Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen

by Epic Fable

First published

When Sunset and her friends start their summer off with a night of movies things turn strange as a strange storm forms...

When Sunset invites her friends for a movie marathon to start off their summer they will be involved in a inter-dimensional struggle of race, conquest, and even friendship as they have to avoid monsters and find a way back home.

Cover art by Chofki

ACT I: Episode 1: Chapter 1

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A girl would start her day by texting her friends in an excited manner. Her teal eyes glued to the screen as she waited from the chat room full of her friends. Soon after multiple chimes would signal replies.

Sunset Shimmer: Hey! You guys are still coming today for the sleepover/movie marathon right?
Various replies would confirm the night's festivities as the girl would jump up doing a fist bump.

“Oh this is gonna be so fun! Oh I can’t wait.” Sunset would beam at her future plan for the night and the rest of the summer. The past school year had been frantic and that's not to say for her years before she met her new friends. In her past life she was full of bitterness and arrogance it was surprising in hindsight on how much of a personality change she went through not mention the adventures she went through. After being bested by Princess Twilight she would then help defeat sirens, Twilight Sparkle of this human realm, discrediting a corrupt principle, help save a camp, stop magical items from harming others, repeating the same day over and so on. While fun in a sense it was always hectic and just stressful, but that's what the summer was for. Relaxing away from school, teenage drama that came with it and especially havoc inducing magic.

The sun would set as cars pull at the curb side of a red three story apartment. Various girls and one boy would come full of excitement. Within the group was Sunset’s friends. Twilight Sparkle with her canine companion Spike, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Flash Sentry. The door would open to show the teal eyed girl from before.

“Hey guys, glad you could make it!”

“Heck yeah we did!” replied Rainbow Dash. Others in their group shared her zeal.

“After school let out a movie night marathon sounded pretty cool.” Flash commented.

“Yeah. I thought we could do as much as we can of the ‘Daring Cinematic Universe.’”

“While I don’t find these brutish action flicks so compelling I have to admit that the intrigue in ‘Femme Mystique’ is absolutely charming.” Rarity gleed at.

“Eh, I'm a fan of that Power Ponies trilogy.” Applejack replied.

“I’m with you on that!” Spike commented as he writhed in excitement in Twilight's arms. He would proceed to go each girl to get various pets and pats from each of them. Even Flash came in and scratched his ear for a bit to which the purple pup seemed to appreciate.

“Well come in everyone.” Sunset would invite everyone in as they all would follow one after the other. As the night progressed the group just had fun with the various films, snack or even gossip in between.

“Woo wee! Got to say I haven't had this much fun in forever.” Applejack cheered. "Manage to get some time away from the farm."

“Right? Thank God we have the summer all to ourselves. Could not WAIT for school to be let out.” Rainbow chimed in. Twilight would look at her and add to the conversation.

“Oh I know what you mean. I can just dive into all my research, studies, experiments all I want now. Though I do miss the studying and academic air.” Rainbow would just look at her with a deadpan look.

“You sure know how to have fun…” Twilight would just glare at the rainbow haired friend while Spike would just chuckle to himself while the former would just pout.

“Oh come on! We’re all here now! Oh very soon we should hold a ‘It’s summer so we should have a big summer bash/schools over/its hot PARTY!’ Pinkie screamed.” "And i brought some yummy treats.~" Pinkie would then reach into her own hair before showing off a tray of pinkie colored chocolate chip cookies. The sweet aroma filled the air which made everyone look to the tray in awe though Flash had a hesitant expression as he took a cookie.

"Uh...there's no hair on this right?"

"Yes I did make them myself!"


"What?" Pinkie responded with a smile back. The two would just stare at each other before Flash would just stare at the cookie.

“Well…I don’t mind quiet moments like this either.” Fluttershy chimed in quietly.

“Well anyway I figured we watch the movies in chronological order. Makes the most sense to me.” Twilight commented.

“Uh no! You got to watch them production order! That’s how they were made to be watched!” Rainbow argued.

“Oh apples here we go.”

Sunset would just chuckle at the debate before bringing out her smartphone and got everyone's attention.

“So what kind of pizza should we get?”


“Meat lovers!”

“Why not a supreme?”


“Get out.”

As everyone got excited for the night the power would turn off making everyone startled.

“Uh did the power go out?” Flash asked.

“It shouldn’t. I know I paid the bill…” As Sunset looked at Flash Rainbow's attention would be pulled to the window.

“Probably the storm. Wait, when did it start to rain? It seemed clear earlier.”

“That’s not all.” Twilight would look outside next to Rainbow as her eyes grew.

“Green lightning? And it seems to be very close.” Right as she said that everyone would be startled by the sound of a loud crack and boom of the thunder after the flash of lightning that brought its odd green hue.

“Let me check the breake-” Sunset would get interrupted as everything in the house with a screen would flash an image of a round object with a square within. As everyone looked at their phones and even the TV a feminine voice could be heard.

“Come…to…-eed you..”

“Who’s saying that…?” Fluttershy asked in worry. Green lightning from outside struck scaring everyone in the room as it got louder and brighter.

“Yikes, that storm is really bad!” Flash exclaimed as he watched with Rainbow now. They then felt a violent rumbling as then another green flash from outside was seen. Lightning struck the house. Then, nothing.

ACT I: Episode 1: Chapter 2

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Light would fade in as Sunsets fluttered open. She would grab her head when the headache settled as she stumbled up and staggered. She looked around and saw a forest that she thought might be beautiful. Vibrant colors, vines everywhere, tall trees and what appeared to be…TVs growing out of plans?

“What the…” Sunset would poke at one of the TV like plants before looking around.

“Where am I?” She would find her friends laid out in the area as she jolted to them.

“Guys! Guys wake up!” At that outburst everyone would slowly stir as they would get up.

“Uh…I’m okay. Just a headache.” Applejack replied, rubbing her head.

Rainbow would just give her a thumbs up but Flash looked around and went to Sunset.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Thanks.”

“Where are we?”

“I have no idea. I woke up just now.”

“My head feels all wonky…” Pinkie said as Rarity helped her up.

“A forest? This doesn't look familiar at all.” Fluttershy commented.

“Ugh And I’m not prepared at all! I don't have my camp equipment, my clothes-” Rarity would just ramble.

“I’m pretty sure we never left my house. This isn’t right.”

“My ankle hurts…I may have sprained it…” Fluttershy groaned as she clutched her leg. Flash would help her balance herself as the group grew quiet.

“Spike? Spike! Oh no where is he?!” Twilight said in a panic as she looked around.

“Twilight!” Twilight would turn around and see the little purple pup run to her and jump in her arms.

“There you are. Don’t scare me like that. Where were you?”

“I was over there by those rocks. Woke up just now.”

“Seems like we all did.” Sunset thought a loud. As everyone gathered together their thoughts were interrupted by a rumbling followed by a rhythmic noise.

“W-What is that…?” Fluttershy asked in a whisper.

The noise would turn to what seemed like a loud stomping before something appeared from the thick brush of trees. A very large green reptile that had a resemblance of a t-rex of some kind with markings and two large black horns on its back as it leered at the group. The group shook as Rainbow smirked.

“Magic time!” Rainbow reached for her geode…only to find it gone.

“My geode is missing!”

“Mine too!” Rarity shouted. All the girls inspected their person quickly only to spot the creature roaring. Rainbow was the first to speak.

“RUN!” The creature let out a tyrannosaurus-like roar as it ran towards the group as everyone ran for dear life. Flash tried to run with Fluttershy before cursing to himself and just picked her up bridal style as he struggled to keep up with the others. As the group ran Sunset would yelp as she fell into a ditch. The others not reacting in time fell into the same ditch one after the other and those that did pushed each other in by accident like human dominoes. The action was so quick it surprised the large reptile as it looked confused and sniffed around. It turned its head then left after a while. To the group the stomping became quieter and quieter before no noise was heard.

“Ugh…everyone okay?” Applejack asked quietly.

“No…” Fluttershy groaned. Everyone would look where they were as Flash and Sunset looked from out of the pity slowly.

“I think we’re good.” Flash stated. He would be the first to climb out and then offered a hand to Sunset. She would take his hand as he helped her climb up. They would each help the girls with Applejack then helping the hurt Fluttershy. Twilight gave Sunset Spike out of the pit before being helped herself.

“Thank you.”

“What in tarnation was that thing?!”

“Some dinosaur…awesome…”

“No, not awesome, we almost got killed!” Twilight snapped.

“Ow…” Fluttershy winced as Rainbow supported her.

“We can debate this later. We need to find where we are.” Applejack said sternly.

“The geodes! They really are gone!” The girls all reacted in unison as they each inspected their person.

“Geodes? The stuff that gives you guys powers from the camp right?” Flash asked.

“Yes and I can’t find mine either!” Rarity cried out.

“This can’t be happening. Those geodes always helped us! We either didn’t have them on or we lost them when we got transported…wherever this is.” Sunset thought aloud.

“It’s like some isekai scenario…” Fluttershy said quietly.

“What is that?” Pinkie chirped.

“Another world.”

“Maybe but..we still look the way we do so probably not Equestria related but this…something feels off.” Sunset spoke up. As the rest explored their surroundings slowly they heard other voices.

“-you know we shouldn’t be out here!”

“We need the food. It’s our turn anyway. Come on let’s g-”

The sources of the voices collided with the group of girls and Flash as both stared at one another. What caught their attention was what they are. One looked like a small blueish greenish dragon with little red wings, red eastern dragon like horns and red eyes and the other a lion cub with a tuft of red hair, a big golden collar with a green jewel. Its green eyes stared back along with its dragon companion back at the humans like a dear caught in headlights.

“Aww! They are so adorable!” Fluttershy smiled. Everyone else was in awe as they just stared.

“They might be dangerous.” Flash commented.

“They talked. I heard. They’re like me!” Spike said as his tail wagged.

“A dragon…and a talking lion?” Sunset said inquisitive. She would inch closer.

“Sunet what are you doing?!” Twilight asked quickly.

“If they can talk then…maybe they can understand us. Help us.”

The lion cub would step up and then spoke.

“I’ve never seen digimon like you before.”

“Be Careful. It would be unwise to go near them…” the little dragon then spoke.

“Digimon?” Applejack repeated. “What is that?”

“It’s what we are? Duh.”

“So you CAN talk! Ohmygoshthatsointeresting. Sure we’re used to it but to see it again so exciting!” Pinkie went on.

“Uh why wouldn’t we?” a voice said from above. As the group looked up they would spot a red and white bird with a belt on its head with large talons and a lone feather on its head.

“Hawkmon! I told it’s our turn today!”

“Oh relaaaaax I just wanted to see you guys…and maybe be outside and spread my wings…”

“Aww such a cute and big bird…” Fluttershy squeed. “Is Hawkmon your name?”

“It’s what I am, yeah!”

“My name is Dracomon.” the little dragon greeted.

“I’m Liollmon.” the lion cub greeted as well.

“So what kind of digimon are you guys?” Hawkmon asked.

“We’re not. We’re humans. And Spike is a dog.” Twilight explained.

“GASP! Wait humans? So the old sister was right!”

“Watch your mouth.” Dracomon sneered at his bird friend. He would turn to Fluttershy noticing her pain expression.

“You seemed hurt.”

“We can take you to our place! The sistermon can treat you alright.” Hawkmon said in an upbeat manner.

“Are you nuts? We don’t know them. They could be vicious predators too.”

“Hey we’re not any of the sort! We’re just trying to find where we are and how to get back home.” Sunset snapped.

“I just don’t think-”

“I heard humans can’t do much. We’ll be fine! And look, one of them is hurt. We’re helping.”

“Sigh fine. Come with us. No funny business.” Dracomon looked annoyed as he and the other two creatures led the way as Sunset just eyed him in annoyance. The entire group would follow the creatures through a messy path through and in between the trees of the forest.

ACT I: Episode 1: Chapter 3

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As the group followed the creatures through the forest Fluttershy broke the brief silence.

“Do you three live here in the forest?”

“Eh kind of. Our home is kinda hidden.” Hawkmon replied.

“You’re saying to much.” Dracomon chided.

“You know we’re just lost right? Sorry if you can’t even trust us.” Sunset snapped a bit.

“Just can’t be to careful. We were told all sorts of creatures and things could hurt us and will. We never seen you lot before. Think about it from my point of view.”

“...I can kind of see your point. Sorry.”

“So long you know.”

“Listen you litt-”

“We appreciate you helping us.” Fluttershy interrupted while giving a stern look to Sunset.

“Any tiiiiime.” Hawkmon said loudly. As the group walked a church was seen into view. An old fashioned southern style church was seen. It was slightly worn down, covered by plants. However, instead of a cross or any other known religious symbol you'd expect on the decor, a symbol of a circle with the square was seen on the stained glass windows of the church. The same symbol the group saw on their phones, tv and other screens from back home.

“A church? Here?”

“Hey…I recognize that symbol! We all saw it back at Sunset's place when that freaky storm hit.” Rainbow commented.

“We don’t knowto much about it. It's been here ever since we can remember. You can ask the sistermon about it.” Liollmon explained.

“Sistermon?” the group repeated in unison.

The church doors would burst open as a slender woman in what appeared to be a nun outfit came out running. She would hug the three creatures hard. What was odd was her attire. Similarities of a nun were present but what stood out where the additions to the outfit. Cat ears along with a face on the nuns top while the dress itself was short like a skirt. The woman's pupils were of a star or flower like pattern. Her gray eyes scanned the new group behind the creatures.

“I told you not to go outside and who are these strangers-” Her eyes widen when seeing the group.

“Humans…real humans…”

“Uh what?” Rainbow responded.

“Aren’t you human?” Twilight asked the nun.

“No, I'm a digimon. I am Sistermon Noir. Oh dear. You’re hurt. Here let me.” She went to Fluttershy as she put her hand right above her ankle as a soft light glowed. Fluttershy would feel her ankle getting better with the pain subsiding.

“Oh…my ankle. It feels better.”

“So wait. You aren't human?” Applejack pressed.

“Like I said. I’m a digimon.”

“But you look so much different than these three cuties.” Fluttershy commented.

“Well nat-” Before Sistermon Noir could explain more a pink flash went by her as a new humanoid came to the group with glee in her eyes. She had a white skirt with long white sleeves but what really stood out was her long pink cat that had bunny like ears and decoration. Her pink eyes examined the group as they grew wider and wider.

“REAL HUMANS and I believe a canine thats NOT a digimon! How did you get here?! Oh I’m Sistermon Blanc! I have so many qu- HEY!” Her questions were interrupted when Noir pulled her away and smacked her upside the head with the butt of a cross shaped pistol.

“Don’t hound them Blanc. These are our guests." She would turn back to the group.

"Pardon her. This is Sistermon Blanc. She works with me in tending to the church and our charges. she can be a bit...overzealous but she is harmless. Now come children follow us. You all look like you could use the rest.” She would turn while pulling Blanc away. The three little digimon would follow as the group of humans and dog would look to each other unsure but with a shrug from Sunset and Flash they would follow as well. They would walk through the church as they would see the other side of the stained glass windows with the circle pattern with the square within. This shape would be in what appeared to be light or ray like patterns. Various depictions of people holding it, monsters cowering to it and monsters alongside bigger monsters. When leaving through the back door it was a lush garden with some toys and even a jungle gym and such in the backyard of the church. There they would see more unique creatures. When they walked around outside in the back they would be led to a small body of water where a turtle like creature with an army helmet and what seemed to be partly robotic came out. It shook the water off trying to get dry. As it looked content it would get hit on the helmet by another creature that what could be described as an anthropomorphic gear or cog.

