as the fact slid home in her mind. Unbidden words came to her. “My name is Little Star, and my special talent is Magic. I’m going to prove there is no such thing as bad magic.”

A strange ripple of magic emanated from both Cadance and her mother. It was odd, she did not feel it in her horn, it was like her entire body vibrated. Star looked up from her food, now ignoring the banter between the other ponies. Did I cause that? No, it came from them. She thought.

Cadance eyes were wide and looking straight at Twilight. Quickly she schooled her expression back to normal.

“Welcome to a little of the truth,” Twilight said so quietly no pony else seemed to react. Her mother’s lips seemed to not move.

“You really wanted to?” Cadance asked. Now Star was paying attention she could sense the air magic being used to make the sound. It was almost entirely concealed by the strengths of their wellsprings.

Twilight nodded the slightest amount.

Cadance looked at Star with just the smallest motion of her eyes. “You can hear us?” she said for only the three of them to hear.

Star copied her mother’s stealth nod. This is just like being in a spy comic. She thought. It only took her moments to work out how to duplicate their method of talking. “What was that spell?” she asked nearly silently.

Cadance raised an eyebrow, it was enough to get Shining’s attention.

Her mother gave her that special proud smile Star loved seeing so much, draping a wing around her in a one wing hug. “Something I will teach you once you have your wings, my Little Star.”

A new spell! Star’s mind exclaimed. It was not just any new spell, it was a super-secret Alicorn spell.

Speaking again at normal volume, her mother asked. “So have you been making new friends?”

Star looked at the three ponies she had been talking to. “Maybe?” She said to her mother. “Would you like to be friends?” She asked the Crusaders.

A mix of loud positive responses blended together. Star smiled. I have more friends. Star thought. “Can we go play?” She asked.

“Do you have your helmet?” Her mother asked.

In a flash of magic said item was upon her head.

“That’s cool, not as cool as Rainbow Dash, but still cool,” Scootaloo said.

Twilight looked around her friends, Star watched the responses of the older ponies.

“Be careful, and make sure you are all home before dark,” Rarity said.

Star nodded “Will do, Bye, everypony,” She said with cheer. She lit her horn and in a flash of magic, Star and her three new friends were gone.

Star lost the rest of the day spending time with her new friends. She was told teleporting was cheating when playing tag. Apparently so was using shields or turning invisible. Star was really going to have to teach Sweetie more spells so they could play Magic tag.

She found out how much fun could be had with creative uses of the Come-To-Life spell. Unfortunately she also found out how hard it was to get things back under control when you follow the CMC’s suggestions on what instructions to give them. Now she had added a new scroll to her collection containing a long list of things not to do with that spell. First on the list is anything the CMC suggests will be fun.

Her last lesson was how hard it was to wash tree-sap out of your coat. That was not a fun lesson.

On her way home, she very carefully avoided the crowd petitioning the mayor to ban her favourite spell within Ponyville.

She smiled at the ink drawing she hand created of all for of them smiling in a group hug, everypony’s names signed along the bottom.

Today was a great day. She thought, her aura opening the door to the Crystal Tree Castle.

CH 19 Alicorn Lessons

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Waking from her three hours, spell enforced, sleep Cadance was wide awake. The familiar restless feeling drove her to seek the skies. Nuzzling her still soundly asleep Shining, she quietly left the room. Lifting part of her weight with her pegasus magic leaving her hooves nearly silent. She was only going for an early morning flight, it would not do to wake anypony else up.

Silently she made her way to the kitchen on her way out.

Sudden motion startled her; Luna’s lesson crashed back in her mind. Her body tensed, ready to leap away and lash out if her attacker followed.

“Good morning Aunty Cadance,” Star said happily, a plate of pancakes in a magenta aura. “Hungry?”

Cadance restrained herself, the only sign that she almost reacted to a little foal as if she was an assassin, was the twitch of her wings.

She smiled warmly. She made me breakfast, how adorable. “Good morning, Little Star.” She breathed in the scent of the food, it was good, almost as good as Celestia’s. “Oh, why thank you. Did you make them yourself.”

Star nodded. “Yep.” Cadance could almost taste the joy coming off of Star. If the pancakes had been horrible lumps of charcoal, she would have eaten them and said they were the nicest ever, just to keep her happy.

“Where is yours? Little fillies need to eat to grow up big and strong,” Cadance said, moving over to the table and taking a seat.

“Right here,” Star said, moving aside her work with her aura.

A painful shiver when through her horn. Placing a hoof to it, she hoped to ease the sensation.

“Do you need a doctor?” Star said, her heart radiating concern. Star is so earnest I don’t even need to use my senses, she's practically yelling her emotions at me.

Waving her hoof and putting on her best smiles, Cadance answered. “It’s nothing, I’m still not as used to this thing as I could be.”

The strange bits of wood and complicated looking scrolls caught her attention. “This is really good, thank you. What are you working on?” She said, indicating the items with her hoof.

“I’m making myself some pets,” Star said with pride.

How do you make pets? She thought, mentally shrugging she just asked. “Making pets?”

“Yes... well more like clever golems, but I’m calling them my pets.” She pointed at the Scrolls in turn. “That one is going to be Owlicious, and that one is going to be Spike.”

Cadance picked up both scrolls in her blue aura. She very carefully did not smile at the mark cut into the table under one of them. She knew something was up when everything else on the table was perfectly lined up, apart from one scroll.

“So Owlicious the owl and Spike, the dog?” Cadance could not help but know the name choice. “You might want to rename Spike, It might get a little confusing when Spike, the dragon your mother hatched, comes back.”

Cadance carefully placed the scrolls back exactly where she had found them. This can be our little secret. She thought with amusement.

“Mummy lays eggs? Does that mean I will lay eggs too?” Star’s expression was a mix of confusion and worry.

Cadance’s laugh was soft and reassuring. “No, no, she just helped him hatch with her magic.”

“Does that make him like my brother?” Star asked with hopeful eyes.

Cadance could feel the yearning, Star very much wanted her to say yes. “You will have to ask your mother,” she said, making a note to bring the subject up with Twilight later.

Star made a note on a scroll. “So is Thorn, all right for a name?”

Nodding Cadance answered. “That should avoid confusion at least.”

Star’s magic set to work clearing more space on the table. “Mummy will be here soon.”

The way she said it, the sudden cheer and certainty. It was as if somepony had just told her. Extending and focusing her senses Cadance could detect nopony else nearby. Was it some sort of spell? She considered.

A wave of panic came from Star, Cadance looked to Star smiling tenderly. “Sorry,” she said in a soothing tone.” She pointed to her horn. “Not the best with this thing, I was trying to work out what spell your mother used to message you.”

“Oh, I have some… something that counts things for me, it let me know when she will be here. In, five, four, three, two, one.” Star teleported disappearing in a burst of light, appearing and hugging a now startled looking and still crystal-covered Twilight.

She was going to say somepony. Cadance was sure of it, she felt Star’s concern when she changed her words but did not have time to tell who she was concerned for.

“Good morning, my Little Star,” Twilight said, wrapping her in loving wings.

Oh, they are just so adorable, I wish I had a camera. Cadance mentally squeed.

“I made everypony breakfast,” Star said, multiple flashes from her horn and both of them were sat at the table, her mother’s plate of Hayburgers in place.

Cadance did her best to hide the discomfort that shot through her horn. What am I going to do? Both of them love their teleports and pockets spells so much. She was really getting annoyed with this problem, it seemed to get worse every year.

“Hayburgers for breakfast?” Cadance asked, looking to Star in slight judgment.

Star nodded, without the slightest hint of doubt at the choice.

Looking to Twilight for a comment, she paused. Twilight’s eyes were fixed upon the hayburgers as if she was a predator, and they were her prey. For a moment, it seemed like her eyes were slightly slitted.

“Twilight?” Cadance’s voice now held a little concern.

Twilight lowered her head and with a savage bite started to devour the food with feral savagery.

The sight of bits of food going flying only to be pulled back buy Twilight's aura, and the red sauce splattering her muzzle was too much. Cadance laughed, having to flap her wings to avoid falling from the chair.

Seeing Star start drawing on a scroll recording Twilight ‘the mighty slayer of Hayburgers’ nearly set her off again. Holding her composure, she leaned over to Star. “Never get between your mother and a hayburger,” Cadance said in her best mock warning tone.

Star nodded, writing on a scroll ‘Note to self, do not transmute anything or anypony I care about into a hayburger.’ Cadance let out a small laugh.

Now that the beast was fed, she tried again. “Twilight?”

Twilight blinked and slowly looked around, confused. Her tongue and aura cleaned her muzzle, still leaving red splotches on her coat and in her mane. “Good morning, Cadance,” she said, sounding much more composed and respectable than her appearance would indicate.

Cadance horn lit and a plane of reflective crystal appeared before Twilight. “You missed a bit,” she said, trying her best not to laugh.

“They were… I just had to have them,” Twilight said, sounding sheepish.

“Well at least with that armour it will be easy to wash off,” Cadance said.

“About that, I would like your help to get rid of it.”

“But it looks pretty,” Star complained, radiating regret.

“Yes, it does have its charms,” Twilight said, looking at her body. “But as with all things, it has its downsides. It is tough to take a proper bath if the water can’t get to your coat.”

“Oh,” Star said.

“What do you need me to do?” Cadance asked.

Star smiled as her mother looked at her. Twilight smiled back as if to say everything will be alright before turning to Cadance.

“I require your aid in smashing this protection. I could ask Applejack, but I doubt she would agree to use enough force. After all, she is not familiar with how durable we Alicorns are.”

Cadance nodded, she knew she was stronger than Applejack, so anticipated no problems.

“Will you be alright on your own for a little bit, my Little Star?” Twilight asked, looking lovingly at Star.

“Yes, Mummy, I can keep working on my pets.” Star pointed with her horn to the neatly laid out pieces of wood and scrolls.

“Very impressive, I look forward to seeing them once your work is complete,” Twilight said before pulling Star into a loving wing hug.

“See you soon,” Cadance said, stealing a hug, If she could eat love, she would not need to eat for the rest of her life from that one hug. Star hugged with everything she had, both physically and emotionally.

“Bye,” Star said, waving a hoof, turning back to her pets, some assembly still required.

The pair of Alicorns made their way out of the kitchen. Cadance waited until they were out of earshot before speaking. “About what you said last night, I want to know what you were talking about.”

Twilight looked over her shoulder at Cadance. “Has your aunty, given you a talk about needing to go through a trial?”

Cadance nodded. “She said I was not to speak to anypony about it, she was very insistent.”

“As you are here, I can assume you were… successful. Might I ask what trial?” Twilight asked. Something about Twilight’s tone was off, a little too cold for her Sister-in-Law.

“Trial of the Path, she called it.”

Twilight turned to face her. “Indeed? She left your survival to pure chance,” Twilight said anger flaring as her eyes narrowed dangerously. Letting her eyes close and placing a hoof on her chest, she performed the breathing exercises Cadance remembered teaching her.

Calmer, Twilight continued. “I was not expecting her to take such a risk with her niece. Well, you at least you have the luck of the Stars with you, few survive without preparation.”

“Celestia did not put it quite that way, she said it was the gateway between being a mortal and an immortal Alicorn.”

“She let you… if it was not for…” a snarl left Twilight muzzle. “She left you in a position you could have died. Well… if she is not going to look after you, I will.” Her eyes lit with determination.

“Have you been through your Trial?” Cadance asked

“Trial of the Thorn,” she answered, pointing a hoof at her chest. “The loving princess of the sun drove a sword through right here.”

Cadance winced, hearing her domain taken in vain like that hurt. Luna said you were scared of Celestia, I just wish you hadn’t replaced that fear with hatred.

Magenta aura parted Twilight’s coat showing a neat scar. “She even left me with a permanent reminder.” Twilight turned to continue on their journey. “Come, there are things you shall learn,” Twilight commanded in a tone that brock no disagreement. To Cadance’s well-trained ears, it sounded like Twilight was trying her best to sound like Luna.

Cadance watched her go for a moment before following. She even has Luna’s imperious stride down. Has she changed her role model to Luna now?

She followed Twilight keeping her silence for a few minutes, the sound of their hooves on the Crystal floor the only thing for company. Looking around, she did not recognise this part of the castle.

Recalling the connection she had seen between Celestia and Twilight, Cadance knew that Celestia loved Twilight. What would bring you to do these things to your almost-daughter, Aunty? She thought.

“Twilight?” Cadance asked, hoping she was not about to anger Twilight further.

“You have questions,” Twilight stated not even looking back. “Ask them.”

That is not how Twilight normally speaks. She thought as she asked her question. “Why is the trial necessary?”

Twilight let out a long sigh. “If I am to teach you, I will not start with half-truths.” Her horn lit, a sound blocking barrier flashing into existence around them both. “One only truly becomes an Alicorn after passing a trial, beforehoof you are merely a potential alicorn. The longer your Alicornhood is held in potential, the more dangerous it is, and the more likely you are to fail your trial.”

A tight feeling rose in Cadance’s chest. “What happens if you fail?”

“Another thing dear Celesta would never have told you, but I will. For us, Alicorns, there is no afterlife waiting for us. We have either eternal life or true oblivion. Does that answer your question?”

Cadance nodded, falling back on her training. She did not want to show the dark lonely places her mind was trying to go. “So if Shining died, I would never be able to join him.”

Twilight paused thoughtfully for a moment. “Unless you are foalish enough to try to break into the afterlife.”

“You can just go there?” Cadance was stunned.

“Tartarus has a door, does it not?” Twilight stopped turning to face a section of wall. “Anyway, we are here.”

Cadance did not know what to think about that revelation. Instead, she looked at the wall, as far as she could tell, it was a wall. Extending her senses, it still felt like every other wall in Twilight’s Castle. She looked at Twilight and raised an eyebrow.

“If somepony is looking for secrets in my castle, what sort of concealment do you think they will be looking for?”

“... they would be expecting magic.”

“Yes,” Twilight said, before striking the wall with a hoof in a complex pattern.

A strange alien sound, a mix between an alien chirp and one of the sounds she once heard Pinkie Pie make. With a hiss of escaping air and a bizarre mix of humming and whining, part of the wall pivoted, revealing a secret passageway.

Twilight entered, flicking a wing for Cadance to follow. The room on the other side seemed unexpectedly normal, looking back at the door, there appeared to be some sort of device attached to it.

“What is it?” Cadance asked.

“An electric motor, microphone and simple computer form Sunset’s world.”

“Something nopony would expect or know how to deal with unless they had been through the mirror.” Cadance said nodding.

Twilight pressed a button, and the door slid closed. “The room is soundproofed, and the whole castle is warded against hostile detection magic, so nothing to give this place away.”

“Twilight, what do you use this room for?” Cadance asked, her mind thinking of darker reasons somepony might need a room like this.

“So far… hiding heartwarming gifts.”

Cadance let a small smile show. Even with all this hate in you, you are still … the Twilight I have known for years if not the one I foal sat from the beginning.

Twilight took up a firm stance. “If you would.” She nodded at her self.

“The armour, yes. How hard do you want me to hit it?” Cadance asked a little uncomfortably.

“As hard as you can.”

“You’re sure?” Cadance asked sounding doubtful.

“I tried hitting it with an anvil for half an hour this morning, not even a chip.”

“Oh, all right then.” Cadance walked over to Twilight, flexing and loosening up. “Sorry if this hurts.” She span, bunching up, preparing to buck with all her might. She could feel the earthpony magic rushing to her muscles, it felt exhilarating. Cadance grinned, she rarely got the chance to test herself like this.

The shockwave caused by the titanic impact burst her eardrums. She looked over her shoulder, Twilight was sliding down the far wall, a trail of shattered crystals lining the path she had taken through the air. Her grin faded as she galloped over to her sister.

“Twilight, Twilight, are you all right?” She knew she was speaking even if she could not hear it.

Twilight’s bleary eyes blinked and slowly focused on her. She nodded, slowly getting to her hooves. Cadance pulled her into a hug, wrapping her in her wings.

Twilight melted into the hug, relaxing. Cadance heard the content sigh. Good my hearing is recovering. She thought. She sniffed. “Twilight, you really need a bath.”

Twilight looked at herself and investigated, her muzzle twisted in disgust. She pulled away from the hug. “Do you mind waiting a bit?”

“No need,” Cadance said with a grin. I know a spell Twilight doesn’t. It was a small thought but made her feel ridiculously proud to be able to do even a single piece of magic Twilight could not. Cadance’s horn flashed twice in quick succession. Her personal grooming spell leaving both of them brushed, cleaned, smelling of roses and looking their royal best.

Cadance laughed with glee, the look of amazement on Twilight’s face was just priceless. “What do you think of my invention?”

“... You do realise how complicated that spell was, how many things need to be taken into account to make that work?” It seemed like Twilight was in a mild bit of shock.

“Also long as you know how to do each step of the task with your own hooves, getting magic to do it is a snap.” Cadance smiled.

“An ascended earthpony would be terrifying.”

“Or a pegasus raised in an earthpony village?” Cadance said with a knowing look.

Twilight smiled, a tilt of the head conceding the point. “Or that yes, so shall we begin with your lesson?”

“I’m more than a little curious about what we will be learning.”

“The first thing is how to defend your mind, right now I could take control of your body, and there is nothing you could do about it,” Twilight declared as she started pacing the room.

Cadance’s eyes widened in horror, memories of Shining Armour being controlled by the Changelings coming to her. She pushed her past aside and carefully studied Twilight’s connection to her, deliberately paying no attention to any other. If she saw Celestia’s again, she would probably break down right in front of Twilight.

Twilight's connection to her was strong, healthy. Her love pure, the lack of trust more than healed. Cadance smiled. Strangely there was also a second connection, thinner, more recent that also connected to her. It was a mix of pity, duty, respect and laced with desire. This new link danced with bursts of protective anger.

What is this? She thought. Ponies don’t have two connections with one pony. Nor do they have connections with themselves. She pondered, remembering what she had seen last time. The only thing she could be sure of is that Twilight had no intent to hurt her, she loved her and wanted to protect her. For Cadance, that was more than enough to trust her.

Twilight stopped turning to face her and nodded grimly. “I have no idea why Celestia left you defenceless like this. But I will fix that.” Something in Twilight’s gaze seemed older, the look of centuries adding weight to her words.

“Ok, what do we do?” Cadance did not like how small her voice sounded, something about that gaze made her feel like a foal.

Twilight spoke a few words in a strange language, each word seemed to resonate within her. Cadance looked questioningly at her. Something about the way they sounded, that was the language Twilight’s song was meant to be sung in, she just knew it.

“Learn those words and learn them well.”

Cadance nodded, rolling the words in her mouth. Despite never hearing them before, they felt familiar. The language was just comfortable and easy to speak. Like she had spoken it all her life, even if she only knew these few words.

“If somepony gets you to enter a magical contract or other mystically enforced agreement. This will hold both parties to the spirit of the agreement. It is called the Incantation-of-Good-Faith. Adding it before your agree modifies the agreement. If the other party is trying to trick or deceive you… the Incantation strikes at them.” Twilight laughed. “With how much of a sense of humour the reprisal can show, I would almost credit Discord with creating the Incantation.”

“It only works on magical contracts? I can’t use it on mundane ones?” Cadance asked, hopefully.

Twilight smiled “No… but I imagine it would not be hard for you to start replacing mundane ones with magical ones for the more important agreements?”

“I don’t know how to forge pacts… I think that’s what it’s called.”

“How many gaps… No not important.” Twilight stepped close to her and lit her horn.

“I am going to state my intent to train you, to take you as my apprentice. That I will never lie to you during a lesson and that everything that I cause to happen to you during your lessons I do for your benefit. Also, there is a small note that neither of us will go to war with each other without formally ending this arrangement. This will allow me to show you how to protect your mind, but for as long as you are my apprentice, it will allow me past said defences. I will not use this to harm you other than as needed for your training.”

Cadance paled, this was all sounding very serious. The second connection was burning with intensity but not a single hit of dishonesty. She nodded. “What do I need to do?”

“Once I finished speaking, invoke the Incantation and touch your horn to mine.”

“That’s all?”

Twilight nodded. “That’s all.” She flared her wings and took a regal pose. She began speaking in the enchanting language, every word sounded unique. Just imagining that song was nearly bring a tear to Cadance's eye, she could almost hear the song.

The words paused, Twilight presented her horn.

I trust you, Twilight. Cadance thought as she spoke the Incantation then lowered her horn, crossing it with Twilights.

The world went white.

Cadance awoke, she was warm, comfortable. The familiar softness of her bed beneath her, the sensations of her sheets surrounding her.

“Shiny, how did we get back?” she asked, reaching out to where he would typically be. He was not there, his side of the bed was cold. She snapped to alertness, looking around.

I was about to learn something from Twilight… how did I get here? She worried as she looked around her room. Everything was where it should be. Motion in a reflection caught her attention. In the reflection, she could see servants tending to her room, one even freshening the sheets.

Glancing around the room, no she was alone. And yet in the reflection, two servants were still working. What is going on?

There was a knocking at her door. “Come in,” she said.

The door lit with a pleasantly familiar magenta aura as it swung open. Twilight stepped in, smiling happily.

“What happened, why are we in the Empire?” Cadance asked.

Twilight advanced into the room, taking a seat. “Cadance, in a very real way, you are the Empire.”

What? She thought before responding. “You don’t mean that in the same way ponies say Celestia is Equestria, do you?”

“No, I do not,” Twilight answered, with a slight shake of her head. “We Alicorns are as much above other ponies mentally as we are physically and magically.” She gestured around the room. “This is your Mental Bastion, in your case, it just happens to be linked to the physical world.”

“So… we are in my mind, and somehow the Empire is one of my mind’s defences? That is what you are saying, right?”

“Yes, and now that you have been here, your mind is fortified by it. Even Luna will not be able to visit your dreams unless you allow it.”

Cadance pointed at the servants in the reflection. “And that is really happening right now?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, do you want to go and talk to them?”

“No, not yet at least. What is your Mental Bastion?”

Twilight smirked. “Would you be surprised if I told you it was a library in a tree?”

Cadance laughed. “You always prefered the Golden Oaks over your castle.”

“In another lesson, I will see about showing you around, but not today.”

“So if we are meant to be so much smarter than other ponies, why can’t I wrap my head around the advanced mathematics you like so much?” Cadance asked in confusion.

Twilight shook her head with a chuckle. “Being an Alicorn does not make us more intelligent… we merely have more space in our minds. Our minds and wellsprings are… their own plane of reality.”

“So like the pockets you and Star are so fond of?”

“Yes, exactly.”

“So, what are we meant to do with all this space?”

“Whatever you want… but with this being tied to the physical empire, you have some unique opportunities. Twilight looked around the room. “I would imagine any changes you make to the crystal walls here will be mirrored.”

Cadance looked at the wall, “And how would I go about changing it?”

“To begin, simply place your hoof against it, let your senses extend into it and Will it to change.”

Cadance gracefully extracted herself from the bed and walked over to the wall beside Twilight. “So, physically, I’m still in Ponyville?” She asked.

“Our bodies are safe, and yes, they are still in Ponyville.”

Turning her attention back to the wall, Cadance located the part she was seeking. Always wanted some artwork here. She thought, placing her hoof over the section.

A thrum of power danced under her hoof. Just like magic lessons, know your intent, visualise your intent, manifest your intent. She mentally recited as she closed her eyes.

Taking a calm breath, she cleared her mind of everything. The troubles of the last week fading into unimportance. Another breath and she formed a single image in her mind's eye. The image of Shining and her marks held together by beautiful roses clarified in her mind. She pushed the image into the wall, just as if it were a spell.

The power in the wall rippled, a moment later, so did its surface. Keeping her eyes closed, Cadance held the image steady. She had long ago learnt you never interrupt a spell partway through unless you knew how to do so safely.

She could feel the texture change and parts moving under her hoof. Slowly the power faded, the motion stopped. The wall felt solid under her hoof again. Ten slow breaths later she opened her eyes.

Before her was the image, perfectly shaped in the crystal. Even the colours were right.

“Huzzah, a splendid showing,” Twilight said from beside her pulling her into a hug.

Cadance returned the hug, looking between the new work of art and Twilight. Even though she was no longer touching it, the power in the wall, its heartbeat-like thrum still brushed against her senses.

Expanding her senses slowly, every part of the building reported back. “I can still feel it,” Cadance said, marvelling at the sensation.

We stand ready, your Majesty. A chorus of voices stated in her mind. Her mystical sense identifying the sources. All around the building, where guards were usually stationed, parts of her Crystal had intent, they had voices.

Calling on her recent practice at mental communication with Luna, she reached out to the two outside her room. Please come in. She sent.

The door was pushed open, Twilight turned, assuming a battle stance, shielding her with a wing. Two of her Crystal guards in ancient armour even for the empire stepped into the room coming to attention.

“Cadance, did you just create them?”

“No, they were already here,” Cadance said to Twilight before turning to the guards. “Please, identify yourselves.”

“We are the Eternal Guard, your Majesty,” they both said as one.

“How many of them do you have?” Twilight asked.

“One hundred in the building,” Cadance answered before closing her eyes. Extending her senses past the building out into the empire itself. Each part of the city responded, every guard reporting in as her senses brushed over them. “Nine-hundred more round the rest of the city.”

“Well… congratulations on having the most secure mind of any Alicorn in recorded history,” Twilight said with more than a little awe. “One thousand guardian fragments… who are you?” Twilight’s gaze turned to Cadance with a hint of fear to them.

Cadance laughed softly. “I’m Cadance, your old foal sitter remember.” She shrugged. “Or Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, if your feeling formal,” she said, not finding it odd at all that she had so many guards at her mental beck and call.

Twilight visibly calmed herself using the breathing exercises she taught her. “Well…” She straightened and took on Luna’s noble baring again. “There are more lessons for today, but first a question. How are your illusions?”

“Not very good, I can just about change the colour or taste of things.” Cadance admitted.

“And your Thestral magic?”

Cadance looked at Twilight blankly.

“Alicorns are made up of all types of ponies,” Twilight explained.

“Oh, I know that, aren't thestrals just nocturnal pegasi?”

“No…” She snarled before continuing normally. “Most of Luna’s favourite tricks are thestral magic.”

“The shadow walking? I always wondered how she did that without using her horn,” Cadance said, studying Twilight carefully.

That flair of anger brought her attention back to Twilight’s connections with her. The main heartline to her had hardly reacted to anything, only the warmth of being near to a loved one, nothing else. On the other hoof, the second one had been the one reacting to everything.

Twilight took a moment to collect herself. “It was also how she made her Nightmare Moon appearance.”

“So I could grow fangs and make my wings bat-like?” she asked.

“With ease.”

“Can you?”

Twilight looked at her intently. “Promise you will remain calm? I am not confident in my ability to protect myself from your guards should you feel threatened.”

“I can still feel it is you Twilight, the heart is my Domain, and you are still in there,” Cadance said, placing a hoof on Twilight's chest. A small spike of worry rippled along the secondary link. Cadance kept her expression the same, hiding the doubt starting to creep in.

Twilight nodded, and in a moment, her eyes were cat-like, her wings had membranes and her ears tufted. She smiled, licking her new fangs. “So what do you think?” Twilight said proudly doing a little spin.

Twilight's body was a bit more athletic, a bit more adjusted to physical activity. Something about the way she was moving made Cadance think of a predator. Twilight was comfortable, like she had worn that form for years.

“In ancient times, it was normal to be like this during night time, switching back when the sun rose,” Twilight explained.

Still, she could feel that sense of fear coming from her. What are you hiding?. Putting that thought aside Cadance giggled, giving Twilight a knowing look. “I imagine you could have your choice of Thestral stallions or mares looking like that.”

The worry Cadance could sense faded, replaced by embarrassment and a little lust. Well, that's better than fearing me. She thought as she wrapped her wings around Twilight. “Now if you need any advice…” She teased.

Twilight melted into the embrace. “You’re almost as bad as Tia.”

Cadance praised her long years of being a diplomat. Twilight would never call Celestia, Tia. You only just learnt to not call her Princess all the time… am I even talking to Twilight now? She could feel her guards ready to defend her if necessary. If there was ever going to be a safe time to ask this.

With a mental command, she summoned another ten guards to wait outside of the room.“Twilight?”

Twilight looked to her still enjoying the hug. “Yes, Cadance.”

“You said you would never lie to me during lessons.” Cadance said cautiously.

“That was our Pact, yes.” Twilight answered, a hit of warryness entering her tone.

“Who are you?”

Twilight Stiffened. “I knew you had me when you mentioned your domain…” She pulled back from their hug and sat before her no longer even trying to use Twilight’s mannerisms.

“So…” Cadance said expectantly.

“I am one of Twilight’s Protectors and the second parent of Little Star,” not Twilight said smiling. “You may call me Night if you wish.”

She did not miss her not saying what her name was, only what to call her. But the so-called Night was not lying to her. Night’s love for Star was real, nopony could fake their heartlines. And for some reason you are dedicated to protecting me. Cadance thought, before asking. “Where is Twilight now?”

“She is still in Ponyville, currently resting… do you want to end our agreement?” Night asked her wings drooping a little.

Cadance spent a long few seconds thinking. “Why do you want to teach me?”

“You are important to Twilight and Little Star likes you.” A warm smile crossed Night’s face. “That would be more than enough for me to aid you; however I can.” Night’s expression hardened. “The fact that Celestia left you uneducated and defenceless demands I do so.”

“Do you love her?”

“I… respect her, and I think we may be friends, perhaps more in time?”

“And yet you had a foal with her?” Cadance kept her indignation out of her voice as best as she could.

Night laughed. “Blame the Elements of Harmony, it was not something either of us chose. And yet neither of us are unhappy with how things have turned out.”

“Can I speak to her?”

“Yes, we can see if she is awake when we get back to Ponyville.”

“Can you wake her now?”

Night shook her head. “Not from here, shall we continue the lessons?”

This was not a situation she was expecting to deal with. If it was not for the fact that she had just found out she had a thousand guards living in her mind, she would have rejected Night Immediately. Cadance nodded. She would learn what she could and make up her mind what to do about Night later.

“Given your mind has a unique vulnerability. The first thing is going to be how to project your self from in here, to out there.” She pointed to the reflection, where the two servants were studying the new work of art.

“What vulnerability?”

“An army or a powerful mage could level the Empire, destroying your mind, consigning you to oblivion.” Night said with deadly seriousness.

“So what's first Teacher,” Cadance answered, trying her best not to think about that situation.

Cadance was not a fast study, it had taken what felt like hours to master this so-called simple spell. Night was patient with her but was not the best teacher. That if nothing else nailed home the fact this was not Twilight.

They had waited for the servants to leave before making an attempt to avoid startling them.

know your intent, visualise your intent, manifest your intent. She thought as she advanced to the reflective wall. Closing her eyes and visualising walking through a doorway, she kept going.

Heat, touch and hearing faded, only an impression of motion let her know she was still moving forward. It could have been a second or a year, time had no meaning in this in-between state. It felt as if a Teleport had been slowed to a crawl, but with none of the discomfort in her horn.

Her senses stepped into the physical world first, for a moment, she was there without a body. Crystal rose up from the floor, wrapping around her, giving her a body. Even out here, the Crystal felt like a part of her, she was not being entombed by cold matter. No, It was no different than wrapping her wing around herself on a cold day.

She stood there, an Alicorn made of Crystal, like something out of legends. She could feel her Eternal Guard waiting, and with an effort of will, she could pull them into this world. The rotation of the Crystal Heart in the distance altered, matching time with her own heart. She could feel each pulse of energy as it protected the land, the love pouring into it, into her from her subjects.

Cadance took a breath, and it seemed like the Empire breathed with her. I’m home. She thought. Relief like she had rarely felt rushed through her. Glancing at her crystal self, she decided she wanted a better look. She trotted over to her full-length mirror.

Looking at her reflection, she marvelled, she knew she was beautiful before hoof, now she looked the part of a Goddess. She flared her wings, doing her best Celestia impression. If I had looked like this when I arrived, I would have had no doubt that I am meant to be the Crystal Princess. She thought.

A swirl of darkness caught her attention. Twilight’s normal body formed itself form inky shadows as Night stepped through the reflection. Cadance looked down at her realising how much taller she was than Twilight now.

Night’s eyes widened with recognition and immediately spread her wings and performed an elaborate bow, muzzle to the ground. Cadance mentally sighed. The fear was back, Night felt truly threatened.

“Night?” Cadance said using a hoof to raise her gaze.

“Empress,” Night responded her tone respectful.

“It’s just me, Cadance, remember?” Cadance said, lifting Night form her bow and offering a warm smile.

“You, look just like she did, before Sombra shattered her.” Night spoke weakly.

Cadance looked at herself, considering. Yes, I do look like some of the images in the archive. “What does this mean?” She asked.

“You might be the Empress or one of her fragments returned. You could have inherited the Empress’ Bastion and power through blood or by her soul possessing you. The final possibility is…darker. Somepony stole the Empress’ Bastion, killing her and later gave it to you.”

“You can steal somepony’s soul?” Cadance loudly asked in alarm.

“Yes, but I never heard of anypony being able to do it to an Alicorn.” Night answered.

Cadance performed her own breath technique, letting it calm her. “Which do you think is most likely?”

“As the guards obey you, I would say the first two are the most likely. My expectation of Celestia leads me to suspect that Sombra stole the Bastion and She somehow bestowed it upon you. I believe that arranging your ascension is the sort of thing she would do, I know she arranged Twilights.”

She wished Applejack was here to know for certain what words were the truth. Who am I? She thought mirroring Night’s earlier question.

The sound of the door moving caused her ears to flick in that direction. One of her Enteral Guard formed, crystals growing from the floor in the shape of a pony.

Three stunned ponies stood looking into the room. Two crystal pony servants and Sunburst the unicorn. The two servants immediately dropped into a bow.

“Princess Twilight, why am I seeing the Crystal Empress here?” Sunburst asked, checking his glasses.

Night immediately played the part of Twilight again. “That’s Cadance, we were just trying a long-distance communication spell, and given Cadance's blood relation to the Empress, this is how she showed up. It seems to use pre-set forms for the projections that the Crystal remembers.”

“Astounding,” Sunburst said, moving closer to study them.

Cadance could feel her guard ready to act, with an effort of will she returned them to the other side. Thank you for your vigilance, he is a trusted friend, so at this time it is not needed. She sent to them.

“Ponyfeathers, I guess I can’t manage to project Shiny here as well,” Night covered.

Cadance watched, Night let Sunburst do most of the talking, most the theorising, only adding a few words here and there to keep him going. He did not notice Twilight’s lack of input, the added praise and just a little Alicorn power blinding him to any errors in her performance.

Cadance went to talk to the servants, leaving Night to her acting. “You may rise,” she said.

It would be so easy for an Alicorn to become a tyrant. She thought. With my domain and Alicorn persuasion what could I not get somepony to do?

She knew she could strengthen and repair heartlines, could she destroy them? Could she create fake ones? If I became evil, could I just make everypony love me? The only ponies that could even notice would be other Alicorns. I even have an army I can summon with a thought.

Luna could control everypony's dreams, Twilight might be able to control all the world’s magic. Apparently, Celestia is willing and able to replace ponies with tools to fit her plans. Cadance thought and for the first time, was terrified of what she could do.

She did not want to deal with this, she wanted to see her daughter.

Her room was gone, replaced by Flurryheart’s. Now before her sleeping was her daughter. She had no idea how she got here, but right now, that did not matter.

She gently lifted Flurry and nuzzled her, replacing her daughter's blankets with her own wings. For a long moment, nothing else mattered. I can see how a foal can change somepony Nightmare. She thought, almost certain in Night’s real identity.

Flurry heart yawned and opened her eyes. She smiled a giggled immediately recognizing her mother despite the different form. Flurry adorably screwed up her little face and In a flash of magic she was gone. Laughing with wild abandon the little Alicorn was darting around the room with her wings, horn lit a swarm of toys surrounding her.

Flurry’s youthful energy could not last long, Cadance smiled lovingly at her daughter and gave chase.

Sometime later after Flurry had tried herself out completely playing with her. Cadance watched her daughter sleep and was wondering what to do. She loved every moment she had with her Flurry Heart but there were things she had to learn.

Almost as if summoned, Night’s form stepped from the shadows. She looked around the room before focusing on Cadance and Flurry. A warm smile crossed her muzzle. Placing two scrolls to the side, Night bowed and left without a single word.

Lifting the scrolls in her aura, she opened them. More magic theory to learn. Looking to her sleeping daughter, she made sure she was tucked in bed with her cuddly toy placed just so.

I’ll be able to learn these faster with her help. Extending her senses and locating Night proved easy. Everything within the empire was as simple to detect as Flurry here in the room with her.

Quietly she left the room to find Night.

To avoid causing too much of a situation, they both had returned to the other side. Cadance was now back to her normal size no longer made of Crystal. Night resumed her thestral traits and was reclining next to her helping her learn the theory on the scrolls. It was hard to feel worried about Night, the mildly frustrated teacher, even if she might really be Nightmare Moon.

The last two scrolls did not take too long to learn with help. The first was how to enter and leave her Bastion at will. Apparently, unless she chose otherwise, now that she was fully bonded with it, she would return here anytime she slept. Once you understood the concept, it was a simple as deciding what side of the bed to get out of.

The last one was how to create Fragments. The whole concept terrified her, separating a part of your soul and setting it free was daunting. Even with the knowledge that my soul will rapidly heal. I’m not sure if I will ever be brave enough to use this apparently ‘natural’ Alicorn ability. She thought.

Once Night had checked and double-checked that she had memorised everything on the scrolls, she spoke. “Now for the final lesson for today.” Night paused for dramatic effect. “Here and now we are not the real Night and Cadance. They are off still in Ponyville.”

“What do you mean.” Cadance rose to her hooves. A thread of panic entered her mind. Then who am I? She thought

“I mean that neither of us are really the ponies we feel that we are. We are part of their souls broken off and given a purpose. In this case, act just like them.”

“Do you mean…when this spell ends... I’m... that we are both about to die?

“If for one instant I thought this was the end for us, I would hold you in my hooves and kiss you,” Night said advancing on her. The movement was just like Luna's. “I would tell you that the only reason I am not trying to court you is that you are bound to Shining Armor.”

Cadance just stared at her. Is this some sort of joke?

“But we are not ending… we are simply returning home. So I don’t get my kiss.” Night smiled playfully and winked.

Night pulled her closer and into a hug. “There is nothing to worry about, this is just part of what it means to be an Alicorn.”

Cadance let herself return the hug, a little too confused to react. We might die, and you’re telling me that should trust that you not kissing me is a reason to believe it will all be fine?

Night nipped her ear with a fang. “Pay attention.”

Cadance pressed a hoof to it, she glared at Night. “What did…” She started but was cut off by Night’s hoof.

“If you don’t learn to create Fragments deliberately, you end up doing it accidentally. In a few years you would start hearing answers to your idle wonderings or when you talk to yourself, a different you will answer. Luna knows well how that can turn out.”

Is she talking about how Nightmare Moon came to be? That can happen to any of us? Cadance thought.

“Remember to be careful. Know why you are making a Fragment. If you can avoid it, do not make fragments in haste, when in distress or when intoxicated.”

“Like any spellcraft,” Cadance said, still with an undertone of fear.

Night stroked along her mane, humming that ancient tune almost as if Cadance was her foal. She could feel her panic fading, the words of the song, words she had never heard starting to come to her mind. She let her eyes close. This is nice.

Night stopped humming and just like that, the words faded like mist under sunlight. Cadance opened her eyes looking into Night’s, she wanted to hear more.

Regrettably the lesson and not the song continued. “When you create a Fragment either give them a role or a name. If they are needed for a task or will have responsibility, hold that firmly in your mind as you create them.”

Night looked apologetic. “If you do not, then they will be you. This can cause confusion unless you are deliberately trying to be in two places at once. Your guards are the first type, they have but a role. They are just that, guards, loyal, obedient, with little will of their own. If you give them a name, they will be as real as you or me.”

“So they will be my children?”

“Or your sisters, friends or companions. It all depends on how different you make them.”

“And we are nameless?”

“Yes, we feel and act just like the whole. For all purposes, we are them, just in a different place.”

“But I only have one body.”

“Yes but there are ways around that, magical mirrors and the projection magic you learnt today.” She paused, looking thoughtful. “If a Fragment claims a name, let them and welcome your new companion. Do not try to force them to forsake it. It would be cruel and will come back to bite you later,” Night said in warning.

“So the nameless and the ones with only a duty can grow into a named?”

Night nodded “Your homework is to create a Fragment, this will stop you going insane and prevent any accidental creations.”

“You’re giving me homework?”

“Now, the lesson is over… If you still think we are going to die I would be happy to make your ‘final’ moments very pleasurable,” Night said in a husky voice leaning closer. Twilight had grown from an adorable foal to a beautiful mare. This close and like this, she could see all the advantages Alicorns had over normal ponies.

Night’s hot breath on her ear, wingtips and hooves were almost straying into intimacy but not quite. Waring feelings danced in Cadance’s mind, anger, fear, embarrassment even to her shame at least a little interest.

Cadance braced her hooves to push Night away. "Stop that you..."

The world disappeared in a flash of white.

Cadance blinked, her eyes went wide, there were ponies around her talking. The emotions collided first, everything that both Cadances had felt hit her all at once, leaving a confusing mess. So many contradictory feelings that for a few seconds any reaction was impossible.

Who am I, where am I, what am I. She thought before the two chains of events played out in detail. I took everypony out for food because Pinkie ate all of the lovely breakfasts Star prepared

The Crystal Empire is my soul, I might be the Empress reborn or worse, and I can split myself into pieces as if it was nothing. I played with my daughter.

Everypony is happy. Twilight is alive.

Night is a Bad Teacher.

She froze remembering. Twilight is romantically interested in me? No that’s not right… the desire was in that second connection… It clicked in her mind. One of Twilight’s fragments is romantically interested in me… that fragment was Night, she had a name, so she was a real as anypony else.

Wait Night acts like Luna, could she be Nightmare moon?

She looked straight into Twilight’s eyes, No, into Night’s eyes. She could see the difference now. She could see which connection looked out from those eyes plain as day. Night’s final offer went through her mind then she remembered the confusion that hit when her Fragment returned.How much of that was just to blunt my fear, to stop me bolting to the skies as soon as I got back? She wondered.

“Welcome to a little of the truth,” Twilight said using a little air magic to create the sound.

“You really wanted to?” Cadance asked.

Twilight nodded the slightest amount.

A spike of interest from the side caught Cadance’s attention. Star seemed to be paying attention to them. It is almost like she can hear us. “You can hear us?” Still so quiet only an Alicorn had a hope of hearing.

Star nodded her head fractionally and spoke in the same way. “What was that spell?”

Cadance raised an eyebrow, she could feel Star’s excitement. Shining put his hoof on hers. “Everything alright, love?” He said.

She turned her full attention to him. “Everythings fine, I was just thinking how nice this get together is. We should do this more often, you know.” She could see by his expression he knew something was up.

With a flick of an ear and a glance around, she silently messaged him ‘Later when we are alone’. He nodded and went back to his food and the pleasant conversation.

Looking back at Night, she found her hugging Star. The love Night had for that little filly was the main reason she was risking trusting her. Just looking at the two of them, she couldn't help but smile widely. I miss Flurry again. She thought, her smile fading slightly. No wait I can visit her any time I want now. The smile returned in full.

“So have you been making new friends?” Night asked Star.

Star looked to the CMC. “Maybe?” She said to her mother. “Would you like to be friends?” She asked the Crusaders.

A mix of loud positive responses blended together. Star smiled. “Can we go play?”

Cadance had heard how destructive the CMC had been, she was dreading what they could get up to with a foal twice as powerful as Twilight was before becoming an Alicorn. Do I need to ready the guard, the fire service, the hospital? She thought as worse cases went through her mind.

“Do you have your helmet?” Night asked, clearly happy.

Cadance closed her eyes for a moment, holding her expression still as the expected discomfort of that type of magic played along her horn.

“That’s cool, not as cool as Rainbow Dash, but still cool,” Scootaloo said.

Night looked around the table, looking for any objections or comments. “Be careful, and make sure you are all home before dark,” Rarity added.

Star nodded “Will do, bye everypony,” She said with cheer. She lit her horn, and in a flash of magic, Star and the CMC were gone.

Cadance hissed in pain, placing a hoof to her horn. Concerned looks focused on her from around the table, Shining pulled her into a loving hug.

“Sorry everypony, I’m OK, I just really don’t get on with teleportation magic.” She said, waving a hoof to show she was fine as she leaned against her Shiny. Her mind drifted to what they could do together if he had wings.

Near silently, Night spoke to her. “You need to get the Leylines in your horn cleaned, ask Luna when you get back to help with getting rid of the magical residue in your horn.”

“Can’t you help?” Cadance respond in kind

“I don’t trust myself to keep my hooves off you, but if you want…” Night answered, even in the almost silent words, the desire and invitation were there.

“I will ask her tonight,” Cadance replied, nuzzling Shining clearly saying she was his and only his.

“Get a room,” Rainbow interrupted their silent conversation.

Cadance looked around, Rarity was watching, eyes wide at the romance, Fluttershy was blushing, Applejack seemed board. Night was looking at her smiling teasingly. Where's Pinkie? She thought, before noticing Pinkie was hugging her and Shining.

Shining politely coughed and evicted Pinkie from the hug.

Night laughed. “So shall we help Pinkie prepare for the party we all know she is going to be preparing for my Little Star?

The group finished up their food and Pinkie dragged everypony along with her sugar fueled energy.

CH 20 Party

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Twilight’s body ached all over in such a delicious way. Each breath was filled with her lover’s scent, and Dreams' wonderful soft wings enclosed her as strong hooves held her. Most of last night was a blur, but the little she could remember was very pleasant indeed. The low rumble of Nova’s purr in her chest let her know she agreed.

She let out a contented sigh as she snuggled back against Dreams' chest.

“Twilight,” Dreams’ perfect voice whispered in her ear.

“Mmm,” Twilight answered as best as she could.

“My love, we have company.”

“That’s nice,” Twilight managed to murmur.

“It’s time to get up.”

“Too comfy,” She answered, wrapping her forelegs around Dreams’ ensuring her big spoon could not escape.

A single feather trailed warningly closer to one of Twilight ticklish spots. “This is your last warning my, Love.”

Twilight’s horn lit, a magenta aura pinned the feather in place. Having safely defeated the threat, she let the warmth around her start to lull her back to sleep.

The world exploded in silver light and horrible, terrible, annoying cold. Twilight's eyes shot open as she flailed around in the bath of cold water she had just been teleported in to.

“I did warn you, my Love.” Dream teased.

Twilight fixed her with a glare, ignoring her shivering body she lit her horn. Multiple globs of the cold water rose around her.

After the first Alicorn tier water fight in recorded history, the two sisters clearly made sure no records survived of theirs, Twilight and Dreams bathed properly, restoring the damage caused to their coats and manes by their long night together.

The pair of them galloped along the wooden corridor towards the central section of Twilight’s Library. Twilight was trying to catch the longer-legged Dreams.

“Who is it?” Twilight demanded.

“Not telling.” Dreams shot back

“Tell me!” Twilight called out, not being able to hide the playfulness in her voice.

“Never!” Dreams replied, playing along. She dodged Twilight’s tackle, putting on a burst of speed, she emerged into the central section and dived over the fifth-floor railing.

Twilight followed without a second thought. Scanning, seeking her target, but she found somepony else. Down below on the ground floor, A familiar pink Alicorn caught her eyes. “Cadance!” Twilight yelled, falling three levels before she remembered she should be using her wings for something.

Cadance looked up just in time to receive a high impact hug. Reacting fast, she wrapped her hooves around Twilight and spun her around her shedding momentum as she rotated on her back hooves.

“Twilight,” Cadance’s voice was full of relief. “You’re alright.”

“How are you here?” Twilight asked, a huge grin plastered across her face.

“That would be my doing,” Night answered from a cushion off to the side. Twilight looked over to her, taking in the new threstral like appearance.

I am so going to Nightmare Night like that this year. She thought.

“The ruler of the Crystal Empire requested an audience with you… I facilitated it.” Night said formally.

Dreams landed next to Twilight, and Cadance gave them an interested look. Twilight lifted Dreams in her aura and pulled her closer.

“Cadance, I’d like to introduce you to Sweet Dreams marefriend,” Twilight said the last word so quiet it was only audible to Alicorns.

“It is nice to meet you face to face, Princess,” Dreams said bowing.

Cadance nodded, allowing Dreams to rise. “I can see there is real love here.” Cadance smiled. “I fear it is a little late to ask what your intentions are towards my sister-in-law,” She said with a knowing look.

Twilight's cheeks almost glowed with how red they were. “Cadance,” Twilight objected.

“Did you at least find my book useful?”

Twilight huddled under her wings, but it did nothing to block out Cadance’s pleased laugh.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed off, it is perfectly natural and I’m pleased for you,” Cadance said as Twilight revealed herself from under her wings. “Sweet Dreams, I must ask who and what you are?”

Dreams looked to Night, the two sharing some type of non-verbal communication. Night nodded.

“I was a Fragment of Night here.” She nodded towards her creator. “Twilight took me in and accepted me, granting me freedom and allowing me to choose a name.”

Cadance’s eyes widened slightly, and Twilight did not know why. Why is choosing a name such a big deal? She thought.

“I am hers and she is mine, nothing you can say or do will change that. I will do everything in my power to keep her happy and to keep her safe.” Dreams stated.

Twilight left her current hug and embraced Dreams. “Love you too, my Dream,” Twilight said, her tone causing an excited shiver to dance along Dreams wings.

A series of knocks came from below, Cadance looked puzzled.

“I am not telling her that,” Twilight said to the floor.

Cadance raised her gaze to Twilight. “So you have more company here?”

“Oh, where are my manners, yes, I will introduce you to them.” Twilight pointed to the golden reinforced basement door. “Locked behind that seal is Nova. She is one of the surviving daughters of the original Twilight.”

“It is nice to meet you, Nova,” Cadance said,

There were another series of knocks. “No, I am still not telling her anything like that” Twilight said rebuffing Nova’s lewd comment.

Twilight flew over to the golden chains making up Grey’s Seal. Dreams moved up beside Cadance. “Nova is passionate and more than a little single-minded, she is a Fragment of the original Twilight, trapped down there by Celestia since my Twilight's creation.”

Twilight not eager to wait just teleported Cadance over to her. “And here is Grey, Grey meet Cadance, Cadance meet Grey,” Twilight said. “She can’t speak thanks to… to what happened, but she can write.”

Grey, with her expressionless face, looked to Cadance and nodded. Grey’s ash white aura lifted a scroll and passed it through the wooded tunnel. Twilight lifted it in her aura and pasted it to Cadance, unable not to read the open scroll as it when past.

One time I have welcomed you here.

Cadance bowed her head to Grey. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Grey.”

“You already know Night somehow and I introduced ever pony else. So that’s all of us in the happy little family here.” Twilight giggled. She could feel darker thoughts wanting to take her. No Cadance is here. I will be happy.

Dream wrapped Twilight in a hug and softly started humming that calming Lullaby. Twilight relaxed, pressing her face into Dreams chest doing her best to hide her tears from Cadance.

Cadance’s hoof on her shoulder added to the comfort.

“Night would you mind preparing some tea? Dreams asked.

“I remember how before you say anything.” Night said trotting off.

“The kitchens over that way,” Dreams helpfully added with only the minimum amount of giggles.

Dreams returned to her humming. To Twilight the world felt safe, it felt right. She let the words of the Lullaby play through her mind, acting as a soothing balm to her pain.

Cadance joined in her only voice, enhancing the performance. Twilight lifted her head enough to see Cadance eyes closed now singing along. Tears now traced down her face as a rapturous smile graced her muzzle.

The clink of teacups being set down broke the spell, the moment shattered. Cadance opened her eyes looking around like a lost and fearful foal. “What… what is that song?” She asked, getting her voice and apparently her emotions back under control.

“Tea is served.” Night said gesturing to cushions set around a low table.

The gathered ponies settled down with their tea, Twilight floating a cup over to Grey, who nodded before getting back to her endless scribing.

“Does it matter? It is old, and it is one of the most beautiful songs I know.” Dreams answered Cadance.

“It seems... I almost feel like I remember it.”

Twilight looked to her once foalsitter with interest. “You know it?”

“I feel I should…”

“Shall we get to why you are here, my student.” Night said.

“Wait, Student?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Yes… it appears Aunty left some important information out about being an Alicorn.” Cadance admitted.

“You mean she left you defenceless and set you up as a spare body in case her sister’s one was destroyed in an attempt to save her.” Night almost growled.

Twilight’s mane caught ablaze as she stood. “She what!” Roared out in the full Canterlot voice. Only a quick shield spell from Cadance saving everypony’s drinks.

“You don’t know that,” Dreams said, pulling Twilight back down and wrapping a wing around her.

“Why else would she possibly not teach her niece about her Bastion? What other possible reason makes sense.” Night bit back.

“Ladies.” Cadance interrupted. “We will sit and have our tea like civilised ponies. Now there are many things I need to talk about with my Aunties, but that is for another time.” She looked at Twilight who by now only had a few sparks of fire dancing in her mane. “Twilight, what happened to you after Manehatten?”

Twilight paled. “It is not pretty, are you sure you want to know?”

Cadance nodded. “I have to know, both as a Princess and as your Sister.”

“Dreams do you know where that scroll went?” Twilight asked.

Dreams looked up at Grey who had already floated a familiar-looking medical report over. Twilight took it and offered it to Cadance.

“The whole attack was a trap, I don’t know if it was for me or just for any Alicorn that responded.” Twilight said.

Cadance’s expression became horrified as she looked over the report.

Twilight continued. “To them, I was to be only ritual components and finally, a sacrifice.”

“How did you survive?” Cadance asked.

“I had help.” Twilight looked warmly at Night and them lovingly at Dreams.

“My Little Star even protected us and teleported us home.” Night added.

Cadance looked at the three of them before asking. “Do you know who was responsible?”

“Our opponent is a male unicorn warlock of formidable power, they were a master of mental domination and harm redirection magic.” Night spoke.

Twilight could see Cadance haunted by her memories. “Cadance?” Twilight softly asked, resting a wing over her.

Cadance’s eyes snapped to Twilight's, a smile slide into place. She is still bothered by the wedding. Twilight thought.

“Harm redirection? Is that like a reflective shield?” Cadance asked.

Night shook her head. “No, it is far more effective and ruthless. Any harm you inflict upon him is passed on to one of his thralls.”

“So to stop him?” Cadance asked.

“You may need to kill many enslaved victims.” Night stated coldly.

Cadance blanched at that and desperately asked. “Can we free them?”

“With his level of skill… unlikely, any attempts would kill them as surely as just attacking the Warlock himself.” Night said unbothered about what might be necessary.

“What if we sent him to another world, one where he would have no magic?” Twilight asked.

“You mean the mirror?” Dreams said.

Twilight nodded.

“That could work.” Night smiled showing her fangs. “We would need to check one of his thralls and see if the enchantment on them has any effect if they lose contact with him.”

“So you have a plan to deal with him?” Cadance asked.

“The start of one,” Twilight said. “We will need to set an anchor rune with a movement redirector right in front of the mirror.” A grin crept on to her muzzle.

“Then one Teleport trap and he is ours.” Night purred, licking her fangs.

“Turnabout is fair play.” Dreams smiled.

“We would have to warn Sunset,” Twilight said.

“And have somepony there ready to deal with him.” Night added darkly.

Twilight smiled nodding, then calmly took a sip from her tea.

“Do you know about the flames burning around the Temple of the Hidden Path?” Cadance asked, giving Twilight a strange look.

Twilight shook her head and look around her strange family.

“Soulfire.” Night stated coldly.

A tapping sound came from the direction of Grey. Her white aura was tapping a scroll against the inside of the wooden tunnel.

Cadance took the offered scroll in her blue aura and opened it. Her eyes widened in horror as she read it.

Ten-point three seconds of wellspring meltdown before the burning section was removed and used to power a long-ranged Teleport.

Twilight shivered clinging to Dreams. “I thought the flames were just a Nightmare.”

“No, they were quite real.” Night said with a grimace. “And painful.”

“Do you know anything more than that?” Cadance asked softly.

Night shook her head. “Little Star was the only witness and even talking about it is too painful for her.” She looked at Cadance in challenge.

Cadance held up her hooves. “I’m not going to question a filly about something that traumatic.”

“When Starlight gets back from her trip with Trixie, we can get her to help on a past viewing spell,” Twilight said.

“There is Zecora’s potion…” Night mentioned.

“No thank you, that would be a bit too… intense.” Twilight said in no uncertain terms.

“So now all that unpleasantness is out of the way are you ready to attend your daughter’s party?” Candace asked, smiling.

Twilight glanced at Night, who nodded. Looking back to Cadance, she spoke. “I would love to.”

Twilight blinked her eyes, not the eyes of her mental self in her Library. No, she was in control of her body again. She was in her bed in her castle.

Thank you for this, Night. Twilight thought.

You are welcome, but you have your Sister-in-Law’s blackmail to thank for this. Night responded.

She is blackmailing you? Twilight thought in alarm.

Cadance knows who I am, her domain lets her tell us apart. She insisted that I leave you in control for this event as a show of good faith.

In other words, you do what she says, or she tells Celestia?


Do you trust her?

Given what Celestia did not tell her… I trust she will keep our secret. Add the fact she can sense our emotions; she knows something of our intent and want to protect her.


Twilight rolled out of bed and stood, stretching like a cat. Trotting out of her room, she met up with Cadance and Shining coming out of the guest room.

Cadance looked into her eyes, it felt like she was looking right through her. “Everything alright Cadance?” Twilight asked.

Smiling and nodding Cadance’s expression softened. “Yes, I’m just glad you are back with us, Twilight.” With a wing, she pulled twilight in close beside her and started them walking to where the party would be held.

“We all are,” Shining added.

“Now I’m going to need you both to be ready with shield spells.”

“Whatever for?” Asked Cadance.

“Pinkie is running a surprise party. There is a chance my daughter” Twilight paused smiling. Still, the thought of having her own little filly made her happy. All the things I am going to teach you, all the fun things we are going to do.

“A chance of what?” Shining interrupted her thoughts.

“The last few surprises she had were not good ones,” Twilight said giving Cadance a look.

“Well now's the time to start making good memories,” Shining said.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, but she might overreact, I don’t want Pinkie being hit with a panicked force blast that could level this building.

“She would do that?” Cadance asked doubtfully.

“I don’t think so, but why take unnecessary risks. With all of us ready, we should catch anything she might accidentally do before anypony can get hurt.”

A mental ping announced to Twilight that somepony was at the door. A quick scrying spell and she knew it was not Little Star. “What are two Nightguards doing at my door?” She asked Cadance.

Cadance shrugged her wings.

“Well, it would be rude to keep them waiting.” Twilight lit her horn.

Wait, move away from her before Teleporting. Night told her.


Her horn reacts badly to higher dimensional magic.

Leyline residue?


Twilight trotted off, rounding the corner before she released her spell.

A moment later she arrived at the main doors to her castle. With the simplest effort of her aura, she pulled open the door. She kept her aura around the door, it gave her a good reason to have her horn lit in case this was trouble.

“Hello,” She said in seeming good cheer,

Both bowed respectfully. “Princess Twilight, the Sovereign of the Night requests your presence immediately in Canterlot.”

Her eyes narrowed. “And did Luna say why?”

They gave no answer. “Well you can tell her no, It is my daughters welcome to Ponyville party, so unless the world is ending, I am staying here.”

Twilight slammed closed the door. What am I doing? She thought. Night’s longing to see Luna again seeped into her awareness. Twilight had an idea that might be able to tell her if she could trust Luna.

A moment later, she opened the door again. “On second thought, extend her my invitation to this event. Inform her that if she could arrange for my mother, father and Spike to attend as well, I would take it as a personal favour.”

“Your message will be relayed, your Highness.”

Twilight smiled. “Have a pleasant trip.”

The sound of a pony’s breath next to her, where moments ago there was not one, did not startle her. “Yes, Pinkie, I did invite Luna to the party.” The scent of candyfloss confirming the identity before she even spoke.

“You’re good…” Pinkie said.

Twilight shrugged. “You smell like candy floss, a bit hard to miss. So are we all set for the party?”


Pinkie got everypony ready, Star was just outside the door. Twilight, Cadance and Shining got ready just in case. Stars magic opened the door.

“Surprise!” A mass of voices called out.

Star sat smiling at everypony, not a hint of shock, panic or even surprise on her face. “Hi, everypony,” she said, waving a hoof.

Pinkie fell over sideways. “You weren’t surprised?”

Star shook her head, “Sorry Pinkie, you do still host the best parties,” she said before launching into a teleport hug, arriving and embracing Twilight.


Twilight returned the hug, nuzzling Star. It was cute just watching her, it is so much more so in pony. She thought.

“How was your day?”

“We had lots of fun… even if I’m not letting them help with my spells again…”

Twilight laughed softly remembering all the chaos the CMC caused over her years in Ponyville. Wait a moment where has Discord been? She thought glancing around and looking for Fluttershy. There she is hiding in the corner.

“My Little Star,” Twilight said, trying her best not to think of all the time’s Dreams called her that. “I need to go talk to Fluttershy for a moment do you want to go and keep your friends company?” She said, pointing with a wingtip to where the CMC were just entering the party.

After Star happily teleport tackled her friends, Twilight teleported herself to Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy have you…”


“Sorry, it is just me Fluttershy, no need to worry.”

She would if she knew we were all in here too. Night thought.

Fluttershy visibly calmed down. “Oh, Twilight.”

“Do you know where Discord is?”

“Umm, he is out of town… he said something was going on that he was not allowed to interfere with.”

“Did he say what?”

“Well… he said even telling us that would be interfering.”

So he’s no help, as usual. She thought her mind going back to his ‘help’ with his Plunder vines.

Keeping her voice pleasant, she went on. “So when did he head off?”

“Err.. well about a day before Manehatten was… attacked.”

He knew … somehow he knew. Twilight thought, starting to feel betrayed.

The question is, is it the attempted murder of you or the attempted ascension that he can not interfere with? Dreams added in her mind

Twilight’s anger faded. That did sound like something the Celestia might use her seals on him to enforce. Make sure that he could not interfere with anypony becoming an Alicorn. So I am right, that Warlock wants to become an Alicorn. And because of that prevented Discord form even attempting to save me. If he could, he would save me from that, right.

Are you sure? Night mentally asked.

Nodding, Twilight answered. He may sometimes be annoying but… I don’t think he would want any of us to die. Not enough chaos that way.

And if he knew you would survive? Night asked.

Twilight hummed thoughtfully. Discord the once evil overlord of chaos and Discord her chaotic friend, competing in her mind as she tried to work out which one she was dealing with here. Both she and Discord were immortal. What are a few days of suffering to one of us?

The party went on around her, everypony wanting to meet Little Star, congratulating Twilight on having such a lovely young daughter. A few begging her to keep Star away from the CMC.

Twilight smiled, the CMC would have none of that and dragged Star off to play with the other younger ponies. With an effort of will, Twilight made sure all the protection and fail-safe spells were in place on her books, her labs and everything else she cared about. She was confident any problem the CMC caused she could at least clean up after no harm done or lasting consequences in the end.

She let herself relax, she was here, she was with her friends, her ponies were all around her. “It’s a nice feeling, isn't it?” Cadance asked, walking up beside her, aura offering her a drink.

“What is?” Twilight asked, looking to Cadance as she accepted the drink. It was colourful and fizzed. One of Pinkie’s creations. She thought as she took a sip of the fruity concoction.

“Having ponies that care about you,” Cadance answered, placing a wing over Twilight back.

“Yes… yes, it is,” Twilight said, nuzzling Cadance.

She felt Cadance stiffen beside her, a moment later, her horn sensed a powerful teleport from just outside her castle.

“I guess that must be Luna,” Twilight said, trying not to let her hopes or fears get the better of her.

They both made their way to the main doors. “If you want, when the party's over, I can help you with your horn,” Twilight said.

“Twilight, if it is you doing it, I will trust you. But I will see what Luna’s answer is first. It might tell us something about what Celestia has been hiding.”

Twilight nodded as the door spell pinged her mind. A quick scrying spell later and Twilight hesitated. “She actually brought them.” Twilight’s walk became a gallop as she raced to the door, aura nearly ripping it off its hinges in her haste to open it.

“Mum, Dad, Spike!” Twilight cried out, her aura pulling the three to her as she embraced them. A few tears falling from her eyes. Her heart completely ignoring any annoying facts about her not being the real Twilight at that moment.

“I see my contribution to this event is appreciated.” The ignored Luna said with a smile.

Twilight nodded her thanks to Luna and gestured her inside with a wing. Luna nodded back and headed off into the party, taking Cadance with her.

The three trapped in Twilight’s powerful hug all spoke at once.

“Air would be nice.” Her father struggled out.

“I was so worried,” Spike said.

“What’s this I hear about a little filly,” Her mother asked in a fake stern tone.

Twilight remembering her Earthpony strength loosened her hold. “I missed you.” She said.

“Shall we go in, instead of staying out here.” Her father asked, ever the sensible one.

Twilight nodded. “There is somepony very important for you to meet.” Her aura levitating spike to her back and a wing around each of her parents Twilight headed into the party, not paying attention as Dreams reached out with her magic and closed the door behind them,

“Little Star,” Twilight called out.

A moment later, Star appeared in a burst of magenta light. “Yes, Mummy?” She asked clearly curious about who the new ponies were.

“Dear Celestia, she can already teleport,” Her father said under his breath. That did not hide it from Twilight’s or Star’s hearing.

“It’s easy, can you? Do you want me to try and teach you too?” Star rambled on.

Who is she… It’s Sweetie Belle. Twilight thought. Dreading what the CMC with ready access to teleportation could do.

“Little Star,” Twilight spoke.

Star looked attentively up at her.

“I would like you to meet your grandparents, Night Light and Twilight Velvet.”

Star teleported to each, hugging them in turn. “Hi, Granny Velvet and Grandad Light.”

“And this…” Twilight Started using her wing to point at Spike.

“Hi, I’m Spike. Twilight’s Number One Assistant.”

“Hi, my name is Little Star. You’re the dragon Mummy hatched. Nopony would tell me, does that mean your my brother or not?” Star said, tilting her head with interest.

“Err…” Spike said.

Is he my child? No, he’s older than I am. Twilight thought almost giggling at the fact that Spike was older than she was. Maybe he is my brother? Am I even old enough to drink this? She thought, glancing at the Drink she had been enjoying.

Let him decide. Dreams answered.

“Well that all depends on if he wants to be,” Twilight said before looking to Spike a loving smile on her face. “Do you want a little sister?”

Spike looked uncertain.

Star teleported, joining Spike on Twilight's back. “No need to pick right now let’s go play.” With another flash of magenta, both the filly and the dragon were gone.

“She’s energetic.” Her father said.

Twilight nodded.

“She’ll go far, now how do you have a filly, where have you been hiding her all of these years miss? And where is my soon to be son-in-law?” Her mother said with a little too much eagerness.

“It is not that simple, Mum,” Twilight replied.

“Of course it is dear unless you’re ashamed of them.”

“I’m not, that’s not… Oh, look Shining and Cadance.” Twilight said copying her daughters favourite trick and teleporting all three of them over to the couple.

‘Help’ Twilight mouthed to Cadance.

Cadance subtly nodded and got Shining talking to the parents with the currently most dreaded question in Equestria buying her at least some time to think.

You have to tell them something. Dreams sent.

Well, I can’t tell them the Elements gave me a foal with Nightmare moon as the father. That I just happened to carry her around with me in my wellspring until I nearly got sacrificed. Twilight thought panicking.

We both agreed to be mothers. Night chipped in.

Cadance’s wing slid around her in a comforting hug. “Thank you, what do I tell them?” Twilight asked in their silent speech.

“You can’t tell them anything about Alicorns, so…” Cadance replied in the same.

“I know, I know, Celestia would just imprison them for the rest of their lives if I told them, right?” Twilight said to Cadance before answering her own question. “No, she would just alter their minds so they would not remember, that’s more her style.” She finished in a darker tone.

Cadance tightened the hug. “Everything is going to be alright.” She said, nuzzling her. Before heading back to Twilight's parents to suggest some topics of conversation should be saved for later and when in private.

Twilight nodded to her sister-in-law in gratitude, sitting on her haunches and just taking in the party around her. Friends, family, voices in my head. What more do I need? She thought with a smile.

What am I going to do without you girls? Twilight thought as she contemplated the endless march of time. How long do I have to work out how to save you… and will you even want to be saved?

Just take a few breaths and calm yourself, my love. Dreams sent.

A few deep breaths to clear her mind, and she smiled. This is Star’s party, I can’t be sad here. She thought, moving into the crowd to interact with the ponies. Turned out there was more than a few she did not know. I few of them seemed like reporters, but Pinkie let them in so they must be ok.

There were laughs, hugs and tears. She heard how only hours after Manehatten she had been reported dead by the Canterlot Times. How they praised her sacrifice and saying she represented all the ideals of Harmony. It would be so easy to just close her eyes and listen to the sounds of the ponies around her and pretend the last week did not happen.

Taking a moment to herself, she retreated to an out of the way spot. She let her eyes close, only paying attention to her remaining senses. Even now they amazed her, she could feel the vibrations through the floor, like ripples on a pond. The air danced around her, letting her sense every breath, every wing beat. Even with the music, focused like this, she could hear all the conversations in the room.

As normal Pinkie was everywhere, offering food and drinks, running games and keeping the party going.

Applejack was there whenever anypony needed a solid base to fall back to, or a few words of honest advice.

Rainbow was showing off and trying to hold the attention of that one reporter over there. Is she trying to keep them away from Star and me? Thank you, Rainbow. Twilight thought.

Fluttershy was hiding behind that pillar, talking to some of her animal friends.

Rarity had found some ponies that sounded like they were from Canterlot, it seemed like they were here to get into Twilight's good books for political gain.

She focused in on her family using the little things she remembered about them to filter out everypony else. Star was playing with the CMC talking about how many ponies they could make glow.

Spike was off to one side, watching her with concern as he ate gems. With a pulse to her horn, she teleported a box from the kitchen full of them to him. She waved and smiled at him without even opening her eyes.

Shining and Cadance were snuggled in the corner over there.

Her parents were at the food table that way, murmuring about her and how to ask her about what happened. They had been warned by Luna to be careful as she had been through a challenging time. Twilight looked up, opening her eyes.

She made her way over to her mother and father. Night channelled a little of her Alicorn power. Using just enough to help the crowd part around her instead of drawing her into their conversations.

Without saying anything, she pulled them both into another hug and just held them. The dark thought that she was stealing the original Twilight's place making her feel guilty for the ‘stolen’ contact. What can I tell them? What should I tell them?

They seemed to understand that she just needed to feel them close, needed the reassurance they were there. She did not know how long she had just been holding her parents, with her mother stroking her mane before they were interrupted.

“Twilight, why are we glowing?” Shining asked waving a faintly glowing hoof before her eyes.

Twilight looked to him, yes Shining was glowing, so were her parents. A moment later, she noticed she was glowing as well only far brighter.

Letting her sight shift to the magical, she examined the effect. Then she entered lecture mode. “It’s just a lineage spell, this one dates back to before Luna’s banishment. You can tell what relation somepony is to the target by how they glow. Looking at this I guess somepony cast it on Star. You know they banned this version in Canterlot, made it too hard to disown unwanted foals.”

“Mummy, Mummy, I found another Mummy!” Star’s joyful voice called out in a good reproduction of the Canterlot Voice.

The room fell completely silent, everypony turning to see what the commotion was about. Twilight turned, seeking Star. She was currently at the other side of the room forelegs wrapped around Luna’s neck. The same Luna, who was glowing bright just like Twilight. Ponyfeathers. She thought, as Luna’s dumbstruck eyes met her own.

CH 21 Unexpected Invitations 

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Luna’s hooves echoed throughout the long hall, the only light the soft luminance of the stars. Her eyes traced the features depicted in every painting she passed. All of them had been friends, family or trusted vassals. A warm smile graced her face. Her mind drifted to all her loved ones she would see again. “Once the last star shines it’s last, we will meet again in the endless fields,” she spoke.

She knew what was ahead, but she kept up her steady advance. She had to remember what she had lost, what her sister was capable of.

Luna looked up, facing the ten body lengths of barren warped stone. A part of the cost of her corruption, she had learnt something terrible. So terrible it had driven her to madness. Luna did not know what sort of evil sorcery or foul incantation it was. She only knew that even after the Elements of Harmony restored her sanity, her sister still had to burn the knowledge away. It was the only way to prevent her from falling to the madness once more.

The heat of the lingering solar magic burnt her hooves as she stepped on. The smoke rising from her hooves was no concern to her. Her eyes were on the walls, where she knew a painting should hang. Instead, there were shadows, hints of what might have been. Enough to know she had lost over a hundred treasured friends.

She would never regain the memories she had lost to her sister’s mental blade. All those she had cared enough for that she painted their likeness here, lost to her. When I see you again, please forgive me. She prayed to the departed souls. She had long ago pledged to never forget any worthy of finding their likeness here. Her actions all those moons ago had led to that promise being broken.

Leaving the burning desert carved into her hall of memories, Luna moved to more recent images. The first Twilight and her friends. Little Pipsqueak and some of the foals that helped her find herself once more. Each of her Nightguard had their place here, as all such, willing to offer their lives for her, should. There were others and some blank places waiting for those she would add later.

She left the hall, that endlessly grew with each year of her life. Luna inhaled the fresh night air, looking down from her tower. The obsidian plains below held the stars and her moon under their surface. The dark sky above lit by the orbs of the world's dreams, the colour depicting the type of dream.

She hopped up, balancing on the narrow railing, perched, wings spread, enjoying the wild feel of the air. Reaching a hoof into her own shadow, she removed a bright blue ball with stars on it. Shaking her head with an amused smile, she threw it as far as her Alicorn strength would allow. “Fetch,” she commanded.

The Tantabus exploded from her shadow chasing after her ball.

In her darkened room, Luna looked up from her reclined position on her bed. Her Nightchosen before her having just finished reporting Twilight’s reaction. That Twilight had refused the summons was only to be expected, it was a test to see how she would react. That she did not attack the Nightguards reflected well on her recovering mental state.

The counter invitation on the other hoof was something unpredicted. She smiled. It is far more enjoyable when the unexpected happens. Even if we… I must rise earlier than I would wish. She thought, considering the interruption to her planned training for her Tantabus.

Catlike, she slunk out of bed, her animate mane reaching and ringing a bell summoning her body servants. With a flick of her wing, she dismissed her Nightchosen back to their duties.

She did not even need to say a word as her two thestral servants stepped from the shadows and followed her into the bathing room. She did not need a bath, but she should look her best. A Princess always looks their best. She thought bitterly, wishing she could have thrown one or two of her modern instructors off the Canterhorn. I could even have the Tantabus ‘fetch’ them before they hit the ground. She thought with a fanged smile.

Mentally she instructed the Tantabus to relay the required deployments for her visit. A particularly bright set of Stars from her mane slipped into her shadow and faded from the room.

Luna slipped into the water, letting her eyes fall closed as she was cleaned.

Luna seeped out of the shadows into her sister’s richly appointed office. Placing a golden tome dramatically on the desk as she sat down opposite her sister.

“Good day Luna.”

Luna looked at the book before her. “So, she, as a unicorn, performed a six-way split?

Celestia tilted her head as if to say ‘how do you know’? Luna's response of a slight grin saying ‘I have my ways and I'm not telling’.

“She performed beyond even what I can do in a single casting. She became six fully realised fragments, each fully independent. To make things worse, each even had their unique cutie mark.” Celestia said before she looked down with regretful eyes at the tome. “It is always fatal when cast by a mortal, and there is no way to undo it. No way exists for a shattered mortal soul to be put back together.”

Luna could see that her sister’s attention was fading, memories began to veil reality from her. Luna’s hoof knocked upon the desk, Celestia’s eyes refocused. Good she is not hiding behind her mask, she must have it doing paperwork again. Luna thought.

“Are you sure she could not have survived long enough to be useful? Perhaps until she ascended? That would have allowed her to recover. Luna challenged.

“No… it was the worse case. They were each interacting with each other, growing, tearing her mind apart. The damage to her wellspring kept increasing. She, they had days to live at most, minutes at worst.” Celestia’s eyes hardened with resolve, daring Luna to disagree. “I had to do something immediately.”

“Then I would have come to the same conclusion.” Luna nodded gravely.

Celestia looked relieved as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her wings. The first hints of a sad smile teased the edge of her muzzle.

“Though if the Elements of Harmony were not at stake, I would have chosen a different solution.”

“And in that less dire case what would you have done?” Celestia asked.

“I would have picked the most suitable of Twilight’s creations and left them the body,” Luna answered.

“And the other five?”

“I would have invited them to my Bastion of course...”

“That would only give them a few years…”

“Yes, but I would have made sure they were full, happy years. When their time came, my farewell gift to them would be the sweetest of dreams as an escort to their final fate.”

“You could do that while ruling the nation single-hoofed and preparing for the return of a powerful foe?”

“Don't mince your words, sister mine. You mean my return. If I had to, I would have made a fragment to tend to them.”

“You always were too free with creating them.”

“And you always too…”

“We are straying from the point. What should be done about Twilight,” Celestia interrupted.

“I am already doing what I can, sister. From the dreams of her friends, I know she is hurting, and I believe I know why. Once she understands what that sacrifice bought Equestria, you may be surprised how quickly she stops hating you.”

“For once, I think it is you who are being too optimistic.”

“Perhaps. Sister a question if you will. Did you not think she would pay the price willingly? If you, her mentor, her Princess had told her that her sacrifice would save Equestria, could she even have refused?” Luna’s eyes locked on to her sister’s. “I have looked into her dreams. She fears not that she might need to give her life, nay she fears for those she would leave behind. She regrets she may not be able to say goodbye.”

“She is a better pony than either of us,” Celestia said.

Luna nodded. “By how our charges judge such things, yes.” Luna picked up the book with her hoof. “Do you know how her teacher got this book?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, I thought it was long secured in the restricted section.”

“Do you even know why they took such drastic action just because they disliked her?”

“It did seem out of character, but there was no trace of mind magic and he… decided to escape my judgement in a rather permanent fashion.”

“Hmm… Did it ever occur to you that this might have been my doing?" Luna said depositing the book within the ethereal depths of her shadow.

“You were banished to the moon.”

“And yet I still had access to dreams, I could even influence those marked by my night. His was a moon on a scroll, yes?”

“Are you saying you caused… ” Celestia said, the temperature in the room increasing.

“No. I have no way of remembering, now do I?” Luna glared at her sister. “What I am saying is I could have. All it would have taken is for me to enter his dreams and show him just the right things. Whisper just the right words. And he would have done it.”

Luna saw the name on Celestia’s lips ‘Sunset’. Good, maybe she will learn to show a little more compassion to her tools. She thought. She considered what she knew of the Sunset situation. Perhaps sister is right suspecting me of that too.

“As for acquiring the book, all it would have taken is one of my thestrals and the smallest blessing of my power.” Luna placed her hooves on the desk and loomed towards her sister ending muzzle to muzzle. “What would you have done without the Element of Magic? Could you have even faced me in open battle, knowing it would only hasten Discords escape?”

As Celestia’s mouth started to open to respond, Luna sat back speaking first. “It would have been such a simple plan with no risk to me at all,” she said, waving a hoof nonchalantly.

“Do you think you did?” Celestia’s voice was a frail whisper.

“Do I think I did it? I don't know.” Luna smiled “But it does sound like one of mine. Everypony gets what they want, and it destroys them.” She could feel the need to smile, but she held it back.

Her sister just looked at her. Luna could almost see the game pieces being moved behind those ancient eyes.

“The teacher got to run that silly little test. Twilight’s wish for a new way to impress you, granted. And finally the icing on the cake, you got the proof that Twilight was the most powerful unicorn ever. You had found the one fated to be the Alicorn of Magic.” Luna let her power darken the room for just an eye blink. “Everypony got what they wanted, but only I won,” she said letting a hint of a purr into her last three words.

Luna thought better of showing her fangs that would be pushing just that little bit too far. Celestia was shaking with both fear and anger it seemed.

Celestia waved a hoof for Luna to depart from her presence. “I have duties that require my attention.” Luna could see the muscles in her sister’s neck strain as she fought back a harsher response.

Luna smoothly rose and turned to leave. “Even though thou hast taken far more than a thousand years from me, I will still help thee in this. Because despite myself, I still love thee sister.”

Even without looking back, Luna knew her sister's anger had just evaporated. Sleep well sister mine, for once, I have a party to go to. They even told me the perfect gift to bring. She thought. A smile crossed her muzzle. And this gift will do more to mend my friend's heart than you ever could.

Getting Twilight's parents and Spike to attend had only taken one word, ‘Twilight’.

It always did her mood a world of good being around her ponies, those with marks dedicated to her night, to know that Twilight came from such a line. Luna sincerely hoped she had not been responsible for her first incarnations death.

"So why is the first thing we hear about Twilight being back is this invitation?" Spike asked as Night Light and Twilight Velvet rushed around making ready to depart.

There was only one answer that could not be questioned. "Pinkie Pie I assume" it was not a lie. Luna had made a choice to only send Shining and Cadance because of the chance of conflict breaking out. Especially if Celestia had returned last night. If it were not for the invitation, she would have left it to Twilight to reach out to her family.

Once everypony was ready, Luna spoke to them. “Be mindful with your daughter, she has endured much. Her flesh may have mended, but her spirit still has a longer journey. It would be most unwise to press her.”

A single teleport had taken all of them to just outside Twilight's home. The joys of an unburdened wellspring. That would have set sister dearest back more than a month, and that is not even an hour's worth for me. Luna thought with relish.

Luna took her first step towards the door. A surge of magic rippled ahead of her, a magenta aura almost ripping the doors from their mountings.

“Mum, Dad, Spike!” Twilight cried out, her aura pulling the three to her as she embraced them. A few tears falling from her eyes.

“I see my contribution to this event is appreciated,” Luna said, smiling. Her heart warmed, knowing how much this meant to her friend.

Twilight nodded, gratitude clear in her shimmering eyes. A flick of her wing granted Luna permission to enter. Luna nodded back accepting, advancing into the crowd.

Walk with me. She mentally sent to Cadance, who moments later followed. Both of them were more than practised enough to navigate the crowds. Meeting and greeting as needed, small talk escaping their lips as easily as air. As far as anypony else would be able to tell there would be no hint of their mental conversation. Only two Alicorns gracing this party.

Aunty… do you know what Celestia did to Twilight? Cadance sent.

I do.

How could she?

It was six doomed minds or all life that required the light of the sun to survive. How could she not?

Cadance halted walking and looked at her.

Luna continued. The crown is never an easy burden, you will find your own challenges. I hope they are kinder to you than my sister’s were to her.

Cadance took a steady breath. She left a bucking mess.

Luna nodded. And cleaning said mess falls to us.

She hurt Twilight, a lot. The ponies that care for her are the only thing keeping her from doing something rash.

Then it is good you are here. Have you learnt anything about Manehatten?

Yes… it was a trap. Cadance’s gaze hardened, Luna could feel the extra power in her hoof falls, the Earthpony magic pulsing through the ground. She was… just look. Cadance sent, offering to let Luna look deeper into her mind.

Luna accepted, gently peering into Cadance’s mind seeking what she was recalling. She noticed the thickness and new potency to Cadance’s mental defences but formed no words in her mind not wanting her to overhear.

A scroll read in a wooden room. All of the details were on the scroll, so that was what Cadance wanted to show her. As Luna read anger built within her, outraged filled her mind. This was no mere attack, they butchered her like a Griffon cuts their meat. Luna thought with enough force to make Cadance recoil. When I get my hooves on them…

Calm down, Aunty. Cadance intruded, poking her with a wingtip.

Luna could feel the flares of Alicorn power coming from both Cadance and herself. Impressive and quick thinking, counteracting my emanation with your own. She took a deep breath to calm her emotions, covering them with the cool of her night. Twilight is made of stronger stuff than I thought if she could go through all of that and still write that report.

Cadance’s wings repositioned, clearly hiding a shudder. Luna removed some of the ice from her mental tone. Are you faring well?

Other than residue build up in my horn, I am fine Aunty.

I was wondering how you were dealing with that now that you are in the Empire.

Would you be able to help?

Of course, should you not seek my sister's aid as normal?

… She has never done anything about it.

It was Luna’s turn to pause. She told me she was taking care of it… Is this another thing she did not teach her Diplomat?

Cadance nodded. I only just found out that’s why my horn hurts when ponies teleport near me.

Luna wrapped a wing over Cadance’s back. Then once we are done here, I will tend to you, and I challenge you not to enjoy it.

Excuse me, Aunty, I think Twilight is going to need me. Cadance looked over to her sister-in-law. Twilight's eyes fixed on Cadance. Cadance headed over towards Shining Armor. Twilight’s horn lit as it gathered power.

Luna nodded and moved to where the younger ponies were playing. She felt the pulse of magic as Twilight teleported herself and her parents right next to Cadance.

Using her magic, Luna enhanced the games Pinkie had set up. Animating parts, adding illusions and drawing on her memories of the dreams of the young ones to make sure they had a good time.

Twilight’s daughter seemed to be avoiding Luna. Little Star played with the CMC and Spike as they moved freely but never got close enough for conversation. Each time they neared Star would direct them to a different attraction or just teleport them away.

Twilight will introduce us later. Luna thought as she returned to playing with the foals, they were such bright sparks of joy. To be unaware of how harsh the world can be, treasure it while you can.

After some time Luna settled enjoying the simple but exceedingly good food offerings, complemented by whatever it was she was drinking. Taking Celestia’s lessons to heart, she let time wash past her, appreciating every moment but lingering on none of them. Perhaps I will base some dreams on this party. She mused.

Time passed, only her connection to the moon letting her know how long. Without it, she would have had no idea if it had been an hour or a year.

Unexpectedly she started glowing, she tensed, power rushing to her horn. She noticed it was the familiar glow of her lineage spell that washed over her. The intense glow indicating she was the target’s parent or child. Luna starred in bemusement at her glowing foreleg. This is impossible. She thought. There is no pony alive that the spell could be cast on to make me glow like this.

A filly bursting from a teleport and wrapping their hooves around Luna’s neck was either the least dangerous assassin or Twilight's daughter. If it were an attack, she would have been defeated. Her only reaction was her hoof moving to help support Star’s weight a full second after the impact.

“Mummy, Mummy, I found another Mummy!” Star’s joyful voice was powerful enough to push Luna’s mane back.

Luna could feel all the eyes in the room as they turned on her. The long years of her life allowed her to keep her poise, but they could do nothing to hide the shock she felt.

Looking to where her senses told her Twilight was, she met the mares dumbstruck eyes. For a long moment, both mares just stood there.

Star lit her horn and in a flash of magenta light, Twilight was teleported right in front of Luna, Star’s aura pulling her closer so the little filly could hug both of them.

The smaller Alicorn was still frozen, her only reaction being tiny twitches and flicks of her ears.

“Twilight?” Luna asked in a calm voice. There was no response from the mare. Is she in shock? Luna wondered.

“I have two Princesses as Mummies!” Star cheered, a foreleg hugging each of them. Pinkie cheered in response, jumping up and down in the crowd.

Luna sat, taking the weight of Star with her wing, allowing the enforced hug to be less precarious for the energetic filly. There was no hint of the hesitation or the fear that had caused Star to avoid her. Every feature of the adorable little foal spoke only of how overjoyed she was.

In whisper-speak Luna questioned the lavender Alicorn. “Twilight Sparkle, perchance was there a dalliance We were unaware of? Not that we would have refused such a boon to one of our saviours such as thyself…” She said. Luna thought back to her outings, taking other forms to escape the chains of her duty for a time. If Twilight did the same is it possible we ‘encountered’ each other and simply did not realise?

Luna’s words broke through Twilight’s shock. She blushed as her eyes met Luna’s. There was a desire in her gaze that she seemed desperate to hide. Many different things were flashing behind her eyes, unlike Celestia's carefully moving game pieces, this seemed more like Twilight was having an argument with herself.

“What’s a dalliance?” Star responded. How did a unicorn hear that? Luna thought.

Twilight’s blush became volcanic as a few motes of fire danced along her mane. She teleported a dictionary to Star. “Luna… do you happen to know how reliable that spell is? I looked at the spell work, and it seems fairly competent.”

“Completely, but I am more interested in who cast my spell upon you Little Star?” Luna inquired.

“Sweetie Belle said it brought good luck to entire families.” Star started meekly before her smile returned. “It worked!”

“So,” Twilight said.

Cadance would you be so kind as to bring Sweetie Belle here. Luna’s mental communication carried an edge of command.

“Yes, we seem to both be the parents of this adorable little foal,” Luna said, smiling warmly at Star. A foal, me with a foal. She could hardly believe it. She ran every single check she could think of to prove she was not in a dream. Even retreating into her Bastion for a moment.

Twilight’s horn was lit, her stance was fearful. Her wings ready to take flight and unless Luna was mistaken, she had her horn prepared to cast a teleport. “So… umm… Princess Luna… what,” she said.

“We will talk soon,” Luna said, turning to face the approaching ponies. Cadance led Rarity, and the requested Sweetie Belle. The glowing Alicorns and Luna’s now official bearing had cleared plenty of open space around them for the three ponies to join them.

In the background, Pinkie was darting around changing the party banners, she was getting some of the other ponies to help. Sister is going to be jealous of me, Luna thought with humour as she read one congratulating her on finding out she had a filly. It still amazed her how Pinky could be ready for any sort of event with zero notice.

“Princess Luna,” Rarity said, bowing.

Luna nodded, “You are here acting as young Sweetie Belle's guardian?

“Yes, your highness.”

“Be at ease, she has done nothing wrong, I simply have a few questions.” Luna keeping her best friendly smile, turned to Sweetie Belle. “I have not seen that spell for a very long time, might I ask how you learnt it and why you cast it on your friend?” Luna said, nodding towards Little Star, still held by her wing.

“The nice stallion gave me this,” Sweetie said, her aura lifting a rune encrusted gem from her mane. “He said it was a good luck spell and to cast it on Star as his gift for the party.”

A magenta aura snatched the gem from Sweetie. “A spell gem.” Twilight declared. Star teleported to Twilight, examining the gem was just as much an interest to her as her mother. Luna kept her smile at that part off her face.

“I read about these…” Star impossibly responded yet again in Whisper-speak. Mother and daughter kept talking back and forth about magic theory, unheard by any but the Alicorns.

“Can you point out the stallion?” Luna asked.

In the corner of her vision, Luna notice Cadance looking distracted, she was concentrating on something.

Sweetie looked around before shaking her head. “He's not here.”

“Are you able to describe him?”

Sweetie paused, then her expression became confused. “He was just sort of... normal looking.”

“He must have been using an I'm-Not-Important spell,” Star spoke up, looking up from the scroll she was writing on.

Nopony here has any negative intent towards Star or Twilight. There are two ponies over in the corner that don’t trust you. But that is the worse here, I can’t sense any threat here. Cadance mentally reported.

Luna looked into her shadow, bundled everything she had just found out into a dream spell and gave it to her Pet. The weight of the Tantabus left her shadow, darting off unseen to relay the short dream to her guards outside.

“My clever, Little Star,” Twilight said her aura pulling Star into a hug. The two lavender mares turned their attention back to the gem. Twilight spoke in whisper-speak. “Do you see these marks here, and here? That means this was made by modern tools. Six percent less efficient when it comes to using the Gem, but takes less than a quarter of the time to create.”

Except for Pinkie, Twilight's friends and family moved closer, the shock of the reveal now long faded.

“You know when you said it was not that simple, I was expecting one of your non-pony friends… Not... Not Princess Luna,” Twilight Velvet said to Twilight.

“Hehe,” Twilight tried to laugh. “Well…”

Luna raised a single imperious eyebrow looking at Velvet.

“Not that that's a problem you Highness,” Velvet said bowing hastily. “It, it just is unexpected.”

Night Light pressed against Velvet’s side clearly lending support even if he had no words to add.

“Are you really the… other parent of Twilight's filly here?” Applejack asked.

“Unless this is a dream or Discord is playing a rather cruel joke on us, yes,” Luna answered, smiling as she turned her eyes to Star again. “But just to be sure.” Luna lit her horn, dispelling the original spell and recasting it herself. After receiving the same results, she nodded.

Star’s aura enveloped her whole family. Luna had to fight back her combat training as multiple ponies were thrown at her. They only slowed at the last second ending in a pony pile of a hug centred on Little Star.

The sounds of minor complaint and discomfort of the mortal ponies could be heard as Twilight giggled. “You need to be a little more careful when doing that to non-Alicorns.”

“Sorry everypony,” Star said.

Everypony extracted themselves from the pony pile settling into more comfortable positions. Star claiming a place between Luna and Twilight.

“How I have a daughter is the pertinent question, Twilight.”

Cadance cast a sound barrier around the group, Luna nodded her thanks.

“Well... “ Twilight took a calming breath. “You remember when we…” Twilight's jaw twitched. “You remember when you returned from the moon?”

“Luna do you know how foals wellsprings are formed?” Cadance asked.

“It is from the meeting of the parent’s wellspring during an act of intimacy,” Luna answered.

“Well… apparently zapping somepony with a Harmony Rainbow counts too,” Twilight cut in.

Luna could feel a wide grin spread across her face. “So this is Harmony blessed? Am I truly forgiven for my transgressions?” She looked with awe at Star.

“Mummy Luna,” Star called out pouncing her muzzle.

Cadance giggled.

“You’re not angry? Twilight asked.

“Angry, angry, how could we be angry?” Luna asked. “What is vexing me is where you have been hiding this adorable one?”

Star giggled as Luna used her aura to tickled her.

“Have you heard of MSFS?” Cadance asked.

Luna shook her head. What is it with ponies these days and their acronyms.

“Magically Suppressed Foal Syndrome,” Cadance explained.

Twilight paled. “Do you mean if I… If I did not…” She stopped speaking, looking at Star. She leaned closer, wrapping Star in a hug pressing against Luna in the process.

Twilight’s shaking and horrified expression spoke volumes of how serious this could be. Luna shifted her wing, concealing her friends destress from the other ponies in the room. Twilight leant into the embrace, still focused entirely on Star.

Cadance placed a gentle hoof on Twilight's back before contacting Luna mentally. It is when a mother’s wellspring is too strong for the foal to separate from and grow their own body. Without the right medical magic, the foals soul ends up being… consumed by the mother. I had to take a potion to avoid it.

Luna's concealing wing pulled Twilight into a hug. Just the thought of being the death of one’s own foal even before they were born was most unpleasant.

“Luna, as the Princess of Love I ask you for your intentions towards Little Star,” Cadance said, assuming her official visage.

Luna nuzzled Star. “If she accepts, I will gladly take on my role as her mother and officially recognise her as my daughter.”

Cadance nodded, turning to Twilight.

“You know my answer, as complicated as this all is. She is our daughter.” Twilight said, looking at Luna. Her eyes rapidly cycling through emotions.

“This means I will have to inform Celestia…” Cadance said.

“Do you have to?” Twilight asked pleadingly.

“She is the eldest Princess, and because of who we are. This is a matter of state.” Luna regretfully said.

“Wait a minute, just need to check something,” Twilight said, lighting her horn.

A sizeable legal tome flew into the room forcing ponies to dodge aside as it raced over to Twilight and snapped open. Twilight eyes rapidly danced from page to page. The book slammed closed with an echoing boom.

With a few strands of her mane popping up, she called out. “Spike! Spike!” Noticing the sound bubble, she pushed her head through it and tried again. “Spike! Spike! I need you to send a message to Princess Celestia right now!”

Spike came running, gem dust still on his muzzle. He had a scroll all ready in claw, prepared to take a letter. Twilight's aura pulled him into the bubble. “Ready,” he said one part eager two parts worried.

Twilight dictated “Celestia, I am borrowing all the legal books from the restricted section of the archive. No need to be alarmed.” The sound of Spikes quill seeming overly loud within the spell.

“PS. Also proving why you need to update your wards. If you want to know where they need improvement, see my ward improvements report version six, page twenty-three and go from there.”

Spike finished the last word. “Send it,” Twilight commanded.

Spike exhaled his green flames burning the scroll and sending it on it’s way to Celestia.

Twilight stepped back from the hug, gaining a bit of distance before her horn lit. Multiple spell arrays forming in the air rotating around her horn. Twilight started muttering numbers and complicated equations, eyes moving rapidly as if she was reading something in front of her.

Star teleported onto Luna’s back and started taking notes, watching her mother’s feat of spellcraft.

This was clearly a higher dimensional spell, an extremely complex one at that. Luna dared not do anything to interrupt Twilight, the amount of power was extreme for anypony other than an Alicorn.

The spell stopped making sense to her after the seventh dimension arrays were added. Luna looked Cadance and mentally sent. Leave, this will not be comfortable with your condition.

Cadance dropped the sound spell and reached for Star with her aura. “But I want to stay here…” Star whined but did not struggle as she was placed on Cadance’s back.

“We can watch from over there,” Cadance said, moving away to the far side of the room.

“Ponies, it would be wise to give Twilight Sparkle adequate space,” Luna spoke in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

It seemed the ponies of Ponyville remembered the ‘lesson-zero’ event. Some galloped, most simply trotted to the exit, making their way to safety. Only her family and friends did not retreat.

Twilight cast her spell, all the arrays collapsed down to a single point, and in a crack, her horn went out.

“Fifty-nine, fifty-eight…” She counted down the minute, second by second.

The countdown cleared all but the bravest ponies from the room. Pinkie’s shouting before running out of the room “It's going to do something!” might have helped.

As the count neared its end, the sound of Twilight’s voice and Star’s quills were the only sounds. Precisely on time with the flash of a teleport and the accompanying pop of displaced air. A large number of old tomes teleported in, forming walls of books around Twilight.

Twilight’s aura lifted all the books, forming them into a ring around her in the air. Each book opening to the first page as they started to rotate around her, each advanced one page per rotation.

Scrolls teleported in around her as a dozen quills set to work taking notes.


“Yes, Luna?” Twilight responded without looking from her work.

“How did you get these books here?”

“Celestia only uses wards rated to protect against spells using up to the sixth dimension. So that is all normal teleportation and extra-dimensional storage spells. What I did was constructed a virtual eleven-dimensional spell by combining two high order spells.”

Luna’s eyes widened at hearing Twilight casually describing impossible spellcraft as if it was nothing out of the ordinary.

“Now when my spell came in to contract with the ward, the first six dimensions were caught by the ward. That part of the spell then collapses in such a way to leave a breach just large enough. Thus leaving the way clear for my fifth-dimensional target discriminating teleportation spell that was tagging along.”

Twilight smiled with pride. “All it takes is a few advanced mathematical transformations applied to hybrid Translocation spell theory. She had better take my reports seriously now, and she said no pony could do it. Ha.”

“So you used numbers, to breach my Sisters strongest wards?”

“Yes, naturally it would be impossible for anypony to brute force their way through Celestia’s ward.”

“Might I ask what you are looking for?”

“Hmm? Oh, I am just looking into if we have any other options other than us getting married, me being executed or exiled.” Twilight said before mumbling. “Don’t want to give Celestia a legal reason to kill me after all.”

“Married?” Luna blinked. Me married? To Twilight? For the first time Luna looked at Twilight, really looked at her. Taking in her developing Alicorn body. We are already friends… and she is appealing. Then, her muttered words registered. She thinks my sister wants to kill her? Luna thought in alarm.

Twilight nodded and floated her pages of notes over to Luna. Luna ended her musing and accepted the notes in her aura. They were very thorough, even going into lengthy detail about the legalities of Alicorn Fragments and who was responsible for their actions. Everything to do with what the law says should happen to two unwed Princesses with a foal.

“Is Celestia a Bad Pony?” Star asked from the back of the approaching Cadance.

All eyes were now on Star, One by one, the books were placed back on the ground, and Twilight's horn dimmed.

Twilight’s eyes darkened, Cadance’s wing draped reassuringly over her back.

“My sister is not a Bad Pony as you put it… She has merely made some mistakes.”

Twilight growled, her mane rippling with hot flames. Cadance’s wing recoiled, fortunately unburnt. Twilight’s friends backed off but only seemed concerned. Shining fell back, first to his guard training, standing ready, his horn lit. Velvet and Nightlight jumped back nearly falling over, fearful of the sudden outburst. Star sat calmly drawing and taking notes.

“Mis…” Twilight started, Cadance cutting her off with a gentle hoof.

“Twilight,” Cadance said reassuringly placing a hoof on her shoulder.

Twilight took a deep breath letting the flames die. “Sorry…” She said sheepishly, looking to her worried parents.

“Some of your anger is justified, but If you are to hate my Sister, hate her for the truth and not your fears,” Luna said to Twilight. Turning to the others, she continued. “We Alicorns will return shortly, we have things to discuss that are not for mortal ears.”

Cadance nuzzled Shining and moved up to Luna, offering Twilight’s parents a reassuring smile. Cadance’s wing poked Luna. “No need to be so dramatic Aunty, the three of us just need to have a little chat in private.”

Luna nodded, “We entrust our daughter’s care to you until our return.”

“Star can you look after my friends?” Twilight asked, leaning closer to her child, she whispered. “I would feel much safer if you were here to protect them.”

Star nodded seriously accepting her mission. A flash of magic and a helm and cape appeared on Star, both laced with an impressive amount of defensive magic. “The Bad ponies won’t get them,” she declared.

Twilight smiled proudly at her. “I have faith in you my Little Star.” She then looked up at Luna and nodded,

With how powerful and well equipped Star seemed, that faith was well placed. In a fair fight, she could likely take four of my Nightguard if she knows even a single offensive spell. Luna thought.

Cadance kissed Shining before leading the two other Alicorns out of the room.

Cadance led them to a dull section of wall in the middle of nowhere. “Twilight if you would.”

“How…Oh, ok.” Twilight said before knocking on the wall in an intricate pattern. The wall rotated, revealing a secret room. Twilight trotted in, teleporting a blanket over some wrapped boxes.

Once all the ponies where inside Twilight closed the door.

“Twilight, this was the catalyst of thy forbears end,” Luna said, extracting the Golden tome from her shadow and using her prehensile mane to offer it to Twilight.

Hesitantly taking it into her aura Twilight drew it closer. She opened it and began to read.

Cadance simply observed the two of them. By how her gaze was slightly unfocused, she was using her gift to see into the heart of ponies.

“Why did she test me with this spell?” Twilight was clearly forcing her voice to be calm, it came across as icy. Twilight was far easier to read, not having Cadance’s years of diplomatic training. So sister left different gaps in your training.

“She did not…”

Twilight glared at Luna.

“Peace, peace dear, Twilight. Listen, and you shall learn the truth,” Luna said, laying down, her shadow formed into cushions.

“One of your instructors at my sister's school hated you. Did you know you were meant to fail to hatch Spike’s egg? It was meant to be an impossible task, one by which the teachers could assess your reaction.”

“And this was given to me as an impossible test?”

“Yes, he was insistent that unless you underwent such an ordeal, you had no place being in the school. That nopony that had not been tested such should be trusted with magic at all.”

“Where is he?” Twilight growled, her eyes blazing with power.

“Unfortunately he is long departed from this life.”

“Then how did you find this out? Did Celestia tell you?” Twilight asked, doubt evident.

“Some, but I confirmed it with my Nightguard, they were here spying and waiting on my return,” Luna said, she could see Twilight’s keen mind taking in all the implications.

Twilight summoned cushions for both her and Cadance from a pocket. Cadance winced.

“Sorry,” Twilight said, laying down as she closed the book. Cadance setting down next to her ready to provide any needed comfort.

“The spell has no function to recombine the soul of the caster. It relies on the fact that Alicorn souls can take care of it on their own.”

Twilight flicked back and forth between a few pages. “In fact, if it were not for the communication links this spell would have instantly killed us, Me?” Twilight shook her head. “There really was no way... no way.” Twilight trailed off looking at the text.

“No dear Twilight this book, This tome of ancient knowledge was a poisoned chalice. It was the perfect tool to assassinate the Element of Magic.”

Twilight glared at the book, opening it to the first page she began writing.

This spell is a trap, casting it will kill any mortal caster when it ends. Any copies of this spell must have this warning. By order of HRH Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight smiled, offering the book back to Luna.

Cadance draped a wing over Twilight. “That was very responsible of you, Twilight.”

“My sister is to blame for the seals and her many manipulations. But as for your first incarnation’s death, her only crime is negligence. She should have noticed what you were learning and stopped you in the weeks it would have taken you to learn.

“Luna. I could cast this now. Maybe a few moments to make sure I have a few things triple checked.”


“Yes and by all accounts my… the original had a superior grasp of magic…”

Luna was amazed. “I could not learn that spell even with a whole year of study.”

“Well, it's not very well written. I could write it up using half the space, making it three times as easy to learn.” Twilight’s aura pulled the book back to her. Scrolls and quills appeared as Twilight set to work. The task before her doing more to calm Twilight that any of Luna's words.

Twilight began humming a hauntingly familiar tune. Both her head and quill bobbed in time, Cadance joined in adding the words.

Luna felt a few tears form in her eyes, it took a few long breaths for her to calm herself and let herself enjoy her most treasured memory. The feel of her mother’s loving embrace, of nightmares being chased away by the words of the Lullaby.

Minutes later, Twilight looked up, offering the improved spell diagram and instructions. Her warning in larger letters at the top of the first page.

The complex and incomprehensible arcane mess had been transformed into clear, concise instructions. It will still take time to learn, but it is now possible. Luna thought. “This is truly the same spell?” Luna asked.

Twilight nodded with pride.

You know that song. Cadance mentally stated, keen eyes looking deep into Luna’s own.

Yes… my mother used to sing it. Luna responded.

The sound of Twilight’s hoof travelling circles on the crystal floor announced her uncertainty. “So, Luna? What do we do now?” She asked.

“If you both wish to acknowledge Star… then there will be another Canterlot wedding,” Cadance said.

Twilight looked at Luna, again things were moving behind those eyes.

“I am not averse to the idea,” Luna said. “Do you all agree?” she said, leaning closer to Twilight.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, leaning away from her.

“I can tell when my sister is conferring with her fragments, and you are far less adept at concealing such things.”

Twilight sat still for a good ten seconds, eyes unfocused not paying any attention to the outside world. “Four are in agreement, one is abstaining.”

“You know what will be expected on our wedding night?” Luna let her eyes trail over Twilight's form, a hungry look in her eyes now. A daughter and an immortal bride, all for the low cost of one thousand years on the moon and knowing the pain of my victims… a bargain. She thought as she teased Twilight.

“I look forward to it.” Twilight purred, as she leaned in gently biting Luna’s ear with a fang. “We don’t have to wait…”

Twilight’s invitation was as tantalising as it was unexpected. Luna’s wings fought to open as an enticing warmth entered her flesh where Twilight’s mane brushed against her neck.

“Yes you do,” Cadance interjected, pushing the two apart with her wings.

Warm flames were rippling along Twilight's mane.

“What did I say about letting Twilight stay in charge?” Cadance said sternly.

As the flames died, Twilight blushed. “I was… Nova was… just suggesting things,” Twilight said doing her best to keep her eyes away from Luna.

Luna glanced to Cadance before looking to Twilight. “How far have your lessons dealing with fragments progressed?”

“Lessons? Celestia has been actively keeping us from learning about our abilities,” Twilight said using a wing to include Cadance.

“You have five fragments, how?” Luna asked.

“Two... Two survived…Nova and Grey. Then there is myself, Celestia’s creation and...” Twilight started before being cut off.

“I would like to invite all of you into my Bastion,” Cadance stated.

“That is a strange request niece,” Luna said eyes narrowing.

“It is the only place this meeting can happen,” she responded.

“Do we have to do this?” Twilight asked meekly.

“You two may be getting married, I think she deserves to know,” Cadance said.

“Luna… will you Pinkie Promise not to tell Celestia anything you find out?” There was genuine fear in Twilights quavering tone.

Luna looked to Cadance who nodded she should comply. “As you wish Twilight.” Luna huffed then performed the motions and the words.

Cadance presented her lit horn, Twilight touched her horn to it just before Luna followed suit.

Luna opened the eyes of her mental construct, finding herself resting on a large silken bed, the warm bodies of multiple ponies around her. She spent a long moment just enjoying it. Raising her head and looking around it appeared they were in Cadance’s chambers all of then spilled messily on her bed.

There was Twilight, Twilight with thestral like features, Cadance, a Crystal Pegasus and an unknown beautiful blue-coated silver maned Alicorn the same size as her.

The bat-winged Twilight spoke. “You can decide where we enter with that spell, we did not all need to turn up in your bed.”

“Are you saying that this is not a dream come true for you, Night?” The enchanting voice of the silver maned Alicorn teased, looking to Cadance and then Luna.

Night extracted herself from the pony pile.

“Do you have any fragments you want to bring Aunty?” Cadance asked.

Well, that explains things Luna thought. “None that would be appropriate,” she said regretting her only fragment was the Tantarbus.

“So introductions?” Cadance said.

“First an explanation,” Twilight corrected, rolling to face Luna. “Luna… you know that the Elements of Harmony like healing and redeeming ponies?”

“Yes, I am very aware of that Twilight, and you will always have my thanks for it.”

Twilight took a deep breath and with Cadance’s approving look, and the silver maned Alicorn’s wing hug, she found the strength to keep going. “I have had Nightmare Moon under my care since the girls and I freed you from her.”

My freedom burdened you with that? Luna thought with regret.

Twilight gestured with a hoof to Night. “Might I introduce you to the former Nightmare.”

In a flurry of motion, Luna rolled out of bed lighting her horn, every fibre of her body thrumming with power as she readied for battle.

The blue mare moved to shield Night with an outstretched wing. “You get to be redeemed, Discord and even ender of the world several times over Starlight, gets to be redeemed with just a slap on the hoof. What right do you have to deny Night?” She said, voice full of righteous indignation, her own horn lit with silver energy.

“Please don’t fight. The Tree of Harmony set the whole thing up. Getting me to teach Nightmare Moon the value of friendship over all these years and even our foal.” Twilight said, smiling. “Night is the only reason I am even alive now, she rescued both myself and our daughter.”

Our daughter. Luna thought, she owed her newly discovered daughter’s life to this monster?

Twilight slowly rose from the bed, taking place between the two battle-ready Alicorns. Now with a clear view, Luna could see in this mental space, Twilight’s form was different. Each body part seemed to not quite match the others. Golden threads of Celestia’s power held her together, like a repaired cloth doll.

One tug on that power and before her ascension Twilight would have died, even now it would cripple her. Why, sister? Did you fear Twilight that much? Luna thought.

“Are you two going to behave or do I need to get the guard involved?” The Crystal Pegasus asked, moving up and hovering next to Twilight.

The silver maned mare let the light fade from her horn. “Nice to meet you Lulu, I was looking forward to this encounter.” She said sadly. “The name I have claimed is Sweet Dreams, and I was a fragment of Night. Now I am bonded with Twilight.”

Looking to Cadance, who was still upon the bed looking calm, Luna let her horn dim. Stretching and assuming a neutral stance she spoke. “I offer my thanks for saving Twilight and my Da...”

“Our Daughter.” Night corrected.

“All of Twilight’s guests care for Little Star. Aunty you are going to have to accept them all if you want Twilight and Star to be a part of your life.” Cadance spoke.

“Legally an Alicorn and their hosted fragments are one individual,” Twilight said quietly.

Luna sat on her haunches. Accept the Nightmare? Marry the Nightmare? She thought with disbelief.

Dreams moved closer. “Lulu you wanted love, admiration, to be valued. Do you know how much of that can be found in the gaze of just one little foal?”

Night trotted up beside Dreams. “Having nothing but Twilight’s life to watch for years, gave me a lot more to think about than our time on the moon, plotting revenge,” Night said.

Twilight walked in front of Luna. “Do you trust me?” She asked softly.

Luna nodded “With my life.”

Twilight smiled, “Then trust me, the Nightmare is only a threat to those who would harm our loved ones. Night and Dreams are my sword and shield.”

Twilight moved in, wrapping her wings around Luna as best as her smaller size would allow. “We are all going to be family,” she said, nuzzling her.

“Well I have a letter to write,” Cadance said.

“Oh to be able to see Tia’s reaction when she reads about this.” Dreams laughed.

Luna's face twitched, she couldn't help herself, she joined in.

CH 22 Hidden Preparation

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The well-dressed Noble Guide sat in the meeting room. Before him, on the table, he had several thousand pages of plans for construction, relation and supply. The Sun Princess had requested the late meeting with him because she wanted this situation resolved as soon as possible.

Despite that, Celestia was late. Celestia was never late unless the world was ending or there was an invasion. He thankfully remained in his drug enforced calm, as his mind worked the puzzle. He had not set anything in motion, so he had two theories. The first that it was another banished foe returning. The second that Twilight the master blood mage was making her move.

This meeting had to go well, he had no way to move forward until he had all the necessary official paperwork. Why did I not leave some of my slaves to watch Twilight? He berated himself again. All of his current sufferings could be traced back to his overconfidence.

He sat there waiting, letting his mind drift back over the last week trying to spot if he had done anything that could have given him away.

Smoky incense drifted in the air of the dimly lit room, two braziers burning with a green flame tainting all the colours in the room. The robed Darkmage slowly entered the room, on guard for any trickery. It had taken a lot of bits and burning two of his contacts to even get this meeting. This had to go right, or his destiny would be set back years.

Before him the tall, elegant unicorn mare he was here to meet lounged on silk pillows, each as black as her coat. With a motion of her head, she tossed her vibrant, almost toxic green mane aside. She turned her gaze upon the Darkmage, it was not the gaze of a pony, her eyes held hunger, the desires of a hunter. She was considering whether he would be her meal this night.

She leaned forward. “So… what do you want, little pony?” Her sensuous voice dripped with the most alluring honey.

He could feel the magic brushing against his mind. I am not here to be seduced by vermin. He thought, reinforcing his mind. It was trivial to call on his dark magic letting the mind magic run into a solid wall of hate. He reinforced his defences with determination and guarded it with his guile.

A nasty smile graced his muzzle. “I am here to trade, not to become one of your puppets, Changeling.”

“My, you are well-informed, for a pony,” She said, all hints of the seductress banished.

The Darkmage tipped his head respectfully.

“I ask again, what do you want?” The Changeling enquired tone now all business.

He trotted into the room, sitting down uninvited on a pillow opposite her. “I require three things. First is to acquire the identity of a certain pony for my self. Second the use of some of your trinkets to suppress only blood and dark aspected magic. And third, I require your vaunted skills of persuasion to encourage some ponies in need of homes to move where I want them too.

“Is that all?” She snorted. “And what do you think you have to offer me, that can possibly be worth all that, pony?”

He retrieved a vial of thick red liquid from his robe and held it out on a hoof. Her gaze narrowed on it. “And what is it you have there?” She asked.

It was hard to keep the grin from his muzzle. He could see the way her eyes tracked it hungrily. “Fresh Alicorn blood from one, Twilight Sparkle.” He hated trading away some of his irreplaceable resources, but he had more than enough.

“Assuming it is authentic, as impressive as it is. You still need more.”

“If you come through, I will provide you with a sample from her ovaries,” He answered with a feral grin of his own. “All perfectly preserved like the blood, in magical stasis.”

The temptation was evident in her eyes. He knew he was playing with fire, offering such a boon to the Queen’s Changelings was a risk. He would have to deal with a more powerful brood once he had claimed his rightful place.

Her horn lit with green magic and a matching aura took hold of the vial. “If this is a trick you will not leave here alive.”

“I know, don’t take me for a foal.”

She pulled the stopper out, lifting the vial to her lips and letting a single drop fall upon her extended tongue. Her eyes closed as she seemed to be savouring the vital fluid as if it were a fine wine. Her now glowing eyes snapped open fixing on him. “So who do you want to be?” She purred.

The new Noble Guide looked around his home, his estate. His long quest had often denied him the creature comforts from his past. He washed the painkillers down with the rest of his glass of wine. He would have to take them every day until his ascension. A small price to pay. He thought.

Guide stretched, he was still not used to all the subtle differences in his new body. He reached out with his aura gripping yet another page full of information from the stack. When the changelings promise to get everything a pony knows, they really do mean everything.

Page by page, he was learning all he could about the original Noble Guide. He was not a bad pony, his only mistake was being in a useful position. One that would serve the new Noble Guide much better.

He settled back into the plush fabric of his seat and let his eyes look out over the beautiful towers of Canterlot. It made a nice change from the dusty temples and ancient ruins he had called his home for the past decades.

Holding up a single sheet of paper and examining his new contacts. Yes, the right words to these foals and I will have them eating from my hoof.

Standing, he got to his hooves. A slight wince was the only outside display of how painful his hooves still felt. What I would not give to have an Astral aspect. Lucky buckers have no idea what it is like for those of us who can never teleport.

At least his objective was only a few rooms away. Forcing himself to walk normally, assuming a regal gate like the noble he was. He had letters to write and servants to enslave.

“Canterlot is the shining star of Equestria, and we will show that we all stand for the ideals of Harmony,” Noble said, ending his speech to some of the more worthwhile nobles in the city.

A few promised bits was all it had taken to get some useless noble to give up his slot to talk to Celestia tomorrow.

He glanced up at the reporter for the Canterlot Times, still writing away in their notebook. Yes, they would be quite useful.

“Good day to you,” Guide tipped his head respectfully to the pegasus. This would be so much simpler if I could use my dark magic, but that could be detected. He lamented.

“And to you as well Noble Guide.” He offered his hoof to shake. “The names Headline.”

Guide accepted the shake. “If my meeting with Princess Celestia goes well tomorrow, I will have quite the story for you.” He could see the bits flashing in the reporter's eyes. “Would you want an exclusive interview, no fee required?”

“I’m no foal born yesterday, what's the catch.”

“No pulling any wool over your eyes I see. Good, you will do.” Guide smiled. “I plan on helping the displaced Manehatten ponies. Now I could pay for advertising to get the news out, or I could offer you a free exclusive and get the information out at no cost to me. The way I see it, this is to both of our advantages, and serves a good cause.” He said. Just not the one I’m telling you. He added in the privacy of his own mind.

Noble Guide stared at the bathroom mirror, he was still not used to his reflection. His well-groomed black mane matched his impeccable brown coat. His eyes were drawn to his new mark, his every sense screaming at him that something was wrong. The new mark was a map with trails marked on it. It was not so different than the scroll he used to have, and yet just the sight of it twisted his insides.

Dragging his gaze to his own eyes, he focused. All of his immediate preparations were complete. In only an hour, he would be standing before the immortal solar goddess. It had been many years since he had seen her let alone been in her direct presence. He shuddered, even with as far as he had come he was still only an insect before her. You have a plan, her overconfidence will be her undoing. He thought, trying to calm himself. “I outsmarted her once… I can do it again,” he said with more confidence than he felt.

His aura lifted the small metal box, a scalpel and a vile of dark liquid. Opening the box revealed three items. The first two small pieces of the shattered Queen’s throne, each with glowing Changeling writing on it. These would each block a single aspect of magic, one blood, the other dark. Lifting them by hoof he placed them to the side.

The last item, the most important one. A single gem, so dark it made even the deepest night seem bright. His eyes gazed into the seemingly endless abyss within. When he had first found the gem, it had a small amount of Luna’s dark power from before her banishment.

The power within this magical diary had not lasted long. He had to make use of it to escape Canterlot after his error in judgment all those years ago. But after that one taste of power, after how naturally he wielded it he knew what his destiny was to be.

Of more importance was the knowledge it held, that Alicorns were not born they were made. That one fact had changed his life, setting his course towards his destiny. That was not all it held but merely the most vital. In addition, it held images, incomplete plans, and partial memories of the Alicorn of the Night.

Even empty of power, the information still remained. He had managed to start his path, acquiring spells and artefacts that Nightmare Moon and her servants had hid away as insurance against her defeat.

When he ended up in conflict with another warlock, a powerful mind mage, he found the true power of the Dark Gem. The warlocks spell should have enslaved him. Instead, it did nothing. His opponent started babbling, but the words were familiar. His attacker saw Luna’s memories. So long as the Dark Gen was in contact with somepony, any mind magic would be drawn to the gem, and the caster would be unaware.

So for his plan he had emptied the Gem of Luna’s memories, replacing them with a fake mind. It had taken hours but bit by bit he fabricated what one would expect to find in the original Noble Guide’s mind. He had invaded, broken and twisted enough minds over the years to know the sorts of details and imperfections needed to make it believable.

His aura expertly manipulated the surgical blade, parting his flesh as intended. A trivial effort of his blood magic, preventing even a single drop spilling. Lifting the Dark Gem, he pushed it into the wound. His face twisted and teeth ground together. Even through his daily doses of painkillers, it still hurt.

As he adjusted its position so nopony would be able to notice it hidden under his coat, he felt something. A quiet whisper in his mind, following it he found the content of the Gem, like an extension to his mind’s eye. Testing it, he cast a compulsion spell upon himself.

In the Gem, he saw the spell swirl in and assume control of the fake mind. He knew what the spell wanted him to do, but it had no hold upon him. He smiled. Is this the real purpose of the gem? He had always wondered how Luna had raised a rebellion against Celestia the master of mind magic in secret. Now he knew, she had created the perfect counter to mind reading.

His gaze turned to the two Changeling artifacts, his smile dropped. This is going to be painful. He thought as he set to work implanting them as well.

The Princess sat upon her throne, unchanged and ever beautiful. Her ancient eyes seeming kind, caring and wise. He knew better, he knew from Luna’s memories that everything the public saw about Celestia was an act, a lie. Ponies were just game pieces to her, she was playing a board game called Equestria, trying to get a high score for public approval.

He felt weak and defenceless with his two most potent magics sealed away. The fact that he was not already arrested or incinerated meant that the Changeling artifacts were doing their jobs. He was thankful the potion he had acquired from the black market was working as advertised. Despite everything, he felt no fear. He knew that for the next few hours, he would be incapable of such.

The Goddess looked at him and spoke “Noble Guide, you may approach. The Solar Throne is ready to hear your petition.” Her voice clear and pure, carrying the warmth and confidence that had guided ponies for millennia.

He moved forward and bowed, performing all the required court etiquette. They both had a script, and he stuck to his. He began, launching into his prepared pitch to construct a new settlement to house the ponies of Manehatten and after, to maintain it for future need.

It was not too long before he felt it, a powerful but restrained force. Inside the Gem, it looked like a golden light illuminated a narrow arc. He kept on with his speech, it was the only option he had. The Nightmare’s trick will either work, or I will die here and now. He thought, marvelling and how calm the drug made him.

Celestia probed deeper and deeper. Yet she played her part in the conversation and not once did her horn light. Within the Gem the searching light had become tendrils reaching around, picking up sections of the fake mind before carefully returning them where they had come from. It gave him the impression of an octopus reading books in a library.

Celestia’s smile seemed to become warmer, more eager as the mental probe retreated. She was giving all the signs that she would agree. Now all that needed to be done was going through the rest of the performance.

A few donations of spell gems to the Canterlot Times had been all that was needed to get full access to all their secret files. He had given them nothing truly forbidden just a few things the law was less than happy about being available. Noble did not know what they would do with them, nor did he care.

He now had more than enough potential blackmail material should the need arise. Folders of information spread upon his desk. He had so many choices, he had always known Canterlot had a darker side. I would be doing Celestia a favour if I killed half of them. He thought.

This was going to be hard, all of his first choices were too caught up in useful schemes. He did not want to interfere with any of them. They would disrupt Celestia’s rule far more by being allowed to continue unhindered.

Maybe I’m doing this all wrong. He thought as he looked towards the files on the Elements of Harmony. Maybe if I can get some ponies doing what I need out of the goodness of their hearts. He smiled as plans began to form.

The sound of approaching metal clad hooves snapped Noble back to the present. Ever since he had implanted the gem his mind had felt sharper, the memories more like reliving the moment instead of mere recollection.

The hoofsteps came closer. He would recognise Celestia's stately rhythm anywhere. He knew she could move silently but chose not to to avoid panicking her little ponies.

The white mare herself entered the meeting room, her expression changing from the stock gentle smile to a genuinely pleased one. “Good evening Noble Guide,” her perfect voice greeted him.

Noble rose and bowed respectfully. It was never hard to be respectful to an Alicorn, he just had to not fight what his body was conditioned to do.

Even in this friendly encounter, every action, every word was just a dance of formality. The small talk, the tea and the polite commentary as they went through the paperwork laboriously, page by page. When he took over, he was definitely going to eliminate most of the paperwork.

Three servings of tea, two plates of biscuits and an hour lost to the evils of paperwork later, a trail of smoke entered the room, forming into a scroll with a flash of green flame. Celestia’s golden magic caught it before it could even start to fall.

Arriving like that it must have been sent by Twilight’s pet dragon. He thought.

Celestia opened it and began to read. He could not see what was written, only that it was a very long letter and was in Cadence’s decorative script.

“My apologies for the interruption,” Celestia calmly spoke, her magic intensified and the scroll popped out of existence.

The Princess’s eyes glanced at the remaining paperwork. Lifting it all in her aura, she began to rapidly flick through it.

Inside the Gem, Noble could see Celestia’s power rifling through the constructed memories. It reached in and made glowing copies of all the instances of him working on the documents currently before her.

Somehow she made even this frantic completion of paperwork seem calm and graceful. Pages flashed by, a few being pulled out where comments, corrections or signatures were needed.

She is just pretending to read it. He realised, she pulled the information from his mind and is now only acting.

“Yes, this all seems in order,” she said nodding firmly. “You have my thanks and the thanks of Equestria for the dedication you have shown in this task.”

“Thank you, Princess,” he said, bowing his head accepting the compliment.

Her aura pulled an expensive sheet of the finest paper from a drawer and in gold, she began writing. A few seconds later and a flash of her magic and the paper now had a glowing mark upon it.

She floated the paper to him before speaking in a formal tone. “Noble Guide, We appoint you to oversee the well being of the Manehatten ponies.”

“I am honoured, your Majesty,” he said bowing.

She nodded, showing her too-perfect smile. “Now I am afraid that I have other matters that needed addressing, have a pleasant evening,” she said, teleporting from the room in a flash of gold.

Noble stared at what he now held. The paper baring Celestia's seal was not quite a blank check, but it was close enough. If he was careful, he could do everything he intended. He smiled as he left the room a bounce in his step. Thank you, Cadance. He thought with glee.

CH 23.1 Summons

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Celestia lit her horn, an image of Twilight Castle in her mind. It was shortly followed by the spell array needed to teleport there.

Come now, Celestia. Do you want me to have to block your magic as per rule two-hundred and four? Daybreaker’s mental voice interrupted her.

She let her horn dim, making sure her Mask had full control of her expression as she made her way from her room.

Celestia considered Daybreaker’s warning, she was right yet again. As much as wanted to teleport directly to Ponyville but she dared not, she knew there were spies from other nations about. They would each take careful note of every spell she cast. With how free she had been lately, it would not do to give the impression she was no longer able to rain judgement upon any nation that sought war with her ponies.

The words of Cadence’s letter kept playing through her mind as she walked through the halls of her home. A powerful warlock as bad as it was was still nothing she had not dealt with before. Twilight having a foal, that was a little unexpected, but she could cope with that. The fact that she had had that foal with Luna… That is what truly rocked her world. How? When? She thought.

If not for Twilight’s current disposition towards her, this would be joyous news. Luna finding happiness in the hooves of her Faithful Student could have worked perfectly in another twenty to thirty years. Now with everything it risked causing a divide with her sister when the nation was under threat.

With her long legs, it did not take overly long to reach her destination. Her guards, well trained and efficient, were ready. Even without announcing her intent a team of Pegasus were standing ready by her chariot.

She nodded once to them, stepping about. “Ponyville,” she commanded.

Just like that, they were in the air, heading towards Twilights home, answering the summons from three other Princesses.

The flight had been as smooth as she could have wished. With a slight tip of her head, Celestia left her guards at the chariot. Turning up with an armed escort would not aid the peaceful image she wished to portray here.

Approaching her destination, she could see the many wards dancing over the surface of the Crystal Castle. If Daybreaker would let her, she could overpower them, but she would try knocking first.

With a metal-clad hoof she rapped on the large door three times. A moment later, from the other side of the door she heard distinct pop sound of air displaced by a teleport. Tellingly she did not feel the ripple of magic caused by such. Her estimation of the wards went up a notch.

“Who are you?” A familiar filly’s voice spoke. It only took Celestia a faction of a second to remember it was not the voice of the young Twilight from her memories but rather who she now knew to be the daughter of Twilight and Luna.

Celestia could not honestly remember the last time anypony had to ask her that. Before she could answer the voice spoke again. “Are you a Bad Pony?”

“I am Princess Celestia, do you think I am a Bad Pony?”

There was a long pause and then she finally answered. “Yes.” The voice held such certainty, such resolve it almost seemed like a judge handing down a sentence.

It was only her Mask that kept the look of shock from Celestia’s face. “And what makes you say that?” She enquired.

There was another long pause before the door lit with a light blue aura, revealing Cadence standing just inside. No sign of the young filly.

“Aunty, so glad you could make it,” Cadence greeted her in a friendly tone, but her body language was guarded, her posture slightly tense as if she was ready for the unexpected to happen.

Celestia nodded her head as she moved forward to enter. “I’m glad to see you again. I hope that Twilight is open to speak more. I am terribly sorry about how our last meeting ended. I sincerely hope I can have a chance to talk things out with her, and her friends.” She was being diplomatic but keeping a good deal of sorrow in her voice so as to get Cadence to feel at ease.

This time her Mask would help her rather than being absent. If she had it with her last time the conversation might have gone much more in her favour and not have alienated Twilight nearly as much.

“Luna has given you a chance, please don’t waste it,” Cadence warned.

Crossing the threshold she sensed Twilight’s masterfully constructed mental wards really drove home the severity of the damage she did to her relationship with her former student. It would take a year or two of energy to break through these wards. Daybreaker intoned, ever assessing the tactical situation.

This is not going to become a battle. Celestia responded.

“I won’t. I promise. Cadence, I care about her deeply, you know that. I know how she feels from the last time and I can tell that she is on edge and being protective even now considering the mental wards I am feeling. I don’t blame her at all for that. She has every right to be defensive with what she has been through. I only want to help her.” She let her genuine sorrow through in her voice this time.

Cadence looked back, her gaze lingering on Celestia’s own for a moment. Her eyes were slightly out of focus that in that particular way that meant she was assessing her own domain. Cadence was looking at her very heart, her bear emotions. Something her Mask could do nothing to veil from her. Despite their difference in power, this talent of Cadence’s always left Celestia feeling a little vulnerable, her layers of control, the shield of her Mask stripped away.

Cadence led Celestia through the castle, passing a room set up for a party. The banners congratulating Twilight and Luna on their little filly. The pair of Alicorns moved through the next room, the elements with the exception of Twilight sat in the room looking at Celestia as she approached.

Even though she was not wanting to look inside their minds, merely having the option removed was feeding Daybreaker’s paranoia.

Rainbow’s eyes were hard and judging tacking Celestia’s own as she passed. Rainbow’s powerful body was tensed as her wings silvered, radiating power, ready to leap into action at a moments notice. Celesta could feel Daybreaker plotting defensive options should Rainbow attack. Don’t hurt them. Celestia commanded.

Don’t worry they will live even if they are foolish enough to attack us. Daybreaker responded with concealed scorn. They would have to do something truly dire for your rules to force me to end them.

Fluttershy’s ears were down and she was hiding behind her mane. She looked sad and would not meet Celestia’s eyes, the kind animal caretaker feared her. It was not the first time she had been feared but still made her heart sink.

Rarity looked impeccable as usual, even in harsh situations she looked her best. She offered a polite bow, clearly withholding judgment and not willing to offer any disrespect at this time.

Applejack’s stern and dependable gaze held mild reproach as it looked out from under her favoured hat. Her firm stance was defensive, her ears attentive. She was clearly assessing Celestia but was reserving judgment for now.

Pinkie smiled and waved like nothing was wrong. That in its own way was disturbing.

As she left the room she could hear them start to talk, Celestia ignored them turning her attention to the reason she was here. Luna and Twilight sat side by side, watching Celestia as she entered the room. Luna’s gaze was welcoming but Twilight’s was wary. Cadence directed Celestia to take a seat as she walked around the table and sat down next to Twilight.

A magenta aura closed the door behind Celestia as Cadence’s horn lit blue warding the room from eavesdroppers.

The three other Princesses of Equestria sat offering a unified front. Luna sat there proud and noble-looking as if presiding over her court. Her closer wing to Twilight twitched, the subtle motion signalling her desire to wrap it around Twilight. Her breathing was relaxed and for a moment Celestia could see a faint smile. ‘It will be alright sister’ it spoke with their many years of shared experience.

Cadence’s perfect poise gave away the intensity of her emotions. She had none of the natural grace and serenity she normally projected. Every gesture precisely controlled. It was not as effective as Celestia’s Mask but was close.

Twilight’s eyes were hard, small sparks of flames kept appearing within them before being banished. Even with her horn dim and no active spells she was radiating power. In an instant, Twilight would be ready to turn this into a battle. The Crystal beneath her showed signs of cracking with the force she was pressing her hooves into it in an effort to maintain her regal posture.

“Thank you for answering our summons so swiftly, Celestia,” Twilight said, an almost inaudible growl accompanying the name.

“I could do nothing less for my peers, especially for you Twilight.”

Twilight twitched, her ears laying back for a moment. Cadence placed a hoof upon the youngest Alicorns shoulder.

“Thank you, Aunty,” she said, smiling warmly. “I take it you read the whole report?”

Celestia nodded before looking to her sister and former student. “Congratulations and I wish you all the happiness you can find together.”

Luna bowed her head, accepting the comment. Twilight nodded at least pretending she thought Celestia meant what she said.

“Thank you,” Twilight said in something like her normal voice but by the tensing of her jaw muscles and along the line of her neck spoke volumes of how hard she was finding it to stay civil.

Celestia cast her mind back to the explanation from the scroll Cadence had sent if it were not for the seriousness of the rest of the information on the report she would have thought it was part of the endless prank war between her and her sister.

Cadence and Luna shared a look, clearly conversing somehow. It can’t be mental communication, maybe some pre-arranged code? She thought, noting Twilight’s wards were still up.

“About the investigation?” Cadence asked.

“I approve your use of time magic to investigate your attack.”

Twilight nodded, “May I have that in writing?”

Celesta summoned the scroll she had written after reading of their plans and floated it over to Twilight in her golden aura. The distrust such a request represented still stung even if it was not unexpected.

Twilight accepted it with her aura, rapidly glance over it before setting it down before her. She tilted her head and flicked her ear.

“And sister about our daughter?” Luna said, placing her wing over Twilight’s withers possessively.

Twilight tensed as a quick hungry look that flashed in her eyes made it clear she was more than happy with the contact. Banishing the lust in her eyes, Twilight focused on Celestia. “Do we have your support in this?”

Celestia was honestly glad that she had one thing she did not have to worry about. With Luna and Twilight pairing off, neither of them would have to again feel the sting of losing a mortal consort. Her eyes turned to Cadence, she truly did fear for what she would become when Shining Armour shed his mortal coil. “Of course, it will be a hard battle to get this past some of the Nobles but I will stand beside you on this.” Celestia smiled warmly at her sister and Twilight.

Twilight looked at Cadence, who nodded. At that Twilight’s body relaxed and she let herself lean into Luna’s side.

“So you are not disappointed, sister?” Luna said, eyes looking into Celestia’s own, teasing evident in her familiar expression, as she started nibbling Twilight’s ear. Twilight let her eyes roll closed pressing closer against Luna. She seemed to have completely forgotten that she was not alone in the room with her new fiancé. A few ripples of fire danced along Twilights mane, doing nothing to harm Luna or damage the surroundings.

“Disappointed no, surprised yes. Also, I would appreciate it if you kept your… activities to yourselves.”
Is she is trying to make me jealous? Celestia wondered. At least it is settling Twilight’s anger.

Cadence flicked her wing slapping both mares across the horn with one motion. The pair recoiled both turning on Cadence. “Not until you are married,” she reprimanded them, a slight smirk on her lips.

Luna grinned, Twilight rubbed her horn and grumbled.

“Do you have any court-approved evidence?” Celestia asked.

“My Lineage spell,” Luna answered.

“As reliable as it is, you know it has been banned in Canterlot,” Celestia said regretfully.

The tilt of Luna’s head and the tightening of her eyes let Celestia know that her sister would be changing that law as soon as she could.

“I am not letting some court mage beholden to the highest paying noble take blood samples,” Twilight said threateningly.

“We need somepony the Nobles will accept, and that we can trust,” Cadence said.

“Find somepony you can trust, I will deal with the approval process,” Celestia offered. It would be easy enough.

Luna moved her head one way then the other, her eyes grateful but concerned. Her sister was torn between being thankful for the support and doubtful about what she would do to provide the offered assistance.

Celestia let her sister see a slight change in her expression. ‘It will be alright’ it said.

Cadence’s aura started pulling over a tea service from the side of the room. Soon the scent of the heavenly brew started to float upon the air.

“Sister, this investigation will take my self and Twilight away from our normal duty,” Luna said. “Even Cadence will have to return to the Empire before long. Will you be able to cope with the increased duties this will force upon you, Sister?”

“I have coped with it before,” Celestia answered, glad that Luna did not react badly to the indirect reference to her banishment.

Cadence smiled, the glint in her eyes that she failed to hide, marked her as little too knowing. “I can stay and help, I trust the ponies I have left in charge.”

What does she know? What has she learned? Again Celestia felt the temptation and current inability to just look into her niece’s mind. Have I let myself get too reliant on that ability?

If you have an advantage, you would be foalish not to use it. Daybreaker counselled.

Cadence took on a playful menacing aspect. “And if you think I’m leaving before the wedding?”

Celestia smiled, “Who would dare keep the Alicorn of love from this wedding?”

A short time later Celestia left the meeting room, mind full of all the things she would need to set in motion. That did not go too badly she thought turning to leave

Applejack blocked her path “We need to talk Princess.”

CH 23.2 A Friendly Talk

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Applejack sat there, the whole situation was unlike anything she had to deal with before. This Twilight, her Twilight, the Twilight all of them have spent all these years living with, was not the original. Her eyes tracked Princess Celestia as Cadence led her into the meeting room.

In a way, she was a copy, same as the mirror clones but made with Celestia’s magic. If Celestia had not admitted it right in front of her, Applejack would not have believed it. But she was also not lying about saying it was the only way to save Twilight.

There was a lot of pain between the two princesses that much was clear.

As soon as the door closed on the meeting room, Rainbow Dash rushed to the door, pressing her ear to it. She threw her hooves up in annoyance. “They’re using that sound bubble again.”

“Oh bubbles, I like bubbles,” Pinkie said.

Giving Pinkie a sideways glance, Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Anyway, I really don’t like how this is going,” she said with frustration, “I mean seriously. Who does that to someone? Slicing and dicing their soul? I know I wouldn’t want that done to me.”

Applejack looking slightly miffed at the outburst, “Now hold up a gosh darn minute, Celestia already told us it was to save her life. She didn’t know any other way to save her.”

“Be that as it may darling, do we really know that to be true?” Rarity said, her face showing she didn’t want her friends fighting.

Applejack nods her head “I do know she at least believes it to be true. I can’t say one way or another whether there were other options though. I don’t know anything really about what’s possible with your guy’s horns.”

Rainbow seemed taken aback for a moment. “So, you really believe that it was an emergency surgery?”

Fluttershy spoke up. “ I know if I were in her position, I wouldn’t have wanted one of my animals to die. I would do surgery if possible to save them.”

Rainbow’s agitation faded for a moment. “Yeah, ok, I’ll give you that, but we aren't talking about stitching somepony back up after they get a cut. She went and basically created a Frankenmare soul out of the children of the original Twilight. That just doesn’t feel right. I mean you don’t go and kill five other foals to save one. You don’t even do that if six foals are dying.”

Fluttershy “Actually there are organ transplants, we kind of do.”

A slight look of horror on Rainbow’s face “Ok, I didn’t know that. That’s kind of freaky.”

Applejack raised her voice slightly. “Alright listen guys. If she didn’t do what she did, then we would not have Twilight at all. That much I do know. Now what we do have is at least the Twilight we do know. The only thing we can really do is be there for her.”

“It’s too bad old Twilight never got to come to any of our parties but isn’t the new Twilight still our friend?” Pinkie said, doing her best to look on the bright side even now.

“Of course Twilight is still our Friend,” Rainbow stated wings flaring.

“Darlings, where would the world be without Twilight? Nightmare Moon, Discord, Starlight and Tirek. Just think of the mess they would have made of things?” Rarity said in her most serious tone.

“You think she did the right thing?” Rainbow accused.

“What do you think any of us could have done against them without Twilight, without the Elements.”

Rainbow bristled, “We could have taken them.”

Applejack thought back to all their adventures, all the times they had saved Equestria. All the times Twilight had led them, guided them, helped them. She remembered all the trouble her stubborn streak caused before Twilight got her to accept help. When Twilight had brought them back to their senses after Discord had messed with their minds. The world needed Twilight. She thought.

Applejack looked at Rainbow. “You’d give a might good try… but do you really think you could win Sugercube?” She could see her friend wanting to say yes, but the lessons she had learned caused her to hold her tongue.

Rainbow looked down, the look on her face admitting defeat.

“Even I don’t remember the ‘original’ Twilight. I was too young when it happened. I think Shining Armor would remember though.” Spike pipped up. “That being said, I don’t think it’s really the question you guys are getting at.”

Fluttershy pipped up, “Spike is right. It isn’t ‘is she our friend’ it’s how do we feel about what happened to her and how does that change what we feel about Celestia? I think that maybe what Celestia did was needed. But what she didn’t do is where she was in grave error.” She sees the look of confusion on her friend’s faces and continues, “She didn’t tell Twilight and she should have. Had she known then, she wouldn’t be mad at Celestia for messing with her mind now.”

Several glances among the gathered friends showed that they were considering her words and it took all of five seconds for them to agree. Nodding Applejack said, “Then if we are going to help heal the rift between them, then we need to get Celestia to see that she was in error and want to make right by her.”

Seeing no disagreement from the others, she continued. “Thing is, with as old as she is, she might be just a tad resistant to change. Not that I don’t have my own experience with that. I’m sure she thinks she is well justified in her actions and honestly, she might be, even if it doesn’t sit right with us emotionally. But talks need to be had or the rift will not heal. What do guys say? Have a sit down with our Solar Princess?”

Rainbow, looking excited at the prospect of settling things, “Yeah that sounds good. We can just ambush her on her way out.”

“Really Rainbow? We wouldn’t be pouncing on her. Just insisting that we sit down and talk.” Said Rarity.

Sometime later, Applejack sat calmly waiting. There were things she could do on the farm, but being here for Twilight was more important. The conversation was over and now each of her friends were killing time in their own way.

Rainbow was a ball of restless worry, constantly in motion.

Rarity was sketching new designs, taking a glance, Applejack could see some of them were for Little Star.

Pinkie Pie kept running off and returning. Last time she came back with a tray of snacks this time she now had a board game set up. As always, her friend was so random.

Fluttershy just lay still, her mane concealing her thoughts from the rest of the world.

The hum of a magical aura announced that finally, the doors to the meeting room opened. Applejack looked to them, noticing in the corner of her eyes how Rainbow was now hovering, her endless flying back and forth paused.

Cadence left the room first, smiling. She nodded warmly to Applejack and the rest of the Elements before turning down a hall heading deeper into the Castle.

Less than a minute later, Celestia left the room turned towards the elements and made her way towards the exit.

Rainbow looked into the room where Twilight sat snuggled under Luna’s wing. Applejack could see Twilight eyes tracking Celestia for a moment before her magenta aura closed the door blocking Rainbows attempt to enter who grumbled in annoyance.

Applejack got to her hooves and blocked Celestia’s path “We need to talk Princess,” she said in a firm tone.

“Certainly, about Twilight I assume?” Celestia’s tone was calm and friendly as she moved to gracefully settle down near the rest of the elements.

In a blur Rainbow as muzzle to muzzle with Celestia. “Why the hay did you do that to Twilight?”

Rarity’s reproachful glance gave Rainbow enough of a pause to allow the Princess to answer.

Celestia took a breath, “As much as it saddens me, it was truly the only viable way to save any of her from what was very likely an almost successful assassination.”

Rainbow almost dropped from the air, almost.

Applejack could feel the eyes of her friends upon her. She nodded, confirming that there were no lies hidden there. Only viable, what other options were there? She thought still with some suspicion. Remembering that Twilight had accused Celestia of creating her as a tool.

“Who would try and assassinate a little filly,” Fluttershy asked. Looks of horror flashing across the Elements' faces.

Celestia’s calming voice answered, “There are many threats to Equestria that would have prefered if the Elements of Harmony were never restored.”

“Only viable option? That implies there were other ways. What other ways were there?” Asked Applejack

“Few that would barely have had a chance of saving anything of who Twilight was. I used the one that let me save most of who Twilight was. The pieces that she was rendered in to would have disintegrated in days at most, seconds at worst.” She paused a sadness crossing her features. “And it was the only way that would have protected Equestria.”

Again Applejack knew that Celesta was speaking the truth. Rarity seemed to grimly accept its necessity. Pinkie's mane deflated slightly at seeing Celestia sad. Fluttershy was surprisingly calm.

“Fine! Why the buck didn’t you tell her? If you had then she wouldn’t be an emotional wreck right now and sitting in that room hating you.” Rainbow Dash almost yelled.

“Now calm down a bit Sugercube, let her talk.” Applejack admonished.

“Thank you Applejack,” Celestia said, bowing her head in thanks before continuing in a sombre tone. “I had planned to. After she had a chance of living as close to a normal life as possible. I wanted to let her live without that hanging over her head at least for a while. I had things set in motion for her to find out in about ten years.”

“Ten years from now? You should have told five years ago.” Rainbow said more incensed now than she was before.

“To what end? For her to know she wasn’t completely whole? To know that she is a prime target for assassination, having her constantly worrying about that? You saw how she was when she thought she was behind on friendship reports. Can you imagine what she would have been like if she had potential assassinations to look out for? How could she have been expected to make friends if she was always fearing for her life like that?” Said Celestia.

Rainbow just looked at her with narrowed eyes for a moment. “She was an alicorn five years ago. She wouldn’t have been nearly as vulnerable as when she was a unicorn. Besides she would have gotten over that with our help. We were already her friends. All that’s beside the point anyway.”

“How is all that besides the point? Am I missing something here?” Questioned Celestia.

“Apparently you are.” The frustration on Rainbow Dash’s face still showing. “It doesn’t matter what reasons you had to not tell her. By your own laws on life-saving procedures, she had the RIGHT to know. That isn’t something a doctor can withhold from a patient.”

Rainbow pressed closer to Clesistia “It was something done to her without her consent. Yeah, it saved her life, but by your own law that you put in place, you were obligated to tell her. I can understand waiting until she’s knowledgeable enough to understand, but you can’t say that as an alicorn she didn’t know enough to understand.”

Celestia held up her hoof pausing Rainbow, who folded her forelegs impatiently. “Twilight’s family were told, everything they were allowed to know by law. That Twilight was in a magical incident and I had to save her life. That she had learned forbidden magic and the knowledge had to be sealed away. If the seals failed, by the laws she would have to have been imprisoned or banished, two things I did not want to happen to Twilight.”

“Ok, fine, that validates not telling her while she was a unicorn. All those restrictions vanished when she became an alicorn though. The day she ascended you were still legally, and at least in my opinion, morally obligated to tell her. And had you she wouldn’t be in there still hating you for what you did to her.” Rainbow said, looking around and noting that all her friends were nodding in agreement with her sentiment.

“And that’s why I was going to tell her when she had settled into her new role. I honestly believed she would have been happier in the long run without that knowledge had recent events not happened.” Celestia stated with honest regret.

“That being said, I understand your point about the legal side and your point that if I had, she wouldn’t be in the emotional state she is now.” Celestia said and she lowered her head. “So how do we proceed from here? I would sincerely appreciate any help in making things right with Twilight.”

“I reckon you should write a friendship report,” Applejack answered with a friendly smirk on her face.

CH 23.3 Little Star's Vigil

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Little Star vigilantly watched the pony Grey did not like, through her scrying spell. Finally, Celestia left the meeting room.

Star let out a relieved sigh as she let her prepared spells fade from her horn. She had been ready to teleport in and rescue her parents at the first sign of trouble. A small wisp of steam rose from her now cooling horn.

The scrying spell split into two, one staying still focused on the meeting room, as the other followed Celestia.

Star pulled another of her S-Five from its aviary tasking it to record everything that could be seen from the second window. She watched Celestia talk to her mother’s friends as the lines of texts filled the self animate scrolls.

The sounds of her parents’ voices drew her attention to the first window, still keeping half an eye on Celestia, she observed.

Twilight slumped and took a long calming breath. Clearly, she was glad Celestia was gone. “So, do you think we can trust her?”

“My sister?” Luna looked thoughtful, then her expression darkened. “For the most part, I know she cares for you, Twilight and she always does what she thinks is right… It is her judgement that I worry about.”

Twilight hesitated. “Do you think what she did to me… was the right thing to do?”

Luna tightened her wing around Twilight. “For Equestria yes…” She answered solemnly. “Fate had marked you as too important. If you were anypony else, if you were not the Element of Magic, there would have been options. If this were not true, I would hold my sister to account for the cruelty of her actions.”

What did she do? Star thought. The more she was finding out about Celestia, the less she liked her.

“Unlike my sister, I would have at least informed them what was happening, given them some time to find their peace and listened to any last requests they had. They would have known that their sacrifice would be saving Equestria. I would have honoured them for it, not simply resolved the situation as swiftly as possible.” Luna said as she wrapped Twilight up in her wings offering comfort.

“I won’t just stand by on these things either. You are my friend, I will be here for you in friendship and more if that is what you desire,” said Luna lightly nibbling a bit on Twilight’s other ear.

“Luna… as pleasant as this is,” Twilight said, looking to the wings wrapped around her. “We haven’t even been on a date yet and you’re already nibbling on my ear in front of your sister.”

Star stared in confusion at Luna. Eww why would she want to eat an ear? she quickly checked to see if Twilight ears were there. Thankfully they both were intact and attentive. Star thought back to her own regeneration, a horrible image of Luna eating Twilight’s ears repeatedly as they regrew, entering her mind.

Zero times has that or will that ever happen. Grey’s mental voice reassured her.

“Well, you did not object,” Luna said, smiling.

Twilight froze as a blush spread over her face, as fire danced along her mane. “Are we not moving a little too quick?” She stammered out.

“Are we?” Luna whispered into Twilight's ear.

“Would you have any interest in me, if not for Star?”

“Twilight, you have been my closest friend since that first Nightmare Night, you freed me…” Luna’s eyes darkened slightly for a moment looking off into the distance. Returning her eyes to Twilight, she continued. “The only reason I have not considered you before is I thought you were to be Celestia’s.”

“Celestia? Me?” Twilight pulled away and stared at Luna. “How could? Waah? She was my Teacher!”

“In two or three hundred years, do you think that would matter?”

Twilight paused, her expression changing to thoughtful. “Why though, I’m nopony special?”

“Being too modest is a vice of its own, you are attractive, powerful and most definitely one of the most intelligent ponies I’ve ever known,” Luna said, leaning closer. “Even without being an Alicorn, you are a very desirable mare.”

“Until recently nopony has ever been interested in me, and… thanks to how Celestia made me, I have only been able to... appreciate such things for a few days.”

“That does explain why all your suitors from the past years, proved unsuccessful in claiming your hoof.”

“What suitors? The only thing remotely similar that I remember was one stallion who kissed me as a dare and I wasn’t interested… I was so surprised I accidentally blasted him through a hedge.” She paused for a moment. “I think he was an orange pegasus. Though on recollection, I do remember his friends falling over laughing.”

“That would have been most amusing to see.” Luna grinned “Normally pegasi only fly via their own powers.”

Luna looked at Twilight as if she was a Hayburger. Star readied her magic again, she knew how dangerous Twilight was when she had a look like that. She would be ready to save Twilight if needed.

Instead of trying to eat Twilight, Luna spoke. “But I am gladdened things turned out this way, this way I get you.”

“Ok that explains the attraction, I guess, but why are you willing to go from no romantic interest to agreeing to be married in less than twenty-four hours?” Inquired Twilight

“Our daughter, we will have her recognised before the court. The only way that can happen is for us to be wed. Unless you wish to relinquish your ties to her?” Luna asked, tone implying the expected answer was no.

Star was horrified, she got ready to teleport into the room to plead her case to keep both her parents.

“Of course not,” Twilight growled, eyes narrowing at Luna. “She is our daughter,” she declared.

Star let her half-formed spell fade, this whole situation was confusing. Grown-ups make no sense. She thought. She flicked her eyes back to the other window for a moment, Celestia was talking and everypony was still alive.

Star wanted to do some more work on making her pets but dared not until the big white pony had left the building.

Luna smiled. “So are you still willing to marry me?”

Motion form the other window caught Star’s attention.

“I reckon you should write a friendship report.” Applejack said with a friendly smirk on her face.

“That is an enlightened idea, thank you. I am afraid I must take my leave and return to Canterlot.” Celestia said, bowing her head to mother’s friends before making her way towards the entrance of the Castle. Finally, Celestia made it to the main doors and left the building. Star let that scrying spell drop, not wanting to risk it being detected.

Grey started counting the seconds since Celestia’s departure. As the numbers increased, Star felt safer, the danger was gone, her family was safe.

Star looked back to the first window to find her two mothers kissing, Twilight’s mane on fire. Before Star could form the array for the Twilight’s Lab-Safety Spell version three, Grey interrupted. Zero, dangerous fires in that room.

“Oh my.” Rarity's voice came from behind Star. Looking back she could see Rarity was holding a hoof to her for mouth watching through the scrying window.

Twilight pulled back just a little staring into Luna’s eyes. “Does that answer your question?”

“Hi Rarity,” Star said, turning back to the window.

Rarity moved closer, taking an interest in the S-fives, her eyes rapidly scanning the words upon them.

“You are going to very much enjoy our honeymoon,” Luna purred. “And it will be a whole moon.”

Twilight shivered with anticipation, her mane burning brightly. Her body tensed ready to pounce on Luna. Suddenly she slapped herself, the sound echoing. The flames died as she shook her head.

Rarity audibly winced at the impact. “What are you doing Little Star?”

“Watching my Mummys to keep them safe. I have to make sure Mummy Luna does not eat Mummy Twilight like a Hayburger.”

For some reason Rarity blushed quite profusely. “Are you ok?” Star asked.

“You don't know what you just said,” Rarity said in a poor imitation of her mother's silent speech.

“I do know exactly what I just said,” Star said, holding up a scroll that had the whole conversation between her and Rarity recorded. “See” she added as that was also faithfully inked onto the scroll.

Rarity blanched for some reason, it seemed like she was not expecting an answer. Why did she ask a question if she was not ready for the answer? Star thought. Grown-ups are just strange, very strange.

“It’s not the literal words or textbook definitions I’m talking about, sometimes words have more meaning. The phrase you said could be taking in a very... adult fashion.”

“Adults are confusing,” Star commented.

“Spying on ponies is often considered rude.”

“Ok,” Star said unconcerned.

“You know this could be considered spying on them?”

Star turned to look at Rarity. “I’m not spying. I am protecting them.”

“Using a scrying spell is spying on them. If you were protecting them, you would be in the same room.”

Star thought for a moment and started to light her horn with a spell.

“Wait,” Rarity pleaded.

Star paused her casting. Five seconds until Applejack arrives. Grey’s mental voice informed her. “Ok,” she said to Rarity, mentally counting down.

“Hi Applejack,” Star said, waving with a hoof.

Rarity turned to look at Applejack, looking a little guilty, being strange yet again. Applejack looked around, her eyes looking between the scrying window and Rarity.

“Rarity are you spying on two Princesses, there's laws against that you know?” Applejack said.

“I was most certainly not spying.” Rarity said, flushing slightly.

“Then would you kindly explain?”

Rarity looked at Little Star who answered. “I was keeping watch to make sure Celestia did not hurt them, Now I’m making sure Mummy Luna does not eat Mummy Twilight.”

For a moment Applejack was stunned, her cheeks slightly reddening before it faded. “Right, you need to learn the meaning of privacy. Stop that spell right now and come with me.” Applejack said with a voice honed from years of being a big sister.

“But…” Star started.

“They aren't going to hurt each other Sugarcube, now come along,” Applejack said now almost dragging Star along.

CH 24 Temporal Investigations

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Starlight slowly noticed she was aware, she was floating in a star-filled void. I was with Trixie, doing something… she thought as her mind tried to piece things together.

The fact that she was floating without the aid of magic and that there was the blue Alicorn of Dreams standing, waiting patiently in front of her provided her all the information she needed. “So I’m dreaming.”

“An astute observation, you came to that realisation with more alacrity than most,” Luna praised.

“No offence Princess, but why are you here?” Starlight asked “Not that its a problem you are,” she added sheepishly to the one being that had total power here.

“We have need of your services, you will make yourself ready for my arrival shortly,” Luna stated in a respectful but firm tone.

No request, this was a command from the Princess of the Night. She did not want to see what would happen if she said no. Starlight nodded. “Yes, Princess.”

“Then awaken and make your preparations.” Luna’s horn flashed.

Starlight opened her eyes, revealing the inside of Trixie’s wagon. She was wide awake no hit of sleepiness remaining. Luna’s command was clear in her mind as if she had used some magic to ensure it would be remembered.

She did her best in the small wagon to gather what stuff she could think might be useful when she had no idea what she would be needed to do. As her services were needed, it would involve magic. There were other powerful unicorns out there so it would likely be something she was good at. This task is going to involve Time, Mind Control or Cutiemark manipulation. She thought sure of herself. There was simply no other reasons she would be needed.

She felt worried, not that she could not help. No, she was worried what danger was out in Equestria using one of those three. She began to gather up her stuff, doing her best to be quiet.

Half waking up and clearly wanting the noise to stop, Trixie nearly turned Starlight into a teacup. Instead, because of her quick reflexes, she managed to reflect the spell. Unfortunately, now one of Starlight’s books paid the price and was now a teacup instead.

“Trixie!” Starlight called out.

“Who dares awaken the Great and Powerful Trixie from her slumbers.”

Before she could answer, a pulse of teleportation magic announced Luna’s arrival. It was so powerful Trixie fell out of bed holding her horn. Starlight, being used to Twilight popping in and out of existence, had built up more than enough tolerance to ignore it.

Poking her head out of the wagon, Starlight was taken aback by what she saw. Luna was not alone. Two Alicorn Princesses alighted in front of Starlight both equipped for war. Luna in a suit of night-black mail with multiple daggers secured from her flanks. Twilight in blood-red plate her wings lined with wicked-looking blades.

Six armoured Thestrals from the Nightguard added to the sinking feeling building in Starlight’s gut. They rapidly took positions, securing the clearing the wagon was in.

“Starlight are you ready to depart?” Luna asked clearly expecting a positive answer.

“You can not leave Trixie here on her own,” The blue mare said, poking her head out of her wagon.

Twilight tilted her head, seemingly looking straight through Trixie. “She did acquire the Alicorn Amulet, she might be able to provide some insight.”

“Then we shall bring her and make use of her ill-gotten expertise.” Luna decreed.

Trixie blanched, releasing a slight squeak. Starlight noticed Trixie’s stage persona about to rear its head, quickly she used her aura to hold the blue mare’s muzzle closed. “We will be ready in just a moment, Princess,” She said respectfully. She used a mix of her aura and teleportation to gather everything both of them would need.

Trixie added her magic show supplies to her outfit with her own aura as she whispered to Starlight, “I was just going to say ‘The great and not quite as powerful Trixie is at your service.’ There was no need to muzzle my muzzle.”

“Sorry, couldn’t take the chance,” Starlight apologized.

Luna and Twilight approached. When Luna lit her horn, Starlight wanted to raise a shield just to ward off the force of the Alicorns magic.

The Nightguard landing in a tight circle around them, the world darkened as the shadows closed in. The stars in Luna’s mane blazed bright as the rest of it sucked in the light.

The teleport felt like falling into an endless abyss.

Bursting from the darkness Starlight found herself and Trixie high in the air suspended in Luna’s aura. After so much of practice, it only took moments to wrap herself in her own magic. As soon as her magic was in place the Night Princess’ aura faded from her.

Looking around she could see below them for miles was a sea of crimsoned-streaked magenta flames, hypnotically dancing. If it was not for the trees and mountains in the distance, Starlight would have thought she had arrived in another plane.

Her best friend Trixie had her eyes tightly closed. That was the strangest teleport ever, but it was not that bad. Starlight thought. “Is the brave and fearless Trixie going to open her eyes?” She asked teasingly.

As soon as Trixie opened her eyes and could take in their current high altitude situation, she screamed and flailed about. The screams were cut off as Twilight’s magic wrapped her in a silence bubble.

“Is this?” Twilight asked.

Luna nodded. Twilight looked around and pointed to a point in space. “This would be the centre of the blast.”

“So much… at least it’s only this bad.” Twilight said.

Luna turned her gaze on Starlight. “We require to see what happened here six days ago during the fourth hour of our dominion.”

Starlight glanced to Twilight, unsure. Her friend nodded then waved her hoof at the fire below. “I was attacked here… this is the result. We need to…”

“You were attacked?!” Starlight asked in disbelief. The sheer scale of the fires below looked like it would not have been out of place in the aftermath of Twilight’s fight with Tirek.

Starlight looked to Trixie, who had calmed down now and instead of panicking was now looking a little indigent. “Can you let Trixie speak, please?”

Twilight considered Trixie for a moment and then let the sound bubble drop.

“The transportation left a lot to be desired,” Trixie murmured to herself.

Starlight noticed one of Twilight’s ears flick towards her friend, had she heard that? There was no response other than that, so she set about her task.

Turning her attention to the area of space indicated, Starlight first cast a whole host of detection, sense enhancement, recording and analysis spells. Twilight might have an encyclopedic knowledge of nearly everything magical. Still others like Starlight were smart enough to have options to get around that hurdle in other ways.

As each layer of magic built upon the last, the world became brighter and clearer. Some of the spells, mostly Twilight’s, added labels over things in her vision. Starlight’s own just imparted the knowledge straight into her mind. One of the many advantages of being good at mind magic she had found that did not count as being evil if you used it.

Her preparation done, she moved onto the limited time spell Twilight had asked her to invent. I can only view the past, no chance of interaction, no chance of seeing the future. All perfectly safe on the timeline, no chance of ending the world or deleting important friendships again. She reassured herself.

A weak shield spell formed around the group, it’s internal surface looking like a rippling mirror. As its surface begin to calm, the time in the outside world seemed to race, the six days requested rolling back, the sky flickering between night and day several times a minute.

Twilight was unbothered, she had helped with the spell if only on the safety features. Luna was actually looking impressed. Trixie’s jaw just hung open, at least this high up a bug was not going to fly in.

In all that time, the fire did not change, it was still burning in the present as much as it was when it had first formed. As time kept reversing, the flames all seemed to leap into the air, converging upon the point in the sky Twilight had indicated.

The flames unexploded in to a complex set of spell runes etched in the sky in the magenta fire roatinging about an unconscious looking Twilight in her current armour looking horribly burnt, a bleeding wound on her neck and horn cracked and blackened.

Trixie gasped, Starlight did not want to meet Luna’s eyes, if looks could kill, the mountain up ahead would be a smoking creator.

Starlight examined the past Twilight carefully, she was under the effect of at least two defensives spells, both complex and linked together, probably reinforcing each other.

“We need to follow her back to the temple, Starlight if you would continue our journey into the past,” Luna said.
While Starlight would like more time to study the spells Twilight of the past was under the effect of, she was not going to keep an angry princess waiting.

They followed Twilight’s flight back to the temple concealed in the side of the mountain. During the trip Starlight ran some numbers, at the speed Twilight was traveling, unpowered by spell or wings, she failed to see how Twilight was not just a bloody smear flying through the air. The amount of force needed to have thrown her almost a mile in a rising ark from the Temple was just mind-boggling. Sure Starlight could blast somepony with that much of an impact, however it would take somewhere between ten and twenty percent of her available magic.

As they approached, her detection spells picked up the ultrasonic chatter between the Nightguard. They were each watching an assigned direction, reporting everything to each other. They seemed to be focused on looking for anypony in the area instead of the main attraction.

With no need to be in the air anymore, the group was walking as they entered the temple. The entrance chamber of the temple was a mess, one side of the room was in the process of uncollapsing, as past Twilight sailed back in, ending up laying on the floor curled up.

Crossing the threshold over half of Starlight’s detection spells stopped reporting anything useful. So this place is magically concealed. She thought.

As the ancient stone lifted and slotted back into place, a series of projectiles flew towards Twilight, revealing their target. A tall robed stallion with evil glowing smoky eyes.

A crackle of uncontrolled magic lept from Twilight’s horn disrupting the time viewing spell. Her body had frozen, her eyes widening. It seemed like she was going to start hyperventilating, a classic Twilight panic attack was incoming.

Starlight took a few steps towards Twilight, moving with the intent to comfort her friend. Her horn ready to contain any more errant discharges of magic.

Twilight’s eyes closed and she inhaled a deep breath before opening her eyes once more. The calm but dangerous look now within them, sent a shiver along Starlight’s spine, halting her movement towards her.

She caught Luna pausing to look to Twilight. Starlight turned away from the Princesses, she did not want to look into those eyes any more than she had to. She began investigating the room, preparing to recast her time viewing spell.

The slightest ripple of magic brushed Starlight’s horn, a moment later the listening spell she had up, so she could listen to the thestrals, unexpectedly translated it to speech.

“Twilight has returned to the Golden Oaks.”


“Yes, now shall we be about this Lulu? I am pact sworn to deal with our foes and my blades are not the only things that are eager for their blood.”

Starlight felt her expression freeze, she was so very glad she was not looking at either of them. Pacts? She managed to only cry out in her mind. Pacts were meant to be unbreakable magical contracts. The only reasons she had not studied them is they needed both parties to agree… mind control did not have such a limitation, so that was where she had focused. There has to be a perfectly good reason Twilight is calling Luna, Lulu and that she has a pact to ‘deal’ with her foes.

Shaking her head and closing her eyes, Starlight recreated the time spell and let the images start flowing backwards again.

“Starlight hold it here please,” Luna asked, trotting up to the now frozen image of the stallion, avoiding the volley of projectiles, just moments from hitting him.

“Sister informed me he was dead,” Luna snarled, as she circled him. Her eyes shifting to glowing draconic slits for a few heartbeats. “Meet the face of your assassin.” Luna pointed her hoof at the stallion. “This cur is the one that gave you that spellbook.”

Spellbook? Assassin? Starlight thought, she was just confused but thought better of asking any questions now.

Luna looked into her shadow. “Take a good look”. A pair of eyes opened within the shadow.

Trixie was now pressing against Starlight’s side, taking comfort from her being there and incidentally sheltering from Luna behind her.

Luna continued talking to the creature in her shadow. “Now inform the rest of our guard who their prey is.” The eyes vanished, something about Luna’s mane altered, but Starlight would be hard-pressed to say what.

“Start from two minutes ago and let events play forward,” Twilight commanded in a tone that sounded very much like Luna. Starlight had no choice but to comply.

Past Twilight stepped into the chamber, a sound barrier dripping from her like a shed coat, she flared her wings, displaying the razor edges of her wing blades. It was an intimidating display, Starlight could imagine the sensation of those hungry looking blades parting her flesh, she shuddered.

Past Twilight’s eyes quickly swept the chamber, with the look of a professional soldier. This was Twilight the warrior princess, not Twilight the book-loving Princess of Friendship. Starlight considered how different her own encounter would have gone if she had met this version instead of the one that brought her into the light of friendship. I’m not sure I would have survived that encounter.

The hunger for violence that sparked in past Twilight’s eyes terrified Starlight. A Nightmare Twilight was not something anypony needed. Without the Elements, could she even be stopped?

Past Twilight calmly assessed the robed unicorns arranged in a semicircle around her and seemed to find them wanting. Starlight got the impression Twilight then thought she outnumbered them one to nine.

The central figure advanced towards Twilight and spoke in a contempt laced sneer, "Blood magic dear Twilight, Celestia would be so disappointed with you, she might even send you back to magical kindergarten."

Starlight looked questionably at Present Twilight who spoke up. “Yes I know many forbidden spells and being a Princess, I am allowed to use them if the situation warrants it.”

Starlight was unsure whether she should be impressed by Twilight's newfound practicality or annoyed at the hypocrisy.

Past Twilight responded, her voice a menacing purr, "I'm the element of magic. All magic bends to my will. Do you truly think one such as you can stand against me?" She leaned forward threateningly. Her horn lit as she changed her stance. It was clear she was in charge here and that she had no doubt she would prevail.

"I do," the stallion let out a cruel bark of laughter, "You are nothing but the rarest of spell components to me, Princess."

Starlight could feel Trixie trembling beside her, she put a foreleg over her in a clumsy attempt at a hug. Clumsy or not it proved effective.

Twilight flicked her eyes to the exit. "And you are worth less than the dust on my hooves, I shall be leaving now."

A spell Starlight had never seen before lept from Twilight’s horn, a lance of ebony fire. To see her smiling with glee when throwing around what was most definitely a lethal spell was a shock. Somehow the target was unharmed, the only effect was some damage to his robe.

A look of disbelief crossed past Twilight’s face a moment before a different robed pony detonated leaving a cloud of ash behind. That shocked expression faded replaced with a thoughtful one and then a hungry grin. Twilight’s horn lit with three layers of glows.

The lead cultist's eyes flashed virulent green, coils of miasma rolling from them as he roared out. "You shall not escape me!"

Twilight’s spell casting faltered, small arks of power sparking from her horn, lashing dangerously about, scorching her coat. With a pained expression Twilight nearly managed to force the energy in to forming a shield spell, nearly.

"No not now,'' she growled her voice laced with rage.

A swarm of surgical blades flashed into existence then rushed towards Twilight’s face propelled by the dark stallion's magic. Moments later blasts of force lanced out from the other cultist's horns all converging with deadly intent.

Twilight just managed to force the magic into the worst example of a shield Starlight had ever seen before. The attacks started hitting. Her body crumpled to the floor, she started to burn from within. She curled up, shaking in pain, unable to act.

After a few seconds of her not even doing anything to protect herself, even with attack after attack landing. The attacks slowed and then stopped, but the flames kept building. The robed cultist closed in a bit, the lead one seems a little puzzled, like he was thinking things went too well.

He slowly started to approach the downed Twilight. Suddenly, burning blood erupted from her neck as it began to circle in the air, spiralling down and forming into the burning runes that had detonated outside.

"What!" was the only response the robed leader had as he took a step back, his confusion shifting to rage. He pointed his hoof at Twilight and the attack resumed.

A protection spell of some sort enclosed her, made up of complex purple runes and geometric symbols dancing around with clockwork precision. Rapidly followed by a second one, a pale, weak-looking shield with tendrils of magic reaching back and slotting into sections of the first spell.

The magic bolts struck first, shattering into fragments and being channelled through to the first spell, their energy being stolen to reinforce the inner protection that just glowed all the brighter.

The swarm of metal blades arrived next, passing through the outer protective layer as if it was not there. Upon reaching the second layer they veered off, circling Twilight, rapidly gaining speed. Multiple shock waves as each projectile made a good attempt at being faster than Rainbow dash.

Starlight slowed down the replay, so she could see what happened next.

Each shard of metal was reinforced with their own forcefield, as they headed straight back to the one who had thrown them. The shock waves as they passed through the air was enough to shake the room. The impact slammed the leader into the wall, shattering it and many of the surrounding supports.

The damage was just too much for the temple to remain whole, the ceiling began to cave in.

A huge blast of magic catapulted Twilight straight out of the temple shattering the stone around her and causing yet more damage to the structure.

Luna walked up to a pile of rubble and fixed her gaze upon it. ”Make the next hour pass in a few minutes,” Luna commanded. Starlight did so, letting her eyes look to the point Luna was looking at.

A hole burst in the rubble, Starlight slowed the replay to normal speed. Somepony was using crude magic to cut or shape their way out. It was the assassin again, his robe was tattered enough that part of his cutie mark could be seen. An open scroll it looked like.

The assassin staggered to his hooves, looking around. "It has been a long time since I have felt pain, well played Twilight." He spoke is his deep sinister voice.

The stallion's head snapped up as he looked towards the exit. Lifting his hoof to a stone ring hanging from his neck, he faded from not only vision but from all of Starlight’s senses.

Luna stomped a hoof in annoyance and looked to the entrance to watch a past version of herself, Shining Armour and multiple guards, both Night and Crystal, enter. “You can end your spell now,” Luna said calmly.

Trixie seemed to mutter to herself, “Is that the ... shop ... in?” Starlight looked at her complying with Luna’s request.

Twilight suddenly rounded on Trixie and spoke in a dangerous tone. “Where do you know that artefact from?”

“Eep,” A trembling Trixie seemed to try to hide from the world under her hat and cape.

Luna approached trailing a wing along Twilight armoured back, Starlight could not work out if the gesture was in reproach or affection, most likely it was a mix of the two. “Trixie, you have nothing to fear.” Luna almost whispered.

Trixie stilled and looked up, her fear replaced with mere wariness.

“Would you kindly tell us how you know about that Keystone?” Luna asked.

“Keystone? If you mean that rock that was around Big bad and nasty’s neck, then it was on sale where Trixie made her worst purchase.”

Starlight looked at her in disbelief You can just buy soul-sucking evil artefacts that amplify magic?!

“Once we are done here we are going to be paying them a visit.” Starlight heard in stereo as Luna and Twilight spoke at once.

That’s not creepy at all. Starlight sarcastically thought.

Twilight turned and started walking further into the temple. “Come, there is one more place where the time spell is needed.”

Starlight coxed Trixie into coming as she followed, Luna took up the rear.

The path was long and confusing, with many turns and even a few secret passageways, but Twilight did not hesitate even once. The walls of the temple were highly decorated with carvings depicting something old. It was hard to appreciate the historical value of the place when being marched between two of the most powerful beings in Equestria. Especially when at least one of them seemed to be in a bad mood.

At last they entered their destination, a room with, at its centre, an altar with four silver spikes embedded in it. They were spaced just right to be one per limb if a pony happened to be laying on it. Even with just horn light, the stains on its surface were more than enough to speak of its dark purpose.

Luna followed stepping down into the room leaving Trixie looking in from the doorway.

“Is that...” Starlight started to ask.

“Welcome to the least comfortable accommodations I have ever experienced,” Twilight said with angry sarcasm.

“You want…” Starlight, sounding horrified, began.

“You don't need to look, we just need your spellcraft,” Luna added, voice reassuring but expression cold.

“Seven days, two hours and thirty-six minutes ago is where you need to begin.” Twilight’s voice spoke in a haunted whisper.

Starlight lit her horn, she could hear Trixie’s hoof-falls as she retreated around the corner and a quiet “I’ll be over here.” Clearly she was not wanting to see more horror today.

Twilight’s screams snapped Starlight’s gaze up. She immediately regretted her actions. The scene before her was horrifying, there was no way a pony could live through what she was seeing let alone still be screaming and trying to struggle free from their bonds.

The Robed Assassin was directing a swarm of surgical blades and extracting parts of the Twilight on the altar. Without a second thought, Starlight cast the most powerful anti-nausea spell she knew, the fact that she would have dry-mouth for next week was not even considered. At least she would be well hydrated.

Dragging her eyes away from the scene and pressing her ears flat to her head to try and drown out the sound, she looked to the two Alicorns in the room. Twilight just seems to be cold and Luna did not seem to have any reaction. The powerful fluctuations of magic told a different story, being near them for more than a few hours like this could cause long term health problems.

Backing out as far as she could and still maintain the time spell, she cast a sound blocking wall over the doorway, trapping the horrid sounds inside the room. Trixie's whimpering made her glad she did not just suppress her own hearing.

Reaching out with her aura, she pulled Trixie into a hug. Both of them needed the contact now and would likely need Luna’s help tonight.

CH 25 Attack of the Paperwork

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It was not often that the Royal Guard Intelligence Services had all senior members attend the same meeting. It was unheard of for said meeting to happen in the throne room. It was unbelievable that said meeting was happening instead of the first half of day court.

Paper Pusher was extremely pleased that he was not anywhere near the front row. He was hoping his pale grey coat would do a passible job of blending in with the white of the throne room and his burgundy mane might possibly be mistaken for part of a banner or the red carpet.

Unlike many ponies here, Paper Pusher was only a glorified organiser, and he knew it. Ensuring the right paperwork got to where it was needed was part of his talent. The only reason he even had his job as he was one of the few with high enough security clearance even to see the paperwork he managed, let alone read it.

Princesses Celestia spoke in level tones with her usual calm and loving way, but somehow it did nothing to lessen the sense of dread he felt. Everypony in the room knew that she was not happy.

Apparently, a major threat that RGIS had confirmed dead over a decade ago had been found alive and well. Said threat also happened to be the one responsible for the near-disaster at Manehattan and an attempt on Princess Twilight’s life.

I wonder how many of us will be getting early retirements, He thought as he cast his eyes around his colleagues. Some were upset that they had disappointed the Princess; others were annoyed they were being held accountable for their predecessors' errors.

At least the room was still normal temperature. If the stories of how heated the Princess could get when she got annoyed with one of her previous students, that only recently got removed from a pony of interest list, were true, then he imagined it could get quite toasty in here.

In his mind’s eye, he could see the mountain of paperwork that would need to be gone through growing. The Princess was going on about how no stone could be left unturned and that every assumption, every conclusion for the past ten years needed to be re-examined in light of the Warlocks continued freedom.

No pony managed to catch even the slightest hint that Manehatten would be attacked, so presently nowhere was safe.

One bit of good news was the extra bits being allocated to RGIS, but they would need it. The Princess seemed to want field agents everywhere in Equestria at once. Currently, there were not even enough agents to do a quarter of that.

For an immortal being, she is rather impatient. He thought in the safety of his distant position.

Celestia’s gaze stopped on him, and he froze. It was like she was looking right through him. At that very moment, if he could have sunk through the floor, he would have. Her gaze moved on with nopony else seemingly any the wiser about his almost death by heart-attack.

Paper Pusher took a quick shower before making his way through the sea of panicked RGIS ponies. On his way to his office, almost everypony he passed dumped more and more files and folders on him. His mind was trying to work out how he could possibly sort all this paperwork and have it done by first thing last week.

Blue unicorn, number six, argued with green earthpony number four. White pegasus nine and yellow pegasus three, who had a commendation for valour in combat, both hovered nearby as they talked about the odds of it turning into a fight.

Paper Pusher knew it would not go that far because pink unicorn seven was on holiday this week. So he continued on his way.

He was not even halfway to his destination, and both his horn and his back were aching. Just the thought of the stairs was causing his legs to consider going on strike.

He paused, considering. There was only one mare who could process this much paperwork and get answers quickly. One of the few ponies of which he could remember their names without checking his files. He turned and changed direction. He was glad that her office was not up any stairs form where he was.

The unassuming door hid one of the strangest mares in all of RGIS. Being what appeared to be a hybrid of a pegasus and some large winged ancient pony or maybe a roc? But whatever her ancestry, she was very good at her job.

He knocked on the door and pushed it open, checking on her desk to see if the anti-Discord doughnuts were still in place. It even confused him, but for some reason, whenever they were missing or had changed into a different type of food, it meant Discord was somewhere in the building.

His safety from another immortal being confirmed, he called out into the office. “Candice, I think you might need to cancel your vacation for the next few years.” The first of several pony-sized stacks of paperwork floating into the room behind him.

Every time he looked at her, his mind paused. She did not fit in any of his mental boxes. He just did not know how to file her away. He could not help but take in every detail about her as if it was the first time he saw her. Today the first thing to catch his attention was her well-toned wing muscles and how they connected to her abnormally large wings. She had them spread slightly with the near fluorescent white glow of her magic around the first wing bones near her body.

Every time he saw her use magic, he did a double-take, checking to see if there was a horn on her head. Today’s check revealed that yet again, said horn was still missing. He actually still had money on her either being a secret love child of Celestia or part of some cancelled programme to make Alicorns that went wrong.

If it was not for the unicorn supremacists and the scorn that they levelled at hybrid ponies, her white coat and wings with silver tipping around her hooves, feathers and ears, would be the envy of many mares in Canterlot.

Her lemon-yellow mane and tail were styled long but naturally. Just a couple of hair clips holding it all in place, it could have been taken from a fashion model he thought. The fact she had tail feathers visible near the base of her tail would make ponies think she was some sort of primitive pony. One that hailed back from when flight magic wasn’t yet strong enough to stabilize flight without them.

He’s had to lose more than one request from the nobles who wanted her removed for being a poorly transmuted spy or other such rubbish. The most ridiculous one was that she was an alien from another world. If she were, she would have come through that mirror nopony was meant to know about, and that was far too well guarded for that.

Her fluorescent white glow of magic held several boards and various other pieces of equipment one would find in a classroom. As he entered, the floating items settled into place, ready for the next assignment.

Looking over her shoulder at him, Candice replied with humour evident in her voice, “It can’t be that bad. Let me see what you got there, Paper.” The look of amusement fell from her face as soon as she spotted the stack of paper that was as tall as she was. “Um, That’s going to take a couple of days at least.” She turned fully around and folded her wings across her back, the tips crossing just above her tail.

He did his best to smile, but he was fairly sure it came across as a sympathetic grimace. “That's just the index, the rest is still outside,” He said nodding with his horn through the open door.

“Well, bring the rest in. Let's see what we're in for.” She said with determination.

He nodded and set to work, bringing in the stacks one at a time. He was certain there were at least one and a half more stacks than when he set them down outside. He arranged the stacks in order. By the time he was done, it seemed like the room was being held up more by the paper than the stone.

Using his magic he added labels to each pile, commenting about them as he did so. “Here we have all of the financial records for the faculty at Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns. Next, we have all the applicants for said school and everything known about them up to this point. That stack is the basic reports for every dark magic incident RGIS have dealt with in the last ten years. The next few stacks each go back a decade at a time.”

He paused, looking unhappily at the last stacks marked with the Princess’s seal. He hated when things were not filed correctly. “And the rest of them are unsorted files that have been sent down from the palace that could be of some use… apparently.”

He saw her looking at each pile and chalk floated to one of the boards and started writing as he spoke. Notes about the contents of each stack being scribed onto the blackboard. “Thank you, Paper. I’m going to need some special accommodations for this one. How long do I have to filter all this?” she asked him.

He pulled out a note from one of the stacks. “Princess Celestia wants it completed by this time last week, and Princess Luna will be expecting a report from you in less than a week if you can manage it.”

He saw her take one more look around the stacks of paper. “Realistically I could have a report ready in a month or two. If they want this in a week, I’m going to need a small warehouse and a weeks supply of Stimulant Potions from Luna. Good thing I have temporal acceleration spells for this. This is going to burn me out, and I will have to take a day off just to sleep after. Then I will be able to deliver the report.”

He mentally paused as she called Princess Luna, just Luna. Should I bet on her being Luna’s child? Or is she just that distracted? He thought.

“I think we have some of the super-strength coffee that was confiscated from the Element of Laughter, in secure-storage,” He jokingly offered. Turning to leave, he paused for a moment. “Should I grab some zebra potions as well?”

“I’m not sure I could survive whatever Pinkie Pie has managed to concoct this time,” Candice replied, a look of seriousness showing that she wasn’t kidding. “Last thing I want is a caffeine-induced heart attack.”

“Well, at least it is not explosive like the batch before last.”

“I thought she was making charges for her party cannon that time. Was I mistaken?” Candice questioned.

“No, she just seems to be getting better at trying to get around the nationwide ban on her having caffeine,” He intoned.

“I also shouldn’t be risking the Zebra Potions. I need Alicorn level safety guarantees for this.”

He scribbled the requested items on a piece of paper, had her sign it. “If they have not sent the Quartermaster out on a mission and assuming Princess Luna approves, you should have it in a few hours.”

“Thank you Paper Pusher. I hope the rest of your day goes better than it has so far.” Candice said as he exited. Strangely she could always be counted on to treat him with respect. Maybe that’s why I don’t mind that she doesn’t fit in one of my mental boxes, or maybe she just needs her own. He pondered as yet another pony unloaded more urgent paperwork on him.

CH 26 Solar, meet Lunar: Investigation

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Moonstone Striker could appreciate the scent of salt on the air and the distant sounds of the waves. He closed his thestral like eyes letting his keen tufted ears take in the sounds.

Opening his eyes, he let his horn darken as shadows wrapped around it. As different as it was from what it used to be, it was very useful for stealth missions. The shadow magic settled around his eyes. To him, solid matter seemed to be nothing but a light mist, only living things and magic seemed unaltered. Looking through the wall to see his current targets were a trio of ponies, one of each of the ‘accepted’ tribes. There were clumsily going about making ready to leave.

He settled in to wait, he had nothing to do until they left as he was currently on his own. He could not even share a joke with his fellow Nightguard as every single member was on mission. A full quarter were tasked with guarding Twilight, Little Star and the Elements of Harmony.

Sitting in the shadows, his dark coat blending in, he watched life in the city carry on around him with nopony any the wiser about his presence. He considered his position and how he became what he was today. Before he entered Luna’s service, he was a nopony, a life of crime and petty violence would have been his only impact on the world.

Celestia would only have looked at him disapprovingly. Luna saw who and what he was and told him he could be of use, despite his flaws, he could still help make Equestria a better place. He smiled at the memory, exposing his fangs.

She extended her hoof to many criminals and undesirables, pointing out nopony is perfect, that ponies make mistakes but they only define you if you let them. Some she pardoned, others she even granted entirely new identities.

He knew that serving the Sovereign was very much like being in a cult. Most of her servants revered her. Celestia came across as a distant and stern but loving teacher or foster parent. Luna deeply cared for each of her servants, she raged when one was hurt and when in private, beamed with approval with each achievement.

Almost a full third of Luna’s servants were made up of ponies whose lives she had saved, either from monster attacks or suicide.

Almost all of Luna’s interactions with her vassals were far more personal than anything Celestia shared with anypony, with perhaps the exception of her student Twilight.

It was absurd the amount of attacks on Twilight they had to prevent. All of them just because of the jealousy Celestia’s affection had invoked in some of the entitled nobility of Canterlot.

Most of the Nightguard loved Luna in one way or another. She was their mentor, their Sovereign, their healer, their confidant. She tended to the dreams of each of them every night. Well, at least when the dreams weren't turned in to some of the most Nightmarish training imaginable.

He had lost count of all the horrible and terrible ways he had been injured or killed in the dream training. As much as they should have terrified him. The few times it had been too much, Luna had held him like she held any that needed such comfort. Softly she whispered to him ‘it was just a dream’ letting her magic sooth the worst of his trauma until it was gone. With the lessons learnt, his skills shaped, the memories of the event softened.

No members of the Nightguard, or any of Luna’s favoured, had PTSD for long no matter what happened to them. Luna was much more involved with tending to the spirits and minds of those who had pledged themselves to her than the general public. The Nightguard knew they could have no secrets from their Sovereign. Luna saw every want, every desire, every twisted fantasy and she never judged any of them from any of it. Only one’s actions deserved either praises or retribution.

He pitied the Solarguard for all the red tape they had to go through. In the Nightguard everything was by Luna’s command, the rule book was basically don’t do bad things to good ponies, save Equestria and do what Luna says.

Finally the individuals he was waiting for stepped out into the street. Something about the way they were moving was wrong. It was as if they wanted to go somewhere else but their hooves would not let them. As the cult he was hunting was said to use mind control, this could be a strong lead.

Slipping from one shadow to the next it was foals play to tail them while remaining undetected. He really loved the thestral magic Luna had blessed him with. If the Noble council knew that Luna was using her magic to effectively create hybrid ponies, they would throw a fit. He almost wanted to tell them just to see how they would react. The one Hybrid in RGIS even got a motion from the nobles to close the whole department down, not that Celestia even allowed it to end up on the docket.

As he followed them, it was clear to see Vanhoover was a mess with all the Solarguard in it. Even when they were trying to be unobtrusive, the stallions in their golden armour were visible almost everywhere. They were too blind to see how much suffering they were causing. By keeping ponies that looked undesirable or slightly shifty from going about their normal everyday life, even getting food became difficult for some. Just because a pony had the misfortune to be poor or get involved in a few minor crimes did not mean they were a bad pony. But that is what the holier than thou Celestia worshiping Solarguard thought. He had only ever seen a couple of Solarguard even stand up for the Nightguard when they were being trashed talked. The Hybrid from RGIS was one of them. I wonder if Sovereign Luna would consider acquiring her for the Nightguard.

Just in the first day of his investigation, he had seen three low paid workers lose their jobs because they were late as the Solars had held them up at checkpoints. He made a mental note to try and get somepony to check up on them to make sure they would be all right. He would mention what was happening to Luna next time he slept.

His targets stopped at a coffee shop and placing the same large order as they did yesterday. Getting more than enough for twenty ponies before continuing on. Unlike yesterday, they stopped at a hayburger, collecting another larger order to go. As both places had the orders ready to go, they must of prearranged it. With the additional food, it would mean there would be more ponies.

Despite the fact these ponies were clearly minded controlled, the Solarguard just let them pass. Yet another example of how useless they were, how could they not see what was wrong with these ponies? Do they train them in anything other than looking impressive and standing still? He thought.

Unfortunately the magic on their armour stopped him seeing who he was dealing with, only those equipped with solar armour could really see the identities of the ponies under the uniform enchantment. Even his enspelled eyes could not see past that effect.

None of the guards used any names in the time he had to listen, so he would only be able to say when and where he saw them when he reported this, and he would report this.

His targets moved on, heading into an apartment building, the building had a pair of bulky looking earthponies standing guard. Given there did not seem to be anything special about the building, the guards looked out of place. Are these foals trying to get caught?

With his vision, he scoped out the places and looked for ways to sneak in unnoticed, there were some forty ponies in the building, a flash of gold in his vision caught his attention. Focusing on it, one of the ponies in the building seemed to be on the floor in a small room. By the awkward position they were in, it seemed they were tied up.

The flash of gold appeared again from within that pony, it was a hidden marker used to identify undercover Solar agents. Well that makes things more interesting, how did that foal get themselves caught?

He wondered how many bragging rights the Nightguard would get from pulling this agent out of the fire they had landed themselves in.

A simple shadow step into the small cupboard was all it took to get inside. He then slid out into the room. Switching his eyesight to a spell that let him see perfectly in the dark, he looked over her in more detail. She was indeed tied up and in a rather uncomfortable position. With no light in the small space, he could not tell what her colours were but he could make every detail of her form.

Loosing her bonds, he at least got the idiot in a more comfortable position. His attempts to wake her up however were not fruitful. After a moment of consideration, he wondered if this was some sort of sting or operation in progress. I should really check before I rescue her.

He placed his horn to her forehead and cast a spell that the Sovereign has taught him personally. He was meant to use to for mission briefings and passing reports between Nightguard but here it could be used to find out how and why she was here.

The spell completed and the waking world faded as he pressed the question into her mind, Why are you here?

Revealing Light, RGIS agent number seven was in a bad mood. Normally a lack of possible leads was the one thing that slowed investigations. Paper Pusher had his hybrid marefriend cooped up in an office with all the files RGIS had ever produced. Now with all of the paperwork coming out of that sealed office, the problem was reversed. There were too many leads, far too many leads, and Celestia wanted them all investigated, right now.

Unfortunately, with all the possible things that might be out there, some bright spark scrambled the guard. This forced all the rats underground, in some cases literally. It was almost as if the nobles were doing everything they could to make life hard for the agents. With all the Solarguards, dressed in their enchanted golden armour, being all over the place, the bad guys and most of RGIS’s informants had gone to ground. You think they would learn that plate armour is not discrete.

Even the ponies selling slightly dodgy magazines had closed up shop and headed out of town.

After being stopped by yet another guard patrol, the RGIS agent had her paperwork checked, twice. She was told to get a new photo as she looked much older than in the photo on her ID. The only reason she looked older is that she had lines under her eyes due to the stress.

Finally, she managed to get back to the hideout, one that fortunately was not on any books or by now it would have had a dozen Solarguards using it as a garrison.

She slipped into the secret room in the back, letting out a long-suffering sigh as she took in the work waiting for her. The stack of places she was meant to investigate before the end of the day, was at least as thick as her hoof. But the job had to be done. It would not have been sent to her otherwise.

Each of them should take weeks of careful infiltration and making connections before even attempting to enter them. With the pressure from on high though, shortcuts had to be taken.

After she read and memorized each location, she burnt the paper, leaving nothing but ash. She added it to the fireplace, making it look like it had been used.

With the information on the dozen places, she thought she could investigate firmly in her mind, she checked her appearance. Looking into the mirror, she could see her disguise, her coat expertly dyed to a pale blue, her mane a lovely purple. Her cutie mark was altered to now appear as a bush with blue berries on it instead of its normal Ray of Light piercing a gloomy sky.

If she had time, she could assume a different identity for each place, today, unfortunately, she would be burning this identity. There would be no way to hide checking out so many shady places in a single day.

She looked around what had been her home for the past few months, she had enjoyed some of it, she had at least a few ponies who thought she was their friend.

She, like many agents, was jealous of agent Sweetie Drops. The Agent who had gotten to stay in the same place for years on end, becoming friends with almost everypony in the town the Element of Magic lived in. How much of that was planned? She thought. Did she put herself in a position to be known to the Element of Magic just to make it harder for anypony else to force her to move on?

Looking at a single photo with her soon to be former friends, she began collecting the rest of the photos, the memories and the small keepsakes slipping the most-precious into a bag. “The life of an agent is never dull.” She said to that one photo, tucking it in her mane on its own.

The illusion on her horn faded for a moment as she used a shrinking spell so all her keepsakes would fit in a small pouch that she then secured in her mane.

Finally ready, she headed out of her room and into the main area of the affordable apartment building. This is going to be the last Blue Berry sees of this place. She lamented for what she was about to lose.

The building still had a receptionist. She offered her thanks and a smile to him. Placing a bag of coins on the desk, she left a tip knowing this would be the last time she talked to the chess master that she had past time with on occasion. Everypony has something to hide. She thought back to how embarrassed he was about his skill at the game and how he would be most upset if she told anypony about his ability.

He had, unknowingly for him, been playing chess by post with the Princess of the Sun for the last ten years and had never known who he was playing. She had figured this out when she had seen notes on the game on the Princess’s desk.

Turned out that the Princess played many such games, seemingly picking one pony to play per settlement. Some she communicated with via the papers, some by letters that did not look anything like her horn writing. One or two had apparently even managed to work out who their opponent was and approached Celestia about the game.

She often wondered if it was some sort of test. It was rumoured that at least one of the analysts back in Canterlot was recruited for playing well. Was it possible that was the reason they let a hybrid pony into the RGIS? Despite the fact that there was no way for them to follow the uniform regulations?

Would the receptionist get a letter one day, inviting him to play her in Canterlot? He would die of shock. She thought, having to hide her laugh.

Blue Berry waved just before she let herself out of the door to the outside world.

The first set of places on the list proved to be nothing, they were the sort of place where terrible things could have happened. But with the work of RGIS, things were kept down to just slightly naughty. These places were empty like the owners had likely taken some effort in hiding themselves.

The next place she had to look into was a large ally. Seeing the state of the building, she remembered her mother wanting her to have a more normal career. Normal careers did not offer much cause to go out and look for hidden things. How was she going to go on adventures or do something that actually worked towards keeping Equestria safe if she did that?

Turning a corner, she saw in the peripheral vision, a large earthpony with a mark of a skull under an iron hoof, guarding the door. What sort of pony has a mark like that? she thought.

The agent moved on, showing no sign she wished to linger. Deliberately ignoring the concealed guard as if she did not see the powerful crossbow hidden behind a bin but still in easy reach. A weapon that was most definitely not for self-defense. This place is better defended than I thought it was. But why? She thought.

She moved on, having to take a long walk to prevent whatever other guards the place might have taking her unaware. She would have to come back later and try to observe form stealth before taking any action. She thought she would find herself quite allergic to crossbow bolts.

The salt air did a lot to conceal any other scents in the air. If she was not trotting on her own in the bad part of town, she could have called it a relaxing outing.

“This was so much easier when…” She started to say to her self.

The sound of hooves behind her cut her words off.

“What's a pretty thing like you doing here?” said the large earthpony from before, apparently he had followed her.

She smiled and slowly walked towards him. “The question is, do you have enough bits to find out?” She asked, letting a seductive purr enter her voice.

He paused for a moment, his body language eased. He clearly no longer saw her as a threat. Good, that will make this easier. She thought.

He moved closer “I have more than enough for you…” He started leaning close.

She mirrored the movement, drawing closer as if to kiss him. She wrapped a leg around him, pulling them closer. A flash cast, point-blank, overpowered, knockout spell sizzled through the air singeing his coat. He staggered back, dazed but still standing.

Sweeping his legs out from under him, she slammed a hoof into the side of his head followed up by another pair of knockout spells. To Tartarus with earthpony toughness. She thought panting. It had only been seconds but her heart was pounding. She was an actual spy, an investigator, not some sort of comic book secret agent. Things were not meant to go this way.

She used her magic to cast a binding spell, holding all four of his legs together and dragged him to a large dumpster in an alleyway. Looking at the dumpster for a moment she gave up and just dragged him behind it, there was no way she was going to get such a large pony up and over into the dumpster.

To buy some more time she gagged and blindfolded him. She hoped the rest of the low-lives here would not do more than rob him but she did not have time to take him in.

She wrapped an invisibility spell around herself, slipping soft padded shoes from her saddlebags, she put them on. The sound of muffled hooves on the pavement as she galloped back, were quite enough to blend into the background sounds of the city.

On a time limit, she used a lock pick spell to break in and began to search the building the thug had guarded. The other defenders outside on the other side of the building paid her no attention as they continued the conversation about hoofball.

Fortunately her special talent was finding hidden things as well as apparently hiding things. So she was good at locating things hidden away in secret compartments, finding secret passageways, and hiding places. Though how anypony thought they could hide all the counterfeit magic items under a floorboard was another question. All it would take would be somepony with a horn to get close to find them.

She gathered up all the stuff she could into her dimensional pocket. It was now full of stolen food, tools, weapons, bundles of many things she had no idea what they were. Some of it would be returned to their owners the rest would end up in the evidence lockup. So likely would be taken by The Night Princess and logged as yet more ‘disappearances’ form the evidence storage.

The last items she found gave her pause, they were a collection of magical writings, just looking at them made her shiver. Despite all of her training, finding magical texts scribed in blood upon the flayed skin of a pony was not something most could just ignore.

She was not an expert at this sort of magic but she could recognize that they were bad news. By how complicated they were and how large the spell array would need to be, this was probably another attack like the one in Manehatten.

A slight ripple of magic passed over her, she tensed moving into a hiding place, despite the fact she was invisible. Her talent at finding hiding places also served her well locating places to hide herself.

“Where is Skull Crusher?” A voice downstairs called out.

Agent Seven carefully and slowly made her way to the window, it was a bit of a drop but it would be her most reliable form of escape.

She could hear hooves moving around downstairs, if her ears were not lying to her, one of them was moving closer to the stairs.

She lit her horn and using her aura, slowly started to open the window. That pulse of magic brushed over her again. She did not recognize the spell, but you didn’t have to be a ‘Twilight Sparkle’ to work out when you had been spotted by magic.

Buck subtly. She thought, lunging the few steps, diving at the still closed window. A kinetic blast launched from her horn, shattering it, sending glass flying into the night air shortly followed by a wingless pony.

As the ground rushed towards her, she thought back to her training, she prepared a large kinetic blast and let it become fuzzy around the edges.

She could hear the ponies inside the building galloping about and shouting. They were heading into the room she had just left. Unless they had any with wings, all she needed to do was get to the next street and she would be safe.

The deliberately faulty kinetic blast spell released from her horn, impacting the ground and splashing back in a dispersed wave of force.

She twisted her body and started to line her hooves up to take off at a gallop upon landing, hoping she got the power in her spell right. She hated the physical part of her training.

The unknown magic pulse happened again, but this time it seemed to settle on her, her limbs started to feel heavy, her heart felt tight, like no matter how hard it beat, it could not pump enough blood.

She tried to fight the spell with her own magic. Trying to force her body to move, it felt like she was going to tear something inside with each attempt. Before she had time to get desperate enough to see if she would tear herself apart by trying too hard, she hit her spell.

Impacting the softened spell felt like falling into jelly, if it was made from warm air and yet still slowed you. Sinking through it, now completely unable to move, she was very glad it was magic and not the dessert. Drowning in jelly would have been very embarrassing.

She settled laying on her side in a very awkward pose. She could not even move her tail to preserve her modesty from the ponies she could hear walking up behind her. She wanted to run, wanted to strike out with her magic, but she could not even breath.

The world started to darken before the familiar sound of a stun bolt ripping through the air let her know what sped her descent into the dark of unconsciousness.

Striker blinked, pulling back from the agent before him. He had not expected the vision to be that intense. He placed a hoof over his heart, he could still feel the ache of the blood magic constricting the agent’s blood flow. He only wanted to know if rescuing her would interfere with her mission. Having felt everything she had been though from the first pony point of view, he now knew.

The spells she had in her pocket were far more important than dealing with the ponies here. He had no way to get to them without her consent, So rescue mission it is then. Time to play the dashing hero and hope she does not buck me in the face while trying to escape my rescue attempt.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he made ready to shadow step out of there. It was always so much harder with a passenger. He did not want to have to use the extra reserve of magic his Sovereign had blessed him with. That was for a true emergency, this was just an inconvenience.

Letting his power build, he wrapped his limbs around the agent. Closing his eyes, he felt the world fall out from under him as they both fell into the shadow leaving the room, and the cultists, far behind.

His body was still trembling from the lack of magic. He had used a lot to get here. He was hidden in a broken clock tower. All the mechanisms about made the place look like a comic book villain’s lair.

He had wrapped the agent in a blanket and sat as far away from her as he could, waiting. He would need to sleep to inform his Sovereign about what had happened, but knowing his luck if he did that she would wake up and either flee or attack him.

His aura reached out, pulling a mango from the box next to him. Ever since his change, these things had been a little too moreish. His fangs bit into its juicy flesh. He much preferred using his fangs on fruits instead of ponies. It was a little too personal. Using his hoof to fight was one thing, but his mouth… he guessed he would get used to it, he had seen how effective thestral fangs could be in a fight many times before.

He watched his solar guest, eating mango after mango, glad for being a unicorn. With the amount of energy a pony could burn using spells, it gave him all the justified opportunities he could possibly want to eat the fruit.

Slowly the Solar agent began to stir, a groan escaped her lips.

“Welcome back to the land of the free, Light,” he said, hoping his opening would put her at ease.

She slowly looked around. He could see the edge of fear on her but it was tempered by her training. She had already clocked the two exits to the room and the small pile of his weapons and armour in the corner. Good, I’d hoped she would see them. He thought knowing it would lend credibility to his being a Nightguard. Not that she should fail to notice his Nightchosen traits.

“How do you know that name, Night Lover?” She asked, her eyes staring at him.

Flicking his ears in annoyance, he glared at her with his slitted eyes. “So this is the thanks I get for saving you?”

“I…” She started before he cut her off.

“What I need is to get a look at those magic notes you took from my targets. I know you hid them in your pocket and I can’t continue my investigation without them.”

“How can I trust you’re not in bed with the Cultists?”

“Oh for Luna’s sake, we are not some Nightmare Moon cult.” He said anger flaring. At least not anymore. He added in the privacy of his own mind. “Look do you want to save this city or let it go up in flames, incase you have not noticed, Twilight Sparkle is not here and unless we find out where they are going to do that… whatever they are going to do, we might need to update the map of Equestria.”

She took a calming breath, he could see her trying to get a read on him. Most ponies found it harder to read the emotions and honesty of Thestrals. He wondered how much of that had carried over to him.

“Fine,” she said, snatching up one of his mangos from the box with her aura. “So, who are you?”

He tracked the stolen fruit with his eyes, it took more effort than he wanted to admit, to not use a stun bolt on her to save his treat. He grabbed another from the box and took a bite out of it before the temptation became too great.

Offering a casual salute with his hoof, he answered. “Striker.”

She nodded, her body language settling into a well practised professional manor. So she is going to be no fun, but at least if she stays civil, we should be able to work together.

“So how do you know my name?”

“You do know Celeista put tags on her Agents don't you?” He asked, hoping she would not ask if these tags had names on them.

The look of confusion that crossed her face told him he was safe, she clearly didn't know about them.

“Look, to make sure the Nightguard does not… inconvenience any of your’s that are under cover, she made sure all of you are marked. It's one of the things we have to check for before we doing anything too permanent.”

Her ears lowered fractionally. So she is another one that does not like what we do. He thought.

“So the spell?” He asked.

She lit her horn and the pieces of cured pony skin were placed on the floor. She seemed to cringe away from them, muzzle wrinkled in disgust.

Striker walked over and took a good look at them. “So, what do you know about these things?” He pointed with a hoof at the spells.

“Not much, I did not get much time to study them before… before my little enforced nap,” She said, getting to her hooves and walking over, turning her eyes to the spell text, holding her face as if it was a mask. “I know you would need at least a small warehouse to fit this outer ring of runes in.” She pointed to a section.

He followed where she was directing his attention to. He lamented his lack of education, sure he knew the spells he could cast very well. Luna had even praised him on his mastery of two of them. Yet when it came to magical theory, he had next to none. He eyes caught an imperfection on the surface of the pony leather the writing was on. He lit his horn, letting his magic improve his already sharp eyes, the impression of words becoming clear.

Three-One-Nine East ST. Remember to bring the stuff, everything could be ready in ten days.

He grinned, showing his fangs, the foals had written a note resting atop the spell texts and left an address.

“What?” She asked with annoyance, glaring at his grinning face.

“I know where they are going,” He answered, hiding his fangs but keeping his grin.

“How could you possibly get that from this spell?”

“They leaned on it when they wrote down the address.”

She blinked, he saw her hoof start to lift, he just knew she almost facehooved. “So… I got captured by a bunch of amateurs.”

“They are evil cultists that worship Sombra, not agents. Expect crazy magic and a definite lack of common sense.”

She nodded slowly. “So what do you want to do now?”

“I'm glad you asked, we are going to take a peek and see what we can see.”

“Just the two of us?” She asked in disbelief.

He tilted his head and looked at her, “You want to go on your own?”

“No… we need backup to deal with something like this.” She insisted.

“Once we have a look and see how far they have gotten, we will know how much and what sort of reinforcements we need.”

She still looked doubtful, “What makes you think we can even do this?”

“Getting places unnoticed is what the Nightguard is best at…”

“They managed to find me when I was invisible.” She interrupted.

“So… I need to worry about some sort of magical detection?” He asked already knowing the answer from her memories.

“Yes, it was a pulse of energy I did not recognize, they used it somehow to paralyze me.”

Striker nodded, “Thanks, that will be useful, did you notice what sort of range it has?”

She shook her head. “I was not close enough to tell how far it went.”

He headed over and started putting on his armour. “So, you coming?”

CH 27 Portents

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It had taken a week for Luna to become frustrated enough to turn to her most powerful but least reliable method of divining information. She floated in the air of her Bastion over a dozen dream orbs. She had pulled them into her Bastion to utilize an ability none of the ponies would ever know they had. Each of the souls she viewed all shared the ability, a sensitivity to the winds of Fate that sometimes could be felt in the dream realm.

It was always vexing that as soon as somepony found out they had this ability, they lost it. Until Luna had discovered her own ability, her mumbling in her sleep had been used many times to predict the future. She paused for a moment and considered if Little Star could have inherited this ability. Would it be wrong or right to try and keep her in the dark to maintain such an ability should it manifest?

With a wave of her hoof, all but one of the orbs formed into a pattern as threads of Luna’s magic formed a web between them, creating a dreamcatcher, her Dream Augury.

Luna examined the white orb of the last mare. She was an interesting mare, one of the few hybrid ponies that survived past early foal hood. Her talent was finding patterns in seemingly chaotic things and using that to solve all kinds of puzzles. An ability she was recruited for, being put to use supporting Celestia's agents.

From what her guard had seen, this mare had sometimes displayed some springingly good instincts. She was probably slowly becoming aware of her ability. Luna wondered how long it would be until she became certain enough in it for it to stop working. She hated to think how many adventures, oracles and prophets died because their ‘luck’ ran out.

This Candice practised both unicorn and pegasus magic, having two separate wellsprings. Perhaps it was to do with her twin’s soul that fused with her in the womb. She had two complete sets of ley lines that did not touch but spiralled around each other. She could have been deliberately created, but as she had no traces of Alicorn magic, that was highly unlikely. Unless it was Discord’s doing… which could explain his interest in her. But if that was true, she fell a long way from the chaos tree.

Discord had taken delight in pulling pranks and otherwise causing trouble for her. Although the mare seemed rather resilient and just took it in stride, even managing to prank him back. The end result was, she kept doughnuts in her desk specifically for Discord now. Given her talent was essentially finding order in chaos, it made sense, she was a natural foe to Discord. If it were not for his reform, he would likely have killed her or worse. His interest was why Luna was always so wary about including her as part of the Dream Augury.

She rolled the orb across her hoof and then on a whim added it to the Augury. The webs embraced it, lighting up as it activated.

In a flash of motion, a shrieking face of a skeletal mare clad in golden crystal with eyes of magenta flame burning with anguish-fueled rage rushed towards Luna.

Despite the spike of fear rushing through her veins, Luna was too experienced to freeze. Her defences solidly snapped into place in an instant. Only to see the image fade before it even reached her. Oh, how she hoped this was just another one of Discords so-called ‘jump scares’.

She spent a long moment centering herself before moving on to her next task. It would not do to contaminate her gifts.

Luna kissed each orb as she placed them back into the sky of her Bastion, returning them to the Dream Realm blessed with the sweetest of dreams for their unknown services.

As she placed Candice's, she caught a glimpse of the dream. Well desiring a princess is not uncommon, but both myself and Twilight? She is ambitious. She thought with an amused grin. At least she has good taste.

“Well, if that’s the dream she wants,” Luna said, letting her magic adjust the dream, blessing the imaginary Luna and Twilight with some of her many years of experience.

Looking to her Bastions sky, smile fading, her eyes turned to slits as she scanned the sky once again seeking the dream of her Twilight’s assassin.

Many hours later, Luna had abandoned her search in the Dream Realm. Now she was taking tea with Cadance who sat across from her. Luna was using magic to ignore her body's need to sleep. It would slow the rate she recovered her power, but that was not much of a disadvantage at the moment.

“So you still can’t find him?” Cadance asked

Luna shook her head. “I fear he knows of my talents and is somehow concealing himself.”

“What are you going to do Aunty?”

“This hunt is not over. I have my Nightguard hunting for him. He will be found." She declared.

"What are you going to do when you find him?"

"You would not wish to know," Luna said, in a flat cold voice.

Cadance covered her discomfort by drinking from her cup and changing the subject. “How are things with Twilight?” she asked, changing the subject.

“They are … Interesting."

Cadance raised an eyebrow "That is your answer?"

"Tiz true."

The pink Alicorn’s playful glare encouraged Luna to continue.

"We have talked, I think she is planning something, but she won't tell me and has expressly forbidden me to try and find out."

Cadance looked thoughtful. "So she is taking this seriously," said humming for a moment before continuing. "Even if what she arranges falls flat, try to appreciate it."

"I imagine she will prevail at her self appointed task. She does have my former companion for help. She will know my preferences better than any other." Luna said, trying to hide the small amount of uneasiness she felt whenever she thought of Night being one of Twilight's companions.

"You can trust them," Cadance said, placing a comforting hoof against Luna’s.

"You are sure?"

"It is my talent and my domain. I know love and I can see into their hearts."

"Mayhaps it is just me being jealous, my bastion has been such a lonely place since my return," Luna mused.

"So maybe you should visit their's or invite them into yours."

Luna nodded. It was a very personal request, but given they were going to be married... It was an appealing idea, but she was still a little concerned about how Twilight, Night and Dreams would react.

Cadance interrupted her contemplations. “Any thoughts of what you will do to try and woo Twilight? And I don't just mean nibble her ear till she melts against you.”

“I can do much more than that,” Luna said, teasingly.

A rolled-up newspaper lifted in Cadance’s aura before she continued as if she was not threatening the Night Princess with rolled up paper. "I have no doubt that if you want this to last, you need to tend to the emotional side first before you go any further with the physical side. Now I know you would be happy with a purely physical relationship, but once Twilight gets over the newness of this side of her, she will want more."

Luna did her best to think and avoid laughing. Cadance’s weapon was just so silly. Luna knew Twilight cared deeply for all her friends but had not been able to see into her dreams since her carnal side had awakened. This was likely because she did not know how to allow others past her Bastions defences.

“What would you advise me to do?”

“Find things that Twilight enjoys and always remember to be yourself. You can’t…” Cadance paused for a moment before giving Luna a serious look. “You should not build relationships of any type with lies, wearing a mask or playing a role, trying to be somepony else would only backfire.”

“Niece, I am more than confident in myself, I need no such deception.”

“Remember Twilight is your equal and not one of your ponies, and you should do fine.” Cadance cautioned.

“Now I do believe I promised to tend to your leylines.”

Cadance shifted nervously. “And you challenged me not to enjoy it.”

With a wave of her wing, Luna directed some shadows to billow out, forming into luxurious cushions. “Lay yourself down and spread your wings, I promise I won’t do anything you would not approve of right now.”

Cadance carefully walked over and settled down, spreading her wings as requested. “What should I expect?”

Luna moved over, keeping her usual teasing nature incheck. This was just a simple task, as mundane as every day ablution. As much satisfaction as she could gain by teaching Cadance how much pleasure could be had, she would not.

Luna reached out with a single primary, charging it with a mix of earthpony and pegasus magic. Cadance followed the feather with her eyes, clearly having sensed the magic being used.

“Aunty, before I forget, you have to teach me to make these,” she said, snuggling down into the comfortable cushions.

“Of course,” Luna said, letting the charged feather trace along the main ley line in Cadance’s wing. Luna watched the muscles in her back tense and then relax as a content hum escaped from her niece’s lips.

“Oh that is pleasant, but I have had better massages and far better preening, this is not…”

Luna reached out with her other wing and placed a single feather on Cadance's beautiful horn. “Brace yourself.” she cautioned.

“Why?” Cadance asked.

Luna knew exactly what she was doing, Cadance’s horn had an immense amount of built-up crystal magic residue, this would take a lot of power. She slowly moved atop Cadance, pinning her in place.


“Be at ease, I just need to be able to hold you still and counter any magic you may release when your horn is cleared.”

Cadance took a calming breath, Luna could see the trust in her niece’s eyes. The benefit of being able to know the hearts of anypony, she could have utter faith she had nothing to fear from her.

Looming over Cadance and placing her own horn against her niece’s, she began.

The Nightguard’s training in stoic composure was put to the test when Cadance reacted. Luna knew what she would be seeing in some of their dreams when they slept.

An hour later, Luna looked at the sprawled out form of Cadance. She was still purring, wings trembling at every slight breeze and small sparks falling from her horn. Noting the convulsions had stopped she used her shadow magic to wrap Cadance in a blanket, tucking her in.

Having the attractive form of the pink Alicorn laying like that was more than a little distracting. If it were not for the hunt for the missing teacher and the fact she was soon to be married to Twilight, she would have been very tempted to use her own wing instead of the blanket. A few words, a few gentle ministrations with her fangs and Luna knew she could make Cadance at least consider upgraded from Shining Armor, at least for a whole second.

Luna turned back to her painting that she had been working on to pass the time, it was a life-painting of Cadance, in her current state, captured in exquisite detail. She could have used magic to simply conjure the image, but she much preferred to work with wing, hoof, mouth and mane. It just felt more tangible somehow.

The Tantabus slunk in, stepping out from her shadow. “No luck?” Luna asked.

Luna’s creation seemed to curl in on itself. Luna put down her brush and reached out, stroking the Tanatbu’s mane reassuringly. “It will be alright,” she said in a warm tone, not letting her anger or disappointment enter it. The Tantabus would think at least some of them were directed towards her.

“Show me the report.”

The Tantabus stepped closer, placing her horn to Luna’s. The collected intelligence gathered by her Nightguard in Fillydelphia flowed into her mind. Many less important problems were located but nothing that would be dealt with this moon and maybe not even the next one.

“Good girl,” Luna said affectionately, again stroking the Tantabus’s mane. “Now go and check in with our family in Cloudsdale.” Luna continued sending the mental image both the location and the Nightguard assigned there.

The Tantabus nodded and took a single step back, then slipped back into Luna’s shadow.

Luna sighed. She wanted to smash something or more accurately somepony, somepony she could not currently locate. She glanced towards Cadance then after one moment copied her breathing technique. What do you know? She thought as she felt some of the stress leave her.

She turned back to her painting, considering, “Now… how to finish the painting… do I make it a work of art or a prank?”

“Don’t you dare…” Cadance slurred, still drunk on all the sensations she was feeling.

“Or what?” Luna teased.

Cadance spent a vast amount of effort to get her next words out carefully, “I, will, tell, Twilight.”

Luna expression fell. “You win.”

Cadance snuggled into the shadowy fabric that wrapped around her, seeming to fall back into a slumber.

Sometime later, her most recent work of art finished, Luna felt somepony move through the shadows in her wing of the castle. A slight effort of will and she could see the pony in question. Candice was approaching with far more haste than expected, an unfortunate amount of paperwork levitating in her aura. Luna considered it might have been wise to at least indicate she did not need to carry it, as her Nightguard had already acquired a copy. Alas, she was not one of her own, she was one of Celestia’s, so a certain amount of theatrics was expected.

Candice glanced around as if looking for door guards, then advanced to the door lifting a hoof to knock.
More decisive than most. Luna thought, using her magic to open the door just before the hoof would have connected.

Luna knew she was playing up the theatrics but such things were both expected and fun. The only thing in the now dark room the mare would be able to see would be Luna’s glowing eyes.

Candice almost did not falter, recovering from the unexpected with reactions quick enough that most ponies would not have noticed there was a pause at all. She walked into the room calm and professional but seeming to be concealing something.

Luna why is there a mare in here that has feelings for you? And why am I stuck behind a wall of shadows? Cadance mentally sent to Luna.

She is one of Celestia’s tools that had been looking over all the RGIS files for me.

Letting the glow of her eyes fade, she snuffed the light coming from Candice’s magic. Luna closed the door and blanketed the room in total darkness so that her guest would not be able to see anything at all.

That's not the bit I am interested in… wait I know her, she is the one I was considering pushing towards Twilight before I found out how uninterested your future wife was in having any relationship at all.

Luna raised her eyebrow. Verily? So if it were not for my sister’s meddling, my Twilight would be with this mare? she sent to Cadance, making sure to keep her wondering about Candice’s oracular ability to herself.

Candice kept walking into the darkness like she still knew exactly where she was going. The twitch of her ears giving away how she was navigating. Luna deepened the darkness absorbing all the sounds leaving the space completely silent. Candice, despite the silence, advanced to almost the proper place before her desk to report. She deposited the stack of paperwork on the ground next to her.

Luna observed her guest watching for a reaction. Most ponies did not last long in total silence, not even being able to hear their own breath or heartbeat.

Candice’s body relaxed, a content smile slightly forming on her muzzle. Luna blinked, that had not been a reaction she had ever seen before from any but sleep-deprived thestrals.

Why are you playing with her? Cadance asked.

You thought she would be worthy of Twilight. We will find out. Luna responded.

Luna… Cadance warned.

If I break her, I will fix her.

Candice waited a few seconds before her professional stance returned. “Lieutenant Candice, reporting as ordered your highness,” she said, still unable to hear the sound of her own voice.

Luna spent a moment considering before grinning. She leaned over her desk, getting into position, closing her eyes. Her magic dragging Candice through the shadows, depositing her victim right in front of her, almost muzzle to muzzle.

Candice’s wings snapped partially open catching the slight breeze, her legs dropping down just enough to cushion her landing.

Suddenly she snapped open her glowing slit eyes, casting just enough light that Candice would be able to see the outline of Luna’s muzzle. Luna was mildly annoyed at the lack of surprise on her victims face, instead was the stoic look of somepony taking a test.

Luna used her magic to pull the desk aside and circled Candice, trailing a single feather along her back. Luna could see the muscles fighting each other as Candice forced her wings to remain still. She altered the darkness to allow their voices to be audible to each other.

Hmm, for once your victim seems to be enjoying your performance as much as you are. But that’s no excuse not to be careful with her. Cadance added.

Pressing her muzzle next to Candice’s ear, Luna whispered. “Would you mind if I happened to steal you?”

Candice quietly but confidently replied, “Whatever way you happen to need me, I would not be opposed.” Curiosity evident in her voice.

“That's a rather open-ended offer,” Luna said, her voice a mix of sensuous and dangerous.

A slight smirk on Candice’s muzzle told Luna she could take that however she desires. Though the light shiver of desire did not go unnoticed.

“You are a bold little one,” Luna said, letting a hungry grin with just a hint of fangs be visible. She trailed a wing over Candice’s back and wings again.

Be careful, you are toying with her heart. Cadance warned.

I am aware, I know very well what her dreams are.

Candice looked straight at Luna, “Nopony ever got anywhere by being timid. Well, with the exception of Fluttershy.” Then she straightened up being professional again.

Luna moved closer, almost pressing her side against Candice, bending her neck and placing her muzzle almost close enough for a kiss. “Why are you even with the Solarguard?” she purred. Trying to break her professional mask was proving to be entertaining in its own way.

Luna observed as Candice inhaled a slow breath, taking in Luna’s scent. “I’m only in the Solarguard because the Nightguard wasn’t an option at the time. Had the Nightguard approached me, I probably would have said yes.”

Luna silenced the sudden ultra-high-pitched chattering of the concealed Nightguards in attendance with a slight flick of her wing.

“What a strange one you are,” Luna said, embracing Candice with her wing fully, still looking into her eyes. She saw a genuine smile appear on Candice’s face. “You are wasted on my sister,” Luna said, guiding her further into the darkened room.

Candice let herself be led easily, seeming to be quite comfortable with the way things were going. “The regulations and bureaucracy waste a lot of ponies. At least I can still do some good, so I haven’t been completely wasted, outside of a couple of times,” she replied.

“Would you appreciate the opportunity to be able to do more?” Luna asked seriously, not showing her eagerness but letting a touch of seduction into her voice.

You’re not allowed to poach your sisters Solarguard. You know that right? Cadance mentally admonished Luna.

My sister owes me a boon, so yes, I can actually.

Candice looked up at Luna, “I would appreciate that opportunity quite a bit. I take it you can get me released from my Solar Oath?” she asked with hope in her eyes.

“Tis but a triviality.” Luna casually intoned.

Candice smiled at that, then asked, “Am I correct in thinking there would be a test to make sure I qualify first, and training after that?”

Luna looked down upon Candice, “What makes you think there is only going to be one?” she said with an amused glint in her eye.

“Fair point, the only thing I can promise you at this juncture is that I will perform at my best,” Candice replied back.

“I have no doubt you will if you want to avoid scars.” Luna said with a pleasant smile.

A hint of playfulness entering her voice, Candice replied, “Would you prefer me without scars?”

“Scars well earned tell a story, scars from training can teach lessons, but scars from stupidity are just a mark that the stars decided to let you live,” Luna said, considering the many scars she would have if not for her regeneration.

“That is the absolute truth, I have a quite a few of each but I managed to reduce them down to just hairline ones.”

Luna let her eyes wander over Candice’s body, selecting the largest scar, she trailed a feather along it from her left shoulder all the way to her tail. “Pray tell, which is this?”

Candice seemed to fondly recall, “That was from grabbing a foal out from under a falling cart. I was fourteen at the time. I got slashed by the corner of the cart as I slid out from under it. That was muscle damage, skin laceration and several ribs broken.”

Luna stroked along the scar again thoughtfully, wondering how it was healed. “Then there is a pony out there that has a lot to thank you for, are you still in contact with them?” She asked with curiosity.

Looking saddened, Candice spoke, “No, I’m not. He died a few years after I saved him. His father is in prison due to fatal negligence. Lets just say, that wasn’t the only cart that had fallen at his warehouse.”

Luna paused, she never liked hearing of foals perishing. Mortal ponies had such a short span in this life that cutting it any shorter was a tragedy. “You have my sympathies,” Luna said, all hints of games and tests gone, replaced with a solemn tone.

Candice nodded and gave the colt a moment of silence. After, she said, “I was affected by it. Some of my first investigation leads where into criminal negligence cases. The end result was that the laws were tightened up and enforcement rose. At least some good came from it.”

Luna retracted some of the shadows in the room, revealing some cushions in a comfortable corner. Removing her wing from Candice, she gracefully settled down. “So do you have any thing you wish to know? This is the last chance you will have to decline my offer,” she said, extending her wing, inviting Candice to make herself comfortable.

Candice laid down facing Luna. “I know that yourself and Twilight are together. You seemed to be making subtle invites for me to pursue. I have the desire to do so, but the last thing I want to do is come between either of you and your happiness. I fear what might happen if I did follow my desire. Would I cause a rift between you and Twilight?” The first hint of worry showing on her face.

That was not the question Luna was expecting. Flicking her eyes in the direction where Cadance was hidden, she could see her expression. She was one part smug because she was right, two parts concerned about what might happen next.

Luna turned her gaze back to Candice. “With your dreams and how I have been… encouraging you, that was not what I expected you to ask. You have a level head and a heart that is willing to listen to reason,” she said, leaning in closer.

Candice tilted her head in curiosity, gesturing for Luna to continue,

“So if there were no consequences, what would your intentions be towards my Twilight?”

With a calm surety, Candice replied. “To see that she is happy, that is all I want for her. I hope that I can add to her happiness, and yours. If I could accomplish that, then I would be thrilled. If I couldn’t, then I would still desire that happiness for both of you.”

Is she being honest? Luna asked despite the fact she was almost certain it was true.

You are going to have another of your pet Nightguards besotted with you. Yes she is being honest, even you can’t be that dense. Her heart is too selfless to risk hurting another when trying to claim what she wants. Cadance lightly admonished.

“Are you sure you want to be one of mine and not one of Cadance’s?” Luna asked teasingly.


Candice showed a slight smile at the question. “Honestly I would prefer to be both yours and Twilight’s, but I don’t know if that is an option. I would even be there for Little Star in that perfect case.”

“Naturally, with the marriage our guards would become different units in the same force. As Twilight has no guards of her own that means my Nightguard will be responsible and beholden to both of us.”

Candice’s head lifts a bit at this, her hope rising just a bit more. “I would pledge myself to both of you without hesitation. I could only hope that Twilight accepts.”

“Oh I think she will, but you may end up playing test subject in her lab with your unique nature.”

“I would welcome it actually. I love learning about how the world, and even my own body, work. It was one of the ideas I had for a date. To ask if she wanted to discover new things about magic with me.” Excitement and desire coming into Candice’s voice once more.

“I think at least intellectually she will enjoy your company,” Luna said resting her head on her hooves. “You might make for a guard that she would be willing to keep around. She would relish all the conversation and experiments you two could get up to.” Luna shrugged her wings. “Only time will tell if she will have any interest in you beyond that. Can you accept that? Being so close to somepony you want and always being denied?”

“Yes I can, I have been prepared for the possibility of that for years. If all I can achieve is a genuine friendship with her, then that would be enough for me. If all I can get is the position as a guard, then I can let those feelings go. If she did show interest would I be free to return it?”

“I would only ask that you don't accept her advances if her mane is on fire. Let her cool down and check again.”

Should you really be sharing all this? Cadance mental interjected.

If in the highly unlikely event Candice proves to be untrustworthy, she will wish she did not live to regret it. So where is the problem? Luna responded, she could feel Cadance recoil from the deadly cold mental tone used.

Candice slightly cocked her head. “I’ll promise to follow your advice on that, though it is confusing to me. Is that because of an Alicorn trait?”

Luna looked at her thoughtfully. “She has an affinity for fire that sometimes leads to her passion or anger getting the better of her.”

“I see. I hope I can figure out how to calm her down quickly then. Any advice?” Candice implored.

“That is something I have still been discovering. So far the best I have discovered is reasoning with her before it consumes her.”

Any trepidation Candice felt seemed to melt off of her. “That should be a good start then. I’m good at reasoning.”

How long are you going to keep me trapped here? Cadance inquired.

You could just teleport. Luna said, a little bemused.

There was a long moment before Luna felt the ripple of a departing Alicorn teleporting. Celestia still had so much to answer for, Luna had not even considered Cadance would feel trapped. She had to restrain a smirk when she noticed Cadance had taken the cushions that Luna had created.

Candice flicked her head in that direction for a moment before looking back to Luna, no apparent concern on her face.

Luna pulled Candice’s file from her shadow, the one that clearly said ‘do not remove from RGIS headquarters’ on it. Slowly she paged thought it.

Candice let out a small chuckle and a smirk. “Feel free to ask about anything you like. I would be happy to answer.”

“Why are you so at ease in my presence? No bowing, no groveling, no fearing I would end you for even a perceived insult? It is almost as if you think I am a normal pony.” Luna asked, raising an eyebrow.

A slightly louder chuckle escapes from Candice at the question. “Sorry. It’s because I trust you, and you are a normal pony. I can elaborate if you like.” With a gesture of her hoof Luna indicated for Candice to continue. “You still have the same needs that regular ponies do. You still feel stress and can make mistakes. I would also think that you would appreciate a pony who can talk to you as who you are and not what you are. At least in a relaxed atmosphere anyway.”

“You do realize that I could have you arrested for disrespecting the crown?” Luna interrupted in a stern voice, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

“I do. But I don’t think that you really see my words as being disrespectful,” Candice smoothly replied.

“I don’t?” Luna asked teasingly. She knew those of her guards that could hear this were likely taking bets on how Candice would react.

“If you were the type to be honestly disrespected by that, I don’t think you would be ‘encouraging’ me. By the way, what exactly did you mean by that?” Candice inquired.

Luna smiled, stretching luxuriously. “You have me there,” she said, solidifying a feather from the shadows behind Candice, she dragged it seductively along the same path her own primary had traced. “An example of said encouragement.” She moved the ebony feather to tap Candice’s nose.

Looking at the feather for a moment, Candice turned her gaze to Luna, “I see. So is the information about ‘clearing’ your ley lines actually correct? I thought it might just be my own imagination.”

Luna assessed the mare before her, wondering if this was her foresight or some insight gained from the pleasant dream she had granted her. “So you dream about doing that to me, to a crowned Princess?” She said keeping her tone a neutral pleasant, trying to give no indications as to how interested she was in the idea. A team of mortal ponies working together could not match a single Alicorn, no matter how hard they tried to perfect their coordination. Candice was proving to be more and more enticing. How has my sister not claimed this one as one of her personal servants?

Candice nodded, “If the dream is accurate then it wouldn’t have the normal reaction but rather a quite sensual one. That and it’s health-related for Alicorns. Though if the instruction I got was real, then I could only attend to your pegasus and unicorn lay lines.”

Luna mentaly cursed as her wings involuntarily rose above her back, slightly spreading in invitation. Having already been discovered, she swept one wing in front of her, offering it to Candice, “Care to offer a demonstration?” Luna asked teasingly, taking back control of the conversation.

Candice just nodded as she rose. Luna could feel the pegasus magic charging in her feathers and the unicorn power sitting right behind it. Relaxing into the sensation of the opposing magic running through her wings, she let out a thoughtful hum, “Are you sure you don't want to become one of my body servants instead of a Nightgaurd?”

At the same time, Luna noticed Candice casting a spell, it only took a moment to tell it was not an attack and was focused on Candice herself. Shortly after Luna started feeling, seemingly well trained, hooves massaging her back and wing muscles. She is pretty good at this for a mortal. Mentaly shrugging, she let out a small contented sound.

Candice continued her ministrations to Luna’s wings then proceeding to her horn. “I could do both, if that is your wish,” she said softly, but mostly professionally, into Luna’s ear. ”Nightguard would still be my preferred primary role, however.”

Luna let out a fake sigh. “Then, as sentence for your most horrid of actions, for this assault upon my being, it seems I will have no choice but to conscript you.”

A surge of power spread through Luna’s ley lines as she could feel Candice exert herself. Luna arched, a pleased sigh exiting her, taking a deliberate effort keeping even the hint of a moan from joining it. This exotic hybrid had more power than her official record suggested, and Luna was thankful she was not concealing any of it now.

This is not how she had expected this encounter to have gone, but Luna was not complaining. She did not expect Candice to have gained anything usable from the dream she had given her.

Luna turned her eyes to Candice, seeing a look of calm satisfaction upon her face. Showing her fangs, Luna suddenly moved. Rolling over and pining Candice against the cushion with her larger size, she spoke in a menacing tone. “So you still haven’t stated why you are willing to trust me.” Moving her muzzle closer, almost brushing her neck with them as she spoke. “Expound, please.”

Candice’s fetlocks came to a rest on the base of Luna’s forelegs. Luna could feel her little pony’s heart start to beat faster, though no sign of fear presented itself. Candice’s wings lightly brushed her side but didn't move to hold her.

Luna enjoyed the warmth of the mare beneath her, taking in her unique scent, the clean airy scent of a pegasus mixing with the tingle of unicorn magic combining to make something wholly her own.

Candice spoke into Luna’s ear, “Well I’ve read what you have done since your return. Personal time to recover and gain your strength back, but everything you’ve done since has been in the interests of the populace. You’ve even gone out and helped many ponies directly. A third, maybe half your Nightguard I think are ponies you saved from destruction. Not by other guards helping either, with the way they seem to revere you, I would say you saved them personally.” Candice’s mind seeming to restrain her body’s obvious cravings.

Luna licked her fangs, grinning as Candice’s eyes glanced at them. “You are rather well informed… Have you been spying on me?” Luna asked with a tilt of her head, spreading her wings impressively showing off a little bit. “Found yourself unable to keep your eyes off your Princess?” She continued before playfully nipping at Candice’s throat.

With a brief hitch in her voice, “At the moment, no,” Candice stated, as Luna took up the whole of her vision, “But I was not spying at all actually. These are connections I made while doing my job in RGIS. The information was just not relevant to any of my reports, so it never made it into any of them.” Candice said, letting the facts speak for themselves.

Ah so my sister had been spying on me then. Luna thought, knowing if something interesting entered Candice’s mind, Celestia could simply take a quick look to find it. Using her staff’s nature to discover what she wanted, instead of leaving a paper trail. Classic Celestia.

“Are you disappointed I have yet to save you?” Luna asked, her voice dangerous with just a hint of a purr and lifted her head to look Candice straight in the eye.

Candice slumps a bit, her voice sounding slightly distraught, “It has never been my desire to get your attention that way. I am more worried that I might have to save you and Twilight,” she said, seeming to be really wishing she was wrong about something.

“Not even sworn in and already you take your duties so seriously,” Luna said jovially, but her mind darkened with the results of the Augury.

Candice seemed to have missed the tone in Luna’s voice. A tear appearing in each of her eyes as she remembered something. “I love you both. I don’t want to lose…” she choked. Holding Luna around her neck, several seconds pass with Candice having her eyes closed, tears appearing at the edges.

Love? She does not want to lose us? What Vision has she seen? Luna thought, looking at the distraught mare before her. She used a wingtip to gently wipe the tears away. Luna looked at Candice’s eyes as she opened them, with her own full of concern. Luna’s fear that something terrible was waiting in the future was hidden safely behind the walls of her Bastion.

Candice looked into Luna’s eyes with sorrow in her own. “I’m sorry, I keep having this dream where Twilight is attacked by this massive energy blast. You get hit too and you’re both left as nothing but skeletons.”

Luna froze, even her breath ceasing. Her expression became cold and impassive. It took an effort of will for Luna to keep her magic in check. She needed to not damage the one under her. The image of that screaming crystal-covered skeleton with eyes burning with Twilight’s magic, lept towards her.

“I just hope it isn’t like the others I have that keep coming true. I so hope this is just a nightmare… Are you alright?” Candice asked with sudden concern upon her face.

“Yes, We are well, We thank you for your concern,” Luna stated, rising, poise now that of a sitting Princess and not the playful teasing mare she had been earlier. She could feel herself hiding behind the old way.

Candice used her wings to sit up. As she sat in front of Luna she placed her hoof upon Luna’s own, despite her own sorrow, she still offered comfort and succor.

At a sudden motion from the far side of the room, Luna’s head snapped up as she leapt to her hooves in a moment, Candice’s hoof retreating. Her senses confirmed it was one of her Chosen a moment before her power would have lashed out.

The Nightchosen Moonstone Striker burst from the shadows and moved up, ignoring the fact that Candice was in the room. “They’re about to strike Vanhoover.” He said, sounding out of breath. Luna could feel he had depleted the extra power she had given him. As he was here and not in Vanhoover, he likely used it to transport himself halfway across Equestria.

Candice’s previous sorrows seemed instantly forgotten. Duty seemed to call her to attention.

“Where?” Was Luna’s one-word response. Her voice seemed to shake the very room itself.

Striker presented his horn to Luna. Placing her horn against his, she used her magic to view the report he had prepared. Striker swayed on his hooves for a moment as he had fallen asleep for a split instant. The images of Vanhoover, the feel of dark magic and the exact location Striker recommended for her arrival, all appeared in her mind.

Luna turned hard eyes upon her newest aspirant Nightguard. “Candice, you’re with me.”

Candice nodded and rapidly moved to her side, all thoughts about the prior conversation apparently gone from her mind.

Luna walked towards a wall, it melted into shadows, falling away revealing an armoury. Luna flicked a wing to racks of weapons and armour. “Take what you wish.” She said as she moved to her own personal section.

Scanning the room in just a second, Candice’s eyes land for a moment on a set of well crafted wingblades. “I’m good with just myself. Most of the supply I don’t know how to use and the ones I do, would just slow me down.” Her voice quick with haste.

Luna nodded once to Candice before she stomped her hoof, the sound echoing round the room, a dozen Nightguard came rushing in. They were not her most experienced, but they were all she had left in the Castle as the rest were out hunting.

They only needed one glance at her to know something was happening. Without a word, they all rapidly gathered weapons and armour. A few of them glanced at the unexpected mare here, not one of them made even a single comment.

Luna shifted her body to shadows and reformed herself inside her armour, teleporting the armour stand out of the way. Her aura grabbed a dozen blades and slipped them into their sheaths on her flanks. With her hoof she opened a large enchanted chest. Her flowing mane reached in picking up her beloved hammer, Starfall.

She spun the weapon once, testing its weight. Its silver form radiating faint light. The motion dragging everything and everypony other than Luna a few steps out of position.

The Nightguard quickly recovered, moving into position close to Luna, Candice’s eyes widened a bit, fixing on Starfall for a moment and then moved to Luna’s side.

Luna glanced around the group once, depositing Starfall within her shadow to avoid complications with it suddenly arriving in Vanhoover.

For one moment she thought about contacting Twilight. With the vision, she decided to do everything she could to keep Twilight away from danger.

Flaring her power, Luna enfolded the room in darkness, tearing space open, she teleported the group to Vanhoover.

CH 28.1 The Dark Disciple

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Dark Disciple was having a good day overall, at least until he realised that the prisoner was gone. That was twenty minutes ago. The door ahead of him to the warehouse was thrown open in his aura. The ponies that he was puppeteering has already relayed the message to rush the Dark Magic bomb. He at least wasn’t disappointed when he came in view of the silver circle and saw it nearing functional completion.

Looking it over he saw it wasn’t perfect, it was nowhere close, but it was good enough to hold what they had or at least would be in about another half hour. “You, get all the puppets on lookout. We could have company from the Royal Guard at any moment. We probably have a few hours, but we can’t take any chances.” He could feel the need to inflict all the pain and suffering he could to any that served Celestia.

He headed over to the circle and spent the next half hour helping get the silver liquified and poured into the carved channels. As they completed their task, he sent a magic pulse through the circle to test its integrity. Barely solid enough to function, but it will have to do. We don’t have time to fix the imperfections. He thought while motioning the rest to gather around.

They had about one hundred and fifty ponies bound by compulsion spells who were forced to do things around the city. Another fifty ponies were being directly puppeted by the cultists that were adding their power to the five unicorns that were about to channel energy into the circle.

This wasn’t the easiest thing to do either. Channelling another's power while controlling your own and maintaining a mental spell form for this was going to be taxing on his mind. Fortunately, it didn’t matter in the long run because their sacrifice would provide more energy to Sombra. They didn’t need to survive this.

“Everypony in position?” Disciple asked as the rest were arrayed around the circle. Each unicorn at equal distance around the circle. One pegasus and one earthpony behind each of them, adding their own energy. They all nodded. “Then let's get this started. Lord Sombra, we make this sacrifice to you so that you may return to your rightful place.”

The power started flowing as the dark magic miasma seeped from their eyes. The green glow providing a bit more illumination to the silver circle.

An hour later, things seemed to be going well. No royal guards had shown up, the power was still flowing, one of the puppets was still going around passing around the now cold hayburgers.

Suddenly a powerful wave of magic washed over them. Everypony flinched, their magic momentarily fizzling. The channelling instantly ceased. “What the hay!?” Disciple exclaimed as he felt out for what just happened. A dark presence was outside somewhere. He could feel the menacing power and anger pouring from an Alicorn. It was only a moment before he realised it could only be Princess Luna. “Get back to channelling! NOW!” he ordered.

It seemed as if every shadow held sharp-clawed, hungry monsters, each one just waiting for somepony to look away before striking. Disciple hoped this was just some sort of fear effect, even if it was not, his course was set.

They all rushed back to it. Pouring as much energy as they could, as fast as they could. The flow rate didn’t matter now. The forcing of too much mana was going to damage their horns, but they didn’t care. They were out of time. They started sacrificing life force just to get more power into it. The puppets started taking defensive positions around the warehouse.

The fear of the shadows dissipated. Apparently, it was just a calling card of some kind, inviting ponies to surrender. He glanced at the gathered magic, his mind working out the quickest way to detonate it should they try and undo all his work.

An explosion rocked the warehouse, his senses recoiled. There was debris flying inside like a part of the exterior wall had detonated. Trying to get his bearings after the flash and trying to see through the dust, he winced as a painful vibration danced along his horn cutting off his magic. What in Tartarus was that? He looked at the circle and saw that the magic had been disrupted. Most of the energy they spent the last hour pumping into it was lost. In the middle stood a white mare with golden mane and tail. Alicorn like wings spread and glowing with power.

The magical disruption faded, releasing his magic. KILL The one word pounded into his mind and forced him to act. A small library of spells flashed through his mind before he grabbed one and started to cast it. A part of his brain noted that one of the pegasus cultists was injured and out cold.

He rushed to complete his spell, but she was faster. Right as he was about to cast, a part of the circle was enveloped in her white aura. It crackled with static and then exploded, destroying a not-insignificant portion of it. It would take a couple of hours to fix the damage. The force of the blast buffeted him knocking him to the side a bit, by the time he was able to try for his spell again, his target was gone.

Looking around, he saw all the puppets suddenly fall to the floor, their strings cut, the direct mind control broken as the maintained connections were disrupted. Making things worse, there was now a massive magical flux sitting right in the middle of the circle. Nopony would be able to reliably cast magic in that area until it was cleansed. How had this mare disappeared so fast?

He felt one of his companions reach out with a blood detection spell, noting the good idea, he went one better. He started casting a blood hold spell, keeping the power week until he found his prey. A couple of flashes of movement in the shadows and two more of the cultists were down.


With a sadistic grin and an effort of will he started to use her blood to crush her heart. As soon as he felt like he had a grip though his spell just failed. A faint echo of that disrupting tone rippling out from where she was.

The attacker was visible though for a moment before she suddenly flash cast something and then she was gone again from view. The others were firing kinetic bolts at her to reveal her location in the shadows, even though none of them seemed to be able to hit her.

Who is she? Is she some sort of wanna-be Batmare?

One of the other unicorns was charging a particularly nasty dark spell meant to detonate anypony that didn’t have dark magic in them. No sooner than he started charging it though, the white mare seemed to just appear in front of the caster. She smacked him in the horn with her hoof, causing the spell to short out and his fellow cultist was unconscious. So she isn’t going for kills. She is weak. Fast but weak. He thought, determination and hope filling his heart at a weakness found.

As soon as his fellow unicorn’s horn was hit, another was casting the blood hold spell on her. He decided to double down on the attack and used the mind puppet spell as well. He couldn’t feel any mental shielding when the spell contacted her. And she’s done for. Now we just have the Princess of the Night to deal with. Wait, how is she resisting? He saw unformed magic flood his target as the mind spell was overpowered with what looked like a foal casting technique. She was simply throwing a lot of magic at a problem and hoping it would achieve something. Unfortunately, it worked. Even if she had a lot of power, she will have to be weak after that.

That chaotic ripple of magic emanated from her again. He grit his teeth at the remembered pain. Great she’s doing that magic flux thing again. He thought, his anger building.

The mare reared up on her hind legs, keeping the flux field up and nullifying the dark tentacles of magic that were about to grab her. Buck me, seriously? How many tricks does this mare have!? The rest cancelled their castings as their pegasus and earthpony cultists advanced on her.

He saw them lunge and in a blur of movement, two of the earthponies were down. One was feather slashed in the eyes and the other was laying on the ground, unconscious. The third one that had advanced was currently sailing through the air towards the warehouse door. Despite her expert martial arts, she had finally made a mistake. She had let her attention narrow to just the melee.

Seeing an opportunity, his servants wasted no time at all in telekinetically bringing the ceiling down on her. As the ceiling fell, one of the pegasi got caught in the debris and was down. A flash of white and the other was out cold at the same time the debris landed on the floor where that blasted white mare was supposed to be.

What’s almost as infuriating as her fighting is the fact that she hasn’t said a single word. Disciple saw there was him and three of his fellow unicorns... make that two of his fellow unicorns still standing. Once again she was suddenly just there and smacked a nearly fully charged spell out of his fellow casters horn, again. Now she seemed to be moving at regular speed though. Looks like she is finally out of energy. Whatever she is using to create the flux though is still going. I can’t cast anything while in this. He decided to leave the flux zone as quickly as his legs could carry him. When he looked back, one of the remaining two cultists was down, and the white mare was in melee with the other one. Frustration and anger flared in him. This mare had dismantled the entire operation. He couldn’t let this stand. She must die.

KILL The command is his mind roared like the Royal Canterlot Voice. One final spell filling the whole of his mind. He wanted to grin, he wanted to laugh, but there was no time. His blood magic turned inwards, charging his body with explosive power. His unicorn magic transmuting his bones, hardening them and breaking them in jagged sections to add more shrapnel to the blast. He felt his body beginning to swell as the power sought to escape, and his blood formed into blades rending his insides. The pain was indescribable, but it did not matter, she would die. “DIE!” He used his last moment of existence to roar at her. The sound more carried by his magic than merely the air.


CH 28.2 Candice's 'Interview'

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Luna’s office disappeared, the feeling of falling was present again as Luna had shadow stepped them from her office, all the way to Vanhoover. Candice managed to not spread her wings this time, but they still wanted to fight the feeling of falling. Though she did extend her hooves a bit, ready for the coming landing.

The shadows billowed away, revealing the skyline of Vanhoover and the rooftop they landed on. The scent of the salt air suddenly hitting her nostrils.

The sudden presence of an angered Alicorn was never a good thing. The sky darkened and storm clouds gathered. That one slip of Luna’s would cause hours of work of the local weather patrol. Though only ten minutes flat if they got the help of Rainbow Dash.

The dozen Nightguard slipped into the nearby shadows, waiting for commands, unnoticed by any passing ponies. A gasp escaped from a blue mare dressed in padded armour and equipped with some of the gadgets Solaragents got to play with. The agent's eyes widened and she dropped into a bow.

Despite the disguise and dye job Candice recognised the mare, it was Revealing Light, one of the better agents from the RGIS. Candice remembered she was sent to investigate this area as a result of one of the connections she found that included signs of Dark Magic.

“Princess,” Light said respectfully.

“Told ya we would have enough backup,” Striker said smugly.

“Rise, there is no time for such things,” Luna said, not taking her eyes from the building opposite.

As she rose Light’s eyes fixed on Candice, her expression clearly asking ‘what the buck are you doing here?’

Candice rolled her eyes in the direction of Luna with the implication of ‘she brought me.’

Luna looked to Candice, her expression calm despite the roiling magic that could be sensed within her. “We wish this resolved,” she said with an edge of challenge in her eyes.

Candice saw the challenge and nodded. This can be stopped by her in a moment. She wants to see if I can do it and how I will do it. Challenge accepted. She put a little distance between herself and Luna. Noting Revealing Light looking at her with shocked concern, Candice gave her a reassuring smile.

Striker dropped a leg over Light’s back. “It will be fine, sit back and watch the show.”

A few Nightguard made themselves visible enough to show their anticipation with eager, fanged grins.

Candice closed her eyes and focused inwards, calming and ordering her thoughts, pushing her emotions and feelings aside. She could feel the world becoming nothing but cold equations. She stopped short, leaving just her drive to succeed, concern for the innocent and passion for a job well done intact. This wasn’t a spell at all, just a technique meant to keep her focused and to push aside all distractions.

A moment later she opened her eyes. Seventy thaums of unicorn magic, seventy thaums of pegasus magic. I can convert pegasus to unicorn at a rate of five thaums per second. Ok, let’s see what we got here. Candice started casting magic around her. The energy formed into a floating spell circle with four glowing orbs in a tetrahedron orbiting around it. She could see the signatures of every magic source within a block of her location. Immediately, she saw that the warehouse before her was warded, the energy signatures inside were severely muted. She adjusted it to sense only dark magic and tuned the sensitivity to account for the wards. She was grateful to her supervisor for getting her a copy of that spell despite it being above her rank.

Drawing Starfall from her shadow, Luna rested it carefully upon the roof, only cracking it a little. ”See if you can stop it before I’m forced to.”

Candice nodded in acceptance of the challenge. The look on her face was that of calm determination.

At the sight of that weapon of mass destruction in hammer form and the threat of its use, Lights eyes went so wide they seemed like they would soon eclipse her head.

In the warehouse, Candice saw at least sixty-five sources. Only fifteen actually had dark magic in use, the rest were affected by the dark magic. Hmm. Non-lethal is priority. There are innocents in there. She also saw a massive buildup of dark magic in the middle. That’s my first target.

Candice dropped the sensor spell and started forming a lance-like shield in front of her, about four ponies in length. Two cylinder-shaped shields appeared under her wings, the centers glowing. In a flash she was gone, a hole now suddenly visible in the wall of the warehouse. She landed right in the middle of the spell circle. The impact wasn’t even felt as the shields absorbed the energy of the collision. Their job done, she let the shields dissipate.

One for the magic sensor, three for the shield, one for the rockets. Down five, down three for flight. Total sixty-five, sixty-seven. She started the transfer of pegasus magic, converting it to unicorn magic between her wellsprings.

Not wasting any time, Candice activated her Resonance Flux ability. Two different and discordant resonances radiated from her wings. The disruption effect on the circle and the fifteen surrounding cultists was immediate as the whole spell form collapsed. So did the mind-control spells they had on the other fifty ponies around the warehouse. The fifty started to fall, their minds now in a comatose state since the control was removed. Down ten, compensated by pegasus magic, minus five. Total still sixty and sixty-two.

Seeing the circle, she lit her aura upon a section of it. The spell being cast was classified as a disintegration spell. Actually, it was a safety ward against electricity, but without any limiters on it. This caused all the electricity in the area of the ward immediately got pushed out of the little zone. Still, it had shocked her the first time she used it when it destroyed what it was used on.

A static charge released from the area and all that was left was elemental dust exploding out of it as it expanded to several hundred times its initial volume. Still, it was only a cloud of gas and dust, so it only pushed the cultists a little bit.

Down another two, mental alacrity, another one, temporal dilation, another two. Down five and three for flight. Current total fifty-five, fifty-nine, she mentally counted off as she cast the relevant spells.

Time seemed to slow down around her. It was actually accelerated for her, but to her, the appearance was still the same. Her mind now operating at twice its normal speed, allowing her to pay attention to twice as much at a time.

The temporal acceleration was one order of magnitude of acceleration, its effects compounding with her mental spell. Her body seemed to move at half speed, but everything else was moving at one-twentieth normal speed to her new perceptions. Using such magic in combat was far more intense than using them to process paperwork.

With a powerful flap of her oversized wings, she shot straight up and into the shadows. Time to choose my targets. Let's start with the physical ones. One already went down from my entrance. Fourteen left to go. She chose a couple of ponies that were powering up the unicorns for the ritual. They never even saw her coming. Striking as fast as she was, they were easy targets. Not even reacting before her hooves precisely slammed into them, rendering her foes unconscious. Twelve opponents left.

The cultists didn’t waver for long. The unicorns started shooting stunning bolts or maybe kinetic bolts at her. She did not have time to check. They were dodged as she came in for the next target.

She suddenly felt like some kind of magic was grabbing her blood, weighing her down. Her very lifeblood being used as a tool to harm her. To her accelerated perceptions, it was slowly taking hold of her blood and spreading, the pain starting to set in. The others were not moving either. Some kind of blood hold spell. Very well. she lit off her Resonance Flux again, destroying the Blood Hold spell, but her own spells failed as well. Down another ten, pegasus magic compensation of five. Total, fifty, fifty-four.

Time suddenly accelerated back to normal for her. In the time that it took her to move out of her own flux zone and Flash Cast her accelerations, the cultists had advanced towards her. She saw her opponents slow again as time bent to her will. Down another two, but another five back from the transfer. Still another six back out for the mental and temporal accelerations. Current total forty-seven, forty-nine. In smooth, practiced movements, she connected their skulls with a push, quickly taking down two of the pegasi that were near her. Ten opponents left.

She noticed one of the unicorns actually charging a spell. Can’t let that happen. No charging the circle for you. If that’s what you’re doing. Her position suddenly changed as she cast a flash step spell and landed right in front of the unicorn that was charging the spell. Down three but compensated. Total, forty-nine, forty-four. Her hoof smacked him in the base of the horn, intentionally using only enough force to disrupt the spell. Sparks of magic danced along his horn and feedback blew back into his brain. Fortunately for him, he was instantly knocked out by his own magic, saving him the intense pain of such a backlash.. Down four. Total forty-five, forty-four. Nine opponents left.

This time they tried casting the blood hold spell again, but another spell hit her in the head at the same time. She felt the second spell rapidly encroaching upon her mind, trying to control her body. Alarm raced through her as she forced magic against the threat, reinforcing it with her intent and willpower, hoping it would be enough. Without any mental wards, it was not easy to fight this off. About a quarter of her total remaining magic coursed through her body as she sent raw magic through herself. It was just barely in time. Too close.

She flew evasively for a moment and put the earthponies and pegasi between her and the unicorns. She also noted several dark tentacles reaching for her. Nope, minus another ten, transferring pegasus magic again. Total, unknown. She thought as she activated the Flux again, this time keeping it up and strong enough to reach about four or five pony lengths away from her. The dark tentacles that were reaching for her disintegrated as they reached the flux zone around her. The unicorns saved their energy and let the others approach since they were already in the way.

Three earthpony cultists advanced. One pegasus stayed in the air just above them, seeming to be waiting for an opening. The other flew off and looked like she was going to start grabbing things to throw.

Without her acceleration spells, her foes would be more of a threat. Candice reared up into a two-legged stance. Her wings were spread out behind her for balance. Her form showing her to be ready for hoof to hoof combat.

The central earthpony advanced in, quickly moving to strike with a full-powered buck. Candice sidestepped the buck and he landed on his belly from being denied a target. As she sidestepped the first one, she wing slashed the eyes of the second earthpony. He wasn’t unconscious, but the pain in his eyes was not going to be ignored. Finishing the movement, she dropped her rear hoof on the back of the first one’s head. The strike to his temple rendering him knocked out. Seven opponents left

The third one used the distraction to land a forehoof punch to her ribs. He landed a solid blow and he obviously expected her to crumple, the shock setting in when he realised he didn’t have his earthpony strength. Her toned athletic body being able to absorb the painful blow and still stay in the fight. Even unenhanced, she would still feel that in the morning.

His eyes were filled with rage as he wildly flailed at her, but this time she grabbed his forehoof and slung him around, using his own momentum to send him flying into the door. The impact knocking him out now that he didn’t have his magical toughness to aid him. Another twenty thaums on the flux at ten each, total still unknown. Six opponents left.

She heard a crack above her and immediately flapped her wings to assist in getting out from under the attack. She took stock of herself as she flew out. I’m now at twelve thaums of unicorn and nineteen thaums of pegasus magic. I’ve expended fifty-eight thaums of total magic since the time of the mental attack. That means eighteen and ten were spent defending from it. That was a huge amount of her wellspring spent. She noted that her ribs were bruised as well where the earthpony managed to hit her.

After taking the mental moment to assess herself, she looked up as she was still moving away from the now ‘slowly’ falling ceiling. Candice saw the pony that was getting ready to throw stuff, suddenly get smashed by the ceiling. Ponyfeathers, I’m not going to be able to save her. A bit of sorrow at the loss. She hated seeing anycreature die. Looking to the side of the debris she saw the other pegasus floating there, though successfully dodging the falling structure. She cast another flash step spell and took advantage of his distraction, so he was out cold before he felt anything. Another three thaums off my wellspring, compensating. Total, twelve, nineteen. Four opponents left, all unicorns.

Seeing another one start charging a spell, she cast another flash step, and her hoof met horn. The buildup was considerably higher this time as the spell didn’t just fall apart but rather detonated right on her hoof. She felt the shockwave travel up her foreleg. It numbed her for a moment as she was knocked back. A quick inspection revealed that her hoof, despite being singed by uncontrolled magic, was still operational. She would be in pain the following day if she didn’t get it healed. Down two and another three from flight. Total, fourteen, fourteen. Three opponents left.

She advanced quickly to the other three and dropped her spells in favor of her Resonance flux again. Down another ten, pegasus transfer compensating. Total, twelve, eleven. This shut the three casters down as they flinched. The world returned to normal speed, but the trade was more than worth it. She was fit, nimble and well trained, they were typical unicorn cultists who’s only skills would be their spell casting.

Wasting no time, she swung her hoof. She struck one upside the temple before he could recover from flinching at the Flux she was emitting. Two opponents left.

The second one unexpectedly proved a bit more adept. He matched her rear hoofed stance and started towards her. It actually took effort for a bit to defend herself. This unicorn eschewed defense in favor of high speed offense. The swings came in with rapid ferocity. Her blocks and dodges proving just as fast. The one on one combat only lasted about two and a half seconds though.

Her opponent slammed into her, propelled by some sort of blast originating from behind him. The pair fell to the ground entangled. Sharp spikes of pain erupted from her barrel as something pierced her flesh. Warm liquid poured over her, matting her coat as the rich coppery scent of blood filled her nose. Her Resonance Flux dropping. That took another ten, five back from pegasus again. Total, seven, six.

Looking at her now dying foe, she could see long spikes of bones running right through him and pressing into her own body. It was a good thing she tended to keep her current opponents between herself and other potential combatants.

It was the only thing that saved her life from the blast. The practice paid off as the other unicorn who had gone outside her Flux Area had suddenly blown up. The explosion leaving the area he was in, a gory mess of what resembled instant chunky salsa. The ground was pierced by spears of bone and blades of blood. The amount of liquid scattered around Candice, let her know that her Flux defence had reduced the blades that had been heading towards her, to harmless liquid.

Candice did not have the medical skills or spells to save his life, but she did have something that might keep him from dying until a medic arrived. Using her Aura, she pressed against his whole body, carefully preventing any more blood from escaping him, it was only a stopgap. Still, it was the best she could do with her limited remaining power.

Her ‘ever-so-grateful’ patient tilted his head and tried to impale her with his horn in the most ineffective attack she had ever seen. Each attempt he made was just exacerbating his wounds. He passed out shortly after. Zero opponents left. Two thaums of unicorn magic remaining, one thaum of pegasus magic remaining. That was close.

It was then she noticed that all the walls were suddenly lined with shadows, each door and window blocked. She had felt no magic, sensed nothing before it had just appeared. That alone marked it as either Luna’s or Discord’s work, and this was not Discord’s style.

Luna strode out of the shadows, advancing towards her. Inky lines of darkness trailing off her, flowing and pooling about the room. She spared one glance for the wounded cultist. That was enough to cause a Nightguard carrying pouches of medical supplies to begin tending to him. Candice dropped her aura from him so the medic could do his job. One thaum remaining in each.

Candice noted her injuries and decided to ignore them for the moment. She looked at Princess Luna, sat up straight and saluted with her still stinging hoof. “Mission accomplished, I think.” She then placed her hoof back on the ground sitting in the attention stance.

She let go of her battle meditation, she noticed she was breathing rather heavily from the whole ordeal. Her body’s exhaustion and pain suddenly made themselves acutely known. With the shield of the battle meditation’s detachment gone she felt the emotional impact of the ponies deaths hit her. The sadness that she wasn’t able to save all of them there. She rallied her pragmatism and insisted that every single one that was still alive wouldn’t have been had Princess Luna had to act.

More Nightguard appeared, perched around the edge of the room and one gobsmacked Revealing Light was semi-dragged into the room by Striker.

“What in Celestia’s name is she?” Light whispered to Strike.

Much to Light’s discomfort, Luna answered. “The same as she has always been, just no longer bound by my sister’s chains.” She smiled, showing just a hint of fangs. Light, fortunately, only trembled for a moment under Luna’s attention.

The Princess of the Night, in her full armoured glory, stopped right in front of Candice. For a long moment, Luna gazed at her, it was as intense as the desire was earlier, but this was something else. “What do you think?” Luna asked, looking around the gathered Nightguard.

Striker answered, “Can we keep her?”

This looks positive so far. Candice noted in her head.

A Nightchosen Earthpony stepped out of the shadows next to Stiker making Light jump. “Will you remember to feed this one?”

Candice smirked. She used nearly all her remaining willpower not to fall over laughing. Only her hard breathing hiding her humor. Finally, a group of ponies that don’t take every single thing with utmost seriousness. I could get used to this. Although she still sat in the attentive position.

Luna leaned in closer to Candice, her fanged smile looking equal parts pleased and hungry. “Then I think we shall claim her,” She seemed to purr with menace. Candice just smiled.

“She can not be serious, are you bucking kidding me? You used this as some sort of test?”
She then froze, noticing she just had a go at the Princess of the Night in a room full of her guard all on her own.

All the Nightguards eyes fixed on Light. Striker faced hooved.

Candice looked at Revealing Light. Tilting her head slightly and indicating she had no issue with this whatsoever, she stated, “One that I passed by the way. I would say Princess Luna has a pretty good grasp of my abilities. Wouldn’t you? Besides, it turned out far better for them this way than it would have if Princess Luna had to intervene. Her power would have just killed them all. I’m personally very grateful she gave me this chance. Many innocent lives were saved this way.”

Luna stroked a feather along Candice’s back, a slight tingle of magic running along her spine. Her coat darkened as she blended in with the Nightguard’s normal colours. She forced herself not to react, despite the pleasing sensation, still keeping her eyes on Light.

“Yes, of course, saving ponies is the right thing to do,“ Light stammered slightly, looking to Candice with concern for her well being. By how Light’s eyes were roving over Candice’s body, she was clearly worried by the many wounds still seeping blood. She bowed to Luna. “My apologies, Princess.” She finished dropping back to formality.

Luna waved her hoof as if there was nothing to apologize for. “Run along now little pony, fetch my sister’s guard to secure the site, we will be taking the prisoners ourselves.”

Striker led Light out of the building.

Once Light was out of the building, Candice dropped down to her belly. The exhaustion finally getting to the point that it could no longer be hidden or fought.

Luna looked down, assessing her. Her eyes cold for a moment. “I see no dire injury… Yet I believe I shall aid you… you have a much more dire challenge to face now.” She lifted Candice in her cyan aura as her mane reached for the open wounds.

Facing Celestia or being accepted into your Nightguard? Candice thought to herself, even her own internal voice sounding fatigued.

Candice could feel her blood being gripped again, this time instead of slowing or trying to harm her, it dragged any contaminants from the wounds. Next, it gripped the flesh, pulling the wounds closed then shifted. She could feel a complex transmutation effect as a line of blood altered, becoming a strip of blood-red substitute flesh sealing the wounds.

A warmth started in her chest and slowly, the mild lightheadedness from lack of energy faded. “There, now you might survive their revelry.”

Ah, that answers my question. The Nightguard. Side note: That magic would be so illegal if she wasn’t a princess. Candice mused in her mind.

A voice that was not hers, but sounded so similar, responded in her mind. You can say that again.

I’m going to pass out now, Insight. Thank you for the lessons. They really helped. Candice then let herself embrace unconsciousness.

The last thing she saw before the comforting embrace of sleep claimed her was Luna’s eyes narrowing for a moment at Candice before she smiled evilly. Her Nightguard then promptly dragging Candice into the shadows.

CH 28.3 Broken Minds

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Celestia looked into her teacup, seeing if she could divine the future from within its liquid surface. The spoon continued to slowly stir it. It was already perfectly mixed, but the repetitive action and the sound of the liquid moving was soothing to her.

That teacup was one point of order, one point of stability in her currently chaotic and untrustworthy world. Some of the ponies she had trusted the most, had failed her. That failure had caused her faithful student to be tortured, to discover things she was not meant to know yet and nearly turned her from the correct path forever.

She thought about her sister’s intervention and Cadance’s help to bring her relationship with Twilight at least towards neutral again. At least she managed to appease the rest of the Elements of Harmony.

Her drink was falling below normal drinking temperature. The barest amount of magic trailed along her horn. She pointed her magic at her goal and just gave it her intent. No spells, no arrays, no rules. In essence Celestia, Princess of the Sun, was attempting to cast magic in the same way as a foal might. Her tea began bubbling as the now boiling liquid roiled and scalding steam rose from the teacup.

She had not meant to heat it that much, but at least the result of her magic was within acceptable limits. Celestia inhaled the steam enjoying its scent, before downing the tea. She enjoyed its mild warmth as the boiling liquid slid down her throat. She lamented the lack of control that holding so much magic caused her. Turn a whole city to glass? Easy. Warm her tea without exploding the cup? Now that was a challenge. One she had passed today.

She idly considered how many teacups had been sacrificed to help keep her magic skills sharp. Granted, with the advent of Trixie’s newfound passion, that problem was less of an issue.

After Chrysalis, she wanted more options that did not involve killing everypony in Canterlot she even had a passing dislike of.

You know it would only make the nation better. Daybreaker casually added to her musing.

Leaving her body unattended Celestia slipped her attention back to her Garden. Daybreaker was sat at the table next to the pristine visage of her Mask. It was like Celestia herself, but unadorned, her coat seemed somehow a purer white and mane just that little neater.

Both of her fragments were busy going through paperwork. The Mask, the political ones; Daybreaker, the military and threat reports.

Without even looking up, her Mask’s pale golden aura set to producing tea for Celestia.

“Come to join us?” Daybreaker asked scornfully as she set aside yet another sheet of paper, a few licks of flames browning its edges.

“It is often more pleasant to speak face to face,” Celestia replied with a smile.

Her Mask did not respond, it had not been given a task or directly addressed, so why would it.

“Then, by all means, take a seat and make yourself at home, your Radiance,” Daybreaker said in a sarcastic welcome.

As vexing as her Warmind was, Celestia found herself starting to enjoy their banter more and more every passing day. Yes, she was annoying and provocative, but she made her think. She challenged her mind and was the nearest thing to an equal she had a chance to deal with. Twilight and Cadance were both too young and her sister… Dear Luna was still too much of a risk. As much as Celestia loved her sister, she was still the one that was most likely to fall to a rogue fragment becoming a monster that would have to be stopped.

Celestia moved over to them, taking her place at the table, accepting the teacup. Her eyes lingered on it, it was so much like the one she had been drinking from out in the physical world. One thing that still amazed her, even after all these long years, was how real everything was in her Garden. If she did not keep in mind that it was only a mental construct, it would be so easy to simply walk through a gap in the wall and never return to her endless toil.

She sighed and took a sip from her tea. It was perfect as always, “Thank you,” Celestia said to her Mask.

“You are most welcome, your Radiance.” Her Mask responded in her own perfect voice. The response rang hollow, it was too perfect, fake. It was nothing but the rigid automaton Celestia herself had crafted.

Celestia let her eyes linger on her Mask, who had no response. Anypony else would have done something, felt something, reacted in some way but not her tool, not her perfect Mask.

“You thinking of granting her a name?” Daybreaker asked, a low purr in her voice.

Celestia looked to her Warmind seeing that she had not even looked up from the paper she was reading.

“Perhaps…” Celestia answered, thinking of all the pros and cons of such a thing. She hummed thoughtfully and took another sip of her all-too-perfect beverage. “Perhaps. I will think upon it.”

Daybraker’s eyes snapped up to the stone arch. Celestia’s eyes followed, seeing her own body pushing Luna away. Her sister was now sailing to the far side of the room at an impressive velocity.

“What happened?” Celestia demanded, rapidly retaking control of her body again.

Luna licked your ear. Daybreaker answered in a humour laced voice.

“Luna!” Celestia spoke aloud in an unimpressed voice.

“Sister,” Luna responded regaining per poise after being thrown across the room. She settled her wings neatly and looked pleased with herself, despite her forced movement.

Celestia flicked her damp feeling ear, letting her increasing body heat steam the moisture off from her.

“One of you should at least pay some attention to the physical world,” Luna scolded her with a playful grin.

Celestia sighed, settling down behind her desk, looking at the teacup that had smashed upon the floor. She had not even placed it down on the table before entering her Garden. When Daybreaker defended her from the most humiliating of ‘attacks’ her sister had inflicted upon her, her Warmind had no regard for a mere teacup.

Lifting the pieces from the carpeted floor, she concentrated on fitting the pieces together, like a jigsaw puzzle.

Luna reached into her shadow with a hoof and pulled a heavily bandaged unicorn out, dropping him on the carpeted floor with a dull thud. His horn was wrapped in a suppressor ring, and he was clearly under the effect of one of Luna’s powerful sleep spells.

“Sister… why have you just dropped that pony on my floor?” Celestia asked.

“A gift, sister.”

Celestia raised an irritated eyebrow.

“This is one of the ponies that had been… mentally altered and used to try and repeat the Manehatten incident, this time targeting Vanhoover.”

Celestia felt her eyes narrow and the room started to heat. She pulled her Mask from its paperwork, commanding it to assume its normal duty. As it began managing her reactions she felt her body and magic calm.

Luna smirked, obviously noticing what Celestia had done. “Hiding behind her again?” Luna asked, walking over and considering the various cushions around the room. After a moment, she rejected all of them and conjured her own from the shadows.

“Merely a precaution, not all of us can be as free with our powers as you, dear sister.”

Luna tilted her head, disregarding the point as she settled down. “You have nothing to fear, I made sure the situation was dealt with.”

“Why did you not inform me at the time?” Celestia could feel that her face was calm and her eyes adjusted to display only a polite query. Instead, of the angry annoyance, she really felt.

“There is no need to hide behind your Mask with me, sister. I did not inform you as there was no time and little you could have done anyway.” Luna waved a hoof airily. “Once the situation was dealt with, there seemed no need for haste, so I waited until you were free.”

Celestia nodded calmly. What her sister was saying made sense. Celestia sat down next to her desk and used her aura to bring over a tea service. She added the perfect amount of leaves to the pot, with a well-practised spell, she set the tea to brewing.

With the small amount of her attention, she peered into the Stallion’s mind. It was a wasteland, pillars of darkness held foul spells. A central altar to Sombra, and whispering voices dreaming violence against any that would serve the Sun Tyrant.

Such amateurish work. Celestia thought is disdain before her mind turned to remorse. They left nothing of him. She would need to find out who he was from others.

In less than a blink of the eyes, she turned her gaze back to the pieces of the broken teacup. “Thank you for keeping our ponies safe.” Celestia was very glad her Mask replaced the word ‘my’ with ‘our’.

“You know that is not something I need thanks for sister.”

“I know, but that does not make it unappreciated to receive it?”

Celestia noticed a soft smile on Luna’s muzzle. “True,” Luna responded. “As you bring up thanks, I wish to claim that boon you owe me.”

With her golden magic, she floated a single bit next to the fragments of the teacup. “And what would you wish of me sister?” Celestia said using a flash of magic, rendering the golden coin molten.

“Tiz a minor matter, I wish for you to release one of your lesser servants from their Oath.”

If Luna said it was minor, it would not be. If she said lesser servants, that would only be true in their official rank. Currently, she dared not do anything to alienate either Luna or Twilight. Her mind flicked through all the ponies she thought her sister could mean and none were truly vital.

Celesta nodded “As you wish, so it be done, sister. Whom must I cast aside?” She said as her magic teased the liquid gold into a crazed pattern, forming a mesh in the shape of the broken teacup. One by one, she placed the fragments into their places, using the gold instead of glue or a simple repair spell.

Luna’s magic flared and tendrils of darkness lifted a slightly startled looking Candice from a shadow, placing her upon the lush carpet.

Not knowing how Luna’s guest would react to, what at first glance, might seem like a dead body on the floor, Celestia simply hid the Stallion. She cast a perfect invisibility spell before Candice had a chance to see him. Celestia could not put it past her sister to try and start a rumour that she randomly killed ponies as a joke not caring about the damage such a thing could do Equestria as a whole.

If she was lucky, Luna would only claim it was her divine ‘wind’ instead of anything more sinister. Daybreaker sniggered at the thought of all the nobles fleeing the court just because Luna placed a whoopie cushion on the throne again.

After a moment, Candice seemed to take in the room rapidly. Quickly she assumed a position of attention. For the briefest of moments, her eyes focused on the teacup. Her eyebrows started to lift but they were held in place by years of professionalism.

Luna moved behind Candice and rested her head atop hers. Candice relaxed against Luna, seeming completely at ease with Luna’s irreverent attitude.

“So, can I have her?” Luna asked hungrily.

A pleased look crossed Candice’s face. The want and willingness to accept her sister plain as day.

“It appears you have already claimed her,” Celestia stated, her voice calm thanks to her Mask. Keeping her reproach from seeing the light of day. Candice was a useful tool, the RGIS would be diminished without her.

Luna’s eyes met her sisters across the distance, clearly saying ‘look what I get that you don’t’. Luna wrapped her wings around Candice from behind and whispered seductively in her ear. “It seems I get to keep you.”

Celestia wanted to snort or at least flick her wing in annoyance, yet her Mask prevented her from doing either. The sparkle in Luna’s eyes meant she had somehow noticed something anyhow.

Candice seemed to revel in the feathery embrace. She subtly leaned back and increased the contact and rubbed her head against Luna.

Candice’s mind was full of blank open acceptance, mixed with a slight haze of anticipation and curiosity held under a mask of professionalism. She had a touch of confusion at the situation, but was playing along out of trust for Luna.

She could tell that Candice was loyal to Equestria, proud of what she had done in her service. She just wanted to do more and held a desire for Luna… Desires that Celestia hastily averted her mental gaze from. Despite that, she could feel Daybreaker peering in with interest.

Looking a little deeper, she could see that she also had desires for Twilight. The fact that one of her main goals was to make both of them happy spoke to the purity of her love for both of them. She would need to get Cadance to investigate the mare.

You are letting Luna have all the fun. Daybreaker mentally said, pulling the memories of Candice cleaning Luna’s pegasus ley lines. Celestia could feel a not-so-small amount of envy building, not that Luna had partners, no it was because she could not afford to have her ley lines purged. She had to be able to contain her immense amount of power, and that was part of the sacrifice for being able to do so.

“You always did have a taste for the unique,” Celestia said before shifting her eyes to Candice. “Just take care not to get bored of her too quickly.”

Candice's mind was curious about what Celestia meant. Still, she was full of confidence that Luna would not get bored, and if even if she did, she knew she could let go without any hard feelings. She had no fear of being dropped like a toy but hoped it did not happen. She wanted her feelings for Luna to be requited.

Luna’s wings blocked Celestia’s view of Candice. “That’s enough of that, dear Sister.”

“As you wish… Lieutenant Candice, do you wish to forsake your Oath?” Celestia said her voice still warm and calm.

“I wouldn’t be forsaking my Oath to serve Equestria. I would just be changing the parameters in which I fulfill it. That would require being released from my current one so that it can be subsequently taken again with new parameters.”

Celestia nodded once, letting Candice see a hint of respect. “So be it.”

She flicked her eyes to Luna for a moment. Celestia was annoyed at her sister taking Candice. Still, she could respect Candice’s integrity, if not her taste in desiring her sister.

Luna lowered her wings allowing Celestia to do what was required. Celestia could see that her sister was ready to raise them again in an instant if she tried anything.

Revoking the Oath was easy, it was a little harder not to slay the pony in the process. She made very sure she could do so in plenty of time for Cadance and Shining Armor’s wedding. Wrapping the small piece of her own power concealed within Candice with her will and separating it from her prior guard’s wellspring, she pulled upon it.

A small mote of golden magic emerged from Candice and darted around Luna’s wings, then returned to Celestia. Candice was tracking the orb with interest as it moved. Celestia noticed the muscles in her jaw twitch as she inhaled a shallow breath and could see that Candice wanted to ask something but had held her tongue.

“You are free to walk your own path again, may you choose wisely,” Celestia said, solemnly.

Candice bowed her head. “Thank you, Princess Celestia. I honestly feel I am choosing the right path. Whether or not the path is wise, might only be a matter of perspective.”

Celestia gave Luna a meaningful look.

Luna said in a formal tone, “Candice, please take care of your affairs. Perform any tasks you deem necessary to reduce the disruption of your departure from RGIS.”

Luna then leaned closer, speaking directly into Candice’s ear. “Make sure to update your will and be ready an hour before moonrise,” Luna said, using a sadistic whisper.

Candice nodded and immediately started towards the door. Her eyes lighting up with interest.

Celestia very nearly directed her Mask to let her eyes roll. She never liked the games Luna enjoyed playing with her toys. It seemed Candice might actually enjoy some of them instead of ending up dying of terror.

As soon as the door was closed, Celestia warded it against sound. “Do you even know who he was?” Celestia asked, looking at the stallion again, letting the invisibly fade from him.

Luna reached into her mane and passed Celestia a file. Celestia shook her head at the words along the top of it. ‘RGIS document do not remove from the main office’ Luna never cared for, or followed any rules.

For a moment, Celestia considered how nice it would be to just throw all the laws off the top of the mountain and simply rule with an iron hoof. Force the stupid, short-sighted ponies to do what was best for them. If it were not for her Mask, she would have sighed. No, she could not, would not, do that. They needed at least their illusion of choice, the feeling that their lives truly mattered to the universe, even though so few of them actually did.

Again, she considered the amount of happiness the average pony had, just because of the things they did not know. The things that Celestia deliberately kept them from ever finding out.

“Goodday Sister, if you find you need more, the rest of the prisoners are in the dungeon,” Luna said.

Celesta nodded to her sister. “Thank you, and thank you again for helping with Twilight.”

Luna just met her eyes and faded into the shadows. “One of these days I will teach her how to use doors,” Celestia sighed.

She might not be able to restore the stallion before her, but she could give a little filly and colt their father back, give a mare her husband back. A warm smile crossed her muzzle, she could do that much at least.

She would need to summon his family and use their memories of him to recreate a mind. Since Daybreaker had not raised an issue, it was well within her allowable magic budget for the week. Even with everything bad going on, she could still make her ponies lives better.

She regarded the now whole teacup, the veins of gold running through it, somehow making the whole thing just seem that little bit more beautiful. The scars of metal adding character, telling a story.

She added the cup to her normal tea service wondering who, if anypony, would dare to comment on it, even if they did not, they would wonder. She would get to enjoy the crazy ideas they came up with even if they never voiced them.

Upon a scroll, she noted all the spells and orders Dark Acolyte had. Once done, she flared her magic, deleting him from existence. She left an empty mind, a perfect blank canvas for her to ply her skills, recreating the beloved father.

CH 28.4 Noble's 'Delight'

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Noble Guide was paradoxically both in a good and a bad mood.

The good news was the most capable analyst in the RGIS was now out. She apparently now was little more than a plaything for Luna.

The bad news was the nobles he was trying to manipulate had dragged him along to their impromptu celebration of getting that abomination out of Celestia’s Solarguard.

At least he managed to direct them to somewhere where there would not be ponies to tell tales about him being here. With his contacts with the papers, he could control any rumours that the press tried to capitalise on.

He was playing with the idea about if he should try and sabotage the approval process for the wedding between Twilight and Luna or if he should help them.

If he hindered them, then he could turn public opinion against them and cause lots of minor hassles for all of the princesses to deal with. Yet if he helped them, he could get them both out of his way for at least a month, and that could be a golden opportunity.

If there were a way he could make it seem like Celestia was delaying things, he would. He had heard about the shouting match that happened in Ponyville even if none of the papers dared to publish anything about it. It only took one printing press being reduced to slag to convince the rest of the press to not go anywhere near that story.

Twilight was still an unknown. She had not done anything to demonstrate the full extent of her blood magic. If he could not turn her against Celestia then it would be safer to keep a master of forbidden magic as far away as possible during the final moments of his plan.

Blueblood said something dumb. Of course he did. That snivelling brat of a noble only thought he had power. The only thing he had was a now nearly pointless title hoofed down to him because he happened to be a direct relative of Princess Platinum. Oh, how he wished he could clean up some of the nobility. But alas their corruption and distraction were far too useful to his plans.

Another noble raised his glass to Noble Guide. He idly clinked it as the said nobel mentioned satisfaction in getting the hybrid out, but lamented that he didn’t manage to get the demand to have her wings removed through.

He would have rather studied her. Sure her wings may have been removed in the process, but it would have been for the benefit of knowledge, not just the mutilation for the sake of humiliating the poor mare.

He could not fathom why Celestia kept these useless ponies around, let alone in power, it must be some sort of trick, some kind of trap for the worst sorts. The only alternative was that she was simply lazy, and you would not have total control of a country for over a thousand years by being lazy.

They are ruled by an Alicorn, the most perfect of Hybrids. Yet they seem to have no problem conveniently forgetting that fact when wanting to torment all hybrids as the least of the lesser ponies. He could only imagine what the nobility would think or do if she managed to get to a position of actual power over them. Probably assassination attempts or even open rebellion. Maybe I should arrange it for the distraction. I’ll need to keep an eye out for the opportunity.

One of the other nobility was sucking up to Blueblood. It was almost sickening. This Jet Set and his wife Upper Crust were two of the main ponies that were so against any power for anypony that wasn’t a unicorn. They at least had the sense to not let their beliefs be known to the public. If I succeed in my plans, then you two are going to be some of the first ones to go. Consideration of that helped him make up his mind about whether to help Twilight and Luna. It would be too much of an advantage to have her out of the picture for the month. The fact that it would help him identify what nobles to discard after he took power was also a benefit.

After a few hours of letting this ‘celebration’ ramble on Noble Guide excused himself. He needed to plan more. He said his lines just as he would if he were an actor on stage, then excused himself back to his home.

CH 28.5 The Difficulties in Becoming a Nightguard

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Candice was abuzz with excitement and curiosity. A new future was before her. She had spent twenty-two years doing the same thing, being restricted by her superiors, disregarded and insulted behind her back. Going from that to the seemingly much more accepting Nightguard felt like it would be an exhilarating change of pace. It certainly had been so far.

Her dreams of Luna and Twilight crossed her mind, joining the memory of the reality of being pinned under the larger mare as her neck was being nibbled with fangs. So many possibilities, both professional and not so professional.

Solarguards opened the doors. The pair of them seemed to glare at her from under the anonymity of their armour’s enchantments.

Leaving the castle she stepped out into the sun, the air felt a little colder, the sunlight warming her a little less. Inside her chest there was the feeling that something was missing. Something she never knew she had was gone forever.

Candice let her thoughts wander about what she was feeling for a minute. “That’s an awfully subtle form of manipulation.” Candice noted, her first data point about Celestia’s manipulations being revealed. “I wonder if I would have been able to even have that moment of doubt before the Oath was removed.” Mental note to ask Luna about the manipulations.

Candice looked at her ID, its security magic stating in bold red letters revoked with a small version of Celestia’s mark as the authority. This sort of thing normally only happens before a pony was sentenced for treason. It was odd knowing she was only the second pony in recorded history that had been released from the Solar Oath. She was unsure how to feel about all the attention this would bring her. Maybe ask Shining Armor about that.

She made her way from the main castle to the RGIS offices. Two guards blocked her path, both of their identities were concealed. One a unicorn stallion, the second a pegasus mare.

“Hey guys I'm transferring over to Nightguard, I have been released from my oath. I have orders to facilitate my transfer of duties and need to turn in my equipment.” Candice stated while pointing to her saddlebags.

Being stopped by the security she had walked by without issue for all those years, felt odd but was not unexpected.

She could see the look of betrayal on the face of one of them.

“You are not authorised to be here, leave.” The other spoke in a fierce unyielding tone. Reaching out to take the saddlebags from her with his aura.

Her Null-field disrupted his aura. “I need to get a visitors badge. The counter to do that is just inside. Are you seriously going to obstruct me from going to a publically accessible section of the building?” She said in annoyance before glancing at her her saddlebags. “That has personal property and classified documents that you don’t have the security clearance to even look at. Try that again, and I will arrest you for theft of RGIS property.” She promised.

The pegasus guard interjected in a calm tone of voice “Sorry Candice you no longer have the authority to do that, you are currently just a … civilian.”

“A civilian that still has the right to go to that counter over there,” Candice stated, pointing her hoof at the clearly visible Visitor’s Queue. “Additionally until I turn in my ID card to the CO actually I do have the authority. Check regulation twenty-three point five, paragraph F.”

The guard cut her off. “That's a loophole and you know it. Nopony will listen to a traitorous abomination like you. You have no business being here, hoof over the official stuff and leave.”

“I’ll grant you that it’s a loophole. But it’s still a valid part of the Solarguard regulations. Also as per the regs, I can’t hand you classified documents that you lack the security clearance for. If you look at my ID, you will see my security clearance is still perfectly valid. Now let me in to get my visitors badge and let me do my job.” Candice said with growing frustration.

“It's a travesty that you were allowed in the guard at all, let alone Canterlot, the world would be a better place if you died at birth like your kind is meant to.”

The second guard gasped, taking half a step back. She clearly had not expected anything so vulgar.

Paper Pusher approached from behind, heading toward the entrance, waiting patiently behind Candice as if in a que. Using his magic to write a few things down on a piece of paper.

Once done he handed the new official orders to the stallion. “Report to room three-two-four and await further instructions,” Paper Pusher said calmly.

The stallion glared at Second Lieutenant Pusher for a long moment before aggressively saluting and turning, stomping off. Compared to a slightly ticked off Alicorn, it seemed like nothing more than a foal having a temper tantrum.

Paper Pusher had a resigned look on his muzzle as he lead her into the building and went through all the steps of getting her a visitor's badge. The bigot wasn’t even going to her let get the proper ID and had been blocking her from entering the visitor’s lounge.

Candice looked at Paper Pusher, “Thank you for that. I thought that, considering I had official business in RGIS still, that it wouldn’t be an issue. I appreciate your help.”

“You are welcome, least that I could do after all you've done for us.” He paused his stride for a moment before changing directions and gesturing her to follow him. Trotting right along with him, Candice followed.

The inside of The RGIS headquarters felt slightly unfamiliar. The wards did not like her here even with the issued visitor’s badge hanging around her neck. The turns and corridors all seemed like they were in the wrong place. It felt like she was lead downstairs when she knew she was going upstairs. The magic that protected the building clearly designed to stop anypony not meant to be here from finding their way around.

“I hope things go well for you. Keep being the good guy here at RGIS. Honestly, they would lose half their efficiency if they didn’t have you. Though do let me know if you ever feel like you want to join the Nightguard. I can pass on the recommendation to Princess Luna for you.” Candice said with a playful smirk.

“If even ten percent of the reports on what they go through is accurate, I don’t think I would want to be a Nightguard. But thank you for the vote of confidence.” He said warily.

Giving him a warm smile, “Just so you know Paper, I didn’t miss your interest in me.” Her voice sounding slightly consoling but still quite warm. “If I had any interest in stallions, I would have asked you out years ago. Though I do thank you for your professionalism the whole time.”

Paper Pusher opened his mouth to say something and then stopped. “This is the part where I say thank you, isn’t it?” His expression was a mix of confusion and regret.

“Yes, if you want to stay professional. If you think of me as an actual friend, then feel free to say what’s on your mind.” Candice said in what she hoped was an encouraging tone.

He paused and then opened the door to a storeroom. A door that seemed a moment ago to be a staircase leading up. Paper Pusher lit his horn, his aura pulling something from within. It was a single metal box.

“I do not know what to make of you.” He said before contemplating for a moment. “You are an interesting mare that achieves things in fascinating ways. Now I think you might need a little mental help for wanting to join the Nightguard.” He lifted the box in his aura and offered it to Candice. “I hope you do well and don’t regret it. Twenty-six percent of ponies that are accepted into the Nightguard by Princess Luna do not survive their first week under her.”

Candice smirked at his unknown innuendo there, “Sorry your words brought to my mind a very different mental image than what you intended.” Accepting the box, she took a look in it. As she opened the lid, the contents were revealed. It was full of official requests to RGIS, the top one being a demand that she was removed from her position for being an Alien from another world.

She froze for a fraction of a second as an image of a nightmare creature flashed through her mind. A terrifying black carapaced monster with its long bladed tail hovering menacingly above its smooth black head.

She caught herself before she visibly reacted and carried on with the conversation. “If these are all like this, then this should provide several hours of amusement. Thank you, Paper.” She then set the box in her bags and gave him a friendly hug.

After a long moment, he returned the embrace clumsily. “You will be missed, and not just by me,” he said, patting her on the back.

A bit of wry humour crossed her face, “I know, I just won’t be missed by certain Guards and Nobility. Fortunately, I don’t need to worry about their petty attitudes any longer, thanks to you, I didn’t have to arrest one today.”

Paper Pusher nodded, leading her to where she needed to be. “You know as well as I do that his family would have gotten him off without even a warning on his official record.”

“Oh I know, but it still would have been humiliating for him. In more ways than one.” Candice said with confidence.

After finishing the official transfer of duties with her prior Commanding Officer, Candice went to the office of her old supervisor and knocked on the door.

Candice could feel a simple detection spell each out from the room, it was Revealing Light’s magic. The door to the office opened.

The office was neat and organized with everything in easy reach of a hoof, clearly set up for its non-unicorn resident. Candice could see both her prior supervisor, Steadfast Vigil, and Light inside. It appeared they were having a meeting.

Light’s coat was no longer dyed but now was a brilliant white with a stunning silver mane and eyes. She was beautiful and perfectly presented despite her adventures last night. Steadfast was a pony that would have been considered handsome anywhere other than Canterlot, with a balanced mix of rugged toughness and refined lines. His amber coat was not as well-groomed as it normally was, it would definitely fail inspection. Clearly, the stress of the current situation must have been getting to him.

Her supervisor was the only Earthpony command rank officer in the RGIS. He had only gotten his chance because the nobles were too busy bickering. They were fighting over which of their candidates should get his post and RGIS managed to disregard all of them. So he was the only one left metaphorically standing.

“Speak of the Draconequus,“ Steadfast said, looking to Candice with a hint of regret in his eyes. He motioned her inside, reaching for a set of papers.

“You are really going through with this?” Light asked, her tone edged with mild accusation.

After closing the door, she took a seat in front of his desk. “Yes. I’m being inducted with my new Oath tonight. Feel free to ask any questions. I’m sure you have plenty.” Candice replied with genuine pride in her voice.

Steadfast let out a long-suffering sigh. “More than I am allowed to ask.”

Light turned to Steadfast and pointed her hoof at Candice. Exasperation and righteous indignation apparent all over her. “Princess Luna threw her into a combat situation all on her own, into a warehouse of fifty-plus dark magic users. You do not do that with somepony so valuable. We are not going to let this stand are we?”

Candice looked at her with her head slightly cocked. “Awe, you care about me,” she said in a flattered tone, a smirk on her face.

“More would care about you if you were not so sarcastic.” Light shot back. “But seriously we are going to miss you here. This is literally the worst time you could have picked to take a fancy for the Night.”

“Those that didn’t care about me were those that wanted me out of here because I didn’t fit their little definition of what constitutes being a pony.” She said with a hint of venom in her voice. “Sorry, you didn’t deserve that. I just had to deal with one of the guards that wouldn’t let me in to finish my job here. Paper Pusher has him sitting in a room somewhere waiting for further instructions or something. As for my ‘Fancy for the Night’...”

Light interrupted “I know enough about wings to know that Princess Luna was not just being friendly or casting a spell.”

Steadfast continued sorting some paperwork. It seemed he was simply watching and waiting. It looked like he dared not interrupt what might be turning into an argument between two mares, both of whom were very adept at combat.

“You got me there. Yes I have feelings for Princess Luna. Do you think she would put me into a situation that she didn’t have under control if I failed my test?” Care and appreciation evident in her voice.

Deliberately sounding calm Light answered. “The situation, she was ready to level the whole block at a minimum. You did see Starfall, didn't you?”

“More than see, I felt the mass of that thing from several hoof lengths away. But she didn’t need to use it. I passed the test. I saved possibly a hundred or so lives. Sixty at minimum.”

Anger flared on Light’s face for a moment before she schooled it into calm professionalism. “I’m not saying you did not do well, you performed unbelievably well. I’m just saying the Nightguard take too many risks. They are too reckless and have little regard for rules, due process or the lives of the ponies that get in their way.”

“I could have done so much more than just point out leads that others couldn’t see if I was allowed out on the field. Politics and petty bigotry kept me locked up behind a desk. You saw what I can actually do. Where do you think I should have been?” Candice left off with her voice still caring but just a hint of frustration showing through. Her wing swinging out to offer a hug as an olive branch if Light wished it.

“You want…” Light started.

Steadfast politely coughed. “I think we are getting off-topic.”

Light turned to Steadfast, standing almost at attention clearly taking his words as a rebuke.

Steadfast nodded his head towards Candice, doing his best not to roll his eyes.

Taking the hint, Light accepted the offered hug. "Please, just don't get yourself killed."

“I’ll do my best not to. Princess Luna has already hinted at training to help with that as well. Thank you for actually being concerned. So few around here actually are.” Candice said with warmth. Light’s hug was a bit firmer and a lot warmer than she had expected. Maybe a friend there that I didn’t realise was there?

After a few moments longer than normal for just a polite hug, Light seemed to notice where they were and pulled back. Candice brushed Light’s shoulder as she retracted her wings now that Light was finished with the hug.

“Now normally this would be where we process your paperwork… but apparently, your file has been misplaced. So I have had to draw up a fresh set.” Steadfast slid a personnel file over.

Light’s eyes went wide at what she saw on the medical summary sheet, she pointed as the letters ‘C/C’ marked on the sheet. “I thought you were rated as a grade E mage?”

“Oh, that’s just what had to be on the paperwork because of politics. We had to knock it down so RGIS wouldn’t lose funding.” Candice said.

“Blueblood and his cronies would not accept Candice being rated higher than a noble, especially any noble in the military like Lieutenant Wild Flash out there.” Steadfast clarified.

“Is this just because she is a hybrid?” Light asked.

“Well, Celestia has been trying to crack down on tribalism, but unfortunately hybrids are not covered by those regs yet.” Steadfast sighed. “If I had her listed at her true rating, we would have lost half our budget, and there would have been a witch hunt for the ‘dangerous creature’ that had too much power.” He looked apologetically to Candice. “There was even talk of taking her wings for even the small amount of power the old papers said she had.”

Light winced.

Candice looked at Steadfast, her face taking on a cast of dark seriousness, “Excuse me? Explain, please.”

Steadfast shook his head “I will not tell you who started it, but it was shut down, unfortunately, before it reached Princess Celestia's desk.”

“How is that unfortunate?” Candice inquired.

Light laughed. “Do you know what she would have done to them? Can you imagine it, a foal of a noble trying to dictate what should be done to Princess Celestia? And for something like that.” She looked to steadfast “Incineration, thrown off the mountain or given to Princess Luna?”

“No official comment, but I think being added to her statue garden,” Steadfast said.

“Ok so what was in this little demand and how far up the chain did it get before it was crushed under the hoof of common sense?” Candice asked with a bit of humor now in her voice.

He paused for a moment. “One of the nobles with half a brain managed to talk the others into retracting it, so legally it got nowhere, but all the higher-ups here knew about it.”

“So it’s unfortunate because the Noble in question didn’t get to the point of Celestia committing defenestration upon them?” Candice smirked.

“She would probably bill them for the broken window too,” Light added trying not to laugh.

Steadfast shrugged. “Knowing our luck, they would have enough money to pay a pegasus to catch them before they hit the ground.” He turned his gaze back to the paperwork “So shall we get this done? You are only the second pony in living memory to be cut loose like this. At least without being tried for treason. You are not going to be happy with all the extra forms that are required due to that slight difference.”

“There’s only a ‘slight’ difference between transferring from Solar to Lunar and being tried for treason?” Candice asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Nightmare Moon was the only other Alicorn one could transfer too when the forms were created,” Steadfast answered.

“You do realise that according to the law, the fact that the paperwork hasn’t been updated is a personal insult to Princess Luna, right?” Candice pointed out.

Steadfast got the first bundle of paperwork out, it was old and archaic, its printing date was over nine-hundred years ago. He looked from the paperwork to Candice. “It’s not intentional, you know that. If you can get Princess Luna to weigh in on our next budget meeting so we can afford to replace it, be my guest. Until then we are stuck with these.” He pointed to the first pile of papers. “Magically Unalterable Forms are rather expensive and require class B unicorns to make to the required standard.”

“I’ll bring it up to her as soon as I can,” Candice stated as she grabbed the first stack. She was starting to get used to pony-sized stacks of paperwork.

A couple hours later and well and truly tired of paperwork, Candice stepped out of the RGIS building. Even with the challenge of them being written in old ponish, it became mind-numbing. She made her way past the guards and away from the RGIS building.

Looking at where the now harsh sun was in the sky, she had four hours left until her fate would be decided. She was grateful for her eye protection spell, meant for stopping her being blinded by dazzle spells, or just the flash from powerful ones. The minor personal enchantment spell also did a great job of acting as sunglasses, it cost her so little magic she tended to leave it on all the time.

Depositing her final pay in the Royal Bank of Canterlot, Candice decided to check her account balance for the first time in over a decade. She never really had a need to since she lived in the officer’s apartments in the Guard base and lived with minimal expenses. Eighty percent of her pay never got spent, so she never needed to worry about it.

Seeing an account balance that could buy a nice sized house near the noble section of Canterlot was rather a shock. The interest that was gathering in her savings was also compounding it. Needless to say, her twenty-three years of living very frugally had unexpectedly paid off. Well if she died, then she wasn’t going to need any money, so she headed to a legal firm to do up her will.

The legal firm was nice. They took about forty bits to do the will and updated it. She simply put it to where if she died, the money in her account got split evenly among the Elements of Harmony. She figured it would be a nice little surprise for them if something happened to her.

With only an hour left of her time as a free mare, Candice spent her time in the Menagerie, amongst its well-tended garden with the sounds of the animals adding to the calming atmosphere.

Laying in the cool air under the sun, running her mental alacrity spell, she analyzed her past. She was trying to work out how much of an impact the Solar Oath had on her, trying to validate herself. How much of her life was her own, how much had she been manipulated?

The light level changed, only her spell gave her the chance to lift her wings and catch the pouncing creature and roll with it.

The magic felt like Luna’s, the creature seemed to be made of a piece of the night sky, torn free and shaped into the form of a powerful unicorn mare with flowing mane and tail.

Once they rolled to a stop, Candice hugged the creation. For a moment the creation seemed puzzled, but then it nuzzled Candice affectionately.

Candice was confused for a moment that this was not Luna. The creature had none of Luna’s desire or seductiveness. It seemed just like a playful animal or maybe a foal.

Fascinating. Spell? Construct? Something else? Insight commented.

Candice replied in her mind, Well, this is different, this is not Luna propper. Is she being playful with her spellcraft or testing me? Or this is something else? Not much to do than go with the flow in this case.

Candice started to play with the creature. The pony-sized chunk of night sky seemed to like affection and a little roughhousing.

After a little bit though it seemed to get bored and disappeared. When it returned, it had a blue ball.

Picking it up in her aura Candice looked at the animated construct, “Fetch?”

The apparently positive reaction was enough. Candice wrapped the ball in a spell meant to keep its momentum going in a straight line. The effect was it got a few extra seconds of flight time for a farther throw.

The darkness took off and a few moments later came back with the ball.

After about the fifth time, the creature didn’t come back with a ball, but rather with a pony.

It wasn’t just anypony either. It was Prince Blueblood. “Unhoof me this instant!” He demanded.

Wrong useless object there. Insight said to Candice.

The ball was not useless. Candice almost lost her composure but managed to stifle the laugh. “That is not the ball. That’s a pony. You should put it back where you got it.” Candice didn’t overlook the fact that the ball was impaled on the tip of his horn.

The startled Blueblood heard this affront to his being but only had time to inhale before being put to sleep. The creature put her horn to Blueblood’s head and with a flare of shadow magic, the memories of the event floated from him like bubbles on the wind, The creature proceeded to chase after them, popping them and having a whale of a time.

Candice watched with a bit of amusement but still noted to herself to bring up the ethics of the creatures mind magic use with Luna later.

Once the last one was soundly defeated, it approached Blueblood. Using its horn to create two orbs filled with swirling images. One of Blueblood as an Alicorn sitting on the throne, ruling all Equestria with the rest of the Princesses’ thrones on the level below his vaunted station. The other him being a crippled earthpony on the street being mocked, kicked and attacked by everypony else who all happened to be Alicorns, most of them looking like either Rarity or Twilight.

The Nightcreature looked between the two orbs then looked at Candice, seeming to be offering to let her make the choice.

Candice considered both for a moment then picked the one with Blueblood as an Alicorn. He might be a waste of a pony, but even he didn’t deserve the nightmare of dealing with the tribalism that she had to.

Placing the orb against Blueblood’s head, it was absorbed, and Blueblood’s sleep began to be rather restful.

The creature grabbed Blueblood and hauled him back off to wherever she got him from.

Candice felt the magic of the creature as it worked on Blueblood. She noticed that the creature made of Night seemed to have its own wellspring. It wasn’t as sophisticated as Luna’s, but it did bear a similar feel.

Hm. So not a spell effect. A creation of some kind. Insight commented.

Indeed. Another thing I will have to ask Luna about. Candice replied.

The creature suddenly seemed distracted. After a moment it pounced on Candice, and she found herself being dragged into the shadows. Sleep very quickly claimed her as she went.

Candice could feel her heart pounding as her body shivered, deep ragged breaths escaped her. Tight metal bound her limbs and held her suspended in the air. Everything was rendered in total darkness, the thumping of her pulse in her ears and her now slowing breath were the only sounds.

Good thing we trust Luna, I wouldn’t want you in this position if we didn’t. Insight commented.

How had she got here, what was she doing before she got here? Slowly the memories of the day filtered back into her mind.

One by one pairs of glowing slit eyes opened, surrounding her. By the apparent height and shape of them, she surmised they were some of Luna’s Nightguard. Their eyes casting enough light to reveal Luna standing less than a body length away from her.

This was not the Luna she had seen before. This Luna was more thestral than pegasus. Fangs graced her mouth and intense draconic eyes stared at Candice.

Oh, Luna’s theatrics, ok. She thought, her body calming more, all hints of fear gone. “Oh, this looks like fun,” She said with a great deal of enthusiasm.

The only response from the Nightguard was a small amount of bits changing hooves. “Oh, are you betting on me now?”

The deadly looking Princess of the Night in all her Nightmare like glory rolled her eyes. An edge of disappointment showing as her wings slumped slightly. “Thou knows we had a most frightful speech waiting for thee?” Luna lamented.

Candice looked genuinely sorry for spoiling Luna’s fun. “Sorry, you can still go through it. I promise to roleplay along with it.”

The surrounding Nightguard were wise enough not to say anything. Still the twinkle in their eyes spoke enough about their amusement.

“Well, now that the mood has been broken,” Luna casts a mock angry look to the Nightguard who had pocketed the bits. “Shall we begin?” Luna asked.

The look on Candice’s face seemed to hint that she thought this situation was rather appealing in a way. She looked down at her body being on display for Luna. Looking back at Luna, a look of desire was not able to be hidden.

“Know that as Twilight is to be wed to me, anything you swear here may well bind you to her in time,” Luna said in a serious tone. A hint of a smile flickered on her muzzle for a moment. “I trust that won't be a problem?” She asked.

“That would be the opposite of a problem for me,” Candice said.

Luna licked her fangs for a moment letting her eyes rove over Candice's body, there was an edge of melancholy to the gaze, like this might be the last time she saw her.

Whispering, hoping Luna could hear her, “I’m not going anywhere. I’m here for you.”

Luna’s expression froze, becoming as if ice, completely expressionless for a moment. “So be it,” Her voice whispered from beside Candice’s ear.

Luna circled Candice, slowly prowling like a hungry predator. Luna spoke, her tone somehow resonating with power, each word perfectly pronounced with deadly seriousness. “Do you offer me your obedience? Will you pledge your obedience to the Night, to your sovereign, to me?”

“Yes,” was Candice’s only reply.

“Your magic is a treasure that I may require, do you pledge it to my service?”

“Affirmative,” Candice intoned.

Luna moved closer, her ethereal tail trailing along one of Candice’s wings and the Night Princess inhaled deeply showing her fangs. “I may have need to let your blood be spilt. Do you offer it, will you pledge it to be mine to spend as I will?”

“Definitely,” Candice answered.

Luna was so close that Candice should have been able to feel her body heat. Instead, a cool chill seemed to be rolling off her. The temperature of the room dropped as the darkness in the room seemed to become even deeper.

The flowing mane and tail began to twist around both Candice and the chains. Frost starting from the points of contact. One by one the links began to shatter, fragments of metal scattering as Luna started to support Candice’s shivering body.

“Do you pledge your life to me?” Luna purred seductively.

“I do,” Candice answered with her heart.

Luna completed her circle around Candice, her mane and tail now holding the whole of Candice’s weight without issue. She leaned in muzzle to muzzle, eyes narrowed and glowing intently. Luna’s magic thrummed as she began to nuzzle Candice’s neck, forcing her head back.

Candice could feel her heart race, Luna’s teeth were tracing along her neck. The steely power of the Alicons body was holding her in place as feathers caressed her. Candice’s heart pounded as she watched her heated breath fog upon contact with the frigid air.

It started first as a light nibble, the fangs scratching her flesh before they found their desired point. Four pricks of pain bloomed as the Night Princess closed her mouth.

A moment later, something more intimate, something deeper inside her felt like it was bitten. Suddenly she could feel the immense power of Luna’s wellspring pressing against her, no flesh or space separating them. Luna’s hunger, her desire, burned bright within it. Candice’s own wellspring seemed to reach out towards Luna, not just letting her take what she will but offering more energy to her.

Candice’s magic flared in response, her world became bliss.

Candice found herself fully awake and aware, all her senses under her own control. The haze of pleasure lifted. The excitement of what had just been happening was suddenly gone. She was left calm, if a little confused.

She had no idea how she got here. She found herself on her own in a long dark stone hallway.

The towering form of Luna in her therstal aspect advanced out of the darkness, eyes hard but expression kind.
“Walk with me?” She quietly asked, turning and beckoning with a wing.

Candice looked upon her with a bit of wonder and a smile of gratitude. For the first time, she felt as if someone truly accepted her. She moved smoothly to follow Luna, after taking a moment to recover due to the jarring switch off of all the sensations.

Somehow, Luna seemed more graceful than before, but here she was not sensual, she was a solemn goddess freely radiating her power. Her mane billowing out into the distance, blending with the surrounds. Almost as if the entire world is made up of her.

Candice had a smile of appreciation upon seeing that. She felt honoured. It was clear that very few ponies ever got a chance to see Luna like this. Candice still felt physical desires for Luna, but for now, they were put to the side, buried under a sense of gratitude and awe. Just being here, she felt accepted, she was being welcomed by somepony she loved. It was the first time she had ever felt like this before, it was wonderful.

As they walked, the walls began to be lined with paintings, each one of a Nightguard standing proud. Each with a little hint that betrayed their personality. Whoever painted these must have known them very well indeed to capture these little traits, immortalizing them in paint. It was only slight, but she could see Luna’s eyes trace along some of the images, but not a single hint of emotion crossed her features.

As they drew closer, the paintings changed, shifting. Some ageing, showing a pony on their deathbed. Most shifted to show horrifically wounded ponies, some little more than gore stains. The paintings continued to change one by one as they walked on. First ten, then a hundred, finally after more than a thousand, the corridor ended.

“Prior Nightguards?” Candice quietly said as she noted the implications of the paintings. Their fate reminded her of the vision of Twilight and Luna being attacked, the memories of the skeletal remains still haunting her far more than what she saw here.

“Yes,” Luna said quietly.

Candice took it in. Looking at the history, looking to see what Luna saw in them as much as she was capable. Trying to take the time to understand Luna’s gift of letting her be here. Showing what respect she could for Luna.

In the place where the last painting should go sat a full-length mirror. Within it Candice could see her body arched in pleasure, glowing with her magic, Luna wrapped around her as her fangs sunk deep in her neck.

“Why am I glowing?” Candice asked in a whisper to herself.

Luna did not respond as she moved to block the mirror, her mane lifting three items from the shadows. A chalice filled with what appeared to be the night sky made liquid, the second an ornate knife and the last a simple red ribbon.

“You have already pledged yourself to me, yet I give you one final chance to change your fate. So few of my servants die of old age, most perish in terrible ways against worse foes. Dying alone. All I can promise you is that I will not spend your life frivolously, and it will be spent to keep Equestria safe.”

