> Flu Season > by The Fields of Ice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: Patient Zero > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.” –T. S. Eliot Day One Infected: 21 Dead: 0 The tale of the next great pandemic begins in Saddle Arabia, where Fancy Pants sits at a café, enjoying a daisy sandwich. This poor colt was completely unaware of the fact that he would soon come face to face with the greatest killer this world had ever seen, that he would spread it to hundreds of others, and that it would soon bring about his own demise. Fancy Pants had just finished taking the last few bites of his sandwich, when he looked down to his watch. “2:03” it read. Fearing that he may be late to his meeting, he quickly paid for his meal and left a generous tip, before rushing out the door. After racing up and down the streets, and asking for directions twice, Fancy Pants had finally made it to his destination. It was an old silk processing plant for him and his wife Rarity’s business. It sure had grown since she had left Ponyville almost a decade ago. As soon as the stallion opened the door, his ears were assaulted with the typical loud noises of any factory; machines slamming together, the hiss of steam, and the occasional chatter amongst workers. “Hello Mister Fancy Pants,” said a cheerful voice with an Arabian accent. Fancy Pants looked to his left to see three colts in suits looking at him. He assumed that the maroon pony in the center was the one who had greeted him, since his, clearly faked, smile was larger than the others’. “Good morning, sir.” He replied. “To you as well,” replied the pony in the center before he gestured towards a nearby door. “Right this way please.” After what seemed like endless pages of paperwork, it was finally time for Fancy Pants to tour the factory. He questioned the usual things like wages, work hours, and what not as each section of the plant was shown. But, when he reached the part of the factory responsible for boxing the finished silk, he heard a loud coughing from one of the workers. He was a little concerned but not too worried. Then, as Fancy Pants was being lead to another part of the factory, this same pony, who was putting a box of silk onto a loading ramp, tripped and fell inches from his hooves. Instantly, he was scolded by the three managers, but Fancy Pants, learning a thing or two about generosity from his wife, helped the pony up. As he did so, he noticed that the colt had bloodshot eyes, looked rather clammy, and seemed extremely pail. “Could you give this colt some off time? He looks absolutely horrible,” he asked. The three ponies looked at each other, before the middle one gleefully replied “Of course, sir. Now, please come with us to the next part of the factory.” Fancy Pants followed the three, but looked back at the ill colt before entering the next room. He just couldn’t shake this odd feeling he had about him. ---------- Day Two Infected: 184 Dead: 14 As Fancy Pants sat in the airship terminal, awaiting his flight to be called, he couldn’t help but feel as though yesterday’s venture had gone well. However, he soon found his mind drifting back to the sick pony. The stallion dearly hoped that he would never catch an illness that bad, but he simply shrugged it off as overworking. After a few hours, Fancy Pants found himself growing extremely bored. He was honestly considering reading the travel guide on a nearby table when a young mare sat down next to him. Suddenly one of the luggage cases she was holding slipped off of her hoof. “Shoot!” she exclaimed. “It’s fine, I’ve got it,” said Fancy Pants as he lifted the carrier over to the cream colored pony. The mare smiled and gladly took it, completely unaware that this colt had unintentionally given her a second gift. This chance encounter would soon leave her dead and 35 others infected with many of them deceased as well. “Thanks, it’s nice to know there’s still good ponies in this world.” Fancy Pants let out a modest chuckle. “Quite right.” “I’m Sunflower,” said the pony as she outstretched her hoof. The white unicorn outstretched his own and shook her hoof. “I’m Fancy Pants... Now, please forgive me if I’m wrong, but you’re accent sounds rather Equestrian.” “Born and raised in Manehatten.” Fancy Pants raised his brow in surprise. “You’re kidding? My sister in-law lives there.” The mare smiled and laughed lightly. “Huh, small world.” The white unicorn nodded. “Indeed it is.” Suddenly a voice came on over the intercom. “Flight 63 to Canterlot is now boarding. Again flight 63 to Canterlot is now boarding.” Quickly Fancy Pants looked to his ticket and began picking up his belongings. “That’s my flight.” “Oh, well it was nice talking to you.” “You as well.” And with that, Fancy Pants turned and left. After a moment’s walk, Fancy Pants had made his way to the airship. Though, as he pulled out his ticket, he didn’t notice the change in the floor’s elevation, causing him to trip. As he fell he was quickly caught by the flight attendant. “Are you okay sir?” she asked in a concerned tone. Fancy Pants’ face turned a bright crimson as he regained his posture. “Yes, I’m fine. Just tripped,” He then began to trot over to his seat when the mare asked “Ticket?” Instantly, his face turned an even brighter shade of red. ‘Dear goddesses, how did I forget that?’ he thought as he gave the mare his ticket. “Sorry about that.” “It’s okay sir. It happens more than you may think. Have a good flight.” Fancy pants nodded to her before finding his seat. He was rather thankful that there wasn’t a single foal in sight. ‘Maybe I can actually get some sleep on this flight’ he thought. As Fancy Pants laid his head down, the flight attendant he had ran into earlier, was currently giving the two pilots a cup of coffee. After she had finished this, she would go on to give out drinks and hot towels to many of the passengers. By the time her first symptoms would arise, this pony would unknowingly infect 124 others, each going to and from different parts of the world. Six days from now she and many of them will be dead. ---------- Day Three Infected: 1031 Dead: 214 As Fancy Pants opened the door to his apartment, he immediately could smell the overpowering scent of oregano and tomato sauce. Then suddenly, he let out a sneeze for no apparent reason. He sniffled a little before entering with a smile. He was far too preoccupied with thinking of the meal he was bound to enjoy, not to mention seeing his wife. Just as he was about to announce his presence, Rarity came trotting around the corner. “I was beginning to wonder when you’d ever get home,” she said with a smile. Fancy Pants smirked before trotting over to her and pressing his lips to hers. “Sorry about that, the meeting took longer than I was expecting, but it was a tremendous success.” Rarity beamed with joy. “That’s wonderful dear! Now come, I’ve prepared a spectacular dinner and I intend for you to eat every last bite of it.” “Oh trust me I know. I could almost smell the pasta sauce from the other side of the door.” ---------- Fancy Pants took his seat at the couple’s dining table, directly across from Rarity, and began eating. Upon his first bite he noticed something bizarre; it didn’t taste normal, it tasted strange, almost bland. Wanting to inquire where the odd taste was coming from, Fancy Pants went about asking in as polite a way as possible. “Did you use a new recipe, darling?” he asked. The white coated mare raised an eyebrow. “No, it’s the same as usual. Why do you ask?” “I’m not sure, it just seems different. I just don’t know how.” At that moment, Rarity noticed something she hadn’t upon Fancy Pants’ arrival; his eyes were slightly bloodshot and his coat just didn’t look right. “Um, Fancy Pants, are you feeling okay?” The stallion cocked his head. “Whatever do you mean, dear?” “Oh it’s nothing; you’re probably just tired is all.” Just as Rarity finished her sentence, Fancy Pants began to cough. At first lightly, but then growing in intensity. “Here,” she said, holding out a glass of water. The stallion gladly took it and began to drink. After a few sips he was beginning to feel better. However, Rarity was starting to think her husband wasn’t just bushed. So the mare got up and trotted over to him. Once she laid her hoof upon his forehead, she could immediately tell that he had a fever. “You feel a little warm honey. Why don’t you go take a nice shower and I’ll put up your plate for later.” Fancy Pants considered protesting, but decided that a hot shower didn’t sound like such a bad option right now. “Okay dear, but I can assure you I’m fine.” --------- As Fancy Pants let the warm water wash over him, he could feel the aches and stresses of the day wash away as well as the hot, dense steam cleanse his lungs. However, one spot in his body wouldn’t grant the warm vapors entrance; his throat. No matter how deeply he breathed, or how many times he cleared his throat, he could always feel a slight tickle. The stallion tried his best to ignore it and go about scrubbing in his shampoo, but it was still there gnawing away at his esophagus. He tried his best not to cough, but the urge was becoming harder and harder to fight. Finally, the colt gave in. He let out a single light cough, it was like a massive flood gate had suddenly burst open for then came another and then another. Each cough seemed to grow in intensity until the stallion looked down and saw a small droplet of blood upon his hoof. Despite this, the coughs persisted. Suddenly, Fancy Pants coughed so violently that he slipped in the shower. There was a loud crack as his skull made contact with the porcelain rim of his bath tub. Alerted by the abrupt crash, Rarity came rushing in and shrieked at what she saw. There, her husband lay, covered in soap, water, and a few splotches of blood. Instantly she began sobbing, assuming that he was dead. Then she saw it, he was still breathing. Rarity bolted into the other room with tears streaming down her face. She frantically began dialing for and ambulance when finally an emergency service operator answered. “Canterlot emergency services, what is your emergency?” “M-My husband he fell in the shower. Please send an ambulance,” Rarity cried. “What is your address mam?” “I live in the North Canterlot apartments number 127, please hurry!” As soon as Rarity had stated what she needed to, she darted back into the bathroom and crouched down next to Fancy Pants. Levitating a towel off of the nearby rack, she began to wipe off his face and head. ‘This is all my fault,’ she thought. Closing her eyes, Rarity began to sob even harder, then without warning, she felt Fancy Pants lay his hoof on top of her’s. “Don’t worry. I’m okay. I think I just got knocked out for a second,” he said with a reassuring smile. The white mare smiled and pulled him into a tight embrace. “Oh thank the goddesses!” ---------- Day Four Infected: 3628 Dead: 496 Rarity paced back and forth in the halls of the hospital, desperately awaiting news from any of the doctors. She dearly hoped he would only have a concussion at the most, but she knew at the worst he may have a skull fracture. But none of those were really fatal, right? Suddenly the doors to the ER swung open to reveal a tall grey furred colt with a grim look upon his face. Rarity raced over to him and upon seeing his expression, instantly assumed something was horribly wrong. “Is he okay doctor? Please tell me there’s nothing wrong with him,” she cried. The doctor looked down briefly and then back to Rarity. “I’m so sorry, but despite our best efforts, he didn’t respond and… Passed away.” “What?!” she screeched. “He just hit his head! That’s it!” “We know, and his head isn’t what did this. He only had a slight skull fracture and a concussion. It appears that his respiratory system was failing then his internal organs began shutting down. It happened so quick we weren’t able to treat it. Now we’re currently looking into all options, but he did test positive for influenza. So we’re sending samples to the EDC, but we think it could just be seasonal.” “The flu!? How could the damn flu do this!?” she wailed, tears streaming down her face. “Mam, I honestly don’t know, sometimes people react to different strains differently. Again we are all very sorry for your loss. However, I’m afraid you must come with me.” “What!? Why!?” she asked. “I’m afraid you need to be put into quarantine until we know what actually caused the infection.” “Fine! Do whatever you want! After all you did such a good job with my husband!” The doctor took a few steps back. “Mam, I’m sorry, but we need to keep others safe for now. Do you understand?” Rarity wiped away a few tears and replied, in a lower voice “Yes, I’m sorry. I understand.” --------- Day Five Infected: 5013 Dead: 994 A young blue colored colt sat at a computer monitor dearly wishing the test results would finish loading faster. Just then a young tan Pegasus came trotting in. “Any luck?” she asked before taking a seat next to him. “I wish,” he replied. “We know it’s influenza, but these tests are taking longer than I thought.” “Huh, that’s odd. Do we know which species?” The colt placed his hooves over his face and sighed. “No, it could be bird or swine based, but I’m leaning more towards bird.” The tan pony tilted her head. “Why’s that?” He shrugged. “Just a hunch, plus it killed pretty fast.” The mare chuckled briefly. “Hey, don’t go telling everyone there’s bird flu in Equestria. You’ll start a panic.” “Heh, yeah I guess you’re right.” Just then, the screen had a new window pop up. Instantly the pair’s eyes shot to it with beaming looks of anticipation. However, once they began reading through the data, their expressions began to change to that of pure horror. “This can’t be right,” said the mare, her voice full of fear. The stallion clicked on the screen a few more times, going through each separate set of data. “Oh, it’s right.” The mare leaned back in her chair as she ran her hooves through her mane. “Then if those hemagglutinin and neuraminidase are correct-“ “Then this virus may have just become readily transmissible.” > Chapter Two: Transmission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Seven Infected: 18,364 Dead: 9,170 As the morning’s light began to creep over Spike’s bed, he slowly began to stir. The young dragon yawned slightly before stretching out his legs. As he did this, he accidentally brushed against the mare lying next to him. Almost immediately, she was catapulted into consciousness, causing her to, groggily, turn to face him. Spike smiled slightly before laying a hand upon her snow white cheek. “You are such a light sleeper.” Sweetie Belle smiled somewhat. “Yeah, but I’m not technically awake until I’ve had a few cups of coffee.” The young dragon returned the smile before pressing his lips to hers. After a moment, Sweetie Belle broke the kiss with a slight giggle. “Wow, looks like someone’s in a good mood today,” she said, a slight blush beginning to form. Spike began to blush as well. “Well, I woke up next to you. Why wouldn’t I be happy?” At those words, Sweetie Belle could no longer contain her laughter. “Nice try,” she giggled before quickly kissing him on the nose. The purple dragon rolled his eyes. “Hey, can you blame me for trying?” Still giggling, Sweetie Belle levitated her comb over to her and slid out from under the sheets. “Well, if you’re gonna try, try harder.” Spike made a very amused expression before replying “Oh I’ve got the harder part down pat.” The white unicorn, still combing her mane, took a moment to process what he had just said before she turned to Spike. “Oh you sick basterd.” Immediately, spike burst into laughter upon seeing the half disgusted and half amused expression on her face. Rolling her eyes, Sweetie Belle with back to combing her mane. “So, what are your plans for the day?” “You mean besides the first one?” Sweetie Belle shot Spike a quick glare, causing Spike to smile. “Well, I was going to help Sunflower in the bookstore, but she said she wasn’t feeling well… Plus she has the keys. So I’m all yours today.” The unicorn smiled. “Yeah, wish I could say the same, but I’ve-“Suddenly Sweetie Belle was cut off by the ringing of the phone. ‘Who the hay would be calling now?’ she thought. Encasing it in a magical glow, Sweetie Belle lifted the phone to her ear. “Hello?” “Hello.” replied an unfamiliar female voice. “Is this a Mrs. Sweetie Belle?” “Uh, yes,” she answered in an unsure tone. “Mrs. Sweetie Belle, I’m a doctor at Canterlot General Hospital and I’m very sorry to inform you that your brother in law, Fancy Pants, has passed away.” Shocked, the young unicorn took a seat on her bed. Spike, who was becoming increasingly worried asked “What is it?” Instantly, Sweetie Belle waved a dismissive hoof, silencing him. “W-Well, what happened to him?” “It appears that he had contracted a strain of influenza only found in Saddle Arabia. Also, your sister, Rarity, appears to be infected as well.” Sweetie Belle raised a hoof over her mouth. “Is she okay?!” she exclaimed. “Oh yes, her condition is stable and she is recovering rather well. It seems that she had a more mild reaction. However, she stated that we shouldn’t contact you until she deemed her condition well enough.” “Wait, how long ago did this happen?” “A little more than three days ago.” “But can I go see her?” “Oh of course, however you should know that she is in isolation and you will be asked to put on protective clothing.” “Okay, thank you for telling me.” Slowly, Sweetie Belle levitated the phone back onto the nightstand. However, Spike could see a slight trembling in her magical grip. Gently, he laid a hand onto her shoulder. In turn, she turned towards him. “Sweetie, what is it?” Sweetie Bell took a second to reply, still trying to process what she had just been told. “We have to go to Canterlot.” ---------- Sweetie Belle and Spike stood in horror as they watched nurses and doctors in white suits and respirator hoods encircle Rarity’s bed. It was so astounding that the two could barely hear anything the nurse was telling them. “Mrs. Sweetie Belle? Mrs. Sweetie Belle?” Snapping back into reality, she and Spike turned toward the pony next to them. She was wearing a white suit similar to the others, except she didn’t have a hooded respirator; instead she had a dust mask with the label “N95” inscribed on it. “Uh, sorry,” replied Sweetie Belle. “As I was saying, the hazmat team has a suit ready for you.” The young unicorn nodded and her and Spike began to go over to a pony in one of the more protective suits. However, Spike was quickly stopped by the nurse. “I’m sorry, but we don’t have any suits for dragons. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait out hear.” Spike understood, but was still somewhat annoyed. It was then when Sweetie Belle turned to him. “I’ll be right back.” Spike nodded before Sweetie Belle turned and began trotting down the hall. After a moment of walking, she came to a wall of glass with an automatic door at its center. “Here you go,” said a colt with a muffled voice. She turned to him and saw a pony in one of the higher grade hazmat suits holding out a similar suit. She took it and began sliding it on. Immediately, she didn’t like the sensation of wearing it. Adorning that suit felt as though someone had wrapped her entire body in one of those bibs you get at the dentist’s office. “And you’re going to need this too.” She looked to the stallion to see him now holding out one of the hooded respirators. She took it and slid it over her head. At about that time, she noticed the colt putting something around her waist. “Uh, what exactly are you doing?” “Oh,” he said holding up a black belt with a small box at its center. “Sorry, I forgot you’re not a regular. This is the part of the PAPR, that you’re currently wearing, that filters the air and blows it into the hood.” Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow as the colt strapped it around her waist. “PAPR?” “Powered Air Purifying Respirator.” “Oh.” Abruptly, there was a clicking noise. “There you go.” After the colt double checked a few things on the suit, the two entered the sealed room. Finally Sweetie Belle was allowed to see her sister. Rarity smiled weakly the moment she saw Sweetie Belle enter the room. She of course returned the smile, but hers was somewhat faked, for now she could get a better look at the IVs running into her arm, as well as the several monitors and sensors hooked to her, all of which horrified her. “Hey sis,” said Sweetie Belle as she laid her hoof onto Rarity’s. “Hey Sweetie Belle,” she replied weakly. “How you feeling?” Rarity laughed. “Like shit, but they say I’m getting better. So don’t worry.” Sweetie Belle laughed a little too, however her expression quickly took on a somber tone. “I heard about Fancy Pants. I’m so sorry.” The oldest unicorn looked down briefly. “Thanks, sis. Now, I don’t want to sound mean or anything, but I really don’t want you to see me like this.” Sweetie Belled nodded. “Of course,” she said before turning away. But before she left, she turned back to Rarity. “I love you, sis.” “I love you too.” ---------- After arriving back in Manehatten, Sweetie belle decided to turn on the news to see if there was any new information on this flu. Not being one to really pay attention to news, Sweetie Belle hadn’t seen anything on television until today. But after her morning, she was hanging on to every word the news colt said. “It is believed that this flu virus began somewhere in southern Saddle Arabia, where most of the infections and deaths are being reported. However, there have been reported cases in Canterlot, Manehatten, and Cloudsdale. As of yet there are no reported cases in the Crystal Empire. Stay tuned for more information on this developing story.” Spike stood in the doorway to their living room for a moment, waiting to see if Sweetie Belle would even notice him. When she didn’t, he went over to her and took a seat next to her. As he laid a hand onto her shoulder, he asked “Are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine,” she replied, without taking her eyes off of the screen. Spike could instantly tell that Sweetie Bell was lying. So he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into an embrace. It seemed as though that were the only way to get her eyes off of the television. “Rarity’s going to be fine,” he assured her. Sweetie Belle wrapped her hooves around Spike and closed her eyes. “I know, I’m just… I don’t know.” Spike reached out a claw to the nearby remote and turned off the television. “Just don’t worry about it right now. Okay?” The young unicorn looked down. “Okay.” Noticing this, Spike gently lifted her head for what he was to say next. “Sweetie Belle, I love you.” Sweetie Belle smiled. “I love you too.” Slowly, the couple began to break the embrace, but Spike still kept one arm around her. Then all of a sudden, the phone began to ring. The young dragon quickly took it and lifted it to his ear. “Hello?” “Spike, it’s me.” Upon recognizing that voice, Spike’s eyes lit up. “Twilight? Is that you?” “Yeah, it’s me. I’m sorry I haven’t called more often.” “It’s okay. I understand, the princess business is a full time job and all.” “Yeah… Spike, I heard about Fancy Pants. I’m really sorry.” “Thanks, Twi.” “But there’s something else I needed to talk to you about.” Spike raised his brow. “What is it?” “It’s just, you and me both know this flu is serious, but I tried to talk some sense into AJ, but she just keeps blowing me off. Celestia is implementing pandemic protocols and even making the royal guard wear protective masks. She’s not screwing around with this. I’m just worried about Applejack and Applebloom getting sick. So, do you think you could try to talk some sense into her?” Spike was a little surprised by Twilight’s comment about Celestia’s actions, but simply replied “Of course, Twilight.” “Thank you so much, Spike. Now I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you later.” “Okay, bye.” “Bye.” Spike then hung up the phone and turned to Sweetie Belle. “What was that about?” she asked, a slightly confused look upon her face. Spike sighed. “I know now isn’t a good time, but I think we should go to Ponyville.” Sweetie Belle tilted her head. “What? Why?” “We need to go see Applejack and Applebloom.” Upon hearing her friend’s name, Sweetie Belle instantly perked up. “Why? Are they sick?” “No, but from how bad Twilight says this thing is that won’t last long.” “Then we’ll go first thing tomorrow.” ---------- Day Eight Infected: 64,362 Dead: 34,975 As the couple stepped off of the train to Ponyville, they felt a cool breeze brush against their faces. Soon, that same gentle breeze would harbor the key of untold devastation. Of course, at this point, no one knew just how bad things would really get. “It feels good to be home again,” said Spike as he looked up and down the streets. Sweetie Belle smiled. “Yeah, this place hasn’t really changed much, has it?” “No not really. But hey, we’ve got to go see Applejack.” “Right, let’s go.” After a short time of walking, and the occasional flash back, Spike and Sweetie Belle reached Sweet Apple Acres. The farm almost looked just as it did when they were just teenagers. Even the old tire swing they had hung just before graduation didn’t seem to have aged a day. However, when they reached the front porch, the sign that used to say “Sweet Apple Acres, Residence of Big Macintosh, Applebloom, Granny Smith and Applejack,” now only listed Big Macintosh and Applejack. They had immediately assumed what had happened to Granny Smith, but were clueless as to where Applebloom was. Leisurely, Spike raised his hand and knocked on the door. He couldn’t be sure what Applejacks reaction might be since she hadn’t seen him is so long, but he assured himself that she would welcome them. After all it was Applejack. And sure enough, the moment the door opened, the orange mare grinned wildly and pulled the two into a tight embrace. “Oh my goodness! Spike! Sweetie Belle! Where’ve y’all been? I haven’t seen you two since forever ago!” squealed the overjoyed cowpony. “Hey AJ,” said Spike, returning the hug. “I’ve missed you too,” added Sweetie Belle. After a second more, Applejack broke the embrace and said “Come on inside now; wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.” Upon hearing this, Spike and Sweetie Belle shot each other glances full of mixed emotions. “So how’ve you two been since the wedding?” Sweetie Belle smiled. “Oh we’re doing all right. Spike’s working at a bookstore and I have my singing.” “Yeah, things in Manehatten are pretty nice,” said Spike as he took a seat on a nearby couch. However, a moment later, his face took on a more serious tone. “But AJ, there’s something we need to talk about.” The cowpony looked to Spike, tilting her head marginally. “What is it? You two alright?” “Oh no we’re fine, it’s just, Twilight’s worried about you. And so are we.” Instantly Applejack’s expression turned to one of understanding. “Listen Spike, I'm really sorry about Fancy Pants, but I just don’t think this flu stuff will get me. I mean I’m in the prime of my life and my immune system is just fine.” “Then you’re guaranteed to die,” interrupted Sweetie Belle, causing all eyes to fall upon her. Even Spike was a little surprised by her comment. “Uh, what makes you say that sugar cube?” asked a shocked Applejack. “AJ, this isn’t like the normal flu. It kills ponies who are healthy like you. What is does is simply turn your body against itself. The stronger you are the more likely your lungs are to split open. To be quite frank, your lungs just rip themselves apart until there’s so much blood and mucus in them that you drowned in your own bodily fluids. However, the weak aren’t able to rip their lungs apart, so they live. It’s pretty much reverse feather flu.” Spike and Applejack just stared at Sweetie Belle, who was now sitting next to Spike. Both were unable to believe what she had just said. It’s not that the two of them saw her as stupid, they just didn’t see her as the type to know so much about this topic. “Um Sweetie Belle,” began Spike, “How do you know all of this?” “I saw it on the news. They were showing the hospitals in Canterlot filling up with the sick.” Sweetie Bell then seemed to turn a little green. “It was horrible.” Spike laid a comforting hand onto her shoulder before looking back to Apple Jack. “Now will you listen to us?” The orange mare nodded. “Of course.” “Now, where is Applebloom,” asked Spike. “I thought surly she’d be around.” “Oh no, she’s done moved to Fillydelphia. Said she needed to get a good job.” The young dragon placed his claw onto his chin, considering his next words. “Well, when it hits there, you need to get her home. Some of the things Twi was telling me was downright freaky.” Applejack smiled. “And what you were telling me wasn’t? Don’t you worry, I’ll see to it that she gets home.” Spike returned the smile. “Thanks Applejack.” He then looked over to a nearby window and saw that the sun’s light was beginning to dim. “Well, we better catch the night train. It was nice seeing you Applejack.” The orange pony raised her brow. “What? I ain’t making you leave at night. You can stay. Besides, I’ve done made a good supper.” “Oh no it’s okay Applejack. We don’t-“ “Boy don’t make me hog tie your ass again. It ain’t right to send your guests out at night,” interrupted Applejack. Instantly the two heard Sweetie Belle giggling beside them. Spike looked to her with an unamused expression. “What? I didn’t say anything,” she giggled. > Chapter Three: Epidemic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Nine Infected: 353,175 Dead: 159,582 Sweetie Belle awoke this morning, from a rather pleasant dream. It was about a day, not too long ago, that her and Spike had decided to put off their plans and just go out for the day. It brought a smile to her face, thinking about the memory. However, she quickly adjusted to the present upon realizing that she had not awoken in her bed, but Applebloom’s. Sweetie Belle yawned and stretched before making her way out of bed and downstairs. Once she had entered the living room, she saw Spike and Applejack discussing something. As she drew closer, she could begin to hear what was being said. “Applejack,” began Spike, “I don’t want to freak you out, but if things get too bad in Manehatten, we may have to come out here. I just need to know that you’re okay with that.” The orange cowpony nodded. “Of course, Spike. You and Sweetie Belle are always welcome here. And don’t ya worry about eating our food. We’ve got enough to last two dozen ponies a year.” Spike smiled. “Just make sure to stay safe, okay AJ?” “Okay Spike,” she replied before the two embraced. Sweetie Belle was a little confused as to why she wasn’t informed of Spike’s plans, but she assumed he would have told her sooner or later. So she decided to make herself known and trotted into the living room. “Good morning,” said Spike as him and Applejack separated. Sweetie Belle smiled sleepily. “Good morning you two. Any flu news?” “Oh, I hadn’t even thought of turning on the TV yet,” replied Applejack as she reached for the remote. The old television took a moment, but it eventually adjusted to show a clear picture. On it was a brown pony in a blue suit looking down at a sheet of paper and back to the camera occasionally. Behind him was a map of Equestria with several red areas. “Again, the cities affected by the black flu are Cloudsdale, Canterlot, Manehatten, and now Vanhoover, Baltimare, and Fillydelphia. We do however; expect this list to grow as time goes on. Also, we have an estimate of those infected to be roughly two hundred fifty thousand to three hundred thousand and those dead to be around one hundred thousand. But we stress that these numbers are likely low due to delays in reporting infection.” As Applejack turned away from the screen, she saw Spike looking over to her. “It’s time to get Applebloom home.” The cowpony nodded. ---------- Fluttershy desperately raced up and down store aisle trying to gather as many cans of food, medications, and disinfectants as she could. She planned to take no chances when dealing with this flu; she just hoped she had already prepared enough. However, it appeared that she wasn’t the only one who had come to this conclusion, for the entire store was packed with ponies, all trying to gather as many supplies as they could. Unfortunately, this was nothing compared to what was to come. “Okay, I think that’s everything,” she said as she looked over the shopping cart. Suddenly, a blue colored colt rushed past Fluttershy, his hoof was full of cans and rice, but he still managed to steel a few boxes of medicine right out of her cart. “Sorry,” he said in an uncaring tone. Despite her normally kind nature, Fluttershy found herself rather irate with the pony and knowing that she greatly needed those pills, she wasn’t about to let some bully just take them. So she quickly pushed the heavy cart forward, striking the stallion in his rear legs, immediately knocking him to the ground. Casually, the yellow Pegasus trotted over to where the colt had dropped her medicine and picked it up. “Sorry,” she said as she went back to her shopping cart. Not wanting to deal with anymore pests like the stallion, Fluttershy took her cart and went over to the cash register. However, upon paying, she was in for quite a shock. “Five bits per can?!” she exclaimed. The grey mare at the register nodded. “Yes, I’m sorry, but Celestia has put in several trade restrictions. This is going to be the last shipment for at least another week.” Fluttershy sighed. “Okay, so how much do I owe you in total?” The pony punched in a few buttons on the register before the number shown on the digital display. “397 Bits” The Pegasus tried her hardest to not let her mouth drop. So she took in a deep breath and reached for her pouch. Angrily, she threw it onto the counter. “Just take the whole thing. I know there’s a little more than four hundred bits.” Before the pony could even say another word, Fluttershy took her bags and walked right out of the store. “What? I get robbed in the store and at the counter?” she mumbled to herself. “Hey Fluttershy!” said a familiar draconic voice. The Pegasus turned towards its source to see Sweetie Belle and Spike looking at her cheerfully. Fluttershy beamed as she rushed over to them. “Spike? Sweetie Belle? What are you doing here?” she asked, wrapping them in an embrace. The pair chuckled as they hugged her back. “We were just checking up on AJ,” replied Sweetie Belle. “Oh? What for?” she asked as she picked up her groceries. “You know this flu stuff. It took a good kick in the rear for her to get it through her head.” The Pegasus nodded. “Yeah, she is rather stubborn like that. So, are you two still living in Manehatten?” “Yup, we were just heading back,” replied Spike. Fluttershy made a concerned expression before reaching into her bag. “Then take this,” she said, holding up a box of twenty N95 respirators. Spike instantly put up a claw. “No, we don’t want to take your things, Shy.” “Please,” she pleaded, “Things are going to get bad, Spike. This is just the beginning of something much bigger.” The dragon raised an eyebrow. “What makes you say that?” Fluttershy sighed. “It’s just; I’ve been researching this virus since I heard about it a decade ago. I just didn’t want any bird flu getting my feathered friends. Then I started seeing that it had been infecting ponies, sixty percent of them dying. Now, you tell me what would happen if sixty percent of those infected with the feather flu, died.” Spike was a little shocked at both Fluttershy’s knowledge and grim prediction. So, not needing anymore convincing, he easily took the box of masks off her hoof. “Do you really think it’ll get that bad?” “Spike,” she began, her tone utterly serious. “It’s too late to stop it now. Billions are going to die. I suggest you get out of Manehatten as soon as you can. And remember, there’s always room for you two at my cottage.” Fluttershy then grinned. “I just hope you know how to use a crossbow.” Sweetie Belle and Spike just stared at the Pegasus, mouth agape. Of all the ponies they had known, Fluttershy would seem like the last one to own a weapon. “What?” she asked, still grinning slightly. “I may be the element of kindness, but I’m not going to let ponies just walk all over me; especially not with what’s coming.” Giggling slightly, Fluttershy added. “Just a few minutes ago, I rammed my shopping cart into the back of some colt who was trying to steel my antibiotics.” Spike and Sweetie Bell thought their mouths couldn’t drop anymore, but after hearing that last sentence, they were proven wrong. Fluttershy giggled and began walking back home. “Well, it was nice seeing you two again, but I’ve got to get going. Bye guys.” Still in shock, the couple waved. “Bye,” they said in unison. Once Sweetie Belle was sure Fluttershy was well out of earshot, she looked up at the young dragon. “Spike, when did Fluttershy become such a badass?” ---------- As the couple exited the train to Manehatten, they passed a conductor who was wearing a mask similar to the ones Fluttershy had given them earlier. At first they simply thought that only public transportation workers were wearing them, but as they stepped out onto the crowded streets, it was clear that a startling new fashion trend was beginning to spread. Suddenly it seemed that surgical masks had become the new “must have” accessory. The pair decided that now was a good time to adorn their own masks, so they opened the box and quickly placed the respirators. They made sure that the metal clip at the bridge of their nose had been properly molded to their faces to prevent any unfiltered air from entering. “Come on,” said Spike, taking Sweetie Belle by the hoof. “I don’t