//------------------------------// // Ch11 - Confrontation // Story: Celestia's Tiny Student // by CommanderX5 //------------------------------// Celestia’s Tiny Student - Chapter 11 Confrontation Celestia waited in her bedchamber for her student’s return, sprawled across the empty bed with troubled thoughts churning through her mind. Why would Twilight not want to talk with me? She’s never hidden from me or was afraid of me in all these years. Even when I hurt her by accident, she just forgave me as if it was nothing, so what would force my fearless student to run away from me? What did I do? In the past two days, Celestia had worked harder than ever, trying to get as much done as possible, so she would have the entire day to spend with her student once she awoke. She had everything planned. First she would return Twilight to her original size, ending the condition she had to endure for all those years. After that, she would introduce Twilight to the nobility and let her have a few public appearances, all the while telling all of Equestria about the very talented unicorn she had as her student. Twilight would finally be free to go wherever she wanted on her own, and she would be given the chance to meet other ponies her age, make some friends, and live without fear of being stomped or hurt every single moment of her life. It will be far too few years until the day she will face Nightmare Moon, and she deserves every minute of freedom I can give her. But what did I do to her? Why would my own student hide from me? Was it my fault? Maybe she was hurt so severely that now she’s afraid of me pushing her again… No, that cannot be. She knows that she passed the exam. She knows that I will return her back to normal. She knows that from now on she will not need to push herself so hard. So what’s wrong? The longer Celestia thought about it, the less she understood, unsure if whether it was her fault or not. The blessed day that she had waited for impatiently all these years didn't turn into anything she imagined, as the hours she had saved to spend with her faithful student were passing away without her familiar presence. “Your Highness?” Steel Blade called from the partially open bedroom door, currently holding a tentative posture that indicated a long period of knocking without being answered. “Are you available for an audience? Princess Cadence has brought your student, as well as Fancy Pants and Spike, to speak with you.” Audience? But why? Any of them could speak with me informally anytime they want. So why would they ask for a formal audience, and why would my student bring them all with her? With great reluctance, Princess Celestia moved out of the bed to behind a small table, trying to calm her nerves before nodding at her guard. “Please, allow them to enter. I will hear their request.” She took a moment to run a hoof through her mane and, with a little burst of magic, drew her rumpled covers smooth over the bed and distributed several cushions across the floor before her guests arrived. It was just a little happy reminder of how much Twilight had been doing for her lately, and it made her cheerful, her friendly smile far easier to wear when her guests walked into the bedchamber. “Please come in,” Celestia said, feeling her spirits lift at the presence of her friends. “Feel free to sit or stand, as you wish. I’m very glad to see all of you.” “Thank you for seeing us on such short notice, Auntie Celestia,” said Princess Cadence in return as she descended gracefully onto a cushion, Fancy Pants and Spike to either side. Cadence waited until Steel Blade had left the room and closed the door before turning her head to nudge Twilight, who was trying to hide behind her pastel mane. “Go ahead, Twilight. Tell Auntie Celestia how you feel. It will be just fine.” Despite the encouraging tone of her foalsitter, Twilight tried to burrow deeper into her colorful concealment. With a roll of her eyes, Cadence lit her horn and levitated the reluctant student off her neck at the expense of several strands of tightly grasped pink hair, and placed Twilight on the table in front of her mentor. A cold lump of fear sat uncomfortably in Celestia’s chest as she watched her student be coaxed out of Cadence’s mane and placed on the table. It was surprising to see Twilight show so much fear, something that she had not seen from her brave little pony in many years. The smile on Celestia’s face remained frozen in place, the result of many centuries of control even though all she wanted to do was to pick up Twilight and hug her. Her student had never looked this frightened even before her worst tests, and her little violet eyes looked everywhere in the room except towards her eyes. After a minute or two of awkward silence, Celestia finally spoke. “I assume there was an important reason why you ran away and hid from me?” She tried to keep her tone friendly and her smile warm, which became more difficult when Twilight gave a small nod of agreement. “Would you like to talk with me about it?” Twilight lowered her head, unsure of what to say. Looking at Fancy Pants, he smiled in response and nodded back with a comforting, “There is nothing to fear Lady Sparkle.” Spike responded to her pleading look with a smile and a comforting, “I’ve got your back.” After hearing Spike’s reassurance, she