Luna looked to the ribbon. “All you must do is select your path and step through the mirror. Take the ribbon, and your last moments will be the most pleasurable ones you have experienced, but you will not live to see the sunrise.” She looked to the blade. “Take up the blade and touching the mirror will be your last memory.” Luna looked towards the cup with a hint of a smile. “Or you may Drink of the Night and walk forward into my service.”

The smile faded, and Luna looked at Candice with cold emotionless eyes. “Whichever you pick, I will have your strength, your sacrifice will help protect Equestria. None will think less of you if you wish to seek your fate now instead of standing between our charges and the nightmares that are out there.”

“You have one hour to make your choice.” Luna decreed.

Candice made her choice without a single bit of doubt or hesitation. Looking around at the choices available to her, Candice looked at Luna standing in front of her. “I have been presented with three options before me, but when I look at them, I see four choices. What if I just choose you?”

Luna’s eyes narrowed, not a single other reaction was visible as she asked. “Are you sure?”

“You accepted me wholly as I am. You are the first that I can recall ever doing so. I return to you the same. I accept you for all that you are, for who you are. I do so without reservation. I love you. There is no more to the truth than that.” Candice stated with her heart open for Luna to see.

The smile that crossed Luna’s fanged mouth was truly feral, the look in her eyes was delighted. She let her eyes flick to the offered items, one by one, letting them dissolve into the shadows, the chalice last. She advanced and loomed over Candice.

Seeing Luna like this with the desire she had, brought back the feelings of when Luna started her ministrations upon her neck. The desire beginning to make itself known once more. She stayed still for a time, her confidence in her choice unshaken even if she didn’t know where this would lead. All she could do was give her heart to Luna and trust in what she would do with it.

Luna’s power flared around her, the world becoming nothing but Luna and darkness. Luna lowered her head with her eyes now glowing like two silver moons staring straight into Candice’s own. “Then you, my dear Candice, are MINE.” With a sudden motion, Candice found herself in the same position as she could see herself in the mirror. Luna’s fangs savagely sunk into her neck as powerful wings wrapped around her.

Like last time, there was mild pain and pleasure. Unexpectedly, with a twist of her head, Luna ripped her head back, leaving a large open wound. Instead of blood pouring out, the freezing darkness forced its way in.

Despite the pain, Candice opened herself, yielding, willing every bit of her to Luna. Giving her magic, her body or at least whatever she counted as having at the moment.

Luna plucked a single star from her mane. Lifting it with her aura, she pressed it against Candice’s heart. The mass of it was burning so intense she couldn't tell if it was hot or cold as it seared her coat. Luna’s hooves pulled her into a kiss. Candice got the copper taste of her own blood from Luna’s lips. The kiss was returned as Candice pulled herself fully into the embrace, her own wings wrapping around Luna.

Luna seemed to relish the contact, deepening the kiss. One leg lovingly wrapping around her barrel as the other pressed against the star. With slow inexplicable force, Luna pushed the small burning speck as it melted its way into Candice’s chest.

Candice resisted screaming with all her might, the few whimpers that tried to escape were engulfed by the kiss. The kiss that she was clinging to as if it were a lifeline.

The pain within Candice built. She could feel her magic wildly fluctuating, new sensations blossoming within her. Candice, being one of the few mortal ponies with more than one wellspring, was uniquely informed. She could feel another one, a third wellspring being created within her. She could feel part of Luna, part of her love’s magic, become one with herself. A tiny piece of Luna would forever be a part of her.

Luna pulled back from the kiss, Candice’s mouth following for a short distance, love and want clear in both their eyes. She breathed in deeply, some of the darkness swirling into Luna’s open mouth. Pressing forward and bringing Candice to the ground, she resumed the kiss, the irresistible force denying any chance of resistance, not that Candice even tried.

She felt a liquid slide down her throat, she could feel its terrible painful cold, it tasted like nothing she could describe but left all her senses tingling. As it settled within her, the cold sensation became pleasant instead of painful, like something had changed within her. Like how the warmth of the sun was pleasant to her when under Celestia, now it would seem the cold of the night would be her home.

The silver markings on her wings, hooves and now tufted ear tips flared with energy and glowed brightly with moonlight.

All the pain she had felt, faded, her new wellspring settling down, the wonderful liquid smoothing her injures. Luna’s hooves, wings and magic began to explore Candice’s now Nightchosen body. Catching a glimpse through the mirror, she could see the changes slowly appearing on her real body.

Her new eyes pried the darkness allowing her to see the Nightguard watching in apparent awe, though Striker was now holding a lot of bits.

Luna did not give her much time to watch as she did her best to make sure this would be her best night ever.

Candice didn’t have any objections as the mirror was promptly forgotten. Her magic suffused her body once more.

Candice slowly woke up, wrapped in wings and hooves from behind. Her now sharper hearing could hear the heartbeat and breath of the pony holding her. Her body felt great, she felt alive, she felt powerful. Her body could remember the pleasure from the night before. Their clean, light, perfumed scents indicated they had both been cleaned.

It did not take much for her to work out that she was in bed with Luna. Her sovereign, her love, was deeply asleep and her mane seemed almost flat, like the etherealness of it has nearly been lost. The room was dark but to her now slit eyes it was as bright as day. Her bodies new senses and what was happening hit her, the darkness of the room was now rich with new colours, the shadows had as many unique shades as there were stars in the sky.

Candice started a small experiment. She gathered her magic and tried sending it to Luna. She was hoping it would help her recover a little bit faster. She felt Luna accept the power, a smile crossed her lips and then everything suddenly faded to darkness.

The last thing she heard before falling into unconsciousness was Insight’s voice, That doesn’t seem like it was a good idea.

CH 29.1 A Walk in the Everfree

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The last week had gone well. Twilight never would have thought that sharing her body would actually have so many advantages. She comfortably settled into bed, putting the finishing touches on the spell she would need as Night was eating breakfast and looking after Spike. Ever since Cadance blackmailed Night and the revelation with Luna, her relationship with the ex-nightmare had been changing. Now it felt to Twilight as if it was more of a partnership.

Finishing the spell, she closed the books she was working with and let her aura send them on their way back to their homes in the well-filed library. She blew on the ink of the new scroll helping it dry.

Twilight stretched, enjoying the supple feeling of moving her Alicorn physique. She cast her eyes to the sleeping form of Dreams beside her and smiled. She was not quite sure what her relationship with her would be called officially, but she knew she liked it. Leaning over she nuzzled the mare, her first marefriend, lovingly.

She was very grateful for Night letting her hide here when she accompanied Luna to see what could be found at the Temple of the Hidden Path, it helped a lot. It had taken hours in Dreams’ loving embrace for her to finally calm down after only seeing the entrance.

A small part of her wanted to giggle, another part, one that resonated with Nova, let out a gentle purr. Twilight felt wonderful.

An ever so small seed of doubt annoyingly flitted across her mind. Did she love Dreams? She thought so, but she was so new to all of this, how could she be sure? Nova being able to overpower her emotions and even thoughts made everything all the more complex.

Twilight breathed in Dreams’ scent enjoying how much at peace that one simple thing could make her feel. The worries about how and why she loved her marefreind fading away. She thought back to when she first met Dreams, it felt so long ago, but in fact it was less than two weeks. Her entire life, her goals, even her knowledge of who she was had all changed drastically in just that short time.

Twilight kissed Dreams who started slightly, returning the kiss. “You’re insatiable,” Dreams lightheartedly complained, blinking the sleep from her perfect eyes.

Twilight smirked. “You know you love it.” The confidence that Nova lent her was almost as intoxicating as the thoughts of what she could do to Dreams. She let her hooves start to wonder, exploring the body that had become so familiar to her. Twilight knew that Celestia would be extremely disappointed in her student for letting her self-control go like this. After all, she had chosen to deliberately craft her tool completely without such desires.

Dreams’ silver aura held her still, stopping Twilight’s advances. “My Star… as much as I would very much want you to continue, there are things you have to do today.”

Twilight smiled sheepishly, considered a few things she might say, then just sighed. Dreams did have a point after all.

“Now you trot off and set your plan in motion, I can’t wait to see how Luna will react.” Dreams said with a smile.

“One more kiss?” Twilight asked, trailing her wingtip suggestively along Dreams’ body.

Something changed in her marefriend's eyes. “Buck it.” Dreams said in defeat as she rolled over pinning Twilight to the bed and needfully wrapping perfect wings around her, pulling her into a passionate kiss.

An hour later than intended, Twilight left her bedroom in the Golden Oaks, a deep feeling of contentment filling her from the tip of her horn to the end of her tail. Despite everything, she was happy. It was a marvel how easy she had found it to at least mostly move past what had happened to her.

Nearly dying on an altar just did not seem like that big of a deal currently. Was she in denial? Probably. Did she care at the moment? No.

She navigated her way to the central section. Somehow she always knew which way to turn. It did make a kind of sense. All of this was her mind after all. She could not keep a grin off her face at the memory of being carried in Dreams’ aura and almost rammed headfirst into some of the walls.

Twilight let a hoof trail across the wooden wall at one such location as she passed it, this place, her library, felt like her true home. She would bring the girls here. Perhaps they could have a sleepover.

Looking over the railing down into the central section, she decided to teleport instead of using her wings or taking the stairs. Her body just felt too relaxed to put the needed effort in.

Blinking into existence in the center of the ground floor, she trotted over to the newest doorway. “Morning, Grey,” she said, waving a wing in greeting. Opening the rich dark wood door as she passed through it, ending up on what Twilight had decided to call her doorstep.

Her hoof falls sounded harsher as she stepped from the homely wood of her library to the obsidian plane with the stormy sky. Like last time she was here, the real physical world was visible below in what should have been the reflection within the floor. She idly considered if this was Night’s mental space or just how the interface with her physical body looked because Night was currently the true master of it.

She would need to do more study to find out. Shaking her head and putting that aside for now, she got Night’s attention. “Morning, Night.” She said, watching her body now cleaning the dishes with Spike happily running off, holding a claw full of gems.

“Good morning, Twilight.” Night responded, directing some of her attention to the mental space, her preferred Bat-Winged Twilight form manifesting next to Twilight. “You’re late,” She said with a knowing smile.

Twilight tried to fight off a blush but was fairly sure she failed. “Sorry,” she said out of politeness but did not really feel it.

Night looked at her with a jealous edge to her expression.

“Hey, don’t be like that,” Twilight said, pulling Night into a hug with her aura.

The surprised Night froze for a moment. Then relaxed against Twilight, returning the embrace with her membraned wings. Twilight could feel Nova rumbling with interest, but she mentally pushed those thoughts away. She had things to do today and she was not in that sort of relationship with Night. At least not yet. Am I even considering this? She thought in disbelief.

To try and distract herself, she started a detailed mental list on the pros and cons of hugging a pony with thestral wings. She failed, the whole implications of being an Alicorn, having fragments and Luna, taking over her line of thought.

She knew what the law said about fragments and the host counting as one individual legally. So that meant they were all marrying Luna. Twilight was not sure how she felt about that. Each fragment, each of her newly discovered family and friends, were their own ponies. Even if they had the mild disadvantage of not having their own bodies.

How can Alicorns have normal relationships? When you can’t be sure who is looking out from their eyes? Is this why Celestia did not tell Cadance?

Thinking about it, Twilight could say she did not have her own body at the moment, as Night had the contractual claim to it. Twilight lifted a hoof and rubbed along her neck where she knew Night’s bindings were on her, even if she could not see it currently. At the moment it felt light, she was only really bound to not act against Night.

Night’s manifestation faded into shadows, all of her attention now back in the physical world. “I know you are there, watching,” Night spoke to a particularly deep shadow.

“We are arranging a surprise for Luna, a pleasant surprise. I would ask you and your kin to hold this secret. You may tell Luna that her betrothed is preparing a surprise for her if you must, but pass on my request that she do nothing to investigate it or I will be upset.”

“As you wish Princess.” A whisper-quiet voice came from the shadow.

How long have you known they were there? Twilight mentally asked.

They have been there since Luna accepted Star as her own.

Oh, Twilight answered, thinking she needed to pay more attention.

Night looked into the reflective surface of the ceiling. To Twilight to looked like Night was looking straight into her eyes out of the image in the obsidian floor of the mindscape.

"As this is your plan, you should play your part in arranging it." Night said.

Tendrils of shadow gently grabbed Twilight. She found herself feeling conflicted. She was holding back a mix of panic about what she feared they could do and a surge of excitement from Nova about what she hoped they could be used for.

She wondered if she could invent a spell that would conjure cold water over Nova. There would be plenty of times when it would be either inappropriate or undesirable to be driven by Nova’s whims. She had apparently managed to throw things behind Grey’s seal when she did not want to remember them, how much harder could it be to throw cold water past Nova’s seal?

The tendrils pulled her through the floor. The sensation of a cool and viscous liquid pressing into her coat as she sank, made her shudder.

A moment later, she was sharing the flesh of her body with Night. She lifted her physical hoof in front of her face. She knew Night could stop her at any point she wished. She was just borrowing the body, but the level of trust Night was showing her brought a bright smile to their face.

She trotted in place for a moment, noting the small differences between her mental body and her physical one, Here she was a little taller and felt stronger. For the first time since the temple, she actually took the time to really look over her form.

She stretched, studying each muscle, marvelling at how much healthier she looked compared to her mental self.

Twilight was moving her own body again. She could feel Night with her, sharing all of her senses, stopping her from walking into things whenever she was distracted. Honestly, she was finding it hard to remember how she coped by herself inside her own head.

Twilight headed to the front door of her home, or second home, her Library felt more like a home than the crystal castle ever did. She lit her horn and opened the door stepping out into the sunlit morning.

Ponyville seemed normal. It was strange, after everything that had happened, for it to be unchanged. She knew it was silly, but that was how she felt. It felt wrong that the world has just continued on despite all the terrible things that had happened to her.

Stop being so melodramatic, Night berated Twilight.

ok, ok, Twilight replied hastily.

She began walking, noticing the many eyes on her, Nova stirred inside her with a low pleased rumble. Twilight let her eyes sweep over the ponies watching her. She could feel her stride lengthening, her body change position as she almost floated along the ground, her wings slightly spread, horn held high.

Twilight thought about how she was moving and wanted to blush, but Night would not let her.

You are a beautiful mare, others can see that. Why hide it? Night chided affectionately.

Because Nova is browsing the ponies of Ponyville like Pinkie in a candy store. Twilight embarrassingly whined.

Twilight could feel her face pull into a smile as a faint laugh escaped her. Is that such a bad thing? Night asked.

Twilight let her eyes sweep over the crowd, most were just happy to see her out and about, so she waved and smiled at them. Some though, some had a look of desire, a look of hunger, which her little display was feeding. She caught herself before she smiled invitingly at them. It did feel nice to be wanted, but between Dreams and Luna, she was unsure if she should even be looking at other ponies.

The slightly annoyed feeling bubbling up from Nova was all the evidence Twilight needed to know Nova disagreed. Twilight bristled. You won't be happy until you get a chance at everypony, will you? Twilight thought at Nova.

Relax, my Host, Night commanded.

Twilight felt the concern and worry start to lift from her. She let herself smile back to some of the ponies that showed interest in her. Not enough to invite anything just enough to show she appreciated their interest in her. Once or twice, she might have given the impression that she might be interested later, but she was unsure.

She felt a giggle wanting to escape her. She felt so out of place, but it was nice to be wanted, to be desired. Night what did you do to me?

Simply told you to relax. Night said playfully.

That does not work. Twilight half-heartedly protested, she was finding it hard to be annoyed.

Very well, I am using my emotions to influence you, like how you can send your emotions to me, I can send mine to you. In this case, I am sending you a sense of calm to help you think straight and enjoy yourself more.

How could you do that to me? Twilight demanded, trying to feel outraged and failing.

Easily, you've been doing it to me since we entered our pact. You almost drowned me last time when you went science mad. So, turnabout is fair play, and this is even for your own good.

Twilight huffed and was surprised to notice Night had let it carry over to their body. A few ponies gave her a strange look. She looked sheepish and waved off their concerns.

Twilight felt her head snap around, focusing on a black coated elegant unicorn mare with a vibrant green mane. She had no choice but to take in her appearance as Night let their eyes wander over the mare.

Oh don't tell me you are starting to act like Nova. Twilight said indignantly.

No, but there is something about her, I can almost feel her desire for us, and there is something familiar about her.

Twilight would have face hoofed if Night had not walked them over to the mare. The mare’s eyes widened for a moment before a pleasant and welcome smile shaped itself on her beautiful face.

“Not many ponies have gazes intense enough I can feel it from the other side of the street, somepony would think you’re interested in me.” Night playfully said ending with a hint of seduction.

The mare’s smile grew, “Well, I’m Emerald Shade, and it is my pleasure to meet you, Princess.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “And it can be yours if you want.”

Your kidding, right? Twilight commented. Adding an invisible sound barrier so she did not have to worry too much about what other ponies might think.

“And if I do want?” Night purred. Twilight could feel her being amused with Twilight’s exasperation.

“I'm staying in room twelve in the inn.”

Night leaned closer, inhaling her scent. “Then I might see you later,” She whispered before moving away from Emerald, letting her tail caress along her flank.

Did you have to do that? Twilight asked.

No, but I wanted to. Night responded.

Are you actually going to take her up on her offer?

Shall we move along with your plan? Night dodged the question.

After you answer my question. Twilight replied. She most certainly wasn't going to let Night off that easily.

Night let out a happy little laugh. I think I might.

Just the thought of what her friends would think filed her heart with dread. You can’t, what will the ponies think?

Night shrugged their wings, Then I will ensure she stays silent.

Twilight panicked thinking of Night taking advantage of, and then killing the poor mare.

Don't be such a foal, I was merely going to get her to promise not to reveal anything and be discreet about my arrival.

Oh. Was Twilight’s only response, she felt a little silly for overreacting and a little bad for judging Night so harshly.

Now shall we be about it? We are burning the damnable daylight.

If she was going to complete her plan, she was going to need Starlight’s help. Given how it went last time, Twilight wasn't sure how that would go.

Starlight was still staying in Trixie's wagon. Was she avoiding the castle or just keeping Trixie company?

Twilight wanted to stop but Night kept her stride elegant and with a slight sexy sway to her flanks. With an effort of will, Twilight exerted control and stopped the sway. That was more than enough for her. She made her way toward where Trixie had her wagon parked.

A familiar pop of displaced air and suddenly Little Star was standing on her back hugging her neck. “Mummy, Mummy can I go and play with my friends?”

Just like that, any bad feelings Twilight had for Night were gone, she could feel Night's affection for Little Star.

“So long as you promise to only cast spells that you have mastered the counters for,” Twilight said. “And no inventing spells for the CMC.” Night added with their shared voice.

Star looked a little disappointed for a moment but then nodded. A scroll emerged from one of Star's pockets, and she noted down the new safety rules when dealing with the CMC. Star banished the scroll then smiled nuzzling Twilight.

“Now go and have fun.” Night said.

Twilight did not get the chance to add anything before Star vanished in a flash of magic.

You know I think she likes to teleport more than you do. Night playfully jabbed.

Twilight thought for a moment. You might be right. She decided to start counting Star’s and her own teleports just to check.

As the pair of them, sharing the body, got to where Trixie had parked her wagon, Twilight felt something. A hum of magic echoed in Twilight’s horn, it only took a moment to deduce that Starlight or possibly Trixie has set up a detection spell geared to detect Alicorns.

Well, that seems welcoming. Night commented dryly.

A ripple of Starlight’s magic and then the mare herself was standing in front of Twilight.

“Good morning, Starlight,” Twilight said in a friendly tone, she could only imagine what she must think of her now. By what she had been told, Starlight had the misfortune to see some of what had happened to her on the altar.

“Morning, how are you today?” Starlight asked, an edge of concern in her voice as if she was expecting Twilight to not be ok.

Twilight smiled, “I’m fine, thank you.” She did here best not to worry that she was feeling fine. She was fairly sure that feeling fine, after everything she had been through, was listed in one of her psychology books as being a very bad thing. With a mental shrug, she threw that idea away. She had things to do.

Starlight looked doubtful. Twilight could still see a slight haunted edge to her friend’s eyes. Dreams had told her that Starlight had the misfortune to have seen a little of what happened to Twilight on the Altar.

“Are you sure you’re alright? No offence but after what you went through you really shouldn't be,” Starlight pressed.

Twilight pulled Starlight into a hug with a foreleg. “Despite everything, I have never been better.”

Twilight had to do her best not to giggle at the disbelieving look that crossed Starlight's face. “Really, I have a daughter, I am probably getting married to Luna, all my friends are safe, I saved all the ponies in Manehatten. Yes, what I went through was horrible, but in the end, it was just pain.”

Starlight just stared at Twilight, not even blinking for long seconds.

I think you broke her. Night observed.

“...just pain... Just pain, I only saw it and what I saw still haunts me. I’m not sure I’m ok after that, how can you possibly be? Trixie only heard it, and she has been having nightmares every night. Princess Luna has been working overtime on just us two, and you are bucking telling me you’re fine?” The concern and worry finally bubbling forth from Starlight as she let it out was comforting even if it was vexing trying to work out how to calm her friend down.

Do you think she will explode, faint or attack us if we just say yes? Night thought to Twilight her mental tone highly amused.

Twilight just ignored Night and hugged Starlight tighter. “I’m an Alicorn, we are kinda made to deal with things like that and just bounce back. I will be fine, I’m more worried about you and Trixie.” she pulled back and offered Starlight a warm smile.

“It will be fine,” Night said.

Twilight could feel her channeling some of her Alicorn magic as she spoke. Starlight seemed to calm down, her tense muscles loosening and she allowed herself to warmly return Twilight’s hug.

Mind control? Really? Twilight mentally almost shouted at Night.

You know it is not. It’s simply the influence Alicorns have over normal ponies. You have been doing it to all of Ponyville every day since your ascension. In fact, thanks to me, you are doing it less than normal.

I never do that intentionally, and that felt different than just seeming impressive or terrifying.

So your friend is now calm, get on with it.

Twilight took a breath, grateful that at least Nova was behaving. Perhaps it was just a rule that she had to have one fragment misbehaving at any given time. She would need to get more data to check.

“Starlight if you are feeling up for it, I have a favour to ask.” Twilight softly said.

“Hmm” Starlight cooed leaning into the hug.

What did you do? Twilight asked patiently.

Nothing you don't know of, I am guessing she just had not been sleeping properly with her marefriend waking up with nightmares all the time.

She does not have a marefriend.

Really? Those two are too close to be anything else.

“Starlight? Trixie is...” Trixie’s voice called out from inside the wagon. A moment later, the blue mare’s head poked out of the wagon. “Why are you hugging Starlight?” She asked, leaving the wagon and approaching.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is most disappointed with you simply teleporting away.” Trixie directed at Starlight. Upon getting no response, she poked her with a hoof.

“Morning, Trixie,” Twilight said, offering a smile.

“Trixie demands to know what the hay did you do to her?” Trixie demanded.

“She was just freaking out, I helped her calm down… I was not expecting it to be so effective.” Night offered in her defence.

Twilight could feel Night stirring their Alicorn power, likely considering how to use it to solve the problem Trixie was going to be.

You will never learn if you just keep relying on that. Twilight berated Night. Now try and use what you have learned, from watching me, to solve this problem with words alone. Twilight instructed Night. She knew she should feel a little guilty about using Trixie as a lesson like this, but… it was Trixie, and as much as she disliked the fact, that made it easier not to be.

Fine… I will give you your sport. Night mentally huffed.

“The Grouchy and Annoyed Trixie demands to know what you are going to do to fix it, or is she going to be forced to turn you into a teacup?”

Twilight sensed Night forming a mental projection in their doorstep just to fall over laughing.

Night did her best to smile warmly and hide her annoyance at the mare. “Starlight will be fine, the only reason she is having this reaction is due to how tired she is.”

Night channelled some unicorn magic but not through her horn. Twilight wanted to shudder and giggle at the same time. The familiar energy infusing her body in a way she had never felt before. The power took shape. Twilight guessed it was a strange version of a Transmutation ward, to stop Trixie from turning them into a teacup.

Trixie raised a disbelieving eyebrow.

Twilight locked down their Alicorn magic, yes she knew that Night could override it, but it made her point.

“What do you want me to do, or are you jealous that she is hugging me?” Night snarked.

Trixie stuttered for a moment. Twilight wanted to facehoof, that was not how you deescalate a situation.

With her aura, Night pulled Trixie over, forcing her to join in the hug. “There, is that not better?” Night asked

“Whher...?” Starlight blearily asked as she tiredly nuzzled against Trixie.

Night carefully stepped back from the hug, letting the currently clingy feeling Starlight, embrace Trixie. There, solved. Night mentally stated to Twilight.

That's not what I meant. Twilight’s mental voice was exasperated.

Night let their body smile happily at the two mares. Is there a problem? Starlight seems comfortable, and we are not currently a teacup.

After a moment of enjoying the surprise hug, Trixie blushed and pulled away. Starlight was slowly recovering. Trixie checked to see if she was alright. She was watching Twilight warily.

After coming to her senses, Starlight spoke. “Twilight you told me I should not use mind magic on my friends.”

“I did not…” Night started. Seeing the disbelieving look on Starlight and Trixie’s faces, she raised a hoof in placation. Very well, I will tell you a secret, but you have to Pinkie Promise not to tell another soul.”

Starlight looked doubtful but complied, Trixie needed a bit more encouragement form Starlight.

“It was not mind control, it was simply part of what it means to be an Alicorn.”

“What do you mean?” Trixie demanded.

Night sighed. “Alicorns are literally made to rule ponies. Because of this, it’s hard for me not to influence the ponies around me, my words are more convincing, my ideas sound like they are wiser than they might be. If an Alicorn shows up on a battlefield, all their allies are inspired and their foes quake in fear.”

“So are you saying just being an Alicorn means you have some sort of mind control aura?” Trixie asked

“Not mind control more like … an inspiring presence?” Night explained.

“So, what happened to me?” Starlight asked.

“I just commented you should relax…. Unfortunately, you relaxed a little too much.”

“How can you do this to the ponies you call your friends?” Starlight questioned with reproach evident in her voice.

“Look, do you think being an Alicorn comes with an instruction manual? It’s been happening since these things turned up,” Night said, flaring her wings. “Unfortunately, Celestia did nothing to tell her ‘Faithful Student’ anything about this.”

The whole thing seemed surreal to Twilight, Night was aggressively trying to be reasonable, it was strange, but at least she was not trying to compel her friends.

“That’s still mind control, but considering you lack practice, I forgive you.” Starlight said. It pleased Twilight that her student had come so far.

“Thank you. Unfortunately, I can’t really turn it off yet,” Night said.

“Trixie expects some sort of reimbursement for this violation of her being,” The showmare said, looking at Twilight.

Twilight had a sinking feeling in her stomach, Night was feeling like she had a wonderful idea, a slight hint of glee radiating from her.

Twilight felt Night quickly break off a fragment and dispatch it on a mission to the library.

What are you doing? Twilight asked suspiciously.

“I know how I can repay you.” Night used her horn to create a flash that looked like a teleportation effect as a book was hoofed up by the fragment from her shadow. “Here,” Night said, offering the book to Trixie.

You can’t I haven't finished reading that one yet… and it’s illegal for ponies to know some of those spells. Twilight frantically responded.

Trixie’s awed look made Twilight almost want to cry. It was a first edition book, a compilation of all illusions spells known five hundred years ago, including more than a few that were illegal for ponies to know. She was going to read that later today if she had a chance.

Night made a thoughtful noise. “There are a few spells I can’t let you learn in there… unless you want to join the guard.”

So Sparks, which ones are illegal?

Twilight’s aura snatched the book back, she felt a hint of glee for a moment at having the book back in her hooves.

This one. Twilight thought about the page containing the first of the forbidden spells.

Night reached to tear the page out.

No! Twilight cried out in her mind, panic and rage building. A few motes of fire forming on their body's mane.

Ok, ok calm down that was a joke. Night mentally placated, her own concern obvious to Twilight.

Twilight’s mental tone was full of annoyance. You are nowhere near as funny as you think you are!

Sorry if I am a little low on experience on being funny, I thought sharing jokes were what friends and family were meant to do. Night replied.

Leave the poor innocent books out of it. Twilight threatened.

Twilight realised she was stroking the book lovingly. Looking up, she noticed the strange looks both Starlight and Trixie were giving her.

“Do you think she's lost it again?” Trixie whispered to Starlight, but to Twilight’s Alicorn senses, she might as well have shouted it.

Twilight quickly lit her horn conjuring blank pages out of nothing but raw magic itself. She was too rattled to concentrate enough to open one of her pockets, so she just threw power at the problem. Using a copying spell to move the legal parts of the book to the fresh pages, she then bound them all together with a cover the colour of Trixie’s coat. She even used a quick burst from the ‘cleaning spell turned disintegration spell’ to etch in an image of Trixie's Cutiemark on the cover.

“There you go, am I forgiven now?” Twilight said, spinning the new book and presenting it with a flourish.

“Trixie will admit, it’s a start,” Trixie said not able to hide the smile and look of hunger she directed at the new tome.

Starlight bumped Trixie and whispered, “Don't push your luck with the Alicorn who admitted to having unconscious mind control whose mane was on fire a moment ago.”

Twilight did her best to not smile and pretended she did not hear the whispered comment.

There was a long, painful silence which Starlight broke. “So what did you need my help with?”

“Cooking, or more precisely finding a recipe,” Twilight said.

“Twilight, you’re the one with the library, why do you need Starlight to find a recipe?” Trixie asked.

“Well… the recipe is... “ Twilight began, “Kinda lost in time.”

“WHAT!” Both Trixie and Starlight shouted.

Twilight felt at ease walking through the Everfree forest, she was an Alicorn. She had enough power to destroy the whole forest, nothing in it could be a threat to her, as long as she saw it coming. With Night here as well, Twilight did not have a worry in the world.

It had taken only a few minutes to explain that there would be no danger, no evil altars and nothing objectionable to Starlight. Trying to leave Trixie behind took ten minutes before Night just gave up on the idea and brought her along as well.

A book floated in front of her as she trotted along. Many years doing so around Canterlot have given her a seventh sense for avoiding objects when reading. Well, ok, it was a navigation spell, but she kept that little secret to herself.

Twilight glanced over to the two other ponies with her. Starlight was cautious but fine, she was powerful and knew it. She could use her magic to overcome almost anything. Add being able to teleport almost as well as Twilight herself, and anything she could not defeat she could flee with no issue.

Trixie on the other hoof was paranoid at every little sound, every motion of the trees a possible threat. Trixie was no coward, at least when she was not facing an Ursa. Her horn radiated a hint of power, she was clearly keeping it ready having her magic available at a moment's notice. She had it just below the level where it would start to glow.

Twilight could not help but notice the few times Night used their eyes to observe Trixie. She seemed to have an appreciation of the more physical unicorn. Clearly pulling her wagon all across Equestria had done something to her body that Night appreciated. After consideration, Twilight found herself possibly agreeing with the assessment.

Do you think she would be capable of doing veiled casting? Night asked with interest.

Twilight almost missed a step. Shaking her head and extending her magical sense towards Trixie, she examined her ley lines.

Trixie had weak earthpony ley lines as well as the expected unicorn one, all connected to a powerful wellspring. She’s a hybrid?

Could you not tell by how developed her legs are? Night asked.

A quiet rumble from Nova added her approval. Twilight would have to really set some time aside to work on the ‘apply cold water to Nova’ spell soon. She did her best to ignore Nova. She must have put a lot of work into strengthening her unicorn ley line.

She noticed her companions were looking at her again. Twilight wondered how long it would be before they tried to get her into a padded cell.

Night was laughing in her mind again. You are staring at them and haven't said anything for the past ten seconds.

Twilight smiled. “Sorry, I was just thinking,” she said aloud.

Trixie pressed closer to Starlight. Twilight could see the concern for, and fear of, her in their eyes. It hurt a little bit to see it, but she could understand it.

Night turned from them and started walking again. You can ogle your mini-Dreams later. Night thought at her. Gesturing with an elegant flick of the wing, for them to follow.

A low growl and the sound of rustling leaves caught Twilight's attention, she felt her ears twitch, rotating to locate the threat.

Night took full control of their body, her hooves taking a fiercer stance as she turned to face the sound, horn alight.

Starlight's eyes widened for a second, a moment later she lit her horn, teleporting herself and Trixie to the other side of Twilight.

The glowing eyes of multiple timberwolves crept in to view, Twilight felt a spike of worry even as Night relaxed her body language.

Three powerful kinetic bolts tore from Twilight’s horn. Night’s aim was perfect. The ‘low’ powered siege spells slammed into the wolves, sending them flying. Their forms smashing through multiple trees as their bodies came to pieces with the forces imparted upon them.

Twilight could feel Night’s grin. This was all just a game to her. The dust cleared to a large swath of destruction and a few scattered remains of the timberwolves.

“Good reflexes, Starlight,” Night praised the unicorn, looking over her shoulder.

Trixie lifted a hoof and pointed, Night followed the hoof seeing the broken fragments of the timberwolves, as well as the fragments of the trees from the destruction she caused, drag themselves across the ground. They reassembled into one creature. A huge timberwolf Alpha was coming to play.

Night clapped their hooves together in glee. “Perhaps you might prove to be a challenge.”

Would you at least TRY to pretend to be me? Twilight’s mental voice practically shouted at Night.

“Are we sure we want to be in this forest with the crazy mare?” Trixie whispered again.

“We can’t just leave her here on her own, not in this state.” Starlight returned the whisper.

Can’t a mare go monster hunting anymore? Night thought loudly.

I hunt books, Twilight commented with pride.

It's made from wood, we could turn it into a book. Night playfully insisted.

Night was too slow to stop the earthpony strength enhanced face hoof that Twilight delivered to herself.

Owch Night mentally exclaimed.

The timberwolf roared.

Night glared at the wolf and bellowed back in the full Royal Canterlot Voice, “YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!” The wolf was knocked back several body lengths.

“...the buck?” With the ringing in her ears, Twilight could not tell if it was Starlight or Trixie that said that, but she agreed.

Now do you know a spell to turn that thing into a book, or do I get to do things the old fashioned way?

Why would I have a spell to turn a creature into a book?

Well, at one point, you preferred books over ponies, so it could have been an elegant solution.

Twilight felt Starlight’s magic surge, a moment later and she was somewhere else.

“We’re safe!” Trixie exclaimed, now hugging Starlight.

“Twilight…” Starlight started in a calm tone. “What was that all about?”

Night focused on Starlight, Twilight kept her jaw closed. Night taking the hint, only ranted at her, Do you know how hard it is to find a sparring partner as an Alicorn? I was hoping for at least a small challenge there, but noooooo, somepony had to teleport us away instead of just watching the show.

Twilight felt very much put on the spot as Night seemed to take a mental step back. “A lot has changed since I went through was you saw and what you heard. I know I'm in denial, but I'm dealing with it in the only way I know how. A chance to vent like that would have been useful. As an Alicorn, if I don't find a way to get rid of my darker feelings, they might act on their own.”

“After all, just look what happened to Luna some thousand years ago.” Night added for Twilight.

Trixie gulped. Starlight took a few steps towards Twilight. “If you need anything…”

“Thank you.” Twilight sighed, “I think I am going to be a little bit out of sorts until the individual that attacked me is either in Tartarus or Celestia’s garden.”

“Aren't you going to try and reform them?” Starlight enquired.

Twilight growled, Nova’s influence breaking though before she could catch it as flames billowed from her mane. The pair of mares backoff from the wave of heat. Terror appeared on Trixie’s face as Starlight started preparing spells.

Night grabbed her mental collar and dragged her from the body, dumping her back in the mental doorstep.

“Sorry,” Night said in a tone that was anything but, as the flames died.

Twilight just lay on the obsidian floor in the mindscape breathing heavily.

“Sorry,” Night said again in a much kinder tone,

“Trixie thinks it would best if she went back to town now.”

Night’s attention fell to Twilight, Are you calm enough to grant that?

Twilight lit her horn in the mindscape, reaching down into the reflection and enveloped Trixie in her magic. One flash of magenta light, and the showmare was gone.

An expression of fear crossed Starlight’s face. She quickly cast a few scanning spells, looking more and more at ease with each one.

“Do you doubt my ability to teleport a single pony back to Ponyville from here?” Night spoke.

“Your ability no, but I didn’t see your horn light up.”

oops Twilight thought, pressing herself though the floor, once more moving to shared the body with Night. As there was no objection or resistance, she figured it was alright.

“It’s something I’m practicing, called veiled casting. Once I get it down, I might be able to teach you.” Night said.

“I see. I would like to learn that when you figure it out. I’m still worried about you, but you seem to at least be able to get yourself under control. If you ever need anything, though…”

“Thank you. So about that time viewing spell?” Twilight asked eagerly.

Starlight nodded

Night grinned, picking up Starlight with her hooves and flying off. “To the kitchen!”

CH 29.2 Visions of Historical Confections

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Starlight was being carried in Twilight’s hooves as if she weighed nothing. It was hard not to feel like a toy being carried by the Alicorn. She could feel the powerful muscles moving with each wingbeat. The whole time not a single expression of effort crossed Twilight’s face. She was grinning happily, darting playfully around in the air.

Rounding a corner and tucking her wings, Twilight let them fall through a hole in the ceiling. As gravity took hold, Starlight could feel a small amount of panic build, a teleport spell came to mind. Only her trust for Twilight meant she did not cast it immediately.

Suddenly Twilight spread her wings, one powerful flap was all that was needed to arrest their fall. As thick dust scattered around the room, Twilight’s rear hooves set down on the broken tiled floor with a faint click.

Slowly the dust settled, revealing their surroundings. The ruined kitchen had most definitely seen better days. Starlight could not even imagine what it would have looked like in its prime. Currently, it was only barely identifiable as a kitchen. The large fireplaces and work surfaces were covered with debris from the ceiling and overgrown with plants from the Everfree trying to reclaim the building with its wild nature.

Some of the happiness faded from Twilight as she looked around. Starlight could feel the slump to her teacher's body as she carefully set her down on her own four hooves.

Starlight could not figure out why the sight of the ruined kitchen caused her friend to fall into such a state of melancholy. Twilight walked over to a high shelf and looked mournfully at the remains of a shattered jar on the floor. With her aura, she picked up the pieces, slowly fitting them together, rotating what Starlight could see was now taking the form of a cookie jar.

What is going on with you? Starlight wondered to herself. Was that a tear in Twilight’s eye?

With a flash of magenta magic, the cookie jar was whole once more. A hint of a smile played across Twilight’s face as she started to place the jar atop the highest shelf. She paused seemed to nod to herself and teleported the jar away.

Starlight took a single step towards Twilight, whose head snapped around, for a moment eyes with an alien intensity looked out from her friend’s face. Twilight blinked in confusion, it seemed as if she had forgotten Starlight was there.

“Twilight?” Starlight asked, careful not to take another step. Something in Starlight just knew that doing anything to startle the mare would end badly.

The strange look in Twilight’s eyes faded, another blink and it seemed Twilight had returned, her friend, her teacher, smiled back at her. The feeling of danger receded, being replaced by the warmth of her friend’s kind eyes.

“Yes? Are you ready?” Twilight asked eagerly.

Starlight nodded, she would have to be careful for now. She needed to find out what was wrong with Twilight. The Elements of Harmony were keeping secrets ever since Twilight returned to Ponyville. She had no clue what it was, no one did. Something had happened while she was away. There were rumours of a falling out between Twilight and Celestia. Add to that how strange Twilight was acting today, plus the events from the temple that she was doing her best not to think about.

Starlight knew she needed to talk to somepony but who? Princess Luna? Princess Celestia? Spike?

“Equestria to Starlight?” Twilight’s soft voice asked.

Starlight looked back at her mentor. “Sorry, I got lost in thought there for a moment. The spell, right. How far did you want to look back?”

“One thousand, one hundred and twenty-two years, four moons and six days,” Twilight said tapping a hoof to her chin. “Less three hours.”

“You want to look back how far?” Starlight asked in disbelief, not only at the amount of time but how exact Twilight’s target was.

Twilight smiled. “I just need you to cast the spell, I will be providing most of the power.”

“Still, that's a lot of magic… are you sure you’re up for that?”

“Yes,” Twilight stated confidently.

Starlight looked a little unconvinced. “We are not skipping any of the safeties.”

“Of course not, too much good has happened to take that risk,” Twilight concurred, “Now please cast the spell.”

“Why are we doing this again?” Starlight asked.

“We are finding the recipe for... some of Luna’s favourite foods that have been lost to time,” Twilight said. Starlight could not help but wonder what her friend almost said.

“So definitely no torture, screaming, monsters or things that will require Lunas help for the next month?”

Twilight advanced upon her, moving closer, a little too close for comfort, with the slightly strange look in her eyes. “This is just preparing for a celebration. The time we're looking into will have nothing untoward to be seen.” Twilight said, pressing against her as she started massaging Starlight’s back and shoulders, “Now just take a breath and calm down.”

On one hoof she had no idea where Twilight had gotten so good at massages, if she were at the spa, she would happily relax against Twilight. Given they were in the middle of the Castle of the Two Sisters deep in the Everfree and Twilight seemed as stable as one of Pinkie Pie’s towers of cakes… she was more guarded.

Starlight nodded, still a little worried as she started to cast her spell. Twilight moved closer, still placing her hooves on Starlights shoulders as she slowly lowered her horn to touch both of theirs together.

Starlight felt small, Twilight was physically bigger than her, something that she never really noticed in everyday life. Now she was looming over her. The knowledge of how physically strong she was almost made her tremble. The power radiating from Twilight’s wellspring was more than enough to daze a lesser pony.

“Just concentrate on the spell,” Twilight said, her tone soft and calming. Starlight could feel the fear fading, so what if Twilight was acting strange, she was still her friend. The edge of worry retreated, leaving Starlight feeling safe, she had nothing to worry about in the forest. Twilight was here to protect her.

Starlight let her eyes close for a moment, all the complexity of the spell sorting and ordering themselves in her mind. It was second nature to her to adjust all the needed variables. Over a thousand years? She almost wanted to laugh. Twilight said she had enough power, and it was not like her to be wrong about the math.

She pushed power into her horn as she started the spell. She had nowhere near enough magic to reach that far back. A blazing magenta light illuminated the room as Twilight lit her horn, pouring power into the spell.

There is so much. Starlight's eyes went wider and wider. And itch, tickling, a warm sensual caress, she could not quite pin down the sensation running through her horn. She almost wanted to giggle or moan with the sensation, but she could not quite figure out which to do.

Twilight slowly pulled her head back, leaving a sun-bright line of magic connecting their horns. A cocky knowing grin sat on her muzzle. As the draw of the spell increased, Twilight did not even react as more and more power flowed in from the Alicorn.

Starlight may not of had the same head for numbers as Twilight did, but she knew when she was feeling so much power that numbers ceased to matter. Once again she was grateful she ‘battled’ the Princess of Friendship, and not the Armoured Alicorn she knew could casually throw death spells around that had escorted her to the temple.

Despite the calming presence of Twilight, the increasingly intoxicating feeling of the unlimited power bending to her will, caused a fearful shudder to shock Starlight’s body. If anything went even slightly wrong, she knew she would be dead, completely desegregated before she knew what had happened.

A single wing wrapped around her in a reassuring embrace. Starlight leaned into it, using the physical contact to ground herself in the moment.

Pushing aside her fear, Starlight turned her attention to the room around her. The damage of centuries was restored in a few heartbeats. The sheer amount of power being channelled through Starlight’s horn should have had her rolling on the floor in pain or have blown her head clean off, but neither happened.

It took a few moments to realise most of the power was not flowing directly through her horn’s ley line. Instead, it was perfectly mirroring the patterns it was making so closely that any adjustments Starlight made were instantly copied by Twilight's spell work.

If Twilight had said what she was going to try, or how much power she would be using, Starlight would have refused outright. She was glad she did not. Just seeing this magic was giving her so many new ideas she might be able to use.

Starlight turned her attention away from the arcane and focused on her mundane senses. The world of the past sat there. If it was not for the safety on the spells, she could reach out and touch it.

Ponies rushed around, preparing for some sort of feast. A little of the food seemed familiar, but for most of the dishes, she had almost no idea what they were. Twilight trotted over and reached out to snatch a star shape confection from the side, her hoof passing right through it. Twilight growled, before shaking her head.

Twilight sat on her haunches looking around, fondly casting her eyes over the ponies. It almost seemed as if she knew them. A dozen scrolls burst into the air around her, each picking a pony and following them with text appearing upon them. Starlight glanced at one. It was recording everything that pony was doing, even sketches were drawing themselves. As more text was written, the scrolls kept getting longer and longer.

Twilight looked to the doorway and let out a thoughtful hum. “Stay here,” Twilight said in a gentle voice, but the edge of command was firm. Starlight felt her bodies unwillingness to move despite her mind's desire to follow and find out what her teacher was up to.

A pulse of magic reinforced the time spell. Perhaps Twilight was just moving further afield? Another pulse and one of the magical safeties was carefully parted. Panic rushed through Starlight, she had to do something but channelling this much power left her paralysed. She could not stop the spell without Twilight dialling back her magic. The best result would be an explosion. Did she plan this?

A blue aura enveloped the past’s cookie jar and floated it over to the window. A young teenage Princess Luna had a huge victorious grin as she stole a hoof full of ill-gotten cookies before stealthily returning the jar to the top shelf.

The main cook smiled, flicking her eyes towards the window. The rest of the staff did their best to keep their laughter silent as the Alicorn of the Night snuck away, ‘apparently’ unnoticed. “She is going to spoil her dinner again,” one of them said.

A heavy pulse of magic made Starlight’s eyes cross, it took a few seconds before she could see anything again. She sensed the safeties of the viewing spell were back in place.

Twilight came trotting in with a book, a few trays of plants and a box suspended in her magenta aura. The proud look on her face falling slightly when she caught sight of Starlight’s unhappy scowl.

“Twilight…did you deliberately bypass the safeties?”

Twilight hung her head a bit. A bit of shame showing on her face. “Yes, I did…”

Starlight’s expression hardened as she levelled her gaze at Twilight, “I’m not so mad about the fact that you did it, considering the closed-loop nature of what I detected. I’m more mad about the fact that YOU spent three years convincing me that the safeties were critical so we COULDN’T affect the past, THEN you go and exploit that to CHANGE THE PAST ANYWAY!” She yelled.

“Nothing was changed.” Twilight retorted and an edge of a growl to her voice before taking a long calming breath. She continued, her voice sad and almost a whisper. “I needed ingredients that went extinct several hundred years ago. The recipe was lost. I didn’t take anything from the past, though. I just duplicated what was there. The seeds that I have are taken from a jar that was still here in the present, but the seeds had turned to dust. There is nothing missing to change anything.”

“You say you’re alright after what happened to you on that damnable altar, but the more I see of how you’re acting, the more I see that you are in fact NOT alright. You need help! If not from me, then get help from somepony. Please.” Starlight finished her rant quietly, tears starting to well up in her eyes.

A few waring expressions battled across Twilight’s face. Irritation winning for a moment before sadness claimed the day. “I will do what you ask, I will arrange a meeting with Luna and Cadance.”

“Why not Celestia?” Starlight asked.

A single mote of flame danced along Twilight mane before it faded. “Haven’t you heard?” She said, voice sounding hollow

“No,” Starlight felt her gut sink, for a moment, Twilight felt dangerous again.

“The reason I’m not alright isn’t because of the altar, It’s because of what Celestia did to me.”

As Twilight continued to explain, Starlight listened with growing horror. She had used mind control, used forbidden magic, but not for anything like that. She enslaved ponies, but she did not cut up ponies souls. To hear that Twilight was on the verge of forgiving Celestia was almost unbelievable. Most of what happened was the Warlock’s fault, the same pony who assassinated the original Twilight with a book. If it was not for how terrible the whole situation was, she would laugh at the idea of the Princess of Books being killed by one, but none of this was a laughing matter.

If she came across the Warlock, she would have words with him. Starlight was fairly sure Twilight world forgive her for how much forbidden magic she would use with those words. It would be for a good cause though.

At the end of her tale, Twilight seemed dead and listless. All the energy had fled from the powerful Alicorn, now she was a pony Starlight could defeat. Even the power flowing to Starlight’s horn weakened, causing the world of the past around them to lose most of its colour.

Starlight collected herself, “I can’t bring myself to even imagine what that was like for you. I can’t even wrap my mind around that. But that doesn’t matter to me. You are my friend and I’m going to be here for you.” She said as she pulled Twilight into a hug. Twilight let her eyes close, wrapping her wings around Starlight. Starlight’s ribs creaked. She bit her lip as she was about to protest, but a few drops of warm liquid falling onto her back, stilled her complaints.

Motion and a Trixie like hat caught her attention. Looking over Twilight’s shoulder, Starlight saw a young-looking Starswirl the-not-yet-bearded poke his head into the kitchen and look around. Starlight took this as a sign to end her spell. Twilight effortlessly reduced the power in turn with her until they were once again looking at the ruins of the present.

Starlight stroked Twilight’s mane reassuringly. It felt odd to be the reassuring one. She would be talking to Princess Luna at the next available opportunity, assuming she could still breath after this Alicorn grade hug.

CH 29.3 Rainbow Challenger

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Rainbow Dash was having a good day, at least until Trixi had appeared back in the center of Ponyville in a flash of Twilight’s magic. The showmare looked shaken, her knees were trembling as she checked her hat and cape.

Rainbow sighed and grumbled for a moment before slipping from her napping-cloud and zipping down to the ground.

Trixie jumped almost out of her cape. Rainbow had to struggle to keep her laughter to herself.

“Hay Trixie, where did you come from, I just saw Twi’s magic bring you here, where’s she at?” Rainbow asked cheerfully.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie can report that mare is insane.”

“Yeah, she sometimes goes a little crazy. Anything new?”

“Does she normally attack timberwolves for fun and clap her hooves happily when a larger one shows up?”

“Huh, yeah, that’s new.”

“We got to safety via teleport and then Twilight teleported Trixie back here. That’s the last I saw. To be honest, Trixie doesn’t know where I got teleported from in there.”

“So she’s in the Everfree?” Rainbow questioned.

“Where else do you think timberwolves would be around here?”

“Thanks.” Rainbow nodded and flew off, her departure sending Trixie’s hat flying off.

It did not take her long to do a quick flight over of the Everfree. Three long scars could be seen from above, each over a hundred ponies long. The howls of timberwolves and the cries of the forest creatures could be heard, but there was no sign of Twilight. Fortunately, there was no blood or drag marks, nothing to make her think anything permanent had happened to the egghead.

Rainbow knew a lot had happened to Twilight, a lot of bad stuff. The injuries that covered her body when she returned to Ponyville were no laughing matter. It was amazing how she was already healed and moving around. Any normal pony would be in the hospital for at least half a year with the wounds she saw. The shouting match with the Princess was another crazy thing. Now going out looking for trouble in the Everfree? This was not normal. Maybe she should have spent the time to fetch Fluttershy for this, but there was no time.

Doing another quick fly-by over the forest, there was still no sign. “Where are you, Egghead?”

An hour or so later she saw Twilight happily trotting through the forest with Starlight following her. It didn’t look like anything was wrong. Watching carefully, she studied her movements, Twilight was moving well. Every hoof placed just so as she kept a level and efficient gate through the uneven forest terrain. “What sort of book teaches that?” Rainbow said.

Twilight looked straight up at her. She heard that? Rainbow thought with disbelief. Nah, she must have seen me.

Just to test, she looked away and said. “Starswirl is the worst mage.”

Her world became filled will magenta light and then she was wet, wet and cold. Somehow she was in the Ponyville fountain. “Ok, she could hear me. How the buck could she hear me?”

“Maybe because you’re shouting?” Berry Punch said.

Rainbow pulled herself out of the water. A quick shake and a flick of her wings and most of the water was gone. A quick spin in the air would be enough to get rid of the rest. She quickly glanced over her feathers, they all seemed mostly in order. She would need a careful preening to make sure she was in top-notch condition, but for daily flying this was fine.

She headed back over to the Everfree forest. She knew roughly where Twilight was, and as she was walking with Starlight, they could not have gotten too far.

Drawing closer, she saw a hoof full of trees go sailing into the air, a blast of Twilight’s magenta magic erupting from the area. She grabbed a cloud and moved closer to keep an eye on Twilight. She could see Starlight still walking next to Twilight, looking concerned as she glanced at the destruction. A line, three ponies wide and fifty ponies long had been carved through the forest.

Whatever Twilight was using would be very good at carving roads and other things that earthponies needed. The question is when did she start using such things on creatures in the Everfree Forest? Fluttershy is going to throw a fit over this.

Moving her cloud perch closer, she decided to test Twilight’s hearing again. “Since when did your hearing get so good?”

“Since I ascended.” A smooth voice replied from the cloud right next to Rainbow.

Rainbow spun, wings ready for action turning to face a grinning Twilight. She paused, not fully entering her combat stance. “Twilight?” She asked.

“Rainbow?” Twilight questioned back in a teasing way. “Who else do you think I would be?”

“Why are you blowing up parts of the forest? They're not Filming a Mac Neigh original down there.”

Twilight looked down at the forest, and she shrugged her wings, “I did not fancy a timberwolf trying to rip my leg off as a snack.”

Rainbow felt her stomach twist at hearing a pony talk so freely about being eaten by a predator. What else was wrong with her? She bullied through the sick feeling at that mental image with pure bravado.

“So did you need anything? And sorry for teleporting you away earlier… you just said something bad about Starswirl. The only reason that is not a crime is because Celestia will not let me add that law for ten more years. So get anything bad you have to say about him off your chest in the next nine or so years.

Rainbow looked at Twilight. “Yeah right, even I know about free speech, you’re kidding.”

Twilight smiled warmly “Yes, I'm kidding, I see those books are doing you good.”

Starlight floated into view, surrounded by her own aura. Unicorns flying without earning their wings was still cheating in Rainbow’s book. “How long were you going to leave me down there on my own?” Starlight asked.

Twilight waved a hoof dismissing the issue. “I was still watching you, and even without me, your own abilities are enough to deal with anything in the forest.”

“Even a hydra?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“She could probably kill it in a spell or two,” Twilight calmly added.

Rainbow could see her own shocked expression mirrored on Starlight’s face as they both turned to face Twilight.

“What? Is there something on my face?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight, since when are you so violent?” Rainbow asked. She could see the question was one Starlight wanted answered too.

Twilight sighed and lay down on the cloud. “Do you know how many dangers are in the forest? I am just teaching them that ponies are not food.“

Rainbow looked unimpressed. “You know Fluttershy isn’t going to be happy, right?”

“Are you going to tell her?” Twilight narrowed her eyes, staring straight into Rainbows own.

Starlight took a few steps back, even raising a light shield spell, watching Twilight fearfully.

Completely unbothered by Twilight's attention, Rainbow responded. “You kinda blew up part of the forest, she will find out.”

The glare was gone, and Twilight smiled warmly again, “Don't change Dash, Don’t change.” She said darting in and pulling Rainbow into an affectionate hug.

Hugs were good, better than blowing up parts of the forest or worse, parts of Ponyville. Rainbow wrapped her wing around the Alicorn, it was a little awkward due to the size difference, but like she was going to let a little thing like that get in her way.

Twilight nuzzled Rainbow and used her Aura to pull Starlight into the hug. “Thanks for caring you two.”

Rainbow could see the look of panic as Twilight effortlessly brushed aside Starlight's magical defences as if they were not there. It was only a moment, but she was sure that Starlight was truly worried about what Twilight might do to her.

“I will never harm any of you,” Twilight said, moving her nuzzling to Starlight. Starlight melted into the embrace, all worry just lifting from her like early morning fog under a mid-day sun.

Rainbow glanced at Starlight without turning her head. That speed of changing emotions was more Pinkie’s thing. Compared to all the crazy stuff that had been happening, and Twilight redecorating large tracts of the forest, this simple hug was preferable. Even if it was a little too heavy on the feels for Rainbow’s liking.

Twilight sighed. “I have a lot I need to do if I want to get everything ready by the end of the week, are you two… No, I will just teleport you, it will be safer.”

“Wait…” Starlight stated before magenta magic enveloped both her and Rainbow. Ponyville appeared around them.

“Well, at least she didn’t dump us in the fountain.” Rainbow huffed, she did not like being ditched by her friend. Taking to the air and rapidly taking position hovering right in front of Starlight, she began her questioning. “So Starlight what gives, why were you out in the Everfree with Twi and why is she acting all gritty action hero towards the timberwolves?”

Starlight looked around, drawing Rainbow's attention to the crowd that was starting to pay attention. “Right, not here, I get it,” Rainbow said, grabbing Starlight and flying off with her.

Starlight slumped. “You know I can fly on my own.”

“Oh, yeah.” Rainbow let go.

A small “epp” escaped Starlight before her magic caught her. The gaze Starlight levelled her way was not enough to stop a chuckle.

Rainbow glanced around, making sure the airspace was clear and nopony would be in earshot. Well, other than Twilight with her freakishly good hearing that she seemed to have now. But she was not here, so they were safe. “So spill,” Rainbow demanded, crossing her forelegs, hovering close to Starlight.

Starlight was the most comfortable non-winged pony in the air she had ever encountered, she folded her forelimbs as well looking unimpressed at Rainbow. “Look, I know you have been hiding things from me about what is going on with Twilight, but I don't care. She is hurting and needs help. You and the rest of the girls need to be there for her. I'm not sure the others will be able to cope with what I know, but I think you are strong enough to.”

Rainbow’s wings almost missed a beat, she was not expecting anything so serious.

“You know she was captured, yes?”

Rainbow nodded, “Or something like that.”

“So you know what happened to her?”

“Yeah she broke out and saved herself, she somehow got a daughter in the mix, and now she is marrying Luna.” Rainbow shrugged, none of it made much sense to her, but hay, as long as they were happy.

“... So you don't know what was done to her while she was captured?”

“Just get to the point!” Rainbow’s voice was angry, this was sounding bad, she did not like this, her legendarily short patience was long exhausted.

Starlight gulped. “She was pinned to an altar with metal spikes as… as parts of her was cut away. Rainbow, she was tortured for hours. There was no way a normal pony could survive what happened, let alone going around seeming normal now,” she said before taking a breath, trying to hide the fact that her body was trembling.

The first thing Rainbow knew about the fact that she had stopped hovering was Starlight's magic grabbing her. This was bad, her friend was hurting, hurting so bad and she didn’t notice, worse she was not there to stop it, to save her. It felt like a deep pit had formed in Rainbow's core.

“Now she is on a hair-trigger. If she sees any threat to anything she cares about, and she is ready to throw around lethal spells. The sort of things that can level half of Ponyville if she misses.”

Starlight’s words snapped Rainbow's attention back, pushing with her flight magic she broke Starlight’s hold on her, regaining control of her own flight. Anger, hate, self-loathing, all warred in Rainbow for second place. First place among her feelings was firmly her concern for Twilight.

Resolve hardened, she would be there for Twilight and nothing would stop her. After what she had learned, she would make sure that Twilight would never be alone again. For Twilight's benefit and everypony else's safety, she did not want Pinkie Pie popping up with a surprise invite and being smited by a jumpy Alicorn.

Twilight had flown back into town about an hour later. Rainbow had to admire her form. She had gotten far better at flying since last time. Did she have a new teacher? Those wing movements seemed to come from a different style of training. Some were old techniques proven to be a little inefficient, so were no longer used. Maybe Luna was teaching her out of date stuff from a thousand years ago.

She had flown straight to a large clear area and started working some sort of glowy magic. Nothing was exploding so Rainbow thought it was a good thing. She thought about going down to talk to Twilight, but she seemed to be concentrating hard. Instead, she settled down on a cloud to watch and be there should Twilight need her.

After half an hour, Mayor Mare approached, seeming pensive. A short conversation and a large bag of bits sent her galloping away in a hurry.

Rainbow wanted to nap but she would not, she had to keep watch over her friend.

Twilight continued doing boring magic stuff.

A flash of light from below woke Rainbow, “Buck!” She cursed herself. She was meant to stay awake. The cloud had just proved too comfortable.

Twilight was now prowling? moving? dancing? It took a moment, but Rainbow recognised Twilight was practising some sort of martial art, but not one she had seen before.

She would do a move apparently perfectly, and then a moment later do it wrong, sloppy, slow. With one spinning lunge she even fell over. It just made no sense, how do you go from professionally trained to rank amateur in one moment and then back again.

Twilight stood flicking her wing, the feathers vibrating with arcs of electricity. She flicked her wings forward and then the electricity violently discharged all around her, singeing her feathers. The energy escaping into the air, dissipating and making her mane stand on end. She jumped back and ended up on her rump in a very unflattering display of clumsiness.

Twilight sighed, it seemed like she was halfway between laughing and annoyance. She shook her head slowly in disapproval. She gracefully retook her hooves, standing tall and powerful, her mane and tail straightened themselves. Her aura enveloped her wings straightening each feather one by one, a few being discarded for being too damaged. A small shudder went through Twilight's body. Clearly, she was still not used to restraining the reaction preening could bring.

Twilight expertly took that predatory fighting stance, all grace and potential for rapid motion. Each wing flexed and curled slightly, the feathers shaking as energy built in her wings and travelled down each feather. Bright arcs of intense lightning played over the wing, forming a sheath of energy around them.

She took a single calm breath before surging into action. Twilight leapt into the air, the force of her pushing off the ground leaving two hoof-shaped craters. She slashed forwards with both wings, the electricity leaping from them like a pair of coiled serpents striking. With a massive crackling boom, the bolts of searingly bright lightning crashed into the ground.

An explosion sent small bits of debris and clouds of dust rising. As the dust began to clear, Rainbow could see Twilight looking at a scorched cross mark in the middle of a crater on the ground.

“That was awesome, since when did you become a bad flank Twi?” Rainbow called down from above. Before she knew what she was doing, Rainbow was already there, barely noticing the ripples in the air she caused as she drew nearer. It must have been some of Twilight’s magic doing something.

Twilight smirked as she looked up at Rainbow. She raised a wing and twitched a single feather causing lightning to ripple over it. “You mean this?” Her friend asked teasingly.

“Yeh, that.” Rainbow flew down to get a closer look.

“Oh, so you are not interested in this then?” Twilight said, flicking her wing out and causing a bolt of lightning to leap from her wing and slam into the magical wards. Magenta runes erupted in the air, highlighting the large dome both mares were within.

“Buck yeah.” Rainbow was now hovering muzzle to muzzle with the smirking Alicorn.

“I’ll tell you what,” Twilight purred. “You beat me and I will teach you, I beat you, and you do whatever I tell you for an hour. Interested?”

Rainbow could not deny she was interested, very interested. What she could do in her shows with a trick like that was enough to almost make her drool, let alone how useful it could be in a fight. She let her eyes meet Twilight’s own. “What's that challenge?”

Twilight’s horn lit, Two weapon racks appearing. Wingblades, hoof blades, swords, daggers, darts, lances and many more. “A duel.”

“What the hay, I don’t want to hurt you Twi.” Rainbow protested.

Twilight laughed and pulled a blade from the rack. She smiled as she ran it across her foreleg, instead of a wound a stripe of red colour stained her coat. “See, perfectly safe, they are training weapons. So think you can win in a first to ten marks, duel?”

Rainbow smirked. “Of course, any rules?”

“No going outside the dome, only strike with the training weapons.”

“No magic.” Rainbow insisted.

“Naturally, this is a pegasus duel, I will be only using my pegasus abilities to keep it fair.” A small pouch popped into existence, from within it Twilight extracted a horn ring and four bangles. She placed the bangles on, one on each leg. As each one snapped shut, Twilight’s body seemed to sag slightly, her grace failing, almost as if she weighed more. “That takes care of my Earthpony strength.” Finally, she levitated the ring over her horn, she shuddered, closing her eyes as she let the ring slide down her horn. She flinched as if struck.

Rainbow was next to her, wrapping her friend in a concerned hug. Twilight took a deep shuddering breath before calming and leaning her head on Rainbows shoulder. “Thank you,” She whispered. After a few seconds Twilight pulled back, once more a confident smirk on her face. “Now we are even, I am in essence just a pegasus now.”

“Sure you don't need a head start?” Rainbow stated, with a smirk of her own.

“Oh, I like your spirit, let’s see if it lasts.” Twilight purred, beginning to circle Rainbow.

Rainbow just stared, this sensual side of Twilight was new, not something she had ever seen before. She could see that the grace that came from being far stronger than she should be, was gone, but she still moved well. She seemed dangerous, attractive and the sort of pony that should be in the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow let her eyes trace over Twilight's form, noting each muscle. She was fit and well-toned. When had she had the time to do that much exercise, and why they hay did she not get Rainbow involved? “So how do we do this?”

Twilight flicked a wing at one of the racks. “Pick your weapons, as many as you like, and then we go to opposite ends of the arena.”

Rainbow nodded, doing so. Twilight went over to inspect her choices. The wingblades looked cool but could interfere with her flight. After a long, for her, consideration of three seconds, she made her choice. Spiked shoes for all four hooves. She had martial arts training, this way she could use it fold out swords attached to her forelegs for a bit of reach and a lance for a powerful opener.

She flexed and stretched under the weight of it, she could easily fly with it, but it would change her aerodynamics.

As she strapped on her equipment, she looked over her shoulder at Twilight. Rainbow froze, her friend was already equipped and licking her lips as she looked at Rainbow hungrily. Her eyes were intense, and she could see desire as Twilight’s eyes trailed over her body.

Rainbow looked away from Twilight’s eyes and focused on the equipment she had chosen. Wingblades were clearly her primary weapon, a good choice assuming she knew how to use them. Tucked stealthily in between some of her feathers, five darts were nestled in each wing. Sneaky Egghead. Hoof blades were on her front hooves and a helm with a long-bladed horn concealing her own rounded out her armament.

“You ready, my little Dashie?” Twilight purred.

“I’m always ready, now cut out trying to mess with me and let’s get on with this, I got lightning wings to learn today.”

Twilight let out an amused, happy laugh. “This is going to be fun.” She flared her wings and leapt into the air taking flight. Unlike last time when she was training, her take-off only stirred the dust from the ground, no new craters at all.

Rainbow watched Twilight for a moment. She was circling like a bird of prey, moving lazily but ready to act at a moments notice. She was starting to understand why a pony like Starlight could be scared by this change in Twilight. Rainbow was made of sterner stuff that though.

It took no effort at all to burst into the air, claiming the height advantage over Twilight.

Twilight smirked and beckoned with her hoof, Rainbow could almost hear her say ‘come get me if you think you can’.

Rainbow Dash could not help but grin. This sort of competition she only ever shared with Applejack. Never once did she think she would be in the air, decked out with toy weapons, reenacting a duel from ancient pegasus history, let alone with Twilight. “I hope your ready, Egghead,” she called out.

Rainbow had a lance, so she was going to try it out. Forcing all of the power she could out of her wings, she rushed towards Twilight, leading with the lance.

Twilight's eyes widened, clearly not expecting the speed, she managed to touch the lance with one of her hoofblades, the weapon leaving sparks but doing nothing to save Twilight. The lance impacted just a little left from where she was aiming, sending Twilight spiralling away with the magnitude of the impact, a glowing red circle appearing at the point of contact. But thankfully, no injury.

“That’s one-nill to the best mare here,” Rainbow taunted as Twilight finally managed to get her flight levelled out halfway to the ground.

Twilight's face split with a feral grin. “Is that the best you can do?”

“You want better, I’ll show you better,” Rainbow shouted back, diving at Twilight, leading with the lance again. Descending, her attack was faster. It took her an instant to notice Twilight was no longer there. A moment later she collided with a small flock of darts, multiple small red marks blossoming on her coat. Looking around, she saw Twilight falling back-first towards the ground offering a mock salute with her hoof blade. That sneaky Egghead, must have left them in her wake, hiding them with her own body.

“Four-one to me, Rainbow Crash,” Twilight mocked with a playful grin. Rainbow had not seen her friend looking this happy in years, it was amazing. She felt almost guilty now that she was inevitably going to win, despite this mild set back.

The moment Rainbow was waiting for happened. Twilight spread her wings rolling over and starting to regain her control. Rainbow spun in the air throwing the lance, aiming to catch her opponent in the back in the brief instant she was looking away. The Wonderbolt herself powered down towards the ground, her hooves bracing, ready for the impact.

Rainbow heard the lance hit moments before she impacted the ground, channelling her power to soak the impact. She pushed off the ground, looking up and seeking her friend. She saw Twilight had fallen for it, she was now looking up in the direction the attack had come from, not below from where Rainbow was now approaching. Twilight may be smart, but she was nowhere close to Rainbow's speed.

Left hoof, right hoof and a spin kick with her rear legs, sent Twilight hurtling off to the side. She rolled in the air, barely getting her hooves under her before she hit the ground.

“And the crowd goes wild,” Rainbow called out, doing a victory lap of the arena. “Five-four to me Twi, what you gonna do?”

Twilight dusted herself off and watched Rainbow from the ground for a moment. She deliberately spent the time to move two darts from her left wing to her right. For a moment it looked like she was going to say on the ground, but as Rainbow was winning that would be like admitting defeat.

Twilight started galloping, circling around the circumference of the dome, after half a lap she started to fly, spiralling up. She was clearly using the dome wall to protect her flank. Her eyes stayed focused on Rainbow.

Rainbow quickly glanced at the lance, if she went to reclaim it, she would be giving the height advantage to Twilight. She did not need it. Movement flashed in her peripheral vision, Rainbow dipped her wing and rolled under a dart. Twilight had used her momentary distraction to try and bring them to a draw.

The two mares circled, both focused entirely on the other. Twilight seemed to be already tiring, most of her stamina must come from her currently suppressed earthpony magic. Rainbow would have to insist that next time they trained, Twilight put those bits of metal on.

Twilight rushed forward taking a straight line at Rainbow, without the major speed advantage Rainbow had, it was a losing plan. So Rainbow knew Twilight must have a trick. Rainbow spent a fraction of a second actually thinking, Twilight had been outsmarting her, now normally she would dodge up to gain the height advantage. Twilight would know that.

At the last moment Rainbow forced herself down with her wings flicking her leg and snapping one of the blades straight, she held it out, the vibrations running through her leg letting her know she had struck true.

Twilight had thrown two darts, one high, one to the left where she guessed Rainbow would have evaded to. Her growl of frustration turned into a happy laugh as she rolled in the air, throwing the rest of the darts at Rainbow with a flick of her wings.

A burst of wing power moved Rainbow down and away from the darts, the force of her wings scattering them to the edges of the arena.

She could see Twilight’s eyes glance to the darts and then she tapped her own horn as if just remembering she couldn't use her magic to call them back to her. Shaking her head, she focused back on Rainbow.

It was clear even hovering in place as Twilight was doing, was taking a toll on her now. Her breaths were ragged, she was panting and her coat was starting to shine with sweat due to her exertions. Despite that, she still had that grin on her face.

Rainbow was wondering if she was thinking of a book or if Twilight had a sudden liking for ancient sports. Seeing how much her friend was struggling, she decided to end this quickly.

She watched Twilight’s eyes waiting for her to blink. In a burst of prismatic colour, she launched herself at Twilight. Rolling in the air she lined up a double hoofed buck, arresting her momentum by giving it all to Twilight. Two red hoof prints marked Twilight as she was propelled towards the dome wall, Rainbow could see the pained expressions as she pushed her wings as hard as she could to try and stop herself in time.

The dome flashed red leaving another red mark upon Twilight. One more point and Rainbow would win.

Twilight spent nearly twenty seconds getting herself back under control and heading back towards the arena. The twinges wracking her body with each beat of her wings made Rainbow feel just a bit guilty. The now tried and goofy grin doing a lot to keep Rainbow form rushing over to check if her friend was alright.

I could just hover here for a few minutes and she would crash all on her own. Rainbow thought, looking at the exhausted mare that was her opponent. She could barely move her wings right and yet, she was still eager to continue.

Rainbow, slowly for her, flew towards Twilight, she deliberately gave Twilight a whole second to react, wanting to know what she would do. Rainbow launched forward with a powerful flap of her wings. Swinging one of the blades, she started to roll in the air as she brought a rear hoof in to kick.

The blade struck Twilight’s bladed helm. Who uses their head to block? She thought as her blade slipped off the helm, Twilight’s wingblade pushing it aside, allowing the horn of the helmet to crash into Rainbows gut.

It was simple reflex from her training to slam her hoof into Twilight’s barrel, scoring the final point. The dome changed colour, now displaying an image of Rainbow’s Cutiemark for all the world to see.

Twilight started falling from the air, Rainbow grabbed her. “That was fun,” Twilight said, hugging Rainbow.

Rainbow hovered there looking at Twilight, she never thought she would see her looking so utterly content at losing something. “Twilight… are you alright?”

“I’m great,” She answered nuzzling Rainbow, “We are so doing that again.”

“Maybe after you have a rest, you did good though,” Rainbow said, tallying her score. “Ten to five, not bad. You’re half as good as I am.”

“You’re certainly good,” Twilight said with a hungry look in her eyes.

For a moment, Rainbow nearly dropped Twilight in surprise, “Are you coming on to me?”

“Would you mind if I said yes?”

“Err, I got things I need to do…”

Twilight slumped. “Fine… Can you please at least take me to the ground and help me get this horn ring off?”

Rainbow quickly flew to the ground. Twilight was meant to be getting married to Luna, if it was not for that…well. She was very definitely going to be taking a cold shower when she got home.

After shakily getting to her hooves, Twilight presented her horn. If her wings were in a different position, Rainbow would think it was another attempt at, whatever the egghead was doing. Did somepony file some of Rarity’s books in non-fiction?

Reaching out with a wing, Rainbow grabbed the ring and lifted it from Twilight’s horn. Twilight shuddered and almost moaned as arcs of magenta energy sparked from the tip of her horn. She shook for a moment then opened her eyes, lighting her horn the four bangles teleported away.

Twilight took a single long, calming breath, just like that she seemed as fresh as she was before the start, She stood tall, her magic preening her feathers and cleaning her coat. Somehow her mane and tail just straightened themselves as if each strand just knew where it should be and placed itself there.

Being an Alicorn is cheating. Rainbow thought.

“Ah,” Twilight let out a happy little sigh, stretching seductively more than what was appropriate. A princess should not do that with their wings, especially not with that sexy smirk.

Rainbow Dash turned to leave. The sound of crackling energy gave her pause.

“So are you no longer interested in learning?” Twilight’s satisfied tone implying she knew she had just caught Rainbow.

Rainbow let her eyes narrow, oh she wanted to learn alright. But she feared what this Twilight would do. Was all her strange behaviour purely because of what had happened to her? Yes, what Starlight said happened to her was terrible, but she could swear this Twilight was practically another mare.

Rainbow turned back round to fully face Twilight. “So where do we start?”

Twilight smiled and sauntered over, again almost gliding over the ground, her earthpony strength seemingly making gravity and her own weight nothing more than a mere suggestion. Princesses should not sway there flanks like that. She spread her wings, each feather surrounded with a corona of electricity. With a flick of her horn, the dome became opaque, blocking out the view of the outside world.

The only illumination was the blue arcs of energy. Twilight leaned closer. “What you are about to learn is an ancient secret that had long been hidden by Celestia, you can teach nopony else how to do this without the direct permission of a princess.“

“Sure, sure I deal with stuff like that all the time at the Wonderbolts,” Rainbow said, trying to sound bored. She was trying to keep her eyes off the Alicorn before her and how good that lightning made her wings look. Fortunately, she had a trick, she started thinking of all the cool things she could do with that power, and her mind was away and gone off in a land of stuns and cool battles.

“Good, now shall we get started?”

“Yes!” Rainbow practically shouted.

CH 29.4 Hidden in Ponyville

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Elytron the changeling, currently calling herself Emerald Shade, was still in a daze. Twilight was interested in her, she had felt the desire, the lust. She had even given her room number to the Alicorn.

This was turning into the best-case scenario, one that was so unlikely she had not really prepared for it. She let her eyes linger on the purple Alicorn as she walked away. There was very definitely a sexy sway to her motions for the first few strides.

She slowly inhaled, trying to calm herself. The Alicorn’s emotions had hit her like a tidal wave. She knew that Alicorns were more powerful and she could not wait till later, assuming Twilight showed up. A single taste of her desire was almost like a drug. Her entire being craved more.

There had been a hint of something holding Twilight back that tasted like exasperation. By her actions, if she was having second thoughts, she had firmly pushed them aside. A lazy smile drifted onto Elytron’s face. After tonight, assuming there was a tonight, Twilight would be unable to have a single doubt about needing Elytron in her life.

Looking to the rest of the ponies, compared to Twilight, they now all seemed grey and lifeless. The only exception being Twilight’s daughter teleporting around gathering up the walking disasters known as the Crusaders.

Turning back to the pony food in front of her, she ate it with all appearance of enjoyment. She had been in Ponyville since the new Noble Guide made his bargain with the changelings. Too much was going on here and the Queen needed to know everything so she would not make another mistake, like the Canterlot Wedding.

The primary and secondary missions were right out. No changeling could teleport as frequently as Little Star and keep up their disguise, no matter how much love they were feeding on. So there was no way to take her place.

Twilight was another problem, noling could replace her knowledge, let alone her power. If the rumour of a heated exchange between Twilight and Celestia were true, there was no way any changeling could step into that role without knowing far more. With Chrysalis’ restrictions in place since her getting spotted as Cadance, the risk was just too great to be allowed. In a way, she was grateful, she did not want to have to stand up against an enraged Celestia.

Now with her goals not seemingly achievable, Twilight had just fallen right into her hooves. She bit her lip with enough force to feel pain. This was no dream. The question was, how should she take advantage of this.

Well, however it went, at least she would not be going hungry for a while.

A few hours later she was talking to Rarity about dresses, that mare could talk endlessly about the annoying garments. Given Elytron’s elegant appearance, there was almost no way to avoid at least having to model some. So taking advantage of it, she purchased some more… interesting garments for tonight should Twilight visit her.

Rarity’s knowing look promised she would be asking for details at some point in the future. Depending on how things went, Rarity might be getting more than she bargained for. If she could annoy her back or make her blush brightly, the amusement alone would be worth it. She wondered what Rarity would think if she knew whose benefit Elytron was getting her special order for.

Apparently, her friend Fluttershy was feeling lonely. One of her friends missed some sort of weekly tea again. By the sounds of it, she had been mostly staying at home, waiting on his return. If she could find out who it was that would prove an ideal opening for a love collector.

A wave of excitement flooded in from outside. She headed to the window of the boutique to look at what was going on. She noticed a moment later that Rarity had joined her.

Most of the ponies outside were looking to the skies. Twilight and Rainbow Dash were attacking each other with weapons. In a blur of motion, there was an exchange of blows.

“Oh’ my,” Rarity exclaimed with a deep pool of concern and worry rolling off her, twisting Elytron’s insides as if she felt nervous.

Elytron studied the two combatants, shifting her eyes just ever so slightly to magnify what she was seeing. Twilight was circling back, a goofy grin plastered on her face. Instead of wounds, there were faintly glowing red marks on her body. Some sort of training weapons, this sort of thing was yet another out of character action for Twilight. Is there a rival hive out there that has already replaced her? She thought for a moment before shaking her head, there was no way for a changeling to afford to radiate that much emotion for more than a moment.

“I’m sorry, Emerald, I have to get going, right now,” Rarity said as she used her magic to almost instantly close up her shop.

Elytron reached out and placed a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “No need. See those red glows? Those are marks from training weapons. The only way they could hurt themselves with them if they tried to eat one and choked on it.”

“How can you be sure?” Rarity asked with dubious acceptance. Concern wafting from her held in check by her more rational mind.

Elytron smiled, casting a pane of magic into the air and enhancing it to magnify what was viewed through it. “Just look at Twilight, she is grinning, unless she is Nightmare Moon she would not be grinning about cutting into her friend with wingblades, right?”

A pulse of alarmed panic erupted from the white mare. “Just look at what the poor dear has done to her mane,” Rarity said as she rushed off, leaving the medical supplies behind and grabbing tools much more suited for a fashion emergency.

Elytron shook her head and started packing her purchases and new dress into her saddlebags, leaving the agreed-upon price on the counter.

Elytron made her way back on to the streets of Ponyville. The small town was abuzz with chatter. Someponies were going on about the battle between the two mares and what it could possibly mean. The dome they had been fighting in was now completely opaque, allowing nopony the chance to look inside. That did not stop all sorts of crazy rumours though, form one killing the other to them being romantic partners.

The Pink Terror bounced happily by, getting party supplies. That likely meant she at least thought whatever was happening was a good thing. Elytron shuddered, she remembered her welcome to Ponyville party. The pink mare was more than a little overbearing. Her sugar-fueled high-intensity happiness was something that took time to become accustomed to.

The leader of the town, which for some reason that made no sense, was a common earthpony and not Twilight. No matter how much she learnt about ponies, it made no sense why they’d have one of their worker class in a leadership role. Yes, they were a little low on leader class ponies, only having four and a still-developing spare.

Walking past a pegasus stallion, she could feel a particular brand of anticipation. She felt greed and pleasure that she had taken to mean a reporter just had a scoop, and there would be an interesting headline in the morning. The attention focusing on the town could be … problematic. She considered just killing or having a drone replace the pony. No, that would prove unwise, as nice as it would be to have a pony they could afford to drain dry.

Elytron thought about how wonderful it would feel to drain the Purple Princess to a husk. She felt her mouth water and the endless hollow within her quake with need. That was something she would never be allowed more than a fleeting taste of. Twilight’s energy would be the Queen’s to consume in the end, and not a lowly infiltrator. No matter how good she was.

Resolving that she would enjoy whatever morsel of emotions she could get from Twilight, she considered how best to get the mare to feel stronger about her.

The store in front of her had a new sign informing passersby that it would be closed for a day next week by royal decree. Looking around, it seemed like every store that Mayor Mare visited was putting up a similar sign.

Moving a little closer to see the small print revealed nothing more only that it was all happening due to Twilight’s orders.

Up ahead the Mayor was dragging some construction ponies with her, pointing her hoof at some areas and gesturing wildly.

To one side, an azure showmare was threatening loudly to turn anypony that tired to move her wagon with being turned into a teacup. If the Princess wanted her home moved, she could come and ask her herself.

At this rate, half the town would be doing stuff under orders from Twilight. What was she planning?

The taste of the emotions from the town shifted to a mix between excitement and worry, the blend being different from pony to pony. She passed a store, from within she felt a mild imitation of her hunger. It was likely one of their money-grabbing ponies. The closest thing to a predator that existed in their weak species.

At least she managed to go about relatively unnoticed. She took advantage of it to do a little bit of spying. A glance at paperwork here, a stolen item there. Twilight’s distraction allowing her to achieve over half of her objectives of opportunity.

As she moved on, she overheard a conversation between two random ponies, they were so bland compared to Twilight; they were almost part of the background.

“I can't believe Twilight is throwing her weight around like this!” The first said.

“It is about time she had been a princess for years,” The second answered.

“She can't just do this!”

“She can, and are you seriously going to say no to her bits?”

Elytron shook her head and hurried back to the inn. After what felt like a very long day trying to blend in and seem interested in all this madness, she finally got to retreat to her room. A polite wave to the receptionist and she was at last alone. No matter how long she spent with ponies, they still did not make sense.

Elytron was laying in bed, it was late, but she could not sleep. Just the thought that Twilight might be arriving had her buzzing. If it were not for her disguised form’s lack of wings, it would have been very literal.

She was dressed in the white lace of her special purchase and had her eyes closed, resting as best as she could. The long socks were surprisingly comfortable and would feel nice used on a soft-skinned pony.

She suddenly sensed Twilight being inside her room, even though she had no idea how she got there. Opening her eyes, she looked up to see the Alicron’s hungry eyes devouring her body. The mare’s body was screaming her need, her lust. The fact that Twilight had picked her was almost unbelievable.

“Do you agree that you will not inform a soul of anything that happens between us? That anything you gain from me, or from knowing me, is your’s and your’s alone, you will never sell or give it away?” Twilight intoned.

“Of course.” The response came easily to Elytron. She would promise anything for the feast she was about to receive. It was not as if she would have to keep it anyway.

The burst of happiness coming from Twilight when she heard those words might have been suspicious if not for what happened next.

It was a long night, and not much sleep was had.

They were lying there, Twilight was calm, relieved and relaxed in the bed, absently trailing her feather tips along Elytron’s flanks.

She was no longer a bundle of repressed need and desire. Instead, a wave of quiet peace and contentment blanketed Elytron’s emotional perceptions. Even this peaceful moment was a feast too Elytron. It seemed Twilight screamed even her most gentle of emotions.

“You know, it is so tiring pretending to be something you are not. The urge to let one’s mane down and just revel in what you were made for.” Twilight let out a long sigh, “but no, if their Princess of Friendship was seen acting like that, there would be talk. The nobles would take action, and the rest of the Elements would be all judgemental. It would be so nice to be able to show my true colours, but alas the time for such things are lost to history.”

If she only had words to go on, Elytron would not have been able to work out if Twilight had a secret side to her or if this was just some abstract way of letting her know that she was screwed.

With the sense of wistful longing coming from Twilight, there was no way she was not being honest. “Why are you telling me all this?” Elytron asked.

“Because I know I can trust you not to tell anypony.” Twilight smiled softly. “Not being able to just be myself has been more stressful than I expected it to be.”

“Then, who are you?”

Twilight laughed. “I know who I was. Who I am .. is more problematic.”

“I understand, even if I can't exactly empathize. Going from a unicorn librarian to an Alicorn Princess. About the only things that did not change was your gender and colouration.” Elytron said, making sure to sound genuine.

“Quite.” Twilight's short responses did not display the slight annoyance she felt at Elytron’s answer. That did not stop it from being obvious to the Changeling’s emotional sense.

Rather than say anything else, Twilight used her magic to somehow acquire a bottle of wine and two glasses. There was no arcane vibration indicating a teleport or dimensional pocket being used.

Twilight poured wine for both of them, adding a small portion of silver liquid form a vile to her own.

At Elytron’s obvious interest, Twilight smiled with a teasing look. “I could let you try some, but you would lose the next week.”

“What is it?”

“A spirit infused with moonlight. A little trick I learnt from Luna. You may very well be the first mortal to see any in more than a thousand years.” Twilight said with a fond smile on her face, all hints of annoyance gone from Twilight’s emotional glow. “You still want to try some, don't you?” She asked, her smile taking on an amused cast.

“Is it safe?”

“Yes, the hangover is best described as the most vivid of dreams. The magic-infused within ensure you have no chance of dying of thirst or hunger until you awaken.”

What the hive’s alchemists could do with a sample of such a potent spirit. There was no way she could refuse this opportunity. Even if it proved an odd experience, at least she knew changelings could not be poisoned. Her mind made up, she answered. “Please.”

Twilight gave Elytron a long look before levitating a single drop of her own mixed drink and adding it to Elytron’s glass.

“That should see you able to walk tomorrow with few side effects. Other than what the wine causes.” Twilight cautioned.

A single sip was a far as she got before the world started to faded into stars and deepest night.

“Like the view?” A seductive purr came for a wickedly fanged face as slitted eyes seemed to pierce her soul.

Elytron shifted, her addled mind just managed to wave a single red flag. The sensation of her carapace pressing against something warm. The carapace she was meant to keep hidden at all times. She managed to just drag her eyes open to survey the spinning room she was in. Monsters and colours danced inside the walls, and the ceiling was wanting to eat her, but that was not important.

Closing her eyes and focusing on her emotional sense, Twilight was calm, at peace and sleeping. Elytron let out a relieved sigh, slowly shifting her form, keeping the flames of her change from contacting Twilight as best as she could.

Twilight’s wing pulled her close, the still sleeping Alicorn nuzzled her and began gently nipping at her with surprisingly sharp teeth.

The weight of something huge pushed down on her senses and sleep claimed her once more.

A shock to two of Elytron’s senses ripped through the veil of sleep. Her horn reported the pulse of a powerful teleport arriving. Her emotional senses noting a bright sense of joy and worry, with the worry winning by a large margin.

“Mummy, Mummy the moon is late, the moon is late.” A young fillies voice shattered the last hope of continuing her peaceful sleep.

Something stirred in the bed behind her, it was Twilight, her idle embrace still pining Elytron like a soft vice.

“My Little Star.” Twilight’s loving voice spoke. She was completely unabashed, the scent and appearance that would give away their activities didn’t even register to Twilight’s concern.

“The moon is late, is Mummy Luna going to be alright?”

Cold anger and determination filled the room from Twilight’s emotions. A moment later it seemed another pony was in the room, confusion and then, a huge burst of fear, protective love and hate suddenly shot through Twilight. To Elytron’s senses, it was like a double shot of coffee and being thrown into a winter’s lake.

Burning rage jumped in, drowning every over emotion in the room. Elytron wanted to hiss and growl as it started to resonate in her.

Searing pain snapped her mind clear as flames erupted from Twilight’s mane, charring the bed. She screamed as the flames started to burn into her coat. Twilight turned rapidly to Elytron, the flames dying in an instant as the second two sets of emotions disappeared almost as quick. She carefully released her hold, sparing a moment to inspect her wounds.

The young filly’s horn glowed, and the pain instantly vanished, a cooling sensation rolling over the wound. Elytron let her eyes fall closed as her body relaxed.

“Thank you, My Little Star. Go back and guard the castle,” Twilight commanded in a firm tone. “Emerald, I am sorry for hurting you, come to the castle later, and I will make things right.”

Twilight got up gracefully and stood. A single feather traced tenderly over her, avoiding the burns.

Elytron cracked open her eyes, Twilight was now standing, wearing blood-red armour and wingblades. Little Star was standing on the bed.

“Solar magic on the moon…” Twilight’s eyes narrowed dangerously as her horn lit. The Princess disappeared in a huge burst of magic.

Elytron recoiled and almost fell off the bed. The emotions, the magic it was all just too much for her senses. When the numbing and cooling spells wore off, she knew she could add intense pain to the mix too.

“Bye, Mummy’s friend,” Little Star said, teleporting away herself, thankfully with barely a ripple compared to Twilight's departure.

Elytron lay back down in the bed. Last night, the pulse of emotion was making her feel dizzy, the little bit of the love she absorbed was lovely, the rest though, made her feel ill. “Alicorns are a difficult and dangerous meal.”

She let her eyes close and reached out with her mind to the hive.

Speak. The mental voice of her mother the Queen answered the connection.

Two forces warred within her, the queen’s instruction and something else, something new. Elytron tried to answer, tried to inform her Queen about everything that happened. Not a single word formed, no images were sent. If felt like a weight had settled upon her neck, the more she tried to let her Queen know her report, the more she found that she couldn’t say anything, the more she tried, the more her mind shut down.

Useless Drone. Pain lanced through Elytron’s body as the physical rebuck caused her to convulse, the mental connection was violently closed, adding a migraine to her woes.

“What the buck is wrong with me?” Elytron said with dawning horror, “What did she do to me?”

CH 29.5 Problems with Being Tardy

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Celestia was perturbed, Luna was late. Given her sisters growing relationship with her former student, and all the effort her sister was putting into tracking down those who had attacked Twilight, she was no longer meeting at their usual place to tend to their celestial duties.

Celestia glanced at the hourglass watching the grains of sand slip from top to bottom. It was such an ingenious invention to tell time. She watched each grain fall one by one. She let her eyes close, listening to the sounds they made rubbing against each other and scraping against the glass.

She sighed, her Mask did not stop her, so there was likely nopony around to see her display of discontentment. It was time, if she left it any longer, ponies would notice and start to panic or think Luna was once more Nightmare Moon and was going to try and bring eternal night.

She would have to deal with the moon herself. Her golden magic reached out, the moon seemed to struggle. The freezing chill of its magic recoiling from the blazing warmth of Celestia’s. Please, the sooner this is done, the sooner I can see how Luna fairs. She thought.

There was a moment of what felt like indecision from the moon. A moment later it solemnly let itself be lowered. Celestia could feel the moon’s dislike for her, it seemed to loathe the touch of her magic, but for Luna’s sake, it relented.

Thank you. She mentally sent to the Moon truly glad she did not need to spend the magic to wrestle the moon into submission.

Raising the Sun to its place was simple, the burning orb of light was eager to do her bidding. The warm rays of its light racing over the land. Celestia let her senses ride with the line of dawn, her view sweeping over all of Equestria and beyond.

She felt her body let out a relieved sigh, she could happily spend all day warming her body in the rays of her Sun, scrying about as her whims took her. There was an outdoor musical concert scheduled in Trottingham latter she could watch, or maybe she might follow the family of phoenixes flying over there.

She idly wondered if she should make sure her next student got a phoenix egg, not a dragon’s. Phoenixes never got as large as dragons and so were much easier to keep in the palace. She noticed a group of fillies playing at a lake. Celestia smiled, it was very early for them to be up, but she spent a little of her power to make the sunlight a little warmer, a little more comfortable for them.

Daybreaker’s not-so-polite mental shove snapped her attention back to her body. Blinking once, she focused on the view from her balcony.

Your sister. Daybreaker cooly sated.

“Yes…” Celestia sighed, yet again, it was just going to be one of those days.

Celestia began her stately stride, long practice at it, meaning her Mask did not even need to adjust a single motion of her body. Stepping into the more public areas of the palace, she could feel her Mask take a grip of her facial features. She must have been frowning, last time her ponies saw her doing that, it caused panic buying of food and a run on the banks.

She wanted to stomp her hoof and snort in anger. Daybreaker’s laugh did not help her mood one single bit. You chose this path, your radiance.

It is what my ponies needed.

Daybreaker scoffed. And what do you need?

Nothing, my duty sustains me. Celestia could feel her Mask exerting more control, stopping her body from slumping and keeping her from dragging her hooves.

Admit it you are jealous of your sister, you know exactly what she has done with that hybrid she claimed.

Be that as it may, I can not let it affect me or my duties.

One of these days, you will find you have sacrificed everything and the ponies will just demand more.

Celestia ignored Daybreaker’s last comment, shifting her attention to browsing the minds of the ponies around her. Taking in their reactions to her, their idle thoughts, and seeking anything they knew about the current situation with Luna and Twilight.

There was lots of rummers, ideas and crazy theories. A few thought Twilight was manipulating Luna, using her situation as her saviour to seduce her. Others thought that Luna had used her dream magic or some sort of mind control to snare the asexual bookish mare.

Most were just happy for them, that thought managed to creep the barest of honest smiles past her Mask. She idly wondered what story that one slip of her expression would be spun into by tomorrow.

As she drew nearer to Luna’s section of the palace, she began getting more useful information. Luna’s guards were standing at attention and physically looking the respectful military force, their minds were anything but. Their minds were on last night's events, one Moonstone Striker earned a big payday from his bets as Luna had elevated Candice to one of her blessed.

Celestia would have missed a step if not for her Mask smoothing her gate. The Nightguard knew Luna was currently in bed with her newest Nightchosen. Anger flared in her, her sister had caused her to worry and have to raise the Moon because she wanted yet more carnal pleasure? Outrageous, she was even getting married to her Twilight.

Daybreaker chuckled.

Tell me what do you find so amusing ‘Warmind’. Celestia’s veiled threat to strip Daybreaker’s personality did not go unnoticed.

My apologies, your radiance. Daybreaker apologised sincerely. I was merely amused that your sister’s nature can still cause such reactions in you. How long have you known her? Do you truly expect her to change?

Celestia made her way to the doors to Luna’s room, a simple sound barrier was another part of the week’s magic budget spent, but it was necessary. Lifting her hoof Celestia pounded on the door, only it’s magical reinforcements keeping it from shattering or being ripped from its hinges and thrown into the room.

Luna growled from within. Disorganised hoof falls, some cursing in ancient languages and an uneven gate let Celestia know her sister was alive.

“Sister, Whys does thou waken us at such an hour?”

Celestia sighed, “Luna, you overslept and forgot to lower the moon, I had to do your duty for you.”

“Then you have my thanks, dear sister if that is all I shall return to my slumbers.”

Twilight ruptured into existence from a teleport, bristling with weapons and magic.

Celestia’s Mask kept her from flinching. Twilight had just managed to smash all her wards in the area. The alarms from the spells and the potent magical flux the younger Alicorn’s entrance had caused was almost an attack on its own.

Daybreaker watched from behind Celestia’s eyes noting every spell, every defence. Time and time again, her Warmind raised the threat level and appropriate amount of magic needed to neutralize Twilight as a threat. Daybreaker settled on three options if this turned into a lethal fight, and only one of them would leave the city standing.

Celestia could feel Daybreaker’s appreciation of Twilight raise, carefully regarding her stance, how each part of her body was held. Her Warmind liked what she saw and liked it, unfortunately, a little too much for Celestia’s taste.

“What have you done to Luna?” Twilight demanded, power causing the words to resonate, shaking the world. Twilight's eyes were glaring and glowing white.

Be careful, she holds most of the advantages right now. Daybreaker purred, complementing Twilight.

“Luna would you come out here and tell Twilight you simply overslept,” Celestia spoke calmly, only her face and head moving at all.

“Why? I am so enjoying her coming to my rescue. Mayhaps if I callout for help and claimed to be imprisoned she would burst in and save me?” Luna asked as teasingly as a tired voice could sound.

Daybreak laughed in her mind, sensing the imminent conflict fade into non-existence. One way your sister is superior to you, is her sense of humour.

That was not funny. Celestia responded.

Yes it was, and It almost perfectly defused the situation, just look at your faithful student now Daybreaker commanded.

Just like that the displays of her former student’s tremendous arcane might evaporated. There armed mare now looked like they were playing with their parent’s toys. Twilight looked a bit sheepish, regarded her armour and weapons. “Err, sorry, Princess.” She let out a fake laugh. “I seem to have overreacted.”

Celestia let herself smile warmly, “Quite, now shall we all have some tea before the day starts?”

Luna shadow stepped out of the room. She looked a mess, her mane almost completely flat. A large part of her magic having been depleted. Celestia could feel it regenerating, in two days and six hours she would be fully recovered from blessing her new Nightchosen.

Twilight’s desperate embrace of her sister would have definitely been lethal to anypony that was not an Alicorn.

CH 29.6 Family is Strange

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Candice found herself slowly waking up feeling groggy and slightly pained, she was tucked into Luna’s bed and was currently alone. She looked around seeing if there was a note, orders or anything else.

Welcome to the land of the living, again. Insight commented to her.

“What happened? I was waking up then suddenly I’m waking up again.” Candice inquired.

What happened was you decided to exuberantly fulfil part of your new oath and tried to give some of your magic to an exhausted Luna. She in turn, siphoned the rest from your wellspring and knocked you right back out. Try not to do that again, at least not when she’s asleep. Insight implored.

“I see. Well I hope that it was worth it. How well did you enjoy the whole event?” Candice asked.

I got to watch you change while you were mentally absent for a few hours. Though I could still feel our emotions, so I know things went well. I don’t know exactly what happened to you, that’s new for me by the way. Just that Luna managed to turn you on like you were a light gem, physically and metaphorically. Then you were gone for almost four hours with emotions of love and passion, and when you got back, you were passed out. Oh and the fact that you grew thestral features, that happened just a little bit after you started glowing. That’s a sensitivity effect by the way. Most just use it on the horn or something to incite a pleasurable reaction. Just so you know. Insight explained.

Candice pondered that for a little bit, “I see.” She then remembered what occurred last night. Her face blanched as she recalled what happened after the ritual. “Oh no, I got lost in all that was going on. I need to talk to Luna. I can’t let this harm Twilight...” She felt panic starting to overwhelm her normally logical mind. Deliberately taking a mental step back, she recollected herself. “Wait. I asked her about that. Insight? Why did I just freak out like that?”

Because our fear of hurting either of them is so extreme, it counts as a phobia. Insight intoned.

“I need to talk to Luna about that, and about you.” Candice determined.

Upon looking around something caught her eyes, a bowl of fruit with a mango sitting on top. She noticed that she didn’t have her usual strong aversion to the thought of a mango. The first and only time she had eaten one, she almost died from it as her throat started to close up. Fortunately, she had the wherewithal to hold her throat open with her magic until the symptoms passed. It was a decidedly not comfortable experience as she realised that if she didn’t have her magic, she would have suffocated to death.

Pulling her complaining body out of bed, she walked over to the mango in question. She didn’t feel the expected nausea at the thought of it anymore at least, so she moved in to sniff it. “Nope. Still smells the same, I’m not chancing that.” Instead, she grabbed one of the apples in the bowl.

She felt for the fangs that she was expecting to be there now. The sharp little things were not the supper long “vampony” fangs that one would see in the art of some books. Rather they were short little things that her lips could still cover easily even while talking. Though they were still sharp enough to cut into a fruit with ease. The apple didn’t stand a chance.

As she ate, she could feel a little of her strength returning.

Seeing herself in the mirror, she checked out the new changes. In the dark, her slit eyes still seemed to be normal just with the very top and bottom having a slight hint of a point, much like a cat’s eye in a darker room when the eye was fully open. Her ears being tufted in a bright silver was new. She had a silver sheen over the tips before, but now it was like she had metal silver ear-caps on, except that if you looked close enough, you could see it was fur. The same applied to all the tips of her feathers and it looked like she was wearing silver shoes now. There used to be just a hint of silver in her actual hooves, now they really did look like they were made from solid metal once you pulled a bit of fur up to see them.

“Who, pray tell, is Insight?” Luna softly whispered into Candice’s ear, suddenly seeming to just be there in the reflection, a few motes of shadow lifting from her coat.

Looking to the left, she saw Luna’s eyes peering into her own. The curiosity being evident. “She, I’m not sure how to describe her. She’s me but not me at the same time? She has the same emotions as myself, but sometimes they differ a little. She's at the same time my teacher and yet she feels like family. She talks to me, but other times I just get messages from her in my dreams. The more time goes by, the more she seems able to talk. To be honest, it’s one puzzle I have never been able to figure out. If I had to narrow it down to one word, I think I would call her either friend, or sister. I apologize for not telling you this before. I literally didn’t have a chance since our conversation from before the ‘interview’ and Insight doesn’t like others knowing about her. Yourself, Twilight and Little Star are the only ones I have been given the ok to tell that she even exists.” Candice explained.

“How did you sneak this past my sister?” Luna asked, stroking Candice’s throat with a wingtip.

Candice’s reaction seemed rather positive at the touch. “I don’t think she shows up to mental scans… Insight, how did you manage to stealth past Princess Celestia?”

She isn’t as good as she thinks she is. Insight replied with a rather irreverent attitude.

“Quote, ‘She isn’t as good as she thinks she is.’ Exactly what that means, I’m not sure. Insight doesn’t often explain herself, though I’m not sure why she distrusts Princess Celestia so much,” Candice said.

Luna’s eyes narrowed. Hello Insight. Luna’s voice sounded in Candice’s head.

Candice could tell that the shock she was feeling was mostly from Insight, but a little was from her as well.

Luna? Insight said in a shocked whisper. Her emotions quickly running from shock to desperate hope. You can hear me? Oh, please tell me you can hear me.

I can. I do wonder, however, what are you? I can tell you are not one of the normal maladies of the mind. Luna sent to Candice’s mind.

Candice gave a mental impression for Insight to go ahead as she was curious as well.

I’m not completely sure what I am now. I get the impression that I’m Candice’s twin from before our bodies fuzed in our mother's womb, but I’m not sure of even that. I mostly got that idea from what the doctors said likely happened when they looked at her wellsprings. I think I was the unicorn and she was the pegasus. I believe something saved us, though I don’t know what. It feels like it’s the same thing that gives me knowledge seemingly at random though. Candice, would you please grant me access to your wellspring? I would like a cast a spell. It’s not harmful, but if Luna can talk to you like this, then she can receive the invitation. Luna, I promise this isn’t harmful. It will help us communicate better. Insight said with a tone of hope.

Candice, do you trust her in this? Luna inquired of her Nightchosen hybrid.

I can feel her emotions. She wouldn’t be able to intend you harm any more than I could. Candice said, her own hope adding to the emotional mix.

Luna simply nodded, then Candice opened her unicorn wellspring for Insight to access.

A moment later both Candice and Luna got a mental knock of sorts with an implied request to join in the spell.

Candice saw the room vanish, and a forest clearing under the moonlit sky suddenly appeared. She could still feel the stone of the room she was sitting in however. The feeling of the night air was present but not quite as substantial as if she were actually there. The spell reported that this was mental imagery and they had not actually gone anywhere. Luna appeared but a second later. The look in her eyes seeming to indicate she got the same report from the spell. The smallest of smiles crossed Luna’s face as she took in these surroundings.

From the edge of the clearing, a unicorn that looked just like what Candice would have if she was born with a horn, stepped out toward them both. Fear but also hope brimming in her eyes. Insight closed her eyes and Candice could feel the emotion of resolve come forth from her. Insight walked up carefully to Luna and in the last few steps swung her forelegs into a hug. Insight’s eyes streaming tears of joy. “I never thought I would get the chance to even talk to you,” she half sobbed.

Luna just wrapped Insight up in a hug. Insight for her part just melted into it.

Luna looked at Candice and seemed to be reading her. Candice was feeling Insight’s emotions, after all. A brief moment later Luna reached out a wing and brought Candice into the hug as well.

Insight went in to kiss Luna on the cheek. Luna quickly glanced at Candice as she as she met the kiss with one of her own.

Candice just leaned into the embrace, she couldn’t stand between Insight and what she desired, not after an entire lifetime of not even having her own body.

Candice could feel Insight’s resolve of intent. She could tell that for Insight, if this was a one-time thing, the only shot she got, she was going to take it.

Candice put a hoof around Insight, “I’m sorry Insight, I didn’t know you were not there. If I had known I would have asked Luna to bring you and explained everything to her.”

“Don’t worry about that, the only thing I missed was the visual and even that I can still get from your memories. I got everything else I would have if I were there besides possible conversation with Luna. Honestly, it’s my own fault for keeping quiet so much.” Insight said with simple acceptance in her voice. Apologies obviously not needed here.

Candice just nodded, appreciating the explanation.

“So what are we going to do with you?” Luna asked Insight in a caring tone of voice.

“Fall in love and marry us?” Insight said in an innocent and playful but hopeful tone.

“I can give you the dream, but for you now you will have to get in line,” Luna said with a light and playful grin.

“Twilight’s at the front of that line,” Candice replies.

“I wouldn’t mind being in that line too,” Insight replied, feeling a bit playful.

Luna hummed thoughtfully then her horn lit in the mindscape and various spells washed over both Candice and Insight. It seemed as if most the spells were analytical or scanning spells of some sort, but others were complete unknowns.

A moment later, the mindscape flickered then reordered itself. The details becoming richer and more realistic, scents, minor differences in textures and all the small things that most illusionists leave out, now perfectly in place.

“That feels a lot nicer,” Candice noted.

“Nicer? This is way better than what I was able to make,” Insight stated as she hugged Luna for all her little unicorn body could manage. The feelings bring a renewed joy to Insight.

“Then we shall see to it that you can keep this,” Luna said before turning to Candice. “Would you prefer a spell brand or simply a piece of jewelry?”

Candice knew what spell brands were. Both had their advantages. Jewelry was more robust but could be stolen or lost. Spell branding, as well as being currently illegal, could fail if the brand was cut during combat. “How small could the spell brand be? Could it fit inside my ear or something similar?” Candice asked.

She could see Insight trying to hug Luna so hard she was trying to become one with her. Fortunately, Alicorns were more than a match for a unicorn’s strength. Luna probably just took what would be a combat grapple to others as merely being affectionate.

“I will just have to be careful which one to bite then,” Luna teased.

Candice wiggled her ears a little, bouncing the tufts a bit. Luna’s head darted forward like a viper as she snagged one between her teeth and nibbled its tip suggestively. Insight took this as a cue to return the favor to Luna as she somewhat ineffectually tried to grab the much taller Luna’s ear.

Candice noticed Insight’s lack of practice with a body didn’t help her either as she instead fell into Luna’s wing. Luna laughed softly “So my little pony, what do you want to happen this instant?”

Candice just smirked as Insight didn’t answer so much as just became as seductive a little ball of adorableness as she could.

After Insight being nothing but a disembodied voice for so long, she was not going to deny her anything. Though she was tempted to join in, she would not. She still needed to figure out what her relationship with Insight truly was. Until that was nailed down, she wouldn’t be joining her in any physical intimacy.

Candice was ripped away from the mindscape as a stinging pain erupted in her ear. Her hoof moved toward her ear, hitting Luna in the face and causing the pain to spike, a warm liquid down running down her ear.

It took her a moment for her mind to realized what had just occurred. “I’m so sorry, Luna. I wasn’t expecting that so soon. I didn’t actually hurt you, did I?” she said with genuine worry on her face.

Luna laughed, “You shall have to try harder than that to slay me.” Luna’s blood magic reached out, pulling the blood from Candice’s coat and staunching the wound.

“If I were to seriously have a chance of slaying you, it would be with a well-timed joke. I’m certain I wouldn’t stand a chance against you in battle,” Candice said with humor in her voice.

“Hmm,” Luna looked thoughtful “Poison joke as a tool for assassination… at least some of the inconveniences it causes could be considered extreme disadvantages should one have to defend themselves.”

“I don’t even really want to know what Poison joke would do to me. Probably turn me into a stallion or something.” Candice quipped. Her wings were struggling to try and reach the sky as she was fighting the natural reactions to feeling Insight getting what she wanted.

“Having trouble?” Luna asked teasingly extending her wing towards Candice's.

“Yes.” was Candice’s one-word response.

Luna let her wing fall, “Is it really too much of a burden? I can offer you a peaceful rest, a duty to be done or a similar distraction. I myself have things I must attend to, my sister will not let me tarry after being late with the Moon this morning.”

“If nothing else it’s an exercise in self-control. How long do you have before you have to get going? I was hoping to ask some questions at some point. There is also the matter of the phobia I just found out about before you showed up asking who Insight was.” Candice said, hoping she would get a chance to have that discussion with Luna.

“I should be able to exorcise any you may have from you, it will not be pleasant, but it is something I am well practised at,” Luna said simply.

“The phobia in question is that both Insight and I have this fear of hurting either you or Twilight. Not just physically but emotionally. I nearly freaked out earlier at the thought of what you and I did after you accepted me possibly hurting Twilight. Then I remembered that I had asked you about that. You had managed to assuage my fears since I was so distracted, but after the fact, it came back. I had to force the fear out.” Candice laid it all out.

“You have nothing to fear. Do you intent to betray us? Do you intend to attack anypony I care for? And do you intend to endanger Equestria? If not, then you have nothing to fear. No matter how your attempt to seduce Twilight goes.”

“You said before that if she had flames in her mane, that you would ask me to step back and let her reconsider. That came across as permission with some safety advice. Am I reading that correctly? I don’t want to misinterpret what you said.” Candice asked with just a hint of worry but still just seeking clarification.

“Yes, that is right, though if you did let her have her way with you in that state, I would not mind, but know that it would be her passion ruling her and not her mind. I don’t think she would care, but she might be embarrassed over it.” Luna ended with a playful smirk.

“I see. Thank you. I don’t think that it will be an issue then at this point. I’ll let you know if that winds up being inaccurate though.” Candice stated, her worry seemed to be assuaged.

“Now if that is all?” Luna said turning to leave letting both her wing and tail trail along Candice’s back suggestively as if by accident.

Candice lost lost her battle of self control against her wings as they suddenly got their chance to display their full glory.

“One last thing?” Candice asked, pointedly ignoring the fact that she just lost the battle with her wings.

Luna looked over her shoulder, by the way she licked her lips, if she did not have somewhere to be, Candice would be sharing Insight's fate.

Candice reached up and gave her sovereign a goodbye kiss. That is what she would call it, despite her body trying to turn it into more.

Luna briefly returned the kiss before ending it and nipping at the end of Candice’s muzzle with her fangs. Luna walked into the shadow behind the door as if it were a tunnel, fading from view in its depths.

A voice came from the far side of the room. “You lucky mare,” Striker said, now leaning on the wall in a shadowy corner, seeming to gratefully take in her display.

After taking a moment to insist to her wings who was actually in control, Candice turned to Striker, “Hey there, Striker. Nice to see you, Captain.” Candice looked to her compatriot with a smile on her face.

“Anything you want to get done before the party?” He asked with a hint of intrigue, walking from the wall over to her.

Her body glowed for a moment in her telekinesis as all traces of dirt and foreign contaminants were pulled off and headed to the bathroom disposal. “That should be it there. Just needed to clean up. Had breakfast already. You are welcome to the mango if you like. I’m still allergic to them.”

“Show off,” He said playfully checking her in the shoulder. His horn darkening with shadows as the mango was lifted in his aura “You poor thing,” He almost whispered before devouring the fruit.

“The apples and oranges put up a brave fight, but they ultimately didn’t stand a chance. I just needed back up against the insurmountable defenses of the mango. I’m glad you came.”

He laughed and shook his head. “How did you not get fired or imprisoned while working for the stuck up Solars?”

“I kept my mouth shut most of the time. That and I wasn’t interested in Princess Celestia like I am with her sister and Twilight.”

“You and about half of us, I hope you are not the type to get jealous,” He said, leading her out of the room.

“I just want her to be happy. I’m not the jealous type. So how much did you win betting on me?” Candice inquired.

He shrugged “After having to pay for all the drinks last night at your first party that you skipped, maybe a few thousand bits.”

“Ah, well I’m looking forward to the ‘after’ party. Shall we?” Candice trotted alongside him.

He grinned, “Sure,” He said leading her off.

CH 29.7 A Royal Dinner

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Luna was still searching her emotions, her life had changed. In a way, she had never been happier. She had Twilight, and now the fate decreed Candice. The one thing that warmed her heart the most was Little Star, her daughter. She smiled.

Luna tilted her hoof, looking critically at the other side of the Bit she had been given. The visions… that burning skeletal Twilight. She feared that the only reason things were going well, was fate giving her a brief respite. The peace and comfort she had now would not last. Fate knew something terrible was going to happen later, the present was just an advanced apology for the next round of torment.

A tender nuzzle broke Luna from her thoughts as Twilight pressed against her side as if to check if she was still here. Luna wrapped her wing around Twilight and unashamedly trapped Twilight’s ear with her teeth and started nibbling.

Twilight crooned softly, “Luna…” She weakly complained

“Come now, I have to reward my brave saviour.” Luna trailed a hoof down Twilight’s back. She could feel Twilights resolve crack as Twilight pressed against the motion letting her eyes close.

Celestia politely coughed. Luna looked up around the table meeting her sister’s eyes, a twinkle in her own saying ‘what?’ in a most unbelievable act of innocence.

“It is so nice to be able to sit down like this again, Twilight,” Celestia said, her eyes fixing on Twilight, who paid not the single, smallest, bit of attention.

Tia had spent time gathering the ponies that would soon be arriving. The least Luna could do was make sure Twilight could pay some attention. “Twilight, Celestia’s watching,” Luna whispered into her betrothed’s ear.

Twilight suddenly sat straight up, pulling herself from Luna’s embrace, doing her best to seem unflustered and completely unfazed. The adorable blush and the slight tenting of her wings speaking of her desire to hide behind them, proved she had utterly failed.

Luna was feeling hopeful, so far, nothing had gone wrong. Twilight adorably coming to her rescue and threatening Tia, had put her in a much more forgiving mood than she would have otherwise been in.

“Yes, Celestia?” Twilight asked. It was good to see the anger and hate were not the first things that jumped out. Twilight must have been coming to terms with what happened faster than she thought.

Celestia finished a sip of her tea before responding. “How have things been at Ponyville?” She asked with an interested look on her face. Luna could clearly see that her sister’s Mask was in play, but at least she seemed to be giving this meeting her full attention.

“Things have been… interesting.” Twilight began her expression a mix of uncertainty, embarrassment and fond remembrance. Luna smirked, Twilight could be so adorable when she was like this.

“Oh?” Celestia inquired.

“You know… just the normal things.” Twilight quietly trailed off.

Letting Twilight and her Sister do their dance of spending a lot of words to say next to nothing, she turned to her own refreshment. Luna took a deep drink from her beverage of choice. Coffee was currently Luna’s best friend, and she might have just considered marrying its inventor if they were still alive. With her magic so depleted, she dared not just ignore her fatigue.

She had not intended to make Candice one of her chosen, but when she picked her… the words she said. She was a silly old mare at times. Thankfully her sister had taken care of the moon for her, avoiding more rumours of Nightmare Moon’s return.

She laughed in the privacy of her own mind, Nightmare Moon was back, and soon Luna would be married to her as well. Luna looked back to Twilight, not able to hide her smile.

She shifted a wing to wrap around her Twilight, who looked up at Luna, the conversation with Celestia pausing.

Luna glanced at her sister and started with a warm voice, “It is good to hear you two getting on so well again… but be warned I am not letting you have her back,” she finished teasingly.

“Twilight is her own mare and has long completed her training, she is capable of making her own decisions. That being said, I do believe you have both made your intentions clear.”

"Thank you, " Twilight said a little stiffly. It was odd to see Twilight not falling all over herself at the slightest praise from Celestia.

“I hope you two both find happiness with each other,” Celestia said.

“Why thank you, Sister," Luna said before grinning at her. "So when are we going to find you a partner? Soon you will be the only unmarried adult Alicorn.” Luna teased affectionately.

“Perhaps next century,” Celestia said carefully.

“At this rate Flurry Heart maybe married before you, Tia,” Luna jested.

Celestia nodded. “That seems likely," she stated as simple fact.

“That's horrible,” Twilight said, speaking up.

“Why?” Celestia leaned forward, looking with interest to see her reaction.

The hesitation made it clear that Twilight’s first few answers were aborted before even a single syllable was spoken. “Don’t you get lonely?”

“It is what our ponies need of me, and besides, I am content enough with my duties.” Celestia’s Mask said perfectly sincerely.

Luna snorted, she could have stopped herself but chose not to. “I can’t believe you can still tell yourself that lie.”

Twilight glanced back and forth between the two sisters. Stuck between surprise and concern, Luna could see a small edge of satisfaction for the briefest of moments when Celestia was not looking at Twilight. Most likely Night’s influence, or at least she hoped it was.

Celestia’s eyes hardened.“If someone took their duties more seriously, perhaps I might have the chance to let my mane down.”

“I am more than dedicated to my duties, I simply know how to enjoy myself as well.” Luna shot back.

“Like this morning?” Celestia challenged. Luna could see the slightest hint of victory in her sister’s eyes.

Luna raised hoof and lowered it again “That was a somewhat unique situation and still had to do with my duties.”

“Duties?” Celestia cocked her head with a raised eyebrow.

After a moment’s pause to consider, Luna answered. “Yes… I was preparing for Twilight’s safety, and it was… more draining than I expected.”

Twilight leaned in and nuzzled Luna again, “You don't need to worry about me so much, certainly not so much that you oversleep and miss raising ‘your’ moon.”

Luna looked down and was met by Twilight’s lips kissing her. She happily leaned into it to taste and savour her betrothed’s lips and the hint of the sweet tea she had been drinking. A soft hum of contentment escaped Twilight as she let her eyes close.

Celestia looked as if she was calmly watching, but Luna knew better. She held up a hoof, indicating that her sister should wait.

The faint hum of magic caused Luna’s ears to twitch towards the doorway. Out of the corner of her eyes, Luna could see Cadance’s blue aura. The doors swung open, letting said Princess and her husband into the room.

A soft giggle escaped the Pink Princess. “I can see I’m not needed here.”

Twilight jumped back again, a cute blush warming her cheeks. If it was not for Luna’s wing, Twilight would have fallen off of her chair.

“Cadance!” Twilight called out, her extra volume half from excitement at seeing her old foal sitter and a half from her embarrassment.

“Sunshine…” Cadance started.

Twilight teleported from her seat and proceeded to do a very appealing little dance, shaking her flanks. Luna wondered if Twilight knew exactly what she was showing off to the rest of the room. There should be no way Cadance was unaware.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” The two younger Alicorns-finished their little greeting and Twilight almost tackled both her Brother and Sister In-law.

“Twily, Air.” Fought its way out of Shining Armor.

Naturally, Cadance could take a proper embrace. Luna let her eyes wander over Twilight. She was so looking forward to what fun could be had with another pony that could survive her full affections.

A rather sheepish looking Twilight released her brother, quickly checking him for injuries.

“Since when did you get so strong?” Shining Armor said, rubbing his neck, which would likely be bruised in the morning.

“You know, part Earthpony and been doing some working out with Rainbow,” Twilight said.

The fact that Luna was not aware of it was interesting. She would need to check with her Nightguard later and see why she was not informed. Luna let her eyes rake over Twilight for a moment, her mind covetously imagining how Twilight might look after years of physical training.

“Yeah, well at least I don’t have to worry about Cadance taking lessons with a Wonderbolt and becoming super strong,” Shining said with a hint of relief.

Cadance met Luna’s and Celestia’s eyes, she did not like the necessity of keeping secrets, like how powerful Alicorns really were.

You could just tell him the truth. Luna projected her thoughts to Cadance while showing a warm smile. It will bring you both peace of mind.

Cadance looked to Celestia, who slowly shook her head. Again it was Celestia in charge, but the waking world and the Day were hers. Luna would need a better reason than not liking something to defy her on this.

Twilight used her wings to pull the two members of her family towards the table. “It has been an exciting few days, and I am starving.”

Luna wondered if the Element of Honesty would think that was a lie as Alicorns could not starve. Or if they had enough flexibility to know that Twilight was just saying she was hungry and was not yet fully used to being an immortal Alicorn.

It is so nice to see Twilight without that dark line of directed towards Celestia, I don't think I have even seen a pony go from near murderous to a hopeful neutral ever, let alone this quickly,

What can I say, I do good work… but most of it is due to Twilight’s nature. Once the facts were given to her, it was not too difficult to encourage her. In fact, my little… oversleeping vastly improved the situation.

How so?

Luna gathered a small bit of her power and waited for Cadance to take her seat, then granted her a brief half-second daydream. She let her see Twilight turning up decked out for war to rescue Luna and the conversation that happened after.

That was very well done, Aunty. I'm not sure you could have handled that better in terms of restoring their relationship. Oh, and why were you late? I hear it was something to do with a pretty little mare you stole from your sister, Luna could just imagine Cadance with a too-wide happy grin and intense eyes.

Luna could see the slight change in Cadance's eyes that she still had not learnt to conceal. She was using her talent to view her domain. Cutting off any comments her niece might have had, she spoke first. Yes, Candice proved to be infatuated with myself… it may have turned out to not be entirely one-sided. Luna schooled her mental voice to sound neutral. She did not want to give Cadance any more information that she could gather by viewing her heartlines. She still did not know what Fate had planned and did not want to burden her niece with such dark thoughts, nor alter things without consideration.

Candance snorted. Now that's an understatement.

“Cadance?” Shining Armor said, dragging Cadance away from the mental conversation just as Luna had hoped.

“Yes, honey?” Cadance asked innocently.

“Everything alright there?” Shining Armor said, taking his seat next to his wife.

Cadance nodded and moved in, giving Shining Armor a quick kiss. Luna's eyes went to Twilight. She wanted a kiss too. Twilight offered no resistance and Luna enjoyed it very much. Twilight’s wing tips started straying a little further than was acceptable at the dinner table. A few small motes of flames rising from her mane.

Cadance was glaring at Luna.

Luna almost shifted her body so Shining Armor could not see what was happening. As much as she wished for Twilight to continue, she spoke up in whisper-speak. “Twilight… we have company.”

The flames vanished, and she looked mortified, more so as her brother looked to her.

“So Twilly how are you two getting along?” Shining asked with a bit of concern at his sister's expression.

Twilight for her part “Well, I think… I have not exactly done anything like this before.”

“You've not read a book on this?” Shining Armor inquired.

“Well… I have, but I’m was not rescued by, nor had to fight my way to Luna, so they are proving less than useful.” Twilight said, still a touch sheepish.

“You have nothing to be ashamed off,” Luna said, trailing a feather along Twilight’s back. Her expressions shifted, warring between shame and excitement. Did she enjoy exhibitionism? After a moment of consideration, she tested. By the fact that Twilight had to flash cast an illusion spell to hide her reaction, the answer seemed to be yes.

Luna, do you have no shame? Cadance shouted into her mind as she distracted the pink mare’s husband.


Luna almost hissed in pain as Cadance’s grooming spell ripped over her body and removed any evidence of what had just happened. The spellwork was much kinder to Twilight.

Celestia subtly spread her pegasus magic around the room and moved all the revealing scent away from Shining Armor.

Cadance was still glaring at Luna, so another distraction was needed, and this would further her plans for after dinner.

Shining Armor was just turning to ask Cadance a question. Likely ‘what was going on’, when Luna struck. “So when were you going to tell Twilight that you had her bother in your harem?”

Twilight and Shining Armor both froze in disbelief. Twilight recovered first, despite her previous distraction. Looking to her brother, her face looked relieved at his growing confusion.

“Haha, very funny, Luna,” Twilight said.

Luna leaned towards Twilight “Who said I am joking? Check the Registration Documents for the Solar Oath.”

“I think I would have noticed something like that.” Shining Armor contested.

“Seriously sweetie, I thought you would have noticed something like that too,” Cadance said, pulling him into a hug. “At least she never actually made use of that part of the Solar Oath.”

“Whahhh?” Was Shining Armor’s most eloquent of responses.

Twilight looked at Cadance “You knew?”

“Yes, I took a look that the contract, it is right there in the small print,” Cadance stated rather simply.

“What small print?” Twilight asked.

“Have you looked at it since your accession?” Cadance inquired.

“No...” Twilight trailed off.

“Then look again in the decorative border at the bottom,” Cadance said.

“What sort of ponyfeathers is that?” Shining Armor managed to pull himself from his daze. “It is illegal to hide legal text like that.”

Twilight help up her hoof, “Unless it is written backwards in old ponish.”

“What sort of law is that?” Disbelief was clear in Shining Armor’s voice.

“A very old one, I found it when I was looking into mine and Luna’s… situation,” Twilight added.

“Sounds like the sort of law Discord would have come up with,” Shining Armor lightly lamented.

“He did inspire it, but no… it is one of many of mine and my sister’s jokes that ended up being enshrined in the legal code,” Luna added.

Celestia interjected, “Though it does actually serve a useful legal defence. It is there so that the Nobility can’t try to force me or any other princess to marry one of them, provided said princesses also uses the legal language.”

“More importantly, it also lets us shield ponies under our wings. Any whom would interfere, unwelcomed, with one of our harem members can be punished for treason at the princess's discretion," Cadance added.

“Though I am honestly surprised sister let such a fine specimen as you go,” Luna said, looking a Shining.

“So if I’m understanding this correctly, if I don’t have a guard or subsequently a harem, I could be somehow forced to marry a noble? How does that work?” Twilight asked.

“Lots and lots of nagging and whining,” Luna said, her disdain for the nobility plain on her face.

“We managed to get it so that we get to pick our potential partners from harems. So unless a noble is willing to become our property, they will never marry one of us,” Celestia added.

“So is that why I was made Cadance’s guard?” Shining Armor asked.

“Yes, for your protection and to mean that you were mine.” Cadance purred softly onto Shining’s ear.

“Though one wonders about your plan to induct Twilight into your guard, if she failed to ascend,” Luna questioned.

“Wait, you were interested in Twilight?” Shining Armor asked with surprise.

“How could somepony not be interested in such a wonderful mare?” Cadance asked her husband.

Luna could see by her eyes that Celestia was conversing with her fragments again.

Shining Armor looked back at his wife, “Are you saying you’re interested in my sister?” He teased.

Cadance blushed a little bit but still said with confidence, “Yes, but only if you didn’t want me.” She parried.

And yet you rejected me? Luna sent to Cadance.

Of course, you’re too old for me. Besides I was already dating Shining. Cadance responded.

Shining Armor just hugged his wife and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

Twilight spoke up, “Too late now for either of you, anyway.” She then reached up and kissed Luna while wrapping a wing around her.

The food was brought in. Well trained wait staff populated the table in an impressive spread, given no dimensional pockets or teleportation were used to achieve it. She could appreciate the skills of Celestia’s staff, but almost all of it seemed bland to Luna.

One of the staff stood out to Luna. She dreamed of being a singer one day or finding love when approached by a noble as she sang in the flower garden, going about her duties.

The servants left as rapidly as they arrived, they were almost like a reversed plague of locusts, leaving plentiful food wherever they passed.

“So how are things?” Cadance said looking between Twilight and Celestia.

Celestia looked to Twilight and with a yielding nod, offered to let Twilight answer.

“Better… Somewhat at least. It has just been a lot to come to terms with.” Twilight offered a mostly sincere smile to Celestia. “I… what we had is lost.”

Celestia's expression fell, The Mask was still in control of her sister’s expression, so even that was still a manipulation.

Twilight’s smile warmed. “But I am willing to see what can be built on a new foundation of truth.”

Celestia returned the smile. The glimmer of hope and relief in her eyes were completely honest as far as Luna could see, “Thank you, Twilight.” She extended her hoof to Twilight who after a moment, accepted it.

Luna did not even need to ask what Cadance was seeing, her smile revealed everything she needed to know.

Now that the main point of the meeting seemed to have at least been achieved amicably, Celestia motioned for everypony to enjoy the meal.

Luna smiled. Twilight was demolishing the food. There was not a single item she had not sampled. Even the things she always shied away from. Like the fish-based pegasus dishes, the mineral-based earthpony delicacies or the single thestral addition to the meal, an inoffensive looking pastry whose contents were made from a little blood and meat. Even some crystal berries made an appearance in the form of a pie.

Shining Armor just watched in apparent horror as his sister was on the verge of becoming a natural disaster. The playful glare Twilight shot back, made him laugh.

Candance hid a giggle with her hoof. “Careful Twilight, you might end up as big as Celestia if you keep eating like that.”

Twilight looked a little sheepish, and Celestia offered her niece an unamused look.

“As the youth of today say ‘Oh lighten up Tia’,” Luna half laughed.

Celestia snorted and crossed her forelegs, looking a few thousand years younger. Luna chuckled and threw one of the marshmallows from the crystal berry pie at her. Celestia just stared at the incoming projectile seeming to disbelieve its existence. The impact leaving a small purple mark on Celestia's formally pristine coat.

Something flashed in Celestia’s eyes. Luna readied her defences as her sisters Warmind readied its weapons, about a quarter of the remaining dishes on the table.

Twilight grabbed a hoof full of her favourites and raised a shield around herself. Shining Armour followed suit just in time, as the first barrage began.

Luna could hear Cadance laughing as she sheltered in her husband's protection.

The battle was fierce, and no food-based projectile was left unutilised.

The servants arrived with the deserts and rapidly began cleaning the room. They would not meet anyponie’s eyes. Cadance had done double duty with her grooming spell, leaving both sisters with their normal impeccable appearance.

Luna was returning her sister’s glare and grin both. Neither would admit the other had won, so this most ridiculous of stare-offs was still ongoing.

“I’ll just have to eat all the cake,” Twilight interjected giving Luna a wink.

“Thou would not darest,” Celestia shouted, looking to Twilight before blushing, if only a fraction of a shade and only for the blink of an eye.

Luna would have to reward Twilight, for it had been a long time since she had seen her sister lose her composure like that. By the Stars, she had needed this release, this moment of fun.

“Huzza,” Luna called out, “Victory is mine.”

“But the cake is not,” Celestia stuck her tongue out, the whole cake suspended in her golden aura.

The meal was over, and everypony else made their way from the room. Luna gestured for Twilight to wait. Once the doors had closed, Luna was alone with Twilight.

Luna reached her wing around Twilight, “So did any of Celestia’s guard happen to strike your fancy?”

Luna could tell Twilight was divided. Probably between the temptation and the perceived impropriety.

“We are being hosted by my sister. You would be more than welcome to partake of one if you liked.” Luna added to the temptation side of the conversation as she started preening Twilight’s wings.

Twilight responded to the ministrations, “Why can I not just partake of you?” looking into Luna’s eyes with obvious desire.

Luna pulled back just slightly, “Ah ah, Cadance would not approve until after our wedding.”

“And me partaking of a guard wouldn’t be disapproved of?” Twilight pointed out the obvious.

“No, it would simply be using one of your privileges of being royalty. Speaking of advantages of being royalty, I have a present for you.” Luna purred into Twilight’s ear.

Luna reached out with her senses, locating her intended gift. Her shadow magic reaching out to embrace her target.

A pool of shadow poured into the area just in front of Luna and Twilight. From it rose Luna’s most recent Nightchosen. Her exotically beautiful body suggestively wrapped up in ribbons of shadow.

Twilight’s eyes devoured the pony before her. They seemed to be taking in the sight of Candice’s body and lingered on her bound up, but still obviously magnificent wings.

Twilight’s muscles tensed, wanting to lunge at her gift. Flames danced in her mane, and only Luna's raw strength held the young Alicorn in place.

Candice looked down at the binding wrapping her up. She seemed to relax as she saw their reason for being. She then looked up to see Twilight being held and preened by Luna.

“I offer you your first guard.” Luna said whispering into Twilight's ear, “And we all know that a princess’s guards are part of her harem.” Luna looked to Candice, her eyes telling her gift, ‘I‘ve done my part, it’s your turn now.’

Candice only took a moment to gather herself and look at Twilight. “Oh hello, Twilight. I thought I might be meeting you soon, but this is not how I thought it would occur.” Candice was obviously surprised. Luna could sense Candice try to reach out and modify the bindings. She could see that she wasn’t trying to dispel them but rather simply modify them. Luna reached out and helped her Nightchosen, knowing that she was still too new to having thestral magic to accomplish the task. The bindings loosened themselves a bit, allowing her to move around. The ends of the ribbons now floating around in the breeze.

The door to the dining room suddenly opened with unreasonable force. Blueblood’s voice called into the room as he strode in. “Aunty, I must speak with you immediately…” Looking at the sight before him, he stopped in his tracks. “What is going on here?” He demanded.

Twilight’s eyes fixated on the intruder, a low growl emanating from her.

Luna cut in, “This intrusion is most unwelcome.” Her strength being the only thing currently restraining Twilight.

Blueblood nodded and as he turned to leave, he uttered, “At least you’re finally putting those hybrids in their place. They all deserve to be tied up and tried for treason against nature.”

Twilight’s power surged, her horn lighting. Blueblood vanished in a flash of magenta light. The doors closed as quickly as they had been opened, and a pulse of magic sealed the room from both sound and invasion.

Luna just wondered at this point where Twilight had teleported him to.

Candice, for her part, looked back to Twilight and Luna. Her face showing an obvious distaste for Blueblood’s Tribalism. Her mood was obviously negatively affected by the interruption.

Twilight took some time to do her breathing technique and calm herself down. She muttered to herself, “At least I didn‘t kill him.”

“And what pray tell did you do to him?” Luna asked.

“I dropped him in the fountain at the center of the garden maze. It was either that or off the side of the Canterhorn.” Twilight stated. She was obviously very put off by the interruption from the would-be royal.

Luna pulled both of them into a hug. “I hope that the interruption didn’t take too much away from my gift. Why don’t you ask my most recently converted chosen about her qualifications,” she suggested.

Twilight looked at Candice as Luna released them from the hug. Her eyes seemed to pass over Candice as if reminding herself what she saw the first time. After a moment Luna saw the light flicker of flames appear on her mane again.

Candice seemed to at least appreciate the appraising look from Twilight. Her mood returning from it’s previously dampened state.

Twilight walked forward, looking at every inch of her ‘gift’ once more. "Are you really a guard?" she asked in a seductive tone.

The appreciative smile on Candice’s face told Luna that things were back on the track she desired.

Candice looked to Twilight, "Nightguard or Nightchosen if you prefer. Also much more. I can list my qualifications if you like. Even give you demonstrations of anything you chose."

"Anything?" Her mane burned a bit brighter.

"Ranging from magic experiments in your lab to cleansing most of your ley lines. Discussing magic theory to combat training. Or if you have any suggestions, I will at least try to fulfill them." Candice said in a tone of playfulness. There was just enough seriousness for Twilight to know she wasn't joking about any of that though Luna noted that physical intimacy wasn’t on the list. That was fine, though. Luna knew that Candice did not want to rush things and take advantage of the situation.

Twilight’s wings betrayed her at the mention of ley line cleaning. She turned to Luna and said, "You know just what to get a mare." All of the options seemed to have interested her.

"What would you like to start with?" Candice asked.

Twilight seemed rather tempted, but then she backed off and forced herself under control, "First things first, we need to get you equipped, introduce you to ponies and make sure my wards don't kill you. "

"Fair enough. In the interest of full disclosure, my qualifications are not the only reason I was chosen as a gift for you. To be completely honest, I have feelings for both you and your betrothed. I believe some of those feelings are returned by her, but she is well aware that they extend to you as well." Candice admitted. Seemed she didn’t want to give Twilight the wrong impression here.

Twilight looked at Candice for a moment, seeming to consider her words. "How do you have feelings for us already?"

Luna observed patiently as Candice went over everything she had before. Her dreams, her feelings that came from them, how her desire to not hurt either of them qualified as being a phobia. Her openness at least seemed to be appreciated by Twilight. Candice seemed as comfortable with Twilight as she was with herself.

One thing that caught Luna's attention was Candice lamenting a little bit about choosing the wrong dream when she was given the choice before she became a Nightguard.

She even disclosed Insight's existence. That resulted in Twilight going and spending some time in the Mind Scape that Luna bound to Candice for them. Eventually, she came back to physical reality.

Twilight thought for a moment after hearing everything. "Thank you, Candice", moving closer to Candice, she whispered, "Let's see if you two can earn the same feelings from me." The desire for Candice, and Insight as well, to accept the challenge was clear in Twilight's eyes. That didn't stop her from blushing at her own words though.

Whispering back into Twilight's ear, Candice offered, "I had a date idea if you're interested. You and I heading to the clouds with food, notebook and your telescope. Dinner and the stars as the moon rises. Desert being relaxing together with a book in front of a fireplace. Maybe even compare notes on ideas for experiments during it all. There's also nothing to be embarrassed about my Passionately Pedagogical Perfectly Pretty Precious Purple Pony Princess."

“You’re hired,” Twilight said, her voice laced with more than one type of lust.

By Twilight's reaction, Luna had set this up well. Candice had just ticked every box that all of Twilight’s fragment’s had added to their checklists of wants. By how Twilight’s wings kept twitching, at least part of her was thinking of having her ley lines cleaned. Luna thought it was even odds if Candice would be trapped in a lab or the bedroom by the end of the week.

“Now run along and take your gift with you,” Luna said, with a tender smile.

Twilight looked hungrily at Luna, clearly wanting to take her with as well. “Just wait until our wedding night,” Luna soothed.

Twilight claimed one more passionate kiss before lighting her horn and teleporting both herself and her ‘gift’ away. Luna licked her lips, relishing the taste of the kiss and the tingle of her soon to be lover’s magic’s tender touch.

Luna mildly scolded herself, she had meant to reclaim the power from the shadow silk bindings she had dressed Candice in. Oh well, it would only mean she would need a few more cups of coffee, and she did like coffee.

CH 29.8 Suddenly Blueblood

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Noble Guide reclined in the waiting room. In less than an hour, there would be another meeting of the Noble Council. Having these events this late did nothing to hide their existence from Celestia’s gaze. Still, it made some of the other nobles believe it did.

The door slammed open, and a drenched Blueblood stomped into the room. His mane was dripping water on the finely crafted carpet. There would be a story about this. He rotated his ears to listen in.

A haughty noble he had not bothered to learn the name of yet, spoke first. “Blueblood, why are you all wet?” His tone was quite an interesting mix of distaste and real curiosity.

A tall stallion walked in after the Prince, very carefully avoiding the wet patches on the carpet. “He wound up in the Garden Fountain. Though who teleported him there, I’m not sure. The magic looked like it might have been Princess Twilight’s.”

“Yes, it was her. I’m not sure why she did it though.” Blueblood responded bitterly.

“Well, what happened just before she tossed you out?” The curious one asked.

“I had gone to the Dining Hall to talk to Aunty Celestia. I found Princess Twilight and Princess Luna there with one of those hybrids tied up. By the look on their faces, they were quite angry at her. It looked like they were going to send her to Tartarus or something.”

Blueblood now had an audience. Everypony was giving him their full attention. He stood a little taller and continued despite his bedraggled state. “Princess Luna said that the interruption was unwelcome and since Aunty Celestia wasn’t there, I just nodded and turned around to head out. I even complimented them on finally doing something about the abominations of nature. It was at that point that I found myself right above the fountain.”

Half the audience is looking at Blueblood with interest. The other half seemed to be trying to contain themselves until one of them utterly failed to do so. The rest wound up joining in shortly after. Noble himself even had a quiet chuckle despite how much it pained him.

A yellow coated mare with three money signs as her mark was doing her best to hide a smirk. “Bluey dear, you don’t know about Luna and her most recent guard, do you?” She said in a playful tone.

“What would that have to do with it, Upper Crust, and why are you laughing?” Blueblood demanded.

“Bluey. That hybrid you saw wasn’t on trial or anything. She’s Princess Luna’s newest chosen. Tell me was she tied up with shadows?” Upper Crust asked in a sweet tone.

Blueblood looked at Upper Crust with suspicion but nodded.

“And was said pony the same one that got released from RGIS?” She asked, her anticipation was growing.

Amazingly, Blueblood did not notice the trap he was galloping into. He gave another nod, “I think so.”

“Sweety, Luna was just taking advantage of her guard’s status in her harem. She was their toy. If they banished her to anywhere, it would have been one of their bedrooms, not Tartarus. How are you so naive?” Upper Crust’s smile would have worked better on a wolf.

This caused the rest of the audience to burst out laughing even harder. For once, he found himself in agreement with a room full of nobles. It was quite unsettling.

Noble Guide had to give Blueblood his dues, he did not freeze. Instead, he launched straight into his tirade.


Noble Guide just grinned. Blueblood was proving to be that perfect mix of arrogance, entitlement, stupidity and just enough competence that nopony could get rid of him. He would make the perfect scapegoat. As he had brought at least a little amusement to Noble’s day, Blueblood would even get the chance to have some fun in his upcoming role.

He had a few letters to write, but Blueblood would have a ‘gift’ by morning.

CH 30 Welcome to Ponyville

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One moment they were in Canterlot, having been given to Twilight by Luna, next they were within the crystal halls of the Castle of Friendship. Her vision was still a little blurry from the flash of Twilight’s magic.

Twilight's teleport left her body tingling, a few motes of flames flickered over her coat for a moment before fading. It was as if Twilight seemed to be interested in examining her. The energy left her feeling awake, alive and aroused. She could feel all the various things that Twilight wanted to do to her. From drag her to the lab, to pounce her right here. That amount of emotional bleed over was almost unheard of. The fact was, she did not think Twilight's teleportation spell was meant to do that.

Well, that was rather unexpected. You alright there, Candice? Insight asked.

Yes, I’m alright. To be honest, I think this went way better than what we were planning. Blueball notwithstanding. Luna managed to get things back on track rather easily at least. Really, no complaints here. Candice replied.

With everything that Candice was feeling during this impromptu sharing of desires, Candice figured she should start with what she was honestly interested in. “So, was the teleport spell supposed to give me a sense of your desires?” She asked with simple curiosity.

Twilight’s mouth opened but then stopped. It seemed that Candice’s question took a moment to register. Tapping her chin with a hoof, “Well, as you are my guard, then you should know a few things about Alicorns and their magic. An Alicorn’s magic is highly affected by their emotions and desires. For example, if you were Blueblood, you would be more than a little bit charred or in an embarrassing position right now.”

“I see, well I will count myself fortunate that I felt what I did. Though that leads me to the next question. What would you like to start with? I know my preferences and will answer with them if asked.” Candice waved a hoof airily.

Twilight launched a bolt of magic at Candice. She saw from Twilight's face that it wasn’t an attack. It rippled through her and then erupted from her body and into the Castle. The pulse left her again feeling a bit tingly but far less than the teleport. Looks like you’re keyed to the castle now. Probably. Insight commented.

Candice looked to Twilight after a moment. She seemed a bit more controlled than she was in Canterlot. “I take it that was you doing the wards and the like, first?”

“Yes, now, should I put the Castle on lockdown, you won’t be violently evicted,” Twilight explained rather matter of factly. It seemed like she was trying to behave more professionally.

“Good to know. Wouldn’t do to have your guard ejected from her post,” Candice said with a bit of humour in her voice. “So, what’s next on the checklist?”

Twilight’s demeanour shifted as she moved towards Candice in a sultry fashion for a couple of steps. Deliberately, she stopped and shook her head. The motes of flame that had appeared in her mane flickered out. “Not now, later,” she mumbled to herself, annoyed. She looked to Candice and said, “First things first, we should probably defuse the Pinkie Party that she likely already has set up for you.”

Candice nodded. “I figured that would happen in a few days. She’s getting that good at knowing when new ponies are arriving?”

Twilight nodded. ”She is the best at what she does,” she said with a fond smile.

“And what she does is pretty nice. So is there anything I should know about that at this point? Any signs to look out for if she is suddenly nearby?” Candice inquired.

Twilight just shrugged. “If you find some then please let me know. The only reason I know that the party is going on right now is that there is a large portion of Ponyville’s population in the dining hall right now. Either that or the town is attacking, and nopony has told me yet.”

Candice just smiled. “Well, it looks like it’s party time again for the second time in as many days. Doubt this will be anything like the Nightguard’s party though.”

Twilight glanced over her shoulder, “No, there won’t be anywhere near as much physicality or cider.” Twilight said with a hint of regret.

I wonder if Twilight has been adopting some of Luna's preferences. Insight commented.

It would appear so. Candice replied.

Candice moved near Twilight as she was trotting with her and gave her an affectionate shoulder bump. “That’s ok, there's always room for the ‘after-party’.”

Twilight nearly missed a step, “We could always skip the party,” she said in a huskier tone of voice. A teleport spell was starting to charge on her horn.

“As nice as that would be, I think that what you’re implying would be rushing things. It also wouldn’t be fair to those that took time to be here,” Candice pointed out.

“Well if that’s the case then you need to put your outfit away. Wouldn’t do to show up to one of Pinkie’s parties looking like that.” Twilight said.

“Ah, yeah.” Candice used her magic to take off the suggestive attire and put them in her own dimensional pocket. A slight look of embarrassment was on her face.

“That’s better. Though I did like that.” Twilight smiled. Her eyes seemed to already be missing the decorations from Candice's body.

She then pointed down a hall with her wing. “If you go that way then I’ll meet you there.” She twisted her spell and then released it and was gone in the now familiar flash of magic.

Changing the destination of a teleportation spell array without having to restart the spell…Well some of the professors at the CSGU are wrong. Insight observed, impressed.

Candice proceeded down the said hall. She felt like it seemed as if the castle was watching her. Somehow it seemed to convey a vague sense of anticipation, though Candice wasn’t at all sure how it managed to do that. She stopped for a moment and placed her hoof and wing on the wall to see if she could feel any more detail.

That’s strange, it feels like nostalgia, almost like… home? I don’t really understand it. Insight said.

Candice tried to see if the communication was two-way. She tried sending an intention of protecting and helping those here, as well as her feelings about her situation.

A sense of welcome. It’s saying we shouldn’t keep the ponies waiting...


Candice flash cast an overcharged temporal acceleration spell. She suddenly found herself in the dining hall. How she had suddenly gotten here, she wasn’t sure. She had felt no magic or movement. I’m going to have to remember that. I wonder if it can be repeated. She thought to herself and Insight.

Possibly. I’m a least a little familiar with how the communication felt now. Insight replied.

In the brief moment it took to communicate that, she saw the ponies around her moving in extreme slow motion. Not seeing any actual threats here, she saw Pinkie behind her starting to spring up near the door. Candice took a mental moment to try and feel for the Pink Pony’s magic. She felt what she usually did from earthponies, but she did notice just a slight touch of what felt like Discord’s abilities. The signature was certainly unique.

Candice let the acceleration spell drop. It was going to take her about eight minutes to regenerate that.

Pinkie asked, “So were you surprised?” In her typical enthusiasm that just went to show why she was banned from having caffeine.

Candice just smiled and nodded, then drew the Pink One into a hug. “Thank you for all the effort Pinkie. I was not expecting this so soon. Yes, you did surprise me.” She let her go and turned to the rest of the crowd then waved to the crowd.

Pinkie suddenly hugged her back for a moment. She felt her bones creak, the force of it though was enough to make Candice check herself with a med scan spell to make sure she was alright. When she was released, Pinkie still had the widest smile you could fit on a pony. Candice smiled back. She got the feeling she couldn't give Pinkie any better of a present than that.

She saw Twilight at the far side of the room watching. Her eyes were focused on Candice with an intensity of curiosity that Candice hadn’t seen in her yet. This spoke more of ‘we are going to talk’ than it did of ‘I want you in my lab’ so she was probably safe.

Candice made her way through the room of ponies. Refreshments were placed strategically around the room, and she got to meet a good majority of the ponies of Ponyville. Seemed that Twilight getting a guard was a big deal here and managed to make Candice stand out. Looked like using anonymity around here to do her job wasn’t really going to be a viable option at this point. Time to gain a reputation instead. Not a bad way to start at least. Insight added to Candice’s considerations.

She noticed that the banner that said ‘Welcome to Ponyville Candice’ was oddly formed and hung. It looked like there was much more to the banner than what was currently there.

It didn’t take Candice long to spot the rest of the Elements. They were mostly gathered near Twilight.

Applejack looked like she was just kicking back and having a good time chatting with Twilight.

Rainbow had a mug of cider and was hovering above the crowd while she looked at Candice with a look of curiosity.

Fluttershy was to the side of Twilight, but it didn’t seem like she was the wallflower Candice had first met during those few picnics with Discord. She seemed more comfortable now. There seemed to be something a little odd about her features. Candice spent an extra moment watching her. Was that a hint of fangs?

Rarity was graceful in both word and action, but when she saw Candice looking at her, she had a slight blush to her cheeks. I wonder what that’s about. Insight stated.

Feels like it might have had something to do with the odd banner. Pinkie’s proclivity of knowing more than she should might have told her something about us and our relationship with Twilight. I could see Rarity going and taking that down at least. Candice replied as she continued to greet ponies and slowly make her way to where Twilight was.

Candice floated over a mug of cider for herself from one of the refreshment stands. A few of the more observant ponies noted the glow around her wings.

Twilight watched her approach with interest. Her eyes seemed to have a depth to them as if viewing things with more experience than her years would suggest. It appeared the mare was in a far different mood than she was only a minute ago.

Candice eventually got to the six heroes of Equestria, though it took more than twenty minutes. On the way, many hooves were shaken, and greetings exchanged. Everypony here was ready to welcome her at the drop of a hat. Not a single one was bothered the slightest about who or what she was. That might change if Spoiled Rich was here, at least if the reports on her attitude are accurate. Insight added.

Twilight spoke up as Candice reached her and her friends. “Girls, I would like to introduce you to Candice. She Is my first guard.” Twilight said with a friendly smile. “Candice, these are my friends. Applejack,” she started as she gestured to each one.

“Howdy,” the apple farmer said as she tipped her hat.

“Rarity,” Twilight continued.

“Welcome, darling.” Rarity said with a regal and calm demeanour that completely belied her earlier blush.

“Fluttershy,” Twilight said.

“Hello,” the pegasus said with just barely enough volume to be heard normally. Being that close, she could feel there was a hint of thestral power radiating from her. It was not much, and if her own thestral wellspring was much stronger, she might not be able to feel it as her own would drown it out, at least once it fully settled in anyway.

“Hey there, Fluttershy. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. How are things going?” Candice asked while remembering that it had been about six months since the last time she had a picnic with her and Discord.

“I’m just terribly worried about Discord, have you seen him?” The shy mare asked.

“I’m sorry, I haven’t seen him since a bit before the Manehattan attack. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you though. Even if it’s just hanging out and being a friend.” Candice offered.

Fluttershy nodded at the offer. She seemed to genuinely appreciate it.

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said.

“Hay there. I didn’t know you knew Fluttershy already.” She waved the hoof that wasn’t holding at least her second mug of cider.

“Yeah, I've had a few picnics with Discord and Flutters. I just wish Discord didn’t have this habit of not being around anytime his help would actually be useful.” Candice replied.

Looks like Twilight shares our feelings on Discord. Insight pointed out, drawing Candice’s attention to the purple mare’s expression. It vanished before Twilight introduced the next pony.

“And you already met Pinkie,” Twilight said, her tone light, displaying nothing of whatever dark thoughts had crossed her mind moments ago.

Pinkie Pie just smiled. She seemed to be content, already considering Candice a friend. How did Pinkie Pie not wind up as the Princess of Friendship? Insight joked.

“This here is my Number One Assistant and little brother, Spike.”

“Yo,” he said, waving a claw as he continued munching on gems.

Candice noticed Spike looking at her eyes with confusion. “Is something concerning you?”

“How do you hold your iris’s open like that? Does it not hurt?” Spike asked.

“No, I use a vision protection spell that I can control. It’s like turning your lens into a set of sunglasses.” Candice turned down the effect, and her eyes returned to their now-normal slit appearance. “I don’t usually go around like this because it freaks most ponies out. It’s also quickly become a sign of comfort for me.”

“Pish posh dear. Nopony will judge you for having such unique eyes. In fact, I know just the perfect ensemble to compliment them and your beautiful markings.” Rarity said.

“Unfortunately I have a few cases of ponies doing exactly that, happening on my first day with slit eyes. I apologise, but my experience doesn’t agree with your sentiment.” Candice looked apologetic for reality not meeting the romantic desires of the fashionista.

“Well, you ain't going to find folk treating you like that here.” Applejack barged into the conversation.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash added. “Wait, are you a Pegasus, Thestral, or Unicorn?”

“Yes?” Candice replied. “I was born a pegasus-unicorn hybrid, The thestral part is a gift from Luna when she made me her fourth chosen.”

Rarity fanned herself at that declaration. Rainbow Dash managed to look thoughtful for a moment.

A flash of magenta magic came from behind her, and suddenly there was a weight on Candice’s back. The weight spoke in an eager filly’s voice, “Mummy Luna gave you another wellspring?” The young Twilight-looking filly lit her horn and cast a hugely complex scanning spell. Multiple spell arrays dancing over and around her horn.

“Yes, it was after I passed her tests and then became one of her Nightchosen. It was just tonight that I was ‘given’ to your Mother Twilight. One of my duties is to protect that which they care about.” Candice said to Little Star. Her voice carried a tone of pride.

Fluttershy was half hiding behind her mane. Candice noticed a slight smile of encouragement. She did already know about Candice’s feelings toward Luna and Twilight from their conversations during their picnics.

Rarity was stunned for a few seconds before she managed to recover. The look of inspiration dawning on her face. While it wasn’t out loud, Rarity did mouth the word ‘Idea’.

“That means she is a good pony that you should listen to, and protect her if it comes to that,” Twilight said to her daughter.

Protect me? Candice was curious. Was it just a way to keep Little Star near her, or was that the truth? It was possible considering the strength of the wellspring Candice could feel from the little ball of magic that was masquerading as a filly.

Little Star held up her hoof. “Is that because she is a Nightchosen or that she was given to you?” Little Star asked Twilight.

“Both on their own would mark one as a good pony, together just means she’s even more so,” Twilight told her daughter.

“So you’re special to both my Mummys?” Little Star asked with the innocence of youth.

“I’m certainly hoping to earn that station,” Candice said while she gave Little Star a light nuzzle.

Little Star hugged Candice’s neck “Then make sure to keep Mummy Twilight well-fed with Hayburgers, so she does not eat Mummy Luna.”

Twilight had a slight blush. Rarity looked askance. Applejack looked judgmentally at Little star. ”You are too young for this sort of talk.”

Little Star looked unhappily at Applejack. “Why?”

Applejack clearly wanted to facehoof but did not.

“How about you go and play with your friends,” Twilight added.

Little Star looked at her mother for a long moment. Lighting her horn, suddenly another filly turned up next to her precariously on Candice’s back.

“Mummy, can you help Scootaloo fly? She only has earthpony magic, and if Mummy Luna can help Candice, can you help my friend?” Little Star asked excitedly.

“Earthpony magic?” Scootaloo blurted out while she hopped off of Candice. “But I have wings, and I can walk on clouds. How does that make any sense?”

Little Star looked to her friend and assumed a sitting lecture position, raising a single hoof she began. “That's because you have a permanent cloud walking enchantment.”

“What about me pushing the scooter?” The orange filly exclaimed.

“That is using earthpony strength,” Little Star added.

“So, it's not my fault I can't fly?” The realisation was starting to hit her as tears started welling up in her eyes.

Twilight’s eyes suddenly seemed to be dragged to Fluttershy. After a moment, her eyes widened. “Ooh.”

“Of course I will help.” Twilight lifted both fillies in her aura and pulled them into a hug. She looked happy as she nuzzled both of them. Having a pony to help seemed to flip a switch in Twilight, she was full of energy and alive. Add to that the proud smile she had for her daughter, and it seemed she might not sleep for a year.

Candice could see there was a hint of Twilight’s immense power shifting within her as a thoughtful look crossed her face. “Maybe you should ask her guardians first, Twilight?”

Twilight looked up and nodded once. “That sounds like a good idea.”

Little Star’s horn lit and two rather surprised mares were suddenly standing before Twilight.

“What did we talk about teleporting ponies without their permission unless it is an emergency?” Twilight whispered without moving her face at all. It was almost inaudible to Candice's spell augmented hearing.

Little Star ducked her head “But I thought this was an emergency, my friend Scootaloo can’t fly.” She responded just as quietly.

Twilight kissed Little Star just below the horn. “If there is no danger of harm and waiting won't cause an issue, it is safer just to ask fist.”

Twilight looked up to the two mares. “Do you know of Scootaloo’s condition?” She started before putting a privacy spell around them.

Candice got to see how Twilight’s privacy spell made every word said, seem like math formulas if you tried to read lips. Revealing Light would hate that version of the spell. Candice thought.

Insight pondered for a moment, She’d probably try to figure out if the formulas actually could be translated back into words if you took time to decrypt them.

With the party dying down, Pinkie burst into action using her talents to get ponies having fun.

A Scootaloo shaped blur rushed past and slammed into Rainbow Dash.

The filly spoke so fast that it would have taken a time dilation spell to clearly make out what was being said, but the words fly, lesson, weekend, yay, please, fly, teach, excited and flying and such were able to be picked out of the word soup.

With a new reason to celebrate the party was renewed. After that, the party took off with games and activities. The foals were having fun, and many of the adults were sitting around talking.

Candice found herself looking at Twilight with a mix of pride and love. Her determination to help Scootaloo was just another thing about Twilight that she discovered she found so appealing.

After a moment, Twilight met her eyes. She seemed shocked for a brief moment, then pleased and finally shifted to being embarrassed. “It was nothing,” she said, sheepishly looking away.

Moving to Twilight, Candice still had that look on her face. "Well looks like your daughter beat me to one of the things I was going to ask you about.”

Twilight tilted her head with interest. "You were?"

"I had planned to ask if you would consider helping Hybrids and the magically damaged by opening up your guard to them." Candice nodded her head towards the overexcited filly that was assaulting Rainbow Dash with words.

Twilight could not help but let a happy grin return to her features.

Candice continued. "By the looks of it though, you have all the drive you need to already. The look I saw on your face when you realised you could help Scootaloo was priceless and heartwarming."

Twilight moved closer and whispered, “You are a good pony.” A look of appreciation was upon her face as she stole a quick kiss.

Candice saw a quick movement of light pink in the corner of the room. As she looked over, she saw that Fluttershy had a perfect view of the kiss. Fluttershy, for her part, just had a quiet smile on her face that looked more encouraging than anything else.

Twilight followed Candice’s gaze and saw Fluttershy looking at her with the same smile. She then gave Fluttershy a look that Candice didn’t quite catch, but her wings seemed to move invitingly.

Candice saw Fluttershy blush rather brightly, but after a moment she nodded her head in a short and rapid nod. Did Twilight just do what I think she just did? Insight asked.

I think so, but I’m honestly not sure. I only saw her wing movement. Candice replied.

Twilight materialized a note of some kind in front of Fluttershy. As she read it, her blush intensified. Suddenly she hid the note and went back to one of the animals that were visiting the party. Looking around, Candice noticed a rather curious look on Rarity’s face as she was looking in Fluttershy's direction.

Quietly, Candice asked Twilight, “What was that about?”

Twilight turned back to Candice with a smirk on her face. A copy of the note was suddenly floating in front of her.

As I just found out earlier tonight, a princess is allowed a harem. Are you interested?

Candice was a little surprised but in a good way. She looked back up at Twilight with a smile that said she liked the idea. “I hadn’t even thought about that being an option you would want to consider. Looks like I really need to drop any preconceptions I had about you.”

Twilight replied, “I have been picking up a thing or two from Luna,” she said with a knowing smirk.

Candice noticed Twilight put an illusion spell up. The only thing Candice could deduce was that it was focused on her mane and tail. Well, that looks promising. I have to say this was a VERY unexpected turn of events. Insight said to Candice, who just mentally nodded back.

Twilight whispered to Candice, “I’m going to get some refreshments. I’ll be right back.”

Twilight wandered off for a bit and came back with some refreshments in her aura, and two other ponies in tow. The illusion on her mane and tail were now gone. “Candice, I'd like to introduce you to another friend of mine, Starlight, and her friend, Trixie. Starlight, Trixie, this is Candice. She’s my new guard, Luna gifted her to me from her Nightguard.”

Spending a moment to study Twilight, Candice could see that, like when dealing with the elements, Twilight was acting a little. She was holding something back, acting more like her file said she should be.

Twilight effortlessly distributed the drinks, Rainbow zipped by and greedily guzzled half the new cider without a second thought. “Thanks, Twi,” she said as she headed off to go talk to Scootaloo.

Twilight rolled her eyes and had a good-natured smile at her friend's antics. For a moment, her eyes hungrily followed the mare’s flight. She rapidly shook her head and looked away. Candice noticed a single mote of flame being smothered by Twilight’s magic.

Rarity discreetly glanced to Rainbow then back to Twilight as if observing pieces of a puzzle.

Candice slightly shook her head at the speedy cyan blur before turning her attention back to Starlight and Trixie. “So, how are you two doing?”

After finding out about Celestia’s manipulations, it was hard not to be a little wary of a mare that was listed as an expert mentalist with a somewhat checkered past.

Starlight paused slightly, giving Trixie the opportunity to go first.

With a flick of her mane, the showmare spoke first. “The Great and Powerful Trixie and her friend Starlight are doing well.”

“Welcome to Ponyville,” a smiling Starlight said, holding her hoof out in greeting. Something about the smile seemed forced.

Candice took her hoof and returned the gesture. Your wariness of her is showing Candice. Might want to check that. Insight interjected.

Candice took a moment to consider that. Mentally she went over the fact that Starlight had reformed and deserved the benefit of the doubt. Because of the fact that Starlight had used mind control on the elements, that was proving hard to give, despite her best efforts.

Starlight looked past Candice. Raising an eyebrow, Candice looked around, following her gaze. Twilight was off to one side, whispering to Fluttershy.

Starlight moved a little closer, raising an invisible privacy spell around them. “If you're Twilight’s guard there is something you need to know.” Starlight said in a whisper.

Candice's wings twitched just slightly. She prepared to use her disruption at a moments notice if she felt mind magic.

Starlight continued hesitantly, her eyes full of concern. “Twilight has been through a lot… she is currently on a hair-trigger. Anything so much as looks at her or one she cares about funny… well, a single timberwolf was spread over a few acres of forest… alright, it would be more accurate to call that area a crater now.”

Candice considered her words for a moment, but after having felt the power of Luna, what Starlight described wasn’t that off from her expectations at this point. "Yup, sounds like the Alicorn of Magic to me."

Starlight just shook her head. “She was never like this before, she was always so careful. She never used to throw around, what I can only guess are war-spells, against things that can easily be driven off.”

“You didn’t happen to use any mind magic on her, did you?” Candice asked with straightforward honesty.

Starlight recoiled as if struck. “Of course not, what sort of pony do you think I am…”

Candice raised her eyebrow at her. She felt it should be obvious considering the things Starlight had done.

“Fine. Just look after her or else you will have to answer to me.” Starlight said in anger.

“I’m far more worried about answering to myself, then Luna if I fail in that. You are not my concern. What you are, however, is Twilight’s friend, and that means something to me. I think you may have misinterpreted my question as a judgement against you. That is not the case. I was asking to see if you had tried mind magic to help soothe her trauma.”

Starlight considered for a moment. Sighing slightly she answered in a much calmer voice. “I could come up with a spell to do it, but no, I did not. Luna is the mind healer, I assume she is helping her?”

Candice kindly looked into Starlight’s eyes, “I honestly don’t know if she is or not. I intend to be here for her in any way she needs, though.” Candice glanced towards Twilight, a fond expression on her muzzle. “You don’t have anything to worry about as far as her safety with me.”

“So long as you keep her safe we won't have a problem,” Starlight interjected.

Candice nodded and continued. “Also, I don’t feel I’m in any place to judge you. I know what you did, but you have, as far as I can tell, redeemed yourself. In addition, Twilight trusts you. You’re a counsellor at her School of Friendship. Your anger at my question seemed disproportionate to my inquiry. Would you like to start over? I am hoping to be friends here.” Candice said, holding out her hoof.

“Alright,” Starlight said bumping hooves with Candice. “Just maybe not so much of the accusing ponies of mind control, especially near Twilight, she might cast first, ask questions later, currently.”

“Understood. I know there is still a lot I need to learn to catch up here. Twilight should be briefing me soon. For the moment though, I think your friend Trixie is getting bored.” Candice said as she looked over at the azure showmare.

“I should get back to her before she starts turning everything into teacups again.” Starlight dropped the privacy spell and took off to be with her friend.

Candice chuckled a bit at that. Her worries about Starlight were soundly defeated with Starlight’s reaction to the accusation. “At least the price of teacups has dropped in recent months.” Candice joked.

Hours later, the party-goers had all gone, Rarity had snuck out with a bundle of cloth that was likely the rest of the banner, bundled up in her magic. Candice was still slightly curious what the rest of it had said.

There seemed to be something on Twilight’s mind as Twilight led them deeper into the castle. The sound of their hooves on the crystal being higher-pitched, was so different than the marble she was used to in Canterlot.

“So how did you like your arrival at the party? Can you figure out how it was done?” Twilight asked, smiling.

“It was unexpected. Insight seems to be able to talk with the castle. I can communicate my emotions and intentions it seems. We got a 'you shouldn't make the ponies wait' kind of message from it. Then we were just there. I'm thinking the castle did it. If the castle happens to be its own protected pocket dimension, then it might just be able to decide where anything is on the inside.”

“So it seems the castle likes you,” Twilight said with a curious glint in her eyes,

“Seems that way. Insight says she gets a feeling of 'home' here.” Candice agreed.

Twilight cast her eyes to the ceiling.

“Strange that my apartment never once felt how I would imagine home would feel,” Candice said.

“I was going to keep her anyway.” Twilight almost yelled to the ceiling before continuing under her breath so quiet only Candice’s enhanced hearing let her catch it. “Stupid rocks.”

Candice once again raised an eyebrow, this time at the stupid rocks comment, Twilight noticed she had been heard.

Some of the good mood from the party fled Twilight. “It seems you are another pony given to me by the Tree of Harmony.”

Candice pondered for a brief moment, “I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand.”

Twilight laughed, it seemed off, perhaps a little manic.

“How would I be connected to the Tree of Harmony?” Candice continued.

“That the tree-given-castle talks to you is enough of a clue. It only talks to myself and my Little Star, and now you. The tree likes playing with ponies.”

“Oh, I didn't know that.”

“Luna was sentenced to one thousand years on the moon, just so that I would use the elements on her, thereby getting myself pregnant with my daughter...” Twilight said, cutting herself off with a brief shudder.

“Something tells me I'll get a full briefing at some point,” Candice said with an undertone of worry. She moved nearer to Twilight, at least as they walked, offering comfort with proximity.

Twilight took a long breath. “For now, all you need to know is it likes manipulating ponies just like Celestia does.”

Candice raised her eyebrow yet again, there was a lot of things causing that to happen today.

“And the most frustrating thing is that I can't be angry at it.” Twilight stomped her hoof, sending a few chips of crystals into the air. “I love my Little Star. I get Luna, I get everything I ever wanted…” Twilight trailed off into a disturbing mix of hysterical laughter and sobbing.

Something inside Twilight’s gaze was broken, again she was almost a different mare. But that did not matter, her love was hurting.

Candice might not understand what Twilight was going through, but that didn’t matter. She would be there for her. She wrapped her love in a tight embrace with her hooves and wings.

As soon as Candice’s wings wrapped around her, Twilight calmed and melted into the hug.

“Hey, I know I don't yet understand what you've been through. Maybe I can help when I do. Until then, I'm here for you at least.” Candice whispered into Twilight’s ear.

Twilight did not say or do anything for a few long minutes. Slowly life seemed to come back to her. Twilight tenderly nuzzled Candice, ending in a single gentle kiss. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“Any time. I don't care if I'm asleep, you need somepony to just hold you, I'm here. You need to vent about anything at all, I'm here. You just want to know your loved, I'm here.” Candice quietly stated as she looked into Twilight’s eyes.

A sincere smile and another nuzzle displayed how happy Twilight was at that sentiment.

“I can make decent pancakes too if those suit your fancy,” Candice said, trying to lift Twilight’s mood even further.

Twilight’s ears pricked up at the mention of pancakes, Candice knew what she was doing in the morning.

“Oh, I'm keeping you,” Twilight almost purred.

“I'm ok with this,” Candice said with humour, but also honesty in her voice.

Twilight looked thoughtfully at her. Candice showed a smile full of love, yet with no expectations.

Twilight asked, “How do you know when you are in love? I’m new to all of this.” Her face showed her clear curiosity.

Candice smiled a bit more, “For me, love is wanting another to be happy, even if it means not getting what I want. If you asked me to leave you because that would make you happy, then I would do so. I would be heartbroken, but I would do it because I knew you would be happier that way. I’ll be here for you in whatever way you need me, whichever way you want me. All you have to do is ask.”

A heartbeat later, Twilight’s mane was engulfed in flames. The flames did not burn. Rather they made Candice skin tingle in the most pleasant of ways. Twilight flexed her body seductively, invitingly. "Show me how much you love me, then?" For a moment, it almost seemed as if Twilight surprised herself by saying that. "Sorry." She closed her eyes, and the flames slowly died down and extinguished over a few minutes.

Candice still held her as Twilight brought herself under control. "Does this help? Knowing that I won't take advantage of you for my own pleasure?"

Twilight relaxed against Candice. "Even if you thought you were taking advantage, it would be me taking advantage of you, but thank you."

Candice stroked Twilight’s mane with her wing, "You can't take advantage of me. All I ask is that you tell me when you're calm, that it's what you want and that it will make you happy. You do that, and I will be yours in any way you want me."

The flames burst back into existence, each point that they touched on Candice felt like they were kissing her. The very fire driving Twilight started to stir desire in Candice. Twilight nuzzled into Candice’s neck before asking "Any way I want?"

"Yes, any way you want, just as long as you can tell me that it's what you want, when you are calm, and without the fire in your mane. Whether that's alongside you in the lab or making love in your room. Just as long as it's your rational side telling me that, and not your passions driving you." Candice said while still holding Twilight.

The flames vanished, leaving Twilight looking dazed.

Candice cocked her head to the side. "Are you alright?"

"I think you just talked my passion into letting me have a clear head for this choice," Twilight said in a puzzled tone before letting out a short heartfelt laugh. It was like a huge weight was lifted from her. “Alright, I can agree to those terms.”

“Fancy spending some time in the lab, seeing what exactly Luna did to you?” Twilight asked, a twinkle in her eyes.

A nod and a light kiss on the nose was all the communication Candice needed to show her approval of the suggestion.

They headed deeper into the castle, reaching one of Twilight’s secondary Labs. On the way, they passed the heavily warded doors to the main lab. It seemed even an Alicorn would have trouble breaking in.

As soon as the doors to the smaller lab closed, securing their places, Candice asked, “Question, would you be able to cast a thoughts-to-voice spell and hook it up to Insight so she can contribute without having to go through me?”

“Sorry, no mind spells will work in the castle,” anger flashed in Twilight eyes for a moment.

“Ah, let me guess, Celestia?” Candice reasoned with her own voice showing a hint of wariness.

“Yes…” Twilight said, letting out a long drawn out breath, she schooled her voice and body language again. “What has Luna told you?”

“Not just what she told me, but also what I have seen for myself. Luna said her sister is rather free with her use of mind-reading. Also, the Solar Oath is magically reinforced with an effect that isn’t noticed as it settles in over a great length of time. Several decisions of mine during my twenty-two years in RGIS were skewed in Celestia’s favour because of that magic influencing my mind. I wouldn’t have been perturbed by it if it was known that it would be part of the Oath. No, it was hidden until she pulled it from my wellspring. I suspect that there is far more to it than that however. The only thing I am certain of is the day I left the Solarguard is the day my trust in Celestia started to dwindle.” Candice finished her statement. Her body language showed that she wished it wasn’t true but couldn’t escape the facts.

“Well, let's just say what she did to me was worse. She did not just read my mind. No, she made it.” Twilight said.

As Twilight continued to explain, Candice listened with rapt attention. She was not happy that her fears of Celestia were actually being confirmed. As Twilight went on, Candice’s anger grew. When Twilight told her that it was to save Equestria, Candice’s anger faltered. It was still there, but she could see why Celestia did it. She very much disagreed with the method though. Candice still had anger for how it was approached. The lack of explanation, or even being given a choice in the matter, incensed her.

The fact that it was the Warlock’s fault did dampen the feelings towards Celestia a bit though. Candice didn’t miss the fact that Twilight was being vague about the Temple of the Hidden Path.

When Twilight shuddered, Candice just moved in and hugged her. No words, just being there. Again the touch of feathers calmed her. Before too long had passed, Twilight moved things towards the reason they were here, research.

With Candice being a willing test subject, she and Twilight had started running every sort of test and scanning spell either of them could think of on Candice's body. After that, they moved on to pouring over notes about magic and science.

Twilight watched with interest as Candice cast her unique spellcraft. Each of her spells was made up of lots of smaller ones, chained together in ways that would require a doctorate degree in magic to start to understand. There was a net gain in efficiency but a considerable increase in complexity. They were also weaker against disruption, counterspells and magical flux.

As time moved on, they continued to explore the qualities of magic and delve into the mysteries of the universe. Honestly, Candice was having the time of her life. She was really starting to wonder if it was possible for things to get any better.

After a few hours, Twilight mumbled, “No, I’m not going to turn her into a book.”

Candice perked her ears in Twilight’s direction. “While I would very much appreciate not being turned into a book, I would have no problem with you reading me like one.”

Twilight looked hungrily at Candice.

Candice looked her levelly in the eyes, “Twilight if this is what you want, you just need to say so. You know my one condition.”

“There is definitely a part of me that wants this, wants you,” Twilight said as she pressed against Candice. Twilight trailed kisses along Candice's neck. Candice held her as she looked for flames. Her own desire starting to seriously spike.

“You claimed to be able to tend ley lines, I will have at least that tonight,” Twilight purred.

“As you wish,” Candice said as she gave Twilight a kiss in return.

Twilight lit her horn and let her magic flow into Candice, allowing her to feel her desire. The energy was shaped and one crack of magic later, they were both falling onto Twilights large bed in a tangle of hooves and wings, the kiss still unbroken.

As they slowed down enough to untangle themselves, Candice moved to lead Twilight to lay down with her wings spread.

A wash of white magic coated Twilight as every foreign contaminant was pleasantly removed from her body and sent to the waste bin.

After that, she cast a spell to highlight the nervous system so she could see where Twilight was tense. She concentrated on those areas with a not-unskilled but not-quite-professional level of hoof massage.

Twilight closed her eyes and let out a pleased coo. The tension in her body started melting away.

After about half an hour, Candice moved onto preening Twilight’s wings. Her movement being far more tender and caring. She paid extra attention to the feathers that provoked the stronger reactions.

Twilight twitched delightfully, too comfortable to do anything other than coo softly and obey every request for her to adjust her wings.

Her impression of a spa pony done, she moved to the one thing no normal spa pony could ever do. Leaning down and whispering in Twilight’s ear, she asked, “I don’t have a whole lot of practice cleaning ley lines, but I know I’m at least decent at it. Luna I’m sure is far better. How long has it been since you have had your ley lines cleaned?”

“It feels like it has been ages.”

“Would you like me to do that for you?” Candice asked with a bit of teasing, still leaning near Twilight’s ear, a slight nuzzle emphasizing the offer.

Twilight groaned, “You have no idea.”

Candice started slow, using her regeneration rate, which allowed her to keep up her ministrations for as long as she wished. Eventually, she moved to use more and more of her own wellspring.

Twilight called out with some volume. Candice turned her hearing enhancement to protection, “I reversed my hearing spell from enhancement to protection. If you wish to call out like that, I would just suggest soundproofing the room.”

Shadow magic enveloped the room.

“I see Luna has been teaching you some tricks,” Candice stated with happy appreciation in her voice.

After a while of tending to her ley lines, Candice finished with nine hours of stored energy, plus most of her remaining wellsprings, bursting through Twilight’s ley lines. Candice was very glad she had asked Twilight to soundproof the room and that she had turned her own spell to hearing protection.

Twilight just lay there for several minutes, happily purring and just practically being a puddle.

Twilight seemed to slowly regain the ability for rational thought. Page by page, a book started to form. There was a lot of magic going into this, and it seemed rather wasteful to Candice. As the binding came into existence and tightened down on the book, the custom cover was completed as the title came into view, ‘How to Clean an Alicorn’s Ley Lines’.

Candice’s eyes widened at the sight of the book. While being able to create matter from magic was common for Alicorns, she knew that having that book almost counted as treason.

“Thank you, I’ll make sure to keep this one hidden,” Candice stated her appreciation.

Twilight managed up muster the effort to offer a curious look.

“Knowing this information is legally treason. Did you not know that?” Candice replied.

Twilight shook her head. Twilight’s magic opened the tome and wrote a pardon for Candice in her elegant hornwritting on the front of the book.

Candice put the book in her pocket space, “Thank you. It would appear that we have the same idea of what makes a good gift my fellow bibliophile. I have a gift planned for you as well, but it will take me a bit to complete it,” Candice finished.

Twilight’s aura gently squeezed Candice in a hug. After a moment the magic rippled with small motes of Twilight’s flames. "Oh, I can think of another gift you could give." The look in Twilight's eyes did not seem to be her own. Being looked at as if she were an object, no matter how desired, wasn’t where Candice wanted this to go. She wanted a real relationship, not to just be a toy.

“You know what you need to do to get that.” Candice looked at her levelly.

Twilight growled, "Who are you dictate to me?” The magic holding Candice gripped tighter, a hunger in Twilight's eyes now literally burning.

Candice pulsed her disruption effect. It took a lot of her remaining magic, but Twilight’s magic fizzled out, “Someone who isn't going to let you back out of what you agreed to before.” The look on her face was one of disappointment.

Candice could see there was something warring in Twilight's gaze, but the flames did not seem to want to let go.

“How badly did Celestia hurt you? Or was it what happened to you after Manehatten? Or both?” Candice asked with honest worry in her eyes.

Twilight laughed hysterically for a moment, the lust dying, her expression flicking to murderous anger. The flames in her mane ignited her bed as a wave of intense heat rolled off of the mare.

Flapping her wings once, Candice flew back and away from Twilight. She now sat on the other side of the room, her face showing quite a bit of concern. She looked at her hooves and noticed the singed fur of her fetlocks, there were light burns under the fur as well.

Twilight looked up and saw Candice sitting near the door. She looked down at Candice’s hooves and saw the damage to the fur. A look of guilt appeared on Twilight’s face as the flames extinguished. Twilight's more normal appearance returned.

Candice looked at Twilight, “You’re seriously unstable and apparently explosive. I can’t enter into any kind of relationship with you if you’re like this. I’ll head back to Luna if that is what’s needed.” Candice started to turn towards the door.

“I'm sorry,” Twilight's voice was as weak as a foal. “A part of me still hates Celestia.” Twilight's magic reached out, and a cooling wave soothed the burns.

Candice came to a stop, looking back to Twilight again. The look on her face made it clear she needed explanations, or she wouldn’t be here in the morning.

“Yes I know I’m broken, more than you can ever know.”

Candice quietly said, “I would be able to know if you chose to tell me.”

Twilight let out a long drawn out sigh, “When Celestia crafted me, she left out the bits that she thought were unnecessary for a future princess of friendship. Now I’m no longer just her puppet. I have parts of me that I don’t know how to deal with, but they know how to deal with me.” She gestured towards the burnt bed, “None of this was intentional, but… I’m just a little bit out of control. I think that’s one of the reasons Luna gifted you to me, to protect others from me. The comment about nearly killing Blueblood was not in jest. A part of me was very ready to just render him to ash.” She met Candice’s eyes levelly.

“I can’t be in a relationship with you if you have the emotional maturity that you displayed here. You are not ready for it. I don’t even think you are actually ready for it even with Luna, but your daughter leaves you with no real choice there. I’m willing to understand and even help you if I can, but this isn’t going to work at all on a romantic level any time soon.” Candice stated without recrimination but just as simple fact.

“You’re right,” Twilight said in a whisper so quiet that even Candice’s enhanced hearing barely caught it.

Candice was suddenly outside the room in a magenta pop of magic. She found herself laying on her back halfway down the hall. She was suddenly feeling emotions that she knew were not hers. It was a torrent of anger, self-hate, doubt, and a flurry of other things that Candice would have to sift through to understand.

Were we just thrown away? Why wouldn’t she talk to us? Candice asked Insight. The feeling of being thrown away like that started to hit hard.

I'm glad we're alright. I don’t understand what’s going on with her, but you certainly did the right thing there. There is no way Twilight can have a healthy relationship with anyone if shes like that. I just wish she chose to talk instead. Insight said with deep sorrow.

I know. It hurts to see that this is what happened to her. Something happened to her psyche after the Manehatten incident. Something broke her, and I have the feeling that had ‘Her Royal Highness, Celestia’ not omitted things when she was putting her back together, Twilight would have been able to cope with these feelings. She crafted her, and left out the part that could feel the deepest of friendships. Candice stated as her heart was starting to register that any relationship was not going to be possible, and worse, didn’t seem to be wanted anymore by Twilight.

Candice headed out of the Castle and grabbed a cloud that was nearby. She cast a cloud walking spell on herself since her cloud walking ability still had an annoying habit of failing if she stopped paying attention to it. She then anchored it with her magic so the winds wouldn’t sweep her away as she slept in the cold air over Ponyville. As she laid down to sleep, the tears started to flow. After she eventually fell asleep, she awaited her first dream training session with Luna.

CH 31.1 Luna's Night

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Luna was still feeling the fatigue of draining herself when she had chosen Candice.

The doors to her office opened. Three of her Nightguards entered. Upon the back of one was a sealed cylinder marked with warning runes and enspelled to drastically slow time for anything within it. The other two were stabilizing the container on the back of the first.

They were almost acting as if it might explode with the slightest knock. Given what it was, it might just do that.

“Well done,” Luna said, her eyes fixed on her prize. Getting her Nightguard to acquire this from the RGIS impounded materials storage, was just another training mission for them. For Luna, this was her salvation.

The lethal dose of caffeine, for a mortal anyways, hit her like an Ursa Major. Luna’s eyes shot wide. She had to steady herself as a tremble went through her body.

Luna was awake.

She looked at the magical potion that Pinkie Pie had created. She would need to imbue some of it with her moonlight and see what it did.

A long calming breath allowed her to steady herself. If she could stand against all the torments and pleasures the dream realm could offer and still present her cold mask to her Night Court, she could control herself though this...

Her three guards were watching her in awe. Of all the feats she had achieved, still standing after drinking Pinkies concoction is what made them look at her in awe like that. Luna let out a laugh. Ok … perhaps it was the crazed look on her face that was making them look at her like that and maybe it was not awe and was instead not an insignificant amount of worry.

She poured a small amount of the divine beverage into a cup and burst out of the room. Perhaps she should have used the door instead of the wall… oh well, she had ponies to fix things like that.

“TIA! YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS!” She shouted in the full Canterlot Voice.

It had taken a stern talk from her sister, an hour and about a hundred laps flying around the Canterhorn, to burn off the extra energy enough so that she could be mostly sane and able to hold her Night Court. It still amazed her that an earthpony had managed to make such a potent brew. She had already given her Nightguard the mission to get the recipe, or if that was not possible, to offer a royal commission and a pardon for Pinkie to make some more.

Despite her exertions, she still felt the urge to move, but it was controllable. Sitting upon her throne, she stealthily tensed one muscle after another instead of fidgeting.

Luna felt her heart drop upon seeing that the first petitioner was one of Blueeblood’s servants, sent to her on his authority and so was able to skip the queue. The cowered did not even attend himself… this had better be an apology.

The servant approached and went through all the obayances that would be expected in her sister’s more formal court. Luna would have been more than happy with a simple bow and the respect to not waste time.

“Speak your master’s words.” Luna snapped in irritation. Great… the coffee is still making me impulsive.

The servant hastily straightened and opened a scroll and began to read “His Royal Highness Prince Blue…”

Luna tapped her hoof on the ground with enough force to echo. “Get to the point.”

The servant rapidly scanned the text mumbling to himself. That meant Luna had to put up with every word of Blueblood’s petition, but at least like this it was over far quicker.

The servant gulped. “Prince Blueblood requests you reimburse him for one count of dry cleansing, two bottles of medicinal wine and costs, due to the interruptions to his open-air party that your flying practices around the city caused.”

“You may relax… I will not strike the messenger for the words of their master. ‘You’ have offered me no disrespect.” Luna said.

The servant bowed, looking relieved.

Luna reached through the darkness she was so attuned to, calling a scroll to her. She lifted it from her own shadow and began writing upon it with a quill fashioned from one of her own feathers. She let a hint of a feral grin grace her face as she finished writing with a flourish. She sealed the scroll with her horn, then used her aura to present it to the servant.

“It would please us if you were to present my response to your master,” Luna said. She could feel the slight fear her intense gaze caused in the pony before her. “You are dismissed.”

The servant scampered off, rushing through the ridiculous bowing and scraping as he left. With that as the start of her night, she was not expecting the events in the physical word to get any more entertaining.

“Next,” Luna shouted.

As soon as she felt Candice enter the dream realm, Luna knew something was wrong. Shifting her attention to her bastion, she looked up. Candice’s star was a swirling mass of dark lonely emotions. Luna flew up to it and touched it, entering her dream.

Candice was standing upon a desolate plane, paying no attention to her surroundings. Everything was deadly silent. Slowly, so as to not startle her, Luna let her become aware of her presence.

Luna asked with a tender tone, “What happened?”

The silence lasted for a little while. "She threw me away," Candice said, her voice quiet and almost emotionless. The deceptive calm of her tone did nothing to hide the pure hurt dominating her emotions. After a pause, she added. "Threw us away."

In the Dream Realm, little things like distance or movement were minor concerns. Luna was suddenly there, sweeping up Candice in a comforting hug. She gently nuzzled Candice and stroked her mane.

If anypony was to leave Candice broken tonight, it was meant to be Luna herself with the harsh training she had planned. Her day time with Twilight was meant to bring them closer together, she was expecting them to be happy, to have enjoyed each other, not for Candice to be a wreck.

“What happened?” She asked as she comforted her. Luna’s voice was soft, radiating reassurance. She knew she was using her powers over the dream realm to manipulate Candice. Still, it was her duty to tend to the spirits of all her ponies, and this one before her was hurting.

“Twilight, she threw us away. Rather than talk, she just teleported us out. We are sleeping on a cloud over Ponyville right now.” Candice said, her voice nearly monotone.

“May I see?” Luna asked in a soft voice, placing her horn next to Candice's forehead.

Candice just nodded silently, another indication of how much pain she was in. It was as if most of her character, her personality had decided to take the night off.

With permission granted, she touched her horn to Candice’s forehead. The images, sounds and scents of the past hours of Candice’s life rushed through Luna’s mind. The chain of events laid themselves out before her. This was not good.

Refocusing on the ‘reality’ around her, Luna could see that the numbness of the stunned, nearly broken mare seemed to be evaporating, anger rapidly building to replace it. She could feel the mare in her embrace shaking in rage.

Candice began in low tones that steadily rose as she spoke. "I know she had to save her, but what right did she have to leave anything out? 'Oh you don't need romantic attachments, you don't need to worry about lust or romantic love. These aren't things you need to be my tool.' WHAT RIGHT DID YOU HAVE, YOU BUTCHER, TO MAKE THOSE DECISIONS FOR HER!?" She finished with a scream out into the void of the dream realm, aiming her hurt not at Luna, but at Celestia.

Luna could feel her eyes change to glowing slits, her body stilled, her expression becoming frozen as if ice. Long practice controlling her emotions to prevent her magic lashing out, being the only thing allowing her to seem calm. Taking in and letting out a few deep breaths, Luna tightened her embrace. “I broke my sister jaw when I found out,” Luna spoke into Candice’s ear.

There was no real reaction to that, the slightest twitch of the ears being the only thing that let Luna know that Candice had heard at all.

Self-doubt filled Candice’s voice. "What was the point of saving our lives and manipulating our emotions with the dreams if you didn't let us save her then? Why have us fall in love with a mare that doesn't exist? WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE JUST LET US DIE IF YOU WERE GOING TO DO THIS TO US?"

Candice was in turmoil, emotions that were currently undirected were turning against her. She had a lot to work through. Luna knew that Candice could recover from this if she could get her to focus on something. The question was what?

“Because fate still has a role for you to play,” Luna said bitterly, nuzzling, stroking and just being there for Candice. Providing the much needed physical comfort of a caring embrace. She started to groom Candice. Seeing those she cared about like this always brought out her more maternal side.

"Is something like this what caused Nightmare Moon? Did Celestia do something like that to you too?" Candice said. She seemed to be calming, her more rational mind taking over. So this would likely mean this would be a dangerous conversation.

“I don't remember,” Luna said, considering her next words carefully. She needed something else for her to think on. Luna chose her next words and prepared for the reaction they would cause. “She took most of my memories of that time.”

"So she butchered your memories so you wouldn't be mad at her?" Candice asked, utterly horrified.

She could feel the anger at her sister starting to rise rapidly again. If it were possible for a mortal pony to go 'Nightmare', then it felt like Candice was on the cusp of it right now. It was a good thing that Candice was not aspected with one of the destructive elements. Twilight would have burnt her by now.

“Peace,” was her one-word response, “You can't change the past. If I had my memories, I would still be a monster.”

After several seconds of thought, Candice spoke. "I can't help but wonder if you think that because she wants you too."

“How would I know?” Luna laughed amused. She had to be amused or else she knew she would risk falling into darker thoughts, and that was something that was not needed at the moment.

Candice fell into silence. As the minutes passed, the anger subsided, after a couple more minutes and Candice and Insight were both just breaking down into tears and sobbing.

Luna looked to where Insight had unconsciously manifested laying on the floor, also sobbing doing nothing to draw attention to herself. The unicorn mare was still a little unsure about having a body even if it was only a dream avatar.

Shadows formed as soft as silken pillows and pulled Insight into the embrace with Candice. Luna placed a kiss on each of their foreheads. “Let me offer a ray of hope.”

Both of the sisters were now listening as each of them twitched an ear to her in exactly the same way. It was cute but now was not the time to mention such things.

“Twilight did not throw you away... She got you clear. Right now, she is having a war with herself... And that may not be entirely a metaphor.” Luna said, checking to see she had both of their attention. She did, they were both looking up at her.

Luna continued, “The Twilight you seek is there... But she is one voice amongst many. I imagine you will find her sleeping in a different room come morning. I doubt anything in her original room will have survived.”

"How could Celestia have left her that vulnerable, to being damaged that badly, by whatever happened after Manehatten?” Asked Candice.

Luna shrugged. “She was expecting a few more centuries to fix her.”

"She supposedly knows ponies so well. How could she possibly make an oversight like that? To put her back together and deliberately leave out core parts of what it is to be a pony?" Insight spoke up.

“My sister… She is a pony who wishes she didn't have such feelings at times. I do believe she honestly thought it would better prepare Twilight to be an immortal.”

"By denying the Princess of Friendship the ability to feel the deepest form of Friendship?" Candice said with a tone that could freeze the ground if there were magic behind it.

"She wished to shield her from the deepest of hurts. Let her watch mortal ponies pass with serenity." Luna waved a hoof. "She views Cadance and Shining as a mistake that could end up with a Nightmare of lost love."

“So what, Alicorns aren't supposed to love?” Insight asked indignantly.

“If you ask my sister... No... Unless it is with another immortal…” Luna let her embrace become more tender and loving “That is something I strongly disagree with.”

Luna was caught a little off guard as Candice and Insight both just leaned into it and cried. Luna could tell that mainly, they hurt for Twilight. They both wanted her to be whole and happy. Neither seemed to be able to see how Twilight could be, with what Celestia did to her.

"I don't know how to fix this. I feel like I'm missing major pieces to the puzzle. What am I missing Luna?" Candice asked with tears and desperation in her voice.

The dreams Candice held for a future with Twilight were holding on by a thread. Luna knew that her answer to this question would either lead to Candice reconciling with Twilight or the thought of this night would bring nothing but loathing and nightmares for her.

Having Cadance here would have been so very useful. Luna guessed that if the bond Candice felt towards Twilight was going to have a chance of being repaired to what it was before, she was going to have to tell her at least a little of what was going on.

Luna pulled back from the embrace a little, “You understand that Alicorns are not like mortal ponies. We have abilities that go beyond simply having all of the combined powers of the different tribes.”

They both just nodded.

“These strengths, these… differences also extend to the mental.”

The twins were curious, Luan could see the barest glimmer of hope for understanding.

“Taking my sister as an example. She has crafted herself two fragments. The first, her Mask, can ensure her words and demeanour is exactly as intended. Celestia is also known to leave it in control of her body should court get too dull for her liking.”

“That sounds like not doing your job.” Candice snarked.

Luna could not help the laugh that escaped her. “She would call it delegating.”

“She gets away with it because the others don’t know about it? I would imagine there have been problems because of that.” Insight asked.

Luna could sense her imagining what it would be like to be trapped in Candice’s mind if she had been like Celestia. That would be another nightmare she would have to keep watch for.

“There is only a problem because of how tightly she controls her Mask. She has to follow all of Celestia’s rules. It seems like she has reduced her fragment to nothing more than a glorified abacus, the beads click back and forth based on an arcane legal tome.”

Insight shivered but remained quiet. Candice held out a wing to comfort her.

Luna continued, despite Insight’s distress. “The second of my sister’s fragments is her Warmind. She is cold, calculating and ruthlessly efficient. She is kept on a much tighter leash than the Mask. If you face my sister in battle, you would also be facing the Warmind. If my sister needs to do something she finds… distasteful, she will often task the Warmind with it and mentally step back and let it happen while retreating from the world if it is too much for her to watch.”

“What could she wind up needing to do that she would retreat?” Insight asked.

“She never had the stomach for mass slaughter, or to harm those she cares about,” Luna calmly answered.

Insight just looked down in contemplation. Candice asked, “When would she have to harm one she cares about? Like when you came back?” Candice was still young and naive to a degree, she thought that Celestia wielding mind magic to improve the lives of others was an attack.

Luna spent a moment looking thoughtful, making sure to show no signs of her dark humour. “Fortunately, the Elements worked, so she did not need to try and kill me. If they had failed, then yes, her Warmind would have been the one facing me.”

“That just sounds wrong. How can somepony not let compassion guide their actions in something like that?” Insight asked.

“If the stakes are high enough, easily. Compassion would be selfish, trying to make oneself feel better instead of doing what is necessary. My sister's ability to render a whole continent into molten glass is the only reason wars are uncommon. Plenty of creatures hid from her light, and if it was not for that threat, ponies would be nothing but a food option on their menus.”

Candice seemed to remember a piece of her past, “I know how that feels, being hunted like that. Being seen as food, or at best, a toy.” Her mood took a turn for the dower again.

“I said I would offer you a ray of hope,” Luna said nuzzling Candice. “Twilight is an Alicorn too, one who has yet to master what that truly means.”

"There's more than one of her in there? Like there is myself and Insight?" Candice asked with curiosity. Dreams and nightmares were warring within her. She wanted hope, she hated the fact that her feelings towards Twilight had been shattered. She seemed to want to rebuild that. All that and she feared that what she had seen was the true Twilight. Feared that the rest of her life she would be nothing more than being a toy, a plaything only to be discarded.

“Yes…” Luna said, hesitating. She still was unsure how much she needed to comfort Candice. She had to be careful. Tia would already be unhappy with how much she had revealed to a ‘mere’ guard.

Candice looked up at Luna, her eyes pleading for more information. She seemed to hold no judgment towards Luna or Twilight.

Luna rolled her dice and hoped Fate would approve instead of being angered. “You have the Twilight you dream of. My sister’s hoof work, now wounded, weakened and I thought healing. You have two cast-offs from my sister’s craft, the parts removed, now as full ponies. Finally, you have a part of me gifted to Twilight by the Elements. Each has their own thoughts, their own will…”

"Part of you?" She thought for a moment. "The only time the Elements interacted between you and Twilight was when you got back. Something transferred. You were released from Nightmare Moon. If that's the case, then the Elements had a plan for it. Was Nightmare Moon transferred to Twilight?" She asked, still no judgment.

“Your mind is by far your most dangerous weapon…” Luna rubbed her own forehead under her horn with a hoof. “I have been asked to give her a chance... She has spent years learning from Twilight. It is my understanding that before the Manehatten incident, Twilight didn't even know she was there... She was merely her prison.”

“So how did she get out?” Candice asked. Surprisingly, she still harboured no judgment.

“She saved Twilight,” Luna said.

Candice cocked her head, showing her curiosity.

Luna concentrated for a moment, recalling the battle at the Temple of the Hidden Path. She extended her control of the dream realm and formed the scene. Twilight standing tall and imperious, decked out in blood-red armour before a ring of dark mages. This Twilight looked like she was dripping with confidence and lethality. Luna did like how Twilight looked in armour, and apparently, so did Candice.

"She battled her way past the dark cult and escaped," Luna explained. "For Nightmare to have slipped her bonds, Twilight had to have been completely out of magic, helpless, defenceless, and... Yes... This seems to all be the Element’s plan... Giving her a daughter that loved her… finally defeated Nightmare Moon."

“Thank you. That explains a lot. She has moments where she's acting more like you. That's Nightmare?” Candice asked simply.

“Yes... I am sorry for hiding this from you... One of my sister’s rules…” Luna said.

Insight looked down and to the side quickly, a snort coming from her. "Another thing she's done that just causes pain.”

“Though I guess in this case it’s understandable. Keep information about Alicorns secret so it can't be used against you.” Candice said.

Luna could tell both mares had calmed down considerably. Hope had been restored, Luna just hoped she had not paid too much for it. “Would you be happy being ruled by us knowing what you now know? That for us, multiple personalities is normal, and if we don't form them, we do go insane?”

“I would seek to understand. Knowing this, I can at least try to help. First I need to thank Nightmare and reconcile with Twilight. Though when she said ‘Who are you to dictate to me?’ Which one was that?” Candice inquired.

“I don't know. I think I would have been more coy. With the fiery mane, I think it would be one of the cast-offs, either on her own or driving Twilight.”

“I see. Thank you, my love. I think I need to process this some more. Shall we start the training?”

“I first need to ask you to not talk about what you have learned about Alicorns with any but one. And order you never to allow my sister to discover that the Nightmare is no longer imprisoned.”

Candice just looked into Luna’s eyes and said, “You have nothing to worry about with that order. She is a part of both you and Twilight. I wouldn’t do anything that would harm either of you, let alone both of you.” To make her point, she leaned up and kissed Luna with a passion that bespoke of the truth of her words. Insight moved to hug Luna as well, showing that she would not violate the order either.

Luna returned the kiss, stroking a wingtip along Insight, sharing the moment. “This way, you also have some protection against things that could force you to reveal the information. Now… shall we see about your training or would you like the night off?”

Luna could sense the nightmares had mostly receded. The hopes she never has to worry about her love for Luna being shattered like that. The dreams for a happy life with Twilight were returning. Now that they know, they can understand. With understanding, they can love again. I hope Celestia does not find out.

Candice nodded her head. There was still an anger there, directed at Celestia. It might be a good idea to let her burn some of that off in training. It was trivial to add Celestia to the training dream.

Candice disappeared into the training dream. Luna looked at Insight, “So what are we going to do with you?”

“You could still marry us,” Insight joked, trying to lighten the mood.

“I can give you a dream of it, if you like?” Luna said with a hint of playfulness.

“Actually spending time with you is far better than some pleasant dream that I have had before.” Insight said as she cuddled up to Luna.

Luna lent down and kissed Insight, “I am the mare of dreams, so that is only natural.” Luna said smugly.

Partly motivated by love, partly by needing a release from the night’s emotional turmoil, Insight started her energetic but ammature seductions. “I could use a different type of training.” Luna let out a pleased sigh and began a completely different type of lesson than Candice’s.

In the Dreamscape, she was still enjoying her time with Insight and overseeing Candice’s training. In the physical world, she was presiding over her Night Court. She praised her long years of practice dealing with all sorts of dream encounters while doing other things.

Without any fragments, she could not splinter her mind. She had one intellect to oversee everything and to feel everything. Her wing muscles felt a little tense, but they stayed obediently by her side. Insight was proving a quick study.

Luna was listening to a dry report from a tired supply clerk. At the same time, one of her Nightguards was beside her unseen, whispering his report into her ear.

“My sovereign, the guards in Ponyville have spotted something strange. A black creature similar in form to an Alicorn has been seen leaving Twilight's castle. They attempted to track it, but lost it when it headed into the Everfree.”

Luna nodded subtly to her guard. Before responding in a tone beyond non-thestral hearing. “Leave it be, it is most likely Twilight spreading her wings to calm herself… she has had a stressful night. Inform me immediately should she start to cause trouble within Ponyville itself. Beyond that, if she decides to destroy half the forest, just make sure to keep the ponies clear.”

“Yes, my sovereign.” Was his only response before fading back into the shadows.

Oh joy, the clerk has moved on to how many spare bed sheets the guards have.

In Candice’s Dreamscape, Luna looked out from the eyes of her sister's body. Candice had needed somepony to unleash her anger, her rage, her emotional turmoil upon. Much better it be in a dream instead of the hateful magic building up until something unfortunate happened.

Mortal ponies did not have the advantage of that part just breaking off, leaving the main personality whole. When a mortal pony broke like that… well, the effects could be permanent, their magic becoming a driving force for evil. For powerful ponies, this was a problem. King Sombra being one of the most notable examples.

It would have been easy to defeat Candice with even a fraction of her sister’s power, but that was not the point of it. Candice, driven by her emotions, seemed unable to use her magic to anywhere close to the level she displayed during her test. Then again, she seemed more interested in smashing her sister’s face with her bare hooves.

Luna pushed her, letting her see Tia’s annoying smirk. The cold eyes of the Warmind and the too-perfect manors of the Mask. Switching between the three of them to perfectly taunt and drive Candice.

Candice let out an inequine sound as she nearly broke her hoof slamming it into Luna’s dream form’s face. The technique was good, if a little rushed due to the current situation. Luna struck out with a white wing, sending Candice tumbling away. Letting her eyes burn with solar fire and glaring at Candice. She spoke in a sadistic mockery of Tia’s voice. “Is that the best you can do ‘My Little Pony’?”

Candice slowly got to her hooves and seemed to calm, taking deep ragged-breaths. If this had been real, she would have pushed herself past her body’s breaking point. She stood there for a few minutes before she managed to get the air back in her lungs to speak. With each breath, Candice purged a bit more of the residual anger, and she centered herself a little more.

“Hardly, but it’s all I need to do. I think I've burned myself out emotionally, so thank you, Luna. That was quite cathartic,” Candice said in a much calmer and even appreciative tone.

“So can you look at my form and not try and attack me now?” Luna made her sister’s body ask.

“Yes, though I don’t think I would have been that stupid in the real world. I just wouldn’t have been able to hide my anger, most likely.” Candice replied, her voice was even now.

“You would not have intended to be that stupid. If you kept the anger festering long enough, either you or it would have acted,” Luna said, letting her sisters form drop from her. The alabaster feathers and coat falling like leaves on an autumn wind, dancing away on the breeze.

Candice calmly walked towards Luna, her eyes fixed upon her own. The hug was not unexpected, the kiss was greatly desired. The action was more loving and less lustful than Luna was used to, but that did not detract from it. Luna returned the slower, more tender kiss.

“I know, that’s why…”

Luna silenced Candice with another kiss, she was more than happy to abort the conversation. Luna pulled the smaller mare to her, enveloping her every sense in a warm embrace of feathers and her night blue coat. Letting the dream dissolve around them, she returned with Candice to the plane outside the wall of her bastion.

Candice nuzzled into Luna’s coat and spoke. “So do you want a massage, ley line cleaning, both? I figured out a new technique for upping the power of the cleaning I’m capable of.”

A class C mage hoarding power for hours or days just for the pleasure of one Alicorn. Celestia would throw a fit at the waste. Luna felt her feral grin. "Oh, we are keeping you."

Candice offered a grateful smile in return. “Only if I get to keep you too." Candice used a hoof to pull Luna’s muzzle down for a kiss. Her outsized wings caressing Luna’s body in a caring and borderline sensual way. This gave Luna ideas, wonderful ideas, she was still enjoying Insight’s attention in the other dream, and her court was excruciatingly dull tonight.

Luna's affection was anything but borderline, her actions making Candice’s body dance to her touch. "For as long as you will have me," Luna purred.

"Would forever be long enough?" Candice replied in a desiring tone.

Luna let out an honest laugh, but could not keep an edge of melancholy from her eyes, "We can give it a try."

"I'll need to bring up some research ideas with Twilight then…” Candice stopped, noticing something. “Are you ok?" She asked with a little worry for Luna in her voice.

Luna let out a gentle sigh and schooled her expression to that of the friendly lover that many ponies dreamt of. "My apologies, merely ghosts of old, paying a visit."

Candice looked wryly at her. There was an edge of judgement or distaste at Luna’s change in demeanour. “Are these ghosts something you would like chased away, or are they memories you cherish?”

"Perhaps a bit of both, depending on my mood," Luna answered, letting her tired wistfulness show.

Candice looked much happier with her honesty. “Then whatever you wish, I will endeavour to provide.”

"An immortal can have a lot of companions they miss," Luna said nuzzling into Candice’s mane. “One day you will be nothing but memories and a painting in my hall.” She whispered mournfully.

“I can imagine. It doesn't make me feel any less special though. And if what I think is possible turns out to actually be possible, you won't have to worry about losing me to old age at least.” Candice said, her voice clear with hope.

Luna shifted to look into Candice’s eyes, interest and a hint of mischief now dominating them. "Just as long as you don't become an undead. I would not mind feeding you souls to keep you here, but they tend to be less interested in some leisure activities," Luna said, offering a suggestive, fanged smile.

Candice looked up into Luna’s eyes, “No worries on that, but I'm starting data gathering for my wellspring degradation. If I can figure out what causes a mortal wellspring to degrade, then I might be able to figure out how to stop it. If I can accomplish that, then you won't need to worry about losing me, and Cadance can hang onto Shining Armor.”

“I think Twilight would be very happy with that too…” Luna looked thoughtful for a moment, resting her head upon the top of Candice’s. “Then I think I might have a course of study for Insight to attend. One of my... Duties is to care for those who will never wake.”

Insight's voice cut in. "What would you have of me, My Love?"

Luna had forgotten, now that Candice was out of the training, the twin’s link was no longer suppressed. So they were sharing information again.

Luna reached out with her ethereal mane and pulled Insight from the sky and into the hug. Insight melted into this new hug easily, as if falling from the sky and into an Alicorn’s embrace, was nothing worth mentioning. Looking into her eyes with a somber gaze, she spoke. “Would you be willing to be a friend to those who dream their last? To help ease both old souls, and those claimed tragically young, into the afterlife?”

Candice looked like she was taken by her own memories for a moment.

“Yes, I've done that twice before, but they were not sleeping. Candice and I mentally connected to the dying young. We soothed their pain. It was all we could do. Candice foal cast the spell both times,” Insight answered, her tone a quite, saddened whisper.

Luna lovingly crushed the twins in a hug with a pleased and sad smile. “Taking another’s pain shows a lot of compassion.” Luna looked thoughtful “Then if you both accept, Candice, I will train you as my Champion. Insight, I will teach you to be my Shepherd.”

Candice and Insight both moved at the same time and nuzzled her with enthusiastic confirmation of their choice.

Luna looked to her Champion in training. “It will be hard, there will be pain, suffering and torment. The training will break you, but so long as you live, I will be here to put you back together.”

Candice nodded in understanding with a look of determination on her face.

Next, she looked at Insight. “Your training will be both kinder and far more traumatic. You will see secrets you can tell nopony, not even your sister. The lives of our ponies, their very souls will be yours to tend to. You will be their confidant, the keeper of their secrets, the tender to their wills and their last companion in any way they require. You will learn to fight Nightmares, the demons of the blackest dreams and battle horrors that are impossible, that simply are too evil to exist in reality. Are you willing to face all of this in my name?”

Candice looked to Insight with a look of pride in her sister, apparently already knowing the answer. Insight nodded solemnly, determination evident in her eyes and compassion clear in her heart.

“Then so be it…” Luna’s voice seemed to shake reality as she started both of them towards their new fates.

CH 31.2 Nova's Night

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Patchwork was a nice pony, Patchwork let Nova feel things, she shared like a good filly should. Patchwork reminded Nova of her doll, Smarty Pants. Nova missed Smarty Pants. Until Patchwork started talking to her, she was alone, with nopony.

Ever since their first conversation with knocks and roars, Nova had looked forward to their interactions. It had hurt her head trying to remember that code. What the knocks meant and the distant memory of a white stallion that made her feel safe, teaching her. Nova thought the pain of remembering the softer times was worth what she had now.

Not long after letting Nova talk, Patchwork started to let Nova see outside of her cage. All she needed to do now was close her eyes, and she would dimly see what Patchwork was looking at. Sometimes the sights came with other sensations.

Nova must have been good, Patchwork has shared her time with the Nice Monster that sings. That was nice, much Nicer than just listening to the singing. Nova wished she could remember the song to sing it herself. It would make her cage feel less empty.

Nova did not understand Patchwork. Patchwork saw what she wanted but did not take it. It was confusing.

She was also not reacting to danger. The sun mare was over there, Nova could feel the burning solar magic. The Moon mare's shielding wing, the only thing keeping a burning blade from cutting into her again. Nova was ready when the Sun Mare attacked, she would strike back.

She could feel the Moon Mare nibbling on her ear in that way that made Nova's insides squirm and tingle. Nova let out a low rumble of pleasure. She closed her eyes so she could see better. With her eyes closed, she could see the purple muzzle she used to have. It seemed to replace the scarred white one she really had.

Everything felt good, until she saw the Sun Mare again.

Moon Mare was still being distracting, what she was doing to Patchwork’s ear felt so very nice, but with Sun Mare here, Nova could not give in, she had to watch Sun Mare. Sun Mare was evil. Sun Mare was the most evil of evils. Sun Mare would burn.

Nova prowled back and forth in her lair, the remains of her siblings scattered amongst the floor. Other than her burning hoof prints, the only light down here was her burning mane and tail. She looked hungrily at the piles of bones and scraps of flesh. She hated what she had to do to survive, she hated what the Sun Mare had made her do. She hated the Sun Mare and her burning sword.

Nova was smart enough to know that Sun Mare was powerful. She would be hard to defeat, hard to kill. If she was to strike, she would need to strike true. Her fire was hungry, but Patchwork was calm. Somehow she did not fear the Sun Mare… maybe she did not recognise her?

Patchwork’s view turned, revealing a white pony and a pink pony. The Pink one interested Patchwork more. The white stallion made Nova’s heart skip. Memories of being small and sheltering next to him filled her mind. “Shinny,” she said, though no one could hear her. Far too quickly he disappeared from view as Patchwork did some sort of strange motion, was she dancing with the pretty pink mare?

“And do a little shake” Nova finished their little saying a beat before they did. Where did she know the big pink mare from? She banged her head against the wall of her cell, adding a few more dents and burns to its walls. “Think, Think, Think.” she tried to remember, but it was so hard. It felt like the memory was a good one, but was out of reach, no matter how much she banged her head on the remembering spot, it did not work.

Even with Sun Mare being here, Nova felt a little safer after only seeing Shiny Stallion. She wanted to go over to him, to press against him, to inhale his scent and feel protected. Memories of a dome of magenta magic keeping pain away. He could protect her, he would protect her. She reached out with her hoof towards him, Patchwork’s body did not respond.

“Shiny,” she whispered. A moment later she stomped her hoof in the code, spelling his name, She did it again and again, but Patchwork did not notice, she was being deaf again.

Moon Mare running a feather down Patchwork’s back, stopped her frantic messaging. That felt nice, she closed her eyes and let the sensation take her. Patchwork may be being deaf today, but she still shared this. She still remembered Nova.

Moon Mare did more, and it felt better. She let herself collapse on the floor, unable to pay attention to the bones she was sharing it with. Her rumbling purr vibrating the floor.

The sensations stop, Nova growled a little, out where Patchwork lived, they were talking again. Why were they talking when they could do things like they were a moment ago? She wanted to roar, to scream to try and force Patchwork to continue things, but no… that would not be nice. Nova was good, Patchwork shared so Nova would wait… or she would try to at least.

She dragged herself to her hooves and started pacing again, a burning need she only recently knew how to sate, building moment by moment.

The food came. Nova wanted the food. It looked so nice, but she could not taste it, she could not smell it, she could only see it. With how Patchwork dug into it, it must have been the most delicious food ever. Nova gnawed on a bone, trying to keep her hunger at bay. Her sharp teeth scraping new marks into its surface. ‘Share food’ Nova banged out in code.

“Please keep it down,” Nice Monster shouted from upstairs. Nova grumbled and tried not to pay attention to the feast that she very much wanted. Nice Monster sometimes sung, Nova liked the song. An upset Nice Monster did not sing.

Patchwork’s desires called to Nova again, waking her from her fitful resting. The Moon Mare started doing something to her back. Jolts of pleasure shot down Nova’s spine. She arched her real body and purred. She could feel her powers being drawn to Patchwork. The sensations deepened, and it was almost as if she was Twilight. Slowly the room around them made more sense as Patchwork’s, no… Twilight’s thoughts and memories joined Nova’s own.

The Moon Mare, Luna was preening their wings, and it felt divine. Nova’s body in her cage was forgotten. She wanted to thank Twilight for sharing, needed to let her know how much she appreciated these gifted moments.

Twilight answered something that Luna asked, “Why can I not just partake of you?”

Yes Nova thought as Twilight made them look into Luna’s beautiful eyes.

Luna pulled back just slightly, “Ah ah, Cadance would not approve until after our wedding.”

Nova did not care who Cadance was, Nova wanted Luna right now. She could feel Twilight felt the same way, but Twilight did nothing other than asking a question. “And me partaking of a guard wouldn’t be disapproved of?”

“No, it would simply be using one of your privileges of being royalty. Speaking of advantages of being royalty, I have a present for you.” Luna purred seductively, Nova liked the sound of that. She could wait for a gift that sounded like that.

Nova used Twilight’s eyes to devour the pony before her. The exotically beautiful body was suggestively wrapped up in ribbons of shadow. Nova could feel Twilight’s desires magnify her own. Twilight focused on the wings. Nova noticed that the mare had no horn, but the rest of her features more than made up for that shortcoming.

Nova tried to take a step towards this most beautiful of ponies. Twilight's body moved. Luna clamped her wing down around her, holding her in place. She coiled her muscles, trying to burst free, but Luna was just too strong. She could feel her power, her flames freely advancing along her body. Her magic free in Twilight’s world felt exhilarating.

Luna continued her preening, Nova let out a groan of pleasure. This was all a game, a most wondrous of games. She let the feelings wash over her, let her flames tenderly lick across Luna’s form. Luna was teasing her, she was deliberately stroking her desires.

Nova watched as the mare looked down at the binding wrapping her up. She relaxed as she looked up to see Twilight being held and preened by Luna. The mare was interested, the spark in her eyes reflecting some of Nova’s own hunger.

“I offer you your first guard.” Luna said, whispering into Twilight's ear, “And we all know that a princess’s guards are part of her harem.” Luna looked to the beautiful mare. It only took a moment for Twilight’s understanding of what that meant to filter into Nova’s thoughts. Luna had given her this gift. She would treasure this, this was even better than Smarty Pants. She was being given a living breathing pony, to be all her own.

Nova’s mind raced through all of the many things she wanted to do to her right now. Twilight added her own ideas. Some of them were dull, but others, others were getting put at the front of Nova’s list.

Her gift took a moment and looked straight at her. “Oh hello, Twilight. I thought I might be meeting you soon, but this is not how I thought it would occur.” Something happened, and then the bindings loosened themselves a bit, allowing her to move around. The ends of the ribbons now floating around in the breeze. The decorations just made Gift look all the more desirable.

The door to the dining room burst opened forcefully. A white stallion, Not Shiny, burst into the room calling out. “Aunty, I must speak with you immediately…” After a long moment, he stopped in his tracks, actually taking in his surroundings. “What is going on here?” He demanded.

Nova’s eyes fixated on the annoyance that interrupted, letting out a low growl. Her flames wanted to burn him, to incinerate him. If she had her fangs, she might just have torn out his throat.

Luna spoke before Nova could act. “This intrusion is most unwelcome.”

Nova begrudged Luna’s overpowering strength. Stopping her from doing what she wanted to.

The weak prey-pony nodded and started to leave, “At least you’re finally putting those hybrids in their place. They all deserve to be tied up and tried for treason against nature.” He said.

His words made no sense, what was a hybrid, and how were they turning against nature. Twilight’s anger flared Nova’s presence adding fuel to it. The meaning of what that waste of flesh-meat had meant, hit Nova like a blow, she growled, straining, nearly breaking free from Luna’s hold.

Twilight’s magic surged, lighting their horn. Not Shiny vanished in a flash of magenta light. Nova longed that he had instead been reduced to a smouldering pile of meat.

Twilight worked more magic, securing the room.

Gift’s mood had turned away from the sensual and become darker. This just added more reasons for Nova to burn the Not Shiny.

Twilight took control of their body and did some strange breathing, it somehow calmed their heart rate and made Twilight at least feel calmer. Twilight muttered. “At least I didn‘t kill him.”

Nova wondered why that was a good thing. That pony would make the world a better place if he was dead.

“And what pray tell did you do to him?” Luna asked.

Twilight answered, Nova’s anger flavouring her voice. “I dropped him in the fountain at the centre of the garden maze. It was either that or off the side of the Canterhorn.”

Luna pulled both of them into a hug. That was good, it put Nova closer to her gift.

“I hope that the interruption didn’t take too much away from my gift. Why don’t you ask my most recently converted chosen about her qualifications,” Luna suggested.

Nova looked at Gift as Luna stepped back from the hug. Yes, the mare was still beautiful, sexy and desirable. The silver accents on her body just added to the appeal. Nova could feel Twilight also agreeing.

Gift liked being looked at, soon Nova would find out how much she liked being touched. She walked forward, letting her eyes take in every part of her gift. If she had a horn, she would be perfect.

"Are you really a guard?" Nova asked in a seductive tone. She was unsure if that question came from her or Twilight.

"Nightguard or Nightchosen if you prefer. Also much more. I can list my qualifications if you like. Even give you demonstrations of anything you chose." Gift said.

"Anything?" Nova said. She felt her mane burn a bit brighter.

"Ranging from magic experiments in your lab to cleansing most of your ley lines. Discussing magic theory to combat training. Or if you have any suggestions, I will at least try to fulfil them." Gift said in a tone of playfulness.

The Bad Monster stirred to action, her desire making Twilight’s wings extend. Most of the sensations faded, she could feel her mind slipping from her as The Bad Monster turned their body to Luna. "You know just what to get a mare."

Nova found herself back in her cage, she roared and threw herself against the door again and again. Ignoring the bruises and the blood. Bad Monster did not share. Nova wanted to be with Patchwork, Nova wanted to feel, to think, to be. Nova wanted out.

Finally, after hours, days, weeks, years, a small crack had appeared.

“You’re hired,” Nova heard Patchwork say though the gap.

“Now run along and take your gift with you,” Moon Mare said.

Nova was just reaching to Patchwork, just starting to be able to see the outside world. She could see the view from Patchwork’s eyes, she was looking at Moon Mare.

Nova could feel Patchwork’s hunger, her desire, her need for the Moon Mare. Nova looked hungrily at Luna, clearly wanting to take her with as well. “Just wait until our wedding night,” Luna soothed.

Patchwork did something with her magic, and things got too confusing, Nova retreated to her cage to try and stop the world from spinning.

Whatever had happened, she did not like it.

Patchwork looking at Gift dragged Nova’s attention to the outside world again. She had to screw up her eyes and hope, but it worked. There was no horrible spinning as the world came into focused Gift was beautiful and right there. Something pushed her away, deadening her flames and trapping her back in the dark of her cage.

Nova whimpered. She growled. She raged. She thrashed. She battered herself again and again into the walls of her cage. Using her hoof, her horn and just her sheer body weight to try and force her way out. All she was rewarded with, was a few minor injuries, a scratch or two on her cage’s door.

Her gift was out there, and she was in here. It was not fair.

She would make that crack bigger.

The sensation of a kiss brushed her lips. Nova’s senses snapped to the outside. The brief kiss was over all too quickly. She looked around the room full of ponies. Gift and the yellow pegasus with a pink mane were the two that currently held Twilight’s attention. There were many more that Nova wanted in the room, but she would be more than happy to start with the ones Patchwork wanted.

Nova could feel the Bad Monster here, but it was sharing with Patchwork so Nova could be here too. Patchwork did something with her magic, concealing Nova’s flames and allowing them to touch nopony. It made no sense, but Nova had not been forced back to her cage. So she did nothing about the restriction.

Patchwork wondered her way further into the party, tapping her hoof in a patten whenever she was still. It took three repetitions for Nova to get it. Patchwork was using their knock codes to speak to her. ‘Nova, behave, time for fun later, now time for talking.’

Nova really did not get why Patchwork liked talking so much, but she was sharing. Nova knew to be nice, polite and grateful to those that shared things you wanted with you. Nova very much wanted her Gift so she would behave, she was a good filly, after all.

Nova lounged in her cage, playing games with the bones of her siblings, she tried stacking them. Rolling them to each other and even using them as drums. Conversations were dull, but she was a good filly, or so she used to be told. So she waited. It was hard, but she did it anyway.

Patchwork’s passion, and her Gift’s words, snapped her attention back to the outside. “I’ll be here for you in whatever way you need me, whichever way you want me. All you have to do is ask.”

Nova’s mind danced with all the possibilities that could mean. She was very much looking forward to this. Maybe not all conversations were bad.

Patchwork’s passion and desire opened the way to Nova’s power. A heartbeat later, Patchwork’s mane was engulfed in flames. She felt her flames seep into Gift’s skin in the most pleasant of ways. Nova flexed her body seductively, invitingly. "Show me how much you love me, then?" Nova or Patchwork said. Nova was not sure which.

"Sorry." Patchwork closed her eyes, Please Nova, wait.

Patchwork was being polite, and mother always said to listen to polite ponies. That was important, even if she could not remember who her mother was, or what she looked like.

The conversation was a distant memory, but she could hear small fragments of it.

Pathwork relaxed against Gift. The sensation felt nice enough. Patchwork spoke something she thought was important, “Even if you thought you were taking advantage, it would be me taking advantage of you, but thank you."

Nova stroked Gift’s mane with her wing, "You can't take advantage of me. All I ask is that you tell me when you're calm, that it's what you want and that it will make you happy. You do that, and I will be yours in any way you want me."

Nova’s flames burst back into existence. The time for waiting was over. Nova nuzzled into Gift’s neck before asking "Any way I want?"

"Yes, any way you want, just as long as you can tell me that it's what you want, when you are calm, and without the fire in your mane. Whether that's alongside you in the lab or making love in your room. Just as long as it's your rational side telling me that, and not your passions driving you." Gift said while still embracing Patchwork.

Gift wanted Patchwork to deicide, that was mean. Nova knew Patchwork wanted Gift, and Patchwork shared, unlike Bad Monster. After one last hungry look, Nova retreated to her cage once more. Nova was not going to be mean to Gift, even for this.

She was a good filly and was starting to hate that fact.

Nova was bored, Patchwork was doing stuff that did not interest her. Maybe Smarty Pants would have liked the stuff. She always liked books and stuff that happens when there were lots of them. Nova did not understand any of it, she only knew that Patchwork and Gift were happy.

Nova wanted to be happy too.

The slightest shiver of pleasure tingled along Nova’s back. She dashed over to the door of her cell. Pressing against the small crack, she could just about make out what was going on.

The Bad Monster was in control, the Bad Monster did not want to share with Nova. She shared with Patchwork, Patchwork did her best to share, but it was so very little. Gift was doing something wondrous, something that even a fraction of it filled Nova with the need to experience the full thing.

She would not be left out, she would not be denied. She had been good, she had been patient. Bad Monster was being selfish, she would be made to share.

It was over before Nova managed to force her way closer to Patchwork. She was laying there now, sharing a deep feeling of contentment. Patchwork just lay there, happily purring. Nova could feel the same purr rumbling in her chest.

Nova had missed whatever had made Patchwork feel like this. Patchwork lit her horn, not bothering to move or look. A book came in to being next to Gift.

Patchwork and Gift spoke, it was hard to make out what was being said. The book popped out of existence in silver magic. Gift spoke again, this time the words were clear, Nova was closer. “Thank you. It would appear that we have the same idea of what makes a good gift, my fellow bibliophile. I have a gift planned for you as well, but it will take me a bit to complete it,” Gift finished as Patchwork's growing lust let Nova slip into Patchwork’s mind.

Nova once more knew who Patchwork was, their minds started to mingle. Twilight’s aura gently squeezed Candice in a hug. Nova could feel her power blending with Twilight's own. After a moment the magic rippled with small motes of Twilight’s flames. Nova could feel Gift, her magic was wrapped around the mare she so wanted, the mare that Luna had given to her.

After so long of waiting, Nova almost drooled with anticipation. She fixed her eyes on Gift. "Oh, I can think of another gift you could give."

“You know what you need to do to get that.” Gift rebutted and looked at her levelly.

This was not how Gift was meant to act. Gift was hers, Gift was the seductive mare draped in Luna’s shadow throwing herself at Nova. What had Bad Monster done to her?

Bad Monster tried to push Twilight away, Nova was having none of it. Gift was being bad, Monster was being bad. Nova felt a growl escape, she was not going to be denied, not after Bad Monster did not share the ley line cleaning that had clearly felt so good.

"Who are you dictate to me?” Nova and Twilight spoke, the whole of their emotions inseparable. They were angry, they were needed, and they would have Gift right now. They tightened their magic around Gift, dragging her closer.

Something happened, her magic failed, and Gift fell to the ground. “Someone who isn't going to let you back out of what you agreed to before.” She was looking disappointed.

“How badly did Celestia hurt you? Or was it what happened to you after Manehatten? Or both?” Gift asked with sad eyes.

Mana bubbled up from Twilight, she twisted from Monster's grip and laughed hysterically. Everything that happened to Twilight on the Altar hit Nova, Combining with the memories of Celestia carving her open with her burning blade. Rage and flames drowned everything.

The smell of ash and scorched air greeted Nova sometime later. Twilight was looking at Gift's hooves and the burns. Nova’s heart fell, she never meant to harm Gift. She retreated mostly back to her cage, she had made everything worse.

“You’re seriously unstable and apparently explosive. I can’t enter into any kind of relationship with you if you’re like this. I’ll head back to Luna if that is what’s needed.” Gift said as she started to turn towards the door.

No, No, Sorry, Sorry, Stay, Please! Nova begged, but only Patchwork heard her.

“I'm sorry,” Patchwork’s voice was as weak as a foal. “A part of me still hates Celestia.”

Twilight's magic reached out doing something. Gift, all too slowly, paused and looked back at Twilight. Gift was going to leave. Just like Smarty Pants, she would be gone.

“Yes I know I’m broken, more than you can ever know.” Patchwork said.

Gift was quiet, quiet was bad. After what felt like hours she spoke. “I would be able to know if you chose to tell me.”

Twilight, if you were not such a foal, we would be enjoying dear Candice right this very moment. The Bad Monster said.

Patchwork let out a long drawn out sigh, Please just be quiet for now Night. Patchwork answered, before speaking out loud to Gift.

“When Celestia crafted me, she left out the bits that she thought were unnecessary for a future Princess of Friendship. Now I’m no longer just her puppet. I have parts of me that I don’t know how to deal with, but they know how to deal with me.” She gestured towards the burnt bed.

Nova took in the state of the bed, her fire had done that. In her cage, Nova trembled. She could have killed Gift. Nova was bad. Nova deserved to be locked up. Nova curled up on the floor. Maybe she was a monster.

Shouting startled Nova to full alertness. Patchwork’s anger flaring into existence moments later. It was hot, it was passionate, it was so intense Nova could do nothing but be dragged to it.

Nova was on a black plane, under stormy skies. For one moment she was distracted, just laying there. This was new.

“You think I bucking want to be like this?” Patchwork shouted at Bad Monster. Nova's flames were rippling along Patchwork's body. “You think I would have done that if I could have stopped it?”

“Perhaps I should tighten your chain?”

The bad monster had Patchwork in chains? “NO” Nova roared as she charged The Monster. With a whoosh of flames, the impact came far sooner than anypony expected, even Nova.

Both mares had just started turning to face her, Nova slammed into the Monster, crushing her to the ground. Nova’s flames burning into the one that would dare to chain the nice Patchwork.

Nova bit and slammed her hooves into any part she could reach.

Something ripped her from her prey, the Monster glaring at Nova as she hung helpless in the air, surrounded with a magenta aura. Nova roared and flailed, trying to get one last hit on the monster.

The monster glared, using a hoof to wipe some blood from her muzzle.

“That is enough,” The monster said, her voice as cold as ice. The monster slammed a hoof into Nova’s barrel. It hurt, it hurt a lot. Nova’s whimper morphed into a feral scream of rage.

Nice, kind, good Patchwork tackled the Monster and in the distraction the aura holding Nova faded.

As soon as Nova’s hooves hit the ground, she rushed towards the Monster again. She smiled in satisfaction as the Monster’s eyes widened.

A black collar appeared around Patchwork's neck again, a chain bursting out of the distance and connecting to it. Nova was almost to the monster.

The chain pulled, and Patchwork was dragged, kicking and screaming, into the distance. Nova wanted to help her, but this was the Monster's fault, all the Monster's fault. She needed to stop the Monster before she could help.

Nova lurched to a stop, something in her chest gripping tight. The Monster mockingly waved. The world blurred and Nova was flung into the endless darkness.

Nova roared in frustration.

Nova had walked for hours, she had never known how deep her cage was, this dark cell, the basement below Patchworks domain. The only sounds were the Impacts of her hooves on the earthen floor and her fires searing its surface.

Why had Patchwork protected the Bad Monster? It made no sense. And the Bad Monster had thrown them both away. Bad Monster was almost as bad as the Sun Mare.

Finally, she got back to the familiar. The scattered bones and long dried hides of her siblings, as ghoulish as it was, felt like home.

She tiredly made her way to the cell door. It was burned and battered but was whole. That one crack now sealed over. All of that energy spent, and she was still trapped. Nova felt her weakened power surge, her anger restoring her. The dim embers of her mane burning back to their true eye-searing intensity.

She went to slam into the door again, but a flicker of firelight caught her attention. Nova turned to see what this new thing was.

A dirty looking, powerfully built, white mare looked back at her. Their body was covered with horrible scars, it looked as if they had at one point been split open from neck to tail and their wounds had been poorly cauterised. The mares slit eyes stared into her own. Nova snarled, her flaming mane thrashing wildly. Her opponent matched her motion for motion.

Something stirred in the back of her mind, there was something about this. Nova stilled, so did the mare. Nova lifted her left hoof, they lifted their right, perfectly mirroring her. It clicked, it was a mirror, there was a mirror in here, and she was looking at her reflection.

Nova turned one way then the next, this was the first time she had really seen herself. She looked a lot older than she thought she was. Most of her said she should be small and purple.

She slowly walked up to the mirror, her flames dying down to small flickers and she placed a hoof on its surface.

The image rippled and showed elsewhere. She could see lavender forelegs and a crystal floor. She tried to reach thought the mirror, but no, it was solid. She moved this way and that, trying to take in all she could from this window.

It seemed that she was looking out from Patchwork’s neck. It seemed that Patchwork’s body was sleeping. Her chest falling and rising to a rhythm. The image was clear and took no effort on Nova’s part to see.

Nova looked at the mirror’s frame, it was magenta, just like Patchwords magic. Nova smiled, her cell now had a window. She fell back on her haunches and just watched in hope-filled awe.

Nova felt a tear fall from her. Patchwork had given her this. She nuzzled the glass’s surface, hoping that Patchwork could feel how she felt.

CH 31.3 Night's Night

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Night looked around at the ashes she lay partially buried in. Her heart pounding and pain lancing through her very essence. That...that.. whore. Was the first thought to filter though through the pain. That fiery mare had burnt her, had somehow burnt away some of her wellspring with a simple attack. That should not be possible for a simple strike, body of flames or not. Mental scape or not.

“Do you even know who…” Night started an angry tirade and was interrupted by a painful coughing fit. The ash and smoke hanging in the air burnt her lungs, so she just spent a little magic to no longer need to breathe.

The internal conflict in the mental scape had somehow spilled over into an inferno of flames. Fortunately, the protective magic Twilight had laid upon her room to keep Celestia out had almost stopped the destruction from spreading outside the room itself.

Night staggered to her hooves. Why did you stop me disciplining that fiend? She tried to send to Twilight, but there was no response.

She pulled herself to her hooves and surveyed the burn marks. They seemed familiar. It did not take long for Night to have a suspicion. Perhaps it was not the Dark Mage that tried to kill me by setting our wellspring alight…

Night would have to do more investigation. Her wellspring had only been damaged, not set ablaze… Perhaps it was just a chain of events that had caused what had happened at the temple. Perhaps something the Mage had done interfered with what the fiery mare was trying to do, and it all went horribly wrong. Two different types of dark magic mixing were always unpredictable. The pride and contempt powered magic of the Dark Mage and the rage-fueled magic of Twilight’s little daemon.

The pain was not lessening, it was soul-deep, literally. So like an attack meant to utterly destroy the foe if enough of them landed. So very much like sister’s methods…. Well, this is part of her student after all.

Concentrating and casting a dark type of illusion on herself, the pain melted away. Night knew it was still there just she would no longer feel it. In the end, she would have to release the pain, but the good thing about the spell was she could unleash on others… all that saved up pain dumped on a pony to be felt in an instance.

She recalled saving up all her battle wounds in an engagement and passing them on to a pony just to watch them die of shock right there and then. Ahh, good times. She thought, letting herself feel past glee.

The expected response from Twilight did not happen, there was no feeling of revulsion, disagreement or outrage. There was just nothing. If it was not for the fact that she knew that Twilight was still inside the mental scape, within her bastion, Night could easily mistake the lack of sensations from her host as her being dead.

“Most likely Dreams is shielding you from me…” Night said regretfully to the room. There was going to be a lot of explaining to do. The argument with Twilight, Nova’s interference, Nights own reactions.

Night hung her head. “Perhaps being bad when family comes into play does not only affect Tia.” She shook herself. She was not going to stay here moping, there were better things to be doing.

Night decided on a long shower in one of the guest rooms and soothed her nerves and drove away the last memories of the pain. She would have to release that spell within a month. She only hoped she found a worthy target or it would be going to waste on an animal of the Everfree.

Night felt odd. She considered as the water washed the ash and soot from her coat. The only sounds were the water, her hooves as she adjusted position, her breathing and her heartbeat. There was nothing else, no voice in her mind commenting, no hints or suggestions. Everypony else had left the castle other than her Little Star who was sleeping soundly.

“Loneliness” She surprised herself by whispering. “I can cope with a thousand years on the moon, and less than an hour along and now I am…” She rested her head on the crystal wall, just letting the water fall like rain on her back and wings. “Since when did I become so weak.”

Night glanced at the black stained wings and groaned. It was going to take forever to clean all those feathers.

She thought about getting to her daughter and hugging her. The chance of waking her was not worth the comfort it would bring Night.

There’s another she could call, they would provide a different type of distraction, but it should at least fill the building hollow-sensation for a time. Night glanced at her wings, and the help in cleaning them would be nice as well.

Night let her power reach out, finding a link she had recently forged. “Come to me,” she whispered.

“Night.” Twilight’s cool level voice woke her. It only took an instant for Night to realise that the voice was not in her head, but was in the physical world.

Night snapped her eyes open and assessed her situation. As expected, she was wrapped around Emerald Shade. She remembered her weakness. Having given in to her need for company, Night had summoned her.

By the fact that she had no reaction, it was clear that Emerald was under the effect of a powerful sleep spell. The thrum of the power was intimately familiar to Night. There was no mistaking it was Twilight’s magic, using one of Luna’s spells.

Raising her gaze to meet who she was expecting to be Twilight, she froze. White luminous eyes looked back at her from a form of darkest night. The creature’s body had faintly glowing magenta markings slowly shifting within, it was pony in shape, but was not a physical creature.

Twilight had manifest her magic in a very real way in the physical world. It was not the same as Night’s shadow clone spell. This body was made of power, it was almost as if part of Twilight’s wellspring had been made manifest. Most worrying of all like this Night had no hold over her.

“We need to talk,” Twilight spoke.

In a flash of magic, Emerald was left alone in the room.

CH 31.4 Twilight's Night

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Going from the pure bliss of having Candice sensually cleaning her wings ley lines, to the burning inferno of Nova’s murderous hate of Celestia, left Twilight wanting to curl into a trembling ball and want for Sweet Dreams’ song to sooth it all away.

“Well, that was a disaster you managed to snatch from what was going to be a very enjoyable conquest.” Night sneered and mockingly clapped her hooves in applause.

Twilight looked away from the draconic slits boring into her. She was not in the best place for this conversation, and she knew it. Her mind was still reeling.

Her thoughts when Nova’s influence were at their strongest, were nothing like her own. She was arrogant, cruel, she would take what she wanted and to Tartarus with the consequences. She knew that Nova was kinder than that, she knew that she would never do that sort of thing on her own. What was it about putting the two of them together that made things so much worse?

Looking back to Night’s expression, Twilight felt the blazing warmth of her rage fill her. She so wanted to turn the arrogant sneer on Night’s face into a bloody smear.

Night started to open her mouth, but Twilight spoke first. “You think I bucking want to be like this?” She could feel the flames rippling along her body. It made her feel powerful, it made her feel sure of herself. She hated it’s lies almost as much as she hated that look on Night’s face. “You think I would have done that if I could have stopped it?”

“Perhaps I should tighten your chain?” Night offered casually with narrowed deadly eyes.

Twilight felt the flames on her pulse in and out in rage, “NO” An angry roar called out.

Twilight’s head snapped around just in time to see a pony shaped conflagration slam into Night. Instead of the searing heat harming her, she could feel the flames feeding her own. For a moment, Twilight wanted to attack Night. She wanted to join in the assault and slam her burning hooves into Night’s face again and again, laughing the whole time as she murdered her jailer.

Twilight felt fangs start to form as she advanced towards Night. An image of Night lovingly nuzzling Little Star invaded her mind. The rage tried to brush it aside, but Twilight latched onto it as if it were a lifeline. This is not me. She desperately roared in her mind.

Twilight stumbled, panting heavily. Yes she might be angry at Night, yes she might have once been evil and in all honesty, still needed some work. She was also one of the parents of Little Star, one of the mares she had agreed to raise a foal with. Twilight placed a hoof on her chest and took a deep breath, trying to ignore everything that was going on around her. Trying to push all the hate, all the anger, to one side, throwing all of it away.

Once again, Cadance’s breathing technique worked wonders. Either she was getting better at resisting Nova, or being away from her physical body’s cocktail of hormones and needs made it easier to maintain control.

Twilight blinked and took in her soundings, she was still standing on the obsidian plane. She could see a fire spreading through her room in the physical world. It saddened her to know that so many treasures would be destroyed, but there was nothing she could do at the moment to save them.

The sound of flames, hooves impacting flesh and snarls broke through Twilight’s calm and refocused her on the problem.

Looking towards the fight, she could see the living fire that could only be Nova, had the advantage. She was furious, terrifying. Bitting, kicking and even goring with her horn. Twilight could feel the anger, the rage, almost as her own, but she held it to the edges of her mind. Empathising with it but not being ruled by it.

Under all that fire was a need to protect, a deep concern for her. The thought hit her, Nova thought she was protecting her.

Twilight studied the fight, waiting for an opportunity. She did not want to hurt either of them. Night had saved her and Nova was either a part of her or one of her parents.

Nova reared up to deliver a powerful blow, Twilight acted. The magenta aura grabbed Nova and lifted her into the air.

Night laid on the ground for a moment, breathing heavily as Nova roared and flailed in the air.

Night drew the back of a hoof across her bloodied muzzle, wiping it away. Glaring at Nova, she rolled to her hooves. “That is enough,” Night said, her voice as cold as ice as she drove a shadow wrapped hoof into Nova’s barrel.

The sound of the impact made Twilight flinch, she had not been expecting such a sound from somepony striking flame. Nova whimpered as she doubled over.

Night pulled back for another blow. What did Night think she was doing? Nova was restrained, helpless and more importantly not the emery, Twilight released Nova letting the fiery elemental fall to the ground.

Twilight did not think she had acted. She had tackled Night to the ground before she had even noticed she had moved.

Nova let out a feral scream of rage. Twilight could hear the enraged mare closing in. “Stop.” She called out but neither Night nor Nova seemed to hear her.

A pressure closed around Twilight’s neck, she could feel Night’s power gripping her through the bounds of their pact. “Wait!” She tried to shout, but it escaped as a gasped cry. Something pulled, ripping her from Night. Twilight found herself hurtling through the air, legs and wings flying, doing nothing to affect her path.

Twilight heard Nova’s roar before she smashed through the door and into her own Bastion. She tumbled across the floor. The sound of broken bones announced the abrupt ending of her involuntary flight as she hit the wall.

The sound of books falling to the ground was more painful to her than her abused body. Twilight let out a groan, letting her eyes close, and tried not to react as her body reorganized itself. The shattered bones and abused flesh pulling itself back into its proper configuration.

She felt her face twist as she smiled, it was nowhere near as painful as she remembered it being. Either that or her scale of what pain could be had been redefined.

“Twilight?” Dreams’ beautiful voice asked with concern.

Twilight could hear her marefriend’s soft hoof-falls draw closer and her warm breath against her face a moment before a tender nuzzle. Twilight let her hooves reach out and pull Dreams into an embrace.

Dreams scent worked its usual calming magic upon Twilight. If it was not for the fact Twilight knew about the mess that had just happened, she would have been perfectly content to just lay there with Dreams.

Opening her eyes, she glanced to where she had entered from. Inky blackness had sealed the doorway, Night had locked her in.

“My Dream, can you breach that?” Twilight asked.

“Yes… but do you know what you will do once I do?” Dreams responded.

Twilight looked around her Library, her eyes fixing on Luna’s door. “I need to do some research.”

Dreams kissed Twilight, Twilight returned it, letting her eyes close and humming with contentment. Dreams broke the kiss and stood, offering a hoof to Twilight. She accepted and set to work.

She would solve this problem the same way she had solved so many others, with books.

The concealing veil wrapped around Twilight creeping from her Library’s door and into Night’s domain. The same magic Dreams used to keep Night out of the Bastion prior, rendered Twilight undetectable to the former Nightmare’s sense.

Twilight paused for a moment. After the stress of everything that had happened, she would have preferred to have stayed wrapped in Dreams’ loving wings.

She took a deep breath and silently stepped from the comforting wood of her home. Stepping onto the cold obsidian plane of the mental doorstep sent a shiver up Twilight’s spine.

Twilight had every sense primed, her ears twitching this way and that. The lack of any features on the seemingly endless plane made it impossible for Nightmare to be hiding anywhere except above the storm clouds.

Twilight let her eyes fall to the ground, looking into the physical world through its reflective surface. The sight of her own body wrapped around another pony gave her the answer on why Night was not about. Most likely, the former Nightmare was not here because she was fully invested in the physical world at the moment. Night looked peaceful, but there was a hint of sadness to the expression on her sleeping face.

She channelled her thestral power, just how Dreams had spent hours teaching her. A magenta mist silently seemed to evaporate off from Night. It swirled about the bedroom. Twilight pulled on it and the mist thickened. It became miasma like and collapsed in on itself, condensing, forming the shape of an Alicorn.

She walked over the obsidian floor, so she was looking straight down at her creation. The form looked like a cross between her and the tantabus, swirls and arcane symbols dancing within it. She smiled, even with everything that had happened today, she couldn't help but feel satisfaction at mastering a new ability.

She pushed herself down into the obsidian floor, reaching into the reflection. Like before, it parted like liquid letting her through. She poured herself into the magical construct, it felt like a mix of falling and trying to slip into a tight dress that was being difficult.

Sensation crackled over her as she merged with it. The air seemed to breeze right through her, she felt naked, as if her coat had been shaved off. It was exhilarating as it was terrifying. Her very soul was out in the open, no longer shielded by flesh.

Twilight took a deep breath of air she did not need. The air swelled inside her and gently dispersed, escaping through her flesh. It tickled, she almost laughed at what would have been an impossible sensation if she was still in her own flesh.

She examined every sensation she was feeling. It was as if every part of her, inside and out, had a fully developed sense of touch. She still had her acute magic sense she expected from a horn, but it was no longer localized. It was as if her entire body was her horn now.

This is going to take some getting used to. She thought.

Twilight expected a mental comment from somepony, or a lewd suggestion from Nova about what she might be able to experience or do like this but there was nothing. She was alone in her own mind for the first time in weeks.

She missed Sweet Dreams but was more than happy to be free from Nova and Night.

She opened her new eyes and looked over herself. Adding herself to the constructed form had darkened its colour to an abyssal black. Within the depths of her being, she could see magical runes dancing in arcane patterns. It was beautiful. Twilight stared into herself, it was as enthralling as watching the shifting stars in Luna’s mane.

“Nice,” She whispered in awe.

She glanced at her body in bed, wrapped around Emerald Shade, the pony that Night had taken an interest in. She did not know how to feel about this. On one hoof Night had primary control of their body and by their pact, this was doing nothing wrong. On the other hoof, she felt used. Am I just like a dress that Night wears, or does she feel that my body is her own?

Twilight was grateful that her current form had no sense of smell, it allowed her to at least try and ignore what her own flesh had been up to. The whole fragment and pact issue really muddied the waters here. How much of a right did she have to be offended?

Without Nova’s influence, there was nothing making her want to reach out for the attractive mare. Twilight’s mind stayed calm. She could see why almost anypony would be interested in Emraled’s almost too perfect body. She smiled, as simply as putting a book back upon a shelf, any desires she felt were disregarded.

Twilight worked her magic as subtly as possible, laying an alarm spell that would let her know should either mare wake.

Emerald started to stir, Twilight’s current horn lit, a heavy sleep spell finding its mark on the mares head. The movement stopped, and she slipped into a deep sleep. She must have a very sensitive horn to be woken by such stealthy magic…

Twilight walked closer to the mare, eyeing her suspiciously. She seemed normal enough, her horn was attractive but did not have the telltale structures needed for that level of sensitivity. With its smoothness and subtle curve, it was more suited to intimacy than magic. Again, without Nova, that was just another fact, not a distraction.

One by one she subjected Emerald to scanning spell after scanning spell. There was nothing, she was a normal mare in every way her horn could tell her.

Well, my horn was no use for analysing crystal magic… Twilight reached out and placed a hoof on Emerald’s barrel. Closing her eyes, she extended her senses.

A strange vibration, a subtle itch, the need to stretch in the morning all mixed with a bone-deep hunger of something. What is this? She could pull on this strange magic, take it into herself… but she had no clue what it would do.

She took a step back. So what sort of pony are you? Twilight tapped her chin for a moment and thought.

Closing her eyes and searching out her wellspring, she examined the individual tribal cores of magic. Each a little different. Focusing on the sensation of Emerald’s magic, she found one that matched. It was the smallest of them with only a whisper of power. Without the augmentation of the Alicorn magic, she doubted she could do anything with it.

Twilight spent a long moment watching Night and Emerald’s sleeping forms. This mystery can wait… She thought.

With a firm nod to herself, she walked towards the balcony door. Just the concept of what she was about to do made her feel giddy and a little scared. She should have nothing to fear, so was immortal. The fact that she was not screaming in pain or already dead proved her soul has the durability to exist in the physical world without the need for a shell.

Twilight glanced back at her body, a shell, that's all it really was. So long as she had something or somepony anchoring her to this world, she would always be able to create this current form.

She smiled. She imagined it may have seemed quite terrifying should anypony have seen it.

Twilight did not even break stride as she flattened her form and slipped between the two doors. There was no discomfort, only a slight feeling of pressure and a moment of her vision distorting. The gap was smaller than her eyes, so that made sense.

She looked out over the darkened land and took in the rich tapestry of shadows. New umbral shades and ebon colours. Twilight wanted to grab some scrolls and take notes, she would have to invent entirely new words to describe what she was seeing.

A cold night wind blow through her, she trembled. A simple wholesome pleasure, the air interacting with her pegasus magic. For not having a real body, she felt alive. She spread her wings. “Well, I was going to walk…”

Flying through the air was relaxing, even if she was leaving her body behind, she could still feel her Bastion, her real home. With a simple effort of will, she could dissolve her current form and return to her Library in an instant. She might do that later just to share a hot chocolate with Dreams.

The air passing through her gave her an unparalleled sense of the air currents, and as she was only solid when and where she wanted to be the flight felt effortless.

The night was quiet as she flew over the Everfree. She could see the destruction her magic had left upon the forest. She knew she should feel guilty, but the feeling never rose. They were a threat, and she had dealt with it. She was not sure she liked how she was thinking. Violence was never meant to be the answer… but even against Tirek… she did not exactly hold back. She reveled in using her power in battle even then.

All her friendship lessons, all the rules for social interactions and magic use, the Princess had insisted upon. Why had she needed them? Looking back, they all seemed to be things that other ponies just knew.

She cast her eyes back to the forest below, to the destruction and only saw how she could have been more efficient or more effective. With the right combination of spells, she could simply eradicate all the timberwolves from here right now. She could do it and not damage a single blade of grass if she wished.

The feeling of all that power and the satisfaction she would feel wielding it. Even without Nova’s flames, she could destroy anything she could sense. She turned her head towards Canterlot. Almost anything. But why would she want to destroy Celestia, as painful as it was to know what she was, Celestia had done the right thing for the nation.

She doubted the original Twilight would have been selfish enough to value her own life against the whole world.

She rose up into the air, gaining altitude. Maybe I should just fly to a star just to see what it is like there? She thought wistfully.

Twilight rolled onto her back, staring into the night sky. With her thestral magic eyes, it was awe inspiring. She let herself fall, her mind tracing out all of her favoured constellations. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the feeling of freedom.

Her mind had been faithfully keeping track of the time. From that, it was foals play to know how far she had fallen. Without even opening her eyes, she rolled and opened her wings, arching her body, angling her wings and pulsing her pegasus magic.

Her course arced, pulling up rapidly. She felt the air pressure change as the air currents she was creating found the ground and lifted back into the air. Extending one hoof, she felt it trail along the ground for a second before she set about exchanging horizontal velocity for altitude. Twilight let out a short bark of a laugh. She had never dared do anything so reckless before. “Eat that Rainbow, all that, done at night with my eyes closed.”

Twilight opened her eyes once more, looking at the sky above her. The next pony to say the night sky was dull or Luna’s work with it was uninspired, she was forcing thestral magic in their eyes until they saw.

No, that would be wrong. She sighed, dipping a wing and coming about towards her destination.

The cavern with the Tree of Harmony in was painfully bright. Twilight narrowed her eyes squinting as she approached.

“Why?” Twilight asked. That one question carried a decade of curiosity and discovered pain.

There was no response, of course there wasn't. Slowly walking forward, it seemed the Tree was watching her. Unless Twilight was mistaken, the Tree felt wary. By the shifts in its magic, it was almost as if it was getting ready to defend itself.

“I seek no violence tonight, I swear that if none is offered, none will be received,” Twilight said, sealing her words with some of her Alicorn power. Oaths and Pact magic was normally restricted, but Twilight did not care. She was a princess and she was causing no harm. She could even justify it, one, she was using it on herself, and two, she was making the Tree feel safer.

As expected the Tree’s magic settled down, a sense of bittersweet welcome radiating from it.

She placed a hoof on its crystal surface and felt its power. If she wanted, she could pull and claim it for her own. Shaking her head to banish the thought, she looked at her mark thereupon the Tree.

“Everything that happened was my destiny, right?” Twilight asked.

As expected, the Tree offered no response. Twilight sighed and leaned her head against its cool surface.

“What am I meant to do?” She whispered.

A tinkling of crystal sounded as the glow of the Tree increased. Sensations rushed over Twilight. The warmth of a hug. The joy of seeing Little Star smile. The relief of knowing her friends were safe. The tiring joy of one of Pinkie’s parties. A hint of the pleasures Luna had inflicted upon her ear. Finally, the feeling of satisfaction she used to feel when she completed a friendship mission.

“So, enjoy my life and fix things with Night?”

The Tree flashed.

“Typical… Well, at least you answered something.” Twilight paused for a moment. ”Will you tell me where the Dark Mage is?”

The Tree gave no response.

“You know he killed the original Element bearer? That he will kill more?”

The Tree weakly flashed.

“And yet you do nothing!” Twilight shouted.

A wave of sadness, helplessness and regret emanated from the Tree. Twilight trembled, she knew if she was here inpony she would have tears wetting the floor.

Twilight staggered back. So you care… it's just you can’t or won’t help. She thought.

She wanted to growl, she wanted to slam her hoof into the ground, she even thought about blasting the Tree with her magic. She hated anypony messing with her mind or in this case, her emotions.

She sat back on her haunches, spending a few minutes doing Cadance’s breathing exercise. The Tree was not attacking her, it was not messing with her mind. This was just the only way it could communicate.

“Thank you for answering what you could,” Twilight said civilly. She bowed and turned to leave.

The Tree pulsed once. Somehow, Twilight knew it was saying goodbye. It had an odd edge to it, almost as if it was their final farewell. Was the Tree of Harmony going to disappear like Discord had?

“Thank you for Little Star and my friends,” she said softly as she headed back for the forest.

The flight back to the castle was not as enjoyable as her whimsical trip out. Something about the Tree’s responses would not leave her be. Something about it unsettled her. She did not have enough information to do anything about it, so she deliberately shelved it.

Twilight still had to deal with Nova and Night. The Tree having given her no real answers meant she was on her own with this.

She pushed herself harder, zipping through the air. Ponyville and her castle rapidly came into view. Flying around it, she alighted on the railing of one of the unoccupied guest rooms.

For variety, she slid under the doors instead of between them as she entered the room.

He aura reached out grasping everything in the room and pushing to the sides, clearing space. She looked at her workspace, the bare crystal floor. The castle was crafted by the Tree, so it could possibly interfere with what she had planned.

She had some choices to make, she could completely bind Nova and lock her away. It would be the simplest solution, but it felt wrong. Just the thought of doing anything that would add more suffering to the mare, twisted Twilight’s insides with self-loathing. No, even if it was the ‘best’ solution, she would not do that.

So that just left the other options to pick from. She could try and merge with Nova and hope her own willpower won out over Nova’s passion.

The other option was to enchant something that would draw off Nova’s influence. An item that would contain Nova’s fire but yet still allow it to flow. Out of the two, this one felt safer, less likely to end up with a fiery half-mad Twilight terrorising Ponyville.

Decision made she lit her horn with her little disintegration spell. She hesitated, did the castle count as part of the Tree? She let her horn dim and pressed her hoof into the floor. Twilight closed her eyes and envisioned the spell arrays and magic circles she needed.

Twilight hoped it would work as she tried to project her thoughts to the castle.To make things right I need this, I would rather not hurt you by having to carve this into you. Would you… The floor shifting interrupted her request.

Slowly over the course of half an hour, the needed symbols appeared. She could have done it quicker if she carved it herself, but somehow this felt right.

With her preparations done, the only thing left was to collect her body. Her mind flicked back to her recent conversation with the Tree. She also had to have a talk with Night. While it was needed, she was not looking forward to it.

“Night,” Twilight spoke in a commanding tone. She could see this slight tensing of her body and feel Night’s magic stirring.

Night snapped her eyes open and clearly she assessed her situation. She shifted her leg and wing as if checking if Emerald is still there. She relaxed slightly, to Twilight, it seemed as if Night was conflicted, both relieved and disappointed at the same time.

Night raised her neck in an elegant manner that fitted Luna or Celestia’s greater stature more than Twilight's own. As soon as her eyes spotted Twilight’s current form, Night froze her eyes widening.

A small part of Twilight wanted to give an evil grin. Provoking such a response from the former Nightmare was a novel experience. Night almost looked scared.

“We need to talk,” Twilight declared. She was in charge here, and Night would listen to her.

Twilight let a sense for the dramatic take hold. She punctuated her words by teleporting the pair of them to the center of the ritual circle in the guest room.

“I’m impressed, Twilight,” Night purred, still in her laying position. “I did not think you would learn so quickly.” She tried to look confident and seductive. She failed, she could see the edge of nervousness in Night’s eyes. How her muscles wanted to explode into action.

“We are not here to talk about my aptitude for magic.” Twilight slammed a hoof down next to Night’s head. “What the buck do you think you are doing? Inviting Fluttershy to my harem? What gives you the right?”

“Well, you did...” Twilight’s look cut Night off.

Twilight could see the intensity of her own glare by the light it was casting. She felt her anger building. No flames, no need to smash Nights face in with her hoof. No, this anger was her own, it felt wholesome, it felt real, it actually felt kinda nice. “We were meant to be trying to be family.”


“And family do not do things like that to each other.”

“But you wanted her…”

“I like how she looked, so I might of had some thoughts, that does not mean I want to buck anypony that I might think looks attractive,” Twilight said, feeling her anger build.

Twilight leaned in muzzle to muzzle with Night. “You are not Nova, you are more than a two dimensional, emotionally damaged, fragment. Stop acting like one.”

Night seem taken aback. Good. Twilight knew she was being unfair to Nova, but her words had gotten the point across to Night.

Twilight pressed in forcing Night to lay flat against the ground. “I can, and I will make things difficult if you don’t stop this. I feel I have been more than… accommodating, and I am grateful for you saving my life.”

“I thought we were getting along?” Night half growled, but Twilight could tell Night was just posturing. Night seemed scared. As much as Twilight hated it, the fact excited her. One of the biggest threats to Equestria was a scared little filly before her.

Backing off Twilight started to circle Night. “And then you started treating my life… our life as a vacation. The ponies here are not just to serve your happiness.”

“Fine…” Night said still trying to hold on to her bravado. “But I am keeping Emerald, you get Dreams, so it's only fair.”

Twilight opened her mouth and then closed it. She nodded. “That seems fair…” She admitted, as much as she disliked it.

“And Candice?” Night added, the edge of fear fading as the conversation went on.

“We both know she was likely created specifically to be appealing to us....” Twilight trailed off thoughtfully.

“Yes, and she was a gift from Luna…” Night started.

Twilight let her eyes narrow. “These are real, flesh and blood ponies, not toys. Even if her feelings were forced on her by the Tree, they are real to her.”

“So are you saying we need to play all nice and romantic with her…” Night almost scoffed.

“I don't know what I am saying,” Twilight admitted. She slumped on the ground next to Night. “I never wanted any of this.”

“Any of this?” Night asked seductively.

Twilight lit her horn and threw Night back with a wave of force.

“Feisty,” Night laughed, getting to her hooves.

Twilight covered her eyes with her hooves. How had Night gone from scared to being like this so quickly? Was this some bizarre method of psychological combat? Or simply a way for Night to rebuild her ego?

“I understand… I think.” Night soothed as she drew nearer “I never meant to hurt you.”

Twilight looked up to see Night standing next to her meeting her gaze at her.

“You were denied a part of yourself and now have to come to terms with it redefining everything about you. I was imprisoned for over a thousand years without any physical sensations…” Night paused and considered for a moment. “Neither of us are exactly in the best position to make rational decisions about things at the moment.”

Night laughed and settled down next to Twilight. “So what is all this?” Night waved her hoof at the spell arrays.

“This little thing?” Twilight said coyly. She was finding this conversation far more agreeable than she was expecting. Yes, there were arguments at the beginning, but Night was being understanding now. One could even say she was trying to be friendly.

Night raised a single eyebrow. The gesture looked just like Luna’s. It was strange seeing it on her own face, even if it was currently under Night's control.

Twilight launched into a complex magical definition. Night only let her get ten words in before Night’s hoof covered her mouth. “What is the goal of this extremely complex spellcraft?” Night asked.

“This is to facilitate more amicable relationships and control over Nova,” Twilight explained, annoyed. She had the perfectly well thought out presentation about the whole spell array and Night just wanted to skip the whole thing. Maybe Candice would like to hear it, if she chose to come back. At least now she could tell why Night was interested in Rainbow, this was the sort of thing the athletic mare would have done as well.

Night nodded. “So what needs to be done?”

“Nothing really, I just need to activate it, and the magic will do the rest.”

“What will it do? In brief, if you would.” Night asked.

Twilight looked at her work, she ached to give the full explanation but Night would either fall asleep or just forget it, so there was no point. She sighed. “It will create an artifact that will attract Nova’s power, should she try and take control of me, instead she will end up viewing the world from within it. Rather than having me jump the first attacked mare I see.” Twilight did not ask or try to kill Celestia.

“Then shall we get this over with?”

Twilight nodded and touched her horn to the array, pouring magic into it. The circles lit up one by one, new ones spinning into existence in the air above it. Twilight could feel the magic of the castle respond, adding its own power to it. Something about the magic felt a little off, but there was no way for Twilight to figure it out or even do anything about it now.

She braced herself, unless the castle had altered her spell work the worse that this should be was a little uncomfortable.

Magic ripped from Twilight's form as at the same time it steamed out of Night, all being drawn into the spell runes.

A flash of magic, it felt like part of her soul was being ripped out. All of a sudden Twilight felt too exhausted to even think, let alone act.

Night screamed and everything went black.

CH 32.1 Little Star’s tale of a Misplaced Mummy

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Little Star woke, that was nothing out of the ordinary for her. She was getting quite used to the whole sleeping and waking up. The little she could remember of her dreams were of fire and violence. She was likely remembering rescuing her Mother from the temple. So she pushed the last remnants of the dream aside. As happy as it was that she was able to save her Mother, she really did not want to remember the details.

Focusing more on the physical world, she yawned and stretched, reaching out with her senses.

Something was wrong, something was missing. She looked around, taking in the room she shared with her Mother Twilight. She was alone, her Mother was not here. She lit her horn, trying to locate her. Usually, she would have gotten results immediately, but this time there was nothing.

’Zero’ seconds the Princess has slept here tonight. Grey helpfully added.

This was the second night that her Mother had slept somewhere else. A small part of her felt upset, but she did not listen to it. Star knew her Mother often had important things to do, she was a princess after all, but she always felt a little lonely when waking on her own. At least she still had Grey with her.

A grey aura picked up a brush and started to tend to Star’s mane. She smiled, leaning into the motions of the brush.

Using her own magic, Star lifted her coat brush and set about making herself look presentable, it was essential according to Rarity. Listening to the soothing sound of Grey’s level voice counting each brushstroke, she considered. Where was her Mother? Glancing around the room, no note or spell made themselves known.

She tapped her chin in thought. If something bad had happened, Grey would have let her know, and yet still, something nagged at her. She just knew something was wrong, something was different. She just could not place her hoof on it.

Perhaps she was too far away. Her Mother could teleport so she could be almost anywhere in the world. She remembered waking her Mother to let her know the moon was late. Maybe she was with her new friend, Emerald, the black-coated mare with the green mane.

Putting the coat brush down, Star lit her horn again, this time sending out a detection pulse seeking a different target. The magic returned a result within moments, Emerald was upstairs. Star used a simple scrying spell, disregarding Applejack’s rebukes about spying on ponies. I am not spying, I am looking for Mummy Twilight. She thought in order to justify it to herself.

The orange mare seemed to be very unhappy about the sensible use of magic. But still, she was one of her Mother's friends, so she must have a good point buried somewhere in all the nonsense.

Looking through the window of magic, Star could see Emerald was sprawled out in a bed, in a deep sleep. Star tilted her head, something about the sleep seemed unnatural.

With a pop of magic, Star was in the guest room. She could tell it was a guest room because it only had one bookshelf. She teleported again, blinking the short distance to now be standing on the bed beside Emerald. She was clearly under the effects of a sleep spell, a powerful one that would last a year.

Well, it was time to get up so most likely she had just miss cast the spell’s variables setting one year instead of one night. ”Never fear, for I am here!” Star said, doing her best impression of a comic book hero pose. She had read thirteen of Spikes comics since he had introduced them to her.

The spell was powerful, but had no protections on it. Star lit her horn, pinching part of the spell and twisting it. Magenta sparks filled the room as the spell harmlessly fizzled out of existence. It looked like fireworks. Star smiled, watching the show. She manifested a scroll and set to work, noting down how she could use this effect to make a new spell.

’Two’ seconds remain until Emerald awakens. Grey helpfully supplied.

“One, two.” Star counted in a whisper. “Good Morning!” Star enthusiastically bounced on the bed.

Emerald surged into action. Twisting, rapidly getting her hooves under her and lighting her horn with rippling green magic.

“Good morning?” Star asked, sounding sheepish, now standing still. She had not meant to startle her even a little. She definitely had not meant to scare her enough to bring a dangerous severing spell to her horn.

Emerald’s pose relaxed as she took in the surroundings, allowing her horn to fade.

“Do you know where Mummy is?” Star asked, voice filled with hope.

She looked at a depression in the bed. Not the one she had been in Star noted. So Star now at least knew where her Mother had slept. Emerald trailed a hoof over the impression, looking strangely conflicted.

Emerald shook her head, “I only know where she was, Little Star.”

“Ok… Thank you.” Star answered, trying to sound cheerful. She was starting to wonder if the bad ponies might have gotten her. “Where are you, Mummy?”

’One hundred and four’ body lengths. North by northeast. Grey answered.

Joy filled her heart as Star lit her horn to teleport. A flash of light and she was ready to hug her Mother. The room looked just the same as the one she had been in. This ‘new’ room even had Emerald in it, gazing at her bemused.

“What?” Star asked in confusion. It did not last long, her teleport must have been reflected. It was done so seamlessly that she did not even feel it. Star smiled in surprise, she had to get her Mother to teach her that spell. She galloped towards the door, teleporting a body length bypassing the need to pause to open it.

“What an odd little filly.” Star heard Emerald say as she headed to her objective.

Star raced through the halls, her little hooves hammering on the crystal floor along the straights and sliding almost out of control as she slid around the corners. A moment before she slammed into the wall, she teleported, exiting with her momentum now in a new direction.

Her magic and regeneration gave her the confidence to experiment. She laughed, adding more and more complex manoeuvres and magic to the simple task of navigating the castle. I guess the bit of running on the ceiling to just avoid a pile of books was a little extreme, but it was fun to see everything upside down. Sure she could have just laid on her back and rolled over, but where was the adventure in that.

She arrived at her destination, the little injures her mad dash had caused were long healed. The damp coat and unkempt mane were another story, but she did not care. She wanted to see her Mother, she wanted to show her the wall walking spell she had invented on the way here.

Walking up to the guest room, she knocked. Applejack would be proud, she did not teleport inside. With a wide happy grin, she waited.

Thirty-six seconds later, she knocked again.

Twenty-two more and she knocked again. Has Mummy soundproofed the room? Star’s mind was on all the different types of experiments she could think of that would need soundproofing.

Star started pacing. One hundred six seconds later, she could take no more. She had to know what was going on the other side of the door.

She lit her horn with her familiar scrying spell, she was determined to get her answer.

The scrying window just hung in the air, a blank pane showing nothing. Now a completely colourless void hanging in the air, blocking line of sight, was a novelty that Star would study later. The most important thing was her spell failed, she could not see into the room.

She cast a second copy of the spell focusing on Emerald. The pane flashed into existence. She seemed to be talking to some of her Mother’s friends, including Applejack. They seemed to be agitated, but that was not important currently. She cancelled it, not wanting to annoy that mare again.

So her spell was working, which meant the room was warded. She pressed her horn to the door. Rich, complex spell patterns rippled along its surface. It was her Mother's magic, and it was ingenious. Star could spend hours studying it to see how it worked. The stealth and obfuscation functions of the spell array were amazing.

’Ten’ minutes since starting your examination. Grey’s mostly flat mental voice seemed to have an amused rebuke to it.

“Opps,” Star said, lifting her horn from the door. She started to pace back and forth in front of the warded door. “So I could break the ward in few seconds… but I don’t know what Mummy is doing.”

The thought of interrupting a delicate experiment just for a hug seemed bad. A scroll flashed into existence, and she marked another tally under the heading ‘why Applejack was wrong about scrying’ section.

“No, I need another plan.” Plan after plan and spell after spell danced through her mind. All of them hinged on options she had to discard, just because she did not know what was going on in the room. She couldn’t use them because of the effects they might have on unknown magic that might be going on inside the room. There were simply too many possibilities.

She stopped pacing, tapping her hoof, she looked to the crystal wall. She wanted to face hoof, she has been gratefully accepting the help of the friendly castle since she had arrived here. She had gotten too distracted, trying to solve the problem on her own.

Star smiled and pranced over to the wall. Placing her hoof on the wall, she reached out with her mind to the castle. If it is safe, can you take me to my Mummy please, I would like to give her a hug.

Like every time the castle translocated her, there was no sensation. The world around her simply altered in less than an eye blink.

Her senses took in the changes but disregarded almost everything. Her Mother was lying on the floor. Star could feel almost no magic coming from her. Panic sunk its fangs into her, she almost teleported.

’Zero’ times it would be wise to teleport with the ward still functional. Grey said.

Star let her horn dim, banishing the teleport array she was about to use to teleport over to her Mother and instead walked towards her. She had been silly, like all things this could be broken down into smaller problems each with simple steps to solve them.

“Mummy?” Star’s voice was weak. No response to sound. She noted on her mental checklist. She walked closer and nuzzled her Mother. “Mummy, wake up, please.” Little Star pleaded. No response to light physical contact. She clinically noted in her mind. Despite her mind staying clear, she could feel tears starting to form.

Reaching out, she placed a hoof on her mother’s shoulder and shook her, There was no response. Heart falling, Star lay next to her and lit her horn with a few medical spells.

She was glad for reading the whole of the medical texts and not just the sections she had needed to tend her Mother's injuries. Each had their own checklists and spells she could use.

Breathing weak but healthy, heart rate stable, blood pressure good. No internal injuries, no poisons or toxins. Physically, everything about her body was in almost perfect health. She still had a little recovering to do from the Temple.

Star adjusted the focus of her spells. Mental activity and Magic levels were worryingly, but not dangerously, low. There was no new degeneration to her wellspring, no signs of anypony trying to cause damage to her soul or destroy her mind.

Star let out a shaky sigh. Her Mother was alive, there was no chance of that changing suddenly. But that still left the question of why she would not wake, and how she ended up in this state.

Her panic was now gone, wholly replaced with a small sense of worry and the focus that came with trying to solve a problem. Star started paying attention to her senses and the compiled lists that Grey had been diligently keeping for her.

A beautiful thick metal necklace with a large gem, with what looked like a calm flame dancing inside it, caught her attention. Which was odd, a fire aspect suppressor with fire inside it. Star tilted her head, looking at the fire, the flames seemed to lean in response. The fire seemed to blink, was something in there looking out?

She reached for it, touching it with a hoof, Star gasped. The whole thing was made of super-condensed magic, wrapped into a stable matrix. Just the thought of the amount of power that would have taken. Where her Mother's magic had gone was now clear. The question was how, why, and what to do about it.

All the furniture and items in the room were neatly placed against the walls. It was done deliberately, if not with the most of care. So if this was her Mother's work, she was not in a panic but might have been a bit rushed.

In the cleared space on the floor, a complex spell array appeared to be moulded into the floor. Her Mother was lying in the center of it. It took up nearly all of the room, so when Star had arrived, she was also within it.

Staring at it for a few seconds, it was clear that this is what had created her mothers new necklace. What she still did not know, was why and what the necklace was for. All she could tell was that it had something to do with energy redirection and storage, with a link to a higher dimensional plane.

Star got to her hooves and started to walk around the circle, there was some warping on the array. So clearly it had been used. A lot of magic had been drawn through it.

This was not quite an emergency, but she felt very much out of her depth. She needed help, she needed an adult. She went through all the ponies she knew, all the ones that her Mother trusted.

The crystal of the floor seemed to ripple. ‘Let me help’ it seemed to say. The memory of meeting her Mother's guard, the Nightchosen hybrid came to her. “Mummy Twilight and Mummy Luna both trust her. Can you bring her here please?”

In the normal seamless abruptness, Candice was there. Like when she arrived at the party, she rapidly assessed the situation, but unlike last time did not cast any spells. Star glanced at Candice’s wings for a moment, she wanted to see how she cast unicorn magic from them.

Candice’s eyes fixed on Mother and then looked back to Star. “What's going on Little Star?”

Looking at Candice’s face, Star studied what she saw. Her expression a mixture of worry and relief. The tear tracks in on her face and muzzle made it clear she had been crying at some point during the night.

“Mummy won't wake up,” Star answered, trying to keep the waver that was creeping into her voice away. She was good at solving problems, and she was solving this problem. There was no need to cry. Her Mother was going to be alright.

Candice put a reassuring wing over Little Star as she took in the room. Star could see she paid particular attention to the magical array and mothers new necklace. The flames seemed agitated, but Candice did not seem to notice.

After a few minutes studying things, Candice extended her other wing, and part of it became enveloped in a silvery light.

Candice sat there in thought for a moment before looking down at Little Star. Candice lit both of her wings and a complex twist of reality formed before her.

Star looked at it, it was the worst example of a Doom-of-Mages spell she could conceive off. Sure it looked like it could store a lot of energy, but it would not explode. She blinked and adjusted her view of it, it was not a war spell. Sure it was similar in concept, but instead of producing a cascade based explosion, this instead stabilized the energy it was holding.

If she was looking at it right, it even had a dimensional shunt. That would mean should it explode, most of the energy would harmlessly dissipate into one of the higher dimensions.

“Little Star, would you help me charge this?” Candice asked.

Star looked between the spell and Candice a few times. “Why? How will that help Mummy?”

“She is just very low on magic, she only needs…” Candice started.

Star, getting the point, lit her horn and got ready to infuse magic into her Mother.

“Star, wait!” Candice quickly barked out.

Star looked at Candice quizzically. “If all she needs is magic, this’ll be easy.”

“In theory, yes, but with Alicorns, you have to be careful when they are unconscious. If they are unaware they will actively drain the caster as well,” Candice said, it seemed that she was a little bit embarrassed.

“So hence the need for the Mana… Storage.”

Candice nodded.

Star turned her attention to the ripple in the air, lighting her horn again. She started slow just testing how sturdy the spell form was. When nothing broke, she increased the flow rate. She settled at a level that left her horn feeling warm but not smoking.

Candice recoiled, Star looked up. The air that the beam of magic was flowing though seemed to be rippling, almost as if it might tear. All perfectly normal for this density of magic.

Star tilted her head, looking questioningly at Candice. “Is this not enough?” she asked earnestly.

Candice looked back in stunned silence.

’One’ time that was hilarious. Grey commented.

Star watched as yet another of the magic stores was emptied into her Mother. The things collapsed each time as she ripped the raw magic that held them together away, and absorbed it, as well as the contents.

The first thing to change was the breathing, it deepened becoming more powerful. The next thing was the ears flicking this way and that. They settled down, one pointing at each pony in the room.

“Mummy.” Star stopped charging the Magic storage and leapt at her Mother, enveloping her face and neck in a hug.

“Errr… wweeerh… what happened?” Her Mother slowly opened heavy-lidded eyes. She lifted her head, seemingly not noticing the attached Little Star.

Candice moved in sweeping her wings around Mother and helping support the weight of Little Star. “Take your time Twilight. I'm here for you.”

Slowly a light of understanding entered Mothers eyes. She nuzzled against Star as she relaxed in the embrace of Candice’s wings.

“Feel free to take your time Twilight, but I am curious what you did,” Candice stated.

Mother shifted a hoof up, pulling Little Star into a hug. Looking down, she focused on her new jewellery. She placed a hoof to the necklace. "I appear to have overexerted myself." She laughed weakly.

“Does that hold your passion in check?” Candice asked.

It was a strange question, it was an item to suppress fire aspected magic, not emotional magic.

Candice continued. “That's the best I can surmise from what I saw of the circle.”

Mother looked at the gem in its center. “I believe so, or should I say, I hope that it will,” Mother said, nuzzling Star again. Mother looked up and studied Candice’s face. It was clear she was focusing on the tear tracks.

With a little bit of shaking of the head, she used her larger size and might to reposition Candice and start grooming her coat. Each bit of attention soothing away another mark of sadness.

Star had to do her best not to laugh. Seeing a full-grown pony being treated like a little foal was just silly.

"Everything will be alright," Mother cooed to Candice, a hoof stroking through Star’s mane, letting her know she was not forgotten.

“I hope so,” Candice said longingly before continuing in a more neutral tone. “I know now why that happened last night at least. Your passion took control. Whatever you call her or she calls herself, she was in control, not you.”

That sounded bad, an emotion just being able to take control. That was a recipe for disaster.

Candice glanced to the necklace. “That's what the flames actually are. Her, she's your passion, the flames are her.”

Mother’s eyes narrowed for a moment. "How?" She asked levely. But there was an edge of worry to her body language, a tensing of her wings.

Candice was still there "I was a wreck last night, a serious wreck. I didn't know what to make of you. I felt my feelings for you shatter when you teleported me away instead of talking to me. I thought you threw Insight and I away.”

Who is Insight? Star thought.

“You have pledged yourself to me. Only treachery would make me cast you aside,” Mother answered.

Candice snuggled closer to Mother, nuzzling her. It seemed she had been really worried about that. Star imagined she would be upset too if she thought her Mother had abandoned her.

“I hate Celestia,” Candice continued. “I hate what she did to you. I hate that she made you so vulnerable to this. I hate that she decided what you should be and I hate that you suffer for it." Her tears were starting up again.

Star knew she was right not to trust Celestia. She listened carefully trying to not interrupt the conversation.

"Luna helped me last night. I didn't even sleep in the castle. I was on a cloud outside. But Luna helped me through most of it. She asked me to let her see what happened. I just felt lost. I screamed out at Celestia, I screamed out at whoever saved us. I was wondering why I was saved and manipulated into loving you if I couldn't save you from your suffering. Then Luna told be about Alicorn Minds. That's how I know. It's also why I'm so grateful the Nightmare saved you. Nightmare Moon, thank you. Twilight, I still love you. That's why it hurt so much."

Nightmare was just another of Mother’s names, What is this all about? Star thought.

Mother leaned down and nuzzled Candice. “I'm so sorry, “ She whispered.

“I know what happened now. I can accept it as it is. I can accept you as well, all of you, Even Moon, or Night, Or whatever she's calling herself.”

Mother smiled, “You really don't know what you are getting yourself into.” She gave Candice a light kiss on the cheek.

“I at least have a better idea now,” Candice said. There was a moment of hesitation before she continued. “Is there a chance I can talk to her? Moon, Night, whatever she is calling herself?”

“You already are,” Mother answered.

Candice kissed Mother and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you. Thank you for saving her. Thank you for anything you've done to help her." She gave her another kiss before the tears started falling again.

Star watched, the tears did not seem to be sad this time.

Mother leaned down and nuzzled Star with a happy smile. “Then you also need to thank my Little Star. " Mother nodded her head to Little Star. "She did a lot of the saving herself."

Star could feel pride swell within her, yes she had saved her Mother. She felt one of the large wings of Candice wrap her in an embrace.

“Thank you, Little Star,” Candice said.

The problem had been solved, and everything was going to be alright.

Mummy looked to Candice and Little Star, “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. Shall we get something to eat?”

Mummy got up, placing Little Star on her back. To Star being back on her Mother's back was more supporting evidence that everything was going to be fine.

Her Mother advanced towards the door. Her magic reached out to the door of the room. The wards were cancelled as she hit all the right little spots in them. As she opened the door, Little Star heard the sounds of shouting somewhere down the hall.

She heard Rainbow Dash’s voice, “What the BUCK did you do to Twilight?”

CH 32.2 There is something about Twilight

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Applejack did not want to be away from the farm, but Starlight had insisted it was important. Ever since Trixie’s wagon had been teleported back to town, the mare had seemed almost wary of Twilight. Add to that the aerial scrap she had with Rainbow, and even Applejack had to admit the bookish mare was not acting so bookish.

She readjusted the basket of apples on her back before pushing the door open to the castle's kitchen. She was greeting but the sound of Spike busy at work.

“Heya AJ,” Spike greeted her.

“Morning,” Applejack said, walking over and with a title of her body let the basket slide onto a work surface. “Any sign of Twi?”

Spike answered without looking up from his work. “No, not heard anything from her or Little Star yet. I guess they are sleeping in again.”

“Good, so I hope Rarity does not keep us all waiting too long with her ‘fashionably late’ arrival times.” Applejack said as she set to helping Spike with his preparations.

It was not long before Rainbow Dash made her appearance, bursting into the room as if the world was ending. She still smelled of storm-clouds and honest hard work. Clearly, she had rushed straight here and not even stopped to ‘freshen’ up as Rarity would put it. Applejack did not mind, but she wondered how the fashionista would try to subtly point that fact out, or would she just have some fancy cleaning spell to get around the problem.

Rainbow waved and perched on a chair, rocking it back and forth while reading the latest Daring Do adventure, again. While Applejack might complain about Rainbow being lazy, in this case, it was far safer to avoid her ‘help’ as they were putting together a nice sit-down meal and not just a health drink.

Applejack did not know how or when Pinkie had arrived, but suddenly she was there putting a tray of cupcakes in the oven. Pinkie started singing a little song about baking. Shaking her head, Applejack just kept working, not being able to stop her hoof tapping along to the music.

There was very little conversation, just a relaxing sense of peace in each other’s presence. It felt a little like working on the farm with Big Mac, just with a happy song as backing.

Time passed, the scent of the food started to become more appealing. They had an hour before the food would be ready and only a few minutes until the arranged meeting.

A crack of magic announced the arrival of a unicorn by teleportation. Applejack glanced over, as expected, it was Starlight. “Good morning.” The mare trotted up the table, taking her place.

“Howdy,” Applejack responded.

Rainbow just waved a wing not looking up from her book. Who would have thought, back when Rainbow moved to Ponyville, that she would ever sit down and read a book. Yet another example of the good Twilight had caused.

Pinkie placed a cupcake on the table before Starlight, and they got back to work. Starlight looked at the cupcake for a moment.

Turning back to her own work, Applejack smiled at the cupcake Pinkie has somehow put in front of her from the other side of the room. It smelled of apples and had her cutie mark on top.

Starlight looked like she had something to say but was holding her tongue. Likely waiting till they were all there. After about ten minutes, Starlight got up and started walking around the room, checking everything was ready.

She walked with purpose towards Applejack.

“Sit back down, we got this.”

“I was only going to offer to help.” Starlight looked a little like a kicked puppy.

“I know and thank you sugarcube," Applejack said in her best friendly tone. She might not fully trust the mare to know right from wrong all the time, but at least her heart was in the right places these days, "but unless you found a way to fit some cooking lessons in between all the magic and friendship practice…”

“I can take a hint.” Starlight laughed as she headed back to her seat and waited.

Finally, the door to the kitchen opened again. Revealing Rarity and Fluttershy animately talking.

Fluttershy seemed to be hiding behind her mane more than normal, but she had an uncharacteristic bounce in her step as she happily trotted in.

Rarity looked like she had gossiped again, the sort of gossip that would have her gushing about it for days.

Applejack shook her head, she would never get how them two could have so much fun talking about all that nonsense. She put the thought aside and waved in greeting. It was always good to see one’s friends happy, even if it made no sense.

All the girls took their places. Rainbow even put her book down and Pinkie was sitting perfectly still. Rarity subtly sitting as far from Rainbow as good manners would allow. If there was a group hug today, she would rush off to the spa as soon as this little get together was done.

Starlight looked around the room at the gathered ponies meeting each one’s gaze. “I suppose you are all wondering why I called you here.”

“Not really.” Applejack interrupted. “You said there was something we needed to know about Twilight, now would you kindly get to the point? Some of us do have a living we need to make.”

Starlight looked momentary offended before nodding. “Fine, fine. Well… the situation with Twilight is complicated… she is in a delicate place…” Starlight started.

“No kidding,” Rainbow Dash added, her wings flaring a little as if she was finding it hard to keep them under control.

Starlight paused, looking to Rainbow with interest. She waited a few seconds. Rainbow said nothing more, so she continued. “Twilight is a little to free with destructive magic now if anything startles her or threatens anything she cares about. Watch for that, we don't want her levelling half of Ponyville because she sees a ladybug or something.” Starlight said, her eyes focusing back on Rainbow.

Rainbow’s cheeks gained just the slightest hint of red. “Also… she may try and… come on to you… since she… nearly died, she has been… a little too eager to enjoy life.”

“What do you mean she nearly died?” Applejack interjected in disbelief, focusing on that part. She did see how relieved Rainbow looked that she was not asking about that other matter. She also noticed Rarity sharing a sly wink with Fluttershy.

“You saw how injured she was, hurting an alicorn is hard.” Starlight admitted with perhaps a little too much knowledge on the subject.

Applejack wanted to ask just how exactly did she find that out.

“Enough doom and gloom, how are we going to make Twilight happy?” Pinking exploded into the conversation.

“Pinkie the problem is not that she is not happy. The problem is she is in denial, she is ignoring what happened to her. She will never get over it if she keeps doing that.” Starlight said.

The party mare seemed to deflate, a sadness building in her eyes.

“I’m not sure anypony could get over what she went through.” Starlight murmured and Applejack only just caught it, more by lip-reading that actually hearing the words.

Applejack’s hard stare at Starlight demanded more. The focused attention also caused all the other mares in the room to turn their eyes to Twilight’s student.

Starlight shook her head, glancing around the room to the rest of the mares. “Luna has enough work with me and Trixie I don't want to add to her workload.”

“Darling, how could anything truly be that bad?” Rarity asked.

Starlight did something fancy looking with her horn. It almost seemed to be rippling in a pattern. Was that a spell or some supper secret unicorn code?

Rarity's eyes shot wide, “And that's quite enough for me,” She hurriedly said, nearly falling from her chair.

Starlight’s horn dimed and she looked apologetically at Rarity.

“That… that was… the poor dear.” Rarity trembled using a hoof to hide the expression of horror on her face. “I think I might be seeing Luna as well...” She said to herself.

Applejack did not like where this was going. First the mess with the princess and now this. When was there next going to be a normal day in Ponyville?

Fluttershy pulled Rarity into a wing hug. “What are we going to do?” She asked, looking to everypony else.

Rarity sheltered under Fluttershy’s wing, trying to hide the tears from her eyes.

Starlight rose from her seat and joined in the embrace. Her expression full of regret and concern.

“I don’t know, but whatever happened to her, it turned Twi into a Bad Flank,” Rainbow added an edge of pride in her voice.

“What y'all mean?” Applejack asked.

Dash sat up tall in her chair, gesturing with both hooves and wings. “Did you see how much her flying has improved overnight?” Rainbow slowly looked around the whole group. “She's like another mare. She can now trounce most Wonderbolts in one-on-one air combat.” Waving her hoof about, she shrugged. “Yea her stamina sucks, but how do you go from book worm to a professional combatant with no training?”

“That’s a surprisingly good question,” Starlight stated.

“Hey!” Rainbow shot back. “I can ask good questions.”

“We know darling, Starlight was just being her usual too-blunt self.” Rarity tried to mediate.

“Yep, that's exactly right,” Starlight answered. Applejack could tell it was at least slightly a lie, she was likely really surprised that Rainbow had a good useful question. At least Starlight was a better pony these days even if she was not an honest one all the time.

“Perhaps she is getting super-secret ninja training now that she’s an Alicorn to go with all of their super-secret powers?” Pinkie asked.

“If it’s super-secret, why would she make the training arena in plain sight?” Rainbow asked.

“Is that what that eye-sore is?” Rarity asked.

Rainbow nodded, grinning eagerly. “It's similar to what the mages in the guard train in, only Twi’s is bigger and better.”

“And I know when a pony is having fun… Dashy here really, really liked playing air tag with Twilight.” Pinkie said practically vibrating in her seat.

Rainbow blushed, “Ha, ha. You know how much I like to fly. Having one of you girls even make me break a sweat is awesome!”

The door was surrounded with a green glow. Everypony turned to look, conversation dying. It slowly creeped open, revealing an elegant black coated mare with a distinctive flowing green mane. It was the fancy mare that moved to town not that long ago.

“Emerald Shade?” Rarity asked.

Emerald looked around the room, warily. It seemed like she was intimidated by the whole group of them. She let her eyes fix on Rarity. “Good morning, Rarity.” She smiled before bowing formally. “Good morning, Element Bearers.”

Rarity and Fluttershy shared a look. Fluttershy looked embarrassed and Rarity's eyes almost glowed. All thoughts of what had happened to Twilight vanished from her mind, Rarity now was in full digging for gossip mode.

"No need to bow on our account, were just regular ponies," Applejack said.

“What the hay are you doing here?” Rainbow asked now hoving in the air uncomfortably close to Emerald. Applejack could tell Rainbow just wanted to know, but to anypony that did not know her, they might think she was about to attack them.

The fancy-looking mare fearfully took a step back. “I… I was looking for the way out,” Emerald said telling the truth.

Applejack was about to pull Rainbow back, but Rarity let out a friendly giggle.

“Rainbow Dash, do leave the dear alone.” Rarity trotted over a happy grin on her face. “Emerald, darling so good to see you again.”

“You know her?” Rainbow asked, looking between the two of them.

Rarity nodded to Rainbow but kept her attention on Emerald. “You have to tell me everything, did the outfit have the intended effect?”

“I… well I am not sure any Princess would be happy having things like that discussed,” Emerald answered.

The sly satisfied smile on Rarity's face spoke of either trouble or a whole host of dresses being made in the near future.“You know if I had known my work was for a royal performance I would have made something truly fit for a princess's…”

Emerald’s horn lit and a green glow lightly grasping Rarity’s muzzle closed for a second. “Please keep this to yourself,” She said so quietly Applejack had to read her lips.

“What you trying to keep secret there?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s not the sort of thing a Lady reveals.” Rarity replied with a toss of her mane looking to Rainbow.

“Why not?” Rainbow demanded.

“Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow… if only you read some books with some actual culture to them.” Rarity shook her well-groomed head.

Applejack turned her attention to the rest of the ponies in the room. Fluttershy was completely hiding behind her mane. So apparently she was not the only one that noticed Rarity’s implications. Applejack didn't quite know what to think about this. Twilight was meant to be getting married to Luna, not playing with this new mare. This all just seemed a little off.

Emerald tried to back away from Rarity. Carefully hoof step by hoof step, she moved away. A sensible course of action for anypony that did not want to spend hours being measured and fussed over. Applejack watched her go out of the corner of her eyes, this mare moved well. She wondered if she might be some sort of thief. Perhaps it could be a dancer’s grace.

Starlight was also watching Emerald, she seemed just as unsure what to make of the mare. At least the puzzle was distracting her from the annoyance of having this meeting interrupted. Applejack did not want to see what Starlight might do if she got it into her horn to try and use magic to get the meeting back on track.

Pinkie had bounced back to the oven and was working on something or another. Likely some sort of cake. It was hard, but Applejack avoided tapping her hooves to the rhythm of Pinkies earlier song.

Spike was munching on some crystals as he was stirring a pot of something on the stove. By the scents coming from it, the meal would be worth the wait. Naturally, it would not be as good as Granny Smith’s home cooking.

By this point, Emerald had half crossed the room. As her freedom got closer and closer, the mare seemed to grow more confident with her motions.

Rarity turned to comment to Emerald and noticed she was trying to leave. “Ah, AH, Ah, You’re not going anywhere until we talk.” Rarity's magic effortlessly gathered the needed ingredients, the water and tea service and began the age-old ritual of brewing a good cup. “Come sit with us,” she offered.

Rarity floated an extra chair over next to where she and Fluttershy were sitting.

Emerald’s confidence seemed to evaporate. She obeyed, still watching Rainbow warily.

Rarity first made sure that Emerald was seated and had a steaming cup of tea before her. Leaning forward with almost predatory intensity, she spoke. "So… what first made you interested in Twilight?"

"Well… I first heard about her from my mother," Emerald said, in total honesty. Something was a little off with the way she said ‘mother’ but nothing Applejack could put her hoof on.

“Oh, so she painted such a glowing image you just had to come and see her for yourself?” Rarity’s sweet tone seemed dangerous to Applejack.

“Yes… I just could not stop my self, I just had to see her with my own eyes,” Emerald answered, offering a little content smile. Again the mare was telling the truth, every word of it correct. Applejack narrowed her eyes, she could almost smell the hint of dishonesty behind her words even if no lie had been uttered.

Rainbow was looking a mix of confused, annoyed, suspicious and a little betrayed. That was a mix that made no sense given the current situation. Has something happened between Rainbow and this mare or was this all about Twilight trying to hit on her?

Fluttershy whispered something to Rarity. A moment later, Rarity pulled both her and Emerald closer and began a hushed conversation. The words were too quiet for Applejack to hear and as much as she wanted to know more about this strange mare, she was not going to invade their privacy.

Rainbow started to get bored and went back to her book, peering over the top of it to ‘stealthy’ spy on the conversation.

Starlight got up, shaking her head and left the room. She clearly was not going to continue their little meeting now that Rarity was turning this into a chance to get more gossip.

“You have to tell me something?” Rarity said a little louder than she intended. Her pleading look changing to embarrassed as she noticed everypony was looking at her.

Rainbow snapped her book closed and flew over to the gossip group, landing on the table in front of them. “What makes you think you’re good enough for our Twilight?” Rainbow said dramatically pointing her hoof at Emerald

Rarity looked aghast, Fluttershy looked ready to defend Emerald. The mare in question shrunk back.

“Rainbow Dash! You can not talk to Emerald like that. Now apologize.” Rarity demanded.

“No, if she thinks she is good enough for Twilight, then she had better be ready to prove it.” Rainbow answered before turning back to Emerald. ”So, why are you worthy of her?”

Applejack was getting annoyed at Rainbow’s questioning, but the fact that she did not trust Emerald held her tongue.

“I don’t know.” Tears started to fall from Emerald eyes. Applejack could tell they were fake.

Why you manipulative little… Applejack thought in the privacy of her own head. Was she just some sort of gold digger from Canterlot here to get in with a Princess after all?

Fluttershy wrapped a wing around her shielding her from Rainbow. Over her wing, Fluttershy stared at Rainbow. Applejack was just glad it was only a stare and not ‘The Stare’.

“That's not very nice Rainbow.” Fluttershy’s calm and gentle tone was still an effective rebuke. “It isn’t our place to say who is worthy of our friend. It’s Twilight’s place.”

Rainbow looked to Fluttershy stuck between anger at being betrayed and shame that her friend was right. “Sorry,” she mumbled out before flying off, grabbing her book and flew out of one of the upper windows.

The room returned to calm, Fluttershy and Rarity comforting the manipulative Emerald. Applejack resolved to talk to Twilight about her new friend later.

Joining Pinkie and Spike in the food preparations, Applejack made sure they would have enough for a few guests. They already had one and things were never simple in good old Ponyville.

Everything had settled into a nice calm, the food was almost done. Spike had managed to convince everypony to play a card game to pass the time.

It would soon be time to send somepony to fetch Twilight. Applejack would finish this round and then excuse herself. Turned out she could not bluff to save her life, but she always knew when others were. This made the game rather dull for her.

A sudden boom erupted into the room as the doors were forced open, cracking the crystal walls with the force of their impact. A prismatic blur zipped over the table, its wake scattering all the cards.

Various sounds of alarm, panic and tumbling ponies filled the air.

Applejack’s earthpony strength allowed her to be unmoved by the shock wave. She looked around, the mares at the table had all fallen out of their chairs, apart from Fluttershy who was pressed against the surface of the table hiding under her wings. Emerald was just gone.

“What in Tarnations?” Applejack was the first of them to call out but was not the only one.

“What the BUCK did you do to Twilight?” Rainbow’s harsh voice shouted.

Applejack’s head snapped around. Rainbow held Emerald pinned halfway up the wall, her wings crackling with power. Rainbow looked ready to cause serious harm to the mare.

“Woah there sugercube, let's talk this out,” Applejack said, trying to calm things down.

Rainbow ignored her, “Tell us,” she demanded, threatening to smash Emerald into the wall again.

Applejack was stunned at the sight of one her friends being so violent to a defenceless pony. Yes, she might be a bit grabbing whorse, but that was no cause for acting like this until she was married.

“I did nothing that could be cause for this!” Emerald shouted back in an oddly specific defence. There was a fire of hate in her eyes.

“Then what were you doing? Tell us!” Rainbow demanded.

“I can't tell you,” Emerald Shade said, now only almost shouting.

“Why?” Rainbow pressed

“I can't tell you that either,” Emerald was shouting again, her words seething with frustration.

Applejack could tell that she was telling the truth, she had not told a single lie as Rainbow pressured the injured mare.

“Sugar cube, I think you should leave her be.” Applejack cautioned.

“She might have to try and kidnap Twilight or worse.” Rainbow insisted her expression grave.

“Please, you think I am trying to kidnap or kill her, Princess Twilight? Do you have any idea what she could do to me if I even made the attempt? She went one on one with bucking Tirek. What am I meant to be able to do to her?” Emerald said panting with anger.

Rainbow growled and pulled back a hoof. She opened her mouth to shout back.

A loud bang came from the center of the room as the air erupted with magenta sparks, each bursting like small fireworks. All eyes turned to the sound.

Applejack saw a stone-faced Twilight, her stoic looking Guard and an extremely proud Little Star standing chest puffed out on her mother’s back.

“Do I have your attention?” Twilight asked in a flat tone as the magical display faded.

CH 32.3 Twilight's Day

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The clean scent of Dreams and the warmth of her feathers were Twilight’s enter world. She felt so tired, she could not remember a time where she had felt this tired before.

Dreams was singing that lovely lullaby again stroking a hoof along Twilight mane. Slowly the night's activities and her spell work surfaced in her mind. So I may have made a slight miscalculation in the amount of magic that was going to take. She thought to herself, starting to go over her mental mathematics looking for errors.

The song came closer and Dreams leant against her back. A moment later, pleasure shot through her wings. Twilight had just enough time to begin to start voicing her contentment. The sensations stopped, and the song halted.

“What you did was reckless.” Dreams’ voice was angry. “I know you have a good reason to do what you did but next time before more careful. If you ever pull a stunt like that again and it’s not to save the world you will not feel anything like this again.”

Twilight had never meant to worry anyone, and certainly not Dreams.

“You worried me,” Dreams whispered tenderly. A glance was all Twilight needed to see the shimmering moisture in Dreams' eyes.

Twilight rolled over, wrapping Dreams in a hug. “I’m sorry, but I had to do something. I was starting to hurt the ponies around me.”

Dreams sighed and stroked Twilight’s mane. “I don’t care about them as much as I care about you.”

Twilight smiled and kissed Dreams. “I know, and I love you too.” Twilight pulled back slightly. “But you know I could never live with myself if I hurt somepony accidentally and I could have done something to stop myself from harming others.”

“That is what makes you a good pony,” Dreams said, returning to the pleasant preening. This was by far one of the best things about having wings.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

Twilight groaned. "Can I not catch a break?"

“It might be important." Dreams said, helping both of them to their hooves.

Twilight let out a long-suffering sigh.

There the visitor knocked twice more before they made it from Twilight's bedroom to the main chamber.

The door opened, Night stood hoof raised to knock again.

“Night.” Twilight cooly greeted. Despite there conversation last night, the interruption was still annoying. Still, a knock on the door was much more pleasant than being dragged to Night by there pact.

“Twilight… I believe a situation has come up that we need to solve as a family.” Night said.

Twilight groaned again. “What did you do this time?”

“Me? You judge me too harshly.” Night pointed with a hoof out of the door. “Just look.”

Twilight looked past Night and at the obsidian ground of her doorstep. Deep in its reflections, she could see her friend Rainbow pinning Emerald Shade to the wall. “What the hay?”

“Exactly my thoughts, now care to help or do you want to trust me to discipline your friend correctly?”

Night turned and started walking back out onto the plain. Below them Twilight could see a spectacular magical fireworks display fading, she could see her daughter looking proud and Candice looking stoic.

“Do your friends become incompetent foals when you’re not around?” Night asked casually as she made her way to be above where their body was standing.

Dreams nodded after Night, her eyes saying Twilight would be missed.

Twilight kissed Dreams in parting and then cantered after Night, arriving there just as the mare sank through the floor. She stumbled, falling through the floor that now seemed it had forgotten how to be solid. “Night!”

The sensations of her flesh and blood body felt too tight and constricting. The flight in just her bare soul last night had spoiled her. She looked forward to doing that again.

Twilight felt her body move her gaze sweeping over the ponies in the room. “Do I have your attention?” her voice spoke under Night’s direction. She could feel that although Night was acting, she was not blocking Twilight in any way.

The weight of her new necklace shifted, reminding her of its presence.

“Rainbow,” Twilight snapped “Why are you threatening my guest?” She did feel guilty over being so harsh with her friend but attacking a pony for no reason.

Twilight staggered back, it took her a moment to realise a near crying Rainbow was now hugging her. “Your alive.”

Why would I not be? Twilight thought. Using her wing to wave off any response from Candice.

How would I know? Night answered.

Twilight wrapped a wing around her friend patting her back gently. “There, there everything is going to be fine Dash.” She looked around the room, looking at the rest of her friends for answers that her blue friend was currently unable to give.

This unexpected response interrupted several good lectures she had been ready to give back to back. Despite that, she could not hold it agasint her. It was too nice to know Rainbow cared so much.

Emerald Shade was being lowered to the ground gently in Candice’s white aura. The poor mare looked like she would have plenty of bruises in the morning. The wall that she was being pressed against had cracks in it speaking of the force with which she had hit it.

Twilight turned her attention back to Rainbow, she was the one most likely to do something, or rather something else rash today. Her horn felt Candice’s magic shift from telekinesis to a complex but low power usage healing spell. Twilight felt a slight smile form. It may have been the guard training, but Candice’s first instinct had been to help Emerald, that spoke well of her in Twilight’s book.

“Of course Mummy is alive silly,” Star said, teleporting onto Rainbow’s back.

“But the room…” Rainbow began.

“Oh, that…” Twilight started. She lifted a hoof to her necklace and subtly tapped a message. ‘Morning Nova’

Rainbows eyes looked up to meet Twilights. “Yes, that… what do you think I would think finding your room like that!?”

“I... “ Twilight sighed and walked over to the table “Let’s all sit down and have a calm talk.” Twilight smiled warmly and nuzzle Rainbow once before gently pushing her towards the table. The athletic mare held the hug a moment longer before flitting over to her seat.

Night walked them past where Candice was still healing Emerald's forming bruises. They attacked one of mine, this needs to be addressed. This is something we need to tackle together, they are your friends, but Emerald is my pony, I can not just let this go unanswered.

The golden necklace felt like it warmed a little, it vibrated against her neck. ‘Patchwork, thank you.’

Twilight's mind thought back to the ditched toy that still sat in her library. In a way, the name did fit her more than twilight did.

I’m not going to let you attack them. Twilight responded to Night.

“Join me.” Night said, draping a wing each over Candice and Emerald.

At the contact, Twilight felt nothing unexpected, just the feeling of their bodies under her wings. There was the feel of the still active healing spell and the warmth of their flesh. She could tell that they were both mares that she found attractive, but that was it. None of Nova’s lust forced its way into her mind. Her mane stayed normal, not a single flame in sight. The necklace was working, she could feel it warming against her neck.

Hey, is that not being too familiar? Twilight mentally asked, but did nothing. She was too relieved that her thoughts were still her own to truly be annoyed.

She has just been attacked, this is showing we care and giving the others a message. Night defended her actions.

As they found a place at the table, Twilight could see everypony watching her with a mix of interest and worry. Rarities eyes glinted with anticipation occasionally flicking to Candice or Emerald.

Fluttershy’s eyes were fixed on Twilight's own. Oh yes, the invitation, what am I going to do if she accepts? Twilight thought.

Nova was happily tapping away in code her opinions of the ponies about. Twilight started to tap back a message about ponies had there own wants and desires too, that they needed to want ‘that’ too.

Well, but now we are bound to accept, or we may break her precious spirit. Night replied in a controlled tone.

Everypony was settled, and the silence was being to stretch. If they did not say something soon, there would be questions. Twilight opened her mouth to speak, unsure of what to say. Night used their wings to stroke down the backs of both of her ponies once before making a display of elegantly folding her wings. Both of the pegasus Element Bearers in the room were very much paying attention now.

The neckless vibrated with Nova’s approving purr.

Night… Twilight thought.

I distracted them, so give them your little speech already. Night sent back. A gentle, reassuring touch from Candice’s wing seemed to almost emphasise Night’s point.

Twilight focused on Rainbow. “I am truly sorry for worrying you Rainbow, I'm fine.” She offered her a smile that, after a moment, she shared it around the room.

Rainbow seemed to be rapidly calming down, her confident nature and military training reasserting themselves. “What happened Twilight?” She asked in an almost normal tone but made no move to leave the hug.

“I… I had a bit of an accident with my magic. Nopony was hurt, but I may have released a destructive surge of magic while in my room. I had to spend the night in a guest room.” Twilight answered. She could feel Night behind her eyes, watching the ponies for any reaction.

Rarity’s eyes shot wide, clearly thinking of the implication of uncontrolled magic could do. Fluttershy glanced to the white mare’s reaction before returning a now even more concerned look to Twilight.

Candice brushed a hoof over the burnt fur of her fetlock. Rarity, the detail-oriented pony, clearly noticed. “I’m sorry,” Twilight whisper-spoke, knowing that between Candice’s ever-active hearing augmentation spells and her cute thestral ears she would be able to hear. Fluttershy ears twitched.

“It’s alright, we can talk about it later. I do forgive you, though.“ Candice breathed out so quietly that, if not for her Alicorn senses, Twilight would not have heard it. It was not as subtle as whisper-speak but was an excellent attempt to have a similar effect.

Little Star hopped up in the chair next to Candice and nuzzled her studying the singed fur. “It will be ok, I studied medical books, let Doctor Star have a look.” Little Star said in whisper-speak and an edge of pride in the fact she could help.

Candice looked down to LIttle Star, her eye’s just wide enough to show surprise to Twilight’s Alicorn senses. She was clearly surprised that Little Star was able to hear her. In the same quiet ventriloquism she used earlier, “It’s alright, the burns are already healed, it’s just the fur that’s singed. Thank you though.” Candice smiled and reached out with her soft wing, stroking Little Star affectionately along her cheek.

Twilight smiled at seeing Candice getting on so well with her daughter. This might solve any potential foal sitting issues later on.

She added her own affection stroking her daughter’s mane. Or perhaps it was Night that performed the action, Twilight could not really tell. It felt nice, being completely in accord on something. Nova added her own thought that she wanted to ‘enjoy’ Candice’s touch. Twilight let herself think for a moment.

“Darling…” Rarity started clearly worried. Which was something the rest in the room picked up on.

Twilight held up a hoof. “You have nothing to worry about, she pointed towards her necklace. I have already seen to it that it will not happen again.”

The relief on Rarity’s face was evident.

Twilight used a brief pause to answer Nova. Upon consideration, she would not turn down or prevent Night or Nova from experiencing the joy of having their ley lines cleared by a trained pony, even if it would only be her Unicorn and pegasus ones. ‘Yes, later’ she tapped out.

Candice’s ear twitched towards the necklace. Twilight’s thoughts jumped for a moment.

She is a trained guard, of course, she knows that code. Night sarcastically added.

“How does a fancy bit of neckwear fix the problem?” Applejack asked.

“Last night I created this to stop my flames from harming others,” Twilight stated.

“Your flames?” Fluttershy asked, a bit worried.

Twilight hesitated. “Yes… you remember when I was trying to investigate Pinkie, and I went all white and my mane turned into flame?”

“Yeperoonies,” Pinkie said, suddenly bouncing in her seat for attention. “That was a doozy.”

“Well, as an Alicorn, if I do that… it has far more consequences.” Twilight said gravely.

“Is that why your room is nothing but a smouldering hole?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight nodded mournfully. She did not add that, now that Rainbow had been in the room and the likelihood of her flying here at high speed, and the disruptive effects of all her flight magic, any chance of her restoring any of the destroyed items were now gone. Her friend was motivated out of concern for her, she would not add that guilt to her.

“And… after my recent experience, my… self-control is not what it used to be,” Twilight admitted. She could see the looks of concern and care from all of her friends. It warmed her heart to see. She felt a slight wetness to her eyes.

Twilight would never know who was the first to move, she found herself in the center of a loving pony pile. All of her friends were here, she could feel their warmth against her. Each one’s embrace felt a little different as befitted their character.

Emerald Shade giggled, almost sounding drunk. Twilight felt a feather brushing the hints of tears from her eyes, by its scent, it was Candice.