wanna be out here any longer than I need to.” Sweetie Belle nodded and began to quicken her pace. After a few moments, the couple made it to their apartment and quickly took off their masks. Despite the fact that it was somewhat cool out, these masks grew rather hot after a while, and the decreased amount of airflow wasn’t very fun. “Finally, I can breathe again!” declared Sweetie Belle. “Yeah, well don’t touch anything until you wash your hooves,” replied Spike as he locked the door behind them. Sweetie Belle nodded and made her way into the kitchen. Spike went for the bathroom. At first the water was cool, but Sweetie Belle quickly turned it on hot with the glow of her horn. She was careful to scrub thoroughly and made sure she had taken at least thirty seconds. Despite the fact that only fifteen seconds of hoof washing was recommended by the EDC, she wanted to be extra safe. Once she had dried off her hooves, she turned around to see Spike already standing behind her. He was about to say something, but was quickly cut off as the unicorn wrapped her hooves around him. Gradually, he lifted his arms around her as well. “What’s wrong, Sweetie?” Sweetie Belle sighed. “Nothing, it’s just, you don’t think this will get as bad as Fluttershy thinks, do you?” Spike thought a moment, trying to put together a response that was both honest and reassuring. “I don’t know, it may or may not. But I promise nothing will happen to you.” Instantly, Sweetie Belle threw herself off of Spike. “You keep saying that, but what about everyone else? What about the world? Is this really it? A hundred thousand are already dead, Spike. A hundred thousand out of only three hundred thousand.” Sweetie Belle’s eyes began to fill with tears of fear. “Things are going to bet bad, very bad.” Spike rested a hand upon her shoulder. “You don’t know that. Maybe we’ll find a vaccine. Or maybe it’s not even that bad.” “Spike, you’ve seen the news and it sure as hell looks that bad!” The dragon turned away, starting to get annoyed. “I don’t know! Just try not to think about it! Damn!” Immediately, Spike felt bad for raising his voice at Sweetie Belle. “I’m sorry,” he began, “It’s just, there’s nothing we can do about it so let’s just see where it goes from here. There’s no point in worrying about it now. And hey, at least our friends are okay, plus Rarity will be out of the hospital soon.” Spike then shot her a reassuring smile. The unicorn nodded. “I’m sorry, too. And don’t worry about me getting sick. That’s all I ever hear you talk about.” Sweetie Belle smiled. “But if you get sick I’ll kill you long before the flu.” Spike let out a light chuckle. “Thanks, I’ll remember that.” ---------- Day Fourteen Infected: 5,715,982 Dead: 3,490,016 Spike sat before the television, listening to the news pony going on about a drug named “Tamiflu.” To Spike, this name was of little importance, but to the health care community, it was gold, and they were running out. “As the death toll continues to skyrocket worldwide, it is feared that Equestria, and many other nations’, stockpiles of Tamiflu are beginning to run very low. It is believed that we only have two to five more days’ worth in Equestria. After that point, we will no longer have any effective treatment against the black flu virus. However, more and more strains are being reported to actually be resistant to all antivirals.” ‘More of the same,’ Spike thought to himself. ‘Just bad news.’ Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Quickly, he flicked off the television and adorned his face mask. Upon opening the door, he saw Twilight, who was wearing a face mask as well, standing there holding a box of respirators similar to the ones Fluttershy had given him previously. However, instead of a yellow “N95” being inscribed on the box, there was a light red “P100.” “Oh hey Twilight!” Spike exclaimed. Twilight smiled. “Hey Spike, it’s really nice seeing you again.” “You as well. Now I would give you a hug, but that’s a habit I’m trying to break.” Twilight giggled as she entered and closed the door. As she did so, Spike caught sight of two royal guards standing behind her, each of them wearing gas masks. He honestly, felt a little creeped out by their new wardrobe addition. “These are for you,” said Twilight as she placed the box onto a nearby counter. “They’re the highest grade of face mask protection available, and pretty much cleaned out of every store.” Spike smiled. “Thank you, Twi… But do you think you could score me some of those gas masks. They’d make for an awesome Nightmare Night costume.” The Alicorn laughed. “We’ll see. Celestia’s been issuing them to the royal guard like candy… So where’s Sweetie Belle at?” “I’m over here,” replied Sweetie Belle as she trotted out of her bedroom. “I heard you come in and was trying to find my mask.” Twilight smiled briefly before looking down at her hooves. “Listen you guys, there is another reason for me being here than just masks.” Spike raised his brow. “Oh?” “You see, things are getting bad in Canterlot. They’re beginning to dig mass graves outside of the cities and even burring bodies in some cases. We’re even afraid that we’re about to start running low on body bags.” “But why are you telling us this?” asked Sweetie Belle. Twilight sighed. “So you’ll be ready for some of the things you’re going to see. Things are going to start happening soon, very bad things; house to house corpse disposal, food and water shortages, even the closings of full hospitals. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.” > Chapter Four: Pandemic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Seventeen Infected: 13,328,426 Dead: 5,912,437 Sweetie Belle sat beside the window of her apartment, her gaze fixed upon a passing ambulance cart. It’s sirens wailing louder and louder before fading off into the distance. Once it was out of sight, she looked down to the sidewalks, now covered in trash bags and even a few bright red bags labeled with a black biohazard symbol. Not wanting to look at the disgusting sight any longer, Sweetie Belle looked to the sky hoping for some source of comfort. Unfortunately, the only thing to meet her sight was a dreary, ugly, sky. This caused her to laugh emotionlessly. ‘How fitting,’ she thought. With a sigh, the unicorn rose to her hooves and found the remote. As soon as she flicked on the television, she was bombarded with more bad news. A yellow news pony sat, wearing a brown suit, with a map of the world behind him. Much of it was covered in red, with only the least populated areas being spared. “With infections spread from Hoofington to Marescow, it has become evident that the black flu has spread globally. But the question on everypony’s mind is simple; how bad will things get? Well, here to answer that is Doctor Maneston of the Canterlot EDC.” The camera then panned over to show a white colt with a blond mane sitting in a nearby chair. “Well, that’s a very good question,” replied the doctor. “However, it’s a question with far too many variables, but I’ll give it my best shot. From what we know, there are roughly nine or ten million infected with four to five million of those dead. This means that the black flu virus has a mortality rate around fifty percent, give or take. Now, we’ve always assumed that this virus would have its mortality rate drop due to the mutation that would allow it to spread pony-to-pony.” “This obviously didn’t happen,” interrupted the reporter. The doctor nodded. “I’m afraid not, and with the current rate of infection for the virus, we expect it to infect between one third and one half of the world population.” “So it’s like the seasonal flu or the feather flu?” “Oh no, the seasonal flu infects only about twenty percent of the population annually. The black flu has the potential to infect thirty to forty maybe even forty five percent of the population.” “So it’s more contagious than seasonal influenza.” “Well, yes and no. It’s more contagious because we don’t have any vaccines or immunity to it; however it’s hindering its spread with its high mortality rate. Though, it’s not being hindered much.” “That raises another question, if we’ve known about this virus for a little more than a decade, why isn’t there already a vaccine?” “Because each strain of influenza is different and we can’t vaccinate against it until that particular strain comes into existence. You see, the only reason we have seasonal flu vaccines is because we can predict how that virus will change since it uses antigenic drift; which is where the virus changes over time, but this black flu virus uses antigenic shift. That’s when the gene structure changes suddenly and creates an entirely different virus. This usually occurs when two viruses meet up in the same host.” The reporter nodded. “And you’re saying seasonal flu vaccines offer no protection?” “Not one bit.” Suddenly, the television screen went to black. Sweetie Belle looked up to see Spike laying the remote back down. She was just so focused on the screen that she hadn’t even noticed him enter. As the dragon took a seat next to her he said “I just got off the phone with Applejack and she said that Applebloom’s back on the farm. Took a good bit of convincing, but she finally came around.” Sweetie Belle smiled slightly. “Looks like she picked up a few things from her sister.” Spike let out a light chuckle. “Yeah, that’s what AJ said… And you’re not going to believe this, but they’re closing Ponyville elementary and a whole bunch of other schools.” The unicorn shot Spike a look. “Wow, you really don’t notice much do you? That’s all they’ve been talking about on the news. Every school in Equestria is being or has been closed.” Spike shrugged. “I don’t like bad news, so I don’t watch it.” “And that’ll be the death of your dumbass,” said Sweetie Belle as she laid her head onto Spike’s lap. “I just don’t want anything to happen to you, okay dufus?” He rolled his eyes. “You have such an eloquent way with words, you know that?” Sweetie Belle shot him a sarcastic smile. “Oh I know, honey.” ---------- Day Twenty Three Infected: 24 Million Dead: 13 Million Spike pulled the sheets off of his and Sweetie belle’s bed, about to start a load of laundry. As he passed her in the living room she quickly stood up. “Hey, let me help you with that,” she offered. Spike was a little surprised by her sudden action, but simply shook his head. “It’s okay Sweetie. I’ve got it.” She was about to say something else, but Spike went into the next room before she had the chance. As he loaded the washer, he noticed that there was still a little room left over, so he looked around for some more dirty cloths. Noticing Sweetie Belle’s coat on a nearby rack, Spike took it down and began searching the pockets. He wasn’t about to go through another repeat of the last time he had washed her hundred bit watch. The first pocket was clean, so he went to the next one. To his surprise, he felt a small piece of cloth. It felt almost like nylon. Curious, Spike pulled the cloth out of the pocket and examined it. It was a red armband with a white cross at its center. Immediately, he dropped the coat and looked up to see Sweetie Belle in the door way, she had a sad, expecting, expression upon her face. “What is this!” he shouted. “Spike I can explain,” Sweetie Belle pleaded. “You can!? You can explain going behind my back!?” “You’ve seen the news! Nurses aren’t showing up to work anymore!” she snapped back. “Yeah! Because they’re dying left and right! Don’t tell me you applied at the Central Station shelter.” Her eyes began to fill with tears as she looked away. “I just want to help, Spike.” Upon noticing this, Spike’s expression quickly softened. He took in a deep breath before walking over to Sweetie Belle. As he wrapped his arms around her, he pulled her into an embrace much tighter than usual. “I know, Sweetie. I know.” “I’m careful, Spike. You know that.” Quickly, he kissed the top of her head. “I know, it’s just… I don’t want anything to happen to you. Just please don’t go.” Sweetie Belle sighed. “I have to, my shift starts tonight.” The young dragon closed his eyes at that. Never had he cried tears of fear, but he was dangerously close now. After a few seconds, he opened his watery eyes and gently lifted up Sweetie Belle’s chin. They stood like that for a while before Spike pressed his lips to hers. The kiss lasted for what felt like minutes, but when they parted Spike continued to hold her. “I love you, remember that,” he said, his voice cracking. A tear rolled down Sweetie Belle’s cheek. “I love you too. And you always remember that.” ---------- Sweetie Belle stood in a crowd of about a dozen ponies, each wearing a red armband. They all listened intently to the mare at the front of the group who wore blue hospital scrubs and a white armband with a red cross. “My name is Nurse Moonlight. I will be in charge of your group today. Now if you haven’t already put your masks on, please do so.” This demand didn’t pertain to Sweetie Belle, since she was already wearing one of the face masks Twilight had given her. “Now, we’ll be in charge of taking care of the code black patients. You can identify them by the color of the sheet outside of their tent. Just try to make them as comfortable as possible.” Sweetie Belle had no idea what a code black patient was, however she did have a very dark guess. But to be sure, she raised her hoof. After a moment, the nurse nodded to her. “Excuse me, what is a code black patient?” “They’re the ones who are going to die regardless of what we do. They’re also the largest group here. Now please everypony follow me.” She then gestured for the entire group to follow her down a nearby stair case. Sweetie Belle was the last one to get a good look at the shelter as she descended, and what she saw would live with her until the day she died. The entire subway station had been turned into a massive tent city. There were at least a thousand ponies in here. Some were wearing hazmat suits, others were simply wearing a mask, while most laid helplessly in cots spread throughout the station. Despite the fact that Sweetie Belle’s mask was of the highest grade possible, the smell of vomit, blood, and feces still met her nose. She wanted to gag but managed to stop herself. Sweetie Belle then realized that if there is a hell, this is what it must look like. Sweetie Belle sighed and began looking for a tent with a black flag above its entrance. She looked for only a second before she saw a row of hundreds of tents, each with the mark of impending death. Never before had Sweetie Belle had so many emotions flow through her at once. Suddenly, she felt a hoof rest upon her shoulder. She looked up to see Pinkie Pie, her hair flat as could be. She shot her a small, reassuring smile. However it was well hidden with her mask. “Hey Sweetie Belle, first day?” The unicorn’s eyes began to fill with tears. “Yeah, what are you doing here Pinkie?” She sighed. “I came here to take care of my sister Inkie, she said that she wasn’t feeling too great so I wanted to see if I could help.” Pinkie looked down sadly. “She didn’t make it.” Sweetie Belle took Pinkie Pie’s hoof. “I’m sorry, Pinkie.” The Earth pony nodded. “Thanks, but now I’m taking care of my other sister, Blinkie.” “Is she okay?” she asked hopefully. Pinkie sadly lifted a hoof and pointed to a nearby tent. It too had a black sheet draped across it. Sweetie Belle had no words to offer. She couldn’t imagine what Pinkie must be going through, so she simply hugged her. She knew this was a bad habit, but it seemed incredibly fitting given the situation. Pinkie smiled slightly and wrapped a hoof around Sweetie Belle. “Thank you.” As Sweetie Belle broke the embrace she said “Well come on, let’s not leave her alone.” The pink mare nodded and began walking towards the tent. Upon entering, Sweetie Belle was shocked at what she saw. Blinkie Pie was lying under an emergency blanket on a cot, her face was a dark blue, despite her grey coat, and she was absolutely drenched in sweat. Pinkie Pie took a seat on the ground next to her and lifted up her hoof. Her eyes rapidly began to fill with tears. Not really knowing what to do or say, Sweetie Belle decided she should do something basic, like take her temperature. So she looked around and found a touch thermometer. Grasping it with her magic, she levitated it over to Blinkie Pie and gently pressed it to her forehead. After a second it beeped and the digital display lit up. “108 F” Sweetie Belle did her best to hide her reaction from Pinkie. “Is it still 106?” she asked, a trace of hope in her voice. “No, it went down to 105,” she lied. Pinkie Pie smiled, starting to stroke her unconscious sister’s hoof. “You’re going to get better real soon, Blinkie. Then as soon as you get out of here we’re going to get as much ice cream as we can eat. Then we’re going to play in the park and go ice-skating, just like when you taught me as a foal. Remember?” Her voice cracked as she uttered that last sentence. Sweetie Belle closed her eyes, trying her best not to cry in front of Pinkie, all the while she was attempting the same. Then the young unicorn noticed something that she dearly hopped Pinkie Pie hadn’t; Inkie Pie’s chest wasn’t rising and falling steadily, it was slowing. Sweetie Belle knew what was coming, and knew that she had to be there for Pinkie when it happened. So she slowly made her way around the cot and sat down next to her. Then, just as she laid her hoof onto Pinkie’s leg, Inkie Pie’s chest refused to rise. It took Pinkie a few seconds to register this, but when she did her occasional tears turned into a full on bawl. At this sight, Sweetie Belle could no longer contain her tears either. It would be another two long hours before the two of them finally stopped crying and hugging each other. > Chapter Five: Death Toll > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Thirty Three Infected: 136 Million Dead: 68 Million As the days passed and the number of dead climbed, Sweetie Belle had begun to grow accustom to the sight of wooden coffins and body bags lining the streets. However, Spike just couldn’t accept this bleak reality, so he always found himself entertaining the idea that the pandemic would soon burn itself out and disappear. Unfortunately he still had to wait another two months for the pandemic to peak, and another six for it to disappear completely. By then, one hundred million dead would look like the tip of the iceberg. Sweetie Belle slid on her armband, though each day she did this, she grew more and more hesitant. Unexpectedly, she felt a gentle hand rest upon her shoulder. She turned to see Spike, his expression neutral. “Listen Sweetie, I know I can’t stop you, but I just want to say good luck and stay safe.” She smiled faintly. “Spike, I’ve told you the same thing every day; I’ll be careful.” “I know, but it doesn’t hurt to remind you.” Sweetie Belle smile grew before she pressed her lips