//------------------------------// // Chapter 22: Gala Night, Part 1--The Trials of Chaos // Story: The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! // by Azure129 //------------------------------// ‘So…this is the Gala?’ Discord sighed to himself, the look on his face a little dull. He had been full of anticipation about this night with Celestia, and yet so far the evening was starting out sort of…boring. At the very least it was anti-climactic. He had been expecting awkward situations, surprise shenanigans, humorous moments, and perhaps sudden romantic meetings that might even prompt a confession from him about his love to the fair princess he was escorting. But instead Discord and Celestia had been just standing at the top of this staircase greeting the pony guests and giving hoofshakes without incident for the last fifteen minutes. And the chaos master would have seriously just snapped himself away to anywhere else that might be more fun if it weren’t for the fact that he was now completely head over hoof and claw in love with the mare to his right who smiled at all of the arriving ponies while her hair shimmered and her eyes sparkled and her coat looked like a perfect cream-colored canvas on which he could construct the most delightful chaos. Discord used the tuft of his tail to pinch his shoulder and snap himself out of the musings. ‘Focus. Just focus. This is important to her, and you’re her escort. Now stop being a nervous wreck and help!’ Discord nodded to himself and then went back to diligently doing what he had been doing on and off so far ever since he had come up to the top of the staircase with Celestia: giving each guest a small wave and polite bow of his head after Celestia finished shaking their hoof. And so far he was very happy to see that very few the ponies he saw gave him neutral or even doubtful looks in return. And as for those ponies who still hesitated in regards to him, Discord just shrugged off their responses. ‘If they want to have a problem with me, let them. I’m a good person. And I don’t need ponies in my life who are going to make me feel like a bad person just because I used to be one. This is a new start for me, and the sooner everyone else accepts that fact just like I have, the better.’ A break in the influx of guests came now, and Celestia glanced to her companion. “Discord,” she kept her voice low, “are you sure you’re happy doing this with me? I really don’t want to keep you from having fun at the party.” Discord smiled a little and shrugged. “Doing the hoofshakes makes you happy. And I want to be a part of that happiness so I can understand it better. Besides, it’s not killing me to make the acquaintance of some new ponies. I’m going to have to learn to branch out my friendship skills beyond Fluttershy and the girls and you and your sister at some point anyway—might as well start at the biggest social event of the year.” Celestia smiled back at him and nodded. “If you’re sure, Discord. We’ll be done here soon though, and then we can go off and mingle with everypony.” Her smile brightened. “I haven’t been able to do that at a Gala since…I don’t even remember when.” She thought, and then her smile fell a little. “Since before Luna and Nightmare Moon, I guess…” Discord frowned. He considered and then put on a smile again. “Well, then you are clearly long overdue for some fun and unforgettable partygoing. You just wait until these hoofshakes are over, and I’ll make sure you have the most chaotic night ever, Celestia.” He winked down at her. Celestia’s smile returned. “Thank you, Discord.” “And if you really could use some more recreation and relaxation, then tonight doesn’t have to be the only night that you get escorted by the master of chaos to some shindig.” Discord swallowed but tried to keep his tone confident as he went on as ‘casually’ as he could manage. “You and I could hit the town every now and again, go out dancing or partying or maybe to a show. Whatever you’d like.” Celestia blinked twice and then smiled more. “If people think we’re secretly courting now just because we’re at the Gala together, spending that much time alone might only make those rumors worse, Discord. Are you sure you’d be all right with that?” She raised an eyebrow. “Oh, who cares what other ponies think about our love lives?” Discord just shrugged and grinned. “I just thought you and I could have some fun, get to know each other even better, hit up some bakeries to figure out who’s got the best cake and stroll into a few clubs to figure out who’s got the most chaotic nightlife—that sort of thing.” Celestia laughed softly to herself. “I’ll think about it, Discord.” Discord chuckled softly. “Let me know what you decide.” He turned forward as some fresh guests entered the ballroom and approached the staircase. Celestia turned forward too…and yet she couldn’t help but give Discord an extra glance out of the corner of her eye. Luna’s words from the other day suddenly came to her mind again, and she almost couldn’t help but think that the offer Discord had just made to her could seem sort of like him asking her out on a…date. A real date. Celestia quickly sighed though and looked forward with her usual smile, deciding not to let her nerves get the better of her judgment when all Discord had really asked was to share some chaos and fun with her in the future as part of their friendship. And Discord, meanwhile, swelled with pride inside at his courage just now in technically asking her out. ‘If she ever could care for me in return, spending more time together is the only sure way those feelings could develop. And she laughed and said she’d think about it. Dating…oh, it would be such beautiful chaos.’ As more guests started to enter now, Discord couldn’t help but prepare to greet the ponies with a little more exuberance considering his own current internal ecstatic state. “Celestia!” Suddenly a familiar red-haired, yellow mare with a Prench accent and accompanied by her dark-haired, blue husband dashed up to Celestia and Discord. Celestia smiled more. “Hello, Cher and Honor. I’m so happy to see you. You both look lovely this evening.” Celestia shook each of their hooves. Discord’s smile brightened. “I was wondering when you’d both show up. Nice to see you again, Duke and Duchess.” He gave a bow of his head. Honoree smiled. “Please, Discord, as with Celestia, you may call us Cher and Honor if you’d like.” “You’ve got it.” Discord grinned and nodded. Cher giggled. “Oh, and just look at the two of you two: you make a lovely couple together. Celestia, you look stunning—c’est magnifique! And doesn’t Discord look very dapper tonight, like a noble gentleman?” Her smile picked up on one side, and she eyed Celestia as she gestured with her head to Discord. Celestia giggled softly. “Yes, he does look very dapper and noble. And thank you, I’m pleased with how my ensemble turned out as well. My designer this year is Rarity of Ponyville. She’s with Princess Twilight right now—the white unicorn next to the young dragon. She also designed Twilight’s outfit and Luna’s and Discord’s as well. She’s very talented.” “Ah yes,” Cher nodded, “perhaps I may be able to give her some contacts in Prance.” She hooked forelegs with her husband. “Come along, Honor, let’s go see this Rarity and then enjoy the party.” Honoree smiled warmly to her and nodded, then looked to Celestia and Discord again. “Discord, it has been an honor making your acquaintance again, of course. And Princess…” he looked to the princess, “you are as charming a hostess as ever.” “Nice seeing you again too.” Discord nodded. Celestia bowed her head. “Thank you. Enjoy the Gala.” Honoree and Cher bowed their heads in return and dashed off. Celestia’s smile warmed as she watched the couple head off. “Cher loves parties like these. It’s so nice to see ponies gather together each year from so far for the Gala.” “And it was nice of you to recommend Rarity to her,” Discord added as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You do know that if that little fashionista unicorn actually does get some Prench contacts because of this, she’ll practically rocket herself to the moon even more than when you allowed her to design for you, right?” His grin picked up on one side. The sun princess’s smile grew. “I like seeing my little ponies happy, Discord. Rarity has an exciting life ahead of her; all of the girls do. And if one more piece of that exciting life falls into place tonight, it’ll make the evening that much more magical.” “ ‘Your little ponies’ ?” Discord raised an eyebrow and smiled all the more. Celestia blinked and blushed lightly. Discord’s eyes hazed a little: he had never seen a cuter sight. “Oh, I said that out loud?” Celestia cleared her throat and smiled a little sheepishly. “I’m so used to being alone when I do these greetings. I guess it’s silly, but that’s just how I think of the other ponies in my head. I know they’re all full grown of course, but our lives are so different. And then there’s my height…” She glanced at him. “I’d prefer you didn’t mention what I said to anyone though, Discord. I don’t want to make anyone feel self-conscious or to seem like I think I’m above them.” Discord just chuckled and shrugged. “You like taking care of all these emotional, colorful, smiling little creatures. What is there to tease you or to tell anyone about regarding that?” Celestia smiled more. “Thank you, Discord. And yes, I do like taking care of them, very much actually.” “And you’re very good at it. So that all works out,” Discord added softly. “Thank you, Discord. What a kind thing to say.” Celestia’s gaze warmed. “My pleasure, my lady,” Discord replied with a chuckle and a dramatic bow. Then he straightened up and gave a little adjustment to his tie as his grin picked up on one side. “So…you think I look dapper and noble tonight along with handsome?” He smoothed back his mane. Celestia rolled her eyes to the side but nodded. “Of course, Discord. And I don’t think it’s just Cher and I who share that opinion: I’m sure most mares at the Gala right now feel the same.” Discord blinked and looked down with a light blush and a small smile, his arms behind his back. “Oh, well, I-I don’t know about that.” “Discord shy?” Celestia’s eyes brightened. “I never thought I’d see the day.” Discord scoffed and rolled his eyes (and blushed a little more). “I am not shy, I’m just…working on being more humble. That’s some sort of sub-element of harmony, isn’t it? Well, if it’s not, it should be.” Celestia just shook her head. “Whatever you