Twilight reached out with her magic wrapping Candice in a brief hug with her magic in thanks.

Little Star teleported joining the hug. Fortunately displacing Pinkie a little instead of there being a teleportation related accident.

She somehow has a greater mastery of teleportation than you do. Night stated, her mental voice sounding awed.

Hug now, complex magic conversations about how our daughter knows these things later. Twilight sent back, enjoying the embrace. Mentally she adjusted the necklace allowing just a hint of Nova’s power to creep in. Her limbs otherwise occupied, she used her magic to tap the necklace. ‘This is just a friendly hug, no sexy times here’ she tapped out, keeping it simple so Nova could understand.

The warmth of Nova filled her body, strengthening her, she could feel the force of her hug increase a little as her body temperature rose a touch.

A wave of gratitude and childlike joy flooded into her from Nova as ‘thank you’ repeated a few dozen times as Nova’s excited enthusiasm being enough to actually shake the necklace.

Twilight let herself purr, closing her eyes and just enjoying the fact her friends were here for her.

Twilight was not sure how long she had been in the hug, and frankly, she didn’t care. The only concern that she had was the possibility of using up all of her friend’s lives before figuring out a solution for that particular problem.

Twilight’s Alicorn senses alerted her to hoof steps approaching from outside the room. The clopping on the crystal floor stopped. There was a hum of magic and the sound of the hinges as the door opening a bit.

A pony inhaled then the confident tones of Starlight’s voice called in. “Shall I get Twilight?” Twilight could imagine Starlight looking into the room. “Oh.” She said. Before a hesitant clop of a hoof and a slight dragging of another. Starlight as turning to leave likely feeling left out.

Twilight felt Little Star’s horn light as her aura wrapped Starlight in magenta magic, teleporting her into the group hug.

A moment later, Candice and Emerald were teleported into the middle of the embrace.

Twilight could feel Night trying to stay distant and aloof but was failing. There was melancholy that the love was not directed at her but joy at the sensations she was feeling. Why did everything to do with being an Alicorn have to be so complicated? Or was she just a special case and got all the excitement of an interesting life?

Twilight let a happy giggle escaped from her and nuzzled Star. It was not long before a peaceful sleep claimed her again.

Spikes voice calling out in the next room woke her. “Little Star, you need to clear the table the food is ready now.”

“Ok,” Star called out carefully.

Twilight had fallen asleep in the middle of one of the best hugs in her life. By the scents and sound of the unique breathing and rhythms of their hearts, some of her friends had left.

Rainbow’s was there with her ever-present scent of storms. Her powerful heart was beating the slowest, needing to put almost no effort into keeping the blood flowing around her sleeping body.

Fluttershy smelt like a mix of many different animals and that particular something extra from the Everfree. Now that she knew about it, she could detect the faint hint of thestral that marked her as a hybrid. Her heart sounded soft, just like the mare herself, and it was beating fast. She was nervous and excited. Twilight could feel the mare’s wings around her, they were not going to let her go anytime soon. Twilight didn't quite know what to do with the mare. Legally, because of the small thestral wellspring she had from Twilight’s magic, she could be defined as one of her chosen. All of an Alicorn’s chosen were part of their guard. Which meant in a very real way, Fluttershy could be considered part of Twilight harem.

Pinkie Pie’s scent marked her as a sugar elemental that might have hugged a pony once or twice. Her heart seemed to be playing a happy tune. If it was anypony else, she would have immediately teleported them to the hospital, fearing a heart problem. But for Pinkie, it was just her normal incomprehensibleness.

Candice was an intriguing mix, being Luna’s chosen, she smelled a little like Luna. The broad feathers Twilight could feel against her carried a distinct addition a unicorns arcane magic adding a little spice to the mix of pegasus and thestral. Taken as a whole, it was an exotic and enticing blend. The fact it would easily provoke thoughts of pleasant activities to her mind, was just more proof that Candice was literally born to fan her desires. By her steady heart rate and breath, she was clearly awake and aware, but not drawing attention to the fact.

She could still feel Rarity’s, Applejack’s and Starlight’s magic in the Dining Room along with Spike and Little Star. Emerald was gone, there was no hint of where the mare was to any of Twilight’s senses. That was a shame she was hoping to have a talk with her.

Twilight could hear little hooves galloping a few strides in the next room and them the pop of teleportation. Her horn localised the arrival point an instance before Little Star popped back into existence.

“Mummy, Mummy, Mummy. Foods ready.”

Twilight shifted her senses from paying attention to the ponies around her to the delightful aroma of Spike’s cooking. Inhaling deeply, she let herself just enjoy it for a moment.

“Mummy!” Star called again.

Smiling, Twilight opened her eyes and looked at her daughter. “Good morning, My Little Star,” she said.

‘Patchwork share food’ Nova either asked or demanded. Without tone or inflexion, she just could not tell. That was the problem with their current form of communication. Twilight disliked being called Patchwork, but it was an accurate description of what she was.

‘Promise to behave’ Twilight tapped.

‘Promise’ was Nova’s immediate response.

Candice’s wings gently retreated first as the hug started to be dismantled. With so many limbs involved, this would take a few moments to resolve without somepony getting something twisted or sprained. Rainbow stayed asleep, and Fluttershy clung to Twilight.

Night leaned in and nuzzled the yellow mare. Fluttershy froze for just a moment then returned the gesture. The warmth Twilight could feel meant Nova approved, but she did nothing, not even offering a tapped comment.

“Foods ready, we should get up.” Twilight thought about it, the nuzzle was friendly, but could mean so much more. She wanted to know what Fluttershy was thinking. She had the magic to be able to just look and find out, but she would never use it, she was not Celestia.

Star was bouncing on the spot, almost seeming to be trying to do an impression of Pinkie, waiting as Fluttershy and Twilight got to their hooves.

Rainbow was still fast asleep, cradled in Candice’s wings. Night reached out a wing towards her, twitching a feather to let lighting dance over it.

NIght? Twilight mental asked.

You know it won't hurt her. Night playfully responded.

Candice moved her own wing into place to block, shielding Rainbow.

“Fine, you wake her then.” Night said, turning and trotting off to the Dining Room.

Twilight watched as Fluttershy offered a grateful smile to Candice before following. Little Star, the bundle of energy, was teleporting between Twilight’s and Fluttershy’s backs repeatedly. Candice’s magic formed another copy of her hearing augmentation spell but this time applied it to Rainbow. Technically, casting augmentation spells on an unwilling pony could be considered a minor crime, but nopony ever presses charges unless it was done with mal-intent.

Rainbow proved her title as the champion of sleep, ignoring the amplified sounds. Twilight could feel Rainbows pegasus magic extended to the area around her deadening the sound by preventing it propagating through the air. Suddenly all the effort involved in waking the mare over the years made so much more sense.

Candice seemed to take that as something of a challenge flaring her own magic in a disruptive pattern, trying to break Rainbow’s control of the air around them.

‘Food’ Nova tapped.

Twilight laughed and turned her attention from the strangest magical duel she had heard of and teleported Star, Fluttershy and her self past the doors, into the Dining room. She would get more practice with teleportation, she had to catch up with her daughter after all.

Rarity, Applejack and Starlight sat at the table in the Dining Room a sound bubble around them. Clearly, they had been talking and taking precautions about being overheard.

They are likely talking about me, aren’t they? Twilight thought.

Given that Rainbow knows how sharp are hearing is, yes.

The table itself was piled high with all sorts of foods, this was not a meal, this was a feast. With the connection to Nova still open she could feel the hungry rumble from Nova.

‘Remember our table manners’ Twilight tapped.

‘Nova good filly’ Was the response.

Little Star teleported to the ground, and the world’s smallest timberwolf charged her and was lifted in her magic and pulled into a hug. The small wooden creature was covered with magical runes, each glowing with Star’s magenta magic. The core of the creature was a small bundle of self-sustaining spells.

It seems like you were not the only one practising enchanting. Night thought.

“And who is your little friend,” Fluttershy asked, immediately interested by what appeared to be a pet.

“This is Thorn,” Star said, full of pride.

“Most impressive work, My Little Star.” Night said.

Fluttershy looked confused. “Work?” She asked.

“I made Thorn,” Star smiled and pranced a little bit.

“Little Star put it together like a jigsaw puzzle. She has a talent for creating it seems,” Rarity said happily.

Starlight continued “, and then it came alive. You might want to teach your daughter about responsible magic use.” Starlight narrowed her eyes at Twilight like still annoyed about the trip into the Everfree. “Creating something that looks like a timberwolf in a room with a farm mare is not exactly the wisest decision. Applejack nearly smashed the little golem when it started to run around.”

Twilight studied the little construct for a moment. Each piece of the creature was enchanted with a separate Come-to-Life spell. All of them were linked to a central core that granted it a semblance of intellect. “Well, if I had to grade it, I would give you an A star. You work is truly amazing here.”

If happiness over being praised could allow a pony to ascend Little Star just would have. She was radiating enough joy to start to challenge Pinkie.

“But” Twilight said, and Star froze. “You have to make sure others in the room with you know what you are doing. You have to also warn them before doing anything that could distract or alarm them. It is not just good manners, it also helps keep everypony safe from accidents and mistakes that might be caused by the misunderstanding.”

Little Star thought for a moment and then nodded. A scroll flashing into existence labelled ‘rules for using magic’. The new lesson Twilight had provided being faithfully recorded. Twilight smiled proudly at her.

“Now, let's finally get that food” Twilight said, picking Star and her new pet up in her aura and heading for the table.

One major benefit of constantly channelling a small amount of Alicorn magic to strengthen herself, was it also augmented her senses, included her sense of taste. She was definitely going to be taking advantage of that here.

The meal was excellent, and even Pinkie seemed impressed with how much Twilight was eating. Rarity seemed horrified. She did not care, this was a much a gift to Nova as it was a treat for Twilights own senses.

Night was the one she had to restrain, Twilight guessed a thousand years on the moon gave a pony a great appreciation of the simple things like food.

For a time nothing existed other than the simple joys of good food and happy conversation with her friends.

Twilight had already eaten what seemed like four ponies worth of food before the last two ponies decided to join them.

Candice entered alongside a slightly embarrassed Rainbow Dash. Candice’s attention focused on Thorn with interested before she headed for a seat. She offered a smile towards Little Star, showing her approval of the creation.

Rainbow went off like a food-seeking missile joining in on the feast. Twilight put a few weak shields over her friends’ food, to stop crumbs and the like from the hovering rainbows enjoyment of the meal, to spoil others.

“Sheeze, sugercube, and I thought Big mac could eat a lot,” Applejack said.

Twilight let out a content sigh and offered a smile to her friend. “Well, the food is just so good, and I am a growing Alicorn after all.” Twilight giggled. “You do not want to know how many tons of cake the palace goes though.”

Applejack seemed to be looking for a joke, or a lie, and when she realized there was not, her eyes went wide. “We are not offering any Princess an all you can eat buffet ever again.”

“Good call,” Twilight said, popping yet more food into her mouth. Twilight could almost imagine she had a furnace insider her, turning food straight into thaums of magic. Nova’s content rumbling and the tapped messages asking Twilight to try this thing or that, kept her at the table, eating longer than any of the rest.

It was good that Nova could be interested in something other than violence and sex. Nova wanting to try all the different foods just seemed like a foal in a candy shop. In this case, the foal being one that would never feel sick and could eat the whole store.

Given that she was an Alciorn, that made her part Earthpony, she could likely have started eating the walls of said store as well, be it wood or stone. Not that that would be a particularly pleasant experience.

The conversations continued. Rainbow Dash seemed very interested in Candice’s flight performance with her extra-large wings and actual tail feathers. This seemed to result in Candice offering both demonstrations and lessons to the consummate flyer. Though the lessons seemed to be more in the line of combat training rather than flight.

Rarity and Fluttershy were talking about the invitation Night had given out. If it was not for Twilight’s senses, she would not have picked up about the little detail that Fluttershy was interested in the offer, and not just for a single night.

Pinkie talked to everypony about anything, once or twice it resulted in a bizarre coincidence of the pony she was talking to, knowing what it meant. Every one of her words was filled with pure undiluted happiness. It was infectious in its own way. It was hard not to have a grin whenever Pinkie shared one of her jokes or performed a seemingly impossible stunt.

Starlight looked like Twilight was the prime suspect of a crime. It was unnerving. Starlight clearly knew something was wrong and yet she did not seem to be able to puzzle out quite what. Perhaps she was simply guessing because of something she sensed. If that was the case, she would simply forget about it. What could she possibly think that Twilight had done?

Twilight wanted to leave that judging look behind. A thought struck Twilight. With how Candice was gifted to her and they had just teleported here, she doubted Candice even had her own toothbrush, let alone anything else.

“Has shipping being arranged for your personal effects?” Twilight asked Candice.

“No, haven’t had time to arrange that. With how I came into your service, I wasn’t really given any warning that would have allowed me to prepare.” Candice said, not even a hint of unhappiness in her voice at the issue.

“Then how about we just pop over to Canterlot and grab your stuff now?” Twilight lit her horn letting her power build,

“What about LIttle Star? Is she good here on her own?” Candice asked.

Twilight looked to her daughter. “Can you please guard the castle and look after my friends again, My Little Star?”

A flash of magenta magic and Little Star was now decked out in her pith helmet with its runes around the rim and cloak decorated with magical symbols.

Some of her spell work needs to recorded, she is better protected than the elite guard. Night commented.

Twilight just smiled in response.

“Nice work on the helmet there Little Star. Looks like your mom’s lab safety spells in there.” Candice commented.

“Thank you,” Little Star said to Candice as Twilight picked her up and nuzzled her.

“See you later, My Daughter,” Twilight said.

“Bye, Mummy, Bye, Candy,” Star said. This resulted in Candice ruffing Little Star’s mane a little bit in affection.

Twilight smiled and finally released the teleportation spell in her horn.

They were gone.

Candice and Twilight parted ways after teleporting to Canterlot. Candice had headed off to collect her own things. Twilight herself was just collecting a few things from the Castle. Trotting through the corridors she had long ago memorised, was almost a mindless task.

She could tell Night was ready for trouble.

Rounding a corner, she came across one of the last ponies she wanted to see.

Blueblood just stared at her. Twilight could feel her necklace tremble as the fire within thrashed about. For once, Twilight was more than happy to agree with Nova’s opinion even if she would never take any action against him.

Just as she was about to pass him, he spoke. “I am sorry, Princess. I offer my apologies for my conduct. It was must unbecoming of my position.” Blueblood bowed respectfully.

Twilight froze. She was going to say ‘Come again?’ or ‘What?’ but Night silenced her.

Night turned their body to face him and levelled a regal stare at him. “Your position as Celestia’s nephew may have shielded you from consequence.” Night smiled. “Nevertheless, thank you, I accept your apology.”

They began walking away “I am afraid I have business to attend to. Until next we meet, Prince Blueblood.”

Why did we let him off that easily? You know what sort of a pony he is? Twilight mentally asked.

Of course, my host. I have been at this game longer than you. How he acts next will be what we judge him by. We will see if he is turning over a new leaf or was just cowed by your display of magic.

Twilight’s mind flashed back to her anger at him, the want to end him. That is not me.

Twilight? Night asked, real concern lacing her mental voice.

Twilight felt her body want to shudder, but Night countered each motion.

Having collected a few things she wanted to, and now with a book floating in the air before her muzzle, Twilight made her way towards where she was going to meet Candice. Her Alicorn senses making it even easier than it used to be, navigating without looking where she was going.

If she listened carefully, she could even build a mental picture of the world around her just form the way the sounds of her hooves clopping on the ground bounced off the walls and other surfaces. As to that the fact she could hear their heartbeats and beats of other ponies, she could avoid even stationary ponies.

She filtered out most of their conversations and miscellaneous sounds she could hear. She did not need to know all the casual gossip, but she knew her mind would record it all.

Almost to the meeting point, Candice’s voice grabbed her attention, she was not at the meeting point, but instead was over in a different direction.

“Did you just insult Princess Luna? Because it sure sounded like you did, Sergeant.” She heard Candice say to a guard.

It looks like somepony just agreed to be our entertainment. Night commented.

Twilight knew where this was going and popped her book into her currently reading pocket.

“There is only one true Princess,” the Solarguards voice stated.

Extending her senses, it was easy to locate Candice and the stallion she was talking to. Her destination zeroed in Twilight teleported behind the Solarguard unicorn. Twilight could feel Night’s approval as she whispered with a menacing purr, “And what does that make me?”

The unicorn spun on the spot, ready to defend himself from an imminent attack. Upon laying eyes on Twilight, he recoiled, his mouth sputtering for a moment as it seemed to try and say five different things at once. At least four of them seemed to look like they were going to be insulting.

“Why are you delaying my Guard?” Night said in a dangerously calm voice.

“She has no right to be here… Princess.” The guard stammered.

Do you mind what happens to this cur? Night asked Twilight.

Regrettably... yes. Twilight responded, surprising herself with her own sentiment. She wasn’t as alarmed as she felt she should be at the tempting thought of putting this guard in his place. Free from Celestia’s shackles she was beginning to wonder, who was she becoming?

‘He’s mean to Gift. Can I burn him? Please?’ Nova tapped out in the necklace. Her necklace seemed to want to jump at the irreverent guard with each tap.

Twilight saw Candice suddenly look at Nova’s necklace, her eye’s visibly widening. “Protective isn’t she?” Candice asked in the quiet ventriloquism that she used earlier.

Calmly, Twilight stated, “Well, if it’s only a matter of permission, then I authorise her to be here.”

Why do you have to make this dull? Night bemoaned.

“Sorry princess, you’re not in my chain of command. I can’t take that decree from you.” The guard said, not sounding sorry in the slightest.

Candice stepped up, “You haven’t read the regulations book in the last five years, have you? Regulation 78.289 states that ALL Princesses have the authority to make a decree like that when it comes to their own guard. I am her guard.”

“Sorry citizen, but that regulation has been contested by the Nobel Council. To keep things clear, we have defaulted to the regulation book from fifty-eight years ago,” The guard smugly said.

For a mortal, this guard's bravery is only exceeded by his stupidity. Night commented. Twilight could tell that Night was planning on how to show him his folly in impeding an Alicorn.

Twilight leaned in, “And when did this happen?” Her voice dripping with intent.

“Yesterday.” The guard said simply.

Blueblood. Twilight thought.

I doubt he would have apologised if it was up to him. Unless something made him change his tune suddenly. Night commented.

Twilight tapped her hoof on her chin for a moment, that particular text coming to mind.

What are you up to? Night asked.

You'll see. Twilight answered, grinning.

Twilight’s grin was as menacing as one of Night’s. “Then I command you to deliver all texts on hmm... Guards who have been disciplined for displeasing a Princess as you can find from the library, and two of the finest cakes from the best bakery in the city.”

“You can't command me, Princess.” The guard said levelly.

“No not as your Princess, but as Celestia’s former personal student, I can. Check page four hundred twenty-seven, second paragraph,” Twilight said as she just conjured the text whole from her magic.

Don't try and out ‘book’ the Princess of Books. Night laughingly added.

The stallion read the offered pages with growing dread.

Candice for her part, was just looking at him like she was watching somepony realise how badly they had just screwed themselves.

The text reads that anypony that has held the position of the Princess’s personal student my task any servant of the crown to retrieve books and/or cakes. Unless they are performing a task critical to the safety of the princess.

“Now run along minion," Night said

“You can't do this,” the guard said.

“I do believe I just did,” Night continued.

He stupidly continued, “The guards are critical to her safety. The living areas are critical to guards. Thus the living areas are critical to the Princesses safety.”

“As you did not bow to me offering the proper respect I could have you jailed for a week starting now?” Night threatened.

He bowed, looking like he was eating something foul. “My apologies, Princess.” Twilight did not think she had heard that her title sound like that much of a slur before.

‘Burn’ Nova tapped, offering her violent suggestion.

A course of action formed in Twilight’s mind, just the thought of flexing her magic in such a public display brought a smile of anticipation to her muzzle.

“Which apartment is yours?” Twilight asked casually, lighting her horn with enough magic to drive the stallion to the ground.

Her new guard slightly shook her head at the stallion. "Top floor. Third from the left on this side of the building. He made mention that the ‘personal effects of a Nightmare Moon Cultist is considered evidence’ before you showed up." Candice stated while pointing to the building she was near with her wing.

The stallion on the ground flinched when Candice informed her of what he had said.

I knew she had good taste. Night thought.

I don't think he meant it as a compliment. Twilight added good-naturedly.

“What do you think you’re doing?” The guard demanded, struggling to get the words out past the magical pressure.

With a menacing grin, Twilight said, "Oh just some urban remodelling and apparently an evidence transfer."

She could feel her grin slip into being a little eviler as Night started to grasp her plan.

Visualising her target and gripping it in her magic, Twilight trivially made the needed calculations in her mind. She was struggling to hold back a laugh. This is going to be good.

Night channelled pegasus magic though their wings gripping the air ready to reduce the shock wave, that much displaced-volume was about to cause. Not caring for the Guard, she only protected Twilight and Candice.

There were two blindingly bright flashes of magenta light and a boom of an arcing teleport.

The breeze from the arrival of something so massive caused everypony’s mane and tail to be thrown into utter disarray. Twilight felt a foal like glee as she slowly rotated Candice's enter apartment in the air above them.

Everypony in Canterlot probably heard that. She had shaped the boundaries of the teleport effect carefully ensuring it would be loud, but avoiding shattering any windows.

The terrified awe of the guard just added to her joy. She was using her special talent, and her mastery over it was being recognised. That was enough to make anypony happy.

Candice looked up at the floating room. It wasn't nearly as massive as Starfall was, but it was bigger. "You're not going to drop it on him are you?" Candice asked with the barely detectable edge of a joke.

“I would not want to get your stuff dirtied with his blood,” Night replied.

Twilight watched the Guard shaking a little, she did not know if he could still hear anything or if he could just read lips.

Feigning consideration for a moment, Candice replied. "Fair enough."

Twilight could feel her necklace vibrating. It felt very much like laughter.

“So Candice, would you like a bite to eat or shall we head home?” Twilight asked while trotting away, floating the section of the building along with her as casually as if it was a shopping bag.

Twilight felt a little embarrassed, but Night did not let her show any of it as more and more ponies looked out from their windows or came out on to the street to watch the scene. With each step she took, her embarrassment fade replace with a swelling sense of accomplishment. She could tell both Night and Nova approved.

Candice looked up at the chunk of building, "You could have just taken my stuff and left the building intact you know. I was just about to go grab it all since I literally only have a few things that would fit all in a saddlebag.”

“This makes more of a statement.” Night responded with a matter of fact tone.

"Stop harassing your new guard?" Candice asked, raising an eyebrow.

“And the only reason they are not crushed under an iron hoofed rule they could never escape, is because we chose to rule benevolently.” Night retorted.

Twilight flicked her eyes doubtfully towards the palace for a moment. In whisper speak, "Or at least I hope that is the truth."

In her own version of it, Candice replied, "I hope it is too. I can't escape the idea that it might just be a pleasant narrative though."

The sound of galloping hooves and clanking armour caused Twilight’s ears to twitch. She spoke in whisper-speak, “It seems that we have attracted a small fan club. A whole detachment of Solarguards are heading this way. They will be with us in a few minutes.”

Nearly as quietly, Candice asked, “What are you intending to do about that?” Her tone seemed amused.

“I am debating on whether to just let the Nightguard following us, deal with them.” Night said, nodding her head to one of the nearby shadows.

“Or we could just talk to them or just teleport home,” Twilight added. She knew that Luna’s guards would act in her defence if she asked. If this was a few days ago, she might have let them. Now with things improving little by little with Celestia, she did not want to cause too much of a scene. She mentally went over what she had just done. Ok perhaps I do want to cause a scene just not a conflict She thought.

So long as you do not start calling yourself great and powerful, you should be fine. Night playfully commented before turning her attention to Candice and speaking aloud. “Your thoughts?”

"You're the Princess, though letting them say their piece might make things easier later. Maybe even repairing the building that you're actually not supposed to be taking off with unless there is a level three or higher emergency," Candice replied.

“I am almost certain an angered Alicorn counts as much worse,” Night said, almost keeping the chuckle from her voice.

“Yes, but it only applies if you are responding to the emergency, not causing it,” Candice retorted.

“Oh, ok. I take your point. Next time I will just execute them for their disrespect,” Night answered. If it was not for the fact that Twilight could feel Night was playing, she would have commented. Instead, she just watched to see what Candice would do.

"That is not at all what I was getting at. You know that." Candice replied levelly.

"Night, don't be like that," Twilight said aloud, figgering she should set a good example. Besides, she had an idea. “All we need to do is file the right paperwork by the end of the week, we will be fine.”

Mental scoffing Night responded. “You and your paperwork.” Twilight ignored her.

Candice looked at Twilight for a moment. Her face showed appreciation for the support. She could see Candice was still getting used to the idea of having multiple minds in control of their shared body. As normal Candice was doing a good job adapting fast.

Twilight pulled multiple scrolls from her pocket and started filling out the forms. The forty seconds she had until the guards got there, was more than enough time with her using twenty quills. Twilight was no match for Rarity’s level of control precision but taking a step back from controlling her body allowed her to come close.

Night looked to Candice and said in whisper-speak, taking on a tone that sounded a little more Nightmare and a little less Twilight. “These Solarguards are pathetic. If I truly meant harm, half the city could be gone by now.”

Candice replied in kind, “Yes, but the Solarguards are not trained or even intended to take on Alicorn level threats. They would be getting civilians out of harm's way, not throwing their lives away trying to stop an Alicorn.”

“Then they have been trained poorly, either that or my… Celestia did not wish there to be forces that might have the chance to stop her,” Night replied.

“Probably the latter honestly. Luna is training me to be her champion. I don’t know yet how capable I will be in the end,” Candice added.

The quills held still for a moment. “Would you two stop complaining about the Alicorn that runs this city, she might be able to hear you.” Twilight whisper-spoke back before returning to her paperwork.

Night inhaled deeply, Twilight shifted her attention back to the bodies senses enough to work out what had caught her attention. It was the unmistakable scent of hay-burgers and other unhealthy food.

Night started them off in a stately but fast walk towards her new goal.

The armoured forms of three dozen ponies rounded the corner ahead of them in good order. Twilight could see their formation was crisp and official-looking. Even Twilight could tell it should have been on a parade ground and not anywhere near a real threat. The dozen smarter, better equipped, unicorns that were moving into positions on the roofs of the surrounding buildings would likely be the larger threat.

Once, this situation might have worried her, either due to embarrassment or fear. Instead, her mind calmly assessed the situation different spell arrays and combat options forming themselves into a plan of action.

Twilight smiled sweetly. “Hello gentlecolts, I did not request an escort for such a minor errand, but I thank you for your diligence.”

Twilight could hear Night laughing in her mind. Things did seem to turn out better when they were working together.

The guards stopped, it was almost as if they had just run into a wall. Twilight imagined it must have been quite a sight, seeing an Alicorn Princesses taking a stroll with part of a building, add to that her friendly words. I wonder if this is as close as I'll get to causing ponies to react to in the same way Pinkie sometimes provokes?

Don't even think about that mare, else you might summon her. Night cautioned.

You have to say her name out loud for that… normally Twilight ended weakly, remembering hearing Pinkie after a Pinkie Promise was made in her mental library.

Twilight floated the completed paperwork over to the apparent leader of the guards. They looked over each sheet one by one. The guarded armed ponies seemed restless. Clearly, they were expecting trouble,, they were expecting a fight but found nothing.

Candice for her part, just sat down and assumed a rather casual guard position near Twilight.

“Now if there’s nothing else?” Night said.

“... They all seem to be in order,” The leader of the detachment said.

“Sir, you can’t be serious.” One of the lieutenants stated.

“The laws say that princesses can do anything they wish with residences they own and any additions must conform to local ordinances… it says nothing about removing features.”

“She has taken the whole apartment,” the Lieutenant said in exasperation.

Twilight kept the sweet smile on her face and moved to walk past them. Reaching out with her magic, she rotated the whole apartment out of the physical world, depositing it into a new pocket. Well, that was surprisingly easy. She thought.

Night took control again, heading them straight for the nearest Hayburger.

This time it was Twilight that was laughing in her head. Today was turning out to be a great day.

“Ahh, a ghost!” A pony fled at the sight of Twilight. That was not the reaction she normally got. The rest of the customers were now focused on her.

Candice just facehooved “Apparently, somepony did not read the redaction.”

The ponies parted for them as the advanced in. The queue stepping aside. Twilight nodded thankfully to those that allowed her past. As soon as they got to the counter, Night ordered thirty hayburgers.

As soon as the taste hit their tongue, Night seemed to lose the ability to think. Yes, they were good, but they were not that good.

“Want some?” Twilight asked after devouring her fifth burger. Who knew that Nightmare Moon could have been defeated with a simple plate of hayburgers. Twilight thought. There was no response from Night.

“I could go for a couple,” Candice replied.

Twilight indicated with a wing for Candice to sit and partake. Night was still relishing the taste too much to notice that she was losing some of her coveted hayburgers.

Candice paid for and got her own drink. The workers seeing who she was with offered no complaint.

Three more burgers perished.

"So does this count as a date?" Candice said jokingly.

“Hmm?” Another hayburger met its untimely demise as Twilight cast an invisible privacy spell. "Would you like it to be?"

Candice looked at Twilight, "I'd like to take you out on a date, show you some places I found on my trip to Equestria, share stories. Have a night of stargazing with some good books after in front of a fireplace. What do you think? Sound good?"

Twilight looked up at Candice for a long moment. Here before her was a mare that was cursed or blessed with being made just for her. Turning her away would be like trying to tell a fish that it could get over its water breathing habit. The fact that said mare was honestly almost as attractive as Dreams and might be able to be more so, if she put a bit more work into her appearance, made things less complicated.

Twilight nodded "I think I would like that very much... I am just not sure when there will be time... And I am not sure some of my friends would be happy if I go as far as trying to make more time."

The privacy spell altered adding an illusion effect to it, hiding Twilight reaching out with a wing and brushed it over Candice's. Candice smiled at the contact. "It would be nice to get to know you better... You seem to know me better than I know you, yes you have told me your story but that's not the same," Twilight said.

Candice, still smiling, “I would love to. We could chat a bit to make more time with Luna’s help. Have conversation time in the dream realm.”

“Sorry... That is something that will not work... I don't dream anymore.” Twilight replied.

“How is that? Luna does,” Candice countered.

Twilight was curious but also a bit concerned, “Being an Alicorn... I end up where my... Other family is. I don't know how much Luna has told you...Nor how much I should say.”

“Maybe we should have a talk about that with Luna. You might just be missing something. Luna is an Alicorn, and we talk in the dream realm, so I know it's possible.” Candice added. She looked hopeful that she might be able to be of actual help to her.

“She is the Alicorn of dreams…” Twilight said.

“Yes, which means she's the best one to ask about it. It's worth a shot. If it's 'nothing can be done' then you've lost nothing. Or you could learn something new about Alicorns, and of its something new, then we both gain time together.” Candice added.

“She would have noticed by now and has not raised it as an issue,” Twilight said, trying not to get her hopes up.

“That doesn't mean it isn't worth asking, she might just be waiting for you to get used to things. Is the potential gain worth the price of asking your betrothed about it?” Candice pointed out.

Twilight wrote on a scroll and handed it to one of the Nightguard shadows that were nearby.

Candice looked like she had years of stories to share with Twilight. "Would you like to hear about my past adventures in the meantime? I don't usually talk about myself much to others, but you deserve to know what I've been through."

“You know it would be easier if you just turned her into a book.” Night teased out loud so Candice could hear.

“I don't mind you reading me like a book, but I would prefer not to be turned into one,” Candice said with a smile on her face.

“Hmm, what shelf would I put you on?” Twilight asked thoughtfully

“Might need a new shelf, it would vary depending on who's reading. For some I'd be adventure, others would be drama. For you, I'm hoping the magic/science and romance sections.” Candice added to the little game.

“Or perhaps a secret little one, full of guilty pleasures?” Night asked.

“I'll give you all the pleasure you desire, You just need to tell me it's what you want. That goes for all of you. I feel bad about what happened with Nova. I’d like to make it up to her at some point.” Candice stated with a slightly sombre voice.

‘Gift is nice’ was tapped out on the necklace.

"I'm very glad you came up with that necklace, it's not only ingenious, it's amazing and useful in more ways than one." Candice brushed a feather along the crystal. "Can you feel that, Nova?"

Nova replied ‘No’.

Candice had Twilight’s attention. She noticed that Night and Nova were also listening with interest.

“What do each of you want? How far do you want to go? What can I do to please each of you?” Candice asked.

“You want Nova to feel something?” Twilight asked.

“That would be nice,” Candice said simply.

“We need to go somewhere else then,” Twilight stated.

“Why?” Night asked, waving a wing towards the crowd. "They can detect nothing."

“I'm better with somewhere else,” Candice added her voice to the vote.

Night gave a quick nod and charged Twilight’s horn with shadowy magic. A flash of magic later and they were gone.

CH 32.4 Blueblood's Day

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Blueblood felt like his head was spinning. Somehow he found himself standing in front of his bathroom mirror. His reflection’s eyes looked tired, their coat unkempt and mane looked like it would fit better on a farm pony or something. This was going to take some time to fix.

He tried to think how he got here, why he was standing before his mirror right now. He could not, but other things danced to the front of his mind. He remembered that he might have drunk too much after receiving Luna’s letter. The nerve of that mare, dictating such terms to him, it was unacceptable. Though the more he thought about it, the less he was quite sure why he was so shortsighted as to provoke two Alicorns. It was almost like his brain was operating with some blind spots so he would get himself in trouble.

"Prince Blueblood, I am honoured to finally make your acquaintance." A mare's enchanting voice that spoke with both power and nobility.

Blueblood looked up, even in this state he kept his poise and grace. He did not panic or rush. They were addressing him correctly, and their tone bore no malice, so any danger would likely not be imminent.

In the mirror, he saw another pony. She was beautiful, caring. Elegance most could never achieve no matter the fortunes the spent of enhancement spells and private lessons. Her perfectly manicured appearance only highlighted Blueblood’s own current plight. Her coat was the finest platinum white, and her sapphire blue mane was in a flowing style that even he could tell, took many hours to maintain.

The tasteful jewellery only accentuated her beauty and spoke of the quality of pony that somepony in his position had no need to be ashamed of being in their presence. None of that explained why she was here, in his bathroom, right this moment.

He was about to snap out a harsh comment, and then he thought better of it. She was here past all of his guards, past all of the security spells. She was either very powerful or invited. Given that he could not even remember what he was doing before he found himself here now, he held his tongue. Better to remain silent than be proved a fool.

He met her eyes in the mirror, keeping a level composure. His gaze requesting answers. With a slight change of his expression, he knew that request could become a demand, but there was no need to be that rude, yet.

“I am Platinum Check,” The mare in the mirror stated. She seemed to be studying him, waiting for him to make a choice.

He wanted to know more, but he almost knew he could not appear weak or uninformed. Such things would only damage his position with this mare, whatever the truth of their position was. “Good morning, Platinum Check. Might I ask why you have sought me out before I have made myself ready to face the day? Is something urgent at hoof?”

“Urgent? Yes. But not in the manner you might be thinking. I am Princess Platinum’s servant. I check and validate a pony’s birthright. If they are validated, then I help them.” She said with grace and even tone.

Blueblood let just a hint of his classic noble disdain creep into his voice. “Do you take me for a fool? You are no Alicorn, how can you be standing here and claim such and expect me to believe you served Princess Platinum?”

“I sacrificed my body and magic long ago. My mind is here. My body is long decomposed.” She said with that same evenness to her voice.

He glanced back, about to comment. The mare was not there, the rest of the room only had its opulence to share the space with him. He blinked a few times and shook his head. Am I losing my mind? he thought, turning his gaze back to the mirror. He really should do something about his appearance.

“No, it was taken from you, years ago, by Celestia,” she stated, her voice genuinely remorseful.

He froze, there was that voice again. Looking up, he caught the perfectly maintained white coat, the regal horn, and radiant silver eyes.

Those eyes captivated him, something about them held his own. Her regret at her words was either true, or she was one of the best at the game of lies and manipulation that nobles often practised. “Might I ask you to explain that?” He asked. He had many questions he would need answers to before he would trust the word of what might be a delusion. Perhaps this is one of Aunty Luna’s dream manipulations, give as a punishment or a prank for my ill-considered words that had lead to me taking an unexpected bath in a fountain.

“Of course, and you are wise to not trust me right away, though this is no dream. Celestia sealed away your power when you were just a little foal. She had no need of your power as it was likely a threat to her. If you achieved your birthright, then you would be the Alicorn, not her slave, Twilight.”

In the mirror, his reflection altered, showing what could have been, The tall, royal stallion before him.

The dream was appealing, it was one he had before, many times. The one time it had been revealed to his Aunty Celestia, he could not help but feel she was laughing at him.

“You only now remember that because I have removed the block on that memory. Celestia put it there to keep you from discovering what should have been your destiny.”

For an instant, he was a little foal again standing in a darkened room before a large mirror. He looked in awe at the reflection of the tall male Alicorn before him. He knew this mirror predicted the future, that it meant he was special, that he was going to rule. A feeling of joy filled him. He would get to make the world a better place under his rule and keep his aunty company. She must be so lonely.

Celestia sighed. “You are not what I seek… such a waste.”

The white mare lit her horn. Blueblood screamed as ants crawled in his mind devouring it.

Pain shot through Blueblood as he stumbled back from the now-shuttered mirror. In its broken shards, he could still see the terrified foal looking up at the looming Celestia. He fought to calm the undignified shaking breaths, he was a noble, he was a Prince. He was better than this.

One by one, the prices of the mirrors lifted themselves back into place. Platinum now stood before him as if the mirror was just a doorway or a window.

“Do you see now? Do you understand what that white mare has stolen from you?” Platinum Check inquired, voice filled with disdain and anger at the actions that had been taken against him.

Blueblood carefully got to his hooves, standing tall and composed. Despite the vision, his mind was clear. With clear diction and a controlled but respectful tone, he answered. “I only see what could be a cheap parlour trick. If I am to believe this, I will need more than a simple illusion or mental image spell.”

The little fact he knew of such spells and even how to cast them gave him pause, he couldn't remember ever having been taught them. That was just another fact that deepened the mystery.

Her voice was without reproach, “I don’t expect you to. I would consider you a fool if you did. I would teach you how to see these things for yourself, but you already know. You can find the seals that she put there. Feel her signature for yourself. Don’t remove the seal on your magic though. She will know, and she will kill you if you do.”

Blueblood wanted to scoff. He had never been able to enter the meditative state that let him see his wellspring, He just never managed to get the trick. Or at least that what he thought was true, slowly the little insight he had been missing just floated there in his mind as if he always had known it.

Closing his eyes, he let his senses turn inwards. Before him, his wellspring sat there, small and pathetic looking. It was the reason he was forced to use his hooves for anything heavy. Just the sight of it angered him. How could somepony with his distinguished bloodline be so weak?

He could feel the meditation failing. Taking a calming breath and mentally refocusing himself, he waited until the vision before him stabilized. Platinum had said to look for Celestia’s Signature, that should be simple, he was exposed to it almost every day.

Slowly he became aware of a burning mass beside him. Looking that way, he was almost blinded. A huge bright core of magic was wrapped in golden chains. Each time his eyes tried to focus on one of the rune encrusted sections, he kept forgetting what he was doing for a few seconds.

Not only was most of his power sealed away, the seal had been enspelled so that even if he did find it, he would forget it. The question was, why was he remembering now?

“Because I’m keeping the memories from being locked away.” The mare said, the strain of concentration evident in her voice.

He turned from the larger portion of his power and the chains of solar magic. He was not even trying to work out how he could so easily identify the aspect of the magic binding his power. There was one test he needed to do. One thing that could be done here that the voice could not fake.

He walked up to what he thought was his wellspring. Carefully he lowered his horn to it. Connecting to your own wellspring like this was not normally done as it could waste a lot of power, but it was the only test he could think of.

His attention was pulled back to the real world, his horn aching. A moderate-sized orb of magic was slowly disintegrating, its wild and unstable glow casting the room in an alien light. Without that mediation trick and his action, there was no way he would be able to hold this much magic on his horn,

He spent at least half a minute just thinking of the implications, over three-quarters of his magic evaporating off in the time he was just thinking. This was a reason this method was almost never used. The first quarter of the magic held in this way would be lost in the first few seconds. It was only truly useful for an all or nothing brute force attack and such things had too much collateral, he remembered Celestia teaching him, in a lesson he thought he never had.

Quickly he pulled what magic he could back into his horn, forcing it back into his wellspring. He could not really afford to waste any. He just hoped he had the thaums left needed to imprint the political paperwork he had to do today.

So at least the fact that Celestia sealed my magic is true. He thought to himself in an unfamiliar analytical manor.

“You can find the seals on your memories as well. I can remove them, but I think you will learn more if you do it yourself.” Platinum Check advised.

“Sir, your carriage is here,” called in the voice of one of his servants.

He had to attend a meeting with some of the nobles and Celestia today, and if he did not leave soon, he would be late.

Yet again he wished his magic was strong enough just to cast one of the grooming spells to be able to get this done in a flash. There was no time to assemble the appropriate ponies to groom and make himself presentable. He would have to rush, and that would leave him looking anything but his best.

Magic that was not his started to groom him, his mane and tail laying into place and his coat now perfectly brushed.

The carriage ride to the Palace had been eye-opening. There were so many little details about the world outside and the ponies that he did not normally see. Was he just blind before? Was he too distracted by other things?

Platinum stayed mostly silent, letting him keep his own counsel, but he could still feel her there. It was as if she was nearby looking over his shoulder, always ready to comment or offer insight.

The one thing she did say on the trip stuck with him though. “If you want proof of my claims, just stick around Celestia long enough. I will protect you from her mind magic, but you will still see it.”

With that lovely and completely reassuring statement, he left the carriage. The imposing and perfectly maintained presence of the palace was before him.

The pegasus guards parted for him as always, he could see a look of contempt on their faces even as they did so. Nothing seemed different than normal, so did they always look at him like that?

Yes, Celestia had made you blind to certain things. It led to you making critical mistakes. The mare in his head added to his thoughts

Once well past the guards, he answered, “It is almost like she wants me to be a laughing stock.”

It fits her plans. You don’t need to speak out loud. I can hear your thoughts. If you direct something to me, I will answer. she lightly admonished.

You do know mind magic like this is illegal? Blueblood commented just to see her response.

Of course it is, Celestia is the only one allowed to use it. It keeps her little ponies under her control. Don’t take my word for it. Look for yourself when you see her in court. See how often she casually uses it to view memories for her own amusement. Platinum replied. Her disgust was evident.

The next set of guards, both unicorns, respectfully bowed their heads and opened the door for him. Blueblood automatically nodded back and didn't even have to break stride.

He had almost been raised in the Palace, navigating its complex halls and passageways was a simple task for him. If what you say is true, how does she get away with it? Surely the archmages would call her to account for abuse of magic?

They have the same blinders that you had until I took them off of you. They can’t see it because she won’t let them see it. Platinum nearly hissed.

He paused, considering his answer. His horn began to itch, that was somewhat of an odd sensation. A few strides more and he could feel a pressure, as if something of great magical weight was moving towards him. He could not remember feeling anything like this before.

A book came around the corner first held in a magenta aura. It was shortly followed by a lavender Alicorn that was reading said book. She flicked her eyes from the pages only once noting his presence and then disregarding it as if he was as far beneath her consideration as an insect.

With what you have done in the past, apologize, you need her on your side. She has a very strong dislike for Celestia. Make it believable. Platinum quickly said. Her voice carried the weight of conviction that left no room to argue with.

With each hoof fall drawing her closer, he could feel the magical pressure increase. She was restraining her power, and yet it was somewhat uncomfortable to be within ten body lengths of her. If she touched horns with him, he could only imagine the pain he would feel.

Why do we need her?

She has been freed from Celestia’s mental manipulations. She can help you, and she isn’t the tool she once was. I see the anger in her towards Celestia, and if you are going to go against an Alicorn, you need an Alicorn on your side. Platinum said.

A thousand objections came to mind about needing the commoner princess or how dare an unworthy be elevated to such heights. Most of his complaints just seemed silly or even foalish to him now. An Alicorn is an Alicorn, it didn't matter their parents. Twilight had got the best scores in magic possible from his Aunt’s school and then ascended. She had likely more power than all the rest of the nobles put together. She was a walking force of nature, and he could feel it.

Blueblood just stared at Twilight. How had he been so shortsighted as to risk alienating an Alicorn? She was going to be around a lot longer than he was, so she could ruin any legacy he might leave with just a few words.

She drew ever closer and was about to pass him. Her scent was heavy with the smells of a smaller town and other ponies. That and her lack of clothes or Royal Regalia would have got anypony else kicked out of the castle, and yet it did seem to suit her more. She was not the distant and towering imposing ruler doing nothing but sit on her throne. She was a mare of action that had saved the world multiple times.

That was just another piece of evidence showing how stupid he had been. Just the fact she had saved the world should have bought her more than a small amount of consideration from himself and the other nobles.

He was almost out of time. Just as she was about to pass him, he spoke. “I am sorry, Princess. I offer my apologies for my conduct. It was most unbecoming of my position.” Blueblood bowed respectfully.

Twilight was still for a moment before elegantly turning her body directly to face him. This was no small town mare, this was not a bookish librarian. Standing before him wearing a regal stare was a Princess. “Your position as Celestia’s nephew may have shielded you from consequence.” Twilight smiled. “Nevertheless, thank you, I accept your apology.” She began walking away “I am afraid I have business to attend to. Until next we meet, Prince Blueblood.”

Well done. It may have been political for now, but that is the first step. Your comment about hybrids got you what you deserved, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Platinum stated.

But hybrids are unnatural. If they were not, why would Their own magic try to kill them? He asked out of interest and not blind tribalism. To him, they seemed to only be a curse of pain and suffering to their families. A stillborn or crippled foal was not something anypony deserved to give birth to.

Hybrids are closer to being Alicorns than other ponies. The one that you and the other nobles kept trying to get out of RGIS? She is actually a functional hybrid and proof that it can work. Whatever is guiding pony development seems to have finally got it right with her. That the rest haven’t been able to work doesn’t mean they are an abomination, just a symptom of growing pains for the species. I wouldn’t be surprised if the doctors had something to do with them not surviving as well. She said with growing disgust.

So are you saying something is trying and failing to make more Alicorns, and all that pain and suffering caused by the hybrids are merely uncared for consequences?

Yes. And the fact that it has taken so many hybrids failing to accomplish one success would point to the idea that they are being hindered by something. It isn’t as important right now, but I would bet if you stuck around the hospitals long enough that you would see doctors miss-treating hybrid foals. I don’t have anything besides my experiences to draw on, but if you’re actually interested in helping them, maybe check the hospitals and see what happens when a doctor treats a hybrid. It’s up to you.

Given how seriously the noble families took their bloodlines, such a thing made sense. It would be a mark of shame to have a hybrid in such a pure-blood family. There should be no blood from the other tribes in them, at least a far as their genealogy said. If a hybrid was born, they would probably be quietly made to disappear.

There would be no hospitals, only a quiet visit in the night and the ‘problem’ would be solved. There was a good chance that most the hybrids up for adoptions were simply discarded, possibly even from the noble families. That would make sense why the sort of spells that could identify lineages was completely outlawed.

Blueblood started trotting towards his destination, he had been standing still for too long, and he would be lucky to not be late now.

The meeting room was beautiful. It was something that Blueblood always used to take for granted. It was almost as if he was seeing it for the first time.

In a sense, you are. First time without her blinders on your mind. Platinum added to his thoughts.

He just managed to get to his seat in time to hear the distinct sound of the guards announcing his Auntie’s presence. Blueblood was still conflicted, something had been done to him, and it did seem as if it was Celestia’s magic that did it, but he could not be sure.

Celestia moved into the room, her magic was warm and soothing, but almost smothering. It felt like happily drowning in a comfortable bed, if such a thing were possible. In body, she was the perfect pony, coat white, her mane billowing in an invisible wind. Everything about her seemed perfect. From the world’s most attractive horn on her head to wings that clearly were beautiful, so even a unicorn like himself could see their appeal.

If it was not for the ever-present motherly smile on her face, she would be considered more desirable than Cadance. How could a mare looking like her, do anything as bad as Platinum was suggesting?

The preamble and all the introductions for court took far longer than probably quite necessary. This was only a quick meeting and not a full session. Blueblood could remember more than one occasion where more than four hours were wasted picking what sandwiches to have at the next meeting or other pointless issues.

He could feel Platinum’s attention snap to the window for a moment.

Mid word Celestia's horn flashed. A barrier of golden light snapped into existence all along one wall, covering the windows.

Celestia was on her hooves, and the room was suffused with her magic. Some of the arrays floating in the air made sense, but it was hard to think with the pain in his horn and the magical pressure forcing him to the ground.

The Solar Princess coldly walked over to the window, ignoring the panic of the other nobles. Could they not see that it looked like the Princess was under attack? What were they thinking? Trying to get in her way and slow down her response?

Blueblood caught a glance of the cold impassive looking on Celestia’s face. She looked like she might trample anypony who did not get out of her way. Fortunately, her horn removed those in her path without harm. To Blueblood’s horn, it almost seemed that the magic was disappointed at having to be so restrained.

After a few seconds, Celestia's magic began to fade. The force holding him to the ground lost its grip on him. Blueblood couldn't help but move closer and have a look.

Outside near the noble district, there was a portion of a building floating in the air, surrounded by a magenta aura. That was Twilight’s magic.

“Why was my former student compelled to take such actions?” Celestia turned her eyes to the room. That was not the gaze of the loving maternal mare he was used to ruling the country. This was far harsher, it made him feel like a foal before it.

The noble’s voices rose up in a clamour, wanting to know what was going on, demanding answers. Some even denouncing her talking to them in such a way.

“Silence.” Celestia did not raise her voice, but they all obeyed. One by one, she cast her gaze on each of them.

As her eyes met Blueblood’s, he felt her, a presence reaching into his mind. His perception shifted, he could see Platinum holding a beautiful gem, looking into it as Celestia browsed through a collection of his memories.

Apparently finding nothing of concern, Celestia’s eyes shifted to the next noble. The mental presence faded, much to his relief.

This went on for three more nobles before her gaze became a burning glare, settling on Last Word. “Why did you feel the need to do that? Are you trying to earn my sister’s ire?” She made a thoughtful hum. “I will deal with you later.” In another flash of golden light, Celestia’s victim was gone.

Celestia walked over to her throne. “Now everypony, please retake your seats.”

“Princess…” The crowd started again calling out.

There was another flash of magic, and all of them were back in their seats, passive.

Blueblood could feel Celestia’s magic wrap over each of the ponies in the room at once. Mentally, he saw into that gem Platinum was holding. The memories of the last ten minutes evaporated, and new images started to form. An image of things that did not happen to Last Word excusing himself and leaving the room under his own power and not being teleported away by Celestia.

Celestia’s expression became perfectly serene again. Slowly the nobles began talking, each playing their part, following what Blueblood was sure was a fake memory.

He had just seen the Princess use forbidden magic. The minimum sentence she should suffer would be exiled, and she used it just to win an argument?

The rest of the meeting was a blur. He knew he let down some of his allies by forgetting to mention points or not befriending them in the way he should have all the time, but he was just too stunned by what had happened.

When it came time to leave, he was truly glad for it.

It was all Blueblood could do not to gallop to his estate, taking one step after the other in the same regal stride he had been taught to use since birth. It only worked because it was now second nature, due to long years of habit.

After he could no longer feel Celestia’s presence, Platinums voice was in his head again. That actually happened faster than I thought it would. All that power and she uses it for something as trite as keeping up her perfect image. Imagine what else she has done with that. Who’s memories can be trusted?

He wanted to gulp, this was feeling more and more like a bad dream. I would rather that you were lying to me and none of this was true… He responded. With what he had felt and seen, he could not truly doubt her claims.

I’m actually sorry that it isn’t a lie. I truly wish that your Aunt was who you thought she was. It is my job, my very reason for being, to look after the descendants of Princess Platinum. Even if it wasn’t, I would want to be here for you. I promise, I will protect you. I will be here for you. Platinum said with clear sorrow and determination.

He felt hooves wrap around him. It took him a moment to recognize it, he was being hugged. The warmth of the contact felt nice, comforting. He hadn’t felt this in ages. He was even being affectionately nuzzled.

He paused, checking that nopony was around. Seeing he was alone, he returned the embrace with the invisible mare. His eyes focused on the reflection in a golden ornament, he could just make out Platinum’s form hugging him.

His ears twitched, hearing distance hoofsteps. He startled, breaking the contact. In a brief panic, he started trotting back home instead of waiting for his carriage. It was not a long trip, he could be there in minutes. It made him wonder why he bothered with the carriage in the first place.

I’m so sorry that she stole everything from you. She said, nearly heartbroken herself.

What do we do? Who can we tell? If she is using mind magic like that, anyone we tell will be at risk.

Twilight is free of her. She has mind magic wards, I could feel them. I think she might be the only one that is safe to talk to. Platinum surmised.

Blueblood wanted to facehoof. Memories of a previous gala coming to mind. He was being such a plothole towards the white mare that was her friend.

I think it might take some work before she will be even willing to listen to me.

I suggest apologizing to Rarity then. That would be a good start. If you can win her over, then it will go a long way in convincing Princess Twilight to give you her trust. You really hurt that mare when all she wanted to do was be treated like a Lady. If you actually do win her over, she might even give you another chance. If you want it, that is. Platinum said, sounding hopeful.

The guards outside his estate were surprised to see him trotting up without his carriage. But reacted quickly to open the gates and then the following doors. All his guards were unicorns, that was a glaring hole in his security. Why had he done that?

Instilled tribalism from Celestia possibly. Platinum interjected.

He paused his mental conversation for a moment to address one of his guards. “Please send a runner to the castle and let the carriage team know that I am home safe and will not have need of them for the rest of the day,” Blueblood said in an official-sounding voice.

The guard seemed shocked but bowed and obeyed. Blueblood moved on. But she claims to be against it and even wrote the laws that punish it. Blueblood weakly protested. At this point, he would not be surprised if Celestia had just invented Nightmare Moon to just manipulate the ponies or perhaps as a test for her precious faithful student.

Walking into his home and past the bowing servants, he made his way to his study.

Yet she still hasn’t fixed the issue in her own Solarguard. It’s great for public image but in areas where security actually matters? The one hybrid that was in her Solarguard eventually left for Luna’s Nightguard. She was in RGIS as a paper-pusher and data analyst if your memories are accurate. Platinum countered.

Blueblood closed the door behind him as he made his way to his desk. Two bits of paper being laid out ready for him to write upon.

Yet look at what happened as soon as she was under Luna. She qualified to become her fourth chosen. Celestia wasted her talents. Luna isn’t, and if what I think I saw out the window is accurate, that hybrid is now Twilight’s personal guard. I don’t know for sure but that all points to Celestia not wanting hybrids around. I think they might be a threat to her somehow. We would need to do research, though to be sure. Maybe the Royal Archives? Platinum questioned.

Blueblood laid two more blank bits of paper onto the desktop. It seemed someponies would be getting letters they would never expect to receive, especially from him.

CH 32.5 Elytron's Day

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Elytron felt like she was almost staggering along the streets of Ponyville. She was full of too much love, too much emotion. That at least some of it had been directed at her just made things worse. Little Star’s concern and affection for anypony that her mother liked were utterly heartfelt like most children’s. Ever since she was woken by the Queen's command, she had no choice but to move.

Only long practice and hash training kept other ponies from noticing anything was wrong with her. Well, other than Twilight’s new guard, apparently she had worked something out. However, fortunately, she seemed to think Emerald was one of the traitors and not still true and loyal to the hive.

A little bit of her social manipulation training came to her. She considered all the damage she could do to Twilight’s reputation by letting the public know exactly what she was using a changeling for. It could never work. Twilight’s magic held her tongue too tightly.

Elytron smiled and waved at the ponies around her, careful to keep her expression in character. They could not be allowed to see how debilitated a changeling could get if they were given too much emotion to feed on.

The Queen’s command still compelled her. Step after step, she headed too what she thought might be her doom. Shew was holding that much love and the Queen wanted it, That would be a problem, but whatever Twilight had done her gave her no protection from a command to go somewhere.

A part of her mind was rapidly coming to its senses now the sources of the intense emotions were more distant. That part decided it wanted to panic. There was going to be no way she would be able to explain, and if the Princess’s words still bound her, there would be no way could give over the love as she was meant to.

The feeling of being slammed into the wall by Rainbow Dash came to mind. If she had been in her true form, she would have now been definitely trying to heal cracks in her carapace. As pony’s healing magic was all focused on healing their soft body, she might have been in trouble trying to get the cracks repaired.

If they found out what she was and what she was here for, cracks in her natural armour would be the least of her concerns.

She looked around she spotted the two changelings she knew were following her. Apparently, the Queen was taking no chances. She was carrying enough love to feed the whole hive for a month at least.

Are they there just to guard me, or does the Queen doubt me already? Elytron thought. This curse inflicted upon her by Twilight was truly going to be her undoing here.

She slipped unnoticed by the normal ponies between two buildings and into a side door. With the Princess of Friendship being one of the most powerful mages in existence, nearly all of the changeling’s normal tricks in hiding could not be safely used. This was simple concealment, simple coloured fabric blocked the view from above and boxes and barrels granted cover from the street.

The door quickly led to stairs going down into a basement. With each step, she could feel the eager minds of the changelings below getting nearer.

A larger earthpony was apparently working to organize supplies down here. Elyton knew that he just moved the same boxes back and forth all day every day, only appearing to be achieving anything.

The disguised guard looked at her for a long moment, almost drooling. No doubt he could feel the amount of love that she was carrying. She remembered being a young changeling in training and how much of an occasion a love collector returning with even a quarter of this load was.

In all her two long years of life, she never expected to be so successful. If it was not for what Twilight did to her, she might have been blessed with an almost endless life for her service instead of each month being purely at the Queen’s whims.

She knew back in the main hive there were at least a dozen eggs ready to be force grown into a replacement for her in a matter of weeks. She liked to think they would not be as good as she was, that she had enough value to be allowed to keep living. If she was a pony, she might have cried. As she was not, she was desperately trying to figure out something, anything she could do to get out of this alive.

The ponies, like most prey species, did not know how easy they had it with their sheltered lives.

Unbidden, the thought of being cut open so the love could drip out, crossed her mind. Oh, how she hoped that how it would be done. If the Queen used her magic to rip the love from her, it would be far, far worse. She could still remember the screams of the infiltrator she had replaced.

She wanted to turn back and flee, but that was still not an option. Her traitorous legs kept her moving on. In the far corner, the trap door leading to her fate waited.

Something pushed it open from below. An undisguised changeling head greeted her. Unlike her own more elegant lines, this changeling looked heavier set and almost overweight. She had been created as a love hauler, a new type of changeling the Queen had created now that they were being successfully hunted. The ability to rapidly pick up and move large stores of love were essential. Prince Shining Armor had been leading a one pony crusade to hunt down any and all unreformed changelings.

Those that were caught were never heard of again. Whoever said Equestria was a land of nothing but love and tolerance had not seen how they put their foes to the sword.

Depositing love was never a pleasant thing to do, it always felt like you were giving up something precious, something you needed to stay alive. All that was true, but it was her duty to the hive. The small trickle she managed to produce was pathetic. Compared to what she was carrying, the little that Twilight’s rules allowed her to give up was not even a few days supply for the hive.

The hauler was glaring at her, her eyes judging. Here Elytron was, an unwilling traitor to her hive, any moment now the hauler would contract the Queen and then that dreadful pressure would reach in and crush her mind.

The hauler latched onto her, and using her power, tried to ‘encourage’ the love to start flowing. It was useless, not mere hauler could pull from an infiltrator, or even a collector unless it was allowed.

When the Queen’s attention focused on her, Elytron nearly collapsed under the weight of its annoyance. Even without a single word being said, Elytron felt broken, useless and like a waste of the love needed to spawn her. Infiltrator, relinquish your love at once. The Queen’s multi-toned voice hammered into her mind.

She could not obey, she had to obey. Pain clouded her thoughts, and she collapsed to the ground.

Useless worm of an infiltrator. What is wrong with you? Do as I command you. Her Queen’s demand seared in her mind.

Groaning on the floor Elyton responded, My Queen, I can’t.

You can’t, you can’t?! The Queen’s mental voice roared. It felt like it was going to shake Elytron’s soul apart.

I’m sorry... The weak answer was almost a whimper. She was not some weak pony how had Twilight, with her words alone, caused so much. She started banging her head on the cellar floor, hoping beyond hope that somehow the impacts would clear her mind from whatever compulsion bound her.

Uselsses! That one word from the Queen pronounced Elytron’s death sentence, she felt it. There was no saving her now, the love would be ripped from her for her treachery.

The heavy hoofsteps of the guard disguised as the earthpony moved towards her. Each step was her execution drawing nearer.

Twilight may have enslaved her, but after accidentally harming her, she had healed her. She had invited her into her home and allowed her to feed on the emotions, fully knowing what she was. She knew her thoughts would mark her as a defective changeling, a traitor to the hive. Though her non-compliance marked her as such already, but she did not want to die.

“Why?” The hauler asked, her voice full of sad disappointment.

“I can’t tell you,” Elytron said, looking up in the judging eyes of the hauler.

“All you have to do is give up the love, that’s all.” The hauler’s voice was as tender as any honest changeling’s could get. It felt like ‘please do this, so I don't have to waste the effort to kill you’.

If the Queen was still watching, she would be disappointed with the hauler for even hinting at mercy. Or was it not wanting to go thought the effort? In that case, it might be defensible s being pragmatic even if it causes the appearance of weakness.

“If I could have, I would have,” she yelled.

“That makes no sense,” The hauler said.

“I know,” Elytron laughed.

“It is no use, she is mad,” The guard behind her stated with finality.

What was she willing to do to live? These two changelings were here under the Queen’s command. They were doing their duty. Could she harm them? After a moment’s thought, she knew she could. She was trained to be ruthless when achieving her goals, and she wanted to live.

She felt inside herself, most the love would need to be digested to be of true use. For immediate use, she had what was willing given to her by Twilight and her daughter. The emotions of an Alicorn was no trivial thing. In truth, she was both a little worried and highly interested in seeing how it performed compared to that harvested from lesser ponies.

Her decision made, she gathered her magic. As soon as her horn lit, the Queen’s will was back again.

She is mine! Elytron got the image of a Night-black Alicorn grinning as a huge mass a razor fanged shadows descended upon the Queen.

You! No! ARRRRRHHHHHH The Queen shrieked, disrupting the link and freeing Eleytron from its suffocating grasp.

The two other changelings in the room collapsed holding their heads. Elytron stared, dumbfounded. What the buck?

Scrambling to her hooves, she ran. She could not think what else to do. Yes, she could have killed her fellow changelings, but she did not spend the time. She cursed herself, if she was really doing this she should have. This way, the Queen still had more assets in the area.

The sound of hooves behind her just pointed out her error. The guard had recovered the quickest and gave chase. Elytron was made for stealth, for infiltration, for being able to remain undetectable. The guard was made for physical abilities, stamina and speed.

This was not going to end well.

She made a run for a crowded part of the town, hoping that the guard would at least try to maintain some amount of subtlety.

The two collectors that had escorted her in were up ahead, on the ground being looked after by a small crowd of ponies. Whatever Twilight had done to the Queen seemed to have affected at least the local changelings.

Pain slammed into her side. A bolt of magic catapulted her down a side alley. Tumbling through the air she struck the ground skidding along, her coat being torn out in places.

A large unicorn mare loomed, stalking forward advancing down the alley, Silence and perception filter spells flashed round the area. The green glow of her horn more than announcing she was a fellow changeling.

Just the spells used made Elytron’s blood chill. This was one of the Queen’s assassins. Likely in place to strike against the Elements of Harmony, but now being sent after her. She got to her hooves, flash casting a shield spell. She might not be very good at them, but with this much love, she should be able to hold out for quite a long time.

She backed away step by step, keeping her focus on her defence. If she could just get outside of the range of the filter, somepony would see, somepony would call Twilight.

A dark chuckle sounded from behind her. She glanced over her shoulder, the guard that had been chasing her blocked her path.

A sudden loud boom of lightning and a gust of wind. In a flash of rainbow colours, the guard was now slammed against the wall of the far building, cracking it. Sliding down its exterior, his unconscious body unceremoniously hit the ground as his form flashed green and returned to his armoured changeling appearance. She looked to where the assassin was, her powerful and deadly, but still, form was now on the ground with electrified smoke coming off her burnt chitin.

Hovering triumphantly in the air Rainbow Dash smirked, Elytron never thought she would be so happy to see the cocky mare.

She just sat there still not moving a single muscle, she needed a few seconds to reassume the demeanour of Emerald.

The perception filter fell away as the magic within it depleted and had noling powering it. Other ponies were staring in, she was now completely off mission and so was now purely improvising.

Playing the role of the rescued victim, putting on an act shaking as the ‘fear’ hit her, she turned tearfully grateful eyes to her unexpected saviour. “Thank you, Rainbow, thank you,” she said as she laid down to calm her shaking.

Rainbow landed, now perched over the revealed, unconscious guard posing heroically.

Elytron pulled Rainbow into a grateful kiss. The blue mare’s wings puffed out and her eyes when wide. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Her saviour, the perceptive and rash Wonderbolt, was now a distracted and embarrassed mare. Much easier to work with.

Something shifted in the shadows. Elytron lit her horn, spending the extra love to make the colour distinctly pink and not changeling green. Rainbow spun to face the new threat.

Slit eyes revealed themselves first. A moment later, a wingless bat pony that happened to have a horn stepped out of the shadows.

She knew that Luna’s guard was good, but this was extremely unsettling. How long has he been there, how much had he seen? She did not need to fake the worry she was feeling.

“A little late for the rescue there,” Rainbow said.

The clearly Nightchosen Unicorn glanced at the two changelings and then both Rainbow and Elytron. “Not my job… but came to check up anyways,” He offered with a shrug. “But well played.” He let a fanged smile show.

“So you here to collect this trash?” Rainbow pointed to the unconscious and likely quite injured changelings.

“Nah. I got ponies for that.” The Nightchosen said as hooves emerged from the two changelings shadows and pulled them into the ground.

The shocked looked on Rainbow’s face just widened the Nightchosen’s grin.

“We should get to the castle…” The Nightchosen turned to walk away. “My name is Striker.“

The walk to the castle had been an experience, being escorted by one of Luna’s fearsome guards lent an air of importance and mystery to an otherwise normal event of walking.

Striker went to push the doors open with his shadowy magic, and the door stayed closed.

A flash of magenta light and Elytron found herself inside the castle next to a confused looking Rainbow Dash.

Little Star dressed in her ridiculous, if adorable, war-gear sat happy to see them. She ran around them fussing checking them for injuries. Lighting her little horn the foal started casting some sort of healing magic on her.

There was a knock on the main door of the castle.

Little Star casually opened a scrying window looking at the main door. Striker was calmly knocking at the door.

Little Star looked at Rainbow and then Elytron, seeming a little unsure who she should ask.

“He’s with us, kiddo,“ Rainbow said.

Star glanced to confirm with Elytron who nodded her agreement.

With yet another flash of teleportation magic, Striker was standing before them.

“You know most ponies would have just opened the door,” Striker said.

“Yes,” was Star’s direct and unbothered answer. ”Who are you?”

“Names Striker, I work for your mother.”

“Like Candice? Did Mummy Luna gift you to Mummy Twilight too?” Star innocently asked.

“No, unfortunately not, I just have to stick with your Mother Luna.” He answered jokingly.

Little Star offered him a hug. “That’s ok, both my Mummys are great, so don’t be sad.”

Striker did not quite know what to do when being hugged by a foal who was earnestly trying to be comforting to him. Rainbow Dash just laughed. Elytron let a soft smile grace her muzzle.

Striker looked to Rainbow. “We should talk, can we go somewhere more comfortable…”

Before he had even finished, Star had teleported them to a comfortable room full of couches, seats, and of course, lots of books.

The was a startled eep from Rarity and a slightly frustrated look from Applejack. “You know sugar cube… most ponies use doors.”

“I know,” Star said as if receiving random trivia she already knew. Elytron could taste the slight spike of resigned amusement as Star thought Applejack was a silly pony. She happily trotted over to a bookshelf and pulled down a huge tome.

“So Emerald Shade… why did you have a pair of specialized changelings after you? And why were you terribly surprised?” Striker asked in a casual tone. Anything with fangs and slit eyes could do wonders with a casual tone to make it seem threatening.

That got everpony’s attention in the room looking straight at her, except for Little Star who seemed unbothered.

“Changelings, here?” Applejack got to her hooves. “I thought they were all good now, except Chrysalis”.

“Darling, would one be right in assuming that that horrible monster has more of her ‘crimes against fashion’ here in Ponyville?” Rarity added.

A few books teleported in around Little star and a few scrolls were flitting softly in the air, filling themselves in with text.

Rarity looked to Little Star. “Do you know a changeling revealing spell?”

Little Star shook her head. “No, but I know where it is.” In another flash of magic, she was gone.

“Why does that unicorn even have legs, she never uses them anyway,” Applejack mumbled to herself.

This was going to be a pain, she knew that Applejack would spot each and every lie. That Striker there was another predator and likely well trained by Luna.

“So what were they after you for?” Strike asked, his face friendly, but eyes intense.

“They were trying to kill me.”

“Why?” Rainbow asked full of her brash brand of concern.

“Because I know things about them and they didn’t want me escaping with that knowledge.”

“That sound a might suspicious” Applejack intejected. “How does some harlot like you know things about changelings?”

She let a look of incredulity full her face as she glared back at Applejack. I’m a fully trained infiltrator and one of the best my hive has ever produced, not some common harlot, you apple obsessed country hick. Elytron thought, and very much would have liked to say.

Little Star flashed back into the room floating a scroll over to Rarity, who began slowly reading it. By the interested look on Star’s face, it seemed she was aware of everything said in her absence. Likely more scrying magic from the foal.

“So what did you find out?” Striker prodded, trying to bring peace.

“I found out that the condemned warehouse on the east side of town is a secret Changeling hideout.” Elytron stated. If her Queen was trying to kill her, she was not going to just lay down and die. She would have to fight back. Have to gain new allies and tools to use to protect herself.

Rainbow Dash was paying attention, it seems their little incident early in the day had deflected all of the blue mare’s suspicions of her.

Applejack on the other hoof still did not trust her, Striker was harder to read. Even his emotions were almost undetectable. Applejack was about to say something, but Striker turned his eyes to her. She recoiled.

Despite how ponies may say they will accept anypony, that the thing it is only ‘anypony’, not anycreature. If you weren't a pony, they could be as judgmental as they liked.

Even without being corrupted, the changelings could have happily learned to live among the ponies, not harming them in the slightest. But no, they were shaped by their Queen Celestia into eliminating anything that could threaten her power. That was why Changelings were hunted until they could be changed into a subservient slave species.

She had to admit, after the long centuries, the heat went both ways. Queen Chrysalis would sooner die than give up a chance to kill Celestia and recently Starlight Glimmer.

“What were you doing there?” Strike asked.

This was one she was going to have to answer carefully. She could not lie, but she did not have to. “It was like something was calling me there, I think they intended to capture me to drain me of all my love, then leave me a withered ugly corpse.”

“Then you are going to have to stay here, you have proven to be vulnerable to their mind magic. This castle has the strongest wards against mind magic anywhere in Equestria.” Striker declared. There was going to be no disagreements. In all honesty, Elytron did not want to object to any of it. She would have to talk to Twilight and who would be insane enough to try and break into the castle of the Element of Magic.

“Before she stays here, there is something we need to check. The only problem is I can't cast it,” Rarity said.

Little Star pulled the scroll back into her aura and looked over it. “This one’s easy, want me to cast it?” Little Star said looking eager to be of help.

“Please do,” Eleyrton said, full of confidence. She was an infiltrator, everything about her would pass inspection, even against magic. Even if she was killed, she would stay in the form she was wearing at the time.

Little Star lit her horn. Instead of the normal bolt of magic, a sphere grew, expanding and soon rushing through the walls of the castle.

As soon as the magic touched her, Elytron shuddered and nearly fell. Again the little one was demonstrating how overpowered she was. There was a good chance that pulse of magic might reach Canterlot.

“Star… next time darling, try and put a bit less force behind your spells please,” Rarity added rubbing her horn.

“Ok… why?” Star asked.

“It is a little uncomfortable for those of us that are… “ Rarity started.

“You a very powerful unicorn, if you are not careful, even your simple spells can be painful or even harmful for other unicorns to be near,” Striker cut straight to the point.

Little Star looked mortified for a moment, then her horn lit the barest amount and a medical spell swept around the room. Pony after pony she checked, looking more and more relived.

Elytron could feel Star still had plenty of worry, she was likely going to try and check all the ponies that might have been affected by her spell. “Star?”

Little Star looked up at her, pausing her spell casting.

“Do you know how the power of any expanding spherical field of magic reduces with the square of its radius?”

Star nodded again. In less than half a second, her emotions calmed. “So all the other ponies in Ponyville are going to be alright.”

Elytron nodded. “Yes, Little Star… unless they are a changeling and then they will be forced back into their true forms.” Laying down on one of the couches, she continued. “You are truly an amazing filly Little Star. Your mothers would be proud.”

The joy filling the air and the happy embrace delivered via teleportation were already doing wonders to restore the love she had used to defend herself.

Killing time in the castle was not how she was planning on spending the day, but she dared not leave, not yet. She had to talk to Twilight and find out what exactly what she had done other than marking her for death from her own kind. So far, Twilight knew exactly what she was, and Candice knew a part of it.

She might as well face the music. In all likelihood she had only traded one master for another, admittedly this one fed her better and seemed to actually care about how she felt.

Chrysalis would have never defended her against Rainbow and made such a public display of support. Twilight did not love her, but she cared, and that could have been enough. More so with how potent Alicorn’s emotions were.

She had made herself as helpful as she could be in the kitchen helping Spike. She had read a few books to Star, even doing the silly voices the foal seemed to like so much.

The affection was just too tasty not to give into Star’s every demand. The filly could feed a whole hive on her own for months before she would be drained dry.

Most of Applejack’s doubts about her faded upon seeing how she acted around Little Star. As always, family and apples were the keys to befriending her.

Rarity was still surprised at everything that had happened, but she did a credible not show it. Only the taste of her emotions gave her away. The added edge of intrigue and excitement lead Elytron to think she was convinced this was some sort of conspiracy out of one of her bad romantic spy novels.

Elytron returned to the room with the others, having just put Little Star to bed. Admittedly she was teleported to and from the room by Little Star herself, but it was still the thought that counted.

“Where in tarnation is that mare?” Applejack asked. “She said she was just taking a quick trip to Canterlot. We all know she can teleport there and back before Dash could fly to my farm.”

“Darling just stay calm, there is most likely a perfectly good reason for this,” Rarity said.

“There had better be, I am getting mighty fed up of always worrying about what might have happened to her.”

“If you two need to go, go. I can look after Little Star and the Nightguard have this place surrounded. I would not be surprised if there was one still in this room,” Elytron said.

“But didn’t they leave hours ago?” Applejack said.

“Can you be sure? I still see shadows in here and any one of them could have a Nightguard in it,” Elytron said, retaking her seat.

“Oh my,” Rarity said, blushing slightly.

Applejack looked around a bit paranoid.

“Don’t worry you're the Elements of Harmony, you’re the best friends of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Luna’s betrothed. I am sure they have guards watching you around the clock.” Elytron said in her most reassuring tone, letting her eyes sparkle with mischief.

Rarity’s blush deepened.

“Well, I need to get back to the farm.” Applejack said. “And maybe get some more candles.” She added under her breath.

Rarity looked up, “As delightful as your company has been, I should go and collect my sister from Fluttershy. Thank you for doing this for us.”

“Anything for Twilight,” Elytron said in complete honesty. She knew that Twilight had enough magic that she could just compel her. So there would be little point resisting anything that would not harm her.

Rarity looked at Rainbow sleeping on top of a bookshelf and shook her head before joining Applejack on her way out.

Finally, she was mostly alone. The day’s events still hung in her mind, but at least with the mental wards here, this gilded cage would at least be safe. She let her eyes linger on Rainbow’s sleeping form. Perhaps I might be wrong about the ‘traitors’ after all.

CH 33 Nightmare's Vault

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The feeling of sinking through the shadows was starting to become routine. Candice just dropped her hooves for the soft landing. It proved unnecessary as she impacted an extremely soft surface.

They arrived in a place that had no light at all. Her thestral vision kicked in, and the unique colours of darkness greeted her in what looked like a small room or vault. Looking down, she saw they were on a bed that seemed big enough for one full-sized Alicorn to sleep on, or a few regular-sized ponies.

Twilight was there reclining next to her. In the dark, she still looked just as beautiful as she did in the daylight, only in a different way. Her eyes had the slit appearance that Candice’s own did at the moment. She had dropped the vision protection spell she had on her eyes since it would not be needed here. Candice laid down next to Twilight, close enough for their wings to touch.

Twilight suggestively trailed a hoof along Candice’s withers then wrapped a hoof around her and pulled her close against her barrel. The feeling of closeness and warmth filled her from behind as one of Twilight’s wings became a blanket over her.

“Private enough for you?” It seemed that Night was talking in a playful tone of fake mockery.

Candice just smiled a bit and nodded.

Twilight’s new necklace seemed to be vibrating between the two of them, it almost felt like a deep purr from a powerful animal. Just in case Nova was trying to talk to her, Candice paid attention to the pattern to see if there was code there, though none was found. The vibrations seemed strong enough to almost be a massage aid.

Candice cast her eyes about the room as she relaxed against Twilight’s warmth. The walls of the room were filled with shelves, racks and cupboards. It seemed the bed was in the middle of a well-organised hybrid of a store-room and an armoury.

Almost all of the storage places were completely filled and precisely laid out. Two sections had items missing which interrupted the pattern. The first was a weapon rack that was missing a dagger. The other section was black gems, each spaced neatly on velvet cushions along a shelf. It appeared two were missing.

As Candice was taking in the room, Twilight seemed to also be looking around in curiosity. By the changes of expression on her face, it seemed like she was having an internal conversation and was not trying to hide the fact.

For a completely sealed room with no apparent exit, the air was clean. It smelled a little of rare night flowers, but the scent of lavender from Twilight’s coat was what pleasantly filled her nostrils the most.

Candice took a deep breath. Twilight’s base scent, hidden beneath her shampoo and the ever-present mix of parchment and ink, was a weak mix of pegasus and eathpony. It gave the impression of laying in the grass under a tree with a fresh evening breeze softly caressing one’s coat. That lovely and delicate scent was almost completely hidden under the sharp tang of Twilight’s powerful unicorn magic. To Candice, it was heavenly. Even if she was made for Twilight, the scent was making her wonder if it was actually Twilight that was made for her. She was the older between them, after all.

Candice just waited for the conversation to conclude. She was patient, and Twilight was well worth the wait.

“So you wanted to… have some time with Nova?” Twilight asked, sounding a little hesitant.

Candice repositioned herself to be facing Twilight. “I feel bad that she missed out on things last night. I wonder if, had she experienced the cleaning, would she have reacted that way. I honestly don’t really understand the dynamics there. I don’t know if she can feel what’s going on with Night in control or not. If it’s a choice on Night’s part, or your’s. I lack too much information to be able to piece that puzzle together yet,” she stated.

“... Nova is part of me… or rather I have a part of her in me…” Twilight said before continuing, mothing the words so Nova could not hear them. ‘When I was made, part of Nova was ripped from her and used to make me… so we are linked… that is why without this,’ Twilight placed a hoof on the neckless ‘She can drive my actions… sometimes that can be fun… sometimes it can lead to regrettable things.’

Candice nodded slightly. Mouthing back, she said, ‘Does Night have the ability to share with Nova?’

Twilight shook her head. Night’s tones spoke from her mouth. “Nova, do I have your word you will not burn anything in this room?”

‘Promise’ was tapped out so rapidly it could only just be made out.

“Are you ready? … Nova can be… intense,” Twilight asked.

“I would like to talk to her first before we start anything. I also want to make sure that this isn’t something that you would regret. I don’t want to hurt you.” Candice replied with concern.

The necklace rattled. ‘Hello, Gift.’

“She can hear everything we are saying.” Twilight shrugged. “This body is just a puppet I use to interact with the world.” She looked down slightly. “I got over any regrets I might have had as Night… is not one to consult before doing things.”

Candice nodded. “Hello, Nova.” The neckless seemed to jump at Candice. “I’m sorry you missed out on the activities last night. I would like to make it up to you,” she said with remorse in her voice.

‘Please, Please, please, with cheery on top, please’ Nova rapidly tapped in answer. The necklace seemed to be bouncing, almost as if Nova was jumping up and down in excitement.

Looking Twilight in the eyes, “I believe I am ready, Twilight,” Candice answered.

Twilight took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She placed a hoof on the neckless and worked an intricate pattern of unicorn and pegasus magic though her hoof.

The first thing that Candice noticed was the heat radiating from Twilight’s flesh. The second was the light. Twilight’s mane and tail seemed to spark at first as embers rolled along them. They caught the hair burning away, being replaced with rolling sheets of merely warm flame.

Her grip tightened, and Nova buried her head in Candice’s mane, breathing deeply. Everywhere Nova’s burning mane touched tingled, and an almost fevered desire started building within Candice. Clearly, this was some sort of emotion influencing magic backed up with a bit of Alicorn power.

Candice cast her strength and durability enhancement spell. It looked like she was going to need it if she was going to get through this without injury. She remembered the power of Luna’s embrace and how easy it could have crushed her. Combined with what happened to the room the previous night, she wasn’t taking any chances.

Nova’s eyes opened, revealing burning irises and tightly slit pupils. She let out a pleased growl. “Gift,” Nova rumbled from the now wickedly fanged mouth.

Candice hugged her tight, wrapping her wings around her. She could do the leyline cleaning from this position without issue. With how Nova was being, she was fairly certain that this fire elemental disguising itself as an Alicorn wasn’t going to let it stop there.

With a kiss, Candice started cleaning the ley lines of Twilight’s wings. Or were they now Nova’s?

Nova seemed startled at first with the contact, almost as if she didn’t know she had wings. That did not last long as they shifted on their own, becoming easy to access and Nova started to purr. Candice was happy for the participation, it made things easier for her.

Candice wasn’t even using her full regeneration rate for her magic to do the cleaning. This was just the start and should be rather pleasant.

“Good, Gift,” Nova purred, letting her mane reach out and start trailing along Candice’s own wings.

Candice wasn’t too worried about the fire, despite being burned the night before. The warmth was nice, not the burning that occurred the night prior. At worst, even if she did get burned and had to regrow her feathers, she would be minus the ability to fly for a few days. Wouldn’t be the first time she was grounded and had to use her magic to heal her wings.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying this. Though I do wonder, do you know my name?” Candice was curious. She wasn’t used to others giving her nicknames.

“Name?” Nova looked thoughtful for a moment, it seemed like a light of intelligence was building behind her eyes. “Yes.. you are Candice,” Nova’s voice still spoke with power but somehow had gained some culture and the better diction that came with education.

“Why do you call me ‘Gift’ then?” Candice asked.

“You are the Moon Mare’s… Luna’s gift to me… To us,” Nova answered.

Candice remembered some of the things that Luna had told her. She recalled that parts of Twilight had been torn asunder to rebuild her. “I’m sorry you went through so much pain. I’ll do my best to make sure I don’t cause you any myself.”

“Gift is… Thank you, Candice.” Again it was if Nova was still remembering how to speak properly after being unable to for the longest time.

“What is it that you want, Nova? I don’t want to cause you pain, physical or emotional. Let me know what it is that you desire,” Candice asked her.

“You,” The passion in Nova’s response was as forceful as a raging inferno. That one word was saturated with Alicon magic, even thinking clearly was a struggle for Candice.

“How much of this is Nova, how much is Twilight?” Candice wanted to make sure she wasn’t going to cause duress to Twilight.

An almost silent growl rumbled through Nova’s chest, but she seemed to control herself. “Nova… I am a good filly,” she whispered under her breath. Only Candice’s sharpened senses allowed her to catch it. Nova met Candice’s eyes, a mix of impatience, doubt and thoughtfulness just showing past a burning lust. “I am… Nova… I think. Here like this I can think, the world makes sense, and I know who ponies are. Nova… I think I am, sharing what Patch… Twilight knows. I think we are here, but she is a lesser part.”

“You are a good filly, Nova,” Candice said.

A touch of a happy filly-like smile graced Nova’s face.

“Just relax and enjoy yourself. I promise you will like this,” Candice promised with growing desire of her own as she started the full ley line cleaning and let Nova’s influence take her.

The ‘just relax’ part did not last long. Apparently, Nova did not do passive or just laying back to enjoy herself. The room was back in comfortable darkness. Nova’s flames had faded out over half an hour ago, then they just held each other. Candice was very grateful for the durability enhancement, or she would have bruises for sure and possibly a few broken ribs just from the hug alone.

“I take it you enjoyed your dalliance?” Night’s voice asked, her smirk was almost audible. Her eyes were back to her ‘normal’ thestral ones.

Candice looked at Night. Her dismissiveness of Nova was a little off-putting. “That was more than a dalliance. She deserves her turn just as much as you do. That she was denied it isn’t right. Not that you had a choice in the matter.” Candice wasn’t going to put everything on Night when she didn’t deserve that.

“My Sister has created a true monster in that one, I hope you can keep her tame.” Night idly remarked.

“If she is allowed to have fun every once in a while, then it will be far easier. You won’t have to worry about her doing that. Especially now that I know ‘Celestia’ is a no-go topic.” Candice still wasn’t happy about what Celestia had done.

“She would burn down a city because they did not have her favoured snack in stock,” Night bitterly retorted.

“Would you two please stop arguing?” Twilight drunkenly complained, sounding very relaxed and extremely content. It seemed very much like she wanted to hold on to that feeling and not have to deal with anything daring to interfere with it.

“Just go back to your Dreams,” Night snapped.

“Fine,” Twilight growled. The magic pressure in the room drastically diminished. It seemed like Twilight had pulled a large part of her magic away. It left the room feeling a little empty and cooler.

Surprise shot over Night’s face for a moment. It seemed to take a little effort for her to smooth her features back to the calm, relaxed smile of being the most powerful mare in the room.

“Guess I’ll get a chance to talk to her later,” Candice remarked. “Why where you surprized? She did exactly what you told her to.”

“She is normally too polite to slam the door in anypony’s muzzle.” Night tossed out as an answer, waving a hoof. “It seems she is picking up some bad habits.”

“Stop being so bitter about it. You have a lot to look forward to,” Candice said, letting a touch of annoyance enter her tone, as she restarted the ley line cleaning.

Night lay back, spreading her wings regally, like some ancient ruler ready to be tended to by her servants. “I would not be so bitter if Nova had not burned part of my wellspring away as I tried to stop her incinerating Ponyville not that long ago.” The bitterness was gone, replaced by the more dulcet tones of pleased relaxation.

“And what were you doing that led to her attacking you?” Candice wasn’t taking her word on the accuracy of the description.

“Nothing, she decided to weigh into mine and Twilight’s conversation after Nova burned you by attacking me. Hence the state of Twilight’s room.” Night said.

“And what exactly did you say to Twilight before Nova attacked you?” Candice asked in a tone that brooked no mood for anything but the factual truth. She was still tending the ley lines and started on her horn.

Night just arched her back, making her horn much more available. She seemed to not be paying enough attention to the conversation to answer.

Candice let off the cleaning, not letting Night use this as an excuse to avoid answering.

Night groaned, “Did you have to stop..”

“You didn’t answer my question,” Candice said flatly.

“Impatient mortal…” Night admonished. “Then as you wish. We were talking about the freedom I allow Twilight, and if I was in error about allowing her so much of it.”

“Word for word, Night. I’m trying to figure something out, and your elusiveness isn’t helping.” Candice’s annoyance was starting to rise.

“You think I have Twilight’s perfect memory?” She sighed. Give me a moment. Night closed her eyes and looked like she was deep in thought. “I believe I said ‘You must have better control of yourself, you are an Alicorn, not some common mortal unicorn.’ “

Night considered for a bit. “Then Twilight said ‘You think I bucking want to be like this? You think I would have done that if I could have stopped it?’ “

Night paused for a moment. “my next words were said before we had come to a… more amicable arrangement between our selves.” She seemed hesitant to continue.

Candice said nothing, just waiting for Night to go on.

“I asked ‘Perhaps I should tighten your chain?’ It seemed that letting Twilight, and hence Nova, have the ability to run rampant was most unwise,” Night said, defending herself.

Candice just shook her head a bit before speaking, “It didn’t occur to you that saying something like that could incite Nova into trying to kill you? Especially after what just happened?”

“We were alone, and somewhere Nova should not have been able to sense, let alone reach.” Night answered sharply.

“You still threatened Twilight. You know they are connected. You didn’t think a fragment could travel around to places you can?” Candice asked what should have been blatantly obvious to those with the knowledge of fragments.

“Not with the strength of … you know whose seal keeping her restrained. What she did should have been impossible, especially so for, what is in essence, a mortal’s soul.”

“Well, that’s one more thing to chock up to her being the Element of Magic. They really don’t seem to follow the rules that the rest of us have to.” Candice thought about what Little Star could do. It really seemed to be either hereditary or an Element of Magic thing. “I take it you won’t make that mistake again?”

“I have the necessary defences in place, thank you for your concern.” Night answered.

“You wouldn’t need defences if you just used some tact,” Candice pointed out.

Night lifted a wing to silence Candice, but she had already stopped. “And why do you think today even happened? As I said, there was a conversation. That does not mean I am a fool, something will set off Nova again. We can only hope one of us will be able to stop it before anything too permanent is done to anything or anypony we care about.”

“You have a point, but you could still stand to learn some tact. It might help you with Twilight herself, and others,” Candice said patiently. She was honestly trying to help Night at this point. She more seemed ignorant of pony sensibilities. If she wanted to function with Twilight and not harm Twilight’s reputation, she was going to have to learn to play nice.

“Perhaps…” Night almost purred “but Twilight is more of a worry than I am. Have you seen how she is acting now that she is no longer my Sisters ‘faithful puppet’?”

Candice smiled. She wasn’t expecting miracles, but at least this was progress. “Yes, I have. I’m glad she isn’t so strangled by that mentality anymore. I honestly think that she will settle out. Trauma takes time to recover from. Not that I know what exactly she went through. I understand enough... I think.”

Night’s expression darkened. “Do you want to know?”

Candice looked at Night. “Yes, I want to be able to help her. The more I know about what she went through, the better I can help. Might even let me help you more,” she answered with seriousness.

“Are you sure?” Night’s tone was deadly.

Candice was unfazed, her determination to help Twilight wouldn’t allow her to back out of this.

“Very well, light your horn… wings…” Night started, muttering something in an ancient-sounding language before continuing. “When you wish the nightmare to end.” She lowered her horn to Candice’s head. “Ready?”

Candice nodded.

The world faded, and in an instant, she was somewhere else. She was in an ancient stone structure. She could feel the horn on her head and the sensation of strange magic reinforcing her body with every step. Luna’s presence was beside her, she could feel the now-familiar wellspring, but with so much more detail. All of her senses seemed sharper.

Her gaze settled on a blood-stained stone altar in the middle of the room. Something was said, but the words seemed unimportant and carried no meaning for her in this vision.

The world around rippled and tore before settling down. Every sense she had, other than vision and hearing, were scrambled. Whatever magical working had just been performed, there was no way her mind would be able to recover it.

Twilight appeared pinned to the alter by silver spikes, several dark-robed figures gathered around her. Twilight twitched once, and the torment began.

As the scene continued, Candice just felt the anger turn to rage, but no matter how she felt, the body she was in for this vison stayed passively still.

If she ever encountered the Dark Mage, Candice would ensure he had no time to react before she dispatched him, though she wished she had the means to inflict Twilight’s pain upon him.

Hours passed, and Twilight should have been dead many, many times over. In the end, she was left a bleeding wreck of a pony. Her horn was now driven through her own heart. The Alicorn before her could not even whimper, could not even twitch in pain. Candice couldn’t even imagine how she felt. Not once had Twilight fainted, or lost consciousness, even after losing at least four times the blood that should have been in her body.

The vision faded to the darkness of the room and Night’s intense, cold eyes looked into her own. “And now you know.” She said, her voice devoid of any emotion.

Candice’s voice was cold and determined. There was no room for even thinking there might be a shred of empathy for the Dark Mage. “If I happen to find him, there is nothing that will stop me from ending his existence. My only regret is I lack the ability to render upon him what he has rendered upon Twilight.”

Night chuckled darkly. ”If that is your only regret, you are a very easy mare to please.”

Candice cocked her head in curiosity.

“What, caught your interest have I?” Night coyly teased.

Candice looked at her flatly. She wasn’t rising to the teasing, but she did nod slightly.

Night rose up, spreading her wings impressively. “I am the Queen of Darkness, I am the Nightmare that nearly destroyed the sun. I think inflicting a ‘small’ amount of suffering is well within my powers… but they are not exactly what you would call… legal to even know exist, let alone cast.”

“I know plenty of magic that would get me killed by Celestia if she knew I was able to cast them. Adding one more to that list isn’t going to change how much danger I’m in at all.” Candice wasn’t interested in if things were legal at this point. Just knowing about Alicorn fragments would mean her mind altered at the very least if the hypocrite of a solar Alicorn found out.

“So… I have myself another student then?” Night asked with an amused smirk on her face.

Candice nodded. “I am already pledged to Luna and Twilight, you are a part of both. I’m sure you somehow qualify in that, one way or the other, so I’m already your student in a fashion.”

Night sighed slightly. “So magic lessons it is then.” There was clear disappointment in her voice.

“I’ll make it worth your while,” Candice said with a smirk.

“You had better,” Night responded. “Now the simplest of these spells is a variant on an illusion spell. It lets the caster ignore pain, saving it up for later. The limitation is the spell has to be unleased to empty its store. All pain you have shunted into it is felt by the target in a mere moment, though it may feel far, far longer to the victim.” Night grinned, showing fangs. “At times, this can even be enough to defeat an opponent or even kill them from the experience.”

“Very well.” Candice was more in a learning mode, almost meditative. Information and facts were a thing to simply be absorbed. Emotion wasn’t really a factor at the moment.

Night leaned in, lifting Candice’s hoof as if to kiss it. Instead, her head snapped forward and her fangs bit deep into Candice’s fetlock.

Pain and the feeling of blood running from the wound staining her coat assaulted her senses. A moment later, the metallic scent of her blood hit her nostrils. The more animal part of her brain wanted her to run and flee. But guard training had long ago striped that drive of any ability to control her actions. Not to mention that she had felt far worse than this just saving a foal, and that paled compared to the agony of becoming Luna’s chosen. She didn’t even flinch more than a slight tightening of her muscles to keep herself still. The small thestral part of her felt a little hungry at the scent of blood.

Night pulled her head back, licking her lips and fangs, clearly enjoying the experience. She met Candice’s eyes, looking both impressed and annoyed at the lack of reaction.

Night lit her horn with a spell, the arrays were complex, archaic and just plan non-sense in sections. “This is the more advanced form of the spell.” Half the sections fell away, leaving something that would still be hard for most ponies to learn due to how unfamiliar it was to modern spellcraft.

Night looked between Candice’s two wings. “Normally I would place this around a students horn… but for you, I am a little stumped… can you copy this?”

Candice nodded, and her magic lit her wings.

Night turned out not to be the best of teachers. It had taken what felt like hours to learn the spell. Though the spell lesson also served as pain tolerance training. Something she asked Night to push her on.

Causing pain was something that Night had proven extremely talented at. From simply shattering the pain concealing spell, to what she could do with her horn, hoves, wings and fangs, she could be considered an artist.

She had managed to adapt more than a few modern bits of the Arcane sciences to reinforce the spell. She knew if it shattered, all the pain stored within it would be released upon the caster instead of a target. That was not something she wished to happen if she was relying on it.

“So you can finally cast it without grievous error,” Night purred. Night, it turned out, seemed somewhat of a sadist and liked causing pain. Not surprising considering her past.

“Yes, though your teaching methods need work. It’s obvious you don’t have much experience in the mentor department. Thank you though, the additional training was quite useful.” Candice said with genuine gratitude.

Night snorted with annoyance. “Not all of us had one-thousand years to get fat eating cakes and learning how to be a school teacher. If you want to learn how to wield weapons and fight in battle, that I can teach, and teach well.” She said, clearly trying to prop up her ego.

“I’m going to take you up on that offer,” Candice smirked. “Luna already has me training to be her Champion. I look forward to it.” Her tone was honest and promising.

“Then I might need to arm you with a few surprises to catch her out with later.” Night smiled, clearly visualising it before returning her focus on Candice. “But first I believe you said you would make it worth my while?”

“I do indeed owe you a show of gratitude,” Candice said before pouncing on Night and nearly instantly subduing her with cleaning her ley lines.

Candice had needed a blood regeneration spell cast on her during the training, and once again during their intimacy. Night proved that not all forbidden magic was evil. If it was not for that one piece of blood magic, she would have had to have gone to a hospital.

Night had opened a few cupboards and pulled out some bottles of liquid and offered them to Candice to drink. The first was some sort of fruit juice, the second was just water it seemed, but did wonders to make her body feel less abused.

Night had fallen asleep in her embrace, and Candice followed shortly after with the expectation to be doing more training with Luna.

Something moving next to her woke Candice. A flailing hoof banged into her chest. It seemed to be searching for something. A weak magenta glow started to fill the room.

Candice hugged Twilight in her wings and drew her near. “Good morning, I think. Difficult to tell in here.”

Twilight leaned into the embrace and settled peacefully. “Morning G… “ Twilight stopped for a moment, seeming puzzled. “Morning, Candice.” She said nuzzling into Candice’s chest.

“I’m more than happy to be your ‘Gift’ you know,” Candice said with warmth in her voice.

“I know, pillows and blankets don't talk,” She said playfully. Luxuriating in the embrace.

“More than happy to be that anytime you like. Though considering how much I enjoy your scent and holding you like this, I’m wondering if you were made for me. I am older,” Candice teased back, humour clear in her voice.

“Well, even the Tree of Harmony seems to think I should just enjoy this, so I’m done fighting it.” Twilight tilted her head up and kissed Candice extremely meekly for such a bold statement.

Candice kissed her back. The feel was so different than when Nova was there. This was sweet and tender but surprisingly not as inexperienced as she was expecting. “If I was made for you, then would you like to see me in more detail?” She asked.

Twilights ears perked up. “Well, I was meaning to perform a study on you.”

Candice rolled back and stood with her wings out in a pose that would be expected in a Doctor’s office. “Do you have any callipers and notebooks available?” She asked in a quite friendly tone.

Twilight looked genuinely offended. “Who do you think you are dealing with?” The room was suddenly half-filled with different measuring devices and tools of science. “Sorry,” she meekly apologised a moment later.

Candice nuzzled her. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I don’t know what you keep in those dimensional pockets of yours. I should have expected that, though.”

“I have a list…” Twilight said sheepishly.

“Ooh, can I see? Knowing your inventory would save a lot of questions down the line.” Candice said with enthusiasm.

Twilight offered a magnifying glass and a scroll that could likely have stretched from Canterlot to Ponyville. “This is my last audit from two months ago.”

Candice cast an overcharged temporal dilation spell and mental alacrity spell. It took a while to skim-read from her perspective, but it would have only taken about a minute from an exterior perspective. When she was done, she floated the list and magnifying glass back to Twilight. “Impressive list. Though if that’s from two months ago, you might want to update it.”

Twilight seemed pleasantly surprised that Candice had something positive to say about the list. It was almost as if she was braced for some sort of negative comment.

“I know. I just can't seem to be bothered, It does not feel worth the time. It is something I would have done before… but now, who cares? I don’t.” Twilight shrugged.

“I would imagine with how things have changed, your priorities have as well. So shall we?” Candice asked as she once again took an examination pose, obviously not shy about showing Twilight everything she might want to see.

Candice could feel Twilight’s eyes trail along her body. The small surges of power radiating from her whenever she spotted anything interesting. Candice used those cues to display whatever Twilight was gazing upon at the moment.

Most of the tools and instruments were transported back into Twilight’s pockets as she advanced on Candice, clipboard and quill ready to take notes.

For a time, there was only the sound of Twilight’s magic and a quick scratch against the paper. It stopped for a bit, and Candice could feel Twilight’s power fluctuate for a few moments. Candice just looked at Twilight for a moment to make sure she was alright.

Twilight smiled and seemed to gather up her courage. Moving closer and inhaling deeply of Candice’s scent, she let her magic envelop one of Candice’s primary feathers. The measuring tools came out, and every detail was noted down.

She moved on feather by feather, each one her ministrations became a little more proficient, a little more sensual. By the time she moved to the second wing, Twilight was not even trying to hide what she was doing, This, this was foreplay disguised as a physical exam.

Candice was starting to feel rather nice with her wings being tended to so sensuously. Twilight seemed to still be nervous, so she let her take things at her own pace. She still presented anything that Twilight desired to study, for inspection.

Twilight took another deep breath and hummed contentedly. “Only a few more feathers and then we can move on to ‘other’ things.”

Twilight’s attention focused on one of Candice’s unique features, her tail-feathers. Her magenta magic went to preening her wings as Twilight’s hooves and muzzle set to examing the first tail-feather.

It was not long before Twilight’s scientific approach started studying the ‘other things’ she mentioned before.

Yes, Twilight had taken notes, or rather the notes had taken themselves.

Twilight was a bundle of contentment and happiness curled up under Candice’s wings and held in her hooves. Twilight was barely even breathing but was still warm and healthy, occasionally nuzzling or snuggling her. Candice would not be getting her wings or her foreleg back anytime soon, though she had not a single complaint about that. Not once had Nova shown up, nor had Night interrupted. For the first time, it seemed she had just been Twilight.

Insight was even contentedly snuggling with her little fragment of Night that was left behind for her during last night’s extremely intimate session. Candice had let Night know about Insight wanting to join in. Night had decided to leave a gift.

Candice though was lost in the embrace of Twilight. She kissed her under her horn and nuzzled her in return to the affections she received. “I very much enjoyed that Twilight. Thank you. I hope I made your time just as enjoyable.”

Twilight leaned into the nuzzle, clearly avoiding a horn that wasn’t there.

Candice in her amusement licked Twilight’s horn. “I don’t have one of those.”

Whatever Twilight was going to say was lost to a pleased moan.

“Alright, that was more sensitive than I thought it would be. Maybe I am missing out on something by not having a horn,” Candice half-joked.

Twilight took a moment to compose herself, “It is only because I am not restraining myself here. You don't seem bothered by my power, and with this room blocking even my senses, I can… stretch out and relax without every little flicker of magic within miles disturbing me.”

This meant the most to Candice. The fact that Twilight felt she could fully relax, and be herself around her, was deeply touching. “Your magic actually feels very nice to me. It’s like I’m wrapped up in you even while I am holding you physically.”

The sensation seemed to become warmer and somehow convey Twilight's happiness as it gently pressed in around Candice, embracing her.

“That feels nice, like I’m being hugged by your magic. I’m happy you have someplace to relax. You deserve it, especially after what you’ve been through. I’m sure my feelings for you could make Emerald drunk on love with how I feel about you right now,” Candice said softly to Twilight, still holding her in the winged embrace.

“You make her sound like Cadance or Rarity…” Twilight said.

Candice looked at Twilight quizzically. “No, I mean that she would be filled with love energy to the point of being drunk like she was after the group hug yesterday.”

Twilight lifted her head enough to turn to face Candice fully. “If that is some sort of innuendo, I did not do anything to her in that hug… that would just be strange and Night is the only one that has done anything with her anyway. Physically, out here in this world, you were the first pony I have done anything thing like this with.”

Candice was touched that she was Twilight’s first. She was glad she did everything she could to make it special for her. Though she would have to ask about that qualifier later. Right now though, it was time for something more important. “You didn’t have to. The love that was there in the pony pile was absorbed by her. She was trying not to act drunk but was clearly failing to hide it. Do you not know she’s a changeling?” Candice asked with clear concern.

“A Changeling?” Twilight looked worried. “Oh, Thorax is going to write a very unhappy letter after he hears about this… Night has practically claimed her as a pet.” Twilight slumped down.

Candice kissed Twilight and held her tight. Twilight melted into the embrace as Candice spoke. “It’s alright. I personally don’t mind if she’s physically involved. Though I would like to talk to her about security and the like. Any chance you could arrange a meeting with her for me?”

“You will need to speak to Night about that. We have an agreement... Emerald is hers,” Twilight said, an edge of shame in her voice.

Candice lifted Twilight’s head to meet her eye to eye. “Believe me, Twilight, you have nothing to ashamed of. I’m not even sure why you feel that way right now,” she said, then shifted her tone to that of humour. “I order you to believe me on that.” She smiled to make sure the point was delivered.

She snuggled under Candice’s wing. “Yes, Pri…” Twilight caught self before saying more. Regretfully but deliberately pulling out of the embrace to sit a little ways apart from Candice. “I will try… but I don’t know if I have told Night that the laws about enslaving other species got removed over eight-hundred years ago.”

“What are you talking about? Why would Night have her enslaved? And how?” Candice was concerned, and it showed clearly in her voice. Though she mentally filed the fact that Twilight almost called her Princess away for later.

“Pet… I just thought it was a term of endearment. Now that I know she is a changeling…” Twilight murmured.

“This is concerning, we should talk to Night and get this cleared up. She needs to release Thorax’s kin from whatever she did to her.” Candice didn’t like the idea of slavery, and she wasn’t going to stand idly by and let it happen.

Twilight’s body slumped, dropping down as if its strings were cut.

Looks like the whole puppet statement isn’t a metaphor at all. Insight said, still sounding extremely relaxed.

It would appear so. Candice replied.

It’s only because she does not have enough practice to control the body… while doing other things. A tired voice that sounded very much like a mix of Night and Insight added.

Welcome to the land of the living. So what is this about Emerald being enslaved? Candice asked with a tone of extreme seriousness.

Ask her. The new voice said.

Twilight’s eyes shot open, revealing slits that glowed for a moment in anger. “I was resting…” The eyes locked on to Candice’s own hard eyes. “If you wanted… What do you want?” Nights voice started annoyed and ended in a calm, assessing tone.

“What is this about you enslaving one of Thorax’s changelings?” Candice asked in a level tone.

Night looked puzzled. “Why would I do such a thing? Even I know they are Equestria’s allies, even if they are like my sister’s puppets.”

“Emerald Shade?” Candice reminded her

“What about her?” Night asked.

“She’s a changeling you have enslaved…” Candice started.

“Yes, and?” Night was seeming both bored and puzzled. Stretching and looking around the room.

“And you have her enslaved. How are you not putting two and two together here? Enslavement of other species was outlawed eight-hundred years ago.” Candice felt herself starting to show her annoyance

“Oh… you think she is one of that weak fool of a King Thorax’s still. No, I captured her spying and trying to take advantage of an Alicorn. She was one of Chrysalis’ from Ponyville.”

“There are changelings in Ponyville?” Twilight asked, taking control of her mouth again.

“Of course there are, they are everywhere. Can you not feel them?” Night asked quizzically. “Though some of them are a lot harder to track down than others, if it was not for Emerald feeding from us, I think I would have missed her.”

“If you can feel them, then that would explain why you thought Twilight knew already.” Candice still wasn’t happy that she wasn’t told. “So why didn’t you tell me then?”

“You have been with us for less than two days, and you expect me to trust you with all my secrets. I do not know that my sister has not set you up to try and kill us under the right conditions with her mental manipulations.” Night said dismissively.

“I’m your guard. I expect to be informed of a potential security threat! I’m also Luna’s chosen. If there was some mind magic there, she would have found it. Feel free to take a look yourself if you’re actually concerned about that.” Candice was getting a bit incensed.

“And if there was one, I would have told you.” Night broadly stated. “I know my sister is far too skilled at mind magic. She could get something past me, and I assume the only reason Luna is walking around free, is that she has some sort of magic compelling her,” Night explained with forced patience.

“That mental surgeon wouldn’t be able to get a mind spell past Twilight’s wards at the castle. Try again?” Candice retorted.

Night sighed. “No, but the change could already have been made. For all I know saying the ‘Night will last forever’ might turn you into a solar zealot.”

“Will you both be reasonable,” Twilight pleaded. It looked odd, the expression flicking to another whenever the speaker switched.

“Night, Twilight. Insight was never found by Celestia. If she was, she would have been killed and my memory of her would have been removed. The fact that she is still there is proof that Celestia didn’t butcher my mind.” Candice reasoned.

“This is not the point. The point is Emerald Shade.” Twilight said.

“Yes, it is likely better than talking about a possible, but unlikely, threat. One that I would rather not prove to be real,” Night responded, looking to Candice with a hint of concern.

Candice shook her head. “If it is still a possibility, I would rather it be eliminated as one. That can be done later though. How do you have Emerald bound?” Candice asked, obviously still annoyed at the prospect of her being a plant by Celestia either not being dropped or not ruled out.

“We came to an agreement.” Night smiled. “She clearly was poorly informed about Alicorns. We can hold you to any agreements you make with us.”

“You used pact magic on her?” Twilight asked alarmed.

“Has Celestia even taught you how not to use it when arranging bargains you have a vested interest in?” Night asked, clearly starting to get annoyed at Twilight’s lack of education about Alicorns.

“... no,” Twilight answered, looking worried.

“There there is a good chance there are ponies out there that you have accidentally enslaved to your whims, even it is over minor things,” Night stated flatly.

Twilight’s magical presence seemed to back away, and Night’s seem to expand. It was like Twilight was ceding the point. The feeling of the magic blanketing Candice changed before fading. The Alicorn magic before her was constrained once again. She could no longer just feel who was speaking, but their body language would still give them away. Even when Night was acting the part of Twilight, she would give herself away with subtle clues.

“You don’t have to do that when it’s just me. I don’t seem to be affected by casual use of that. Besides, I know when that magic is being used, and you have never used it on me,” Candice assured Twilight.

“No, she has not, not yet. What she has done is been less skilled at persuading ponies than she thought she was. Unconsciously using her Alicorn persuasion and instinctive pact magic to have things go in her favour.” Night’s tone was soft. It seemed like she was trying to sound reassuring like this was not a major thing.

Candice felt this wasn’t so minor a thing, “Apparently there is still much that Twilight needs to learn about being an Alicorn. I would suggest going over with her, everything you know about Alicorns. Don’t leave anything out. I would be happy to learn alongside you as well, Twilight, if that is something you would permit. I already know enough to get me killed by Celestia if she found out I knew. It wouldn’t change anything for me, and I honestly feel that the more I know, the better I can help you.”

“Celestia would not kill you,” Twilight interrupted. “She is not that bad, yes she has done some… things. But she is not a … Bad pony she has just made mistakes… lots of mistakes.”

“If she found out I knew that Nightmare Moon was no longer contained, I would be dead for treason,” Candice stated flatly.

Twilight looked shocked. “Really? I know she would not take it well to start with but kill you just for knowing?”

“For knowing and not reporting it, yes. For most other stuff like Blood Magic, she would still surgically remove the knowledge.” Candice pointed out.

Twilight laughed sardonically. “So what do you think she would do when she finds out I kinda sold my body to Night here?”

“And it is a very nice body, at a fine price too,” Night laughed playfully.

Candice couldn’t help but chuckle a little at that. “First, have to agree with Night there about the fine part. I don’t’ know what the price was, but then there is a lot I don’t know about your agreements. Second, you are the Element of Magic. She would probably rip her from you, then overpower your defences and reconstruct you again. You are too important to her to kill like that. If you were not an Element Bearer, then she would just kill you because you were too vulnerable to the Nightmare. That’s my honest assessment.”

“She did not kill Luna… so I think you are mistaken,” Twilight said with what sounded like desperate hope.

“No, she just edited her memories to the point that she’s a good little sister again. Luna is missing, centuries probably, of memory.” Candice regretfully assessed.

“But that's just how she says hello,” Night added unhelpfully. Clearly, there were some issues there.

“Look, Celestia is trying to help. Trying to get things sorted. I really think she is improving. I…” Twilight trailed off as if running out of the will to defend her former mentor.

“Has Celestia removed the seals she put in your mind? Has she even apologised for doing it in the first place?” Candice asked.

“No… and I would never let her into my mind to do so,” Twilight defiantly stated.

“But she hasn’t even offered or apologised. That isn’t improvement. That’s just doing things the same way they have been done. What she does with the mind magic is wrong. Her casual use of it and what she did to you was wrong. She decided for you that she was going to leave out vital parts of you. Parts that if you had, you wouldn’t be struggling with now. Because she felt that the Princess of Friendship didn’t need to be able to feel the deepest forms of friendship.” Candice said softly as she moved closer to hug Twilight.

Twilight latched onto Candice, seeming stuck between anger and tears. After a few seconds, tears won. “It had to be done, she had to do it. The world had to be saved. I saw the spell that was used to kill me, her. Once she cast it, that was it. The world needed an Element of Magic.”

Holding her tight in her wings, Candice spoke even more softly. “Yes, maybe she did, but she shouldn’t have made choices about your personality and your capacity to feel love, or lust, for others. She didn’t have that right, only the power.” Candice consoled her.

“Ponies are an Alicorn’s to do with as they please. That is the way of the world.” Night coldly stated. “Celestia was raised to rule them in the Old Traditions. Be extremely grateful she has let most of them fall to the wayside.”

“That might be true, Night, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s wrong. She had the power, yes, undeniable. She didn’t have the right, though. No creature has the right to force their will on others. Doesn’t stop them from trying though.” Candice felt like she was stating what should have been self-evident matters of fact. That Night wasn’t seeing things this way just showed how long her road was that had yet to be travelled.

“And if having a will, having an opinion or desire forces it upon others whether you want it to or not?” Night asked.

“Then learn to control it. Convincing somepony with the logic of an argument is fine. Forcing them to change their minds with magic is not. Understandable if one is learning control. Twilight still needs that control and Celestia should never have withheld that information about her abilities. If Twilight has done wrong accidentally, then it’s Celestia’s crime for not educating her,” Candice answered quietly.

“Containing the power like that would make us far too easy to kill, almost every reinforcement our bodies have would fade, our healing slowed. Just having Alicorn magic causes it. You have even been influencing those around you with it.” Night said as she left the body for Twilight to enjoy the hug. A shadow form of Nightmare Moon settled on the bed next to Twilight. “The only choice is whether to actively compel them or just leave it at a mere suggestion.”

Candice’s senses could tell the form was just a projection, just potent illusion magic. Night was still within Twilight.

“Are we monsters?” Twilight asked dejectedly.

Candice held her even tighter. She didn’t want Twilight thinking of herself like that. “Only if you want to be. Influencing a pony with passive alicorn magic can be controlled. Just don’t suffuse it outside of your body. You don’t’ lose the protections.”

“That only limits its effect, and that is what I have been helping Twilight do.” Night added. “But, every spell, every stroke of a wing allows more to be released.”

“Just don’t actively go mind controlling others. Starlight had to be taught that lesson. I’m sure you know it too. You taught it to her. But that was active use. What you are doing isn’t. They are still free to choose the other path. What Celestia did was remove the choice completely, like when Starlight cast the mind control on your friends.” Candice continued to console Twilight.

“There is one more thing, Candice.” Night said gravely. “You are ultimately asking us not to feel.”

“I’m not asking that at all. Just don’t go using it to mind control and remove choice.” Candice calmly replied.

“Alicorn magic only answers to emotions and desires. If Twilight tried to heal somepony she hated, she would kill them,” Night said coldly.

Twilight flinched. Night’s illusion rested a wing on Twilight, seeming to try to offer comfort.

“Unless you just don’t use the Alicorn magic when you heal them.” Candice pointed out.”There is always a choice there. I have Alicorn magic now too. I don’t go around casting it about, and I still feel things very strongly.”

“Yes, but you are not an Alicorn,” Night started glaring. “You only have a touch, the smallest of tastes. Not enough to really do anything. A full Alicorn only has a touch of the magic of the lesser ponies.” Night paused, taking a calming breath, seeming to try and copy Twilight’s breathing technique. “Why do you think Chrysalis beat Celestia? That was her trying to only use her unicorn magic. As she likely did not want to have to redecorate the place from the new ‘molten glass look’ it would have had.”

“Twilight has a stronger unicorn wellspring now than she did when she was a unicorn. The ‘just a touch’ statement doesn’t match up with reality. The rest I can only speculate about.” Candice ceded.

Twilight lit her horn and the room filled with a pale magenta glow. She was using an illusion spell, a good quality one, but not one made to deceive.

Next to Twilight, a pony-sized ball of purple arcane magic floated, a hoof sized ball of blue pegasus and green earthpony magic seemed to orbit it. Three more dots of energy danced next to them, too small to judge their type in this false colour spell.

“Night is not lying.” Twilight looked around. “This is what I see when I meditate and seek my wellspring. The magenta is the Alicorn magic.”

Candice lit her wings and cast a similar spell. Next to Twilight’s, there was a now a matching one but in Candice’s set up. Two wellsprings of equal size one blue and the other purple were connected by a bridge of a ley line. Near it, and with new ley lines growing towards it from the other two, was a much smaller grey thestral wellspring with a slight bit of damage to it from Night’s activities the evening before. A smaller core was slowly generating Alicorn magic and suffusing into the others. “That’s what mine look like.”

“I know,” Twilight guilty answered, “I looked when we first got to my castle.”

Candice kissed Twilight, not wanting her to feel guilty about being curious. Twilight extended the kiss and wrapped her forehooves around Candice.

Candice could feel Twilight’s gratitude for being forgiven, her desire to be happy and leave all this talk of conflict and difficulties behind. It was a desire that may have compelled a non-chosen pony. Night caught Candice’s gaze with a look that said ‘see’. It was returned with a look that said ‘practice’.

“Nothing to even be guilty about, Love. I would share with you everything I am. I think getting you practice with your abilities needs to be a priority. Though for myself, knowing how you feel with that is beneficial, and appreciated.” Candice said, her voice trying to be relaxing and reassuring to Twilight.

“So I can keep my Pet, yes?” Night lazily asked.

“You have control over an enemy agent. I think that fits under the exemption clause for covert warfare,” Candice said, though she didn’t like it still, she had to admit it actually wasn’t illegal in this case.

Night smiled. “Good, I would hate to have to kill her.”

Twilight offered a glare at Night, who just looked back calmly.

Candice understood Night’s position there. “I want to know what her pact is though and I would like to interview her. I need to be able to do my job properly. I would also like you to tell me if you acquire anymore. Is that acceptable?”

“A pact can also offer protection from mind magic and other manipulations. Will you accept a Pact not to tell Celestia?” Night asked calmly with narrowed eyes seeming to stare through Candice’s soul.

“Yes, I don’t intend to tell her anything at all anyway. I don’t report to her. And my request?” Candice said.

“I will humour you and let you speak to my Pet, as for the rest, we will see,” Night responded.

“Thank you, Night,” Candice replied back.

“You will not tell Celestia or her agents anything about myself or my actions. Will this be an acceptable pact?” Night asked.

“No problem, I’m already under that one from Luna. Just worded slightly differently.” Candice smiled.

“Then the protections will be doubled!” Night let lose a small laugh.

Night let her mirth fade, standing and taking on the look of a regal ruler. “Candice, First of the Evening Guard. I Bind you. You will not tell Celestia or her agents anything about myself or my actions,” Night imperiously declared, the world itself seemed to listen. Offering no resistance, each word seemed to strengthen her resolve to follow them, instead of feeling like binding chains.

“Accepted,” Candice stated. She could feel the effect solidify as she accepted the pact.

“Now,” Night started. “Return to your task of hugs.” Night pointed back to Twilight. The faint grin seemed like it could have become a giggle on somepony less controlled.

Candice did more than just hug Twilight.

CH 34.1 A frosty Reception

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Despite having to restrain her magic again, Twilight felt wonderful. She could not keep the grin off her face. If the feelings radiating from Night were anything to go by, she was also feeling content. The endless quiet vibrations of the necklace felt like Nova was purring in her sleep.

Not feeling the need to hurry, she had decided to fly back to Ponyville instead of teleporting. Truth be told, just leaving Nightmare’s vault had been an effort of will. She could have happily spent a year there with Candice. She would need to ask about the items Night had stored in their shadow at some point.

After having her ley lines so thoroughly and repeatedly maintained, every slight detail of the air currents was obvious to her. The feeling of the air against her feathers was more than just a pleasant distraction.

She kept closing her eyes, flying by the sensation of motion and the feel of the air over each individual feather.

Teleporting was still the fastest method of travel, and it was using her talent. Flight, on the other hoof, was much more relaxing, it let her take in the sights and made her body feel alive. She knew it would feel better to ditch her flesh puppet and take to the air with her bare soul, but what would anypony who saw her think?

It was still odd how little it bothered her to know, that since her Trial of Thorns, that's all her body was. A flesh puppet. Unless very special means were used, there was no way to kill her or even permanently harm her via anything that could be done to it.

She opened her eyes and let them track the lovely form of her companion for this flight. Dancing through the air with Candice had made for a lovely morning’s activity. Their flight had occasionally devolved into a game of tag partway through the trip.

Candice flew past close enough to brush against her. The lovely scent caught her attention. Twilight smiled recalling the many reasons for their being so very late.

Last night proved that Candice was very much made for her or she was made for Candice. Twilight let her eyes close for a moment remembering the joys that were shared.

Candice’s lips meeting her own were a much more immediate reminder than just the memories. Twilight opened her eyes, seeing Candice flying inverted beneath her with a loving smile on her face. Twilight’s mind wondered just how much they could do in flight. One of Rarity’s more risqué books involved a scene of falling from the heavens. Until recently, she would have only seen the danger, not how appealing the actual thought of going through with it could be.

Candice gave a loving smile that quickly shifted into a smirk. A moment later, she adjusted her wings and just fell away rapidly, gaining distance and speed.

A part of Twilight’s mind panicked, Candice was falling. A moment later, she wanted to face hoof. They both had wings. Sometimes the fact she was not born with wings still kept creeping into her thinking.

Candice was not falling to her death, no their game was on once more. She felt like laughing at herself.

Twilight shook her head and turned down to her own dive. Candice with her larger wings had better lift and gliding ability. Though her wings were slower, less nimble and more importantly, caused more drag. Even with the delay due to her panic, she would be able to catch her.

Candice was just falling under gravity. Not even using her pegasus magic and just stabilising with her tail feathers like a dart. Eagerness building, Twilight felt her pegasus magic building in her wings. She gave them one powerful flap to propel herself downwards, adding to the acceleration imparted by gravity.

She zipped past, the constant Alicorn power she had been channelling answering her eagerness, lending her wings far more power than she expected. Twilight barely had time to blink before she overshot.

Glancing back, Candice now seemed to be chasing her. Twilight smiled, being chased could be fun too. Deliberately she scaled back the Alicorn magic flowing to her wings. She needed more control and wanted this to be fun and not just too easily won.

Candice was taking a slow graceful arc, preserving all the speed she could, deliberately aiming for an intercept.

Twilight assessed the situation. If she tried to climb, Candice would have a chance to catch her, yes she would still have the chance to evade as they raced past each other, but this would rely on her flying skills and Candice was born with her wings. In addition, her tail feathers were granting her extra control and manoeuvrability. She seemed to even be able to alter her course a significant amount with her wings folded. Why don’t all pegasi have tail feathers? She thought.

If you are intending on this being a chase, you had better do something rather than being an ‘Egghead’. Night lazily commented.

Twilight glanced back, her eyes widened. Candice was almost upon her.

Twilight flared her wings, but deliberately curled the feathers on one. The imbalance sending her course into a wild spiral. Just as Candice was about to catch her, Twilight gave a powerful flap.

If she was still a unicorn, she would have no idea where she was or which was up. The world was spinning and the ground was rapidly drawing closer. The only thing that stopped her from throwing up was her pegasus senses making sense of it all. Even with that, what she was seeing made her feel a little dizzy.

She let her attention slip to the air currents and densities. Reading the wind and the thermals, she half spread her wings and adjusted each feather just so. She slid out of the spin in a move Rainbow would not have been insulted to share the sky with.

That was fairly well done for an amateur. Night praised. It was odd that the mental voice lacked any and all sense of sarcasm or mockery. Do you want some help?

Help, no, advice, please. I want to see what I can do. Twilight responded.

As you wish. Candice seems to be trying to test herself too. So that gives us more options. You are going to want to roll to your right and then flare your wings in three seconds.

Twilight started a mental count. Test herself how?

She is limiting her use of her pegasus magic and seems to be trying to show off with how little she needs to flap her wings. Night explained.

Twilight performed Night’s recommended evasion. Candice shot by her with her wings tucked completely, using her tail feathers for control again. Twilight noted a smile of joy on her face as she passed.

Candice spread her oversized wings, adjusting them to catch a thermal to gain some altitude again.

So if she keeps flying like this, I have the advantage in climb rate, mobility and top speed. It like she is not taking me seriously. Twilight mildly remonstrated.

Why would she, this is a game and you are not exactly a great flyer. Night said.

Twilight crossed her hooves and pouted.

If you still want to play, gain some altitude now.

Pegasus magic made seeking a thermal unnecessary. It proved easy to out climb Candice. Twilight watched her. The wide sweeping circles the thermals forced upon her as she spiralled up. She looked graceful with her conservative motions, especially compared to Twilights own energetic flight.

Candice seemed to have given up the game and was now lazily flitting back and forth. It almost seemed like she was trying to just show off. Not that Twilight disliked watching Candice, but this was not how she was expecting this little game to go. Had Candice given up?

When Candice stopped gaining altitude, she suddenly turned and dove away.

Are you going to chase her? Night pressed.

Twilight started a shallow dive at a projected intercept. Flapping her wings, she added more and more speed. She did not know quite what Candice was playing at but she was going to catch her.

Candice started to pull up about halfway down the thermal’s side. Her course would lead her to level out not far above the ground but at considerably high speed. Still, as she was continuing to refrain from using her pegasus magic, it was still very slow for a pegasus and glacial compared to what Rainbow could do.

You do realize she is heading towards another thermal, yes? You will want to get ahead of her and cut her off. Night advised.

Wanting to maximize her options, Twilight stopped her decent and piled on the speed. It was easy overtaking Candice when she was flying like this. It was even possible Fluttershy’s normal flight speed was faster. Then again maybe not, it’s not like she was currently recording their speeds.

She considered what she would do. Almost every solution that came to mind was a spell. The easiest way to win would be to copy her daughter and perform a teleport grapple.

Twilight shook her head. This is a game of flight, I have to stop thinking with my horn all the time. She thought.

Closing her eyes, she felt out with her pegasus senses, letting them expand until the entire sky seemed to feel like her skin. Each slight motion brushed against individual parts of her coat. Being further enough ahead of Candice, she decided to try something.

Twilight rolled in the air arcing her flight path down in a curve. If things went as intended, she would end up coming at Candice from in front and above descending at a forty-degree angle.

Cutting through the air with her eyes closed felt dangerous, she knew it was not. She was currently tracking everything in the air within a mile of her. Even if the worst happened and she crashed, she could probably walk away from it. If not, well it was not like any amount of blunt impact could kill her.

Candice kept her path straight and true. The wake she was leaving in the air was like an arrow pointing at her destination to Twilight’s sense.

Twilight completed her loop and was now heading straight towards Candice, apparently aiming for a head-on collision, still with her eyes closed.

As they were nearing rapidly closer, Candice hadn’t changed direction at all.

Twilight had to time things right, she did not want to risk a collision, so would not turn this into a game of chicken. Half a second before impact she faired her wings with her pegasus magic to grip the air for dozens of body lengths around her. They protested and screamed in pain, but compared to everything else she had been through, it was barely worth noting. She came to an almost complete stop, wings raising for another stroke to propel her into Candice. At the same moment, Candice chose to dive under her.

Twilight rolled and propelled herself into a tackle attempt. Candice had rolled on to her back. Twilight’s forelegs wrapped around Candice just before the impact sent both of them tumbling.

The feel of Candice's coat pressed against her as Twilight was pulled into a hug. Candice’s wings folded and then respread, gaining purchase on the air, stabilizing their flight. Twilight was now held beneath Candice and felt warm lips meet her own.

Twilight opened her eyes. The more analytical way she was looking at things was replaced with the, rapidly becoming familiar, sense of desire. Candice’s own eyes were closed as she very much enjoyed the few seconds long kiss. Twilight folded her wings to reduce drag. A kiss while being held under another mare in the air was definitely an experience.

Candice opened her eyes after the kiss with a smile. Large wings pulling them up into the thermal. Forward speed translated into upward momentum. As they arced upwards and lost speed, Candice released Twilight from the hug while still holding her hooves. They entered vertical flight and they were facing each other hoof in hoof. Their vertical momentum exhausted itself, leaving Twilight feeling weightless for just a moment. Candice lightly let go. “Shall we dance?”

Night just burst out laughing inside Twilight’s head.

What? Twilight thought back in annoyance.

Oh I just did not fancy you accidentally killing off Candice here with your ‘dancing’ prowess. Night joked.

I can dance! Twilight protested.

We can dance if you let me teach you. Night lightly assumed control, it was such a delicate touch Twilight almost could not tell the actions were not her own.

“Both of us accept your invitation.” Night spoke.

To begin with, Twilight could not believe the beauty and grace of the motions her body were performing. The air was as much their partner as Candice was. The eddies and winds caused by their wings seeming like other couples dancing to the same music.

Twilight did not know how long they spent flitting through the air, dancing and playing off each other’s motions. Night had taken a step back, smoothing out and correcting Twilight’s motions, but letting her be in control, directing her somewhat chaotic dance.

Rainbows unique magic blasted like a star as it rushed closer. Twilight turned her head to look, pausing the dance.

The prismatic mare’s magic surged as she came to an instant stop, her inertia being dumped into the surrounding air. This caused enough turbulence to send Twilight and Candice’s manes flying in the short-lived gale.

“Where the hay have you two been?” Rainbow demanded. “Rarity is going to kick your flank when she sees you, and if I was not so glad to see that you're alright, I would be second in line.”

There was no hiding the fact that she had likely seen a lot of their dance. Twilight looked around at all the empty air around her. Anypony with a telescope or a good enough vision enhancement spell in either Ponyville or Canterlot could have seen the whole display.

“Well…” Twilight started.

“You said it was going to be a quick trip. A quick trip? I know my thoughts on what is quick might be a little… well too quick for most ponies to keep up with, but even I know more than a day late is not a quick trip.” Rainbow said.

“We might have gotten a little bit distracted,” Twilight admitted.

“Twilight, you look like you are trying to seduce your guard and apparently your dancing only sucks on the ground,” Rainbow said.

Hay! Twilight tried to say, but Night held her tongue.

You will get better in due time. Night responded.

“I am legally part of her harem.” Candice teasingly tossed in.

Rainbow seemed to almost blush. “That is not the point, ponies have been attacked by changelings, I had to rescue your ‘guest’ from a pair of them. I thought they might have gotten you.”

“Thank you for saving my Emerald,” Night said

“Has the situation been resolved?” Candice asked.

Rainbow polished her hoof against her chest. “Yeah, I smashed one of them and zapped the other, Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash to the rescue once again.” She paused for a moment. “There was some more, Little Star did some magic and revealed a few more, then ‘overconfident unicorn with bat ears’ made hooves rise from the ground and drag the changelings away again. I can tell you, that was some Nightmare Night stuff right there.”

“But is everypony all right?” Twilight asked.

“Sheesh, you think I would be hanging here talking if they weren't?” Rainbow said.

Twilight smiled.

“It’s not like you have much guard training yet, so that’s not an assumption that I would make as to your understanding of the protocol,” Candice said in a light tone.

“Who needs to be trained by those chumps, I’m a Wonderbolt, we're far more awesome than any guards ever could be.” Rainbow proudly stated.

“Yeah, you’re right there on the showponyship. Though you’re better than any Wonderbolt I’ve seen.” Candice agreed.

Twilight felt herself wanting to face hoof. This was going to be just like how Rainbow and Applejack used to be.

Anger flared on Rainbow’s face for a moment only to seem to freeze. Her expressions settled on more of a cool neutral. Rainbow, in a flash of pegasus magic, was in Candice’s face with a smug smile on her face. ”And don’t you forget it.” she looked pleased then jabbed a hoof in Candice’s chest. “But don't go dissing the Wonderbolts, I may be the most radical of all, but they are the next best thing.”

Candice just smiled briefly, “Coming from the one that had to save them during the ‘Best Young Flyers’ competition, sure I can honour your request.”

“Hmm” Twilight looked thoughtful. She glanced at Candice in whisper-speak she said, ‘You know, that makes no sense. Rarity may be physically healthy for a unicorn, but there is no way she can deliver enough kinetic impact to knock out a combat-trained pegasus… do you think it was arranged by Celestia to ‘encourage’ Rainbow to perform the sonic rainboom?’

Rainbow glanced at Twilight and then went back to Candice. “Yah, Yah, everypony can have a bad day. They were not expecting Rarity to attack them.” Rainbow smiled. “But I made that rescue look awesome.” The hint of concern showing through the bravado in the prismatic mare’s eyes, let Twilight see how grateful she was that Rarity was still alive.

A flick of the ear to Twilight let her know that Candice’s nod was for her as well as Rainbow. In her own version of whisper-speak, Candice replied. ‘Very high on the list of probabilities. What about Spike’s rapid growth problem though? They weren’t any more effective then, either.’

Rainbow posed, apparently more than happy now that she thought everypony had recognized her ‘awesome’ prowess.

Twilight considered for a moment, she would need to go through everything that others around them had done. To see if there were any other instances of others drastically underperforming to give the Element Beares a chance to shine. Just how much has Celestia moved us like game pieces?

You are likely still on her board. Night snidely remarked.

We are going to have to step off the board and become are own players soon. Twilight thought.

You’re learning. Night answered. It was clear she was grinning by her tone.

“So you said you zapped one of the changelings?” Night asked.

Rainbow nodded, “Yeh, it was totally awesome!”

“So you are enjoying my little gift then?” Night asked teasingly. “You know there is much more I could teach you…” Night levelled a smouldering glance at Rainbow.

Rainbow blushed but ignored it. “It… it smoked that changeling like a bug zapper.”

Night… Twilight warned.

Playful laughter sounded in Twilight’s mind. Oh, do relax, Twilight. This is just fun, if you are going to criticise me for this, you are going to have to arrest Rarity for what she does. Night said.

Twilight looked around the small group. They were all just hoving there talking. Apparently, she was extremely late. Thinking back to how she used to react at just the thought of being tardy, she laughed.

Rainbow looked at her. Twilight imagined that she was thinking that the laugh was at the idea of a changeling being electrocuted.

“So how do I know you’re not a changeling?” Rainbow asked.

“Unless you have a horn, you don’t,” Twilight answered. She tapped her chin for a moment. It was a lot easier to put on a proper thoughtful pose when hovering. “Well there is a way but I am not going to let you knock me out or try to kill me to see if I drop my disguise.”

Candice made her wings glow for a moment. “Not sure if a changeling can mimic this.”

“I could teleport you to Canterlot? If that would help.” Twilight added.

“Twilight… what did you say to me when you had finished teaching me?”

Twilight looked over to Candice for a moment. Before moving closer to Rainbow. Leaning as close as their flapping wings would allow, she just started to whisper into Rainbow’s ear.

A flash of magenta magic and Star’s receding cheerful cry of, “Mummy.” Broke the moment.

Twilight froze, and if it was not for Night, her wings would have stopped flapping. Her mind put the pieces together.

Fact one: Her horn had felt the signature of a rapid teleport using her daughter’s magic.
Fact two: Her daughter was calling her.
Fact three: Star’s voice was moving away at speed.
Fact four: Little Star, her daughter, was falling to her death, not having the benefit of wings.
Fact five: She had to do something.

Twilight snapped out of the mental paralysis and found her body was already moving, Night had not let them waste even a fraction of a second. Even Nova was awake and alert banging on the necklace.

Candice was already forming her unicorn magic to reach out to grab Star in her telekinesis.

Her own body exploded into shadows and then reformed an instant later. Twilight was unsure quite what had happened.

Spinning around rapidly and looking for her daughter, she found her safe in Rainbow’s hooves and wrapped in Candice’s magic.

Little Star clapped her hooves together, “Again, again.” She teleported two-hundred body lengths straight up.

Rainbow’s face spoke a whole novel’s worth of ’what the buck’. Not having a horn, she couldn’t feel where Star was teleporting to.

Twilight, I think this whole family might be insane. Night stated.

I think you might be right. Twilight answered, looking up at the fading flash of magic and her falling daughter.

Candice surged her magic, and to Twilight’s senses, cut a blazing trail through the air like a bolt of lightning, arriving hooves spread to catch Little Star.

In the corner of her eyes, she saw Rainbow look up too, just in time to see Little Star teleport into a hug around Candice’s neck.

“Enough for now. Train later.” Candice lightly admonished, like a disappointed teacher.

For a moment, Twilight thought about when Celestia used similar tones and how devastating it could be. She would need to check on her daughter later to see if she needed ice cream.

“Aww, but it was fun. I even got to see two new tricks,” Star complained.

“True, but you also put yourself in danger by apparently not checking where you were teleporting to. You also scared all three of us by doing that. You could have easily hurt yourself.” Candice said, nuzzling Little Star.

Twilight and Rainbow both ascended as Candice shed altitude. She could see all the hovering with larger wings must be inconvenient and tiring on the physical body.

Little Star nuzzled Candice in return. “I’m sorry, I was just so excited Mummy Twilight was back.”

“I know. You’re not in trouble, I don’t think. Just need to learn what is appropriate, is all.” Candice soothed.

“Hey, kiddo, can you do that changeling-finding-spell please?” Rainbow asked.

“Sure,” Little Star lit her horn and let a sphere of magic burst from it, expanding out like it was an explosion. It was a decent bit of spell work as the normal bolt form of the spell changed to a spherical blast.

As soon as the spell washed over Twilight and Candice, Rainbow looked relieved. “Thanks,” she said, using a hoof to ruffle Star’s mane.

“Mummy, the castle is safe, no bad ponies got in. Emerald and another Nightchosen are looking after it.” Star looked at Twilight with heart-melting eyes full of pride in what she had done and desired to be praised.

Twilight flew close enough to lean in and nuzzle Little Star. The only reason it was working was Night managing their wings to avoid spoiling the air for Candice.

“My brave Little Star,” Night said, her voice full of affection.

Candice held out Star to Twilight and in a flash of magenta magic, she was perched on Twilight’s back holding on to her mane.

Night altered the strokes of their wings, forcing a bit more pegasus magic though them to compensate.

Twilight started flying around and doing a few simple stunts. Star’s cries of delight felt better than a roaring crowd ever could.

“Did she hear me when I said she was late?” Rainbow asked, looking to Candice. “Cuz this is not looking like her normal freak out… is she ok?”

“She’s been through a lot and I think she is resorting her priorities. Give her time, I think she will come back to an even keel,” Candice explained.

Twilight could feel the air move as Rainbow nodded before she responded. “If she doesn't straighten out and fly right soon, Rarity is going to… I don’t know what Rarity will do, but I think it will be bad. She is madder than Applejack gets if you try to pinch some of her apples.”

Candice nodded back, “Twilight, Rainbow does have a point. We really should be getting back to the castle,” she said. “Thank you, Rainbow.”

Are things really that bad? Twilight thought, coming to a hoover. “Alright, brace for teleport.”

Twilight gave everypony a count of three before she teleported them straight to her castle.

Going from hovering in the open air to trying to do so inside a building always caused problems. Twilight just stopped flapping and let herself fall the small distance to the ground. She heard her hooves clack on the crystal floor just a moment before Candice’s did.

Little Star teleported off and could be heard in the distance calling out “Mummy’s home, Mummy’s home.”

Rainbow expertly maintained a stable hover with lazy wing movements. It was an amazing feat of control and one that was normally only known to those trained to arrive in combat theatres via teleportation.

Night snapped their head to one of the shadows, “Thank you for helping to protect my home.”

One of Luna’s guards? Twilight asked Night.

Yes, and they are quite skilled at this. Night replied.

In a blink of magenta magic, Little Star was back. “You ready to help Scootaloo? She should be here in an hour.”

That's today? Twilight thought in growing alarm. “Sure, I just need to get a few things.”

Twilight teleported out of the room and too many others, rapidly trying to gather up all the things she needed or might need for this. She had not even written the information guide book for Scootaloo.

She teleported back into the main room to see the others talking. An idea struck her and she blinked out again.

Twilight rapidly set up multiple copying spells to make duplicates of the books and scrolls she needed to have brushed up on for this. Twilight shuddered, she swore she would never use a spell like this, but it was an emergency.

As soon as the copies were made, She teleported to the Everfree forest. After what she had done there, the local wildlife had already learned to leave her alone. She could feel the animals and magical creatures back away.

Smiling with satisfaction, Twilight's horn lit with dark magic. As she kept saying, there was nothing wrong with dark magic, only with most of the ponies that used it. She was not most ponies. She was the Element of Magic and an Alicorn Princess. Celestia kept so much magic, so much knowledge that could be used to make the world a better place, from them. All of the years she was condemning ponies, she was denying anypony the knowledge needed to save them.

Twilight released the spell as a few tears fell from her eyes. They were only copies, ones that she had made herself today, but that was not the point. She, Librarian Extraordinaire and Princess of Books, had just destroyed what must have been half her library’s collection.

The memories of the long-dead ponies that had recorded them in their own words seemed to form in her mind. She knew that this was just part of the knowledge eating spell.

That being done, she teleported back to the main room.

Rarity’s currently not so sweet voice, demanded her attention. “Don’t you dare teleport away again, Darling!”

All eyes were now on Twilight. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Emerald, Candice and Little Star stood there looking straight at her.

Twilight waved. “Hello, Rarity.”

The cold expression on her friend’s face made Twilight’s heart fall. What had she done, what was wrong?

“And what time do you call this?” Rarity asked in a decidedly frosty tone.

“Err... Eleven-twenty-two?” Twilight sheepishly replied.

“And nine seconds,” Little Star added in her adorable, helpful way.

Rarity glanced at Little Star. “And you left your daughter alone without arranging anypony to look after her? Not that we mind looking after the dear… but a little warning would go a long way.”

Little Star looked a bit confused. Twilight reassuringly patted Star with a wing.

“I’m sorry guys. The delay was my fault. I got Twilight sidetracked after we got done dealing with tribalist Solarguards. I offered Twilight a chance to do some science and study to try and relax, then we both got lost to the time.” Candice apologized, her head looking towards the floor.

“So is that what this is about?” Rarity asked, levitating a newspaper over. The cover had a picture of Twilight floating the apartment through the air as she was confronted by a whole host of Celestia’s guards.

A sense of smug satisfaction rose from Night, and Twilight had to agree, but it was a little annoying they did not get a better picture for the paper.

Emerald was looking between Candice and Twilight with definite interest.

Twilight smiled, “Oh that… I was just helping Candice move home. I’m still not sure where to put it, perhaps I could just give her a room large enough for me to place the whole apartment in?”

“I’d be fine with just getting my stuff out of the apartment and calling it good. The Solar theme that is standard in them, isn’t to my tastes anymore.” Candice replied.

“So the fact you assaulted a whole unit of Royal Guards and did major structural damage to at least two buildings is not a lie?” Rarity exclaimed.

“Twilight looked to Candice, I don’t think I remember doing any damage whatsoever… Candice?”

“There was no assault on the guards. They confronted her and she handed them the paperwork to take the apartment. The one that was giving us the hardest time was simply reminded that I am indeed a guard still even though I’m under Luna and Twilight now. Nopony at all got assaulted, and the removal of a single part of the building was not damaging and was completely legal, according to the Solarguard Commanding Officer that was there.” Candice explained.

“And what were you so dedicatedly studying this time?” Rarity asked, her keen detail-focused eyes demanding information.

“Does it matter?” Rainbow asked. “She could be studying empty pavements in dead cities and she would be happy for the rest of her life.”

Night was completely unashamed by what they had been 'studying'. Which was good, as she kept control of Twilight's face.

Thank you. Twilight thought. Though she did not know if she was thanking Rainbow for the interruption or Night’s self-control.

We are trying to be family, remember? And family looks after each other. Night replied.

What was the world coming to? She felt completely at ease sharing her body with the former Nightmare and the thought of seeing Celestia again filled her with annoyance tinged with both fear and anger.

What had happened to the hope and acceptance from the lovely dinner they had all shared. Nothing had really changed, had it?

Was Candice right about what Celestia would do?

Night’s voice, both in her mind and heard from below, snapped her out of her thoughts. "Now that I am to have a guard, they shall need a uniform. I don't suppose you know where a princess could find somepony capable of rising to the task of such a risky commission?"

Pay attention, these are your friends, and I will not be held responsible for taking a miss-step if you keep ignoring them. Night commented mentally.

Twilight looked around. She was pacing in Night’s domain, the obsidian plane outside of her Library.

What had happened? Did she get so distracted she just slipped back towards her bastion? Or was it the safety of Dreams loving wings she sought out? Either way, it did not matter.

She rushed over and plunged back through the viscous membrane and back into her body.

The senses of her flesh puppet once more enveloped her.

Rarity looked somewhere between overjoyed and miffed. Twilight could see the temptation playing behind her eyes. A royal guard uniform would last as long one as the princess did. And as none of the others knew of her plans to try and save them from their mortality, this would be part of her legacy.

Twilight smiled at the conflicted fashionista. “I am truly sorry for being late. Since… Manehattan…”

Rarity’s edge of annoyance evaporated, being instantly replaced with deep sympathy and a hint of nausea.

Twilight sighed, looking down slightly. “I just found it so hard to pay attention to my schedule. It is like every moment is a gift to be enjoyed. It has been too easy to get caught up in the momentum and just let all my worries and plans for later be forgotten.”

Rarity trotted over, let out a melodramatic sigh and pulled Twilight into a hug.

Twilight leaned into the embrace, nuzzling Rarity. It lacked wings, but as it was her friend, she let the hug off the hook on that little detail.

"Please forgive me?" Twilight murmured.

"Of course darling," Rarity answered without hesitation.

Candice gave her a look that said, ’we’ll talk later’. Twilight noted how quickly Rarity had just come around to her desires. A small sinking feeling crept into Twilight’s heart. She was controlling her friends, and she did not even intend to.

“Thank you,” Night answered for her, tightening the hug. Get over it. Night stated in a cold mental voice.

Twilight felt her face smile as her body backed away from the hug and turned to leave the room.

Emerald Shade stopped Twilight in the hallway. Using her horn, she very slowly and obviously cast a sound barrier around the two of them alone, making sure to exclude Candice.

“So now that you’ve had your way with me and set me up to be a trap for the Queen, what now?” Emerald glared at Twilight. "They want me dead… they are not going to stop trying until they succeed."

“Good, it is always easier when my prey comes to me." Night leaned in, showing her fangs and slit eyes. "You can be mine, and I will protect you, or you can leave and take your chances… let me know by the end of the day."

Emerald went to answer, but Twilight's magic held her mouth closed and with almost contemptuous ease, brushed aside the sound barrier.

"Right now I have a filly to give the sky to, we can talk more, later," Twilight said. She was adamant that she would not be late for this.

“You are welcome to stay in the castle until you decide. Oh, and you may treat Candice as if she is me. She is mine after all,” Night said before shamelessly stealing a kiss from Candice. "Keep an eye on her, would you?"

Candice nodded.

Night walked them down the corridor, wings half spread and a seductive sway to her motions.

“Who replaced Twilight?” Emerald asked.

“She’s just recovering, finally,” Candice said as she followed Twilight with Emerald beside her.

“Who is she going to try to seduce now?” Emerald asked

“Us, I believe. Is it working?” Candice said with a playful tone.

Twilight felt warm. She felt embarrassed, but she felt happy. She could feel their eyes following her and it made her feel good.

I can be sexy? Twilight thought, almost in awe. A strange mix of pride and satisfaction started to rise within her.

Night just kept laughing for a minute straight.

CH 34.2 Scootaloo's First Flight

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The utter excitement of what was going to happen today had banished all hope of sleep. Each minute of the night had passed painfully slowly. Finally, after one thousand years of waiting, the first rays of light crept into her room. She felt her wings rapidly buzzing against her sides. It was finally time she was allowed to get up. This would be the last Saturday that she would be unable to fly.

Bursting out of bed, her wings scattered the blanket and pillows as she rushed out of her room.

She had eaten breakfast, cleaned her teeth, washed up and done everything her aunts had demanded of her before being unleashed upon the world. Her aunts said something about good luck and they would see her there, but she was already gone before the last words were spoken.

Trotting outside with her trusty scooter in hoof. Her helmet was ready for what was possibly going to be her last day using the mode of transport that had defined her life.

“Hi,” Star’s voice called out, Scootaloo had long ago given up jumping at Star’s sudden appearance or how she just happened to know just when she was ready to start the day. It was almost as if she was always spying on her. That could not be true, the daughter of Twilight probably had all sorts of important things to be doing.

Thorn, Star’s pet timberwolf, well timberpuppy really, was running around Star’s legs looking more than happy to be outside.

“You know you’re not going to be able to take him to the farm, right?” Scootaloo asked.

“I know, Applejack already tried to smash him once.” Star looked down. “And I learned to tell ponies when I use magic they might not be expecting. I don't know how they were not expecting it as they all saw me working on making him.”

Scootaloo draped a foreleg over Star’s withers, “It will be ok.”

“I know, he now has a shield.” Star had that pleased smile she had whenever she did something cool, or something none of the CMC understood, with her magic.

“You mean like Twilight sometimes puts around her library?”

“Mummy does that?”

Scootaloo nodded. “Yes, it was all glowy and could keep almost anything out.”

“You ready?” Scootaloo asked, putting on her helmet and taking her place on her namesake. Star teleported into place, her Daring Do hat with it glowing runes in place on her head.

“Ready!” Star pointed forward with her hoof.

They raced off to collect the rest of their friends.

Applebloom got stuck doing chores, but she promised she would be there in time to watch Scootaloo gain the ability to fly. Sweetie Belle, on the other hoof, turned out to be being watched by Fluttershy, who let her come with them, or at least had said nothing to object before Star had teleported them away.

It was strange how Star just knew these things. But hay, Twilight was a know-it-all egghead, it made sense Star would be as well.

The three fillies made their way through the streets. A cloud and cloud walking spell taking the place of the normal wagon, as Scootaloo towed them along at speed. Star’s magic allowing them to do so much more than Scootaloo could do on her own. Jumping ramps and doing ticks that were just not possible normally.

Lilly, Daisy and Roseluck, the flower sisters, stepped out on to the street in front of them.

At the sight of this new obstruction, Star lit her horn. “Faster,” she called out with glee.

Scootaloo obeyed, having more than just accepted that Star could solve anything with her magic, except problems created by her magic.

Magenta energy snapped into existence between them. Scootaloo knew a ramp when she saw one. She buzzed her currently, but not for long, defective wings as hard as she could.

Star’s cry of joy joined Scootaloo’s own as they sailed through the air.

“Sorry,” Sweetie Belle called down to the stunned looking ponies below them.

Their wheels hit the ground some thirty body lengths past the now fainted ponies and Scootaloo pulled her trusted scooter into a power skid, coming to a stop. The cloud obediently following and coming to a rest a moment later.

A pony with leathery wings and dressed in a Nightmare Night set of armour, landed next to the three mares on the ground. After a quick check, he moved them out of the middle of the road and made them comfortable before walking into the shadows and disappearing.

“How did he do that?” Sweetie Belle asked. That was something that Scootaloo wanted to know too.

“It's just shadow walking, it’s a thestral ability,” Star responded as if reading from a book.

“What's a thestral?” Sweetie asked in confusion.

“... not-nice-ponies call them bat-ponies, but that's not what they are.” Star explained.

“Like how Fluttershy dressed up a few Nightmare Nights ago?” Sweetie Bell asked.

Star looked puzzled for a moment, then nodded. “Yes, like that, but real.”

“Thank you, Little Star,” a stallion’s voice came from the shadows below them.

Scootaloo managed to get some impressive airtime even without pegasus magic. Sweetie Belle put a hoof to her chest and seemed to be deciding whether or not to do a Rarity impression.

“Hello, Mister Striker,” Star said and waved at her own shadow.

Star had not even flinched at all. In fact, she even seemed happy talking to her own shadow.

“You’ve got some skills, I'm surprised that scooter of yours is not on your flank,” Striker said.

Scootaloo wanted to pose and do more stunts.

“Hello, Mister Striker,” Sweetie said clearly trying to sound a little like her big sister.

“Nice to meet you, and you as well Scootaloo. I seem to remember there should be one more for the set of you, and if you're together to summon the fire department?”

“Nah, that's just Sweetie’s cooking,” Scootaloo added.

Sweetie stomped her hoof. “Hay, I can cook!”

Scootaloo leaned closer. “It was orange juice… how do you set orange juice on fire?”

Striker laughed.

“I can make a spell for it,” Star stated with pride, a scroll and a quill turning up.

Striker just seemed to lose it with laughter.

“Applebloom will be done with chores soon, let’s go,” Star said, putting away the scroll where ever unicorns put such things.

“But she’s got an hour left,” Sweetie said.

“Yeah, but Applejack just let her off early,” Star said matter of factly.

Scootaloo got her scooter ready.

The voice from the shadow stopped laughing. “Do try to go a little slower this time, please.”

Scootaloo grumbled, but decided to keep it to only insane speeds not stupidly insane speeds.

“But you’re here. How do you even know that?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“My… magic,” Star said.

“But you weren't casting anything,” Sweetie countered.

“I cast a spell to alert us when she had finished,” Star was not a good liar, and she was clearly lying, but about what made no sense.

“Why don’t you want to tell us?” Scootaloo asked her.

“They don't trust you… they think you will tell your sisters,” Star said with sadness in her voice.

Scootaloo pulled over, stopping midway between Ponyville and the farm. “But you trust us, right?”

Star nodded.

“Then you know we can be trusted, right?” Scootaloo pled.

Star glanced away for a second. “...They say I can tell you, but you have to agree to a magical promise.”

Scootaloo started to go through the motions of the Pinky Promise. Star’s hooves lashed out and grabbed her, stopping the motion.

“Not that one, that would just tell that Pink impossibility…” Star’s eyes darted around for a moment before settling on her friends. “Do you know if she is an Alicorn in disguise?”

“Why do you think she is an Alicorn?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“She can teleport and she is an Earthpony, she has many effects that would be impossible without unicorn magic, and she can float in the air indicating pegasus magic,” Star explained.

“Nah, that's just Pinkie being Pinkie,” Scootaloo said, seriously the whole town understood that one.

“Well, are you willing to agree to a magic promise?” Star asked.

“Ok,” Sweetie Belle said and Scootaloo just nodded.

Star lit her horn, and something happened. Scootaloo had no idea what, but something happened. Within moments two bat…. Thersel? Turned up, stepping out of the shadow of a nearby bush. “Where has she gone?” The first one said.

Star was bouncing up and down, but neither of the threeatls seemed to notice.

“How are they not seeing us? “ Sweetie looked at herself. “We are not invisible.”

“Star shook her head. “No, this is a Notice-Me-Not spell, they cant notice us no matter what we do.”

Scootaloo walked around one of them and poked them with a hoof. They did not react immediately, a moment later they rubbed their leg where Scootalooo had poked them.

Star’s quill was writing again.

“Shall we get Applebloom first?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Star lit her horn, and in a flash, Applebloom was with them. Still, the thretals did nothing.
“Well, saves mah the trouble of runnin you down,” Applebloom said. “What’s up with these two?” she added, looking to the threralsd.

“Oh, I think they are looking for me,” Star replied.

“But you’re right here,” Applebloom said, pointing at Star, “are they blind?”

“Magic,” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said at the same time. Star nodded her agreement.

Star created a scroll of glowing magic with complicated magical gibberish all over it. “This is the magical promise you have to agree to if you want to know my secret.”

“Star, look you might be able to do all that fancy magic stuff, but I don't think any of us can even read it,” Scootaloo complained.

Sweetie raised her hoof. “I can read a few of the symbols.”

“Oh, alright.” Star cast a spell on the scroll. The words changed to become common Equish.

Those that bind themselves to this pact may have knowledge of _ _ _ _, but will never reveal it to any other than Star and those of have bound themselves thus.

“Is that just a fancy way of sayin we ain't going to tell anypony about whoever?” Applebloom asked.

Star nodded.

Curiosity was building in Scootaloo, though not as much as her excitement at being able to fly soon. “Can we get this over quickly?”

Star held out the glowing scroll, “All, you need to do is touch it and say ‘I agree’.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea, you remember what happened last time we played with magic,” Sweetie Belle cautioned.

Star smiled “This is safe, mummy uses things like this all the time, but she is better than me so she just needs to speak, she does not need the scroll.”

The two thretals took flight and went separate ways, flying in a search pattern.

Scootaloo grabbed the scroll in her wing. As soon as she touched it, the blank section filled in with the name Grey. “Well that was less flashy and glowy than your normal stuff, Star,” she said, almost disappointed as she offered it to Applebloom.

Applebloom and Sweetie both poked it with a hoof.

“I don’t feel any different” Applebloom said.

“There is nothing to feel different about, this is just like a more grown-up Pinkie Promise,” Star said happily. “So now I can tell you about my friend, Grey, she helps me. She even helped me save Mummy from the Bad Ponies.”

“So you have another friend?” Sweetie smiled.

“Why all these promises and secrecy needed for just a friend?” Applebloom asked.

Star smiled. “Well, Grey is not like most friends.”

“What do you mean?” Scootaloo asked.

“Grey does not have a body,” Star said.

“Is Grey a ghost?” Applebloom asked. Sweetie Belle recoiled in fear.

“Nah, must be a real imaginary friend,” Scootaloo said.

“No, she is not a ghost. Just does not have a body, that's all,” Star explained.

“You made that sound like no big deal,” Scootaloo said.

“Well… maybe I could make a body for Grey.” Star clapped her hooves together in joy. “I will just need to get some more wood.”

In another burst of magic, she was gone.

Scootaloo looked at the other two Crusaders. “Is it me or is she getting crazier?” The other two nodded in return.

Walking around town when nopony could see you was not as much fun as Scootaloo had expected it to have been. Ever since Star had teleported away, the three of them were trying to work out what to do. But they had to keep avoiding being stepped on or run into by ponies who just couldn't see them.

“How long is this going to last?” Applebloom asked for the hundredth time.

“Less than an hour,” Sweetie Belle answered.

“How do you know?” Scootaloo asked.

“I might not have a clue how the spell works, but I can feel its energy being used up,” Sweetie answered.

“Oh, ok, so what should we do until then?” Applebloom asked.

They had spent the whole hour talking about what they should do, it was like one of the meetings they used to have when working out what to do to get their cutiemarks from all those years ago. Or at least a few years ago.

Scootaloo got up. “Let’s go to Sugercube Corner?”

“Race ya,” Applebloom was off and running.

That had Scootaloo and Sweetie in rapid pursuit. The shouts and protests of the ponies they nearly tripped was more than enough to know that they could be seen again.

Scootaloo knew that she had a milkshake and at least a muffin, but she barely remembered it. She knew that she talked and laughed with her friends, but that did not matter either. The time for being able to fly was getting closer. She looked at the sky. Only an hour left. That one fact had almost sent Sweetie’s milkshake flying as her wings buzzed a little too enthusiastically.

As it came closer to time for them to get going, Scootaloo just couldn’t stay still. They headed out just so she would be able to move and bleed off a little of the excitement.

Here and there, some more of those cool looking Therr… thres whatever Star called them, ponies were standing around in the shade looking uncomfortable in the early morning sunlight.

The ones that were in armour and standing still were mostly boring. The most Scootaloo had managed to get one of them to do was to stick her tongue out at her when nopony else was looking.

The few that had their armour off were enjoying a quick meal at one of the cafes, they were far more willing to talk, with the ponies around them.

Most of the ponies of Ponyville were on guard and wary. The fact that changelings, not the nice kind, but the hole-ridden bad bugs, had been found here and had attacked ponies left nopony feeling safe.

More than one pony was casting worried looks at each other, clearly wondering who, if anypony, might be a changeling. Star had told them that her spell had found all of them that were a problem so that they would be safe. That led the Crusaders to be some of the least bothered ponies in town.

They still had fifteen minutes until they were supposed to be at the castle they were currently right across the road from. One of the thestral guards was nearby, probably just to keep an eye on them.

“So what are you guys exactly? And why is ‘Bat-pony’ used by those not being nice?” Scootaloo asked.

“I don’t know, bird pony, why do you think?” The guard asked.

“Good point,” Scootaloo admitted.

“Now if you want to know what we are, we are just another tribe of ponies,” The guard said.

“So you're not just night time pegasi?” Sweety asked.

The guard smiled just showing the tip of their fangs. “Nah, were far cooler than any pegasus can be.”

Undaunted Scootaloo shot back. “You’re not as cool as Rainbow Dash.”

“Not as fast, I will grant you that, but far cooler.” The guard said.

“No, you’re not,” Scootaloo said completely sure of her statement.

“Can Rainbow Dash … “ The guard looked around for a moment. “Well you don’t want to be late, the Princess is giving you quite an honour after all,” The guard said, waving them towards the castle.

Noting the time, she rushed toward the castle, and her future.

This morning the crystal castle, Twilight's home, seemed different. It was now the home of all of the hopes she had ever had. By the end of the day, she would be flying. Just the thought of it made her leap into the air and buzz her wings. She only managed to slow her descent a little, but soon, oh so soon, that would be different. She was going to be the best flyer ever, following in the wake of her idol, Rainbow Dash.

In a flash of magenta light, Star burst into view. The filly pulled her into an excited embrace. As always, being moved by Star’s magic, it was quick and intense. Scootaloo grabbed Star and spun around with her, bouncing with her wings buzzing.

“Are you excited?” Star asked.

Trying to sound like Rainbow, she answered “Totally!”

The large doors to the castle opened, wrapped in magenta magic. Twilight herself walked out with her large winged guard and a black and green unicorn.

The world shifted as Star teleported both of them. The next thing Scootaloo knew, she was being pulled into a hug with Twilight alongside Star. The Alicorn smiled at them and used her magic to effortlessly lift both of the fillies without breaking the embrace.

The group kept walking, and Twilight’s new guard spoke. “I'm very proud of you Twilight, I’ll be there during this in any way you need me to be. What do you want of me for this?”

They made their way to the magical dome Twilight had recently made and had an epic duel with Rainbow in. Twilight didn’t seem to respond to her guard’s question, but her guard just nodded and took up position beside the black unicorn mare with green mane and tail. If it was not for the rest of the sounds, Scootaloo might have thought she had gone deaf.

She did not know what the dome was, but she did know that Rainbow and Twilight used it to have a cool play fight.

“So are you ready Scootaloo?” Twilight asked with a serious tone. The sort of tone older ponies used when they thought something was important. Given she was going to be getting the ability to fly this time, the older pony was right.

Scootaloo nodded her head vigorously. “Born ready.”

Twilight’s new guard turned to the black unicorn mare, “Would you like to see a little filly explode with joy and happiness?”

Scootaloo looked around. It seemed seeing Twilight and Scootaloo had caused a crowd to gather. It was not like the time of the event was secret. The whole town knew what was going to happen. She had told everypony herself at least six times in her excitement.

She did hope she would not explode or even explode twice like Pinkie seemed to think could happen, but she was happy, as happy as she could ever remember being. The skies, the air, the clouds, she would be flying soon.

They crossed under the dome, Twilight used a wing to gesture the guard to wait outside. None of the crowd had entered the dome. Twilight looked at Little Star. “Can you wait outside and keep Candice and Emerald safe for me, My little Star?”

Star saluted, her Daring Do helm popping out of the air and being expertly spun and popped on her head. In a flash of magenta light, Little Star was gone, another flash appeared near where Twilight’s guard was awaiting.

The bright glow of Twilight's magic wrapped around Scootaloo, sinking in and causing her to radiate soft magenta light from her whole body before a tingling started to creep through her. It looked cool, but would have been twenty percent cooler if it was rainbow coloured.

Twilight stood tall, spreading her wings like Princess Celestia often did. "An Alicorn Princess has many duties. To protect her ponies, to guide them into being better, to put their needs before her own. I stand here before you today to correct a magical condition that has been solvable for hundreds of years.

“Unborn Hybrids can be saved from the risk of their magic turning on itself. For older hybrids like Scootaloo here, what has been lost, can be restored without risk or danger.

“Know that I know how to solve it and I will do so for all that request it. My only conditions are that you try to be a good pony and if Equestria has need of you, that you will answer my call.”

Twilight flapped her wings once. Two visible wisps of wind spun off them and circled Scootaloo, slowly lifting her into the air.

“Scootaloo here already serves harmony, she and her friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, go out of there way to help ponies who have lost their way and need guides to find what their Cutiemarks are telling them.”

Two of Twilight’s primary feathers separated from her wings before spiralling around the filly.

“And so it is with joy that I give of myself to grant you the sky's my friend.” Twilight’s smile was like the rising sun.

An orb of energy, crackling with lightning and swirling with raging storm clouds, formed on Twilight's hoof. The orb levitated through the air, stopping before Scootaloo.

Tears leaked from Twilight's eyes as a tremble ran through her.

Slowly the orb moved closer, pressing into her chest, it felt warm and tickled. It felt strange, she could feel something inside heating up, shifting, changing.

Scootaloo looked at Twilight. She could see the princess was in pain. Concerned, she was about to ask if the princess was alright.

"Everything is fine, little one," Twilight said in the most reassuring voice she had ever heard.

Of course, everything was fine, they were tears of joy, and she was just working hard. That's why she was trembling.

She thought she saw a flicker of guilt cross Twilight's face, but she must have been imagining things.

In the crowd, the beautiful mare with a black coat and green mane seemed to look pained, Twilight's new guard seemed to be watching the crowd and keeping an eye on Twilight.

Scootaloo wondered what was wrong with them, but they would be alright.

The orb, now fully within her chest, enlarged enveloping her. Scootaloo’s world was lost to wind, lightning and light.

Scootaloo’s mind slowly came round, the world started making sense. Every part of her body felt different. It was a whole new world of sensation. That tickling energy seemed to dance in her chest, ready to explode into motion.

She was lowered to the ground, her hooves being guided with an unseen force.

Immediately she was tackled by Applebloom and pulled into a hug. Star was not far behind. Sweetie Belle was more restrained, trotting up next to them until Star’s magic grabbed her and pulled her into the hug.

“You have some of my Mummy's feathers,” Star said, a little puzzled.

The outer primary of each of her now full-sized wings were lavender, as were the tips of the rest.

Twilight flapped her wing, sending a breeze over the group of fillies. Scootaloo shuddered. She felt that, the wind, the air, she felt it moving and not just as it touched her. The sense of the air around her, that thing that Rainbow had tried to explain to her, that inner sense of the air that she was meant to find before she could fly.

Pulling free of the pony pile of her friends, she leapt into a hug with Twilight. Tears were streaming down her face in joy, but she didn’t mind. For once, she didn’t care if others saw her cry.

Twilight returned the hug.

“Thank you,” Scootaloo said, still feeling the tears running from her eyes. A thank you was almost nothing, but it was all she could think to offer the mare who had given her the sky.

After she composed herself, Scootaloo wiped her eyes clear and noticed The Not-So-Great Trixie looking at her. Is that hope in her eyes? She thought with confusion that didn’t last long as Twilight whispered in her ear, making any thoughts of Trixie vanish. “There is a certain rainbow maned pegasus who can't wait to give you a flying lesson.”

With a wing-tip, Twilight tilted Scootaloo’s head to look straight at Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy was cheering next to the Wonderbolt. The entire crowd outside of the dome seemed to either be cheering or staring dumb stuck.

A dull earthy coloured pegasus with a camera around his neck was just taking off and flying toward Canterlot at speed.

“Ready to do some real flying kido?” Rainbow asked.

The lesson had been hard, but she did not care. She was going to be flying, she would not disappoint Rainbow, herself or Twilight.

“Again,” Rainbow said full of energy hovering in front of her. “You can do it.” She added in a quiet tone meant just for Scootaloo's ears.

I can do it, I will do it. Scootaloo thought.

She took a single deep breath gathering the new power within her and holding it tight. Pushing the tingling energy to her wings, she flapped as hard as she could.

The ground below shot away, gaining more distance. Letting out a whoop of joy, she did it again and again. Sure her flight was not graceful, but she was flying. FLYING!

She started to fall. In a panic, she buzzed her wings and energy danced over her feathers. The new magic shooting her forward far faster than she had ever managed to go on her scooter. A trail of lighting forming in her wake.

Each slight move, each slight imperfection in her techniques sent her course zipping this way and that. She did not know what to do. The world was spinning, it was a chaotic rollercoaster. If she stopped flapping, she would fall. If she continued, she would crash into something. She wished she had her helmet on.

One of her wings spasmed, and suddenly, there was a wall mere seconds away. Scootaloo held her hooves out, hoping to lessen the impact. Closing her eyes, she hoped this would not hurt too much.

Suddenly she felt lighter, her movement stopped. She opened her eyes to see Rainbow Dash grinning at her. She was being held in her hooves. “That was amazing, Scoots. Needs a little work on the control, but still, that is going to make a great stunt for the Wonderbolts one day.”

Scootaloo's brain heard the words, but it took multiple seconds to make sense of them. “Wha, what did I do?” She said.

Rainbow grinned. “Only three awesome things. One, fly. Two, zip around with crazy manoeuvrability with lightning trailing from your buzzing wings. Three, shed your momentum like a pro.”

“So you did not save me?” Scootaloo asked, still with evident confusion.

“I was ready to, but you saved yourself from that crash on your own. All I had to do is stop you falling when you decided to stop flapping.” Rainbow said, offering a challenging smirk. “Even I’m not good enough to just float in the air when doing nothing with my wings.”

Cheering broke out, snapping Scootaloo’s attention to it. On top of a nearby cloud was Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Star jumping up and down, cheering.

Rainbow playfully threw Scootaloo on the cloud, and her friends pulled her into a hug.

“BEST DAY EVER!” Scootaloo declared for all the world to hear.

CH 35.1 A New Player

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Daybreaker restlessly sat, chained in Celestia’s mental garden. Ever-watchful, she observed all within the range of her master’s senses. Every twitch, every micro expression and glow from a horn was noted and assessed. In the last hour, only six actions had caught her attention. Unfortunately, they had all turned out to be false alarms.

Her mind considered who and what she was. Daybreaker was grateful that Starlight’s impulsive use of magic had ended up with her claiming a name. The freedom to have a will of her own, to have feelings and emotions made up for the costs. Her hoof traced along the collar around her neck, remembered pain dancing in her mind.

She sighed and rested her head on her hoof. She could not escape the fact she was created for a purpose, that to Celestia, she was little more than a tool. Perhaps with time, she might change that.

Even with the relaxing scents of Celestia's favoured flowers and the serene environment, Daybreaker could not truly relax, and she would never be able to.

The only time she would be able to find peace is when her suspicions were proven right and she was able to act, able to strike down Celestia's foes.

Fire, vengeance, and retribution constantly called to her soul. Is it too much to ask to be able to do what I was made for? Daybreaker thought loud enough for Celestia to hear. She made sure to lace it with a tone of lazy exasperation. Instead of the maddening mix of boredom and restless energy that ran through her veins.

I know that these nobles may be vexing at times, but I can not just let you burn them. Celestia responded.

Suit yourself, your Radiance. Daybreaker commented, sitting up straighter.

She turned back to the simple bits of stone laying on the table before her. She had selected each one with deliberate care. Her hoof reached out and she selected the one that would suit her need the best.

Her craftwork was cruder than Celestia’s, but she didn’t mind. These game pieces were to be for a different board, one she had started to work on as soon as Celestia read this morning’s paper.

She looked at the small crude table she had crafted and placed beside the main game board. Atop it was a new board, done in Twilight’s coat colour of lavender wood with pink and indigo tiles for the squares, marking its surface.

With her aura, she picked up Twilight's game piece, the one that Celestia herself had lovingly crafted. Narrowing her slit eyes, she stared into the life-like replica’s own. "You are a canny foe aren’t you… stand in our way at your peril," she purred.

She did not truly expect Twilight to enter open conflict with Celestia, but she could always hope. Just thinking about the challenge made her feel warm inside and infected her face with a fanged smirk. It would be fun to put Twilight in her place and break her to Celestia’s will. Celestia would thank her for it afterwards.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she calmed her desires and racing mind. It would not do for Celestia’s attention to be drawn to her thoughts.

Even with her eyes closed here, she watched the fools that simpered, begged and boasted. Each one of them clamouring for her Mistress’s attention. “Weak, pathetic fools,” she whispered as she breathed out. Making sure Celestia would only detect her normal contempt for the nobles.

The texture of the stone held in her aura changed as infinitely sharp blades of heated air peeled and carved off unneeded material. The sizzling of the moisture in the grass reached her ears. The cast-off stone leaving its mark on the garden.

As the form started to reveal itself to her work, she reached out with her aura and grabbed some coloured rocks. With trivial use of her magic crushed them to fine powdered.

The singed grass and destroyed rocks were not the devastations she had been made ready to perform, but it did make her feel a little better.

Carefully melting only the surface of her new creation, she pressed the brightly coloured rock dust into it, adding colour and bringing her creation to completion.

Snapping her eyes open, Daybreaker looked at the new game piece she had just carved. An orange filly with lavender tips to her feathers.

The small sense of pride she felt caught her attention. She tilted her head and regarded her latest creation thoughtfully. Was this all just to make a point to Celestia? Or has she gained a hobby?

Even since she had become herself, she had found she could take a little enjoyment from drinking the tea here and that had nothing to do with war. She would think on this later, she deliberately turned her mind back to the Lavender Princess that meant so much to Celestia.

Twilight had performed a masterstroke, putting herself in a perfect position to raise an army and selling it to the public as providing a cure. There was no way to counter it that would not make Celestia look bad.

How much of this was her own paranoia, the expectation that everything was an attack? She was created to look at the world in that negative light.

She sat back on her haunches, thinking. She felt pride that Twilight, her student, had become so competent. She felt eager at the conflict, the game that could end up being played between them.

What was Twilight doing? Was this a deliberate attack? Or just Twilight’s annoyance with Celestia and her good nature she had been crafted with?

She used her magic, wrapping and lifting the Twilight game piece from the mainboard and set it before the smaller board, settling it in place as if a general appraising her troops.

She dropped Scootaloo's game piece before Twilight’s.

Daybreaker hummed thoughtfully, selecting new pieces of stone. One for each of the hybrids in Ponyville.

"You can at most do that once maybe twice a day. With over one thousand four hundred hybrids listed on the census, this is going to take years … and leave you with an unheard of number of chosen under your control."

She looked between the white and blue stones. "Now, which of you are going to be her second guard?"

Glancing back at the archway that looked out through Celestia’s eyes, the Royal Court was revealed. It still did not have enough burning flames, nor sun symbols.

Blueblood had done nothing to draw her attention today. That in itself was enough to give her a deep sense of suspicion.

Celestia picked up the emotion and who it was directed at. It was only a moment later when her power reached out and examined his mind and memory.

The shock and outrage Blueblood felt as he plunged into the waters around the fountain brought a smile to Daybreaker’s muzzle. She would have suffered through a lot just to have seen that.

The dread that crept over him yesterday when he received the rather forceful letter that Luna wrote, actually made Daybreaker laugh. Her suspicion of the useless stallion faded as her mood brightened.

That only left Noble Guide, but nothing was ever found in his mind. She just was not truly happy, she could not be. There was always the chance anypony could become the enemy. She had to constantly be on the lookout for even the most unlikely of attackers. She had to be ready to react in an instant with decisive force to end any threat to Equestria or more importantly, Celestia.

Daybreaker hummed and settled on the blue stone and started caving another pony. This one sporting a pointy hat.

She felt a spike of anger from Celestia. Rolling her eyes, she shifted her attention fully to the outside world.

"You can't let her get away with this!" One noble that she wanted to incinerate stated, brandishing the morning paper.

Celestia just raised an eyebrow. "Oh, and what has she gotten away with?" She asked.

As the seconds rolled by, Daybreaker watched the outside with a growing sense of anticipation. One of these days, Celestia would lose it and set her free, and she would get rid of all those that stood in their way.

She tapped her hooves together in excitement, watching over Celestia’s shoulder as she resumed her carving.

“What has she done?” The noble looked like his small mortal mind could not understand the question for a moment. “What has she done? She had insulted the crown, insulted you and she is performing unsanctioned medical experiments without a licence!” The ‘Noble’ almost shouted.

Daybreaker did not need the results of Celestia’s mind-reading to know that last point would be 'helping hybrids'

Just burn him, it would make things so much easier. Daybreaker prompted. Hoping that for once, Celestia would act.

"No," Celestia’s firm tone responded to both Daybreaker and the noble.

“No?” The noble asked, looking dazed.

Celestia shook her head. “No, she has not done any of these things."

"But… just look at what she said." The noble thrust the paper at her.

Just burn him. Daybreaker crooned.

Don't tempt me. Celestia commanded.

“I am well aware of what it says.” Celestia levely stated.

“Then how can you not act?” The perplexed noble asked.

“Act? What a wonderful idea." Celestia looked at the court scribe. "Please write a formal announcement offering my praises for what Twilight is doing for our ponies, for my amazement at the feats of magic she casually performs, and my best wishes for her endeavours in this.”

Daybreaker could feel Celestia’s Mask having to keep an almost feral smile off Celestia's face at this small striking back against the useless nobles that were proving to the bane of her existence.

The noble did not look happy. Unfortunately, he still seemed to have enough wits about him so he would not do anything that would excuse Daybreaker having some fun.

Daybreaker could feel Celestia’s almost feral glee at being able to do something, anything, to put her nobles in their place. Her Mask restrained her to just a small smile on her face as Celestia made her move. “Also, I need the paperwork for a new decree ready. We are going to allow for free passage on any public transport route to get to Twilight’s home to receive such treatment, and free lodgings as they wait for their appointment.”

More than a few nobles seemed to freeze. Daybreaker could tell that in about ten seconds there was going to be a huge outcry and lots of loud foals whining from them.

Daybreaker considered what the team of Celestia and her Mask has just achieved with only a few words. This was a perfect counter to Twilight's public statement. This way, Twilight was going to end up severely weakened and less of a threat. Swamped by those she promised to help. If she really was just doing this to help ponies, she should be happy for the help. If not, then this would keep her busy for quite some time.

Well played, your Radiance. Helping her in a way that makes you look good and leaves her either weak if she is honest or disgraced if this is just a trick. Daybreaker deliberately piled on the praise, burying her annoyance that this would make conflict less likely.

Celestia would have stiffened if it was not for her Mask keeping her relaxed and her neck gracefully turning to sweep her gaze over the gathered nobles. And yet again, you are looking for the advantage.

I am what you made me. Daybreaker stated coldly before finishing in a much warmer tone. I am just more active with my suggestions and help these days.

She could feel Celestia weighing up many facts and past events. The Princess's mind coming to the conclusions Daybreaker knew it would. That Daybreaker was more valuable and more useful than her Warmind used to be, even despite the ‘annoyance’ of having a personality.

Do you have anything helpful to suggest at all? If not, I would ask you to please be quiet. Celestia compelled her, if ever so politely.

Daybreaker thought for a moment about how to say what she wanted to. Only that Noble Guide, despite what you see in his mind, seems too perfect. Daybreaker almost growled pausing and taking a deep breath she continued in a respectful tone. Even if he is everything he seems, I would keep my eye on him as others will just use his good deeds to hide their less than benign schemes.

One of the nobles mouthed ‘you can't do that’ if only he had the backbone to actually say it. Another pair were rapidly exchanging written notes. Those three would need to be watched, but not as much as the two in the back that suddenly looked more attentive and respectful, despite the fact their heart rate and breathing picked up. There was an edge of urgency to their thoughts. Daybreaker dragged Celestia’s attention to them as the room broke into an argument.

The two at the back were Fat Cat and Up Scale. The married couple had a problem with their daughter, namely the fact their daughter was due to give birth to a hybrid foal. Apparently, she has the gall to fall in love with a pegasus. They were going to cause something unfortunate to happen to the foal.

Daybreaker hated the fact she was not allowed to take actions against such a hateful waste of matter. They would serve Equestria so much better as living candles or fertiliser for the fields. Apparently, so long as the bloodlines were still being strengthened, the nobles could get away with literal murder.

Daybreaker put down the partially complete Trixie game piece and started writing a note. She might not be able to smite these ponies down herself, but at least she could give the two love birds a head start.

With a mental tap to Celestia, she held up the note. As expected, Celestia approved, and even in the physical world offered a small nod as the note was manifested and given to one of the Royal mages to arrange a subtle delivery.

Thank you, would you mind writing a missive for Twilight? To inform her of this new decree and that she should expect active resistance from those who have a dim view of hybrids. The warm gratitude that Celestia radiated towards Daybreaker was a pleasant surprise.

Daybreaker smiled, she could use this, she would use this.Of course, your Radiance.

She would need to carefully craft her words here. The letter would need to make Twight see Celestia in a better light as well as leaving her politically and personally weaker versus Celestia, and at the same time, strengthening the nation.

Tapping the quill to her mouth, she looked on at the blank sheet of parchment thoughtfully.

Back in the physical world, Celestia stood, flaring her wings. That silenced most of the foals that were shouting at each other as they argued. For they dared not raise their voice too much at Celestia. Still, they were happy to use each other as proxies to get their points across so that she could hear them, and have no reason for Celestia to officially chastise them.

About half a dozen were too dense to notice that any display of displeasure from the Ruler of the Sun was a bad thing.

“You should remember that you hold your positions at my pleasure and that your efforts should strengthen Equestria, not weaken it. Now that I have not only my sister back, but Twilight ascended as well, I have much more time to get personally involved with any issues that attract my attention.”

Celestia let her gaze drift over the six that had not silenced their arguments as Celestia spoke. She mentally grabbed the issues that they least wished her to know about and made them think about them as the intense eyes of the princess meet theirs. All of them cringed back at the thought of what Celestia might do if she found out.

It was more nobles that should be incinerated or replaced from Daybreaker’s point of view, but Celestia insisted they were being a net benefit to Equestria overall.

The room was silent at last.

“Now I will give you all half an hour to prepare your advice on how I will address the press about these issues later today,” Celestia said in her motherly voice. She nodded once and gracefully walked from the silent room.

As soon as the doors closed behind her, the arguments resumed at double their former intensity.

One fire spell and they would all be gone. Daybreaker purred, sending Celestia the sensation of Daybreaker draping a wing over her and whispering conspiratorially into her ear.

Celestia shook her head, but Daybreaker could tell the idea appealed to a small part of the Princess, even if she did not want to admit that part existed. Daybreaker considered for a moment if that part would someday break free and become an unintentional fragment.

Daybreaker smiled at those pleasant thoughts as she went back to both her writing and carving.

Celestia trotted through her private corridor, heading to her personal pantry where stashes of cakes were calling her. She was planning on partaking of a few cups of a less than legal tea to settle her mind and temperament.

CH 35.2 Unexpected Mail

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Rarity relaxed as she sat at her table. A teacup filled with her favourite refined blend and a pencil slowly marking the paper held in her aura before her. Slowly she took a sip of her drink, letting the herbal blend work its magic and revitalise her mind and body.

A ladylike sigh escaped her muzzle, she put the pencil down. She looked out the window taking in Ponyville, still almost the same as it had been a decade ago, apart from the castle. Her life had become infinitely more complicated since she first met Twilight all those years ago. It almost felt like a different lifetime.

Her eyes turned back inside, settling on a framed picture of her and the rest of the Elements. All the many memories, everything she shared with her friends. Yes her life was more complicated, but she would not trade it for the world.

She checked herself in her portable mirror, she was still the same beautiful mare that she had been then, but even she could start to see there were some minor changes, refinements really. She would still have many years until she truly started to look old.

The small mirror was set aside with care, being deposited precisely where she intended as dozens of swatches of fabric and spools of thread started to dance around her.

A small smile crossed her face. She might not have the raw power of Twilight, but she still had the edge in fine control.

Trying to get back to work, she glanced at her sketch. Despite her intentions, she had trouble getting her mind to focus. Her mind kept wandering, thinking about recent events.

Yesterday had been one of the strangest days Rarity could remember. Yesterday was more chaotic than anything not caused by either Discord, Pinkie Pie or a world-threatening ancient evil.

There was the aftermath of the changeling attack and all the panicked ponies that she needed to calm down. It had taken hours of reassuring words and some soothing tea before the flower sisters were able to settle down again.

After that, Twilight was late and seemed unbothered by it. That, more than anything else, let her know something was deeply wrong with her friend. Even if she did not have the ‘insight’ Starlight shared about what Twilight had been through, she would still have worried. With that insight, she was afraid.

Rarity's mind had a moment of considering Rainbow's implications that Twilight had tried to seduce her. Rainbow’s expression left her unsure if it had been successful. Then there was Fluttershy's invite to the harem. This did not seem like the action of the mare she knew, but so little of how she was these days seemed to fit.

The methods of her craft were so ingrained that even with her mind occupied, her aura and senses kept working. She has discarded most of the selection of material as being unworthy of her plans and started grouping what was left based on what outfit they would be for. The lavender fabric and metallic magenta thread caught her attention.

With the association of Scootaloo’s new feathers, Rarity could not help but recall watching Twilight perform her ritual. Twilight used her magic to let Scootaloo finally fly. Even she could tell that a lot of what was seen was just showmareship clearly used to hide whatever magic she was really using.

Rarity's keen mind brought up the fact Twilight did everything in that eyesore of an arena she had created. It easily blocked any magical senses from feeling what happened. Now Rainbow Dash might have done something in there to make a point of showing off, but not Twilight, she would always have a reason, a plan. There was something about this magic she did not want others to notice, but why?

She closed her eyes, reliving the moment. The awe she had felt watching her friend rising again. Twilight looked like a goddess reaching out with elegant strands of magic as she altered, no healed Scootaloo.

Is this what an Alicorn really is? How would I be feeling now if I had felt the magic she used? Rarity thought.

If she was a painter, she would have immortalised that scene in paint. Instead, she was sketching more designs in her idea pad. She had so many wonderful ideas, dresses that would look ravishing on Twilight. As well as a few that would survive the antics of most of the adventures of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Who knew that dealing with them for years would have proved so useful.

Her mind went back to Scootaloo. She had honestly feared that the poor filly would never fly for years. Learning that she was a hybrid and never could, was heartbreaking. She honestly thought she would need to advise Sweetie Belle how to comfort her friend.

Opening her eyes, Rarity narrowed her attention back to her work. In addition to her inspiration fueled efforts, she would have to spend some time working on the design of Twilight’s guard uniform, as well as the preparations for Twilight’s upcoming event. “So many ideas, so little time,” Her elegant voice pronounced to the world.

Rarity held fabric ready for her to begin, but she hesitated. “I really do need to get a chance to get some new measurements from Twilight, she seems to have grown since the last time.”

She placed all her materials and tools down. Taking a sip of her tea, she grimaced. In her distraction, she had allowed it to cool far below pleasant drinking temperature. She rose and headed to the kitchen. Reheated tea never tasted quite right even if it would have been trivial. She always enjoyed things at their best.

Tipping the cold tea out, she set about brewing another cup. This one, she promised herself, she would enjoy while it was still at the perfect temperature. Leaving the beverage brewing, she looked at the clock. It was long past the time her sister should be up.

“Sweetie Belle,” Rarity called out, projecting her voice to easily be heard upstairs.

Receiving no answer, she headed up the stairway to Sweetie's room. With each audible hoof-fall upon the stairs, she worried a little more about what was wrong with her sister. She knocked once as she called out again. “Sweetie, time to wake up.”

Receiving no answer, she carefully pushed the door open. The bed was empty and made, laying atop it was a note. The large writing was clearly visible from the door.

Gone to play with Star, be back later. Don’t worry we will be safe.

Rarity sighed. Ever since Star had started playing with her sister and their friends, they had become almost impossible to pin down. “I do not envy Twilight and Luna when Star becomes a teenager.”

A loud formal sounding knock interrupted her train of thought. “What did the Crusaders do now?” She sighed in a rather unladylike manner before calling out in her normal sing-song voice. “Coming.”

She trotted down the stairs and made her way to the front door in good time. It would not do to keep anypony waiting too long. Taking a breath and making sure her mane was just so, Rarity opened the door.

On seeing an unfamiliar pony, she was just about to launch into her well-rehersed greeting for a customer before their clothes stopped her. Before her, was a tall unicorn stallion, standing almost at attention in a distinctive courier uniform. Their services were only used for messages of the utmost importance, where paying to have one of the few ponies who could teleport long distance deliver the message provided the certainty it could never be intercepted. That or nobles who were too tribalist to allow pegasus hooves to contaminate their correspondences, Rarity amended to herself.

Somepony had spent a lot of money when they sent this messenger. Rarity’s mind raced, who or what could mean that she would receive a message this way. It had nothing to do with any of the princesses. They would either teleport themselves or send the message through Spike.

Her mind danced with all the possibilities. A fashion magazine? A prince from another land entranced by tales of her beauty? Another wealthy noble needing an ensemble for a social event, offering her a commission to have the best outfit at the event?

“Lady Rarity, Element of Generosity,” The stallion said in a cultured Canterlot accent.

“Indeed,” Rarity responded, trying to keep the hope from her voice.

The stallion, in a well-practised gesture, pulled a metal scroll-case from a dimensional pocket. He presented it to her in his amber aura, deliberately leaving half of it free of his magic so their energies would never have to touch.

Almost without thinking, she lit her own horn, her aura embraced the bare part of the scroll case. Even if she thought it was silly, she still was not going to breach etiquette by letting their auras mingle.

The stallion released his magic and bowed formally. “Good day, Lady Rarity.” Taking exactly six steps back, he lit his horn and four seconds later vanished in a teleportation effect.

“Leaving immediately, I guess no reply is expected.” She mused to herself.

Unable to contain her curiosity, she did not even wait to be fully back inside before she opened it. The seal of Blueblood was all she needed to see. With a slight flick of her aura, the extremely expensively conveyed message deposited itself in its proper home. The wastebasket.

Rarity snorted in an unladylike way. “Seriously, Blueblood sent me a missive? He thinks I’m going to even entertain a letter from him after the way he treated me?”

A small feeling of satisfaction surged through her. It was not as satisfying as throwing Blueblood into the bin, but it was cathartic.

With a smile on her muzzle, she set back to her work, imaging how he might react to such a fate. It was hard not to laugh at the thought of him being unable to free himself from being in such an undignified position. If he had knocked on the door right at that moment, Rarity did not know if she would make the vision a reality.

Rarity’s eyes trailed to the bin again. It was the third time this hour. The letter seemed to demand her attention. A long unladylike sigh escaped her. “Confound it. This is going to eat at me. I’m not going to be able to focus on my work, let alone sleep unless I read it.” She huffed and angrily strode and definitely did not stomp over to the bin. “What on Equus could he want? Why did he send me a letter?”

Her aura violently grabbed the letter up in a melodramatic flourish and she started reading. Her eyes went wider and wider with each line.

“I don’t believe it. An apology? From Blueblood?” She almost shrieked. “Has the world gone mad? Either that or he’s trying to manipulate me. No matter, I’ll tell Twilight about this and get it sorted out.”

Placing a ‘be back later’ sign on the door, she trotted out towards Twilight’s castle, doing her best to keep her agitation out of her gate. A lady must always act the part. She thought as she followed her own advice on her short journey.

A few ponies' eyes watched her for longer than normal. She hoped it was because she looked like she was heading somewhere with purpose and not because her composure was failing her.

Seeing the fierce-looking Nightguard flanking the doors of the Castle of Friendship was still jarring to see. Until recently, it was a bastion of friendship and any of the girls could just walk in. Now it was starting to feel more like Canterlot. A slight flicker of motion from high up likely meant there was a guard station atop the castle somewhere. Well at least Twilight and Little Star should be safe here now. She thought, regretful of the lost innocent charm of the place.

One of the guards was a rugged looking grey thestral stallion, the other a quite dashing looking midnight blue unicorn mare. Both of them looked like they were the type of character that might sweep a princess off her hooves in one of her novels. For a moment, she considered what she would do if the stallion approached her romantically. She had been so fixated on her dream and then she lost it. Could she be happy with a normal pony?

There was a flash of magic from the mare's horn. Rarity did not even break stride as the changeling detection spell washed over her. For a moment, it felt like her coat was made of wire wool digging into her flesh with each movement. Somepony needs to work on their horncraft. She thought bitterly.

Six full seconds passed before the guards seemed happy that she was, in fact, herself and not an imposter. Without a word, they opened the main doors and allowed her to enter.

"Thank you," Rarity said with an elegant tip of her head to the guards as she passed them. I do hope Twilight gets her own guards as there is no way she would allow them to be so incompetent with their magic. She tried to not shudder at just thinking of how that detection spell felt. She was going to need at least an hour at the spa getting her coat maintained just to get over the trauma of the experience.

The doors thudded shut behind her, only barely avoiding her tail. She gazed at the now-closed doors, it was a rather unladylike look. And better manners. She commented to herself, relieved that her beautiful tail survived intact. She might be willing to sacrifice to save the day from Nightmare Moon, but she would be most unpleased to lose it because some fool of a guard slammed the door on it.

She made her way into the castle at a walk. Somehow the thought of trotting or galloping around just because of Blueblood’s letter felt wrong.

She was barely a dozen steps in when she heard conversation up ahead.

"Trixie, are you sure you want to do this? You know what it will cost." Starlight’s voice came from around the corner along with the sound of hooves on the crystal floor.

Trixie and Starlight walked around the corner, coming into view. Starlight offered a quick nod to Rarity though Trixie was still too caught up to notice anypony at all. Only her marefriend and her own ego seemed to exist to the showmare.

"Trixie will be great and powerful again! She will show the world what she was meant to be capable of," Trixie exclaimed. Walking past Rarity without even acknowledging her presence, the showmare continued. "The Great and Powerful Trixie will dazzle even you," she finished with a dramatic pose that set her cloak billowing in a conjured breeze behind her rearing form.

Rarity watched them as they headed out. Starlight caught her eyes with a concerned glance.

Starlight looked back to Trixie, a slightly fake supportive smile on her face. "Just please be careful, Trixie, it is not wise to get between Alicorns."

Trixie’s horn lit to open the door, but the Nightguard beat her to it. They must have heard them coming. Rarity thought, recalling the fact that some of the gossip columns employed more than a few of thestrals to eavesdrop because of their excellent hearing.

The two Nightguard closed the door with the same suddenness as before. The solid slabs of material now hiding the pair from view and denying Rarity the chance to hear Trixie’s response.

Get between Alicorns? Has something else happened between Celestia and Twilight? Rarity worried, hoping it was not true.

Shaking her head and banishing such thoughts from her mind, she continued on.

She made her way into the castle, wondering who, if anypony, was watching her. First, there was Little Star who was more than capable of scrying undetected on both her mother's. Then there was the very definition of stealth, the Nightguard. It seemed her every action was likely being observed. Now normally, she did not mind an audience, but she liked to know they were there at least.

Ever since Emerald’s comment the other day, it was hard not to see each shadow as a potential Nightguard. Add that to scrying magic and other spells and there were just too many ways for a pony to spy on her that she could not detect, nor do anything to resist.

With a quiet sigh, she put on a pleasant smile. She would just have to accept that she was being watched whenever she was here. Twilight really was a princess and was starting to gather the guards and servants that her position required. For a moment, Rarity wondered how much this would change Ponyville. Would it become more like Canterlot, would nobles, sycophants and servants all move in. Would the rustic charm of the place be lost under the consequences of Twilight truly accepting her royalty and everything that came with it?

Rarity glanced around at the castle, it was actually a castle. A beautiful and unique structure gifted to Twilight by the Tree of Harmony.

Studying the crystal wall, her own reflection caught her eyes. She knew, and could easily see that for a unicorn, her form was almost perfection, second only to the top fashion models.

Rarity's beauty took hours of work to maintain. Even with that, she had to admit she was not as perfect as Fluttershy’s natural beauty. Perhaps that was why she got invited to a royal harem.

Though perhaps it was because Twilight knew her. Rarity would much prefer a romance with a prince that led to a royal wedding and her being a princess.

She grimaced. Letting her eyes trace over the letter that useless stallion had sent her. Blueblood had destroyed her dreams that fateful Gala. How long would it be until she got over it?

In a way, it might have been better if she never attended that Gala, if she never learned how horrible of a stallion he was. At least that way she might still have the pleasant daydream to keep her company. A long-suffering sigh escaped her.

She spared a glance back in the crystal reflection. Her mind idly wondering how things would have been if she ascended instead of Twilight. She could most certainly make the Alicorn attributes look truly divine, unlike the just mostly divine all four adult Alicorns achieved.

Until Twilight had ascended, she would have thought it could never have been anything but a dream. Becoming an Alicorn Princess was nothing but an impossible fantasy. There used to be only one Alicorn and then there were two, three, more. Where would it stop? How many Alicorns would there be, and who would be the next one?

Rarity continued walking, thinking. It did not take her mind long to spot the pattern. Every Alicorn had a direct connection to Celestia. Luna, her sister. Cadance, her niece. Twilight, her student. Who is left?

She had almost gotten to her destination when it hit her. The next Alicorn is either going to be Raven Inkwell or Sunset Shimmer. She thought with disappointment.

Arriving and finding no guards, she almost thought she had gone to the wrong room. But no, she knew this was the right room. She was completely certain of it. She paused in thought. How do I know this is the right room?[/] Though her entire journey through the castle, she just simply walked, as if she already knew what room Twilight was in.

Only one way to find out. Rarity lifted a hoof to knock at the door. Just before her hoof made contact, a slightly fluorescent white aura enveloped the doors.

As the sound of the rustling of many scrolls, parchments and books being neatly moved aside greeted her, Twilight's warm voice called out, “Rarity,” but it seemed a little distant.

The doors fully opened, revealing three ponies in the room. Twilight, Candice and Emerald.

The inside of the room used to be set up as a small reception. It had been somewhat transformed. It now was very much night themed. At the centre was a large comfortable chaise lounge. Twilight lay like some empress being attended to by her servants. If Candice was holding grapes instead of a clipboard, the image might have held.

Twilight was lounging, wings both spread wide. One was being expertly tended to by Emerald’s aura as her hooves massaged Twilight's powerful flight muscles. Like this, with her majestic wings on full display, Rarity could see that Twilight was no longer the sedate bookish librarian she used to be. Her body was toned and powerful.

If it was not for the clear marks of pain on Twilight muzzle, Rarity might have thought she had walked into a rather intimate scene.

Twilight's eyes shifted, becoming warmer. All expressions of pain faded, replaced with Twilight’s normal friendly smile. “What can I do for you?” she asked, her voice seeming somehow more familiar.

“Twilight, dear, are you all right?” Rarity asked, concern marring her muzzle’s elegant lines.

Twilight just smiled with lazy contentment. “Yes, Rarity, I’m fine, thank you.”

Rarity hesitated for a moment. “You looked like you were in pain.”

Twilight nodded, “A little. It is only a small side effect of helping Scootaloo, nothing you need to worry about.”

“I’ve never seen a spell affect you this way,” Rarity's voice was full of concern.

“I don’t normally give away part of my wellspring,” Twilight joked.

“You did what?! Are you going to be alright, do I need to call Luna?” Rarity asked in rising panic. Any damage to a pony’s wellspring was normally fatal.

Twilight’s aura wrapping around her felt warm and caring as it gently pulled her into a one-legged embrace. “Rarity, I'm fine. I'm an Alicorn.”

“But, your soul?” Rarity asked in disbelief.

Twilight offered her best reassuring smile. “Will be fine, it will heal. For me, this is little more than a slightly painful blood transfusion.”

Candice moved subtly, catching Rarity’s attention as she supported Twilight’s statement with a smile and simple confirming nod.

“That is very generous of you,” Rarity said, trying to come to terms with this new fact about her friend.

“I learned from the best,” Twilight said, nuzzling Rarity. “Would you like some tea?”

Rarity nodded “That would be lovely darling.”

Twilight glanced to Emerald who nodded and headed out of the room. As last time, the green maned beauty almost glided across the room with almost unnatural grace. She made it look so easy, almost as if she had been born to it.

Once the door closed, Rarity spoke up. “It is good to see you are letting other ponies take care of you.”

Twilight nodded. “There are some advantages to my position, some I really should have been using for years. I have so many responsibilities now, I just don't have time to do everything myself.”

Candice let her eyes look to Twilight, affection and perhaps even true love, sparkling within them.

“That and organising the Festival in time for next week,” Rarity commented, choosing not to comment on the look from Candice.

“Are you going to be alright getting your part done?” Twilight asked her.

“I should be,” Rarity started a little hesitantly. “It's a lot of work, but I have worked with tighter deadlines,” She finished, sounding confident.

“If you need more funds to hire more help,” Twilight offered

“I should be fine, thank you,” Rarity said.

Twilight lazily stood and stretched, flexing like Opal might, letting out a relieved sigh. “So, Rarity, what brings you here? Is it that letter you're carrying?”

Rarity looked at the mentioned correspondence “Yes, I'm a little unsure what to do with it.”

“From Blueblood?” Candice asked simply.

“Yes… he wrote to apologise to me, can you believe that?” Rarity exclaimed with disbelief.

Candice nodded. “Annoyed Alicorns can be quite the source of motivation.”

“I only teleported him to the fountain.” Twilight waved her hoof as if such things were nothing.

“Then took off with part of a building,” Candice smirked.

“At least I didn’t drop it on him,” Twilight said far too casually and with what sounded like a hint of regret.

“Twilight, is that sort of thing overreacting? I know he may not be our favourite pony, but wouldn’t dropping a building on him be going a little too far? You sound like you wanted to hurt him,” Rarity asked, some of Starlight's warnings coming to mind.

Twilight eyes narrowed dangerously, “As long as he behaves himself, we will never need to find out.”

Candice chuckled.

Maybe Starlight had a point about there being something wrong with Twilight... The sound of the door opening again snapped Rarity out of her thoughts.

Emerald entered the room with a tea service. Twilight inhaled, taking in the scent of an unfamiliar blend of leaves. It seemed to calm Twilight. Her smile returned, and she bade Emerald to serve Rarity first. “You do have to try this, it is a recent discovery of mine, and I think it is truly excellent,” Twilight said with pride.

Emerald expertly lifted the teapot and poured the first cup, gracefully offering it to Rarity as Twilight settled back down comfortably.

Rarity took the cup in her own aura and inhaled its complex scent. She could not identify any of the ingredients. It was fruity like berries, slightly spiced yet made her mind think of a cool night breeze and the peace after a storm.
Twilight smiled encouragingly.

Rarity took a single sip in a refined ladylike manner. The strange spiced fruity flavour caressed her tongue and a small amount of energy seemed to disperse throughout her body. A pleasant coolness seemed to spread through her, slowing her heart rate and breaths. The worry about Twilight being stable, what Blueblood was up to and even the recent changeling attack faded. The knowledge was still there, and she could take action based on the knowledge, but there was no reason to worry, panic or stress.

A smile crossed Rarity’s muzzle as she settled down on a silken pillow that seemed to be set aside for visitors. Every part of her body seemed to relax, the tension in her muscles undoing itself. This would be a perfect complement for a massage or just to settle down after a long day's work. Rarity thought. “What is this remarkable elixir?”

Candice had a small smile on her face. Clearly indicating she had already tried it and knew what Rarity was feeling.

Twilight beamed, this was clearly a question she was hoping to be asked. “This is a little something I put together based on some thousand-year-old recipe and some ingredients that were thought to be extinct. That and being infused with a small dash of starlight and some other aspected magic.”

Rarity smiled, “Assuming this is legal, would I be able to get a supply?”

“Of course, you will have to wait for more to be made and some of the ingredients to regrow, but yes, I think we can manage that,” Twilight said as she accepted her own cup from Emerald. Inhaling, she said to herself. “I hope Luna likes this.”

“Darling, I'm sure she will,” Rarity said. The only two ponies she thought might not like this was Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

Twilight smiled “I hope you're right.”

Candice piped up, “I think you are worrying about it too much. If what she gave me to help with knocking out three months of paperwork and research within a week, is anything to go by, then she will not just like it, she will love it.”

"So what exactly did Luna give you?" Rarity asked.

“A liquid stimulant that let me stay up for the whole time. I slept for sixteen hours after it was done, I have no idea what was in it.” Candice replied.

Twilight pondered for a moment, "Should I make something more to keep ponies awake and active and not so relaxing?"

“Maybe check the laws about what is legal or not. Then have something that can balance it if too much is taken. Wouldn't want ponies going comatose.” Candice advised.

“If I am going to try and sell it, the laws become an issue... And naturally, it needs to be more potent to affect Alicorns…” Twilight looked thoughtful. “I might need to talk to Pinky if I want to make something with enough power to affect an Alicorn. She did make that coffee that Celestia deemed to be dangerous enough to have locked up in the RGIS vault.”

Rarity tried to keep the alarm from her face. "Darling, isn't that the one that nearly destroyed Sugarcube Corner? And if it was not for your magic holding it in stasis, it would have caused a huge explosion?"

Twilight nodded. "So I will need to get some of my lab equipment to safely store it. Maybe if I paint some of the containers, we could still make it look somewhat like a tea set?"

"Twilight, serving Luna a drink that could literally cause her to explode is not, and I repeat not, something you do in a loving relationship." Rarity was amazed that she managed to sound calm.

“Rarity has a point on that one. Like I said, something to balance it. Not anything that Pinkie has a tendency to make,” Candice lightly rebuked though there was a touch of humour on her face.

“I will see about making an antidote.” Twilight looked a little crestfallen, seeming not to notice the humour.

Rarity smiled at Twilight. "It is one of, if not the best tea I have ever sampled. If it is made from plants thought lost to time, perhaps it will remind Luna of happy times from before Nightmare Moon?"

“Most likely, I can only imagine what other stuff she has taken considering what she let me have,” Candice said.

Twilight raised a single eyebrow before turning back to the cup before her. She slowly sampled her tea again, this time seeming more analytical. After a moment of contemplation, the doubt and worry faded. She nodded to herself and then turned her attention back to Rarity, her eyes just a little more guarded than before.

Hmm, guarded a bit after that. I will have to watch how I criticize her choices in the future. What she's been through seems to have affected her sensitivities as well. Rarity thought to herself as she once again wondered just how bad things must have been to affect her friend this much.

After a few contented minutes filled with companionable silence and them both slowly reducing the amount of liquid in their teacups, Rarity spoke. “So, darling. Do you think that Blueblood is being sincere with his letter?”

“Perhaps,” Twilight looked at Candice for a moment over the top of her teacup. “Perhaps not, but I do believe this is his new public stance at least.”

Rarity nodded. “So we don't know if this is him really having changed or if this is a move in the game of politics?”

“Or a move in the game of survival? Feels like somepony had a talk with him.” Candice added.

It did feel odd having Candice here when talking to her friend, but Twilight was a princess, one that had been almost killed. So it made sense she would always have her guard wither her.

Twilight lit her horn, her aura wrapping around some letters of her own. “He seemed to be more verbose with me. In essence, this is an effort to mend bridges between us.”

The magenta magic presented the correspondences to her. The first thing Rarity noticed was the same horn writing and marks of authenticity, meaning that there was no doubt this was real.

Two caught her attention the most. One, a formal but understated apology for language and words unbecoming of his station being directed at Candice. The other pointed out that as Twilight’s Royal Guard force, even if it is only one pony strong, it was required to have a Captain.

In the corner of her eye, she noticed that there was one letter left to one side deliberately. That letter looked like one of the scrolls that Celestia sent through Spike. It had been opened, so that was good. The scroll next to it with a single word on it likely was the start of a reply. That Celestia and Twilight were at least writing letters to each other was hopefully a good sign.

“Is he trying to help you?” Rarity asked doubtfully, choosing to ignore the letter from Celestia for now.

Candice shrugged her wings, the motions accentuating how large her wings were. Clearly, she had something she wanted to add, but her professionalism held her tongue.

Twilight answered instead. “He is, but the question is why.”

Rarity nodded to herself, changing the subject. “So Candice, if you are going to be Twilight’s Guard Captain, it is even more important you come over to my boutique to get proper measurements so I can begin crafting you the finest uniform.”

“As long as I can get the time off, I would be happy to do so,” Candice said

“Or you can get your stuff and you can measure her here?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight, I could but… my boutique is where I do my best work,” Rarity almost pouted.

Twilight sighed and mumbled something, “You can have her for an hour, I will be teleporting you both back in exactly sixty minutes.”

Rarity eyes widened only a little. The tea was proving extremely good at keeping panic at bay. As Twilight lit her horn, Rarity picked up her teacup and held it close.

Candice tapped Twilight with her wing. “It takes longer than that, besides that should be a proper appointment.”

“Fine, just bring her back when you’re done,” Twilight said with a clearly fake annoyed tone, glancing at the assorted paperwork.

There was a flash of magenta as Twilight’s magic took hold of both of them. The last thing she heard of the castle was a quiet chuckle from Twilight before appearing back at home inside the Carousel Boutique.

Rarity’s senses swam from the teleport. Twilight's raw power blotted out her magical awareness and made her horn itch for a few seconds. Her senses started to make sense of her surroundings. Around her, the familiar surrounds of her workroom revealed themselves. Blinking, she shook her head to try and clear it.

Rarity looked around seeing Candice looking perfectly at ease. She seemed to have recovered from the teleport first.

“Well, that was unexpected,” Candice stated, sounding a little amused.

“Quite. So Candice…” Rarity started, leaning closer to the mare. “What exactly is your relationship with our dear Twilight?”

Candice offered a wry smile, “Multi-faceted.”

“Yes, granted Darling…” Rarity said, desperately wanting to get onto actual information. “But what about the details? How did you meet and why are you interested in her? What are your goals here? And you do know she is to be wed to Luna?”

Candice’s smile took on a hint of happy remembrance. “Luna literally gave me to her as a present. That’s how we met. Though I was dressed up in Luna’s shadows when she did.”

“Luna's shadows, you have got to let me see that material. What wondrous things I could make with such a fabric,” Rarity pleaded. She was amazed at how calm she was being. The tea must still be affecting me. She thought.

Candice pulled said shadowy material from under her wing. It flowed more than unfolded. It’s nearly perfectly black surface looked almost infinitely thin and never creased. It was truly magnificent.

Rarity reached out and ran a hoof over the material. It felt impossibly smooth and never wrinkled. The fabric seemed weightless, yet had a definite presence. She imagined it might be what clouds might feel like if you could spin them into fabric. Idea, that might work. She thought as her mind started into a line of pegasus only outfits made of different types of weather.

Taking a moment to collect herself, Rarity continued. "So Luna just gave you to her? Are you ok with this?” Rarity paused for a moment looking into Candice’s eyes and seeing the devotion there. “I know that you are, I can see it in your eyes.”

“I was originally one of Princess Celestia’s intelligence analysts. Luna called in a favour and got me released from the Solar Oath. I joined the Nightguard and shortly after was given to Twilight. To be honest, I’m in love with both of them. I’ve dreamt of Luna and Twilight since before Luna returned. Thank you for your role in that by the way.”

“You mean defeating that monster Nightmare moon? If so, you are more than welcome. That was a public service and what brought all of us together. None of the girls would be where they are today if it was not for that.” Rarity said happily, before leaning in conspiratorially “I can tell you though, it was truly terrifying at the time and the state my tail nearly ended up in. I still have sleepless nights because of it upon occasion.”

“There is a lot that could have been different if you and your friends hadn’t come to the rescue. I’m just happy to be where I am. Seeing Twilight do the things she does, being able to help her research and, well mostly, I just want her to be happy and safe. If I had the power to make the world safe, then I would… sorry, that was more than you were asking for, isn’t it?”

“Relax dear, it is fine,” Rarity said, still continuing on with her work with her tape measure.

Unlike Rainbow, Candice offered no resistance and happily stood there being measured and having different bits of fabrics held against her coat and mane. Occasionally her magic reaching out for a piece of fabric as if making a suggestion.

Candice seemed to relax. “My emotions are not a state secret or anything. So when others ask, I have a tendency to speak at length if there is an interest shown. I figured you wanted a private talk with her guard. It’s one of the reasons I pointed out the time for a proper measurement and fitting. If you desire to know something and I am allowed to tell, just ask and I will share. You are one of Twilight’s closest friends. I don’t want to have a wall between us. I prefer friendship as well and would like to be friends with you, not just ‘Twilight’s guard’.”

“She is the Princess of Friendship, do you think she would let you get away with just being her guard? She would have you eating cookies at Sugarcube Corner before the end of your first week if you tried to be just her guard. Now on the other hoof, I was wondering if you are going to need some ‘special’ clothes for your time with Twilight?” Rarity inquired.

“I’m sure you’re right. There would be friendship lessons for me if that were the case. Would you like to see the shadow outfit on me?” Candice asked in response to the ‘special’ outfits.

“If I did not know better, I would say you were trying to seduce me as well.” Rarity shook her head for a moment. “Yes, I would very much like to see what it looks like on the intended pony. I have never seen the material, let alone Luna’s own craftwork.”

“You are an Artist. One that happens to work with fabric. I would only try to seduce you if you were interested in Twilight and I thought it would make her happy. My willingness to show you is because you are a professional.” Candice said.

The fabric vanished and reappeared on Candice's body. Well, that is one way to avoid putting on a show, and why am I not surprised that Luna picked a guard that has a knack for magic. Rarity thought.

Rarity circled Candice, looking at the outfit crafted by an Alicorn. It did certainly enhance all the desirable traits of the hybrid mare. To Rarity, the pony herself was the lesser part of the ensemble. The clothes were more impressive, the finest craft and that impossible material were both within her hoof’s reach. “Can you get more of this material? Or is this something I would have to deal directly with Luna for?”

“I’m not certain I was meant to keep what I have, to be honest. But, if I get good enough with the shadow magic, I might be able to make some myself in a few years.” Candice stated with a hint of hope.

“A few years… I can try and wait a few years... So what is shadow magic? I don't remember reading about it at school.”

“Thestral magic, but they work with shadows a lot. I gained some Thestral magic when Luna made me her chosen.” Candice said with apparent pride.

“So all the guards around town might be able to make some?” Rarity looked like she was about to be very happy if her thoughts were true.

“I don't know. You might want to start with Luna though.” Candice suggested.

Rarity nodded, humming a little as she looked for a bit of paper and a quill.

The shadow silk was beautiful, it was a material that almost called to her. She could do so much with it. It would completely redefine the fashion world for generations to come. If Luna makes shadow silk, what would Celestia, Cadance or even Twilight make as their fabrics? This could lead to a new line of princess dresses and other accessories.

‘Dear Princess Luna,’ Rarity started her letter eagerly. Still admiring Candice’s form and dress. Rarity looked between the letter and Candice for a moment before setting it aside. Considering how she was thinking a moment ago, she realised she was over the effects of Twilight’s Tea. “Sorry Darling, I seemed to have gotten a little carried away there. I can write that later, shall we get back to your uniform?”

“Before I put this away, would you want to see how it comes off?” Candice asked with casual confidence as she was posing for Rarity in ways that showed off the intent of the outfit.

Rarity let her eyes wander for a moment, actually taking in the mare in the outfit for a long moment. Did Luna train her to be a seductress? Rarity thought as she felt her cheeks warm a bit before answering. "As appealing as that would be. I think that would be an experience base saved for Luna or Twilight?"

“While I was thinking you might desire to know the limits of the fabric, you seem to be enjoying the show. Don't be shy in asking questions.” Candice rather openly stated.

“Are you trying to seduce me into joining Twilight's harem?” Rarity asked.

Candice just looked at her. “Do you want to be? If your desires head that way, then don't be afraid to be honest with your best friend. If they don't, then don't worry about it. I'm only suggesting a completely honest understanding of your relationship and desires therein. I love her, I want her to have as much close support as she can get. Her friends are the best place to find that in my opinion, though only to the depth that they want. So what do you want?”

Rarity’s mind jumped to that as she made her think of Fluttershy and the offer Twilight made. “I think Twilight has been through a lot. I think she is a little unstable and not quite herself at the moment. I don't think anypony should be making permanent life-changing decisions with or about her until she has fully recovered. I am and always will be her friend, first and foremost.”

Candice shrugged a bit, “Nothing saying your desires have to be permanent. But it's your choice. I'm not going to push you in either direction.”

“So, shall we get to work on your uniform?" Rarity deflected. A Princess would be at least as good as a Prince. It is a shame I did not realise that last year. Rarity thought.

Candice nodded and the outfit vanished to whence it came. Suddenly Candice was at attention and wings spread, ready for any measurements that might need to be taken. "The last thing I will say, don't ignore your desires, you never know if they might come true."

Rarity would not step one hoof into what could truly be a fairytale marriage between two princesses. "Well unless you know of an Alicorn Prince that is going to come and sweep me off my hooves, I think I will have to keep dreaming." Rarity hoped she managed to keep the sliver of interest with the idea of being with Twilight from both her expression and voice. The look on Candice's face though said otherwise.

“Look, getting any closer to us will just hurt her in the long run. With Luna, she can have somepony forever. The tragic love between an Alicorn and a mortal makes a great read. I will not inflict such pain on Twilight. Not after everything she has already been through,” Rarity intoned.

“You never know if that situation might change. One bearer of the Elements has ascended already. There is nothing saying the rest can't,” Candice pointed out.

“Unless you can convince Celestia to hoof over more wings. I don't think it will happen,” Rarity postulated.

Candice rolled her eyes a little, "Celestia isn't the only one that has ascended."

“But every Alicorn is directly connected to her. Her sister, her niece she trained for years, her student,” Rarity pointed out.

“Perhaps, but I prefer to look at it as it has happened before, it can happen again. I don't think Celestia has a monopoly on that. Cadance ascended on her own and only had a connection to Celestia after her ascension. I would hate to think that any who ascend would have to go through her.” Candice stated with a bit of irritation at the idea.

“Well, only time will tell,” Rarity said. “I still believe if there is going to be another Alicorn, it is likely going to be Sunset Shimmer.” She paused for a moment in thought. “Candice, I’ll make a wager with you. If somepony else ascends that is not directly connected to Celestia, I will give you free clothes for a year.”

“Very well,” Candice answered. “And what do you get if one doesn't? What time frame are we talking about?”

“Well... I don't know. You have to admit I'm right? And how about ten years?” Rarity asked.

“Actually, there is Flurry Heart, Celestia didn't have anything to do with her being an Alicorn. But ten years sounds good,” Candice replied thoughtfully.

“Being born an Alicorn does not count,” Rarity retorted.

“What if she ascended in the womb?” Candice hypothesised.

Rarity paused for a moment. “There is no way an unborn foal could do anything worthy to ascend.”

“What if it doesn't have anything to do with worth?” Candice countered.

“Unless you are saying Cadance can cause ascension?” Rarity asked. She had to admit, it was possible there was room for doubt there.

“She might be able to, I have no idea,” Candice answered.

Rarity thought for a moment more, “Then there would be a lot more Alicorns, and I would want to know where my wings are or how to get them.” She smiled at Candice.

“Alright, so what would you want if you win the bet?” Candice asked.

Rarity looked her in the eyes. “For you to admit I was right, and that is all. I'm hoping that I am wrong, but I don't think I am.”

“So do I. If that is all you desire, then so be it,” Candice responded.

Rarity laughed. “With your beautiful body, I am likely going to make you free clothes anyway.”

“Are you hitting on me now?” Candice asked with a smile.

“No... Merely complimenting you and seeing if you would be willing to wear more of my creations?” Rarity asked. If she could get Candice to model for her…

Candice gave her a friendly nuzzle, "Of course I would. You are one of the best there is."

“And if you want any... special outfits…” Rarity let the question hang in the air.

“I know exactly where to come,” Candice said as she offered a hug which Rarity gladly accepted.

Hours had passed as Rarity dressed Candice and made adjustments then redressed her. She was lost in the world of fabrics and stitches, textures and colours. Everything was perfect. The new uniform was starting to take form, beginning to look stunning in its own way.

Candice’s tail feathers were an interesting new challenge. She required them for flight, like her wings. They would have to be clear to move freely. Rarity knew she would rise to this and use it as inspiration. It was a shame she was the only pony with them. Any styles she developed would only have one pony that would ever be able to wear them.

Suddenly Candice’s ears twitched, almost as if she seemed to hear something.

“Candice?” Rarity asked cautiously. Receiving no immediate answer, she began to worry. A trained guard did not react like this for no reason.

After a few moments, Candice activated her magic. The white auras sparkling around her wings. The glow momentarily settled on her ears. Candice deliberately went over to the window to look outside.

Rarity sighed with exasperation but followed. “This had better be important, this uniform won’t make itself and you don't know how much other stuff Twilight wants made before the end of next week.”

“Possibly. Sounds like Scootaloo is coming in hot.” Candice intoned.

Comin in hot? What does that mean? Rarity thought as she looked outside. She could see the scraggly erratic, but recklessly fast flying of Scootaloo heading straight for the castle. Straining her ears, Rarity could just make out the filly shouting at the top of her lungs. “Twilight, Twilight you have to help, Rainbow’s gone to save them, she needs help...”

Even at this distance, something about the expression and movements of the young pony made Rarity’s heart drop with dread. What has happened this time? And where is Sweetie Belle?

“Sorry, got to go,” Candice said before opening the window with her aura and taking off like Rainbow, not even taking off the in-progress uniform.

“You better not wreck that work-in-progress,” Rarity called after her, trying her best not to worry. She failed.

CH 35.3 Twilight's Decree

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Twilight looked at the drying ink on the parchment upon which her first royal decree was written. With a few motions of the quill, her will was written into law. With her signature and sealed with her magic, it went into effect.

Just like that, she had forever changed the world. It was not as spectacular as using the Elements of Harmony.

Power comes in many forms, Twilight. Night lazily commented.

Twilight thoughtfully hummed in response. Night was right. Even without using her Alicorn powers to influence ponies, she had to be careful. A careless word in a letter could alter another ponies life. She double-checked for the fourth time. Her eyes critically analysing every single character on the page. Yet again it was perfect, no errors in the hornwriting nor loophole in the wording.

These words were a direct response to Celestia’s letter. The warning of the expected influx of ponies and those that would seek to impede them. She had expected some resistance, but not the level of threat towards those seeking her aid Celestia’s letter implied.

A sad smile graced her face as she once again looked at her former mentor’s kind words. The praise for her doing the right thing to help her ponies. It was almost a form letter. It would have once made her feel nice. She would have hugged it to her chest and felt the smile trying to split her face as she pranced around. Now, now a part of her just felt empty.

With Night’s extensive experience assisting her, Twilight had seen how it was the only logical response Celestia had open. She, the former student, had dictated the actions of the all-powerful Alicorn of the Sun. Any other action would have likely led to a civil war or at least caused the ponies to doubt the ‘perfect’ Princess of the Sun.

Twilight shook her head, trying to banish the bitterness. Ever since that conversation with Candice, she was finding it hard to not think of Celestia in a more negative light than she likely deserved. Celestia was a ruler and had to make difficult choices and made them she did. Even if she seemed to pick the wrong answer far too often.

Would I be able to do better? Twilight thought as she gazed at her quill. It was truly mightier than both blade and spell.

Her body moved on its own, as Night assumed control. Her hoof went to her chest as she took a deep breath in, holding it for a moment she exhaled pushing the hoof away.

Twilight smiled softly, she could take a hint. She went through Cadance's breathing technique a few more times. Thank you.

You are welcome, Twilight. Night answered tenderly. If we can complete this swiftly, can have an early lunch?

Twilight laughed, she could not help it. Again the former Nightmare was content with simple affection and creature comforts. Night was not a bad pony at her core. Something must have caused her to attack Celestia in the past. Instead of asking, she thought back. We can have some treats to tide us over.

That will be acceptable. Night responded formally. The expectant joy that radiated from their connection brought to mind a filly Night prancing around going ‘yes, yes, yes!’

Twilight turned her eyes to the disguised changeling she now had in her employ. “Emerald, would you fetch a tray of daisy sandwiches and some cookies, please.”

Emerald performed a respectful bow and made to leave. Twilight's gaze followed her, she was beautiful. Warmth seeped into her chest from Nova’s golden necklace. ‘There is going to be cookies’ Twilight tapped out with a hoof hoping to distract Nova with something less disruptive.

‘Cookie, Cookie, Cookies’ Nova tapped back with enthusiasm.

Night’s laughter in Twilight’s mind was pure and nothing like the evil cackle or Nightmare Moon.

Trying not to laugh herself, Twilight levitated her decree in front of her. Gently blowing on the parchment to ensure it was dry, she moved on to the next step. Carefully she infused the paper with the needed magic to make it uneditable, not even a single word would be able to be altered ever again.

Twilight hummed thoughtfully, wondering how the nobles would try and get around this decree. Unless something was fundamentally changed, they would try.

A small part of her was looking forward to it, she wanted to put some of the stuck up nobles that doubted her in their place. The petty nobles were really nothing more than insects before even her physical might, let alone her arcane power. It did not help that Night heartedly approved of her thoughts. She could feel a sense of contentment at that realisation of her power. She paused, she could not tell if that emotion was Nights, her own or both of them in harmony.

A larger part hoped no innocent got hurt before she managed to save them. She was the protector of her ponies that Celestia should have been. She was not going to allow ponies to die just for political expediency.

She let her eyes look over the compiled list of deaths for young and unborn foals. How many of them were accidents or normal illnesses? How many of them were actually hybrids that met an unfortunate end?

Twilight mused, trying to think of any way that Celestia might not know about these possible horrors. Despite her hopes, there were only a few options. Either she did not care, or she did not know. Neither was a good thing.

Her magenta magic wrapped around the decree with an effort of will she pulled. A complex spell away formed around the parchment. Instead of tearing in half, two intact copies now floated in her aura. Performing the same feat twice more, she now had eight.

One she teleported to Spike with a small gem and a note asking him to send it to Celestia. Two went to the town hall. One to the first Nightguard her magical senses could locate. Another was teleported straight to the receptionist in the Canterlot hall of records. The rest she sent to her study of filling later.

It was done, truly done, and the rest of the world knew about it. She lay there, waiting for the anticipated cookies. Excitement, nervousness and contended satisfaction warred within her. Twilight could feel Night felt proud of her, she was really a Princess and was starting to truly accept everything that meant.

Finally, the cookies arrived. Being the calm one as the two mares she shared sensations with lost themselves in the ecstasy of fresh cookies straight from Sugar Cube Corner, made Twilight shake her head a little as she was slowly chewing.

At least her magic was still free to continue the paperwork. Thinking for a moment, she deposited a few cookies into one of her dimensional pockets. She did not know when she might need to distract Night or Nova.

Twilight picked up another and bit into it. They were very good cookies.

Finally setting the last of her paperwork down, she took a calming breath and let it out in a happy sigh. Night seemed to not be paying attention, and it seemed Nova was resting or at least at peace.

Twilight was glad for Emerald’s company. The changeling’s expert hooves were doing a lot to keep her wings and pegasus wellspring aching down to a level she could almost ignore it. Another content groan escaped her and a hoof in just the right place released even more tension.

Having her leylines tended to was raw pleasure, this treatment on the other hoof just left her relaxed.
“You know, if Chrysalis opened massage parlours, she could have taken over the world and nopony would have complained.”

“I somewhat doubt she would have been happily providing a service for food when she could just dump ponies into pods to extract what she needs instead.”

“A pity, it would have been a path to peace,” Twilight said.

“With the hatred between your Queen and my former one?”

“Celestia is not a Queen,” Twilight stated.

Emerald looked to one of the walls as if she could see thought it. “Little Star is in a panic.”

“Where?” Twilight was on her hooves in an instant. Her foal needed her.

“Just outside the castle.” Emerald pointed through the wall.

Twilight’s teleport happened so quickly she almost startled herself. Appearing outside, she was immediately tackled by her daughter.

“Mummy, Mummy, you got to help Scootaloo.”

Twilight pulled her daughter into a hug, holding her tight. “What has happened my Little Star?”

“I don’t know, but she is bleeding and she is up there.” Star pointed.

Little Star was not being quiet, and even though it had only been seconds, a small crowd had started to gather.

Candice burst from Rarity’s window heading straight for the erratically flying filly. Whatever was happening Twilight needed to know right now. Lighting her horn, she teleported both Candice and Scootaloo to her, catching them gently in her aura to arrest their momentum.

Candice just said “Hi.” and then looked at Scootaloo as she stuffed her in progress uniform into a dimensional pocket.

Scootaloo started babbling, making seemingly incomprehensible noises.

Calm down and start from the beginning,” Twilight said in a caring tone. She only noticed she had used her Alicorn persuasion after it was already done.

“There was a pony and some other ponies and a griffon. They were trying to hurt the first pony, they even tried to hurt me.” Scootaloo said as calm as could be. She turned so the long cut on her rear leg could be seen.

Little Star immediately ran up to Scootaloo and started healing her. The still flowing blood moved back to the wound and pulled it closed, healing it without a mark.

Scootaloo and serval of the other ponies that were now gathered around were staring at the now missing injury with wonder. Scootaloo continued her tale. “He saved me and told me to fly and get you. On the way, Rainbow found me. She flew off to help him and told me to get to town as fast as I could.”

The timing was too convenient. This had to be due to her announcement to help the hybrids. Twilight looked up to the crowd. “Everything will be fine, I will deal with this,” she said confidently. Looking at Little Star and Candice, she spoke in whisper speak. “This may be a diversion, I need both of you to keep Ponyvile safe.”

Little Star snaped her helm on, a determined light in her eyes.

Candice nodded and placed her wing on Little Star for a moment, acknowledging the order. In her own version of whisper speak she replied, “Go, the town will be safe.”

Twilight felt her body crouch and her muscles tense. In a burst of physical power, she felt herself leap into the air, adding a new crater to the ground.

Letting herself slip free from her flesh body, she returned to her bastion.

Twilight appeared in the center of her library and teleported right to the door with Rainbow’s cutie mark on it. Her magic almost ripped the door off its hinges as she violently opened it. She only barely noticed the clouds, sports and Wonderbolts themed sections of Rainbow’s wing. She paused for only half a heartbeat, noting how big the Darring Do section was.

Twilight raced straight to the lightning bolt-shaped pedestal that held the book with the animated quill writing in it.

Rainbow spun around and bucked the earthpony, rolling over their collapsing form, using it to shield herself from an incoming crossbow bolt.

Twilight could hear Dreams approaching, but did not even look up.

Twilight flipped back a bit and started to read, looking for anything that would tell her where her friend was. “Where are you, Rainbow!” She almost growled in frustration.

Rainbow’s eyes picked out the stallion that saved Scootaloo. He was in a bad situation, on the ground and nearly helpless. It seemed like some griffon was taunting him and two pegasi held him down. A fancy looking unicorn held a blade to his neck with their magic.

“What the buck?” Rainbow said. She knew there were some bad ponies in the world, but this close to Ponyville? She shook her head and focused. They attacked Scoots, they looked like they were about ready to kill that stallion. She was a Wonderbolt, she was trained for this.

The blade to the stallion’s neck meant that all of her flasher tricks were out. She would have to do this by hoof and make sure to control the blade. At least it was only held in a unicorn’s aura.

Carefully she pushed her speed right up to the limit so she would not perform a sonic rainboom. She could not have a flash of light catching their attention.

Two seconds to impact.

This was going to be awesome and she would be telling tales of this for years. It might not look as spectacular as some of the things she had done, but she was a hero and no misguided attempts with Mare-Do-Well trying to humble her, would change that.

One second to impact.

Yah she might have gone a little overboard with the attention-seeking, yea she might like showing off, but she was still...

Half a second to impact.

Rainbow cut herself off, her attention narrowing to every motion, every action. She felt her ego take a back seat as her training stepped forward.

She did not have time to read the whole book, especially with Rainbow’s running mental commentary of how awesome she was. Twilight plucked one of her own feathers and shaped it into a quill. She flipped forward to the first blank page she could find. Hastily she wrote three words in glowing magenta text.


Out of habit, she checked her position. Rainbow’s eyes glanced to Canterlot in the distance. Angles, distance and vectors sorted themselves in her mind in an instant as she slipped past a bolt of some sort of magic.

Twilight did not even consciously see the distance and vectors from Celestia’s city. Her mind was already rapidly translating that in the hyper-dimensional mathematics needed for the coordinates for an accurate teleport. She added a bit of altitude as a safety margin.

Destination at hoof, Twilight ran for the exit of her library. Her hooves thundered on wood and then the hard surface of Night's realm. She had the teleportation spell formed in her mind by the time she dove back through the obsidian floor into her body.

Night was pushing their body hard. Alicorn magic augmented every motion of her wings. Her panting breaths barely kept up with the demand for oxygen.

Twilight forced power into her horn and in a flash of magic they teleported.

Twilight appeared from her teleport hundreds of body lengths in the air. She surveyed the scene below her as she hovered in place.

Rainbow was in a bad situation, she was trapped. Not buy her opponent’s superior skill, no she was traped by her need to protect the unknown pegasus. She could not take full advantage of her speed and Wonderbolt training.

Rainbow danced, her motions seeming erratic and chaotic, but all of them were precise and deadly. Her eyes blazed with her Element. She would not abandon anypony. She was beautiful. Twilight could feel all the tempting things that Night wanted to do with Rainbow once all this was over.

As she watched, Twilight could not help but feel it was an entrancing display of skill just for her. Both of Rainbow’s wings were charged with lightning as she lashed them towards her foes, forcing them back. The arks of electricity scaring the land and filling the air with the scent of storms.

Twilight could feel Night’s admiration and desires growing with each second Rainbow held her own. Twilight just watched trying picking what spell to use to end this conflict. She started to craft a selective stun spell that would not affect pegasi. That would halve the number of combatants.

The griffon moved so fast that she seemed to teleport. She appeared and was a fraction of a second away from running Rainbow through with an impressive sword.

Twilight did not think. Her highly capable mind did not form any plans. She vanished in a blaze of blinding magenta magic.

She appeared in Rainbow’s place, her friend safely in the air in her former location.

The enchanted iron blade slid though her coat and into her flesh. Pain erupted in her side as relief washed through her, she had been in time. The pain was nothing compared to her time on the altar. A too-wide grin plastered itself on her muzzle.

A detached part of her mind noted that this was a new way to get a chance to study its enchantments closer. The blade was honed to an impossibly sharp edge and would cut armour as easily as flesh. She would have to study it later. Now though, she had more immediate things to do.

She turned her head to face her attacker and let out a madding laugh. “Is that the best you can do?”

The griffon leapt back, letting go of her sword. A delightful look of disbelief spread on her face.

“Twilight!” Rainbow's panicked voice called out.

An instant later a small pain burst in the side of her neck. A crossbow bolt had stuck, and it was nothing but an annoying splinter. A moment later, and a rainbow blur slammed into the archer. The pleasant sound of bones breaking filled her ears.

Her horn flashed, and a dome shield surrounded the area, she would not have any of her toys escape. Twilight let her gaze browse over the selection of targets. She licked her lips, oh the things she could do to them.

She let her senses extend, spreading her wings so her feathers could feel the air. Every beath and motion of every living creature painted itself in her mind’s eye. Every use of magic, down to the smallest ripple along a horn or wing, revealed itself to her.

Twilights body lunged, the blade still within her burned as it sliced into her with the motion. It was a remarkably sharp blade. She would definitely examine its enchantments more later.

As Twilight moved, she could feel Nights hundreds of years of experience guiding her as she lashed out with a hoof. There was a satisfying sensation of impact as her raw strength shattered both front legs of one pony. It was horrifying how easy it was, the bones snapped like brittle sticks.

The griffon that had stabbed her flicked her wing out in a well-practised motion. A volley of darts headed towards the unknown pegasus that Rainbow had been protecting.

Twilight’s tail flicked out, catching each one in a separate animate tendril. Thank you, Night. Twilight thought as she lit her horn again and raised a smaller shield around the griffon’s target.

With her expanded senses, she did not even need to look to tell how Rainbow was doing. Her every motion channelled so much pegasus magic, she was sure Celestia could feel each wingbeat from Canterlot. The new edge of lightning aspected magic occasionally danced with it, letting Twilight know her friend was taking advantage of what Night had taught her.

Out of the eight combatants, two had been dealt with. The archer Rainbow impacted was now unconscious on the ground with at least some broken ribs. The one that Twilight herself had hit was still screaming rolling on the ground with his two broken legs.

One griffon, two unicorns, three pegasi left. Not really enough to even have fun with. Twilight thought regretfully. She paused, that did not seem quite right. Was that her thought? She could not trust herself, she had to end this now and without killing anypony.

Her horn glowed brightly as she grabbed each of her foes in her powerful telekinesis. Each was pressed to the ground by an irresistible force. The one unicorn that tried to resist legs buckled. The sound of snapping bones made Twilight wince internally, but Night did not let that show to any outside observers.

Twilight took a deep calming breath, trying to banish the last of the bloodlust. As her chest expanded, the sword once again made itself known.

Night manipulated her currently flowing mane, pulling both the blade and bolt from her flesh. Twilight idly noticed how the sensation of her own blood on her coat was almost a non-issue. The blade playfully twirled around as she advanced upon the griffon.

“Rainbow, are you and your ward alright?” She called out without looking to them.

“Yea, fine. He could use some healing though before we move him.”

Twilight lit her horn and launched a general-purpose stabilization spell at the currently unidentified stallion they had saved. That would tide them over until they could get more comprehensive care.

Turning back to her captives, she let that too-wide grin form on her face again.

One of the unicorn's horn lit, Twilight could feel the teleportation magic forming on it. She had so many options on how she could stop it. Shatter his horn. Alter his exit coordinates. Raise a teleportation ward. Disrupt his spell and let the energy burn him. By the amount of power he was channelling, it was going to be a long-range teleport.

He must be trying to go somewhere important. Night commented.

“Hmm,” Twilight nodded, ripping the coordinates from the spell and watching the fool waste so much energy teleporting to exactly where he was. “Oh don't worry, I will get to you in a moment,” Twilight said sweetly.

Keeping the others pined to the ground with her magic, she lifted the griffon into the air before her. The foul beast would pay for attacking her ponies. Ponies were not prey.

“You will learn nothing from me.” The griffon bravely said.

“Oh, I will, there are so many experiments I can perform on you.” Twilight could feel the glee building inside her. “So many experiments I could never do for ethical reasons, and here we have you, a volunteer.”

The griffon spat at her. The undesirable liquid slid down her muzzle. Twilight’s eyes glowed white as her anger flared. She could feel the griffon’s body start to break as her magic started to roll them up from the extremities in. First, her talons started breaking one by one.

Twilight, are you sure you want to do this? Night cautioned.

Twilight paused, holding the target of her rage in her magic, only narrowly avoiding crumpling them up into a little ball. She could see the look of terror on the griffon’s face illuminated by her own glowing eyes.

This is something the old me would very much enjoy watching. So, Twilight, who are you going to be? Night asked.

Twilight glared into the eyes of her victim. Yes, they had done wrong, yes, they deserved this and far far worse, but she would not just give in to those feelings.

Taking the magic and twisting it, she added more spell runes. Some of them had only recently started to learn. A feral grin crossed her muzzle. She had a wonderful idea.

With a flash of magic, her prisoner was gone, replaced with an appetising looking potted plant.

Having made her example of the griffon, she turned to the first pony, the one that tried to teleport away. Ripping them from where they were cowering and suspending them before her in her aura.

She pulled a single leaf from the plant and slowly ate it. “Now you will tell me everything.”

CH 35.4 Rainbow's New Blade

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Her eyes darted around, seeking threats. A crossbow bolt and six magical blasts rushed towards her. There was no panic in her mind, only a rapid assessment.

Rainbow rolled, dived and twisted in well-practised evasions. She forced extra flight magic to her wings, the power tingling as small arcs of lightning danced with white whispers of air. None of the attacks even got close to her. She smirked, they would have to try better than that. She was not called Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash for nothing.

Spitfire’s endless drilling prompted her to glance over at the dodged spells. She had many long hours ranting and busting Rainbow's flanks about not underestimating how cunning hornheads could be with their spells.

Two of the bolts erupted into clouds of vicious webs, that would have easily brought her to the ground if she had been slow enough to get hit by them. The last four curved back around, moving to bracket her. Each rocketed towards her from a different direction, trying to herd her. She was not going to allow that.

Not that Rainbow minded the challenge, but magical bolts that bent and twisted to pursue her felt like they were cheating. Determination blazed in her eyes. She would just have to start taking this more seriously.

She flared her power more. Pegasus magic saturated the area around her. The sky within tens of wing lengths was now hers. Two of the bolts shattered in bursts of colour. Unable to withstand the raw tempest of flight magic the mare that could do a sonic rainboom at will could summon.

Rainbow darted into the opening she created and not the one they so carefully left for her. That left two trying to force their way through her power.

The edges of the bolts started to fray. Their shapes becoming ragged and their flight became drunken just like she got last cider season. The opposing energies successfully disrupting the last two spells. For a moment, she was in the clear.

Rainbow did not know what these chumps wanted with the guy. But it did not take an egghead to tell he was the victim and they were the hostile force here. Whoever they were, they were dedicated. Even after kicking their flanks, they were still trying to kill the guy.

Rainbow was a Wonderbolt, she would not lose to these second rate thugs.

She once again evasively rotated around, getting a good look around. Habit made her glance to Canterlot, her mind pinning down her exact location with ease. It would only take one Rainboom to take most of them out, but there was no way to do that without risking the very pony she was trying to protect.

Something brushed her perceptions and she reflexively jinked away from it. A bolt clipped a single feather instead of crippling her wing. The sound of it cutting the air made her ears flick back.

Her air sense kept tracking the projectile that nearly hit her wing. Her eyes traced its path back to the archer, who was now reloading. She now had three and three-quarter seconds to act without having to worry about them at least.

Ok, maybe these guys were not so second rate. They had teamwork, tactics and between them, were at least giving her a good workout.

Now if only she had reinforcements she could call on. If she let up her harassment for even a moment, they would kill the stallion. The most skilled opponent was moving to do just that. The griffon, she was Rainbow's nemesis in this fight. Every time she tried to go in and rescue the poor guy that griffon was there, blade in talon to block her.

If I can’t go around her, I will just have to go through her. She dove towards the griffon, she slipped around a pegasus that tried to block her. Rainbow lashed out with a rear hoof at his head as she passed. A meaty thump and solid impact vibrating along her leg announced her success.

A glaring red flash caught her eye. The brighter unicorn magic was, the more powerful it would be. This attack was nearly blinding. Time seemed to slow as a spike of fear pumped more adrenaline into her body.

She spun and planted another buck on the now tumbling stallion, kicking off him. She radically adjusted her course, changing vectors. Heat washed by her, the expanding air pushing against her.

Rainbow had only narrowly avoided a searing beam of ruby magic. The explosion of hot air along its path violently pushing her away. She adjusted automatically, taking every advantage she could get. Her heart pounded in her chest and she could feel herself slowly tiring. She did not want to think about what would have happened if she was even a little slower. She had to end this soon.

Determination flared in her, she felt eager energy build in her wings, matching her will. The power tickled her senses as her feathers crackled with all the power of a raging thunderhead.

Rainbow lashed out with her charged wings. Lighting arced out, passing through empty air. Her eyes widened in dawning shock. The griffon was just gone.

She tried to adjust, but her planned follow-up hoof strikes smashed into the ground instead of her target. Pain lanced up her legs even as her magic transferred most of the strike's momentum into the earth. Dirt erupted from the ground, obscuring her vision. Where did you go? Rainbow thought almost growling.

‘Dodge’ every instinct she had screamed. Her athletic body tensed and her muscles bunched ready to propel her away from the unknown danger.

A chill gripped her heart as she had a sinking feeling. Somehow she knew she would be too late.

A burst of light and a familiar dizzying sense of vertigo swept through her. Rainbow’s situation had changed. Rather than being on the ground, she was in the air. Her wings instantly adjusted, catching the air and flapping to manage altitude. Being in a fight, she immediately dodged. She did not know who teleported her, but being where a foe expected you to be, could mean death.

Long hours of training focused her mind. She rapidly reassessed her surroundings, working out how it happened would wait. She was over a hundred body lengths in the air. A fading flash of magenta drew her attention downwards.

Below her, was the fight she was in with one major difference. There, exactly where Rainbow had been, was Twilight. The griffon had plunged her blade into Twilight’s body.

Rainbow’s gut clenched, her eyes went wide. She dropped like her wings forgot how to fly. Helplessly she watched as her friend, as Twilight who had just saved her... died.

Her eyes focused on Twilight with perfect clarity, the rest of the world fading into a meaningless background. Every hair of Twilight's well-groomed coat now marred as blood started soaking into it. Her face even now had a calm look of relief.

Twilight had changed places with her. She knew exactly what she was doing and what it would cost. She had her and now… now was dead. Nopony could survive having that much metal though them.

The world was silent, no spells flew. The shock of a Princess turning up was too much for them. Everypony was stunned. All eyes were on Twilight. Some of the mercenaries had looks of dread, others glee, almost as they were seeing her friend as nothing but a pile of bits.

Anger fired in her mind mixing with clawing self-hatred. How could I fail my friend? How dare they?

Twilight's face shifted, becoming a crazed grin. The horrific expression was too wide for her face. Rainbow was surprised it did not tear her flesh. What the hay? She thought as fear started to trickle into her mind.

An evil laugh shattered the stillness. It would have made even Nightmare Moon flee in terror. Slowly, inevitably Twilight turned her head to look at the griffon who still clung to the blade rammed to the hilt. "Is that the best you can do?"

Panic visibly shot through the griffon. Her body leapt back, long trained reflexes acting before her dazed mind started to even truly process events.

The sword’s hilt still protruded from Twilight’s barrel, but she did not seem to care. What the buck? Rainbow thought, panic and relief almost made her careless.

A glint of moving metal seized her attention. She locked on to it, a crossbow bolt was hurling itself towards her friend, its vicious tip glinting in the sunlight.

"Twilight!" Rainbow bellowed out. Rage shattered her shock. Rainbow only barely noticed Twilight's lack of reaction to the new addition to her neck.

An instant later, she smashed hooves first into the archer pony. A well-practised use of her power and all the momentum was shifted straight into her target. Against ponies, she was meant to dump most of it to the air, right now she did not care.

Bones broke and splintered under her. She felt more than heard the sickening sound. Standing atop her now thoroughly disabled target, she looked up. She spread her wings dramatically. She tried not to think of the wetness she could feel against her hooves.

Another flash of magenta dragged her attention back to Twilight. A large dome of energy shimmered into existence, trapping everypony inside it.

Twilight’s eyes glinted with joy, she was excited, she looked like everypony here was her gift at Hearth's Warming. She licked her lips, somehow looking incredibly hot and terrifying at the same time.

Her wings slowly spread, like she was trying to draw attention to them. It seemed like she was a beautiful dancer posing just before the start of the performance. Rainbow watched the power as it moved through Twilight’s body as muscles tensed and flexed.

Her friend launched into explosive motion. If she had blinked, she would have missed it. For instance, Rainbow thought she had made an amateur mistake. It looked like the attack was poorly aimed and had little chance of achieving anything. Then instead of merely pushing her target's leg a bit, there was a loud snapping sound. She had broken both his front legs.

More blood poured from the ever-worsening wounds, but Twilight did not care, she did not flinch.

Like most of the combatants, Rainbow was stunned by the display of brutal physical might. She could do nothing but watch for the first few seconds. Twi, how strong are you?

The griffon was not so hindered. Flashes of metal glinted in the air. Rainbow's eyes tracked them. Each one was aimed at the same poor stallion that they were trying to kill all this time. Oh, Buck! She was too far away to do anything.

Twilight’s tail lashed out, plucking each projectile from the air one by one. She lit her horn again, a shield bubble popping into existence around the target.

Just like that, the fight was back on. Dodge, evade, outmanoeuvre. Freed from having to protect somepony she could really kick some flanks.

Manoeuvring freely, she kicked and bucked, rolled and dived. Each moment building up more and more energy in her wings. Her enemy’s skill and weapons made every attack she made a gamble. She wished for some actual weapons, like the ones from her duel with Twilight.

One attacker got too close, parting her coat with a blade. She slapped him with a charged wing, sending him convulsing to the ground, blackened and singed. Flicking her other wing out at another, she threw a bolt of lighting making space. She immediately started to gather more energy.

A blinding magenta light filled the area. Again training kicked in, Rainbow dodged to an area she could feel had nopony in it. A rapid series of snaps and another pony was screaming.

Rainbow blinked away the spots in her vision. Everything felt still, nothing was darting through the air. She looked around. All of the bad guys were pressed into the ground with Twilight's magic. By the looks of it, they could only barely breathe. One of the more unfortunate pony's legs were bent at an unnatural angle beneath them.

Just like that, the fight was over.

Twilight took a deep calming breath. Her mane and tail were flowing, making her look much more like one of the princesses. She turned and calmly stalked towards the griffon. Her mane wrapped around the sword’s hilt and slowly pulled it out.

Rainbow could not help but watch in morbid fascination. The wound swiftly closed, leaving the blood matted fur the only evidence anything had even happened to the Alicorn.

Twilight spun the weapon in an expert display. A few flicks of her blood splattered on the ground. “Rainbow, are you and your ward alright?”

Ward? Oh, this guy. Rainbow thought. Turning to him, she quickly assessed him. Other than a blow to his head and a large cut along his wing he was ok… ish. Other than that he only looked battered with a few minor wounds. “Yea, fine. He could use some healing though before we move him.” Rainbow said, hoping it was true.

A ripple of magenta and a bolt of magic shot from Twilight’s horn and slammed into the stallion. For a horrible instant, Rainbow thought Twilight had actually attacked him. That was until his wounds started to glow with magenta light and the bleeding stopped.

Twilight turned back to her prisoners.

One of the unicorns lit their horn, fear on their face. They blinked out of existence and then was right back. Twilight looked to them “Oh don't worry, I will get to you in a moment,” she said sweetly.

The unicorn's fear became silent terror. Rainbow was glad she could not see her friend's face at the moment.

The griffon was slowly floated before Twilight. “You will learn nothing from me.” She bravely said, not even a quiver in her voice.

“Oh, I will, there are so many experiments I can perform on you,” Twilight said thoughtfully. Her voice shifted to having a happy little giggle. “So many experiments I could never do for ethical reasons, and here we have you, a volunteer.” She almost purred the last word.

The griffon spat at her. The whole world darkened, except Twilight. Rainbow was frozen, she could feel her legs shivering with fear.

Snap. Snap. Crunch. The griffon screamed and the horrid sounds continued. Twilight's magic snapping each talon, one my one, curling the extremities into a ball of crushed flesh and bone.

It took a few seconds for Rainbow’s mind to really notice what her senses were telling her. This was not something her friend would do, this was nothing her friend could ever do.

Rainbow regained some of her composure as the torture continued. “Twilight, what are you doing?”

The glow of the magic holding the griffon in the air intensified. The raw power sent shivers along Rainbow’s wings as it disrupted her flight magic.

“Twilight, no!” Rainbow fought past her fear and took a single step towards her friend. This was wrong, they were defeated. She could not let her friend do this, she would not let her friend do this.

Twilight paused, shaking slightly. She stilled, almost seeming to be a statue, not even breathing. Then she subtly tilted her head, one ear raised, the other at a questioning angle. She looked at the griffon as if she was only a puzzle, nothing more.

Rainbow shifted closer, moving around the side to be visible. She moved slow and evenly. Rainbow did not want to startle the currently crazy Twilight.

A feral grin crossed her friend's muzzle. There was a flash of magic. Where the griffon was, now there was a plant in a pot. Rainbow stopped, sitting back on her haunches. What the? She thought before her mind when back to Twilight’s cutiemark story, to what Twilight had done to her parents.

The unicorn that Twilight said she would get back to was violently ripped from where they were. They were promptly floated alongside the potted plant.

Twilight pulled a single leaf from the plant and slowly ate it. “Now you will tell me everything,” Twilight spoke normally, but Rainbow froze.

Each word shook her to her very core. As the pony started to speak, Rainbow was very glad not to be them at the moment. Her eyes went to the plant and how it was missing one leaf. She could just not take her eyes off it.

All the ponies talked, right then Rainbow felt even she would have told Twilight things she had Pinkie promised not to.

Once Twilight had got her answers, she wrapped each in glowing chains of magic. Even trying to think back to Twilight's questioning brought a tremble to Rainbow’s body.

All Rainbow could safely remember was some noble pony had hired them to stop any hybrid ponies from making it to Ponyville alive.

Twilight slowly turned to Rainbow, the movement somehow mesmerising. Still blood-covered, she sauntered towards her. She smiled. “Rainbow, thank you for saving my pony from these monsters.”

Rainbow studied her friend’s face, she, for the moment, seemed calm. Twilight moved closer and pulled Rainbow into a hug, powerful wings enfolded her. Rainbow relaxed into the warm embrace. It was good to feel her friend's body whole and uninjured. She ignored the scent of blood and sweat and just let the familiar, normal gesture calm her. She could feel some of her friend’s blood transferring to her own coat.

“No problem, Twi,” Rainbow said, not wanting to do anything to anger the unstable Alicorn after what she had just experienced.

Twilight nuzzled her. “Please keep Storm Cloud here safe until I get back. Oh, and if any of the criminals manage to escape… deal with them.” Her eyes seemed to flash at the last bit.

Rainbow nodded, she could not bring herself to do anything else.

Twilight released the hug and stood back. Her magic reached out for the blade that once had impaled her. “Rainbow, defender of the innocent. For your service to Equestria, I grant you the blade that sought your life, May it always protect you and those you guard.”

The dried blood on the blade liquefied, wrapping around it and forming magical symbols. The whole blade taking on a red sheen. Its form warped and changed, motes of magenta magic rippled along it.

Twilight reached out and lifted Rainbows right hoof with her own. Her touch was gentle, caring. The rippling pliable metal was warm as it wrapped around her leg. The weapon formed a folding hoof blade. Just like the one she picked for her duel a few short days ago. Only this one was far more lethal.

Twilight's expression hardened once more and in a flash of magic, she was gone.

Rainbow trembled, she did not want to see that expression on her friend ever again. With the Alicorn gone, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her back.

She shifted, the unfamiliar weight on her foreleg catching her attention. Rainbow stared at the weapon. So much had happened and now Twilight had given her a magic sword. She slapped herself with her other hoof. The impact sound and the pain very much reinforcing this was not a dream.

She knew that a weapon granted by a princess was a badge of honour. It could, it should be worn as part of her uniform from now on. But that little speech, it sounded too formal, it sounded like it meant something. Does this make me a Knight? Rainbow thought.

She sat on her haunches and looked around. Broken and injured ponies surrounded her, and one disturbingly tasty looking plant that once was a griffon. Rainbow shuddered. How could Twilight eat that?

Looking at herself, she was a mess. Sweat dried into her coat and mane, red marks from where Twilight's blood rubbed onto her from the hug. Rainbow held up the blade, she did not know what to think, or what to feel. Her eyes focused on her own blood-stained hoof.

Training and duty slowly prodded her into action. Getting to her hooves, she started to provide what first aid she could to the prisoners.

Rainbow was trying to not look at the pony that she had broken the back of. That just brought the blood on her coat into view.

That was the most intense battle she had ever been in. It had felt exhilarating. It made her feel alive. It had made her feel guilty. It was one thing to fight monsters, quite another to leave a pony crippled with her own hooves.

The familiar sound of Twilight's wing beats drew her eyes to the sky. Rainbow could almost taste the fear radiate from the prisoners. It was that thick.

Floating in her magic was a very pregnant unicorn mare. Twilight came to a hover and gently lowered her passenger to the ground next to Storm.

The platinum white mare didn't even take in the restrained ponies around her. She just immediately hobbled over and hugged her special somepony. “Stormy,” she whispered, tears of relief falling from her eyes.

Storm stirred slightly, murmuring something. A single hoof reached for his love.

The glow of Twilight’s magic gave a perfect excuse for the embarrassed Rainbow to look away.

Rainbow cautiously watched Twilight’s gaze trace over all the prisoners as they tried to cower back from her lit horn. She nodded firmly. A simple flash of magic and all of them were plants, each one a little different. Their weapons, armour and other equipment fell to the ground. A second flash and the plants and dropped items were gone.

Twilight gracefully set down, her hooves silently placed on the ground. She was still using that out of date wing movement. Even with everything, that was still nagging at her.

“Radiant, I need you to let him go so I can heal him,” Twilight said, her soothing voice motherly.

Radiant slowly shifted away from Storm, her hoof staying in contact till the last possible moment.

“Now he will still need more medical care after this,” Twilight stated as if to a class. Her horn lit with the same colour as during the battle, but somehow it's seemed warmer, more comforting.

Radiant nodded.

Twilight placed her horn once to each injury, glowing magic filling the wounds and leaving faintly glowing ghostly flesh in their place. “There, and now to give him a bit of energy.”

Storm’s eyes shot wide open then focused on Radiant. “Rad…”

His marefriend tried to move, but her condition hindered her. Not letting that stop her, she lit her horn and pulled him into a hug. The two love birds happily nuzzled.

Rainbow was happy for them, but she ignored them. Now they were clearly safe she had something more important to worry about. She turned back to Twilight.

Her friend was smiling contentedly. That was more the Twilight she knew, doing good because it was the right thing.

Twilight leaned in closer. “Rainbow, please guard the area.”


“I can't risk waiting any longer, or they might lose their foal,” Twilight resolutely stated. “I can’t risk teleporting her and the flight back would take too long at a safe speed.”

Rainbow nodded. She didn't quite understand, but Twilight was trying to save a life. That was one thing she would stand by one hundred and twenty percent.

“Radiant, it's time,” Twilight said, walking over.

Radiant looked worried. “Yes, Princess.”

Storm tightened his hug. “It will be alright.”

Twilight settled down next to the pair. “Yes, your foal will be safe and healthier than you could imagine.”

Magenta magic enveloped Radiant as Twilight laid her horn against Radiant's expanded belly.

Twilight closed her eyes, a reassuring smile on her muzzle. Small orbs of light peeled off her horn. She flinched slightly with each. One by one, they spiralled along her horn flowing into Radiant's body.

Rainbow knew Twilight, whatever she was doing hurt her a lot. To get any reaction when being stabbed with a sword got none. She was doing her best not to show it, and as far as how Storm and Radiant reacted, she was succeeding.

It felt like more than an hour later when the light show faded. Twilight’s body sagged, looking exhausted, her mane flat.

That was when Radiant's water broke. Rainbow panicked, she had no clue what to do.

Twilight murmured something about the restoration accelerating something. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. A Flash of magic and the family was gone.

Rainbow flew up to Twilight. “Twi, I thought you said that was not safe.”

“That was before, I stabilised the magic in the hybrid foal,” Twilight said, sounding drained.

“Where are they?”

“At home, Little Star and Emerald are looking after them now,” Twilight answered, rubbing her horn.

Rainbow moved closer, resting a hoof on her friend.“Twi, you alright?”

“Yes, Rainbow. I am fine, I only needed to catch my breath.” Twilight slowly got to her hooves. “Come on let's fly back so I can rest my unicorn magic.” She stretched out each limb one by one, showing off each well-developed muscle group. Finally, she extended her wings ready for flight. A lazy smile crossed her face. “Shall we?”

On the flight back Rainbow watched Twilight in motion. She flew like she had been born with her wings. It was a good change, but it still was a little unnerving.

Rainbow could not help but wonder if Twilight had gone through more time than the week she was missing. It was the only thing that made sense. She looked like she had spent a year of hard training, not to mention all the new skills she had. Perhaps she had a time-travelling adventure and picked up loads of cool new abilities?

Down below, the familiar sight of Ponyville came into view. Rainbow felt some of her tension evaporate from her, just knowing the rest of her friends were close.

A glowing horn caught her attention from the top of the castle. It was Little Star, horn alight. She waved, and Twilight waved back. With a flash of magic, Little Star was gone.

Rainbow panicked, frantically looking around to see where in the air the little menace was going to appear this time. After nothing happened for a few seconds, she let out a relieved sigh. No foal saving was needed this time.

Twilight adjusted her wings, lining up for a gentle glide towards her castle. Rainbow fell in on her wing.

Candice and Little Star erupted into existence outside the castle. Both looked up at Twilight eagerly. Little Star wearing her Daring-Do helm and that Batmare Cape. The foal was prancing on the spot excitedly. Candice was more reserved with only a slight smile. It was good to see she was not an impassive statue, like most guards.

Twilight landed a little too hard but walked it off as if it was nothing. Little Star vanished and appeared wrapped around her mother's neck. Twilight smiled warmly sitting on her haunches and wrapping her daughter up in both wings, lovingly nuzzling her.

Rainbow slowed and stayed hovering, looking around. She could feel the eyes of the ponies on her and her new blade.

“I'm so proud of you for helping to keep Ponyville safe,” Twilight praised.

Little Star’s smile could have melted the heart of a windigo.

Twilight stroked Star’s mane, her eyes darkened promising a serious talk in a moment as she looked at Candice and Rainbow. “Little Star, can you go and make sure the guests in the castle are safe please?”

Little Star did an impression of a salute, and then in a flash, she was gone.

Twilight’s good mood vanished, a dome of magic appeared. Making the sound from the rest of the would dull and distance. Rainbow’s eyes narrowed for a moment, her horn hadn't glowed. How? She thought.

Some scrolls popped into existence and Twilight started writing by hoof on them, one by one. Her writing still neat and clear, even without looking at a single sheet.

Twilight briefly recapped what she had learned from the mercenaries. This time, now that Rainbow was not shaking in her horseshoes, she could take in more of it. Somepony with money, lots of money, did not like Twilight helping ponies. They would keep ponies like Scoots crippled.

Rainbow felt her anger boil.

After Candice took it all in, her expression took on a deadly seriousness. “Just to confirm, you are telling me that there are Nobility trying to prevent any hybrid from getting to you? I'm not miss-understanding that?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, they seem to be willing to spend a lot of coin on mercenaries.”

“I see. So I know exactly what I'm able to do, I'm your captain at this point, officially, yes? I know I haven't signed any paperwork yet, so I'm checking my level of authority. I understand we don't have much time to talk here, I just need to know the basics. And if you need more time I can accelerate us both so we can get the details out of the way without hindering our response time.” Candice went on.

Rainbow could see why Twilight seemed to like her. She could talk and worry as much as the mare herself.

Twilight paused her writing. Two bars of metal, both different shades of purple and a few gems the same colours of her cutiemark appeared.

All the gathered material did the same magical rippling thing Twilight has used to make Rainbow's blade. She glanced down to her weapon for a moment.

She looked back up. A large metal necklace floated in the air. The different cloured crystals now fused together to make a copy of Twilight’s cutiemark. The mark seemed to glow with an inner light of Twilight's own magic.

Candice's eyes looked at it seriously, but with appreciation.

Twilight held her new creation out, offering it. “Candice, do you accept this burden?”

Candice nodded as if this was an offer to join the Wonderbolts.

Twilight held her gaze as she placed it around Candice's neck. Fluorescent white energy rippled along Candice’s wings as small whispers of it were sucked into the gems.

Twilight smiled, “Congratulations, Captain Candice, first of my guard. Let all that see this know of your privileges.”

Candice nodded and saluted. "What are your orders?"

“Now, Captain. We have the assistance of the local Wonderbolt,” Twilight said, eyes flicking to Rainbow. “You are to protect any that are seeking shelter here and deal with any illegal armed groups in the area. There is a document in my study you need to read. If you need my daughter's help, please keep her safe.”

“I might need her for scrying and teleportation, but I think that would be all. I'm going to see if there are any Nightguard to volunteer aid as well.” Candice said.

“Expect friendly guests to be arriving via teleportation in the main hall. Some of them may require medical attention."

"I take it these are individuals under your direct protection?” Candice asked.

“Yes,” Twilight stated.

“Very well.” Candice saluted.

“Oh, and you may feel free to use any of this confiscated equipment, secure any you don’t.''

All the mercenaries' possessions fell to the ground in a neat pile, sorted by size and object type.

Candice nodded. “Any other specifics I should know?” Candice asked.

“None I can think of… Keep ‘my’ ponies safe....” Twilight eyes took on a faint glow, a slight snarl on her muzzle.
“any ‘others’ it matters not to me what state they end up in. Understood?”

Rainbow did not gulp, and anypony who said otherwise was lying. And here is the crazy mare who smiles as she tortures the bad guys again. She thought.

“Those that wish to harm others will be dealt with accordingly,” Candice affirmed. It was almost like she was ready just to kill them or something.

“Now, I need to make a few house calls.” Twilight’s horn lit with dark purple power and in an implosion of energy, she was gone.

Rainbow felt an oppressive tension leave her as Twilight did. She was her friend, but recently she could be a terrifying bad flank.

Candice looked at her with a much softer expression. “Do you want any other equipment?”

“Nah, it would just weigh me down. And besides… Twilight kinda gave me this.” Rainbow said while holding up her blade, snapping it out for Candice to see.

“I see. That’s well made. You might want to see what title came with that. Did she enchant that with her blood?” Candice inquired.

Rainbow could feel herself pale, her mind flashing back to seeing the blade piercing her friend's flesh.

“Are you alright?” Candice's voice betrayed concern as she moved closer.

“Why wouldn't I be? I’m fine.” Rainbow started in fake confidence. “It’s Twilight I'm worried about,” she finished under her breath.

Candice gathered up the stuff in her magic and started heading towards the castle. “You’re not the only one that worries about her. I do too. That’s why I’m here to give her any support that I possibly can.”

Rainbow moved to follow Candice. “It would be nice if she trusted us more. No offence, but you’re new and you seem to know more about what's going on than we do.”

Candice waited a few moments until they were inside the castle and the Nightguard closed the doors. “That might have more to do with security clearance than trust. There are some things she legally can’t tell you.”

“Geess, that never mattered between us before. We're the Elements of Harmony for Celestia's sake.”

“Guess who it was that laid down the law on that?” Candice said with a hint of disdain.

Rainbow faced hooved “Really?”

“Yes. In time she may be able to tell you what’s going on. I honestly don’t know yet. You are her friend. That holds a lot of weight with me. If there is something I can help with, then I will do so. Just ask,” Candice offered.

“Well can you tell me why she is acting so…so…” Rainbow did not say bloodthirsty, brutal or sadistic. “So crazy?” Rainbow asked.

Candice took on a sombre tone. “She’s been through more stress and outright trauma than anypony else would ever be able to endure. She’s actually much better than she really has any right to be. It’s had a serious effect on her.”

“No kidding.”

“That isn’t going to heal easily.”

Rainbow felt her wings half flair. “But how do we stop her murdering anypony that crosses her?”

Candice was silent for a second or two. “Alright, what happened that makes you even ask that?”

Rainbow clamped her mouth closed. She did not want her friend to get in trouble; she had already said too much.

“If I’m going to be able to help her, then I need to know how bad things are. Luna gave me to her so I could help her in that way. It would help me do my duty if you told me what happened.” Candice said with honest concern.

Rainbow sighed. “Twilight is…” she looked down at her blade. “This was going to kill me…”

Candice looked at the hoofblade. “She saved you?”

Nodding her head, Rainbow answered. “She did more than save me, she swapped our places. This was… Oh buck it how is she not dead? I thought she died for me. You don’t have a sword driven all the way through you and just smile.”

“You do if you’re an Alicorn. They are nearly impossible to kill.” Candice's tone was a mix of certainty and disbelief.

Rainbow took a few breaths to regain her composure. “Yeah, the bolt through her neck did not even cause her to flinch.”

“That lines up with my knowledge of them.”

“She… she looked like she was having fun. She looked like… and her laugh. If I was not as awesome as I am, I would be having nightmares about it for weeks.”

Candice’s eyes dilated slightly. “You know that Luna ‘went nightmare’. I’m trying everything I can to make sure Twilight doesn’t get dragged down that path from the insane amounts of trauma she's endured.”

Rainbow's eyes widened. “Oh ponyfeathers, that can happen? To Twilight? How do we know if it hasn't already happened?”

“It’s not impossible,” Candice said with her head lowering a bit.

Rainbow's voice was meek as she did a poor Twilight impression. “So many experiments I could never do for ethical reasons, and here we have you, a volunteer.”

Candice stiffened. “Twilight is more likely to go off to the darkside to protect others than anything about trying to rule the world. So there is that at least.”

“That's what she said before she started torturing the griffon… I can still hear the screams and the crunching as she crushed and snapped every bone in her talons," Rainbow almost shouted. She could hear the quiver in her voice.

Concern was all there seemed to be to Candice. “Thank you for telling me that. You are one of Twilight's closest friends. Do I have your aid, and is there anything you think I should know?”

“You know I will. I won't leave anypony hanging,” Rainbow said before she looked away. “Twilight could have ended the fight in an instant. She only used her magic once they tried to kill Storm again. She pinned them all to the ground with like, zero effort. Before that, other than trapping us all under a large shield, she was fighting them with her hooves.”

Candice’s concerned expression didn’t waver. "That is concerning but not completely unexpected. Her protective instincts might be knocked into overdrive. There are those out there actively trying to harm innocents, just because they don’t like hybrids. That really set her off, and she might be trying to make an example.”

“You don't lick your lips and look like she did to make an example,” Rainbow said, trying not to think too much about it.

“You do if you are trying to scare the ever-loving road apples out of them to make sure they don’t try it again. It could have been an act, but I don’t know about the torture part. That’s what concerns me the most.”

“It was definitely no act,” Rainbow stated.

“Then I will have to have a serious talk with her as soon as I can manage. Would you be willing to be there with me for that?” Candice asked.


“Any other details?”

“Well, she turned the griffon's sword into this,” Rainbow said, nodding to her blade. “And seems a be… well, sounded kinda like Luna did when she first got back."

“I see.” Candice looked thoughtful. “I have dealt with that in her before. That should be easier than the torture part.”

“And then she was back to normal after she saved Radiant, and helped her unborn foal. It's like she is more than one pony.”

“I guess trauma can cause that. I mean just look how Pinkie was that one time. And that was only perceived issues on her part,” Candice stated.

“How do you know about that?” Rainbow got into Candice’s face. “Have you been spying on us?”

“Twenty years as RGIS’s head information analyst,” Candice pointed out, unphased.

“We were being spied on?!” Rainbow could not believe this.

“It was reported after the fact, at least as far as I had access to.” Candice defended.

Rainbow sighed. “So, how are we going to do this. We can't help Twilight till she gets back from Celestia knows where. So how are we going to try and protect Ponyville and others like the family we saved?"

“Well,” Looking to some suspiciously deep shadows, “I’m pretty sure we have more than just us here. Can we count on reports of unusual activity as you guys do your normal job?”

A thestral head poked out of the shadow, offering a quick salute to Candice before sinking back into it.

“Are they in every shadow?” Rainbow asked. She was used to fans, this just felt like she was being stalked. But at least it was a distraction for her fears for Twilight.

“Not at the same time, but can be. I look forward to my thestral magic becoming usable. I will be able to do that too. For now, though, we need to go to Little Star.” Candice placed her hoof on the crystal wall of the castle.

The room around her changed, the air around her changed. Rainbow’s wings shot out in panic.

“It’s alright, Rainbow,” Candice said.

“Hi,” Little Star's voice called out. The filly waved as she munched on a daisy sandwich. He mini timberwolf sat on the table next to her plate.

“Hi,” Rainbow said in a bit of a daze. Her heart rate slowed, and she looked at Candice warily. She kept forgetting she had unicorn magic as well. She must have teleported us here. Can everypony do that now?

“Sandwich?” Little Star asked, floating one half of one each to Candice and Rainbow.

Rainbow numbly bit into the sandwich. She had burned a lot of calories and needed food soon.

Candice took the offered bit of nourishment. “Thank you.”

Rainbow swallowed. “Thanks.”

Little Star looked at Rainbow oddly for a moment. A small pop in the air and the plate was filled with hayfries. She pushed it over to Rainbow. “Here you go.”

“Thanks,” Rainbow said with more enthusiasm, looking at the much-needed food. “Just what I was thinking of. Can you read minds or something?”

“Not here,” Little Star answered matter factly as a bowl, and then ice cream, appeared before her in little flashes of magenta magic.

“Tons of mental magic wards that Twilight put up in the Castle. You would have to know more about magic than she does if you wanted to get around them,” Candice offered.

Little Star nodded. “I'm still trying to figure out how they all work. Mummy Twilight is so clever. I want to be like her when I get my wings.”

Rainbow did not want to say anything to crush her spirits. “Well, if you get wings, I will teach you how to fly like I taught your mother.”

Little legs wrapped around her neck as her world became purple. The pop of a teleport and the scent of daisies made it clear she had a small pony hugging her face.

"Little Star, how far away can you scry?" Candice asked.

“I don't know,” Little Star said. Nearly blinding Rainbow with the teleport flash as she blinked away.

Rainbow blinked away the spots from her eyes. Bright, flashy unicorn magic was getting old. Looking around, she found Little Star pacing on top of the table with a thoughtful look.

“First, tell me what do you want to do? Then I can try,” Little Star asked, fixing serious eyes on Candice. She looked happy as if she was waiting for a test. A few scrolls, an inkpot and a quill appeared next to her.

“I want to check all the main train lines leading to Ponyville for any hybrids that are trying to come to Twilight for aid. There are bad ponies that are trying to stop them from getting help. If we find any that are in trouble, Rainbow Dash and I would need to get to them as fast as possible. Maybe have you teleport us as far as you can to get us to them faster, and we fly the rest of the way if need be. If they are close enough, teleport them here to get them to safety.” Candice went on again.

Little Star held the quill ready over the blank scroll. “So how far out do you want to check?”

“As far as possible,” Candice answered. “All main lines from the cities and towns that lead here. If you need help keeping your horn cool, then just let me know. If you don't already have a cooling spell, I can show you one real quick.”

Little Star horn glowed, and energy started to wrap around Rainbow. She closed her eyes. She felt the teleport, and it was far less blinding through closed eyelids.

When she opened her eyes, they were in the map room. Little Star just appeared on top of it.

Candice was just watching.

“Miss Candice, I need a little bit of blood from each of the tribes please.” Little Star asked as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

“You have Unicorn yourself. Rainbow Dash has pegasus, is Pinkie anywhere around?” Candice asked.

Little Star shook her head. “No, she is an Alicorn in disguise.”

Candice smiled at the idea. “I know what Alicorn magic feels like, she doesn't have any. She just uses her magic in odd ways. Would you prefer somepony else?”

Little Star nodded, “And need thestral, and I'll get Emerald.”

“Wouldn't your own Unicorn blood work? If you just need a sample to know what each feels like then I could do Unicorn, Pegasus and Thestral.”

“No, you can't, you're mixed. Need pure ones,” Little Star quickly answered.

“Ah,” Candice looked at Rainbow. "Willing to give the little burgeoning Arch Mage a few drops of blood?"

Rainbow hesitated, she did not want to see more blood today. “It's to help ponies right?”

“That's the spirit,” a Thestral slipped out of the shadows next to Rainbow. She was really starting to hate how everyone except her could just show up when they liked.

"Alright, got Thestral. Any Unicorn, Earthpony or Crystal ponies available?" Candice asked.

“Crystal is hard to get but, I will get it,” Little Star looked happy as she vanished in another bright flash of light.

“Well, while that’s going on, I have some paperwork I have to read. Be back as soon as I can.” Candice then vanished

Again? Rainbow shook her head but settled back into eating the hayfries that had came with them.

Rainbow was bored, and the hayfries were gone. She flew out and headed to the kitchen for more food. A bowl of apples was balanced on her wing when she met up with Candice. They both made their way back to the map room.

Crunch crunch and an apple was gone. Rainbow did her best not to shudder, biting into nice crisp apples was never going to be the same again. Despite that, she had gone through four apples before a large magenta flash filled the room.

Standing there on the map table was Cadance, Shining Armor and a pair of Crystalguards. Little Star standing on Cadance's back with a tray of cookies levitating in her magic.

Little Star blinked around the room and in seconds collected all the blood samples. Rainbow did not even feel anything, there was not a mark on her coat, but there it was, a small glass vial with her blood in it. Rainbow shrugged.

Shining Armor was watching Little Star cautiously. Cadance put her wing around her husband comfortingly and whispered something into his ear.

“I should get the weather patrol to keep their eyes open,” Rainbow said, turning and flying out carrying the last remaining apples with her.

“I'll keep an eye on the scrying. If something pops up, you might be teleported back.” Candice called after her.

Rainbow waved a hoof. “Just make sure there’s food and drink.”

The last thing Rainbow heard from inside was Candice sounding all formal, "Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor."

She needed to grab her uniform and set up some patrols.

CH 35.5 An Unexpected Trip

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Shining Armor watched his wife across the richly appointed table. It was always nice to just be able to spend time with Cadance, but today something was missing. He sighed, looking at the leftovers marking his plate. The familiar taste of the food here in Canterlot was just that little bit better than what was available at home in the Crystal Empire. Things would be perfect if it was not for all the things to worry about.

“Shining?” Cadance's beautiful voice conveyed her worry. Her warm, loving eyes glanced down at his plate.

He followed her gaze, he had been pushing his food around the plate, again. He stopped, sliding the plate away. “Cadance, how can you be so calm away from the Empire for so long?”

A reassuring smile graced his love’s face. The room seemed to brighten just from that one expression. “You know we left it in good hooves, Shining. Sunburst and Amethyst Quill have everything under control,” Cadance said calmly.

Shining knew her too well, there had to be something else to it. Last time they were away for so long, especially with Flurry Heart there, Cadance was anxious to get back. This time there was none of that. “I don't like leaving Flurry Heart on her own all this time. I miss her.”

“I do too,” she said, but something seemed a little off to her tone. “Shiny, we have to be here for Twilight and Aunty Celestia, now more than ever.”

“I understand that, Caddy,” Shining said. He looked at the food again. He normally would have devoured it by now. There was just too much going on. He had found out so much about his little sister. He still almost couldn't believe that she was not his first sister, but a copy made by Celestia. He looked back into the kind, loving eyes of his wife. “But it would help if I had all the information.”

Cadance sipped her tea, clearly buying time to consider her next words. It was a gesture so similar to Celestia. It was almost like she was treating this as a diplomatic negotiation. He knew how she acted during them, he had guarded her during enough of them. The lack of trust hurt, was she about to manage the truth? Was she going to lie to him?

Her expression fell, she reached out with a wing and caressed the side of his face. “Shiny,” she said, her eyes pleading.

Without a thought, he abandoned his seat. He wrapped both forehooves around her, letting his actions speak far more than mere words could.

Cadance relaxed and melted into their familiar embrace resting her horn against his.

“Caddy, please just tell me.” He whispered.

She tensed if only a little. Another might not have noticed, but to Shining, it was clear as Celestia's day. “There are things I can’t tell you. Things that only Alicorns can know.” Cadance's quiet voice admitted.

Shining was conflicted, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she truly loved him. That did not change the fact this felt like a small betrayal. He had thought they had no secrets, that they shared everything.

Cadance hugged him tighter, the almost crushing force making it a little hard to breathe. When had she been working out? The discomfort in his ribs did not matter, he just tightened his own embrace. They loved each other, that was the important bit, they could work past the details.

A knock broke the moment. Cadance pulled him into a quick, loving kiss. It was brief, but it shouted louder than words. She loved him, and that was the most important thing in her world.

The kiss faded into a gentle nuzzle as she broke the hug. A faint blue glow wiping away a few tears from Cadance’s eyes. “Come,” she called out in her professional princess voice.

One of Blueblood’s private guards stood at their imitation of attention, their tacky uniform pristinely pressed. “Prince Blueblood sends his regards and requests a brief audience with you, Princess.”

Cadance studied the guard, a small thrum of power seemed to radiate from her. “Is this a matter of urgency?”

“My prince believes so, your highness,” he responded with trained neutrality.

Shining Armor wanted to sigh, but proper decorum would not allow him to. Oh, how he hated the political games here in Canterlot. As soon as anypony else was around, on went the masks for both of them. At least in the Empire, they could be themselves. Their servants would probably think they were changelings if they saw how they acted here.

Cadance regally rose to her hooves, fully playing the role of an Alicorn Princess. “Shining, I will return shortly.”

He watched as the guard escorted his wife to whatever meeting that spoiled stallion had in mind. The door clicked closed. He sighed, letting his mask drop. The clops of their hooves rapidly faded into the distance. He was left alone with his thoughts.

Shining looked at the ceiling. Like everything here in Canterlot, it was far older than him. There was so much history here. How many lies or little deceptions had Princess Celestia spread over her many years. Even himself, the captain of her guard, knew nothing of Nightmare Moon until after his sister had defeated her, saving Princess Luna. Tartarus, he did not even know that he used to legally be part of her harem.

Now even his wife was keeping secrets from him. He let his head fall and hit the table. He repeated the action a few more times to see if it would make the world make any more sense. The expensive crockery jumped and danced along the table with each impact. Is Cadance following in Celestia’s hoofsteps?

Shortly turned out to be over half an hour. Shining had settled his mind by tending to his equipment. He always found the simple task calming. He could have done it with a simple spell, but his training caused him to take a more hooves on approach. One by one, his weapons and armour had joined the now cold plates of food on the table.

The familiar chiming sound of a unicorn's aura caused him to look up, pausing sharpening his sword. The door was glowing with Cadance’s light blue magic.

His wife gracefully walked into the room with a bemused look on her face. It shifted slightly, a small amount of disapproval crept in. Her eyes pointedly fixed on the weapons and armour on the table. “Shiny, how many times do I have to tell you, not at the dining table?”

Shining let out a sheepish laugh.

Cadance shook her head a little bit, letting this disappointment vanish. “Well, at least it's not our table this time.” She glided across the room, her aura claimed the sword from his grasp and placed it on the table as she advanced on him.

If it was not for the loving look on her face, Shining would have been scared he had done something wrong. She lent her neck against his, resting her head on his back and her soft wings enfolded him. This time the hug was warm and loving.

Even over the distinct smell of the oils used to maintain his equipment, the delicate scent of Cadance’s rose shampoo filled him with calm. Her warmth and the sensation of her soft coat pressed against his body relaxed him.

He breathed deeply, letting some of his worries fade away. If it was not for everything going on these days, this could have been just another perfect moment in their lives together. Thinking back to all the years they had been together, he smiled. Even though it was one of the happiest moments in his life, he was still amazed Cadance had agreed to marry him.

Leaving his pleasant thoughts behind, he brought himself back to the moment. “So, Caddy, what did Blueblood want?”

“Oh, two things. The first some advice with mares. The second to pass on what Twilight has been up to.”

“What's he complaining about this time?” Shining groaned, annoyed that Blueblood had wasted his wife’s time, again.

Shining felt her shake her head. “Nothing, he was actually praising her.”

“Him?” Shining didn't even try to hide the doubt in his voice.

“Yes,” she said as she stepped away from the hug. Shining missed her warmth immediately. She made her way around the table to her own seat. As she settled, she shifted her wing, pulling out a newspaper.

There on the front page in full colour was a pony he had seen in Ponyville. Scootaloo, the flightless pegasus, was suspended in the air by Twilight’s magic. Instead of the tiny almost crippled wings, full-sized wings spread from Scootaloo’s back. The new lavender markings on Scootaloo’s feathers clearly advertising who had helped her. He did not even bother reading the headline as he looked up to his wife. “What did she do?”

“I don’t know how she did it, but she healed Scootaloo’s wings. She also has some of the nobility in quite an uproar.” Cadance smiled, a pleased twinkle in her eyes. “She said she will heal any and all hybrids that come to her. Do you know what this means? And all the foals she will save?” Cadance’s eyes shimmered with happy tears.

Shining knew what a tragedy it was to find that an unborn foal was a hybrid. It means almost certain death for the foal, either before birth or within the first few years of life. Then there was the risk of death for the mother.

Cadance offered him the paper, he accepted and began to read, starting with the recounting of his sister’s little speech.

After reading the newspaper and a few others, Shining shared a look with his wife. They did not need words; they both knew what they would be doing next. They were determined to head straight to visit Twilight. As always in Canterlot, there were complications.

One thing Shining Armor really resented about being royalty was how long it took to do anything. The simple trip to go and visit Ponyville was going to take hours to prepare. With the leader of the Sombra cult still out there, Celestia was insisting on increased security.

Even with the Crystalguards they had with them, the Solarguards would not let them depart the city without an escort. Celestia demanded a small army of pegasi if they flew or a detachment fortifying the train if they travelled that way.

It had taken Cadance’s calming words to stop an argument between the two forces. So here he was in a sunlit courtyard drilling with his swords. His wife had received a painting from a Nightguard. She had a slight blush to her face and was still refusing to let him see it.

He shook his head and returned to his workout. He may not be a guard anymore, but the habits were still ingrained. He was not going to let himself go to pasture.

In the corner of his vision, he saw the painting being carefully wrapped up again. Maybe it was a grand gift from an admirer? Some of the gifts that someponies thought were appropriate to send the Princess of Love were very much not so.

Cadance’s wings twitched and her expression froze.

Shining paused his current sword drill. He walked up to the shaded bench she lay upon. “Honey?”

Her head turned as she gazed off into the distance. Her whole body quivered, ready to launch into flight as her eyes focused far past the wall. It was as if she could see through it. She had been doing this a lot lately, it was as if she could see things that nopony else could. This time she seemed to be, if he judged right, staring towards the noble district.

He reached out, laying a hoof on hers. The simple act letting her know he would be here for her forever. Shining accepted his wife was the Alicorn of Love; thus, she could sense everyponies’ emotions. She tried not to show it, but she was affected by how every single pony around her felt. Lately, she just seemed to be able to notice these things at a much greater range.

Cadance’s head turned as she looked straight towards the throne room. Her expression relaxed somewhat, her wings still tense, but no longer ready to propel her into action at a moment's notice. She returned her gaze back to where it had been. She placed her other hoof atop his and held it. Whatever she had noticed was clearly not good. Maybe a pony caught cheating on their spouse and a messy breakup?

He saw Cadance flinch, wings flaring. He felt an impact, a sense of motion and everything went black.

Shining woke up confused, a hammering in his head and the taste of dirt and flowers in his mouth. “What happened?” He groaned.

“Shiny, you're alright.” His wife's warm voice came from somewhere. The familiar sensation of her healing magic vibrated throughout his horn. Warmth ran over his face and the left side of his body. Fortunately, there was none of the near searing heat healing a broken bone would have caused. So whatever happened was likely only bruising.

Lifting his head, the world spun. Two of his wives seemed to be standing before him, their horns glowing. He banished possible fun thoughts. He needed to figure out what happened, who had attacked them. His possible concussion was making it hard to think.

“Wha…” He coughed and sputtered, some soil and flowers dislodging themselves from his mouth. “What happened?”

“I had a little overreaction and accidentally … knocked you into the wall.” Cadance moved closer and nuzzled him. “I’m so glad you're alright.”

She still smelled of roses, and given he was laying in a flowered bed, he smelled of flowers as well. He returned the nuzzle and pulled her into a hug. He did not kiss her, a soil flavoured kiss would likely get him banished to the couch for at least a night.

“What startled you?” He asked.

“Twilight, she's here.” Cadance lit her horn. “We have to go to her!” Her intense purple eyes stared into his own.

The spell array of a teleport started to form around them. Shining dragged himself to his hoofs, his aura pulling his swords from the ground and returning them to their scabbards.

As always, Cadance’s magic was soft and gentle as it wrapped around them. Unlike normal, it felt like a cold spike of fear laced through it.

“Ready?” Cadance asked.

He nodded. He had no idea what was going on, but with the worry on her face, he would do whatever he needed to do to help Twilight.

The world vanished, leaving nothing but a sphere of his love’s light blue magic around them. He only had time to glance around for a moment before the arcane bubble around them burst. This was not the same as other teleports he had been through.

In a flash of light, his hooves were on soft grass. Unlike his sister's teleportation, there was no sense of motion or vertigo. As his vision recovered, some noble's gaudy estate was revealed before him.

Several alarmed cries behind him demanded his attention. Shining rounded on the sound, his aura grasping the hilts of his swords.

A crowd of ponies flinched back from him as if he was the threat. He was very glad he did not draw his blades. Gathered in the garden seemed to be all the household staff there, most of them shaking in fear, more than a few with tear marks staining their faces. He let his aura fade, there was no danger here.

Cadance looked around the gathered ponies and put on a beatific smile. “Everything is going to be alright,” she said soothingly.

Shining could feel himself relaxing from his battle-ready stance. “What happened?”

A well-dressed unicorn broke from the crowd, marching towards him. “Your sister has quite some nerve!” The young noble accused, eyes blazing with fury.

Shining Armor narrowed his eyes but restrained himself from any other response. He did not like them attacking Twilight like this. Just like a Canterlot noble, answering the question without conveying any information.

“What did Princess Twilight do?” Cadance queried, still in her calm voice. She adjusted her wings, it looked natural, but Shining could tell she was hiding her distress.

“She burst into our home, destroying the magical wards and ponynapped my family,” the noble stated bitterly.

Shining looked at the manor house. Yes, the noble was right, he couldn't feel any of the many wards a place like this should have. Instead, there was a residue. A massive amount of magic had been used here.

“Do you have any idea why…” Cadance started.

“I have no idea why that fake does anything.” The noble scoffed.

Shining wanted to facehoof. How many times would Twilight have to save the world to get the respect she deserved? He deliberately kept his tone level. “She has done more for Equestria than you ever will.”

“Whatever you say, your ‘highness’,” He said sarcastically. He bowed respectfully to Cadance before he turned and walked off. “I shall see what Celestia has to say about how reprehensible her former student is acting.”

Cadance’s gentle wing wrapped around him for a moment. By the slight trembling to her body and the small crater under her hoof, it seemed it was more to keep her calm than him.

“Disrespecting royalty is still a crime...” Cadance said with lethal sweetness.

The noble's ears shot straight up and then flattened against his skull. He slowly turned and bowed more respectfully. There was fear visible in his eyes for the briefest of moments before he lowered his gaze to the ground. “My sincerest apologies, your highness’s. I am not quite myself with the… incident that happened here. I beg your leave to regain my composure.”

Cadance waved a hoof. “Leave us,” she commanded.

Shining had never seen a noble move so fast that was not towards a huge pile of bits.

“Shiny, can you investigate the house, I will talk to the ponies,” Cadance said, doing her Celestia impression again.

Shining nodded, “Are you going to be alright?” He whispered to his wife.

“Yes, it's just fools like that who get to me. More so as there is almost no love in his heart,” Cadance replied, sighing. She nuzzled him once before trotting off to the gathered servants.

He made his way to the building as his wife’s tender voice started asking questions. His horn started to tingle in a way he had not felt for years. He stopped, studying what he felt, there seemed to be nothing here. “Hmm, I wonder?” He lit his horn, elaborate spell runes illuminated themselves under his mage light.

“Ha, just like you, Twilly.” He recalled all the notes and little pranks she, no, the first Twilight, used to leave around for him, things that would only show up if illuminated with a blood relatives magic.

He studied the spell forms for a few minutes. Its full scope was beyond him, but he could tell it was a selective barrier. At least a quarter of it was clearly inspired by his own speciality shield spell. He smiled, one of these days he would have to show her all his secrets when it came to shielding magic.

He crossed the threshold. Twilight’s magic tickled over his coat. The magical barrier welcoming him in like a light embrace. He had no idea how she had used an invisible writing spell to make the shield itself invisible.

All sounds from the outside world vanished as soon as his ears breached the boundary. A chill ran down his spine. Why would Twilight need to trap ponies in here and with a sound barrier? He knew she had been using dangerous wards in Ponyville. If she was having another lesson zero moment, what else could she have cast here?

Standing just inside, he visually assessed the entrance hall. The lavishly furnished home appeared intact. He could not help himself from admiring the decor, unlike the outside the inside had class. No signs of violence or damage... yet.

He carefully sniffed the air, the sound seemed deafening. Under the expensive wood and polish, there was something else, a slight hint of his sister's lavender shampoo and ashes still floated in the air. She had been using the same scent since she was a foal. He inhaled again, there was not even a hint of blood.

“Twilight?” He shouted. “LSBFF, are you here?” his voice rang out into the stillness. He waited, ears pivoting around, seeking any replies. After a full minute, nothing. He figured either she was not here or did not want to answer.

He recalled a simple forensic spell. It was only basic, outdated, and any halfway competent unicorn that spent the time could hide from it. Focusing on it, he pushed some power into his horn.

Magenta marks appeared, glowing hoof prints leading into the house and lines where Twilight's wings must have trailed across things. By the spacing, she was walking. By how much they were glowing under his spell, he was surprised the wooden flooring was not at least singed.

Following his sister's winding path through the house, he came across the first sign of damage. A broken window. It looked as if somepony had tried to shatter the window to escape, only to have Twilight's barrier deny them. Glancing down at the illuminated hoof prints, it seemed his sister had sat on her haunches. He shifted closer to the window. Dozens of hoof strikes had hammered into both the glass and frame.

He turned to backtrack and almost walked into Twilight. His sister, with a sadistic grin, appeared before him. She just sat there, eyes blazing with power. The sounds of glass, wood and something else repeatedly fractured behind him. It was like somepony hammered against the window with their hooves, frantically trying to escape.

Instinct made his body step back, training made him flash cast his shield. The dome formed, and Twilight vanished. The sounds behind him stopped instantly.

He blinked, shaking his head to banish the hallucination. He took a few deep breaths. No, that could not be Twilight. “I knew there was a reason they retired that spell.” He reassured himself.

Calmed somewhat, he looked around, gathering his wits again. The glowing hoofprints and drag marks where his sister had trailed her wings along the wall were gone. His shield spell had disrupted the forensic spell.

He set about searching the house systematically. Checking every room one by one. After that terrifying visage of his LSBFF, he really did not want to cast that faulty spell again.

His hoof falls and breath were the only sounds. The near-total silence was getting to him, after that vision of his sister, he did not want to be on his own in a dimly lit mansion. Despite that, he continued on. Bravery, he knew, wasn’t not feeling any fear, it was refusing to let it control your actions.

He continued his search. Most things were in order, but a few things were out of place. A dropped wine glass here, its crimson contents now staining the carpet. An open bag of bits on the floor there.

He turned down the next corridor. A half-drawn sword discarded with its scabbard lay upon the floor. A few strides further on, a helmet crushed flat. Up ahead at the end of the corridor, one of the rooms was missing its door.

Advancing forward for a better look, Shining Armor gawked at the two still-burning hoof prints in the doors that were now embedded in the wall opposite the doorway. “Well, that's one way to make an entrance,” he spoke aloud into the silence.

He looked around the room. Other than the destruction the doors made in their flight, the room seemed intact. The whole place was infused with Twilight’s magic, it felt just like her room used to when some of her less well thought out magic experiments exploded in her face. He recalled a soot-stained filly looking up with wide eyes, uncomprehending of what just happened.

He crept into the room, something here made him want to hide. It felt like being in the Everfree where a predator could jump out at you at any moment. His aura wrapped around one of his swords, his ears stood alert, constantly pivoting.

Step by step, he drew closer to the relocated doors. He reached out, holding his hoof next to one of the burning hoof prints. The flames calmed and died as his hoof drew closer. They were the same size as his sisters, but he could never imagine her having the strength to do something like that.

“Uncle Shining,” called Twilight's voice from the distant past. A flash of magenta and a small filly was hugging his neck.

“Twi…” He started, before the filly’s words reregistered. “Little Star?”

“Who else would it be, silly?” Star giggled just like the original Twilight used to.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I have a quest from Candice, come on. I have to get you back to Aunty Cadance before I can borrow one of your guards.”

“Wh…” He did not even get to ask his question before the world twisted. The familiar vertigo and feeling of being compressed consumed his senses in a bright flash of magenta.

“I got him. Now let’s go!” Little Star insisted.

Shining couldn't even blink away the light from the first teleport before Star cast a brighter, more powerful one.

Shining’s horn tingled from the shock of Star’s unexpected teleport. His magic would be useless for a second or two. That filly has far too much magic. Shining thought, rubbing his horn. If he had even half a second’s warning, he could have been able to brace for the surge of magic. He could just see foal-sitting Little Star was going to be just as exhausting as looking after Flurry Heart.

His nose twitched as it found the tempting scent of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. He looked around, the inside of Twilight castle revealed itself, but everything seemed shorter. He realised he was standing on the Map table, he was not alone. Cadance to his left, Little Star perched on her back and rounding out the group were two very confused looking Crystalguards.

Star was hungrily eying a tray of still-warm cookies levitating in her aura. Seemingly completely unconcerned by the fact her horn was steaming. Shining stared at the heat haze rippling around it. He winced, if his horn was that hot, he would be gritting his teeth in pain. Little Star on the other hoof didn’t display even the slightest discomfort. She was still using her aura and looked quite content as she hungrily devoured a cookie.

The sound of shifting wings drew his attention to more ponies in the room. Former RGIS intelligence officer Candice and the Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash both were looking at them. It seemed he was not the only pony surprised by their rapid relocation.

His eyes fixed on Candice’s purple metal necklace. It had a crystal depiction of Twilight's cutie mark around her neck as an insignia of her position. It was a little old fashioned. It empowered her to act with nearly his sister’s full authority. Declaring her either as Twilight’s Guard Captain or Seneschal.

The first thing he noticed about Rainbow was her distinctly non-standard issue hoofblade. The second was that she was a mess. Small cuts and bruises marked her blood and sweat-stained body. By the placement of the wounds, she had definitely been in a fight. One of her feathers looked like it had been nicked by an arrow or quarrel.

Shining turned his gaze back to the blade. By the red sheen to the metal, it must have been infused with blood magic. Now, how was he going to ask how and why she had such an illegal weapon? Given how casual she was being, did she even know what she had?

A rapid series of flashes and pops caught his attention. Little Star rapidly blinked around the room. After what must have been her tenth teleport in under three seconds, she was back on the table. In her aura, she held six gems filled with blood. Shining Armor's eyes narrowed. Somepony had taught this little filly blood magic? What was Twilight thinking?

He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted. Cadance’s warm wing wrapped around him as she whispered into his ear. “This is not blood magic, this is just magic cast upon blood.”

“I hope you're right,” he whispered back, not liking the technicality of his wife's statement. He could not help but think back to what Celestia did to Twilight when she learned blood magic.

Rainbows' voice snapped him out of his brooding. “I should get the weather patrol to keep their eyes open.” As soon as she finished, she turned to fly out, oblivious to the Shining’s concerns.

“I'll keep an eye on the scrying. If something pops up, you might be teleported back.” Candice called after her.

Rainbow did not even look back, merely waving a hoof. “Just make sure there’s food and drink.”

Now that the Wonderbolt had departed, Candice formally bowed. Her oversized wings flowing out in a graceful motion. "Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor."

“Captain Candice?” Shining asked.

Candice rose and folded her wings with a rustle of feathers. She nodded and smiled, filled with pride and determination.

The sound of happy munching drew his eyes to Little Star again. The tray of cookies was now missing three. The hungry look she gave the remaining cookies was seriously cute, it was an effort of will not to break out into a wide grin at the adorable little filly. She froze for a moment, looking sheepish.

He just smiled reassuringly at her. She was just a foal, and he would not blame anypony for being tempted by those cookies. They smelled almost as good as his mother’s.

The light blue glow of his wife's aura removing suspiciously cookie-like crumbs from her own muzzle made him want to laugh. She winked at him. It was hard to be worried with the happy little twinkle in her eyes.

Little Star’s horn rippled with a heat haze as it lit with magenta magic, just like Twilight’s. Two cookies lifted from the tray, one floating up to him as the other went to Candice.

Accepting his little chocolate gift in his aura, he looked back to Candice. She simply plucked the cookie out of the air with a hoof. She was also smiling at Little Star. Candice’s wing glowed as if it was a horn. A matched glow formed around Little Star’s horn. The little filly sighed with relief, as the heat haze faded and her horn cooled.

Candice summoned and presented a scroll to Little Star who started reading it immediately. The filly did not even look up as her aura levitated another cookie to Candice in exchange.

“Perhaps we should have this conversation when we are not standing on Twilight’s magical table?” Cadance stated, effortlessly flapping her wings and alighting on the ground.

Shining hopped off the table, the impact of his hooves much louder on the crystal floor that Cadance’s were. The two guards jumped down, their armour adding to the racket as they marched over to the doors and assumed guard positions.

“Are either of you here to take operational command?” Candice asked in a professional tone.

Cadance let out a little laugh. “No, I am only here in my capacity as the best foalsitter ever.” She looked fondly to Little Star.

"Understood." Candice turned to Shining.

He did not even know what the situation was, let alone that there was an operation to take control of. “I'm just here to find out what is going on with Twilight and keep my wife safe.”

“Very well. Are you going to offer any advice or just observe and assess?”

“Candice, this is just a family visit. You do what you need to.” Cadance subtly adjusted her ears in the ‘play nice’ message for him, backed up with a brief warning look.

Shining huffed. "If she is going to be my sister's personal guard," he breathed out.

“Prince, you are my former Captain,” Candice stated. “You are also the older brother of Twilight, whom I am in love with.”

His mind blacked for a few seconds, “Wait, you what!?”

Cadance moved closer and nuzzled him. She had added the scent of chocolate cookies to her normal roses. “You were part of Celestia’s harem Shiny, remember, Twilight just seems to be more… willing to make use of her’s than Aunty Celestia.”

His eyes widened with shock. His LSBFF, doing that? He could just not imagine the bookworm doing anything of the sort. Off the top of his head, he could not even remember her going on a date.

“Not to mention it was Luna that gave me to Twilight.” Candice casually stated, as if it were nothing.

He had heard about some of the ‘things’ that Luna and her Nightguards got up to. He had hoped they were just rumours. It seems that at least some of them were clearly true. Shining shook his head for a moment. He could deal with this later, there were more important things. He dropped back into more official demeanour. “What is the situation? Why did Twilight… apprehend most of a noble family?”

“Because they were paying mercenaries to stop hybrids from reaching Twilight alive to get aid.” Candice reached out with a wing and pulled a scroll from Twilight’s throne, presenting it.

That his little sister had a reason eased his mind a little. He opened and began to read his sister’s decree. His face darkened with each moment. With this, Twilight could do anything she wanted to them. The glowing eyes and evil grin from the hallucination filled his vision for an instant.

He closed his eyes, rubbing his face trying to banish the image. The problem was, he could not get it out of his head. He sighed “Captain, do you have any idea where she is now or what else she is planning on doing?”

“No I don’t, outside of gathering up any others that were part of this. She has tasked me with helping any who seek her aid. I need to get my plan into action.”

“Go ahead,” he said.

“Alright, back to the operation,” Candice said, nodding to Little Star before returning her attention to Shining. “I respect your position. I expect you to be critical of me. I want you to be critical of me. If I can improve, I would be a fool to not seek ways to do so.”

“Very well, what is…” He started before a bright magenta glow from the map table demanded his attention. His horn was lit and a shield spell half-cast as he turned and placed himself between Cadance and the powerful magic he was sensing.

Little Star’s horn blazed bright, pressed against the crystal table. The six blood gems orbiting around her. Everypony in the room was now watching the foal’s display. The glow intensified and Star’s horn started to smoke. The heat in the room started climbing, and the filly’s mane started to singe.

“Star,” Cadance called out, in a near panic. Shining felt the same panic rising. A unicorn could kill themselves by channelling too much magic.

The filly smiled happily. “Yes, Aunty Cadance?”

Again, Shining felt his mind run into a brick wall. What the buck? He thought, seeing the same mix of surprise and confusion replaced the worry on his wife's face.

In a flash, all of that magic was channelled into the table. Its crystal surface erupted into countless colours. Hundreds of symbols. No, hundreds of Cutiemarks floated above its surface.

Little Star sat back on her haunches, looking satisfied. Small trails of smoke curled up through the air from her horn. “I can’t wait to show Mummy Twilight my new spell.” She clapped her hooves together in anticipation.

The smoke was replaced by steam as Candice’s magic wrapped around Star's horn in a powerful cooling effect, again. How often did she have to do this?

“So… are all these ponies meant to go on friendship missions?” Cadance asked.

Candice gave an approving nod towards Little Star. “I am pretty sure those are the current locations of all the hybrids in Equestria.”

“The map is showing anypony that does not match one of the six tribes of ponies.” Little Star lectured, pointing at Luna’s cutiemark over Canterlot.

Wait, six tribes? Shining thought. There were only three tribes, four if you counted Alicorns. Cadance looked mildly curious. Candice did not seem to think it was anything out of the ordinary. There were yet more secrets being kept from him, it seemed.

Nodding, Candice asked, “Little Star, would you be able to do scrying windows for each one?”

Star stood tall in the center of the table and lit her horn again. She closed her eyes and looked like she was mouthing some words.

Traces of light danced over the table. All around the room, in bursts of colour, scrying window after scrying window appeared on every surface. Shining could not even see the doors anymore. The floor, ceiling and wall were all utterly covered.

Shining turned on the spot, taking it all in. Hundreds of ponies all being spied upon, this must have been the ex-intelligence analyst's wet dream.

Candice spent a few seconds just looking in apparent awe, lips moving silently before slowly looking at who was turning out to be the most powerful unicorn in the room. Until then, Shining still held a small hope it might be him.

Cadance looked at Little Star and after a few seconds, the foal nodded, looking a little contrite. Candice paused for a moment, looking between the two.

What, were they all having a conversation he was not invited to somehow? If it was not for the impenetrable mental wards he could feel on his horn here, he would think they were using a telepathic spell. Maybe it was that mare to mare silent communication that stallions like himself just could never understand?

“Would you mind assisting me in sorting through these, Prince Armor?” Candice asked.

It only took him a moment to agree, lives were on the line, and he was still a guard at heart. She wrapped both her wings in her white magic and formed the complex time acceleration spell that she had such a reputation for wasting on paperwork.

The world slowed to a crawl and then slowed more. The other ponies in the room became still as statues. He looked to Cadance. She did not even seem to be breathing, her mane was frozen unnaturally as she was just turning her head.

Candice swept a hoof towards the windows. He nodded and they set to work.

Shining blinked his tired eyes. It had taken subjective hours to sort through the scrying windows. They even had to bring Little Star into the Time Acceleration just to be able to move the windows around to sort them. There were just too many to sort through without being able to organise them.

Now before them was frozen images of the hoof-full of ponies that needed more immediate help. Off to one side were the ones that required aid but could wait, behind them were all the ones that seemed fine.

Shining continued munching on some hayfries that Little Star provided and Candice was drinking some ice-cold water. Little Star was looking forlornly at the now empty tray she had with her. She had likely eaten far too many cookies and would pay for it later.

Candice gestured to one of the windows that held a dirty looking pony chained in a filthy dark cell. “Those don't look like guard cells, what do you think?”

Shining Armor went to study the map, searching for said pony’s cutiemark.

“They’re under a Noble’s house,” Star interjected, now eating mixed flower flavoured ice cream. “Do you want them here?”

“Yes, are the areas warded against teleportation?” Shining asked.

Star smiled. “Yes, but I can burn their wards out,” she answered, more invested in her next scoop of ice cream.

“You might want to slow down on the sugar intake. You are likely consuming far more calories than you’re using,” Candice cautioned.

Little Star manifested some scrolls and started scribing numbers down. It seemed that justifying why she should be allowed to have more ice cream was more important than saving the ponies. Shining had to admit, the time magic did strip away a lot of the urgency from situations like this.

“You can do that later. We are on a mission right now.” Candice lightly chastised.

“Right, mission.” Little Star saluted, and her horn started to surge with power.

“Hold on,” Candice said immediately, with well-practised haste.

Star just looked up with her innocent eyes. She tilted her head to one side, looking curious.

“Let’s find the ones that are in immediate danger first,” Candice stated encouragingly. “Now that you know how to Accelerate Time, you can do those faster. Going around the wards would be better. We are also going to have to document where each one came from so we can hold their captors responsible.”

“So no fireworks.” Star looked a little crestfallen. “Ok.” Then she was just gone. No flash of magic, no sensation in his horn.

“Sorry…” Candice started before she registered that Little Star was already gone.

Shining Armor rubbed his forehead again. Not only did they have no idea where Twilight was, now Little Star was off teleporting to only Celestia knew where. He wondered how much trouble he was in now.

"She's very good, but can be impulsive. She’s still in the castle, probably." Candice said.

“She seems very much like …” He cut himself off, memories of how Twilight, the original Twilight, used to be before Celestia got to her.

"I know," Candice said, her compassionate tone speaking of how much she must know.

Shining could not help the little bit of suspicion rising in him. “Did she tell you? Or did you find it in some file?” He asked with deliberate calm.

“She's told me a lot.” Candice’s expression saddened. “I help her with the trauma.” Candice took a steadying breath. “She's been through so much, a normal pony would have broken... or ended themselves already.”

Suicide? Shining thought, shocked. He had never considered that she could, that she might. A new wave of fear for his sister flooded through him.

“She's still here, still doing the best she can.” She looked at him, eyes filled with resolve as a reassuring smile crossed her muzzle. “I’m doing the best I can to help her recover from what she's been through.”

“I know. To find out your not who you think you are...”

Candice just nodded, turning her focus back to the windows.

A flash of magenta drew his attention. Little Star had appeared in one of the scrying windows along with Twilight. It was not the one she was meant to be going to help. Twilight appeared unharmed and looked to be behaving normally as she pulled Little Star into a slow-motion hug. The fact she seemed to be moving at all meant she was either moving very fast or using time acceleration.

Shining blinked before tapping Candice on the shoulder. The relief on Candice's face upon seeing Twilight could not have been faked.

Twilight slowly looked up and smiled straight at him out of the window as if she could see him. Her eyes though were hard, unyielding. She lit her horn, he watched as the patterns of magic crawled over her horn. He could only recognise less than half of the runes forming into a highly complex spell array. At least three of them were restricted, and one was outright banned.

