Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal

by KarmaSentinal

Epilogue: Weddings and bugbears go together like cherries and chimichangas.

The emotions were running high on this, the day of Cranky and Miltida’s wedding.

Bride and bridesmaids excitedly mingled with guests while the groom nervously greeted every creature as they entered the hall. A plethora of emotions  swirling in the air like leaves in a windy fall afternoon, covering  the noisy chatter like a heavy quilt used in the far north; amongst the rabble of positivity sat a small changeling in the back row near the door, watching the controlled chaos with interest and fear. 

The young nymph kept to himself, sitting in the same seat he had been left in, fascinated by robust activity happening around him. Even back home in the bustling city there was never any real chaos, as its inhabitants preferred a more structured way of living, and by Princess Cadence so did he. Too loud was the noise, but happiness willing floating about didn't go to waste as he casually nibbled on the positivity to hold himself over until the cake could be served.

It had to be soon, he was promised a slice...

His eyes became wider as he realized there were others near him, and this was confirmed when the unending love came sweeping in from his left. Two very large ponies stood at the end of the row of chairs, watching him with an interest that left the nymph feeling unsure, and missing his mother's embrace. The largest of the two ponies spoke, leaning into the smaller. 

"Is that him?"  

"Indeed sister. He said they would be here, but..." The dark pony trailed off as she looked around the venue "...I don't see them." 

'See who?' The nymph thought as he began looking around the room for these mysterious ponies as well. 

The act of moving caught these strange ponies' attention, forcing the nymph to shrink back as their eyes and radiant emotions swept over him. To their kindness, the two sisters seemed to understand this and retreated a few hoofsteps back.

*"Please, little sister.  It's clearly your radiated angst that has him upset.  He's probably worried he'll cut himself on all the edge."

"More likely he's worried you'll turn too fast and send him to the moon with those flanks of yours."

"I will never apologize for doing what's necessary to make a throne more comfortable.  We can't all have one spun of moonbeams and dreams."

Even the little nymph felt that  last comment, already understanding the implications from his sister and mother who constantly voiced their anger at father on occasion. Yet, like his family, these two ponies didn't hate each other, but the complete opposite, given their words were carried upon fragments of love and happiness. Emotions he couldn't see as wrong or mean, reminding him how his mother and father talked to each other. The more he watched the two ponies that resembled Princess Cadence, the more he became curious if they did know his dad; after all his dad knew all the princesses in the world. He needed to know, and that meant breaking his silence.

“Do you know my dad?” His soft voice was drowned by all the activity, but the two ponies ceased their conflict to address their speaker.

“I believe we do little one.” The tall one answered, the affection coming from her made the little nymph almost sick from how sweet it tasted.

“Indeed, he has been our dear friend for years.” The smaller sister replied, her affection less sweet and more hearty like his cousin Flurry.

When nothing was further said, the two ponies shared another look before gesturing with one of their wings toward the vacant chairs,

"May we have a seat?" The bigger pony asked for the two of them, the nymph trying his best not to visibly show his discomfort. 

He managed to do this and simply nod, granting them the permission to have a seat next to him. Unsure what else to do besides waiting for his parents' return, the nymph decided to properly introduce himself to these ‘ladies of the court’.

“My nam..I mean… Hello, my name’s Kevin.” He offered, and nearly buzzed his wings when they giggled. 

“What a unique name you have there, Mr. Kevin. A special name for a special nymph.” Celestia’s love (if too rich) poured from her like a freshly melted river back home after the long frost. The nymph, named Kevin, did buzz his wings at the foreign delicacy being offered.

It wasn’t too often he met mares like Aunt Cadance and Cousin Flurry, especially nice mares willing to offer a mother’s love!

Being the good nymph he was, Kevin had promised his parents not to spoil his dinner later with too many sweets, so to distract himself from the tasty offerings did the one thing he knew that would make him forget to eat....

He began talking. A habit usually restrained when his doting mother or rigid father were around to keep it in check, and unfortunately for the nice mares, an important matter had called them away…

“Mom gave me my name!” The young colt beamed. 

“And good on her for…”

“She wanted to name me after the temperature, but realized she would get me confused when she’s grading papers. They compromised by shortening it down to one word!"

"One whole word? My oh my now little one, how are you able to go around carrying the name all by yourself?" Celestia beamed to the nymph. A carry over for her love of foals, and one that until Twilight Sparkle had never gotten her into trouble.

Kevin was a talker. Unlike the famed Twilight Sparkle who would engage the Sun Princess with topics of the scholarly nature, the nymph was raised around his big sister, big cousin, and a plethora of talkative maids- he had no filter.

"Dad says I’m their Hearths’ Warming Miracle.”

“Well…” Celestia looked up from the free spoken nymph to her sister hoping for a show of support, but instead found the sharp flank alicorn stuffing her muzzle with the nymph’s slice of cake. 