turn around to face her foal-sitter. “Go ahead, Twilight. She will understand,” encouraged Cadence with kindness in her voice. Finally turning back to her mentor, who seemed to tower over her like some giant snow-covered mountain, Twilight let out a sigh and gathered up all the determination she could. “Yes, Princess. I am ready.” Celestia kept trying to keep her smile honest, finding it harder with every passing second as her fear grew about what her student was about to say. “I’m listening.” Twilight took a deep breath. “I like being tiny!” she said as fast as she could before closing her eyes and awaiting her mentor’s reply. The cheerful expression on Celestia’s face turned into confusion. “You… like being tiny?” Celestia could not help but repeat Twilight’s words, unsure how they related to why she ran and hid from her. Twilight kept her eyes closed, afraid to look into her mentor’s giant eyes for fear of what she might see there. “Y-yes. When I found out that you w-wanted to turn me b-back to my normal s-size… I ran.” She ran because she didn’t wanted me to return her to normal size? Why? Still not comprehending Twilight reasoning, Celestia asked, “Why would you run to keep me from removing the shrinking spell? Isn’t that the reason why you trained your magic so hard all those years?” Twilight was hesitant to answer, but a small encouraging pat from Cadence’s giant hoof gave her enough courage. “That wasn’t the reason why I trained so hard… I just… really like to train my magic… I wanted to make you proud of me.” Celestia smiled again, this time as radiant and strong as the sun rising over the horizon. “Oh, Twilight. You don’t have to push yourself so hard to make me proud of you. I know that you are very hard working student, and you will never cease to amaze me, no matter what size you are,” she said cheerfully, feeling a surge of relief that the reason why Twilight ran away was nothing really serious. Twilight thought for a moment on how to respond. Unsure just exactly what to say, she decided to ask a question instead. “Can I stay tiny… pleaseeeee?” Twilight asked as she plead with her tiny puppy eyes. It didn't matter that she was no longer a filly, as her puppy face had always been effective on her mentor as well as even the most obstinate Royal Guard. Celestia’s smile vanished as she had not expected this kind of request, or the overwhelming force of tiny purple puppy eyes. She wanted to return Twilight to normal for so long, and here Twilight was asking her to delay it. “Twilight, why do you like being so small? In the past years despite my best efforts, you walked a thorny path. Do you not wish for all the pain and suffering you endured so far to no longer be part of your life?” Celestia asked with concern in her voice. Twilight shook her head. “Yes, that’s true. It is a thorny path where I have hurt myself almost everyday, and every small task is a challenge, but that is why I want to be small,” said Twilight with rising confidence. Celestia’s confusion only grew. “Twilight, please forgive me if I do not understand how you find enjoyment in your suffering.” “Princess, how much progress have I made in all those years I have been your student?” Twilight asked firmly. Celestia hesitated before replying. “You have made enormous progress, Twilight. In those few years, you have not only learned more spells than nearly any unicorn in Equestria, but you have gained more power and increased your control over it far faster than I had imagined.” Twilight just nodded before she responded, “That’s correct, but would I progress so much if I was a big pony?” There was a deadly serious tone to her voice that Celestia had never heard before, and it set the princess back as she considered the idea. She is... correct. Without proper motivation, she would never have worked so hard, and even arranging a place for her to practice at her full size would prove very difficult, Celestia thought, now slowly understanding her student’s logic. “You are quite correct, my student. Are you afraid that once I will return you to your original size, you will no longer progress in your magical studies?” Celestia asked firmly. “Yes. That’s one of the reasons but not most important one,” Twilight replied in a flat tone. Celestia’s confusion returned as she wondered what other reasons would her student have, but she decided to use what she already knew. “Twilight, your progress has been astounding, but you’ve paid a large price for that. Everyday, you seem to hurt yourself or have even wound up in the hospital in numerous occasions. You can’t even move around Canterlot freely for fear of your own safety.” Princess Celestia faced her student and looked her directly in the eyes. “Is it really worth the pain?” Twilight didn't waste any time before answering. “Yes it is. I really do not mind the pain, and I have gotten used to my harsh life. Furthermore, I am quite capable of taking care of myself. My telekinesis is so strong that I can lift anything or anypony who would try to hurt me, and I can also teleport or set up the shield my brother taught me. I no longer need to be protected.” Celestia opened her mouth to reason with Twilight, but the determination in her student’s voice made her decide against it. Instead, she nodded. “I understand, Twilight,” Celestia said with a growing smile. “You are correct. You have become strong enough to take care of yourself, and if I would return you to normal size, finding opportunities to train your magic safely would become far more difficult. The damage to the environment from your training alone could be enormous.” Seeing that her student was beginning to smile too, she continued, “My dear student, you said that there are more reasons why you want to stay small. Could you share them as well?” Twilight, noticing how well Celestia was taking her reasoning and arguments, was no longer stressed and afraid. “Yes, Princess. Another reason, and possibly being the most important one, is that being small is really fun!” “Fun? Could you please explain what is so fun in getting hurt every day?