to Spike’s. She was about to pull away, however, Spike leaning more into the kiss halted her. She found this sudden display of affection surprising, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. After a solid five seconds, Sweetie Belle pulled away. “Well, I better get going.” Spike nodded. “Yeah, I’ll see you later.” The mare adorned her mask and was about to make her way out the door, when she paused and looked to her husband. “Spike, I love you.” He smiled. “I love you too.” ---------- After a short walk to the Manehatten subway station, Sweetie Belle was about to make her way into the tent city when she noticed an odd sight; two royal guards, both in gas masks, stood at the entrance. She was beginning to walk past them when one of the guards blocked her path with a spear. “I need to see your hoofband mam,” he ordered. Confused but still compliant, Sweetie Belle lifted her foreleg. The guard examined it briefly before removing his spear. “You’re clear. Move along.” Not wanting to question authority, she continued down the escalator; however it wasn’t moving as usual. It was about that time that she noticed the dozens of royal guards all scattered about the shelter. It had almost appeared as if the wellbeing of the infected had suddenly turned into a military ordeal. “Sweetie Belle!” shouted a familiar voice. The filly turned to see Pinkie Pie rushing over to her, an obviously distressed look upon her face. “What is it Pinkie?” “The royal guard, they won’t let us treat any of the code black patients. They said they don’t want to waste any resources.” “What!? You mean they’re just leaving them for dead!?” Pinkie nodded. “They said to only treat those with a forty percent chance of survival or higher. Otherwise they get thrown in a code black tent.” “That’s bull shit! Why is the royal guard even here?!” she exclaimed. “They wouldn’t say, but it probably has to do with the Canterlot and Fillydelphia riots.” ---------- Spike sat before the television, being barraged with more and more bad news. From antiviral resistant strains of flu to the bans on public gatherings, no rays of light could be seen. So when he heard an unexpected knock at the door, he jumped to answer it, hoping it was some source of good news. “One second,” he said as he secured a face mask. Upon opening the door, he was greeted by Twilight, adorning a face mask of her own. By the look in her eyes it was clear something was wrong, so he moved out of the way and ushered her inside. As soon as he shut the door, he was wrapped in Twilight’s embrace. However a moment later, she took a step back, feeling as though she should explain her being there. “I’m sorry, it’s just I had to see you.” Spike raised his brow. “Twi, is everything okay?” She sighed. “Promise me you can keep a secret.” He nodded. “Of course.” Twilight drew in a deep breath before speaking. “I’ve been hearing rumors. Hopefully that’s all they are, but I think Celestia and Luna are getting ready to quarantine Equestria.” Spike folded his arms. “So? They’ve already quarantined Canterlot.” The pony shook her head. “This is different. They’re talking about a military quarantine of every major city in Equestria. Then they’d put martial law into effect.” Instantly Spike’s expression shifted to one of understanding and surprise. “You mean…” Twilight nodded. “Listen, I just wanted you to have a heads up, but I might be wrong, so don’t worry about it yet.” “Then when should I worry about it?” Briefly she looked away. “When the death toll reaches over one hundred million. Then I’ll let you know if it’s true… Now listen, I’ve got to get going, but I think I’ll be seeing you again soon.” Spike put on a faked reassuring smile. “Okay, hopefully on better circumstances.” Twilight returned one. “Yeah let’s hope. And Spike…” “Yeah?” “Stay safe.” ---------- After the sun had made its descent, Sweetie Belle began out into the cold night air. However, on this night, she had gotten delayed by a patient, causing her to leave an hour later than usual. Needless to say, she much rather preferred leaving the shelter with the comfort of sunlight. As she made her way down the streets, each garbage and biohazard bag cast an eerie shadow. Some of which looked like ponies, however come to think of it, some of those larger bags and coffins actually did contained deceased ponies. Quickly she pushed this thought out of her mind. Sweetie Belle was no more than two blocks away from her apartment when she heard a noise emanating from a nearby alleyway. In it, three ponies were kicking a colt who lay helpless upon the ground. She knew she couldn’t help, and the police would be useless, so she turned a blind eye and began to quicken her pace. Suddenly, a male Pegasi swept down before her, blocking her path. His face was obscured by his mask, but it was clear he had malicious intent. Quickly, she took a step back only to bump into another pony. She looked to the two of them before sighing. “Look, I don’t have shit on me but I’ll give you what I have.” The Pegasi smirked. “Oh we don’t want any of that. We want something else.” Sweetie Belle made a confused expression. “What the fuck are you-“ Suddenly she was cut off by the second pony wrapping his hooves around her. “If you don’t squirm, it’ll be over quicker,” he whispered, his voice sounding rough. Sweetie Belle now fully understood their intent. Quickly, her horn flared to life levitating a small pocket knife, which Spike had given her, out of her pocket. In one swift motion, she plunged the blade into the colt’s eye socket. He screamed in pain as he clutched the wound. At this time, Sweetie Belle jumped away from him and readied the knife for another strike, when suddenly the second colt tackled her. Immediately after he brought his hoof down onto her cheek. “Shouldn’t have done that you little bitch.” “Fuck you,” she replied before she spat in his face. The Pegasi wiped it away and smiled manically. He then brought the back of his hoof down onto her throat and began to press. Sweetie Belle began to flail and kick to no avail. Frantically she began to look for something to magically throw at the stallion, but it was impossible to move her head. Just as darkness was beginning to fill Sweetie Belle’s vision, she felt the colt release her. The very next thing she saw was red; red covering her, red covering the stallion, and red covering the blade, protruding from his splayed throat. The stallion gasped through the blood, making a noise similar to someone gargling. The blade was then thrust into his throat once more, though this time the blow was fatal. She was about to throw the lifeless body off of her, when she felt someone kick him off. She looked up to see Spike offering her a claw. She gladly took it and rose to her hooves. “Are you okay?” he asked. Sweetie Belle coughed before wrapping her hooves around Spike. Unable to contain her tears, she began to sob onto the dragon’s scales. “Thank you.” He placed an arm around her. “Come on let’s get the fuck out of here.” She was about to comply with Spike’s request, when she looked back to see the colt, now with an empty eye socket, crawling away from the scene. Sweetie Belle felt a sensation of pure hate and anger wash over her as she stepped out of Spikes embrace, and over to her pocket knife. She glared at him as she lifted it with her magic and placed her knee directly into his spine. “Don’t squirm, and it’ll be over sooner,” she said with a cracking voice. Before the pony could even reply, she drove the blade into the top of his spine, instantly severing his spinal cord. Though after what they tried to do to her, she felt that this wasn’t enough. So she lifted the knife and stabbed him again, again, and again. She could feel her eyes burning with tears as they mixed with the pony's blood, but she still continued to stab the pony. The only thing that stopped her was Spike, resting a claw upon her shoulder. “Come on, the sick basterd’s dead. Let’s go.” ---------- Sweetie Belle was the first of the two to get cleaned up. While Spike was in the shower, her mind flooded with thoughts and emotions. She tried her best to cope, but she couldn’t help but cry. Suddenly, she felt her stomach twist into knots, and her mouth fill with saliva. She darted to another bathroom and emptied its contents. As she took a seat next to the toilet, her sobs returned. “Sweetie Belle?” called Spike. “In here,” she squeaked between gasps. As Spike stepped into the bathroom, he was shocked at the horrible scene before him. “Come here,” he said softly. Carefully, he knelt down and lifted her into his arms. In turn, Sweetie Belle locked her hooves around him. As Spike laid her upon their bed, she looked up at him and quickly kissed him. “Thank you.” The dragon smiled as he placed a hand to her unbruised cheek. “Sweetie, you don’t have to thank me. I know you would have done the same.” She nodded with a smile, however it quickly faded. “He didn’t do anything to me, Spike. I know you were wondering, but don’t worry.” Spike let out a sigh as he rested his back upon the headboard. But he didn’t exactly know how to reply to that, so instead he took her hoof into his hand. “Do you think they’ll come for us? The police I mean.” He shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. The police are spread too thin to investigate murders.” The unicorn looked down. “Is that what we are? Murders?” “No, it was self-defense. You know that.” Sweetie Belle nodded weakly. “I guess, but what we did… I just…” Her eyes began to fill with tears once more. Spike wrapped his arm around the filly, causing her to lean into him. “Hey, don’t think about it.” She looked up to him, tears streaming down her face. “But I killed him. He was just trying to get away and I killed him. What’s wrong with me!?” “Sweetie Belle, that sick son of a bitch had it coming. Odds are you actually saved some pony else.” “Still, I killed him in cold blood. How is that okay!?” Spike took in a deep breath. “Because me and you both know what he was going to do. That's how. Now, It’s going to take some time to get past that, but I’ll be here for you every step of the way. I promise.” Sweetie Belle smiled briefly through her tears. “I love you.” The dragon placed a kiss atop her head. “I love you too.” > Chapter Six: Quarantine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Forty Two Infected: 873 Million Dead: 484 Million It had been almost a week since Rarity had been discharged from the hospital. However, when she arrived home she had only the empty counters and the stench of bleach to greet her. The ponies at the EDC missed nothing when they disinfected her house. What little food she had, in sealed containers, lasted her a few days, but it became clear that she needed more soon. Usually she would have simply gone to the market, but why would she go and spend thousands of bits on a few bags of rice and fight her way through crowds of panicked ponies? Besides, many of the stores had been looted and raided, even burned to the ground in some cases. She thought it much simpler to go to the Ministry of Emergency Management’s camp and get free food rations. At least that’s what she had assumed. There Rarity stood in a massive crowd of thousands of ponies, some were coughing, others wheezing, but all were hungry. She could see the Royal Guard, each adorning gas masks, handing out boxes of rations. As she approached the front of the group, a few ponies shoved past her. She yelled at them, to no avail. Now that Rarity had a good vantage point of the tarp covered carts, she found it rather hard to see any food. She was honestly beginning to grow worried that the Royal Guards may run out of rations before she had her turn. Then, just like that, her fears were realized. “Excuse me,” said one of the gas mask wearing guards, through a megaphone. “I’m sorry, but we have exhausted our food supplies for today. Please return to your homes.” “That’s bull shit!” yelled a pony in the crowd. He was followed by others shouting in agreement. “Return to your homes!” shouted another Royal Guard, his hoof clutching his magical staff ever tighter. The infuriated crowd didn’t comply. It started with one colt, then another, and another at first they charged the carts. Of course the Royal Guards blocked their path with their staffs, even cracking one of them over a ponies’ skull. Then one stallion thought it wise to charge one of the guards. The Royal Guard was knocked to the ground, and instantly another nearby guard saw this and drew his staff. All it took was that one magical blast to kill the pony, and set off a chain reaction. Now, every guard drew their weapons and began firing into the crowd. Dozens were hit with the plasma-like ball of magic, instantly killing them; others were hit in their legs and other non-vital areas. Terrified, Rarity ducked and ran under the cover of the screaming pony shield. Just as she was beginning to get out of the crowd, a mare was hit by one of the magical blasts in the back of the head. She looked to be five years younger than Sweetie Belle, still in school possibly. Then she noticed it; the pony was clutching a fifteen pound bag of rice. Without thinking, her survival instincts kicked in. Rarity reached down and took the bag of rice, just as a magic blast flew past her. ---------- Twilight had just slid on her P100 respirator and was exiting the Canterlot castle to be greeted by two white stallions adorning freshly polished armor and gas masks. The air was cold and unmoving, making the smell of trash, rot, and burning flesh that much more unbearable. “Right this way Princess,” said one of the guards as he gestured to a nearby chariot. Twilight slid into the seat. “Take me to Manehatten please.” After a second, the chariot was airborne. Twilight looked over the edge and saw thousands rioting outside the castle, elsewhere were huge four square mile sized mass graves. Most were burning the tens of thousands of bodies that filled them; this sent a black putrid smoke ascending high above the city, blanketing the sky with the ashes of the dead. You’d think such horrors and atrocities would have appalled her, but it had become such a common sight to all of the ponies in Equestria. Just like the burning buildings, trash filled streets, and of course the corpses. Corpses filling wagons that would go house to house, corpses that are thrown into dumpsters, corpses that are left in the street to rot. Many in the same sickening state; their mouths agape with pink blood filled foam leaking from them, and their suffocated faces’ all blue and purple. Having her fill of the hell below, Twilight moved away from the chariot’s edge. She only hoped that she could make it to Spike and Sweetie Belle in time. Suddenly, Twilight’s chariot took a sharp left. This sudden change in motion very nearly sent her falling towards the city below. “What the fuck are you doing?!” she shrieked. The two ponies didn’t respond, instead they continued on their new course. Twilight looked over the two colts to see that they were flying right for the rooftop of a nearby building. Realizing that they weren’t slowing down, Twilight braced herself for impact. The chariot hit the ground hard, shattering the back two wheels and sending Twilight flying a whole eight feet. Before she could get to her hooves and demand to know what was going on, the two Pegasi were already at her side, but instead of helping her up, they both took one of her forelegs and restrained her. “You’re going to have to come with us,” said one of the guards. Twilight tugged pointlessly at their hold. “Do you mind telling me just what the fuck you’re doing!?” “Our families need vaccine, and when one is made, you will get it.” Twilight shook her head. “No, what you and your families need to do is get out of the city now!” The stallion who was reaching for the rooftop door turned to Twilight. “What are you talking about?” “Just listen, something bad is about to happen and you don’t want to be around for it. That’s why I was leaving Canterlot.” One of the guards looked to the other. “She’s just bull shitting us. Let’s go.” “Oh fuck this!” yelled Twilight. Suddenly a bright violet flash of light blinded the two colts and they quickly found that they were holding onto nothing. When their vision returned, they saw Twilight standing behind them, her horn glowing just as it sent out a blast of magical energy. The two guards were thrown against the wall, and instantly knocked unconscious. ---------- Spike paced nervously by the front door awaiting Twilight’s arrival. She was now already thirty minutes late. “Come on. Where is she?” he mumbled. “Don’t worry, she’ll be here soon,” assured Sweetie Belle, who was sitting on the living room couch. Sweetie Belle’s words did cause Spike to think that he may have been worrying a bit much, but he couldn’t help it. Twilight was one of the most punctual ponies he knew and this just didn’t seem like her. While Spike paced aimlessly, Sweetie Belle spent her time watching the television. Each channel she flipped through only seemed to get worse and worse. “Famine continues as once again no aid is delivered to the central regions of-“ *click* “The church issued a statement blessing those who have passed away and who are sick with the black flu. Though as many more flock to faith, the only question being asked in many churches is simple; is this the end of days?” *click* “It has been reported that thousands of Saddle Arabian refuges were shot dead on the Zebrican and Saddle Arabian border.” *click* “After the mass looting of pharmacies across the globe, it is becoming clear that Tamiflu wasn’t the only target. Medicines for life threatening diseases such as diabetes and various heart conditions were also among those taken. In the words of one expert, ‘if these ponies, griffons, or zebras don’t get these medications between ten and twenty percent of the population is going to die.” *click* “As you can see behind me, it is next to impossible to move about the city without having to run over the bodies of infected.” *click* “Tens of thousands of ponies are leaving the cities as riots and dead continue to surround them.” Sweetie Belle had finally had her fill of the media’s take on the apocalypse. So she turned off the television and was beginning to slide into a comfortable position. Suddenly there was a loud crash that alerted the couple. It sounded as though something heavy had gave way next door. Spike looked over to Sweetie Belle. “Hey, you stay here. I’ll go see what that was.” Sweetie Belle understood, after all of the reports of looting and the events of last week, she wasn’t exactly ready to go looking for trouble. Once Spike had adorned his mask and stepped out into the hallway, he noticed a scent was in the air. It was very faint so it was hard to place. Though, as he came to his neighbor’s door it seemed to grow stronger. He knocked. “Miss Moonlight, are you there?” There was no