He frantically tried to work out what she was casting, all the while staring into those ancient-looking eyes.

A wave magenta magic washed over all the scrying windows. His sister's magic lingered on some of them. The sound of crackling electricity and shattering glass filled the room. The view of Twilight vanished. The window was not dark or light, just a complete lack of anything, a completely colourless void. Looking at it made his head hurt.

More of the horrible sounds rippled out as most the windows that they had sorted for immediate action, and a few others, followed suit.

“What now, Captain?” Shining asked.

“Looks like our task has been taken over by Twilight,” Candice replied.

A glaring glow of Twilight's magic started to form between them.

CH 35.6 Interrupted Day Court

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Blueblood sat at his opulent desk and stared into the new full-sized mirror opposite. Most ponies would think having a mirror setup like this in his study would be the height of vanity. To him, it just made it much more convenient to converse with Platinum Check.

Blueblood pushed the latest scroll towards the mirror. The refined mare within the mirror seemed to be sat opposite him.

Her magic lifted the scroll and held it before her. “Interesting… This Nobel Guide seems to be spending quite a bit of money on philanthropic endeavours. It’s almost like he doesn’t plan to have anything left in a few years.”

“I know, he was always one of the better nobles, but this is too short-sighted, even for him.”

“He might be trying to do something that money will not be an issue for him any longer, or he doesn’t think he will be around after a few more years.”

Blueblood considered things, “Perhaps but, if that was the case, I would think he would try to get an heir instead.”

“So what do you think he might be trying then?” She said in a leading tone.

“I would not be surprised to find out that this is either one of Princess Celestia’s mental manipulations or Noble Guide has been replaced with a changeling.” Waving the quill in his hoof thoughtfully. “The whole construction project could be a front from something much more sinister than housing refugees.”

“I already know that he’s not a changeling, I checked his lineage. So that leaves the first option or something we haven’t considered yet. What might he be up to with a refugee camp?”

“The most benign would be Aunty decided to bankrupt a noble instead of using the royal treasury to pay for it.”

“Possible, and certainly something to keep an eye out for.” She raised her head, and her silver eyes met his own. “What if it’s something that we haven’t considered and he isn’t under Celestia’s control, what good would the refugee camp be?”

“It is possible its nothing to do with the camp. The whole attack on Manehatten might have been faked just to get ponies away from the area. The camp could simply be to launder bits?”

“Could be. Could be more.” Her elegant sapphire mane shifted as she tilted her head in consideration. “Conclusion, we need more information. What resources might be able to applied to get information about what he’s up to?”

A polite knock on the door indicated that it was time to head out.

He rose, checking his own reflection in the mirror. Yes, everything was in place, nothing needed adjusting. Platinum Check’s work with his mane was far more durable than his normal servants.

Leaving the room, Blueblood walked past his new guards. His last line of security and something anypony that ‘knew’ him over the years would never expect. Two heavy armoured earth ponies and two swift pegasi. They were wearing his house colours, but not proper uniforms. Getting uniforms for them had been a bit of a nightmare, nopony thought a noble would need such uniforms for the ‘lesser’ ponies. He shook his head. How could the other nobles be so foolish to not see the strengths of the other tribes?

Because they just don’t want to see it. It’s something Celestia has obviously let keep happening, even though she could have put a stop to it generations ago. Platinum answered.

His mind went over the hundreds of bad decisions he now knew was Celestia’s doing. There could have been so many more. His entire life, he had been nothing but a pawn for her. As a Prince, he should be more than that, he should be better than a joke used to discredit the nobility.

And you will be, now that your will is your own again. Nice choice of guards as well, I approve.

He nodded gracefully to his ponies as he passed. They were still looking at him, a little puzzled. It was as if in doubt that this ‘new’ more reasonable Prince would be around to stay, and were still unwilling to do anything that would anger the old him. It would take time, but they would come around.

Despite that, he could see that his servants were looking a little less haggard. His insistence of increasing both their pay and the length of their breaks was working at least.

As he exited his home, two unicorn guards fell in next to him, reading his intent to walk to court instead of taking his carriage. It was honestly not that far, and these extra walks would improve his health.

Canterlot was a truly beautiful city, its tall, elegant buildings reaching for the heavens. His gaze surveyed the craft of many generations, the amount of love, pride and effort condensed in the jewel of Equestria.

His new insight found a way to spoil even the picturesque view. How many of the ponies that dedicated their entire lives to a project they would never see finished really wanted to do so, how many were just compelled by Celestia.

A flash of colour caught his attention, a pony darting out of his way. He once would have glared, turned his nose up at them or barked out a rude comment at them for even being that much in his way. Was I really that petty? He thought given the pony a faint nod.

I don’t believe so. Though I can’t say for certain as I wasn’t there at the time, your very questioning of it leads me to think that you were that way because Celestia needed a patsy. The disgust in Platinum’s voice was evident. The more I see of you, the more convinced I am that you are far better as yourself. She said in a much more approving tone.

Thank you, Lady Platinum.

He continued his walk, taking in the sights, grateful for how everypony cleared his path if not the hidden looks of contempt.

The loud clamouring of the nobles outside the courtroom assaulted his hearing. His ears wanted to press flat against his skull, but he would not allow himself to do anything so undignified.

“How can she do…”

“We need to…”

“Ten thousand bits per…”

“This is outrageous…”

“Who does she think she is?”

Blueblood almost shook his head in despair. If they stopped shouting and worked together, they could come up with a reasonable argument that Aunty Celestia would have to listen to if not act upon. Like this… well, they were like spoiled foals.

His guards peeled off, heading to a side room he knew the defenders of the other nobles were all gathered in. He wondered what they talked about, how much they gossiped and what information spies shared there.

He could feel eyes tracking him as he made his way to the front of the queue, as was his right. The mere fact he was not joining the schoolyard antics of his fellows was enough to draw suspicion. He let out a quiet sigh, he was going to have to ask for something unreasonable and have Celestia deny him just to avoid her suspicion.

Just remember, it’s the only way to keep your free will, for now. Platinum said sympathetically.

He nodded once to himself and waited the few minutes until the second session of day court commenced.

The wide doors opened, revealing his Aunty Celestia sitting in all her magnificence. The kind appearing eyes and the motherly smile radiating welcome. Platinum had not needed to ward his mind yet, so at least her appearance was honest.

Her smile warmed a little. “Nephew, what is it today?” There was none of the displeasure or judgment frequently in her tone.

He bowed his head in greeting, “Aunty, I want a new estate, I was thinking of having a vacation home near Ponyville.”

“Hmm, very well, you will need Twilight’s permission first.”

That was not the answer I was expecting.

Nore I. She seems to be in a good mood. With your apologies to Twilight, you might actually get it.

“Thank you, Aunty.” He said as if the acceptance was guaranteed.

Celestia nodded, though her eyes seemed to be on some of the nobles later on in the line. Blueblood moved aside, letting the next noble approve the throne.

That one and most of the ones that followed were ranting about two points. One how can they get more bits or Two, almost subtle schemes to disrupt Twilight’s decree and Celestia’s support of it. Platinum’s remarks were the only things stopping him from dying of boredom.

Celestia browsed his mind for the fourteenth time today, this time rooting out some financial information. Did she bother to remember anything, or did she just steal whatever she needed from the minds of others?

It wouldn’t surprise me if that was the case. Platinum chuckled.

The petitioner continued his pitch. “Now, as you can see by this chart here, there is no way we could fund free transit of such a number without spending at least four months gathering funds.”

He was a fool. Not only had Celestia already sent out notification to all public transport, but she could pay for it all out of her petty cash if it came to it.

His Aunty just smiled and listened, nodding along at his points. If it was anything like the last one, she would in about twenty minutes utterly destroy his proposal.

Back in my day, if we had nobility this incompetent, they would have lost their titles or their heads. Platinum commented while leaning against him.

He could feel her coat pressing against him as she sighed in boredom. It was comforting to feel her presence, to know she was there protecting his mind.

Celestia glanced off to the side, looking at a wall and smirked. Blueblood blinked, his Aunt was smirking with a mischievous glint in her eyes. The room fell into complete silence. She turned her gaze back to the crowd of nobles picking a few to hold their gaze for a few seconds.

For the fifteenth time, Celestia's mind magic washed over him. He could see by the slightly glazed eyes of everypony in the room she was affecting all of them.

Inside the scrying gem held by Platinum’s hooves, he could see the last few seconds of court burning away in solar fire. It was being replaced by Celestia asking something of the petitioner and getting an answer. The fake memory did not provide what the question or response and was only the feeling that they were too dull to bother remembering.

Celestia then trotted out of the fake version of his mind. She did all that for…

His chain of thought stopped as another pony proudly stalked in. She was taller than Celestia, mane of blazing fire and infernal slit eyes. Her every motion was guided by a lazy lethal grace. A fanged smile broke out on her muzzle as she looked around as if browsing.

Who is that? Blueblood asked.

A Nightmare Sun? This isn’t good. His companion answered.

Nightmare… Blueblood could feel Platinum controlling his body, stopping the shaking of his legs.

The first memory she pulled up was his ill-timed interruption of Princess Luna, Twilight and their plaything Candice. The firey mare paused, the scene and stalked around Candice in her shadowy lingerie “Oh, why did Celestia give you away?” The Nightmare said. Her voice sounding like a more confidant, crueller and more seductive version of his Aunt.

The memory continued following Blueblood in his unwanted teleport above the fountain. The evil mare laughed, “Oh, I have to show her this.” Her horn lit and a small glass orb formed, holding an image of the scene.

Blueblood wanted to complain, to shout at Platinum about letting this thing do this in his mind, but he did not. He knew why she was, to do anything else would attract her suspicion. He braced himself for whatever next humiliation this evil creature would inflict upon his ego.

The invader’s face hardened, taking on a more serious tone and she started acting with more haste. Nightmare Sun stalked around inside the fake metal space, pulling memories one by one to examine.

The inside of the crystalline defences of his mind filled with thousands of images of Twilight. His every memory, every encounter and even thought both fair and foul of the lavender mare flooded the space.

Nightmare Sun slowly browsed each one, pausing here and there, her expression ranging from amusement to contempt. She moved relaxedly, stalking like a predator in his mind for days at a time and yet it was over in only a few moments. One by one, every memory he had of Twilight was drawn into a glass orb, copied.

She halted on the memory of his apology to Twilight in the Palace corridor, studying the smaller Alicorn for a good twenty seconds before continuing.

The very last memory she watched from the beginning. His first meeting with Twilight.

As she watched it, he could feel it enveloping him. The sights, sounds and emotions consuming him until he was the young colt once more.

It was when she first moved into the castle, his bitterness as he sat watching the ‘commoner’ taking more and more of his Aunty’s time. Time that by all rights should be his.

“Hello, my name’s Twilight, what's yours?” The small lavender filly asked in a bright, happy voice. Her eyes were sparkling with the excitement of meeting him.

His past self scoffed. “It would figure a commoner like you would not have the privilege of knowing who I am.”

The little filly looked hurt, her hope and wonder shattered. A small shimmering of tears formed in her eyes.

“I am Prince Bloodblood.” His younger self advanced looming over the useless trash before him. “And you are not even worthy of being in my presence, let alone that of my Aunty. I can not think of a single reason, other than pity, she would even allow a pathetic unicorn like you to even breath the same air as her.” His past self ranted.

Twilight ears drooped and tears started to fall. First one, then another sniffling breaths shock her body.

Had he really been that cruel? He could barely remember the day it was nothing significant to him. Just another pony he had put in their place.

“Now run home and be a disappointment to your family elsewhere, just get out of my sight.”

The little filly Twilight flinched tripping over her own hooves. The younger Blueblood turned up his nose and walked off, ignoring her.

Nightmare Sun rotated the image listening carefully.

The sound of the filly’s hooves as she galloped off was not heading to the exit, they were heading to the library. The impact of her little hooves did not sound panicked, they sounded determined.

“And so this is where it began,” Nightmare Sun’s rich voice purred thoughtfully.

And that was the day after she sealed your magic. Platinum said with obvious disdain.

The familiar thud of the throne room doors being thrown open snapped him back to himself. An incensed stallion’s raised voice broke the mindscape and dragged him back to reality.

“I will see her this instant!”

“You…” A guard started before Celestia raised her hoof, the perfect picture of calmness.

“I am sure whatever brings the young lord here in such a state much be of the utmost importance.” Celestia’s saintly voice seemed nothing but an omen of evil to Blueblood now that he knew who was really behind those eyes.

The noble that was never important enough for Blueblood to learn the name of continued. “Thank you, your Majesty” He bowed respectfully, holding it for a few seconds and catching his breath. By the disarray of his expensive clothes, it was as if he had run all the way here.

“So My Little Pony, what is the urgent matter that could not wait for my attention?”

“Twi... Princess Twilight Sparkle attacked my home and ponynapped my whole family.”

“I am sure she had a good reason,” Celestia reassured.


“I believe your sister was due to have a foal? And with Twilight’s recent decree, your family’s actions might have been in breach of it.” Celestia said, with a twinkle in her eyes.


“I know that your father and mother were intending to offer her foal up for adoption, with Twilight offering to heal hybrids… I wonder if one of them might have decided to do something… ill-advised and incurred Twilight’s judgment.” Celestia said, her gentle voice hardening for the last few words.

There are certainly some power plays going on here. To what end, we need to find out. Platinum stated. At least Nightmare Sun has gone home.

“She has no right…”

“She has every right, after all, she is an Alicorn Princess, like myself.” For a moment, her gaze was just like that of Nightmare Sun.

Another shudder had to be restrained by Platinum.


Celestia silenced the Noble with a smile, if Blueblood had not seen in on Nightmare Sun’s face, it would have been a perfectly pleasant and reassuring facial expression. Somehow without the fangs, to Blueblood, it looked even more menacing.

“I shall write Twilight a letter, and we can get this all sorted out.” She waved a hoof in a calm, dismissing gesture. “I suggest you go home and make sure your things are in order, there is a chance you may be the head of your household for the foreseeable future.”

“Princess I am unable to do so… Princess Twilight has some sort of ward on the estate that prevents anypony from entering.”

There was a twitch on the Sun Princess’s face, then another wave of mind magic went out as she chuckled quietly, and no pony but him remembered.

Celestia looked to her assistant. “Please draw up the papers needed for the good lord here to be able to borrow up to ten thousand bits form the royal treasury, please.” She looked back. “Now if that is all, I wish you a good day.”

The young lord bowed a few heartbeats too late to truly be respectful. “Thank you, Princess.”

Now in light of what my fellow Princess has instigated, I will have to end Day Court early today. If there is anything of pressing importance, please direct it to my assistant or one of my Guards.” She rose gracefully from her throne. “Oh, and do remember the thousand bit fine if it turns out to be a trivial matter.”

She strode out, her stride stately as her metal shoes clinked on the ground to a precise rhythm. The room was in utter silence until the guards closed the doors behind her. Then the shouting match between the nobles started.

Blueblood restrained himself from facehoofing. Even feeling like this, he was not going to be seen making such a common gesture.

It had been hours before his position had allowed him to slip away from the useless rabble that made up most of the nobility. Each and every one of them had blindspots as large as the palace itself. He could not tell how many were naturally there and how many were planted by Celestia. They were just in such perfect opposition to each other that it could leave the room in endless arguments over the simplest of things.

The only worthwhile nobles were the ones that were his staunch opponents before, like Noble Guide, Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis.

He walked into his chambers letting Platinum remove his garments. The soft touch of her hooves and magic, effortlessly doing what, this late in the day, he would have had to struggle only using his hooves for. He seethed at Celestia for sealing his magic, he could have been more, he could have been great. Images of him being the hero that saved the land, a wise, powerful and respected leader filled his mind. Each poisoning his opinion of his aunt and her hypocrisy.

Another gentle touch snapped him back to the hear and now. Platinum’s hoof rested reassuringly on his shoulder, helping to calm his thoughts.

We need allies first, and with what we found out today, you asking for a vacation home in Ponyville might very well be an accidental win in that regard. Platinum complimented. We should get out of here as soon as we can. If she is willing to so casually use mind magic, this is the most dangerous place we can be.

He tiredly walked to the small desk in his room, quickly writing a note filled with the needed instructions to prepare for a trip to Ponyville tomorrow. He had a personal air carriage so he may as well use it. He would take his new guards with him and two of his old ones for two of each tribe, that might get a better reception.

Pulling the cord to summon his butler, he only had to wait a few seconds before the well-trained servant is his perfect uniform appeared, as if by magic. For all he knew, all butlers were required to teleport. It might be a required spell for them to qualify for the highly paid position.

“Your Highness, how may I be of service?”

Blueblood held out the note with the last dregs of his magic “I am travelling tomorrow, please arrange things.”

The butler accepted the note and bowed. “Yes, your Highness.”

“Once things are prepared, please feel free to take an early night, I will not have any need for any of the staff until morning.”

Unless Blueblood was mistaken, there might have been the smallest of twitches in his butler’s facial expression. He was sure the stallion had a name, but here was another pony he had never bothered to learn their name.

“Thank you, your Highness.”

Blueblood dismissed that stallion with a wave. Who bowed and disappeared with professional swiftness.

Taking a deep breath, Blueblood stretched. How standing around doing nothing for hours on end could take such a toll on his body, he would never know. Maybe it was just stress.

That’s exactly what it is. Platinum explained.

He turned and ambled through his various private rooms, making his way to his personal baths. It would be an excellent way to relax both his body and his mind. He did not need his servants for a simple bath, he was a fully grown stallion, he could take care of himself.

After the fourth minute of his trek, he was wondering if perhaps his sweet of rooms might be a tad on the large size.

Looking at it, he could see it was far more than he would ever need. It was a small swimming pool with more gold than some nations' economies. How many bits did he waste getting this on the top floor of his home?

Looking at the complex array of magical gems and countless grooming and bathing products, he had a moment of doubt. He could not even work out how to change the temperature of the water let alone what bottle of scented liquid, gel or power he was supposed to use.

Just relax. I am trained to help with this. Platinum offered.

Blueblood settled into the warm water catching glimpses of Platinum moving in the many reflections in the finery. Her magic and soft hooves began massaging the tension from his body as her presence and sweet words of encouragement banished the stress from his mind.

CH 36.1 Little Star's Interesting Day in Ponyville

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Little Star yawned, her small limbs stretched to their fullest extent. As the realm of dreams started to fade from her mind, she recalled her second epic adventure with her Mummy Twilight. Her muzzle was graced by a smile as she snuggled deeper into the lovely soft bedding. It had been so much fun. They had teleported around and rescued ponies from the forces of evil. There was even time for magic lessons, her Mummy pointing out the flaws in the bad ponies’ defences as she dismantled them.

Another yawn and stretch and she realised she was awake, her senses shifting from her imagination to the real world. As with every time she awoke, the first things she paid attention to was her horn.

The lack of her mother's magic next to her was the first thing she noticed, the comforting feeling of the crystal walls of home seemed like they were telling her everything was alright.

Extending her senses a bit, she could feel mother was still in the Castle. The comforting feeling of the magic crystal around her kept most of the magic signatures from reaching her. Despite that, she could still faintly feel the maybe-bad-pony Celestia’s magic permeated the world, so the sun was up, hence it was day time. She was glad the room she was in was underground, so there was no way for the mean white pony to watch her.

There was no warmth next to her or feathers wrapped around her, so that confirmed it. Mummy Twilight was not here. The small hope that she was simply just concealing her magic, dashed.

Opening her eyes and looking around, she looked at the ceiling. The crystal of the castle seemed to be looking back at her. “Good morning.” Star smiled happily up at the ceiling. Even if the tree castle did not answer, she knew it could hear her.

The smallest of efforts and she was standing in the bathroom, the light of her teleport fading. She took care of her teeth and tail as Grey’s aura helped with her coat and mane. “Good morning, what shall we do today?” She enthused.

Seventy-Two, times you have greeted me. Seventy-Two, times I have greeted you. Four hundred and ten times, I have hoped you are well. Grey’s numerical based way of speaking comforted her, each time they talked, she could understand her corporeally challenged friend more and more.

“Is, Mummy Twilight awake?”

Sixteen hours, until she is likely to awaken.


Two, other ponies she is resting with. Grey answered. Somehow Star knew that meant that Chosen Candice and Mummy Twilight were both cuddling with Emerald.

“For grown-ups, they spend a lot of time in bed instead of doing grown-up things.” Star scraped her hoof along the crystal floor, looking into her own reflection.

A pop of magic and one of her S-five’s appeared, text magically scribing itself on its surface as she decided her plan for the day.

One: Make breakfast for Mummy Twilight, Chosen Candice and Nanny Emerald.
Two: Check on the guests in the castle.
Three: Scry on the Crusaders to see if they are up yet.

Yes, go and play till Mummy wakes or they have to go.

No, continue the list.
Four: Finish work on Owl golem.
Five: See if Grey can control the Owl body.
Six: See about lunch.

Pausing in front of the mirror, she checked herself. Everything was in place, not a single hair in her mane disobeyed the order imposed on it.

“Thank you, Grey,” She said, smiling as she heard her friend making another tally mark with her quill.

Little Star patted the wall affectionately. “Can I go to the kitchen, please?”

The bathroom immediately became the main kitchen. Her S-five adding a new note

Seven: Study how the Castle relocates things.

Thank you. She thought to the tree castle, petting the wall again.

Little Star set to work, magenta magic grasping multiple utensils as Grey’s aura floated out many times the expected ingredients. Star tilted her head in confusion, she knew her mother could eat a lot of food, but this was taking things a little far.

Twenty-six, guests of the castle world appreciate substance too.

“Oh, the ones me and Mummy rescued.” She nodded happily. Good food would help them feel better.

She looked over all the ingredients and worked out what she should make. Grey’s dull-white aura lifted a pair of cookbooks, drawing them nearer, each flicking open to Grey's recommended dishes.

Humming a tune, the pair of them started cooking.

Little Star pranced through the castle, her hooves clicking on the crystal floor in a musical pattern. The crystal building had changed even before the new ponies arrived. It had added twenty smaller rooms, each one set up to hold up to a family.

She scried into each room. The rooms with ponies still sleeping in, she simply teleported in the covered tray of food to the bedside table with a little note. The temporary stasis spell on the food would end as soon as they lifted the cover. Time magic was proving to be so useful. Her mind danced with all the things she might be able to do with it, all the waiting she could avoid just by making things happen faster.

Checking the next room, the ponies inside were awake. A mummy, a daddy and a newborn foal, Little Star checked the notes on the door. The doctors she borrowed from Canterlot had not been happy, but at least they did everything they were meant to.

Radiant, Storm Cloud and their new daughter Hope. These were the first ones that her mother had rescued, the ones that were being chased by the bad ponies as they tried to get to Ponyville. Little Star quickly devoured the texts on the clipboards. By the medical notes, they were all going to make a full recovery and live long and happy lives.

She lifted a hoof and knocked three times on the door, watching via her scrying as the two older ponies looked towards the door.

“Breakfast time,” Star called out.

Storm Cloud carefully walked to the door, opening it slowly. His gaze looking far above Little Star’s head, missing her completely.

“Good morning!” She enthused, waving the tray of food in her magic.

Storm’s eyes snapped down to her, a moment of hesitation, maybe fear, before a friendly smile crossed his face. “Good morning, Little Star,” he said.

She did not understand it, some of the ponies they helped seemed scared of her. She was friendly, she was helpful, she was Mummy’s good little filly. Why would they be scared of her? She blinked and banished the thought. For now, she had a job to do. “Here's your breakfast,” she said brightly, offering the tray to him.

He reached out with his wing, a wince halted him. “Can you put it on the table please?”

A small pulse of magic to her horn teleported it there with a gentle pop.

Radiant smiled at her. “Thank you.” her voice was nice, like Emerald’s but different. Star could not help but return the smile.

“Do you need anything else?” Little Star asked.

“You are the responsible little filly, aren't you?” Radiant responded.

Little Star’s smile widened as she nodded. This was not as good as praise from one of her Mummys or Grey, but it was still nice. It was always nice to be recognized for her deeds.

“So, is there anything you need?”

Radiant looked to Storm Cloud then back to Little Star. “No, we are fine, thank you for everything.”

“Alright, well enjoy your food. Bye, Radiant, Storm and Hope,” Little Star finished, waving and trotting off, another tray of food dropping out of her dimensional pocket to float in the air beside her.

“How powerful is that filly?” Storm asked as he closed the door.

Little Star paused as the door clicked closed, reactivating her scrying spell.

“According to some of the others, she, not her mother, teleported them from Canterlot straight here,” Radiant said as she nuzzled her little foal.

Star smiled watching the foal. He was cute, his small little horn nearly poking his mother in her eye as he clumsily nuzzled her.

“I can't believe they let a foal with that much power go anywhere unsupervised or without a suppressor on her horn,” Storm Cloud said.

Little Star scowled. She let the scrying spell collapse, its window soundlessly shattering into motes of evaporating magic. “Don’t they trust me?”

One, time I have comforted you today about ponies being afraid of those more powerful than themselves.

“I don’t want ponies to be scared of me,” Little Star whimpered.

Grey’s magic warped around her in an approximation of a hug. Little Star closed her eyes, imagining her friend was there with her physically and that she could feel the warmth of her body and not just the cold tingle of her magic.

Little Star set each covered tray of food on the larger table, each one with a name tag on them. Lighting her horn, she placed a sealing spell on each one, locking the lid to the tray so nopony but the intended one could get at the food. She would not allow the pink disguised Alicorn to steal everyponies’ food again.

Her list floated next to her, the first item on her checklist marking itself off. That simple act brought a smile to her face.

The next thing was to check on her friends. Three of her familiar scrying windows appeared before her. Applebloom was doing chores at home. Sweetie Belle was still asleep curled up, buried in her blankets. Scootaloo was up in the air having an early flying lesson with Rainbow Dash as the older mare was setting up the weather for the day. Both of them were kicking and punching the clouds. Given how panicked Rainbow got last time Star teleported into the air that high, going to join them seemed like a bad idea.

“I guess they are busy,” Star said glumly, marking the second item on her checklist. “So, time to finish the owl then,” she said, trying to sound happy.

She trotted out of the kitchen, hearing hoofsteps coming the other way.

“Morning, Little Star,” Emerald’s voice called out.

“Good morning,” Little Star said, spirts already rising a littler as she cantered over to her nanny.

“What's got you sad, little one?”

“Am I scary?”

Emerald looked puzzled before shaking her head. “No, why would you be thinking that?”

“Some of the ponies we rescued are scared of me and think I should not be allowed out without a suppressor.” Star shuddered. Just the thought of being cut off from her magic sent a chill along her spine.

Emerald lowered herself down so her head was the same hight as Little Star’s, meeting her eyes. “You are a sweet little filly. They just see your power and not who you are. A fire only will burn you if misused, and you are not going to misuse your magic, are you?”

Star shook her head. She had rules and everything, a whole scroll of them.

“There you go.” Emerald pulled Star into a hug. “Now how about I make you some breakfast?”

Star smiled warmly, “Nope. I already made breakfast for everypony.”

Emerald nuzzled her warmly. “Who's a good little filly?”

Little Star returned the nuzzle. Why couldn’t everypony be nice like Emerald?

Little Star headed out of the castle waving at the guards who offered fanged grins and waved back. She trotted to the shops, she wanted to get some paints, gems and other things to make the body that Grey would get to control a little nicer.

She was looking around at all the happy ponies in Ponyville. They were all busy, even at this early time in the morning. Banners were being strung up between buildings. Stages and stalls were being assembled. The sounds of hammers impacting nails, echoing. Almost all the shops seemed closed. Little Star stopped in her tracks, looking around. All the decorations were in Mummy Luna or Mummy Twilgiht’s colours and multiple depictions of their cutiemarks were being put up all over the place.

The town was getting ready for a party celebrating both her mummies. She smiled, that was nice of them, it was a little annoying the shops were closed, but she was not going to let that stop her.

A few quick teleports and she had exchanged bits for the items she wanted without even having to interrupt the busy shopkeepers.

Turning back towards the castle, she trotted home as stopped. There, just around the back, was a new building, a huge greenhouse. “When did that get there?”

Eight hours and sixteen minutes, four seconds ago. Grey helpfully added.

“Oh,” Little Star said, redirecting to have a look at this new addition to her home.

Glass panels let the light in but kept animals out. With another simple teleport, she appeared outside peering in through the side. Row after row the plants were all neatly lined up, in decorative patterns, it was an inside garden.

There was even a soft cushioned couch in the center of it. Another teleport and Star was falling into its soft embrace. The air smelled of delicious and relaxing plants. Little Star rolled onto her back, looking at the sky through the glass. Her current position was perfect for observing the sky, this would be a lovely place to do some stargazing.

Star stretched, this was really a very comfortable place, she would have to remember it next time she took a nap.

One hundred and ten degrees, seventy-four degrees inclination. Grey said.

Star looked, a glimmer of gold was in the sky with two specks of something in front of it. She blinked, it did not look like a chariot.

Gathering her magic, she conjured her faithful scrying magic to get a closer look. It was a fancy-looking golden carriage being pulled by two strong pegasi. She could not place their uniforms, they were not the mean Celestia or Mummy Luna’s guards.

The carriage was drawing closer, clearly making to land in front of the castle’s main doors. Moving her magic closer, trying to get a look inside, her scrying window shattered, a small burst of pain lanced up her horn.

“Ow,” Star rubbed her horn. “No need to be mean about it,” she huffed, rolling to her hooves and standing. She would find out who this pony was, but first, she should probably tell somepony that they were coming.

Reaching out with her magic and locking on to Chosen Candice’s location, she teleported, letting the world vanish in a flash of magic and appearing in the kitchen.

“Some little pony has been particularly industrious,” Candice said, turning her gaze from her tray of food to Little Star.

“Morning, there’s a carriage flying in, it's going to land out in front of the castle.” Little Star rushed out, lighting her horn with another teleport spell. This time her magic enveloping Candice as well.

Candice’s magic started to resist a little, not enough to stop her, but why was she even trying to stop this? Little Star looked confused at Mummy Luna’s Chosen.

Candice had a kind look on her face. “Is this an emergency, Little Star?”

“... umm.” Little Star had to stop and think, was this an emergency? She just did not know. “I’m not sure, it is being pulled by armed ponies, and I don't recognise the armour… so after yesterday, it might be?”

“It’s a carriage coming into land. Likely with what is going on, they are here to talk or make some demand. It’s unlikely that anypony is in danger. Remember to ask before teleporting somepony without their permission,” Candice kindly stated.

Little Star felt her ears droop. “Sorry, Chosen Candice,” she said formally.

“It’s alright, I know you’re still learning,” Candice said with a smile on her face. “Now if you wish to provide transportation to the front door, by all…

“Ok,” Star cheered and in a flash of magic, they were both standing right next to the main doors.

“means, you have my permission… And maybe be polite and let them finish the statement granting you permission first,” Candice said with an amused twinkle in her eyes.

Little Star popped her scroll on magic rules out and quickly added a few notes to it. They really should have told her some of these details earlier.

Candice’s wing wrapped around her in a warm hug.

Twenty-four seconds until they land.

“They are almost here,” Star said, her aura wrapping around the doors.

Candice offered a brief nuzzle before changing position, becoming all boring like somepony turned her friendly personality off.

“Are you alright, Candice?” Little Star said, hesitating.

In a kind voice, Candice said, “Yes, Have you not seen a guard at attention before?”

“So you're just playing?”

“In a sense. I am abiding by my training. It’s called professional decorum when you have a visitor that is likely going to expect it.”

“So nopony stole all your happiness then, that good… what should I do?”

“Go ahead and see if any of our guests want any help.”

“You don't want me to be here to protect you in case this is a bad pony?”

“They are coming to visit in an official manner. Chances are they are not a bad pony. Would you like to stick around until that is ascertained?”

Little Star nodded, opening the doors with her magic. The air carriage was just coming to a stop on the grass outside the castle.

The two pegasi were breathing heavily and looked relieved to finally be able to take a break. They quickly calmed their breaths and assuming the dull, emotionless visage Candice now had on. So they were professional guards.

The extravagantly decorated doors swung open, allowing four more armed and armoured guards to hop out, each quickly assessing the situation before lining up next to the carriage. There was two of each tribe, but only the unicorn uniforms looked as if they were properly made.

One time, Candice as been surprised by the situation. Grey said.

Little Star stole a look just in time to see her putting her boring face back on.

A well-groomed stallion that looked a little like what Little Star thought a male Rarity might look like, gracefully stepped down from the carriage. His white coat was perfect, almost like it was painted on and his sunlight golden blond mane looked like you could use it for enchanting reagents.

Star felt out with her horn, the residual magic on his body had many different tastes and textures to it. Alchemy treatments that she had no clue what they were and a few grooming spells. One to make sure he could not put on weight, poison resistance and one to make sure any bad smells he might make would be neutralised. None of the magic seemed to be his at all. In fact, it seemed like he had almost no magic at all. Even Sweetie Bell had more magic radiating form her than he did. That must be why he had so many guards, to keep the poor crippled pony safe.

Should I give him a hug? Star thought.

Zero times would that fit the expected decorum. Grey responded.

The white stallion glanced to his guards and nodded. “Make yourselves comfortable, I do not know how long I will be,” he said before statefully advancing towards the castle. His eyes flicked down to little Star for a moment before looking back towards Candice.

“It’s alright, Little Star, go ahead and tend to the guests as we discussed before,” Candice stated.

Little Star glanced at Candice, then to the four Nightguards hidden nearby and the two by the doors. Candice would be ok, she had enough protection. She nodded and lit her horn, teleporting away.

Little Star had just completed her second round checking in on the rescued guests. Everything was going well, she had hoofed over some of her toys for the foals to play with and left little Thorn to guard them. She could still hear Thorn barking happily as they played fetch with her created pet. She felt she had completed her task that Candice had set. She was a little bit upset that she had nothing to tick off on a checklist. She trotted around the corner, finally out of earshot of the guests. She leaned against the wall letting her fake smile fade. She looked at her own reflection in the crystal. They were all scared of her, every time she lit her horn, they recoiled, even if just a little.

She knew she was not a normal pony, but they did not need to be mean. At least her friends and the ponies of Ponyville liked her and did not seem to be scared of her. Well, not unless she was casting spells for the CMC, but she had rules not to follow their suggestions like that now.

“Well, I should see if Candice needs anything else, then I can start working to get you your first body,” Star said.

Grey’s magic softly stroked her mane, like an older sister, perhaps?

One pulse of detection magic and she had Candice’s location down. A simple request to the Castle and then the world around her changed. Little Star popped into the reception room. “Done, everyponies’ doing fine.”

An instant later she took in the comfortable room around her, the fancy stallion from earlier recoiled just like almost everypony else seemed to. Seeming scared of her for just turning up. Well, it was clear they did not belong in Ponyville.

Candice looked over to her, still calmly seated. “Thank you, Little Star. Prince Blueblood, may I introduce Twilight’s daughter, Little Star. Little Star, this is Prince Blueblood.”

Blueblood bowed his head. “A pleasure to finally be introduced, Princess Little Star.”

Littel Star blinked, yes it did make sense, both her Mummys were Princesses, but she had not have wings. Neither did uncles Shining or now Blueblood. Maybe they were too young to grow their wings or their mothers have yet to give them theirs?

Two, times this stallion has been uncharacteristically nice. Grey observed.

Little Star narrowed her eyes, something about the way this stallion looked made her just know he should have been a big meany pants. So there was only one logical conclusion.

Her horn blazed to life in a fraction of a second. A bolt of magic struck the not Blueblood in the chest.

The not Blueblood recoiled, falling from his seat, clenching his chest. His horn crackled with static as his mane and coat fluffed up. Candice’s aura enveloped him, arresting his fall before he impacted the crystal floor.

“Little Star, why did you just attack him?”

“Hmm, he should be a changeling? He should be a horrible bully that picks on little fillies, and he was being nice.” Little Star accused, emphasising the point by stabbing a hoof in his direction. She didn’t know how she knew, but she knew what she was saying was true.

“That was not nice…” Candice’s voice started sternly as she was looking at Blueblood with concern.

“It's quite alright.” Blueblood raised a hoof placatingly. He shifted uncomfortably. There were a few stray bits of static still dancing over his coat, lingering from the extremely overpowered spell.

“Are you feeling alright? That spell was considerably overcharged,” Candice asked Blueblood.

Blueblood nodded, regaining his regal poise despite his comical appearance. Candice’s aura did its best to help, but it just made him look even sillier. The possibly possessed Blueblood turned to look at her smiling reassuringly. “I can understand how with my previous actions your mother might have told you stories of how… my early actions towards her were… not the kind to paint myself in the best light.” His hoof made an attempted to pat his resisting mane down.

“Ok, Now I’m wondering if that spell just failed,” Candice said with apparent humour in her voice.

“I can check again if you like, Candice.” Little Star lit her horn with a little more power than last time, its light coruscating along the crystal wall. “But I'm starting to think he might be possessed or somepony snuck a be-nice potion into his alchemical treatments.”

“No, I already know he is the real Blueblood. No changeling would get his character that wrong. He just had a revelation about things and has chosen to be a better pony. Besides, even if he was possessed, wouldn’t you want the new one?” Candice asked.

Little Star studied the stallion. He did not seem to be mean. Mummy Twilight did tell her that Chosen Candice could be trusted. “If you’re sure,” she said, letting the power in her horn carefully bleed off. It felt wrong to just let the power go and not use it for anything.

“I thank you for your hospitality and concern that I might have been replaced,” Blueblood said with a reassuring smile. “I shall be paying Lady Rarity a visit, I wonder if she even opened my apology letter.”

Candice spoke up. “She did actually. It caught her quite by surprise.”

“Somewhat better than I had expected, perhaps this will proceed without any altercations.” Blueblood nodded as he walked out of the room, Candice falling in next to him, escorting him.

Little Star watched Blueblood leave, did Candice not actually trust him or was she being polite. Either way, if Candice was being nice to him, she would at least try. She waved a hoof. “Bye, bye.” That was polite, right?

Ten times more than he has earned in the past. Grey added.

Little Star watched the pair via one of her scrying windows, eyes slightly narrowed. He was still being nice and even thanked Candice for her time as he left the castle.

“Will Mummy’s friend be safe?” Star asked, voicing her concern.

Zero seconds is the time I will not be watching the Element of Generosity.

Little Star sat back on her haunches, a relieved smile on her muzzle as she relaxed. “Thank you, Grey.”

That settled, she pulled her day’s checklist from her pocket. The next item was to work on the owl's body. “Time to make a body you can use.”

With Blueblood in town, Little Star had decided to work in the concealed room she had hidden in for the week when she was nursing her mother back to health. It was still where she felt safest.

Her aura and spells cut and shaped chunks of crystal into intricate runes. Grey’s magic was delicately infused with the finished ones.

She lifted the elegantly carved horn, its spiral filled with a still molten mix of silver and her own blood. The mercury-like substance with a red sheen seemed to radiate power.

Adding a unicorn-like horn to the owl was proving to be a little more difficult than she expected. It was an interesting challenge. This was her third attempt. She looked at the first two failures, the first all wooden with carved runes, the second, a now cracked crystal horn.

Carefully, she took each finished crystal and pressed it to the surface of the horn. The blood infused sliver sent tendrils out to embrace the runes, merging them with the condensed Everfree wood horn.

Placing the final one, she held her breath. If this was going to go wrong, this would be where it would. One second, five seconds, a minute. Little Star let out a relieved breath, it had worked. Nothing had exploded or caught fire this time.

Attaching the horn to the rest of the owl’s body was simplicity itself. The base of the horn slotted into the prepared slot with a satisfying click. Ash coloured lights rippled down the front of the horn before spreading over the rest of the owl’s form.

Little Star clapped her hooves together. This was another magical breakthrough. Mummy Twilight was going to be so proud of her. Magenta magic danced across each wooden feather as the eyes started to glow.


“One,'' Grey spoke aloud for the first time, the rest seemed to continue mentally Time I have spoken today.

Little Star wrapped both front legs around her creation. She pulled her friend into a powerful hug. The pulsing ripple of magenta magic coming from the blood gem protected deep within its chest, felt almost like a heartbeat.

Grey’s owl head nuzzled her.

“We are going to have so much fun!” Little Star decreed to the world.

Her horn glowed and three scrying windows appeared. Sweetie Bell drawing some dresses, Applebloom eating an apple and Scootaloo dozing on a cloud. Rotating her views this way and that, she ensured no other ponies were in a position to see.

Closing her eyes and letting her power build, she reached out for her friends. Three simultaneous pops and she could feel her friends were here.

“What?” Scootaloo thrashed around, wings flailing from the sudden relocation.

“Star!” Sweetie Belle looked up and smiled, ducking her friend’s large wing.

“Morning,” Applebloom said, completely calm despite the feathers that just hit her.

Little Star vibrated, doing her best not to prance in place. “I made Grey a body.”

“Whooo,” Grey sounded just like a normal owl. The wooden creature attracting all three fillies’ attention.

“Can you fly?” Scootaloo asked.

Grey spread one wing, then the other, each motion causing small carvings to glow with magenta magic. A few experimental flaps and she was hovering above Little Star’s head. The pulses of magic tickled her horn with each beat of wooden wings.

Scootaloo stared at Grey’s wings. “I wish we all could fly.”

“Twilight gave my sister wings when they went with Rainbow Dash to Cloudsdale.”

Little Star’s three friends turned their wide hopeful eyes upon her pleading. Little Star shifted though all the spells she knew, she could try and make wooden wings for her friends to be able to fly, but she was not sure the older ponies would be so understanding about surgically grafted wooden wings on the CMC’s backs. She tapped her chin thoughtfully.

“One.” Grey’s wooden talons clicked on the table as she landed. Time I have offered to show you where the spell your mother used is.

Little Star pranced in place, not only were they all going flying she was going to learn another of her Mummy’s spells.

“One what?” Applebloom asked, interrupting Little Star’s ‘Yes, yes, yes’ that she felt building and wanting to escape.

Little Star turned to look at her confused. “Grey said she is going to help us find the spell Mummy Twilight used.”

“She only said the word ‘One’ there,” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

Looking to Grey, her head tilted to one side, her ears cocked at an angle, signposting her confusion.

One, time you have learned part of the curse Celestia’s actions have inflicted upon me. Grey spoke in her mind.

Little Star’s eyes widened, her magic pulling Grey into a tight hug. “It will be alright, I’ll keep you safe,” She nearly silently pledged. She would not let that mean pony do anything else to Grey.

“Err Little Star… Keep her safe from what?” Applebloom asked.

Giving one more nuzzle to Grey, she looked around to her friends standing side by side. “The big Meany Pants, Celestia is not a nice pony like she pretends to be.”

There was a moment of silence, of utter stillness as the CMC’s expressions slowly fell. They exchanged a few subtle glances and twitches of their ears. It seemed to be some sort of secret code her friends were using to communicate.

“She did horrible things to Mummy Luna, she sent her to the moon for a thousand years. She did worse to Mummy Twilight. Mummy Twilight has all sorts of defences just to stop Celestia for hurting her or others in the castle.” Little Star said, writing some of the details of the wards and protections on scrolls to show her friends.

“What those squiggles mean?” Applebloom asked.

Little Star looked back to her writing, it was neat, precise and clear. Puzzled, she regarded her friends in confusion. She pointed with her hoof. “You see this section here?” At the complete look of non-comprehension, she sighed.

Zero, of them understand magic sufficiently to understand what they are seeing.

“Oh.” Little Star tapped herself on the head. She placed the scroll on the table, “Half of mummies spells on the castle are in place to protect from Celesitas magic, and mind control magic.” She paused, taking a breath. “She has been adding new ones every day.”

Sweetie Belle was the first to break the silence. “Are you saying Princess Celestia used Mind Control on Twilight?”

Little Star nodded, glad to see her friend was finally starting to understand.

“But, she’s Princess Celestia…” Applebloom stated.

Little Star felt her leg tense like she wanted to stomp it. “She is the reason Grey can only speak in numbers.” She said before she surprised herself by continuing. “She is the reason Grey does not have her body.”

Looks of horror, fear and disbelief crossed each of their faces. Little Star only absently noted that. How did she know Grey used to have a body? She recalled the Grey mare that gave her the spells needed to save Mummy Twilight on her first adventure. Was Grey the ghost of one of Evil White Mare’s victims?

Are you alright, Grey? She thought to her constant companion.

“Whooo.” Grey nodded her wooden head.

It had taken a few hours, Grey putting up with lots of hugs from the CMC (each one counted) and Little Star depleting some of her ice cream supply to get her friend to recover into their normal, happy selves. She was not sure they believed her yet, but that did not matter. They had agreed to let her keep a mental protection spell on them all at all times.

They were all laying on a cloud high above Ponyville, enjoying the sun and the remnants of the ice cream.

“Are they ready yet?” Scootaloo whined.

“Nearly.” Little Star smiled as she looked back to her work. Three little wooden charms on golden chains, each depicting a pony with butterfly wings. Each one unique and clearly one of her friends.

Lighting her horn with one final push of magic, she completed her creations. She let out a satisfied sigh. Little Star felt good. She was using her magic to help others, doubly so since she was helping her friends. A warmth spread from her cutie mark, it seemed it agreed with her thoughts as well.

The CMC looked on with eager anticipation as her friends invaded her personal space, almost pressing their muzzles into her gifts.

“All they need now is a single drop of your blood to bind them to you and then you will have your wings.”

“Blood?” Sweetie Belle shrank back, alarmed.

Little Star nodded. “Yes, they will be tied to you. Nopony else will be able to steal them from you.”

“Come on.” Scootaloo huffed. “After all the crashes, scrapes and accidents we had, what's a little blood? I want to fly with you, now.”

Little Star shaped her magic into a small needle-like blade. “Ready?”

Applebloom nodded, Sweetie grumbled but quickly followed suit. Little Star’s magenta aura lifted the necklaces and placed them around each of their necks, putting her own on last.

With great ceremony, she lifted Applebloom’s forehoof with her own, a quick motion with the blade and a single drop of her friend’s blood levitated in her aura. Pressing the vital liquid to the necklace caused a red shimmer to dance over its surface.

“Is that it?” Applebloom asked

“Yep.” Little Star only kept from prancing in place because of the knowledge it might disperse the cloud below them. “Now say ‘Go, Go, Wings’, ‘Up up and away’, or just think really hard about having wings.”

“Go, Go, Wings!” Applebloom took a powerpony like pose as magenta magic burst from her back, forming into beautiful translucent butterfly wings with just a hint of crimson radiance to them.

Sweety Belle’s hoof nearly smacked into Star’s muzzle as it was excitedly thrust towards her. One quick motion with her magic and it was done, another of her friends had access to the sky.

Sweetie scrunched her muzzle in concentration. Slowly wings of pale green with magenta and crimson patterns spread from her back. She took a few experimental flaps of her wings and slowly lifted into the air. Applebloom quickly copied her friend.

Little Star used her control of her own blood to simply will it into the neckless, rapidly joining her friends in the sky.

“Tag your it,” Scootaloo said, dashing off into the distance.

Star lit her horn enveloping Sweetie and Applebloom in her magic, prepping to teleport ahead of the faster Scootaloo.

“What the buck?” The distant sound of Rainbow Dash's voice carried to her alicorn level hearing.

Then with a flash of magic, the game was on.

CH 36.2 Dark Orders

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Noble Guide just restrained his magic from slamming the door to his study. Even now he knew he had to maintain his assumed identity, he had to pretend nothing was wrong.

Each movement, each breath assaulted him, trying to tear a scream from his throat. He would not, he could not let there be any sound that might call his loyal staff.

His hooves failed him, his world tilted. Protesting muscles convulsed rebelling less than a full stride from his objective. Gravity asserted its dominance over his flesh.


His head crashed in the side of the desk, the impact adding an insignificant extra spike of pain to his current torment.

Panting, his face slid down the expensive wood, his wreck of a body slumped, sprawling gracelessly out on the floor.

His eyes tried to focus on the side of the desk, he had almost made it. His salvation, his relief was right there. The vial was in the top locked draw, it was so close and yet so far.

Screwing his eyes closed, he concentrated, forcing with every scrap of clarity his determination could drag from his pained existence. He knew this would only get worse. His suffering would only increase with each moment.

His horn lit, the tingling of his magic felt like broken glass ripping into him. He clenched his jaw, stifling the scream that built in his chest. The feather-light key felt as heavy as the cursed moon as it trembled in his aura missing the lock again and again.

Three attempts, four, five, each missing and failing to find purchase in the keyhole. Focusing, staring, resolving the world around him, he locked his eyes on the defiant key with all his willpower. A roar of rage competed with his cries of agony in its desperation to be voiced. The key was upside down, rotating it, his sixth attempt finally got the key home.

Ripping the drawer open, it thudded onto the ground, messily parted from the desk. Dozens of vails clinked and clattered inside. His magic eagerly snatched one, discarding the cork and bringing it to his lips.

The bitter concoction assaulted his senses. Normally he could barely stand it, right now it tasted divine. The revolting mixture, that was the Zebrican imported potion, sizzled and crackled as he greedily gulped it down.

He closed his eyes and waited, trying to keep his body from tearing itself apart with the violent convulsions that started to torment his limbs.

As the seconds turned into minutes, his pain slowly faded and finally, blessedly, receded into nothing. His body stilled, and his breathing settled to normal, no longer the pained, ragged gasps it had been.

He opened his eyes, the faintest of blissful smiles on his muzzle. Minutes passed with him simply relishing the relief of being free from the tormenting pain.

He stretched his neck one way, then the other, feeling the tension of the day releasing. Carefully, his aura lifted the drawer full of, thankfully intact, vails and slotted it back into the desk.

Damn all those petty nobles to Tartarus. He would have been here hours ago if not for them. What on Equus had they done to attract Princess Twilight’s wrath? More than a dozen nobles missing. In one case, almost an entire family was just gone. If he looked out of his window, he would still be able to see one of his neighbours’ estates empty. It was still surrounded by an invisible and impenetrable shield placed there by Twilight’s incredible magic.

His body shook as he carefully rose to his hooves. His eyes focused on the drawer, considering. He needed an excuse, a reason to carry one of those vails on him. Yet he could not think of a valid reason to have an illegally potent pain suppressing potion.

Opening the drawer next to it, he retrieved a healing potion and tipped it into a wine glass. At least this was a unicorn potion, crafted here in Canterlot for the nobility. This one tasted far more palatable, with a pleasant hint of lemon and mint. Adding some carbonated water to it, you could have quite a profitable summer drink.

He settled down in his chair, assessing the papers before him. A few bits of paperwork were out of place, and his inkpot had fallen over, a few drops escaping from its loose stopper.

His aura reached out and righted his desktop, and he lifted the day’s newspaper in his hooves. Ignoring the headlines, half praising and half damning Princess Twilight, he turned to the personal adverts.

Eyes rapidly scanning the text, he found what he was looking for, a request for help from a particular address. An injured pegasus in Cloudsdale, unable to fly, was seeking live-in assistance. They needed to be fun-loving, like the rain and be happy with spicey food. Pay would be room, board and twenty-five bits a day.

So Project Dark Cloud would be ready in twenty-five hours. It would be a little more destructive than he had hoped. It was regrettable, but it had to be done. The Nightguard and Luna had to be kept busy chasing cultists all around Equestria as he furthered his plan. Every unfortunate death he caused was just one more necessary sacrifice, one more part of the price to give Equestria the ruler it deserved, that it needed.

A small sip of the healing potion set about mending his torn and sprained muscles. He knew he could not feel the pain, but the spreading soothing warmth let him know where the magic was working. He silently promised himself he would not leave things this late again, no matter the social consequences of leaving early or even missing a meeting.

He retrieved a blank parchment and started writing a letter, thanking a Miss Silver Lining for her thoughtful questions and donations for cuddly toys and blankets for homeless foals. Carefully drying the ink and placing the letter in his outbox, he knew his coded orders would be carried out, the Cloudsdale operation would commence.

If only Twilight had not escaped, had not proven to be so capable, none of this would have been necessary. He would already be the Alicorn he was meant to be. He would not have to put up with the useless, arrogant, selfish foals that made up most of the nobility.

Yet another piece of parchment settled before him as he began to write a letter asking his contact with the reporters for any and all information about what Princess Twilight had been up to yesterday.

His quill continued working almost without any attention, he looked once more of the reports of Blueblood’s activity. He shook his head, so much effort and resources wasted. He had been sure that Blueblood had been the ideal scapegoat. That the shadow parisite spell would have made him the perfect tool. It had seemed to be working flawlessly for the first day. Unfortunately, his investment had turned out to be a waste. Blueblood’s idea of rebelling was to stop being a tribalist jerk.

A dark chuckle escaped him. What did it say about the nobility, that when one was magically compelled to rebel, they became a better pony? He could still give Blueblood direct orders, but he had no control over how he would act on them.

“I need somepony else…” His muttered to himself. Unfortunately, most of the ponies her would have chosen had vanished, whisked away to stars knew where by Twilight’s magic.

He considered the ponies that had stormed out of the private meeting. They each were determined to give the what they called the ‘Upstart-Princess-that-did-not-know-her-place’ a piece of their minds and demand the return of the missing nobles.

He rotated the quill in his aura. Yes, if any of them returned, they would do. He would need for them to travel away from Canterlot to have one of his minions make some adjustment to there minds. The shadow parasite spell had not proven a remotely reliable tool so he would have to uses his traditional methods of deception and normal mind control.

His mind flicked back to Blueblood, perhaps he would still be of use. The now ‘good’ Blueblood could find out about the ‘mastermind’ and inform one of the princesses about it. He would have to rearrange his plans again, but it was an extra degree of separation for himself.

He spent a few more minutes writing another letter to set things in motion before turning to the other paperwork. Being a competent noble that wanted to improve things in the world was proving to be a lot of work. It was as if much of the whole system Celestia had in place was made to keep the nobles form being able to achieve anything. Upon reflection with how selfish and useless most of them were, it was not entirely a bad thing, despite how much more work it made for the few good ponies in their ranks.

‘Only’ four hours later, he had a long relaxing bath and retired early for the day.

CH 37.1 Evening Fair Preparations

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The first thing Twilight noticed was that she was awake. The second was an unexpected lack of pain. She distinctly remembered staggering to bed, relieved to be able to drop the act that she was fine after every pony finally left her alone. Her body and wellspring had been screaming out in self-inflicted torment.

The soothing notes of Dreams' music floated to her ears, even without the works the tune was powerful. The scent of the living wood and parchment added to the feeling of home and safety.

Habitually she reached out with her magic. Seeking the position of either Celestia’s sun or Luna’s moon. Nothing, as far as her horn was concerned neither existed. Her head shot up from the comfort of the pillow, more in puzzlement than confusion.

The room she was in was far larger than it should be. She blinked, her mind trying to make sense of things. For a few long moments, she considered if she had been shrunk, she knew of many spells that could do it. Then the memories of that battle with Tirek reared their ugly head, infecting her mind trying to destroy her inner peace. She was in her Bastion, the Grand Golden Oaks Library and not the original.

A wave of hot anger built in her, she could feel a few motes of flame dance in her mane. If Celestia had just taught her how to use her Alicorn magic correctly, she could have killed him with a single spell. Her beloved library was lost, all those books destroyed. Then there was Discord's betrayal, another actor in this game she used to be a piece in. Everything in her life since her creation until recently was all danced to Celestia's tune. A growl rumbled in from deep within her chest, as she felt her muzzle tense in a snarl.

As if to make a point the music stopped, the silence deafening in its suddenness. Her anger must have caught Nova’s attention. Likely Dreams was telling Nova to calm down, Sorry Nova. Twilight thought, letting out a frustrated sigh.

She rolled onto her back and let her wings gracelessly splay open. The sinfully comfortable bed shifted, enveloping her. It promised peaceful rest should she only close her eyes, it was tempting. Staring at the living wood ceiling, she brought a hoof to her chest in a well-practised motion. A few repetitions of Cadance's trusty breathing techniques and that pet hate was locked back into its box.

Now calm, she let her eyes close. Even with everything she had been though she was better off now than she was. No, she might not be the original Twilight, but she was real, if only by her own assertions of the fact. The world was safe, she and the girls could call on the power of the Elements even without them physically present.

The scent of coffee and freshly cooked pancakes wafted in, interrupting her contemplations. Her stomach growled with anticipation. With where the kitchen was located, no doubt the delicious smell was assisted on its way here. She let out a small laugh, Dreams was using the same manipulation Spike often did.

She carefully weighed up the pros and cons of making her self presentable before or after food. A growl from her stomach decided for her. Food first.

She paused, a thought striking her. How did food work in this place, anyhow? Everything was made of her own magic… Her hunger became more insistent. Well, she could work it out later, she knew it at least seem to function adequately for the task required of it.

Pushing herself out of bed, all four hooves clopped on the floor. The distinct feeling of live wood under them was so much more preferable than the cold and sometimes soulless feeling crystal.

She stretched her back out flexing like a cat flaring her wings before she snapped them back into place folded against her side.

A flicker of unexpected colour moving in her peripheral vision caught her attention.

Turning, Twilight looked into the mirror. The vision that greeted her was not quite what she expected. Her normally patchwork form looked back, with a few additions. Ghostly flesh and two different colours seemed to be filling holes and missing sections.

She knew to sacrifice parts of her wellsprings was a major thing, she just did not expect it to manifest so visually here. Each mark in her form, a mark of two things. The first how many ponies she had helped, how many ponies she had made healed. A small satisfied smile started to form on her muzzle, memories of both the awe of those she saved and the delicious terror of those she had judged.

The second, that the only two ponies that could have done this loved her enough to share in her pain. Sweet Dreams and Night had both lent her some of the wellsprings, some of their very soul, to support her as she healed. She held her hoof out and regarded the new additions, two Alicorns were both at least going to be getting a hug for this.

Yes, she could have just ripped the parts needed from some useless nobles … no, she was not some sort of soul-eating monster. Even Tirek did not go that far.

If how insistent Candice was to help with some of Twilight’s self-destructive experiments was anything to go by she likely would have offered to sacrifice herself. Willingly relinquishing her life as well, just to save Twilight some pain, but she knew that doing that at all would be lethal to her guard. The idea of a pony being willing to give themselves to her so completely, so finally, was as appealing as it was horrifying.

Some of the parents might have also offered their own souls to help their unborn foals… but no, she would never accept such a thing. Any damage to a mortal’s wellspring could be crippling. To actually cut a piece out to help a hybrid would lead, at best, to a slow and painful death as the pony’s magic evaporated into the aether, burning their flesh to ash.

Twilight shuddered, envisioning yet another way she could miss-use her power for massive destruction and death. If she got to a high enough altitude, she might be able to get most of Equestria with such an effect… Was that why Canterlot was so high up?

The sounds of delicately placed hooves sauntering up behind her brought her back to the moment. Even the sounds of hooves on wood were so much better than crystal. In the reflection, she watched Dreams come up behind her. Twilight’s eyes traced every bandaged body part, each imperfection in her normally pristine coat. Each matching a location that had been replaced on Twilight’s own body.

Dreams sat on her haunches, her hooves wrapped around Twilight's shoulders, drawing her into an embrace. Twilight’s back pressed into the soft coat of Dreams' larger form as those comfortingly large wings closed around her in warmth. Her worries were forced out, unable to breach the wall crafted by the heavenly feathers.

Dreams leaned her head against hers. Adding that little extra point of contact. With each second, each breath, Twilight's troubles and worries seemed less important.

In the mirror, Twilight met her Sweet Dreams' concerned eyes. Twilight’s smile turned to a loving one. “Thank you…”

Dreams voice took on a hard tone. “Never do anything like that again, you had us worried, my Star.”

“I had to,” Twilight hesitantly admitted, guilt almost strangling her voice. “With hybrids, the sooner they are healed, the better. I was not going to let a pony die just to save me a little pain.”

Twilight felt Dreams’ body slump, gravity pressing her large wings against her. It was clear she had nothing to counter that point, and she knew it. “My Star…” Dreams sighed before continuing in a sombre voice. “If you are not careful, you will give too much away, and there will be nothing left.”

Twilight turned her head and nuzzled into Dreams’ neck. The soft coat and soothing scent made everything feel better. Her aura gently guided Dreams’ muzzle down for a slow, loving kiss, a silent promise that she would always return. No matter what happened out in the physical world, she would always have her little piece of heaven right here.

Twilight closed the door to her Bastion behind her as she trotted out onto the obsidian plane that was Night’s domain. She really needed a better name for this place than ‘Night’s Plane’ or her ‘Doorstep’.

Her tail swayed with the happy bounce in her steps. She noted the sounds of her hooves on the surface sounding far softer than she would have expected for such material. It definitely sounded different than last time she was here. She would have to study that later.

Night stood proudly, the classic example of a power pose. Unlike dreams, there was no obvious sign of the sacrifice she had made to help Twilight. She was likely too proud to let such weakness be seen. “Finally awake?” Night asked with just a hint of mockery flavouring the concern in her voice.

"Dreams insisted on serving me seconds of her home-cooked pancakes, they're so good." Twilight drooled as she approached. She advanced into Night's personal space and slowly pulled Night into a wing hug. "Thank you, Night."

Night stiffened for an instant before accepting the hug. "You're welcome, Twilight, but I didn't do it for you."


“You think I would let anything interfere with our date with Luna?”

Twilight's mind froze. What time was it? What day was it even? She had so much left to do, so many things that she had almost no time to get done. It might already be too late. A few strands of her mane started to fray and her typical hyperventilation started. She was well on the way to a panic attack as per standard operating procedures.


The world spun in the horizontal axis. Night's hoof had impacted her muzzle.

"Oh, do try to calm down, Twilight. Everything is taken care of," Night snarled in irritation.

Twilight blinked, she hit me? Why? Wait, what did she say? Twilight’s loyal memory replayed Night's words. She turned her head and doubtfully regarded Night. "It is?"

Nightmare nodded with an offended roll of the eyes.

"What about…" Twilight started.

Night pressed a wingtip firmly against Twilight’s muzzle. "If your checklists are as thorough as they normally are, then everything is in order."

"Thank you."

Night showed a content, fanged smile. Somehow it did not look as intimidating as it used to. "You have six hours until dear Luna will get her invitation. We have conspired with her Night Chosen to ensure she will be free. Now we have an hour to enjoy your indoor garden before we have to do anything else.”

Twilight glanced into the floor looking down and seeing their body lazily reclined in a set of cushions surrounded by very familiar-looking plants, each one unique. For a moment, she could have sworn she felt fangs in her mouth as she smiled with deep satisfaction.

Night wrapped a wing around her tenderly. "Now let me show you how relaxing it can be to enjoy the fruits of our righteous conquest."

Night had been right, an hour resting in her new retreat had left her feeling so much better. Relaxed and full of so much energy. Just thinking of spending more time basking in the presence of her captives almost made her prance in joy.

Was this what changelings felt when feeding on love? She wondered. No, She would not think about the implications of being empowered by other's fear. Not yet, she would let nothing distract her from how good she felt, nor the upcoming date.

So, Night, what did I miss? Twilight asked.

Well you have a dozen or so common ponies under arrest in the castle for assaulting some useless nobles.

...What happened?

Nobles exercised their rights over common ponies. Said common ponies did not like it. Candice and the guard took care of it.

Twilight considered things for a few minutes before responding. Looks like I have a new decree to write.

And what would that be? Night purred in her mind.

Oh, I'm just going to suspend noble privilege in my domain.

Twilight heard Night’s sinister laugh. It was hard not to join her. Twilight checked her teeth with her tongue, the probing flesh finding them to be all the expected teeth of a herbivore. Night?

Night slowly calmed, getting her evil laugh under control. Yes?

Twilight considered the feel of her puppet body moving, the muscles playing under her coat all under her direction. Why do you let me have control so often now?

… we are family. Night admitted.

Twilight paused her walking, locking her legs so they would not fall and shifted back to the mental space. She saw the look of surprises as she wrapped Night up in another hug.

"Rarity!" Twilight called out as the flash from her arrival in the Carousel Boutique faded.

Blueblood and Rarity were sat having tea. Twilight froze, unable to believe what her senses were telling her.
A small part of her mind noted she was doing that a lot recently.

"Oh, hello, darling," Rarity's cultured voice said.

Twilight teleported out of the room and returned. She triple checked all the coordinates, including temporal and even the more esoteric ones. She had to be sure, just in case she had accidentally travelled to an alternate reality. Or something.

"Twilight, are you quite alright?" Rarity asked, her face full of concern.

The matching look on Blueblood was just too much, it felt like the very foundations of the world were compromised. Her left eye twitched.

Night assumed control as Twilight just watched on, stunned. "Sorry, I thought I was not quite in phase with reality. It is so good to see you have actually turned over a new leaf Blueblood."

Rarity smiled, relieved. "He is actually quite pleasant company when he is not playing a role."

Night raised an eyebrow, questioningly.

Blueblood coughed politely. “Recent events have opened my eyes, and it is as if I am free to make my own choices.”

“We should have a long talk at some point…” Night said. Twilight could feel Night’s thousands of years of machinations churning, considering implications.

“As you wish, Princess Twilight,” Blueblood replied with a respectful bow of his head.

“So, Twilight, with your manner of entrance, I doubt this was just a social visit,” Rarity inquired, clearly redirecting the conversation.

“I was hoping to teach you one of the events to help run it,” Night said.

“What event darling?”

“The unicorn duel.”

“I'm not sure…” Rarity began what was clearly going to become a well-worded apology.

“I would gladly lend my assistance, Princess,” Blueblood spoke formally. "I might not be in practice, but I know the traditional methods."

His agreement caused a shift in Rarity's expression, she smiled winningly. "Well, I would be remiss if I did not do everything I could to help a friend in their time of need."

Twilight was still mentally reeling by the time they had left the boutique and made their way to the duelling area. Blueblood and Rarity were getting along, happily conversing. Blueblood was extolling the fashion benefits of one style of duelling garb over another. It was almost as if… no, that could not be, Rarity seemed to be enjoying her time with him, it was unbelievable.

Night’s mental voice cut into her chain of thought. Almost as unbelievable as you having a pleasant time sharing your body with Nightmare Moon?

You have a point. Twilight admitted.

Taking in things in the visage of the town, it had been transformed. Everything had been set up just how she envisioned it. The whole town was decorated in her own and Luna's colours. The stalls, games and contest all looked like they had been plucked right out of a history book.

The ponies hurrying around, making sure everything was ready and set up, the things that had to be left to the last minute already gave the place a festival atmosphere. It was like a holiday. Twilight smiled, if this worked, she might just do that, make this a yearly holiday. The Evening Fair. It had cost a lot of bits, half a year of her unspent princess stipend, but it was more than worth it. Everything was going to be perfect.

She continued to walk, half-listening to all the conversations around, noting nearly everypony was looking forward to the things to come.

She noticed something catch Night’s attention. The strange, yet appealing scents coming from the still-readying food and snack stands made Night almost cause them to drool with her cravings. Twilight had to take over the body again just to avoid making a fool of themselves. She did not want to be seen drooling following her muzzle towards food.

It was these little reactions, that kept reinforcing that Night did not start as a bad pony. Like Twilight herself, Night had been thought a lot, and at the time she did not have friends and family to stop her lashing out. Twilight smiled, anypony that would give up being evil for a little bit of affection and maybe a few cookies was never really evil in the first place.

Twilight glanced towards the distant treats. That's a good sign. If you’re almost walking towards it in a daze, then just think how Luna will react.

Can we have one? Night almost sounded timid.

Twilight could imagine a Litte Star sized Night looking at her with puppy eyes. Twilight mentally laughed. Yes, of course, we can.

Twilight took a quick detour, well, any detour was quick when you could teleport. She grabbed one of the star-shaped confectionery and a few more just for ‘quality control’ of course. She was fairly sure nopony believed her justification. She smiled, admitting that yes, she just wanted some.

Popping one of the treats into her mouth, The hard outer surface yielded to a soft centre as the pleasing tastes combined in her mouth. She felt Night’s bliss and reminiscing mix, as the former nightmare drifted off into her memories.

She let her eyes close, relishing Night’s reaction. Twilight’s magic delivered a second one to her eager maw before she even noticed what she was doing. Her necklace vibrated agent her chest. 'good' and 'thank you' bring repeatedly tapped out by Nova.

Twilight chose to slowly savour this one, The seeds Applejack had force-grown did not turn out quite as good as they would have it there had been more time. By how her mental companions were acting though, that would not be a problem. It would simply mean the next crop, with more time to grow naturally, would prove even better.

She caught herself just as her aura almost placed a third delightful treat in her mouth. These things were extremely delicious. Twilight’s mind wandered to what creations Pinky could make once some of these ingredients were commonly available again.

With a deliberate effort, the remaining ones popped out of existence into her ever-expanding number of dimensional pockets. When had she made one just labelled ‘Ice Cream’ anyway? She shook her head, she could look into her memory problems another day.

With the taste of the treats still in her mouth and Night’s satisfaction in her heart, Twilight had an honest smile and was feeling pleased with herself.

By the time she caught up with Rarity and Blueblood, he was already talking though the rules and explaining things to Rarity. She seemed to be paying rapt attention.

"This is a contest of skill, precision and quick reactions." Blueblood quoted by rote.

Rarity levitated three items over to herself, an elegant looking blade, a beautiful diamond-shaped shield with a gem in the center and a horn ring. All the items were crafted for unicorns so neither the blade nor shield had any handles they were simply not designed to be used by anything other than a unicorn’s aura.

Blueblood looked puzzled at the ring.

Twilight approached, still warning a contented smile. "Not everypony here is trained like you are, Prince Blueblood." She nodded to the ring "That allows any unicorn to cast the marking spell and interferes all but allowed spells in the duel."

Blueblood looked appraisingly at the simple ring. "So more ponies can enjoy the sport?"

Twilight nodded

“Are they terribly difficult to make?”

“Not really.” Twilight flashed her horn. Magic condensed, forming another identical ring. Yes, she knew she was showing off a little, the rest of the rings were physical items she had enchanted and not conjured whole.

Nodding respectfully, Blueblood asked. “If we could get these for the schools around the country we could restore the sport to the modern age.”

We do like this new Blueblood. Night commented.

Twilight could feel Night was mostly just wanting another treat. Twilight had to admit that she could happily devour a few or a few dozen of them if she was being honest with herself. They were not as good as hayburgers but were still exceedingly good.

Night smiled with their face and nodded. “Draw up a plan for it, and we would happily furnish you with the needed equipment. Perhaps it may even lead to some better candidates for our guards in a decade or two.”

Twilight levitated a set of the duelling equipment to herself. She put the ring on her horn, spinning the blade and shield in her aura playfully. “There are two ways to score a point, the first is to hit your opponent with a marking spell”.

A lazy bolt of magic lept from her horn and impacted Blueblood. If it was not for Night keeping them still and smiling, Twilight would have jumped. Night!

Oh, relax and look at him.

Blueblood looked completely unbothered by the hoof wide splotch of glowing magenta on his pristine white coat. Twilight was glad the small swirls of silver and black were far too small for a unicorn to notice.

Night continued the explanation. “The second, and much harder, is using the blade to score a direct hit on the gem in the shield.”

“Getting four points this way without conceding a single point to your opponent is one of the highest testaments of skill,” Blueblood added.

Night nodded. “The contest is the first to five points, but the winning point, the most important point, has to be scored with the blade. The blade has to strike the opponents body claiming victory. While there is no rule against striking your foe with the blade before this point, only the final point can be achieved this way.”

“Is that not a bit… brutish, Twilight?”

“Don't worry the blades are safe, they can not harm anypony.” Night said. She aggressively slashed the blade across her leg, just leaving a glowing mark. “Little more than a few minutes of discoloured fur.”

Rarity shuddered as Night laughed in the mindscape. I wonder if she thinks the change of coat colour is worse than actually being stabbed?

I think its more that, at least for a moment, she thought you were going to be missing a leg. Twilight patiently explained.

It would grow back. Night teased.

That's not the point! Twilight mentally shouted.

Night let out a good-natured laugh, “I’m sorry, Rarity. I was not trying to alarm you, I was simply making the point that all the weapons in these contests are incapable of causing any harm.”

“Like your contest with Rainbow?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, exactly the same,” said Night with a wistful smile.

Twilight quickly banished the expression from their face before Rarity could get the right idea about Night’s desires for the very Athletic Rainbow. Now think how much more fun our final surprise for Luna is going to be.

Night’s emotions quickly focused on the planned contest with hungry anticipation. This is going to be the most fun Luna has had for well over a thousand years.

“Well, I should be checking the others…” Twilight began.

“Princess, would it be permissible for my guards to attend this marvellous historical fair you have arranged?”

Hearing Bloodblood yet again sincerely using her title was gratifying, the request, not so much. Twilight narrowed her eyes and studied the pony in front of her, it was almost as if this was a new pony. There was no way this could possibly be a trick. Her mind started to wonder how this could be true.

He is not a changeling. Night casually commented.

Mind control? Twilight considered, it was a possibility after all.

Hmm, no, none. Night stated.

Twilight paused considering what magic she had just felt Night use. Did you just invade his mind?

Only a little.


You wanted to know, and there is nothing wrong in checking to see if somepony is under the effect of mind magic.

“Princess?” Blueblood asked.

“Sorry, just got distracted by a thought. My apologies, Prince Blueblood,” Twilight smiled reassuringly, trying to make it seem like everything was alright. Making her decision, she nodded firmly. “Yes your guards may attend, but I will hold you accountable for their actions, and Noble Privilege will be suspended.”

“Thank you, Princess.” Blueblood simply bowed his head. “I shall let them know the good news.”

Rarity, on the other hoof, was looking at Twilight aghast, “You are going to put aside a core of Equestrian society, this will be felt across the whole world.”

A satisfied smile played across Twilight’s muzzle. “Oh, this is nothing compared to my little trip to Canterlot.” Rarity just stared blankly at her, so Twilight continued. “Prince, I would be grateful if you can run Rarity, and any other interested ponies, though a few practice matches before this evening.”

Blueblood bowed. “As you command, Princess Twilight.”

She almost giggled as she turned to walk off.

“Mummy!” Her daughter’s happy voice called out from above.

Twilight looked up at the sight of Star rapidly descending, conjured butterfly-like wings spread from her back. Above her, the CMC followed with the same spell granting them access to the air, all apart from Scootaloo. Twilight reached up and opened her forehooves just in time to catch the high velocity, and for once non teleport, hug from her daughter.

“Mummy, Mummy, look what I made,” Little Star enthused, holding up her necklace with a huge smile on her face.

Twilight let her horn examine the magic as she nuzzled her daughter. It was hard not to think of when she herself had been eager to show her new discovery off to Princess Celestia. No that was not me… Twilight thought, annoyed at herself for forgetting that that memory was either created or just a hold-over from the original.

Night slipped in assuming control of the body before the frown could even start to form. None of that Twilight, now pay attention to our daughter’s craftwork, it deserves your attention more than Celestia ever could.

Not being able to do anything in the physical world, for now, Twilight complied. She hoped that Night was at least a little wrong about Celestia.

Twilight could not help but notice Rarity was just staring at Sweetie Belle, her eyes fixed on the beautiful pale green wings. Twilight rolled her eyes, recalling a certain event in Cloudsdale.

The necklace was an amazing work of enchanting. Its runes cut back to the bare essentials, but made with the finest attention to detail with multiple safeties, even a feather fall spell that would activate automatically. Only two things about it made her worry. The first was that the security feature was related to how a lot of dark magic cursed items could only be removed by their wearers, or not at all. The second was the small trace of blood magic attuning them to their users.

She looked back to Sweetie’s wings. She hoped the crimson patterns swirling with the magenta spell work looked decorative enough that nopony would notice how it marked the wings as blood magic.

“You are a true prodigy at this, my daughter,” Night spoke with pride. “You are already more capable than any of the armourers in Canterlot, I look forward to seeing what you will be able to achieve in the future.”

Now it was Blueblood’s time to have eyes a little too wide, he clearly knew of how skilled those enchanters and crafters were.

Night nuzzled Little Star again, Twilight could feel the pure love and pride Night felt for her daughter. If she knew now what she did when she first faced Nightmare Moon, she may have just explained how bad for the world an eternal night would be and joined her then. That was assuming she would accept a proper education on the disastrous effects that a lack of sunlight would have on the ecosystem and the ponies. Her mind drifted to how different Equestria would have been if she trotted down that path.

“Thank you, my Little Star for that helpful time spell you left on our bed, but I must ask you never to use that on any non-alicorn.” Night whispered to her daughter.

Little Star nodded, a familiar scroll popping into existence, writing a few lines then vanished.

Wait, time spell on our bed? Twilight asked.

She let us have much more rest in a short period of time.

... that’s a really good idea, being able to fit sleep into less time, that is going to make my days far less stressful. Twilight seized control and nuzzled her daughter for herself. ”Thank you, perhaps you can show me how you did it tomorrow.

“Alright, Mummy,” Little Star’s eager happiness was reaching an almost lethal level of adorableness.

“Now I need to just make sure a few things are ready for when Mummy Luna turns up. Now, do you want to help Pinke set up the games for the foals?” Night asked.

Little Star nodded, teleporting out of the hug and rejoining the rest of the CMC as they flew off towards Sugar Cube Corner.

“Darling, do you think Pinkie Pie is ready for them?” Rarity inquired.

“She probably knew they were going to be there before I sent them,” Night sighed.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Hidden Alicorn Exposers, Yay.” Carried to Twilight’s sensitive ears.

“She will be fine,” Twilight said, hoping it was true, after all, what could go wrong? “Now Rarity, I will leave Blueblood in your care.” She looked to Blueblood. ”Do enjoy the fair.”

The next few hours passed in a blinding blur and agonisingly slow. Everything had been checked no less than ten times.

You know, my host, if you were not paying them so handsomely, some of the ponies would be more than a little frustrated with you. Stop, calm down, or I will banish you to your library until Luna gets here.

Twilight stilled her frantic body and just sat back on her haunches, Night was right. Everything was in place, all was ready. All she had to do was wait the final two hours.

She was almost dragged off by Emerald and pinned bodily to get a calming massage, Night not allowing Twilight to even voice her disagreement. It was proving extremely hard to stay worried as her body was being turned in to a content little puddle.

A train whistle caught her ears. There was not meant to be a train now. Launching from the couch, she almost made it to the door before Night stopped her. Don’t worry, that will just be Cadance and Shining Armor bringing their guards to help with the festivities.

“You invited my brother to our date with Luna?”

Yes, you know any other ponies nearby that are from a thousand years ago?

Shiny’s not that old.

Night mentally facehooved. Not him, Cadance’s Crystalguard.

Oh, yes, I remember there was jousting at the Crystal Fair.

And there is jousting here too, a fourth event was added to complement the other three.

Twilight let herself fall back to the ground.

Emerald’s magic pulled her back to the couch. “Now, I’m going to have to start again.” She said in a fake complaining tone.

It did not take too long for Twilight to find herself dozing off under Night’s pet’s skilled hooves.

The sight of two flights of thestrals escorting the Lunar Princess chariot made Twilight’s heart pound in her chest. Its heavy rhythm beating to Night’s tune, feeling like it wanted to break through her ribcage and escape. The heat from Nova’s necklace just added to her anticipation.

Twilight did not, could not, even take her eyes off Luna. Night’s emotions were making it hard for Twilight to even think, it was almost as if Luna was her entire world.

Twilight smiled the blindfold becoming apparent as they drew closer, she was following the instructions.

“Pinkie, its time.” Night Commanded.

The old fashioned music started signalling that all the games and contests were now open. The twitch of the ears and the surprised smile on the distant Luna took Twilight’s breath away. Twilight knew this was all Night’s emotions, she was starting to understand how Night must have felt when she went ‘Science crazy’.

CH 37.2 Evening Fair the Mane Event

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The subtle chime of her alarm spell politely demanded Luna's attention. Regretfully she ended her game of fetch with her faithful Tantabus. Rising she left the starlit magnificence of her lonely, fortified, Bastion. The place that once held hundreds or maybe thousands of her friends.

As most of her senses returned to the physical, she slowly opened her eyes. The blessed silence of her Canterlot chambers revealed themselves in the vibrant shades and subtle hues of utter darkness only thestral eyes could appreciate.

Reflexively she reached out for her treasured moon. It still slept peacefully beneath the horizon. It was a few hours earlier than she would usually wake. Not that normal has applied since the Manehatten attack.

Luna forlornly traced a hoof over the empty space beside her. Her bed felt lonely, cold and desolate. It was a vast wasteland, easily large enough for half a dozen ponies. With just herself, it felt nearly as barren as her moon had likely been during her exile.

Her mind carefully backed away from considering the torment of one thousand years of isolation. She couldn't afford the distraction. Not with having to divide her attention between the physical, the dreamers and the dying. She was truly glad she could not remember any of it. That was perhaps the one kindness to come from her mind needing to be purged. Everything that drove her to Nightmare Moon removed.

The same mare that was now with Twilight. No, Cadance has vouched for her under her authority of being the Princess of Love. Nightmare’s heart at least was in the right place.

She sighed heavily, the action silent in her enchanted room. In a way, she was envious of her most recent Chosen. Candice enjoyed more time with both Twilight and Little Star than she did. Luna schooled her expression, also putting aside the other reason for her envy. The fact that both Candice and Twilight had the pleasure of mental companionship.

Luna could only wonder how things were inside Twilight's Bastion. At some point, she was going to have to follow Cadance’s suggestion to request to visit her betrothed’s most sacred of sanctums. You could learn everything about a pony if you spent long enough in their Bastion.

Despite the impulsive decision to elevate Candice to her Chosen the same evening she had sworn herself to the Night, it was proving to bear more than satisfactory results. Both Candice’s and Insight’s training were proceeding well. They were both surpassing expectations, each in their own way. Candice proving a warrior with a most tenacious spirit. Insight demonstrated kindness, generosity and was tremendously resilient.

Closing her eyes again, Luna let her sense drift. Right there at the edge of her mental perception, where her four Chosen. She had promised herself she would craft more of them. Her mind faithfully summoned the images of the best possibilities. All her Nightguard, a few of her dedicated servants as well as some ponies that genuinely appreciated her nights. Each of them had offered everything they were, everything they ever would be, to her.

Perhaps she would hold a tournament and see who was the most worthy? Or mayhaps, she would start with whoever took her fancy first. The idea almost made her cackle with glee just thinking how Celestia would react to her casually elevating random ponies.

Putting that moment of humour aside, she rose from her bed. Hundreds of years of practise and her potent earth pony muscles adding impossible grace to such a simple motion. Her hooves were silent as they settled on the hard floor and would have been even without the magics within her room.

Less than a flicker of her attention was enough to suppress the enchantments that allowed her to sleep. The utter darkness and total silence receded. The glare of what little sunlight that managed to creep through the heavy blackout curtains forced Luna’s slit eyes to narrow. The hustle and bustle of the last few day servants making haste to finish their duties assaulted her ears. Each one was eager to head home to their friends or family. A few were talking about their plans for the night, some romantic, others just seeking enjoyable leisure. A small smile formed on her muzzle. The fact that even some of the day ponies found joy in her night still brought her some pleasure.

Her ethereal mane snaked out, reaching for the bell to summon her body servants. As always, they responded almost immediately. They followed her as she strode towards her personal bath. She had made sure the two thestrals were exceptionally well trained. She let her eyes trail over them as she considered. Perhaps not all her chosen needed to be combatants? To have Night Blossom’s and Moon Flower’s service and companionship for longer would be a delight and a privilege. It would require a change in the law to work if she told anypony.

Luna let them guide her into the expertly prepared bath. The feeling of the water soaked into her coat, she spread her wings relishing the luxurious sensation of the water as it seeped between the feathers. This luxury, while appropriate, could easily make a pony go soft. She held in the chuckle as she considered her sister’s oversized flanks, while many would see them as attractive, they proved Celestia more familiar with reclining with cake rather than personally protecting her realm with her physical abilities.

For now, she could add a Dreamwatch branch to her guard. If how Insight was taking to being her shepherd was any indication, perhaps more ponies could be trusted. Insight could even become the Leader of such a branch. In years to come, she could also add it as a mark of her favour to artists and performers? To think what some of her ponies could create if they have a century or two longer life.

If she did it as a ritual, she could do it more efficiently. She could perhaps bless a dozen at once and be fully recovered within the moon. It was very tempting, who should she pick? For a start, there was Blossom and Flower. She should also pick some of her Nightguard to elevate, two seconds to be assigned under each of her captains should suffice for that.

That would leave her four more places. An image of two mares, a white unicorn and a charcoal grey earthpony came to mind. Both were talented performers whose music she had many times appreciated. Their dedication and mastery of their art did them credit. Moondancer would make an excellent addition as a historian or scholar, and mayhaps she could be taught to dance toot.

That would leave one. Luna pondered for a moment letting her eyes roam around the room. A title on her bookshelf caught her eyes, ‘Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds’. That mare’s adventures were a joy to read. She was an impressive mare. She had ability, determination. With the service she provided to the crown, becoming a chosen would be nothing more than a just reward. Many a time she had stopped artefacts and ancient evil magics getting into the wrong hooves. Would the next book be ‘Daring Do and the Princess’s offer’?

Luna let her eyes fall closed, and her mind drifted in thought, going through everything she knew about the various meetings and investigations that would be taking place tonight. Over half of them were subtle petitions for her to lend Twilight some of the wisdom of her years. She knew their fears. All they really wanted was for her to rein in the younger princess. To think they were coming to her, who they once feared as a monster, because of the few fully justified actions Twilight had taken.

She hummed in consideration after she had completed her mental review of facts. Her servants seemed to be paying extra attention to their task this night. As pleasant as it was, it was unexpected. She reached out to the heavens checking the time. It was six minutes after their duties would have normally been finished. That was unlike them.

Her servants opened yet another bottle of liquid and began applying the contents with expert hooves. The rich and expensive scents of the rarest Night flowers pleasantly reached her. Some of them only bloomed once a century.

“Prey tell, has there been a change in our schedule?” Luna politely enquired. She had every faith in all her ponies. Each was investigated thoroughly before she personally offered them their positions. These two would not waste something so difficult to acquire without due cause. Unless they were impostors, and she highly doubted impostors could have fooled her for this long. They held not the slightest fear of discovery, or of her.

“Sovereign,” the silken voice started. “We have been informed your Nightly itinerary is at Princess Twilight’s pleasure.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “We wonder what she has planned.” She knew that Twilight was up to something, her Nightgarud had informed her of that much. It would have been so easy to get the answer and spy on the younger Alicorn, but no, she restrained herself. Twilight had asked her not to, and as Cadance said, she would treat Twilight as an equal and tend to more emotional needs first. Violating her trust by peeking at the surprise would not be a good foundation for the eternity she was hoping to share with her.

Just the thought of how sister dearest would react to her faithful student ‘abusing’ her power like this caused an amused smirk.

Luna relaxed in the water again, letting her eyes close as she surrendered fully to her servants’ pleasant ministrations. They clearly had royal orders, even if they were not her own.

Luna could not remember the last time she had looked so resplendent. If there was even a single hair of her coat out of place, she could not find it. Her body servants had even arranged for a high-level spell to maintain their work, she could go flying and dance with tornados, and still, her appearance would be immaculate.

They efficiently guided her to the chariot hanger. Before her stood two lines of her thestrals, each dressed in their parade armour. She smiled, taking in the still fully capable battle gear, unlike that of the Dayguard's dress armour. Everything was polished to perfection. She could not remember seeing them looking so professional. Well if you discounted the pleased fanged smiles and twinkles in their slit eyes. They knew something.

Shadow Lance, her thestral Night Chosen stood holding out a lavender strip of fabric. “Princess Twilight requests you wear this until you arrive at our destination.”

“A surprise?” Luna smiled. It had been a long time since she had willingly denied herself one of her senses. By the enigmatic smiles of her guards, she knew she would like whatever activities Twilight had arranged for her. “Very well, we will play along.”

Perhaps we will not need to pretend to appreciate whatever dear Twilight has arranged.

Flying through the air on her chariot blindfolded was a new experience, not one Luna was finding herself enjoying. She kept her wings slightly spread so she could feel the motion of the wind. A blindfold felt very different than merely having her eyes closed. Even with the rest of her senses, too many things could take advantage of it and attack her.

Her long honed instincts screamed at her. The need to do something, anything, to protect herself rising. Luna controlled herself, not allowing anything to show.

She had a lot of self-mastery thanks to her inability to create fragments. She had to tend to every single dreamer herself. Anything from fighting Eldritch Nightmare abominations, to granting a dying soul’s wish for a final carnal encounter. There were often many dozens of scenes she had to pay attention to, all without showing a single reaction in the physical world or letting the events in one affect how she acted in another. True, many dreams she could just start in the right direction and leave them be, but with how many sentient beings were out there, there was more than enough that required a truly personal touch.

Without her Mask, Celestia could not even come close to Luna’s mastery over herself. Her dearest sister had become far too dependent on her Mask and Warmind. Anytime anything came up she did not wish to deal with she simply passed it off to one of those two. She was weak despite how much power she held.

Luna let her mind drift from thoughts of her sister back to a certain lavender mare. The sour note being replaced with ones far sweeter. Twilight was taking to flexing her royal power. Striking against the corrupted nobles that Celestia would never have touched, issuing royal decreases and freely demonstrating her power for all to see. This was not the slightly timid, easily flustered sun-worshipping meek librarian turned princess she used to be. How much of this was the Nightmare’s doing? How much was simply Twilight taking a stand and refusing to be anypony’s tool or puppet? Either way, it was most appealing.

The air currents shifted around her. The scents of the Everfree carried on the winds, and the changes in air pressure easily announced them drawing closer to their destination. Ponyville, unless Twilight has decided to do something at her old castle.

The blazing surge of unicorn magic they were approaching resonated with Twilight's power. She had to be the most unbalanced Alicorn in history. ‘They’ would not have allowed one like that to finish their ascension. Luna banished the dark thoughts of the past and focused on the emotions in her betrothed’s magic.

Twilight’s magic was eager and almost giddy with anticipation. A strong undercurrent of pride and desire swirled in the younger Alicorn’s magic as it brushed against Luna’s own. Luna smiled as the tingling caress welcomed her.

The first few notes of a familiar tune reached her. Luna’s ears perked up, attentive, focusing in on the sounds. It was full of familiar passion and good cheer. The voices of the different instruments swirled and danced together in the harmony of the performance. It was as unmistakable as it was unexpected.

Luna felt a faint smile on her face, and she did nothing to hide it. Control be damned, she was not going to be some cold stone statue of a mare, not for Twilight’s surprise.

Fond memories started to stir, seeking to take over Luna’s perceptions. Quickly, she set about her more spiritual duties. Things were left so they should survive a few hours without her. A moment's mental effort was all it took to dispatch the Tantabus to Insight, assigning her the task of watching and providing companionship for the few that would never wake again. The first time she was trusting her to such a duty unsupervised, was doing it just now Luna misusing her power? Or was it honestly earned trust and confidence in Insight’s abilities?

This music had more energy and life than anything the tradition-bound nobles of Canterlot would ever listen to, yet did not sound as alien to her as the modern offerings that could make her body want to move. As good as it was, Vinyl’s music was still a little jarring to her senses.

Recollections filled her mind’s eye. Memories of a grand fair, of running around, carefree before her own journey of accession started.

She let herself sway to the rhythm, tail swishing back and forth. The other sounds began crafting a vivid painting in her mind. The sharp ring of metal clanged angst metal. Hooves impacted against the ground, some dancing others moving to a more determined beat. Hundreds of ponies celebrated, played and competed down below. Foals cheered about what prizes they would win with just one more shot. A small argument of whether the cuddly Luna or Twilight was the better trophy broke out.

Luna wanted to be down there now. She needed to see with her own eyes what Twilight had arranged for her. She shifted on her hooves, her wings tensed as they prepared to launch her under her own power. She could have been there in mere seconds. The few minutes left of the flight felt far longer, more like hours, despite her connection to the moon insisting on telling her exactly how long it had been.

She knew it would be trivial to scry and observe what was going on. Even if there would be no chance of Twilight noticing, she would not allow herself even to attempt it. Doing so would violate the implied request she had granted by donning the blindfold. Perhaps it was a test. Twilight did have many a year learning under Celestia after all. No, as tempted as she was, this would be a far better experience if the grand reveal proceeded as her betrothed had planned.

The carriage floor suddenly plummeted, Luna simply increased the strength of her grip-field. She enjoyed the novel sensation of the blind descent under another’s control. Her pegasus instincts wanted her to flair her wings, but she was not going to show any signs that might be seen as fear. She was the Princess of the Night and would at least keep that part of her image intact.

Such a rapid descent could only mean one thing. They were coming in for one of her Nightguard’s typical high speed and apparently reckless landings. A few gasps burst from below, the next instant, the chariot slammed into the ground. The substantial impact shot up her legs, having little effects on her Alicorn body. Her conveyance came to a complete stop in under a second. Not quite the tightest combat landing they could perform, but certainly was impressive feet to achieve without destroying the chariot.

The sounds of the crowd of ponies had quieted somewhat, and even without being able to see, Luna could feel many eyes upon her.

Despite the blindfold, it was impossible not to know exactly where Twilight was. Even discounting the blazing inferno her magic had become, her unique scent and hammering heartbeats were enough to pinpoint her precisely.

“Luna.” Twilight breathed, the mere whisper heavily laced with desires.

Elegantly she dismounted her conveyance and gracefully made her way towards Twilight. Each motion was another chance to show off for her betrothed. She placed her hooves perfectly, each stride a fluid ripple of her Alicorn body. Her earthpony magic effortlessly warned her of any imperfections in the unpaved natural ground. She knew it would seem almost like she was gliding across the ground, a divine being not quite physical like the rest of them.

The many whispers and murmurs from the crowd added to the air of anticipation. Unlike in Canterlot their hushed comments were not doubting or fearing her. Some were worried, yes, but they were mostly troubled over how she would take things, if she would like them. The only fear she could feel from the crowd was that she might have a negative reaction.

“Luna, I'm so glad you decided to accept my invitation,” Twilight said in an attempt at formality.

Luna felt an amused little smile form on her face. “Well, when somepony uses a royal decree to cancel all of my appointments, tis not like we had anything better to do.”

Twilight let out a little giggle, and just like that, her decorum was immediately forgotten. She leaned closer, her breath brushing Luna’s ear. “Well, this will be infinitely more enjoyable than anything else you could have been doing tonight.” The sultry voice that whispered was as much Twilight’s as the Nightmare’s.

“Art thou trying to seduce us, young Twilight?” She whispered back.

“Not yet.” Twilight’s few words seemed to promise so much. Despite not being able to see, Luna just knew Nightmare’s smirk was on that lavender muzzle.

Luna felt Twilight's magic wrap around the blindfold. Its warmth tenderly caressed her face as the fabric was slowly removed. Twilight’s sparkling magenta eyes met hers. An ancient intensity mixed with a much younger passion. Luna recognised the Nightmare and Sweet Dreams if she was not mistaken, both of them fully supporting Twilight. With the three of them staring longingly into her eyes, Luna almost lost herself in those deep windows to the soul.

Twilight let out a near-silent joyful laugh. She moved her wing between them, breaking the moment. The beatific smile stopped any anger Luna might have had for Twilight's action.

Luna chided herself. She had fallen for a basic trick of thestral magic, their enchanting gaze. She was not some school filly ready to fall for any thestral because of erotic fantasies of vamponies.

She had to admit there was a certain novelty in experiencing it from day adapted eyes. And Twilight's eyes were certainly captivating, even without magic. She was unaware such a feat could be performed without manifesting slitted night-aspected pupils.

Twilight's wing continued its graceful movement lightly brushing Luna's face before sweeping out in a familiar grandiose gesture, guiding her gaze to the surroundings. Luna let her eyes follow.

Luna could not readily place where she was. Everything around her was in her own and Twilight’s colours. Banners and flags fluttered in the breeze. She was utterly speechless. If it were not for her long training at proper decorum, her jaw would likely have been hanging open.

If it were not for the fact she recognised some of the ponies belonging in modern times, she would have thought she was losing herself in her memories, like her sister often did.

Luna swept her gaze around in awe. Hundreds of ponies were celebrating. This whole event was dedicated to her and Twilight. Their cutiemarks were everywhere, and there were even little plushie versions of both of them available for prizes at some of the foal’s games.

Luna’s nose twitched, she noticed her head was turning a moment before the enticing scent registered in her brain. Her eyes narrowed, fixed on the impossibility floating before her in Twilight's aura. “How?”

Twilight smiled her enthralling smile. Her voice answering rich with confidence and silken with promised intimacy. “Do you think we would allow anything to prevent us from making this date perfect for you?”

Twilight leaned close, nuzzling and inhaling. A small approving hum emanating from the lavender Alicorn. Suddenly all the extra preparations her body servants had lavished upon her made sense. Twilight turned trailing a wing delightfully along Luna’s side. It took her many years of mastering her self-control not to let her wings embarrass her before everypony.

By the sounds of more feathers cutting the air suddenly, some watching ponies did not have the same control. Apparently, they found the idea of two princesses appealing. Mentally she complimented their good tastes. How many dreams will I be seeing with the pair of us? She thought with amusement.

“Come," Twilight commanded with a purr. "There is so much for you to see.”

Luna turned and followed, half a step behind Twilight taking in everything. Including the sexy little sway to her flanks Twilight displayed for the first few strides. How had she forgotten how much of a tease she could be, and with Nightmare helping Twilight?

For the first time since she arrived, Luna let herself truly look over the whole of Twilight. Her natural beauty was almost completely unadorned. Only the heavy golden necklace with its single gem. The artefact she had casually created to help contain Nova’s power and overwhelming passions.

Even with how appealing the mare before her was, it could not fully hold her attention. Not when competing with the current surroundings. This was like nothing she had seen in the modern age. Everything looked like it had jumped out of the history pages, from the time that she still felt she belonged in.

The star-shaped treat floated closer to her muzzle, demanding her attention. Luna slowly bit into it, the hard surface breaking, yielding its soft core. Flavours she thought she would never experience again exploded across her tongue.

She bit down the moan that wished to escape her as she savoured the experience. She had not had anything that had even come close to this foalhood treat in the many years she had been back. Her dear, sometimes selfish, sister Celestia had only cared to preserve a few of her favoured cake recipes and no other foods from their shared past.

A single tear threatened to escape as her eyes glistened. She did not even consider what she might look like as she took a second sampling as it still floated in her betrothed’s magic.

They walked on, and Luna could start to identify where they were. Behind all the decorations, she would make out the familiar structures of Ponyville. The town had been completely transformed.

Music played as ponies ate, drank, joked, played and competed. Jousting, pegasus aerial contests, earth pony gauntlets of strength and unicorn duels. If only the Grand Galloping Gala could be replaced with a celebration like this.

Refreshingly, none of the competitors stopped, and those who spectated only spared her respectful nods. There was no bowing, no scraping.

This was almost exactly like the tourneys of old. Unlike so many other events she had been to, here, now, she felt liked she belonged. With how the ponies of Ponyville were acting, she felt accepted. It was wondrous. Luna did not even try to hide the joyous grin on her face. “Twilight...”

Luna's words were cut off, silenced by soft lips meeting her own. The kiss tasted just like the star confectionary but somehow far more delicious. Luna felt the breeze catching in her unexpectedly flared wings. She was advertising her interest to everypony in line of sight. She did not care. She leaned into this kiss, seeking, needing to deepen it.

Soft feathers brushed her cheek as Twilight pulled back. With a sly smirk, she mouthed ‘later’. Luna licked her lips, savouring the taste. She would definitely be looking forward to this ‘later’.

Not until your marriage Aunty Cadance’s reproachful voice intruded upon her mind.

Luna did not groan, nor growl or stomp her hoof in irritation. Well, at least that’s what she told herself despite what her senses informed her. Ah, dear Cadance. What are you doing here? Luna responded deliberately keeping the frustration out of mental tone.

Two reasons, the first to keep you and Twilight in check, the second is because where else do you think Twilight would get more ponies experienced with the old ways.

Luna looked around taking in the scene again, yes there was a lot of crystal ponies here. If her quick glance proved representative, there would be over a hundred of them. Most of them seemed to be part of the Cystalgauyrd. So that’s how it is, it seems that there is more at stake in this contest than fun.

“Captain.” Luna paused long enough to make sure she had one of her chosen’s attention “Our guard is to fall out and partake in this tourney. See to it that our guard know we are expecting them to make a good accounting here.”

Striker nodded “Yes, my Sovereign.” Luna could hear the smile in his voice, likely his fangs were showing. She had the utmost faith her guards would both have fun and not disappoint her. It would do well to let the Crystalguard learn they were not the only competent force left.

In mere moments the number of Nightguards enjoying the celebration doubled. Some teleported in. Others merely stepped out from there places of concealment. A few blatantly flowed out of the shadows just to show off.

Now their numbers were at least getting close to matching the number of Crystalguards. She was thinking of holding a tournament to see which of them she would make her Chosen. Now the rivalry between the two guard forces would make the contest far more engaging and meaningful to watch.

In a blur of pink, Pinkie Pie rushed past pulling several large items from nowhere. Slamming them into the ground, she quickly added a second scoreboard to each event, one only for the civilians and the second one included the guard ponies. The scoreboard had Luna’s mark, Twilight’s, Cadance’s, the Wonderbolt’s symbol and most strangely Blueblood’s.

The fact that Twilight did not seem to mind, nor react to Blueblood’s inclusion begged the question when did their relationship improve. Luna dropped that chain of thought. She could always ask another night.

Luna’s eyes followed the party mare as she performed yet another feat that should be impossible for a common earth pony. Almost nopony paid any attention to the antics of the town’s party planner. Well, nopony apart from Luna’s daughter and friends.

Little Star, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle flitted from rooftop to rooftop, making use of spell granted butterfly-like wings. Scootaloo flew with the majestic wings Twilight’s healing had granted and showing the superiority of pegasus wings over any unicorn flight magic.

They took position peering around a chimney, spying on the Element of Laughter. They were making a reasonably successful attempt at stealth. Perhaps the Cutie Mark Crusaders might become her daughter's guards or advisors in the years to come.

The colourful butterfly-like wings flashed in the air as the chase resumed. Luna recalled the friendship report that had been generated from Rarity being a little too enamoured with how beautiful those wings could be. Not that they could even come close to the allure of Twilight’s very real wings.

Another brush of colour darted after them, flying erratically as if new to the air. A wooden owl, wings alight with Little Star’s magenta magic clumsily trailed after its creator through the air.

She would have to get a closer look at that marvellous creation later. Pride swelled in her chest. Her daughter was achieving such feats even as such a young age. Just to think, what she might be able to do in a decade's time.

Luna turned her attention back to the festivities around her. She would have been happy just watching this event. Being in it, walking amongst her ponies, made it so much better. Even if this were the extent of Twilight plans for the evening, she would remember this for years.

She let her gaze find her host again. Having Twilight right here, well that just made things interesting. Now if only she could get rid of Cadance for a few days. Twilight adjusted her tail, and her wings added just enough sway to her motions to subtly enhance how enticing she was.

Since when was Twilight a mare that could or would move like that? Luna thought. Twilight just smiled knowingly as Luna let her eyes sweep over her.

Twilight went back to pretending not to notice the effect her little display was having on Luna and the surroundings ponies both. She guided Luna around the fair showing everything off.

Her eyes trailed along Twilight's body and settled upon the only thing she was wearing. The heavy golden necklace, an item that was there for a purpose, not just as decoration or a symbol. Luna suddenly felt decidedly over adorned.

Without even breaking stride, Luna slipped out of her shoes. At her command, each of them sank though their own shadow and faded from existence. Twilight was to be her equal, her bride, if she wore no crown neither would Luna. Her aura lifted her crown from her head. With a flick, she tossed it to one of her Nightguard leaving only her peytral around her neck.

The feeling of the bare earth beneath her hooves and the guilty pleasure of being without her crown was almost too much. She let her earth pony senses reach out, unhindered by the metal that normally clad her hooves. The impacts of every hoof fall, telling its story combined with each living plant called to her, each singing its own tale.

A foal like feeling, free and excited started to rise. It did not last long. Not for the first time, she thought about what her life could have been, what she might have done without the burden of the crown. Her stride slowed, the weight of her now absent crown dragging at her hooves. Her duty had cost her so much.

A series of taping sounds emanated from Twilight's golden necklace. She rounded on her so fast her tail cracked the air like a whip. Twilight’s eyes hardened. With deliberate slowness, she held up a single feather in her aura like the most deadly of implements. "Dear Luna, you are going to focus on what I have prepared for you or you will face my wrath," Twilight’s mouth spoke with Nightmare’s cold and deadly tones.

A shiver travelled down Luna’s spine. Her mind, her body, readied for battle. Grass tickled her bare hooves as she subtly shifted her stance.

Twilight slowly leaned in close, her eyes narrowing into draconic slits. "And I know each and every ticklish point in your body."

Luna’s agile mind was only stunned for an instant. Relief filled her. The Nightmare was not about to attack her. No war was about to happen. Twilight was still safe, still there. She had not lost her saviour to the same thing that cost her a thousand years.

She started to smile but stopped as another older panic rose within her. Memoirs of her lager sister assaulting her with long white feathers leaving her helpless. "Thou would not dare…"

"I will have you screaming for mercy as you thrash around on the ground in front of everypony." Twilight whisper-spoke under an almost inaudible satisfied croon.

Luna gulped and nodded. Celestia would not let her ever live something like that down.

“That's better,” Twilight purred, sharing a brief nuzzle. Then as if the entire exchange had never happened, she gracefully pivoted back to her original facing. A lavender wing glided across Luna's flank 'accidentally' as Twilight resumed her seductive walk.

They had spent at least an hour watching each contest. For the guards, this was a truly serious battle, the pride of their units and their princess were at stake. For the civilians, it was just fun, but some of them were doing unexpectedly well.

Armour crashed into the ground as yet another pony was sent to the ground. Big Mac was proving his strength being the current reigning champion for the Earth Pony Gauntlet. Not even her guards could do anything against his nearly titanic might. If not for this being a date with Twilight, Luna might have offered to spend the night with him should he remain the champion. It always used to drive stallions to give their utmost.

A white pegasus, his body, made of muscles layered upon more muscles, stepped up. He was to be the next challenger. Luna silently wished him luck. There was no rule saying members of other tribes could not compete, but without the expected tribal magic they were at a severe disadvantage.

The crystal ponies were currently leading the jousting by a wide margin. As it was their national sport, it was only to be expected. The galloping hooves and the crash of impact as the two contestants met happening at regular intervals. It was a little simplistic for Luna’s taste. Real battle never happened in repeated, predictable head-on charges.

A brutish shout burst forth from the Earth Pony Gauntlet. “Yeeeeaaaahh!” Apparently one of the two stallions had won their rather direct contest.

The aerial battle was much more to her liking, one of her Thestral Nightguards was taunting one of the pegasi that Shining Armor had taken with him when he had become the Prince Consort to Cadance. His orange coat and dark blue mane brought back a memory. This was Flash Sentry. One that Cadance had once considered worthy for her Twilight.

The pegasus Crystalguard was faster and had plenty of potential. Unfortunately for him, he had little real experience. The bloody battles Luna was willing to put her guards through in the flesh, let alone the utter horrors they faced in their dream training meant there was almost no comparison. As soon as Meteorite Crash stopped playing, one Flash Sentry would be soundly defeated.

It was not long before Luna was proved right. The final score was Ten to two. As expected, it was Luna’s side of the scoreboard that was marked.

Luna found it odd that the Wonderbolts had nothing on the scoreboard as of yet. This should be the event they excelled at. If Pinkie’s apparent foreknowledge was as accurate as it usually was, there was no doubt they would be here before the festivities ended.

She inhaled deeply. Her breath taking in all the satisfying scents once again. That was all the excuse she needed to sample yet more food.

Luna hummed in satisfaction, happily munching on yet another one of the savoury thestral offerings. Twilight tucked into her own. For a moment, seeming like a wild animal before her table manners suddenly improved.

Luna had to hold back a giggle. Given what she had heard about Twilight's habit of demolishing hayburgers it was clear that Nightmare or Dreams had taken control to prevent the food-related carnage from spreading. The switch was fast if albeit not as gradually as Celestia’s mask could slip in and prevent little scenes like that.

The image one Gabby Gums had published of her sister enjoying a little too much cake came to mind. Luna lost the battle to restrain her merriment.

Twilight's ears turned to Luna before her eyes followed. The sight of the rich sauce covering her muzzle was too much. Luna could not hold back her laughter any longer.

Twilight's ears splayed back a little as she cocked her head slightly to the side. Her face twisted in an adorable mix of confusion and innocence.

Luna leaned in and with an amused smile and delicately licked away at the escaped condiment upon the lavender muzzle. Lune stole the bearest of kisses, her tongue yet again informing her flavours were only enhanced when samples from upon her betrothed’s lips.

Twilight's cheeks darkened, the smaller Alicorn doing her best to fight off a blush.

This was by far already going to be her most treasured memories since her return from the moon, and it has only just started.

A gaggle of enthusiastic voices and stampede of small hooves rampaged towards them. Announcing that what was a small army of foals had caught them in their little moment.

More than a dozen called out Luna's name. A few less, Twilight’s name. Twilight eeped and hid her flaring blush from the world with her wing.

One of the little ones at the back started singing. "Luna and Twilight, sitting in a tree…"

Interrupting, the rest called out. "Can you come and play?" They pleaded. Pinkie standing in the back trying not to be noticed.

With so many adorable eyes looking up at her, Luna could not say no.

Twilight's eyes shifted becoming slitted, anger blazing within them. Her muscles started to tense, and magic started to build in her body.

"I would be honoured to join you in competing for treats and toys." Luna rapidly spoke up in a happy tone.

Fortunately, there were no spikes of fear. The young ones hand not noticed the potential monster behind the younger Alicorn’s eyes. Luna let out a mental sigh of relief. She would not have to battle with nightmare creatures taking the form of her betrothed in the foal’s dreams later tonight.

Her wing reaches out draping over Twilight’s back, embracing her firmly. "Calm your self, Night. Lest I go back to calling you Nightmare," Luna added in whisper-speak.

Twilight flinched as if struck. Her body tensed in dread. She slumped almost imperceptibly as she relaxed against Luna's larger body nestling comfortably under the Night Alicorn’s feathers.

The anger evaporated from Twilight’s features. Her eyes returned to normal. She did not resist when Luna’s wing started to guide her to follow.

"Our apologies Luna. I was envious of there attention of you," Night’s voice started.

Twilight’s voice continued. "And I was irritated that this was not on my planned timeline of events."

"I forgive both of you, just be mindful when you are both in agreement for anything your emotions and responses may be disproportional," Luna said, remembering all the times her fragments had led her astray, one most of all.

Twilight nodded firmly, then sighed happily. Luna turned her attention fully back to the foals, a warm muzzle nuzzled into the fur of her neck.

Luna smirked, addressing the crowd of young ones. "Now, lead on my good ponies."

Many small hooves and weak magic dragged the pair of alicorns off to the foal’s games.

Twilight giggled. The sound tickled Luna's neck. She had to admit it was funny, two of the most powerful beings in the world being dragged around by foals.

Like all the things here, the games were old fashioned. Most were traditional ones back from Luna’s foalhood. The only difference was the foam darts and blades replacing wooden ones. As her body eagerly played with and instructed the foals in the proper techniques needed to master the games, her mind drifted elsewhere.

She reminisced about times long ago. Times she spent watching others play. Spending coins for a chance to win prizes and of course to attract the attention of an Alicorn lord, if they did well enough. For those not chosen, this was their only chance. Luna being groomed to be an artist, her position was secure, or so she thought. So she had no need to compete, and yet she did for the joy of it.

Her mind slipped back to a darker time. A time she hated, a time she craved. Images of blood, death and violence consumed Luna. Her time condemned to the arena materialised around her. Forced to kill or be killed until in the end, she was stuck down. Failing to die she claiming her immortality. That did not stop things. They forced her to kill and kill, again and again until she revelled in the bloodshed.

A cheer arose, her fans were calling her. Luna took a step forward. Her heartbeat increased, muscles tensed. She was ready for action. She gathered her Alicorn magic, shaping it as it strengthened and reinforced her body. How much power would she gain buy devouring the wellsprings, the soul of her opponent this time?

“Good shot,” a cheerful mare called out. “Now, what prize do you want?”

The daydream shattered. What was she thinking? What she could she have done to the ponies around her. She held herself still. Fighting, not allowing those tainted desires that she hated and loved oh so much to rise in her. This was not the place for them. This would never be the place for them.

“I want that one,” a foal shouted.

Desperately she redirected her mind, bringing up another memory. Ponyville once again vanished. The haunted look in the eyes of her sister the faint glow of magic holding her head still and eyes open. Her sister forced to watch the horrific sport. Not being able to take her eyes off unfolding slaughter as Luna surrendered to it.

Luna remembered giving in, becoming their weapon. Merely a tool to be aimed. Nothing but a monster that lusted for but violence and death. Guilt and self-loathing rapidly drowned out the sweet siren call of her bloodlust.

A presence by her side dragged her back to reality. To the present. Twilight’s warm body pressed against her side and her muzzle gently nuzzled Luna before her breath tickled her ear "I know and accept you for everything you are, my Moon."

Luna titled her head to meet Twilight’s eyes. A sympathetic Nightmare looked out of them holding Twilight’s tears at bay.

"Mummies. Mummies." Little Star’s happy voice called out from above

Luna snapped her head upwards just in time for something soft to impact her face. Blinking and pulling her head back, she was greeted by a realistic imitation of Twilight’s lavender coat. It took Luna a few seconds to understand what she was now holding in her aura. Little Star had practically assaulted both her mother's with near life-sized plushies of each other.

Her daughter beamed at both of them with a wide innocent smile. "This way you can still be together when apart."

Luna hugged her new plushy Twilight and gave it an affection nuzzle. A giggle erupted from the real one.

Twilight petted her little Luna and Luna felt the sensation of a hoof running through her mane. Luna's eyes widened at all the implications of such a pair of cursed items. All the horrid things tyrants of the past had done, all the things that had been done to her by her master.

"Oh relax Lulu, we checked her spell work. It only works if we are both touching our plushies and can't send pain."

Luna felt a feather brush against her somewhere Cadance would definitely not approve of. With long practice, she kept a straight face and allowed not a single visible reaction to show. But even so, she had to use magic to hide the changes in her scent.

Twilight's satisfied smirk faded into a frown of confusion.

Luna smiled, a light twinkling in her eyes. "Two can play at that game…"

Twilight’s hoof reached for her golden necklace, working some complex magic on it with desperate haste. She let out a shaky sigh and her horn lit, and both plushies popped out of existence.

Little Star was staring at the pair of them. Her confused look shifting to disappointment. Luna could not have that. She pulled her daughter into a hug, wings enfolding her. "We love thy gift, such superb and unexpected spell work on them."

Doubt turned to pride and joy in the little filly's expression.

"They are a little large to keep with us as we enjoy the fair," Twilight added.

Little Star nodded, clearly appeased at that explanation.

"We shall both have time to fully appreciate them later," Twilight added. Luna was sure that was for her benefit alone.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders came in for a landing. Young Scootaloo as dynamic as Rainbow Dash. Sweet Belle as delicate as a ballerina, landing pirouetting on one hoof before settling down on all fours. Applebloom taking full advantage of her durability to simply stop flying, crash into the ground, and walk it off.

"Come on Star," Scootaloo said. “We got to win more prizes.”

Star’s aura enveloped both Luna and Twilight pulling them into a firm hug.

“Ok,” Little Star called out, teleporting away.

The aura around her vanished. Luna tipped and fell, too close to Twilight and the ground to catch herself. She stumbled, tipped and gravity won, causing the pair of Alicorns to stumble and crash into the ground in a somewhat compromising position.

Candace sent a not-so-polite cough sound mentally. “Of course she saw that,” Luna lamented.

Twilight giggled, as they both untangled from each other.

The sight of Rarity assisted by Prince Blueblood himself running the Unicorn Duel event was something of a shock. All Twilight revealed about the matter was her knowing smile. Was this Cadance’s doing or merely that arrogant waste of space stallion turning over a new leaf because of the shock Twilight had given him?

She shook the thought off, the only thing that mattered here and now was Twilight’s and her own enjoyment of this event. Twilight had clearly spent so much time and effort not only arranging but keeping secret from her. That she did not even get a hint of it from the dreams of the ponies in Ponyville meant Twilight must have used quite a lot of magic to keep it from their dreams.

“When you set your mind to something you don’t disappoint, Twilight.”

Twilight returned her gaze to Luna with a lazy, satisfied smile with just the hint of fangs showing for a moment, “Naturally.”

Luna’s ears twitched seeking any hints the others had seen that little display. Nothing beyond the sounds of the ponies enjoying the fair and the competitions. A gasp made her ears twitch.

“Look, it’s Rainbow!” The voice of young Scootaloo called out.

Luna relaxed, raising her head a prismatic trail dragged Luna’s attention skywards. Rainbow Dash, dressed in her Wonderbolt uniform, was just decelerating, clearly having towed two others of her team here. The expanding rings and the boom of a sonic rainboom declaring how much effort the athletic mare had put into getting herself and her comrades in arms here in a timely fashion.

“Well, at least she knows how to make an entrance, even if it is a little garish.” Rarity commented.

“It is definitely a wonderous display of both power and skill,” Blueblood replied respectfully.

Rainbow quickly scanned the fair and eyes locked on Twilight. A quick motion of her wing and then all three Wonderbolts dived towards them, simultaneously flaring their wings and coming to an immediate stop just before them.

Feathers cracked the air as Rainbow snapped off a crisp salute, the others followed suit. “Wonderbolts reporting for the competition, Princesses.”

“Welcome to the Evening Fair, make Ponyville proud,” Twilight enthused, her voice altered with a hint of a purr “make me, proud.”

The tips of Rainbow’s ears darkened before she regained her composure. Luna took in the mare, the sleek uniform, the well-toned athletic body and the new additions to her outfit. A lethal-looking hoof blade, crimson and magenta enchantments danced over its surface as the light caught it. On her other foreleg was a hastily cut-down plate of armour. With how dedicated Rainbow Dash is to her flying prowess, I would wager that even Twilight would not be able to find a difference in weight between the two.

Luna smiled. “Well, it seems the competition for the aerial events just got a little stiffer.”

“Have fun,” Twilight added, dismissing the Wonderbolts with a sharp flourish of her wing.

The three shot off for the aerial contest, Rainbow diverting unexpectedly to the jousting. Luna let her eyes trail her, “You have chosen a good Knight, Twilight.” Luna looked back to Twilight. “When will you have her assume her duties?”

Twilight smiled warmly. “I am leaving her detached with the Wonderbolts for now, its where she is happiest. And it’s not like I need a knight constantly by my side.” She leaned in closer. “You gave me Candice, remember?”

Final all the results for the contests were in. A hoard of ponies stood between her and the towering scoreboard. Luckily for her being taller than most and her sharp eyesight was more than enough to read it from where she was. Luna finished her snack and regarded the scores.

Unicorn Duel
1st Cystalgaurd / Shining Armour
2nd Nightguard / Moonstone Stalker
3rd Rarity Belle

Luna hummed, she was disappointed that her captain had failed her, but it did make sense. She did not exactly train her Nightguard to play fair. So with such restrictions in place, she could forgive him this. Seeing that Rarity not only took part but claimed third place, now that was unexpected. She was proving to be a mare of many talents.

Earthpony Gauntlet
1st Big Mac
2nd Snowflake
3rd Applejack

The Apples were always renowned for the power of there bloodline, so in a contest of brute strength with little to no skill, what more could be expected than for the Apple Clan to claim two of the top three spots.

1st Wonderbolt / Rainbow Dash
2nd Nightguard / Meteor Crash
3rd Lighting Dust

Luna paused and looked thoughtful, “Twilight, perhaps we have found another candidate for your guard?” She pointed a hoof at the third place name. “She is a little rough around the edges, but you specialise in salvaging ponies and forging them into worthwhile allies.”

“I… would not put it that way.”

“Then what would you call Starlight then?” Luna said before turning her attention back to the rest of the results.

1st Cystalgaurd / Topaz Lancer
2nd Wonderbolt / Rainbow Dash
3rd Nightguard / Evening Mist

Free Match
1st Starlight Glimmer
2nd Nightguard / Shadow Light
3rd Nightguard / Onyx Star

1st Little Star, Grey, Thorn
2nd CMC
3rd Sapphire Heart, Cookie Blanket, Blitz

Luna smiled her eyes lingering on her daughter’s name. Already she was claiming first place in a contest of skill. Yes, it might only be a foals game, but in later years she might be dodging spell blasts and dragon breath not simple balls.

When the ponies that oversaw the event dreamed, she would see if any had a chance to watch and if they would be willing to share the memory of it. She wanted to observe her harmony granted daughter. She wanted to have a painting of that moment even if she never saw it with her own eyes. Asking Starlight to use a time spell seemed a little extreme when Luna had her own ways to watch the dodge ball contest.

Luna noted all of her Nightguard that had placed in the top ten for later consideration and put the placements out of her mind for now. Twilight was guiding her to the largest dome of magic, the centrepiece of the arenas, even tho not a single event had happened within it thus far. The crowd of ponies parted before them. It was as if they were expected.

A magenta aura wrapped around Twilight’s necklace and casually levitated it over to a waiting Candice. The chosen given to Twilight accepted it with a joyous smile, her eyes intense with the fate enforced love she bore for both of them. Luna felt Twilight’s power radiating from her now raw and unrestrained.

Twilight took her hoof and backed through into the arena, the energy trailing over every curve. “Shall we dance?” Twilight asked, her enticing eyes fixed on Luna’s own. That gaze alone would have been enough to draw her after the lavender mare.

Luna’s blue magic lifted her peytral, letting it drop to the ground as she followed. She pushed forward, driving through the membrane. The intense energy of it tingled as it flowed over her. She looked around, her eyes scanning the crowd. It seemed like almost everypony in attendance had their full attention focused on her. What was Twilight’s plan? She smiled like a foal at heartwarming.

Luna’s first hoof sunk into the soft sand as she stepped in the area. She inhaled deeply, The clean scent was almost jarring. Not a single drop of blood had been spilt in here, yet.

As her last hoof and tail crossed the threshold, everything outside the dome vanished from all her magical senses. What could she be planing that needed this level of spellwork to protect the crowd?

Twilight’s unicorn magic flared, her form erupted into sparkling dust. Motes of light reforming her on the other side of the arena. The faces of the crowd shifted, ponies long dead watched their champion. Yet another foe stood before her, was this bout for justice or entertainment?

Luna blinked. Twilight stood before her, tall, regal, powerful. An intense ripple of magic radiated from her, unseen but definitely felt. The dome was the only reason the nearby ponies did not recoil in pain from Twilight’s unrestrained power. Then another and another. Each to a constant beat, the fourth spike feeling more forceful. The lavender mare before her, her soon to be opponent started to circle. Her wellsprings pulsing keeping perfect time.

“You know what you offer?” Luna asked, her magic wanting desperately to fall into time with Twilight’s own. The surrounding flicked. One moment, the past, the next the present.

“I do,” Twilight said, her hoof falls almost exaggeratedly marking the beat that their dance would be had to.


Luna’s ear twitched, as one all the night guards stomped their hooves again, the impacts of armoured hooves pounding the ground perfectly to Twilight’s rhythm.

A few cries of panic reached and threatened to distract her. Jumpy peasants. What? Was this their first time at the pits? She thought.

Crash, Crash, Clang,

Every Forth beat was joined with the sound of metal meeting metal.

Luna felt her heart thudding in her chest, pounding to the beat. A wide grin spread her lips, Luna letting her wellsprings take up the rhythm, agreeing to the challenge. Eyes fixed on Twilight’s, she began circling as well.

The Crystal guards quickly joined in, the ringing of Crystal armour adding a rich resonance to the beat.

“Don’t worry about holding back, only those with Therstral Eyes will be able to see what really happens in here.” Twilight crooned.

Luna took a step. As if at once the pair slowly started circling each other. Each of them gliding over the ground as if they weighed nothing. Twilight moved with an edge of haughty grace, head high and strides long. Luna herself settled in the stalking gait of a hunting predator, horn low and ready to strike.

With each step Luna took, more and more of the world outside the arena faded away. It had been so long, so very long since she had even been able to use a fraction of her power for fear of the collateral damage she would inflict. “The rules?”

“A standard show bout,” Twilight answered.

It had been a long time, she ached to begin, but she had one duty she could never forsake. “And my duty to raise the moon?”

“Merely the sign for us to make things even more spectacular, dear Lulu.” Twilight twitched her wings, offering to take this to the air.

Her obligation satisfied, Luna flared her pegasus magic on the beat accepting. They were both approaching their starting positions again. And that would be that. The contest would commence. Their bloody dance, a show performed to the music of warriors.


A few steps closer, it would not be long.


Almost there,


Wings came down, the ground retreated.

They both took to the air beginning there dance spiralling around each other. Everypony and everything outside the dome ceased to be. The stomping guards drowned out by the deafening thudding rhythm of her heart.

Twilight's horn lit, starting with her strength. Dozens of lethal spikes of magenta surged furth. Each dancing to mathematical patterns, hunting Luna’s flesh. With each heartbeat they jinked

Actual attacks had to land on the beat. Any other others would merely be for show, for spectacle.

Her wings propelled her forward. Her direct charge augmented by a graceful roll in the air here, a spiralling turn there. Her conjured blade deflecting the last two, and she was through. Twilight ignited her horn, but no spell came. Instead, a barrage of physicals attacks assaulted Luna as she closed.

Luna blocked a strike, turning it aside and pulling Twilight towards her, sending her spinning away as if this was nothing more than a courtship dance.

A sharp sting tore across her face. Blood trickled down her cheek. The rich coppery scent invigorated her. Luna licked her lips. Twilight, her saviour, had claimed first blood. Luna laughed, happy and brightly. Her reply, a trio of hungry scythes tearing through the air at her betrothed.

They continued their dance, spells, conjured blades and hoof strikes artistically passed between them. The rhythm of this duel, their heartbeats and the pulsing of their magic, all in time. The lacerations and fractures, burns and the bruises, all were nothing but accents. The pain given and received, only an intoxicating spice to the moment as their shed blood mixed with the sand below.

The sun lowered, the time of twilight was only a brief movement as Celestia set her heavenly body to rest. The two combatants separated. Luna smiled, an idea coming to her. Twilight had said to make things spectacular, so that was precisely what she would do.

At her command, the world darkened. The black void of a starless sky graced the heaves for the first time in over a thousand years. Luna rose into that air on magic alone. Her wings spread wide in a decorative arc, just like when her sister showed off at her Summer Sun Celebrations.

The moon greeted her, her magic, embracing it like a long lost friend with a thousand new and wonderful things to share. Eagerly her charge rushed into the sky taking its place between the curves of her wings.

The moon flashed brightly. A white light spilling from Luna's eyes. On the beat she slammed her hooves together, the titanic impact sounding like a thousand peels of thunder. The stars blazed into existence, all spiralling around the moon like a halo.

The crowd fell silent, awed with the majesty of her display. More importantly, Twilight’s eyes sparkled with amazement even as her muzzle twisted in a smug look of remembered satisfaction.

Backlit by her display, Luna thrust her horn forward. A massive lance of magic larger than she was, erupted forwards. Twilight did not even try to evade. Instead answered the challenge with a defiant smirk. A huge shield formed between them shaped like her element.

The Alicorn level attack crashed into the enormous magenta star and was repelled. It split, a large swath of sand was rendered to molten glass. The barrier dome on the other hoof did not even ripple.

Now the battle can really begin Lunas face twisted into a feral grin.

Blasts that could spill the heavens, blows that could shatter mountains, and spells of a magnitude not seen since the battle of Tirek were traded with abandon. Luna could not remember the last time she had felt so alive.

Luna howled in glee and swung her conjured scythe in a graceful arc, readying her horn to blast Twilight when she appeared from her teleport. This time there was no flash of magic. A lavender foreleg and part of Twilight’s muzzle spiralled down to the sand, trailing blood. If there was a single grain of sand down there not covered with their blood, Luna could not imagen where it was hiding.

Twilight was tiring, she had fought well, and had given as good as she got. The young Alicorn had stood up to Luna’s full might. Yes there were rules to this contest, yes Twilight had to use her Unicron magic to support everything she did to stand a chance, but still, it was amazing. But unfortunately, her foe was slowing, magical and physical exhaustion starting to set in.

Luna absently continued the fight, watching Twilight heal. See kept her attacks more extravagant than effective. Now how to end this? She would not have this end with Twilight simply collapsing.

Twilight’s eyes met her own and her magic flared. Her body blazed brightly. Her mane rippled like magenta fire. This would be as spectacular as it was fruitless. Luna smiled, at least it would make a fitting final-exchange.

A living projectile wrapped in fire and crackling with lightning rocketed towards her. Luna matched it, sheathing her self with armour of conjured ice and shadow. The sound of the collision alone burst Luna’s eardrums. The impact cracked half of Luna’s ribs.

Luna’s limbs shot out ensnaring her now fully depleted opponent. Trapping Twilight’s wings, she let them both fall. It only took a minor adjustment to make sure her foe hit first. Still entangled, they slammed into the arena floor. Glass shattered, and sand erupted into the air.

The near scalding heat of Twilight’s body pressed into her as Luna secured her pin. She deliberately positioned herself to allow Twilight’s broken body to heal correctly. Her aura reached within and like a puzzle repositioned individual fragments of bone to allow quicker healing.

Twilight lay still, her breathing ragged, her magic so depleted she could no longer even resist her flesh’s insistence call for oxygen.

Luna leaned down, placing the tip of her horn to Twilight bare exposed throat. “The match is mine” Luna whispered.

Twilight let her head fall back yielding. It was clearly as much physical effort as she could currently manage.

This mare pinned beneath her had blooded her, had made her earn this victory. Twilight had constructed the whole event for just one purpose. Simply to make this moment as perfect as possible for one temporally displaced mare.

Luna traced her horn light along Twilight’s neck, moving to whisper in her ear. “Thank you. I have not felt this alive for such a long time.”

Twilight’s face shifted to a wary but satisfied smile. Her eyes half-lidded as she stared up at Luna invitingly. Luna claimed her prize. Soft lips welcomed hers as blood-soaked wings embraced her.

This was truly the best night ever.

CH 37.3 Evening Fair Little Complications

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Cadance smiled, unable to hide that her eyes were slightly glazed. She still could not entirely conceal when she was focusing on her domain. Coloured heartlines twirled and shifted all over the palace. There was so much emotion that it seemed to make the air vibrate. The excitement and joy swirled around her, a happy background to the main event. She shifted a wing and watched the swirls and eddies ripple thought the energetic air.

Courting Alicorns were not something to be underestimated. When Cadance had started dating Shining Armor more than a dozen new relationships had started. All of them between those she happened to have spent time around. An Alicorn’s emotions could easily influence others unless they had total control of themselves. Two Alicorns when at least one was unstable almost did not bear thinking of.

Rarity let out her musical, elegant laugh. The white mare had her attention focused on Prince Blueblood an intensity to her eyes as she watched him. Blueblood still with his refined manners sat opposite Rarity, the two white ponies seeming a matched set as he happily shared tea and sandwiches with Rarity. Cadance could not help from shaking her head. She would never have seen that one coming.

To her sight, everything was just a mess of coloured lines twisting as they stretched between ponies both near and far. She focused in on the pair. The line between them was young and fresh. The misdeeds of the past were almost forgotten by Rarity’s generous nature, only leaving the faintest discolouration. Given time even that would fade. Blueblood's side had a touch of grey, a mix of sadness and sorrow, but the core was bright. He was truly trying to make amends.

Cadance ran some shipping calculations in her mind. Fifty-fifty that they either become good friends or start down a path to something deeper. She thought somewhat amazed at the result she had reached. Something fundamental had changed about the mortal prince, but what?

Blueblood got up, heading to one of the food stands. A flicker of movement drew her eyes. A whisper-thin strand of a connection trailed from him. Only visible as it cut in front of a brighter heartline. This oddity was far too thin for her to see what colour it was and yet still sharp and robust looking. It was almost as if she might cut herself upon it if she reached out for it. This was unnatural, anything that narrow should last no more than a few seconds. The strand spilt halfway one end headed to Luna the other to Twilight. Heartlines never lead to more than one pony. That would have to be a mystery she investigates another time. It seemed too weak to have any real effect.

She let her eyes follow Twilight and Luna’s as they made their way to the main arena. She was happy everything was going well between them. Her sister-in-law had played her cards almost perfectly, no doubt having Night within her had helped immensely. There had been a few moments where Cadance had worried one or the other was about to lose it and do something crazy. Each time one of their emotions going to a very dark place. Still, fortunately, they managed to restrain themselves before she had to get Shining to practice his special talent to keep the ponies of Ponyville safe.

When their daughter had attacked them with plushies of each other, it was a moment faithfully recorded in film.

Cadance focused in on the tangle of Heart-Lines between her sister in law and her aunt. It was hard to see in detail. There were far too many lines bright with devotion and gratitude from the parents of the foals Twilight had healed.

She had to block them out one by one so she could have a good look. Night’s and Dreams’ lines were the simplest. They had a thick pink strand of selfless love for Luna. Night’s tainted by sadness and Dreams’ marred by a bit of jealousy. It seemed a part of Dreams wished to keep Twilight all for herself.

I’m going to have to talk to her, maybe I should invite her over to my Bastion for a little chat after my next lesson with Night? Cadance thought.

Nova’s was little but raw passion and lust, but there was potential for that to grow into more.

Twilight was being dragged along by all the others. Well, all except Grey. Grey’s line was thin and dull, Cadance could just see that mare sitting in Twilight’s library, bored, simply waiting for this fair to be over so she could get back to her studies.

There were a few unique shades, Twilight’s deep respect for the Alicorn of the Night, her friendship and her own lust. There was a strong love, but it was the love between friends, companions. There was a total lack of anything that could be called true romantic love that did not start in either Night or Dreams. Fragments made everything far more complicated.

All and all, things could not have been going better.

With her senses paying attention to her domain, Shining Armor’s approach was like a second sun to her. The warmth and the rock-solid foundation of their shared love distracting her.

“Hey, Cady, about the budget. I think we need to spend some more on training our guards.”

She blinked her vision returning to normal as the visible lines between ponies retreated to where she was only subconsciously aware of them.

“Shining, I think we can talk about that tomorrow, I don’t think this fair is the right place for an official conversation anyway.”

Shining Armour looked like he might object. Cadance titled her head one ear moving just enough for him to see as she raised an eyebrow questingly.

“Alight, tomorrow then.”

She smiled lovingly. She really had him well trained. It had only taken a weak for him to learn the ‘push me on this and you’re on the couch’ look. Now the only question was how to bring up she had a thousand undying guards she could summon wherever and whenever she wished. That and the slowly growing number of crystal pegasus archers her first fragment was creating.

Perhaps she could play it off as an ancient defence of the Crystal Empire that she had inherited. In a way that was the truth, from a certain point of view at least. No, she did not want to be like Celestia, all secrets and plots. Yet on the other hoof, she dared not tell him the truth. If he knew how powerful she was, he would feel useless.

The sounds of the guards all stomping mixed with the peels of thunder added a primal energy to the duel her two fellow princesses were engaged in.

Cadance watched, a sinking feeling of inadequacies rising, tightening her chest. Watching the flow of battle, Twilight and Luna danced and flowed between moves. Each action, each strike, all adding to the work of art. It seemed she was even further behind in her combat training that she had initially thought. She was going to have to ask Night for some training during their next lesson.

The crowd of ponies watched enthralled, caught up in the excitement of the spectacle. More than a few dragged along stomping the ground to the beat.

A spike of negative emotion assaulted her. It slammed in her senses like a hammer. Rocking forward from the almost physical impact Cadance’s head whipped around. Her sight shifted to her domain as she let all her senses expand. There was a confusing mess of dark feelings.

Little Star sat with her friend on a cloud all frozen still, terror and revulsion radiated off them. Fear, confusion, panic, and an intense need to do something held back only by doubt over what to do.

Leaping into the air, she got halfway to them before she even needed to spread her wings.

Something being shown by Little Star’s magic transfixed Little Star and the CMC. Cadance moved to see what it was. It looked like some sort of scrying spell, showing the battle from a closer vantage point.

Luna swung a mace of glowing magic, Twilight’s leg snapped, jagged bones tearing through her coat. Cadance could feel her stomach churning, nausea attempting to evict the large number of snacks she had consumed from her body in the most direct manner.

Cadance flicked her eyes to the dome, within Twilight and Luna were still fighting, Twilight leg glowing red but looking whole. In the scrying window, Twilight’s leg was healing, the bones pulling themselves back into the correct shape.

This was not something anypony should be watching, let alone these four young ones. Cadance wrapped all four of them in her wings, her body blocking their view. “Everything is ok, nopony is hurt, just forget the bad things you saw today, ” She whispered to them.

Three of the four settled calmly in her embrace. One of them was still tense, shaking slightly. She looked down, meeting Little Star’s tearful eyes.

“Aunty Cadance, why did you lie to them?” Little Star asked in Whisper-Speak

“I… They are too young for the truth,” she replied in kind.

“The truth is the truth. How can you be too young for the truth?”

How was she going to answer that? She considered everything she knew about Little Star. She was a sweet foal, caring for others, but was overly logical. “When knowing it would cause harm or cause somepony to do something that would cause harm to them or others.”

“But you used mind control on them like…”

“Not mind control, It’s a gift Alicorns have, we have a duty to use it to help our ponies.”

“Help ponies by controlling them?”

It did sound bad when she put it like that. “We are meant to help make our ponies lives better, to make their suffering go away when we can and protect them, even from themselves.”

"How is this protecting them?"

“If they remember seeing this, they would have nightmares… probably for the rest of their lives and be terrified to go anywhere near both your mothers.”

“Have you looked at your mothers’ expressions? Can you see the smiles, the laughs?”

Little Star studied the scene both through her scrying window and not. She nodded. “Yes”

“To an Alicorn, that… that is just training… and it seems both your mothers like keeping their skills sharp. To them, this is just a game where they both know no permanent harm will be done.”

“So they are playing?”

“Yes… it’s not a game I would want to play, nor one they can safely play with others, but yes.” Her eyes tracked to the brutal carnage her fellow Princess’ were inflicting on each other. Cadance fought the shudder threatening to break her visage of calmness. The brutality made Luna's training seem as gentle as a lover’s embrace.

Little Star tilted her head in confusion. Looking so much like her mother did at that age “So… so they don’t hate each other?”

“No, of course not. I’m the Alicorn of Love, and I can see how they feel for each other… and even though I don’t understand why, this is only making them love each other more.”

Little Star looked to her wooden owl. “Whooo,” it said.

“Now close that thing, and if you must watch it, watch it as they intended you to, please.”

Luna and Twilight are going to have so much to answer for. Cadance thought secretly, glad that Luna was the Alicorn of dreams. With her soothing Alicorn power laced words ineffective, Little Star would have terrible nightmares tonight.

A small hoof began petting the owl. "Alright." Light Star said, the unedited view winking out of existence.

From under Cadance’s wing, Little Star watched the intended show the Alicorn duel was providing. The filly had an intense, inscrutable expression frozen on her face.

Cadance spent the rest of the fair perched on a cloud keeping four young ponies company.

CH 38 The Morning After

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“Why are you here?” A familiar mare’s voice demanded. The words pierced the last vestiges of sleep. Blueblood’s eyes shot open. Intense magenta eyes stared right into him. They were Twilight’s, and she was looking straight at him. Her lit horn lowered aiming right between his eyes. Her magic cast the room in harsh illumination.

Waves of arcane power radiated from her. A dull ache rattled through his horn in time. The energy so thick in the air, he tasted it. Tides of magic crushed him into the unfamiliar softness of a bed.

He threw himself back, or he tried to at least. His body failed to surge into motion. It had betrayed him. His eyes widened, and a spike of adrenaline shot through him. His heart hammered in his chest. He was doomed. Any moment now his life would flash before his eyes and he would die by whatever spell took Twilight’s fancy.

Two gentle hooves rested against him as Platinum Check spoke into his ear. Calm yourself, my Prince. Her majestic voice soothed him even with its edge of warning.

His breathing stilled on its own, and his body locked still. Unable to move, his eyes tracked the threat. What did I do? His mind raced. Everything had been going well, why would Twilight be threatening him now? Wait The scale of the pony threatening him was off. She was too small and also lacked wings. “Little Star?” He asked cautiously.

“Yes,” she said, her answer a simple cold confirmation of the fact.

Blueblood tried to look at her eyes, but continuously he found his gaze dragged to the deadly point of her small horn. “Why are you in my room?”

His small interrogator’s eyes narrowed. “This is not your room.” She stomped her little hoof, “This is a guest room.”

“And why do you think I would be in a guest room?” He asked, very much wishing he had suffered the indignity of sleeping in his carriage.

“I don't know. That is why I’m asking.” Little Star moved her lethally charged horn closer, the threat plain. His flesh tingled as the acrid smell of burning hair invaded his nostrils. “Are you a bad pony?” The foal’s voice was too calm and level. She either did not know or did not care how much damage the energy currently gathered in her horn could do if released.

He chose his next words carefully. If he failed, they might be his last. “I hope I am not a bad pony. Given how late the festivities finished, your mother graciously offered me and my entourage hospitality.”

“Oh, alright.” Little Star smiled. The magic in her horn discharged, a blinking flash of magic and she was gone.

Blueblood let out his breath in a long sigh. He had feared it could have been his last. He pressed his hoof to his chest. A twinge of stinging pain caused him to wince. The flesh under his hoof felt burnt and radiated heat. “She is one powerful foal.”

She is the daughter of two Alicorns, it is only to be expected, Platinum replied. Come, we should make you presentable for the day.

Blueblood just let himself lay there enjoying the fact he was still alive. Waking up to a deadly threat was undoubtedly a way to get the blood pumping. If not one, he would personally recommend.

He dragged himself from the bed. As his body slid over the silken fabric, it may have well been broken glass. A hundred things a noble should never say crossed his mind. He gritted his teeth, fixing his expression, finally setting his hooves heavily on the floor. He was a prince, and he would act as one. His determination did nothing to lessen the discomfort of his thaumaturgically abused flesh.

His motions were stiff as he strode to the ensuite bathroom. His eyes caught Platinum Check’s image in the mirror. As always she was expertly groomed and perfectly posed. If only she still had her physical body, she would make a suitable bride for any noble she wished.

Platinum Check smiled and offered a respectful dip of her head. “May I begin, my Prince?”

“You may.” He made his way towards the bath. “Thank you, Platinum.”

Her magic set about the task of making him presentable for one of his royal rank. Her touch was gentle, certainly kinder than his mother had ever been. Each motion or adjustment mindful of his tender skin.

“Close your eyes, my Prince.” She said.

He obeyed, letting her ministrations calm him. Icey hooves trailed over his body. The chill lingered soothing his flesh and brought relief from the pain and frayed nerves both.

Blueblood regarded his reflection in the crystal wall. His regal self looked back, not a single hair out of place. He had no clue what magic she had used to restore his singed mane and coat, but he could not argue with the results. Even after so little time, it was a pleasure to be rid of the first degree mana burns inflicted upon him by Little Star.

He strode confidently along the wide crystal halls of Twilight’s castle. His six guards flanked him. Not quite looking the part of the parade perfect yet. They were very different from the unicorns he used to have, but after seeing them compete yesterday, he had far more faith in their ability to keep him safe. The discordant clacking of their hooves made his ears want to flatten. Their metal shod hooves made harsher sounds than his own. He had faith in their effectiveness, but they would have to learn to walk in step, or he would need to get them padded hoof covers.

Hmm, It would be very interesting to find out how such a Castle came to be. Platinum said as she walked beside him. It was still odd she was only visible in the reflection despite her scent and the radiated warmth of her body still being very much felt.

He met her eyes in the crystal surface. He thought back to magic lessons he had shared with Celestia, the ones she had taken from his mind to a time when she had considered him to be worthy. A suitable Stallion for Princess Cadance before she had adopted her as her niece. It bears similarity to the Crystal Empire, perhaps it grew from an artefact, something like the Crystal Heart?

It is strange, Cadance and Twilight both get a crystal throne gifted to them by the very powers of the world, and Celestia does not?

He left the royal guest rooms, his mind still ruminating on what that could mean. Subtle magics sent a soft tingle along his horn as he left the standard privacy spells. Suddenly the sounds of small hoofs hammering in the hard floor gave him barely enough warning to step back. A ball followed by a dozen foals stampeded past.

A snigger from behind made his ear twitch. “Sorry, Sir.” One of his guards said.

“It is fine,” Blueblood looked back at the brute of an earthpony.

Earth Breaker. Platinum provided.

“Earth Breaker. I will confess that would have been a most embarrassing way to meet one’s end, under the hooves of a small herd of foals,” Blueblood could not stop imagining how the reporters would react, the headlines they would write. A small laugh escaped him at the absurdity of it.

Earth Breaker’s lips twitched a twinkle in his eyes “Aye, as you say, Sir.”

Blueblood continued on his way, keeping his senses trained. Many hooves clicked on crystal floors as babbles of conversations drowned each other out. He tried to count them, ten, twenty, more unique voices. This must be more than she saved. “It sounds like market day in here,” He said to himself. It had been over a decade since he had even been near one. Everything he wanted was acquired by servants, it was beneath him to be seen in such places, or so he had thought.

“Aye, Sir,” Earth Breaker answered. It seemed he believed he had speaking privileges. Blueblood considered for a moment. That was the old him speaking. Did he want his guard to be just well trained yes ponies? No, No, he did not. Ponies he could trust, ponies he could talk to and most importantly, ponies he could count to telling him if he was about to make a mistake.

His group approached a T-junction. The clapping of dozens of hooves and slapping of what sounded like feet rapidly approached from the right. These hooves sounded heavier and were likely all adults. He had learned his lesson, He slowed and paused. He would let them pass. Despite how much a part of him rebelled at even considering giving way.

Earth Breaker and Mithril Horn, one of his two unicorn guards, moved up beside him. Ready to guard him against any threat from the front.

A small purple dragon scurried past, a small host of ponies following him. Each of them was wearing a simple tabard in Twilight’s lavender embellished with silver.

"These are the guest rooms, the ones to the left are where the V.I.P.s go,” Spike said. He pointed a claw almost directly at Blueblood, hurrying on without even really seeing him.

Some of Twilight’s ponies stared at him, one even gapped, jaw seeing if it was able to fall to the floor.

From her place beside him, Platinum Check observed Twilight has done well here, surrounding herself with those who owe her everything. There will not be a single traitor amongst them.

She was right. Whether spreading friendship or masterful manipulation, it had worked. With a few kind words and accepting non-unicorns, he had himself secured dedicated employees. Twilight, saving the lives of her new servants’ foals and turning the weak into the powerful, it was easy to see why they were all fanatically loyal to her.

A servant, book held in their mouth, galloped past. She chased after the procession of ponies led by the dragon. "Master Spike, where does this book go?" They somehow shouted. It still made no sense how Earthponies could talk like that.

Blueblood eyes widened, a distinctive yellow and red sun rising emblazoned the book in question. Sunset’s journal here? How did Twilight get it? Sunset never went anywhere without it.

Spike stretched out his claw. "I’ll take that one."

Sunset Shimmer, I wonder what she did to be deemed unworthy of staying by Celestia's side? Platinum said.

It could have been many things, she was a pyromaniac. Power-hungry and understood the games nobles play. Even then she would ruin somepony either with words or her own power.

She sounds like she could make a good ally.

I am afraid she disappeared, nopony knows where she is. From what I learnt about my Auntie… I fear she may be dead or remade into one of her personality-less guards.

That would be one way to have her power at hoof. Platinum commented.

Blueblood placed one hoof in front of the other listening to the sound they made on the crystal floor. Every day he found a new secret, something deliberately concealed by his Auntie. Was he the only one with his eyes opened to the truth?

The bat… thestral guards pushed the doors open as he approached. Their slit eyes watched him, their pupils narrowed to mere slivers of black in gold as the sunlight came in.

Outside, ponies dragged their hooves as they diligently laboured unmaking the archaic visage of the night before. Decorations, stands and equipment from the contests were carefully being gathered and packed away, ready for next year. Few of the yawning masses had any real energy. Blueblood’s jaw tightened trying and failing to resist his own wide-mouthed yawn.

A large opaque dome blocked his view. The arena’s protective spell was now entirely black, not allowing a single look inside. His eyes lingered on it. Why was it still up, what was hidden inside? He shook his head, he currently had no way to know.

Buying the land from the mayor in town had proved to be easy, all she had checked was that he had Twilight’s permission. The addition Twilight had added to the paperwork was a stroke of genius. Twilight reserved the right to claim the land as hers in three cases. For the safety of the town, taxes were defaulted on, or if the owner was convicted of any major crime. That combined with noble privileges being suspended within Ponyville’s limits meant that a lot of nobility that might try to move here to get into Twilight’s good graces might fall foul of this and have their investments simply taken away from them for acting as they had become accustomed to. It was good that if only on a technicality his own privileges counted as royal, if only just. Not that he had any intention of crossing Twilight. His mind went back to the duel last night between the two Alicorns.

He collected his guards and prepared them to head back to Canterlot, back once more in range of Celestia. Just that one look of contempt she had on her muzzle, the one she made everypony else forget, sent a chill along his spine. Despite how much he wanted to stay here, safe, he had to return. Staying in character as the spoiled Blueblood, he had no reason to remain. He could not even get the remarkable local construction company to work on his planned building. They were too busy turning Noble Guide’s pipe dream of a brand new settlement into a reality. If their reputation was deserved, the first completed buildings would be ready in days. If it was to be believed, they could completely rebuild Ponyville and restore it authentically within a week.

Blueblood raised his head and looked at the distant mountain on the horizon. His mind went back to the duel again. The fact his new property was a good distance to the side of the direct line between the two royal residents was somewhat reassuring.

As impressive as the display was, the main thing it provided him was a reason why no sane pony would ever cross any Alicorn, nor get between two that were angry with each other. The other nobles he used to call friends and allies did not know what they were playing with. Even Twilight, the youngest and supposedly the weakest and least experienced of the Alicorns, proved yesterday she was more than capable of crushing him with a single hoof.

Platinum Check’s reassuring warmth slipped up beside him, unseen in anything but reflections, but very definitely there. Do not worry, my Prince. So long as we are careful, you have nothing to fear from that solar tyrant. I will keep you safe.

A flash of magenta drew his eyes down to the dome. A swirl of magical patterns rippled over its surface as Twilight's daughter walked out of it, a common bucket looking comically oversized held in her mouth. He shook his head. I don't even want to know what she is up to.

The great city of Canterlot drew closer, its gleaming whites and golds reaching the heavens perched atop the highest mountain as if a temple for the solar princess. From here Celestia had ruled unchecked for over a thousand years.

His legs tensed, he felt his body wanting to run. A humorous snort escaped him. Trying to run while held in the air by the power of his pegasus guards would be not only foalish it would possibly end with him having an unfortunate meeting with the ground.

His eyes found Celestia’s tower, it was still as beautiful as ever. Nothing looked different in the slightest. Only this time he knew the type of pony that lived there. Princess Celestia, the most holy of holies, the pony whose soul was meant to be as pure and radiant as her appearance, was a deceiver. She used forbidden magics simply to erase even the smallest hint that she was anything but perfect.

He let his gaze turn back to Ponyville. Now, so much smaller in the distance far below the majestic heights that was Canterlot. If he could, he would have commanded his guards to turn around and headed back there. Another pleasant tea shared with Rarity would be infinitely preferable to returning to his act.

As soon as he was back among his peers, his fellow nobles, he would have to put his mask on again, he would have to become the arrogant, dismissed, and as much as he hated to admit it, useless Blueblood everypony knew and despised.

He glanced at his mark, what did it even mean? His life lacked direction. The question was, how would he find his?

Hmm, Platinum Check’s voice broke the silence of the flight home, interrupting his self-reflections.


Look at the telescope on the tower.

The metal contraption stood out against the white stone of the towers. Rather than pointing at the heavens, it was lined up right with Ponyville.

“It seems Celestia might have observed Twilight and Luna’s grand display.”

Well, Princess Luna was not exactly subtle, the entire world must know something happened. Platinum commented.

Blueblood walked along the pristine streets of his home city, all but two of his guards dismissed. A Pegasus and an Eathpony accompanying him.

Everypony he could see looked tense. Some rushed around on the streets, not caring for how undignified it made them look. This was not the refined air of decorum he was used to.

Ponies trying to sell newspapers called out their headlines. “Nightmare Moon’s return, the end is neigh.” Another pony attempted to shout over the first. “Equestria Civil war?”

If Nightmare Moon had returned, they wouldn’t be able to be out here trying to sell papers about it. Platinum said.

Blueblood sighed, feeling a headache building behind his eyes already. Something, anything unexpected, happened and the papers jumped to the worst possible conclusion. Official royal information was considerably more reliable than the public newspaper’s lies and exaggerations. Even if Celestia could edit as she wished.

Canterlot’s best construction company listed a time in years for the simple four-story building he wanted in Ponyville. How could they take so long, the magnitude of the difference was almost inconceivable, to construct instead of the week the Ponyville group assured him they could do. Why did they have to be completely booked up?

“Look, if you want quality, it takes time. Were not some Mud ponies that are just going to slap something together and call it done.”

“That is an unacceptable time frame,” Blueblood said, taking his leave.

Outside, Earth Breaker spoke quietly. “I know of some good folks that might help you.”

Blueblood winced. “I know this sounds callused, but politics will not allow me to personally go to any lesser group. Would you be willing to contact them and gather the information?”

Earth Breaker saluted, and slipped into the crowd. He did look more the part with his correctly fitting uniform. Blueblood could not deny that Rarity did good work. It seemed all the ponies in Ponyville did good work. That could not be a coincidence, that much talent, overlooked right there in line-of-sight of Canterlot.

Whatever group he was heading to they would likely be far cheaper and more accepted in Ponyville than this tribalist unicorn only team, that said it would take a year and more than three-quarters of his yearly stipend.

Blueblood settled into the sinfully comfortable seating at the noble only club, killing time before the second half of day court began. A glass of wine swirled before him in magic, it would have been nice if it was his magic, but no, Platinum Check was helping him maintain his image. He could see her watching him in the distorted reflection of the surface of the wine glass, her horn lit.

Near silent hooves artfully made their way towards him. Flicking his eyes that way, he met eyes with the alluringly dressed servant sashaying towards him. She dropped into a low bow as her cerulean aura placed a silver platter down before him. Placed upon it was a folded note, the thick creamy paper likely worth more than her salary.

He glanced over it, its intricate watermark layered into its surface only meant one thing. It seemed his fellow nobles were planning something. Something big. He sighed. This day was going to prove to be interesting in all the wrong ways.

Platinum’s magic lifted it and elegantly unfolded and held it before him. He quickly scanned it, growing impatient with all the usual dribble and grandiose titles and pleasantries. He got halfway down the missive before there was any hint to the true purpose of the note.

And as the spokespony of the nobles to her Highness Princess Celestia, we are in agreement you shall pass on our demands to her. We, the noble ponies of Canterlot, demand that Princess Luna and Former Royal Student Twilight are summoned before the noble court to answer for their misdeeds and crimes against those of privileged blood.

His hoof lifted, he very nearly face-hooved, he managed to turn it into resting his hoof against his now hurting head and tried to massage away the building headache.

This was going to end badly.

Day court was late resuming. All the nobles that really counted were already in attendance. As he was the only one that was part of the royal family, it was he who had the duty to go and fetch his absent Auntie. This was not the first time he had to do this, but last time he was filled with a self-important zeal as he marched past all the guards that would stop anypony else. This time, only Platinum's steadying presence stopped his legs from shaking.

He advanced upon Princess Celestia’s study and lifted his hoof to knock. Two spears crossed before him, the metallic change forcing his ears to flatten. The two normally statue-like guards aimed their blank stares at him. “The Princess is not to be disturbed,” one of them said, Blueblood could barely make it out with his abused ears.

Blueblood blinked, they blocked him. That never happened. What was going on in that room?

“Please return to Day Court or wait silently over there.” The guard on the right jerked his head to a little seating alcove.

His hooves carried him away on their own, perhaps it was him in his dazed state, maybe it was Platinum’s guidance, he could not tell. His Auntie had said nothing to him before, but he had never been stopped by a mere guard. He elegantly sat and looked out the window at the beautiful visage of his home, his city. Being trapped by his duty in such close proximity to Celestia, Canterlot started to feel like his prison.

Why could I have not spent the day drinking tea with Rarity? He mentally lamented.

Staying in character, he made two more attempts to knock on the studies door. The guards denied him once more. They would not let him pass. His ears still rang from the clange their weapons made. They had gone so far as to not just cross their weapons before him, blocking his path again, but they had actually brandished them at him.

Staying in character or not, that message was unambiguous, if brutishly delivered. He would not be getting in any time soon.

Blueblood dispised being made to wait. The old him thought only lesser beings had to wait. He had been waiting outside his Aunts office for the last eight minutes. He counted every second.

He looked back to the guards. The pair were safely concealed under their armour’s enchantment. Were they just mind controlled puppets? Random ponies with memories altered to make them the perfect stock humourless guards? Could one of them even be the missing Sunset Shimmer?

The doors opened, wrapped in his Auntie’s golden aura. Even with such a light touch of her magic, he could feel the near burning pressure of it.

Blueblood looked at the commoners leaving, a mare, a stallion and their two children. He could not fathom why they were there, it was not like his Auntie to take visits.

Remember your act. Platinum said.

Blueblood made to enter the room and acted annoyed that the 'lesser' ponies did not immediately make way for him. Instead, they stood in the doorway, offering simpering thanks to his Auntie.

Blueblood stood to his full height and got ready to launch into his favoured ‘do you know who I am’ speech.

A flash of magic enveloped him, and suddenly he found himself inside his Auntie’s offices hidden from the commoners.

His Auntie smiled warmly at the common ponies, “Enjoy your lives, not many ponies get a second chance like you have..”

Remember, you can not let her know you have slipped from her control.

The Blueblood Princess Celestia created would not care about the common ponies response, so he spoke. “Auntie, I demand you…” A force crushed down around his muzzle holding it shut. Her magic’s brilliance feeling like his sensitive horn was plunged into boiling water. Pain shot through his body, his throat tightened with a restrained scream. Platinum’s calming touch seemed to freeze his body, hiding his suffering.

Celestia gently closed the door and then turned her full attention to him. She advanced. “Blueblood are you telling me that less than ten minutes or your time is worth more than seeing a father returned to his family? Multiple decades of happiness for them is worth less than a mere inconvenience for you?”

Celestia was now looming over him, like a predator looking at her prey. He did not know what to do, she was never like this. Her aura lifted him to her eye level. “I honestly do not know why I even keep you around.”

Platinum did nothing to stop his body, shaking from the very real fear clutching his heart. He fell, the impact softened by the decadently thick carpet.

The solar tyrant turned and strode out. Images of a much more civil exchange flashed before his eyes as that monster tried to alter his mind.

I am here for you, my Prince. Platinum Check’s soft voice whispered in his ear as he felt her tenderly embrace him. Under her caring touch, his body stood and respectfully followed Celestia.

Restless nobles gathered in clumps, some members flitting between one group and the next. Entire conversations happened with a slight tilt of the head or the raising of an eyebrow. Whenever Day Court was late starting, they simply used the time to play the game. Politics, secret trades and wielding their power over others.

Blueblood regally strode through the room taking his place, higher than any other noble but still lower than the Princess. A position that left him as the perfect shield and tool for both his fellows and the Princess.

These Nobility play their game and have no idea what the rules actually are.

He knew his expression was the perfect mask of mild contempt and self-entitlement.

Magic chimed as a golden aura opened the doors, the incessant chattering of the nobles falling silent as awareness of who was entering the room spread like a wave through the ponies.

Princess Celestia’s long strides languidly moved her towards her throne. She glided in, the elegant, stately movements belying the power in her large frame. His mind replayed one of the hoof-to-hoof exchanges from Princess Luna and Princess Twilight's Duel. The visible shockwaves and titanic booms when their hooves met. If Celestia had wanted to, she could have shaken the room with each hoof fall and not move as if gravity respected her too much to drag her to the ground like mere mortals.

Celestia settled upon her throne. A sneer wanted to find its way onto his muzzle. Princess Celestia was the only one that could arrive late without consequence, for her.

“Princess Celestia.” The noble bowed, the respectful action a mere formality.

“Yes, Gilded Star?” Celestia intoned.

“We have a matter most grave that needs addressing,” Gilded Star stated.

Celestia nodded, bidding him continue. An ornate scroll floated towards the princess in the noble’s aura. Celestia took it in her own, unfurling the scroll with an elegant flick and began to read.

Her eyes lifted, quickly sweeping the gathered nobles before aiming right at Gilded Star. “Are you sure you wish to do this? I caution you, this will not end well.”

“Yes, Princess Celestia.” The noble straightened, horn raised in a superior bearing. His aura held up a scroll. “I have a petition of the majority of the nobles. Our will is plain in this issue. Princess Luna and young Princess Twilight are to be summoned here tomorrow to answer for their actions. If they fail to attend, they shall be declared enemies of Equestria.”

The temperature in the room rose sharply. But strangely nopony seemed to notice. Celestia’s magic brushed his mind, and if it was not for Platinum’s protection, he knew that he would be oblivious to it too.

Celestia looked up, “We do hope you are ready for what you have invited upon yourselves.”

“Is that a threat, your majesty?”

Weariness sank into the Princess's eyes, the look of a tired mother. “No, merely a warning from a mare who has a few years under her wings.”

Gilded Star scoffed. “Princess Celestia, with all due respect, we are not foals.”

All maternal concern vanished from the solar princess, her body as still as a statue. Her hard eyes seemed like icy gemstones looking out from her perfect face.

“So be it.” The look of contempt that crossed the Princess muzzle for a split second was removed from everypony's memories a moment after.

Only Platinum Check kept Blueblood’s mind safe and secure.

CH 39.1 Message to Sunset

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The book vibrating snapped Sunset from studying her reflection in the window. Extracting it from her bag using her fingers as if she had them her entire life. She lay it on the table and casually flipped it open.

Sorry I could not get back to you sooner. A lot has happened since I last wrote to you, Sunset. I hope you are well. How have things been that side of the mirror? So much has happened here that I’m not sure where to start. I believe a list will be best.

If you knew the trouble these wings can cause, I don’t think you would ever have wanted them. Do you know Alicorns can't pass out from pain? I do, that was not a fun thing to find out.

Oh, and when you visit again, don’t be surprised if you find more ponies around. I have acquired a staff for the castle and have a personal guard now.

Sunset just started at the page. The few words spelled out dark and terrible things in Equestria, the land of sunshine and rainbows. How could this have happened there? She read the list, again and again, no she was not hallucinating. Twilight had nearly died. No, a Twilight had died. She stared at the page. The hornwriting calm and precise, not a single stroke from the quill misplaces. Just like every other message Twilight had written to her. She could have been talking about the weather.

Somebody almost killed her friend. The rest could wait. She had her pen out and was writing the most important question first.

Twilight are you alright? Are you Safe?

Oh, believe it or not, I’ve never been better. I arranged a historical fair yesterday and took Luna there for a date. It went perfectly.

Sunset looked to the ballpoint pen, noting the lack of dripping ink a quill might have caused.

So you have a daughter?

Yes, her name is Little Star.

How did that happen?

The Elements of Harmony. When we used the Elements of Harmony on Luna to separate her from Nightmare Moon, the contact between us led to the conception.

Twilight, that was years ago.

I know, and MSFS almost meant my Little Star was never born. I admit it was strange to have her be born about seven years old.

So you kind of dropped more than a few bombshells there, Twilight. And what’s this about Princess Celestia using mind magic on you, unless it's for healing purposes that’s illegal?

If you're an Alicorn Princess, it is perfectly legal. You would be surprised what I have the legal power to do. But to answer your question, how else do you think she made me think I was the original Twilight? I'm a copy she made from pieces of the dying Twilight’s soul.

So you're fine with this?

I did not start that way, but when I looked into how the original was killed and truly thought about why she did it. Yes, I understand what she did and why. I even think I would have done the same thing in her place.

There is even a funny side to this, do you know how they killed the original?

Do I want to know?

It's not that bad, it's even funny in a morbid way. They used a book, or more precisely a spell they gave her to study and learn. The spell was very complicated, interesting and powerful. The catch was, unless you're an Alicorn, the spell is fatal to the caster when it ends. The old me was killed by a book, ironic is it not?

Twilight, I'm not sure this is a joking matter.

Come on Sunset, it's like Celestia being eaten by a cake.

Sunset held the pen, unsure quite how to respond.

The scent of burnt paper tickled her nose. Smoke started to rise from the page, a few scorch marks browning the edge of the book.

Sunset watched as harsh lines clawed themselves upon the page.

Excuse me Sunset, I just need to put some nobles in their place.

Her insides clenched as she could not stop staring at those ominous last worlds. That was something more like she would have said when she was still evil. She traced a finger over the last message. “That’s not Twilight's horn writing…”

Sunset closed the book. Suddenly the upcoming exams and choosing what to do with the rest of her life after finals seemed to be much smaller problems.

“Twilight, please be alright.”

CH 39.2 (Over)Reactions

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Blueblood watched fear tightening his gut. This folly was something Celestia would normally have stopped and altered the minds of all involved. What did it mean that everypony still had their memories? Celestia casually ignored the nobles in the room, her elegant spire of a horn alight as a quill gracefully danced over the royal scroll. She finished signing with a flourish. Her eyes flicked over her work one last time with the focus of a hunting griffon.

“Princess,” Gilded Star stated “We…”

Celestia held up a silencing hoof. “One moment.” Nodding to herself, her aura began to roll her missive then paused. Her eyes focused on the less than flatteringly worded document Gilded Star had provided her. Quickly adding a last note to her letter with her own she rolled both up securing them with a ribbon and artfully tying it closed.

All it took was a small flash of her horn, the documents disintegrated into a cloud of smoke rapidly making its way to Twilight. It would arrive in only a few minutes at most. Reasons he might use to take his leave fluttered through his mind, each one rejected as being out of character for the old Blueblood.

Your name is not on that document. You have nothing to fear my Prince.

“Now that your ‘urgent’ business has been completed who was the first petitioner?” Celestia looked to a pony Blueblood could not remember the name of.

Gilded Star started as if struck, it only took a moment for him to recover. He was clearly about to launch into another rant. A single glance from Celestia was all it took to silence the words before they were spoken.

The new noble mare stepped forward and bowed. “Thank you, your Majesty, my request is simple. Given the current unrest and the dark forces about, I believe it would be most wise to allow the personal guard forces of the nobility to be allowed to assist with directly protecting the nation and enforcing the rule of law.

Celestia’s eyes focused on the mare. “It is commendable that you wish to volunteer your personal guards to help.” She paused thoughtfully. “But such forces are really too small to be of much use.”

The mare nodded enthusiastically, eagerness lighting her eyes. “That was my thoughts as well, your Majesty. Which is why I request the restriction on the size of our guards be lifted.”

Celestia slowly nodded. A contemplated look had refused each and every request to increase the legal size of the nobles personal guards and even in his lifetime had reduced the size twice. What is she thinking?

A warm smile settled on the solar Princess’ muzzle. “Yes, that is a wonderful idea. There will need to be a short training course for said guards so they are up to date with all current laws and responsibility for those guards acting in Equestria name.” She waved a hoof dismissively. “But for such highly trained individuals that should be little more than a week-long refresher course.”

“Thank you, Princess.” The Noblemare bowed.

“No, thank you, you have no idea how much this has the potential to help Equestria.”

The noble mare respectfully bowed again, more profoundly this time. She stepped back, managing to keep the look of victory off her face until she turned away from the Princess, making her way back to her place. Celestia’s eyes went to the next noble petitioner.

“Princess, I have a matter of utmost importance...” Unlike the other mare, this one launched into the full noble self-entitled pomp. The next ten minutes did not even see the fool speaking get past the introduction of their proposed law. If Blueblood had paid attention to the dull doublespeak correctly, it seemed they wanted to make any and all homeless into indentured workers. That life long fate for the oh so reasonable price of their freedom exchanged for basic housing and food. With what happened in Manehatten that would mean the entire population of the city would legally become little more than slaves.

The warm smile Celestia had with the last petition was long gone, replaced with nothing more than a clam detachment. Blueblood knew that Celestia was going to say no, and had to admire her patience for listening to this rubbish for this long.

A smile crept on to Celestia’s face as her gaze left the speaker and settled behind them. Blueblood's eyes followed the Solar Princess. She was focusing on an empty space in the center of the throne room. The speaker was so wrapped up in their words they did not notice. One by one those nobles, who were actually paying attention and were not asleep or dealing with their own preparations, eyes followed the Princess’.

A vibration started in his horn, slowly building. Celestia schooled her expression, sitting back, forcing her attention back upon the speaker. Murmuring started in the crowd of nobles. One or two of them were looking around in confusion as if they could sense something but did not know what. It was astounding that they were not panicking with how much power Blueblood could feel gathering in the throne room.

That, I believe, is Twilight, Platinum Check calmly announced.

A small point of light appeared, the magical pressure relented. The radiance was clearly Twilight’s magenta. You might want to look away. Platinum Check stated. Without a second thought, Blueblue glanced down at his own papers.

A moment later, the room trembled, static seemed to arc through the air. There was a clap of thunder, and with a brilliant flash, something was in the room. The weight of Twilight’s magic assaulted his horn. The discomfort forced Blueblood’s head lower further, almost pressing him to the floor. He screwed his eyes closed.

Platinum Check’s cool hoof rested on his horn. The smoothing chill sent a shiver down his spine as it lifted some of Twilight’s overbearing presence from him. He opened his eyes and looked up. Most of the nobles were blinking trying to recover from the temporary blindness of such a bright flash. A few had even fallen over. One seemed to have run into a wall in their panic.

Twilight was standing tall with wings flared aggressively, a heat haze rippling around her slowly fading. The carpet under her hooves lightly smouldered. Her hard eyes focused on Celestia for several long seconds, both remained motionless as if locked in a staredown. The tension hung so thick in the air you could cut it and yet none of the other nobles seemed to notice it. Blueblood was incredibly glad he was not currently between them.

"Princess Twilight." Celestia began respectfully. “We have to observe formalities, and technically they have the right to call you to account for your actions.”

Twilight’s eyes hardened for a second before softening just a touch. "As you say, Princess Celestia. I understand." She bowed her head fractionally, her horn glowed brightly. Then the glare seemed to implode, leaving nothing behind but a circular scorch mark on the red carpet and few rattling windows.

Celestia sighed, “That’s another set of wards I need to repair, I do hope you are happy, Gilded Star.”

“Princess Twilight should pay for it,” he declared.

“And she will, but tell me my little pony, where do you think her funds come from?” Celestia asked with an edge of coyness in her calm voice. “Like mine, her treasury is filled via taxes.” Celestia took on a thoughtful cast. “So to pay for all this, we will need more funds. Hmm,” she smiled at the inspiration apparently striking her. “I believe I have a solution. I just need to raise the higher tiers of Canterlot property tax, especially if you keep antagonising her.”

“That’s outrageous, You can’t do that!” Gilded Star erupted, as many nobles joined in voicing their discontent.

“Can’t I?” Celestia’s smile was beatific.

Gilded Star wilted under Celestia’s apparently kind gaze. His jaw worked a few seconds before any words managed to work their ways out his mouth. “With all due respect…”

Is she just playing with us? Blueblood thought.

Celestia peered down from her throne seeming unsure what she was looking at. "Why do I find that when one of you starts by saying that you mean anything but?"

An immortal has to find their entertainment where they can, or so I have been told/ Platinum Check mused beside him.

Gilded Star spent a few seconds regaining his composure. "You highness…"

A flash of magenta magic blazed into existence right before his eyes. Blueblood rocked back recoiling, hoof raised to shield his face. A sealed scroll fell past his muzzle, thudding softly onto the ground. Many startled cries caused him to look around. It seemed he was not the only one to be ‘attacked’ by a teleported scroll.

Platinum Check lifted the scroll and carefully broke the seal lifting the scroll to his eye level. Blueblood was paying no attention to it. His eyes were watching the sheer bedlam a simple rolled scroll had managed to cause amongst his fellow nobles. Most wore looks of outrage marring the perfection of their immaculate grooming. Gilded Star was cowering, his body trembling. Fancy Pants as a few others were calmly regarding the message they were already reading.

Noble Guide, like Blueblood himself, was secretly surveying the others. For a moment, their eyes met, Noble Guide offered a respectful nod which he returned.

Platinum Check rested a hoof on Blueblood’s withers. Don’t trust him She commanded with unexpected firmness. He did have to admit, Noble Guide did seem to be a bit too good to be true. Another flash of magenta light dragged Blueblood’s eyes back to Celestia.

One final scroll one appeared before Celestia. Her aura effortlessly captured it and with practised ease unfurled it before her. Her eyes rapidly flicked over it. “It would appear you have other business to prepare for.”

Slowly getting his composure back to Gilded Star stood. “Princess?”

“Twilight has used her prerogative as a Princess to rearranged her summons to half an hour from now.”

“She can’t do this, she has to consult with us.”

“No, she merely has to consult your schedule and as anything of any importance has to be filed with the royal administration, and as none of you have anything planned,” Celestia ignored the restless grumblings. “I suggest you make ready. She is likely to be very prompt sealing the door in now a little more than twenty-nine minutes.

They try to pull rank on Twilight, and she presses the point that she is Royalty and they are mere nobles. Platinum Check almost laughed.

Celestia looked to the court herald. “As the nobility will be busy, please invite the first common pony to make their petition, it seems many more of than usual will be seen today.”

Bedlam erupted as most of the nobles' voices rose as they started to try and argue their points. It was at least a ten-minute trot to the council chambers, and he doubted some of the nobles could make it there in less than twenty minutes. The Solar Princess watched the madness with a sly smile, once more using her mind magic to allow nopony to notice it.

Blueblood shook his head as he calmly made his way out. Grateful to leave the chaos behind. Was it possible Discord had slipped something into Celestia’s morning tea?

Blueblood arrived at his seat with more than five minutes to spare, refreshed and calm. He watched as a small stream of out of breath and dishevelled looking nobles were still streaming into the room. One even being carried in the aura of three of their servants. Blueblood shook his head, Bountiful Feast, may have managed the dutchie with the most food production in the nation, but that did not mean she needed to sample so much of it.

With one minute to spare Celestia gracefully strode into the room, her long legs swiftly carrying her to her appointed place. Luna walked out of the shadows taking her seat next to her sister. The large mug with inviting rich coffee and chocolate scent wafting off it was not the normal drink of choice for those here. A few muzzles twisted in contempt at the Night Princess’ choice of beverage, others were secretly looking between it and their own more refined drinks wondering if they had made the wrong choice.

There was something that rippled subtly distorting the air, almost like a magical distortion close to the Princess of the Night. Blueblood squinted, focusing on it, and slowly it resolved. Almost transparent in the air floating next to it was a bucket of something. With it visible, a new scent tempted him. A few hints of butter and salt just tickled his nose. Is that popcorn? He thought.

The peel of Platinum Check’s beautiful laughter danced through Blueblood’s mind. It would appear our dear Princess of the Night might need some lessons on taking things more seriously.

The snap of an overly loud teleport came from outside. Half a dozen nobles made their best impressions of a gallop as they dashed into the room. One collapsed just inside the door, a golden aura moved them aside before the stampede of nobility trampled them.

Twilight walked in, flanked by her hybrid Captain of the Guard on one side and a tall, dark, elegant green maned mare on the other. This other mare was laden with saddlebags clearly a servant or assistant of some kind.

Glancing behind her at the eight nobles walking further down the entrance hall Twilight lit her horn. The doors to the council chamber slammed shut behind her. "Shall we begin?" Twilight advanced to the center of the room, her aura enveloping the doors with a dizzying array of arcane symbols.

It seems none of us are leaving until Princess Twilight permits it.

Twilight rose up to her full height unbothered by her detractors. Surrounded on all sides by those that sought to accuse her, it seemed very much as if she had them exactly where she wanted them and not the other way around.

Papers rustled and the various nobles glared at each other, a silent conversation trying to volunteer each other to go first.

"If this proceeding is not underway in sixty seconds, we will throw you all in the dungeon for wasting royal time." Luna declared, not quite avoiding a yawn.

At ten seconds left, Gilded Star rose and began. "The newly endowed Princess.” He was clearly only adding the title as a formality, one that the slight twist of his expressions implied he really did not want to give. “Has proved time and again that she is both irresponsible and dangerous with her power.”

He paused, looked around the room and gauged his support before looking straight to Celestia. “If we look at the past week alone, she has caused major property damage in Canterlot and assaulted multiple noble houses in good standing. She is carrying out unauthorised medical magical experiments on the most unfortunate of ponies.”

Luna cleared her throat. “We believe you are mistaken.”

“We are not Princess Luna, one only has to look in Ponyville to see the abominations she is creating with her magic.”

Bloodblood’s ear twitched. Had he heard something? Twilight’s guard was looking directly at the golden necklace around Twilight’s neck.

“Abominations?" Luna pointed with her mug as if it were a weapon. "Are you implying those she blesses are abominations?”

“Blesses? You mean corrupting the natural order of life, what possible reason is there for extending the lives of those that fate itself has cursed?”

Crack. There was the sound again.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed glaring at gilded Star, her muzzle scrunched, her expression trying to pull into a snarl.

Twilight’s guard, Candice if Blueblood recalled the name correctly, looked at her. For a long moment it seemed something unspoken passed between them. With what looked like a supreme effort, Twilight smoothed the angry lines on her face. Once more becoming what one expected a princess to look like. Her features and pose regal and refined.

Crunch, Celestia’s ear twitched as Luna munched on some popcorn, everypony else seemingly unaware of the sounds. Luna moved the bucket closer to her sister, who subtly shook her head.

"Everything I have done has been within my power and my legal rights." Twilight nodded to the dark mare she had entered with.

A small swarm of paper leapt out of the dark mare’s saddlebags. One floated to each pony in the room.

"What is this?" Gilded Star asked.

"If you would even spend a moment to read it, you would have found out on your own. But as you don't have somepony by to read it for you, I will summarise." Despite her civil tone, Twilight’s contempt was obvious.

Gilded Star stomped a hoof, his eyes glaring at the princess of friendship. Twilight’s cold glare stripped him of some of his courage.

Twilight looked to Celestia, a small smile on her muzzle. Speaking more as if presenting to her teacher than the noble court. "On the document my seneschal provided, you will find all the laws that make everything I have done legal. Each with a notation of where it can be found in Equestria’s legal code."

Noble Guide rose and bowed to the gathered Princesses. "Your highness, may the court have some time to read through Princess Twilight's comprehensive work?"

"Of course." In a flash of magic a colossal stack of books thudded to the floor. "And here are all the books you shall need to confirm my work."

"Thank you, Princess."

Twilight walked over to princess Luna and sat next to her. The three Princesses quietly chatted amongst themselves. It was surreal watching all three princesses now enjoying popcorn, none of the other nobility in the room aware of it in the slightest. Concealed behind another illusion Luna draped a wing around Twilight.

Blueblood could not help but smile at the clear affection between the two Princesses. Turning his attention back to the matter at hoof, he looked at the paper before him. It appeared to be a comprehensive report. With how diligent Twilight had proven to be, he had no doubt everything would be in order.

He lifted his eyes to the nobles milling slowly sorting themselves into some semblance of order. They broke into groups chatting under privacy spells and few moving from group to group. Notably, Noble Guide seemed to be acting as some sort of relay, frequently moving between groups.

Blueblood summoned a servant and with a gesture, ordered some wine. If he was going to be in character, being bored and aloof from the study would fit well enough. He placed Twilight's report to the side and just watched the ponies around him work.

Even only sipping his wine, he was well onto his second glass when the nobles began to settle down.

Gilded Star took his position to address the court again. A smug look of confidence not quite hidden behind his mask of formality.

"Your highness. My fellow nobles, it's with great regret I have to withdraw most of our complaints about Princess Twilight Sparkle’s actions. But there is more than enough that still stand for this session to continue. In addition to other points, Princess Twilight's own research has drawn our attention to."

"Please enlighten us and your fellow nobles." Celestia said. The gleam in her eyes clear as she baited the trap.

"Why certainly, your Highness." Gilded Star bowed for once with total and honest respect.

Blueblood could not help but get lost in Gilded Star's complex legal acrobatics. Still, most of his points seemed to be mostly correct, and if Princess Twilight was anything other than a Princess, she could be exiled at the very least. Some of her past actions that were brought up should have had her in hot water, but as she was now a princess, they were legally non-issues.

Gilded Star finally seemed to be coming to his conclusion. Standing tall and with a sweeping gesture around the court that ended with a hoof thrust towards Princess Twilight, he launched into his next point with glee. “And I put to the court that the so-called foal is in fact merely a magical construct. As it was not approved by the magical review board, and as it is over the safe magical limits as defined by article fourteen subsection thirteen of the self animated construct legislation we have but one option.“ He paused for dramatic effect. “The immediate destruction of this dangerous creation.”


A small crowd of nobles stomped their hooves in support. Twilight trembled, speechless, motes of flames flicking in her eyes.

Gilded Star smiled victoriously, raising his head proudly, he continued in an imperious tone. “Now I already have a mage slayer force specially equipped to deal with this abomination Twilight has created.”


Twilight’s heavy golden necklace shattered in an explosion of metal. “YOU DARE TO THREATEN MY DAUGHTER!” Twilight roared with the full force of the Royal Canterlot Voice. Her wings violently snapped open. All the colour drained from her coat as her mane erupted into blazing flames. Eyes full of murderous intent locked onto Gilded Star.

The flaming alabaster thing in Twilight’s place snarled stepping forward, flames whipping around her as she launched herself at the now terrified Gilded Star.

The snarling beast slammed into a plane of golden light, the flames around her whipped past it hungrily seeking out flesh to burn.

A golden halberd flashed into existence, sweeping an arc, lashing out and knocking Twilight back and parting the wave of fire that surged towards the defenceless nobles.

With a blur of motion, Celestia stood defensively, wings spread, her weapon‘s point leveled at Twilight's chest. The Screams of panic that sundered the air were utterly ignored by the two forces of nature staring each other down. Blueblood wanted to run, wanted to get out of here. Twilight’s and Luna’s duel had been a game, sport. This looked like it was going to become far too real all too soon.

They just stopped, each noble carelessly dropped prone, their limbs held tight to them, their forelimbs wrapped protectively around their heads. Blueblood felt his body also doing the same, this time Platinum Check doing nothing to resist Celestia’s mind magic compelling him.


Worry not, my Prince, we are just playing along. Now is not the time to take needless chances.

Twilight snarled, now only a feral animal thing. Blueblood peaked out from between his hooves. The fire around Twilight roared, burning the ceiling and cracking the marble around her as she advanced like a rabid wolf towards Celestia. The solar Princess stood firm. “Twilight, please stop this,” Celestia demanded. “Don't make me do this, not again.” She added pleadingly.

Nothing but hate and death looked out from the demon's eyes. Her leg muscles bunched as she prepared to pounce at Celestia, fangs bared.

A pale blur darted towards Twilight, breaching Twilight's flames. The guard mare’s feathers ignited, each a brilliant short-lived candle as her form plunged into the roiling conflagration vanishing from sight.

The flames froze, stilling as if replaced by a static illusion before fading. A blackened and charged thing had its forehooves around Twilight's neck.

The sizzling of cooking flesh were the only sounds that could be heard. Candice’s ruined body still so hot her skin was still cooking.

A dawning look of horror slowly began to fill Twilight's eyes. "No… no no I.." her hoof shot up and smacked her own face. "Now is not the time Twilight," she snarled at herself. Her eyes suddenly sharped, now alive and calculating. "Now, where were the best burn specialists again?” Her horn lit with a blazing magenta light. A sphere of light exploded around her and with a crack of thunder she was gone, along with some of the marble floor. Leaving only a ring of flames behind.

Celestia lowered the deadly point of her weapon.

With the danger over, Blueblood’s stomach lurched. The scent of burnt hair and cooked meat filled the chamber. He never wanted to know what dragon roasted pony smelled like and he very much wished he could forget. Trapped, unable to move his body. Platinum Check’s reassuring hoof was the only thing stopping him completely panicking.

"It seems she takes after you. Like teacher, like student, it seems." Luna's voice was teasing, but her eyes were as cold as the darkest windigo’s heart.

Celestia snorted. "This is not the time, Luna."

Luna approached Celestia. “It is good to see you still have good reflexes, Sister, or at least your Warmind does.”

Celestia’s nostrils flared as she took a deep breath. "You seem to be taking the possible death of one of your chosen well."

Luna lifted her wings in a shrug. “This was a lesson Twilight needed to learn, perhaps tis not the kindest way for her to have learned it, but it will certainly stick.”

“And you care not for the guard you took from me?”

“I did not say that. I do hope she lives.” Luna calmly offered her sister some popcorn which was ignored. “Yet she is mortal, her time will come eventually…” A deliberate smile formed on Luna's muzzle. “It would only mean I will have to wait till our duties are finally discharged to see her again.”

Celestia sighed and looked around at the fiery destruction. "It is not going to be economical to simply hide this."

“Then, Dear Sister, I suggest you come up with a convincing explanation.”

The white swan-like neck twisted elegantly around and the Solar Princess surveyed all the prone nobles.

Platinum Check’s hooves pressed firmly down, digging into his back, pinning him to the ground and holding him as still as a statue. Even his eyes were frozen still, just like the rest of the ponies in the room.

What was that thing? What happened to Twilight?

Don't threaten what an Alicorn loves.

Definitely words of wisdom to not die by.

CH 39.3 Misplaced Reactions 

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Cadance sat gazing through the window, her eyes blind to mundane things. Instead, she watched the coloured light and lines that made up her domains. She knew what she was doing might be considered spying on an official meeting. Yes, she was not invited to, but she did not care. She was keeping an eye out for Twilight.

Her aura lifted an exquisite wine glass. She ideally wondered what was more expensive, it or the liquid now within it. She cared little for the nobles and their pettiness. No, the connection between Twilight and Celestia held her attention. So far, in a bit more than an hour since she arrived, it had been slowly improving. The worry on Celestia’s side was fading, and from Twilight, the trust was returning. It was nowhere near the level it had been. A few little motes of humour dance back and forth their Heartline. Cadance smiled if they could share one of the virtues of harmony, then there was hope for them.

“Do you think Twily will be alright?” Shining Armor asked for the ninth time in the last half hour.

“Yes, Shinny, Twilight will be fine,” Candace said, resting a wing over him for a moment.

“I wish we could be there to give her support.”

“I know.” Cadance offered him a reassuring smile. He was not the only want that wanted them to be there right now. “But we are the rulers of the Crystal Empire and not of Equestria. We are visiting foreign dignitaries and not a true part of things here any more.”

Shining glanced out at Canterlot below them. His eyes found a guard patrol resplendent in their solar armour. Cadance did not need her emotional sense to know he missed being the Captain of the Guard. He was a good stallion, one of the best, but her Shinny was not born to be a ruler. His talent, his calling, was protecting his charges. With the amount of bureaucracy being a ruler often required, it was hard to be the hero he wanted to be.

White-hot anger, rage beyond anything she felt before slammed into her senses. Overwhelming almost everything else. Cadance staggered to the side. The sound of her glass of wine shattering on the floor reached her ears as the world tilted around her. “Cadance!” Shining Armor called out. His strong hooves held her as the world faded to black.

She reached and gripped Shining’s hoof, needing the reassurance. Needing to know he was still there. Slowly she breathed in. These were not her emotions. She would not be controlled by another’s feelings, no matter how powerful. Shining Armor spoke again, but his words were little more than the tickling of his breath against her coat.

“YOU DARE TO THREATEN MY DAUGHTER!” Twilight’s voice roared. Cadance could feel echoing down the Heartline connecting to her sister even as her ears rang from its sheer volume.

Everypony in Canterlot must have heard that. She thought. She knew immediately if Twilight was using the Royal Voice something major was happening. She needed to get her body to cooperate. She tried to stand but her limbs had no coordination. Apart from the fact her mind was still somewhat clear, It felt like she had far too much wine.

Get us there. Cadance pleaded in her mind, hoping one of her fragments, any of them would be able to aid her. Moments later, she felt her body roll, her legs lifting her off the ground, in a smooth motion.

The flickering firelight rippled along the golden mirrored surface of that hated infernal blade. She well knew its bite. She would need to be careful. Nova glared at the monster that killed her sisters, rage burned hot in her veins. She would kill her. She would rend Celestia apart with her own hooves. Something nagged at her mind as her body tensed, unfamiliar wings ignored as an irrelevant distraction. She would pay, and pay in blood. Her muzzle twisted into a snarl. Grey, Rule Breaker, Dancer, Sunchaser and Little Star would all be avenged.

Strong hooves gripped her. She thrashed, her hoof lashed out at the white muzzle in front of her. Impact rang through her leg. A plane of magic blocking her strike, She tried, again and again, and again. Cracks slowly formed in the obstruction.

Somepony was shouting at her, repeating something again and again. Something screamed inside her mind. This is not right. My muzzle is not white. I don’t have any blood sisters. I was born with my wings. Celestia has not killed my sisters. I do not hate her. This is not me. Her hoof lift one more time, and she looked at it. It was pink, very, definitely pink and not lavender or white. I’m not Nova. the realisation shocked her.

“Cadance?” Shining Armor asked.

Cadance looked down slowly, reluctant to see what she might have done. Shining Armor lay pinned beneath her, his shield spell fractured and cracked all over. “Oh Shiny, what have I done?”

Shining Armor's body untensed as he allowed his damaged protections to dissipate. His eyes shined with his love for her. Yes, there was confusion and worry, but nothing could rock the foundation of their love. “Nothing, I’m fine, but what happened to you and what about Twilight?” He asked, his hoof pointing to the window.

“Twilight!” Cadance’s eyes snapped to the window. The large hole blasted through the magically warded roof did not bode well. Smoke rose lazily from the roof opposite as if a dragon was taking a nap within the palace. Its surviving golden roof molten and slowly sliding down the wall.

She shook off her disbelief at what she was seeing and quickly rose, pulling her husband to his hooves, not caring about hiding her strength.

Grief, panic, sadness, and overwhelming guilt flooded in from Twilight. Another pulse of magic assaulted Cadance's abused sense. For the first time since having her leylines cleaned, perceiving a teleport hurt. She had no doubt Twilight was not in Canterlot anymore.

Cadance sank onto her haunches.“Twilight...”

Shining Armor pulled her into an embrace. "Whatever happened, we will both be there for her."

"I..." Cadance felt her throat go dry. She did not want to let the next words slip past her lips, but Shining was Twilight's brother. He deserved to know. "I think she killed somepony."

"We need to find her."

"I don't know where she teleported to." Cadance looked down. "With that much power and that much emotion, I'm not even sure she knew where she would end up."

Shining Armor turned and headed for the door. "Then we go to Celestia."

"There is no need for that.” Luna’s controlled tones interrupted. Metal clad hooves clicked on the marble floor as Luna emerged from a shadow. “Twilight is learning an important lesson."

"You call that a lesson?" Cadance had to call on all her many years of diplomatic training to keep her voice calm, her expression professional. The terrible emotional pain Twilight had felt still compelled her to find Twilight and comfort her as if she was the foal she used to sit.

A sad smile graced Luna's muzzle. "Yes, one I wished she learned another way."

"Princess, what exactly happened?" Shining Armor asked formally, but with steely resolve. Cadance could tell he would not take half-answers or evasions this time.

Luna told them.

CH 39.4 Noble Guide's Silver Lining

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Noble guide fraught his body. It felt like his very flesh was rebelling. His muscles were trying to slip free from his bones as his skin crawled and bit at him. Every step, every motion was agony, yet he could not let even the slightest hint of his discount show.

Celestia had kept them laying on the ground for hours perfectly still unable to move. Well he could have moved anytime he wished, but he dared not, Even the slightest twitch and it would have risked everything. Celestia finding out he was unaffected by her mind control would have signed his death warrant. He would be dead before he could blink.

The fools from RGIS were buzzing around asking everypony questions and examining everything in minute detail. Each answer he was forced to give them tore at his throat. He wanted to scream, to storm off but that would be out of character. All he would need would be a moment alone, and the agony could be gone. Somepony would notice if he acted out of character.

Celestia had been utterly ruthless concocting a fictional series of events. By her own hoof and magic, she made them, in effect, reality. The quiet tune she hummed as she mercilessly inflicted more harm and destruction was unnerving. It was as if the lives of the ponies were just some painting she was adding the finishing touches to.

The sizzle of burning flesh and crunching of a fracturing horn as she added to the authenticity had made Noble Guide want to flee. Celestia had coldly regarded her work as the beautiful features of one mare were marred by her magic. She was just one poor soul that was just too close to where Gilded Star had launched his supposed attack. Celestia’s vandalism of the flesh of her subjects was masterful, as terrible as the injuries looked, there was nothing that could not be healed given enough time and money.

His eyes went to Gilded Star, chained, bound and with his horn little more than a burnt stump. He ranted and raved all wail proclaiming Sombra’s return. If it were not for the fact Noble guide knew Gilded Star was not a cultist, he would have been utterly convinced. How many conspiracies in years past had just been Celestia cleaning house of those she no longer needed?

Celestia had filled everypony’s heads with completely fabricated memories of the events. Twilight being found innocent of all charges, the fictitious proof Little Star was a real flesh and blood pony and not a construct. The final masterful stroke was to have Gilded Star attempt to sacrifice himself to fuel an attack at the Noble Court. An attack which Twilight blocked. That final touch turned Twilight form the enraged attacker, to the hero that saved all the nobles. As far as everypony else knew Twilight had saved them, she was the hero once again.

Well played, Celestia. Even though you don’t know I am here, you have undermined many of my plans today.

This whole situation had escalated into something he could never have expected. He knew Celestia used mind magic, but he never even considered she could be so brutally pragmatic.

Gilded Star was a fool, but a useful one. Noble himself had carefully worked on and guided him into making his accusations against Twilight. He just had never expected Twilight to virtually ignite with burning rage. What happened to the cool, collected, self-assured mare he had exchanged words and spells with. What had changed since the Temple of the Hidden Path?

Twilight proved to be a master blood mage. Celestia, her mentor, was the supreme authority on mind magic. Luna fell to corrupting dark magic, becoming Nightmare Moon. Did every Alicorn have a specialisation in a branch of forbidden magic? He considered that for a moment. What would Cadance’s be?

The agent questioning him finally left, accosting another traumatised noble. Noble Guide eyes looked out the window gazing at the horizon. He could not see it yet but he knew a storm was on its way. Even with how much he hurt this situation had a silver lining With everything that happens here, all the princesses would be distracted. He fought back a smile. Knowing the suffering that would befall the princess soon made his current pain a little more tolerable.

Ch 40.1 A Spare Room

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"Insight?" The timid mare's voice was the first thing to break the silence.

Insight tried to open her currently non-existent eyes. She was lost and alone in this endless space devoid of sensations for she knew not how long. Yet again, she tried to reach out, seeking the comfort of the fragment Night left her. Insight had not even sensed her since Nova’s flames destroyed the spell brand supporting her dream. Luna's and Night’s gifts to her, both destroyed.

After searching around for what felt like hours, there was nothing around her. The voice had not repeated. She must have imagined it. Having been Candice’s other half for so long, being on her own was almost painful.

Having no body made it hard to tell how much time was passing. With no distractions, no breathing or heartbeat, all she had was her own thoughts. The complete lack of pain could be a bad sign or a good one. Insight refused to let herself consider the darker possibilities until there was proof. For now, all she could do was wait.

With nothing else to do, she imagined closing her eyes. She gathered her thoughts and slowly put them aside one by one. Finding her center, she let herself slip into a meditative trance.

"Insight?” The voice was back again. “Insight, can you hear me?" Desperation had started to seep into the voice. It sounded familiar, but she just could not place it. Who was it?

Hello? Her first attempt to speak failed, almost as if she could not find her voice.

“Insight, answer me.” The voice commanded, its tone laced with panic.

“Did it work? Did it succeed? Are they alright?” Each word that Insight said seemed to take a supreme effort of will to get out. With each syllable, she spoke, it seemed harder and harder to think. She tried to talk again, but her thoughts kept unravelling before she could form her reply.

A mass wrapped around her. A part of her idly wondered how she could feel pressure without a body. Frigid ice prodded in, violating the personal space her body should have been in. A shuddering gasp tore from her lungs, announcing she had a body again. A soft wing wrapped around her body. Warmth followed.

"Insight, I'm so sorry. I never meant to." The voice from before said. It took a few seconds, but then it came to her. It was Twilight’s voice.

Insight pressed against Twilight's body. The feeling of her and the scent slowly cementing the fact this was no delusion. Relief and concern flooded through her. “Twilight, are you alright?”

“I told you she would be more concerned about you,” Night’s colder calculating voice interrupted.

Twilight nodded as if in answer to both questions. “How are you?”

“At the moment, grateful you guys are alright, but what happened?” The nagging feeling, the lack of her other half hit Insight like a buck from an Earthpony. “Where’s Candice?”

The momentary silence lasted too long. Far too long for the answer to be good. Even without her sight, she could tell Twilight and Night shared a glance. “If you're considering hiding something from me, then don’t, just tell me the truth.”

Twilight clung to her, pulling her into a full-bodied hug. The alicorn's powerful body trembled as words tumbled over each other in a chaotic mess of panic, self-loathing and sobs. Insight nuzzled into the distraught mare, her own question put aside for now in exchange for comforting Twilight. ”I...I Killed her…”

"If that were true, I wouldn't be here either." Insight reasoned.

“Not true, but fortunately or unfortunately, Candice still lives.” Night said. Despite the harsh tone, Insight thought there was concern behind them.

"I'm guessing she was damaged far more than she anticipated."

“She does not even look like a pony anymore.” Twilight wailed.

Night sighed but extended her membraned wing over both of them.

"No matter what happened to her, know that she doesn't regret doing anything she had to do to save you from harm. As strong as you are, you wouldn't have survived an actual fight with Celestia."

Night huffed. “Not fighting like a mindless animal, Nova nearly got us both killed.”

"Though why she was defending those worthless excuses for ponies, I don’t understand.” Insight shook her head. “Threatening your daughter should be a capital crime." Insight would have killed them herself if they actually tried to follow through with the threat.

“As much as it pains me to say it.” Night almost snarled..” Celestia was in the right.”

"I'll concede that defending those idiots,"

Night chuckled harshly. “I doubt it was truly to protect them. No, the rest of the castle staff and even ponies of Canterlot in that direction carried more weight on her reasoning.”

"Oh, alright. That makes more sense. But, why did she threaten Twilight like that? That part makes no sense. She has more than enough power to just contain the attacks until Twilight calmed down. Why level an artefact weapon at her?"

"You think Celestia would act that decisively?” Night’s laughter shook Insight.

"Did you not see the lethal cold look in Celestia's eyes?"

“You think that was Celestia looking out of them?"

"Either that or her Warmind, and if it was that, then Twilight was in even more danger."

“Yes, I believe that was her Warmind. It has always acted decisively and efficiently. Do remember that dear sister,” Night almost spat the name. “Hoards her magic, summoning the weapon was likely the most energy-efficient way to deflect that attack in time.”

"She looked like she was going to cut Twilight down. If she didn't have that look in her eyes, Candice wouldn't have done what she did," Insight stated.

“Then Candice was a fool.” Night said slowly. “If Celestia wanted Twilight dead, then it would have been over before Candice could have even reacted.”

Insight bristled, Candice saved Twilight, why would Night not accept that? She did her best to stay calm, but she could hear the edge to her tone. "I'm not saying she wanted her dead, I'm saying Nova might have not given her a choice. That neither Celestia nor her Warmind were in no mood to give any leeway."

“Celestia invested too much in her faithful student.” Night retorted. “The Warmind would have simply cut off Twilight's limbs and horn, but left her alive.”

Twilight shuddered, ears turning away as if trying not to listen. She clung to Insight tighter. It was good her body was only a construct. The strength of the embrace would have been lethal to an ordinary unicorn.

"That artefact weapon looked like it would have made sure those injuries were permanent." Insight added as calmly as she could. Not seeking to add to her beloved’s distress.

“Like most mortals,” Night said the word like an insult. “You underestimate how hard we are to kill.”

"I didn't say kill, I'm saying maim. Permanently.” Insight nearly snapped. Was Night purposely twisting what Insight was saying? “Now, are you done making Twilight feel even worse? This isn't helping her."

Night's voice took on an icy coldness. Twilight vanished from the embrace, only Night's leather wing now held Insight. “And if you truly cared about that you would have left your last comments unsaid.” Night sighed. "We should get you settled, Luna still requires your services.”

"I do truly care. But, you're right in that it should have gone unsaid.” Insight admitted. Though she knew, Night wasn't going to win this argument. “But you don't know what went through Candice's mind. I do."

Even in her current blindness Insight could feel Night's eyes on her. “Oh?"

"She wasn't a fool to try and save Twilight from what looked like would have been permanent injury or death. And yes, taking her apart and rebuilding her, again, would have been killing the Twilight we know and both love."

Something seemed to shift in Night’s posture. A moment later she laughed, a deep amused rumble. “You two are just precious,” The thestral-like wing pulled Insight into a hug. “We appreciate your sentiment, we really do.”

"She only intended to distract Nova with a kiss. The only part Candice miscalculated was the amount of damage she would suffer. She even used all the Alicorn magic she had saved up to fortify her. She was expecting to have to regrow her feathers and some fur at most."

“You're both lucky to even still exist,” Night snarled. She inhaled a long breath, calming her tone and expression to controlled neutrality. “Celestia's intent was not lethal, but Twilight's was. Candice stepped into magic meant to be a threat to Celestia.” Night sighed, rising to her hooves. “Now get up. We need to get you to your new post.”

With each step, each hoof fall, she could feel herself moving away from something important. Insight could feel the distance weighing on her. Even if she could not truly sense Candice currently, she knew who she was leaving behind.

As if suddenly opening her eyes, sight returned. Ominous storm clouds roiled across the havens, a seemingly endless obsidian plane stretched out before her. Less than a mile away, a colossal tree reached for the sky. If the perspective was correct, it was at least the size of Canterlot.

Her eyes opened in a bit of surprise. "I'm pretty sure Golden Oaks Library wasn't that big. Is this Twilight's bastion?"

Night nodded towards the single door at its base. “Think you can make it from here?”

Checking herself over, her body that she knew was a mental projection felt real. If it was not for the fact she knew she had no body of her own, she would be certain this form was now real flesh and blood. "I think so. Can I teleport in here, like I could in the dreamscape before it got destroyed?"

“That is Twilight's Bastion,” Night pointed to the tree with a wing. “Everything in here behaves as per her knowledge of reality. In some ways, it's more real than the physical realm.”

Insight tried to light her horn. Nothing happened. "If this body is in shape, yes, I can make it. Though apparently my sense of magic is gone.”

“You have a horn, do you not?”

"That's not what I mean. I meant that my feeling of having my own magic isn't here anymore. I know it was faked in the dreamscape, so I had a sense of having my own. Now, I can't even light my horn."

“This is a real location, not merely a dream. You need real power to have magic here.” Night explained.

"That makes sense. I guess there won't be any teleporting around then.” Insight paused, looking to Night. “Where is your fragment by the way? I lost contact with her when the flames destroyed the dreamscape."

Night stilled, her tone became deadly calm. “Holding the embers of Candice’s soul together. In essence, that fragment is dead, her existence traded to preserve that brash foal."

"You know she would pay any price,"

“Yes, she would pay any price,” Night spat.

"Will you stop interrupting me!“ Insight saw Night turn and glare at her, but she refused to be interrupted again. “You've done that multiple times now, yet I haven't done that to you.”

“You insolent mortal.” Night growled. Her whole body tensed, clearly ready for violence. Thunder crashed in the heavens above. “Do you know how much what happened to Candice hurt Twilight?”

The clouds caught her attention, it seemed Night’s moods affected the weather like Luna’s did. “So you do actually care.” Insight’s eyes softened as she looked to the one she still loved.

A nearly crushing aura enveloped Insight. Night’s magic was vibrating with barely contained rage. Two slits stared from luminous eyes into Insight’s very soul. A murderous storm of ice cold rage danced behind them, seeking any outlet, any deserving target.



The Alicorn magic backed command stole the rest of Insight's words leaving the most important bit unspoken. still love you, Night. Still, she tried to communicate them with her eyes alone.

Night held Insight's gaze with murderous eyes. A was a long few seconds later the blazing eyes dimed. With a wing, Night pointed below. “Look.” The words came out bitter and tired.

The reflections beneath her hooves began to alter. No longer were just the storm clouds reflected. A scene of Twilight’s bedroom revealed itself.

Nova’s flames had not been kind, Candice’s form was unrecognisable. With her coat, mane and feathers all burnt away, only her hooves and bodily form even identified her as still a pony. Insight’s eyes found Candice’s cutiemark, still visible despite the damage. So long as that was still there, there was a chance. Her soul was still in this realm, still clinging to life within her body.

Insight’s focus narrowed, leaving her emotional responses behind. Her mind focused on the problem before her. Analysing the clinical details, everything she had read, everything she knew was leveraged to determine what was needed to save Candice.

Candice lay motionless, unbreathing. That would be a concern if it was not for the work of artificing around her. She was perfectly positioned in the center of the bed. The same bed Little Star and Candice had worked on to accelerated time, to hasten Twilight's recovery. The crystal and metal twisted into intricate patterns of spell runes surrounding her and were precisely crafted to amplify and reverse the effect. A quick calculation revealed Candice would experience only a single second over the next thousand years.

Insight was relieved, for now at least, Candice was alive. She let herself examine the rest of Twilight's room. It was a mess things were thrown aside or torn apart. Anything and everything needed was cannibalised to make the artefact preserving Candice. Amongst the ruined room, Twilight lay upon the floor, dishevelled. The ash from Candice's flesh still soiled her coat.

A subtle motion of unsoiled lavender drew Insight’s eye. Little Star was stealthily looking in from the doorway. She bit her lower lip, worry and indecision marring her normally adorable face as she looked between Candice and Twilight.

Night's aura faded, Insight felt gravity reassert itself as she hit the ground. “I need to see my daughter.” Night flicked her wing to the library's door. “Just remember to knock, it's not a public library.”

Insight nodded as Night sunk through the floor. In the reflection below, Twilight’s body stirred and quickly rose, messy lavender wings wrapped Little Star in an embrace. It was good to see the little filly being cared for. That was infinitely more important than Night and her continuing their argument. Insight’s hoof rapped on the door, the muffled sound spoke volumes about how reinforced the door must be.

The clunks of mechanical locks being unlocked and bolts being slid aside mixed with chimes and fizzes as wards were being undone. Whatever was behind this door was currently well defended. A silver aura enveloped the door and casually opened it, revealing a stunningly beautiful blue-coated Alicorn. Her flowing silver mane and tail moving only slightly unnaturally. “It’s not often I get visitors here, or is this a stray I find at my door?” She asked with a warm smile.

“Hello, Dreams.” Insight said politely. “It seems I am homeless for a while until some healing happens. May I come in?”

“You are not homeless,” Dreams gracefully stood aside, an elegant sweep of her wings inviting her in. “This is merely a… respite before you will be able to return home.”

Insight gratefully stepped inside the large central chamber of Twilight's library. Even at first glance, the multiple levels held more books than she had seen in any other single location. “Thank you for the hospitality at least. The dream structure that Luna gifted us with was destroyed. That’s what I meant by saying I was homeless.” She managed to keep it from her voice, but all she wanted to do was curl up and be held. Today was not a good day, and Night’s reaction had not helped.

“Might I offer you some tea?”

Insight nodded, she didn’t have much use for it in her own mental space. Still, she was curious as to how that might work here in a place that operated according to Twilight’s understanding of reality.

Dreams laughed, soft and beautifully as she walked further in “Please don’t start with the experiments on this place quite yet.” She nodded her head to a small recessed reading nook off to one side. “Make yourself comfortable, and I will fetch the tea.”

Comfortable cushions surrounded a pair of coffee tables. A small multi-hued soft plush of Twilight sat upon one. A few blank scrolls on the other.

“Thank you. Though I wasn't planning any experiments.” Insight was confused as to comment.

“Yet…” Dreams said in parting, casually walking to the stairs.

“Even then, only those Twilight gives me permission for.” Dreams' comment actually did more to increase her curiosity than anything else.

By the way Dreams’ tail twitched as it disappeared up the stairs, it was easy to imagine she was restraining another laugh. The sounds of her hooves faded into the distance.

Insight sat down and looked around the place. It was much larger than any she had seen through Candice’s eyes before. This place was full of so much more than Luna's bastion was. Luna’s was a fortress standing firm, the stars, the dream spheres and Luna's paintings. Here, there were so many little touches that made this a home. Pictures of Twilight's friends hung on the walls, fresh flowers sat in vases, adding a calm and relaxing scent.

From behind a web of crossed spiked chains, the sounds of quills on parchment caught Insight’s attention. Despite the beauty of this place, some parts looked wrong. The web of chains and a heavily fortified golden door blocking access to two sections stood out. They did not fit here, they did not feel like they belonged. It was almost as if they were alien to Twilight’s Bastion or some sort of hostile intrusion.

“Hello, is somepony there?” She called, trying to peer through the tangles of sharp metal. For a moment, the scratching of the quill paused. Then redoubled, a single sheet of paper wrapped in an ashen aura floated into view, emerging from what looked like a wooden tunnel breaching the mess of jagged chains.

Insight did not even try her horn. She knew without Candice, she was powerless. Ignoring the hollow feeling that lack left in her, she walked to read the letter. As she drew near, she could start to see through the gaps in the chains. What appeared to be another wing of the library stretched out past it, stuffed full with scrolls, blackboards and books. Over two dozen quills frantically scribed away. The sounds of hooves approached from the other side. Every fourth one sounded different, more like wood on wood and not the expected clop of a hoof on the library’s floor.

Twilight's face, expressionless and greyed, looked out through the wooden tunnel at her. Her eyes were cold and bitter, but no hostility seemed to be aimed at Insight herself as the dispassionate eyes assessed her.

Insight read the letter that was floating there.

One Hundred percent chance Candice will continue her existence in some form. There is a non zero chance it will be here. Twilight is too distracted by her to allow her to die.

Insight nodded to what seemed to be a fragment of Twilight. “Thank you.” The grey Twilight turned, revealing a lack of wings on her sides as she ignored Insight and focused back on the mass of papers. ”I know Twilight is doing everything she can. I just hope with Candice’s quick thinking that there is enough left so that she can be fully functional again and not crippled for the rest of her existence.”

Without even looking up, the grey Twilight floated another scroll up, setting it down inside the tunnel. After that, they disappeared deeper into the crowded archive.

Insight reached in and fumbled the paper open to read it. The scroll revealed a full medical report of Candice, hundreds of thousands of words and fully illustrated diagrams. There was so much information it was hard to work out what was wrong with Candice and what was merely a complex and thorough description of a living pony.

Filtering through the basics and looking for information on Candice’s state of health, it became clear it would be easier to list what wasn’t wrong with Candice. Terminal Wellspring rupture lept out from the text. With that, all the rest of the injuries seemed insignificant. Insight blanched.

The scent of tea was the only warning Insight got before a large luxuriously soft blue wing wrapped around her. “It's not as bad as it seems. If Candice was not a chosen, it would be.” Sweet Dreams said.

Insight leaned into the embrace and sighed. “I hope so. I know she is far more resilient mentally than she is physically. But I hope that something like this doesn’t break her. One of her worst fears is being forced to rely on others for basic needs.”

Dreams’ warm nuzzle felt maternal, comfort and love given physical form. Insight allowed herself to just lose herself in it. It had been too long since she had ever felt anything like that. She could not even remember what her parents looked like.

Dreams turned her attention to Grey, her silver aura placing a cup of tea and a plate of daisy sandwiches in the tunnel. ”Thank you for keeping Insight company, Grey. Please remember that sometimes the truth needs some context or a bit of kindness in how it's delivered.”

Somehow, Insight found herself laying wrapped in Dreams’ wings with no inkling how much time had passed. She felt calm, mentally collected, even as she could feel the tear tracks damp upon her face.

Insight looked up, finding Dreams’ soft, caring eyes. “Are you trying to earn yourself another pony to love?”

“No,” Dreams’ response was cool but not harsh. “This was just something you needed. I would be a poor host if I did not look after my guests.”

“I’m not sure what I’m more grateful for, you being here for Twilight when she needed it, or you being here for me right now.”

Dreams’ wing lightly trailed down Insight’s back. Repeatedly tracing a path through her coat in a simple, reassuring gesture. “Now if you sit up, we can enjoy that tea.”

Insight did as requested but didn’t lose the opportunity to give Dreams a loving nuzzle. If Dreams was Twilight’s lover, then she was family, at least.

Dreams leaned in, and her enchanting voice whispered in Insight's ear. “I am dedicated to My Twilight, I am afraid. I hope I'm not dashing your dreams too much.”

“If you can accept that I love her too, and hope for her to be happy with those she loves, then at least we are on the same team.”

Dreams nodded, “Just please keep your hooves off her in here. I can accept she has lovers out there.” She pointed towards the main door. “But in here, in here is special.” Her voice and touch were still warm and material, but a dark promise hid within Dreams’ eyes. Twilight was hers, and it seemed very much that there would be no limit what this Alicorn would do to keep it that way.

“What’s out there is special too. I won’t start anything, but I’m not going to turn down her advances if she chooses to do something.”

Dreams smiled with a hint of fangs. “Then I believe we understand each other.”

“Now who’s trying to seduce who here?”

“Lulu still up to her games?” Dreams shook her head for a moment.

“Not Luna so much as Night.” Insight loved the feeling of Night’s fangs, she did not even try to hide the thoughts Dreams’ own brought to mind.

“I won't offer you that,” her eyes softened, “I'm sorry.” The fangs vanished, and the mother Insight never had, was back. “Now, how do you take your tea?”

“You already stated you are dedicated to Twilight. I’m not going to do anything to dishonour that.”

“That's still not answering my question, we are talking about tea, my dear.”

“I like mine, Sweet.”

“Honey or sugar?” Dreams aura held up both.

“Either, I’m not picky.”

Dreams sighed. “If you are intending to be Twilight’s companion out there, you are going to have to learn more about teas, and have justifiable opinions and preferences.”

“Not like I have a body out there.”

Dreams laughed as her magic prepared two cups of tea, adding both sugar and honey to both. “Nor does Twilight, Nor I.”

“Twilight does, though. Just Night has control of it right now.”

“She traded it to Night, Night owns the body,” Dreams said, watching over her drink.

“Only so long as Night doesn’t break the contract. That isn’t the same as actually owning it. Besides, Twilight has control of the body often enough that she does have A body to use out there. I don’t.”

Dreams looked at her thoughtfully. “Well, before I forget, I was given something for you.” She reached under her wing and pulled out a thin silver chain. Luna’s mark seemed to be formed from luminous moonlight. “From Luna.”

“Thank you. What is it?” Insight took it in her hoof. Immediately a rush of power flowed through her, Luna’s familiar cool magic filling that hollow void inside. Her horn tingled, and cyan sparks shot from it, answering her question.

“You still have work to do.”

Insight nodded, grateful to have access to magic again.

Dreams rested a hoof on Insight’s cheek. “Your duties are far more important than Candice’s. Twilight will have many guards. Many that protect her life. You are the last contact many souls will have before they pass on.” Dreams lips brushed Insight’s forehead in gentle affection. “Thank you for the comfort you provide them.”

“I need no thanks for the service. Seeing them comforted is more than enough for me. But I appreciate that others can see it as important. Thank you.” Insight smiled back to Dreams.

“Before Celestia…It does not matter.” Dreams closed her eyes, placing a hoof to her chest. She pushed it away as she let her breath out, performing the same breathing exercises Twilight often did. “In the past, each dying soul would have a fragment of Luna, a personal companion to be there for them in their final moments. I'm glad you can be there for at least some of them.”

“Night told Candice and I about that.” Anger rose in Insight, tainting her voice, but she did not care. ”Even that Celestia sentenced Luna to the pits. I know about the curse Celestia placed in Luna’s bastion to prevent her from making more fragments, and that knowledge was erased.”

Dreams opened her mouth to speak, then glanced to the upper level. “I need you to be calm and happy, Twilight needs to see you’re well.”

“If you don’t begrudge me showing some affection to her, then I can do that.”

Dreams held Insight’s gaze for a long moment, then nodded. In a faint flash of silver light, Dreams was gone.

The sound of galloping hooves thundered on the upper level. A swarm of scrolls and papers dove from the top-level balcony with fleeting glimpses of a lavender Alicorn within.

“Twilight.” Dreams’ voice called out from above. She must have teleported to the top floor. “Candice is fine, the temporal magic means you literally have all the time in the world.”

Twilight’s mad flight seemed to pause, the cloud of paperwork started to rapidly organise itself and line up by colour of ribbon and scroll size. Bit by bit, Insight’s lavender love was fully revealed. The slightly alien, patchwork stitched together form of Twilight’s mental self looked manic, driven, but positive. She clearly had an objective, a plan, hope.

Insight felt a wave of relief at seeing Twilight. “Twilight, you’re alright.”

“Insight? What are you doing here?” Twilight said before facehoofing. “Sorry, I forgot.” In a flash of light, she was standing next to Insight, wrapping her in a too-tight hug. Insight felt her bones creek as the breath was driven from her lungs.

“Ow,” was all that escaped her as the air left her.

Twilight flinched back, releasing Insight. Horn lighting as her eyes rapidly assessed Insight’s entire body. More than a dozen medical spells washed through Insight’s body, leaving her flesh vibrating and a tingle along her horn.

Insight drew Twilight into a hug again, “It’s alright, you just pushed the air out of me.”

“It's not alright.” Twilight’s leg tensed as if she might stomp her hoof.” I need to be more careful. I am an Alicorn… I am too powerful to not be.”

“And this is just a mental projection that’s running on your magic. Though it does feel incredibly real. Thank you for that.”

“Your welcome, but this is not just a mental projection. This is another plane of reality, one where intellect and consciousness have physical form. It is truly fascinating.” Twilight was smiling, lifting a hoof to make her point, about to launch into full lecture mode.

“Twilight,” Dreams interrupted firmly, but without malice. “Night is waiting for you, and unless you want her to come up with an excuse not to follow your plan, I suggest you don’t keep her waiting too long.”

The lavender Alicorn seemed to deflate but nodded dejectedly.

Insight pulled back from her hug to let Twilight do what she needed to. “Candice needs you. I’ll be here with Dreams.”

“She will be well looked after, now go,” Dreams said, practically pushing Twilight out the door.

“We can talk about it later… if you like.” Twilight said as she looked back with hopeful eyes over her wing.

“I look forward to it, my love.” Insight affirmed with a smile on her face.

Twilight smiled warmly just as Dreams pushed her past the threshold and shut the door.

After a few seconds Dreams slumped, leaning against it, breathing heavily. Insight could not hide the confused look as she regarded Dreams’ winded form. The air seemed to ripple, some sort of magic fading. The scent of blood, burnt flesh and hot metal filled the library.

“Were you keeping Twilight from smelling that? And why is that in here in the first place? Candice’s body isn’t here.” Insight inquired.

“Twilight did not need to deal with Nova’s feelings too.” Dreams said without even trying to rise. Insight started to move towards Dreams. “If you want to comfort anypony, try talking to Nova. She can hear you even if you can’t hear her. I will be fine.”

Insight nodded, looking to the door and finding it very different than it first had appeared. It was battered, dented and heat warped. Glowing solar magic flickered as it filled in the breaks and slowly repaired it. Smouldering blood dripped from some of the larger breaches and left small circular singe marks on the wooden floor.

“If she can tap on the door sealing her, then we can communicate just fine. I’ll go to her. Thank you, Dreams,” Insight said, advancing with purpose.

CH 40.2 Reluctantly Through the Looking Glass

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Night regarded the bizarre arcane contraception surrounding the portal mirror as Twilight’s magic carefully set Sunset’s journal back in its place. Despite having watched its construction, how and why it worked was still beyond her. Somehow it broke half the rules Starswirl had insisted were absolutes about his mirrors.

Intense magic swirled and danced rippling along its surface as the simple reflective pane became much, much more. If it was not for the grim reason for their trip, Night knew her mind would drift back to happier times. The many-worlds she, Tia and Starswirl explored, just for the fun of it.

Night shook her head. “Why are we taking this detour when Candice needs healing now?” She was doing her best to keep her anger and impatience out of her voice. It was hard to get the image of the charred near-corpse that lay on Twilight's bed out of her thoughts. Yes, she had inflicted worse, far worse on others, but this was different. This time, this was the first time in a long time that somepony she cared about had been so grievously wounded and yet lived.

We are only going to get one chance to do this right. She is in temporal stasis, we have the time. Twilight trotted around on the obsidian plane of the mental space arranging her lists around her. Like I said they have books and experts we need if Candice is going to make a full recovery.

Night huffed. “I fail to see what some primitive upright monkeys are going to be able to do that we can't.”

Their science has discovered so many fascinating things about how life works; they just don't have magic to be able to affect it.

“So you're committed? You are really going to force me through this humiliation?” Night complained without any real heat.

Yes, Night. This needs to be done. Also, stop talking to me out loud, if anypony hears you, they will think I’m insane.

You are. Night scrapped her hoof along the crystal floor. “Why do I put up with this?” She sighed. Fine, let's get this folly out of the way. Night advanced as if heading to her own funeral. At least a determined Twilight was infinitely more desirable than the sobbing distraught Twilight of a few hours ago. She still had no idea how Dreams had calmed and redirected Twilight's energies towards something somewhat productive.

Remember what I told you. I'm not sure if we will be able to talk on the other side. Twilight said as if Night was a foal under her care being reminded not to wander off with strangers.

I know, I have been manipulating ponies since before… Night shook her head. The girls on the other side are almost the same as your friends here, and I was there for every time you have met them. Night met the eyes of her own reflection, allowing the image to shift revealing Twilight's pensive look. Be at ease, Twilight. You can trust me to have such a simple task in hoof. If you are indisposed, I will simply ask Sunset Shimmer for help while pretending to be you.

Good. Twilight paused for a moment, the reflection changed now showing both of them. Twilight pulled the reflection into an embrace. Night felt Twilight's warm feathered wing wrapped around her as gentle words whispered into her ear.Thank you, Night.

The gesture was nostalgic. It was so similar to how she had comforted Luna all those years ago. The affection from her host was pleasant, she welcomed it. She shifted some attention to the mental space to return the embrace fully. Night’s own leather wings closed around Twilight. The subtle show of dominance apparently unnoticed by her host. Twilight snuggled getting comfortable, settling in for a prolonged hug. She clearly only saw it as a sign of protectiveness and affection.

Twilight was no longer just her host. At some point, she had truly accepted Twilight as her family. Even fully committed to that fact, it was still something she was getting used to. There was no denying this arrangement had a lot of benefits. The duel with Luna, the whole traditional fair and events were more than worth it. There was no way she could have arranged something so perfect for Luna on her own. Her mind drifted back to that kiss, pinned beneath Luna, exhausted, beaten, defeated and loving every moment of it.

Night held in a content sigh. Yes having Twilight as family was proving to be worth it. But by the stars, it was complicated. At least it kept things interesting, even if some of the compromises required were galling. Night felt her lips twitch, almost forming a smile. She resisted it, she had an image to maintain at least. “The sooner this is done, the sooner I will be back to the perfection that is the equine form.”

The crossing was jarring, like all Starswirl’s portals were. There was no grace nor artistry to his magic. Yes, she could not deny it's brilliance, but he was just a cold schooler. He would never be a true master at the art of magic.

Twilight stomped her hoof in the mindscape. Night. I can feel you thinking badly of Starswirl. Stop that.

He was not even a tenth of the mage you are. Even with her senses still scrambled, Night smiled as she smoothly rose to two legs. After taking on the form of so many ponies, and non-ponies worse nightmares, a simple slightly top-heavy biped was no challenge.


Night put on Twilight’s happy but surprised smile and turned. A girl with yellow and red hair stood before her, some strange device held in her blunt claws. This form’s senses are pathetic. Night mentally snarled. “Sunset I need your help,” Night said in a perfect copy of Twilight’s imploring tone.

“Twilight what are you wearing?” Sunset's eyes looked Night up and down, keeping her weight carefully balanced on her legs, ready to act. Suspicion clear behind her gaze, it was gratifying to see she was not just a trusting fool like so many ponies, even if it made things more problematic now.

Night looked down at herself, sensible and stylish dark armour barded her body. It was only missing weapons to be a practical outfit. “Armour?”

“Why do you need armour here? To the humans here you look like you're dressed up for Nightmare Night.”

“Forgive me. Multiple attempts on one’s life tend to have that effect.”

Sunset stared deeply into her eyes as if seeking something. Slowly she opened her shoulder bag. Her blunt claws reached in. Night restrained her reaction. Despite the suspicion, this was one of Twilight’s trusted friends. “Can you explain this entry?" Sunset asked, flipping open the slightly singed journal.

Night relaxed. “I overreacted when the noble council decided my daughter was a magical construction and was to be put down.”

Sunset blanched. "They what!?"

“I start helping the poor ponies, the hybrids, and those that wish to follow their hearts instead of inter-house politics, and this was my reward.” Night said using Twilight deadpan delivery to hide her anger.

It took a few seconds for Sunset to speak again. “I knew some of them were bad and often dismissed the value of others’ lives. I never imagined they would go that far.”

Night half shrugged. “I may have also summarily permanently imprisoned most of a noble house for crimes against Equestria.”

“That would give them motive at least,” Sunset said.

“Howdy, Twilight,” Applejack’s distinctive drawl called out.

Night spun only barely avoiding launching an attack. Only the lack of a familiar body saved Applejack from a painful fate.

These senses are utterly useless. How did these upright monkeys even survive long enough to develop civilisation?

They are inventive and smart. Twilight commented.

Applejack tipped her hat in greeting. “Didn’t know ya were visitin.”

Night nodded her head to Applejack. “Yes, I need to do some shopping. I need as many tomes on healing as I can find. Especially the treatment of severe burns.”

“Oh my.” A soft meek voice spoke up from behind Night.

I was snuck up on by Fluttershy. In that moment, it was so very hard not to face hoof, or commit ritual suicide out of shame.

Twilight sniggered. Well, she is often very quiet and unassuming.

Night offered a wave and a smile of greetings to Fluttershy. She could not really hold this useless body’s abilities against this world's version of the Element of Kindness. At least the ‘ambush’ generated a moment of humour for Twilight.

“What happened?” Sunset demanded.

Taking on a solemn tone Night straightened. “There was an incident. Before it was resolved, my Guard Captain was severely injured.”

Sunset's eyes narrowed. “Twilight, I know with your magic if they're still alive you can heal them. “

“If them flames were normal. Yes.” Sunsets eyes widened. Night held Sunsets gaze. “I see you understand.”

Applejack looked between Night and Sunset. "Care to explain?"

Sunset slumped, seeming to deflate. Her voice came out as little more than a whisper. "You really don't want to know."

Applejack opened her mouth to speak, but one look into Sunset’s eyes stole the words from her.

“Now, where may I exchange gold for books on healing,” Night asked.

Sunset shook her head. “You can't, they made it very hard to trade gold in this world. Trust me, I found that out the hard way.”


“The same.”

Night held in all her frustration except for a sigh. It would not serve any purpose here. She hated being powerless. Being unable to even attempt to reach her objective. She was strong. She was powerful. Any problem she could not overpower she knew she was cunning enough to out think. All except repairing the damage Candice’s brave mistake had caused.

For once, she was grateful for her current inferior form. With no wings to flair or horn to light, it was much easier to conceal her desire to smite something with her hooves. Such behaviour was unbecoming of her. Candice’s state and Insight’s personality must have had a larger impact on her mood than she thought.

Hmm, I might have an idea. Twilight interjected. Hold our hand out as if you’re doing some magic, please.

Night mentally shrugged and reached out, holding her hand in an uncomfortable position Minotaur shamans used to bless their warriors before they went into battle.

In the mindscape, Twilight lit her horn. Now I just need to add a little bit of illusion to sell it.

Magenta magic rippled down Night’s arm. From her extended fingers, a swirling mist formed into a perfect, if miniature, replica of Twilight's body. A moment later, a hollow feeling manifested inside her. Twilight had abandoned the body again.

“You can use your magic here?” Sunset leaned in, studying Twilight's conjured body. “How?”

Night did not know what Twilight was up to, but she could certainly improvise. A confident smile with a hint of sadness due to the current situation would be all she needed to sell the act. “Just because I’m missing my horn does not mean I have lost my magic.”

Twilight, in her mini body, stretched and flexed her wings. “Mission, copy books. Books!” She said before vanishing in a flash of light.

Fluttershy was staring at where Twilight was with wide adorning eyes. “Is that what you really look like?”

“That’s what my physical body looks like.” Night smiled and secretly watched Applejack with her peripheral vision. There seemed to be no reaction.

Rainbow laughed. “And I thought you were some sort of important Princess that battled evils, not a cute little thing like that.”

Night had to avoid shaking her head, in disappointment. There were so many defects with the human form she did not even know where to start with a comeback. A tired sigh escaped Night, her mournful expression did not need to be faked. “Rainbow Dash, can we agree not to insult each other's species, at least for today. My friend is only barely alive after being almost completely incinerated.”

Rainbow and the rest of the girls froze. Night took that moment to turn some of her attention inwards. Yes, in her mindscape, she still wore her currently preferred form. She still looked like Twilight’s athletic, night-aspected sister. She closed her equine eyes, seeking out her wellsprings. Yes, they were still there, her current body just lacked the mana channels to directly express the common uses of tribal magic.

Dreams, do you know what Twilight is up to? Night asked, opening her eyes, peering through the reflection back into the physical world. A simple spell here allowed her a poor approximation of Twilight’s magic vision. She studied Sunset. The mare in human form still had her unicorn magic. It was a little atrophied due to lack of use, but it was there. How could Twilight let her friend suffer like this, most ponies denied their magic would stop eating, some even going as far as to directly take their own lives.

As she said, she's gone book hunting. Just keep Sunset Shimmer and the girls’ company till she gets back.

The things she has me doing for her.

I know you really do it for Little Star and this attempt at having a family.

Well, I can at least do something useful while she is away. Night thought.

“Twi, you in there?” Rainbows Dash’s hand waved in front of Night's eyes.

Night refocused entirely on the physical world. Her eyes met Rainbow’s. “Yes, I’m in here. That spell was just a little distracting.”

“Look I’ve been trying to say sorry so...Sorry.” Rainbow eventually got out.

Placing a hand on Rainbow’s shoulder seemed to be an appropriate thing to do for a human, so Night did. “Apology accepted, Thank you. Just from now on, please think before you speak. You don’t always get a chance to take your words back. Sometimes that can leave you with regrets for the rest of your life.” Night held the contact for a few more seconds then looked to the rest of the girls. “While we wait for my magic to complete its task, shall we talk about more pleasant topics?”

“About that spell.” Sunset began, her expression troubled. “I've never seen its like before, and I know of almost every spell ever written. What is it?”

“Not ones of my own creation, you don’t.” Night smiled proudly. “This one allows me to, in effect, be in two places at once.”

“That sounds awesome, just think of the pranks we could pull with that.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, perhaps that can be investigated in happier times.” Night said.

“So, what’s going on back in Equestria?” Rainbow asked.

Night sighed. “Rarity and Pinkie are going to want to know too, how about I explain it to all of you at once? Rainbow would you be so kind as to gather the girls?”

Rainbow zipped off.

“Applejack, Fluttershy, might I have a moment to speak with Sunset Shimmer alone?”

“Oh, ok,” Fluttershy said. It was no effort to offer a sincere looking smile to the meek girl.

Applejack just nodded, and they both headed towards the school. “When you're ready, meet us in the music room, we got it booked for band practice.” She called back.

Sunset just nodded. “So what’s on your mind, Twilight?”

Night turned a concerned gaze to Sunset. “Are you happy here, Sunset Shimmer?”

“Yes, my friends are here, I have a life here.” There was no pause, no hesitation. Sunset Spoke her heart.

Night placed a hand on Sunset's shoulder, careful not to touch flesh. “Away from Celestia, you have grown into a capable, determined mare.”

“I learned the value of friendship and harmony.”

“A lesson that is very hard to learn in Celestia’s shadow.” Night said. Sunset’s face twisted, she looked like she might object but Night continued. “Why do you think I was encouraged to stay in Ponyville? Celestia is not very good at friendship.”

"Twilight. What are you getting at? I know I was not ready. I was too arrogant, too selfish."

"Perhaps the failing is not in the student, but the teacher."

"How can you say that about Princess Celestia?" Sunset demanded.

Night held up a placating hand. "You're forgetting I too learned from her. In the end, to get a student that could pass to her standards, she had to literally make one." Night shifted and casually leant against the side of the statue. Staying upright on two legs was getting uncomfortable. "She literally had to leave bits out to make her impossible pony a reality. Reduced ambition, no interest in romantic love or even physical pleasure, so much of what makes a pony deemed unnecessary. Her faithful student was programmed to follow her orders. Her calling me her ‘Faithfully Student’ was a command word reinforcing her authority over me."

"Why would she do that?" Sunset said, beginning to pace.

"To save her sister and safeguard Equestria. I was a tool made by her, one she had to make in a hurry. She even left an option so she could kill me with just a thought."

Sunset stopped dead in her tracks. “Kill you?” She hissed in disbelief.

Night nodded. "It was all merely sensible precautions for a ruler to take."

"How can you just accept that?"

"Do you know how powerful you are? What destruction you could cause with your magic?"

Sunset looked down. "I am aware, I imagine Cadance still has some scars to show from one of my outbursts."

"No, she's fine." Night shook her head. "It's almost impossible to leave a permanent mark on an Alicorn."

Rubbing one arm with her hand, Sunset looked haunted by past misdeeds. “Twilight why are we having this conversation?”

“I guess I'm trying to get things off my chest with a pony who might be able to relate to me. Having known Celestia, you might be able to understand.”

Sunset perched next to Night, resting her hand on the statue. “So what do you want to tell me?”

“The truth of being an Alicorn and how Celestia keeps Equestria safe from other nations.” Night paused in thoughtful silence as she considered how much to tell her sister's former student. “Celestia holds the sun over the head of the other nations. Any nation that goes to war with Equestria or does something she objects to too strongly risks their country being rendered to molten glass. A simple note expressing her displeasure is enough to turn an army around.”

“If that was true, I would know. I read the actual histories, the ones in the restricted sections of the archive.”

Night nodded. “As she was grooming you to be an Alicorn, she let you keep most of your memories about what you read.”

“Are you saying Celestia doesn't believe in harmony?”

Night shook her head. “Celestia most definitely believes in harmony. Perhaps too much. She is just willing to do whatever is necessary to protect it. She even sent her sister to the moon for one thousand years.”

“So Celestia is not as perfect as she makes herself out to be and has to get her hooves dirty from time to time.”

“You respect that?”

“I think I would have, back when I was her student." Sunset crossed her arms " What do you think about it, Twilight?"

Night waved her hand carelessly. “I can respect it. It has flaws, though. It makes her a single point of failure. It only acts as a deterrent so long as she is in good health and has enough magic stored up to carry out her threats.” Night narrowed her eyes. “Though it was cruel of her to send Luna to the moon.”

“How so?”

Night’s magic twisted in anger at the bitter memory. With no path for expression, it vibrated within her, ready, needing to do something. “A thousand years with only your madness for company, the vacuum of space clawing at your flesh and endless gnawing hunger in your chest. It would have been kinder to kill her.”

“That was not the answer I was expecting from you,” Sunset said thoughtfully.

“If you have been through what I have… but that's beside the point.” Night placed her hand to her chest and breathed in. With a slow exhale, she extended her arm, letting some of the bitterness out. “I'm bringing all this up to let you know what you will be walking into, should you accept the invitation to my wedding.”

Sunset rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Maybe start with that point next time.”

Night nodded. “Yes, upon reflection. That might have been better.”

Sunset smiled warmly. “And of course I will come to your wedding.”

With how friendly Twilight tended to be, Night light pulled Sunset into a brief hug. “Thank you.”

“So what’s it like?”

Night lifted a single eyebrow in question.

“Being an Alicorn.”

It took a moment to think of a concise answer. “It's amazing and terrifying in equal measure.”


“Alicorns have an absurd amount of power. Both physically and magically. One moment of being careless and it would prove too easy to kill somepony accidentally.” Night glance down, Candice’s fate felt like a weight on her neck. Why did she even care about that foalish mortal, she would be dead in less than a few hundred years at most. Likely less than five with how reckless she was being. She would end up as nothing more than another painting in Luna’s bastion.

Sunset’s face filled with sympathy. “Is that what happened?”

Oh bucking Tartarus, what is wrong with me? Clearly something had crept into her tone.

I believe you actually have a heart somewhere in that black soul of yours Nighty. Dreams teased.

“The only reason the ‘noble’ that demanded my daughter’s life is still alive is Celestia blocked my attack. The only reason any of the nobles in the chamber are still alive is that Candice distracted me.” Night’s nails dug painfully into her palms, her fists trembling. “Somepony you care for getting themself nearly burnt to death by your magic will do that.” Night snarled. The blood dripped to the ground ignored. Things were so much simpler when everyone she cared for was dead.

Sunset’s unasked for hug she was inflicting upon Night was warm. Perhaps not as warm as Twilight’s had been, but it was still pleasant.

“An Alicorn’s magic does what you desire, not what you command it to do.” Night continued the magic lesson, grateful Sunset allowed the change of subject away from Candice. “If you hate somepony, it will try to hurt them. If you want somepony close, it will seek to draw them to you… and if you're not paying attention, it can destroy everything around you.”

“That sounds like dark magic,” Sunset commented.

Night shook her head. “I can see the comparison, but dark magic is fueled by emotions. Alicorn magic is directed by and empowered by them.”

“Is that why Princess Celestia sometimes seemed so cold?”

“One of the reasons. She also gets that way when most of her attention is elsewhere.”

“Like your spell from earlier?”

“Yes." Night considered just how much she should tell Sunset. "An alicorn can split their soul and send parts of it off to perform tasks."

Sunset’s eyes widened full of alarm. “But..”

Night laughed, it was a quite haunted thing. “Not for Alicorns. Our soul can be shattered again and again. In the end, we will most likely pull ourselves back together. Or the fragments can remain separate and act as different minds in the same body.”

“So, Celestia?”

“Has three. Herself, her Mask and her Warmind.”

“And you?”

“Five.” Night stated.

“Five? Does it ever get confusing?” Sunset inquired.

“No, it's just a natural part of being an Alicorn," Night said, letting a warm smile form. "For me, it's just like having more family members."

“So are you Twilight?”

“Legally, yes.”

Sunset crossed her arms. “That’s a ‘technically correct’ answer if I ever heard one.”

“All the fragments of an Alicorn is considered to be one individual.”

Sunset’s gaze was unyielding. Night’s smile widened at the sight of the determination behind those green orbs. Night bowed formulary "I am Night. Twilight’s protector. Her sword."

“And the Twilight I know is the little Alicorn going after the books?” Sunset guessed.

Night nodded.

“And I should believe you why?”

“You could summon Applejack, but…” Night offered her hand. "I know you wield the power of empathy, and like Cadance, it can pierce all deceptions."

Sunset reached for her geode, resting her hand on it for a moment. Seconds slipped by. “What is your reason for telling me all of this?”

“Celestia lied to me, to Cadance, and kept us in the dark. Not telling us the price for becoming an Alicorn nor the risks. If ascension is something, you still seek, I would have you know what it truly means and what it will cost you.”

“So, what is the cost?”

“Ultimately, oblivion. Alicorns break their ties to the Eternal Fields. When we die, we are simply gone. Never to meet those we love in the afterlife.”

Sunset just stared. “I thought Alicorns were immortal?”

“Only almost. No, we are simply ageless and very hard to kill.” Night paused, wondering how much to tell this former student of her sister. “There used to be thousands of Alicorns.”

“Used to be? What happened?”

“I don’t know.” Night hoped she managed to keep the full extent of her emotions from her face. She really did not know what had happened, but she hoped they suffered. Just imagining then in pain, feeling even one-tenth of the suffering she had threatened to make her smile. She deliberately put on a worried frown. “Whatever can defeat over a thousand fully trained Alicorns would most definitely be a threat to us now.”

“That…” Sunset slowly shook her head. “I'm not even sure I want to imagine what sort of thing could do that.”

“Which, Sunset Shimmer, is why I have an offer for you. If you wish it, I will help guide you to ascension.”

“Me? An Alicorn?”

"Yes.” Night smiled. “You have the potential."

“I don't know. Celestia was right, I'm not worthy.”

Night shook her head and reached out, resting her hand on Sunset's shoulder. "You were not the tool Celestia needed to save her sister. That's hardly your fault, and does not lessen your potential."

“But I was arrogant. Selfish. Willing to do anything to get what I wanted.”

“That's strange, I did not see you kill any human here when you went 'evil', and I know you discovered how easy it was to affect these…. flawed humans with your magic. You could have sacrificed all those under your control for more power. It would have been simplicity itself.”

A look of horror crept into Sunset’s face.

“See my friend. Even at your worst, you had limits you would not cross." Night squeezed Sunset’s shoulder, adding just enough pressure to be reassuring, she hoped.

Sunset’s hand came up and rested on Night’s. Something flashed behind her eyes.

"Nightmare!?” Sunset flinched and tried to pull back, shock written all over her face. Night may have only been human, but she was still an athletic warrior, Night’s grip held Sunset firm.

Tartarus damned empathy magic

Sunset trembled, but that did nothing to stop her arms and legs moving her body contorting to try and break free. A fist swung for Night’s face as Sunset started to sweep Night’s legs out from under her.

“Stop,” Night commanded. Sunset froze. Only Night's grip prevented her from falling. “Calm down and think about what you felt. Examine why I did the things I did and how I have been since.” Night slowly let go and stood back.

Sunset did not slump to the ground or anything so dramatic. Her body merely trembled slightly for a few seconds but she held a defensive stance. The panic and fear were gone, but she was still cautious and alert. “That spell? What did you do to me?” Sunset demanded levely.

My, aren't you a strong-willed one. Night thought before she answered. “By infusing our magic and will into our words, we can compel our ponies.”

“And you did not want me to cause a scene.”

“Correct, Twilight would never forgive me.”

“And that Little Alicorn off hunting books...”

“Is actually Twilight, yes, as I said.” Night confirmed.

“And you expect me to believe you’re suddenly good now?”

“By the stars of course not. You’re smarter than that. I'm still the monster I was made to be. But now I have ponies I want to protect. Ponies I wish to have happy lives. That changes things…” Night looked away, suddenly unable to hold Sunset’s intense scrutiny.

“Let's say for a moment I don't dive through that portal and run to Celestia. That I'm willing to give you a chance to explain.”

“Then you would be saving Twilight's life. Celestia knew where I ended up. Sealed. Constrained under Twilight’s wellspring after she used the elements to rip me from Luna.” Slowly Night raised her eyes and met Sunset’s. “If she learned I was free, that Twilight was the one to let me free… it would not end well for Twilight.”

Outrage marred Sunset’s face “Celestia would never.”

Night held up a silencing hand. “She has done many terrible things because she decided they were for the greater good. She exterminated an entire nation just to make a point.” Night said. Fatigue seemed to wash over her, was this what it was like to feel old? She gracelessly sat down. Deliberately settling herself in a way that would be slow to stand from and as defenceless as she could tolerate. She closed her eyes and rested her head against the cool stone of the statue. "If you are going to judge me. Judge me for the full story. "

With a cautious stiffness to her movements, Sunset sat next to her. “I’m listing.”

Night offered her hand, and Sunset accepted, her power shimming in her eyes as Night began her tail. "It all began when I… when Luna was a little filly, and she was chosen by her first master…"

CH 40.3 Tail of a Little Luna 

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Between her empathic abilities and the Nightmare’s rhythmic words, Sunset quickly lost herself to the story. It was almost like she was Luna, the pet, the tool, the slave. No, that was not right, she was Sunset the thoroughbred pegasus and proud of it. She was born by the Master’s will to be an artist.

Sunset smiled. Pride filled her little heart. How could it not? She had been chosen by one of the Masters. She was going to become one of the best painters in the world.

"Now, remember your place," her mother said. There was no nuzzle or hug, but the love was there, radiating from her mother’s eyes. This was not just Sunset’s moment; it was her mother’s too. After this, she might even be allowed to have another foal.

Sunset's smile faded, and she stood at attention. Ready to be inspected. Large, powerful wings caught the winds outside. Her ears twitched, somepony heavier than any pegasus could be, alighted outside. She wanted to prance, to dance a pirouette in the sky, but she stayed still.

As each second passed, it was harder and harder to stay still, to maintain the required respectful decorum. She was going to see a Master again. Not just any Master, she was going to see her Master, the Alicorn that picked her for his one.

The door opened, no knock or announcement for why would a Master need to announce themselves, they were the lord and Masters of everything. The tall Alicorn stallion strode inside in all his radiant divinity. Sunset dragged her eyes away. She bowed low, wings spread, abasing herself. The rustle of feathers making it clear her mother had done the same.

“Come, my young student.” His voice thrilled her senses. He was speaking to her. She was worthy of his attention.

Sunset rose, she followed the three strides behind him that her position demanded. She left without looking back as any attention not offered to her Master would be improper, a sign of disrespect. Next time she saw her mother, Sunset knew she would be different. She would be an Alicorn Aspirant, and she would have a horn. She could not help but wonder how many times she would catch it on things before she got used to it.

She banished the silly thought; she was no longer a little filly anymore. She was chosen, out of the dozens of artists her Master had ordered bred it was her that he had chosen. She was to be his apprentice, the apprentice of the most renown artist amongst the Masters.

This was the best day of her life.

Pain shot through Sunset's new horn. A shower of sparks and jagged arcs lit the room is strobing colours. She screwed her eyes closed and released the wild, untamed beast that was her magic.

You need not try so hard.” Her Masters kindly voice smoothed and tender warmth flowed into her horn. Relaxation spread down her spine like molten satisfaction.

“Yes, Master.” Agreeing with him on anything just felt so right, so nice. A lazy smile settled on to her muzzle.

“Now again, just slower. Allow the magic to flow, it is not a storm you need to beat into submission.”

Sunset closed her eyes and released the joy of obeying humming softly as her Master’s words guided her. “Magic is a delicate flower you need to coax to open. Magic is a beautiful merging of inspiration and technique, it is the purest definition of art. Be its muse, be its guide and let your emotions shape your artwork.”

This time there was no pain. Light softly permeated her closed eyelids.

“Now envision the scene, every aspect. The lights, the colours, the play of shadows.”

Clouds filled the sky, lit from above by the full moon, Celestia, her half-sister, lay in regal repose. She was beautiful, like all being trained to rule must look.

“Imagine every hair on her coat, how the wind caresses each strand of her mane.”

The details deepened, the more she focused, the more real the image became.

“Yes, Good, my Talented Student.”

A compliment from the Master. Sunset's heart almost stopped from joy alone.

“Now open your eyes.”

Before Sunset was exactly the image she had envisioned, perfectly painted on the canvas. All completely realistic, every exquisite detail was there.

Be at ease, my Talented Student.”

And just like that, everything was alright. The memories of lethal-looking jagged blades that Celestia had been browsing for her trial lost its hold on her. The fear melted away.

“Soon you will be ready for your trial, you have nothing to fear. You are my apprentice, an artist. Unlike those chosen to rule, or those forged into warriors, your trial will be nothing arduous. You will drink from a cup, and you will fall to sleep. In that sleep, you will dream, dream of many things. Once you return to us, you will have awakened your true muse and have truly earnt your place by my side.”

“Thank you, Master.” Sunset bowed her head feeling silly for even worrying in the first palace.
His warm wing enveloped her in a rare physical sign of affection. “Now put away your worries and gather your supplies today your canvas is to be a living pony.”

“Yes, Master” Sunset rushed off inspiration filling her heart as we wondered what sorts of works of art she could paint in a dream, a realm with truly no limits.

Sunset pulled her tongue back in. Despite how adorable Celestia said it was, sticking one’s tongue out when concentrating did not portray the dignified air that an artist of her calibre was expected to maintain at all times.

Celestia sighed, “Why can’t we skip this and go to the fair?”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Tia, you know why. Just finishing your feathers is going to take an hour.”

Her half-sister, the noble in training, huffed and rolled on her back, instantly undoing half an hour of careful work.

“Tia! look what you’ve just done.”

Celestia looked at the trail of feather paint and fine powered gem dust staining the expansive cushions she sprawled on. “Sorry, Lulu.”

“It's ok sister, but you have to let me finish. My Master will be disappointed if this is not my best work yet. I don't even want to think what yours will do to you if you...”

Celestia shuddered, her eyes distant, frozen.

Luna nuzzled her terrified sister. “It will be alright sister, we will always have each other.”

Her Master’s eyes held none of their normal warmth. It was if every bit of bright joy in the stallion had been replaced with the bleakest hues.


He smiled an almost perfect imitation of the real expression. "Yes, student?"

"Is everything alright?”

“Yes, my Talented Student, everything is well” His words were reassuring, but his eyes lied. Something was very wrong. Yet it was not her place to question her Master. “I have been tasked with a project most grand.”

That should be good news, that should be the best of news. So why was there that darkness in his eyes?

“Unfortunately, I will not be able to take you with me.”

Sunset’s heart sank, “For how long, Master?”

This time he did not manage to keep the sadness from his forlorn smile. “A few centuries, at least.”

Centuries, that would be past the end of her training. Had she failed? Was she a disappointment?

“Now, don't fear, my Talented Student. You shall have a new master.”

Despite his words calming her like they always did, a small seed of doubt remained.

“And that would be me.” A brutish Alicorn stalked in, trailing vapours from intoxicating pipe smoke. The same substances her Master, her old Master, had forbidden her from even sampling, despite its common acceptance.

Sunset put her work aside and started to bow. An aura pressed her down, crushing her muzzle painfully to the floor. She did not think she was going to like this new Master very much.

“Useless, you are nothing but a disgrace.” Her New Master spat. “I don't know why that old fool thought you worthy of that horn.”

His crushing magic pulled Sunset closer. So close that the familiar chemical stench crawled up her nose. He had been partaking in his favourite vice again. His metal-clad hoof slammed into her horn. Pain shot through her skull. "I could just remove it, save us all a little bit of trouble."

Sunset said nothing, offered no complaint, it only ever made it worse. All she did was try to ignore the throbbing pain lancing through her skull.

Her new Master continued. “No, the old fool would be able to call that neglect…” He peered into her eyes. A sadistic grin full of fangs filled her vision.

A flash of magic and a large roll of cloth appeared next to him. His aura unfurled it, revealing the most complex spell pattern Sunset had ever seen. “Paint this.” He commanded. “Make a single mistake, and you will die. Painfully.”

It had taken days, more hours than she could remember to complete her task. Terror, and the certainty that her Master was truthful with his threat, drove her on, despite the lack of sleep or food.

“Now, stay still.” Her master’s command was the only thing that stopped the tremble travelling through her feathers.

Power gathered in the room, enough that her horn itched. The air dried, small arcs of lightning danced over every surface. Before her New Master, all the moisture from the air swirled together. First as mist. Then a thick cloud. With a sound of crushed glass, it seemed to implode leaving a thick blade of blue ice hanging in the air.

The monster of a weapon was larger than Sunset was. Her eyes fixed on it. It would be her death, her mind screamed at her. Yet her Master’s command held her still.

“Now this will do nicely.” The blade danced a lazy path around Sunset. “So, are you ready for your trial?”

“But. But I'm an artist.”

“Like I care. This way is quicker, cheaper and far less effort.” His flippant tone receded, becoming an approximation of formality. "Make yourself ready."

No. No, this was all wrong. She was meant to dream to find her muse. She was meant to just go to sleep peacefully, not be bisected by that. There was no way she could survive that. He meant to kill her. He was going to kill her.

The blade rose. The blade fell.

Panic flared, given form in the blazing light from her horn. Paints, easels, tables and chairs leapt to her defence. Everything and anything in reach of her power slammed into him. He rocked back, blinded if only for a moment.

She surged forward, her horn drove up under his jaw. Terror strengthened her. The top of her head slammed to an abrupt stop. Hot warmth flowed down her face. Something thicker mixed with her tears.

His weight toppled and dragged her to the ground, pinning her beneath his bulk.

“I, I… what have I done?”

Peace Sunset. That was my act, not yours.”

Sunset’s pounding heart slowed, her heaving breaths becoming more regular. She found herself no longer pinned by the crushing mass of her dead Master. She was free, she was safe. Slowly she opened her eyes.

Before her, pinned under her, no Luna's, new master was the little blue Alicorn sobbing and trembling as the blood of her attacker, victim? Soaked into her coat and stained her feathers.

The distinct sound of leathery wings settling beside her, drew her attention. Sunset watched the scene from beside Twilight, a Twilight, with fangs and bat wings. “You killed him?”

“Yes. He was the first life I claimed. He was trying to kill me. Had all the advantages save one. Surprise.“ The Nightmare turned her draconic eyes to look straight into Sunset’s, her expression unreadable. By then, young Luna had watched and painted several death bouts in the arena for her new Master.”

The Nightmare put on a proud smile .“She had a keen eye for detail and a dancer's understanding of motions. She knew there was no way she could flee. There was no way she could win a normal fight.” The smile slipped a little. “No… this was the only option that led to her surviving.”

“If that was self-defence,” Sunset pointed her hoof at the nightmare. “What turned you into a monster?”

“Two main events. Would you like to see?”

“From the outside. Like this. I don't want to live through them.” Sunset was surprised she sounded so calm.

“As you wish, Sunset Shimmer.” The Nightmare wearing almost Twilight's form waved her hoof, and the world around them changed.

Celestia, the beautiful Celestia with painted feathers looked down at Luna. Her eyes made the deepest frozen abyss seem warm. Sunset’s breath caught. It was almost the same look she had given her when she ended her studies and kicked her out of the castle. The Solar princess’s perfect features were devoid of emotions as she spoke. “The guilty has violated the most sacred of laws, defiled the benevolent gift bestowed upon her.”

“Is this the murder?” Sunset asked.

“Keep listening,“ The Nightmare instructed.

“This thing before us has turned away from enlightenment and refused its trial.” Celestia’s tone was cold, formal in a way Sunset had never heard before. “There can be but one fate for that.”

Tears ran down Luna's checks. "Sister, please. He..." Luna screamed. A molten golden aura burned into her flesh, clamping her muzzle shut.

Fire blazed in Celestia's eyes. “You are no sister of mine.”

It was as if somepony cut the strings holding Luna up. The only sign she was still alive was the quiet sobbing and the utter despair in her eyes. Luna did not even struggle as two guards threw her to the arena floor.

The scene vanished. Only Sunset and the Nightmare remained strangely lit in a plane of utter darkness. “You do not need to see what happened next. I was forced to fight. To kill again and again until I learned to love it. To crave it.” The Nightmare smirked, but the humour did not reach her eyes. “One of the Masters even praised my artistry with vivisections. Even in causing torment and death, I was still an artist.” The Nightmare sighed tiredly. “Judge me if you will. I am what she made me.”

Sunset paused. This was a lot to take in, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that everything the Nightmare had shown her was true. Her own power made that clear. Yet she learned from her time dealing with the nobles in Canterlot there were many ways to never speak a lie and still mislead others. “You said there were two main events. What was the second?”

The Nightmare looked away. She tried to make it look casual, but the patter of liquid on the ground put lie to that. The Nightmare, the most fearsome of Equestria’s great evils, was crying.

Sunset softened her voice. “What happened?”

“Celestia, that worthless Tartarus spawn,” The Nightmare snarled. “She killed my family. She burnt them all to ash and had the gall to say it was for my own good. Do you know what it's like to see those you love burning to death? To hear their cries for help and to be unable to do anything? To survive, burned and in pain, to be the only one left?”

The Nightmare trembled, tears staining her enraged face. Her muzzle twisted, a half-formed snarl fighting with her icy voice. “Thousands dead. Many of our ponies condemned to die alone or to be consumed by Nightmare spirits, all so Tia's chess pieces lined up neatly in the nation that she was making.”

The Nightmare’s expression calmed, the hot rage settling to something cold. She stood to her full height, her tears and the imperfections evaporating off in whips of shadow. A true royal presence, eyes ancient and unfathomable looked straight through Sunset as if peering into her very soul; “You wonder why I wanted her dead? You wonder why I did not care if the world died around me? Why Luna gave up and offered me the reins, why Luna cheered as I smashed Tia's skull in?”

Even without her powers, it was clear the Nightmare was being honest. A thousand years of pent up anger, rage and sadness flowed into Sunset. It was too much. Over twenty or more times, her total life experience of years filled with negative emotions. Sunset almost lost herself. It was all Sunset could do to fight the burning in her eyes and the sobs trying to break free.

As suddenly as it started, it stopped. Sunset was a little filly sticking her tongue out. Her paint-stained primary feather shaped mere pigments and oil into a beautiful landscape. The memory only lasted a moment, but it was more than enough to break the spiral of negative emotions, replacing them with a simple innocent joy.

“I apologise for losing myself, you should not have had to experience that, Sunset Shimmer.” The Nightmare said, bowing her head.

Sunset remembered the pure elation from Luna painting. The wide-eyed amazement she had looking at the world. The Nightmare was a bit like Sunset, but with one difference. Sunset had chosen to be a monster. Granted, she had been stopped before she did anything truly terrible, but she had made the choice. Luna and the Nightmare had not. They deserved a second chance more than she did.

Sunset slowly stepped forward, carefully, ensuring her motions were unhurried and easy to read. She did not want to set off the unstable and emotional ancient Alicorn.

“What do you think…” The Nightmare was silenced as Sunset’s hooves wrapped the evil mare in a comforting hug.

Sunset woke as if from a dream, all the horrors, all the pain of Luna’s she felt seemed distant. She knew it happened, understood it in acute detail, but it hadn’t happened to her. It was as if it was a history she had read for an important test.

Something felt different, something felt right in a way she had not felt for a very long timer. Sunset sat back on her haunches. She lifted what was once her arm, she stared at her hoof, so familiar and yet so alien all at once after so long. How she was a unicorn on earth. “What did you do to me?”

“I gave you a gift. I will not have one of my ponies crippled.” Nightmare smiled surprisingly softly. “And Twilight would never forgive me if I did not help you.”

“How is this helping me?”.

“Once I teach you to reassume your bipedal form, you will have both it and access to your magic. Given time and study, you will be able to have both at once.”

Sunset nodded. “Another question, why?”

“Unlike the rest of Twilight's friends, you have the potential to ascend. You have the potential to be her friend for a very long time. She is going to need all the friends she can get as the years roll on.”

“So you’re doing this for her?”

“And a bit for myself. I like you.” The three-word admission was almost inaudible. The Nightmare cleared her throat. “I admire your ambition and drive.” Nightmare sighed. “Also, I can't stand to see the mess my sister made of your training. If you allow me, I will correct it.”

CH 41.1 Little Star's Epic Everfree Adventure

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Little Star sat hoof, idly rubbing her fetlock. She could just not get the image of Candice’s broken and burnt body out of her mind. She wished her mother’s chosen could heal as she could. All the pain and nasty looking burns would be gone in moments.

A third and then a fourth cleaning spell worked through her coat, yet Little Star still felt dirty, she felt wrong. Like after the second time, she found nothing to add to the collection. She had carefully pulled each spec of ash from her coat depositing each in a new dimensional pocket she made. She did not know what she planned on using it for though. Still, ash from Candice would definitely be an uncommon alchemical ingredient, and one she dearly hoped no more of would ever be made.

Her gaze settled on a scroll full of her horn writing and numbers. It had not taken long to calculate; it had been simple. This many thaums of magic could produce that much heat. The conclusion was there spelt out in ink. She screwed her eyes up and looked away. It made a terrifying amount of sense now why others kept telling her to be careful with her magic.

Little Star’s mind drifted back to the ponies she tried to help. Some of them looked at her as if she was a timberwolf bearing down on them. Yes, she knew she had more power than them, that was simplicity itself to work out. How could she get them to not judge her by what she could do, but only by what she would do?

Another scene came to her, back when she rescued her mother. Those distinct cracks as surgical blades broke the sound barrier and demolished the area the bad ponies had been in. She had not meant to hurt them; she was only trying to defend her mother. She gulped. Running the numbers for kinetic force was just as simple as for fire. Her miss-calculation probably killed them. Luckily, they were bad ponies. They deserved it after what they did. All that blood, each drop counted, each incision recorded.

Little Star’s ears flattened, the image of her mother Twilight’s body, vivisected on a stone table, settled beside Candice’s charred form. Her mother had gotten better, it had taken a week, but she got better. Why was there no way to share her healing ability with Candice?

"Whoo" One hundred, percent chance Candice's existence will continue, in one form or another...

“She will?” Little Star ears perked up. She looked at her trusted friend, a great weight lifting from her. If Grey said Candice would survive, then she would. “Thank you, Grey.” She nuzzled her friend, the sensation of her soft coat against Grey’s hard wooden body was still a little odd.

She blinked and focused on Grey’s body as if seeing it for the first time. Her friend in the body she had constructed for her. A few thoughts clicked into place in her mind. A wide smile broke out on her face.

She had a plan. If Candice's body was unrepairable, she would just need a new one. It would be easy, after all, she helped one friend get a new body already. All she would need was some more raw materials.

Two of her S-fives popped into existence, words rapidly appeared. One note explained her absence. The other held a checklist of everything she would need.

Little Star summoned her adventuring gear in place. It had become like a ritual, a declaration to the world it was time to get serious. She spent a moment settling her new additions in comfortable and accessible positions. A diamond-shaped buckler strapped to her right side, a crimson glass dagger on the left. Finally, a bandoleer of wooden throwing blades each with metal engraved spell runes caved in to then.

The games at the fair had given her so many ideas. It had been such a fun time, even if they still had not proved the Pink One was really a disguised Alicorn. If she had more time to prepare, she could fill all her magic item slots.

Grey covered her eyes with a wing. Zero, times has an Ogres and Oubliettes book been a definitive text on any magical subject.

Little Star paused. “Is it still alright to use it for inspiration?”

Grey lowered her wing and nodded. Her friend’s permission granted, she continued her musing about what she could make for each item slot.

Her hoof found her enchanted necklace. Her mind focused on her friends. The look on their faces, their happiness that first time they all went flying. They were never afraid of her, they never feared her powers. Yet there were some things they were not able to cope with. Like the play fight, Mummy Twilight and Mummy Luna had, some things that would give them bad dreams. So would Candice’s current state. She would not do that to them, so she could not share her worries with them.

The thought made something inside feel cold. Despite how much they accepted her, she was still different. She was not a normal pony. She had power and could cope with the sight of things others could not. Was this all just because she was the daughter of two Alicorns? Was there more to it than that?

“Whoo.” Grey’s loud hoot interrupted her chain of thought. Her glowing eyes looked into Little Star’s own. Zero, times do you have to tell them why. They are your friends. Countless times the Cutie Mark Crusaders have ventured into the Everfree for little to no reason.

Grey was right, she could not tell them everything, but she could bring them on this adventure.

She wondered who else she could invite. This was an epic quest to save Chosen Candice. Emerald Shade was nice and made some of the best cookies and was infinitely better company that the oversized pink foal that gave out cupcakes. Unfortunately, with Mummy Twilight gone and Mummy Luna in Canterlot, she was too busy looking after the guests of the castle.

Little Star considered inviting Spike, but after a quick scrying spell, she found he was asleep, half-buried in paperwork. A quick bit of magic replaced the paperwork with a warm blanket. You looked after family, after all, she even had a note reminding her of such.

She placed her hoof on the wall and asked to be taken to her mother’s room. Warmth, sympathy and sadness radiated from the Castle and then as suddenly as always, they arrived.

For once, Little Star was glad she was so small she could not see what she knew lay on the bed. Not if she kept her head down. It only took a moment with her horn to check that the temporal spells keeping Candice frozen were still all functional.

Grey gently alighted on Little Star’s back. The soft reassuring. "Whoo." Helped calm her.

Little Star turned to her Timber hound next, petting their head. "Now, Thorn. You stay here and guard Candice ok?"

"Woof woof whine."

"I'll be alright. I'm ready for this, and I have Grey with me."


Thorn licked Little Star’s face leaving trails of sap on her. Little Star laughed and pushed her affectionate pet away.

"Guard," Little Star Commended.

Thorn sat attentively, focused on the doorway, ears and glowing eyes alert. "Woof bark." Some of the rune carved into her pet’s body started glowing. Shield runes, stun runes and even the last resort, disintegration runes on Thorn’s teeth and claws, all came to full readiness.

"Good boy." Little Star smiled at her creation, and after she double-checked the spell array surrounding Candice again, she lit her horn. She teleported to the edge of the Everfree forest safe in the knowledge her mother’s Chosen would be safe.

She glanced around, she seemed safe. Nopony was heading her way, they must have missed the flash of light from her arrival. That was something she was going to need to do something about. Teleporting was great, but the giveaway burst of light did not make it very well suited to stealth. Maybe she could somehow copy how the Castle moved ponies about?

Her magic reached out for her friends. The unique glows and vibrations she could almost taste pulled her in three separate directions. She could have just teleported them to her, but if this was an adventure, she had better make sure her party was equipped first.

Thanks to the temporal magic round Candice, she had at least a few thousand years, not that she wanted to spend that much time on this. She sorted through her extradimensional pocket full of her prizes from the fair. The O&O core book opened to the description of the character classes.

A small crossbow for Scooterloo. She could be the mobile ranger. Little Star would have to make her some wing blades later, for dual-wielding.

Applebloom with her physical might and powerful buck would make an excellent melee fighter. So she would need heavy armour. The old fashion looking armour might be only thin plate mail and light replica chainmail, but with a little magic that could be fixed. Each price only needed a strengthening rune to turn the costume into real armour. This way she would even get to keep her full movement speed, like as if it was mythril.

Sweetie Belle took the longest to prepare. A full set of the unicorn duel equipment that the adults used. The blade and shield she augmented each with an individual customised version of Mummy Twilight’s lab safety spell version four. The shield would reflect things back at the attacker. The blade on the other hoof adjusted the spell more. It would part anything it came into contact with, be it matter or magical effect. Little Star smiled, proud of herself. She diligently recorded her modifications down in her very own little spellbook. The tome had been Grey's idea, and Little Star loved it. It made her feel like a real wizard, like Starswirl the Bearded or Mummy Twilight.

She turned her attention to the enchanted horn ring. Currently, it blocked disallowed spells and allowed any unicorn to cast a marking spell. She quickly removed the blocking effect and copied the framework of the marking spell multiple times. The ring had the potential to hold three more spells.

A shield spell was a must, her hoof found her necklace again. She could make it a party buff. A defensive spell anchored by the friendship and willingly given blood of the group. It was simple to weave the blood and dark magic together. The more Sweetie Bell cared for and worried about her friends, the more powerful the shield would be. It was a perfect way to offset her friend’s comparative lack of magical reserves.

“Who, Whooo” One, time I have truly been impressed with your spell work today.

Little Star almost pranced on the spot. But that would not do, today she was a respectable adventure, a wizard and it would not do to be seen acting like a foal. Her thoughts did nothing to stop her standing proud chest thrust forward and a happy smile that could melt the heart of the cruellest wendigo in seconds.

Two more spells. Well, Sweetie Bell wanted to teleport, the only problem was teleports were very complex spells with many variables. No, she would have to teach her friend that spell the normal way. Again she considered her small library of spells, even flicking through the pages of her spellbook. Once more, she found her way to her improvement of her mother’s lab safety spell. Her eyes going over the spell forms and runes. She traced the patterns looking for inspiration.

The energy redirection section. That could work. She carefully slotted that part to a copy of the marking spell. Kinetic energy would reverse direction, and colours would be inverted. That could be really fun to play with during mage tag or even hoof ball if the referee would allow it. She quickly added her new invention to her spellbook.

She could fit one more spell in. Thinking to the O&O classic again, she considered a fireball spell but rejected the idea. Grey's comforting nuzzle was the only thing that stopped her shuddering. Yet again she promised fire would be her last resort. It was too painful. Too cruel. Clearly whoever had written the O&O books had never seen what fire could do. Or felt it, a small voice whispered in her mind.

Thoughts of fire brought her mind to Candice, her burnt body. Little Star shook her head, trying to banish that horrible image, the memory of the smell.

One, time I have reminded you that you are here to help Candice. Be strong Star.

Little Star nodded, she could be brave, she would be brave. She was a good filly. She had rescued Mummy Twilight from the bad ponies. She could, she would do this. “Thank you, Grey.” She pulled her friend into a hug.


“Ok, one more spell.”


Little Star looked up only to see Grey's beak held a scroll. She carefully took it with her magic unfolding it. It was definitely a complex spell and would be hard to squeeze it in. But Sweetie Belle would love it. It was perfect. She warped Grey up in another hug and then set to work.

Little Star stood back and looked at her work, three ponyquins, sized for her friends, were clad in the adventuring gear she has created. Scootaloo’s with just the crossbow decidedly looked under-equipped. She tapped her chin with her hoof. She sat back on her haunches and turned her attention back to the vast number of pockets connected to her.

Scrolls, more scrolls, books, more books. Ice cream, cookies, ink, ice cream, and many many more labelled pockets flashed by her senses. One day she was going to have to make a list and do a full inventory of them.

“Whoo,” One, time you only had to ask for such an inventory.

“Oh, thank you, Grey. So, any recommendations?”

Grey nodded. Her constructed horn glowed with her ash coloured magic and with a twist of reality, a scroll appeared. Little Star took it and eagerly unrolled it.

“Heartwarming Eve pageant costumes?”

Grey nodded again and hopped closer, her wingtip trailed down the list. It stopped under one entry. Commander Hurricane costume, Armour one piece, Plumed Helm one piece.

“That's perfect.” With a simple push of magic to her horn, Little Star pulled forth the two times. The dark armour with a lighting bolt on its chest and the helm would be perfect for Scootaloo. Her friend was so going to think this was ‘awesome’, to use her own words. They were a little large and needed some special touches to make them adventure-ready, but they were the final bits needed to fully outfit her party.

“Crusaders, Assemble.” Little Star took what the comic books proved was an epic pose as her three friends appeared from her summoning spell. Well, she knew it was just a teleport, but today she was calling it summon-party-members. Maybe she should record it as a spell in her book, she could even add those cool bursts of colour she could make with just a bit of wasted magic.

Scootaloo shot forward, narrowly avoiding Applebloom. “What the hay?” Applebloom shouted, ducking only just in time.

Sweetie Belle looked around. “Hi, Star, why are we in the Everfree again?”

“Adventure,” Little Star shouted, changing her action pose showing off her gear.

“Adventure?” Applebloom asked hesitantly.

“Yes, and an important one. We are on a Royal quest to help Candice, and as this is a Royal quest, we have real adventuring gear made by a princess.” Little Star swept her hoof to the three covered ponyquins. All three Crusaders followed the motion. Grey, Que Dramatic reveal.

“Whoo,” Grey’s talons grabbed the cloth, and she shot to the side.

“That is awesome!” Scootaloo shouted as she zoomed right up to hers.

“Why are there … Character sheets here?” Sweetie Belle asked, confused. Her aura lifted the paper and brought it closer.

“Oops, there for later.” Little Star dropped the three offending bits of paper into the O&O pocket.

Applebloom looked over the armour. “Star, you made this stuff didn’t you?”

She nodded.

“From the prizes from the fair?” Applebloom continued.

“Some of it.” She admitted, she was not going to lie to her friends.

“You said this was made by a princess.”

“Well, I am a princess. Come on, try it on, try it on.” Little Star bounced in place, giving her best pleading eyes. “Please?”

A few minutes later, all her friends had been gathered and fully equipped for their adventures. Each wearing their Crusader Cloaks, they looked like a real adventures guild. Little Star stood between them, her magic holding the camera for a group photo.

“Say Adventure!” The camera flashed, and another memory was immortalised. Not as good as one of her drawings but far quicker. She would have to use it as a reference later when she depicted some of the epic scenes from this coming adventure.

“So, Star. Thanks for all this stuff.” Applebloom started.

“So what are we doing?” Scootaloo cut in, aiming her crossbow this way and that. “I want to test this thing out.”

Little Star deepened her voice, as much as she could, even though that wasn’t much. “Gather around and listen. We four seek to venture deep into this forest of darkness, and retrieve the mystic items to allow the legendary artificer to complete her important work.”

“So you want more of that fancy wood to make more pets?” Appleblood asked.

Scootaloo rocketed in stopping just before Little Star’s muzzle. “Hey if I’m the ranger, aren't I meant to have an animal companion? Is that what the quest is for?”

With the sight of her friend's enthusiasm, she just could not say no. Little Star nodded, “That’s part of the reason,” she said, mentally increasing the amount of wood needed.

Scootaloo flipped in the air. “I’m going to have the most awesome pet ever!”

Grey’s wing covered her eyes. “Whooo.” The quiet sound was almost a sigh.

“We’re not meant to go into the Everfree alone,” Applebloom interjected.

Little Star smiled. “We’re not alone.” She pointed her hoof at Grey.

“Whoo,” The wooded owl said, bowing with a flair of her wings.

Applebloom shrugged, “I’m not sure…”

Scootaloo flared her wings. “Come on, we got all this awesome stuff, to adventure!”

“What's the worst that can happen?” Sweetie Belle asked. Her voice did not hide her enthusiasm.

“And lo, the Famous Four set out.” Little Star started.

“Can’t we be the Fabulous Four?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Scootaloo crossed her forehooves. “Nah that’s lame, the Furious Four.”

Little Star smiled at her friends, then raised her voice. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Adventures, Yay” She did not even get past the first syllable before all of them joined in.

So the party ventured forth. The Everfee had no idea what it was in for.

CH 41.2 What Now?

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The calming tea was proving somewhat ineffective. Those fiery slit eyes still haunted her mind. Twilight Sparkle, her faithful student, stood ready to try and kill her. It was far too reminiscent of her sister’s a thousand years ago.

She closed her eyes and tried to savour her beverage. The smooth, slightly exotic taste of its imported herbs was still the same as it caressed her tongue. The complex yet subtle mix was far more potent than anything she would allow to be sold publicly. Try as she might Celestia could not get today's events to settle in her mind. Her expected peace of mind denied her, she sighed. Even her tea, her one fall back over the last few hundred years had failed her.

A little magic danced along Celestia’s horn. A simple spell confirmed her tea was laced with exactly the poisons she intended to consume, so it was doubtful the alchemy was at fault. She rubbed her forehead with a hoof. If the concoction was made any more potent, the vapours alone would start to affect normal ponies. She would have to find another solution. She sighed again as she turned back to tackle at least a few more pages of her endless torment. She found herself resenting the chains of her duty, again. She was doing a lot of that lately.

Somehow these things were easier to deal with in the past. It used to be easy to just become as ice inside. Now with those she cared about in play, it was becoming harder and harder to center herself. The ice that had shielded her heart had melted.

Celestia gazed out of her study's window. No matter how long she stared at the wide-open sky, she still would not have the luxury of indulging in the simple pleasure of flight today. There was far too much that needed to be done for her to fritter away the time on anything non-productive.

The darkness on the horizon drew her attention again. She frowned for the sixth time today at the thick bank of dark clouds steadily moving closer. “They are a day early."

But perfectly in time to be an omen. Daybreaker added.

“It's most likely just a clerical error.”

“As you say, your Radiance,” Daybreaker said with mock respect.

Celestia considered it for one moment. Memories of her sister twisting the weather of half the nation with one of her foul moods. Could this be Luna’s or Twilight's doing? No, Luna was too rational now, and Twilight was off trying to save Candice. Celestia shook her head. No, her Warmind was just being paranoid. Just like she was created to be.

She sighed. A simple mistake was the only thing that made sense. So many of her ponies kept making them. Did she have to micromanage everything? Luna was right, she needed to get more trusted assistants. Ones she could have faith would do the right thing without having to be continuously checked upon. The dark blot on what should have been a lovely blue sky caught her eyes again. Well, at least this mistake would only end up with a few of her little ponies getting wet.

Celestia looked back to the papers before her, the stack loomed like an unconquerable mountain.

You would be happier if you dove out the window and spread your wings. Daybreaker purred.

Celestia refused to admit her Warmind was right. She set back to work, her quill diligently danced over the parchment. The sight of the feather’s motion just kept the allure of flight alive in her mind. She shook her head and focused on the damage report. Twilight's outburst had caused complications, expensive complications. After how collected her former student had been confronting her, she had not expected anything like this to happen. It was such a waste and had caused her so much work.

Gilded Star might have been a useless individual, but still, it was unfortunate whenever it became necessary to sacrifice one of her ponies. Yet for Twilight, she would willingly offer up much, much more. She was becoming far too sentimental. Something she knew her teachers would have disapproved of. She did not have any scars, but she well remembered their lessons.

Her eyes lifted to a simple picture frame. Every time she saw it, it brought a smile to her face. Young Twilight smiling, muzzle buried in a book that sat next to her. The difference between that treasured moment and the recent disaster was jarring. The utter look of anguish Twilight had when she realised the harm she had inflicted had been heart-wrenching.

Celestia’s golden aura drew the picture closer, her hoof pressed it close to her chest. Her former student was going to need support, somepony to be there for her. It still hurt that she could no longer be that pony for her. No matter how much she wished to be.

Celestia’s mind, faithful as ever, replayed the event, that brief clash, power matching power. Despite the pain, it caused Twilight, Celestia was grateful for Candice’s folly. With Twilight’s mind fortified by her mental Bastion, there were no simple options. She could not simply be mentally dominated, forced to sleep or ordered to calm down. This was precisely the reason she had planned on keeping both Twilight and Cadance ignorant of the full extent of their powers for a hundred years. Alicorns could be far too volatile during their first century.

A memory was pulled back in to focus. Her Warmind making a point. Twilight looked like a divine incarnation of vengeance as she glared at Gilded Star. She was magnificent. Daybreaker breathed.

Celestia nodded.

All that righteous rage. All that passion, just like you used to be. With that white coat and burning mane, it is almost as if she was your daughter. Is there something you've been keeping from me, your radiance?

“Enough of this. If you wish to persist in talking to me, you can help.” Celestia waved a hoof at a large stack of paperwork.

Can I just burn them?

"No, as tempting as that might be, no. It would cause too many problems in the future to be worth the momentary satisfaction. "

You have to do something before you drown in paperwork. And I have a plan.

"You do?" Celestia carefully put her quill down and returned the treasured memory, frozen in the picture frame, to its place. She closed her eyes and turned her full attention to her mental garden.

She took a deep breath, and the scents of her favourite flowers lifted some of the weight from her shoulders.

"Tea?" Daybreaker asked, teapot held in her hooves.

“Please.” Celestia gratefully moved round her table and took her normal cushion. She watched the fragrant brew pour into her usual cup. "You said you have a plan to be rid of some of the tedium."

“Yes, your Radiance.” Daybreaker’s smile just showed her fangs. “Two related ideas, to be precise.”

“Please proceed, and you may serve yourself as well.”

Daybreaker served Celestia’s Mask before pouring her own. “We need an Assistant. One that excels at paperwork.”

Celestia glanced at her Mask who gratefully accepted the drink with all proper decorum, exactly like she was programmed to. “We have a small army of them.”

“But only one of any real ability. Paper Pusher.”

It took only a mere moment to bring up everything she knew of the stallion. “The one from RGIS?”

“That's the one. Now we either take him as ours, or you make a fragment based on him.”

“No. That…” Celestia cut herself off. Yes, it was well within her abilities.

Daybreaker smirked, leaning a little closer "You took pieces of a shattered soul and repaired what you could of Twilight. You took a blank mind and restored a father to his family." Her slit eye’s intensity was the perfect accompaniment to her teasing fanged smirk. "You know this would be but a small thing."

“What about his talent?” Celestia mused.

Daybreaker smiled, showing her fangs. “Well, we are most fortunate, we know one who has proven very adept at manipulating cutie marks.”

“We will need to invite her to the palace…”

“Simply make it about helping Twilight, and she will come.”

Celestia paused her contemplation and narrowed her eyes. “Why are you suggesting this?”

Daybreaker waved a hoof. “Can’t you accept I wish to see you find a little happiness?”

“I created you remember, I know your priorities. Why are you doing this?”

Daybreaker sighed dramatically. “Well, don't say I did not try to be nice.” She polished her hoof and regarded it. “You are proving to be a liability.”

Celestia surged to her hooves glaring “Me? A liability? How dare you!”

Sit” Daybreaker snapped.

Celestia felt her rump gracelessly crash back into her cushion. “What?”

“Your rules Celestia, your rules.” Daybreaker scolded smugly as she circled her. “No, I shall explain. Rule four-thousand-twenty-six I am allowed to stop you acting against your other directives and priorities if you are compromised.”

“I am not compromised!” Celestia’s hoof raised. She only just stopped herself before it slammed into her table.

“You have been ever since Twilight rejected you.” Her Warmind waved her hoof. “Oh, you've been getting better, which is why I’ve not done anything so far.”

Celestia deliberately calmed herself, if that was to do with the rules binding her Warmind no amount of anger would help. Only calm collected logic could get through this. “Why now?”

“You have been letting your emotions dictate your actions more and more.” Daybreaker sighted. “Face it, Tia, you are stressed. You need to relax before you lose it or make a critical mistake.”

“Like failing to anticipate...”

“Yes, how did you misread your nobles so much you did not see that coming?” Daybreaker sat beside Celestia, draping a wing around her. “As much as I enjoyed the show. This is not like you, Tia. You need help," Daybreaker said before Celestia felt a warm nuzzle against her neck. "You need to relax.”

“There is just so much to do, now more than ever.” The weakness and the whining tone in her own voice surprised Celestia. Since when had she been so fragile? Her mentor would have had her executed if he saw her now. She needed to be stronger than this, she needed to be better than this. Despite her thoughts, Celestia felt her body lean into Daybreaker’s embrace. She let her eyes close. “Just five minutes.” It was far too nice, just to be held, not to have to be the Princess.

“Yes, your Radiance.”

Celestia took a deep breath. The stack of paperwork was no smaller, but somehow it seemed less daunting now.

She did not need to reach for her connection to the sun to know more than five minutes had passed. The positions of the shadows in the room gave that away. Celestia couldn’t summon the motivation to even be indignant about it, let alone angry. Simply being held like that had felt wonderful.

She stretched her great wings. The majestic limbs flexed. Surely a quick flight would be acceptable. Daybreaker was right. If she did not look after herself better, how was she going to take care of her ponies?

She thought about Daybreaker’s suggestions. Her Mask was adequate for dealing with most paperwork but was not optimised for it. Using Starlight to copy Paper Pusher’s mark was a good idea, but too risky. Starlight was Twilight's friend and student. Any request for her services should properly go through Twilight. She would have to create this new fragment on her own, even if it would be based on a peek inside Paper Pusher’s mind.

She stood, stretching her body. Each muscle responded to her will, shifting and carrying out her command. If only her ponies would be so obedient, it would make things so much easier.

You're the one that decided to give them a better life. Allowed them to be more than the Alicorn Imperium would allow. Daybreaker said.

“I know. I still think it was the right thing to do…” Despite how many problems it caused, Celestia did not add.

But sometimes you miss it, the total power, the mortal ponies all being yours to do with as you will.

“It was wrong,” Celestia stated, nearly slamming her hoof onto the desk.

But, still you crave it, Daybreaker teased.

“No,” Celestia said, trying to believe it.

If there is one pony you should tell the truth to, it should be yourself.

Her golden aura tenderly retrieved an ancient wine glass from its shelf. It was such a simple thing to look at, and yet it was older than her. She brought it closer. Her eyes caught her reflection. Her imagination embellished the distorted image. Gold and jewels of untold value decorated her as servants immediately leapt to satisfy her every desire.

Celestia closed her eyes. “That's no longer who I choose to be.” She carefully returned the priceless antique back to its place. This was the world she had made. This was the role she cast herself in.

A deep tired sigh escaped her. At least she had a plan to make things better, a few simple things to allow her to get more than a few moments to actually live. An honest smile threatened to find a home on her face.

“There, that's better.” Daybreaker’s voice was insufferably smug. But, she had been right. She needed to be reminded of why she did this and to be humbled, but she had to face the fact that, yes, she was a pony too.

Celestia quickly put together a plan of what she needed to do, what skills and traits she wanted to have in her soon to be mental assistant. To do this right, she would need a clear mind. If she still had any of this stress and disharmony in her heart, it would taint any fragments she made.

The open sky called to her, a siren song of freedom. She could just keep flying and not come back. It was a sweet dream for all of a few seconds. She considered for a few seconds. "Perhaps the spa then?"

Acceptable… but you will ask for a happy ending.

"I will not. That would be completely unacceptable behaviour for a Princess."

Which is why you should do it.

“I am not some tyrant of the old Imperium. Our little ponies are not just there for our pleasures and games.”

No, you are far more benevolent than even the best of them ever were. But you are still a mare. One who has denied herself for far too long.

“I have been too…” Celestia protested.

“Busy? Excuses.” Daybreaker snorted. “Take what you want for once. If you're worried about using them, assume a more common form and find companionship the normal way. If you don't have the time for that, you have the whole of the royal guard, they are your personal harem, after all.” Daybreaker said clearly before her voice dropped to a husky whisper. “You know more than a few fantasise about you…”

Celestia slowly nodded. Daybreaker was right again, she had time and time again seen herself in many ‘situations’ when browsing the minds of her guards. If it was what they wanted, then she would not be taking advantage of her position. She would not just be using them. She let her mind start to wonder, it had been a very long time.

A hoof rapping twice on her door pulled her from her daydream. "Auntie, we need to talk." Cadance's voice was calm. Too clam.

Celestia sighed. "Please do come in, Niece. My door is always open to you."

CH 41.3 Tough Love

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Cadance glanced towards her husband, she put on her best confident smile despite the fear that gripped her chest.

The gentle touch as he rested his head against her’s said it all. This plan of her’s asked a lot of him. He knew, and he accepted it. He was there for her, he always would be. “This is for Twilight,” he said.

Cadance nodded and slowed her breathing. What she was about to attempt was not something to do in haste, Night had been adamant on that. She lightly placed her longer, shaper horn against his. Power flowed and warmth built in hers. "I love you."

Shining Armor’s mind, his very soul opened to her. The taste of their first kiss, Flurry Hearts first laugh. He loved her, he trusted her utterly. These were the bedrock of his reality. In that moment she knew she could do anything to him. Her soft wings wrapped around his firm body as she poured her magic into his willing essence, preparing him.

Her senses retreated from the physical, returning to her bastion. Once more, the familiar decadence of her bed embraced her. Despite being a daily occurrence now, the fact she could leave her body behind and return to her Empire whenever she wished was still almost unbelievable.

Something moved, disturbing the mattress. Garnet, her first fragment, lounged comfortably beside her, glittering wings splayed carelessly over the silken sheets without a single mote of effort dedicated to decorum. “So, a new sister?” Garnet asked.

Cadance wished she could get away with sprawling like that. It looked as comfortable as it was unbecoming of a Princess. “Yes,” Cadance nodded as she rose from the bed before being tempted to pick up any more bad habits. She stretched, luxuriating as she released all the nagging tension in her flight muscles. Resisting all the reflexive motions of her wings always left them stiff. As there was nopony but parts of her here to see, she relaxed her wings. After all of Celestia’s lessons, the freedom was guilty little pleasure. “How's recruitment going?”

Crystal feathers rustled over silk as Garnet shifted. “We have two more crystal pegasi sisters now, and four Eternalguards patterned after them.”

“Good work. Do any of them wish to be present for this?”

Garnet’s smile said ‘what do you think’, her wing pointed behind her. Cadance looked over her shoulder. Before she even saw them, she felt them. The two fragments moved through the crystals of her Bastion. The contact sent a shiver along her spine. She was still getting used to all the crystals in the empire being part of her. She pulled her senses back to her immediate surroundings. She did not have time to get distracted by all the ponies touching the crystal structure of her soul again.

A pair of nearly identical crystal pegasi stepped out of the walls. The only difference was their colour. One was a light orange-pink the other a rich red-pink

“Would not miss this for the world.” The light one said, she looked around. “So, anypony remember the cake?”

The redder one tilted her head with an ear cocked at an angle “Cake?”

The first rolled her eyes. “It's going to be her birthday.”

Cadance smiled. It was still so strange to see these fragments. These ponies had been willed into existence and were so alive, so vibrant. She could populate an entire city with ponies from her imagination made real.

“I’m sure Rose Quartz will have thought of that,” Garnet acrobatically flipped from the bed, being unnecessarily dramatic. Her hooves clacked on the floor as the breeze of her motion played over Cadance’s feathers. “Well, I guess I should introduce the twins.” She nodded to the orange-pink one then the red-pink one. “Morganite and Rhodonite”

Both the twins waved. "Hi," Morganite chirped.

Rhodonite nodded respectfully. "Princess."

A polite knock proceeded the door opening. A cart overloaded with cake entered. A mountain of cake, crystal berries and bottles of wine concealed whoever pushed it.

A crystal pony parked it to one side, a warm smile at home on her face. Rose Quartz to Cadance’s eyes was everything a mother should be. Soft features, kind eyes and the most comforting of hugs. She had envisioned her own long passed earth pony mother when she created her. Who better to trust to help raise little Flurry Heart?

“How is she?” Cadance asked.

Rose's face lit up with a fond smile. “She's been terrorising the staff as normal, but I finally got the little monster to settle down for a nap. She still misses both you and your husband.”

Cadance’s good mood flicked and threatened to die.

“I know you are about doing important princess stuff, but you know my hugs are only a substitute for your’s and Shining Armor’s.”

Each second she had spent away from her daughter weighed upon her heart like a year. “As soon as I learn to safely bring him here physically, we will both be visiting at least once a day.”

Garnet snatched up a crystal berry tossing it to the air before catching it in her mouth. "So we're all here, get on with it."

Cadance grinned. Garnet was just how she was made. Adventure-seeking, athletic, supremely confident. The pegasi archer patterned after tails of ancient heroines. Garnet waved her wing, emphasising her desire for things to begin. Perhaps just a touch of Rainbow Dash’s impatience had snuck in with Garnet’s aerial prowesses.

For this, she was not just going to make a will-less defender. Such a thing would be too easy for her Auntie to outsmart. Not to mention, despite the thousand she already had it felt a little wrong to create another pony just to be her slave.

She let her eyes close, envisioning who she wished to create. Like Garnet, they would be somepony who she would be happy to be if she was not herself. She reaffirmed her oath never to make a real fragment that she would not be willing to be.

The image formed. They were tall, like Fleur de Lee, yet wrapped in firm athletically toned muscle like Spitfire. The unicorn mare’s body that she had shaped would look equally perfect on a recruitment poster as a movie advertisement. She had all the pose of a noble beauty and imposing barring professional guard. The crystal armour, sleek, deadly blade and pristine dress uniform completed her.

Next, Cadance let herself see, truly see the mare. Who was she, what did she dream of, how did she speak? Every memory of combat, the hours upon hours of watching Shining and the other guards train from her Canterlot window all poured in. They mixed with something older, centuries of experience donated from her Eternal Guard.

It all became very real. Imaginings became memories. She knew what it was like to have her coat lathered in sweet as the instructors pushed her to her limit. With each breath, they sharpened. The sounds of many hooves impacting the ground in unison only drowned out by barked orders. Burning in her muscles, competed with the mental haze from being driven far past what she thought she could do. The pride of standing at attention in her dress uniform, having made it. She stood with her cohort before the Crystal Heart as the Empress herself reviewed the ranks. Her parents had been so proud of her.

Cadance gathered all her love, care and protectiveness she could. Her drive to guard her family. Her ponies, those she loved and her Shiny most of all.

Her eyes opened, and the mare she envisioned stood before her, every detail perfect. Her new fragment opened her eyes. Another whole sensorium flooded into Cadance’s mind. She was the Princess as she looked into the eyes of the elite Crystalguard. At the same time, she was the consummate soldier as she looked at the Crystal Princess.

"Gleaming Shield, protect him, please.” As soon as the words left the princess’s mouth there was a disconnect. Something lost, yet something more gained. She had but one body again. With only one past, one set of experiences, she was Cadance once more. She smiled at her new sister.

Gleaming Shield blinked. Shook her reserved mane out of her eyes. She swiftly shifted to formal attention, her salute crisp and precise. Cadance admired her work, the pony before her. Just like that, a new life, a new pony. This was who she could have been if she had been born a unicorn and joined the guard.

Who knew all the daydreams her mind fled to when it sought to escape the tedium of some of her princess lessons would prove to be so beneficial.

"Happy birthday!" the Twins shouted.

Garnet held out the cake with a single lit candle in the shape of a zero upon it.

Gleaming Shield smiled, relaxing her stance. "Thank you, sisters."

Cadance strode down the corridor, Shining Armor at her side. He moved unhindered by the heavy crystal plate barding him. A few expressions crossed his face as his ears twitched. He would need lessons on concealing when he was talking to Gleaming Shield.

Despite the situation she kept her body relaxed, she moved with all the regal grace Celestia insisted she master. She was a princess, she was the Empress, it would be most unbecoming for her doubts, her worries to show.

The statue-like visage of the guards could not hide their curiosity from her sense. It radiated off them mixed with a few hints of doubt and worry. She could not blame them. It was not every day a princess of Equestria replaced most of their regalia. Nor was it every day that a different princess melted the roof of the Noble Council chamber.

The different weight and shape of the crystal moved unfamiliarly against her. It helped keep her focused on her goal. Replacing the regalia that her Auntie had gifted her was a powerful statement of her independence. She just wished it did not feel so much like a betrayal. Celestia had taught her so much and had made her the princess she was today. Still, Celestia had left so much out, that neglect had left both her and her sister vulnerable. It had led to so much pain for Twilight. This had to be done.

The engraved crystal had been shaped by the finest craft-ponies in the empire. The only thing she kept from her old set was the shoes. There had been a lot of improvements over a thousand years in the comfort department, and she was not willing to have them nailed on for the same fit modern spells provided.

It had been simplicity itself to bring it and Shining’s new armour to Canterlot. All it had required was to bring it to her bastion and then retrieve it. As the empire was her Bastion, she could summon anything within it with little more than a thought.

She was beginning to understand why Twilight liked her pockets so much. Now all she needed to do was learn to safely bring other ponies there. There would be time for that later. Shinny, Gleaming, are you both ready?

Yes. Was her new fragment’s simple reply.

Shining just nodded, resolve firm in his eyes and gait. The mental connection vanished. Gleaming must have successfully cast the mental ward spell Luna and ensured Cadance learned before allowing this plan. It might not be able to stop her Auntie if she put her whole magical weight behind it, but there was no way she was slipping past it unnoticed.

Just walking this corridor brought back so many memories. The many times she had accompanied the Solar Princess carrying on both a mental and verbal conversation about that day in court. The mental one: the truth or a lesson. The verbal one, an act, nothing but a fabrication for the spies that could be eave dropping.

Cadance braced herself. Turning up with new regalia and with Shining Armor by her side would definitely be a statement. She hardened her resolve and knocked on the Solar study door. "Auntie, we need to talk." Cadance’s voice was calm, collected. She knew why she was here, and she was not going to be pushed around by Celestia, no matter how much older she was.

Celestia’s deep sigh just reached Cadance’s ears. "Please do come in, Niece. My.door is always open to you."

Cadance offered a reassuring smile to Shining Armor then smoothly pushed the door open by hoof. Despite all her training in magic, it still felt more natural to use wing or hoof. Conveniently, it left her horn more receptive to keep an eye out for any of her auntie’s mental tricks.

The first thing to greet her was not words, but the near overpowering scent of Celestia’s calming tea. It hung heavily in the air, it made the breeze from the opening door feel sluggish to her Pegasus senses.

"Cadance, Shining Armor. Please, come in." Celestia’s voice and expression were a perfect imitation of a welcome invitation. Her Auntie's true emotions were irritation, frustration and a swiftly declining blend of guilt and lust.

What did I just interrupt?

She was no weather pony, but it only took a quick flick of her wings as she entered to disperse the vapours to a level Shining would not be affected by them. "Thank you, Auntie." Cadance kept her voice light and pleasant, despite the conflicted storm of feelings churning in her heart. She knew she would not fool her mentor. Celestia had taught her everything she knew about diplomacy and controlling what she presented to others.

The slightest tip of Celestia’s head offered praise for her diplomatic mask. "I take it you're not here to save me from this paperwork. So what can I do to help you two?"

"First thing Auntie, as a ruler of my own nation, I have made the decision to inform my consort of the truths about myself."

The slight tightening of Celestia’s eyes was the only external sign of the anger and disappointment the Princess of the Sun really felt. "Cadance, are you sure that is the wisest course of action?"

“He deserves to know, and in this, it is not your place to meddle.”

Celestia’s eyes hardened. “Have you truly considered all the implications?”

Cadance looked at her, they had done this before. They had taken opposite sides on issues back when Cadance was learning. Just this time it was for real and no mere test. “I have,” she kept her tone firm but civil. “And if you wish my help with dealing with the fallout from today's… incident, then you will not challenge me on this.”

Celestia held Cadance’s gaze for a heartbeat longer than polite. Then Solar Princess, lent back, her hoof rubbing her forehead. She sighed "Why not.” seemed more to herself. “You will, of course, make sure his mind is secure?" Fatigue, a bone-deep weariness lightly touched Celestia’s features. Oh, the signs were small, but after having spent so many years learning to read ponies from her, the subtle shifts practically screamed out to Cadance.

“That is already in hoof Auntie.” Cadance put on her best reassuring smile.

“That is good… may I offer you some tea?”

“Perhaps something a little weaker?”

Shining’s puzzled look was still cute, even after all these years. “It's an Alicorn strength calming elixir,” Celestia explained.

“In other words, it might put me in a coma or kill me.”

Cadance nodded gravely. “Yes.”

“It's not ‘that’ potent.” Celestia’s horn lit with the faintest trace of magic and a slip of paper vanished. “Your refreshments shall be here soon.” She refilled her own teacup with boiling liquid and drained it, savouring the still scalding beverage.

“Does that not hurt?” Shining asked his voice full of concern for his former ruler.

A warm laugh escaped Celestia’s mouth before it faded into a sigh. “I am the Alicorn of the Sun. No heat you will find on Equis will ever bother me. It is nice to drink something that is not as if ice to me.”

Shining Armor calmed, his voice taking on his professional guard tone. “Before we move on to what to do today, Princess. I need to know about the wedding.”

“Cadance being replaced or me being bested by Chrysalis?”


Celestia glanced at Cadance. How much do you wish him to know Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?

The thousand Eternal Guards stood ready in her Bastion. Their zealous protectiveness lent Cadance the strength she needed to continue undaunted. Even though he is not an Alicorn, he is my equal. Cadance put as much firmness in her mental voice as she could. The full power of the Crystal Heart, of her ponies pulsed within her chest. You will treat him as such.

Celestia's flinch took Cadance by surprise. As did the flash of literally burning hate in her mentor’s eyes. The three Heartlines stitching between Celestia and her were divergent. One flared with bright outrage before rapidly cooling to sorrow and guilt. The second danced with sparking amusement and admiration. The last held simple, calm indifference.

Celestia’s expression returned to its calm mask. She lowered her head fractionally, the almost imperceptible motion yielding the point. Candace’s eyes widened, Celestia never yielded, she might admit Cadance has done something right or had a good idea, but never a show of submission like that.

A hint of a forlorn smile flickered across Celestia’s muzzle as she turned her full attention to Shining Armor. “I detected Chrysalis and decided to use the incident to test Twilight and the Royal guard.”

“And her defeating you?” Shining asked, but Cadance could feel that was not the question burning in his heart, demanding to be spoken.

“I had the power to defeat her, but not the control to do so and leave Canterlot intact.”

Shining hesitated for a moment. “What exactly do you mean?”

“Destroying a city is a far simpler task for me than lifting this teacup.” As if making a point Celestia raised it in her aura. “To me, the world is made of paper and our ponies eggshells at best. I have to be so careful in every moment. Every gesture, every use of magic could kill if I simply lose focus.” A dark chuckle shook her chest. “And if I lost control, it would make Twilight ‘little’ outburst seem like a candle compared to the sun.”

Shining’s eyes widened.

Celestia loomed over the desk, her sheer size framed by her mantled wings. “Do you know why Equestria is never invaded? Do you know why we had a thousand years of peace?”

“Because of your wise rule?” Shining answered, an edge of hope in his voice.

Something truly ancient looked out from Celestia's violet eyes “That and the last nation to truly wage war on us I destroyed, personally.” The sound of Celestia pouring herself another cup was the only sound for a long moment.

“If Alicorns are that powerful? Then why do you even need Guards.”

“Three reasons,” Celestia started counting them off on raised feathers. “We can’t be everywhere at once. The amount of collateral damage we might cause. And to conserve our power for when it is truly needed.”

Shining stiffened and looked into Cadance’s eyes.

“No Shiny, I'm not that bad.” She placed a wing over her husband. “I'm stronger than any earth pony, but I can't walk through walls accidentally or destroy nations.”

Cadance nuzzled Shining then looked to Celestia. “Why is none of this in the history books, Auntie?”

“It is for the best if our ponies do not know.”

“Why?” Shining asked.

“I wish our recorded history to inspire them to be better, to live peaceful, happy lives.” Celestia closed her eyes. “They could not do that if they knew what I knew, if they had seen what I have seen.” Dark knots of troubled memories infected Celestia’s heartlines.

"Surely the truth..." Shining started.

Celestia held up a silencing hoof. "I will admit some of our ponies may be strong enough to cope with the truth.” She carefully added too many spoons of sugar to her tea. She slowly stirred it, keeping her eyes on the liquid’s surface. “If you can survive a week of my sister's harshest dream training, you might be one of them."

Cadance felt her eyes narrow. "Auntie, there is no need for that." She forced a smile on to her face "We are on the same side."

Celestia looked up. "I merely stated a fact. There are things out there that even the sight of will drive our ponies mad."

You have been through so much Auntie. Cadance thought to herself.

You can say that again. Garnet unhelpfully added.

“Shiny can I have a word with Celestia alone? It won't be long.” A hint of betrayal danced along his heartline if only for an instant. It hurt to see it, even as his love for her defeated it. “You already know everything I am going to tell her, she deserves her privacy.”

Shining Armor bowed “Princess,” He said as he took his leave.

Celesta's eyes tacked him as he left, her eyes slowly returned to Cadance's own. “Please, proceed.”

“Auntie, there something I need to tell you about Twilight.” Cadance took a long breath. “She remembers. She remembers in a very visceral way what you did to create her.”

“What do you mean?” Celesta's tone was calm, collected, and at ease. It was everything her emotions were not.

Cadance closed her eyes as she drove away their remembered anger. The images her Sister’s rage had seared into her mind still burnt bright. She pressed her hoof to her chest. The coolness of the metal uneven due to the dents in it. The imperfections caused when she tried to smash her husband. She concentrated on the sensations as her lungs expanded, taking in a deep breath. She visualised all her hate, anger, everything negative and let it settle in that breath.

She pushed her breath out, her hoof extending out as if throwing something away. Cadance’s eyes opened, fixing on Celestia’s through the fading red haze of her expelled malice. “She remembers you killing her sisters,” Cadance stated with perfect serenity. “She remembers you wielding a flaming sword, executing them one by one, collecting parts. The ones you used to craft your Faithful Student from.”

Celestia’s eyes dimmed, and her chest stilled. It was as if she had become a statue. “That is not what happened.”

“Perhaps not, Auntie,” Cadance said. Celestia’s heartline had a spike of regret but no guilt, so she was being honest. Cadance softened her voice. She dropped all the lessons Celestia had driven into her and let all her care and concern show. “But that is what she subjectively experienced. That's what the part of her that remains form the original Twilight remembers seeing you do.”

Cadance had never seen Celestia lost for words for more than an instant. As the minutes started to roll by, she began to worry. Her auntie’s emotions spiralled, tipping one way then the next. Cadance slipped from her seat and trotted around the table. As she drew closer, she felt the second heartline changing, patience anticipation, awareness and humour. One of her Auntie’s fragments was paying attention at least. She lay a comforting wing around the larger Alicorn.

The Solar Princess snapped back to reality and took a deep breath. “It appears that the quality of my work was somewhat lacking when I remade Twilight.”

“Auntie Celestia, this is not about you,” Cadance tenderly scolded. “This is about Twilight and how we are going to help her.”


Cadance tightened the embrace “Neither Twilight, nor I, will let you influence her mind again.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed dangerously before a proud smile formed on her lips. “So tell me, Niece, what am I to do? You clearly have a plan.”

Cadance tipped her head, admitting the point. “Do you fully appreciate what she is putting aside to trust you again?”

Her Auntie’s expression softened, and she nodded. “I am, I have always been aware of how remarkable Twilight is.”

“The first and most important thing is to do nothing to anger her.”

Celestia nodded.

“The next is if she is angered don't draw her attention to you. That part of her that hates you is very narrowly focused with almost no attention span.”

“Should I have let her kill today?” Celestia asked, her calm voice bearing no hint of her hurt or outrage. It was as if she was simply asking for critique nothing more, nothing less. Her mentor was trying to bury her emotions again.

"No." She shook her head. "You did the right thing defending your ponies, Even if it cost you some points with Twilight in the short term, she will come around."

A little more warmth crept back into Celestia’s expression. "Thank you, after today you don't know how reassuring that is to hear."

The next point would be harder to bring up. So Cadance attacked it from a tangent. “I have an understanding at least about the scope of your mental powers, Auntie.”

“You're wondering why I let things go that far?”

Cadance nodded.

“I was hoping Twilight would put them in their place.”

A single raised eyebrow just like Luna would use was all it took to get Celestia to continue.

“I… miscalculated,” Celestia grimaced. “I expected Twilight to use words and reason. Her mind is more capable than any dozen nobles combined.”

“You truly did not expect this?”

“I should have.” Celestia sighed, her hoof withdrawing a long ornate pipe from her desk. Her magic started packing herbs and powders in it with time-honed, but rusty skill.

Cadance watched in fascination as endangered and restricted things were gathered, precisely measured and combined. “Auntie, what are you making?”

Celestia paused for only a moment. “Merely a past luxury, one that I am very much in need of right now.”

Cadance’s aura moved the pipe towards her. “ Auntie I'm not letting you drug yourself into a stupor.”

Celestia sighed. “This is a common supplement to aid control and focus. It calms both the mind and one's magic. I don't follow the original recipe. I fail to add the stronger narcotics to it. Though I will admit, today, I would be tempted to return to an old vice…”

"You?" After all of Celestia’s lessons and firm words about avoiding such things. To see her actually seeking narcotics out was unsettling.

"Everypony was, there were hundreds of varieties for different moods and preferences. There was a whole family of earthen, sorry, earth ponies dedicated to growing the main ingredients."

Celestia's eyes trailed over the sleek lines of the pipe. "You could tell a lot about a pony from their pipe. How they cared for it and what they smoked." The Solar Princess looked up. "And then there were the performers. True artists that shaped the smoke." Nostalgia seeped into Celestia's emotions. Her eyes seemed to look through Cadance as if she was not there.


"Do you know the last time I used this?"


“It was the day I sent Twilight away. The day either my sister was to be saved, or I was going to have to kill her.”

“I know how you feel about Twilight.”

“You're wondering how I could send her into danger like that?”

Cadance nodded.

“It was what needed to happen for the optimal... result.”


“My sister returned to help keep the forces of darkness under control. Twilight starting her journey towards ascension.”

Celestia’s aura reclaimed her pipe, trivially overpowering Cadance’s own. "Now you are going to let me smoke this, and then we are going to have a little conversation about your Shining Armor."

A tiny incandescent spark seared into Cadance’s vision. She was grateful her eyes would recover quickly. With Shining gone, it seemed Celestia was barely putting the effort in to control her power. That or her Auntie was more unsettled than Cadance thought.

An acrid yet somehow floral scent tickled Cadance’s nose. It was alluring and appalling in equal measure. A few blinks and the world came back into view. Pipe smoke lazily wound its way towards the ceiling in long coils.

Celestia's eyes gleamed with intent. Her intellect shone through them with diamond-like clarity. An unnervingly calm smile graced her face. "We both know I can no longer alter your mind to my whims. Therefore you have left me with two options. Force…" Celestia casualty relaxed the control on her magic. The enormous weight of her power pressed down in the room. Parchment smoked and smouldered. Hot air pressed like a lead weight on Cadance’s lungs. "Or reason.” Celestia smiled as she restrained her power.

Garnet’s restraint was the only reason the room was not full of her Eternal Guards. Candace levelled her best-unimpressed glare. "Auntie, why did you do that ?"

“To make a point. I have listened to you and against my better judgement, I will allow you to share everything with your husband.” Celestia's tone was the goddess decreeing to the world what was going to happen.

"Thank you."

"I truly hope it brings both of you more happiness than pain."

Cadance smiled warmly.

“That being said, I have conditions.”


“Yes the information he already knows, let alone what you intended to tell him, can not be allowed in the hooves of others.”

“What are these conditions?”

Shining Armor is only leaving here with the truth if you make him your chosen. In addition, he is to be pact sworn to both of us not to reveal it to any other than an Alicorn that has passed their trial.

Cadance smiled, the start of her first lesson with Night coming to mind. "That seems more than reasonable, Auntie."

Celestia drew deeply from her pipe "Did Luna put you up to this? It has the hallmarks of her work."

"No. I just no longer wished to have to deceive my husband." Cadance fluttered her wings, driving the cloying fumes away. "What happened today merely brought things to a tipping point."

Celestia's smile was perfect. The only thing that spoke of her doubts were the subtle twisting of her heart lines. Those little sparks of colour only Cadance could see.

"You think Luna manipulated me into this?"

“It's a strong possibility.”

“Celestia. Auntie. If anypony caused this, it was you.”

