//------------------------------// // Clash of the Sibling // Story: My little pony Adventures Season 1 // by Kayceejr91 //------------------------------// Clash of the Sibling It was morning in Canterlot castle and King Sleipnir and Queen Faust were beautiful breakfast. The the queen said "This is nice my dear husband no noise, no treat just a relaxing morning here in our Kingdome." Then King said "Agreed I know our son is still out there plotting but it's nice to relax for a change." But then a large exploding shouted. "Krack-Koom!" "Not again." Said Sleipnir. They when over to the balcony and right outside the places gates stood two armies of pony soldiers clashing with one another. Cannons fired between the two groups as spears and swords flew through the air On one side of the battle stood the Alicorn Xanthus waving a deep blue flag. On the side of stood Balius, with a soldier waving a blood red flag behind him. The war Alicorn shouted "Get ready to see some armor fly!" His sister replied "Ha! Your aim stinks worst then your hot breath!" Balius stood proudly and made his declaration against his sister. I'm Mister War Pony I'm Bal-i-us I'm Mister Axe Blister I'll turn you all into Puss They call me Bal-i-us Wherever I go War and violence will Flow! It's my show! Xanthus annoyed with her brothers arrogance, replied with a declaration of her own. I'm Misses Peace Treaty I'm Xan-a-Thus I'm Misses Hope and Bliss I'll end the struggle and fuss They call me Xan-a-Thus Wherever I go Peace and Harmony Flow! It's my Show! Xanthus declared to her brother proudly. Soon the mare soldiers in her group, draped in blue armor, joined in. She's Misses Peace Treaty She's Xan-a-Thus She's Misses Hope and Bliss She'll end the struggle and fuss Xanthus Spoke They call me Xan-a-Thus Wherever I go Peace and Harmony Flow! It's my Show! Balius, now furious replied with cannon fire. I never want to see a day That's filled with quiet and peace! Xanthus fired back. I'd rather see folks sing and dance And let Equestria Be! Slepinir took a long sip of his coffee. "Every morning they do this." Then Queen Faust said "You'd think after a thousand years they would have learned to get along." "Father!" Celestia and Luna flew down from above. The sun princess spoke "Are they fighting again?" Luna responded "And I thought Celestia and I had issues. What are fighting about this time?" "Oh the usual." Slepinir said "Xanthus is the smart one, Balius is the stronger one.. Brains thump brawn, Brawn over brains.. Same as every morning." "This is worst when nightmare night happened." Celestia said "I thought we agreed never to speak of that again!" Luna shouted "Enough!" Said their father "I already to fighting siblings I don't need any more." Back on the battlefield, Balius strongest stallions, draped in red armor, began taunting Xanthus. He's Mister War Pony He's Bal-i-us He's Mister Axe Blister He'll turn you all into Puss Balius joined in. They call me Bal-i-us Wherever I go War and violence will Flow! It's my show! "You Thick-Headed, Flat-Nosed Ignoramus!" Said Xanthus "I takes one to know one!" Said Balius "That doesn't even make sense!" Xanthus said lecturing her brother. I never want to see a day That's full of violence and war! Balius Smiled I'd rather see folks fight and squabble and let the fire's soar! "Enough!" Shouted Sleipnir lightning and thunder filling the sky. The brother and sister turn to see their uncle knowing that they were in trouble. "Two for a nearly a millennia and I have enough of it!" Shouted the alicorn king. "She/He started!" Both of the shouted "I don't care who started it!" Said Sleipnir "I'm going to finish it! Now both of you shake hoofs and make up!" Xanthus and Balius looked at each other with disgust. Finally they Xanthus extended her hoof to her brother just when it looks like he was about the except it he slapped her hoof away. "Ha too slow!" Said the war pony. "That tears it!" Xanthus shouted as she tackled her brother to the ground wrestling him. As Slepinir watch the two siblings squabble his twitch. "Why didn't I stop at four Alicorns? Day, Night, Love, magic what more does a Kingdome need?" Meanwhile at Tambelon castle the 12 ponies and Spike were enjoying their own breakfast. "Come and get everypony!" Shouted Applejack "More flat jack hot of the grittle. The earth pony toss the flap jacks into the air and one by one the landed one every ponies plate except for Pinkie Pie and Cheese who bit into theirs in the air. "Thanks for inviting us over for breakfast." Said Spike "Nothing to it." Said AJ "You know ya'll are welcome at the Apple farm." "I thought it was the castle farm." Said Trenderhoof Then TroubleShoes smack him on the head. Then AJ said "Well that may be true but the king and queen decaled that this here farm will always be Apple family property." "Mom and Dad are generous that way." Twilight whispers to Flash. "Um excuse me sugar cube." Voice called out, it was Granny Smith with big Mac by her side. "There's