reply, so he knocked again. “Miss Moonlight?” Still nothing. Spike thought a moment. He didn’t want to risk getting exposed to the virus, but at the same time he was worried she could be hurt. Eventually though, his morals gave in. Slowly he reached for the door knob and began to twist. As expected it was unlocked, after all, his neighbor was never much concerned with security, even in these trying times. “I’m coming in, okay?” As the door began to creek open, Spike was met with an overpowering stench. Now it was easy to pinpoint, it was the smell of death. It only took a second to find its source. In the center of the floor was a light blue pony with a noose tied around her neck. The source of the noise seemed to be the ceiling fan that had crashed on top of her. It looked as though it had finally given out from her weight. Not wanting to be in the presence of such an overpowering stench any longer than necessary, Spike closed the door. He turned to see Sweetie Belle standing in their doorway. All it took was one look at Spike’s face to guess what he had found. “How’d she do it?” she asked. Spike sighed. “She hung herself. It smelled like she’s been there for weeks, and we didn’t even know.” Sweetie Belle looked down. “At least it was her choice.” Suddenly, their brief conversation was interrupted by the sounds of hooves galloping their way. The couple looked down the hallway to see Princess Twilight racing towards them, her normal royal horseshoes and dress absent. “It’s about damn time!” said Spike. Twilight stopped her gallop and was preparing to run in the opposite direction. “No time for chit chat we’ve got to get out of here!” Sweetie Belle and Spike exchanged glances. “Okay just let us get our things,” said Sweetie Belle. “No time! We have to go! Military quarantine of every Equestrian city and martial law are about to begin any second!” Instead of protesting any further, Sweetie Belle quickly ran back into the apartment and magically lifted a book she had set out, as she simultaneously put on her face mask. This action infuriated Twilight, but there was just no way Sweetie Belle was leaving this book behind. “Alright, let’s go,” she said as she began down the hall. Twilight shot her a look. “Come on!” she growled. After a brief moment of ascending a few flights of stairs, they had reached the rooftop. Instantly, Spike began looking around for a chariot. “Where’s the landing party?” Spike asked. “I flew here myself.” The dragon made a confused expression. “It’s a long story, but right now we have to get the fuck out of dodge.” Spike nodded and unfurled his wings. He didn’t much care for flying the way Rainbow Dash did since his wife didn’t enjoy such a luxury, though he did use it occasionally, when he was running late. He looked over to Sweetie Belle and opened his arms for her to be carried in. Spike slid his claws underneath her, and she one hoof around him, the other around her book. “Drop me and all kick your ass,” joked Sweetie Belle. Spike smirked and took flight. As he did so, he could feel Sweetie Belle’s grip around him tighten. ---------- As the trio finally reached Ponyville, it became clear that the small town was not and island of refuge amongst a sea of death. The first sign that indicated such was the massive pillar of smoke just outside of the town. As they drew closer, they could tell that it’s source was a pile of hundreds of burning bodies, a sight one in the city would find all too common. ‘At least it’s only a few,’ thought Spike. “Hey Spike!” yelled Twilight. He looked over to see her gesture towards Fluttershy’s cottage. Taking the hint, Spike adjusted his angle of decent. As Spike’s feet touched the ground, he had to run a little in order to keep his balance. Once he was at a complete stop, Sweetie Belle jumped out of his arms. “And to think, I’d almost forgotten how much I hate flying,” said Sweetie Belle as she used her hooves to at least attempt to fix her mane. Spike chuckled softly. “I’m sure Fluttershy has a comb for you, Sweetie.” Twilight, who had just landed, took no time in walking over to the door. However, her greeting wasn’t as sweet as she had expected, for just as she began reaching for the door knob, it was opened. Fluttershy was wearing a full biohazard suit complete with a P100 mask and safety goggles. In her hoof was a wand like object with a bright blue glow emanating from it, on her belt was a small plastic object that looked similar to a pistol. “Please, stay away from the entrance until I’ve had time to scan you,” demanded Fluttershy. Everyone was a bit surprised by all of Fluttershy’s gear, but complied nonetheless. The Pegasus pony began with Twilight, making sure each and every part of her body had been exposed to the light. She then went on to point the plastic device at Twilight’s forehead. It let out a small beep as she pulled the trigger. “98.5” said Fluttershy. She did the same to Sweetie Belle. “98.7” Finally, it was Spike’s turn. As the light washed over Spike, he was curious to know just what exactly she was doing to him. “Hey Fluttershy, What is that thing?” “It’s a UV wand. It kills ninety nine point nine eight percent of all viruses, bacteria, fungi, everything,” she answered as she continued to go about the scan. “And you have this how?” Fluttershy smiled beneath her mask and closed the wand. “It’s a long story.” She then pointed the second device at Spike’s forehead. “98.5” Feeling more comfortable, Fluttershy lifted her hood and revealed her pink mane. Next she slid off her mask and goggles. “Well,” she said smiling, “I hope you all are hungry. I just finished making some soup.” Sweetie Belle and Spike exchanged glances before following Fluttershy inside. To their surprise, there were no animals to be found. “Fluttershy, what happened to all of your pets?” asked Sweetie Belle. Fluttershy, who was already pouring a few bowls of soup, replied “Well, the black flu is an avian influenza type A virus which means it can be spread from animals to ponies and now pony-to-pony. I didn’t want one of my animals getting sick, so I just set them free. It took them awhile to understand, but they’re okay now… So, are things in the city as bad as they say?” Sweetie Belle sighed, as her and the others took a seat at the dining table. “It’s a damn nightmare. Thousands are evacuating while thousands more die. I swear there are so many dead that seeing ponies in that state is almost normal… We saw a mass body burning on the way in. Did you know any of them.” Fluttershy brought the bowls of soup over to the dining table on a platter and laid them before her friends. “Yeah, a few; Bonbon, Mister and misses Cake, Cheerilee, and Poundcake.” The three just stared at Fluttershy, shocked by how casually she spoke of this. Then the thought of Pinkie Pie instantly shot through Sweetie Belle’s head. With this new information, she couldn’t help but think of how bad things must be for her. “I imagine Pinkie Pie is having a pretty rough time,” said Sweetie Belle. Fluttershy swallowed a spoonful of soup. “I wouldn’t know. After she came back from Canterlot to find the Cakes dead she left town with Pumpkin. She didn’t even tell any pony.” There was a momentary pause before Twilight asked “Excuse me Fluttershy, do you have a radio?” She nodded and pointed to one on the kitchen counter. “Over there.” With the glow of her horn, Twilight flicked it on and began turning up the volume. She assumed that this announcement would be so large scale that it wouldn’t matter what channel it was on. “This is an announcement from the Ministry of Emergency Management and the Equestrian Royal Guard. As of three thirty PM, Canterlot time, the ruling princesses of Equestria have placed Equestria under military quarantine and martial law. Do not attempt to leave your city. Royal Guard checkpoints have been placed at all roads connecting major cities. If you attempt to leave, you will be sent home. All unruly action will be met with strict and immediate force. At eight thirty PM to seven AM a curfew will be in effect. If you break the curfew you will be detained. Message repeats. This is an announcement-“ Twilight shut off the radio and looked over to Spike. “Looks like we got out just in time.” The dragon glared at her. “You voted for this?” Twilight made an expression, as if she’d been insulted. “No! Celestia and Luna did. Even Cadence got over ridden by them. We had no say. The only thing I voted yes on was the release of a few criminals!” “You did!?” shouted Sweetie belle. “I was almost raped thanks to that!” “Well, how the fuck is that my fault!? All of the police are dead! Was I supposed to let them all rot in their cells with no food and water?” “Yes! Those sick fucks shouldn’t walk free! They’re only making this world go to shit faster!” argued Spike. Ignoring the conversation completely, Fluttershy finished her last spoonful of soup and took it over to the sink. Rolling up the sleeves on her suit, she began to wash the bowl. Once she had dried it and placed it atop the rack, she sighed. “Will you three shut up!” screamed Fluttershy. “Spike, Sweetie Belle, quit going after Twilight, if it weren’t for her breaking the law and getting your asses out of Manehatten you’d be stuck there still! Secondly, she decided not to go underground like Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and even Shining Armor because she wanted to keep you two safe!” Everyone just stared at Fluttershy. Never had they expected such a kind pony to snap in the way she just did. They just assumed that the years to herself and the stresses of the pandemic had finally gotten to her. Spike was the first to recover from his state of shock. He turned to Twilight and was about to say something, when the lights suddenly went out. Fluttershy face hoofed. “Oh come on.” > Chapter Seven: Exposure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Fifty Three Infected: 1.013 Billion Dead: 613 Million As Spike began to drift back into the land of consciousness, a sweet scent met his nose. Slowly, he opened his eyes to see Fluttershy stepping into his and Sweetie Belle’s room, in her hoof was a steaming trey of pancakes. There were two plates, each with a different style of pancake; on the right was Sweetie Belle’s with extra tulip peddles, and to the left was Spike’s with a dusting of emerald shavings. “I’m sorry,” whispered Fluttershy. “Did I wake you, Spike?” Spike smiled. “No, I just smelled food.” At this time Sweetie Belle, who was sleeping next to Spike, let out a yawn before sitting up. It took her a moment to process why Fluttershy was in their room, but quickly realized upon seeing the trey of food. She smiled as the Pegasus laid the trey atop her and Spike’s laps. “Fluttershy,” began Sweetie Belle, “You don’t have to keep doing this.” The yellow mare only smiled. “Nonsense, you two are my guests, so it’s only right to treat you as nice as possible.” Sweetie Belle let out a faint sigh, before looking to Fluttershy with a slight smile. “Okay Fluttershy, thank you.” “Thmmk ymo” said Spike, who was currently enjoying a mouthful of pancakes. This caused Fluttershy to giggle as she stepped through the door. “You’re welcome.” “Hey Flutters,” called Sweetie Belle. “Yes?” she asked as she poked her head back in. “Is power rationing still in effect?” Fluttershy’s expression took on a hint of sadness. “I’m afraid so. The pony on the radio said that Ponyville will be without power for at least another three days.” Sweetie Belle looked down. “Oh okay, thank you.” Spike swallowed the bit of food in his mouth before nudging his wife’s shoulder. “You’re still worrying about Rarity aren’t you?” Sweetie Belle nodded. “Trust me; your sister is going to be just fine.” She turned to face him. “How do you know? You saw how bad things were in Manehatten, and Twilight has been telling us all about Canterlot.” Spike gave her a reassuring smile. “Because I have hope, something I think you need a lot more of.” The unicorn sighed. “I wish I had your sense of optimism, Spike.” Spike quickly kissed Sweetie Bell on the cheek. “Listen, we can’t do anything at the moment but have faith, so in the meantime, how about we enjoy this meal Fluttershy made us and then go do something. Maybe we could play a board game with the girls.” Sweetie Belle giggled. “Another game of checkers against one of the Princesses of Equestria and her best friend, I don’t think so. Fluttershy may be a lot of things, but checkers mastermind is not one of them.” Spike chuckled faintly. “Yeah, don’t worry, I’ll think of something else for you.” ----------- Twilight paced nervously before the chicken coup. “I’m not sure about this, Fluttershy. Shouldn’t we be wearing a mask or something? I mean the black flu is an avian flu.” Fluttershy shrugged and shot her friend a reassuring smile. “Trust me Twilight, we’ll be just fine.” “But how do you know that they won’t make us sick?” Fluttershy reached a hoof out to the door of the chicken coup. “Because, the black flu doesn’t infect birds anymore. The mutation that allowed it to latch onto the cells in our lungs are the same mutations required for the virus to lose its grip on birds.” Twilight took a step back. “Still…” Fluttershy let out a sigh. “You still want a mask don’t you?” Twilight nodded. The Pegasus gestured with her hoof towards the small cottage. “There’s a new box of N95 masks on the counter.” “Thank you,” she replied before trotting off. While Twilight was off getting a mask, Fluttershy decided to go about this the same way she had before; alone. She opened the door to the chicken coup, which sent the chickens into an uproar, but upon seeing their loving owner, they settled back down. She reached down and picked up a small straw basket by the door. It had a plaid cloth laid inside it for padding. Going over to the first chicken, she coaxed it up to reveal two eggs underneath. Carefully, she placed the two eggs into the basket. “Okay, I’m back,” announced Twilight. Instantly the Alicorn regretted this for once again the whole coup was in an uproar. It took Fluttershy only a moment to get the birds back under control, but it was a little longer than last time. “Okay, so what do I do,” she asked. Fluttershy handed her the basket. “You could hold this while I collect eggs please.” Twilight nodded and grasped the basket with the glow of her horn. She stepped forward as Fluttershy lowered another bird’s eggs into the basket. “So, if birds can’t get the flu, are there any animals that can?” Fluttershy nodded, as she went on to the next bird. “Yes, actually there are. Ferrets have a respiratory system similar to ours and are even used as an animal model for viruses. However, I’d worry most about pigs. They can catch both avian and equine influenza. In fact many believe that pigs may be the reason this whole pandemic got started. Thankfully though, I don’t own any.” ---------- While Twilight and Fluttershy continued to chat and collect eggs, Spike and Sweetie Belle were at work hanging cloths out to dry. Spike took out a wet sweater and placed it on the line as Sweetie Belle used her magic to place the clips. “You sure these will dry like this? It’s freezing out here,” said Spike as he shivered slightly. Sweetie Belle nodded. “They should, it’ll just take a little longer. And no, it’s not freezing. If it were, we wouldn’t be doing this.” Spike looked over to the basket, to see it empty. “Okay, that’s all of them. What do you want to do now?” Sweetie Belle stretched out her forelegs. “What I want to do is go to a spa, and waste an afternoon in a hot tub. Though I think I’d settle for a nice warm bath.” Spike chuckled. “Sorry, but last time I checked, power rationing would still be in effect until Thursday.” Sweetie Belle shot Spike a seductive grin. “And last time I checked, dragons could breathe fire.” Spike smirked. “That may be true, but I don’t think this dragon is in a fire breathing mood. Besides, I was about to start on dinner.” Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes and slowly trotted past Spike, making sure to brush against him with her tail. “You sure you’re not in a fire breathing mood.” Spike’s scales turned slightly red at this display of affection. “On second thought, this dragon may have changed his mind.” The couple began to make their way towards Fluttershy’s cottage, but just as they did so, a particular purple pony rounded the corner. As soon as Sweetie Belle’s eyes met hers, she could feel her plans disintegrate. “Hey guys, Fluttershy and I were about to start on dinner, would either of you like to help?” asked an overly cheerful Twilight. Sweetie Belle shot her a look, but was only met with a sarcastic smile. “Actually,” began Spike, “Sweetie Belle was going to take a bath.” Twilight leaned forward. “And what about you, Spike?” ‘Don’t say it! Don’t say it! Don’t say it!’ thought the unicorn. Spike scratched the back of his neck. “Uh, I guess I could help.” ‘Damn it!’ “Okay, thanks, Spike,” replied Twilight. “Yeah, thanks, Spike,” muttered Sweetie Belle. ---------- As Spike diced the carrots for Twilight’s stew, he could feel a presence on the back of his head. He didn’t have to look, for he already knew it was Sweetie Belle staring at him, though this didn’t last long. When Twilight returned from the pantry, her gaze instantly focused on her. The past few days for Spike haven’t been exactly the best. On one side, his wife, Sweetie Belle, had been wishing to spend more time with him, at the same time Twilight had wished for something similar, but in a less romantic sense. Based upon the hostilities between the two, one can assume that neither was getting what they wanted. Spike was fully aware that this subtle “Cold War” would continue for some time if something didn’t cause attention to shift. Though his diversion may be dark, it would still serve its purpose. He sighed. “Hey, if things don’t get back to normal, what’s our plan?” The two mares just stared at Spike. They knew that if the pandemic progressed a little further, the question must be asked, but no one wished to be its messenger. Twilight cleared her throat. “I assume we would just steer clear of major cities and gather what we can. You know basic survival stuff.” “Listen, I know things are bad out there, but I don’t think talking about what to do after everything ends is a good idea. Our moral is down enough already,” stated Sweetie Belle. Spike slid the carrots off of his chopping board and into the boiling pot. “I know, I’m probably just talking out my ass, and we’ll all look back at how stupid we were, but there’s still that ‘what if’.” The room fell silent. A few seconds passed before a yellow Pegasus came trotting out of the basement with two jars under her wings. She looked around at everyone’s expression and felt that she missed something. “Well, who died now?” she asked. The three chuckled slightly as the heavy atmosphere was lifted. “No one,” replied Spike. “We were just talking.” Fluttershy set the jars on the counter near the pot. “About?” “The end of the world,” replied Sweetie Belle, with a hint of sarcasm. The Pegasus nodded as she opened each jar. “Don’t rush it. It’ll be here soon enough.” The seriousness in Fluttershy’s tone caused the room to fall silent once again. Had this not happened, it is unlikely that anyone would have heard a faint cry from outside. Spike was the first to hear it, and went over to the window. “Help.” Spike listened closer, trying to identify the voice’s owner and source. This didn’t take long, for only a few seconds had passed before he caught sight of Applejack. Her mane was a mess and tears streamed down her face as she galloped towards the cottage. The four made their way to the door, and each adorned their facemask as they exited. “Please, Fluttershy! Twilight! I need your help!” she called as she continued to gallop forward. “What is it?” asked Twilight. “It’s my brother, Big Mac. He’s sick!” ---------- As the five entered the farm house, they instantly keyed in on the sound of crying. Applejack lead them to its source, Big Mac’s room, where Applebloom sat sobbing. Fluttershy gave him a once over. His face was a discolored purple and his breathing slow and weak. She turned to Applejack. “How long has he been like this?” The cowpony wiped her tears as she spoke. “S-Since this mornin. Last night he said he wasn’t feelin good and went to bed early. Applebloom tried to wake him, and that’s when I went to get y’all.” “So about fourteen hours?” asked Sweetie Belle. “Yeah,” replied Applejack. Sweetie Belle drew closer to the bed. She found her next question pointless, but still worth asking. “Do either of you have any Tamiflu?” Applebloom and Applejack both shook their heads. Expecting this, she asked “What about any vitamin D3?” “We have multi vitamins, but I don’t know about D3,” replied Applejack. “Just look, and if you find some, crush them up and stir them into a glass of water,” barked Fluttershy. Both Sweetie Belle and Fluttershy made eye contact. They both shared the same look, one of doubt and uncertainty. They both knew the vitamins would probably fail, but they still needed to try. After all, the only other option was to let these sisters watch their brother die. Just then, the red stallion began to vomit. Quickly, Sweetie Belle and Fluttershy turned him on his side so he didn’t drown in it. “Big Mac!” screamed Applebloom as she went for the bed. Twilight and Spike blocked the filly’s path. “Applebloom,” began Spike, his voice warm and calm, “You need to get out of here.” “No! I need to be with him!” “Please. Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle are going to do everything they can, but you don’t need to see this.” At those words, the filly began to put up less of a fight and slowly began to back away from her brother. Twilight and Spike were beginning to walk her out the door when she turned back and said “I love ya, brother.” Once Fluttershy assumed Applebloom was out of earshot, she looked up to Sweetie belle and said “Look at the vomit.” The unicorn peered over the stallion to see a thick red liquid mixed in with the puke. “He’s not going to make it is he?” Fluttershy looked down sadly as she slowly shook her head. “What are ya talking about!” screamed Applejack. “You can’t just give up on him!” Fluttershy avoided eye contact as she spoke. “Applejack, we’re sorry, but we think his lungs are beginning to-” “Bull shit! Ya keep trying!” screamed the mare as she pushed past the Pegasus. Sweetie Belle stood their coldly and decided to finish what Fluttershy was trying to say. “His lungs are ripping themselves apart, Applejack.” “You’re a damn unicorn! Can’t you or Twilight’s magic do something?!” Sweetie Belle shook her head. “Then get out! If there’s nothing…” Applejack trailed off as she caught sight of something; a pink foam seeping from her brother’s mouth. His lungs had collapsed. Slowly, Sweetie Belle lifted her hoof to his neck. Nothing. > Chapter Eight: Symptomatic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Fifty Six Infected: 1.239 Billion Dead: 678 Million Spike stepped out of his and Sweetie Belle’s bedroom to see Twilight lying on the living room sofa. The Alicorn sat reading a book. She appeared to be very deep into the story, but when a board beneath Spike’s foot creaked, her attention refocused. She smiled to him and moved over. Spike took a seat next to her. “What are you reading?” Twilight closed the leather book and sat it down next to her. “Oh, some romance novel Fluttershy had lying around.” He raised an eyebrow. “A romance novel? I thought that was more Rarity’s thing.” Twilight smiled. “While I may appear cold as stone, I do actually have a soft side.” Spike’s expression suddenly went very grim as a thought crossed his mind. “I hope Applebloom and Applejack will be okay.” Twilight leaned forward. “Spike, we just helped them burry their brother in the backyard. I think it’ll be a little while before they’re all smiles.” Spike nodded. “You think that we should go talk to them?” “I don’t know. Applejack did seem pretty pissed at Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle.” The dragon shook his head. “I said we. As in you and me.” Twilight took on a surprised expression. “Oh, I just assumed that Sweetie Belle would come too… Either way, I think we should give it some time.” Twilight then smiled faintly. “But I do think just the two of us visiting them is a good idea.” Spike returned the smile. “Hey listen, I’m sorry I haven’t been talking to you all that much.” “It’s okay, Spike. After all, things haven’t exactly calmed down enough to have a conversation.” “That’s not what I mean. I’m talking about since Sweetie Belle and I…” Spike trailed off as Twilight rested a hoof onto his shoulder. “You’re married, so it’s only natural that you wouldn’t talk to me as much. And I don’t blame you for that.” He looked down. “Still, I could have been there for you more.” “Well, if you’re so regretful, why don’t you make it up to me?” Spike looked up, a little confused. “What do you mean?” “I just have a feeling that we’re going to be seeing a lot more of each other and we should probably start spending that time together. For starters, I was about to go on a walk, and was wondering if you’d like to come with me.” Spike nodded and stood. “Sure I would, just let me get my coat.” Twilight smiled. “Great.” As Spike walked over to the coat rack, he could hear his bed creak. He assumed it was just Sweetie Belle wondering where he was. He had just finished adorning his jacket and began reaching for his respirator when he looked up to Sweetie Belle. “Hey, Twilight and I…” He trailed off and his blood ran cold. Sweetie Belle was barely able to stand, propping herself against the wall, her fur was drenched in sweat, and her eyes were bloodshot. “Spike, I…” She trailed off before tumbling to the floor. Spike just stood there, unable to move or react. It was as though every joint in his body had suddenly welded together. All the while, Twilight darted past him to her face mask and adorned it as she rushed to Sweetie Belle’s side. ‘This can’t be happening. THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!’ Suddenly, Spike sprang into action as if he’d been hit with a sudden jolt of electricity. He raced over to Sweetie Belle’s side and helped Twilight carry her. The two laid her down on his bed, and once again Spike just stared. Seeing her in such a helpless and pitiful state just did something to him. Nothing had ever affected him quite like this. Realizing that her friend would be of no use to her in his current state of shock, Twilight ran to Fluttershy’s room and over to her bed. She began shaking her until she finally awoke. “Get up! Get up!” Twilight screamed. The Pegasus’ eyes fluttered open as she adjusted to consciousness. “Wha...” “Sweetie Belle’s sick!” Those words nearly made Fluttershy hurl herself out of bed. “What!?” “Get your suits and whatever you have to treat this. Come on!” “Okay! Okay!” replied Fluttershy as she went over to her closet. Inside was a box of suits similar to the one she first stepped outside in, another contained latex hoof covers, and, the last one, P100 respirators. She went about gathering two of each before throwing half to Twilight. The two mares suited up and were about to leave when Fluttershy said “Oh, I almost forgot.” She then went back into her closet and took a pair of goggles as well as an IR thermometer. As she trotted past twilight, she handed her one of the goggles. The two mares went right past Spike and got to work. Fluttershy started by taking her temperature, and Twilight by changing the sheets. The small beep of the thermometer was followed by a loud “Damn it!” “It’s 102.8” said Fluttershy. “Okay” replied Twilight. “I’ll go get some water and add two thousand milligrams of vitamin D, but if you have some Tamiflu you aren’t telling us about, I’d be happy to get that too.” “Unfortunately, no.” Fluttershy then went over to Spike, who was still unresponsive. “Spike,” she said calmly. “I know you’re freaking out, but I need you to go get a wet rag from the bathroom. Make sure it’s cold. Can you do that?” Spike took a moment, but finally nodded. As he walked out, he passed Twilight, who was carrying a glass of water in her magic. She sat down next to the unicorn and gently propped up her head. Sweetie Belle seemed pretty bad off, but was still somewhat responsive. “Hey, I’m going to need you to drink this, okay?” she asked warmly. Sweetie Belle nodded, and Twilight brought the glass to her lips. She was hardly able to get the first few sips down without coughing. “It’s okay, don’t try to rush it.” She nodded again and began to drink. Twilight was glad she didn’t add too much water because even an ounce was appearing to be difficult. She continued to repeat this process until all the water was gone. Twilight smiled as she took the last sips. “Good. That’s very good.” She then looked up to see Spike behind her, a damp cloth in his hand. “Come here,” demanded Twilight. Spike sat down on the bed with her and brought the cloth to his wife’s forehead. “Just keep dabbing like that, okay?” Spike nodded. “Twilight, could you come here for a second?” asked Fluttershy from the hallway. Twilight stood and went over to the mare. “What is it?” The Pegasus looked down, not wanting to say what she had to. “Twilight, I’m going to begin sealing up this room and the hallway with plastic, and I’m going to need your help.” Twilight nodded. “Of course, it’s the only way to quarantine her.” Fluttershy continued to avert her gaze. “Twilight, I need your help convincing Spike to leave.” Twilight now understood her friend’s hesitation. “I see.” “I’ll start gathering supplies.” And with that she turned and began down the hall. The Alicorn slowly approached Spike before placing a hoof on his shoulder and taking a seat. “I don’t understand,” began Spike, “She was just fine yesterday.” Twilight nodded. “The black flu is fast. You could be fine one day and sick the next.” He began to tear up. “What are we going to do, Twilight? I can’t lose her.” She sighed sadly. “I know, Spike. I know… Listen, I’m going to need you to come with me.” Spike looked confused. “What for?” “We need to quarantine her, and we don’t want you to get sick.” “You mean you want me to stay away from her?” Twilight avoided eye contact. “It’s the only way. Please Spike, I know you love her, but I don’t want you to get sick. Do you understand?” Spike stood. “How do you know I’m not sick too?” “We don’t, but if you stay in here with her, you will be.” “I’m not leaving her, Twilight. If something happens and I’m not there…” “Spike,” Sweetie Belle said weakly. “Please, listen to her.” A tear began to roll down her cheek. “I-I don’t want you to see me like this.” Spike slid his arm beneath her and gently lifted her up. “Sweetie, I can’t.” “Please, if I got you sick I couldn’t live with myself. Please go.” By now, both were crying. Even Twilight couldn’t hold back a tear or two. “Spike…” said Sweetie Belle. “What is it?” “I just want you to know I love you, and don’t you ever forget that. I’ll always love you.” Spike began to cry heavier. “Don’t you dare start talking like that. I’m going to make sure you get better, you hear me?” “Spike, please I don’t…” she trailed off as her eyes began to close. “Sweetie Belle? What is it?! Wake up!” he yelled. “Spike, we need to go,” pleaded Twilight. Just then, an idea occurred to Spike. He wasn’t about to leave the mare he loved, and this would make sure of it. Slowly, he began to lean forward. “Spike don’t!” screamed Twilight as she reached for him. It was too late. Spike pressed his lips to Sweetie Belle’s for a solid five seconds. If this flu was going to take her from him, he wanted it to take him down with her. Twilight began to sob. “You son of a bitch!” He looked up to Twilight, his face soaked with tears. “I’m sorry, but I can’t lose her.” The Alicorn turned and galloped out of the room. She ripped off her gloves and masks as she bolted for the door to Fluttershy’s cottage. ---------- Fluttershy had just finished taping up the last sheets of plastic. She made sure that Spike and Sweetie Belle would still have access to the bathroom, but nothing else. She and Twilight would have to bring them food and clothing. As she laid her roll of duct tape on the counter, she caught sight of Twilight sitting on the steps outside. She sighed as she began taking of her mask and gloves, on her way over to her. She stepped outside, but when the door opened, she didn’t look up. Fluttershy took a seat beside her and put a foreleg around her. Twilight wrapped her into an embrace and continued crying. “Twilight, I promise I’ll do everything I can to help them.” This caused Twilight’s crying to ease up, but only slightly. “W-We were going to go for a walk this morning. We even talked about how we were going to spend more time together… That’s all shit now!” Fluttershy pulled her in a little closer. “He’ll be okay, and so will Sweetie Belle. You can’t give up on them.” “He sure gave up on me! Did he even stop and think what losing him would do to me! Fuck no! He doesn’t give a damn about me!” “Twilight, he does care about you. He loves you.” “Yeah right! He cares about me so much that he wants to kill himself to get away from me!” Fluttershy stood. “No! He cares about you, do you understand? Now get up.” Twilight looked confused. “What? Why?” “You’re coming with me to see him!” She turned away. “Fuck no!” Fluttershy was beginning to get angry. “Yes, because if this really is the end for him would you like to spend it crying on the ground like a little bitch or at his side!? Because if you stay like this, you will regret it for the rest of your life!” Twilight was completely shocked, and honestly a little scared. “Okay, I’ll go,” she replied as she stood. Slowly the two began to trot towards the plastic sheets. When they got there, they found Spike sitting in the hall next to the plastic. Twilight wiped her tears and took a seat. “Twilight, I…” Spike trailed off as he looked over to see Twilight looking into his eyes with still unfallen tears clinging to them. “You don’t want to lose Sweetie Belle, well…” a tear rolled down her cheek. “I don’t want to lose you. Did you even consider that?” Spike began to cry as well. “I’m sorry.” Twilight nodded as she continued to cry. She then looked to Spike and lifted her hoof to the plastic. Spike carefully lifted his hand and placed it atop her hoof. > Chapter Nine: Critical Condition > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Seventy Two Infected: 1.694 Billion Dead: 910 Million Twilight stepped into Sweetie Belle’s room wearing her, seemingly becoming usual, Tyvek suit. She went over to the pony’s bed and pointed an IR thermometer at her forehead before pulling the trigger with her magic. This routine, in which she and Fluttershy would take turns, had been occurring for over a week now. The pony then slid the thermometer back onto her belt and reached up to an IV drip that Fluttershy had found in her veterinary kit. Had they not discovered this, it’s likely that Sweetie Belle would have died from her inability to drink and eat. She adjusted the dial to increase the number of drips. Just then, she heard a slight moan from below. She looked over to see the previously sleeping pony’s eyes begin to flutter open. Twilight smiled as she looked down to her. “Sweetie Belle, its Twilight.” She let out a moan of a different pitch to signify a response. Twilight sat down on the bed next to her. “If you can move, try to nod, okay?” Sweetie Belle nodded very slightly. The Alicorn smiled even more. “Good! Now I want you to answer some questions. You were in a coma for fifteen days and at times you’re temperature reached a hundred five. I just want to make sure there’s nothing wrong. Okay?” She nodded once more. “Do you remember me?” She nodded. Twilight clapped her gloved hooves together. “That’s good. Do you remember coming to Fluttershy’s cottage?” Sweetie Belle nodded. Twilight laid a hoof atop her shoulder. “Good. It looks like you’re okay, but it’ll be awhile before you’re up and about again. Though a young mare like you should be just fine.” To Twilight’s surprise, the pony attempted to mumble something, but she was unable to understand her. She leaned her ear in closer. Twilight instantly noted that her voice was rough and raspy, but the word she spoke was clear. “Spike.” Twilight’s expression instantly turned grim. “Sweetie Belle,” she said sadly, “Fluttershy and I had to move Spike into another room. You don’t want to see him like this.” She gave Twilight a look begging her to go on. The Alicorn sighed. “We think his lungs are beginning to fill with fluid.” Twilight’s eyes began to grow damp. “We don’t know if he’s going to make it.” Twilight then leaned down and wrapped a hoof around Sweetie Belle. “Just know we’re going to do everything we can. And I’m not going to let-“ Twilight’s voice cracked cutting her off. She then turned away and stood. “You just worry about getting better, Sweetie Belle.” As Twilight began to walk out the door she turned back around. “Oh, I almost forgot.” With the glow of her horn she turned on a radio atop the dresser. “The power’s back on for now, so I thought you’d like to get up to date.” Feeling as though she were talking to herself, Twilight began to feel awkwardness atop her sadness, so she left Sweetie Bell alone with the news. The voice of the reader sounded unprofessional and stuttered frequently. Sweetie Belle assumed the old anchor died or was sick. “S-Since the discovery of a vaccine last week, pharmacies have been rushing t-to produce the lifesaving formula, despite only having thirty percent of its usual workforce.” ‘Oh wow, good news, that’s a first.’ Thought Sweetie Belle. “However,” ‘And never mind.’ “many fear that it will be at least six months before a vaccine is available to the general public, and even longer to vaccinate the entire p-population. Worse yet, is the looming fear of a mutation that may occur at any time and make all vaccination research useless. If this were to happen, it is possible that vaccine production could take as much as a year and six months.” This information both filled Sweetie Belle with hope and despair. She was happy a vaccine was complete, but doubted it would make a difference in the pandemic. This doubt would turn out to be not ill-founded. The pony’s thoughts began to shift back to her husband now that she was more conscious, and more able to comprehend what Twilight had said. She wondered in what state he was in, and if it would be possible for her to see him. She wished she wasn’t trapped in her body, unable to move or even speak without pain. --------- After leaving Sweetie Belle’s room, Twilight made her way to another nearby one in which Spike lay. She pulled back the plastic with her hoof and stepped inside. Fluttershy, who was sitting at his bedside, looked up at Twilight. Her face was as pail as moonlight. Already knowing the answer, Twilight hesitated to ask, but did so anyways. “Any change?” Fluttershy averted her eyes and shook her head. Twilight looked down. “You know, for someone without a ventilator, he sure is doing good. Maybe he’ll get better.” She knew this not to be true, but hoped that if she lied enough, she herself would begin to believe it. The Pegasus made no gesture in response. Twilight drew closer to the bed, but tried not to look at her friend. She couldn’t handle seeing him like this, but if she and Fluttershy’s fears were realized, she knew she’d have to overcome this phobia. “Fluttershy, could you leave us alone for a moment?” The pony nodded and stood before silently trotting out of the room. Twilight took a seat upon the stool in which Fluttershy had been sitting. It was facing the bed, and gave her no choice but to look at Spike. She began with his hand. It was a dull purple with an IV and medical tape around it. Slowly, she made her way up his arm. It was just as dull, and had the rest of him not been visible, it’s possible that Twilight might have just assumed he was feeling under the weather. Finally was his face, the part she most dreaded seeing. His eyes were enshrouded with dark circles and cheeks were an eerie violet with a tinge of blue beginning to show. She knew why this was too; he was slowly suffocating. This sight brought tears to Twilight’s eyes, yet they were no different than the previously fallen ones of days past. Twilight hesitantly outstretched her hoof to Spike’s claw, though when she had it, she wrapped her other hoof tightly around it. “Hey, Spike.” As her lips moved, a few tears broke free. “I have some really good news. Sw-“ Her voice cracked. “Sweetie Belle is awake. She’s just fine, but a little sore. It’ll be a little while before she’s up and about, but you two will be back to groping each other in no time.” Twilight smiled at her own joke, also in an attempt to cover her sorrow. “You wanna know something, Spike?” She paused. “I never really liked, Sweetie Belle.” Twilight smiled. “Shocker I know. But to be fair, it was never really anything she did. It’s just I see a lot of myself in her. She’s strong, caring, reliable, and… She loves you.” Twilight sighed. “Yeah… She loves you. We have that in common.” She trailed off. Just then, Twilight began to cry. At first it was only one or two tears at a time, but once the flood gates had opened, there was no stopping it. “Spike… I fucked up!” Her slight cry was now a near bawl. “I was so caught up in this princess shit that I never took the time to care about you. I took you for granted because you were always there, and I thought you’d always be there. And… And…” Twilight cracked her hoof on the nightstand near Spike’s bed. “Goddesses damn it!” She wiped her eyes with her foreleg. “I always thought you’d be there no matter what I did! I thought you’d never leave. If I had just cared about you more and spent more time with you, maybe things would have been different, but… Spike, please don’t leave me, not again.” --------- Fluttershy took a seat at the dinner table, bowl of soup at hoof. Twilight finished pouring herself a bowl from the kettle above the fireplace, and was trotting over. As she took a seat, Fluttershy made sure to focus her eyes only on her bowl in the dim candle light. “Sweetie Belle’s doing better,” she said. Twilight took a sip. “That’s good.” Fluttershy nodded. “I think that sometime tomorrow we could get that wheel chair from the back and let her see, Spike. Twilight nodded. “I think that’s a good idea.” There was a long silence after that. Fluttershy finally took in a deep breath. “Twilight, I overheard what you said.” The Alicorn froze, her spoon locked in place with her magical grip. “I just want to say, that I could never possibly know just how hard this has been for you, but if you’d like to talk, know I’m here.” Twilight smiled and took another sip. “Thank you, Fluttershy.” “I mean the next few weeks are going to be really rough for you and Sweetie Belle and-“ Twilight raised her hoof aggressively, interrupting. “Wait? What do you mean by that?” Fluttershy recoiled slightly, but did her best to remain firm. “Twilight, his lungs are beginning to fill with fluid. At this rate he’d be lucky to see tomorrow.” Twilight stood, sending the chair screeching back, and slammed her hooves onto the table. “No! Don’t you fucking dare talk about him like he’s already dead!” Fluttershy flinched. “Twilight, please. Even if his lungs were suddenly void of fluid, the damage to them would probably still be fatal, and even if he did live, he wouldn’t be the same. We both know this is true!” “No! I don’t want to hear this shit!” Twilight trotted off. “He’s not dead yet, so don’t start acting like he is!” Twilight stormed out the back door and took a seat on the steps. Despite the fact that earlier, Fluttershy had sat out here with her the last time she was upset, she was fairly certain she wouldn’t follow tonight. She’d made it abundantly clear that she needed a moment to herself. She peered up at the night sky and saw the stars peering down on her and the moon shining bright as ever, all completely unaware of the hell that is now Equestria. She took some comfort in this though, for no matter what, some things in this world would always remain constant, and reliable. She hoped that they would remain this way, not like everything and everyone else in her life. Twilight now looked to the ground; a light frost covered the now dead grass. This suddenly caused her spirit to do a one eighty. There was no life to be found on the ground, only brown ugly earth. There was no beauty, no joy, and no refuge from her life. Though this is typical in December, its existence, or lack thereof, presented Twilight with an overwhelming sense of worthlessness. In this day and age, nothing seemed to have any value anymore. Property had no meaning, life was disposable, and civilization itself mattered not in the eyes of the virus. Twilight wondered how many other millions of ponies were feeling the same way, in the exact same situation. All because of the flu. --------- Day Seventy Three Infected: 1.725 Billion Dead: 923 Million The next day brought no hope, only disappointment. The power was still off, Spike was still dying, and, for a brief moment this morning, Twilight found herself wondering what he might like for breakfast before reality came back to wash her illusion away. That’s the thing with reality; it spares no feeling and speaks only truth, the hard truth. Fluttershy called for Twilight to assist her in moving Sweetie Belle. As she stepped into the plastic coated room, she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of hatred for her. After all, had Spike not kissed her, they wouldn’t be in this situation; they wouldn’t be preparing to bury the one they loved. None the less, Twilight went over to the mare’s bedside and assisted her into a wheelchair. She cringed and yelped in pain as they lifted her. “I’m sorry,” said Fluttershy through a masked face as a gloved hoof lay upon her shoulder. Twilight, on the other hand, felt no such sympathy. The Alicorn then stepped away from the wheelchair and over to the door. She lifted the plastic sheets with her hoof to grant them entrance. She then went over to Spike’s room, but before she did the same she hesitated. For a second, the thought crossed Twilight’s mind that in the time they assisted Sweetie Belle, he had already passed. Not willing to let this thought hold her back, she swiftly lifted the plastic and stepped inside. Her eyes fixed on his chest. When it didn’t rise, Twilight began to panic. Thankfully, a slight breath could be seen. Twilight breathed a mental sigh of relief. Fluttershy pushed the wheelchair next to Spike’s bed. It never really hit her just how bad off he was until now. Looking at his pail scales, blue cheeks, and black eyes caused her the utmost shock imaginable. She wished to scream in horror or cry out, but all she could do was sob. A steady stream of tears and a moan unlike anything she’d ever heard was all her body as capable of. Struggling, she raised her shaking hoof to his hand. Fluttershy helped guide her. Sweetie Belle just sat there, holding her husband’s cold dying hand. Her thoughts filled with images of the things they’d never get to do together; the foals they were never going to have, the vacations they’d never take, the days they’d never spend growing old together. All of this gone. Twilight just stared at Sweetie Belle, though her mind wasn’t full of rage, instead she felt understanding. She had been in her exact same spot and once again she saw herself. She saw herself in Sweetie Belle’s sobbing eyes, her heartbroken moans, and her utter despair. Gradually, Twilight made her way around the bed to Spike’s other hand. She held it in her hoof and stared down at him. Her eyes began to feel heavy with the weight of tears once more. She had thought that she could contain herself, but Spike’s touch set her off. As her mask began to dampen, she looked up at Sweetie Belle. Their eyes locked. In that moment, they both knew what the other was feeling, and they both knew that if they were to pull through this, both of them had to work together. Sweetie Belle bent down and pressed her lips to Spike’s for the last time. When she finished, she looked up to Twilight. The Alicorn carefully removed her mask and lowered herself down to Spike. She formed a slight magical barrier to prevent infection, and she too kissed him. Fluttershy then stepped forward, her face now soaked, and pressed a hoof to her mask before placing it upon his cheek. The three mares stared down at their friend, his breaths growing weaker and farther apart. Spike would have wanted it like this. His friends and loved ones there for him in his final minutes. It’s something many would hope for, to know that they were loved until the end. Spike drew his final breath. > Chapter Ten: Shock > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Eighty Five Infected: 2.242 Billion Dead: 1.437 Billion Sweetie Belle sat beside the window, gazing out upon her husband’s grave. An ever-present drizzle had turned the fresh soil to mud. She had wished to sit with him in the weather, but given her condition, Fluttershy wouldn’t allow it. Sweetie Belle had done this each day since Spike’s passing, though Twilight had found a much different way of coping. The Alicorn raced from notebook to notebook, scribbling various spells with her quill. She was not going to accept that Spike was gone, not without first attempting everything to bring him back. Her ideas were on the very fringe of what magic had considered being possible. Her notes spanned from Starswirl the Bearded’s time travel spells, to using the Crystal Mirror to cross over into another reality where another version of Spike still existed. At the moment however, she was focusing her attention on the potion Zecora had once given her to combat the Everfree forest’s expansion. And she believed she was close to a break through. Fluttershy, who wasn’t as close to Spike, went about her days as normal as possible. This isn’t to say that she didn’t feel a tremendous sorrow, only that it paled in comparison to that felt by Twilight and Sweetie Belle. Fluttershy was preparing to make herself, and possibly Twilight, something to eat. She wouldn’t even bother to ask Sweetie Belle, since she’s been in a daze for over a week. Upon opening the cabinet, Fluttershy was surprised that there were not more canned goods. She had assumed she had acquired at least four months’ worth of food, but it appears her math was a little off. Regardless, she grasped the nearest can and read the label. “Carrots and Pea Soup”. She sighed. ‘Perhaps I should have expanded my food stores,’ she thought. Resting the soup upon the counter near her oil lamp, she went down the hall to the room Twilight had commandeered. She had a large chalk board to the back of the room, various notes taped to the walls, and at least four books opened to a similar section. At the center of this hurricane of magical knowledge was Twilight, currently she was writing down an equation in one of her note books, before shouting “No! No! No!” and erasing half of her chalk board. “Um, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked timidly. The Alicorn suddenly jerked her head in the mare’s direction, not even noticing her entrance. “Yes, what is it?” she asked as she turned back to her board. “I was wondering if you might like some soup?” Twilight brushed her off with a hoof. “No thanks, I don’t have time to eat.” Fluttershy had expected this, and knew for a fact that Twilight hadn’t eaten in a day at least. So she decided to speak to her in a way that would most certainly convince her. “Twilight, you haven’t eaten in a long time, and if you don’t eat soon, you’ll eventually lose a lot of your energy and ability to concentrate. Also, you need some form of protein to increase cognitive function.” Twilight’s ears perked up and she looked in Fluttershy’s direction once more. “You’re right, but I’ll make it quick; I have no time to waste on enjoying my meal.” Fluttershy nodded and stepped out of the room. ---------- As Fluttershy poured Twilight and herself a bowl from the kettle, she passed by Sweetie Belle, who still sat frozen by the window. She had no doubt seen her preparing the meal, that is if her mental state didn’t hinder it, so she bent down next to her and left her with her bowl. “I hope you eat this, you need something in you.” Sweetie Belle made no action to acknowledge her words. Sighing, she continued from the fireplace to the kitchen. The moment she laid the bowl before Twilight, she began to scarf it down. Fluttershy took a seat across from her. “Hey Twilight, when do you think Sweetie Belle’s going to get back to normal?” Twilight finished her slurp. “It’s hard to say. She has been pretty bad off, but I think it’s because she has nothing else to do. All she can do is think about it.” She went back to drinking from the bowl. Fluttershy slid her hoof upon the oak table. “I know, but what can she do? What does she want to do, I mean?” Twilight finished off the bowl, disregarding the spill down her cheek. “That’s for her to decide.” She stood and slid the chair in. “Now, I need to get back to work.” As Twilight darted out of the kitchen and back to her room, Fluttershy slouched down on the table. She wrapped her hooves around her head and positioned her neck so that she was facing the dimly lit wall. Her gaze met a calendar; its top half displayed an obviously staged photo of foals jumping about happily around their family’s Hearths Warming tree. Just thinking about how happy this time of year was supposed to be made her feel sick. This time of year couldn’t have been more miserable. “So, this is how the world ends?” Fluttershy chuckled at herself for posing the rhetorical question. She then lifted up her head and looked over to Sweetie Belle. Her bowl lay untouched with the only difference being a lack of steam. Fluttershy looked down a little disappointed. The Pegasus stood and went over to the counter. She found a pencil and a notepad and began to write. She didn’t think anyone would mind if she didn’t leave a note, or even notice, but she did this mostly as self-reassurance. “I’m going to Applejacks for more food. I’ll be back soon. -Fluttershy” ---------- As Fluttershy stepped outside, she felt the brisk air assault and envelop her. This caused her to cling to her scarf and feel thankful that she had it. As she closed the door behind her, she caught sight of the sun; it was just beginning to make its way through the tree line towards the horizon. She shivered slightly, before turning and beginning her trek. As she walked, she couldn’t help but feel a gradual sense of unease creep upon her. The limited sunlight and lack of any green foliage were all factors, but the shadows were the strongest reason for this. Shadows that seemed to shift with every step, shadows that one could easily hide in, shadows that a killer could drag you into. Fluttershy found herself feeling a little silly for the childish thoughts, but she knew for a fact that the world was different, things that upon which nightmares were made, suddenly ran amuck throughout Equestria. And given the fact that she had done everything she could to avoid outings, she truly had no idea just how bad things had gotten in the cities, or even Ponyville for that matter. After roughly twenty minutes of trotting, Fluttershy began to catch sight of the apple orchard. She could have taken her usual, much shorter, path, but feared that it drew too near to Ponyville. As she crossed through the orchard’s main gate, she began to wonder how the sisters would react to seeing her. After all, she and Sweetie Belle didn’t leave them on very good terms. All she could do was hope they were in a particularly giving mood. She raised her hoof and knocked upon the door. No answer. She raised it once more and brought it down with a greater force. This time, movement could be heard from within. The door then opened to reveal Applebloom, a surprised look upon her face. Fluttershy then noticed that in the hoof that wasn’t currently grasping the doorknob was a rather large knife. “Hi Applebloom, is you’re sister home?” The filly nodded as she rested the knife upon a nearby table, and moved out of the doorway to grant Fluttershy entrance. “She’s taking a bath right now, but she’ll be out soon,” said Applebloom as Fluttershy stepped inside. Fluttershy raised her brow. “You still have water?” She shrugged. “Well we had to pump it ourselves from out back, but given the circumstances, it could have been a lot worse. Fluttershy nodded. After that, the atmosphere of the room took on a rather awkward feel. Applebloom shifted around slightly. Fluttershy