“Kamemon! I told you I JUST patched that helmet!”

“But Hagurumoooooon I love me a good swim.” It had a goofy deep chuckle only to get smacked again.

“Is that really necessary?” Twilight chided. The two creatures would turn their attention to the group as they both were in awe.

“Ahhhh.” Kamemon seemed to exclaim slowly. The cog would go right to Twilight’s face then to Spike’s.

“Do NOT tell me we have actual humans and a non digimon non human life form?! I only heard about them in our studies! And YES! Like I just told him I JUST PATCHED his helmet. If he keeps getting it wet its just gonna fall apart again!”

“I feel she is right, Hagurumon but must you be so high strung?” Noir replied.

“YES!” The rest of the group just kinda shrugged as Kamemon just did his deep chuckle. Loud buzzing was heard as a bee like creature with big green eyes flew to Applejack which startled the latter as he flew around everyone.

“Oooo Hagurumon was right. How did you all get here buzz.” asked the bee. Rarity screamed as the creature while Fluttershy just coed at it. Applejack wrecked her nerve to talk to it.

“Howdy there. Who are you little fella.”

“I’m Fanbeemon buzz. Humans don’t belong. How did you get here?”

“Well we were having fun hanging out and poof. Here quicker than a fox going to a chicken coop.”


“Come there is more to see.” Noir and Blanc escorted them around and showed them to a garden full of vegetables in a grid like pattern. There they see two more creatures. One looked like a bipedal plant with a helmet made from a budding plant talking with an orange bat-like creature.

“Oh Patamon you really should be taking better care of yourself. You need a good brushing.”

“Floramon touch me and you're gonna get wilted.”

“Hey! Play nice you two.” Noir chided. When Fluttershy saw the creatures she couldn’t contain herself just blurted.

“You all are so CUTE.” she looked right to Patamon who backed up a bit. Meanwhile Rarity and Floramon locked eyes and walked to each other.

“My a creature that somehow has a sense…of such grace!” Rarity complimented.

“Ohhhh I can see you have great taste dear…creature.” Floramon replied with a smirk. “Oh Sistermon Noir I got some radishes. Maybe we can use them for our stew tonight?”

“Oh thank you dear. This will be lovely.” Noir would pat Floramons head gently as the latter would just giggle. “Now come everyone you are hungry, tired. You are our guests.”

“Man, that would be nice. I’m starving.” Flash commented. Liollmon would get near him and start to drool.

“Oh man, same here! Hurry!”

“You be patient Liollmon.” Blanc chided. Patamon would fly to Noir and just nuzzle into her as she patted his head lovingly like a mother.

“Everyone these are new guests. Um-"

"I'm Sunset Shimmer."

"Flash Sentry."

"My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is Spike."


"Rainbow Dash!"

"I'm Fluttershy."

"I'm Pinkie Pie! SO GLAD TO MEET YOU ALL!"

"Howdy. Name's Applejack."

"And I am Rarity. Charmed."

"These are the digimon we look after here. This is Dracomon, Liollmon, Hawkmon, Kamemon, Floramon, Fanbeemon, Hagurumon, and Patamon." All the digimon responded to each introduction and responded in kind. Dracomon just rolled his eyes while the others got excited at the new and odd guests.

"Follow me everyone.” As the group were led by the nun Blanc would set up the the table. Later on Noir would server everyone a vegetable stew. The smell of fresh and cooked vegetables filled the air with a slight burning smell of spice. Everyone would eat with gusto as all the humans and Spike would moan in pleasure.

“Isn’t Sistermon Noir’s cooking delicious?” Dracomon exclaimed. Several compliments were said in unison which made the nun laugh.

“Oh you flatterer. Don’t be shy, you are our guests, there's plenty.” She would serve Flash and Rainbow seconds as Sunset looked around and saw more symbols of the circle with a square in it.

“Hey, can I ask a question?”

“Yes child?”

“Outside and inside of the church I’ve been seeing that symbol. What is that? It doesn’t look like a religious symbol I’ve seen.”

“That? That is the symbol of evolution.”

“Evolution?” When Sunset repeated the word all the digimon looked up with interest and a hopeful glee in their eyes.

ACT I: Episode 1: Chapter 4

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“Evolution?” Sunset repeated. Noir would nod as the other digimon looked on with interest. Blanc also had a glee but she reserved herself as to let Noir explain.

“Digivolution. A type of evolution we go through. We start off as eggs and we hatch. When fed we digivolve further but after that through fighting, surviving, learning we digivolve to new forms based on our experiences and environment.”

“You call evolving digivolving?” Twilight asked. “What exactly is a digimon.”

“It is as I said. We are digital monsters born to fight and evolve through digivolution. No matter the individual, all digimon look forward to their evolution.”

“How did we get here? Where is here?” Rainbow was the next to ask.

“You are in a very isolated location within the forest of the Plant Kingdom…in the Digital World.”

“Wait digital? Are we in some…simulation? A game?” Twilight asked in a hurry.

“Digital world is the digital world. Always has been. For centuries.”

“But you are using the word digital. That would imply-wait centuries?! That can’t be. I don’t understand-”

“I’m sorry, but it was as I said. The Digital World has always been ever since the first few eggs hatched.”

“So how did you all meet? The kids here.” Flash asked next.


“Wait, we can't trust them. You said outsiders are dangerous!” Dracomon protested. Noir pondered briefly before patting his head.

“I understand why you are worried, but these are humans.”

“Ahem?” Spike coughed.

“Most of them are humans. They do not know of you nor the danger.”

“D-Danger?” Fluttershy repeated. She would hide behind her hair briefly. Patamon kinda nuzzled her to make her calm to which the girl smiled at and even petted him.

“Yes. You see, a long time ago one of the royal knights, a powerful digimon called Gankoomon, who protects the higher up levels of the world and its ruler, brought me eight eggs. He said to guard them and hid them. What stuck with me is what he said to me. ‘The outside world was changing and changing for the worse! Nine digimon! Nine humans! Please protect them at all costs!’ I was confused, you see, because I only got eight digimon. I also never heard of a human and looked into it. A whole world of them! I was amazed! A world parallel to ours!” Noir’s eyes sparkled in wonder as she recounted the tale.

“We sistermon made a vow to protect those who can’t help themselves, but when we received these eggs…we felt like we had to hide them…something was special about them. So we raised them. When they hatched it reminded me of an old legend.”


“Yes.” Noir would take a sip of her stew as she continued.

“Nine digimon representing the nine tribes will come together in unity with hearts as one with nine humans to bring unity to the world.”

“What are the nine tribes?” Sunset asked with her on the edge of her seat.

“Dragon, beast, bird, bug, plant, aqua which is marine life, holy which is like angelic, light based and mythical, machine and dark which can be demonic or monstrous. Each digimon is a member of some or few of these tribes. Blanc and myself for example are of the holy tribe.” Blanc would then add in.

“We have been hearing concerning rumors of the outside world though. Lands being invaded. World war…Noir thinks Gankoomon bought into the legend and wanted us to shelter these digimon for when the time is right…otherwise you would never see all tribes together like this.”

“That’s so intriguing. Such a different but oddly familiar world.” Twilight commented.

“Wait…you’re not thinking we are involved in this do you?” Rarity asked in worry.

“I’m afraid I do not have all the answers for you. I’m sorry children.” The group was discouraged. Their faces were sullen and postures down though Sunset couldn’t help ponder. Why were they there? How did they get there? Where were their geodes and why just them?

“I’m sorry…” Liollmon would rub against Flash’s leg as if he was a housecat. The action took Flash off guard at first but he would smile and pet him on the back.

“Thanks little guy.”

“So you have no idea how we can get back home?” fluttershy asked. Noir would answer with only a frown.

“We have lives to get back to! We can’t just sit here and twiddle our thumbs!” Rainbow would shout as she jumped out of her seat. Twilight would pat her shoulder before looking at Noir.

“Is there anyone who does?” The question made Noir ponder before she brighten up a little.

“There maybe. If you could find Gankoomon but thats a low chance since he always wonders the Digital World…Oh! Sistermon Ciel!”


“Another like us. She is in the outside world and has connections to digimon of the uppercrusts of society. It’s a long shot but she could know how to help you.”

“Should you really tell them that Sistermon Noir? What if they ARE up to no good and then try to hurt us or Ciel?” Draco protested. Sunset would react by slamming her fist onto the table starling everyone present.

“What is your deal?! Have we not made it clear that we are just lost and trying to get back home? If we wanted to hurt any of you wouldn't we? Not that we could!”

“I’m just listening to what the sistermon told us! The outside world is a scary place and why we are hiding!” When Draco explained all of his friends had varying reactions. Some worried, some understanding and some annoyed.

“Hey we didn’t want to come here in the first place!” Sunset would just get more and more angrier before she looked at Dracomons eyes and just sighed. She would look to the worrying faces of her friends and saw how defensive the little dragon was. She just left the room in a slight hurry.


“Dracomon…this is why I say you need to relax.”

“But Noir you said-”

“I know what I said. As a warning. Not an absolute. There is a time and place for everything. This wasn’t it and you were rude to our guests. You know what you should do.”

“...Yes ma’am…” Dracomon would hesitate for a minute before walking outside.

He would find Sunset just outside of the church staring at the night sky. A blue, red and green moon would surround a larger white moon as she stared in awe. The little dragon would stare at her, then the moons, then back at her.

“I never would imagine…that I would see such a thing. Not even back home…”



“...Sunset. I’m-”

“Look. I get it. You are looking out for your friends. So am I. It just felt uncalled for.”

“We been told a lot. We were hidden. It’s hard who to trust. It doesn’t help that there is a digimon who has found some of us and think he can make a meal of us.”

“Yeah who? Or what I guess since I wouldn’t know them”

“Tuskmon. A dinosaur digimon with large black tusks…he’s been trying to find the church forever now.” When Dracomon described the creature Sunset's eyes shrank as she gulped.

“Okay…another set of bad news…”

ACT I: Episode 1: Chapter 5

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“So this Tuskmon has been hunting you all?”

“It was when Hawkmon and I foraged for food once. He chased us for as long as he could, but we gave him the slip. Ever since then we had to watch over our backs for him. He chased us 7 times in the past two weeks…”

“Oh God…and you all manage to hide in this church? How has he not found this place yet?”

“I don’t know, but I feel like it’s only a matter of time. I can’t let my friends be hurt…”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure you all can think of something. You all seem fierce.” The little dragon would look to Sunset and offer a slight smile from his maw as they looked at one another.

“Now come on, let’s finish dinner.”

“All right.” The two would go back inside to enjoy what was left of their dinner as daylight grew more and more dim. The night would be full of sharing stories of the girls adventures with the digimon being enamored by it all. As it got late everyone would grow weary from the long day as everyone would yawn in turns. Noir would show them all to a room as she said with a half smile.

“I’m sorry we don’t have much room, but you all can stay here for the night.”

“Well it does seem rath-” Rarity was interrupted by her mouth being covered by Applejacks’ in a swift motion as she chimed in.

“It’s plenty enough, thank you sister.”

“Sweet dreams humans. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.” Noir would leave a candle out for them as she closed the door. As she left everyone would silently groan.

“This is not a good place for a nice good night sleep.” Rarity chided.

“Oh we just gotta make the best of it!” Pinkie cheered. She would pull balloons from her thick hair as she displayed them everywhere in the room.

“Yeah one guy and seven girls. This isn’t awkward.” Flash said a loud as he looked over the room. Sunset would put a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m sure it will be fine. We trust you and we all need this space to rest.”

“Yeaaaaaah don’t sweat it dude.”

“Let’s just try to get some rest. We can stress in the morning.”

Everyone would get into a pile in the small room as they slept back to back with Spike in Twilight’s arms. It would have been difficult considering the circumstances, but all the stress left no time for the mind to wander. It was no time before the entire group drifted to sleep.

Sunset’s eyes snapped open when she heard a scream from outside. Soon the rest of the group rose from their sleep wide awake.

“It’s Tuskmon! He found the church! He found US!” Blanc from outside shouted. Various shouts came as Fluttershy looked out the window and shrank at the sight. The one they called Tuskmon was the same green dinosaur like creatures with the large black horns on its back. It roared loudly as it stomped into the clearing that made up the church’s yard.

“I FOUND YOU. You have evaded me too many times. TIME FOR BREAKFAST!”

“That thing can talk too?!” Applejack stated as she shivered. The rest did as all the girls grabbed the spots on their clothing where their geodes would be. Sunset couldn’t stop shaking to before looking to Dracomon outside.

“HEY! Get away from there!”

“Oh? A little appetizer for me so soon? How nice.” The dinosaur would approach the little dragon as he stood firm.

“BABY FLAME!” The little dragon shot a little fireball at Tuskmon’s face but he wiped his face briefly. He would roar before getting hit by various objects. He turned to the source and it showed the other digimon. Noir stood in front of them standing firm.

“You will NOT harm these little ones. Turn back now or face my wrath!” Noir demonstrated her warning by showing off two silver cross shaped pistols. She then glowed a bright light.

“SLIDE EVOLUTION. AWAKE MODE.” The clothing around her chest seemed torn as she also seemed to wear the cat like hood to cover her face as she cocked her guns and began to fire at the dinosaur. He roared in pain before charging at her. She would jump off of him and high before kicking him in the face knocking him back.

“DID YOU SEE THAT?! She totally changed!” Pinkie said excitedly. The rest just stared at the fight as if it was from a cartoon. Everyone's expression would grow pale as Tuskmon charged at the nun, it’s fist being set in flames.

“PANZER KNUCKLE!” He punched the poor sister in the stomach, sending her back and hitting a tree.

“NOIR!” Blanc cried out as she ran to her holding her close.

“Don’t you two worry. You will be mine after I eat the little ones.” Sunset stared in horror as memories of how they got there, running from Tuskmon and meeting the other digimon came to mind.

“This is our fault.”

“What in tarnation are you talking about?!”

“What if he was tracking us? He could have followed us. Dracomon told me he has been trying to find them forever now. What if we helped him find everyone?”

“You don’t know that.”

“I don’t but we can’t just stand here!” Sunset hopped out of the window and ran outside and towards Dracomon.


“Hey, leave him alone!” Sunset would grab a piece of a torn up tree and tried to jam it in the dinosaur only to have it break on her due to his tough hide. He would sneer and smack her back with his tail. Dracomon look at her in worry as dropped his guard.

“STOP Sunset! Just run!”

“Ohhhh my other prey. I won’t need another meal for quite a while at this rate.”

Dracomon would run towards Sunset as he stood in front of her.

“Dracomon it’s our fault-”

“Silence. Don’t even say that. I can’t blame you for any of this. You were just looking out for your friends the same as me. Tuskmon would have found us eventually…we just sat in hiding not knowing when the day would come. I won’t let him hurt my friends OR YOURS.” As Dracomon finished his sentence, a bright light shined in the air in front of Sunset. Everyone saw the light as the rest of the group came outside ready to help.

“This light…could it be…?” Noir said to herself as she tried to see the battle with Blanc. The light hovered to Sunset as she reached it out of impulse and the light went further. When the light fade it revealed a red colored device that was round, fitting the palm of her hand. It had a square screen within the middle surrounded by some buttons and small antenna to the left of the overall frame.

“The symbol of evolution!” Blanc cried out. She looked to the church as the images of the stained glass matched the device in Sunset’s hand. The human group would recognize it as well from the night before as the shape of it appeared on every screen in Sunset’s home during the storm.

“What is this…?” Sunset grabbed it and a symbol of a dragon shined within the screen. Dracomon would glow in the same red color as Tuskmon backed up.