some guard ponies here who want to see you'll and the princess." Then Twilight and the others came out to see what all the fuss was about. "Princess Twilight." One of the guards proclaimed. "Your needed at the castle." "I'll take it from here." A voice said it was Celestia who flouted down to the ponies. "Princess Celestia" Twilight said "What are you doing here?" "I'm afraid I have another mission for you." Celestia said "We don't have to save Equestria again do we?" Rainbow asked "No, no." Said Celestia "I have another mission for you. You now of my cousins Balius and Xanthus." "Of course." Said Twilight. "Everypony in Equestria knows about Xanthus and Balius. Xanthus is the alicorn of peace and wisdom and protects Equestria from innovators and Balius is the alicorn of war and watch over Equestria's army." "Yes." Said Celestia "Both of them are very imported to Equestria. But sometimes they fail to remember how imported they both are." Then Twilight said "Were they fighting again I've they fight a lot." "Oh Twilight." Said The sun princess sadly "Their always fighting. Every day and every night those two have been fighting with each other for centuries and that's why we need your help." Then Twilight asked "Why us?" Celestia snig "Father had have enough of their costed squabbling. So he thought maybe you can doing something about it. After all you are the guardians of harmony." Then Flash said "Well it might be easy for Xanthus, but Balius on the other hoof could be really hard." Celestia then said "Well yes but father still believes you can stop these two from their pointless bickering." Then Twilight said "Then we'll do our best." On the outskirts of Canterlot. The ponies and Spike headed up the mountain throw's the place. "So how are we going to handle this exactly." Soarin asked Then Twilight said "I think you boys should talk to Balius while we girls have a heart to heart with Xanthus." Then Spike said "That's kind of obvious. Wait what am I'm going to do?" Then Twilight said "Maybe you can go across Canterlot and ask ponies how this whole rivalry began." Thunderlane frowned. "What's a matter Thunderlane?" Fluttershy asked "It's just these two alicorns have been fighting with each other since time in memorial." Said Thunderlane. "I'm not sure a couple of ponies like us can end an eternal conflict." Then Rainbow Dash said "Relax Thunder head we've face bigger challenges then this. Compared to saving all of Equestria this should be a pace of cake." All of a sudden a loud expulsion could be heard across the mountain above. the ponies looked up word to see cannons and swords flying thought the air as Xanthus and Balius forces contained to fight with each other. "HA ha!" Said Xanthus "Nice try brother but as usual your strategy comes up short!" "Is that some kind of short joke!" Said Balius with a red face. "No but you are rather small minded." Said Xanthus "Um...Excuse me." Twilight Sparkle flying up to the two alicorns still fighting each other. "Not now!" Said Xanthus shooing away the young pony. "But if I could just have a moment." Said Twilight "Scram!" Shouted Balius "But if you just listen to me." Twilight said "That is enough!" cried a voice thunder and lightning came from the skies once again Sleipnir came from the place above got between his nice and nephew. "This is Twilight Sparkle." He gestures to the purple alicorn "She and her friends are here to finally put an end to this ridiculous conflict and if you got a problem with that I'll have to take up with me!" "Um hello." Said Flash Sentry made it up the mountain the other ponies and Spike fallowed behind them. "You expect us to listen to these puny pathetic ponies!?" Shouted Balius "As usual brother your ignorance has no end." Said Xanthus "This is princess Twilight Sparkle and these are her comrades who help save all of Equestria from Sombra's evil." "I don't care who they are!" Cried war pony "I'm an alicorn I don't have to listen to this!" "Princess Twilight sparkle is also an alicorn." Said Xanthus showing off Twilight's wings. "You call this runt and alicorn?" Said Balius "I've seen bigger ponies in my sleep." "Quite!" said Sleipnir "These are here to help you and you will listen or so help me I will banishes you both from the Kingdome!" Balius gave a large grunt as the alicorn king flew away. For a moment the ponies were silent then finally Twilight Sparkle spoke up. "Well um...Xanthus if you come with us, we'll be more then happy to talk to you about your issues with your brother." "Where do I start?" Xanthus said rolling her eyes. As the mares walked away Balius turn to the stallions and shouted. "Well are going to start this thing or not?" As both the armies and Spike watch the alicorns walked away one the solder spoke up. "Well that's a rap ponies!" Then all of sudden all the soldiers began dropping their weapons and shaking hoofs. Then Spike said "Wait your not mad at each other any more?" "Of course not." Said one of the stallions in red. "We were