say, Discord.” “You just wait until we get out among those ponies and especially out on that dance floor—then we’ll see who’s shy, Celestia.” The chaos master smirked and looked forward to face the next batch of oncoming guests. Celestia looked forward now too. “We’ll see about that, Discord.” She let out a small sigh of contentment: this really would be a fun, interesting, fascinating night that she knew she and Discord would smile and laugh over for years to come. “By the way, Cher was right about one other thing besides me looking noble and dapper: you do look rather stunning, Celestia.” Celestia blinked and felt an unexpected blush threaten to come to her features. But the feeling subsided as she glanced at Discord only to see him giving her a little smirk out of the corner of his eye. She laughed softly and looked forward again to the newest Gala arrivals. And Discord just tried not to let himself become consumed with grinning at how smoothly and enjoyably his time with Celestia was managing to be even this early in the night. ‘And speaking of which, maybe I should do more to help her with these hoofshakes…to show her how much I care…’ He pondered the thought as he gave a wave to the next set of arriving guests. Meanwhile, from across the room, the young dragon Spike had been standing beside his unicorn date for the evening as she talked to the rest of their friends (minus Twilight, who they hadn’t seen yet since her royal entrance). He had been hanging on Rarity’s every word up until this point, but as his eyes had wandered over the full and happy room around them his gaze had settled on the top of the staircase where Celestia and Discord stood…. And he had watched as Celestia had blinked and blushed then smiled and said something to Discord and then Discord had smiled and eventually blushed as well, and then the two of them had shared a laugh and were now back to greeting the guests once more and talking in between ponies. Young Spike’s eyes went wide. “Wow,” he mumbled to himself. “He’s good. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Princess Celestia blush, let alone Discord. He must really like her.” “Did you say something, Spike?” Spike blinked and looked up to see Rarity smiling down at him. He smiled back up at her. “Oh, sorry, Rarity, I was just talking to myself, heh.” He grinned sheepishly and tugged at his collar. “By the way, you look beautiful, you know…” He blushed slightly. Rarity beamed. “Oh Spikey Wikey, you’ve told me that several times so far, but thank you again. And you look very handsome tonight as well.” She rubbed his cheek with her hoof. “Aw gee, thanks, Rarity.” Spike touched his cheek and blushed more. Suddenly Twilight dashed up to the party, adjusting her crown on her head and skidding a little on her horseshoes before coming to a full stop. “Sorry, girls, I had to go over the plans for presenting the cake tonight with the staff. But everything’s all set now.” She smiled sheepishly. “Do you think I did all right with my entrance with the princesses? I’ve never felt so nervous in my life, all those ponies staring at me. I don’t know how Princess Celestia does it each year for the Gala.” Applejack winked. “You did just fine, Sugarcube. Real classy.” “Yeah.” Rainbow Dash nodded. “You did great, Twilight. Don’t sweat it.” Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie both smiled and gave her reassuring nods. “Darling, you were sensational.” Rarity winked. “I couldn’t have done a better job myself.” “I thought you were perfect, Twilight.” Spike smiled. Twilight smiled in return to all of them. “Thanks, girls. And thank you, Spike.” She sighed, and her smile brightened. “So, we’re finally at a Gala where we can all spend time together and just enjoy each other’s company.” The five other mares and Spike all closed their eyes, smiled, and nodded. “Mmm hmm!” they agreed in unison. Twilight closed her eyes and nodded as well. Then she opened her eyes to take in the sight of all of her friends finally together on this wonderful night…until she suddenly paused and blinked. “Hey, where did Pinkie Pie go?” The whole party (eyes open now) raised their eyebrows and glanced around, but Pinkie Pie was indeed nowhere in sight. Among the shadows behind a pillar, Princess Luna stood. She kept stepping forward into the light, then hesitating, then shaking her head and trying again. She finally let out a breath and mumbled to herself in a tone of rehearsal. “Hello, I am Princess Luna, it is very nice to meet you. Thank you so much for attending the Gala.” She sighed, her tone returning to normal. “And the party-appropriate topics of conversation Pinkamena mentioned: the weather, fun party ideas, Galas past, their interests, my interests, frostings, cakes, cupcakes….” Luna glanced out to the full ballroom again and sighed with a slightly dry look. “I appreciate that Celestia has retained at least the formality of this gathering as a tradition, but she has let the size of this affair get out of hoof. It used to be two-dozen nobles at most, all paying courtly attention to our favor. Now there must be over two hundred guests at the Gala annually.” She glanced up at the bright silver and gold chandelier with rainbow flame candles overhead. “And I still think the lighting is too bright.” She let out a sigh and looked down again. “Perhaps I should just spend some time in the courtyard alone under the moonlight. Then maybe later I shall feel ready for mingling.” Luna nodded to herself, prepared to turn and head outside to follow this plan of action. Then Pinkie Pie suddenly zipped right up to her. “Princess Luna, are you hiding here?!” The pink pony beamed, bouncing up and down as she spoke. “Because if you are, then behind this pillar is a great place to hide behind! Seriously, I can’t believe you’re secretly over here, and—” Princess Luna (wide eyed now) shoved a hoof over Pinkie Pie’s mouth (though that action didn’t stop the pink pony from continuing to speak in a muffled way against Luna’s horseshoe). Luna sighed. “Pinkie?” She looked her in the eye, and Pinkie gave a mumbled ‘yes?’ and finally stopped bouncing. Luna cleared her throat and explained. “Please, not so loud. I am trying not to attract too much attention. I’m still a little nervous about being part of the party tonight.” As Luna released her hoof from Pinkie’s mouth, Pinkie gasped and then replied in a more normal tone with one of her usual happy smiles, “Aw, Princess, is that all? If you need help socializing, you don’t have to throw yourself right out there in the middle of everypony and start taking the reigns of the room, you know. Leave that to the professionals.” She winked. “Just come hang out with me and the girls. You’ll be fine.” Luna smiled softly in return and nodded. “Very well, Pinkamena. That might be enjoyable. After all, I get to spend so little time around you and—” “Great!” Pinkie grabbed (a now wide eyed again) Luna’s hoof and instantly zipped the two of them out of the shadows. Back with the girls and Spike, the five ponies and baby dragon were still glancing around with raised eyebrows. Twilight brought a hoof to her chin. “If Pinkie was a unicorn, I’d just say that maybe she teleported away, but—” Suddenly, Pinkie zipped right into the place she had been standing, and now Luna was beside her too. Pinkie beamed as she released her hold on the princess. “Hey everypony, look who I found! Princess Lu—!” Luna placed a hoof over Pinkie’s mouth again and smiled at her. “Thank you for the introduction, Pinkie. And for the encouragement. I believe I can take it from here.” She removed her hoof, and Pinkie winked at her. “Okey dokey lokey.” Luna smiled more and shook her head, then addressed the mares and baby dragon before her. “Hello, everypony, it’s a pleasure to see you all tonight. I’m so happy to have you at the Gala.” She glanced around the room hesitantly. “The party’s nice—yes?” She looked back to the group. The girls all smiled. “Simply divine!” Rarity held her head high. “Fit for a pony or a dragon!” Spike winked. “It’s awesome!” Rainbow Dash swung a hoof through the air. “A right success!” Applejack tipped her hat. “The party to end all parties!” Pinkie Pie bounced up high. “Very nice.” Fluttershy gave a nod and a soft smile. “I think it’s perfect, Luna,” Twilight came alongside her with a warm smile, “because we’re all here to share the night together.” The whole circle of friends nodded in agreement. Luna beamed. “I agree, I think it’s nice too. A little more crowded then I’m used to, but then again I suppose that the benefit is that many more ponies get to share in the fun. And besides, it’s after sunset, and I always did say that I wanted more people to stay up enjoying my night.” She smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof. The girls all shared a laugh, and Luna laughed as well. “See, Princess,” Pinkie leaned close and held out her hoof, “you’re great at party conversation! But until you’re ready to mingle with everypony, you can feel free to just hang out with us. And then maybe when Twilight’s doing the hoofshakes or when you are, Celestia and Discord can hang out with us too.” Rarity smiled. “Oh, it’s a nice gesture to offer, Pinkie dear, but I’m sure Princess Celestia and Discord will want to spend some time alone after spending the start of the party surrounded by ponies. This is their special evening after all.” She giggled softly. “Yeah,” Spike managed with a gulp, rubbing the back of his neck with his claw. “It’s a party, but there are still plenty of ways for a couple to spend special time together.” Luna blinked and tilted her head in Rarity’s direction. Twilight cleared her throat and looked to the moon princess sheepishly. “Uh, Rarity thinks those rumors that were going around about Discord tricking Celestia into a date were silly…” “Silly and uncalled for!” Rarity pouted and held her head high. Twilight nodded. “Yeah, but she also thinks it’d be sweet if they actually did date, heh…” She rubbed the back of her neck, having no clue how Luna would respond to this one. Luna raised an eyebrow at first but then just smiled warmly. “I see.” She cleared her throat. “Well, perhaps then my sister and Discord really should have some time alone this evening to see how much they might enjoy their friendly outing together tonight. And then who can say how their friendship might progress?” Pinkie looked at her with wide eyes and a beaming smile. Applejack raised an eyebrow while Rainbow Dash’s jaw fell. A special shy smile came to Fluttershy’s face. Twilight’s eyes just went wide. And Rarity’s eyes sparkled (and, to finish things off, Spike just blinked and raised bow eyebrows). “Ooo!” Rarity zipped up close to Luna. “Another pony who thinks their potential romance is simply adorable? Isn’t it just so dramatic—former foes finding an undeniable personal connection with each other at the fanciest ball of the year?” Luna laughed softly. “Well, er…I’m not sure about ‘adorable’ but…my sister may court whomever she likes, and I personally find no fault with Discord as a friend or a suitor.” She glanced over to where the hoofshakes were taking place. “She’s enjoying this evening with him very much already.” The group glanced over to where Discord and Celestia were smiling and welcoming ponies and then looked back to Luna. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. “How can you tell?” Luna looked to her and shrugged. “My sister is a private person, but I know her well. She has a certain glint in her eye tonight that only comes when she’s very pleased.” She brought a hoof to her chin. “Usually it occurs in relation to cake, but time with Discord seems quite capable of bringing it out as well.” She lowered her hoof and nodded. “Aww…” Rarity’s eyes sparkled more, and she brought a hoof to her chest. “Spikey Wikey, isn’t that sweet?” Spike sighed dreamily. “Yeah, it must be great to make a girl feel like that.” Rarity’s smile warmed, and she glanced at him as she lowered her hoof. “And speaking of mares enjoying their dates, I’m enjoying very much my time with you, Spike. You’ve been a simply perfect escort.” She gave a light nuzzle to the top of his head. Spike practically melted. “Uh…sure thing, Rarity. It hasn’t been a problem at all.” Rarity laughed softly. “Oh Spike.” And then the close moment between the group of friends was interrupted…. “Say, there’s Princess Luna! I was wondering where she might be.” “Oh, and Princess Twilight too!” “It’s her whole court! My, how smashing!” The seven mares and baby dragon’s eyes instantly went wide as a dozen or so opulently-dressed ponies suddenly dashed toward them, all bursting with comments and questions. “Princess Twilight, it’s such an honor to be in attendance at your first royal Gala!” Twilight smiled sheepishly at the pony who made the remark. “Uh…well, thank you. And it’s nice to have you here too—all of you!” “Rarity, you’ve done the designing for the princess’s dresses, I’ve heard!” “Oh,” Rarity smiled at another pony, “uh, yes, I have actually.” “Rainbow Dash, does the new rainbow power affect you more because of your rainbow rainbow-influenced hair and cutie mark?” “Uh…” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at yet another pony, “I don’t know. I guess not.” She grinned. “Except it really does make my mane look cool.” “Applejack, you’re an expert on trees! Do you believe the harmony tree is benefiting from its transformation into a castle? Applejack blinked at yet another pony. “I, well, um…” she rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof, “I’m not really an expert on magical crystal trees, but I figure if the harmony tree felt the need to become a castle, maybe that’s what was best for it?” She shrugged. “Any plans to liven up the Gala this year, Pinkie Pie?” Pinkie beamed at the pony addressing her. “Well, of course, I always have ideas! But for tonight I want the main focus to be on enjoying my time with my friends.” “Fluttershy, Fluttershy…no, over here, dear!” This call from a pony was delivered to Fluttershy as she tried desperately to hide behind the flow of Luna’s mane. “Um…” she barely whispered, “…yes?” “You’re close friends with Discord—do you think he’s happy about the rainbow power? There were rumors that he commented on not receiving a throne in Princess Twilight’s castle after it formed.” “I…um…well…” Fluttershy shifted on her hooves and looked down, “I-I think we’re all happy just so long as the Rainbow Power keeps us safe.” “Princess Luna! This is your first Gala since you returned—how are you enjoying it?” “Princess Luna, it’s so nice to see you up and about. I’m always saying there should be more functions in the evenings.” “Princess Luna, it’s so nice to finally get a chance to have direct conversation with you. We want to hear all about your take on modern affairs.” “I…” Luna blinked, her eyes wide for a moment at all of the questions. Then she cleared her throat and presented a poised smile and tone as she went on. “Of course, I wouldn’t mind answering anything anypony is curious about. But for right now, my friends and I were spending some time together…” “Oh, but we want to hear from them too!” several ponies announced at once. And now the crowd was no longer just a small one near the ponies but large one encompassing them and moving in to fill the spaces between them. All seven mares and Spike looked around uneasily as the attention, the questions, and the crowd only grew. Back at the staircase, Discord and Celestia could see the small gathering of ponies forming at a distance around their friends. Discord raised an eyebrow. “Yikes, if the girls and Luna are that popular, I can’t imagine how mobbed you and I will be.” “Yes, we’ll probably get quite a bit of attention.” Celestia nodded. “But if it gets to be too much, we can always sneak out into the garden. Not to many ponies wander out there on Gala night.” Discord nodded. “Good. I like being the center of things, but there’s a limit.” He grinned a little and glanced at her. “Then again, I think I might only be popular by association—after all, I’m not the sun princess all of the ponies have come to know and love over the last thousand years or so.” ‘Definitely not. Forget a thousand years, it barely took me a couple of months to fall in love with you, you little solar-magic minx.’ The pet names were something he was planning to keep to himself…and something he was planning to try and tone down. ‘Even I’m starting to not be able to stand how secretly sappy I’m getting.’ He would work out the kinks later. Celestia raised an eyebrow at him but then grinned and shook her head. “I’m not so sure, Discord: I think, of the two of us, you’ll be the more popular one among the guests.” “Me?” Discord raised an eyebrow. “How so?” Celestia shrugged. “Well, ponies are used to seeing me at this party each year, Discord. I’m sure Luna and Twilight and even the girls are mostly getting attention because their attendance is still a new thing for this affair. And your attendance is new too, and everyone’s interested in your experience against Tirek.” She almost smirked a little. “Perhaps if I really do want some time out of the spotlight, I’ll wait until everyone’s distracted by you and then I’ll just fade into the shadows alone.” Discord chuckled. “Don’t you dare. I am not navigating this night without my partner in crime—or in scandal, I should say.” He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked entirely as he added, “By the way, when I deliver a mock marriage proposal to you at the end of the night just to confuse everypony, do you think it’d be more dramatic for me to do it at the center of the dance floor or right here at the top of the staircase? I simply can’t decide.” He chuckled more. Celestia smiled so much and shook her head. “I think you should propose to Luna. Just to really confuse everypony, Discord.” Discord burst into laughter. “I’ll keep that note in mind.” Celestia laughed softly and then glanced forward. “Oh, more guests.” Discord’s eyes went forward, and then he pouted. “Oh joy, it’s Prince Blueblood.” As Prince Blueblood approached, Celestia sighed but held out her hoof in welcome. “Hello Prince Blueblood, so nice to see you here this evening.” Discord sighed, keeping his arms over his chest. “Yes, yes, charmed, we’re all sure.” “Princess Celestia…” Blueblood smiled and bowed low to the sun princess as he put his hoof in hers. “So delighted to be here for the big night.” He raised his head as took his hoof from Celestia and then looked to Discord. “And Discord…” his tone was just barely polite, “Pleasant evening.” He gave a slight nod. “It’s had its moments.” Discord pouted more but then managed to give a slight nod of his own and add, “Enjoy the party.” Blueblood smiled proudly to himself. “Well, yes, I quite intend to.” And then he trotted off into the party. With a very deep sigh, Discord glared at Blueblood’s retreating form as he watched him go. “You know, if I hadn’t truly developed a masterful mount of self control, that pony would be covered in ever-itching orange polka dots right now. And he’d have a little cola raincloud chasing him around the ballroom ruining his mane and coat.” His grin picked up on one side in a way almost reminiscent of his days as a villain. Celestia did her best not to laugh. “Discord, you really don’t have to put him through so much. Besides…” her smile grew, “Rarity beat you to it last year.” “Rarity?” Discord blinked and raised an eyebrow at the sun princess. “Celestia, just what did the girls do here last year? I haven’t been able to get a straight answer out of any of them. The closest I’ve gotten is a cryptic comment from Rainbow Dash that they did something to practically ruin the night.” Celestia smiled sheepishly and glanced down. “I promised the girls I wouldn’t bring up the details to anypony else about their time here last year. I’m afraid if you want to know, you’ll have to talk to them or Spike.” She looked to him. “But I can say that in the end they learned to just focus on themselves and having a good time. And that’s what I hope you’ll do tonight yourself, Discord. I know Prince Blueblood’s a bit much in his own way…but I still don’t understand why he upsets you so much?” She raised an eyebrow. ‘In part it’s because I had to sit back and watch him kiss your hoof when I first met him in the library: needless to say it created a bad impression upon me.’ Discord sighed and lowered his arms. “I just don’t like people who act like they’re better than me.” He frowned. “Ponies always used to treat me like order was better than chaos, more refined, more natural. Even you and Luna…” He swallowed. “You don’t anymore though. And you don’t act like you’re better than me because you’re a princess and I’m just me…even if that’s been a large part of the problem your subjects have been having with me regarding those rumors about us.” He shrugged. “Anyway, that’s why I don’t like Blueblood. He talks down to me in both ways.” Celestia smiled, and her tone was tender as she replied to him. “Chaos and order aren’t better or worse than each other, Discord—just different. I think a lot of ponies are coming to understand that now even if it’ll still take some of them a while. I know it even took me a while to understand it.” She blushed slightly. “And as for my title…if ponies really don’t think I should grace anypony who isn’t nobility with my presence, I’m afraid that would limit my potential circle of friends too much for my taste.” A small chuckle escaped Discord, and he grinned. “It’d be like me limiting my circle of friends to only Draconequui.” They shared a laugh. Discord smiled more and looked forward as more guests approached. “I’ll try and just enjoy myself tonight and not let anybody get to me. I promise.” Celestia smiled more and looked forward as well. “Good. You don’t deserve to have anyone get to you, Discord. You’re better than that.” Discord beamed on the inside and the outside. The next pair to approach her and Discord were the Governor of Skysburgh and his wife Lady Downy. “Lady Downy and General Albatross.” Celestia smiled warmly as she held out her hoof. “So wonderful to see you tonight. Welcome to the Gala.” Discord made a show of bowing dramatically to the pair with a grin. “Yes, we’re very happy to have you.” He straightened up. The General nodded. “Thank you very much, Princess Celestia, Discord. We’ve been looking forward to the big night. And Discord, I hope you’ll be regaling us with the story of your encounter with Tirek this evening sometime?” Discord nodded, his smile only growing. “Oh yes, and I’m quite looking forward to telling the story myself. I think it’ll help everypony understand why I’m here tonight a little better.” Lady Downy nodded. “We’ll be sure to find you out in the ballroom when you’re ready then.” She bowed her head. “Princess Celestia, Discord.” She raised her head, and then the pair trotted off into the party. Discord smirked to himself. “I really am going to be the star of the evening. How fun.” ‘And how excellent of a way to impress Celestia. I’m sure something she’d look for in a suitor is someone who knows how to work a room since she has to throw so many of these high society shindigs.’ Celestia rolled her eyes to the side but did smile at him a little. “You always did like attention, Discord.” “Of course,” Discord shrugged, “Almost everything I’ve ever done has been to get attention.” ‘And especially attention from you.’ “The watchword for tonight, Celestia, is chaos. You’ll see, I’ll liven up your party and then some.” He winked down at her. Celestia raised an eyebrow but did manage a small smile. “Well, it’ll be nice for everyone to get to know you a little better, Discord.” Discord nodded. “Yes. I think so too.” He sighed. “So how much longer until we can get started on that?” Celestia smiled more. “It’ll be Luna’s turn for the hoofshakes very soon.” “Great…then you and I can have our first dance together for the evening right after she relieves us.” He swallowed and smiled more. “Provided my courage doesn’t fail me, I have quite the plan for that little escapade.” “Can I have a hint?” Celestia’s smile picked up on one side. Discord shook his head though. “Not one. Just…follow my lead and trust me. If the ponies are going to talk about us, I say we really give them something to talk about.” Celestia sighed and shook her head, still smiling. “I’ll do my best to keep up with you, Discord.” “Oh Celestia,” the chaos master waved her off, “you’re the only one who’s ever truly been able to keep up with me and even to best me on occasion. You’ll do fine. We make a good team.” He grinned and looked forward. Celestia smiled and looked forward too. “That’s because we’re very good friends, Discord.” The two went back to their hoofshakes. And Discord decided that now, as long as their shift at hoofshakes really was coming to its big finish, he would go all out with proving to Celestia his potential worth as a suitor for her formal lifestyle. As Prince Blueblood left the staircase, he couldn’t help but give one more contemptuous sigh over his shoulder at the sight of Discord standing by the princess. Then, holding his head high and with his eyes closed, the prince turned and walked off into the ballroom to mingle. “Oof!” Blueblood stepped back as he suddenly bumped into somepony. He opened his eyes, about to reprimand whomever he had bumped into. But then he blinked at the sight of the party he had found. “I say!” “Oh my!” “Prince Blueblood!” The first exclamation was made my Fancy Pants, the second by his companion for the evening Fleur dis Lee, and the third was said in unison by two stylish Canterlot ponies—Jet Set and his wife Upper Crust. Blueblood blinked and smiled as he straightened his mane. “Ah, Jet Set, Upper Crust, so good to see you: I think the last time was skiing in the mountains of the Crystal Empire. And Miss Fleur, I saw your latest magazine cover of course. And Fancy Pants: finally, someone from Canterlot government to converse with.” He sighed dramatically. “Princess Luna and Twilight are being mobbed by the other guests, and Princess Celestia is, well…entertaining Discord at the moment.” He rolled his eyes. “I’m glad to have found such a fashionable party.” Fancy Pants smiled. “Oh, yes, well, it’s nice to see you too, Prince. And I suppose Princess Luna and Twilight can’t help but be popular tonight. But I’m sure we’ll be able to make their acquaintances soon. And as for Princess Celestia, yes, it is quite the sensation that she’s chosen to attend this year with Discord. Odd chap, I suppose, but also interesting. I was hoping to speak with him tonight.” Fleur nodded. “Yes, he’s bound to be the center of attention. I’ve been looking forward to seeing him and the princess together, especially considering all of the talk there’s been about them. I heard he even made the enchanted floor we’re standing upon.” She glanced down at the floor, as did the other ponies. “It’s a little unorthodox but quite beautiful in this light…even if thinking about that much chaos beneath our hooves can make one uneasy.” The party looked up again. “Indeed, he certainly insists on making chaos a spectacle wherever her goes,” Jet Set added with a nod. “But certainly with Princess Luna and Twilight and with Princess Twilight’s court here, Discord is far too outnumbered to attempt any shenanigans. To be honest, Upper Crust and I don’t fancy getting too close to Discord: even if he’s reformed, we spent hours and hundreds of bits on our outfits and hairstyles for the evening and we don’t want to get caught up in his chaos. Not that we think he’s dangerous, mind you, but still…” He adjusted his gold-stitched tie. “And he actually could still be a potential danger to Celestia’s feelings,” Upper Crust added as she adjusted her coiffed hair. “We’ve all heard the rumors of course: Discord wooing the princess and then breaking her heart. It would be quite a scandalous event to witness, but not at the expense of our dear princess’s happiness.” Blueblood sighed. “I still simply don’t think it’s right that Discord should be so close to Princess Celestia after he nearly toppled all four of Equestria’s princesses with his actions during the Tirek affair.” He frowned. “Certainly some form of reprimand was in order—just something to secure his reform and to make sure that Celestia and any other ponies are safe spending so much time around them.” Fancy Pants looked down and considered. “Yes, well…that is a point. Technically Discord did commit treason. Though I suppose he’s technically not a citizen. But still, in principle…” He sighed and looked to Prince Blueblood. “You’re suggesting that perhaps, in the midst of her desire to befriend him, Princess Celestia might not realize the risk of incorporating him into society so quickly, especially if he really is capable of relapse?” Upper Crust brought a hoof to her mouth. “Or perhaps, if the rumors are true, it would be her love for him affecting her judgment.” “I suppose she wouldn’t be the first alicorn princess to make a mistake…” Fleur added softly…as he glanced off in princess Luna’s direction. The group looked over to the crowd still around Princess Twilight and her court and the night princess as well where (due to her height) Princess Luna’s mane could just be seen above everyone. Then the group looked back to each other. Finally Fancy Pants sighed and adjusted his monocle. “Gentlecolts, ladies, as a group of the most socially known and powerful ponies in Equestria, perhaps it is our duty under these circumstances to keep an extra special eye on Discord’s behavior and Celestia’s this evening. If there are issues, we can’t let the common ponies and foreign dignitaries panic. We must preserve calm.” Blueblood raised his head high. “For the safety and honor of the princesses, it is our duty.” The four other ponies raised their heads as well. “Yes, quite! Upper Crust announced. “Absolutely!” Jet Set added. “But of course!” Fleur smiled. “Jolly good!” Fancy Pants finished. The group all nodded to each other. “Well,” Fancy Pants smiled and cleared his throat, then went on, “since Celestia and Discord are at the top of the staircase for now, certainly we can keep a good eye on them from anywhere in the room. Perhaps, for the moment, we should go off and mingle? And maybe we’ll be able to encounter Princess Twilight and Princess Luna soon enough.” “An excellent plan.” Blueblood smiled, but then blinked. “Oh, but as long as we’re going around, it won’t do for me not to have someone to escort of my own.” He looked to Fancy Pants and Fleur and then to Jet Set and Upper Crust. Then his eyes brightened. “Ah, I know! That mare last year—the one who’s now a member of Princess Twilight’s royal court. R…Rar…Royalty or something, was that her name?” He put a hoof to his chin. “She was quite taken with me at the last Gala even though her manners clearly didn’t have the royal polish.” He smiled more and lowered his hoof. “Perhaps I could let her have the honor of coming around with me, and in turn she could get us closer to Princess Twilight and also possibly offer us some insight about Discord.” The other fours ponies all nodded to Blueblood. “If you mean Rarity,” Fancy Pants replied with a smile, “then yes, we would love to have her join us if she’s available. We’ve encountered her several times on the Canterlot social scene.” He cleared his throat and addressed the group again. “And as long as we’re heading in that direction, why don’t we all start the evening with some sparkling cider—imported this year from the orchards in the Crystal Empire, I hear.” Fancy Pants headed off to a table full of glasses with sparkling cider (which also happened to be near Twilight and the girls), the rest of his group following. Meanwhile Blueblood looked up at the ceiling and mumbled to himself as he went along behind the party. “Rarity? Was that her name? I could have sworn it was Royalty or Repartee…or maybe Romana…” He continued to give the matter some thought. Meanwhile, out in the ballroom, a certain group of friends was finding it very difficult to remain, well…a group. The attention that the girls, Luna, and Spike were attracting was significant enough that the ponies no longer found themselves merely surrounded by other ponies but in fact separated from each other by those ponies. “Uh, pardon me—can I just…squeeze through here…possibly?” Applejack tried to squeeze past two guests chattering away. But finally she had to let out a sigh and admit defeat: she simply couldn’t make her way past anypony. Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash, who, through flying, was luckily still beside her. “Rainbow Dash, we’ve got to get away from these ponies. This whole thing is getting ridiculous.” “Aw, it’s not so bad—ow!” Rainbow Dash frowned as some ponies bumped into her wing. “Okay, maybe it is a little much. And how are we supposed to enjoy the Gala together if we can’t even get close to each other?” Applejack sighed. “I don’t know. But I guess none of these ponies are doing anything wrong: they just want to talk to us and thank us for stopping Tirek and discovering the Rainbow Power, after all. Maybe if we just try answering their questions, they’ll leave us alone.” She smiled and shrugged. Rainbow Dash shrugged and tried to smile as well. “Well, it’s worth a shot. All right then…” She looked to the ponies and raised her voice. “Who wants to know what about what?” The questions picked up speed. In another section of the crowd, Pinkie and Fluttershy were cut off from the other girls. “Hey!” Pinkie Pie bounced up and down with a big smile. “Can…anypony…see…me?!” She stopped bouncing as a slightly cowering Fluttershy put a hoof over her back to keep her standing. “Pinkie, please stop—you’re only attracting more attention.” The shy pegasus sighed and tried to block out the questions and chatter so close to them. “Aw, Fluttershy,” Pinkie smiled at her, “don’t worry, we’ll get out of this soon. Remember, you’re dealing with a party expert. I’ll just answer all the questions for us both.” She winked. Fluttershy sighed and nodded as she lowered her hoof and finally stood up again. “Okay. And…I’ll try and answer some too if I can.” “That’s the spirit!” Pinkie nodded and then started chatting away to the ponies while Fluttershy did her best to muster up the courage for eye contact. “Yes, I made my dress myself…. Oh I consider Prench fashion to be one of my biggest influences…. Yes, the Rainbow Power has a simply darling color scheme….” Rarity (trapped with Spike) was meanwhile answering everypony’s questions with ease and grace, enjoying the moment of personal attention. Spike, however, was only giving casual answers and nods of his head to ponies as he tried to keep his attention on Rarity. He finally tugged lightly at her dress. “Uh, Rarity, do you want me to try getting us out of here?” Rarity smiled down at Spike. “Oh Spike, I know it’s a bother dealing with this much popularity, but we owe it to everybody to accept their attention with grace and to socialize, especially at an event like this one.” Spike managed a smile and nodded. “I understand, Rarity. It’s just that I know you and the girls were looking forward to spending the night together, and I hate seeing you miss out on that. After everything that’s happened lately, all of you deserve to relax together as much as you want.” “Oh, Spikey Wikey,” Rarity patted his head, her smile warming, “once all of this attention dies down, I promise we’ll have more time to spend with our friends. But thank you so much for being so considerate.” Spike smiled more. “Okay, Rarity. And um…” he shuffled his feet, “then maybe at some point you and I could just spend some time together and…since this party is technically a dance, maybe we could, um…” “Pardon, Rarity? Oh I am so happy I found you. My name is…” “The Duchess of Prance herself, Madame Cher Rouge! And Monsieur Duke Honoree” Rarity beamed as the Duchess and Duke approached. “Oh it’s an honor, truly!” “A pleasure.” Honoree gave a bow to her with his head. Cher beamed. “Oh, merci, and I simply had to make your acquaintance! Celestia tells me you designed the outfits for her and Luna and Twilight and Discord, not to mention all of your friends and yourself. C’est magnifique! I really must introduce you to some of my Prench contacts.” Rarity’s eyes sparkled! “Ooo, I’d love that!” She cleared her throat. “Oh, but pardon me for just one moment.” She looked down to her escort. “Spike, what were you saying?” “I…” Spike hesitated but then put a big smile on his face, “Aw, nothing, Rarity, I’ll tell you later. You enjoy talking with the Duchess and the Duke. It sounds like a great opportunity for you.” Rarity smiled and gave Spike a little hug with her foreleg. “Thank you, Spike.” She released him (Spike took on a dreamy smile) and then looked back to Cher. “Now, you were saying…” The conversation continued, and Spike did his best to be supportive and patient. Luna and Twilight, also separated from the group (and surrounded by the biggest crowd of all), were holding their own as best they could with the questions from ponies, though they continued to look around for their friends. Finally, Luna sighed and looked to Twilight. “Twilight, what has my sister let the Gala become? There was never this much pandemonium or this many ponies in its early years.” Twilight sighed. “I guess Celestia wanted to expand things over the years. But this is ridiculous. How are all of us ever going to spend the night together with this many ponies trying to talk to us?” Luna considered. “I do have one plan of action, Twilight. I believe the guests have swarmed us because all of us were standing together in plain sight: we are ponies with great notoriety, after all. But perhaps if we all split up in pairs, the crowd will disperse. Then we can all meet back up again later when the crowd has gotten a little more used to our presences tonight. And in the meantime at least we’ll all have one other pony to talk to.” She smiled and shrugged. “What do you think?” Twilight smiled in return and nodded. “It sounds like a good idea. Hold on, I’ll tell the others.” Twilight quickly teleported away, and in a few seconds she was back. She smiled at the night princess. “Okay, Luna, on three. One, two…three!” Luna looked to the crowd and cleared her throat. “Will you excuse me, I think I’ll go get some punch. Twilight Sparkle, would you like to accompany me?” “Absolutely!” Twilight nodded. And with that the two princesses dashed out of the edges of the crowd toward the punch table. “Uh, if ya’ll excuse us, Rainbow Dash and I are going to head to the buffet!” Applejack announced from her little pocket of the crowd. “Yeah!” Rainbow nodded and flew up higher. “See ya!” She flew off away from the swarm, Applejack galloping in her wake. Pinkie Pie beamed in her little pocket of the crowd. “Attention, everypony! I’m going to go see what the band’s up to! And Fluttershy is coming with me, right?” Fluttershy swallowed. “Um…I, um…” “See you later!” Pinkie just grabbed Fluttershy’s hoof and zipped away from the swarm with her, causing Fluttershy to let out little gasp before the two ponies disappeared. “Duchess Cher Rouge, perhaps we could continue our conversation where it’s less crowded—over by the princess statue, maybe?” Rarity smiled at Cher. Cher nodded. “Ah, oui, of course. Let us be off then!” Cher and Honor trotted forward, while Rarity (with Spike travelling beside her) trotted after them. “Princess Luna? Can I ask you a question?” Twilight cleared her throat and shifted on her hooves. The two mares were currently hiding behind a large chocolate sculpture of Celestia and Luna (which a certain night princess had accidentally given permission to create while covering for Celestia in an early morning Gala meeting half away). Luna laughed softly. “Well, we just escaped a bunch of ponies who were asking us questions, but if you would like to ask me something, I suppose that would be all right, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight smiled but then looked down awkwardly again. “Well, it’s just…what you said before about Discord and Celestia…I know you can’t tell me if he really has been dreaming about her, but I think at least you and I both know he’s attracted to her.” She blushed. Luna nodded, blushing slightly herself but still smiling. “Yes, I would say his attraction to her is fairly obvious.” “So then…” Twilight went on, looking up to Luna again, “…do you actually think it might be a good idea if Discord and Celestia ended up special someponies?” Luna took a breath and considered a moment before replying. “Twilight...Celestia seems to make Discord happy. And, more importantly to me, Discord seems to make my sister happy too. Even if it’s just as a friend, she needs someone like Discord in her life, Twilight: someone who’s never seen her as his leader or a princess above all else. I view her as an equal, but we are sisters. And you are slowly learning to see her as an equal though you spent most of your life looking up to her as a teacher. Discord is a neutral party though: he gives her hope that she can make friends on equal terms with others. We have to be more than just our titles, Twilight…” She looked down. “Once I became too wrapped up in my title, and it made me miserable.” Twilight frowned and moved closer to her. “In that case, maybe Discord and Celestia together…like that…is something we should actually hope for.” Luna raised her head again and smiled a little. “He was the only one who could ever make her angry, you know.” “Huh?