“I feel it…” Dracomon said in a trance.

The dragon symbol hit the little dragon as his body seemed to deconstruct then reconstruct showing a larger dragon.

“Dracomon….digivolve to…!” The dragon would roar as he was a darker blue with red eyes and larger wings as he revealed himself from the light.


Everyone would stare in awe as well as gasping at the new creature.

“He digivolved…” Floramon spoke first. Liollmon and hawkmon stared with a big smile as Hagurumon floated forward.

“It’s improbable…” Twilight looked to him in confusion. Tuskmon meanwhile would just growl in anger.

“Don’t think you can defeat me little one, even if you change it means nothing!” Tuskmon would aim his horns as they crackled with energy.

“BAYONET LANCER!” He would fire a beam of energy from his horns seemingly hitting the duo.



When the dust settled it would reveal Coredramon covered Sunset with his own wings as a shield though he himself looked unharmed. Sunset looked at the dragon unsure at first until he spoke.

“I got you Sunset.”


“Wait here.” Coredramon would stare right at Tuskmon before letting out a loud roar of his own. Tuskmon would retaliate with his own before Coredramon flew at the dinosaur with the reptiles colliding as they knocked over surrounding trees as the reptiles just clawed at and bite each other. Tuskmon bit his midsection but Coredramon would grab his neck, sending him down to the ground. Then he flew and flung him towards more trees knocking the wind out of him.

“You…You brat!”

“You will not hurt my friends ever again!” Coredramon would then open his mouth as blue colored flames gathered as it glowed a bright blue.

“BLUE FLARE BREATH!” The dragon would let out a blue laser from his mouth as it covered Tuskmon in its entirety.

“IMPOSSIBLE!” As he was bombarded by the attack it was as if his entire being was erased into pieces before fading away.

“He…he just…evaporated…dissolved…WHAT IS THIS PLACE?!” Twilight shouted as she started to panic. She was shaken by Applejack and Flash.

“Twilight! Twilight stop!” everyone would gather around Sunset and Coredramon as everyone would calm down. Coredramon’s body would glow and then gradually shrink. As the light fade the dragon was back to his smaller form. Dracomon.

“You’re back?”

“Yeah…I guess I am, but I digivolved though…”

“You did, but you borrowed her energy.”

“Now wait a minute. You need to explain some things to us. I think we have been in the dark for too long.” Rarity demanded.

“I can only explain what I know. What Sunset has there in her hand…is a digivice.”

“Digivice?” Everyone in Sunset’s group repeated in unison.

ACT I: Episode 1: Chapter 6

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“Yes. It’s shape is often used as a symbol of evolution. It is in our murals, it is in our folk lore, our legends, bedtime stories. You see, no matter the culture, tribe or upbringing, all digimon have two things in common.”

“Battle and a need to digivolve.” Blanc explained.

The rest of the group would just stare in confusion though some had a certain level of curiosity on their faces.

“When we fight we get stronger, when a digimon loses in a death match their data goes to the winner. It’s how we evolve. Get stronger.”

“Wait data?” Twilight exclaimed. “So this is a program? Are we in some game? A simulation?? Does this also have something to do with how that Tuskmon died?”

“As I said, the Digital World has always been. As for how he was destroyed it's just how it is. When defeated he was deconstructed. I do not know any more than that I’m afraid.” At that explanation Twilight's face would just contort in frustrated confusion as she was trying to make sense of the situation.

"It's like being erased...deleted?" Twilight would mumble to herself.

“So what do we do now?” Flash asked. Everyone looked unsure. Noir would turn to the digimon then to the group. Her face beamed as realization hit her.

“Nine….but there is eight digimon….eight humans!”

“Beg pardon?”

“This can’t be a coincidence!”

“Blanc settle down. Let’s not frighten them.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Remember what my old friend from my story told me? The legend of nine digimon and nine humans. He gave me only eight of them and now here you are eight humans with one of whom has bonded to one of the very digimon he entrusted to me. You lot can get help from Sistermon Ciel and these little pens can be your protectors while at the same time help them grow and find out what they are meant to do.”

“I don’t know…this seems like a lot…it just sounds scary…” Fluttershy said quietly.

“I understand but your two groups have been brought together for a reason. I know it. Sunset becoming Dracomons tamer proves that.”


“One who has the strength to tame a digimon. To be partners and combine their powers. It would usually take ages for a digimon to change forms but you borrowed this girl's energy. That's why you only held that larger form a brief time.” After Noir explained, Dracomon would turn to Sunset as both would stare intently at one another.

“My tamer…”

“Partner huh…”

“But I don’t wanna go…” Patamon said softly as he nuzzled against Noir's bosom. She returned the embrace as she got every digimon into a group hug as if she was a mother trying to give her children all one big hug.

“I know. I know but you all must be strong, okay? Take them to Ciel and she can explain more alright? Dracomon you’re the oldest please watch over them okay?”

“I-I will…” Dracomon sniffled.

“Wait so if Sunset is paired with Dracomon then what about the rest of us?” Applejack inquired. The rest of the digimon looked on as if they wondered too.

“That I do not know. I feel that you all will know who you bond with when the time comes. Like Sunset your time will come as possibly the symbol of our evolution, the digivice will show itself before you and your destined partner.” Everyone would look to the digimon curious of who they could be partnered with.

“Well whoever my partner is I hope they can keep up with me. Hmph.” Hawkmon said with smug.

“We’ll take good care of them and thanks a million for having us.” Applejack said to Noir.

“And they you dear humans. You all will go to Sistermon Ciel. She is in the Bug Empire. Go east and keep going until you find a trailmon station. The trains will take you to the border. Once there find Kabu village. Beware for the Bug Empire is one of the hostile lands of the Digital World. The others are the Bird Kingdom, Metal Empire, and the Dark Land. Be vigilant while traveling through these countries.”


“Don’t worry guys, we will totally get home! We been in stickier situations than this!”

"This does not seem less bad than what we have been through!" Rarity replied with a sharp tone.

“Rainbow ‘s right. Well partially. If we stick together I’m sure we will be okay. We will make it home. Together.” Everyone would gather around Sunset as everyone both human, dog and digimon formed one group at her speech. Noir would smile at that as Blanc just eyed them with glee.

“Well my digimon you take care of them…and take care of yourselves.”


"I will pack you all some food and some other things that could help on your journey. Come along Blanc you're helping."

"What?! Oh come on...!"

"Ah ah I don't want to hear it. Now come along." The sisters would leaves as everyone was left to their own devices. Various emotions would show on the teens faces as the digimon would scatter among themselves.

"I still can't believe this is real..." Flash commented.

"Tell me about it. This could beat when I brought all of you into Equestria just to get off that island during spring break."

"Oh yeah that."

"I love that! I was such a cool looking pegasus!"

"That's what I have trouble with." Twilight replied.

"What do you mean?" Spike asked.

"Well like Sunset explained back then. Going to another world your physical form changes, but this? We were just having fun at Sunset's house and suddenly we are here. Shouldn't we become one of these creatures? What's the difference?"

Twilight's questions made everyone think to themselves. Sunset would ponder to herself on the meaning of these words.

She's right. Why is this so different from then? We look the same as we did in the human world. What happened to our geodes? We always had them and I'm pretty sure we all wore them. I think the rest of the girls feel what I do. Helpless...Luckily Dracomon had my back. I hope the rest of them can have this kind of luck. All of us will need their help to survive. Her thoughts would be interrupted as Noir and Blanc would come back with various bags and supplies.

"You are all set! I packed some food, currency that should be helpful and other things. The digimon can help you with them." Applejack would be the one to take the bags as she thanked her with a nod and a smile.

"Thank you kindly."

The group would eventually leave as all the digimon gave one last hug to both Noir and Blanc. Noir would tear up as Blanc waved energetically.

“Be safe on your travels!”

“Bye my digimon! This will always be your home!”

“Good luck my little digimon…your destiny has now started…”

ACT I: Episode 2: Chapter 7

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The group would spend the next few hours walking through grassy fields as everyone kept up a moderate pace with Spike and the digimon trying to keep up with the humans speed.

“Least Noir packed us some food.” Applejack commented as she looked over the knapsack they were provided. A homemade one with a brown coloring. Most would nod in agreement, but not Sunset as she was looking over the new digivice she was given. As she pressed the buttons it would display information and images on not only all their digimon friends, but also Tuskmon.

“Wow, it's got information on all the digimon we’ve seen. It’s like an encyclopedia entry.”

“May I see?” Twilight asked. Sunset would oblige as she handed the digivice to her. Twilight would do the same tinkering as she looked it over.

“Hey, this has a usb port.”

“Wait really?”

“I can only imagine what we would find. Ugh if only we were back home so I can study this.”

“I’m getting kinda hungry.” Spike commented.

“I guess it has been hours since we left.” Hagurumon said aloud. All the digimon would just look at one another.

“You eat? Oh that’s right you did back at the church too.” Twilight asked as she looked over Hagurumon.

“Of course I do! I am a digimon.” He replied in a harsh tone as he rolled his eyes.

“Oh look a lake. We should probably set camp for the night.” Applejack stated as she looked at everyone.

“I am not loving the idea of camping out here. I do not even have my camping luxury supplies!” Rarity whined.

“Does she always do this buzz? Fanbeemon asked as he flew to Applejacks face to be eye level.”

“You get used to it.”

“Okay let’s get things done. Applejack can you gather food out there? We have some supplies from the Sistermon but we need to think long term and have those for rations if possible.”

“Can do Sunset.”

“I can help buzz.”

“Let me come too. I’m sure some man power can help.” Flash said.

“Gee thanks strong man.” Applejack said with a smirk and a roll of her eyes. Flash would respond with a chuckle as Liolmon would join the group.

“Oh I can help! Fanbeemon and I can find something edible if we work together.” Floramon added.

“Come on Rarity.” Applejack said as she started to drag her.

“Huh? What? What?”

“You’re not moping around here trying to gussy yourself up. Let’s get er done.”

“Ohhhhh….!” Rarity would just groan as Floramon rolled her eyes as the four would leave.

“Rainbow, can you get firewood?”

“On it!” Hawkmon would fly a bit over her as he spoke.

“I can help. I can get a good vantage point.”

“Yeah dodo I don’t think we will have trouble finding wood around here.”

“I’m not a dodo!”

Rainbow would just laugh at that as the two of them go to find wood for their fire.

“The rest of us can set up camp.” Everyone nodded as everyone would split to do their duties. Kamemon would splash around in the water as Pinkie giggled at him.

“Now what are you doing cutie?”

“He is ruining my patchwork, that's what he's doing!” Hagurumon cried out.

“But the water feels so goooood.” Kamemon said as he splashed around. Hagurumon would seethe as Kamemon would splash around and dive deeper into the lake as Pinkie just giggled. Twilight would pat Hagurumon’s head in a comforting manner while stifling her own giggle with Spike.

“Now now be nice. I can understand getting frazzled but don’t let it get you carried away.”

“Trust her. She speaks from experience.” Spike commented with a smirk.

“That’s not true….ish…” Twilight replied with a blush as Hagurumon just stared in annoyance.

“So what’s your world like?” Hawkmon asked Rainbow as she was carrying some wood.

“Well like this but not? I don’t know how to explain it. Though we have been to another world that’s not here.”

“Whoa really?”

“Yeah it was awesome. We changed forms when we did so. Sunset, Twilight and me. It was full of ponies and other creatures i've heard and full of magic.”

“Sounds like here. Least based on Hagurumon’s books…”

“Wait, you really never been to the outside world?!”

“No…we were very sheltered by the sistermon.”

“Well you’re with us now! And we will make sure we show you what life has to offer you. Oh I wish I had my geode then we could see who’s the best flyer.”

“Humans can fly?”

“Well I could. I had a magic rock, a geode. But we seem to lose them when we came to this world. It sucks!”

“You lie.”

“Hey I’m not lying! It’s true. All us girls had them. I just wish I knew what happened to them…”

“If you’re telling the truth then what could the other humans do?”

“Wow, so get this. They-”

As Rainbow excitedly talked about their superheroic exploits with Hawkmon, Fluttershy would walk around the camp holding Patamon in her arms in a gentle embrace. As if holding onto a small dog or cat.

“You don’t mind if I hold you like this?”

“Noooo. I like it like this. It reminds me of when Noir held me…”

“Oh sweetie. I’m sorry you had to leave, but I’m sure you will be reunited someday. And thank you for the hug…I needed it too…” Patamon would just snicker to himself as he just relaxed in Fluttershy’s hold as the pair continued to walk around the camp.

Applejack would walk as Fanbeemon would fly next to her. They would go along the treeline exploring as they picked various herbs with Flash, Liollmon, Floramon and Rarity. Flash would occasionally look at the little cub before speaking up.

“Sorry we drove you from home…” Liollmon’s ears would flatten when Flash apologized but would perk up again.

“It’s whatever. Least we get to finally go outside the forest though and we go tot meet all of you. I think that's worth it a little. I just wonder who can make me digivolve though.” Liollmon’s eyes would just sparkle at the thought with Flash just chuckling and even petting his head.

“Well still I thought it was worth saying. If we ever get back home then all of you can too.”

“I hope…”

“You spot anything Fanbeemon?”

“No not quite…”

“Oh! Up there!” Floramon cried out. Their group would look to a tree that looked similar to an apple tree. It bore a light green hue of apples.

“Oh! That can work! Let me get to picking.”

“Oh sweetie let me.” Floramon would reach out with her hands as the little vine like tendril from them would extend out as she controlled them with a careful dexterity. She would pluck the apples as Fanbeemon and Liollmon would go to catch them.

“YEEHAW now that’s what I’m talking about.”

“Oh dahling you have been a wondrous help!” Rarity would pat Floramon on the head as the latter would beam with pride as she continued to pick the fruit. As everyone would gather the fruit they would stop dad in their tracks at the sound of a distant howl.

“Oh man…” Flash said as she looked to the girls who returned his worried glance.

“Safety in numbers. Let’s just get back to camp. We got plenty of food here.”

“I found some herbs.” Fanbeemon commented.

“That will help. We can go over what he found at camp. Come on everyone.” The group would follow Applejack with their haul of goods. The howl would continue off but closer in the distance.

ACT I: Episode 2: Chapter 8

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“Grubs on everybody! Us and the digimon got a haul!” Applejack cried out as her group returned to camp. Everyone would look to the herbs but more so the large gathering of the light green colored apples.

“Are those meat apples?” Hagurumon inspected one with his cog like appendage. He would look at it closely as Draco stood by him and sniffed it.

“Oh it is!” Hawkmon came flying in as Rainbow and him returned with a large gathering of lumber. Rainbow dropped the pile onto the ground as she and her bird companion looked at the apples.

“What’s a meat apple?” Rainbow asked.

“Try one and find out.” Hawkmon said with a big grin. Rainbow sniffed one before shrugging and taking a bite. Her eyes would widen as she spat the contents out and was dry heaving and coughing. Some of the digimon would laugh to themselves or out loud though Dracomon watched Hawkmon with mild annoyance. The humans and Spike however showed concern.

“Rainbow are you alright?!” Fluttershy asked in panic.

“What the heck was that?! That was awful! Tasted like I bit into some moldy rotting meat!”

“That is a meat apple. They are delicious…when cooked. You won’t get sick if you eat it raw but they will taste horrible. When you cook them they taste like a variety of meat or meat based dishes. The experience is different from person to person.” Hagurumon explained.

“Gonna make you eat it birdbrain!‘

“How can you if you can’t fly?” Hawkmon said with a grin as Rainbow just fumed. Flash took the chance to take the wood Rainbow had and started to make campfire. As the lumber was piled together Dracomon would breathe fire on the pile igniting it.