never angry to began with." "This happens every single day." Said one of the mares in blue. "We just put up with it because it's good battle training." Spike just stood there dumbfounded and then said "So does Balius and Xanthus know about this?" Deep with in the confines of Canterlot castle we see the Xanthus and the mares at the royal library. While servant ponies were tenting to the alicorn's needs. "Aw." She grown. "You have not idea what's it's like to deal with such an arrogant pig headed sibling. Every day for a thousand years straight my brother had made pointless war after war and I'm always have to be the one to clean up his messes. I know his the alicorn of war but that's still no excuse." Then Applejack said "Look you're majesty I understand I got plenty of relative myself and some times they work on last nerves. But I love none the less and I know deep down that they love me too." "Not Balius." Said Xanthus "That selfless pony handed care about my feelings for a thousand years." "But he must care about your feels once." Said Fluttershy "Surly there must have been some reason you two are always fighting." "Of course there's a reason." Said Xanthus "His a pig headed buffoon with out the slightest bit of intelligence." "Well." Twilight spoke up. "Your also the alicorn of peace isn't there some way you can find some command ground with him?" "Of course not!" Said Xanthus "We have nothing in command never and had never will." Then Rainbow Dash said "But your both warrior alicorns." "That's a coincidence." Xanthus said "I don't even remember how that pony became an alicorn." "Honestly how did that pony become an alicorn!?" Cried Balius kicking a punching bag. "All she ever does is sit in that library and read!" "Well." Said Flash Sentry as he was trying to hole the bag as hard as he could. "She is the alicorn of wisdom." "Ugh. Don't remind me." Balius said while giving the bag another hard kick. "All that pony ever does is remind me how much smarter she is then me. Well it's more then smarts to run an army it also takes brute strength!" He gave one last hard kick to the punching bag then it flew thought the air with Flash still on it. Thunderlane just mange to catch him in the nice of time then said "Well I agree with straight is import isn't strategy also what wins a battle?" "No!" Shouted Balius "You don't need a plan to fight you just charge in and beat the enemy with your bear hooves!" Then Soarin said "Uhh...I all for a good fight but I don't think that would be a very smart strategy." "Oh!" The war pony then flew to his face and shouted "So your saying I'm dumb is that it!?" "No what no! I didn't say that!" Soarin said "So I'm not as smart as my sister and that made be a bad alicorn is that what your saying?!" Balius said with his eyes glowing red. "No!" Said Soarin hiding behind Troubleshoes "No pony is saying that!" "You all think I'm an idiot don't you?!" The war pony said "I think that." Said Cheese Balius mane got on fire, a large expulsion could be heard from within the castle. Back with Xanthus and the mane six heard the expulsion. "What was that?" Rainbow Dash said "Oh Balius throwing one of his hissy fit again." Xanthus said after eating a grip. "Honestly you have no idea how to have a brother as annoys you every step of the way." "What bet." Said Fluttershy frowning. Then Rarity said "Well Xanthus darling we all know what's it's like having siblings that can work on your nerves from time to time. Why with my little sister Sweetie Belle is always making messes going through my things and reading my dairy." Rarity was getting irritated. "The point is." Twilight interrupted her "We all have problems with family. But we always know they have our backs no matter what." "Not Balius." Said the wisdom alicorn "He haven't had my back for centuries." "But what about the time you and him set aside your differences to fight Sombra and his forces." Twilight replied "Oh we always set aside our differences to fight Sombra." Xanthus said "It's the only time we're not arguing." Then Pinkie said "Then way can you get along when your not fighting Sombra?" "I told you before." said Xanthus in annoyance "We have nothing in commend." hours later the mare exit the library disappointed. "Well that was a waste of time." Said Rainbow Dash. "I just don't under stand how brother and sister can dislike each other as much as those two do." Said Applejack. "More to the point Why wouldn't they tell us why they dislike each other." "Well." Said Twilight "Maybe the boys have better luck then we did." "Don't count on it." A voice said the mares turn to see the stallions approving them all smoldering. Flash then said "Balius is not the type of pony that whom listen to reason." "His the type of pony that's easy offended and goes into a blind rage." Said Cheese. "I told you this won't be easy." Said Thunderlane. "You can't just forces ponies like those two to get along." Then Spike came in and shouted "Guy your not going to believe this