“ Celestia asked, a curious expression on her face. Twilight beamed with confidence, having prepared a mental checklist of questions to answer when Cadence was carrying her to her mentor’s bedchamber. “Weeeeell… Outside of being able to train my magic, every small task can become a challenge for my raw power or my physical condition, and I enjoy the challenge. It is like being on a big adventure everyday, and I can learn from everything. Even small tasks like opening doors can be a challenge of my strength, and I enjoy feeling my magic flowing to my horn whenever I lift huge weight or cast a powerful spell. I just cannot imagine a life where I cannot use my magic everyday…“ For five minutes, Twilight gave more and more examples of what kind of challenges she faced every day, how fun they were, how much she had learned from them. Every example threw Celestia deeper into confusion. In all those years, Celestia thought that forcing her student being tiny was like putting a curse on her as she watched her student endure a very painful and harsh life, but now she was learning that her student enjoyed it, and that her life was not the nightmare she thought it was. Once Twilight was done, she asked again, “So… can I stay tiny… please, please, please!” Celestia didn't reply her student directly, instead she looked at Cadence for support. “Cadence, may I ask your advice? You have been taking care of Twilight for a few years, and you have been worried about her safety all this time. I would like to have your opinion on this matter.” Cadence put her hoof close to her neck as she thought for a moment, aware that every eye in the room was on her. Twilight in particular was looking more intently than anypony, seeming afraid that she would turn her down in fear for her safety. Cadence was concerned about Twilight’s well being, but that included her mental as well as her physical health, and there was only one way she could vote in this matter. Giving Twilight a smile and setting the most serious tone she could into her voice, Princess Cadence responded to her aunt’s request. “As much as it pains my heart to see Twilight putting so much suffering onto herself, I cannot stand in the way of her happiness. I already know that she can take care of herself, and if your student wishes to stay tiny, I will support her decision.” Celestia had expected Cadence to be against the idea, so she was surprised by her statement. Searching for help, she turned to her closest friend, Fancy Pants. “Considering that I know Cadence’s opinion, it is only fair to know your opinion on this issue as well.” Fancy Pants was expecting the question and didn't waste any time before answering it. “Of course, Your Highness. I must say, that as much as your student’s talent and power is being wasted because of her small size, considering that Twilight still wishes to learn and improve herself, and since she enjoys doing so even though it is more difficult for her at this size, I think staying small will only benefit her. There will be a time and place when she will return to normal size and use all she has learned for the good of our society, but that time has not yet come. As a matter of fact, I am quite proud of her decision, and I think it reflects well upon her character as well as that of her teacher.” Celestia was surprised by his support for her student, but there was one dragon left to ask. “And how about you, Spike? Are you comfortable with Twilight being so small? You understand that her life will continue to be very harsh. She will hurt herself often, and she will have a hard time playing and taking care of you,” Celestia could not help but keep her emotion out of her voice in one last desperate attempt to convince Twilight to abandon her request. Spike just smirked. “Twilight is tough, no matter her size, and she can play with me and take care of me just fine. Also, if she gets herself in trouble, I will always be there to protect her, no matter what.” Spike’s proud pose was disturbed by an enthusiastic leap from Twilight as she jumped down onto his belly and hugged him as far as she could reach, which he happily responded with a careful hug of his own before sitting her back on the table in front of Celestia. Celestia looked around at the group, as if cornered, as her plans crumbled before her. If she forced Twilight to return to her original size, Twilight would never forgive her, and her motivation to train herself would vanish. Twilight would be sad and miserable, and in that stage of mind, she also would have a hard time befriending the