knew there was one topic left untouched. She looked to the filly and made sure to make eye contact. “So, how are you all holding up?” Applebloom looked down. “We’re doing alright I guess. I mean things are a lot harder around here, but we manage.” “Well, if you or Applejack ever need any help, just let us know. I’m sure Twilight and I could lend a hoof.” She smiled. “Thanks.” Seeing Applebloom smile caused Fluttershy to grin herself. She was honestly having trouble trying to remember the last time she saw her in the least bit happy. Just then, Applejack stepped into the room, a towel resting over her back. Her face took on a surprised expression for a moment, but it quickly faded. “What are you doing here?” she asked. Fluttershy stepped forward. “Um, we’re running out of food and I was wondering if we could have a few cans.” Applejack turned and gestured for her to follow. She threw the towel in the laundry basket before making her way out the back door. Fluttershy closed the door behind her. As Applejack opened the cellar doors, Fluttershy stepped forward. “I also came to check on you.” Applejack’s expression softened and for a second, was approaching a smile. “Thanks.” The cowpony made her way into the cellar and picked up an electric lantern. Its light illuminated what must have been several hundred cans of preserves. This much food would have been considered over the top for anyone else, but since Applejack owned the orchard, it was sort of expected of her. “Take as much as you like,” said Applejack, gesturing to the shelves. Fluttershy turned and undid her saddle pack. This caused Applejack to chuckle. “You’re not going to be able to fit a day’s worth of food in that thing.” Fluttershy looked back to the shelves and realized she was correct. “Listen, I’ll be right back,” said Applejack as she ascended the stairs. After a few seconds, a metallic squealing could be heard approaching the seller. Fluttershy stepped outside to see what the source of the noise was, and before her sat the Cutie Mark Crusader’s old rusted wagon. Fluttershy gave it a quick once over and found herself genuinely concerned that it might fall apart before she even reached her cottage. Applejack caught sight of the apprehension in Fluttershy’s expression. To alleviate some she assured her “Hey, don’t worry. I use this thing for chores around the farm all the time.” ---------- Once the duo had finished loading up the wagon to capacity, Fluttershy wheeled it to the front of the farmhouse before being ushered inside by Applejack. Fluttershy saw that it was already dark, and assumed that she had no reason to protest. “So, how are things over there?” asked Applejack as she took a seat on her sofa. Fluttershy took a seat across from her, her expression turning grim at the question. “We’re not doing all that great, to be honest.” Applejack leaned forward. “Are you guys running low on water? We have plenty to spare if you need any.” Fluttershy looked to Applejack, and knew that she knew the moment they made eye contact. The cowpony’s stomach felt sick. “Who?” She looked down. “Spike.” Applejack leaned back, putting a hoof to her face. “No, he… How’s Twi and Sweetie taking it?” Fluttershy felt a tear roll down her cheek. She’d done her best to block it, but for the most part, that was because she had no one to talk to about it. “They’re doing pretty bad AJ. Twilight won’t sleep or eat because she’s on a magical crusade to bring him back, and Sweetie Belle is completely in shock.” Applejack arose and went over to her friend. She rested a hoof upon her shoulder as she took a seat. “Hey Sugar cube, if you need some pony to talk to, know I’m always here for ya.” Fluttershy wiped her tears. “Th-Thanks Applejack. That’s really nice of you… I-I just want you to know, I’m sorry I couldn’t do more for your brother.” Applejack took a moment to register her reply, but once she did, her expression abruptly changed. “I know Shy. I don’t blame you, I’m sure you did your best.” The Pegasus pony stood and sniffled as she did so. “I should probably get going. Thank you for the food again.” The cowpony trotted with her friend over to the door. “Don’t mention it. And if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to come back. It’s nice to see a good friend.” Fluttershy smiled beneath her mask. “I will, and Applejack, happy Hearths Warming.” Applejack returned a halfhearted smile. “Happy Hearths Warming, Flutters.” > Chapter Eleven: Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Ninety Five Infected: 2.576 Billion Dead: 1.592 Billion Sweetie Belle stepped out of bed and made her way down the hall. She found Twilight and Fluttershy enjoying their apple oatmeal, like they had been every morning for the past ten days. Well, perhaps Fluttershy was enjoying it, but Twilight was too busy reading through a nearby book to probably even know what she was eating. “Can I have some?” asked Sweetie Belle. Fluttershy, and even the impossible to distract Twilight, looked to her. Shock was obviously apparent in their expressions. Fluttershy stood and went over to the stove. “Uh, sure. Just let me boil some more water. I didn’t really think you’d want any.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “Okay, thank you.” The filly then made her way over to Twilight and took a seat. She looked up at her with a halfhearted smile. She only smiled because it was obvious just how hard she’d been working to bring Spike back, judging by her unkempt mane and tired bloodshot eyes. She admired her for trying so hard. “Good morning.” Twilight, who was still in a state of shock, began to reply, but her voice cracked from a lack of speaking. She cleared her throat. “Good morning.” Sweetie Belle looked to her book. “What’s that?” Twilight was a little happy that someone had finally posed the question, for the last time Fluttershy had attempted this, she had a look of utter confusion. This was probably due to all the technical details she deemed important enough to mention. “It’s about an ancient device in Canterlot.” She gestured to the picture of a large stone cylinder with a golden ring around it, upon which there was writing in ancient Equestrian. “What does it do?” she asked. “I’m not sure,” replied Twilight. “I’ve looked through several books, but can only find bits and pieces from the spell used to activate it. What I’m trying to do is decipher what is written on this golden ring here. It’s ancient Equestrian, that’s for sure, but it’s a style I’ve never seen before. So far from what I can tell, it talks about untold energy and power. I just need to fill in the blanks for the spell.” Sweetie Belle rested a hoof upon Twilight’s book. “You still didn’t answer my question.” Twilight looked to her. “If used correctly, I might be able to bring Spike back.” Fluttershy then came back to the table and rested a bowl of steaming oatmeal before Sweetie Belle. “Be careful, it’s hot,” she warned. She then reclaimed her seat and began eating her, now cold, oatmeal. She smiled to Sweetie Belle. “It’s nice to see you walking around again.” Sweetie Belle looked to Fluttershy. “Well, it’s about time I did something a bit more productive. Any news?” Fluttershy’s face went grim at this question. “Sweetie Belle… Things are really bad. There’s no water, no television, and no radio a lot of times. We have no idea what’s going on to be honest. The last estimates said that one billion were dead, but that was a few weeks ago. There could be two billion or more infected.” Sweetie Belle’s expression mirrored Fluttershy’s. The Pegasus saw this, and reached across the table to Sweetie Belle’s hoof. She rested hers atop it and looked into her eyes. “Hey, things may be bad, but we shouldn’t be thinking about what’s out there. We should worry about each other, because that’s how we’re going to have to survive; together.” --------- Fluttershy sat on her sofa, reading a novel. Sweetie Belle saw this and sat down next to her. “What’s that?” she asked. Fluttershy closed the book, making sure to mark the page. “Oh, just some Daring Doo book.” She showed her the cover as evidence. Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened with surprise. “You read Daring Doo?” Fluttershy giggled. “Oh goodness no, that’s more Dashie’s thing. She just left this the last time she visited.” Fluttershy suddenly got sad at the mention of her best friend. “I really hope she’s okay.” Sweetie Belle moved closer to her. “I’m sure she’s fine. Rainbow Dash is one of those ponies who can kick some serious ass when it hits the fan.” Knowing this to be true, Fluttershy smiled. “Yeah, you’re right.” Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Sweetie Belle and Fluttershy both stared at each other in shock. Fluttershy then jumped up and ran to the kitchen to grab a knife. Sweetie Belle on the other hand, was a little more curious and began towards the door. “Fluttershy, are you home?” asked a familiar voice. Sweetie Belle suddenly froze. Then once her mind was able to process the situation, she galloped over to the door. Just as she opened it, she could hear Fluttershy yelling “No”, but it was pointless. She swung open the door and there before her stood Rarity. Her mane was much shorter and disheveled, her coat was dull from dirt, her eyes were blood shot, and next to a small backpack, she carried with her a rather interesting weapon; a sword. The two mares just stood there, staring at each other. Then, sweetie Belle lunged up at her sister and wrapped her in an incredibly tight embrace. Both, overwhelmed with joy, began to cry. “Sw-Sweetie Belle?” stuttered Rarity. “What are you doing here?” Sweetie Belle’s voice cracked. “We, We left Manehatten before things started getting bad. What are you doing here?” “I had to walk from Canterlot. It was a damn nightmare getting past the checkpoints.” Sweetie Belle then gestured towards the sofa as she closed the door behind them. “Come, have a seat.” The two mares sat down as Fluttershy, who is now wearing a mask, enters the room, just after putting her knife away. “Fluttershy, dear!” she exclaims. Rarity begins to stand expecting to give her a hug, but Fluttershy raises a hoof. Rarity sits back down fully understanding. As not to seem rude, Fluttershy says “I really do want to hug you Rarity, but I don’t want to chance it.” Rarity nods. “I understand, though in time I do expect one.” Fluttershy giggled. “Of course.” Twilight, who was wearing a mask as well, stepped out of her room and began to walk over to the group. “Rarity! I thought I heard your voice!” “Twilight! You’re here too!” Rarity began to look around expectantly. “Well, where is he? Where’s my little Spikey Wikey?” Everyone’s expressions suddenly shifted dramatically. Before Rarity had an answer, she quickly drew a conclusion. Rarity’s hooves covered her mouth. “Wha- No… No.” She then looked over to Sweetie Belle, tears were already beginning to form in the filly’s eyes. Rarity wrapped the mare in an embrace and began to cry herself. “Oh Sweetie Belle, I’m so sorry.” Sweetie Belle began to weep into her sister’s coat. --------- As night drew near, Fluttershy found herself soaking in the bath. The water that had been pumped and carried in from the well was incredibly cold, but since Spike’s death, she had become used to it. She let her mind wonder and eventually found it on the topic of here and Applejacks discussion. She remembered her saying that she was always welcome, but was beginning to seriously consider bringing her friends to live with her. Fluttershy knew that her food wood soon run out, especially with Rarity visiting, and instead of going back and forth, she might as well just move. After all, the Apples did have a big house, and with Granny Smith and Big Mac gone, it was practically empty. With that last bit, Fluttershy’s mind was made up. She decided to tell the girls in the morning. Suddenly, there was a loud crash. This caused Fluttershy to instantly shoot out of the water. Hurriedly, she dried herself off with a towel and was about to investigate when she heard the screams of Sweetie Belle. It sounded as if there was a struggle, and then there was a sudden loud thud. Cautiously, Fluttershy made her way out of the bathroom, keeping to the shadows as she went over to a small hallway closet. She made sure not to let the door creak as she took out a crossbow. She loaded it and crept down the hall. She saw that a window was shattered and before it was a dead stallion she’d never seen before. Blood pooled around him from the gash upon his throat. Though what was most surprising was the fact that above him stood Rarity, a crimson stained sword levitating in her magic. Fluttershy stepped forward towards Rarity. Suddenly, another stallion stood at a second window holding a similar crossbow. However, this window was already shattered as well. “Rarity move!” screamed Fluttershy, readying her crossbow. The unicorn jumped to the back of the room, just as an arrow shot through where she had been standing. Fluttershy took this time to fire her own arrow. It struck the stallion directly in the chest. He let out a pained yell as he hit the ground. Fluttershy could feel her blood run cold and her stomach rise. Though she had become stronger, she wasn’t prepared for this. She froze, unable to fathom her actions. Unknown to her, was the fact that another pony was creeping up behind her, a dagger in her magical grip. Just as she was about to strike Fluttershy, an intense magical blast coated the Pegasus in her would be killer’s blood. She turned around to see Twilight running towards her. She took Fluttershy by the hoof and galloped to her bedroom. Twilight then closed the door behind them. “Fluttershy, do you have any more weapons? What about a bugout bag?” The Pegasus just stood there still in a daze. Twilight groaned as she went over to her friend. She rested her hooves atop her shoulders. “Fluttershy, now isn’t the time for this. Do you have any more weapons?” “I-I-I killed him.” Twilight began getting frustrated. She shook Fluttershy violently. “Where the fuck are the weapons?!” Fluttershy jumped. “D-Dresser cabinet.” Twilight darted over to the dresses and began looking through it. She found two more crossbows and took one. Going back to Fluttershy, she led her to the corner of the room where she was hidden from sight. “Stay here until I call for you, okay?” She nodded. Twilight burst through the door, her magical shield at full force. She looked over to see Sweetie Belle hiding behind her sister, who had just stabbed a mare with her sword. Despite the fact that Twilight had already killed, she was still shocked by Rarity’s ability to slaughter with such ease. “Come on, let’s go!” yelled Twilight. The two mares looked to her before darting to her side. As they did so, Twilight called for Fluttershy. Timidly, the mare stepped out of her bedroom. Twilight grabbed her and raced to the front door. Rarity opened it and stepped outside; she saw no more ponies and waved her hoof signaling the rest to follow. The four ran as fast and as hard as they could. “Where are we going?” asked Rarity. “Applejack’s,” replied Twilight. “That’s a stupid idea, they’ll follow us. Follow me.” Rarity then turned and began running straight for the Everfree Forest. Sweetie Belle and Twilight both cast each other glances of uncertainty, but felt that Rarity knew what she was doing. After several minutes of running, Rarity eventually stopped in a dense part of the forest. “Okay, here’s good.” “Rarity,” began Sweetie Belle, “What are we doing?” Rarity turned to her sister. “We need to wait here for a little while before heading to Sweet Apple Acres. I don’t think Applejack would think too kindly of us showing up with bandits on our tail.” Twilight stepped forward. “Where did you learn to fight like that? You just…” She was at a loss for words. The unicorn’s expression went very serious. “I was in Canterlot until about fifteen days ago. By that point, gangs had taken over and everything was falling apart. I watched over half the city burn to the ground, Twilight. The royal guards did help a little, but when the grid fell, they were just more ponies with weapons.” “When did the power go out in the city?” asked Sweetie Belle. “Well, there were black outs for most of the week, but the lights went out permanently about the time I left. Canterlot is a nightmare.” Sweetie Belle and Twilight looked to each other. “Rarity,” began Twilight. “We need to go to Canterlot.” She looked to her with confusion. “What could you possibly need to go to that place for?” “We found a way to bring Spike back,” answered Sweetie Belle. --------- Day One Hundred Thirty Eight Infected: 3.003 Billion Dead: 1.997 Billion Sweetie Belle sat in the hayloft of the barn overlooking Sweet Apple Acres. To her right sat a crossbow, to her left a pair of binoculars. She couldn’t help but think of all the fond memories she shared with Applebloom and Scootaloo here. It’s ironic that now that same place has become her refuge from the horrors of the apocalypse. “Hey Sweetie Belle, it’s my shift.” The filly turned to see Applebloom approaching. She smiled to her friend. “Do you mind if I stay.” Applebloom smiled and took a seat. “Not at all.” The mare then handed Sweetie Belle a closed container with a spoon. “Oh what’s this? More of Twilight Sparkle’s delicious apple soup?” she said sarcastically. Applebloom giggled. “Hey, ya should try some. It’s not as shitty as it was last time.” The two mares giggled. “Did Fluttershy ever get back from her flight?” asked the unicorn. Applebloom sighed, her expression turning sorrowful. “Yeah, she saw Ponyville and what’s left of Canterlot.” She looked down. “The whole damn town’s gone, Sweetie Belle. Half of the buildings have burnt to the ground, the other half look like they need to be. And Canterlot was in about the same shape but worse.” Applebloom began to tear up. “That ain’t shit compared to what the ponies were doing. She says she saw looting left and right, at least three ponies get murdered, and she thinks she saw a filly getting raped too.” Tears began to roll down her cheeks. “What the fuck kinda shit is that? What happened! Six months ago, everything was fine!” Sweetie Belle wrapped a hoof around her. “Hey, no matter how bad things get out there, we’re still fine in here.” She gestured to her heart. “We’ve just got to make sure out there stays out there. So don’t think about all that sick shit, and don’t you dare let it change who you are in here.” She poked her hoof at Applebloom’s chest as well. Applebloom wrapped her hooves around Sweetie Belle. “I’ll try.” --------- Eighteen months post collapse- Pandemic Infection: 2.085 Billion Non Pandemic Related Upper Respiratory Infections: 3 Million Untreated Life Threatening Disorders: 124 Million Intestinal Diseases: 78 Million Violence: 6 Million Starvation: 374 Million (Mostly Children) Lack of Sanitation: 34 Million Total Dead: 2.704 Billion… And Rising.