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. Luna smiled more. “Celestia rarely gets angry. Sometimes with me she does, but we’re sisters: it’s to be expected that we disagree. But Discord could always work her up enough somehow to get her angry.” “Oh.” Twilight tilted her head to the side. “So is that…a good thing?” Luna nodded. “Yes. He’s not afraid to push her—he can stir her emotions, make her passionate. It’s a rare talent. And she seems to bring out some special spark in him.” She sighed. “Twilight, I think they could find something enjoyable together. And if they could, then, yes, I suppose I do hope they decide to at least try. And besides, I have a feeling my sister has not given a suitor her favor in a long time. A romantic relationship might be nice for her.” “But it all depends on whether or not she could like him back, doesn’t it?” Twilight looked forward. Luna nodded again. “Yes, it does. But perhaps Rarity is right and this evening is a good chance for the two of them to have some extended quality time together.” Her smile grew. “It’s a lovely night after all—complete with a romantic full moon.” She winked. Twilight smiled. “Well, it’s still a little awkward for me to think about Celestia dating, and her dating Discord of all people, but if it would make them both happy, why not? And you’re right, it is a romantic night.” Luna laughed. “Speaking of which, as long as Celestia’s got a companion to dote on her, perhaps for the future I should consider engaging an escort of my own to formal affairs. Are stallions terribly different these days than they were in the past, Twilight?” Twilight blushed and looked down. “Oh, I, um…I don’t spend too much time with stallions, Luna, but I guess they’re about the same.” Luna smiled more. “I’m sorry, Twilight, I didn’t mean to pry. But you could certainly attract an escort of your own. After all, Celestia got to perform Cadance’s wedding; perhaps I could perform yours one day.” Twilight blushed completely, her eyes wide. “Oh Twilight, I’m just jesting.” Luna laughed and gave Twilight a little nudge. “If anything, maybe you and I both could officiate Discord and Celestia’s wedding.” A warm laugh had to escape Twilight now, and she nodded. “Maybe.” And then Twilight sighed. “Luna…do you really think tonight will work out okay for everyone?” Luna nodded. “I have faith it will. And I will be doing my best personally to see that it does as a hostess of the party.” Twilight considered. “I’d like to do the same thing, Luna, since I’m sort of an honorary hostess. If you need me to do anything, let me know.” “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle.” Luna nodded. “I appreciate the support.” Her smile picked up on one side. “If Celestia had not made you her personal student as a filly, I think I would certainly have requested you as my personal student when I returned from my exile.” Twilight blushed a little and smiled more. “Thanks, Princess Luna.” Luna smiled more too. “You’re welcome, Princess Twilight.” She sighed. “Now, before my hoofshake shift starts, let us get some punch and observe if any ponies here might be fun to grace with our presence for a dance later.” She move toward the punch bowl with a grin and her head held high. A warm laugh escaped Twilight and she sighed and shrugged. “Yes, let us.” Holding her head high and grinning too, she walked to the punch bowl with Luna. Back at the staircase, the amount of guests entering the room had been increasing. And meanwhile, Discord and Celestia’s shift was nearing its end…which was a very good thing since, for quite a few minutes now, Discord’s greeting strategy had gotten a little…intense. Truthfully, while Celestia did shake the hoof and greet everypony who came up to her with her full attention, she had to at least look at Discord out of the corner of her eye with something between confusion and concern as he took helping her with her hostess duties to an entirely new level. “Hello! Absolutely charmed to meet you!” Discord vigorously shook the hoof and gave a dramatic bow to yet another guest who nearly fell off their hooves at his enthusiasm. Another pony came up, and Discord went back in full swing yet again. “Welcome, welcome, to the biggest party in pony society! An absolute pleasure to have you!” The chaos master contorted his body into a loop and shook this pony’s hoof upside down. And yet another pony came up (as the last pony walked away, eyes practically rolling around in his head). Discord beamed, holding out his arms. “The top and only member of chaotic society thanks you for attending our elegant Equestrian celebration.” Finally, as another break in the arriving ponies occurred, Celestia had to sigh and glance at him. “Discord…er…are you all right?” The chaos master adjusted his bowtie and shrugged. “Of course, Celestia dear, why wouldn’t I be?” She brought a hoof to her chin. “I don’t know, you just seem a little…excited?” She smiled. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, but you’re acting a bit enthusiastic, even for you.” Discord smiled more. “Just letting your guests see that their high and mighty princess picked someone to escort her who can work at hosting a formal affair with pride just as much as any noble stallion could.” He held out his paw to admire it. Celestia raised an eyebrow but did her best to still smile. “Well, um…as long as you’re happy, Discord.” Still, as she looked forward, a sigh escaped her and her brow couldn’t help but furrow lightly in concern. And meanwhile Discord just looked forward as well, practically puffed up with self-confidence. ‘What was I thinking before with just politely standing here for the hoofshakes? It’s not enough just to be by her side supporting her interests and making small talk to woo her: I have to step up my game! And next I can sweep her off her hooves on the dance floor, and then after that I can really mingle among ever pony and impress them with my wit and charm. Mark my words, by the end of the night Celestia and all of her guests will see me as an ideal suitor for her—someone they won’t give a second thought about, someone they won’t bother her about at all! I just have this one night: I have to make it work! Oh, but now to get back to wooing her as long as we have a little more time between arriving ponies.’ (Discord, by the way, had made sure to rev up the compliments along with his enthusiasm for the hoofshakes in this last stretch of their time together greeting the ponies). Discord cleared his throat and glanced at Celestia. “Celestia, have I mentioned that you really are the prettiest mare here tonight?” Celestia sighed but managed to maintain a smile. “Yes, Discord. Three or four times over the last twenty minutes, as a matter of fact.” “And that your ethereal hear is flowing in a way that particularly catches the light?” Discord added. Celestia nodded. “Several times as well…” Discord raised an eyebrow but then added suavely. “Okay, well, here’s a new one: you shake hooves with more of a regal bearing than anypony I could possibly imagine.” Celestia just shifted on her hooves, glanced at him, then glanced forward. “Thank you, Discord…” she managed. Discord’s smile fell a little, and he scratched his head. ‘What’s wrong with her? Maybe I should have gone for complimenting her eyes or her outfit instead.’ More ponies were approaching now, and Discord turned to face them. And meanwhile, Celestia mumbled lightly to herself. “What in the world has gotten into him? He practically sounds like he used to when he would compliment me sarcastically to insult me over a thousand years ago….” “Did you say something Celestia?” Discord glanced at her, an eyebrow raised. Celestia blinked. For a moment, considering the warm friendship they had developed, she was tempted to explain to him what was wrong. But with how strangely he had been acting and now with a few more ponies coming for greetings, she merely sighed and shook her head. “It was nothing, Discord. Come on, we just have a few more hoofshakes to go.” Discord nodded with a smile and turned back to the newly-arrived guests. And so the hoofshakes went on, and so did Discord’s extravagant greetings, which Celestia tolerated with her usual grace…until suddenly the chaos master scooped her up in his arms and actually started offering her hoof to the ponies to shake. “Discord, what in Equestria are you doing?” Celestia blinked and looked at him. Discord just shrugged and grinned. “Being a helpful escort?” Celestia sighed deeply and then used her magic to teleport herself out of is arms and to put some space between them. “Discord, let’s just finish up these greetings as normally as possible, all right?” “As you wish, my princess.” He gave a dramatic bow with a smile. But Celestia just couldn’t smile…because it actually felt like he wasn’t kidding or teasing or being ironic with the formality of that reply. The sun princess looked forward and held out her hoof to greet the next pony. “Hello, and welcome to the…Luna!” Celestia’s eyes brightened. Luna, indeed standing before her now, laughed softly. “I do believe it’s my turn to take over the greetings, sister. You and Discord are free to mingle.” Celestia opened her mouth to reply…when Discord did it for her. “Great!” He grinned and suddenly grabbed (a wide-eyed) Celestia’s hoof. “Well, we’ll be off to cut a rug then. Have fun, Luna!” And then he dashed them both down the stairs. Luna watched them go with an eyebrow raised. But then seeing more guests entering the ballroom, she took a deep breath and positioned herself at the top of the stairs. ‘You can greet all of these ponies with grace and confidence, Luna. In fact, such formality is what you have always loved most about Gala night. You’ll do fine. Your friends believe in you.’ Luna caught sight of Twilight Sparkle at the bottom of the staircase. As the purple pony smiled up at her and waved, Luna smiled and waved back. And then a poised and confident look came to her features as the first guests approached her. Luna held out her hoof and shook (and remembered to curtail her normal strength). Her voice was audible but not a yell, and she looked to the ponies with a smile. “Hello and welcome to the Gala. Please enjoy this most festive of nights.” The ponies bowed to her, and Luna nodded in return. And thus the night princess proceeded to commence her round of greetings. And though she welcomed the newly-arrived ponies with sincere attention and focus, Luna also had to glance out to the ballroom floor as Discord and her sister took their places for their first dance together…. “Ooo Fluttershy, look, Discord’s taking Celestia out to the dance floor!” Pinkie Pie squealed and pointed, hopping up and down. Fluttershy came out of hiding near the bandstand and looked to the couple. She smiled. “Oh dear, I hope it goes well and that Discord’s not too nervous.” “Silly, it’ll be great!” Pinkie put a hoof around her and pulled her close. “They’ll have a ton of fun together!” Fluttershy just smiled more, her gazing staying on her dear chaotic friend. “Hey, AJ—Discord’s about to dance with Celestia.” Rainbow Dash grinned and nudged Applejack as she finished a few hors d’oeuvres from the buffet table. “Check it out.” Applejack grinned as she swallowed a bite of food and glanced in the direction Rainbow Dash was pointing. “Whoo, it looks like he’s setting’ up to really cut a rug with her. Hey, if this goes well, maybe I should invite the two of them to the next Apple Family square dance.” “I’m just waiting to see if he manages to incorporate flying somehow into what they do.” Rainbow Dash grinned. The two mares looked on. “Hey Rarity, look, Discord and Celestia are about to dance!” Spike tugged at Rarity’s dress and pointed out to the dance floor. Rarity (who had finally finished speaking about Prench fashion with Countess Cher and her husband several minutes ago) looked in that direction and let out a giggle, stamping her front hooves in excitement. “Oh Spikey Wikey, I’ve been waiting for this. It’s going to be so romantic.” Spike gulped and nodded. “Yeah. And um…speaking of romantic…and dancing…” “Rosemarie!” And suddenly Prince Blueblood sidled up to Rarity with a charming smile. Rarity’s eyes went wide as saucers and then a dark pout and scowl came over her features. “Prince Blueblood…” The prince smoothed back his mane. “I thought you might like to take the opportunity of accompanying me and some of my friends around the ballroom for a turn or two. And then perhaps you could introduce me to Princess Twilight.” “Hey.” Spike glared at uppity stallion and let out a deep sigh through his nose that produced smoke. “The lady is occupied at the moment.” “Spike,” Rarity smiled softly and put a hoof on his shoulder, “thank you, but I can handle this, I promise.” She turned to Blueblood again, and her whole look fell. “No…thank you. And by the way, my name is not ‘Rosemarie’, it is Rarity. Hmph!” She put her nose in the air and turned away from him. “Come on, Spike, let’s get a better view of Discord and the Princess.” Spike smiled. “You’ve got it Rarity.” He grinned as they went off together, holding Rarity’s hoof the whole time and carefully guiding her through the crowd (though not before he gave Prince Blueblood a cheeky wave over his shoulder). Blueblood just looked on with his eyes wide, and then he too put his nose in the air and turned away. He was met with the sight of his party (Fancy Pants, Fleur-dis-Lee, Jet Set, and Upper Crust) all politely trying to hold back slight laughs of amusement. Prince Blueblood just sighed and pouted as he walked past them. “Well, it’s her loss for now. Come along, let’s head over to the dance floor near Celestia.” “Yes, quite.” Fancy Pants nodded with a smile. “I’m looking forward to seeing the Princess dance.” “Oh yes, I don’t believe anyone has seen her dance in ages,” Fleur added. “I’m sure she’s very graceful on her hooves.” The group followed after Blueblood, smiling and talking. Twilight looked out to Discord and Celestia on the dance floor and bit her lip. She whispered to herself. “If it would make them both happy, then I really do hope they have a nice dance together.” She smiled a little and blushed slightly. “They do seem sort of sweet together, all dressed up and smiling at each other…awkward, but sweet.” She let out a breath and just figuratively crossed her hooves everything would work out. And so now at the center of the ballroom stood Discord and Celestia with ponies gathered at the fringes of the dance floor and couples dancing around them all looking in their direction. Discord took a step back and bowed low, his tone and smile full of sincerity. “Princess Celestia, may I have this dance?” The chaos master looked up at her with such a warm smile that Celestia had to smile too. She gave him a bow of her head. “I’d love to, Discord.” Discord beamed and lowered his voice as he straightened up. “Then let’s begin, Celestia. And let’s give your little ponies what they came here for.” He winked. She smiled more. “Start with a waltz?” “For now.” He nodded. Discord placed his paw on Celestia’s shoulder, and Celestia placed her hoof in Discord’s claw. Then the band struck up a new song, and Discord and Celestia began to twirl over the floor. Several ponies actually clapped and quite a bit of chatter started. Celestia smiled. “Your floor really is perfect for dancing on, Discord.” Discord shrugged, his grin picking up on one side. “It helps to have a perfect partner to dance with.” Celestia rolled her eyes. “Discord…Oh!” He had suddenly paused their waltz and pulled her close. “And now to speed things up…. One, two, three…” Discord took off with her. The chaos master and the sun princess whirled around the dance floor in a much quicker waltzing pattern now until Discord twirled her out and pulled her back in close. Then, with a snap of his tail, they were suddenly strutting across the floor like a couple doing the tango. Then with another snap they were moving back and forth in a samba. Then with yet another snap they had hooked arms and were going in a circle like a square dance. Another snap, and somehow they were doing a line dance together! And the entire time all of this chaos and dancing was coming to pass, Celestia was smiling brightly in perfect happiness. Finally, this was the Discord she knew and had befriended—this unpredictable and outlandish creature who always found the best way to have fun together. And she hoped he was back to stay for the night. And Discord, meanwhile, felt absolutely chaotic and absolutely wonderful, especially as he brought them back to a quick waltz now and whispered to her with a grin. “Ready for the big finish?” Celestia’s eyes narrowed playfully, and she nodded. “Bring it on.” Discord’s grin picked up on one side. Suddenly, as they waltzed, he spun her out in one direction and pulled her close, then spun her out in another and pulled her close again. Next, he twirled them both in a circle together until they were going so fast almost nobody could make them out. And then Discord snapped his tail a final time. There was a puff of rainbow smoke…that cleared to reveal Discord with one of Celestia’s front hooves in one hand and her other front hoof on his shoulder as he held her close to himself standing upright on her two back legs! The whole room was quiet. Celestia’s eyes were wide. She took a moment to catch her breath, her face flushed, adding the appearance of blushing. Discord whispered near her ear, his smirk practically evil. “And I do believe the dancing student has now surpassed the dancing teacher, princess.” He pulled back to look down into her eyes. Celestia smiled up at him, her eyes caught in his. And then suddenly she began to laugh so warmly and so happily and in a way that sounded like bells (at least to Discord) ringing out over the ballroom. The whole room burst into applause and cheers around them. Celestia finally lowered herself from Discord’s arms, utterly beaming. “Oh Discord, that was...I haven’t had so much fun in…I can’t believe you…Oh, thank you!” She came forward and hugged him with her foreleg. Discord could have melted and floated off to a cotton candy cloud in the sky. “Oh, uh…my distinct pleasure, Celestia.” Quickly, comments and praise erupted from the ponies gathered around them as guests approached the princess and her escort. “Oh Mister Discord, that was sensational!” “Truly superb!” “What a performance!” “Will you dance with me like that?” “No, me please!” “I call Mister Discord next!” Before his ego proceeded to explode, Discord grinned and held up his hands. “Now, now, ladies, everypony, please. I appreciate your encouragement, but really I was only able to do so much because of my charming, ideal, beautiful, talented, graceful, and lovely partner, our dear Princess Celestia.” He gave a dramatic bow and gestured to her. “Truly she is perfection in a pony.” Celestia’s eyes went wide. She blinked a few times and then managed with a clearing of her throat, “…Uh…thank you, Discord.” “Oh you’re very welcome.” Discord winked at her and then proceeded with his little speech to the crowd. “Yes, she’s patient and kind and caring and strong. She’s truly come to embody every quality ponies strive for: like the Elements of Harmony wrapped up in a mare. I know I’ve had some issues with the crown in the past—and recently with the Tirek incident—but I truly understand now just why you all admire her so much.” Celestia sighed and glanced at him uneasily though she maintained a small smile for the guests. “Discord, really, you don’t have to…” “And as for those pesky rumors going around about some scandalous love affair between us and me planning to break our dear princess’s heart…” Celestia’s eyes went wide. “Discord!” she whispered. Discord, however, just went on. “I guess my new admiration for her could be mistaken for a presumptuous affection, but really we’re just very dear friends, and I would never bother a single hair on her head. Regardless of my past, I have always had a great respect for ladies.” He winked. Celestia, quite flushed now, couldn’t help but frown a little. “Discord,” her voice lowered, “can I talk to you in private?” Discord perked up. ‘In private? She really wants to be alone with me already?’ He leaned to the side and whispered back to her, “Very shortly, my dear Celestia, very shortly. Just one more thing.” He turned back to the crowd and raised his voice again. “Now, then I’m sure another concern everypony’s had has been whether or not chaos really can do something besides cause strife among you ponies. Well, I can personally guarantee that chaos can be quite fun for everyone, whether it’s in the form of a customized dance floor or just some fun tricks for everypony’s amusement.” And then he gave a few quick snaps. Some balloons rose through the air, a few bursts of glittering confetti fell over everyone, and everyone’s drinks were suddenly replaced with a sample of Discord’s chocolate milk. If the attention of the entire ballroom hadn’t been on Discord and Celestia before, it was certainly getting there now. “Discord, what are you doing?” Celestia whispered, her eyes wide as she watched more and more ponies gather around them. “I told you, Celestia, being a good escort,” he whispered back. “If anypony here is concerned that my chaos is going to ruffle your feathers, this will show them that I’m just as capable of applying my powers to a high society affair as to total world domination.” He glanced at her, smiling more…but then his smile fell a little. Celestia was facing forward and had an absolutely dull look upon her face. Then she sighed. “Discord, please stop this.”” He raised an eyebrow. “Stop? But you haven’t even seen the grand finale.” He smiled again. ‘That’ll make her happy. Maybe she’s just confused about where I’m going with this. But this is my chance, I have to take it. It’s an inspired solution, really!’ “And of course, everypony,” he turned back to the ponies, “where would a being of chaos be without his friends?” He snapped, and suddenly across the ballroom six specific mares (plus a baby dragon) disappeared and then reappeared right around him. “I ask you, could a being who wasn’t good deep down ever make such a group of true blue buddies?” He scooped up the (rather surprised) girls and Spike in a big hug. Celestia just looked on with wide eyes and her jaw slightly fallen open. Then Discord released the girls with a chuckle and cleared his throat to continue his speech. “The point I’m trying to make, everypony, is that I too understand how wonderful our princess Celestia naturally is, I too understand how much wonderful magic can bring to us all, and I too understand how important friendship is. So when you get right down to it, regardless of the past, in comparison to the rest of you I’m really just, well…the same!” Discord snapped his tail to create another poof of smoke. And when it dissipated, he stood there among the girls, but now as a pony in a tuxedo instead of a draconequus in one (the same pony form he had used to bait Tirek—a grey unicorn stallion with a darker grey mane and a tornado cutie mark). There was silence. Then the room practically exploded into chatter and remarks of awe, and suddenly the band struck up a tune again, which made several couples go back to dancing. The girls all just turned and looked at Discord with dropped jaws. “Uh…Discord, you sure you’re all right?” Applejack scratched her head. “Discord…whoa.” Rainbow Dash’s jaw hung open. “Well, that was rather a, uh…spectacle?” Rarity tried her best to smile. “Yikes…” was all Spike could manage. “Discord, I…I’m not even sure where to start.” Twilight brought a hoof to her temple. “Wow, Discord—hey, will you turn ME into a draconequus next?!” Pinkie jumped in the air with a smile. “Discord...” Fluttershy was the only one who came forward. She tried to smile but… “That is you…right?” Discord winked at her. “In the pony flesh, dear Fluttershy.” Fluttershy smiled a little again at his familiar voice coming out of the pony body. But then she sighed. “But Discord, why?” He shrugged. “All for my dear princess of the evening, Cel…” He turned and blinked. There Celestia stood before him…and she had a look—the grim look. A look she hadn’t given him since before his reform. “Celestia?” Discord swallowed. “What?” Celestia just sighed deeply, her slight scowl unwavering. “I’m going outside for some air.” And then she turned and walked away. Discord blinked. He reached out a hoof toward her, but as the couples dancing across the ballroom suddenly picked up their pace in time with the band’s latest tune, the distance between them was obscured until he couldn’t see her at all. Discord lowered his hoof. Rarity trotted up to him. “Discord, go after her, now!” She pointed forward. “But…” he looked down, “I…I don’t understand.” His ears fell. Then he glanced to his best friend. “Fluttershy?” Fluttershy smiled. “Discord, I can’t say for sure, but, um…I think you might have brought a little more attention to yourself and to Celestia than she was hoping for tonight. I know you meant well and that you were probably just a little nervous…but the speech all about her being perfect and the chaos just to show off and then becoming a pony…. Discord, this isn’t you at all, is it?” Discord swallowed and then sighed and gave a shake of his head. “No, I suppose not. I just wanted to be a good escort though.” Fluttershy put a hoof on his shoulder and smiled. “Well, I think the best escort is someone who doesn’t care what everypony else thinks of how he is at being an escort. I think the best escort would just be himself and let Princess Celestia be happy with him.” Discord blushed a little. Then he came forward and put a hoof around Fluttershy to give her a hug. “Thanks.” He pulled back with a smile, though he swallowed. “Well, I suppose the first thing is to get out of this get up.” He snapped his prehensile tail, and in another poof of smoke he was back in his draconequus form. “That is a lot better.” Twilight came forward now and smiled. “Now, you go see Princess Celestia outside, and the rest of us will stay in here and make sure you two have some privacy.” “Yeah.” Applejack gestured toward the courtyard with her head. “You get going, and don’t worry about whatever’s going on in here.” “Knock ‘em dead, Discord.” Rainbow Dash grinned and winked. “Yay! Party distractions!” Pinkie beamed. Fluttershy sighed but did smile as she added softly, “Yay…party distractions.” “Hold on, just one second.” Rarity zipped up to Discord and began adjusting his tie and straightening his suit seams. “Honestly, Discord, this outfit was made to withstand magic, but not too many full blown species changes. Please try to be gentle. And…there we go.” She stepped back. “You look as handsome as ever.” Spike (who had dashed up to be beside Rarity again) smiled up at him. “Don’t worry, Discord, you’ll be okay. I believe in you.” He winked. Discord smiled at all of his friends and especially the young dragon. “Thank you, Spike. And dear Fluttershy. And the rest of you girls.” He swallowed and cleared his throat. “I just, um…don’t want to see mine and Celestia’s friendship hurt all because I got a little carried away, heh.” He shrugged. And then Discord turned and walked off toward one of the open French doors to the courtyard find Celestia. Standing together, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity all took on equal looks of concern and sighed. Then they all blinked at hearing themselves respond in the same way and looked to each other with eyebrows raised before quickly glancing away and clearing their throats. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack all looked at them with eyebrows raised. Twilight finally cleared her throat and smiled. “Come on, ladies: I know we wanted to spend the night together, but I think this is important. Let’s split up again to manage different parts of the ballroom and keep guests from going out to bother Celestia and Discord. And I’ll go let Princess Luna know what’s happening.” The girls all smiled and nodded, and then split up into their groups again. Rarity was about to head off when Spike tugged at her dress. “Hey, uh…Rarity? You know we could just stay on the dance floor and monitor things from here.” He shrugged with a sheepish smile. Rarity smiled down at him. “Oh Spike, perhaps if Celestia and Discord come back inside we can keep an eye on them from the dance floor, but for now I’d like to go near one of the exits to the courtyard and make sure we distract anyone from heading out there to interrupt them. This is a very crucial moment for the Princess and Discord in their crucial evening.” She turned and started to head in that direction. Spike, following after her, sighed as he saw the dance floor receding behind them but then looked to Rarity and nodded. “You’re right, Rarity. I really want Discord and Celestia to end up happy. So if guarding the courtyard will help, I’m there right along with you.” He smiled sincerely. Rarity smiled and nodded to him in return as the happy couple walked onward. Spike and Rarity didn’t even realize they were passing by a certain group of elite ponies (one of whom was Blueblood who looked after them with a pout and then turned away). Upper Crust put a hoof to her mouth as she addressed her party. “Can you believe that spectacle? Certainly he gave the princess the attention she deserves, but Discord’s dancing style was still a little presumptuous even if it was very chic.” Jet Set nodded. “Yes, but then again at least Discord acknowledged all of the risks of friendship with him in his speech afterwards.” Blueblood frowned. “Yes, but did you see how Celestia walked away from him after it was over. Clearly she was unhappy. And now it seems he’s gone off after her. What if he ruins her evening?” “Oh Prince,” Fleur waved him off with a smile, “every lady is entitled to some time alone with her escort for the evening, even if it’s just to talk about a misunderstanding. Don’t you agree, Fancy?” She looked to Fancy Pants. Fancy Pants cleared his throat and smiled. “Well, his chaotic dancing did seem to be a bit much, but Celestia is quite the capable pony. I’m sure she’s all right…though she did seem a bit ruffled by his display.” He brought a hoof to his chin. “I suppose we should still keep our guard up about Discord’s chaos for Celestia’s sake. She may be realizing that he’s a little much for anypony to handle, even just as a friend. And we should be ready to help the princess manage any problem that might arise with him so that the public won’t be roused too much and so that she won’t be caused any undue distress.” “Agreed,” Jet Set and Upper Crust announced together. “Of course, Fancy.” Fleur nodded. “Quite right,” Blueblood added, his head high. Fancy Pants smiled. “Very well then, let’s be on lookout for the return of the Princess Celestia. And in the meantime, we might even find a moment to converse with Princess Luna or Princess Twilight if they’re not engaged. And of course, keeping an eye on chaos should be simple enough considering how unique Discord’s magic is.” He gestured down to the swirling floor of odd colors with a grin. The group all nodded to each other and then proceeded forward, glancing around the ballroom in search of unoccupied royalty or the return of the chaos master (and occasionally down at magical floor). The night had started off rather chaotically indeed. Certainly things could only improve from this point onward…. Meanwhile, out in the courtyard… Celestia sat on a chaise lounge near a fountain as she reposed under the moonlight. “What in the world was he thinking?” She inhaled and exhaled, savoring the peace out here and the light trickle of the fountain and the sweet scent of moonflowers on the evening air. The idea of flowers made her eyes go up to the bright blossom from Discord over her ear, but then her gaze fell again. “But maybe I should have expected this….” she mumbled softly to herself. “Maybe the problem is just that it’s unfair of me to ask Discord not to put his chaos before our friendship….” Celestia sighed and closed her eyes, letting the cool night comfort her a little.