“Oh thanks Dracomon. Having you guys really helps.” Sunset patted the little dragon in thanks as the latter smiled.

“Oh I can’t wait to cook these!” Liollmon said as he started to drool. Everyone would take the apples and put them on sticks whether whole or by slices and put them just before the fire to roast and cook them. As the night sky took over the entire group wait in silence. Flash would be the first to break the silence as he let out a drawn out sigh.


“What is it?” Sunset asked him.

“It just…really sunk in on where we are and all that we went through yesterday.”

“Yeah it’s very…surreal.” Applejack commented.

“But don’t you think this is awesome?! I mean it’s a whole other world we found!”

“But the danger is still real. This eclipses what we have been through now.” Twilight replied.

“And we don’t even have our geodes.” Rarity added. All the girls looked glum at that. Pinkie bounced in place as she smiled.

“But heeeeeey! Least we are all together! And we have new friends with us like Flash and the digimon!”

“You guys really go through this all the time?”

“Not like this…” Fluttershy said quietly.

“Yeesh. Got to admit, not used to being on an even playing field with you guys.”

“You're telling me. No geodes sucks!”

“Gasp! Really Rainbow language.” Rarity chided. Floramon just smirked.

“Oh come on Rares give me a break.”

“Oh this smells good.” Applejack said as she looked over the cooked apples. Everyone got closer.

“Should be done about now.” Dracomon stated. Everyone would get their share as they grab their sticks with the apples propped onto it. Everyone would slowly take a bite as they chew and mull over the taste as all the humans and Spike of the group faces lighten up. A collective moan from both human, dog and digimon filled the air.

“Oh! Beef wellington!” Rarity squealed as she took another bite.

“A hamburger!” Rainbow fists pumped as she stuck the entire apple slice in her mouth.

“Tastes like fajitas.” Flash said with a small smile. Twilight took a bite of hers as she gasped.

“Mmmm meatloaf!”

“BBQ pork!” Applejack hollered as she stuck the entire fruit in her mouth in one go. Spike would wag his tail as she commented on his flavor.

“Ohhh bacon.”

“Thank goodness this isn’t real meat…it’s so good…like real steak…” Fluttershy said in wonder.


“Tastes like chicken. An actual decent meal I got to admit.” Sunset would take another bite as she stared at the night sky. All the digimon would devour their portions quickly. Flash would get up and sat next to her.

“Something on your mind?”

“Nothing on yours?” Flash looked dumbfounded when Sunset snapped her response. She would exhale as she just fiddled with part of her apple before turning her attention to him.

“I’m sorry. Just…a lot of things we went through. It’s a lot to take in. I just hope this Sistermon Ciel can really help us like Noir said.”

“Just got to press on. I’ve seen you girls do it plenty of times. Now that I’m here I can just cheer you on even more. We’ll get through this.” Sunset would stare into Flash’s eyes as he returned the gaze. She would smile as he patted her shoulder. She grabbed his hand as she smiled.

“You’re right. We will. We will return home.”

“Got to say it’s oddly fun.”

“This is fun??”

“Well considering what Dracomon turned into I’m curious who we will all get and what they would turn into.”

The same wolf like howl was heard but much closer. Everyone flinched as they stood on their guard.

“So we were being hunted…” Liollmon would get into a cat-like aggressive stance as he looked around quickly. The digimon would follow Liollmons’ gaze only to realize that several silhouettes were shown in the distance of the forest line. They were all red colored wolf like creatures with elongated limbs and a sinister wide mouth toothy grin. They wore several belts and leg padding. Another distant howl was heard as the new creatures marched slowly.

“Get behind us humans!” Liollmon demanded as he stood in front of Flash and the girls. A voice was heard from the same distance.

“Feed…” A howl was heard once again as all the red canine like creatures ran forward.

ACT I: Episode 2: Chapter 9

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“Stay on guard!” Rainbow cried out as everyone huddled together. When Draco turned his attention to the dog-like creatures, Sunset’s digivice lit up. An image was shown on the screen showing the same creature.

“Fangmon: A demon beast champion digimon. Oh this thing doesn’t look friendly.”

“Fluttershy try talking to it! You’re good with animals!”

“This isn’t like the other animals!”

From behind the pack a larger Fangmon was seen as it growled. The others march forward slowly.

“They’re like wolves. Don’t have your backs turned!” Fluttershy ordered. As the others huddled, Sunset and Dracomon marched forward.

“Leave it to us! Ready Dracomon?”

“Ready whenever you are!” Sunset nodded as her digivice lit up. Dracomon would glow as he changed shape.

“Dracomon digivolve to…COREDRAMON!” The larger dragon emerged from the light as he roared at the Fangmon who was sweating at first, but the larger one growled and the others continued.

“There is one…DEAL WITH HIM.” The Fangmon would charge in pack formation as Coredramon would breath blue fire at the wolves. Some would get burned down while others would tackle him. He would two with his tail but others would continue to jump on him. He would fly up only to sweat as he saw the Fangmon turn their attention to the group.

“Come on guys, we can help too!” Hawkmon flew up trying to get the Fangmon’s attention.

“FEATHER SLASH!” Hawkmon would take the lone feather off his head as he threw it like a buzzsaw. It hit one Fangmon, cutting it slightly.

“UGH COME ON!” He would almost get bit by a Fangmon as he gets hit by what appeared to be a small little missile.

“POINTER ARROW!” Kamemon’s shell opened up to fire another missile as he hit another one making it back up.

“RAIN OF POLLEN!” Floramon would shower one Fangmon with pollen that made it back up before swiping at her. Rarity would grab her last minute to run to dodge the clawed attack.

“You could have been hurt!”

“Well we have to help Coredramon somehow!”

Applejack would smack one Fangmon with a piece of large lumber smashing it across the face, it turned to her growling as she backed up slowly.

“Easy there little doggy…don’t do something you’ll regret.” Before the wolf could jump at her he would get hit by numerous stingers. Fanbeemon would come flying in releasing stingers from his body as if they were bullets.


“COG CRUSHER!” Hagurumon would spin his cog like hands as they detached hitting a couple of other Fangmon, making them more angry.

“BOOM BUBBLE!” Patamon’s whole body would swell before he would let out a burst of air hitting one Fangmon before he could jump to Fluttershy.

“Oh thank you but don’t get hurt!”

“EVERYONE! Get behind the digimon!” Flash commanded as he stood by with Sunset as she stood near Coredramon. She was sweating with a worried expression as her digivice continued to glow.

“I’m just stuck on the side lines again…?”

“Flash! Look out!” Liollmon would call out as he ran and jumped at an approaching Fangmon. The two creatures rolled around as they then seperated.

“LIO CLAW!” He would scratch the wolf but be clawed back. As they stared at another it was made clear which creature this was. It was the bigger Fangmon giving the orders to attack, it leaned closer growling showing its large teeth from its cartoonish grin.

“I suggest you give up little one…we WILL feed…even your champion friend is being worn down. You are few…my pack…is many.” As he said that Coredramon let out a cry of pain as more and more Fangmon jumped on him gnawing at his scaly hide as he was slowly being worn down. The rest would inch closer to the huddled group. The wolf would adjust snicker before benign hit behind by Flash, holding more lumber.




Liollmon would jump in Flash’s way as Fangmon grabbed the cub into his large jaws. He would put pressure into his bite as he tossed him around like a wild dog with meat and bone.


As Flash cried out a large light was seen. All the Fangmon flinched at the light as everyone else was in awe. The light went to Flash and formed a familiar shape. The shape would go into Flash’s hands as it formed another digivice. Like Sunset’s it was circular object with a rectangle screen in the middle with various buttons and a antenna off to the side. The coloring however was green instead of red, Flash would hold it before snapping back to the situation at hand.


A symbol of a lion with a fierce gaze shined within the screen. The green light shined as Liollmon’s body glowed the same hue. The light burned Fangmon forcing him to let go of the poor cub. The cub stood tall as he shined even more.

“LIOLLMON! Digivolve to….!” The cub's body would be immersed with the symbol as his body grew larger and his tail split into two, gained some jewelry and gained a mane before his new shape was made clear.

“LIAMON!” The new creature let out a ferocious lion-like roar as all the Fangmon flinched and the humans and Spike watched in awe.

“Whooooa!” Rainbow and Spike shouted in unison. Flash stared at the new beast with slight tears.


“I’ll protect them Flash…and you too.”

“All you are is new PREY! KILL HIM THEN REST!” The alpha leader howled as the rest split to attack Liamon before the latter clawed at one crushing it’s head then roared making them hesitate. At that moment a blue laser was seen as Coredramon broke free from his situation.

“I’ve had ENOUGH! Liollmon?!”

“I got the pack leader!”

“Then I got the rest!” The entire pack would fire black lasers from their mouths at the dragon as he flew upward.

“DON'T EVEN TRY. YOU ARE FAR OUTMATCHED. Now then dogs…BLUE FLARE BREATH!” Coredramons eyes got fierce as his mouth was enveloped in blue flames before he opened his maw wide and released a large blue laser and vaporized the entire pack in a rage. Meanwhile Liamon and the pack leader would claw at each other and bite as they stumbled around before Liamon pushed the wolf back.

“BLACK COFFIN!” The pack leader would fire another black laser from his mouth as Liamon jumped to dodge. More and more attempts to hit the lion as he kept dodging. His mane would spark with electricity as it glowed brighter and brighter. Fangmon would stand his ground as Liamon charged with power.

“THUNDER KING!” He would roar as a blast of electric energy from his mane at the Fangmon vaporizing him instantly as he let out a howl.”

“MY PREEEE-” Particles of energy would go into Coredramon and Liamon as they stood as everyone ran to them.

“Liamon that was awesome! Flash called out excitingly. He would grab the lion’s head in an embrace as he grew smaller, back to his Liollmon form. The little cub would return the affection by rubbing against his leg like a house cat would. Flash would just pet him as everyone surrounded them offering praise.

“What a mess.” Sunset would look at the leftover destruction from the battle as she then looked at her digivice.

“You know if the rest of us bond with a digimon in this group then our chances of survival would really soar.”

“That or die.” Rainbow said dryly. Hawk would fly in the air in a huff.

“I am NOT down for that! We were entrusted to you guys to help you get home.”

“But it’s not fair to you all…” Fluttershy commented.

“I for one am not for this ‘bonding through danger’ bit. There must be a more natural or civil way to do this.” Rarity said as she crossed her arms. Everyone exchanged glances with one another as various opinions were present. Some agreed, some giving in. Liollmon would rub against Flash’s leg.

“Felt natural to me.” Draco would smile at Sunset as he added in.

“I feel the same.”

“Look, I think we should find a better shelter or camp. Being out here now is giving the willies.”Applejack shuddered as she gathered the supplies. Everyone would follow suit. The morning would come and the day would be longer.

ACT I: Episode 3: Chapter 10

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The morning following, the group would be walking from their recent and new camp they had set up following their attack by the pack of Fangmon. While everyone had their rest they would also still be drained. The stress from the fight still present on their faces as the nights’ events still played out. As the group marched on they would see a valley come into view, the cliffs they saw now towering over them all with a stream at their feet.

“Water!” Pinkie and Spike ran to the water before Applejack stopped them.

“Are you nuts?! You both know we should boil it first.”


“Sunset can I borrow Dracomon?” Before Sunset could reply the little dragon would join Applejack as she got some of the supplies together. Kamemon would play in the water as everyone would look around before freezing. Across the lake was a large black and white dinosaur with a large horn with large green eyes as it stared at the group.

“Whoa…is that a dinosaur?!” Rainbow exclaimed. Applejack would pull her back violently and shushed her.

“This is amazing. Sure we saw one before with Tuskmon, but to see all sorts of creatures we would have never see before. Every time we go to a new world it never ceases to amaze me…” Twilight would write notes down as she observed.

“It’s just standing there…what is that monster called? Is it a digimon too?” Flash asked. Hagurumon huffed as he looked too and explained.

“Ah yes. That is a Monochromon. They can be docile so long as you don’t anger them or so have I read.” The rest of the group would gulp as Flash held his digivice to it as Liollmon looked at the creature. A profile would show up in the screen, detailing the beast

“Monochromon: An ankylosaur, champion level digimon. Docile in nature they are very territorial and will fight with its horns and its flames from its mouth.” as Flash finished reading everyone in the group would gulp. The Monochromon would slowly walk to the group making their anxiety grow.

“It’s coming for us!” Rarity shrieked. Hawkmon flew in the air as he flew to everyone's field of vision.

“It’s fine! Like Hagurumon said! They are nice! Let’s be cool.”

The Monochromon would come to the group and looked at everyone, eyes gazing at each person before speaking.

“How do you do little ones?” His voice gruff and old, he spoke almost sounding like a kind grandfather in tone.

“Good…” Applejack said nervously.

“I must say I’ve never seen creatures like you before.” The ankylosaur said as he gazed at the humans.


“You’ve never seen humans before?” Sunset inquired. Monochromon would raise an eyebrow before looking around him then back to the girl.

“I’ve heard of humans, but they are only able to be seen.”


“Yes. From what I’ve heard at least. Through the digital windows.” Twilight woud perk up at that as her eyes widened.

“Digital window? What is that?”

“Can’t say for sure. Mountain life is for me. You all are so young. Rookies I see.” The digimon would nod.

“Best not dawdle around here for too long. In this valley it’s Saberdamon territory.”


“A frightful bird. Luckily my armor can protect me, but most of you seem like you have no protecting shell.”

“Thank you wise champion. We will do our best to be wary.” Dracomon replied. Everyone would look to each other unsure as Monochromon nodded.

“Good. I best be on my way young ones. May we meet again.” The dinosaur would walk off with every thud caused from his footsteps up the hillsides the other watched. Hawkmon would fly around in the air and look at his surroundings.

“Well I’m not scared. I bet we could take them.”

“You mean Dracomon or I could.” Liollmon said with a sneaky grin.

“Shut it cat! I bet if I digivolved I could far surpass you!”

“Nu uh.”

“Yeah huh.”

“Nu uh!”

“Yeah huh!”

“OKAY WE GET IT!” Rainbow shouted, catching the two digimon off guard.

“Well he seemed nice.” Fluttershy said with a smile as she looked to the direction the dinosaur left.

“I do not like the idea of rock climbing.” Rarity said she looked at the cliffs.

"We won't have to. See the path he took? We can just take those!" Pinkie pointed out.

“Maybe we should have asked him to escort us.” Flash commented.

“Hey, we will be with you every step of the way!” Hawkmon chirped.

“Yeah, but we don’t even know how this digivolving could affect you. From what I’ve seen of Dracomon and Liollmon it seems to drain them. How long could you possibly fight like that? What if you run out of energy and get small for example?”

“I still don’t get why it happens. Like I never seen other digimon shrink to a prior form before? Why just you guys?” Twilight asked.

“Allow me.” Hagurumon cleared his throat.

“Usually when we digivolve we stay in our new form. It’s how we evolve. However based on what Dracomon said and what happened with him and Liollmon they borrow a bit of their tamers energy recharge time....I theorize it depends on the digimon themselves and if they are well or not. If this proves to what has happened then your energy becomes ours. Luckily we have two of us who have found their tamers. We just digivolved ourselves so we revert back when drained.”

“Wow…this is so fascinating!” Twilight exclaimed as she started to take notes while Spike rolled his eyes.

“Losing it.”

“And I don’t want to get lost down here.” Rainbow chided.

“I don’t think we will.” There is a steep path that Monochromon took and everyone looked nervous.