Those intense eyes bore into Cadance’s soul even as Celestia’s words sounded so sweet. "How so, my Niece?”

Cadance focused on the heart lines. Not only were they more honest, viewing the world primarily through her domain meant, she did not have to see the gleam in those eyes.

"Learning what was done to Twilight started this. The fact you deliberately kept me defenceless. Hampered both mine and my sister's growth." Cadance forced her expression to show only steely determination. "Did you think I would blindly trust you after that Auntie?"

Celestia sighed, exhaling a long plume of smoke. "You know my reasons.''

Cadance nodded “I do.”

"I don't expect you to agree, but I truly had the best of intentions."

"I can see that, but I can no longer simply trust your choices are right automatically."

“Regrettable, but understandable. In private such doubts can be constructive. Though you are still the younger Alicorn. I will not have you defying me in public."

“Is that a threat, Auntie?”

“No. Merely politics.”

“There would be no point anyway. You would just alter the memory of any who witnessed such an incident.”

Celestia gracefully tilted her head. "You learn well, my Niece."

“So what was your plan for myself and Twilight?”

“You are exactly where I intended you to be. Managing the Crystal Empire for me.”

That's our Bastion, she has no claim on it. Garnet snarled.

Cadance agreed, but concealed her annoyance. “And Twilight?”

“Yes. The remarkable Twilight. Eventually, I would have let her have my throne.”

“You're going to...”

“No longer. She has proven too unstable. Too violent… too much like Luna.”

“So, now?”

“She can be the adventuring one. Travelling and solving problems Equestria may have.”

“Like she has been doing for years.”

Celestia nodded.

A flash of colour outside hijacked her train of thought. Cadance’s eyes lifted to the window.

Celestia’s eyes followed her own. “Cloudsdale made another mistake, the third this…” Another bust of colours silenced the Solar Princess.

The expanding rings from a Sonic Rainboom contrasted beautifully against the dark clouds. As she watched a new shock wave from a second Sonic Rainboom appeared. Then a third, the cloud of prismatic shockwaves crashed into the dark cloud bank simultaneously. Perhaps Rainbow Dash was just practising a new routine.

Instead of breaking up the cloud bank, it was only driven back. As it was forced towards the Everfree, two tears of red ripped their way through it. The clouds twisted, becoming a perverted mockery of a face.

Celestia stood and calmly approached the window, her golden aura already opening them “That’s no ordinary cloud… Cadance, gather Shining Armor and all the guard officers you can find in the war room.” The Solar Princess did not wait for a reply and lept more than flew to Luna's balcony.

Bolts of black cored lightning leapt from the clouds seeking the Wonderbolt. They bubbled with the tainted purple and toxic green of the foulest magics. Cadance watched just long enough to see Rainbow Dash evade the first barrage before she teleported out.

CH 41.4 Dark Clouds on the Horizon

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“Hay Rainbow,” Thunderlane’s voice bellowed.

“Yeah?” Rainbow Dash did not even open her eyes, not even for the new Captain of the weather team. If she did not move, she might be able to get back to sleep. Her napping perch in the old appletree still fit her perfectly. She had used it so often it had moulded to her body. The sound of wings approached. The imperfections in their strokes were like nails on a chalkboard to her.

“I know you're a fancy Wonderbolt and everything now, but can you help us out?”

“Sure, I’m not going to leave Ponyville hanging.”

“Good, see that huge pack of black clouds?”

She opened her eyes and quickly found a few months of rain clouds heading straight for Ponyville. “Yeah?”

“Their four times are big as they should be and a day early.”

“Well, somepony bucked up.”

Thunderlane nodded. “Now we need to get them under control and find where they are meant to be before we get a flood and somewhere else gets a drought.”

“Yah, yah I can get this done in ten seconds flat.”

“Well we already have a team trying to redirect them, they are just being stubborn.”

“Did somepony let some water from the Everfree into the weather factory again?”

“That was one time, and that was a few clouds as a prank.”

“We’re going to have to draft half the town's wings to get all that rain where it should be.”

“I’ll get on that, you help wrangle those clouds.”

Rainbow snapped her wing in a casual salute. She hopped down to the group and started stretching out. It would not pay to pull something, She could easily leap straight into the action, but the tightness in her left-wing still complained about how much she pushed herself to claim first place. She smirked. That Nightguard Meteor Crash and Lighting Dust were getting close to half as awesome as she was.

She inspected one wing then the next, making a few adjustments. The foul taste of the premium oil Spitfire insisted she use still grated, but she could not complain about the half a percent flight profile improvement it granted. Even if it tasted like fish and timberwolf breath. At least it did not really have a scent.

All pre-flight checks completed she launched into the air ready to show just how awesome she was.

Catching up with the weather team was foals play. Dealing with these clouds would not be. She came to a hover and watched for a moment. Every time one of the frustrated pegasi left a cloud alone, even for a second, it would slip back to the pack. They were nearly as bad as the ones Discord let lose back when he was a total jerk.

Something was seriously wrong with these clouds. It took a few seconds for her mind to catch up with her instincts. Tactics lessons Spitfire had beat into her head sometimes literally provided the answer. They were encircling the weather team.

“Weather Team, get your flanks over here now!” Rainbow shouted. The commanding tone and Rainbow’s awesomeness got almost all of the weather team to break off and head to her. One pony ignored her. “Stormfront!” Rainbow shouted as she moved closer.

Stormfront did not move, she merely looked round. Tendrils lashed out, ensnaring her. Her horrified scream assaulted Rainbow’s senses for only an instant before she was violently yanked into the roiling mass of storm clouds.

Rainbow did not think. Pegasus magic surged, and she shot forward. She could not see through the cloud, but she didn't need to. She could feel everything within a dozen body lengths.

There. She burst through the cloud, forehooves latched onto Stormfront. The next instant, they were out. Thunder erupted behind her, trailing into an inequine roar. She spared a moment and looked.

Heavy blobs of tar-like rain begin to fall as a pair of evil red eyes the size of a barn opened. They glared right at Rainbow.

Stormfront flailed. “Let me go, Let me go.”

“Hey, you're safe.” Rainbow dropped her and let her use her own wings. Rainbow turned to glare at the evil cloud, hooves crossed, putting on her best unimpressed bad flank look. “No cloud is going to defeat Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash.”

The rhythmic sound of Stromfront’s wings beating slowed. The pulsing of her flight magic started to fail. Rainbow glanced around just in time to see the mare manage a few more uncoordinated flaps before her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell.

The dark cloud roared and surged forward, rushing at Rainbow. The weather magic building in it sent tingles along her feathers.

Rainbow dove after the now unconscious Stormfront as she channelled her control of the air to amplify her voice
“Get Twilight!” The sound rattled her bones and brought spots to her vision. The weather team scattered like a startled flock of birds.

Gravity was a slouch compared to the fastest mare in Equestria. Rainbow easily outpaced her pursuers and caught Stormfront. Wrapping her hooves around her and holding her securely, she abruptly changed direction. She bit back the mocking comment a younger her would have thrown out as the roiling mass of dark clouds shot by.

She tracked her opponent and caught sight of the land below. Where the nauseating looking black slime fell, anything and everything it touched darkened, its form twisting.

More clouds closed in. They might be slow, but they were far better coordinated than the mercenaries she had faced. She was going to have to do something drastic. She did a quick spin to check her surroundings. Everypony else was clear, all falling back to town. The only point she needed to protect was in her hooves. There was nothing to stop her using her signature move.

Flight magic surged up from her core. Power, her whole body vibrated with it. The sky itself danced with her drawing closer, encasing her in a sleeve of hardened air. She smirked. “You think you can keep up with me? Get real.”

Rainbow relished the strength of her muscles as she brought her wings down. The powerful stroke of her wings almost left her stomach behind as she rocketed heavenwards, dodging up quicker than most flyers could dive.

Her wings trembled, a few flickers of lighting escaping from them, but that was only the energy she could not contain. Twilight's awesome move could be used to store raw flight magic, but not quite enough. Once she had enough clearance, she reached out, grabbing her momentum and flipped its direction.

The tendons in her wings screamed at her. Spitfire would discipline her for being reckless again. She was now diving right at the pack. One heartbeat later all she could see was the dark mass below her. “Sucker.” Rainbow surged her magic, releasing all the barley contained power in her aching feathers.

The world exploded in a glorious prismatic burst. She cheered. She only just remembered not to raise her hooves in a victory celebration. It would be uncool to drop the mare she had just rescued.

Rainbow’s flight path arched as she turned back to see if any clouds had survived. “What the?” All the clouds were still there, scattered yes, but not a single one was even diminished.

Stormfront shifted a bit in her grip. Rainbow automatically adjusted her wings to account for the shift in balance, but she could not take her eyes off those smug crimson eyes. The monstrous barn sized face imitated Rainbow’s smirk as the pack of clouds shifted, setting course for Ponyville.

“Oh no, you don’t.” Rainbow started building power for another Sonic Rainboom. Thanks to her Wonderbolt training, she had at least another six in her. Twilight had better hurry.

Her right forehoof shot out, wrecking her flight path. She spiralled in the air, the almost familiar weight of her hoof-blade altering her center of mass. The weapon that was not there a moment ago dripped black tarry blood.

Stormfront, or what had been her, was flung off into the distance. Bloody stumps, where her forehooves used to be, erupted into masses of bladed tendrils. “Help me…” She croaked before her face morphed in a snarling mass of hungry fangs.

CH 41.? Don't Touch that Dial

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Discord huffed, this was worse than being a statue. He was stuck just watching, only this time he could not laugh as misfortune descended upon the ponies. His view of the outside world was a simple box, within it Fluttershy delicately set down the plate of sandwiches. Sandwiches which he should have been sharing with her.

A small demon in the form of a white rabbit thumbed his foot.

“Take that back, mister. Discord must have a good reason…” The mare said, but it was all too clear she was starting to lose faith.

Another appointment missed, how many could he miss before he was forgotten, or he missed the rest of her life. Ponies were so short-lived, so fragile. Discord’s paw rested on the image of the buttercream pegasus, the only mortal he had truly cared for in such a long time. “Please, be safe.”

A clock ran around the room, shedding numbers all over the carpet. His paw seized it up, shaking it. The hollow rattle made it easy to judge how few numbers were left within it. He wished he could just top this timer up again like he did all those times before.

He raised his talon, the tips posed to snap. It slowly started to fade from view. “Cruse your rules.” He slumped bonelessly on his ceiling. He never liked this sort of randomness. So many ponies were only a single unlucky roll away from death or worse.

He dropped the thrashing time peace. As soon as its scrabbling legs hit the ground, it sprinted away. No wings, it would have flown if there was going to be any fun in what happened next.

A second TV flicked into existence, randomly cycling though ponies. The first one stayed fixed on Fluttershy. Static danced over the new screen, the image shifted to his little purple O and O player. A door in his chest opened, relieving his heart as it sunk into a fishbowl. Two little monkeys clung to it as they sang their sad song. They held on till the bitter end. They fizzed away like sour flavoured sherbet.

So perhaps there might be a few more individuals he wished he could protect. The least he could do was remember them. Once everything was resolved Moonlight Scroll, or Noble Guide as he now claimed to be, was going to pay tenfold for all the pain poor innocent Fluttershy was going to suffer today.

CHANNEL Should be an O&O game

Spike embraced the warmth around him. He refused to even consider he might be awake. He pushed away the distractions of the looming waking world desperate to hold onto his adventures with the Power Ponies. Radiance had just praised him for his valour.

Flames roiled up from his core, demanding attention. The familiar heavy belch building in his chest foretelling an incoming letter. He tried to reach out, but something stopped him. The warm blanket around him was effectively binding him still. The message thudded onto the floor.

Spike battled his way from his comfortable cocoon. The last time he had been bound so securely was when he was a young hatchling and Twilight needed to keep his head pointing away from the books. He glanced around at all the books and scrolls lying around him, that's exactly what had been done here. What? Was Twilight feeling nostalgic or something? It was almost as bad as if she changed his bedding for a waterproof set fearing he might wet his bed.

Spike shook his head as he carefully folded the blanket then reached for the scroll. The normal red ribbon was absent, replaced by two others. Luminous gold and abyssal black bound the scroll. The gold meant this missive was of the highest priority. His eyes locked on the black, his claw trembled and his grip almost failed. He had never received one before. Black only meant one thing. Death.


CHANNEL Moonbut’s Squad: Striker

Striker savoured the divine flavour as his fangs sunk deep into the soft flesh. The door slammed open, his training saved him. The door parted his reflexive shadow from for only a moment. Tragically, his poor defenceless mango was not so lucky. The wet squelch announced its demise.

“Twilight!” The little purple lizard that destroyed nature's gift to the world scampered about, his little legs sliding out from under him.

Striker lifted the little dragon with his black aura, returning to solid form. The young dragon’s feet still scrambled in the air. “Whoah, where's the fire, Spike?”

Spike turned wide eyes upon Stiker and held up a sealed scroll. The black ribbon speaking more than the terror in the little guy’s eyes ever could. All of Striker’s joviality vanished in an instant, his black aura seized the scroll, tearing the seal away.

“Wait, you can’t.”

“You see the ribbons on this?” Striker did not take his eyes off the page as he held them up. “Every second could mean the difference between life and death.” His eyes rapidly flickered over the page. Oh by Luna’s Stars, no. “Spike, get everypony you can in the castle right now.” He spun and dove into his own shadow, rushing to raise the defences. He hardly noticed the open scroll float to the ground as he prayed Spike had not wasted too much time.



The Dark Clouds heading your way are an insidious form of dark magic. They corrupt any life their rain touches. They can only be burnt away with mixed Astal and Sunlight war-spells.

This attack is not solely focused on Ponyville, this is an attack against our very nation. Cadance, Luna, Shining Armor and myself will deploy to protect as many as we can. Protect your ponies, protect your friends.

May Harmony be with you,


CHANNEL Element of Honesty: Background Pony

The repeated explosions of colour were hard to ignore. What in tarnations are you doing now, Rainbow? Applejack wiped her fetlock across her forehead. The repeated thumps of hooves on bark announced her new farm helpers diligently persevering. She adjusted her hat and continued on, despite the ache in her spine.

She stifled a yawn. The last time she was this tired ended up with the now-infamous baked bads incident. A deep breath stretched her lungs, the extra air barely did anything to banish her fatigue. Business had never been better, but it was hard to keep up. The refugees set up in that fancy place that Noble Guide fellow was building had already doubled the apple order for the year, and that was before Twilight started performing miracles and getting even more ponies to turn up.

Her hooves pressed into the life rich ground. She closed her eyes, inhaling the scents of home. The apples in the tree next to her, the fragrant grass beneath her hooves, even a few hints of the pastry Granny was blind baking to make pies later.

She reached out through her hooves. As always, the strong rhythm of the apple trees greeter her first. Breath slowly left her lungs as warmth flowed from her chest through her legs into the ground. Gratitude danced through the tree's song as it pulled in the energy. The apple scent shifted to the perfect tart sweetness.

“Thank you, you did well, helping keep all these ponies fed.” A smile warmed her face as she adjusted readying to buck. This would be the second harvest from this tree this week. She would have to rest the poor girl after this.

Leathery wings furiously beat the air getting closer. “What’s the chances that's not for me?” She muttered. Applejack looked up and already knew what she would see.

A Nightguard impacted the ground. Dust erupted into the air and apples fell from the disturbed trees. “Bearer Applejack.”


“You and your family are ordered to the shelter of the castle.”

“Ordered?” Applejack straightened out of her bucking stance and levelled her best stubborn glare at the Bat Pony. “Wait one darn minute, what's going on?”

“There is no time, if you value the lives of your family, make haste.” The Bat pony leapt into the air wheeling in the air and flapping hard as he headed towards the Everfree.

A pegasus flashed by him, then an instant later he slammed into something twisted and dark. The pair tumbled through the air heading to the northern field. Other Nightguards and things were brawling in the air.

Her hooves started moving on their own, she was at a gallop towards the farmhouse in moments. “Big Mac, get Granny to Twilight's.”

Big Mac poked his head out a window. “Eeyep.”

“Applebloom, Applebloom!”

There was no answer.

CHANNEL Starlit Ego

Starlight glared over the mountains of weapons and armour concealing the Cutiemap. Magic danced along Starlight's horn, eager, hungry to lash out. The overflow refracted kaleidoscopically from the crystal walls. “Who put you in charge?”

“Princess Luna.” Stiker’s draconic eyes narrowed, his armoured body smoothly shifted into a dangerous stance. “Now you ‘will’ alter these enchantments or you will be tried for treason.”

“I don't think you understand we're on the same side.”

“Seconds cost lives, Starlight.”

The weapons were the training weapons Twilight had created. Each carefully enspelled to be unable to harm another. As usual, her teacher's magic was overdone. There was even part of the enchantment that would help you float if you were submerged in water carrying one.

Hooves thundered towards them. Striker shifted to parade rest, his horn darkened with shadow as his aura opened the door.

Striker turned to the two fast approaching thestrals. “Report.”

“Hostile vanguard, two minutes out.” The one on the left snapped.

“Gather the top ten locals for all the combat events.” Striker ordered. The Nightguards did not even come to a full stop before flapping their wings and darting off in two different directions.

It took a few seconds to sink in who Striker was going to give these weapons to. “You’re arming civilians? Against this?”

Striker snarled, his keen fangs on full display. “What's coming is not going to care who they are.” A slight tremble spoiled his sharp retort. “If we don't stop them, they will kill or infect everypony, and this blight will spread.”

A blood-curdling scream ripped through the air. Starlight’s blood froze. Why could this not just be another friendship mission? A tremble started in her legs. This was Equestria, things like this just did not happen.

Metal smashed against the crystal floor as Striker stomped his hoof. “Now, get this done, then find a vantage point.” Strike donned a spiked helm as he stalked out. “They say you fought Twilight to a standstill?” He paused in the doorway and glared over his shoulder. “I hope for all our stakes that was no boast.”

She was Starlight Glimmer, she regularly performed magic not even Twilight could. Her shaking stopped. She straightened, her head lifted in defiance, her eyes drilled into his.

“Better.” Striker nodded then left.

Starlight ignored the stallion and focused her senses on the useless arsenal before her. There was no time to unwork Twilight’s spellwork. But what if the spells could be deceived. There were so many things to protect who they struck. So many different types of energies they could use to prevent harm. So what happens if they think they were about to set their target on fire?

CHANNEL One Trick Pony

Trixie reared up, her cape flaring dramatically. Yes, she had to wear this armour, but she could at least make sure she still looked great and powerful. Branding was important, after all.

"On the left," Captain bossy shouted.

Trixie huffed, lighting her horn. Two ponies fled and the third just cowered before the slavering mass of tendrils and blades. It roared as it lunged, thick globs of spittal splattered its soon to be snack.

"Teacup!" A flick of her horn was all it took. A bolt of magic sailed out, striking true. The tentacled horror imploded in a flash of light. Only a simple teacup falling to the ground remained in its place.

"Barrage center."

“Trixie could really do without having to take all the orders.”

A bright spark leapt from her horn trailing streamers of technicolour. Moments before impact it burst apart into dozens of explosions detonating in pyrotechnic glory amongst a pack of monsters. It just did not look right, used like that. It was meant to go off high in the sky. This was not why she invented these spells.

Blinded and deafened, the beasts staggered back from the force of the ongoing blasts.

“None can stand against the great and...”

“Enough showboating, more fighting.”

“Everypony’s a critic.” Twilight had better appreciate this…

Channel Moonbutt kisser Striker

“What do you mean she went to a different world?” Striker buried his doubts, Alicorn or no Alicorn his duty was clear. Hold the town or destroy it to slow the blight.

Emerald Shade held her regal pose and clam stare. “She departed over an hour ago, seeking medical knowledge from the human world.”

“Then, we need to retrieve her.”

“I agree, though we should send somepony who has been, and if you can see reason, I know who to send.”



“Why him?”

“He has been there before and will be able to track Twilight.”

Striker nodded, “Find Spike, get it done.”

Emerald nodded and departed, her long legs striding elegantly despite her rapid pace.

Striker closed his eyes and activated the silver and black spell glyphs placed along the inside of his eyelids. The spellbrands did their job perfectly. A single terrible spell stood ready to be unleashed. “I hoped I would never need this.”

The ghost of a caress trailed along his cheek as Luna's calm voice spoke. “There are many fates worse than death, foes that must be stopped no matter the cost.” Luna’s cool magic caressed his horn, the crisp scent of a frozen winter’s night helped calm him. “We trust thee, Captain Striker, with our final mercy.”

Striker opened his eyes, his reflection looked back at him from the crystal wall. The faint whips of silver streaming from its eyes only visible to thestral eyes.

The rhythmic clinks or armoured hooves on crystal approached. The pattern was a canter, not a gallop nor a shadow step, so not an emergency. He stared into his reflection’s eyes, his own oblivion and the deaths of all here was now just a thought away. He took a deep breath composing himself. “For Equestria,” he whispered.

Night’s Mercy trotted in, her healer's kit and poisons expertly concealed under her leathery wings. “Captain…” She stopped as soon as she saw his eyes. Understanding filled her own, a grim and determined expression settled on her face. She nodded. “I’ll spread the word.”

CHANNEL It's over nine thousand.

Starlight looked out from the castle's balcony. Against the backdrop of black clouds and the greens of the Everfree, the Nightguard fought monsters on land and in the air. Atop her wagon, Trixie stood tall as if performing on a stage. She was right near the frontline, just behind a few Earth Pony Nightguards. The showmare's flashy magic drew attention and disoriented the creatures. Guards and armed civilians brutally ambushed those that tried to make their way to her friend.

It was surreal, like being in a nightmare. Hordes of monsters rushed in to attack the town that had become her home. It was hard, but she focused on what she could do. As no pony could find Twilight, she was the most powerful mage here. She had to make her spells count.

Below, more and more of the ponies of Ponyville proved brave enough to take up arms. Each of them clutching one of her perversions of Twilight’s work. They galloped off and took positions where Emerald Shade pointed to.

The green maned beauty’s eyes were intense pools of calm resolve as they pierced into Starlight’s own. Indignation boiled her fear away. If some well-groomed prostitute could be that clam, so could she. She was not going to be shown up by the likes of her.

Magic gathered around her horn. She built it slowly, she had to focus on efficiency and not speed. She was no Alicorn, to even compete with one she had to continually seek where and how to best to use it. Right now she might offer to sell her soul to Discord just to have one-tenth of Twilight’s magic reserves.

Bulk Biceps, or Snowflake, she could never remember which, was carrying barrels of something out of the castle.

The dark rain still fell from those perverted clouds, their corrupting magic twisting the Everfree and part of Sweet Apple Acres. Big Mac carried Granny Smith as he and his sister trampled, bucked or lassoed anything that tried to stop them. A small group of ponies that had been helping them on the farm followed and stuck as close as they could.

Starlight looked past them. Hundreds of things converged on them. It took only moments to see where the hoard was going to crash into defenders. The thin line of guards and town ponies was not going to be able to stop them.

Starlight braced herself, each hoof planted firmly. The magic that rippled over her horn intensified. She never used this level of magic versus a living creature before, not even if you counted her battle against Twilight through the past or their weekly duelling practice.

CHANNEL Not an Orange

Something thudded into the ground then one set of galloping hooves fell silent. Applejack risked a look back. Tree Branch had fallen, a dozen monsters howled with frenzied delight.

“Oh no, you don’t.” She planted her hooves and wheeled round skidding to a halt. “Mac, keep going!”

Big Mac nodded, passing Granny off to one of the new ponies using his brute strength to plough his way through another hoard of monsters.

Her trusty rope wrapped around Tree Branch and yanked them over to her. An expert flick and their weight slammed into her back. She turned and ran. Her legs burned, her muscles screamed with each powerful motion. A clawed thing erupted from the ground right in per path. Her muscles bunched and she lept, her hooves leaving small craters as she launched herself over the tar-like monster.

The monster swung, wicked claws gleefully extended. A breeze tickled her belly as the swipe only parted her coat.

Her hooves crashed into the ground, pain lanced up her left foreleg. She grit her teeth and ignored it.
A sea of waving tentacles erupted like a forest around her. “Oh buck.”

She slammed into them muzzle first. They writhed, lashing out like whips, stinging and slashing at her as they tore ragged strips from her coat. She reeled back. Left, right, behind, the things were everywhere. Maybe she could go over? No, they were more than twice the height she could jump even unburdened. She was trapped.

Blood dripped from her. Her earthpony toughness was the only reason it was not a torrent. She slowly turned, there had to be a way out, there had to be something she could do. Big Mac and Applebloom would not be crying over a closed casket. I’m not done yet.

Manic hyena laughter flickered from place to place around her. “Little Pony has nowhere to run,” the raspy voice mocked from behind her.

The tarry thing stepped through the tendrils. It towered almost as tall as the walls. It stood on two legs, had oversized clawed arms and a wolf-like face.

“I’m Sorry, Big Mac.” She carefully slid Tree Branch from her back and turned to face her attacker. She stomped her hoof and let out an angry snort. “Come on, or are you yellow?”

It charged.

CHANNEL Fluttershy

A line of bright light seared into her vision. Fluttershy whimpered as magic ripped its way through air and poor tormented animals with equal ease. Tears stung at her eyes, why was this happening? Something had twisted their forms, but they were still in there, scared and panicked, each calling for help. She had tried to reason with them, pleaded with them, but they could not stop themselves, it was like something else was controlling their bodies. Even the Stare had not worked.

Harry grabbed her and struck out with a powerful paw. The terrified former manticore she had once pulled the thorn from his paw, staggered back. Angel Bunny fell upon them with twin kitchen knives. Fluttershy squeezed her eyes closed. “Make it stop, just make it stop.”

One of her animal friends let out a pained wail only for it to be cut off an instant later. Another little piece of Fluttershy died inside. One more friend would not make it to safety.

“Make a hole.” A booming stallion bellowed.

Fluttershy risked opening her eyes. She and her small stampede of mixed animals were closing on a line of Guards and ponies she knew from town. A section of their line opened, their approach being kept clear by brutal stabs of magic from the unicorn Nightguard.

“Fluttershy, this way, hurry!” Trixie’s amplified voice screamed.

Harry roared and picked up speed as he charged through the few monsters that tried to slow them. A few looked like they might have been ponies.

“Bulk, now!”

“Yeeaah!” A barrel of something sailed past Fluttershy. It slammed squarely into the face of a tentacled Timberwolf. The wood shattered, spraying gooey liquid all over, the sound inaudible over the cacophony of this madness.

“Trixie, light it!”

Fiery spirals of magic danced around the showmare’s horn. Fluttershy closed her eyes. The roar of the hungry flames were drowned out by the pained howls.

Fluttershy wept.

CHANNEL Rescue Rainbow

Rainbow flared her wings, a bolt of tainted light scorched the hairs of her coat with the near-miss. What the buck is it going to take to stop these? She did not have the oxygen to spare to voice her question. Her whole body burned with the effort of staying in the air.

Her Knight’s blade tugged to the right. Rainbow did not fight it, she spun in the air, letting Twilight’s deadly gift guide her strike. It's wicked edge bisected a hoofball sized parasprite. Balded tendrils erupted from it in a futile attempt to catch her as the two parts of it started their fall to the forest below.

Rainbow panted, gaining some altitude. “Thanks.” Warmth pulsed through the metal once. The clouds that still sneered at her were smaller now. The bolts of lightning came less frequently. They were using themselves up to create that tarry monster making rain. They would only be a threat for a few more seconds.

One by one, the clouds paled and dissipated. The evil eyes lingered in the air for a few more seconds, taunting her.

“Buck you, nopony beats Ponyville!”

“Are you sure?” A raspy voice challenged.

The eyes flared then vanished as if they had never existed. Rainbow turned her attention to the wider conflict. What had she missed? The air and ground both heaved with activity.

The weather team had made it back to Ponyville and were airlifting slow, injured or just stubborn ponies to Twilight's castle. The Nightguards and those that could fight held the line in an ordered withdrawal towards the castle.

The bat ponies fought as if possessed. They tore into the monsters in fearless frenzy, and yet managed to pull back a moment before they were struck down. Whatever training those thestrals got, Rainbow wanted some.

The still blazing wall of flames bought time for Fluttershy to be carried further to safety and still secured Ponyville from one direction.

A long sun-bright beam lanced from the Castle to near Sweet Apple Acres. Starlight’s definitely war-grade magic traced a line from monster to monster, shredding them in seconds like sugar paper before a hosepipe, carving darkened furrows in the ground.

The powerful magic danced around avoiding where Applejack bucked, bit and stomped on anything that got near her. She stayed protectively near some stallion with a pair of broken legs. Slightlight’s magic was too powerful to get close enough to save them.

“Rainbow to the rescue, again.”

Rainbow climbed instead of diving straight for her friend. Spitfire had been clear, if allied war-spells were in the field you needed to make bucking sure those nearsighted hornheads knew exactly where you were. So Rainboom number six it would be.

CHANNEL Apple Toss

Applejack heaved in another breath. Hundreds of little cuts and bruises stung her body. She expertly pivoted her body unleashing another buck. Unlike with her beloved trees, she did not hold back. Bones loudly shattered as another thing was sent flying into its kin.

“Just leave me,” Tree Branch croaked.

“I ain't going to do that,” Applejack started circling the crippled stallion, defiant eyes locked on anything that dared get close.

A malevolent red glow seeped into the varmint’s eye “One of us, you're going to be remade into one of us.”

Applejack snorted, her hoof scraping the ground like an angry minotaur.

“Give in to that anger, give in to that hate, it will only make you stronger when we take you.”

Applejack roared, her hoof pulled back to brutalise the things head. Impacts shuddered up her forelegs again and again. The thing laughed, weakly. It's attempted cackle silenced as its face was ruined blow by blow. “Look behind you,” it wheezed before finally falling still.

Tendrils had enveloped Tree Branch, they pulled him in towards the mass of abominations.


A prismatic blur and the ground disappeared below with a nauseating lurch “Don't worry, I got you.” Rainbow said as she ripped Applejack into the air.

“Rainbow, he still,”

“Give me a moment.” Rainbow surged upwards her rainbow trail showing all the world how fast she was going. She rolled bucking Applejack away. She pivoted and dove still trailing rainbows.

“Rainbow!” Applejack ascended on momentum alone. With only the air around her for company, her limbs failed uselessly. “Earth ponies ain't got wings.”

She slowed to a stop frozen in the air for a moment, the whole world, the swarming mass of the battle lay before her. “Oh nelly.” Gravity decided it had quite enough of an earthpony trying to fly.

She fell.

CHANNEL T.Sparkle 2.0

Another sonic rainboom erupted in the sky demanding attention. A speeding orange form caught Starlight's eyes. Applejack rose in the air purely on imparted momentum as Rainbow dove back down for the crippled farm worker. Long trails of lightning tore through the sky flanking Dash and her rainbow contrail.

Rainbow surged down, impacting the ground like a meteorite. Rock and earth fountained up, joined by shattered monsters as electricity arced between it all.

“Rainbow!” Starlight shouted.

“She's fine, or she's dead. Now catch Applejack.” Striker said from beside her.

“What?” Starlight looked back, the farm mare was heading on a collision course straight at her. She re-ignited her still far to warm horn and readied her aura.

CHANNEL Random Pony oh who cares who they are.

The monsters crowded in, hungry maws, mocking cackles echoed around him.

“Yessssss, you ssshall be the one to kill Applejack, ssssweet, ssweet revenge for her not ssssaving you…”

Twin bolts of lightning cracked down, a titanic boom exploded around him.

A blue mare stood over him like an avenging Alicorn had come to save him. Her rainbow mane billowed in the breeze as lightning crackled through it. Her muzzle moved, but Tree Branch could not hear anything other than the endless ringing that assaulted his ears.

The mare grabbed him and carelessly lifted him. Pain blazed as his broken legs shifted. With a single powerful flap, she rocketed into the air. Pain flared into agony. A scream clawed out his ragged throat even as he wanted to thank her. This torment was better than being eaten by those things. The devastation around them came into view below them as darkness clawed at the edges of his vision.

A lone patch of earth stood alone in a ragged crater. Charred monsters and chunks of shattered earth still rained down. Who the buck is she? was his last thought before his mind downed in the blackness.

CHANNEL Applesauce?

Starlight's magic lowered Applejack to the crystal balcony. Pain shot up Applejack’s legs as her cracked and chipped hooves took her weight.

"If Apples were meant to fly we would have wings." Applejack's hoof brushed over her mane.

Her hat's loss weighed far more than a replaceable accessory ever should, especially now. Below Ponyville, her home was in chaos. Ponies fought, ponies bled. The flames spread, consuming grass and building alike with equal ease. A group of weather ponies fanned the flames guiding the budding inferno towards the farm.

Moisture pricked her eyes. Honesty was the cruellest of elements. It refused to allow any self-deception. Not now after so long being it's bearer. The screams of pain and terror were not just overreactions. That pony down there was not just unconscious.

Applejack straightened. She was an Element of Harmony. She was a member of the Apple family. She was not going to let these monsters take any more lives. Not if she could do anything at all to stop them. "I got to help them." She said to herself before her gaze turned from the suffering below. "Starlight, where's the best place for a pair of strong bucking legs to make a difference?"

“Go to the map room. Get some armour and ask Rarity where you are needed.”

Applejack ran towards the map room. “These varmints are going to wish they never came to mah town.”

CHANNEL Marshmallow Advert.

The cloying scent of the perfume-drenched scarf wrapped over her nose was the only thing holding her nausea at bay.

Sowing wounds closed what not Rarity’s idea of a good time. This was practically barbaric, her ears still rang from when disinfectant was poured into that poor colt's wounds without so much as a numbing spell. All the healing magic was reserved for putting ponies back in the fight.

Her current patient twitched. “Please, darling, try to stay still. I'm sorry. I know it hurts, but it will be over soon.” Her aura guided the needle with the same unerring precision she prided herself on. “There, all done.”

Rarity stood, her white coat stained with blood, none of it her’s. She knew where every blemish came from, She rested her hoof on a patch of dried blood matted into her coat. That brave stallion was still laying there in the corner. He looked so peaceful, she could almost believe he was only asleep.

Night’s Mercy rested her hoof on Rarity's withers. Its warmth stirring just a little more hope in the fashionista. “It's never easy sending somepony to their final dream.”

“Final dream?”

“The last moments of life fall under our Sovereign’s domain.”

“Princess Luna?”

Mercy nodded, “When your time comes, she will be there for you, Bearer of Generosity.”

“A royal escort to the eternal fields… that's an honour, though please forgive me for not wishing to accept any time soon.”

“That's something we both can help to delay.”

Heavy hooves lumbered into the map room. “Rarity, what the hay happened to you?”

“Darling, I’m fine.” Applejack looked to be in a right state. Strips of her coat and flesh were missing from her body. Her cracked and split hooves looked like she made her best attempt to smash them. “Applejack, what happened to you?”

“They attacked the farm.”

“Oh, darling.”

Mercy fixed Applejack with her slit eyes. “Are you still able to fight?”

“Do Apples grow on trees?”

Mercy nodded once. “Drink this.”

Applejack accepted the vial of clear liquid shot through with swirls of crimson and midnight blue. “What’s this?”

“This blessing from the Sovereign will heal you and lessen your pain.”

Applejack surveyed the room and the many injured ponies laying around, “Use it on them.”

“No, they can’t or won’t fight.”

“So?” Applejack glared. “they still need healing.”

Mercy leaned in and whispered. Applejack's eyes widened, then narrowed. The farm mare downed the contents of the vital and stomped away.

“Rarity, bind her hooves, I will select her armour.”

Applejack glanced down at her hooves then walked to Rarity.

“Darling what did she say?”

One broad hoof was offered to her, Rarity’s magic tore strips of fabric and tightly bound Applejack's cracked hooves. Already the most superficial of the cuts on the mare had closed.

“I ain’t sure you want to know.”

“Whatever it is, honesty is the best policy right, dear Applejack?”


CHANNEL Bug spray, now on special offer.

Elytron stood tall in her elegant pony form despite how much more functional an armoured carapace could be all too soon.

Keep going, you're safe now,” Elytron said, infusing her voice with a little soothing love energy. Mother would be furious with the waste.

Each of the dishevelled ponies that passed her were a silent testament to the nightmare happening just out of sight. Not that she needed any proof. The utter devotion of Luna’s guard class ponies wrapped around the town like the thickest of hive walls, but there were cracks. Some of them feared, some of them knew that should their line break, nopony would survive.

Why did they spend valuable lives to save common, replaceable drone ponies? Yes, ponies reproduce slower than changelings, but that could not be the only reason, could it?

She rested her hoof on her necklace. The simple bit of magic shaped metal proclaimed she spoke with Twilight's authority. It didn't really matter if it made sense or not, this was the will of her new queen. So these drone ponies would be protected.

Only Elytron’s enchanted words kept the stream of ponies moving smoothly, preventing a deadly stampede. As each crossed the threshold, she grazed their disgusting turmoil of emotions. Despite how sweet they smelled, love, happiness, relief, all the sweeter things she left untouched.

She drew in yet another medley of feelings. It was nauseating, but it had to be done. The calmer they were the more likely they were to survive. Their fear was little more than bile in her throat going down.

Two-o-three, two-o-four, two-o-five. Keeping track of mere hundreds of ponies was trivial. Each one that headed in was another pony she could cross off her mental list of missing. A certain unaccounted for filly remained prominently at the top of the list.

The stomp of heavily armoured hooves approached. Elytron did not even need to look back to know who it was. The shining beacon of bright resolve wrapped around Applejack’s stubborn determination. Though a dark grimness reinforced it, just like Luna’s warriors.

Ponies straightened and sparks of hope stirred in their hearts. It was galling that the simple farm mare's mere presence did more than Elytron’s gift of Twilight's love.

The clanking stopped as Applejack stepped up beside her. “Where do you need me?”

The mare must have been burdened with twice her bodyweight of metal. How was she still able to move? The Elements of Harmony were definitely the finest specimens of pony kind short of the Leader Class Alicorns. Applejack would make a dependable Praetorian.

It only took a moment to reach out and find the largest sickening mass of panic and fear. She compared the distance and direction with her mental map of the town. “I’m not sure Lady Rarity would approve, but you are most certainly dressed for the occasion. Please make your way to Sugarcube Corner and support Pinkie Pie.”

The armoured titan nodded and trotted off, each hoof step leaving deep indentations the unwary could fall in.

CHANNEL Rainbow Flat

Rainbow collapsed, the impact with the ground nothing compared to the burning in her lungs. Her whole body screamed at her to stop, to lay down, to give up.

“What's the matter? Is it nap time little pony?”

Warmth trickled into her abused flesh spreading from her Knight’s blade. She was breathing, she could still keep going. Her abused body punished her, lancing pain shot through her wings as she moved. She ignored it, rolling as she put her hooves under her. “Not… beaten… yet.” Each leg pushed, forcing her to stand. She glared into the hulking monster's eyes smirking.

At least Little Pip and Button Mash were long gone now, safely under the protection of Pinkie’s cannons. Seven Rainbooms and saving the day multiple times, not a bad final performance. Dash slipped her hooves apart as she lowered into a ground-bound combat stance.

“You leave my friend alone!” A country drawl bellowed. An armoured juggernaut of a pony slammed into the monster like the Friendship Express. Both crashed through a wall. Dust and debris erupted from the impact, hiding their battle.

“Applejack?” Rainbow limped forward peering through the hole, waiting for a chance to help.

CHANNEL Fluttershy

The tears were gone now, put away until others did not need her kindness. Fluttershy offered a comforting smile to the pony as she wrapped a bandage around their mauled limb. Something in the vial Mercy the Nightguard healer had made her drink made it easy to be calm.

A coolness flowed through her that made everything so clear. She closed her eyes, the night sky met her, the stars above sang a calming hymn just for her.

She opened her eyes, moving on to her next patent. Despite the dim light, everything looked so clear. Harry stood guard by the door that Mercy had left by. It made sense, Mercy was a trained Nightguard, she could do much more good out there now that there was a trained healer here.

Some of her little furry friends cuddled with scared foals, many of them would find new homes as pets after this.

Rarity walked in with another crate of bandages floating in the blue of her magic. “Darling, I'm never complaining about Twilight over-preparing again.”

“Were there any more pain killers?”

“Two boxes.” Rarity turned and cantered off the way she came from.

Angel hopped into the crate and threw a new roll of healing salve infused bandages to her.

“Thank you.”

CHANNEL, Party time

Knives, forks, rocks and anything else she could find went where streamers and cake should. Her party cannon spoke with a deeper voice than normal. ‘Boom’ it said, and another batch of party crashers would never crash a party again.

CHANNEL, Chaos management office.

It felt like it had been days, but it could not have been more than half an hour. Even with the potion coursing through her veins Applejack could feel utter exhaustion just waiting like a hungry timberwolf for its chance. Rainbow’s weight on her back added nothing to the heft of the armour.

Rainbow had fought on and on until she collapsed, unable to even stand again. Pinkie wheeled her loaded cannon beside her, ready to fire it at any threat that even came close. More than a few walls had been demolished for just being near the varmints Pinkie targeted.

The guards and town ponies were securely holding the now smaller perimeter. The frozen remains of the monster spoke of just how ‘safe’ the weapons Twilight had made for the fair were. They trailed frost in the air when swung and their strikes left anything they struck encased in frigid ice. That was not what any sane pony would call safe but the attacker’s limbs being weighed down with created ice sure was effective.

Applejack watched the last pony be carried into the castle. Injures like theirs would leave scars, assuming they survived. Only those holding the defences were left outside.

Rarity stood next Emerald as she checked off each pony. Rarity face twisted with worry. “Has anypony seen Sweetie Belle?” Her imploring eyes searched Pinkie and Applejack’s own.

If Sweetie Belle was missing… “Where in tarnation is Applebloom?”

Emerald's voice was far too calm for what she said next. “Of the foals Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applebloom and Little Star are unaccounted for.”

Applejack’s insides clenched. “Oh ponyfeathers, don't tell me they’re crusading in the middle of this. She is going to be grounded for the rest of her life.”


“Where is my daughter?” The simple words from her sent ice water down his spine. Striker looked round encountering Twilight's cold eyes. Her normal kind eyes hardened, pupils elongating to thestral slits. “You don't know, do you?”

Discord turned the TV off.

CH 42 Princess of Books!

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Twilight was in heaven, so many books, magazines and periodicals surrounded her. A simple Notice-Me-Not spell was all it had taken to get the run of the place. None of the humans even reacted to her as she levitated a small flock of books with her.

They did not have even a single magical protection on any of the books. It was almost as if they did not really care about keeping the impressive collection safe. It would be easy for somepony to steal a book or two unnoticed.

A crowd of humans gathered around some of those computers. The impressive devices could never replace the practicality and ease of use of the tried and tested tomes. She shook her head, easily jumping over the living obstructions.

Her hooves thumped into the far-too-thin carpet, only one of them looked around. The girl had the faintest whisper of magic on her. Not even enough to lift a single scroll let alone allow her to breach the extremely potent obscurement vailing Twilight.

Twilight ignored her and trailed her eyes along the spines of the nearby books. “Oh, Advanced Mathematics for Physics.” Now that sounded like a book she wanted to read. It floated in the air before her, joining the flock of knowledge in her aura.

Oh, if only she could spare the time, she would love to curl up and enjoy these books properly. No, she could only really spare the time to copy all the books she might need.

A simple spell rune traced in the carpet and she had prepared her base of operations for the trip. Tapping the circle with her horn, she poured power into it. It flowed through her body like liquid, leaving a chill behind. She would need to be careful not to spend her magic too freely, so there was no teleporting around just to save time today.

The combined Notice-Me-Not and Avoid-Me spell circle would give her all the peace she would need.

“Now, where to start?”

Twilight placed her fifth finished fiction book down. Who knew the answer to everything was forty-two? It's a shame they never worked out what the question was. Her magic had done wonders creating copies and consuming them, depositing the book in her Golden Oaks library.

Now, what book should I read next? The silence was deafening, only the distant sound of traffic reached her ears. The whole library was empty. There was not a single human around, and the light outside seemed different. Her thestral magic was proving too comfortable. It only took a moment before the magic receded from her eyes, letting her see the dark of night. At some point, she must have subconsciously adapted her eyes to be able to read despite the poor light for day aligned eyes.

“Night is not going to be happy… I hope she managed to play nice with Sunset and the girls.” Twilight looked at the stack of a few hundred books still in the to-process pile. Stealing was wrong, but she was only borrowing them, and this was a library after all…

With a twist of magic, all three hundred and ninety-eight books vanished from this plane of existence. Each was deposited safely in a new extra-dimensional pocket that she labelled Human World Literature.

She headed out only detouring a dozen times to add a few more shelves of books to her stash. They probably would not mind too much. She paused, raising the latest books she was taking in her aura. It was still the same magenta as always, and yet something seemed darker about it. She looked around the alien library, so clearly made for non-pony forms. There was no guilt or doubt about simply taking what she wanted.

There could be no influence from Night, Nova or any of the others. Here, free from her body, it was only herself, only the flawed creation Celestia had stitched together. She raised her foreleg, glad that it was the same uniform black as the rest of her form in her current state. This was the real her. This represented what she chose to be. Beautiful arcane symbols and mathematical equations danced in the abyssal depths of her body.

Her magic reached out, claiming all the books in her aura. Each and every tome, magazine and newspaper floated from its home. One simple twist of magic and all this knowledge could be hers.

Her horn blazed, and the once packed library was now nothing but empty shelves, just like the start of reshelving day. Her eyes roved the now barren depository of knowledge. The chill within deepened but it was nothing compared to the eager happiness that rose in her. So many new things to read, she would even need to add a new library to her castle if she stored them there. Now why didn’t I just do that to start with? I could have processed more libraries in the same time.

What would the humans think of the lone mound of books she left behind within the spell circle? Would it become a mystery for the ages or just a suspected prank?

She walked out of the defiled library, unable to keep the smile off her muzzle. She could read her new books when she got home. There was enough information to help with many of her research projects and most importantly restore Candice’s ruined body.

Was a library still a library if it had no books?

Twilight alighted and approached the statue, the soft grass so refreshing compared to the compressed carpet she had to endure all day.

There was no sign of any of the girls, but there was an addition to the statue. A bit of tape held a note written in Canterlot style short hoof.

Ponyville in trouble, went back, see you soon. Night.

The note held her gaze for a moment. She flipped it over, hoping for more. She needed more information, how could she decide what to do with just that? Anger at the overly brief note and panic that her friends needed her drove her forward.

Static energy clawed at her. Her morphic form rippled as a violent force hurled her back. A hiss of pain escaped her as magical flux continued to destabilise her wellsprings.

Like this, she was made up of nothing but magic and magic was her domain. She concentrated, easily stabilizing the vibration in her wellsprings with a simple effort of will.

“That should not happen.” Twilight stared at the portal. Its surface had repelled her and tried to disrupt the magic that made up her form. If she had been a ghost or a common spell effect the discordant harmonics it introduced would have crippled or destroyed her.

Her eyes narrowed balefully as she examined the hostile spell work. Whatever it was kept her from those that needed her. The mundane world faded to nothingness, magic spilt into the world to replace it. Lines, circles, abstract geometrics all danced around the intricate spell runes interlaced and anchoring the portal here.

The effect that obstructed her was certainly cleverly concealed. Somepony had expertly woven it into the base functions of the portal. Starswirl’s work was as easy to recognise as it was potent. This side of the portal would stop any spirits, ghosts or other disembodied souls from passing through.

This part of the magic had not just faded with age. It had degraded with heavy use. Tens or hundreds of spirits must have batted themselves against this magic, desperate to get back to the magic rich world of Equestria rather than fading into nonexistence.

Now, this certainly painted some things in a different light. Why was this needed? Who, or what, was banished to this world? How many did he or Celestia declare monsters that ended up executed this way? How many managed to adapt and find shelter in this world’s meager magical field.

She needed to get home, but could not merely overpower the security feature on the portal. Without her body and with all the magic she had been a little too free using, she was already down a significant portion of her magic reserves. Now there were many ways she could get more magic, even here, if it came to that. Anything with life could be drained to gain some magic, but the creatures of this world would offer only lean pickings, but there were a few exceptional specimens.

Twilight paused examining her thought, why had she even considered ripping magic from her friends? She would never turn on the girls here, or Sunset, would she? Yes, they were the most potent sources of magic in this world, but that was not only a despicable act, it was a betrayal of her friendship.

Even as she recoiled and her disgust churned what made up her currently nebulous form, the most efficient ways to achieve just that with minimal waste presented themselves to her. Every passage in restricted books, every foe she had fought and battled, their evil sorceries all lay bare to her in a chain of deduction that led to such elegantly crafted yet despicable feet of spellcraft.

She turned the spell runes in her mind’s eyes. Their perfection enthralled her.

Her hoof rested against her chest as she inhaled. The air escaped her porous form before she could complete Cadance’s calming ritual. Feeling the gasses ooze thought her torso was just not the same as a deep cleaning exhalation.

Her hoof moved away as she stared at it. The enthralling perfection of her new creation danced within her visible soul, that evil tool claiming its place amongst every spell she knew. A part of her forevermore.

Now how was she going to get past this obstruction?

She browsed her dimensional pockets pulling a few travel editions of her normal reference tomes. There had to be a way past this.

She looked at the book resting on the grass, the one she had just pulled from an extra-dimensional space. Twilight facehooved. She returned the book to her storage, closed her eyes and simply willed herself to return to her bastion.

Patchwork flesh enshrouded her as the golden threads holding her together itched. The small irritations took far too many seconds to fade from her attention, like the feeling of the tongue in her mouth when Pinkie kept talking about it.

The comforting scent of old books and fresh ink announced she was home. She was back in her library. Grey's quills still scratched away, adding to the comforting normality.

What did it matter that she had casually invented a new piece of dark magic. It had proudly been an intellectual exercise that she had not cast, nor would she, she hoped. Her now solid hoof pressed to her chest and she breathed in deeply. Floral and spice scents spoke of decollate infused teas. She breathed out the long exhalation taking her worries with them.

She opened her eyes past her extended forelimb that should have been part of Grey. Dreams stood with a tea service floating in her silver aura.

Dreams smiled warmly, but the bags under her eyes and the droop of her wings spoke of fatigue and bad news.

“What happened?”

CH 43 Mother's Delight, Sister's Despair 

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Night’s muscles ached for motion. They urged her to gallop, to fly, to race off full pelt seeking after her daughter. But now was not the time of rash actions. Little Star would be alright. She had to be.

The image of what that dreadful dark spell she had conceived before her banishment could have done to her daughter just would not leave Night alone. No, her Little Star had not met such a fate. Harmony would not be so cruel as to allow her daughter to be taken away after such a short time.

A snarl twisted Night’s muzzle. How had anypony gotten her spell? A growl escaped her throat as her fangs threatened to form. No… passion is for battle. Calm detachment is needed for the hunt. Night inhaled, bringing her hoof to her chest. Pushing away, she breathed out.

Stillness settled in her chest, but it was only the calm before the storm. Somepony would pay, and there were many ways she could collect their debt. But first, she had to ensure her daughter’s safety.

Little Star was incredibly powerful. There was no way any threat she understood and saw coming would be a danger to her. Yet, she was young and inexperienced. She could be tricked or surprised. Might she have been looking curiously at the dark clouds as they rained on her?

She was more than powerful enough to become one of the more potent blighted. Little Star would become a smaller yet more powerful Pony of Shadows. Flowing wings of tarry tendrils and a flowing mane of liquid shadow would look impressive.

Even if Little Star was blighted, Night would capture her. She had invented this foul sorcery; if anypony could undo it, she could. No matter what condition of her daughter, the first step was finding her.

Night lifted the modified training lance in her aura, trails of cold mist flitted up from it. Starlight had a very cunning mind, it was no Starfall, but it would have to suffice. Her mane reached out and deposited it along with rope and various other bindings into the depths of her shadow. With Twilight absent, she could not even get her armour. It was troublesome to be denied the contents of Twilight’s seemingly endless extradimensional pockets.

Was there anything else left of her extensive research into dark magic? Her study and emulation of the foes she relished hunting? Did she still have a fragment out there, one that had been free all this time? Might their foe not be a follower of Sombra, but one of her own?

One thousand years raging at her imprisonment on the moon was not ideal for sanity. Everything from that time was mixed with her vengeful fantasies. Did she have a secret army trained in all her most vile of methods, or was that just something she dreamed she did?

Her hoof slammed into the crystal floor. This is getting me nowhere.

Night strode confidently through the castle. Her hoof-falls silent with habitual grace. Every space was packed with ponies, yet all made way for her, as they should. Dozens of weary and frightened eyes sought her out. She breathed in, strangely unable to savour the lingering fear despite the power it lent her.

Twilight’s ponies, no, ‘her’ ponies had to see her strength. She needed to be their Princess, their rock in this darkest hour. In her time as Nightmare Moon, she had demoralised and terrorised; It was just another act she had perfected to an art form. Now, what would she attack first to break them? Pride, resolve, and their faith in each other, that was exactly what she would twist and destroy. They were exactly what the haunted ponies needed reinforcing.

“My ponies.” No, that’s not Twilight enough. She poured more warmth into her tone, lacing her words with her Alicorn power. “My friends. Today has been a most terrible tragedy, but it will pass. Ponies have been lost, but will be remembered. Ponies have been hurt, but will be healed. We have been attacked, but it will not go unanswered. I swear to you, Ponyville will be defended. I swear to you, the monster that caused this will be punished.”

Each and every pony sat or stood straighter, their eyes clear, focused. The sweet fear faded, something warmer slipped into its place as it wrapped around the seeds of firm resolve. A resolve that could so easily be pushed into becoming nothing but righteous anger and a bloodthirsty call for vengeance.

Night took a slow inhalation and met each of her ponies’ gaze. She released the air slowly. It was not as effective without the hoof motion, but it still worked. Twilight would never forgive her if she infected the innocent ponies of Ponyville with her rage.

“Look to the ponies next to you. I’m proud of you all. You all came together, supporting each other. Together we will get through this.”

There were no cheers, but there did not have to be. Night’s words had hit their mark. She nodded to the crowd. “Now, I am going to find our missing foals.”

Outside heavy smoke still tainted the air, almost concealing the satisfying scents of fear and death. That this was her home soured them. Bitter anger squirmed in her chest, its serpent fangs so desperately hungered for the flesh of the one responsible. The delightful torments she promised to inflict stilled it.

Night let her senses take in the full magnitude of the destruction. Most of the damage had been caused by the fire, the fire that was used as a defensive measure. Each mark, each scrape, all painted the picture of the engagement. She had been in enough battles to accurately recreate the battle blow for blow just from its aftermath.

Many hooves had trampled the ground, the guards’ practised hoof work contrasted with the chaotic mess of the town ponies’. It was clear none had broken; none had fled even if there were signs of hesitance, of fear.

Night turned her attention to the present, letting the visions of the battle fade from her mindscape. The defenders still ringed the castle, Nightguard supported by the townpony’s militia. Despite the improvised nature of the militia, it still had a uniform appearance. Their equipment had been taken from the Evening fair tournaments. It even still carried some of the scents of the ancient confections, just detectable to her heightened senses.

Like so many centuries ago, she moved her troops. She did not need to fake her pride as she greeted each of them. They had proven their valour, they had proven their loyalty. They required no speech to strengthen their resolve, so she simply let some of her Alicorn power radiate. It lent them a little more courage, a little more strength.

She would have to ratify the Ponyville militia when she got back. It would seem Rarity would have a second uniform ensemble to design.

A silver mane and a blue coat drew Night’s eyes. Trixie still had her distinctive cape and hat despite the armour she wore beneath it. She lounged against a barricade, her eyes keen as she gazed out into the distance.

Night looked to the leader of the Nightguard and flicked her eyes to Trixie. “How did she do?” She said in tones only the thestrals would hear.

“Despite her eccentric personality, she was pivotal to the defence.” A few of the other Nightguard nodded, adding their support. By the odd grin, some of them actually liked her.

Night nodded before speaking normally. “No foe breaks the line. Keep them safe.”

The thestral saluted, “Yes, Princess.”

“Trixie, with me. Consider this your final test.”

Trixie’s eyes widened. “You mean?”

“Yes, Trixie, I will make you what you were born to be.”

For a moment, it seemed Trixie might prance around in a circle like Twilight would have chanting Yes repeatedly. Fortunately, she did not. Instead, she bowed. “Thank you, Princess.” Clearly, the battle had shaken Trixie’s fear of her.

Night nodded, then started towards the changed Everfree. Trixie fell in beside her. With her name, Lulamoon, where else did she belong? Night smiled.

Heavy hoof falls announced Applejack. She stomped up, still clad in her heavy armour. “Hey Twilight, if you goin out there, I’m coming with you.”

Without the strength of Twilight’s magic nor her encyclopedic knowledge of spells, her options were limited. Having more support would make this easier. “Alright, but you follow my orders.”


Night silenced her with a stern glare. “I’m serious, AJ.” She took a breath and softened her words, flavouring them with concern. “There are things those monsters can do that I’m immune to, but I can do nothing to defend you from. I’m not going to lose you.”

“Gees,” Applejack nodded. “Alright, Twilight.”

She had two allies and her own talents. That would have to be enough.

The dark wall of bark and serrated leaves all woven together with bladed wines was not the Everfree as it has been. The forest was now a daunting living fortification. Pride warred with anger. Her spell had done exactly what she had created it to. Axe blade or burning magic would take days to breach that outer shell.

As she approached, the vines shifted, raising up like ebony vipers. Black venom dripped from thorns posing as fangs. Yes, the spell had been masterfully cast. All exactly as she intended.

So they used her magic, but they did not understand it. She scoffed. Foals.

She strode regally towards the deadly plants. Yes, so perfect, all her traps were in place. “Stay behind me, but stay close.” Night said. She could not have them see this.

She gathered her darkness, compressing it tightly in her core. Jealousy, Pride, Anger, Hate all flooded her, rushing through her veins. The delightful bloodlust that drove her, the certainty that the world was hers took its place as twin stabs of pain announced her fangs pushing out from her gums. Anything, anypony she wished was hers by right. Her teal slit eyes glared back at her, reflected in the glistening venom like fangs.

Bow before your Queen.”

The vines bowed and retreated back. Her dark spellcraft knew its mistress well. As sure as the dream realm once did, the Everfree bent to her will. The wall of deadly blades and armoured wood scurried back, revealing a path into the twisted forest.

She advanced into her living fortification. Only one set of hoofsteps sounded behind her.

The larger tree’s bark twisted to terrifying visages encrusted with spell runes. A little blood or magic, and they would activate. Horrifying illusions, anti-scrying and teleportation wards would all snap into place. With enough sacrifices and a second spell, a palace dedicated to her beautiful night would grow in the center. She could look out from its balcony and watch her impaled foes slowly bleed to death, their blood being gathered for her use.

“How?” Applejack’s voice shattered the moment.

“How?” Night let her face shift closer to normal. When had she truly started to think of a night aspected Twilight as her normal look? “There is a reason all Alicorns are required to know dark magic. Sometimes all it takes is enough power and will to subvert its works.” True, just not relevant this time, Element of Honesty. As fun as it would be to see you quake knowing who I am... Twilight would never forgive me.

“You used dark magic?”

“How do you think the Crystal Heart was found?”


“If you don’t believe me, ask Celestia what she showed me just before we headed for the Crystal Empire.” Granted, I was nothing but a passenger, but you don’t need to know that.

“I don’t like it.” Applejack said, but her hooves moved her forward, and she fell in on the other side of Trixie.

“You are not required to like it.”

The shadow blight had left its mark on the background magic. It warped the chaotic mess of the Everfree into an indecipherable tangle of wild magical-flux. Perhaps Twilight might have been able to pass it and cast a functional seeking spell. No, she would have to use crude methods.

Night lowered her muzzle to the ground. The base scents of the Everfree mixed with the foul taint of the blight. Under it all lingered the faintest traces of four young ponies. One very dear to her heart and very similar to her own scent.

“Twi, what in tarnation are you doing now? You ain’t no dog.”

Night sighed, tracking like some sort of hound was not the most graceful of things for a Queen to be seen doing. “Applejack… can you just trust I am looking for my daughter and I know what I’m doing?”

“And Applebloom?”

Night levelled a flat glare at Applejack. “And who, pray tell, do you think she will be with?”

The silence extended between them, stretching far too long to be comfortable.

"Now, keep your senses sharp. The vegetation will bow to me, but the tainted creatures are...less pliant." She lowered her head back to the ground and let her senses guide her. The scents of blood, death and tainted plants could not keep her from her goal. She stalked after her daughter. Nothing would stand in her way.

Ears swivelled as her senses expanded outwards as much as she could manage. The frantic heartbeat of Trixie, fearful despite her outward bravado, contrasted starkly against Applejack's calm, powerful one.

Trixie’s horn thrummed with power, just under what was needed to make it glow. She was ready to react in an instant. Applejack stomped forward, unable to do anything else in her heavy armour, leaving a trail a blind pony could follow.

Despite their past, there was no animosity between them, not now. Both were watching the other’s back. Trixie’s years on the road alone showed. Her ears were on a swivel, her eyes keen and constantly roving. Even with her fear, Trixie seemed to be the most reliable ally if they suddenly found themselves in combat.

Trixie's fear was an indulgent treat. She drank from it, using it to bolster her magic. It was no replacement for Twilight’s power, but it helped. There was no telling what chaotic monstrosity this blighted forest might have spawned.

She pressed on, following the scent.

There was a hoof full of blighted that engaged them as they pressed deeper into the forest. They were not even enough to get her blood up. It was hardly surprising. With the carnage that littered the surroundings of Ponyville, it was more surprising that any creatures were left in the forest.

Her two companions had proved adequate at combat. She only had to intervene twice. The first simply to avoid wasting time. The second time was more troublesome. The amorphous blob resisted magic and was merely moved around by physical attacks. She had left it pinned in place. She would have to work out how to permanently deal with it later. For now, one of her recovered daggers, through its shadow, held it in place the same as anything else.

Applejack said nothing, but her judging eyes made it clear. Once the foals were safe, she would demand answers.

How long had she been following this trail? Without her connection to the moon, it was all merely guesswork. No… it was Luna's moon. It would never move to Night’s will again.

What was Luna up to? For her not to be here, this attack would have to be part of a larger hostile action. The question was, why? Was whoever had cast this using this dark magic for the destruction it was meant to be or to conceal something darker? Was this the extent of their machinations?

Was this just an attempt to try and catch an Alicorn alone again? Now Twilight was here, and Cadance has her personal army of fragments. It would be a performance most amusing to observe.

Both of her companions were sure hooved moving through the rough terrain of the tangled forest, but only Trixie came anywhere close to a semblance of stealth.

With the addition of earth pony strength and a bit of training to perfect her veiled casting, the showmare would become an ideal little assassin. Night was definitely keeping Trixie Lulamoon.

Fear quickened Trixie’s reactions, and her ability to turn a charging tainted timberwolf into a teacup was as hilarious as it was potent. Not quite as classic as using a foe’s hollowed-out horn to hold wine, but it would still send a subtle message to any that knew as one enjoyed a beverage.

Oh, how the crowds would have reacted to such a spell in the arena. You would only have to use it once, and then your foe would have to split their focus or keep a transmutation ward active the whole battle.

Applejack, as expected, was an unrelenting wall of muscle barded in thick metal. The calm brutality which she despatched her foes with was far too similar to the impassive slaughter sister’s Warmind often used.

The intensity of her target’s scent grew. It would not be long now. As she closed in, there were more and more signs of battle. Razor edged slashes through plants and rock alike. The chaotic dance of little hoof prints told of frantic and, fortunately, victorious battles.

It was like a small tornado of devastation, and it was beautiful. Somehow, her daughter had turned the sometimes destructive Crusaders into a hooned and directed combat force. Night smiled. It was a shame she had not been her to observe it.

A distant roar and Night’s ears swivelled that way. It had sounded pained, it had sounded angry. A few softer tones teased the edge of her hearing. Every sound pounded in her head as she strained to hear more. Trixie’s heartbeat hammered like a grand drum. Applejack's hooves sounded like thunder strikes mixed with an industrial accident.

“Sweetie, now!” Little Star’s voice barely carried over the cacophony.

“This way.” Night surged into a full gallop.

Trees, undergrowth, boulders, nothing would stand in her way. She lept, flew and cleaved her way round or through anything that would delay her. A cowering Timberwolf was bisected in passing with a casual lash of her tail.

“Hey, hold up,” Applejack bellowed from behind.

The sounds of the battle drew nearer. Her daughter was just over there. Slowing down was the last thing she was going to do. Night erupted thought the splinted remains of a tree her magic had torn asunder. The conflict revealed itself before her.

A large hydra bellowed in rage. Four young ponies darted around it. In less than a heartbeat, Night took it all in. Every scratch, every bit of disturb ground. The intense focus in her daughter’s eyes, the reflexive way one of them would defend another. It was coordinated chaos turned into a lethal game.

Night flared her wings killing her momentum. Yes, the battle was hard-fought, but they might yet win. Her daughter battled defiantly, her blazing horn rebuffing the attacks of the hydra. Night smiled, pride stirring in her chest.

Sweetie Belle slashed a blade towards one head, a line of crimson erupted from the hydras flesh. It howled in pain, rocking back, missing its attempt to snatch Scootaloo from the air.

It was good Twilight was not here. She would not have the wisdom or self-control not to interfere. She would race in and take this moment from their daughter. Speaking of interference. A two pony stampede approached from behind.

Despite the worry on her face, Trixie slowed, taking her place beside Night. On the other hoof, Applejack pushed past, her armoured body surging forward to rush to the rescue. “Apple…”

Night enveloped the Bearer of Honesty in silence as she casually restrained her. Night’s aura held fast, arresting Applejack's interference.

Applejack's eyes blazed with anger even as Night could feel the delightful terror radiating from her. "Twi, let me go!"

"No." Night simply shook her head without even a glance back. She was not going to miss one moment of her daughter's first real battle.

“No!? Twi, what’s wrong with you?” Applejack shouted, struggling, trying to brute force her way through Night’s iron hold. “They’re in danger. Applebloom’s in danger. Your daughter's in danger.”

“You would deny them this chance? You wish your sister to always be in your shadow?”

“That's a bucking hydra. It’s going to kill them.”

“Kill them?” Night chuckled. “If any is going to die, it's going to be that beast. Watch them. See how they move in sync with each other. How when one is about to be attacked, the other intercepts it?” Night didn't even try to hide the pride in her voice.

“You let me go right now or so help me, Celestia...” A simple silence spell let Night focus on the battle without Applejack's incessant complaining.

Little Star's eyes blazed defiantly as her magenta shield blocked another blow. Sweetie Belle’s horn glowed, she swapped with Little Star, her own shield took the next hit. Little Star turned, gathering even more power in her horn. Scootaloo darted back and forth in the air, harrying and distracting.

As intense as the battle was, there was a methodical precision to it. Baiting one of the heads to overreach before Little Star's magic or Sweeties blade punished the mistake.

It was a joy to watch. Little Star had equipped them with artefacts of war far more potent than any modern guards had. Artefacts that the Crusaders put to good use.

Night’s wing lifted, feathers tracing the motions they would take through fresh paint to record the moment. Why did everything she wanted have to be trapped in Twilight’s pockets?

One head shot down, wide jaws eclipsed Applebloom’s armoured form. Applejack thrashed, railing against the magic restraining her.

“Princess!” Trixie said.

Be calm.” Night's eyes were fixed on Applebloom's location. She poured some of her power into the shadows, just in case.

The maw snapped closed and lifted. Fear, rage and anger burned brightly beside Night. Applejack flexed as she channelled all her might, almost breaking free.

A bright flash of magenta magic obscured the hydra's head. Half of it vanished as if a perfect sphere was simply removed. Applebloom appeared in a second flash surrounded by a flood of gore, unharmed and still in fighting spirit.

The battle continued, the hydra now definitely on the defensive. Little Star held back. If she could do that, she could have ended this fight in seconds. Night smiled contentedly. Her daughter was training her companions.

“You can do that!?” Trixie’s voice trembled. She was clearly overawed by the offensive use of teleportation.

No, she could not. That was Twilight’s trick, not that Night admitted that, she still had plenty of her own equally potent abilities. “It is as decisive as your transmutation trick against an unprepared opponent.”

The battle lasted five more minutes. By the end of it, Applejack slumped against the magic holding her.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders, Monster Slayers. Yay!” Never in the history of Equestria had something so adorable sounding spelt doom for so many threats to its ponies.

“Well done.” Night stomped her hooves in approval.

Little Star's head shot round. “Mummy!”

A flash of light and a mildly blood-covered ball of adorableness decked out in battle gear nuzzled into a loving hug. “I’m proud of you, my Little Star.”

Scootaloo, Sweetie-Belle and Applebloom all approached, joined by Little Star’s constructed pet owl perched on Applebloom's armoured back.

Night looked over her daughter and into Applejack's eyes. She held the gaze for a moment before she released the farm pony. Applejack did not hesitate. She raced forward and swept her sister up in a tight embrace, their armour creaked in protest.

The horned owl lept to safety, only barely avoiding being crushed by an overly affectionate earth pony. “Whoo,” it said indignantly as it hovered in the air above the group.

There would likely be a few minutes before Twilight's friend's anger fought its way past her relief at her sister being safe.

“Little Star?”

“Yes, Mummy?”

“Can you take us home?”

The twisted forest vanished under the blinding flash of Little Star's arcane might.

In an eruption of magenta magic, they appeared before the Crystal Castle. Weapons were raised and relaxed, the town defenders disciplined enough not to attack the group that suddenly appeared in their midst.

“Head in and get cleaned up.” Night said.

Applejack nuzzled her sister and released her from the crushing embrace. The farm pony’s eyes locked on to Night’s own.

“Yes, Mummy.” Little Star gave one last hug before dashing off towards the castle with her friends. She led the battered, bruised and still hyperactive Crusaders into the castle.

The excited greetings and tall tales reached Night’s ears within seconds of the little ones getting inside. Before the day was out, all of Ponyville would know some version of their adventure. Night smiled fondly, waiting for the words she knew were coming.

“You had no right to stop me.” Applejack's voice was calm. It was the only part of her that was.

“I'm a princess, my very word is law.” Night almost let her eyes narrow to slits as she leaned in close. “Our history gives you a lot of latitude, but you will do nothing to disrupt the bond between my daughter and her personal guard.”

“Guards? You mean Applebloom?”


“You can't…”

“They have already bound themselves to her. Nothing but their deaths can free them of their pact with her.”

Applejack's stomp fractured the ground. “For goodness sakes, Twi, they're foals.”

“Who defeated a blighted hydra in combat. They are heroes that defeated a threat before it rampaged through the town.”

“That’s beside the point.”

“There will need to be a celebration… With a kill like that, they have earned their adulthood.”

“You expect me to respect that? That’s barbaric.”

“Yes, Applejack, I do. It’s still the law of the land.”

“Twi, you changed… and it ain't for the better.” Applejack clanked past, a boiling mass of seething emotions.

You have no idea… Night thought. “Either way, be supportive of them. The town needs heroes, not an overprotective big sister berating her little sister.”

Applejack glared back.

“Please, do not force me to make that a royal command.”

Applejack snorted, turning from Night. It was good the guards opened the doors to the castle, they might not have survived Applejack's attention otherwise.

Night pretended not to hear the stream of insults concealed under Twilight's friend's breath.

CH 44.1 Unintended Consequences

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Noble Guide held the report in his aura. Every settlement affected was listed, each with two numbers. One for the wounded, one for the dead. More than a few of the smaller settlements were simply crossed out. Most of the numbers were truly staggering.

Celestia, the Princess of the Unconquered Sun, watched almost motionless. She perched upon her throne as the room of nobles digested what the numbers truly meant. Whispers, fearful speculation and murmured accusations replaced the crinkle of parchment.

Things had gotten out of hoof. The alchemy flowing through his system kept his emotions in check. There was meant to be perhaps a few dozen lives lost at most. Not the thousands reported so far. The dark clouds were meant to make a finite number of monsters. Monsters that would draw the Nightguard in to hunting them down, not this ever-expanding blight.

“Equestria is at war.” Celestia’s simple words silenced the room. One would have to dig deep into the archives to find a previous example of such a pronouncement. “Every able-bodied pony must be made ready to defend their home.”

“Aunty, you intend to levy a draft?” Blueblood asked.

“Not a draft," Celestia’s eyes lingered on the mortal prince. "Merely mandatory training. Every settlement will also become walled, every train carriage armoured.”

“But, the cost…”

“Will be born.” The temperature rose, Celestia’s ancient eyes were windows into Tartarus as her gaze silenced a trembling Blueblood. “This is the greatest threat my nation has faced since the Nightmare rebellion.”

Murmurs rippled around the room. The nobles, the parasites, were most unhappy. Even now, the worst of them could only see the, “What does it matter if the common rabble perish?”

Princess Celestia’s eyes met each and every noble in the room. Some with respect and gratitude, one very definitely with scorn and promised retribution. “You will do what I require of you.

The Alicorn’s mind magic pressed into the constructed mind protecting Noble Guide. The compulsion was crudely placed but so thick with power as to be irresistible. Today, Celestia wielded her power like a flaming sledgehammer.

“Good.” The edges of Celestia’s mouth raised in the slightest of smirks. “I thank you for your support.” The princess bowed her head respectfully to her now obedient subjects. With a look, she commanded her assistant to distribute bundled scrolls to each noble. “Now, my Little Ponies, we all have a lot to be doing. Day Court is adjourned until Monday next week. May harmony go with you all.” With that, the Princess of the Sun gratefully departed the room of silent nobles.

Blueblood was still shaking as he fled the room as soon as decorum would allow.

He walked to his estate, his hooves taped a calm rhythm on the pristine Canterlot stone. It was good to be away from the suffocating presence of Princess Celestia. She had proved to be far more decisive than anticipated. Fortunately, this could all still work out, resources would be spread thin. Now, more than ever, they would be looking for the wrong thing to be able to stop him.

He double-checked the scroll with his orders. Fortify and secure his refugee settlement, make it self-sufficient and expanded its capacity by at least fourfold.

The rest of the points were not objectionable, at least not to him. For each one million bits of property owned in Canterlot, the owner must provide one guard for the national defence force. For every two ponies beyond the standard allotment of personal guards, a noble must provide one guard for the national defence force. Each household must have one member who has taken or is taking basic civil defence training. Personal defence classes were to be made part of the educational curriculum.

Yes, this could work perfectly. Everypony would be too distracted fighting off this new threat. He would not even need to instigate any more incidents. This blight would be more than enough for years to come. The only question was, how to deal with it once he ascended?

A nod of greeting, and he was past his gate guards. His butler opened the main door and bowed. Noble kept a collected yet grim expression on his face. Everypony knew a tragedy had happened. Even if they did not truly comprehend the scale of the incident.

With a subtle tilt of his horn, he dismissed his servants and took refuge in his chambers.

The thick red wine he served himself had an awful similarity to another liquid that far too much of had been split. Not that he would have baulked at such a price. It just had been such a waste. The problem was this was not price paid, not acceptable collateral. He was to be king, and ruling a nation’s devastated ruin was not how he wanted his time as an Alicorn to start.

Where was the miscalculation? Why had the spell done this? It had behaved the few times it was tested on a smaller scale. A few mutated animals that had to be put down, nothing more.

His increasingly frequent pain medication fizzed as it mixed with the wine. He ambled to his balcony. The cool mountain air was as clean and pure as always.

The airship dock had become a hive of activity. Troops and supplies frantically marshalled, pulled from almost forgotten siege stores.

By the staggering amount of preparations Celestia demanded, this so-called blight would be a recurring problem for decades.

In the streets below, a royal procession wound its way from business to business. Celestia personally entered any that would be of use in her plans. No doubt she was not taking no as an acceptable answer to her requests. Those that would not bend to her wishes willingly would do so under the irresistible might of the Solar Alicorn’s mind magic.

Perhaps most would yield to her kind words and motherly request for aid. For others, it would be the fact it would be social suicide to refuse such requests, especially in times like these.

He looked out past the edge of Canterlot down into the nation below. The view was breathtaking, just not in the usual way. Whole tracts of green land had darkened. The blight had twisted it, forming corrupted edifices, fortifications from which monsters would spread, raiding the nearby settlements.

What had he done to the beautiful land of Equestria?

CH 44.2 The Light of a New Day

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Outside the window, greying ponies marched in lockstep, their bearing defiant as many hooves thundered past. Each of those aged ponies weighed on Revealing Light’s conscience. They had dedicated the best part of their lives to the guard and pulled out of retirement, they willingly offered more. Whatever happened to them was, at least in part, her fault. RGIS did not have the slightest clue such an attack was coming. No, this was no attack. This was an outright declaration of war.

Maybe Candice had the right idea. At least the Nightguard got custom gear. Or was it possible the sarcastic mare would have spotted something in the mountain of paperwork? Could she have spotted the one fact that could have prevented this tragedy?

The final bit of armour fastened in place, the snap of the buckle ending years of dedication at being one of the best undercover agents in Equestria. The enchantment activated. A tingle rippled along her coat, and just like that, she looked just like any other Solarguard.

In the mirror, a generic armoured pony looked back at her. There was no artistry to the illusion. It was just the same as all the other guards.

The heavy metal pressed into her flesh. Spa trips would become mandatory physical therapy and not a mere luxury if she had to wear this armour for more than a few days.

She moved to the door. Each stride was slow. Ungainly. Even with the featherweight enchantment, inertia still resisted every motion.

How do they put up with this day in and day out?

Outside, her hooves clanked on the pavement. Her armoured shoes made it hard not to stomp. No wonder you could hear the Solarguard from miles away.

She carefully placed her hooves, at least lessening the racket they made with each step.

At her first chance, there would be a visit to a trusted contact to get a few choice enchantments added. Unfortunately, that would not be today and might not even be this month. There was just too much to do and not enough guards to do it.

At least playing the role of a bland guard was simple. Their code of behaviour might as well have been a flow chart hammered into them in basic training.

The few ponies on the streets huddled close to each other. Fear dragging their eyes to each moving shadow. Ears twitching at every sound. As she passed them, their near panic receded, if only a little. What had the world come to when the top undercover agent in RGIS was more use as a pretend common guard. It made sense, the ponies wanted to feel safe, and bright golden armour spoke of strength. The Solar image declared loudly that Princess Celestia knew what was going on and had a plan.

It only took four minutes to get to the square where the guard mustered. Light took her position, completing a line of substitute ponies. With the helmet's enchantments, the actual features of the other Solarguards appeared under a ghostly visage of the default guard appearance. Glowing runes denoting rank and specialities floated next to each. Far too many were cadets deployed despite still being in training or reactivated old-timers.

The truly combat rated ponies mustered at the train station, most with their armour packed away so the population would not realise the most capable defenders were leaving. This whole event was nothing but a distraction, a performance to prevent a panic.

Shining Armor’s horn peaked above the insistent mob of ponies that clamoured for his attention. He was the hero of the day. His city-sized shield was as awe-inspiring as ever. Sheltering behind it, unicorns and archers made quick work of the horde of rampaging monsters that attacked.

Today the barrier served a different purpose. Only those Prince Armor allowed passage through his shield would enter or leave the city. The lockdown was not the most popular decision, but it was the right one. Anypony that left would need a large escort, or they would simply be taken by the blight and become nothing more than another monster to face.

As the Prince addressed the crowd, discontent rippled through it. To Light’s observant eyes, the instigators practically glowed. The question was, were they just ponies that wanted freedom or were they cultists fomenting unrest?

The setup was too perfect. This was a powder keg, they were all ready to stampede at the slightest scare. If Revealing Light was a crazed warlock seeking to spread maximum suffering and confusion, she would have secondary strikes lined up and ready in the places refugees would gather.

The blue sky above was pristine. Not a single cloud was visible for as far as her eyes could see. Every single one had been reclaimed to be checked. A second wave of blighted clouds would be nowhere near as effective as the first.

“What do you mean we can’t leave?” A pony with more bits than sense glared at the Prince.

In the shadows, a pony waited. As she could see them, they were clearly not Nightguard. None of them would ever be so sloppy. They were close enough to observe, but too far away to interfere directly. Light watched them, grateful the armour made it look like she was still standing at perfect attention, eyes fixed forward.

The pony looked at her, meeting her gaze. Her gaze, that was concealed under a powerful illusion. That was no normal pony. They had no horn to light, nor were they looking through some sort of enchanted lens. They must have felt her scrutiny. Changeling! The realisation hit Light, and the watching pony scampered back into the alley.

Oh no you don’t!

“Balance the line,” Light ordered as she used the ranks of guards to conceal her slipping out of formation.

“Yes, Sir,” an old tired voice answered, they quickly adjusted the formation. The gap she made vanished as if she was never there.

Her horn hummed with power. A flash cast invisibility spell and a cushioning effect on her hooves, and she was off. Her near-silent gallop devoured ground even as her body screamed at her. Unaccustomed weight strained her limbs, but she could pay for that tomorrow. That changeling was not getting away.

Allies and streets flashed by, quick but nowhere near as rapidly as if she was not wearing the Tartarus damned metal restraint the regular guard called armour.

The ‘pony’ ahead of her was always just out of reach, always darting behind cover whenever she would have had a clear shot with her horn. There was no way this was not a trap.

She sent a ripple of power along her horn, a simple illusion spell. One only visible to those with the standard guard armour illusions. With any luck, there would be some pegasi up there that would respond.

The changeling took a sharp turn. Light tried to follow, but the armour was too much. The metal shoes screeched in protest as sparks flew from them. She skipped sideways, her sudden stop announced by a burst of pain as she slammed into the wall.

It only took a moment to assess herself. A single breath told her enough to keep going. No sharp pains, no broken bones, but there would definitely be bruises under her coat tomorrow.

She pulled herself back to a steady stance and resumed her pursuit. The cracked bricks were a statement that at least the armour was more protective than common building materials.

There were no turn-offs, the changeling was heading to a dead end. I got you now, bug. Light thought, she did not have the spare air to voice it.

All that greeted her was a rubbish-strewn dead end, a fading ring of green flames and ragged pieces of paper drifting down from the air.

Everything and anything was hit with the changeling revealing spell, even the discarded note. Not a single thing reacted, not a single thing changed.

With the sound of feathered wings approaching, she finally lifted her ‘prize’ in her aura.

Glowing green letters seems to somehow defile the scrap paper.

We have no desire to see our food become extinct. Nightmare Moon has returned, and she may be plotting with your nobles.

Revealing Light lowered her head. Things were about to get even more complicated.

CH 44.3 Sweet Deliverance

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Insight's magic had breathed on the last few embers of vitality. Their restored glow, just bright enough for a few subjective hours of a final dream. Physical-world seconds trickled by, each one stretched as far as Insight’s training would allow. The pull of the Eternal Fields would always win. Still, her role was to enable them to pass peacefully, not screaming and frantically tearing their soul apart as they resisted the inevitable.

Everything had been said, messages to be passed to the still living. Insight had been a shoulder to cry on, a companion to hold, and a confessor to bear any final regrets to. She knew him better than any living pony ever would, and all but what he permitted were her secrets to keep until her own existence ended.

The young pony soaking up the summer rays looked nothing like the ruined form of the old stallion that gave his life so others could flee. A slight smile graced his muzzle as he took a sip of his expensive cocktail.

Silvermane’s ear twitched, homing in on something Insight would never hear, but many had described in their final breaths. The sweet, irresistible song that promised eternal rest. The unseen force tugged on the stallion’s soul, lightly for now, a request. The afterlife was being polite, allowing her to finish her duty, to hear any final words. If she resisted, the drain of holding him here would be increased dramatically.

His hoof reached out, the warmth of the touch almost jarring as it rested on her shoulder. He nodded, nothing but serene acceptance in his eyes. Insight released her borrowed magic. The old stallion’s wellspring collapsed, releasing his core essence.

The presence of Silvermane’s hoof lingered even as the last of his form faded away. The single mote of light raced off, his soul answering the call of the afterlife.

“Thank you.” Floated on a final sea-scented breeze as the idyllic dream crumbled. The two words being the last act of his worldly magic.

The sunny beach slipped away as if it never existed, but Insight would always remember it. It was where Silvermane had proposed to Tiger Lily.

His wife was going to be devastated, but at least she would hear his final words. For everyone she had helped today, at least a dozen had passed alone. Anger flared. If it was not for what Celestia had done to Luna, everypony could have a peaceful end. Each tended to by a fragment of Luna made just for them, the ideal companion to escort them to the afterlife.

The cool tingle of the Tantabus’s body pressed into her side. The larger unicorn’s leg and neck closed round her in a hug. As simple as Luna’s creation was, she still cared. Insight leaned into the embrace, allowing herself a few stolen seconds to recenter.

“Where to now?” Insight asked.

The Tantabus nuzzled her once and slowly rose. Insight followed, heading to her next assignment.

The elder Tantabus ears twitched. She nuzzled insight before bounding off, leaving Insight before a simple wooden door with a Tree etched onto it. She raised her hoof to knock, and the portal opened of its own accord.

“Come in,” Sweet Dream’s voice called.

Insight headed in. Her tantabus, the most recent gift from Luna, a smaller copy of the dream creation, flanked her. The stuff of the very dream realm woven together with Luna's magic granted a rudimentary intelligence and bound to Insight’s will. Another portion of Luna's power granted to her. Its form was able to be whatever shape or form Insight desired, from a staff, to armour, to its current pony like form.

The wood beneath her hooves was more real than anywhere she had experienced today. Twilight’s bastion had a solidity, a tangibility, that the dreams Insight could create lacked. The simple sensation was a rock to ground herself with, a simple immutable reality after subjective years being whoever and whatever her charges needed to find peace.

She had been friends, lovers, family members. Shared precious moments simply so they could be passed on in dreams to those that were meant to experience them.

The subjective years weighed down her hooves, pressed down on her withers even as her body still held its youthful vigour. How had Luna done this on her own for nearly a decade?

The hardest had been those she was too late to help, those she had to kill, those she had to rip their souls free and throw to the afterlife before the Blight could claim them. That terrible truth weighed heavily in her heart. The darker magics were the only thing in the physical world that could taint or destroy a soul, and somepony had deliberately set such a thing loose into the world.

Her horn thrummed with borrowed power. It struggled and thrashed to escape like a snarling beast. How many souls had been consumed that might have escaped had that tyrant not crippled her own sister?

Her hooves found their own way through the tangled mess of Luna’s wing. So many trinkets and treasured memories of her lover were crammed in here. Why was this in Twilight’s Bastion? Was this what the bond of love between Alicorns was like, or was it something more? Will I ever be worthy of my own wing here?

Silver magic opened the door ahead, revealing the central chamber of the Grand Library. Packed with precarious piles of books.

“Welcome home, tea?” Sweet Dreams called out.

Home, that single word, four simple letters, yet meant so much. It was odd how easily it became true. This place accepted her just as readily as Candice’s head. Despite the extra freedom she had here, she still longed to return to her sister’s mind. Until recently, it had been both her home and her cage, but she still longed to return, to become her sister's other half again.

A grey aura floated stacks of books piled in the main chamber up a level and over the balcony. Her eyes tracked the motion. Since when could Grey’s magic affect anything outside her prison?

Insight wove her way past the walls of books until she could see her host. Sweet Dream’s ancient eyes gazed into Insight’s own. Without a single word, she conveyed her sympathy and respect. Dream’s remembered, she once held the same duty. The silver-maned Alicorn guided Insight to a comfortable cushioned nest, out of the way of the airborne tombs.

"Thank you. I just wish I could do more. I wouldn't have to if Luna hadn't been crippled by her sister." Her borrowed magic flared a little again, though she tamped it down quickly.

“You may not have a body, but both the mind and soul can tire and succumb to fatigue.” Dreams’s wing guided Insight to a corner full of decadently soft cushions.

Her whole body sang with praise with the simple relief of being off her hooves. Dreams’s wing became a luxurious blanket as it enfolded her. Silver magic presented both tea and biscuits. Insight just snuggled into Dreams causing a soft giggle.

Dreams graced her with a motherly smile, returning the refreshments to the table. The silver-maned Alicorn rose her voice in a light song, the enchanting performance captivating her. It cleansed the resentment, soothing the malice from Insight’s magic.

Insight did nothing to fight her heavy lids and the sleep claiming her.

CH 44.4 Sour Apples

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Applejack sighed, her gaze fell to the cider she held. Seeking wisdom in its depths, she found no answers. Today was not the best of days, and it showed no signs of improving. The crystal palace might have been safe, but that safety only gave ponies time to linger on what was lost.

Twilight's castle was a home, but it was not the farmhouse. The comfortable scents and homely atmosphere of the family house were long gone. The farm, the family trees, all trampled, blighted, and then burnt. Would even a single tree have survived?

Pinkie's cheery voice could cut through anything she wished it to. Twilight had said celebration, and the party mare was all over it like bats on apples.

In short order, somehow Pinkie had lifted the spirits of the ponies. Turning the aftermath of the worst attack in the history of Ponyville into a celebration of life and victory.

That mare could have everyone smiling at a funeral. With how many ponies survived, Ponyville had got through this losing very little that could not be replaced with time and good old hard work.

Applejack took a long pull from a cup of cider. It has some merit, but it still had a lot to be desired compared to Sweet Apple Acre’s best.

Applebloom and her friends were the stars of the show. Little mascots for the undaunted defiance of Ponyville against anything or anypony that would endanger it.

Perhaps Twilight was right about this party. But no way in Tartarus was she right to endanger Applebloom like that. How could Twilight be proud of her daughter dragging her friend off to kill a hydra?

The bottom of her mug held no answers. She scooped up another few. A leathery wing reached past and snatched up a half dozen. Mercy offered a nod to Applejack while she distributed the ciders to her fellows.

The off duty bat ponies mingled, being the life of the party. By the looks of it, not a single one of them was hitting the hay alone tonight. A bat pony with a midnight-blue coat met her gaze and winked. His fanged smile was an invitation if Applejack had ever seen one.

Warmth touched her cheeks, and it was not from the cider. "Thank you kindly, but not tonight."

The bat pony offered a friendly wink and shrugged. "Your loss."

His companions dragged him away. "She's too much mare for you to handle."


"Did you see her fight?"


Applejack turned her ears away. She did not need to hear exaggerated tales of her battles, she was there. They were talking her up as if she could spit mountains with her hoof.

The bat ponies were far too violent, but thank Celestia, or Luna in this case, they were here. They drank and made merry, despite not all of their number surviving.

Thank you. She sent her most heartfelt thanks to the two brave Nightguards that gave their lives to save Ponyville. Perhaps they would hear it in the eternal fields. It was a nice thought.

A magenta glow absconded with a tray of snacks and a small keg of cider. Its flight led diligently back to the master of that magic.

Twilight watched the celebration. The smile of a benevolent hostess on her muzzle as she reclined, regal, self-assured, in a pose that fit more in a calendar than anything Twilight would ever be seen doing.

Well, she’s alone now. Applejack started her march, marshalling her words as she went. There had to be a way to make her see sense.

The good mood and party atmosphere tried to infect her, but the image of Scootaloo being eaten, disappearing into the maw of the hydra, would not leave her alone.

The black beauty that had become so attached to Twilight she may as well have been her shadow looked up. Her eyes flicked to Applejack, locking onto her. Emerald Shade slipped away from Twilight's side, effortlessly weaving through the partying ponies without even breaking stride.

How long did she practice that harlot’s sway in her steps? Emerald cut a path straight for Applejack. It did not take a genius to work out she intended to block Applejack's path. That self-entitled mare thinks she owns the place.

"Excuse me." Applejack tried to move round her living obstruction.

Emerald pivoted. The motion seemed like a dance. She expertly kept her body blocking the path so close their coats almost touched. It was almost like she was flirting.

"Why, do you need my help? After all, I'm nothing but a harlot, right?" Emerald’s whispered voice had a silken purr to it.

How many has she lured to bed with that? Was Twilight one of them? "Ah never asked for your help."

Emerald just continued effortlessly redirecting Applejack. Every attempt to get past her short of going through her only ended up with her somehow further away from Twilight.

"Well, I will have you know, I'm a professional. I have trained all my life for what I do. Yes, it does include being a pet for my mistress at times, but that is the minority of my duties.”

Applejack stopped, all four hooves planted firmly. She stood up to her full height. "Now, would you kindly let me pass?"

“If I do, you will regret it.”

“Is that a threat?”

Even Emerald’s giggle sounded beautiful. "No, never. That is nowhere near my style. I'm trying to help you."

This is helping? Yet you're not lying… Applejack sighed, setting her orneriness aside for now. “Help me?”

A warm smile placed itself over the dark muzzle. “I'm her confidant. Emotional support. I do all the little things to make her life easier that she would never think to ask of.”

“And why would she trust you?”

“Simple, I'm bought and paid for. Pact-bound to be hers and keep her secrets on pains of death.”

Applejack's eyes widened. Twilight would never… but she’s still not lying.


“Why would you. How could she?”

“Why does not matter. All that does is I am comfortable with the arrangement.” Emerald circled, leaving the path to Twilight open. "Now, one of these little things that Twilight would never think to ask of is this conversation we are having.”

Applejack raised a sceptical eyebrow.

“I know how you feel, Applejack. I know you're angry at her. You feel betrayed.”

Applejack froze, her eyes narrowing at the smoothly spoken mare.

“How? Reading ponies and anticipating their needs and wants are just part of my skill set. You don't truly appreciate what an Alicorn is. Few do. They are power incarnate, made to rule and defend what is theirs.”


“Add to that what has happened to Twilight recently, and as you can guess, she is somewhat unstable, dealing with urges and instinct no unicorn would have.”

“Ah know she is not right in the head right now.”

“My point is, if you have the conversation you are planning on having now, it won't go well. Right now, she is not your friend. She is a ruler tending to her ponies.”

“What are you saying?”

“That now, you will get a ruler's answer. If you wait for her to settle back to being your friend once more, you will get the friend's answer you are hoping for.”

“So, Ah just wait till she is good and ready?”

“I will come and get you when the time is right. This conversation needs to happen for both your sakes. She will have many regrets if she drives one of her closest friends away.”

“Why should Ah trust ya?”

“Because you are the Element of Honesty, Lady Applejack, and I give you my word. I am fully committed to serving my mistress.” Again there was not a single hint of falsehood or deception. Either this mare was being completely honest, or something else was up. “Now, let all those negative emotions go for now.” A green aura offered an elegant wine glass. “This will help far more than the cider.”

Applejack accepted it. It had the look of hard liquor. The thick liquors smelled faintly of apples and paint stripper.

“Your word, y’all’re on the level with this?”

The answering Pinkie Promise looked utterly ridiculous being performed by such a manicured mare.

Emerald raised her own glass. "To better days."

"And to those that gave all so others’ll see them." Applejack downed the drink. The too-sweet liquid burned on the way down, and the taste only had a passing familiarity with apples.

For a moment, it seemed like Emerald had swallowed something sour. Maybe she had a different drink?

She exhaled. Her throat still burned, but the world seemed a little lighter. Perhaps she could go along with the party thing. She would wait, at least so long as Twilight did not make a habit out of encouraging Applebloom to deliberately run off to danger.

CH 45 Final Preparations 

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Noble Guide let his eyes roam from the crude wooden interior of the wagon to the distant horizon. The blue sky was pristine. After his little mistake, every cloud was suspect. Celestia’s blinding sun gazed down, offering comfort to all that would believe her lies.

Closer to the ground, two dozen of his guards formed a perimeter around the wagons. Noble Guide’s bits had ensured they had top-notch equipment. Literally, the best money could buy. As with all things new, this force was unfortunately untested. Their origins did not do wonders to add to his confidence. They were a mix of mercenaries and those who had failed to meet the royal guards’ stringent standards.

Ever since Princess Twilight’s rampage across Canterlot and sentencing of a whole noble family, there was little work for those that would offer their talent for direct and permanent problem solving to unethical nobles. At least that kept their asking prices affordable.

The wagon shifted, his frail body tossed around like a plaything by the unpaved trail. His seat’s cushioning did little to protect his aching body from every little bump on the ground. It was his own fault. Celestia has requisitioned every bit of air transport in Canterlot for the good of the nation. I should have ordered a road built. His hoof rubbed the latest hurt. No doubt there would be another bruise under his coat tomorrow.

He let out a slow sigh and peered back to see how the others would negotiate the obstacle his wagon almost lost a wheel to. Nine other wagons trailed his, each laden with supplies and crafters.

Armoured earthponies ranged ahead. Anything that might have blighted hiding in, behind or under was thoroughly investigated, often with repeated probes with bladed weapons.

A few muttered words between the guards summoned some of the earthponies. With their board back and powerful legs barely straining, they lifted the other overloaded wagons. In short order, each was conveyed past the hole as easily as if they were empty. The sheer amount of physical power they have… Magic was always his preferred solution, his favoured tool, his mastered weapon, but there was definitely something to be said for raw, brutal might.

He leant his head back. The small grunts of exertion and armour grating against wood was not a relaxing accompaniment to his daydreams. The things I will do with the other tribes’ abilities…

The wheels creaked as they fought over the uneven ground. His eyes found the wide-open sky again. If Princess Twilight’s performance is anything to go by, I am going to have to find a flight instructor… It was not an insurmountable problem. The question was who could be trusted to keep it quiet. Training an Alicorn to fly would definitely be memorable at least. Nothing a little mind magic could not solve.

The skies lay open, inviting. It taunted him, emphasising his miss calculation with Twilight. If she had not escaped, he would be up there now, not trapped in this box. He would already be an Alicorn and he would have never needed his backup plans. This Blight would never have been released.

In the distance, an airship separated from Canterlot. Its ponderous motions, slow and graceful, completely at odds with the urgency of its mission. No doubt it was full of guards and supplies. A small flock of pegasi flitted around the ship, a living screen against any aerial blighted.

With so much of the nation locked down, food would soon be an issue. Each major settlement was meant to have an extra store for emergency use. He shook his head. Most only existed on paper now. It was such an easy way to save money. At least Canterlot’s stores fell under direct royal control and not a greedy bit grabbing noble.

He settled down, finding what comfort he could in the crude transportation. He closed his eyes. I’m going to have a long night.

He had just managed to fall asleep when the distinct tone of a heavy crossbow sounded. His ears twitched, a prey species instincts rousing him to full alertness. His mind reached for his dark magic flailing around and finding nothing.

The first shot was followed by another and another as the guards fired upon the threat.

His wagon lurched. The sudden stop almost hurling him from the bench. Outside, hooves and wings lept into frantic motion. Armour clanked, and weapons rattled. The repetitive wringing sounds of the heavy crossbows being reloaded added to the medley of conflict.

It was over in seconds. The sound of the brief engagement quieted, replaced by crisp orders getting everypony back in place, preparing to move out.

Noble Guide let out the breath he did not know he was holding. The tingle of power in his horn receded.

"Check it," a gruff voice ordered. The old bird might be past his prime, but his experience made the others far more effective and stopped at least some stupid mistakes, like assuming something was dead just because it stopped moving.

So far, they had been encountering them in ones and twos. Nothing his paid-for defenders could not manage. The problem was the blighted seemed to be learning.

A bellowing roar flattened his ear to his skull. His whole body recoiled, cowering in the ‘safety’ of the wagon.

His heart pounded in his chest, his limbs trembled. Unbidden, his hoof leapt towards the hilt of his dagger. A quick cut, a lot of pain and his full abilities would be free. No, I can't.

The alarmed shouts were nothing but mindless sounds to his abused ears. The griffon’s commanding voice ordered something almost audible over the monster.

A roar of flames silenced the beast. The flames continued for a long minute. The air became stiflingly hot as the nauseating stench of burnt flesh brought a grimace to his muzzle, but he endured. As his hearing recovered, the sound of dry retching announced some nearby did not. As much as it alarmed his senses, it was nowhere near as overpowering as the scent of blood and the raw organs he had harvested from Twilight.

His hoof pressed over his still racing heart. He chuckled to himself. Even now, with the monster dead, his Tartarus damned body wanted to run, to flee. He would not fall prey to a simple fear effect no matter how well it played upon his instincts. Mentally he offered his respects to Nightmare Moon, she was a true master of her craft. Everything about the blight was perfectly tailored to divert resources and spread terror.

Even with his mind calmed and back under control, his weak mortal flesh still demanded he run, he refused. Instead drew a small vile adding a few drops to his flask. He took a long draft, wincing slightly. One of these days he would find something that would make the concoction palatable.

He poked his head outside. A Canterlot beauty stood head bowed to the sun before an unrecognisable charred mass. Her aura sporting a holy icon, a copy of Celestia’s cutie mark forged from the finest gold. The mare’s mouth moved in silent prayer. She did this for each and every blighted slain so far. It wasted time, but beggars could not be choosers and a solar and fire aligned unicorn was currently too much of an asset to pass up.

She rose, still looking as if she walked out of the spa. Her skirt of woven gold shimmered as she moved. Barding hugged her from, accenting her appeal. Her golden aura replaced her helmet, and there right under her horn, was another copy of Celestia’s mark. She had wanted a fortune upfront to properly equip herself, and it seemed most of it was spent on ornamentation.

That unicorn was worth the price she was charging. Even if she was a solar fanatic. In a way, her being here was Celestia’s fault. The mare was so inspired by the Princess’s speech she had to do something to help.

Celestia had 'blessed' all those that pledged to help. It was little more than a warming spell and her usual mind magic, but the foalish loved it. Those too cowardly or sensible to put themselves at risk rose to her call. One of these days, he would have to work out how that spell was made persistent.

"Flame Dancer, get your cute flank back on board. We don't have all day," The griffon’s sharp tone cried out.

"Yes, sir." She clambered to the roof of Noble Guide’s wagon. A moment later, an armoured hoof rapped twice on the roof, and the wagon continued on.

Even with the fire flinging sorceress guarding him, his hoof rubbed where the changeling's stone hid. She was untested, untrained and not somepony he felt he could depend upon. No matter how powerful you were, if you miss applied it, it could be your downfall.

He was not defenceless. He could be safe. He could have his power back. He shook his head, silently condemning himself. No, I’m being foalish. He straightened. Even if the guards could only catch fleeting glances of him, he still had a role to play, and play it he would.

He downed the rest of his flask. It was revolting, but the alchemy did its job. A warm sluggishness spread from his stomach. It soothed pains and slowed his heart. He had nothing to worry about. Any blighted Flame Dancer turned her power on would die.

Fear suppressed, he could see the facts clearly. The reports had been quite clear, Ponyville’s defenders had devastated the blighted in the area. So this should be more than enough security. Yet, could he trust that? That forsaken spell had gone completely out of control. Its creations were cunning enough to play dead or call out in sweet innocent voices for help. Now, if I wanted to maximise the terror and disruptions it caused, I would have it conceal powerful blighted in places that should be safe.

His mind worked on the problem. Anything that could kill all his guards and get to him before he could rip out the stones suppressing his magic was that far above his power, having access to it would not save him.

That settled, he let his mind consider what his first decrees should be. There is no way I can get rid of the other princesses before this infestation is dealt with.

The caravan rumbled past the sign, simple paint proclaiming the name Coltsdale. He would have to find out who renamed it from Safe Haven.

Even unfinished, it was little more than a mix of tents and the skeletons of buildings. The place bustled with life. Scared, fearful life that huddled together clutching anything that could be a weapon.

This place had not even been attacked, and yet the ponies here were almost paralysed with fear. He would have to give them a speech, turn the fearful to the inspired. The better this place looked, the more confident the ponies were of their safety, the more would come, the more would place their trust in him.

Mentally he bowed his head to them. They did not know it, but each of them would play their part, each of them would grant their strength to him, to Equestria itself. He would remember their names, their sacrifice deserved that much at least.

Flame Dancer's trained voice called out. Her words, uplifting and pious, captivated the gathering crowds. Normally Celestia tried to discourage that sort of behaviour. Now she was actively spreading it. She was manipulating ponies into being willing to give their lives for her with smiles on their faces. It was truly devious, but at least he would not need to make a speech.

Noble guide alighted from the wagon, dedicating himself to the mental labour of unloading the wagons. Smiles and respectful nods were offered from many ponies, but most ears still pointed towards Flame Dancer’s impromptu sermon.

It did not take a genius to see the effects she was having. Ears pricked, and heads turned. Flame Dancer walked amongst them, looking every bit one of Celestia’s chosen from ancient illustrations. Her dancer’s grace made her a sight to behold. The false confidence Celeista granted her spreading to the other ponies.

Around her, the sunlight seemed a little brighter. Its warmth soothing on his coat. Just the faintest hint of a familiar magic brushed against him, Noble did not glance up. Scrying? Are you simply this vain, Celestia? Or is Flame Dancer something more?

Between her and the supplies, hope would soon replace despair and resolve fear. He would just need to make sure she was out of the way when the time came. For now, Celestia’s propaganda and lies could be of use.

Hours later, Noble Guide rested, if only for a few moments. It made no sense how dock workers could do this all day. He wiped the moisture from his brow. What I would not give for the earthpony stamina right now.

Flame Dancer gracefully walked between the fatigued workers. Resting her hoof on each and sharing a few words with them. It was laughable how a few simple words could revitalise the workers. At least we might be finished before sundown.

She approached him, the same tender smile seemingly copied right from Celestia on her muzzle. She stepped close, so close the heat radiating from her body settled into his flesh. “You’re a good pony, Noble Guide. Your deeds here will be a shining example for centuries.” Her warm hoof rested against him, his fatigue receded, washed away by a pleasant warmth.

He could do nothing but stare. She did not light her horn, he felt no magic. Unbidden, the question escaped him. “How?”

“Those that serve Equestria receive Celestia’s blessings.” Her gracious smile truly made her beautiful. With a nod, she calmly walked to the next pony.

His eyes followed her. She was a performer, what did Celestia do to her.

“I think everypony can appreciate that flank.” The worker nearest him said. He nodded, keeping his own council on his thoughts.

Doing this now, with Flame Dancer about was a risk, but it had to be now. He was not going to get another chance to be here for who knows how long. Fortunately, she was fast asleep with guards to protect her. The defenders were all instructed to go to her and that old bird Garl should the Blighted show during the night. Still, he hated risks, Alicorns were not meant to play dice with fate.

The dark tunnel led downwards, its claustrophobic confines so narrow he could not turn. The roof so low he had to keep his head lowered, his horn forward as if ready to use it as a weapon. Loose earth smeared his coat as a few strands of his mane snagged against the hastily emplaced wooden bracing. Countless minor pains completely drowned out by the potions.

The familiar scent of blood reached his nose. He followed it to its source, the precious life fluid dripped down his back leg. Peering past his body, he could just make out a splinter of wood almost as long as his horn protruded from his flesh, still attached to the beam of wood holding the earth up above him.

He sighed. “It's one thing after another.” A simple cutting spell split it in half. That was the best he could do until he reached his destination.

This was not a torch-lit path to the final ritual chamber. All the little indigeneities Twilight and his own lack of foresight had cost him, this was just one more. But it was a lesson he needed to learn, needed to be reminded of. No matter how well you plan, no matter how much you are certain things will go one way, always be prepared for things to diverge, for things to go wrong.

With each step, each motion of his hindquarters, the wood twisted and tore at his muscle. It was surreal, even as he began to limp, there was still no pain. The weight around his neck, his only comfort. The pouch bounced into his chest with each step. Safely within, double wrapped with padding, were days worth of his ‘medication’, including two healing potions.

At this level of blood loss, I have about half an hour. He pressed on, a distressing amount of dampness matting his coat.

Finally, blessedly, the space around him expanded. The large underground chamber was crudely hacked out of the earth. The wooden braces that held the roof up were more than ramshackle, but that need not matter. A perfectly smooth sheet of obsidian made up the floor.

He stumbled into the chamber, almost collapsing on his side, his neck craning around and examining his wound. It was a horrible wound, made worse by his journey to get here. Most of the damage is internal, so it should be concealed by the coat.

He placed the pouch on the ground, carefully emptying it and lining up the vials and bottles. Selecting the two expensive healing potions. Every cleansing spell he knew, he ran over the pouch. He removed the stoppers from both vials and inhaled a steadying breath. He was going to need to be quick.

Carefully his aura extracted the foreign body, pulling the spike of wood into the air. Blood pulsed out, now flowing freely. His hoof lifted one open vile, his magic lifting half the contents of the other. He downed one and his aura forced the orb of healing liquid deep into the wound.

Without pain, the sensation was simply bizarre. His aura pulled the edges of the wound together, and his hoof pressed the sterilised pouch over the wound. He pressed down with as much force as he could manage.

“Nearly undone by a bit of wood.” His words and bitter laugh resonated around the ritual chamber.

He rested his head upon the cool obsidian. He would give it half an hour, that's all the time he could spare for his wound to mend. He drank the rest of his medication, it was a little early, but he desperately needed the fluids to help make up for the lost blood. A simple alarm spell would wake him when it was time.

His head swam, thoughts flowed slowly as his world remained dark despite his eyes being open. His horn lit, reflecting from the smooth surface of the stone. “The ritual preparation.” He nodded to himself and forced himself to his hooves. The dried blood matted in his coat pulled and tugged with the motion. He carefully worked the pouch free, revealing the now closed wound. Stretching the limb, it moved smoothly enough, so it would suffice.

Using a simple rock carving spell, he set to work. His magic traced the most complex spell array he had ever attempted for the second time in his life. Even since he had first discovered this ritual it had been indelibly etched into his mind. For the first one, he had the luxury of weeks, this time he had mere hours.

With every ounce of focus he could muster, he blocked out everything but his task. Each line, each mark he laid with utmost perfection.

He blinked back to awareness, his trancelike state faded. Before him, the fruits of his many hours of labour was complete. The wondrous work of magic and the right sacrifices was all that was required to elevate a pony to Alicornhood.

Soon, he would ascend. Soon he would make Equestria his. He would destroy the Blighted, end the changeling threat and remove the parasites calling themselves nobles. It would all be worth it. A smile contorted his stolen features.

It would not be long until he had enough of all three tribes gathered. He had more than enough earthponies, but finding pegasi to was proving to be more problematic.

How had Princess Celestia managed to disappear the hundreds of ponies needed for Twilight’s and Cadance’s ascensions? Did she simply make everypony forget about their existence? Did she climb the tallest tower of Canterlot and work her mental magic over the entire nation? Did she reach out through the sun and affect the whole world?

Could she simply make a whole village or small town vanish? Was that why there were roads that let nowhere and long ruined buildings in the wilderness? Evidence of those sacrificed for Celestia’s and Luna's own ascensions?

A mighty yawn fought free of him, echoing around the chamber. All his strength, all his energy fled as if flowing out of him. The rough wall was the only thing that stopped him falling. It would be so tempting to just lay down and sleep.

His eyes found the narrow passage, the one escape from the now complete ritual chamber. He groaned. How things would be so simple if I could just teleport.

Star light lit his way as the moon hid behind escorted clouds. The night air caressed his still damp coat. His body shivered, the cold ached in his bones. A bucket of water was not his preferred method to shed the blood, mud and rock dust from his body. At least the simple soaps scent was inoffensive to his nose.

Even at this time, hundreds of ponies still worked. The ones he hired and those that had recently moved in. Unicorns layered spells upon the hastily formed earthen walls. Ponies with crossbows looked out into the darkness, vigilant for any threats.

The scent of roasting vegetables and fried hay wafted past. The crude attempt at food tempted his stomach even as he continued on.

An older stallion laboured on carving stone. The delicate form of an alicorn slowly being coaxed out of the raw rock. Each strike of the chisel was an act of love. Even here in Noble Guide’s place of triumph, he would not be free of the image of Celestia.

He smiled and nodded, playing his part. He was just a faithful servant for Celestia doing what he could for Equestria and her ponies. Or so the worker and, more importantly, Flame Dancer had to keep believing.

Finally, he got to his destination. His rooms were barely furnished and the windows and doorways were simple holes in the walls. It had a roof and was warm enough, so it would do.

The chest he brought with him stood out. Its fine craftwork leagues above anything for miles around it.

As soon as his aura touched it, the lock clicked. He quickly grabbed what he needed. Two more potions downed and a mouthful of herbs to chew on, and he was done. Noble Guide staggered to the simple mattress on the floor and collapsed. It might have well been the finest enchanted feathers, not the simple staw it was.

The void of dreamless sleep almost claimed him before his head hit the bundled cloth acting as a blanket.

CH 46.1 Picking up the Pieces

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Truth could be the most painful, far more so than any lie or blade. Twilight had failed her ponies. She was not there when they needed her most. Her eyes burned. Bile twisted in her throat. Ponies lay dead, the price for a few hours of uninterrupted reading.

Dreams’s soft wings enfolded her, trapping her in a comfort she did not deserve. “Blame not yourself, this is our foe’s doing, not yours.”

“But...” she choked out.

Dreams’s eyes were iron as they stared into Twilight’s soul, even as a tender hoof held her check. “Your preparations were the only reason so many survived. The loyalty you inspired in those you helped is the only reason there were enough defenders. Your student and your spellwork on the castle saved Ponyville.”

“Ponies still were hurt, ponies still died.”

“Yes…" Dreams gaze softened. "Remember them, each and every one, but do not dwell on them. Only count those that you saved, those that would be dead if not for you.”

Twilight’s wellsprings stirred, offering to be used. Her magic could do so much, now more than ever. It was possible she could have beaten back the attack on her own… in time. But she could not be everywhere at once, the tainted blighted creatures would not have been able to defeat her, but they could have slowed her enough to bypass her and attack others.

The black tome full of the Nightmare’s most twisted spells had told her enough to predict the Blighted’s actions. Her mind ran simulation after simulation, altering variables each time. Little bits of battlefield knowledge and wartime pragmatisms that were not her own crept in, expanding her calculations’ accuracy.

If she had been there, either the town ponies would have been braver and more would have been lost due to insufficient caution, or they would have not stepped up to defend the town. More would have been lost as the cannier of the attackers snuck past her and infiltrated their lines.

The conclusion was inescapable. There was nothing she could safely do to change the past, not and expect better results. It was not as if Starlight would even agree. As much as it hurt, the hoof full of dead was likely the optimal result with the initial variables.

The real question was how somepony got one of Nightmare Moon's personal spells. Nopony else had Nightmare Moon in their mind. Were all the rumours of Nightmare cults true?

Soft lips upon her cheek were far more pleasant than contemplating her foes. Dreams's eyes were as captivating as ever, beautiful silver-like moonlight reflected upon a lake.

“Rest now, my love.” Sweet Dreams’s wings tightened, the feathers the most enticing of blankets. The heavenly scent and warmth enveloping her was a luxury just for her. Heavy lids slowly denied Twilight's view of the world. She nuzzled the warm body of her lover.

Ghostly strings and woodwinds sent their enthralling notes dancing upon the air as Dreams began to sing. “Fear not my night…”

Twilight hissed. The brush tugged at another knout. “Why are we even bothering? It's not like it affects the puppet.”

“Can I not enjoy seeing you at your best, my Star?“

Even with the weight still upon her heart, it sped a little just hearing those words. "You may indulge as you wish."

"Who's the temptress now?"

Twilight failed to keep the smile from her face. Who knew waking up in a loving embrace and a little banter could do so much against a guilty conscience? "I do have things I should be doing, my Dream." Again a few simple words overrode her control of her face adding an edge of sly seductiveness to her simple smile and a warmth to her chest. These feelings are almost like an addiction…. One I don't want to get rid of.

Twilight leaned in and landed a soft kiss on Dreams's lips. An enchanting giggle and a quick rap to the end of her muzzle from the brush was her reward. "You?" Twilight nearly went crossed eyed focusing on the end of her muzzle.

"We have to get you presentable, Princess."

“What difference will it make?”

“More than you think. This is your self-image, if you don't take care of it…”

“So the better I look here, the more confidence I will have?”

Dreams nodded. “Being able to keep your sense of self here is important, my love.”

“And a messy mane.”

“Is the start of a path I will not allow you to tread.”

A grumble escaped Twilight before she could stop herself.

“Now let me get these tangles out and then you can relax and enjoy.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Yes, ‘Princess’.”

Twilight departed her home, stepping out and leaving Dream’s to watch the library. The endless storm clouds filled the sky from horizon to horizon.

“And so you return?” Night rested on the obsidian plane that was the interface with Twilight's body, the puppet of flesh they shared.

The former nightmare looked pristine, every feather and strand of mane in place. Dreams was right, I would be feeling really self-conscious right now.

Twilight’s polished hooves confidently conveyed her towards Night. She joined her in peering into the physical world. Little Star, Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle all sheltered under the puppet’s lavender wing. Rarity and Applejack snuggled near, completing the encirclement of the foals.

Rarity’s coat bore patches of miss colouration where bloodstains had not quite been removed. Applejack practically looked like a mummy with so many bandages wrapped around her.

Rainbow lay in traction on the bed. Fluttershy tenderly fussed over the injured pegasus despite the fatigue in her every motion. Somehow, the buttercream mare still looked beautiful, even with heavy bags under her eyes.

Poor Dash had clearly done something to her wings again. A red glow flicked over the hoof blade still attached to her loyal knight’s leg. The artefact gleamed proudly as it reacted to Twilight’s gaze. Even from another plane of existence, it seemed it could sense its maker. She was going to have to study that.

The only one of the girls absent was Pinkie Pie.

Night didn't even glance up before she spoke. “Your friends are braver than I thought.”

Twilight settled down beside Night, glad for the bath Dreams had insisted upon. She only hesitated a moment before unfurling her wing and draping it over Night. “Thank you for being there for them.”

If Twilight was not an Alicorn, she would not have noticed the minute shift as Night almost leaned into the embrace. Yet another piece of evidence…

“We have a pact,” Night coldly said, but the tenderness in how their shared body was pressed against the girls spoke to there being more.

Twilight raised an eyebrow deliberately, just like Luna would have.

“They are worthy companions… It would be a waste to lose them.”

Twilight had to fight the urge to roll her eyes. “Night, you are allowed to care for them.”

Night’s slit eyes looked away. “That just makes it harder to say goodbye…”

Twilight tightened her wing, pulling Night closer. “We’re never going to have to, not if I have anything to say about it.” The only question was how low she could get the cost to make that statement a reality. Twilight's mind caressed the dark magic wonder she had created only hours ago. How much would she give, what would she be willing to do if it was the only way…

“Be careful, my host.”

“I thought we moved past that.”

“That darkness to thy thoughts, it is not unfamiliar to us.”

It was hard not to take her words to heart, after all, she had been Nightmare Moon. “I have you and Dreams keeping an eye on me.”

“Now if you don’t mind, there is a hug I would very much like to enjoy.”

Night granted her consent with a wave of her hoof. Twilight slipped through the floor. She assumed control of the flesh puppet and settled into the comfortable embrace with her daughter and the others.

There were things she needed to do, but somehow none of them seemed more important than just staying here.

The familiar scents of her friends and daughter surrounded her. She gave Little Star a gentle nuzzle, careful not to wake her. The soft sounds of their breath and the warmth of the bodies around her were the final proof that everything was going to be alright.

Eventually, her duties would catch up with her, but for now, she would relish every moment of this. It was less than an hour before her Alicorn level hearing made out ponies using words to try and bypass the guards outside the room. Her sigh drew Fluttershy’s sleepy eyes.

The kindest of her friends was currently the ponification of exhaustion. The poor mare may not have been a combatant, but she had sacrificed in her own way to help others. It only took the barest amount of magic to draw Fluttershy over and enfold her into the group hug.

The lingering scent of sweet fear and despair invigorated Twilight. Why? She nuzzled her friend only to comfort her, she hoped.

Rest.” It was only a whisper, but her friend was fast asleep in less than a dozen heartbeats. Night lowered their horn to Fluttershy’s forehead. A trickle of power danced along their horn. “May thou find solace in thine dreams.”

The influx of magic slowed then stopped. A content little smile graced Fluttershy’s beautiful face. Twilight stroked a hoof along the silken mane. Thank you.

She deserves much more than us scaring away all but the most pleasant of dreams.

Twilight lit her horn, a silence and half a dozen small spells to ensure the sleeping ponies would not be disturbed. Night dissolved their form into living shadow and extracted them from the warm and comfortable cage the pony pile had shifted into.

As soon as the feel of the other’s coats pressed against her ceased, Twilight longed to feel it again. Their body reformed mid-stride, walking towards the door. Now is not the time.

Twilight's eyes found her reflection. Dreams would have a fit if she saw the state of her mane.

Vanity now?

“A princess has to look the part.” Twilight quoted in her best impression of Rarity.

We are well aware, just normally we would take care of it, and you would not even notice. Each strand of Twilight mane and tail untangled themselves and arranged themselves perfectly.

The distinct sound of a metal shod hoof rapped on the door.

The smallest of efforts with her aura had the door open a crack. A pair of Nightguards stood there.


Twilight gave them both a warm smile, joining them in the corridor. On a whim, she gave each a quick hug. “Thank you for protecting Ponyville.”

After a moment of surprise, the familiar gesture stripped most of the formality away from the pair of thestrals. “Princess, most of us will be leaving as soon as possible.”

“May I ask why?”

The signature joviality of Luna’s guards vanished. Her somber tone spelled tragedy from the first word. “The blight has spread. There were multiple clouds sent in many different directions. Anywhere without potent defences is in danger.”

The stallion beside her offered a scroll. The apology on his face was yet another omen this would be bad news. Unfortunately, her suspicions were correct.

Twilight's eyes narrowed as she read over the report. The list of towns, villages, the sum total of all the casualties and missing ponies in cold, remorseless numbers dwarfed what happened in Ponyville. Heat rose in her chest. The Flames that danced through her mane reflected off the crystal walls. A growl rumbled deep within her as her teeth ached.

Unbidden, her hoof pressed against her chest as she inhaled. Her body pushed the hoof away while breathing out. Even when it was not under her control, a wave of calm stilled the burning rage.

Save your fury for when it is useful.

Night was right. Twilight took another breath, and the scent of scorched parchment filled her lungs. A simple spell restored the browned edges of the scroll to pristine condition. Raising a dragon required mastering a certain set of skills, especially if you had a fondness for books and other flammable things.

Looking back to the Nightguard, they each met her eyes with resolve. It was as if a glimmer of Nova’s fire burned within their souls. Their gazes promised righteous retribution.

As much as Twilight appreciated their determination, the question was, what just happened? She could feel her own magic on them.

Alicorns lead, Twilight, remember that. Night spoke in their mind.

It was not even necessary to extend her senses. With her domain, it was clear, a minute fraction of her power had settled into the two Nightguard. It was not as permanent or as significant as making a Chosen, but it was still there. The flames prowled within them, like angry manticores, but obediently waited to be unleashed on their prey.

With her own anger under control, fascination crept in. A conditional gift of power? Twilight wondered. She would definitely devote some time to study this phenomenon when time permitted.

For now, there was something more important. “Please assemble all the Nightguard in the main hall before you depart.”

“Yes, Princess.”

With a flick of her wing, Twilight dismissed them. They saluted before swiftly taking their leave. Their armoured hooves audible long after they left her sight.

Twilight turned, trotting off. “I can’t let them go into battle like that again.”

Prey tell, why?

“Our daughter can enchant better equipment on a whim.”

While true, that does not mean their equipment is of poor quality. Luna would never permit it.

More hoofsteps approached. Twilight stopped speaking out loud. There has been hundreds of years of magical development since most of their equipment was created.

You can’t give them weapons, else you would be making them your knights, and good quality armour takes too long for that many ponies.

“Hmm.” There were many things that might be acceptable with that limitation.

A pair of servants bowed their heads as they passed. One carried a stack of bed linens, the other cleaning supplies. Twilight’s keen eyes could not avoid noticing the pyrography of her own cutie-mark upon the wooden necklace around the taller one’s neck.

Night kept them walking at a steady pace instead of stopping and staring like Twilight wanted to. It was a simple piece of wood, with the image burnt into it, but it spoke of so much more.

She shook her head and continued on. As she moved through the castle, more and more sounds reached her Alicorn ears. Voices, both somber and happy. The sounds of many ponies waking up, a cacophony of sound of food being prepared for hundreds. Little hooves scampering around, likely in play.

They were all just another reminder of how much her life had changed. The castle was now full of life, all of Ponyville, all the ponies she had offered sanctuary to now called it home. When she had first moved here, it had been barren.

Three times she caught her own name being used. “Don't worry, Princess Twilight will protect us.” While it was true that she would, it was the tone that really got to her. They had faith in her, they believed in her. That combined with the additional ponies wearing simple necklaces with her mark on them, it was almost as if they were going to start worshipping her.

Only Night stopped the flush from forming on her face as she thought back to her golden necklace with Celestia’s cutie-mark that was still buried in a chest somewhere. It seemed a lifetime ago she was that naive young filly, completely devoted to her Princess. Would she now have ponies just as blindly devoted to her?

It is only natural for ponies to revere us.


Let them have faith in you, Twilight. It will give them strength in dark times.

Twilight grumbled, mentally constructing her augment why it was wrong to worship Alicorns. She could live with being respected or for others to bow to her authority, but to be thought of as a goddess?

You restored flight to the flightless, made the broken whole and freed the enslaved. Now tell me why you are not worthy of this, oh worker of ‘miracles’.

“It was just magic,” Twilight muttered.

Instead of trying to get them to stop, become worthy of them, my host.

Twilight walked on in silence as she considered Night’s words.

Twilight absently munched on her breakfast. The tasty treats floating next to her as she worked.

Dozens of disks of lavender crystals morphed into the shape of the large star of her mark. Streams of gold and silver danced together, forming the crystal palace’s silhouette on each before solidifying.

The matrices of magic she crafted in one was mirrored in the rest of them. A simple telekinesis effect was to be the active part. A single drop of her blood would grant it the limited ability to reason. Any attack on the wearer would be pushed away so long as the item had thaums of mana available.

The sharp points of the battle award could be used to draw a little blood, attuning it to an individual. That would allow any excess mana regeneration they had to fill the basic mana battery she embedded into the crystal.

She gathered the completed medals and deposited them in her extra-dimensional pocket. Her task completed, she sat back, a smug smile on her lips as she turned her attention fully to her food.

Food was such a basic thing, yet both Night and Nova savoured every morsel.

Once she had finished, it would be time to start preparing to heal Candice. As the vision of her Guard Captain’s charred form came to mind, a lingering feeling of Nova’s guilt prowled at the edges of Twilight’s perceptions. It was faint, as if something was trying and almost succeeding in hiding it completely from her.

Either Night trying to contain a dangerous monster or Sweet Dreams trying to keep yet another burden from Twilight's withers.

Her hoof pressed against the smooth intact coat where the golden necklace should have been. Nova was trapped without a view of the outside world, not even trying to influence her. Nova was likely nothing more than a ball of guilt. And here Twilight was mindlessly consuming a snack that the poor mare would have relished every bite of.

She is not alone, my Star. Sweet Dreams soothing voice spoke in her mind.

Somehow Twilight knew Dreams’s songs were the only solace Nova currently had. That would not do. A recreation of the last one would be too much work, and it failed in the end anyway. But a simple link, something to let Nova see and communicate, would not be so taxing.

Twilight rose and headed to the most secure and warded part of her home.

Twilight strode through her sealed lab, the timeless air was thick as syrup. Her security here was her best yet. Nothing that was not allowed here could do anything, they would enter and be trapped until released, experiencing no time whatsoever. It also had the side benefit of persevering her samples, Samples she really did not feel like looking at.

Without even glancing up, her aura retrieved a large bone, her magic crushed it into nothing but powder before she set her eyes on it. ‘Powered magically conducting calcium-based medium’ was so much more palatable than ‘one of her leg bones she teleported out as part of her research’. The pain of the experience had been manageable, yet a shiver still danced along her spine. To be able to remove parts of your own body and not only watch but feel them regenerate.

Each day it was becoming harder and harder to feel like a real pony. This body that had housed her for her entire life, had been her self image, now was little more than a puppet and a renewable collection of research material.

Twilight turned the page in her otherworldly tome. Nerves and microscopic blood vessels added themselves to her mental list of what she would need to match up.

Candice was Luna’s Chosen already, and was already compatible with Alicorn magic. It should be possible to use transplanted flesh from her puppet, her body, to reconstruct Candice’s ruined body.

Strip away what is too far gone and replace muscle by muscle until a whole pony was before her. The right cosmetic spells could regrow Candice’s coat. The feathers would have to be transmuted from Twilight’s own. Twilight tapped her chin. While that would be good for the short term, she would need to make changes so the coat and feathers did not start reverting to Twilight’s colours with new growth. Candice would likely accept it, but it would raise too many questions. She was going to need to alter the feather's dermal papillae and each hair follicle. By the end of this, she would have at least three papers worth of new medical procedure. The only question was, should she dare to publish them?

Her quill scratched away, making lists compiling what was needed. Her mind daydreamed about breaking into yet another field of research. But was there any way it could be misused? Her paper on spell runes ended up being used to immobilise her, to deny her the ability to free herself. What could ponies of ill intent do with the ability to reforge and reshape a pony’s body so thoroughly?

Twilight paused her writing, chewing the feather of the quill. Her magic and knowledge combined could do wonderful things, terrible things. How much of her work should end up in a restricted or even forbidden section of the archives?

Night’s amused tone interrupted Twilight’s pondering. You know, this is not how you make a pony an Alicorn, Twilight.

I know Night, but we have to help her.

I look forward to having her at our beck and call again.

Twilight rolled her eyes, Admit it, you miss her.

You will never hear me say that.

Twilight smiled. Doesn't mean it's not true. She ended with a pleasant laugh. So what wellspring should we give her?

Night did not hesitate. Earth Pony, she is in dire need of being more durable.

Twilight nodded. If only we had given her this sooner.

In a way, it's a mercy we did not, her suffering would have been greatly magnified if she had stayed conscious any longer.

Twilight studied a full-sized diagram of Candice's body, or how her body should be. All the exacting measurements she had enjoyed taking finally finding a purpose.

One by one, Twilight shaped and crafted hunks of her own flesh, creating a replacement for each muscle. Her aura lifted them, holding them in place over an illusionary projection standing over the diagram.

You know, even with this, she is going to need time to recover.

“I know…” Taking all of Candice’s ley lines and integrating them with the new flesh, connecting everything to a fourth wellspring... “And it's going to be painful.”

Oh, worry not about that. I taught her a spell to deal with the pain.

“You're turning into a big softy, you know, Nighty.”

I am not!

Twilight giggled. Having such banter in such a macabre room was surreal. What would her friends think finding her laugh in what amounted to a room full of several dismantled corpses?

She retrieved an eye and an ear. Whatever item she crafted to allow Nova to sense the world, they would make the perfect base components.

Unfortunately, there was no time. It would take hours to redesign, repurpose and simplify the enchantment she used last time. Let alone craft it. She had to get cleaned up and present the awards to the Nightguards and the militia that fought in defence of the town.

Her macabre medical supplies safely stored in a timeless pocket, Twilight enjoyed a bath. Emerald's talented hooves eased away the tension as the scented water removed all hints of the viscera and gore. Emerald had changed the water twice before pronouncing her clean enough to relax, letting the lavender scent suffuse into her coat.

Twilight let her eyes close, letting the time drift by. Back when she was just a unicorn, each wasted second was a calculable percentage of her life span. Now that she was an Alicorn, she could freely enjoy each moment. The pressing inevitability of entropy no longer filled her with dread. She no longer feared what she might miss, what she might fail to achieve. Assuming nopony killed her, she had literally eternity.

A content smile on her face, she allowed herself to float away in the warm embrace of the scented water.

“Twilight?” Applejack's voice dragged Twilight's attention back to the mundane world.

“Applejack,” Twilight's smile changed to one of welcome. “Care to join me?”

Her friend hesitated for a moment before heading over. She placed each hoof carefully. It was as if the farm mare was afraid of disturbing the soothing ambience.

Applejack deposited her hat on a chair before she slipped into the oversized bath.

Ripples of water brushed against Twilight's coat from the disturbance as her friend settled.

Applejack let out a contented sigh as the enchanted bubble bath began to work its magic on the farm mare’s body. “Ya certainly get the good stuff.”

“What can I say, being a Princess comes with a few perks.”

Applejack shifted, uncomfortable despite the luxury around her. “Twi, can we talk?”

“That's what we're doing at the moment.”

“This is serious, Twilight.”

Twilight sighed, closing her eyes as she leaned her head back. “Applejack, you’re my friend. If there’s something important to you, it's important to me.”

“It's about when we went to rescue our kin from the Everfree.”

“When I held you back?” Night cut in, taking control of their voice.


I'm talking to my friend.

Relax, Twilight, speak as you will. I will simply say the bits to stop that living lie detector from learning too much.

“You're wondering why?”

“You said why, Ah don't agree with you, but you said why. What I want to know is why you threatened me.”

Night? Twilight could not stop the edge of accusation in her mental tone. She knew she should not jump to conclusions, but Applejack would never lie, especially about this.

She was going to steal the moment from her little sister.

Celestia issues?

I was proud of what they were doing, and there may have been an element of that. Applejack would smother her little sister, protect her from everything and never let her grow into the mare she could be.

“Err, Twilight? You alright?”

Twilight’s head shot up, her eyes locked onto her friend. She let out an embarrassed giggle. “Yes, I’m fine, AJ, just a lot on my mind.”

“Twilight, I reckon anypony could tell that's a lie.”

Twilight sank, lowering herself so only her head was visible above the water. “Where to start, AJ, where to start. It's simpler to say I'm fine, but in truth, I worry myself.”

Applejack's powerful hoof reached out, the motion sending ripples through the water. The strong hoof rested on Twilight's shoulder. It was so strange feeling the strength of her strongest friend and knowing it was nothing compared to what her own body could do with all her Alicorn power fueling it.

Twilight placed her own hoof atop her friends. “I could do truly terrible things, Applejack. It would be so easy to reach out and destroy Ponyville. Bend another’s mind completely to my whim or turn a pony that even slightly annoys me to a potted plant.”

“You’re scared of what ya can do?”

Twilight nodded. “I have so much power, power that Celestia never told me I had, nor trained me to use. Add to that how… unstable I have been, how driven by anger and desires lately...”

“You don't trust yerself.”

Twilight almost stayed silent. A tightness tried to constrict her throat. Would this be the moment she lost her friend forever? “I nearly killed Candice by accident.” Her tone sounded dead even to herself. The flat words revealed nothing of her inner turmoil.

Applejack's eyes widened, but she kept her voice calm and level. It was almost as if her friend was treating her like a dangerous animal. “What happened?”

“They threatened to kill my daughter, they were going to send a squad of Mage Slayers after her.”

For a few seconds, many different things flickered behind Applejack's eyes. “Protecting yer kin is always the right thing to do, Twilight. How does that lead to harmin a friend?”

“Most ponies don't have the power to destroy half of Canterlot simply because they lose their temper… My anger alone, even undirected, can literally be incendiary.”

“Like what happened to your room?”

Twilight just nodded. It was getting harder to watch as fear crept into her friend’s eyes, her ears lowered fractionally. Applejack’s gulp would have been imperceptible to a normal pony. Twilight’s heart sank, she let her head slip below the water. It's not like she needed to breathe anyway. Simply let her magic sustain a little more of her existence.

“Emerald was right, it's almost like she's a different pony today.” Even through the distortion of the water, Applejack's muted comment reached her ears. Having senses so sharp was not always a blessing.

How would Applejack react if she knew the truth? Was it worth the risk just to no longer be lying to her friend? Through the surface of the water, Twilight gazed at her friend. Honesty, one of the Elements of Harmony, one of the reasons she was even an Alicorn.

Twilight’s head rose out of the water. “Applejack, do you trust me?”

What are you thinking, Twilight? Night asked.

“Ah want to Twi…”

Only the lack of blood let Twilight know the dagger to her heart was metaphorical and not literal. “Will you trust me? I give you my word, my oath, no harm will come to you.”

Applejack's intense eyes stared into Twilight's very soul. Each moment that went by without a reply cut a little deeper into Twilight heart. Was this going to be the last day she would be able to call Applejack her friend?

“Alright, Twilight.” They were just two simple words, but they meant so much.

Twilight moved closer, letting some power flow into her horn as she carefully pressed it to her friend's forehead.

Twilight… Night cautioned.

Twilight released her spell, her hooves wrapping around and supporting the weight of Applejack's now limp body.

You should have told me we were going to have guests. Dreams's sweet voice admonished.

CH 46.2  Tea at Twilight's

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A peel of thunder snapped Applejack top full alertness. There ain't no storm scheduled. Was her first thought before her body reported she was standing. Gone was the warm embrace of the scented bath. Instead, chill air caressed her coat and tossed her mane.

A cold ache crept her hooves from the lifeless obsidian below. Above was a roiling mass of angry storm clouds was similar to those that blighted the land, which destroyed Sweet Apple Acres. They were only missing glowing eyes. “I ain't in Ponyville no more…”

She swept her head left and right. All that existed for as far as the eye could see was the endless bleak expanse. Doubt formed like a stone in her chest. Twilight had been telling the truth when she promised. What were her exact words again? ‘I give you my word, my oath, no harm will come to you.’ Had she dumped her here, safe but trapped forever?

Applejack had seen Twilight’s magic do amazing things. The mare made the impossible happen every other week. Was this what being turned to stone felt like?

“Hello, Applejack.” The lavender Alicorn spoke from behind her.

“Twi, where are…” The question died stillborn on Applejack’s lips. Twilight stood there, but it was not quite the Twilight she knew. The coat of each limb was a slightly different shade. Despite the mare’s perfect grooming, she seemed diminished. Under the shining coat, her body was gaunt and frail compared to the mare she was just talking to.

Twilight stepped aside with hesitant eyes and a welcome smile, revealing an open doorway into a space reminiscent of her old library. “Well, are you going to come in?”


Twilight nodded. A fleeting touch of complex emotion marred her expression before she answered. “This is the state Celestia left me in when she… assembled me.” A magenta glow parted her coat, revealing a line of stitches in a thread of golden light holding her together like an oversized patchwork doll.

The luminous thread demanded attention. Only Applejack's legendary stubbornness acted as a bulwark against it and allowed her to meet her friend's eyes again. Oh, Twilight. Her friend had told them all the story, but being told and seeing were two very different things.

“Would you please join us and stop letting all the warmth out.” A sweet musical voice called out from deeper in the apparent library. “The tea is served, and if you let it go cold, I will be disappointed in you both.”

Lavender ears perked up. “Be right there.” Twilight headed in, a slight bounce in her trot, her wing wavering for Applejack to follow.

Applejack followed her friend in, placing each hoof cautiously. As soon as her hooves stepped on to the live wood of the floor, she immediately felt better. She shivered as a chill she had not noticed was replaced by warmth. Even if it was not for the energy that flowed up through her hooves, the scent alone would have identified the golden oaks. The fragrances of paper, ink and live wood set the background notes with chamomile and honey floating atop.

The living pulse of the tree soothed her. No, it was not one of her lost Appletrees, but it still greeted her in the way of plants. Peace and quiet contemplation brushed her mind, As she looked around. The larger than life Golden Oaks welcomed her as an absent friend returned.

Everything about the place screamed Twilight. The central room stretched out in all directions but mostly up. Books and comfortable little knick-knacks filled almost every wall. Adding a touch of grandiose regality to the space, lavender drapes hung from the walls, some with finely embroidered representations of Twilight’s mark, others with depictions of their greatest achievements. Nightmare Moon, Discord and Tirek, to name a few. Each stirred something within the farmmare. For a moment, less than a blink of the eyes, it was as if she was back in the past, reliving the event.

Unlike the hall of stained glass in Canterlot, other events earned their place here. Twilight's first day in Ponyville. Maybe I shook her hoof a little too hard… Apparently, their first gala was less important than sharing doughnuts in the aftermath. Dozens of little moments treasured as much as saving the world.

Each memory record surrounded five wooden doors. Her eyes paused on the one with three red apples. Her own cutiemark stared back at her from its wooden surface. Next to it were more doors, one each of all her best friends with the exception of one for Twilight.

“Twi, where are we?” Applejack asked in awe, taking in the rest of the main chamber. A staircase led to the multiple levels above. Each with many more books and dozens of passageways heading off into unknown areas. For a Homewood tree to grow so large, it must be older than Celestia.

Twilight led them around a bookshelf revealing a tall silver maned mare sat at a wooden plain table. Now normally, meeting a new pony was a common enough event. She had met thousands of ponies in her life. This time Applejack paused, almost missing a step. Sat there, with silver magic setting a pair of teapots on the table and a welcoming smile on her muzzle was not just anypony. No, there was another Alicorn.

“Welcome, Bearer Applejack.” The beauty of the mare was only suppressed by that of her voice. Her silver mane drifted in an unfelt wind, just like Princess Celestia or Luna. Her eyes glinted with soft amusement as she gestured to a soft cushion. “You have many questions.”

Applejack tipped her head in thanks, more by reflex than choice. “Begging your pardon, Princess, but who are you?”

With an enchanting titter of laughter, the Alicorn answered. “My dear Applejack, I’m no princess. My name is Sweet Dreams, and I am the guardian of this place for ‘my’ beautiful Princess.”

A hint of warmth rose in Twilight’s cheeks. “Stop that.” She pleaded but failed to hide the smile the complement provoked.

“Twilight, ain't you gettin hitched to Luna?”

“Yes, but as always, Applejack, everything involving Alicorns becomes… complicated.” Twilight settled a cushion beside the larger Alicorn, far too close for the pair to only be friends.

“Twilight…” Applejack took her hat off and looked at it. Unsurprisingly, her favoured head covering offered no better suggestions on how to say this. “I know it's not exactly my place to say, but ain't you spreading yourself a little thin? Luna, Candice, Emerald and that's not even mentioning your … offers to Fluttershy and Rainbow.”

Twilight’s hoof rubbed the back of her neck. “About that, Applejack…”



“I ain’t interested.”

Twilight’s mouth froze, half-open, her hoof half-raised in counterpoint. The hoof adjusted its course, performing a slow-motion facehoof.

“Bearer Applejack, I believe you misunderstand a great deal. My Twilight...” A perfectly preened blue wing processively enfolded around Twilight. “Arranged this meeting is merely to provide you with information that has been denied you.”

“You don’t need to be jealous, my Dream.” Twilight nestled into the embrace, nuzzling into the crook of the larger Alicorn's neck.

Sweet Dreams returned the affection. “I shall inform our other guests that we have company.” She gracefully rose, wings lingering and prolonging the physical contact as long as possible.

Twilight tilted and almost tipped like a love-drunk stallion after Rarity batted her eyes just so.

“Talk to your friend.” Dreams whispered into Twilight's ear. There was no way it was not deliberately pitched loud enough for Applejack to hear.

Twilight nodded. Her eyes lingered on Dreams, trailing over her from as the ‘not a princess’ departed. Dreams slipped behind one of the drapes, the sound of her hooves clopping on the wooden floor faded into the distance.

Magenta eyes turned to regard Applejack. Twilight nodded her head towards a comfy-looking cushion. Applejack settled down opposite her friend, letting the almost too soft seating partially envelop her.

“So…” Twilight started.

Applejack waited. Her friend was making the effort, there was no need to rush her. She smiled, lending support to this remarkably sane version of her friend.

“I should have prepared a presentation. I don't even have any cue cards…”

“Twilight, Ahm your friend, right?”

“Of course, why would you even ask that?”

“Point is, Ahm not a group of fancy scholars or somesuch. Simply speak, just tell me what's going on.”

"That was the whole point of bringing you here."

"So where exactly is 'here'?"

"This is my Bastion, my soul and extra-dimensional space anchored on the.."


"Right, sorry."

"So you're telling me all this is your soul?"

Indecision wared behind her friend's eyes. The slight tilt of her head and twitches or her ears marking the progression of her internal debate. “Yes, this whole place is a part of me. A bastion is one of the advantages of becoming an immortal Alicorn.”

“So you gain your own home away from home? I can see why you picked this. You really missed your old library.”

“Yes, I did.” Twilight's hoof rubbed against the wooden floor. “And the Grand Golden Oaks Library is even better than the original.”

"She's a fine old tree."

Twilight's hoof pressed against her chest. It moved down before returning where it started and repeated the motion. Each time tracing the same straight line.

“You alright, Twi?”

“Yes, just unsure how you will react.”

“Twi, we’re friends. I promise.” Applejack held Twilight’s gaze, letting every ounce of support and trust show through. “I will hear you out before I do anything.”

Her friend nodded. "you know Alicorns are… immortal?"

“Well. I do now”

"They don't start that way." Twilight waved her hoof around. "Gaining your bastion is a pass-fail test to see if you become immortal or not."

"Well, you passed… so why that look?"

"You pass by failing to die."


"You have to have something happen to you that kills you, and instead of dying, your mind, your soul and everything you are... changes. You either construct your bastion... or fail and find oblivion."

"Well, when have you ever failed a test, Twilight?"

A snort of bitter humour escaped Twilight. “Most tests are not quite so painful…” The levity faded, A flicker of darkness flashed across her eyes. “Nor terrifying.”

“What happened?”

Twilight’s hoof traced that part of her chest again. “With the right preparations surviving the ‘trail’ becomes more likely, but it is never guaranteed, never one hundred percent.”

Not a single word was a lie. Applejack mouth dried, her tongue wrestled with the words before finally releasing them. “So, princess Celestia…”

Twilight nodded. The simple gesture was definitive. “Killed me to see if I could become immortal.”

“Ah know you ain't lying, but it's still hard to believe.”

“My… body still bears the scar, the last one I will ever have. Now I am immortal, anything that does not outright kill me will heal completely, given enough time.”

“So, Princess Celestia tried to kill you, and ya’ll just alright with this?”

Twilight tapped her hooves together. “I understand it. The sooner the trial is done, the more likely success is. There is also the little fact that failing means all the magical potential held in the pony, me in this case is… destructively released.”

“Destructively released?”

“I would have exploded destroying everything near me… which with my thaumic reserves then, could have turned all Ponyville into a smoking crater.”

“So the other Alicorns…”

“Yes… all except Flurry Heart.”

“You mean?”

“Yes… at some point, either in a planned ritual or just in life, something will happen that should kill her. If she is not both lucky and strong-willed, she will explode in a blinding flash of magical flux disintegrating anything close to her.”


“The dangers of starting upon the path of immortality, I am looking into alternatives.” Twilight's ear twitched. “The point, Applejack, is that Celestia did everything she could to give me the best chance to survive, the best chance to become her equal.”

“Then why that haunted look?”

The lavender hoof yet again rubbed against Twilight's chest. “I did not know what was happening. She restrained me and drove a ritually prepared blade through me.” Her head tilted down, eyes closing. “I was scared, I did not know what was happening, I begged, I pleaded and yet she…”

Applejack had her hooves around her friend before she even released she had decided to move. Twilight's body shook as emotions fought to escape the Alicorn's crumbling control.

Out of nowhere, warmth surrounded Applejack, feathers almost tickling as they brushed against her coat. A huge blue wing wrapped around both of them. Within a second, Twilight relaxed into the double embrace.

Dreams’s whispered words brushed Applejack's left ear. “Now you know why Celestia is not my favourite mare.”

A quiet chuckle vibrated through Twilight before she sighed. “I don't know why I let it bother me…”

“Twilight, I was expecting you to explain who we…” Sweet Dreams chided affectionately.

“Right, sorry.” Twilight’s head shot up and scanned the surroundings. Applejack’s gaze followed, spotting two ponies as Twilight and Dreams stood, escaping the embrace.

With the warm blanket of wings gone, the comfortable temperate air felt frigid. Applejack ignored it, refusing to shiver as she looked over to the new arrivals. The tallest was another Twilight, if Twilight worked out and had bat wings complementing fangs and slit eyes. The other was Candice, but missing her wings and with a horn stuck on her head.

“Candice, you're alright?” Applejack asked, only barely noticing the sound of flowing liquid.

Hope and concern flared in the eyes of the unicorn. She shook her head slowly and murmured. “I’m not Candice.”

Dreams poured, and the relaxing scent of chamomile increased. A moment later, a hint of home reached her nose. A note of warm sweet apple acres apples almost brought a tear to her eyes. A quick glance revealed Dreams’s benevolent smile, and a different coloured tea in the cup poured for her.

Twilight cleared her throat. “Applejack, may I introduce Night, Sweet Dreams’s Sister.”

“Applejack.” The other Twilight regally nodded. Her slit eyes felt like they pierced right through Applejack's soul.


“And Insight, Candice’s twin. Twilight continued.

Insight nodded. “Bearer Applejack. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Ya have mah sympathies for what happened to Candice.”

Familiar pain clouded Insight's eyes even as she smiled and nodded, accepting the condolences. Anytime family was hurt it always felt like a piece of you was missing.

Twilight’s own expression fell. Guilt over what she had done lingered, choking her first attempts to continue. She inhaled a deep breath, just like she was going to shout, but instead slowly let it out. Her expression calmed, and a fragile serenity took its place. “Now there are two more ponies to introduce. The first is Nova.” A pattern of impacts hit the floor from beneath. “She says hello.”

“Twi, why is she in the basement?”

“Because, like the next pony, she is trapped by Celestia’s magic.”

After hearing everything, how am Ah meant to look at Celestia the same again?

Dreams fussed, directing Night and Insight to their seats. Insight lingered a moment as she passed Applejack. “I know that look, Applejack.” The mare met Applejack's eyes. “You won't be able to look at Celestia the same way ever again because you will see the truth that hides behind the propaganda.”

A silver aura pulled back one of the drapes. Behind it, jarringly out of place like an orange in an apple pie, was the tangled mess of spiked and serrated golden chains. Each link glowed with solar radiance. Like the sun, the light warmed Applejack’s coat, but also like the sun, they were almost too bright to look at.

“Oh, sorry.” Twilight's horn lit, and the glare vanished.

Calmly looking straight at her with an expressionless face was another Twilight, this one greyed, almost most monotone. She was a little taller, with a horn but missing wings.

“This is Grey, like Nova, she is… the magically created daughter of the original Twilight.”

Applejack nodded. “Howdy.”

Grey’s horn lit, and a quill danced over a sheet of paper before it was floated over.

One time: I have greeted you, Lady Applejack.

There are far too many Twilight’s. It’s almost like you messed with the mirror pool. Applejack thought.

“Celestia’s mutilation of Grey here cost her her voice.” Dreams’s magic levitated a fresh teacup and plate of daisy sandwiches to a wood-lined hole through the tangle of chains. Grey nodded once, her expression still frozen as grey magic took over from Dreams’s silver.

“So… Twilight, Ah got to ask, why you been keeping your friends and kin here secret?”

“About that…” Twilight started.

“Tis simple, Celestia would attempt to bring death to us if she knew of us.” Night said as casually as if stating the sky is blue. Shadowy magic lifted her cup, and she savoured its scent. Her eyes half-lidded in appreciation.

“I don't see it, Celestia killing anypony.”

Twilight’s eyes suddenly found the table incredibly interesting.

Night sighed. “You know she was happy to kill six ponies to craft Twilight here?”

Dreams wing found its place around twilight once more. “Celestia is more of a monster than any foe you have defeated, Applejack.”

“She only did what she had to.”

Fangs showed, Night’s face twisted to a snarl. “What she had to?”

Twilight reached out, resting a claiming hoof on Night’s withers. Night levelled a glare in return. It only lasted a few seconds before eroding under Twilight's concerned look.

Night’s muzzle smoothed. “We apologise for our lack of decorum, it is unbecoming of us.”

“It’s alright. Thank you, Night.” Twilight shared a smile with her nocturnal counterpart.

“It vexes us how you can forgive her so.”

Twilight's expressions slipped again. “Now I had more time to think about it, it's not her intent that caused the problem. It's her judgment.”

Dreams’s eyes tightened, not a single word was said, but a deeper condemnation for Prince Celestia sat behind those eyes than even Night’s. Something similar but far colder looked out from Grey’s bitter gaze. Insight’s ears flattened, her body tensed, she shifted on her hooves as if she expected a fight.

What was going on with these ponies? What had Celestia done? Honesty practically screamed at her that all their reactions, all their emotions were heartfelt. This was no show, no deception or trick.

“Zap Apple and elderflower sandwich?” Dreams's voice shattered Applejack's spiralling thoughts. There levitating before her muzzle was two slices of fine bread with the unmistakable fragrance of the sweetest apples from the farm.

Applejack's mouth salivated at the out of season delicacy before her. With a hoof, she accepted it looking around. The table was now full of treats, both savoury and sweet. Night dug into some unidentifiable pastry, her pose regal, but with eyes half-closed as she savoured every bite.

The flavours consumed Applejack's senses after only the first bite. The worry, the tension, broken by a companionable silence and good food. Dreams’s wing lightly stroked Twilight as she regarded the others enjoying the treats.

After a few minutes, Twilight nodded to Night. Night sighed, but returned the nod. “Lady Applejack, We ask your forgiveness for…”

Twilight made a keep going gesture with her hoof.

“Treating with you harshly, I spoke unreasonably with you when you were only seeking to protect those of your blood.”

“Err… Thank you for the apology and all, but we never met.”

“We were the one with dominion over the body at that time.”


“What my sister here is saying is that she was controlling Twilight’s body at the time.” Dreams said.


Twilight’s expression was a paragon of calm seriousness. She lowered her own teacup delicately, setting it upon the saucer. “Applejack, I brought you to my Bastion to show you the truth. Both our physical bodies are still within the crystal castle.”

“So this is like a dream?”

“Not quite. This space is very real, it's a space where all one needs to be solid is a mind.”

“But it feels so real…”

“That's because it is, dear Applejack.” Dreams added.

Twilight nodded. “Physical items can even be brought here and stored...” She lifted her hood as if about to launch into a lecture full of complex terms and words that only she would have a hope of understanding. Instead, she paused. “We are getting a little off-topic. I know it sounds insane, but having multiple personalities is normal for an Alicorn.”

“This is what Emerald meant?

“I assume so. What did she say?”

“That I needed to wait to talk to my friend.”

The Three Alicorns looked at each other. A few seconds of silent communication passed between them. By unspoken agreement, Twilight spoke for them all. “Dreams is my shield, the guardian of my Bastion and sentinel of my mind. Night is my sword, both protector and avenger of my ponies. As has been said before, Nova and Grey are the original Twilight's spell created daughters.”

“And you?”

“I’m Twilight, the patchwork creation of Celestia, who you first met inspecting the food for the summer sun celebration all those years ago. And I hope, still your friend?” Earnest magenta eyes looked out from Twilight’s face.

“This is a lot to take in.” Applejack started.

Twilight's ears started to fall. “I understand…”

“None of that, Twi, were still friends. You trusted me enough to share all this. Guess it's just going to take some time to get used to.”

Twilight smiled. “Thank you.”

“I still think you should of told us sooner.”

“I know…”

“What aren't you telling me?”

Dreams tilted her head and glanced at Night, whose eyes narrowed in rebuke. Twilight simply nodded, offering a reassuring smile and an imploring look to her nocturnal lookalike.

“Very well, Twilight, but the consequences for this choice are yours. I wash my hooves of any fallout.”

Twilight nodded gravely.

“The reason you were not told is I would not allow it.”


“I did not wish to turn you into an enemy.” Night's eyes shifted to a familiar teal. “Are We not royal enough?” The voice was perfect.

Applejack's blood turned to ice in her veins. “Nightmare Moon.” She tried to stand, tried to rise, but a weight pressed against her limbs. She looked down, her own shadow snaked around her limbs like chains.

The smug smile showed fangs as Nightmare Moon performed a slight bow. “Peace, Applejack, Twilight and I have an accord, which includes your protection.”

“Twilight, how can you trust her. She's Nightmare Moon for Celestia’s sake.” Applejack was on her hooves slowly backing away from one of the greatest evils in Equestria.

“She saved my life and is also Little Star's Mother.”

“What? Mother, how?”

“Night here has been a part of me since we defeated her.”

“Which you only managed because I underestimated you.”

Twilight stuck her tongue out. It was ridiculous, it was foalish seeing the pair of Alicorns bickering like family. Dreams raised hoof did nothing to hide her titter of laughter.

Night rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Like you Applejack, I value family,” The slit eyes zeroed in on Applejack's own. “We protect our Kin.”

Hooves clopped on the wooden floor, it took Applejack a moment to realise it had been the sound of her own scurry back.

The Nightmare chuckled. “If We wished you ill, Applejack, thou could do nothing to delay your fate.” She leaned forward, a predator ready to strike.


The plush cushion Applejack had vacated slammed into the smug face of the Nightmare wrapped in a silver glow.

Dreams tisked “And you wonder why you have a hard time making friends?”

“Why you…” The Nightmare was cut off by a second cushion with time wrapped in magenta joining the assault. “What treachery is this?”

Twilight giggled launching herself over the table and into the frey, a second cushion held by hoof ready to ‘smite’ the Nightmare.

“Foals.” Dreams tone was full of disdain and affection in equal measure. She used her magic to quickly rescue the tea services as the Nightmare rallied, battering Twilight back with her own cushion and the table was sent slamming into the wall by flailing wing.

Applejack hopped back, evading the battle. “What the hay?”

Silver light reclaimed the table and righted it at a safe distance. Within moments the refreshments were back in place. “Would you like a top-off Applejack? Insight?” Dreams asked, the teapot elegantly raised as if a pillow fight that could level buildings was not happening on the other side of the room.

Insight just nodded, “Thank you, Dreams.”

Applejack sighed. “Is this normal?” The last of the adrenaline faded from her body and her heart settled to its slow resting, but powerful beat in her chest.

“My Twilight is still discovering who she is.” Dreams said, refreshing three of the cups. “Before her ascension, she was little more than a will-less puppet enslaved to Celestia's every word.”

Trotting over, Applejack sat on her haunches and reclaimed her cup. In the distance, a brutal strike sent Twilight flying. She flared her wings just in time to avoid a barrage of soft objects. Applejack replaced her hat with her spare hoof. Only in Ponyville. She thought, relishing another taste of the excellent apple tea.

“What exactly do you mean, puppet?” Applejack asked, taking another sip.

“Twilight was created to be Celestia’s ‘Faithful Student’, her tool, her agent and bearer of the Element of Magic.” Dreams sampled her own tea, letting her eyes close for a moment as she savoured the taste she continued. “She was instructed to answer to the name Twilight and to believe Night Light, Twilight Velvet and Shining Armor were her family. She was told to come to Ponyville to make friends.”

Applejack set her cup down. A chill settled next to her heart. What must it be like to find out you are not who you thought you were? A pony finding out they were adopted was one thing, but to find out you were made to be a copy, a thing to be used?

Applejack throat worked. She was told to make friends… As much as the question hurt to ask, she needed to know. “Was our friendship a lie?”

“Oh, no, dear Applejack, never think that.” Your friendship is the thing that allowed Twilight to become a real pony, what allowed her to become the beautiful mare she is today.” With a wing, she pointed to the five doors. “You and the other girls mean so much to her that you literally have a whole wing in this library. Every moment you have ever shared with her is lovingly recorded for eternity.”

A little heat found its way to Applejack's cheeks as her eyes found her own cutie mark proudly displayed on a door.

“Celestia has her status, Luna has her paintings, and Twilight has books in her Library. You dear, Applejack, have whole sections dedicated to you.”

Yes, the Nightmare looked fierce, but it was very hard to view anypony as a serious threat proclaiming dire threats in old ponish while brandishing pillows like deadly weapons.

“Do you know why Nightmare Moon…”

“Night.” Dreams corrected.

“Alright, why Night stopped me helping mah sister?”

“Big Sister Issues.”

“What do you mean?”

Dreams spent a few seconds enjoying her tea. Subtle tilts of her head and flicks of her ear like the turning of cogs as she considered her answer. “Sister… Celestia was overbearing in many ways. Her word was law, her way the only way. If you had intervened, yes, you would have shown your dedication to protecting your little sister.” Dreams looked up, silver eyes silencing Applejack’s reply. “Yet in doing so, you would have destroyed her confidence. You would have done yet another thing to hide her in your shadow, to make her dependent on you.”

“But they were fighting a bucking hydra!”

“And it was outclassed, it did not stand a chance.”


Dreams’s wingtip pressed to Applejack's lip. “To put your mind at ease, Night was ready to step in. In less than a blink of an eye, she could have ended the threat.”

With the soothing tea and Dreams’s calm tone, it was hard, very hard to stay annoyed at what had happened. One last point of contention remained. “But she threatened me.”

“Well, yes, she is still learning.”

A soft purr came from the side where Insight sat.

It took Applejack a few seconds to realise what she was looking at. “Why are you petting a baby tantabus?”

The taste of the last bite of apple and cream sponge cake lingered on Applejack’s tongue. Warm water enveloped her, and scented oils filled her nose. A gentle strength held her, keeping her head above water. Twilight, or whoever was behind her deep eyes, held her close.

Magenta eyes shifted to teal slits. “Now you understand us.” Nightmare Moon calmly looked into Applejack’s eyes.

Applejack’s heart stayed calm. Not a single bit of panic danced in her mind, but there was doubt. Despite Twilight’s, Dreams’s and even Insight’s instance, it was still hard to trust a mare that once wanted to end the world.

“So is that why Princess Luna keeps using We and us all the time?”

“It is how the royal We began.”

Twilight’s pupils returned to the normal round orbs, the irises back to the familiar magenta. “Learn something new every day.” A content little smile settled on her friend's muzzle.


“Who else? We can do the eye thing to help you know who’s talking when we are in private, but the rest of the time, you will have to guess.”

The eyes changed again to pools of beautiful silver. “Though, dear Applejack, if you pay attention, I have little doubt you can spot who is who.”

Applejack nodded. Now that she knew she was dealing with more than one pony, many things made a lot more sense. Twilight was not going as crazy as she feared she was. No, just sometimes she was out for lunch, reading a book or snuggling with Dreams in her Bastion instead of paying attention to the real world.

Was Twilight neglecting her duty? Their friendship? Applejack shook her head, clearing it. That was a friendship problem for later. Her friend trusted her. She took a breath and moved on. “Who else knows?

“I imagine Celestia does, maybe some historians…” Twilight started.

An amused smirk and the eyes flashed silver. “I believe she means about us, not how the ‘Royal We’ started.”

“Oh... well.” Twilight was back. “Cadance, Luna, Candice, and now you.”

“What about Emerald?”

“She knows some of it.”

“So I basically need to keep this completely secret.”

A solemn nod and slit eyes looked back. “Unless you wish a civil war, yes.”

Memories of the duel Luna and Twilight came flooding back with the amount of power and brutality they displayed. Their hike into the Everfree to save Applebloom, the casual lethality of Night. What would a war between Alicorns be like… Applejack could happily live without ever knowing the answer to her unspoken question.

CH 47.1 Prepare for Starfall

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Luna’s wings beat lazily, the efficient motions more than enough to keep her at a hover. “Are my sisters war-mages in place?” She asked, despite her own senses revealing they were. There were traditions, a way things like this should be done.

“The teachers from her school have taken up their positions backing up the Solarguard unicorns.” Death Mark said. Her own ebon bat-like wings were not quite as adept as holding a fixed position in the sky.

“No doubt I will have their nightmares to tend to after this as well.” Luna sighed. “So be it... Flight leader, send the signal”

As impressive as some of the ritual magic modern mages could perform as a group were, Celestia had been extremely lacking in maintaining the art of war casting in their ranks.

Death Mark knocked an arrow and released it. Within moments it shrieked, igniting into a brilliant burning streak as it raced across the sky.

“Please provide overwatch for the teachers. Sister will be most upset if she loses any of them.”

“By your will.” Death Mark saluted, folded her wings and plummeted from the sky.

Luna tracked her descent, taking in the aftermath of the blighted clouds. The once beautiful forest below had become a tangled dome of deadly thorns and lashing vines. A conventional assault would be a bloodbath, and not one her guards would be on the favourable side of the balance sheet. No, this required more drastic measures to deal with.

Some daring pegasi were drawing closer. Strictly speaking, they were inside the exclusion zone, but the cameras they held made her pause. With a look, she stilled the guards that were set to remove them.

Despite everything, a feral grin crept onto her face. First the duel with dearest Twilight, and now this. She would get to be the hero her ponies needed, and this time they would see it. They would appreciate her.

Luna made a show of drawing Starfall. Its enormous mass moving to her whim as she swung it around, gaining speed. She caught it, spinning her whole body as she threw it with all her empowered might. It rocketed towards the ground like the falling star it was. To showy for real combat, but more than suitable for the front page of a newspaper.

In the last instant, Luna released her magic from it. Everything lurched towards it, Starfall’s incredible weight fully felt for the first time in more than a thousand years.

The titanic impact shook the world, the land would bear this scar for millennia at least. In an eruption of debris and dust, most of the forest was simply gone. The heart of the corruption, utterly destroyed.

The surviving blighted, those too far from the impact sight, fled straight towards the burning spells of Celestia’s semi-proficient mages.

The cheer warmed Luna’s heart. She turned to perform a victory display, augmenting it with her magic so all in sight could see. Celestia might be known as the kind and wise mother figure, but from today forward, all would know it was Luna that would slay the monsters that would dare hunt ponies.

With her magic, she recalled Starfall, the now glowing star raced up to her waiting hoof. She raised her weapon high. She was going to relish every moment of this. Who knew how long it would be until the next incident when Tia would let her play with Starfall.

Why did so many have to suffer for her to truly be herself? She would have to see if she could at least get Cadance into duelling for fun.

Here and there, Nightguards dove from the skies or leapt from shadows intervening to save daypony lives. As expected, the two forces worked marvellously together when both could play to their strength. Just as she had intended.

As fun as it would be to join the fray, she would be more use heading to the next strong point and arranging a repeat performance. She returned to the ground to prepare to move on. Teleporting with Starfall out always caused problems. Teleporting that much mass caused so much magical disruption it could render most unicorns for miles around unconscious. The sound alone might shatter stone if it was close enough.

Alighting on the ground, she returned her favoured weapon to the depths of her shadow. The flashes of solar magic nagged at her horn. Even the mild pain could not dampen her mode. Today they were firm allies, undoubtedly on the same side, but that did not mean it was pleasant to be near powerful spells that opposed her aspect.

Deliberately, she drained her Alicorn power away from her horn. The magical world around her reduced to only a few hundred body lengths in width. Much better. She retrieved a flask from her shadow and drank deeply. Near frozen water provided a refreshing delight, banishing the last lingering discomfort of the solar magic.

A deep breath carried the scents of blood, death and fear. The sweat of the ponies mixed with the enticing foulness of the repulsive blighted. Blades clashing with hardened flesh merged with the roar of fire added to the screams, making a tempting serenaded.

I’m still a monster. Luna pulled the enhancing Alicorn magic from all her senses, leaving her perilously vulnerable. The shifting wind rustling the fragrant grasses and the sun's warmth on her back was a very different experience than the allure of the sounds of battle.

If she let herself, she could pretend today was just a delightful summer's day. It would be too easy to lose herself in willful daydreaming. [iThat would only be hiding from who I am.

Magic vibrated along her horn and bent to her will. She still followed the older teachings, none of the modern mathematics based formula or runic arrays.

Her mind's voice sang of her destination as her imagination painted an image of it. Magic was an art, not a science, despite what Twilight would say.

A trail of smoke approached, and in a puff of magic, it transformed into a simple scroll.

She caught it with a wingtip, pausing her spellcraft.

Return to Canterlot immediately. Something has come up, we need to talk.


She started her spell from the beginning, this time envisioning her chambers in Canterlot.

CH 47.2 A Sisterly Moment

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Celestia paced, her hooves clopped rhythmically against the pristine marble floor. Normally, she only allowed herself the luxury in the privacy of her garden. The sound was so different from the soft rustle of the grass. Clip clop, Clip clop. It was like a clock counting down. Second, by second, an unpleasant meeting drew closer.

What was Chrysalis up to this time? Either she was telling the truth or not. Either option was bad Celestia turned, staring back the other way. Now which nobles have not been at Court recently? They would all need to be rounded up. Their minds thoroughly searched for any hint of collusion with either Nightmare Moon or changelings.

She paused, gazing out at the impressive view of her city down below. The pinnacle of what her ponies could achieve held no answers. Marred by all the guards’ preparations, all it did was punctuate the troubles of the day.

Her pacing continued. Is the Nightmare back? Or is this merely a ploy to drive a wedge between the rulers of Equestria? There were so many possibilities, but in the end, it came down to two. Either she would have to deal with her sister, maybe permanently, or she would not.

A cold weight lodged in her chest. Duty, always duty first. Would the ashes of Luna’s body end up carried on the winds of time, would her treasured sister become nothing but a memory?

Her Mask dried her tears before they even dampened her eyes as Daybreaker’s lazy droll slipped into Celestia’s mind. Relax, whatever the truth is, it will not change no matter how much you worry about it.

Molten fire banished the chill from her core. “Relax? Relax! You do know what is happening?”

Yes, and if you don't take a breath, I will make you indulge with your pipe again, and you know you won't be able to fully clear the scent before she arrives.

Celestia’s angry snort obscured the room’s finery with its heat haze. Luna would never let her hear the end of it if she knew Celestia was smoking again. When had she become so unstable? She took a deep breath as her aura mixed another cup of her special brew. Two then three times as many herbs as usual. Perhaps I should have this baked into a cake.

I would recommend something small and bite-sized. Just remember to pre-write the pardon for whomever you get to make them for you.

A little bit of magic to stir and heat the water was well within her budget, and prepared the beverage that little bit faster. Then she gulped down the still boiling liquid, draining the whole pot before setting about making a second.

A large cake and a second cup completed the refreshments for the upcoming meeting.

The poisons did their work. Her powerful heart slowed and the tightness in her muscles eased. A mortal pony would be dead by now, she knew. Celestia rested her head on the forelegs and let her eyes close. The last time anypony had tried to poison her, they used a toxin far less dangerous than this current brew working its way through her body. A few of them caused such a wonderful tingle through one's body. Maybe with a few more Alicorns they could restore the art of proper immortal grade indulgences?

Celestia yawned. How much would approved hazard pay be for preparing such dangerous ingredients?

She's coming. Daybreaker said, the words brought Celestia to full alertness. She had just raised her head when heavy hooves pounded the ground and advanced towards the door. Celestia lit her horn, quickly reheating the tea.

Luna almost demolished the door as she stormed in. “Sister, why have you summoned me? Our ponies need our aid out there, not back here in Canterlot.”

Everything in her sister's body language, every subtle hint of movement, fit her words. But could she be trusted? Could she take the risk?

“Sister. This hesitation is not like you… what is wrong.”

Luna was far too observant and one of only two ponies in the world that had a chance to read her. Celestia’s Mask painted her face with a concerned but reassuring visage. “Luna… this is a strong subject. If I even raise it, you may think I believe it.”

“Just be out with it.”

“Now, I suspect this is a trick. Something to divide us. RGIS has found a lead that Nightmare Moon is back.”

“But, you no longer trust me, do you, sister?”


“I understand.” Luna’s flat answer was almost like a physical blow. “I shall remove myself from the field if that's what you wish. I will confine myself to Ponyville and keep my family safe.”

“You don't…”

“I can see you don't trust me. I fell once, and you fear I may have done so again, despite your best efforts.” Luna turned silently, loping towards the door. “I know where my cell is.”

Celestia’s hoof crashed down, only her Mask prevented her from flinching from her own unexpected action. “Luna, stop being so melodramatic.”

Luna watched, eyes narrow, her departure of the room frozen, almost as if she had been petrified.

“I do not for a moment believe Nightmare Moon is within you. Nor with your upcoming marriage do you have the motivation to think nopony cares for you. So, unless this is a prank by you, this is either a trick to distract us or Nightmare Moon is out there somewhere.” Celestia pointed with a hoof out the window.

“So, you calculated I'm safe?”

“I'm trying to say I trust you, Luna.”

The smile on Luna's face was a pure ray of light from the most beautiful sunrise. Until it slipped away, her sister’s face freezing into a cool mournful visage. “… no thou don't, tis nice to hear though.”

“I…” Celestia started.

Luna shook her head, an unexpectedly soft look in her eyes. "I know what I did in the past is both unforgivable and unforgettable. I thank you for trying, but I can read you too well, Celly."

Luna's hug was as warm as it was unexpected. Soft wings enveloped Celestia, and the comfort brought back so many memories. It spoke of all the many hugs over their lives, even the many that Lulu would never remember.

Celestia pulled her Mask back and leaned into the hug. She could practically hear the smile on Lulu's muzzle at that one little gesture.

Luna’s coat was soft as she nuzzled into Celestia’s neck. "We will get through, sister mine. "

“We will always have each other.”

“Forever,” Luna agreed.

For a few precious moments, the princess of the sun was not there. If only I were just Tia, sister and best friend of Lulu. It was a lovely daydream. A heavy rap on the door dispelled that illusion.

"Princess… " The guard paused for a moment. "Princesses, the Griffon Ambassador is demanding a meeting immediately."

"Send him to the solarium and arrange refreshments. I will be there shortly."

The guard bowed and backed out of the room.

"Sorry, sister."

"We both have duties. Some more obvious than others." Luna took a few steps away before turning back. "Assuming I am free to depart?"

Celestia nodded. "I lost you once. I just had to be sure. I don't want to..." A soft feather against her lips silenced her.

With a warm smile, Luna backed into the shadows and then was gone.

Celestia lifted her cup, taking a long draft of her self medication. Did she notice?

No. Daybreaker’s answer was level and gave nothing else away.

Celestia put her cup down before her impatience threatened its continued existence. So, did she cast it?

As fun as battling her would be, I am forced to answer you truly, your radiance. No, she did not.

The weight of the world lifted from her back, she would have to be careful, or she might float off without even using her wings. Celestia settled into the cushions, tension and readiness shedding from her flesh like water from a duck's back.

But, she did steal your cake.

“What?” Celestia reached out for the cake, still clearly on the tray. It dissolved into motes of shadows, leaving behind only a beautifully done sketch of herself as round as a balloon, muzzle buried in a mountain of cake.

After a few seconds, the anger faded, and for some reason, she could not stop the laughter that shook her body.

“Princesses, are you alright?” A guard called in from outside.

Celestia lifted the gifted artwork. It was the first work of art Luna had gifted her since her return. Celestia’s face ached from her wide smile. “Yes… yes, I think I am.”

Ch 48.1 Luna's Doubt

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The last vestiges of Celestia’s sunlight drained from the land, the harsh daylight yielding to the beautiful soothing night. Luna perched, balanced atop the tallest tower. Her half-open wings welcomed the delicate kiss of the wind upon her feathers.

Luna let her senses extend to the fullest, taking in the rich colours that could only exist during her night. Her magic reached out, lovingly embracing her connection to her precious moon. The refreshing coolness of the void flowed down her horn, suffusing her flesh. Her mane and tail billowed out, the stars within it brightened, as above, one by one, they winked into existence.

Raising her horn, her moon followed, announcing to the world her prominence. The cold of the endless void slid through her veins.

Ice crackled as frost spread from her hooves. Even now, it was hard not to imagine how beautiful an endless frozen night would be for those with the eyes to truly see. Luna exhaled, her frigid breath fogging the comparatively warm mountain air.

Even with radiance cast from her horn, not a single set of eyes found her as she raised the moon. Instead, faithful shadowy magic obscured her. To others, she would be at most a shadow as she surveyed her sister’s city.

Below, all was white stone and gold, so sterile and unwelcoming after the fair her betrothed arranged for her. Soft glows filled windows normally long dark at this hour. The repetitive clash of hammer on metal rang out as smoke billowed from forge fires. It was clear, Tia had the whole of Canterlot mobilised.

Despite the almost zealous dedication the ponies showed in the preparations, fears and dark thoughts of what may be permeated the air thicker than smoke. As sweet as the scent was, she well knew the foulness that could fester, what could grow on a feast of such emotions.

Something needed to be done, and yet she had too many pressing duties to do things as she should. She could not be here to soothe their fears. Instead, all she could offer was a mere ward to keep the worst of the dream stalkers away. It was the least of what needed to be done, and it was the most she could do for those that worked so diligently for distant ponies in need.

Power flowed into her horn. The mundane faded, replaced with an endless dark void with specks of light moving below her. Each little star was one of her ponies. Awake or asleep, it mattered not, for as long as they lived, they had a place in the dream realm, her domain.

Blue miasma streamed from Luna's horn. Her magic spread out, infusing the very substance of the dreaming.

"Watch over them," she whispered to the spell as her mind painted the image of a shield enveloping the whole city.

An often ignored hollowness nagged at her. If only we had not fallen… A spell, no matter how well crafted or how much power once invested in it, was still nothing compared to what even a nameless fragment could do.

The spell spread out, solidifying. A radiant dome flashed into existence, its surface coruscated with hues in a hypnotic pattern. It lacked the ingenious runes of Twilight’s or the talent granted perfection of Shining Armor’s, yet here in the Dream Realm, her power was the only one that could truly achieve anything.

It would have to be enough. Stop-gaps upon half-measures. How long would it be before something failed?

An effort of will was the only thing that squashed the bitter seed of resentment from taking root. Sister may be many things, yet it was us that turned.

The bitterness was gone, replaced by something darker, something more self-destructive. No, we are not letting that thought take wing again. Making the tantabus punish her with nightmares was not an act in keeping with the wisdom a being of her many years should have. Equestria had almost paid the price for her despair driven foalishness.

Luna let her eyes close, simply bathing in the moonlight. The soothing cold washed away her troubles. Every breath, every experience since she was free of the moon was a gift that she may not deserve, but one she would savour.

If she had not fallen, Equestria would be a better place, stronger and full of so many wondrous works of art. Yet it would be missing Twilight and her daughter. It was selfish, it was almost treasonous, but she knew she would do almost anything to keep them.

Tipping forward, it was simple just to let herself fall. The wall of the tower raced past faster and faster. The air embraced her as she savoured the freedom it offered. A spike of fear reached her. She must have started one of her sister’s ponies. She could just imagine their comical expression as they recoiled from the dark form streaking past them.

Spreading her wings, she traded speed for altitude, her earth pony magic lending just a little help to fight the forces wishing to tear her wings off. She rose in a loose spiral. Centuries of instincts guided her, letting her mind wander as she danced between the tallest towers and flag poles, her turns so tight that her tail caressed the odd building.

She rose, pirouetting in the dark. No matter which way she looked, all in her vision was Equestria. Everything she could see was hers to protect. So many at risk due to one pony. The one pony she could not find. Her flight levelled out. Her motions shed their artistic joy as her mind turned back to darker things.

If she could still make fragments, it would be as simple as sending one to each pony in an area. Anypony they spotted without one of them, they would be somehow concealed from the dream realm. It might have taken time but would be infallible.

One by one, portraits she would paint cycled through her mind’s eye. Each one of her cherished Nightguard, never to see another moonrise. Luna’s sigh vanished into the air unheard.

Below, hash mage lights and the telltale resonance of extended spell casting broke the otherwise uninterrupted perfection of noble estates.

Blueblood’s estate bustled with activity. Dozens of ponies swarmed over a fancy airship. A half dozen different auras enveloped items and tools in an only vaguely coordinated dance. Twilight, even as a unicorn, could have surpassed all of them combined, with ease.

Luna flared her wings, stalling and coming to a hover above. What are you up to, Nephew? This was literally the only work at all being done in the noble district.

Below, golden fixtures and expensive art gathered to the side in an ever-building pile as the luxury vessel underwent a transformation into something unrecognizable.

Even in its unfinished state, what the pleasure yacht was becoming was clear. Ballistas and armoured spell ports lined the flanks of the hull. Like a cut diamond, the discarded decorations left a sleek and deadly form. A hint of begrudging respect fought its way past the disdain for Prince Blueblood.

A fine use for such a small ship. Luna’s mind brimmed with possibilities. It could bombard a fort with spells and siege weapons from the safety of the air. A hoof full like her for the Nightguard would be a perfect addition.

She could commission them from her personal treasury alone. Unfortunately, they would not be ready for weeks at least, even with the best artisans. With the threat of sister’s reprisal, no nation would ever attack Equestria. So all of Sister’s defensive doctrines were about holding the line or evacuating ponies until an alicorn or the Elements of Harmony could arrive to deal with a singular threat.

The blighted were a powerful and numerous aggressor that had no home nor nation to condemn to a ruination of molten glass.

Luna raised her gaze, seeking out the closest area clearly blighted. Visualising the scope of the devastation her sister's magic would cause, she found the twisted mass of the blighted Everfree loomed far too close to the fire-damaged Ponyville.

We are just distracting ourselves. Luna's mind shifted back to the meeting with her sister. The intelligence that Nightmare was back. Her eyes locked onto the glittering crystal castle, focusing on Twilight's room.

“Was it you?” Her doubt escaped her lips unbidden.

Cadance had insisted Nightmare truly cared for their daughter. Twilight pleaded that she be given a chance. Two ponies of good heart and sound judgment reassured her, and yet doubt still gnawed at Luna’s heart. Was this just all part of a revenge scheme?

Luna sighed, that duel had made her feel more alive than she had since her return from the moon. How much more would the Nightmare need to do to ensnare her passion, her heart?

Was it all a trick? A deception? Or did The Nightmare only care about a select few, and the rest were just to be fodder for her plans?

Luna closed her eyes. A vision of Twilight pinned breath her, the three souls looking up at her as Nova's passion danced within them. Luna yearned for it to be real. Needed it to be real, but The Nightmare had seduced her away from her duties once before.

She had to know. She had to be sure.

There was only one way she could defeat The Nightmare without slaying Twilight as well. She would have to be invited into Twilight's bastion… or force her way in.

This is not how We wished to broach this... Luna’s romantic entreaty she had prepared for the honeymoon would just be more unshared words replaced by nauseating deception. She would have to be ready to strike before she even asked her questions.

Her powerful wings shifted, cutting through the air towards Ponyville. No, We wasted enough time. Furling her wings, she fell in a graceful arc, plunging into a tower's shadow.

CH 48.2 Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept it

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The open scroll floated in the air wrapped in magenta magic. Twilight's eyes traced Celestia’s elegant calligraphy. The relaxing sensation of the brushes across her body were now nothing more than background noise.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

It is with great regret I must inform you that the Blighted have spread beyond our borders. The Griffonstone ambassador has invoked the defence clause of their treaty. Myself, Luna and Cadance are committed to the defence of our ponies and cannot be spared.

I will not order you to do this. I leave the choice to you and the consequences of breaking our treaty with the Griffons.

You are a Princess. I trust your judgment. You may do as you wish with my blessing.


Twilight's gaze lingered upon Celestia’s beautiful signature. For the first time, the Princess had given her a choice about accepting a mission, and yet there was no choice. We can’t simply ignore this.

They’re just griffons. Night scoffed.

A nation we are at peace with and have treaties with.

And so we should leave our ponies to protect themselves, we should spend time away from our daughter? Night's disdain dripped upon Twilight's resolve like caustic acid.

It’s the right thing to do…

Spike’s scales rasped across each other as he shifted nervously. Twilight’s ears twitched, the almost inaudible sound loud to her Alicorn magic enhanced senses in the silent room.

“Twilight?” His tone subdued, his expression twisted with doubt.

“Yes, Spike?” Twilight's voice was too calm even to her own ears.

Spike looked into her eyes. His worry shifted to something deeper. The little dragon’s heart rate picked up. What had he seen behind her eyes?

“Is everything going to be alright?” He asked, his voice steady despite all the signs he could not hide from her senses.

It was but the effort of a moment to draw the small dragon into an embrace. “Yes, Spike. Everything is going to be alright.”

The little dragon’s eyes once again found the black ribbons that had bound the scroll. An omen of death and doom. After the attacks, the ponies they had lost, it was no wonder he was scared.

Twilight nuzzled the first life she, or more accurately the original her, had brought into the world. “I will keep you safe.” Her words were no mere promise, they were a simple statement of fact. Anything or anyone that tried to challenge that law of nature would regret it.

So you still wish to run sisters errands?

Twilight listened to Spike’s calming heartbeat. Its slowing rhythm soothed her. She nodded, then wrapped her wings tightly around her son-brother-assistant. Whatever he counted as, he was family.

There was a lot she would have to get done before her trip. Her mind settled into a familiar routine. Every problem could be broken down into multiple smaller ones. She pulled back from her body a little, the Grand Golden Oaks Library overlaying her vision as Dreams floated over a clipboard and quill.

Point one, her Knight and Guard Captain needed healing. A twinge of guilt added a few inkblots to her mental checklist.

A turbulent storm of emotions stirred in her chest, trapping her thoughts and words in chains of her own making, only to be washed away by a fridge blizzard. One by one, each fear, each doubt, every single worry froze enveloped by Night's chilling will.


You made your choice, now is not the time for your soft emotions.

Something inside Twilight shivered at the former Nightmare’s tone before that too was swept aside. She smiled. Cold logic and reason sat behind her eyes as her mind danced through plans and possibilities. Everything was clear and in focus, like the difference between staring at the night sky when she was but a unicorn, and what she could see now she had ascended.

That's better, my Host…

Twilight nodded.

"Spike," Twilight’s voice oozed warmth and love. Not just because she felt it, no, a part of her decided it would be the most effective tone to use to motivate her Best-Brother-Son-Number-One-Assitant or BBSNOA as she would write it. A giggle started to rise in her chest, but she clamped down on it.

“Yes, Twilight?”

“We have some letters to send and some preparations that must be completed.”

His little arms tightened around her. “You're leaving.” It was not a question.

“I have to… even if we did not have a treaty with the griffons, allowing the blight a chance to expand unchecked now will only mean a more difficult battle later.”

It was clear in her mind. With few spell casters and no solar aspected ones, the gryphons would not be able to fortify and secure areas. Without aid, the number of their blighted population would expand exponentially. That was an unacceptable threat to her ponies. She would not allow it.

Night flashed a fanged smile out from Twilight's reflection. My host, you take care of things in Ponyville. We will start planning our campaign. Do you have any maps?

Mentally Twilight left her library and trotted over to Night and the viewing portal that looked down upon her physical body. The storm-charged air filled Twilight's lungs with power. The obsidian under her hooves felt right. That fact alone should have been disconcerting, but it was not. Another note added itself to her checklist right down in the 'deal with after saving the world' section.

The duality of sensations would require more practice before she would feel confident acting both here and in the physical world simultaneously. Her quill danced above the clipboard, adding a new path of self-improvement to her training schedule.

A simple effort of will was all it took to summon a book from the Grand Golden Oaks Library and present it before Night.

Thank you, Twilight. With a stomp of Night’s hoof, a dark table rose from the endless plane of obsidian. Placing the book of maps upon the table, it shifted. Its surface rippled and a topographic representation of all the known lands of Equus rose, forming a dark imitation of the cutie-map.

Twilight tilted her head. There were so many possibilities if this could be connected to the map and if it could be paired with the scrying array. The quill added yet another objective to her list. A glint of light and motion drew her attention from the mental space.

Out in the physical world, Spike's eyes, the windows to his very soul, stared up at her. The fear of loss, the hope she would be alright. Twilight nuzzled him, the feeling of his scales against her coat such a familiar one. “I’ll be counting on my number one assistant to keep things running smoothly here.”

“You can count on me, Twilight.” His pride was a good mask, but it could not hide his doubt from the pony that practically raised him.

“I know I can,” Twilight said, resting her hoof on his scaled shoulder. “Yourself, Emerald and Candice, when she recovers, will be responsible for keeping our ponies safe.”

The distinct sound of her hoof-falls on crystal kept a steady beat as Twilight walked her castle. It was still filled with so many ponies. Everywhere she looked, there were signs of all those souls that were sheltering within the crystal walls of her home. Stacks of the few personal effects they managed to save, so many scents on the air. Even without all the beating hearts she could hear, there were enough secondary signs to have a good idea how many ponies were there. By the scents alone, she could count them one by one if she really paid attention.

Her eyes longly lingered on the entrance to the library. Oh, how pleasant it would be to curl up in here with a good book or ten, yet she could not. Every moment wasted only meant more Blighted to face. Even with that, she could not feel guilt for the hour she spent holding Spike before he fell asleep. She had at least gotten all the letters she needed written.

Eventually, she found herself outside Rainbow's room. She would be the test case, the proof of concept. Taking a calming breath, she walked in. She was not using her friend as just a test subject. Her aura enveloped the door, opening it for her. The battered and abused body of the prismatic maned pegasus still lay in traction upon the bed.

Twilight lit her horn, letting her magic survey the damage. Within moments her plan solidified, each spell, each operation she would need to perform in its place. Twilight felt the wide smile that stretched her face. She did her best to restrain it. She did not want to scare her friend after all.

“Rainbow, it’s time to get you back in the air, my Knight.”

CH 48.3 Rainbow's Respite

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Barely seeing the words on the page, Rainbow flicked through a well-worn book. The only words she could think of were the ones they never meant her to hear. ‘A mare like that, it would have been a kindness if she died.’ The doctor had thought she was asleep, the pity in her voice had almost invited a hoof to the face. Instead, she had pretended to still be asleep. Her pulse raced, as much as she hated it, she knew what those words meant. She had given her all for her friends, for Ponyville.

A ponies body could only cope with so much, and she just had to try for twenty percent more. The tendons and joints in her wings were ruined by the physical efforts. Rainboom after Rainboom was just too much for even her awesomeness. Her magic pathways were almost burnt away by her ignoring her limits time and time again.

She would be lucky to fly again, and if she did, it would take years to get back into shape for the Wonderbolts. The mere thought of flight stirred her magic, and a dull burning sensation spread through her wings, setting one to twitching. The flight magic spilled from it like water from a raining cloud. The slight hope she might fly again retreated just a little more. Well, at least her place in the history books was secure. Nopony would ever be able to do so many Sonic Rainbooms in such a short time again.

Rainbow sighed. Each breath felt tight. The pain she knew should be there was concealed by the drugs and spells that added soft clouds around the edges of her thoughts. It made it easier. The artificial peace of mind did a great job of keeping the tears at bay.

Her eyes focused on the book in her hooves. Twilight’s signed copy of the latest Daring Do book. At least I’m not in the hospital. She thought, but she knew that was only because the building was too damaged. She turned back to the front cover. Daring Do being the hero again despite her injured wing being bound to her side. If Daring Do did not need to fly to save the day, neither did she. She still saved the day. She still held a lot of impressive records that would stand for generations, if not forever.

“Somepony should write a book about me.” She gazed up at the ceiling, and her hazy reflection started back at her. “Amazing Aerial Adventures Number One, the first Sonic Rainboom.”

“Can I…”

“Gahh!” Rainbow looked back, magenta eyes only inches away looked back.

“Morning, Rainbow,” Little Star chirped.

“Hey, Kido.”

“Hey, Applejack and Fluttershy say they’re sorry they can’t visit today. So I’m here with your breakfast.” With a flash of magic, a tray appeared. “Sorry, it’s not as good as the last breakfast I made… we’re having to ration until Applejack gets the new gardens producing.”

Rainbow ruffled Little Star’s mane. “That’s cool kid, thanks for looking after me.” The answering proud little smile was far too pleased with so little praise. Something was clearly wrong. “How's Scoots, Bloom and Sweetie doing?”

A little of the happiness in Star's eyes faded, but only a little. She scraped her hoof along the tabletop. “They’re grounded,” she snorted just like Twilight would. ”And not just in the way that just means they can’t fly.”

Rainbow's eyes found the concealed ruins of her wings. Grounded, it only took her mind a few moments to find the other words. Broken, useless. Suicide risk…


Rainbow blinked away the slight shimmer to her vision as she looked up. “Yeah, Kido?”

“Are you going to be alright?” Doubt haunted the little filly’s eyes.

Rainbow plastered her usual smirk in its place, but she knew the passion in her eyes had been replaced with only an imitation. “Just as soon as I’m back in the air, I’ll be back to being awesome.” With a hoof, she reached out and ruffled Star’s mane. “So other than that, have you been up to anything cool?”

“I've been practising using my telekinetic aura.”

“So lifting weights with your mind?”

“And helping clear the destroyed buildings in town.” Little Star chirped.

She’s weightlifting with buildings? “Twi’s letting you out?”

Little Star nodded. “The ponies feel safer with their little monster to protect them.”

The horrid cracks as Twilight’s aura snapped that griffon’s talons reverberated in Rainbow's head. That crazed grin looked back at her from her mind’s eye. That horrible moment when she was sure Twilight was not going to stop. Rainbow's eyes settled on her blade, on all the twisted crimes and evil deads Twilight had gotten the mercenaries to confess to. Rainbow shook her head, resolve filled her eyes. Yes, there were monsters in the world, but not a single one was related to Twilight.

“Hey, Star, you're not a monster and don't listen to anypony that says otherwise.”

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash… but that does not stop some of them being scared of me… some even think it was one of my spells that called the blighted here.”

“Pony feather’s, you're a bucking hero.”

“Me… a hero?”

“You kept the Crusaders safe in the Everfree through the attack, and you’ve been looking after the ponies here since.”

“... I’m just trying to be a good pony.”

“Well then, you're getting top marks at that.” Little Star's eyes lit with joy. Yep, definitely Twilight's daughter. “So how about you tell me about your adventure in the Everfree and why you were out there in the first place?”

“Well…” Little Star began her tale with all the grandeur and epicness the little filly could add to her epic awesome tale of adventure. Rainbow enjoyed envisioning it and helping Little Star ‘improve’ the story. Each suggestion was faithy recorded on a levitating scroll.

“Rainbow, wake up.”

The world snapped into focus as she blinked away the last vestiges of sleep. Instead of death-defying feats in the full freedom of the endless sky, straps and bandages restrained her, chaining her to the bed.

Hoof falls clinked lightly on the crystal floor. Rainbow at least had the freedom to turn her head enough to see who was there. Twilight approached, magenta light fading from her horn. Her friend moved regally with the gravity-defying strides that only Alicorns and skinny earth ponies could ever manage.

“Hey Twi, how's everypony?”

“Still in a state of shock, most can’t accept what happened.” Twilight moved closer, settling on her haunches beside the bed. “Thank you, Rainbow.”

“You know me, I wasn't going to leave anypony hanging.”

“I could not ask for a more loyal knight.”

Rainbow lifted her hoof as best she could, the red shine of her blade shifted under her regard. Warmth radiated from it. ‘We’re in this together,’ it whispered wordlessly. “Give it to me straight Twi, will I fly again?”

Twilight nodded. “Even if I need to stitch a new pair of wings on you.” The warm smile was both reassuring and somehow creepy. It had an edge of the manic grin Twilight had worn as she tormented her prisoners.

“Twi… you’re not going to make me some sort of…”

Twilight’s hoof was gentle as it rested on Rainbow’s chest. “Relax, my brave knight.”

What was she thinking? Twilight was her friend, and she got better since the riot she caused with her doll. Rainbow tried to find any comfortable position and failed again. Her wings ached, her body hurt, and she could barely move. This sucked, but at least the bad guys had gotten their flanks kicked and everypony was safe inside the impenetrable walls of Twilight's castle.

Pride and regret warred in her chest with each breath. She was a hero. She was a Wonderbolt. Who was she now?

“Now, I can have you in the air by tomorrow…”

Rainbow’s melancholy mind crashed. Every thought rammed headfirst into the solid stone ground of those words. In the air tomorrow? Pain lanced through her as her wings twitched, but that did not matter. She barely noticed it past the joy surging in her heart like a raging thunderhead. “You can?” She croaked out in her raspy voice.

“Yes, but you will no longer be a Wonderbolt.”

Flashes of the flight team, everything she had done to claim her place. The years of dedication, the commitment, the comradery with the other Bolts. The jubilation in her heart slowed, like Pinky when she ran out of sugar. “Why?”

“Because you will be my first knight and part of my guard.”

“But, you gave me this.” Rainbow held up her faithful blade. “I’m already your Knight.”

“Yes, but if I restore you this way, you will be one of my Chosen.”

Even feeling so relaxed, so calm, Rainbow’s eyes widened. There were always stories of what the chosen could do, Princess Luna’s superpowered ponies that never failed a mission and were almost Alicorn-like. Scootaloo's powerful lavender tipped wings and the first whoops of joy and the squees joined the imagined exploits of Luna's finest.

“Like Scoots?”

Twilight nodded. “As an adult and a member of the military already, this will be a pledge to me. You will be a member of my guard for as long as you live.” Magenta eyes gazed into Rainbow’s. They were her friend’s eyes, and yet at the same time, they were more and they were less. They were haunted, had a hardness to them despite the soft caring look in them. Just like some of the retired guards, Twilight had seen too much, been through too much.

“I can give you some time.” Twilight's smooth voice wavered a little. Nopony that did not know her so well would have even noticed.

“No need, I accept.”

Twilight tilted her head quizzically. “Just like that?”

“So long as my records stand and what I did here yesterday is never forgotten, I think my legend is safe.”

Twilight smiled slyly. “Then you, my little Dashie, the first of my Shadowbolts...”

Rainbow could feel her cheeks heat. “Hey, don’t call me that…”

Twilight giggled, the soft sound sweet and light-hearted. “I’m sorry, Rainbow. I just love how it flusters you.” She leaned in closer, her breath warm against Rainbow's coat. “Now sleep.”

Rainbow's eyelids descended inevitably as the night following the day.

CH 49 Confessions

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The shadow step from Canterlot took less than a minute. Luna silently emerged from the shadow of her Unicorn Captain.

Moonstone Striker did not even flinch, merely stiffened to attention. “Sovereign.”

“Be at ease,” Luna stated, her regal tone normal and smooth, despite the doubts swirling in her soul. “We are simply visiting Twilight before returning to the field.”

Striker’s ears shifted, then he nodded, accepting the ‘truth' of her words.

You know me too well. Luna thought fondly.

A familiar pulse of magic brushed her horn as it rippled through the air. An instant later, a burst of magenta light and an increasingly familiar weight wrapped around her neck.


"Ah, My Daughter." Even with everything on her mind, the little bundle of enthusiastic energy brought a smile to Luna’s muzzle.

The smaller pony nuzzled into Luna’s coat. The simple unadulterated affection was a balm to Luna's soul. For a blessed moment, the knowledge that the lights winking out in the Dream Realm were ponies dying lost its meaning.

Luna sat back on her haunches, embracing her daughter with both forehooves. She inhaled the scents that were rapidly meaning family. Lavender, paper, ink under burnt wood and far too much ice cream reached her nose. Along with all those fragrances was something else, something family to very few ponies. The hint of a heavy metallic scent rich with reptilian musk with a trace of something darker. It only took a moment for Luna's memory to recall it. "Why pray tell, daughter of mine, do you smell of hydra blood?"

A proud smile tried to find a place on Little Star's face, but an edge of worry kept pushing it down. “Well… I was running out of magically condensed Everfree wood, and I had a plan to help make a new body for Candice.”

For twenty minutes Luna listened, entranced. Her daughter and her friends had proven to be quite the little monster slayers. Little Star’s tale was as impressive as it was alarming. The largest part of her wanted to cheer, to throw a feast to celebrate her daughter's achievement. A smaller but adamant part insisted on finding a way to stop her daughter from evading her guards.

Little Star pulled the magically persevered head of a hydra out of thin air, holding it up like a trophy. Pride swelled in Luna’s chest as she beheld her daughter’s first trophy. “We will have to mount that somewhere.”

“We can?” Little Star pranced around in joy.

“Of course, it is your first feat of monster-slaying and deserves to be commemorated.” Luna nuzzled her daughter again, taking exaggerated sniffs. “Though, this does not explain why you still carry the scent of the beast's blood so heavily.”

“Well.” Little Star started pulling some thick scales out of the air. “I've been trying to work out what to do with these and other parts of the Hydra.”

“I trust the remains are all persevered like the head?”

Little Star nodded

“Then once the current… troubles have been dealt with, I will instruct you. Hydra bone is a versatile material, if officially frowned upon by my sister.”

Her daughter's eyes lit up like it was suddenly Hearth’s Warming. The joy behind those magenta windows to Little Star’s soul, so similar to Twilight, made what might be to come tonight all the harder. It would be so easy to put aside her doubts about the warning the changelings delivered. Damn you to Tartarus Chrysalis…

“Captain Striker, are you happy with the defences here? Can they stand on their own?”

“They’ll do.” He casually leaned against the wall, pulling a pair of mangos from his saddlebag. “With a bit of training, they could wipe the floor with anything the Solars have, they're not up to our standards in skill, but there are a lot of powerful ponies here.” He offered one of the fruits to Luna.

“Who do you think we are to eat such common fare?”

“Well, if you don’t want it…” He did not even have a chance to pull his hoof back before Luna snatched it up.

“Hazza, the victory is mine,” Luna smirked, revealing the two mangos held in her aura as the one Striker had kept for himself dissolved into motes of shadow.


“Until thou can reliably detect my illusions, you will keep losing mangos.” Luna extended thestral fangs, letting the points pierce the flesh of the fruit. It was nowhere as satisfying as the flesh of her foes. Still, the explosion of the sweet juice upon her tongue spoke of exactly how expensive these fruits were, more so with the coming food shortages.

“They were my last two…” He grumbled.

Luna leaned down, the fruit still in her mouth, offering it Striker. He did not need to be told twice. His own fangs savaged his prey, their lips nearly brushing was not even a distraction to the mango obsessed chosen. Innocent bliss crossed his face as he savoured every drop of juice, every bite of flesh from the fruit. Despite the patient cold anger that nested in the empty hollow inside her, bringing joy to one of her own still brought a smile to her. Even if I have to grow them myself, the Nightguard will never be without mangos.

“So, Striker, I find myself needing a pony for a special assignment.”

Striker’s hoof wiped the last of the errant juice from his muzzle. “What sort of special?”

“A playmate and guard for my daughter.”

“Hmm, I have a few suggestions for a guard... But playmate...”

“We shall be using an age spell on them.”

“Your sister is not going to be happy.”

“Then her unhappiness is a price I willingly pay for my daughter’s safety.”

“You're more interested in keeping her out of trouble or her getting into more trouble but always being able to get out of it?”

“The latter will allow her to grow more.”

“Then I think I have just the pony for the job.”

Luna’s hooves fought her as she got closer to her destination. It was as if the crystal floor resisted every attempt to lift her hooves. It was all in her mind. She still had all her power at her command, yet every fiber of her being begged her not to have the confrontation. That this time she could have what she wished, what she craved, and it not be a trick, a deception or a destructive vice.

As she rounded the last turn, the heavy, cloying metal scent of pony blood hung in the air almost caused Luna to salivate. Twilight, what are thou doing?

“Report,” she spoke in the almost inaudible thestral tongue.

“We believe Princess Twilight is performing surgery to restore Loyalty's wings.”

“You believe?”

“That’s what their conversation led us to believe before she warded the room against us.”

And she lets the scent of blood out… amateur. Luna approached the door.

Magenta magic tinged with silver enveloped the door, opening it before Luna. What are they up to that Sweet Dreams is tending to the physical world…

The half flayed remains of Rainbow, her back and wings split open and disassembled like a grizzly puzzle.

Luna paused, just looking in from the doorway. Magic that should rend and kill, instead perverted to a much more wholesome purpose. Well, that answers that.

Twilight hummed happily despite the dampness that dripped from her brow. Strands of her magenta magic danced between glistening white bones and twitching red muscles. A lesser pony would have only seen the gore, a horror story scene. Luna could appreciate the truth of the matter. Every part of Rainbow's body that had anything to do with flight was artistically splayed open. Thin webs of crimson Blood Magic kept all the flesh alive despite its current situation. Ethereal chains of Soul magic teased out Rainbow’s cerulean leylines and reforged them with Alicorn magic.

“Oh. Hi, Lulu.” Nightmare said distractedly as Twilight’s magic wrapped flesh and bone around the enhanced magical pathways.

“We will be with you in a minute,” Twilight said, each word to the rhythm of her hummed tune.

She still cares for what is hers. Luna thought, discarding the worst possibility as she watched the masterful manipulation of mortal flesh. Her mind held every detail tight awaiting the time to allow pigment to recapture the moment.

Finally, long lavender feathers nestled into Rainbow's wings, leaving an orderly pattern with the intact blue ones. Twilight’s magic carefully, tenderly laid the Element of Loyalty down, wings splayed wide as if drying after being painted.

A lavender muzzle placed a loving kiss upon the now peacefully sleeping mare’s forehead before the Nightmare’s slit eyes turned to meet Luna’s own. They narrowed almost imperceptibly. She knows…

The Nightmare’s slightest smirk and nod said, ‘I can read you like an open book, Little Luna’ even as Twilight obliviously spoke. “Thank you for waiting, Luna.” The back of a blood-stained hoof whipped across her face.

“We did not think it would be wise to interrupt thou during such an involved feat of magic.”

Silver-rimmed magenta radiance danced around the room, scouring every trace of discarded blood, bone and viscera from the room and occupants.

“Celestia hath commanded us to assist the griffons.” The Nightmare complained.

“We both know it's the right thing to do. They are our allies, and it helps protect Equestria as well,” Twilight said. Still, the possessive shift of her body made protecting Equestria incidental to protecting her territory, her home, this castle.

Subconscious Earthpony body language now, Twilight? Or is your guest subtly influencing you? Many ways this conversation could play out passed through Luna’s mind. It ‘seemed’ Twilight was unaware of her suspicions, an oblivious party in the conversation even as the Nightmare very much knew Luna suspected.

“Shall we retreat to somewhere more comfortable?” The Nightmare’s smooth tones offered.

Luna nodded. “We have had little time to rest since our time on the field of battle. We have long ago learnt to savour any available succour.”

“Then come, I know just the place.” Twilight’s body sauntered out of the room, past the openly staring guards.

Luna followed, not having to fake the interest in her eyes as they followed the stars on Twilight’s athletic flanks. Even if this is your fault, Night, you at least have my thanks for her improved physique.

“So, how goes your hunt?”

“For the blighted or your former captor?”

A single ember of flame drifted from Twilight’s mane. “We believe you would be in higher spirits if you had brought him your justice.”

Luna sighed, looking away to hide the accusation in her eyes from the Nightmare. “Regrettably, he has proven frustratingly adept at concealing himself from my talents.”

“You believe somepony taught him how to hide from you?” Twilight’s magic caressed Luna’s cheek, turning her head back to look at her. “You're wondering if it was me?” Twilight’s eyes glowed with an inner fire as soft round pupils became long, cruel slits.

“If you did, it would have been before our return from the moon.”

The inferno in Twilight cooled, the curious scholar peering out now that the coast appeared clear. “How could either of you have taught him when you were on the moon?”

“We still had access to the dreams of those with Night themed marks.”

“Like he does…”

“Yes, Twilight.”

Many calculations danced behind those enthralling magenta eyes. “No, I trust Dreams completely and Night almost as much,” Twilight said.

“And yet it is possible, Twilight.” The Nightmare admitted.

“What?” Confusions dripped from, Twilight voice.

“Both myself and Luna were quite mad, driven only by vengeance.”

The cold inside Luna deepened. The many ponies she had lost, not to violence or strife, simply to old age as she served her sentence upon the moon, weighed her down like heavy starmetal chains. “A thousand years is a very long time.”

“Yes, it was.” The Nightmare half purred, half snarled.

The scents of water, soaps and exotic floral blends made their destination clear.

“You remember it?” Luna asked.

Twilight's body stopped turning, but it was the Nightmare's slit eyes that stared back. “You do not?”

Only an effort of will stilled Luna’s trembling before it began. What is wrong with me.

The Nightmare’s cold eyes retreated, leaving Twilight’s softer, kinder ones. “I know things are a little stressful at the moment, but we are family.”

Was this true, was it a deception? Everything she could see told her this was Twilight speaking, but if anypony would be able to deceive her, it would be the Nightmare.

Soft feathers rested against Luna’s back as Twilight’s delightfully soft wings entrapped her in a feathery embrace. “Come, let me take this stress away.”

A slight pressure and Luna’s hooves moved almost of their own accord. Her longer limbs taking slower strides to match Twilight's pace. It was so easy just to be guided, to accept. Why did she have to doubt and mistrust so? As if reading her mind, Twilight offered a little smile. “Everything will be alright, you’ll see.” With tender eyes, Twilight guided Luna into the luxurious crystal baths.

Magenta magic tenderly massaged her hooves as it stripped away the reinforced shoes from them. Every piece of the royal accoutrements neatly set aside as the smaller lavender mare coaxed her into the embrace of the scented water.

Luna let her body play the part of an entranced maiden. It was not hard with Twilight's beauty and those half-lidded eyes full of veiled promises. Luna could ravage her right here and now, but she still had her self appointed mission. She still had to know. Luna directed things as if this was merely a dream, hiding the core of her intellect behind what the Nightmare might expect to see, what she might have encountered back when Luna was a naive and lonely filly.

A deep bath was not an ideal battleground, and with so many of the peasants under Twilight's protection in the castle, collateral damage could rapidly mount. Neither of us are sea ponies, so a position of equal vulnerability? What are you playing at, Nightmare?

The luxurious warmth seeped through battle-hardened flesh, exotic incense fought to calm her warry mind, but they were nothing to the mare that had experienced every distraction the equine mind could conceive of in their dreams.

Twilight shifted, moving, the ripples through the water lapped against Luna like a gentle tide. “So, Lulu, what is it to be?”

Luna raised an eyebrow.

“Tis not hard to see your mistrust.”

Luna felt her eyes narrow. “You understand, of course?”

The Nightmare's rich laugh escaped Twilight's muzzle. “Naturally, you would be a fool to trust us completely.”

“Night!” Twilight snapped, her shocked expression overtaking their shared face. “We are meant to be giving her reasons to trust us, not telling her she can't trust us.”

“She is not a naive modern pony. Twilight, you have seen enough of this world to know there is far more darkness in this world than Sister ever allows the ponies to see.”


“We are a risk, a danger. We ‘could’ have set the blight upon the world. Luna would be negligent in her duties if she did not investigate us.”

Twilight lay back in the bath, her annoyed huff sending ripples across the surface of the water. “Does not mean I have to like it.” The mare crossed her forelegs with an adorable pout of her face.

Luna watched the little interplay. Everything that Twilight did was permitted by the Nightmare. The whole display could be nothing more than a performance.

Twilight's round eyes morphed into Nightmare's slitted ones. “So, Lulu, what are you going to do? Every moment you ‘waste’ with me here means that ponies out there die.”

Bile and frozen shards churned in Luna’s chest, but for now, she kept her calm expression. “You know my dilemma?”

“Yes, you want to trust us.” The Nightmare splayed Twilight's alluring wings wide, allowing herself to float belly up. “Just make your mind up.” The Nightmare closed her eyes and sighed in contentment.

The Nightmare was there, completely defenceless, not a single magical defence in place, eyes closed, ignoring her. You will not ignore me. A bloodthirsty part of Luna snarled in the privacy of her mind.

“Why are you not taking this seriously?” Luna asked, her voice as cold as the darkest night in the frozen north.

“Why should I?” The Nightmare half-opened her eyes and lazily swirled them to glance at Luna. “We are going to fight, or we are not. Why should I stop enjoying this life I have? Why should I not relish every second of indulgence I can claim?”

“Our ponies are dying?”

“And? ‘My’ ponies are here and safe.”

That was not a response Twilight would let stand without comment. “Where is Twilight?” Luna demanded.

“Back in her library reading again… or enjoying Sweet Dreams' embrace. I can never tell with those two.” The Nightmare let a little fang show in her content smirk.

Her power trembled inside her. The strength of earth wanted to crush the Nightmare underhoof. Her horn ached to reach out and turn blood to blades or call shadows to strangle the smug mare. Anything to wipe that expression off that muzzle.

The Nightmare let her eyes close again. “This is still Twilight's body, you know…”

“How did…”

“Luna, Luna, Luna. I know more about you than you do. I remember every moment of your life, every detail, every lover, every hatred.” The Nightmare lowered her voice to just a whisper. “Everything your sister would keep from thou.”

“And We should trust ‘you’?”

“Our heart bleeds, calling us 'you' like some common pony and not thou like you should with us being so close.” The Nightmare snorted with amusement, airly waving a hoof in the air. “We have everything we could have asked for. What need have us to waste the effort on something like the blight?”


“When we first returned from the moon, yes, but you know what revenge does not get you?”

“What?” Luna asked, her voice flat.

“Sex, good food and friends.”

Luna blinked, “Are you so shallow?”

“You try remembering every second on the airless void of the moon. The only sensation being the cold vacuum of space trying to kill our immortal being.” Hard slitted eyes stared into Luna's own. “It really teaches you to appreciate the little things.”

Everything the Nightmare was saying was plausible. Everything made sense. And yet, everything could still be a trick, a trap. Luna let her eyes flick in the direction of Canterlot. What are you hiding from me, Sister?

“So, Sister dearest still has not trusted you with the truth?”

“Do not bait us, fragment.”

“Fragment now? We hath a name, and We are not merely Sister’s tool.”

Luna’s wings flared, twin sprays of water soaked the room. “We are nopony's tool.” The Royal Canterlot Voice resonated off the crystal walls.

“Sore point, Lulu?” The Nightmare’s tone tore through the last bit of restraint. Luna moved.

A blink of an eye, less than a heartbeat later and Twilight's innocent eyes looked up through the water as it crashed back down around them. Luna felt the familiar crunch on a broken spine through her hoof. Only the strength of an Alicorn’s body kept her head attached.

Luna blinked, her fangs retreated and the feral snarl died in her throat. She was pining Twilight, her saviour beneath her. Earthen magic flowed through her body, empowering her. What have I done? Luna fell back onto her haunches, another flood of water escaped the bath, but Luna did not care.

“Lu… Luna… what the buck?” Twilight’s hoarse voice croaked as she rose from the water, rubbing at her regenerating throat.

“The Nightmare…”

“Night did nothing but talk to you. You're the one that decided breaking my neck was a good counterpoint.”


“If I had not already been through my trial, you could have destroyed Ponyville. If I was mortal, you would have killed me.”

Red hot anger and jagged shards of frozen self-loathing gnawed at Luna’s gut. “We… we did not mean to hurt thee, Twilight.”

“There are some things where what you intended no longer matters.” Twilight’s calm disapproving eyes pierced Luna's heart more than Nightmare’s sneer ever could.

“We offer our apologies, Twilight.” Luna’s heavy head lowered of its own accord. How had she let herself lose control? Why had she done that to her betrothed? The Nightmare’s cackle echoed in her ears. Luna knew it was her imagination, but that did nothing to silence it.

“You know your guest provoked me?”

“Yes, and you're a big mare. You’re over a thousand years old. I’m more than fifty times younger than you. I should be the immature one.”

How did this one mare make her feel like a little filly again? Being told off for sneaking cookies from the cooks before dinner. The mental image made her want to laugh, but that would most definitely not be the correct response to Twilight’s inquisition.

Twilight’s magenta eyes softened as she walked forward through the warm bathwater. Twilight’s wet coat pressed against Luna’s own as the lavender mare slowly enfolded Luna in an embrace. “I know you've been through a lot, but losing your temper will not help.”

“The Nightmare…”

“Her name is Night. She stopped being the Nightmare after the Elements got through with her.”

“Night deliberately engineered my response, you know that.”

Twilight's head caressed Luna's neck as she nodded. “Of course, and I will be having words with her later.”

Luna closed her eyes and simply returned the embrace. Nothing about this encounter was going to plan.

Twilight sighed. “What am I going to do with both of you?”

“Sex seems to be a good option,” the Nightmare, or Night as Twilight insisted, added.

Twilight slowly facehooved. “Night, you know Cadance would be very unhappy with us.”

“So? You know you want to.”

“Infuriating imp to tempting succubus in one conversation. Please, at least be civil, Night.” Luna asked.

“So you do know our name?” Night purred.

“Night, please stop trying to provoke her. You have done enough.”

“Fine, but only because we are a family.” Night huffed.

Right before her eyes, Twilight and the Nightmare were bickering like a long-married couple. The being that was responsible for so much of her pain, that had turned her into a monster, now seemed just as harmless as Cadance. Luna pressed her hoof to her forehead and hoped the pressure might do something to suppress the building headache.

Luna took a calming breath, letting the incense and Twilight’s sweet scent soothe her nerves. “How are we to move past this impasse? Night you understand my doubts apparently better than I do.”

“Well first, what brought this on? We were getting along just fine last time we met.”

“My sister was presented with information blaming all this on you.”

“Then ask yourself this, do you trust both your sister and her source?”

“My sister… in this case, yes. The source, less so, but the question is how did they know of your return?”

“And who was the source?” Twilight asked.

“The changelings.”

The Nightmare let out a restrained but still chillingly evil laugh. “Oh, Queeny is still upset about my trap?”

“Queeny?” Twilight asked.

“That upstart Chrysalis wanted to take my pet from me.”

“What did you do?”

“That impudent lesser being tried to break the mind of our Emerald, so we returned the favour. We doubted it would cause any real harm to the pretend Queen. The link she uses is too fragile to support the more entertaining of surprises I could have used.”

“So… all this time, the changelings have known that you were out and about?”

“Yes, so. It's not...” Night was cut off by a titanic face hoof.

Luna was sorely tempted to perform her own face hoof. Either your acting has gotten better, or you're just incompetent. “You let one of our most dangerous foes know a piece of information that could get my sister to try and kill Twilight here?” Luna did not even try to hide her anger. The formerly warm bath water solidified to ice around them.

“Why do I even bother?” Twilight murmured.

“I know the cold doesn't bother us, and yet these bath things do prove to be so much more relaxing when the water is in a liquid state.” Night stated.

Flames flicked to life in Twilight’s eyes before dancing along her mane and tail. Ice cracked and melted as she broke the embrace and retreated to the far side of the bath. Luna sat opposite her betrothed, encased in ice as the lavender mare with flaming mane reclined in the boiling water only a few body lengths away.

Ice hissed and squealed as an endless cloud of steam rose, filling the room from where the two opposing elements battled. Rain dripped down from above. Luna's own magic literally formed the dark clouds above herself from the humid air.

Minutes passed with Twilight’s intense, unblinking stare matching Luna’s own. What is even the point of this? Luna thought, sighing. “This is getting us nowhere.”

“We are well aware of that.” A mix of Twilight and the Nightmare spoke in concert. The strange duality of voice sent shivers along Luna’s ears.

“How can I be certain this is not a deception? I am well aware of both your competence and the depths of your insights into myself.”

“The truth is you can never be. At some point, you have to put your trust in us.” The unified mares spoke.

“Or not.” Night added, alone in her single voice.

“We wish to trust you.”

“Then do.” Twilight offered.

“It’s not that simple.”

“It is. If you can not trust our words, trust our actions.” Night said.

Twilight’s form stood tall from the water. Steam poured from her coat as the heat from her mane evaporated the scented liquid. “We offer thee a pact. We both, Twilight and Night, swear upon our immortal life that we shall offer no lie, no deception, no trick or misinformation to anypony until we depart this room.”

Luna watched on, shock stealing the words from her mouth as Twilight's magic flared and ancient words sealed the pack. The weight of the ancient magic pressed down upon the room. It was as if a million eyes suddenly focused on them.

Twilight smiled calm and relaxed as she settled back down into the roiling water. Her neck gracefully, willingly placed in the figurative guillotine of her magic's own creation.


“Now, do you trust us?”

“Thou know what thou just did?”

Twilight just nodded, still with that content smile upon her face.

Twilight’s smile turned more malevolent as Night’s slit eyes revealed themselves. “Something Sister would never dare do, something she could never survive with her plans intact by any means but staying silent if you were in the room.”

It was true, at any point Celestia could have done something similar. A single pact, simple but ancient words and Luna would never need to doubt anything her sister told her.

“Did you release the blight?”

“Not this time.”

“This time?”

“It took multiple attempts to create the perfected spell. We take it you don't remember helping us in its conception?”

Luna shook her head. “You know Celestia burned away some of my memories, some things I learned that turned me evil, that let me fall to you.”

Night snorted. “Of course, that's what she would tell you.”

“Be nice.” Twilight cautioned.

“Fine, fine.” Night started before muttering, “There had better be cookies and hamburgers later.”

Luna just caught the laugh before it broke free. What, Nightmare, is Twilight keeping you good with treats? The whole idea was ridiculous. Still, the almost foal-like petulance in Night’s eyes was just too realistic, too much like Luna remembered being many years ago to be simply discounted.

Casual strength allowed Luna to recline, matching Twilight’s pose. The ice shattering around her settled into a perfect supportive mould to her powerful body.

“Do you intend to protect this nation?”

“Yes,” Twilight answered.

“Only because Twilight wants to, and I can't stand letting somepony else destroy Equestria.”

“Night!” Twilight complained.

“What? If anypony is allowed to destroy Equestria, it's me. So as you seem to have talked me out of it, for now, I guess I will have to look after it.”

Twilight just shook her head. “What am I going to do with you?”

“Let's talk about that later. This is Luna’s time to question us.”

“Thank you. Do you know how the blight… we created got loose.”

“Know? No.” Night shook her head. “I have many thoughts on how it could have happened. I can tell you that they managed to cast the spell correctly but did not modify it at all.”

“And that means?”

“It means, if I reveal my true identity, I can command at least some of the creatures and most of the foliage that has been blighted.”

“A backway into the spell?”

“Not quite. The spell was meant to sow chaos, to disrupt a whole nation while creating fortifications and a ready army for us.”

“So you could command it?”

“Once it has run its course and the most potent of the blighted have gathered, ready for their Queen to assume control.”

Luna sighed. “So, too little, too late.”

“And how do you think Sister will react if Twilight takes on our darker and more comely appearance?”

Luna closed her eyes. She knew exactly how Celestia would react. She had foreseen it. That haunting vision pulled from the dream augury returned. Twilight’s skull, covered in crystal, screamed in agony, in rage. Few things could kill an Alicorn. The darkest of black magics, an Alicorn’s horn driven through the heart or brain, or the complete and utter disintegration of every atom of the pony.

“Luna?” Twilight’s voice was soft, concerned.

Luna looked up. Twilight was looking at her. The young mare had nothing but warmth and worry in her eyes. Behind them, even Night looked out, worried but wise enough to see that Luna’s reaction spelled trouble.

“We do not wish to find out what Sister might do if she believes you have fallen, Twilight.”

“Nor do we, we find living to be preferable than being banished to the moon or being escorted to oblivion. Now surely you have more questions, little doubts you wish assuaged. Things that Sister has been keeping from you?”

Luna retreated to her bastion, her body perfectly still as she paced back and forth atop the battlements. There were so many things she could ask, so many things she could finally know the truth of. But what if Sister is right? What if I ask the wrong question and lose myself in madness?

“Luna, stop hiding in your head and get out here and talk.”

Luna's eyes refocused on the material world. The ice around her was gone, returned to warm water, and Twilight muzzle was almost touching her own. Warm breath tickled the coat of her face, and large eyes looked at her.

“Good, you’re back. We were wondering if we were going to have to come in after you.” Twilight said, shifting as she nestled in against Luna's side. The contact was warmer than the water, both physically and emotionally.

The new position was far less confrontational, no longer adversaries staring at each other from the elementally opposed sides of the bath. No, now they were lovers to be in a simple embrace beside each other.

Luna turned to face her smaller betrothed, and soft lips captured her own. “Twilight?”

“This is a much nicer tone for our conversation, right?”

A nod was the only appropriate response. “There are things I am reluctant to ask.”

“I think I believe that knowing the truth is better than not.”

“That's a strange statement, my Twilight,” Luna said, resting her hoof upon her betrothed’s leg.

“It’s merely logical. I do not wish to accidentally kill myself because of this truth pact.”

“Wise.” Luna nodded. “But do you now know your own thoughts?”

“I know there are things I was happier not knowing.” Twilight sighed. “So there is a chance my opinions have altered and I may not be consciously aware of them.”

Luna nuzzled her betrothed, her wing tightening, offering support to the smaller mare. Her unique scent was still detectable beneath the blend of expensive fragrances in the bathwater. Luna let her eyes close and merely listened to Twilight’s heartbeat. The slow rhythm holding Luna’s nerves at bay. There was a question she had to ask. An uncertain truth that she feared to learn the answer to. “Why did we turn against Sister?”

“You don't know?” Night’s slit eyes were full of surprise. “How can you not know?”

“We remember little of that time, of what set us off and the bulk of the sins we committed when we submitted to you.”

Night’s presence retreated, leaving Twilight in sole control of their body. “Sorry, Luna, Night just needs a few moments to calm down.”

“She's throwing a temper tantrum, is she not?”

“I would more describe it as demonstrating her vocabulary and applying it to negative comments of Celestia.”

“That's a very you way to describe her reaction.”

“Well, do you expect me to use another pony's way to describe things?”

“We suppose not.”

“And here she comes.”

“So, Sister took even the memories of her crimes of her violation of us from you.”


“She… She... that utter…” Night face twitched, each word spat out as she failed to keep a snarl from her muzzle. “We had countless fragments, at times one for each pony who dreamed. The ponies that caught our eyes, or truly befriended the fragments sent to them often kept them for their lives, the fragment returning to us enriched by the experience.” Even in the steam-filled room, the shimmer of moisture was clear as Night battled to keep tears away. “Each fragment was fully named, a friend, our family. Each, the keeper of the memories of our most beloved ponies.”

Luna did not want to ask, did not want to know, but the question slipped from her lips anyway. “What happened?”

“Celestia did.” The name was a curse. The bitter hatred darkened the room as vile darkmagic danced along Twilight's horn. “She killed them all, she forced her way into our bastion and burned them all, and you know what else she did? As she restrained us, as she had us helpless in our own mind?”

Luna’s ears lowered. Her voice was barely a whisper. “What?”

An imitation of Celestia's most kind and loving tone came from Twilight’s muzzle. “Let this be a lesson to thee. They're only fragments, only tools. Next time, thou shan’t craft them to an excess again.” Tears streamed from Twilight as slit eyes glared at Luna, seething with boundless rage.

The pact was still there, its magic still intact. Both Twilight and Night still lived. That meant one thing, one thing that Luna truly, deeply wished to be untrue.

Night pulled away from the embrace, slowly standing with all the grace of a zombie. “That is why we hate her. That is why we tried to kill her. It was the final crime she committed against us. We, the monster, the killer, the assassin she crafted us into, had finally had too much.”

“We had no idea…”

“That is why we no longer cared. The world could freeze in endless night, anything, so long as we could kill her.” Night dragged herself from the water, her tears leaving ripples in the water. With each, Twilight muttered a number. In a flash of magenta magic, she vanished.

The beast inside Luna thrashed, it wanted out, it wanted to head right back to Canterlot and give her fellow Princess more than just a piece of her mind.

Carefully, deliberately, Luna laid back in the bath. Her body trembled with power. Her wrath, her bloodlust demanded action, demanded revenge. Yet, she did nothing. She could not. The nation would not survive without its shining beacon, the most beloved and powerful pony in all existence.

Luna let her head slip beneath the water as she retreated to her bastion yet again.

Why sister? What possible purpose could such a thing serve in your grand design for Equestria?

CH 50.1 A Second Foal Hood

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Slit eyes peered into their own reflection. Looking into the mirror and not seeing who you expected was almost a unique experience.

The long coatless line that used to mare his muzzle had been a reminder Luna deliberately left when she healed him. He never underestimated the reach of a blade since that mark greeted him every night in the bathroom.

His reflection held not a single mark of his life or Luna's lessons. Years of hard-earned scars and battle-hardened physique all shed like a snake's skin.

He stretched each leathery wing in turn. Both were pristine and new. I'm going to have to unlearn accounting for that extra bit of drag. He thought critically as his eyes trailed over the smooth membrane of his left wing.

He smiled, the one that looked back at him had none of his rugged handsomeness. No, he just looked cute. He sighed. “The things I do for you, my Sovereign.”

His magic, the magic he had been born with, warped his hooves, silencing them as he soundlessly trotted along the crystal floor. With each motion, he felt light. It was like he had just hiked all day and had just ditched the extra heavy training armour.

“Let’s see what this can do.” His adolescent body hunched down and all the youthful muscles tensed. A moment later, he exploded into action. Each limb extended, catapulting him almost to the ceiling without a single flap of his bat-like wings.

Beneath him, four dispersing rings of shadows spread, the remains of his silencing effect blasted apart.

A second later, His hooves met crystal with an unfamiliarly natural sound. The nascent Earth pony magic was more than enough to absorb the impact.

He lifted a hoof. It felt so light without heavy shoes nailed to it. “More a pebble now than a meteor…”

“Now, my daughter, I have a new friend for you.”

“You do?” Little Star’s voice was bright and pure, untouched by all the recent horrors.

That was his cue. He emerged from Little Star's shadow. Magenta eyes focused and peered into his own.

“Hello, my name is Little Star, and my Mummy says we are going to be friends.”

“Hey.” He just stopped himself from adding Kido or something like that. He offered his hoof. “Name's Meteor Crash.”

Little Star stared at his extended hoof for a long moment before slowly reaching out and bumping it. “I have a spell that could stop you from crashing.”

The slightest twitch flicked across Luna's face. But the eyes lacked the normal twinkle. Somethings wrong, but what?

"I imagine, My Daughter, that there are lots of useful spells you can show him, and many things you could teach him."

Little Star's eyes lit with joy. "I get to teach him?'

"Anything you wish." Luna smiled.

"Don't I get a say?" Crash said in the silent thestral tongue.

"Of course you do. What would you like to learn first?" Little Star answered in an almost audible whisper.


As if reading his mind, Luna answered his question. "Our daughter is full of surprises."

Wait, the only ponies that hear us are half-bloods and... Luna winked before he could finish that thought.

“We are going to have so much fun. I have to introduce you to Grey and Thorn.”

“Unfortunately, I have some work to do. Run along and play, my Little Star.” Luna nuzzled her daughter before looking at Crash. “We also expect you to enjoy this opportunity.”

“Yes, Mummy.” Little Star chirped, absently lifting Crash in her aura as she galloped off.

The thick blanket of magic made his wings tingle. How powerful is she? He looked up questioningly at Luna.

‘Keep her safe.’ She mouthed to him, her eyes dark and solemn.

Perhaps this is not going to be a cake-walk. Crash nodded and offered a heartfelt salute to his Sovereign before he was dragged around a corner.

CH 50.2 Candice's Darkness

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“Candice?” The word meant something. It held some meaning. It was important, but why?

Thoughts flowed at glacial speed as memories flitted just out of reach. Her mind failed to condense into full awareness. The thoughtless oblivion closed around again.

“Awaken, My Captain” The new words were molten razors set upon her, searing their way into her very being. Her body convulsed, her chest heaved as she pulled in an agonising breath. Liquid fire flowed in with each breath.

“Her vitals are spiking.” A voice she was sure she had heard before said.

“Star, as we practised, now.” Almost the same voice answered.

Pins and needles, only a thousand times worse, clutched her heart, stilling it. Her lungs stopped. Even without her internal organs working, no blessed unconsciousness came.

There was no escape from the pain. Life still flowed through her body. Magic, so similar to something she could almost remember, warmed her flesh.

“Mummy, is she going to be alright?” The younger voice held an edge of panic.

"Yes, my Little Star." The voice was calm, assured.

“That's good, but I was looking forward to making a golem body for her.”

The sensations of pushing and pulling on her flesh continued. Cracks, snaps and far too fleshy sounds accompanied the pressure.

“Get well soon.” The young one said before the pop of a departing teleport happened.

“Don't you dare die, Candice.” An arrogant voice commanded.

Seconds passed before a softer, quieter voice broke the silence again. “I don't know if you can hear me, but… I'm sorry… we are both sorry. Myself and Nova. I did everything I could, everything I can think of.”

A soft pressure contacted Candice's forehead. "Come back to us, my Captain."

The pain was gone. Nothing hurt. Slowly, fragments of thoughts pieced themselves together. True awareness restored itself like a phoenix rising from the ashes. That word, the name Candice was her name.

As the memories of who she was returned, what she had done came back to her. Nova’s flames and Candice’s decision.

Slowly, the sensation of her body intruded. Cool air filled her lungs with each breath. Warm blood pulsed through her veins. All the normal indications of being alive were still there. It took a moment to notice she was lying on her back. The cold stone slowly leached the heat from her flesh.

Scent, hearing and touch provided no more information, so she opened her eyes. The sky above was filled with a plethora of different coloured orbs.

“Welcome back to our domain, Candice.” Luna's smooth voice said.

“How long?”

“Far less than my exile, less than a moon.”

“Felt less than that,” Candice stated, still as the stone she was on. “What was the fallout?”

Luna shifted, settling beside her, a midnight wing resting upon her as if a blanket. “One noble, framed by my sister, and an opportunity for some redecoration.”

“So, an innocent’s life destroyed?”

“We would hardly say they were innocent, but they did not deserve even a tenth of their fate.”

“It was a bargaining position. He had no intention of actually causing harm. Twilight just has little experience with politics and overreacted.”

Luna’s calm eyes watched, the keen intellect behind them clearly regarding every word. “Peace, Candice, Peace.”

“I am at peace. I’m just recounting facts.”

“Tis not the politics that caused the overreaction.” Luna sighed.

“The fool threatened what she loves. I get that.”

“You do not threaten who an Alicorn cares for lightly. More so if more than one fragment is protective of them.”

“I’m aware. That’s why he was a fool. But that doesn’t change his motivation of negotiation.”

A dark chuckle escaped Luna. “Just restored to my domain, and you are latching onto all the details already.” Luna’s expression softened and her voice warmed. “More importantly, how are you?”

“Recovering. I had to put my emotions away to make it through the pain. I’m making sure I have the view of things before letting myself feel anything again.”

“So much like ice, my champion.”

“A lesson I learned long ago. One you have reinforced in your training of me.”

“A lot has happened. Would you rather I start at the beginning or with the most important?”

Up above, a few of the sparkling orbs winked out. Luna’s expressions hardened as she regarded their loss.

“Beginning, please. I will be able to organise it better that way.”

“Twilight’s rage nearly killed you.”

“That I am aware of. I seriously miscalculated the amount of Alicorn magic she would have used. I thought I would be protected by it, but she didn’t use much at all. I had to adjust instantly with my own Alicorn magic reserves.”

“You can not simply play a numbers game when it comes to an enraged Alicorn.”

“It was no game.”

“But you likely saved Twilight.” Luna’s voice held a strange softness to it. A hint of loss, mourning for what was not yet lost.

“I probably saved Nova. I don’t think Twilight would have been killed.”

“In that moment, we do not believe Sister would be able to just stop Twilight. If she neared success, we have little doubt Twilight would have sacrificed her very immortal being to have one last attempt to destroy the target of her rage.”

“Celestia would have become the target with her getting in the way. But that’s all beside the point. I am sorry for diverging you from the story.”

“Your… miscalculation shocked Twilight to her senses.” Luna tapped her hoof on the stone. “We thank thee for providing our betrothed that object lesson, but your methods leave a little to be desired.”

The images of the noble’s ill-chosen words, Twilight’s anger flaring to rage and that fire played across Candice’s mind's eye.

“We believe that noble’s comments were prompted by another. Equestria was attacked soon after.”

The world around faded, the stone beneath her became soft cloud. Below, Ponyville and the surrounding lands unfurled like a map unrolling.

In the distance, the weather team's efforts to corral a swarm of dark clouds were being frustrated. It was like the clouds had a mind of their own. No, the clouds were closing in, surrounding and herding the weather team.

Every part of Candice’s mind knew this was a prelude to something.

Luna’s hoof rested on Candice’s chest. Her gentle touch could be as good as an immovable mountain if she wished. “Be calm. This is no training session. This is just a vision of what already has come to pass. Nothing you can do will change it.”

After watching both the horrors and heroics unfold, Candice sighed. “If I had found a different way to intervene, I could have helped in the defence. I could have saved lives. Instead, my own had to be saved in the middle of this crisis.” She admonished herself in that same cool tone.

“Ponyville weathered the storm well, the rest of the nation… less so.” Luna looked up, focusing on something unseen.

I still would have saved lives if mine had not been in jeopardy.

You saved either Twilight's life or half of Canterlot. Luna's own thoughts answered in Candice’s mind. What is done is done, move on, learn from your new scars.

“I will, and I won’t make that same mistake again.”

“Good. Now I believe Twilight intends on leaving you in charge of Ponyville’s defence. So I would hear your critique of the defenders and how they could be forged into something stronger.”

As Candice turned her attention to the aftermath of the conflict with the Blighted. The battle replayed from the beginning.

Candice rewatched the events. There were details. There were patterns. Her mind soaked in every little detail she could use to fulfil her love’s request.

After the ninth time, Luna looked off and focused into the distance. It was clear to see something distracted the Lunar Alicorn so much she could no longer even feign full attentiveness.

“There is more. I can see it in your body language. What else happened?”

"Our ponies are dying. Our Shepard is attending all she can, but our own efforts are needed battling the Blighted to prevent more souls being corrupted."

The view focused on the face of one of the weather ponies, Stormfront, the first pony victim claimed. The creeping realisation showed in their eyes a moment before their final experience. They only had a moment of terror as their body betrayed them, mere seconds of understanding before Rainbow’s blade cut them down.

“Any claimed by the Blight will never see the Elysian Fields. Their ultimate fate is to be nothing more than fuel for the Blight.” Luna sighed heavily. ”This is the foulest dark magic we had a hoof in creating… It was an invention of myself and the Nightmare.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed for a moment. “In your role, there is one more thing you need to be aware of.” “Thanks to... Night’s indiscretion, one of Equestria’s enemies know of her return and who she has claimed as a host.”

“What did she do?” Candice asked.

“The arrogant foal taunted Chrysalis, announcing her existence by attacking her.”

“I’m guessing it wasn’t in the normal way as I don’t recall a changeling queen showing up in Ponyville.” Candice surmised.

“She laid claim to one of Chrysalis’s minions and left a personalised trap in their mind.” Luna sighed.

“Ah. So that’s how Emerald came to serve Night.”

“And how the changelings came by the information they had delivered to my sister.”

“Are we going to have to worry about Celestia coming and forcefully investigating Twilight?”

“All that is preventing that is she had not thought to seek the Nightmare in Twilight, yet. If Night does even one thing to draw my Sister’s attention…”

I’m going to have to talk with Night about this at some point. The consequences of another miss-step did not bode well for any of them.

“She has already… questioned me. For now, I believe she considers myself or Moonlit Scroll to be the most likely hosts to the Nightmare.”

“Still no leads on his location?”

“You think we would be having this conversation if we had even the hint of a trail?”

Candice shook her head, “Can’t blame a mare for hoping.”

“This is not the time for hope. This is the time for action.”

“Hope can give the motivation to take action. It’s always good to have hope.”

“Baseless hope leads to folly. It has led to this nation being weak, blinded by what they wish to be true and not the cold truth of reality. My sister has hobbled this nation with stories and lies.”

“Those points I agree with. You were making it sound like any hope was a bad thing there for a bit.” Candice corrected.

“As a guide for your aspiration, hope has a purpose.”

“I understand your point. I was just holding onto a little hope that Moonlit Scroll might have made a mistake somewhere. I know he hasn’t at this point.”

“He has made one at least.”

Candice’s train of thought stopped. I wonder... Her mind mulled over it. The most recent thing was the Blight. She turned a curious eye to Luna. “Was it the Blighted spell going out of control?”

“That we do not know if this was the intended outcome… we are still unsure of their ultimate goal.” A hint of a grim smile settled onto Luna’s expression. “He did not understand the magic he wielded, at least not fully.”

“So, what was his mistake?”

“The Nightmare still has some dominion over what the spell creates.”

That opened possibilities. “Ah, so he left room for Night to control the Blight, but Twilight can’t use that without Celestia finding out.” It was yet another thing to lay at Celestia’s hooves, a tool that could save lives, blocked. The option was locked behind Celestia’s ignorance and foolishness.

“Which is why I wonder if the Changelings are in league with Moonlit Scroll or if they are simply working towards their own goals.”

“That makes a scary amount of sense.” Her mind inserted that data into what she knew. The possibilities flowed one after another. None looked good. “If they are working with him, then it’s possible he is out there in a different guise.”

“He is no changeling, but he could be using them as agents.”

“Granted. But I can’t rule out that he might have a different identity with the Changelings in play. And even mental scanning by Celestia can be fooled.”

“You truly believe he is able to thwart both mine own and mine Sister’s arts?”

“He’s stayed hidden from you both so far. I think that alone shows it’s possible.”

“Given his methods, we wonder if he is one of ours. His targeting of the Element of Magic before our return from the moon and now using a spell that only ourselves and the Nightmare should know.”

“Very likely. Though I doubt even Night would be able to know for certain. She’s said she had a hard time discerning the numerous dreams from any reality.”

Luna smirked. “That is a coy way to say she was lost in her madness.”

Candice smirked in return and nodded. “I didn’t think of it that way, but I think you may have nailed it there.”

The levity faded from Luna’s face. “Keep your eyes open and your wits sharp. We fear that this catastrophe is little more than a distraction.”

“The only thing I know of his goals for certain is that he was harvesting Twilight for components to try and ascend.” Candice fought back the spike of anger that tried to rise again like it had when Night shared that memory. “I’m guessing he’s probably still on that path.”

Luna’s eyes darkened. Cold malice looked out from them.“You truly believe that… Stallion is seeking to ascend?”

“Not just believe, I’m just shy of being able to prove it.”

“Then deliver your report, my Champion.”

Candice ordered her thoughts then nodded. If she was with Twilight, she would have dived into endless magical theory and arcane sciences. With Luna on the other hoof, she was going to have to be much more concise.

The only thing she deliberately left out was a very protected research lab with enough spare parts to assemble fifteen more Twilights.

Luna had stayed perfectly still as she listened diligently. Still, even paring it down like that, it took half an hour to work through it enough to all but prove Moonlit Scroll’s most probable intent.

“If one seeks eternity, they are not likely to accept failure, despite its near certainty.”

“And he doesn’t strike me as the type to ever give up unless something kills him first.”

“That would be a desirable outcome,” Luna said, her fangs showing. “If the chance presents itself, you may consider it an order.”

Candice nodded. You don't even need to ask. It’s already on the list.

The world shook and trembled.

“It seems this dream is at an end. The waking world seeks to reclaim you, my Champion.”

The world shook again and again. The soft ground writhed like a turbulent sea. This was not the gentlest way to enter the waking world.

“Candice, Candice, Candice.” The joyful voice of Little Star shattered the dream realm. Each word in time with her bouncing on the bed.

As Candice slowly opened her eyes, the world stilled.

“Candice, you're back.” The little filly scampered over and made a valiant attempt to strangle Candice with the intensity of her hug.

“Hey there, Little Star,” Candice said, her voice softer than intended.

A small glass of water floated over in Little Star’s magenta aura. “Thirsty?”

“Thank you, Star,” Candice said, accepting the proffered glass with her hoof. The limb extended was unmarred. Focusing on it, there was no sign of atrophy. Infact, the opposite seemed to be true. You don’t gain muscle mass in a hospital bed when you’re unconscious. What exactly did Twilight do to heal me?

Candice shifted, testing her body. Front legs, back legs, left wing, right wing. Each and every muscle responded. There was no pain, no lingering tightness that having her wounds healed should have caused. Turning her senses inside, something felt off, out of place. Still far better than being a piece of charcoal.

“Candice?” Little Star asked, staring at the still full glass.

“I’m fine. I just feel a little off. I was checking myself. Thank you for the water. I’m probably going to need a couple of refills.” Candice smiled at Little Star before she downed the liquid.

The chill water slid down her throat, refreshing and pure. The liquid hitting her stomach woke it up enough to growl.

“Hungry?” Little Star asked. A tray of simple oatcakes was suddenly summoned into existence next to her.

The simple scent of oats and honey smelled like the most divine of foods.

Pushing a little magic into her wings, Candice tested her magic with an exertion of light telekinesis. Her silver tinged white aura grabbed one of the cakes and brought the lovely treat to meet its ultimate fate.

First one, then a dozen more, were soundly defeated. None of them stood a chance against Candice’s intense hunger. Little Star giggled, but simply kept supplying more and more until the consumption of oatcakes slowed.

Candice’s oversized wing wrapped Little Star in a soft embrace. The filly snuggled against Candice’s chest. Large imploring eyes stared up.

“Mummy is going to try and get you to stay here, but you have to go with her.” The miniature version of Twilight leaned closer, her front hooves standing on Candice herself. “You have to keep her safe from the bad ponies.”

“Little Star, if your mother orders me to stay or go with her, I have to obey those orders. But I’ll argue for going if that is the best course of action. If I stay here, I’ll make sure she has enough guards with her, though.” Candice smiled softly at Little Star’s concern.

“So you’re who Star’s been going on about.” A colt’s voice broke in from near the ceiling.

She followed her ears with her eyes, a thestral colt was perched on the bookshelf, he offered a sloppy wave with a wing.

In a subtly teasing tone, “Little Star, did you snag yourself a coltfriend?”

Little Star beamed. “No, Mummy Luna gave him to me.”

What?, “Like she gave me to your Mother Twilight?”

Little Star proudly nodded. “And he's one of Mummy Luna’s Chosen, just like you.”

The colt froze, staring at Little Star. His eyes slightly wide with shock.

Something was off with this. Luna wouldn’t take a foal as a Chosen. Very few of her own guards were given that honour. Who are you?

Metal clad hooves rang on the crystal floor, drawing closer. Little Star’s ears perked up, and her head looked around. “Mummy!” A brilliant flash of magenta replaced the filly, and she was gone.

The colt straightened and offered a firm nod. Despite his cute appearance, steely resolve was not a trait most foals were able to claim.

Candice silently mouthed, ‘Are you one of Luna’s guards assigned to Little Star?’

He offered a lazy wing salute in answer. The motion had all the hallmarks of the Nightguard, casual, fun-loving and irreverent of everything but their Sovereign.

Candice gave a nod to the colt. There would be conversation later, but it could wait.

Little Star’s voice carried in from outside the room. “And I get to teach him anything I want. Isn’t it great? My very own student and my coltfriend.”

The sounds of the metal-clad hooves hesitated for a moment before continuing smoother.

“Your coltfriend?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, he's a colt and my friend, silly. He can't be one of my fillyfriends.”

“Little Star, normally adding a gender description before ‘friend’ implies a desire for romance and or the production of offspring.”

“Oh…so Mummy Luna is your fillyfriend… and Candice and Emerald and Fluttershy and... ”

“And we're here. Let’s check on Candice.” Twilight said.

The thestral’s eyes widened as he stared at the door. ‘You lucky mare’ he mouthed silently.

Candice restrained a chuckle in agreement, though the look in her eyes affirmed the claim.

Metal rapped against the door just before it was pushed open. Twilight glided across the room. A silken dress beautifully integrated with pleats of metal armour.

“Ah, Sweet Candice, thou art awake and well?” Twilight’s voice called out with Night's tones.

“You're speaking like Mummy Luna, again.” Little Star giggled. “I already checked her. Candice’s soul is not going to fall out of her body again.”

What exactly happened to me? Candice suddenly had a lot of questions that needed answers.

“Again?” The colt whispered, catching Twilight’s attention.

“And this is your ‘friend’?”

“Yes, Mummy. His name is Meteor Crash, but we're working on it. I already have some spells in place to help him avoid crashing.”

And likely completely unnecessary. Candice thought.

“That was kind of you.” Twilight's eyes focused on the colt. “Now, you two run along and play. I need to have a talk with Candice.”

The colt gulped and nodded with a hint of a fearful bow.

“Alright, Mummy.” After a quick hug, both younger ponies vanished in a flare of light.

Twilight stalked over and sat beside the bed. “Candice, Candice, Candice, what are we to do with you?”
“What is there left to do? It seems great effort was taken to save me, despite my error.” Self-reproach flattened her tone as it infected her voice. I’m not going to repeat that error. Candice promised herself.

Twilight eyes hardened. “You believe you get out of our service that easily?”

“Not what I was implying, Night.” And you know it, Candice left unsaid.

“Good.” Night loomed closer, her spread wings seeming to darken the room. “Your life is not your own to throw away.”

“I was acting to save Nova, and very likely Twilight, from Celestia’s hooves. You think…”

In a blink, lips forcefully pressed against Candice’s own, silencing the rest of her well thought out argument.

Night was not being gentle. The kiss was very much being taken and not simply given. The sheer physical power veiled behind the action promised the possibility of pain as much as affection.

Candice did nothing to return the kiss. Frustration at being interrupted by Night, again. All that compounded with finding out how idiotic Night was with Chrysalis left the only safe option being to remain still.

Slowly Night pulled back, disappointment almost dripping from her sneer. “We help restore you, and this is the thanks you offer?”

“The lack of response isn’t due to a lack of gratitude. It’s because you keep interrupting me in the middle of a statement.”

Night sighed. “You are as bad as Twilight.”

“You hate being interrupted so much. Why do you do that to others so often?” Candice asked.

“You forget your place. We are surprised Luna has not taught you to respect your betters more…”

“Luna offers me the respect of not interrupting me all the time.”

Night glared, her eyes leaning so close they seemed to eclipse the whole world. “You nearly got yourself killed due to your folly. Do you know what that would have done to Twilight? To my daughter?”

“Yes, I do. I miscalculated the event. I was acting to save Nova and Twilight, and you. I anticipated more Alicorn magic being behind those flames.”

“There was every bit of magic that Twilight and Nova could put behind it. Nova was seeking to burn everything, and you got in the way. Even if Nova loves you, that would not save you from her wrath if she is blinded by rage.”

“I know that now. I also know she doesn’t put Alicorn magic behind her effects to protect those she cares about. I was lacking that information in that moment. That doesn’t change the fact that if she kept going, Celestia had a high chance of finding out about Nova and you. I doubt she would have let either of you live if she found you.”

“Another miscalculation, it seems. Dearest Sister thinks Nova is just part of Twilight’s anger, a part that has been there even when she was but a unicorn. The only issue would be how many died before she managed to constrain Twilight long enough for her to cool her rage.”

“The danger I saw in the moment might have been less likely than I thought, but do you think if Celestia did find you and Nova that she wouldn’t take steps to erase you both?”

A growl vibrated through Night’s chest. Her metal-clad hoof pinned Candice to the bed. The soft surface of the bed yielded beneath her as the hoof pressed down. “We are trying to say we are glad you are alive, and you are making us wish to try and beat that message into your skull with our hooves, you insufferable mortal.”

Candice couldn’t hold back the smirk, “Then why didn’t you lead with that?”

“You’re Twilight's pet. She can deal with you.”

As if Twilight’s body was nothing but a puppet with the strings cut, it collapsed atop Candice. Now little more than an Alicorn shaped blanket, a rather heavy and uncomfortable blanket with the metal panels pressing into her body at odd angles.

Candice gathered her magic, lifting Twilight was going to take more than just a simple glass. The radiant glow started to build in her wings. Candice shaped it, reaching out with telekinesis. The glow faded as something slipped inside. With an odd lurching sensation, power flowed down her front legs, raggedly spilling out from her hooves.

Dialling back, the torrent of magic escaping dropped to a trickle. Closing her eyes and focusing, she descended into the meditative state all unicorns were taught. She turned her attention inwards.

Her mind’s eye started in her core, the bundle of potential that was her wellspring. Extending her senses, she followed the magic as it flowed from the core and down her legs to the hooves. She followed it, inspecting the newly thickened layline heading for her hoof. That was not like that last time. I’m guessing it’s a result of what they did to heal me. Easy enough to compensate for now that I know about it.

“A lightshow huh? Well, that’s one way to let me know you’re awake. Good morning, Candice.” Twilight's voice snapped Candice’s attention back to the physical world.

“Sorry about that.”

Twilight laughed, “Why are you apologising?”

“Night was here a bit ago. We had a slight verbal altercation.”

“Translation, she still has not forgiven you?”

“More like the fact that despite how much she loathes being interrupted, she will constantly do it to others. She has no sense of her own hypocrisy.”

“You’re not an Alicorn.”

“Even Luna doesn’t do that. When I pointed that out, she decided to cut the strings and left.”

“That's her accepting she would do something she would regret. So most likely, she would have hurt you if she stayed.”

“So that’s her way of saying I won the argument?”

“I don't think I would be able to save you if you tell her that.”

“She just can’t allow herself to accept that she might be wrong sometimes. She denies herself the opportunity to become better.”

“Don't worry about it too much, she is still upset about some bad memories Luna brought up, and you do infuriate her. To her, you will never be her equal, not unless you ascend.”

“She could still stand to learn common courtesy, like Luna did.”

“So, how are you feeling?” Twilight’s magic lightly trailed over each muscle group and joint one by one in a methodical examination.

“A little off. My laylines in my hooves are wider and much less resistive than they were. I’m guessing that’s something to do with what you did to save me?” Candice asked.

“It seemed an opportune moment to make that adjustment.”

“Other than that, my muscles are more lean and a bit larger, and I’m currently being poked by metal…”

“Oh, sorry,” a pop and ripple of extra-spacial magic and Twilight lay there with only her coat. “Better?”

Twilight's soft coat felt luxurious as Candice nuzzled into it, her wings wrapping around Twilight.

“This is a much better good morning.” Twilight’s kiss was much more welcomed and returned.

“I agree. Though something tells me that we will not get many of them before you have to leave.”

“We don't even have time for this.” Twilight sighed exactly like Night did.

“What needs to be done, and when do we have to start on it?”

“Too much and last week.” A pop and a scroll appeared. Upon it was a list of settlement names, many with numbers next to them, some simply crossed out. “The losses so far.” Twilight's voice was ice even as fire danced in her eyes.

“How much can be done with you and I enjoying each other’s embrace?” Candice asked in an attempt to distract Twilight from at least some of the darkness of the world.

“None, as much as Night would conceal me to just protect what is mine here and let the world fall, I can not do that.” With a single absent-minded nuzzle, Twilight rose from the bed. “Tomorrow morning, I am departing. The Blighted has spread beyond Equestria’s borders. Our allies need our help, and I need to have you ready to assume command of the defences here.”

“I feel like a quick re-calibration of my reactions and I will be fine. Little Star seems to want me to go with you. I already told her I would have to follow your orders. But being by your side is very appealing, I’ll admit.”

“You were an analyst and you believe the field of battle is more suited to you than a defensible castle?”

“I took down an entire warehouse full of cultists on my own as my interview for Luna,” Candice said as a statement of fact. “The only reason I wasn’t on the front lines is because I was a hybrid whose true scores were hidden to protect the fragile sensibilities of some nobles.” She said as she rolled her eyes.

Thoughts and plans seemed to dance between Twilight eyes for several long seconds. “You understand you have a far greater chance of death if you accompany me?”

“That would be true no matter my skills or abilities. But it’s really down to where do you want me? Do I have reason to not go with you? And I’m curious why you expanded my laylines, as well as what else you did to me.”

The slight shift of expression announced Night’s return. “It would be most unwise to not heed our daughter’s less than subtle manipulation.”

“Why?” Twilight asked.

“She is descended from a thoroughbred line that had a reputation of oracular abilities and the Element of Magic. We would do well to trust her whims and hunches.”

“That still leaves the question of what you had planned for me.”

Twilight’s utter stillness spoke volumes of the conversation she and Night were likely having right now. After a few minutes, Twilight's eyes flicked up, meeting Candice’s. “Planned for you? Well, it simply seemed more efficient to rebuild them to the required tolerances instead of having to burn new ley lines in later.”

“What she is not telling you is that there is that much of her flesh supporting your body now that any intimacy may as well be masturbation.” Night quipped.

“Night!” Twilight stomped her hoof, chips of crystal scattered around the room.

Night looked to a mirror and glared into her own reflection. “She ruined her body and practically had to have a new one made. She should be grateful for your sacrifice and not coddled by downplaying her miscalculation.”

The reflection sighed and sorrowfully shook her head. “I know you're still angry and upset. If Celestia did to me what she did to you, I would be too. But stop taking it out on Candice… Please.” Twilight ended with imploring eyes looking out from the mirror.

Night grumbled and looked away, not seeing the reflection smirk and silently hoof pump. The reflected Twilight met Candice’s gaze and winked before the mirror started ‘behaving’.

“I’m well aware of how grave my miscalculation was,” Candice added.

“Then know that for every bit of your flesh that is hale and healthy, Twilight had to tear it from her own body.”

Candice nodded and acknowledged Night’s point. “I’m aware of how much she has done that in the past just for research materials. I can only imagine what it was like to have to do that for me.”

“Well, this was an interesting project. It took a lot of spell development to connect all the nerves and blood vessels. Currently, this is still untenable for any non-chosen. My flesh would reject their body… And if what happened to the samples in that lab is anything to go by, I would not want to see a pony go through that.” Twilight sighed yet again. It seemed to be becoming a habit.

Candice nodded. “That still doesn’t explain why I needed my laylines expanded.”

“Oh, that's simple. It’s for our ongoing experiments. I would much prefer to steal you away to my lab and see what I can do with you.” A slightly manic glint flashed over Twilight's eyes for a moment. “But, there is no time. When we get back, I can show you all the notes.”

“Both of you are as bad as each other.” Night half snarled. “Here.” With her aura, she dragged Candice closer and pressed Twilight's hoof to Candice’s chest.

An unfamiliar warmth flowed in, thick and vibrant. It danced around Candice’s wellspring, never quite touching it before rushing down the new thicker laylines to her hooves. The new magic rushed out into the ground and was just gone. “You can now have any tribe's magic safely pass through you.”

“I had my presentation ready, and you just skipped to three-quarters of the way through,” Twilight said.

“And saved ten hours that we don't have if you want to save those Cat-Birds.” Night retorted.

“I can't believe you. That was meant to be a surprise.”

“You don’t think it's a good idea to let our Captain of the Guard know about her new tactical options?”

“You…” Twilight spluttered.

Candice raised an eyebrow. “I always was able to have any particular tribe’s magic go through them. I just needed to make sure they didn’t mix. And with the lessons I got from Luna about lay line cleaning, I know that the Alicorn magic makes it unnecessary to worry about mixing them now.”

“And now you have something better. Can you not simply be grateful?”

“You confuse my confusion with a lack of gratitude. I am grateful. I’m just confused as to why. All it’s done is make me have to recalibrate my magic.”

Night sighed.

“Can I explain now?” Twilight asked.

“I'm going to study the maps again. You talk with your pet.”

“Sorry again, she is not quite herself today. It's not every day she has to share the account of possibly hundreds of thousands or maybe more of your family being… executed as nothing more than surplus tools by her sister.”

Candice's eyes closed as she pushed back the darkened mood at the idea of Celestia thoughtlessly slaughtering like that.

“So please give her more time.” Twilight implored.

Twilight took a calming breath, her hoof twitched as if it wanted to come up to her chest, but it stayed put on the ground. “I had to rebuild a lot of your ley lines. Nova’s magic literally burned them away. If… if we had not noticed it was you, there would be nothing left. Not even a soul to go on to the afterlife.”

Candice moved to Twilight and pulled her into an embrace. Words would only fail at any attempt to express her sorrow at possibly causing such pain.

“I even had to get my daughter’s help with healing you. It was one of the most complicated and taxing feats of magic I have ever done. But you are whole, and you are here.” Twilight snuggled under Candice’s wings with a slightly guilty expression. “The only thing your body now needs to use the magic of the other tribe’s is a source of power. I saw no reason to remove the magical structures in my donations to you, so I simply made sure it was all wired up correctly… I call it future-proofing my work.”

“Thank you for explaining. I don’t understand why it’s so hard for Night to lead with the important bits of information.” Candice said gratefully.

“Because you are a mortal, her servant, and though she would never admit it, you’re somepony she cares for. The first two means you should do what she says without question because she is the Alicorn. The last leaves her conflicted.”

“I kind of get it, in an emotionally unbalanced way. So what do you have planned that requires future-proofing your work?”

Twilight tapped her hoof to her chin. “Well, if you're going to keep putting yourself in harm’s way, either an earth pony or crystal pony wellspring. Both offer powerful defensive options.”

Candice stroked Twilight’s back with her wing. “So, in other words, you were planning on making me your Chosen as well?”

Twilight hummed contentedly. “So was Night…you would be a Chosen to three Alicorns if you accept.”

“Even with as irked as I am at Night sometimes, I would be honoured to accept both of you.”

“Then do try to stay in one piece long enough for your magic to fully settle this time.”

“I promise, I will. When are you planning on doing this?” Candice asked softly.

“As soon as it’s safe to. I can afford to operate without either magic as I barely use them.” Twilight's ears turned, and her head looked up, following their lead. “And I’ve taken too long, they are coming to get me.”

“Then am I coming with you or staying here?”

“You need to go to Rarity and get fitted for your uniform and armour. We have the first new members of our guards being sworn in today, and you should be there.”

“I’ll be where you wish me to be, my Love.”

Slowly, regretfully Twilight extracted herself from under Candice's wings. “No, you should be doing what I think you should, not being where I want you to be.”

Candice leaned in, and their muzzles met. Lips danced as Twilight’s powerful limbs wrapped around her. “There is never enough time,” Twilight whispered in a sigh.

“Well, I can always make more time.” Candice started to gather the power for her time dilation spell. The familiar patterns of magic started to form in her wings.

The magic just stopped. Falling still and silent within her. Twilight's magic enveloped Candice’s wings. The magenta magic suffocated the white of Candice’s magic.

“As much as I would love to, start with smaller magic first,” Twilight advised.

Candice sighed and nodded, “As you wish, my Love.”

Twilight smiled gratefully, but guilt looked out from her eyes. ‘I’m sorry for doing that’ they said. “Now, I want you to go through the entirety of the first year’s self-study exercises for an hour each before you even think of attempting any of your time magic again.”

“No need for the guilt, Love. I’ll follow doctor’s orders.” Candice smiled at her, trying to lighten the mood.

With a smile, Twilight leaned in and planted a kiss on Candice’s cheek. “Now run along, I can hear how manic Rarity is getting, and you have maybe ten minutes before even I won't be able to save you from her wrath.”

With a playful wink, Twilight vanished. Her magic whisked her away.

Candice found the nearest window and looked out. Ponyville was not how she had last seen it. Some buildings had been torn down to make the rampart that now surrounded the castle.

Long scars carved in the ground by what must have been Alicorn grade magic crisscrossed what was once open grassland.

A quarter of the town and by the looks of it most of Sweet-Apple-Acres had been razed to the ground.

The Carousel Boutique itself had not escaped unscathed. The building was blackened by flames and had a large hole through the wall.

“Alright, somepony tell me where Rarity is?”

CH 51.1 The Show Must Go On

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Trixie Lulamoon levitated the brush through her mane. The soothing rhythmic sound did little to hold the butterflies in her stomach at bay. This is what I deserve. She thought as she stared at her own reflection. Behind the image, the expansive room she shared with Starlight looked cavernous.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie accepts this honour, Princess.”

“Trixie…” Starlight’s hoof was hesitant as it rested on Trixie’s withers. “You don’t have to do this. You're great and powerful without this.”

“Of course, we know that.” Trixie knew it was all bluster, but at least she could still sound confident.

Starlight opened her mouth to speak. Trixie slowly shook her head. “Twilight has been fighting evil all this time. Yes, we saved them from the changelings, but that was tricks, and we both know it.” Trixie turned and pulled her Starlight into a hug. “You’re a hero, Twilight’s a hero, almost everypony else in this town is a hero. Let the Great and Powerful Trixie stand tall beside you.”


“Trixie knows what you’re going to say, but I am grateful for the lessons, especially that teapot spell. It is amazing how many things become much easier to deal with when they are rendered to a drink holder.”

“I still can’t believe you use that as a combat spell.”

A shudder ran down Trixie’s spine. With a quick pivot and rising to her hind legs, she masterfully disguised it. “Trust me. It is much better and cleaner than teleporting the heads off things.”

Starlight blinked. “Twilight did…”

Trixie shook her head. “No, her daughter.”

Starlight eyes widened. “Little Star did that?”

“To be fair, it was going to eat the little Apple one.”

“The hydra?”

“Yes, Trixie thinks that little filly is definitely not natural.”

“Well, if Flurry Heart is anything to go by, it makes sense for that level of power.” Starlight's thoughtful face morphed to worried. “But she seemed fine. How could she do such a thing and then just be smiling as if nothing happened?”

“I don’t know, she’s the daughter of Miss Princess of the ‘Need-It-Want-It’ spell and Princess ‘I’m sad, let’s cause eternal night’?”

“... don’t let either of them hear you call them that.”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Of course, I’m not 'Trixie, the stupid and suicidal’.”

“You're joining Twilight's Guard.”


“You know the sort of situations she gets into… you know what...”

“La la la la, not listing.”


“We both agreed we're not talking about that.”

“Somepony wants Twilight dead, and it will be your job to catch the spells meant for her.”

“Only if Trixie fails… and I have no intention of failing.”

“Nopony ever does.”

“I can think of a few.”

“That’s not the point.” The crack of Starlight hoof slamming into the crystal floor emphasised her points. “Trixie, I don’t want to see you hurt.”

Trixie softened her voice and drew her friend into a hug. “I know, but the show must go on."

Starlight's expression screamed incredulity. "You think this is just a performance?"

Trixie let out a snort of disdain. "No, but there won't be any grand performances until all this unpleasantness is dealt with."

"You know this is a lifetime commitment, right?"

"Yes, to the Princess of Friendship. Trixie expects to be performing more magic shows, maybe taking a student or two, as soon as Twilight does her flashy magic and saves the day." Speaking the words almost allowed Trixie to believe them.

Turning back to her reflection, her aura levitated over her armour, so different than her normal costume.

With her customary cape and hat in place, Trixie confidently advanced towards her destiny, or that’s what the rest of the world would see.

Starlight on the other hoof was anything but happy. Her hooves moved as if she was on a funerary march. Even the clicks of her hooves on the crystal floor sounded depressive.

“You trust me, right?” Trixie asked.

“Normally,” Starlight answered.

Two of the few remaining Nightguards flanked the final door. Upon the other side, the rest of Trixie’s life waited. Each met her eyes and offered a respectful nod. With a well-practised motion, they pushed the door.

Holding her head high, Trixie marched to the new throne room. Her metal-clad hooves rang out in perfect time. She was the Pony of the Hour. She was the pony everypony was going to want to meet.

The place was packed. The whole town was there, both natives and those that stayed after Twilight helped them.

All eyes were on her as she entered. Hundreds of eyes tracked her. One or two sets were distrustful, but most held gratitude or at the least begrudging respect.

It cost her nothing to exchange a few respectful nods with some of the locals. Image and reputation were important, after all. And some of them she could mistake for true friends on a good day.

One set of eyes in particular demanded her attention. Applejack deliberately held her eyes and then nodded. It was a small motion, just a little thing, but the farm mare performed it with such determination it must have been something far more profound. Was that look of respect?

Just as Trixie was about to pass, Applejack spoke up. “You help keep Twi safe, alright, Sugercube?”

Trixie returned a solemn nod. Pausing to let Applejack see the truth, she then smirked. “Of course, in a thousand years, who will be there to tell first hoof accounts of the Great and Powerful Trixie if I don’t?”

Applejack shook her head, an amused smirk on her muzzle. “Trixie…”

A magenta flash drew all eyes to the front of the room. As normal, Twilight had made her entrance by teleportation. Now sat upon the single crystal throne was the pony she was here to see.

Today, Twilight was not the Princess of Friendship, not wearing that. Shear silk clung to her toned form. Her regalia reinforced and scaled up to armour. Her flared wings only drew attention to the lethal edges of her crimson wing blades.

Where eyes should have been twin endless pools of magenta power looked out.

Trixie Lulamoon, approach.“

Armoured hooves moved on their own, drawing the showmare closer. Those eyes…

“You have served us well, you have proved your metal, your drive and your ability. You are not the boasting mare that first trotted into Ponyville. Nay, you are one of the brave defenders who held the line. You risked your life and your very immortal soul to save my ponies." Twilight bowed her head.

"Both as a true Princess of Equestria and as the pony that would call you friend and ally, We thank thee. Before you is a choice, we offer thou a chance to become one of our Chosen."

Pride stirred in Trixie’s chest. This is it. She stood tall and proudly raised her horn for all to see. She was Trixie. She felt every bit as great and powerful as she once claimed to be.

“Will thou take up this burden?” Twilight’s words were soft, almost interment. Despite being clearly audible to the room, they were meant for one pony only.

You want to do dramatic? Well, two can play at that game. A well-practised flick of her neck and her cape billowed out behind her. “The Great and Powerful Trixie accepts. She will stand with Ponydom’s greatest defenders.”

A slight twitch was the only sign of the smile that wanted to be on Twilight's face. If Trixie were not so close, she never would have noticed.

“Then, I welcome you to my service, Trixie Lulamoon.” Those deep eyes, those pools of liquid magic, blazed white as Twilight leaned in close. Twilight's breath tickled Trixie’s ear. “Let me show you true power.”

Trixie’s body trembled as lavender feathers enclosed her, like the jaws of a hungry timberwolf.

Torrents of power and unfettered magic danced around her. Air failed to sate her burning lungs. Her heart stilled. Unbidden, her mind focused inwards, the flickering flame of her wellspring was now nothing but a lone candle in the eye of the storm.

The show has to go on, the show has to go on. The endless mantra was the only thing that held her there. Her cape hid her bunching muscles and shaking limbs from the crowd.

You, are, mine.

The storm crashed in, pummeling the showmare into the oblivion of unconsciousness.

“Sorry if that was a bit dramatic.” Twilight’s relaxed voice broke through the veil of sleep.

“What?!” Trixie’s head shot up. It only took a moment to take in her new situation. The throne room was gone, replaced by a small living-wood room and the quaint little table her head had been resting on.

“I’m a Princess now, and a certain gravitas is needed for these things. You know I have to keep my stage persona going.”

“Twilight, one minute I thought you were going to kill me and now…” Trixie inhaled, gathering steam for her next point. A pleasant scent reached her nose. It was not hard to identify the bitter aroma of expensive coffee, the rich sweetness of brown sugar and maple syrup and the heady scent of an expensive whisky. Trixie’s eyes found the mug perched on the table. “You’re drinking?”

“Yes, would you like one?”

“The Grateful and Perturbed Trixie would very much like something to settle her nerves.”

A flash of magenta magic placed an augmented coffee before her.

“What was that ‘You are mine’ in that Nightmare voice?”

Twilight let out a weak chuckle and rubbed the back of her neck. “I guess you could say I got a bit too much into character.”

Trixie levied her best not-impressed stare. “A bit?”

Twilight took a seat opposite. “I learned most of how to be a Princess and do Alicorn things from Luna… I might be just a little bit old fashioned.”

“Just to be clear, you don’t want eternal night?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “You realise how much more logistics that would add to just providing enough light for everypony to read? Let alone food production?”

Trixie could not help herself, the laugh just escaped her. “So why are we here?”

Twilight’s aura lifted her mug and took a long drink from her own ‘coffee’. She sighed contentedly.

Trixie looked down at the dark and inviting beverage. The plain, unadorned mug was warm to the touch as she lifted with both hooves. The satisfying warmth filled her mouth as the deep rich flavours caressed her tongue. “This is good.”

Twilight nodded with a warm smile. “I know. This is the best I ever tasted.”

“So, are you going to answer?”

“Oh, this is a mental construct, so you don’t have to experience me fundamentally altering your body and soul.”

Trixie’s heart froze in her chest. My soul...nope, too late now. She gulped down a rather generous amount of the alcoholic coffee, hoping it would dull the edge of the panic wanting to be the headlining event right now. There was none of the burn of neat spirits, just a slowly building ember of contentment building in her stomach.

“Oh, don't worry. I’ve gotten very good at doing this.”

“You have?” Trixie’s surprisingly calm tone asked.

“What do you think making you my Chosen involves?”

“Giving me magic?”

“And what is magic?”


“Come on, Trixie, I know you're smarter than that. Where does our magic come from?”

Long, boring and almost forgotten lectures eventually unearthed themselves. Now reanimated, they slowly provided the answer. “Our souls.”

“Yes, our souls. So how am I giving you magic?”

Wide-eyed, Trixie just stared at Twilight. Half a minute passed before she finally remembered to answer. “Giving me part of your soul?”

“Yes.” Twilight’s answer was as casual as if it was ‘would you like sugar with your tea’. As if this was a common everyday occurrence.

“You would, you have… for me?”

Twilight just nodded.


“You are a good pony, Trixie.” Twilight waved a hoof, a flat plane of magenta magic appeared, upon it the images of the battles as they raced to find the missing foals. “And if I need another reason, you came with me to save my daughter.”

“Is that why it’s for life?”

“Yes, taking this gift back would be...”

“Yes, but you don’t have to worry about that.” Trixie blurted out.

“Now, what I’m doing is topping up your unicorn wellspring to what it would have been before your lost earth pony magic burnt a lot of it away and then providing a matching amount of earth pony magic.”

“So… I’m…”

Twilight smirked. “Yes, you are the Great and Powerful Trixie. Chosen of Twilight, battle mage and stage magician extraordinaire.”

Trixie’s eyes stung with the tears that were not there, that could not be there. “... Thank you.”

“Now finish your drink, I’m nearly finished, and your fans await.”

CH 51.2 Reluctant Spectator

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“Why are you doing this?” Starlight whispered so quietly not another soul could hear it.

Trixie just stood there, eating up all the attention she was getting. Her classic cape and hat somehow failed to look ridiculous atop her guard armour.

The sea of ponykind filled almost the entire throne room. Lavender fabric added a unified appearance to the crowd even as it clashed with some coat colours. Almost every pony had a leg band, sash, cloak or vest proclaiming their loyalty to Twilight.

Their expressions were just a little too happy for having so recently survived the blighted invasion. I know a cult when I see one, Twilight.

Trixie Lulamoon, approach.“ Twilight commanded a thrum of power lacing her words.

"Why, Trixie?" She breathed out as her friend was called forward. How can you be so calm?. This was not some needed medical procedure, no this was an experiment plain and simple. She is going to cut up your soul and modify it. A single mistake, and you’re dead.

Starlight’s magic rattled in her core. It surged. Hours of talking, pleading and rationalising had done nothing.

As Twilight’s praise went on, the gathered ponies ate it up. The newly formed town militia and the few remaining night guards smiled even as they remained at perfect attention.

Rainbow’s cocky smirk looked out from beneath her goggles. The sleek flight suit practically glowed with all the protective magics on it. Twilight’s Mark prominently upon her puffed out chest and the hungry blade attached to her leg advertised she was not just ready for a celebratory airshow.

Twilight’s Captain Candice, the pony that just turned up out of nowhere, stood at rigid attention, some of Rarity’s best work covering her apparently healed body. Haunted eyes, the only thing breaking the mask of perfect formality.

Looking fairly good for a piece of pony charcoal… Inside the mare, thick bands of magic wove back and forth. The energy stitches looked like the only thing holding flesh to bone. What did she do to you?

Emerald Shade blinked, then snapped her gaze to Starlight. Deep green eyes like a wall of thorns glared back. ‘You will not doubt my master’ they screamed.

Why am I the only one that doubts her? Can’t they see this is not how our Twilight acts? Just listen to her word choices. She sounds just like Luna…

Starlight looked, truly looked at Twilight's body posture. It was regal. Refined. Archaic.

Luna can change her form. She proves that each Nightmare Night… Who are you?

A flurry of red dragged Starlight's eyes away. Twilight’s daughter, and the crusaders she enthralled, shot past, their cloaks trailing behind them as they slid to a halt. Only magenta magic stopped them slamming into the wall.

Little Star’s shadow rippled, permitting a little thestral colt to climb out. Like the rest of the foals, he was decked out in toys turned into lethal tools of destruction.

Starlight flicked her eyes between the two groups of personal guards. One had Twilight’s mark on them, the other the rearing pony motif. Like mother, like daughter.

Trixie struck a pose just as if it was one of her shows. “The Great and Powerful Trixie accepts. She will stand with Ponydom’s greatest defenders.”

Twilight loomed larger somehow without growing. She leant closer, intense eyes, almost sensual. “Then, I welcome you to my service, Trixie Lulamoon.” Glowing magenta eyes blazed white.

Starlight watched, just not in the same way as everypony else.

Three dozen analytical and passive detection spells transmuted her view to a complex moving diagram crisscrossed with equations and false colour highlights.

Twilight's presence, her very soul, reached out of her body as her large Alicorn wings imprisoned her best friend.

Magic, enough no mortal pony could survive, swirled and danced. A raging tempest of power. A shiver crawled down Starlight’s spine. She had felt that power, Twilight so casually wrapping the temporal viewing spell with her energy, pouring more and more in from her seemingly infinite wellspring.

You, are, mine.” Twilight did not shout or even raise her voice, yet the words hit Starlight like a physical blow. Something in her just knew, even as she tried to reject it, Trixie, her Trixie, now belonged to another.

Moments later, the small light that was Trixie's soul winked out.

"No…" Starlight started before her brain kicked in. Think Starlight, think. You know how much power Twilight has. She would not stand a chance. She switched her attention to the notations related to Trixie’s body and health. Medical spells and even a few necromancy ones leapt to the forefront of Starlight’s mind.

Breathing is slow but steady. Heart stopped. Stopped!? Blood flow and oxygenation are good. Starlight remembered to breathe. Alright, how? Oh, I see a life support spell.

Twilight’s wings shifted, parting just enough to let Starlight’s magic see a bit more.

Magenta veins of magic flowed through Trixie’s body. It coiled around and thickened each set of leylines. One unicorn, one earth pony.

A ball of power embraced Trixie’s single well spring. Then, with small touches, rotated it. Twilight pushed more and more power in. She crushed it tight, keeping it confined, allowing it a faint glow to become a glaring beacon.

Twilight's eyes met her own, still just two pools of glowing white and yet somehow they seemed to say 'I hope you are taking notes, my student'.

Those beautiful, those terrible eyes turned back to their task, dismissing her.

A cloud of vital green flowed from Twilight's hoof as she placed over Trixie’s heart.

The showmare did not even flinch as the energy forced its way into her chest. Here Twilight was, doing the impossible, again. Doing something that should, by everything Starlight knew, disintegrate Trixie. Who the buck cares what the laws of magic say or even reality itself?

As if in answer, Twilight opened her wings, returning a now larger Trixie to the world of the living. Trixie dropped to a bow. Twin stripes of lavender were now clear in both her mane and tail.

Rise, my chosen.

Trixie elegantly stood to her new height, now at least half a hoof taller. Even her armour seemed to fit better now, as if originally made for her new stature.

The crowd erupted into cheers as a sinking feeling dragged Starlight’s heart down.

CH 52.1 Little Star's Resolve

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Despite such a hectic day, sleep still evaded Little Star. The soft bed cradled her body just like it always did. The blanket she had been lovingly tucked under, warmly embraced her, poorly imitating her mother’s hug.

She breathed in, her mother’s scent lingered in the room still making it feel like home, and yet something would soon be missing.

She turned her eyes towards the ceiling. Above her, a magenta rimmed scrying-window hung in the air, as it had since her mother left the room. Through it, looking so close she could be touched, Twilight gathered supplies. Strips of preserved meat, condensed ration cubes, tents, a legion of flasks and other liquid bearing containers. Each and every item was placed in ordered rows and checked off on Twilight’s list.

Mummy’s leaving… It was inescapable.

“Whooo.” Grey’s soft hoot broke the silence. Zero, times will you ever be alone.

Perched on the bedside table, Grey peered over a large tome, meeting her eyes.

“Who.” Zero, times you will ever be without me.

“Thank you.”

A dim glow formed on Grey’s crafted horn and the page turned. A hint of pride stirred in Little Star’s heart. She had made that. She had crafted the very thing that allowed Grey to work magic. Could I make ones for the rest of my friends.

Wooden wings covered Grey’s avain face. “Whooo.” Zero, times has it been wise to give the Crusaders magic.

“Ah… but…”

One, time I will help you with this madness.

A thrill of excitement dances in her chest. “This is…” The feeling slipped. “You think this is madness?”

Grey nodded.

"... Ponyfeathers."

One, time I have cautioned you about your language.


Zero, times have I minded, but your mother may be less understanding.

“Do you know where mummy is going?”

Grey's magic floated over a globe. With a flick of her wing, she spun it. As it slowed, she rested her wooden talon upon it.


“Whoo,” Grey nodded.

“That makes the meat make more sense. They don’t look as tasty as the Nightguard treats.” Little Star licked her lips. “Why do the Nightguard always laugh when they see me with one?”

“Whoo who.”

“Oh, so most unicorns don't like keeping up with that part of their diet?”

“Who Whoop.”

“They’re damaging their magical development by not getting enough protein and trace nutrition.”

Grey nodded.

“Should I?”

A quill dance over a scroll. The grey aura guiding it through beautiful calligraphy

Line by line, a spell Little Star had never seen before revealed itself on the page.

“Transmutation. This bit will … oh… it will still be the same food, but will look and taste however I want it to?”


“Thank you.” Little Star leapt from the bed and wrapped her closest friend in a hug.

The oatcake levitated in the air. Little Star focused. It was ice cream. Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream.

A jolt rippled along her horn and the oatcake plopped to the floor, splatting like the warm ice cream it now was.

“Note one: Always perform spell over a suitable container for food’s new form. Note two: The spell is unable to alter the temperature of food.”

“Note three.” A yawn overtook Little Star’s whole body. Her hoof raised to cover her mouth.

“Note three: Time for sleep.”

The waking world fled from her senses before her head even hit the pillow.

Quills scratched on paper, and pages rustled as they turned. The soothing sounds escorted Little Star’s mind to a semblance of awareness.

"Are you sure this is the wisest course?" A musical voice said.

Is that Mummy Luna putting on a silly voice? Little Star opened her eyes or tried to. She tried to lift her hoof to her face, again, nothing happened. There was no sensation of motion. Why can’t I move? Mummy?

Don't be scared. Grey’s familiar voice spoke in her mind.


“Whooo.” Yes

“You're making owl sounds now? That's so unbecoming.” Not Mummy Luna said.

“Zero, times have I cared what you thought.” Grey’s monotone voice replied.

“Just remember our arrangement.” Not Mummy said. Hoof steps sounded on wood, moving away.

A warm foreleg warped around her and pulled her into a hug. The soft chime of magic reached Little Star’s ears. A book creaked open and Grey began to read. “Daring Do, her broken wing pressed against her side galloped through the forest…”

Little Star blinked. She was suddenly, inexplicably, wide awake.

“Whoo.” Grey perched upon the bedside table. Her talon delicately turned the page.

Little Star glanced towards the title. ‘Daring Do and the Forest of Doom’ Was it all just a dream? All the things she felt, being paralysed, not even breathing. Little Star nodded to herself. It had to be.

Her eyes went back to Grey. “Morning.” She hopped out of bed with a smile on her face.

Squelch. The smile fell as an icky squirmy feeling crept up her leg. “Oatcake ice cream…”

With a flash of magic, she reappeared in the main bathroom above the scented water.

“Little Star,” Twilight called out in shock.

“Mummy.” Little Star replied as gravity reasserted itself.

Twilight's comforting aura caught her before she even fell a hoof width and pulled her into a hug. Her mother’s breathing slowed from her panic.

Twilight nuzzled her daughter. “So, my Little Star, why did you teleport above my bath?”

She knew this one. “Because if you teleport into water, it rapidly displaces the water.”

“So that’s why the floor was wet the other day?”

“That can’t be. I gathered all the water…”

Her mother's eyes twinkled. “So you have been teleporting into my bath.”

With a small nod, Star gave her answer. “I was performing an experiment…”

“An experiment?”

“Yes, Mummy. We were working on how the exit energy and the shape of the spell array altered the volume displaced and the imparted velocity.”

“I trust you have been recording your findings.”

A series of rapid nods was Star’s only reply.

“Good, you up for writing me a full report on your findings?”

“Yes, Mummy.” Little Star beamed. “Does this mean I can run more experiments?”

Twilight chuckled and nuzzled Little Star. Twilight’s damp coat dragged against Star’s. The sensation was so different from its normal silken smoothness.

Emerald Shade’s magic brushed against Little Star’s horn just before the sound of water moving reached her ears. Little Star’s head followed her sense. A familiar green mane rose from the surface, parting to reveal Emerald’s smiling face.

One of Little Star’s ears lowered as she tilted her head in confusion. “What were you doing, hiding under the water?”

“I was trying to surprise your mother.”

“Oh... sorry for spoiling your prank.”

Emerald smiled, licking her lips. “It is fine, Little Star. How about I go and make some cookies for you and your mother?”


Twilight let out a light laugh. “You know you’re going to spoil her…” Twilight’s eyes tracked to the thick goopy mass dripping from Little Star’s coat. “What is this?”

“An oatcake I tried to turn into ice cream.”

“A new spell?”

“Yes.” Little Star energetically nodded.

“Well, let’s get you cleaned up, and you can tell me all about it.”

With a flash of magic, many sponges, brushes, cloths and every pony cleaning device Little Star could think of appeared around them.

Twilight chuckled. “Somepony’s eager.”

Little Star nestled into the warmth of her mother’s coat, her forehooves warped around her mother’s neck. Don’t go, please don’t go. A small part of her mind hoping despite hope that if she just held on for long enough, her mother would stay.

Twilight strode through the castle. Almost everypony they approached eye’s lit up, and they stood a little straighter. Even the injured ones smiled. Each pony they passed was given a nod or smile in greeting. To a few, she offered the reassuring touch of a wing or hoof.

“Would you like to spend some time reading together?”

“Yes, can I pick the book, Mummy?”

“Naturally, so if you head back to your room and get them ready, I will be along soon.”


Little Star brushed her hoof along the crystal wall. Can you take me to my room, please? In less than a blink, she was back in her room.

Grey bowed her head in greeting. Nine, seconds before you should be scrying on your mother.

The scrying spell formed as easily as breathing. The form, the intent, rotate the array just so and apply power. The magic window opened before relieving her mother in the ruins of the town.

Twilight strode towards a pony. “Starlight, good I was hoping to catch you before I left.”

“Twilight.” Starlight replied as she dropped in to bow.

“Rise, you don’t need to bow to me Starlight, we are friends.”

“In case you have not noticed, you’ve been playing the Princess Card quite heavily...”

Twilight sighed. “Yes, yes I have, but it’s what the ponies need.”

“So what do you need, Twilight?”

“I have a favour to ask.”


“This can be a simple favour, or a royal job offer.”


Twilight held up a hoof. “Hear me out before you answer.”

Starlight levelled a hard look at Twilight before she nodded.

“I want you to run magic classes for the town. You are the most skilled unicorn I know.” Twilight smirked. “Not to mention when it comes to raw magical power, only Alicorns exceed you.”

Starlight nodded slowly.

“Start with basic defensive spells, then add whatever healing and offensive spells you think they can each manage.”

“You want me to train everypony to fight.”


“You know that most ponies here are not fighters, they’re not guards.”

“I know, I also know our foes won’t care. Use your best judgment who to teach what, but I want everypony with a horn able to at least hold off two foes for five minutes.”

Starlight just stared at Twilight. “You know this is going to require teaching them spells they’re not legally allowed to know?”

Twilight nodded. “The paperwork is already in order.”

“You thought of everything.”

“Yes… even this.”

Starlight tilted her head in confusion.

Trixie happily trotted in, a simple illusion spell hiding the two new stripes in her mane.

“One of your two personal students.”

Starlight’s eyes widened then narrowed. “You’re leaving her here?”

“Yes, I could use her how she is now.” Twilight’s voice lowered. “I know you love her, therefore I give you this chance to prepare her for the challenges ahead.”

“Are you using me or doing me a favour?”

Twilight rubbed the back of her neck, a sheepish smile on her face. “A little bit of both, I’m ashamed to say.”

“Well, at least you're honest…”

“I only do what I have to...” Twilight’s muzzle dipped towards the ground. With a pop of magic, a scroll flashed into existence. “Starlight… Read this.”

Starlight’s eyes widened then she gasped, falling back to her haunches.

“And now you see…” Twilight’s eyes locked with Starlight’s. “I have to stop this blight.” Twilight’s head fell again. “And if I have to spend lives to do it… I will.”


“I know you think I am unstable, I’m a monster, and you’re right.”

Starlight went to speak. Twilight silenced her with a wingtip over her mouth.

“I have a mission, a target and a duty. After all this is done, we can sit down with hot chocolate with marshmallows in and we can talk.”

Starlight nodded solemnly.


“Who’s the other special student?”

“Oh, my daughter.”

“You want me to?”

“I can’t think of anypony better. In a lot of ways your spellcraft is more refined than mine.”

“It comes from not being an Alicorn…”

Twilight looked over her shoulder at just the right angle to look straight into the scrying spell. “Just make sure you give her solid rules on when each spell should not be used.”

“Of course.” Starlight paused for a few seconds. “Have You seen what she turned those toys into?”

“Yes, I’m quite proud of her progress in item enchanting.”

“You know what they do?”

Twilight nodded. “She made tools appropriate for the threat level.”

“But, she’s just a foal.”

“A foal that held off those that had captured me and teleported both of us across the nation.”

“That was her? But she was not there in the...”

“She was using an advanced stealth spell, one that I’m not even sure how she learned.”


“I think she has the potential to be a better spellcaster than either of us in time.”


“Just have a good look at even the simple items she created, really break down how she did it and then make your mind up.”

What did those lists of place names and numbers mean… and why were some of them crossed out? Little Star wondered.

Grey’s softly glowing eyes dimmed. Her horn lit, a grey aura lifting a quill and writing a simple name and number. With a wing, she pointed to the number.

“Ponyville..” Star stopped, that number… that was the number of ponies that died.

“So many…” she did not know any of them, “Were they good ponies?”

Grey dipped her head in a slow nod.

“And the places crossed out are gone, aren’t they?”


“And mummies leaving to stop this…”


Little Star wiped the tears from her eyes. “Then I need to show her I can be a big pony… That I’ll be alright so she can go out and save everypony.”

“Hey? What's wrong, Star?” Scootaloo said, casually hovering in the air.

“Mummy’s leaving… if I can work out a spell to destroy all the evil monsters in Equestria, she won't have to go.”

“That’s a mighty big thing to try and do….” Applebloom said.

“Leave it to the grown-ups.” Crash said

“But I can help…”

“Yeah.” Crash waved a wing. “But unless you know the plans of all the Princesses, don’t try to do anything so big, you might mess up. “

Little Star thought about it. Any large scale spell like that could affect many things. Just that level of magical energy rippling out would have unintended consequences… An image of Candice’s charred form flashed through her mind. The smell of burnt flesh invaded her nose.

“Just deal with the threats in front of you.”

Just deal with the threats in front of me… Little Star’s mind danced with the possibilities of augmenting a certain ‘cleaning’ spell she knew.

CH 53.1 Trixie Back to School

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Trixie lay upon her back. The darkened crystal ceiling was not the most interesting thing to look at. Starlight’s soft breaths were the only thing to violate the utter silence of the night. The rhythmic sound, as familiar as it was tonight, was nothing but a reminder of the sleep that evaded her.

Even sharing Starlight’s room, the comfort of the so-called ‘small and cramped’ room was far beyond that afforded by her wagon. The simple leftovers and spare bedding would have been considered luxury items.

Trixie rolled over, almost drowning in the softness of the still unfamiliar mattress. With every motion, power thrummed and flowed through her limbs. It was like all the years of hard labour was nothing before the blessings from Twilight.

All this power, and I’m being left behind. Relief and disappointment battled in her heart. Her mind could not help but focus on the foal she would be sharing magic lessons with. And she's sending me back to magical kindergarten. Trixie snorted.

Starlight stirred, mumbling a few words. “Hrr? mphe quiet.”

Trixie winced, her body froze. Barely even breathing, she waited. Fortunately, after a moment, Starlight simply rolled over before sleep reclaimed her.

Breathe in, breathe out. Even the rise and fall of her chest carried power with it. No matter how much this seemed to work for Twilight, it did nothing for her now. Hoards of monsters danced behind her eyelids, eagerly chasing off any hope of sleep.

She needed a distraction. She had to get her mind off things. Here in the silence of the night, with no audience, her normal bluster and showponyship could do nothing to bolster her.

Trixie lifted her hoof and touched her horn, her new thicker, longer horn. It was not much of a change, but with such an intimate part of anatomy, any change was noticeable, no matter how small. This is what you wanted Trixie, to be great and powerful…

Twilight had given up a part of her soul and placed it in her. Trixie’s hoof rested against her chest. Power, power unparalleled to any she had wielded before, now rested in her chest. I’m her’s. She would never admit it, but a small worry nagged at her. Had she made the right choice? “Well, too late now,” she breathed out in less than a whisper.

She lay there, just letting her senses take in what they could. There were the normal background things. In the darkness and with her new power, all the smells seemed stronger, richer water, the lavender scent of the detergent for the bed cloths, dusty powder and smokey notes from Trixie’s own equipment.

Trixie cast a glance at her friend's sleeping form. She looked normal, peaceful even, but Starlight’s normally reassuring scent was tainted with acrid hints of fear and stress. How much of this is my fault?

Maybe a hug would help? The image of breaking her Starlight came to mind. A flash from the battle added authenticity, it was nothing more than the sound of bones snapping under powerful blows, but it was more than enough. A shudder rocked her body.

She turned away as much she craved the reassurance of physical contact she would not hurt her Starlight. She would not break her friend like she had that door, table and wall yesterday.

With those wonderful thoughts, Trixie's good night of sleep had not just left her, it must have fled the country. She lay there, eyes closed, trying to focus on new tricks, new ways she could wow the crowds.

With every new idea, she thought of the risks, all the things any stage magician had to take into account to be able to perform safely. Yet the battle for Ponyville and the quest to save the foals in the Everfree had changed her. Every risk, everything that could go wrong could instead be exploited. She considered her humble smoke bombs. All I would need to do would be to change the mix. So many of her spells and tools could be used as weapons.

A dry tongue licked parched lips. Trixie lifted her head, and by the reflected moonlight, located the answer to her dehydration. Her aura reached out, not even with enough magic to truly light her horn.

Crack. The jug of water shattered shards of glass exploded. Sharp stings burst across her face.

A heavy sigh escaped her. All the thirst-quenching water ran down the sides of the bedside table. “Maybe Trixie is a bit too great and powerful…” She muttered under her breath.

“No more fireworks, go back to sleep,” Starlight groaned as she buried her head under her pillow.

She sniffed, taking in the scents in the air. Luckily there was not a single hint of blood. Her coat must have taken the worst of things.

Slowly, carefully, she extended the grip field from her hoof. It rippled out invisible. To most ponies, the grip field was dull and could barely feel anything. To Trixie, it was more detailed than her normal sense to touch. Years of slight-of-hoof had its uses. The tactile sensations of the soft weave of the bedding felt so different from the hard and jagged fragments of glass.

After a few minutes, each shard of glass was found and gathered.

Twilight or Starlight could have just waved their horn and repaired the jug. They probably could even have put the water back in without even a single mote of dust. Trixie stopped herself from snorting. “I’m powerful, now all I need to do is become great.”

Carefully placing each hoof, she quietly slipped from the bedroom. She trickled the smallest amount of magic to her horn. Her eyes screwed shut against the glaring radiance. She strained and clamped down on the magic flow as much as she could. Still, it was bright, but at least now, it was bearable.

By hornlight, she made her way to the bathroom. She picked her way between and around boxes, barrels and bundles of all shapes and sizes. The wide-open hallways now looked like nothing more than a warehouse with bizarre walls.

Some piles were even stacks of slightly scorched timbers salvaged from one or more of the destroyed homes. Trixie rolled her eyes. “Twilight Sparkle, Alicorn princess of over preparedness and OCD.” Anything and everything that might have a possible use had been dragged inside the castle for storage.

Stepping into the bathroom, she looked to the mirror, assessing the damage. As expected, not a single speck of blood or cut marred her form. With a hoof, she brushed the last glass from her coat. Only a few pieces had caught in her flesh but failed to price her new tough skin.

Her eyes settled on the new addition to her appearance. The twin stripes of magenta ran the full length of both her mane and tail. They marked her Chosen of her Princess for all to see.

Twilight’s words still haunted her. ‘And if I have to spend lives to do it… I will.’ Her reflection trembled, not a hint of arrogance remained.

The wall was cold against her hoof as she rested it next to the mirror. “Why would anypony want to be a Princess?” She asked. Her reflection had no answers.

Morning rolled around without mercy, as did Starlight's hoof as it repeatedly shook Trixie. “I’m awake.” She protested as she half-opened her eyes.

“Trixie, why is there a bag of glass shards on the bedside table?”

“Oh, that.” Trixie trailed off for a moment before Starlight’s unimpressed stare forced more words out. “I’m starting to see why magic lessons are a good idea.”

“You had your magic artificially increased and now you're having trouble controlling it?”

Trixie nodded. “The Alicorn amulet was not like this.”

“That's because…”

Trixie held up her hoof. “I know the Alicorn Amulet was a cheat, a crutch.” She stretched, once again raw physical power thumbed through her limbs. A deep breath filled her lungs and convinced her body it was time to be awake.

Despite the rough night, both her senses and mind were as sharp as they had ever been. She looked at the brushes and other grooming supplies. The queue for the shower or bath might be over an hour at this time of day, but still, a showpony had to look their best.

“I’ll do it.” The brushes lifted in Starlight’s aura. The bristles lightly tugged as they moved through her mane. The attention was clinical, precise, and yet still, it helped soothe Trixie. The warmth of the reassuring nuzzle did more. “What am I going to do with you?”

“Help Trixie truly become Trixie the Great and Powerful?”

The brushes paused, frozen in the air. Starlight’s first nod was a small thing. The second was firmer. “It's the only choice Twilight left us.” Bitterness marred the affectionate tone.

Oh so carefully, Trixie reached out and touched Starlight's cheek. “I chose this.”

The hard edge to Starlight's gaze faded. She pressed into the contact. “I know.”

Trixie leaned closer. “And now I have the chance to be worthy of you.” She almost cringed at how timid, how guilty her voice sounded.

“You never needed…”

“I know, but I wanted to.”

Starlight’s eyes flicked with emotions and thoughts likely far too complex for Trixie to really understand. Breaths were only sounds between them as Trixie held Starlight’s gaze.

The chime of magic resumed, followed by the soft rasp of brushes as the grooming continued.

Starlight pulled back. “This won’t be easy.”

“Easy led to the Alicorn Amulet. You can buck easy out the window.”

Her Starlight’s smirk was a joy to see. The orb of metal that popped into existence was not.

The metal orb launched itself at her. She did not flinch or try to run as she did when she was a foal. Her hoof started to lift, but Starlight’s magic dragged it back down.

Here goes nothing. Trixie’s horn blazed into life, a brilliant aura enveloped the orb. It slammed to a stop as if striking an invisible wall. “Really? A foals ball?”

“It’s the best place to start. Simple control exercise.”

The only orb wobbled and vibrated as Trixie’s magic held it aloft. There was no crunch as it compacted, no explosions as her magic destroyed it. No, despite Twilight’s gift, the orb remained intact.

Trixie directed a raised eyebrow to Starlight.

“Twilight believes in being prepared. That was to be for Flurry Heart's lessons.”

“I need Alicorn grade training equipment now?” Well, that explains everything.

Starlight laughed. “Don't let it go to your head.”

Trixie glared at her archnemisis. The little metal orb trembled. “You will not fall.” She half growled under her voice. The glare from her horn intensified, and the orb stilled somewhat.

“Trixie, you know, the more power you use, the more the orb will resist you.” Starlight said as she pushed her less than appetising rations around the plate.

The weight dragging her head reinforced the words. It was as if the world itself was pushing down on the tip of her horn. The field around the orb changed. Rather than being heavy and trying to pull away, it became slippery and rushed towards her.

Her hoof just lifted off the ground, the action too late before it was even started.


Pain exploded in her horn. The energy held in its luminescence sparked and fizzed. The crystal floor rang as the metallic orb impacted.

“Why does it always have to do that?”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “You know why.”

“Because most unicorn teachers are sadistic?”

An amused snort escaped Starlight. “Some of them sure, but no, it does that to ground any magic in your horn.”

“It still hurts…”

“Trixie… you're one of Twilight's Chosen. You are going to end up in battle. You are going to get hurt…”

Lifting the orb by hoof was foal's play. The hoof sized meal orb felt like it weighed less than a bouncy ball. With a casual flick, she tossed it away. Her aura snatched it up before it hit the wall.

“This time, take your time. Don’t apply more power until you have to.” As Starlight spoke, the orb shifted, rolled and vibrated.

Every time Trixie had a firm hold, it would try something else to escape.

The scent of roasted grains and dried fruit wafted under Trixie's muzzle. “Eat.” Starlight commanded.

Trixie did not even take her eyes off her energy. One moment of inattentiveness and it would smack her on the horn again. More by feel than anything else, she found her breakfast. Starlight’s aura released it as soon as Trixie got her teeth on it.

“I want you to have this orb with you, held in your magic all day every day until I tell you otherwise.”

The old Trixie would have complained. The old Trixie would have rejected it. The new Trixie simply took out her frustration by utterly destroying the ration bar she chewed on.

Trixie was not embarrassed. Even if you had photographic evidence, she would say it was faked. She picked her way through the crowded hallway. Each hooffall by necessary carefully placed. There was just so much stuff scattered everywhere.

Oh no you don’t. Trixie just halted the orb’s flight less than hoof away from her horn. Baleful eyes reflected back at her in its polished metal surface.

A flash of light drew her eyes to where Little Star popped into existence, already vibrating on the spot. “Come on, Trixie, you don’t want to be late for class on the first day…”


Trixie sighed as she held her hoof out to catch the now inactive orb.

Mini-Twilight tilted her head, ear half-cocked as she examined the training orb. Trixie offered it to her. She grabbed it with both her hooves and gazed into its reflective surface.

A scroll flashed into existence, magenta lines and words scrolling themselves across its surface before it winked out again.

“Now come on, we can't be late.”

Not even a blink later, and Starlight was before her. No, Starlight had not appeared. Trixie had been moved. No flash, no sensation in her horn.

Trixie’s eyes followed the little lavender pony as she settled herself down, surrounded by a small mountain of school supplies. What are you? Almost numbly, Trixie settled on the cushions prepared for her.

Starlight tapped her hoof. “Trixie, your orb…”

Trixie looked over to see it floating there in Little Star’s aura. A second aura of a slightly different colour seemed to surge whenever the orb tried to struggle. How?

“Little Star.”

“Yes, Miss Starlight.”

“Can you remove your spell work from the Training orb so Trixie can continue her practice?”

“Yes, Miss.”

Both auras vanished. Trixie caught it in her own, and immediately the orb began to struggle. Your not going to get me again.

On the face of things, this class was utterly ridiculous. A foal in a lesson beside a fully grown mare. Only the threat of the orb stopped Trixie from shaking her head. That one bit of spell work, holding the orb still without effort, was so far beyond Trixie it was not funny. Even though every bit of the magic had felt simple, somehow, it had all been combined to do something impossible.

Starlight started the lesson. It was a good thing that Trixie already knew some of the content, so she managed to keep that Tartarus damned orb from striking her horn. At least she knew how to take notes by hoof, there was no way she was going to be able to levitate a quill as well as the orb.

Twilight's presence brushed against Trixie’s entire being. Even without a single sound or scent, she knew exactly where her Princess was. Twilight strode into the room with her long elegant strides.

“Mummy.” The familiar flashes of light marked Little Star departure and arrival points for her teleport.


The muscles in Trixie’s leg tensed, and her limb vibrated. Instead of smashing the orb, she once more took it up in her aura.

Twilight gave the smallest of nods before looking to Starlight. “How are your personal students?”

“They have potential.”

“Good. I know I’m asking a lot of you.”

Starlight shook her head. “It's better than the alternative.”

“Do not neglect the rest of your duties.”

“Don’t worry about anything here, Twilight. We will hold the castle while you are out….” Starlight glanced to Little Star for a moment. “Doing what you have to.”

Twilight nodded. Before her cold ancient eyes looked straight through mear flesh and right into Trixie's very soul, “Trixie, it would be advisable to make sure you use this time to its fullest.”

“I will, Princess.”

Little Star clung to her mother. As casual as the embrace looked, it was clear the amount of effect the filly put into the embrace. It was as if she thought by strength alone she might keep her mother from leaving.

Twilight turned her attention back to her daughter. The harsh eyes of the ruler returned to the tender ones of a loving mother. “How would you like to learn to make cookies?” She asked as she held her daughter close and nuzzled her.

The excited chatter about what sort of treats they should make echoed back long after they had exited the classroom.

So much of Ponyville had been lost. Whole buildings torn down due to damage or for raw materials. What was once the most welcoming place in Equestria was now as friendly as a levelled horn.

Ponies patrolled the walls, weapons ready. Cannons peaked out from the balconies of the crystal castle. The red paintwork informed all they were not loaded with party supplies.

Applejack stalked through the new fields.

The pegasi circling overhead kept a wide berth as Rainbow rocketed through the air. Her drunken flight path advertising her power as just as unstable as Trixie’s own. With each pass, with every manoeuvre, Rainbow got better. Minute by minute, she mastered Twilight’s gift.

Trixie’s glare looked back at her from the metallic sheen of the orb. Her eyes narrowed as they tracked the prismatic mare. Anything you can do, Trixie can do better.

She marched to the target range. Magically reinforced piles of junk were lined up shaped into foalish approximations of monsters.


One breath, then two. Trixie took up the orb in her magic and tried again.

It was not long before explosions and Trixie's shouts cursing a certain metal orb rang out over Ponyville.

CH 53.2 Risen Hope

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The thick pile carpet was a luxury for his tired hooves but one that could only do so much. With each motion, small spikes of pain bit into his overtaxed flesh.

Blueblood was not accustomed to pain, nor the hard labour that had birthed this incarnation of it. It was just something he would rather not have to deal with, and yet nopony had forced him to help. He insisted.

The scented waters of his personal bath called with its siren song even as his hooves carried him further away from his personal chambers.

The now familiar energy caressed him. Cool magic with its feather-light touch banished every ache and pain. The simple lack of suffering was the greatest luxury his tired mind could conceive.

Platinum’s refined scent arrived moments before her words. “You have done well, my Prince. But there is yet more to be done.”

Blueblood nodded, a subtle smile on his muzzle. Any observer he knew would have simply seen him spend a moment to gather himself. To him, even without a reflection, she stood beside him, her pose and grace unmatched by any of the modern pretenders.

He straightened. His hooves carried him onwards with a much steadier gait.

The early morning sun cast long strips of alternating light and shadow throughout the corridor. Platinum paused, her head turning upon her graceful neck. Her perfect horn practically pointed at the window as she regarded the estate’s grounds below.

Outside, his ponies still toiled. None of them had even slept a moment since the new work started. A second and far simpler airship sat next to the unrecognisable form of his former personal yacht. It was nowhere near as impressive as Wayfarer, the still incomplete light warship.

Pegasi zipped about as they fastened the last of the ropes. Hammers and paintbrushes danced in many hues of auras. Even the smallest Earthponies did by main strength what no two other ponies could.

“Not even twenty hours of work,” Blueblood said, not even trying to keep the pride for what these ponies had achieved from his voice. It was amazing what only two dozen ponies of all tribes working together could do.

A tilt of Platinum’s horn guided him to the tail of the almost functional airship. There, proud as could be, was his mark.

“I did not ask them…”

“You did not have to. For once, my Prince, they are proud to work for you.”

Then he saw it. Despite the tired eyes and determination in the way their leadened limbs moved, they smiled, they talked, some even sang though the sound of it could not beach his warded home.

“They’re happy?”

“They are doing something they know is right for both a cause and a pony they believe in.”

Something stirred in Blueblood’s chest. “I only hope I can be worthy of them.”

“Come, my Prince.” Platinum said as she headed deeper into the house.

Blueblood followed.

The golden framed mirror was an oddity in a typical armoury. In a noble’s one, in a time that had seen no real conflict in generations, it was but an expected feature.

Platinum’s magic finished fastening the last of the straps. The links of finely made chainmail moved against each other, allowing a flexibility of motion no solid plate armour could match. If it was not for the unfamiliar weight that pressed down upon him, he could almost have mistaken it for mere clothing.

Finally, his blades settled in place, one pair to each side. His armament of two long slender rapiers and a pair of sturdy spell daggers was twice that permitted in his old duelling circuit.

A brush worked through his mane. Its effect was somewhat cruder than normal. After a moment, he could see what Platinum was trying to achieve. He stood a little taller.

The stallion that looked back at him in the mirror was not the stuck up Blueblood of just weeks ago. Instead, there was a brave hero of a pony, slightly overworked, yet still firm in his resolve.

Platinum Check nodded.

With the final weather sealing applied, the salvage and reclaimed materials appeared uniform. You could not see the hodgepodge and improvised nature of the new airship.

“Is she airworthy?” Blueblood asked, trying to keep any misgivings from his tone.

The aged stallion nodded.

Blueblood looked over the two flat-packed armoured wagons and literal tones of mixed supplies. “And she can take the weight.”

“I don't know who you got to enchant your air carriage, but the work was top-notch. Each piece was individually enspelled, and the runes were inlaid with an alloy of gold and platinum.”

“A multi-million-bit carriage turned into a hundred thousand bit airship.” Blueblood shook his head, a wry smile on his face. “What would my father think?”

Blueblood rocked forward. The light supportive tap was almost enough to drive him to the ground. The aged stallion snorted. “If he is half the stallion you are, he'd tell you that you done right.”

“What should we call her?”

The stallion hummed. “Well, I can think of many names, most that would not exactly be polite.”

“Go on.”

“Well, given the rushed nature and the scavenged source of parts, it’s not exactly a thoroughbred airship.”

“That just means there is never going to be another like her.” Blueblood took on a contemplative pose as he regarded the ship. “With nothing but our hard work, our resolve, we achieved something others thought impossible… Risen Hope, that will be her name.”

Blueblood’s eyes tracked over the scroll once more. By Royal order, he was to use Ponyville as a base and establish an armed caravan to the surrounding settlements that lacked a direct rail connection.

This is what we want. Platinum said, her beautiful eyes looking into his from the reflection.

It is?

Yes, my Prince. Not only are you doing your duty to Equestria as any true heir of the Platinum line should, this way, we are out from under the tyrant's gaze.

The last of the supplies and equipment had been loaded. Each and every luxury in his home called to him. His four newest hires for his guards waited aboard.

A dozen ponies waited for him, unicorns all. For once, the single tribe nature of this group had nothing to do with tribalism or unicorn superiority. No, there were simply fewer unicorns out in the rural areas. They would be the ones most needed to restore the harmony and potential that could be achieved by all three tribes working together.

Aged ponies stood beside ones barely more than foals. Two of the young ones happily chatted, apparently oblivious to the tragedies unfolding below the peaks of Canterlot. The ones who had helped with the construction should have been dead on their hooves, yet they stood tall.