listen to what I've found out!" The ponies and Spike were setting in the Canterlot gardens sipping on some milk shakes. "Okay Spike." Twilight said "Start explaining." "Okay here's how the guard ponies told me." Spike said "Apparently." Spike narrated "Balius and Xanthus weren't always enemies in fact the use to be best friends." We a young pegasus mare reading a book atop of a tree she bears a toga and long light blue mane. "Heads up!" A voice cried out. The young mare look up a stone discus heading right for her. The discus hit her and knocked her out of the tree. "Balius!" cried the young mare annoyed. "Sorry sis." A young red colt in a toga ran up to her a sheepish grin on his face. "Honestly little brother you should be more carful where you throw this thing." said the young pegasus mare. "I'm sorry Xanthus." The young colt whimpered ready to cry. Xanthus suddenly lost her luster and said "Oh it's alright littler brother I love you." The young pegasus gave him a big hug. "HEAR-YE HEAR-YE!" A booming voice cried out the two ponies turn to see a large minotaur standing in the towns square besides a large carriage. "All rise for the mighty king Gregor!" Then carriage then open and a large muscular goat stepped out of it. "Yes yes, it good to see me isn't it?" He turn to the ponies in changes force to pull the carriage. "Citizens of Cloudsdale it's that time of the mouth again it's time to pay your takes!" The numerous pegasi sighed and began to line up the bags of gold to give to the goat. "Yeah!" Said Balius racing to the carriage. "You can't do that!" "Well of course I can!" Said Gorger. "I am lord Tirek's second in command so unless you want him to turn your home in to a baron waste land you do as I say." He then gave the colt a kick forces Xanthus to catch her younger brother. "I was on that day Spike continued. "That Xanthus and Balius decided to form an army just to take out Gorger, It took them many years to form an army of pegasus large enough to challenge the old goat. But eventually they were able to challenge him with Xanthus's strategy and Balius's straight the two of them where unbeatable and the two of them were able to beat Gorger's forces. As a award for their bravery King Sleipnir decide to make them both Alicorns. "But on the day on their coronation." It was a beautiful day in Canterlot. The castle thrown room was filled with guard ponies Balius and Xanthus walked tows throne both looking rather proud. Atop of the throne stood King Sleipnir and his queen and three children as Xanthus and Balius reach the throne and Sleipnir spoke. "Xanthus and Balius both of you have proven yourself to be brave and noble ponies and for you heroic efforts you shell both be rewarded." Sleipnir's horn began to glow and the two pegasus siblings began to rise in to the air. There was a brilliant flash of light then suddenly both Xanthus and Balius were alicorns. "I hear by name Balius alicorn of war and you Xanthus alicorn of wisdom!" The alicorn king proclaimed. "Wait a minute." Said Balius expression quickly change "What do you mean the alicorn of wisdom?" "Um excuse me?" Sleipnir asked. "I just saying how came she gets the smart title you saying I'm dumb?" said the now war pony. "Come down Balius." Said Xanthus "It's just a silly title." "Oh so now I'm silly?" Said Balius angrily. "Well I didn't want to say anything but your acting pretty ridiculous right now." Said Xanthus "Ridiculous!?" Shouted Balius as he leaped into the air. The ponies watching the ceremony were quakily becoming uncomfortable. "Claim down Balius your empiercing me!" She shouted "Oh so it's all about you!?" Balius screamed "How do you think i fell being the dumb Alicorn!" "Um I never said that." Sleipnir try to interrupted. Then they both shouted "Stay out of this!" Spike then narrated again "And so the two ponies continued to fight throughout the ceremony and their still fighting to this day." "Wait a minute." Said Rainbow Dash "You're telling me this whole feud got started because Xanthus got a better title then Balius?" "That pretty much somas it up." Said Spike Soarin then said "Well that's just ridiculous! Why would they fight over something as silly as a title?" "Well their are alicorns." Said ThunderLane "And they had those titles of a thousand years." "I guess that would make since that they would have trouble letting go." Said Twilight "So why doesn't Sleipnir just change their titles." TrenderHoof asked "I'm not sure if it's that simple." Said Applejack "Sounds to me like Balius wasn't so much upset about his title as he was about Sleipnir thinking Xanthus was smarter then him." Said Flash "I'm sure Sleipnir didn't mean any harm." Said Fluttershy "Maybe not." Said Spike. "But Balius sure does." "There's got to be some way we can get them to work out their issues." Said Rarity "Ummm." Said Twilight Sparkle "Xanthus said the only time that they get along is when they work together to fight an enemy." "But where are we going to get an enemy to get