“If what he said is true then all the more reason to get out of the valley. Come on guys.” Sunset would lead the way with Dracomon following behind her. The rest would follow suit as they walked across the stream. It would be several minutes before they spot something that did not belong. A giant black feather.

ACT I: Episode 3: Chapter 11

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“That is a huge feather…” Liollmon would paw at it before Flash would pick him up like one does with their cat.

“Fluttershy do you know what kind of bird this came from?”

“I don’t…it almost seems like…it was on fire…and I’ve never seen it this big before…”

“I don’t want to even know what bird this came from.”

“We need to get the humans out of here. Now. Come on everyone.” Hawkmon would take flight as he looked to the direction Monochromon went.

“Guys I see an upward path we can take. It looks like it leads out of the valley.” Rainbow would nod in approval, but also had a solemn expression.

“Rainbow Dash is everything okay?” Fluttershy would put a hand on her shoulder before the latter just laughed and shrugged her off.

“I’m fine, I just think these guys are cool. Yeah. Come on, let's get out of here.”

“Well I think we are all set. I mean we are all pretty set together.”

“Hawkmon my old friend, do not get overconfident. Only a couple of us can actually digivolve and to be frank we have been lucky.” Dracomon chided while Liollmon nodded in agreement. Hawkmon just flew rolling his eyes. Rainbow looked around and flagged Hawkmon down.

“Hey, can you fly up to see signs of danger?”

“Can do!” Hawkmon would fly around, but not too far as he came back down.

“I uhh…”

“As a rookie you can’t fly that high right?” Dracomon commented. Hawkmon would only respond with an eye roll.

“Let’s just pick up the pace a bit then. This is giving me the heebie jeebies.” Floramon picked up her pace. As the group walked more a giant black feather would fall parallel to them. Everyone would freeze in place as they looked at the feather. Spike pawed at it and sniffed it.

“Ohhh that can’t be good.”

Everyone would slowly turn up as a flapping noise was heard overhead. As soon as Liollmon looked up into the sky, Flash’s digivice would light and show an image. The image was of a large black bird with fiery, black feathers adorning its body, razor jagged teeth protruding from its beak as it stared down at the group.

“Saberdramon: A champion level, giant bird digimon. Oh that’s Saberdramon?!”

“That thing is terrifying!”

The bird would roar as it flew high then dived at the group.

“It’s heading this way! RUN!”

Everyone in the group would start to run as they would hear a distorted eagle cry. Repeated flapping was heard as Hawkmon flew over the group, occasionally looking above them, sweating. The giant bird would swoop down barely missing Rainbow and Fluttershy as it almost hit the ground. The group would let out various screams in response as Rainbow looked around before spotting something slightly above the path at a cliff wall.

“Over there!”


Everyone would run with haste as the giant bird would shoot flame-covered feathers as everyone barely managed to reach the cave’s entrance. Everyone would let out a sigh of relief as well trying to catch their breath. Hawkmon, Fanbeemon, Patamon and Hagurumon would fall to the ground due to exhaustion as most of them fly while the latter levitates. Applejack looked around while trying to catch her breath.

“Everyone alright?”

“I…I think so.”

“”We almost got eaten by a dinosaur, a cartoon looking wolf and now a demonic looking bird?! What’s next?!” Twilight cried out. Hagurumon was wide eyed seeing her panic as all the digimon reacted similarly.

“THAT was the monster Monochromon was warning us about?!” Rarity would pull her hair as she looked panicked.

“Well I’m not gonna jinx it.” Spike said dryly.

“I’M SO OVER THIS WORLD! I JUST WANT TO BE BACK HOME!” Everyone would be silent in the cave after that outburst. Only sounds that can be heard were stifled sobbing and the constant banging from outside as the large predator tried to figure out how to get to the group, since it was too large to fit into the cave. Everyone would settle in and rest in various spots within the cave. Rainbow looked around and smirked.

“Come on guys! This isn’t the end! I’m sure we’ll get through this. Just like we always do.” Fluttershy would get up and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Rainbow is right. We just have to wait this out. Animals tend to give up if they see no results.”

“The issue is despite how these digimon look, they are clearly sentient. He’s probably formulating a plan right now to see how he can get us out and eat us.”

“Yeah this digimon tends to be savage I’ve heard.” Hagurumon commented. Applejack would lay back against the cave wall as she tilted her hat and sighing.

“Well I think we’ll be here for a while y'all. I suggest we get some rest while we can.”

Time passed as everyone would either take short naps, pace around the space or even talked quietly or in the case of Pinkie and Kamemon play a game. The two would have playing cards as Pinkie just eyed the turtle as examined his hand then his face, then her own.

“So…what do you got…reptile?? Got any 3s?”

“Err no.”

“Hehe. You’re supposed to say go fish silly!”

“Ohhhh. I forgot.” Kamemon would react with a goofy and deep sounding chuckle as Pinkie giggled at his response. Meanwhile Rainbow would tell stories to Hawkmon about their adventures.

“So you flew that fast??”

“You know it! One of a kind! I bet I could outfly you if I had my powers!”

“Oh I would like to see you try! I bet if I digivolved I could fly circles around you!”

“So…what would you be like if you did? A bigger bird?”

“Oh I hope…I want the biggest wings so I can reach the highest skies. You have no idea how much digivolving means to us…it’s…everything. Something I looked forward to my whole life…”

“I get it.”

“Wait you do?”

“Yeah dude. I wanted to be the best athlete. I joined all the clubs, pushed myself, and did training at the crack of dawn. I totally get it. Why do you think I look this awesome?” She gestured to her figure. “When I got my powers…I thought I became even better than I was before…I was so proud of myself…how much better could I be…but now…here…I don’t have that…I can’t even protect myself…” Rainbow looked dejected as she grabbed just below her neck. As if grabbing her geode. Hawkmon would frown before getting closer to her.

“I think you’re great.” He extended his talons out and patted her leg. Rainbow looked to the bird as she let out a small smile.

“You always had this intense energy about you. I like that. For a human you have the feel of a ferocious digimon!” As the two would stare at one another Rainbow would just laugh at the comparison.

“So I’m dangerous like a digimon huh?”

“Hey, that's a compliment! You’re one of us!”

“I get it I get it. HAHA! Stop.” she tried to grab his wing like a hand and did a firm grab.

“I appreciate that bird.” Hawkmon would smile before grabbing her hand back with more strength. Sunset would just look more annoyed as time passed.

“Ugh is he still out there?” Hawkmon would turn to her with a grim face.

“Yeah…I can still hear his wing beat.”


“We need to do something. We can’t just stay here forever. Hey Hawkmon, do you think you could fly out there and see if you can find a chance for us to escape?”

“He could spot me. I don’t think I could out fly a champion level…Frankly all we did was trap ourselves here.”

“He might get bored soon and leave.” Liollmon said hopefully, but Hagurumon and Hawkmon would look at him with a deadpan stare.

“I highly doubt it if he stayed this long.”

“Oh I wish he could stick his stupid beak in here and I could just poison the savage thing!” Floramon said in a huff as she crossed her arms. Sunset would look to her then to the cave’s entrance and paced a bit. Flash and Twilight’s faces lit up as hers did as well. Sunset would then go to the group and stood in their field of vision.

“I think I have a plan.”

ACT I: Episode 3: Chapter 12

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“What plan?” Twilight asked as the others turned their attention to Sunset.

“How to get out of here, but it will be risky.”

“What is darling?”

“We have one of us go out there to bait the digimon. He will probably try to get in here to get at us. IF he gets close to us at the cave’s entrance Floramon can poison them. You can do that right?”

“I can. It’s an attack of mine.”

“Now hold on darling. Are you sure this could work?”

“Frankly? I’m not. But we have to try something. If we do this right we can all make it out and get out of here.”Rarity would look nervous before turning to Floramon with a worried expression.

“It’s your choice. Can you do it?” Floramon looked nervous but then smirked.

“I said I would poison him wouldn’t I? I just need to get close.”

“That’s what I’m talking about!” Rainbow cheered as everyone’s spirits started to lift.

“Now once he is poisoned. We will take the chance to get outside and Flash and I along with Dracomon and Liollmon will deal with Saberdramon.”

“We’re behind you every step of the way.”

“Okay guys. Places. Now we need someone to go outside.”

“Leave it to me!” Rainbow stepped forward. Hawkmon would turn to her quickly as he flew by her side.

“You can’t go by yourself! I’ll go too.”

“I can handl-”

“No! Not listening to you. I’m helping and you will deal with it!”

“Wow…well okay. You with me then. We’ll go out there and just make a bunch of noise. Got it dodo?”

“Got it!.....HEY! I’m no dodo!” Rainbow would just laugh to herself as the two made their way outside, they would see Saberdramon fly around in the sky. As it did it Rainbow would wave her arms around as Hawkmon flew every direction near her.


“FREE FOOD JUST FOR YOU COME AND GET US!” The large bird would get annoyed and saw his chance to get his prey as he dove down to them. His body would slowly light up in flames as each flame would turn black which made Rainbow and Hawkmon’s eyes pop out.


“Shoot! Run now!”

The two would retreat back into the cave as the digimon got closer and as they jumped into the cave Saberdramon would lodge himself into the entrance screeching.


“Rain of pollen!” The little plant would spray the bird with a spray of pollen and toxins as the digimon roared in anger and anguish as it moved back shaking its head violently.


Everyone in the group would run out of the cave as swift as they could. The monster roared as it slowly ascended into the sky.

“Okay Dracomon time to deal with this!”

“Liollmon you too!”

“On it!”

“Let me at him!”

Their digivices would shine as Dracomon and Liollmon’s bodies reacted in kind.

“Dracomon digivolve to….COREDRAMON!”

“Liollmon digivolve to…LIAMON!”

The dragon and lion would stand together as Saberdramoon flew, circling the duo.

“BLACK SABER!” He would dive down, covered in black flames as the duo barley managed to dodge.



The attacks would miss the bird as he dodged left and right and shot feathers from his wings hitting the duo making them scream.

“NO!” Hawkmon would cry out as he flew to them. Rainbow would try to grab him in panic.

“No! Stop!”

“YOU'RE stopping me? You always seemed gung ho! We have to help them!”

“But I’m not stupid! I know how you feel! Really I do but those two are the only ones who can even stand a chance right now! We did our part, now let's go!”

“But-” Before Hawkmon could finish Saberdramon flapped his wings, sending sharp feathers and black flames at them knocking Coredramon and Liamon back as they would revert to their smaller forms.

“Dracomon! Liollmon!” Saberdramon would let out a distorted eagle cry as it flew at the girls. Rainbow’s eyes would widen as she pushed Hawkmon out of the way before being grabbed by the large bird’s claw, taking her into the sky.


“Rainbow Dash!”

“Rainbow no!”

The rest of the digimon tried to hurl their attacks at the monster but it was no use. The creature would ascend too far for them as Rainbow tried to free herself only to be met with a slow crushing feeling from the giant claw. Hawkmon flew after her, wings flapping hard and fast as he could.

“Come on! Come on! Why?! WHY!? I can’t fly high but she needs me! I can't bring her down…” He would remember the stories Rainbow would tell him especially on how she herself would fly high into the sky. Now at the mercy of Saberdramon, view getting smaller and smaller as Hawkmon struggled to keep up.

“She used to fly…she was robbed of it…and I can’t even use MY wings to help. I have to help her. I have to help the other humans…I have to help them get their friend back…I have to help get MY friend back.”

“HELP! GET ME DOWN. LET ME GO YOU FREAK!” Rainbow was met with a more tight grip as she yelped out in pain.

“LET MY FRIEND GO YOU BURNT FACED BIRD!” As Hawkmon screamed a light was shown as Saberdramon cried out in pain letting Rainbow go with her screaming from the fall. The light was see in her hand as she would quickly look at it. Like Sunset and Flash a round device was shown only this was colored blue.. The screen was glowing. The digivice would glow a blue light while Hawkmon would shine the same color. The symbol of a bird with its wings out shined as the symbol would hit Hawkmon.

“Hawkmon…digivolve to…!” His body would grow larger and his wings bigger and bigger with horns growing from his head. As the light faded a new form was seen



“He digivolved!”

“What a beautiful bird…” Fluttershy said to herself. Aquilamon would soar into the sky at an amazing speed and caught Rainbow on his back. She would breathe hard from the adrenaline as she realized she was safe. She felt the soft and feathery surface she was on. She looked around confused as she would hear a loud voice.

“Rainbow! Are you alright?”


“It’s not over yet. Hang on tight!” Rainbow grabbed onto his back as best as he could as he soared to meet with the enemy bird. The monsters would stare each other down as Saberdramon would douse himself in flames and flew fast.

“BLACK SABER!” As he did so Aquilamon would dodge and open his beak.

“BLAST RINGS!” Rings of energy would come out and fire at Saberdramon injuring him. The two birds would fly around as they flew at each other.


“GRAND IMPULSE!” Aquilamon’s horns would glow as he would ram into the enemy, stabbing him through. The other monster let out a shrill scream as he slowly fell into the alley fading into data. Said data would be absorbed into Aquilamon’s body. The group down below would see the victory as they all cheered and hug one another. Aquilamon would fly back down to the group and as he landed he would let Rainbow off. She would dust herself off before letting out a huge exhale.

“Rainbow Dash are you okay?!”

“I’m okay Fluttershy. Everyone really.” she would turn to her new friend as she looked him over in amazement.

“You are so…AWESOME! Wow, look at you!”

“Hehe. Yeah I know. I’m pretty cool. You better not slow me down human.” He would say with a smirk.

“You kidding? Do you know who you are talking to?” Aquilamon would respond with a smirk as he would lower his head as Rainbow touched his face.

“You can count on me. I got your back.”

“Don’t get mushy.” As Rainow patted his face the eagle would smile as he would glow, reverting to his smaller form. He would fly around in excitement as he got in everyone's faces.

“Did you see that?! I flew so high!” As all the digimon surrounded him sharing congratulations or joy that he was okay, Sunset would watch him and the rest of the digimon before speaking up.

“The more this happens the more I’m starting to see the bigger picture. Now that Rainbow has Hawkmon he can help Dracomon with air support. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses in this group. If we can have everyone bond with our new friends then imagine what we could do.”

“Well you can count on us!”

“What dodo said!”

“Yeah!.....HEY!” Everyone else would laugh at their squabble as Sunset walked in front of everyone with Flash.

“Alright guys. We have places to go. Now let’s go!” Everyone nod as they followed Sunset and Dracomon out of the valley. The digimon looked determined as the ones who didn’t have a tamer would look to who was left. Who would they paired with? How much stronger could they be?

ACT I: Episode 4: Chapter 13

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It was some time after the ordeal in the valley and cliff side cave adventure. While stressful it was also jovial as Rainbow and Hawkmon quickly formed a bond from it. They would share stories as the others listened in or chipped in. Now that three humans had a partner it made everyone wonder who they would be partnered with. As everyone walked on they would see a path would slowly form in the dirt before them. Odd footprints were seen, showing a path.


“Wait. Look how even the dirt is too. Grass isn’t growing here. Sweet molasses, I think this is a path!”

“Maybe there is a town nearby? We could get supplies.”

“With what money and carry it with what?” Spike commented as he looked up. “If I recall none of you had anything on you when we came here.”


“Well it couldn’t hurt to try!” Pinkie bounced up as she replied.

“It is better than just doing nothing. We will need some rations for the trip to Bagu City.” Sunset thought out loud. The rest would nod as everyone pressed on. As the path became more clear and even a town was seen. It seemed to resemble a countryside south with cottages and shacks making up the architecture. What really stood out was rows and rows of gardens, farms and just overall variety of greenery.