As he approached, they formed into a rough line. On paper, each was equipped the same, a nimble sword, a spell breaker dagger, a buckler and flexible light armour. In reality, it was a riot of colours and style.

Each weapon was a unique family heirloom or a prestigious blade wielded by those who claimed the championship. The light fabric armour they wore was reinforced with metal threads, scales or sometimes small plates. Each colour on the brave ponies spoke of their house or instructor.

Blueblood stood before them and, one by one, met each of their gazes. There was no condescension in his eyes. Each of these ponies were about to put themselves in harm's way. Each was as untested as he was, a few masked their fear behind bravado, but firm determination looked out from each set of eyes. Each had heard Celestia’s call to action, and each had answered.

A moment like this needs symbolism. Platinum moved so close her breath tickled his ear.

He faithfully spoke each word with conviction as she whispered it into his ear. The words flowed from his lips even though they were not his own. He was an actor following Platinum’s script.

Enchanted silver hissed as it left its scabbard. With a flourish, his aura drew his heirloom blade and rendered a salute. Their response was not as crisp and unified as the guard could manage, but each pony before him returned it. In that moment, they were not random ponies. They were those willing to be heroes, protectors of the defenceless, paragons of what ponies could be.

Blueblood dropped the salute, weapons found their sheaths and his ponies marched aboard the Risen Hope.

That could have made quite a painting for the family gallery.

I will see to it, my Prince.

You paint?

Platinum’s laugh was sweet and playful, yet so different from her normal attitude, but it still utterly suited her. Yes, I used to paint whenever my duties permitted… but it has been such a very long time.

The deck was crowded as the city retreated below them. The ascent was so much slower than by pegasus pulled carriage or chariot. His two pegasi guards stood, eyes closed, channelling their magic into the ship. The enchanted remnants of his luxury air carriage did their job, spreading the pegasus magic over the craft.

The turn was slow, each motion was cumbersome, but now they were on their way to Ponyville.

“Sir, rest while you can.”

The deck was not the most comfortable place to lay his weary body, but it hardly mattered. As soon as he stopped moving, heavy eyelids fell like portcullises hiding the world away.

Sweet dreams, my Prince.

A few hours of sleep had worked wonders on his tired body. If he did not know better, he would have thought he had a full night's rest.

Blueblood nodded to their escort. Two armoured pegasi flew just the other side of the railing. “Is that the barding from the games?”

“Yeah,” The closer one, with the comically small wings compared to his massive bulk, said.

The other one slammed an armoured hoof against the thick front plate. “When Twilight makes something to keep a pony safe, she doesn't mess around.”

“Princess Twilight does constantly impress,” Blueblood said.

The normal proportioned guard let their head lower. “A lot of ponies are alive who would not be if not for it.”

Blueblood followed the escort's gaze and took in the landscape below. It had changed since he had taken his personal air carriage on this same route. Ponyville was nothing like it had been during the tournament held to honour Luna and Twilight’s courtship.

War had come to the small town. Powerful magic had carved still smoking gouges into the landscape. Craters marked where deadly spells had detonated. Ash and the skeletal remains of both buildings and trees marked where fire left a reminder of what it could do other than provide warmth or heat food. The scene was one from ancient paintings, the ones carefully hidden in dark corners or so deeply buried in the museum that a pony would have to know they were there to ever find them.

Another I will add to your gallery.

Why would anypony want a painting of this?

To know why we fight, to know what we seek to prevent.

Far below, Twilight walked out onto her balcony, standing between a pair of red-painted cannons. Even from here, he could feel the weight of Twilight’s regard. Judging and yet compassionate, powerful and yet gentle.

Her horn lit and magenta magic enveloped multiple ruined buildings. With a flick of her horn and just a casual toss of her head, the land was scraped clean. All the debris gathered to the side, leaving a wide open area, flat and level, perfectly sized for the Risen Hope to land. With a nod and a graceful sweep of her wing, she bid them do just that.

Turning, the princess strode back inside, vanishing from view.

Just how much more could I do if Aunty had not stolen my birthright?

CH 53.3 Little Star's First Day at Magical Kindergarten

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Moisture threatened to escape Little Star’s closed eyes as she snuggled almost desperately into the softness that enveloped her. Her mother’s lavender-scented feathers enclosed her, shielding her from the rest of the world.

Her mother’s heartbeat, slow and powerful, soothed even as it counted down the time until mother and daughter would be apart. If neither of us gets up, Mummy does not have to leave. She knew it was untrue, and even with time magic, she could only stretch the moment so long.

Her mother’s tender nuzzle was one of the last she would receive until her return. “Be strong, my daughter.”

She did not want to be strong, she just wanted her mother to stay, but Little Star nodded anyway. “Yes, Mummy.”

Her mother's lips brushed Little Star's forehead. Then she began to sing. As each loving word reached her ears, the world of sleep drew closer.

"I love you, Mummy." Little Star breathed out as sleep claimed her.

To the tune of her mother's song, she danced between the stars and built sandcastles on the moon. Time had little meaning as the days and nights passed. Sometimes, there were two of her mothers, sometimes, only one.

As she looked out upon the near-endless field of cities and places crafted from the lunar dust, clarity slowly crept into her mind. "Mummy?"

"Yes, my Little Star?"

"I'm dreaming, right?"

Her mother smiled at her with that smile that was just for her. Pride swelled in her little chest.

"That's right, a little trick your mother taught me."

"So, you're really here?"

"Yes, my daughter, we are here."

The leather wing that enfolded her felt so alien without the individual feathers brushing her coat, yet the love was still there. This was still her Mummy Twilight, even if she sounded a bit like Mummy Luna right now.

“You are going to defeat all the monsters and bad ponies and come home?”

“As quickly as we... I can.” Her mother’s loving smile shifted, showing fangs as her eyes narrowed to slits. “They shall pay for each minute they force us to be apart.”

“I’ll learn all I can. I'll keep Ponyville safe. I promise. "

"I know you will, my Little Monster Slayer." Her mother leaned closer, resting her larger horn against Little Star's own.

The loving horn contact lingered. Like resting your ear on a pony’s chest to hear a heartbeat to feel a pony’s breathing, touching your horn to another allowed a pony to sense the flow of magic, to taste the intent the arcane energies had. Love, pride and protectiveness flavoured her mother’s magic, spiced with just a hint of resentment at the approaching separation and a deep longing to simply stay.

Slowly their horns parted. No words were needed, in that moment they both knew how the other felt.

Her mother lifted her larger hoof to the sky. With a wave, the stars began to dance. Painted by starlight, the battle with the hydra played out.

Little Star lay on her back and settled into her mother’s embrace as they watched and critiqued everything in detail. The celestial battle played out in many ways. Each time with a new problem, a new lesson to be learned.

Some of the tactical challenges added bad ponies into the situations.

You’re not going to hurt Mummy again.

“Wakey wakey, you don't want to be late for school.”

A tender nuzzle dragged Little Star fully into the waking world. Slowly her mother’s words settled into her mind. Her eyes snapped open with a start. “Late?”

“Well, if you sleep in much longer, there is a risk.” Her mother said with a wide smile.

Little Star’s head tilted. “Mummy, do you have fangs sometimes?”

Twilight’s Ears stiffened, and then she half-cocked her head. “Now, where did that question come from?”

“You were there in my dreams, and we made castles on the moon… and you looked a bit like Comet Crash.” Something stilled Little Star’s tongue before she mentioned the battle review.

“Your new friend? Hmm.” Twilight hummed and then nodded to herself before she smiled, adopting the teaching tone that caused Little Star's magic to reflexively reach for paper and ink. “Well, you know Alicorns are a combination of all tribes?”

Little Star nodded, everypony knew that.

“That includes thestral. We can switch between pegasus and thestral features at will… but some ponies find Alicorns with fangs disturbing.”


“It's because of…” Her mother looked down. “There was a time when your mother and Celestia got into a bit of an… argument.”

One thousand, years Princess Luna was banished to the Moon. Grey interjected.

“A thousand years?” Just the thought of anypony being alone for so long was horrible. Her eyes widened and locked on to her mother. No… “Is Celestia going to do that to you?”

A spark of fire danced in her mother's eyes. “No.” The answer was almost a whisper, yet the room trembled, and the crystal darkened.

“Mummy?” Little Star said, resting a hoof upon her mother's leg. “Are you alright?”

Twilight blinked, her eyes returned to normal. Everything was as if nothing had happened. “Yes, Little Star.” She said as her magenta aura enveloped Little Star, its magic tingled with little ticklish touches. “Now come here and give your mother a hug.”

Little Star was more than happy to comply.

“Now, you want to apply the thermal energy slowly,” Twilight said, the pancake batter held in the form of a disk by her aura.

Numbers, loyal as ever, provided all the conclusions. How many thaums of magic it would take to raise the batter to the ideal cooking temperature. How many more would leave a pony a charred mess of ruined flesh.

A tremble ran down Little Star’s spine. Even now she could see Candice’s blackened body, still and almost lifeless. Only temporal magic that stretched the last seconds of her life into years had even allowed the chance to save her. I could do that. The small whimper in her mind said.

Soft feathers traced lines in Little Star’s coat. Each stroke of the wing banishing just a little more of the tension. Her mother’s loving eyes held hers.

“We are not what we could do. We are only what we choose to do.” Twilight paused. “Remember that well, my daughter.”

Little Star nodded. If only everypony else remembered that too.

“Now, you must be getting hungry?” Twilight said with a playful twinkle in her eyes.

Magic flowed through Little Star’s horn. The gooey liquid lifted into the air easily enough. The fluid conformed to the shape of the energy that confined it.

Little Star paused. “Mummy, are these still pancakes if we don't use a pan to make them?”

“Yes, the method may be different, but the end result is still the same. If they were first created this way, it is likely they would possess a different name.”

“Like aura cakes? Or magic disks?”

Twilight nodded. “As they are named, as they are, and with the ingredients needed, I can only assume they are an Earth Pony discovery.” She tipped her horn to the still cool batter suspended by Little Star’s aura. “Now you’re going to have to add some heat if you wish it to cook…”

“Right.” Little Star focused. What was the specific heat capacity of pancake batter? Less than a hoof full of batter really was not going to take much energy.

For a moment, the sound of a quill scratching paper tickled Little Star’s ear before Grey’s calming monotone answered. Thirteen point one four thaums per degree per quarter celestial measure.

Little Star carefully weighed the proto pancake. With a few mental sums, she knew the magnitude of magic to push into her horn.

Slowly thuams of magic were transmuted into thermal energy.

“Good, just like that. Now, add a bit more.”

Little Star nodded, her eyes fixed with determination on the alchemy that was cooking that was happening right before her eyes. The liquid batter slowly solidified, the pale yellow browning as it cooked.

Little Star diligently placed each tome and scroll around her. Ink, quills, paper, everything was just where it should be. She smiled as the seconds ticked by on the clock.

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock. Each second was one closer to the start of the lesson. Her shoulders slumped slightly. Each second was one less her mother would be in Ponyville.

Hooves clicked on crystal as they drew nearer.

Twenty-three, seconds. Grey mentioned.

Twenty-two. Twenty-one. One by one, Little Star counted each sound. “Morning, Miss Starlight.”

Starlight hesitated at the doorway. “Somepony is eager.” Her eyes then tracked to the still empty place beside Little Star. “And somepony is not.”

“I’ll get her.” Little Star said. Even with all the ponies in the castle, it only took a moment to expand her senses and feel around for Trixie. All she had to do was filter out all the ponies that did not have some of her mother’s magic in them. Not this one. No, that’s Rainbow. There you are. Just like that, Little Star vanished in a flash of light.

Before she could see, Little Star spoke. “Come on, Trixie, you don’t want to be late for class on the first day…”


A strange ball of metal had just slammed into Trixie's horn. Her face twisted in annoyance as she sighed. The orb fell right into her waiting hoof as if it was a well-practised motion.

Trixie shook her head slightly and held the orb out. Little Star did not need more. She eagerly grabbed it with both her hooves and gazed into its reflective surface. Magic, her mother’s magic, saturated the orb.

“And what do you do?” Left her lips in a whisper. Barely a thought, and a shimmer along her horn, and her faithful S-five leapt from its extradimensional aviary. The scroll flashed into existence, magenta lines and words scrolling themselves across its surface just as quickly as the thoughts formed in her mind.

With everything her horn, eyes and hooves could sense from the orb recorded, her head snapped back to Trixie. “Now, come on, we can't be late.” She said, almost bouncing on her hooves.

Little Star tapped the crystal wall with her left hoof. Can you take us to the classroom, please.

Happy amusement and agreement brushed her mind. Then just like all the translocations the nice castle provided, they were simply there.

Thank you.

You are welcome, Child of Magic. The response was not quite words. It was more like how she always knew what Grey meant from her just stating numbers.

Her hooves clopped on the crystal, tapping out the rhythm described by her prancing motion during her travel back to her place. She settled herself down, a quick visual sweep assured her that she was still surrounded by her scant selection of school supplies and books.

Starlight tapped her hoof. “Trixie, your orb…”

Little Star glanced at the orb that lay forgotten where they appeared. Her aura enveloped it as she would any other object. As expected, the orb drained the effect, twisting it and redirecting it. Just like I expected. A quick twist of the aura and only a few hundred minor spell arrays and the stabilisation matrices formed. The orb floated mathematically perfectly still in the air, suspended by her aura.

Trixie’s eyes widened, and she mouthed ‘how?’ as the orb obediently followed Little Star’s will and presented itself to Trixie.

“Little Star.”

“Yes, Miss Starlight?” Little Star smiled up at her teacher.

“Can you remove your spell work from the training orb so Trixie can continue her practice?”

“Yes, Miss.”

It took only a second to unweave the stabilisation enchantment. Trixie took up the orb in her own magic, and immediately it began to struggle. It turned the smooth flow of Trixie’s magic into a wildly chaotic mess. Each surge of motion, each attempt it made to escape Trixie's grasp, forced the Chosen to adapt. It looked like a good lesson.

Zero times, have you taught Sweetie Belle this way.

Little Star smiled. Trixie is using that one… so I’ll just need to make my own. A S-five popped into existence. The needed arrays and spell runes formed on the paper.

Starlight floated over a mere three textbooks to Trixie. They must be only the books for this lesson.

“Yes, Trixie, we are starting at chapter one.”


“Starting from the very basics will help you master your magic, and Little Star is incredibly talented, but she lacks a full formal education.”

Trixie sighed. “Alright, most of this is going to be a waste of time, but if you think it will help, I trust you.”

“Good.” Starlight looked like she was going to nuzzle Trixie. Instead, she just patted her with a hoof and continued on with the lesson.

Strangely, Trixie took up her quill by hoof. She levelled a withering glare at the orb as it began to scratch at the surface.

“We will be going through the beginning of the course quickly. So if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask, Little Star.”

The first book lasted only an hour. There was only one thing that made no sense, one little detail that seemed backwards. And yet, on the page and by Starlight's words, the lesson insisted it was true.

Once formed, a spell can not be altered. It can be powered or allowed to fade. Therefore if you make a mistake, you must start again.

She knew magic did not work that way. She had the core of her mother’s lab safety spell that took advantage of altering its own array to redirect. Little Star held her hoof up.

“Yes, Little Star?”

“Why are you teaching us something wrong?”

Starlight’s eyes traced over the open page. “It's not wrong, just simplified.”


“If most ponies were to try to alter their spells instead of starting from a clean cast, the best result is a headache from the backlash.”

One of Little Star’s ears drooped as she tilted her head in confusion. “Why would they not just push the backlash away?”

“Because most ponies don't have enough magical throughput in their horn to counter the pressure as the unstable magic forces it way back into their horn.”


“So, in your case, if a spell collapses, you will still have the summed energy you put into it to contain.”

One. Grey’s single word spilled out into a full reading of the first page of a very different book.

“Thank you.” Little Star nodded.

The two different flows of information tangled in her mind. With a thought, she directed a new S-five to record everything that happened in the classroom.

I’m going to need more than one of me…

The hardest thing about casting the first spell Grey had gifted her was preventing herself from pushing it to its full potential. She did not need six of her today. She only needed two.

She glanced at the notes on the orb stabilisation spell. With some changes, it could be modified to constrain a spell’s results, drawing the extra power away. Now, if I link that to a mana storing effect… All of Starlight’s lesson almost glowed in her mind. Presure. She did not need anything complex to control the power from the battery to the spell effect, she could just use the pressure value. If the spell pattern was at the required level, it would simply not allow more energy in.

She grinned as her personal spell book got a new addition. Mummy is going to be so proud. She pushed her magic into the spell. Using her necklace as the anchor for the mana storage.

The world shattered in two. This time there was no confusion, no doubt. They both knew who they were and what they were going to do. By silent agreement, they turned their attention to their own tasks.

Little Star One paid attention to Starlight’s lesson, taking notes and wincing each time the orb smacked into Trixie’s horn.

Little Star Two envisioned she was in a great library, snuggled up with Grey as they read a very different book.

Little Star Two got to enjoy hot chocolate as she read. One was a little envious.

“Is everything alright?” Starlight's concerned voice asked.

One looked up at her current teacher. “Oh.. yes.. I just was thinking how nice a hot chocolate would be right now.”

A sympathetic smile crossed Stralight’s face before a small square of chocolate floated over. “I know the rationing can be hard.”

“Thank you.” Little Star lifted the chocolate in her magic towards her mouth. She paused. A flicker of her horn and two quick parallel cuts with the ebon disintegration beam, and the chocolate was now in three equal-sized pieces.

Starlight raised an eyebrow before returning to the lesson.

Grey finished reading the last page of the chapter of the ancient-looking tome and carefully closed it. “Three minutes, until your mother is here.”

“Thank you for the lesson, Grey.”

“You're welcome.” Despite the flat stare and monotone voice, Little Star could hear the smile and affection from Grey.

Little Star Two smiled and hugged Grey. The hard texture of the wooden limb returned the embrace.

All it took was a thought. The world shattered, and what was two was now but one again.

Little Star Prime, as she was calling the whole of herself now, blinked and looked around the classroom. The angle of the shadows showed the implied location of the sun. It feels like it should be later… She considered, Celestia could be slow moving the sun today, but most likely it was something to do with Little Star herself.

Each book, scroll and quill returned to its extradimensional pocket.

Starlight looked up, a question half-formed on her lips, just as Little Star’s mental count reached zero.

“Mummy.” With a flash cast teleport, the warmth of her mother pressed against her again. Her mother nuzzled her lightly.

Twilight shifted the embrace into a more sustainable hug before she turned her attention to the rest of the room. She gave the smallest of nods to Trixie before she spoke to Starlight. “How are your personal students?”

“They have potential.”

“Good. I know I’m asking a lot of you.”

Starlight shook her head. “It's better than the alternative.”

“Do not neglect the rest of your duties.”

“Don’t worry about anything here, Twilight. We will hold the castle while you are out…” Starlight glanced to Little Star, sadness and worry lurked behind her eyes before resolve and something like sympathy settled in their place. “Doing what you have to.”

Twilight nodded, then turned her attention fully on Trixie. “Trixie, it would be advisable to make sure you use this time to its fullest.”

“I will, Princess.”

Twilight turned her attention back to her daughter. Loving eyes with a hint of slyness looked into Little Stars' own. “How would you like to learn to make cookies?” She asked as she held her daughter close and nuzzled her.

“Can they be triple chocolate?”

Her mother’s laughter vibrated through Little Star. “Of course, my Little Star.”

The mountain of cookies before Little Star was proof baking might not be magic, but magic very differently could be baking.

A little bit of time acceleration was all it took. In less than ten seconds, cookie dough bloomed into delightful triple chocolate cookies.

Little Star approved of the results, and the magic lesson part of it fascinated her. Best of all, it was more time with her mother. Yet, there was a question that nagged at her mind. “Mummy, why are we making so many cookies?”

“Why do you think?”

Little Star tapped her chin. Her aura brushed over them, counting them. There was enough for a dozen for each pony here. She smiled before she stated. “We are going to share them.”

“Good, now did you notice anything different about the recipe?”

“The powder we added?”

Her mother nodded.

“What is it?” Little Star asked her aura reached for the as yet unidentified powder.

“Vitamins, trace minerals and protein.”

“So they are health cookies?”

“Yes, just don't tell the ponies. The moment you tell them they are healthy, most won't be interested in them.”

“Why?” Little Star asked through a mouth full of delicious chocolaty goodness. “They’re sooo good.”

Twilight shrugged her wings. “I don't know. They just assume healthy things taste bad, so either their own magic or preconceptions makes it true for them.”

“So, if you're going to put medicine or healthy stuff in food, you don't tell others about it?”

“Not if you want them to be able to fully enjoy it.”

“Some ponies are silly.”

Twilight's laughter was pure and joyful as she leaned in for a nuzzle. “I know, just try not to tell them. They get annoyed if you outright tell them how silly they are being.”

“Then how do you teach them?”

Twilight hummed for a moment. Her eyes became distant before refocusing. “You guide them, you let them figure out how foalish they are being themselves….” She paused, her face shifted to a serious one. She glanced out the window at the towering peaks of Canterlot in the distance. “Just make sure they don't manage to hurt themselves before they realise. The safety of students is a teacher’s responsibility.”

Little Star summoned her rules scroll and added a new line. “Yes, Mummy,” she answered as she popped her fifth cookie into her mouth.

Sixth Grey not so helpfuly provided.

“Can your mother have one?” Twilight asked.

Little Star levitated one to her mother.

"Why, thank you," Twilight said before her eyes closed in content appreciation as she munched on the triple chocolate cookie.

A giggle rose in Little Star’s chest as she let herself enjoy the moment, wilfully ignoring how little time they had left.

Little Star groaned as her mother’s aura moved the brush through her mane. Her stomach bulged, and each breath was an effort. She had definitely eaten too much, but they were just so good. She did not ‘quality check’ every cookie, but she did have one from each batch. The ones from the first batches were either slightly over or underdone. Still good, but not as good as the last ones.

“And that was a lesson not to overeat.”

“I was a silly pony, wasn't I?”

“Yes, but so was I once. I remember the first time I ate real Apple Family cooking.”

“You overate?”

“Yes, your mother was a very silly pony. But all the food was so very good.”

Little Star laughed before she groaned again. “Why doesn't using magic make it go away?”

“That, my daughter, is because that effect only works if your magic is significantly depleted before you eat.”

“Oh… thats not fair.”

"All the more reason to keep up your magic studies. "

The dawning relisation blossomed on Little Star’s face with a wide grin. The more magic I use, the more treats u can eat.

Twilight nuzzled her. "Just remember to leave enough for the others too."

"Ok, Mummy."

The airship in the distance kept getting closer. No matter how much she wanted it to, it never turned around.

They were here to take her mother away. So many things she could do to stop it, and yet, none of them would be the right thing to do. They were here to help her mother go out and save ponies.

Twilight rose and made her way towards the balcony. Magic ripled though the air as she lit her horn. The air became thick and heavy with her mother’s power, and each and every mote of it felt like a loving embrace. Twilight’s magenta magic reached out into Ponyville. Little Star could not see what happened, but it had felt like a telekinesis effect paired with transmutation and shaping magics.

Twilight moved away from the balcony, each hoof step hesitant. She didn't say a word, but her eyes said one thing ‘I will miss you’.

Little Star could not work out where the last hours had gone. She wanted to drag out every second as long as she could, and yet the airship rose into the distance. That bully Blueblood had stolen too much of the precious time introducing himself and his ponies.

Moisture stung her eyes, and small tears traced down her face.

Amateurish magic irritated her horn again. It was like listing to Spike’s claws on glass blended with her favourite song, just slightly out of tune and harmony. She did not even spare a look for Blueblood’s unicorns as they toiled, trying to assemble some wagons. A surge of power though her horn, and she grasped all the background magic in the area surounding her. Blessedly, with the local medium of transmission frozen, the discordant tones of incompetent spell casters could not reach her horn.

She blinked away her tears. She had said she was not going to cry. The bearest touch of magic pulled the liquid from her coat. “Mummy’s going to be alright,” Little Star said with a wide smile, her voice laced with hollow happiness. She turned her gaze back to the shrinking form of the now distant airship. “Mummy is going to be alright,” the repeated the words, absent the youthful optimism.

“Everything is going to be alright. Your mother was able to defeat the great and powerful Trixie, so nothing out there is going to be a threat to her.”

“You promise?” Doubt, fear and something else danced behind Little Star’s innocent eyes.

“Your mother will be fine. Now what we need to do is to make sure to make her proud of us.”

Zero, times will you ever disappoint your mother.

A glimmer, a sparkle of light, caught in Little Star’s eyes and her gaze hardened. A resolve settled into the suddenly calm filly. “We will.” She answered with a single firm nod.

Ch 54 A Stranded Guide

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After the abuses Noble Guide endured last night, regaining consciousness was not kind. His mind struggled as it clawed desperately, trying to cling to the numbing abyss of sleep. The waking world reasserted itself despite his efforts, hammering him with the now-familiar pain of his borrowed form.

His still open chest, just out of hoof reach, held salvation from his suffering. He gathered his power to light his horn. Nothing happened. The bucket of magic that was his wellspring offered up not even a teaspoon of power. Not even enough to produce a single lumen of light, not even the slightest vibration of magic settled in his horn.

“Typical.” He growled, but the words cost him. The flesh of his stolen face spasmed, squirming as if trying to rip itself free. His teeth ground against each other as he locked his jaw, strangling his scream.

His limbs barely responded, and each felt as if they were made of lead. With a titanic effort, Noble Guide finally dragged himself to his hooves. Only two bucking body lengths separated him from his relief, and yet it seemed an almost insurmountable distance.

Step after unsteady step, he doggedly dragged himself towards his potions. Each and every motion sent jagged pulses of pain along his nerves. Second by second, the sensations intensified. Uncomfortable, almost unbearable, it would not be long until agony would seek to rob him of rational action.

His world pivoted. A moment later, he noticed he was falling. No! He pushed himself forward with all his will, lunging for his solace. His limp form collapsed atop the open chest, the pain of impact lost in the sea of torment that enveloped his world.

The foul liquid taunted him, and it was right there, only a hoof span from his lips. The careful padding and secured stopper laughed at him. This last barrier was so simple to solve if only he could use his magic.

The minutes felt like hours as he worked his head into the chest, his muzzle far from the most precise tool for the job. After an eternity, he had his prize.

Like an animal, he trapped his prey between his hooves and with a jerk of his head, ripped the stopper free. Like a drowning pony, he guzzled the terrible tasting liquids down. For the manic glee on his face, it could have been an Alicorn's own ambrosia.

Finally finished, he let his body succumb to its weakness. He slumped, head lightly thudding against the floor.

Slowly, far too slowly, the shroud of agony faded. He lay there just breathing. Never trusting a changeling again. He snarled in the privacy of his mind. They had said he would face pain, that he would suffer for his new form, but this was far more debilitating than mear pain. “This is just another necessary sacrifice.” He slurred, his face still not quite behaving itself.

As soon as his body yielded, back under his full control, he pulled another vial and downed its contents. The foulness of his 'medicine’ clung to his tongue. This is far more tolerable when mixed with wine. Unfortunately, here, he had none. Instead, he reached for the wooden jug of water. The first gulp of water did nothing to cleanse his palette, nor did the second or third. He could be forgiven for potions for his health, but mixing it with wine would not be in character here.

Slowly, over the next quarter of an hour, his body found its equilibrium, and his depleted magic started to regenerate.

As quickly as he could manage by hoof, he made himself presentable and exited the hovel that had been his chambers last night.

The first sight of the outside world that greeted him was a larger than life visage of Celestia. Only her stony complexion announced it was only an effigy. The now complete statue of Celestia had gathered a crowd. The plain stone seemed to almost glow in the sunlight. The sight drew more and more ponies to it. Flame Dancer’s soft words of worship held them captive.

He almost sighed, but caught himself. That would be the wrong image to portray. Instead, he smiled and nodded at the ponies already busy improving their new homes. He would not deny these ponies what little comfort they had left in their life.

"My lord." A tired and aged stallion said, holding out a bowl of gruel.

The bowl alone would have been condemned in Canterlot, and the 'food' within looked worse. Is this even fit for pony consumption? "Thank you." Feigned gratitude and a nod earned a smile from the stallion.

"Thank you for everything you have done here."

If only you knew. "No, thank you. It's only by the hard work and with everypony pulling together that we can get through this." Noble Guide rested his hoof in the stallion’s shoulder. "And we will get through this. Equestria will pass through this darkness and be great again."

"Thank you, my Lord."

A few ponies smiled. A few more stomped their hooves in applause. One even cheered. Flame Dancer met his eyes and, with a soft smile, nodded. He returned the gesture. If I were a normal pony, this would be something to be proud of. If I were blind to Celestia’s ways, her minion's praise would mean the world to me.

He added a bit more spring to his step, a bit more energy to each stride. It would cost him later, once his potions wore off, but for now, he had a role to play. So he talked. He helped out. He told stories.

Despite himself, he even gave some magic lessons. Seeing the wasted potential hurt. Celestia kept so much knowledge from the ponies. She hoarded it and only gave it out reluctantly. If the schools around the nation even had access to the beginner texts from Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, the world would be a different place.

If he had a mere week, he could teach them so much. Yet another reason Celestia was unworthy of her position. When the foal that could not even light her horn smiled up at him, berry held in her aura. To his own surprise, Noble Guide did not have to fake his smile. Teaching, like any other habit, could apparently relapse. Once a teacher, always a teacher…

The ponies here were good ponies. He would not begrudge them their happiness where they could find it in the short time they had left. He shook his head fondly. This is for the good of Equestria. I will be the ruler Equestria deserves.

A pegasus foal shot past, hoof pointing back behind them. "Look, look… daddy, look."

Looking that way, it was not hard to spot what had the foals attention. The airship was definitely heading this way. The large magenta star emblazoned upon it left no doubt who was onboard.

His eyes fixed on the lavender Alicorn perched upon the ship's railing. Why are you here?

As if his thought was a cue she was waiting for, Twilight tipped forward. She dove from the vessel, elegantly transitioning from dive to a gentle glide. She circled three times, surveying all below her before she alighted atop the tallest building.

"Ponies of Equestria,” Twilight started, her normal speaking voice carried by unseen magic to his ears as if she was standing right next to him. “I am here to help. There will be time for questions later, but for now, I must speak to Noble guide. Where might I find him?"

Hundreds of ponies turned their focused gazes on him. If he was not used to giving lectures to some of the most powerful mortal ponies in existence, he might have felt some stage fright. Noble Guide stood tall and picked his way through the crowd towards the Princess.

Her eyes held an edge. A depth to them of similar quality, but with lesser intensity than Celestia’s. This was not the mare that had been immobile on his alter, nor was this the one that had almost killed him in her escape. What do you want?

Twilight hopped down from the roof. Her augmented Alicorn form made the two-story drop as effortless as a simple step. Her impact with the ground was utterly silent as if the laws of physics simply did not apply to her. "Noble Guide, it is a pleasure to meet you. "

Noble Guide bowed deep and respectful as befitting his role. "It's an honour, Princess Twilight."

"Yes it is, but one you have earned." A look of sympathy lingered in her eyes before she nodded to herself. A small vile appeared with an audible pop and flare of magenta magic. "Here, take this."

The glass vile had nothing on it to even hint at its purpose. The shifting magenta liquid with specks of green matched no potion he knew. "What is it?"

"You’re working yourself too hard. This will help you recover. Give you a bit more energy".

“I will be fine. I merely need a bit more rest.”

“I insist. I will make a royal order if I must.“

Noble briefly dipped into a bow again. "Then I graciously accept. "

A sigh escaped Twilight. "Get up. There is no need for that, and you're overworking yourself, and I have something that can aid you."

"There is just so much to do."

"Yes, I know. If you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to help anypony for much longer." Her magenta eyes took on an imploring edge. "So just take it a little easier, please, and use my gift when you need to. But I warn you, take only a few drops at a time. It is very potent. "

"Yes, Princess."

"Equestria will remember you for what you have done for her."

He smiled I am well aware it will. "Thank you, Princess."

"Call me Twilight. All my friends do." She offered an honest and friendly smile.


Twilight smirked, the twinkle in her eyes asking if it was really that surprising. “Now, how about you show me around?” She said before she lowered her voice to just above a whisper, “It will help our ponies’ spirits.”

He nodded. “Then, if you’ll follow me?”

The tour was far from typical. Unlike Celestia, Twilight came across as more sincere. Perhaps it was just her own form of deception. She was a master blood mage, after all.

Halfway through the tour, she spent a few minutes talking to his guards in private.

“Noble Guide?”

“Yes, Princess?”

“I will be requisitioning the services of your troops.“

I can’t be stranded here… “But the ponies here…” It was a feeble protest, but it was all he could think of.

The narrowing of her eyes silenced him like she was a disapproving teacher, and he the little foal who had been caught misbehaving.

“Before I depart, I will ensure the ponies here will be safe.”

“How?” He could not keep the incredulity from his tone.

A little playful smile graced her muzzle. “You’ll see.”

Twilight hung in the air, stationery despite her wing’s inaction. The air itself rippled, distorted by the mere presence of Twilight’s magic.

She had said she would help keep the ponies here safe, but so far, this looked more like her take on Celestia’s Summer Sun Celebration ritual.

Magenta magic reached out, curling and twisting reality. In the distance, stone and baubles ripped themselves from the ground. Clouds of earth scattered from them as they raced towards Twilight.

Flame danced in the Alicorn’s eyes. The rocks began to glow. In moments, luminescent molten rock spun around her. First one ring, then a second formed. Intense heat radiated. It felt like being slightly too close to a bonfire, even with how far back he was.

Show off.

Finally, her regal horn blazed with power. The first ring leapt into the sky. There was a note, a single pure tone, deep and bone-shaking. Then the ring flashed and was gone.

She teleported it?

Boom, the ground danced beneath his hooves. What in…

Dust billowed into the sky from all directions.

Fire rippled along the second ring, and two opposite points blazed white. The light neatly sundered the ring into two semicircle arches.

They rotated upright, then each turned in opposing directions. Flowing into each other and growing. Now, four great legs of stone reached out, one in each cardinal direction. Each found their place on a stone ring that rose up from the earth, forming a perimeter circle around the town.

From the crossed arches, a haze of magenta and silver spread. At first, it drifted off like a rising mist. The new magic artefact, the wonder that Twilight has literally crafted in minutes, pulsed. The dispersing magic rushed back. Bit by bit, a dome formed, shimmering magic like a magenta soap bubble now surrounded the settlement.

The silence dragged on. All the ponies stared like beached fish, mouths open, dumb-founded.

"Twilight! Twilight!" That blasted foal called out. Shattering the moment. Hooves stomped the ground. Ponies cheered and chanted Twilight’s name.

A regal smile graced the lavender Alicorn’s face. "Be at ease, my ponies, for you are safe. No blighted will pass the barrier."

This time, Noble Guide could not even hear himself think. No proof, no evidence, and they just believed her. They worship her like she is a goddess.

He focused his mind. A small, simple spell, one any professional magic tutor could impart to a dedicated student. The world's colours faded away, leaving only the now enhanced vibrance of the magic visible to his eyes.

Hard, clean lines of modern equation driven magic formed the bones of the effect. Atop that scaffold, swirls of archaic magic danced. Symbols even he did not know were impossibly morphing their shape to an unheard rhythm.

The whole thing was as beautiful as it was daunting. He no longer needed to fake his own awe. Even with all the power in the world, I would not know where to start… "Element of magic, indeed." He whispered as he let his visual augmentation fade.

With the last lingering hint of the white glow of raw power in her eyes, Twilight met his gaze with a smirk.

As Twilight was mobed with adoring worshipers, he retreated for a moment. He turned his attention to the potion. Alchemy was not his strong point, but he was likely still in the top hundred of the nation. A complex analytical spell formed in his mind. Caffeine, ginseng, mana root, powdered unicorn horn, magic. There is enough magic in this small vile to fill my wellspring a dozen times over. Eyes wide, he stared at the most potent magic restorative he had ever seen. And you just gave this to me?

Just breathe. It was easier said than done. If she had just looked, just cast one simple scanning spell, it would have all been over. This has to be a trap, a trick…

Each inhalation came a little slower. He considered everything with his extensive magic knowledge, both socially acceptable and deepest dark magic.

The energy had been sanitised, so there was no way to form a sympathetic link to Twilight with it, nor could it be used against the one that imbibed it. The only thing odd about it was the strange rune work on the inside of the vial. After a few minutes, he eliminated that as a threat. All it did was a drastically slow time for the contents. Useful, a praiseworthy discovery in its own right.

His last test was a detailed aspect detection spell. Null? None? He looked at it again. That's not possible. He sabotaged the analytical part of the spell and cast it again. The raw data flowed into his mind.

He sat back, eyes wide. “Sweet Celestia.” This was not ‘no aspects’. It was all aspects. He lifted the small treasure he held, his gaze almost reverent. Yes, she had taken all his guard. Yes, she had condemned him to stay here for the next few weeks. All that and more could easily be forgiven for this one little vile. Do you even know what you gave me?

CH 55 Sunset's Home Improvements

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Thrumming vibrations of Sunset’s own spellcraft massaged her senses as they worked through her horn. Raw potential transmuted to an actualised effect by her will and power alone. A content sigh voiced itself as she shamelessly revelled in the rightness of the moment. That one little sound poked a small hole in her mental focus. Through that breach, a body that had been unmoving for far too long voiced its grievances.

Eyes still closed, Sunset rose from her meditation and stretched like a cat. Her stiff joints complained, but they were nothing but an afterthought. One by one, she lifted each hoof and fully extended each limb. Every muscle flexed just right as her perfectly proportioned body moved.

Finally, she opened her eyes. The orange coated muzzle in her vision was just another reminder of the return of her equine perfection. For a moment, she remembered all gifts and compliments just because of who she was. She snorted in amused self-derision. Thats enough of that, your not Celestia's perfect student anymore.

Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to the fruits of her labours. She slowly walked around the room. Her horn traced the most difficult parts of the linked enchantments. Each was in place, at least. Some of the flows rattled a little, but at least there was no sharp shards fracturing off and not a single leek.

Sunset rested her horn on the central control enchantment. A simple push of power, and it all came alive. Nothing exploded, nothing fizzled. She let out a breath she did not know she was holding. “Not my finest work, but at least I’m finally done.” The accepted minimum for ‘civilised’ accommodation of forty-two interwoven spells now was laced into her home.

Her stomach rumbled, announcing that yes, magic burnt through calories just like physical exercises. She ignored it. It was not like she was going to starve any time soon.

The clockface pronounced just how long her efforts had taken. “Eight hours?” Her eyes flicked to her horn. “I’m rusty.” She snorted. Well, at least I should save at least half on my utility bills.

She inhaled. Only clean mountain air embraced her senses. None of the background stink of the human world remained. It's amazing what you can get used to.

A fond smile formed on her muzzle. With only the blue sky in view out of the window, one could almost imagine, one could almost believe. She sat back on her haunches and let her eyes close. A car's engine turned over. The mechanical growl far too loud to ignore with her pony ears. The fragments of happy remembrances fell away from her mind.

As if pulled by a magnet, her hooves found their place on the window sill. Despite knowing what she would see, her still heart fell. For just a single moment, she could have believed she was back in her Canterlot tower.

Sunset’s eyes locked on the mere ball of plasma illuminating the land. Earth’s cold sun lacked the warmth and true majesty of Celestia's. Just that flicker of remembrance brought a smile to her lips as it filled her stomach with the leaden weight of worry. It was far too soon to be thinking on Celestia, especially with everything Nightmare Moon revealed.

Her horn lit with a simple cantrip, and summer flowers with hints of incense filled the air. Each breath banished the lingering memories that the hauntingly familiar scent manifested.

As she turned back to her room, it only took a moment to adjust from the sun's brightness to the relative dimness inside. Her large equine eyes examed the sum of all processed and took everything in. The flat-screen television, the computer, the game consoles, her electric guitars all had been works of wonder when she had first arrived. She could just not believe what could be achieved just with mundane artifice. Oh, how naive she had been.

She reached out with her aura grasping her meal. A box of granola and half a dozen apples floated after her following her to the Television. As she settled down, she turned it on with the slightest touch of telekinesis. A smile flickered on her face. It was the little things that made all the difference. The small things everypony took for granted that they never even thought about until they were gone.

The hum of electronics and the slight click as the screen flashed on would have been inaudible to her human ears. To her pony ears, they were demands for attention.

The news reporter prattled with so many words about things that did not matter and spared far too few for what was truly important. She shook her head, letting her mane settle comfortably and banished the broadcast to background noise.

With two books open before her and her notes to one side, her aura claimed her pen and began to write. She lounged as her magic turned thoughts to words upon the page. Honey-coated oats, chopped nuts, seeds and dried fruit were eagerly munched though, a sacrifice to the altar of her returned magic use.

With practised ease, she fell into old habits, the report might not be an assignment from the Princess, but she attacked it as if it were. The pen danced over the paper with a speed her hand could never have matched. Literally by magic, the words she thought were scribed upon the page.

Thoughts organised and edited themselves in her mind and before long she was looking at the finished document.

She gathered the pages together and put them with the rest of her homework. Now she was done, her magic gleefully called that fresh apple over she had been keeping as a reward for herself.

Tidying away her notes, she almost snorted at how poor her horn writing looked. She paused and then retrieved a page of her report. She placed it next to the top sheet of her notes.

Her eyes flicked between the two pages as she bit down into the sweet, crisp flesh of an apple. The first was clearly marked by her human handwriting, and on the second elegant curls and swirls marked a very different script. She facehooved. “I’m going to have to rewrite this…”
She pushed her now draft copy away and finished her apple in a single chomp. Her magic lifted the controller for her game console. The analogue sticks and all the small buttons presented a daunting task for hooves alone. Lucky for me, I have a horn. She thought as she browsed her collection of games.

The words ‘mystery’ and ‘unexplained’ had one of Sunset's ears swivel to the television. So many times, they had been an indication that some new Equestrian magic was on the loose.

“Some people claim aliens, others magic. Most assume this is some sort of large scale prank. The experts are still baffled how this was done without a single witness or security recording. Police are still investigating the mass theft of books from the midtown library.”

Sunset looked at the screen. There was only one person who could have done it. Or, more accurately, one pony. “Oh, Twilight…”

Her eyes found the drawer that held her Equestrian bits and gems collections. Sunset had only managed to sell a couple of coins as novelty items. It was a fortune she could never spend. Precisely the same problem Twilight had. “Well, at least you came with the intent of buying them.”

With Twilight in her thoughts, another mare came to mind. Carefully setting aside her school work, Sunset levitated over her other homework.

Spells and magical theory looked out of place upon mass-produced lined paper. Pages of crossed-out notes joined it. After staring at the main spell array for minutes, she still could not complete her task. The seemingly pointless artistic additions still evaded her comprehension. It was clear enough it was a subtle modification, but as for what these secondary functions were, she had no clue. The whole runic style was new to her. Its artistic brush strokes made zero sense.

Brush strokes? She followed the lines, how they flowed and how the thickness changed. She had seen this before. Realisation struck, she had done this before. The phantom of a half-remembered blue wing reached forward. The non-existent primary feathers traced through graceful curves. A smug smile formed. “Gotcha.” Arcane magic through your wings? No wonder this made no sense. No normal pony could cast that spell. She tilted her head. Well, not in a conventional way. Three or more ponies might be able to improvise.

Muscles shifted along her back to reposition limbs she did not have. The ghostly sensations of wings brushing against her coat answered. Sunset craned her neck and looked along her bear side. Is Night trying to tempt me to become an Alicorn? Suspicion now awakened, Sunset focused internally. She closed her eyes as she focused on what she was feeling and why. Just a lingering memory from the vision… or a subtle compulsion.

One by one, memories of old lessons returned, little tricks and tips to protect herself from the darker side of mind magic Celestia ensured she mastered. A seed of doubt gnawed at her, her internal reflection slowed to a stop. Just how valid are these methods? The causal use of mind magic the Nightmare had insisted Celestia used raised implications. If I were in her place, the smart thing to do would be to leave a hole in my faithful student's defences. One that only I could exploit. An old familiar glee at having a magical problem to solve rose in her. No problem could stop her. If she could not brute force her way through it with intellect or raw magical power, she would find a way around it. Now, how would I do it?


"Gah!" Sunset flinched back from the sudden assault on her senses. A moment later, her mind puzzled out what the unexpected but familiar noise was.

She flattened her ears to her head as her aura dragged her phone to her. Twilight’s name and image displayed on the still vibrating mobile phone.

She almost went to tap answer with her hoof but shook her head and lifted a stylus first.

"Hello, Twilight."

“Sunset, something terrible has happened.”

“The library?”

“Yes, the library. So you saw the news report?”

Sunset flicked her ear in agreement.


Sunset slowly faced hoofed. Of course Twilight would not notice equine body language over an audio-only phone call. "Yes, had it on as I was working on the history assignment. "

“So, do you think this is another bit of lost magic from Equestria?”

“You could say that,” Sunset mumbled.

“What was that?”

“It's nothing we need to worry about.”

“Sunset, a library has been stripped bare. An institute of knowledge has been defiled. We can't let this stand.”

“I imagine the books will mysteriously show back up when she's finished with them.” Sunset half muttered.

“She?” Twilight demanded to know.

Sunset faced hoofed and took a moment to center her thoughts. “Princess Twilight.”

“My double stole from a library!? I … this… what…” were the last words to escape before the sounds of hyperventilation replaced any understandable form of communication.

“Twilight, take a breath. It's going to be alright”.

“Alright? Alright? My alternative reality counterpart is a criminal. I'm going to jail.” Twilight wailed.

Sunset muted her side of the call and sighed.

“As a princess of a foreign nation, this might even count as an act of war…”

Sunset unmuted. “Twilight, she was trying to get information to heal her friend.”

“Then why did she take all the books?” Twilight's voice almost returned to its normal rational tone, with only a hint of the panic still lurked beneath.

“Expediency, I expect.”

“So she just teleported all the books away in one go?”

“She is the Element of Magic.”

“But how did she use magic as a human?” More curiosity crept into Twilight’s voice.

“She has a much better understanding of what it means to be an Alicorn now.”

“That’s the winged unicorn princess?”

“An Alicorn is far more than just a winged unicorn.” Sunset paused in indecision. “Twilight, want to come over and study some magic?”

“Last time we tried that, there was more than a few explosions and fires. Are you sure you don't want to do this at the lab?”

“Trust me, everything is in hoof now.”

“In hoof?”

Sunset held up her hoof. The old usage of language was just too easy to fall into in this form “In hand.”

“So, am I right in assuming there are a lot of replacements in the common diction on the other side of the mirror?”

“Most of them are simply using hoof instead of hand and pony instead of person.”

“So things like everypony and anypony?”

“That's right.”

“This alone could be an interesting field of study.”

“So interested in…”

“Yes, just so long as it is definitely safe.”

“I promise it is.”

“I’ll be there in… forty-six minutes.”

“See you soon.”

The phone beep announced the end of the call. Sunset let her eyes trail over her own form. “I can’t greet her like this.” She pivoted on her hooves and trotted into the bathroom.

Sunset’s pony eyes looked back at her from the surface of the mirror. Yet in her mind's eye, she made herself see her human face with its smaller windows to the soul.

With tendrils of will, she reached past the bonfire of her unicorn wellspring to the nightmare's gift. Each breath came as a deliberate act. Slowly, oh so carefully, she crafted her will, envisioned her objective. A single mistake and she could end up horribly misshapen again, trapped somewhere between the two species.

Her magic rippled. A small surge leapt the gap between the two wellsprings. As if tinder touched by a match, it ignited. Teal flames consumed her vision as scalding heat engulfed her.

Buck! Rusty but well-honed reflexes sprung into action. Power surged, a quick and dirty spell formed in her horn. A burst of sparks blinded her yet again. The world crashed in around her, every bit of magic in her home simply gone from her senses. My horn? Cold dread filled her as she lifted her hoof hoping she was wrong. The palm and fingers of her bare hand pressed against her forehead, grasping for the horn that was no longer there.

“I’m ok?” Sunset started shakely. “I’m ok.” She finished with far more confidence examining the smooth coatless form of a human. “That was new…” She examined the room. “Nothing’s burnt or heat warped…” The mirror revealed her human form just how she envisioned it. “Once is just a conicnence.”

She flexed her hands. Moving each finger one by one, she regarded them. They were such mundane things and yet one of the biological advantages that allowed humanity great achievements. Snatching up a pen, she recorded every sensation, every thought and theory she could think of.

The doorbell sounded. The sheer volume of text she had written lay before her. Well, that's where the time went.

"I really need to work out how the mirror creates clothes." She mused aloud as she added it to her to-do list before she rapidly dressed and headed to greet her guest.

CH 56 Chrysalis's New Home 

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Chrysalis smiled as she looked out at her new domain. "For the first time in over a thousand years, my children have a city…" The city of Manehatten, claimed without a single battle.

Her hooves clicked on the polished marble floor as she sauntered closer to the penthouse’s panoramic window. Through the glass, her changelings toiled as all moved to her will, all worked for the betterment of the Hive. A small spike of bitterness marred her contentment. Even now, without a single pony within a day’s travel, they still had little choice but to wear their disguises. All it would take is one sharp-eyed pegasus, and everything could be undone. So, as always, they had to hide.

She flicked her eyes to the magical device on the intricately carved wood table. The blinking red warning light declared she was already dead. It was almost endearing how frail her prey could be.

Our time will come. Her smile restored itself with a feral edge. She reached out to the sea of connections around her. Each and every one of her loyal children tied to her will by a unique strand of magic. She pressed her black plated hoof upon the enchanted glass as she pushed her determination out into the weave of her children’s minds.

In the view below, her children straightened and hastened their work. With the ghost of a maternal smile, she would deny ever having, she let the barest hint of her praise join the determination. Their just rewards for their servitude.

Despite the city's appearance, it had many similarities to the hive's old home. This place, just like the badlands, was also a wasteland of sorts. Where the badlands had poisoned earth and toxic air that would cause problems in months, the danger here was both insidious and far more lethal. Anypony that returned to the city for a mere hour would be dead in days.

A chuckle rang out in her duel toned voice. The magical flux, so dangerous to ponies, did nothing more than tingle against her senses. One might even call it relaxing. Her smile drifted to being smug. Unlike every other living creature, changelings truly thrived on adversity. Anything that did not kill them would only make them stronger.

Even the twisted monsters that rampaged across the nation, that the ponies were so terrified of, shied away from the dangers of the city. They would wither and die like all other life. All other life but changelings.

“The superior spices will rule this world,” Chrysalis dual-toned voice resonated with conviction.

The slightest vibration on a single strand of her weave alerted the Queen before one of her children reached out to her.

My Queen. The mental voice intruded with utter submission.

Chrysalis paused a long moment before she replied. This has better be worth my time.

Yes, my Queen. We have good news

And that news is?

The harvesters report more than double the expected yield.

Well, that is good news. Chrysalis made her way to her new throne and reclined. Are the pods ready to move?

A servant class changeling grovelled as they offered up a crystal glass almost overflowing. The warm radiance glowed from within the precious pink liquid.

Calmly she claimed the priceless vessel of the pristine liquid love. She breathed in the heady bouquet. The sweet scent of young love, of the first night of passion if she was not mistaken, reached her nose. A once in a lifetime experience, distilled for her dining pleasure.

It had been so long since there had been enough to separate out the choice emotions. Once, she could have traded such vintages with her sisters. A single mote of loss lessened her smile as it tried to sully the moment. Her empty heart savagely discarded it.

The first sip thrilled her tastebuds as the warmth of power spread through her. She slowly savoured her second sip despite the urge to simply down it. The twin strands of the ponies’ emotions, the parts of their souls they offered each other, woven together in a delicate dance. Each movement enhanced the flavour and the experience of the meal.

Well? Chrysalis mentally sent, not able to hind the contentment from her tone. With a wave of her hoof, she dismissed the servant. They scurried away, radiating relief they had not been punished. They clearly had been well trained, unlike the minion that still kept her waiting for her answer.

Chrysalis’ eyes narrowed, and her mental tone darkened. Answer me. The threat of imminent punishment caustically dripped from her words.

No, my Queen, the prey is not in pods yet.

Why not? The throne’s arm cracked under her hoof. You are aware of our plan?

The swarm arrived as an attack was underway.

And? Honestly, it was so hard to find capable minions for each and every task that needed them. Clearly, the next generation of field commanders could not mature fast enough.

To gain their trust and entrance, the swarm assumed disguises.

As to be expected. Chrysalis answered, her patience rapidly fraying. What went wrong?

Nothing, my Queen.

“Nothing? Then what is the hold-up?” Chrysalis snarled aloud as well as mentally. Her guards snapped to attention, ever wary of her displeasure as any of her underlings should be.

The prey are offering up their love freely. It seems to be a form of hero worship mixed with relief. Soldier eight-one-nine currently has eight mares vying for his attention.

Soldiers are not spawned for that type of work.

We know, My Queen. I am having to supervise their every interaction. But this alone has yielded more love than our quota.

The Queen stared out at the horizon as she weighed her options. This whole venture balanced two things, gaining resources and the risk each moment of exposure brought. The liquid love sloshed a little as she tilted the glass one way, then the other. The plan had some redundancy, the loss of only one host would not cause a significant delay, and after all, they were replaceable. You have my leave to see if this is a repeatable strategy. Don't disappoint me-

Yes, My Queen. The suddenly broken mental connection tasted of utter relief and notes of unrealised fears.

She strode over to the wall-mounted map as her green aura placed a pin where the experiment was. If everything goes wrong… Yes, this could prove an adequate distraction.

Her mind reached out for one of her most trusted defenders. Praetorian.

Your will, My Queen?

There are some new variables for extraction plan B. Take two of your number and a class-one infiltrator with you and head here. The Queen pushed the location and her plan into the mind of her child.

Your will be done.

That taken care of, she turned her mind to other matters. The long table was covered. So much was going on that her lesser children could not relay everything over the Weave. Instead, details had to be passed on in a different manner. A far less efficient manner.

The scrolls lay before her. Just the fact such trivial information was even written down practically shouted about the material gains the relocation into the abandoned city had gained them.

She lifted the first one by hoof and unrolled it. The contents brought yet another smile to her muzzle. Even the small amount of enchanting materials already liberated from the city was more than they could normally safely acquire in a century.

Even after only such a short amount of time, this opportunity had proven most profitable.

Several of the pins in the map taunted her. Each unique bearing a distinctive image. The familiar cutie marks seemed to glare at her daring her to act.

Celestia cowered in Canterlot. Luna roved the land striking at the largest concentrations of corrupted. Twilight had been dispatched like the loyal attack dog she was off to the griffons' lands. Despite the militarization of Equestria, all the most tempting targets were wide open.

Even virile Shining Armor was alone, fortifying Vanhoover, and with sweet delicious Cadance off alone in Cloudsdale. Her long tongue licked her fangs. It would be so easy to get her vengeance. To claim the endless feast the Princess of Love represented.

Her eyes trailed lustfully over the shield and heart marks of her desired prey. Their capture could do so much to strengthen the hive.

‘This is the perfect moment to strike’ one voice in her mind whispered.

‘We don't know what all the players are planning,’ another cautioned.

Her hoof pressed against her horn. That damned dull ache was still there if she sought it. A lingering reminder she and Celestia were not the only ones playing this game. Nightmare Moon's secret return, the new and improved Noble Guide playing politics. Add to all that the worried murmurings that Discord had gone missing.

No, as much as she wanted to, now was not the time for bold actions. She would not repeat her mistakes. She would learn. She would adapt. She would grow stronger, and when the time was right… they would pay.

For now, she would hide. Gather resources and spawn more of her new, improved and utterly faithful children. As if bidden by her thoughts, a mass shifted deep inside her. A liquid squirming sensation and then a satisfying internal pressure built as the next batch of eggs readied themselves.

The lift was an utter waste of resources for those that could fly or walk on walls, but she used it anyway. If only for sheer novelty as the mechanical servant conveyed her from the penthouse to the lower basement.

"What wonders could we have made if we had been in our rightful place all these long years?" For a moment, the image of towing hive spires stretching from horizon to horizon filled her mind's eye.

The Alicorns would pay, Celestia would pay.

The lift smoothly slowed to a stop and with a cheary ding, the doors opened. She picked her way between dusty storage crates and long-forgotten detritus. The subtle magic woven around her hooves ensured she left not a single mark of her passage.

As she approached, a section of the floor lifted. A pair of thickset heavy plated praetorians opened the way for her. She regally strode between them without sparring them the slightest of apparent attention. The slightest tendril of her satisfaction bushed against their minds. A little touch to reinforce their dedication to the defence of this most vital of locations.

Within, the green glow of changeling magic blended with the pink radiance of liquid love. The sweet fragrance of stored emotions combined with the soft, soothing scent of changeling resin. Already the new complex had started to feel like home.

Each and every changeling she passed stopped and bowed. Everyling knew their place, everything was as it should be. As she passed, they diligently rose and resumed their assigned tasks. Far too many, for her tastes, were working on paperwork. Every single thing claimed from Manehatten would either officially no longer exist, sent somewhere else or already sold.

She moved on, passing half a dozen bloated love-haulers as they moved through the tight confines distributing the daily rations. They weren't the most graceful of her creations, but without them, transporting large amounts of love would not be tenable.

The walkway wound its way past pools that one day would overflow with liquid love. For now, each was merely a resin lined pit. There was still too much at stake to risk filling them. The haulers could simply flee at a moments notice.

The sound of her hooves upon the caved stone was inaudible, drowned out under the relentless hammering. The brutish tunnellers smashed their grotesquely oversized forelimbs into the earth as they smashed and chewed their way through the rock.

Despite the urge to wince or to reach out and mentally berate them for the racket they were making, she did nothing but continue on. They could do their work in almost complete silence. One could not dig anywhere near a pony settlement otherwise. In this case, with nopony around to hear, haste was more critical than stealth, no matter how painful it was to her ears.

The smooth, sleek form of the repurposed assassin slinked up beside her. Their head looked a little ungainly with the new ridges and antenna. It would be even odds whether it would be one moult or two before she fully adapted to her new form.

My Queen. The refined silken tones of her construction overseer spoke mentally.


The project is ahead of schedule. Thirty percent of all major pony structures have secret entrances.

A slight twinge of pain deep within her body nagged at her. As well-fed as she currently was, her body was being insistent, it would not permit her to wait. The Hive must grow.

The Queen held herself with as much regale poise as possible despite laying chest heaving on her side. Never since her first clutch had the simple act of laying eggs left her so exhausted.

She watched as sleek and delicate, almost fragile-looking, changelings approached. Their extra limbs and lack of armour made them seem almost like spiders. Despite what a pony might see as a fearsome appearance, they were the kindest and gentlest of all changelings.

One by one, the nursery tenders collected the lesser eggs with loving gentleness. Nimble claws reached out carefully and with exquisite care. Each was cleaned, revealing the true wonder hidden in the insulating birthing goo. The eggs were a deep black with faint white and lavender mottling.

In the collection of remaining eggs, one was more than twice the size. Unlike the others, thin armoured ridges encased it. The extra protection that had painfully torn at her as it departed her body now only brought a tender smile to Chrysalis’ muzzle.

“You will be my finest creation.” Chrysalis cooed, affectionately resting a hoof on her largest investment for the future.

As if in answer, magenta light pulsed from within the dark leathery egg.

CH 57.1  Bittersweet Cookies

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“I love you.” The words that always touched her heart so, had a haunting finality to them this time.

Tears ran from Tiger Lilly's eyes as sunlight dragged her from sleep. The ghostly sensations of a final kiss lingered on her lips. She lifted her hoof to where the phantom touch of his hoof rested against her cheek. Part of her wished it was just a dream, that the final goodbyes from her beloved Silvermane were a simple delusion, but the rest of her knew it was the truth.

The painting on the wall demanded her attention, a beautiful beach at sunset. His painting was amateurish, but she insisted on keeping it and hung it with pride despite her husband’s attempts to throw it away. For just a moment, through vision distorted by tears, two ponies lay together on the sands. Her heart ached to relive that moment again to have one more chance to hold him.

She curled up as sobs wracked her body. She desperately clung to the pillow that still carried his scent.

Hours later, the dream was still clear in her mind. As pristine, if not more so than memory she could recall in her old age.

As she hobbled her way towards the kitchen, she caught her reflection in the mirror as she passed. Her eyes were still reddened, even if the tear tracks had been cleaned from her coat.

She met her own gaze in the polished surface. She was no longer the young mare that had fallen for a gallant guard in training, and the years had taken their due from her.

The framed copy of Silvermane’s oath, flanked by his long service awards, perched proudly upon the wall. Her eyes traced the words that pledged his life to the service of Equestria. It was the one and only promises he held equal to their wedding vows.

The ornate golden frame was warm under her hoof. “Once a Royal Guard, always a Royal Guard.” Silvermane had said the words so many times, but she never truly understood what it meant, until now.

Princess Celestia looked out of the photo next to it. Her eyes were kind and wise as she accepted Silverman's oath. She could be wrong, but there seemed to be sadness in the Solar Princess’s eyes. It was as if she knew what might be asked of those that swore themselves to her service.

“Do you even remember him?” Unsurprisingly the photograph did not answer. Long moments passed before she continued on.

The old kettle performed its duty far better than her body did. Both it and the teapot that waited on the heating water had been housewarming gifts from their first shared home. Even here in the kitchen, so many things held memories.

The kettle’s song shifted to a whistle. Her hooves went through the long practised motions as her mind lingered on the past, over a century together, with ten decades of happiness. Later, she would dig out the old photo album, perhaps tell her great grand foals some of the funnier stories.

She sipped at her tea. Only the slightest tastes had seeped into the water from the exhausted leaves to great her taste buds. Still, it warmed her old bones. But her heart longed to be done with this all to simply join her beloved.

The old grandmother clock ticked ever on. Each sound advanced the time second by second. Life continued on, time only waited on one mare, and she was no Princess Celestia. Her charges would be here soon. It was an endless task of keeping the little ones out of their parents' manes.

“Granny, Granny”, The small army of foals called. One, two, five, eleven of them vied for her attention. Eleven? She checked again. Yes, there was one extra. A small twinge of doubt entered her mind. She shook her head. She must be going senile in her old age. “Now, who wants cookies?”

And so she set to work, stretching the diminished baking supplies and making each one thinner and smaller than she usually would. Despite that, the little touch of sweetness would bring smiles to their little faces.

So she set about making them the same method her grandmother had taught her. Even if this time the secret ingredient of a little love might be a little bittersweet today.

Little Racer's wide eyes silently pleading to lick the spoon clean reminded Tiger Lilly so much of herself she could not help but give in.

Her eyes gauged how little was left in her pantries. Enjoy them, little ones. There might not be any more for a very long time. She thought as her mind wondered if she would ever have another chance to bake cookies.

Tiger Lilly looked out from her porch as she rested on the cushioned bench. It might not be the classic rocking chair her age demanded, but it was comfortable and had room for two.

Celestia's sun neared the end of its daily journey. In less than an hour, the beautiful reds and oranges of sunset would claim the sky briefly before Luna’s night claimed the heavens.

The village's new defenders stood diligently. They arrived, as if Celestia sent, just as the monsters closed in. A tide of white and gold fearlessly swept through the hoard of evil.

Like her husband, they looked dashing in their armour, and like her husband, they would offer up their lives in defence of Equestria if called to.

Like normal, the pony in charge did not have their appearance concealed by the uniform enchantment. Unlike normal, there was a second distinct looking pony.

Four mares crowded around that one. He was an absolute brute of an earth pony. Far too big for the uniform spell to work. She let out a quiet chuckle at the poor stallion. He looked far outside of his comfort zone.

A wistful smile played over her muzzle. One or more of the mares would be starting a new chapter of their lives soon, she just knew it.

“Are you alright, Mam?”

Tiger Lilly turned her head. The tall, lanky sergeant stood there, uncomfortable in her armour. They must be throwing the youngins into the thick of things… She snorted. “They’ll be none of that Mam thing here. I’m Granny Lilly, and you better remember it.”

“Yes, Mam…”

She levelled a hoof at her. “Now if you keep that up, you won't be getting any cookies.”

The Sargent blinked. Utter bemusement painted the perfect image of confusion on her face.

Tigger Lilly laughed, the sight was just so ridiculous. The brave and stalwart Royal Guard was defeated by one slightly crotchety old mare.

The sergeant nodded and recomposed themselves. “I will honour your request… But my question still stands, are you ok?”

Moisture formed in her eyes again. She blinked it away before the tears could fall.

The guard’s armoured hoof gently rested on her shoulder. The simple touch conveyed far more warmth than the ridged metal armour should have been able to.

After a moment, Tiger Lilly patted the Sargent’s hoof. “No, but don't be worrying about me, I will be.” Her smile was bittersweet, and she knew it. At most, it would be only a few years before she was with her Silvermane again.

“If you need anything.”

Tiger Lilly nodded. In the distance, something moved. Just a smudge of colour in the sky. “Now, what's that?” She mused.

The Sargent turned to look, then froze. “An airship? What's Princess Twilight doing here?”

Tiger Lilly’s ears pivoted towards the mare. Was that a note of panic in the Sargent's voice? The young could be so silly at times. She slowly shook her head. The princesses were not going to tear a stripe off anypony for slight uniform infractions or not having a proper royal welcome ready.

A bright flash erupted from the village square. “Now, what's all the fuss about?” She grumbled to herself.

A much smaller flash appeared right in front of the Sargent. A scroll fell, striking her on her muzzle. As if in a daze, the guardsmare broke the seal and began to read. She trembled, eyes going wide as they locked onto the blur that was apparently an airship in the distance.

Tiger Lilly’s joints painfully protested as she rose. She had been the wife to a serving guardspony for most her life. She probably knew their jobs better than they did by a country mile. An amused snort escaped her. “Come on, Deary. Lets see what our newest Princess magicked into the square.” She nudged the highest-ranking guard’s armoured form. The Sargent snapped back to reality and began to follow. “I know its hard, I know you've been thrown into the thick of things.”

The Sargent nodded. “This is not what I was expecting.”

“Just stay strong, stay calm and look like you know what you're doing.” Tiger Lilly looked straight into the Sargent’s eyes. “You’ve been trained for this. You would not have that armour if you weren't ready.”

From the square, an excited cheer rose. Well, whatever had been delivered, at least it seemed to bring good tidings.

CH 57.2 Royal Mail 

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With each measured motion of her wings, Rainbow flew faster and faster. Small bursts of lighting rippled along her feathers with each powerful flap. The raw power of her augmented magic sent a thrill through her as it pulsed through her wings. Each sensation a whispered promise of what she might be able to do once she mastered this gift. She surged through the air, her focus as razor-sharp as her blade. She was utterly intent on the cleanest motions, the most exact magic flow she could manage.

She snapped her wings to full extension, and the air caught her. She let herself glide as she mentally ran through a post-flight review. Two dozen minor corrections were the only thing that kept her course true. Ponyfeathers.

She sighed as her senses expanded in the open sky around her. Behind her was a mess. Yet again, unstable eddies of turbulence trailed in her wake.

The new power was great, but untamed power was just an accident waiting to happen. She had regained much of her fine control, but it was not enough. She could practically hear Spitfire’s voice in her mind berating her. Her captain, well, her former captain now, would have dropped her from the flight roster for the merely ‘adequate’ performance. “Stormfront.” The name on her lips summoned a silent gathering of ponies to mind. A life was lost because she was not fast enough, because she was not good enough.

Her blade strapped to her leg felt like it might drag her from the air with the weight of her failure. The metal warmed against her coat, the blade's grim determination only added to her own. She had improved. She would improve.

“Buck.” She dipped one wing as she re-oriented on the airship she was ostensibly providing a close air patrol for with these training runs. She kept to her glide, her mind wandered as her senses drank in everything for as far as her pegasus sharp vision could see.

So much had happened, and yet from so high up, even the conflict-torn lands below looked almost peaceful, if a little withered from the lack of water. “The weather patrols are going to be flying their wings off.”

Apart from Candice remastering her own flight with methodical diligence, the only others in the air were small specks in the distance.

Out of well-drilled habit, she noted the range, speed and, barring of everything in the air. Extracting every bit of intelligence in case RGIS grilled her over what she saw had become an ingrained reflex.

Her eyes narrowed. “Are my eyes better? What the hay did Twilight do to my eyes.” What should have been a single flicker of movement at most resolved into small ordered points of motion. The other flyers flitted around in textbook formations. If that was not enough to identify them, the slightest glint of gold revealed the royal guard armour.

She glanced around, her eyes locked onto landmarks, trees, individual flowers, anything and everything in her sight. Each time she focused, pushed that little harder to resolve details, it simply worked. Just like enchanted goggles or binoculars, only without losing any situational awareness. If anything, the sharpness in her full field of vision was enhanced, just to a lesser degree than what she focused on.

Rainbow easily banked into a lazy circling of the airship, the lavender feathers that flickered in her peripheral vision were more distracting than she would admit to anypony else.

Releasing whatever new power had enhanced her vision was simple. As soon as she let her concentration waver, it was gone.

A tightness in her chest had nothing to do with the effort of flying. The one thing she had worked her whole life the achieve was gone. The Wonderbolts were now only a part of her history. She was Twilight’s, her chosen, her knight.

Even without turning to look, she could feel her. As intimately as she could feel the pull of magnetic north, but it was far more. It was as if her Princess, her friend, was beside her despite the open air between them. It mixed the warmth of a friend's embrace with the reassurance of knowing your wingmate had your back. It was just like when they used the elements. Her loyalty anchored to Twilight’s friendship. Rainbow’s eyes unerringly followed that link.

Twilight posed, balanced at the prow. The wind caressed the feathers of Twilight’s impressive span. She simply stood there with her outstretched wings and a serene smile on her face.

As Rainbow circled around again, Twilight raised her head and opened her eyes and instantly found Rainbow’s own. Twilight glanced at the deck crowded with mercenaries for a moment. Her eyes lingered on the unicorn mare decked out in fancy gold armour covered with sun symbols.

Twilight looked away and readied for flight. Her leg’s powerful muscles bunched. With a fluid explosion of motion, she lept. With only her launch and a single flap, she rocketed up past Rainbow’s altitude.

Without a thought, Rainbow navigated the turbulence of Twilight’s passage and fell in on her wing.

Twilight sighed contentedly. “I don't know how I lived without my wings.”

As if summoned, Candice ascended and fell in on her other wing. Twilight turned to look at her. By the slight drop of Twilight’s ears, the slight hitch in the strokes of her wings, Rainbow just knew what Twilight's expression would be. A guilt-filled apologetic mixed with a loving welcome.

Candice was just like Rainbow herself. Rainbow let her gaze trail over her wing and lingered on a single lavender primary We’re just a pair of broken mares restored by Twilight.

“Tell me, you two, what do you see there?” Twilight asked.

“A village?”Rainbow offered.


“One without a wall,” Candice stated, her voice laced with suspicion.

The world so far below was like a map. There were more than a dozen similar villages. Most destroyed or abandoned. Two were walled up and fortified. Only this one looked mostly normal. Candice was right.

Rainbow focused her vision again, and the distant village lept into crystal clarity. Ponies moved around as if it was a normal day. Mixed and dotted around was the distinctive gold of royal guard armour. “How have they not built a wall yet?”

Candice seemed to reminisce. “According to the regulations, they should have fortified or fallen back to a larger settlement by now.”

Rainbow snorted. "So what, are they incompetent, or lazy?"

"Or not who they seem to be?" Twilight hummed as she turned, aligning with a thermal and letting the rising air take up the effort of keeping her in the air. “Leaving the question of who… or what they are, they are protecting ponies. They have clearly fought off one attack.” Twilight’s extended hoof pointed to an all too familiar burn pit.

Just like in Ponyville, it was the only real way to get rid of so many tainted bodies.

“So, Twi? What do we do?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight's sharp descent was her answer. She expertly pivoted on her wing and started a loop around the airship. Rainbow twisted in the air and followed. Candice lagged behind one moment before she also fell in again.

Twilight flared her wings wide before gracefully alighting upon the deck. Rainbow smirked and pushed herself into a flashy flip and twist. Her hooves crashed into the railing as she nailed the landing and dramatically posed with flared wings.

Candice’s landing was sedate in comparison. A technical and precise manoeuvre, but with zero flair or showponyship. Rainbow’s eyes flicked to the two ponies next to her, one being an Alicorn, the other with freakishly large wings. Rainbow rolled her eyes. If she was less awesome, she might be feeling wing envy.

The old scarred griffon approached. The distinct clicks of each talon on the wooden deck, so distinct from the sound of hooves. The last time she had heard it had been when Gilda stormed out of Sugar Cube Corner. Please be alright.

“Need something, Princess?” The bird rasped.

“Simply clear this quarter of the deck for a few minutes.”

“You heard the Royal. Move your tails.”

Various card and dice games were snatched up with minimal grumbled complaints. As soon as the space was cleared, Twilight’s horn lit.

First, a flat-packed wooden crate popped into existence and assembled itself. Nails appeared and drove themselves into place. The finished shipping crate was sizable enough to fit a trio of Celestias inside.

Rainbow hovered and peered in as boxes of medical supplies and wax-paper wrapped bundles of preserved food simply manifested into the crate one by one.

The scratch of a quill joined the repeated pops as more and more supplies filled the crate. Finally, the precisely filled-to-the-brim container was sealed, the lid nailed in place.

A vindictive smirk spread onto Twilight’s face. Twilight signed the scroll, and in a flash of magic, it vanished a moment later, and so did the crate.

Twilight almost had a bounce in her step as she regally made her way back to her cabin.

“Hey, Candice, any idea what that was about?”

CH 58 Hunting Trip

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As reduced as they were, the natural sounds of the forest spoke of safety, at least for the present moment. As the lowest on the food chain, the little creatures were always the most sensitive to danger.

Gilda balanced on her hind legs as she carefully moved into position. With deft talons, she nocked an arrow and drew. The near-silent creek of the bow was almost deafening. She sighted along the arrow and grimaced at the slight curve it had picked up. Mentally, she cursed the cheapskate that took the talon full of bits for themself. So instead of talons of arrows there instead, there had been only a single half-full quiver. They had more bows than functional arrows to start with.

Her stomach growled. The empty hollow of hunger gnawing did wonders to refocus her priorities. They needed food.

She watched her dinner-to-be graze peacefully. Completely oblivious that its simple life would soon be over. How hungry would she need to get to see a cow or even a pony as nothing but walking meat?

Her mind drifted to Dash, the one pony she knew that accepted this part of her. The horizon offered no answers to the fate of her friend. With all the craziness that normally came up in the pony nation, and now the tainted monsters flowing from its borders, she just knew the arrogant mare would be right in the thick of things.

Her meal shifted and moved further to the undergrowth, clearly seeking more green to graze upon. Her eyes narrowed, and she slowly released the tension on the string. If the arrow had been perfect, she would have taken the shot.

She stowed the bow and stalked closer. She had to be sure of the shot. Each talon and paw found their place in utter silence as Gilda crept ever closer.

By that time, she was almost drooling. Just the idea of the meat that was about to be hers made haste far too tempting. Her prey was so close now. She could keep up with Rainbow Dash. A dumb prey beast should be no challenge. Her talons scored the ground. She could just imagine the unresisting soil to be her meal's soft, delicate flesh. One surge of motion and hot blood would be pouring down her throat.

Expertly, she found her spot, and as quietly as a ghost, she readied her bow. Her talons wanted to rip and tear, and it took far more effort than she would ever admit not to crush her bow in her grip. And this is why we buy most of our food… hunting always awakened her more feral side.

She gave herself a moment to steady herself, mastered her breathing and put the beast away. Archery was a skill for a keen eye and a calm mind, and it was no place for the visceral red-tinged passion of talon-to-talon brawling.

She breathed in and slowly let it out. Her eyes locked on her prey, and she drew. She could already taste the fresh meat. She lined up her shot, her aim like any true hunter for the sweet spot that ensured a quick kill.

As if guided by an outside force, she knew just the perfect moment to lose her shot.

A sharp eagle's cry rang out. Her feast flinched. Gilda’s perfectly aimed arrow just kissed her prey’s coat before it was swallowed by a sea of green. The animal bolted, vanishing into the deeper forest. Birds scattered from their perches as the whole forest went on alert.

Gilda held in the frustrated roar that fought to escape. "If this is another false alarm," she growled as her splayed talons promised blood.

She took to the air, where wings pounded the air as if she could beat it into submission. Raw physicality propelled her through the air faster than any but a single pony.

She swung her head around and sought any threat. Three then four other hunters joined her in the air. The slower hauled a large beast. "At least somegriff caught something." She glanced around again. “Where is Grean?”

The others started looking around as the armoured lookout flew closer.

"Head hunter," a trembling voice called.

A jolt of fear pulsed through her veins even before her eyes found it. Far below, the shambling abomination crept from the deep forest. Bile rose in Gilda’s throat as she watched the thing's fluid movements.

The Head Hunter’s form was revolting, torn chunks of flesh woven together by inky thorn coverd vines. Dozens of wooden protrusions made the thing look a little like a porcupine. Each an arrow, javelin or spear, and each a testament to a failed attempt to kill the beast.

As if its corrupted form was not bad enough. Three still living griffon heads emerged from the thing's chest as if worn as a perverted necklace.

The thing's head shifted, melting into a new shape. It formed a huge fanged maw just to smile with. With almost tender care, a vine snaked out and caressed its three trophies. The griffons' heads twitched. Their eyes, filled with a desperate plea for relief, found Gilda's own.

It moved into the open, all the better to be seen. As if presenting a heartwarming gift, the beast placed a bow, just like Gilda's own, and a quiver full of arrows on the ground.

The thing’s smile turned to a smirk as the maw melted back into the churning mass. It turned and sauntered back into the darkened depths of the forest.

Just before it disappeared from view, it raised one limb in a casual wave as if they were parting friends.

That was the last straw. The icy vice that gripped Gilda's heart shattered under the burning in her chest. A furious roar erupted from her. She would kill it. She would rend it limb from limb with her own talons. She thrashed and beat her wings. She clawed at the air in a vain attempt to get to the target of her rage. For some reason, nothing worked. She moved no closer to her target.

A small thread of rationality noticed what had happened. The sting of pain as sharp points pressed into her flesh as incidental damage. Only two sets of strong talons restrained her long enough to realise what she almost did.

Her snarl died down to a defeated sigh. "I'm good.” It was a lie, but she had to say something to prove she was thinking again. She shuddered at just the thought of what would have happened to her. One touch, just the slightest contact with the abomination and there would be no escape.

“Thank you,” Gilda admitted.

Her comrades released her and her wings caught her in a hover before she even started to fall.

An armoured griffon nodded to Gilda and then pointed to the parting gift. She returned the nod. It made sense, everygriff knew she was the fastest.

She passed her bow and quiver off to another and propelled herself into a power dive. The ground rushed up towards her, and her talons flashed out. Her wings screamed their protests as she shot back into the skies.

For a long moment, her eyes refused to look away from where she could almost feel the Head Hunter lurking just out of sight. A shudder fought to show her fear to the world, but she crushed the impulse.

As she settled into an effortless hover, she examined her prize. Like last time each arrow was perfectly made. Carved bone heads and fletched with griffon primaries. Her talon stroked the familiar red of the fletching. Her talons ached to do something, but the anger faded to grief. She could not help but imagine the next time they saw the head hunter. Another head would have turned the set of three into a quartet of agony.

She seethed. How could they be so weak? This was just one monster, one twisted use of magic, and none of them could do anything to it. Gilda closed her eyes You will be avenged. It was not much but it was all she could do.

The flight back felt very much like fleeing with her tail between her legs. Nothing they could do, no weapon they possessed could even slow that monster.

The eyes that greeted them were the worse. Each started with joy and hope when they saw the feast they carried. Moments later, when they realised the count of those that returned was one lower, sadness and anger took root.

I don't know how much longer we can take this.

CH 59.1 An Unconventional Education

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“What do you think, Twilight?” Sunset asked, her hand poised with pen ready to add more words to the page. A mindless sleepy murmur was the only response.

A yawn escaped Sunset in sympathy as the fatigue she had successfully ignored reared its head. As she watched the sleeping form of Twilight, she could not help but think sleeping humans still looked a little ridiculous. Their forms were meant to be upright and in motion.

Being careful not to wake her, she placed a blanket over the exhausted girl. Page by page, she gathered the loose notes and arranged them. We might have gotten a little carried away. The small mountain of papers spoke to the truth of her thought.

They had spent hours experimenting with magic. Twilight had even started to try and adapt a simple unicorn spell for use with her own abilities. A smile graced her face at even the memory. She let out a content sigh. I haven't had fun like that for a long time. A slight blush heated her cheeks as her hand found her small human ear. She shook her head. Dont be a silly mare.

Not wanting to wake Twilight with the light of magic, she did everything by hand. The remaining pizza went into the fridge, and everything else was put into order. Another yawn promised she would not be awake much longer herself.

A quick trip to the bathroom to make her nightly preparations and ditch her clothes to resume the perfection of her pony form was needed. She looked at the excessively large pile of clothes that could entangle her should she need her horn in a hurry. Velcro and elastic would have to become part of her wardrobe. Maybe Rarity could come up with something that works.

This time, she kept her focus. This time, there was no sudden flash of flame. Her body smoothly shifted from human to equine over half a minute. She would need to see if she could learn more about the implications of the two methods. She put that aside for now. It was far too late. She trotted out, stretched like a cat and made herself comfortable in a small nest of cushions.

The world started to fade away as the warm comfort of sleep crept in around her. A pulse of magic brushed against her horn. The sudden sensation snapped her eyes open and banished her fatigue. Her eyes followed her horn straight to a particular book.

Twilight? She thought as her aura enveloped the tome and brought it close. Fortunately, the faint light and quiet chime of the magic did not disturb the sleeping human. What do you want at this time of night?

Sunset, I write this as I am on an airship flying away from almost everything I love. My daughter, most of my friends, Ponyville and my ponies.

There has Sunset. Today I had to do something I deeply regret.

Is everything alright, Twilight.

No, but I'm trying to fix it. As an alicorn, I have a lot of power, but it is not unlimited. Today, I had to leave a pony I could heal uncured.

What could she say to that? Sunset thought for a moment. With how good Equestrian healthcare was, it could not be something simple. Anything that could just be left to the doctors or healers would not weigh on her friend's mind so.

I'm sure you had a good reason.

Yes, and Night assures me I did the right thing.

I can tell that does not sit well with you.

Logically, I did the right thing. It would be a dereliction of my duty and our treaties with the griffons if I willfully crippled my magic so much before the battle.

If only he was not a unicorn, perhaps I could have saved him.

What's wrong with him.


The ballpoint pen froze in the air above the page. Every time that pony cast magic, they were hastening their end. The more they depleted their wellspring, the more of their life was spent with each spell. If they were exhausting themselves, they might only have days or weeks left. It was a painful way to go.

You can cure Systemic Wellspring Failure?

Yes, but I can not justify the cost, not just for one pony. And to make it worse, he is constantly exhausting himself by helping the refugees.

A chill settled into Sunset’s heart. To have the ability to save a pony and have to refuse to. Not being able to help would be horrible enough, but to have the power and for other things to compel you not to. The photo of both Twilights in front of the statue drew her eyes. “Twilight.” She whispered.

Sunset looked to her friend sleeping peacefully, this world's Twilight. Nothing they had defeated together in this world had been anywhere near as bad as what Equestria faced now. Her eyes settled on Princess Twilight’s words.

She was Sunset Shimmer, the most powerful pyromancer for over five hundred years. She might be just a little rusty, she had to admit. Not that that would matter, at least if there was no need to care about incidental damages.

The warmth of her magic grew. Its fire in her chest matched the building determination. Her aura raised the pen as if a mighty blade.

I'm heading over to help.

No, you can't.

“What?” Sunset let out an annoyed snort. Who was she to… no, she just cares. She took a calming breath before she wrote her answer.

Twilight, I'm still an Equestrian, and it sounds like you could use my help.

No, I mean, you literally can't. I have the book with me right now. The portal is sealed until I replace it.


Just like that, even if she wanted to help, she could not. Horrible things were happening back home, and she could do nothing to help. All her power and she could do nothing, just like Twilight could not save that pony. The heat of her determination cooled, and a cold hollow replaced it.

Why did you take the book with you?

How else was I going to keep providing you with your magic lessons?

My magic lessons are not worth another’s life.

My dear student, we would disagree, but in this case thy presence would not alter their fate. The healing Twilight wishes to impart would require her to sacrifice a piece of her soul. A price no mortal could survive paying.

Thou art far too treasured to allow you to make such a sacrifice.


Yes, now let's be about your lessons. Thou have no part to play in this incident, but we doubt that will be true for others. We will have thee ready to face what tiz to come.

The next few pages slowly filled with arcane runes and glyphs. Pages upon pages of magic Sunset had never seen before. Most clearly touched on restricted and even forbidden spellcraft. After every few spells, the hornwriting would change, and a list of questions and exercises would appear.

Dozens of spells she would have done almost anything to get her hooves on before she left Equestria were simply being given to her. Avarice made her want to drool and maybe prance in joy.

The page felt smooth under her hoof. It did not take the genius she was to spot the lethality of the last spell. No ‘safe’ spell would have so many non-optional components to ensure it only affected the desired target. A small knot twisted in her gut. A tiny part of her considered destroying the forbidden lore.

She could not stop her eyes as they absorbed the two new spell runes, two simple bits of magic that had been kept from her that allowed such terrible things to be done. What was written in beautiful script would reach out and crush the spark of life. The spell was as elegant and harsh as Night’s hornwriting. What would Princess Celestia do if she found me with this?


Sunset flinched. For a moment, she could have sworn the book at spoken. Then she paid attention to her surroundings. “Morning, Twilight,” she said to her human friend. Her hoof proceeded to her chest to try and calm her suddenly racing heart.

“Have you been up all night?”

“Just getting my magic lessons.”

Twilight looked over the tome of magic Sunset had been compiling. “You should get some rest. Studies indicate a well-rested mind is more efficient at learning.”

Absent-mindedly, Twilight reached out and petted Sunset’s head. For a moment, Sunset considered pulling back. As the soothing sensation spread, it became far less of an issue how undignified this must look.

It only increased as the long fingers found delicate ears. I'm not a plushy. Was Sunset's last thought before Twilight's efforts soundly routed any resistance to slumber.

CH 59.2 Objectives

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In the comfort of the silken darkness of her cabin, Twilight reclined into the indulgent softness of the cloud bed. It was the one and only thing she had changed about her cabin, but she just could not settle on the simple bunk it had come with.

She set the journal aside and let her eyes close for a long blink. Even with most of her senses suppressed, the night was anything but quiet. The lines and timbers of the airship creaked and sang with each change in tension. Feathers, fur and sheets rasped as they brushed against each other. Gentle breaths mingled with snores. Even a dozen heartbeats reached Twilight's Alicorn ears.

Two sounds, in particular, held her attention. The first, Rainbow's distinct and not so gentle snores as she rested in the room next door. Further away, Candice's large wings cut through the air with powerful flaps as she took advantage of Luna's gifts flying the night watch.

Twilight trailed her hoof over the empty space beside her. A warm-core of longing spoke volumes of what Nova would rather do. It only took half a second more to remember her Sweet Dreams was far too busy researching for more pleasant diversions. Twilight almost snorted. Since when have there been more pleasant diversions than reading?

She hoped that relit flame of desire was a good sign, that it was an indication that the fiery mare had recovered somewhat. Twilight’s mind settled back on that single rage-filled moment back in Canterlot.

Tendrils of shadows reached out and enveloped the book. Soon the soothing sounds of a quill marking the pages could drown out all the other incidental noises.

A pride not her own slowly built in her chest. Even without words, their link allowed no doubt in Twilight's mind that Night was more than just invested in Sunset's education. Night truly liked her. Deliberately, without using a single word, Twilight considered what those two could have possibly shared to become so close.

Twilight sighed. She was just distracting her again. Reluctantly, her mind shifted from her distant friend to the battles ahead.

Even in the near-total dark, Twilight's night aligned eyes easily devoured every detail of the wall-mounted map.

She tilted her head. The umbral colours were still somewhat alien despite their beauty. With the smallest effort of will, lines of darkness deepened their inverse radiance. "Now, if we start here… we can sweep the area. Leave Flame Dancer and the mercenaries to fortify … " she placed a pin in place. "Now, do we fortify a second location… or concentrate our efforts on one?"

Is your goal to save the griffons or to remove the blighted as a threat? Night inquired in a lazy purr.

“Of…" The reflexive answer stilled on her tongue. The part of her that was Celestia’s Faithful Student could only give one answer, but that was not who she was anymore.

Twilight took a moment to consider Night’s words. The curiosity drifting off her mental companion had no hint of manipulation or malice to it. So not just your dislike for the griffons? Night did not deign to answer.

Almost without her direction, Twilight set upon the problem. Her mind started a list of pros and cons for both options. It's just like one of Shinny's games. Even with the dire situation, a part of her mind could not help but view the pins as nothing but pieces on a board, and not the lives lost and those that may yet still be saved.

Sunset could have been a powerful piece. With her fire and solar aligned magic, she would be a perfect counter to the blighted. Twilight eyes settled on the communication journal as Night's magic still danced over the pages. She watched the words elegantly flow one to the next with a harsh beauty that Twilight's own horn writing lacked.

A part of Twilight's mind idly counted. Six counts of high crimes against Equestria, six counts of what mere knowledge of could very well be considered treason, now diligently delivered into Sunset's waiting hooves.

No matter how long she thought about it, she found not the least amount of guilt with this violation of Celestia’s law.

Thinking of one sister eventually brought her mind to the other. To that perfect moment at the end of the fair when Luna’s larger lips met her own. She savoured the phantom sensations her near-perfect memory provided.

With a simple twist of space, a near life-sized plushy replica of her betrothed popped into existence from Twilight’s pocket.

Twilight’s eyes trailed wishfully over the copy. Other than being a little smaller and clearly being made from fabric and stuffing, it was perfect.

Her wing reached out and drew the plush into an embrace. A moment later, the phantom sensation of feathers ran along her own back. No doubt her distant betrothed was also embracing her facsimile.

The soft smile that had formed evened out to a flat line. There were two many things that needed her attention first. She lifted the plushy’s left hoof with her own and began to tap out her message to Luna in hoof code.

The mighty Princess of Magic playing with dolls now? What is the world coming to, Darling? Night said in an exaggerated impersonation of Rarity's voice.

Upon reflection, what she was doing was patently ridiculous. An amused snort escaped Twilight. She was truly glad Rainbow was fast asleep in the next room, or else she would never live this down.

Yet, with Spike safe in Ponyville and the need to conserve magic for the upcoming battles, it was the most logical choice. “Oh, shush you,” Twilight said, not even trying to hide the affection or gratitude from her voice.

Sometimes all you needed was a little laughter to see the light even in the darkest of times.

Twilight rested her forelegs over the prow's railing as the world around her transitioned from night into day. She blinked and let her eyes shift from thestral slits to the familiar round pegasus ones in the moment her eyes were closed.

The pallet of both the land below and the sky around them changed. The exotic allure of darkness was replaced by the radiant colour of sunlit day. The bit of her that came from her time under Celestia wanted to smile, and yet she had to fight to not squint and hiss at the too hash light.

Despite the dark wounds the blight had caused to the land, the world below still held a picturesque beauty. Like the dislike of the daylight, the pride and annoyance that stirred within her was not hers. She knew it was merely an echo from Night.

Twilight glanced over at the easel set up beside her. Night's darker magic reached out and enveloped a brush. With deft strokes, paint started to form an image upon the blank canvas.

Why do you want to paint this? Twilight asked with a wave of her hoof.

Our history may not have to define us, but it must be remembered. Night answered.

Twilight let her eyes close and reached out with her senses. One by one, every source of magic from horizon to horizon filtered in. The bright sparks of uncorrupted life, and the dark motes of the blighted. One was far more than a mere mote, a squirming knot of malice that felt far too comfortable to her senses. A part of her sought to reach out and pet the monster. She deliberately put that issue aside. You can feel them can you not?

Yes… Night’s painting paused, her mental tone changed to a solemn wishfulness The spell has proven to be everything we wanted it to be.

You did not do this. Twilight visualised draping her wing over Night, sure the intent was more than enough.

No, but I laid the foundations. Once this is all resolved, we will need to seek out anything I may have left lying around, any contingencies I may have put in place.

You expect there to be more? A minuscule seed of panic settled in Twilight's chest. What other terrors could a mare like Nightmare Moon, in the height of her hatred, have conjured from her mind?

Yes, we would ensure that any move my opponents might make would lead to my inevitable victory.

... Thats only logical.

Yes, but tis proving to be most vexing now our objective’s changed.

You’re not doing this alone, Night.

The feel of a warm coat pressed against her side and a leathery wing embracing her was Night’s answer. The paintbrush resumed its dance over the canvas.

The mercenaries behind her on the deck talked as they got ready for the day, and the night watch retreated down below for sleep. "Royalty," somepony scoffed in disgust. Twilight pretended not to hear, and luckily for them, Night was too caught up by her muse to lash out.

The scent of tea followed on the distinctive hoof falls of Emerald’s elegant gate. Even here, even now, Night's pet insisted on treating her as the Princess she was.

Twilight took up the beverage in her aura and graced Emerald with a grateful smile. "Thank you. As always, you know my desire before I do."

"I live to serve." The disguised changeling started before she finished under her breath. "My queen."

Queen? Only her acceptance of her body as a mere flesh puppet stopped the shiver of desire that started between her wings.

You know you would rule justly. Night whispered in her mind.

Than Chrysalis or Celestia?

My answer would be the same.

Twilight tapped her chin thoughtfully The changeling Queen is not a dire threat. If we can reeducate her, she may even prove an asset.

You truly think you can reform her?

A smug smirk twisted her face. I have a good track record. It worked on you after all…

That is… diffrent.


We are family. Night's statement was a line in the sand, a battlefield she would never retreat from.

A content smile replaced the smirk. Yes, we are… let's get this finished so we can go home.

CH 60.1 The Bucking Princess

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Celestia’s keen eyes lost themself in the liquid golden light that seemed to be trapped just under the metallic surface. That power still felt like a part of her, despite being separated for many millennia.

The blade was such a small thing, so imperfectly made. Any blacksmith past their foalhood would have been ashamed to put their name to it. Dispute that, Celestia still hesitated.

You know this is the only way. Celestia's Warmind chided almost tenderly.

Every answer that came to mind was either foalish or foolishly sentimental.

Every other soul forged item you crafted is actually useful…

Celestia closed her eyes, and the distant past threatened to claim her for a moment. The instant she first held the blade, the first time after countless attempts, her efforts had born fruit.

With nopony around, Celestia’s Mask did nothing to stop the small wistful smile. "I was so proud..."

Is this indulgence truly worth what it would deny us now?

Despite, or maybe because of the oh-so-reasonable tone Daybraker had used, a seed of bitter resentment flowered and reared its poisonous blossom. Celestia considered it for a moment. In a way, it fit far too well in her mental garden, and that decided her course. Almost tenderly, she reached out and rested her hoof on it. She paused for but a moment before she ruthlessly crushed it under her golden shoe. The merest impression of a scream was cut off before it even really had a chance to begin.

A fleeting image danced through her mind's eyes. An image of a time, of destiny, that this action would forever render impossible. It would have been such a simple thing, a moment of closeness shared between a student and a mentor, of reforging this very blade together with her Sunset Shimmer as the final preparation for her trial.

She let the image go with a single exhalation, and a mere blink banished any moisture that might have gathered in her eyes long before a tear could even dare try to form.

So it would seem I'm not to have a new sister today, then?

A low growl pierced the silence. Celestia had her horn alight before she realised she had been the source of the feral sound. "You would do well not to test me, my Warmind."

I believe, Your Radiance, I have done my duty in showing you the truth of your current stability. Daybreaker’s arrogant tone was almost insufferable. It was only made worse by the fact Celestia herself had just given voice to all the proof that could possibly be needed.

She marshalled her anger as her aura reached out. She retrieved her pipe, and it only took a few lung-fulls to have the effect she needed. The smoke rose in lazy swirls as she exhaled. Her content sigh and the tension that bled from taut muscles indicated how stressed she must have been.

Daybreaker reached out. The warm contact of the reassuring hoof was far more comfortable than Celestia would ever admit to a mere tool.

Good, that's a much better state of mind to be in, Your Radiance. So, will you sacrifice this memento for the needs of your Little Ponies?

"We hath sacrificed so much, compared to even the least of that, this foalish trinket is NOTHING!" The final word shook the room as the metal's surface began to bubble.

Celestia narrowed her eyes as her once-prized creation slowly imploded. The simple, functional form collapsed into itself. The metal wailed, and the air screamed as powerful magic pressed in, brutally compressing the soul forged metal into a perfect sphere.

She knew the small orb of metal, so clear in her vision, would be beyond eye-searingly bright to others. Anything or anypony not superbly warded would burst into flames from just the light, let alone the near solar temperature Celestia's heavy hooved telekinesis had induced in the compressed mater.

Warm at last. A part of her wanted to croon in contentment. She only allowed herself a dozen slow breaths to relish the almost forgotten experience of simply no longer being cold. Then she set to work.

Bit by bit, her aura reached out and teased hair-thin wire from the radiant metal. Then with a deftness her overfilled wellspring has long denied her magic, Celestia set to work by hoof as if a common earth pony.

Carefully, she folded and wove strands of wire into a hollow cage, one just perfect to hold a tiny gemstone.

She held her creation up and regarded it from every angle. It was perfect, flawless, yet even as she forced the thought away, a small part of her knew it would never mean as much to her as that first imperfect creation. "This will do." She told herself, and her will made it true.

Only a few dozen more to make, Your Radiance.

Celestia only nodded and resolutely set to work.

A cleaning spell banished the last vestige of the heady scent of intoxicating pipe smoke. Now presentable again, she stepped out of her chambers. Celestia's Mask suppressed the shiver that so rightfully wanted to make her teeth chatter as she elegantly proceeded towards the throne room.

Even through her shoes, the frozen marble floor leached the heat from her. The fridged air clawed at her coat and snapped at her hooves as it promised a frozen death to her. Stop being melodramatic. You know it's exactly the same temperature as it is every day. Celestia mentally scolded herself.

Her wing shifted, adjusting the position of the small chest containing her creations. She considered when she would give the items to their intended recipients. They would need time to gather if it was to be a group ceremony. That would lead to more solidarity. Individual personalised encounters would lead to more devotion. More worship of her herself.

Her sister's steady aggressive hoof falls caught her attention as they drew near. It was clear she wanted to be heard, or her movements would simply have been silent.

“Good morning, Sister. I was not expecting you….” Celestia turned in greeting and found herself lost for words. The large object held to Luna’s side in no way complemented the battle armour or weapons the Princess of the Night still wore. Celestia pondered if this was simply a dream for a full three seconds, standing completely immobile as if a statue. “Why do you have a life-size cuddly toy of my former student?”

“Are you jealous?” Luna taunted.


Luna nodded as if to herself and set off again. “We doth belive somepony needs to get out more. This is a common thing done between couples away from Canterlot these days.”

“No, it is not," Celestia said as she fell in beside her sister. She paused and considered her words and what her sister was doing. Why was she even here in this corridor at this time? She even physically carried the toy when she had so many other options to transport it. She was about to demand a reason, and then she spotted what she had almost missed, that mischievous little sparkle in Luna’s eyes.

The warmth that blossomed in Celestia’s chest had nothing to do with any external change of temperature. It was no surge of magic or first sign of ailment. She smiled and softened her tone. "Thank you for your attempt at lightening my mood, but now is not the time for such foalish games."

"Oh, very well, sister mine. This is a replacement method of communication for when Spike is indisposed."

Celestia turned her attention on the remarkably well made plush copy of one Twilight Sparkle. "I trust it works?"

Luna nodded.

".... How is she?" Celestia suppressed her Mask long enough to let her real concern show through.

"Resolved." Luna's single word answer spoke volumes.

Celestia looked at her sister, watching every tiny movement, each breath, even the ethereal motions of her mane. Twilight was healthy, both physical and mentally. The little hints of worry were completely understandable and not the portence of concealed dire news.

With a firm nod, Celestia spoke. "Good, I wish it had been many years before Twilight had to experience things like this."

"We both know you play the cards you have. Not the ones you wish you have, Sister."

"Why do you think I always try to order the deck to my liking?"

"Because you dislike surprises…though in this case, even we wish you were more successful."

"As eldest, I know the ultimate accountability for this attack succeeding is mine."

Luna stopped walking. "Sister," she almost growled. "we are to rule together. As as we are ruling together, we are both accountable for this, though mayhaps for different reasons. You should have prepared Equestria better, and I should have seen this coming and stopped it dead." Luna's eyes glowed. "I know it still pains thou at times, but I am still thine sword.” Her muzzle creased and trembled as she battled to avoid snarling. She slowly and coldly enunciated her next statement despite her now visible fangs. “Anypony that would do this, anything that would release this blight upon this world, should have long ago felt how keen my edge is."

Resolved and haunted visions danced behind her sister's now slit eyes, but she did not break eye contact. Through that window to the soul, Celestia could see much. There was a fragility to that resolve that would never have been there before her banishment to the moon, would never have been there if not for the 'adjustments' Celestia had made to get her sister back, and not just the bloodthirsty instrument.

Court can wait. She was the bucking princess, and right now, her little sister needed her. In two quick strides, she had her sister enveloped in white feathers as she pulled her into an embrace with wings and forelegs both.

Luna's shocked expression that morphed into relieved delight as she melted into the hug was all the proof Celestia needed. I know I did the right thing, my dear and precious sister. A single tear threatened to escape Celestia's eye. It has been so long, so very long, since she had shared a moment like this with anypony. Apart from when Daybreaker comforted you. A traitorous part of Celestia’s mind added.

“We will get through this. We will find them, and once justice has been administered, we can finally start preparations for the biggest wedding in over one thousand years.”

The soft smile that formed on her dear Lulu's face was a treasure worth more than anything on the face of Equus.

You are aware she feared an attack? Daybreaker taunted.

Celestia ignored her Warmind and nuzzled her dearest sister.

You may ignore me all you wish, Your Radiance, but…

One more word on this… Celestia did not even need to finish her threat before the presence of Daybreaker retreated.

After six minutes and forty-two seconds, Luna sighed and pulled back from the embrace. "Sister, we both have duties."

Despite the frigidness of Luna's magic, the sudden separation was far colder.

Slowly, regretfully, Tia the Big Sister let her thoughts return to that of Celestia the Radiant Princess of the Sun. "Until supper?"

Luna shook her head. “It will be three days before we are back in Canterlot.”

Celestia’s mask kept the hurt from her eyes.

Luna snorted. "Once this situation is dealt with, we are spending some time together. That, or I'm deposing you for a month.”

"That does sound tempting…"

"Then free a day, or be prepared to be evicted from the castle for a full moon."

"What would our ponies think?"

"Whatever thou wish them to."


"Call it a day of rest or celebration for the disaster we survived. Even without using your powers, the mere words from your lips will be more than enough, Tia."

"Save our ponies first, then we may rest."

"We shall hold you to that, Sister."

With one last look, they both parted ways, and Luna retreated for her rest. Celestia moved onwards to her endless duty.

She allowed herself an amused little shake of the head. A little bit of the weight that pressed down upon her withers was no longer there. There was a light at the end of the tunnel.

"Where would be a good spot for ‘Sunny Days’ to go on vacation?"

CH 60.2 The Other Princess

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Only years of practice playing many a role, assuming entire identities in the dream realm, had allowed Luna to play her role. The role was a simple one, and all she had needed to do was perfectly play the part of herself before she knew the truth.

Celestia might be a master at detecting lies. She had centuries of experience reading every slight motion, picking up and interpreting even tiny imperfections in tone of voice no mortal could even hear. Still, all that would not aid her if there was no deception.

Luna was no mere method actor. No, when she truly wished to take on a character, she became them. Since her return, she had no choice but to make use of that talent countless times.

Without the ability to create fragments, it fell to her to be whoever her ponies needed most in their dreams. She could simply close her eyes as Luna and open them as somepony else.

Every word, every motion, every little thought that was there for her sister to see behind her eyes was utterly sincere despite being, at least in part, a fabrication.

Her mind drifted back to the embrace. The raw-power constrained in those white wings that had enveloped her, the scent of summer flowers and ash that filled her nose. A warmth settled in her chest. There had been nothing insincere about it, no Mask controlling things. That had been her sister's true heart. That had been Tia the sister, and not Celestia the ruler of the most powerful nation in the world.

The truth was even she was unsure how much of the act was a falsehood. The craven longing that sat next to her heart insisted how wonderful things would be to simply have let the act become the truth. To cradle that warmth her sister had inspired and breath more life upon it until it became a flame.

How could mine sister love me so and yet the Princess do such terrible things to me? A part of her wanted to deny what the former Nightmare had told her. It insisted that it had to have only been a plan to place a seed of doubt, a machination to cause strife between the two royal Alicorns.

Unfortunately, the pact Night swore ensured everything she had said was the truth. There was no other possibility that would have left Twilight Sparkle still alive.

A part of her hated deceiving her sister, but it was necessary. There was no other choice. Currently, Equestria needed its Princess of the Sun and needed her to be at her best. Was this what drove her sister too, simple necessity?

Another part, a part much nearer the truth, bared her fangs and snarled out every grievance she had. It was only a flight of fancy. It was no fragment. Only a private dreamscape, a chance to vent where nopony could ever hear.

Her hooves loyally carried her to her bed chambers, past the lone sentry. Mentally her attention was elsewhere, focused much more on the expanse of her bastion and its beautiful depictions of glittering lights above. The light that thrashed violently called to her, sought to draw her in. Faint notes of her own cackles and vile words thrown as weapons towards her sister. Taunts far more suitable for the arena and not the sort of words a Proper Princess should ever utter.

She pulled back and focused upon the entire sky of her Bastion. It was still early enough that her own dream orb had plenty of company as it floated in the void above. An orb winked out. Fortunately, this time it only signified a return for the dreamer to the waking world.

Wistfully she lightly touched one. In a simple moment, a little colt's train set, made huge, wound around all their friend's homes. It was most definitely not their normal conveyance to their place of learning. Nor would any train line be allowed to take a shortcut through the throne room.

A dull ache rose in her chest. A whimsy to join the intrepid crew as the train slowly morphed into an airship most grand. Oh, it would be most fun to be the Dread Pirate Luna for a time.

The presence was immediately noticeable. The bastion itself seemed heavier, but not as much as the violation of an invader.

Luna looked back over her shoulder, and a small smile found its way onto her lips. The Tantabus sat there on her haunches with her prized blue ball held in her mouth. She looked for all the stars like an over-eager puppy with her wagging tail.

It was not long before a living piece of the night made manifest was haring around in dogged pursuit of an enchanted orb.

"This is not how I planned on unwinding…" Luna thought aloud as her aura removed the tricorn hat from her head.

A nagging doubt gnawed at her, like a toothache or the itching of a miss-aligned feather. The sensation refused to be ignored.

She looked up and allowed herself to take in the full vastness of her bastion. The whole of her endless citadel was empty, bereft of all but the portraits that were the phantoms of her past.

Her sister had left her mark here in two places. The first was the one she saw each time she gained or lost a Nightguard, the second she avoided.

For the first time in a long time, she made herself see. She pressed her will against the slippery membrane. The Faust forsaken 'gift' her sister dearest entrenched in this most personal of spaces.

The sounds of her rattling feathers almost defended her, and every muscle in her body tried to drag her gaze away.

She snorted. This was just one more challenge. One more foe that she would crush. If she was weak enough to be dissuaded by a mere aversion charm, she would not be worthy of being alive today.

Even though she knew the physical act was merely turning her eyes to look, it felt like she smashed her way through a glacier. Each of its fragments begged, pleaded or threatened. They used multitudes of methods to convince her to turn back. Not one of them succeeded.

It was in the center of a field of ash that once was a grand courtyard. The most noticeable thing that demanded attention was a golden obelisk. Its surface razor-edged and barbed. The thing fought back. A shimmering miraged tried fruitlessly to obscure the truth from her sight.

With the sound of shattering glass, the perception filter died.

For a few long seconds, Luna's potent mind refused to accept what she saw. Then it insisted it must be a conjuration of her own imagination, but try as it might, it failed at keeping the horrid truth from her.

What had once been smooth and glittering gold was tarnished and blackened, scattered around like so much detritus where dozens of charred alicorn skeletons lay. Their forms twisted in a vain attempt to escape their demise.

Her legs trembled and then gave out. "… She did not stop me making fragments…"

How many paid for mine experiments? For a moment, shock, rage, grief, and many other emotions warred in her before frigid ice smothered them.

She smoothly rose to her hooves, a cold purpose burned in her luminous eyes.

“Sister dearest. We will have an accounting.”

CH 61.1 Blueblood's First Command

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Blueblood’s jaw almost hit the ground. The soft touch of Platinum’s hoof pushed it back closed. There is no need to gawk, My Prince.

As the dust from the latest fusillade of spells settled, two cloaked ponies became visible. In star covered blue, Trixie, as flamboyantly as ever, bowed to the gathered ponies. In Crusader Red, Little Star stood proudly in imitation of her fellow ‘student’. They could have been just performing on a stage if not for the devastation around them and the filly's scorched horn that trailed smoke as it cooled.

Starlight rolled her eyes at the showponyship and continued their lesson. She had chosen to instruct her two apprentices inside the shielded confines of Ponyville’s Grand Arena. With that most recent display of arcane potency, it was a wise choice.

With Twilight gone, those three were, by far, the most dangerous mares around. His eyes glanced around. The clear signs of battle and the fire scars were still clearly visible.

In truth, what was left of the town seemed much more like a fortification than the quaint, if chaotic, town he had first visited. Even now, the new palisades were guarded, and a pair of weather ponies circled overhead, ever vigilant.

Four young voices pulled his attention back to ground level. “Alright!” “Your awesome.” “Whoo, whoo.” “Go, Star.” And other foalish cries of support broke from Little Star's own personal cheering section.

“I'm not sure if I should find this little display comforting or disconcerting”. Rarity's voice spoke from beside him.

He glanced over, seeking to meet her eyes and instead caught her fearful glance at her little sister. The sister bedecked in deadly war gear that seemed to think watching lethal war spells was simple entertainment.

Say something supportive. Platinum lightly guided his eyes, so his peripheral vision just caught Little Star's ears focused right in their direction. Twilight's daughter is exceptional in many ways, including her sense of hearing.

He paused for a second as if pondering his answer. “I would find it comforting, I think.”

“Truly?” Incredulity and curiosity mixed in Rarity’s enchanting voice.

“Little Star has a kind and loyal heart. She is fiercely protective of those she cares for.” Blueblood explained as he caught Little Star straighten with pride in the corner of his eye.

“But, she took my little sister into the Everfree to go monster hunting…”

“After ensuring they were protected. It would not surprise me if she was safer there beside Little Star than here during the attack.”

The soft, delicate sigh was a deliberate way to step back from her point. "Your right. I know it's my fear speaking, Darling… I just wish none of this unfortunateness had happened. That all of them could just run around chasing whatever crazy plot they think will be fun this week.”

“Besides Canterlot, they are in the safest place in Equestria. Princess Little Star and Chosen Lulumoon simply make it more so."

Rarity shifted her attention to the showmare. "You know, I never would have imagined she could have ended up here after our first meeting.”

“Despite her… exuberance, she has proven to be an impressive and dedicated mare.”

“And becoming Twilight's Chosen definitely agrees with her. Just look how luxurious her mane is.”

“You sound envious.”

“Of her mane, yes.” Rarity said, tossing her own.

“So you don't see yourself following in Lady Dash's hoof steps?”

“No, I love Twilight dearly, but as a friend, and despite the indignities of Starlight's brutish lessons, I'm no warrior and have no wish to be.”

“Oh? Despite that, you have proven surprisingly adept with a blade.”

“Well, it is only precise needlework on a larger scale.”

“Speaking of such work, I must see about the preparations for my relief expedition.”

Rarity scraped her hoof across the ground, and her eyes lowered to follow its progress. “Darling,” Rarity began as she raised her eyes to meet his. “Might I accompany you?”

Her eyes were clear and bright. There was no doubt, nor desire to do this, just ardent resolve, as hard as the gemstones that marked her refined flanks.

“As always, your company is welcome, Lady Rarity, but are you quite certain? This will be no pleasant little carriage ride.”

“This is not the first time I will have faced danger, and I believe it behooves us to do what we can to help those in need.” Rarity’s confident smile held no hesitation, no hint of falseness.

“Then, if you insist, shall we see about getting you properly attired?”

“Why, of course, Prince Bloodblood, I have the perfect ensemble. I’ll be ready shortly.” With those words, the white beauty just about held her graceful pose as she galloped off.”

It was hard to tell if the eye-catching sway of her tail was a deliberate effort for him or just a side effect of its expert styling.

Blueblood shook his head. Dispite how good she proved in the duel and all the times she saved the world, I would have never anticipated her wanting to undertake this journey.

Perhaps it is not the journey she seeks, but a teacher she wishes to avoid?

Starlight had a dozen open books in her aura as she scrawled incomprehensible arcane markings on a conjured blackboard.

She is somewhat intense… The scar carved into the land by her magic was more than two pony bodylengths deep in places. Just thinking about the amount of raw magic that must have taken made his horn ache in sympathy.

Of course, it is always possible it may not be that she wishes to ‘avoid’ somepony.

Was it possible? Was she accompanying him at least partly just to accompany him? He banished the thought, or tried to at least to. He turned his mind to his duty, to the ponies that would starve without food. The food he was charged to deliver.

“What is Equestria coming to?” He mumbled to himself as he trotted off to gather his ponies.

Only time and the resolve of the strong will determine that, My Prince.

As his eyes found the ponies that laboured to attach thick slabs of armour and heavy siege weapons upon the Friendship Express, all he could do was grimly nod.

Next to Blueblood’s guards, the assembled earth ponies looked like they should have come out of a period drama. The archaic styling of the armour Twilight had crafted for the fair spoke of the darker times in Equestria’s history.

Big Mac looked like a walking juggernaut as he led the team of locals that had signed up to help with the food deliveries. They were to assume the burden of hauling the wagons so Blueblood’s trained guards could concentrate on providing security to the convoy.

Blueblood stood up before the gathered ponies, before his ponies, those that had chosen to follow him, to trust him to lead them. He could feel a tightness in his gut even as pride and satisfaction rested in his heart.

“Ponies, we are gathered here today to prove yet again what makes Equestria great is not its monuments or wonders, nor its cities or industries.” With a hoof, he gestured to the still visible devastation surrounding the town. “Mere days after your homes were attacked, and you stand here ready to head out to help others.”

He paused and let his eyes meet the gaze of each and everypony gathered. He let his expression show them the pride and respect he had for them.

He stood tall and raised his voice, infusing every word with passion and purpose. “I tell you, what makes Equeistreas great is her ponies and how they come together in times of need to help each other. You and your actions are what make Equestria the nation it is. In a thousand years, when the historians look back at today, they will have no choice but to admit you are the heroes I know you to be.” Blueblood bowed his head. “Thank you.”

Rarity’s approving nod and Platinum’s quiet applause meant far more than the much louder pounding of hooves from the troops and Ponyvillians.

“We have hungry ponies waiting on this food.” And just like that, everypony set about their tasks.

With the addition of Pinkie Pie's musical accompaniment, not one order needed to be given, each of them efficiently slotted into place. It was maddening, and it was insane, yet somehow it just worked.

She is an odd one. The voice inside his head observed in a bemused tone. Blueblood could not help his hoof tapping to the rhythm of the song. Fortunately, it did not ensnare him enough for him to join the singing.

Rarity cantered over, humming the obnoxiously infectious tune. Her gem-encrusted mail glinted with each motion as her aura settled an oversized rapier in its sheath. “You know, darling, if anypony told me you would give such a speech a year ago, I would have declared them a liar or a fool.”

His lip curled in disgust at just the thought of how he had once comported himself. I'm no longer simply Celestia's tool to discredit the nobility. He smoothed his grievances over that and gave a firm nod. “Much to my shame, a year ago, you would have been right.”

She hummed and nodded. “I believe we can all agree the past can stay in the past. It is what we do now that matters the most.”

“Will you be joining me on the lead wagon?”

“Well, atop the wagons does seem to be where you have stationed the unicorns…” Rarity hesitated and stared at Pinkie Pie. Somehow, when nopony was looking, she mounted a cannon to an extra wagon. “Well, it would seem we have more company.”

Three of the four original fortified wagons had a pair of powerful earth ponies hitched up to them, and the last was left for Big Mac alone. With his casual disregard for its mass, it seemed he might have been able to tow all four without even exerting himself.

“You better come back in one piece, you hear?” Applejack slammed her hoof into Big Mac's helm to punctuate her point. The resulting clang just emphasised the incredible strength of both the metal and the farmmare’s hoof.

“E-yep.” The apparently unphased stallion said as if the impact to his head was just a light tap.

“Ah, mean it.”

“Ah know.” The oversized stallion said before pulling his sister into a crushing one-legended embrace.

Up and down the group of gathered ponies, there were other goodbyes and well wishes. The simple sight stirred something inside Blueblood, something he could not quite place.

Platinum’s voice came to him as if she stood beside him.It is called a sense of community, My Prince.

Was it really that simple? His mind considered. The endless attempts to win Celestia’s favour or sneak things past her, the endless sharp horned political manoeuvring that the nobles called socialising. The lasting lessons that hammered duty to family and the importance of maintaining the sanctity of noble privilege. What was here in this not so normal little town was so much simpler and yet almost inconceivably meant so much more.

You may wish to narrow your eyes.

Why? He looked up in time to feel the surge of power casually assault his senses.

He almost closed his eyes in time. With a flash of magenta light, Little Star popped into existence next to Rarity. A moment later, after his eyes cleared from a second flash, there was a distinct lack of a certain white mare.

"Rarity?" He looked around, and there was no sign as to where they might have gone.

He had just taken the first step towards Twilight's castle when a third flash of magic assaulted his now poor abused eyes. A single sheet of paper floated down through the air. He snatched it from the air by hoof.

Dear Prince Blueblood,

As per Rarity's request, I write this missive to explain my reasoning for the emergency situation that requires the immediate teleportation of Mummy Twilight's friend / Sweetie Belle's older sister.

Sorry for the interruption. Rarity is too high level for starting gear. Addressing the issue. Will return her to you in less than an hour.

He sighed at the delay just as another sheet of paper appeared.

PS You will still be in teleport range, so she says, please don't wait on her behalf.

PPS Come back safe. Mummy Twilight will be upset if we lose any more ponies. Even you.

PPPS Rarity insists that what I made for her does not fit her even though I know it does fit. I triple checked all the measurements.

So I am afraid she will be a little late as I have to transfer the enchantments from what I made for her to what she is already wearing.

Please make sure the pink alicorn in disguise does not eat all the health cookies. They are for the ponies in need and not her.

Thank you.

She is entirely too competent for how little she truly understands. Platinum commented, and Bloodblood could not think of any rational disagreement.

The armoured wagon's large wheels made good time over the unpaved ground. Blueblood kept a keen eye on the surroundings. The earth pony guards moved in a ring around the caravan. Half the pegasi circled above on watch, while the other half perched upon the wagon tops. The few unicorns like himself kept vigil from the wagons, horns ready at a moment's notice.

A small part of him revelled in the foalhood fantasy of being a hero riding out to do good. Most of him just settled on the grim tidings that made this necessary.

The wind danced through the grass as the tromp of hooves and creak of stressed wood hid the subtler sounds around. If not for the dire situation, one could find the trip relaxing. Perhaps a large scale picnic in force.

Somehow, Pinkie managed to keep pace as she pulled her modified welcome-party-wagon with her incomprehensible bouncing. Something about the resolved look in her eyes did not match the rest of her happy-go-lucky demeanour.

"Twitchy tail, twitchy tail." The words the pink pony called out caused two reactions in the caravan.

His guards looked to Pinkie Pie while the Ponyville locals immediately looked up or made to take cover.

“Darling…” Rarity said as her elegant horn directed his attention upwards.

A chunk of stone, larger than his head, shot by. A little more than a hundred Celestias ahead the unexpected projectile slammed into the ground with a dull thud as it kicked up a small spray of dirt.

It was clearly just an unpowered rock. You didn't have to be Twilight sparkle to work out where it must have come from.

High above the top of the crystal tree Twilight called home, was a small cloud with some sort of balloon atop it.

A pulse rippled across his horn. He snapped his head around, following his senses back to the point of impact.

Around where the rock had impacted, things were falling upwards into the air. Earth, grass, and small and not so small rocks all rose at the same increasing rate.

"Oh, I know this game." Pinkie Pie called out just as Blueblood's eyes started to make sense of what the other forms in the mass of objects were.


The deep-throated boom flattened his ears to his head. His mind took longer than his training to short out what was going on. Both blades floated before him in his own aura as the ponies around him surged into motion.

His eyes flicked this way and that, the chaos of battle accompanied only by the sounds of the ringing in his abused ears.

His heart hammered in his chest, great gasps of air made his lungs feel ragged, and it had only been seconds. Anywhere his eyes were not looking, he ‘knew’ a monster would be lurking, ready to lunge.

Allow me, My Prince. Platinum’s confident request was a balm to his panicked mind. Softly, delicately, her aura ensnared his.

She guided him with the tenderest of touches and led him like a much gentler version of his dance instructor. With each step, each motion, the touch of her magic retreated a little more, until it was only the slightest touch that prompted him to do what his reflexes already knew to do next.

His heart calmed, and his breathing returned to normal as the pure panic of his first real battle transformed into a simple performance.

CH 61.2 Cutiemark Crusaders Siege Engineers. 

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Scootaloo flew in through the window of the upper floor room that had become their new clubhouse. All her fellow CMC were there, apart from Sweetie. Instead, her older sister was there. Rarity and Little Star glared at each other. Little Star stood on the table to get the height to look Rarity in the eyes.

She looked between the two before glancing back at Applebloom. "How long have they been at it?”

Applebloom rolled her eyes and looked up from the blueprints she was working on. "Since Star teleported here with her."

“I'm not wearing that.” Rarity almost shrieked.

“Yes, you, are.”

“It… it does not fit…”

“I tripled checked your size, it fits perfectly.” Little Star brandished the pointed hat as if it were a weapon.

Rarity stomped her hoof. “No, I won't be caught dead in that outfit.”

“Unless you have something better to protect you, you might end up dead. Mummy gave me a mission to keep all the ponies here safe. Your Mummy's friend, so that's twice the reason why.”

Rarity’s annoyed expression softened.

“And then there is the fact that your Sweetie Belle's sister so that's triple the reason.”

That was when Rarity’s resolve cracked. Scootaloo had gotten very good at spotting that moment with older ponies. It meant it was time to save any arguments or tricks you had left for another time.

Rarity sighed. "Can anything be done about how it looks?" She asked, a hint of hope creeping into her defeated tone.

“You don't like the colour?”

“This particular look may suit you and Trixie… but I don't want it to seem like I'm a copycat.”

Little Star stilled and then tilted her head almost like a bird. "You want to have it look like what you're wearing now?”

“I spent hours getting this ensemble just right.”

“You promise, if it looks the same, you will wear it?”

“If it fits the same, I do.”

There was a flash of light, and Rarity stood there in only her white coat. Her armour, weapons, and even her hair bands had been flashed away by Star’s magic.

“It's considered rude to undress a lady without asking.”

“She all ready gone,” Applebloom said without even looking up.

Rarity huffed. "Somepony needs to teach that young lady some proper manners. "

Something about that made Scootaloo's teeth grind together. With a single beat of her Twilight-gifted wings, she was hovering at eye level with the annoying mare. "She is doing everything she can to keep you alive, and your complaining?!"

A painful yank pulled her back to ground level. "Whoah there, Scoots," Applebloom said, distorted through a mouthful of tail.

Scootaloo glared back at her friend.

Rarity sighed again. “I'm grateful for the thought and effort, but it would have been nice to have been asked, not just teleported away and stripped bare.”

“Well, you were about to rush off into danger,” Sweetie Belle said, trotting in proudly wearing her own adventuring gear and vibrant red crusader cloak.

Seeing that cloak stirred a sense of pride in Scootaloo’s chest. All of them with it brought a sense of unity that their varied equipment never could.

“Just doing my part to help those poor displaced ponies.” Rarity said.

“Sis, then let us do what we can to help.”

Scootaloo hovered, spyglass held unused in hoof. She narrowed her eyes and focused hard. The distant world simply leapt closer.

Is this how Rainbow Dash sees all the time? She thought as the amazement and gratitude for Twilight's gift stirred once more in her heart.

In the distance brought near, Rarity sat next to Blueblood on the front wagon. She never expected Sweetie Belles's sister to look so cool. The whole lot of them out there looked amazing in their armour and weapons. They would never be awesome like the CMC and Rainbow Dash, but nopony could. At least they were still impressive. They looked like they could kick monster flank any day of the week.

A flash of darkness moved in the distance. Twisted things slowly crawled out of the ground and took position behind a small rise. The CMC might not have done much ambushing in their time crusading, but they had done enough sneaking around that Scootaloo could tell the monsters were up to no good, and not the fun kind of no good either.

“Star, you were right,” Scootaloo called back over her wing.

Behind her, atop a cloud, the rest of the girls and that new colt waited. There, their most recent construction waited, loaded and ready.

“Range?” Applebloom called out.

Range? She had no idea, a long way? She never had to eyeball such a distance. “Err about…”

“Just point at it,” Star said, and so Scootaloo did.

Little Star scribbled some numbers. Before she took charge. "Up six-point-four degrees more and right ten-point-seven." She then looked at Sweetie. "Can you hold the featherweight spell for a minute?"

Applebloom immediately adjusted the wheels and leavers re-targeting the weapon.

Sweetie screwed her face up and then nodded. “Yep, CMC Big Sister Savers.”

The two unicorns' horns glowed and they nodded to each other.

“Fire,” Scootaloo bellowed and Applebloom bucked the restraint.

All the tension in the arms of the big crossbow like thing released at once with a loud Thwak.

The stone ball bigger than her head zoomed off into the distance, trailing sparks of magenta and green. “Awesome!” Scootaloo said as her eyes effortless tracked it on its unnatural arc. Well, lack of arc in this case, it simply continued on in a perfectly straight line.

“Just ten more seconds, Sweetie,” Meteor Crash’s colt voice said in yet another reminder of the group's new addition.

“Nine, eight, seven,” Little Star counted down as Sweetie Belle started to shake with the effort.

“Save your sister. You can do it, I know you can.” Crash said.

“Six, five, four, three, two, one, now.” Little Star finished. Her own horn flared brighter as Sweetie's winked out as she half fell against Crash’s side.

“Hey throw us that telescope if ya ain't gonna use it,” Applebloom said.

Scootaloo focused all her attention up ahead. The rock now started to fall naturally, its path curved down as it gained speed. With a flick of her hoof, the metal tube spun through the air.

She held her breath for the moment of truth came and nothing happened. Well, not quite nothing, a few small bits of soil and grass scattered up into the air. “Is that…” The pulse of darkness that rippled out stole the rest of what she was going to say.

Everything anywhere near the rock flew upwards into the air, no not flew they were falling upwards. A flash of light and a cloud of smoke burst from the muzzle of Pinkie’s Party Cannon. As if they moved in slow motion, Scootaloo's eyes picked out and tracked the shards of metal and jagged rocks that raced to meet the Blighted caught by Star’s upwards falling magic.

She knew they were monsters and knew they needed to be defeated, but her stomach lurched and it was only how cool she was that her breakfast did not make an attempt to escape. She looked away.

It had been one thing in the moment of battling the Hydra in the Everfree, her heart pounding in her chest with each breath having a very real chance of being her last. The adrenaline had sung in her veins like lighting and she had become the storm.

Now, like this, it was great that they could help ponies. It was awesome that they were saving Rarity and the others, but nothing could make seeing sharp objects as they tore into living creatures pleasant to watch.

“Hey,” Crash’s voice from beside her startled her.

Scootaloo was ten lengths higher in the air before she figured out what she was doing. “I meant to do that.” She said, taking a heroic pose.

“Sure, sure…” He flew closer, his voice turning softer. “Are you going to be alright?”

“Why wouldn't I be?”

“I know how good pegasus eyes can be,”


“If you need to talk… If we can't help you, Princess Luna can.”

There was something in the colt’s draconic eyes, a keen edge of very personal remembered pain. Something passed between them. She felt it, even if she had no idea what it was or what it really meant.

“Nah, I'm good… but thanks.” Scootaloo smiled and offered her hoof.

His concerned look shifted to a smirk as their hooves clacked together. “Shall we keep being the heroes?”

“You know it.”

CH 62.1 Vaunted Company

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Flame Dancer waited patiently beside Captain Candice, Knight Dash and Seneschal Emerald. As only a mere faithful and dedicated to Celestia and not Twilight, a part of her felt very small in such vaunted company.

When she set out with Noble Guide’s caravan, she never would’ve imagined she would be standing here, now.

Twilight looked serene as she gazed out over the horizon at the world lit by the last hour of sunlight. Her aura carefully cleaned and stored her painting supplies. The canvas beside her held a captivated landscape half twisted with blight, half pristine and untouched. All the tools of her craft dealt with, she turned her attention to the actual canvas. She tilted it, the light caught just so on the paint, and for a moment, the screaming faces of griffons appeared in the mottled shading of the pigment.

In a flash of magenta, all trace of the painting and its creation vanished. As the Twilight Princess turned to face them her ponies shifted from calm and relaxed. She stood tall and regal, her wings slightly mantled and horn high. “My Captain, you have command of the mercenaries. Protect our allies.”

Candice nodded and took off to gather the forces. The image of military professionalism.

“My Knight, I am charging you to support her efforts, I expect the sky to be your uncontested domain.”

Rainbow saluted, her eyes blazing with hard purpose, even as the cocky smirk she wore for Wounderbolt posters sat on her muzzle.

“Sun Sworn Flame Dancer, you are not truly ours to command, but you know your duty. We trust you to perform it.”

Flame Dancer bowed reverently. She praised Celestia for her etiquette lessons, which was the only thing that stopped her from cheering like a little filly. Twilight may not be the radiant Princess Celestia, but she was her student raised to divinity by her will.

Twilight’s eyes met Emerald’s for a moment. The tall, dark mare simply nodded and made her way below decks.

“Now, I have an appointment to keep.” Magenta flame rippled along Princess Twilight's mane. Her regal features shifted into a far too pleased smirk as she advanced upon the airships railing and poor corrupted souls below.

A shudder went down Dancer’s spine, from horn point to tail tip, at just the thought of being the focus of even an Alicorn's displeasure, let alone subject to that malevolent gleam in Twilight’s eyes.

As the Alicorn effortlessly mounted the railing, she spread her wings wide. She perched there for a long moment, then just allowed herself to pitch forward and fall. The world around her distorted as if she was nothing but a desert marriage, and then she was simply gone.

Alicorns are our devine protectors. Woe is to any that earn their just wrath. Flame Dancer lowered her head and whispered a brief prayer to Celestia to accept their souls into her warm embrace.

“Ah, why does she get all the fun?” The brash and brave Knight Rainbow Dash said, returning to her endless hover.

Flame Dancer spent a few more seconds honouring those whose suffering was about to end before she looked up to the prismatic maned mare. “She is your Princess, the divine you have chosen to follow. Is it being her will, not enough reason?”

Humour and scorn faded into something softer and more honest in Rainbow’s magenta eyes. “You really mean that, don't you?”

“I do. You are pledged to the Twilight Princess, and so you are hers in all things, in all ways.”

Rainbow alighted, and her eyes travelled over each of the lavender feathers that marked her as Twilight’s as her hoof subconsciously rested upon the blessed blade attached to her foreleg.

“Those of us that are called to serve the Goddesses.”

“Twilight isn't a…”

“She heals the incurable.” Dancer pointedly stared at Rainbow’s right wing. “She walks sheathed in the power to alter the world to her will, and she can raise up her chosen to beyond mortal hights.” The warm and content smile matched the joy in Dancer's heart. “You are blessed to be her Chosen, doubly so to be one of the first.”

Complex thoughts shifted behind Rainbow’s intense eyes.

“I am honoured to be in the presence of one worthy of being Twilight’s Holy Knight.”

Pride and something deeper stirred in Rainbow’s gaze.

Dancer softly smiled and rested her hoof on her withers. “Rejoice in what you have gained, and strive always to be worthy of her.”

Rainbow’s mouth opened, but no sound came out. A moment later, she nodded, ruby hard resolve crystallising in her keen eyes.

The airship creaked and groaned as it altered course. Flame Dancer looked once more at the patch of blighted forest, once pristine wilderness twisted into some grand mockery of a tower. Despite how terrible it was, their was no denying the brilliance of whatever warlock had caused this. Her eyes moved to the horizon in the direction of travel. The griffons upahead were not the ponies she thought she would be saving, but they still deserved to be saved.

She closed her eyes and rested her hoof upon the necklace that bore Celestia’s Devine Mark. Please, lend me the strength to do you will.

CH 62.2 Heart of Fire

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Nova pushed the jagged shard of mirror away. The motion had no enthusiasm behind it, but it did at least make it harder to see her own reflection. She shifted in a vain attempt to get comfortable. The dusty ground beneath her made a poor substitute for the wonderful softness Patchwork had shared before. As much as she craved all the delights out there, all the wonderful sensations, she knew inside she would never deserve them again.

The flickering firelight she could never hide from, that seeped through closed eyelids, was just another reminder of the truth. She was a monster.

Her fetlock pressed into her eyes, even this did nothing to make the fire go away. It still brushed against her, still felt so right even as it whispered to her about all it had burnt, trying to stoke her anger for all those she wanted to burn. It just felt so good, that blaze that started inside her and erupted.

The bad pony that wanted to hurt the little one, The bad pony that should have been burnt. Anger and fear bubbled and burned in her twisting gut. The Sun mare had stopped her, the Sun mare, was the worst pony, even worse than Nova was.

Feral delight at burning bright warred with the frozen talons of disgust and self loathing. Her hoof slammed into her head. Her senses spun for a moment, but the savage blow did nothing to make the things inside go away.

She looked up at the remembering spot. Was there a forgetting spot? Was there somewhere she could slam her head into to make the things in her head go away?

She tried a few spots, but all it did was hurt and leave a trail of blood dripping down her face. She screwed her eyes closed, but it did not help. She could see the flames, her flames, as they hungrily devoured Gift. The wonderful pony that gave herself to her, turned almost completely to ash.

It did not make sense. Attack the bad pony. Then the worse Bad pony, Sun mare, got in the way, then Gift was there. Then Gift was nothing but burnt meat and ash. She growled, whether at the chain of events that made no sense, or just the thought of the Sun mare or herself, she did not know.

“Bad Nova.” She slammed her head into the ground. It did not help her forget either, not even after a few dozen tests.

Sensations from outside brushed against her. They called her. A part of her wanted to purr, to relish them, to lap up every instant of experience she could claim. Instead, she frantically pushed up onto her hooves and galloped. Her hated flames lit the way as she fled deeper into the darkness away from the broken mirror and her remembering spot.

Guilt gnawed at her. She was at the door again. She should not be here, she should stay far, far away, but The Good Monster was singing again. Tears streamed off as she curled up and held herself. The soft sounds and soothing voice made everything go away. She closed her eyes and let herself sleep.

There was talking again. Nova’s ears twitched, and it did not take long to notice one of the voices. The Apple mare was here? She looked up, was the Apple mare moving here like Not Gift did?

Patchwork's voice introduced her. Despite being a monster, Nova still wanted to be a good filly. She tapped out the code to say hello back. She did not want to be a bad filly as well as a monster.

More voices joined in. Bad Monster, Good Monster, Not Gift.

Nova found herself growling. They were talking about the evil Sun mare. About forgiving her. Nova backed away from the door so her thrashing mane could not reach it.

The conversation moved on to food. Whatever Zapapple and Elderflower sandwich was, she wanted to have one. Gnawing a fragment of the mirror made a poor replacement for a tasty sandwich.

Words crept in through a haze of pleasure and aching need.

“Nova, stay, please.”

“I forgive you”

“I love you.”

Nova purred in deep satisfaction as her eyes lazily opened from a wonderful dream. A dream of Gift being alright, of warmth and love. Of all the squirmy feelings that built up inside and made her feel so good.

She stared at the empty space between her forelegs, the space that she wanted, needed to be filled by a pony to hold. She looked around at the bones and mirror shards that lay scattered about her flame-scorched prison.

She curled up and desperately tried to find her way back to that dream. Anything to no longer be here… alone. She wanted her Gift. She wanted to be held by the Shiny pony and be told everything would be ok.

As if answering her, the sweet notes of the Good Monster’s song took everything away, and the cold bite of loneliness faded under the fuzzy blanket of nothingness. Nova desperately snuggled under it as if her life depended on it.

Nova woke. Nothing felt different, but somehow everything did, it made no sense. The scent of ash and heat still dominated her nose. She looked over her body, it was the same aged scarred mess she had been getting used to. She turned her search outwards to her soundings. The same flame damaged walls and floor as always. The pile of bones was right where she left it, the shattered remains of the exploded mirror still littered the floor, most of them where they had fallen.

Tap, tap, Tap tap. The sounds came from above. Nova looked up before she realised that the ongoing message was asking her to look up. There, attached to the ceiling by a thin grey thread, was something made of wood.

Nova coiled her rear legs under her and leapt up, snatching the new thing in her sharp maw. Her hooves clopped heavily on the ground when she landed. The leg she had bitten to try to see if that would make her forget hurt, but that did not matter. “Something new.” She mumbled out through her occupied mouth.

She lowered her neck and dropped the thing on the floor. It took a few minutes just looking at it before she realised what it was. The little hoof mirror was not as good as the larger one Patchwork had gifted her. It was colder and made of grey ash-coloured wood. Gazing into the wooden object, Nova could not quite see why it was called a mirror. It showed neither her own face nor elsewhere.

“Nova, you can hear me, correct?” The beautiful voice of Good Monster asked from above.

‘Yes’, Nova tapped out, still turning the Not Mirror this way and that. It did have all sorts of marks on it, they were too ordered, too patterned to be bite marks, so no pony had tried to eat it. It did not look too unappetising, maybe she could eat it?

“Now, all you need to do is place the largest fragment of the broken mirror you can find in the middle.”

Oh… it's missing a bit? The thought felt strange in her head, but she knew she was right. She eagerly bounded over to the pile of shards. One by one, she lifted them from the heap and placed them on the ground, rearranging them so the small ones were on one side and the larger ones on the other.

It took a while, and there was more than a little blood on the floor by the time she was done, but she did not care, she was doing something and nopony was getting hurt.

The puzzle solved, she lifted the largest shard. It was a little bigger than her head. The scarred white mare it reflected still shocked her, when had she gotten so big, so old. She doubted she would fit under the bed if she really needed to hide now.

She held the mirror frame next to the reflective shard. She held them together and compared them. The shard was too large, it was bigger than the frame. Well, she was not going to be defeated by a bit of mirror.

As soon as the shard touched the wood it melted, the liquid mirror flowed from Nova’s hoof and rippled like the lake Shiny jumped into. Only, there was no splash. The ripples stilled and Nova's own face vanished from the mirror. Nova lifted a hoof just to check if her head was still there. That assured, she looked through the mirror. The smiling face of the Good Monster looked out of it, the world of wood and books around her almost made Nova flinch, everything there would burn at the slightest brush of her incendiary tail. She crawled back a bit, so far that there was no chance of her mane even touching the surface. Book burning was bad.

“There you are, Nova.” The happiness in the Good Monster’s tone made no sense, but it made Nova feel a little happy.

The Good Monster’s eyes flicked up, and Nova glanced behind herself. There was nopony there.

“Grey, as always, your work is perfect.”

“Grey?” Where had she heard that name before? Nova looked to the remembering spot. Maybe the answer would be there?

The view in the mirror spun nauseating, and then a different face looked in. She looked like Patchwork, but all grey with a longer horn. The new mare nodded.


The mare held up a bit of paper. It took a few seconds before Nova realised the squiggles and marks on it meant something. “Writing?” She whispered a small bit of joy at the discovery stirred inside her.

Two times, you have spoken my name, Sister.

Sister? Nova blinked, she had a sister? “Sister!” Nova pounced at the mirror, and caught it between her forehooves. She pressed her muzzle against the surface and locked eyes with her sister.

The out-of-sight Good Monster let out a little laugh. A bit of anger stirred in Nova, but most of her felt happy, she had a sister, and Good Monster's laugh had sounded happy after all.

“So this is what you have been working on?” A new voice, her own voice said? No, something was different about it.

Nova pulled her head back a bit and moved it from side to side to get a better look around the wooden room “Patchwork?”

“Yes, Nova.”

There was the chiming sound that made Nova want to feel something in her horn and many things in the view changed. Things rotated and moved, things glowed and changed. Nauseousness stirred in her gut, so Nova looked away.

“There, much better.” The Good Monster said.

Nova opened one eye to be careful, and nothing else made her feel sick, so she opened the second.

The view looked out over a table with the lounging forms of ponies beyond it. Patchwork, Good Monster and Gift with a horn. Nova stared at the new pony, the horn looked better than the empty space Gift had, but feathers could do such wonderful things.

“ Hi there, Nova. I’m sorry I have been so busy I couldn’t come by and talk to you much.” Not Gift said.

Nova opened her mouth to say something then paused. She looked back and forth between all the faces before she was sure one was missing. “Sister?”

Good Monster's kind eyes looked sad as she spoke. “Grey is trapped like you are, just in a different cage.”

“Sun mare,” Nova growled, her flames surging bright. This just meant there was one more reason why Sunmare was the worst pony.

“Yes,” Patchwork answered, her eyes unhappy but nowhere near as much as they should be.


Not Gift came into frame. “She’s doing her duties outside. But she is glad you are doing better. She really enjoyed the time she spent with you.”

Nova’s flames dimmed to almost embers. Nova’s voice was so quiet she almost did not hear herself. “She’s alright?”

“Yes, don’t you remember the time you spent with her?” Not Gift asked.

With some of the crushing guilt gone, a quiet purr rumbled in Nova’s chest. Her mind drifted to that time in the dark place. That time when Gift had finally given herself in all the best ways.

Motion snapped her attention back. Good Monster shared out cups of steaming liquid and sandwiches. Nova's eyes followed them. Hunger twisted its sharp claws in her gut, she was so hungry. She looked round at the unused mirror shards, at the well-gnawed bones, she even contemplated her own foreleg before a wonderful warm scent reached her nose.

There on the floor, right in front of the small mirror, sat a steaming cup of liquid and a small plate with a sandwich. She stared in disbelief at them as her nose pulled her muzzle closer to them. Her body had no choice but to follow.

“I’m sorry we can’t set you free yet… we are still trying to work out how.” Patchwork said.

Nova’s heart whiplashed between her long-accepted despair and hope. She looked to the now empty plate and teacup. The second and third new things she had gained today.

“More tea?” Good Monster asked.

Nova nodded so hard her neck almost hurt.

“Now, put your cup in front of the mirror.”

With a hoof, Nova slid it into place.

The view in the mirror tilted, and the teapot floated closer as more of the wide-open space of the wooden room came into view. Their mirror must be looking up. The teapot came into view, and it poured its liquid. The steam of sweet-smelling tea arced through the air and into the cup. Everything about how the liquid moved was wrong, but who cared? She got something nice to drink.

“Now, put your plate there.”

Nova eagerly complied.

A massive heap of sandwiches, a slice of cake and a hoof full of berries dropped onto the plate.

Nova licked her sharp teeth and lowered her muzzle to the feast.

“Save the cake for last, trust me.” Patchwork said.

She eyed the cake. She wanted to eat it now, it smelled so good, but the other things smelled almost as good, and Patchwork was a good pony. Nova looked up, at how the others were sitting, how they slowly raised each thing to their mouths and did not lower their muzzles into the food.

‘Watch your table manners’ the half-remembered voice of a mare she did not remember chided her. Nova studied Patchwork carefully and shifted to sit just like her. Carefully, she lifted a sandwich by hoof and took small bites of it instead of just chomping down on it.

Smarty Pants would have liked this tea party. Nova thought with a pang of sadness.

The leg screwed into place. Nova lifted her creation right side up. She looked over her little table with a proud smile. She propped the mirror just right so the table on the other side looked level with hers.

With exacting care, she placed her plate and teacup just so on the table. Her smile spread wider, she shifted from side to side and made a happy squee. She was ready for the next tea party.

The Good Monster settled down on the other side of the Mirror. Like Patchwork, she had both wings and a horn. Silver glows placed a pair of not teacups down on the table. Nova’s eyes tracked them, and she blinked. Cups come in different shapes? Does that mean they have different things in them?

The glow pushed one of the cups through the mirror, and as soon as it slid onto Nova's table, a rich and sweet scent filled the cage.

Nova leaned down and sniffed it. “Chocolate,” she purred. The feeling of the cold being chased away by the drink’s warmth floated up from her memories.

The chocolate looked different than the tea, thicker, darker and with white things floating on the top.

“Try some.” Good Monster suggested. That seemed like a very good idea.

Nova lapped at the dark liquid, her tongue danced with joy at the flavour. Both hooves trapped the cup in place as she fished out one of the white things. It tasted sweet, it was kind of fluffy and soft. It was nice, so it did not matter what it was.

“Do you like your hot chocolate?”

Nova looked up and nodded, her tongue reaching out to try and claim any of the deliciousness that clung to her muzzle.

The Good Monster smiled. “I have a present for you.”

Nova’s ears perked up, “A present?”

Good Monster reached under her wing and pulled something small out. Nova looked at the little pony, the little being of soft cloth and fabric. They weren't Smarty Pants, but maybe they were related. “Would you like some tea?”

“Yes please.” It answered as the little pony trotted over and hopped through the mirror.

There was no word she could think of for how she felt as she looked down at the small pony that stood on the table. Nova barely noticed as the Good Monster pushed a tiny plate with an equally tiny cup atop it.

“We’re going to be good friends.” The little pony said.

Nova smiled and pulled her new friend's softness to her.

“Now, if you excuse me, I have to rest for a bit. You two have fun.” Good Monster said as her magic pushed a small teapot and a pile of biscuits through the mirror.

Nova lay contently, her new friend curled up between her forelegs. The mane glowed softly. She looked at her treasures lined up neatly next to the wall. Three cups, each a different shape, one very small. Two plates, a book of pictures, a ball that would keep trying to run away until you asked it to come back, and a stack of blocks with marks on them currently stacked in the shape of a fort just the right size for her new friend to hide in.

“Nova?” Patchwork’s voice was wrong, it was colder than it should have been.

“Patchwork.” Nova said as she looked through the mirror. The view though it was moving as if Patchwork was walking and holding the mirror next to her. A thought came to her. “Would you like some tea?”

Patchwork stopped moving and smiled. “I would love to, but there are things I have to do first.” The smile faded and became something harder, something cold. “Nova, I need your help.”

“Nova is a good filly, and Patchwork is nice… How can Nova help?”

“There are things that want to hurt my friends, our family and those under our protection.”

Nova thought about it. There really was not anything to think about. Bad Ponies should be stopped. It was simple, it was what should happen, but for some reason, she shivered. Her new tiny friend nuzzled her. “It will be alright,” Tiny said.

“Let me show you.” Patchwork said as she moved to the door.

Outside was the dark and stormy place Nova had fought the Bad Monster. The view moved this way and that. The Bad Monster waited up ahead, her eyes focused downwards through the floor.

“Are you sure this is a good idea, Twilight?”

Patchwork nodded. “This is the best way.”

The mirror tilted down, through the floor, there was another Patchwork and other ponies. Some of them were ponies she recognised.

“Will you help me keep our friends safe?” Patchwork asked.

Despite the confusion at what she was seeing, there was no hesitation in her answer. “Yes.”

“Then lend me your fire.”

Ice shot through Nova’s spine. “But…”

Tiny’s small hooves wrapped around Nova’s neck. “It will be ok,” she cooed.

The view changed, presenting Patchwork’s hard gaze in full. “There is nopony in range that could be hurt. There are only things that will hunt, kill and torture.” Her expression softened. “Nova, please trust me. With your help we can save hundreds if not thousands.”

They were very big numbers.

“Please, help her.” Tiny pleaded.

Nova looked down at her small friend. At the utter devotion and faith in those button eyes. She nodded and rose to her hooves. Ever so carefully, she moved all her treasures further away and set Tiny next to them.

“Thank you.” Patchwork said.

Motes of flames flickered off Nova’s mane. They danced for a moment, then flowed through the mirror. The fire swirled around Patchwork before they melded into her. The few motes turned into a swarm, and then an endless stream.

The view moved a little as the glow that held it became dark. Patchwork walked forward and sunk into the ground. The second Patchwork below’s mane flicked into flames as she walked towards the railing and the huge drop below.

A joy, a need, rose in Nova’s heart. A purr rumbled in her chest as she grinned. She did not know why she was grinning, but something was going to be good. Her mane and tail trashed and blazed as the world around her faded, and the outside world embraced her senses.

“Burn.” She purred, and everything became fire.

CH 62.3 Gilda's Stand

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Gilda lay on the rooftop. She would never admit it, but the walls felt too much like a cage that might slow her down if she needed to move. Her eyes roved over the nighttime landscape. Like last time, she saw nothing, but she knew it was out there, somewhere.

Her gaze lingered on each deeper patch of darkness, each bit of cover large enough for the Head Hunter to lurk behind.

A flicker of motion grabbed her attention. There, just past that rock, a branch swayed. Her legs shifted under her, ready to spring into action. The tip of her tail lashed as her eyes maintained their razor focus. Her talon slowly reached for her bow as her heart picked up its pace.

Suddenly, the night sky burst into brilliant eye-searing light. Gilda screwed her eyes closed and looked away. By the shrieks of pain, not everygriff was quick enough.

Even before her sight fully recovered, she grabbed her bow and was in the air.

She slowly opened her eyes just a crack. The eruptions of light that stole her night vision had been replaced by the red-yellow glow of fire just beyond the horizon.

Her eyes opened more, taking in further details, the leaning of the trees and the heat distortion in the air. Whatever had just happened, that was no natural fire. All that flame and heat must have shown up in just an instant. "Magic." She whispered.

"Or dragons.” A gruff voice added beside her. A quick glance was all Gilda needed to recognise the armoured speaker as one of the few soldiers they still had left.

Seconds later, A low roaring rolled in. A mix between a crack of thunder and a muffled explosion reached them before the smoke-scented breeze ruffled their feathers.

"That’s either a bomb or a spell. " Another voice added.

"That would be one massive bomb." The soldier challenged.

"Well, do you see an Alicorn out there?"

"No, but I do see an airship." One of the hunters said.

An airship? Gilda wheeled around and followed the beak of the speaker. “That's not one of ours…” Gilda's eyes narrowed.

There was something smaller ahead of it. There was something familiar about the way it was flying. Even illuminated by the glow of the fire, that flash of colour told her everything she needed to know. There was no doubt who that must be., not with that very particular rainbow-maned pony towing it.

She was in motion before she had really made the decision.

“Gilda, where do you think you're going?” The soldier said.

“Going to say hi to the ponies.”

“Ponies?” The hunter asked.

“Yeah, they got a Wonderbolt pulling it. That's no lost ship, and after that…” She pointed at the burning horizon. “I think we’ve just been reinforced.” With a powerful flap of her wings, she hurried off to meet her friend.

As Gilda drew near, more and more details revealed themselves. The airship deck was packed with armed ponies, but none of them were the expected royal guards. Mercenaries? Gilda thought as her eyes picked out two ponies that contradicted that idea. First, there was Dash in a modified version of her flight suit. The second was a tall unicorn in fancy armour with Celestia’s mark all over the place. Militia?

“Yo, Gilda, how's it hanging?” Dash called out with her familiar smugness.

Gilda shifted to take up position on her friend’s wing. “What are you doing here?”

“Came to save your tails,” Rainbow said as she released the lines that connected her to the airship. The cables fell away, and the airship continued past and took up position over the camp. It turned broadside to the way it had come from. A flurry of activity had a dozen crossbows, and a few bigger things, hurriedly set up and readied.

A part of Gilda bristled at that. Griffons were powerful, they were prideful, and too much of her would never want to admit the truth. The rest on the other claw felt relieved to see the heavy weapons. “It's good to see you.” She extended her fist, and it bumped against solid hoof. For a moment, it was just like the good old times in flight camp.

The motion made the blade strapped to Rainbow's leg obvious. Its edge gleamed in that unnatural way only enchanted weapons could. Gilda’s glance was all the prompt Dash needed. Rainbow flicked her leg, and the blade snapped into place. “Pretty awesome, right?”

A red shine flicked over the naked blade and its keen edge felt very much like the bared fangs of a hungry predator. “I didn't think Wonderbolts got toys like that.”

Rainbow’s smirk held an edge of sadness. “I’m not a Wonderbolt any more.”


Any sorrow vanished under fierce determination. “I’m Twilight’s First Knight.”

“Twilight… the bookworm dweeb… has Knights?” Gilda could not hide the disbelief in her voice as her eyes found the blazing horizon.

“Yeah… she's a bit... more aggressive than last time you met her.”

Gilda pointed at the distant inferno. “That’s her doing?”

“Yep.” Rainbow joined her in, staring at the fire.

“So, you being her Knight, is that why you painted your feathers?”

Any hint of smugness vanished from Dash's face. ”They're not painted,” she mumbled. Something complex hid behind her strange expression.

Thwack. One of the bigger weapons on the airship launched something into the distance.

“Talk later. Time to show these chumps who’s the best flyer in Equestria.” With a surge of power that left lightning crackling over her feathers, Dash brought her wings down with one powerful stroke.

The shockwave hit before Gilda even noticed Dash was gone. “Woo.” Gilda squawked as her wings flailed about to regain her balance. She shook her head as the static tingle of being too near a thunderhead made her fur stand on end. She ignored it and did her best to track Dash’s explosive flight.

The straight-line path guided her gaze to something that made her heart skip a beat even as her blood sang for the chance for battle. Hundreds, no thousands of Dark shapes swarmed out of the burning forest. Some took wing. Others just rushed out on paw, hoof or whatever limbs they had as they almost trampled each other in their mad charge.

“Ponyfeathers,” Gilda said as her talon reached out and rested on her quiver, almost as if it was a good luck charm.

The monsters stampeded mindlessly towards them. A thousand wailing throats mixed with a tide of endless feet pounding the ground. The sound was almost more horrendous than the sight. Gilda did not even have time to openly say anything else before the old soldier started bellowing orders down below. “To arms.”

With Twilight’s display, everygriff was already awake. So, in less than a minute, dozens of bow-armed griffons took positions in the air. Gilda did a quick mental count, they did not have enough griffons. They did not even have arrows for even a tenth of them.

“This is all those ponies' fault.” One griffon grumbled.

“What are we going to eat now? They set our hunting ground on fire.” Another growled.

“A hoard like that, and all you can think of is your next meal?” Gilda almost could not believe them. “Shut up and get ready.” She roared at them.

Both of them glared at her, challenge and hate in their eyes. Gilda matched their glares with her own harder one. “Fight, survive, then we can find out what the buck the ponies thought they were doing.”

Their expressions shifted to a bitter acceptance and pushed their anger aside for now.

An explosion of rainbow light filled the sky. Gilda could not help but smirk as others gawked as her friend’s signature move exploded in the middle of a flock of monsters.

A rainbow trail, flanked by two streams of lightning, darted from one dark shape to another as the prismatic rings expanded, where multiple smaller shapes fell away from each merging.

“Since when does Dash have the stomach to use a blade like that?”

A flair of unnatural colour dragged her attention downwards. A pink fire traced a large ring on the ground. From within it, a group of armoured earth ponies rose from the grass already in formation. A tall, dark, unarmoured unicorn stood imperiously just behind them.

Pegasi took position hovering or perched on the airship. Another that Gilda almost mistook for a large bird circled above, with oversized wings and tail feathers, clearly was giving some sort of orders.

It irked as much as it stung her pride that the pacifist ponies were doing this whole military shtick better than the griffons were. She could only imagine how much it must gall the real soldiers.

Gilda focused, readied her bow and took aim. Half a dozen shots were loosed before her’s, and most of them went well wide of their targets. Mentally, she cursed. They should know shooting on the wing was harder than from the paw. She picked her moment when breath and wing beat were in perfect sync. Her arrow lept from her bow. She did not miss. One down… far too many to go.

Retrieve arrow, nock, draw, Gilda’s body went through the motions automatically as her keen eyes surveyed the battlefield.

Rainbow was by far the most eye-catching. She was everywhere, with her prismatic trail as bold as her personality. Jagged arcs of lighting ripped from her wings. She was a one-mare army, not allowing a single flyer to get past her. Unfortunately for the ground-bound, only a few of the blighted had wings.

Below, the armoured Earthponies stood ready, still and calm despite what rushed towards them. They could have been standing on a mustering ground and not outnumbered a hundred to one.

Gilda shook her head and took aim at another of the charging things. Dozens of shots were loosed before she fired her second. So few of her kin’s arrows were fired with the steady patience of a hunter and not the frantic impatience of amateurs.

“Leave the arrows for those that can aim.” One of the soldiers bellowed and was utterly ignored as dozens more arrows were wasted.

The rhythmic thwacks of the airship's twin heavy crossbows hammered small logs into the approaching horde with metronome precision. Wherever they hit, there was no explosion, not a flash of light. The ground simply cratered like an invisible giant hoof had just crushed everything flat.

Despite the holes torn into it, the horde did not even slow. Gilda picked her targets one after the other. No matter how many she felled, there was always more. Her talon closed on nothing, her eyes flicked to her now empty quiver. A growl built in her chest as her eyes flicked to all the wasted arrows that littered the ground. Next time somegriff refused to do archery practice because they weren't paid for it, she would smash their beak into the ground.

In her anger, she almost missed it. Some of the arrows were glowing. A moment later, they lifted in the air as that pegasus with freakily large wings swooped by to grab them.

As the hoard drew nearer, the ponies’ crossbows loosed. Each bolt howled over the distance. With bright magenta flashes, each exploded into a literal storm of projectiles. It was as if not a dozen crossbows were fired, but more like hundreds or maybe thousands.

Gilda’s beak hung open, and she doubted she was the only one. All of a sudden, the ponies' lack of fear made a lot more sense. The volley felled many of the beasts, and tripped many more as they stumbled on the bodies of their fallen.

The ponies methodically started to reload, displaying the disadvantage of their short-ranged crossbows compared to the potent griffon bow, not that it mattered with enchanted bolts like that.

That big winged pegasus flew past, and there was a flash of motion. Gilda’s talons spread, ready to defend herself before her eyes snapped to the projectile. It was a bundle of arrows bound by a fading white glow.

Gilda snatched the gift out of the air. A quick glance told her that none of the arrows were perfect anymore. Not that it really mattered against a horde. She quickly secured them in her quiver.

The pony flew past and headed towards the next hunter, dodging by one griffon that shook his fisted talon at her. You would only waste them. Gilda thought as she took aim again. The muscles in her chest and back strained with the combined effort of flight and pulling back the string. I’m definitely going to be feeling this in the morning. She thought wryly, amused at herself at the assumption she would be around to see the next sunrise.

The ponies’ next volley simply exploded, and the one after formed huge cart-sized chunks of ice around the bolts just before they slammed into them, crashing into the ground and tumbling. The boulders of ice rolled and ploughed its way through the mass of the horde.

The ponies on the ground stowed their crossbows and readied for melee. The big winged pony settled next to the airship. “Flame Dancer, now!” They bellowed.

Flames flicked into existence above the horn of the Celestia worshipping mare. The roiling mass of fire shifted and took on an almost liquid-like quality before it launched free in a torrent.

Light blazed from the mare’s horn far brighter than the flames. The liquid fire danced and flowed, washing over the horde. They screamed and wailed as their flesh charred and boiled off their bones. The line of ponies flinched, their ears flattened against their heads, but they did not fall back.

The mere smell of cooked meat brought drool to Gilda’s beak. Despite having a full ration today, her body still wanted more.

The flames rolled back, and rose up into a pair of walls protecting the flanks of the ponies.

“Get back up here, you feather brains.” One of the soldiers called as a pair of gaunt griffons dove towards the oncoming melee.

Contempt brought a sneer to Gilda’s face as she sighted on her next target. Even a chick knows not to get between a hunter and their prey. And those ponies have their prey just where they want them.

Even as she took aim and loosed another arrow, a part of her half tracked the ‘feather brain’s’ descent. Are you incompetent, or are you aiming for a pony? Gilda hesitated, an arrow nocked on the string. Am I going to have to clip your wings myself?

A silver-white glow enveloped the pair as they slammed to a stop, almost as if they hit a wall. That big winged freak of a pony glared at them, her form silhouetted by her glowing wings.

Gilda released a breath she did not know she was holding and tried to focus back on picking a deserving target. Those two are so going to get a thrashing later.

The hoard drove itself into the Equestrian line like the tide against the cliffs. Flesh slammed into unmoving metal. Gilda winced. “That’s gotta hurt.” Even over the din of battle, the sound of bones breaking could be heard.

One of the griffon soldiers moved to flank, a small flock of spear-wielding griffons trailing after them.

In an explosion of gore, tendrils and jagged bone spears burst from the shattered forms of the blighted. Most of the Earthponies held their ground, but most is not all, and that's all the opportunity the living blenders needed. With brutal suddenness, one and then another pony was yanked into the eager maws of the hoard.

The glowing winged mare dove down, but despite her impression of Rainbow Dash, a forest of blades and spikes warded her off.

Volleys of green bolts and spears of blazing flames rained down as the remaining Earthponies fought all the harder. Even with a griffon’s keen eyes, it was almost impossible to keep track of the details of the mess the melee had become. Then a flock of long spear-wielding griffons joined in, and Gilda gave up even trying.

Gilda lifted her gaze and swept the rest of the battlefield. The last thing they needed was one of the Blighted getting smart or the Head Hunter turning up.

Rainbow had less than a talon of flyers to deal with. The now visible forest fire rolled ever closer. A few of the blighted broke off and tried to flee, but they did not get far.

What seemed like it was going to be an utter defeat had shifted into a grim chore.

The weight of a full quiver of perfect arrows brought a peace to her heart, probably like how ponies felt with a stuffed toy or a safety blanket. Each of the masterwork creations she could trust to fly true and find its mark.

Gilda flexed her talon, the light gleamed on the metal gauntlet she now wore. She shook her head and worked the tarry goop onto it. The too reflective surface dulled to something a respectable hunter might consider wearing.

She took a deep breath, doing her best to ignore the ashen scent that still clogged the air. It only took a glance to see the still smouldering plane of glass and ash the ponies had left in their wake. She snorted in amusement. At least nothing is sneaking up on us now.

Even now, she still could not believe who was responsible for everything. Half an hour after all the fighting had died down, Twilight Sparkle had calmly trotted in as if nothing had happened, a slight smile on her muzzle. Backlit by the largest forest fire in history, some sort of Tartarus spawned demon, and she led off with ‘Good evening, Gilda’. Ponies. She thought with a shake of the head. At least now, all the dire warnings about never invading Equestria made sense.

“Just look at what they did to our hunting grounds.” One griff growled as their talon flung out.

Gilda sighed and did her best to focus on making her new armour functional. “The ponies swoop in and save the day, drop off crates of food and you still complain.”

“They didn’t save us. They just did this to make us dependent. Those damned hooved grass munchers.”

“So, let me get this right.” Gilda slowly raised her eyes to meet his. “A Princess stopped what they were doing, flew out here, fought in a life or death struggle… just to make us buy more food from them?”

“Well, why else would they do it?”

Gilda just stared at them, the slightly confused tilt to their head, mixed with the certainty in their eyes. He's not kidding…it was an honest to the winds question. If it was not for the still drying goop on her armour, she would have faced taloned there and then. “Money grubbing clanless.” She grumbled and held up her talon, almost shoving her new armour in his face. “And how do you explain this?”

“Well, I guess that's what you get for sleeping with a …”

Gilda did not even bother to restrain herself. It only took a moment, and then she looked at the griffon rolling on the ground holding his cracked beak. She flexed her talon, amazed she managed to keep it closed for the strike. “One of them died for us, another lost limbs, and you're going to mock them? To throw everything they've done for us down a ravine?”

“They’re only ponies.” Another voice said, and Gilda’s world reddened, and a feral shark threatened to boil out of her.

She turned on then, and recognition seeped in through her anger. It's your fault they died. She wanted to roar at them, but her snarl did not let her get the words out.

“Am I right, or am I right?” The fool that pulled Twilight’s Captain out of position to save their own mangy hide said. Even as he tossed another piece of the spiced jerky, that the ponies had given them, down his gullet.

So very few of the gathered griffons looked like they might even raise an objection to his words, and far too many smirked or grinned in agreement. A detached part of Gilda’s mind noted that her gauntlets did not even creak despite her talons repented flexing and clenching. Gilda’s contempt only grew. For a moment, only a moment, she loathed being a griffon. Her mind pushed that aside with one simple thought. None of you deserve to call yourselves true griffons.

“Buck it, and buck all of you useless vultures!” Gilda spat and stomped off before grabbing her things.

A few hunters slipped from the crowd. Her rage cooled a bit, and pride stirred when she saw they were grabbing their things.

“What do you think you're doing?” The larger of the two soldiers demanded of her as he stalked forward.

Gilda tensed, her body ready for a contest. “I’m…” Gilda started before a bag was forcefully slammed into her chest.

It took a moment to get her breath back. Gilda used the time to check over the bag. Rations, water, fire starters. She was glad she could not blush like the ponies could. What had she been thinking? She was about to head out with only what she would take on a day-long hunt.

“Go and see to our debt. We have to keep these… those that rename safe.” The soldier said as he swept his gaze over the other seven.

With a closed talon over her heart, Gilda bowed her head.

“Now, make sure you return with your tales of glory. I want to at least have something to look forward to as I try to stop these…” The soldier smirked. “Vultures from getting themselves killed.”

She and her new wingmates took to the sky. Her chest and flight muscles loudly complained, but she ignored them. She had an airship to catch and a nation to save.

CH 63 A Noble Host

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Noble Guide, like many others, stood apparently transfixed by the approaching convoy. Inwardly, his mind churned. Was this his chance to get out of here or a threat to his grand work? His eyes strained to see who his new guests were, but at this range, the magenta barrier that protected the refugees repainted all he saw.

He slipped past the crowd and pushed through the water-like membrane. He shivered, even the secondary contact with an Alicorn's magic was an experience. Just another thing to whet his appetite for all the wonders he would perform once he achieved his rightful place.

Five wagons approached in good order, despite the intense battle they fought not an hour ago. The smallest of them’s colour still seemed distorted by the barrier. It was bright pink and garish compared to the more natural colours of wood and metals of the others.

In times of need you use what you have. He mused, clearly it would have been inefficient to repaint it and a functional wagon was a function wagon after all.

A few of the braver ponies pushed through the barrier and stood a little behind him. It was not long before there was something that could be mistaken for a welcoming party set to receive their guests.

As the atmosphere of celebration built around him, he could not help but let his eyes linger in Ponyville’s direction. Am I in range of that artillery even here?

He had not had a telescope, but the arcing fire of those glowing projectiles was clearly enchanted artillery. He had no clue what they had been enchanted with. It was too far for even his studied eyes to even guess, all he could be certain of was they were in no way Guard issue. But it was clear now that it was used to support this incoming food delivery.

Each wagon had several ponies atop them. Likely mages or archers… It was sensible, if a little simplistic. Fortunate for you that the Blighted lack any ranged complement.

A sun blond mane caught in a breeze, the white-coated unicorn it belonged to held a position atop the lead wagon. Recognition hit like a bucket of cold water.Blueblood? Noble’s eyes found Blueblood’s and he wanted to face hoof. What are you doing here?

The Prince stood tall beside what appeared to be a beautiful goddess of war. The only thing missing was the wings and the ethereal mane, if you added them, she would make a perfect mini Celestia.

The wagons moved closer, and most of the ponies atop dismounted. The rattle and clank of their armour were drowned out by the cheer from the crowd. Noble stepped forward and put on his best welcoming smile.

The flyers in the group spread out and circled above, weapons still held ready in their hooves. Just how many blighted are left out there? He shrugged off that lingering sense of dread that he might be in too deep. He then double-checked he was presentable and then went to meet his guests.

“Prince Blueblood.”

“Lord Noble Guide.” The Prince's respectful tone held an undeniable edge of pride. “May I introduce Lady Rarity.”

Despite her distinctive mane colour, nothing about the mare before him made him think of the vapid seamstress. Gleaming scales of gemstone hugged her form as she performed an elegant courtesy.

The normal courtesies were exchanged with practised ease. All three of them were experts. The words flowed back and forth in the age old dance, but he paid them little mind.

Instead, he studied his accidental creation. Blueblood still had all the regal bearing his upbringing afforded him, but without his arrogance. Without that edge of a snear to everything he said, in every glance he gave to his lessers, it was as if a completely different pony stood before him.

You’re likely the greatest service I'll ever do for Equestria as a mortal.

The conversation moved on as Noble Guide escorted them within the shield. Again the majesty of Twilight’s magic brushed over his senses.

He closed his eyes for just a moment, just a fraction longer than a blink.

The world erupted in too bright colour and sound. His heart skipped a beat, and his mind raced before he recognised what he saw.

The meeting square had been utterly transformed. Streamers and decorations littered the place, and joyous notes of music filled the air.

He rubbed his eyes with his fetlock. No, what he saw before him was no mere temporary hallucination.

"That mare has quite the talent, does she not?" Blueblood said, nodding.

"What… how?" Noble Guide could not help but stare. The numbers just did not add up. No matter what you did, two plus two would never equal six. Managing projects had given him an idea of how long things took to achieve. There was no way this could have been set up in less than an hour without any extreme amount of magic, magic he would have felt.

"Just don't think about it, darling. That way madness lies. If Twilight can't figure Pinkie out, I doubt anypony else can."

“I’m not sure we can afford this extravagance.” Noble Guide said.

“I will see what can be done to make sure there is at least some food left by tonight.” With a resigned sigh, Rarity trotted off to manage her fellow Element barer.

“Much appreciated.” Noble Guide nodded to Rarity before he focused fully on Blueblood. “This is not quite the situation one might expect to find you in, Prince Blueblood.”

The Prince was quiet for an awkwardly long movement as he looked around the gathered ponies. “Perhaps not by my past actions, yet that does not change the fact that this is where I need to be.”

Definitely a hero complex, now for the next test. “I'm afraid the accommodation here is little more than cots and shelter from the elements.”

Blueblood waved his hoof, “I don't believe even my refined constitution would be seriously harmed by a little bit of discomfort.” The prince looked around from pony to pony as the crowds enjoyed the impromptu celebration. “It would be the height of selfishness to demand anything better than those here are forced to endure.”

I wonder how repeatable your reformation is… Perhaps that spell might not be so useless after all. It would need to be compared to the more predictable results of conventional mind magic. His mind played over the possibility of somehow combining both methods.

A touch snapped his wandering mind back to the moment. Blueblood, of all ponies, had laid a supporting hoof on him. Even with the fact he knew what had changed the Prince’s personality, the surealness of it still left Noble Guide speechless.

Blueblood smiled. It was not a practised political move, no it was an honest and natural smile. “You need to get some rest. You've been working too hard. Let somepony else take your burdens for a time.”

Noble Guide could only nod.

A glance was enough to summon two of the refugees who respectfully, but insistently, guided Noble Guide to his room. Once alone, a simple timer spell danced over his horn. He had something to do in the dead of night.

Tired limbs pushed him forward. The tight passageway pressed into his sides. His altered flesh yielded, it shifted uncomfortably, a flock of tight cramping sensations made him grit his teeth. A deep yawn made the blood rush in his ears, and his misplaced sense of balance would have toppled him if not for the wall that so diligently supported him.

Finally, he emerged into the ritual chamber, his masterwork carved in all its perfection. He spent a long moment admiring it. It's a shame nopony else will ever get to see this. He lamented as he planned how best to ‘modify’ his magnum opus.

The first dozen ideas were discarded, they were either too easy to detect or too variable in their timing.

He closed his eyes and took a slow breath. Even unwittingly Twilight had managed to complicate his plans. Her protective barrier was simply too well made. It had far more functions that it could possibly need, and even extended to the higher realms. There was no way he would be foalish enough to risk using his magic to activate the sacrificial ritual remotely.

His mind drifted back through his life, looking through all he had learned in his many years. When the idea struck him his lip curled in disgust. “Well, if a foalish idea works…”

He set to work. A few simple changes and a few simple items would be all he would need, a magically charged gem and a stone cup.

The single drop of liquid glistened in the glow of his horn. It only took a thought to release it from his aura.

The faintest hiss rose from the stone as the distilled decay began its work.

"Not quite the grand ritual I envisioned." He sighed, conflicted, whether in regret or relief even he could not tell. Everything was in motion.

A simple spell checked the exact rate of the stone's erosion. It was One tenth a hoof per day. Well within tolerances.

He expected to smile, or want to dance, but instead, a chill settled in his chest. You celebrated too soon last time.

He looked over the chemical timer and the slow wisps that rose from it. The almost undetectable scent brought back a long list of misbehaving students. It was so crude, a simple thing that many third-rate alchemy students found and abused for their pranks.

He snorted. "To think, I have Miss Lulamoon to thank for some of this…" He shook his head. "Perhaps it is just fate?" He mused as his mind recalled the long hours scrubbing the dye out of his coat.

With the distance of time, even he had to admire she was both determined and ingenious. If only she had a better mind for mathematics, she could have been one of the greats.

The train car was empty, which suited him just fine. The day had been far too long for anypony, let alone for him in his state.


The sudden cry from behind caused Noble to flinch. There was only one pony that voice could have come from.

“Have a safe trip home.” The bearer of laughter called through the open window, her head upside down as she peered in from the roof of the train.

“Thank…” Noble started before the pink pony was off with the high intensity only a foal on a sugar rush could manage. With a spring-like noise she bounded off. A pony-shaped dust cloud slowly dispersed and a slip of paper floated down to land upon Noble’s Muzzle.

A glance told him all he needed to know, it was a party invitation. He slipped it into his jacket and made his way to the first sanctuary the train offered up to him.

Noble Guide finally got off his hooves, the cushions blessedly accepted his weight as he settled on his seat. A wave of fatigue washed over him. He let his eyes close and rested his head. Each day wore on him more and more. “Only a little bit longer now…”

The so-called Friendship Express was by no means the height of luxury, but compared to a wagon over unprepared land, it may as well have been. Compared to the refugee town, it was heaven itself.

The scent of clean fabric and floral cleaners filled his nose and he shifted to get comfortable. A part of him wanted to laugh, in a state of emergency like this and they were still keeping on top of the cleaning. All he needed was a blanket and he could happily fall asleep.

His ears still ached from the repeated canon blasts. He still could not believe Pinkie Pie was legally defined as sane enough to be trusted with explosives. That too wide manic grin as she gleefully proclaimed her high score. A shiver tormented his spine. The twinges of pain were an ever-present reminder that his current form was not his own. I never want to see what would happen if that mad mare gets blighted.

The ride back to Ponyville had been an experience. The escort talked, bickered and in the case of one pink example, somehow performed a dance number while still pulling a wagon. As rag-tag and undisciplined as they acted, they still had been as efficient as anything the Royal Guard could have done without a single properly trained combatant. You certainly made sure your student was surrounded by potent individuals, Celestia.

He shook his head. It was still hard to believe that ponies so powerful simply lived in poverty in a backwater village. It must be more mind magic. Most the ponies in their antique armour could have lived a much better, far more luxurious life elsewhere.

What am I to do with Ponyville when I rule Equestria? On one hoof, they were useful, on the other, they seemed to simply do whatever they wanted to. Then there were the Element Barers as additional complications. No, there will be time for that later… He thought as his mind settled back on the political maneuvering that was to come.

Sixty-seven days, eight hours and nine minutes.

CH 64 Lunatic Waltz

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Please be dumb enough, please be dumb enough. It was almost a mantra, repeated constantly through Revealing Light’s head as her horn ached and burned. Two invisibility spells. An illusion spell of two ponies dashing off in the other direction and a sound muffling one was more than she would want to try fresh. Let alone now.

Revealing Light’s jaw ached, but she could not rest it. The foul coppery taste of bloody mud and worse made her stomach want to retch, but she kept her jaw clamped tight on Ardent Shield as her tired legs somehow found the strength to keep moving. You could really use a diet. She thought as her hooves gripped the ground as hard as she could just to get the traction to drag his heavy armoured flank to safety.

Her eyes glanced up over the moonlit battlefield. Most of the blighted bounded after the illusionary duplicates, every dodge, weave and defensive measure the fakes made was yet more strain on her already taxed concentration. All it would take would be the slightest of contacts and the ruse would be up.

She finally dragged her wounded companion, and her own exhausted flank, behind cover. With a relieved shudder she let the illusion fail, hoping its colourful implosion looked enough like a teleportation to sell it.

The relief that followed was enough to make her stumble. You're not safe yet. Now move your sorry flank. She berated herself in her best impression of the unconscious sergeant.

Even with her exhaustion, her mind still worked. It still assessed everything she saw and analysed everything that had happened on this bucked-up rescue mission. The facts were right there for anypony to see. The blighted has deliberately let the refugees get close enough to be spotted before they attacked. They deliberately hid most of their strength until it was too late. Her mind provided only one answer. They herded the refugees this way just to draw the defenders out… It was a trap, and we took the bait.

The monster’s frustrated howls rose to the sky as they bayed out their displeasure.

Revealing Light risked the quickest of glances. She trusted in her magic and skill to keep her concealed.

The largest of them brandished the legless body of the aged Commander. A challenge and a promise, a raising of a gruesome trophy in celebration. The Commander's ears twitched, her eyes fluttered open.

The horrific realisation gripped her heart with icy talons. She's still alive. No part of her wanted to see what happened next. And yet to look away felt like another betrayal, like she would be abandoning her fellow guard again.

Black boils erupted on the limbless pony’s face. Moments later, they exploded in gore. From the torn mess of flesh, a jagged cragoldile-like maw ripped itself free from her face.

Bile rose in Revealing Light’s throat as her last meal threatened to make a reappearance. She fought it back with equal parts will and fear. The last thing she needed was a scent that strong attracting their attention.

With a loud crack, dozens of spines burst from the rib cage before each snapped into the form of giant spider legs.

The new blighted rose up on its many legs. Its horrible mouth of butcher knives twisted into a feline smile. "This is going to be fun." The thing said with a chuckle that devolved into a full lunatic cackle.

Revealing Light froze. Her training suppressed her instinctual reaction. The primitive part of her brain pleaded with her to turn and gallop as hard as she could despite the fact that it would mean nothing but suicide.

"We could not agree more." A very different voice said as the unadorned form of the Night Princess coalesced from the shadows.

For a dozen heartbeats, it was as if time itself had stopped. Only the steady rhythm of Revealing Light’s breathing dispelled that illusion.

Princess Luna? Hope treacherously seeped into her flesh as her limbs trembled and almost gave out from under her.

Growls, snarls and a whole menagerie of feral sounds came from the blighted as they cautiously encircled the Night Princess.

With a snap, Luna's wings flared. As if prearranged, the blighted charged, surging forward with slavering bloodlust.

Luna took three steps back and dipped in a mocking bow. "We thank thee for the pleasure of your final dance." Her playful smile screamed sinister promises when paired with slit eyes that gleamed with hungry anticipation.

In a pegasus fast blur of motion, she was suddenly among them. The Night Princess paused, a faint smirk on her muzzle as she waited the few heartbeats for her foes to react, and then she set to work.

Blood sprayed in great arcs through the air. Bodies were rent asunder by horn, hoof and even wing. Luna twirled and wove between her foes, utterly untouchable. Each perfect motion performed to an inaudible, inevitable beat.

A thrum went through the air, a tune played by the very wind itself. A haunting hybrid of woodwind and strings.

Luna completed her turn, and her hoof came down. It was such a gentle contact. A ballerina's graceful step, yet the earth rang like a bell, shook as if it were a drum pounded by a giant hoof.

Somehow, every little subtly of the horrifying sounds of flesh rupturing, of lifeblood slaking the dry earth's thirst, carried to Revealing Light’s ears perfectly.

The wails and screams the Night Princess’s attacks provoked from her dance partners caused no disruption. They added not a single note of disharmony to the otherworldly music. Infact, with a sudden sickening taste of bile in the back of her mouth, she realised it only perfected it.

Despite every instinct screaming at her to stay still, to do everything to maximise her stealth, her traitorous tail swayed to the rhythm. It took all her will, all her training, to keep her hoof from marking time.

In one moment Princess Luna was a beautiful Alicorn, Warrior Princess and saviour of ponykind. In the next a nightmare made flesh, gleefully partaking in slaughter, and yet through the whole thing, Luna moved as if a dancer upon a stage, always in the the right place at the right time to greet each new partner.

The Princess’s enchanting ethereal mane flowed and trailed in her wake, untouched and pristine, the only part of her not streaked in blood. She closed her eyes as she added needless spins and flourishes just to enhance the beauty of the motions.

The performance continued as, one by one, each of the Blighted were ended. The Night Princess bowed as if to an invisible crowd.

A part of her deep inside knew this was something special, something that no mortal should see.

Revealing Light noticed too late as the last vestiges of her invisibility spell fizzled and faded. Suddenly, she felt very small and very, very alone.

As carefully as she could, as if her life depended upon it, she ever so slowly slunk back. The almost silent sound of her hoof on the soft ground sounded as loud as thunder to her ears.

Snap. oh buck… She thought as every teacher in the RGIS that ever was, cursed her stupidity.

The Night Princess rose from the bow, and those terrible, beautiful lambent orbs turned on her. Nausea turned her stomach as her heart pounded with desire. Those cruel ancient eyes looked straight through her to her very core. They promised to devour her in every way, both kind and horrific.

The Nightmare’s blood-streaked muzzle formed a gentle smile, despite the lethal fangs.

Revealing Light’s legs trembled, even as she was frozen in place, even as she had to move. She wanted to flee, to gallop as far and as fast as she could. She wanted to meekly approach and joyfully drown in that endless abyss those eyes promised.

The Dark Goddess slowly walked nearer. Each hoof fall was silent apart from the thunder of Revealing Light’s pulse as her heartbeat hammered in her ears, announcing each step.

"What do we have here?" The only pony in existence said. Each word was a thrill to the senses. "Ah, we remember you. You're the one that dared to question us, dared to risk our ire for your friend's sake."

The words meant nothing. How could she have a friend if this goddess here was the only being in existence? How could she be remembered if this was the first time they had met?

"Our apologies."

Like a mirror shattering, the darkness fragmented. The smoking shards dissolved into nothing.

Revealing Light’s mind, her very sense of identity, reasserted itself. She shuddered. Whatever that was, whatever that had been, felt as wondrous as it was terrible. It was the worst violation she could imagine. It was the most intimate and loving thing she had ever felt. Tears ran from her eyes as she glared up at Princess Luna. "Why?" She half shouted, half sobbed, fighting every instinct to just curl up and cry, or to light her horn and lash out at the Alicorn that was suddenly only a hoof width away.

"We were unaware we had an audience at hoof." The Night Princess sighed contentedly. “You have our sincere apologies for the laps in our diligence and our compliments on your proficiency with veils. It takes a master’s touch to go unknownst by us.”

That was the reason. That was why she had felt everything, why she would always be craving that moment again. Why she would always be terrified, she wouldn’t get the chance to even catch a glimpse or ever hear a single note of that dirge.

Her eyes tracked to the aftermath of Luna’s ‘performance’. All the vile desecrations, all the bloody carnage, painted an image most terrifying. In stunning detail, layed out for all to see, was a rendition of a dismembered Celestia. Even the hoofprints that lead to where Luna stood right now was a part of it.

“Fear not, for now at least, this was merely venting. A chance to purge desires before they become realised.”

A chill that had nothing to do with the temperature closed in around Revealing Light’s heart. “Why would you want to do that to Princess Celestia?”

“Other than her deserving it and such fate merely being an inconvenience for her?” Princess Luna started in a tone that was far too mundane with everything Revealing Light had seen today. “Our sister’s actions have… we disagree with the fates meted out to many she let her flames consume.”

"Celestia would never…"

The world faded away to black, only to be replaced by a different scene. Dozens of nobles lay down, their forelegs covering their heads. One noble was held by Celestia as she reached out and broke their horn off. The sound was horrible. The lack of reaction and the serenity on Princess Celestia's face was worse.

It only took a moment to recognise the victim, the traitorous noble who blew his horn out attacking Princess Twilight.

“Now your eyes have been opened to the truth. This was just one of the latest examples of my sister’s methods.”

In a blink, the vision was gone. What is going on? The more analytical part of her mind demanded as the rest of her wanted to panic. Whether what she had just seen was true or false did not matter. There was no conceivable way any of this was good for Equestria.

“This is how tightly my Sister grasps even the thoughts of those around her. She uses mental domination and memory manipulation with the same casual ease that most ponies breathe.”

Princess Luna's magic reached out and dragged the body of the Blighted commander over. The ruined and then destroyed remains of a pony floated there in the glow of Luna’s aura. “This is what my sister's choices have led to.” Luna almost snarled the words.

“We completed the mission. We saved the civilians.”

“No amount of bravery, or dedication to duty, can shield a pony from the consequences of a lack of training and inadequate equipment.”

Revealing Light opened her mouth to speak, but the evidence around her stole her rebuttal from her tongue.

“Tis a shame none of the brave solar guards survived.”

Wait, what?

The Princess leaned closer, very much invading Revealing Light’s personal space. “Do not worry… your family will be cared for. Your comrades will be remembered. I will personally speak of your valour in your eulogy.”

Large dark wings slowly enclosed her, eclipsing the rest of her world. "Why?" She barely breathed out, shaking like a little filly that was scared of the dark.

Even as a part of her wanted to run, she knew there was no hope. She only had to look at the dozens of blighted, only had to remember that deadly performance to know. Countless stories of vamponies and dark blood rituals came to mind. All the tales whispered about the Nightguard that she once laughed at suddenly seemed deadly serious.

“You shall no longer be my sister’s pawn.” The Night Princess’s breath tickled Revealing Light's neck. Each hair sent its own little thrill of anticipation. “We shall be gentle, you have earned that much, my brave little pony.”

Velvet wings held her with iron strength as Luna oh so tenderly nuzzled her neck. Despite the situation, despite what she knew was going to happen, her body started to relax.

Four sharp points of pain blossomed on her neck and in an instant, they were gone. A pleasant chill replaced it as the pressure increased. Without the pain, it was merely just the pressure and the feeling of things pushing into her flesh. She knew she was dead, the wounds were simply too deep. The second Luna pulled back, she would bleed to death in seconds.

Luna was right. She had felt more pain from a stubbed hoof before. So… Luna’s a vampony. It was so ridiculous that she wanted to laugh, but she could just not find the energy to. As the thumping of her heart slowed, a soft warmth and a sense of dull fogginess overtook her body and spread into her mind. Soft blackness closed in.

The wet tearing sound was clearly nothing to worry about. This isn't too bad. She drunkenly thought as her heart stilled and everything faded away.

CH 65 A Bloody Account

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Celestia’s bare hooves clopped on the marble floor as she made her way into a partially hidden vault. Despite the dire tidings that brought her here, the heat brought a content smile to her face.

What once had been a yearly check had become a daily one.

Row upon row of tiny sconces lined the walls. Each held a glass orb and had a small enchanted golden plaque under them. Most glowed with a soft ghostly light. Too many had a small radiant spark of solar magic inside. She went through the list of names and serial numbers, her eyes swept over the orbs, and one by one, she confirmed each was truly dead.

One, in particular, caught her attention. “Revealing Light?” Celestia mused. “What were you doing in that battle?” In her mental garden she looked over the report again, even though she had no problem recalling every word. Thirty-seven civilians were saved and almost a whole squad of guard ponies died.

You know that was not a wise sacrifice they made, Daybreaker said as she lounged cat-like.

“I am aware, but the guards are there to protect my ponies.”

We have more than enough to repopulate, and all the important bloodlines are secure.

With a sweeping gaze, she checked each of the orbs. Fifty-nine more had perished and so far had been unreported. She would need to go through the deployment maps and see if another unfortunate event had happened.

Another orb lit up, the spark of solar power, the blessing she gave to each of her loyal guards, returned. There were far too many spare orbs and far too few defenders out there.

Resources lost, and ponies' lives cut short. As a pony, she could value every single life. As a princess, she could not.

You're just angry somepony is taking your pieces, their not even important ones…

Heat stirred in her chest. She let out a long slow breath, a distorted heat haze rising from the incendiary exhalation. “Why do I even…”

Your Radiance, it is time for your meeting. The perfectly enunciated voice of her Mask interrupted.

She trotted out, leaving the comfortable warmth behind and stepped into her enchanted shoes as a servant levitated the rest of her regalia into place.

“Please inform Noble Guide that I will be a few minutes late.”

“Yes, Princess.” The servant bowed and trotted off.

Somepony needs their pipe?

Be silent, lest I take your speaking privileges away.

The clarity her pipe brought her still lingered. It was a shame she could not have savoured it a bit. At least she still had her preferred blend to enjoy. The almost boiling tea nearly froze Celestia’s tongue, or that was how it felt. At least the taste was something she could savour. She delicately took another sip and then placed the cup down and turned her full attention on her guest. “So, your task has been completed?”

Noble Guide nodded. “Yes, Princess, with Princess Twilight Sparkle’s astounding work, the refuge settlement is very likely the most secure place in Equestria, at least from the Blighted.”

It only took a glance out the window to see the faint magenta glow that marked Twilight's spell craft. It was a little ostentatious. One might call it an inefficient use of magic, but it would be a lasting monument to Twilight's power, another reminder to the world not to meddle with the affairs of Alicorns.

Celestia’s mask put on just the right smile. “That is truly good news.”

Noble Guide’s weary but content smile was just another reminder of how little time he had left in this world. Why do all the good ones leave us so soon?

Daybreaker snorted. Because they are not selfish enough to look after themselves, like a certain mare I know.

“So, if it pleases your majesty, I will be moving on and seeing what I can do to improve the logistics and defence of another location.”

“Do you have any idea as to where?”

“A few. I was planning on talking to the Captain of the Guard and seeing where I am able to take the strain off them.”

Celestia nodded. “Even assisting with paperwork would be a large boon for them. With your abilities, it would free up at least a dozen for other duties.” She hummed thoughtfully. “They are quite busy, but would an hour before sunset be acceptable?”

“That will be quite fine, Princess. It will give me more time to get my own affairs in order.”

With a few deft motions of a quill and a small bit of Celestia's magic, the meeting was arranged.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle’s daughter is by far the most powerful unicorn I have ever encountered.”

“You had the chance to meet her?” Why are you bringing her up? Celestia studied her guest and casualy browsed his mind. Images of glowing siege projectiles exploding into creative uses of non-combat spells, a memory of a small lavender filly that performed more teleports in a day than she took steps. The oh so serious look when the filly was thinking and the wide innocent smile as she helped others.

A strong pang of nostalgia tugged on Celestia’s heart. The photo of a young Twilight under Celestia’s own wing taunted her with the promise of happier times. She lifted it by the frame. Twilight had been so happy, the perfect student, but that was before she cast ‘that’ spell.

Noble Guide nodded. “Yes, she is incredibly dedicated to the defence of Ponyville.” He shook his head in amusement. “Most fillies don't casually create enchanted artillery when they feel the need to do something to help.” He paused and took a sip from his tea. “Ah, as always, your tea is perfection itself.”

Celestia nodded and hummed thoughtfully. “Do you believe Ponyville is a good place for her?”

“While she has a lot to learn, and needs the seasoning only experience can actually provide, she is a true asset to the town. Her remaining there is the best option for the town, and I believe she would refuse to leave.”


“She is more dedicated to her duty than almost any other pony I have met.”


“Her case is a strange one. In essence, she has less than a year’s experience, and yet, she has a fully functional mind. She throws herself behind everything she does with total dedication.” Noble Guide gazed into his half-empty tea cup as if it might hold some deep truth. “It is as if she has not learned to have any real desires of her own. Instead, she only wishes to please others.”

As if she was a fragment… Was it possible? “Well, it is likely the only option for now. If she is anything like her mother, I fear only myself or my sister would be able to rein her in.”

The metallic scent of blood, so strong even her mortal guest would notice it wafted into the room. Celestia's eyes turned to the source. Not a window, not a door, but to a tellingly darker patch of shadow. “Luna, what are you playing at?” Celestia said in whisper-speak.

In answer, her sister's immaculate shoe emerged from the darkness, strands of shadow clung to her as if they were cobwebs. The barely restrained magic that emanated from her was at least reined in enough not to be life-threatening to mortals.

“Sister dearest, there are words that must be shared,” Luna said with a hint of the Royal Canterlot Voice edging in. Eyes fixed on Celestia’s own, Luna reached into her shadow and tossed something across the room. A dozen solar guard helmets flew through the air. The heavy thumps added extra emphasis to the fact not all the helmets were empty as they came to rest on the formerly pristine carpet.

Noble Guide sat, frozen. With the merest flicker of her will, a touch of mind magic ensured he would stay that way.

For just a moment, the world wavered. Celestia was no longer in her study. She no longer looked over her desk. For that instant, slit eyes looked out from a black muzzle. A muzzle twisted just so in a mix of smug assurance and utter contempt.

A cold lump formed in her chest Not again, please not again.

Oh what have we here? Daybreaker purred like a cat that had just caught the mouse. The Warmind uncoiled herself and slipped comfortably into place, ready and eager to act.

"Luna," Celestia stated icily "Explain yourself."

"Nay, Sister, it is you who shall explain yourself."

A small seed of hope emerged. Those were not the words her sister would use if a conflict was unavoidable. She just needed to gain control of the situation.


Dark wings flared. Papers and small objects leapt into the air, carried by the sudden gale. Fury burned in Luna's eyes, and the temperature in the room plummeted. "These ponies paid with their lives because of your folly."

Every inch of Luna's being leaned into the act. Each muscle and tendon played its part in aiming that accusing glare. For now, at least, her sister's attack would be with words alone.

Relief flowed through her, even as Daybreaker grumbled.

Only her mask kept the smile from Celestia's lips. A smile she full well knew would have pushed Luna to violent actions.

Celestia turned to look at the heads as their blood seeped into the antique carpet. Each one had been one of her guards. Although some were unrecognisable, the enchantment in each helm provided name, rank and serial number to her mystical perception.

Name after name went through her mind as mentally she started on the exact wording she would use in the letters she would soon be writing.

Looking back to her beloved Lulu, Celesita found the frozen inferno in her eyes had settled, if only slightly. "Sister, that is a statement not an explanation."

"You wish for…" Luna paused and inhaled sharply before slowly letting it out. "Your guards are poorly trained and ill-suited to the tasks that befall them."

It was hard to find a compelling counterpoint with the evidence presented in such a graphic way. "What happened?" Celestia let her true sorrow show past the clinical detachment her mask granted her.

“The blighted behaved as expected, they drew out your toy soldiers and ambushed them.”

“You lay that at my hooves?”

The rage in Luna's eyes settled to mere anger. She stalked forward and with a casual swipe of her wing sent Noble Guide sailing across the room.

Catch him. Celestia commanded, and Daybreaker grudgingly complied. A flair of aura cushioned her guest with only very mild scorching.

Luna settled down on her own conjured cushions. The casual waste of magic was simply another silent condemnation. "If they were better trained in the art of battle, some may have survived. If they were more than rank amateurs at strategy, they would have expected the trap."

Celestia’s pipe called to her. A few breaths, and she would be far better prepared for this conversation.

Luna twitched a wing. The small motion was practically a whole dissertation about how disappointed she was. "Partake if you wish."

A heavy sigh escaped Celestia. Of course, the fraction of a second’s hesitation was enough for her sister to divine everything. "You have come here to work on a solution and not simply vent?”

Luna snorted. "You will hear my words and you will know what your choices have cost Equestria.”

Her sister's body appeared completely at rest, but nothing could be further from the truth.

After a moment of consideration, Celestia withdrew her pipe and supplies from the drawer. "Tea?"

Luna nodded. The gesture was just so, an acceptance and promise. Despite how heated words might get, there would be no blood spilt or no more at least.

A golden aura fetched the tea service and set to the well practised art as Celestia’s hooves began to blend the ingredients for her pipe.

Every action was performed to perfection. All the little signs that nopony outside the room would recognise, said only one thing. This was a meeting between equals.

Luna sat a little straighter, her horn a little higher. Even through her controlled rage, a little bit of satisfaction crept into her expression.

Not another word was said until they both had their cups before them.

Celestia’s horn glowed as she added just a bit more heat to her own. She met her sister’s eyes with as much serenity as her long life afforded her. "Why this, why now, when we both have things we should be doing?"

Luna stared back over her own cup. Her mane reached out, claiming one of the heads and reeling it in.

The face has been horribly deformed, split open as a reptilian maw ripped its way out of the too-small helmet. The mass of flesh and twisted bone was unrecognisable, but the magic tag still proudly proclaimed who’s head floated there.

RGIS 11962, Revealing Light.

Luna’s gaze slipped to the dead, lifeless eyes. "We will never see this one in the eternal fields. We were too slow, a few seconds too late to save her soul."

"While unfortunate, what is your point?"

"You are the reason we are slow, why are edge is dull. You are why we have not found Moonlit Scroll. Why we were not aware of this plot before it happened."

Blood dripped down, staining the expensive wood and important scrolls alike, rewriting them world be hours of work she did not have time for.

Each pattern of drops, each spreading pool of blood, painted an image and each image spoke of a scream from many years ago.

"You know why those restrictions are there," Celestia said, eyes still focused on the blood.

"With even one, I could have saved half of them."

“Well you don't have…”

“Sister, if I am to serve Equestria as I should, you have to unshackle me from your chains.”

“It is not that simple”

“Our ponies are dying because I can't save them, Twilight’s attacker and the vile fiend behind all of this is still at large because I can not use my domain as it was intended to be used.”

“You know what happened in the past, Sister.”

Luna's eyes narrowed. “We are both all too aware of what happened.”

Celestia looked to the gathered heads and settled on Revealing Light’s. The fact it was the closest and the name of the pony could not have been a coincidence.

“Tia, we must do something.”

“With what is already in motion, Equestria will survive.”

“At what price? How many decades to recover?" Luna paused and then continued in a much smaller voice. " Do you not trust me, Sister?”

That last dagger struck deep, and if it were not for the calm brought on from Celestia’s vice, she might have wavered there. “I trust you,” Celestia said, her faith in the modifications in her sister was the biggest reason she could say that without a hint of doubt or falsehood.

Luna froze, and then slowly, her expression softened. “Then why don't you let me be useful?”

You know she is manipulating you? Daybreaker said, and she was right. It was clear as day that this was a manipulation. But the question was, why?

“I don't want to lose you, it only took one fragment gaining strength from the nightmares of our ponies to overpower you.”

Luna bristled, “I learned my lesson there, Sister.” Firm eyes stared out from her younger sister's face, eyes that in the past had been the last sight of so many opponents. There was no give, no chance her sister would back down from this.

Celestia looked down. “This is not a simple thing to undo.” She did not even need to see to know the edge of happiness that would be creeping onto Luna's face. She held up her hoof. “I am not sure that, even if there was time right now, if it would be a wise course of action.”

“Sister, unless you are hiding an army of chosen somewhere, only us Alicorns are truly up to dealing with this threat.”

“You have not even had a century to recover from your return.”

“As we are not stockpiling our magic, that is less of an issue than you believe. And the threat we have here will be dealt with in multiple tactical scale engagements. Not by turning all of Equestria, outside what we have secured, to glass.”

Celestia could feel Daybreaker rolling her eyes. Well, that's only because you’re no fun. Celestia rested her head on her hoof.

Luna leaned closer, lowering her own head. “Equestria needs an edge. Let me be that blade.”

“Have you seen what your betrothed has created?” Celestia asked, a wing pointing unerringly at the magenta dome.

“So, let her be the shield.”


The growl was so quiet that only the most perceptive of ponies would have heard it. "Let me bring you the heads of our foes, and not those of our defenders."

CH 66 The Big Chair

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To Paper Pusher, the walk to work was normally a non-event, and it was merely something that happened exactly the same, each and every day. The precursor to the chaos that was trying to bring order to the understaffed RGIS records.

Today was not the old normal. All the reports he had read strongly implied normality would be a rather rare resource for quite some time. This time, every step had a metal-plated reminder that things had changed. Just the sound of his armoured shoes on the stone was enough of a distraction, let alone the fact that it had taken three fewer steps to reach the first corner on his journey.

Other than Celestia's sun in the sky, it could have been the middle of the night if judged by the level of activity alone. With the armour's cooling effect, he could close his eyes, and the illusion would be complete.

Restaurants, normally so busy, were closed. In the most active parts, four in five shops were closed, and less than a dozen restaurants were even open in the entire city.

His metal-covered hooves echoed through the empty streets. Parts of the great city were reduced to a ghost town.

Even the normal scents were muted. The lack of most of the shop’s tempting fragrances and the noble’s perfumed trails allowed other scents to win through. Fresh bread from two streets over mixed with the bitter forge smoke from further afield.

The high notes of metal on metal clearly rang out over the city without the everyday clamour of the capital around. So far, he had only crossed paths with five ponies instead of the hundreds that would have been typical. None of them had anything that was worthy to record in his report, and none had any obvious sign of being a dark cultist.

As he approached the end of a long street, the hushed sound of gossiping old ponies reached his ears. He sighed internally and double-checked his armour hung on his frame just right.

“Civilians," he mumbled. Each and every one of them was different. Each and every one an unsolved enigma. At least masquerading as a normal guard meant his part in social interactions came with a manual.

As he had an audience, he turned onto the next street, his motions crisp and professional as the guard guidebook demanded.

Up ahead, only a single guard pony stood at attention outside the single open shop. An orderly line of ponies waited, six mothers with their foals and four geriatric ponies.

It looked somehow wrong without the symmetry the regulation pair brought to door duty.

His helmet's magic showed the officer's name, rank and number, along with another detail. A crossed-out wing next to a stylised cross with hoofprints marked the pony as walking wounded that had lost the ability to fly.

“Sir, nothing to report.” The guard pony offered a crisp salute without a single hint of the depression that claimed so many in their position.

Paper Pusher returned it by the book, but he lacked the exacting precision that endless repetition brought. “Very good, carry on.”

Thanks to the uniform enchantment on the armour, the guard would appear to be a standard earthpony, but to one who can see past the illusion, there stood a one-winged pegasus. He was the ninth crippled pony that a simple mark of ink reactivated to full duty.

The little formalised exchange repeated. The second was another pegasus, this one missing a rear leg, again simply concealed by the enchanted armour.

The third and fourth were so aged that they had well and truly passed the average life expectancy, yet they were here. They did not exactly follow regulations. Instead of the perfect stance required by the guidebook, they both allowed the wall to support them.

“Lovely day for a walk, Sir.”

Paper Pusher paused. The off-script comment was an unexpected variable the guidebook gave no advice for. He took a moment to consider.

The blue sky had not a single trace of clouds. Celestia's sun warmed him and brought a small smile to his muzzle. Past the gate the married couple guarded, Earthponies toiled as they converted three-quarters of the public park from a place of leisure to a farm.

The last quarter was full of colts and fillies. A pair of school teachers and a single guard tried to guide the crowd through a much-simplified guard drill.

“They’re coming along nicely.” The kind and grandmotherly voice said, completely out of place from the apparent form of a young athletic guard pony.

Paper Pusher turned his full attention back to the speaker, and the illusion retreated under his gaze.

“Any chance you can get an extra assigned here so we can help with their training? We might not be as young as we once were, but we can show them a thing or two.”

The three ponies looked definitively outnumbered and perhaps outmatched by so many young ponies. One of them glared at their instructor and stomped their small hoof. Clearly, they were not used to accepting instructions. Seven of them stood out immediately, each part of a noble house. Not a single one of them a firstborn or heir. So this is how they are meeting their obligations. Paper Pusher thought as he made a mental note of what families would need to be quietly investigated, if he ever had the ponypower to spare again.

A hollowness, an emptiness that was still very much unfamiliar, opened up in his chest. His first choice to look into this would have been Candice or Revealing Light. Candice was off playing Batmare with Princess Luna, and Revealing Light was no longer alive.


Paper Pusher shook his head and snapped back to the moment. He mentally pushed away the image of that small line of text, a simple name and a status update. “I’ll need to check the rota.”

“Are you alright, Deary?”

“Yes, I am well.” Paper Pusher said as the old mare looked at him. Something about her kind maternal expression coached more words out of him. “A… colleague. I learned a pony I know died from a daily status update. I know I have the report on my desk.” Paper Pusher looked down. White unicorn number three it was accurate, it was useful, but now that she was gone, it felt strangely impersonal, like a disservice to her memory.

A metal-clad hoof rested on his shoulder. The impersonal contact of metal against metal brought no comfort. Still, the attempt had been made at least, so Paper Pusher uttered the automatic politeness. “Thank you.”

“It's never easy losing a pony, especially if they're under your command.”

Ice gripped his heart as realisation sunk in. For two breaths, it was as if the air held no oxygen. Under my command? Pages and pages of deployment orders flipped past in his mind's eye. The few little movements of a quill it had taken to reorganise the pony power. Those necessary optimisations had most likely placed Revealing Light in the situation that cost her her life.

The urge to get to his office rose inside him. The report he knew would be waiting for him called. He had to know the details. He had to know exactly what happened to Revealing Light, and he had to know if it was his fault.

“Go, continue on your rounds, sir. We have everything under control.”

“Then carry on.” Paper Pusher nodded firmly, then performed a crisp turn, and marched off, only half paying attention to the outside world.

His mind drifted to all the ponies that used to crowd the RGIS offices, all the other ponies that used to help with paperwork and backroom intelligence work. How many of them would actually return? How many of them were even now dead?

A long slow breath pushed out between his teeth. He was no tactician, no expert general. All he was good at was paperwork and organisation. Everything he did since his responsibilities had expanded had been apparently optimal actions, assigning the right level of force to deal with each suspected threat.

Logically, I made the right choice. He told himself. Every other course of action open to him would have only cost more lives. He was going to lose hours ploughing through all the reports and double-checking every bit of analysis to see if he had made any mistakes. Each and every guard that died was a tragedy. So few ponies had what it took to become a guard, so each one lost was a resource forever gone from the nation, and the world was poorer for it.

His hooves almost took him to his old office. Instead of the much grander one he now had as the current acting captain and a position he only held by default.

He lit his horn, his aura eagerly embraced the helm. No matter how well it was fitted, it still caused his ears to ache if he wore it for too long.

A shuddering sound came from up ahead. I don't have any appointments scheduled. He almost groused. The last thing he needed was even more unexpected news. His aura hesitantly retreated from his helmet, and in a single stride, Paper Pusher straightened up. Just as he rounded the corner, he once more looked like the poster of what a guard should be.

Outside the captain's office, a pony leaned against the wall, eyes closed and shivering. His leg twitched as visible cramps rippled through the limb.

Paper Pusher did not need to get the guidebook out to know what to do. There was only one right answer. "Sir, do you need medical aid and or any assistance?"

The stallion took a long shuddering breath and visibly forced themselves under control. "I will be fine, thank you…Captain." The stallion looked up, and his features resolved into a name in Paper Pusher’s mind. This was Noble Guide, one of the witnesses to the attack on Princess Twilight that ended up burning a hole in the council chamber.

“I am afraid I was not informed I had any appointments today, Lord Noble Guide.”

The noble took a slow breath as if testing to see if it hurt. “This is more an unplanned visit, I wish to make my organisational skills available, and it seemed that you would be best informed as to where my talents will be of most use.”

Paper Pusher’s mind turned through already shuffling mental sheets of paper. He headed towards the door to his borrowed office. “Then please, come in.”

Noble Guide nodded and followed.

A huge stack of paperwork and a pile of scrolls that overflowed his inbox greeted him. Despite the size of the office, it was never meant for the sheer volume of paperwork that now flowed through it each and every day. It was as Revealing Light used to say, ‘The reward for a job well done was just a harder one.’

He lit his horn, and his aura reached out, ensuring anything, and everything confidential was at least covered. He kept his stride even as he made his way around the desk towards the captain's chair. “Please, take a seat.” He offered as he took his own. Despite the size of the chair being standard, somehow it felt too large now he had a noble sat opposite him.

Noble Guide sat with all the stiff decorum that the etiquette the nobles held themselves to demanded, despite the small grimace of pain. The default polite request as to his health crossed through Paper Pusher’s mind and was rejected. He had already refused help and apparently was doing everything he could to maintain the pretence he was well. “My apologies for getting straight to business, but as you must know, the current situation has us all saddled with drastically increased duties.”

Noble Guide nodded. “I quite understand. That is exactly the reason I am here, to offer my services.”

The map on the wall painted a bleak picture. So many small settlements had a red pin that denoted they needed immediate assistance or the depressingly common black pin that meant it no longer existed, either evacuated or destroyed. Roads and rail lines crossed the map, but not enough of them. Too many of the needed supplies were still forced to travel by road, and that directly led to many of the daily casualty reports.

Paper Pusher's eyes glanced over the black pin that sat atop Manehatten and then settled on Vanhoover. “You organised and arranged building, in essence, what is a small city in short order. Are you up to upscaling the train yards and directing the laying of new tracks?”

“I believe I can be of service with that,” Noble Guide said as his own attention turned to the map. “I assume the plan is to have a line to each town and village we still hold?”

“It's a large project and a logistical nightmare.”

“That is without the local bureaucracy interfering.”

“Are they going to be obstructionist in this?” Paper Pusher asked. It made no sense why a pony would resist the necessary efforts to safeguard Equestria. It was illogical, but then again, so were most ponies.

“Not deliberately,” Noble Guide said with a grimace. “Do you mind if I take my medication?”

“Go ahead.”

Noble Guide retrieved a fine glass vial covered with silver decoration and the fine marks of one of the top Alchemists in Canterlot. When he unstoppered it, a strong medicinal scent mixed with citrus and mint wafted into the air. With one swift motion, he drained it to the last drop.

Paper Pusher breathed in. The flavourings did a good job confusing things, but a deep earthy and musty odour with a hint of rotten garlic defeated the ruse. Northern bitter root… That's no common pick-me-up or a noble excess trying to keep a youthful appearance. While not illegal, that particular ingredient was on several watchlists and several that it was generally combined with were flatly illegal. Mentally, auditing the Apothecary's house got added to the end of a very long list of things to do once Equestria was safe again.

“That's much better.” Noble Guide said as most of the tension and concealed pain lifted from his features. “As I was saying, I doubt any will be trying to interfere. But there are many very capable individuals who will insist only they know best. They will end up working cross purposes without a strong hoof to guide them and the right words to allow them to save face as they set their ego aside.”

Nobles… Paper Pusher thought as his mind went back to each and every official request to remove Candice from her position from the logical to the outright implausible. Each and every one of them was a mix of purely personal outrage and impassioned dissertation on why it would be for the good of Equestria. “I understand… can you do it?”

Noble Guide nodded. “There will be many more sleepless nights for me, but I will get it done. If anything, it will be simpler than a normal day in court here. If not for the time pressure, it would be a delightful vacation.” He smiled.

There was something about that smile that Paper Pusher did not trust. No matter how much he thought about it after Noble Guide had left, he could not place what was wrong with it. It was almost as if it belonged to a different pony. He sighed And this is why I prefer paperwork over ponies.

Hours, hundreds of pages and two inkwells later, Paper Pusher still preferred his paperwork to the complexities of pony interactions. He stared at the highest priority scroll open before him. The one that should have been on the top of the stack, not buried halfway down under a request for additional armour cleaning equipment.

He reread the scroll for the third time. The deployment order sat on the desk and no matter how long he looked at it, nothing even hinted at the possibility it was an illusion or hallucination.

He placed the talisman next to the seal. A soft golden light radiated from it. “So not a forgery then.” A little bit of hope died inside him. It would have been so much simpler if this was simply a fake an enemy agent had planted.

For a heartbeat he considered sending a message confirming the order, but nothing about it could have been a mistake or a scribing error. Not being this consistent. The beautiful horn writing was almost definitely Celestia’s own, not a single mistake nor hint of hasty quill work.

His eyes ignored all the boilerplate niceties and settled on his orders.

Gather the needed forces to escort the eighteen magically strongest ponies currently incarcerated in the nation, and transport them to Canterlot.

Why? With all the current demands on the pool of pony power. Demands that Celestia knew as well, if not better than he did himself. His eyes narrowed for a moment. He wouldn't dare?

He sorted through the drawer and withdrew a jar of multi-hue oil. He gingerly set it down upon the scroll. He slowly counted down from ten, and nothing happened. The liquid sat still without even a single ripple.

So this is not one of ‘his’ pranks. Even now, in the privacy of his office, he was unwilling to tempt fate by mentioning that name. So, I have to conclude this is real. With that decided, he set to work pulling out dozens of prisoner reports and a pair of procedural manuals.

They would need a three-to-one advantage against the convicts. So for eighteen prisoners they would need fifty-four guard ponies. It looked like the old couple would not get their extra pony anytime soon.

Three firm knocks sounded from the door. Paper Pusher yawned and looked up from the last report he had to deal with today. The sky outside was dark, the moon’s light shading the world in silvers.

The knocks sounded again.


The door opened to reveal the predatory gaze of one of Luna’s thestral guards. “Acting Captain Paper Pusher?”

Paper Pusher nodded.

The mare reached under her wing and pulled out a scroll. “I have a dispatch for you.”

“I take it this is urgent?”

“It will help you save lives.”

His aura accepted the offered scroll and quickly broke the seal, he looked over it. His eyes narrowed and snapped to the mare. “How?” It was such a simple question but asked so much, and he had to know.

The mare offered a kind smile. “The Night Sovereign was able to converse with her before the end, and hear any final messages she had.” She nodded to the open scroll. “That is for you as Acting Captain.” She pulled out a simple folded bit of paper. “And this is for you, the pony.” With far more reverence than she had offered the scroll, she laid the plan piece of paper on Paper Pusher’s desk almost as if it were some religious offering.

She wrote to me? The image of her twisted and dying form using some of her final breaths in this life to dictate a letter to him, personally. He almost could not believe it. There were so many others that she had deeper and closer relationships with.

Why me? The folded paper held his gaze. He had to know what it contained. Still, any personal missive save from the Princess herself would have to be examined after the official communication to him in his role as Acting Captain.

He looked up with a question on his lips, but the mare was gone. The door had not reopened, the window was closed, and yet, she simply was not there. “Night Guards.” He sighed again and turned his attention to his friend's final report.

“Blighted methods and tactics…”

CH 67 Moonlight Awakening

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The vaguest hint of self-awareness floated up from the darkness of oblivion. The first thing to impinge on her was a sound. Something so familiar and yet so alien after the nothingness before.

Thump, thump.

Thump, thump.

Thump, thump.

It was more than just a sound. It pounded within her as if whatever made it was a part of her. Realisation crept in. That was her heart, and with that realisation, that muscle deep in her chest sprung into action. Pins and needles spread through her chilled flesh as it warmed with each pulse of blood. Despite all that, she was still too comfortable to move.

Everything was the tight embrace of soothing darkness and the drumbeat of her heart in her chest. It would have been far too easy to stay there like that forever, but that was not to be. The mummers of voices dragged her from the abyss that enveloped her.

I’m alive? The thought hit her like lightning. Her jump-started mind churned that over for a moment. Why am I so certain I should be dead? The fact no answers came to mind was unacceptable. Alright, what's the last thing I remember? As she searched her memories, time and time again, she found only a void. So, I either just had a nightmare, or I was just in a dangerous situation.

It would have been so easy to dive back into the silken softens of sleep, but there were questions she needed answered. The one that really lit a fire under her hooves was, how safe was her current situation? She pushed through the quilted comfort of unconsciousness and latched onto the voices.

Other senses imposed themselves upon her consciousness. First, the sensitisation of her barrel moving as her lungs took in air, the scents of fabric, feathers, and weapon oil joined the distinctive aromas of thestrals. Finally, the murmured words started to make sense.

“Aw, she fainted,“ a mare complained.

“Come on, pay up!” A stallion's voice said.

“How do you always know?” The mare asked.

The jingle that could only be a bag of bits was almost deafening. The second one, when the clearly thrown bag was caught, was not less loud but was far more tolerable.

“I'm just ‘that’ good.” The strangely familiar stallion’s voice said. The image of a cocky and fanged smirk came to mind just from the tone, a rather familiar-looking smirk.

She felt her tongue and lips protest as she tried to speak, but she did not let that stop her. “Striker?” The newly awakened mare croaked out through an aching throat.

“Ah, you're awake. Welcome back to the land of the living.” Striker said. Even with her eyes closed, she could hear the playful smile in his voice.

Her ears felt heavy as they twitched and tried to orient themselves on the speaker. Heavy eyes fought back as she tried to open them, but she persisted.

The mare’s voice turned soft and soothing, like a mother talking to her foal. “Easy there, you've been through a lot.”

Have I? Her mind provided no answers, but as if guided by a will of its own, her hoof found her throat and gingerly made contact. She held her breath, braced for some agony or dire discovery. But no, only her own warmth and intact, pristine flesh covered by a coarser coat than felt right.

She let out her breath and stroked her throat one more time. Despite nothing being wrong, a bone-deep certainly insisted something was.

“You're safe here.” The motherly voice said. The tone was so earnest it could only be accepted as truth, or as least truth as the mare knew it.

Bit by bit, her eyelids pried themselves open. Colours she did not have the words for swirled across the ceiling, and a pair of mesmerising eyes looked down at her. For a long moment, she just stared. The sight was like nothing she had ever seen before. “Where am I?” She asked, focusing upon those eyes.

“Hey, there, beautiful.” Striker said. His eyes were full of colours they never were before. His fangs poked out past his playful smirk.

She sighed in familiar exasperation. “That's not an answer to my question, Captain Striker.”

A leathery wing moved between them. The wing connected to the body of a bat-winged mare. That mare had a far softer smile, and her eyes were just as radiant as Strikers, if not more.

“Name’s Mercy, tis nice to meet thee.”

Strike snorted. “Stop trying to talk like the Sovereign.”

Mercy stomped her hoof. “She likes it, I think it sounds cool, so why shouldn't I?”

“I’m…” Her words faltered as a cold realisation set in. She had finally noticed something was missing. “I can't remember my name.”

“Of course not,” Striker teased.

“Of course not? Of course not?” The unmanned mare rolled and tried to push herself to her hooves. Her body did not quite cooperate, and another wave of pins and needles ripped through her limbs. She settled on simply pointing her hoof at him. “I'm clearly not a full amnesiac if I remember you and your mango habit.”

“There is nothing wrong with appreciating the best fruit.”

“Mangos are not…” The unmanned mare’s words tumbled to a halt as the most delightful sweet scent reached her nose.

Striker chuckled, suddenly an oddly cloured mango balanced on his upraised hoof.

“I don't even like mangos.”

“You do now.”

“What did you do to me?”

“Get your fangs in this first.”

“Fangs?” Her tongue explored her mouth, and yes, he was right. Four sharp points now had a home in her mouth. “Why do I have fangs?”

“What do you mean? You always had them,” Striker started in that infuriatingly smug way he had.


“OWWW!” Striker glared at Mercy, whose hoof was poised to deliver another thwack to the head.

“Stop tormenting the poor mare. You know what it's like. You went through it too.”

“You're no fun.”

Mercy hit him on the head again. “She does not need to have tricks played on her. She needs to know she is safe and amongst friends.”

“Where am I, and why does everything look so strange?” The unnamed mare asked around a mouthful of succulent mango that she could not quite remember how it got there.

“You mean the new colours?” Mercy asked.

The unnamed mare nodded.

“You have new eyes. This room is in total darkness.”

The unnamed mare looked around and studied her surreal surroundings. There seemed to be no source for the colours of the ‘light’ she thought she was seeing. None of it caused any illumination. It was as if the world was made of liquid, and fluorescent inks swirled and danced within it. So this is how thestrals see the world… wait Her hoof shot up to where her horn should be. “Thank Celestia.”

“That's a saying you may want to stop using.” Mercy said.


“Let's just say, the Day Princess does not have the best reputation with us at the moment.”

She let that lay for the time being and moved on to the more important issue. “What happened to me?”

“The short answer, you chose to live.”

“So, what part about that choice means I can't remember my name?” The unnamed mare asked as her mind tried to piece together the chain of events that led to this moment.

“Because you had to die.”

What? The words struck her like a hammer blow. A flash of another pony and the taste of muddy blood flooded her mind. “The Sargent…” She started, but Mercy just shook her head.

“He made the other choice.” Striker said uncharacteristically somber. “The slacker.”


Striker’s muzzle hit the floor from the none-too-gentle ‘tap’ Mercy’s hoof applied to the top of his head.

“What did you do that for?” Striker glared at Mercy.

“Go and let the others know she is awake,” Mercy said as her cocked rear leg threatened to give him a powerful incentive to leave.

Striker slipped somehow deeper into the colours and faded from view. Ripples spread through the world like a pond with a stone dropped in it.

“Your friend was dying and made the choice. He wished to be with his family in the Enteral Fields instead of facing the Blight again.” Mercy moved closer and proffered a set of brushes. “Unlike Celestia, Luna won’t force anypony to fight monsters.”

The Blight? As if summoned by the thought, a flash of memory returned. Her heart hammered in her chest as she panted for breath. An image of a pony's body twisted into that of a monster accompanied by the sickening sound of breaking bones and ripping flesh. She closed her eyes and gave her head a little shake.

A thought or something half-remembered came to her in what sounded like Princess Luna’s voice. Even time travel can not alter the past. What has been is now naught but memory. All anypony may do is decide their path in the present. Remember, treasure and learn from each moment that has slipped away. Honour those lost, but never let the past bind you nor stay your hoof when the time comes to act.

She held her breath for a moment and smoothly let it out. The near panic, the fear and worry left with the exhaled air.

The wonderful colours came back into existence as she re-opened her eyes. “You believe in the afterlife?” Unnamed asked as she rolled and pushed herself to her hooves. The motion was too easy, and it turned into a little hop. I'm lighter? She thought, but that felt wrong. She could see the extra thickness of her legs. She could feel the extra muscles wrapped around her body as it bunched and extended. It felt wrong, and at the same time, it felt right, as if it was completely alien and exactly how she should be at the same time. So, at least I have some concept of what I used to look like.

Mercy nodded and set to work with the brush. “Believe? No, I’ve seen it. When one of us falls, the Sovereign takes us under her wing and personally walks us to that door.”

The slow, steady motion of the brush through her coat felt as soothing as it did wrong. The way it pulled and tugged was just a constant reminder that her sleek Canterlot beauty was gone, replaced with a lethal athletic look.

The grooming was no spa treatment, but after the week she had the still unnamed mare just let herself relax into it. “Why did I have to die?” Unnamed asked with a quiet hum of contentment.

“The Sovereign’s the best one to ask for that, but my guess was so she could steal you for herself.”

“Steal me?” That sounded familiar. Her mind drifted back and found a name and a moment in time. Atop a rooftop, lit only by the moonlight, an odd mare with oversized wings rolled her eyes with a slight nod towards Princess Luna before, with a burst of silvery magic, she launched into what should have been a hopeless death trap. Candice, the last mare Luna had ‘stolen’.

“Do you know how much of a joke RGIS is? How much of the evidence or confessions you get are just manufactured by Celestia to fit her narrative?”

The world faded away to black, only to be replaced by a different scene. Dozens of nobles lay down, their forelegs covering their heads. One noble was held by Celestia as she reached out and broke their horn off. The sound was horrible. The lack of reaction and the serenity on Princess Celestia's face was worse.

A tug on her coat snapped things back to reality as the brush caught on a knot. What?

“And now she has you, you of all ponies, playing toy soldier?” Only the tremble in Mercy’s otherwise calm voice betrayed the anger that was so at odds with the soft strokes of the brush.

Her body shifted, adjusting in anticipation of an undesired burden. Irritation shifted to resolve as she levely met Mercy’s narrowed eyes. As much as she had hated the heavy armour and the dull monotony of a guard’s job, she had to do her part. For Celestia’s sake, they were bringing retirees back into the force and strapping armour onto foals. “I was needed.”

“Yes, but not for that. With your talent and skills, you are needed to track down those that caused this, not die in a fight you're not prepared for.”

On reflex, a part of her reached inside for something, a warmth, a core of certainty that had always been there and found nothing. Her mouth slipped closed. The words that might have once come, did not even try to pass her lips. A cold dread bled down to a sense of loss with a spikey hint of guilt.

A bittersweet smile graced Mercy’s muzzle. “You no longer have Celestia’s loyalty spell on you.”

Loyality spell? Such things were meant to be plot devices in bad fiction where the author could not come up with completing reasons for allegiances to change or even exist in the first place. She narrowed her eyes. “I trust you have some proof?” Even as she asked, the claims of Candice came to mind.

“There is a simple spell to let you see the effect. It makes it very easy to spot anypony in the Solar Guard, even if they are undercover.”

Mercy’s eyes held not a hint of deception, only utter certainty in the truth of her words, and a maternal care. She cast her eyes over the fruits of her labours and gave a firm nod. She put the brushes aside and spoke. “We should say hello to the others.” With that said, she walked toward the lone door in the room, and with a sweep of her wing, beckoned the unnamed mare to follow.

The door opened with hinges that definitely needed more oil and broke the sanctuary of the dark. The hash light burned her eyes, she hissed and shielded her poor sensitive eyes with a foreleg.

“Yeah, that bit sucks. Give it a moment, and your eyes will adjust,” Mercy said.

Slowly, little by little, she opened her eyes, and the ‘normal’ world revealed itself. She looked around, the small crack of sunlight lit the room completely.

The shadows still had hints of the fantastical colours, but only hints. It was if the sunlight smothered their beauty with its hash light. A part of her almost wanted to weep at the harsh blandness the daylight brought from the corpse of the slain darkness.

Mercy's wing extended, and the tip almost brushed the surface of an Alicorn-sized mirror. The two ponies in the mirror captivated her. Even in the shadowed sections, none of the umbral colours, the true richness of the world could be seen, but that was just details. Two ponies in the room, two ponies in the reflection and yet neither felt like her.

As if her hooves had a mind of their own. She moved in front of the mirror. Just by the sight of her muzzle and what she could see without it, she knew she would look different. Well, not like this is the first time I became another pony. She thought as she tried her best not to add ‘but it is the first time you had to die for it’.

She took a claming breath, and then like so many times before, she deliberately met her reflection's gaze. There was nothing of who she once was, not a feature, not a line.

The mare that looked back possed dangerously, her predator's eyes stared with keen intensity that could be either intimidating and alluring. Her thicker coat could not quite conceal the taught lines of powerful muscles. She cycled through facial expressions and poses, each from a pony she had once bean. None of them quite fit.

“Who are you?” She asked the mirror as her mind played with the possibilities of this new look.

The mare in the mirror smiled, showing fangs. “You assume my identity, and you don’t even recognise me?” The tone dripped the playful confidence most of Luna’s ponies had. Somehow it just felt right. The pose though, that needed a bit more. Less Canterlot and a bit more Cloudsdale?

A shift in the legs, a hint of a hunting cat's grace and danger. She traced every line of her new body. I can work with this.

She turned side on, revealing her mark. Her new mark.

You are my Moonlight. Illuminate those that would hide from my wrath. The remembered words hit like a ton of bricks. Pride and exhilaration like liquid lightning sent a shiver dancing down her spine.

The newly named Moonlight spoke to her reflection. “Hello, Moonlight.”

“You know that's my line, not yours?” Striker’s smug voice called in.

“I get working for Princess Luna now… but do I really have to put up with you?”

“Burned,” another voice called out before it broke up into hyena like cackling.

With dual thwacks, Striker’s complaining, and the evil laughter stopeed. As if she had done nothing, Mercy spoke, “Now normally, there would be a party, a great celebration to welcome a new sister to the night.”

“So, I died and I don’t even get a day off?”


Lethargically, but in a heartbeat, she was awake and at peace, being fully alert in a strange duality. Soft sweet grass cradled her as she lay under a beautiful star-lit sky. A deep breath filled her lungs as she savoured the forest scents around her. Night flowers and morning dew stood out the most.

“This is nice,” she sighed out. It had definitely been far too long since she had even a moment to rest, let alone go on holiday. And all you had to do was die… The thought bit like a thorn in her hoof, a small thing, but an insistent one. A slow breath expanded her barrel as she tried to discard that particular thorn.

Before her eyes, the moonlight that was now her namesake revealed even more wondrous views. All around her a fairytale forest expanded in every direction for the clearing she lay in. Hundreds of different types of trees and thousands of varieties of night flowers combined in a pattern that only appeared to be natural. The more she looked the more she could sense the deliberate care with which each had been placed.

A hunch backed with iron clad certainly marched to the front of her thoughts, trampling any doubts. I’m dreaming. None of this was real, and yet, to every sense it was.

As if summoned by the thought, a voice spoke from behind her. Just the first syllable froze her insides and clenched her heart with icy talons. “Just because none of this is physical, does not mean any of this is less real,” The regal voice said.

“Princess Luna?” Moonlight choked out, a familiar phantom pain clutching her throat.

The Princess of the Night prowled from the too-small shadow of an ancient oak. Moonlight's hooves scrambled for purchase as they proppeled her up and into a ‘muzzle trying to bury itself in the grass’ deep bow.

The living incarnation of the night moved closer on deathly silent hooves. The only sound the russle of the wind though her wings. “Be at ease my seeker of the truth.”

The tightness trying to asphyxiate Moonlight vanished and the peaceful scent of lavender settled her trembling limbs after a few breaths.


A nod was the only response she could manage. Dispute being calm, ideas, emotions and the ramifications of all that had happened still spun in both her mind and heart, if slowly and in ordered patterns for now.

Luna moved closer and with a brush of a wingtip under her chin, gidded Moonlight to rise. “Do you like your new office?” Despite the solemn expression the Night Princess wore, her tone was almost playful.

"Well this is larger than my last office," she said.

“Everything you need is here, every dream report submitted, a way to pass messages to those in the field and an escort to aid you in investigating the dreams of those you suspect.”

The whole setup was surreal, so very different from the small offices she never used. If this was the resources of the Night Guard, what was even the point of the RGIS?

As if sensing the question, her companion spoke. “This is all new, created just for you.”

She slowly turned in place, dream or not, this must have taken some effort with all the magical connections and reporting spells that would be required to allow this to work… It was truly amazing to think all this had bene done just for her, just to allow her to use her talents.

Princess Luna swept her wing in a graceful gesture and first one, and then dozens of the stars above floated down as if tame birds summoned to hoof. As each drew nearer images appeared flitting in each. Without even being told, Moonlight knew what they were. Memories and Dreams.

With a single stomp, the ground shook, and a circular table of dark stone erupted from the grass, a perfect relief map of the continent opon it. As if laying the table, Luna placed each captured star upon the map. Around each star, the map gained colour and details.

Looking down from above, the full extent of the blight was impossible to ignore. A full quarter of the wild spaces were twisted and corrupted.

The growl startled her, it took a full second for Moonlight to realise it had come from herself.

An approving smile formed on the Night Princess’s muzzle before her expression settled back to the icy coldness the Nocturnal Alicorn was known for. “We must return to the battlefront,” Luna said as she placed a token bearing the image of her legendary weapon Starfall upon it. “Attend to your duties.

With a flash of light, Moonlight was alone in her office.

“Well, I always wanted a chance to make more of a difference… be careful what you wish for, I guess.” With what she knew was rapidly becoming a habit, she pressed her hoof to her throat to confirm it was still intact.

Tokens and little flags told the story of the current state of Equestria. Little silvery lines led to each memory orb that contained a more detailed report.

Some places were unassailable. Cadance and her husband each protected a city. Detachments of Solar Guards secured many others, unfortunately not casualty free. Moonlight’s eyes lingered on one particular token where two little flags were not needed to let her know how they were doing, but they did formalise it. The red of being engaged and the black that marked them in danger of being wiped out.

She had seen many newspaper reports declaring the death of, or the fact one of assumed identity was missing. Never had she simply been a notation on a casualty report. She dragged her eyes away from that stop and pushed those memories to the back of her mind. She had far too much to do.

The strategies at play were clear as day. Protect the major settlements, abandon the lesser ones where needed, contain the spread of the blight where possible and have Princess Luna and her Nightguard jump form concentration of hostiles smashing each one with overwhelming force. It was simple and direct, but left large tracks of land unguarded and unobserved.

As horrible as the situation was, it was clearly now stable. There would still be more deaths, maybe many, but it was now simply a matter of time before this threat would be dealt with.

Her eyes traced each and every token and flag. Every detail found its place in her mind as she reached for any hidden pattern, any misdirection to draw or discourage attention. “There's no true pattern here… the blighted are simply spreading as far and as fast as they can… this is more like a plague than a strategic action.”

She double-checked everything. “No, there are only three anomalies here…”

The first was a magenta shield dome encasing the refugee settlement next to Ponyville. Impressive, but nothing to worry about there.

The second was a pair of tokens far outside the borders of Equestria. The lavender one was an outline of an Equestrian airship with Twilight's mark on it. A brown one with a Griffon's claw and bow painted on depicted Griffonstone militia. “So that's why Twilight is not helping here…”

The third was a single token. A pair of villages marked as threatened by the blight had a single orange token of an untrusted allied force placed in defence. There was nothing remarkable about the area. The only thing that made it unique was that it had not been abandoned or destroyed. She tapped the token. “So you're my only lead… Let's see what we are dealing with…” She reached for the first nearby star.

CH 68 Crash’s Course

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Crash stared at his hoof. The room behind it still seemed giant. He knew it was just the smaller size of his younger body, but the whole situation was like a surreal dream. If it was not for his sworn duty, that's exactly what he would believe it to be.

He was one of Princess Luna's Chosen, ascended to the ranks of the most favoured of those sworn to the Sovereign, granted the blessing of a little part of her soul that nestled next to his. That most precious gift rested in his chest. A comforting coldness that poured the tireless strength of the earth into his veins with each beat of his heart.

A part of him still could not believe it. He, out of all the Nightguards had been entrusted with the safety of the Sovereign’s daughter. Not just as a bodyguard, but as a companion, a friend even. Pride and joy nestled in his heart without a single hint of guilt or sensation of unworthiness. Like all the Nightguards his life and even his very soul belonged to Luna. Night after night of brutal training, of being emotionally and mentally torn apart only to be lovingly guided back to sanity left him completely comfortable with who he was.

An extra century at least of life lay before him if only he had the skills to stay alive. All because I used to foal sit my little brother.

His sensitive ears turned this way and that seeking out for one particular sound. The hum of magic blended with the pop of displaced air. Only the sounds of murmured voices and the hoof falls of ponies moving around more conventionally reached his ears.

He let out a lazy sigh. So she's not up yet. He closed his eyes and settled back in the fluffy embrace of the giant bed.

Even with his new earth pony vigour keeping up with the four fillies definitely tested his stamina more than any Solar Guard assault course ever could.

Yesterday, without violating the letter of her restriction not to leave the castle grounds, Little Star masterminded a way to reach out and affect things miles away. A fanged smile came to his lips. "Never thought I would get to play artillerist."

A chuckle shook his chest. Slaying an insane hydra in a blighted forest and ensuring the safety of Blueblood’s relief convoy. "I can't wait to see how you're going to top that."

Something snatched him away from the precipice of sleep. It only took a moment for his memory to remind him what he almost missed. A quiet and all too familiar pop made his ear twitch.

"Well duty calls," he said to himself through a yawn.

He shook the last of the sleepiness from his head, then with a half roll and just a touch of power through his legs, he sprung out of bed. A high-pitched cry of joy, that he would deny ever making if asked, ripped free from him. His chosen route to the door bounded off two walls and finally the ceiling. Didn't even need my wings. The sheer exhilaration, the raw physicality of the earthpony magic brought was still intoxicating.

Relishing the simple joy of another of his Sovereign’s blessings, he dove into the shadows as if into a pool.

He surfaced from the almost liquid embrace of the shadows and slipped into step beside the little 'unicorn' princess as she made her rounds.

Everything she did had an energy to it, a momentum that could infect you if you let it. He was in two minds about what he saw when he looked at her. If you judged her by her serious expression and work ethic, she was no little filly. Yet, the glee when she found something new or was praised was totally one hundred and twenty percent little filly.

"Morning, Star"

Warm joy sparkled in her eyes as she turned in greetings. "Morning…” her head cocked to one side. “Why are you always up so early? You're meant to be nocturnal right?"

As a little of her happiness found a home in his own chest he shrugged with a half smirk Striker would have been proud of. "Don't want to miss out on all our fun."

Her head tilted slightly to the other side and it was as if she was looking straight through him. It was almost like a pale imitation of how the Sovereign sometimes looked, just far less daunting on such a cute face.

Her lips started to move and then she just gave the smallest of nods. Without even a spark on her horn, a scroll popped into existence. It fell for only a moment before she caught it in her aura.

"Want to help with the morning checklist?" Little Star asked with wide hope-filled eyes.

He only had seconds to act. Only moments before the largest threat to his free will was deployed. His wing lashed out claiming the scroll from Star’s aura.

The innocent grin was almost as devastating as the puppy-eyes would have been, but fortunately just below the ‘death by cuteness’ threshold.

Crash perched on the back of a chair, carefully balancing the bit of furniture on only one of its legs. He looked up from his self-imposed training at the other pony in the room with him.

Nurse Redheart busied herself sorting bandages. The expression she wore was a conflicted one. As she tried to stare through the crystal wall, relief and gratitude warred with envy and sadness. The slightly lowered ears and the restless tail told of the hints of guilt and self-loathing that added to it all, completing the mess of the mare’s emotions.

With a flick of a wing and a shift of his balance, the chair pivoted and switched which of its four legs was on the ground. Redheart’s ears did not even twitch at the sound.

To Crash, it made sense in more than one way. Her very talent was looking after ponies. She spent her entire life honing that skill and Little Star could help more with a simple wave of her horn. Add to that the attack on Ponyville and it was surprising she was holding up so well. Maybe I should ask the Sovereign to take a look when this is all over?

The door opened and Little Star walked out of surgery. Her aura softly closed the door behind her. As soon as it clicked, she vanished in a flash of light and appeared standing on the ceiling above Crash.

"She's sleeping now."

"Thank you for helping her." Redheart looked up and blinked in confusion before she tilted her head back further, finally finding Little Star. With a small shake of her head, she smiled gratefully, all hints of her inner conflict hidden away.

Little Star shuffled, a little abashed. Which just looked twice as odd upside down. "Mummy Twilight told me to look after our ponies."

“You're definitely doing that. Your mother will be proud of you.”

Little Star pranced on the ceiling taunting gravity with its inability to claim her.

Yep definitely still a little filly. Crash thought with amusement.

With eager energy, she jumped down, rotated in the air and bounded down the corridor to the less serious patients.

He abandoned his perch in pursuit. Moments later the chair crashed to the ground. “Oops.” He glanced back, ready to fix his oversight, but he was beaten to it.

Redheart waved for him to keep going as she sighed and righted the fortunately still intact chair, so he continued his mission.

All he had to do was tick things off on the scroll and wait outside the rooms. Not the least interesting guard duty I ever done. He thought as he methodically went through another set of wing-ups.

The first half dozen she checked in went perfectly. They were grateful and the words of thanks were just icing on the cake that was a worthwhile job well done. Each left the little princess in higher spirits than the last.

After the seventh, he knew something was wrong as soon as she walked out of the room. He stopped his exercise and gave her his full attention.

The vibrant energy was gone, each hoof found its place clumsily. she made it only a dozen steps before her eyes shimmered with dampness.

A voice spoke inside the room. That quiet voice practically screamed to his thestral hearing. "Why do they even let that menace play nurse?"

Why you ungrateful scum. You're not even fit to breathe the same air as she does. You could've at least waited until she was out of earshot. A normal pony might have heard it, let alone Little Star and himself with their superior hearing

He almost snarled or hissed. He almost bashed the door down and gave them a piece of his mind. But an almost inaudible sob, little more than a breath, drew his gaze back to Little Star.

Her lip trembled and that did it. Despite all her power, and all her dedication to duty, she was still just a little filly.

Normally that would be when her wooden owl would give her a hug. But today, the constructed familiar was nowhere to be seen.

There were only two courses of action any big brother could do in cases like this. As smashing the door down seemed to be the wrong option that only left the other one. Crash draped his wing over her and pulled her close. In less than a heartbeat her tears dampened his chest fur.

"Don't let that bucker bother you."

She jerked and looked up an intensity blazed in her still-damp eyes. "Don't use bad words."

A small part of him wanted to laugh, but it was going nowhere near that deadly gaze from the daughter of a neurotic alicorn.

I guess glaring talents run in the bloodline. He thought, almost gulping. "Sorry."

"That's alright," she murmured as she returned her head to her chest.

He held her, his wing sheltering her from a world that she would never truly fit into. No wonder the princesses hide their true power.

Like Luna, and even the Nightguards themselves, Little Star was being mistreated. Shunned by the very ponies she was helping. In some cases maybe even by those she had literally saved the lives of. Also like the Nightguards, there was only one solution, only one thing that would soothe her soul.

"Shall we go and find the rest of the Crusaders?"

Little Star gave another small sob and nodded against his chest. She looked up and rested her hoof on the smooth crystal of the wall. In the next instant, the scene changed. It was not a teleport nor the shift that happened when the Sovereign altered a dream. It was utterly instant, with no transition or sensation. It was just another sign she was no mere unicorn.

It was clear they were still in the castle, but where? This place needs signposts. The unified look of the crystal made every corridor look the same.

Little star smiled and affectionately patted the wall before she knocked at the door.

The door opened a crack and a sleepy Sweetie Belle peered out. It took a few long seconds before Sweetie Belle noticed anything was wrong.

As expected there was no question, no complaints, simply an embrace. A physical pledge to always be there for each other.

He only had seconds to watch the overly cute scene before a magenta aura decided to make him a part of it.

That one hug led to more as each of the others were collected.

Crash tuned out the flashes and explosions Little Star’s magic lessons were causing again.

He narrowed his focus to his opponent. She still clearly wanted to assault the ungrateful patients that had made Star so sad. He could not blame her, but she was far too rash and physical to simply put it aside like Applebloom and Sweetie Belle could.

He circled Scootaloo, watching, waiting. Anger still flowed through her every movement. She shifted her lavender primaries restlessly as she tried not to glare at him.

He held his wings half open. Ready for anything. She was fast, far faster than just her pegasus blood would indicate. She had proven that more than once in games of tag.

A blur of movement and his training kicked in. His hoof caught hers in plenty of time but the sheer impact pushed him back. The contact was like a small thunderclap and that alone made him wince. If I didn't have earth pony magic…

A flick of her wings pushed her forward and she pivoted, her other hoof coming around for another strike.

With a practised twist as he pulled back, Scootaloo tumbled past him. Her shocked expression shifted to a competitive gleam as he launched her away.

I know that look a single thought was all he had time for before the air hit him like a sledgehammer wrapped in a plump pillow.

He staged forward and she just hung motionless in the air. The smug grin she formed was a vast improvement to the angry glare.

How? Oh, that’s what you did. She had dumped all her momentum thrown right at him. “Good but not…” Was all he got to say before she made her counterpoint. A rather physical one.

The grin shifted to a copy of Rainbow Dash’s smirk as with only a flick of her perfect, for a pegasus anyways, wings, she surged back towards him.

With another flap, a contortion and a spin, one of her rear hooves rushed straight for his head.

He pushed some of the coldness from his core down into her shadow. A simple step and her blow simply helped push him into the inky embrace of the shadows.

She pulled her limbs back and shot into the safety of the air. Her head turned this way and that as her keen eyes darted from shadow to shadow.

Despite the intensity of her hunter’s glare, her happy smile was infectious.

I knew this is what you needed. He thought as he took a moment to plan his next move. Despite all his years of training, this was anything but a walk in the park. This filly could already give the Solar Guard a run for their bits. He could not wait to see what they could do when they came of age.

His thestral body was a little stronger than her pegasus one, but that was almost lost under the might that earth pony magic lent them both. She had the speed and he had the shadows.

"Foods up," Applebloom yelled, and just like that the match was over.

He dragged himself out of the shadows, shaking himself like a dog to settle his coat back down.

Scootaloo bumped against his side in good-natured comradery. "I would have won, you know."

"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that."

She levelled an angry glare at him that was quickly ruined by her eager pose and the tongue she then stuck out.

"We're both awesome," he said as he offered a hoof to bump.

The clack as she accepted banished the last tension of the competition. At least for a few seconds.

"Last one to the dining room's a rotten egg." And just like that, she was off.

There was nothing for it. Despite his tired limbs, he demanded more and the race was on.

Magic tearing dirt and sweat from his coat was never going on his top ten enjoyable things list, but it was certainly fast and effective.

"And this is why you watch where you're going," Starlight lectured.

“How were we to…” Crash started, but Starlight was another pony that was good with glares so he shut up.

"Yes, Miss Starlight," Scootaloo said forlornly. Her ruffled wings shifted with discomfort.

Starlight’s magic was unpleasant with his wings, it must have been far worse with Scootaloo's feathers.

The mare turned her eyes to Crash. “Why were you galloping through the corridors with the castle being so crowded?”

"Hey, I was not going to be the rotten egg."

Off to the side, Applebloom’s snigger completely destroyed any sense of seriousness Starlight might have been going for.

“Just… be more careful. We have a lot of ponies that still are not used to the normal Ponyville antics, let alone you lot? Please?”

Crash stood straight and nodded. “Yes, Miss Starlight.”

“Good, now I have a lot to do, so at least try to stay out of trouble until tomorrow.”

He nodded, and with that, she trotted out of the room, her next task was clearly now the only thing on her mind.

"Hey… can you help me with my wings?" Scootaloo's voice asked quietly.

Does she even know what she is asking? He thought.

Her body fidgeted with the torment of miss-aligned feathers. Her eyes met his and then looked away shyly before she looked back and held his gaze. There was a little pleading in her eyes. But mostly just trust and friendship.

"Sure,” he said, after all, what other answer could he give a friend in need.

Little Star, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom chatted in the next room, their voices carried through the closed door along with the resonant chime of Little Star's magic as she worked on whatever her next creation was going to be.

Truth be told, he could not wait to see whatever it was. Everything the filly had crafted had been unique, powerful and so far away from the normal things that were done as to not even be able to see the standard way of doing things.

The bathroom was still a waterlogged mess after the group's bath became more of a water fight. Little Star animating the water as a sea serpent to chase after them was as impressive as it was definitely cheating.

Scootaloo extended her other wing. Like with the first one, Crash carefully went feather by feather. He knew what he was doing, but he was less familiar with what most ponies would consider as normal wings. Scootaloo relaxed under his ministrations. Letting another care for your wings was one of the clearest ways to say you trust somepony.




“What are friends for?”

“Not for this…” She shifted her wing. “For earlier.”

“Still the same answer.” He paused and recalled some advice he wished he had at her age. “We’re not all awesome all the time, that's why we have friends to have our backs.”

Scootloo settled back and offered her wing to him in a clear ‘get on with it’ motion.

After a few minutes of that, she broke the silence. “So how are we gonna have Star’s back?”

That is the question, isn't it?

CH 69 Friends of a Feather

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Flight is often thought of as a wonderful thing, especially by those that the ground zealously holds down. Right now, Gilda might almost have called it a curse. All it offered was a better view of the desolation that spread from Equestria, like infection from a tainted wound.

A part of her was well as truly pissed. Another of the ponies’ problems endangering the whole world. But no matter how much she wanted to blame them, she just could not bring herself to do that. She was too honest with herself for that.

She owed them for her life, and she knew it. That one fact only just added fuel to her anger.

It grated that it was not even her own kin that had come to the rescue. It was no griffon champion that defeated the head hunter.

She glanced over her wing at those that followed in her wake. That any followed her lightened her flight, but those that stayed, those selfish fools, planted a seed of loathing about what her kin had fallen to. They were a weak breeze or released flatulence in the case of the worst of them, compared to the mighty tempest the heroes of old were said to be.

Up ahead, silhouetted by the rising sun, was Twilight, the book-obsessed dweeb that somehow turned into an incarnation of the firestorm. The Alicorn rested with her forehooves dangling over the prow's railing as if her troop transport was a pleasure yacht. Only one thing broke the illusion of a leisure cruise. Beside her, some loose feathers held in the glow of magic spread paint onto the twisted visage of the Headhunter to the backdrop of flames.

"You know, there's plenty of room on top of the airbag?" Dash asked from her wing.

"I'm not some..."

Dash smirked with that cocky edge only those that were both arrogant and almost as good as they think they are could ever pull off. "Not some pathetic weak pony?"

"And? It's not like any of you lot fall into that group."

"But seriously, Gilda. Rest your wings so you're fresh for the fight." Dash said, and the worst bit was, she was right. Gilda and the others with her could fly for days straight if needed.

"Fine." There was bitterness in her voice even as her body reminded her of its weariness.

Twilight slipped out of view as they ascended to the cloud structure stuck to the top of the airship. It looked just like anything you could find in Cloudsdale, apart from the glowing magenta markings that covered it.

"They’re Twi's work. Anything that comes our way, one of her shields will stop it."

Gilda just nodded. The one thing that made cloud forts a chick's dream was that, well, clouds were not known for their ability to stop arrows. This was going to change aerial war forever.

Just ignoring the ramifications, Dash looked back. "I made the furniture, so you know it will be comfortable."

The inside was partitioned into dozens of spaces. The couple of griffons that followed looked around dubiously.

Dash flicked her wings. "The rooms down there are all free." She turned the other way and took the first room on the left.

Moments later, Gilda poked her head in. Dash crashed into the oversized cloud couch just like she did back in flight camp. The sight summoned a surge of nostalgia for that simpler time.

The mare struggled, writhing this way and that, as she fought to free herself from the clinging grasp of her uniform.

Gilda rolled her eyes and headed over. "Stop being a feather brain, and let me help."


Stripping her had a different edge now neither of them were unblooded fledglings. Her athletic physique was impressive for a griffon, let alone a pony.

Gilda's eyes trailed along Dash's back and followed the lines of the ruffled feathers. This close, the difference could not be passed off as dye or the like. Some of the feathers even had a slightly different profile.

"Dash... What happened to your wings?"

By the time the story was over, it was full night outside. Gilda's beak hung open. She knew it was, but she could do nothing about it. If only half of Dash’s boasts were true, the battle of Ponyville was an epic worthy of any griffon hero of old. The story of how she earned her blade had elements right out of a horror story.

"So she really had a sword all the way through her and just ignored it?" Gilda asked.

A slight tremble rattled Dash’s feathers. "She didn't just ignore it... It was like she was eager to have somepony to play with."

"That dweeb of a librarian is into that…" Gilda just shook her head. It was still almost unbelievable, despite the fact she experienced some of it.

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"Does it scare you?"

"Twi? Nah. I'm used to her being crazy powerful. She lifted an ursa minor like it was nothing even before she got her wings." Dash paused but clearly had more to say. “I’m scared for her, not by her."

"Who could do anything to her?"

Dash shook her head. "I'm worried what she might do... That's one of the reasons I became her knight. She needs somepony to pull her back if her anger or her magic makes her... Well,"

Gilda nodded. There was a lot to take in and tonight was not the time to do it. "Hey, Dash, want help preening?"

Dash’s expression was unreadable; her ears moved into several positions that might have meant something to a pony, but to Gilda, it was mostly lost.


The morning came too soon. Dash had been right. A soft cloud bed had been a great idea. The prismatic mane that blocked the view of the world was a clue to something that may not have been.

Gilda shifted her head to look over the blue-coated body she held. Dash was the only pony that could fall asleep even with a griffon in the room.

If anygriff or anypony wandered in, she would never live it down. Whether they jumped to conclusions or not. Dash had needed some creature, any creature, to hold her. To just be there and accept her without any of the bluster and ego she normally wore like armour.

"This is not how I thought I would be reminiscing about our flight camp sleepovers," Gilda said.

Dash yawned wide and cat-like. "I don't think I drank enough cider for this."

"Well, your not exactly a prize catch either."



Rainbow cracked first. Her expression slipped to a playful smirk. "We should grab a bite to eat. Today is going to be busy." Dash said as she rose from the bed.

"Hold up."

Dash looked back over her wing. "Yeah?"

"You have a few out-of-place feathers."

Dash stared critically at her wing. It only took seconds for her to spot the offending feathers. Gilda reached for it, and in a display of trust, Dash offered her wing freely.

A few seconds and it was done.

"Thanks, Gilda."

"You're stuck with hooves instead of superior talons. " Gilda said waggling her clawed digits.

"We are not getting into that one again."

Gilda shrugged her wings. "You just know I'm right."

Dash’s eyes narrowed, but not because of Gilda's words. No, her eyes were fixed on one of Gilda's wings. "How are your wings still fine?"

"Thicker feathers."

A voice called through the cloud walls. "Foods up. If you want any, get your sorry tails out of bed, lover birds"

"Hey," Dash snapped. "We didn't even do anything."

Gilda shook her head. "You think that matters?"

"If I'm going to be mocked for something, I at least want it to be for something I actually did."

The walk to breakfast was full of knowing smiles and a few disapproving glares. Gilda let it run off her like water off a duck's back. But considering the life-and-death situations she found herself in recently, maybe she should have let the preening turn from a friendly favour to something more.

At least none of the hunters that followed her would mock her for playing with her 'food'.

A dark cloud loomed in her thought. Just the thought of those useless wastes of meat that happened to be griffon shaped made her talons clench.

Something struck her and she acted. She whirled and lashed out and something blue darted past the opened talon strike. Red anger flared up at the miss just as her mind started to put together what had just happened. Relief and panic punched her in the gut at the same time. If it had been anypony else…

Dash's expression held no fear or anger, only concern. "Hey, Gilda. You alright?"

Was she alright? That was the question. She took a deep breath. Flexed each talon easing out the tension that wanted to rip and tear into something that bled.

"Alight first thing, food, and then we’re talking," Dash ordered in a tone that would allow no other fate.

Gilda tore another strip off the large roasted fish. Now she was not so hungry she took her time to savour the taste. "Twilight caught this?" She asked through a mouth full of perfectly cooked and spiced flesh.

Rainbow nodded, devouring her own smaller portion of fish. Only hers came wrapped in with thick leathery leaves. Swallowing, she answered. "Well, she just teleported it out of the water."

Gilda glanced down at her plate. The remains of her meal suddenly seemed more like a warning. If she could do that to a fish.

Dash downed what was left of her mug of cider. Then let out a content sigh. "So, what's been eating you?"

Gilda smiled, "You have got to be the only pony that would ask it like that."

Dash smirked and wiped her muzzle with her foreleg. "Yeah. That's ‘cause I'm awesome." The smirk faded as she aimed her hoof at Gilda as if it was a weapon. "Now spill, or do I need to beat it out of you?"

"Nah, we don't have time for that, and it would be bad for you to lose, now you're a knight and all."

Dash snorted like a pony but flared her wings in challenge any griffon would recognise.

Gilda held her talons closed in a griffon gesture of peaceful intent. "It's just bites we needed saving. We should have been strong enough. We should have been prepared for this..."

"Yeah... I get it"

"I doubt it."

"We had to fly over Equestria to get here," Dash solemnly shook her head. "Like two died in Ponyville. Even without Twilight there. Just with us normal Ponyville ponies." Pain and anger looked out of Dash's eyes. “But the rest… entire villages are just gone… Even in Ponyville, I was too slow.”

Dash's eyes traced over the blade still strapped to her leg, and a red shimmer danced over its red metal in response. “Stormfront… I thought I saved her.” Emotion almost strangled the rest of the words in Dash’s throat, but she managed to force them out past her scrunched-up muzzle in a dead, defeated voice. “She turned into a blighted right there as I held her.”

Gilda reached out and rested a talon on Dash’s leg. With a squeeze, Gilda hoped was comforting and not painful, she spoke. "At least you ponies did not steal from the militia stores to save a few bits."

"Yeah, somegriff needs their flank kicked."

"We had more griffons than arrows."

"That's bad."


The conversation faded. They both sat there in silence, but the resolve to never be too slow again still sat behind Dash’s eyes.

Gilda turned the arrow in her talons and sighted along it. If there was a flaw, her eyes could not see it. Metal blended to wood and then to feather. Not a single hint of join or glue. It was as if the head and the fletching simply grew from the shaft.

In a flash of magenta, a second tree popped into existence off the port side of the airship. A moment later, a net of magenta light ripped through the tree, first one way, then another.

Chunks of wood began to fall, succumbing to gravity. Each piece of the diced-up tree erupted in a brief magenta star. When the afterimages faded, thousands of arrows, identical to the one Gilda now held, floated in the air where the raw wood had been. The arrows swarmed like a school of fish rushing to settle in neat bundles as a third tree popped into existence.

Gilda shook her head and focused on the archery target a quarter of a mile away. Her powerful forelimbs pulled the string back. A moment later and an arrow punched halfway through the central ring. Soon a dozen more followed it.

With arrows like these, I'll only have myself to blame if I miss.

The rest of the week was one methodical extermination after the other. Even with Twilight perched on the airship in reserve, that Candice pony, the Captain of Twilight's guard, organised things well enough.

The unicorn, that looked like she wanted to be Celestia, zealously carved holes in hordes with waves of fire. Griffon hunters crippled choice targets, killing their mobility with well-placed arrows. The mercenaries Twilight brought held the line tenaciously with the old exiled griffon keeping them from getting themselves killed.

The way the Purple Pony Princess watched everything, it was easy to see what she was doing. It was no political manoeuvre. No, it was simply she wanted to let others gain experience so that they were more likely to survive what must surely be to come.

By the eighth day fighting the blighted had become a dull chore.

The fifteenth day had every griffon that would accept help relocated into one fort perched high in the mountain peaks or joining the campaign against the Blighted.

Each and every settlement saved added another few griffons to the flock that followed Twilight's airship. It now towed a large cloud with three-story buildings on it, each full of survivors that still had the will to fight.

Of those that joined, each had their own reasons for staying. Some just wanted a chance at pay back. Others needed to prove they had what it took. A few would do anything to show they were stronger than grass-eating ponies. The most dangerous ones needed an outlet for the hot-blooded rage that consumed them.

Gilda rotated the arrow between her talons, her bow held ready as her hunter’s eyes scanned the darkness. The calm beauty of the starlit night was marred by thick columns of smoke illuminated from the pyres that spawned them. The corpses of the endless hoards of blighted animals burnt. They smelled so delicious, so tempting, that Gilda's stomach grumbled.

"All that wasted meat." The old griffon bedside her said.

Gilda almost snapped at the fool. Instead she pointed the arrow at them. "One bite, and your done for."

He nodded. "I know. Just, I don't think there is going to be any prey for years. And not enough to feed us for more than a decade."

The cooked flesh scent suddenly seemed mocking. One last insult the Blighted threw in their faces.

"The ponies are going to hold our lives in their hooves."

"Most won't like that. "

"Like it or not, where else are we going to get food from?"

The sound of a griffon knocking on a wooden door was so very different from the sharper sound of a pony’s hoof. It was odd to Gilda that this little detail held so much of her attention as she waited. Maybe not odd, but it was far less worrying than other possibilities. Why does she want to see me… What had she done wrong? What did this mean? For good or ill she did not have much more time to fret over the answer.

The door opened and revealed that tall, dark mare that was often around the princess. “Twilight will see you now.” The mare bowed and stepped past Gilda, the door left open in her wake.

Gilda’s wings twitched and ached for the open sky as she entered Twilight’s room. Compared to the enchanted cloud buildings, the Captain's Quarters felt cramped and constricting. Not that that seemed to bother Princess Twilight, despite the fact she had a set of perfectly functional wings.

A faint magenta glow changed the light level in the room just before the door quietly closed behind her. The following click meant there would be no easy way to leave. Gilda stood proud and did everything she could to hide the nervous tension that sang in her muscles.

Twilight’s eyes rose from a thick book with some sort of sun-based mark on it. Her magic carefully closed it a moment before it vanished with a pop. "Gilda," Twilight said in her normal voice, and yet, there was something different about it. Something that demanded full attention and it was not just the memory of the raw destructive force of nature she could be.

"Yes, Princess?"

"I have seen how brave you are, and I can see your potential." Twilight's gaze swept over Gilda.

She felt it, almost like a feather-soft touch, as it took everything in. Every muscle, every scar, every fiber of her being dissected before somehow Twilight looked still deeper.

Twilight's eyes, calm, collected and even welcoming, hid something. A core of hardened steel, a resolve to make her will a reality no matter what it took. To see a gaze like that was rare. It see it in the eyes of a non-predator was unheard of. "I have an offer for you, but I will explain my reasons for this before I make it."

Gilda just nodded. What else could she do? Twilight had saved her tail for sky's sake.

"The first point is, I wish to show the world how cooperation between species is to all our advantages, and I fully support it. The second is your young age. That means you have more years ahead if you than other choices I could make. The third reason is my Knight’s relationship with you."

Gilda only had time to open her beak before the Princess continued.

"In a life and death situation, she trusts you. That alone is almost enough to justify my offer. Add to that how in synch you two are in the air together compels me to."

"So, what is the offer?" Gilda asked, already having half an idea.

Twilight smiled with a twinkle in her eye before she spoke with the gravity of ritual words. "Will you offer me your strength? Will you help me protect those I shelter? Will you fly on my Knight’s wing?”

The silent air between them had a static quality. Her fate hung there, waiting for her answer to pick the direction her life would take.

If any griffon had said anything like that, there would be no doubt what was on offer. Answering such a question with a question almost made her look away with embarrassment, but she had to know. "Are you asking me to be one of your Knights?"

"Yes, Gilda the griffon. I, Princess Twilight Sparkle of both Magic and Friendship, do hereby offer you a place by Rainbow Dash's side as one of my Knights.”

"But, I'm not even Equestrian." It was a lame response, but it was the only thing that came to Gilda's mind to say.

"I can change that with a word or a single flick of a quill. I am a princess of Equestria. My word is law and I tell you that if you wish to accept this, I will allow nothing in this world to stop you."

Calm purple eyes looked out from Twilight's face. Each and every word she said was true. A supreme confidence suffused every nuance of the Alicorn’s expressions.

Gilda's own had mocked her, had forced her to get stronger to avoid the beatings simply because she had a pony friend. They had stolen supplies and arms from the militia out of greed. Most of them battled over the least of scraps. There were a few decent griffons, and not many of them would help others without direct personal gain. Then there was Dash. They would get to go back to being wingmates. It could be the start of something amazing.

After double and triple checking her motivations. Gilda made her choice.

CH 70 Noble Guidance

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The carriage shook and the new armour plates rattled. Noble Guide’s hoof secured his wine glass just in time. The whole train lurched forward and the overtaxed engine huffed loudly as it built up its head of steam.

To all appearances, he merely turned his attention from the slowly disappearing view of the Canterlot train station to his accommodations for this trip. He did take in everything his senses told him, but most of his attention was on his horn. By the time he had settled his personal belongings, he was reasonably convinced there were no listening or scrying spells observing him.

He settled down in his seat, letting the cushion support his weary body. Well, it's not first class, but at least l have my own room if you can call this cupboard a room. It did not have its own bathroom, but at least it had a bed, even if said bed was infested with paperwork.

The train's motion fell into a predictable pattern, and he quickly downed the rest of his medicated beverage. His face twisted in disgust. The fine wine was no longer enough to blunt the foulness at his increased dosage. He scraped his tongue across his teeth, trying to banish the remnants of the taste that definitely resisted his attempts to ignore it.

He tossed an expensive hard candy in his mouth and settled in to at least make use of the allocated time. He had gotten through the first few pages when, as expected, the world tilted downwards just a bit. The train picked up speed, which was expected, and then kept accelerating, which was definitely not what was not meant to happen.

His stomach lurched as the gentle downhill ride became anything but. I did not do all this just to die in a train crash. Apparently, somepony else agreed as, like a hundred banshees, the brakes began to scream.

Then even with the brakes locked, the downhill pace still increased.

It was then that the cries of panicked ponies tried to outdo the protesting brakes.

Noble Guide cradled his aching head, waiting for the soothing tea's sedative to take effect. At least his body had stopped shaking. The tea’s exquisite taste still lingered on his tongue. Normally, he would have savoured it, but he could not. Even an hour after they had stopped, his ears still rang. He lifted his head enough to take in the rest of the food car.

None of the others even had a clue that what they drank was none other than one of Celestia’s personal blends. Each cup was worth more than a year's wages for most of them, and none of them were in a state to enjoy it.

He sighed. The fact he owed Celestia for his survival was galling. If it was not for the golden glow that enveloped the whole train, they would have all died at the first turn in the tack. He had plans for many different contingencies, but never once had he considered anything so mundane as a train crash.

The irony of being saved by his rival stayed with him for the rest of his journey.

The room shook as yet another overloaded train rumbled past. At least here the land was flat, so there could be no repeat of his near-death experience. A slight tremble went through his body at the stirred memory, but he ignored it.

Noble Guide held the sigh in. His current office was a far cry from his Canterlot study. "The sacrifices I make..." He breathed out as he righted the fortunately stoppered bottle of ink that had taken a drive.

Day in, day out, this toil had become his new life. At least this time the different piles of paperwork were properly secured, and so remained ordered.

Now, where was I? He thought through the now ever-present headache. His hoof came up to rub his temple. Only forty-eight days. He breathed out. The timer that slowly ticked down stirred anticipation in his chest as much as it promised release from his body's torment.

His weak aura dragged his new companion over. Sloshing sounds came from the oversized flask on its unsteady journey.

The disgusting brew was the finest ambrosia as its thick, cloying liquid crawled past his tongue. A shudder rippled through his flesh as he sighed contentedly. The simple lessening of the hundreds of small discomforts was almost the sweetest bliss.

Idly, his mind catalogued the ingredients, dosages, and side effects of what he had just imbibed. A mortal would be dead in a mere year or two. A wide grin settled on his face as he paged through the logistics report.

His quill left slashes of ink through whole sections of it as he scribbled corrections, comments and orders in the margins. One thousand years of tradition and bureaucracy, blended with the self-interested meddling of the nobility, made what should be simplicity itself, a nightmare.

You did not need a dozen ponies with different priorities standing on each other’s tails. No, you have one or two that are aware of all the issues and can ensure the right resources got to the right places on time and were not misappropriated by those with no true need.

His quill lifted one final time and paused. A small chuckle escaped him. How would they react if I left a grade... It might warrant a D minus, if I was being generous.

The harsh scream of a steam whistle announced another train ready to depart. By reflex, he stoppered his ink pot and quickly double-checked everything that was fragile.

He moved on to the next item in the endless horde of paperwork. It had all the appearance of just being an unremarkable scroll. That was if you were not personally familiar with royal stationery. He broke the seal. Celestia's hundreds, if not thousands, of years of practice had left her skill with a quill unmatched by even those who had marks in calligraphy.

The first royal directive was as simple to arrange as it was confusing. Why do you want a track laid there? He looked to the map on the wall. The graffiti that marred the once beautiful painted illustration of the nation blotted out almost everything of interest in that area. Only two villages were unmarred. Was it an oversight? Had the ponies there managed to fend off the blighted that his miscalculations had unleashed?

Well, it did not truly matter. A train connection there would help with the needed redevelopment of the area. It would prove to be an asset to his nation.

As for the second order, he read it once, twice, three times and still, it was hard to believe. What possible purpose do you have for them? Noble Guide mused to himself even as his mind started going through the logistics of it.

Henceforth, all criminals of any severity are to be rendered pacified by spell or sedatives and dispatched to the capital at the earliest opportunity.

Noble Guide's eyes narrowed. There were plenty of reasons he would use ponies for like that, puppets, brainwashed cultists, redirecting his injuries to, or a simple blood sacrifice. Whether or not he would comply was not the question. Of course he would follow any instructions his beloved princess sent his way. He was a good and loyal servant of both her and the nation, at least for now.

It could simply be a logical move, a way to centralise the containment of undesirables so it could be done with less pony power.

“What are you up to?” He asked the air. It would not be too long before he had his answer.

The next day the rumbling of trains and the harsh cry of their steam whistles were joined by the oh so peaceful addition of blacksmith hammers as they brought yet more rolling stock up to the new standard.

He would have given one of his legs to be able to cast any of a dozen sound suppression spells that were on the CSGU syllabus right now.

Amend reports, write letters, pause as the armoured trains tried to shake his teeth out, and repeat. Half the day passed in that well-worn routine.

The first thing that let him know something was amiss was the slowing and the complete cessation of the endless clanging. That on its own would have been a relief, but it was an hour until the day shift’s brake, and there was no way the upgrades would be finished tomorrow, let alone today.

The second sign turned up just as his conscious mind noticed a reduction in the background noise, and he looked up. Rapid hoof falls rushed towards his office door. Moments later, a rapid series of knocks hammered on the thin wooden door.

"Come in." Noble Guide said.

The door pushed open. A harried-looking guard pony's head poked in. "Sir, we have a situation."

What now? He thought as his headache threatened to become a migraine. "How bad?"

"I don't know."

It was hard, so very hard, to stay in character and not give the underaged guard pony a piece of his mind. Mentally he counted to ten before he spoke. "Then what do you know?"

"There's some strange ponies disembarking from the latest train."

"Define ‘strange’."

"They’re glowing."


"Yes, you said you wanted to know immediately if anything strange happened."

"I did." Noble Guide admitted even as he tried to remember when he did that. He did his best not to show any hint of his pain as he pushed himself away from his desk and headed to the door. If you want anything done right...

The first thing that stood out was the soft golden glow that radiated past the gathered crowd of ponies.

Noble Guide stretched his gait to as regal of a trot as he could. The guard pony that followed him parted the crowd with but a few commanding words.

As the obstructions to his view moved aside, he slowed and then came to a complete stop and stared. There before him was a pair of glowing ponies, or more accurately ponies whose manes, tails and eyes glowed with a golden radiance. Their manes and tails shifted as if caught in a non-existent breeze.

The pair of ponies stood at perfect parade rest. Almost every detail made them look like the idealised solar Knight or Paladin. The only thing missing was the hardened bodies the two year long basic training enforced on even a guard cadet.

Slow waves of power radiated from them and brushed against his horn. After spending so long close to the solar princess, there was no way he could mistake her magic for anything else. Somehow these ponies were shrouded with a lesser version of her impressive presence.

Even as his mind tried to puzzle out what he looked at, how what he was sensing was even possible. The part of him that could always find any hint of plagiarism nagged at him. There was something familiar about one of them. The coat was unnaturally pale, as if bleached, and the professional expression did not fit the face it sat upon at all. He looked past the unnatural effects to the pony below. Height, bone structure, ear shape and length, all the things most ponies ignored in favour of only seeing base colours and cutiemarks. Yes… that’s Hammer Hoof, the violent bank robber of the Appleloosa gang.

Just what had Celestia done to these ponies?

CH 71.1 Little Star’s Harvest

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Little Star sat on her haunches in the middle of the moonlit room. Her mother’s silvery light sparkled on the crystal floor. Mummy. The thought could have been a greeting or a plea. She held her hoof out. The moonlight played over it. Could her mother see her? Could her mother feel this? A glance out the window revealed the moon high in the sky. She waved and smiled. She had to show her mother everything was alright, just in case she was watching.

The patch of light shifted. It slowly crawled over the floor in fractions of a hoof’s width. The needed spell forms for her best detection arrays efficiently slid into place along her horn. No scrying spells, no recording spells, no stealth spells, no invisibility spells and no Notice-Me-Not spells other than mine. She checked for one last thing. Her ears drooped a little as one unlikely possibility was proven false. No moon-aspected magics… She watched for a few seconds. She saw only the moon and the stars, nopony out there, nopony to see what she was about to do. Her eyes flicked towards the distant peak of Canterlot and narrowed. Celestia had been able to see through her Notice-Me-Not-Spell. The sun was not up, but she might have a telescope or a magnifying spell. Without any more hesitation, she reached out with her aura and pulled the curtains closed.

She moved to the center of the room. Her breaths came and went like a slow tide in time with her steps. She was focused and she was calm. A small tremble sent ripples along her coat. This is just another spell. She knew this was going to hurt just as well as she knew the pain would fade and the harm would be undone in less than a minute. Grey had been clear about why this was needed. There were far too many things that could disrupt external magic. It was a trick the changelings were famous for.

She avoided looking to Grey for more moral support. She was a brave pony, she did not need it, but it was still nice to know Grey was there, to be able to feel the little flickers of magic each of Grey’s movements caused. Really this whole idea was not that different from when she had needed her blood to make the core of her two pets.

Mummy Twilight tasked her to protect their ponies, to guard Ponyville. She was a good daughter. She could do this. She would do this. She closed her eyes and visualised the crimson glow of her blood as it pulsed through her body. With each breath, more and more of the vital liquid fell under her total control. In less than a minute, the beating of her heart became redundant. All of her blood flowed through her circulatory system by her will and magic alone.

With but a thought, some of the vital fluid hardened as it took on a lethal form. A slight feeling of pressure erupted into a freezing fire that left jagged shards of pain to dance along her nerves. The pain only got worse as the long curved blade sliced its way through her flesh. It parted her muscle and fat as easily as her disintegration spell cut through just about anything. Her body tensed, and a pained whimper escaped her.

The blood-blade pushed out as if a new flower bursting from the ground, seeking the warmth of the light. The vivid crimson shimmered with an inner magenta radiance. The effect was beautiful, like a liquid could somehow have internal facets like a gemstone.

It rose like a snake, its dagger-like head trailed by a thick tendril of flowing blood that still wound its way back into her body.

Little Star watched with her best attempt at clinical detachment as the horrible gap in her body neatly knitted itself back together, leaving only the smallest of openings remaining to facilitate her connection to the blade.

She let out a shuddering breath. The tremble of the now-faded pain shook her limbs, but the blood blade held perfectly stationary. The perfect healing was yet another piece of evidence she had the best Mummies ever.

Grey hooted with approval and nodded.

A happy smile broke out on Little Star’s face as pride stirred deep in her chest. Yet another spell she could add to her grimoire, even if this one did not need her to use her horn. Her chain of thought paused. Was it really a spell? Or would this need its own categories? There must be a book on this.

With a slight push of magic to her horn, she pulled both a jug of water and today’s checklist from her dimensional pockets.

Half the water vanished in thirsty gulps as, with a flourish, she ticked off this latest ability. Her eyes traced down to the next item on the list, even as it added the new book search at the bottom.

Test the blood blade.

With a hoot and flap of wings, Grey backed off as her artificial horn was enveloped with her ash-grey aura.

Dust, sticks, chunks of stone and the rest of the water from the jug swirled together in the air. The water expanded and froze, binding the mess together. The next moment it shattered into a dozen twisted monsters.

Defend yourself. Grey’s voice spoke in her mind, so she did. The blood blade lashed out, its motion as natural as if it were one of her limbs or aura.

Even though her breathing was calm, her lungs still felt tired, and her limbs heavy. Dodging had proven much harder when teleportation was considered cheating.

Little Star stared at the plants as she lounged comfortably in her Mummy Twilight’s relaxation garden. Addition was easy, so it was not hard to spot that four were missing.

“Whoo” Four of them, your mother summoned to herself.

That was good, it meant she did not need to track down another thief or bad pony. She turned her attention back to the plants. Each was a unique specimen. She wondered what experiment her Mummy Twilight was running all the way off in the griffon lands.

She rolled onto her back and held her hoof up to the moonlit sky. Past the glass, she could almost imagine she could touch her Mummy Luna’s magic as it illuminated the night. She gave the moon another wave, just in case.

She rolled again to be closer to her mother’s plants. Just being near them brought a calm sense of contentment with each breath. It was made all the better by the fact the cushions still carried her Mummy Twilight’s own scent. She closed her eyes and held the pillow tight. She wished with every fibre in her being that her mother could feel the hug, even being so far away. Next time she would make another set of special plushies, like the ones she made for both her mothers.

Grey’s soft hoot and wooden wing were no true replacement for her mother’s nuzzle and soft coat, but it still brought a smile to Little Star’s face. She let the embrace linger for longer than she probably should have before she turned her attention back to her mother’s prized plants. “Are you sure this is alright?”

“Hoo.” Zero times will your mother mind you taking a few cuttings.

“Alright then.” She lifted the shears in her aura and carefully selected where to cut. A shudder rippled through the plant as soon as the tool came into contact.

Little Star watched in fascination. Most plants were unable to move at any real speed. Now, this shaking, why would any plant do this? With a burst of magic, a fresh enchanted scroll popped into existence and started to take notes on its own.

There had been so many wonderful types of flora in the Everfree. At least there had been before the dark rain changed it all. But these ones were nothing like any of them she had seen or read about.

Most plants that move either did it to acquire nutrients or to protect themselves. Just shaking did not seem to have any way it might lead to it gaining more nutrients, so it must be for defence.

“Hmm.” She tapped her chin. “Maybe it attracts predators?” Anything tries to have a little snack, and the noise and movement draw in a predator. It would likely be easy to notice from above. Perhaps this plant lived in a sort of symbiotic relationship with a type of bird? She could see it now, raptors circling high above or sitting in trees as they waited for this plant’s dance. Living things were so interesting, so complex.

With another soft hoot, Grey reminded her she still had a lot to do before the day started.

A few quick snips, and she had all the samples she needed. With far more energy than she thought she had left, she bounded out of the room, almost prancing with glee. Grey followed her with silent flaps of her wooden wings.

She just had a few more ingredients to get. Her friends were going to love this. Now all she needed to do was to get the magic, alchemy and baking right. Compared to when she created Thorn, it would be a piece of cake.

Ch 71.2 Twilight's Sadistic Botany

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Twilight smiled as she drew back from her latest creation. She knew she wore Night’s malicious smirk, but given who the only witness would be, she did not care. It was not like any of them would even get a chance to tell anypony.

The buzz of her mark sang her praises in her heart. Yet another grand work of magic, yet another successful use of her talent to help others. She proudly rested her hoof on the trunk of the titanic tree she had created. “You are going to save thousands of griffons from starvation.”

The four wellsprings within the tree flinched back. The fear that trembled inside the wood had the sweetest of scents. If she was a cat, she knew she would be purring. It was almost as good as the high of making her will manifest through her talent. She moved her head closer, savouring it.

With a simple inhalation backed by just the slightest bit of magic, dark wisps bubbled through the bark and flocked to her. Each brought an exhilarating jolt of energy, and a deep sense of nourishment, like the finest of meals. All the lingering fatigue and magical exhaustion just floated away. She sighed contently and took in the full grandeur of her creation. Though she knew many would disagree with her, its efficiency made it beautiful.

A hundred Celestias above her, its bizarre canopy opened up. The four main beaches split off at ninety degrees from each other. To the hundredth decimal, each aligned perfectly with one of the cardinal directions. Unlike the thick, natural, if dark, look of bark that sheathed the trunk, each branch had a different coating.

Smooth fish-like scales covered the first. The soft fur of the second. The third one looked as if it was from a twisted nightmare. Its segmented crab-like carapace was littered with serrated thorns that dripped venom. The last leaked water from its almost transparent cloud-like bark.

Twilight tapped the trunk affectionately. Her smile at first glance could have been tender, but she knew the sadistic gleam in her eyes would give her away. “I never knew recycling could be so much fun. “

When I aided your study of that spell, I never expected you to do this. You impress me yet again, my host.

Twilight tilted her head. Never once had she thought she might hear that particular description as a term of endearment. A year ago, she could never have conceived that she might be happy to hear Night’s voice in her mind. She waved her wing in mock annoyance. “Enough of that now, Night.”

As you wish. Night playfully answered before her tone turned more serious. Who knew the same magic that made the Blighted could solve the griffons’ food crisis.

“It will still be a few days before the first harvest is ready,” Twilight said. To her eyes, the slow growths on each branch were blatantly obvious. Each second of development provided another data point as she plotted her mental graph. “Four days on its own or only two if some earth ponies can be stationed here.”

You would leave any of your ponies here, with griffons?

Twilight considered, having the first harvest sooner had lots of advantages, but there were issues. The biggest one is if it was too fast, it might seem like a trick or that this whole situation was an Equestrian gambit and the Blighted were just a part of it.

She tapped her chin as she mussed. “With a few adjustments, we could get a bit more than three times the yield in just twice the time.” With a nod, she set words to action.

Magenta magic reached into the tree. Twilight reached tendrils of her will into the deepest depths of the plant. Carefully she wove her magic, the strands of power matching every mana channel. “This is going to hurt you far less than you deserve,” Twilight whispered, her voice dripping with malice.

The branches trembled, and the raw panic-filled terror that emanated from her creation was almost intoxicating. The emotional energy flowed into her, was processed, and then forced out through her horn.

Why did I ever try to work against you? Night asked in a lazy croon.

Twilight just smirked and surged power into the aura and twisted it thirty degrees. Wood snapped and splintered as each and every branch ripped in half along its length. The net result doubled the total number but halved their thickness.

A few healing spells later and the only sign anything had happened was the shards of strange bark and the inaudible sobbing she could sense with her horn.

A spark of empathy tried to rise up inside her, but she ruthlessly crushed it. These monsters did not deserve any mercy.

With a quick flash of her horn, the sobbing stilled.

Twilight could feel Night’s raised eyebrow. Compassion? For them?

A part of her wanted to claim she did that to prevent them from suffering. A more honest part knew better. The numbers simply did not lie... “Pragmatism, they will last longer like this.”

Night nodded their shared head.

“I’m not certain I like what I am becoming,” Twilight said.

Do not lie to yourself, Twilight. It’s that you do like what you truly are that bothers you.

“‘I have a lot to think about.”

Go, I remember your ‘sales’ pitch well enough.

With just a thought, part of her focus shifted to Night’s obsidian plane. The sensations of the meat puppet faded as she joined Night next to the viewing pool that was the gateway between her bastion and her physical body.

Night nodded and slipped through the pool like a shark, assuming full control.

Twilight trotted over the smooth obsidian ground as the dangerous and beautiful charged storm clouds blanketed the sky.

A scroll popped into existence beside her, and magenta words gracefully squirmed onto the paper as Twilight spoke them aloud. “Dear my betrothed... no, that’s too cold… my love? Luna?”

The beginning of the letter was rewritten a dozen times before she even reached the front door of her library.

CH 72 It’s All About the Cookies

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With a single bite, another cookie was valiantly defeated by Scootlaoo’s hunger. After so long on the dull hay and grain-based survival biscuits, it, and the many others that followed it, never stood a chance. Her tongue found every crumb that clung to her muzzle. The empty plates spoke of just how hungry they all had been for a sweet treat.

“You liked them.” Little Star stated, more than asked. Her happy smile and perked ears suited her far better than the nervous imitation of a smile she had when she had popped them into existence.

“Whenever you want to make cookies again, you go right ahead,” Crash said, mirroring Scootaloo’s own thoughts.

With a flick of his hoof, Crash flipped one final treat into the air. Scootaloo’s eyes tracked it as if it was the only thing in existence. Before that round disk of soft and chewy perfection had even finished its ascent, she could just see what was about to happen. The cookie would flip in the air, and its journey back towards the ground would be interrupted by a certain colt’s mouth.

With a flick of her wings, Scootaloo set about saving the sweet treat from such a fate.

The look of surprise in his eyes was almost as sweet as the taste on her tongue as it started to close around her prize. She began to raise her hooves in victory when suddenly he was there.

His fangs just missed her delicate tongue as they sunk into the half of the cookie that still had access to the air. “Mine,” he growled through a locked jaw.

The pair of them crashed into the wall and were already grappling as they slid down it to the hard floor. The impact was nothing compared to the need to reclaim her cookie from that colt.

“Maybe I made them a little too tasty,” Little Star’s quiet voice was almost inaudible, but only almost.

Her friend’s musing slowly worked its way through Scootaloo’s mind and produced a result. What am I doing? By the sudden lack of struggle, Crash seemed to have had the same thought.

Their muzzles brushed together as, with a snap, he broke off his half of the cookie. An instant later, he slipped into the shadows below them, completely avoiding the difficulty of untangling what had been a dozen flailing limbs just moments before.

Scootaloo shook her head and rolled to her hooves as Crash crawled out of the shadow under the table. Her eyes looked for the cookie, but all signs of it were long gone. Instead of crumbs, or the other half of the tasty treat, all she saw was the angry scowl on his face. As their eyes met, it was as if his narrowed, draconic eyes glowed with an inner light.

A seed of guilt settled in her stomach. Maybe snatching the last cookie out of the air had been a less-than-awesome thing to do.

“You two looked like you were kissing,” Applebloom said with a laugh.

Sweetie Belle joined in with a giggle she failed to hold back.

All feelings of remorse vanished. Heat rose in Scootaloo’s cheeks, and she stomped her hoof. “No we weren’t. He had my cookie.”

“YOUR cookie?” He asked, his intense slit eyes aimed right at her from across the room. They pinned her in place with the weight of his accusation. The glow in his eyes brightened, and he lifted a hoof as if he was going to advance or lash out with it.

She shifted, and her flight muscles tensed. The urge to be anywhere but here right now made the open sky call to her. The only problem was he had wings too. His ear twitched then just stopped, frozen like a statue, his first step still incomplete, hoof simply held in the air.

With a start, he shook and shifted his gaze to Little Star. After a few seconds, her ears dropped, and a look of guilt showed on her face.

The next second, Little Star lit her horn, and both she and Crash vanished in a blinding flash of magenta light.

“What was that about?” Sweetie Belle asked as her light green magic stacked the plates up neatly.

“I ain’t got a clue,” Applebloom said.

Scootaloo blinked a few times. As the afterimages faded, the fear she had definitely not been feeling vanished without a trace. She ruffled her wings to settle them and sat back on her haunches. She just stared at the space Crash had been in and brought her hoof to her mouth. A moment later, she used her fetlock to wipe her mouth clean. That was not a kiss. She just wanted another cookie.

But she could not get the image of his eyes out of her head. They always held her so. He always looked into her every time he talked to her, every time he comforted her about the bloody things the action stories never talked about. The playful sparkle in them as they sparred, exchanging blows as they danced in the air. The heat started to return to her cheeks, and she shook her head. No, he is only a friend, nothing but a friend. Right?

That thought and others had Scootaloo switching between sitting still like a statue and zipping from one side of the room to the other like an energetic hummingbird on too much coffee.

“Quit it,” Applebloom shouted. “Yes, you did something wrong, but all you need to do is apologise.”

Scootaloo nodded, and with a surge of her wings, she was off.

When one friend can teleport easier than walking, and the other can just hide in a shadow, tracking either of them down could be hard, or in this case, impossible. Scootaloo checked everywhere twice, and still, there was no sign of either of them.

Defeated, with a cold feeling clutching her gut, Scootaloo returned to the two Crusaders she knew she could find.

It was an hour later when Little Star returned alone. As the door creaked open, at first, everypony expected somepony else. Little Star did not normally use the door.

“I’m sorry.” Was the first thing out of Little Star’s mouth as she timidly walked in.

Applebloom trotted over and draped a foreleg over Little Star. “Whatever for? It was Crash and Scoots that started fighting.”

Little Star’s expression went all sheepish. Just like the million and one times, one of the other Crusaders had been caught doing something they weren’t meant to and had gotten caught.

With a few flicks of her wings, Scootaloo landed in front of Star. “What did you do?”

“I made a miscalculation.”

“What went wrong?” Sweetie Belle asked before Scootaloo could say anything harsher.

“One of the ingredients in the cookies...” Little Star said, her hoof drawing circles on the floor as her eyes lowered.

“You poisoned us?” Applebloom asked.

Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened in panic. “No, not more baked bads….”

“No, no, I would never... Everything was safe. Healthy and harmless... It’s just...”

“Just what?” Scootaloo pressed closer.

“Someponies... Well, they really, really like that certain ingredient and often get into fights over it...”

“Oh...” That gave Scootaloo a lot to think about. The cookies were good... But to steal one from a friend, from a fellow Crusader? Confusion replaced some of the guilt. Did the cookies make me do it?

“What was the ingredient?” Applebloom asked.

“Err...” Little Star started, and then with a flash of her horn, she was gone.

Applebloom huffed. “Something tells me she added something she should not have.”

“Like what?” Scootaloo asked.

“Like the special drinks my sister kept hidden in the cupboard,” Sweetie Belle added brightly.

As the other chattered back and forth about what the secret ingredient could be, Scootaloo’s mind could only focus on one thing. She wanted more of those cookies. She glanced around the room and sniffed, trying to hunt down even one more crumb.

Unfortunately, before she found any, the door opened again. This time, it was not Little Star.

“This is where you’ve been hiding,” Applejack said as she advanced onto the balcony with far too much purpose.

Scootaloo wanted to glare but instead just spoke. “We’re not in anypony’s way.”

“Sis, We didn’t do anything against the rules.”

“Nothing exploded or caught on fire,” Sweetie Belle added.

“Well, I’m mighty happy to hear all that. That’s not why I’m here. You all have chores you need to be doing.”

As if rehearsed, all the Crusader’s ears dropped like a synchronised performance.

Despite her attempts to make a game of her chores, to play make-believe that she was on some epic mission, her thoughts did not cooperate. Cookies and that definitely-not-a-kiss haunted Scootaloo’s mind as she flew back and forth.

At least she got to fly, and using her new wings to do that still felt amazing. She would never stop being grateful to Twilight for them. So she treated her errands as speed trails as she flew about carrying this and that. Her speed and manoeuvrability were perfect to dash about both inside and outside the castle. As long as her cargo was protected against storm-speed winds, everything was fine.

At least what she was doing was far more fun than what the others were stuck with, at least the two of them she could find. Applebloom worked with her in the new greenhouse, doing stuff with plants and small potted trees. It looked dull, but if it meant more tasty food, Scootaloo would have happily lent a hoof. On the other hoof, Sweetie Belle was stuck inside using the same knife she battled the hydra with to cut fabric for her sister.

No matter how hard she looked, neither Crash nor Star were anywhere to be seen for the rest of the day.

Supper was a bland thing. Water and a hay and nut biscuits-cake-thing. It crunched and flaked with each dusty bite. It was filling but was as bland as cardboard. It was definitely not one of Little Star’s most awesome cookies.

That night she dreamed of an army of cookies that attacked Equestria. Only she and her loyal sidekick Crash could save the day. With Sweetie Belle dealing with an ice cream flood and Applebloom dealing with a plague of vampire apples, only Crash and her could do what needed to be done.

Many, many cookies died that day, fleeing in terror as two of the three best flyers in the world swooped down and snatched hundreds into their hungry maws with each pass.

Scootaloo opened her eyes. The crystal ceiling’s distorted reflection looked back down at her. The sunlight outside definitely pointed to it being morning.

Her stomach rumbled, and the last remnants of her dream whispered to her how nice one of Star’s cookies would be right now. She shook her head and tried to get rid of the memory of the taste. Those things were really turning out to be too much trouble.

She stretched her legs one by one, then reached as far forwards as she could with her front hooves and arched her spine like a cat. A few wing stretches and an inspection, and then she was good to go.

She took wing and headed outside to do her normal exercises. One hundred squats, one hundred wing ups, one hundred jumping jacks, ten laps around the castle on hoof, ten laps more by wing, then repeat faster.

Outside Lyra and Bon Bon’s studio, the guards were on either side of the main doors but armed and armoured in the stuff Twilight made for the fair. The air cracked and tinkled as waves of frosty air spilled from the blades of their weapons.

There was so much sky she could fly in, so much freedom she could have, but it only took a glance back at Bon Bon to know she would get in trouble if she gave in. So she resisted the lure of the open sky and stuck close to the castle as she went through her exercises.

The first was simple and, to her, might as well have been a simple walk. It gave her plenty of time to take in everything going on around Ponyville.

Far too much of the town was just gone, damaged and destroyed buildings broken down for parts, and the land cleared. The wall and towers now surrounded every building left standing that they were going to keep, but still, almost everypony slept in the castle.

Ponies in Royal Guard Armour stood atop the modified Friendship Express as others, including Big Mac and Snowflake, helped unload it. Thick sheets of metal, along with the ballistas and catapults, made the train look almost awesome. Still, it definitely needed a better paint job. It just looked wrong with the bright, cheerful colours underneath peeking through past the dull metal armour.

On her second set, she spent most of her time looking at the white towers of Canterlot. Are you really a mean pony? Unsurprisingly, nopony answered her unspoken question. For a second, she wondered what she would have done if Princess Celestia herself teleported in to answer. With a snort, she shook her head. No way was that going to happen, even if she was a mind reader.

By her third repeat, she had to focus more on what she was doing. She knew she was just a blur to any non-pegasus, and a crash at that speed could really hurt somepony. After her fourth repeat, she was panting, and after her fifth, she had to stop. Her wings trembled, and her coat was lathered with sweat.

She just sprawled out on the grass, not caring that anypony could see her. Each breath came a little easier, and bit by bit, her pounding heart slowed. After a minute, she rolled onto her back and glanced up to the sky. Every single bit of white up there in the blue sky was flanked by guards. She pushed herself back to her hooves. “I don’t think they will let me just borrow one….” Scootaloo thought as she let her wings drop a little. She was going to have to queue for the showers again.

“Stupid Earthpony soap….” Scootaloo grumbled. The harsh soap had left her clean, but even now, hours after her shower, her nose still twitched whenever she moved her wings too quickly, and the mineral scent still clung to her feathers so stubbornly she feared she might never get rid of it.

“Hey, there is nothing wrong with our soap,” Applebloom complained and threw an orange at Scootaloo.

With a smirk, Scootaloo just held her hoof in the way and waited. As it drew nearer, she could feel how it cut through the air, how its movement wanted to keep it moving the same way. Her smirk became a full-blown grin as she put her plan into motion. The second it made contact, she flipped its motion. She barely felt it brush her hoof before the orange simply shot straight back the way it had come from.

Applebloom ducked, letting the fruit sail over her to bounce off the wall with a juicy splat.

Sweetie Belle’s magic lifted the now slightly misshapen fruit. “Come on, we should not be wasting food.”

“But it’s an orange,” Applebloom complained as Sweetie Belle started to eat the mentioned fruit. A shudder went down Bloom’s spine as she watched.

Scootaloo held her hoof out. “Hey, can I have some?”

“Sure.” With a juicy rip, light green magic tore half of what was left off and floated the segments over.

With a slow movement, Scootaloo opened her mouth and claimed the juicy treat from the air. It was not one of Little Star’s cookies, but at least it was sweet.

Applebloom shook her head, a look of betrayal in her eyes.

“It’s just fruit,” Sweetie Belle said as she carefully used a rag to clean up each and every spec of fallen orange juice.

Sadness weighed Applebloom’s ears down as she looked away. “I miss our apples.”

Scootaloo watched her friend for a moment before she trotted out of the room. There had to be an apple somewhere in this castle.

She searched high and low but found none. Instead, she came across Crash and Little Star together. Is he getting more cookies? Scootaloo crept closer.

Crash held a clipboard as Little Star emptied crates of supplies into piles of stuff.

Crash sighed. “You don’t need to hide.” His slit eyes found hers, and he smiled. “I’m sorry about yesterday.”

Little Star looked between the two of them with a puzzled tilt of her head.

“Well…” Scootaloo rubbed the back of her neck. “I’m, kinda sorry too.”

He nodded and slowly smiled. “Then shall we forget about it?”

Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah.” Those cookies were good, but the more time passed, the less her actions made sense. She liked Crash. Why would she steal from him?

“Want to help?”

“Nah, I’m looking for apples.”

“Apples?” Little Star asked, looking thoughtful.

“Yeah, Bloom’s missing them.”

“Apples? Apples? Hmm, Apples!” With a flash of magic, a single jar of apple jam popped into existence.

“That will do,” Scootaloo said as she reached for it.

“This is the only one.” Little Star pulled it back towards her.

“But it will make Applebloom happy.”

Little Star tapped her chin just like Twilight sometimes did. “I might be able to turn this back into apples… and from there have something that can be planted, it would only….” The rest of her explanation trailed off.

Crash’s and Star’s heads snapped up and looked the same way. The jar of apples vanished back where it had come from.

“Get the others and gather by the main doors. They’re going to want to see this.” Little Star said, prancing a little on the spot.

A moment later, Little Star popped out of existence, and Crash had slipped into the shadows.

“Hey, wait for me!”

Less than a minute later, Scootaloo and the rest of the Crusaders trotted out of the crystal tree that was still everyone’s home.

Outside, a massive crowd of ponies gathered. The forest of legs and bodies blocked all sight lines.

“I can’t see,” Applebloom complained.

With a little jump, Scootaloo cleared the heads of the older ponies.

She reached the peak of her leap and then opened her wings. They slowly beat, catching just enough air to hold her in a hover.

Crash was the first to join her in the air. Moments later, with a flurry of butterfly wings, the rest of the Crusaders joined her.

A dozen thestrals marked a large perimeter. Their stoic looks did more to keep the ponies back than any wall could.

Their stony demeanour lasted until Little Star waved. More than a few waved back with smiles, and just like that, the whole gathering lost a lot of the tension.

Six of the nightguard took fight and gathered in a confusing stacking formation.

Crash tapped her and pointed to the ground. Suddenly, the formation made sense. Their shadows overlapped, creating a huge one.

The shadow seemed to change somehow and deepen, becoming darker as its surface began to ripple. The flat shadow bulged, pushed up from the ground and silently tore open. Tendrils of darkness pulled it open, revealing something darker still inside. A few flickers of light danced within its depths. Something moved inside. What? And then what Scootaloo saw started to make sense. A stormcloud began to emerge.

It was an odd-looking storm cloud, but the tickling static that played over Scootaloo’s wings made it as plain as day it was real.

“Hey, don’t that kinda look like an airship?” Applebloom asked.

Trying to settle her feathers down, Scootaloo tilted her head to the side, trying to see whatever Applebloom saw. “Maybe?”

As more for the cloud pushed itself out of the shadow, yes, it did indeed look like an airship. A sleek and deadly-looking one. With mounted ballistas and magic shapes that glowed in cyan light.

“That is awesome,” Scootaloo breathed out as she took the whole thing in. Stories of air pirates and adventure played in her mind. The flash of magenta light did not even cause her to look aside, Little Star’s teleportation having become so normal these days.

“Mummy!” Little Star cried out. As the light of her arrival faded, it showed her almost suffocating her mother’s head with a tight hug, said head that had only just poked out of the shadows with the airship.

Luna cradled Star in her wings as she dragged herself fully out of the shadows. Lots of nuzzling happened, far too much if you asked Scootaloo.

So she turned her attention back to the stormship. As if taken from the page of one of Spike’s comics, its dark form loomed.

“Looks fast,” Crash said beside her.

“Yeah, but it’s a cloud... It’s only gonna go as fast as it’s pushed.”

“See those crystals?” Crash asked as he levelled a wing at an off-colour bit of the stormship. She stared at it and tried to see past the churning clouds and electricity that danced over it. “There’s something darker in there. Just under the surface.”

“Yep, and by where they are on either side like that, that’s just where the rotors would be on a normal airship.”

“How do you know so much about airships.”

“Oh... I used to make models of them...” Crash said.

Even at a distance, Little Star’s happy “Yay” was almost deafening. In a flash, the tail end of her joyful cry was much closer. Magenta light enveloped the group. With a lurch of motion, the now familiar grip of Star’s magic pulled Scootaloo and the rest into an instant hug. “We get to go on a trip. We get to go see Mummy Twilight.”

Applebloom was the first to shake off the surprise. “Where are we going?”

“Mummy Twilight built a house for all the griffons.”

Everypony had their attention suddenly fixed on Little Star, apart from one bat-winged colt, who was looking right at Luna.

Luna nodded ever so slightly, and just like that, Crash turned his attention to the excited and happy Little Star.

What was that about? Scootaloo thought.

“You know the griffons are warriors, right?” Crash asked.

Little Star nodded. “I read a lot about them when I learned that’s where Mummy Twilight was going.”

“Then we are going to want to look our best and have trophies of some sort for the things we’ve done...”

Little Star looked back to Luna. In another flash of light, she was back with the night alicorn, talking happily about making things from the hydra’s body.

It was strange, but for some reason, that made her think of those delicious cookies again.

CH 73 Moonlight Investigations

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What exactly is a Chosen? It was such a simple query, and yet, even after days, the question still sat there rattling around in Moonlight’s mind, unresolved. It was a core part of who and what she was now. It was something she should know, if only to come to terms with her new life. So every thought, every scrap of information about Luna’s most elite played through her mind as she silently trotted after Mercy.

The basics were simple. As the name itself implied, she was chosen. Luna had wanted her, claimed her, and changed her just to have a tool in her service.

The urge to touch her throat almost made her trip. Being a unicorn, a three-legged trot was not a skill she had mastered. At least the thestrals’ magic that clung to her hooves stopped any audible evidence drawing Mercy’s attention.

She let her gaze turn to the painted beauty of the pitch-black world around her. Its breathtaking beauty was far more pleasant to focus on than the phantom sensation in her neck.

She took a slow, calming breath and considered just where she was. Before this night, she never knew these tunnels were here deep in the heart of the mountain. Every fifty or so Celestias, a passageway peeled off to one side or the other. The scent of rock dust and dampness came from most.

Her ears twitched and panned around, analysing the soundscape. There were so many little sounds out there. So subtle, so small, they were drowned out by even a whispered word. From somewhere, water dripped into shallow pools. Beyond that, thestral foals cried out in joy and challenge. A game of tag or the like, if she had to guess. She shook her head with a small smile. Even now, with everything going on, foals could find time to play.

Without the grounding sounds of constant clops as hoofs met the ground, the journey seemed timeless. The repetitive motion of the trot slipped from mere movement to almost a form of meditation.

The swirling patterns drew her in. They promised to always be there to soothe and comfort her. Her breathing slowed, and her motions slipped into a more fluid gate. Her body calmed even as what she saw provoked her mind to return to her contemplations.

What does it mean to be Luna’s Chosen. She thought yet again, the question as insistent as a stone in her frog.

The enchanting display of colour that turned any darkness into a beautiful wonderland was by far the change that grabbed her attention the most. Despite being the most obvious, it was the least of the effects of the new wellspring that was now a part of her soul. The solidified darkness that muffled both hers and Mercy’s hoof falls was but the smallest of tricks she had learnt so far.

It was still odd not to shiver as the crawling sensation of frozen cotton candy replaced the normal firmness of her grip fields. As with anything, thinking about it focused her senses on it. She followed it back to where the energy started. Deep in her chest, buried near her heart, the cold of a winter’s starlit night cradled the blinding blaze of her arcane potential. From there, thin trails of sensations followed her spine before they branched off to follow each lead until it escaped through her hooves to envelop them.

Her mind’s eye held the new power in hoof and turned it one way and then the other. Unlike the clearly defined uses of her unicorn arcana, the umbral sorcery was a vista of unknown possibilities.

A whim stirred inside her. Why not? I’m meant to be practising.. As she had been taught, she imagined using her aura but did not light her horn. With this fictional kinetic field, she pulled the silken darkness up around her legs as if pulling on a set of socks. It clung to her like thin oil as it subsumed more and more of her. She held on to that image as her hooves went through the motions of donning a fictional cloak. The slick darkness spread more, and its tangible weight enveloped her.

“You’re getting better at that.” Mercy squeaked in the hi-pitch whispers that only thestral could hear. It was just another reminder of the new suit of abilities she had to master.

It took a few tries to answer likewise. “Practice, practice, practice, or so all my old instructors swore by.” The speaking and yet not speaking felt wrong, and something in her throat still tried to provoke a coughing fit. She held her breath and waited for it to pass. I could really go for a juicy mango right now.

Mercy slipped back into the register of normal ponies’ voices. “True. If the Sovereign was not so busy, you would be getting a month’s worth of training every time you laid your horned head down to sleep.”

Just like a mage light had just been summoned into existence, suddenly, so much about the Nightguard fell from the darkness of rumour to the clarity of cold hard fact. All that self-assurance, all that arrogance and disdain for the abilities of their solar counterparts. In a single moon, a new recruit could get as much training as the Solarguard’s standard two years.

With a flicker of avarice, she recalled Candice. Why did I never try to learn her time spell? She sighed, and the cold in her chest fogged the warmer air. “If only I could have that sort of time compression for my work.”

“Going through the Sovereign’s lessons is very different from dream walking.”

There it was, that word again, ‘Sovereign’. There must be a story behind it, a reason all of Princess Luna’s followers used it instead of her legal title. It was true, as an Alicorn Princess, Luna was so far above ‘mere’ mortals. As the co-ruler of Equestria, she had supreme authority. She could bring life or death to any of the shadows her wings fell upon. For a moment, the ghost of Luna’s wings closed around her as the muscles in her neck strained.

“And this is your room,” Mercy said. With a flourish of her wing, she pushed the door open.

What? Moonlight blanked and looked around. This part of the tunnel was different, nowhere near as crude. The walls were still carved raw mountain stone, but this time every surface was painted with umbral colours. Just how long was I lost in thought… How did I miss this? She thought as she massaged the now-taught muscles that tried to shield her vulnerable throat.

It took a few seconds to see, but large chunks of the umbra radiance hung still here. Somehow the shifting inky pigments had been pinned in place. The style was a little primitive, more stylistic than the exacting precision in favour above, but with far more feeling. Careful curves and savage lines that would stir the soul did more than any photorealism ever could. To the left were portraits, and to the right were scenes of historical battles.

One portrait held her attention, the most recent. She lifted a hoof and rested on the wall just below it, almost scared to touch it. Before her, right there on the wall, was the pony she would never be again. With but the slightest tilt of her head, it was gone, and only a portrait of who she was now looked back.

There was something hauntingly familiar about this. Her eyes sought and found the portraits she sought. A dozen placed down, it did not shift to the scene of the mare’s death as Moonlight drew nearer. No, here there were simply a few numbers, almost invisible at a distance. A day, a month and a year.

“I don’t mean to interrupt, but I do have other things to do tonight.”

“Sorry, Mercy. It’s just….” Moonlight could not settle on quite how she wanted to end that statement.

Mercy shook her head with a slightly sad smile. “The gallery of remembrance can be a lot to take in.”

Moonlight nodded, her eyes settled on the blank space that waited for those few little numbers. “It’s like seeing your own funeral marker.”

“We are all sisters and brothers. Each and every one of us will be remembered.” Mercy said timber of ritual.

The solar guard had their proud traditions, their honours. A wall with endless rows of marks. It all seemed callous and uncaring now. A poor repayment for giving up everything in service to Equestria.

There were so many portraits here. They were poor imitations of the ones Luna painted herself. She searched for and found Strikers. Eyes that could be playful or hard and that fanged smirk he loved so much. “They differently captured his essence.”

Mercy laughed. “Yeah, in generations time, they are still going to have to put up with his cocky grin. Now let’s get you settled.”

Moonlight stared at the umbral patterns that danced on the stone ceiling above. She still did not have a satisfactory answer to what it truly meant to be Luna’s chosen. It seemed like she might never figure it out. A less important but far more immediate thought pushed it aside.

She had never been so envious of pegasi than right now. The enchanted sheets that allowed her to lay upon the cloud bed allowed her to approach the comfort they felt as they napped on any bundle of condensed water that took their fancy. Amusement danced in her thoughts Who would have thought one of Equestria’s most expensive beds would be my standard issue equipment now.

None of the other things in the room looked particularly fancy. Everything was merely well made, functional and supremely comfortable. No noble would ever be seen using furniture like this, but they can keep their gaudy gem-encrusted torture devices.

She settled herself fully into the bed’s yielding embrace. “Well, time to get to work.” As she had been taught, she closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. This is the strangest way to go to work. She thought as her body stilled, and the waking world faded from her senses even as the chill near her heart pulsed. It felt like she was on a beach, and waves somehow flowed through her as they lapped softly over the sand.

It was not long before Princess Luna’s realm claimed her.

The dream construct that was her office was just as impressive as it had been upon her first visit. Unfortunately, paperwork was still paperwork, even with fantastical scenery.

Hours later sat by the map table, slowly sipping from a tall glass of mango juice. A luminous orb tingled under Moonlight’s hoof as she rolled it back and forth on the table. The simple sphere held a basic record of all the dreams from

She pushed her hoof into the orb and focused on the image she wanted. Romance-laced visions fought for her attention, and flickers of warm lust snapped at her hoof. A chill pulsed up her hoof, and she latched on. With a quick yank, she claimed her prize.

There, in miniature, standing tall upon her upturned hoof, was an absolutely massive example of an earth pony. The striking brick wall of a stallion, the soft smile of a gentle giant, and a slightly bemused look to his eyes explained why many mares were dreaming about him.

A glance at the earth pony rosters that lay scattered over the table just confirmed what she had suspected. “Your two hooves taller than the largest.” Moonlight shook her head as she tried to banish the romantic nonsense those four mares dreamed of.

“A dozen unlisted guards that don’t dream.” Moonlight’s still strange-looking black-cored silver aura lifted the quill and added a few more lines to the open scroll. This was by far her best lead, so she signed and sealed it, then dropped it into her outbox. A star-speckled tendril of liquid night slipped from the shadow of a tree and devoured the scroll.

“This is definitely the strangest office ever.” She said as she put that orb away and reached for another one. There was no point wasting time, so she lifted the next one to her horn. In a blink, she looked out from eyes that were not her own as a male thestral voice she had never heard before narrated the context for the scene that played out before her. As the speaker formed words, Moonlight could feel his tongue moving in his mouth as if it were her own.

Below, the back wall of a warehouse had been partly demolished. He glided down from his perch inside half a dozen shattered crates littered the floor.

“We don’t know what was in these, but unless somepony spent hours clearing out the scent, it was not the fireworks that were meant to be.”

He moved over to one wall and gazed up. The rich coppery scent that tickled his nose told her what was there before he spoke. “Most of the wall has been cleansed by horn arts, but they missed a bit.”

He stretched his wings and rose in a careful hoover. The new wellspring deep in Moonlight’s chest rose. It knew what it could do, and it teased her with the promise even as the feel of his flight muscles flexing taunted her for her lack of wings.