other potential bearers of the Elements of Harmony. On the other hoof, if she would let Twilight stay small, there would always be the risk that Twilight would not want to return to normal before Nightmare Moon’s return. A tiny bearer of the Element of Magic would have a hard time befriending other ponies, and no matter how much weaker Nightmare Moon would be after fighting against herself and the Royal Guards, she would still be too dangerous for the tiny unicorn. Everypony watched Celestia in silence. Twilight was sweating from fear as her mentor was going to make a decision that would decide her future, and after several minutes of silence, Celestia finally spoke with a single word that drew Twilight Sparkle’s full attention. “Twilight?” “Y-yes?” Twilight replied nervously. “Are you truly happy right now ?” Celestia asked firmly with a calm voice. Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath, “Yes, I am... the world around me is big, but I can’t imagine it any other way,” Twilight replied in a calm but determined voice. Celestia sighed, knowing that she would need to alter her plans substantially. “If it makes you truly happy, then I will let you keep your current size.” Cadence, Fancy Pants and Spike cheered, but Twilight felt sad the moment she noticed her mentor’s disappointed face expression. “I’m sorry,” Twilight said apologetically with her head lowered in shame. “Sorry... for what ?” Celestia asked hesitantly. “For d-disappointing you... D-d-do I can still be your s-s-s-student... regardless of my s-size ?” Twilight asked, her knees quaking in fear. Celestia quickly understood that she just let her tranquil mask slip, showing her inner disappointment to her student. Celestia decided to banish those fears as quick as she could. “Oh, Twilight. Of course you are still my student. I would not see it any other way,” Celestia said as cheerfully as she could, spreading her hooves as an invitation for a hug. Twilight didn't need to be asked twice, and leapt into her mentor’s warm embrace. “Thank you, Princess. Thank you so much! I love you,” Twilight said, slipping ‘I love you’ in the rush of happiness she felt while feeling her mentor’s hooves holding her close to the alicorn’s warm furry chest. Twilight shared a few tears of joy as she pinned herself harder against her mentor’s soft fur while unaware of how her last words captured Celestia off her guard. Celestia stared blankly at her student before a warm smile spread across her muzzle, pulling Twilight closer. For the next few hours, Celestia, Twilight, Spike and Fancy Pants spent their time together, talking on various topics, sharing stories, even playing with each other. Twilight made it a point to get permission from Cadence to take Spike to visit the library, and in return, Cadence made her promise not to run away again. Steel Blade, who heard their discussion, didn't waste any time informing the other guards about Twilight Sparkle’s decision, hoping that princess would not notice him trading his post for several minutes to another guard in order to pass the news around. Fancy Pants excused himself to leave their happy discussion first, as he had scheduled some important meetings that would be nearly impossible to reschedule. There were two ponies in particular he wanted to inform personally about Twilight’s decision. After all, Blueblood was responsible for organizing a party for Twilight, while Fleur was probably still attending it, as some noble parties lasted for hours beyond their scheduled completion. Plus, he loved the way Fleur reacted to good news when he was in the vicinity. After they had all said their goodbyes, Celestia once again was left alone in her room. Despite having thoroughly enjoyed the time they spent together, she slouched across her bed gloomily as a single question would not leave her mind. How can she find happiness in all this pain. Why would she choose the thorny road instead of the safe one? After hours of thinking, she was still unable to find the answer. In past years, she had seen her student pushing herself past points no other pony would even dare to approach, and Celestia respected it, sometimes wishing she would have the energy and determination her student had. I do not understand how my student can find joy in all of this. Celestia shook her head and walked onto her balcony, basking in the sunlight that spread out over Canterlot. It was a proud capital city, with a history of over two millennia of rule, but it seemed so small and cold to her now without Luna. I live a very comfortable life in the castle with subjects who will do anything for me. Every meal is delicious, and my every need anticipated and taken care by more servants than I would like to admit. In return, I do all I can to take care of my little ponies and try to improve their lives. But comfort has never really made me happy, and now it seems as if an unbreakable wall has slowly grown between me and my little ponies who I love so much. Celestia looked closer into the sky, noticing a small group of pegasi passing in the distance, out of her voice and hoof range. She looked down upon her subjects, her little ponies. Ponies who saw her as nothing more than a ruler. I must admit, the mere act of ruling has always been monotonous, but it is a sacrifice I’ve been willing to make. Equestria