“Wow, look at this place.” Flash commented as he and Liollmon looked around. Twilight turned with a bit of glee.

“It’s like a page straight out of a history book!”

“So many…plants?” Fluttershy squealed as she looked around.

“Oh they are so adorable!”

“Well we are in the middle of the Plant Kingdom so plant digimon would be the majority here.” Dracomon explained. The group walk into town and see a small market where all plant digimon came and went and even socialize. Spike walked next to Floramon.

“I bet you feel really comfy with all these plants around huh?”

“Oh I am! I have never met another plant digimon before!”

“Wait.” Flash turned to the little one. “You never met another digimon like yourself before?” Hagurumon would smack him at the back of the head before explaining.

“You all need to realize. We lived at the Sistermon church our whole lives. We were kept from the outside world. They hid us from something, but they were always vague. Just that the world was dangerous for us.”

“Guess that’s out of the window now.” Patamon said grumpily.

“So none of you met any of your own kind before? Or anyone?” Sunset asked. Dracomon would be the one to answer.

“Actually only Patamon did.”

“Wait, why just him?”

“Patamon is part of the holy race. The sistermon were also of the holy race. Out of all of us he was the only one to meet one of his own kind. That’s probably why next to al of us he probably felt the most connection…probably was the hardest for him to leave too.”


“Everyone look.” Applejack would point out some various digimon that look plantlike in nature as they were through the town. They seemed on edge and only a few.

“They all look like cute little plants!” Fluttershy squealed. Floramon in particular would stare at the town in wonder and even the citizens.

“Something ain’t right.” Applejack commented as she put her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow as she looked around.

“Hey look!” Hawkmon pointed out to the distance a palanquin carried by numerous plant-like digimon towards a tree line. As Hawkmon flew closer he would see that they would go past trees and approach a large lake. He would fly back down and explain what he saw.

“Now that is strange. Wonder what they are doing?” Twilight pondered.

“OOOOOH Why not take a look?” Pinkie jumped, but the others weren’t so sure. They looked to one another, before Rainbow beamed.

“We got to see!”

“Why would we do that??” Flash asked in disbelief. Liollmon would give him a smirk before looking away when Flash looked at him. As the two would fool around, Floramon would walk in the direction of the lake. Rarity looked concerned as she followed.

“Darling? Where are you going? Floramon!”

“Wait Rarity! Wait for us!”

“Oh crabapples…” The group would follow the pair to the lake, but also keep low to avoid detection. As the group got close enough to see the group of digimon. From the lake, water would rise and rise before being dispersed by a rising figure. A serpentine creature rose from the lake’s depth as it looked around. It was of teal color with red markings, blue eyes, fins and oddly enough wearing a yellow helmet. It bared its teeth as it saw the plant digimon at the dock.

“They have a version of the lochness monster?” Flash asked in amazement and confusion before being shushed by everyone. Everyone would observe with amazement and fear as they saw the creature. All of the digivices shined as Rainbow looked at hers to try to cover the light before reading what was shown.

“Seadramon: A champion level, aquatic digimon. A constrictor by method as well as favoring freezing its prey and enemies with its ice blast.”

“What are they up to…?” Twilight tried to study the scene before her while Kamemon got nervous and even hid behind Pinkie’s leg.

‘You have brought the sacrifice?“ Seadramon asked. As the other digimon trembled and nodded as they opened the curtain of the palanquin only to show nothing. Seadramon’s face twisted in anger as he watched.

“Is this a joke?!”

“B-B-But she was here! I swear! J-Just give us some time an-”

“ICE BLAST!” The large serpent let out a breath of frost at the little plant creature as he screamed. He froze all over before exploding into bits and fading into nothing. The other digimon trembled in fear as Seadramon rose above them.

“You have until tomorrow. You know the deal. If I do not get my offering YOUR ENTIRE VILLAGE WILL BE ENCASED IN ICE.” He would then dive back into the depths of the lake as the digimon would scramble off the dock. Meanwhile the rainbooms and their friends would also be trembling. Sunset however was trembling with anger.

“That SHIT!”

ACT I: Episode 4: Chapter 14

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“This is BARBARIC!” Rarity cried out as she almost fainted.

“This is horrible!”

“Yeah, but did you hear? Offering? Who knows how long this has been going on.”

“Why would they do that?!” Pinkie looked horrified as everyone had to clever their ears at the volume of her outburst.

“Because we all will be destroyed if we don't.” A kiwi like creature appeared as he stepped in and explained.

“Who are you?”

“I am Kiwimon.”

“Pardon me for asking, but what happened here?”

“Hey now I have questions. Who are all of you?”

“I’m Sunset Shimmer.”

“My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

“Rainbow Dash!”


“I’m Pinkie Pie!”


“Name’s Applejack”

“I’m Flash Sentry.”

“And I’m Spike.”

As the digimon would introduce themselves Kiwkimon looked the humans and Spike over before grunting.

“I’m not sure what you all are, but I suggest you all leave this village as soon as you can.”

“Yes of course we can! Come on everyone, let's go.” Before Fluttershy could leave, Applejack stopped her by grabbing her shoulder really quickly. As Everyone was unnerved, Sunset looked determined as she stepped forward to Kiwimon.

“We can’t do that. We really don’t know the area and the danger. A place to rest could really help.” Kiwimon sighed hearing this and looked around.

“I do have a place of my own. You all can rest for the night, but you should leave first thing at dawn.”

‘We promise.“

“Follow me.” As Kiwimon lead the way the group would see the morale was low as the locals' faces screamed despair.

“How long has this been going??” Twilight asked as she looked around.

“For years…” Kiwimon admitted. Everyone would gasp hearing the answer.

“We used to do trading with all sorts of species. We plants and birds love to specialize in fragrances and trade them with the bugs especially, but one day out from the deep a Seadramon came and froze our beloved crop of digital lilac. Many plant digimon were killed.” Floramon paled.

“That’s terrible!”

“He then laughed and said to us.”

“I will spare your village if you give me an offering every year. Your most powerful or pure of data.”

“We have no more champions but we have a digimon of pure plant.”

“I think I might get it.” Hagurumon spoke up. “When a digimon is killed their data in a fight will usually go to the victor and gets downloaded. It becomes a part of them and makes them stronger.” At that revelation Dracomon, Liollmon, and Hawkmon remembered their own fights and the results. Every time they would download the data of their fallen enemies. From the erased body the data particles would go into their own. It’s no wonder why they always felt great afterwards despite the battle fatigue.

“It helps escalate evolution.” Kiwimon would continue with his explanation after Hagurumon finished his.

“His ice-based attacks greatly hurt us even if some of us are virus type. We can’t touch him…”

“Virus?” Twilight would ask. Hagurumon would brighten up at the question.

“Allow me to explain again! Digimon come in four types: vaccine, data, virus and free. Free is pretty neutral but vaccine usually helps other programs, data is the default and most common of digimon though virus can cause havoc though that's not always the case.

“WOW we really are in a different world!” Pinkie chirped out with Twilight nodding in fascination.

“You creatures must be out of your mind! What can you do to help?!” Dracomon, Liollmon and Hawkmon would step forward and stood alongside Sunset, Flash and Rainbow as they looked serious.

“Trust me. I think we can find a way.”

“We all can help too! No way we’re going to let that mean sea monster take away your smiles!” Pinkie bounced around which made the others chuckle. Pinkie would turn serious.

“There has to be some way we can help!”

“There has to be a way we can!” Rainbow commented.

As the group continued Kiwimon showed them a hut much like the others. He would turn the group before clearing his throat.

“There’s not much room, but you can settle here for the night. Please make do.”

“How charming…” Applejack would cover Rarity’s mouth with her hand before continuing.

“We will. Thank you.”

As everyone got settled in the hut they would huddle together outside when done.

“We need to help.” Sunset said firmly.

“Look Sunset I don’t like this either, but do we really have time for this? We have to find a way to get back home.” Flash replied. Pinkie bounced back instead of Sunset cutting her off.

“BUT WE HAVE TO HELP!” Pinkie would grab his face and lead it to the direction of the town. “Just look at them! They are all so miserable! Maybe we’re meant to help them! Bring their smiles back.” Kamemon would tug at her arm as the pink girl would turn to him.

“But…But we can’t let you get hurt…we’re put in charge of you…”

“Oh don’t worry Kammy! We’ve been through trouble before!”

“But not like this Pinkie.” Applejack pointed out. “Sure we've been to another world, but nothing hostile like this. We need to be careful.”

As everyone was discussing the idea a new voice was heard.

“Would you really help?” The group would look around to find the source of the new voice. Their search would lead to a bush with a smaller digimon hidden in. A plant digimon with flower petals at the top of its head, almost like a hairstyle. The creature's eyes were red and puffy as it sniffled.

“Digivice says it’s a Palmon. A rookie plant digimon.” Rainbow explained while looking at her digivice. Pinkie would kneel down to be at eye level with the Palmon as she patted the creature gently on the head as if comforting a child. With a warm smile Pinkie would reply.

“Of course we will. I’m guessing you were meant to be out there?” Palmon would reply with more tears and a little nod. Kiwimon would find the group and as his eyes set on Palmon he would get tense.

“There you are! Has anyone seen you? Wait you were supposed to be…I’m glad you’re okay.”

“You know her?” Spike asked the kiwi. As he nodded Applejack eyed him.

“You raised her didn’t you?”

“More or less. Unlike animals and humans we do not have families. We usually fend for ourselves. However when communities form like this village it’s hard not to look out for one another. But after that CRETIN came to our town…so many of our rookies and little ones were sent to feed his greedy palette! You are right young one. It was Palmon’s turn, but I couldn’t bare to see her get destroyed. But…But if I don’t…the village will be gone. What do I choose…How can I ever choose…?” The kiwi would turn to the plant.

“You must never let them see you…but if you don’t…we are doomed…” Rainbow jumped up as she started to raise her voice.

“Of course she knows that! But she doesn't want to lose her data just like that! She clearly wants to stay here and be friends with you and everyone else! Right?” Palmon would nod.

“Be honest. You would miss her if she was gone. Right?” Fluttershy asked him. He would tremble a bit before tears would show. Pinkie would just hug the kiwi as Sunset looked determined. Flash would stand next to her sharing the same expression.

“We’re doing something about this.”

ACT I: Episode 4: Chapter 15

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“We need to figure out a way to beat him.” Twilight pondered.

“Please don’t.” Kiwimon looked panicked. “Seadramon will only get angrier. When he first arrived, some digimon did try to stand up to him, but they could not stand his mighty tempter especially when he uses his ice blast. That cold is very harmful to us plant digimon...”

“Believe it or not. My friends and I have been through a lot together. I think we can handle it.” Sunset said with a smirk, crossing her arms. Flash would just nod before adding.

“It’s true. These girls are amazing.”

"But we never fought monsters like that before coming to his world..." Fluttershy mumbled.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell we have soooome experience. Kinda....ish? Like that time we fought Microchip's Toaster robot thing?" Pinkie reminded.


"I agree with Fluttershy, darling. Despite that example and fighting some dreadful super villains this is still a far cry from our usual heroic exploits."

"But that is why we are here. To help all of you." Their digimon companions stood together with Dracomon, Liollmon, and Hawkmon at the front of their group.

"We will give it everything we got to make sure that tyrant gets put down."

"Yeah Flash! You know we got your backs."

"YOU KNOW IT! He thinks he's so cool, but let'ssee how he handles our new powers!"

"That does mean a lot." Sunset replied.

“NO!” Kamemon would shout as everyone in surprise turned to him. Pinkie would kneel down.

“Come on Kammy, we need to do this. Don’t you want to help?”

“I do, but you will just get hurt!”

“Oh Kammy! Sometimes you have to get a little rough in order to make others happy. And all these digimon really need it. I know you’re scared, but we need to do this Kammy.” Kamemon would twiddle his hands as he shifted before slowly nodding. Pinkie would hug the turtle in a tight embrace as the others laughed. Even Palmon would join in as Kiwimon’s expression brightened.

“What are you planning?”

“We drain the lake!” Rainbow shouted her suggestion. Everyone looked at her, filling the air with dead silence. Twilight stared at her in annoyance as she was the one one to break the silence.

“And how would we do that?”

“With a hose!”

“And where will we get one? Hmm?”



“WAIT!” Pinkie surprises everyone with her outburst. She would blush in embarrassment before continuing.

“Why not get Floramon involved?”

“What do you mean?”

“Think about it! Remember the incident at the cave cliff? What if we get her to poison that mean serpent when we get close enough!”

“That….could work. After all it did work with that large bird.”

“Yeah…and she is a plant digimon. We could pretend she’s an offering and when the time is right-”

“BAM face full of poison!” Rainbow jumped up exclaiming. Rarity would show some concern as she looked at Floramon at eye level.

"Let's go over this then. Floramon will be the bait to lure Seadramon. Once she distracts him long enough Flash, Rainbow, and I will lead our partners in the battle. The rest of you will follow suit and provide back up. Most of the group nodded in confirmation."

“Are you okay with this?”

“Well…no…but its a good plan…”

“NO!” Kamemon called out as everyone turned to him.

“She could get hurt!”

“Come on Kammy! We've been through this! We have to.”

“Do not worry old friend. We will all be here. Together.” Dracomon assured the little army turtle as he put a claw on his shoulder.

“This sounds like a solid plan. If everyone is in agreement…”

“I agree wit Sunset. This could catch Seadramon off guard. Liollmon and I and the others who can fight likewise can strike.” Flash commented. Everyone would slowly nod. Even Kamemon slowly as Pinkie patted his head with a smile. Pinkie then lit up as she bounced up and ran past everyone. Everyone looked puzzled as they looked to the direction she went.


As everyone looked outside they would see a pink blur as all the younger digimon would be given an assortment of treats, balloons, and even party favors. A round the area surrounding Kiwimon’s hut it would be decorated like an outdoor party. Balloons, confetti, and streamers would decorate everywhere. Kamemon looked at her in confusion when he walked outside. All the younger plant digimon would see this and get drawn to the spectacle.

“Come one come all! Time for a party!”

“Uh Pinkie Pie is this actually appropriate?” Applejack asked but Pinkie shushed her when putting a finger to her lip.

“It is more than ever! Look at them! They need this.” As the bigger digimon looked annoyed or even disgusted, the smaller digimon would light up with joy as they surrounded the pink girl. The bubbly young lady would give them snacks, play with and play party games. Kiwimon would look puzzled.

“What is she doing?”

“Throwing a party.” Applejack clarified, but Fluttershy shook her head and smiled.

“No…making them smile.” After hearing that Kamemon just stared at Pinkie then walked slowly to join in the fun. As the little digimon got piggy back rides even Kamemon got a ride as they both giggled and played together.

“Hey Pinkie?”

“What is it Kammy?”

“How can you be so happy? I mean, aren’t you scared?”

“Oh I am, but that's why you gotta have a party! You never know what will happen tomorrow, that’s why you gotta live it up today!”


"Oh I just wished I was back at home! I could bake all sorts of yummy treats, get balloons, streamers, confetti, get some games, old school and new school- oh the possibilities are endless- Oh maybe make some makeshift blindfolds for a big village spread pin the tail on the donkey and-" She would get interrupted by Kamemon letting out a joy filled giggle as it turned to laughter. He found her rambling amusing as Pinkie smiled at him and hugged him tight.

“Now come on little Kammy join the fun! EVERYBODY!” Pinkie would give her friends snacks and sweets as well as everyone as far as she could see.

ACT I: Episode 4: Chapter 16

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The time would come for everyone to get into positions. The next day everyone would be on edge as they watch Rarity help Floramon into the palanquin.