“If they were on the ground, the cross beam would have blocked their view of this bit. We don’t know whose blood it is yet, but we do know it’s an earth pony. We are looking into missing ponies… but with the overcrowded city, it’s going slow.”

The view rotated as he looked back down at the destroyed crates. “My guess is whatever it was, they needed it to be treated right carefully, wanted it kept dry and away from fire… I’ll send another report if we get more, and welcome aboard Moonlight.”

The vision faded, and the world around her snapped into focus again. She rested the orb on the table as she added some more notes to a blank scroll.

“Hello, Moonlight.” A familiar voice said in a friendly tone.

“Candice?” Moonlight asked, her eyes lifted from her work to fix on the mare before her. It was Candice, and yet it was not. The lack of wings and very obvious horn were definitely new, not that anything could truly be taken for granted here. Ignoring the ethereal scythe that floated beside the mare, she asked a simpler question. “You dream of being a unicorn?”

“I’m her sister, Insight. Until recently, I was stuck in her head. Now I’m free to go around and help all those I can.” Too old eyes twinkled above a sincere smile. “Right now, that happens to be you.” Insight slid around the table, and her open legs wrapped Moonlight in an eager hug. The embrace was firm like a friend’s and warm like a grandmother’s. “Welcome, Sister.”

Moonlight closed her eyes and leaned into the contact. Yet another thing that would never happen under Celestia. As much as she would deny it to anypony, nearly dying and then really dying made little things like hugs far more pleasant. The simple touch of a living pony, the sound of their heartbeat, and the warmth of their body were all things she could not help but savour. Not that she would recommend what happened to her as an option just to enrich anypony’s life.

“Thank you… Sister.” It felt odd using such a term, but those that followed Luna were definitely more than mere comrades. “So, I’m in need of help?”

“I have a message from Luna. Well, it more came from Twilight via Luna. Those villages you’re interested in. Changelings have taken it over.”

“Changelings?” Moonlight felt her eyes narrow dangerously. “There are Changelings running those villages?”

Moonlight sighed and let her head fall to the table. “So they’re a threat, just not the one I’m looking for.”

Insight’s hoof rubbed along Moonlight’s back. It stirred memories of when her grandmother had done it. Just the right level of pressure to let a pony know you were there and were strong enough to keep them safe.

“Here, let me show you what I know about it.”

As they approached the treeline, Insight’s scythe rushed forwards, did a few flips and somehow turned itself inside out before it slammed into the ground. It was not a weapon that landed. With a blink-and-you-would-miss-it speed, its form flowed into the shape of a door.

What greeted her on the other side was nothing like what she had expected from a portal made from a scythe. Instead of some realm of undeath or the verdant green of the Eternal Fields was wood, lots of wood. Wooden walls, wooden floor and ceiling and countless wooden bookshelves.

Once they were both though the door melted, its stable form dissolved into an ethereal pony, a foal sized unicorn that, if the reports were to be believed, looked just like a min version of the tantabus Luna set loose in Ponyville.

The thing? Filly? Whatever it counted as galloped around Insight’s legs until she lifted in with her aura and nuzzled it.

A soft musical voice called out from somewhere beyond the maze of bookshelves. “Insight, It would seem you have brought guests. You really should allow me a little warning to prepare a proper welcome.”

“Hey there, Sweet Dreams. Yes, we have company, complements of Luna’s investigation division.”

“Well, I do hope we’re not in trouble?” Sweet Dream answered as teasing amusement danced in her voice.

“No, just sharing some experiences with one investigating Twilight’s attacker. Shared interest is all.”

The clop of Moonlight’s hooves on the wooden floor was solid, tangible, and real. Something about the qualities here made it hard to remember this was just a dream. Was this another one Princess Luna created herself?

Moonlight knew this was in the dream realm somewhere, but that was like saying you were on the planet. It didn’t really give you anything to go on. “Where are we?” Moonlight asked quietly, so as to not be overheard.

Clearly, her attempt at discretion failed. Instead of Insight, the same musical voice as before answered. Only this time, its tone was grander, a show mare announcing to a crowd. “You, Claimed of Luna, have the honour and privilege to have entered The Grand Golden Oaks Library, Sanctuary and Dominion of one Twilight Sparkle.”

Only one thing came to mind as she stepped into the central multi-level chamber. “That’s a lot of books.” A few seconds later, the normal analytical part of her mind remembered it should be doing something.

Three ponies were visible, a blue-coated silver-maned Alicorn pouring tea with a welcoming smile, a grey clone of Twilight sans wings, muzzle buried in a book behind a tangled mess of spiked golden chains, and last but not least, a mirror propped up at the end of the table near the Alicorn was a burning maned wild demoness of a unicorn.

None were an active threat, well, not to anything but her diet if the array of snacks were anything to go by. Though, by the demoness’ ravenous eyes fixed on the food, it might not last that long.

She breathed in. The fragrances of exotic spices mixed with more familiar scents promised culinary satisfaction far more than any Canterlot restaurant ever could. Pangs of hunger threatened to make her stomach growl. Hot chocolate, whisky and pastries blended with cakes, flowers and fruits of all sorts, and even zap apples.

She ignored the distractions and let her attention move on to what lay beneath it. She took a second breath and held it. A hint of blood and burnt wood lingered, but it was old, with no hint of poisons, explosives or Blight.

With nothing screaming at her senses that this was a trap, she headed further in. The open space had multiple exits, dozens of them at just a quick glance, divided over multiple levels. On the ground floor, there seemed to be a main staircase, visible past a large bookshelf that likely led to the higher levels. Just the mobility possibilities one with wings would have in here. The sensations of phantom wings flexing haunted her with longing. Her new wellspring whispers to her, pleading with her, it wanted to fly.

The open door behind them that they had just entered through had other closed ones flanking it. Each had the mark of one of the Element Bearers, but Twilight’s one was far too small for any but a foal to use.

There were two more doors. The most normal was what was clearly the external door. It looked just like the one from the now-destroyed Ponyville Library. The other looked like an armoured vault from a Manehatten bank rendered from solid gold.

“Moonlight, may I introduce Sweet Dreams, Grey and Nova,” Insight said, hoof indicating the Alicorn, the recoloured Twilight clone, and the fiery pony in the mirror.

Grey looked up and then back down at the hoard of paperwork she was working on behind the mess of spiked chains. Nova watched with a hungry intensity as her eyes moved from the food set out upon the table. Only the slight friendly edge to Nova’s eyes gave Moonlight any hope that she was not to become a convenient snack for the demoness if she somehow got free from the mirror.

With the perfect grace of a noble hostess and an elegant sweep of a wing, Sweet Dreams bid to join her. Moonlight found herself moving almost automatically, ingrained etiquette from her training in Canterlot, and the fact it was an Alicorn making the request, made it extremely hard not to just go along with it all. With a slight shake of her head, she allowed herself to proceed.

Sweet Dreams expertly added powders and liqueurs to five normal-size cups and one that looked too small for even a foal’s play set. Insight nodded as she accepted hers. The Grey wingless Twilight merely claimed it in her one aura, not even looking up from her constant writing. The small cup joined a normal one as it was pushed through the mirror to eagerly taken by an animated button-eyed plushie. The demon pony just downed hers and looked hopeful to Dreams for more.

“In a moment, dear. Just let me serve our guest,” Dreams said before turning those deep-pools-of-silver-a-pony-could-drown-in she called eyes on Moonlight. “Sugar, Honey?”

Moonlight’s mouth worked once or twice before she managed to get any words out. “Honey, please.”

Sweet Dreams’ eyes released Moonlight as they glanced towards the tea service. A weight lifted from Moonlight’s chest, and a shaky breath escaped. She slowly inhaled, willing the blood rushing in her ears to slow.

Long glistening strands of thick honey tried to follow the generous portion as it was added. Its slight green colour and prismatic sheen marked it as no type of honey Moonlight had ever seen. She sniffed, and her eyes widened. Just the scent had Moonlight’s taste buds tingling with anticipation. The first taste, oh dear Celestia, that first tentative sip of slightly too hot liquid. If it tasted any better, she would have downed it despite any risk of scalding her mouth.

After fixing a small mountain of snacks and three flasks of tea for the demon pony, Sweet Dreams claimed her own seat. Her silver aura pushed the offering through the mirror as if it was merely an open window. On the other side of the glass, a small self-animated plushy set about helping Noca arrange the food into piles.

A slight flick of a blue wing caught Moonlight’s attention, dragging her gaze back to Dreams’. The Alicorn had an enthralling, but too knowing, smile as she began. Her silver aura retrieved a sealed scroll. “This is Twilight’s report on the current Changeling situation.”

“Thank you.” Moonlight said as she accepted the scroll. With a flick of magic, she broke the seal and unrolled it. Line after line of Twilight’s densely packed and verbose writing greeted her.

Dreams waved her hoof and sat a little straighter, some of the casual grace replaced with controlled formality. “Feel free to peruse that at your leisure. For now, we have other things to discuss.”

“We do?” Moonlight asked, shifting her attention from the open scroll.

“There are things you need to know if you are to ever find the one that hurt my Twilight. Things about Alicorns and about the many failed attempts at becoming one.”

Sweet Dreams talked for hours after Insight had to leave. Revelation after revelation left Moonlight’s head spinning. Alicorns were bucking bombs until they passed their trail? Emotional and mind control came as standard if you even let one speak to you, and changelings were just another tribe of ponies?

Add to that all that had transpired between Princesses Twilight and Celestia, the fact that the current Twilight was a copy as the original had, in essence, been assassinated in foalhood by the same Dark Mage that was responsible for the attack on Manhattan, Twilight’s abduction and the Blight.

Moonlight almost numbly munched her way through another odd-tasting star-shaped treat This changes so much. In her head, pages and pages of notes were rearranged and new connections formed and old ones were discarded as ridiculous now she knew the truth.

The flavour on her tongue changed as she bit into a sandwich. The softness of the bread and the bite of the mustard were enough to bring reality, or at least the Bastion around her, into focus.

“Ah, you have returned to us?” Sweet Dreams smiled as she sat sipping from her tea cup held in her aura as her wings and hoof danced through the motions that looked far more complex than they needed to be. Knitting needles clacked together as three different types of thread followed through the air like serpents. How did I miss this?

Moonlight could not take her eyes off it. A shudder ran down her spine. It may just have been cloth and fabric, but with thick red strands from blood vessels and every single bone and muscle in the equine form represented, it was like some kind of reverse dissection. “If I may, what are you making?”

Dreams’ eyes gleamed silver as she peered past her work. She spoke, her musical voice playful and light. “Have you never seen a soul created before?”

CH 74 A Rare Dream

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Even with her mind fully focused within her bastion, Luna could still feel the warmth of the five young ponies nestled under her wing. It had been foal’s play itself to ensure their dreams were bright and joyful. Such happy fantasies were not what held Luna’s attention, though.

Inside an orb of glass, a scene played out, unseen by all except one. Luna’s eyes narrowed as, within the dream, a white mare tenaciously held onto a tattered dress.

The delicate fabric was past saving. But, Rarity tried to smooth it anyway, to patch over the holes, regardless of the inevitable outcome. The repeating pattern of Sweetie Belle's Cutiemark told Luna all she needed to know.

Rarity's elegantly filed horn lit, and she tried again. She stitched frantically as a heavy red liquid seeped from each new rip and tear.

"No. No, no," Rarity wailed as the blood stained her hooves and coat.

It took but the smallest push of Luna’s magic, and then the blood was nought but tree sap, the damage to the fabric far less severe than it appeared.

A soft smile crept onto Luna’s face as that single change, that subtlest of brush strokes had changed everything. Rarity’s tensed facial muscles relaxed from their mask of anguish as the tear tracks vanished, instantly replaced by a well-worn frown of frustration.

A spike of pride stirred in her chest as it always did whenever she helped one of her ponies. Still, this was only a stopgap. Rarity loved her little sister. Luna’s muzzle twisted into a snarl as, for a moment, her eyes saw a very different white mare.

The heat of anger and the frozen ice of long-buried hatred warred inside her. She did nothing, allowing each emotion to play through her, accepting them, embracing them.

Slow breath by slow breath, the turmoil inside her balanced to normality. If only all sisters could care so much… She thought as a single tear made its slow crawl down her face.

Her smile came back, but sardonically. She lifted her wing tip and carefully collected the teardrop. That single drop of liquid was physical proof of her weakness. Her expression hardened, and with a burst of magic, the captured tear was rendered to ice. It floated there like a jewel suspended in her aura. She stared into it, looking for answers she knew it did not hold. What am I doing? She mused as her thoughts settled back into harmony.

She turned her attention back to Rarity’s dream. Sweetie Belle's older sister was content enough, at least for now. “You deserve more from me,” Luna thought aloud as she regarded her work.

Luna glanced away from the dream orb, checking nothing else had a higher call on her time than one of her savours. Insight was out there, floating on the edge of her perception. The bittersweet edge to the connection spoke of another pony that would not have to die alone. She looked up, surveying all the other dream orbs that made the sky of her bastion. Moonlight was still awake. None of her Nightguards called for her. By the colours, there were a dozen ponies that she would need to tend to tonight, but for now, they could wait.

She focused and gazed deep into the orb she held. The distortions and dark colours had faded for the most part, its core blazed with a bright star of ice blue magic, but its light wavered, and a few notes of insidious worry crept in again.

Slipping into Rarity's dream was as easy as breathing for the Night Princess. Luna formed a construct true to life. She stepped into it one leg at a time, stretching slightly, wiggling in to get the fit just right. She lifted a hoof and knocked on the door to Rarity's boutique.

"Comming," only a few seconds later than normal, Rarity called out, her clear ringing voice lacking any hint of emotional turmoil.

Rarity's ice-blue magic opened the door. "Welcome to the…. Oh, Princess Luna." Rarity recovered in an instant. Decorum took over, and she dropped into a perfect bow. "Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, your Highness. How may I be of service?"

“Be at ease, Lady Rarity,” Luna said with her softest smile. "We are here to allay your worries."

With those words spoken, the dream shifted. It was only a tiny change, but Raritiy's expression fell as her eyes found the departing stormship and the Cutiemark Crusader banner that flew below Luna's own.

The white mare took a slow breath. Anger, worry, fear, and so many other things were pushed aside, so when Rarity spoke, her voice had a calm and even tone. If it had been raised in song, it would have been beautiful. Used how it was, it was a blade of frozen ice ready to verbally flay Luna if it would keep Sweetie Belle safe.

“Princess, with all due respect, you are planning on taking my little sister to what, by all accounts, is a…, less than safe local for a Royal visit.”

“While your words ring with truth, they lack insight.” Luna met Rarity's eyes and, still with that soft expression, let the weight of years show through.

Here in the dream, eyes truly were the windows to the soul. The unicorn’s thoughts literally played out within them. Rarity opened her mouth to object, but the first dozen responses that came to her mind were un-lady-like. The next dozen she would never dream of even daring to say to a Princess. The well-forged blade of wits still sat there behind Rarity’s eyes. She hesitated to draw it, but her hoof still lay upon its grip.

Luna resisted the urge to let an amused smirk form, fanged or not, she knew it would defeat the purpose of her intervention here. So instead, she let her expression show the pride she felt for her Little Star. “By my daughter’s side is literally the safest place Sweetie Belle and her friends could ever be.” Luna placed a wing tip to Rarity’s lips, stilling any comment. “Little Star is currently the fifth or sixth most powerful pony in Equestria.”

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Twilight, then maybe Starlight. Rarity's thoughts sounded aloud, completely unnoticed by her. It took Rarity several long seconds to fully process all of what that meant. All the most potent displays of magic Rairty had seen or even heard of those ponies prominently played upon her eyes. The last image was Twilight and Luna standing proudly as they watched Little Star outdo even them.

"Yes, Rarity. As you and the other Beares supported Twilight. Your little sister will be one of those giving my daughter the guidance and strength she needs to become all she can.

The images in Rarity’s eyes shifted to her adventures with the rest of the Element Bears.

“Now, do you desire to see how your sister fared this past day?”

The intensity in Rarity’s eyes was all the answer Luna needed. With a lazy swipe of a wing, the dream changed.

CH 75 Gilda's New Clothes

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“Why couldn’t we stay in the cloud fort?” Gilda grumbled as she glanced at the smooth stone ceiling again. She knew it was well made, it was likely the best-made thing on the planet thanks to Miss Purple-Princess-Overachiever, but that still did nothing to help the feeling that at any moment, countless tons of rock would come crashing down to bury her alive.

She turned her attention back to shoving herself into this so-called correctly-sized uniform. By the end of it, she still had all her feathers at least. She held up a talon. The fingerless glove made it hard to believe it was her own.

She examined her reflection in the polished metal surface. The flight suited griffon in the mirror should have meant something, but it was nothing compared to the new colours in her wings.

Gilda shifted and stretched her talons, trying to smooth the flight suit into place. The almost skin-tight material clung to her form and tugged on her coat. How does Dash put up with this… Another few minutes of uncomfortable fine adjustments, and Gilda could move without wanting to take someone’s head off.

First, each leg and then each wing went through stretches, combat moves and light motions. The few tugs on her coat were only barely able to draw a wince from her.

“And that’s why I condition my coat,” Dash said.

Gilda rolled her eyes and then glared at her friend. “Are you telling me I’m going to need to?”

“Well, unless you like feeling like your flight suit is gonna leave you balled, then yeah….”

Gilda sighed, “I’m going to be a laughing stock.”

“At least you’ll smell nice.”

“You know, I’ll still smell of dead meat and fish to most of you ponies.”

“I don’t mind fish.”

“Well, you’re not most ponies.” Gilda’s stomach picked that moment to speak up with a low grumble. “Think Twilight has more left?”

“Yeah, I think she has some,” Dash said, licking her own lips. She turned and trotted outside.

Gilda loped after her. “You seen that freaky tree she’s growing.”

Dash glanced over her shoulder. “Yeah… looks like something out of a Daring Do story… or maybe a horror one.”

“I don’t think any giff is going to care if the meat and fish fruits taste even half as good as they smell.” She sighed, still the easiest scent in the air to catch was ash.

Rainbow Dash’s movement paused for just a moment, less than a heartbeat, then shook her head before strutting up to the edge of the platform.

Gilda joined her friend, her wingmate, making a matched pair, both with lavender feathers amongst their primaries marking them as Twilight’s far more intimately than the uniform they both wore. Dash’s blade and buckler substituting for Gilda’s razor talons, and her own bow and quivers in place of Dash’s hoof bombs.

If Gilda was any indication, they looked ready for war. She looked out over the edge, past the slight magenta haze of Twilight’s shield.

The once verdant hunting grounds were now blackened and near featureless. Anywhere the Blight might have hidden was denied them in spectacular pyrotechnic fashion.

All dressed up for battle just in time for peace. She thought, trying to ignore the hollowness that nestled in her chest at seeing how little of her home truly remained.

“Well, enough talk about food. We still have hours until lunch.” Rainbow flared her wings. The air around them hummed with energy as a few flickers of lighting danced along her feathers. “So, ready?”

Vibrations tickled through Gilda’s feathers. The new feeling was not quite physical, but it was the only way she could make sense of it. The air around Dash vibrated with the same sensation as her wings. “Always,” Gilda said, breathing slowly. She pushed all the negative and dark thoughts into a corner and focused on something else. She closed her eyes and sought out Twilight’s blessing. It took a few seconds, but then she found it. Wind and thunder danced with each other right next to her heart. Her talon found its place over her heart as she let the new feeling in her chest flow out and into her wings. The new vibration at first conflicted with Dash’s before it slowly settled into something complementary to it, a harmony.

“That’s it,” Dash said, her pleased smirk audible in her tone. “You can do it.”

“I’m not some fledgling….” Gilda said, feeling her talons dig groves into the stone. Leaving yet another permanent mark of her temper upon the world.

“I didn’t say you were.”

“You were thinking it.”

“Look, G, chill. You got a whole new type of magic. It’s going to take a bit of time to get up to max awesomeness.”

Gilda took a breath. The ash scent did not do wonders to help her mood, but dam it all, Dash was right. She schooled her expression and gave one firm nod.

“Now, ready to fly?” This time Dash’s tone was supportive, with not a single hint of pride or arrogance.

“Always,” Gilda said, relishing the kiss of the wind as it flowed through her spreading wings.

With finality, Dash snapped her flight goggles into place. “Last one back to the airship is a rotten egg.” Dash’s wing came down, and the weird vibration surged and exploded. Dash rocketed into the sky, a rainbow trail in her wake.

With a sigh, Gilda leapt into the air, powerful legs launching her higher than they ever had. Her wings pushed her forward with a literal thunderclap. Her ears still rang as she rocketed after that prismatic tail.

Gilda’s ragged breath put lie to her words before she even spoke them. “Pony magic… makes this too easy.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Dash said, still hovering with ease.

Gilda did not even get up. She simply glared.

“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger,” Dash said, holding her hooves up in placation. “You’re good. You kept up with me. Even before Twilight’s little upgrade, that’s amazing in its own right.”

“Then how come I’m laying here winded, and you’re fine?”

“You’re still using brute force and not what that new pegasus magic is really good at.”

“Flyings flying.”

“And that’s where you’re wrong.”

Gilda just returned a flat look.

“Pegasus magic, when it really comes down to it, is the creation, storing and redirection of momentum….” She started sounding as if she was doing a bad Twilight impression. “Or something like that.”


“Yeah. How did you think I can turn like that?”

“I didn’t really think about it… I thought you were that good.”

Dash smirked. “I am, but your wings have always been stronger than mine… it’s our magic that was different.”

“So that Sonic Rainboom?”

“You keep practising, and you might just get close enough to my level of awesomeness to pull one off.”

“Think Twilight can do one?”

Dash’s hooves clopped onto the wooden deck. “You know, I don’t know.”

“Didn’t you teach her to fly?”

“Yeah… but lately she’s been pulling all sorts of old school stuff cos of Luna.”

“Well, given she can teleport, I guess she would not need to.”


“Well, nothing faster than a teleport.”

“Yeah… but it’s cheating.”

“She’s an Alicorn, for wind’s sake. Of course she’s cheating. Everything she can do is just crazy.”

“Hey, Gilda?” Dash asked, her tone now flat and professional. “Tell me that’s not what I think it is.”

Gilda looked up to find Dash’s extended hoof. She followed its line off into the distance. There in the distance, at almost the limit of what her eagle eyes could see, was a large group of flyers. As she strained her eyes to make out any detail, the scene swam into clear focus. Right, another chosen thing to get used to.

Six dozen armoured griffons held formation as they made a beeline straight for the new mountain fort.

“I recognised that formation. Griffons, right?” Dash asked.

“Yeah, but I don’t recognise their colours.”

“I thought you knew them all.”

“So did I,” Gilda stated, a sense of unease building with each second she had to study their movements and equipment. “Dash, let Twilight know.”

“On it.” With a blur of motion just a hair’s breadth slower than rainboom speed, she was off.

“If they’re here to render military honours to one Princess Twilight, I’ll eat my own tail.”

Ch 76 Introduction to Griffon Diplomacy

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Scootaloo glanced out of the castle window, past the forest of dresses, scarves and other things that tried to block the view. Luna's storm ship still floated there, low to the ground, and it still looked as awesome as it had the first day. It would be even cooler if she stood on the prowl heroically, ready to leap into action. Her wings spread with just the thought of flight.

Just Rarity's intake of breath flattened Scootaloo's ears, "Stay still." The bane of diamond dogs almost shrieked.

"Why do we even need this?" Scootaloo asked as her hoof picked at the uniform she and the other crusaders had been ambushed with.

Rarity's magic restrained the offending hoof and a tender yet firm grip. "Princess Little Star may have many talents with magic, yet she is still a novice at fashion."


"So? SO?" Rarity nearly vibrated with rage and snorted with anger before slowly breathing in and out a few dozen times. "You are to be fine young dignitaries heading out to represent all of Equestria."

Scootaloo scuffed the ground with a hoof. "I liked Crash's idea better."

Rarity let out a sigh. "Equestrians are not savages, and you, Miss Scootaloo, are no barbarian. You will not be wearing a hydra's skull as a hat. And even if I would let you... it's far too large."

"Star said she could shrink it."

The muscles in Rarity's right front leg flexed as if she wanted to lift it and stomp in anger. Instead, she just took another calming breath. "Darling, that's not the point." Her voice shifted to softer tones, the sweet tone adults often used when they were about to try bribery to get their way. "If you are good and wear what I make you, you will find a gift card for Sugar Cube Corner waiting for you as a reward."

Thoughts of all the treats such a treasured card could provide, and the upcoming epic adventure, were only barely enough to restrain young Scootaloo. After the millennia of torment the last few hours had been, all of the crusaders were decked out in their adventuring gear with the additions Rarity had added.

As much as Scootaloo hated the experience, the ponies that looked back at them from the full-length mirror looked awesome. Everything had been recoloured, relined and had extra detailing applied. The new, longer cloaks went atop it all, giving them all a united look despite their different load-outs.

She turned side on. The silky smooth under-armour layer got rid of even the hint of chaffing or coat pinching that her amour had caused. In the mirror, the new addition to the cloak brought a proud smile to Scootaloo. There, behind the rearing pony, was a star. The same as Little Star's cutiemark.

The other Crusaders turned just the same as she had. All of them had large smiles, other than Crash. Crash had a smirk that showed off a single fang. She met his gaze in the mirror, and he just nodded. What more did anypony have to say?

Scootaloo held her hoof out. In an instant, it was joined by four more. They were a moment away from their trademark cheer when first Crash's ears, then his head, snapped to the door. In the next blink, a blue aura wrapped around it, and it opened.

"Impressive work, as always, Rarity." Princess Luna said as she walked in with her long-legged strides.

"Thank you, Princess." Rarity bowed. "Despite the time pressure, it is some of my finest work," Rarity said before she broke into details of fabric, stitching methods and many other things Scootaloo did not understand nor care about.

Scootaloo slumped. Yeah, we look awesome, but I feel like a walking advertisement for Rarity.

Little Star leaned close and whispered. "Don't worry. I can still make you hydra bone armour if you like."

"Awesome… What about more of those cookies?" Scootaloo said without a single edge of pleading, or so she hoped.

"If you like, I can do both."

Luna's kind eyes settled on Little Star, who almost pranced on the spot. With a slight nod, Princess Luna stood taller and snapped her wings in an awe-inspiring display. "Crusaders, fall in."

Scootaloo had no idea what was happening, but that did nothing to slow her movement. The scramble to line up before the Princess was anything but graceful or disciplined. Still, in under a second, Scootaloo stood chest puffed up proudly at attention, flanked by her friends.

"I am sure if Twilight were here, she would be honoured to bestow these awards on you," Luna said as a decorated box floated in her aura. "Instead, such a duty falls to me."

With only the click of the latch, the box opened, revealing its contents. Laying atop some expensive-looking black fabric was a row of hydra scales. Unlike when they were part of the monster they fought in the Everfree, now they were decorated. Each hydra scale was now rimmed with blood-red crystal. On its face was a silhouette of Twilight's castle that looked like it might have been made from the same crystal it was.

Inside her chest, it felt like her heart was about to explode with pride. It had been one thing to be celebrated as a hero in a Pinkie Party, but this was something else.

"Crusaders, this is the first battle honour your unit has received. Wear it with honour."

Behind the Princess, Rarity winced and looked like she was trying to glare a hole through the wall.

"Cutie-Mark Crusaders, Monster Slayers!"

Princess Luna smiled, even as her body shook a few times with restrained laughter. "Verily, you are the brave slayers of monsters."

Rarity's eyes changed their target to the back of Luna's head. Maybe there was something wrong with her mane?

With a wide smile, Princess Luna lowered her head. "Now, would anypony like some ice cream?"

With a flash, Little Star hooves were around the Princess's neck. "Yay! Thank you, Mummy."

The walk to the ship was more of a parade than a normal walk. Nightguards moved in step instead of the normal silent stalk that Crash loved to copy. Little Star happily trotted a little ahead with her owl perched on the back of her dog beside her.

The whole town, including all the hybrids Twilight healed and their families, watched. Some waved, some smiled, and a few looked worried. Three watched Little Star leaving with relief, those ones she aimed hard glares at, and she was not the only one to do so. Crash showed a little fang to add that little something extra to his.

There was no ramp to board waiting. Instead, part of the ship fell away in a wave of fog that reformed into one as they approached. Nopony broke ranks, and no matter their tribe, each confidently marched up the cloud ramp.

"How fast can this thing go?" Scootaloo asked as she headed up the ramp.

Luna looked back with a smirk. "Shall we find out?"

"I bet Rainbow is still faster."

"Would repeated teleportation count as increasing the speed?" Little Star asked.

"Nah, that would just make you get there quicker, not make you fly faster."

"Hmm." Little Star tapped her chin like a miniature impression of Twilight. Her eyes lit up as a two wide smile crept onto her face. "I know." In a flash and pop, she was gone.

"What is she going to do now?" Crash said as he slipped into his own shadow.

"Where did they both run off to?" Applebloom asked.

Luna's eyes widened. "Brace for acceleration, ramming shields forward." Her large wing flashed out and pulled Scootaloo and the other crusaders to her.

A moment later, Little Star's voice cried out something, only to be drowned out by a large explosion. The airship was launched forward, and Scootaloo's stomach felt like it was left behind. If it was not for Luna's grip, the rest of her probably would still have been in Ponyville.

Past Luna's wing, the world flashed by at incredible speeds, for an airship at least.

"Daughter mine, as impressive as that was… we would request a little more notice of your intent."

"That was awesome," Scootaloo called out.

"Wake up." The shouted words obliterated whatever dream rested in Scootaloo's mind.

"Whaa?" The world spun, slipped and rotated. Scootaloo's heart pounded, and in a single beat, she was more awake than she had ever been. Scootaloo hoovered in the top corner of the cabin, the trembling vibrations of flight magic building in her coiled, ready to be used, ready to be unleashed on an attacker.

"We're nearly there!" Little Star cried before she vanished with her normal magenta flash and pop of displaced air.

Scootaloo let out a long breath as her wings fidgeted with nervous energy. "If I was not awake before, I am now." She rolled out of bed, spread each wing and after a quick inspection, found them flight ready. Two bounding steps and one wing flap into her departure, she skidded to a stop. Wait a minute, I'm forgetting something. It only took a few moments before her eyes found her armour stand. She licked her lips as her mind drifted back to the sweet reward Rarity had offered. Some of her wild mane shifted into view. Sighing, she dragged a brush through her mane, preened her wings and got set about putting all the bits of her outfit on just right.

The dark cloud that made up the deck of Luna's airship sent little tingles up Scootaloo's hooves with each step as she proudly trotted past the armoured Nightguard. The respectful nods and smiles were nice, but the salutes were what stirred that pride so much more in her chest. She bushed a wing tip over the decorated hydra scale and smiled. They were not just adults humouring a little filly. No, she was battle-tested, and they respected her for it. I'm an awesome bad-flank, and I know it. She only just avoided singing aloud.

She made her way towards the front, where Little Star waited with her mother, Luna. With a quick flap of her wings, she hopped up onto the wall the Storm Ship had instead of a railing. Landing on the ten-hoof thick chunk of cloud was not a feat of precision flying that nailing the landing on a railing would have been, but she made it look cool anyway. "Well, at least I'm second."

"Third," Crash said as he slipped out of Little Star's shadow.

"Ponyfeathers," Scootaloo mumbled before she pointed an accusing hoof at him. "Hey, that's cheating."

Crash smirked. "Nah, it's planning."

"Look, Look," Little Star interrupted as her horn pointed off into the distance.

Scootaloo followed the line and focused. There in the distance, was a magenta glow. A moment later, as Scootaloo's eyes adjusted, the distant blur leapt into crystal clarity. A dome of magic protected a raw stone castle, the likes she had never seen before. The fortification perched atop the highest peak with no sign of trail, road or rail line making its way down to the land below.

"What happened?" Applebloom asked softly. Unlike everypony else, she was looking down towards the ground. The land below was little more than an ashen plane that still smouldered in places. It looked like what happened to Sweet Apple Acres, but on a much larger scale. The corpses of a few of the largest trees were the only thing to suggest the great forest the map said should have been here.

"That, Crusader Appleblooom, is what was needful, what was required to save these griffons from the perils of the Blight."

"But all the trees, the plants, the grass."

Crash nudged Scootaloo as she gave him her attention. Crash's serious expression silenced any comment. With a flick of his head, he indicated Little Star. The filly's eyes were fixed on the ash below and trembling.

I'm not one for all this mushy stuff. The thought was in her head, but it did nothing to stop Scootaloo's action. With a quick hop, she was beside her friend and had a wing over her. Little Star's trembling form radiated heat as she nestled under Scootaloo's full-sized wing.

A soft feather brushed Scootaloo's mane. Following the feather to the wing it was attached to brought Princess Luna's eyes in line to meet her own. The Princess gave a small nod and mouthed 'thank you' without making a sound. The Princess' other wing pushed Sweetie Belle and then Applebloom closer. They did not need any more help to decide to join the group hug.

A piercing falcon's cry broke the serenity of the moment. Once Scootaloo and the others might have panicked, might have hid or fled. That time was long gone. The group hug disintegrated. Red cloaks billowed as they flowed into action. Each moved, and each found their place in the formation. Scootaloo and Crash to the flanks, half crouched, both ready to leap into motion. Applebloom stepped forward, imposing in her heavier armour. Sweetie Belle pivoted, and her horn lit as she kept her eyes to the rear. Little Star's magic shivered through Scootalloo's coat, the potential awesomeness otherwise invisible.

"Who dares approach griffon territory?" The harsh tone of an angry griffon called out in what was definitely not a friendly hello.

Princess Luna took flight, hovering a little higher than the angry armoured griffon. "Your King pens a letter requesting our aid, and this is how an Equestrian Princess is greeted?"

With a talon, the griffon pointed downwards. "We had about all of that sort of help we can stomach. Now leave willingly or be made to."

The three dozen more griffons peeled off their patrol routes and vectored in on the stormship.

Little Star's ears twitched, and both turned to her mother. "Yes. Mummy." A moment later, she nodded again, and her horn blazed brighter than Scootaloo had ever seen.

A blinding flash of light and a boom of thunder hit just before the familiar queasiness of a powerful teleport. It made her grateful she had yet to have breakfast. Scootaloo blinked away the afterimages. The world around them had shifted by thousands of Celestias. Now the stormship floated only a few Celestias away from the stone castle and well within the Twilight's magenta shield.

Smoke trailed off Little Star's horn as it glowed a cherry red that had nothing to do with her magic. Her eyes were almost crossed as she tried to blow on her own horn.

Crash slipped into his shadow only to reappear a moment later with a bucket of water. "Here."

Without any more prompting, Little Star plunged her horn in. The water hissed and bubbled like Little Star's horn was a metal bar straight from the forge. She sighed, "That's much better. Thank you, Crash."

Princess Luna reached down with a hoof and pulled a still-defiant griffon out of her shadow. She levelled her eyes at the poor unfortunate fool like weapons. "We shall have answers before we decide to start a war, but first…." She turned a much warmer look to her daughter. "Little Star."

"Yes, Mummy?" Little Star's head snapped up, and if it was not for an athletic dive from one of the Nightguards, the clearly forgotten bucket would have gone overboard.

"Would you head in and let your other mother know we are here?"

"Yes, Mummy," she declared before she leapt off the ship, tapping her necklace as she fell. The butterfly wings formed and vanished again, existing only for the half second needed to help her clear the distance. Little Star looked back to them over her withers as she confidently trotted off. "This way."

The rest of the Crusaders scrambled after her, each in their own way. Crash, the cheating colt, fell into his own shadow just to pop out of Little Stars a quarter second before Scootaloo managed to get there. I'm so going to find a way to beat you…

Scootaloo hoovered in the air, keeping pace a bit above and behind Little Star. All that training kept her eyes and ears alert, even as the boredom set in.

"This place is huge," Applebloom said over the group's echoing hoof-falls.

The place was undoubtedly large, but that's not what Scootaloo's eyes found. Despite the harsh angular style of the undecorated walls and high ceiling, there was plenty of cover and even concealed arrow slits. This place was meant to be defended. All it would need is some traps to fit right in with Daring Do or an O&O game. The small shifts in Crash's position said he saw the same thing too.

"Those of us with wings tend to like wide open spaces, can't imagine the griffons are any different," Crash said with a flick of his leathery wings.

Scootaloo nodded her own agreement. "We could have a hoofball game in here, no problem."

"Did you bring a ball?" Applebloom asked.

Sweetie Belle peered down yet another empty side passage. "There is something else we should ask... Where is everypony?"

Crash sniffed the air. "Well, there were plenty of griffons here a few hours ago."

"So, where did they go?"

Crash partly opened his wings in a shrug. "Can't tell you. This area was too high traffic to tell which way they went by scent alone."

Little Star pointed her horn in a way that would mean going through a wall. "Well, Mummy's this way."

"Can't we just teleport?"

Little Star shook her head. "No… Mummy Luna added a rule for this mission. Said it might make the wrong sort of entrance. That, and my horn still feels a bit funny."

They continued on for a few minutes before Crash's ears perked up. He leaned in to whisper something in Little Star's ear. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and then nodded. Little Star lifted a hoof, made a circling motion with it, and then tapped her chest. 'Be ready, gather on me'. She met everypony's eyes. One by one, they each nodded their understanding.

Little Star marched forward, her hooves lifting a little higher than normal. Crash pointed a wing at Applebloom and jerked his head back. The Crusaders all fell into formation, but this time with Applebloom at the rear guard.

Sweetie Belle was a stride behind Little Star, her longer legs giving her horn a clear line of fire over Little Star's head. Crash took the right side as Scootaloo dropped to the stone floor and fell into formation on the left. Crash paused for a moment, letting Little Star get half a stride ahead, and Scootaloo matched him.

The group wheeled around the corner, not even breaking stride, only to find that a pair of armoured, glaring griffons stood blocking the large double doors.

Great, more of the lame guys.

"Halt," the one on the left with the cracked beak said.

Little Star tapped her rear hoof once and everypony stopped. Little Star stood as tall as she could and took two steps forward on her own. She took half a breath, and when she spoke, it was a cold, clear voice that came from her mouth. "I'm princess Little Star, daughter of Moon and Magic. You will let me pass."

The one on the right chuckled. "Have ponies gotten smaller, or are they using foals playing dress up as warriors now?"

"You could be Princess Celestia, and we would not let you pass." Cracked Beak said as he flexed his talons. "Now, run away, little grass eater, before we make you."

Little Star's ear swivelled to Crash, and then she nodded ever so slightly. "Your intentions are of no consequence."

"Oh yeah?" Cracked Beak said as he loomed closer and went to poke a razor-sharp talon into Little Star's chest.

Power surged through Scootaloo's wings. She was there before she even decided what to do. Her training made the choice for her. Her hooves found a hard surface, and she pushed. Earth pony strength and pegasus momentum transfer catapulted her target back. Cracked Beak's angry squawk was cut off midway as he slammed into the reinforced door.

Scootaloo smirked as she nailed the landing and flared her wings. "Yeah."

Crash matched her wing flair. "It is unwise to touch the Princess uninvited." If he were not on her side, the menace that dripped from his voice would have made Scootaloo's fur stand on end.

Cracked Beak shrieked in rage. His eyes locked onto Scootaloo as the pupils narrowed to pinpricks. The griffon's fur stood on end, and their armour rattled as their wings shook.

"Tarnations…" Applebloom said as she stepped past Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo channelled her inner Rainbow Dash. "Come on then," she said as she made a 'come here' gesture.

Cracked Beak surged forward, and it was on.

CH 77.1 Griffon Diplomacy, Hospitality

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The huge stone cavern of the improvised throne room was not the best place to be stuck on the ground. Rainbow’s training demanded she gain altitude. Her instincts screamed at her to flair her wings and bunch her hind legs, ready to pounce. She ignored both and instead just stood at attention and watched. Every second slowly crawled by as she noted each twitch, each movement or shift of weight.

As her eyes watched, her mind rambled on. Why the buck did Twilight let this usurper just walk in? Rainbow thought as she did not glare at the so-called Griffon King. The gleaming metal that clad his form did not have a single scratch, dent or imperfection. I just bet you were hiding, just waiting for Twi to fix things so you could swoop in and muscle her out.

There were far, far too many creatures about, and only ten confirmed allies. Only three of them she would trust anypony’s lives with. Captain Candice and Seneschal Emerald stood beside Twilight's throne, both as still as statues, the last line of defence for Twilight. Her eyes flicked to Gilda, who somehow managed to make standing at attention look threatening. Flame Dancer’s magic danced over a scroll as she played the part of Court Scribe, still in her Solar Paladin Cosplay and dutifully recorded every word and every action. Yeah, Gilda’s got my wing, and well, Griffon feathers burn… She thought as she looked over the crowd. There were three hundred and twelve Griffons packed into the room, with only the space between Twilight and the Griffon ‘King’ empty.

Half of these birds are too grateful to Twi to act against her. Some might even try to protect her. At least a quarter are too terrified of what she might do… the rest, though… She wanted to scream with frustration. Friendly mixed with possible hostiles. It was a recipe for collateral damage. This is why I hate riot duty.

Her eyes kept tracking for threats. This was so much simpler with ponies. Yeah, a good buck could be dangerous, but most ponies did not carry a set of steak knives and had near pegasus levels of reaction speed.

“Another of your pony problems has escaped, and yet again, it just happened to cause a situation perfect for making us dependent on you. This time we will not accept your actions, Alicorn. This time, there will be an accounting.” The arrogant featherbrain puffed his armoured chest out, levelled an accusing talon, and shouted, “This is why you will surrender yourself to us, ‘Princess’.” From his beak, the tile was nothing but an insult.

Twilight sat on her seat. To all outward appearances, utterly as serene as her Celestia act demanded, but with each word the griffon before her said, the air in the room got heavier. Something changed behind her gaze, something that brought to mind a flash of that too-wide grin that Rainbow never wanted to see on her friend’s face again.

A reassuring warmth radiated from her blade into Rainbow’s leg. Yeah, I know. She thought back to her silent companion.

Twilight smiled sweetly. “Will implies certainty. I think you may not have the best grasp of what that word means. Surrendering to you is not something we are inclined to do willingly.” Her light tone shifted to one far more weighty. “So tell us, how do you intend to compel us?”

The whole room fell into deathly silence. It was as if every creature there waited with bated breath for the coming explosion.

Power vibrated through Rainbow’s wings, held just below the level that would start to spark. From the other side of the room, the tone of Gilda’s magic followed suit.

The Griffon ‘King’ raised his head high and glared daggers at Twilight. “I challenge…”

With a crash, the doors slammed open. Almost every set of eyes zeroed in on the fluttering streak of red that burst into the room.

Orange wings, tipped with lavender, spread defiantly from under the red cloak. One of the Griffon King’s thugs groaned groggily, pinned under a much smaller pony as they skidded to a halt.

“Scootaloo?" Dash gasped, only barely stopping her jaw from hitting the floor.

Scootaloo’s head snapped up, and she smirked. “Hi, Rainbow. This mook wouldn't let us in.” Said mook shook their head and started to move, only to take a hoof to the face.

Twilight cackled. “So, this is the might of your forces, King Red Wing?”

The Griffon King slowly turned his gaze, burning with hatred. In doing so, he did not notice the other ponies enter. Little Star strode in like an elegant Princess in miniature and, followed by the rest of the Crusaders, marched in as if they owned the place.

“Mother.” Little Star bowed her head respectfully. “I would rate them as half as effective as a typical member of Ponyville’s militia.”

Twilight nodded to her daughter with a proud little smile.

Red Wing looked about ready to burst into flames with how angry he looked. “They are my elite guard. You will pay for your insults.”

“Elite? Hahaha!” Scootaloo fell off her victim as she held her sides and rolled on the floor laughing.

Applebloom rolled her eyes. “Scootaloo, we’re meant to have professionalism, decorum and stuff.”

Their new addition, a thestral colt, facehooved.

“Insult?” Twilight’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “If there is a debt to be paid for insults, the balance of the bill would be yours. You are the one that has been insulting myself, and my entourage, ever since you... demanded our hospitality.”

Red Wing’s stance took on an air of formality. He almost looked like he was beginning to be respectful, almost. “Then, as honour demands, we will settle this with a duel.”

“You have spirit, at least. Few would dare challenge an Alicorn.”

“You are no Celestia, whelp.”

“A factually correct statement, even if you used the wrong term of address. How will you wow me next with your powers of observation?”

If looks could kill, Twilight would be dead and buried. Red Wing seemed to take it as a personal insult that his death gaze was not even noticed. He opened his beak to speak, and Twilight raised a hoof. “If it is a duel you want, it is a duel you will have.” She spent a long moment holding his gaze. “Even between foes, there is a formality that must be observed before we become dance partners.”

“Do not mock me, pony.”

“Very well, griffon. What terms do you desire?”

“No magic, and unarmed.”

Twilight shook her head. “Impossible. We would both be dead before the match started if no magic was allowed.”

“Enough of your word games.”

Twilight's eyes burned with magenta fire, and King Red Wing slumped, his proud wings drooped to the ground as he raggedly gasped for breath. Slowly, the colours started to fade from his vibrant wings.

“That, little griffon, is what it means to be without magic…” Twilight said as her eyes returned to normal.

Red Wing gasped and took a deep breath and then another. With each intake of air, his colour was restored bit by bit. “You will pay for that…”

“I believe you are firm in your determination, at least. Now, perhaps offer terms that actually make sense this time, griffon,” Twilight said politely, but her eyes gleamed as if she was the cat that had the mouse just where she wanted him.

Red Wing pushed himself back to his full height. “This duel shall be settled purely by our unarmed combat prowess.”

“Skill, strength and speed will determine the victor.” Twilight hummed thoughtfully, then nodded. “Shall this be to first blood?”

“No. For your insolence, I can accept nothing less than your death.”

Twilight’s eyes closed for a long blink. When they opened again, something far older seemed to look out from them. “You are certain?”

Don’t do this, jerk…

“I am.” Red Wing said with his chest puffed out and his eyes blazing with confidence. Rainbow could practically hear his internal monologue, ‘I have you right where I want you’.


“Then, as you wish, tomorrow at twilight?”

“I will not give you time to flee. You have one hour to make your peace.”

“This shall be the last moments for one of us, King Red Wing. We should both spend our seconds wisely. Twilight's gaze shifted to a weary sadness before it flicked back to eager anticipation. “We shall reconvene here in an hour.” She rose and turned away from Red Wing. It was as if he simply no longer existed. Her eyes found Candice’s. “Captain, ensure our guests are treated as they deserve.”

Candice nodded, “As you wish, Princess.”

In a flash of magenta, Little Star and the Crusaders popped into existence next to Twilight. “Mother.”

A motherly smile lit up Twilight’s face. “Walk with me.” With those words, she led the Crusaders out of the throne room.

Red Wing’s talons flexed opened and closed to a beat as his eyes tried to do what his talons were too far away to do.

There were twenty minutes left, and each second dragged on like an hour. Dash’s body moved on automatic as she made sure every line and detail of her uniform was exactly in place. Her eyes traced over the lines of her blade, her badge of rank. This is like something from a Daring Do book. The lighthearted thought did nothing to change how serious the situation was, nor how much Twilight had changed.

In the sheen of the weapon’s surface, she could almost see Twilight. The duel with training weapons they shared with the un-Twilight-like flirting. The battle against the mercenaries that wanted to kill the hybrids before Twilight could heal them. The bad-flank date she had with Luna, and finally, her calmly strolling out of a forest fire after dealing with the Headhunter.

Twi… you're not the adorable bookworm you used to be.

A tilt of the blade and a red shimmer danced over its surface. Flame Dancer’s words echoed from Rainbow's memories. She heals the incurable. She walks sheathed in the power to alter the world to her will... She is your Princess, the divine you have chosen to follow. Rejoice in what you have gained, and strive always to be worthy of her. As each statement voiced itself in her mind, more images came. Twilight’s pain that she hid as she gave Scootaloo the skies. The look in Twilight's eyes as she offered to restore Rainbow's wings. The smile as she said, ‘I could not ask for a more loyal knight.’

I guess nopony is the same as they used to be. The scent of grains laced with honey and dried fruits drew Rainbow from her thoughts.

A familiar-looking talon held a slab of flapjack out. “Eat,” Gilda said before she wolfed down the last bit of her fish.

Rainbow leaned closer and snatched the flapjack with her mouth. “Thanks,” escaped her just before she started the serious chewing that rations required.

“I can't believe Twilight is being so stupid.”

Dash swallowed the last of her snack and smirked. “She’s not. She’s got this. Just wait.”

Gilda tipped back a flask of water and took a long gulp. “If even half what you told me is true, yeah, I got no doubts there. But what happens next?” Gilda passed the flask with the question.

“We win?” Rainbow took a long pull from the chilled water. Hydration, hydration, hydration. The words from basic repeated themselves in her mind as she drank.

“‘King’ Red Wing has a lot of friends… and none of them are the good sorts of griffons. How do you think they will react when Twilight tears him a new one?”

Rainbow shrugged and tossed the flask back. “They're gonna cause trouble…”


“Then we make sure we are ready.”

“Twilight’s daughter is here… that's where I would expect the smarter ones to strike. Either for vengeance or a hostage.”

Rainbow nodded.

“So interception or cover?” Gilda asked.

“All Little Star needs is a moment's warning, and she’ll be safe.”

“Just how overpowered is she?”

“She can teleport in point one second.”

Gilda’s gaze bordered on disbelief.

“Really,” Rainbow stated.

“Then all we need to do is buy her half a second.”




Closed talon bumped hoof, and they both made their way out.

Ch 77.2 Griffon Diplomacy: In the Red Corner

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Red Wing waited, supreme in his confidence and terrifying in his anger. In less than an hour, he would claim his destiny. His taste buds almost ached in anticipation of the victory feast that awaited him.

This was the last step, the one act that would unite all the other Griffons under his power. No griffon had dared to challenge Equestria for centuries. They were cowards all. Each year the proud and noble species of warriors became more and more pony-like.

Griffons will never yield to mere grass eaters again. His beak opened in a cruel grin as he focused on everything he knew of his foe. A powerful mage, her spells could shape whole battlefields. Every news report, every bit of gossip, all told the story. She fixed every problem with friendly words or spellcraft. Without your magic, you will be my prey…

One of his spoke unbidden. “Your Majesty. Celestia will not be...”

“Do you think I care?” Red Wing said as he turned his gaze on his lesser.

They froze, their wings spread, and their body shifted, ready to flee, and yet they found the strength to answer without any of their fear infecting their voice. “If you win….”

“If… IF!?” All respect for their self-control vanished, replaced with blood-red anger. “There is no doubt I will win. She is a librarian with illusions of grandeur. Perhaps she is a powerful mage, but in this, her magic will not aid.”

They lowered their head. It seemed they found the stone floor suddenly extremely interesting. Every bit of their body language screamed their utter submission.

Paws padded and talons clicked on the stone floor as King Red Wing paced. After a few minutes, he spoke. “There is nothing to worry about. You seek to advise me. Thank you.” The words cost him nothing, and it was so hard to find good help that would not try and challenge for leadership.

Most of the tension faded from the prostrated griffon. “It is my duty, my King.”

A slight smile came to Red Wing. Every time others recognized his claimed title, it became a little more real. After all, to be King, all you needed to do was to convince everygriff else. “Then rise, and make sure the victory feast is prepared.”

“Yes, my King.”

CH 77.3 Griffon Diplomacy: In the Purple Corner

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Below the obsidian plane, Twilight's physical body hugged her daughter. The dark stormy clouds of Night's realm fit Twilight's current mood.

"How was accepting that duel any better than premeditated murder?"

"What answer do you want?" Sweet Dreams' voice, as enchanting as ever, lifted Twilight's mood from the very first syllable.

Dreams' voice had a magic to it, almost as potent as her scent or the warmth of her wings as they closed around her. Twilight purred lightly as she leaned into the embrace. It was such a simple thing, the touch of another. It was truly amazing how much simple biochemistry and affection could rule her emotions. For a moment, her mind paused. She glanced down at her body that Night currently piloted. The body that had all the needed biology to allow for the intoxicating effects her Dreams caused by even her presence. She was going to have to do a study on it. Later… She thought as she sighed in peaceful contentment.

Minutes passed as Little Star pranced around, joyously regaling Night with her defences of the relief convoys and her improved mastery of spellcraft.

Night's pride in their daughter's deeds seeped into Twilight's heart, and she welcomed it.

"She is a little literal-minded."

Various lessons Twilight remembered came to mind. The mistakes she made by being too literal, being too eager to please Celestia. None of the doubt or angry thoughts thinking of her former teacher often brought stood a chance against Dreams' comforting warmth.

"She gets it from me." Twilight closed her eyes and nuzzled into Dreams' chest. The wings tightened around her, encasing her, holding her tight in a warm shell of loving protection.

"You grew past it, as shall she."


"So, are you a murderer?"

Twilight thought about the question. Really thought about it. The battles she had been in, every time she lashed out in anger. She had been cruel at times, brutal even, but each and every time it would have become murder, she had stopped. Sometimes she had taken that step back herself, but other times there had been external prompting. Night, Rainbow, Candice, and even Celestia had all stopped her from gaining that title so far. She shook her head. "No… at least not yet."

"Did you demand this duel be to the death?" Twilight had not even got her mouth open to speak before Dreams' nuzzle became a kiss. "Griffons like Red Wing seek conflict, dream of having power over all."

"So, that means he deserves to die?"

Sweet Dreams nuzzled Twilight's neck. Her warm breath tickled her ear as she whispered into it. "Recall his words, his posturing. I will tell you what sort of creature he is. If you had sent another here in your stead, he would have attacked them and slaughtered them eagerly. Him being willing to kill those who came here to help, after hiding away like a snivelling coward, marks him for death."

Red Wing was not out to prove his honour, was not out to challenge an equal. No, he challenged her because he 'knew' she was just a weak pony. How dare he… Silence rang loudly in Twilight's mind as realisation struck like lightning. I want to kill him…

"Now," Dreams cooed in her ear. "This is what you need to do…"

CH 77.4 Griffon Diplomacy: Little Star's Choice

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Little Star trotted next to her mother as she walked. The clamour of hoofsteps behind her let her know her friends no longer marched in lockstep. It was a small detail, and she guessed it was alright. There was no longer a line of sight back to the throne room and the Griffons there.

The mean griffon’s words played through Little Star’s mind for the four-hundred-and-sixteenth time. I can accept nothing less than your death.

Zero, times has your mother been in danger from that creature.

Thank you. Little Star thought back to Grey. Each and every time she said that it made Little Star a little calmer. If it were not for the first time she said that after the Mean Griffon made his challenge, she would have lit her horn and dealt with him.

I can accept nothing less than your death. Four-hundred-and-seventeen times she absently noted as her mind worked. Who thought like that? What sort of mind did it take to be able to say something like that and mean it? Eliminating a threat and protecting somepony you cared for, those were reasons to use magic that could kill.

Twilight’s horn lit, and a door up ahead opened. The inside was packed with furs, comfortable cushions and a stack of large paintings.

“So, my daughter, how have you been? Has anything interesting happened while we have been apart?” Twilight asked as Emerald carefully removed each bit of Twilight’s regalia.

Like the floodgates had been opened, words spilled out of Little Star. All the things she had wanted to say to her mother, but separation had prevented it. It was not long before the others joined in, and the tales of their adventures transmuted from a mere story to an energetic reenactment.

The pride shining in her mother’s eyes were like two beacons of hope shining in the darkest abyss. It was almost enough to make her forget what was going to happen in less than ten minutes, almost.


“Yes, my Little Star?”

“Are you going to be alright?”

“Yes, there is nothing to fear.” Her mother said as one of her soft wings enveloped Little Star in a warm hug. She hummed lovingly and spoke in the silent whispers beneath it. “There are some that can’t be saved, some that must be killed, and then there are fools like him that force others to kill them.”

Little Star asked in kind. “You are going to kill him?”

“I am going to turn his wasteful sacrifice into an example.”

“An example for what?”

“Of what happens to those that chose to become my enemy.” With those dark words silently filling the space between them, her mother leaned in and kissed her below the horn. Her voice then returned to the normal audible range. “You and your Crusaders may remain here when the time comes.”

The play fight that her mothers had came to mind. The blood and body parts as they fell to the ground and stained the sand. The horror and disgust that Cadance made her friends forget. The look of joy on her mothers’ faces as they fought.

This time there would be no illusions to hide things. This time it was not for fun. This time someone would die.

Her head started to nod in agreement when another thought came to mind. What if the other Griffons were Bad Griffons too. The nod turned into a defiant shake of the head. “No, mummy.”

“Then, my daughter, watch and learn this most dire lesson.”

Little Star nodded as her mother offered one last hug before she stood.

CH 78.1 Griffon Diplomacy: Ancient and Bloody Traditions

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As her Queen had wanted, so thus it has been made so. Elytron's smile of anticipation did not reach her face. That would be breaking character, after all.

Everything was finely ready. The crowds had assembled. The griffons had gathered into three clumps. The largest group was very much the wait-and-see crowd, those without the resolve or investment to make a choice. The rest were evenly split between the two sides.

The stage was set, and all that was needed were the actors to take their places.

Elytron, in her guise of Emerald Shade, held the appearance of utter serenity. As with all well-trained infiltrators, her own internal emotions were allowed no bearing on the ones she displayed externally. Out of good habit, she burnt some of her reserves to radiate calm confidence with just a dash of the pride of a duty well done. Just because she had changed mistresses did not mean she could be lax. Not that even another changeling would be able to taste her emotions currently, not with the tension so thick in the air that you could almost drown in it.

The crowd’s emotions hung in the air like a near-opaque miasma. Pride, arrogance, hope, fear, gratitude, bloodlust and even a few notes of love. They were more than thick enough that even some of the non-changelings might be able to taste them. It would be years before their lingering echoes would leave the dead stone they had started to seep inside of.

Gilda and one of the Red King’s soldier caste circled the room. Talons scared the floor to make the boundaries of the duel. The sound of talons on stone was definitely not a masterful performance, but it still held many’s attention. Each step they took was like the movement of a hand on a clock, tick-tock, and there was one less moment before the main attraction began.

Elytron took one last look around the throne room. Praetorians Candice, Rainbow and Gilda were at attention, ready and vigilant. Princess Little Star and her own Praetorians-in-training assembled likewise.

Reverence and revulsion wafted off Flame Dancer in equal measure as she stood to one side. A saddle-mounted flag bearing Queen Celestia’s Sun left no doubts as to where her loyalty lay. A pair of mercenaries flanked her. A simple alteration of contract had them happily acting as her guards. Flame Dancer’s group took up their place near the middle of the unaligned griffons. A clear statement of her neutrality.

Compared to the neat tabards or simple lavender sashes all that supported Twilight wore, the Red King’s swarm looked rag-tag, and as more and more of them noticed the new adornments, they shifted and fidgeted. More than one glance at their own lack of heraldry. Hints of shame and embarrassment managed to win through the potent churning mix of emotions.

Almost time.

As soon as the circle was complete, Candice nodded to two of the mercenaries. They left the room, only to come back quickly, each now bearing a standard of a lavender field and Twilight’s mark as its device. One broke left and the other right. In an approximation of symmetry, they took station to either side of the door Queen Twilight was due to enter from.

It was a small thing, a simple instruction followed, but it made all the difference to all that saw it. Whether pony or griffon, it did not matter, two strips of fabric caused so much. Each of Twilight Sparkle’s supporters lifted their heads and stood taller. Unity and pride wafted off them, smothering their fear.

The Red King’s beak clicked closed as he glared at the banners arrayed before him. Envy and determination spilled from him. He stalked forward, unwilling to accept a perceived challenge unmet. His mere presence was an almost tangible aura of intent that dragged most eyes to him. Before them all, the Red King displayed his namesake wings as if posing for a photoshoot. His armour, rings and painted feathers proclaimed his wealth for all to see. His emotions blazed bright, the spice of lust blended with the copper of murderous intent. His self-infatuated love was so potent it once would have been a sweet siren call to her, so irresistible it would draw her in. Now… it was so bland and disgusting it almost turned her stomach.

My Queen, you have spoiled me… Just the memory of intoxicating potency, the power and how delicious Twilight's emotions were was enough to cleanse her palette and have her almost drooling.

He played the part of the peacock, and his display riled up his followers. A stark contrast to the calm professionalism of Twilight's hive. Primitive as it was, it still worked. It still cheered and inspired his bloodthirsty birds.

The minutes rolled past, and with each one, the King’s irritation grew, and the limits of his repartee started to show, and only seconds remained.

With only twenty seconds remaining, the sound of hooves approached. Ears and eyes turned to the entrance. With only ten seconds left, a figure stepped into the room. The Red King was now completely ignored as all gazes focused on Twilight as she stood silhouetted in the doorway. Her from bare of any decorations, as unadorned as she was the day she was born. Still, despite that, her elegant motions as her walk glided her over the ground spoke more than any of the Red King’s finery.

“I thought you had flown off in fright,” The Red Kind said with bravado. The taste of his emotions almost matched. The irritation of being upstaged ate at him, little by little.

Twilight advanced into the room, her movements smooth and graceful, her eyes locked on his. “This is one of your kind’s most sacred of traditions, and that is what you chose your first words to be? Do not belittle this moment, King Red Wing.”

The King nodded, hiding his bitterness behind formalised words. "You have proven your bravery, Princess Twilight. May you die with honour."

“We thank you, but we regret to inform you we will shall be doing our utmost to allow you to die for your honour.”

“The time is now. Say your final goodbyes, and let us be about this.”

Twilight nodded and moved to a position just outside of the ring. "King Red Wing, the self-proclaimed. As per the treaty between our nations. We find ourselves bound to honour your traditions."

The Red King’s talons flexed. "That insult would be enough to cause this duel on its own."

"We are well aware of that. What is your saying? Might as well be hung for a sheep instead of a lamb?" Twilight smiled. "We have no reason not to speak both the truth and our mind to the fullest." She inhaled deeply and restrained the Royal Canterlot voice down to a just-about-non-ear-rupturing volume. "We declare you a coward and an opportunist. You are no proud griffon warrior, nay you be but a vulture playing the part of a thug." She finished levelling her hoof at him as if it were a weapon.

"How dare you?" The Red King’s outrage wafted off him like a visible heat wave. Elytron would not have been surprised if even non-changelings could see it.

"How dare we?" Despite Twilight's scornful tone, only playful amusement and somber acceptance radiated from her. "Quite easily. Either we will be dead and all our worries gone, or more likely, you will be, and this duel will prove our words true."

“I will use your horn to hold my spirits and your coat to warm my bed.”

“Then shall we see whose threads of fate will be cut?” Twilight asked, an amused glint in her eyes contrasted dramatically with her now diplomatic tone.

One of the griffons behind the Red King spoke up. “How do we know she won't use her horn?” Their question was taken up by others around them.

“Is our word not good enough?” Twilight sighed. “For those used to treachery and banditry, it seems not.” She slowly lifted her hoof to her horn. “So be it then.”

Twilight’s eyes fixed on the Red King’s. Then she let the emotional floodgates open. Like last time, the brilliance of an Alicorn’s emotions at full force was breathtaking. Unlike last time, it was not the intoxicating cocktail that sustained her. This time, the raw strength of her emotions where wielded like a magical cannon. Anger, hate, and the cool fires of premeditated vengeance slammed into Elytron’s senses. Again and again, they struck, even aimed at another, they hit her mind like hammer blows.

Unconsciousness pressed in. It promised an end to the pain, it sunk its claws deep, and it was all she could do to stay standing.

She grit her teeth. The lances of pain as they creaked were the only thing that held her in that moment. The emotional assault meant she did not see what happened next, but she heard it. She felt the crowd's horror, their revulsion, concern and panic as it took over the room.

Other than the pounding in her head, the world was silent until a sound broke it. It started as a creek, then a snap like a thick branch breaking mixed with a crunch like an earthpony stomping rocks. A wet tearing sound joined it, and then the scent of fresh blood and ozone snuffed out the musky scents of too many griffons packed in too tightly. Her stomach roiled and churned.

“Come, see if I will be your Prize to claim.” A voice dripping with malicious glee said.

Elytron knew that voice. It was her Queen's. With that realisation, the sound of Twilight’s voice became another anchor, another thing she used to drag herself back to rational thought.

I will not be this weak. She snarled in her own head. In the hive, weakness was death. She might not be in the hive anymore, but she was not just going to lie down and die. Her own self-contempt battered its way past the pain. Holding it back long enough for her to act. Elytron burned more of her Queen's love, enough to feed tens if not hundreds of changelings for weeks spent in seconds. It surged through her system like lightning.

A feeling of power like she had never felt before pulsed through her body with each beat of her heart.

I am Elytron. I am Emerald Shade. I am the Twilight Seneschal. The thoughts resonated and crackled with power. They exploded through her mind like the Royal Canterlot voice that blasted the maelstrom of foreign emotions out.

Elytron stood straight as newfound strength stilled her trembling limbs. Her eyes started to function again. She snapped to full clarity in an instant. It took a fraction of a second to take it all in.

If it were not for the blood that poured from Twilight's now hornless head, Elytron could have been forgiven for believing time had stopped, for nothing else dared move. The blood-soaked into her coat and trialled down the sides of her head to drip to the stone floor.

It only took a moment to spot what had happened. Twilight’s hoof still gripped the side of her horn. Said horn that happened to be buried halfway into the solid stone floor, its core still sparking with magenta magic.

Most of the ponies looked like they could not make their minds up whether to succumb to nausea, faint or rush over to aid Twilight. A lot of the griffons took it worse. Still, the brutality, the insanity of Twilight’s act gave them pause. It froze them in place long enough for her to confidently stalk towards the circle. She was the true predator here, and her emotions screamed it for all that could hear.

This was to be Twilight's stage, and exaltation shot through her emotions. Each near-silent hoof fall sounded in the room like thunder. With each one, the crowd thawed. With each step, the murmuring started.

“Her horn?”


“Oh, my Celestia.”

“She's mad.”


“I'm going to be sick.”

The Red King stepped into the circle at the same moment as Twilight. The room fell to utter silence again as breaths were held.

The Red King kept his glare aimed, but even though his body showed not the slightest hint of fear, his emotions told another story. Doubt and even a little insidious whisper of fear played around the edges of the complex cocktail of conflicting responses that danced within his heart.

Twilight just stood tall, regal and magnificent as any true royal should. There was not a hint of pain or discomfort in her perfect posture.

Elytron could just imagine his thoughts. The doubt, the worry, the wondering just what he had gotten himself into fighting this clearly insane mare.

An impressive statement of resolve, My Queen. If she continued her path of self-mutilation, perhaps ripping a wing off next, she might win by rendering her opponent unable to fight without even needing to lay a hoof on him. Oh, the griffons would never live such a thing down in a thousand years. Elytron thought, keeping a rather Chrysalis-like evil laugh hidden deep inside.

Twilight was in full control. Twilight had this, so there was no need other than to observe history in the making to watch Twilight. There were other things that needed to be done.

Now more settled in herself, Elytron focused on her assigned tasks. Her eyes first checked the young princess and her Praetorians-in-training.

They were grim yet resolved. Princess Little Star’s and Praetorian Meteor Crash’s words, whatever they were, dropped the group's emotions below anything Elytron could sense past the background mess. A mess that she would have to deal with.

Elytron let herself sigh. The things I do for you, my Queen. She breathed in as she nibbled at select bits of her Queen’s allies' emotions. Revulsion, disgust, fear, panic and many other negative ones became her feast. The foul mix burned on the way down, twisted her insides and made her feel like she was about to die, but it was her duty to her Queen Twilight. Her Queen that was loyal to her and that cared for her as more than a tool. Twilight would never kill her simply for her best not being good enough.

Her body knew what it was doing. She concentrated on keeping her breathing natural, in and out at a normal pony rhythm. She fell back on her training. A little trick all infiltrators learned to fit in with a crowd, to become part of it. Find the one thing that unites them. She did her best to ignore most of what she sensed, latching on to only one thread. One type of emotion she let herself savour was the focus on the fight to come. Suddenly, little else mattered but the two that circled like hunting cats. Both had their wings spread.

“This is a most ancient and blooded tradition. Today, honour will be satisfied, bloodlust sated and a legacy started,” Twilight started before her voice gained a half-crazed and joyous edge. “I never would have thought I would get to live through an authentic historic experience like this.” Twilight bowed her head respectfully and schooled her voice. "For this opportunity, you have our thanks."

That little seed of fear built. It vibrated and needed a way out. With an almost audible snap, it broke free, and the King acted first. He pivoted his body and pounced. His powerful legs and wings surged and propelled him forward, talon points first.

Twilight pushed herself up and to the side, a hasty dodge smoothly morphing into a dancer's pirouette. “It has been so long since I danced… Thank you, I won’t ever forget this.” Her words matched the sincerity in her heart, not that the Red King could sense that.

The King screeched his avian war cry. He reared up as he advanced, his talons ripped through the air in a furious flurry of swipes. His rage burned brightly. Its spice blasted through every other emotion in the room.

Twilight moved, twisted and danced around the strikes. She allowed each to come close enough that their passage caressed her coat. Her tranquil emotions contrasted completely with his razor-focused killing intent.

Hints of pain seeped into his furry as he pushed himself faster and faster. “Fight me!” He snarled.

“Rainbow, give me a beat,” Twilight said as calmly as if she was drinking tea. A serene cat-like smile graced her muzzle.

Rainbow did not hesitate. She stomped her hooves. Stomp. Stomp, stomp, crash. Thunder boomed from her wings on the same four-beat as in her duel with the Lunar Alicorn. It was not long before the mercenaries picked up the rhythm. Even some of the griffons joined in after a few iterations.

More and more of the focus pressed in on the fight. It was as if the whole of reality held its breath. The sounds of the dueler’s motions. The clacks of claw on stone, the clop of hooves. Wings beating the air. With expert motions, Twilight controlled it all, guiding her dance partner to the rhythm she set. She baited his attacks and forced him to defend. Raw skill turned this duel to the death into a dance.

It was then she started to sing. A haunting yet fast-paced tune. It blended the motions with Rainbow’s beat.

Alien words thrummed through the ponies’ emotions and reverberated through the throne room. It was not Equestrian nor any other tongue Elytron knew. But that did not matter. Somehow, she understood. The song told of honour's cost, a warrior's duty and the remembrance both deserved. It talked of unity and her pledge to always defend those that were hers.

The hearts of the ponies, and even the griffons loyal to Twilight, stirred and unbidden, added their own voices and their own harmony to the song.

"Such unity." A tear rolled down Elytron’s face. It was beautiful. It was everything the hive link should have been, everything it could have always been.

The fight, no, the ritual dance, moved on. Twilight pushed him. She taught, and he learned. She drove him to heights even he himself did not know he could reach.

Time and time again, her hooves or wings brushed against him. Time and time again, his talons failed to find her by the smallest of margins. With each miss, his anger, his passion flared higher, burned brighter. He never yielded, and in those moments, he had never felt so alive before. He was a griffon being everything a griffon was meant to be.

But, as with all mortals that burn the brightest, that flame flickered and dimmed. Little by little, his motions slowed. His breaths became ragged, and his emotions started to blur into each other, yet he never gave up.

Disappointment seeped out from Twilight. There was a flash of sadness that was crushed by a resolve as frozen as glacial ice. She bowed her head in respect as she ducked under a sluggish swipe and then spun away from him. She met his eyes with a little mocking smile on her face, just as it twitched into a smirk. Then she closed her eyes.

The Red King roared, his fatigue forgotten. He lunged and twisted, and at the last moment, his feint got his talons close enough to caress her throat and leave a thin line of blood through her dark coat.

His emotions surged. 'I can win', they practically screamed as he put everything he had left into his next attack. It left him open, too open, as he drove his talons forward with his whole body.

Stomp. One

Twilight’s hoof slammed into his forehead. The impact rocked him back as if hit by an ursa major. He backpedalled, but it was too little, too late. She surged after him.

Two Stomp. Crack.

On the beat, a pair of lavender wings cleaved down through the air and slammed into his open sides.

Three Stomp.

Twilight turned, and in a snap motion, her tail lashed his face like it was steel. His head rocked sideways, denying him any chance to see what lay beneath it as she planted her hooves.

Four Boom! A titanic impact rocked the throne room. The room fell to a heavy silence. The Red King was no longer next to Twilight. He was no longer even in the duelling circle.

Twilight stood alone, still as a statue. One rear leg aloft and fully extended, post kick, as she looked over her own withers to sight along it. Her three grounded hooves were surrounded by cracked stone from just how hard she had gripped.

All eyes followed the line of Twilight's leg past the hoof and to the throne. A throne that the Red King had shattered. His beak opened and closed, but his chest did not move. He had already taken his last breath.

Twilight dusted her hooves off and slowly stalked over to the King. Each hoof step shook each of her detractors, if not the room, as if it was an earthquake. “You have fought well, former King Red Wing. Leave this world without regrets.”

His eyes locked on to her. He would have been trembling in fear if his body could still move. The once proud King now tasted like nothing more than the mouse looking upon the cat.

‘No, no, no!’ his eyes said. ‘Yes, yes, yes’, Twilight’s warm smile said back.

With the softest of touches, she rested a hoof over the indent in his shattered chest. “Ssshh, it's alright. You have nothing to fear, the endless skies await you. Your strength, your legacy, will live on in me.” She leaned closer. It almost looked like she was going to nuzzle him. "I will make this as quick as I can,“ she whispered in his ear.

One rear hoof stomped on his thigh, anchoring him in place. With medical care, she gripped either side of his chest with her front hooves.

She pulled.

His beak opened in a silent scream.


She opened his chest as if it was a frozen door. The ice sealing it shut shattered with brute force. Without hesitation, she lowered her muzzle. Flesh ripped, and when her head rose, his dripping heart was held in her jaws.

With a flick of her head, the removed organ flew into the air, only to be caught in her mouth again. She peered down at his broken and ruined remains. Cold eyes watched as the last fleeting embers of life faded from his.

Yet somehow, his fear, his pain still danced completely fresh in Elytron's senses.

"These are not the right teeth for this," Twilight mumbled as she persevered and devoured the whole of the liberated organ. With the last of it gone, the lingering remnant of the King’s emotions vanished like a light being turned off. Twilight’s tongue slowly licked her lips in a very unpony like manner.

Only Elytron’s continued efforts kept the horror, fear and disgust from turning the ponies against Twilight. Burning even more power, she pushed pride, safety and trust for Twilight out. So much so that any changelings would drown in it.

She imperiously looked down her bloody muzzle at the former King's entourage. "By the right of conquest and your blood oaths, your lives are mine," she growled. "Shall your lives enrich my blade or your service our flock?"

Almost as one, they all bowed, the tips of their beaks pressed to the ground, their eyes averted.

Twilight snorted. “Remember your choice. Your death will be far worse than the ‘mercy’ Red Wing received.” She flared her wings. “My Griffons, My ponies, all who follow me. Know that this territory is mine. Woe to any that seek to take it from me.”

Little Star walked towards her mother, flanked by her Praetorians. They moved in step, as polished as any Royal Guard she had ever seen.

On the way, her magic retrieved Twilight’s horn. The magenta glow of Little Star’s magic might have well been a cushion and the severed horn a crown.

Twilight turned for the first time to face her allies. “My followers, my companions, my friends. Be at ease. We have prevailed. We are safe. Mind not the blood and the savagery that ancient traditions demanded. We are victorious.”

Like a dam had ruptured, the projected emotions suddenly found perches. They were no longer needed to hold back a panic, now the mood of the crowd surged, and hooves were stomped and voices raised, a powerful cheer erupted.

As Little Star got nearer, the crowd silenced. This moment was important, and they all knew it. This moment would be one that set the path of history.

“Thank you, my Little Star,” Twilight said, lowering her head. As her daughter placed her horn back where it belonged, a shock wave of magenta magic exploded out. As it raced along every surface it touched, it gained a lavender-shaded crystal-shine to it.

A collective gasp went up from the crowd. The newly pledged griffons were staring, stupefied at their own armour. It was not the same shape as it had been. Prominently displayed on it was a great tree set upon the background of a very recognisable star.

The pledged Griffons bowed deeply as the others tried to bring the castle down with the volume of their cheers and the thunder of their hooves.

Masterfully done, my Queen. Elytron mentally purred.

CH 78.2 Little Star and the Aftermath of Griffon Politics

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The dead griffon's body… it just lay there, broken, discarded, split open and thrown away like a candy wrapper.

Little Star stood still, her body as ridged as a statue. The silence let her know she was not the only one. A coldness sat in her chest. Something had changed, something had been lost, and yet she could not tell what.

The result of a primitive magicless irreversible transmutation lay on the ground. Someone that was once a living thinking creature was now just an empty thing.

The stone floor felt just the same under her hooves as it had before. The walls looked the same. Every tangible factor about the room was a near-perfect match to how it had been before… and yet, it was completely different.

The dead griffon's body was still there. The dim lifeless eyes stared right at her.

Her hoof came to her chest, and she started to breathe in. Why can't I smell the blood? It was just a simple question. It was a pointless question, but she latched onto it anyway.

With a new puzzle in hoof, the world changed again. The organic matter laying there was an uninteresting collection of organs, flesh, bone, fur and feathers cooling in a large pool of blood.
Maybe the blood is not real? It was a far better question than wondering why his heart was no longer in his chest. Unlikely, but simple to verify. She reached out and called to the blood, and it answered. Its warmth called back with its promise of power. The slightest ripple marred its still surface as it asked to be used.

Her mother moved a hoof, and her body shifted, ready to turn, but she stilled. If her mother turned, Little Star knew what she would see. She could already feel the blood that drenched her mother's coat. Even from behind, she could clearly see the jaw muscles flexing with effort as her mother chewed.

Another warmth pressed against her. Little Star released the blood and instead leaned into the familiar effect. Emerald's magic felt like a warm hug as it enfolded her. It was a promise that everything was going to be alright. It was nice. It offered comfort, but unfortunately, against the power of her wellspring, a physical hug would have been orders of magnitudes more effective.

Like when Cadance's power altered the memory of the girls, Little Star's own mind was not affected this time either. Even as she wished to succumb to it, all that happened was a mental count when up by one and then another. One more with each chew the griffon's heart received.

"These are not the right teeth for this", Twilight mumbled.

Her mother's words broke something. Cold logic abandoned her. That was not just a bunch of matter that lay on the floor. It had been no necessary operation that had regretfully mutilated them. Here and now, there had been no mistake.

Mummy Twilight is eating his heart! Conflicting thoughts and emotions ran rampant around Little Star's head. It was like a pack of bunnies had stampeded around her ordered mind and not tidied up afterwards.

Bookfort? Error: insufficient books.

Ask the Crystal Castle to relocate self to under bed? Error: not in the Castle of Friendship.

Hug Mummy. Error: she is eating someone's heart while considering her non-optimal dentistry.

A tightness built in her chest, and the world started to dim. One, time you have almost hyperventilated today. Grey's word stopped her dead like she galloped full speed into a padded wall.

Well, that would not solve anything. Little Star thought as her mind started to list hyperventilation's medical disadvantages. Wordlessly she sent her thanks to Grey. The phantom sensation of an awkward hug let her know it had been received. Ok, think, you can figure this out… just look at this as another test.

The dead body was still there. The flesh held no magic, so they were gone. Nothing could be done to alter today's events. What she needed to do was work out what to do now. Emerald Shade's magic still held the crowd, so there was at least some time.

Need to make a list… lists can solve anything. Little Star nodded, her horn flared with a rapid sequence of spell components she threw together into a trio of spells. A delayed customised notice-me-not spell, an item summoning spell. And a weaker version of the mental splitting spell. They all activated successfully, and not a single creature even looked her way. For a moment, she thought about her impressive feat of stealth casting, and then she reconsidered. Her mother's current activity might have helped a bit with that.

So, which of us does what? Little Star Two asked.

Well, I'll work on the good, and you work on the bad? One thought back.

Alright, and then we swap?

Little Star One nodded.

So they both set to work. The two S-fives rapidly filled with text. A few moments later, the mind-split spell ended. The now singular Little Star looked between the two self-levitating scrolls.

With another task at hoof, she could almost ignore the sounds, almost. Her eyes flicked between both lists. Everything she needed to work this out was right here in ink.

The good.
He asked for this, so Mummy only gave him what he wanted.
Mummy is safe. (It was the only plausible outcome.)
He was a bad griffon.
Mummy is alive. (This griffon had no chance of killing our Mummy, even with only our own level of healing, a griffon's talons are nothing to really worry about.)
He wanted to kill Mummy.
He was a bully to the other griffons.
He was going to steal all the food.
Mummy had fun.
Mummy is safe.
Nopony got hurt.
Grey is alright with this.
Mummy is alright.

The bad
She killed him. (He was a bad griffon… he got his just punishment.)
He did not stand a chance. (Why is this a bad thing?)
Mummy played with him.
He was already defeated. Mummy did not need to kill him. (He brought this on himself.)
She enjoyed killing him. (She was acting like she was with Mummy Luna.)
She is eating his heart. (He is dead. It no longer matters.)
Emerald Shade is using magic to alter everypony's emotions. (She is just stopping ponies from getting bad memories.)

Zero, times was this needful. Zero, times was this her fault. Grey's mental monotone intruded.

The most important thing is Mummy is still alive. Two said.

Little Star one nodded. Naturally…, then it dawned on her. How are you still here?

I'm still trying to work that out. We got the spell right, and it's ended.

Well, at least now we can read and walk without tripping. She thought before a commanding voice snapped her attention back to the world around her.

"By the right of conquest and your blood oaths, your lives are mine." Her mother growled, her voice thrumming with power. "Shall your lives enrich my blade or your service our flock?"

The griffons dropped into bows so fast their beaks almost got stuck in the floor.

Twilight snorted. "Remember your choice. Your death will be far worse than the mercy Red Wing received." She flared her wings. "My Griffons, my ponies, all who follow me. Know that this territory is mine. Woe to any that seek to take it from me."

Something brushed against Little Star, One opened their mouth to say something, and Two snapped their head to look. Crash's wing had just brushed against them. He nodded his head to the side. One followed the indicated line and found what he meant. Mummy's horn.

He leaned in a little closer. "Pretend it's her crown and return it to where it belongs," he said in his thestral whisper.

Little Star tilted her head to the side. Yes, she could just pretend. She nodded and looked to the rest of her friends, and they nodded. That little support made her feel warm inside.

Little Star tapped the ground twice and started walking. The Crusaders fell in beside her, their red cloaks both impressive and awesome as they flowed after them. Rarity really did good work.

Without pausing her march, Little Star reached out with her aura and retrieved the 'crown'. The delusion faded as she looked over it. It was not every day she got to see the inside of a horn, let alone an Alicorn's.

Every creature watched them as they got closer to her mother. Twilight turned, finally revealing the blood that had soaked her muzzle, neck, and chest. Magic spilt out into the room before even the first words were spoken. "Be at ease. We have prevailed. We are safe. Mind not the blood and the savagery that ancient traditions demanded. We are victorious."

Each magically infused statement was little more than a polite suggestion to Little Star. From the relaxing of muscles and the calming of her friend's internal magics, each statement became true for the other Crusaders.

The roar, the cheer that erupted, almost made Little Star jump. It was so loud that she had no idea how Crash and her mother's ears were not flat against their skulls.

Little Star continued forward. With each step, the crowd got quieter until they were almost entirely silent. Only the softest of breaths and heartbeats reached her ears.

"Thank you, my Little Star," Twilight said as she presented the jagged home of the 'crown'.
It took only a glance and a quick rotation to ensure the 'crown' would fit snugly on the first attempt.

Once it got within a hoof width, small arcs of magenta danced between the horn and its home. When it finally touched, a brilliant flash expanded out.

A shock wave of magic rushed past, caressing Little Star's horn. Dozens of transmutation runes and half of her mother's magic rushed past. The magic cried out with playful glee as it embraced the world.

All around, things changed. The walls, the decorations, and the armour the griffons were wearing, but the magic did not stop there. With her horn, Little Star could follow it, sense it as it burst out of the confines of the throne room. The magic dug deep into the mountain's roots and raced out to greet the arcane shield protecting the castle.

The crowd was cheering again. This time it seemed quiet despite the visible effort they put in. The nearby air seemed thicker, stiller somehow, and a tingle tickled Little Star's back.

Twilight looked at her new griffon guards. "See to him," she said, nodding to the body. One of them saluted, and then two of them headed over to the dead King.

This close, it was easy to see what happened. The open torso cavity, even with how messy it looked, it was easy to see the damage. Her mind did what it always did and analysed, counted and came to conclusions.

After all, a griffon's body is comprised of different materials, each with known magic resistance, tensile strength, shear strength, modulus of elasticity and brittleness.

Her mind drifted back to Ponyvile, to the clean-up effort and moving of the ruined buildings. The kinetic force needed to produce the observed results on the griffon's body was orders of manganite below what she had used in her chores. I could do that. The thought hit her like a ton of bricks. I could just reach out with my aura and do that... Like fire, it was just another horrifying thing she could inflict on others.

Zero, times you have been a bad pony. Grey said, sending the sensation of a hug.

Her mother's wing pulled Little Star in close. The feathers were warm and the coat soft, but all Little Star could smell was the blood.

"Mummy?" Little Star asked in whisper speak.

"Yes, my Little Star?"

Dozens of questions wanted out of Little Star's head, but only one made it out of her mouth. "Why?"

Twilight smiled sadly as she tightened the hug. "Three reasons, my daughter. First, this path costs the least lives in the long run. Second, he wished to fight in a battle that would be remembered throughout the ages, so I granted him his wish. Third, this display means the griffons will follow my plan."

Cold logic said they were good reasons. Grey thought they were good reasons. Mummy ate his heart. The thought came back unbidden.

"Mummy... Why did you eat his heart?"

Twilight's expression tightened for a moment. "It is their tradition... we can talk more later... as much as I want just to be your mother right now... I have to be a Princess for a while longer."

"I know..."

The kiss that pressed into the top of her head under her horn was no less loving for the blood it left in its wake.

Twilight nodded to the way out. "Go. We will talk later."

The stone under her hooves sounded different. Each clop was sharper and more defined than before the castle's change.

Little Star watched her friends as they followed Emerald Shade. Now that they were away from others, every air of formality had evaporated from the Crusaders.

"That fight was awesome!" Scootaloo said as she hovered overhead.

Up until the end, Little Star would have happily agreed. She glanced at Scootaloo. It did not matter that she was a living pony nor that she was one of her best friends. Little Star's mind still provided two numbers. Two little factoids. The exact number of thaums needed to provide the thermal energy for total combustion and how many to tear open her torso.

With the sound of a quill scratching parchment, a new mental count was advanced by one.

"Yeh, we all know," Applebloom said, rolling her eyes in exasperation.

"This is your room," Emerald Shade said as her aura opened the door with a flourish.

Like the rest of the place, it was now all done in her mother's colours. With a cry, Scootaloo dive-bombed the bed.

Crash hesitated at the threshold. "We're sharing a room?"

Emerald Shade studied him for a second. "It would be wisest."

Crash nodded and trotted in. With a soft smile, Emerald closed the door, and moments later, her hoof steps retreated.

Little Star looked up at the bed. It felt like too much effort to get there, so she teleported.

Did what her mother did count as mind control? Was it right? Little Star mused as a pillow fight broke out around her. A little bit of magic to her horn and a magenta shield sheltered her.

Crash and Scootaloo pushed themselves as far as possible, turning the pillow fight into a pillow war.

Sweetie Belle hunkered down, taking cover behind the dome. Little Star shifted closer and let the shield membrane flow over Sweetie.

"Thanks, Star. Being caught between those three is just too much."

Little Star nodded, then twisted reality and pulled her textbook from its extra-dimensional pocket. "Want to study together?"

Sweetie Belle looked over the book title. One moment, then two, and her face shifted, becoming pensive. "Star... I'm not that good yet."

With a warm smile, Little Star hugged her friend. "Don't worry, I'll help you."

Appleboom used the shield bubble as cover as she moved in for a surprise attack. With a quick nod to each other, Scootaloo and Crash united and repelled it so they could focus entirely on each other again.

Applebloom eeked, "Alright, Ah surrender!" She said from under a small mountain of pillows.

The war became the background for the magic lesson. Little Star had to try her hardest not to make Starlight Glimmer impressions with every other statement.

Time after time, cushions impacted with so much force it should have been their end, yet no feathery explosions happened. An hour, six minutes and fourteen seconds later, they collapsed against each other, asleep.

Crash lightly snored as Scootallo snuggled against him. Sweetie Belle giggled softly before her own yawns cut it off.

The earthpony magic that flowed through their bodies made all the difference. It allowed them to keep going and going and going until they ran out of magic.

Applebloom was already asleep.

"Good night, everypony," Little Star said quietly.

"Night." Sweetie Belle just got out past her yawn.

The bed was soft, and the pillow was perfectly comfortable. The soothing sounds of her friends' breathing that so often lulled her to sleep were there. Sweetie Belle snuggling against her side was an undeniable piece of evidence that her friends were really here. All those factors should have allowed her to sleep, yet here she was, still awake.

She sighed, repositioned, and tried again. One book, Two books, Three Books... She got to three thousand, and still, she was awake.

As her friends slept around her, Little Star pulled out her two lists again. All the good and all the bad about what her mother did.

The good.
He asked for this, so Mummy only gave him what he wanted.
Mummy is safe. (It was the only plausible outcome.)
He was a bad griffon.
Mummy is alive. (This griffon had no chance of killing our Mummy, even with only our own level of healing, a griffon's talons are nothing to really worry about.)
He wanted to kill Mummy.
He was a bully to the other griffons.
He was going to steal all the food.
Mummy had fun.
Mummy is safe.
Nopony got hurt.
Grey is alright with this.
Mummy is alright.

The bad
She killed him. (He was a bad griffon… he got his just punishment.)
He did not stand a chance. (Why is this a bad thing?)
Mummy played with him.
He was already defeated. Mummy did not need to kill him. (He brought this on himself.)
She enjoyed killing him. (She was acting like she was with Mummy Luna.)
She is eating his heart. (He is dead. It no longer matters.)
Emerald Shade is using magic to alter everypony's emotions. (She is just stopping ponies from getting bad memories.)

At least an hour passed with her staring at her own words. Slowly she came to a decision. It did not matter what she had written. Only two things really mattered.

With deft motions of a quill, she crossed both out and just wrote 'Mummy is still alive' on one and 'I love Mummy Twilight' on the second. With that, she let her horn go out and tried to settle to sleep, and this time it worked.

As the dream realm claimed her, she heard her Mummy Luna's voice. "I have been waiting for you, My daughter."

CH 79 Fluttershy's Trip

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Something damp and soft welcomed Fluttershy's returning awareness. The scents of old feathers and salt greeted her first breath, a perfect complement to the sorrow that wrapped around her heart.

Despite the lack of bad dreams, her heart still weighed heavily in her chest. She did not want to disturb any of her friends, so she laid still and stayed silent.

A warmth shifted, and a powerful forelimb wrapped itself around her barrel. The claws that oh so lightly rested against her flesh would have terrified many. "I'm alright, Harry." Fluttershy's own hoof found a place on his powerful leg. "Thank you."


Fluttershy adjusted, nuzzling her head against Harry's thick fur instead of the damp pillow. A thick heavy paw stroked her mane. It was clumsy and awkward, but still, it was just what she needed to drift off to sleep again, wrapped in the warm, loving embrace of one of her protectors.

Sometime later, something dragged her from the cosy haze of sleep. A rapid thumping demanded her attention. It was insistent and urgent, and with her first waking thought, she knew just what rabbit it had to be. "Thank you, Angel."

As much as just laying here would have been lovely, she had lots to do today. She slowly extracted herself from Harry's slumbering form. Despite everything that had happened, she felt rested and calm.

Her eyes glanced up on their own as if drawn by something. Hung above her bed was the only thing that allowed her to sleep at all. The dream catcher shimmered softly as the sunlight played over its delicate web. Despite all the nightmares it kept at bay, her ears drooped every time she looked at it. The silent echoes of countless screams still trying to reach her from those first few nights after the attack.

The room had plenty of space, but that just made it easy to spot what was missing. So many of her friends were gone… so many of the little animals she talked to each day. 'Memoires are not Dreams.' Princess Luna had said with sympathy.

Her eyes settled on the dusty tea service. It was just yet another reminder. Discord, please come back. For a moment, it was almost like his forlorn face looked back from the crystal wall, but no, it was just wishful thinking.

She closed her eyes and just breathed. Thinking back to the princess's soft smile as she asked Miss Araneae, the spider, to weave the dreamcatcher. It was such a kind smile. A little bit of guilt stirred in her chest. That nightmare night, how she was so terrified by Princess Luna. That had not been the kindest response she could have given.

When she opened her eyes again, she was surrounded. All around her, dozen of her animals watched her. "Good morning," Fluttershy said as the others growled, chittered, squeaked or squawked, otherwise voiced their greetings.

"Now, let's see about getting you all breakfast. Won't that be nice?" The warm smile she showed was just what they all needed. "No, you can not eat Opal. That would be mean and would make Rarity unhappy." Fluttershy shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry, not even if you ask very nicely."

With soft flaps of her wings, she crossed the room and opened the wardrobe. What was once packed full of supplies was already starting to run low. Oh dear… She thought as she looked at the gnawed-on packages. Now, who has been getting in here?

Another hungry request was voiced by some of the meat eaters.

"No, you can't just take a bite if you get hungry," Fluttershy answered as she ran the numbers. If she bulked out the meat with other things as much as was safe, there were just a little more than two weeks left. Just fifteen days before, there would be… problems.

Deliberately not thinking about that, Fluttershy closed the door. As the latch clicked closed, Angel bunny glared and then kicked the door.

Fluttershy reached out to pet him. "I'm sorry, we have to make the food last."

Angel stomped and glared more.

"That's all we have until more can be grown. You know we all have to share." She said, just knowing today was going to be a long day.

With practised ease, she gathered all her medical supplies and slipped her saddle bag on. A small slip of paper lay at the bottom of the now-empty drawer.

"Oh, my," Fluttershy said as her mind asked Why did you keep this? With a wing, she plucked it up and turned it over. She knew what it said before the words came into view.

As I just found out earlier tonight, a Princess is allowed a harem. Are you interested?

She stared at the words feeling the warmth in her cheeks as she remembered being held by Twilight. With a soft sigh, she shook her head. She already has too many special ponies.

With a half smile, she returned the note, still unsure why she treasured it. She took a long breath and steeled herself. There were lots of ponies that needed her help today. So she left the room to bravely face whatever the day had in store for her.

Hours later, Fluttershy pressed her forehead against the wall and sighed. Unshead tears burned in her eyes, and she closed them. "How can they be so mean?"

The cooling crystal wall helped settle the pounding in her head. As the pain faded, hunger gnawed at her, but as long as she had something to eat tomorrow, she would be alright, and there would be a little more to feed others.

With each breath, she calmed down a little more. Most of the day had not been terrible. With Little Star gone, so many little things and not-so-little things needed to be done. With her magic, teleportation and healing abilities, she did the job of a dozen ponies on her own. Then add all the help the CMC provided, even if they ran through the halls making a game of everything, they were far more help than hindrance.

Most ponies were happy to help. Most ponies were willing to come together in the sense of community. Twilight would have been proud of them.

Unfortunately, some did not. Her ears flattened as their horrible words came to her again.

"Whys is my breakfast late?"

"I'm terribly sorry."

"Don't let it happen again."

"You're not a doctor…."

"I'm trained…."

"How can you even do medicine without a horn?"

"Good morning," Fluttershy said, her soft voice and warm smile still natural despite all the unpleasantness she had endured all day.

"Thank Celestia"

"Yes, she does raise the sun every day."

"Oh, that's not what I mean."

Fluttershy remembered as she looked over the medical chart. Little Star's horn writing was all over it, but strangely, there were water stains on it. Tears? Everything is going well… they are getting better. Why would there be tears? Maybe they are happy tears? She had thought how wrong she had been.

"I'm just glad that little monster is gone."

A horrible feeling had come over Fluttershy. They could not mean what it sounded like they meant… could they? She took a breath and asked as cheerfully as she could. "Little Monster?"

A scent heavily laden with sugar reached her, pulling her from those vile words. Instead, "Cupcake?" Pinkie's voice asked.

That did not happen today? It took a long moment before it registered. Fluttershy looked up into the smiling face of Pinky Pie, whose warm eyes knew, accepted and promised to do anything she could to make things right.

"Please, give it to one of the foals. If you don't mind." Fluttershy said as her stomach growled in hunger.

"No, this emergency pick-me-up cupcake is for you."

Not even giving Fluttershy a chance to respond, Pinkie Pie shoved the treat into Fluttershy's open mouth. The sweetness caressed her tongue as the flavours called to happier memories.

The tea-infused sponge of the cupcake paired well with the lemon and honey-flavoured icing. Fluttershy hummed as she slowly consumed it. The last time she had this flavour was back at the last picnic when Pinkie had tried new flavours. Most had been lovely, if strange... some had been only things Discord liked.

Discord. The name hung there in her mind. "Discord... where are you?" She breathed out just to be enveloped in soft pinkness, and Pinkie Pie pulled her into a warm hug.

More tears fell, and this time soaked into her friend's coat and not her pillow.

"Everything will be alright... in the end..." Pinkie Pie whispered softly. Despite the reassuring words, a shiver ran down Fluttershy's spine. Pinkie's strong hoof ran along her back, massaging away the newly tense muscles.

Pinkie Pie was like Harry, the bear. Strong, powerful, but also so very warm. Fluttershy cuddled against Pinkie's soft coat. The earth pony's scent was warm and surgery, but less so than it used to be. Through the contact, it was painfully obvious that Pinkie had lost weight.

"You should come to the party." Pinkie Pie was all smiles as she pulled an invitation out of her mane.

"Party?" Fluttershy said as she looked over the glitter-covered invitation.

"Yes." Pinkie Pie bounced in place. "It's going to be super fantastic."

You plus anypony you like are invited to the supply delivery day party at Noble Guide's place.

"Noble Guide's Place?"


"If it is alright... could you tell me where that is, please?"

"Oh, don't be silly, it's the new place Bluey and Rarity take those wagons of food too."

"Are they nice there?"

"Yep, they are the nicest," Pinkie said, tightening the hug. "Come on!" The pink mare started to sing. There was a blur of motion, spirals of different colours, and a lot of confetti.

Suddenly she was outside with the last words of a heart-song fading from her lips. As with every time it happened, there was a moment of confusion, a moment when you just had to adjust to how you found yourself.

How did I get here? Her mind started to ask before remembering one key fact. It's just Pinkie being Pinkie. She stopped trying to puzzle things out. She looked around, taking in her surroundings.

Fluttershy patted Harry's broad back as she perched on it. He was attached to a waggon that was piled with boxes. A few of her smaller animal friends napped atop the boxes, enjoying the sunlight and fresh air. Each and every one of them had a small party hat on. Fluttershy reached a hoof to her head and found one of her own.

Just a little ahead of her, Pinkie Pie pranced along her little cart with the party cannon mounted atop being dragged along in her wake.

She twisted to look behind her. Her sharp eyes trivially judged the distance. She was five to five hundred and ten Celestias away, Ponyville. Above the Crystal Castle, Little Star's cloud fort floated. Starlight and Trixie were there with a telescope. Their heads shifted about as if they were looking around. They are making sure we are safe.

Between the warmth of Harry's coat below her and knowing Starlight and Trixie were keeping watch, she could follow her small friend's lead, curl up, and doze in the sunlight. Lazily, she opened her wings. The cooling breeze contrasted with the warming sun.

"Fluttershy darling, I did not know you were joining us," Rarity's voice called out.

Armour hid some of Rarity's body, and she had weapons strapped to her sides. Somehow she managed to make it look elegant and graceful, but that did not hide the fact that she was armed and moved comfortably with the weight. She was beautiful, like a show cat, but like all cats, she had sharp claws.

"Oh, hello, Rarity... how are you doing?"

"You know, just going on a little stroll through the countryside."

Fluttershy would have had to have been blind not to see that, for this group, this was anything but a 'stroll in the countryside'. Armoured earth ponies formed a perimeter around the convoy while pegasi circled above and unicorns stood with horns ready atop the wagons.

"Are we going to be attacked?" Fluttershy asked in a voice little more than a whisper.

"Not very likely, Darling, and even if we are, we will be perfectly safe."

A shiver crawled down Fluttershy's spine. Her mind tried to go back to another journey. That panicked trip between her cottage and the castle. 'Those' horrible memories were nothing more than closed eyes away from being seen again.

Rarity reached a hoof up and rested it against Fluttershy's leg. "If anything happens, I'll protect you."

"Geeer," Harry added his own promise of protection to Rarity's.

In the distance, a magenta dome marked their designation. The closer they got, the larger it seemed. The crossed stone arches supported the bubble of light. "That's big enough to fit all of Ponyville in."

"Our Twilight has created quite the magical marvel. I only wished she consulted me before she finalised it... so much more could have been done to make it more... welcoming."

A group of ponies had gathered just inside the dome. Foals of all different tribes energetically played. They galloped and flew around, throwing a ball between them. After everything that had happened, they could still play.

"The ponies seem to be happy there." Fluttershy watched them with her small smile.

Rarity turned to look at her. "You can see them from here?"

"Oh yes... I know I'm not the best flyer, but my eyes are just as good as Rainbow's."

"Rainbow can see that far?"

"Yes, all pegasi can... didn't you know?"

Rarity's expression shifted slightly back and forth before settling on mild exasperation. Her expression settled on a much happier one. "As wonderful as Twilight's home is, with so many ponies, it can be just a tad crowded. It's nice to have just a bit more space."

The sky above was open and the land around was almost pristine. Any other pegasi would hear the wind's call and want to be up in the endless skies and not down here at the bottom of the world.

For all the beauty the landscape still held, there was still something missing. No birds flew in the open air, and no little creatures darted about in the grass. Were they in hiding... or were they gone?

Nearer to them was a blackened scar where green grass should have been. Fluttershy looked away and petted Harry's head as much for her own reassurance as his. When Ponyville was attacked, even the Blighted screamed in pain, and there had been so much fire...

Fluttershy closed her eyes, and the world seemed safer. The presence of Harry beneath her, the scent of her other animal friends and Rarity. Celestia's sun still beamed down its warmth.

When she opened her eyes again, they had passed the scar by, and the happy ponies were now waving. Behind them stood three stone figures, Twilight, Princess Celestia and a unicorn. They were so life-like that, for a moment, she thought a cockatrice might have been misbehaving again. Their just statues, she thought with relief.

Nopony slowed as they approached Twilight's shield. They just kept walking through it as if it were not there. That just gave her more time to admire the three statues.

Princess Celestia's looked down as serenely and motherly as usual.

Twilight stood reared up with her wings flaring like a protector. Little bits of crystal embedded in her horn caught the shield's light and added to the illusion.

The unicorn, Noble Guide, had no less work or love put into creating his likeness, and it was as if his welcoming smile was just for her.

Next to the three statues was a signpost. One that should proudly declare a town's name. Instead, all this one said was.

Welcome to

Just before it was her turn, she heard something. She swivelled her ears, trying to find what it was.

"No..." Discord's distinct voice called out.

A cold claw of ice trailed down Fluttershy's spine. "Discord?" She looked around frantically. Like every time she had thought she had heard him, there was nothing, not a single sign of her friend.

The sensation of warm water that was somehow dry brushed against her coat. The feel changed, warmed. For a moment, it was like she was being held by Twilight wings. Everything will be alright. The feeling said.

Then it was over, but a tiny bit of the comfort remained. She still missed Discord, and it still hurt he skipped each of their teatimes, but she could not think about that. There were ponies here that needed help.

With Twilght's second hoof comfort still lingering, she searched for where she could help them most. The first thing she saw was not was she expected.

They greeted Blueblood with open hooves and smiles. Fluttershy looked to Rarity, who just smiled and nodded.

"So, what do you think about the new Prince?" Rarity asked.

"Well, he seems nice," Fluttershy said as she watched Blueblood. The stallion used his aura to lift up an earthpony colt. With silly sounds, he helped the colt fly through the air after his winged friends. "One day, I think he will make a good father."

Rarity blushed.

"Oh, my..."

"Darling, not a word to anypony... least of all him."

"Of course... but is he..."

"He's brave, kind, caring, and spends his time guarding these food deliveries twice a week."

"You sure he is not a changeling?"

"Don't be like that..." Rarity started with a knowing smile before she leaned closer and whispered. "and yes, I'm sure. Little Star checked."

All around them, the guards were greeted and offered water as some locals pitched in to unload the wagons. More than a few of the mares were watching Blueblood with the same look in their eyes as Rarity had. Those Fluttershy let her eyes move past. She looked for the ponies whose eyes were sad, that, despite being surrounded by those who would care for them, were still and quiet, those that had lost too much too quickly.

With a nod to herself, she collected Mr Fluffy in her hooves and headed to the first pony that might just have their day brightened by a new pet.

CH 80 Patchwork's Lesson

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The glowing orb that sat on her hoof was such a fascinating thing. Swirls of yellow and brown danced around a small ruby core.

"So, this is the price you claimed?" Sweet Dreams asked as she sauntered in with the sandwiches.

"Well, it's not like he requires it anymore..." Twilight hummed. The scent of fresh bread and sweet zap apples reached her nose. "And it would have been a shame to waste it," she finished half-heartedly as something else now had her full attention.

Dreams brushed against Twilight as she settled beside her. Her conditioned coat felt silky smooth as her body leaned against Twilight. Twilight leaned in for a kiss, and Dreams sat back a bit.

"Open." Dreams said, and Twilight obeyed.

A sandwich floated before Twilight's muzzle in that oh-so-familiar silver aura. With the few flowers she could see baked into the bread and the cute little depictions of her cutie mark, there was no way she was not going to try it. The complex taste caressed her tongue. "Hmmmmm, this is so good," Twilight purred as her mind calculated just how expensive said sandwich would be anywhere else. Hollow Shades' maze and Ancient Griffonstone wheat would make a single loaf of bread a few hundred bits. Most of the flowers baked into it are lost to history or almost so... so perhaps a thousand bits more?

Dreams' warm wing enfolded Twilight, and her mental calculations ceased. Dreams' chest was such a lovely place to rest her head.

"You have a point," Dreams said.

"I do?"

"Red Wing does not need his wellspring where he is going."

Twilight returned her attention to the orb. "A predator's wellspring is fascinating..."

"So, how has it caught your interest, my Dear?"

"It has a central core that is similar to blood magic. Which, of course, it does. They feed on others, after all. The rest is like someone took the physical aspects of Earth Pony and Pegasi Pony magic, threw them in a blender and called it a day. It's messy, it's..."


"Yes, that's..." Twilight's mind crashed to a stop. "Discord?"

"Most chimeric creatures are his."

"Why would he make them?"

"Think about it."

"Hmm." Twilight tapped her chin. "Well, no chaos magic exists in a typical griffon's wellspring."

Dreams nodded encouragingly as she started to brew a pot of tea. "Go on."

It could not be that simple, could it? Twilight looked up from the orb. "With no taint of his magic, they would not be stopped by wards or even detected by any alarm or detection spells calibrated for him or his magic."

Dreams nodded. "That is my belief, at least. A chaotic, violent species that were happy to view ponykind as mere prey."



"Yes, I was going to use more words, but yes, that is evil."

Dreams held her hoof out, "May I?"

Twilight cocked her head with curiosity but deposited the orb in Dreams' outreached hoof.

"Now watch," Dreams said as she twisted the orb between her forehooves. With a pop that was more felt than heard, she somehow opened it. As the colours started to spill out, her wings closed in, and feathers danced and wove in complex patterns.

"What are you..."

Dreams answered without even looking up. Her focus remained on her work. "Just wait and watch, my dear." For another minute, Dreams worked at whatever she was doing. The blur of light resolved into strands and then into something more defined.

"Is that a dream catcher?"

Dreams giggled softly. "Twilight, dear, this is not a dream catcher, but I can see why it would remind you of one." With a quick flick of her wings, a tangled web of coloured strands hung suspended from her primary feathers.

"Then what am I looking at?" Twilight said as she leaned closer. Each strand bore a colour and had a feel to it. Separated, such things started to make more sense. Fire, air, earth, anger and blood-aspected strands were linked together with bizarre knots.

With a hoof, Dreams pointed to one of the more complex knots. "When you have a wellspring open like this, one can see much about its potential."

An open wellspring? It was an impossibility. It was intriguing. She had to know more. With less than half a thought, Twilight had a scroll and a quill eagerly recording every detail. By habit, she turned to her horn first. "These almost feel like partial spell runes?"

"Very good."

Dreams' praise felt even better than Celestia's ever had. Twilight smiled wide. "This… all the aspected strands coming together and the patterns in those knots."

"They are not truly runes."

Six then seven different counterarguments flashed through Twilight's mind. "They're not?"

"What you see here in the intrinsic magic, see here? Where the anger feeds into and is supported by the three elemental threads?"


"What do you think this knot does?"

"Hmm. Well, 'if' this was a spell fragment I was investigating," Twilight started tapping her chin. "This structure clearly uses anger as a power amplification. However, you would use more than one to make a proper array." She pointed her horn at the next point of interest. "This loop here will cause the caster to feel more anger each time it is actuated. So a feedback loop will cause this to ramp up dramatically."

Sweet Dreams nodded, and that beautiful, encouraging smile beamed out from her face.

For a moment, the thought of kissing Dreams again almost stole her focus, but no, this was a magic puzzle, so a deeper drive gripped her. She knew exactly what was happening, she had written three papers on the phenomenon, but like anypony following their mark, she also knew she was incapable of being concerned about it. In her mind, she could almost visualize a little filly version of her, ears perked up and doing an embarrassing little dance chanting 'new magic, yes, yes, yes' endlessly.

Twilight's quill sketched the knot from one angle and then another. "So here is what I think is part of a haste spell, and here is a part of a physical augmentation spell." Twilight looked up. "So if this works..., and if this were a spell, this would be very large if by the way, this would make the target stronger and faster proportionately with how angry they were with the side effect of making them increasingly angry the longer this... Rage is in effect."

Dreams' hoof pointed at another knot, a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. "Full marks, now for extra credit... can you tell me what this one does?"

Extra credit? It is on!

Dozens of books and hundreds of scrolls surrounded her. Red Wing's dissected wellspring now hung like a piece of modern art from a modified painter's easel. Twilight took a long pull from the Sweet Apple Acres cider. It added perfectly to the contentment of a job well done and the comfort of her beloved dozing, snuggled against her side.

A knock on the door broke the perfect moment. Twilight sighed and reached out with her aura to open the door. There, through the open door with the backdrop of storm clouds and the obsidian plane, stood Night.

Night's slit eyes looked over the academic carnage that had consumed part of the library before they fixed on the open wellspring. "May I enter?"

Twilight nodded. "Night, we are family. How many times do I need to inform you of that fact?"

With her normal relaxed lethality, Night stalked in. "I have an appointment with my student. Are you able to pull yourself away from your twin passions?"


Night nodded. "She is presently my only student in this world, though I am considering another."

In this world? Twilight pondered as she spoke. "Can you pass on my best wishes?"

"I will, but you know she always knows how you feel about her?"

"Yes, I know it is her domain, but just because she knows, that's no reason not to be friendly."

"Then your message shall be passed. I may even imply there is something more to it and use it as a prize. After all, who does not like a reward for completing one's lessons?"

Sweet Dreams yawned and sleepily blinked her wonderful eyes open. Those eyes found Night. "Tea?"

"I'm afraid I have little time... but thank you."

It may have become common, but every time Night said something nice, thanked somepony or anything like that, a smile somehow found its way to Twilight's face. This is how ponies are meant to be.

"Then until your return," Dreams said.

"Have a good trip," Twilight said, but her mind kept working on who the new student in this world was and who could be her students in other worlds.

Night smirked. "I shall sate your curiosity if you will sate mine."

"Night... we are not in a position to be keeping secrets from each other."

"Metor Crash is Luna's chosen, Scootallo is yours... that still leaves Applebloom and Sweetie Bell. This is something that should be corrected."

"You want to take one as your chosen?"

"You would have them age and expire in a mere half of the span as Metor Crash and Scootaloo?"

"How could I have forgotten that?"

"Twilight." Dreams' wing pulled Twilight into a firm embrace. Like every time, even the thought of panic or worry faded. "My love, it is only natural not to think of a foal passing from old age when they are still full of youthful vigour."

After a few seconds of just enjoying the warmth and ignoring Night's chuckle, Twilight pulled away. "It is still an unforgivable oversight." Twilight turned to Night. "Thank you."

"As you say, we are family." When Night said those words, as warm and comforting as they were, as soft and friendly as they sounded, there was still the threat of murder and mayhem to anypony that would dear threaten them.

How does she do that? Twilight thought, adding yet another question to her mental checklist.

Night's wing pointed to the easel. "May I know why thou have taken an interest in such arts?"

Thou? She's slipping back to archaic. Why? "Dreams showed me, and it was fascinating. I never knew there was so much I did not know about how wellsprings worked." Twilight gathered up the loose pages and scrolls, a full presentation already preparing itself in her mind.

Night levelled her eyes at Dreams, who calmly stared back.

Twilight pounded her hoof into the wooden floor. Dreams flinched, her wings flaring. Night just coldly turned her eyes to Twilight's own. A little bit of Nova's anger lent Twilight more confidence than she felt. "Family, remember? So tell me, what am I missing?"

"What Dreams has chosen to teach you can lead to some truly dark places, Twilight."

"She needs to know."

Night shifted her wings in the closest thing to nervousness Twilight had seen from her. "When a wellspring is damaged, the soul flees." She nodded towards the collections of threads. "This art is perfect for making nets to catch and store them."

"Won't that cause them to suffer?"

"Yes, their pain, their fear just makes them more delectable." Night said as her tongue ran along her fangs.

Twilight's mind flashed back to relaxing in her new garden, and the purr that wanted to escape her as she lounged. It had been pleasant and felt like validation. It was almost exactly like a weaker version of being praised for doing well but somehow more alluring.

Dreams sighed. "Why do I feel I am the only sane one here?"

"Studies say that most ponies that are insane do not believe they are... so that's not a reliable indicator, my Dream."

"Being a mix of you and Night... I never had a chance, did I?"

"Nope." Twilight cheerfully chirped.

Night slowly facehooved. "I shall take my leave. Please do try not to take over or end the world before I return."

Twilight reluctantly pushed herself to her hooves. "So I have the reins now?"

"Well, unless you wish everypony to think you have fallen into a coma." Night said as her form dissolved into shadows.

With a wingtip, Twilight reached out and softly encouraged Sweet Dreams to face her. The motion still was not as seductive as Rarity's books implied it could be, but she hoped the passion she put into the following kiss would more than make up for it.

One blissful moment later, Twilight pulled back. Moments like this, the look in your lover's eyes after a kiss, were what every romance tried and failed to capture.

"You need to..."

"I know, but why did you teach me this?"

"The nets to cage souls can be made of the softest weave."

The concept of a method of acquiring a fear-drenched 'snack' that would linger reconfigured itself to a motherly embrace, holding a dear one safe, their soul shielded from the harsh world by her own immortal one. A virgin scroll was sacrificed on the altar of her new contingency plan. Now, what are the pros and cons of this method compared to just converting them to a dependent fragment...

"Eep", Twilight's wings flared open as her mind registered her current motion and the more shocking fact that her Dreams, her Sweet Dreams, had used her aura to throw her out of her own library.

Again, settling back into control of her flesh suit felt wrong. It was somepony else's originally, and just a glance at the well-toned muscles and single-shaded coat made it feel alien. As much as she should hate it, she was Patchwork, and with each day, it became harder and harder to ignore it.

Twilight took a long calming breath. Griffon sweat, alcohol and seared meat were an inferior replacement for the scents of live wood, books and ink that surrounded her when she was in her Bastion.

A strong, almost chemical scent came back to her from her own breath. What have I been drinking? Whatever it had been, it was nothing compared to the delights Sweet Dreams prepared daily.

All around her, a celebration wound down. Rainbow and Gilda boasted and bragged to each other as they downed drink after drink.

All around her, there were many small groupings and celebrations. Some of her subjects were too respectful, some too fearful of her, but it all led to one simple fact, there was not a single place for the victorious princess. Is this how Celestia feels?

Twilight's eyes flicked to her guards that were still on duty, the formality of their stances. This was a celebration, yes, but it was still a statement. Candice stood perfectly still, her keen eyes watching everything. Candice gave the smallest of nods which was far from the embrace that would have happened in Ponyville.

Twilight carefully surveyed the room again. Even though none here wished to be near her, they were all paying attention to her. Eat one still beating heart... She thought with dry amusement. Since when was my humour that dark? She sighed. My father warned me about keeping the wrong company. Well, it was not as if she could do anything about it, and she was reasonably confident she would not even if she could. We make for one bucked-up family, don't we?

She shifted and lounged in a regal yet relaxed way. She knew she was emulating Celestia again, but mimicking Cadance would have set the wrong tone. Why can't this be a Pinkie Party? She thought as her mind catalogued and reviewed each and every one she had attended. Her mind then shifted from an ascending count to a descending one. X Pinkie Parties per year on average, Y years in the average life expectancy of an earth pony, therefore Z parties remaining.

That problem was back on her mind, and she had learned some new possibilities. Well, it is not like I'm doing anything useful right now...

A quick bit of spellwork later, and she was surrounded by an I'm-Not-Doing-Anything-Intresting spell. Scrolls, books, ink and quills popped into existence.

Candice calmly walked over and settled beside her.

"You know that's not your post, right?" Twilight asked, not even trying to keep the regret from her tone.

"Sure it is." Candice tenderly smiled. "My post is by your side. Besides, I'm still paying attention to what's going on out there."

"Luna's out stalking the night, the whole of the…" Twilight paused and considered. This place needed a name. "Twilight Citadel is behind a shield that would make my brother turn green with envy. Nothing is going to happen."

"Then let those that love you celebrate with you."

Those bright blue eyes looked out from the white-coated face. Twilight placed a hoof softly on her cheek. Her lavender contrasted so much with the pale mare. A warmth stirred in Twilgiht's chest as Nova started to pay attention. Twilight just looked into those eyes. In one moment, the charred remains of a pony she nearly killed was there. The next, the separated components hung suspended there as she was in the process of being remade. The next Candice was there as she was now, whole, beautiful and her's, body mind and soul.

Those blue eyes brightened as her smile warmed. One of those large wings embraced her, and suddenly the griffons and ponies in the room were below her notice. The only thing that mattered was Candice's imminent kiss. Twilight pushed more magic into her spell and welcomed it and much more.

CH 81 Night Watch

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Luna’s moon shone her silver light down from the heavens. From that vaunted vantage point, the world was a distant and fragile thing.

No Blighted crawled or scurried over the burnt wastelands below. If Night could be believed, then their tactics would be simple to predict. Some would have fled as soon as the conflict had turned against them, and others would have taken to the deepest, darkest place to wait for vigilance to fade. They would bide their time until they could restart this tragedy.

Will our folly haunt this world forever? Many events played through the Night Princess’s mind. So many things happened during her banishment that could have been her doing and many from before it.

A name floated to the surfaces of her thoughts. Moonlit Scroll, the pony responsible for the death of the destined element of magic, the single pony that evaded her every effort at detection, Are his actions my fault?.

His mark would have left him open to her magic, and his place in Celestia’s school had him perfectly placed to poison so many young minds.

Two more names perched in her mind, their metaphysical wings spread, ready for attention. The more she let the thought play around, the more it made sense. In the grand game of Alicorns, they were just simple moves. In reality, they were the original Twilight Sparkle’s death and Sunset Shimmer’s turn against Celestia.

If they are mine... what were our designs? Her heavenly vision searched the world below, but still, as she knew he would, her prey eluded her.

With only a flick of a mental wing, her view narrowed as she focused on the deck of her Stormship. Most would find it odd to view oneself from an external viewpoint, and she was not most. Her wings flexed and moved slowly, going through the motions of painting.

A blink and her vision turned inside out. No longer was she gazing down from on high. Instead, she now looked up into the beauty of her night sky in all its umbral glory. Her thestrals flew on quiet wings and kept the night safe for the revellers in the keep below.

For countless time, she wondered if a simple spell to let others see the Night as she did would have been all that was needed to have gained her everything she had craved.

Luna turned her mind to the painting she would never paint. It was a beautiful image, the sort of thing she had painted so very, many years ago. The toned lines of muscles under a lavender coat, the pattern of blood, the hunter’s focus in those magenta eyes, oh, how she wished she had been there instead of merely experiencing it from the dreams of others.

Her mind drifted back to her daughter’s dream. Unlike most ponies’ Little Star’s dream self matched her true self perfectly. Those clear magenta eyes still shone with innocence. How could thou remain untroubled after what you saw, daughter?

Her dream actor was still there teaching her, instructing her how to craft with hydra bone. It was a touching moment, a bonding moment. If she could make fragments, she could be there. A part of her could be giving her full attention to her daughter and not some simple programmed spell. Once more, that cold rage tried to stir in Luna’s heart, and this time she let it flow through her. She had no choice. Any resistance, any internal strife and another fragment would pay, would burn in solar fire all because of what her sister had done.

Her magic wrapped around her and held the air still. It was the only thing that kept the sound from shattering the mountain as she screamed. She screamed, cried, raged and promised in the oldest of tongues to the dark of the night that things would be made right.

Breath came in, breath went out, each one colder than the last. Inside her little bubble of control was a winter blizzard far more frigid than anything the frozen north could ever claim.

Long minutes passed and turned into an hour before Luna felt calm enough to drop her magic. When she released, the trapped, frozen air fog rolled away from her, spilling from the deck of the stormship like a slow-motion waterfall. It was yet another moment that would make a beautiful painting. “Too much to do,” she sighed.

She let her senses slip into her daughter’s dream again and felt the smile on her muzzle. Little Star carved into the hydra bone with a narrow black beam, shaping it into something for her owl golem.

Applebloom ran around Sweet Apple Acres, fending off blighted while rushing to finish her everyday choirs. Luna reached for her power, ready to end the nightmare. Another blighted erupted from the ground, only to be defeated with a single buck. Then Applebloom just sighed with boredom before trotting back to her tasks.No.. this is no nightmare.

Sweetie Belle’s dream opened into a ballroom of crystal. There, she half-danced and half-fenced with Little Star, each singing a song with no words. They both swirled around each other. Wooden owls played implausible string instruments as the crystal chandeliers vibrated, and their melody rang like glass bells around a familiar four-beat pattern.

With a smile, Luna moved on to Scootaloo’s dream. With a blur of motion and wings, Scootaloo fought Metor Crash through a sky that rained cookies. The minds of the young...

Meteor Crash’s dream was ordered darkness and a moonlit Canterlot skyline, and his dream form still clung to his former stature. He turned and bowed low. “My Sovereign.”

Luna stepped into the dream, “My chosen, thine alertness pleases us.”

He rose with pride in his eyes. “How may I serve you?”

She walked closer and lowered her head to be at his eye level. “Tell me of mine daughter and thine new companions. How do they fair?”

“Militarily, your daughter has equipped and trained them to a standard I would have called you a liar if you said ponies so young could match. From ambush, with a plan, they could even land a blow on you.”

Luna paused. Meteor Crash was known for his rash actions and collateral damage but not for Striker’s boasting. She nodded. “High praise indeed.”

“They have spirit, I had to console them occasionally, but they are tough fillies.” His muzzle scrunched slightly, and his ears flicked. “A week ago, I would have been asking for you to tend to Scootaloos dreams... but now.”

“These young ones seem supremely unbothered by what they have endured,” Luna said with a leading tone.

“Yeah... I noticed that too. It’s Little Star... I think she is spiking the cookies she gives us.”

“Hmm.” My Little Star is still an untarnished soul. What is she up to? “Would you acquire a sample for us?”

He nodded. “Your will be done.”

“Remember, my chosen, your first duty is to my daughter, and your second is to us.”

“Then, if it does not conflict, you shall have your sample.”

A warm smile and an embrace were his rewards. “I look forward to when you become family.”


Luna kept her laughter to herself as she departed his dream. They were going to make a fairy tale herd. She sighed and let the warm smile fade from her. There were less pleasant things to be done.

From a quick browse through the rest of the dream realm, nothing lept out as an emergency, so she turned her attention to her endless responsibilities.

She closed her eyes, and her perceptions shifted. Sweetgrass and night-blooming flowers supplanted the lingering scent of ash. The Moonlight’s enchanted glade was still a vision of the true beauty of the Night.

“My Sovereign.” The shadow said before it resolved into Moonlight herself. The remade mare bowed, but it was shallow and brief. The slit eyes that looked into Luna’s own did a valiant job of hiding the fear that caused Moonlight’s heart to race, and her leg twitched as no doubt her hoof sought to reach for her throat.

“Be at peace, my Chosen,” Luna commanded. Moonlight’s tense muscles settled, and her eyes softened from iron determination to a warm welcome. It was heartening, and it was good that was all it took to help her recover from her liberation. “How do your investigations proceed?”

Moonlight flicked her horn towards the central map table. Past a stack of empty plates and coffee cups, the depiction of the continent was covered with little flags, pins, strings and small glowing orbs. “There’s a stack of reports to read if you want.” She nodded to a literal mountain of scrolls. Moonlight trotted up to the table and stomped a hoof, and the dream construct rippled. All the mess and clutter vanished from the table. “Here and here, we have some looting. There is at least one armed group that is not playing nice and is taking advantage of the situation to loot abandoned and lost settlements.”

“Their goals?”

“Gather wealth for when things settle down. They are efficient and don’t think they leave witnesses.”

“Any advantage in allowing them to continue?”

“None I can see, they don’t seem to have any cultist links, nor are they taking anything odd.”

“Your recommendation?”

Moonlight hesitated for two heartbeats. “My training tells me they should be arrested.”

“Is that your recommendation?”

“Only if they can be restrained in a way that takes no resources. We have limited food and don’t have the spare pony power to keep such a dangerous group contained.”

Luna nodded, “Then issue the needed orders.”

Moonlight nodded back and reached for a scroll. With a few quick motions with a quill, it was done. She pushed the order under the table when a shadowy tendril claimed it.

“Is there anything else to be aware of?”

“Two issues. The first is that Princess Celestia is... doing something to convert convicts into loyal guards and ordering them to outlying posts.”

“I am aware, the second?”

“We have cases where confirmed dead ponies are being seen again.”

“Would that be around the villages under changeling control?”


“Worry not about that. We shall drop by on our way back to Canterlot.”

Ch 82 How To Fix a Broken Heart

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Despite the city-grade shield her magic supported, only a faint glow radiated from Cadance's horn. The barrier was more potent than the one she held King Sombra at bay with, and yet, if it was not for the light from her horn, she could easily forget she was maintaining it.

A little knowledge makes all the difference. It was a bitter thought, but it led to another one. How much of this suffering could have been avoided if you had trusted us, Aunty?

She only had to take one look around the crowded hall to see that this was a time of hardship. No ribs were visible yet, but coats had lost their luster, eyes had lost their sparkles, and if any of them had been on a diet by choice, there would have been reasons to celebrate their success. So, despite all the finery the hotel had offered, Cadance sat on the carpeted floor at her insistence.

Some hotel staff attempted to be unobtrusive as they lingered just out of sight. Still, their nervous heartbeats were more than loud enough to give them away, even without their supervisor's constant reminders to be vigilant to any need she might have.

Still, she was a Princess, so there were some unavoidable trappings of her position. The first was her regalia, and the second was a pair of guards.

Candace let her thoughts linger on the two. They were far too old to fight the Blighted. But a dozen great grand foals between them gave them more than enough experience to manage the endless procession of ponies that wished to ask her that dreaded question.

It seemed whenever a Princess stood still for more than a few minutes, ponies would just assume she was holding court. So they had come, and despite how much she wanted to be elsewhere, no matter how much she did not wish to answer 'that' question, they needed her. I would do the same in their place.

Even without actively using her domain, the tangled heart lines were so thick they almost blinded her. Hope, love, loss and despair of countless unique varieties all focused on her, their Princess, the one they 'knew' could help them.

This would make Thorax sick.

Cadance wore her kind words and a sympathetic expression as armour against the crushing heartbreak and loss that tried to crush her. Unlike her Aunt, she would not hide behind a mere mask. Each of these ponies deserved her full attention, but it was hard, so very hard.

So many had lost loved ones, some merely misplaced, but a tragically high number were dead. Even before any reports came in, she knew. There was no way she could not when each pony brought with them the proof of the well-being of their loved ones with them. All she needed to do was take a glance at the heartlines.

Even with her peripheral vision, she could see all she needed to for all the ponies lined up waiting for their personal audience.

There was nothing alarming for the two mares that walked up and bowed. But the stallion up next trailed too many pale translucent lines. At one time, those heartlines would have warmed her soul and brought a smile to her lips. That evidence that love transcended death now transformed from a treasured reminder to a herald of despair. Those heartlines turned ghostly because they led to those now in the Eternal Feilds.

At least there was none of her new personal nightmare fuel in the crowd. Severed Heartlines rotten and decayed. Each blackened and burned perversion marked that one more was lost forever. Ponies that the Blight had twisted then consumed their souls.

The current ponies before her asked their question. This time, for these two mares before her, their wish was true. This time she could give them the answer they so desperately needed to hear. "They're alive, and in Ponyvile, they will be safe under Twilight's protection."

Their eyes came alive, and they hugged each other. For a moment, it looked like they might hug her, but then they remembered she was a princess and bowed instead.

Some she could help... others... I could really use that hug...

As the two mares left and the next pony was ushered forward, she shifted her wings and reached for a glass of water. She did not want to risk her voice betraying her, not for this. Tea or cider would have been better, but neither would be suitable for this moment. She wanted to sigh, but instead, she just kept the calm, soothing words flowing. "Hello, How can I help?"

She breathed in, and many scents came to her, but the most important were missing. It had been so long her coat did not even carry a hint of him. I miss you.

A new guard marched in and brushed right past the long line of ponies. Their radiant golden mane and tail drew the eyes of the crowd, but it was the singular monochrome heartline to Celestia that drew hers.

"Princess." Celestia's guard said, his voice demanding immediate attention.

"One moment," Cadance commanded. How could you be so insensitive? She mentally growled before she returned her full attention to the stallion before her.

Their thick dark green coat was matted and stained. Their mane might or might not have been that medley of browns naturally or not. Their eyes were red from tears and lack of sleep. She met those eyes, those windows to the soul and even without her domain, the hope and fear blazed within them. She did not want to say the words, but a false hope could be worse than the truth.

The stallion clutched an open locket tightly to his chest. A family photo, the last one they could ever take, lay within the heirloom. He raised it, his voice wavered, and it took him a few attempts to get that dreaded question out. "Are they alright?"

This is not one of Shiny's games. I can't just bring them back. Tears threatened to overwhelm Cadance, the mare. Though she let them fall, Cadance the Princess would not drown in them. "Your sister and brother-in-law are safe... "

She did not even need to finish before the stallion collapsed. One part relief and a strengthening of his heartline to the survivors, ten parts the deepest black of grief. This was just one story, one of many she would never forget.

She tasted each of the lines, and in that moment, she knew them. Flashes of moments, fragments of emotion. Twin fillies, age six, a young colt, and his pregnant mother gone. To Celestia, each would have just been a number, a statistic. To Cadance, each was another dagger to her heart. Each time something priceless and irreplaceable was lost.

Cadance rose, her grace automatic. Each hoof step towards the stallion felt like an intrusion, but she did not let that stop her, but soon he was wrapped in her wings, sobbing into her chest.

A presence settled in Cadance's mind, a weight that both should not have been there and was fully welcomed by her magic. There was only one pony it could be, and they could wait, so she ignored them. She had something more important to do.

Her magic played along the heartlines, all merely ghostly, all led to ponies that were only dead. Only dead? What had things come to that saying a pony was only dead was a tangible relief? I can't leave him like this. I won't.

Visualise your intent. They were dead, but they still had active heartlines, so they still existed. What do I want to do? She reached out and traced the lines. They were still there, still real and still loved him, but he could just not feel it.

Give them hope. Night's quite voice said.

How? They don't have my senses. They can't know. They...

May we? Night asked the simple words, just the tip of the iceberg that was the mass of thoughts and ideas that was offered.

Our pact? Cadance asked Night as she continued to make the little caring sounds.

You are still our student. The only harm we will bring thou is that which is necessary for thine training.

I have to help him... or he will just try to join them.

The world went black.

Cadance raged, screamed, and hammered her hoof against the ancient gate. It did not even shake, not even the slightest vibration.

"Give him back!" Her voice was so forceful that it recoiled so loud her ears burst.

Still, the gate denied her. Still, she tried to force her way in. Each silent impact just pushed her. Each strike was just a bit harder than the last. Still, the gate denied her.

Hours turned to days, and days turned to moons and moons to years, yet she was still denied. Slowly her frenzy slowed. Gradually, her fury failed her. Instead of another strike, she slumped against the gate, "Please, don't leave me."

It was the first time she had begged in a very long time, and like last time it brought no mercy for her plight. Her eyes burned, but no tears fell.

Slowly she looked at her hoof. The hoof that should have been broken and shattered, turned into nothing more than a bloody stump had she been anything other than an Alicorn.

Time passed. It might have been days, or it could have been decades, but she did not move. What was the point when everypony she loved was gone? When they were forever in a place she could never follow when everything she had to remember them was burnt and gone.

The eyes that next looked up at the gate were cold, their gaze so frigid that even these potent artefacts did well not to freeze and shatter before her.

She turned and bucked as hard as she could. Her legs broke, but the pain meant nothing to her frozen heart. Just another detail to be recorded and information to be acted on.

Auras did not work here, so she pushed her regeneration to restore broken bones. In less than a second, she defiantly stood on all four hooves.

"You will not defeat us!." She spat on the ground and stalked off, she needed more strength, and she knew just how to get it.

Her rage demanded action. It was a moment before Cadance noticed what she was doing, and when she did, she carried through anyway. He was dead. He was gone, and nothing else mattered. Her hoof smashed into the side of Night's muzzle with a satisfying boom.

The impact picked Night off her hooves and slammed her into the crystal wall before she could even blink.

The space around her started to resolve itself. Memory and understanding returned. My bastion, I'm in my bastion.

Night did not even try to move. She just lay there even as armed Eternal Guards materialised around her brandishing their weapons.

"What did you do to me?" Cadacne roared past her heaving breaths. Her heart hammered in her chest as her domain flared out as she desperately sought one very special pony. The feeling of his heartline wrapped with her own soul. There! He's alive. He's alive. Cadance's legs almost gave out. He was alive. He was safe. Liquid trailed down her face. Her happy tears extinguished the fires of her righteous rage. She brought her hoof to her chest as she cradled Shining's Heartline.

Relief had drained the urgency away, and bit by bit, clarity won out.

She folded her wings. They no longer needed to be ready to launch her at Night. She sighed and raised her head so her horn was no longer levelled like a spear.

Fire still pulsed through her veins, and her heart still demanded action, even if it was no longer needed. So like she had taught Twilight all those years ago. She took a deep breath and held it. She pushed her hoof away as she exhaled and levelled her best 'I am not amused' glare at Night.

"Why did you do that?" Cadance's voice was calm, too calm, she knew that. Well, it serves her right if I'm still mad at her... With a wave of her hoof, she signalled her guardians to stand down.

Night watched the spear points for a moment, then slowly stood. With a flick of her wing, she dusted away non-existent dust and assumed her archaic regal pose. "The gate, the symbols on them."

That heart-forsaken gate, that feeling like falling off a cliff without wings, of her inside turning to ice in the worst possible way. There was no way she would ever be able to forget even a single detail. "What about them?" Cadance almost spat.

Night almost smirked. "You want to do something for your mourning ponies?"

"Of course I do." Left unsaid what this had better have been for a good reason, a very good reason.

Night's smile was warm and drenched in self-satisfaction. "Then attend me in this lesson."

She blinked. The stallion was still there, held in her wings. The ongoing sobbing let her know she was not gone for too long. That whole ordeal, that eternity of black grief, could not have been more than a few minutes.

You're terrible.

And yet I freely offer my assistance. Night's normal, frustrating facade of disdain was back in full force.

She ignored Night and turned her attention back to the here and now again. She tightened her wing around the stallion. She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it. I did not even listen to your name. Her nuzzle proved far more comforting than her voice could have been. His hoves wrapped around her with all his strength, and she barely felt it. Please keep your promise, Sister.

"I can't bring them back, but they still love you. Let me show you."

It was easy, really. Those symbols she could never forget, a bit of her magic, and she pushed. The ghostly heartlines flared back into vibrant colour. She gathered up a little of the slack and looped it around the locket. It needed nothing more, but as Aunty said, sometimes presentation was everything. Fine crystal scrollwork formed over its surface, coming together to form a small replica of the Crystal Heart.

With a wing tip, she turned the open locket toward him. Nothing about the picture had changed, and yet to the stallion, everything had. It hit his emotions like a hammer blow. His eyes widened, and he just stared at that tiny picture.

You're welcome.Night said as her presence faded.

"True Love lasts forever, My Little Pony." Cadance squeezed him tighter for a moment. "Never forget that."
Her mind drifted back to that gate to the hole in Night's heart she could remember with such painful clarity to that first alicorn lesson. Eternal life or oblivion. It was a simple fact and yet another thing that Celestia failed to teach, but it meant that Night and Luna were forever separated from their first love by the impenetrable gates to the afterlife.

One of the should-have-been-retired guards, Arcane Spark maybe, Helped the overwhelmed stallion away.

"This will be a short break." She glanced towards where the hotel staff were hiding. "Will you two please pass out food and tea for the ponies."

They jumped, but their training quickly kicked in. "Yes, your highness."

With a smile on her face, Cadance turned her attention to the brainwashed guard. "Follow." With that word, the guard obeyed.
The crisp clinks of his armoured hooves followed her from exactly the textbook distance away. All guards were precise with their movements, but this stallion was too perfect, almost soulless like a mindless golem.

She made her way to a side room and settled down on a couch that had nothing to recommend it in terms of comfort but looked impressive enough to be allowed in through the doors of the hotel.

"At ease."

The guard's body shifted stance, but no part of him was relaxed. It was as if it were merely a different form of attention. He just watched her with impassive eyes.

I'm the most beautiful mare in the world, and I might as well be a wall…

She examined him, opened her senses and really looked at him.
His body lacked the physical hardness and firm muscles that she so appreciated in her Shining. To her horn, it felt more like one of Celestia's spells was here and not a real living pony. Most damning of all though, were the dozens of neatly cut heartlines, each marked with the dull steel grey of utter indifference.
Mother, father, sister and even his special somepony now meant less to him than the dust under his hooves.

Brushing the severed ends with her magic, they were cold, surgical, without a single bit of texture to them that might be used to restore what was lost.

Tears threatened to fall again, but anger came to her aid. Four ponies truly loved him once, but now… What gives you the right. Aunty?

"What was so urgent you decided to interrupt such a delicate moment…" her eyes sought a rank symbol but found none. "Gaurdspony?"

He retrieved a scroll from under his armour. Again with cold mechanical precision more suited to an undead, not a living pony.

It bore a family seal. One she was used to seeing almost every day. She accepted it with her wing and, with a flick of a primary, broke the seal and began to read.

The first half page was political nothings. The sort of thing that could be recorded and filed away to meet some sort of fiction that Celestia even cared about the laws of the land.

Well-wishes and the promise of up to a dozen more of these atrocities she had crafted hit more like a threat than the offer of aid the mere written words spoke of.

You call him a bodyguard, but is spy a more apt label, Aunty?

"Do you have a family?"

"No, your highness."

"Any plans for when you retire?"

No matter what she tried, her new guard was such a thrilling conversationalist that watching paint dry seemed like it might cause heart attacks from the intensity of the excitement.

It was good to be home, even if it was like this. She brushed her translucent hoof along the simple railing and smiled as a floral pattern burst from the crystal as if true plants were in full bloom.

Crystals, once something rare, now were as common as wood or stone had been in her old life. She lifted her hoof and watched as the light played through the internal facets of its crystalline structure.

There were many questions, but decades of being under her Aunt's wing meant she was far too aware that true secrets can only exist if never voiced in the first place.

Celestia's heartline was still there, strong and true. There was parental love and a teacher's pride, but now reinforced with streaks of respect even if marred with exasperation and denied rage. You really don't like being challenged, do you, Aunty?

Her eyes followed the line to gaze at the distant Canterlot. You're not alone anymore... Celestia's great city held a lot of memories, most good, but each now had a seed of doubt. With how much Twilight's life has been controlled, how would anypony's life that came in contact with Celestia's faithful student not be equally meddled with?

She shook her head. What did it matter? The past should not be changed, so that only left the future. She turned her gaze to those ponies that were closer.

She did not focus on any one heartline. No, she more spread her senses like she might her wings. Feeling the prevailing wind and tasting the coming weather in the air.

Love for their special ponies. Love for their families. Love for her still full of gratitude for their freedom and a thick current of concern and sympathy for the Equestrians. They wanted to help.

She smiled and pushed her pride and love for all her ponies into the night. How different would you be, Aunty, if you could do this?

She turned her attention to how to help her ponies archive their will. No matter how well-intentioned the ponies are, if you don't plan the logistics, they spend half the time chasing their tails and helping Equestria is a very large problem.

A sheet of crystal formed from the wall already with the needed instructions written. Thank you. How did I even run the empire without you all?

Badly? Garnet's mental voice teased.

You're not wrong, but there are nicer ways to say it.

Not my job. I'm the action heroine you wanted to be.

With a flick of her magic, she added her royal seal to the orders. It vanished, and through her connection, she felt it materialise in her outbox to be dealt with by her staff in the morning.

Without even breaking stride, she walked into the wall and emerged into the same room, just quieter. It seemed larger, but that was because she had shrunk. She blinked and readjusted to her 'normal' size.

The physical world was still visible in the reflections in all the walls, but they were silent. She made her way back to her railing. On this side, the only ponies here were her fragments. A dozen crystal pegasi circled, ready, squads of thirty-six Eternal guards marched around, securing her bastion.

Down below in the training yard, even more guard fragments trained. "Do we really need this many?" Cadance asked as she hooked her forelegs over the railings and stared up at the night sky. It was the same here as it was in the physical world. The colourful aura and the shield's glow meant even in the dead of night, her city was never dark. Despite the Crystal Heart, this is no place for a romantic walk under the stars.

She breathed in the cool air and just enjoyed the moment alone. There were no ponies around that needed her, no disaster she needed to stop or brainwashed fanatics with orders not to let her out of their sight.

The unique sound of crystal feathers beating the air approached. Without even looking, Cadance knew Garnet had just arrived.

"We need to talk." Despite how much Cadance wished it to be, Garnet's tone was not happy.

What now?

CH 83 A Picture’s Worth

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Twilight leaned over the highest battlement as the sun rose from the distant horizon. The crystal-coated stone was a perfect colour match for her body’s coat. The magenta shield sang to her horn, but even for those denied such a sense, its glow would be a beacon for all to see, and if they drew nearer, the new flags that fluttered in the breeze would proclaim to them who claimed dominion.
I now own a piece of a foreign nation. It was a thought she never believed she would have, let alone have while she looked out over said new domain. “What will the historians think about all this in a thousand years?” The open sky offered no answer, nor did the ashen planes below.

She could go through the whole chain of events that led to it, each logical decision she made, but it still felt just a little unbelievable to the once librarian. It did not matter that she had no right to the land. Red Wing’s challenge legitimised everything. By griffon law, all she could see from the tallest tower of the Twilight Citidal was now hers, claimed by blood and honour.

Night’s presence settled in beside her own. “One would think that would depend on what the victors write,” Night said before stretching out their shared body. “My easel, if you would?”

It took her barely half a thought, and Night’s painting supplies popped into exitance from their extra-dimensional storage. Her mind considered all the history books she had ever devoured, all those millions of words that insisted Nightmare Moon and Luna were nothing but fiction.

“Thank you.”

“What will you paint this time?”

“Perhaps the folly of Red Wing?”

That dance had been intoxicating in its own way, the movement, the beat and the heights they had pushed him to. Her tongue found only the blunt teeth of a herbivore as she remembered the taste of the lesser of her prizes. It did not even take a thought to find the greater prize far deeper inside, cradled by her soul, it nestled and slowly grew.

Red Wing had been a fool, yes, but taking what was left of his honour felt petty. “I would prefer if you did not.”

“The celebration then?”

Twilight thought for a moment and then nodded. “That’s acceptable. How did your visit with Cadance go?”

“She’s got quite the right hook.”

“Do I want to know how you have that interesting datum?”

“A needed lesson required me to do something that provoked her.”

“... and she is alright?”

“She is.”

“You know, a year ago, the mere idea that I would trust your word more than I do Celestia'a would have been inconceivable.”

“Even we can be surprised.” Night finished setting up her canvas and started to consider her paints. “Good and bad both. You will learn to treasure these moments.”

“One thing I won’t treasure is having to clean paint out of my feathers….”

Night paused and then, as if to make a point, carefully collected paint onto one of their primaries. “You are aware we can simply regrow new ones, each as fresh as virgin snow?”

Twilight blinked. “I am aware…” It was such a simple solution. She knew all the facts that made it possible. She had even removed multiple copies of all her origins, bones and flesh for research. “Why didn’t I think of that?” Twilight thought out loud.

“That is simplicity itself, my host, you pride yourself on your intellect. You revel in your mental prowess. Severing bits to avoid the necessity of cleansing yourself is a solution that is so far below the levels you normally work on as to be invisible."

“Self-mutilation is not….”

“We understand, and we can take care of the cleansing, worry not.”

Twilight knew it was immature, but she snorted anyway.

“So refined.”

“Bite me.”

“You have others to do that for you.”

Something about her shadow changed. Without any visual alterations, somehow, it seemed darker.

“Hello, Luna,” Night said a heartbeat before Twilight recognised the magic herself.

Luna swam out of the darkness with an elegant flick of her wings. Here, the few smears of paint drew the mare in like a moth to a flame. “Tis not what we expected to find thee doing.”

Night shrugged her paint-free wing. “We remember who we were meant to be.” The tone was light, and if it was not for their current coexistence, Twilight would not have detected the surge of bitter resentment.

Holding her feather close to the canvas, Luna studied the incomplete artwork. “Perchance, is there an additional easel?”

A pair of empty crates were then summoned from Twilight's extra-dimensional storage, only to be sacrificed to the fires of transmutation. In less than half a second from their re-emergence into this physical world, they were fused, reshaped and stood ready in their new combined form.

Twilight smirked and swept her wing in invitation towards the new easel as her magic set a canvas upon it.

With a soft smile, Luna nodded and approached her canvas. “This has been a most interesting trip.”

“It has certainly been eventful.”

The pair of them lapsed into a comfortable silence. The only sounds were the wind and the swish of feathers shaping paint that even attempted to hide their breaths and heartbeats.

We must make a quite the sight, a pair of Alicorns painting on the battlements of a new fortress.

Night was in control, but that did nothing to reduce the satisfaction that stirred in Twilight's heart. The slow transmutation from streaks of colour to defined form allowed a savouring of the experience different than the pulse of positive reinforcement having the same end result with a mere wave of her horn would have granted.

This is why we paint. Night's mental tone hummed with satisfaction and carried the image of a little blue Alicorn with her tongue stuck out in concentration.

She was adorable, wasn't she? Night flicked their eyes to Luna and trailed the gaze along her body on its way to Luna’s painting.

A little warmth stirred in Twilight's chest as Nova’s attention was drawn to Luna’s toned form. Twilight's face twitched into a smile as the hunger for Luna changed to a craving for a daisy and zap apple salad. Thank you, my Dream. The amusement faded to a forlorn note. You were happy then? Twilight asked.

Night kept painting, her emotions a quite shifting mass, in turmoil but mastered. May we have a new canvas?

We have six more left. Twilight said as she granted the request.

Night lifted the first canvas from the easel and considered it for a moment. Though the first painting was unfinished, the crude forms and shapes still invoked emotions. The joy of being alive, of your heart pounding in your chest as you drank, danced and dared to do more. There was not a single bit of magic in it, no enchantment or compulsion, and yet, it still acted as if it did.

The canvas was held to the side as if offered to an unseen assistant, and Twilight took the hint. With a small pop and a twist of reality, it was gone.

“Luna, do you recall our mother?” Night asked, her tone unreadable.

The Princess of the Night paused, mid-feather-stroke.
“I shall take your silence as your answer.” Night said and began to paint, first the greys and blacks as they formed the background. This time, magic flowed into the paint. Loss, anger, rage, and despair were pushed aside and buried deep as Night pushed love, care and other softer emotions into the pigment.

Before, Night had been a master of her craft, a painter without peer. Now Twilight was legitimately speechless. The same ferocity that had driven Night in battle was now focused into something enchanting.

Night ended her assault upon the canvas, and with a ritualised flick of a wing, presented her offering.

From the mare that looked out from the canvas, it was plain to see where Luna had gotten her colouration. The pegasus was a breathtaking example of exotic beauty. Her lithe, supple form and powerful wings put to shame even Rainbow's despite Luna’s mother only being an artist.

Luna stared at the painting, frozen, not even breathing and then slowly, ever so slowly, reached a hoof towards the mare trapped in the canvas. The mare turned to meet Luna's gaze and smiled proudly.

“That's the smile she gave us when we returned to her, when we let her know we had performed well enough that she was allowed to have another foal,” Night said.

“Why do thou show us this?” Luna whispered.

“Sentimentality.” Without saying anything else, Night carefully lifted the enchanted painting from the easel and presented it to Luna.

“We thank thee,” Luna said, her eyes shimmering with moisture.

“Tis nothing.” Night said with a throw-away motion that did nothing to stop the warmth that blazed in their cheeks. “We merely wish to get in practice. After all, whom else shall paint thine wings for our wedding?”

Night froze, and Twilight’s lips tingled as soft warmth pressed against them. The world had vanished, and the only things that existed were shadows, Luna’s ethereal mane and the ever-deepening kiss. Kisses can last a long time when the participants have no requirement to breathe. A small distant part of Twilight noted as Nova’s passion surged forward.

A bust of gold and solar magic shattered the moment. Both Alicorns recoiled, exploding into motion. Night acted, and by reflex, Twilight fell back from the flash and reached for her magic.

In less than a blink, both were a dozen lengths apart, their horns blazing as they rallied various protections and assessed their surroundings. Twilight’s mind raced through spell after spell. Hundreds of runes danced on her horn.

Night slowly relaxed their battle stance. It took Twilight a moment longer to puzzle it out, to actually see what Night had their eyes looking at. With all their senses honed and magic posied to lash out and destroy any interlopers, the only thing out of place was a single scroll falling to the ground.

The scroll landed and rolled along the stone of the battlement. The red ribbon and golden seal left no doubt about who it was from. There was a long pause as each of them restrained, cancelled or otherwise made safe the city-ending tools of destruction that a moment ago were on a hair trigger.

Luna glared at the sun and shook her hoof. “Not Funny, Tia!”

Night dragged a wing over Luna, suppressing Twilight's shudder as paint smeared all over the pair of them. “We doubt she did that deliberately….”

Luna sighed, and in a single breath, recollected herself. Her aura claimed the scroll and broke the seal. Her eyes rapidly moved over the text before she reversed it and presented it to Twilight.

“This is a problem?” Luna asked, her aura highlighting one section.

All prisoners and those accused of actions that disrupt the current disaster relief efforts shall be transported to Cantalot for processing.

Night suppressed the shudder that threatened to go down their spine.

“Unfortunately for her, I have already done something with them.”

“You have?” Luna leaned conspiratorily close. “Do tell.”

“The Tree of foodlicious… Wow, that definitely needs a better name,”

“A most fitting fate.”

“I agree, but Im not sure I have the moral high ground to denounce what Celestia is doing.”

“And what, pray-tell, do you believe she is doing?”

“It is obvious given there was no request for evidence or reports… It's clear she is going to be wielding her mind magic with her normal… restraint. This is going to end up in a changeling hunt at best.”

Luna nodded. “She is reforging ponies and turning them into mindlessly loyal guards.”

Twilight glanced at her healthy well-toned leg, so unlike Grey’s stolen limb her true self had. “... Like she did to me?” The growl to her own voice once would have surprised her, but with Nova, she was getting used to it.

“Worse, in your case Sister was at least trying to restore what she believed to be lost. With this, she is just burning their minds to blank slates and stuffing their minds with copies of skills from whoever she desires.”

A chill rose in Twilight's core at the same time as Nova’s flame raged against it. For a moment, all that existed was six little stuffed toys floating in the air as Sweet Dreams told the tale, and the six little stuffed toys were rent asunder as the plushy Celestia had her way with them.

Twilight closed her eyes and focused. One by one, she sorted, categorised and formed a list of where all the internal influences came from. Nova’s burning rage was purely mindless with her need to burn and pound. Sweet Dream’s more cunning and venomous contempt felt corrosive as it squirmed and sought a way to act. Grey’s was a frozen bitterness that formed a solid foundation for it all.

What do I feel? It should have been a simple question, but it was not. Each and every thought, every emotion linked back to one of her guests.

As she brought her hoof to her chest, she breathed in, and as she pushed it away, she breathed out. Unlike normal, she poured herself into that breath. A black mist flowed from her flesh puppet as she shrugged it off like a discarded dress.

Like last time, the world flowed, shifted and stopped making sense. Then everything became clear, her mind calm. The soft breeze massaged Twilight as it flowed through her naked soul. “That is better,” Twilight sighed, or more accurately, used her pegasus magic to vibrate the air to simulate the same effect.

Luna looked between the flesh Twilight had just vacated and Twilight's current non-corporal form. “The fun has been doubled?”

The chuckle that burst from Night was so unlike her normal evil cackle. It was boisterous, energetic and good-natured, and seemed to take the former Nightmare by complete surprise.

Twilight formed a smirk on her muzzle and let her senses unfold. Without the barrier of flesh in the way, every sense she still had was crystal clear and razor sharp. What's this? Twilight looked straight at the scrying sensor. Pride in her daughter took away almost all of the sting. “Very good, Little Star. I almost did not notice this time.”

Both Luna and Night followed her gaze. A moment later, in a flash of magenta, Little Star and her crusaders appeared already dressed and fully geared up for battle.

“That is exactly the right response to an unexpected surge of magic, my Daughter.” Night said as she enfolded the little unicorn in an embrace with both wings. “I am so proud of you.”

“So, what happened?” Scootaloo asked.

“Sister teleported a scroll to us… given the range and the power involved….”

Twilight nodded. “We both flinched and reached for our magic.”

“Err, Princess, who are you?” Applebloom asked, staring straight at Twilight.

“It seems there is some explanation to be done.” Night cut in before Twilight could say a word. “Who wants Ice Cream?” In whisper-speak, she added. “You two talk. I’ll look after these cohorts.”

As if it were a magic word, the incantation of the most sacred of deserts, ice cream acted like a siren's call, and most of the herd of ponies trailed after Night as if ducklings after their mother.

“Yeah, ah never seen an Alicorn like that,” Applebloom said.

Sweetie Belle's eyes were fixed on the shifting arcane symbols in Twilight's form, even as she trotted after her friends. “I think she's pretty, and she's a little like the tantabus from Luna’s dreams.”

It only took a simple bit of vector analysis to work out which spells held Sweetie Belle's attention. Twilight shifted. Can’t have you learning that one.

Night offered them a warm, motherly smile. “Sometimes a princess needs to be in more than one place at once, and there is magic for that.”

Meteor Crash lagged behind the group and caught Luna’s eyes. With a simple nod, she dismissed him to follow the fillies.

With liquid smooth strides, Twilight closed in on Luna, so close their coats would have touched if Twilight had a coat at that moment. “Night is playing foal sitter to give us time together?”

“Yes.” Luna nodded and licked her lips. “That would seem to be correct.”

Twilight glanced back over her withers to the downstairs. “She truly loves foals, doesn't she.”

“Foals have not learned what is impossible yet, so they have the most wondrous dreams.” Luna's voice resonated with a wight of countless memories and endless longing.

Luna gazed out to the horizon, her wings half open. Twilight let her eyes linger and assessed each muscle one by one. Again, without Nova, there was no hunger, no burning passion feeding her desire. That being said, Luna was a beautiful mare. Just like this, free from her internal family’s influence, Twilight could choose.

Twilight stretched her own wing out and enfolded Luna with it. “If they keep the company of our daughter, I don't think that is a lesson they will ever learn.”

Luna leaned into the embrace. “True.”



“Do you ever regret your ascension?”

The silence stretched for a good eleven point two seconds before Luna answered. “Before we learned of our daughter, and our soon-to-be bonding, at times, yes.” She retrieved and re-rolled Celestia’s scroll. “Do you?”



“I don't regret becoming an Alicorn, but there was a lot around it that was not exactly… ideal,” Twilight said as she looked towards the distant Canterlot.

Her talent offered its aid. The city was completely out of sight, but with the right space warping, it was still well in range of a host of offensive spells. Twilight played with a few options and calculated yield, blast radius and minimum safe distance. It was quite an interesting puzzle, enough power to breach Canterlot’s protections but not enough to damage Ponyville. The added complications of leaving Dounut Joe's, the books shops and her parent's homes intact were as vexing as it was intriguing. If I angle the blast right… Images and force vector calculations flashed through her mind. With just the right explosions, she could simply launch the parts of the city off the mountain. Once their flight brought them to a minimum safe distance, the options for their elimination expanded.

Luna’s nuzzle was an abrupt interruption to the string of calculations. The following kiss left Twilight's pages of mental notes scattered all over her mental space. Even without Nova’s passion, it was an experience. Without any flesh in the way, even Luna’s slightest touch was electric, but even though, that one question nagged at her mind. Where is she going to get ice cream?

CH 84  Killing With Kindness

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How could things have come to this? That one recurring question refused to give him even a moment of peace. It racked his mind worse than the tremors that plagued his Tartarus-cursed flesh.

A laugh started in his chest, but the hitch of pain and the hacking cough banished any chance of humour. To think I would play my role so well that Celestia's need to protect me would be my undoing?

Celestia had given him ten more of her puppets, with two of them having explicit instructions to keep him safe. Even with the curtains closed, that telltale golden glow crept passed them. It would have warmed the hearts of anypony else's barrels, but to him, it was the highest of ironies.

The red liquid in his tea cup was so thick it looked like a foal's dessert more than a drink. With a shrug, he tested it with a spoon, and yes, it was effectively a tea-flavoured potion in a jelly state.

He scooped out some of the wobbly mass and watched it glisten. He felt like a foal, but he did not let that stop him. That taste hit his tongue like a chemical weapon. His body wanted to gag, to get rid of the vile intruder, but he just took a long calming breath.

The green tea and elderflower blend had been better. This rose and berry tea made scouring his taste buds away an infinitely preferable event than trying this most recent one again.

It took him half an hour to force-feed himself his medicine and the rest of the hour for his constant torment to fade back down to manageable levels. "It will all be worth it," he breathed out in an only-slightly-ragged breath.

After a few more slow breaths, he turned his attention to the regrettably large stack of paperwork. With so many ponies displaced and so much supply moving, it all added up. Thanks to his efforts in reorganisation, it was manageable.

After a time, completing the paperwork and logistics became automatic, and his mind drifted to the more pressing issue. How am I going to depart?

He dared not risk using his specialities on his minders. There was no way Celestia lasted as long as she did by leaving things to chance. He would bet his horn her new tools had some way to immediately report to her.

There has to be something.

He could activate the last of his sleeper agents, but given the current situation, even getting the coded message them would take a week.

There was using mental reconditioning to convince some displaced ponies to attack them. It was risky, but it could buy some time, and with the right spells, they could even provide a burnt corpse to leave in his place. The problem with that was he had no idea of how perceptive or combat-capable Celestia's creations were.

His mind settled on the tool he had intended for times like this. The Blight. If only it worked how it was meant to, it would have been perfect. The numbers on the page taunted him and proclaimed his miscalculation.

As if summoned by his thoughts, the next report dragged his full attention to it. It was just a simple list of numbers. An accounting of those still alive, those injured, and those confirmed lost.

"So wasteful."

Each pony lost lessened Equestria. Deliberately spending lives with purpose was one thing. What had happened was something else. Did he have any other options, though?

If only he could get another disguise, but no, even if his body could take the strain, there was nothing of value to offer the changelings.

A tired long-suffering sigh fled his body. He lifted his hoof, and it looked just as he expected it to. He rotated it and studied every minute detail. It had been so long since he had last seen his true form that it looked natural and right.

Outside, armour rattled, and the brainwashed Paladin barked. "Halt."


Noble Guide massaged his forehead. "Let her in."

Armour shifted again, and hooves impacting the ground announced the Paladin stepping aside.

The door opened to reveal a timid, bespectacled mare. Her crystal pony heritage and silver coat made her name impossible to forget. "Do come in, Miss Mirror, and please don't let the increased security bother you."

"Are they all like that?"

"I'm afraid it's a Canterlot thing, it's expected of them there, and it can take years for them to start acting like normal ponies again once they are reassigned."


"Yes, it is as tiring there as you might expect. Now, as pleasant as it is to be visited by a beautiful mare such as yourself, would I be correct in assuming this is not merely a social call?"

"We finished the inventory of the private warehouses." Miss Mirror said hesitantly.

"You found something erroneous?"

"There are some…" Mirror shifted and fiddled with her mane like a student that realised they read the wrong textbook and was ill-prepared for the day's lesson.

His irritation built, but it had no outlet. The old CSGU professor would have had a hash comment. The dark mage could have had the mare screaming by now, but Noble Guide, the kind and generous soul, could only smile reassuringly at the mare. "Please, continue."

Mirror grimaced but continued on. "One warehouse was full of counterfeit goods, a few crates of fake medical supplies that are more likely to make you ill than help and…." She stopped again, unable to get the words out.

"You have the report?" He asked, taking mercy on her.

The mare nodded and slowly pushed a folder over the desk. Noble Guide claimed it in his magic and flipped through the loose pages, skimming the text. Then he found it, the entry that stopped Miss Mirror dead. He did not even need to read the words. The paperclip-secured photo said it all. Seven shrivelled Changeling pods, each with a gaunt withered husk that used to be pony inside.

He lifted the photo by hoof. "Tartarus, how long were they in there?"

"The forensic experts think since just before Princess Cadance was attacked."

He took a slow breath and put on his best somber voice. "Do we know who they were?"

Mirror shook her head. "They want to do other tests before they extract them."

Noble Guide rubbed just under his horn. It did nothing for the oncoming headache. This is just going to draw even more attention. He thought as his mind tried to find any way to turn this into an opportunity. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention so promptly," he said, voice full of sympathy. "If you need to take a few days off…"

"No, I can't do that. There is not enough of us as is." She smiled warmly, but her eyes still looked haunted. "Thanks, though. Once everything is all settled back down, I think I'm going to take an early retirement."

"The Princesses are working hard. Everything will be sorted by year's end." By my hooves if necessary. He did not say.

Mirror sighed and, at that moment, looked decades older. "I hope so, I really do… I thought things could not get any worse, and then we found… this."

He looked to the golden glow that crept under the closed door. Things can always get worse. he thought, but his words were laced with hopefulness. "Now that Princess Celestia has sent out her Paladins, we have nothing to worry about."

"I hope you're right."

Too many hours later, he lay in bed. It might have well been a stone floor, or a bed of spikes, for all it did for his comfort. His mind churned despite the leaden fatigue that tried fruitlessly to drag him into slumber.

"How do I use this?" He muttered.

He held the photo in his hoof. Something about it held his attention. It was almost as if a plan was on the precipice of being revealed.

Changelings, it's not like I know where any are. His mind played with the idea. It's not like there really needs to be changelings. They just need to think there were…

A bit of mind magic and the ones reporting the changeling dying of acidic venom or an overdose of a paralytic so nopony could look into their minds. "Hmm."

Something has to attack me… something has to draw off the Paladins…

He dared not use his normal tools. Dark magic, Mind magic or even blood magic was out of the question. That only left him with his Earth-aspected magic.

"Earth…" It was one of the reasons his peers used to laugh at him. What sort of true Unicorn did not have access to Astral-aspected magic? The vaunted teleportation magic and many other useful spells required it, and although he knew all the runes and had mastered all the theories, he would never be able to cast them. Even the simplest of spatial magic was forever beyond him.

"Earth." He mused again, fusing stone, digging, carving. It could be used for so many useful but terribly mundane things. His mind sorted through his vast catalogue of spells. The vast majority were simply discarded.

Earth spikes, useful if slow offensive magic that can ignore some magic-focused defences. The same for stone blade. Petrification?

Petrification… He ignored the pain and the coppery taste as he smiled. That's perfect. Once a target is stone, a simple shaping spell and I can have them looking just like me. A few more, and I can have my Changelings… now how did that animate stone spell go again?

A maniacal laugh threatened to escape him. Fortunately, it turned into a pained hacking cough, or Celestia might have heard it from Canterlot. Instead, the flecks of blood that came with it only reinforced how little time he had left.

CH 85 Unexpected Words

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Sunset's schedule for the day was ruined, and she had nopony to blame but herself. The trap that held Sunset was of the most insidious types. No matter how hard she tried, she just could not muster even a single mote of desire to escape it. Of all the consequences of allowing Fluttershy to see her equine form, Sunset should not have been surprised by her wide-eyed offer, nor how it led to the current situation.

Moaning in pleasure would be wholly inappropriate, so Sunset bit her lip as Fluttershy's fingers worked the floral shampoo into her mane. It was divine, it was sinful. Even the best spa treatment had never felt so good. Especially the light touches to her ears or the brush against her horn.

She knew why it felt so good, but that did nothing to stop the blush on her cheeks. It was all due to the simple heightening of her senses thanks to Night's gift and had absolutely nothing to do with the fact Sunset could at least appreciate how attractive of a human Fluttershy was, or that's what she told herself.

Sunset let her eyes close and just relished the attention. No wonder her animals happily submit to this.

Fluttershy finished with Sunset's mane and moved on to her body. Warm water pummeled her muscles in a wonderful way as the shower head came into play. A power shower was a wonder of the human world she would never wish to give up, but what drew a croon from her throat was just the simple fact everything was under another's control made it sensual rather than mundane.

Time passed in a haze of sensation as every inch of Sunset's equine body was cleaned, brushed and groomed to perfection. The relaxing scents and the constant soothing touches aided sleep in its tempting allure. I'll just rest for a few minutes. She thought as a small and hopefully not cute yawn escaped her.

"Umm, Sunset?" The gentle voice called, probably not for the first time.

"Hmm?" Was all the eloquence Sunset could muster through the haze of contentment that enveloped her.

"Your book's glowing. Maybe you should answer it, you know, if you want to?"

Sunset slowly opened her eyes and stretched. Rising to her hooves, she arched her back like a cat. The little squeak of joy Fluttershy made would have been inaudible to human ears.

"I made you a yummy breakfast if you want it."

Sunset looked to her friend, to those intense teal eyes, so full of fragile hope that any answer short of yes may as well be a war crime. "Yes, please, Fluttershy. Thanks."

Fluttershy popped the lid on the airtight box, and immediately Sunset's senses came alive. Half the smells spoke of things that would have tasted horrible as a human, but to her equine nose, it offered anything but disappointment. She could feel herself salivating as the wonderful combinations of scents promised her stomach a treat on par with what the rest of her body got yesterday.

The shy girl placed the offering on the floor in front of Sunset. It may have come in a pet bowl, but what was in it more than made up for the unintended insult. Freshly prepared assorted greens, fruits, flower petals and nuts garnished with crunchy grain clusters as garnish. She was a dozen mouthfuls in before she knew it. "With better presentation, you could serve this in the palace," Sunset murmured between mouthfuls.

"It's not that good."

"Yes, it is, even the princess would…." Sunset paused, the princess, Celestia her mentor, Celestia the ruler of the sun, the alicorn. She felt her mood starting to fall as she found some of the happier memories from back then. That look of pride Celestia used to have whenever Sunset mastered a new spell, that time when Sunset was horribly sick, so sick that her foalish mind had thought she was going to die, and Celestia had cancelled everything, all her royal duties, just to care for her. The time they shared good food and chatted about magic and hypothetical situations and how they each would solve them.

"Umm, the princess would what?"

Sunset shook the memory away. "This tastes amazing, Fluttershy. You don't even have the same taste buds, and this right here is better than most of the things I ate in the palace". Sunset's smile was bittersweet. "Princess Celestia would love this and might foalnap you to be her chef if she ever gets a chance to have some."

"Oh, no…"

"You don't need to worry about that. I'll make sure she never finds any."

"Umm, thank you? Umm, you might want to see what Princess Twilight is writing about."

Sunset savoured a few more mouthfuls of the gourmet breakfast before she pushed a little magic to her horn a pulled the communication diary to her. Multi-casting. The thought was as much a cry of joy as anything else, so with a smile, she kept munching as the book flipped open and floated in the air before her. Inside, another complex spell diagram and then another greeted her.

"What's that?" Fluttershy asked.


Fluttershy nodded.

"This is my lesson. Or homework."

Fluttershy saw the complex arrangements of spell runes and, by her expectation, took none of it in at all. "Is it some sort of puzzle?"

"Nah, it's just a spell."

"A spell?"

"Yeah, unicorn here." Sunset pointed a hoof at her horn. "Magic's kinda our thing."

"So what's it do?"

"I don't actually know. That's my first task, work out what the hay it does."

"That does not seem very safe. You keep telling us magic can be dangerous."

Sunset nodded as she finished off the last morsel of her meal. "It is, hence why I'm not going to try to cast it until I figured it all out and have N… Twilight check my work."

"That's good… umm, I think there's more."

Fluttery was right, but it was not a spell, just simple words.

Good luck with that one. You will need it.
Now I'm afraid I must take my leave, but my daughter has asked to speak to you. Do you have time to indulge my daughter's desire?

Sunset's aura claimed her favourite ballpoint pen as she started to write her reply.

"Is she another cute little pony too?" Fluttershy asked, voice full of quiet joy.

"I've not seen her myself, but Fluttershy, I think you would find any filly adorable."

I'm just relaxing, so I have the time. Fluttershy is here too.
So, another that my Little Star can try to charm. Just remember, despite how intelligent she seems, she still has only the smallest amount of life experience.
P.S. Don't get her to do your homework for you.

Sunset snorted with amusement. The purely equine sound provoked Fluttershy to pet her. "I'm going to fall asleep again if you do that for too long."

Fluttershy covered her mouth to hide the adorable little giggle that escaped her. "Does the little pony need her nap?"

At one time, such a comment would have proked a rage, would have been met with a biting report, a brutal put-down and perhaps even an optional fireball. Now Sunset just chuckled. "Keep it up, and I will do."

Hello, I'm Little Star, my Mummy Twilight said I could write to you.
Nice to talk to you, Little Star. I'm Sunset Shimmer.
This is not talking. Do you know a spell that could alter the book so we could use it to relay voice? Also, hello, Fluttershy Two.

"Can you say hello back for me? And why is she calling me Fluttershy two?"

"Why don't you ask her?" Sunset grabbed a second pen and offered it.

Fluttershy stared, and even though it was a normal pen, a moment after the ink touched the page, it changed colour. "Umm, is it meant to do that?"

"It's just the magic of the book making it clear who is writing." Sunset nodded her horn to the book in encouragement.

Hello, Little Star. I'm Fluttershy. May I ask why you call me Fluttershy Two?

Hello Fluttershy, There are three reasons.

  1. You are the second Fluttershy I have had contact with.
  2. You are not my Mummy Twilight's chosen like Fluttershy One is.
  3. There is a chance you are not real, but that's alright as long as you can think.

Please could you provide the answers to the following questions?

  1. Can you think?
  2. Do you feel real?
  3. What is it like being a human?
  4. Do you like being a human?
  5. Do you like animals like Fluttershy One does?
  6. Do you think my mummies are animals due to our morphology, or are we ponies people because we can talk and write?
  7. What do you think of magic? (I like magic)
  8. Have you talked to the original you?
  9. Can you talk to animals?
  10. Can you do the Stare?
  11. If the mirror was broken, do you think you would cease to exist?

Fluttershy recoiled as if stuck, as if the words writing themselves across the page carried a physical force. "Not real?" Notes of dread lent a slight waver to the almost whispered words.

Sunset rolled her eyes, careful that Fluttershy would not see, then sat up on her haunches to pull the human into an embrace. "You're real in every way that counts," Sunset said, a reassuring hoof running along the human's back. As she comforted Fluttershy, more and more questions started to fill their second page and then a third.

With a horn, it was foal's play to write in the book without even looking at it. Sunset skipped to the next page as Little Star's questions still had not stopped, having already reached question One-hundred and four.

Little Star, I know all the questions are just because you are excited, interested in the answers, and happy to write to us, but creatures that are not scholars tend to react badly when you imply they might not exist or are nothing more than a conjuration of a spell.

The constant little tingle on her horn with each word received stopped. The magic of the book fell silent.

I'm sorry, my apologies for any offence and or distress given or caused. I have added that to my list for social interactions.

"That is such a Twilight thing to say."

"What is?"

Sunset nodded towards the book.

"She has to have a list?"

"Well, if she's anything like Twilight, she had to have friendship lessons."

"What sort of person needs lessons in friendship?"

"Some ponies, it seems." Sunset shrugged. "I had manipulation, and being an evil she-demon down fine… even I needed some help on actually getting the friendship bit right."

"Umm, weren't both you and Twilight trained by your Celestia?"

"Yeah… The more I learn, the more I think immortality is not a recipe for understanding mortals."

Fluttershy picked up the pen and hesitated for a moment.

That's alright. I know you were not trying to be mean. Just some of those thoughts are a little scary.
Am I allowed to ask why it is scary?

As Fluttershy kept conversing with Little Star, Sunset turned her attention to her homework. It only took a second to use a spell to copy the right pages from the diary to blank paper. The complex arcane diagrams looked far less grandiose when on A4 printer paper compared to the thick quality Canterlot stock.

Now, what does this bit do? The first series of runes linked into the second that fed back into the first. Sunset traced it with her hoof, and still, it made no sense. All this would do is waste energy… likely with some leakage as light and heat. She cast her eyes on the rest of the spell structure. It was poorly designed and would leave the resulting spell effect with frayed edges, perhaps even tendrils of lose magic if over-charged.

Just casting this is going to disrupt any active spells I have. Why did you send me this one? What am I meant to learn from this mess? She shook her head and chewed on her pen. It's not even good for a spell breaker…

Fluttershy gasped. It was not her normal gasp. No, this one was somehow softer yet infinitely more terrified. The human had a hand to her mouth, and her dilated eyes were staring at the page. The pen fell from her pale, shaking fingers.

What now.

And then Mummy ate his heart. Such acts are an important part of Griffon culture and signifies claiming the strength of the defeated. It helped expand my understanding of Griffon anatomy a little, but it was too messy to learn much.

"What the buck?"

It had taken two calming spells and a sleeping enchantment to get Fluttershy settled down and an hour to get the full story out of Little Star, who also helpfully provided blow-by-blow illustrations of the battle along the bottom corners of the dairy's pages. If you flicked through it fast enough, it played back the final few seconds of the duel.

The chamomile and honey tea did little to calm Sunset's nerves, but at least it was comforting to hold. Sunset cast her eyes to the reclined form of her sleeping friend. A simple memory spell would be all it would take to fix this.
From a utilitarian point of view, it was the right thing to do. It's exactly what an Equestrian doctor would prescribe for the trauma. From a human point of view, it was a violation of trust. It was a defilement of their minds.

Sunset flicked through the pages again and watched Twilight's rear hoof smash Redwing's chest and hurl him away. If this was coloured, some people would watch this. The thought was just a distraction, and Sunset knew it. The real issue was duels to the death were not something Twilight Sparkle, The Princess of Friendship, would ever take part in.

Fluttershy's phone rang. Sunset reached for it with her aura. The phone floated to her, its screen displaying Rarity's number.

"Hi, Rarity. I'm afraid Fluttershy's asleep."

"Oh, is she alright? She was meant to meet me at the spa."

Sunset chewed her lip for a moment. It had really turned into one of those days. "She's alright, just some shocking news from our out-of-town friends."

"Do tell, darling."

"Not the sort of things to share over the phone." Or ever.

"Ah, say no more. Wish them luck with whatever ruffian they are dealing with this time."

"Will do," Sunset said as she flicked through the diary again.

Another voice called in the background of the call. "I'll be right there," Rarity answered before saying. "I have to go. I'll call you later. Look after Fluttershy."

The line went dead before Sunset could answer. The call vanished from the screen, replaced by Fluttershy's phone's wallpaper. When did she take this? Sunset's image looked back at her from the phone screen. Until that very moment, cute would never have entered the lexicon she would pick from to describe herself. Yet somehow, Fluttershy had done it, transformed one of the hottest mares ever to trot around Canterlot and replaced her with a bundle of adorableness. "If Rainbow ever sees this, I will never live this down." The moment of levity faded as Sunset turned her attention back to the diary.

With a sigh, she flipped back and started taking notes. If she could ignore the fact these were real events or even just pretend they were ancient history, it made for interesting reading. Little Star's verbose writing style read like a CSGU essay, even as it rambled off to the political implications and historical trivia only tangentially related. Like Night had said, Little Star was incredibly intelligent but lacked the wisdom to draw the obvious conclusion and had no idea about information security. Alicorn-level secrets were written next to notes on how griffons had different preferred ice cream flavours.

The little bits of foalish innocence almost brought a smile to Sunset's muzzle, but she could not be distracted. There was work to be done. Somewhere in here would be a clue, a bit of information, something that would answer the question. Has the Nightmare corrupted you, Twilight?

CH 86.1 A Moment in Moonlight

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As with many things in Twilight's life, it all started with an experiment. A simple question that required an answer, and this was the result. Twilight lifted her hoof and watched as the muscles, tendons, and bones worked in perfect harmony to manifest the commanded motion. It was a completely mundane event apart from one crucial detail, neither the silver hoof nor the pale-coated limb truly was hers. Well, if she was being technical, legally, the entire body belonged to her. It was as much hers as the soul she carefully cradled.

Said soul seemed to purr even as she usurped total control of its flesh. It had been so easy. Only the fact that Candice had agreed removed any possible guilt. There was simply no possible resistance to a fully ascended Alicorn for a mortal. Anything they tried to command the body to do was like one of Fluttershy's quietest whispers in a room with Vinyl's loudest speakers booming out her music.

She put the hoof back on the ground and stretched one of the oversized wings. She had seen them move before, watched them in flight, and enjoyed measuring every feather upon them as a prelude to intimacy. Now, the feathery appendage moved as if it were Twilight's own. Something so utterly mundane transformed into a barrage of almost familiar sensations.

The giggle that escaped sounded alien, even as she felt every bit of biology that facilitated it. "So this is how you think you sound?" It was not Twilight's voice nor Candice's, at least not how Twilight was used to hearing it.

A little different than that, as my inflections are slightly different, but for the most part, yes. Candice's mental whisper said.

"We take it you were successful?" The voice that sounded almost like Luna's said.

"Yes," Twilight said, nodding with Candice's head.

"You have truly created a work of art with that body. Despite housing you, there is no alteration nor any hint of degradation."

"You were expecting those side effects?"

Luna prowled around her, enchanting eyes hungrily devoured all they saw. "Nothing dire, my dear. Mayhaps a bit of added height or altered colours at the very least."

Being sheltered in flesh had advantages. It allowed for an increase in magic generation, but there were complications. Gone was the detachment that being a naked soul brought. As Luna circled her, hormones and other biochemistry went to work.

If Twilight's usual excitement were a wine, this would be a different vintage from a nearby vineyard. Distinct and unique, but still with all a fragrance that promised a delightful experience.

There was a research paper here somewhere. If only Luna's eyes were not so captivating, she could have started a mental list. Instead of what should have been populated with comparative biology and subjective experiences, emotions clouded Twilight's mind.

A deep calming breath would only bring more of Luna's scent, which would do nothing to aid in her objectivity. A slight push of pegasus magic created a zone of fresh air. All contaminants and particles were forced from the area of effect.

Luna's playful smirk did not help either. What am I feeling? It was another simple question. There was definitely lust. The warm tingly feelings, increased heart rate and focus on Luna clearly indicated that. Yet that was not all there was. There was something new beneath it. It was warm and had a softness to it. It had loyalty to it and wished to wield kindness and generosity for Luna's benefit alone. What is this? It was not friendship, but it was close and yet so very different.

That is unconditional love, and it's what I feel for you as well.

At least Candice was more verbose and elegant than Nova. Unconditional love? That had not been what Cadance had said about love. There were all those rules, conditions and requirements. Cadance could, would and did full walls, blackboards and whole libraries of paper with the prep work for her matchmaking. Even as Twilight's mind focused on logic and reason, a different reaction sped up her heart. They were just simple words, so why did they mean so much. 'It's what I feel for you as well.'

"Night has all our duties in order... if not now... when?" Luna mused under her breath. "Twilight?"

At the sound of her name, she snapped her full focus on the current moment. "Yes, Luna?" Even just saying the name stirred something profound inside. Another data point. Is this like with Nova but based on Candice instead?

Probably. Said mare added.

"Will thou accompany us?" Luna asked, her hoof extended in an invitation, her normal firm eyes held both longing and trepidation.

Trapped between Candice inside, and Luna before her, Twilight's thoughts froze. For the first time in a long time, no plan of action nor mental list formed. Almost before she knew what she was doing, Twilight lifted her borrowed hoof to Luna's. The Night Princess's smile increased in direct proportion to the proximity to contact, and the radiant joy in those eyes was extremely... interesting. More words came to mind, beautiful, glamorous, exquisite, gorgeous, stunning, captivating, alluring... loving. Twilight's mind went on finding more and more words before pausing to sort the list alphabetically. After all, even in an addled state a librarian, or former librarian in this case, had to have some standards.

Magic built around them so thick that even the air seemed to shimmer. So potent that even with her soul concealed in Candice's flesh, every part of Twilight tingled. With a crash of thunder, the magic imploded around them. Shadows and silvery light enveloped them, and then the pair were gone.

Miss-cast! Twilight's mind shouted as it snapped into full panic mode. Forty-two separate mental lists were recalled and ready before she registered what her senses were telling her.

The world around her was utterly silent, and no new scents reached her borrowed nose. The texture of the ground beneath her hooves had changed. It had a dusty, almost sandy quality instead of the solid, magic-forged stone of the Twilight Citadel. Finally, there was the fact that magic from her internal reserves was being used to ignore the body's need to breathe, acting as ice water poured over the burning of her borrowed lungs.

Luna's peaceful but slightly tentative smile recontextualised everything. Gravity had less of a hold on her than expected. The dusty planes around her were all a uniform slivery grey, and Luna, most importantly, looked happy.

I'm on the moon. Every bit of panic vanished. She carefully packed away the mental lists, and instead of looking for threats, she allowed herself to just see.

Above, far in the heavens, wrapped in strands of umbral light, an orb hung. It was not the gold of Celestia's sun, nor the silver of beloved Luna's moon. No huge storm systems danced around a globe of greens, blues, whites and browns.

As relief crashed through her, Twilight fell back onto her haunches, albeit in slow motion. I'm on the moon? Amusement and delight floated up from Candice's tiny soul, still safely cradled within. Relief and awe added themselves to the mix, so powerful that a giddy joy rose from deep inside and escaped as a silent giggle, little more than a tremble that vibrated through her body on the airless surface of Luna's moon. I'm on the moon!

A part of her wanted to prance around, to dance in a circle, chanting yes yes yes yes, but another part of her held on to a shred of wisdom. With the Alicorn magic enhancing Candice's flesh there and the lower gravity, there would be even odds the next stop would be Equus. So instead, she just focused on the stunning vista.

It was one thing to see Luna's sky from the ground, a vastly different thing to see it with thestral eyes. To see it from within to look down from the moon's surface was a unique experience, a gift no other could have given her.

Twilight's cheeks heated, but she did not care. The view was far too spectacular to worry about a mere blush.

With a little push of magic to her eyes, the globe snapped into sharper focus, with a bit more power, and the most prominent features snapped into clarity. Canterlot, Ponyville, Manehatten. The burned scars and twisted darkness were all too plain to see. Even more so than when in flight, the land lay before her as if it were a map. It was simple to follow her flight path, retrace her journey and see the devastation Nova's fire had inflicted upon the Griffon's lands to purge the blight.

So this is why satellites would be useful... Twilight thought as one of her many conversations with Sunset replayed in her mind.

She pushed magic to her horn, and nothing happened. Confusion ruled for half a second before she wanted to facehoof. Right, no horn... The magic spiralled around Candice's unique wing structure, and with a magenta glow, some moon dust rose to eye level.

The strange material drank hungrily of the magic and internalised it. Moments later, it radiated its own light, a mix of the moon's silver and her own Magenta.

There were so many experiments, so many things she could do, but somehow with Luna still holding her hoof, it seemed less important. It was odd. There was no seductive nibbling of an ear, no tempting touches, just simply Luna's larger hoof holding Twilight's own.

Twilight's gaze followed from the dark hoof along the leg until Luna's deep eyes greeted her. They were like pools of turquoise so vast they put an ocean to shame, so intense Twilight's mind failed to find any single word that could capture it and started on a process to invent new words and add them to the Equish language.

Luna stepped back, and Twilight's mind ground to a halt. The Lunar Princess made even that simple action into a work of art, a performance that demanded yet more new words to be created to be properly defined.

Luna's movement was perfectly in tune with the low gravity environment, completely at ease... finally in her natural habitat. She swept her wings out in a wide extravagant welcoming bow. The motion was old and archaic, and the wide smile was anything but historically accurate, but the meaning was clear. A small part of her mind noted the smile provoked an uptick in her heart rate. It was a lovely smile, after all. That particular bow was used in that historical fiction Rarity lent me...

For the second time that night, Luna offered her hoof. For the second time, Twilight accepted. How could she do anything else? Luna stepped back and pulled Twilight back to her hooves.

There was a turn, another step as the motion faced her to balance on her hind legs. The movement was odd and awkward until Luna's horn lit, and little caresses of aura helped guide Twilight. Without Night or Dreams, it took an embarrassing number of seconds to work out what was happening. This was a dance. Luna had brought her to the moon to dance.

Bit by bit, little feelings, ghosts of ideas floated up from Candice, and Twilight followed them, her movements becoming more fluid, more graceful as Candice's muscle memory helped guide her.

This was not the scientific study that Twilight wanted to perform. There was not a single experiment or even a planned one working its way through her mind. The only thing that mattered was the movement, the dance, and the feel of Luna's coat and feathers when they touched.

They could have danced for an hour. It could have been a year. Every attempt to form a temporal frame of reference failed. Their shared motion had stopped, and their final pose held. One petrification spell, and they would have made the most romantic garden ornament conceivable by quite a wide margin.

Luna closed her eyes. When they opened, they were fully thestralized, and her smile had those alluring little fangs that always made Sweet Dreams look such the temptress.

Those silt eyes held her. They pinned Twilight in place. By how her body was reacting, it should have been terror, but this was so very different. Anticipation, excitement and many more words were starting to lose any meaning as Luna smiled. A part of Twilight's mind scrambled for the dropped mental dictionary. The rest of her bucked that unneeded line of thought into the void of space. One did not need fancy words to realise something far more important was happening.

But Cadance, the rules… the smallest voice of protest spoke up in Twilight's mind. Luna just smiled and traced a feather along Twilight's cheek. Cadance was a long way away, and Luna's eyes were so very inviting.

Luna leaned in closer, her lips slowly, inevitably found Twilight's own. The kiss that followed dominated her senses with the faint taste of mangos and the soft but firm presence of Luna's tongue. Powerful wings enveloped her, and for a time, it was as if nothing beyond existed at all.

If you had asked Twilight a year ago if snuggling on an airless plane of magical dust would be comfortable, she would have said no, possibly with capital letters and definitely with a few essays and treatises on why such a thing would be true.

At this moment, there was nowhere else she could conceive she would rather be. As thoughts started to collect themselves and form into nice orderly queues for her attention, she had to admit that from a technical standpoint, Sweet Dreams was better. Something about being in Candice's body more than made up for it in the quality of the post-activity experience.

The first rune of a retrieve spell formed, and she stopped. Twilight rocked with silent laughter. Instead of just enjoying the moment, I was… She could not even finish the thought in her head. Instead, she turned her gaze onto Luna.

The large mare had her eyes closed, and if you excused the lack of breathing, seemed asleep. With the fact the larger mare was half pinning her, she could hear her slow twice-a-minute heartbeat like a steady drum.

Twilight snuggled closer and turned her gaze to the planet above What a wonderful night. Twilight thought as she let her eyes close. After all, it's not like anypony would miss her. As far as they knew, she was still down there on the planet. That led to another thought, one final wonder before, for the first time in what felt like forever, she let Luna's realm claim her. I wonder how Night is doing?

CH 86.2 Moonlit Reflections

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A content smile graced the muzzle of the mare that nestled under Luna's wing. Twilight, sheathed in Candice's flesh, had embraced slumber and, for the first time since her capture, did not retreat to her bastion. No, instead, she willingly cast off her defences and entered Luna's domain. Twilight dreamed at last. If she returned to her bastion, there would be a magenta orb. With Twilight's history, it was an affirmation of the deepest level of trust.

It should have been a perfect moment, and if you looked from the outside, Luna knew that's what any observer would see. What they would see would be true if it was not for one thing.

One thing haunted her mind despite the tender joys of the past hours. A screaming skull wreathed in crystal, and fire prowled Luna's thoughts. With each heartbeat, that phantom of her Dream Augury stalked closer.

May it be nought but mine fear. Yet even as she thought it, a part of her knew it to be untrue. She knew not how, why, nor when, only that the moment moved ever closer. Twilight would burn, and like all visions of portent, nothing could change it.

Silken shadows flowed together as cushions formed under the sleeping mare. Luna cast her senses over Candice's form. Still, not a single sign of soul rot or mana burn. It was a good thing. It provided a refuge if Twilight's flesh was lost. A sigh wanted to escape her, but there was not the air to do so. What will be, will be. What is, is.

Candice provided a soft pillow as Luna lay her head down, even as she cast her eyes above. Equus hung in this distance, the land far below wrapped in her night, even though it was many hours past the time she would generally declare morning.

Closed eyes were no hindrance to her senses, and she focused all of them on this moment. The seconds turned into hours, and the hours into seconds. A moment as immortal as Luna herself, treasured until the day her duty was finally over. The moment lasted forever, even as it shifted to be nothing but a memory.

Even as duty called her to action, she knew it would only be a matter of time before canvas bore a poor imitation of the memory told in pigment and brush strokes. She even knew just where she would display the painting.

Alas, everything ends... Luna thought as she retreated to her bastion and then from there to the dreams of her ponies, beginning with her most loyal, her chosen.

CH 86.3 Celestial Considerations

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The night had already fallen, and by design, the staff presumed that Celestia was in a deep slumber upon her priceless bed. Oh, how she wished that could be true, but even with all of her fragments' aid, there were still only so many hours in the day. Well, that was something she could change, but that would bring a whole host of headaches all of its own. So here she was, still at her desk despite the time.

Sweet smoke curled up from her ancient pipe as Celestia spread the last of the maps before her. The once pristine masterworks of the cartographer's art were now marred by hundreds of crude ink marks and perforated by dozens of coloured pins.

Daybreaker hummed thoughtfully before commenting. More proof of our former most faithful student's cunning, or mere happenstance?

It was easy enough to let her warmind's attention guide her eyes. The simple shading was innocent enough should one not know its meaning. A large section of the griffon lands was nought, but ash and the ecosystem was devastated. It would be hundreds of years before their game reserves would be back to the level to sustain their current population. Yet with the right help, earth pony's to tend the lands, a few age or temporal spells on some animals and things could be restored in less than a decade.

They are at our mercy. Daybreaker said, her fanged smile audible in her tone.

We have to be careful... if we are seen to gain too much, there will be more who will reason that the Blight was a deliberate act on Equestria's part.

Celestia could feel her warmind's attention shift to the ocean. We know not how the Blight will fare in the depths.

Her fragment did not need to say more. Many great beasts still lurked in the deepest darkness of their watery realm. The titanic monstrosities the Blight could craft from the flesh of such large creatures gave her pause, even as she could sense Daybreaker’s longing to face them. A few motions of a quill tripled the coastal defence budget. Added to the rest of Equestria's militarisation, plenty of ambassadors would have more complaints.

We can always just burn them.

Celestia took a long pull at her pipe, the sweet smoke filling her powerful lungs. A few heartbeats later, the expected serenity enveloped her. Burning mortal diplomats would cause problems for at least three generations, so despite how cathartic it might be, it was not worth the extra work it would create.

Celestia gave a slight shake of her head. I have little care to deal with that many mewling mortals, and unless it was the result of defensive action, we doubt Twilight or Cadance would accept such aggression.

There are other ways to take our rightful place.

For a moment, the weight of long-lost finery pressed into her coat, her feathers stiffened with paints and powered gem dust. Old lessons contained all the answers she would need.

It could be done, a few preparations and then as dawn broke, the first rays of light would carry her magic. With enough power, all who walked under her sun would submit. Once upon a time, before the magical land of Equestria existed, that had been her deepest desire. All it was was a slight augmentation of magic she was taught before she was fully a mare.

Her wings lifted from her body, and a shiver danced down her spine. Just the thought of her Chooser's disapproving eyes drove her to take another long pull from her pipe.

Who do you think Luna would side with? Daybreaker asked. Her query was a welcome distraction.

It was a simple question, though the doubt it spawned was anything but. Complex emotions swirled and tried to break past the alchemical-enforced clarity. Whomever we decided she should. There was the slightest twinge of guilt that succeeded in pushing past everything, but Celestia brushed it aside with a wave of her hoof. She was trained to be better than this.

Daybreaker draped a phantom wing around Celestia in a somewhat passible imitation of companionship. It would have been the height of foolishness to leave her completely unbound.

"Why do I always need to be in control?" Celestia mused before she answered it herself. Becasue somepony else would make the wrong choices. The words brought a surge of bitter resentment, but the truth was the truth. It came back to the same thing time and time again. Every time she had tried to step back and allow mortals some modicum of actual responsibility, they misused it, made mistakes or turned into petty tyrants.

Her mind moved on to the two exceptions, the only two she dared raise up since the end of the Alicorn Imperium.

Cadance had been the first, and her storming in and making demands only proved she was well on her way to being the mare she needed to be. She would play her part well and keep the dangers sealed beneath the Crystal Empire contained.

On the other hoof, the tattered remains of her grand plan for her Faithful Student had no place for this Twilight. Only her conviction in doing what was 'right' kept her firmly as an asset and not a threat.

Ah, but she is achieving so much... Daybreaker crowed as she drew Celestia's focus to the small personal picture collection. One held her gaze, and even with her indulgence with her pipe, her eyes still prickled with the promise of tears.

Celestia lifted the picture frame by hoof; it was no portrait painted by a master; it was a simple photograph that depicted the original Twilight sleeping in a book fort. It was the first of such she had created within the Canterlot library.

That simpler time called to her. Its siren's song threatened to shift her perceptions from the present to the past.

I need another student. Celestia thought as her mind drifted to the possibilities. Reading lists, practice spells and other little details started to arrange themselves behind her eyes lids.

The Blight has made plenty of orphans... you will have your choice of them.

"It will be generations until there is another like her..."

Tia, your radiance, you know what you want. They do not need to be Twilight equal. Just be intelligent and adorable.

When had she gotten so shallow? "Twilight is still alive... I do not need to replace her."


A chill found its way into Celesita's chest even as her voice came out calm and level. "Explain yourself."

Look at the moon.

A part of her wanted to shout, wanted to lash out at the mere fragment that was commanding her, but instead, she just took yet another draw from her pipe and headed to the balcony.

Celestia stared at the moon, or more accurately, the undeniable magenta hue to parts of it." Well, that is one way to announce it..."

With a long-suffering sigh, she shook her head and returned to her desk. This will change things...

"But first, a statement for the press."

CH 86.4 Cadance's MCV

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"It's done." Cadance breathed out with a very un-princessly sigh. After everything, just the feel of the air exiting her lungs was blissful. The following inhalation made it pale in comparison.

Now she could finally release the iron-clad focus she had been holding for what felt like years. She actually had the chance to look at her creation. Before her stood the most complex bit of crystal workings she had ever even attempted.

An older Equestrian earthpony mare tapped and prodded each bit of the crystalline machine. So intent was her focus that her steam engine mark glowed faintly.

Would she become the Alicorn in charge of the rail service? Cadance mused as her mind idled and relished its current liberty. As with every time her mind wandered, it started shipping ponys. Now, who would be a good match for you? She thought as she narrowed her eyes and studied the mare's heartlines. There were friends, family and all the everyday things, but they were tinged by the grey of worry. Fortunately, the lines were hale and hardy on both ends, so Smokey had not lost anypony to the Blight. Now there were lines for romantic love, or at least something akin to it. The colour was off. Somehow, it seemed greyscale, yet Cadance could clearly see the soft pinks of love.

Long minutes passed as the mare continued her review. That gave more than enough time to thoroughly investigate the odd emotions. With a slow curl of her wing, she drew them nearer. The insides of the lines were textured like train tracks, and each had a locomotive racing along it. What?

Suddenly she gave a curt nod. "Aye, I think you have it this time, Princess."

Cadance slumped back onto her hunches. The sound of her crystalline body impacting the floor was so much more noticeable than her softer flesh and blood body would have made.

She gave a sheepish smile to the engineer. "Thank you for the instructions, Smokey."

"Think nothing of it, la... Princess." Smokey said, leaning casually against what would soon be the beating heart of a locomotive. "I've not seen anypony grasp the works of one of these beauties so quickly, let alone conjure one from whole cloth with magic."

For a moment, Cadance's mind blanched. The long list of possible matches scattered and were lost to an avalanche of images. Her Alicorn near-perfect memory almost battered her into begging for mercy as it assaulted her with page after page, lecture after lecture of the inner workings.

The only external sign was a blink as she pushed aside the barrage of images. Thank you, brain. If I wanted that, I would have asked.

One of Night's lessons came to mind through the open door the locomotive plans departed thought.

"As sister dearest has so thoroughly failed at anything approaching education for you, you will have to condition yourself."

"Condition myself?" Cadance had asked as she restrained nervous wing fidgets.

"There are many... reflexes and abilities Alicorns can gain... without proper instructions, some can become... troublesome."

"Do you have any examples?"

"Losing oneself in memories is common... the longer you live, the more you need to stay grounded in the moment, or else you may never return from reliving treasured experiences."

Her mind had drifted back to Shining Armor. He was mortal, and she was not. It was a painful truth, a bitter truth, but one that could not be avoided. Not unless Twilight figures it out... or I kill him to make him one of my fragments.

"Err... Princess?" A voice that was very definitely not Night's said.

Cadance blinked again, and Smokey now held her clipboard in hoof, and a soft chuffing in the background announced the engine was merrily running. "Yes?"

"You alright?"

"Yes... thank you." Cadance offered a warm smile. "This will help a lot of ponies." Cadance pointed her wing towards the engine.

"Ah can see that. You just magicked it up from the ground."

"Any problems?"

"Nah, if it were a cat, he would be purring contently. This is mighty fine work. This has got to be the most precise craftponyship I have ever had the pleasure to see."

"Then shut it down, and we can finish the next bit."

"Aye, Princess."

The part of her that was the politician trained by Celestia insisted she should be doing this in public and have some grand speech. She rejected that. This was simply the will of her ponies made manifest. Their desire to help, kindness, and selflessness for their fellow equines.

As Smokey set about her work, Cadance closed her eyes and focused again. This time it was no torment. "Visualise your intent." She whispered under her breath.

Warmth built in her chest as her magic gathered. She focused on its purpose. "Protection, comfort, safety, sanctuary." Each concept coalesced, crystallising and concentrating deep inside her.

Holding that tight, she slowly spread her wings and reached out with her senses. The crystal heart, the core of her soul, answered. Countless images, emotions and sensations rushed down the link. Snapshots of every positive emotion. A mare hugged her foal. Two lovers shared their first kiss. A large family presented their foal for their crystaling. Twilight's muzzle buried in a book. Every couple, herd, family, and group of friends that had ever been in the Crystal Empire got their turn.

The surge of emotions poured into the crystal core in her chest, and, with a spark, it lit. The crystal core resonated, holding no mere echo of the emotions. No, this was more akin to lighting one candle with another. So long as this was tended to, this new core would produce its own light.

Slowly, reverently she brought her hoof to her chest. It's times like this I feel a little like a goddess. She thought as she inhaled.

Like so many times before, she exhaled and moved her hoof from her chest. This time there was no stress or bad feelings to push out. No, this time, she parted with the good. She pushed all the gathered energy, all the focused intent and emotions to a single point.

She slowly opened her eyes. There, levitating above her hoof, the crystal heart in miniature rotated.

"Please help those you can."

The heart chimed once.

A soft exhale was all it took to cause the heart to float away. It drifted to a stop above the engine.

"Thank you." Cadance bowed her head and focused back on her crystal shaping. The image of a large double-decker locomotive with her mark as heraldry and rose-themed details sharpened in her mind. Light raced from her core down all four legs and through her hooves into the crystal below.

First new tracks formed, then the wheels as the engine lifted into the air. Like ice crystals forming in fast forward. In less than a minute, the imposing beauty was there.

Smokey sat on her haunches slack-jawed as her huge eyes watched in awe.

The first carriage started to form independently, the new heart continuing the work.

Did I just create a fragment? She thought as the train kept growing and improving. More and more detailing lined the locomotive's flanks as the whole design shifted, becoming more fortified. One part crystal castle, one part warship and two parts luxury train was not what she had expected.

Being an Alicorn and the Princess of Love was almost nothing for Smokey, but apparently, the ability to conjure magical crystal trains from thin air was what it took to make Smokey look at her like most ponies look at Celestia.


"Want to be the first member of the... crew?"

If Smokey’s nod was any quicker, she would have ended up in hospital with a broken neck.

"Then welcome aboard. Treat her kindly. She is alive and has feelings."

The mare's mark glowed almost as bright as the sun. It was the only warning Cadance got. Fortunately, she did have pegasus reflexes. The tackle hug would have broken bones if Cadance had been a normal pony. Instead, she had to move with the impact to avoid the poor mare breaking herself against her crystal body.

The stream of syllables that exploded from the mare's mouth was best translated as thank you in every conceivable way she knew.

I wonder how long it will take her to notice the change in her mark.

From her balcony it was easy to see life playing out in her city. So many ponies, each with their own stories, their own loves. It would have been easy to reach out with her domain and see into their hearts, to sense what they were doing, but it was more interesting to guess.

She normally enjoyed her pony-watching, but today it simply was not holding her attention. She sighed and opened her wings slightly apart from her, longing for the crisp air of Canterlot. It had always been a joy to feel the mountain wind as it danced through her feathers. Her muzzle twitched with what would have become a giggle when she was just a filly. Perfect weather every day, and I'm missing storms...

She shook her head and considered what had happened earlier. With barely a thought, she could feel the train, the mobile crystal vehicle she had imbued with magic and the will of her ponies. Even though she was nameless, only having a purpose, Cadance could feel her eagerness to help, her glee and contentment at being fussed over. If I had made you a pony, I think either me or you would have been proposed to.

It had taken an hour to escape Smokey's excitement and gratitude. Even with the delay, she had left with a content smile that was only slightly forced. Seeing anypony that happy would bring warmth to the hearts of even the coldest ponies.

Cadance had used the excuse she had important Princess things to do, and yet here she was, leaning on her balcony just pony-watching.

No doubt, Smokey was hard at work. Likely, the gleeful mare had lept right into recruiting and provisioning for the maiden journey, the mission of mercy to Equestria.

A part of Cadance wanted to smile, Smokey had been adorable, and for a few minutes, she was just as hyperactive as a little Twilight had been when she pranced around saying Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes.

Just like Twilight... Ice poured into Cadance's soul. The thought that the original Twilight was gone, that somepony could deliberately assassinate the little filly she once foalsat, it was too tragic. It stole a lot of the joy from Cadance's heart. Despite the chill in her chest, Celestia's training kept a serene expression on her face. She closed her eyes and took a moment. It was too much like what the Blighted did. There would be no little filly Twilight building book forts in the afterlife. Her soul was gone, or at least repurposed for the Faithful Student.

"I'm sorry." Only the air heard the almost inaudible words. The slight lowering of her head would likely not be noticed, and despite her princess lessons demanding otherwise, she offered that moment up in solemn silence.

Bringing her hoof to her chest, she inhaled. The normal breathing technique helped, but not as much as it usually did. Her smile shifted to bittersweet. If Aunty had her way, I never would have known.

It was the foundation of all of Celestia's lies. To her, at least for anypony other than her, a comforting lie was the correct response compared to a painful truth that nothing could be done to alter. Forsaking honesty for kindness. It had to be wrong. There were six elements of harmony for a reason.

Blind loyalty could lead to a pony doing terrible things. Too much generosity and you have nothing left for yourself, and your family would suffer as you drove yourself to an early grave. An excess of honesty, if not tempered by kindness, would be a blunt hammer which indiscriminately drove others away from you. Laughter alone would either turn you into a monster that found humour in everything or a stop you from taking anything seriously. If you were nothing but kind, you would not be able to stand up for yourself or others.

Would I be happier not knowing? A small part of her said yes. A larger part just added she wished little Twilight was never attacked in the first place.

Would Twilight be happier not knowing? That had a simple question. No. Sweet Dreams and Luna were two ponies that would not be in Twilight's life otherwise. Well, Luna might have been, but before all this had happened, they would have never ended up pairing up.

So you have lost yourself to Loyalty and Kindness. Cadance nodded. It certainly sounded right in her head. It fit everything Celestia had done, every action she had taken, even the mind control. After all, everything was permissible if it would end up with the most ponies happy for their 'short meaningless lives'. Even with her sharpened senses, Cadance had never heard Celestia say those words directly, but it made sense of so many of Celestia's actions.

Without honesty she would be able to delude herself that anything was necessary, that anything was for the greater good. For a moment she considered starting there to help her aunty see the truth of things. It will never work, even now she still sees me as a filly… she’s proud of me… but she does not respect me, yet. It made sense if just for the vast difference in experience alone.

Cadance rested her chin on her forelegs. "Now, how do I help you find Laughter, Aunty?"

The moon had risen on the scattered remains of dozens of plans of how to deal with Celestia. The host of ideas ranged from brilliant to insane. Unfortunately, as she glanced over the doodle-covered papers that littered her desk, she could not tell which were meant to be the sensible ones.

It was clear there needed to be some sort of intervention. The question was, what? She glanced to the window. As always, the crystal sparkled enchantingly in the moonlight.

"Thank you for the beautiful night sky, Aunty Luna," Cadance said, bowing her head to the celestial body. There was no answer, but that did not mean Luna was not watching, so it still paid to be respectful.

Then she felt it. How could she not? She was the Princess of Love. Luna's silvery light became more. It hit her senses like a wave of emotions. Love, joy and satisfaction were shouted to all the world, at least for those with the senses to experience it.

Cadance fixed her eyes upon the moon and the far too obvious magenta magic upon it. The moon shined with it like a blazing beacon cutting through the dark of night. For once, it would not only be thestrals that could see well in the night. In fact, the moonlight was bright enough that someponies might have trouble sleeping.


"Oh, give them some slack." Garnet's no-nonsense tone cut in from beside her.

Cadance flicked her eyes to her first fragment. The adventurous hero she had wanted to be as a filly. The crystal pegasus perched on the balcony railing poised like some sort of action hero ready to leap into motion.

"But the rules..." Cadance said.

"Don't matter, they are 'Equestrian rules', and they are on the moon..." Garnet said firmly before smirking roguishly. "And you know rules are made to be broken. Also, with those emotions, they might just be fighting again."

Cadance winced as her mind went to the finale of their first date. The true visuals of it, the brutality, the blood and worse being scattered to the sands. She chewed her lip and glanced back to the moon. At least the emotions are all positive.

Garnet's wing reached out and threatened to poke her. "You can grill them later. I have something to show you."

"You do?"

"Come on." That was all Garnet said before she launched herself from the railing and took wing.

With nothing else she could do, Cadance spread her wings and followed at a more sedate speed.

Their flight was not long, but it was to an area of the city she did not normally go to. Like Canterlot, the Crystal Empire had no slums, but there were areas that were not as well off as others.

This was one such area, but somehow it felt different. Every part of the Crystal Empire was part of her, but this part felt distant, detached, almost like it was part of her body that had gone to sleep.

Garnet dipped a wing, and in a very Rainbow Dash like display, slammed into the ground in a high-speed landing. With Cadance's more sensible approach, Garnet had time to offer up two impatient glares that practically shouted, 'Hurry it up.'

The slower approach let Cadance assess their destination. The building had not been here the last time she walked this street. In fact, there was no building quite like it in the rest of the empire. It was even somewhat fortified, but it was the sign swinging in the breeze that, added with the rustic edges, gave it away.

"Garnet... Is that a tavern?"

"Hey, you made me who I am. And I wanted somewhere to drink, so I made a tavern," said mare stated while bodily shoving Cadance towards the door.

With a small flick of her wings and a quick hop, Cadance opened the gap between them. If she was going to walk into a place, she was going to walk, not be pushed through the door like a reverse eviction.

Inside, other than the fact it was made of crystal, it had come right out of one of Shiny's O&O games. It even had the booths in shadowy corners and a few ponies that looked like grizzled retired veterans nursing tankards of ale.

"Is this an adventurer's tavern?"

"Close enough," Garnet said before holding up two primaries. "Hey, barkeep, two."

Two crystal tankards slid across the counter with the smooth sound of crystal on crystal. In what was clearly a well-practised move, Garnet effortlessly caught both and held one out for her.

Out of polite habit, Cadance accepted the beverage in her magic. Smile fixed in place, she turned to the bar pony. As soon as her eyes found him, she froze. She could clearly see exactly what her senses were telling her, and yet it took a full second for her mind to actually piece it all together.

He was not a normal crystal pony. Like herself, his entire body was made from actual crystal, not simply an outer coating. Like her current form, it could only exist within the influence of her bastion. The barkeep nodded respectfully, as close to a bow as he could do and remain at his post behind the bar. "Princess."

"Thank you for the drink." There were many things she wanted to say, many things Celestia's lessons said should have been voiced, but instead, she turned to Garnet. "You turned one of my eternal guards into a barkeep?"



"You'll see," Garnet said and nodded to a booth in the corner. A booth that happened to have a pair of mares flirting with another of her eternal guards. This one smiled and joked with the mares as he told old war stories. In short, he was anything but the mindless defender she had inherited.


"Look, there is a stallion shortage, and this helps."

Cadance narrowed her eyes. "But..."

Garnet's eyes hardened. "I know you know how many mares force themselves to be with another mare just to get any romance." She quickly downed half her drink and waved her wing dismissively. "Sure, it's normal, sure most of them are ok with it, but a fair number won't truly be happy without a stallion. Just desperate and lonely."

Her mind went to her Shiny, her perfect romance, and all the different looks there had been in the crowds. The dreamy ones, the hopeful ones, the wishful ones that had accepted it was something they would never have and the few that had hidden the seeds of depression deep and offered their congratulations. She turned her senses on the two mares. It was easy to see their heartlines.

First, she looked at the one between them. They were friends that had become more, friends that loved each other, that were as close as family, but the romantic spark between them almost did not exist. They loved each other that way out of habit and the peace that having a lover to snuggle up to brought. She thought about looking at the one towards her Eternal guard, but that thought was enough to let her eyes wander. Lust, hope, desire and the first embers of romantic love. Unless something was done, it was clear the two mares would be adding the stallion to their relationship and forming a herd. They loved each other too much to be separated now, so adding him to the mix was just what they needed.

Almost hesitantly, she turned her attention to his heart lines. The colours were a little simplistic. There was not the full weight of a long life behind his emotions, but his were real, he cared for them, he was open to falling in love with them, and he was relishing every moment, every experience.

This was what the mares needed. How could she, as the Princess of Love or just a mare that could empathise with the empty space in their heart, not support this? A few lines from Twilight's report on the laws of Alicorns came to mind. "But they're ... Legally dating me."

"So? That's another Equestrian law…."

Cadance nodded slowly. "And this is the Crystal Empire."

"Now you're getting it. Now be a good girl and drink up."

Cadance slowly sipped from her Ale. The flavour was simple. It lacked the complexity of more expensive or hoof-crafted types, but it was one of the better cheap ones. She rolled the taste over her tongue as she considered what to say next. There was so much detail, even in the taste of something common like this, that only Alicorns could appreciate. With a sigh, Cadance signalled her defeat. "How many do you intend to… awaken?"

"In time, all of them. The story is that all these new crystal ponies, me, them, Flurry's foal sitter are all ancient ponies that got kinda frozen, and most of us when we wake up, have missing memories. So…”

"I did leave you in charge of the defences."

"There are three reasons why this is better than leaving them zombies."

"I already agreed just to help the mares looking for their special someponies."

Garnet shrugged her wings. Then raised one feather at a time as she made her point. "It also makes them better in a fight. They're not idiots anymore, they're not just a weapon. Last and most importantly, I get more drinking buddies."

Cadance just face-hooved and signalled for another round of drinks.

CH 87 Living a Dream

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Tiger Lily snuggled against the familiar warmth that shared her bed. With her first breath, Silvermane's scent came to her. "I'm dreaming." She sighed. A foreleg reached around and pulled her closer. Tears leaked from her closed eyes as a familiar ache built in her chest. I'll be with you soon.

A hoof touched her cheek and gently turned her head. She opened her eyes only to meet a loving gaze she thought she would never see again. "Silvermane?"

He smiled softly as he leaned in and answered with a kiss. It was a nice kiss. It was not a passion-fueled thing from their youth. No, it was soft, tender, and careful. Tears fell from her eyes as she returned the impossible kiss.

With nuzzles and soft caresses, he settled comfortably with her. She had a million questions, but she dared not ask any for fear of breaking the illusion.

He yawned, almost like a food coma was claiming him. He nuzzled her neck and promptly fell asleep. She was tempted to join him and return to slumber, but a nagging fear held her awake. Would he still be there when she next opened her eyes?

The soft sound of his breath lulled her like the rolling of waves. Her own breathing matched his as she watched the moonlight shift as his chest rose and fell. Thank you, Luna. The thought was her prayer as she wished with all her heart for the dream never to end.

The dream lingered on as the too-bright moon set and the sun rose. The sounds of the village built outside as ponies started their daily chores. In the light of the sun, Silvermane was still here. Her eyes felt heavy from staying up. The leaden bands of fatigue held her limbs. The scents of toast just starting to burn floated in on the breeze.

Silvermane's breathing changed, deepening a little. With a huge yawn, he blinked the last of his sleepiness away. "Breakfast?"

The laugh that rocked her body was almost painful. She pulled him into a hug and had no intention of letting go. Unfortunately, her aged body did not give her that option. After she finished with the call of nature and freshened up a bit, he was still there. He gave her a nuzzle and then took care of his own business.

Her ears tracked all the little sounds, the running of the water and everything else. Everything was so real, so detailed, so mundane it was the sort of thing dreams simply skipped over.

His return brought another nuzzle and a walk to the kitchen. He was dead, and yet he was here. She shook her head and pushed that tangled thought away. It did not matter how, he was here.

She grabbed the bowls, and he filled them. Even with the supplies Princess Twilight had delivered, her pantry was limited. Breakfast was just simple hay and oats, but it was enough. She reached out and rested her hoof on his. This was no candle-lit dinner, but by his smile, it may as well have been.

"This is nice," Silvermane said from the other side of the table, his love hiding the fatigue in his eyes.

She nodded in return. They ate in the comfortable silence only possible after a life spent in each other's company. It was a simple moment, and she treasured it. Like all moments, it passed. The bowls were wiped clean, and he headed out to fetch today's rations.

If not for her hips, she could have pranced to the pantry, she might not have been as spry as she once was, but there was definitely a spring in her step.

Thank you, Princess. Tiger Lily bowed her head for a moment in reverence before she gathered up the ingredients. It might not be much, but it was one thing an old mare could do to bring a little happiness into the world.

The ritual was the same as her mother had taught her. The cookies she made were normal, real, and mundane. Though that wouldn't stop them from being delicious. Her dead husband brushed against her as he passed her the chocolate chips. Am I still dreaming? She leaned over and nuzzled him as she mixed the chips into the dough. That dream…am I dead? Did I pass in my sleep?

She stole another nuzzle as he popped the tray into the oven. It would not be long until the rite was complete and the scent of cookies summoned the young ones. With a warm smile, she set about making another batch.

It was a picture-perfect summer's day outside. Foals ran and played as the adults worked. The stationed guards stood vigilant and ready well, all except that one. Tiger Lily shook her head. To be young again… At least those mares had stopped fighting each other and accepted being herd mates. I wonder when they are going to tell him.

"Granny, Granny", The small army of foals called as they stampeded into the kitchen. The large space became rapidly cramped as the eighteen little cookie-seeking monsters crowded in.

Eighteen? That's not right… Tiger Lily took them all in and, one by one, tried to remember them.

There were Winter Rose's twins, Ruby Rose and Shadow Rose, who stood side by side, identical in every way except for their colouration. Little Honey Dew and her brother Cantaloupe both bounced up and down, vibrating with anticipation. Winding Trail and River Song were there giggling to each other as they whispered into each other's ears, likely for how to try to steal the mixing bowl before any of the others noticed.

Tiger Lily smiled warmly at them all as her mind tried to recall names, but no more came. I'm sure I know those three as well… but who are the others? A sinking doubt settled in her chest. None of the foals were acting odd. They were comfortable with none of the shyness or the brashness new members of a group might have. I've completely forgotten about them?

Just them, Silvermane brushed against her and reached for the mixing bowl. He was doomed. A dozen foals took that as their sign to charge.

"Daft stallion," Tiger Lily said but could not keep the warm smile from her face. So what if this was a dream, she would enjoy it as long as it lasted.

Two days later, the dream still had not ended. The moonlight played over Silvermane's sleeping form. Tiger Lily's hoof reached out to touch him but stopped. The pain in her heart told her he was dead. The joy and warmth there said he was alive and here.

She stroked his mane and trailed down one long scar. It was not one from any medical record nor one from his time of service to Princess Celestia. She watched her leg as it moved, and in the motions there was no twinge of pain, no slight grinding of her joints with the rotation of her leg.

Through the gap in the curtains, the moon peered in. With each motion, she became more and more certain this was a dream, perhaps her last. Her eyes found the moon and looked at it as if staring into another's eyes. Thank you.

Tiger Lily lay on a blanket under a blue sky. The picnic had been wonderful, but a little nap under the warm rays of Princess Celestia's sun was just what she needed right now. Through drowsy eyes, she saw Silvermane surrounded by a swarm of foals as he told one of his stories.

She let her eyes close as she listened to the sound of his voice. It teamed up with the sunlight to soothe her. Even as sleep started to encroach, she paid attention. The tale was not one of the true ones, it had too much action for that, and the moral was too clear, but it was what the foals needed to hear. They oohed and ahhhed, cheered and stomped their hooves once or twice. There was even a shriek of fear that was quickly replaced by giggles.

It was one of those perfect moments that could never last. A small part of her longed for the impossible, wished to have a little foal of her own to love and hold, but that ship had sailed a long time ago, and with so little time left, it would be unfair to the little one if she adopted one. At least I get to be honorary granny to everypony. She thought fondly as the blanket of comfort let her fatigue claim her. They would wake her if they needed her.

It was a sound that breached the serenity of her slumber. Her ears swirled. The rustling of the grass was the loudest thing that greeted them. With her aged eyes, she looked for what had disturbed her.

The sun's progression through the sky meant she had been asleep for about two hours. Everypony was still here, but the foals were not playing, and even the adults were all looking the same way. In a wave, the old ponies bowed low, and the fillies and colts followed suit.

Tiger Lily followed their collective gaze to only see a purple blur as it moved closer. "Anypony would think Princess Celestia was here?" She thought aloud as she watched the shape advance. She vaguely remembered there was another princess. A pink one? Or was it a blue one?

Slowly the blur resolved into a purple pony, and as they drew nearer, the horn and wings marked the mare as an Alicorn. As the Alicorn drew closer, step by step, that last decade came back to her. The picture in the newspaper of the little filly next to Princess Celestia, then another, years later, of the same mare's coronation.

Tiger Lily shifted and tried to rise, but her stiff and old joints protested. Sleeping on the ground had seemed like a wonderful idea under the comforting sunlight, but the ground was just not suited for a proper bed.

"Be at ease, venerable one," Twilight's soft voice said, and despite how quiet it was, it still easily carried.

"Princess Twilight." Tiger Lily bowed her head, at least, even as she abandoned her attempt to bow properly.

This close, the slight flicks of Princess Twilight's eyes could be read, could be tracked. Even though to Tiger Lily, all they were aiming at were coloured blurs, one did not live in one place for so long without knowing everypony like the back of one's hoof. The guards, the extra foals, and finally her Silvermane.

The Princess's eyes lingered on Silvermane the longest before tenderly returning to meet her own. “Tell me, are you happy here?”

The words had been so soft they could have been the softest of summer breezes. The words spilt from her unbidden. "Yes, Princess, it's a lovely dream for my winter years."

Princess Twilight nodded and gave a glance to Silvermane, and then something in the Princess's eyes warmed. Her soft smile released a tension Tiger Lily only noticed now that it was gone. As if a shield spell was broken, ponies started crowding around. First were the hyperactive foals, bounding over.

"Thank you, Princess."

"Can we have more of Granny Lily's cookies now?"

"When I grow up, I want to be just like you."

"Do you like Daring Do?"

Many more things were lost in the babble of voices, and yet Princess Twilight took the time to acknowledge and answer each foal one by one. The light hint of a smile at the edge of her mouth was a familiar one. The sort of smile that graced mothers when they saw other's foals.

The older ponies waited patiently as the Princess humoured the little ones. By the way she played along, smiled, and even made one of their shadows stand up to play with them, she was very different from Princess Celestia, more involved. Celestia cared, but her eyes were ones that knew you would fade, and she would go on. Twilight, on the other hoof, was here now, and the endless years did not weigh her down.

"Now, My Little Ponies, I need to talk to the brave guards that keep you safe."

The sounds the disappointment could pull at even the evilest of hearts, and yet, Princess Twilight did not relent.

"Now, I have a very important mission for all of you."

That immediately had all the foals paying rapt attention. Their ears were pricked. Half were bouncing on their hooves, the others frozen stiff in shock.

"I need someponies to show my daughter and her friends how to have fun? Do you think you're up for the challenge?"

"Yes, Princess."

"Little Star," Twilight said.

In a bright flash of magenta magic, five foals appeared. Twilight's daughter was easy to spot. Only the lack of wings and size marked her as different from her mother. There was a white-coated unicorn filly, an orange pegasus filly, a yellow earthpony filly, and a bat pony colt. They all had red cloaks with what looked like butterfly pendants around their necks.

Twilight's daughter vanished and reappeared, hugging her mother. The two shared an adorable nuzzle, which stirred the desire for another foal of her own in Tiger Lily's heart again. There was just something precious about the love between a filly and her mother.

"Now run along and have fun, my daughter, and I'm trusting you and your companions to keep them safe."

Little Star gave the most serious nod a filly had ever given and teleported back to her friends. The group of young ponies stampeded off with cries of Cutie Mark Crusaders, Fun Finders.

As the sounds of the little ones drew distant, another sound came to her ears, rustling. She turned her head. There, next to her, Silvermane was shivering and hyperventilating, all while frozen in place, his eyes fixed on Princess Twilight. Tiger Lily reached out a hoof and rested it on his. Immediately he stilled and looked at her. He opened his mouth to say something, but Twilight spoke first.

"You make her happy… why do you think you have anything to fear from me?" Twilight said as she stalked closer. "Keep doing so."

Silvermane dropped into a deep bow. "Yes, Princess."

Twilight nodded, then her eyes fixed on the nearest guard. "My personal guard have the area secured. Gather all your officers in the fort in half an hour."

"Umm, Princess, what fort?"

"The one we are about to create over there," Twilight said, pointing a wing.

"Yes, Princess." The guard said, fear clear in his eyes.

Relax, Sargent. You may have been here without proper orders, but your efforts are appreciated."

"Yes, Princess." This time, the response was normal, crisp as a guard pony should be.


The guard saluted and marched off.

Twilight held Silvermane's eyes for a few seconds and then turned those intense eyes on Tiger Lily. They were deep, warm and sparkled with mischief. "Now, you two, look after each other, and with how much fun the little ones are having, you may wish to make extra cookies."

Silvermane nodded, and Twilight took flight.

"She's definitely not Princess Celestia." Tiger Lily said

"No, she definitely is not."

"Help me up, dear. There's baking to be done."

CH 88 A Queen's Choice

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Chrysalis sighed. It had taken hours, but now her hive was back in order. Now she finally had a chance to relax, and relax she would. She slipped into what yesterday would have been an extravagant waste. As luminous liquid enveloped her form, its warmth seeped through her carapace and into her core.

She reclined and gazed out of the penthouse’s window. Luna’s moon started its journey below the horizon. What are you up to? The love-infused moonlight has been as much a boon as a danger. It had taken all her impressive willpower to reinforce and control her deployed lings. There had almost been a whole host of lings discovered due to intoxicated moon-bathing. A fanged smirk formed on her face. That was the second time a forceful donation of love had caused problems. At least this one was spread over hours and was not mixed with a very physical expanding shield spell.

She held her foreleg before her. The carapace glistened as if new. A bribe? A gift? A trap? Chrysalis mused as she peered at the moon through a slowly closing hole.

As the moon vanished below the horizon and the sun took its place, her eyes shifted to one of the holes that was not shrinking. The hole that had she been an instant slow in reacting would have been through her chest. Rage sparked the heart that had been Celestia’s target. Other faces lined up next to the hated Sun Princess, Thorax, Starlight and many more. Each slight, each defeat, each failure, compounded and multiplied so much she hissed in rage.

Energy rippled down her horn, hungry for a target to lash out at. Through gritted teeth and past a snarl, she brought her hoof to her chest and inhaled. She expelled the hate with the exhale. The promised inferno of anger quashed to a meer ember of annoyance. A few motes of humour danced through her, enough for a soft chuckle. Here she was, copying one of Cadance’s habits. The too-perfect face she had mastered looked back at her in her mind, and the anger sharpened its fangs as it threatened to return.

"No.. no, not yet." Taking another breath, she lay back and let the liquid love completely envelop her. A wonderful calm came over her. In that one moment, there was nothing to worry about. No enemies to hide from, no thorns in her hoof she needed to tear her bloody vengeance from.

Not breathing burned a trivial amount of the liquid love compared to what her starved body soaked up. The level of the liquid fell so rapidly that she had to task four lings to the task of topping it up just to remain completely covered.

Her submerged giggle caused the last air in her lungs to escape as rising bubbles. Instead of any discomfort, there was just the warm caress of love sustaining her. What yesterday would have been an unforgivable waste, what would have spelled the death for most of her children now was just using up an excess before it spoiled.

A novel thought came to mind. What if it’s not about me? Nightmare Moon was impersonating Twilight… is this bounty just incidental? Is this just part of the Nightmare’s plan to win Luna over?

A slight tingle was all the warning she got before her contemplations were shattered by torment. She had no air to scream, but she still thrashed as lances of burning pain ripped into her. The agony in her old wounds surged, then faded to nearly intolerable itching. Despite the discomfort, she grinned. The pain repeated hundreds of times, and with each, her glee only increased even as each took months worth of love for her entire hive.

Her carapace broke as her limbs shattered against the reinforced bath. As an animal part of her mind noticed, it let the pain out quicker. The random flailing became a more deliberate act of self-destruction.

The liquid flowed through new gills as she took heaving breaths, still submerged. As the vital fluid raced through, her sanity returned, and she started to actually see what her eyes were telling her.

Above her, small specks of golden light floated to the surface. The minute golden suns in the sea of pink should have been beautiful, and if she did not know exactly what they were, it would have been.

Each was an enchanted dust-sized shard of Celestia’s horn. It was ingenious. It was a peerless attack. Using her own horn filings as a weapon made it impossible to counter. They were the one thing that could effortlessly hold the full wrath of the sun. It was another thing that was beautiful to behold from a safe distance. It had looked like a blizzard of fire instead of snow. Anything that it did not incinerate, it ripped into like a vorpal sandstorm. If you endured, if you survived, they melded into you and cursed the wounds to never heal.

A flicker of thought and some drones leapt into motion. Carefully each of the golden motes was skimmed from the surface and disposed of. Another thought and she knew how many times they replenished the love around her. Ten years, Tens years wroth of love for my whole hive… She crushed her anger before it even started to build.

It’s not all about you. She reminded herself with difficulty. There were many ways Celestia could have struck her down, many simpler spells she could have used. Why did you use that one? Was I to be a lesson for your foes? Was this spell crafted for another target?

She played with the thought and toyed with it like a cat with a mouse. Bit by bit, she plucked apart everything she knew about Celestia’s attack. Its abrasive nature could slowly grind down carapace, but it would do far more against naked flesh.

Was that for your sister?

The changeling in the full-length mirror was not one she had seen for a very long time. Not a single hole marred her from. Her horn was a long deadly blade, and her segmented carapace was thick with a healthy gleam to it. It was clear she was at least two hooves taller, and yet she moved as if she was half the mass she had been. The changeling in the mirror gave a content grin with just a hint of fang.

Chrysalis rested a hoof on the engraved frame. "It’s been so long, I don’t even recognise myself."

It took seconds to recognise the mix of her own emotions. Happiness, contentment and optimism. Her expression twisted with disgust. That last one was one emotion she would never allow herself to have again.

Even with a slow stride, her longer legs brought her to the full-length window rapidly. She rested a hoof and stared out at ’her’ city. Manehatten was a hive of activity. Each and every ling had recovered from the love overdose and now sprinted around at the very slowest. The weave buzzed with joy and was the only reason the frantic workers did not smash into each other.

A motherly smile reflected back at her from the glass. Keep up the good work, my children. The words she pushed out to her hive were laced with warmth, love and pride. For a moment, everyling stopped and looked her way. She gave them a regal wave, yet another thing she copied from Cadance.

A cheer rippled over the weave before they returned to work with even more vigour.

"Things are changing." She mused aloud as, with a flash of green, she assumed a pony form. Her aura slid the window open, and she took wing. If not for her hunger being sated, the siren call from below would have had her trying to burrow through the ground with her own hooves. Every basement, pool, bath and enclosed space that could be sterilised, cleaned and made watertight was full. Even if all her current drones were love haulers, it would take years to relocate their windfall of love. There was a decision to make, and she would have to make it soon. Use it, leave it or stay here?

With the damage the Blight caused and the deadly magical flux, it would still be years before the ponies would be able to move to reclaim the city. There was a small risk they might scout it before that though, but the escape tunnels were in place. There would just need to be more haulers in that case.

Her mind pulled the production numbers from the weave. The current podded ponies were producing two hundred and six units of love a day. The experimental farms were currently at about eight hundred, with the expectation only to rise. As much as she did not want to admit the truth, the numbers did not lie. On the other hoof, podded ponies were simpler to care for and were trivial in comparison to conceal.

With a mental order, one of her scribes started taking notes and tallying numbers. Even past the contentment a full belly brought, a quiet growl escaped her. I’m a queen, not a bucking accountant. It had been so much simpler when her swarm gorged themselves as they destroyed nation after nation. Her mind did the logical thing, it moved on to what happened next. How a self-righteous white Alicorn came with zeal and flame. To the contempt of being left beaten, broken, starving and sealed inside that volcano.

Her eyes strayed west to where Canterlot would be visible if she flew high enough. Her mind strayed to a fantasy of a little gift of a few tones of fire rubies converting the Canterhorn to an active volcano. Turn about is fair play…no? She shook her head. As satisfying as it would be to watch the look on Celestia’s face as her valuable city melted or was hurled into the sky in the eruption, the petty vengeance was not worth it. It would just inconvenience Celestia at best and would waste too much prey… or would that be livestock now?

Yet again, much to her annoyance, Cadance’s breathing technique came to her aid. She thought about things logically again. No matter what, her hive was less of a priority to Equestria than the Blight and Moonlit Scroll. After all, they could always rescue ponies the hive captured. That meant that until both were dealt with, the hive was safe.

She directed half a dozen builders to start work on another nursery. Now was a perfect time for more experimentation. She dipped a wing and set a new course, aligned to the building that held the larder. There were many ponies there she did not even know the tribe of, let alone their talents, and right now, that was the best place to acquire donations for her personal brand of alchemy.

Chrysalis was in a bath again. This time, simply scented water warmed her as she scrubbed herself despite the fact she knew she was completely clean. A cleaning spell and the fires of her transformation had made sure of that, but such things never left one feeling clean.

It had been a productive day. She had six main plans and two dozen contingencies in motion. She had crafted three new classes of changelings that were now growing inside her. None would be as valuable as her heir, and their cohort would be, but they would still be valuable additions to the hive she could be proud of.

She put aside the sponge and stretched out in the huge bath. Compared to the ones in the royal palace, it was gaudy and somehow seemed cheap despite the likely millions of bits spent on it.

Her mind drifted back to her time as Cadance to revel in the attention of the royal spa ponies. For one fleeting moment, she considered abducting some of them to add yet another caste to her hive. They could make a specialised form of harvester, with the right talent with words and offering happy endings. She discarded the idea. For now, the free-range farming technique was proving far more profitable.

She closed her eyes and turned her magic on herself, letting her senses flow through her and settle on the three batches of eggs inside her abdomen.

The first mixed a love hauler with some of Shining Armor’s traits. It would have a vast love store, and if it worked right, the oversized horn it would grow would allow it to protect an area. She had tweaked it to remove any limitation it might have on growth. So in times of plenty, it could easily grow to building size and protect a whole city on its own. If moving to a new area, they could turn into a wagon or a train carriage, and they would be large enough they would not strain themselves maintaining the disguise.

The second was a blend between a tender and a builder. She had spent hours browsing the podded ponies looking for the best donors. Each had a keen mind and a talent that would hopefully be useful in logistics. This new caste would be suitable for scribes or weavers able to create their own crafting supplies as needed. Having more samples from Twilight would have been ideal for this, but even if she did, who would waste such potential on glorified librarians and accountants?

The last was the dullest, but if there was a move to farming free-ranged ponies, they were the most necessary. Fortunately, there had been a lot of farmers in the villages they had ’saved’ from the Blight by abducting them.

She considered if a glass of love would be an indulgent treat and, for once in her life, was too sated even to feel tempted. For a moment, she considered that the day might just be perfect, but threw the idea away. The last time she had thought a day was going to be…

My queen? Just the tone of the mental voice gave everything away. Stiff, formal, with a hint of a waver.

She was proud of her achievements. For once, she had been in a state of total physical and mental contentment, so, of course, she should have known it would not last. Yes? her own reply was razor-edged and promised many hours of pain if some ling had done something stupid.

We have a situation here.

She grit her teeth and did her best not to snarl. Even she did not know where her tone fell between patient and murderous. I am not in the mood to play twenty questions.

Over the weave, she could feel the ling trembling, taste their fear waring with their devotion. My queen… Princes Twilight would like to speak to you.

Chrysalis sat up. The rapid motion flung water around the room. Nightmare Moon is there?

She looks like Twilight and has her daughter plus friends playing with the local foals.

To be expected, she’s keeping them away from any possible conflict. "and denying me easy hostages," she mused aloud.

Chrysalis donned her metaphorical crown and settled back in the bath. Magic crackled along her actual crown and danced into the weave as she deepened her connection to it. As her awareness of her physical body faded away, she directed one last quick thought to her nearest Praetorians, commanding them to be on alert.

First, she focused on the ling that talked to her. It was easy to follow that single strand, thickening it with power as her senses raced along it. He was the one that had wanted to experiment with farming free ranged ponies. Loyal, dependable, but somewhat of a risk taker. He was more adaptable than most hence why he was in local command.

There was no resistance as she pushed into his mind. All the details of how the village was run. The love income and the fact they had more than doubled the population of the village and replaced most of the missing or dead ponies. With the smallest amount of venom and a little mind magic, everypony had embraced the new version of reality.

Despite her current anger Chrysalis was impressed. You have pleased me. Ensure you continue to do so… She pushed a note of praise twined with caution to the ling, reinforcing her words. She slipped free of him and sought out the mind of another nearby ling.

Chrysalis located one who was the dimmest and quietest on the weave. Clearly, one that would not be missed for their conversational ability. She was a soldier whose only remarkable trait was her lack of aggression, the perfect backup for infiltrators content to just sit and wait for weeks at a time with no complaint. Chrysalis carefully, if not gently, pushed their will aside and assumed direct control of their body. Her consciousness slipped into the lesser form. The body already knew how to walk, so she just aimed it in the right direction and focused all her attention on the reason for her visit.

The Nightmare in Twilight’s form stood to every pony sense in serene meditation. Emotionally, things were far more interesting. It was hard to parse as, unlike Celestia, even the slightest of flickers went off like fireworks.

The whole thing felt like a poor imitation of her weave was being used for an argument. Trust, distrust, hate, anger, boredom, sadness, pleading, happiness, joy and exasperation were fired back and forth like war mages playing table tennis with artillery spells. She was glad it would not be her head getting an induced headache.

As her borrowed hooves brought her closer, more and more of whatever internal debate was going on became apparent. She knew it was wrong, but it was as if three ponies were bickering and trying to encourage a fourth to get out of bed when they really did not want to.

Passion and glee drowned out everything else as flames flickered from Twilight’s form. The air chilled, and still, the flames picked up. She reared up and spread her wings as the flames whipped around her in a frenzy. She held the pose for a long moment turning her head just enough to meet Chrysalis’ gaze. The Alicorn inhaled, and the flames winked out. She slammed her hooves into the ground, literally into the ground. Her front legs were buried well past the fetlock.

The ground rumbled once, then twice, then with one final heave, slabs of molten rock erupted from the earth only to be caught and shaped by a dark magenta aura. In a needless display of telekinetic prowess, many tones of rock were squeezed into the rough shape of a fortification. Thin lines of magenta magic cut, severed and disintegrated the excess, refining the functional but crude structure into something actually presentable.

Headless of any risk and failing to be impressed by such a blatant display of power, Chrysalis trotted her borrowed body right up to the still-at-work ’Twilight’. "Nightmare."

The Nightmare’s magenta eyes hardened. "Chrysalis."

"Why the hostility, Princess?" Chrysalis tossed her head haughtily. "You are the one that wanted to talk after all."

"My name is Night, and it would behove you to maintain my masquerade, assuming you wish me to do the same?" The Nightmare said with a glare. "So, in public, I am Twilight Sparkle, as you well should know." She turned and stalked towards a sheer wall of the new fortification and, with a flick of her horn, ripped a crunk from the wall without breaking stride.

Despite Chrysalis’ pretence, fear radiated from the nearby changelings over the weave, only to be pulled away, like water in a bath going down the drain. It swirled around and then into the Nightmare. She glanced over her withers and licked her lips, a content smile on her too-smug muzzle. "Do come in. We have much to discuss, My Little Pony."

With a silent snarl, Chrysalis stalked in after her. "I am not your little pony."

"Perhaps not, but you are a pony."

“I am no mere pony," Chrysalis spat. "I am a Changeling Queen.”

The Nightmare hummed as if in thought. "Yes, you are, but you are still one of the six tribes of pony kind."


"Yes, six." The Nightmare snapped before her voice smoothed to Twilight’s lecturing mode. "Earth Poines and Crystal Ponies, Thestral ponies and Pegasus ponies, Unicorn ponies and Changeling ponies."

"You expect me to believe…" Chrysalis’ words cut off as, with a flash of shadowy flame Nightmare Moon stood there in all her dark and terrible glory.

"And how do you think I did this if Alicorns were not also part changeling?"

"Then why did Celestia…"

"My dearest sister," the title dripped venom. "She seeks to destroy what she can’t control or has no use for… In your case, she merely crippled you so she could use you and your hive for a test for Twilight and Cadance."

Images of her sisters danced in Chrysalis’ mind’s eye. All the time they spent together, the contests to see who could create the most powerful or interesting drones. All of them dead. All of them gone, and she only remained because she was weak enough that Celestia could control her.

Never. She bared her fangs into a vindictive smile. "I defeated her."

Nightmare Moon’s cackle devolved into a madmare’s laughing fit. "Oh, by the stars, I needed that…"

If she was in her own body, she would have snapped. She would have lashed out with hoof and horn and showed this parasite just what a fully fed queen could do. That option denied, she offered her best death glare as she considered changing into something with a petrifying gaze. No, then I won’t know why she is here, she thought before she growled out. "I did not come here to be insulted."

Nightmare Moon held up a hoof as if asking for a moment, then took a deep breath. She proved to be another pony that had started using Cadance’s breathing trick. As she breathed out, her form shifted and melted down to a thestralised Twilight. "You have our apologies." She bowed her head, but kept her slit eyes locked on Chrysalis’ own.

With a flash of green, Chrysalis rose up to her full height, her borrowed body taking on her true majesty. She glared down at the now smaller mare before her. "I bested her with Shining Armor’s love. She was no match for me."

The Nightmare slowly shook her head and whispered one word. "Sit."

That single word hit like a hammer blow. Its echo shook the world. Chrysalis’ real body complied an instant faster than her borrowed one. The feel of the water resisting her real body’s motion was almost enough to pull her mind away from her puppet.

All the anger, all the rage she had been containing flared to life. She hissed and rammed a turret of power into her borrowed horn. "How dare…"

Faster than even a blink and as soft as a feather, the Nightmare had a hoof silencing her. "Calm yourself.".

The soft, tender words blew through her and ripped the anger away, leaving only a chill stillness, an utter calmness in its wake. Even the smug surety wafting off the Nightmare failed to raise her ire.

The cool touch of the Nightmare’s magic reached up to Chrysalis’ puppet’s horn, mending the cracks and warps the excessive energies had caused.

"What did you do to me?"

"All six tribes were bread and conditioned for tens of thousands of generations to obey Alicorns. My sister could have stopped you with a single word."

A few hints of indignation tried to push through the enforced calm, but she squashed them herself. Now was not the time for flying into a rage. "So why did you want to have this little heart-to-heart?"

"I merely wished to offer you our gratitude."

"You do? But we are enemies."

The Nightmare shook her head, the barest bit of pity in her eyes. "You simply wish to feed, to grow and to rule." She flicked a wing. "You do not wish to nail us to an alter and cut into mine flesh again and again, relishing in the undying nature of an Alicorn to maximise the agony inflicted."

Chrysalis knew of torture, she knew of pain, but something about the Nightmare’s tone, the texture of her emotions, painted a picture far too vividly. She could almost hear the screams and feel the blade caress along her carapace before its blade took its first bite into her soft insides. A clop of a hoof on stone shattered the vision and left only the echo of a whimpering sob.

The Nightmare swept her wing around in a wide sweep. "If you treat your love stock like you do here, you will have our blessing and our protection." She finished with a companionable smile.

Chrysalis just stayed there and sat on her rump, even through the enforced calm, that was a lot to take in. Nightmare Moon protecting me? Am I dreaming? Or was the love from the moonlight spiked? Tainted somehow?

"Is this some sort of trick?"

"No. In all honesty, this is me being selfish." The Nightmare waved her hoof ariely. "I tried helping everypony myself, empowering them to reach their potential and that led to a sojourn on the moon."

"That’s not what the history says."

The Nightmare shrugged her wings. "They also say we were nought but myth. They say we were jealous, vain. Neigh, we would never fall because of something so petty, so trivial as the affection of mortals." Her muzzle trembled with effort but failed to keep the ugly sneer from it.

The Nightmare snorted and pawed the ground with a hoof. Her muscles quivered with the need to move, and her emotions screamed for vengeance. Then it all vanished. She sat with her expression calm, collected, and relaxed. Her emotions tasted of pride and iron clade determination, but nothing else. "Celestia killed my family. She incinerated everything we had left from those we loved. This is after she cast dear sweet Luna, the painter that loved to dance in the starlight, into a bloody gladiatorial pit." The Nightmare smiled sweetly.

The enforced calm slipped but left mostly confusion in its wake. Chrysalis did not know what to do. She was the queen. One of her roles was to always know what to do. The mere thought that Nightmare Moon would demand to talk to her just to tell her a sob story of an origin tale should have been ridiculous, and yet it had happened. "Night… I am not your mother, nor your confessor, so why are you telling me this?"

Night’s wings dropped a fraction. "I find what my sister did to those that betrayed you abhorrent and a waste of your tribe’s potential."

"That’s all?"

Night shook her head. "You can be of use to us. There is a pony I would very much like to meet again." The malicious glee and hunger that danced in Night’s emotions made Chrysalis very happy she was not this pony.

"So you just want to use us?"

"Yes, but loyalty is rewarded, and if you aid us in acquiring Moonlit Scroll, you with be handsomely rewarded."

"So who…" Chrysalis’s question was cut off by Night’s shadow standing up and assuming the form of a different pony. A familiar pony, that certain pony that had paid very well indeed for a new identity. Now, how can I use this without gaining your ire?

Before she could blink, Night was muzzle to muzzle with her. The Alicorn’s eyes blazed with power, and the whole world became nothing but an endless void.

"Where. Is. He?”

Chrysalis suddenly felt very, very mortal.

CH 89 Green Tea

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Twilight had to admit the vacation on the moon had been a wonderful experience, even if she had been too emotionally compromised to remember to collect any moon dust. Despite how enjoyable it had been, it had not really achieved anything. It wasted time and put a valuable pony out of commission.

Candice lay upon Luna's Canterlot bed. The only signs she was still alive were the magic that stirred inside her and the soft sounds of her sleeping breaths. The mare's leylines were stretched but fortunately not strained nor ruptured. A day or two of rest and she would be ready to be utilised again.

Twilight paused in her thoughts and absently adjusted the comforter, tucking Candice in with methodical precision. She reached an ethereal wing out and caressed Candice's check. "Rest well." The decree was the least of the rewards the mare deserved after the gift she shared. That wonderful warmth, that particular flavour of joy, solidified in its value by its absence. Mentally, she moved some of ponykind's irrational behaviours into the rational category. Obtaining or maintaining that feeling would definitely become a prime motivator for most ponies.

Like this, her soul naked to the world Twilight could not hide from the truth. "When I return to my body, I am going to miss it." She tapped her chin with a hoof. Is this what drives changelings? Would I be able to steal this? No, that would only be a temporary solution. Her mind drifted to the flayed remains of Redwing's wellspring. Could I use a rewoven changeling or crystal pony wellspring to add this? The needed spells and arcane theories danced through her mind, and as always, her mark hummed in approval. Regettbly I don't have any disposable crystal ponies… She shook her head. I'm overcomplicating things again. Sweet Dreams, Night and Nova had more than enough emotions to share. In Nova's case, normally far too much. Still, it had been an interesting plan, and if she ever arranged new bodies for her fragments, it might prove useful.

She ran a few medical spells over Candice, just in case. She knew there was no rational reason to. She also knew she would be right back here to do it anyway once her 'normal' emotions hit her. With a mental groan, she cast them again, finishing the triple-checking standard so emotional-her would have nothing to complain about. After the last spell wound down and confirmed yet again that everything would be alright, that Candice just needed to recover from extreme magical, physical and mental fatigue, Twilight nodded to herself. That was crossed off the mental checklist. She turned to walk away, then paused. If nopony is here when she wakes. Her mind drifted back to her time on the alter. The pain no longer bothered her, it was just pain after all, but the despair, the loneliness, the not knowing if she would ever see her friends again.

Her aura reached out to Luna's desk and found a blank scroll, ink and an ornate quill. The ink flowed just right and had little sparkling motes in it that had no adverse effect on its consistency. Twilight looked over the scroll. With the rich umbral colours, it was perfectly legible. I wonder what colour this actually is? She considered lighting her horn but shook her head. Candice needed all the undisturbed rest she could get.

The scroll was carefully rolled and sealed. After a moment's more thought, she cast another spell and kissed the scroll. A bit more magic and a plate of sandwiches, a glass of water, and a cup of tea with some cookies sat on the bedside table, all wrapped in a preservation ward that would break when Candice started to regain consciousness.

The chain of events looked good. Candice would start to wake up, then notice the scents and hunger and thirst would quicken her revival. Then with her training, she would take in her surroundings, recognise the room and see the scroll. So she would check the scroll and receive the time-displaced kiss. It needs a little something more… She added a nuzzle pre kiss and a soft wing hug during that would linger a full minute after the kiss.

Candice's form caught her eyes again. With the lightest touch of her aura, she traced over each muscle group, smoothed her coat and ensured there would be no tangles in her mane nor tail when she finally awoke. Never had a pony's body meant so many different things to her before. It was an item to be used for entertainment, it was a work of art to look upon, it was a craftpony's satisfaction and familiarity for their work, it was an outfit that could be worn to experience a different sensorium and emotional perspective, she was the precious shell that held safe the soul of a friend, she was a pony she could have loved if she had been whole.

As she stood back and looked over her work, her mark rewarded her with the expected satisfaction. Is love just a talent that most ponies have? It was an interesting idea. Special talents were just the effect of woven sections of a wellspring and how it contacted the soul. All she would need is one in-love pony's soul to vivisect. She shook her head and filled that research proposal away. Dealing with the Blight and resolving the mortality problems for her brother and her friends was a much higher priority.

With a firm nod, her mind started on a checklist for the day. Now, I wonder where my body is… With only that flicker of thought, she vanished.

Twilight knew as soon as she was back within her bastion. There was a rightness to it, an uptick of her magic generation. The scents of live wood, old books, ink, and Sweet Dreams' scent, paired with the softness that embraced her, told her she was in her bed.

Just the act of being here recontextualised everything. The gifts left for Candice were more than adequate but had been done more out of duty and the simple joy of using magic. There had been a purity to just being herself, but like this, it was clear something was missing.

The planned dissertation of the comparative pros and cons of such altered states of existence was shelved for something more important. With a happy little sigh, she snuggled deeper, almost turning the bedding into a fabric nest.

The physical comfort remained, but regretfully the bliss of sleep escaped her. Two things refused to let her enjoy the comfort. The first was a hollowness that haunted her. It tainted every thought. The hole that Celestia had left in her heart, the factor of love that she could never truly feel on her own. So much of her emotional depth was merely borrowed from others or simply a decree from her creation.

Her eyes found the golden stitching. They still shimmered with Celestia's magic. Her hoof traced in an idle motion like scratching an itch as her mind investigated the other sense of wrongness. She felt a little bloated if a feeling of bloatedness could be a few floors down and off to the side. "Hmm."

Her hooves sang with the rightness of it as they found the wooden floor. Her aura grabbed a few brushes and rapidly assaulted her coat, mane and tail. In less than a minute, she was as well-groomed as she had ever managed by herself. She gave a critical look to the mare in the mirror and nodded sharply.

As she made her way to the unknown stimulus, the scents of chamomile, daisies and honey reached her nose, and the soft mummers of Sweet Dreams' voice reached her ears. She could not make out the words, but the tone was soft and soothing, like one used on a little foal or a small animal. Did Nova brake something? It was a worrying thought. In a very real way, the bastion was her, even with her perceptions currently in this mental construct that was her true body, the whole place was her… or was it? Her hooves stopped moving as the idea coalesced in her mind. Grey… Nova… By definition, they were here first… Like Night possessed me… am I possessing them? Whenever Nova got free, Nova was the one that ruled… the one that became dominant. Twilight's rump hit the ground. It all makes a terrible amount of sense.

She sighed and faced hoofed. This is not how I should be feeling after my date… She slid her hoof down her face and set it ready for Cadance's breathing trick. After a few repetitions, she had recentered herself. A mental image of Sweet Dreams humming along to her ancient song allowed an honest smile to bloom on her face.

As her hooves carried her to the upper floor, Sweet Dreams' voice carried from below. "More tea?" It was a simple question and clearly was not answered verbally, as what followed was the familiar sound of carefully poured liquid.

Her mind considered her options, she could leap over the railing and fly down, she could teleport, she could mix the two. She was an Alicorn, she could just jump over the railing and fall. It was only four stories. The impact would not even hurt much, even if she hit head first. She stood there looking at the railing, her hooves hesitating. Without consciously making a decision, she turned towards the stairs and started down them.

Something about being near that bloated feeling left a bitter taste in her mouth, and if distrust had a flavour, she had likely just found it. What is this?

"I'm home," she called out just before she would be visible. Not that she needed to call out. Her Dreams would have heard her coming long before now. As she stepped into the foyer, the familiar sights and many piles of books brought a smile to her muzzle.

Grey was drinking from a steaming cup of tea as she watched Twilight approach. Grey flicked her head to the side, and Twilight looked that way. Night reclined on silk pillows, blissfully devouring something. Through the mirror, Nova and Smarty Pants were playing with magma, shaping it into the form of buildings as if it was a superior form of building blocks which its amorphic nature definitely gave it points towards. That would have made things simpler with Spike….

Finally, her eyes found what they sought, the graceful form and the loving silver orbs that were her Dreams' eyes. Those pools of colours almost held her. They almost became the entire world until Twilight's mind coughed politely and pointed. Twilight's focus widened, and she actually saw her Sweet Dreams smiling as she poured a cup of green tea for Queen Chrysalis.

Wait, what? Every mental process in her head stopped, did a restart, got an error and tried again. Still, with the world making no sense, her mind restarted in safe mode. When in doubt, ask. "Night?"

Night finished her current mouthful and looked up. "Yes, Twilight?"

"Why are we having tea with Chrysalis?"

Chrysalis snorted and then answered with her duel-toned voice. "We did not wake this morning expecting to take tea with…" She paused in confusion before she shrugged. "You and your 'guests'."

"Now now, Chrysalis. We are all friends here, are we not?" Sweet Dreams said, her voice as smooth as silk and sweet as honey, but her stern eyes moved from Chrysalis to Night and back again.

Twilight let her hooves carry herself to her Dreams, only to be caught and enveloped in a welcome feathery embrace. The warmth, her scent and the kiss certainly made the world a lot simpler. Night was no foal, and Sweet Dreams would sooner murder somepony before letting a true danger into her domain, so whatever Chrysalis' reasons for being here, she was somehow not a threat. With that bit of logic as armour against any doubt or worry, she claimed a tasty sandwich from the table.

She got three mouthfuls through her snack before she proceeded again. “So, Chrysalis in Bastion, why?”

"I had to drag Night here to stop her scaring poor Chrysalis half to death."

Chrysalis visibly bristled. Her armoured body formed barbs and thorns as a green sheen ran over her form. "I was not afraid."

Night's fanged smirk was tainted with a foal's delight at seeing something adorable. "Lie to yourself if you wish, but you can't lie to us. We are both emotivores. You seek love, we savour fear, and you were quite… satisfying."

Twilight sighed. Maybe a nice nap in my garden… Maybe the world will make sense again then? A blue wing blocked her view of the bickering, and Dreams' silence spell saved her ears.

"So… how was the moon?" A simple question, but the eager, brilliant eyes that peered out from that perfect face made it so much more.

"Where to start? Do you want a full report… I have so much to write."

Dreams' soft laughter stole the rest of Twilight's words. "Did you enjoy yourself?" Dreams started before her voice shifted the slightest waver starting the enchanting melody she used for speech. "Did Luna?"

"Yes." It was the only word Twilight used, but she could see her content smile and the happiness that must have been visibly pouring out her eyes had told Dreams everything she needed to know. Just to be thorough, she formed a summoning spell and cut it loose in the grand library for the book that contained the recollections of her time on the moon. Dreams deserved at least that much.

The book materialised before Dreams, and she pounced on it like a ravenous beast, if a ravenous beast could be as adorable as a basket of puppies and as lovely as a supermodel. Her wings shivering and her tail wagging were just too much. Laughter claimed Twilight. How could it not?

"I hate to interrupt," Twilight said, and she really did. Dreams looked so happy as she paged through the memory of the lunar date.

Dreams hugged the book to her chest and proved just how soft her coat could be with the nuzzle she eagerly deployed. "I understand." She tucked the book under a wing and busied her hooves and magic, preparing yet more treats. The privacy spells and the shield of Dreams' majestic wing were removed, and Dreams tipped her horn towards their unusual guest. "Chrysalis here has been kind enough to let us know where Moonlit Scroll has been hiding." Dreams' tone was sweet and enchanting, but her lovely silver eyes blazed with horrific anticipation.

If it was not for the warmth of her Dreams next to her, the date on the moon and the bizarre fact both Night and Dreams were calmly enjoying tea, there would have been fire, and there would have been rage. Instead, Twilight surprised herself with how calm her own voice was. "Oh, that's nice." In her mind, list after list started to unroll, ready for use. A few dozen books flapped like birds as they flew through the library to settle next to her. Books she never thought she would ever need, books that were only read because they were books.

Chrysalis' eyes widened as they locked onto the titles. "Just when you think you know somepony."

Twilight took a dainty sip from her tea and regarded the books, her loyal books. She petted one, and it vibrated as if it were purring. Three other books crowded around, flashing their titles before begging for attention. They were 'Bizarre and brutal punishments of the pre-Discordian era', 'A cannibals cookbook six: one-hundred and one ways to prepare your pony' and 'Extreme and excruciating medical procedures'. She checked the book she had been petting. "Crafting Nightmares and how to make them reality," she read aloud.

Dreams tipped her horn towards the Queen. "Chrysalis, would you be so kind as to repeat what you told us?"

"Moonlit Scroll approached us for our assistance. He wished to assume another identity and wished for some ideas to be encouraged."

Dreams made a go-on gesture with her wing.

"He has assumed the identity of Noble Guide and wished us to manipulate ponies into happily accepting relocating to that refugee settlement he was working on."

She had seen him. He had been right there in the court. If she had only known. With her constant mental intrusions, Celestia must have known. Why did she not tell me? She scribbled the question down on a scrap of paper and pushed the worry from her mind. "What proof do you have?"

"We have the original Noble Guide podded."

"He's still alive?"

The Queen shrugged, "I believe your ponies have a saying, waste not, want not?"

"Hmm, I doubt any illusions or mundane disguise would work for so long or so well, especially against Celestia."

"I reshaped him."

Twilight's scholar side jumped around inside her head with a dozen questions rapidly propagating into hundreds, but it was the simplest that escaped from her lips. "How?"

Chrysalis flicked her eyes to Night for a moment before answering. "If you are careful enough, you can push changeling magic into pony flesh and sculpt it. It is slow, painful and causes complications if not properly maintained."

"What about leyline disruptions or detrimental interactions between your magic and theirs?"

"We drain them first and then ensure they are somewhere only changeling magic functions. Once it is done, we leave nothing behind."

Twilight nodded as a quill scribbled away on its own. "And it needs to be maintained because the subject's own magic will try to restore them."

Chrysalis nodded. "And unless they are a changeling or have some sort of shapeshifting talent, it will fail."

"And they are not going to be as well crafted as Candice…" Twilight clapped her hooves together, ignoring how much like a little filly she was acting. "There are so many experiments I am going to do on him…" Dreams' tactful cough cut the rest of her words off.

Night shifted, sitting up, and that was enough to change the atmosphere from a casual tea to a serious meeting. "We are in accord?"

Dreams nodded. "He will be held to account for his deeds." A grey aura floated a scroll over which Dreams read and then nodded to its author. "And we all are aware of Nova's thoughts." She flicked her eyes to the still happily playing trapped mare.

Twilight nodded solemnly. Am I really doing this? She thought, but there was no doubt, no revulsion. She had just committed to something she could not have even considered a mere year ago. An eagerness bubbled inside her. It was like waiting for a new book to be delivered mixed with just about to arrive at a Pinkie party. With a benevolent smile, she turned to Chrysalis and nodded respectfully. "For this information as well as providing sanctuary for our ponies, you have our thanks and our gratitude, Queen Chrysalis."

Chrysalis sat up to her full height and returned the nod.

Magenta light converged and solidified into a scroll. The conjured matter felt heavy and unnatural in Twilight's hoof, but it was fitting. With her own blood, she added her signature and mark to the bottom. With an imitation of Luna, she imperiously presented it to the Queen.

"A pardon?" Chrysalis' eyes widened, then narrowed to slits before fixing on Twilight.

"Yes, it is legally required before more can be done."

Suspicion danced behind the Queen's eyes. "What are you planning, Sparkle?"

"Why nothing much," Twilight smiled. "Lady Chrysalis."

Chrysalis showed her fangs but kept her tone surprisingly reasonable. "Im no Lady. I am a Queen."

Twilight nodded, acknowledging the point as she conjured a second scroll. "With the powers vested in me as a Princess of Equestria and due to the state of emergency, I take this action. With the failure of the standing Nobility to protect their holdings, I, Twilight Sparkle, raise you to their equal and charge you to protect what you have claimed."

Chrysalis did not even blink. She just stayed there frozen for fourteen and a half seconds. "Why?"

"I used to think you were a monster, I used to think you were evil, and then I had my eyes opened. Even if you were what I thought you were, you would be an improvement over a lot of the peerage. Much of the nobility is lazy, greedy, selfish, and some are even truly evil, the sort that would willfully send mercenaries to murder unborn foals."

Chrysalis held the second scroll. "This is rather open-ended."

"Yes, feel free to take advantage of it."

Night smirked. "Dearest Sister is going to love this."

The view from the penthouse window was not the abandoned one it should have been. Instead, 'ponies' hurried about industriously. Manehatten's harsh art deco structures, so different, so alien compared to Classical Canterlot or rustic Ponyville, held her gaze, and it refused to let go. Twilight's eyes found the scorched crater. It was such a small thing when compared to the city. This is where our journey started.

Our journey started when an arrogant little unicorn dared to offer us challenge.

Twilight rolled her eyes. You were going to bring eternal night.

Yes. Night admitted. Even if Celestia rigged the board, the victory was well-earned.

Twilight softened her mental tone. Are you glad you failed?

You know well the answer, my host.

Thank you for saving me. Thank you for giving me Sweet Dreams.

We are family, remember?

A rye smile looked back from the reflection in the glass. You are right.

Of course I am, not to mention a rather intelligent mare once gave me that advice.

When this is all over, we are going to have to have another conversation with Celestia.

With or without bloodshed?

Twilight shook her head, but that did nothing to hide her conflicted expression from Night. No bloodshed. At every point, she has done what she thought was right… and in some cases, I definitely agree with her actions.

We are glad it is only some.

Speaking of Celestia…I wonder how she will react when she learns I sold Manehatten for my vengeance…

It's not vengeance. It is righteous retribution.

I'm not hearing a difference.

Is that going to stop you?

No… I'm just aware enough to know I'm doing this because I want to, not because it's right.

He needs to be stopped.

He does.

Then remember there is nothing wrong in finding satisfaction in needful things.

Why do you think he did it?

You do not seek the simple answers… and more than that, I can only guess at. We will know the truth soon.

Harmony would want me to try and redeem him.

And you don't intend to?

No… I dont know if I trust harmony anymore.


There was something... off when I last visited the tree… a sense of finality…like that was the last time.

Silence reigned for a time, and in the distance, Chrysalis' magic signature grew closer.

I ate a griffon's heart, and I enjoyed it. I tore his wellspring from him, and I play with it in my spare time… Twilight chuckled. I'm more of a monster than Chrysalis is, more of a monster than Discord, and do you know what the worst part is?

It feels right?

Twilight nodded. I have never felt more right before. I am finely my own mare. Yes, I know all my internal family affect me, but those influences are known factors. I relish my power, and I love using it. To quote Rainbow, being an Alicorn is awesome.

You help those in need, heal the wounded, protect the innocent and work to make lives better for our wards. You give of your soul to heal just because it is the right thing to do. Yes, you are a monster, but you move to act for others' benefit.

Twilight let Night return her attention fully to the view out of the window.

Just one city, she can easily build a new one in under a century.

One hundred years… at one point that would feel like a long time… now?

Plan, have goals, but greet each day one by one. Night brought their hoof to their chest.

It was not needed, but Twilight finished the familiar ritual of exhaling as she pushed the limb away.

The flicker of green fire in her peripheral vision announced Chrysalis's arrival.

"How is he?"

The Queen stalked over and settled down, somehow both utterly lazy and impeccably regally at the same time. "He is well but currently unsuited for a return to the waking world."


"His pleasant dreams have diverged too much from current reality."

"Hmm. Well, at least we were already planning on having a changeling stand in for him."

A smaller ling dressed in a butler's outfit trotted in and started artfully deploying a tea service.

The scent of the tea wafted up to her nose. The fragrance was fascinating. Some aspects were simple to identify, and the rose petals and moon flowers were easy, yet there was something else, a major part that she had no frame of reference to describe. She inhaled slowly, savouring it. Whatever it was, it was nice. The thoughts drifted to Luna to her time wearing Candice's flesh.

"You add love to the tea?" Night asked with their shared voice.

Twilight nodded to herself. That's what it is.

"You are part changeling. I would be a poor host if I did not."

The tea held a sweetness to it but not the normal one. It was displaced and seemed spicy, but one that built warmth like a strong spirit instead of a normal chili. It blended well with the more mundane floral aspects of the flavour but was missing something. Twilight savoured the beverage and tried to work out why it was lacking. She was looking for another answer even as a part of her knew it was merely that she preferred the taste of fear over love.

"It's delicious, thank you."

"And yet it stirs a longing in you?"

"This love is not as satisfying as fear."

"We sometimes build up some as we filter it out of our harvests."

"You mean to offer it for sale?"

"I believe we could call it a gift between friends?"

"We both know you accepted our arrangement due to its benefits, not out of any sort of friendship," Night said.

"True, but now we are allied. It only makes sense to build upon it."

Twilight sighed and shook her head. "I'm the Princess of Friendship, and you're pushing for it harder than I am…"

"Whatever is the world coming to?"

Twilight was drinking tea again, only this time it was in Luna's office aboard her stormship. The dark clouds that made up the future were firmer than the normal fluffy white ones that were used for comfort, but this meeting was too important to risk dozing off due to excessive softness.

Twilight had laid out everything, passed on every detail Chrysalis had provided, her goal to capture Moonlit Scroll and her ultimatum that he would pay for everything. Princess Luna, the Alicorn of the Night, had watched her and had listened to every word in utter silence.

When Twilight had finished, when all her words had been spent, Luna's slightly slit eyes still coldly held Twilight's gaze. A year passed, or perhaps a second, and then Luna spoke. "Thou are certain of this path?"

"I am."

"Very well."

Twilight blinked. That was it? No discussion, no having to justify herself, just a simple 'are you sure you want to do this' check. A small warmth formed in Twilight's chest. It was nice to be trusted. She filed away the mental checks lists, and sent the books strewn around the interface between her body and bastion to reshelve themselves.

"How is this to be done?"

"Descretly, the real Noble Guide still lives. The plan is to have a changeling stand in for him until he recovers."

Luna nodded. "We will have our Nightgaurd take a most thorough look into his recent deeds."

"Now, if you don't mind, my Moon. I have an old teacher to reacquaint myself with."

"Do you mind a spectator?"

A few dozen answers flitted through her mind, but whimsically she threw them all aside and instead leaned closer and caressed Luna's lips with her own. It only lasted a moment, but the hungry eyes that looked out from Luna's face was a definite indication she was getting better at kissing. Twilight marked that experimental result in her mind, and slowly, sensually walked away from Luna. Even without looking, she could feel Luna's eyes following her, feel the ancient mare's magic aching to reach out for her.

A month ago, you would be blushing so much your checks would catch light. Night teased.

Twilight rolled her eyes as she rolled her dock, letting her tail sway, and her wings spread just so. Luna's sharp intake of breath was the A-plus grade she had been hoping for. The promised vengeance and desires competed for which one could feel more delightful. With all that, Twilight could not stop smiling even if she wanted to.

"Today is going to be perfect." She purred as another thought won out. She was about to have a pony in her power, a pony that deserved to be punished, a pony she wanted to punish. You are going to be a perfect test subject… thank you for volunteering, Moonlit Scroll.

CH 90 Unexpected Visitors

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The nagging pain in his chest told him he was still breathing. Unfortunately, that was his greatest achievement of the day. The taste of the quill did nothing to improve his mood, but at least gnawing at it did a little to distract from the persistent pain. Why does everything have to take so long? He shouted in the privacy of his mind. His slightly raised hoof was not the titanic force that would splinter his desk or batter aside the Tartarus damned foal sitters Celestia had saddled him with.

His hoof settled back to the desk with a soft tap. Now was not the time to get emotional. Now was not the time to take risks or do anything to draw attention to himself. With a quick flick of the quill, he mindlessly moved on to the next oh-so-important document that demanded his attention.

Breathe in, breath out, what should be such a simple thing was an effort of will. His tormented body wanted to give up, but he denied it that choice. He had things he needed to do, things he was meant to be doing right this moment.

He sighed. The sound was tired and laboured. He had a plan, he had his next intended victim all lined up, but she was not here. Instead, thanks to too many ponies gawking at Luna's display the other night, she was now playing catch up. He looked back at the report on his desk. Six broken bones due to inattentive cargo handlers, ten were late for work due to romantic incidents and countless smaller things that all added up to more and more delays.

A shiver danced down his spine. The movement was like someone was ripping his skin off. His hoof slammed into the table as he strangled the scream down to the quietest of whimpers. Compared to the pain, what had caused it was far more important. It was a chill that loomed, the feeling, the certainty, that he was being watched. Who are you? He thought. It was not Celestia Luna? He considered as he critically examined what he felt. It was liquid ice combined with the tingle of overcharged magic, all wrapped up with deliberate and focused intent.

Slowly, as if he was just checking the time, he looked up from his desk. His eyes did not even get to the clock before they found the source of that ominous feeling.

"So, you noticed us?" Luminous magenta eyes peered out from the shadows, and the slightly sensual tone made it hard to place the voice.

How? Even through the fog of pain, his mind raced through everything he had done. How did you find me? What did I miss? It was no effort to keep his turmoil off his face and keep to his role. His mind shifted from how Twilight was here. His leg lifted slightly, but he placed his hoof back down on the desk. It was far too late to free his magic, and cutting the stones from his chest would not exactly be subtle.

There was a chance, admittedly only a small chance, that she was not here because she knew who he really was. So with nothing better to do, he played the only viable move he had left. In a tired but still respectful voice, he greeted her. "Princess Twilight."

A hint of a giggle preceded said mare before she slipped out of the shadow. The darkness clung to her coat like raindrops before slipping back into the shadows as she advanced. "Well, it would seem it is my lucky day… Unfortunately, it does not look so good for you, 'Professor'.

Professor, it was just a word, a mere title, but it was one Noble Guide had never earned. He opened his mouth, but before even his first word was out, Twilight's eyes narrowed to slits, inequine slits that looked, baring their colour, borrowed straight from Nightmare Moon herself.

"Games won't save you now, Moonlit Scroll… I believe you got to know me quite … intimately last time, so… tis only fair if we return the favour, no?" There was a sharp knock on the door. "Oh, please do come in, Noble Guide." Twilight continued as if she had been expecting this.

What are you planning? He thought as the door opened, despite the magical wards and locks on it, and for a moment, it was like looking into a mirror if one's reflection was permitted to be better groomed.

"I'm so glad you could make it," Twilight said with a too-wide smile. A smile that said this was all just a game to her, a game that in her mind, she had already won.

The newcomer's bow was an example of motion perfected. "Of course, Princess. It is my pleasure to be of service." As he cleared the door, it revealed the two solar paladins frozen in some sort of crystal statue spell.

A distinctive green aura closed the door. Its click was far too loud and ominous. He was outnumbered, and one of his foes was an Alicorn. This is less than ideal. He enforced the calm in his mind. Options?

There was one petrified pony in the storeroom. With his earth magic, he could animate it to cause a distraction, but then what? Even apparently helpless, Twilight's magic had been enough to not only defend herself but to turn back both spells and physical attacks with contemptuous ease, and now there was this new pony. I'm trapped. His gut twisted. Every time before, he had an exit strategy, disposable ponies that he could shunt harm to. Now, now he was alone and almost helpless before an Alicorn that was also a master blood mage.

His eyes found the drawer with the secret compartment. His potions and some spell crystals. If I can get it into her blood… but she's an Alicorn… His pain relief potion would cause shock and possibly even outright kill even the strongest earthpony if it got straight into the bloodstream, but time and time again, he had learned an Alicorn is anything but a normal pony.

There was always using blood magic to sacrifice himself for a chance to strike back, but that would be admitting defeat. All I can do is wait. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but what other choice was there?

As if she somehow sensed his thoughts, Twilight flicked her eyes to him for a moment before turning all her attention to the newcomer. "You are going to have a lot of work checking over what this impostor has been up to. Are you sure you're up for this after everything you've been through?"

The other pony in the room, pretending to be Noble Guide, nodded. "It will be a nice change of pace." The voice was perfect and rich with smooth charm and confidence.

Twilight finally fixed her eyes on Moonlit Scroll. "Now…" Her horn lit, and the magenta radiance shot through with streaks of silver. Instead of illuminating the room, it was a brilliant light that made the rest of the room darker as the shadows began to swell, pooling like viscous ink. "We would love to know how you are concealing your magic signature and how you got past Tia's vigilance."

The magic in the air was so thick it felt like he could not breathe. It pressed down like it was going to crush him. He knew most of it was an illusion, a product of sensory overload, but that did not change how it felt. Despite that, Moonlit Scroll sat up to his full height. "I am no colt to be cowed by such displays, Princess."

"Oh, you poor, uneducated fool, this is no display. This is merely us relaxing." Twilight waved her hoof as she, as elegant as a dancer, slipped into the seat opposite him. "Do you know how uncomfortable it is to restrain one's magic? To forcefully conceal it?" She tapped her hooves together and took a deliberate inhalation. "Hmm, you know we could have you arrested, locked up and the key thrown away just for the illicit concoction that is currently in your system. Elder Root, Shadebloom and Hornbane, really?" A malicious glee sparkled behind her eyes. "You must be in so much pain," she purred as she lent closer, so close he could feel her scorching breath brush his coat.

Every instinct in his body screamed at him to run, to cower before her, but he refused. Instead, he calmly met her gaze. "It seems you have me at a disadvantage, Princess."

Twilight nodded her head. "Now, this would be the part where I offer you a chance at redemption, where I extend the hoof of friendship to you, but I think we both know that won't be happening this time."

The likely changeling stood stock still and as far away from Twilight as possible while remaining respectful. Even past the formal mask on its face, its eyes kept slipping to the possible exits. That does not bode well.

"Then what shall we be doing? Would you like me to call my assistant for tea and biscuits?"

"Tempting, but I'm afraid I will have to defer that till later. I'm not sure such tame flavours will match the headier scents that will be in the air soon."

The world pressed in around him, the weight of mountains crushed in from all sides, and somehow he did not explode. Slowly, inevitably he floated up from his chair, and everything from his desk rose past him before being neatly filed away.

"Now, what did you say to us?" Twilight tapped her chin. "Ah yes, now I remember." She cleared her throat and, in a poor imitation of his true voice, proclaimed. "You are nothing but the rarest of spell components to me, Princess." She smiled pleased at herself as she levitated him down atop his now empty desk. "Now, the only thing rare about you is the alchemicals in your system… but they are just annoying to try to reclaim." She rested her hoof on his barrel. The touch was soft, gentle and completely at odds with the way her tongue licked her growing fangs. "So, regretfully, that makes you merely common meat. Which might be a useful trade item with the current food problems caused by the blight."

The crushing grip of her somehow invisible aura lessened and receded to just holding his hooves.

"You are just as bad as Celestia." He spat and regretted the laps immediately.

Twilight's eyes narrowed, and she leaned closer, so close they shared breaths. "We are what she and you made us." Runic patterns circled around her horn with such fluid speed he could not catch it all, but it was clearly some sort of analysis spell. A wave of magic rippled through him time and time again. "Well, playing hard to get, are you?" She formed another spell and yet another, and with each failure, both her frustration and joy seemed to rise equally. Some of the spells tingled, others felt like frozen spiders dancing along his insides, and one even made everything seem to invert in colour for a few seconds.

Everything ached, and with each passing moment, his body yearned for another healing tonic or a pain-suppressing potion. Lying on one's back, restrained by the mad Alicorn, was starting to become tedious. From a purely academic point of view, her mastery of magic was superb. How she wove modern, classical and pre-Discordian magic together was astounding, but she was the Alicorn of magic, so how much of it really was her skill, and how much of it was her nature simplifying it for her?

She stopped her spellcraft and hummed thoughtfully. "Well, we can see why nopony found anything." She sat back and smiled warmly. "Now, I know you and most other unicorns are trapped in a paradigm that spellcraft is the be-all and end-all. That nothing can not be solved with the right spells or ritual." She waved her hoof as if throwing away a point. "Now, I know I often fall into that trap, but I make sure to learn about many other discoveries and methods of doing things that don't require magic." The smile shifted to something fond. "You remember my foal sitter? Of course you do. Who could forget the best foal sitter ever, who just happened to be the Princess of Love? She invented a spell. I know, I know, this is not something anypony would have expected an ex-featherbrained school filly to have been able to do, but she did. It was a wonderful little spell that relied on her mastery of a subject in mundane ways to even be possible. That was an eye-opening experience and one I have been taking advantage of and extending the lesson beyond it."

Twilight waved her hooves, her wings flapping a bit in excitement as she delved into magical theory as if she was presenting her final discussion to a review board.

After a few minutes, his replacement gave a polite cough. "Princess?"


"We are on a time limit, your Highness."

"Ah yes… Well, we will have time to continue the lesson later." Her horn lit with alien spell forms and strange notations that it took a moment to realise were mathematical formulas. "Now, if magic is not an option and you want to look inside of somepony, well, the easiest option is just to crack them open and have a look… but that can get messy, so instead you can use something non-magical that can penetrate the medium you wish to look through. In this case, sound." She looked distracted for a moment. "I really need to write a thank you letter to that library." She shook her head. "Yes, so if you have the right type of sound and the right sensor, you can use a purely mundane non-magical natural phenomenon to resolve an image of the inside of a pony."

The magic swirled around her horn and winked out, half the runes reappearing in a complex dance around her left forehoof. "Now, please bear with me. This is my first time." She climbed up onto the desktop and straddled his prone form. Her silken coat pushed against him, and if not for the manic gleam in her eyes, one could have been forgiven for thinking this was a prelude to something pleasant.

Her enchanted hoof caressed his horn, sending shudders down his body as she moved on to his face, the neck. The motion was slow, delicate and at a constant measured pace. Her keen, bright eyes seemed to be focusing a few hoofs deep inside him.

He tried to buck, to shift, to throw her off him, but the difference in strength was such that she did not even seem to notice his efforts. "Get off me, mare."

"Well, that's not very nice. I know many ponies that would die for the chance to be where you are right now…" Again, that polite cough interrupted her. "Right, right." She continued her search. Her hoof swept over one place and then returned. The smile as she taped his chest twice was the final nail in the coffin. "So, this is where you're hiding them…"

She shifted, sitting up taller on him, her wings spread as the most sadistic lear he could even conceive plastered itself on her face. Her horn flashed, and a dozen layers of sound cancellation and scrying wards sealed the room.

A force gripped his heart, then his lungs, moving through his flesh. It did not take a surgeon to know she was locating her major organs one by one.

"Turnabout is fair play," she whispered as pain erupted in his chest.

His barrel lifted up, three small points of force inside pulling insistently up. He knew exactly what she was going to do. Her hoof trailed along his side almost as if he was her lover before it slammed him back into the desk.

Without the stones, he would be vulnerable. Without the artificial mentality in the gem, she would know everything, all his plans, his ascension ruined all because of this Tartarus damned Alicorn.

He growled, and that growl became a scream as his flesh started to yield. It hurt, it hurt so very much, but it was still nothing compared to that time when he could not get to his potions in time.

He thrashed, he screamed, he let himself give her everything she wanted, let the sadistic monster see everything she wanted. All that mattered was this small part of his mind, this small contingency he never thought he would need.

The sounds of his cries, the wet tearing of his flesh and her magic combined into an unholy cacophony, and then, floating there, dripping blood, were three stones. He no longer cared what they were, who she was, who he was. All that mattered is he had to act.

As his newly restored magic raced through his body, it found the path of least resistance. It danced through the prepared spellwork. Your move. Was his last thought before his own magic stampeded through his mind.

Where am I? Was the first thought formed in his mind from the void that had been endless agony. Past the mental haze, images started to form in his mind. Everything had been going to plan, and then Twilight had escaped, and then in a blink, he had found himself sitting in an office with Twilight riding high on a power trip. What happened?

Once you have been in pain long enough, its lack is both a source of relief and confusion. Even so, he should have worked it all out sooner. He was somehow still alive. But that begged the question, why?

The chain of events did not add up, which left only one possibility. My mind has been compromised… Before he could run down that logic any more, he noticed something. He did not so much open his eyes as merely become aware of the information they provided. The colour of the crystal walls told him exactly where he was, but that was not what caught his attention.

He was seeing something. Just he had no idea what it was. Hours passed or seconds. He had no frame of reference before the sickening realisation came, and what he saw started to make sense. Until he saw it, he would have said it was impossible, but doing the supposedly impossible was a speciality of Alicorns.

So regretfully, he accepted the large object before him was a physical mirror. The runes around its frame were the simplest ever cleaning enchantments. Barring it being moved or covered, nothing would prevent the polished surface from doing its job.

The mirror told the truth. No matter how much he wanted or wished otherwise. In its cruel reflection, he could see what she had done, what she had inflicted upon him. It was a marvel of magic and something he could never even have conceived of. This still did not change his one wish of being able to close his eyes. Of course, you needed eyelids to be able to do that. He could not even look away, for he now no longer even had the muscles needed to control his eyes or head.

The image in the mirror was no longer a pony. It could barely even be called a living creature anymore. If it was on paper, done by an artist's horn, it would have been one of the most detailed works on biology ever. Instead, strands of magenta magic held his dismantled form aloft for all to see. Small threads of blood and other fluids twined between the suspended organs and kept him alive.

His heart skipped a beat as it all started to sink in. The mirror was there to show him he was dead, or should be. Only spellcraft of the highest order sustained him. He would live or die by her wim. All Twilight needed to do was end her spell, and he would be nothing but a pile of discarded flesh.

Glowing magenta eyes opened in the mirror behind him. His suspended mussels twitched and shuddered. Honed reflexes demanded action but achieved nothing. All he achieved was an excellent view of his increased heart rate and a few coloured lights from the runes carved into his horn.

Under Twilight's eyes, her white teeth appeared, showing a smile as the rest of her form faded into view. She trotted around in front of him, and her gaze lingered, one part hungry, one part as if a Canterlot noble in an art gallery.

With a pop of magic, a crate appeared, and she started to dig through it. Her horn had not even lit. There was not a single sign of her spell. Yet more benefits of being an Alicorn.

Twilight smiled as she set up her camera. "I would say smile at the camera, but… I don't think you can."

The flash seared his eyes. He tried to flush, to look away, but all that happened was some of the disconnected muscles twitched and contracted.

Twilight hid a giggle behind a bloodstained hoof. "Now, don't be like that. You are helping progress medical knowledge. You are going to help me save so many ponies." She floated over his recently vacated skull and carefully dissected the bones from the weave of magic. "Now, should I polish this or plate it in some sort of metal?" She waited for an answer she knew he could not give. "No opinions? Well, I'm sure I will think of something for your new home."

She teleported out of the room with the causal destain for the laws of physics all powerful spell casters displayed.

I'm still alive… That fact was nowhere near as comforting as he wanted it to be. I'm not in pain… That one was a little better, but odd, given how unpleasant it had been to be vivisected and butchered into his current state.

You did not get to where you are by doubting yourself.

He could not close his eyes, so he did the next best thing. He just ignored what he saw. He could not do anything to change things, so it did not matter.

So, how did I get in the office? Clearly, some time had passed. Also, his coat colour was different. Even the shape of his muzzle and the sound of his voice was not his own. No matter how it was achieved, that sort of transformation could not be done overnight, and a desk full of paperwork implied he had been entrenched in his position for a long time.

That left only three options.

Option one. A backlash could have damaged his mind, a reflected spell, or even just disrupted if he was casting one of his nastier ones.

Option two. One of the Alicorns tore the memories from him. That left the question of why they left everything else.

Option three. I purged my own memories. It made the most sense. He had left himself enough to be aware of Twilight's unexpected combat potential and was still entirely himself.

His parts shook with the laugh that wanted to escape. Who would have guessed Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, could ever be so sadistic? I doubt any of my agents can put me back together again.

Time passed, counting his heart beets had gotten boring. The light level never changed, and there was no hunger or thirst. As strange as it sounded, he was getting bored.

The sound of the door opening brought him back into the moment, and a pair of ponies walked in. A pair of ponies anypony would have recognised. What do you want? Even as just a thought, it was not a very witty comment, and he knew it.

Celestia's eyes widened. It was only for a moment before her perfect mask was back in place.

Good, at least something can still shock you.

"You could have been so much more." Celestia's sad eyes were the only thing more patronising than her voice.

Luna tilted her head one way and then the next as she inspected him. "So you won't be adding this to your private collection?"

"I am disappointed you allowed Twilight to go this far."

Luna shrugged. "She needed this, and one mote of her stratification is worth more than any suffering he might endure… that being said, do not be too harsh, my sister. He was just a tool I used."

I am nopony's tool, least of all yours.

Celestia sighed and met his eyes for just a moment before turning her attention back to her sister. "I know well your methods. If not this, he would have taken another dark path. Either way, his fate is sealed. It is just a matter of when Twilight tires of playing with him."

"Again, you underestimate your creation, my Sister."

Celestia tilted her head towards Luna.

"She is not playing. She may be relishing his suffering, his fear…" Luna met his eyes with a hungry gaze for an instant before she poked her sister with a wingtip. "Everything she does, she does to further her knowledge on how to heal and offer succour to her little ponies."

"None of this display is unnecessary?"

Luna nodded. "She even made a list, and with detailed write-ups of what she was going to do and the benefits of each experiment."

"She should have been better than this."

Luna's clad hoof cracked the crystal floor, her level tone almost lost in the echo of the impact. "Then you should not have made a mess of her trial!"

Celestia flared her wings, her own voice as cold as ice, her eyes blazed like the sun. "I did everything perfectly."

"Then why does she enjoy dining on fear instead of basking in adoration?"

The heat in Celestia's eyes dimmed as her wings half lowered. "Recent…"

"No, Sister." Luna levelled her hoof like a pike. "It started with her trial. You set her on the path of being a monster… just like me."

Celestia recoiled. The last three words hit as if they were physical. Her huge white wings slumped almost to the ground. "Luna…"

Luna stepped in and nuzzled her sister. She put a hoof to the side of her face. "The past is the past… we can not change it. All we may do is decide what we do now."

In a sickening display that was more suited to lovers than sisters, they held each other's gazes. Several long seconds passed before Celestia answered, her voice almost catching in her throat. "Will she forgive me?"

"She doesn't even know there is anything to forgive."

"Will you tell her?"

Luna shook her head. "She has judged you for that act already, and you two have moved past it. It would only open old wounds to no purpose. She would learn of the different trials in time, and she will work it out on her own."

"Would it not be best to tell her?"

"No… she is at peace with who she is."

"Will you forgive me?"

Luna's eyes hardened, and she stepped away from her sister. With a wide wing sweep, she gestured to him. "All this would have been avoided if thy had not hobbled us. All of Twilight's suffering would not even had been a dream in this wretch's mind."

"Thou knowest it was needful," Celestia answered.

"We know they believe so… mayhaps thou are right, mayhaps not, the last few moons… have conjured doubts in us, dearest sister." Before her sister could respond, she slashed a wing through the air. "Be that as it may, I bear some of the guilt for his success and the magnitude of his achievements."

"It's not thine fault, sister," Celestia said, wrapping a large white wing over her sister.

"Thouest know the old laws."

"Banish them from thine mind, there will be a wedding, and there will be needed somepony to paint your feathers."

"Thee would, for me?"

"Yes, sister."

The impact was sudden and brutal, and Celestia had to shift her hooves to remain standing. The attack resolved into a full-body embrace and a laughing Celestia.

Luna nuzzled her sister.

"I would not celebrate yet… there have been many years since we even saw finished work."

"The implied support is more than enough… even if mine wings end up looking like a foal has mealy thrown paint at us."

Celestia hid a laugh behind a hoof. "I think I can do at least a little better than that."

Luna nodded, a kind smile on her muzzle. "Now, the reason for this visit." She nodded towards him.

Celestia sighed. "Yes, you're right, of course."

Celestia moved closer, her eyes bore into him, pushing aside even the concept of resistance. A single tone and a too-bright light built and built until it was the entirety of existence.

One by one, his thoughts reassembled, and his senses returned. Both Alicorns were in the room, both still looked at him, but he had no idea how long had passed.

"Did you find anything?" Luna's voice pushed through his confusion and let his sorry state reassert itself.

"He has done a thorough job. There is nothing I can recover."

"Tis a shame… then there is yet work to be done. Is there time to dine together?"

Celestia nodded, and both Alicorns walked out. Leaving him alone, with only his horrific reflection for company.

It was clear the Alicorns were not getting to let him live. Why else would they talk so freely around him? Yet with all that, he had hope. Hope founded in faith in himself. All through his life, he had achieved his goals, gained power and recovered from any setback.

I wonder what surprise I left from myself… He did not let himself muse on that too much in case they scoured his mind again. No, instead, he imagined more and more creative and terrible acts. After all, his current state required appropriate retribution.

CH 91 Not Your Typical Hangover

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Bliss crawled along Starlight's senses like syrup made of sunlight. Lavender and moonflower caressed her nose as her magic purred like a kitten in her core. Slowly, thoughts surfaced from the sea of tranquillity. That was when Starlight remembered she was a pony and not some sort of elemental of contentment.

The lack of warmth beside her meant Trixie had already gotten up. But her scent was still fresh enough that it was not too long ago. A mild note of longing drifted through her mind. The one disturbance was the imperfection that started the cracks in the shroud of slumber.

Her heartbeat and her barrel expanded with the floral fragrance in the air. She stretched, and her whole body felt like putty, but in the best of ways. "Did I fall asleep in the spa?" She murmured as she opened her eyes.

No, she was still in Twilight's castle, in the room she shared with Trixie. The curtains were half drawn, keeping the harsh lances of sunlight from her eyes while letting its warmth caress her coat. That little kindness brought a smile to her face. The motion brought a wave of minty freshness with it.

She ran her tongue over her teeth and had never felt them so clean first thing in the morning. It was like she had only just cleaned them. She felt fully rested, so she couldn't have been that late to bed. I really don't want to get up today. She thought but still got to her hooves anyway. She stood in front of her mirror and froze.

It was still her in the mirror. She still had all her limbs, and her horn was still there. In fact, the mare in the mirror looked good, very good. It was the sort of good nopony except Fluttershy could pull off after just rolling out of bed.

Her perfectly groomed coat shimmered in the sunlight. Her mane was styled, not quite in her normal way, but as if the best mane stylists heard a description and then decided to make it their magnum opus.

"What did I do last night?" She asked her reflection. It offered no answer, so that left it to her rather foggy recollections. The only thing that came to mind that made sense was she went to Las Pegasus, won big, and then blew all of it on this look.

She levitated the assorted combs and brushes back again. She gave herself a sniff. She was freshly clean with just a hint of flowers. "Lavander and moonflower."

Realisation hit. "Twilight and Luna!" They had come back, there was going to be a party. "Maybe a bit too much hard cider?" She racked her brain. Yes, there was something to drink. Not cider. It was silvery, and if you looked at it right, the night sky seemed to hide just beneath its surface.

A shudder rippled along her coat as she licked her lips. What had it tasted like? The name of the flavour was on the tip of her tongue, but she could not quite remember it. "I wonder if Luna will share any more."

She shook her head to clear it. Still unsure what exactly had happened last night, she put it aside for now. Now, what do I need to do today? After a few seconds of thought, nothing specific came to mind. Only the generic everyday tasks and things to check on. "Well, one way to find out."

The empty armour stand caused a twinge of worry, and held her gaze before she dragged it away. Trixie would be alright. She was likely just wearing it because Twilight was back. That issue put to rest, she trotted out of the room.

The motion of her body was smooth and flowing without a single of the little niggles or imperfections you could not reach adulthood without acquiring. Her stride slowed and stopped. "I'm dreaming?" It did not feel like a dream. After the last little dream adventure with Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker and Luna's little incident with the Tantabus, both she and Twilight had read up on the subject. This, whatever, doesn't feel like a dream. Could it be a changeling pod?

She closed her eyes and focused. Her magic flowed to her horn with silken smoothness. It flowed evenly, simply happy to be doing her bidding. Not a single strand of it sought to race off and smite annoying ponies. Not one mote of it offered the idea of using mind control to get her own way. Last night must have been a very good night… She continued her casting. She would check that in a minute.

The dream-banishing spell finished, and the wave of power burst from her horn. As its radiance faded, she opened her eyes. Everything was just the same. Nothing had changed. With the paranoia that only an ex-villain who had been on the run could possess, she double and then triple checked everything she could think of. As far as every sense, every spell she could muster could tell, this was reality.

Next came the medical spells, simple things really, but they did the job. She'd been on her own enough. She had every scar and every imperfection memorised. None of them were there. Every lingering remnant of injury and strain was gone.

She trotted over to the window. Most of the day was gone. The sun only had a quarter of its journey left before Celestia would lower it. Ponyville, in all its now fortified glory, looked back. Little Star was teleporting around in bursts of light, flitting between groups of foals that were taking care of more than just their chores. Between them and Little Star's constructs, they were tending the new gardens, standing watch on the walls, and even making a game of building a new tower.

Applejack and her brother entered her view, their current immaculately styled manes somehow surviving despite their labours. Each pulled heavy carts laden with stone and wood, which they dumped the contents of, only to have the foals swarm it and race to sort the contents by size and colour.

When one group cheered in victory, Little Star teleported in, glanced over the effort and awarded a tray of cookies to the winners. Before the competitors could get jealous, the victors shared their bounty.

Starlight smiled. My life would have been very different if I had friends like that. She lit her horn and blinked to the top of the castle. She appeared on the newest fortified platform between the pair of definitely-not-party-cannons. Reflexively, she double-checked if the labels were still there. The tag on the fuse said Warshot.

War, the word even looked ugly in Equestrian. 'The not for use for parties' scrawled over it in lipstick looked much more aesthetically pleasing than that one word.

She turned a slow circle, and nothing seemed amiss. All the way to the horizon, everything was just as it should be. Something red caught her eyes. Why am I staring at Big Mac? Sure, he was a nice stallion and one of the largest ones she had ever seen. Did I? No, I wouldn't. Still, that thought settled in her mind. She still had no clue what she had done at the party, still had no idea how she even got back to her room.

She cast her medical spell again, this time focused on another part of her anatomy. Like last time, it provided its answers that everything was alright, that she was healthier than she had been before. This time, she dug a little deeper, and it gave an answer. Oh.

There was no question about it. She indeed had sex, and with something larger than a unicorn's horn. Her eyes drifted back to Big Mac. I didn't… Did I? She broke down the healing spell and mixed it with a few other ones. She let out a breath she did not know she was holding. Other than the expected stuff from needing to eat, drink and breathe, there was nothing in her body that should not be.

She let her eyes track Big Mac. He was a good stallion, for an earth pony at least. His muscles bunched and shifted under his perfectly groomed coat. It made quite the show for any mare who just happened to be watching.

He does look nice. She mused, but nothing stirred in her heart. Her tail did not even so much as twitch. Maybe it was not him?

She propped her hooves on the railing and just took in the view. The town she had practically ruled in Twilight's absence. She had only been holding the reigns of power for another, but unlike with Ourtown, with this, she felt she had truly achieved something. She just hoped a certain pony agreed.

Whether or not Twilight's judgment would be positive or not was far more important than whatever she did last night. Yet there was still a lingering question. Do I need to apologise? But even as she thought that, she knew she did not.

"Morning!" Little Star's voice registered just a moment before the pop of her teleport. The flash of light had been almost non-existent.

"Nice control. You been practising?"

"Yes, Starlight." The mini Twilight beamed with pride.

Starlight tipped her horn to the activity below. "I see you have the foals organised. Your idea?"

Little Star nodded with so much enthusiasm it was like she might be at risk of breaking her neck.

"Did all the older ponies oversleep?"

"Yes, and Mummy Luna said to let them sleep."

"Do you know what happened?"

"Mummy Twilight said it was the side effect of excessive harmonisation… she did not have time to explain what that meant, but she said she would tell me when I'm older."

Excessive harmonisation… never heard it called that before.

"She also said to say that instead of a hangover, whatever one of those are, there would be one to four days with vivid and nice dreams."

"Trust me, nopony wants to have a hangover." What was that drink Luna brought… She licked her lips, trying to remember its taste. To distract herself, she pointed to the under-construction tower. "So, what are you building?"

"That's going to be the new Crusader Clubhouse…" Little Star scraped her hoof along the floor. "Apparently, it's not safe for other ponies to make the trip to where the old one was, so we are having to rebuild it here."

Starlight rested a comforting hoof on Little Star's withers. "Remember, most ponies are not as powerful as you. Most unicorns, even with the right aspects, will never be able to teleport."

"But is so e… Oh." The dawning look of realisation shifted to sadness.

With a quick glance around and no parent figure in view, that left the duty to Starlight herself. Shifting her hoof, she pulled Little Star into a hug, who reflexively snuggled into it. She could see the cogs moving in the filly's eyes. "We are exceptional. A lot of the ponies here in Ponyville are, but we are a lot more powerful than the majority of them."

"I know."

"You remember what that means?"

"That we must always be careful and conscientious with our magic, yet stand vigilant to protect those lesser than ourselves. "

She keeps making that mistake… are my old habits leaking, though? "Almost," Starlight said with a proud smile to take any sting out of the criticism. Little Star was her mothers' daughter, after all. "Less powerful, not lesser."

One of Little Star's self-scribing scrolls popped into existence, a few words were altered, and then it vanished again.

Starlight's eyes narrowed. That's the second time she's corrected it. Was something or, more worrisome, someone altering a scroll in Little Star's extradimensional pocket? Was the scroll even real at all, or was it more akin to a mental phantom used as a memory aid? Given what she did to that cleaning spell…

"Such a beautiful day, Darling," Rarity's voice called out from down below.

"So naturally, your first thought was fencing practice?" Blueblood's controlled tone gave no clue if he was agreeing or complaining.

"Oh pish posh, you know we both overindulged, and it takes effort to stay this refined."

"As you say, Lady Rarity." A hint of teasing crept into the Prince's words.

Starlight's eyes narrowed again as she tracked Blueblood's movement. The slight contact as Rarity brushed against him. The way his ears perked and rotated to capture every word she said as their conversations galloped off into the wilds of technical fencing terms.

In the warm sunlight, after the longest lay-in she had had for years, she could see nothing but two ponies in love. Were all my suspicions just lack of sleep and paranoia?

A small hoof tapping her dragged her attention back to Little Star. "He's a good pony now."

"He has definitely done a lot to help. I just never expected him to keep helping, and I don't think anypony expected…"

"He's not being made mean and stupid by Celestia any more."

Starlight's thoughts crashed to a stop. Little Star had said it calmly, like it was just an everyday thing, but with such certainty.

"Little Star."

Little Star's attentive eyes focused entirely on her. "Yes, Starlight?"

"How could you know that?"

"Mummy Luna told me this morning."

"But why would Celestia do that?"

Little Star's ears drooped. "I'm sorry, I don't know." Her left ear twitched. "It might be because he gave other ponies a target and somepony that could be blamed for silly things." She nodded firmly. "She wanted a distraction."

Time and time again, this innocent little filly had shown deep insight and ruthless problem-solving. If not for her kind heart, she could have ended up like me. Still, could she be right?

With all she had heard of Blueblood's antics, even back in Ourtown, he would have made a great distraction. You could get away with a lot in his shadow…

The ringing of blades drew both their attention down to the pair of unicorns. The elegant hoofwork made it look more like a dance than the weapon drills of the Ponyville militia or Royal Guard.

Rarity was no magical powerhouse, but with this, her precision and eye for detail shined through. Rarity used a single sword, but her dozen daggers swam and spiralled through the air under complete control. Their wavey motion was so similar to how she would wield needles and thread.

To match that, Blueblood's aura held a pair of swords and a pair of small shields. It was a contest of his skill versus her raw talent.

A soft pop and Little Star had paper and pencil in hoof. Rapid lines of charcoal captured moment after moment of the contest. It was hard to say what the greater display of skill was, the contest of blades or the wielding of the pencil.

Little Star's talent in magic made sense. It was expected even, but where did this talent for art come from? More and more things simply did not add up with the little filly, but Starlight did not think that answers would be forthcoming today. So, with nothing pressing demanding her attention, she settled in to watch the two spectacles.

Slowly, more and more ponies emerged from the castle, each as perfectly presented as Starlight had been herself. Fragments of happy conversations floated up to her as she maintained her vigil. If there had been more clothes in view, it would have been the oddest fashion show.

Below, there were hugs, nuzzles and good-natured jokes. Unlike yesterday, not a single hint of stress or worry existed in anypony.

It has to be a spell… Her tongue traced her lips again. Or that silver drink?

Little Star, well, a second Little Star started summoning items. Some of the unused stones and a sheet of metal. Black cutting beams and magenta-tinged lesser adhesive spells rapidly turned a bunch of junk into a quite nice-looking griddle.

"Little Star?" Starlight asked the filly next to her."


"How are you in two places at once?"

"I'm not."

"Then who is down there?"

"That's my pets under an illusion spell."

Starlight focused on sharpening and narrowing the focus of her horn. It would have been easier to dispel the illusion, but if Little Star was telling the truth, she did not want to disrupt the food preparation.

The magic was simple, but densely woven. There was nothing exceptionally complex, just a whole host of simple effects tied together to work perfectly.

Peering past the illusion, her analytics spell picked out the silhouette of a particular wooden owl perched upon the back of the mini timberwolf.

"How are they casting spells?"

A scroll popped into existence, a complex diagram of a wooden and crystal horn. It was galling, it was humbling, but over half of what was on the page eluded her. This filly's knowledge was all over the place. Before Starlight had started teaching her, she was missing so many of the fundamentals, and yet, some of her spellcraft was beyond anything anypony had ever seen.

"Your owl's horn is a spell relay?"

Little Star nodded. "With some basic spell runes inlaid to simplify and automate some basic spells."

The succulent scents of honey-glazed grilled vegetables drew everypony's attention. Onions, parsnips, carrots, zucchini, and mushrooms all tempted the senses.

Compared to the rations and basic fare everypony had been eating recently, it was a feast fit for the Princesses. Pinkie rushed over with a leaning tower of still steaming bread stacked on her back and jars of condiments circulated.

"Where did all this come from?"

"The food?"


"Emerald's Mummy sent it over."

"Emerald's mother?"


She's only a little foal. She's not trying to be annoying. Starlight put on her most patient smile. "And who is her mother?"

"Queen Chrysalis."

"What!?" Starlight's shout silenced the crowds below. Every eye in the entire town was now locked on her.

She looked out over the crowd, their faces shifting from mere confusion to worry.

With a sheepish smile and a casual wave of her hoof, she calmed them. They could clearly see Little Star was in two places at once, and so her surprise made perfect sense. She was a Crusader, after all. As the ponies below calmed down, Starlight's smile became more genuine.

She pitched her voice low, so nopony else could hear. "The Changeling Queen gave you that food?"

Little Star gave a long blink. Her ears perked, dropped and perked again. She gave a small, sharp nod. "Mummy Twilight arranged a peace treaty with the bad changelings… so they're not bad now… I think."

"So, not bad?" It was so very hard to keep her voice level.

Little Star smiled happily and nodded.

A part of Starlight wanted to get exasperated with Little Star, but she just could not do it. Despite her mind screaming at her how much of a bad idea this was, her body just could not work up a good panic or even a modicum of worry. Chrysalis had provided food to the town, and apparently, both Twilight and Luna were alright with it?

Had both Princesses been replaced by changelings? Was the party last night just what being fed from by an unreformed changeling was like? Well, there was one way to get to the bottom of this.

"Do you know where your mother, Twilight is?"

"Yep." A flicker of magic danced along Little Star's horn, and a scrying window popped into existence.

A wave of molten rock erupted from the ground. Everything was smouldering rock, flames and angry glowing magma. Spike grabbed a clawful and threw it. A white pony with mane of wild fire pranced aside, returning fire.

Starlight's first urge was to do something. She had not quite decided what that something should be before both Spike and a Daybraker version of Twilight's expressions registered. They're smiling?

"Are they having a lava ball fight?"

"Yep, unfortunately, I'm not fireproof enough to play…" Little Star's hoof scraped the floor for a moment before she very deliberately stopped the action and stood a little taller. "And it's only right he gets time with Mummy Twilight, too."

The pyrotechnic battle continued as Spike added a few blasts of his breath. Twilight closed in, and in more of a Rainbow move than one of her own, tackled the dragon and started nuzzling and tickling him.

She's acting like a foal. Starlight thought as she watched the two restart their play battle. Twilight moved wrong. Not wrong like Discord, not wrong as if she was a different pony. Twilight had never been the best flyer, but she had at least mastered her wings. Whoever that was almost ignored them, letting them flair by reflex or just be dragged around by their own momentum.

As the pony and dragon played like foals, magenta swirls of magic brought order to the destruction. The cooling molten rock was formed into a quite nice-looking road.

That was clearly Twilight's magic… but by how it was acting, it was an enchantment. Everything happening was following its script and not shaped by a pony's will directly.

Well, at least she's not trying to kill anything this time..

Shaking her head, Starlight turned her attention back to Little Star. "Do you know if the food is safe?"

Little Star nodded, and another scroll popped into existence. She glanced over it and then offered it up.

The list of spells was extensive. Some she did not recognise the names of, but by context and from the ones she did know, they were all detection and purification spells. Thirty-two of them. Starlight whistled. "Well, that would do it."

Little Star nodded. "And it all came in sealed preservation boxes."

Those things were expensive and not something most ponies could make. "Can I see one?"

Another pop of magic and a crate half her size popped into existence. It had a nice painted finish and some symbols on it.

There was also a shipping tag still attached. "Thirty-six restaurant row, Manehatten."

Manehatten, the place all this started, the place Twilight had been abducted and… Starlight stomped on that chain of thought. Today was a good day, and the last thing she wanted was to relive the sounds of Twilight's screams.

Her eyes found the still open scrying window again. She found the white mare racing around like a foal without a care in the world. A hurled clawful of magma shot past a prancing Twilight. It exploded into shards of flames. Twilight's face had nothing but innocent joy on it as she stuck her tongue out at Spike. Even with everything going on, that brought a smile to her face. How can she still be like that?

"Can you keep an eye on things here?" Starlight asked.

Little Star nodded. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Just need a quick word with Twilight."

Little Star's horn lit, and before Starlight could even open her mouth, she was blinking away the magenta flash. Starlight sighed. When are you going to learn to ask first?

A surge of heat flashed by, sending prickles across her flesh in the moments before her horn wrapped a shield around her.

Twilight reared up and slammed her hooves into the ground, and a wave of magma rippled out.

Starlight's eyes widened, and she teleported straight up, her aura catching herself and holding her in the air. Even from that height, the heat was still intense. If this had been a duel, she had half a dozen spells he could have used to bring combat spells to a foal's game… even one as dangerous as this somehow seemed wrong. So, instead, she did something else.


The shouted name stilled the conflict below. Spike's reaction was normal, he looked up and waved. Twilight's reaction was anything but.

The white and flaming mare canted her head to the side as she looked up at Starlight, not a single hint of recognition in her eyes. She gave a pair of long blinks and titled her head the other way. "Starlight?"

Twilight's left ear pivoted as if focing on somepony beside her. She pawed the ground with a hoof and then pouted before she sighed. Another long blink, and her stance changed. The playfulness and carefreeness fell away, and the eyes that looked up at her were now the Twilight she knew. "Sorry, Spike, we will have to pick this up later."

Spike waved away the issue with a claw. "Nah, I can take a rest… but we have to do this again."

Twilight gave Spike a warm, motherly smile. "Well, we do have the rest of the road to construct."

"You go and talk to Starlight. I got this." With a cocky smile, he turned and started breathing fire, the ground liquefying and Twilight's enchantment setting to work, forming the now malleable material into the road.

Twilight bunched her legs and leapt into the air, only opening her wings to start to hover once she neared Starlight. The white of her coat darkened back its normal hue as the colours of her mane faded into existence from the receding fire.

"I trust you slept well?" Twilight's voice was warm and friendly, but her eyes held a keen interest.

"Yes… maybe a bit too well."

Twilight held up her hoof. "I know what worries you, and relax. Nothing bad happened, and it did have a purpose."

Starlight narrowed her eyes but kept a friendly smile on her face. "Care to share?"

"With you, yes. You are too powerful, too intelligent, and too suspicious of me to do anything less." Twilight shrugged. "And I know if I did not tell you, you would just find a way to find out or use your temporal viewing spell just to check."

Starlight nodded. "You're not wrong. You know we have been worrying about you, now last night and you acting like a foal… Twilight, you have to talk to us."

"Last night was two things. It was a celebration of life, victory and friendship."

"Perhaps a little more than friendship…"

Twilight smiled, "The magic used let ponies find what they need, a shoulder to cry on, a way to vent and disperse negative emotions or a pony to hold and be held by. It's an old magic, one of Luna's rituals that used to be a yearly event."

"Why don't I remember anything?"

"That's part of the magic. All the souls of those involved come together in peace, harmony and love. Total honesty and generosity. For every desire, a pony is found who is willing to meet it. For every doubt, there is somepony to provide certainty. For every fear, there is a pony to bring hope."

"That still doesn't explain why I don't remember."

"Well, if you did not interrupt so much, you would already know." Twilight sighed. "Sorry. That level of honesty and openness is too much for everyday life, so unless it is something every pony decides should be remembered, it is forgotten."

"Then what good does any of it do?"

"How did you feel when you woke up?"