them to fight?" asked Pinkie A wicked grind suddenly came across Rainbow Dash's face. "I have an idea." The next day In Xanthus her hoof ponies till attending to her when all of a sudden a large roar shook the entire library. "What in Equestria was that?" The wisdom alicorn asked as she then race to the top most part of the castle. From up in the tower she look down and saw a missive goat like creature with one hideous eye slimming it's fist on the castle gates. "Sister!" A voice cried out Xanthus then looked up and to se Balius flying tows her. "It's an Arimaspi!" "I thought the Arimaspi were extinct!" Said Xanthus. "Well apparently one survive!" said the war pony. "Summoned the troops!" Shouted Xanthus "Don't let it enter the city!" One of the soldier blew a horn and then an entire armada flew up into the air. Then Balius then asked "What's the plan sister?" Xanthus then thought' "Arimaspi are large but they are incredibly dense." Then Balius said "Yeah...Um what's dense?" Xanthus just rolled her eyes. "Just fallow my lead." The two ponies flew down tows the creature below. "You to the right I'll go the the lift." Said the wisdom alicorn "Oh I get it." Said Balius "The old two heads are better then one maneuver. We haven't use that tactic since the great changeling invention!" The two alicorn circles around the beast thought it try it's best to strike at them. but it's single eyes couldn't keep up with both them at once." "Now troops!" The solders began circling the beast with massive ropes. Then as the beast's hooves got tangled it slowly but settle fell to the ground. "Keep it up solders!" Balius cried The troops began to hog tie the beast hooves to it hands. Soon it was stuck on it's back in a inescapable position. The Balius then shouted "Woooww He did high hoof sis!" He hold out his hoof and Xanthus then holed out her hoof and now they high hoove. Then as soon as they realized what they had done they broke apart. "Well well, well," A voice cried out it was Twilight and mane 6 approaching them. "Seems like you two can get along." Then Xanthus said "Well...yes but only tows battle." "So why can you get along the rest of the time." Said flash with the rest of the stallion six fallowing behind Then Balius said "Well that should be obvious. It because she thinks she so much smarter then me." "Wait!" Xanthus said "That's why you've been upset with me all the sentries." Then Balius turn to her and said "Of course! Why else would I be upset. Everyone talks about how smart you are and me I'm just a big dumb brute." Xanthus thought for a minute. "I don't think your a big dumb brute." "Wait you don't?" Balius asked ""I was just angry with you because I thought you didn't like me anymore." Xanthus said in a sad voice "We used to be so close when we were fouls but ever since we became alicorns. It's seems like you wanted nothing to do with me." Then Balius then seeing his sister tearing up. "Oh Xanthus I just thought with you being a smart and talent pony like you wouldn't want anything to do with a big dumb brute like." He then place his hoof on his sister chine. "Now I've said to any pony before and I probably will never say it again. But I'm sorry." Xanthus then let his worlds stink in and then embarrass him and he return the hug. "Aww." Said Pinkie "That's the most sweetest thing I've ever seen!" "Mission accomplish." Said Rainbow Dash "Wait." Said Xanthus as she and her brother turn to them suspiciously. "What do you mean mission accomplish? You ponies didn't have anything to do with this." "Oh didn't we?" Said spike appearing from behind the Arimaspi. "Okay discord you can drop the act now!" Flash said "Well it's about time!" The Arimaspi spoke then it transforms into a filler Draconequus. "It was hot in that disguise." Xanthus and Balius jaws dropped suddenly a look of anger appended on their faces. "You mean this whole invention was just a trick!?" Shouted Balius The ponies suddenly got nervous. "Yes...technically this was a trick but it was the only way we can get you guys to get along." Said Rainbow Dash "My brother and I don't like being deceived." Growled Xanthus. "Regardless of the situation." "Now hold on just a minute!" A voice cried out. They all soon see Slepinir flying to them as he said "True they did trick but think of it this way if they haven't you two would still be at each other's throats. And be honest here you two bickering with each other had got on a lot of ponies nerves." "Wait!?" both sibling shouted "You were in on it!?" Then the alicorn king walking smugly. "Yes what what about?" "IcannotBelivethis!" both Balius and Xanthus shouted, "HowCouldyoudothistoUs!YouAlwaysdothistoUs!YouhaveNorespectforUs!WhenareyouGoingto..?" The two Alicorns continued to chase after their uncle screaming at him in unison. "I think they have more in common with each other than they thought," whispered Applejack to the others. The mares and stallions laughed as they watched the two siblings continue to shout at their uncle.