“Really hope this works…” Flash said as he looked on. Rarity would reply in her trademark beatbox stutter before continuing.

“You doubt our new friends or how I style?”

“Rarity, All you did was touch up the palanquin which by the way I doubt that sea monster gives a flying fit about.”

“Ugh how dare you.”

“Will you both shut up and let them carry her to the lake??” Hagurumon called out as the other digimon carried the palanquin to the lake. They would eventually arrive at the lake as they waited. The water would ripple and shift before rising and dispersing as a serpentine form rose from the depths of the lake and stared at his would be offering.

“There he is…”


“Ah yes my offering! Step forward and meet your fate!” At that cue Floramon would step out of the palanquin as she tried her best to look meek and scared. The serpent would sneer as he leaned closer to her. Sunset, Flash and Rainbow would inch closer with each second, gripping their digivices harder and harder as their partners stood beside them.

“Just step closer little one and your village will be saved…”

“Oh I am so…THRILLED! RAIN OF POLLEN!” As Seadramon got close to her she would spray him with a pollen of poison right at his face making the creature reel back as he roared in pain.

“AHHH YOU DARE TO TRICK ME?!” He would be cut off as he would get hit with flying gears, a little missile near his eyes slightly scorching his face as he reeled back roaring in pain. The group would out to where Floramon was as they faced off.

“HAHA! I can’t believe you fell for that!” Rainbow exclaimed as she tossed her digivice in the air and caught it.

“Alright girls!”


“Er everyone. Let’s do this!” Sunset, Flash, and Rainbow’s digivices would glow as would their partners as they jumped into the battle.

“Dracomon digivolve to…COREDRAMON!”

“Liollmon digivolve to…LIAMON!”

“Hawkmon digivolve to…AQUILAMON!”

They would all charge at the sea serpent as the latter would try to organize himself.




The barrage of attacks would hit the creature as he dove back into the water before resurfacing fast to splash everyone. At the confusion he would aim at everyone.

“ICE BLAST!” Seadramon would open his mouth as a breath of ice would go towards everyone as Aquilamon took the hit. His wings froze over as he became more and more frozen.

“Aquilamon!” Coredramon would fly to his breath and breathe fire on him to thaw him out. The latter would break out of the ice before both got swiftly knocked back by Seadramon’s tail.


“Can’t let our guard down yet. To the sky!” As they took off to the sky Liamon would jump at Seadramon before being frozen.

“You may have air support but this is MY element I control these waters! Suffer my freezing bite!”

“ICE BLAST!” He would spray everywhere with his ice breath as he hit Coredramon and Aquilamon before they landed onto the ground struggling. Their tamers would rush to them in worry.

“You dare to defy me?! Once I am done with you lot the village will be next!” Before he could continue he would get hit by a barrage of confetti. He would turn to the source as Pinkie brought out a cannon and fired another round, this time at his face.

“Leave them alone! Fire three!” Pinkie would fire another round of party favor at the serpent’s face before he roared and grabbed Pinkie with his tail.

“Pinkie Pie!”

“You are starting to irk me pink one! You will be next!” The serpent would be hit by a little missile as he yelped.

“What now?!” He would turn to Kamemon as the latter fired off another one.

“Don’t you dare hurt her! You hear me?!”

“Little one, what can you do? I control this lake, I control this village, and I control all your fates!” He would tighten his squeeze on Pinkie as she struggled to breathe before Kamemon rushed in before he got frozen by an ice blast.

“Time to freeze!”

“I SAID LET GO OF MY FRIEND!!!!!!” Kamemon would break out of the ice before his entire body would glow. At that moment in the palm of Pinkie’s hand a pink colored digivice would appear in a ball of light within. Due to the struggle Pinkie couldn’t look at her own device but knew something appeared. The digivice would shine and on the screen a symbol of a dolphin's tail and water appeared. Both would glow brighter and brighter making Seadramon cringe at the light.

“Kamemon…digivolve to…!” His body would be enveloped by water before a new figure jumped out of the war. A CD spun on top of his head as he was bigger, more flexible, and showed his eyes without the old army helmet. He spun around and struck a pose.


As the light faded he would take the discs out from the top of his head and threw them at Seadramon’s tail, cutting it off and releasing Pinkie. He would then stretch his arms out like elastic and catch the pink girl.

“I got you!”

“He also digivolved…” Byte said aloud as Twilight nodded. The rest were smiling wide as they saw their friend safe and their new friend changing.

“Kammy…is that you?!”

“Yeah Pinkie! I digivolved! How did I- LOOK!” He pointed to her hand as she saw the pink digivice in her hand. She looked it over before having a big smile. She would hug her new partner and laugh.


“Hehe stoooop.”

“Nice to see you join us Gwappamon, but we need to get back on track!” Aquilamon chided as he and the rest got back up.

“ICE BLAST!” The rest of the digimon would dodge as Gwappamon would set Pinkie down with the others as the four digimon stood in front of the serpent. Sunset stood by Dracomon.

“Everyone! Attack from all sides! We can rush him!”

“On it! THUNDER KING!” Liamon’s mane would spark and glow with electricity as he fired the blast of energy into the lake as Seadramon would get shocked.

“GRAND IMPULSE!” Aquilamon would ram him with his glowing horns knocking him back a bit.

“BLUE FLARE BREATH!” Suddenly a blue laser would hit Seadramon in the face as it knocked him further. The serpent would feel himself get tied up with something. When he turned to look he would see Gwappamon’s arms stretched out like some cartoon character as he then propelled himself to hit him square in the face.

“Not so tough now huh? Time to party!” The disc on his head would spin as he would let go of Seadramons head and shot out a bunch of discs like projectiles.



The spinning discs would fly and cut right through the ice blast as it went into the serpent's maw and out from the other end as it cut right through making the serpent fall and disintegrate into the lake. The particles of data would be absorbed by Gwappamon as the others cheered.

“You did it Kammy!”

“Way to go guys! HAHA!”

All the digimon would shrink back to the smaller forms as the rest of them would hug the ones who just shrank. The humans and Spike would join them in the group hug and celebration. They would hear footsteps behind them as Kiwimon as he stared at them, slack jawed.

“You did it? You actually did it?? I can’t believe it…!”

“Hehe naaaaaah Kammy did!”

“Ah shucks.”

Other digimon of the village would come into view after hearing the commotion as they were confused before being explained the situation by Kiwimon. Everyone would roar in cheer and applause as they surrounded the group.

“They really did it…”

“They defeated Seadramon!”

“Praise our heroes!”

“Aw…I’m back to boring old Kamemon…”

“ARE YOU KIDDING?!” Pinkie bounced and scooped Kamemon into a hug. “You are anything but! And did you see what you did and turn into?! I can’t believe I’m your friend and tamer hehehe!”

“This will help us a lot.” Dracomon commented. “With a marine digimon this could help our future battles. We have fliers, runners on land and now a swimmer.”

Through the crowd Palmon rushed in and hugged Pinkie, Kamemon, and Floramon as the villagers surrounded them.

“That is where she was? We went through all that because of her?!”

“DON’T EVEN!” Flash stepped up fuming as he pointed at the villagers. “I get you were all scared, but you all do NOT have the right to judge here! You all sacrificed your own young to please him! You could have TRIED to find some other way out of this or even run. We protected you today, but from here on out you also have to help yourselves! ” Rainbow patted his shoulders as she stepped up.

“He’s right. Learn to be strong! Ask for help and fight for yourselves so this will not happen again!” The crowd grew quiet as they would look ashamed. Kiwimon nuzzling Palmon then turned to the group.

“You still saved us. I believe a feast is in order.”

“You mean…a party?!” Pinkie jumped up as the others laughed. The rest of the villagers then followed suit, infected by her jovial energy. The day would turn to night as everyone drank, ate and played to their heart's content. Flash and Sunset would dance together as the digimon would just devour everything they could get their hands on. As the party went on Sunset would sit outside the cottage as Dracomon snuggled on her lap, being petted like a dog sleeping.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Flash would step outside and would sit beside her.

“Oh hey.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh just…a lot has happened. You know?”

“Yeah. I do.”

“We’ve been in this world for four days and it feels like we’ve done nothing. So far from home…I don’t know if we could ever go back…”

“Hey now, you can’t think like that. We just have to take this one step at a time. And we’ll all be with you. We even got new friends to share the burden.”

“Sigh. Thank you Flash.”

“I got your back.” Sunset would clean her head on Flash’s shoulder as the duo chilled out. Back at the party Kamemon would dance around with Pinkie as everyone cheered them on. Hagurumon with Twilight would just write everything they can observe before being given some white nectar. A drink passed around the village. Hawkmon and Rainbow would chug as much as they can, much to the dismay of Floramon and Rairty as they slowly would get buzzed.

“Darlings….maybe you both should slow down…”

“Slow down?? Do you even- hiccup- know me??”

“Yeeeeah my taaameeeer.”

The two would spin around as they fell high from the table they were dancing on with a loud thud making everyone else at the party laugh while the former just facepalmed and sighed. Fluttershy would giggle as Patamon enjoyed all the snacks he could get his little nubs on. Applejack would help all the little digimon get any snack they want as Fanbeemon slept in the background. Everyone had as much fun as they possibly could as the moon went high into the night sky.

The following morning came as everyone got together outside of the village. Kiwimon, Palmon and the other villagers would bid the group a farewell as Kiwimon stepped forward with a sack.

“Take this. It has rations and even bits to use when you get to bigger settlements.”

“Bits?” Sunset asked.

“Our currency. You will need them in larger cities and towns.”

“Wait your currency is called bits too?”


“Uh nothing.” Sunset would take the sack with a smile as she looked at the contents before closing the opening. “Thank you for this.”

“No. Thank you. All of you for everything. Our village will never forget you.”

“Take care!”

The others would nod and bid their goodbyes as the group would finally leave. It wasn’t till much later that the village would get two more visitors. One was short and dressed in blue wizard garb, with yellow hair while the other was taller, looked more feminine and looked more like a witch.

“Excuse me. Did you see a group of…children?”

ACT I: Episode 5: Chapter 17

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“So have you seen a group of diverse digimon and human children around?” The witch asked.

“Oh those heroes? They saved our village. It’s a shame. You just missed them. They went down that path not too long ago.” Kiwimon replied.

“I see…Thank you for your time." The duo would leave Kiwimon as they talked with one another.

"What now...Wizardmon?”

“Witchmon we have a friend in that direction. You think he can handle it?” the wizard asked his witch companion.

“Oh we can check.”

"Remember, we need to put a lid on this. We we're put in charge of this after reports of the chosen and humans were seen."

"I'm well aware. Bad enough he and his partner are giving us orders too."

"Least they trust us to do this."

"More like he gets off on that."

"Well you're not wrong." Wizardmon would pat her as he signaled to the path.

"Come on let's go."

The group would continue on their journey as they ventured through more of the grasslands. The weather was muggy and thick with fog as everyone stood close to one another. The air would have a slight chill and slight moisture due to the fog brazing against everyone's skin.


“What’s wrong Rarity?” Floramon asked her.

“Oh this weather is terrible for my hair!”

“Yes because that is so important right now.” Applejack said in a deadpan tone. The rest of the group would chuckle to themselves.

"Oh yes because i SOOOO foresaw us getting whisked away to some other world that we know nothing with everything that makes my hair a mess!"

"And the monsters trying to get us." Rainbow pointed out.

"Tomato, toMAto."

“Maybe we should take a breather. Twilight, do you have the map?” Flash would asked as Twilight searched herself.

“Yes. Thankfully Kiwimon was gracious enough to give us some supplies.” Hagurumon would grab the map from her as they both look over it. The group would eye the map over their shoulders.

“We are close to the border of the Bug Empire.”

“Wait really?!” Pinkie shouted.

“According to this we have to go through this thick forest.” Hagurumon pointed out.

“And how are we supposed to see it through this thick fog OOF!” Rainbow would bump into something mid sentence as she fell backwards. Everyone would slowly approach the object in question as it was shown to be a tree.

“I think we found it.” Patamon said dryly.

“Now we need to stick together. I don’t want any of us to get lost in there.” Applejack commanded. As Sunset stepped up and led the way, everyone would go in one at a time. The forest blocks their field of vision, preventing them from seeing a clear path only hindered by the foggy weather currently present. As the group ventured forward Rarity would constantly let out whines and disgusted squeals as she would graze against the wet tree or muddy surface “ruining” her boots and so on. This would garner various eye rolls or even a chuckle from her friends. Silence filled the air as everyone would walk, trying to avoid tripping over the roots that littered in the ground beneath their feet.

“Ugh I can’t stand this!”

“Yeah we heard you.”

“I don’t blame Rarity.” Flash commented. “This place is so muggy and kinda hard to walk through.”

“Just stay close.”

The group would continue to walk through the forest, shifting through the fog and brush as the only sound that could be heard was the various grunts from the group through their labored trek.

“It’s really quiet.”

“Yeah. Kind of peaceful.”

“Not that. Haven’t ya’ll noticed that there is literally no noise whatsoever? Not even crickets, frogs or what have you?” Applejack pointed out. The others would look around, unnerved by the deathly silence.

“I don’t like this…” Fluttershy said quietly though with the deafening silence everyone could hear her.

“Stay close.”

“Oh I so wish I had my bug spray, my moisturizer and- where’s Rainbow Dash?”

“Huh?” Everyone would look around and notice that Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen.

“Yeah, where is Rainbow Dash?”

“Hawkmon is gone too!”

“Wait what?!”

“Rainbow Dash! This isn’t funny!” Applejack yelled out.

“It really isn’t!” Fluttershy managed to yell.

“Uh guys.” Flash spoke up. “I don’t see Twilight.” Liollmon looked around in a panic.

“I don’t see Hagurumon either!”

“Flash? Flash!”

“He was just here!”

“What’s going on?!” Floramon cried out.

“Stay behind me!” Rarity demanded as she pushed the flower monster behind her.

As everyone would try to avoid the plans with Rarity in particular grabbing Floramon running around, the two would notice that they were alone.

“Girls? Flash? Oh dear…”

“Where is everyone…”

“Shh shh it’s okay. We’ll be okay…”

“RARITYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!” Rarity would feel her grip lighten as Floramon would be dragged by various vines as Rarity chased after her friend. She ran and ran before jumping to gran Floramon by her arms, grabbing firmly and tight.

“It’s okay I got you! Don’t let go!”

“I don’t want to leave you!”

“Don’t you DARE talk that way! We’ll find everyone else I promise! You need to help me!”

The two girls would struggle as Rarity would pull with all her might before the vines snapped from the strain letting Floramon go falling on Rarity.

“Are you okay?!”

“I’m okay, I’m okay! Oh thank you thank you!” Floramon would say repeatedly as Rarity helped her up.

“Of course! Now come on darling. We can not let ourselves fret over this! Our friends are waiting for us somewhere.”

“You think they’re okay?”

“I know they are. I've been through too much with those girls and I KNOW this won't be the end of them. The end of us. Together we can help them.”

“How can you be so confident?”

“It’s because I believe. I believe in my friends. Like you.”

“You do see me as a friend?”

“I do.” Rarity replied with a smile. As Floramon smiled a light would appear in front of Rarity. As Rarity held out her hand, a digivice of white coloring appeared in her hand.

“I figured it would be you. Now come on, let's find our friends!”

ACT I: Episode 5 Chapter 18

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“So are you sure Floramon?” Rarity asked her partner. The duo would look around, but their gaze would be drawn to where the vines that previously grabbed Floramon retreated to.

“Yes. I’ll help whatever it takes.”