has become more important to me than my own life, more important than my own sister. After I imprisoned Luna in the moon to protect my subjects, all I could do for centuries was to repeat my same routine over and over. I thought that I had gotten control of my despair, but now I have found the one true joy that has entered my life since Luna’s exile is the time I’ve spent with Twilight. She sees me as more than just a princess, and more than a friend, and while I first only thought of her as a way to bring Luna back to me, now she has become something even more to myself. Suddenly Celestia felt trapped in a golden cage of her own making, chained down and unable to spread her wings while Twilight had managed to somehow find happiness in hardship. “As crazy as it sounds, I should take an example from my student. Perhaps if I look at the world from her perspective, I will find answers to my questions.” Celestia straightened up, standing proudly on the balcony before she trotted back inside toward her goal, determination marking her every movement. After all, how hard could it be? Celestia walked into Royal Library and told the librarian that she wanted to give Twilight a surprise visit. A few choice words later, Celestia was able to talk the librarian into convincing Cadence and Spike to leave the library and allow her spend some time with her student in private. With that out of the way, Celestia cast both an invisibility spell and a sound-proofing spell on herself, casting quick glances over at Twilight to ensure she had not heard anything. It was no surprise for Celestia to find Twilight reading a book, especially in a place like this. Knowing full well that Twilight was not going anywhere, Celestia crept away, hiding behind a tall shelf full of books before she dispelled the invisibility spell. Celestia’s horn radiated in a golden aura as she gathered more and more magic, and once she had enough charge for her chosen spell, she cast it on herself, using her own power to fuel the effect of the spell even further. Celestia could see as everything around her grow bigger as the library itself became more and more spacious. Being very perceptive with her magic, she slowly and carefully tried to reduce her own size to Twilight’s level and mass, as it will be only fair if they were both equal. Raising both the sun and the moon over hundreds of years was enough to keep her magic in shape, and as the result, she had more than enough magic to reduce her own mass by a factor four-hundred, becoming essentially equivalent to her own student in size. After adding a quick protection spell, Celestia opened her eyes and looked around, and the view surprised her. The bookshelves were like a huge castle walls, and every single book was almost twice her own size. So this is how Twilight views the world. Celestia gave a few experimental flaps of her wings before quickly folding them determinedly. “No,” Celestia said firmly as her wings closed. My student does not have wings, so to experience her life, her limitations must become mine as well. With another quick spell, Celestia bound her wings to her sides with a magical rope before she began trotting off to where she had last seen Twilight Sparkle. A minute of walking later, Celestia quickened her pace to a jog and yet another moment later to a run, clearly impatient. My student makes everything look so easy whenever she plays hide-and-seek with me. How can she run so fast on her tiny hooves? Years of tradition and courtly manners dropped away as Celestia sped off towards her student, the simple act of running forbidden to her in her normal size. After a short run, the princess was finally in the place where Twilight sat reading her book, ready to surprise her student, but she was forced to dive behind a bookshelf as her student closed the book with a thump. Celestia watched as Twilight then crawled under the book, lifting the large weight onto her back and trotting back to the bookshelf, unaware of her spectator. What will you do now, my faithful student? Twilight horn lit up, tying herself to the book with magical ropes. Celestia watched in amusement as her student began jumping from shelf to shelf, climbing up higher and higher while steadily and effortlessly lifting the book with her. When she reached a small gap in the line of books near the top, Twilight dispelled her magic ropes and pushed the book back to its original location. Satisfied that the book was back at home, she hopped down again, prepared to walk over to the next shelf until she caught a small glimpse of a rainbow mane behind the bookshelf. Twilight wasted little time as she rounded the corner of the shelf, expecting to surprise her giant mentor currently hiding behind the bookshelf. Twilight was quite ready to hug her mentor’s hoof, only to bump right into her face. “Hello prin—” Twilight suddenly stopped, speechless as she stared at her mentor, expecting the mighty white alicorn towering proudly above her but instead finding her at bite-size, exactly level with her. “Greetings, my faithful student—Twilight? Twilight, are you feeling alright?” Celestia asked concernedly as she prodded her motionless student with a hoof, who was now lying unconsciously on her back. Well, I think I broke her. Maybe surprising her wasn’t such a good idea after all.