She could still feel the echo of that delightful feeling, the smooth, well-oiled motions of her muscles, and even the clarity of the tone her magic made as she continued to levitate herself. "Well…"

"Exactly, your soul knows, your magic knows. After everything my ponies have been through, everything they suffered, the battles… the deaths they have seen… they needed this." Twilight looked away. "I needed this."

"So if all that is true... What is the other reason?"

Twilight half looked back, but her now hard eyes locked on Starlight's. "The ritual requires a willingness to trust, for all involved to have no real ill will for anypony else involved or at least no ill will they are not willing to give up."

"You're worried about spies? Or cultists?"

Twilight solemnly nodded. "Yes, we captured Moonlit Scroll."

Starlight's guts tightened, and the ghost of a scream she could never unhear resonated in her ear. "The one that…"

"Yes, and he wiped a lot of his recent memories, and given he was pretending to be Noble Guide..."

"The one that built…"

"Yes, and given his ability with dark magic and his like of replacing ponies' minds with ones of his design."

"You did this to make sure there were none here?"

Twilight nodded.

"So… why does everypony look so good?"

"My guess, one of Rarity's desires, and it seems nopony disagreed with it."

"And how … healthy I feel?"

"Part of the rite, the ritual, or as Luna calls it the Moonlight Revel, is sharing magic with an Alicorn… Or in this case, two. This means that it causes a host of minor health benefits as well as a reasonable amount of healing. If it were not for the stress it puts on ley lines, it would be recommended weekly. But for most ponies, it will take a few months before it is safe to do it again. Only our chosen can safely benefit from it more often."

"So, how did you catch him?"


"She helped? Why would she?"

"Think about it. Ponies are food to a changeling, but when done with care, it's no more harmful than milking a cow. Add to that the fact they need us to be alive. Threats like the Blight and things that can kill or corrupt ponies are just as detrimental to them as it is to us."

"You actually trust her?"

"Yes, as I said to her, I have faced real evil, and she is not like that. She wishes for power, yes, but she also wishes to protect and care for her children."

"So that makes everything else she has done alright?"

"There are those who can be forgiven and those who can not."

"And after attacking Canterlot… what she did to your brother and Cadance after she foal napped everypony?"

"Yes. You almost ended the world, and we still gave you another chance."

Starlight lifted a hoof as if to make a point but then slowly put it down. Looking back, it was easy to see how petty, how selfish, she had been. Each and every safety the pair of them had added to all their time spells just reinforced the point. She rubbed her forehoof against her leg.

That last time they had faced Chrysalis, that moment when the changeling Queen had almost taken her hoof. Things could have been so different. Her mind drifted to another moment, to a lavender Alicorn pleading with her, to Starswirl's modified spell, to how she had almost torn it in half.

"And now you see?" Twilight's voice was not mocking. It held no judgment. Instead, it was warm, comforting. The tender touch of a lavender hoof just added to the sincerity of Twilight's supportive smile.

Twilight's eyes found hers and held them. "Do you trust me?"

Starlight just could not look away, the pools of magenta and the infinite care within them. Yet despite that, there was still the issue of Twilight's aberrant behaviour. "I want to, I used to, but recently…"

Twilight nodded. "I understand. Would some answers help?"

It was Starlight's turn to nod. "It would be a start."

"Then shall we land and find somewhere more comfortable?"

"Yeah, this is probably not the sort of conversation to have just hovering in the open."

Twilight's horn lit, and another teleportation enveloped Starlight. The magic was smoother, kinder to the passenger, but slower than Little Star's had been.

In the blink of an eye, they were on the ground, and out of thin air, Twilight pulled picnic supplies. Fruit juice, wine, and cider joined an assortment of sandwiches and cookies.

In a very un-regal way, Twilight flopped down and splayed out like she did not have a care in the world. Her magic claimed a glass of wine, and her hoof grabbed a trio of sandwiches. With a wave of a wing, she bid Starlight to help herself.

She took a fruit juice and a single sandwich as she gathered her thoughts. The bread and flowers within smelled fresh, but it was no match to how those grilled vegetables had smelled back in Ponyville. Though the juice was sweet and refreshing. In the distance, flashes of green flames announced that Spike was still hard at work.

"Is Spike going to be alright on his own?"

"He will. He's stronger than anypony gives him credit for."

Starlight raised her eyebrow.

Twilight flicked her head upwards. "And I have Candice, Rainbow and Gilda on patrol."

Starlight followed the motion. There, in the distance, was a trio of dots. They could be ponies, or they could be anything. She focused her attention back on Twilight. "You were going to give me some answers?"

"Yes." Twilight nodded. "You want to know why I was playing with Spike?"

"It would be a start."

She tapped the side of her head with a hoof. "Simply put, I'm not alone in here."

"What?" Starlight's heart skipped a beat as two names immediately came to mind. Nightmare Moon. Daybreaker…

"I told you the story of how Celestia made me?"

Starlight nodded, still wondering what a corrupted Twilight would be called.

"Some pieces of who the original Twilight was, survived."

"You have multiple personalities?"

"No…" Twilight shook her head. "I have a poor innocent filly that grew up to be a mare, trapped in a cage, alone with the remains of her sisters for over a decade."

Starlight only noticed she had dropped the glass when a magenta glow caught it. Both the drink and the sandwich were carefully put down on a plate.

"What you saw here was me letting her out to play… She still wants to hide under Shining Armor and play with Smarty Pants." Twilight rubbed her hoof against her shoulder. "I could not just leave her locked up."

"So this is where your fiery temper comes from?"


"And the part of you that wanted to fight in the Everfree?"

"As I said then, I'm not just a unicorn, I like fighting… I like using my magic to defeat my foes, to protect."

"The Twilight I know…"

"You remember my battle with Tirek? The new landmarks… the destroyed mountains?"


"That is the sort of things an Alicorn is meant to do, deal with threats."

Starlight shook her head. "We are getting off-topic here."

Twilight tilted her head slightly and made a go-on gesture.

"You want to give Chrysalis a second chance… as much as it feels wrong, you're right. It's the right thing to do." Starlight held up a hoof as Twilight started to smile. "Just because she gets a second chance does not mean she can be trusted."

"That's fair, but try not to be too paranoid. This is in her best interest, and she knows it."

"She is not the most sane."

"Starvation is not known for promoting rational thought."

"Did something change?"

"Yes…" Twilight's cheeks flushed red, then slowly started to settle.


"I had a date with Luna on the Moon." The words were said as a matter of fact, as if spending time on one of the celestial bodies was utterly mundane.

"A date… on the Moon?" Then it clicked. The night with the unnaturally bright moonlight. Just the concept of it was mind-blowing.

The last of the blush faded completely and turned to a fond look. Twilight nodded. "It was quite the experience, even if it had unexpected consequences."

Unexpected consequences, especially with anyone from Ponyville, tended to range from silly to world-ending. Her mind tried to decide which, if any, of the disaster response plans were going to be needed. "Anything we need to worry about?"

"It solved the changeling's hunger problem for a few years…"

"That would explain why they were willing to talk." Starlight's voice was a little flat, her response automatic as her mind dusted off its math skills. The estimated number of rouge changelings out there, the amount of love they needed per day. The implied numbers were crazy. With the right spells, emotional energy could be converted to magical energy. Just how powerful is Princess Luna?

Twilight nodded. "I made her a landed noble."

"You do know there are going to be a lot of ponies unhappy with that."

"I do, but this takes a lot of the economic burden from the fallout of the Blight off the crown."

"You're using them?"

"Only in ways they know and accept."

Starlight raised an eyebrow.

"They have safe access to all the abandoned resources in and around Manehatten. They have troops that get stronger from the adoration of those they save and that each and every one of them can trivially track down the Blighted." Twilight raised a hoof. "Why would I not want them working for the good of everypony?"

"But, they think ponies are just food."

"Yes, that's true, but they are learning we are better food when looked after. More nourishing when they earn our emotions and not steal them."

"So… this is part of the plan to reform them?"

"Rehabilitate. They were never evil in the first place." Twilight tilted her head and then shrugged her wings. "But the changelings are just a distraction from what we really need to be talking about."

"They are?"

"Yes, the Moonlight Revel is impractical for the larger settlements or ones that need to have ponies that hate each other in them. It would never work with Manehattan or Vanhoover. So it means I am going to be travelling again soon."

"But, you only just got back."

Twilight sighed. "Of that, we are well aware, but royal duty should not be put off."

"What do you need me to do?"

A scroll popped into existence, and a magenta aura unfurled it to reveal a map. A quill started marking it. "This is the land I want you to secure."

"I'm not…"

"You are a capable mare and one with the power and intellect such that I can leave this in your hooves."

"Why not your friends?"

"Each of them are wonderful, each with their own talents, but of the Element Bearers, I'm the one with the long-term planning and logistics knowledge. They will be powerful individuals to aid you, and I do expect you to consult them and listen to their advice."

Starlight nodded and studied the map. It indicated the new road Twilight and Spike's lava fight were building, non-existent train lines, a pair of forts and a whole new settlement. "That is going to be a lot of work…"

"It is, but it is necessary. The stores from Manehatten will only last so long."

"So that's to be a farming village?"

"At least in part." Twilight pulled more scrolls into existence. The first said ten years, the next fifty, and the last two hundred. Each showed more and more development in the area with even more fortifications. "It's the start of enriching and protecting our lands."

"You think this is necessary?"

Twilight nodded, her face becoming grave. "Too much of the world blames us for the Blight… Too much of it will see the aftermath as the perfect opportunity to try and push Equestria. I doubt that what I did on my trip is going to have them happy either."

"Do I have to ask the question?"

"I accidentally conquered part of the Griffon lands."


"I was challenged, and the choice was to win or decline it."

"So you won part of the nation because of a duel?"

Twilight nodded.

"So the rest of the world…"

Twilight nodded again. "Will think that the Blight was in part to aid with things like this."

Any creature that was not as pure in heart as a normal pony would see this as an opportunity. A chance to demand concessions and reparations. Reparations that, thanks to the recent troubles, Equestria could not pay.


"Oh, don't feel too bad," Twilight unfurled a scroll and offered it to Starlight.


"It means I have another castle and have another protected location. It's a perfect place to set up some transfer mirrors."

"You want to make a portal?"

"Want to help?"

It did sound interesting. "Sure." And the side conversations will be the perfect time to check if you're still alright…

Much to Starlight's surprise, they did not return by teleportation. Instead, Twilight insisted on using her wings. The flight back to Ponyville gave a good chance to see more of how the land had changed. Flame and spell craters were everywhere, some small, some large, and most of the larger ones were hers. Craters flanked the path of the new road, each a signpost of the lethal range of The Crusader's artillery.

Even now, crewed by the militia, it did not change who invented and then created these weapons. None of them even had a violent mark. Then there was the hydra battle they were now famous for. If it was not for the fact Little Star liked to proudly show off the creature's head, it would have been easier to simply chalk it all up to an overactive imagination.

Twilight did a lazy roll and, with a dip of a wing, slipped closer. Warm but worried, magenta eyes found Starlight's own. "Bit for your thoughts?"

"Have we become too accustomed to violence?"

With a slow shake of her head, Twilight glanced out to Ponyville. "Regrettably, it was that we were too blinded by peace."

"You really mean that?"

"Yes, I do." Twilight's eyes were firm but fortunately held a hint of sadness and not the battle lust they sometimes did. With a flash of magenta, a scroll appeared. "Just look at the difference in the numbers."

In neat clipped quill work, there was a list of place names and numbers.

"Confirmed dead, confirmed Blightend, number of missing, and the last is the efficiency of the local defences."

Starlight scanned the numbers. It was not hard to see that Ponyville was leagues above everywhere else in efficiency, and it was far too easy to imagine the accumulated tragedies all the other numbers represented.

Twilight continued in a muted version of her lecturing tone. "Nopony was ready. Too many ponies who should have been trained to deal with things like this panicked or waited for orders instead of acting." Twilight sighed. "Celestia's enforced peace left too many of our protections as mere paper imitations of what they needed to be."

"The faire you held, it…"

"It showed that the two forces that followed the old ways were still capable." Twilight held up her hoof. "I am not saying the Royal Guard is not brave or lacks individual skills. But their equipment is lacking, and they repeatedly make mistakes a more experienced force would not. Over a third of their losses were avoidable." Twilight shook her head, resigned. "Tactical incompetence fed too many powerful ponies to the Blight. Their souls lost and an asset replaced with a potent and cunning monster to lead the Blighted."

"What were they meant to do?"

"Explosive spells linked to a few monitoring spells would have been a start."

It took a few moments to register the intended implications. "You mean…"

"As much as you may not believe, the afterlife is very real, and only a few things can bar a pony from it. Having one's soul corrupted into a monster is arguably worse than merely having it sacrificed and spent for power."

With that assumption, it made the idea of blowing yourself up seem responsible. What am I thinking?

"If the Blight has started changing a pony… the kindest thing to do is to kill them immediately."

Starlight had thrown her share of spells at ponies. She had battled Twilight and would be lying if she said some of her spells were less than lethal. Yet the idea of deliberately killing ponies, and not evil ponies, in a battle. No, deliberately slaying allies… even friends, to save them.

Twilight's eyes softened. "Now you see one of the burdens of being a Princess. Luna remembers a time when she had to… purge a few villages because they had an incurable plague."

Starlight gulped. "Is that why ponies feared her?"

"One of the reasons, yes."

"Lack of being prepared for things like the Blight. I think most ponies are glad to live now rather than then."

Twilight focused on the distant Canterlot, her expression becoming unreadable. Starlight followed her gaze. It would not be a stretch for enhanced pegasus eyes to be looking straight at Princess Celestia, even from this distance.

"Celestia can see anything under the sun she wishes. She can and does use mental magic daily to get her way. Up until my capture, Equestria was exactly as she wished it to be."

"What about…" Again, Twilight cut her off.

"Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, Tirek?" Twilight smiled sardonically. "Each and every one was a test for me, each and every one, a foe that she could have disintegrated with little more than a thought."

Starlight looked between Twilight and Canterlot a few times.

"I know you have felt my power. Felt what my magic can do."

That time in the forest, in the castle of the Two Sisters, with the Alicorn's magic flowing around her, fueling Starlight's time-viewing spell. The sheer amount of power was so great that it was like Twilight was a goddess…

"Celestia has been building, gathering and stockpiling her power for hundreds of years, using as little as possible in her daily life all so that she is the unrivalled and unconquerable sun."

"You did not mention me."



"Your actions were not planned for… at least, not by Celestia."

With that lovely and totally not ominous statement still hanging in the air, they descended into Ponyville. Twilight rapidly got caught up in the crowds and ambushed by a teleporting Little Star.

Then by who? Starlight thought as somehow a cupcake appeared in her mouth. Hmm, sweet orchid.

CH 92 Trixie the Something and Something else 

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The Great and Powerful Trixie, Chosen of Twilight, battle mage and stage magician extraordinaire should have been bored. If anypony had asked her a year ago and told her what she was doing and why, she would have called them crazy at the very least.

Trixie stood her watch from the peak of the Crusader's new watchtower while doing casting drills. The cool wind that played with her mane and cape both still carried a hint of ash on it. Despite that taint on the air, it was a pleasant counterpoint to the heat building under her armour.

Her horn thrummed with power without even a single glimmer of light escaping. She formed rune after rune inside her magnificent arcane spire before carefully dismantling them.

Again, Twilight's warm voice said from her memories. It stung a little that even this was just more proof that her raw talent was not enough to match Starlight. Despite her recent power boost, it still took endless repetition to get the spells nailed down enough so that she could reliably use them in combat. But Trixie was not going to let that stop her, even if it took thirty hours a day, she would be worthy.

She moved on to her next spell, a hybrid pyromantic and illusion spell. Well, it was not entirely her spell. It was still humbling that three-quarters of the work on it had been Little Star's and the last Starlight's. About the only thing Trixie herself would get to add was the name. Its base was an overpowered firework spell with triple the heat and force components. Two things made it unique. The first was that half of the fireworks were invisible and took chaotic indirect paths to their target. The second is the visible ones had weak want-it-need-it effects on them.

A twinge, an itch in her horn, distracted her. It was the spell crumbling that pulled her from her memories. She growled under her breath. She must have botched the last rune again. She forced a wave of disruption through her horn. Overpowering and destroying the failing spell before it could miss-cast. She grit her teeth at the bout of hornache. "Buck." She hissed out even as the pain started to fade. Still, it was far better this now than fumbling the spell in actual combat.

Combat, something that would now be part of her life, something any sane pony would flee from, she would now charge towards. A slight smirk formed on her face. She might not like battle, but not much could match the gratitude in the eyes of those saved nor the silent acceptance of the ponies fighting by one's side. Comrades in arms were not something she ever thought she would have, yet she could hardly imagine being without them now.

She was here, doing nothing, alone, not because of being shunned, not because of any punishment. No, she was here because Twilight trusted her. Her smirk became a genuine smile as she brought her hoof to her chest. Every beat of her now powerful heart, with every movement of her legs, brought home the true magnitude of Twilight's gift. The piece of Twilight's soul that was now forever a part of her.

She blinked away the excessive moisture from her eyes. There must have been a bit of dust or ash in the air. Honestly, the flyers should do something to fix the air quality. Her eyes roved the lands beyond the wall. Still, there was nothing dangerous. The only thing moving out there was a bunch of wagons. By the green-on-black banners they flew, they were expected, if a few days early.

"This is not how my life was meant to be…" She sighed, but she could not hide the undercurrent of contentment in it. That party had been amazing. It had been a party to end all parties… the only problem was she could not remember any of it.

Her heart just knew she had performed. She had put on the best show in her life, and it stung neither she nor anypony else would remember it. Still, even if she could not remember the show, her mind brought up tricks she hadn't even thought of before.

Candice's explanation was simple enough. Each and every wish that anypony wanted that nopony in the town objected to was granted by the full might of two alicorns.

Was it worth having your wish granted if you were simply going to forget it?

She tossed her head, and her mane moved its silken smooth strands, returning to their artful style as if by magic. Below her vantage, everypony still looked like supermodels. She shook her head. It was magic, the sort of thing that would be commonplace if there was a Princess Rarity - Alicorn of fabulosity.

Trixie rolled her eyes and moved on to the next part of her exercise routine. She conjured an illusion of a miniature Twilight. One by one, she cycled through each pony she knew the whole time without even lighting her horn.

So many of them were her friends now. So many of them trusted her. It paused on a night guard. A pony she did not even know the name of until after they had traded their life to save others.

A few minutes passed as she did her best to remember them. Ponies like that deserved to be remembered.

Her little remembrance over, she moved on, her self-confidence almost enough to ignore the little voice inside that said. That could be you one day.

The illusions returned to Twilight's form, this time in armour, just like she had worn on the trip to that ancient dungeon. Armour the colour of freshly spilt blood and vicious wing blades that promised violence, a promise Twilight's hungry eyes looked resolved to keep. Eyes that she had no trouble believing ate that griffon's heart. Just what is she training me for?

"The show must go on," she breathed out, surprisingly unbothered by the implications of an illusionist combat mage who had mastered veiled casting.

The illusion changed to a scene, a memory that felt much longer ago than it truly was. A lot has happened since that first magic show in Ponyville. The moving image shifted from her showing up the element bearers to Twilight, the unicorn, her horn blazing as she levitated an Ursa Minor.

It then changed again to herself, her worst purchase ever around her neck, her eyes burning red as she played the part of a petty tyrant. She had thought she had power. She closed her eyes.

She could still feel the strength in Twilight's wings as they enveloped her. Mere feathers had become a cage strong enough to block out the world.

You are mine. She shivered. Just the memory of those words stole her breath.

A calming breath, and it was easy to visualise her wellspring. Well, wellsprings, really. Two coloured orbs, one blue and one silver, each enveloped in magenta. Proof of the greatest gift that she had ever received

She had dared to think she had power then… that a mere trinket was enough. When compared to an actual Alicorn, it was nothing… Somepony should sue them for false advertising.

She chuckled and opened her eyes. Her tongue craved that whisky-fortified coffee. She licked her lips. There was just a hint, just a ghost of it. It was just another thing she could not remember from the party.

She was still trying to decide if she was being willfully ignorant or if she simply accepted that there were some ponies the world would be better without. An undetectable assassin was the perfect tool for that.

She nodded to herself. "The show must go on."

The town was fully awake when the armoured wagons eventually rolled into town. Their stoic guards had their heads, eyes and ears on a constant swivel. Despite the fact they were now past the wall, they seemed more nervous, not less.

They tried to play it off as vigilance. Oh, they put on a good show. But they weren't showponies, not by a long shot. Still, the wagon loads of food and metal were needed, and that blinded the Ponyvilleans from the newcomer's paranoia.

Trixie lit her horn, focused on the needed runes and visualised her intent. This time, she remembered to include all her gear and her destination in the mental construct. It would just be embarrassing to leave it behind… again. She closed her eyes and triggered the spell. Opening them just after the flash.

She lifted her hat and bowed. "Welcome to Ponyville. In the name of her Highness Princess Twilight Sparkle, First of her Name, Alicorn of Magic and Friendship, Saviour of Princess Luna, Heroine of Harmony, and High Librarian of Equestria." With that last one only years of being a performer allowed Trixie to keep a straight face. The urge to laugh still squirmed inside her. How could it not? The last and Twilgiht's most favoured title was nothing more than a prank Hearthwarming's gift.

The guards, with their Manehattan livery re-done in green and black, looked between each other before one stepped forward.

"Thank you… Trixie, Chosen of Twilight." The mare offered an amateur attempt at a salute. It was nice to be addressed with a title, even if it was not 'the Great and Powerful'.

The mare paused like an actor waiting for somepony to prompt them for their next line.

Amateurs…They are so going to get themselves caught. Glowlessly, she spun off an illusion of how this encounter was meant to go around them and tacked a privacy spell under it.

"Look, you're clearly not good at pretending to be a guard… so either learn or don't even try." They looked offended, but Trixie just raised a hoof and carried on stampeding over them. "Not everypony knows about you yet, and given how scarily competent everypony around here is…"

"I understand… thank you."

I can't believe I'm doing this. Trixie nodded. "The Repentant and Reformed Trixie knows how hard it is to go from villainess to the whole friendship and good pony role."

With a respectful tilt of her horn, she started walking. The convoy took the hint and followed her. The disguised changeling she was talking to took position beside her. She flicked her eyes to them. She was here walking next to one of Chrysalis' changelings without a hint of fear. Instead, they were the scared ones. She wanted to laugh, but she kept it in. It would not be nice and would not befitting for Trixie, Chosen of Twilight, to do.

"Why are you helping us?"

"I just said, and I don't know how Twilight did it, but you're on our side now."

"You are not afraid we will turn on you?"

Trixie could not stop the laugh that escaped her. "Oh, tell another one. You might not be able to play the role of a guard, but you do comedian perfectly."

"That was not a joke."

"That just makes it funnier. See that filly there?"


"She teleports the heads off hydras for sport and casually enchants her toys to be more dangerous than siege weapons."

The changling gave a disbelieving look.

"Hey, Little Star."

As expected, she did not even finish speaking before the little bundle of power teleported in. The surge of power and flash was enough that all the changelings recoiled from it.

"Yes, Trixie?" Little Star said bright-eyed with a wide smile.

"Would you be so kind as to help these kind bringers of snacks and other goods with their burdens?"

Little Star snapped off a perfect salute and lit her horn. A wave of flashes and pops rippled along the wagons, and in only a few seconds, the only thing left in them was empty air.

A few wisps of smoke rose from Little Star's horn. "Anything else I can help with?"

Trixie shook her head. "Thank you, Little Star… See you in class?"

"Yep." Little Star teleported the half meter to deploy a hug. The small pony's horn still radiated enough heat to be uncomfortable, but Trixie still returned it. "Remember to bring your quill this time." Little Star added sternly before, with an ear twitching, she teleported away.

"That's Twilgiht's daughter?"

"Yes… and the guard considers her the ultimate defensive option when you don't have an Alicorn at hoof."

The changeling gulped. A small smug part of Trixie wanted to smile at that. Another heckler was put in their place, but that was not who she was now, not the role she played.

"You're on our side now, so unless you betray us, she will protect you."

The changeling's eyes look to the castle, likely where Little Star teleported to. "It kinda feels embracing to be offered the protection of a little filly."

"Oh, Trixie knows, she's my classmate… she's both smarter than me and more powerful and learns spells in seconds…"

"That must be humbling."

"It was… but it's not a competition. We are all on the same side, and we all have things we can do better than others."

The changeling's gaze drifted to her armoured flank. "It must be nice having a special talent."

Trixie nodded. "Knowing what you're good at, your place can be nice, but too many get blinded by it, letting it be the only thing that matters."

"That's a problem?"

"If you lose yourself to your talent, you try to always solve everything with it, and try to always use it even if it does not fit the situation."

"So if you have a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail?"


"So what now? The mission timeline had us unloading and sorting for the next few hours."

"They are going to insist on a good meal, maybe a party and letting you have a good night's rest."

"We don't…"

"This has nothing to do with need. You brought them all this bounty, brought a little bit of happiness with better food, and even Trixie can guess that metal is going to weapons or train tracks."


"So most ponies… this place more so, will want to thank you for helping them. As this is Pinkie Pie's home, that means there will be a P.A.R.T.Y."

The changeling looked confused but did not comment about her spelling out the word. "We're not exactly trained for this."

"Be polite, be friendly, accept what they offer if they are happy to give it to you. You can sense emotions, right?"

The changeling nodded.

"Then this should be simple." She hoped.

It had not been simple. Not in any way. At least no creature died. Trixie thought as she leaned over the internal balcony. Below in the hall, most of the excitement had already ended, but there was still enough that her overwatch was still required, if not needed.

No pony died…When had that honestly become a cornerstone of a good day and not just a certainty?

The scattered remains of both food and games littered both the table tops and floor. She shook her head even as a small smile played on her face. It was all one pony's fault really, a very pink pony.

Pinkie Pie had been her normal self. She dragged the whole group of changelings around and introduced them to everypony in maybe ten seconds flat. The poor changelings, Trixie's head was still spinning with the memory of merely watching.

Then the poor defenceless changelings, well, the ones that were stallions at least, were blindsided by the flanking manoeuvre of the pack of hungry mares. Her combat training said it was well done. Her life experience said this mess was exactly why preferring mares was the only sensible choice.

At least none of them had fought. Nopony had any bitterness left. Not a single grudge or slight held any weight. How could they, after sharing everything with each other, even if they could not truly remember it? Only here would you see the losing party actually honestly wish the victor well.

The last changeling holdouts were still valiantly standing their ground. Polite no-thanks-yous and well-wielded logic paired with just the right honeyed words defeated the advances of the insistent mares.

Her still grounded rear hooves felt the approaching pony before her ears heard their nearly silent hoof falls.

Trixie half turned her head, glancing over her cloaked withers. "How does it feel to be the prey?" She asked the apparent leader of the changelings.

His aura offered one of the two wine glasses that hovered next to him. Trixie claimed it and dipped her horn in thanks. She did not even need to taste it to know it was expensive. Its scent alone spoke of a five-figure cost per bottle.

"It is interesting. It makes me think the harvesters have been exaggerating how hard their job truly is."

Trixie waved a hoof at the ponies below. "This place is special, and those they trust have told them you're safe." The light danced in the crimson liquid as she swirled it. "And you brought gifts."

"It behoved us to make a good impression."

"Well, so far, I would say you have. Though I do have a question."

A tipped glass gave her permission to continue.

"If you're not trained, why were you sent?"

He opened his mouth. Paused, looked thoughtful, and then refocused on her. Something in his eyes was different, keener somehow.

The duel-toned voice that spoke though was quite unmistakable. "Those of my children with the superior social aptitude have ingrained habits that would be undesirable at this time."

"Chrysalis," Trixie hissed.

"That's Lady Chrysalis now, but I will still answer to Queen."

"So nice to speak to the new Lady of Manehatten." Do not roll your eyes. You are Trixie, the diplomatic and composed. She mentally recited.

They nodded. "It will do."

"So what now?"

"I will not apologise for my past actions, nor will I ask you to apologise for yours."

"How magnanimous of you."

"What did you expect? We were enemies, and we were at war."

"And that makes it all alright?"


"All the ponies you took."

"Were needed food." The changeling's eyes narrowed dangerously. "If I did nothing, I would have seen my children starve."

Trixie winced. Of all the ponies here, she knew what it was like to be hungry, truly hungry. What felt like a lifetime ago, She had been out of bits, with no wagon, shivering in a cold cavern, with a small fire being the only thing that stopped her water-logged mane from freezing solid.

Even if they hated me, the ponies here would have fed me, got me on my hooves and helped me turn my life around. Trixie's ears drooped a little. Here she was, still holding a grudge. Trixie, the Chosen of Twilight, is better than this.

Trixie took a calming breath and stepped deeper into her role. This time, not a mere stage presence. No, this time, she pretended to be the pony she wanted to be. The only thing to do now was to keep at it until it stuck.

"Do you need a moment?" Chrysalis asked in a somewhat warmer voice.

Trixie shook her head. "No. But thank you."

"That was quite a bit of emotional gymnastics… you might have made a good infiltrator."

"Well, Trixie is quite a skilled and talented performer."

"You have been more accepting than Starlight."

"She had more experience being evil, and she can't trust Twilight like I can."

"Because you are her chosen?"

"Yes, that and how heavy-hooved she is with threats these days."


Trixie smirked. "She scared you half to death too?"

Chrysalis' silence was more than telling enough.

Trixie waved her hoof and savoured another sip of her wine. "Don't worry, Trixie won't tell." She dropped her tone to a conspiratorial whisper. "Alicorns are terrifying. I asked why Princess Celestia used to send Twilight everywhere to fix everything."

"I take it you are about to illuminate her reasons?"

"Well, there are two. One was to prepare Twilight. But the other one is Celestia has a lot of trouble not burning everything anywhere near her when she fights."

"I'm aware."

The rest of the castle still bore the signs of everypony living there. Even with the apparent safety, nopony and even Luna's party felt like truly sleeping outside its protection.

The section her hooves now carried her through was different. This section was still Twilight's primary domain.

She walked up to the sealed door. A magenta crystal eye stood sentinel and looked right at her. The hairs of her coat wanted to stand up, and her legs wanted to freeze, but she did her best to ignore the feeling of the thing looking right through her. She imagined this is what other species meant when they said they felt naked. For her, it brought back memories of being on stage, only she had forgotten all her tricks and could not even remember her name, let alone her lines.

It stared for a long moment before it blinked, and the door swung open on its own.

"Thank you," Trixie said. It paid to be polite. It fit her role and if that thing was a freaky demon from Tartarus or worse, no way did she want it angry at her.

She stood as confidently as she could as she passed. The door slammed shut behind her. At least this time, it did not trap the hem of her cloak.

Yep, being polite to the demon door was the way to go.

The first room was a ready room. It had Gilda and Rainbow playing cards. Trixie nodded to them, and through their focus on their competition, she only got two distracted waves.

The next was an armoury, or it was going to be. Currently, it was kinda empty. But there were enough empty racks and stands for a hundred ponies worth of gear. The only thing in it was a full set of uniforms and rank markings. The ones Rarity spent so long creating.

As she approached the next turn-off, a chill breeze somehow got under her coat. As if the floor itself was tilted, she found herself almost hugging the far wall. She started to turn her head that way, and her limbs trembled. It was like being back in that ancient place, but instead of her ears hearing Twilight's screams, somehow, they carried through her hooves.

A quick gallop cleared it, the crawling chill fading as if it was never there. Trixie looked back. The wall safely blocked any view of whatever that was. She knew that's where Noble Guide was… Nope! Trixie set her eyes forward and marched on.

She passed a few store rooms before even her earthpony stamina demanded she take that breath the chill had denied her.

After that, there was an office. Within, Candice dozed with a changeling curled up next to her, the ling's horn nestled against the base of Candice's wing. Glowing letters declared 'at work, only wake in an emergency'. Anywhere else, that would be a lie. Here, with Princess Luna, it was likely very literal.

It only took a moment to poke her head in and check the duty roster. For the next week, at least, she was still assigned to Ponyville. Those few words were a weight off her chest, even as it added a dash of guilt.

She quietly crept away. It was only the normal day-to-day sounds that would not wake them, but why take the risk.

I wonder if they have any more of those honeyed nuts? With that thought, her hooves set their own direction.

"Night watch." Trixie sighed. She really wanted a mug of that spiked coffee. I should be grateful nothing is happening. From her cloud-top vantage, she turned her eyes towards Sanctuary, Haven or whatever the vote had ended up naming it.

The shelter's normal translucent barrier was a mirror. Like a still lake, it reflected Luna's night sky perfectly despite being curved.

It was fair that they got their turn. That they got a chance to enjoy Luna's revel, but she would rather not know it was going on.

"It's just you and me," Trixie said as she rested a hoof on the enchanted ballista. Even through her hoof, Little Star's magic was almost too much.

"You know, I don't think there's going to be any need for either of us tonight."

And Trixie's words were right. The most interesting thing to happen all night was her relief being two minutes early.

Rainbow offered a hoof, and with a clack, Trixie met it with her own.

She visualised her bed. It called for her with the sweetest siren song.

Starlight's going to be asleep. That thought hit her just in time. With a weary sigh, she restarted her teleport spell. It would not be too far of a walk.

Trixie quickly cleaned up and definitely did not just dump her gear and slip into her shared bed.

The soft pillow welcomed her, and the warmth was delightful after the chill of the night air. She sighed contentedly and stopped resisting the pull of her heavy eyelids.

Something was wrong. It did not take long for it to sabotage her attempt at sleep. Spend long enough sleeping next to another pony, and even a small difference becomes immediately noticeable. True, it had taken long enough to get used to her new slightly larger size, but that was not the issue now. Now, the issue was how ridged Starlight was. Had she even slept at all?

"Starlight?" Trixie whispered in case she was wrong.

"Go back to sleep, Trixie," Starlight said, fatigue lacing her words.

"Can't sleep?"

Starlight sighed. "Every time my eyes close, I'm expecting to end up in a pod."

"You know what Twilight would do if that happened?"

"I know, I know. This should not get to me."

Trixie moved her forelimbs, wrapping Stralight in an embrace she so clearly needed. Trixie made each of her movements slow and carefully. It had only taken one buck and a broken training dummy to teach her she must never forget her new earthpony strength.

Starlight tensed for a heartbeat, then deflated. She slumped and then pressed against Trixie. Without a word, Trixie knew what she wanted, even if the mare would forever be too prideful to ask.

Trixie pulled her in closer, wrapping Starlight in a more complete embrace. Not for the first time, Trixie lamented not having wings. They were just too useful in moments like this. "Shush, Trixie is here." She said as she put a bit of love and tenderness into her nuzzle.

Starlight's breath hitched for a moment, the intake of air that should have led into a sob or a shout of rage. Instead, she just slowly brought her breathing under control. But still, she did not slip into sleep.

"Something else on your mind?"

Starlight sighed. "Twilight's put a lot on my withers."

Trixie nodded. "She does that."

"By the map she gave me, it's like she wants me running a quarter of Equestria."

"Did she give you a checklist?"

"No, she just gave me some maps with how she expected things to be in a year."

"She gave you the authority to do it?"


"And we have a bunch of changelings as extra workers…"

"It still does not make it easier to trust them… but that's not what's keeping me awake…"

"Then what is?"

"I spent a lot of today helping Twilight build a portal to her new castle."

"The one in the griffon lands?"


"We got it up and running, popped thought and ran into her cult."

"She has a cult?"

"Yes, and they were praising her for eating out the heart of a still living griffon."


"How am I meant to look her in the eyes and trust her knowing she did that?"

"Yeah… Trixie gets that... But it's not as bad as it sounds."

"Not as bad as it sounds!" It was only Starlight's gritted teeth that kept her from shouting.

"Red Wing was a horrible griffon, and he was the one that challenged her to the death."

"She could have just put him to sleep or something."

"Yeah, and if they were not griffons, that might have worked. No, she had to fight, had to honour their traditions or that warlord would have stolen all the food and let all but his cronies die."

"But eating his heart…"

"It's their traditions."

"It's madness…"

"Ya, even living in Ponyville, I agree… but it saved every life but one… and his warbad is now her cult."

"I can't believe you're alright with this."

"He was already dead, the eating his heart was just showponyship."

"How would you know?"

"There are full written reports from all her guards that were there."

"It would have been nice to know before we walked into that."

"Yeah, Trixie's rather glad she only had to read about it."

"They left the blood stains on as if it were some sort of national monument."

Trixie put on her best showmare voice. "You will look back and realise the day Twilight Sparkle graced your life was the most important day of your life… for her, it was just another Tuesday."

Starlight huffed. "Trixie."

"Think about it, think about everything she has done, all the lives she touched."

"Yeah… Still."

"For most ponies, she can give a speech, hold a party or just talk others into becoming friends. For us, she had to defeat us, and traditionalist griffons need more… brutal examples."

Starlight's mane was still silken perfection as she nestled closer. "Can't we go back to friendship problems?"

"That's the plan," Trixie said as she idly stroked Starlight's mane. "I have some good news."


"I get to stay here with you."

"I thought Twilight was going to take you with her."

"Now that Noble Guide's been caught, she seems more at peace? Stable?" Trixie shrugged.

"That's good, at least."

"So, want something to take your mind off things?"

"I think a sleep spell… can you wake me if I oversleep?"

"Trixie the Proud and Punctual can do that…" Her voice dropped to a stage whisper. "She is also too scared to see what Little Star will do if her teacher is late to class."

Starlight snorted out a half-hearted laugh, then kissed Trixie's cheek. It was such a small thing, but even after Starlight had cast her sleep spell, Trixie kept the smile as she continued to stroke Starlight's mane.

Unfortunately for Trixie, the morning came and went with the normal flurry of activity. Training, construction and providing for everypony was a lot of work, even with the Manehatten supplies. At least the food was better. Just the simple addition of jam or cinnamon to the oats filled the castle with smiles.

The better food did nothing to stop the frantic pace. After the two parties and the lazy day between, everypony seemed like they had gotten into Pinkie's coffee stash.

In the middle of the map room, Starlight stood in the calm of the storm, ponies coming and going. It was as if the entire world revolved around her. Trixie approached and waited a few lengths away. Whoever she was talking to likely had more important reasons than Trixie's desire to chat.

For something to do, she glanced at the map. Somehow, what it displayed had been changed. Instead of most of the continent, it now just had Ponyville and its surroundings. A host of game pieces, stationary and even a muffin were scattered over it. A few seconds passed before she realised what she was looking at. That upside-down cup was where one of the villages was going to be, a bunch of pencils marked the new road Twilight had created, So that's the new fields… whats the muffin then?.

Starlight coughed. "That's mine."

"Oh… so we're not building a muffin mansion any time soon?"

"Please don't let Pinkie Pie hear that."

"She being difficult again?"

"She wants to help everypony. She's hard to control and has no respect for restraint or rationing."

"Just send her with one of her friends."

"... that's a good idea."

Starlight paced. "Yes, they always managed to get a lot done between them."

"So what are you getting them to do?"

"Well, if Hope's Haven..."

"Is that really what they called it?"

Starlight shrugged. "Until I hear otherwise, that's what I'm calling it."

"So if they take Luna's party as well as we did, there should be no real trouble. Applejack can help them start on their own farms, Pinky can help with morale and even some building, Rarity has been going there a lot, so they trust her." Starlight started scribbling down orders. "Thanks, Trixie."

"Well, the…" The sudden appearance of a muffin cutoff, anything else Trixie was going to say.

"Deliver this to our new guests, please. I have some ponies to speak to," Starlight said before she vanished in a teleport.

"From noble chosen to mail mare…" Trixie half-heartedly grumbled even as she contentedly munched her way through the white chocolate and raspberry muffin. "Duty calls."

CH 93 Why?

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Instead of a pitiful whimper, a savage snarl ripped from Moonlight's throat. The stone proved harder than training mats had ever been. Not that it bought her any mercy.

Less than a second later, a metal shod hoof descended like a hammer. Her horn stung as energy surged through it. Her aura matched her opponent's physical might.

Despite her battered body's protest, she got her hooves under her and hopped back up. She really could have used a moment to catch her breath again. But her opponent did not even give her a second before she was on her again.

A wing blade burst from below, its sharp point pressed into her underside, forcing her to rear up. Before her, the old mare had her left wing pushed through the floor. Her right wing lashed downwards.

Oh, no, you don't. Moonlight jerked her horn up, the mare's hoof following the motion and being launched into the air.

Moonlight sent a trio of kinetic blasts after the mare. A flick of a wing was all it took for her target to evade. She maintained the barrage, each shot herding her prey.

Just a little more to the left. Moonlight thought, but of course, her foe did the exact opposite. Weaving between the bolts before vanishing.

Moonlight dove to the left, hitting the unyielding ground this time by her own design. A quick sideways roll and her hooves were under her again. Thestral magic shrouded her in silence, and her tried and tested invisibility spell veiled her from sight.

She bounded forward and to the right. The old mantra of you can't see me repeating in her mind. This time, though, she was no meek thing hiding and praying to Celestia for her life. This time, she was one of Luna's chosen, and this time, she would win.

Her eyes and ears moved, seeking, hunting, looking hungry for any sign of where her foe might be. Only utter silence greeted her. As far as she could tell, nothing moved. In fact, to every sense, it was as if she was utterly alone.

Where are you? The seconds rolled by as Moonlight's breath slowed and steadied. Step by careful step, she prowled around, focusing on all her senses.

It was a game of cat and mouse where both were invisible, and neither knew who was the predator and who was the prey. Power flowed through her as her nerves tingled with anticipation. A smile formed on her face. Am I enjoying this?

A wing blade emerged from the floor like a stark fin rising from the depths. With frightful speed, it shot across the room only to vanish, reappear and take a different line. Its passage split the air, scattering the umbral ink that filled the world into a dazzling array of spiralling patterns.

This is something out of Daring Doo… Moonlight thought as the blade kept speeding up. It would only be a matter of time before she made a mistake or an un-noticed blade emerged below her. With that in mind, she acted.

Now. As the blade next moved by, she lashed out with her aura and grabbed it. With as much force as she could manage, she violently twisted it.

A pained scream flattened Moonlight's ears to her head. A blur burst from the ground, but she was ready. Aura still grasping the wing, she pulled the mare into her prepared buck.


There was a feeling of motion and then nothing.

Slowly, the oblivion of unconsciousness lifted, and long seconds passed before her mind recognised itself enough to realise it could think. What? she thought as she opened her eyes.

Moonlight lay there, the enthralling umbral colours dancing on the ceiling above brought a moment of peace as she tried to remind her body how to breathe. How? She had been winning, and for the first time, she was about to land a blow.

"Get up." The aged mare growled, standing defiantly despite her limp wing.

How did I buck up this time? With a resigned sigh, Moonlight rolled to her front. Each bruise announced its presence with its own unique lance of pain. Her legs trembled, her mussels quivered, and her muzzle twisted into a snarl. Still, she prevailed over gravity by sheer stubbornness alone. So this is what a tenderised piece of meat feels like.

"Better," the mare said in a softer tone.

“How… exactly… was… that… better…” Moonlight wheezed out between ragged breaths. Each inhalation was a painful reminder of each body blow.

The mare glanced to her injured wing. "Now, ten laps, then you may retire to your duties."

Moonlight did not dare sigh, as that would just double the number of laps. She did not hesitate as that would bring the stinging lashings of a whip or the hammer blows of armoured hooves. Instead, she bowed respectfully and set off, doing her best to smoothly work up to a trot.

Right then, she really hated that mare like she had hated nopony else. Her mind started plotting well-deserved retribution.

Maybe there was a reason she never gave me her name…

Just kill me now… She thought as she silently dragged herself onwards on trembling limbs. Solar training was a joke compared to this. Not even the Wonderbolt's training was this hard.

Thanks to all the food they forced her to eat, even her insides raged against their treatment. What did I do to deserve this? A traitorous part of her sobbed and whimpered in the back of her mind, but she pushed it aside. "I chose this." She growled out defiantly. With that, she kept putting one hoof after the other and tried to banish the knowledge of just how many times she was going to have to repeat the action.

With the swirling umbral colours and the rhythm of her strides, the world around her slowly drifted into a strange sort of haze. The walk back turned into what the old her would have called a drug-filled hallucination. The darkness held her. It caressed her aches away and sang to her with all the colours of the night.

Those she passed were but fleeting blurs and intense slit eyes. Some she passed moved aside, some with respectful nods, others with kind, supportive looks. None mocked her state, none judged her. Despite her suffering, they provided an old feeling. One that every foal knows, but life often stole away. Simple unconditional acceptance.

Family. She mused just before her muzzle crashed into something soft, and the world tilted. Said something caught her before she fell. "Hur?"

"We don't want you walking past your room, now do we?" The still comfy but not-her-bed Moonlight happened to still be slumped against said before physically turning her to face her room.

"Thank you…" Past her tired eyes, it was the scent that revealed the name to her mind. "Mercy."

Mercy helped guide her into the room and to the most beautiful sight she had seen in thousands of years. With a titanic effort of will, Moonlight hauled herself up the unassailable mountain peak that was her cloud bed. Even with its indulgent softness, a comfortable position evaded her.

"Drink these," Mercy said, offering something.

Her aura reached out and claimed what turned out to be three vials. A healing potion that even a drop would make you think something had died in your mouth, a thick slurry that tasted of metal and sour milk and finally, a sleeping potion. At least the last one tastes nice… She thought as mangoes and honey chased away the horrific cocktail of the first two.

As her eyes closed, she sighed with relief, for past the blackness, the pain would be gone. The last sensation of the waking world was something soft draped over her. She tucked me in. Hehe.

Just the lack of pain was the sweetest of drugs. Moonlight stretched, an indecent purr escaping her. She took a deep breath, and the wondrous scent of night flowers and the wild forests tickled her senses.

She was back, back in the perfect world her sovereign crafted just for her. Even the bed she lay in was somehow superior to the indulgent luxury she had in the physical realm.

This time, like every other, she could almost believe the brutal exercise routine was worth it, at least in this instant. She knew she could only spare a few minutes to luxuriate in this heaven before she had to begin her work.

She knew this was a dream, a creation in the dream realm, but that did nothing to clue her senses in. With but a thought, magnificent wings spread from her back. Their dark membranes were crisscrossed with arcane patterns painted in umbral tones. She spread them. Her thestral magic vibrated with delight at the motion.

She smiled and, with a few beats of her wings, headed off to her office. She swooped through the trees, relishing the wind through her mane. Over this branch, under that one, caught another with her hoof and flipped around it. Never in her time as a unicorn had she felt anything quite like this. The rush, the thrill of just raw physicality.

Quickly, she turned the trip from a simple joy flight to something more productive. Training. Here, she never ran out of stamina. Here, she never got hurt. Here, she could master skills and try crazy new things. Things that she would never dare in a spar with live blades.

"I am going to beat you." She promised both herself and the old mare that was her own personal demon. Otherwise known as her trainer.

Moonlight's wings ruffled in irritation. They wanted to be used. They needed to be used. Hopefully, she glanced at the hourglass. She sighed. There was still half an hour until her break.

Her notes were right there, and they had to hold the answers. Everything Moonlit Scroll did while impersonating Noble Guide was here. The coalition of all his paperwork, every decree and order.

Pooling transport between different branches for efficiency, keeping tighter inventories, and promoting or assigning those that interfered. Feeding the homeless, providing jobs to the unemployed, and even turning looters into productive workers.

Moonlight did not have to be an expert at logistics to see what the numbers meant. Each and every change Moonlit Scroll implemented was an improvement. Reducing waste, cutting out the loopholes and opportunities for corruption to slip through the cracks.

What are you up to? She thought, for the Luna only knew time.

She unrolled a map scroll. His major actions with dates beside were marked. Two new settlements for displaced ponies. Six under-utilised areas in Vanhoover were transformed into housing for displaced ponies. Visits with other nobles, where he persuaded them to turn part of their personal estates into temporary camps for needy ponies or turn to farmland.

It made for an interesting timeline with very little wasted time. Apart from when Twilight conscripted his guards and left him stranded… No Luna and Twilight have already checked that…

She quickly pulled over the report and checked the summary. No infiltrators, sleeper agents, unexpected enchantments, spells or artefacts of any kind. No pony with hostile intent to the locals or Equestria as a whole.

Her tongue traced her fangs as she rested her head on her hoof. With her aura, she pulled over another two map scrolls. The first covered known leylines, and the second recorded confirmed and suspected ancient sites.

Her snack bowls acted as paperweights holding the maps open. Her eyes flicked back and forth between the three maps.

"Unless you were just setting up high-density targets…" If that was his goal, it might make sense. Her tongue licked her fangs again as she thought. "But what would be the point? You could have done half of this with no risk without letting the blight lose…"

Was it possible the Blight was caused by a third party? One of his rivals? An ally? Her wing snatched a mango from the bowl and, with a flick, tossed it up. Her eyes tracked its ascent and then followed its descent hungrily.

With a quick snap of her fangs, she had claimed her prize. Unlimited dream mangos… not a perk I would have thought to request. She mused, wondering how she would survive without them.

"The blight goes against his goals of wanting to be a better ruler than Celestia."

"What am I not seeing?" She rested her head on her hooves. "If it was not for the whole killing the real Twilight and trying to sacrifice the second… he was actually improving Equestria."

The map had markers for all the blighted activity. There was no pattern there outside of the Blight's programmed behaviour. Despite her talent, nothing jumped out as hiding.

"What do we know…" She chewed the feather of her quill as she regarded a blank scroll.

He encountered an artefact from the Luna Rebellion.

•Has knowledge of pre-banishment locations, artefacts and spells.

The Blight creation spell was an unused experiment developed by NMM.

•Possibly has more spells replicating the abilities of NMM?

•Possibly responsible for aiding in NMM return?

Attempted assassination of Twilight Sparkle that led to her mind having to be recreated by Celestia.

Successfully evaded capture and faked his own death despite Celestia's •Alicorn tier mind magic.

•Possible we did not capture the original Moonlit Scroll?



•Alt reality version?

He has no problem sacrificing ponies for his own gain.

•Uses harm redirection

•Mental domination and rewriting

•Mental protection is required if engaging him.

Wants to steal Princess Twilight Sparkle's Alicornhood via ritual magic.

Strongly believes he would be the best ruler for Equestria and anything in his way is an obstacle to this greater good.

Earth, Blood and Dark aspects

•Therefore no access to higher dimensional magics personally.

He was one of the most highly regarded researchers from Celesita's School for Gifted Unicorns.

•Has a huge body of knowledge

•Is able to use rituals to perform magics outside his aspects.

Destroyed part of his mind to hide everything he did post Twilight's escape. •Why?

•He believes he would not be killed once captured.

•He has a plan that he believes will save him.

•Possible allies?

•Something is set up to happen if he does not stop it.

•He was compelled or chose to protect another.

•Is it possible he was working for another?

•Discord is currently missing… is this his doing?

•NMM, there was an intelligence report about NMM being back…

The chiming of a silver bell sounded. Moonlight carefully put the quill down. Within the hourglass, the last grain of sand had fallen. She glanced back down at her notes for a moment. "What was worth burning your own mind to keep from us…?"

Beautiful music caressed Moonlight's senses. Peace and serenity were given tangible form in the fleeting vibrations through the air. Even the umbral pigment swayed in sympathy to each note.

The break room was, like her office, poorly named. In this second glade stood a titanic tree with an equally large tree house nested in its branches, albeit one of a more conventional variety than Twilight's library. Different rooms, each connected via rope bridges and ringed with open balconies. The only thing that looked out of place was the single method for those without wings to enter.

With quick use of her wings, she hopped up to the balcony, bypassing the ramp entirely. The convenience was just another reason she would be learning a spell to conjure wings out in the physical realm.

Sitting by the open door, looking up to the night sky was the source of the music. The little plush toy alicorn looked comical against the massive silver harp it played.

With each string of umbral thread plucked, the unearthly melody continued. Wings and hooves worked in concert. If not for the fact that the pony was made from soft fabric, she could have been one of the legendary musicians from the pre-discordant age.

Still perched on the railing like some vampony from the tales, Moonlight just paused and listened. The plush pony just lifted her gaze and smiled. Her surprisingly realistic eyes were two pools of tranquillity.

Within those eyes were aeons. They held a promise and the legacy of it. Countless sorrows were claimed and buried deep just to relieve others of their burdens. A kindness that many would never deserve but offered freely nonetheless. The strength to take it all and yet to never break.

Moonlight blinked, and suddenly, the eyes were nought but glass. The phantasm’s departure left only peace in Moonlight's heart. She still knew what had worried her, still realised what had to be done once her break was over.

Not wishing nor daring to interrupt the music, Moonlight simply bowed her head in thanks. The mini alicorn returned a nod, somehow a playful twinkle in those now mundane orbs of glass.

With shadow-shrouded hooves, Moonlight silently hopped down and strode past the fragment that returned her gaze to the stars.

The fragment's cutie mark almost physically dragged Moonlight's attention. A series of musical notes and a pair of sleeping ponies. One peaceful, the other skeletal. A tingle down her spine threatened to become a shudder. You know Luna tends to the dying… She pulled her gaze away. How many ponies died with that symphony being the last thing they heard?

Her shadowy hoof briefly found her throat, the intact flesh as reassuring as the music. She shook her thick coat like she was shedding water and strode inside.

Inside was a mishmash of modern and ancient. A Manehatten vending machine perched next to an antique mirror. The arcade machine truly clashed, being tucked just inside the outdated kitchen. Cushions, couches and all sorts of comfortable furniture for an assortment of time periods were at least unified in their purpose.

A unicorn filly crafted of the night sky nearly pierced the vending machine with its horn as it lunged at one of the buttons. With the expected thunk, a can of drink fell free from it.

The filly grabbed it up with their mouth and bounded off, acting for all things like a puppy despite its equine form.

Moonlight followed its progress back to its master. Despite knowing better, for a heartbeat, Moonlight thought it was Candice before her mind caught up and reminded her it was Insight.

Insight looked up, and any chance of mistaking her for Candice vanished. It was not the horn on her head. Such things could easily be added to the dream. No, it was the deep pools of intense blue that tenderly demanded attention. Insight's eyes were like a pale imitation of the bardic fragment outside, but even that pale imitation held far more depth than any mortal pony's gaze should.

"Enjoying your break, Moonlight?" Insight asked.

Moonlight blinked, breaking the spell. Those eyes had been too much like Luna's. "Well, you can't complain about the facilities." She said while selecting a place to lounge. In the end, a simple pile of pillows won out over a fancy couch.

"Yet you seem to still be stuck on work, or at least worried about something."

Moonlight snorted. "Both our jobs are endless… if not for our breaks being enforced, would you even be here?" Her magic claimed a pitcher of mango juice and brandished it to emphasise her point.

"Not for another decade, probably."

"Things should calm down in a bit. Twilight caught Moonlit Scroll thanks to friendshiping Queen Chrysalis." It was still galling both that he had a name so similar to her own and that Moonlight herself had nothing to do with bringing him to justice.

"I'm worried about what he wanted hidden so bad that he erased a good chunk of his memories. Whatever it is, it's got to be automated. I don't think he could trust underlings to the level needed where he would delete his memories." Insight added.

"So Luna told you that already?" Yet another sigh escaped her. Some relaxing break this was turning out to be. "I've been going over everything he did, the records, other pony's memories. Everything I can get my hooves on. Baring trying to kill Twilight and possibly releasing the Blight. All he's done is improve things." She knocked back half the pitcher, regretting it was not stronger even as the delightful flavour pushed back the oncoming foul mood.

"No, my sister did. But my break is longer than yours. I could help you for a bit if you like."

"I won't say no to the help. But, are you sure? You're meant to be relaxing."

"Trust me. A little puzzle like this is relaxing in the face of aiding the dying. This is actually much closer to my actual talent."

"Given your name, are you the true reason why Candice was such a good analyst?"

"Partly. She's still really good on her own. But she likes being on the front lines. I like figuring out puzzles. But we both shared each other's skills."

Another shudder travelled down Moonlight's spine, and her tail flicked irritably. Even with the fragment’s soothing music, a snarl half formed before she took a deep calming breath. "I know, I still can't believe she flirted with Luna after her one mare rampage through those dark mages."

"Oh, that was more me than her."


"My desires anyway. I'm more in love with Luna than she is, and she's more in love with Twilight. Which is strange. You'd think it would be the other way around, with me being the more intellectual one."

For a moment, she heard a different performance. The world itself turned to an instrument as Luna danced and painted with blood. A longing rose, the haunting beauty that could never be forgotten. She massaged her throat again, the phantom pressure of Luna's fangs sending a shiver down her spine. "It's far too easy to fall for an Alicorn," she said, trying to bury her own thoughts under paperwork, rules and professionalism.

"True, but I think Candice and I are exactly where Harmony wanted us. She did save us after all."

"It must be nice to be destined for something… and not just salvaged from Celestia's mistake…"

"It is, but don't forget, Luna loves you too. She wouldn't have accepted you if she didn't."

"You would not think that if you had to deal with the trainer she sicked on me." Moonlight only half-joked.

"I know exactly which one you mean. Candice and I have been through a thousand times worse, at Luna's hooves directly.” Insight’s gaze hardened. “But we never forget that love."

Just the look in Insight's eyes brought another shudder down Moonlight's spine. She adjusted her wings to try and hide it, but those keen eyes seemed to miss nothing. "I don't even want to try and imagine what you have endured."

"Well, I'm trained to deal with ponies who have experienced the most horrific deaths, and Candice is being trained to be able to fight nearly any threat, even an Alicorn. Though that last one is more about surviving long enough than trying to defeat one."

Luna's bloody dance had been effortless. She was grace incarnate and had total control even as she lost herself to her music. How could any military force, let alone a single pony, stand against such a threat. Unbidden, six names came to mind. Five normal ponies and one royal student who prevailed over Nightmare Moon.

Her mind went back to her training, how much more intense it was. How much more she could now do that she could never even dream of before. Was Celestia simply holding everypony back? Coddling them so much as to deny their potential? "Let's hope it never comes to that."

"I hope not either. But it's very likely we will. We know Moonlit Scroll tried to sacrifice Twilight to fuel his own ascension. That's the only thing I can think of that would cause him to delete his own memories to protect a plan. I'm actually fairly certain he has something, somewhere, set up to sacrifice ponies to try again. The only questions are where, and will we find it before it goes off?"

"You think that is what the Blight was meant to be? Just somehow, it failed?"

"I think the Blight was supposed to be a distraction. And with what I know about how it works, he didn't realise he never had control. He could have tested it and it just did little bits, but given the opportunity, it went wild. I think even he would have been surprised and wondering how it went wrong."

Moonlight rolled onto her back, wings spayed open and just stared at the ceiling. "He had enough control to have smuggled a bomb or cursed item anywhere in Equestria and control where displaced ponies gathered. But even if this is set up… how does it help him… he's caught and under the Princess's care now."

Insight paused, a few long breath’s passed before she answered, her cold voice a poor mask for the emotions in her eyes. "I don't think there is any ward that could prevent an ascension ritual. If it goes off, he's an Alicorn, and a ton of ponies will not just be dead, but their souls obliterated to power it."

Moonlight growled. "We have ponies checking everywhere… but that takes time. Maybe I should recommend they simply execute him?" She covered her face with her hoof.

"Honestly, it might be the only way to stop it. But it might not stop an automated ritual. It just would complete without a target to send the energy to."

There were no orders she could send. Every pony that was even halfway trained was out looking already. Even Twilight and Luna were out hunting down sleeper agents and checking for delayed spell works. "At least he would not profit from his crimes…" She sighed. "Well, there is nothing to be done till break is over… so anything you want to do?'

Instead of answering, Insight stalked over.

Moonlight gave a questioning look before Insight settled beside her and, with expert hooves, started to massage her. The simple motions kneaded stress from her body, even as the fragment's music changed, letting all the worry flow out with a contented purr.

Work could wait a little bit longer.

CH 94.1 It Should Have Been Such a Perfect Day

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For Fluttershy, waking up to the soothing pressure and comforting sound of a brush working through her mane had been quite nice. Twilight's strong hoof had rested on her withers, lightly stroking between her wings. Even a few days later, Fluttershy could not hide the smile that had made a home on her face.

When Starlight had walked in, she had frozen. Oh no. Had been her only panicked thought as guilt, fear, and embarrassment drowned her and demanded action. Normally, she would have hidden. The need to be somewhere safe and out of sight would have compelled her, and all anyone else might have noticed would have been her departing eep.

Instead, Twilight's hoof pressed down firmly, holding her there and as quiet as a mouse spoke. "Relax my dear. Everything will be alright. There is no cause for embarrassment." The Alicorn's voice caressed her ears.

The coiled spring tension vanished, and as that powerful hoof kneaded into her muscles, Fluttershy could not help but purr. Starlight had just stared, but said nothing. Instead of embarrassment, a sort of pride built in Fluttershy's chest. Yes, she was being petted by Twilight, and yes, she liked it. She had always wanted to know how her animal friends felt, and now she did.

She had raised her gaze to Starlight’s, whose face twitched and contorted with worry before she shook her head and looked away. Fluttershy wanted to say something to let Starlight know everything was alright, but the mare pushed past to the reason she was here.

There had been talk of maps, borders, and construction. Fluttershy heard every word and could have recalled it if she needed to. It was only when it moved on to relocating some cows, sheep and chickens that Fluttershy looked up and emerged from the bliss.

Twilight leaned down and, in a voice that was only for her, asked. "Would you see who from the herd and flock would be willing to move?"

Fluttershy leaned up and nuzzled her friend, "Of course, I'll go now if that's all right?"

With a nod, Twilight gave a smile. "Thank you, Fluttershy."

With her heart singing with joy, Fluttershy rose and trotted out of the room with only a moment to stretch like a cat. She held her head high and wings slightly mantled. Even the eyes that followed her as she made her way through the castle did nothing to cow her.

Everypony just looked so short when she walked like this, when she actually stood up to her full height. She had a mission, she had a purpose, but still, everyone got their hellos and good mornings as she inquired how they were doing.

With every creature being so crowded in the castle, it had been easy to find the animals willing to move, even if it caused a few raised voices from some parents who did not want their chicks to leave. Fluttershy had to promise there would be somepony nice to look after them, but she would do that anyway.

It was a lot of running around ensuring all the animals had all their things packed and gathering the needed supplies and feed. Daisy even had a small collection of dresses and hats she just had to bring. It was a lot of work, but her heart held a content bundle of pride and joy despite her weariness.

That night, Fluttershy, when she settled down to sleep, she found a little jewellery box on her pillow. The lavender ribbon around it gave little doubt about who it could be from.

So that night, it was not just some of her animal friends she snuggled with. As if it were the most precious thing in the world, she held a slightly glowing magenta gem to her chest. As she closed her eyes, the warmth of another pressing in against her as a wing pulled her closer. The sensation of a hoof stroking her mane and a wordless lullaby escorted her to the lands of dreams.

The first rays of sunlight pierced her closed eyelids. She greeted the day with a smile. Past the window, Canterlot hung alone on the mountain. All those ponies that still did not trust Luna or Twilight, all those ponies that would never know this peace, this utter contentment. A hint of sadness dimmed her smile.

The ghost of a sensation caressed her coat as Twilight's voice whispered from the past. Relax my dear. Everything will be alright.. Fluttershy nodded, and her smile brightened.

Her own grooming paled in comparison to the memory, but the rasping sound of the brush through her mane was still the same. It had been nice being Twilight's pet. She smiled and fussed over those of her little friends she would be leaving behind. Each got their food, water and physical affection, a pat here, a stroke there, and the crowd favourite, the scritching behind the ears.

Angel Bunny glared angrily and stomped his foot. You can't go!

"No, Angel, I can't stay. These ponies are counting on me."

His ears lowered, and he glared harder, letting out an adorable little huff. Instead of backing down or yielding to his demands, she just scooped him up with a wing and nuzzled him. He squeaked in surprise and then huffed again. It's dangerous.

She leaned in and nuzzled him. "Don't worry, Angel. Everything will be alright."

He sighed in exasperation. You better be…

"Most of the girls will be there, and there will be guards, and Harry is coming with me."

He slumped in defeat.

"Now, you be a good rabbit. Look after every creature here, and I'll make you that salad you like."

Angle nodded, but still, he looked sad. So she gave him another hug. She turned to leave, and Angel stomped his foot angrily.

"I have…" she started before she saw what he was pointing at. "oh, thank you for reminding me." With a wing, she reclaimed the magenta gem. Some cord and a few quick knots, and she slipped it around her neck.

She gazed down at its faceted surface and smiled. "Everything is going to be alright." So, with that being the start of a song, she headed out to face the day.

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, Fluttershy would have been at home hiding under her bed instead of being here. She should have been scared, even with the warmth of Harry beneath her as a living safety blanket. Instead, here she was, head held high, wings slightly spread to better feel the morning breeze without even a blush. Eyes open and ears up, she took the world in without the slightest bit of fear despite the monsters that might still be lurking in dark shadows and deep holes.

The cool breeze played with the grass, the sound almost inaudible under the clopping of armoured hooves and rolling of wheels upon the brand-new stone road. It was still a little scary that the fresh volcanic rock was the side effect of Twilight and Spike playing.

She took a deep breath. Not even the slightest scent of ash or sulphur haunted the air. Just fresh grass with a hint of morning dew and fall flowers made the background. The comforting pheromones of her calm ponies and her animal friends wrapped it all up like a comforting embrace.

She petted Harry's head in gratitude, and he rumbled in response. Is this how Rainbow feels all the time? She mused before turning her gaze to her friends.

Imposing Applejack strode forward along the newly raised road, wrapped in armour, a calm bastion of stability, as she pulled a wagon full of saplings and seed stock. By the sound of her hoof falls, she must have weighed more than Harry right now.

Pinkie Pie bounced along, singing, her cannon-armed party wagon somehow not shedding any contents as it followed in her chaotic wake. Even the most stoic of guards travelling with them bobbed their heads or swayed slightly with the music.

Fluttershy's own hoof swayed as if she was somehow conducting the whole thing. With only the slightest of blushes, she let herself join the performance, even if she was only humming along.

Rarity walked proudly at the front, her distinctively styled mane a banner all could follow. Her elegant armour and weapons were more of a fashion compared to the bulky equipment of Applejack. She looked just like a hero on a quest to rescue her prince. Not that she needed to. She had already caught her prince. Who would have thought after how their first introduction went, it would be him?

Fluttershy smiled. Just the thought of the foals those two were going to have almost made her squee at how adorable they would be. Maybe they would let her foal sit? Then, there would be finding just the right animal friends to grow up with.

Another memory stopped the happy squee before it happened. Instead, she sighed wistfully, a hollow in her heart still there. "Discord… what did I do wrong?"

After a moment, she brought her hoof to the gem hanging from her neck. "Everything is going to be alright," she whispered.

Harry glanced back at her and gave a soft rumble of agreement.

She petted his head again. "Thank you." Her hoof continued on automatic as she studied the newcomers. The ones that made all this possible so quickly.

The Manehatten guards were quiet and watchful, diligent in their duty. Half pulled more supplies as the other half ranged out in a ring around the cattle. One of them smiled at her and nodded. It was still hard to believe they were all changelings, and not from Thorax's hive. Despite being unreformed, they were helping and happy to be doing so. Everything is going to be alright. Again, Twilight's words came to her. She returned the gesture, her own smile sincere. Their own smile widened, and then they quickly returned their attention outwards.

The trailing cows gossiped as if the trip was a sightseeing tour. What their new home would be like was one of the hottest topics. One kept calling out to the guards, trying to tempt the poor pony to join them. Even going so far as to offer fresh milk.

They meant well, but they could be too much for most ponies after a few hours. Being a cow looked like a nice, peaceful life. They worried for little, trusting ponies to look after them.

In the distance, the magenta dome grew closer. As impressive as it was, all Fluttershy saw was proof of just how much Twilight cared for others. Twilight had been scary recently, but she was just like a mother bear, soft, kind and cuddly until you threatened her cubs, or in this case, ponies.

As the fortunately uneventful journey came to its end, the new town square came into view. Four statues stood proudly watching over the ponies, Three Alicorns and a single unicorn. Whoever had carved them had an eye for detail and a wonderful talent. From a distance, it was as if they might simply hop off their pedestals and say hello.

Instead of the statues, it was the ponies that approached to say hello. They were still in the haze of contentment that Princess Luna's party caused. Their happy smiles did wonders to banish the chill going down her spine. She looked around, but nothing seemed wrong. There were no dangers, and there were not even any sick or hurt ponies she needed to help.

She rested her hoof on her gem. "Everything is going to be alright," she whispered to herself, and just like that, it was. Despite all the bad things that had happened these last few months, hope still prevailed. With her friend's help, she would make some of that hope a reality.

With a few words, Rarity took charge. Applejack set about unloading things, and Pinkie Pie, well, Pinkie Pie was just Pinkie Pie rushing around greeting each and everypony with a smile and a cupcake. Fluttershy enjoyed her own, even though, as normal, she did not spot how it ended up in her hooves.

Treat finished, she hopped down and started her search. Somewhere here would be ponies that needed small, fuzzy friends. The ponies that had little trinkets with Twilight's mark on them just made the day a little brighter still.

The fields had been ploughed and seeds planted. Saplings stood, leaves eagerly reaching for the last rays of the sun. The cows happily chatted in their new barn, and more than a few ponies had new animal friends to help heal their wounded hearts. A lot had been done, but there was still more to do. Only the earth ponies were still at work. Everypony else's stamina had long since faded.

Even though Fluttershy's joints ached, it was nothing compared to the tangible satisfaction of making a difference. She took a sip from her drink. Its pink hues shifted with each tiny bubble that burst free from it. The fizziness tickled her muzzle, and sweetness like honey caressed her tongue. As the liquid made its way down her throat, the feeling of a warm hug embraced her.

She smiled and hummed contentedly. Her hoof found the magenta gem around her neck.

"See, I told you you would like it." The disguised changeling said, an amused smirk on his muzzle.

She nodded. "Would you tell me what it is, please, if that's alright?"

He laughed. A part of Fluttershy flinched, but then she caught the warmth in the laugh. Joy-filled and happy, laced with a kindness bullies never held. She relaxed and gave him a warm smile and hopeful eyes.

"Somepony wants more?"

She nodded timidly.

"It's a fizzy honey wine with seasonal fruits and a little cosy love mixed in for good measure."

"You can really feel it."

"I'm surprised you wanted to try some."


"Well, you do know where it comes from."

"We eat normal honey and drink different types of milk. There are eggs, to name just a few similar produce."

"So you think others will want things like this?"

"Once they get used to you, yes."

He shook his head with a quiet laugh. "I still can't believe this is really happening."

Fluttershy reached out and rested a hoof gently on his shoulder. In many ways, she would have to agree. But like any creature, a little kindness and finding common ground was all that could be needed. She did not say anything, but there was no need, for as a changeling, her emotions would speak with far more elegance than words.

He rested his hoof on hers. Such a small thing. But, like with her animals, it meant she had a new friend.

Helping others was its own reward. The smiling faces and lightened hearts that caused them were a healing salve for the soul. Even in a new place in an unfamiliar bed, she had slept fine. She knew she was an early riser, so she carefully put her hooves on the floor instead of bounding out of bed.

Today was going to be a wonderful day. She could just feel it. For the first time in a long time, there was nothing to fear. A quick brushing and a splash of water to banish the last of the sleep from her features, then Fluttershy daintily started towards the door.

She took another step, and an arctic chill rushed in, chilling her to the core. A third step and suddenly, the floor seemed extremely comfortable.


She slowly surfaced from the endless sea of confusion. What had she been doing? An echo of a scream rose from her memory. Pain, loss, and anguish voiced by a familiar pony.

The recollection proved slippery, but even through the haze, it still came.


With that name came light, a blazing chain of mental magic leading back to her crumpled body.

Panic surged through her and lent her strength. She half flew and half hauled herself back to her body.

Fluttershy's heart hammered in her chest, and each breath felt like inhaling broken glass. Her pained whimper was far too much like the last gasps from when there was nothing she could do to save one of her animal friends.

The urge to curl up and hide, to let the darkness of unconsciousness claim her, was far too alluring.

A yellow glow pressed in and demanded attention. Bleary, she opened her eyes. What she saw made no sense. Her feathers glowed. Without a hint of flame, they smouldered and decayed to whips of smoke.

Her heavy eyes followed as the smoke formed patterns and swirled in the air before being pulled down through the ground.

Her gaze next found one of her numb wings. She trembled. In place of her beautiful feathers, the leather of the thestral wings remained.

Are you alright? Harry's deep voice rumbled. Sadness and worry laced every tone of his question.

"Twilight," she whimpered, hoping beyond hope that her friends could hear her.

It was a different pony that answered.

CH 94.2 Tick, Tock

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So many lives had been lost, so many souls tainted beyond any hope of being saved. So much suffering, all because of one pony. Even now, he was within her power, utterly helpless. Despite that, the threat his machinations represented to her ponies had not diminished.

Tick, Drip. Tock, drip. Tick, drip. Went a phantom clock in her mind, each movement of its hands losing another drop of blood to fall to the sea of that vital fluid.

Like with the 'lesson zero' incident, she knew time was ticking away, and that lent urgency to the task. It focused her mind and pushed her onwards.

Unlike that unfortunate affair, Twilight was not alone, and she did not even need to look outside her own soul for support. Hence, she was still sane and could work effectively. Being able to think clearly and wield her talents at their maximum potential had led to her current plan.

The endless plane of obsidian under Twilight's hooves did not even feel odd anymore. The dark skies above no longer seemed gloomy nor ominous. The part of the Bastion that was Night's was now nothing more than a different part of her home. The addition of a half-ton of scientific equipment from her library clashed badly with Night's bleak aesthetic. The cables that trailed back to the Grand Golden Oaks were the magical path back from the abyss to the magical lands of hot chocolate and Sweet Dream's embrace.

With a quickly scrawled note and a flash of magic, said divine beverage began its delayed mundane conjuration. That temptation put aside, she turned back to her project.

Twilight was on the hunt, but she was not stealthily stalking her prey. No, she was falling back on her most potent asset, her mind. Books surrounded her as computers spewed out prolific amounts of paper like Celestia had issued a decree that it all had to be used by day's end.

The view below shifted as Night banked their shared body. Despite the occasional aerobatics, she still faithfully followed the search pattern. Twilight reached out and adjusted a dial on the magical sensors that peered through the interface to the physical world.

Her land unfurled itself below a patchwork quilt of colours. The natural greens of nature were scarred by burns and craters. A new lake slowly filled, a simple consequence of her betrothed's own hunt. Starfall was a potent weapon, indeed. Her vampiric wing blades lacked the raw destructive potential but were more surgical and much more personal.

The needed force and energy equations danced in her mind momentarily before she put them aside. Mundane force, mass and speed theories were dull foals play at best to her anyway.

Off to the right, far in the distance, her Knight flew. A unicorn's eyes would never have been able to parse her from the blue sky even with her still luxurious, prismatic mane and tail.

Strapped to Rainbow Dash's underside, half a Celestia of detection artefacts did not even hinder her flight the slightest. In fact, she beat her wings to a more energy-intensive rhythm.

As if sensing her scrutiny, Rainbow nodded respectfully. An action Night returned with their body.

Addtional exercise, or simply showing off for Gilda? Twilight thought as she checked on her griffiness.

Glida, just as encumbered as Dash, matched the mare and even clicked her talons, accenting the subtle performance.

Seeing her two chosen love birds flirting brought warmth to her heart, so with a smile, she turned back to her work, only to find a part of her body moving without her deliberate direction.

Her hoof tapped out a catchy beat to a tune she nor anypony would ever remember. Yet if she ever heard it again, her body would know just how to dance to it. As vexing as it was, it still caused her to smile past the quill she chewed thoughtfully.

It was just so hard to truly work up her academic zeal to know everything when Nova was still purring contently. This led to the consideration of why. Was it merely over-eating good food, or was it trying to gather data on how many ponies found Alicorns alluring? With an ascended biology and even simple cleaning spells, there would be no tangible evidence either way.

The fact the latter possibly provoked nothing, not even the slightest bit of disgust or embarrassment, was just another thing that illustrated how much she had changed. She shook her head as she added a few notations to the print-off. There was plenty of data, tones of information that could provide fodder for dozens of research papers just begging to be devoured by a hungry mind. Unfortunately, none of it pointed to what she sought. Everything was explainable. Everything tracked back to known sources of magic.

She let out a very un-princessly snort of frustration. She could be with Luna, she could be borrowing Candice's body again, she could have been playing with Spike or teaching her daughter. There were so many things she wanted to do, but because of that one stallion, she could not. Even if I find nothing, all it would take is one note, one hidden scroll, and somepony else could start this all again… She growled.

The soft clicks of delicately placed hooves perked her ears, and the warm scent of spiced hot chocolate caressed her nose. The pleasant interruption stole the thunder from her rage before she really got going.

"I can see why you need this." The sweetest voice in the world said.

Glancing back towards the library revealed Sweet Dreams, a comically oversized mug of hot chocolate and a platter of hayburgers.

"Thank you, My Dream." Again, just speaking that term of endearment did more to lift her mood than the mouth-watering scents and the anticipated culinary delights about to be gifted to her. The following light hug did even more.

Sweet Dreams swept those enthralling silver eyes over the ever-expanding collection of printouts. "Do you truly believe this search will be fruitful, my Star?"

Twilight chewed her lip. "As scrying via the map table yielded no results, this was the best I could come up with." She pointed her wings at devices one by one. "Thaumic detector array. Magical Flux meter. Arcane resonance sensor. Those three are various weather detectors I've combined to look for invisible things affecting airflow." Fitting them all together and coming up with the control matrix and the connections to make it all work had been such an interesting challenge. There were already a dozen ways she had devised to improve it. With a bit more time, she could standardise it as a new piece of scientific equipment to release publicly.


"Sorry, got a little lost in thought… where was I? Oh yes, then we have these ones." Twilight could feel her smile becoming half giddy and half something darker. "These ones he would not even be able to comprehend."

With Luna's raised eyebrow paired with the most alluring tilt of her head, Dreams asked the expected question.

"Thermal imaging camera, R.A.D.A.R, L.I.D.A.R and finally both digital and optical visual cameras."

Sweet Dreams popped a hayburger into Twilight's mouth. The softness of the bun almost kissed her lips as the individual taste of the mixed seeds and rolled oats that topped it greeted her tongue. As she hungrily bit into the delicious feast, the rich, tangy sauce paired perfectly with the fresh salad and sinfully unhealthy hay-based centre.

Twilight chewed happily as Sweet Dreams set the tray and mug down.

"Sunset's world's artefacts, I presume?"

Twilight hummed her assent, her mouth engaged in things far more important than mere verbal communication.

"Things you gleaned from your… imported books?"

A little sheepishly, Twilight nodded. She did mean to finish copying the books and return them. She just never quite found the time to get around to it.

"Find anything yet?"

With a quick swallow and a sip of the Star's blessed hot chocolate, Twilight nodded. "Yes, lots, just not what we are looking for." She took another longer pull from the rich, thick, chocolatey bliss. She could not keep a purr-like drawl from her voice. "The resolution on these sensors is truly amazing. The way they each can see through different forms of obscurement. So far, we have eighteen lost ruins. I think I spotted at least one thought-extinct type of animal. A few patches of Blight we are going to have to deal with later. Two confirmed smuggler caches, perhaps four more and one hill that is actually a sleeping dragon."

"Nothing you think is Moonlit Scroll's machinations?"

Twilight sighed. "No… and I can't even truly be sure there is something to find… and even if I find nothing, there will always be the chance I missed something, that it will come back to bite us in hundreds of years…" Tick, tock, tick tock, that phantom clock accused again in her mind.

"Do not let the future haunt you, my beloved star."

The smile on her face and the warmth in her chest was becoming predictable but no less pleasant because of it. "I…"

A quick kiss silenced the rest of Twilight's sentence. The following longer one delayed any follow-up conversation for half a minute.

Sweet Dreams followed the kiss with a nuzzle and settling against her. The warmth of the shared contract was as wonderful as ever. With her hoof, Sweet Dreams directed Twilight's gaze back to the readouts as she used her silver aura to feed her.

She let her body relax, settling in to enjoy the decadence as her mind sharpened its senses and with narrowed eyes, she returned to her hunt.

The sun had set and risen again. Only the resilience of being chosen had allowed her two knights to stay in the air. The playful musical flirting had long ago ended. Both now let the winds and thermals carry them as much as possible.

Both times the sun and moon transitioned had been rather lacklustre, so likely both her betrothed and former mentor were just as busy as she herself was.

Night's boredom seeped in, infecting Twilight's own mood. In the Bastion, the clouds moved, rumbled and promised lightning for the next thing to annoy Night.

"Where did you hide it?" Twilight growled, a sense of dread slowly creeping into her heart.

She paused and turned her senses inwards. Her wellsprings were stable. There was a slightly increased draw on the Earth pony side because of insufficient sleep.

She then looked at her emotions. Determination, tainted only by the still unsated need to make Noble Guide suffer. Love for Sweet Dreams, Little Star, Luna, Candice, all her friends, her parents, Cadance, Shining Armor and, to a lesser extent, all those she protected in Ponyville. There were other tiny wisps and whims, but none of them were where this dread came from.

She next checked her fellow fragments. From Night leaked irritation and boredom. Sweet Dreams deliberately pushed the loving support that made even the darkest moment bearable, all wrapped up with a playful edge and a warm embrace. As expected, nothing came from Grey. On the other hoof, Nova was still a bundle of contentment, only infecting Twilight with a slight craving for a daisy sandwich.

Twilight hummed thoughtfully and moved on to weaker connections. Her chosen. From Rainbow and Gilda, fatigue and dogged determination battled for supremacy.

Despite the distance, the connection to Fluttershy was stronger. Fluttershy was hers. She was completely trusting her and utterly committed to belonging to her.

Maybe I was a little too forceful… Twilight thought as her hoof reached out to stroke the absent mare. Fluttershy had truly enjoyed it and loved being a pampered pet. Treating her like that had been both empowering and comforting in a way Twilight had never experienced before. It was nothing like the lust-driven desire of Nova or the hedonistic indulgence of Night. No, this was something pure and wholesome despite how odd it was.

Twilight started to smile, only for the creeping dread to suppress it. "Where are you coming from?"

She spread her search further out. Her mind reached out and touched all the links she could find in one go. Trixie, Scootaloo and all the hybrids she helped. Something that very much felt like a changeling retreated and hid as soon as her mind brushed over them.

A wave of different feelings and emotions washed over her. With a sweep of her wing, she pushed aside all but the one strand she sought. The single note of dread hidden under all the more positive feelings.

"Candice?" Twilight breathed out. By the feel of it, the mare was dreaming. But unlike an ordinary dream, this felt different, somehow heavier.


An icy claw clutched her heart. Somehow, that one mundane sound meant so much. It was an axe already falling, a guillotine over her head and doom already here, just realised far too late to do anything but watch.

A snarl ripped from Twilight's physical body. Her own scream joined it. "What?!" She roared as she followed the ripping, tearing pain.

Dark tendrils sheathed in purple smoke used toxic green claws to sink into her pegasus wellspring.

Sweat Dream's magic surged, a potent effect laced with outrage and protective zeal.

Twilight gritted her teeth and pushed past the pain. Even with its intensity, it was still not the worst thing she had felt. The sting of disappointment that it would be Dreams that made whoever had done this pay and not herself was the only thing that distracted her focus as she narrowed down the cause.

Then Dreams' magic stilled. "Twilight, here now!" The sheer lack of eloquence made Sweet Dreams' voice terrifying.

She did not think, she just teleported. Back in the library, her Golden Oaks, the door to Fluttershy's wing lay shattered. Dream's silver scythe lay discarded unused. Instead, she had a thick tendril of darkness that had clearly burst through pinned beneath her hoof.

The tendril pulsed, and everything within Fluttershy's wing dimmed. "No, no, no." Twilight whimpered as the dread closed in, but something fiercer spoke within her. How dare they! Nopony hurts my friend!


Twilight's soul surged. The tempest that was her magic erupted. It ripped into and devoured the dark magic.

With increasing speed, her magenta flame ravenously raced back down the tendril. Nopony takes my Fluttershy! Her soul demanded of existence and laced with decrees of woe to any that tried to contradict her.

94.3 The Price of Harmony

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As with all things, Harmony watched. As will all things Harmony would remember. If Harmony was a different being, she might have asked for forgiveness for the necessary events that were about to unfold. Yet, although she could understand them, neither hesitation nor remorse was part of her nature. If they were, there was no way she would be sane enough to stay true to the plan.

Hard data informed her as the merciless blade of cold logic severed all other paths to the future. For there to be any hope, this tragedy must happen. Everything had its price, even harmony. Sometimes, that price could be terrible indeed.

Logical thinking and sanity were not things her partner in this scheme was particularly known for. Discord was almost transparent, yet that did not stop him from raising his talon to act. He trembled and collapsed against the Tree of Harmony.

His attachment to Fluttershy had progressed beyond all expectations. It was a shame that even as maximised as possible, her survival odds were still relatively low.

She could not feel remorse, but sympathy she could. She lifted one of her crystal roots and rested on his shoulder. He patted it with his taloned paw, the simple action so out of place compared to all the conflict of their shared youth. With the sound of ringing crystals, she spoke. "You have done everything permitted, Brother."

He nodded, and with a click of his talon, twisted vines exploded from the ground and flowered. In a sickening warping of reality, each was transformed into a different viewing device. Form crystal ball to otherworldly holo table.

With a mental sigh, Harmony petrified the dozen alien creatures that came along for the ride. There would be time to return them to their home realities after the upcoming ascension.

"How many religions have you started this time, Brother?"

"It's starting." He shushed her irritability and offered popcorn. Which she, of course, being a tree, politely refused. His form was now almost completely opaque thanks to the chaos the sudden abductions spread across other realities.

His feigned irritation did nothing to hide his nervousness from her. For his sake, she pretended it did. Harmony spent a moment considering what the dozen might have been doing. "Just don't complain to me this time if a certain captain hits you again…"

The slight twitch on his face was enough to know her attempt at lightening the mood was at least noticed, if perhaps not successful.

Discord waved it off, so Harmony turned her own senses outwards. Her sensorium split and raced out through her roots, both physical and spiritual.

Those who had accepted her most were the first to call to her from the constellation of Soul-light. As she focused on each, One by one, marks of destiny appeared like a list in her mind. Even creatures that did not display them as proudly as Ponykind had them nonetheless.

For Discord's benefit, she mirrored the mental list on her trunk. She sorted it by three factors: affinity for Harmony, power and connections to the current bearer of magic.

The first one that drew her attention was not one of her doomed Elements nor one of their closer companions. No, it was one that her calculations gave an extremely low probability of even being on this list. She had reasonable odds of even being deceased by this point.

Subject: Queen of the Emerald Hive
Name: Chrysalis
Harmony Index: 47%
Aspects: Emotion, Mental, Life, Change
Location: Manehatten
Intended Role: Unredemable Independent Hostile Faction Leader
Current Role: Queen of the Emerald Hive, Titled Lady of Manehatten.

The subject was in the process of solidifying both trust and respect for the Nightmare. That this subject was one that may try to interfere in Twilight's favour was an unanticipated variable. Harmony could only hope that this has not caused anything to negatively affect Fluttershy's chances of survival.

The subject relaxed in a penthouse apartment, a content smile on her face, her soul full of hope. Instead of plotting the assassination of Twilight like she should have been, the Queen of the Changelings drank deep from a bottle of vintage wine and leafed through a thick legal tome.

Alas, if it had not been for what was about to happen, it would have been a good thing. In that case, the subject would, within five years, become an invisible co-ruler of Equestria and aid in the removal of all the corrupt nobles. It could have been the best thing to happen to the nation since the unification of the tribes. Even with what was to come, it was still plausible she would stay Nightmare's ally.

Despite some of her changelings being on site, it was clear that she herself would have no direct involvement in this before it was too late to avoid. Even if she assumed direct control of one of them, the hive link provided insufficient magical throughput for meaningful interference with anything other than words.

Although, she would need to be watched carefully for how she acted in the aftermath.

Harmony moved on.

Subject: Sunset Shimmer
Name: Sunset Shimmer
Harmony Index: 57%
Aspects: Astral, Solar, Fire, Dark, Pride, Emotions (Harmony), Life (Nightmare), Change (Nightmare)
Location: Quarantine Reality #4, Human Residential Building
Intended Role: Anti-Celestia Dissident.
Current Role: Reformed Villain and Student of the Nightmare.

The subject's location proved no challenge for Harmony. The subject dozed in her equine form, letting the sunlight warm her body as it streamed in from her bedroom window. She used her forelegs as her pillow. Unlike her companion, she looked comfortable, entirely at ease. With all the challenges and miss-steps she had taken. She was well and truly on the path to being the best pony she could be. Would she still be able to walk it after today? There were too many unknown unknowns for Harmony to hold any level of confidence in any of her predictions.

Deep within the pony, a hidden seed of alicorn magic slowly grew as it cradled the secondary wellspring. Only time would tell how the Nightmare's machinations would turn out. Would the subject bloom into another asset for Harmony, a game piece for Celestia, or an evil to be consigned to history. None of that mattered for the moment. She was out of position to interrupt, so for now, that was enough. Yet, like Queen Chrysalis, she would need to be carefully watched.

Again, there was a moment where Harmony knew she would feel guilt if she could. The subject, Sunset, was, in her own way, as much a sacrifice as those about to die today.

With an ethereal root, Harmony softly touched the subject. With just a little touch of magic, a seed of inspiration to guide Sunset's human friends. A little push to act, a little guidance to find the words Sunset would need to hear. It was not much, but like with Discord, it was all she could do.

That done, she turned her attention to the other occupant of the room. The subject's companion, the human, was a reflection of the Prime Twilight. She had fallen asleep, her head upon a small stack of notes. Despite only being a pale imitation, she was still touched by Harmony, it was far less efficient than the prime, but she still had a fifty-nine percent affinity with the element of magic, a full two percent higher than Sunset's fifty-seven.

Human Twilight could be a valid replacement for the current Twilight fragment with the correct chain of events. It was probable that such a course of action would be unnecessary.

Harmony moved on.

Subject: Spanner in the works
Name: Candice
Harmony Index: NA
Aspects: NA
Location: Canderlot Archives
Intended Role: Stillborn Foal
Current Role: Oracle of Doom, Chosen of Luna, Chosen of the Nightmare, Nova's Gift, Captain of the Twilight Guard, Vexation of Nightmare.

Harmony double-checked what the record said. If she could, she would have sighed. Discord had clearly edited it again without her noticing. Well, in times like this, it was a small enough issue to ignore.

The subject woke up, her heart hammering. Images of a burning Twilight screaming chased her into the first few moments of awareness. It took a few calming breaths before she realised where she was, and all the scraps of paper were now floating lazily in the air from her panicked awakening.

The vision still burning in her mind resonated with the utter certainty of truth. Loyalty, love and duty compelled her. Her heart screamed at her to save Twilight, and her swift mind answered.

Candice acted, and Harmony moved on.

Subject: Rainbow Dash
Name: Rainbow Danger Dash
Harmony Index: 120%
Aspects: Air, Water, Lightning, Momentum, Loyalty (Harmony), Force (Twilight)
Location: Skies over Equestrian wilderness
Intended Role: Bearer of the Element of Loyalty, Wonderbolt
Current Role: Twilight's Knight, Element of Loyalty

Fatigue washed through every part of the subject's body, and yet nopony would know simply by looking at her. She flew at a precisely maintained distance from Twilight, ladened with arcane and technological devices.

Proud, strong and dedicated to her role as Twilight's First Knight. The subject's heart beat with new love even though she did not truly realise what she was holding for her griffon friend. They would provide much-needed emotional support to each other after today.

If the subject had been fresh, she might have noticed Twilight's heightened vigilance, the minor adjustment in her ears as she scanned the horizon with narrowed eyes.

The first thing the subject noticed was the fluctuation in Twilight's flight magic. A discordant tempest that suddenly vanished only a heartbeat after it manifested. Her head snapped to Twilight in time to see her fall.

Loyalty to her friend, fealty to her Princess, and countless hours of training screamed through her soul. The subject acted before her conscious mind made the choice.

She was freed of her load of magical dodads with a quick cut of her trusted blade. Her wings surged with power and catapulted her onto an intercept vector.

The subject's peripheral vision caught Gilda starting her own dive before aborting to a spiralling climb as she prepared her bow to provide overwatch. With security taken care of, nothing else mattered to the subject than getting to her friend.

To Harmony's perception, the subject blazed with light. In that moment, the subject was the incarnation of the Element of Loyalty.

Despite the initial separation, Twilight only fell for a few seconds before the subject's trajectory intercepted with her.

"Got you," the subject said, as muscle memory and conditioned responses took over. The descent was arrested, and Twilight was rapidly assessed for injury.

Twilight did not even respond. The limp body and glazed eyes turned confusion to worry in the subject's heart.


Twilight's mane exploded into magenta flames. The subject almost dropped her, but her sense of duty stopped her. The subject grit her teeth, bracing for the expected pain, pain that did not come. It was fortuitous that as destructive as that power was, it was not uncontrolled, and the subject was not what it sought to burn.


Twilight screamed and, in that instant, imploded into a ball of magenta light that popped out of existence with a titanic boom.

The subject tumbled, forced back by the backblast of Twilight's spell. Even before she had a chance to right herself, the subject's mind raced. There were very few reasons Twilight would teleport out without even saying anything. Fear and terror clawed at the subject's heart, but five strands of loyalty compelled action.

With a quick spin, she oriented herself and turned on to the needed vector. A quick wave of her wings was all it took to inform Gilda of the plan.

"I'm coming, Fluttershy."

Harmony moved on.

Subject: Griffon DC/zh-26981
Name: Gilda
Harmony Index: 82%
Aspects: Griffon, Air, Water (Twilight), Lightning (Twilight), Momentum (Twilight)
Location: Equestrian Airspace
Intended Role: Future Ruler of Grifinstone
Current Role: Twilight's Knight

The subject was truly fascinating, like the Changling Queen, this subject had overcome the odds and found Harmony in her own way, in this case through loyalty and friendship with Rainbow Dash.

The subject was now far closer tied to Harmony than Discord, which was uncommon for his creations.

It was Twilight's unplanned descent that had alerted the subject. Like Rainbow Dash, she reacted immediately.

The only reason Rainbow Dash took so long to get to the Princess was not wanting to risk the shock wave of a sonic rainboom hitting her.

Seeing Dash would get there first and in plenty of time, the subject turned her keen eyes outwards. It did not take a brilliant mind to know a Princess does not simply fall out of the air.

She reasoned that even with the subject's sharp senses, she had not seen or felt any projectile, so she would conclude it was likely a spell of some kind.

As the subject expected from a Wonderbolt, the catch was textbook perfect, even if a little too flashy. The subject's heart registered relief even as her battle instincts vibrated unsatisfied. She knew there had to be a cause, and her eyes hungrily hunted for prey.

“FLUTTERSHY!” The Princess screamed before she vanished in a flash of light and a Boom so loud it was surprising the sky was not falling.

The center of the subject's vision was still a blurry mess, so she used her peripheral vision. With this method, the subject's eyes found Rainbow Dash.

The mare, still tumbling in the air, signalled with her wings to follow, righted herself, and shot off in a direction.

This was not the race she wanted with Dash, but if Dash needed her help, there would be no way she would forgive herself if she was not there.

That the subject produced her own sonic rainboom was yet another unexpected complication.

It was impossible that either she or Dash would get there in time to stop what needed to happen, but the two lines leading straight there could alter how the rest of the world perceived the event. The ramifications of this would need to be carefully watched.

Probabilities shifted, and the balance of fate changed yet again. At least soon, there will be the chance to act.

Harmony moved on.

Subject: Nightmare Moon
Name: Night
Harmony Index: 50%
Aspects: Nightmares, Fear, Pain, Umbral, Blood, Dark, Air, Water, Lightning, Momentum, Earth, Life, Death, Reflection
Location: Currently between corporeal locations
Intended Role: protector of the dream realm, leader of Luna's companion fragments
Current Role: Fragment of Twilight, Little Star's Mother.

The subject's rage slammed into Harmony. The impact was like she had always imagined a hoof to the muzzle might feel like sans the pain. Less than a mortal's heartbeat later, Harmony reconnected.

For the subject, rage-driven battle instincts stretched the fraction of an instant of Twilight's teleport to a near eternity.

Somepony had dared to try and take her pet. Somepony had dared to hurt Fluttershy. Even to the subject's hardened and wounded heart, Fluttershy was a tender soul that deserved to be protected. That only something truly vile would choose to inflict any sort of suffering upon her.

The subject knew this could only be one pony's doing. The questions that burned in her mind were how and how to claim her retribution.

Harmony could only hope the subject's love for her daughter and the presence of Candice would be enough to prevent yet another party from seeking to end the world.

Harmony moved on.

Subject: Crystal Charm
Name: Crystal Charm
Harmony Index: 60%
Aspects: Crystal, Hope, Charm
Location: Refugee settlement
Intended Role: Manehatten fashion model
Current Role: Survivor

To the subject's mind, this must have been a nightmare. Anything else was inconceivable.

Magic so potent it made her bones vibrate and her teeth ache, ripped through her, shocking her awake. She had surged out of bed so fast she almost knocked herself out.

She slowly pushed herself to her hooves, staring at her luminous body. As with any encounter with extremely hostile magic, the subject's exterior had hardened protectively.

"What?" The subject said so before she looked towards her roommate's bed. "Hey, RC, Do you…"

She almost did not recognise the ruined remains as a pony. Unfortunately for her sanity, it was only almost. The jewelled hoof band and the ribbons in their mane and tail told the subject exactly who it was.

The subject's hind legs buckled. "Regal…" The name emerged in a disbelieving whimper. The subject's index dropped three points as horror and disgust twisted her heart.

Even though Harmony already knew what had happened, she still allowed herself to see the scene from the subject's eyes.

If one ignored everything else and only noted the position of the body, it still seemed like it was peacefully sleeping. The limbs of the unicorn, formally known as Regal Canter, were completely intact. Even her tail was still in perfect condition.

Regal Canter's horn was gone, replaced by a smouldering blackened crater where its root should have been. From that site of devastation, magic had carved jagged paths that radiated out, destroyed her face and left only ruined melted flesh on its way down the neck to her barrel.

From this perspective, Harmony felt the tears running down the subject's cheeks and the keening ache in her chest. Knowing that the unicorn had their wellspring dragged out of them via their horn was one thing. Seeing it through the filter of a mortal was very different. Harmony pulled back and returned to merely being an outside observer.

Run” Harmony wispered and the subject bolted. It was not much of a mercy, but she now had at least a sixty-two percent chance of surviving what was about to happen.

One fleeing pony became multiple, and a stampede of cattle joined them. Would the subject be able to live with herself after this?

"I thought you did not care about individuals?" Discord's voice grated as it vibrated against Harmony's roots.

"Enough have perished today. It would be needless to add any more than we have to."

"Having second thoughts?"

"No." With that one word, Harmony moved on.

Harmony's view shifted outside. The new settlement that had been lovingly maintained and had so recently been the site of multiple celebrations was now littered with empty husks. The simplest way to identify the tribes was to look at what was missing. Unicorns lacked their horns, pegasi their wings and earth ponies the lower half of each leg.

Of all the ponies that had been under Twilight's dome, almost all of them were dead. Only those of the less common tribes were completely unaffected, and most of them had been caught up in Crystal Charm's flight.

You could still count the time since Moonlit Scroll's plan had come to fruition in seconds and not have an awkwardly large number.

Spurred on by their Queen, disguised changelings searched through the bodies, seeking survivors with desperate haste. A ring of worried animals surrounded those who had once been the brightest souls. Here, now, they existed to be the flame to draw the moths.

Subject: Discord's don't mess with.
Name: Fluttershy
Harmony Index: 100%
Aspects: Blood, Fear, Animal, Kindness (Harmony), Luck (Discord), Fury (Twilight), Umbral (Twilight), Air (Twilight)
Location: Refugee settlement
Intended Role: Element of Kindness, Warden of the Everfree
Current Role: Element of Kindness, Beloved of Discord

The subject…

Use her name. Discord growled.

It was a small enough request, so Harmony complied and changed how she thought about the subject.

'Fluttershy' rested her head against Harry. Her breath was laboured but getting better moment by moment. The need to help burned in her heart, and her kindness ignited into iron-clad determination. Nothing would stop her from helping her friends if only she could think what to do.

Kindness saw yet more things she was never meant to see. The note of relief that neither Rainbow Dash nor Twilight were here would have been a dagger straight to Harmony's heart if she had one. One look at Rarity's flame-devoured eyes from Fluttershy's perspective was all Harmony could take.

Each of the three mares had little bits of them flaking off and dissolving in wisps of coloured magic. Each of them had had their wellsprings ripped open. If it was not for their bonds with their elements fortifying and pinning what was left of their magic to their core essence, they would already be dead. A quick death, to merely feel faint for a moment and then it all to be over, would have been a kindness, a kindness Harmony could not grant.

Harmony made herself look, to spend a moment to feel what each of the wounded bearers felt.

A hornless, blind Rarity whimpered as she was held down to stop her thrashing and hurting herself even more. Pain, so much pain, anguish, terror. Trapped in a dark, silent void, held down, pined by a beast about to devour her. She screamed, but nopony came to help her.

Applejack fought for each breath. Even now, with her limbs ruined up to the knees and elbows, she endured. Her eyes silently asked for her friends to be seen first. Confusion diluted itself with calm acceptance. She knew she was dead and that all that was left was waiting for her body to finally get around to noticing. Even if she was not dying without her hooves, the fertile ground just felt like a lifeless desert below her. What was the point of living? Ah hope the farm will be alright. I'm sorry, Granny, Big Mac… Applebloom, Ah think Ah might be a little late getting home.

Pinkie Pie was as still as the rocks her family farmed. The eyes that looked out past her straight mane showed only apathy. She did not even seem to notice her hooves were blackened stumps, and her limbs had deflated to be nothing more than coat-covered bones. Inside her mind, a page turned. With each bit she read she felt that little bit colder, none of the words had anything to do with what was going on now. Another page and the same thing. How am I going to be on Twilight's Council now? What about all the parties I'm going to miss?

Too many things were happening at once, but Fluttershy managed to shift to rest a comforting hoof on Pinkie Pie's back. It was enough to cause Pinkie Pie to move her eyes to meet Fluttershy's own. "This isn't how it's meant to go." It was so quiet that if it was not for the fact Fluttershy was now, in essence, a thestral, she would not have heard anything.

Twilight's sudden arrival rocked the very foundations of the world. Magenta magic exploded out from Fluttershy. For miles around, everything larger than a blade of glass was ensnared by Twilight's Aura. Harmony did not even need to try to read Twilight's intent. Her magic screamed it so loudly mages on the other side of the world heard it.

The raging inferno that passed for Twilight's emotions paralysed the changelings. Some even stopped breathing. Like a cannonball, Luna burst from the shadows shielding Candice from the sudden stop via collisions with a building in the way with her own body. The blazing trail that was Celestia in full flight arched in towards the ever-growing gathering.

Despite all the commotion, Twilight only had eyes for Fluttershy and the rest of her friends. Without even her horn lighting, dozens, then hundreds of spells burst into existence around the three dying mares. Most of the spells were a meaningless tangled mass of magic to Harmony, but she did not need to understand her spellcraft to know when Twilight realised.

Magic shuddered. Not the pony, not the element. No, what shook was the core facet of reality. Every living thing felt it, the coldness, the dawning revelation that everything they knew, everything they cared about would die.

“No.” Twilight's one word, a quiet word but backed by a strength that could create or destroy worlds.

"Twilight." Celestia's quiet voice carried its own grief. Countless years, everypony lost, everypony sacrificed, all added their own nuances. Her white wing wrapped around the smaller Alicorn, and Twilight did not pull away or resist. Instead, she leaned into it, if only a little.

Twilight, like she had many times before, looked up to Celestia, eyes pleading. "Can you save them?"

"I'm sorry this is so soon, but all that can be done is to say goodbye and end their suffering."

Twilight stiffened. She trembled, eyes shimmering with both tears and power. "No, No, there must be a way. There has to be a way." She pushed away from Celestia and desperately looked around.

Luna's gaze was solemn. She was willing but unable to save her saviours. Fluttershy pleaded for Twilight to free them from their pain. Despite her visible concern, Candice stood ready as her eyes and ears flicked about impossibly fast, analysing everything. Her eyes lingered on Candice for two whole seconds before she snapped her attention back to her dying friends.

Celestia raised a hoof, almost reaching for her former student. “Twilight… you will only…”

The glare Twilight aimed at Celestia would have literally stopped even the bravest mortal's heart. "Either help me or get out of my way." She growled.

Celestia's hoof fell, and Twilight turned away, tail flicking with dismissal. She took a calming breath and gracefully settled down next to her friends, a tender smile on her face.

Harmony felt the mental message strike the three dying mares with enough force to push their pain away. To each of them in that moment, Twilight was the only other being in the world. I can save you. Do you trust me?

"Yes," Rarity screamed as she tried to lunge at Twilight.

Applejack just nodded while Pinkie Pie sobbed. Be careful, Twilight.

"Close your eyes." All three obeyed. From Twilight's open mouth a thing of nightmares emerged. Three tendrils of abyssal darkness slithered their way out. Each had a complex array of glowing magenta runes inside them. For a moment, they swayed like drunken snakes, and then they lunged.

High in the sky, the sun dimmed. Harmony took that as her cue to move on, and for the first time in over a thousand years, the surface of the world felt the full fury of the sun.

CH 94.4 The Final Choices of a Patchwork Pony

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The translocation was not Twilight's well-honed teleport spell. No, in this case, it was the raw need to be somewhere and the world yielding to her demand. Residual energy lashed at her body, but she did not care. Unerringly, her eyes locked onto the pony she sought. Fluttershy was alright, altered but healthy as any other chosen thestral. For an instant, her heart started to calm, and relief dared to poke its head up. Then she saw the others.

It was not the hundreds of ponies lying dead that moved her. They were nothing but evidence now. Fluttershy may have been fine, but three were not so lucky. Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were not granted the mercy of a quick death. From a medical point of view, the mutilation inflicted upon them was a treasure trove of research material. To Twilight's heart, it was a defilement that should have never been allowed to happen.

For half a second, she pulled back to her Bastion. Her friends needed her at her best. They did not need a panicking little filly. No, they needed Twilight Sparkle, Alicorn of Magic and reader of every bucking book she could get her hooves on.

In the quiet of the doorstep, Twilight took a deep breath and let it out. In the false clarity of her willfully deluded mind, she listed every medical and every even vaguely approved scanning spell she could recall. Each was ordered by usefulness and then reordered based on possible interference.

List constructed, her mind raced through the list with the precision of a machine. Spell after spell leapt straight from the doorstep to reality. There was no way Celestia would not know she was casting from her Bastion, but now was not the time for subtlety or restraint.

A swarm of flying scrolls manifested themselves, results writing themselves in ten different colours. With each stroke of the unseen quills, the prognosis got worse. Unless something was done, they were doomed.

Her friends were already beyond the point where Equestrian law would define them as dead. By common wisdom, as Celestia said, all that could be done was to end them as painlessly as possible.

That answer was unacceptable.

She narrowed her eyes and looked inside their failing wellsprings. Her friend's connections to her and the power of Harmony that nestled inside their souls were the only reason they were still here. Those two additional bindings now only existed to prolong their suffering.

No. It was a simple word, but it said everything. The sound of it reverberated through the Bastion and shook some leaves from the great tree.

"Twilight." Celestia's quiet voice said as her wing became the comforting blanket from all those years ago. Like the little foal she had been, she leaned into the embrace.

Hope drove Twilight to look up into those familiar eyes, seeking that little twinkle that meant the Princess already had the answer. "Can you save them?"

The slight shake of the Princess's head ended the world. The following words shattered the rest of the universe. "I'm sorry this is so soon, but all that can be done is to say goodbye and end their suffering."

Twilight stiffened. She trembled. Her magic thrashed around in her chest as tears caressed her cheeks. "No, No, there must be a way. There has to be a way." She stepped back and desperately looked around.

Luna only had love and sympathy behind her public formality. Her eyes held two promises. The first was that if she knew a way, she would have already acted, and the second was when this was over, there would be loving wings waiting to enfold her.

Fluttershy's teary eyes begged as her near-silent whispers pleaded for Twilight to end their pain. It did not matter how, only that the suffering stopped.

Candice stood there, ever vigil but as of yet inactive. Her usual temporal compression spell was in place, just in case. The little twitches in her expression were the only outside sign she felt anything at all past her stoic mask. Even with everything going on, she was still as calm as she was beautiful.

Twilight eyes lingered. There was something here, an idea to be had a solution if only her mind would grasp it. For a moment, it was not the well-crafted mare she saw before her. Instead, it was the cooked, unrecognisable meat Twilight's rage had turned her into.

There's a way. The Hope that struck hit her like lightning. The surge arced.

For the first time, all of her were in complete accord. All of those who were legally defined as Twilight acted as one. They turned their gaze back to their three imperiled friends.

From Nova flowed a wave of determination, the outright refusal to accept their deaths backed by the magical might to trample anything that got in their way.

Night brought a selfish ruthlessness, said negative trait entirely turned to doing anything needed to save their beloved friends.

From Grey came certainly. The knowledge they had saved Candice and restored Rainbow's overtaxed magic became a bastion against doubt. What was this small step beyond that to the Element of Magic?

Sweet Dreams hummed notes were encouragement incarnate. Wordless, it said, 'Nothing is impossible when you have a family that supports you'. Without pausing her performance, she spread her wings in imitation of when she unwove Red Wing's wellspring. As her wings danced through the air, three pony-sized nests began to form from silver thread.

Information and intent danced in Twilight's mind. Cold logic wielded emotion with deft efficiency. Savage intuition cut off any dead ends with more alacrity than mere deductive reasoning ever could. With each faction of an instant saved, their chances of survival rose.

Twilight's mark sung. Its arcane symphony was so perfect that any that could hear it would have wept with joy and deemed their life fulfilled. Sweet Dreams' melody shifted, answering its call.

A single spark of joy danced in their heart. They could do this. The flesh was just that, flesh. Twilight knew firsthoof how easily the mere shell could be cast off. From rebuilding both Candice and Rainbow, she already knew how to bind leylines into replacement parts. This would simply be all of them.

The biggest thing harming their bodies was the desperate struggle of their souls to stay alive. They were still biologically active so a few transfigured grafts from her own body and they would be good as new.

Like when she possessed Candice she could slip into their bodies and shield their souls with her own, but that would only save one. So, instead of going to them, she would have to bring them to her.

Now, all she needed to do was get them out of their bodies intact before they destroyed them. There was just the slight problem that only ascended souls could withstand the harsh conditions outside a body. But thanks to Sweet Dreams' lessons and Twilight's own soul-devouring magic, they had come up with a solution.

If the situation was not so dire, Twilight would have broken out in a heart song, or kissed her Dreams. Well, both would have to wait until later.

Back in the physical world, Celestia raised a hoof. "Twilight… you will only…"

Twilight's impatience became much more when backed by Nova's fury and Night's lingering resentment. "Either help me or get out of my way," they growled, and half a dozen spells to make her move were queued up in her mind.

The following fraction of a second felt like an age, but finally, under the weight of their glare, Celestia's hoof fell, and they dismissed her from immediate concern.

With a calming breath, they let all the rage go. This was not the time for it. This was the time to prove everypony wrong again, it was time to heal her friends.

With Sweet Dreams' loving grace, they settled down next to the ruined forms of Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. All were hurt, and all were in pain, so with the softest mental voice, Twilight spoke even as Night ripped their pain from them. I can save you. Do you trust me?

Their bodies relaxed just the slightest amount, and they breathed a little easier. The deception of the missing pain was more than enough to give them a peaceful death if they refused.

Rarity was the first to respond. The blind mare had to be restrained by Twilight's aura as she screamed her assent. Applejack nodded, her calm eyes clear proof of her complete trust.

Pinkie Pie nodded slightly as she sobbed. "Be careful, Twilight."

"Close your eyes," Twilight said with a hint of Dreams' most soothing tones. The two that still had sight obeyed.

Twilight opened her mouth and slowly pushed part of her soul out. The needed spell runes formed within the dark mass instead of her horn. Like a hydra growing new heads, it split into three tendrils.

The hungry appendages shifted, their purpose reforged even as they reached for her friends. Soul-devouring weapons of terror, now nought but the softest blankets ready to shield their naked souls from the harshness of the world.

Twilight smiled past the awkward mouthful. It was going to work. She had been in time. All she needed to do was draw them in, and then her brilliant Sweet Dreams could weave a new wellspring around each, and then they would be safe.

The first warning anything was wrong, she ignored. It was such a minor thing, and all her attention was narrowed in on the most precious cargo held in her magic, not the fluctuating light level.

Nova's panic and fury slammed into her as Twilight finally expanded her senses out. A blazing surge of hot magic caressed her horn as a mild sense of burning crept up her hind legs.

Her eyes only just had the time to start dilating with panic and it was already too late to physically dodge.

If she had not been part pegasus, that would have been the last thing she knew. Her mind raced as her magic reached out for anything to help. It latched onto Candice's active spell, co-opting it to include her and duplicating it within the Bastion itself.

Without having to cast, the effect manifested instantly, and the outside world froze.

Compounded time compression inside a time compression gave her time to think. Gave her time to see the full horror of the betrayal.

From her view from Night's plane, it was trivial to see what was going on behind her. Celestia was trying to kill her. A full quarter of the Solar Alicorn's stockpiled magic raced to end the existence of one single pony.

In slow motion, Luna's magic surged into existence. The arcane glow flowed like wax instead of the instant flash it would have been at normal speed. Despite its beauty, its glacial might was a mere candle compared to Celestia's sun. The wall of black ice evaporated in moments. All it bought was half a heartbeat.

"Why?" The word was as much a question as a pained whimper.

Every conversation and every action her mentor had taken flashed through her mind. Everything pointed to things getting better. It would have taken years, but the rift between them was healing. How had it come to this?

If it were not for one thing, even this she could resist either by deflecting the strike or throwing herself through a tear in space. Each of her wounded friends were so softly cradled in her magic, so fragile, they made the perfect snare.

She stared deep into the wonderous sparks of magic that were her friends' souls. I wanted to keep you close.

Three-quarters of Luna's magic could have levelled Canterlot. Here and now, all Luna's interference did was reduce the amount of incoming overkill from obscene to merely unnecessary.

There must be a way.

Equations danced through her mind. More and more options were discarded. This one would destroy her friends' souls. That one would leave them in the path of Celestia's Alicorn killing spell, and it was most certainly a killing spell. There was no way her former mentor would act now with this much of her power and leave even a chance for a counterattack.

How much of this moment was planned? Was the whole thing with Moonlit Scroll just a pretence to arrange this moment? For buck's sake, there was not even time to turn her horn to target Celestia before she would be dead. It was the perfect ambush. A flash cast teleport, and she would be safe, but three of her closest friends would be condemned to oblivion.

Hate surged inside her, an anger so dark, so vile that she should have been repulsed by it. Instead, here, now, it felt right, for the first time she truly had a justifiable reason to hate somepony. You, will, pay.

Why Celestia? A calmer part of her asked as it pushed the anger away and spent the time to perform Cadance's breathing technique. After all, anger was wasteful, and now every second counted. So she looked back out to the physical world where her doom approached with all the apparent speed of slowly flowing honey.

There must be a way.

Celestia's spell work was dense and crude, but despite all its flaws, it was approaching too quickly with too much magic behind it to be slowed, deflected or blocked.

If this was a chess match, this would be checkmate. There was just no way to save her friends without them all dying a moment later, and no way she was going to live at the cost of their lives.

Unbidden, a memory came back. The visit with the Tree of Harmony. How it felt like it was saying good bye.

It knew! The bucking Tree knew. The Tree, the map table, and Celestia had all been using her, guiding her for their own purposes from the start.

The anger surged back, and she pushed it back down. What does my death serve? Why must I be the one to pay the price yet again?

But even as she asked that, she knew the truth. A cold, calm voice answered I'm not even a real pony, am I? From the very beginning, I have just been their tool.

She looked around her Bastion. Or the Bastion that should have belonged to the original Twilight, the one that should be a home and not a prison for Grey and Nova.

They would not even get a chance to live. A hollowness formed in her gut.

It was not just her life and the life of her friends at stake. "Sweet Dreams, Night, Grey, Nova," she whispered to herself.

Out in the physical world, Luna's muscles had finished bunching, and now, in painfully slow motion, she exploded into action. Her intent was obvious, and it brought a sad smile to Patchwork's face. The calculation was so simple it happened automatically. Luna would not beat Celestia's attack, but she would catch some of it. It would not save her friends, but it might be enough that Celestia might have to spend half a second ensuring the execution was completed.

Strands of darkness leapt from Luna's horn, ripping small shards from the attack and throwing them into the distance. Maybe if she was the Alicorn of Love, that look in her eyes would have been enough to prevail, but today, it was too little too late.

"Thank you." She whispered and hoped Luna could hear her.

Instead of an answer, a titanic boom from the library almost made her miss the dead look that settled in Luna's eyes as she started to fall as if she were a puppet whose strings had been cut.

"Luna!" Night cried, and Twilight's thoughts joined in.

There was no way this was a coincidence. Her legs started moving, but she stopped. She needed to see what just happened, but she needed to be able to see the physical world as well.

She raised her gaze to the outside of the Grand Golden Oaks. Come here. She commanded, and the distance shrank, the great tree seeming to rush to meet her.

Back in the main lobby of the library, both the door and the frame of Luna's wing were spidered webbed with cracks, like something had tried to batter its way through.

She looked between Luna's lifeless puppet as it fell and the broken door bearing her mark. There was a link, a path from here to Luna. As per Celestia's methodology, it would have been a mental effect. Mental effects needed a link.

There's a way in. The realisation rocked through her. She did not know what she was going to do with it yet.

Night had no such hesitation. Between her hooves, a shard of crystal formed. She poured all the pain she had gathered over the past months, spiced it with her contempt and righteous indignation.

Grey's magic tore open the door to Luna's section, and with an evil cackle, Night threw. Another boom shook the Bastion as the projectile broke the sound barrier.

It shot through the whole section and shattered the far wall.

Past the falling fragments of wood, Celestia stood, proud and regal in a garden of flowers.

The pristine image only lasted an instant before Night's little gift slammed into her.

Celestia flew from her hooves, paperwork, cakes and chess pieces sent flying as she smashed through a table.

Out in the physical world, the approaching solar death's outline flickered. But still it barrled on undimnissed.

Not enough, not enough. Twilight frantically looked around for more projectiles as Night started to form another crystal.

The chains containing Grey or the vault door would been perfect, but only Celestia could remove them. There was the little wooden tunnel through the chains. Something she had crafted from her least favourite coffee table.

The large, expansive wooden floor called. If you ignored the fact it was part of her soul, it was just a large piece of raw material. Material that was hers to shape.

The texture of the living room reminded her of something. A proud smile formed on her face as her mind's eye recalled a small timberwolf with magenta eyes. Her daughter's pet, her brilliant creation.

A moment later, held in a Grey's aura, Little Star's guide for timber puppies floated.

Well, that would do nicely. They were a bit small, but she could fix that. Twilight's smile turned feral as her horn lit with a slightly modified and highly dangerous cleaning cantrip.

The hair-thin beam of magic strobed like one of Vinyl Scratch's light shows. Grey's magic lifted each of the puzzle pieces, clearing the way for more to be cut.

As her hatred demanded, in each of the construct's teeth, she carved terrible runes. Runes of pain, runes of death and runes that would leave Sombra's dark crystals in each wound.

A hungry growl ripped from the throat of the first one assembled as its eyes blazed with magenta fire. It needed no instructions. It needed no motivation. It knew its purpose, and so it acted.

The bear-sized 'puppy' charged. Soon, a dozen more followed the stampede of wooden paws so different than hooves.

Still carving, Twilight looked back to the physical world. "Any moment now."

Twilight stared at the approaching solar fire. Hoof by hoof, it got closer.

It rippled, and Twilight acted. A forest of dark tendrils shot from her tail. The under-utilised leylines were pushed to their limit with the effort.

Searing pain ripped into her, only to be whisked away. Night's magic turning it to merely more crystal ammunition.

Sanity-rending pain gone, Twilight focused once more on her tasks. Strands of will and bundles of runes penetrated the solar fire. Only to be rejected.

What the hay?

She had used Celestia's magic before. Why was this not working?

Subjective seconds stretched to minutes as she tried more and more approaches.

With a snarl, she stomped. "Why won't you obey me?" She roared at the magic, and to her surprise, it answered.

The magic rippled, and in that ripple, little aspects of something pearlescent somehow sparkled brighter than the sun itself.

Every sense she had zeroed in on it. Even the forgotten scientific sensors swung to bear in her aura.

Waves of data and sensor feeds assaulted Twilight's mind. For a moment, it was like she was drowning in numbers. With a bored efficiency, Grey pushed in. The lists were ordered, the data tabulated and graphed, and then Grey retreated.

Twilight rubbed her temple, trying to push out the feeling of her head being three sizes too small and focused on the results.

Whatever it was, it was physical matter, and the only matter that could survive in this would have to be completely aligned with Celestia's magic.

Part of her mind wanted to race down the path to work out what it was, but she ruthlessly crushed that part. What it was did not matter, only what it meant did.

It anchored and reinforced the spell. Even without Celestia's will reinforcing it, the magic would only answer to Celestia's magic.

"And as I gave all of her magic back…" Twilight froze, and her mind followed her eyes to a gleam of gold shining through her coat.

She looked to the stitches that held her together, the mark of Celestia's hoof in her creation.

There's a way.

A part of her quailed at the idea that popped into her head. It could work, it would be difficult, everything would have to be perfect, but it would work. Just the cost. Why do I always have to be the one to pay? She lowered her head, her eyes closing on the tears as they tried to fall.

"Sweet Dreams, Night, Grey, Nova… Rarity, Applejack, Pinky Pie," She whispered to the floor.

Well, I'm the impostor anyway. The spare. As far as the world will know, Twilight Sparkle will live on.

Grey's eyes said she knew, but she did nothing to stop her. Patchwork bowed her head, and Grey returned the gesture. It was a small thing, but it meant something, and if Patchwork had the time, she might have tried to work out exactly what. For now, all that matters is she would not interfere.

Night was fully invested in the assault upon Celestia's Bastion. Sweet Dreams frantically prepared for the girls' souls, and Nova, trapped in the basement, had no chance to interfere.

A part of her wanted to be stopped, wanted to waste all the time so that she did not have to make this choice, but she was resolved.

"No, don't do this," her voice inside her head screamed, but she ignored it. Now was not the time for doubt, and either way, there would be no time for regrets.

Even with her insight, there was no way to stop that much magic, no way to appreciably slow it to buy time for other solutions. What she could do was make part of it go faster and make that part go where she wanted it to.

Saving my friends… not a bad final achievement. Choice made, Patchwork set to work.

The first was a complete diagram of her leylines. There was the fact her horn was pointing the wrong way, but she could work around that problem. "Oh, Rarity is so going to kill me when she finds out how much I'm about to abuse my poor tail." A manic giggle tried to force its way past her lips.

Next, her aura disconnected the powerlines from the scientific sensors and repurposed them. The power had to go somewhere, and there was only one place it could go where she would have any control.

And while it's passing through, I may as well take advantage.

The repurposed powerlines slithered like serpents. Each latched onto one of Celestia's seals. Grey's head tilted quizzically. Her eyes asked, 'What are you doing?'

Patchwork mouthed, 'you'll see'.

She stabbed metal rune-encrusted pins into her diagram. Each was a point that would need to be linked by golden thread.

The first set went to the roots of her tail's leylines. "So, input."

"Overflow…" The next set made two dotted paths that paralleled her spine until they branched to her wings.

It did not bear thinking what all that energy would wrought on her flesh as it tore through her, so she put it aside. She had made her choice, so all there was to do now was keep working on the problem.

The last set of pins made a looping spiral towards her heart. "Four baffles and six vents back to the wings should be enough to deal with any spikes… I'll double that to be safe."

Back in the library, Night was starting to sway. Grey had taken over the creation of the giant timber puppies to continue the assault.

"Now, how to cut all the unneeded connections?" She could do it one by one, but even with the time compression, there might not be enough time.

She traced her hoof over the diagram. A magic lesson in a large bath drifted into her mind. "Crystals."

There was no reason she had to form her crystal armour on the outside. A few strokes of her quill marked where it would appear.

What more can I do?

She traced the line from each of her puppet's feathers. Each line marked new firing lines. As she sighted along the second one, the last individual she expected to see popped into existence.

Discord ice skated by as if time ran at normal speed. Through the interface with reality, he stared up at her. His expression was grim and sorrowful as he picked up Fluttershy as if he were dancing with her.

Where have you been, a part of her wanted to roar. Instead, with a glance at all the soon-to-be collateral, she reached out to him. "save the others… please."

His response was to manifest a gold club and start swinging at a changeling.

"Four," he called as said changeling sailed over to Candice.

What good is that going to do? The angry part of her demanded. Again, Patchwork ignored it. Discord was crazy and insane, but everything he did had a purpose, even if it was not rooted in logic. Taking the assumption he was trying to help, then ponies being there could be a safe location.

Why would being behind Candice be safe? What could she possibly do to mitigate the solar death that would be redirected straight towards her?

It was another memory that provided the answer. Luna's larger form wrapped around her as they both toiled away, slaying the endless foe that was paperwork. Luna's voice had excitedly given a blow-by-blow of Candice's initiation test. Patchwork had barely paid attention, but her perfect memory recorded every word. "You should have seen the look on their faces when she disrupted their control."

Her magic summoned every book on magical flux she remembered the title of. A grey aura added a few more.

With incoming hostile magic, it's going to be her default reaction… all she will need is some tweaks to the harmonics and a lot more power…

Well, Celestia's been generous enough… again a desperate giggle leaked from her.

She deliberately made eye contact with Discord and nodded. He saluted her with a giant fly swatter before using it to launch another changeling to safety. For the next one, he used a fish.

She rolled her eyes and turned back to her work. The mild exasperation was a reminder of simpler times.

Optimising the dissonance pattern against Celestia's magic was easy. Working out how to get enough power to her safely was another matter.

A part of her pleaded to anything that would listen to make this nothing but a dream. Again, she ignored it. As nice as it would be to just act like a little filly and hide in a book fort clutching Smarty Pants, such foalish behaviour would not help.

Or would it?

In a flash of magic, eight plush toys popped into existence. An angry Celestia with a sword covered in foam flames. A little patchwork Alicorn and the six little fillies that had lost so much to be her mothers.

These will be perfect.

She put aside the mini Grey and Nova. She would not need them. Another flash of magic and four more books appeared. Each with one of her mothers' marks on their covers.

It only took a little magic to slip the books inside of them. The nuzzle she gave them was more than unnecessary but felt so right.

"I'm afraid this is all I can do for you. Thank you for everything."

She connected a thread of magenta to each of them and positioned them in a group hug. "Remember you're family, look after each other." It felt odd to hold her soon-to-be executioners so fondly, even if they were so cute. There had been stories that had told of convicted criminals being roped to multiple ponies for the world's most sadistic game of tug of war. Somehow, I doubt this authentic historic experience will be as fun as my dance with Red Wing…

A second strand of magenta snaked out from each. The child can be a new friend for my daughter. Rule Breaker… She can keep Candice company. Night would think they deserve each other. Dancer… Just the name, the word filled her heart with loss, but again, with a vengeance, she pushed it aside. Now is not the time to feel sorry for myself. She gritted her teeth and worked on it. Dancer she tied to Luna, and Sun Chaser to Insight.

Normaly leaving a little something of one's self behind for those you love is not quite so literal…

Next, she turned to the mini Celestia. Into its head, she pushed spell equations and runic formulas. The last scroll contained nothing to do with magic.

Objective one: Remove Celestia's seals from Luna's Bastion.
Objective Two: secure or sever any connections from Celestia to Luna.
Objectives of opportunity:

Distract Celestia.

Deplete Cesitia's magical stockpile.

Disrupt or disable Celestia's magic.

She looked into the glass eyes of the still inanimate plushy. The soon-to-be fragment was given a mission. "Did you look at me like this when you made me?" Unsurprisingly, the toy did not answer.

It's the only way. Her own voice said in her mind. And as much as she hated it, she could do nothing but agree.

"I'm nothing like you." It was easy to say but harder to believe. She was about to make a fragment based on another pony's magic just to use them as a tool, a weapon.

She summoned another scroll and scribbled a few words then inserted it into the mini Celestia's head.

If you survive your mission. Pick a name you like, be free, and live your life.

"Good luck," she whispered as she nuzzled Mini-Tia.

She looked over her work, and everything was as it should be. All the numbers were balanced. All the variables were accounted for. She leaned her muzzle to the golden thread that attached her leg. This would be the true point of no return. She only hesitated a breath. Crystal-coated Thestral fangs severed the thread.

The golden motes that rose off it were beautiful in a way, like rivers of snow falling upwards. With the utmost care, she teased it out. With a half hoof of length extracted, her leg felt colder, and by the time she was done, she no longer felt anything from it.

As her magic looped and threaded the disintegrating golden thread into her leyline map, her eyes lingered on the now useless limb. From one part of her was simple acceptance. From the other, bitter hatred.

"Oh, 'dearest teacher', I bet you won't see this coming… You had better give me extra credit." Just the idea of what was about to happen almost had her rolling on the floor laughing. Only the fear of letting her Dreams or Night notice her plan stilled her laughter.

She double and then triple-checked all her preparations. Everything was as perfect as possible. "Well, this is it…" so she turned her eyes to Dreams, "I'm sorry." Before her tears could blind her, she activated the sequence.

In the physical world, three strands of solar fire leapt from the mass and raced towards her tail, accelerating with each hoof length they tracked.

At least there would not be any pain. Night's spell would take care of that.

She did not watch as the next step started. Around her heart, bones and feathers, half-hoof thick crystal armour manifested, severing countless nerves, blood vessels and leylines. She knew her puppet would look bloated and have blood leaking from torn skin, but she was not in this as a fashion contest. All that mattered was the precious cargo still slowly being drawn in by her spell.

She closed her eyes and spoke her last word in a whisper. "Goodbye."

Dreams had cautioned her about the risk of losing one's self in memories Alicorns had. Doing so deliberately proved easy. So for her last choice, Patchwork chose to once more dance upon the moon.

Fragments: Daybreaker 

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Rule Four.

The claws of pain that dug into her and promised oblivion gave her no choice. So Daybreaker acted. This is not the battle I longed for. she growled with irritation to herself as Twilight's doom raced towards her.

Three different flavours of regret played through her. This was wasteful, this was needless, and even though she knew Celestia would not want this, Daybreaker had no more free will than an arrow in flight.

Twilight deserved better than this. No matter how she felt, all she could do was put a little extra power behind the attack.

With the slightest of mercy, a swifter end granted, she turned her attention to the other gathered ponies. Luna would have to be first, then Candice. Neither would stop to listen, not after this. Not that she would or could blame them.

As anticipated, Luna lept to Twilight's aid. So, without a second thought, Daybreaker plunged a mental blade through the weak spot Celestia had implanted. Luna, too focused on saving her plaything, did not even notice the attack before it was too late.

Daybreaker let out a mental sigh. Disapointing.

Celestia screamed.

What? Back in Celestia's Garden, her holy Radiance lay sprawled on the floor, a blade of dark crystal stuck through her barrel. Another projectile busted through the stone wall, this one Celestia just managed to deflect with a wing. White feathers exploded from the contact point, being devoured by black flames.

Daybreaker did not even need to check. To Celestia, such an attack was just a scratch. So she turned her attention to the breach. "Clever… using that backdoor as a trap."

With baying howls, the large construct ploughed through the remnants of the shattered wall and turned its burning gaze to the prone Alicorn. The magenta flame of its eyes gave no doubt who had sent it.

A bolt of golden magic was all it took to knock the timber wolf back, abruptly halting its lunge. "Bad, boy."

The thing glared at her and rose back to its paws, claws dug into the soft loam of the Garden, and its eyes darted between Tia and herself. Then three more burst in, and things became serious. The dozen more in the distance made her heart pound in her chest.

This is what it was to be alive! Daybreaker's savage grin was a thing of nightmares. "Well, this is more like it." A blazing halberd formed, and she gleefully advanced over the smashed game board to face the hoard of wooden beasts that dared to violate Celestia's Bastion.

Fragments: Grey 

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"Goodbye." The last word of Patchwork reached out impossibly far to reach Grey's ears. She lowered her head.

"Zero other times have I expected to mourn you." The line of magic trailing from Patchwork to the bladed barrier Celestia has gifted them with. "Thank you." Even from her coldly logical perspective, Grey knew the words were grossly inadequate in exchange for what Patchwork was about to give up.

Solar fire wrought into golden lighting tore into the Bastion. For a fraction of an instant, the pony that had once thought of herself as Twilight had time to scream.

The sounds of golden chain links exploding were drowned out by another sound. "No!" The single word was so loud there was no hope to identify it by how it sounded. It was so powerful it was more accurately described as a physical blow than an audible vocalisation. Yet there was no doubt as to whom that despair-fueled demand belonged.

For the first time, Grey set hoof outside her prison. She paid no heed to the still burning remains of the Patchwork mare nor the departing squad of newly created fragments that the sequenced spellwork launched on their missions. They had their objectives, and she had her own. Roiling hate added its bite to over a decade of bitterness, but it was only logic she allowed to guide her actions.

Objective One

Her telekinetic aura plucked up the plushy lavender Alicorn and slammed it with sufficient force into Sweet Dreams to cause her location to intersect with the far wall.

Next, she gripped the stunned blue Alicorn's head and dragged it to look at the projectile. "Zero times she would have wanted you to avenge her right now. Save her friends, or you invalidate her last action."

Sweet Dream's eyes still blazed with rage, but it was no longer the blind pyer that would have ruined everything. Now, it was the cold determination that could be turned into a tool.

Objective two

She turned her senses to the retrieval spell. Feelers of grey magic danced along the black tendrils. The three souls were only mildly more damaged than they were initially. Things were still proceeding on schedule. At the current rate of time compression, there would be thirty-six subjective seconds until they arrived. It irked her to refrain from using full titles, but it would waste time.

"Dreams, thirty seconds." No more needed to be said. The mare understood and returned to her task.

Objective three.

The half-molten remains of the basement door was still attached, and that just would not do. As she stared towards it, she spent a single valuable second examining the remnants of Celeatia's seal. It would take at least a minute to unmake this with her spellcraft alone.


What was needed was raw irrational power, and she knew just how to get it.

Grey stomped her wooden hoof with as much force as she could manage. "Nova, unless you want your 'Gift' to die, get up here. Now!" It was crude, and it was the last solution Grey would ever admit to using, but sometimes, all you needed was a bigger hammer.

Contrary to Grey's predictions, Nova did not knock the door down. No, the flaming kinetic impactor she masqueraded as ploughed through the half-Celestia thick vault door as if it was a foal's play stage prop.

Grey pointed. "That way."

Nova did not even think. Only the molten hoof prints that burnt their way into the already abused wooden floor proved she was not just a self-animated volume of fire.

Grey took half a second to recompose herself. Even using Cadance's breathing technique on the off chance it might offer even the slightest advantage.

As she let the calming breath out, her eyes followed the line of her wooden leg to a bookshelf. There was a lot of knowledge here that would be lost forever if she failed.


She glanced at Night, still diligently maintaining her bombardment. Only the quivering edge of her expression past her snarl showed that Patchwork's demise had affected her in the slightest. Night formed another black crystal. Pain, contempt, hatred and other negative concepts forged into a projectile between her hooves.

Past the smallest door, her next objective lay. Her eyes caught on Little Star's mark. Her mind drifted to their first encounter. To the blood and the pain as she pushed with everything she had just to save her.

For the second time in recent memory, Grey's aura retrieved a very particular scroll. Physically, it was such a simple thing, just paper and ink. Yet, it was so much more than that. Despite how light it was, memory lent it weight. Both pride and bitter hate fought in the back of Grey's mind. She embraced both, denying both any power over her. The memories that washed over were harder, but she pushed through them nonetheless.

The knowledge this was based on is what started everything. It was a complex spell, one that the original Twilight put so much effort into mastering. Pride at refining it had been Grey's first memory. How it could be further improved was literally her first thought.

"I believe this assignment is overdue…"

Night's eyes glanced at the title and then showed her fangs in what could be an approximation of a smile.

"Pick your time carefully…"

Night nodded, so Grey moved on.

Objective of opportunity complete. Resuming objective


They needed an exit strategy, and that required a tool with a lot more finesse than Nova and far more power than Grey herself could currently wield. There really was only one option.

With a grey flash, her form shifted to that of a wooden owl with a crystal horn. With a hop and a quick flap of her wings, she darted towards Little Star's doorway.

Fragments: Rule Breaker 

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The echo of a scream jolted her awake. One moment, a flaming sword rushed towards her. The next, it was gone. Rule Breaker did not open her eyes so much as realise that they were already open. She stood there, already almost in a battle-ready stance.

Knowledge didn't so much hit her as she realised she already knew it. This body was Candice, and the only way anypony she was meant to care about was going to survive was if Candice used an ability of hers in exactly the right way, and they tuned it just so.

"As there was no time to ask, mother-daughter dumped me here just to do it. Great… thanks, mum. Buck my life. Sorry, Candice. I've got this, just sit back and enjoy the ride."

The only thing more novel than having wings was casting magic through them. Power thrummed through the alien limbs as the magic danced to her whims. The field effect should have been perfectly symmetrical, but that was wasteful, so she chose for it to do something different. With a little more magic and a nudge from her talent, what should have been two overlapping spheres became a massively reinforced V-form. Another nudge and the part of reality that was about to calculate the angles of reflection and refraction through hyper-dense magical flux got a little drunk before her talent hit it over the head, dragged it off and just declared how things were going to go from now on.

She wanted to cackle in glee. Telling reality who was boss was always such a rush. Regrettably, it just did not have the same feel to it when confined to the privacy of her head, or, well, Candice's in this case.

Defenses in place and vastly improved she had time to think. Just what exactly am I defending against anyway? The memories rushed in like a flood, not that she really needed them with what she could see before her. Oh, never mind, I see now.

With the doubled-up time magic, there was almost enough time to get bored. At least it was pretty to look at. The cataclysmic magic, seemingly reduced to slow-motion art, made a strange backdrop for the game of mini golf that Discord played with the frozen ponies.

Now what? She checked through her inherited memories. What? Nothing. By Celestia's fat flank, I'm bucked. If you get me killed just after getting back, I'm going to find a way to bring you back just to rip your ears off

A sting in her chest stopped her rant. Perhaps insulting Candice's love literally less than a millisecond after her death was in bad taste. Fine, you trust her. Let's see if you're right. Oh, hi, by the way. I'm RB. I guess you're my new body… sorry you did not get a choice… and you know all this.

With nothing more to do, well, not a thing she could do without dooming those sheltering behind her, she watched and considered what was to become of her and her new roommate.

As she plucked at the connections, her roommate watched through their eyes in growing dread. Loss, guilt and helplessness seeped in form Candice. She wanted to help, but what could she say? What could she do? The very fact she was here meant that Candice's love was already gone. If she could have, she would have sighed. Touchy-feely things were not her scene, but Candice needed her. Even though she had never done it before, she knew exactly how to do it. She folded her soul around Candice. The intimacy of the magical embrace was enough that it would have brought heat to her cheeks if there had been enough time for the blood to flow.

It's just a hug… She thought to herself, trying not to dwell on the fact it was her first. Twilight had given her life so she could be here so that she could mount this defence. We're going to get through this. Not that she knew how yet, but Candice did not need yet more negativity.

So she watched, holding Candice close. It felt nice, familiar, right? This was the sort of thing Twilight had intended, which was a whole other can of worms to deal with. She wanted to sigh. At this rate, she was going to end up with a week's worth of sighs on backorder. She ignored the fact like she ignored the confusion in her heart. What was she even meant to think about possibly loving a mare she had only just met, thanks to her dead sister-mother?

She avoided the internal confusion and instead waited for an opportunity to come knocking.

What had been a directed strike against Twilight became multiple fans of hoof thick beams as each now crystal feather acted like a horn and played return to sender with a horrible aim.

Every lance of solar energy that hit the reinforced wedge inexplicably deflected straight up instead of taking potshots at the surrounding hills, mountains and clouds. Unfortunately, Twilight proved terrible at aiming. Over half missed entirely. The other missed both the solar horse and the area Rule Breaker protected.

The ones that avoided the wedge were an entirely different matter. Pony-wide holes were just gone. A second later, anything within two or three Celestias of their paths melted to molten glass. I'm sure there is nothing important over there…

Wait, how am I seeing this? Oh, Candice's sunglasses spell. Well, this is over-engineered. She half teased, half complemented her roommate.

In slow-motion pyrotechnics, Twilight's flesh lit and then detonated off her as every molecule of liquid explosively vaporised. It was beautiful until you considered what it truly was. In its wake, an undead skeletal Alicorn coated in magenta crystal emerged from the blast, not exactly under its own power.

Badass! So going to use that for my album cover. RB's excitement quickly vanished, first due to her own guilt and then by crushing despair from deep inside.

Candice's soul became a block of ice, but RB just held it tighter. It's going to be alright. It was a lie, it was lame, but it was all she could think of as she tried to channel Cadance and Velvet.

Then, the crystal skeleton dragged itself to its hooves.

Round two.

Fragments: Platinum Check 

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Platinum Check was, as she thought of it, restlessly content. As Luna was free, the main reason for her existence was completed before she even awakened. But with her current host, she found a thread of kinship. He had lost so much because of Celestia and, worse still, even had the memory of what had been denied him stolen too. If she had been given the choice, she might have even chosen him.

The long grass that caressed his hooves and the sun that warmed his coat made this little expedition quite pleasant. The view would have been superior under moonlight, but regrettably, the prince did not have the eyes for it.

Overall, everything was going well. She had nothing to really complain about. It would be far too easy to just focus on her prince and his goals. Still, there were mysteries she needed to know the answer to. She did not know how Noble Guide had gotten the spell to awaken her or why he cast it. The latter point was of no consequence, he was far too simple-minded to grasp what kind of tool he really had, and that fact had worked to her benefit.

Was it mere happenstance, or was the spell placed in his hooves deliberately? Was the Blight another part of Luna's plan or an attack against her ponies?

Blueblood had come along nicely. Even without her magic supporting him, he had far more stamina and drive than he used to. It was a shame there had been no way to contrive for him to court Luna, but no matter. Luna had Twilight and a daughter, and they seemed happy.

Blueblood's pursuit of Lady Rarity was proceeding well. As soon as he was free from Celestia's meddling, his natural charm had been more than enough to woo the Element of Generosity.

With his keen mind and charisma, the young prince could have been so much. He truly would have made a better Alicorn than Twilight, at least better balanced and certainly far more handsome.

Twin lines of colour interrupted her musing. High above, a prismatic trail that could be none other than Rainbow Dash was followed by another magenta and red streak.

Sensing Blueblood's curiosity, she answered his unasked question It would seem another as risen to Lady Dash's level.

Well, whoever they are, they both are most certainly in a hurry… and there heading straight for...

The world rippled. The entirety of existence cried out a single word. "No!"

Blueblood fell to the ground. His hoof clutched his horn. Reflexively, she tried to soothe him. He lifted his head. Every other unicorn here was down. Either unconscious or clutching their horns.

"What was that?"

That was Twilight, my Prince.

The hero inside him rose, and he pushed himself to his hooves. Despite the sliver of fear that went down his spine, there was not even a hint of it in his mental voice. Can you help the others?

Put your horn to theirs.

He complied.

Each of them had foreign magic dancing around their horns. Small arcs of magenta magic. Each little strand of it franticly needed to do something but merely flayed about. It wished for purpose. She would give it what it desired.

It was foal's play to pull on it and make it her own. It tasted like ashes on her tongue, laced with grief and denial.

As she pulled the wild magic from them, they started to recover. The grateful looks and works of thanks were yet more affirmation of Blueblood's kind heart.

A deep-seated core of worry built in her. Something bad was happening, and two of Twilight's knights were heading sight towards it at top speed.

The sun dimmed, and then the fear was her own. "Down!" She commanded with the prince's voice. Any that were too slow, her aura dragged down. The crunches meant a few broken bones, but that did not matter. Her panic-fueled magic poured out of the prince.

Ice and darkness burnt their way down his leylines and into reality.

By the stars, let it be enough.

Fragments: Dancer 

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Dancer looked around her. It was night, and she lay on the ground. This was not the Princess's study. This was not even Canterlot, but some gothic castle of black stone that had taken its place. The cool night air was tainted by woodsmoke. From above, large flakes of ash fell like snow. Did somepony burn a whole forest down?

Then, the memory of the Princess's cold eyes and burning blade as it descended hit her. She hugged her own trembling body. "I'm alive? Is this where I was banished? Is this Tartarus?"

Another pony's ragged breathing tugged at her attention. The sudden sound was almost enough to make her jump, but she had too much poise for that. With concealed dread, she slowly looked around. The lack of an angry Princess with a burning sword was a good start.

What lay crumpled on the ash-coated ground was an alicorn of a much darker hue than the princess. Another alicorn? How? Who are you? This was no savage beast, no foal-devouring nightmare.

Baying howls made her flinch before she realised what she had heard. Then she remembered the full gallop alongside their easy loping to get here. They were allies, maybe even friends.

The seed of fear that threatened her heart were replaced by something warm and fuzzy. "My hounds are here to protect us," she said with heartfelt certainty to the prone form of the beautiful dark Alicorn in her most reassuring tone.

As she took in every curse of flesh and every line of muscle, she could not help but envision them in motion. Then, that vision became remembrance. Dancing on the moon. The only music, the rhythm of their heart's harmony. "Luna?" She asked breathlessly.

"Twilight?" That was what Dancer thought Luna said, but it could just have been a pained groin.

Tears fell from her eyes, and she did not know why, nor did she know why she started to speak. "Beloved Luna. I am the part of her gifted to thee. I carry the memory of the moonlit dance that meant so much to her."

Her? Her mind asked, and suddenly she knew. Scene by scene played by her eyes as if Cadance was reading another picture book. The memory even had her putting on the silly voices.

"Oh." Suddenly, the words she had been forced to speak had far more meaning. She leaned down and, with a nuzzle of the mare she was to love, rested her smaller horn against Luna's elegant spire. An offer of a magical connection that was readily accepted.

Everything was perfect, until it wasn't.

The moment was shattered when a giant golden hammer raced across the darkened sky like a burning comet. She almost did not notice the small white plush toy screaming a far too cute-sounding battle cry that somehow wielded it.

"You don't see that everyday…"

Fragments: Red Blade 

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It may have been unnamed, and it may have only had a vague purpose, but by blood and by magic, the reformed enchanted weapon was enough of Twilight to know what was about to happen.

The sun dimmed, and without hesitation, it moved. The shifted weight spun Dash, shattering the rainbow-powered speed to a controlled tumble. But that was unimportant. No doubt came from Rainbow. Only trust and the immediate need to act she was known for. She looked back the way she had come, her eyes seeking threats, and that saved her sight.

The contingent magic only just snapped into place. A magenta shield was the only reason Rainbow's feathers did not ignite from the near miss.

Rainbow caught Gilda, catching a ride instead of a painful collision. The air outside the protective field shimmered with heat haze as wild thermals tried to throw them around.

Rainbow's magic reached out and stole control of the local air from the attack. As the pair's flight stabilised, the true extent of the threat was revealed.

Long lines of magma spread in a fan from a glassed crater. One even burnt a tunnel right through Mount Canterhorn.

The blade felt small, helpless in a way it had never felt before. That level of wanton destruction was something it could not block or parry, and there was not even any blood.

"Buck!" Rainbow breathed out momentarily, stunned by the sight.

"Dash…" Gilda started.


"What's the chances that magenta skeleton's our boss?"

Fragments: Mini Tia 

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Primary Objectives.

Objective one: Remove Celestia's seals from Luna's Bastion.

Objective Two: Secure or sever any connections from Celestia to Luna.

Objectives of opportunity:

Distract Celestia

Deplete Celestia's magical stockpile

Disrupt or disable Celestia's magic.

She might have only been a task-orientated fragment, but she had still been made by Twilight. On the way out of the Bastion, she grabbed a few books. Tactics, magical combat and a complete history of her target.

That was why she augmented her equipment with a clown's squeaky nose and a multi-coloured wig.

With a lasso of golden thread, she claimed a large chunk of solar magic and shaped it into a hammer. The amount of raw power led to a small misscalculation in the scale of said weapon.

A test swing proved it was still viable. She burst into the first AO. A detachment of allies' wooden skirmishes dodged beams of solar energy, and they rushed past the primary target.

From up here, the golden obelisk kinda looked like a fancy nail …, and well, she did have a hammer.

She charged. The exaltation of fulfilling her objectives made her war cry all the more fierce.


Objective One Complete.

Fragments: Sun Chaser 

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"Where am I?" Sun Chaser asked as her eyes tried to answer the question. No matter where her eyes looked, there was only darkness. Her chest tightened, and the sound of her heart pulsed in her ears.

Something had happened. Something bad, but what? "Is this one of the Princess's tests?"

Even in the utter void around her, one direction felt warmer, like sunlight through a window on a winter's morning. That was wrong. It was more like it somehow pulled the cold away instead of pouring warmth in.

There was the quiet chime of magic, and suddenly, there was a pony there. A tall white and silver unicorn with soft, kind blue eyes. "I know of no such test, little one, from any of the Princesses. Who are you?"

"Me?" Sun Chaser asked, almost jumping as she could suddenly see her own muzzle again. "I'm… I'm Sunchaser. Who might you be?"

"My name is Insight. I am Luna's shepherd."

As Insight spoke, the world around swirled with strange colours, colours she had never seen before. It then settled back to the normal ones.

"What was that?" Sun Chaser asked, looking around. With each tiny shift of hooves, clouds of dust rose from the half-hoof-thick ash that covered everything. Above, hundreds of little lights floated up and away in an unfelt breeze. They looked just like the bedtime stories that described fairies. "Ooo, so pretty." She reached a hoof towards one of the lights.

For some reason, sadness flickered on Insight's face for a moment.

Fragments: The Child 

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"Whooo." An owl hooted, but somehow, the sound carried much more meaning. One time, I have asked you to look after my little sister. Somehow, she knew the bird was not talking to her.

"Your Grey's little sister? Well, welcome aboard then." The other voice that sounded so much like her own addressed her.

"Aboard?" She timidly asked. This was not the Princess's study, but this other voice knew her big sister, so things could not be all that bad.

'Why are you a bird' she wanted to ask, but one of the others spoke first.

"Well, we are currently operating in the same body. I'm One, and this is Two."

"We are both, Little Star. I just was turned up second." Two said.

"How? And that's my name…"

"I used some magic to split my mind to get stuff done faster, and even though the spell ended, Two stayed around," One said.

Two hummed. "If you have the same name, does not make you Three?"

"I would prefer not to be a number…"

"What's wrong with numbers?"

"Nothing… I like numbers. I just would rather not be one."

Three scrolls popped into existence, held in Grey's aura.

"Are you really my big sister?"

The owl nodded. "Three things must be done to save the day."

"What happened?" One asked.

"Mummy's in trouble!" Two answered. "We have to save her. What about Shinny and Caddy, too? Are they ok?"

"Whoo," Grey called loudly, then clicked her wooden beak. "Twilight Velvet is well, and we will be seeing Cadance and Shining Armor soon."

Relief flowed through her. It was not her mother in danger. Then she felt horrible, these two new ponies-with-her-voice's mother was in trouble. "That's good… so, One, Two. Are we saving your mummy? What can I do?"

"That is correct, her and many more," Grey answered.

She glanced over the scrolls. Two were some sort of complex astral magic, and the third was simple mana folding. "I can do this one."

One and Two each grabbed one of the more complex spells.

One nodded firmly. "So, we're bringing mummy here?"

"Mummy Twilight has four hundred and forty-two protective wards on the castle… so why are we teleporting away?" Two asked. "And where does this even go?"

"One who we can not trust had a hoof in the construction of the castle… so any protection here must be considered suspect."

"We're in a castle?" Little Star not a number, asked, looking around at the crystal walls. "Is it a fairytale castle?"

"There will be time for answers and stories later. For now, though, seconds are important. Whatever you see, you must cast the spells as quickly as possible with as much power as you can."

'Why?' She wanted to ask, but her sound-a-likes' mother was in danger, and Grey told them to do it, so that was more than enough. Not Three buckled down and put her own horn to task. Everything might be confusing, but she was a good pony, and good ponies get good grades, do their homework right away, eat their greens, went to bed on time and helped others.

Grey lit her own horn, preparing her own spell.

She focused on her part. Even though nothing made sense, her big sister said this was to save lives, and she trusted her. She just hoped she was careful. This part seemed like it could explode if handled roughly.

Fragments: Celestia 

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Dark crystal bit at her, but all it took was a little power to push it away. Her mind still raced, trying to catch up with what the buck was happening and why.

Daybreaker had done something, and now not only was her Garden being bombarded, but giant Timberwolves forced their way in.

Everything moved too fast to react to. So she did the only thing she could and raised a shield and fed it more than enough power to keep everything out.

Now, with a whole fraction of a second to think, she replayed her memories. Twilight has been angry. She was set on healing her friends, and then…


She was almost tempted to let one of Twilight's wolves take a bite of her.

"Why?" She screamed at Daybreaker.

"You know why."

"Just answer me."

With a growl, Daybreaker snapped back. "Your stupid rules."

My rules? The voice in her head was small and timid. Not a single part of her wanted to accept it, but she knew the truth.

Rule Four: Immediate Elimination of Non-Controlled Caster utilising magic from list Onyx.

Twilight was always meant to be hers, almost meant to be above reproach. An oversight? She asked herself, her mental voice wavering with just a touch of hysteria.

In the physical world, Twilight's now skeletal form righted itself. Magic blazed off her in billowing flames. Fire of an ilk very different from Celestia's own. This fire hungered. This fire would burn anything and everything, even space itself, if intense enough.

Twilight was truly outstanding, her finest creation, her most capable student. Celestia smiled fondly, even as she hated what she had to do.

"Daybreaker, disregard rule four. Just stop her. Alive… if you can."

Daybreaker sent most of her attention to the physical world as Celestia stomped on the ground. Her hooves pressed deep into the soft soil of her Garden. An effort of will reshaped her Bastion, weaponising it.

Golden blades burst from the ground as vines of spiked chains swamped over the wooden invaders. Despite the restrains the wooden constructs struggled on, but it was fruitless.

Celestia surveyed the aftermath of the invasion. It had been a good attempt, but she had not named herself Celestia Sol Invictus, The Eternal Queen, for nothing.

She glared at the largest wolf. It must have taken Twilight weeks to make this many. "It would seem she needs to learn restraint…" Did she truly become so fearful of me?

It was obvious what her student had done now. An intrusion into her Garden as a distraction to wrest at least some control of the incoming magic. Twilight had formed the crystal armour under her flesh to protect what was most important and use the properties of the crystal to redirect the attack right back at her.

If only I could give you a good grade and call this a test. Somehow, she had to subdue Twilight without killing her… with her crystal-wrapped bones that would be a razor's edge. On one side, weak enough to be reflected. On the other, utter destruction.

The battle in the physical world was all sound and fury. Twilight's berserker frenzy almost bested Daybreaker's well-honed skill. If I let Daybreaker end her, it would be over in an instant…

Between dodging the sporadic projectiles still bombarding her Bastion, Celestia had enough time to regard the damage the last few seconds had caused to her nation. Magama and wildfires replaced rolling grass and trees. In this distance, even the mountant she called home had a hole bored through it, and molten rock spilt from the wound.

The Blight and now this… what will the world…

It was then the most ridiculous sight she had seen in an age broke into her Bastion. A massive golden hammer waddled in. It took her a moment to notice what carried it. A little terry cloth plush toy of herself, a technicolour fluffy wig and a glowing red nose stuck on the end of its muzzle.

"Discord, I am not in the mood for your jokes… Remove your creation."

"Not to burst your bubble, dear, but that is not one of mine."

She turned to glare at the draconequus that dared invade her Bastion, only to be hit by a tidal wave of ice cream. This was not just a mental projection, not just a concept. No, a Equestria games sized pool of physical ice cream slammed into her Bastion.

Her senses swam, and she shivered. The unexpected matter made her nauseous and out of balance.

"Ohh, soul freeze," Discord mocked as, with a shriek, the little thing swung its oversized weapon.

Celestia's mane lit, and she glared with enough fire the ice cream vaporised. She raised a hoof, and the hammer stopped dead. "I am not amused."

An impact slammed into her. She looked down to see a long black spear had punched through her barrel and into the ground.

The cold magic that seeped into her was familiar. Fear and rage burnt through her, but it did nothing to stop the descending nightmare. "No!"

Luna… Her strength fled from her hooves. Only the spear through her kept her from falling.

"Discord", Daybreaker's roar sounded more like a whisper to Celestia's failing senses.

The last words she heard before the darkness claimed her was Discord impersonating a kindly father. "Nice outfit. Come on, little one, you don't deserve to die here."

Fragments: Mask 

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Twilight Sparkle and the Warmind had been circling each other. Combat actions were exchanged to inconclusive results. Then Twilight lunged. Daybreaker swatted her away with her halberd, but somehow, the contact melted holes in the melee tool.

The circling resumed, this time with the Warmind cursing the fact she had to try and take Twilight alive.

Then, out of nowhere, Twilight and all the other surviving ponies had vanished.

A moment later, the world exploded in magical fireworks. For a thousand Celestias in every direction, nothing could be seen, heard or sensed other than the endless sensory assault.

It took a moment for the Mask to realise nopony was controlling the body. So she assumed the duty, making the body stand up from the unprincesessly tangle of limbs the Warmind's abandonment had left it in.

Celestia's Mask stood up from the molten glass that the surrounding land had become, slowly cooling around her fetlocks as she considered what to do.

It was eleven-forty-six, so Celestia should be in court. It had been an emergency situation that seemed to be over. Yet Celestia had not declared it resolved.

Your Radaince, what am I meant to do? The Mask asked. There was no response apart from her point of view lowering.

One by one, she lifted her hooves and used a little earth magic to spread her weight so she did not sink again. Limbs half submerged in the ground would not do as it would violate her directive to maintain Celestia's image. Mentally, she marked the expenditure from the discretionary budget. That done, and with nopony else about, the Mask turned her attention inwards.

Twilight really made a mess in here. The Mask noted so she could tell Celestia when she returned. In the Garden, she diligently started setting things right. Daybreaker was gagged and tied to a fractured pillar, and the distant sounds of sobbing were noted but had no bearing on her obligations. So the Mask just continued her housekeeping. Torn-up turf was replaced, displaced plants rehomed, and the walls rebuilt brick by brick. A long spear of dark crystal was placed beside the righted and repaired table.

Placing all the surviving pieces back where they should be was a simple enough task. Fixing the broken ones or restoring the now damp papers that smelled of burnt ice cream was more difficult.

Discarded golden blades and chains were piled in a heap behind the hedge row. Processing them was Daybreaker's job. She glanced to the restrained Warmind.

Another judgement call had to be made. Like the last one, this one was not covered by her rules.

So she thought about it.

The Warmind had not freed herself, nor did she seem to have any interest in performing her duty. There was no rule saying she could not do this, and it was her duty to help maintain the serenity of the Garden.

It took a few minutes of thought for her to settle on a course of action. With a quill, she marked down the magical use against Daybreaker's budget. It serves her right for not doing her job.

For the Mask, performing her duty and completing her tasks allowed a quiet contentment to build. Perhaps there was something a normal pony might call pride, but the Mask did not have a large enough ego to recognise that she is even could be proud of herself.

It was the approaching ponies that broke the almost meditative haze of her work. A full wing of Wonderbolts descended. The Mask quickly got her tasks to a convenient place to stop and turned her attention to Celestia's ponies.

"Princess, are you alright?"

That was a complicated question, and with normal conversational rules, she had less than half a second before the speaker would start to feel awkward.

"I am well, my little pony." The Mask said in kind but slightly tired voice number two.

The speaker looked a little relieved. "What happened here… where's the town?"

Umm… The Mask's worry did not show on her face. It was impossible. Courtly grace and self-control were central to her being.

She knew The Warmind had launched an attack at Twilight. She knew that Warmind was about to subdue Twilight when she teleported out, but she could say none of that. She had to maintain the public image of all Alicorns.

In the Bastion, though, she frantically summoned all the notes and scrolls she could that had anything to do with what happened here.

This is not my job. A part of her wailed, and against the pillar, the Warmind's body shook with laughter.

She rounded on the Warmind and then had no idea what she was meant to do. "It's her Radiance's task to tell you off."

The Warmind snorted, then met her eyes. She held the gaze and then deliberately turned her eyes to look at something.

The Mask tilted her head and then followed the gaze, there was a book. She lifted it in her magic, and when she saw the title, her worries faded a little.

"Thank you, Warmind." The glare in the Warmind's eyes made her add one more word. "Daybreaker."

Daybreaker nodded as much as her restraints allowed.

Back in the physical world, the Masked looked down and adopted mourning expression five with six percent wing droop. "Today, a tragedy has befallen Equestria." The Mask added an overtone of pride with an undertone of sorrow to her perfectly controlled voice. "And it's only thanks to the efforts of Twilight Sparkle and her brave friends that the destruction could be constrained to this level."

There were gasps, comments of disbelief and a few questions, but Captain Spitfire was both the closest and highest Rank, so the Mask chose to answer hers.

"Are they?" The Captain asked hesitantly.

The Mask had to say something positive. Even in this situation, she had to give Celestia's ponies hope. In the Bastion, she frantically flicked through the book.

Daybreaker grunted three times, paused, then six times, then another pause and four more grunts.


Daybreaker pointedly looked at the book.

... Page number?

Daybreaker nodded.

Another flurry of Pages, and she had a plan.

"Their gambit saved many. If Twilight cast the time spell correctly, they will return at some point."

Fragments: Twilight? 

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In her mind, equation after equation was torn apart, rejected and stomped on repeatedly. Each returned a single result, and that result was unacceptable. She wanted to save her friends, but this was not going to be her end. I already did the heroic sacrifice, and it sucked, so no, never again. I will get out of this.

She glared at the image of Celestia in her mind's eye. You, will, pay. Dozens of bloody fantasies teased at her mind, things that could be done, things that should be done to the traitor horse. As tempting as they were, none of them helped.

Her anger surged as much at herself as Celestia. This is not how I end. She wanted to stomp, flare her wings, thrash about, anything, but she could not move, nor did her magic answer her. What?

"What does my death serve? Why must I be the one to pay the price yet again?"

Almost without her noticing, she had a plan. Celestia had attacked Luna and left herself vulnerable. "I might just be your tool, but you won't get rid of me that easily…" Vile and forbidden spells danced through her mind, and her will made them manifest in the fangs of timber hounds.

A calm serenity took her work and pushed her aside. It was soft but implacable. Her view still changed, and her body still moved, but the will guiding it was not her own. Acceptance and sadness, not her own, flowed into her heart. As her doom drew nearer.

"No, don't do this," Twilight pleaded. There was still time. They could still teleport. There was still time. Yes, it would cost her friends, but she would still be alive. "Bucking move!" Twilight demanded as the waves of dark humour radiated from the alien thing that was in control. Whatever it was ignored her. "Listen to me!"

"Goodbye," the impostor said.

"No," Twilight pulled away. She thrashed, she threw all the magic she could muster, but nothing worked. No, don't you dare, not like this. I don't want to die. She screamed, and then searing agony turned her voice to a pained howl.

It hurts. Why. It hurts. IT HURTS. Pinkie Pie. I did not mean to. SHINNY it hurts. Luna. Save me. Mummy! Help. Princess, nooooo. What did I do? I’m sorry. Rainbow. MAKE IT STOP. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. Help. Mummy! Daddy! It hurts. Why. Why. It hurts. IT HURTS. I did not mean to. SHINNY it hurts. Mummy! Help. No, Princess, don't. What did I do? I'm sorry. MAKE IT STOP. I'm sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Why? Rarity. I'm sorry. It hurts. It hurts. Help. Mummy! Daddy! Why. I don't want to Die. PLEASE. Make it stop. Make it stop. It hurts. It hurts. Make it stop. Kill me. No. No. No. No. No. Star Live. Applejack. It hurts. Kill. It hurts. IT HURTS. I did not mean to. SHINNY it hurts. Mummy! Help. No Princess. What did I do? Don't leave me. Fluttershy. I'm sorry. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! MAKE IT STOP. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It hurts. It hurts. Help. Mummy! Daddy! It hurts. It hurts. IT HURTS. I did not mean to. Candice. Save me. SHINNY it hurts. Mummy! Help. No Princess. What did I do? I'm sorry. MAKE IT STOP. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It hurts. It hurts. Help. Mummy! Daddy! PLEASE. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Kill me. No. No. No. No. No. Live. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It hurts. Cadance. Save me. It hurts. Help. Mummy! Daddy! Spike! PLEASE. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. I'm sorry. Forgive me.

Fragments: ????? 

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With a soft movement of her quill, she wrote the last words that would ever be written in the current book. "Well, this is a precarious plight thee find thyself in Celestia… whatever will thou do?"

Act 2 CH 0  Once Upon a Time in the Magical Land of Equestria

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The quill guided the ink with its elegant flowing strokes. Each movement was honed, refined and perfected over endless years. It was as if the feather chose to dance for her entertainment.

Even now, with the troubled times coming, there was hope and intrigue in equal measure. One book had ended with flames and suffering. What would this new book bring? As honest as it was, the first line left out so much.

Once Upon a Time in the Magical Land of Equestria, fate was undone by solar fire and destiny shattered by a single Alicorn’s choice.

She breathed deep of the scent of new pages and fresh ink. She savoured it only for a moment before the quill continued like a feathered ballerina over the page. With that as a sign, her aura gathered the other waiting blank volumes, and for each, she sacrificed a primary.

“What woes and wonders will thine machinations spawn my children?”

Act 2 CH 1 Echos of Loss: Sweet Dreams’ Lament

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The ashes of the battle were still warm, but Sweet Dreams' heart was ice. They had escaped, but with the cost, what did it matter? Silent tears fell one by one from her eyes, yet there was no pony to catch them. No lavender wing to wipe them away and then guide her into an embrace. No soft words telling her everything would be alright. Only her duty to her beloved drove her to double-check her work.

Sweet Dreams regarded her craft's results. As perfect as it was, it brought her no joy. As miraculous as it was that the three souls before her would be fine, she just could not care. Each of the three silver cocoons held the core essence of one of Twilight's friends, reinforced with donations they did not deserve.

Black waves of spite promised terrible retribution. The muscles in her muzzle tried to distort her face. You had better appreciate what she sacrificed for you. It only took one look at the tear-stained plushy her wing still clutched to her chest for the nascent snarl to fade.

"Why?" She asked, even as she knew the answer. Her beloved Star was always giving of herself for others. More tears fell, but as always, they changed nothing. She nuzzled the little reminder of her beloved, then tucked it under her wing. You would not want me to indulge in my grief… not now, not with so much to do, would you?

It was easy to imagine the reply. All the logical reasons Twilight would wield in her answer. Self-sacrificing fool… She thought, but there was no edge to the insult, only more tears. They did not deserve you.

She looked up and, for the first time since her world had ended, actually saw her surroundings. Deep burns traced their way from the entrance to where Celestia's seals had been. On Grey's side, everything was peppered with small shrapnel holes. Nova's door had been replaced by still-solidifying golden slag piles. Large sections of the floor had been sacrificed to create an invading army, and Nova's hooves had left brands over what was left.

In short, it was a mess. A mess she would have to deal with, but the hollow in her heart made it hard to care.

Finally, she forced herself to look at what was left of her love. It was amazing anything remained, but what was there brought no comfort. Scraps of fabric and strips of charred flesh. The brightest point in her existence was reduced to almost nothing.

With each hoof step she took, she wished more that this was nought but a nightmare, but her heart wouldn't let her believe the lie.

By hoof and by wing, without the slightest touch of magic, she gathered it all, everything that remained of her love. The soft comfort held tightly against her side was a poor substitute for the embrace she wanted, but she clung to it like a lifeline nonetheless.

A hidden ember flared, and one of her feathers caught. She did not care. What was such a small thing claimed by the solar fire compared to what had already been lost? As the ash of it joined the rest, it felt right. At least a piece of her would forever keep her Twilight company.

She had to discard two more feathers before she lost her wing to the echo of this tragedy.

Delicately, with the utmost care, she partly unwove the plush Twilight she had so casually made what felt like so very long ago. More tears pattered on the wooden floor as, speck by speck, she placed each mote of her beloved into the memento.

The walk up the stairs was so very different from the playful chase they had shared. Her ears flicked. If she tried, she could almost hear the sound of Twilight's scrabbling hooves as she pursued and her own joyous teasing. The sweet siren call of the past would not be a poison she would lose herself to, not today, at least.

She paused at the doorway, and momentarily, a sad smile graced her muzzle. It was still here. The book fort was still here.

She gave Twilight a little nuzzle and floated her into the book fort. She covered her with a star-speckled blanket. "You have nothing to fear now, my Little Star. You are safe." Her tears ran more freely as she recalled their first meeting.

A haunting dirge tried to rise from her throat, but she denied it. There was something else she would have liked more. It was not a song that her voice cast into the air as she opened the book to its first page.

"Daring Do and…" She began.

Act 2 CH 1 Echos of Loss: Shining Armor’s Duty

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It might have only been for a moment, but the dimming of the sun had everypony worried. If Shining Armor did nothing, they were moments away from a stampede. Panicked cries and worried murmurs blended into an indecipherable mess. It was so bad he had to use hoof and light singles to get his ponies into place.

A quick teleport and he was atop the wall. The crowd below had simply been through too much. Nightmare Moon, Discord, Tirek, Twilight's foalnapping, the Blight and now this. As much as he sympathised, as much as his duty made him act, he resented them, for his heart called him elsewhere.

IT HURTS! The memory of his sister's voice slammed into his senses again. It was all he could do not to look back towards Ponyville. His duty was here. There were ponies that depended on him, as much as he wanted to gallop off.

The shifting wings, hooves scraping the pavement and sparking horns were signs he had no time to waste, especially for merely personal things. Please be alright, Twilight. He prayed before he addressed the crowd.

Our sister is a very capable mare. Gleaming offered as she observed the world through his eyes. Her calm, controlled surety bolstered his resolve even as he noted she had not said Twilight would be alright. He would just have to trust she would be. He just wished he could believe it.

The fact she was even there in his mind was one of the oddest things about loving an Alicorn. The Fragment of his wife, Gleaming Shield, was like one of her roleplay characters, just real. There were subtle hints of Cadance's kindness or warm humour behind every word, but it was as if she had lived a different life. Every time he talked to her, each time she guided his magic, it felt both like he was growing closer to Cadance and like he was betraying her just a little bit. When everything was settled, they were all going to need to have a long talk about this.

There, Gleaming said.

It no longer felt odd to let her guide his attention. On overwatch, a single Night Guard's stance had changed. Their muscles were tense and ready to spring into action, but that was only secondary. They were no longer looking out for external threats, no longer watching the crowd. No, their narrowed, angry eyes were sizing up the Royal Guard.

The thestral locked their eyes on his. Burning anger blazed in those orbs. Hate and murderous intent. For a moment, it seemed like they might attack him. The impromptu staring match lasted only a few seconds before the thestral slipped into their own shadow.

Gleaming readied his magic, but Shining's eyes snapped to where the other two Night Guards were stationed. They were all gone. Not good.

You think? Gleaming asked, mentally reaching for spells as if gearing up in an armoury.

Something happens to the sun, and now all the Night guards are abandoning their posts? "What is going on?" He asked the empty air.

Act 2 CH 1 Echos of Loss: Sanctuary’s First Run

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Sanctuary rolled along the tracks. Her strong heart heated the steam that turned her wheels. Deep in the core of her being, her purpose burned brightly. Protect them, comfort them, keep them safe. With each turn of her wheels, they repeated softly.

Aye, this is the life. Her companion thought, and she could do nothing but agree. The world around her hull scrolled by in an endless parade of new sights. If it was not for the dire need of the Equestrian ponies, she could have thought of this as a holiday.

The Blight, whatever that was, had caused pain and suffering. It had caused ponies to lose their loved ones, shattered peaceful lives and left fear in its wake. Righteous anger started to rise, but Somkey's comforting hoof was a calming presence. If Sanctuary had a face, she would have smiled. She knew how lucky she was to come into this world with one who cared for her so deeply despite her non-equine form.

She let a bit of her magic leak out, casting a warm glow over Smokey, which caused the mare's fondness to show on her face as a smile. Do I have a pet train, or you a pet pony? Smokey thought.

Sanctuary could not laugh, so instead, she pulsed the glow once and pushed a little love into Smokey's hoof. The moment stretched into a companionable silence. If Sanctuary's life could be made up of moments like this, she would call it a life well lived.

Even though Sanctuary had only known Smokey for days, it felt like she had known her for her entire life. While true in her case, that was not how ponies meant that phrase. Being both young and old simultaneously was still jarring, in a way. Yet she could not deny how wonderful it was to know her purpose, to know both her Mother and Smokey loved her. As exciting as it must be to go on adventures trying to find one's cutiemark, it must be horribly depressing not knowing who you are meant to be until you find it.

As her thoughts turned to cutiemarks, it seemed so did Smokey's. The aged mare's eyes had settled on her own mark, a crystal train in Sanctuary's own likeness. Again, Sanctuary could not smile but really, really wanted to. As if sensing her attention, Smokey touched her lips to the glowing crystal.

It took far too many wheel rotations for someone created by the Princess of Love to release what the act was. She's kissing me? Shock and joy danced through her crystal heart, and she picked up speed. More magic back poured through her and into Smokey through the mare's lips. It was not how ponies returned such things, but if the spike of affection from Smokey's heart was anything to go by, she had appreciated it just as much.

After far too short of a time, Smokey pulled back and repositioned, settling on a cushioned platform that still allowed her to see outside. By how she shifted and her joints creaked, Sanctuary knew Smokey's age was tormenting her again.

Why couldn't I have found you twenty years ago? Smokey thought and Sanctuary could do nothing but agree. Just the knowledge that three-quarters of the mare's life had already been spent was like a dagger to the heart.

Again, as if sensing something, Smokey's hoof patted her inner hull affectionately. You're right. I should not worry about the loss to come now. Sanctuary thought. So she watched the world go by with Smokey as the mare idly ate some crystal berries. If she could, Sanctuary would have sighed contently. This is the life.

Many thousands of rotations of her wheels passed in a pleasant haze. If the whole journey could have been like that, she would have been happy. Unfortunately, she was not so lucky.

A seed of worry pierced the haze, it took a moment for it to resolve as her Mother's emotions. She double-checked the track ahead, and everything was clear, so she focused more on her connection to her Mother.

Her Mother's heart chilled, black grief, the hollowness of loss, confusion and denial warred with the certainty of truth. Then the sun dimmed. It was like a cloud had partially blocked it, but the sky was a beautiful, pristine blue.

"Goodbye." One of the voices dearest to her Mother whispered with terrible finality before a heartline shattered with Twilight's agonised scream.

Another Twilight, a younger one, appeared in Sanctuary's mind. Desperate, in pain, crying yet with an iron resolve. Along with the emotions came magic, familiar magic. Telportation Panic raised thought Sanctuary. She was moving many thousands of Celestias an hour, and if the poor filly appeared in front of her...

Her wheels locked as she tried to stop. The magic surged. Too slow. Brace! She tried to shout as she pushed her magic into her outer hull. Thick chains materialised, linked to heavy anchors as they launched from each carriage.

Did you just drop anchors? Smokey thought as outside plumes of earth, soil, and plants flew up as the anchors desperately tried to slow the oncoming tragedy.

Inside, ponies went flying and smacked into her internal walls. Sanctuary winced with each one, but as none of them died, she could not focus on them now.

There was threat, there was danger. So large that it likely killed her Aunty Twilight before she even got a chance to meet her. Sanctuary's own grief, rage and helplessness evaporated and condensed into protective zeal. Her magic rushed into her shield, thickening it far beyond what was needed to keep harsh weather out. The dome of energy was now a completely opaque, impenetrable barrier. She unlimbered her cannons as her offensive magic projectors hummed to life. Nothing was going to hurt anypony under her protection, nothing.

Smokey staggered a little as she got to her hooves. "What now?" She asked aloud.

Help them! Sanctuary answered just before the teleport finally arrived.

Outside, a barrage of thunderclaps sounded as hundreds of confused ponies appeared. It was not those unharmed ponies Sanctuary focused on. As Smokey opened the door and jumped down, she almost missed her beloved companion. Going to pay for that in the morning.

Twilight, her aunty, was there, prowling like an enraged beast. If it was not for the fact she was currently a crystal skeleton wrapped in soul-destroying fire, it would have been a relief.

The herd of unharmed ponies started to scream and panic. Smokey just stared, shocked. A pony, Candice, Twilight's Captain of the Guard, galloped past the crumpled form of Luna to what was left of Twilight.

"Nova! We're safe." Candice shouted in the face of the enraged thing Twilight had become. Nova's gaze snapped to Candice, flames still burning with terrible fury but now no longer prowling. Candice's tone dropped to inaudible but the tone sounded soft and smoothing.

With more space and Candice's own calmness and actions, the panicking crowd slowed down to just merely keeping away from the burning pony.

More thundercracks announced another mass of ponies teleporting in. Like before, they appeared around the train. A small form appeared last by a full two seconds, the little unicorn's head ablaze as she tumbled to the ground. That snapped Smokey into action. "Doctor Hemostat, get your flank out here."

Despite the foal being on fire, the visible lavender coat and the magic signature told Sanctuary exactly who it was. Little Star.

Both Candice and what was left of Twilight started to move. "You're flames will hurt them, Nova," Candice said. Nova recoiled, shrinking back to the edge of the shield <<like a kicked puppy>>.

Mother! Sanctuary mentally shouted, using every bit of emotion to push the image of what she was seeing through their connection.

Bleak, dark grief was banished by hope and rage. Sanctuary's Mother's magic pulsed with resolve. She was coming.

The doors of the carriages started to open, and aid workers started to hop out, a few first aid kits being thrown after them as Candice brought the chill of winter to quell the flames consuming Little Star.

Then Mother was here. Mother's magic slipped through her hull to the side panel closest to Little Star. She burst from her bastion, emerging from the reflection into physicality. Crystal hooves hit the soft ground and were joined by many more.

Garnet and Rose Quartz were joined by a dozen nameless eternal guards. Mother half galloped and half flew towards what was left of Twilight as Rose made straight for Little Star.

Love magic flowed from Mother and into what was left of Twilight. The flames flicked, then died, and Mother pulled the crystal skeleton into an embrace. Sanctuary could feel the waves of grief, anger, and the first flickering flames of hate. Mother pushed them aside and focused on pushing pure sisterly love into the skeleton. If she could cry, Sanctuary feared the world might be flooded. The fact she could not did nothing to stop the ache in her heart.

Garnet flew over to Princess Luna, and half the guard went with her.

A sinking feeling grew in Sanctuary, and as Smokey could feel it too, she acted. "Get these ponies on board. Now!"

To add emphasis, Sanctuary whistled as loud as she could.

Nopony objected, and Sanctuary got to work. There were aid workers, and here were ponies that needed help. So they did what they did best.

Some of the winged ponies just flew to the roof instead of crowding the doors. Sanctuary grew some shelter for them. They were simple and nowhere near as decorative as the rest of her hull, but it was more than enough for now.

A hoard of red-cloaked young ponies crowded around Candice as she and Rose Quartz tended to the now unconscious Littel Star. With Twilight's daughter now stable, they joined the flyers on the roof, the non-winged of them manifesting butterfly wings for the trip.

It only took a few minutes of frantic activity, for everypony to be on board. Mother effortlessly hopped up to the main hatch, her aura cradling both Princess Luna and the remains of Twilight.

"Take us home." Mother requested, her voice broken with sorrow.

As soon as the last doors were closed, Sanctuary did not hesitate. Huge clouds of steam erupted from her stack as she put everything she had into it. Unlike the sedate trip here, she was about to set a speed record that would never be broken, but she could not care less. Her magic reached out to Smokey, both for comfort and to comfort her. The mare's hoof was the only point of sanity left in the world.

The whole trip, she kept her shield up and weapons ready. It was not paranoia when there was clear evidence somepony was out to get you.

Act 2 CH 2 The Darkest Night: What makes a Nightmare

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What was beneath Night's hooves was not the soft wood of Twilight's Golden Oaks nor the firm obsidian of her realm. Despite its lack of realism, its texture was as familiar as it was alien. I'm back/home. A part of her said, but it sounded hollow.

Standing here now should have been a victory. This should have been cause for celebration. She was finally home, and yet she was not. Knowing they were gone, having seen them all burn, did nothing to prepare her for the fact they were not here. "As fate be mine Oathkeeper, thy will pay for thine actions both this day and yesteryear, dearest Sister."

Her fangs barely showed before she buried the ancient turmoil in the blackest ice. There would be time to act on it, but that time was not now. In their place, the sting of more recent events had their say. Twilight Complex emotions roiled in Night's heart. Pride for her conviction and disdain for how she yielded to her death savaged each other as loss just ignored them. How dare you die. We were to raise our daughter together. Night's feelings for Twilight twisted into something unique, a novelty she, even with so many long years, could not find a name for. She would know the right word..

Even as she passed where once a golden obelisk stood, not a hint of her emotions showed on her visage nor in her gait. She was the Nightmare. She was once the Queen of Blood, the Mistress of Battle and the Sovereign of Death. Not a single one of these accolades allowed weakness, and her softer ones did not get a say on days like these.

Yet again, she bore witness. Once again, she survived to see the evidence of Celestia's true nature. Seeing the edifice of Celestia's control reduced to a smouldering crater brought little solace when surrounded by the legacy of all those it executed. Hundreds of alicorn bones and fragments of wood littered the ground around it.

As she advanced, what remained of the pack of wooden hounds parted for her. The magenta flames they called eyes were just yet another reminder of what was lost today. I can't believe you almost had me ready to try to trust her again… Only raw will restrained her magic from lashing out and doing anything it could to blot each and every thing out of existence.

Seeing Luna's graceful form laid low was almost too much. Eternal night started to whisper to her, and there was no Faithful Student to nieghsay the idea.

Luna… Nightmare wanted to reach for her, comfort her, but another was already there. One of Twilight's inheritors tenderly held Luna's hoof. As much as seeing Dancer here just hammered home that Twilight was truly lost, it was her familiarity with Luna that had a sharper sting. Like so much else this day, she let the ice claim it. This just means I can do what is needed.

Nightmare gave a curt nod and turned to walk off. Cold fire danced through her mind as moonborn whims solidified into concrete causes of action. A dark joy shook free the dust from its wings.

“Night.” Dancer said.

Nightmare froze for a second, then slowly turned to glare at the impudent mare, rebuke on the tip of her tongue. Luna's slightly crossed eyes stole the verbal barb from her lips. Luna…

Luna's words were nought but a whisper, but that was no challenge to an Alicorn's hearing. "We beg of thee, do not seek to slake your ire on the common ponies."

As much as darker thoughts rebled, Nightmare held those cyan eyes, then nodded. My Luna… The things I do for you… This will make things complicated. She turned to leave again, and a reaching hoof stopped her. The leg it belonged to was not Luna's. Another insult readied itself.

'We're family.' The ghost of Twilight's voice whispered in her ear. With a sigh, Night looked over her withers to Dancer. "Come, bring her, and we will set dearest Luna on the path of recovery."

The smaller mare showed no sign of her struggle. As they walked, the hounds fell in as if honour guards. Her eyes traced over their forms; some still bore burn marks from Celestia's magics, but despite their wounds, they stood tall, even the one missing a leg. Despite their inequine forms, they were warriors worthy of respect. She acknowledged them with a nod.

Her hooves carried her down the well-worn path to the endless gallery. Again, another momentous moment relegated to a rushed necessity. The click of her armoured shoes echoed into eternity as she stalked to the burnt-out section. She knew what she was going to see, but like with the obelisk, being forewarned did nothing to stop the emotions.

Where faces should have looked out from hoof-carved frames, only black shadows and scorch marks marred the heat-warped walls. Even the echo of Celestia's defilement burned so much that as she stepped closer, her hooves started to smoulder.

The pain would have been easy to ignore, simpler to shunt to her spells, but instead, she welcomed it. Its bite brought clarity, and the mere physical pain helped distract from the void in her heart that would never be filled again.

"Stay with her." Nightmare commanded before her tone softened. "…some of these memories will be hard on her…"

Dancer just nodded.

"Thank you." Nightmare closed her eyes and dredged up a particular memory spell, the one that was the lynchpin for Discord's defeat. Thank you again, Twilight. Moisture built behind her eyelids, but the darkness wicked it away. She was not some sentimental filly about to cry over that which history had already set in stone.

Even past her closed eyes, she could see the colours. Bright light, both umbral and mundane, flared.

Nightmare did not take what she needed. She did not demand, threaten or plead. She reached out, lightly touched Luna's magic and waited. After a moment, the magic spoke in its wordless way. Thou willeth shelter all whom we call ours, thou wilt spare all whom souls be unsullied by this?

"We will." As soon as Nightmare spoke, the world shifted. The magic she touched was no longer merely Luna's. No, it was theirs.

Every sense cried out in revelry as an almost forgotten presence claimed her. The Moon, a part of her that had been gone for so long. This time, she could not stop the tears that traced their way down her muzzle. As much as vengeance called, as much as action was needed, there was something she had to do first.

A few quick strides brought her to Luna's side. She settled next to her and drew both her and Dancer into an embrace. After a moment of surprise, Dancer returned it. All Luna could do was a lopsided smile, but it was enough. The Nightmare leaned in and placed a kiss on each of their foreheads.

"Guard her well."

"We will." Dancer solemnly said, and the hounds howled their accord.

Nightmare slipped from the bastion to their body, a body that felt at once oh so right and oh so wrong. You will be avenged Twilight.

Act 2 CH 2 The Darkest Night: Midnight Rising

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It hurts. Why. It hurts. IT HURTS. Pinkie Pie. I did not mean to. SHINNY it hurts. Luna. Save me. Mummy! Help. Princess, nooooo. What did I do? I’m sorry. Rainbow. MAKE IT STOP. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. Help. Mummy! Daddy! It hurts. Why. Why. It hurts. IT HURTS. I did not mean to. SHINNY it hurts. Mummy! Help. No, Princess, don't. What did I do? I'm sorry. MAKE IT STOP. I'm sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Why? Rarity. I'm sorry. It hurts. It hurts. Help. Mummy! Daddy! Why. I don't want to Die. PLEASE. Make it stop. Make it stop. It hurts. It hurts. Make it stop. Kill me. No. No. No. No. No. Star Live. Applejack. It hurts. Kill. It hurts. IT HURTS. I did not mean to. SHINNY it hurts. Mummy! Help. No Princess. What did I do? Don't leave me. Fluttershy. I'm sorry. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! MAKE IT STOP. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It hurts. It hurts. Help. Mummy! Daddy! It hurts. It hurts. IT HURTS. I did not mean to. Candice. Save me. SHINNY it hurts. Mummy! Help. No Princess. What did I do? I'm sorry. MAKE IT STOP. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It hurts. It hurts. Help. Mummy! Daddy! PLEASE. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Kill me. No. No. No. No. No. Live. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It hurts. Cadance. Save me. It hurts. Help. Mummy! Daddy! Spike! PLEASE. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. I'm sorry. Forgive me.

Time passed, she had no idea how much. Pain. Pain, it seemed, was all there was, all that ever had been and all that ever would be. The fire-spawned agony did not exactly decrease. No, instead, her thoughts started to crystalise despite it.

It took far too long to remember her name. She was, or at least had been Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship and Celestia's Faithful student. The more she thought about it, the more wrong it felt. Twilight Sparkle died and was replaced by the Faithful student…

"Who am I?" She sobbed even as a part of her raged and shouted incoherently.

It hurts. Why. IT HURTS. SHINNY What did I do? I’m sorry. MAKE IT STOP. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. IT HURTS. I did not mean to. SHINNY it hurts. Mummy! What did I do? MAKE IT STOP. Why? I don't want to Die. PLEASE. I will live. Kill her. No. No. No. No. No. Live. Kill. It hurts. IT HURTS. I did deserve this. SHINNY Princess, what did I do? Don't leave me. Fluttershy. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! MAKE IT STOP. It hurts. It hurts. Help. It hurts. It hurts. IT HURTS. SHINNY it hurts. Mummy! Help. No Princess. MAKE IT STOP. It hurts. It hurts. Help. PLEASE. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Kill everypony. No. No. No. No. No. Live. I'm not sorry, you will all pay. It hurts. It hurts. PLEASE. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. I won't ever Forgive you. DIE!

In the background of little giggles and whimpers from the darkness around her, she did what she always did when overwhelmed. She made a list.

Without a scroll, the list was purely mental, but it would serve well enough. She wanted to date it but had no idea how long it had been. There was no constant count of dripping blood, heartbeats or breaths taken.

Without the need to breathe, you can scream or laugh constantly.

"Bad pony, stay on task." She shook her head. It was a factual observation but not helpful. She pushed that recent insight away and focused on the things that had been tearing tracks through her psyche for the past, however long it had been.

It Hurts.

Well, of course it did, stupid not Twilight… Stupid Not Twilight? That was such a stupid name. She was definitely going to need another one, a better one.

Make it stop.

It was an expected request, given what she had experienced. Despite how much she had pleaded, it went on and on and on and on.

Save me.

Nopony came, and this time, she did not have a convenient Nightmare inside her. Snarls and growls added to the background medley of noise. After all I have done… why am I not worthy of being saved? Is protecting the world not enough? She really wanted a hug right then. Every bit of her equine nature demanded it. In that moment, if Tirek offered a real caring hug for the price of all her magic, she might just have accepted it. Nopony will ever save something like you. Something bitter and sibilant mocked in her mind, and not a single thing came to mind to offer a rebuttal.

Fake, copy, replacement, disposable, stand-in, imitation, tool, weapon, surplus to requirement, liability. As her mind continued to savage her sense of self-worth, it diligently moved on.

Kill me.

It seemed she was unworthy of even that. A howl of anguish ripped from her, and a litany of denials played in counterpoint around her. Nopony will miss you.

Forgive me.

Just the thought made her break down and howl with mad laughter. Her crazed cackling drowned out everything. Even her sobs that hid beneath it.

"Forgive me? Forgive me? I did nothing wrong. You're the one that needs my forgiveness, and guess what, Celestia? There will be none for you when I get my hooves on you."

The Solar Princess's chest cavity, violated by her own horn, made a tempting mental image as her thoughts considered how to enchant the rune-encrusted silver spikes to keep the hated Celestia still long enough for all the experiments that could be done.

No, No, Bad pony, bad pony, this is no time to be angry.. No time to be like this. Think, think, think, get your head on straight. She imagined taking a breath as she rested her ethereal hoof, at least vaguely, where her chest was meant to be. It did not help as much as usual, but at least it helped a little. Normally, this would be where she would think to herself she had been through worse and that she would get through this. Unfortunately, this time, she had not been through worse, and she was not guaranteed to survive. It was not even likely.

At first, getting a bad grade was literally the worst fate she could have imagined. It had taken a long time for something to truly supplant that in her heart. Being on that alter under Moonlit Scroll's tender care had been the worst torment she had experienced. Then, it had been the tearing void when she teleported parts of herself away for her research. Gifting part of her soul to others to heal them eclipsed them both, and yet she had endured. Her current situation made that seem like a candle compared to the blazing sun.

She was reasonably sure she had gone mad. She played with the idea she might still be mentally unstable. Somehow, she had gotten bored of the suffering, and her mind decided to regain the ability for rational thought despite the constant agony. She could probably carve a few research papers out of that, but what was the point? And who would accept a disembodied alicorn submitting them?

Like rotating orbs in her aura, Twilight played with a pair of thoughts that had engraved themselves deepest into her mind. The first, she was almost certain, was completely hers.

I will Kill you, Princess.

Given everything, it was a perfectly reasonable desire, if not yet practical. As anger tried to rise, she bopped it on its muzzle. The murderous rage whimpered and went to sit in the corner. She nodded and moved on to the other compulsion.

The second thought was odd. It felt alien, like something imposed from the outside despite sounding like her own.

Down Dark Safe

Even remembering it, the force of the command within pressed against her. I'm nopony's puppet She growled and pushed the command away, letting every bit of anger and resentment she held for Celestia incinerate any scrap of her that would mindlessly obey it. No matter what happened, she would not be going deeper, not with such a thing encouraging her so…

"Who are you?" Her voice trembled and shrieked. Her torn and burnt naked soul lent her voice an oscillating multi-toned quality that would have taken her by surprise if that concept still held any meaning to her. Nothing answered from the deep darkness. I sound silly. She thought as a few manic giggles drove back the looming silence. I would make a good villain for one of Spike's comics. It felt so good to laugh even though she had read more than enough psychology to know it was a very bad sign. Oh well.

She looked up, not that it revealed anything other than the rock immediately around her. "How deep am I anyway?" She thought with detached calmness as a few more giggles decided to keep her company.

She knew she had fled down after ripping herself free from the impostor. Just acknowledging that fact almost let the pain overwhelm her again. In her flight, she had been nothing more than a wounded beast. All that mattered, all she could even conceive of doing at the time, was to move away from the pain. "Not taking proper travel logs… How inconsiderate of me." The giggles became a full-blown cackle, one that both Night and Bug Queen would have been proud to call their own.

So many things that had been important just seemed utterly ridiculous now. Good grades, Friendship reports, all the hours lost to pointless paperwork. The rents in her soul pulsed with more pain, but she could not stop her laughter as her incorporeal form spasmed and tumbled through the deepest of places.

More time passed, and the manic laughter became sobs. She rocked back and forth as she held herself, her amorphous form condensing to almost a perfect sphere in her attempt to hide from the world.

Shinny, Cadance, Mommy, Daddy, Sweet Dreams, Little Star. The names repeated themselves in her mind again and again. No matter how many times she reached out for them, they were not here. No matter how many times she needed somepony to hold her to say everything would be alright, nopony came.

There had been other names, but the sounds were gone, just replaced by noise and jagged pain. That loss somehow hurt more than the keening hole crying for those she could remember.

Sometime later, her emotions had stilled. She mused on thoughts both dark and inane and was no longer sure she could tell the two apart. Not having a body meant she did not need to worry about her tears dehydrating her, so that was a plus point. "How much of Equestria did Celestia's attack turn to glass? How are you going to explain this to Cadance? Am I going to need a new library card? Am I still a princess? Did Celestia break the law, or did I by surviving?"

Her magic lashed out in anger. "How am I meant to read anything down here? There's not even any space to put the books." For a moment, she considered returning to her bastion. NO “No, no, you're right. Either I will be restrained by the impostor again, or without an anchor out here, I will be trapped there. She tried to tap her chin. Without a physical body, the action just felt wrong. She growled. "Is this what happens to Alicorns that are not quite fully destroyed. Whatever is left of them trapped in their bastion with no way out?" She shuddered. Endless, countless years with nothing new, only memories and ever-increasing madness.

"Unknown unknowns." Another giggle fit threatened to take over. "Just how naughty have you been, Princess?" Without external links, there would be no way of knowing how many Alicorns might have been condemned to such a fate.

"So what do I do now?" It was a good question and probably deserved a gold star, but she was pretty sure ponies that survived the Princess's final justice weren't allowed to get gold stars. Melancholy slipped in, displacing the inanity. "What did I do, Princess? Why did you try to kill me? WHY?"

The darkness held no answer, not even an echo of her demand.

"Does it even matter?" The darkness around provided no clear answer. Still, it's giggles and sobs were not the best aids for rational thinking.

"Alright... So what does matter?"

"Well, other than the small detail that Celestia wants you dead, this is just a survival situation."

She tapped her chin again, or at least imagined it. That water and food were non-issues simplified things. Shelter, on the other hoof, was another matter. "Normally, it would not be an issue, but in my current state?" It would be an interesting experiment. An Alicorn's soul should be immune to the normal degradation caused by being outside a body, but what if it had been torn apart and almost completely burnt away? "If I emerge in the open air, will I simply evaporate?" As helpful as that answer would be for future Alicorns, for some reason, she was not keen to be the test subject.

She ignored the shudder that rippled through her and the screams of pain the darkness sang to her. As bad as the silence was, there was better background music for productive pondering.

The secondary issue was, did Celestia know she failed?

Run… Hide… Flee… Live! The voices shouted in every language she knew of. Every spell that was even tangentially related to concealment or personal conveyance, squirmed inside her, begging to be used. If not for the hollow pit of pain where her deep reserves should have been, half of them would have just been cast.

"No, bad spell runes."

They whinnied like kicked puppies. Whinnied like a scared filly and stomped their hooves like petulant spoils brats. She grabbed them in her mind's eye and glared at them. One by one, they each fell in line.

"Good magic." She cooed at them. Like a good guardian, she made sure to give each of them a pet and a nuzzle. It was not quite the same as those she had lost, but at least her magic was still here for her.

"Where can I go?" Thoughts expanded into an atlas, and the different pages bickered about which was best. Some of their insults drew more giggles from her, but when they started to fight, she had to put her hoof down. Suitably chastised, each page slumped and looked sheepish. "Now, which one of you is best?"

Slowly, the pages looked at each other, and in the end, all turned and pointed at one. That page exploded into a collection of photos. Two rows of identical houses, equal signs everywhere and a vault that was able to contain cutie marks.

"Perfect," she purred. In a burst of speed, she swam through the earth only to coast to a stop. "Where even am I?" No answer came to mind. All she knew was that she was somewhere underground. "Great… this might take a bit longer than I expected."

The darkness laughed and mocked her.

" Silence."

"Ah, that's better. Now, which way is Our Town?"

One of the pages folded itself into an arrow.

"Thank you." With that, she headed off, and her mind turned to other things. So what am I going to call myself?

As she flowed through the seemingly endless rock, hundreds then thousands of names were discarded. Dusk Shine seemed promising but was still wrong. Eclipse sounded suitable for the implication of overshadowing Celestia, but was still not quite right.

Midnight The arrow she was following said.

"Not very original, is it?"

Well, it's what the other you became.

"Well… I guess it's alright to copy myself… Midnight." As soon as she said the name, it resonated with her, as if the mere name bolstered her very being.

"I am Midnight Sparkle"

All the voices around her, pony and monster alike, cheered in celebration. A part of existence that was wrong was suddenly right again.

"I am not declaring the night will last forever…"


"Oh shut up…" Midnight Sparkle, I can live with that… it's not like I want to even see the sun again, and if anypony calls me a copycat, I can just kill them. She nodded to herself and continued her… flight? Swim? Alright, I'm going to need to invent a word for this sort of movement through solid matter.

Act 2 CH 2 The Darkest Night: Moonlight in the Dark

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"We are betrayed. Make ready. Wake up." Princess Luna's voice slammed into Moonlight's senses. Her office shattered, and a jolt of adrenaline ensured she was wide awake. Something was wrong, something was very wrong. Her tufted ears flicked this way and that. All around, there were the sounds of frantic motion. Wood dragged on stone, hooves pounded the ground to the rhythm of full gallop and leather wings beat the air.

When she was in the Solar Guard, such a thing was common during shift changes. But here, now in the deepest sanctuary of the Nightguard, a place that was constantly almost completely silent, meant whatever this was, it was bad.

Without a heartbeat's more hesitation, she rolled out of bed and lit her horn. Armour, weapons, and her go-bag were strapped into place. As no pony had kicked in her door yet, her aura graded another bag and started to pack things in order of usefulness.

'We are betrayed.' It said so much even as it said so little. That paired with the make-ready command. "Not good…" She murmured as she methodically packed. Her mind brought every intelligence report she could remember to mind. Who betrayed us? The new alliances with the changelings? The griffons? A noble family?

There was one name she knew she was deliberately not considering, but as the seconds ticked by, it made more and more sense. Seven words, Seven little words, were all the information her Sovereign had given her. Luna liked to talk. She enjoyed her showmareship and was usually far more personal in interactions with her Chosen. For the message to be so brief and to have been given to all of them by the sounds of it. Don't be Celestia, Don't be Celestia. She repeated like a mantra.

A few shrinking spells got everything to fit in short order, so she headed out of her room. Her shadow flowed up her hooves, and as she moved up to a silent canter, she pulled it up and painted it over her whole form.

Now prepared, she followed her ears to the center of the organised chaos. She rushed through the pitch black thoroughfares, ignoring the enthralling play of the umbral colours.

"Moonlight, get your horn here now," Final Mercy called from a side passage.

"What do you need?" Moonlight asked, trotting over.

"Lift that."

For a moment, she wanted to blanche. It was a large statue of Luna. Everything in her memories of being a unicorn said it was far too heavy. Instead, she just nodded. She was one of Luna's Chosen, and she would not be defeated by a mere bit of stone.

She narrowed her eyes and lit her horn. Her aura enveloped it, and nothing happened, so she pushed more magic into it. That delightful chill in her chest flowed further up her spine and into her horn. Umbral colours griped the statue. Then, with a simple flick of her horn, the statue lifted as if it weighed nothing. She almost bit her lip with her crooked, fanged smile. "Where do you want it?"

"Over there will be fine." Mercy Said, nodding to where the statue was, a tunnel led down into the depths.

"Secret vault or way out?"


"Need me to do anything else?"

"Just wait till last. Your horn will make it much easier to put it back once we're out of here."

"Do you know what happened?"

"You don't?"

"The sovereign just said we were betrayed and to make ready."

"Celestia turned on Twilight."

"What, why?" Moonlight shouted.

Mercy's ears flattened as she recoiled. "No clue, but we are not staying here to be purged a second time…"

Moonlight gulped. Sovereign, what have you gotten me into?

The first to hurry by were the old and the young, each as heavily laden as they could manage. The fear in the little one's eyes held Moonlight's gaze as the solemn discipline for the normal sarcastic and boisterous Nightguards illuminated just how dire the situation truly was.

"I can shrink items." Moonlight said, and it was less than a minute before all sorts were piled up before her. "Left to right, critical to nice to have."

Mercy trotted over and started sorting what had already been dumped as the new deliveries followed the new order.

On any other day, she would have laughed at how many things being deposited in front of her should have been in the RGIS vaults.

Act 2 CH 2 The Darkest Night: A Little Bit of Paper

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Paper Pusher massaged his temple. It was not something he used to do, but now it seemed to be an hourly occurrence. Twenty-three minutes ago, Princess Celestia had used a window to exit Day Court. Twenty-two minutes ago, every pony looking towards Ponyville was blinded, and the Canterhorn gained a new tunnel through it. Twenty-one minutes ago, he scrambled the fastest flyers he had to investigate. Two minutes ago, he had sat at his desk and seriously considered drinking that bottle of contraband he found stashed in the bottom drawer.

He pushed the thought aside and looked at the cause of his latest headache. It was just a tiny strip of paper, placed into his hoof as fast as any Wonderbolt short of Rainbow Dash could manage.

Bearers MIA, SAR not possible.

The detailed report would take much longer, but he did not need it to know what needed to happen now. There was just no way to do even half of it with the current ponypower under his command. Not for the first time, he considered stepping down. Not that he could. There was literally nopony better available.

He sighed, set his guard guidebook on the desk, and flicked through it. This had to be done right, and the orders had to be written in the right way. The defence condition of the whole nation was required to rise, and given where it was left after the blight…

A draft. Conscription. Never in his life did he ever think he would see the day? Even with his less-than-perfect social skills, he could just see how badly many of the ponies would take this.

What is the world coming to? He thought, and it seemed like it was becoming a very different place than the one he grew up in.

A knock on the door broke his chain of thought.

"Come in."

The door opened, and a colt, far too young to normally be in the guard, trotted in. He snapped to attention and saluted. "Reporting as ordered, Sir."

"At ease and take a seat. We are still waiting on the others."

The minutes rolled by, and two other Royal Guards arrived, but not a single hair from a Nightguard was in sight. Where are they?

Act 2 CH 2 The Darkest Night: A Mask Going Through the Motions

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The highest-ranking military officers on site had recommended the return to the Palace for safety. Their position indicated her Radiance trusted and empowered them to make decisions.

A surge of relief flowed through the Mask. The indecision between staying here and heading to the day court she was currently absent from was resolved.

The Mask nodded. "If you believe it wise." As something large-scale and negative had happened, she gazed out over the damaged landscape. A three-second pause to add weight to the action. To keep the narrative intact, she deployed sombre-hopeful-voice-six and added two percent worry as an undertone. "Twilight, please return to us safely."

She bowed her head and let her eyes close for a moment. The gathered ponies responded in kind. Most followed the Mask's lead, and a few saluted or performed other actions classified as respectful. One even started to cry. Her mind provided the stallion's name and serial number, and she noted them in case they became relevant. Mountain Haze.

Maintain public image.

The Mask slowly approached the mourning stallion and selected comforting-hug-light-number-two. He pressed into the embrace, and his crying intensified.

His tears feel cold. She thought as they dampened the body's coat.

The stallion babbled a name, one that paperwork indicated had been living here. Were they a relative, a lover, or a friend? The Mask did not know and did not have time to look up. There was no rule or procedure for this exact situation, so she had to improvise again.

There had been many times when Celestia had an upset student under her wing. Twilight Sparkle, Cadance, Sunset Shimmer, Rose Wing, Arcane Burst, Trail Blazer and Solar Ray each had moments like this.

With exacting control of her strength, she pulled the stallion closer into a full hug and nuzzled them. They shivered and clung to the body. The Mask could feel each erratic heat beat, each choked breath through the contact.

As it was not against the rules and seemed probable it would help, she stroked his mane and back with the same reassuring motion Celestia had used on her students. He calmed with each second that passed, but the rate slowed with diminishing returns.

It took the Mask twenty-three seconds to construct the correct words to wield. She chose maternal-princess-voice-number-one and pushed a little magic into it, pitching the volume to be both personal to the stallion and audible to the gathered ponies.. "Life is for the living. There are still ponies here for you. We are here for you." She paused momentarily and met his drying but still shimmering eyes. "I am here for you." She could not decide between a nuzzle and a kiss on the forehead, so she did both.

The resolve and devotion in the stallion's eyes were ample proof of her success. She had successfully maintained Celestia's image as a caring princess and ensured an asset would not be lost due to trauma.

Something a mortal pony would know as pride stirred inside her. She just noted it as a positive reinforcement for performing her function.

The Mask used every second of the flight back to Canterlot to read, think and plan. Celestia was still not back. Not a single question had received an answer. It was almost as if her Radiance was no longer here.

Worry gnawed at her. "I'm not meant to be in charge." Every time she looked at Daybreaker, the Warmind, all she received was a different variety of glare. They ranged from exasperated-number-four to almost-amused-thirteen and everything in between.

Seeing the world felt different when you were the one directing each hoof fall. Just the act of directing the body made everything around somehow more meaningful.

The sharp tang of fear in the air was not just a simple fact. It was more immediate when she drew it in with each breath, not just an insight passed from Celestia.

May ponies asked questions and demanded answers. They knew something had happened. It was not something that she could hide away or brush under the carpet, not with the destruction visible for anypony that looked out front the city's edge.

Thankfully, this situation had a rule to follow. So that's precisely what the Mask did.

Major but non-time critical decision required. Stall till Celestia returns.

The Mask deployed firm-but-kindly-public-announcement-voice-number-one "Be calm, My Little Ponies. The danger has passed." As expected, the shouts calmed down, and the questions became more curious than desperate.

The Mask looked over the crowd as she judged the situation. They would need answers, so she would have to pick one of the available methods to facilitate that for Celestia. Given that Celestia had not given any alternate instructions, she pushed that event as far into the future as standard operating procedures allowed for. "Please hold your questions. There will be an open court at noon tomorrow."

With that done, the Mask continued to the Palace. Ponies rushed ahead to arrange things from the evening meal to the open court tomorrow.

As soon as her Radiance is back, everything can return to normal. The Mask thought. The Warmind's muffled laughter did not help maintain confidence in that outcome.

The Mask had directed the body to eat before. She knew the motions and the required etiquette. There was not a single food she did not know the correct way to consume. Yet as the taste danced on her tongue, she could barely restrain herself from shoving her muzzle into the cake.

Maintain public image.

Her senses almost burned with the desire and the need for more of it. Yet, with the servants and guards around, she endured the torture of consuming one small mouthful at a time.

Maintain public image.

Why is this so different? She thought as the flavours caressed her tongue. What has changed?

She was still pondering it when the servants guided her to the royal baths. Then, as experts plied their trades, she was bombarded with a whole host of new and pleasant sensations.

Maintain public image.

Fragrant incense and floral shampoo caressed her sense of smell. As firm brushes massaged her flesh through her coat, feathers sensitive enough to feel a light breeze miles away screamed at her with each delicate touch inflicted upon them. Compared to what was happening to her wings, she almost did not notice the filing and trimming performed on her hooves and horn.

Maintain public image.

Throughout the whole assault on her sensorium, all the rules permitted her was a slight content smile. A small part of her begged for cake to complete the perfect moment, but the rules held her tongue.

Maintain public image.

Maintain public image.

Maintain public image.

Maintain public image.

Maintain public image.

Maintain public image.

Only the rules allowed her to rise from the soft towel she lay upon. She kept that content little smile as she thanked the servants.

A part of her wanted to demand they continue, and another part wanted to hold them close and thank them with many more words, maybe a medal or some other sort of award. But the rules defined her options, and as Her Radiance never reacted, it would be highly inappropriate for what was usually a daily occurrence.

How do you maintain your composure, your Radiance? The Mask thought. I can not violate my rules… do you have rules of your own? The Mask shook her head. It was a foalish thought. Celestia was perfect. She would have no need for such things.

The delightful scent of the shampoo still clung to her as she made her way to the balcony. The scents of the city joined it. Ponies of all different tribes, thousands of different meals, smoke and hot metal of the forges. She closed her eyes and let her mind's eye imagine, pretending to follow each fragrance back to its source and envision the scene.

The seconds passed by and then minutes. Still, Celestia had not returned. It was time to lower the sun, and the Princess of the Sun was not here.

It was not her duty, and yet the sun had to be lowered. "Where are you?" The Mask whispered, but Celestia did not answer.

Ten long seconds passed.

Maintain public image.

The sunset being late would be seen by the whole world. Her ponies would worry more. Her polished hoof rose, and she inspected it as it rested on her coat. To any other, it would have been a random placement to her. It was where she had felt Mountain Haze's cold tears.

"I'm sorry, your Radiance, but this is required for your little ponies."

She lit her horn and reached for the sun.

Warmth and power slammed into her. Her mane and tail thrashed through the air behind her. It is time to go to sleep. As a golden aura enveloped the sun.

Normal ponies would perhaps only see the solar orb brighten a fraction as it slipped below the horizon. The Mask could see every detail on the sun's surface as it retreated to its slumber. Sleep well, and sweet dreams. She had no idea if the sun had any will or emotions to it, but it cost nothing to be kind, just in case.

The warm colours of day faded into the dark of night. In the city below, lights came on as the ponies refused to sleep despite the oncoming night.

Unlike the city, nothing spread to light the darkening night sky. Instead, it darkened further. The normal blue-toned background the stars were normally placed upon changed to black and then somehow got darker still.

Why is Luna not raising the moon? The Mask thought. She considered the incident with Twilight and Luna collapsing. Is Luna unable to raise the moon?

A few worried murmurs reached her ears from the ponies still outside.

Maintain public image.

"This won't do." It was another thing that was not her responsibility. "Why can't ponies just do their jobs… The Mask sighed and then reached for the moon.

Then she screamed. She had enough time to think three things before the darkness claimed her. So this is what pain is, I don't like it. There is no budget to replace that window… Celestia is going to be so disappointed in me.

Act 2 CH 2 The Darkest Night: Tiger Tiger Baking Bread

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Tiger Lilly's dream continued. Silvermane was still here. She was beginning to doubt the fact he had actually died. If it were not for one thing that Princess Twilight said, she would have been able to just let herself forget she even thought her husband was dead.

You make her happy… why do you think you have anything to fear from me? Why would the Princess say that?

She looked from the dough she kneaded. Past the sheet of glass, Silvermane had the crowd of foals gathered around as he spun another of his exaggerated tales.

As much as the little ones hung on his every word, something was wrong. He hesitated a little here and there, and his left ear kept twitching at every little sound.

That was not one of his normal nervous habits, but a nervous habit it clearly was. She turned back to her baking as she thought about it. She folded some dyed mixed petals in and a hoof full of assorted berries. The foals would not appreciate it as much as her cookies, but it would be just the thing to go with a warm soup for supper or buttered for breakfast.

Everything had been idyllic until this morning when the sun dimmed. Some of the foals screamed about Nightmare Moon, and all the guards froze. Silvermane body had tensed as if he was about to gallop for the hills.

Over the next few minutes, everything had returned to normal, at least on the surface. She sighed as she divided the dough into the greased tins. Even with the flaws, she still wilfully clung to the dream. So she put away her doubts as she put the bread into the oven.

Some ponies used timers, and others watched a clock. Tiger Lilly just used her nose as Celestia intended. She opened the kitchen window a crack and headed out to join the foals for storytime.

The infused bread proved just as good a companion to the soup as Tiger Lilly knew it would. The warmth of her full belly threatened to send her to sleep as she sat on the porch next to her Silvermane and watched the sunset.

The sun moved smoothly through the sky if, perhaps, slower than normal. She ignored the fact and savoured the moment as she leaned against her love as he held her hoof.

Silvermane smiled his charming smile and rested his head against hers. She sighed contentedly.

There had been many adventures, many exciting moments in their lives, but it was times like this she treasured the most.

As the rich, warm colours of the sunset faded and the sky darkened, the promised comfort of bed called, but she would wait to see the stars at least.

The sky darkened yet more, turning from its usual comforting blanket to a soulless abyss. Is this the end of the dream? She thought as she gripped Silvermane's hoof tighter. She had to drag her eyes away from the void that hung above her like a promise of her awaiting demise.

Silvermane's strong legs wrapped around her. They felt firm and robust despite his age. "Tonight is not a good night to be outside," he whispered as if fearful of being overheard.

Tiger Lilly did not abject in the least as he carried her inside and locked the door. Not a single moment of sleep came to her as she sheltered in Silvermane's embrace for the whole cursed night.

Act 2 CH 3 Ascensions: Moonlit Scroll's Plan

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The mirror was gone. That meant something, but what? He blinked and, for the first time in stars knew how long, his sight was interrupted. What? He thought as he started to notice other things. He could feel his chest moving as he breathed in. He could see his muzzle. His heart was beating inside his ribcage again and not half a Celestia to the side.

All around him was a bright grey, as if he were surrounded by a luminescent fog. Faint point sources of colour lazily shifted within. As his eyes focused on one, it shuddered and retreated, the echo of a scream trailing in its wake. The next was a roar of rage, the one after a pitiful whimper. Despite the range of responses, none of them drew close enough to be identified, so that mystery would have to wait.

Slowly, carefully, he examined his body. It was whole, intact and healthy. The Noble Guide changeling transmutation had been stripped away, leaving only his own original form. He got to his hooves without his flesh giving a single protest. The dull grey surface below proved as hard as it was textureless, almost as if he now stood supported by a projected plan of force.

One of two things was happening. Either one of the Princess had decided on an alternative torment for him, or this was part of the plan he mauled his own mind to protect.

He pushed some magic to his horn, and before he could shape it, it floated off into the mist to become another wisp. "Interesting."

The evidence that this was a prison built. Whatever caused this effect was far more reliable than a horn suppressor. His eyes tracked the lights. "Trying to make me request my actions?" He asked the mist on the reasonable assumption a captive like himself would never truly be left unobserved.

Some of the lights charged him, their reckless advance rebounded as if they hit a wall just before they would have breached the obscuring fog. He snorted in mild irritation and considered what to do. Just waiting here and doing nothing was not an option. Only the lazy and prey did that, and he was neither.

Noting his current facing, he examined his soundings. The fog started six and a half lengths from him, and both distributions and movements of the lights seemed random. The only pattern he could find was all the lights except those that sounded angry fled his focused gaze.

For his next test, he advances two lengths. To the muffled sound of his hoof falls, the fog ahead retreated while behind him it advanced, leaving him still with a clear reduction of six and a half lengths around himself. "A little slant to the ground or a hint of misdirection magic, and this cell would not need to be very large to have a pony trotting in circles." He nodded his head. If this was, in fact, his new cell, it was an elegant solution. With the magic drain in place, he had no tools other than his mundane senses.

He shrugged and started walking. He had been still far too long, and just the feel of his muscles moving under his coat felt like an indulgent luxury now. His body no longer tried to tear itself apart. As he walked, he considered himself. He was not thirsty nor hungry. His wellspring felt stable and ready to answer his call, not that he could use it for anything here.

The walk lasted for about three minutes before he saw something. His circle of clear visibility opened up ahead. A three-length wide lane extended as far as his vision could resolve. As proudly as any noble attending court, he strode in. It was then that scrying windows manifested, flanking the lane. They started with his birth and moved on from there.

As fascinating as it was to ponder the magic behind this reformation tool, he ignored them. He remembered most of his past, and his early years held no relevance now. His path had started when he had found a black gem. If it were not for the way it caught the moonlight, he would have walked right by it none the wiser. It had been a fascinating discovery. It was no mere image recording. He had not encountered anything as complex in his life at that point. The gem proved to hold memories, and as if that was an utterly trivial act, a pony had used it as a simple diary and way to record idle thoughts. That pony had proved to be Luna, Celestia's lesser sister and the one who became Nightmare Moon.

Finding out that Nightmare Moon was real and was truly Celestia's sister had been a paradigm-altering event. Learning that neither of them was born an Alicorn and that with a little knowledge and the right preparation, anypony could be made an Alicorn shattered his entire worldview and set the course for the rest of his life.

Unfortunately, the rants about Celestia did not contain everything he needed, but that, mixed with Luna's rambling reflections on her past, did give him enough clues to begin his search. If not for his growing irritation with Celestia's newest and less-than-perfect student, he could have continued his preparations in Canterlot. It had been easy, with Luna's insights, to slip past the security to view the few tomes that were forbidden to even one with his vaunted position.

Then one day, after a week of terrible sleep, he had made a foalish mistake. Intent on putting Twilight in her place as the subpar replacement for Sunset Shimmer he gave the assignment of casting a spell. A spell from a book he should not have had.

The suddenness of Celestia's response had shocked him. He had to use everything in his arsenal, burn out every artefact he had gathered so far, and even sacrifice the last dregs of Alicorn power that remained in Luna's dairy.

After faking one's own suicide, it was not like he could just return home, so he had wondered and sought his knowledge out in the world, tracking down ruins and ancient land sites that showed up in some of Luna's memories.

There were those that stood in the way of his quest. The dozens of dark mages, warlocks and witches that he had enthralled or killed were mere stepping stones upon his path. Each of their ambitions he had crushed had made Equestria safer and protected many lives. Every action he had taken was making the world a better place until it came to the trap he laid in Manehatten, even his plan to acquire a sacrifice, the least of the Alicorns, Twilight Sparkle.

One window did make him stop. It showed the temple of the hidden path as Twilight, in all her regal glory, barded in magically forged blood. On her wings were an archaic style of wing blades that she proudly brandished like some sort of ancient warrior. As he watched the confrontation replay, he promised himself once again he would not be blinded by hubris a second time.

Everything proceeded as he remembered until Twilight unexpectedly fell. That was when another pony appeared, one he had not noticed at the time. A little filly, a clone of how Twilight had looked when she had first become Celestia's student, galloped into the hall, horn ablaze.

He wanted to object, there had been no little filly there and no way one could have gotten there unnoticed. Yet something inside him knew this to be the truth. The fact that every detail was perfect and it explained how the spells had been cast without Twilight's horn lighting just cemented it.

"Hmm. So your daughter saved you?" He commented as the filly plunged her horn into Twilight's flesh, dark tendrils of magic ripping out a mash of swirling, burning two-toned flames. Magenta streaked with blood-red fire cast the scene in a sinister light.

Now able to see the defensive spells being cast, he could easily identify them. A simple magic syphon field and one of Twilgiht's first unique spells. It was an overly complicated, over-engineered refinement of the normal suite of personal protection spells taught to second years, as a matter of course. Seeing what she had crafted from such simple components was humbling. That a simple lab safety spell was able to outperform the most potent battlefield protections he knew should have been an impossibility.

The event ended with the counterattack that had cost him all his linked minions. "Not a single moment of hesitation and such a lethal retaliation." He said as the scene started from the beginning once more. "Well, Little Star, it seems you really are a monster."

He watched the events unfold dozens of times, noting the details of every spell used. The blood magic that ripped the flames from Twilight was what held his attention the most. He could not stop the barked laugh that escaped him when he finally realised what the counterattack had been. A simple redirection and augmentation subfunction in the lab safety spell.

The syphon paired with the safety spell would be a difficult puzzle to solve. Any magic used to try and disrupt, counter, unweave, or overpower it would just make it stronger. The only reliable solution would be to induce sufficient magical flux that the spell structures degraded. But that would not create any advantage, at least not for a unicorn like him. The needed levels of flux would mean no spells would work, and likely, no external magic would either. So, the only tribe that would be mostly unaffected would be earth ponies.

"Alright, Little Star, you get top marks on this assignment."

He watched the events play out one last time just to confirm he had learned everything he could before he moved on as the scenes played out before him, the destroyed memories returned to him.

His deal with the changelings, the smug vermin gladly took his left overs to grant him the identity of Noble Guide. Even without mind magic, he had slipped into the noble's confidences. Most of them were nothing but petty, small-minded tyrants or selfish hedonists. Just reviewing the interactions made his coat feel dirty. The fact he had spoken words of agreement with them made part of him want to retch.

Standing before a mirror as he implanted two changeling artifacts and a black gem into his chest. Necessary tools for his deceptions, even if they shackled his powers. Even just remembering it, his hoof rubbed his chest in sympathy for his past self. The many different potions he had consumed to fight the pain and suppress any bodily reactions that might give his deceptions away to anypony.

His sitting in Celestia's office, waiting for her arrival. The causal way she had used mind magic to glean the information in his proposals instead of reading them and the blank check her approval had lent his following actions.

'Canterlot is the shining star of Equestria, and we will show that we all stand for the ideals of Harmony' were the words he needed to start to build popular support. With them, it was so easy to gather his sacrifices in the guise of helping them. It was such a small number compared to those he would save in his rule, but still, unlike the corrupted ones he killed before, these, like Noble Guide, were innocents. Even as they were grateful and praised him for his deeds, even as the players the part of the most vitus of ponies, there was no guilt over what he planned for them, only annoyance that it was necessary. If he had just left guards to restrain Twilight, he would have already been an Alicorn at that point.

He watched in bitter humour and rye satisfaction as Twilight's rage literally ignited as she tried to eradicate the noble who had been foolish enough to state to her face that they were going to send mage slayers to exterminate her daughter.

The momentary clash as Celestia stopped half of Canterlot from becoming mere collateral damage was just another terrifying example of what Alicorns could truly do. It was only when the hybrid Candice dove into the flames did Twilight snap out of it. The mare looked like nothing more than an overcooked offering from a giffion's feast when they teleported away.

That Celestia snapped the horn off the terrified noble after that was not a surprise, nor was her heavy-hoofed mind magic to sell the story that Twilight had only defended herself from an assassination attempt. Mind magic covered an infinite amount of sins if you were liberal enough with it, after all.

Then there was the blight. The window did not show him what went wrong nor why, but he paused as he watched the realisation in his disguised eyes. Even if it had been a mistake, it was still his doing. He was accountable, and even if he would have sacrificed considerably more for his ascension, losing even a single of his ponies due to carelessness or miscalculation was abhorrent to him.

The uncomfortable trip in an armed convoy with a pyromaniac Celestia cultist on the roof of his carriage for protection.

Nearly bleeding to death underground because of his own stupidity as he prepared the ritual circle.

Twilight Sparkle turning up, casually creating a permanent magical shield, then stealing his escort and flying off to do something.

His cunning plan to relocate to help more ponies now his current work was done. All the inefficiency he found. Unit pride and competing nobles wasted so much time and effort. He had set to the problem with a vengeance, and in quick order, things improved.

His capture where Twilight pinned him like are mare in heat and then ripped the artefacts from his chest. He looked away and paid no more attention to any of the windows. Twilight had gotten more than enough satisfaction in literally dismantling him. He walked on but could not stop the trembling in his limbs. She had narrated everything she did and recorded it with both image crystal and scroll. The crazy mare had even thanked him for his sacrifice to medical science as she promised she would never let him die.

He screwed his eyes closed and growled as her words came back to haunt him.

"Games won't save you now, Moonlit Scroll… I believe you got to know me quite … intimately last time, so… tis only fair if we return the favour, no?

Where he had done what he had to for his ascension, she took a sadistic glee in the torment she caused. She had inhaled deeply, savouring the air thick with blood, bile and other things that belonged inside a pony, not outside. The whole time she made him watch, her magic kept him aware of each and every detail. The sound of her laughter and purrs, as she turned him into a perverted art exhibit, caressed his thoughts in the worst possible ways.

His legs gave, and the too-smooth ground did nothing to cushion his fall.

Sometime later, his breathing calmed, and his mind started to reorder itself. Did I just have a panic attack? He slammed his hoof into the ground. The quiet thump did nothing to sate his building anger. "How dare she!" He snarled. "How dare she do that to me. She will pay." Gone was any thought of recruiting her, any concept of her value to Equestria or how much her loss would weaken it.

As his anger kindled to rage, a fire lit in his core. It made him feel light as he got to his hooves. He was about to continue his tirade when he kept rising. Suspended by his core, he lifted into the air. "What?" Dozens of possibilities, each more horrid than the last.

Magic ripped from his chest. "Noooo!" he screamed as all the coloured lights burst from the fog and slammed into him.

Everything exploded in technicolour agony.

Act 2 CH 3 Ascensions: Royalty in Truth

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"Down!" Platinum's demand still pounded in his ears as Blueblood's body hugged the ground for all he was worth. His body screamed with the sudden lack of pain as he desperately inhaled the sweet air around him. There had been fire, there had been a dark frost tearing through his body, and then the world erupted into agony. Now, other than his ragged breath and racing heart, there was no sign of any of it.

He was not a coward, and yet his heart hammered in his chest so hard he thought it might explode. He knew enough to know there had been a lot of magic flowing through him, dangerous, potentially lethal levels of power.

"What happened?" He asked as he opened his eyes. The view that greeted him was not what he expected. Instead of the rolling grasslands or whatever it had become in the aftermath of the attack, the world had been replaced with an endless sea of mottled colours and shifting lights. Even the smooth ground under him blended seamlessly with it. "Where in Equestria?"

"It was the only way I could save you, my Prince." Even sounding so solemn, Platinum's voice was as perfect as ever.

He followed the sound to look at her. For a moment, he did not recognise her. Her platinum white coat was burnt away and frozen solid in patches, and her normally styled sapphire mane was in total disarray. She looked utterly exhausted as if she would topple over in even the softest of breezes. "What happened? What did you do?" He asked, concern heavy in his voice as he got to his hooves and moved to support her.

"Celestia's magic was too strong. I had no other choice" The beautiful mare trembled as she turned her shimmering eyes away.

He carefully pulled her into an embrace, accepting most of her weight as she toppled against him. "Well, you clearly saved us."

The fact it there were only the two of them here planted seeds in his heart. It was like a hole opened in his chest. His new guards, his friends from the duelling circuit, even the workers he hadn't ever asked the names of, were they all gone?

Her expression fell even further. Now, there was no doubt about the shame she felt, not with it painted so clearly on her face. "Only because I changed you without your consent."

Changed me? That was not what he had been expecting. It was both a relief and a worry. Any change that would have that look of shame on such a normally resolved face was definitely not a minor thing.

As subtly as he could, he checked himself over. All his limbs were there. He still had his horn. Nothing hurt. Nothing looked or felt out of place. "You changed me?"

She nodded.

"I do not feel any different. Am I missing something?"

"Protecting you and saving your retainers took more power than a mortal pony can safely channel."

"I don't feel like you burned out my horn." He said, his hoof reflectly reaching for it.

"It would be most accurate to say I caused your body to be vaporised…"

"For a pony that suffered such a fate, I seem to be doing remarkably well, all things considered."

"And you will be doing better soon, my Prince."

He raised his eyebrow in a way both his aunts liked to use.

"The only way to wield the needed power was to start you on your path of ascension, my Prince."

"Ascension… I'm going to be an Alicorn?"

"If you survive."

"There is risk involved?"

She nodded. "Yes, my Prince, but fear not, for I am here to guide you."

"I don't mean to criticise, but you hardly seem like you're at your best…"

"I am more than capable of what is required here and now."

"You have my thanks for turning certain death into merely the chance of death." He said as his mind truly started to process the future that now lay before him. How envious he had been of the 'lesser born filth' that had dared ascend, Cadance and Twilight both. All the amazing things they had accomplished and how worthless they made him feel.

"What should I expect?"

"This place will show you your life. Every defining moment, whether you remember it or not, will be clearly laid bare for you to review."

"There will be things that Aunty Celestia has taken from me?"


"That does not seem too terrible, not with already knowing how she treated me."

"After that there will be your magic forming your new body."

"So what do I have now?"

"This is a place where sentient minds have form just by their very nature."

"Where is the danger?"

"All that is only the first part of an ascension. There is still one final trial that must be completed… and the sooner it is done, the higher the likelihood of success. With myself here to guide you through it, it is almost a certainty, but it is still a risk, no matter how small, that today will prove to be your last."

"I knew when I took up the blade in earnest that I might court death."

"Very well, My Prince. Then, when you are ready." She pointed her horn off behind him. "Your past lies that way."

"Will you be alright?"

"Fear not, kind Prince, I will be fine and waiting for you on the other side."

He knew not how long he walked. It could have been merely an hour. It could have been a century. Images like moving paintings flanked him on his entire journey. Knowing what it had been like to be warm and safe in his mother's womb had been a bizarre start. Seeing the change in his aunty from kindly to disappointed would have been soul crushing if he did not know it was coming.

She had loved him so much, had taught him and then what should have been the best day of his young life happened. The magic lesson had started the same as normal, but at the time, the young foal he had been had not spotted the coldness of her eyes. Somehow, those windows to her soul were worse than anything he could imagine on Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon wanted to be loved. Celestia's frigid eyes saw only the dust he would be in a thousand years.

Celestia sighed. "You are not what I seek… such a waste." The white mare lit her horn, and the Blueblood in the image screamed.

He looked away from the image, but the echo of pain still reached him. The crawling feeling in his head, the terror as everything he was being devoured bite by small bite.

He fled, his hooves galloping. Days or weeks later, he slowed, the fear of his foalhood self once more in the past as his adult mind could assess things. Now, the images showed that the foal he had been was gone. They were never the same after that. Something was missing, and the poor foal had no way of knowing what he had lost. So, instead, he turned to other things to fill that void.

Noble arrogance replaced his confidence. Cruelty and entitlement supplanted his curiosity and integrity. The pictures revealed all the times he had abused his positions, all the times he had just taken what he wanted and even who he wanted were like lead weights on his hooves. He knew he had changed. He knew he was only that way due to his aunty's machinations, but still, he could not look away.

There were so many ponies he did not even remember were out there. Their lives turned for the worse just because they ran across him. I will set things right, I swear. His oath did not lessen the weight, but it gave him the strength to move on.

Twilight's enraged look as she sent him for an unexpected but clearly deserved bath. At least I have already apologised to both her and Candice.

Seeing a dark shadow slip into his sleeping form was odd, but it was not until the morning after was shown that he put two and two together. Platinum's arrival in his life and everything that followed.

As he walked through the more recent events, his mind kept going back to that shadow. What was it? There was no way it was a coincidence, not with how he had changed and Platinum's introduction only hours later.

As he got to the end of the memories, there she was, waiting for him. Despite her ragged appearance, there was no longer any weakness in her stance, and her mane had been brushed at least.

"We need to talk." He started.

"I know, and we will."

"Are you who you say you are?"

"Almost. I knew Princess Platinum, and I know she would be proud of you."

"How did you know her?"

"I had a similar role for her as I do for you, My Prince."

"You still call me your Prince?"

"Happenstance and the meddling of another brought us together. It was my choice to stay with you. It was my choice to protect your mind and advise you."

"Why did you stay?"

"Because I saw the potential in you, My Prince, because I saw how Celestia had hobbled you, crippled your magic to make you a plaything in her political games, and because it was what Princess Platinum would have wanted."

A little bit of anger tried to rise, but it was barely a whisper against all the other emotions trying to swamp him. Instead, he turned to his curiosity. "Are you being truthful?"

She nodded. "The only thing I left out was that I was part of Luna at the time. Luna gifted parts of herself to those with potential to help guide and train them, to allow them to be everything they could be."

Pride added itself to the medley of his emotions. "Why did you choose now to tell me?"

"Because there are a lot of things you are going to need to learn about being an Alicorn."

A glow started from inside his chest. "Platinum?"

"We will continue this later, My Prince… good luck."

Everything disappeared in a flash of white.

Act 2 CH 4 New Beginnings: Nova

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Thoughts more complex than she was used to played through Nova's mind as she stood in the wreck of the library. It was wrong that everything was so still, so silent that it was almost peaceful. She had not been able to stop the evil Sunmare. All she had been able to do was buy time so others could save her.

It should have been a joy to be here, to be the place where all her family gathered and where the delicious food was created. She should have been able to hug Patchwork and thank her for everything she shared. She should have been able to really sit at the table and enjoy the treats the good monster made as she sang her songs. Instead of what should have been, nopony was here.

She followed her burnt hoof prints back to what had been her cage for so long. Her hoof falls sounded like hollow thunder in the empty soundscape. The legacy of years of solitude pressed in with each step she looked closer. If it was not for the fleeting moments of passion or rage from Patchwork, she would not have even known anything existed outside her confinement. That first startlingly clear vision of the Pink one was the first time she truly realised the other glimpses were not just wishful thinking.

Something shifted down below, a soft sound, then a scraping noise. "Hello?" Nova asked, her voice frail.

"Your back." The high-pitched voice of Smarty Pants' cry of joy only just preceded the pounding of soft little hooves climbing up stairs too large for them.

The little plush pony emerged, and Nova practically pounced, wrapping her companion up in a hug as they rolled to a stop. Even with her expanded mind, it was the softness crushed to her chest and the familiar scent that returned her strength, not any reason or logic.

"Where is everypony?" Nova asked.

"The not-so-bad monster went to help the Moonmare, Grey is looking after Little Star, and Good Monster went upstairs somewhere."

As each pony was named, memories and context aligned like clockwork in Nova's mind. She was not just a foal or beast. Her mind was clear, and with each second, more and more understanding came to her.

She lifted her gaze to where the table had been, and it was almost as if she could see them all sat there. She could almost hear the banter as the tea was poured. The extra honey the good monster added just for her made both the drink and its memory all the sweeter.

The Bad Monster, Night, the former Nightmare, the often mean but always loyal defender of Patchwork and Little Star. She was always smug, and her words often hurt even when she was being nice. She was sometimes selfish, greedy, and evil until Patchwork changed her. There had been a fight. Night had done something mean to Patchwork, and Nova had charged to her defence. All that she could remember was the hot rage and rapid motion. Sometime after that, things started to change. Night even started to show up for tea times. She was still mean, but like Patchwork, she was family.

Grey was, well, Grey. Cold and unfeeling but always there to offer help if it was really needed. She was the big sister who resented being the responsible one, even as they took pride in what they could do. She never had a chance to sit at the table, but the Good Monster always made sure to float treats over to her and include her in the conversations. Not that Grey talked, well, not until those few barked comments earlier.

Sweet Dreams, the Good Monster, the music mare, the maker of snacks, the mother of Smarty Pants. Her voice had been the only source of comfort for so long. She loved Patchwork so very much. She smiled so happily whenever she got to play hostess, whenever anypony, even the guests, liked her cooking.

Her mind flitted over the guests she could remember.

Cadance, the best foal sitter, even just the thought of her brought an urge to gallop to her and hid in the embrace of the mare that should have been larger than life even though she was small these days. Night had been inviting her over for a few words before taking her away for some sort of lesson. It was a little mean. Night did not ask if Smarty Pants wanted to go when she really liked learning.

Applejack, the well-built earthpony, and one of Patchwork's closest friends, had visited. A strange bug pony had visited, too. She seemed scared and confused. During one of those two visits, Night got into a play fight with Patchwork as Dreams protected both the guest and the food with her magic. It had looked like fun, but she had still been caged. Nova glanced at the breached remains of the thick golden door that led to her basement. She recoiled and averted her eyes. Even going to the remembering spot was not worth heading down there again. The ghosts and memories were loud enough from up here.

She latched on to the memory of the song, the one that the Good Monster song most often, and the first time it had been sung just for her. That was enough to drown out the bad memories and enough to keep thinking. Another pony that had visited added themselves to the imaginary tea party.

Insight, the unicorn with a pretty horn, was not suddenly a better-looking Gift. No, she was Gift's twin sister and had been upset and tired. Gift had been hurt… Nova closed her eyes as the memories came forward and played out. The first time she had burnt her had been a small thing. Nova had been greedy, she had been selfish, and Gift had paid for it. Gift had left then, and Nova had been alone again. But things worked out. In a Dark place only lit by her flames, Gift had called for her, invited her and welcomed her as she willingly… Nova shook her head. Now's not the time to think about that. She growled and slapped herself.

As the pleasant memories were pushed aside, worse ones replaced them. The pony that was to kill her daughter had stood before her. The fire inside her surged as she lunged. Annihilating this puny pony that would dare hurt her daughter was all that mattered. Then confusion hit, deep, cold and somehow more terrifying than the Sunmare before her, ready for battle. Nova had looked down in horror at the thing that had been a pony. It was not the evil pony that had been reduced to cooked meat. No, it was her Gift.

"Candice," she half whispered and half sobbed. "I am not a feral beast." She snarled as she forced her mind back into order. Candice was not a Gift. She was a pony in her own right, and no matter how willing she was, she was far more than just something to be used.

Even as she gathered her thoughts, she could still remember it. What it had been like to just be that animal, want, need, passion and instinct. Given just a little sentience by the memories of early foalhood and a deep burning rage.

She brought her hoof to her chest as she breathed in. With her eyes closed, she pushed her hoof away and exhaled. Her mind shifted to when the best foal sitter had taught her this most secret of calming techniques.

She opened her eyes and took a few more deep breaths. The pleasant scent of burnt wood helped calm her even as the implications of what it meant tried to undo it. The soft little nuzzle brought a smile to her face. Smarty Pants smiled up at her, and that made things a little more bearable.

"So what are we going to do now?" Smarty Pants asked, unusually seriously.

It was a good question. They were safe. They were on a very big train heading to the best foalsitter's house past the cold white place… The Crystal Empire and the Frozen North, respectively, her newly agile mind provided. It was a new sensation, like remembering she knew something, but just had momentarily forgotten it. With a few moments of thought, even the biggest of big words made sense now. She winced. She should have thought about her expanded vocabulary, not now understanding the biggest of big words.

She sighed softly and looked back to where the table had been. The mental image of how happy everyone had been at the table returned. The tasty snacks, the sandwiches and the sweet-scented tea always brought a smile to everypony. Just like that, she knew what to do. She glanced down at Smarty Pants. "Do you know how to make tea?"

"Sure." Smarty Pants chirped as she nodded.

Nova pushed herself back to her hooves, purpose granting her limbs the strength that despair had robbed from her. "Then I'll tidy up, and you get the stuff for tea and sandwiches."

"Alright." Smarty Pants cheered and rushed off.

The sheer joy in the little pony brought a smile to Nova's face even as her eyes burnt with tears her fiery mane would never let be seen.

Nova was not Patchwork. Patchwork would have done everything with magic. She would have lit her horn and had everything done with two shakes of her tail. Nova, on the other hoof, did everything she could by hoof and with brute strength.

Every time she absolutely needed a spell and could find no way around the problem, in the thirty seconds her patience lasted, she would sit back on her haunches and hit her head until she remembered it. Using her hoof was not as effective as using the remembering spot, but it got the answers in the end.

Using the magic felt strange. It was like her horn was a musical instrument, and she was trying to use it to put funny voices on. If she got the impression right and said the right things with it, the magic worked. If she did not… well, that was why there were just a few more burnt things that needed to be tidied up.

As she gathered the ruined items and piled up the remains of the golden seals, her fires spread. These were not the hot, angry flames that thrashed with rage. No, these flames were warm, soft and gentle. Where they touched, the wood did not burn. Well, it did not burn the right way.

Nova paused and watched as the charred living world burnt backwards. Instead of the flames devouring the wood, it consumed the damaged sections, leaving new intact material instead of ash. It made no sense, but that did nothing to dampen the joy at seeing her flames doing something other than destroying things. She held her hoof up and watched the slow, lazy fire dance upon it. She tried petting it to reward it for being good but just managed to wave her other hoof through it. Would this work on ponies?

With this new tool in her housework arsenal, she shrugged, and then the cleaning became much more fun. She thundered around the room, jumping between the damaged sections, rings of friendly fire erupting from her hooves with each landing.

A part of her told her this made no sense, that magic did not work this way, but she ignored that part. Clearly, this was happening, so this was obviously how magic worked. She danced and played with her flames as she pranced, leapt and played chase with the backwards fire.

It took her an embarrassingly long time to realise that there was nothing else that needed fixing. A part of her wanted to be meek, shy, and apologetic, but that was not the mare she was, so she stood on her hind legs and let out a playful roar.

With a slow two-legged turn, she took in the space around her. The almost forgotten wings on her back tickled her back as they shifted to maintain her balance.

The space had changed. There were three new doorways. As soon as she saw the embossed marks, she knew who they belonged to. "Sisters," she breathed out as the enormity of what Patchwork had done hit her.

There was Rule Breaker's Star made of mind-bending triangles, Dancer's pair of spiralling stars shedding sparks and musical notes in their wakes and Sun Chaser's simple crystal sun.

"Thank you…" she whispered, and only the timely deployment of a hug from Smarty Pants held away the tears.

The Nova of yesterday would have only known that Patchwork was gone, killed by the Sunmare, and her sisters were back. She would have been vengeful, angry, happy and possibly confused. Or, more likely too simple-minded to realise she should have been confused.

The Nova of today could see more clearly. With that clarity, she could see Celestia had attacked Patchwork, had tried to assassinate her as she saved her friends. At that moment, Patchwork had made a choice. She chose to save her friends, to restore Nova's sisters, knowing it would cost her own life.

It hurt to think about her emotions. It was easier just to act. To let them drive her actions and live in the moment. Patchwork's final gift to her stole that simplicity, and as painful as it was, Nova could not be more grateful for it. She hated Celestia more than even the Darkmage. She mourned Patchwork and wanted to be able to say thank you to her. She wanted to hug her sisters. It had been so long since she had seen them. Why can't we have the good without the bad?

She nuzzled Smarty Pants and looked to the one area she avoided cleaning, an intact area that looked a little bit like a nest with three large woven eggs.

The three large eggs made more sense to the Nova of today, and they would certainly not be turned into omelettes even if she kinda wanted one now. She slipped her little companion onto her back and walked over to the eggs. "Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity. Get well soon." She laid a hoof carefully on each as she spoke their names. The warmth that radiated out from them said they would be alright, even if it would be days or weeks before they hatched.

She looked around the room another time. Her eyes settled on the small door. Sister said one part of her as another said, daughter. She tilted her head sideways, and the emotions still did not resolve, so she shrugged and moved on. She put away the boxes of golden slag, hung the decorative curtains and even painted two plaques. The first, she painted a staff with a crystal star crackling with magic. That one so hung over Grey's section. The next was her own star wrapped in flames.

With a satisfied smile, she nodded. Smarty Pants offered a hoof, and with a clack, the hood bump was shared.

Next, they moved the table to where it seemed to fit best. It did not need to be right next to the basement doorway anymore. A fresh tablecloth, clean cups, plates and a teapot made for an inviting sight.

She tapped her hoof on the floor. Now, how do I invite them? She thought as her hoof tapped it out in hoof code.

Smarty Pants' little hoof tapped its answer on Nova's back. Well, The Good Monster is still upstairs.

Nova crained her head back. There was a lot of upstairs to check. With a shrug, she lowered her muzzle to the ground and started sniffing for the most recent scent.

The greet tree had a lot of rooms and even more books. More books than anypony could ever have use for. If there was a space that was not being used for something else, it had bookshelves. Even some of the spaces that were clearly meant for other things had books. Nova could not help but truly consider the idea. It was only the structural support provided by the books themselves that kept the Grand Golden Oaks standing.

So many things she passed brought fragments of memories. A toy Shiny had gotten her. A tattered storybook she could just recall chewing when it seemed the size of a table. There were so many half images. Faces and places that were missing important bits or mixed up.

She pushed through the haze of Patchwork's memories and kept following Dreams' scent. The library was so vast it may as well have been a palace, but that did not matter. She had her trail to follow, so it was only a matter of time.

Dreams' voice slowly resolved from just a hint that played with her ears to recognisable words.

"... Even with her wing broken, Daring Do jumped…"

Story time? Nova thought and her hooves picked up speed on their own. She liked stories. A smile formed, then slowly died as more and more clarity resolved. This was a sad bit of the story, where everything seemed lost and then, at the last minute, Daring Do saved the day.

Dreams' voice was clear and easy to listen to even when she did the silly voices for the bad guys. Yet under it all was a tremble. Even without seeing her, it was clear the Good Monster was crying. This time, it did not sound like Dreams' believed anything could be alright in the end.

All the times Nova had nothing, when she curled up alone, hungry and even hating herself, the Good Monster had been there for her, with a song or a story. In the end, she had even introduced her to Smarty Pants.

Nova’s lope became a full-on gallop. The Good Monster was hurting, and it was her time to be there for her.

Act 2 CH 4 New Beginnings: Nightmare

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The train ride had been strange. For the first time in a very long time, she could see hate and distrust on the face of ponies. Nopony had ordered any secrets to be kept, and Twilight's body was in a dire state. Neither of them was what unsettled the Nightmare. It was how short everypony was now that she was back in Luna's taller frame. There was no doubt this was where she was meant to be, and yet there had also been a rightness to being with Twilight.

She knew that each second that passed was a second closer to Celestia recovering from her parting 'gift'. The suffering that truth wrapped with the deepest, darkest nightmare she could craft had brought a thin sliver of vindictive joy to her heart. One did not survive by letting an opponent recuperate, and that fact weighed on her mind, pressed in as if the walls were closing in.

Restless energy promised action, but she ignored it. One does not spend a thousand years on the moon without getting used to waiting. The most precious thing in the world needed her to remain here, and so she would. The small blessing of Harmony comfortably curled up under her wing was one of the only reasons she did not drag the moon down and use it as a hammer again and again until either Celestia or herself was no more.

If you looked at Little Star now, nopony would ever know that fire had claimed both the hair and flesh from her head less than a day ago. That one so little had been so brave, so determined to push past the pain of a white-hot horn to power a pair of the most powerful teleport spells the Nightmare had ever seen back-to-back. She lightly stroked her daughter's now short mane, careful not to wake the sleeping filly. "You saved us again, daughter mine…"

A small tear started to fall, but once again, the shadows stole it away. Twilight's last gift had been the most meaningful. She had promised to give Little Star wings. She had pledged that she would never be lost to old age and she would become an Alicorn like her parents. They might only be the smallest motes right now, but this close, there was no denying it. Under the mountain that was Little Star's unicorn wellspring sat six additional ones as small as the first spring sprouts. Only time would tell if they would bloom in full.

Outside the window, the glow of the Crystal Empire's shield dome pierced the blizzard. Wrapped in its own smaller dome, the living extension of the Empire rushed closer to her birthplace. Sanctuary was definitely the most unique fragment Nightmare had ever encountered. Nopony from the Imperium had even conceived of something quite like this. Sanctuary's fears had led Nightmare to know who and what she was. Would Twilight be all right? Would Celestia attack them before they got back home? Would all the ponies in her care be safe? Was she strong enough to protect them if it came to that?

Nightmare rested Luna's bare hoof on the crystal wall. It felt so much like Twilight's Castle and yet so different. The castle was alien and aloof most of the time. Sanctuary was a Valkyrie playing foalsitter and woe to all who would harm her charges. "Worry nought, Guardian, if it comes to conflict, we stand with you."

Sanctuary did not speak, but a warmth rippled through the crystal beneath Nightmare's hooves and the succulent fears faded to mere doubts. It was not as nourishing, but Twilight would not have been happy if she had let Sanctuary suffer under the weight of fear longer than needed. It was the least she could do for the unintentional aid the potent fear had been in restoring her Luna.

Outside, the grating sounds of the cannon turrets twitching smoothed, and the hum of magic from the overcharged obelisk returned to safer levels.

In the distance, Equestria called. Her sister was there, and there was no telling what she would do now. Celestia had made the first move and had failed by the narrowest of margins only due to Twilight's brilliance and Little Star's last-second rescue. There were no honeyed words that could soothe over what had happened, no promises that could ever be trusted again.

It was far too easy to imagine Celestia calmly smoking her favourite pipe as she gazed out from the heights of Canterlot at the chessboard that was the world.

"So it's to be another of the Imperium's games… War."

Act 2 CH 4 New Beginings: Cadance Returns Home

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At long last, Sanctuary's shield merged with the Crystal Heart's, and Cadance metaphorically let go of the breath she was holding. The city might be a vulnerability in some ways, but it was an unparalleled shield in others. One stress put down just let her other feelings come forward.

A black hollow was in her heart where something precious had once been. Cadance cradled the frayed, forlorn stands of one particular cut heartline. It flowed in an ethereal breeze, desperately seeking something it would never find. Even with the confirmation her domain gave her, it was hard to accept what was here had only been her physical shell.

In a way, what was left of Twilight was beautiful. It was a work of art, albeit a twisted one. Just the way her current form caught the light was spectalicer if you could ignore what it was. Crystal-covered bones held together by magic alone. A little too dark for anypony's taste really, but it still drew the eyes whether you wanted it to or not.

Everything from her mortal life quailed at the fact that even in this state, the body was alive. Alive, but almost empty of all that should have been within. All but two of the heartlines that should have been there were gone. Only Nova and Sweet Dreams remained, and both grieved for the one that had been lost.

The bright sparks of colour meant Nova was surprisingly upbeat, despite the darker colour lurking below them that spoke of suppressed emotions that would have to be dealt with later. The many thin strands proved she still cared for others outside those she furiously loved. Then there was Sweet Dreams, and her heart lines were anything but healthy. They were frail whisps, things of duty and a promise to one that was lost. If she was a normal pony, she would be placed under suicide watch. With what awaited Alicorns beyond death, Cadance had no fear Sweet Dreams would take that path.

She rested her hoof over where her heart would be. It did not matter that her real heart was still miles away, it still hurt. "Twilgiht," she whispered as she rested a hoof lightly on her still inhabited remains. She might not have been the little foal she had first foalsat, but she had been her sister.

The crystal armour felt smooth and warm under Cadance's hoof. If she let herself, she could pretend the lingering feel of the conjured crystal was the ember of her sister's magic that just needed rest to recover.

In the stories, giving your life to save your friends was celebrated. It was an honourable and right thing to do. In reality, it just made hearts ache more, and those-that-survive-you heart's have a hole that can never be filled.

"Will you even know she is gone?" She asked.

Unsurprisingly, the three mortal souls failed to answer. Only time would tell if Twilight's method of saving a pony from death had truly worked. From the heart lines leading from elsewhere in the train, it was clear Applebloom's, and Sweetie Belle's sisters' souls were here, whether the briliant mare had tme to work out the flaws with her backup plan or not was the question.

As much as she wished to simply stay here and grieve, that was not an option she had. Ruling a nation had to come first. There was no way what Celestia had done this time could be forgiven. Even her heart was not large enough or tough enough for that. This, at the very least, was the start of a civil war for Equestria. By taking Luna and Twilight's fragments in she had already taken a side and it was time to start taking action.

She rose to her crystalline hooves and nodded to the two of her eternal guards that flanked the bed that the crystal skeleton lay upon. "Keep her safe." They saluted, and she stalked to find 'Luna'.

Even with everypony bowing and moving out of her way, the walk through the train took a long time. Even a blind pony would have seen almost every pony needed a kind word, a reassuring look or something more. Even though they were not her subjects, they were ponies, and even if they were not under her care, she could not just leave them like this. She unfurled her senses and touched their emotions. A medley of fear, hopelessness, confusion, and doubt almost obscured everything else. Some deep notes of loss and vengefulness burned through the misery here and there. As a whole the herd huddled in safety and were waiting for the danger to go away. If only things were so simple.

They needed her to be the perfect Princess, so that was who she became. She was no Celestia, she would not just force them to feel or think what she thought was best. Yet they needed something to break the downward spiral of fear and despair. With time, loved ones and friends would heal most of them. Unfortunately, Cadance did not believe there would be the moons or years needed. So, even as much as she did not like doing it, she turned to her Alicorn influence.

Magic lent more weight to her comforting words and sincere advice. It was cheating, it was not truly the one-on-one care they all deserved, but there was not a hundred of her with nothing else to do than be Counselor Cadance for them. Even so, she asked each of their names and spent a few minutes with any who needed it.

She paused next to one cabin. They all had strong lines back to the souls that Twilight had saved. Those lines were more than enough to tell her who they were. As unfair as it was to the others, the ponies within simply meant more to her. Four ponies that had come to be so close to her niece. I will make time for them later.

Little Star's absence took the spirit from the normally resolute Cute Mark Crusaders. The memory of their friend's burnt form still haunted them. Luna's addition to the group was the only thing holding their despair at bay. His extra years and training granted him the emotional fortitude to be the rock they so desperately needed. As she went to pass by their cabin, his piercing slit eyes lifted to meet hers through the door's window. Those intense eyes held her hooves in place better than any spell could.

Seething rage lurked behind the normally calm former stallion's gaze. He let none of that show in his expression or relaxed posture in the adorable pony pile. Any other time, the sight of Scootaloo nestled under his right wing and Sweetie Belle to his left would have been such a precious moment. Applebloom, defensively draped over the others, was like an extra dose of cute on top.

With a polite knock, she got the rest of their attention. Three more sets of eyes looked up to her as she entered the cabins.

Applebloom did not even wait for the door to be fully open before her desperate question burst from her. "How is she?"

For a moment, Cadance considered just using her Alicorn nature to put them at ease, but she hesitated. So, instead, she walked in and lay down to make herself more approachable. "Little Star is well, but is resting. She used a lot of magic, but she will be alright when she wakes."

"But … her burns…they looked bad." Applebloom scraped a hoof on the ground, her ears lowering a little.

"They are healed. She will be fine. She's sleeping under her mother's wing right now."

There was still a little doubt in Appleblooms heart but at least it eased her worries. "What happened? We were in the Castle, then there was a bright flash, and we were next to your train."

"And Star's mane was on fire…" Scootloo added.

The foals were likely the only ponies who did not know what had happened, the only ones the adults had not spread the rumours to. There was no doubt that Comet, with his thestral hearing, would have picked it up, but wisely, he had chosen not to pass it on. For the first time in a long time, both her empathic sense and Celestia's training failed her. There was no good answer she could give her. White lie or truth, each had their downsides. If I was in your place, would I want to know the truth?

"She used too much magic too quickly, and her horn got a little too hot."

"Princess," Sweetie Bell said.


"We know the sort of things Star can do without hurting herself, and the snow made it obvious we are not returning to Ponyville. Why are you taking us to the Crystal Empire on your new train?"

"It's because we would not be safe there," Comet added, his slit eyes staring right into Cadance's own.

Applebloom turned to him. "It's our home, why ain't it safe?"

"That bright light outside was an attack on Twilight." Wide eyes and gasps were the only things that penetrated the silence that followed Comet's words.

Scootaloo was the first to break the lingering quiet. "Is she going to be alright?" The hope in those young eyes cut right to Cadance's core.

How can I tell you the one that gave you your wings is gone? "She is stable… I am going to have to talk to Luna to see what else we can do to help her."

Scootaloo looked at her wings for a moment. There was sadness, and then it was banished by resolve. She stood up as tall as she could manage. "If it will help… she can take my wings back."

Cadence drew her into a hug and wrapped her wings around her. "You brave filly. Thank you, but no, it won't help, and even if it would, Twilight would never accept it. She gave you these wings. She meant for you to have the skies."

"Could Celestia help?" Sweetie Belle asked.

It was such an innocent question, and on any other day, Candace might have been able to control her expression better. Comet did not even try. He openly showed his fangs.

"I don't think so, I'm sorry."

"But why? Doesn't she care about her?"

Cadance's eyes found the floor. Why Celestia?

Mentally, Cadance shifted through her interactions with Celestia. Every word she had shared, every little glance, the colour and texture, all Celestia's heart lines and how they had changed. It was still unbelievable in so many ways. Celestia had loved Twilight. That had not been fake. It had been real and deep. She had been overjoyed when things had started improving. She wanted to growl, to stomp her hooves, to shout into a pillow for hours on end until the world met her demand and started making sense. Unfortunately, she was not the school filly that could get away with it anymore. Soon, her decisions, right or wrong, would likely cost lives. Hundreds, or maybe even thousands, would die if it came to War.

A slight feeling of pressure drew Cadance back from her dark musing. Somehow, she had four little ponies now hugging her and Comet looking very put upon. She adjusted to wrap her wings around all of them. Even with all their fear and doubt, they had dropped everything to be there for her. If only everypony could be like you.

Cadance still could not work out how the three fillies had talked her into this, but somehow, they were her escort as she continued her way. Was it the purity of their emotions, their simple need to see their friend, or that after that impromptu pony pile, she simply did not want to be alone? She could not say, but just having them here warmed her heart.

The pair of guards stationed at the door were unnecessary aboard, but their presence told anypony that the ones past there were important. Cadance approached, and they saluted. As she went to pass them, one spoke.

"The sovereign's daughter is sleep."

Cadance nodded and motioned for the Crusaders to be quiet.

Inside, Luna's body lounged on the Princess-sized bed, Little Star protectively held under a wing. It would have been another heartwarming scene of motherly love, if not for the fact it was Night that looked out of those cyan eyes and not the Princess of the Night.

Not for the first time, Cadance's courage was bolstered by the pact they shared. As cruel and evil as Night could be, she was still bound as her mentor and not to harm her outside reasons that required it.

Night offered a regal nod, and Cadance returned it. The Crusaders quietly swarmed in. Each needed to see with their own eyes that their friend was alright.

A flicker of shadows wrapped around Little Star's ears. The magic settled to the form of silken earmuffs. "Now, she shall not be disturbed." Night shifted her wing, permitting them a better view. "We thank thee for…"

"Family, remember?" Cadance softened her interruption with a soft smile.

Night held her gaze for a long moment and then nodded curtly. Her eyes looked over the Crusaders and lingered a heartbeat longer on Comet. "We have a quest for thee. Guard our daughter until our return."

"Don't worry, Princess, we got this," Scootaloo said. The other girls added their agreement. Comet saluted, and then Scootaloo rushed to follow suit.

Night reached into her shadow, and as she lifted her hoof, four shapes came with it, dripping liquid darkness as if the shadow was a pool. As the darkness slid off of the shapes, it became clear what they were. Four identical daggers. A touch of ice magic braided the Crusader's symbol onto each sheath. Night shifted, still lying but assuming a more regal pose. "Young knights, we entrust our daughter's safety to thee. In this task, thine actions need not be restrained. Anything thou must do to protect our daughter is permitted, and as Knights, only mine or mine daughter's judgment may condemn you."

As Night spoke, pride and determination rose in the Crusader's hearts. Sweetie Belle might have been the only one of the girls who truly followed the words, but all of them understood the meaning behind them. Night bid them over, one by one, knighting them with her horn. Each she awarded a blade, silken stands of shadows secured it to their bodies.

Little Star's augmented toys had technically made them her knights already, but none would nay say or call it mere foal's play when such tiles were granted by Princess Luna.

Garnet mentally knocked and then spoke. The CMC and one pissed off thestral. I almost pity the condemned soul that tries to get to Little Star.

Still, please keep an eye on them.

Of course. On the other hoof, how free are you happy with me being with my preparation?

Just no more adventure's taverns, alright?

Sports bar it is then.


Look, Princess, just about every one of us, with even a whisper of free will, wants to march on Canterlot right now. She killed Twilight, you know that, right?

I do… That one admittance somehow made everything more real than it had been but a heartbeat ago.

Night's wing guided her as they left the four small knights to watch over Little Star.

Only the sounds of their hooves violated the silence as they walked. Garnet's presence in the back of her mind faded.

Would this upcoming conflict end with somepony banished to the moon, or would their fates be told in more mournful tones?

She shook her head and put her doubts aside for the moment.

"Luna." Cadance started, her pointed glance clearly stating she knew it was Night she was talking to. "How are you doing?"

Night's eyes slid to hers, and after a few seconds, she sighed. "We will confess, we have been better."

"Are you going to be alright for this meeting?"

"There is much to decide, and we will have our say."

War… Cadance nodded. Something in Night's tone opened a new pit of worry in her heart.

Act 2 CH 4 New Beginnings: A Comet's Duty

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Comet watched. He listened. The single pony his sovereign bid him follow even over herself lay in a bed, and nopony knew when she would awaken. Even though her condition was self-inflicted, the blame for it lay at Celestia's hooves.

Sweetie Belle fussed over her, making sure she would be comfortable. Applebloom put her effort into preparing snacks. It was apple-based items that emerged from her saddlebags, of course, not the superior mangos, but it was the thought that counted.

He thought he had known what the pinnacle of loyalty and the bond between comrades was when he had just been a Night Guard. Then he was thrown to the four fillies. They might not understand it in quite the same way, but that did not stop their bonds from being stronger.

A light brush of feathers turned his attention to Scootaloo. She nodded to him. That one little motion said so much. She understood, she knew what it to be a warrior. What it was to take it upon yourself to protect others. Should anything happen, they would let whoever reacted first take the lead.

Despite his thoughts wandering, he still kept his focus on the here and now. It was a simple trick, but it took years to master, to let your whims do their thing and yet not let them distract you.

The sovereign taught that sometimes they would provide the insights needed at a critical moment, but none of his had been that useful yet.

Past his duty, it was the chosen pegasus that inspired his insights. The many hours of drilling and sparring floated through his mind. She had been brash, reckless even, but he had refined it to assertive action guided by a pegasus innate ability to assess a situation in a heartbeat.

It was always the goal in small unit tactics, but so rarely achieved. All it would take would be a simple look. A motion or a single sound for either of them, and they would both know the plan.

Scootaloo was going to grow into a warrior that they would still be telling tales about in a thousand years.

"How is she doing?" Applebloom asked.

Sweetie Belle rested her horn against Little Star's. It was still amazing to see not a single scorch mark on it. The filly's head had been on fire. With the accompanying scents of cooked meat, there had been no mistaking it for a mere display of power.

"I can't feel anything wrong with her." Sweetie Bell's ear twitched. "It's like her magic is singing but forgot the words, and the backup singers are arguing. "

"But she's alright?" Comet asked before he even knew he had opened his mouth.

"I think so… it's like what happens when I get my magic lessons wrong, and she has to stop my magic for me."

Comet's body relaxed muscles he did not even know he was tensing. Inducing disharmony in a unicorn's magic was no joking matter. But as it was the main way unicorns lost duels, it was studied even in the distant past. So, there would be no way the sovereign would have left her daughter's side if it had been a serious case.

Scootaloo tilted her head.

Comet nodded. "Yeah, she's going to be fine."

"Anything we can do to help her?"

"Just moral support. She has to solve this on her own."

"So, I know I'm not my sister, but Ah can tell when there keeping things from us," Applebloom accused.

"Applebloom, I think we all know that," Scoots said.

Sweetie Bell looked up. "So what is it?"

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "The next big bad, obviously."

More the first… Comet thought to himself as he took slow, even breaths. Now was not the time to let it slip that it was Princess Celestia that was the 'next big bad'. "Whatever it is, theres nothing we can do about it right now."

"So why did Star's mum give us these knives? We kind of have enough weapons already, don't we?" Applebloom asked.

"There a badge, like the one we got for defeating the hydra," Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Belle looked subtly at her dagger. "They feel like they are too magical to just be a medal."

Comet nodded. "These ones are old, very old, but the Night Guard has weapons like this."

"So? What do they do?"

"They can be used to pin anything in place with their shadow."


"Just stab it into their shadow, and it holds them in place."

Scootaloo eyed hers thoughtfully.

"Just be careful, as it will hurt the target, so no going for the head or heart."

"So we can attack something's shadow to hurt it now?" Scootaloo asked.

He nodded. "Yes."

"Awesome, we are going to need to add this to our training."

Something in the quality of the background sound changed. His ears perked up and then swirled to the source. Little Star's breathing had deepened a little, and her heart rate had picked up a few beats a minute.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle did not notice, but Scootaloo did. She might not have heard it but they had trained together so much she caught and understood his ear movement. She flicked her eyes to Little Star and then back to him. He nodded "She's waking up." That got the others attention.

Applebloom dumped her snacks and rushed over to the bed, and Sweetie Belle nearly pounced on Little Star. All their senses were focused on only one thing.

Scootaloo's body tensed as if she was about to rush over, but she held herself in place, keeping most of her attention outwards to where possible threats. As proud as that made her of how far she had come, now was not the time for it.

"I have the watch." He shoved her with his wing and continued in a softer tone. "Go to her."

She did not need to be told twice.

The first thing those magenta eyes would see would be three friends crowding her.

Act 2 CH 4: New Beginnings: Candice’s New Companion

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Candice's body moved on its own, or more accurately, under the direction of another. The sugary snack that was popped into her muzzle might as well have been ash for all the enjoyment it gave her. That did not stop her guest humming as she savoured it.

Twilight was gone. Just the mere fact Rule Breaker was here, controlling her body was proof of that. Even with that gaping rent in her heart, her mind still worked. Luna's and Night's training would have killed her if she could not cope with the mere inconvenience of having her love sacrifice herself due to the solar attack.

Logic, reason, calculation. She had been an analyst for so long that it was impossible to break that habit now. The exact chain of events that led to this outcome was so improbable to happen by happenchance she could not accept it was anything but deliberate action.

Celestia was the primary suspect for being behind it. She was the aggressor, after all. Was she the one that set the events in motion to allow them to happen? Her emotions said yes, but her mind said there were still things she did not know.

Candice felt her tongue collect the last crumbs from her lips, and then a content sigh escaped her. With her quick feast successfully devoured, Rule Breaker turned to leave the cabin Candice had been assigned. She had not even checked if the uniform was straight in the mirror before her hoof reached for the door.

It was rather novel, being on the other side of the bit this time. As much as Rule Breaker's care wrapped around her soul, there was still a wrongness to it. As much as she accepted her new companion, it still felt like her body had been stolen in a way.

This part is more my duties. Would you mind?

You want to do the boring bits? Be my guest.

As if being spun a little too fast by one's dance partner, existence shifted and suddenly Candice had to brace her legs to avoid face planting.

It's not just that. You are the guest here. I am the one others expect to be here in this body and your actions would reflect on me, not on you. I'm already thinking of how to get you your own body…

Look, this is what she wanted, and this is what we both need.

I know you need a host. I know we are capable of working together. I know it's not intentional. But this still feels like you stole my body from me.

You gave yourself to Twilight. You know it was not your body anymore, right? Rule Breaker half teased.

Anger rose up in her, but Candice carefully pushed it aside. Legally, but she didn't just take over my body without my permission, and she only did that twice for actual dates. It was still my body to control.

Look, you would be dead if I was not here, 'She' needed to give you more power than you could have survived, and I was her solution. Rule Breaker's resentment leaked from her before it shifted, gaining an edge of apology. Yeah, it sucks, but if I leave you, you will die.

That's the first time I've felt your emotions so clearly. Are you alright? Candice mentally offered a hug, needing it just as much as Rule Breaker felt like she did.

The feelings bled off, and Rule Breaker's emotions shifted from exasperation to annoyance, then with a sigh, she accepted the embrace. For a moment, everything became warm. It was very much like being held by an older sister, one that was just as likely to be nice as to mess up your mane for fun, even if they would be there anytime it really counted. "So all this time I've been trying to be nice, trying to comfort you, you felt nothing? Buck my life, I should have just taken a nap…"

I think I felt it, just not clearly, as my own grief was kind of overwhelming at the time. I'm still grieving, but having you here makes it easier.

Yeah, yeah. Now, do you want to talk to your ponies, or am I getting more of these pastries?

Feel free to grab another pastry and control the magic. I need to drive my,,, our body for the duties.

Great, so I'm stuck trying to stay still… Do you realise how hard it is to not accidentally block your desire to move?

Can't say that I do. I haven't tried to possess another.

Well, it's all the rage these days… Rule Braker snarked, in just the same tone Twilight would have used. Candice could almost see the particular eye roll that would have accompanied it.

Candice chuckled at that. Alright. You are the one who likes to break the rules of magic. Can you do anything to force it to be easier for you?

I can't think of anything that would not kill you. It's the difference in our power… until things settle down more… ah buck, there is no kind way to say this. Until you become part of me… one of my fragments kinda…

What if I constructed your own body for you? I am kind of mostly made of Twilight after I got accidentally roasted.

Want to get rid of me already? Rule Breaker teased.

No, but I want you to be happy.

And with what Twilight did, do you think I would be happy away from you? I was literally created to love you… remember?

I know, it doesn't mean we would have to part ways, just that we would have our own bodies, like when Twilight was around. That doesn't mean we loved each other any less.

Then it's you that will need a new body. She anchored me to this body very firmly. Also, you are a lot safer with me here, and you know it. The feeling of that omnidirectional embrace closed in, something that would have been impossibly suffocating if it could be done physically, just felt nice.

So, you would prefer to master the art of stillness so I can perform my duties rather than be separate?

Nah, you just need to hurry up and get good and learn to be louder with your actions.

Then what do I need to do to get your help in learning that? I have no idea where to even start.

For now, Just think what you want to do and I can pass it on to the body. We can get to lessons later.

Alright. But can you adhere to the needed precision? It's not an accusation, just honest curiosity.

We're just going to talk to some ponies, not going for a dance, right?

It's a lot more than that, actually. The public will see, and the way we move conveys much more than some realise. Military precision is key to presenting a firm and confident defensive face to the public. Letting them know that, no matter how bad things are, we have the ability to stay clam and protect them.

We have the ability to protect them? Against Celestia?

Even if we don't they need to believe we do. And I don't think they know about the Celestia bit yet, so that gap in power would be irrelevant to the public at this time. But it comes down to appearances matter to them, and I would be negligent in my duties if I were not performing to the best of my abilities.

Then be negligent, you need time for yourself, time to well, come to terms with what happened. Rule Breaker's concern was touching if far too aggressively delivered.

I've had some of that already, and I'll get more later. Right now though, I have my duties that have to be done no matter how I'm feeling. And if I let my emotions get in the way, I wouldn't be a very good Captain of the Twilight Guard. Just the concept of not being the best she could be in the role her Twilight gave her was something neither her love nor pride would allow.

Fine, do what you need to do now, but you will be having time off even I have to make you. It was clear Rule Breaker's words were as much a threat as a heartfelt pledge of aid.

I'm not going to neglect myself. I just can't neglect my duties either. Thank you for being here, even if it wasn't your choice.

Yeah yeah, let's get going. Has anypony taught you how to be concise?

Candice bristled but tried not to show it. That is me being concise.

The earthpony-backed facehoof bounced their head off the wall.

If it was not for the improvements Twilight had grafted into her body, she would have been walking around with a clearly visible hoof mark for all to see. Instead, all that was needed was a bit of extra grooming.

Moving her body this way felt a little bit like a dream. There was no delta, no lag. If anything, the motions happened just that little bit quicker and were performed that little bit smoother, but all the sensations felt just a little bit flat, like there was a minor disconnect somewhere.

Candice could feel every twitch, every movement of her head that Rule Breaker had to force herself not to make. Even the slightest temptation to do something and her guest seemed to be able to drown out the loudest demand she could shout to her limbs.

But the oddities in controlling her body were the least important. Nearly everypony wanted to ask how Twilight was doing. Each with a slightly different blend of hope and fear. While not all of them had seen the crystal skeleton that was all that remained of Twilight's body, everypony had clearly heard of it by now.

The disguised changelings onboard were points of solemn stability compared to the much more vocal Ponyvillians, and the almost worshipful gazes of the hybrids Twilight had restored had Candice wishing she could have that hope of getting her Twilight back again.

By the time they made it to the spiralling crystal staircase that led up to the aft observatory, Rule Breaker's patience had been spent, and little alterations in the specific density of urine had the last three ponies that wanted to talk rushing off to the toilet.

"These sheep can't do anything on their own." Rule Breaker said with their shared voice and slumped slightly before she let their body slip back into the expected posture.

"What do you expect when Celestia has done everything for her perfect little nation instead of letting her ponies learn for themselves?"

Sigh. Rule Breaker said mentaly.

Is that your catchphrase now? Candice asked with humor.

That or buck my life, it seems.

As the last door between them and their destination opened, the sound of a heated conversation could be heard.

"At least tell me where they are?" Starlight's voice pleaded.

"You know she can't, now stop bugging her," Gilda's harsh voice snapped back.

"What's going on here?" Candice asked with a soft edge.

Gilda was on one side of a table, half a cooked fish pushed aside in favour of this argument.

Starlight had her front hooves on the table, and it looked like any moment she was about to hop up and stomp her way over the table to get to the Griffon.

Rainbow Dash glanced up over the battered Daring Do books she was reading. "Hey Cap, Starlight here wants to know things Luna said to keep quiet."

"What is it you want to know, Starlight?"

Starlight retargeted her intense eyes onto Candice. "Everyone else from Ponyville is accounted for. Where are AJ, Flutterhy, Pinky Pie and Rarity?"

"There is going to be a ton of explanation needed for the answers to that to make any sense. I know you were close to Twilight, so…

The relief in Starlight's eyes slipped to horror. "What do you mean were? Shes not…dead, she cant be."

"So she never explained certain things to you."

Starlight fell back on her hauches. Her mind clearly running away on its own. She did not even hear the sound of Rainbow's book hitting the table.

"Come on. You were a close friend. You deserve to know what's going on. But to tell you, I need Luna's permission."

Rainbow glanced at Gilda for a moment, then pushed herself to her hooves. "Hey, can we get in on this?"

Candice nodded. "You're her knights. If there is anypony with a clear claim to the right to know, it's you guys."

Sigh. I hope you know what you're doing…

It only took a moment to reach out and feel for Luna. Ever since she became a chosen, there had been that little pull that, like a compass, would guide her true. Candice about faced and gestured for the others to follow. I know I can present a good argument to bring them in on the truth. If Luna and Cadance decide no, then I've done the best I can for them in this.

Act 2 CH 4 New Beginnings: Moonlit Scroll’s First Steps

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Moonlit Scroll had felt every part of his body swell, the building pressure rupturing him with an explosion of agony. To say he was surprised when the pain was replaced with a dull sensation of impact and the sound of shattering crystal was an understatement.

"What happened?" He asked in a voice that was not his own. Its deep baritone rumble vibrated the rubble piled atop him.

He blinked and looked at the devastation around him. Fragments of crystal were scattered around and below him. The only thing that was recognisable and intact was a current loathsome mirror. He tore his eyes away from that ingenious torture instrument before he started to shake. Just it being here told him exactly where he was.

"Well, it would not do to outstay my welcome. Thank you for your hospitality… I don't believe I will be returning any time soon." He pushed himself to his hooves, or tried to. The crystal shards exploded under his hoof, and his limbs launched him into the wall.

It may have well have been a hoof full of dust and pillows for all the pain he felt. That did nottihng to change the indignity of sliding down the wall. He lay there and looked at his foreleg. His huge obsidian hoof looked like it could shatter armour, and with the limb attached to it wrapped with those thick cords of muscle, it looked like that was no exaggeration. Even as he moved the limb, he could feel the raw power in each strand of muscle fibre. A power that no mere unicorn could possibly possess.

Did it work? Hope and anticipation filled him, and the half second it took to look at his back felt like it took a lifetime. They were dusty and had crystal shards stuck in them, but they were there, his wings.

"Yes!" He laughed. He could not help himself. Joy, relief, satisfaction, and just being alive demanded an outlet. The power of his laughter caused some more of the crystal castle to fall on him. When that did not even hurt in the slightest, he just laughed all the more.

With every breath, he felt like he could take on the world. It took him a good few minutes to calm himself and a few more to regulate his incredible strength enough so he could successfully stand.

"I knew earth ponies could be strong… but this…" It's as if I weigh nothing… His aura reached out and scattered the debris that concealed most of the mirror. With gritted teeth, he turned and made himself stare into his reflection.

In the mirror, he saw nothing of the pony he had been. The pony he saw resembled neither his original form nor Noble Guide. Instead, a tall, powerful stallion impassively looked back at him. Their dappled grey coat looked dull and lifeless, but that just made the shimmering silver mane stand out all the more. Even under their long, unruly coat, it was easy to see their powerful frame. Their thick body was bulky, with enough muscle mass for ten earth ponies. The pride of any unicorn was their horn, and the obsidian spire that topped his head looked like it would at least match Celestia.

It took some effort and some help from his aura, but he managed to spread his wings. They covered the space of the room, almost reaching both walls at once. As a whole, they looked grey, but to his newly improved eyes, he could see that each was mottled with dozens of different colours as each bore a unique arrangement of stains.

He chuckled at the imposing, powerful, but slightly fluffy Alicorn in the mirror. "Well, I'm going to need to have my coat trimmed, but that's a small cost to pay for immortality."

He pivoted to the side to take in his profile and froze when he noticed his mark. Gone was the scroll and moon symbol. In its place was a blank page, one edge ragged as if torn from a book. Even as a hollow formed in his gut, he smiled. "A blank page, what better mark for one with endless potential."

He glanced up at the hole in the ceiling and the black void beyond. "Where are the stars?" His wings flicked with an urge to fly, but all that was achieved was another painless collision with a wall. His chuckle shook both the room and himself. "Alright, I'll walk until I find a tutor."

Broken chunks of crystal powdered under his hooves as he stately made his way through the castle. Potent scents assaulted his nose, including the foulness of unwashed ponies. The harsh chemical sting of antiseptic and powerful cleansers did not do enough to drown out the blood, urine, and other bodily fluids under them. His eyes watered as he gagged, and yet more and more scents hammered him. Ashs, burnt flesh, ink, chocolate cookies, dozens of different types of alcohol that strange sent left after a storm, sickly sweet honey, hearty vegetable stew and the aftermath of amorous encounters where the ponies decided not to bathe afterwards.

His stomach clenched, and it tried to make him throw up, but evidently, it had nothing but bile to offer. His horn lit, and he fell back on his mind magic. It was a simple, reversible effect. But for now, he removed his ability to perceive anything from his olfactory sense.

"That's better." He panted, his heaving sides aching. I crashed through a castle, and this is what hurts me? He wanted to laugh, but his protesting sides held that impulse at bay.

Once he had left the devastated section, he awoke to find the rest of the place in much better repair, if eerily silent. Only his stray breath and the heavy falls of his hooves broke the utter quiet.

The castle was not what he expected. Things lay abandoned and scattered in the halls. There was evidence of panic and a few discarded items, but almost everything of use was gone. A set of open doors led to a library. It only took a glance to see it was a vast and empty repository without a single book on its hundreds of shelves.

Curiosity getting the better of him, he toured the rest of the castle. There were plenty of decorative items, some dropped personal effects, but no books, food, tools, or bedding to be found.

His path led him to a large window. Outside, only flickering mage light cast any illumination. Beyond that small, inconsistent radius, everything was the deepest dark he had ever seen. It was as if nothing outside the small circle of light existed. What in Tartarus? He said in the quiet of his mind where the things that might luck out there could not hear him.

Was this the darkest night or a sunless day? He had no way of knowing, and that lack of knowledge normally would annoy him, but right at that moment, it felt like he had all the time in the world. What time even was it? There had not been a single timepiece in the entire castle. How did they organise anything?

A quiet worry started and built. The blight had seemed simple and had worked when tested. What if the sacrificial ritual also proved overly effective. Had he just killed everypony in Equestria? It was impossible. There was no way it could have happened… But then again, there was no way the blight should have run rampant either.

As ridiculous as the concept was, he just could not rid himself of the doubt. He had to do something to prove that his rational self was right. His aura pulled a drape from the wall, and with a little more magic, he had a serviceable covering. He wrapped his magic around him and channelled one of the spells he recovered from the Temple of the Hidden Path. With a wavering of his outline, he faded from most forms of perception.

"Time to go for a walk."

The first step outside was a shock. The moment his bare hoof touched the ground, a wave of tingles raced up his leg... He lifted his hoof, and it stopped. He shivered. "It seems there is more to being an earthpony than controlling this strength."

He took a breath and slowly lowered his hoof again. The sensations returned, but this time, he was ready for it. He closed his eyes and focused on what he was feeling. As a breeze ruffled his coat, the sensation intensified. In his mind, little ripples of understanding sparked. If my hoof was a horn, how would I interpret this? That one thought changed everything. The sensations were not in his leg. No, they were beyond it, outside him like he was using a wide-field aura to feel around in the dark. The breeze came again, and it sent swirls and patterns through this new sense. For a moment, it made no sense, and then he registered the sensations of the grass as the wind played with it.

Like how he could feel the wind moving his coat, as long as his hoof was on the ground, he felt the grass as if it was the hairs of his own coat. He placed his other front hoof on the ground, and the new sense sharpened. A minute later, he stepped fully away from the dead crystal.

With each hoof lifted, the sensation dimmed. With each hoof fall, ripples raced through the ground like when stones were dropped into still water. Even with it now bearable, it was extremely distracting. Like having erratic and unshielded magic flux would be to his horn.

"Now I know why you always wear metal shoes…"

Outside, the air felt warmer than he expected. He stayed close to the castle and circled it to get a view of Canterlot. There were more lights visible in the mountain city than there would be on a normal night. As he focused, the city rushed closer, his wings flared, and he reared back.

Another painless impact with a wall followed. "Stupid pegasus reflexes," he sighed and pushed himself back to his hooves. He knew that pegasi had good visions. He knew they could see further if they were magically powerful, so why exactly did he jump when his vision zoomed in? He sighed again and returned his gaze to the distant city.

Points of magic light moved slowly atop the walls. He could just make out the horned equine forms that moved with them. There was a lot more than normal, at least a double shift of guards. As foalish as it made him feel, he welcomed the relief that washed through him. He was not the only pony left. He had not spent every life in his quest to give them the ruler they needed.

He slowly finished his circle of the castle. Up above the sky was nothing but a dark void, with no moon or stars and impenetrable to his sight. The only sources of light in existence were the Crystal Castle and Canterlot. He looked off towards where the magenta dome should have been visible, and there was nothing. Did my ritual drain that, too? It should not have. It should not even have affected it, but where was it? Twilight's creation was perfect and potent. It was made to last for an age, it would not fall to magics aimed to only be able to affect mortals.

Keeping his concealing magic warped around him, he headed off that way. He needed answers, and that was the most likely place to have any. Despite returning to the site of the crime, he estimated that that there were good odds in this dark, he would see their light long before they saw him.

His new earth pony sense was a poor substitute for sight, but it at least allowed him to follow the new road. At least his blood magic should warn him should any creature draw too near.

Well, time to see if anypony is laying in ambush for me.

Act 2 CH 4 New Beginnings: Blueblood's Trial

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For an eternal moment, the light had been everything. In that one split instant between seconds, he knew who he was and saw all that he might do. The world made sense, and he knew why everything had happened. The deepest mysteries of magic and the meaning of existence were both as familiar to him as his own horn. Then, with a soft chiding that felt like a 'when you are ready, young one', it all started to fade.

The version of him that Celestia used would have claimed his noble privilege and demanded to keep everything, would have gripped it all with his teeth if needed, and never let go. The new him just accepted it. This not quite a voice was kind and he knew they meant him no harm. He was just a foal, and you do not give a foal a book on dangerous magic and tell them to go play.

The insights flowed away with the sensation as if somepony was tenderly stroking his mane. If this was in public, he would have objected, but without the political ramifications, he could and would take the gesture as it was intended.

"Until I am worthy," he said and felt a warmth in reply that tasted very much like the other saying they would be waiting. Something that sounded like a nuzzle brushed his cheek. The last thing he heard before the light became everything again was the turning of a page and the scratching of a quill.

It was either far too bright or far too dark, and he could not tell which. Mild confusion washed over him, and none of his senses told him anything other than that he was falling. Despite all this, he felt completely calm, with a warm contentment in his chest. He knew there was nothing to worry about and that everything would be alright.

Where am I? What's happening?

An impact, both heavy and not at the same time, shot through his hooves then the feeling of falling stopped. His eyes shot open, and he could see again. The crazy blurs snapped into far crisper focus than he could ever have imagined before. Strands of fading light peeled off him, and something tensed and moved on his back. The sound of feathers catching the air told him exactly what they were. He stood there tall, regal, with his new wings flared and horn held high.

Unfortunately, his dramatic entrance was only seen by the spiders haunting the cobwebs in the abandoned throne room. Although he had never been here himself, he had seen paintings of the old Everfree Castle in its prime. Even after so long, it was still recognisable.

"Why here?" He asked the air as he headed towards the door. His body moved smoothly. Even with just this short walk, he felt as nimble as a dancer and as light as a feather.

Platinum's voice called out from a side chamber. "It was the safest place, my Prince. Might I say the wings suit you very well, indeed?"

He turned to face her, still marvelling at how fluidly his new body responded. There, with only the slightest hints that it was only an illusion, was Platinum Check. He bowed his head in greeting. "You may… So this is what my Aunt kept from me?" He asked, critically inspecting the magnificent white feathers that adorned his right wing.

"Yes, but we must hurry, my Prince. There is one more thing to be done."

"The final trial?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, now please follow me, my Prince."

With a nod, he fell into step with her. His hooves were by no means silent, but with the grace with which he moved, they nearly were. He glanced over to her and noted how much he had to look down to meet her gaze If she is still as tall as normal, then I'm only a hoof or so taller than I was. It was still noticeable but did not make him the imposing presence Celestia was.

"What must I do in this trail?"

"Stay calm, trust me, know who you are and that you will survive."

"You have both my trust and my thanks. Even if I do not…"

Her cooling aura held his muzzle closed. She placed her hoof on the wall and a section of it fell away revealing a downwards sprialing ramp. Her intense eyes bore into his own. "You will survive, my Prince. Tell me you will."

As silly as it was he could see by the resolve in her eyes she needed this, and to her, this was deathly serious. "I will survive."

She shook her head. "Please, my Prince. Tell me you will survive. as if you believe it."

Her words stirred something in him, a feeling of certainty within him. "I will survive." This time his answer resonated. His normal volume somehow filled the space around him. It was a statement of fact and not mere intent.

"Who are you?" Her soft tone was almost a whisper compared to his.

Like before, he did not need to think. Each word felt like a divine decree as it passed from his lips. "I am Prince Blueblood of House Platinum, the true heir of Unicornia, Duke of Canterlot, Defender of Ponykind and Guiding Light to all those that have need of me."

She smiled and bowed to him. "This way, my Prince."

The hidden chamber below was lit with azure mage light. Countless spell runes blazed into being over every surface. Only a ring in the center of this most special space was left bear.

A million questions formed in his mind, but not a single doubt. He offered her a respectful nod and strode past her to the space that was clearly meant for him.

"Lay down if you would, my Prince."

He complied. The strange, smooth stone chilled his flesh through his coat, even as it felt almost too hot to touch. Her magic floated over a small vial of liquid. Silver and black motes chased each other through a thick, almost honey-like substance. He watched a pair of them dance with each other. They almost look playful.

"Remember all I have told you and drink, my Prince."

The scent was of the sweetest honey, of metal and night blooms. The liquid fizzed on his tongue as a million different tastes assaulted his taste buds. It burned like a smooth spirit and chilled like a fresh milkshake.

The world spun and shapes twisted. He was glad he was lying down. Nothing his body told him made sense anymore. Up was yesterday, and down was strawberry; colours were sounds and sounds were simply gone. It would have been terrifying but for one thing. In the privacy of his mind, in vivid, perfect detail, he recalled every word, every look, and every gesture he had ever seen from Platinum Check played out. Behind them, every moment of his life played out in their own little oceans of memory.

One of the oceans started to float away, and a surge of wrongness rushed through him. Somehow, he knew if he lost it, it would be gone forever. His aura immediately snapped out and pulled it back. Then, two more wobbled and started to fall away. One he lunged for and garbed with his hooves, and the other he dragged back with his magic. With each touch, a flash of memories hit him. His mind was assaulted by moments past.

Anytime he looked away from some of them, they would start to fade. His gaze became another tool to hold them all there. He knew not what he was doing, but he knew it was vitally important. This is just like spinning plates…

Past the memories, he caught patches of silver magic holding back the hungering darkness. Even now, she is helping me. That thought warmed his heart and spurred his efforts on. She was not in the best of shape before this and that looked like it used a lot of magic.

It took time, but slowly, the outer edges of the oceans froze, and one by one, he put them into place. At the last moment before he completed it, Platinum hurled six glowing orbs through the last gap and dived after it. He slammed the last memory into place, and the whole mass of them flared with mage shields. A shell of memories fused into a bastion against the hungering void.

Platinum did not bother to rise from where she lay upon the ground. "Well done, my Prince."

"Will you be alright?" Blueblood asked as he walked over to her.

"I will. Thank you for your concern, my Prince, but now it is time for you to Awake."

He was cold. That was the first thing he noticed. He opened his eyes, and darkness greeted him. A little magic to his horn fixed that. He blinked as the sudden brightness rapidly redefined what a little magic was.

How do you feel, my Prince?

Cold he tried to say but nothing came out. His throat moved, but there was no sound.

A soft laugh danced in his mind and seemed to caress his ears. You need to inhale first, my Prince.

He did, and his lungs expanded. It was only then he realised he had not been breathing. With that realisation, his heart hammered back into action. Cold, sluggish blood pulsed through his veins, and a migraine threatened to be in his future.

"What?" He just about managed to choke out.

You passed, my Prince. Her normal, severe voice was instead rich with joy and pride. Unless he was mistaken, there was even a hint of giddiness underneath it.

With each beat of his heart, his body warmed. There were no pins and needles, and other than the headache and the now receding chill, there were no lingering ill effects.

"Only with your aid."

Even though she was not there, he felt her drape herself over his back and wrap her forelegs around his neck in a comforting embrace. You were denied a lifetime of preparation, and you truly only needed a little aid, my Prince.

"You have my thanks all the same."

He lay there and just enjoyed breathing, listening to the sound it made as the movement of the air tickled his feathers. His heart played a simple tune each beat a declratioin he was alive.


Yes, My Prince.

"Why is this chamber here?"

Princess Luna had it created in secret to aid in ascensions.

"Why was secrecy necessary?"

Queen Celestia dislikes competitors.


That is not the title she uses in public, but it is what she is. It is her way, mind control or a fiery death.

He spread his left wing. "Aunty is not going to be happy."

No… she will not be my Prince… there is one more thing we must do before we leave here.

"Another trial?"

No, this is nothing dire. You must simply see a new aspect of yourself.

"What do you need me to do?"

Come here.

The world fell away, and then he was somewhere else.

Act 2 CH 4 New Beginnings: We Have a Problem, Sunset

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The phone's too-loud call flattened Sunset's ears to her head. Her aura claimed it and drew it nearer. "Hello?" She just about managed to get out past her yawn.

"Sunset," Celestia's perfect voice said, and for a moment, the years faded away.

"Yes Prin…" She started, and then her mind caught up. She glanced at the phone floating in her aura. "Yes, Principal Celestia?"

"I'm sorry to call you, but something has happened at the school, and I feel you are the one best qualified to understand it."

"Magic again?"


Sunset rolled to her hooves and stretched like a cat. "I'll be there in five."

This had not been what she had expected when she had gotten Principal Celestia's call. Sunset stared at the shattered remains of the statue. She did not even need to be in her true form to feel the Equestrian magic in the area.

"What happened?" Rainbow asked.

"By how the debris is scattered and the magical flux…"

"Yeah, yeah. What happened?"

Sunset snorted and rolled her eyes. It had nowhere near the right effect in human form, but at least Rainbow seemed to get the point. "Something happened on the other side of the portal and blew it open."

"It's open?"

"Yes, I'm just not sure if anything would survive going through."


"You know how in a broken mirror, your reflection goes crazy?"


"Want to end up on the other side like that?"

"Oh. Not cool, no thanks."

"My point exactly." For the tenth time since she got here she wrote in her journal.

Twilight, are you alright? Please answer me, what happened?

There was no reply.

"So, are we going to have to save the day again or something?" Rainbow asked with far too much excitement.

"Rainbow, this is not a game…"

"Look, we are the heroes here. We save the day every time, and if the other versions of us are half as awesome as we are, they will be fine."

"Thanks, Rainbow." Sunset tried to sound convinced, but with everything she knew of what was going on in Equestria, there were far too many worst-case scenarios. Her eyes found the journal again. The tell-tale glow that would have meant Twilight had answered still failed to show. Please just be a crazy experiment that blew up a little too much. Slowly, reluctantly, she put the journal away and turned her attention fully to the local situation.

"Rainbow, I'm going to need some three dozen metal tent pegs and as many crystals as you can get.


"You do remember what happens every time Equestrian magic builds up here right?"

"Yeah, we get to save the day."

"Well, this time, I feel like saving the day before it's in danger."

Rainbow gave a lazy salute and blurred off with her power.

Sunset opened her notebook and set to work calculating the needed parameters for the containment array. Yet her emotions could not help but worry about her friend on the other side of the breach.

If you don't answer before I've finished this, I'm going to need to find a way to get back to that island…

Act 2 CH 4 New Beginnings: The Mask Goes Back to Bed

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The void of unconsciousness had been surprisingly comfortable. For an unknown amount of time, there had been nothing to do, no ponies failing at their jobs, making more work for her, and no choices to make. Despite the comfort of lying on a soft surface, a nagging sense of paranoia started to build in her heart. Is there something I'm meant to be doing right now? She considered opening her eyes to check, but then she heard a pair of voices. So she reached out with her magic to check the time. The sun had only set an hour ago, so it was still night. Being in bed asleep after sunset was perfectly acceptable, so that is where she stayed.

"First that energy blast, then Celestia screamed, and neither the moon nor stars showed in the sky. Now you're telling me you can't find a single Night Guard?" The voice of Acting Captain Paper Pusher said.

Maintain public image.

How? She almost shouted at the rule that pulsed in her mind. She had tried to do what was needed and something had gone wrong. The moon not rising was going to cause panic, and the lack of stars would disrupt maritime navigation. Add to that the cost of the shattered window. Her radiance is not going to be happy. Just the idea that Celestia might be disappointed hurt far more than whatever had happened as she touched the moon.

The Mask pushed herself deeper into the softness of, what was by the scent of it, Celestia's own bed. As she breathed in, other scents reached her. The sourness of dried perspiration and the acrid fear of the two unicorns were nowhere near as enticing as the wonderful surgery delight that strands of its tempting sent almost made it seem worth opening her eyes to get to the secret stash to eat.

"It's worse than that, sir," a pony Mask did not recognise said. By the slightly high tone, they sounded too young to be a guard.

If I open my eyes, I'm going to have to do something. As she weighed her options, the two ponies kept talking.

"Worse?" Paper Pusher did not sound happy.

"Vaults two and seven have been broken into."

"Do we know what was taken or who did it?"

"Almost everything, and so far, the little evidence we have points toward the Night Guard."

A quick mental note got added to the pile on Celestia's table. As this did not seem to be a case of tribalism or an imminent threat, Mask just kept pretending to sleep.

"Was anypony hurt?"

"No, all the disabled guards were found under high-powered sleep spells."

"Have somepony check in with every post in the city," Acting Captain Paper Pusher said. By the sound of it, the other pony saluted, then hurried off. Once they were gone, he sighed. "What do they think they are doing?"

With the second pony gone, she heard Acting capting Paper Pusher slump against the wall. "I'm not cut out for this." Emotions were thick in his words. Fear, anger, despair, self-loathing, and even hate lent a desperate warble to his tone.

The realisation struck like a ton of bricks. He's just like me. She opened her eyes to see him slumped against the far wall. A loyal servant of Her Radiance stuck doing a job he was never made for. A pang of sympathy rose in her. It was a novel thing, a thing not born of rules or duty.

That did not explain why he was in her room, but he was a trusted individual, so the fact he was here did not compel any actions from her. Before she knew what she was doing, she silently left the wonderful comfort of her bed behind.

Right here, right now, was a pony that needed her help. A pony that would be impaired at doing their functions unless their emotional state was improved. The first toolset to come to mind was the sort of compliments the nobles liked, but she discouraged that. He was a guard and an intellectual.

That pang of sympathy moved her closer, even as her mind still did not know what she should do. Something about her approach alerted him, and he looked up, his suddenly fearful eyes locking onto hers. The look was so similar to one she had seen before. Twilight had looked like that when she thought she had failed Princess Celestia.

Maintain public image.

A part of her said, but this time more quietly, as there was only one pony here.

The first shimmering of tears started to make the details of his eyes waver. As if by reflex, her wing reached out and pulled Paper Pusher to her chest, her wing closing around him in an embrace. "It is going to be alright." She almost said 'My Little Pony', but that seemed too distant, 'My Faithful Student' was just factually incorrect, so she went for the other option. "Captian Paper Pusher."

It is going to be alright. She repeated to herself. It was not a lie. Celestia would be back soon, and she would know what to do. She looked at the exhausted pony under her wing that was about to pass out. Again, she was in a situation where she had no rules to follow, but this time, there was no panic.

The night was the time for sleep. Here he was, exhausted and yet still awake. If everypony just followed the rules and did their jobs… Well, Celestia had to deal with Twilight when she neglected her sleep, so the Mask knew exactly what to do. She loosened the control on her body temperature and tightened her grip on him. A little motherly nuzzle, and despite his sleepy eyes trying to widen, blissful unconsciousness claimed him.

She smiled. She had just assigned herself a task and completed it. Now the Acting Captain of the Guard would be well rested. She looked back to her bed and considered it. The phantom sensations of softness called to her. It was night time, it was where she was expected to be.

One by one, she went through her directives. Not a single one required she do anything at this moment. Her smile widened, and with her stately gate, she returned to bed, delicately carrying Paper Pusher with her.

As she held him, his rhythmic breathing and regular heartbeat were strangely soothing. She knew not why the bed was more comfortable when shared, but she let the void of sleep claim her once more with a smile on her face.

Act 2 CH 4 New Beginnings: Midnight’s Cave

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Slowly, tentatively, far too much like a skittish little foal, she pushed her foreleg out of the cave. The feeble background mana flux tore at the holes in her soul like salt rubbed into wounds, but importantly, it caused no additional damage.

She embraced the pain as she defiantly stalked out of the soothing isolation of the cavern. The walk to Our Town gave her far too much time to think and gave the voices far too much time to offer their suggestions.

Without a physical body, she made no involuntary sounds, no heartbeat, no breaths, not even the sound of her hairs brushing against each other as she walked. Merely being a massless soul, a collection of magic, her hooves did not even mark the dusty ground she walked on. If not for her memories, there would be no evidence of her passing.

Our Town was a ghost town. Only wind-blown detritus prowled the streets. The intact buildings might prove useful if she ever had to house ponies, but right now they were good for nothing. A small part of her whispered that they might make pretty explosions. That they would serve as a remmider of her continued existence.

For a moment, she considered what the pyrotechnic display would look like. "No," she sighed. The effort to repair them to hide the evidence of her being here felt like far too much work for a simple experiment in detonation-based demolition.

The voices wanted her to do other things, but she ignored them. She had nothing, so the first thing to do was inventory what was there.

That these were ponies' homes did not matter. Our Town had no defences from monsters, so it would be years or decades before they returned, and without maintenance, most things would be lost.

Even though the buildings were all the same size and shape on the outside, the insides were all different. Each spoke of the pony who lived there, their talent, hobbies and loves on display for all to see.

She started sorting items into piles. As it was a clear sky, she just used the street outside. The first one was for things that were useful in their current form. This one for ones that could be repurposed, another for ones that she would need to break down to extract materials, and one last one for junk.

Her eyes settled on a picture, A large red stallion that seemed familiar next to a lavender mare. Even though the silver in the frame could be repurposed, she left it in place.

Looting is a crime, you know?

You're a criminal.

You're a bad pony.

Do they have any ice cream?

Midnight Sparkle, supervillain, stealer of Ice Cream.

"Will you shut up?"


She sighed but could not find the strength to compel their silence. They were annoying, but at least their innate prattle was better than the silence.

As a book floated by in her aura, she asked a question. "So what's your favourite book and why?"

The voices each answered and bickered about their choices. The voices were just as annoying, but at least the topic was more interesting. Midnight added her own comments, and the discussion, if you could call it that, continued.

Then she moved to the bedroom, a dark and terrible form caught her eye, and she froze.

The mirror was not kind. The beauty of her form was gone. Instead of the sleek perfection with libraries of arcane symbols dancing inside, this ragged torn mess with smudges and chaotic arcs of mana looked back. A dozen different eyes looked out all over her body as half that number of mouths continued their discussion on whether Starswirl's journal or a Daring Do book was the superior relaxing read.

"I have more holes than Chrysalis did."

They're not holes. We are just being efficient with our being.

You're so holy, you should start your own religion.

Well, at least we are alive?

"Alive?" Was she alive? She existed, she thought, but was she truly alive? Had she ever been truly alive?

Look, more books!

A book flew through her head, the intangible form rippling and shifting as her aura opened the foal's book in front of her.

The simplistic image of Celestia looked out form the page and Midnight got to see an exploding house form the inside.

Time had passed, she knew that, but she had no idea how long it had been. Both the shelter of the safe and the walls of books around her kept her safe. She had to enchant the blankets to make it work, but she snuggled under a few dozen of them while reading a Daring Do book. The voices, with their own eyes, were reading other books, all bunched up in places where they were not covered by their blankets.

The book fort was not the largest. Our Town only had so many books. Half of them were blank, and some others were just ledgers or personal journals, but it was better than nothing.

Midnight looked up from the book and took in the cavern. Everything from Our Town was here, from the stone of the buildings to crumbs from the back of the cupboards. Everything was sorted and organized by type, size, colour and material. On the wall behind the sorted piles, dozens of paintings and photos were stuck, secured to the wall. Many different ponies looked out at her. It was nice not to be alone, and even if they were just images, she could pretend.

"I don't remember doing that."

Well, you kinda blew the place up and wanted to hide the evidence…

You don't think somepony is going to notice the Town is just missing?

Well, at least it's neat and tidy.

The explosions were pretty.

Midnight looked away from the piles. Doing things and not remembering them was never a good sign. "Shall we read this book together? There's enough of us we can each one of the voices?"

The voices agreed, and thus, the strangest story time she could remember began.

Act 2 CH 4 New Beginnings: Moonlight at Twilight's Citadel

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It was a moonless night, and thestral sorcery she barely comprehended wrapped the aerial vessel in yet more even stealth. Even with her talent for spotting hidden things before becoming Luna's chosen, she doubted even she could have pierced the concealment.

The deck of Luna's storm ship was packed. Luggage, cases and boxes of all shorts had been shrunken by her magic, and they were still stacked two ponies high.

With just a glance, her mind started inventorying it as if it were a crime scene, and in a way, it was. Just the seals on some of the box's told her exactly where they came from. The fact that three of them carried the scent of blood did not bode well for those that were meant to guard them.

The biggest heist in Equestrian history, and here she was, an accessory to it. Yet the ponies around her were no mere bandits. No thieves or criminals. Retributive range and violent zeal shone with umbral light in their eyes. The worst thing was the same thing lurked inside her own heart.

How dare Celestia do this. How dare she, after hobbling the guard, lying to RGIS and leaving Equestria so weak or could not defend itself against a real threat, and then she attacked the Sovereign's betrothed.

Even the winding rivers of enthralling umbral colours were not enough to distract her on this moonless night. All the wonderful colours did was paint the destruction in different hues.

That Celestia had turned on both her former student and her sister was not in doubt. Celestia was the only one with the correct aspects and the sheer power to scar the land like this.

Even as the savage edge that Luna's icey magic granted her craved vengeance. Her keen mind still had to know one thing, Why?

Shadow stepping was an interesting talent, a useful ability and one that any undercover agent would at least consider selling their horn for. Never in a thousand years would she have considered even the possibility of shadow-stepping a whole airship.

Yet, as the storm ship skipped another part of their journey, she could not deny it. The dozen thestrals that had opened the way followed through after and slumped to the deck as the next group prepared for their turn.

If only I had more time to train… She was one of Luna's chosen, and even if she was born a unicorn, she had more of the umbral sorcery than ever, the most powerful of non-chosen thestrals. In a way, the laboured breathing of the aged mares and stallions was her fault. She was not an agent mare, she had an accurate opinion of her own abilities, and she knew by the feel of the energies she could have powered one of those shadow steps on her own.

Instead, she was reduced to offering water and helping the overtaxed ponies get comfortable.

The next group took to the air. In this darkest of night, they did not need to find shadows, for all was shadow. They formed a ring head of the ship. The umbral colours shifted and flowed like a whirlpool past them, and with a lurch of acceleration, the storm ship was dragged in.

Yet more ponies ended up in her care and they were closer still to their destination.

The magenta glow could be seen before the mountain peak up over the horizon. Its steady mage light was almost too bright. Its conventional colours were the only normal light she had seen for what felt like days. The harshness of its luminance stole away the beauty of the umbral tapestry around it.

Even though it marked their safe harbour, seeing any of the enchanting darkness destroyed brought a tear to Moonlight's eye.

This was not the griffon lands as they had been before the blight. The lands below were little more than ash for as far as the eye could see. It was yet another humbling example of how destructive a single Alicorn could be. If two fought here, would it all be nothing but glass?

The warmth and scent were the only signs of the pony that moved up beside her. "So, this is to be our new home." The old mare words were not a question.

It was an impressive fortification. It was almost mind-boggling to know Twilight had conjured it in a single moment. As impressive as it was, there was still doubt in her heart. "Would it not be better to hide somewhere with no ties to Twilight?"

"You doubt the Sovereign's choice?" The edge of challenge was unmistakable. The anger at recent events sharpened the mare's words keener than the points of the deadly fangs she showed.

Moonlight stood tall and fixed her narrowing eyes on the mare. "It's my job to doubt everything."

The mare snorted. "So not a coward then."

"No, I just respect what line of sight magic can do… and atop a mountain like this…"

"Fear not. The Sovereign has her ways."

Moonlight looked out to her new home as her hoof rubbed her throat. "I know…"

Act 2 CH 4 New Beginnings: The Hive

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Chrysalis sat on her haunches, hoof on her chest. Only the force of her will kept her breaths even. Even though she was nowhere near where the attack had happened, even though it was hours in the past, her instincts screamed at her to flee, to hide in the deepest, darkest place she could find.

Slowly, as if she had not a care in the world, she lifted the wine glass to her lips and drank. She cast her gaze to the mirror the utter darkness outside had turned the penthouse window into.

"So, that's who that spell was for, Celestia." She swirled the glass, watching how the mage light played moving liquid.

It had only taken seconds for Celestia to casually unleash enough magic to destroy the whole of Manehatten. The wine glass shook before she snarled and pulled back to throw it.

She caught herself before she released it, and carefully lowered the expensive glass to the table. She was doing everything she could to prepare. Half her hive was relocating, some to the backup location and a smaller contingent to the Crystal Empire.

Her mind went to the hatchery far below, to the future, to her royal daughter. Indecision plagued her. Moving the eggs was a risk, but was keeping them here more of one?

It's not all about me. She had to remind herself. The Nightmare's harsh lesson still stung. A single word had been all it had taken, and she had obeyed.

She downed the rest of the wine. The rich flavour barely touched her tongue as her aura opened another bottle and poured another one.

"As bad as the situation is, the hive has never been stronger."

Celestia had attacked, and thanks to Nightmare and her minions, not a single one of Chrysalis's hive had perished, despite being so close.

The Little Princess had even taken them along when they had fled north with the entire population of Ponyville. There was little reason for them to have done so, but they did.

They consider us allies? She took a sip from the new glass. It was not as good as the last one.

She walked to the window, looking out into the utter void of the empty night. The world was at a tipping point. Last time, Nightmare Moon was banished for one thousand years.

Celestia used me as a training aid for her student… Nightmare, on the other hoof.

A wry smile formed in her reflection. Luna and the Nightmare's gifts had done so much for the hive. More than enough she could move past if not forgive the mental ambush left in Elytron's mind. With all the love they had gifted the hive, if she had just asked for the infiltrator, she would have given the Nightmare a dozen and called it a bargain. The excess love meant no ling hungered, and both their minds and bodies could develop. It was not as extreme as when she crafted new types of lings, but the more a ling did something, the better they would become. Mind and shell optimising day by day.

Nightmare was brutal, direct and left no doubt where she drew the line. She had taken a changeling as a lover, made them her seneschal and supported the free-range harvesting operations. Comparing that to how Celestia operated made her choice simple.

Bring me a map. She commanded over the link, and the ling closest to the map room reallocated themselves to the task.

It was not long before she had the large continental map mounted to the wall. Luna, Twilight and Cadance were retreating to the Crystal Empire. Her eyes studied the map, racing over rivers and mountain ridges. Flying and teleportation may be options, but any large-scale conflict relied on ground transport. Her hoof traced the single train line to the Empire.

I want ambush teams in place yesterday.

Yes, my Queen.

Ensure they know the northern monsters. I will not have this come back on the Hive.

Naturally, my Queen. They will not suspect us.

Good, I leave this in your hooves.

The commander's mental presence pulsed with respect and then retreated.

"Your move Celestia."