“Oh if only this can help us. Oh I wish Twilight was here…” Rarity fiddled with the device as she pressed a button on the side as the screen showed a map of the area.


“What is it?”

“I think it’s a map of the forest…and I see…8 lights? Oh these are signals! We can find our friends!”

“Lead the way! I’ll protect you!”

The girls would run as they followed the signals. The area would show more and more vines as they decorated the walls, littered the ground as they got closer and closer to the signals. As they reached their goal they would find several pod looking objects with familiar faces within.

‘There they are!’


“Rarity!” Sunset cried out as her and everyone's else's mouths were being covered by vines. Everyould struggled as a voice was heard above. As Rarity and Floramon looked above them a small green plant-like creature stared at them with hsi sharp yellow eyes. Rarity’s digivice would show a profile.

“Weedmon. A champion plant like digimon. YOU! So you were the one who took our friends!”

“The green….they did indeed take…was told to. Will be rewarded in silence and more green. The green will silence everything who dares step…into my territory…”


“You…will be silent. I listen to few…you are not that number.”

“Are you ready?”

“Ready!” Rarity would hold her digivice high in the air as it glowed. The light made Weedmon repulse as Floramon shined.

“Floramon…digivolve to…!”
A symbol of a tree sprouting would hit Floramon as her body broke apart into data then reassembled into a new creature. In her place a larger creature with a spiked tail and a head reminiscent of a sunflower was seen.


“Dazzling dahling!”

“You will not make it out of my green alive…” The monster would pull a scythe from his mouth as his vine then started to attack in whipping fashion.


Sunflowmon would fly around dodging the attacks and picked up Rarity to spare her from the scythe attacks as well.

“I think we should bring some light to this place!” Her head would shine as if it was a bright sun before shooting a large glowing laser from her face.


The light would bathe the entire lair as it would hit Weedmon, erasing him where he stood as it then blasted a hole into the overgrown lair, letting natural light in. The rest of the group would slowly be freed as the vines rescinded away as everyone fell to the ground.

“Rarity! Floramon!”

“You did that?? That was AWESOME!” The group would surround Rarity and Floramon as Rarity showed off her new digivice as Twilight looked at hers then Rarity’s.

“How did you find us?”

“I found out you can track the other digivices! See look.” She would show everyone the map layout where it had five signals.

“This is us. When I received my digivice I saw four other signals away from one. It had to be all of you!”

“Amazing. So if you could do it…” Twilight copied what Rarity showed her and sure enough she had the same map layout with five signals lighting up. The rest would follow in kind as they all got the same results.

“IT WORKS!” Pinkie yelled.

“Wow look at that.” Flash said as he and Liollmon would look at the device in wonder.

“This…this could help a lot. With this we won’t be lost from another!” Twilight said excitedly.

“Well at least it will be hard to do so.” Applejack commented as she looked at Twilight’s digivice.

“Good job old friend.” Dracomon would nuzzle Flroamon who in return gave the dragon a hug.

“What now?” Spike would look up. Everyone would look forward towards the opening of the vine wall, out of the forest.

“We continue forward.”

As the group would venture out of the forest they would see a familiar sight. Railroad tracks decorated the ground as it went north.

“Train tracks?”

“So this world has a train system?” Twilight pondered as she examined the tracks. As everyone looked around everyone heard the familiar sound of a train horn. The noise would grow as everyone would get off the tracks in a hurry. What followed was a male voice.

“Woo woo! Any potential passengers heeeeeeeere???”

“What is that?” Patamon asked as he flew in the air. Hawkmon would follow in kind as they both stared at the upcoming source of the noise.

“Is that a train?”

“Wait, is that train…talking??”

“A trailmon!” Hagurumon answered as realization hit him.

“Wait, that train is a digimon too?!” Twilight said in shock. “What isn’t a digimon in this world?!”

“Digivice says…Trailmon…Buffalo. A champion machine type. Wow.” Flash said as he read the profile from the screen of his digivice.

“Woo woo! Do I see some potential passengers?!”

The sound of steam and a loud whistle was heard followed by the loud sound of metal screeching as the train-like creature slowed down to a stop.

“Ah ha! So I do spy some potential passengers! Do you folks need a riiiiide?”

“Wait! Can you excuse us sir?” Rarity asked the train as she pulled everyone into a huddle.

“How can we trust it?”

“Rarity’s right. I don’t know about y'all, but after what we’ve been through this is starting to get annoying. Who can we trust?”

“I think I can clarify.” Hagurumon spoke up. Everyone turned to him as he elaborated. “Trailmon are digimon that love to help people go place to place. They are both public transportation and charitable creatures. It’s just what they do.”

“Well…he seems to know-”


“-To know what he’s been talking about so far.” Twilight continued. “I say we trust them. After all, the Sistermon did appoint the digimon as our guides for this world.”

“Twilight is right.” Sunset agreed. “Let’s talk to him.”

“Yeah!” Liollmon chimed in. “We all got your back!” The group would break up the huddle as they turn their attention to the Trailmon.

“So partner. Where could you go to?” Applejack asked the train.

“Anywhere so long there is a track!”

“Oh well…can you take us to a place called…The Bug Empire?” Fluttershy asked with a sweet tone. The Trailmon grinned in reply.

“I sure can! But be careful for it is in Digital Axis territory.”

“Digital Axis?”


Everyone would shrug as they looked at one another as they boarded the Trailmon. A door would open up for the group as the interior had a classic 1920s American decor as everyone took their seats, staring out the window as Trailmon would slowly disembark. As the train rode, the train tracks continued into the sky as the sound of the engine, screeching metal and the winding passing by soared. Everyone wa sin awe as they rode into the sky.

“What in tarnation?!”

“How is this possible?!”


“Next stop…The Bug Empire! Woo woo!”

ACT I: Episode 6 Chapter 19

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“Wow, look at this terrain.” Flash pointed out as everyone looked out the window.The passing greenery and blue sky was one thing, but what really stood out was the approaching railroads in the sky as well as floating islands in the far distance. As everyone eventually parted they would look around the inside of the train car.

“I can’t believe this is real…” Twilight mumbled as Sunset giggled to herself.

“The digital world really is amazing.”

“So far from home…” Sunset said to herself as Dracomon joined her. “It is for all of us.”

“Yes none of us have traveled so far from the church.” Floramon added.

“It’s so different.” Liollmon said as he got into a catnap position on Flash’s lap. The latter would rub his back as he looked out the window.

“Still unreal. I get we had that incident with the cruise a while back but seeing a new world like this is…like a dream.”

“Oh I wish it was a dream…” Fluttershy said to herself.

“So where are you creatures headed?” Trailmon asked the group. His voice can be heard as if he was in the room with them.

“We’re trying to find a way home.” Applejack explained. “We heard we can find someone who can help in the Bug Empire.”

“The Bug Empire….woooooweeee that be a risky.”

“So we heard…”

“Why is that?” Sunset asked. “You mentioned this before, but why exactly?” Hagurumon brightened at that as he hovered in front of everyone while clearing his throat.

“Ah yes. Gather around everyone for I will explain-”

“Oh brother.” Hawkmon rolled his eyes as Hagurumon continued.

“-on the nine countries of the Digital World. There are nine groups of digimon. Dragons, beasts, birds, aquan, bugs, plants, machines, holy and dark types. Each one has a home nation. That is the Dragon Empire, Beast Kingdom, Sky Empire, Sea Kingdom, The Bug Empire, Plant Kingdom, The Metal Empire, The Holy Land and The Dark Land. the world used to be united after a catastrophic event almost broke the world. However tensions rose between the worlds leaders and territories were stolen and fought over.”

“The war has two sides.” Dracomon continued. “The United Digital Powers and the Digital Axis. The former consists of the dragons, beasts, aquans, plants and the holy digimon while the latter consists of the birds, bugs, machines and the dark digimon. At least that’s what the Sistermon taught us.”

“Wait if that’s true then…why are you all here?” Rainbow asked. “You are all of those species right? Yet you all get along fine? What about your families?”

“Yeah I’m surprised this hasn’t come up before.” Applejack commented.

“I remember we were told all of you were given to the Sistermon as eggs…so what happened?” Rarity asked the group. The digimon looked unsure as they looked at one another and all shrugged.

“Well not all species.”

“What do you mean Fluttershy?”

“Well look. They said nine species, but they’re only eight of them.”

“Oh she’s right.”

“So what’s a dark digimon then?”

“Spooky…monsterous.” The girls and Flash would just stare at Floramon with a deadpan look at her explanation.


“Hmm…whatever. So how did the war start?”

“We were told it was over territory, but not much else.”


“Yes really. They only taught us so much. Like a war. You humans-”

“And dog.”

“-All of you need to realize that the Sistermon were also in hiding for so long as well.”

“It’s a shame really.” Trailmon commented.

“What is?”

“The leaders of the digital world used to be one team. It was said that they united to save the world. In return they were given leadership of their respective races. Now…I don’t know.”

“Who are they anyway?” Sunset asked. Hagurumon would clear his throat.

“Examon the dragon emperor, Saberleomon the beast king, Onismon the bird emperor, Neptunemon the king of the seas, Tyrantkabuterimon the bug emperor, Rosemon the plant queen, Machinedramon the machine emperor, Seraphimon the high angel and Daemon the demon lord.”

“D-Demon L-Lord?” Kamemon and Fluttershy said nervously in unison as they hugged one another.

“Yes. In fact he was the one who waged war and formed the Digital Axis.”


“And we’re heading to Axis territory….great.” Rainbow groaned.

“Guys look!” As everyone would look out the windows the scenery would turn to a more forest like environment, but what caught everyone's eye was the amount of digimon flying in the air. The tracks would go upward in a steep fashion despite the ride feeling like they were still. The trailmon would go up into the forest scenery as they would eventually slow down. The view among the forest was that of a large metropolitan city made of various trees, plants and mud of sorts. Many bug like digimon who made of the majority of the population would fly around in the sky or crawling on the streets.

“EW EW EW EW EWWWHUUEEWWW” Rarity would cringe an shake her hands all fast as everyone else was in awe as they stepped off the train car.

“It’s like Canterlot City…” At that comment Applejack would just stand around, slightly shaking.

“You afraid too?” Flash asked her.

“No it’s just…I never been used to big cities. Never fancied it. Something about it seemed so alien.”

“I bet you feel that extra super uper duper about an alien city like this huh???” Pinkie asked.

“Anyway, I just never fit in.”

“Right. It really is a big city.”

“But with bugs!” Fluttershy jumped as she almost bumped into a green worm like digimon. The critter bowed as it excused itself and slithered away. Rarity kept cringing over and over as Applejack facepalmed and Rainbow laughed to herself. Fanbeemon meanwhile just stared at everything in awe.

“You doing alright there Fanbeemon?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah just….I never seen so many bug digimon in one place buzz….”

“Yeah…I imagine it would feel familiar in a way.” Sunset commented.

“There is…so many…”

“This is kind of cool…” Rainbow smiled as everyone took in the sights.

“This is fun and all, but we need to find out where to go next.” Twilight commented. “We need a map.”

“We could ask for-where’s Fluttershy?” Everyone would look around and would see her taking to two different bug like digimon. One a lady bug looking digimon with green eyes and another larger green one with sickles for arms.


“You are asking me what I do for a living?” The green insect asked. Sunset would look at her digivice as she and Dracomon watched them. A profile showed up with info on Snimon, a champion level insectoid digimon. The other profile was Tentomon, a rookie level insectoid digimon.

“Well I patrol the skies and apprehend criminals who go against Tyrantkabuterimon and local law.”

“And I shine other bug digimons shells.”

“So…” Flash spoke up. “A cop?”

“I suppose so.”

“He seems…normal?” Applejack commented as everyone gathered.

“Well duh. He’s a digimon!” Hagurumon replied defensively.

“Hey If i can ask.” Rainbow asked now. “Where can we get some grub?”

“Yeah we are running low on rations. It would be smart to get something to eat.” Pinkie chimed in. Snimon would point with his large scythe-like arm down the street.

“Go down there and look for a place called ‘The Honey Dew’. The place has good grub.”

“Oh thank you!” As Fluttershy thanked him, a moth-like digimon flew by quickly as Snimon flew after him.


“Wow. He really is like a cop.”


“Well come on everyone I’m famished and I know we all are. Now let’s get moving!” Applejack shouted as everyone agreed. They said goodbye to Tentomon and were on their way to the restaurant. As they got closer they would see a sports bar like restaurant full of majorly bug digimon with other types among the minority.


“Look at this place.”

“Forget that! Smell that!”

As the group closer, several green creatures with a lower spiked filled bottom half would hang from the rafters of the eatery as they all had sippy cups.

"THEY ARE SO ADORABLE!" Fluttershy would squee. "What is your names?"

"We are Minomon." They all said in unison. The rest would pull her along as they all go inside.


“Pinkie wait!” She was already gone as she and Kamemon went in as the others followed. As the rest would go in the place was packed with patrons as only a few seats were open at the bar area. When the group would sit they were greeted by a golden colored beetle like digimon with six arms.

“What will it be? Look over what we got.” The group would look at menus and see a variety of fried foods, sandwiches and even worm, bug, nectar based delicacies.


“Oh my how…charming.”


“Oooo I want some of that!” Hawkmon cheered as the rest of the digimon look disgusted. The rest of the group would order their own preferred foods. As everyone would get their food and take their bites, a collective moan was heard from the large group, especially the humans.

“This is sooooo diviiiine.”

“Woo you said it Rarity. This is probably the best chow we’ve had so far.” Applejack added. Rainbow nodded as she spoke up. “Tell me about it! Real food for once. Not some weird fruit or us foraging.”

“It is nice to get a hot meal from a restaurant for once.” Sunset said with a mouth full. Fluttershy let out a quiet burp as she then wiped her mouth with a napkin.

“That Snimon sure does know a good place to rest.”

“Ugh, so gross.” Rainbow said as she watched Hawkmon devour the plate of fried grasshoppers. Applejack would get a smirk as she put her hand on the counter.

“What’s wrong Rainbow Dash? Scared to eat any?” The rest of the group ooooooed at that as Rainbow looked angry.

“W-What huh what? I’m not scared OR grossed out. I can eat way more than Hawkmon!”

“Oh yeah?”


“Prove it.”

“Fine! HEY BARKEEP. Give me a a bowl of the grasshoppers!”

“On it.”

“Uh Rainbow? Are you sure?”

“Twilight, I got this!” Rainbow would receive her order before staring at it with disgust. With a big gulp she would pour the contents of the dish down her throat and chew as everyone looked on in disgust though Applejack started to laugh while Fanbeemon watched in wonder as Rainbow was choking in disgust and coughing up a storm. Rainbow’s eyes would water as she kept chewing the obvious crunchy delicacy.

“So…so…gulp…gooood.” As Rainbow shed a slight tear, Applejack would burst into a loud fit of laughter. As she calmed down, Fanbeemon would be enamored with his surroundings.

“What’s wrong, little bug?”

“Oh uh. Just…wow…I never saw so many bug digimon in one place.”

“I remember what Dracomon said. Most of you never really had any one of your kind to play with huh.”

“No…buzz…but the others are always fun to play with!”

“But not the same right?”


“Well don’t fret. We’re here with you. You keep having fun getting to know your kinfolk.”

“Buzz~” Fanbeemon looked at her with a smile as his wings buzzed in excitement which made the cowgirl do her deep chuckle as she petted the little bee digimon. As the group would enjoy their meal Snimon, the large creature from earlier who helped the kids find the establishment, flew down to the ground, watching the building.

“Ugh what a day. Some bar food would be good…” As he pondered to himself he would be watched…by a duo.