Flight to Dreadlands

by Prince of Cavia


Preparations - Blade of Ages - Journey Begins - Meeting of Sisters

Frey stood on the landing pad. A truck was standing next to the Ketty Jay. Pallets with barrels of prothane and aerium were being driven inside the cargo haul. There were also crates with spare parts and with food. Soon, the amphibious tanks that would allow Ketty Jay to float on water would be added.

“You know, there might be something in this whole being organized thing,” he said.

Trinica was looking at the Windblade-class fighter standing on the landing pad. It was Urlik’s plane, but since he will become the navigator, he decided to let Trinica have it for now.

Frey leaned on the Windblade’s engine. “Are you sure you want to be the outflyer?”

“Someone will need to get you out of trouble,” she said with a smile. It quickly vanished as she faced Frey. “Seriously though, do you trust this Nord?”

“I mean, he helped me take down Iron Jackal. He is… a bit weird, but a good guy. Also, the best navigator I know, other than Jez. Finding an intact Dwemer city counts for something.”

“Yes, it does. There’s just something… off about this, don’t you think?”

Frey looked at Urlik. The Nord was walking back and forth the Ketty Jay, mumbling something to himself.

“It will be okay. At least we will go on an adventure,” Frey said confidently. Trinica smiled. He knew she wasn’t fooled by this, but she let it pass.

Frey was always big on taking a risk. Be it in his job, his life or in playing Rake. He profited from it greatly. At least, usually. Even if he lost his first hand in Rake, he usually won his money back later. Usually.

However, flying outside of the borders of the known world, having slightly mentally unstable Nord as his navigator, chasing a treasure he knew nothing about because a horse in a dream told him so? It was the next level for him.

Still, Frey never let common sense get in the way of fortune before.

Frey walked towards Ugrik. The Nord still was babbling something to himself. “Why are you running around like this?” Frey asked.

Ugrik stopped mid-step and looked at the captain. “Umm… I was calculating the amount of prothane we would need to get to Sun Tower.”

“But… you are sure you know the way towards it?”

“Yes, of course. I know exactly where it is. The supplies you bought are more than enough to get there, even if the weather gets bad.”

“Well, it’s good. My fortune-finding intuition is saying you are telling the truth. Still, don’t you think all of this is slightly suspicious?”

“Not at all. Everyone knows there are lands beyond Tamriel. Many inhabited, some of them even inhabited by non-humans.”


“Yes. I heard Elves are still alive in far away lands. I saw a Mermaid with my own eyes. And yes, Ponies are also real.”

“So, you know a lot about lands outside Tamriel? Where did you learn it?”

“I traveled far and wide. Read a lot too. There are fascinating things that you could learn by reading ancient Nord scrolls. I visited High Hrothgar. The Greybeards know things that you couldn’t imagine. Nords aren’t just barbarian tribesmen, you know.”

“Stranger things happened than a Nord scholar.”

“Yes, right. You know, I want to show you something you might be interested in.”

“I’m listening.”

Ugrik took off his backpack and opened it. Frey’s blood ran cold at the sight of what he took from it. “Is this the Iron Jackal?” he asked, barely containing his fear.

Ugrik held a black casket engraved with Dwemer runes. He opened it. Inside, there was a purple sword. He took the sword.


“Relax. You’ve broken the curse. Iron Jackal is no more. I can hold it just fine.”

“I thought the sword was destroyed when we blew up the Dwemer city.”

“I wouldn’t let it get destroyed. Besides, it was the payment for my help.”

“Good. You know how to fight with it?”

“Of course. If we get into a fight, Blade of Ages would ensure our victory.”

“Blade of Ages?”

“Yes. I managed to translate the runes on the casket. You know the Dwemer considered the sword as ancient and filled with extremely powerful magic? Dwemer! You can imagine how old and powerful it must be for the Dwemer to be impressed.”

“You know how to do magic?”

“Well, no. I haven’t yet learned how to actually use it. Still, it works great as a blade. Daresay, even better than your daedric cutlass.”

“I highly doubt it. Still, another sword is always useful.”

Frey sat in the pilot seat. Ugrik sat next to him, looking at a map of the east coast of Tamriel.

“Everyone is ready?” asked Frey.

The crew agreed.

Frey felt the excitement. He was going on a new adventure.

That’s what was the best thing about being a freebooter. The ability to just get on the ship and fly away. The opportunity to find riches. The thrill of adventure.

Most importantly, all the fun he would have with his crew. To think he once ignored it. That he thought he could do everything on his own. Now, he is older, more experienced. He knew what is really important in life.

Still, having a treasure is a good thing as well.

“Let’s go to the Sun Tower!” Frey shouted.

He turned on the aerium engines. Ketty Jay got airborne. Then, the prothane thrusters were activated. The ship, and its two outliers, were heading eastward.

At night, the Sun Tower and the surrounding town didn’t have much activity. It was a rather calm place.  In her room in the top level of the tower, the Abbess was sleeping. Her dream wasn’t calm at all.

She was in a large port city. She saw an enormous fleet of ships and airships. There was a great number of ponies attempting to get on board one of them. They all were trying to leave in a hurry.

In the distance, on the sea, there was one particular ship. It looked more like a floating city. Many smaller vessels were transporting ponies to it.

She looked north. In the distance, there was a sickly green glow. Lightning came out of the clouds.

White unicorn with blue mane, wearing a well-made, formal dress, walked towards her.

“Princess, if you want, there is a space on my ship for you.”

“I’m not a princess anymore,” she replied, and looked back at the green glow.

She heard hoofsteps. She knew who was coming, and didn’t turn.

“Over a thousand years, and you still beat yourself up over what happened.”

“I could have prevented it. I could have done something. If only I took action, it wouldn’t be here.”

The blue alicorn walked towards her. She put a wing over her.

“Sister, we both knew that was beyond even our powers at the time. Nowadays, we have a chance.”

“Chance, you say?”

“The Hero is on his way. Blade of Ages is with him. If there’s anyone that could stop it, it’s him. We will save our niece and her daughter. We will recover Crystal City.”

“And if the Hero fails?”

“We can search for Twilight Sparkle. She surely made her own plan to prepare for the return. You know her.”

“We hadn’t parted on the best of terms, and I haven’t heard from her since the Exodus.”

Luna hugged her sister close. Celestia appreciated this gesture, but it still hadn’t washed all the guilt away.

“We can still make everything right,” said Luna.

Celestia wished to believe it.