Now thoroughly a part of this conversation, the princess found herself struggling to hold a smile as the nymph began recounting some of the many stories he’s heard in the Crystal Castle- most questionable, but only to a nymph with so little experiences to draw from. 

To an immortal like Celestia? Some of the stories left her ears burning for the rest of the day.

The sound of fighting was echoing all around them as the Elements fought off the rogue bugbear currently rampaging through Ponyvillle. 

This did nothing to distract the group of ponies huddled in front of the local seamstress' business; the four fillies trying to look ashamed as the two adults kept a unified front. The biggest filly, a red fur and green mane pegasus stood between the adults and smaller fillies in some attempt to ward off the inedible punishment that was about to be appropriately distributed. 

"Redshock..."   the mare began, but was cut off as the bugbear roared. The roar was answered with similar war cries as six mares battled the beast with little regard for the possible destruction and noise violations. "...what did you do?" 

"Uh..." the older filly looked behind her to see her companions in crime trying to deflect the wrath of two angry parents by avoiding eye contact. The precision this act was executed only proved to the filly she was in the presence of experts, and they had played her like a softball. 

"Young lady..." Redshock was fighting the urge to not look the other pony in the eye to avoid outing her involvement. 

"We didn't mean to!" The adults took their attention away from the red filly to find the unicorn of the group had taken a step forward, much to the shock of her compatriots. The orange pegasus and yellow earth pony looked to her and then to Redshock before groaning their disapproval. 

"Oh really? Well what did you mean to do then?" The yellow pegasus asked as she sat down, given her the ability to hold her forelegs over her barrel. Her green eyes unblinking as the mare waited for an answer. Her partner moved closer, but remained standing as his horn glowed with the magic keeping them hidden from the bugbear.

It wasn't how the two ponies acted, but how they were dressed that made them so scary! 

The dark coated unicorn was dressed in a bright and contrasting duel color suit that resembled the Royal Guard, while the yellow pegasus wore a similar colored dress while a ladybug brooch holding her green mane together. The three younger fillies knew from personal experience that their dress and movements marked them as ponies of higher standing, and experience when it came to dealing with foals. 

Unlike their sisters who on occasion go on grand adventures and save the world, these two ponies wielded real power with the capability to affect the average pony. Like Mayor Mare.

Understanding the severity, the three fillies retreated their gaze from the scary parents to the older filly they had just met, and visibly cringed when the older filly began looking at the dirt as she kicked it with a hoof. They were doomed. 

"We wanted to go on a grand adventure, and fight a monster." Redshock mumbled to the dirt trying to ignore the two ponies looking at her. She almost flinched when she felt the mare's distress. 

"WHAT! I..We raised you better than this, Redshock." 

She started panicking as a multitude of thoughts and concerns tickled her mind, and coupled with her exhaustion from the train ride made the pegasus feel even weaker than normal. The unicorn moved closer to support his wife by leaning into her and grabbing her hoof. Seeing this made the older filly sink further into the ground as her father continued where her mother had left off. 

"This isn't the Empire Redshock." His calm voice terrified the filly. "Unstoppable Force won't be there for you all the time. His newborn keeps him plenty busy, and without a Dome to keep the hazardous creatures at bay, you’re inviting misfortune to befall you." 

"And you dragged three fillies into this dangerous stunt, what were you thinking!?" Her angry mother added right after remembering the impressionable foals following her daughter.

"I didn't mean to mom! We didn't even know a bugbear would be in the cave!" 

"Well Zecora did mention something about..." The unicorn started but fell silent from the glares her friends were shooting at her, but they weren't fast enough for the nicely dressed unicorn to overhear the admission. The fillies quickly huddled closer together when he looked their way. 

"There's more to this mishap than we can properly discover in the limited time we have. Redshock you're grounded, and your friends will be similarly disciplined by their sisters in due time." Now all four fillies were whining at the unfairness. 

"Indeed I do. We were introduced before on several occasions, but that is for another time. Redshock..." He turned to the older filly, ignoring the Cutie Mark Crusaders' looks of intrigue and awe. You know better than to influence the easily gullible, but we are short on time and need to get back before the wedding starts."

*"I'm not gullible!"  cried the yellow filly finding offense to the implication of her being easily fooled. Her friends acted on that. 
"It's written on your flank, though!" Cried the pegasus filly while pointing at her ribbon wearing friend.. 

"IT IS?!" Applebloom cried in shock and worry while chasing her flank to find the mark, but stopped when Sweetie Belle chastised their friend. 

"That's not funny, Scootaloo." 

"It's a little funny." Scootaloo nervously rubbed her forehooves together from all the attention she was receiving. 

The little joke only proved Idol's case, and left Redshock hanging her head in defeat.